#i saw the picture i made. idk. a year ago?
zaras22 · 9 months
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kazari doodle
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Oh god.
This summer you sent our mutual friend a package, to get to me. An heirloom, a bit of camp history. Passed down to me.
And on that package, your phone number and address. Your phone number, that I had long deleted from my phone because the urge to call you was always too strong.
When I last saw you in person, you said that when you finally moved to the city it would be with your girlfriend. You would move in together. And surely, she would become your fiancee and then your wife.
There it is. On the package. Your new address, in the city.
I have to keep myself from calling you right now. You probably have my number blocked, and I truly don't know what I'd do if you answered. But I would give anything to hear your voice again.
Even if it's just you saying, "Hello? Who is this?" While her voice is in the background, asking you what you want for dinner.
At this point, I don't even need to be the voice in the background asking what you want for dinner.
I just wish I could be the voice on the other end of your phone call.
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My take on stalker!Tim:
Robin!Jason gets distracted during a patrol and doesn’t meet up with Batman, who panics is mildly concerned. Jason doesn’t want to reveal the real reason he got distracted (could be something he was working on for Bruce or just him being a cute baby nerd) so he makes something up the spot. A kid! He saw a kid. It was definitely child shaped. And. Uh. Photography! That’s right, he saw a kid taking photos and made sure he got home safe.
Batman: Photography?
Robin!Jason: Yeah, uh, nighttime photography.
Batman: At midnight?
Robin: I mean, it’s not a school night.
Batman: What were they taking pictures of?
Robin, panicking and going to the first thing he can think of ch just so happens to be last Sunday when Dick called Bruce an emotionally repressed furry: Uh, wildlife?
Bruce is skeptical but honestly he’s seen weirder things even tonight so as long as the kid got home safe…
Jason proceeds to use this same excuse a few more times.
Batman: Don’t tell me, it was the kid again.
Robin!Jason: You just missed him.
Batman, who isn’t feeling strong parental feelings at all: Hrn.
Okay so then fast forward a few years. Jason is on his little murder training gap year and Tim has shown up to the manor trying to fix the disaster that is currently Bruce Batman Wayne. Dick, trying to bond with the kid now that it’s apparent he’s not going anywhere, asks what Tim’s interests are.
Tim: Well, I like photography, and…
Dick, putting two and two together and getting forty-seven: Ohmygosh you’re the kid.
Tim: The what now?
Dick: The kid with the wildlife photography.
Tim, thinking about that one competition he entered a year ago: Uh, I guess?
Dick thinks that’s how Tim figured out all their identities. He thinks he has it all figured out. He does not. Bruce now thinks he has it figured out too. He does not. Tim is unaware there was something to be figured out. Jason is off learning the finer points of poisoning or something idk.
So skip forward some more and Jason is back, minus some murder attempts or whatever because this is crack, and Dick is now trying to get his two brothers comfortable with each other. It is not working. Finally, Dick remembers they’ve definitely met before.
Dick: So, do you remember meeting Tim before?
Jason, whose memory resembles Swiss cheese but is fairly certain he never met Tim before now: Uh…
Dick: He’s the kid! The one with the wildlife photography!
Jason, suddenly remembering the excuse he used several times as Robin: The what now?
Tim, knowing full well that Jason was very dead at the time he submitted anything in a wildlife category: The what now?
Jason pulls Tim into a hall closet to interrogate him about this.
Tim: There’s like five rooms right here that no one has stepped in in a month. Why are we in a closet?
Jason: What, exactly, did Dick mean by you were the one with the wildlife photography, because I’m pretty sure that was just an excuse I made up but now I don’t know.
They figure it out. They also agree to just let that belief be. Jason doesn’t want to admit he made that all up. Tim doesn’t want to admit he thought Dick had gone to his art competition thing before they even officially met. Tim also doesn’t want to explain how he actually figured out their identities because this sounds way cooler. So they decide to just roll with it.
Damian shows up and tries to hunt down Tim’s early photos of Batman. Tim and Jason get really into making it look like he just keeps missing it. Barbara knew about all of this the entire time but no one asked her so she didn’t bother to fill them in.
Everyone else that joins the family after that point and hears the story of Jason and Tim supposedly meeting while Jason was Robin has the exact same response: “Oh, ‘cause Batman’s a furry. Right.”
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harrysfolklore · 8 months
hi bestie,, idk if u take requests buttt have u seen kieran culkin speech after he won his emmy & then him asking his wife for another baby on stage 😁🤭🤭 idk i thought that would a cute h blurb
that kieran speech was SO CUTE i just had to take this request !!! happy one year of grammy winner Harry for those who celebrate! i hope you like this as much as I do
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The night had been one for the books.
Harry became a Grammy winner for the second time within the first 30 minutes of the ceremony, getting the award for Best Pop Vocal Album, and your heart bursted with joy and pride and you watched him collect it.
He also delivered an amazing performance even though he had a stage malfunction that was out of his control, and after a few minutes of pep talk backstage, you convinced him that he should be proud of what he did no matter what.
Nights like tonight made you look back at your journey with Harry, from getting frustrated each year when the Grammys refused to give One Direction a nomination, to consoling him when his debut single Sign of the Times got overlooked and celebrating when they finally ave him his long overdue nomination for Fine Line. And now, being one of the most nominated artists of the night and a winner already.
Harry was not an artist that let awards or numbers define his career at all, but you knew that deep down he appreciated getting a nod and recognition for the hard work he puts into his music.
"What's on your mind, honey?" Harry asked and he noticed that you had been quiet for a few minutes, the show was on a commercial break so you could talk freely.
"Just thinking about how am I getting a picture with Beyoncé before the night ends," you joked, making him laugh along, "I'm also thinking about the bub, do you think she's okay?"
Harry couldn't help but smile at the mention of your daughter. Little baby Styles had been welcomed into the world a year and a half ago, looking like an exact carbon copy of Harry with curls, dimples and charming green eyes.
It's safe to say that she became Harry's entire world from the moment he saw her for the first time.
"I bet she's fast asleep by now after snuggling with mum for hours," you smiled at the thought, "You know she's obsessed with mum."
"She just loves her nana," you almost cooed, "And her Grammy winner daddy, even tho she doesn't have any idea what that means."
"You know," Harry began, and by the look on his face you knew he was up to no good, "She could become obsessed with her bay brother or sister too, if we decided to give her one."
The smirk on Harry's face after his statement was almost devilish, making you look him with wide eyes and a grin on your own.
"Are you asking me for another baby in the middle of the Grammys?" Harry shrugged, the smirk not leaving his face, "You're a menace. But, maybe if you win, I'll think about it."
Before Harry could reply, the lights dimmed signaling that commercial break was over and it was time for more awards, more specifically, the most important award of the night: Album of the Year.
Trevor Noah, the host, talked about the importance and meaning of the award, the fans the production had invited to support the nominees stood beside him in a line.
You could barely focus on what was being said because your eyes were fixed on Harry's hand gripping yours tightly, and you felt like throwing up from nerves if you looked at the stage.
And the Grammy goes to…” Trevor spoke into the mic, making a dramatic pause that felt way too long and made you finally look up no the stage, noticing that he was standing in front of Reina, Harry's fan.
And that was the moment you knew, the Album of the Year was Harry's House.
“It’s you!” both you ans Jeff whisper-yelled in unison, looking at each other with shocked faces and making Harry give you a confused look.
“What do you-” and before he could even finish his sentence his name was being called out and the trumpets from Music for a Sushi Restaurant filled the place.
Harry immediately covered his face in disbelief, shaking his head and taking in in the moment. You couldn't help but stand up and jump in your place, adrenaline and excitement, but mostly pride, running through your veins.
"My love, you won! Harry's House won!" you said into his ear when he finally wrapped his arms around you, pecking the side of yiur head repeatedly before kissing your lips quickly.
"I love you," was all he said before getting rushed into the stage along with his collaborators and friends.
"Shit!" was the first thing that came out of his mouth once he had his Grammy in hand, making everyone laugh, “I mean,shit! I’ve been so, so inspired by every artist in this category with me. At a lot of different times in my life I listen to everyone in this category when I’m alone,” he took a breath,"I think on nights like tonight, it’s obviously so important for us to remember that there is no such thing as best in music. I don’t think any of us sit in the studio thinking, making decisions based on what is gonna get us one of these.”
You stood with your hands clutched to your chest, your eyes filled with happy tears and nothing but love and admiration for him.
"I'd like to thank my mom and my sister for being my biggest supporters and giving me a great childhood, I would be nowhere without you," he paused to look directly at you from the stage, his eyes immediately watering again, "And of course my beautiful wife, YN. Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with me and giving me an amazing daughter who is the reason I do what I do everyday,"
You were unaware of the camera focusing on your and catching the moment you mouthed an 'I love you' to him from your place.
"I love you both so much, you mean the world to me. And YN," he paused, the devilish look from earlier making his way to his face again, along with a teasing raised eyebrow that told you that he was about to do something major, "I want another one."
The entire arena erupted into laughs and cheers, Jeff clapped and whistled from beside you and you couldn't help but cover your face in shock and embarrassment, astonished by Harry's anctics.
"You said, maybe if I won, and I did!" the crowd laughed even more, "I love you, so much. Thank you for this, I'll never forget it."
Harry got off the stage and you met him backstage to congratulate him properly, after a final performance the night came to an end and everyone headed outside the arena to celebrate.
"Do you feel like partying tonight? The label is throwing a celebration but if you feel tired we can skip it," Harry said as you both sat on the back of his Range Rover.
"Honestly, I just want to go home, kiss our baby goodnight and celebrate with my Grammy winner husband in private," you smiled at him teasingly, "Maybe get started on that second baby making."
The smile that appeared on Harry's face after hearing your words was bigger than the one from winning a Grammy.
"Home it is, then."
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justasecretflower · 11 days
HIII!! ermm this is my first time requesting something so idk if I'm doing something wrong, but I saw the Ticci Toby dating before he became a proxy can we pretty please have one where we meet him after he became a proxy? Tyyy!!! (You can just ignore this if you're already making something similar or you just don't want to do it) 🤍🖤
Hi chérie! I love this idea hon:)! When requesting creepypasta you put the “🥀” emoji if you wanna request more :). Love you sm!
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🥀- Meeting Ticci Toby! Again after dating him before he was a proxy 🤍
Synopsis- you meet ticci Toby in the woods after you haven’t seen him for years. What’s his reaction?
- seeing the boy you once loved years ago, now a hatchet in his hands with somebody’s blood smeared on his clothes is certainly a tough sight.
- you were out for a walk in the woods expecting it to be quiet, not expecting to see him..
- his eyes would soften, his shoulders slump and letting go of the hatchet as it slipped out of his grasp.
- he scans over your body head to toe, examining the slight changes within you. He soaks up every bit of it.
The crickets hopped through the thick blades of grass, fireflies popped out occasionally, lighting up a tiny patch of darkness throughout the forest. It was peaceful, just the way I liked it. The peace coddled me and made me feel snug, like I was wrapped in a quilt.
Hearing some footsteps my eyes quickly snap to look where the source of the sound was, my heart thumping and my body tensing with goosebumps decorating my skin. Then I see him, face to face with a man I used to love. That I mourned when he went missing, that I cried millions of raging oceans of tears for. He had changed tremendously. He grew a good couple of inches / a foot on me (depending on how tall u are.) his face got severely scarred, like his face got cut into, and he had blood splattered on his coat, hands, and hatchet that he was carrying. I didn’t know what happened, I don’t even wanna picture it, but the thoughts telling me I knew what happened, and throwing pictures into my head of my Toby taking someone’s life make me slap a hand over my mouth and take a shaky breath in.
His hazel eyes go through a mix of emotion. Anger, confusion, realization, then landing on a softened look of affection, like our memories together are just now hitting him. I can’t speak. Even if I want to. “Y-Y/n..” he whispers my name like a prayer, soft spoken, promising, gentle, honest.
My hand shakily reaches back down. “Toby.” I echo back. My voice almost a fleeting breath, just barely a whisper. He keeps getting closer, and my breathing keeps getting more shallow with every crunch of the fiery leaves under his boots.
We’re just a couple inches to a foot away from each other now. I can see his dark hazel eyes, that I used to look into before kissing him, the messy brown hair I used to thread between my fingertips , the lips I used to laugh into a kiss on, he pulls so many strings on my heart by just looking at me. Like he’s playing a heavenly harp and I’m just standing here, soaking up his presence.
“I m-missed y-you.” And the walls crumble down, the strings break.
- he stalks you for a bit, deciding to leave small things he found like pinecones and wildflowers at your porch.
- he makes it clear that he’s sending it.
- eventually, he starts giving them to you in person, starting to talk to you more and more.
- you learned about what happened, and what he does. You’re not thrilled, but you can’t stop what you’re feeling.
- whenever he’s with you, he goes back to a time when he didn’t have any blood on his hands, when he looked up to the stars and kissed you under them, when there were fleeting kisses under the covers and comforting snuggles.
- you’re his warmth.
- unlike him, you didn’t change for the worse, And you’re doing amazing in life, which makes him so happy.
- he knows you find his killing distasteful, so whenever he goes out to kill, he comes back and just.. grips onto you, sinking on his knees and mumbling stuff about how he loves you, he missed you, and how much he’s sorry that he ended up like this. Clothes all bloody and dirty, dirt caking his face with somebody’s blood on his hands.
- his love language is touch..WOAH!!
- his hand is always in yours, finger tips to finger tips, nose to nose, forehead to forehead, kissing softly, tight hugs, loving embraces.
- refuses to get you involved with slender. You’re the only thing in his life that doesn’t revolve around killing, the creeps, and gruesome settings, you’re what brings him back to simpler times, he 100% preserves that.
- “Angel” because you saved him yet again in hard times.
- “sunshine” because you’re the only thing that shines in his horribly dark life (corny but true.)
- cares about your safety and gets you like a thousand locks for your doors and windows, even gifted you a hatchet to match his right next to your bed if something happens while he’s gone.
- he doesn’t mess around when it comes to you. No one touches or hurts his angel.
- sometimes he’ll just..come behind you, interlace your fingers and kiss your lips softly, telling you he loves you.
- he’s so little spoon core.
- he lays on your chest, curls his whole body into you.
- you’re his whole world<3…
If you guys want more creepypasta make sure to use the “🥀” emoji with your request!!
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jhunals · 3 months
team dragonborn dashboard simulator
(in which the gang discuss the thalmor, rumarin tries something new, an alpha male ventures over to tumblr, and the ldb has a rough time)
[part 2]
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🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
I want everyone to know that @ thlmr.tal has a history of racist behavior, and you can see it clearly in his old posts. It's not a surprise that he still wears the robes of an organization known for gen*cide.
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
You scrolled past all the pictures of my cats on my blog to get to my old posts (from years ago, mind you), and you still left salty?
🌱 greenauri Follow
that in no way excuses what kaidan accused you of?
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
Ah. Well, I have a knack for brushing off my problematic elements.
718 notes
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🌼 prince.cary Follow
just as a reminder, i am no longer affiliated with the thalmor. in fact, i actively speak out against them quite often.
🌼 prince.cary
update: my father found my blog and thereby my location due to the attention this post got. will be going offline for a while
22,467 notes
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👹 rumarin Follow
about to try this new type of skooma since i don't see anyone else doing it
👹 rumarin
this skooma aint shit
👹 rumarin
who am i . what am ido ing here?
👹 rumarin
ithink i i h9 myslef
👹 rumarin
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👹 rumarin
th dragobnorn wasrigh .t i tinki shld see a teraphist
👹 rumarin
update: it went well 👍
🐉 ldb Follow
ru what the fuck
🥴 elffcker96 Follow
we love you king but you should get help
5,302 notes
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😈 bluecatinigo Follow
Volume II, Part V
Inigo was meandering past a farm, when suddenly he was caught in a surprise rainstorm. He ran for cover on the farm's porch, and the door promptly opened behind him. Within stood a tall farmer of unspecified gender and race.
"Come in, friend! The rain can be dreadful, but I have made some soup to get the chill out," said the farmer.
Inigo was grateful for the hospitality, and he followed the farmer inside.
-------------------------------Keep Reading-------------------------------
📜 scholarlucien Follow
Enlightening update! I did not see the plot twist coming. Glad Inigo survived that dragon attack :)
476 notes
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🌱 greenauri Follow
i'm tired of EVERYTHING. i want to leave this party right now.
🌱 greenauri
yes, inigo and lucien were eating sweetrolls in front of me again
7,564 notes
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🐺 rangerbishop Follow
A woman in a tavern is a red flag. I saw three yesterday laughing together at the Sleeping Giant Inn and I immediately knew something was up. Avoid these wenches at all costs. All they want is your coin.
🪲 thecuntress Follow
yesss pop off king
👑 sapphicmonarch Follow
saw this guy getting his ass kicked by a MUDCRAB on my way to markarth. in case ur wondering i did not help him
🌩️ drowstorm Follow
this dude asked me out. he made me pay for both our drinks btw
🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
go to hell you you piece of hsit
🐊 lucifer.the.argonian Follow
you know this site is predominantly non-men right? idk what kind of audience you were expecting but you will not find it here
👊 mickeysdicksmasherthelorefriendlykhajiit Follow
this mf needs to SHUT UP
632 notes
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🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
reblog if you would fuck the LDB
🐉 ldb Follow
taliesin why would you post this
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
I need to scout out my competition.
72,890 notes
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urls (some are a little on the nose lol):
ldb = the last dragonborn
dragonguard_kaidan = kaidan
thlmr.tal = taliesin
greenauri = auri
prince.cary = caryalind thallery
rumarin = rumarin duh
bluecatinigo = inigo
scholarlucien = lucien
rangerbishop = bishop from skyrim romance mod
lucifer.the.argonian = lucifer (the argonian)
mickeysdicksmasherthelorefriendlykhajiit = based on foulserpent (on tumblr)'s dragonborn and their video series on bishop
all other urls = random npcs
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virginsexgod69 · 5 months
Hi!! I love ur work for Daryl. I was wondering if you could write a daryl dixon oneshot where maybe him and the reader find an abandoned tattoo parlor while out on a supply run and reader gives him a tattoo and eventually that leads to smut! 🩷
❝ Inked ❞
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pairing Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
cw established relationship, smut, unprotected p in v, pet names, pussy eating, needles (for tattoos), idk how to do tattoos so i apologize in advance for any inaccuracies
note omg i had a jolly good time writing this! tysm for the request =] i did lowkey tweak it slightly, but nothing major, i pinky promise
2.1k words
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“I don’t think there’s anything else we can get outta this place,” you commented as you placed the only can- a can of cranberry sauce from who knows how long ago- into your backpack. You looked around, only seeing more bare shelves and Daryl. You smiled, a natural reaction you had whenever you saw him. He wrapped his strong arm around your shoulder, pulling you close before placing a kiss to your hairline. 
“We should take a look a’ these other stores ‘fore we start headin’ back,” he suggested as he guided you out the store, arm still wrapped snugly around you. You nodded your head in silent agreement, following beside him. It was hard to tell what most of the other buildings were since they were all dirty with broken or boarded up windows, but one in particular caught your eye. 
“Hey, look! A tattoo shop,” you pointed at the building, “Let’s go check it out!” You hurried toward it, semi-dragging Daryl with you. 
“The hell we gonna find at a tattoo shop?” He asked, seeming genuinely confused at why the hell you’d wanna go. 
“Hopefully more than some nasty ass canned cranberry sauce.” He couldn’t disagree with you there, so he fell in line with your fast paced steps toward the shop. 
 You both entered the shop with knives drawn in case any walkers decided to stumble out of the shadows. Nothing came when the two of you made noise in an attempt to draw them out, so you sheathed your knife and went all the way inside, Daryl in tow. The shop was small, which allowed the sunlight shining through the window to fill it. The walls were covered in framed pictures of tattoo designs, although they were covered in dust. The shop itself was in fairly good shape, considering. You and Daryl split off in different directions in search of anything that could be brought back to the prison. You couldn’t find anything that wasn’t tattoo related, which wasn’t surprising since this was a tattoo shop. What you did find, though, was a lot more exciting. Everything that you would need to do a tattoo was all there, right in front of you. 
“Find anything?” Daryl asked once he found you again. 
“Yes and no?” 
“Wha’s that s’pose to mean?” He asked. 
“There’s still everything here to do tattoos with, isn’t that cool?” 
“We gon’ get matchin' tattoos or somethin’? He teased. 
"Not a bad idea, Dixon," you mused. You patted the seat and he sat down after setting aside his crossbow and got comfortable. You thought about what to put on him. You had so many ideas that you may as well have had none. 
"Wha's goin' on in there?" he asked. It was something that he'd say whenever he noticed you deep in thought. 
"I don't even know what to put on ya," you admitted as you traced lazy lines on his bare arm with your finger, "or where to put it."  Your face brightened when an idea finally passed through your head. You grabbed his arm and turned his hand to face upward before wiping a spot on his wrist clean with the alcohol wipe you got lucky enough to find. You unpackaged a needle before dipping it into the ink cap. Since there wasn't any power, you'd have to do a stick and poke. You were vaguely familiar with them from a time of experimentation during your teen years. With your non-dominant hand, you stretched his skin before getting to work on your design. You could feel Daryl trying to take a peek at what you were doing, but you purposely blocked his view with your head each time. You worked slowly and carefully, doing your best to make something cute despite not even being an amateur. 
“Okay, you can look now,” you muttered timidly as you handed him back his arm. You weren’t sure if he’d like it or not and were starting to regret not finding a pen and making a sketch to run by him for approval first. But, it was too late now and all you could do was hope for the best. He brought his wrist closer to his face to get a better look. It was simple, a small love heart with his first initial plus yours. It looked like something a girl would doodle in her notebook while daydreaming about her crush. 
“S’cute,” he said as he admired the tattoo with a small, but genuine, smile on his face. His bright blue eyes looked up at you, filled with all the love and adoration in the world. “I love it.” You couldn’t help but smile at him. “You wanna gimme a matching one?” You joked, referencing his earlier comment. He glanced out the window, the sun was setting and it was likely you and him would have to spend the night here if he and you stayed for one more tattoo. Some privacy with you, alone, away from everyone at the prison sounded like heaven, and matching tattoos were a bonus. 
“Sure.” He got out of the seat and you got in. 
“You wan’ it in the same place?” 
You thought about it for a second. “I want it somewhere special, in a place for only you to see.” The rosy tint that blossomed on his cheeks wasn’t missed by you. You found it endearing how he sometimes grew flustered at your flirtation, despite it being nothing new. 
“Yeah? Where’s that?” He asked. 
“I dunno, Daryl. You pick,” you insisted with a smug look upon your face. He made quick work of unbuttoning your jeans and you lifted your hips to assist him in pulling them down all the way to your ankles. He stepped away and grabbed a new needle and ink. With another alcohol wipe, he cleaned a spot on your inner thigh before comfortably situating himself on his knees between your legs. You felt the small, frequent pokes of the needle as he got to work on the tattoo. Seeing him on his knees between your thighs made your stomach flutter. You knew that was his favorite place to be and having the tattoo there seemed like he was marking it as his own. As he was working, his hand accidentally brushed against your clit, eliciting a whine from you. He paused his work and glanced up at you, struggling to hide the smirk that tugged at his lips. You avoided his eye and he got back to work, but his hand bumped your clit more often. Each time left you desperate for more. You so badly wanted to close your legs and rub your thighs together or reach down and get yourself off, but you had to stay still. His hand brushed against you once more, causing you to squirm a little. 
“Keep still.” 
You glared down at him. “I’m trying to, but you keep-” He did it again and this time you were one hundred percent sure it was on purpose. Grumbling under your breath, you leaned back against the seat and did your best to keep still as he finished up. Once he was done, he wiped off the excess ink. 
“We should probably secure the place since we’re gonna be spendin’ the night here,” he suggested. 
“But Daryl,” you whined, “you can’t just leave me like this. You knew what you were doing earlier!” 
"Wha? Givin' you a tattoo?" You huffed and rolled your eyes and reached down to pull your pants back up, but he stopped you. 
"I'm jus' playin' darlin'. Sit back." He gently pushed you back into the chair before getting back on his knees. Slowly, he pulled your panties down to your ankles with your formerly discarded pants and yanked them both off over your shoes. He firmly gripped your hips and pulled you to the edge of the seat and placed your legs over his shoulders. Feeling his hot tongue lick up and down your soaked slit had you gripping the arm rests for support. With his thumb, he rubbed slow, teasing circles on your hard clit. His tongue was a welcome intrusion in your soaked entrance. You gasped and moaned out his name and your hands flew to his hair, your fingers getting tangled in his soft locks. This motivated him to rub faster circles on your clit, earning more gasps and moans from you. His tongue thrusted in and out of your dripping cunt as he tasted all of your juices, refusing to let any go to waste. You tugged his hair as your thighs involuntarily clamped around his head and he moaned unexpectedly, the vibrations from it bringing you closer to the edge. Your walls clenched around the pink muscle as he focused it on that one spot that always did things to you. 
"Daryl, please! I'm so close," you whined, desperate for him to bring you to your orgasm. If he weren't trapped between your plush thighs, he would've talked you through it, but instead he moved his lips to your clit and started sucking on it while prodding the bud with his tongue. You squeezed your eyes shut as the white hot waves of pleasure overtook your body. Daryl worked faster once he felt you tense up and your thighs convulsing around his head. Your fingers tightened in his hair as your toes curled. You could the vibration of his pleasured grunts against your soft flesh. 
"I'm gonna-" your back arched and head fell back as he pushed you over the edge, immersing you in a world of pleasure. He continued to lap at your pussy as you rode out your orgasm. Once you came down from that high, you relaxed and slumped against the chair. Daryl reluctantly freed himself from between your thighs since he needed to catch his breath again. His dick was straining against his pants with how hard he was just from hearing your sounds of pleasure and tasting your pretty pussy. And now, just seeing your fucked out face made him want to cum in his pants. 
 In one quick swipe, he cleared a nearby table of all its supplies. He picked you up from the chair with ease, tossing you over his shoulder before gently laying you onto the table. He made quick work of freeing his erection from his pants and stroked it a few times, causing precum to bubble up on the angry red tip. He lined it up with your slit, rubbing it up and down your slick folds teasingly. 
"So wet fer me, baby," he groaned as he lined himself up with your needy hole. You wrapped your legs around his hips, desperate for him to fill you up. Your body welcomed him as he slid in easily. 
"Yer takin' me so good, sunshine." He leaned down and connected his lips with yours. You moaned as you tasted yourself on his tongue. His tongue danced with yours as you kissed each other passionately. Large, rough hands palmed at your clothed tits as he started thrusting into you. Frustrated with your shirt, he hurriedly pulled it over your head before attaching his lips to your neck, roughly sucking and biting your skin. His tongue slid over your carotid artery, feeling how fast your heart was beating. You clumsily tugged at his shirt and vest, a silent plea for him to take them off, which he did. When he was with you, his insecurities were non existent. You tightly gripped his shoulders, nails digging hollow indents into his skin as he increased the pace of his thrusts. 
"Feel so good," you slurred. He kissed open mouthed kisses down your body, occasionally leaving marks in his wake. You squirmed and moaned beneath him, your second orgasm approaching fast. He was close too, you could feel it in the way  his cock twitched inside you and his pace became slower snd less rhythmic. 
"I'm boutta cum, baby," he groaned. You wanted to tell him you were, too, but your mind was a jumbled mess that was drunk off his cock. When your second orgasm came, your walls tightly hugged his shaft, squeezing him closer to his own climax. He quickly pulled out and stroked himself the rest of the way. His mouth fell open and eyes rolled back as he shot white hot ropes of cum all over your naked body. 
 He collapsed into a nearby chair, panting for air. You slid off the table and joined him in the chair by sitting on his lap. Both your bodies were coated in the thin sheen of sweat as you held each other close as exhaustion took over your bodies. 
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Taglist @banquetwriter @eternalrose81 @the-dixon-effect @dilfsandmartinis @millybaby @daryldixmedown @theoraekenslover @aeriean @lesbian-horror-fan @in-this-minute @paintlavillered @zhannamustdie @thegeorgiahuntsman @bigbaldheadname @Lumi362 @lettersfromyourlover-blog @princesssparkel2024
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
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our spot, 2 * ls2
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it’s about two weeks since you last saw logan and you find him sitting all alone in the dark
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!reader
warnings: logan is the warning idk
notes: i know it took me forever to write this subpar ass second part but like- i kinda like it because i'm bad with resolutions and making up (i'm single)
also i'd like to have a word with whoever made this gif because it's like so disrespectful like he is so fine why would u do this?
(f1 masterlist)
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“you’re growing up too fast,” your mother had said to you earlier after you finished packing the last of your boxes. the boxes that would be sent off to new york in a couple of days before you head out right before new year’s.
thankfully, your family agreed on flying over with you to spend the holiday with you. you had spent weeks and months rethinking the choice of your relocation; if you could handle being away from your family.
your father insisted you explore the world without them by your side and you took up the offer. you'd broken up with the guy you were seeing a couple of days ago.
while you had your doubts about where your relationship was going, there was no denying the amount of time you'd spent together. it still stung you quite a little bit to up and leave him. he had asked you if there was any way to make it work, but you couldn't get yourself to say anything.
so, he pulled you in for a hug and wished you well. and then you left, tearing up very slightly on the drive home alone.
it would be nice to start fresh in a new place. your last conversation convincing you to pick up the pieces of yourself and start moving on for real.
though, it seems it would take forever to do that. you hadn’t only lost a romantic connection when you lost logan, but also your best friend.
the first person you called when you crashed your car on the highway when you were 17, the person who stood up to the girl who made fun of you when you were 9, and the only one who knew you better than you knew yourself.
so here you are at 3 in the morning walking the quiet streets of your small town with your hands in the pockets of your sweater. you try to stifle the sniffle that escapes you, having spent the past couple of hours in tears at the thought of leaving behind everything you’ve ever known.
packing up and spending months in new york, then indefinitely in germany made you a nervous wreck. though the company you’re working for has arranged everything for you from the airport pickup to the apartment estate you’ll be spending your days in.
when you left your house, you glanced across the street to disappointment. logan’s truck isn’t parked on the street and his room had its blinds drawn — the way it’s been since you last saw him.
when you first got the promotion, you almost picked up your phone to text logan. but the heavy weight of guilt made you hit erase and put your phone down after a second.
even when you had graduated about 6 months after cutting contact, you wanted so bad to send him a photo of you and your degree together. but, there was something so embarrassing about reaching out and starting a conversation like nothing had happened.
you posted it on your instagram stories, reposting every single tagged picture for days after to hopefully prompt a message of congratulations from logan. but he didn’t bite.
it made you wonder if you’ve truly made a mistake suddenly cutting him off.
you sigh, making a sharp turn after you pass the school. there’s a dark figure up ahead on the playground that makes you question if it’s a mistake that you’ve come here so late at night.
but it’s a relatively safe gated community. you press your lips together as you approach, your breath hitching in your throat when you’re finally able to make out the man sitting at the end of the slide.
“fancy seeing you here,” logan mumbles, throwing the pieces of rubber from the playground floor into the ground. “it’s late.”
“yeah, i just finished packing,” you answer under your breath, passing him to sit at the edge of another slide. “just needed to do some thinking. didn’t expect you’d be here.”
logan grins to himself with a soft chuckle. “yeah, i’m sorry for intruding.”
you hadn’t been here since you last asked him to come here and see you. in fact, prior to that meetup, you’d only been here a total of 5 times since you last talked.
it reminded you too much of the memories you shared with him growing up.
you lie back in the comfort of the slide. “don’t worry about it. i don’t come here often,” you smile to yourself as you confess. "not anymore."
"i can tell," logan mutters. "i've been here every night since you texted me."
"oh." you take a deep breath, not knowing if you'd like the answer to your question. "what for?"
"thinking real hard," he says just barely above a whisper. he turns to you with a small smile. "i was thinking about you. and germany... and how close it is to me."
your breath hitches. you won't admit to him, but you accepted the offer to move to germany to at least be remotely close to him. or to at least convince him to give your relationship a shot.
you've been apart for years. the only way you got to spend time together back then was if you'd make the effort to visit him in the uk, or if he had the time to fly back home. it was difficult to keep finding ways to make the relationship last.
you had to pretend for a while that you never had to end it. but you knew in your heart two years ago that it cannot keep going on like this. you cried and cried every single time at the airport when he would have to leave you behind in this small town.
you knew his mother mentioned to him about the guy you were seeing. because your mother came to you asking questions about the mysterious guy you never even told her about.
every night after that, you thought about calling logan to explain yourself; that it's not what he thinks it is. but were you really in the position where you had to explain yourself?
"i do love you," he says, picking at the rubber grit once more to avoid your stare. "but the long-distance... barely seeing each other for months on end... it was hard. i couldn't give you what a normal guy would. i couldn't keep making you wait around for nothing."
"but that's not up to you to decide," you say slowly, hoping that he would understand where you came from. "it's unfair. i was willing to go through all of that with you. we've been through so much together."
"i didn't want to risk losing you over something like that," logan sighs, looking up at you in despair. there's a sadness in his eyes that you've never seen before. "it was lonely without you. you're my best friend - losing you over something different entirely was devastating. i didn't have anybody else."
you shake your head, unsure of what to say to him. it was lonely for you when you cut him off. you went from communicating everyday to only catching glimpses of his life on tv, instagram and media news sites.
every single achievement you had, you thought about calling him and hearing his proud voice. but you couldn't fully back yourself on the fact that you broke your own heart because he wanted to keep you around.
"i thought of you every single day," logan says. "i'm sorry. i know you've got a boyfriend and i'm sure he's great, but-"
"i told you," you laugh dryly, throwing your head back. "if you just tell me right now... i'll be all yours."
"but i can't do that to somebody else," logan frowns with a shake of his head. he's contemplated a lot over the past couple of days. how appealing your proposal sounds to him, but the fact that you're still seeing somebody has been making him hesitate. "you know what that means."
you press your lips together. logan's always made sure that he was as morally right as much as he could with his decisions. you sigh, a small hesitant smile stretching your lips. "we broke up."
"i broke up with him a couple days ago," you whisper, dropping your eyes to avoid his questioning stare. "i just wanted to go to germany with a fresh start."
logan doesn't say anything immediately. and you don't follow up your confession with anything either. so you look up into the sky as you sway your feet left and right as you try to count the stars that illuminate the night sky. your heart pounds in your chest as you anticipate what he will say next.
and you know he's still there, thinking hard because you can still see his shadow against the playground flooring.
"stay the night," he says softly.
you sit up, both of your hands gripping the sides of the slide as you turn to look at him. "what did you just say?"
"come home with me and then let's talk about it," logan smiles, though he still looks just as tired as before. "let's figure it out, you and me; germany. let me make this right."
"you idiot," you laugh, tears falling out of your eyes again as you have another outburst. "logan."
"wait, why are you crying?" his voice is soft and laced with shock, hands held out towards your body. "i thought this was what you wanted? did i cross a line? i'm sorry."
"no, i just," you cry, wiping the tears from your face. "god, i just missed you so much. i'm sorry. it's not you."
he's now gotten up from his seat. he's knelt down next to the slide you're sitting in, trying to reach out and touch your arm. "i'm sorry. i'm sorry it took me this long." his thumbs swipe over your cheeks, wiping away your tears. "please don't cry anymore."
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@thatgirlmj @lfm98 @gentlyweeps-world @ladywhistledownx @charli123456789 @lightdragonrayne @k-pevensie28 @angsthology
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syuga-s · 1 month
i made my fiancés tinder profile
w.c. 8.5k pairing. non-idol!jeon jungkook x fem!reader genre. cute and angsty friends to lovers <333 a/n. idk guys i wrote this like a month ago but I JUST GOT THE ENERGY TO POST IT so i apologize in advance if you find mistakes here and there, ALSO i made the playlist that inspired me to make this fic so i'll just leave it here if you want to give it a listen or save it don't look at my other playlists tho they're a mess 🦦
You always thought you were pretty good at giving dating advice. It’s easier when you’re not the one doing the dating, right? That’s how it all started with Jungkook. You two were chilling at your apartment one lazy Sunday afternoon when you suddenly blurted out, “Why are you still single, Jungkook? You’re amazing, good-looking, and fun. You should at least be on like three different dating apps.”
He laughed, running a hand through his hair in that effortlessly cool way he always did. “Dunno' just haven’t found the right person,” he said with a smile that made you heart do a weird little flip. “I don’t think I’m good at dating, haha.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you shot back, sitting up. “Let's make you an account. We’ll get you some matches in no time.”
He hesitated for a second, then shrugged. “Sure, let's do it.”
And that’s how you ended up setting up his profile, not realizing that this would be the beginning of the end of your denial and the start of a love story you never saw coming.
You grabbed his phone and he settled onto the couch next to you. “Okay, first things first. We need some killer photos. Let’s start with your main picture.”
You opened the camera app. You sat there, looking at his phone for a minute before he let out a loud laugh.
You looked up. “What is it?"
He grinned, pointing at something behind you. "It's just Tae taking a picture of us setting up a dating profile," Jungkook said, chuckling.
You turned around to see Taehyung standing in the doorway, holding his phone up with a huge grin on his face. "Don't mind me," Taehyung sang out, winking at the two of you. "Just capturing this for posterity."
Tae showed Jungkook the picture and a fit of laughter erupted again, now from the two of them. "Your face! You look so focused and super serious right now."
Rolling your eyes, you lightly smacked his arm. "This is serious business! We need to find the perfect picture to reel in all the potential matches."
Then you started browsing through his photo gallery to curate the most attractive selection of pictures.
There you had him on the gym doing weights, him on his boxing gear, with his dogs, him doing the dishes with a strangely tight black shirt, a few selfies on his car, with his motorcycle. You could sell a whole album with his photos, how on earth would you do him justice and only choose 10 of them?
"Why is this so hard?"
Jungkook chuckled. "Because you're not choosing photos for a profile, you're trying to find a reason to stare at me and my body for too long."
"Boy, I'm trying to help you here, and if I'm gonna do it, I might as well do this like a professional matchmaker." You retorted.
His eyebrows furrowed. "When have you ever paired someone up?"
You smiled smugly. "That's none of your business, Jeon."
"It is, actually, since you're helping me with this thing."
"Fine, if you must know, I hooked up one my friend's older sister with my college roommate."
"Really? How did that go?" He asked, curious.
"Pretty well, they've been together for a couple years now." You answered, still going through his photos.
"Wasn't your college roommate that guy with the blue hair?" He asked, his tone changing slightly.
"Uh-huh, why?"
"Wasn't he the guy you were dating during our third year?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."
"How can you forget about him?" He sounded annoyed. "You spent an entire week crying in my bed because he broke up with you."
"Oh my god, did I? I don't recall." You were playing dumb, of course you remembered but there was no need to talk about that. "What do you think of this one?" It was a shirtless picture, point blank.
"I think you look kinda slutty but everyone's gonna eat it up, you'll get a date in no time." You continued.
"I am not posting a shirtless picture, are you crazy?" He snatched the phone from your hand.
"Well, it's not like we're gonna sell the damn picture, it's just your torso and the picture is really nice, you look good, I don't know why you're making such a fuss."
He didn't say anything, just looked at you.
"What? I'm complimenting you, it's the truth." You rolled your eyes.
"Okay, thank you." He was blushing.
"Are you blushing?" You asked, amused.
"No, it's just really hot in here." He took off his hoodie, throwing it somewhere in your living room.
You didn't even realize how close he was sitting next to you. It wasn't like it was the first time he'd been on your couch, but something felt different today. It was strange.
All the photos that you chose showcased different aspects of Jungkook's personality. Each photo told a story about him - his love for his dogs, his passion for staying active, his playful side with silly selfies. As you scrolled through his gallery, you couldn't help but notice the genuine smile on his face in many of the pictures, a smile that seemed to light up the whole world.
After him putting up a fight on choosing his favorite photos of him, next you had to write him something for his bio.
Jungkook leaned in closer to read over your shoulder.
"This is stupid, what do you want me to write? My name, my age, my occupation?" He was whining.
"Yes, those things obviously, but also things like, I don't know a joke or something to sum up your personality. I want them to know you're fun and cute, mind-blowingly good at everything, something along those lines."
"I am mind-blowingly good at everything." He said, his tone confident.
You rolled your eyes.
"So let's say, what if I write 'shit i'd date the hell out of me', you like it?" You asked him with a smile.
He laughed. "I do, I really do."
"Okay, it's settled." You wrote down the phrase, and a bunch of things about him.
"Now we just have to add something that will hook them up."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, just be honest. Just, don't write that you're looking for a girl to have sex with."
"But I am looking for a girl to have sex with." Blank expression on his face.
"You are so dumb sometimes." You threw a pillow at his face.
He caught it mid-air. "God, you know I'm not look— this was YOUR IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He yelled, trying to defend himself.
"Yeah, but, just write something that will make you look not like a manwhore."
He thought for a moment. "I know, I got it."
"Okay, shoot."
"I'm a manwhore." He had the brightest smile.
"Oh, for the love of..." You couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Alright, fine. If that's what you want to go with, who am I to stop you?"
You two were done, and he was already getting notifications.
"Woah, that was... surprisingly fast." He was surprised, and you were proud of yourself.
"Of course, you're hot and cute. We don't see your type in dating apps very often."
He gave you a weird look, you couldn't quite figure out. "Thanks?"
"No worries, I'm sure you'll find someone in no time." You patted him on the back as you were getting up and ready to go to the kitchen and make some dinner. "See who you like and I'll help you on how to ask them on a date."
"Okay." He smiled.
"What are you smiling at? Are you looking at them already?"
"Yeah, I'm trying to see which one of these girls will be our first victim."
"Don't call them victims." You laughed.
The truth is that Jungkook only agreed to this because he loves spending time with you.
As you busied yourself in the kitchen, Jungkook couldn't shake the warmth spreading through his chest. He scrolled through the notifications on his phone, half-heartedly swiping left and right. His mind wasn't on finding a date; it was on you.
He couldn't believe he agreed to this. Making a profile on Tinder just to humor the best friend he was in love with, seemed harmless at first, but now, seeing the app light up with potential matches, he felt burdened. He wasn't here to date. He was here because he wanted to be closer to you, even if it meant pretending to search for someone else.
Each time a new message popped up, he found himself wondering if you'd approve. Would you laugh at the cheesy pickup lines together? Would you help him craft witty responses? He realized he didn't care about meeting any of these girls; he only cared about spending time with you.
But as much as he tried to focus on the dating app in front of him, his thoughts kept drifting back to you. To the way you laughed and teased him, to the way you always seemed to know what he needed even when he didn't realize it himself. Jungkook found himself longing for something he couldn't quite name, a feeling that stirred deep within him whenever he was near you.
He sighed, setting his phone down on the coffee table as he leaned back on the couch because he didn't bother looking through any of the profiles. Instead he made his way to the kitchen, where you were standing over a pot, stirring absentmindedly.
He stepped up behind you, watching as you stirred. His chest was warm, and he had a strange urge to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle his nose into your neck.
"Hey," he said, his voice soft.
You turned your head slightly, not looking at him but smiling. "Hey."
Jungkook took a step closer, placing his hand over yours. "Let me help," he said.
You handed him the wooden spoon, your fingers brushing against his in the exchange. He stirred the pot gently, mirroring the way he wanted to handle your heart. Neither of you spoke, the only sound filling the room was the clinking of utensils against the pot.
"You okay there?" Your voice broke through his daydreaming.
He answered you softly while running a hand through his hair nervously. "Yeah, just... thinking."
As the aroma of the dish wafted through the air, you felt his warmth seeping into you, comforting and familiar. You couldn't ignore the heavy tension that hung between you, thick like a fog.
He cleared his throat, breaking the spell. "So... what do we do now?" His voice was low, almost a whisper.
You turned around to face him, his eyes searching yours for answers neither of you dared to voice. "We eat dummy," you said with a laugh.
You and Jungkook sat down for dinner, the tension from earlier still lingering between you. As you ate, you caught each other stealing glances when the other wasn't looking.
"So...have you looked at any of the matches yet?" you asked, trying to break the silence.
Jungkook shifted in his seat. "A few, but no one really caught my eye," he said evasively.
You nodded, poking at your food. "Well if you see anyone you like, let me know. I want to help."
"Thanks, I will," Jungkook said with a small smile.
You returned the smile weakly, a pang in your chest at the thought of Jungkook dating someone else. You had pushed the feelings down for so long, not wanting to jeopardize your friendship. But your dumb decision of making him a dating profile forced you to confront how you really felt.
After you finished eating together, Jungkook helped you with the dishes. You dried off your hands, and he was ready to leave. Almost as if he was on a rush.
"Thanks for making dinner," he said with a smile.
You nodded. "Of course, you know I love having you over."
You stood at the door awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
Jungkook cleared his throat. "I'll text you," he said.
You gave him a thumbs-up, your voice coming out more high-pitched than normal. "Yeah, cool. See ya later."
He chuckled and leaned down to give you a hug. You wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his scent. You held him a little longer than necessary, wanting to memorize the feeling of his arms enveloping you.
Jungkook's hand lingered on your shoulder as he pulled away.
"Goodnight," he said softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek before he turned to leave. You watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside you. As the door closed behind him, you leaned against it, aching with the realization that you might have just pushed away the one person who meant more to you than just a friend.
If only you had the courage to do something.
The following week, you found yourself cleaning your house, the mess had piled up and you had a bunch of your clothes all over the place and that's when you found Jungkook's hoodie from last week. It had fallen between your couch and the wall, so you pulled it out with a considerable amount of force. That's when his iPod fell to the ground.
He still uses this thing? The corners of your mouth turned up involuntarily as you recalled teasing him about the ancient device.
You were surprised, most people uses their phones, or maybe he still has this thing because it was a present from you. If you hadn't seen it you wouldn't have remembered that you had given him this iPod for Christmas like 7 years ago.
You took the device in your hand and turned it on. You figured it would be nice to hear his playlists while you kept cleaning.
You should have just connected it and played it on shuffle. But I guess humans are very nosey creatures. Creatures who love to go through someone else's things, just to see another hidden side of said person.
So, like any other normal human being, you opened his lists, and started to go through them.
"Golden mix", "Euphoria", "OST's". Those were pretty standard. "Lonely nights" a bit of a stretch, "Best of the 00s", "Dance party" and "Songs to sing along". Fork found in kitchen. And there was one more playlist that caught your attention.
Simply labeled with— "Your name."
Your heart started beating faster. What is this?
You opened the playlist and you were welcomed by a list of what it seemed like... love songs.
The first one was "Best Friend". You didn't know what to think. Why did he have a playlist with songs like "Kiss me" by Matt Maltese, "Mountains" by Charlotte Day Wilson, "Making Time" by Rex Orange County. All love songs.
Then it hit you. He's in love.
You started panicking. Your heart racing with thoughts you couldn't ignore any longer. The playlist named after you echoed in your mind.
You couldn't believe it. Jungkook, your best friend, the one who always seemed so casual and carefree, had a playlist dedicated to you filled with love songs. Your mind raced as you tried to process this new information. Was it possible that he felt the same way you did? That the tension between you wasn't one-sided after all?
You sat down on the couch, still holding his iPod in your hands. The weight of it felt heavier now, as if it held all the unspoken words and emotions that had been swirling between you and Jungkook. You couldn't bring yourself to put it down; instead, you scrolled through the playlist again, each song title tugging at your heartstrings.
A sense of warmth washed over you, mingled with fear and uncertainty. What should you do now? Should you confront Jungkook about the playlist, lay all your cards on the table and risk changing everything between you? Or should you keep quiet, pretend you never stumbled upon this precious list?
You knew there was something going on, you weren't stupid. But you couldn't bring yourself to accept the possibility that the guy you love, might like you back. It's easier to pretend like nothing is happening. You have built this whole imaginary life with him in your head, but not once did you consider that it might be a two-way street.
"I already said I'm in love with you Can't you hear me? Why do you act like you don't? You know well the spark in my eyes when I look at you Can't you see it? Why do you act like you don't?"
You had been listening to the song on repeat for an hour. It was stuck in your head. Your heart was aching.
The reality was finally sinking in.
"He's in love with me," you whispered to yourself, the realization hitting you like a tidal wave. It explained so much—his kindness, his attentiveness, even his willingness to go along with making a stupid profile for a stupid dating app. But you had built walls around your heart, afraid to acknowledge the possibility that your feelings were reciprocated.
You felt a surge of emotions, a mix of joy and fear swirling inside you. Jungkook's unspoken confession through his playlist left you feeling exposed and vulnerable, yet strangely hopeful.
"Falling" played softly through the speakers, its lyrics painting a picture of longing and uncertainty. It mirrored your own inner turmoil, the battle between fear and listening to your heart for once.
You had spent so long convincing yourself that this was just a friendship, that any romantic thoughts were one-sided. Now, faced with the truth, you didn't know what to do next. Should you tell Jungkook? Should you pretend you never saw the playlist?
Your mind raced with questions, but deep down, you knew you couldn't ignore this any longer. Jungkook's feelings were out in the open, laid bare through these songs that said a lot about his emotions.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and let the music wash over you. Each melody, each lyric felt like a confession, a plea for you to see what had been in front of you all along.
"I already said I'm in love with you," the lyrics repeated in your mind, echoing the words you longed to hear from Jungkook himself.
The weight of the situation settled over you. You constructed the exact same playlist on your own phone, replaying it endlessly, searching for answers in the same songs he had chosen. It became a ritual, a way to understand what Jungkook hadn't yet said aloud. Each track felt like a message, a confession hidden in plain sight.
As days passed, the playlist became a lifeline, a connection to Jungkook that transcended words. You wondered if he knew the impact his secret gesture had on you, if he realized how deeply you analyzed each song, each lyric, each subtle hint of affection.
It was as if the playlist had become a conversation between your hearts, a silent dialogue that spoke volumes about your unspoken emotions. You couldn't deny the truth any longer—the love you felt for Jungkook had bloomed quietly, nurtured by his unwavering presence in your life and it reflected in the selection of songs carefully chosen by him.
And so you continued to listen, to immerse yourself in the music that spoke of love and longing. It was a soundtrack to his emotions, a testament to the unspeakable love that had grown between you and him.
The guys had planned a small gathering at your house. Hoseok, Jimin and Tae arrived at the same time around 8:00 p.m. with food, drinks and Cards Against Humanity. They were already having fun when they rang the bell.
"Hey," you said as you opened the door.
"Hey!" they greeted you.
You all headed towards the living room and they placed the things they brought on the table.
You chuckled, feeling a wave of warmth at their enthusiasm. "Thanks for coming, guys. I've got the place ready—cleaned up only for you the other day," you teased, motioning towards the neatly arranged living room.
As you all settled in, chatting and unpacking the snacks and games, there was a noticeable absence. Jungkook hadn't arrived yet, and though you tried not to dwell on it, his absence didn't go unnoticed by your friends.
"Where's Jungkook?" Tae finally asked, voicing the question that lingered in the air.
You shrugged nonchalantly, though your heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. "Not sure. He said he might be a bit late."
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing look with Jimin. "Didn't he say he was gonna meet with someone from Tinder?"
"You know, the dating app," Tae chimed in, taking a bite of a snack.
"I know what Tinder is Tae,” you replied with a laugh, trying to keep your cool.
"So you didn't know he was on a date?"
"No, he didn't tell me. Are you serious? He's on a date right now?" Your voice came out louder than expected, and you cursed yourself for the slip.
Jimin frowned, concerned. "Are you okay, Y/N?"
You waved dismissively, trying to downplay the hurt and disappointment. "Yeah, all good... well, more food and games for us until he gets here."
You tried to push down the gnawing feeling of jealousy that threatened to surface at the thought of Jungkook on a date with someone else. The idea of him with another person stirred up emotions you had been trying so hard to accept the past days. You forced a smile as you joined in the banter and laughter, attempting to bury your own conflicting emotions.
Despite their casual remarks, you couldn't shake the unease settling in your stomach. You hoped Jungkook would arrive soon, eager for his presence to dispel the nervous tension building within you.
The minutes ticked by, filled with laughter and infinite jokes over Cards Against Humanity. Each time the doorbell rang, you found yourself tensing, hoping it was him. But each time, it turned out to be someone else—a delivery person, one of your neighbors...
As the evening progressed, you couldn't help but steal glances at your phone, checking for any messages from Jungkook. But you decided not to keep waiting and decided to send him a text first.
'whats taking you so longggggggg' it read.
He replied instantly. 'i'm outside, coming now'
You put down your phone, your heart pounding. A few seconds later, you heard familiar footsteps approaching and there was a knock on the door. You got up, heading towards the door.
"He's here!" Tae exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face as he jumped up to answer the door with you.
You held your breath as Jungkook stepped inside, a sheepish smile on his lips as he greeted everyone. His eyes met yours briefly, and for a moment, the world seemed to slow down.
"Sorry I'm late guys," Jungkook said, setting down a bag of drinks next to Tae's.
Jimin smirked teasingly. "Lost track of time, huh?"
Jungkook chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Haha nah,"
Absolutely not. It was a disaster. Why did I agree to this? She seemed nice enough online, he thought, but in person... It just wasn’t there. The conversation felt forced, and I couldn’t wait for it to end. He grimaced, recalling how he struggled to find common ground and forced a laugh at her jokes. I should've been with y/n tonight, helping her get everything ready for this.
Of course, all of that stayed in his head. He was embarrassed to tell everyone how much he hated meeting someone new. It would just give your friends the opening to tease him more about it.
"Well, you made it, and we're all here now. So let's start" you suggested, breaking the silence.
His eyes sought out yours, finding a mix of emotions reflected back at him—surprise, curiosity, and something he couldn't quite place.
Everyone nodded in agreement and moved to gather around the coffee table, pulling your cushions closer.
With Jungkook's presence, the gathering felt complete, as if a missing piece had been found.
And as you all laughed and played into the night, you couldn't ignore the way Jungkook's gaze lingered on you, a silent reassurance of the feelings you'd been trying to suppress.
"I'm going to take a photo of this." Tae announced, lifting up his beer.
You and the others followed suit, holding your drinks up and smiling. Jungkook on your right got closer to you for the picture, cheek to cheek, his scent surrounding you. You wanted to lean in and practically inhale him.
"Perfect." Tae snapped the shot, and then showed it to the group. "What do you think, everyone?"
Everyone agreed that it was a good photo.
"We all look great," Tae said.
"But not as good as those two," Hoseok joked.
You rolled your eyes. "Please."
"It's true," Hoseok insisted. "You guys look good together."
Jimin nodded, taking another sip of his drink. "They're right. You’d make a cute couple."
Jungkook felt shy at their words. It's not like he was trying to hide his feelings for you, but he hadn't exactly made his intentions known, either. It was frustrating, wanting to be closer to you but not knowing how.
At least it was encouraging to know that your closest friends were seeing you both that way. That meant he had hope, right?
"Okay, that's enough," you said, feeling your cheeks heat up. "Let's keep playing."
As the game resumed, the group's attention shifted back to the cards.
You cleared your throat, shifting awkwardly on the cushion. "So... how was your date?"
Jungkook winced, not meeting your eyes. "It was okay," he said, his tone lacking enthusiasm.
You bit your lip, curiosity gnawing at you. "Just okay? What happened?"
Jungkook shook his head, still not meeting your gaze. "I don't know. It just didn't feel right, I guess."
You tilted your head, searching his face. "What do you mean?"
Jungkook shrugged, a sheepish expression on his face. "It was just... awkward. We didn't really click. I don't know."
Your chest tightened, a mix of emotions swirling inside. "Oh," you managed, turning back to the game. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not good at this kind of thing, you know? Meeting new people, going on dates. It's hard for me. I'd rather be with people I already know and trust."
You knew what he meant. The same went for you. It was hard enough trying to navigate your feelings without having to worry about other people, too.
You nodded, giving him a small smile. "I get it."
"I just wish it could be easier, you know? Like, finding someone you actually like who happens to also like you back, and not having to worry about anything else. Just enjoying each other's company."
Your breath caught, your mind reeling from his words. And from the way he was looking at you, you could tell he wasn't just talking about friendship.
"Why would you say something like that?" you questioned, the words tumbling out before you could stop them.
Jungkook's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? Say something like what?"
"That you wish you could be with someone who actually likes you and not have to worry about anything else."
"I... because it's true. I don't want to go on stupid dates anymore, I want to be with someone I care about. Someone I can laugh and have fun with."
You swallowed, your pulse quickening.
"Someone like who?"
Jungkook exhaled, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I think you know who," he said quietly.
You stared at him, speechless, as his words sunk in. Your heart was racing, your body buzzing with adrenaline.
Hoseok, who had been unusually quiet, suddenly made himself heard, "I think I'm stuck in your bathroom!"
You and Jungkook turned to find your friend, who sounded flustered and slightly panicked. Jimin and Tae burst into laughter, trying to contain themselves as Hoseok continued to tug at the bathroom door.
"What do you mean you're stuck?" Jimin managed to ask between giggles.
Hoseok yelled helplessly. "I went in to use the bathroom, and now the door won't open!"
Jungkook glanced at you with a bemused smile, the tension from earlier dissipating with the absurdity of the situation. "Seriously, Hobi?" he chuckled.
Hoseok sounded exasperated. "It's not funny! How am I supposed to get out of here?"
"I'll go get some tools," Tae offered, still chuckling as he headed towards the kitchen.
You stepped closer to the bathroom door, trying to assess the situation. "It's just stuck. Let me try," you suggested, reaching for the handle and giving it a firm tug.
To everyone's surprise, the door swung open easily, revealing Hoseok looking both relieved and slightly embarrassed. "Oh, thanks, I swear it was stuck…"
Jimin clapped Hoseok on the back, still laughing. "Sure it was, Hobi. Sure."
The rest of the evening passed by in a blur of laughter and games, and despite the lingering awkwardness from earlier, you were glad that the night had gone well.
It was close to 2:00 a.m. when your friends finally began to call it a night, and you were exhausted.
"Thanks again for coming, everyone. I had a lot of funnnn," you said, giving them each a hug goodbye.
Jungkook was still on your kitchen helping you clean up all the mess you made. Drying the dishes and placing the glasses on your cabinets. You were cleaning up the table when he walked up to you.
"Need any help?"
"I'm done, thank you."
"Are you sure?"
"I am, thanks Kookie,"
You started walking towards your room when you heard him speak up.
"I really liked being here tonight."
"I know it was a lot of fun," you replied with a small smile. You grabbed his hoodie and his iPod to return them. Staring at the endearing device. Almost as if it were something fragile.
"I'm glad you had a good time," you responded as you walked back to the kitchen, handing him back his belongings. As you stood there in the dimly lit room, a comfortable silence settled between you. Jungkook's gaze was intense as he looked at you, his eyes searching yours for something unspoken.
Jungkook paused his moves, as if weighing his next words carefully. "I was thinking... maybe we could hang out again this week, just the two of us."
"What about the girl from Tinder?" you asked as you returned to face him, your tone sharper than you intended.
Jungkook frowned, confusion clouding his features. "What are you talking about? You know I went on one date. I told you it was a disaster."
You sighed, suddenly feeling foolish. "Yeah, I know, don't know why I asked that, haha" you muttered. "Didn't know you still used this thing,"
He smiled, his fingers brushing over the iPod. "I still love my music in here, you know, it sounds a lot better"
"Yeah, that's what I thought,"
He looked at you intently, and the air between you seemed to grow heavy.
"I've missed spending time with you, Y/N."
Your breath caught in your throat, your pulse quickening as you stared at him. "Me too," you whispered.
"So, is that a yes?"
"A yes to what?"
"The offer to hang out,"
"Oh, right. Um, yeah, sure. Sounds nice."
Jungkook's face lit up. "Cool. Well, I guess I'll see you later, then." With a final smile, he turned and left.
You watched him go and your mind was spinning. Jungkook's words echoed in your head, his words sending a flutter through your chest. You couldn't help but grin. Maybe there was hope for you two after all.
The following day, you woke up to the sun streaming in through your curtains, illuminating the room in a soft glow. You stretched lazily, savoring the warmth of your bed, before reluctantly climbing out and heading to the bathroom to wash up.
Unconciously, you began to shut yourself out. You had spent the whole night awake, thoughts about the possibility of being with your best friend swirling around your head, preventing you from falling asleep.
As you brushed your teeth, you heard your phone buzz. It was a text from him.
'Good morning'
A smile tugged at your lips, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
'good morning'
'can we go out today? im craving pizza'
You bit your lip, considering the invitation. A part of you was eager to see him, but another part was worried that it might be awkward, especially after the scenarios you created in your head last night.
You ended up refusing to go out with him. And he started to get anxious. He thought he may have done something wrong. That you were actually angry for going on a date or that you no longer wanted him to be part of your life just because he went out with someone else.
Jungkook started panicking.
And so, he called the guys.
"I don't know, she's just not acting normal." he sighed.
"Did something happen the other night?" Hoseok asked, concerned.
"No, I don't think so. She didn't say anything to me,"
"So why is she mad at you?"
"I have no idea. I was hoping maybe you had an idea,"
"Did she say she was mad at you?"
"Not directly, but she didn't want to go out today,"
"Well, I'm not surprised. She's probably just tired,"
"Yeah, from work and all that, she's probably exhausted. I'm sure it's nothing."
"Do you think so? You don't think she's mad at me?"
"I really don't think she is. She'll probably just want to rest for a few days, and then things will go back to normal."
Your attitude changed so suddenly. You kept on cancelling on him. It’s been weeks.
"You have to talk to her, man," Jimin said.
"What do I say? How do I bring it up? Do I just ask her why she's been avoiding me? What if she doesn't know what I'm talking about?"
"Then ask her. Don't overthink it. Just say it."
Jungkook sighed, frustrated. "You make it sound so easy,"
"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. It's probably gonna be awkward as fuck, but you can't let it get in the way of your friendship. You've been friends for so long, and it's obviously important to both of you. If she really is mad at you, then you need to find out what's going on. But if she's not, then you need to clear the air and move on. Because otherwise, this is just gonna keep getting worse and worse for you."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm just... worried, I guess."
"I know, but don't be. Everything’s fine. It’ll work out, especially if you let her know that you like her."
"What? Are you crazy? I can't just tell her that."
"Why not?"
"Because... what if she doesn't feel the same way?"
"So what if she doesn't? You'll never know unless you tell her. And if she does feel the same way, then you can finally stop being all sad and pathetic."
"You think she likes me?"
"Well, only she can tell you that, but you'll never know if you don't talk to her. So suck it up and go for it."
"Fine. I'll talk to her."
"But... how do I tell her?"
"Just be honest. Tell her you've been worried that something is wrong, and you want to make sure everything is okay. Then let her know how you feel. But, be prepared for her reaction. If she doesn't feel the same way, it could make things weird. But you need to deal with it and move on."
That same day you were laying down in bed, scrolling through your phone. Reading over and over the lyrics of one particular song on the playlist.
"Is there a place for me? Is there a place for us? I can't tell you how much I love you, babe Open the door Open your heart Tell me how you're feeling, I miss you so bad I'm falling to pieces"
And just like that, your phone began vibrating, your heart beating rapidly as his name flashed across the screen.
"Hey, are you free? Can we talk?"
"Uhm... sure, yeah. Now?"
"If it's okay, yes."
"I'm coming up now."
"Wait, wha-..."
Jungkook was already at your door, knocking frantically. You opened it for him, your heart in your throat.
He stood before you, looking determined. His eyes were wide, his hair tousled, and he was out of breath, as if he had just run a marathon.
"Sorry, I was already on my way. I had to do it now. I have to say it, because otherwise, I won't have the courage to say it some other time,"
He inhaled deeply, his eyes locked on yours.
"Y/N, I really, really like you. And I've been so confused and conflicted because I've always liked you, then I started thinking that maybe there was more. And then I realized there was. I really, really like you."
You swallowed hard, the words ringing in your ears.
"It's okay, I just wanted you to know,"
You shook your head, struggling to comprehend what he had just told you. "I'm sorry, I'm just..."
"I know, and I'm sorry. But I had to say it."
"So, does this mean... what are you saying exactly?"
Jungkook hesitated, running a hand through his hair. "Look, Y/N, I don't expect anything from you, and I don't want things to get weird. But I just had to tell you. I'm crazy about you."
You nodded slowly, processing his words. "uh. I-... uh."
"I know it's sudden, and I'm sorry. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. But I don't want anything to change, I promise. I'll just go, and we can forget this ever happened. We can go back to the way things were, I promise. I'm sorry,"
"Jungkook, stop apologizing. It's not a bad thing, I'm just... processing. I've never had anyone say they're crazy about me before," with your phone in your hand an idea immediately came to you.
"Can I show you something?" you asked him.
"What is it?"
You walked up to him, your phone in your hand. You handed him your device and let him see your screen. There it was, the infamous playlist.
Jungkook's doe eyes widened, a small gasp escaping his lips as he noticed. "What... is this...?"
"I went through your iPod when you left your hoodie last time," you told him with an embarrassed grin. "They’re the same songs you have on yours,"
"This is so embarrassing," he groaned, his cheeks red. "You... you went through my iPod?" Jungkook asked, now with a hint of amusement in his voice.
You nodded, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief that he wasn't angry about it. "I was curious about the music you listen to. And I found… this,”
He stared at the playlist, then back at you, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "So... does that mean you... already knew how I felt?" Jungkook asked, hope flickering in his eyes.
Your heart raced at his words, a mix of excitement and uncertainty swirling inside you. Could this really be happening? Could your long-standing friendship truly be blossoming into something more?
"Jungkook," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I like you too. More than just a friend."
"So what does this mean? That we are supposed to be together?"
"Maybe, or maybe not. It could just mean that you have great taste in music and I admire it,"
Jungkook's eyes widened with hope, a grin spreading across his face. "I've been wanting to tell you for so long, but I was afraid of ruining everything between us."
You smiled, your heart fluttering. "Me too, I’m sorry for making you worry these past few days,"
"Can I hug you?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Jungkook held onto you tightly, his arms snug around your waist. You rested your chin on his shoulder, closing your eyes and inhaling his familiar scent.
After a few moments, he pulled away slightly, his hands still resting on your hips.
He looked at you with a mix of relief and uncertainty in his eyes. "So, I didn't ruin anything between us?" he murmured softly.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "You didn't ruin anything, Jungkook. If anything, you've made everything clearer."
His shoulders relaxed slightly at your words, a hint of a smile returning to his face. "I'm glad."
"I'm glad too," you began again, your voice steady but tinged with nervousness. "But I also want you to know that... I've been thinking a lot too."
Jungkook turned to face you fully, his expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension. "About...?"
"About us," you admitted softly, meeting his gaze. "About how much I enjoy spending time with you, about how much I admire you, and... how I've felt something more than just friendship for a while now."
His eyes widened slightly, hope flickering in them. "A while?”
You nodded, a shy smile playing on your lips. "Yes, Jungkook. A while. I've just been afraid to say anything because I didn't want to lose you in case you didn't felt the same way about me."
He stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out tentatively. "Y/N... I wish I had known sooner. I've been struggling with these feelings, not knowing if you felt the same way."
"I'm sorry for not saying anything earlier," you murmured, your fingers brushing against his. "But I'm glad we're talking about it now."
He squeezed your hand gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "Me too. More than anything."
There was a moment of silence between you, the weight of your shared emotions hanging in the air. Finally, Jungkook spoke again, his voice filled with determination.
"So... what do we do now?"
You chuckled softly, feeling a surge of affection for him. "I think we take it one step at a time. We've already taken a big step today."
He nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just... really happy right now."
"Me too," you said, squeezing his hand.
"I guess the only question now is... are we... together together?" he asked hesitantly.
You grinned, your heart pounding in your chest. "Only if you want us to be,"
"Yes, yes, yes. Of course, yes,"
"Then it's settled. We're together," you giggled.
Jungkook laughed, the sound sending a warm feeling through your chest.
Cut to 4 years in the future.
There you were at a dinner with friends and family. It had been four years since you got together, but it felt like an eternity. You both were so excited for each other, for your life from now on.
"Hey, you got a little something," he whispered, brushing away a strand of hair from your cheek.
You couldn't help but smile, his touch as tender as ever. "Thanks,"
"No problem," he smiled.
Then you could hear someone clinking a glass. "A few words from the fiancé!" Jin's voice reverberated through the dimly lit restaurant.
"Y-yeah, yeah," your boyfriend stuttered, clearing his throat and standing up. He was a nervous wreck, and it was adorable.
"Um, first, thank you all for being here. It really means a lot to us. We know how important it is to have your loved ones around you on a special day, and we're so grateful for everyone who's supported us. Second, a special thanks to my future father and mother-in-law. Thank you for always being there for us and for supporting our relationship. And, um, thanks to my own parents for, uh, also supporting us."
As the guests began to laugh, your boyfriend cleared his throat and continued, his gaze fixed on yours.
"But most importantly, I want to say thank you to my amazing girlfriend. Thank you for making every day better. Thank you for always being by my side and for loving me unconditionall—"
"We know that already! Entertain us or I won't pay the bill!" Jin's loud voice interrupted again.
You couldn't help but chuckle and the guests laughed again, amused.
Your fiancé smiled, clearly enjoying the teasing.
"Alright, alright," Jungkook cleared his throat before he continued, "actually, we agreed that we'd never tell anyone how we actually got together but I guess we're past that, right babe?"
"Oh no, don't!" You blushed, a little embarrassed.
"It's a funny story," he continued. "It's kind of a long one, but this girl right here thought that the best course of action was to make me a dating app profile before telling me that she was in love with me."
Everyone burst into laughter.
"I was dumb, okay?" you joked, earning more laughter from the guests.
"So, we ended up talking to some people on said dating app and went on a few dates, which were terrible—"
"Hey! It's not my fault that you agreed even though you were also in love with me!" — "Everyone, he had a playlist with my name filled with sentimental songs like the most lovesick boy on Earth!"
"But babe trust me, it's a great playlist, by the way," you added.
"And then we got drunk, and the truth was revealed."
"What?! No way," Hoseok laughed.
"We weren’t drunk, I’m kidding, I just told her that I had liked her since the beginning," he said. "We just made a disaster, and we were both scared shitless."
"But here we are," you added.
"So, yeah, thanks for coming everyone," your fiancé concluded, his voice breaking a little as he wrapped up his little speech.
You could see him trying to blink back tears as he sat back down next to you, and you gave his hand a squeeze.
"You did great," you whispered, leaning in to give him a quick kiss.
"Thanks," he replied, his voice hoarse.
Your parents got up, taking the floor after him.
"Thank you, thank you," your mom said, a bit embarrassed.
"We’d like to share a few words as well. First, we'd like to thank everyone for coming. It's such a privilege to have all our family and friends here, and we're so thankful for your support. And we're especially grateful for our beautiful daughter and our soon-to-be son-in-law. We are so proud of both of you, and we know you'll have a long and happy life together."
"Thanks," you managed to say, overcome with emotion.
"So, now, we'd like to present the couple with a little something. It's just a small token of our love for them," your mother added, signaling for someone to come forward.
Jimin, Hoseok, and Tae stood up from the table and approached the stage, each of them holding a framed collage.
"Here, you can pass these out," your mother said, handing each of the guests copies of the photos.
You and your fiancé were stunned as the three guys presented the photos to you.
The photos were a collage of different memories: you and him during his graduation, another one from yours, a candid shot of him cooking for you, a photo of the two of you smiling in front of the sunset, and a picture of him holding your hand while you were asleep.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took in the beautiful photos, each one capturing a special moment in your relationship. The love and happiness radiating from the images made your heart feel full to the brim. You glanced at Jungkook, whose eyes were also glistening with unshed tears, and you reached for his hand, holding it tightly.
"Thank you so much," you managed to say, your voice choked with emotion. "These are... perfect."
"I have a gift for you too," you told him, reaching under the table. You brought out a box wrapped in bright pink paper and a bow.
He looked at you with surprise, his eyes shining with curiosity as he took the box from your hands. Slowly unwrapping it, his mouth fell open in astonishment when he saw what was inside. Nestled within the box was a beautifully crafted watch, the silver band gleaming under the soft light of the restaurant.
"Oh wow," he breathed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It's... it's incredible."
"It's engraved," you whispered, pointing to the back of the watch where a message was etched. His eyes widened as he read the words: 'Forever yours, Y/N.'
"I was hoping you'd wear it to the wedding," you said, grinning. "But don't cry, you'll make me cry!" you exclaimed.
"I'm not crying, I just..." he trailed off, sniffling.
"I love it," Jungkook finally managed to say, his voice filled with emotion. He stood up abruptly and pulled you into a tight hug, “I love you.”
As you both separated, there was a collective 'aww' from the guests, making you both blush.
The rest of the evening continued with laughter and joy, surrounded by the love of friends and family. People danced, sang, and shared stories late into the night. It was a celebration of love and new beginnings.
As the night winded down and guests started to leave, you found yourselves standing alone in the dimly lit space. Jungkook wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close.
"Thank you for everything today," you said sincerely, looking into his big brown eyes.
"Thank you for being mine," he replied softly, feeling overwhelmed with happiness.
"I wouldn't want to be anyone else's," you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
Jungkook cupped your face in his hands and placed a lingering kiss on your forehead. The world around you seemed to fade, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of the deepest affection you’ve ever felt.
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rilakeila · 9 months
STRAYING OFF COURSE, lorenzo berkshire
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summary it's known that lorenzo's breakup with his first love was the cause of his downhill when it comes to his relationships
sm au pairing f1 driver! lorenzo berkshire x model/fem ! reader warnings cheating, strong language
author's note pls disregard any mistakes with the time ;-;
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ynln posted a few mins ago
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liked by loberkshired, theonott, and 234,091 others
ynln 🇫🇷🥖 paris was fun, see you again ! loberskhired
view all 3,619 comments
loberkshired hon hon hon🥖🥖
ynln stop trying to fight me with baguettes 😭😭
lorennzzzoo ahhh they're so freaking cute
dailyyn if they break up, idk what love is
theonott Pls bring back eiffel tower keychain
loberkshired you're here with us in the paris, though??
ynberkshired ughhhh oh to be in paris with my bf
enzoenzoenzo did you guys see the cheating rumors
lovemenotttt enzo is always in cheating rumors even when he clearly isn't malfoytrolls yeah but apparently ppl saw him with some girl a couple months back before the last race riddlemethis according to who? source is trust me bro
loberkshired posted 2 stories an hour ago. ynln posted an hour ago.
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f1wagsnews posted an hour ago.
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liked by user21, user 23, and 329,727 others
f1wagsnews 1/3/2023 - YN LN, fashion model, was seen walking home alone after what looked like an argument in the parking garage with long term boyfriend/F1 driver, Lorenzo Berkshire. She had apparently surprised him at his job with the help of his fellow team driver, but she had immediately walked out of the building almost in tears. The conversation was spoken softly but despite LN's typical sweet tone was replaced by a very stern one. The conversation included about Berkshire's stressed in his racing career and her career as a high-paid model while touching on the rumors of Berkshire's infidelity. It was unclear to the paparazzi whether YN believes if the rumors are true or if Berkshire had fessed up, but it was certain that the two were not okay.
view all 2,637 comments
lorenberk WTF is this news in 2023? already? the year just started ?!!!!!
ynberkshired mother, father pls say you're okay and it's not true
enzoenzoenzo i think i accidentally brought this to life PLS NO 😭
riddlemethis 😭 LIKE I SAID, SOURCE IS TRUST ME BRO (but this is the most reliable source when it comes to wags)
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ynln posted a story an hour ago. loberkshired posted a story an hour ago
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deuxmoi posted three stories one minute ago.
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tmz sports
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january 10, 2023
Lorenzo Berkshire, F1 Driver is rumored to have cheated on long-time girlfriend of 4 years, Y/N L/N. It was said that he cheated the night of the Japanese Grand Prix on October 9th. It was the same sunday that his fellow driver of McLaren would go on to win the Japanese Grand Prix, which has been the assumption that made Berkshire blow off the steam by cheating.
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An anonymous tip from a news outlet sent this picture in which is Berkshire and mystery model making out on October 9.
Sources from Deuxmoi saw that the infidelity was not a one off on one night, but it was a continuous thing up until the Austin Grand Prix Weekend (October 21 - October 2023). The other party has not been named yet, but it is said that she is a lower scale model compared to Y/N L/N.
Lorenzo Berkshire and Y/N L/N have said been together since 2018. They were schoolmates prior to dating, and they started during their second to last year at their academy. It was also rumored that the two were supposedly going to get engaged during the winter break, but now it has been filled with these rumors.
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f1wagsnews posted an hour ago.
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liked by theonott, dracomalfoy, and 1.2 million others
f1wagsnews — 1/20/23, Y/N L/N was found out and about with drivers, Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, and Draco Malfoy (+ GF Lilianna Snow). Her boyfriend, Lorenzo Berkshire, was nowhere to be found. The two have not been spotted together since January 3rd where they were found outside of the McLaren building arguing.
Close insiders have said the two are no longer together which may have been due to Berkshire's cheating rumors.
All mentioned drivers are said to be in close contact with Berkshire. Though, each one including L/N has unfollowed him on Instagram.
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loveenzo wtf our parents are over for sure
fullofmalfoy omg noooooooo
notnottyn i think yn and theo should have been together
prettyprettyn READ THE MF ROOM (honestly yeah they would be so cute)
riddlemethis this is why draco is the superior cousin
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oh they're fucking.... she's a homie hopper ????????? for context, i imagined that theo is just helping a friend out :p
hope you enjoyed this! masterlist
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
pedro pascal is so daddy like… i genuinely dont know why this man doesnt have kids yet but I VOLUNTEER 🙋‍♀️
anywayss, i cant help but think about the domesticity of being married and expecting with pedro like we all know that man is old and is already daddy status but just imagining him coming home to you and your swollen belly after a day running around the city… to kiss on you and hold you like!!! you cant tell me that wouldn’t be the cutest shit ever
then you got the early mornings and late nights of him and you talking, watching movies together, laying on the couch in your spacious new york apartment, looking over on the city!!! and i just know no matter what, that man would just adore you. would always want to have you around, inviting you to come out with him while he’s working, always wanting to take you on dates, and events. i mean just utterly infatuated with you (especially if youre having his baby!?! like that man wouldnt know what to do with himself)
he would just take the best care of you… when he wakes up making sure your vitamins are all set up for you to take (so cant say you forgot!) and maybe writing little love notes incase you arent awake to bid him away for the few hours he’ll be gone. and he’d shoot you just random texts and pictures whether that be on set, in a meeting, driving/walking around, anything to let you know that youre on his mind… and when he comes home, oh lord. i wholeheartedly believe, after an extremely long day, he’d always come home with a little treat for you…
you’d be in the kitchen, getting dinner ready for the night, anticipating his arrival, as you hear the door open, and a loud and cheesy, “honey, im home!” to which he walks into your shared kitchen with a small little bag, holding a pastry he picked up for you on his way home just because he knows how much you love that bakery. you’d welcome him into your warm embrace and as you continue cooking for the two of you, nothing would make more sense than for him to rub that belly of yours…whispering all the praise you’d been aching to hear. telling you how beautiful you look, how strong you are, how grateful he is to have you, to hold you… and then ofcourse you’d enjoy the dinner you had made for the two of you. ending the night with the pastry pedro had picked up for you and a glass of wine for him…
ahhh! i totally rambled so much but i love pedro like UGH
Baby- p.p
hello loves! when i tell you i screamed when i saw this i’m not even lying. i tried my best with this one and if i’m being honest i don’t think i like it at all😭! first pedro pascal imagine (btw dad! imagines are my fave to write) dms are always open if you wanna chat loves! i’m like nervous to post this idk why. anyways enjoy 🤍 ⚠️age gap couple!⚠️
taglist (add yourselves loves🤍)(if there is a line through your name i cannot tag you for some reason x) @1-john-4-19
"baby, im home" you heard Pedro voice echo through your New York apartment. you had moved in with Pedro two years ago after a year of dating and now you were pregnant with your first child together. you were in the kitchen making a sandwich which you had been craving for the past thirty minutes but you were too tired to even get up off the sofa to make it.
you were 7 months pregnant and even walking made you out of breath, it was like the baby was purposely kicking your rib cage just to make you more uncomfortable than you already were. you heard his footsteps walking toward the kitchen and smiled at him when he finally appeared.
he had been out in New York with Bella, doing random interviews which obviously didn't take long so they also went for lunch then here he was back home with you. he walked up to you and opened his arms wide for you to hug him. his left hand fell so he could gently place it on your stomach hoping that the baby would kick for him, which it almost always did.
a huge smile formed on his face when he held the strong kicks coming from the baby. he placed little kisses on your head as you cuddled yourself more into him. "how was your day sweetheart?" you snuggled into him further and sighed in contentment. "boring, couldn't move for ages because i was so tired. i was gonna start packing the hospital bag and do laundry but i couldn't get off the sofa"
"don't worry about the laundry baby, i'll do it later" he kissed your forehead again and tried to hold you as close as possible. "wanna go watch tv? i'll even let you pick" he said making you smile up at him. with a small nod of your head he lent in to kiss you for the first time that day he let go of you. you picked up the sandwich which had been forgotten on the kitchen counter and waddled your way back to the sofa.
after a few minutes of you scrolling through the different channels you felt the sofa dip beside you and Pedro's arm go around your shoulders pulling you carefully into his side. you felt his hand stroking your arms softly as you finally picked "Bridgerton" and finally let yourself relax in Pedro's hold, feeling the small pecks on your head throughout the show.
"what do you think the baby is?" you asked as the comforting silence between the two of you filled the bedroom, the only thing that could be heard was the tv which you both weren't paying attention too. you had decided to keep the gender a secret until he/she was born and now you were growing closer and closer to them being here the nerves were growing and so was your curiosity.
Pedro looked down at you and smiled softly, he had thought about the baby every day and what it was going to look like, what the gender was, what it's first word would be, all the normal things a parent thought about. "i don't know but i hope it's a girl and i hope she looks exactly like you because you're beautiful" you smiled brightly and felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment.
"what if it's a boy?" you questioned, feeling Pedro's hand on your bump and the strong kicks coming from your baby who was still wide awake at this late hour for some reason. "then it's a boy, i'm still gonna love them whatever they are. but i do really hope that it's a girl. she'd be so cute. also all the names we have picked out are for girls so" you laughed, it was true, every single name you had were all girl names.
comfortable silence filled the room again and Pedro let his eyes fall onto the bed covers where your bump was. he just couldn't believe his baby was in there, growing beautifully. it was just the most perfect thing. "you are the most beautiful person i've ever seen." you looked up at him and saw him staring right at you, his eyes filled with adoration. your heart swelled as you listened to him.
"stop it" you said, turning your head so you could hide your blush which covered your cheeks. "i'm not kidding, you are so perfect. i love you" he said moving his head so he could place a few kisses on your cheek making you giggle as his beard tickled you. "can you come out with me tomorrow? want you to be at work with me. don't want you to be stuck in here all day by yourself" he let his head rest in your neck with his body just off to the side with his hand resting on your bump, again.
"i'll see how i am, they might keep me up all night and you know how i am when i'm tired" you kissed his head and felt kisses being placed on your neck. before you got pregnant you and tired just didn't mix well and it got even worse ever since you did get pregnant. you didn't mean to be mean but if you were tired you'd become snappy and annoyed very easily.
"god don't remind me" Pedro joked remembering how you snapped at him yesterday because he was just there, he didn't do anything wrong you were just tired and annoyed because the baby didn't let you sleep. "even though you snap at me i still love you so much. my favourite girl" he said, pulling his head out of your neck so he could kiss you. "yeah okay, i love you too" you said smiling at him.
Pedro got up before you every single morning just so he knew you'd have your vitamins ready for when you did wake up. it was rare for him to be there when you woke up unless it was a quiet day and he didn't have to work until the afternoon which was when you'd usually go to work with him. it put his mind at ease when he knew you had all your parental vitamins next to you so you wouldn't forget to take them.
he would leave little love notes next to them just letting you know he loved you and that he was proud of you, even if you didn't do anything but sit around all day he was still proud, you were carrying a whole child inside of you and you were coping so well. if it took the stress of you remembering every morning and it made your life a little bit easier he would do it.
as well as love notes he'd send you messages throughout the day just checking in to see if you were alright and if you needed anything. he always made sure he wasn't too far away from the apartment just incase something did happen. today in particular you were in a lot of pain, your back was killing you and so was your legs, just walking around was hurting you.
you had decided to start packing the baby bag just in case something happened you'd be prepared. the baby was kicking constantly and you'd gotten hardly any sleep that night because of the kicking and you just wanted them to be here so you could have a somewhat decent sleep. Pedro always woke up if you shook him, he was the one who could sort of calm the baby down with his talking but sometimes nothing worked.
he would always help you get comfortable before he would rest his head just above your bump so he could whisper to the baby. "need to stop giving your mama a hard time, she needs sleep baby" he would leave little kisses on your bump which made his heart swell with love just because he knew his baby was in there 'responding' to him. "we love you angel but give your mama a break"
it wasn't very often he had to do that but the nights you'd be overly tired from the baby kicking you he would do anything to make you as comfortable as possible. carrying the baby was hard, it felt like you were lugging around a watermelon and it was sometimes so painful you couldn’t even get up to brush your hair. Pedro saw how difficult it was for you when he was home and when he wasn’t there he’d always send you texts saying ‘he was so proud of you’ and that ‘you were doing so well’, the messages, somehow, always made you feel better.
it was late and Pedro was on his way home from filming. you were making dinner for the two of you and you were waiting for him to finally come home after a long day doing interviews. you had been craving your favourite pastry from the bakery which wasn’t too far away from your apartment all day. you had tried to get yourself ready but your feet were killing you and so was your back so getting there didn’t happen.
"y/n? i'm home love" you heard Pedro shout and then the door closing behind him. you turned to face the kitchen door and your heart melted once you saw the small bag with the bakery's logo on it. "i got this for you on the way home. i got there just in time, they were about to close" he said as he walked to you.
once he got to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a small kiss on his chest "how did you know i was craving something from there" you smiled, feeling his arms around you tighten slightly. "i guess i'm a psychic. i had a feeling" he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back before you pulled away, almost forgetting that you were cooking.
"how was today?" you said, your back facing Pedro as you focused on the food. "it was alright, wanted to be here with you though" he replied wrapping his arms around you from behind, making you smile and lean your head back against his shoulder.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
“y/n? i’m home love” you heard Pedro shout and then the door closing behind him. you turned to face the kitchen door and your heart melted once you saw the small bag with the bakery’s logo on it. “i got this for you on the way home. i got there just in time, they were about to close” he said as he walked to you.
once he got to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a small kiss on his chest “how did you know i was craving something from there” you smiled, feeling his arms around you tighten slightly. “i guess i’m a psychic. i had a feeling” he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back before you pulled away, almost forgetting that you were cooking.
“how was today?” you said, your back facing Pedro as you focused on the food. “it was alright, wanted to be here with you though” he replied wrapping his arms around you from behind, making you smile and lean your head back against his shoulder.
“you look so beautiful, so so pretty” he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. “you’re so strong, carrying our baby. you’re doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i’m so lucky to have you” anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn’t wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
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lesbianslvt666 · 1 year
My angel wanted it so here it is :))
Couture!Lingerie!Designer!Ellie x Rich!spoiled!Reader
(Also idk why but i picture Ellie fully tatted on this one like Julien Baker tatted iykwim)
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The night was setting fast, cold breeze entertaining through the front door as it opened, big man dressed in a black tuxedo entered the store and a bright voice chime in behind him.
“We are closed now!” Ellie was tired, her assistant had gone sick so she had been working by herself for a week.
“Miss Williams, good evening… we have an appointment settle for today” Ellies slumped form approached the talking man.
He gave Ellie your last name, her confused face looked around the store, she was sure she heard another voice but she couldn’t see you.
Her face went down to the desk in front of her, big notebook where they annotate all the appointments, her assistant had suggested going digital, she even proposed uploading everything from the notebook to the computer, but Ellie was a simple woman and she loved physical stuff.
Her hand wondered to the date of today, looking for time frames and your last name. Bingo…
“Why is it taking so long!” Your voice revealed from behind the broad man, pretty legs adorned with the tiniest of skirts, brown colored with a pretty white button up.
Your hurried steps came closer to her, pretty stilettos clacking with every step.
Bending over the desk you came closer to her notebook, long manicured fingers pointing to your name on the page.
“Here i am, now can you look at my tits? I have a special request…” your voice came lower than expected, Ellie was prettier in person.
“Um… yeah, uhh… over here” her hand pointing towards the dresser room
Your guard went outside the store, giving extra privacy for he knew your plan.
A week ago you were scrolling down tiktok, finding on your fyp an add for Ellies store, and as soon as you saw her you needed her…
“Look Roger, this is the plan” you told him, sitting him down on the couch, you took the remote and pointed to your big screen. “Do you see this girl?” The image of a short haired, green eyed woman appeared on the screen, Roger moved his head up and down as to say yes. “Good, i want her, so…” you gave Roger your unlocked phone, already with the number ready to dial. “Call to her store and make an appointment for the weekend, we are going to New York, so get your things ready” your bright smile and tiny jumps made Roger giggle with you.
Walking in the dressing room Ellie tried not to look much at you, your pretty face was already printed in her mind and your scent clouded the entire room.
“So, here is how this works...” she grabbed a measuring tape and put it around her neck, a small note pad on her hand and a gel ink pen hanging on her working apron.
It was no secret that Ellie liked girls, however, her work ethic was stronger than any desires… until now.
For when she looked back at you there was no clothes but your pretty skirt and those sexy stilettos.
She gulped.
“Um… as i was saying… i am gonna take your measurements and then we can um… we can talk about… uhh… the rest?” Her mind was wondering, your breast on full display for her and she was already melting…
She was trying hard to pay attention to her words, this should be normal to her i mean, she’s been doing this for years now is not something she hadn’t seen before… right?
“Measure me then!” You were so overly excited, thinking of her touching you pooling in a creamy spot on your undies.
She came closer to you, reason and lust fighting inside if her.
Her hand reached for the tip of her measuring tape, pulling it down her neck, long slender fingers stretching the tape, pressing them across your back, measuring your shoulder blades, a gasp left your plump lips when her tatted fingers caressed over your pretty skin.
She was trying hard not to touch as much as she wanted, but the little whimpers you gave with each burning contact her veiny hand gave you got you delirious.
You turned around facing her now.
Her pussy was pulsating and so was yours.
Rapidly beating hearts mirroring each other with fervor.
You took her hands on yours, measuring tape between her fingers and you placed it on top of your tits, the tape vaguely covering your nipples.
Ellie was fighting creamy cunt versus screaming mind.
The ache between her legs was louder than her reason.
Her eyes went from your eyes to your nose, lips and neck, traveling all the way down to your breasts.
One of your hands traveled to her hair, placing a strand behind her ear.
She glassed a finger over your nipple, lips parting open when she felt your pretty pink glittery nails scratching her scalp when you grabbed a handful of her auburn hair.
Her green eyes darkened, blown pupil and flush skin.
The warn light of the room imitating the feeling on your cheeks.
You were indecisive, crashing her lips with yours first or give her the satisfaction of tasting your pretty tits on her mouth?
Her eyes trained to them, almost begging you, her hands now traveling down your torso, open palms touching every part of your skin, cold silver rings chilling the fire trail she was leaving behind.
When her hands reached your hips your mind went dark, thoughts of all the thing you could do with, for and to her clouded your vision.
Your hand on her head pushed her face forward, as soon as her hot mouth latched on your tit her hands squeeze your hips with need.
Licking both your boobs and sucking on them like a desperate, hopeless slut.
“You little cunt like that?” Your whinny voice penetrated her ears and her eyes rolled back.
One of her hands grabbing yours, guiding you to her aching cunt, a wet patch on her trousers and you had to close your thighs together.
Your hand went up to the collar of her blouse, cleaning her juices on your tongue first and then going back to the collar, pretty finger curling on it and taking her with you, guiding her like a lost puppy to the couch.
You sat her down straddling her, her hips buckled up as soon as you let your weight down on her and it made you moan.
Her hands traveled to you ass squeezing, her lips parted in satisfaction as soon as you squirmed from the contact. You took your opportunity, lowering yourself to kiss her, her lips crashing with you.
Fierce kiss heating both your cores, sloppy tongues and wet saliva falling from each corner of your mouths.
Both bodies trying too hard to be at contact with one another and Ellie almost went crazy, she latched on your collarbone, butterfly kisses flying around your neck, your hands rushing to the buttons of her shirt, trying to take it off.
Your desperate attempt made her chuckle on your neck, your hips bucking at her reaction.
Detaching from your skin was hard, but she had to give you all you wanted, so she took off her shirt, sports bra falling with the blouse to the ground.
Your pretty nails came in contact with her nipples, teasing and tickling her which made her squirm, her cunt was soaking for you, pulsating with the thought of having you screaming her name while you scratched her skin with your glittery nails…
Fuck writers block, i always hit as soon as the smut starts lmao 😭😭 sorry yall :((
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thefallennightmare · 4 months
Aw you're the best, but you don't need to write it I don't wanna add weight to your shoulders!! But I was just thinking about reader and their baby traveling with the band on tour, idk if as a baby or toddler or any other age, that's up to you😘❤️ and thank you!!
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka
OK I'm going to use the Miracle Universe for this headcannon request because I love Kenji so it works.
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"Kenji, please be careful!" You called after your two-year-old as he ran down the length of the tour bus.
His giggles mixed with Folio's as he chased the older man.
Noah laid a hand on your shoulder, keeping you from running after him. "It's fine, angel. Kenji can't hurt himself when there are six of us on here watching him."
You hadn't joined Bad Omens on the road since Kenji was six months old because life had been extremely busy for everyone.
Noah took time off, almost a year, because of you having Kenji and the guys thought it was a great idea for them to rest up as well.
Now that Kenji was old enough and everyone was ready to get back on the road, you decided to join them.
Although, you couldn't stop worrying about if Kenji was alright.
"I know," you sighed while sitting next to Noah on the couch. "I can't help but worry. Given everything."
You both knew how hard it was to conceive and how rough the pregnancy was, so you couldn't help but feel protective.
"Look how much fun he's having," Noah said while motioning to Folio who was flying Kenji in the air. "And look at this video from soundcheck yesterday."
When Noah clicked on his phone, you smiled at Noah's lock screen. It was a picture of Kenji as a baby dressed up as Noah in his stage gear.
But when you saw Noah's wallpaper on his phone after he unlocked it, your heart stopped.
It was still one of your pictures from your Only Fans days.
"Noah!" You seethed. "I thought you changed that!"
He shrugged with a sly wink. "I did. But I liked it so much, I changed it back."
It was the one of your face covered wearing a Bad Omens shirt that barely covered your nipples and your pussy was on display.
"If anyone sees that," you warned.
He kissed your forehead. "They won't. Now, onto the video."
Now Noah showed you two different videos.
One of Kenji sitting on Folio's lap as they played the drums together.
The other was of Matt holding Kenji in the sound deck, showing him all the different ways to work the production.
"See?" Noah reassured you after locking his phone. "Kenji is having the time of his life. He was made for being on the road."
You bit your lip, eventually agreeing, and snuggled in closer to Noah as you watched Nicholas and Jolly take turns reading a book to Kenji, both of them giving different voices to the characters.
Kenji could not stop giggling.
"You still need to change that picture," you playfully smacked his chest.
Noah laughed while kissing your forehead. "We'll see, angel."
You linked hands with his, tracing over the angel wings tattoo on his thumb; the memory of him getting it all those years ago in that hotel room made you smile.
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chaussetteblanche · 1 year
the truth
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pairing : sierra six x f!reader
summary : sierra is hired to protect you after your publish a controversial book going against multiple governments and something goes wrong during the night
words count : about 1.7k
warnings : canon-typical violence, swearing
notes : might make this into a series, idk
The sound of gunshots downstairs pulled you from your peaceful trance. You hurriedly put your book down and, as quietly as possible, slipped out of the warm and soapy water of your bath. Watery footprints followed you as you went to pull your robe on and grab the gun hidden in the bathroom. In all your years in the field, you’d come to know your way around the weapon and even though you hated using it, you weren’t opposed to it if it meant saving your life. Just as you were around to run into the safe room, as you had been instructed by Six, someone barged into your bedroom. You fell to your knees behind the bathtub, feeling the bruises and your heart hammering inside your chest
You thought back to how you had gotten yourself in this situation. It had all started months ago, when you’d published your first book. 
Being a journalist with purely political interests and works, you were quite well known around the journalism and political world. Your honesty and carelessness of consequences made you popular amongst the public and you were often invited to talk-shows. You had often been warned about what your wrote. Your boss was always worried about your safety and had insisted that you follow self-defense courses. But no one was safe when rightfully accusing nations of corruption and illegal projects.  You were never really safe, and you knew it.
After spending seven years on an ongoing project, you finally published your first book : The Truth. You denounced the corruption of the European Parlement, the illegal projects of the government of the United States and the unpunished crimes of multiple other nations. All accompanied by pictural and written proof, signed and delivered by yours truly.
The reception of your book had been a catastrophe, as you had expected. No one, save for your publisher, knew about your project. It had been a shock to the whole world. Suddenly, your assistant was getting calls from all kinds of governments and organizations requesting meetings and such. You never answered. 
You didn’t realize how serious it all was until your publisher, a close friend of yours, was brutally murdered in his apartment one night. It had been a shock to you and no matter how much you wished you could have prevented it, you couldn’t. The Truth was out and nothing could stop it as it sold millions of copies worldwide. 
The day after you publisher had been killed, you were in the kitchen making an omelet when someone violently knocked at your door. You whirled around, spatula at the ready when your door was broken down and a dozen of men dressed in black suits swarmed your apartment. Without thinking, you threw a raw egg at the man the closest to you and reached for your pan, brandishing in front of you as one would a sword. 
« Who are you ?! What is this ?! » you cried, ignoring the man wiping off egg next to you. A blond man with dazzling blue eyes stepped through the cloud. You noted the way his lips twitched upwards when he saw the egg on his colleague. With a single finger, he gently pushed down your frying pan until it hung by your side.
« We’re CIA. » His badge flashed in your face. « We’re here to keep you safe. We’re bringing you to a safe house. Pack a bag. We leave as soon as we can. »
You had done as you had been told and packed a bag. In the big black SUV, you turned to the man who had addressed you previously. 
« Where are we going ? »
When the man didn’t answer, the man sitting on your left took pity of you. 
« We’re heading to a safe house. Your apartment isn’t safe for you anymore. »
« Oh. » You thought for a moment. « And why are you protecting me ? What’s in it for you ? I didn’t hold back on the USA chapter. » The blond man’s lips twitched again. 
« I can’t tell you that. Someone will meet you and explain everything. »
True to his words, once you’d arrived at the safe-house, a huge villa right in the middle of Nowheresville, you were greeted by a woman in a burgundy suit. 
« Hi, I’m Suzanne. » You shook her hand even though you already knew who she was. Just like you had a guess about who the blond man worked for. You knew the process, but we’re shocked to find yourself at its centre.
« Y/N, » you introduced yourself. After preparing both of you a coffee, Suzanne sat down on the opposite end of the table and joined her hands. 
« I’ll answer your questions now, »
« Why are you protecting me ? What do you want from me ? » you asked immediately. The blond man, who hadn’t left your side and was now standing near the door, made a small sound, but played it off as a cough. By the time your eyes landed in him, he was staring out into the hallway.
« Your knowledge is useful to us. We know you didn’t put everything you know into that book. And we’d like to put your and your abilities to good use. » Suzanne spoke in a way that made you believe she’d practiced exactly what she was going to say, or that she’d said it multiple times before.
« Putting my abilities to use, what does that mean ? »
« It means we’re offering you a contract, Y/N. We’ll keep you alive and you will give us information on what we ask. When the whole scandal will have blown over, we’d like you to work for us, gathering intel and such. »
You scoffed. « And here I was thinking you were offering protection by some kind of moral compass, but I guess your priorities lie elsewhere. » Silence. « And so I guess that you don’t care about all the illegal stuff, right ? Because I think we both known I didn’t stay within the law to learn what I learned. » Suzanne shook her head. After a moment of silence, during which Suzanne seemed to really enjoy her coffee, you finally nodded. « Fine. I’ll take the deal. » You were no good to anyone dead. Knowing you wouldn’t survive when there was a price on your head, you decided this was the best option.
Since then, it had only been you and Six in that big house. You thought maybe you’d become friends, but he proved to be quite difficult regarding that aspect. He wasn’t particularly talkative and even though his eyes betrayed his feelings most of the time, you still had trouble reading him. 
You tried your best to keep your breathing silent as the man slowly trudged around the admittedly large bathroom. You gave yourself away when you gasped after he shot at the bathtub. White porcelain flew, a piece slicing your cheek. Hands barely shaking, your raised your weapon to retaliate but the man was too quick for you. 
His arms were around your neck in a second and you desperately tried to elbow him in the stomach as you struggled for breath. He chuckled and pulled your gun out of your grip. Thinking quickly, you rammed your hand into his crotch. He doubled over, groaning in pain and effectively setting you free. You scrambled to get your gun but he kicked your ankles and you fell to the floor with a thud. Your head hit the marble with a dull sound and your vision blurred for a moment. You coughed and winced as he stood over you.
« Bitch, » he snarled as he slapped you across the face. Your head flew to the side and you saw stars, feeling your lip burst. 
« Though you could get away, huh? A bit too optimistic if you ask me, doll, » he taunted, leaning over you. Panicked, you looked around you and took ahold of your gun. Before he could register what was happening, you’d uncocked the safety and aimed at his shoulder. You didn’t want to kill him, you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you did. You took the shot and he screamed, falling to the ground. Red painted your silk robe as you scrambled to your feet. You raced down the stairs with shaky legs, running straight into Six. He wrapped an arm around you and let out a small breath. Little did you know he’d been through all the men in the house, hoping, praying you were in the safe room.
His face was bloodied and you were pretty sure his T-shirt was wet with blood in the middle. He pulled back, keeping his large gun in one hand, and examined your face. 
« Are you okay ? » he asked, pushing his fingers under your jaw to tilt your head to the side. His eyes scanned the rest of your body and his brows furrowed when he saw the blood on your robe. 
« It- It’s not mine, » you stammered, holding on to his bulletproof vest. He hummed, a low noise in his throat. Suddenly, he stepped in front of you and pointed his gun at the man leaning on the handrail at the top of the stairs, clutching his bloody shoulder with one hand and his gun with the other. Unconsciously, your grip on your own weapons tightened.
« Did he do this to you ? » Six asked over his shoulder passively. His eyes never left the man. You nodded once. 
« Look away. » 
You did as he told you, turning to look the other way, one hand still holding on to the back of his vest. You gritted your teeth as several gunshots rang out. You heard the sound of a body rolling down the stairs and shuddered. 
Six turned back around, his larger body shielding your from the traumatic view. 
« Let’s go. »
He guided you out of the house, shielding you as much as he could of the horrid sights. When you finally reached the car, he hurriedly ushered you inside before getting into the drivers’ seat.
Once you had arrived at another safe house, Six pulled you to the bathroom. You pulled yourself up on the counter with wobbly arms and Six steadied you by the hips. You licked your lips, wincing as you tasted copper, and leaned back against the mirror behind you. Six pulled out a first—aid kit and started rummaging through it. 
He started cleaning up the cut on your lip and you did your best not to grimace in pain. Even though he was being particularly gentle, everything hurt.
« Did you do that to him ? » he asked as he applied a numbing cream to your bottom lip. You waited for him to pull away. You hated the way you reveled in the way he stared at your lips for a few more seconds.
« Yeah, » you croaked. « I shot him in the shoulder. » Six cracked a semblance of a smile and you chuckled.
« Good girl, » his deep voice praised. Your knees felt weak and you were thankful to be sitting down. You giggled.
« Did you hit your head ? » Six asked, seeing your unusual behavior. He examined the crown of your head with his fingers, lightly pressing. You hissed in pain when he touched a particularly sensitive spot.
« Yeah. »
« Follow my finger. » You did as he ordered and followed his finger from left to right, right to left, up to down and down to up.
« You’re gonna be okay. »
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬/𝐫𝐮́𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬. 𝐒𝐨, 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝟕 𝐨𝐫 𝟖 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲'𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬. 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬. )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡, 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐱𝐨𝐱𝐨
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" Are you sure you’ll be ok? "
Sergio, who held their seven month baby girl in his arms huffs out a breath before rolling his eyes at his wife’s unnecessary concern, she was asked called in for a work trip which would see her leave to Italy for about a week and a half, " Amor, we’ll be fine ok! she’s going to have fun with me, not to mention the entire training center adores sweet Bea "
Beatrice babbles happily while she cuddled into Sergio’s embrace eliciting a smile from him and his wife who says, " You know I’ll always be concerned " she sighs, " Make sure she’s probably fed, I left bottles in the fridge for you to warm up and … no staying up late ok "
" I got this don’t worry " Sergio assured her before he and Beatrice saw her off to the airport then returned home.
The following weeks were spent with Sergio taking Beatrice with him to the training center, the players as well as the staff doted on Beatrice who was quiet and reserved as opposed to babies in that age, he’d then take her to the park, along with a few trips back to Sevilla to spend time with his parents. All the while he’s ensuring she had the best time, he also made sure to keep his wife updated.
He sent numerous pictures throughout the week, and was delightfully surprised by her posting one of them on her social media account.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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yourusername: my whole world 🥺
[ tagged: sergioramos ]
liked by: 924,822 people.
view comments below:
user1: cuuuute 😭
user2: 😍😍😍
user3: if this isn’t the cutest thing ever, then idk what is 🥹
real madrid: 😍
lukamodric10: 😍🙌
sergioramos: 😘😘
yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
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Rúben picks up his eight month old daughter Violetta in his arms and smiles at her, " It’s just you and me princess, your Mãe just travelled " he states, gently taking her to the bedroom, where he placed her inside of the crib, " You know I miss her already and it hasn’t been twenty four hours since she left "
He’d been married to Y/N for three and a half years and was blessed with Violetta eight months ago, those three and a half years were full of bliss and elation, akin to three months that passed by ever so quickly.
Violetta babbles, while Rúben continues talking, " I love your Mãe so much, always had adored how hard working she is but I hate these work trips no matter how long or short they are, not having her around makes the house feels lonely, don’t get me wrong, we are both blessed by you, but she’s the light that keeps the house afloat "
The next two weeks, Rúben was able to juggle through and divide his time between taking Violetta with him to training, as well as taking her out to the park as well as play dates with the other babies, he was grateful for the presence of his teammates who aided him to ensure the weeks were much more facile, while doing so he made sure to update his wife with photos, and funnily enough three days before she left he finds one of the photos on her social media profile.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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yourusername: excuse me while I cry over here, my babies 🥹😍😭
[ tagged: rubendias ]
liked by: 923,822 people.
view comments below:
user1: 😭😭😭😭
user2: ruben dias is the cutest daddy 🥺
user3: some of us are single over here 😢💔
mancity: 🥰🥰
johnstonesofficial: I’m a very good photographer 😎
yourusername: thank youuuu 🥺
rubendias: come home soon mama 😚
yourusername: soon baby!!!
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
can u explain what happened with tamara bell and louis during glastonbury 2015?
well, there’s probably far better posts about this, but I’ll give it a quick go. welcome to the show, baby cakes
tamara is proven to be a good friend of Harry’s. photo below of them YEAAAARSSSS ago
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and this is a photo of her, lux, and lou Teasdale, also mates
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so the thing is, is that, from these photos… you could go “oh harry set louis up with a hot pal hes known for years” and like… that’s exactly what the media ran with. They constantly linked harry and Tamara as friends, (funny how he fucks everything that moves but not her, right?) and harry being the matchmaker of her and louis. Anyway, she’s been around for a while, and she’s cool and hot and brunette… wait… why is it important that she’s brunette? why did it have to happen in June 2015?
Oh! That’s right! Because bbg rumours started to get even worse. There was already SO much seeding and shit in the media about louis and B, and what kind of relationship they had. It’s like that time the “mystery blonde” article started circulating, and louis went clubbing and got into a van full of brunettes so none of them could be mistaken for B, lol. She probably should’ve realised and dyed her hair (which she eventually did LOL). But I digress
The whole bbg thing was supposed to look a lot more… wholesome, than what louis made it. I believe it was meant to be more of a “Louis’ found the love of his life and they’re expecting yay!” Kind of thing because he was always pinned as the long term relationship guy, aka, the exact opposite of Harry styles™️. However, idk how tf they were gonna push that bc his breakup with E was announced officially on March 23rd, and B only really came into the picture between May 5th and 15th. So…….. Less than two months with B, if there was no crossover (which they wouldn’t want anyway) and it was immediately straight after E, they still wanted to push the wholesome baby settle down mature dad version of louis. And you know what he did? He said fuck you Uncle Simon.
So, to entirely get rid of ANY speculation he was with B romantically/engaged which was the narrative, he walked around with brunettes to really push home the point there was nothing there with B, even if bbg went through. So, he threw himself under the tour bus. He essentially said “hey this’ll make me look like more of a prick but also stops me from being around that woman even if the kid thing happens, and therefore it distances me from it and I won’t be in a long term thing again”… more or less. This is why we also got a short Danielle fling in December of that year, just to push home the point that he wasn’t with B or any kind of “mystery blonde” that they could mistake her for. Which is, for lack of a better term, HILARIOUS
And also this was hugely important because for a very long time, we didn’t actually know what B looked like. She changed every time we saw a pic of her from the media. So it was really confusing which blonde they were talking about, so he made it clear to make a point of being with brunettes only. And Tamara, well, she’s just a cool fucking human. Old friend of Harry’s, chill, a model with a small following, just overall a kind of cool person. So he chose to walk with her and lazily hold her hand to cut any ties with B that the media continued to create. So, he’s known her for ages, and so has harry, and it was nothing, but it made a huge crack in the bbg narrative.
Anyway, yeah, it’s very unserious. All of it. The timelines of bbg in general and all of the stunts/rumours it truly was ridiculous. But somehow he managed to never end up “dating” that woman and Tamara is a big part of that, because also, he chose to fuck them over with that move. It’s truly iconic sassy Louis behaviour.
I probably missed some stuff here but thanks for chatting!
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