#i see ur prompts and i am loving them i will be writing them tomorrow
moonlit-imagines · 5 months
Headcanons for being Thor’s child and longing for a Midgardian
Thor Odinson x child!reader
prompt: anon 🧀: “hi!!! Can I reqs a thor odinson x daughter reader where reader is secretly crushing on a Midgardian girl. and you know how loki can basically read minds he figures it out eventually and everyday her and uncle loki sneak to Midgard to see this girl behind thors back, but funny thing is she's never had a crush before and this one being on a Midgardian girl she's like super confused. and one day thor catches them and she has to explain how she feels abt this girl to him and he's like "....welp i love a Midgardian woman too!" And she's like super relieved and thor goes and meets her(crush) and he's super sweet to her Then thor and uncle loki help her confess to this girl and one day y/n goes to her and just tells her how she feels and by this point they are like best friends so she's super nervous but the girl likes her too and she goes back home and screams to uncle loki abt how amazing she is and what had happened while loki is just laughing at her inexperience with partners.”
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you were quite the rebel, you thought
asgardian royalty with a terrible secret: you’d fallen for a midgardian
and just how were you supposed to make that work, it was laughable
heimdall always made sure to cover for you when you made your “trips”
“be sure to be back by supper, y/n. you know how your father gets” -heimdall
“yes, yes, ‘we must feast, my child!’” -you mocked
“you’d be surprised at how much you and him have in common, young one” -heimdall
“he is my father, after all. i’d hope to be like him, although i fear i’m already quite more brave and strong than he could ever hope to be” -you snarked
“be gone, thorson/dottir, before you make me chuckle” -heimdall
lol ur lil human partner made u chuckle for sure theyre so fragile
oh, and they didn’t exactly know what you were…as in a nordic “god” from the realm of asgard visiting midgard against your better judgement
“your accent is so cute, what is it exactly?” -s/o
“uh, brit—austr—slav—it’s um, well i just grew up around, you know, that area with a bunch of different accents. bit of mutt.” -you
“oh, so like, you’re from new england?” -s/o
“there’s a new england? what was wrong with the old one?” -you
yeah you were not so good at hiding that you clearly weren’t from around there
but you were learning. slowly
meanwhile on asgard
“y/n, you have a strange look upon your face” -loki “might i acquaint it to…love?”
your eyes went wide and loki gave a mischievous smile that would normal shake you a bit, but this love kept you fearless
“oh, dont you give me that look, uncle. are you mad?” -you “ah, what am i saying? ‘course you are”
“oh do i have a look? no, this is just my normal face” -loki, sarcastically
“see, that i’d believe. except you’re truly a menace when someone is happy” -loki
“not to you, oh never!” -loki “so tell me more?”
you rolled your eyes and left it to the imagination, as you weren’t quite ready to let any details go yet
and even thor was starting to get suspicious
“my child, you speak of this love yet i have not seen them! and why do i hear this from loki, am i not your father?” -thor
“yes, you are, but it’s not a big deal. let’s not get lost in the details. just young fascination, might be gone by tomorrow” -you, desperately trying to throw off the trail
he gasps
“you are lying to your own father!” -thor
“am not” -you
“our lineage does not simply become fascinated one day and bored the next, who is this person you do not wish for me to know of?” -thor
you both stare at each other
your lips curl up a bit
his do, as well
“are they of another realm?” -thor
“how did you know?!” -you
“because mine is too!” -thor
“you lie to me?!” -you
“i just forgot to mention it” -thor
“convenient!” -you
“midgardian?” -thor
“…you’re good” -you
“like father, like child” -thor
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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lady-maracas · 2 years
i love ur writing sm 😭 can u pls do number 14 angst prompt with deaky ?? it’d mean sm haha, thanks !!
I cant lose you again.
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Pairing: John Deacon x Reader
Word count:1,8k
Warnings: None!!
I loved living in the countryside. I always thought the calmness and the beautiful landscape were way better than the loudness of London. Again, my friends seemed to think otherwise. Most of my childhood friends moved to the big city, while I stayed here. The others? Well I guess their only reason to stay here was because they didn’t have enough money to move out on their own.
Well I am sure not ashamed of living the countryside! In fact, I’m actually quite glad I get to stay here with my parents. I have a great job at a bakery, where I get to meet lots of wonderful people.
The sound of the house phone pulled me out of my thoughts. I heard my moms rushed steps as she answered the phone.
“Hello?” I heard her say.
“Yes, she’s upstairs, let me call her just a sec- Y/N!!?” She yelled.
I ran down the stairs. I already knew who was calling, it was my best friend. I had met her at the bakery. She was already working there when I got the job. She was the one who showed me everything I had to know. She is like a big ball of energy, I love her.
I snatch the phone from my mothers hand and try to take a breath before I let out: “Hey! What’s up?”.
“Honey you need to come to the pub with me tonight!” She almost screamed.
“Well actually I was planning on-”
“No, no. You don’t understand, I didn’t say ‘Do you want to come to the pub with me tonight?’, I said ‘You NEED to come to the pub with me tonight!’ It was not a question!” She was clearly excited, I didn’t know why, but before I even had the time to ask her what’s got her in such a rush, she added: “I heard there was a small band playing tonight, and I’m not one to usually spoil the surprise, but you might actually know one of them…”
“Know one of them? What do you mean?” I held the phone between my ear and my shoulder, trying to ignore my mothers complaints about the phone bill for this month.
“Do you remember your bestie, your best pal, Johnny boy-” she cooed.
“Anyways I don’t have very much time to talk. I’ll come pick you up around 7pm. Be ready!” She hung up before I had the time to process what she just said.
A couple years earlier…
“Why are you even leaving? Why are you leaving me behind? Am I not good enough for you” I complained to my best friend. We grew up together. We were attached at the hip. When you saw me, John would never we far behind.
Unfortunately, he decided to study far away from here. In fact, he was leaving for the big city, London. It broke my heart when he told me the news. But seeing him so happy made me realize I couldn’t hold him back. I wanted to follow him, to move in with him in the city, but I couldn’t leave my life here behind. My parents needed me, I loved my job and I always pictured myself living here forever.
I kept complaining while he was packing his stuff. He would be leaving tomorrow.
“What are you even talking about? You are perfect Y/N! You have been the greatest of friends to me during all these years and I wouldn’t change it for the world! But this is my chance, Y/N, it’s my chance to finally be happy and do what I love! Can you please try to understand that?” He kept packing, and the more he packed, the more he sounded annoyed.
“I understand that…” I looked down at my feet. I truly wanted him to be happy, even tho it meant I would lose him.
“I promise I’ll call and write to you everyday!” He finally looked at me, taking a break from packing to take a small breath. “This doesn’t mean we won’t stay friends, you’re still my #1, always remember that”
Oh and how I wanted to cry, I wanted to hold him forever, I wanted to keep him from going away, I wanted to stay at his side. But that was not possible. No matter what I said, no matter what I did, I couldn’t change his mind.
“Quick, Y/N, we’re going to be late!” My best friend yelled at me through the rolled down window of her car.
“Late for what?” I ran to her car.
“For the drinks, of course!” And she drove away.
When we got there, the place was actually a bit more packed than it usually was. This town wasn’t big, which meant every face was familiar. And as of the band playing on stage, one of the faces was familiar too…
She was right.
He’s here.
And he saw me. Oh god he saw me! His expression changed immediately after we made eye contact. He tried his best to keep playing without being distracted by my presence, and I tried to act calm, as if I didn’t just see my ex best friend I haven’t seen in more than two years.
I drank my drinks, ignoring the piercing stare Deaky was giving me behind my back. And when they were done with their show, everyone applauded, while I was stuck in my own thoughts.
“Come on! You’ve got to go see him! It’s been so long”. My best friend grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my seat.
“Stop! I can’t do that!”
“Why not?” She turned around and gave me a weird look.
“Because I…I don’t-”
“Exactly, you have no good reason. Let’s go!” She pulled me in the “backstage” area.
As soon as I saw him I froze, and so did he. We both looked at each other with tears in our eyes. I thought it would be awkward, I thought I’d be mad at him because he stopped writing to me after a year. But I wasn’t. I couldn’t even find one ounce of anger towards him.
So I ran up to him, and I think he ran up to me too, and I gave him the biggest hug I’ve ever given in my entire life. I heard him whisper a small “Hey little one” and I pulled back. I took a good look at him.
His hair had gotten longer, it looked so soft. His grey eyes shined under the bright lights. His features had gotten a little sharper. But in the end he was still my Deaky.
“I can’t believe you’re here! I mean, I’m so happy to see you!” I find myself choking out those words.
“I’m so happy to see you too! The boys wanted to do some shows and I couldn’t stop myself from asking to do one here! I missed this place so much.” I looked over his shoulder at his band mates. They suspiciously looked at us with satisfied grins on their face. One of them, with dark shoulder length hair walked towards us.
“You must be Y/N! Deaky here talked about you a lot! I’m Freddie.” He extended his hand for me to shake, which I took gladly. “You’re welcomed to stay here with us and catch up with your dear boyfrie- Ow!” He didn’t have the chance to finish his sentence, because John elbowed him in the ribs.
“Okay Fred, I think you can go sit with the boys, I actually have to talk to Y/N if that’s alright.” He turned to me, asking if it was alright.
“Sure!” I said.
“I meant- outside.” He added shyly.
“Oh! Yes, alright let’s go.” I walked out the nearest door, which I assumed lead outside.
I sat down on some stairs, and the boy beside me did the same. We stayed in comfortable silence for some time before he let out: “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. It’s been what? Two years?” I said softly.
“Myes, two years.” He nodded.
“You stopped writing to me, calling too.” I added.
“I really tried, Y/N, but it was hard to find the time with the band-”
“So that’s what you do now?” I scoffed.
“Do what?”
“Play in a band?” When he left, it was to study electrical engineering. Knowing he didn’t even end up doing that made me feel like I had lost him for nothing.
“I’m happy.” he simply said.
“Good for you.”
“You know I loved you, right?” He said after some time.
“Yes, I loved you too…”
“No, you don’t get it. I LOVED loved you.” He looked away, as if he was ashamed of what he was about to say.
“Like I said, I LOVED loved you too. It broke my heart when you left, because I wasn’t just letting my best friend go, no, you were more to me.” I admitted.
“It doesn’t matter now though does it? It’s all in the past. Right?” I let out, trying to keep in my anger.
He didn’t say anything.
“Right?” I asked again.
“Y/N, I…I know it’s been some time, I know we’re older now, but to me you’re still the same little Y/N I’ve come to love. I tried to forget about my stupid crush on you and I honestly thought I did forget about it but as soon as I laid eyes on you tonight, it all came back rushing on me.”
I stared at him. Oh how I loved him. I loved him with all my heart. I never wanted to let him go. What I did next was insanely stupid. I don’t know what went through my head, but I couldn’t stop myself.
I kissed him.
It was quick, just a small peck. As soon as I pulled back, I blinked a couple of times, trying to process what just happened. He did the same but then he leaned back in, cradling my cheek softly and planting a much more soft kiss on my lips.
I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to stay like that forever, with him. Unfortunately, we had to pull back to take a breath. When I looked up at him, he was already staring at me, a small smile across his face.
“Come with me” he said.
“Come to London with me, move with me please Y/N-” he got up to his feet but I cut him off.
“Deaks, I can’t. You know I can’t leave my life here behind!”
“Please, I beg of you, I can’t lose you again!”
“I…alright” I give up, I don’t know what I’m fighting for anymore. I love him. I’ll be happy with him, whenever I’m with him, I know I’ll be happy, in the countryside or in the city. “I’ll come with you.”
“Really? That’s amazing!” He picks my up and lifts me off my feet. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more.” I smile.
“That’s not possible!”
“Then I love you just as much as you love me!” I laugh.
“That’s a whole lot then.”
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sydney-the-faithful · 8 months
Psst, hey boss, how would one go about triggering a Sydney_Scenario? I wanna see what that boy is thinking and doing. Rather than the mask cover up of text and being able to think things through before posting.
((HONESTLY… i’ve been wondering this myself </3 I’ve been wanting to implement his thoughts and actions into his text posts because ghhdhdhjd yk!!! ^_^ He has complex feelings rn and he’s not going to announce them publicly <3
I have a few Sydney_Scenario prompts in my inbox right now, they could serve as great examples but since they’re bigger and more text heavy I just haven’t gotten around to replying to them ghhdjjffnfk ough </3
Hopefully I can get around to writing them tonight/tomorrow but for right now, I’m going to let queue do its thing!! I am drained lol
As for how to trigger them, you could send something simple like the asks but put quotes / a dialogue tag so I know it’s someone speaking to his face instead of just sending an ask. ^.^ (Or if ur feeling so inclined I’ll gladly take a full paragraph of action / build up :) I especially love oc interactions.))
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calumcest · 4 years
"Did anyone else just see that?" with Malum from the holyverse? :)
Michael’s favourite thing about Calum, he thinks, is how easily impressed he is. 
The way he smiles up at Michael when they’re lying together in bed, Calum warm and heavy on Michael’s chest, tracing runes with his fingers, is a close second. The way he sounds when he’s on the brink of falling asleep and mumbling that he loves Michael, voice soft and low and a little faded around the edges, is up there too. But Michael’s a little egotistical, so first place is taken by the look of awe on Calum’s face whenever Michael pulls out another power that Calum didn’t know he had. 
And, frankly, it’s kind of hilarious how little Calum seems to know about Michael’s powers. 
(“Why the fuck would I know anything about you?” he grumbles, when Michael points it out one day. “Not a theologian, am I?” 
“No, but you were in Heaven,” Michael says. 
“For, like, a century,” Calum says, rolling his eyes. 
“You should learn about your boyfriend’s heritage,” Michael tells him, which Calum says he would do if Michael’s heritage weren’t so fucking boring, so Michael buys him a Bible for his birthday and gets a clip to the back of the head from a black wing for his trouble.) 
Calum never seems particularly impressed by Luke, although Luke’s power almost rivals Michael’s. He’s never impressed by Ashton, either, although Michael can’t exactly blame him for that - Ashton’s not particularly impressive. It’s only ever when Michael does something like inadvertently read a passing person’s mind and comment on it, or create a thunderstorm when he’s in a bad mood for the fucking hell of it, or skip forwards in time, that Calum seems to turn around, gape at whatever it is, and turn back to Michael with a what the fuck, you can do that? 
The best part of it is that Michael tends to forget his powers, a lot of the time. He’ll tell Calum sorry, hang on, just got to locate a human for Ashton, and Calum will stare at him, open-mouthed, and say you can fucking locate people? Or, on one memorable occasion, when Michael hadn’t been thinking straight and had accidentally caused Calum to explode into his molecular components, did you just fucking blow me up?
“I don’t get it,” Luke says, when Michael mentions it over dinner, reaching for Ashton’s burger. Ashton slaps his hand away, but then there’s a second burger on his plate, and he hands it to Luke. “No, I don’t want that one. I want yours.” 
“What don’t you get?” Michael says. 
“What d’you mean, you want mine?” Ashton demands. “I’ve just made one for you.”
“I don’t get why he thinks your powers are special,” Luke says. “I don’t want that one. I want yours.” He reaches over again, but Ashton’s too quick for him, grabbing the burger and holding it out of reach. 
“I could potentially say they’re better than yours,” Calum says, which is his new loophole to get around the fact he can’t criticise Luke without his throat erupting in burning pain. 
“You could,” Michael agrees. “I mean, I did beat you in a war, Luke. That’s pretty conclusive.” 
“Nah,” Luke says, eyeing Ashton’s burger as he takes a bite out of it. “We should have a rematch. Best of three.” 
“Fuck off,” Michael says, mainly because he’s not sure where he left his sword. 
“You could send Raphael to the front line,” Calum suggests casually, dipping his chip in far too much ketchup. 
“On second thoughts-” Michael begins, and Ashton sends him a reproachful look. Michael rolls his eyes. “C’mon, Ash, you don’t like him either.” 
“I trust His opinion,” Ashton says diplomatically, and then takes another bite out of his burger to avoid having to say anything else. 
“My point is,” Luke says, eyes still on Ashton’s burger, and Michael sees a few extra pieces of lettuce appearing underneath the bun, just how Ashton likes it. “I don’t get why Michael’s impressive to you, but I’m not.” 
“No offence, mate, but the most exciting thing I’ve seen you do with your powers is remove the foundation of a building,” Calum says. “Michael can fucking read minds.” Luke scowls, and looks down at his plate. 
“Reading minds isn’t all that,” he says, a touch petulantly. “I did it for a few millennia.” 
“Yeah, back when the most exciting mind to read was a fucking fish,” Calum says, which is a good point. 
“That’s a good point,” Michael says, through his mouthful of burger, and Ashton nods. 
“It’s not like humans have many more complex thoughts than fish,” Luke says, rolling his eyes, but Michael can tell from the way he’s folded his arms that he’s a little put out. “There’s plenty of other things I can do that are more exciting than hearing about how Margaret next door’s dog’s not been taken on a walk yet today.”
“Go on, then,” Calum says, leaning forwards. “What’s the most exciting thing you can do?” Luke shrugs. 
“Molecular combustion?” he offers.
“I blew Calum up, once,” Michael says, almost absent-mindedly. 
“Electromagnetic interference?” 
“C’mon, even I can do that,” Ashton says, and then groans when his burger disappears out of his hands. 
“Alright, fuck, power granting,” Luke says, throwing his hands in the air. 
“What the fuck?” Calum demands. “You can grant powers? Why the fuck haven’t you granted me any?” 
“Made you an incubus once, didn’t I?” Luke says. 
“Yeah, in order to fuck me,” Calum says. Michael frowns.
“You were going to fuck him?” he says, at the same time as Ashton makes a noise of unhappiness. 
“I wasn’t,” Luke says to Ashton, and the burger appears on Ashton’s plate again. “Just wanted to fuck with him.” 
“It’s okay,” Ashton says, a little tightly, and a drop of ketchup slides out of the burger he’s clenching in his hands. “You don’t owe me anything.” 
“Fuck’s sake, Ash,” Luke says, and even though he sounds exasperated there’s a pleading edge to his voice that Michael would never - could never - get him to use. “I fucking fell for you.” 
“I know, I just-” Michael zones out at that point, recognising the pained I’m about to tell you my feelings voice from Ashton. 
“Hey,” Calum says, clearly also absolutely uninterested in whatever Ashton’s saying that’s making Luke’s brow crease like that. “What’s your coolest power?” Michael shrugs. 
“Dunno,” he says. “Resurrection?” Calum wrinkles his nose. 
“Luke can do that,” he says. “He took me to see Elvis, once. In the late ‘80s.” Michael can’t help but snort at the mental image of Calum and Luke sat in the dark with Elvis’s decaying corpse crooning Blue Suede Shoes at them.
“He can’t do it like I can, though,” Michael says. “I can restore their bodies through the soul. I mean, I have automatic access to the soul. Luke has to be granted permission to get to their souls, so he can just do that weird zombie thing with their bodies.” 
“That’s why he does deals?” Calum says, sounding a little shocked. 
“Well, yeah,” Michael says. “He’s got to sweeten the pot somehow, doesn’t he?”
“Fucking hell,” Calum says, sitting back and staring at Michael. “Always wondered why he didn’t just take them.” Michael grins. 
“Part of God’s powers,” he says. 
“So what else can you do that Luke can’t?” Calum says, leaning forwards again. Michael scrunches his face up, considering. 
“Uh,” he says, and creates another version of himself, sandwiched between himself and Ashton. “That one’s pretty cool.” Calum gapes at him, eyes flitting from Other Michael to Michael and back again. Other Michael winks at him, and Michael rolls his eyes. He kind of is a little shit, hence why he doesn’t self-duplicate often.
“Fucking hell,” he says, and Michael grins, and Other Michael disappears. “Fuck. Luke, did you fucking see that? Did anyone see that?” 
“-and I’m- what?” Luke breaks off, sounding annoyed. “See what?”
“That,” Calum says, gesturing wildly at the now-empty space between Michael and Ashton. “There were two of him.” 
“Fucking hell,” Luke mutters. “Can’t think of anything worse.” 
“Fuck you,” Michael says. 
“Oh, fuck,” Calum says, gaze flitting back to Michael, eyes slightly glazed. “You’re doing that next time we fuck.” Ashton chokes on his milkshake, and Calum grins, eyes glinting. “In fact,” he continues, standing up and holding out a hand for Michael to take. “No time like the present, right?” Ashton makes a noise that might be outrage, might be horror, might just be plain distress, and Michael grins, stands up, and takes Calum’s hand. Who is he to say no to something that’ll simultaneously upset Ashton and get Michael laid? 
“I’ll be back in time for dinner, Ash,” he calls, as they head towards the door. Luke and Ashton stare at them, and Michael, just because there’s almost nothing more enjoyable than fucking with Ashton, self-duplicates again, making Other Michael sling an arm around Calum’s waist and pinch his arse on the way. He hears the noise of indignation from the table behind them, and laughs. 
“You know,” Luke calls, “I’m pretty sure pre-marital sex is a sin.” 
“Tell that to your own angel,” Calum shouts back, and Michael grins. He picked the right demon. 
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
hi baby congratulations on 300!!!🥳 i’m so glad to be here ! 💗🤍💗🤍✨⭐️
you know i’m obsessed w ur fics so, i am gently begging you to write something w prompts “can i paint your nails” “i’m going to steal this from you” and “people don’t compliment you enough” (sorry i forgot the numbers :( ) pleeeease? 🥺🥺
(sorry if it’s too much) thanks, i love u <3
It’s a Love Story
Summary: It’s senior skip day and you’re determined to pull your best friend of 10 years (and secret crush) out of his comfort zone.
Pairing: High School Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (but imagine Spencer is 18 so he is the normal high school senior age)
Content/Warnings: fluff, swearing, bullying
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: this fic is very self-indulgent because my senior skip day was yesterday! :)
“Hey, Spence! Wait up,” you jogged down the hall to catch up with him.
“Hey, Y/N. How’d your math test go?” Spencer asked.
“I’d rather not talk about it,” you groaned, “Thank you for trying to tutor me last night but I think I’m a lost cause at this point. It’s too late in the school year to care.”
“Did you know that ‘senioritis’ can actually be categorized as situational depression? In 2009, 22% of colleges decided to revoke some admissions offers after students began to slack off at the end of their senior year,” Spencer stated.
“Oh, trust me, genius, I may not be as smart as you but I’m not dumb enough to lose my scholarship to UCLA. I did the math out and even if I completely bombed this unit test, I can still maintain my A average,” you replied.
“I never said you weren’t smart, I was just warning you. I don’t want you to lose your spot at your dream school,” Spencer explained, “People don’t compliment you enough for all the hard work you put in to get accepted there.”
“Well, thanks for looking out for me, Spence,” you smiled, taking a seat in the back corner of the classroom.
Spencer sat right in front of you and turned around in his seat, “Do you have any homework?”
“Nope. My study hall is wide open just as expected. The teachers are losing just as much steam as the students,” you grinned, unzipping your backpack and pulling out nail polish.
“Can I paint your nails?” you asked.
“Y/N, don’t you think I get made fun of enough?” he whispered back.
“Girls love when guys paint their nails and if any guys try to give you shit, I’ll personally kick their ass. I took a self-defense course but I’ll use those moves I learned however I see fit,” you said.
“Fine,” Spencer relented, extending his hand out to you.
Spencer was honestly sold once you said that girls love it. That must include you, right?
“It’s purple too. Your favorite color,” you smiled, shaking the bottle up and then beginning to paint his nails.
Spencer thought it was cute that you picked up on his habit of sticking your tongue out of the corner of your mouth when you were concentrating.
“Isn’t it pretty?” you beamed as you worked on the second coat of polish.
“Yeah,” Spencer replied, not looking at his nails but the girl directly in front of him.
You gently blew air on his nails to dry them, “All done!”
“Well, well, well if it isn’t the teacher’s pet?” Brad, the captain of the football team, smirked as Spencer passed through the hallways after his math team practice ended.
“Wow, nail polish? And to think you couldn’t become any more of a loser?” he sneered as the jocks began to encircle around Spencer.
“Spence, there you are! I’ve been looking for you all over. Let’s go, we’re going to be late,” you walked right into the crowd of boys, paying no mind to them and grabbing Spencer’s hand, pulling him towards the exit.
“Don’t look back,” you whispered.
“You know one day your little girlfriend there is going to realize what a pathetic nerd you are. I’ll be ready to show her what a real man is,” Brad called after you.
“Oh yes, Brad, a real man goes to community college to hang on to the scraps of his mediocre football career that is his only reminder of when he peaked in high school,” you laughed.
“Y/N, he’s going to kill me for that,” Spencer groaned after you exited the building.
“Relax, we have three days left and then we won’t ever have to see that dick again,” you assured him.
“We have four days left,” Spencer corrected you.
“No, three because we’re not going in tomorrow,” you walked into the diner and took your seat in your usual booth, “It’s senior skip day.”
When Spencer didn’t respond, you looked up from your menu, “Spencer Reid, please do not tell me you were going to go in on senior skip day.”
“Why would I want to miss school?”
“Because you already know everything they could possibly teach you and you can spend the whole day with your best friend instead?” you fluttered your eyelashes to persuade him.
“I don’t want to go to the beach with all the popular kids. I’ll get shoved in the sand,” Spencer grabbed some of the fries that the waitress dropped off for you and popped them into his mouth.
“That is why we are going all the way to Santa Monica. We’ll just get up a little earlier and drive a little further but then we won’t run into anyone from our school,” you proposed.
“Fine but you’re driving,” Spencer huffed.
“Well, I’m certainly not letting the guy drive who hasn’t driven since he got his license just to prove he could pass,” you giggled.
“Why do I need to drive when my next-door neighbor can be my personal chauffeur?” he grinned.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll pick you up at 7 on the dot tomorrow.”
You honked outside of Spencer’s house. He came scrambling out with a big canvas tote bag, a tan sweater, and lilac swim shorts that ended at his mid-thigh.
“Get in, loser. We’re going to the beach,” you rolled down the window.
Spencer furrowed his brow for a second before opening the door.
“It’s just a reference to a popular movie. I wasn’t actually calling you a loser,” you assured him.
“My mom made us blueberry muffins for the ride,” Spencer pulled a ziploc bag out of the tote.
“Oh that is so sweet of her! Please tell her I said thank you. She must have been having a good night then,” you smiled, accepting one of the muffins from Spencer.
“Yes, she has been having a good week overall,” Spencer affirmed.
“That’s so great to hear. Okay, we’re stopping for coffee but then we’ll get on the highway.”
The opening notes of Love Story by Taylor Swift began to play on the radio.
“Oh my god! Turn it up!” you screamed.
Spencer grinned and turned the volume knob up.
“Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story, baby, just say ‘yes’,” you sang.
You rolled down the windows as soon as you exited off the highway.
“Do you smell that, Spence?” you inhaled deeply, “Something about the salty air and sunshine just makes me feel alive.”
“You know it’s probably your increased exposure to the sunlight leading to an increase in vitamin D which can keep your energy levels up and enhance your mood,” Spencer stated.
“Well, whatever it is, I still love it,” you grinned.
You and Spencer made your way along the sandy coast. You parked in the beach parking lot and got out of the car, grabbing your mini cooler and chair.
Spencer grabbed the other chair and his tote and you headed down to the beach, walking a ways before settling on a spot in a less crowded area.
You took off your big t-shirt revealing your light blue bikini.
“Can we go in the water please?” you begged.
Spencer dug into his tote and tossed you a tube of sunscreen.
“Not until you put that on,” Spencer insisted.
“Fine,” you huffed.
“Sorry I don’t want you to be sunburnt for graduation,” he chuckled.
“Can you do my back?” you asked.
“I-um-yeah-yes I can do that,” Spencer scrambled to stand up from his beach chair.
His breath hitched in his throat as he applied the cool lotion to your back.
“All good,” he cleared his throat.
“Thanks, Spence! Do you need me to do your back or are you all set?” you asked.
“Nope, I’m all good. My mom did it before I left,” Spencer said.
“Can we go in the water now?” you pleaded.
Spencer gave a reluctant nod as you let out an excited squeal, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the tide.
You dove right into the cool waves, instantly relieving your body of the southern californian summer heat. Spencer was a bit more hesitant.
“It feels so good, Spence. Trust me,” you smoothed your wet hair back.
Spencer inhaled deeply and then sunk beneath the water as a wave passed by him.
“Yay! He’s actually having fun, people!” you cheered as he emerged from underneath the water.
Spencer playfully splashed water at you and you gasped.
“Oh Spencer Reid, you are so on,” you laughed, splashing water right back at him.
Spencer shielded it from his face with his hand and then started chasing after you. You shrieked in a giggle fit as he lifted you up in the water so you could no longer splash him.
“I surrender! I surrender!” you laughed along with him.
You and Spencer were walking on the basically deserted boardwalk by this time of night, licking your ice cream cones.
Spencer noticed you were shivering and pulled off his sweater, handing it to you.
“No, Spence. I can’t, then you’ll be cold,” you said.
“I really don’t mind,” Spencer insisted, wanting to have your scent on his sweater forever.
“Thank you,” you slipped it over your head, “I’m probably going to steal this from you because it’s super comfy.”
A reminder alert buzzed on your phone, “Oh shit. We have to sign up for tickets to go to prom by midnight,” you spoke.
Spencer shot you a guilty look.
“You’re not going?” you sighed defeatedly, trying your hardest not to tear up.
“Y/N, I don’t dance. I’ll make a fool of myself.”
“And I’ll be right by your side making a fool of myself too,” you urged, “Spence, it’s going to be no fun without you. I was going to ask you to officially be my date, you know? I had this whole complicated equation that I was going to have you solve and graph and the line spelled out ‘Prom?’. It’s stupid thinking back on it now, I won’t make you go.”
“I was going to ask you,” Spencer smiled softly, “but then I chickened out.”
“How about this? You give me one dance right now and then we’ll decide if we’re going or not,” you opened your phone and started playing Dancing by Mellow Fellow.
Spencer extended his hand and you accepted as he wrapped his other arm around your waist. You waltzed around the boardwalk in perfect sync as the neon lights from food stands and rides were shining down on you.
Spencer twirled you around and caught you in a dip. You let out a shaky exhale as you both stared into each other’s eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered.
“Please do. I’ve only been waiting 10 years for it since I moved in next door,” you smiled softly.
Spencer leaned down further and connected your lips. You pulled him even closer with your hands cupping his cheeks.
“I’ll go to prom with you under one condition,” he grinned, pulling away, “we go as boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Absolutely,” you beamed and stood on your tippy-toes to give him another kiss that was long overdue.
A/N: i took a note out of my dear friend @samuel-de-champagne-problems ‘s book by naming the title after a Taylor Swift song
taglist (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @rem-ariiana
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lordofangst · 4 years
hi! from ur holiday prompts can I have a Sirius x reader with the “under the mistletoe” prompt but it’s angst, like maybe he’s with another girl or something? Thank u!
Under The Mistloe.
ship | paring: sirius x reader.
universe | era: marauders era.
theme: angst.
prompt | summary: #4, under the mistletoe. sirius and y/n have been together for quite a while now, but things get complicated in their relationship when sirius is under the mistletoe at a holiday party in the gryffindor common room with another girl instead of y/n, who is trying to shake her nerves out in the corridor, just a few feet away from the door.
warning: swearing, cheating, forcing [?].
request: uppp there. ^
story word count: 3400.
a/n: i wanted to end this with fluff but i’m sad so i’m going to make myself even sadder with this. it killed me to write it-
“Come on y/n, it’ll be fun. No one should be looking at you the whole time other than me, so there’s no need to be worried, I promise.” The raven-haired boy insisted. Y/n sighed but nodded, despite not agreeing. She wasn’t ever a big fan of parties and was quite scared of them if she were being honest. Sirius knew this but didn't want her to be alone on Christmas eve, so he urged her to come with him.
     She wasn't ever a big fan of parties and was quite scared of them if she were being honest. Sirius knew this but didn't want her to be alone on Christmas eve, so he urged her to come with him.
     "Cool. You're the best, darling." He said, hugging her. It reassured her a bit. As long as Sirius was there, it couldn't go bad at all, right?
     "I'll meet you there, the boys and I are going out today. It starts at 8, okay?" He winked, leaving the small room they were in. Y/n walked out after a few minutes, thinking about the party before bumping into someone on her way to the common room.
     "Excuse me, please watch where you're- ah, Y/n, hello, you look off. What's got you bothered?" The boy asked with a small smile. "Remus? Shouldn't you be on your way to do something with the others?" Y/n asked with a confused face, ignoring his previous question.
     He shook his head. "No, I don't have anything planned with them today other than the party. Why do you ask?" "Oh... Sirius just said he would be hanging out with you guys today and to meet him at the party, that's all." She said, biting her lip. He didn't lie to her, did he? No. Sirius would never lie to her. Never.
     "They must be doing some prank and didn't want me to take points off. I guess being a prefect has some problems when being a Marauder." He said, shrugging. Y/n nodded, silent. "Hey, if you'd like, we could spend some time together as well as the other girls? I was going to help them get ready for the party." Remus offered.
     "I.. okay, I'll go with you." She agreed, and the two walked in a comfortable silence up to the Gryffindor common room, and into the dorms.
     "Remus! You're here. Oh, Y/n, you're here too! I needed an extra opinion on my dress, so, perfect, you're here." Lily said, embracing Y/n in a big warm hug. "Did you decide to go to the party? Please tell me you're going." Marlene whined, holding onto her arm. "I'm going Mar, I'm going. Sirius managed to convince me to go." She explained, and the girls squealed in excitement.
     "We'll be there too Y/n, that makes you worry less, right? Your boyfriend, and all your friends. There's nothing to be afraid of." Alice said with a soft smile, trying to comfort her. "I guess. Thank you, Alice." She sighed, with a grateful look on her face. "Well, this is where we get ready." She said, walking over to the vanity.
     "Yay! That's our girl!" Lily cheered, grabbing her curling iron from her trunk. The four girls and one boy chattered about anything and everything while getting ready. After hours of giggling, maybe some alcohol, and deciding what looked perfect on them, everyone was ready.
     "Y/n, we all look amazing, and we're here with you. It'll be alright, okay?" Remus comforted, and the other hummed in agreement. "Thank you all. I don't know what I would do without you." She said happily. All five of them decided to match, wearing red and white.
     Lily and Y/n wore red dresses that weren't too fancy, but most definitely not plain or boring. Alice and Marlene decided to match in white dresses, and Remus wore a combination of red and white. Even though they matched, they all had their unique twist to it, and all the joy they had together while getting ready convinced Y/n she was ready.
     "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Marlene said, and they all walked out of the dorm, into the common room. It was filled with decorations of balloons, lights, streamers, a table of snacks and drinks, with people packing the place.
     Noticing her panic, the four others placed a hand on her to reassure her that she could do it, and she smiled at them as a way of saying thanks. She looked for Sirius first, spotting him in the corner talking and laughing with his best friends James and Peter.
     Y/n walked right up to them with Remus and Lily, while Marlene and Alice went to go get snacks. "Y/n!" Sirius smiled, seeing her approach them. He embraced her, placing a kiss on her head. James gaped at Lily, with a blush on his face.
     "Potter." She greeted, laughing at how red his face turned. "I- uh.. you-" He stuttered at both her appearance and presence. "So, are you going to ask me to dance or what?" She asked. He grabbed her hand, pulling her away. Lily looked back at Y/n, waving goodbye with a big smile on her face.
     "So, how are you feeling?" Sirius asked Y/n, about the party. "I'm feeling alright, Remus and the girls helped me a lot. Still kind of nervous though." She admitted. It must've been at least half an hour of talking and a few minutes of dancing with the girls before Y/n felt panic rise in her chest again.
     She remembered how much she hated the loud noises, all the people cramped together in the room, and bright lights. "I'm going to be right back. Just need some air." She hastily said to Sirius without giving him a chance to speak, before running out of the room.
     She panted, leaning on the cool stone wall of the corridor. "It's fine. All it is is a party, with my friends." She whispered to herself, taking deep breaths until she felt she was ready to go back in.
     It seemed as though her timing wasn't very good though because as soon as she came in, her eyes scanned for Sirius immediately but saw something she didn't want to see. Tears filled her eyes as she comprehended what was going on. Sirius was under a mistletoe, with a light blonde girl and kissing her deeply.
     "Y/n!" Marlene called out to offer her sugar cookies, but she couldn't make out her voice, too busy staring at Sirius. She ran up the stairs into her dorm, pushing past everyone else, trying to keep it together until she reached her bed. Sobs filled the room, the noise of the party distant, but still there. There was a soft knock on the door, as well as angry whispering.
     It slowly opened, and a quiet voice spoke up. "Y/n? Are you alright? We saw you run up here. Is it the party?" Alice asked. The four walked into the room, shutting the door, and sat down on her bed. "Come on, you can tell us." Lily urged, holding her hand.
     "Don't worry guys, I was just a little freaked out by the people. Okay? I'm just going to calm down by the library, but tell Sirius to meet me there after the party, yeah?" She requested, and they nodded. "Do you want to be alone? You know that we will come if you want us to." Alice said, but Y/n shook her head. "I want to be alone, thank you though." She said, hugging her.
      They all nodded and went back down the stairs hesitantly. Y/n sighed, trying to hold in her tears, and changed into something a bit more comfortable before walking down the steps again and out the common room.
     It felt like it's been a day until she finally heard footsteps approaching her. She was drained from crying by now, and just sat on the cold ground, staring at the wall.
     "Y/n? Remus told me to meet you here... Are you alright?" Sirius' voice echoed through the hall.
     "What do you think Sirius? Why don't you go ask your perfect girl who you were kissing earlier and see if she knows the answer?" She said in a monotone voice, not looking at him. It went silent for a second before his panicked voice starting talking again. "Y/n, come on. You know I wouldn't kiss someone else."
     "Hey Siri, I had fun tonight. See you tomorrow." The same girl she saw him with earlier said with a wink, then walked away. She gave a sly look to Y/n, but she didn't notice of course. "So what was that then?" She said, growing tired from all the crying.
     "She just means games. I would never cheat on you Y/n. What kind of sick person do you think I am? You don't trust me?" He said with a frown. "Merlin, I can't believe you. How dare you lie like that right in front of me? I saw you, okay? How far did you guys take it? How long have you been with her?" She said, raising her voice a bit.
     "...Okay fine. I may have hooked up with her a few times this month. But we've been together for two years now, and you never want sex! You always make out with me then decline it as soon as we get so close. It's frustrating, and Ana just treats me right." He groaned.
     "A whole month? Are you kidding me? Is that why you always say you're hanging out with the boys? So you can go fuck your side chick?" She said frustratedly, looking at him. "What else was I supposed to do?! You never do enough for me, but she does!" He yelled.
     "Everything I did was for you. Who was it that comforted you when you got sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin? Me. Who was there when you and your brother fought? Me. Who was the one who took you to James when I found you outside running away? Me. Who was the one who loved you with their entire heart? Fucking me, Sirius Orion Black. And you know what's even worse? As much as I hate you for what you did, I still love you. Just- fuck you." She spat, standing up.
     "No no no wait- come on, we can figure something out!" He said desperately, grabbing onto her arm to keep her from leaving.
     "Listen. We're going to pretend to be together for a few days. Okay? I'm not ruining our friends' Christmas. We're just going to pretend we're happy, then we say we're breaking up because we don't feel the same way for each other anymore. But don't think I'm ever going to get back with you again." She huffed, before taking her arm back from him and leaving.
     "Y/n wait, I'm sorry, I'll call it all off, please, I can't lose you." He breathed out. "We're not doing this anymore Sirius. Go." She said sternly, trying to keep her tears in. Of course she wanted to go back to him, but she didn't want to risk being hurt again.
"No, I can't, come on darling. I love you." He said in a rushed voice. "Leave, Sirius." "Y/n don't be mad at me, I swear it won't happen again! Don't leave me." He begged.
Sirius looked up at the ceiling with his hands in his pockets, a lot wanting to cry or look weak as people passed. All while y/n was on the ground, hands, and knees dirty, hair all over the place, and tears freely dripping.
"I-I hate you... I fucking hate you. You can't even c-care for me just so you can't ruin your r-reputation. All you care about is y-yourself. I never want to see you a-again after Christmas. Okay? Merlin, just... I can't believe you. I can't believe I ever loved you. It wasn't worth anything. I can't believe I wasted my time, money, love, and words on someone like you. I-I deserve better, Sirius. I'm no narcissist like y-you are, but I deserve better than w-whatever we had." She spat, pulling her hair back to relieve herself of the sweat from crying.
He glanced down at her, a tear falling down his face. "No. Don't say that. Don't use past tense with me. I'll do better, I swear it to you. I promise with all of my heart, we can fix this-" "Sirius, you're not listening to me. I don't want your empty words. You promised me multiple things and broke them all. I p-promise I love o-only you, you're the only one for me, I'll never l-leave you, I-I can't live without you. Well, it looks like none of those are true."
"I don't love her as I love you, Y/n. I.. just give me a chance. Just one. Please, I'm begging you." He cried, slowly moving to crouch down to be at her level on the ground.
"I gave you chances already. The train ride, the first time we met, you shoved me and I already hated you, but gave it a chance when you were crying a few days after you got sorted, told me what happened, and tried to be friends with you. I gave our relationship a chance, for it to happen at all. YOU made me fall in love with you then you broke me. Am I just some game? Did you ever love me at all?" She said, voice lowered to a whisper, breathing heavily.
"Of course I loved you. I still do, I love you, Y/n. I won't ever leave your side, I'll give you anything you want, however much it costs, I have money, please-" "I don't want money, Sirius, I wanted you." Sirius fell silent, not knowing what else to say. Had he messed up this badly that she wouldn't take him back?
"I'll see you tomorrow. Act normal. I won't say anything about what happened to anyone, because I still care about your dumb ass and don't want anyone to come at you for it. Goodnight." She said, slowly getting back up. He reached out to help her, but she smacked his arms away and did it on her own.
He watched with sad eyes, as Y/n's steps echoed throughout the empty and quiet corridor.
"It's Christmas! Wake up, sleepyhead!" Marlene squealed, crawling onto Y/n. "She's tired, leave her alone Marls. She'll be up in a minute." Alice chuckled softly, brushing Lily's hair. "But it's Christmas." Marlene frowned, but laid down and cuddled with Y/n under the covers.
"I'm up, I'm up." Y/n groaned, at the sunlight in her eyes and the loud chatter of the room. "Finally, come on, it's Christmas!" She cheered, hopping out of bed. As much as she looked forward to this day, she didn't feel so excited anymore after last night.
"You look off. Is something wrong?" Alice asked while Lily was asleep in her arms once again, Marlene ready to wake her up but still nodding in agreement with Alice.
"I'm fine, just really tired. I had a nightmare." She shrugged, getting up, and starting to brush her hair." "Well, luckily it was only a dream. I know a plant that helps with nightmares if you keep one of its leaves under your pillow if you'd like. The Herbology room has a few of them." Alice offered, as Lily woke up once again to Marlene's screeching.
Y/n shook her head but gave a polite smile. "You're the sweetest Al, but I'll be alright. Just one nightmare." She said, and deeply wished it was only a simple nightmare.
After all of the girls got ready for butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks and presents exchanged in their secret spot, they all headed down into the common room to meet the boys, as well as Frank Longbottom, a boy Alice had met and taken a big liking to.
"Ah, there they are. Hello my beautiful dove, would it be too daring to ask for a kiss as my gift?" James asked, swooning over Lily already. "Potter, I haven't even woken up fully yet." She grumbled, but gave him a quick, angry kiss on the cheek, James' face going extremely red as he fell silent.
"Sirius, Y/n, looks like it's your turn." Marlene winked, as the two looked up to see a mistletoe above them. Oh. This can't be good. Sirius gave her a sad look, and they leaned in. As always, their lips fit together perfectly as if they were made for each other, as Y/n desperately used to believe.
Even though no one other than Sirius noticed, Y/n kiss an extra second than usual, wanting to save it as their last kiss. A goodbye kiss, if I may. As if she were dying and would never see him again.
"When we get there, I want my love to open my gift first!" James said, his hand shooting up into the air. "Whatever Prongs, whatever." Sirius laughed, and Y/n awkwardly joined in.
The group walked from the castle to their secret spot nearby, which was found by Remus a few years back. Even though the other girls didn't want to be involved with the Marauders, they managed to become friends in their 5th year.
     After everyone passed around gifts to each other, Sirius cleared his throat, causing everyone to look towards him. "I have one last gift, for Y/n." "That's not fair! Y/n gets an extra gift! She already got one from you." Marlene whined while Lily placed a hand on her mouth to shut her up.
     "So... I know we have our arguments, but I just wanted to let you know that I'll always be here, and I'll never leave your side. No matter the situation. So, could you do me a favour, Y/n L/n, and marry me?" He asked, getting down on one knee and pulling a ring out.
     A million thoughts ran through her head, the biggest ones being how dare he, and is he joking right now? She couldn't believe this was happening, especially after what they said last night.
     Yet, Sirius looked all around the room, smirking at her but his eyes said: Don't you dare say no, everyone is watching us.
     Feeling intoxicated and pressured, she muttered a quick yes, and he threw his arms around her while people cheered. He leaned in close, whispering darkly in her ear: "I knew you'd say yes. I told you. you're not getting rid of me, Y/n."
     Y/n's face paled, but put on a smile nonetheless and thanked everyone who congratulated her. Was she going to marry him? This wasn't going according to the plan at all, and it made her panic.
“You may now kiss the bride.” The priest said, and even though she didn’t want to, Y/n leaned in to kiss Sirius. Tears filled her eyes, but not happy ones.
It’s been a year since he proposed to her that day on Christmas, and now they were officially married. She didn’t know how to get away from him, so she was stuck, with the ring on her finger imprisoning her for the rest of her life.
“Can you believe it? He’s said to have killed 12 muggles, I hope he gets 12 years in Azkaban for that. Sirius Black, a monster.” Y/n heard a wizard tell another one the streets.
A cold feeling took over her, looking up at the sky. James was dead. Lily was dead. Marlene was dead. Everyone she cared about was gone, but she was free of Sirius, she hoped.
She looked down at the newspaper in her hands, a quote from him while his moving pictures yelled at her face in bold words: “You’re still never getting rid of me. I’ll be back. Till death do us part.”
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capncooks · 4 years
⠀،⠀⠀jesse pinkmanʼs mail
request: hi!! your first fic was soooo good, i love the way you write! if it’s not too much trouble, how about jesse with a shy and introverted reader, i feel like he’d be real sweet about it! maybe around late season 4 - 5? thank u bby ❤️
word count: bruh i typed it into tumblr instead of my notes so... can't calculate it. woops. it's average tho, bout 800-1000.
summary: you have recently moved into the house opposite jesseʼs. for some reason, the mailman keeps delivering some of jesseʼs mail to your door and every week you try to muster the courage to hand it to him. it's been two months and you decide that enough is enough.
again. jesse pinkman. you were almost certain by now the mailman had seen you enough times to know your name definitely was not jesse pinkman, but every monday and every thursday you ended up with his mail.
you knew you should've sorted it out when it first happened, but like always– your stomach tied itself into several knots and neither you or those letters made it past your front step. sometimes you would wait for him to come out in the morning and hope that you could ʼbumpʼ into him, though he never showed and it was almost as if he was nocturnal. god knows what he did for a living.
but, today was the day. no more waiting around, no more procrastination behind your front door and standing there asking yourself “should i do it now or tomorrow?”. it was today. you wrapped an elastic band around the wad of envelopes and wedged them between your arm and side as you grabbed your keys to unlock the front door.
it was a fresh morning, not in the summery sense, but slightly cold and biting. you looked to jesseʼs house through the weak fog– hell, it always looked so... unlived in. your mind began to slip into that second-guessing state, wondering if you should even bother since he never seemed to be there, but you shook it off before it took hold of you and began to cross the street. nearing his door, you rehearsed what you would say in your head– even thinking about how hard your knock should be, how you should stand, how you should hand him the envelopes. being this introverted seemed like a handicap in moments like these.
“uh, can i help you?”
you froze. or should i say, you froze again. you had been so caught up in how you were going to deal with the situation, that you had completely stopped midway up his path and were none of the wiser to his emerging presence.
“i–” you stuttered a little, trying to find the words to explain, but coming up with nothing more than the single letter.
you began to burn up, feeling it rush into your cheeks and up the nape of your neck. you might have even considered walking away, if not for him—
—he looked at you with such calm and ease, as if he had all the time in the day just for you. he didn't looked impatient or bothered, but kind; his reassuring smile sent a wave of confidence over you, and the words came back one by one.
“your mail” you began, holding it up slightly, “it keeps being delivered to me, i live over there”. you pointed to your house sheepishly, before returning your gaze to him.
he began to walk down the path to meet you, looking over your shoulder at your house and then back to you, “you haven't always been there, right?”
you shook your head, wanting to elaborate, but not feeling brave enough to do so. social skills were not your forté.
he picked up on this, slowly taking the letters out of your hand and flicking through them, “august?” he questioned. it was now october, you could understand his confusion.
“i had trouble, um–” you took a deep breath, reminding yourself of his easy going manner before starting again, “i had trouble finding you, you don't seem to be in much”.
“i won't be in at all if i don't get these bills paid” he noticed a few of the letters were from the gas and electric board, biting his lip.
your eyes widened, realising the issues you might have caused, “i am so sorry, i should've tried harder... i didn't know they were all impor–”
he stifled a small laugh, shoving the wad into the pocket of his oversized jacket, “yo, don't worry ʼbout it. iʼm sure the big man will be chill”.
you nodded slowly, taking it all in. god, he was so laid back. usually, people just seemed to huff and sigh at you... as if your shyness was an inconvenience to them. not him, though.
“i didn't get your name” he hushed, breaking the growing silence between you both.
your mouth twitched at the corners a little, almost as if you were about to break into a grin. here was a person who had seen you at your worst, and still wanted to know your name.
“y/n” you suppressed the grin, but allowed for a small, polite smile as you spoke.
he returned the the favour, “jesse”
laughing a little, you gestured towards the letters, “i know”
he took a moment to look down, before breaking out a chuckle himself and shifting his feet a little— “oh yeah, right. obviously”.
did you sense a little nervousness in him too?
with a final glance at him, you began to fiddle with your keys as a signal that you were leaving. jesse cocked his head up to look at you, a small smile still resting on his face.
“well, uh– when your next round of mail comes” you joked, testing the waters to see how he reacted about seeing you again.
he shoved his hands into his pockets, taking out the wad of envelopes and waving it in the air a little, “iʼll be waiting”.
and with that, you turned on your heels and began to walk back to your house. jesse headed back towards his own, though he lingered in the doorway– hands in his pockets and slouched against the side as he watched you leave.
he'd be seeing a lot more of you from now on, whether you brought him his mail or not. he would make sure of it.
* * *
written by ade ☺︎︎ , found on @paulsimonpie and @capncooks.
(p.s. thank you for the request, it was so fun to write!!! and also <3333 ur feedback made my day).
any requests, please send them into my ask/submissions box. my inbox is open for any queries you might have. you can send a prompt or an entire plot idea, but preferably note the season too as it helps with imagery.
feel free to leave feedback, i do this for my own personal enjoyment, but also for you– the lovely reader.
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mandareeboo · 3 years
I dont have anything exact for a prompt for dc superhero girls but like... any of them that you want to write abt... simply they are girlfriends ur honor <3
"So," says Babs, conversationally. "Are you a 'one and done' kinda gal, or a 'take it slow, let it go' kind?"
Karen bit her lip. Her fingers were shaking as they dug into the wood of her desk. They'd decided it was best to do this in the Gordon home, seeing how the faintest trace of what was sticking out of her arm could send their friend into serious agony. "Um. Both sound terrible. But I guess I'd rather just be done with the pain."
"Mm-hmm." The redhead adjusted her grip on the shard of kryptonite sticking out of her arm blaster. "Gonna be honest with you, Bee. This went in at an angle. It cut you going in, it's probably gonna cut you coming out. Is there anything I can get you to make this less stressing?"
"A stuffy?" she asked. "Preferably not bat-shaped. Not that bats aren't cool. But you usually stuff explosives into the bat ones."
Babs deems that fair and retrieves what Karen can only assume is the least beloved teddy bear she's ever seen. It's fur is bright brown- or it would be, without the dust. This was clearly an ancient Christmas or birthday present, tossed around but never truly used, with just enough sentimentality to avoid being thrown out or donated. Karen stuffs the teddy into the crook of her elbow and squeezes. Hard.
"Are you going to count to three?" she asked.
Babs shook her head. "You'd tense on three. Flexing the muscles is a bad idea."
"Okay. Then wh-"
She tightened her grip and yanked. Hard. 
Karen let out a yip and buried her face into the bear. She didn't want to imagine the disaster it'd be if the Commissioner heard.
"I got it!" Babs exclaimed, holding the rock up into the fluorescent light. "Man, I wish I could study this stuff. But I don't want to risk Kara getting sick having it close by."
"Yeah," she answered, trying not to get sick herself over the faintest bit of blood. Karen tapped a few buttons on her panel and the limbs popped off one by one, falling to the floor with a clatter. Karen yanked up her sleeve. "Oh, that's not so bad."
Babs, wetting a cotton ball, agreed with her. "Won't even need stitches. This time I'm definitely gonna count, okay?"
"Yes, please."
It doesn't take long to do the medical end of things. It was, all things considered, a surprisingly small gash. That said, getting cut with a rock was a great way to make yourself hate antiseptic. The crisp white bandage was probably a bit too much, but Babs is thorough.
The damage to her armor, however, is pretty damning. Karen felt her stomach squirm as she opened the hull, revealing ripped circuits, damaged data boards, and a couple of melted discs. Not cheap to purchase. She was going to have to run on bubblegum and duct tape for a while. (Not that that was out of the ordinary)
"Back to the drawing board?" Babs hummed, hefting a truly breathtaking toolbox out of thin air. "I'll go to the lair tomorrow and see if I can't scavenge you a few parts from first-drafts bat weapons."
"Thank you." Karen pulled out a wrench, feeling it in her hands. Her grip wasn't too affected. Good. "Back to the drawing board."
There was a clatter on the stairwell, too fast and too heavy to be Commissioner Gordon's, and there was Diana, flinging open the door in her full Wonder Woman garb. "KAREN ARE YOU-" She caught sight of Karen and seemed to lose an entire inch as she sighed with relief. "Oh, thank Zeus."
Babs let out a shriek. "Diana, did you walk to my house dressed in full uniform? What is somebody saw?"
"I did not walk; I ran. I told the your father I was doing a 'costume play'." Diana seemed to struggle to regain her poise at the sight of the bandage on Karen's arm, jaw tightening. "I was told you jumped in front of Supergirl, little Bumblebee."
Karen let out an awkward chuckle, rubbing her arm. "I think that's a bit of a stretch. Y'see, Babs and I have been prepping ourselves for cases like these, and-"
"Cases like these?" Diana echoed. Her voice was flat. "Cases like what, exactly?"
"Kryptonite weapons!" Babs chirped, holding up the stone. She'd had the sense of mind to wipe it off, at least. "Just being near the stuff can weaken Kara. We didn't even want to consider what might happen if she got poked by it. So we've made work-arounds; thicker armor around our limbs, metal designed to avoid skin-contact with sharp objects, etc. The next step is if they find a way to make it into a ray gun or something, but that's mostly if it's somehow too quick for Kara to dodge, and, let's be real, that probably won't-"
"Barbara." The girl stopped instantly. "Leave me and Bumblebee alone for a moment, please. We need to talk."
Karen gulped.
Babs shot her an apologetic look, then gave the Amazonian some finger guns. "Righty-o, boss. I'll go make us some snacks." She paused at the door, looking over her shoulder. "Just gimme a ring when you're ready, alright?"
Diana jerked her head in a nod. She watched with frightening intensity as the knob clicked closed.
She whirled around. "Why was I not made aware of this? You and Barbara have been plotting to- to collect shards in your limbs like cufflinks! And you never-"
"It's not our first choice!" Karen held up our hands. "It's not even our last choice, Diana. We're also making shields, and inhibiters. It's an extreme emergency, last resort thing. And we've not even fixed the bugs!"
"It was faulty and you did it anyway?" She shrunk down as Diana slammed her hands on the table. "You could have been seriously injured! Or worse!"
"Diana," she said, showing off the bandage. "I'm mortal, not a water balloon. Trust me, I would have never done this if I thought it would be lethal."
Diana, for her part, did look a bit chastised. Her shoulders fell. "I am... sorry, little Bumblebee. I did not mean to doubt your abilities. It's just- I was out of the loop for one mission, and I came home to find my strongest warrior hardly able to move as she told me you were taken elsewhere for serious wounds."
"Kara talked to you?"
"She tried. She was crying."
Karen winced. She knew Kara would hate this idea. That's why they'd been so quiet about it. "I'm sorry I worried you all, but I wasn't in any real danger."
"This time. What of next time?"
"Now that we know they're onto our weaknesses, there won't be a next time."
"There shouldn't have been a first time!" Diana got down on one knee to hold her arm with great respect. This was one of the few positions she was actually taller than the Amazonian, and it made Karen nervous. She knew how bad it felt to be small. She never wanted other people to feel that way. "Is it bad, αγάπη μου?"
And Karen, smart and strong and absolutely weak to puppy dog eyes, couldn't stop herself. "I was in front of her."
Diana sucked in a breath.
"When it went off. I was in front of Supergirl." Karen forced herself to go on. It felt horrible to say out loud. A betrayal. But she had already betrayed Kara, hadn't she? She needed to own up to it. Reassure them all that she deserved the little scratch on her arm. "I dodged. I dodged out of the way. How horrible is that, Diana?"
"I dodged," she repeated, voice wobbly with unshed tears. "I knew it could kill her, and I dodged." Fingers dug into her skirt. Her own fingers. The cut burned. "I'm a terrible person."
Diana's fingers cupped her chin, bringing her gaze back to her. "No. Never. You are human, Karen. You were scared."
Karen wished it was that easy. But, to her, it wasn't. She wasn't enough. "Heroes are supposed to take risks."
"Heroes must be alive to take those risks." Diana's fingers tightened their grip- not enough to hurt, but holding her in place. "Please, αγάπη μου. No more secret extreme emergency, last resort things. We are warriors, not blockades to toss in front of each other."
"Promise," she said, and it was the easiest promise she ever made. "...Can we call Babs back in, now? I'm gonna need her help un-soldering some things."
Wonder Woman swooped up for a kiss. Karen was someone who got electrocuted a lot, but nothing so simple had even a bit of life compared to being held and loved by the strongest woman in Metropolis, especially when she smiled like that. "In a moment. Allow me some time with you alone. It’s selfish, but it’s... human.”
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
Sam’s POV broke my heart because he’s been used his whole life he doesn’t know what kindness is :( like he thinks Cas is manipulating him when in reality Cas is just trying to help.
Loved the chapter btw and am excited for tomorrow! Hugs!
P.S. I have a lot of prompts to send but they’re all cluttered right now so when they get less cluttered I’ll send them
im so glad u liked it!! yeah :((( he's only 10!! he really doesn't know any better, he's just trying to do the best for dean ;~; WE can see that running into the woods during a storm and away from someone who loves and wants to protect dean is not a great idea. but sam can't. bc from where he's standing, cas is as much of a monster as alastair. so ;~;
im excited for tomorrow too!! :D pls send prompts at ur leisure i love getting them!! hope i'll actually have time to write some at some point fcghvjbknkml
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 2)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: had to split it into 2 parts bc i hit the text limit dhshaggags
prompt: continued
part 1
Tumblr media
~sokovia was ur first big mission~
“why is y/n here, stark?” -cap
“the first mistake was letting me become a father”
“good god, tony...”
you having the time of your life crushing robots
also proving useful by saving avengers a handful of times
“thanks for the assist, stark clone” -clint
rip pietro
rhodey was actually the most worried about you if we’re being honest, he didn’t understand why they let you in this one???
“y/n? y/n, talk to me! are you alive?”
“yes, uncle rhodey! i’m perfect, stop worrying!”
“i love you, kid! be safe!”
✨a good family you’ve got✨
soon the avengers broke up bc your dad cant get along with steve and it was just really awkward
but you chose your dad’s side
“sorry, steve! he pays my allowance!”
peter was actually a little okay, you know!! spazzy at first, but he was cool
“dude, you’re y/n stark! you’re tony stark’s very own son! i’m talking to mr. stark’s only child!”
“yep, that’s me. i’m what earned tony the title of ‘DILF’”
teenage teamup? ofc
“am i doing alright?”
“looking a-okay, pete!”
tony was worried fighting steve would traumatize you so he made you wait at the hotel with happy and peter
“don’t do anything to embarrass me, y/n. i dont want to see you on the news for something stupid”
you and peter ended up hanging out in your room and watching tv and ordering room service
“how do you do that so smoothly? i’d just freak out and go get it myself”
“years of experience as a spoiled rich brat”
absolutely positively being up all night and trying to fight your exhaustion
“you two seem to be getting along well. couldn’t be me” -happy
“for someone named happy, you never seem to be happy”
“not around teenagers, no”
“i remember when you loved me, ‘uncle happy’”
peter texted you every day after that
whenever flash picked on peter for “never meeting tony stark” he’d show a picture of you and him taking selfies in the lab together yes you invite him over much to the dismay of everyone else around you
plus tony was out of town and you were finally trusted enough to be left alone unchecked so like, happy would just leave at the first sign of peter
“that’s not real!”
you actually showed up for homecoming on a dare (but in disguise)
didn’t wanna attract all the attention, you just wanted a high school experience
but you got called into avengers tower to help move early on :/ bad timing too cuz peter had to fight his first villain and u missed it
“dude, how do you feel?”
“bruh sound effect number two”
“oh my god”
FRIDAY heard him and pulled up the sound and you were WEAK you couldn’t stop laughing
“please....i think i broke a few ribs. cant laugh until tomorrow”
tony offered peter the avengers gig and peter said no, you were very disappointed but u understood that not everyone wanted to be in the spotlight like that
but you and peter obviously still hung out
oh, tony proposed! they interviewed you on sight!
“y/n, how does it feel to know that you’re going to have a stepmom soon?”
“you guys are aware that pepper helped raise me, right? right?!”
moving on, life was smooth for a while, there was some wedding planning, talk of you being a best man (which rhodey fought you on)
“no, i’ve known your dad longer!”
“i’m his son!”
i n v a s i o n
oh boy that was rough
bruce was surprised that you had fucking grown so much in the past 3 years good lord
“y/n...your VOICE”
“puberty, i know. when’s it gonna happen to you?”
“it hurts more when it’s from a teenager”
“uh, did you forget my birthday?”
peter’s back! peter’s back!
finally, man
“spider-kid, i could use an assist!”
“on the way!”
“aliens, why did it have to be aliens?”
up up and away for tony and peter, leaving you on the ground with all the earthly chaos and fear
“you two are the absolute worst, you know that? DAD, PETER, GET BACK DOWN HERE”
“no can do, kid. i—” *cuts off*
“oh great, no service on the space donut, huh? find a damn wifi password and call me back you asshole”
pepper was probably having a heart attack bc the news stations were having a field day but you were one of the only active avengers left, meaning you had to help clean this up
“bruce, we gotta get going”
“what? where?”
patching up the avengers as best as you could to take care of the threat
but you guys always win, this should be a cake walk, right?
this was bad, very bad
after a lengthy battle with thanos in wakanda, you had failed. thanos got the stones, he snapped. the world was in ruins. but you didn’t get to see that part
you dusted away
“tell dad i’m sorry and i love him”
tony finally came back to earth hoping to see you, but upon seeing pepper’s face, he knew you were gone
“he did everything he could, tony! he didn’t deserve it!”
she was extremely upset, she saw you like a son of her own
soon, her and tony restarted their life and had a daughter, dad always wondered what it’d be like to have a little girl. it was different, it really was
she was eager to meet you
morgan stole pictures of you to hang up in her room
“when i meet y/n, im gonna give him a big hug! then we’ll have a tea party!”
tony has a picture of you and peter in the kitchen, he misses the two of you, but found comfort in the fact that you may be with each other
an ounce of hope, he had to try something
save his only son, and his other son
when he got to 2012, he was disappointed that he hadn’t let you become an avenger yet because he couldn’t see you here
yada yada he fucked up now he’s in the 70s and he fixed the fuck up and now hes in 2023
and bruce snapped
and you were all brought back and the way you kicked ass was inspiring
tony had to see his son now. right now.
“y/n, dear god! you’re okay! oh, man. i love you so much, kid. i missed you”
“i love you too. and i can’t believe you went to space without me, meanie”
“get over it”
ah, back to old times
peter and you obviously had to team up for this one! come on, what a story to tell!
and then, a snap and the warriors began to fade. you turned around and saw him on his knees
you rushed over to where peter already was and tried to hold back tears, to be strong for him
“hey, dad. i’m here. no more missed goodbyes, okay? i’m here.”
you sat beside him and held his hand while the rest of your family made their peace with him and he finally slipped away
“y/n...are you okay?” -peter
“not even a little”
peter was worried about you, but you were worried about peter
mutual worry
meeting morgan was...surprising
pepper forgot to tell you they had a daughter while you were gone
she was so sweet and for the first month you lived at the cabin, she slept in your room
you got NO space
“i love you y/n”
“love you too” *thinking about dad bc she just reminds you of him so much*
“i love you y/n”
“love you too, morgan”
over and over
peter and you had sleepovers a lot, usually at his house bc you were the only one besides ned allowed over bc of all the spider-stuff
ned fanboyed over you
also sleepovers at peter’s were a nice break from being at tony’s cabin where you were constantly reminded that he wasn’t there
“y/n, i’m going to europe for a field trip! it’s gonna be awesome!”
“dude, you’re gonna love it. are you bringing your suit?”
“no, this is my offical vacation. no spider-manning”
“good for you, man!”
peter sent you all the pictures he took on his phone
all of them
Peter-Man: And this one is me and Ned in our crappy hotel room. And here’s the river. And here’s MJ covered in birds, and here’s the airplane, Mr. Harrington fell asleep on me
you had to come to europe once you heard what was going on
happy and you picked up peter and he was a mess
“you gave away dad’s glasses?”
“i think we’re past the point that i am not smart”
“jesus, peter. you should have called me about them. i would have taken them off your hands if you weren’t ready for them”
having to make sure that you guys didn’t get hurt bc this was honestly your guy’s first solo pair-up
there wasnt much backup here
finally, you defeated the evil (who apparently held a very large grudge against you. sorry mister beck) and were able to go back home
“call me if you need anything, pete”
“i will. i promise.”
and the next thing you know...peter’s identity was exposed
“i left him alone for one day!”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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sluttyten · 4 years
Yuta + 2 for the prompt thing 💗💗💗 love ur writing!
“Wow, I didn’t realize you were that… Flexible.” + yuta
Yuta watched you dancing, moving around the room so smoothly to the beat of the music. He was obviously familiar with dancing as it was a good part of his job, but watching you dance was a novel experience.
Especially when he watched the way you dropped into the splits effortlessly, the way that you bent your body, twisting around with ease.
And when you collapse beside him at the end of the dance, breathless and glistening with sweat, all he can think about is how beautiful you are. Then you lay your head in his lap, and Yuta’s a goner.
You look so sweet.
“What’d you think?” You ask, lifting your hands to his face. Yuta intercepts them before you can make contact, lacing his fingers through yours. You ask him, “Did I do good?”
“You did great, baby. I mean,” he clears his throat and says, “Wow, I didn’t realize you were that.... flexible.”
You laugh. “Yeah I am. Is that all you drew away from that performance? My flexibility?” You sit up so you can look him right in the eye. Yuta bites the corner of his mouth nervously and looks away, refusing eye contact.
“I just.... I mean you move really smoothly. You’re great.” He says while looking anywhere but at you.
You swing one leg over his lap, sliding into place right in front of him. “I am very flexible, sir. Care to have a hands-on look at my flexibility?”
It’s rare that you fluster Yuta, but this is apparently one of those times. He tries to hide it as best as he can, but you can see it hidden in his features.
You’re grateful it’s very late and the pair of you are basically alone in the building. Most people are at home, staying in for their safety, but you and Yuta are risk-takers, which includes, for you, slipping back off his lap, raising both of your legs up toward your head, and then somewhat comfortably leaving your knees near your shoulders, the fabric of your workout leggings stretching over your ass.
Yuta visibly gulps, a hand drifting to the front of his pants to palm himself.
“Fuck me, Yuta. Please?”
He glances toward the door then back at you. For a second you think he’s about to pass, but then he groans, his hands slide over the backs of your thighs and your ass, wandering beneath you until he curls his fingers in your waistband and drags it up over your ass, pushing it up your thighs to your knees so your bare pussy is visible and open to him.
“You have such a cute little pussy. You want my dick in you?” He palms himself again, just looking at you. “Want to stay like this the whole time? I’d think you’ll get sore.”
“Don’t worry.” You shake your head. “Just want you inside me.”
So Yuta obliges, drawing his dick out the front of his pants. He runs a hand over himself a bit, and when he’s satisfied, he drags it between your folds, taps the tip against your clit a few times and you feel those taps as electric jolts deep inside your belly.
He spits into his hand, rubs it over his length, and then at last Yuta enters you.
“Shit, you’re so tight.” He slides his hands from your hips up your thighs and the rest of the way to your ankles which he holds together in one hand. “Wish I could feel you coming apart on my dick, just once.”
You moan, thinking about cumming with Yuta inside of you, having him reach his high inside you too.
You’ve been hooking up for months, but in all that time you’ve never used a condom, so you’d always resorted to the least effective birth control method of having him pull out. And often he came before you, which was fine, except that meant that you’d never had him inside you when you orgasmed either because he’d already had his orgasm or just because he knew that feeling you around him like that would send him careening into his own, and neither of you had enough faith in his ability to pull out that quickly.
A cramp starts in one of your legs, and you cry out, reaching to pull at your leggings, hoping to free your legs a bit. “Shit, ow. Cramp!” You hiss in pain and distress.
Yuta pulls out of you only long enough for you to kick your legs free of your leggings, and then he’s spreading your legs and thrusting in again. His hand gently massages your thigh, and you relax again into the pleasure of his dick hitting all the right spots.
You stretch your cramp-free leg back up, leaving the other down so your knee knocks against Yuta’s hip with each thrust, your foot planted firmly on the floor, and the way you’ve positioned yourself changes the angle of Yuta’s thrusts.
Stars sparkle across your vision and you bite your lip, squeezing your eyes shut as Yuta nails right into your G spot. Your insides are swimming, tingly like fizziness rising inside you, and you cry out his name when one sharp thrust lands just right and your orgasm is unleashed, torn from you and feeling so ultimately good.
Too late, Yuta moans and tries to pull out, but the feel of your tight, warm pussy clenching around him sets him off too.
He does pull out, spilling most of his seed on your ass and thigh, but for one delightful and terrible moment, Yuta had been cumming inside you. You’d felt his cock twitching, pumping the beginning of his orgasm into you before he was gone and you were left clenching around nothing.
You wanted to pull him back in, to hook your legs around Yuta and have him bury his dick back inside you until neither of you could move. But instead, he finishes cumming on your thigh, and he drags his tip through the mess, smearing it more over your skin.
“I’m sorry,” Yuta apologizes before his dick is even fully soft. “I didn’t even have time, I didn’t know I was so close, but feeling you like that....”
You nod and lay a hand on his arm. “I know. I wasn’t expecting it either, but wow, that angle felt amazing, Yuta.” You sit up, feeling an ache in each of your thighs that you know will have you walking a little funny tomorrow. “We can go to the drug store. They have pills for occasions just like these, you know. No worries.”
You put your hand to his neck, and Yuta leans forward for your kiss. Kissing him makes you feel so relaxed, and you feel him sinking into you as well, as if the feel of your mouth on his puts him at ease as well.
He clutches at your thighs, dragging you into his lap. You can feel him nudging against your thigh, already getting hard again.
“What do you say,” Yuta murmurs, “that we do that again. If we’re going to get a pill for you anyway, I mean?” And even though you’re still sitting together on the dirty practice room floor, his cum still drying on your thigh, and that it’s probably still a bad idea to have him cum inside you again, the horny and foolish and irresponsible part of you says to just go for it, fuck the consequences.
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koolkat9 · 3 years
27, 4 or 14 (you can pick whichever one from those three) from the shipping ask with Nyo england and germany if that's okay with you?? I love love love ur writing!
I tried to use all of them, but I couldn't get 4 into it without making it drag out. Hopefully this is good!
Prompt: “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” and “I’m pregnant.”
Pairing: Nyo England x Germany with a small side of Nyo!Frain
Word Count: 1580
Bundle of Joy
She couldn’t believe it. There had to be some mistake. She couldn’t be pregnant. She was a nation, nations couldn’t biologically bear children, but those two pink lines on three different pregnancy tests said otherwise.
“Ma chérie,” Marianne murmured, hand on Katherine’s shoulder, “It's okay, perhaps it's a mistake.”
“On all three-”
“Oui, I know...but let’s not freak out right away. I’ll call the doctor and-”
“We aren’t supposed...what does…How...” Katherine’s panicked rambling was cut short by a light slap on her face.
“None of that,” Marianne scolded, “now I’m going to call the doctor and we’ll figure this out. In the meantime be a dear and make us some tea.”
Katherine wanted to protest, but her growing anxiety over this new discovery far outweighed her anger. Perhaps some tea would calm her nerves. As she waited for the water to boil, her mind couldn’t help but go back to those pregnancy tests. She shouldn’t have been so shocked. All the signs were there. Her nausea in the morning, the fact her period was late, her tiredness despite getting a goodnight's sleep, headaches, all could be associated with pregnancy. Her mind then began to wander, would there be complications since she was a nation, would the child be like them or human, how could she raise a child with her nation responsibilities? All kinds of (negative) questions swirled around Katherine’s mind before they were interrupted by the whistling of the kettle.
Marianne was just bidding the doctor goodbye by the time Katherine returned to the living room. “You have an appointment at noon today. He wants to see you as soon as possible since...you know...this is a...special occasion.”
Katherine rolled her eyes. “How comforting,” she deadpanned. Taking a seat on the couch she tried her best to distract herself by sipping away at her tea. It worked somewhat, but it involved some willpower to keep the overhanging concerns away. At least Marianne picked up on her anxiety and began talking about the date she was planning with Carmen. Although The Spaniard had tended to be a thorn in Katherine’s side for most of the time she knew her, she found herself relaxing a bit as Marianne began asking her about which kind of flowers she should get Carmen. “You know as well as I that you can never go wrong with red roses,” Katherine suggested.
“Very true.” The French woman’s gaze drifted towards the clock. “Oh would you look at that, 11:30 already? Shall we head out?”
So much for that brief time of calmness. With a deep breath and a moment to collect herself, Katherine agreed, walking out of the door with her head held high. After all, she wasn’t 100% certain she was indeed pregnant.
“Well...there is a bun in the oven,” Dr. Dyer said, throwing down some papers.
Katherine couldn’t believe it. Her throat became dry and her nausea from when she first woke up had returned. Once again her mind began to race with so many questions and worries, she was almost too wrapped up in it to notice Marianne wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
“I know this is...rare...for your kind Ms. Kirkland, but I assure you everything seems to be going fine so far. You’re about a month along.”
“That’s good to hear,” she managed to get out through gritted teeth.
He gave her a soft smile as he handed her over a paper. “I know you're nervous and it's quite a surprise in more ways than one. You have a few options outlined in that paper. I’ll let you sleep on it, discuss it with the father if you feel you need to and I’ll call back in a couple of days to outline the care you’ll need.”
Though her eyes were fixated on the paper, Katherine couldn’t process the words on the page and those Dr. Dyer was saying. She nodded all the same. Marianne thanked the doctor and then led a dazed Katherine out of the doctor’s office.
“Kath-” Marianne began only to be cut off by Katherine’s panic.
“What am I going to do? H-How did this even happen? A look of horror crossed her face. ``How am I going to tell Ludwig?”
“Katherine, let’s focus on one thing at a time. Do you want to keep this baby?”
Her brows furrowed for a moment as she contemplated the question. It would be easier to just put this all behind them, but at the same time, she had to admit she missed having a child to take care of. “Yes...o-of course,” she eventually concluded.
“Okay. Now the next thing, let’s tell Ludwig. He’s the father right?”
“Of course he is!” How dare she assume otherwise.
“Okay...Okay,” Marianne said, putting her hands up defensively, “Just making sure. Then we need to tell him.”
“H-He comes tomorrow...I’ll tell him then.”
Marianne took hold of Katherine’s arm and began guiding her down the street. “Parfait. Don’t beat around the bush. Just be direct and I’m sure everything will be fine. Ludwig loves you oh so much after all.”
Katherine nodded, though her stomach dropped at the thought of telling Ludwig.
She hadn’t slept well the night prior. Anytime she closed her eyes she was bombarded with questions and fears of the future for this baby and herself. The worst of it all was the fear of Ludwig leaving her as soon as he found out. He always had insecurities about being a father. Even just looking after Peter made him anxious (even though he was so good at it). So what would he say to know he would be having his own child. Katherine heaved herself out of bed around nine to ensure she got to the airport for ten to pick up Ludwig.
When she met that familiar pair of blue eyes at the gate, for a moment everything felt normal. She ran up to him to hug him and he practically picked her up as they embraced. Seeing Ludwig again never failed to fill her with joy regardless of how bad things seemed. Unfortunately, that happy feeling didn’t last long as reality soon came flooding back as they headed to the car.
Ludwig started picking up that something was wrong. The car ride was quiet and Katherine had barely looked at him since they left the airport. He hated to push especially when he knew Katherine sometimes had a hard time opening up, so instead, he opted for small talk.
“It's a lovely day,” he mused, looking out the window. It was indeed. The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. The temperature was still cool enough to not be boiling, but also not too cold that you needed a thick coat (a sweater maybe). “Perhaps we should have a picnic lunch or even dinner.”
The Brit only hummed half-heartedly as she remained focused on the road. After a few more attempts at conversation, Ludwig gave up on the hopes of a response and turned to look out the window instead. He trusted Katherine would let him know what was wrong in due time.
It had been two hours since Ludwig had been picked up from the airport which meant two hours of having to watch Katherine stare at nothing before distracting herself with preparing sandwiches and other small things for their picnic lunch. All the while barely even acknowledging Ludwig.
As she placed the last sandwich in the basket, Ludwig finally had enough of the quiet. “Okay, Something’s wrong. What is it?”
He was surprised when Katherine sighed a defeated sigh. Was it going to be that easy? “I’m pregnant,” she stated plainly.
Everything seemed to come crashing down at those words. Ludwig felt his throat go tight and his head begin swimming with so many questions, the main one being, ‘How is this possible?’ He opened and closed his mouth, trying to think of some form of reply.
“I-I know…” She sniffed, “I know it's a lot. There are a lot of questions and barely any answers, but I can say this: I’m pregnant and it's yours.”
At the sound of his lover breaking down into tears, all of Ludwig’s worries seemed to quiet. “Hey now." He gently took hold of her shoulders, rubbing them slowly. "Hey, I’m with you okay? Always. I was just...shocked... but it's okay. We'll figure it out."
"I'm keeping it,” she said sharply.
"I figured as much. You always did want another little one.” He gave her a gentle smile, guiding her gaze up.
"A-Are you sure you're okay with this? Just a moment ago-"
"You know me. Always a worrier, always wanting to have a plan, but I know we'll figure it out. We always do. I’m...We...You’re going to be a great mother."
She looked to the side, wiping her eyes quickly. "And you’ll be a great a father.”
“And we’ll be doing this together. We’ll have the doctor, we’ll plan, we’ll read up on whatever we can. Whatever we need. Nine months can be a long while.”
A sliver of a smile spread across Katherine’s face. “Mhm.”
“Now how about that picnic?”
She hummed in agreement, before pulling him down for a kiss. Taking hold of each other’s hands and grabbing the basket, the lovers set off to the park. As they exited the house, Katherine pulled Ludwig down for one more kiss before whispering, “Thank you.”
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
i love you guys, just putting that out there 💕
We stan a supportive dad who hates the miya twins 💅 @lovelyvillainess idk it won’t let me tag you :(
I figured at least one of them should have an ounce of common sense lmao
Holy shit! The Miya twins meet the parents was soooooo good. I've just finished reading it and come here to gush and now I will go re-read it because wow. The tension. The feeling of dread that sinks in when you realize what reader might be in for tomorrow or the next day. But the dad is my hero!! It makes me wonder what Kita and the crew would say because they certainly saw the Miyas bullying their soulmate. We are not worthy of your genius
🥺 dfghgfhkl thank you!! But also yeah, it’s a temporary victory at best and you’re definitely gonna pay for it the next day 👀
🥺🥺🥺 go dad for having our back i feel like its rare for parents to actively support u in yan!fics so like...heart is warmed
so who wants to see daddy dearest go ham on the Miya twins and beat their asses??? 
omg ive never sent a message before but the meet the parents with the twins when her dad protected her i 🥺🥺❤️❤️
He is the only valid parent just sayin (still won’t make a difference in the long run, but at least he tried?)
I'm reading your newest drabble and came across the line, "it’s the pity he’ll give you. He thinks he ruined your life when he left (he didn’t)" I love this reader's energy lmao
Definitely not me projecting one particular ex of mine onto this fic, nope, not at all. But seriously those ex’s are the fucking worst 😒
Hi! Just popped in to say i love ur meet the parents drabble. One of my fave things about ur writing in general is how well you write dynamics between characters and that recent drabble was some good food brah. Thanks!! ❤️
ahh thank you so much, bby! 
Just passing by to say you are an absolute queen and that I love you and your writing very very much !! 💞💗❤️💖💓💘
Hi anon, i’d die for you i just wanted you to know that! 💕
Reread NFWMB again. Idk if you have watched or if your familiar with Bungoy Stray Dogs, Rhi but reading it again made me think of OdaSaku 😅 Idk, it's probably the opening line about kids. So I kind of had this screnaio in my head where Iwa's higher ups and contractors are surprised that he finally agreed to kids but what they don't know is that instead of killing them, he is taking them to the reader.
I have not watched BSD but I’ve heard about it?? it is on my ‘might fuck around one day and actually watch’ list, if i can ever stop re-watching my other faves. I did write Iwa as much more of a morally ambiguous character - he’s not gonna push an old lady in the street but he also probably wouldn’t stop somebody if he saw they were getting mugged kinda guy - obviously with the reader being the exception to that. But I do like the idea of Iwa just bringing home some kid he was supposed to kill and being like ‘this is now our child, we’re a family and i will straight up murder anyone who tries to take either of you from me’
but then i also like the idea of him seeing her be good with kids and just suddenly *breeding kink* ya know?
Okay unironicly??? Nice guy yandere Bokuto is my kink and that last piece hit the nail right on the head. Everyone is cooing that you guys are adorable together, so why does it feel so awful every time he puts his hands on you~ you cant find it in yourself to say no, but you want to get away from him as soon as possible~
Yandere Bokuto makes my heart horny and it is a straight up tragedy that I don’t have more written for him (soon, bby, dw) because he’s all soft and cuddly and needy and incessant, but the moment you start pulling too far away - oop. Now you get to play with an upset Bo 👀
For all the hard work you do, someone should write for you. Depending if you're into the really disturbed, angst, smutty kind where there are no such things as regrets. That's me. I write that stuff all the time. Keep up the great writing beautiful. What's next on your upcoming lists of fanfiction you're going to post? 💋💞😍🤗👀 Love ya! @doloresdaizhamorgan
Ahh thank you, bby! You always send the sweetest asks (and btw I hoped you liked vamp Touya!!) Next up is slasher Bokuto, Akaashi & Kuroo which I am v excited about 🔪
Hi! I was wondering how you think the yandere soulmate pairings would react to the reader favouring one over the other? Would they get jealous of the other—leading to the reader's possible escape route? Also just wanted to say I love your writing so so so much—it genuinely gives me chills in all the best ways :)
I think it would be difficult for the reader to prefer one to the other as they’re all bad in different ways. However as it’s kind of implied that both Oikawa & Iwa and Ushijima and Tendou are also each others soulmates as well, I think they’d find a way to manage it without too much drama between each of them - probably exposure therapy. Say you start to cling a little more to Ushi because Tendou’s being sadistic mean, he’ll leave the two of you to spend some ‘quality time’ together - surely you’ll be feeling better by the time he gets back (you aren’t). Or if you start showing more favouritism to Iwa because he doesn’t go as hard with his punishments, the two of them will agree that next time it’s all up to Iwa, and he’s gonna make it hurt while Oikawa will be there to take care of you afterwards.
It’s all about balance.
If its with the twins, good fucking luck. They’re already bickering over the small stuff - they’ll just take it as an excuse to lord it over the other one - which ill inevitably prompt the ‘loser’ to remind you of exactly why you should really reconsider, especially with how good he’s gonna make ya feel. Basically - it’s a tug of war with you caught in the middle. Have fun tho!
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lotusjwy · 4 years
“Didn’t you see what I did?!” wwx and lwj, clearly i love Pain - @gremlinmetawin
hello, wangxian is so hard to write and i think i complained about that a lot today 😭  i once again have decided to make this a slight continuation of the last prompt i wrote (again will link the first AND second bits for anyone who hasn’t read it, below!) i’m not entirely happy with this, bc i’ve never written anything that isn’t... well jiang cheng centric, so i didn’t know how to navigate it??? but i hope you like it all the same??? thank u for getting my creative juices flowing, ur always so giving 💜 @gremlinmetawin
It had been a long day for Lan Wangji, and it was only the early afternoon. He wanted nothing more than to drag Wei Ying back to the Jingshi and spend the remainder of their day alone. However, unfortunately that wasn’t a possibility with his brother not leaving his rooms for the day, leaving Lan Wangji to deal with some duties that required immediate attention. Thankfully, Wei Ying had decided to accompany him for the day, making his duties seem less like work and more like running errands with the love of his life.
As they were passing by the Hanshi, Lan Wangji averted his eyes from the dwelling, not wanting to be tempted to go see his brother, having learned from his past mistakes. He wished that there was something he could do for Xichen, that would stop him from getting into these moods, knowing that they were just as draining on him, as they were on those he spoke to.
He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts, when he felt his husband urgently pulling at his robes.
“Did Xichen-ge play the flute this morning?” Wei Wuxian sounded frantic, his eyes wide, something hidden behind them. Perhaps fear? Wangji was unsure, but he was just as reluctant to let his husband go anywhere near his brother today. Wei Ying had refused to tell him what Xichen had said to him that time, but he knew that the other had had nightmares about it for a long time after, and likely still wasn’t completely over it, even if the two had made their amends.
“He did not. If you wish to see him, you should go tomorrow, instead.” He hoped that whatever Wei Ying wanted from Xichen could wait, otherwise he was not above physically dragging the other away from here. He refused to let Wei Ying see Xichen right now and would do everything in his power to stop it.  
However, it would seem that that wasn’t the case, as the Wei Ying seemed to grow irritated at Wangji, “ugh, no, didn’t you see what I did?!” Wei Ying’s attention was no longer solely focussed on Lan Wangji, as he seemed to be searching for something or someone, “someone let Jiang Cheng go see him, fuck.”
Oh. Lan Wangji actually hadn’t seen Jiang Wanyin, as he had purposefully not been looking towards the Hanshi and had thus, apparently, missed seeing Jiang Wanyin.
If it had been anyone else, Lan Wangji would have pitied the person who unknowingly stumbled upon Lan Xichen whilst he was in one of his moods. However, this was Jiang Wanyin, who had more or less spent the past two decades having built up his reputation by being just as hostile, and so he voiced this to his husband. “I’m sure xiongzhang would have said nothing that Jiang Wanyin hasn’t heard about himself before. Would he not be fine?”
This proved to be a mistake on his part, having somehow forgotten how fiercely protective Wei Ying was over Jiang Wanyin. Wei Ying rounded on his husband, his eyes narrowing in a glare that hadn’t been directed at him in a very long time. “Lan Zhan, we are going to have a serious talk about this later. But for now, I have to go find my idiot brother who’s probably about to shut himself away from everyone he cares about, again.” And with that, he had quickly left, supposedly to find Jiang Wanyin and give him comfort from whatever Lan Xichen had said to him.
Lan Wangji went about the remainder of his day in a trance like state, not being used to Wei Ying being mad at him, without them immediately resolving the                                                                     argument. Of course, they had gotten into fights, what couple did not? But they had generally been about Wei Ying’s lack of care towards himself, rather than something Lan Wangji had done. He wasn’t used to this and he could honestly say that he did not like it. All he could do now was wait for Wei Ying to return and hope that Wei Ying would no longer be mad at him.
It was well after dinner when Wei Ying had finally arrived back, shutting the doors softly behind him. Lan Wangji had winded down from the day, what with 9pm drawing near, though he was growing more impatient for Wei Ying’s return. As time had passed in the day, he had been tempted to go in search of Wei Ying wanting to smooth things over. However, he knew that his husband wouldn’t appreciate him interrupting his time with Jiang Wanyin.
Neither of them said a word to each other, for a few moments, letting an uncomfortable silence fall upon them. Wei Ying moved to grab a bottle of Emperor’s Smile from their ‘secret’ stash and sat down, gesturing for his husband to sit with him.
Letting out a sigh, Wei Ying took a drink directly from the jar before speaking, “do you want to hear what your brother said to Jiang Cheng?”
Lan Wangji could only assume the venom that his brother had spat out, but nodded all the same, “Mn.”
“He told my brother that he killed innocent people for no reason, that he and the cultivation world would have benefitted from him shutting himself away from society.” Taking another swig, Wei Wuxian laughed ruefully, not at all enjoying the situation they were in. A better part of his day was spent comforting his brother and ensuring that he was okay before letting him go back to Lotus Pier, and now he had to work through how his soulmate still hates one of the only family members he has left. “He strung my brother along, let him think that he cared, and then used that against him.”
“Xiongzhang doesn’t mean anything he says on these days…” And that was something that Lan Wangji wholeheartedly believed, he refused to believe that Lan Xichen had meant any of the words that he uttered in these instances.
He tiredly rubbed his hands over his face, trying to consider how to construct his thoughts from here on out, knowing that Lan Wangji would defend his brother to no ends, apparently not realising that Wuxian would do the same. “But Jiang Cheng doesn’t know that, Lan Zhan. How could he have known that when no one told him?”
Wei Ying had a point and Wangji knew it, but he still didn’t understand why Wei Ying was so upset over it, these were words Jiang Wanyin had heard before, “perhaps he should have been told, however it’s not the first time he’s had these wor-“
Wei Ying cut him off, fury in his eyes, “he’s had these words spat at him before, is that what you want to say?”
Lan Wangji silently nodded in response to the other, shocked at the anger he could feel radiating from his husband.
“Who fucking cares, Lan Zhan? I’ve had poison spat at me as well, yet you are there to defend me at every step, regardless of how many times I’ve heard it. Why is it any different when its Jiang Cheng?” And wasn’t that the truth. Any time someone so much as breathes wrong in Wuxian’s direction, Lan Zhan is there in an instant, ready to cut the person’s throat, just to defend his honour.
“You… didn’t do the things you’re accused of.” Lan Wangji was beginning to see the fault in his thoughts, that perhaps he wasn’t being as unbiased as he had originally assumed.
“But I did, Lan Zhan. I did cultivate demonic cultivation. I did leave the cultivation society for the Wen remnants. I killed so many people, I did all of the things they accused me off. I couldn’t control it! Yet you choose to protect me but also to demonise my brother.” Wei Wuxian stopped speaking to take another long drink from the Emperor’s Smile jar. “Lan Zhan, I love you, I love you so much, but I need you to stop hating him so openly.”
“He hates me too.” Perhaps it was a petty response, but Wangji didn’t enjoy being on the other end of being scolded by his cultivation partner.
“Jiang Cheng only gives out what he receives. If you show him kindness and respect, then he will show that back to you in return.” It was always something Wei Wuxian had always noticed about Jiang Cheng, if someone was kind to him, then he would be kind in return, albeit in his own, angry way, but kind all the same. And if you show him nothing but resentment, then he finds no reason to be kind in return. “I’m not asking you and him to get along and become friends, I know how unlikely that is. I’m just asking for you to give him the benefit of the doubt. For you and him to be in a room together without me worrying that the two of you will kill each other. Please.”
Wei Ying was looking at Lan Wangji with desperation in his eyes, and an overall tired look on his face. He hadn’t realised how much this had been weighing on his husband’s mind, and so he had no choice but to agree, “…mn, I promise to try harder to be kind to Jiang Wanyin, in the future.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry I spoke like that to you, but I needed you to understand.”
“Mn. It’s okay.” But there was still one thing lingering on his mind, that Wei Ying hadn’t answered for him yet. “I am... still unsure on something... You do not get upset when people talk about you, why does Jiang Wanyin?”
“Imagine if I had condemned your every move, Lan Zhan. Every life choice you made the past two decades. Not a random disciple from a random sect, but me, your husband.” He looked away from the other, knowing that Lan Wangji would draw his own conclusions about their brothers relationship, or lack thereof, on his own from his words. “Imagine someone you love saying something so horrible about you to your face, saying that they no longer want to be in your company because it’s tiresome to them, and you have no idea why they’d said it. That’s why he got upset, not because of what was said, but because of who said it.”
Lan Wangji began nodding, his mind reeling at the fact that Wei Ying had implied that Jiang Wanyin had feelings for his brother, but he understood what the other was saying. Jiang Wanyin had no idea that Lan Xichen got into these moods, and so he had believed that the other had meant the words that he had said to him. “I apologise for thinking and speaking so carelessly. I’ll try to be more lenient towards Jiang Wanyin in the future.”
Wei Ying gave his cultivation partner the biggest grin that he could muster, “that’s all I could ask from you, Lan Zhan. I’m sorry that I had to leave you alone all day, you must have been so worried.” He stood up, bringing his jar of Emperor’s Smile with him and immediately sat himself down on Lan Wangji’s lap, wrapping his arms around the other’s neck.
“Mn, it is okay. Jiang Wanyin needed you, and you are now here with me.” Lan Wangji smiled at Wei Ying, and gently wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him in place as he pressed a firm kiss to the other’s lips.
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julilihatfun · 5 years
Prompt? Geralt leaves Jaskier in an inn on the promise he will return but is gone for a week. When he comes back, Jaskier is sick with fever and passed out on the floor or in the bathtub close to drowning (whatever you choose!) Bonus: Geralt left having a slight feeling that something was already wrong with Jaskier but left on the hunt anyway, cueing guilty feelings.
“Don’t wait up.”, Geralt had said to the bard, briefing him like some men might would their helpless housewifes, stuck in an unhappy marriage. Except Jaskier and him are not married – even though it sometimes feels a bit like they are, with Jaskier pretty much attached to him at all times, their pointless bickering and most importantly: them sharing beds whenever they’re short of coin. Point is: they are not, so Geralt had kind of expected Jaskier to survive a day or two without him – having imagined him drinking ale and frantically trying to make everyone that stands to close to him like him. Jaskier is like that: clingy and desperate for attention. And Geralt tries not to give him too much of it, because if he spoils the bard too much, it usually backfires – additionally, he already cares to damn much about the fragile human than it is healthy for someone in his profession to do. If Jaskier gets his way, Geralt would probably never be taken seriously again – and that could get really dangerous really fast.
“How long will you be gone?”, Jaskier had asked, eying him with his stupidly blue, big puppy dog eyes, still frustrated at being denied the opportunity to trail along (and probably get killed in the process).
“Probably ‘till morning – possibly even a bit longer. Just stay here and don’t get in too much trouble.”
And Jaskier had gasped in his usual, dramatic way, theatrically clutching his chest. “Geralt I would never!” Then, he had eyed Geralt, a hint of seriousness in his gaze. “Be careful, yeah?”
“See you tomorrow, then!”
Yeah. That had been six days ago. The fucking beast had been much more difficult to find than Geralt had expected and it had been a real pain in the ass to kill.
So as Geralt steps into the inn, nearly a week later, he wants nothing more than to just take a long, hot bath and then sleep for two days straight. Maybe eat a nice, hot meal.
The keeper of the inn – a nice, middle-aged woman with a kind smile – greets him in an uncommonly warm way. “Witcher!”, she simpers. “I think we are most indebted to you.”
Geralt shrugs. “The mayor already paid me plenty.”
The woman laughs. “I am talking about myself and my family. Your lovely companion brought in more paying guests this week than we ever had before.”
Geralt grunts in irritation. He just wants to rest. Not have pointless conversations about stuff that barely concerns him. Although – he guesses, that Jaskier probably made a fair bit of coin too, which is much needed.
“It’s a shame we have not seen any of him since the day before yesterday.”, she continues. “Send him down here if you do catch a hold of him, would you dear?” This does grab Geralts attention.
“Probably needed his peace, the poor boy. He did look awfully tired.”, she says, thoughtfully. “You do too, come to think of it. Have something to eat? On the house, of course.”
Geralt shakes his head absentmindedly. “Not… right now. Send something up later, maybe?” He tries to make his face look friendly(ish). “Thank you.”
Then he turns and stalks up the stairs. Hiding away was so unlike Jaskier, that it sends wave after wave of uneasiness through his entire body. With every horrible scenario that enters his mind, his pace quickens and the exhaustion he had felt before is long forgotten.
When he bursts through the door, he is met with silence and a weird smell that is heavy in the air.
More silence. He searches the room for any sign of the bard. The first thing he sees, is the lute, which is a clear indication of Jaskier not being far away. Unless someone broke in and-
The heavy pile of blankets on the bed is slightly jostled from within and Geralt rolls his eyes. Right, not kidnapped then.
“Jaskier, what the hell is going on?” This might be good. Maybe Jaskier is just really hungover.
Geralt takes two big steps and yanks the heavy duvet away, fully revealing Jaskier. But he barely has the chance to look at Jaskier, before the bard snaps awake, desperately trying to untangle his feet, that were still stuck in the ball of blanket at the end of the bed, and letting out a girly scream.
“Step away!” Jaskiers voice is raspy, but unwaveringly steely – so much so, that Geralt thinks his bard would have anyone else fooled.
“Or what?”, Geralt chuckles. “You’ll write another song about me?”
Jaskier finally manages to fully turn and sit up. He catches sight of Geralt and gasps, jumping up and stumbling towards the Witcher in order to grab one strand of Geralts hair in fascination. “Geralt.”, he whispers. “You’re real.”
Geralt stares at Jaskiers shaking fingers still tangled up in his locks and furrows his brows. “Yes.”
Jaskier looks up. His eyes look dull and glassy. “I thought you-“ He breaks off with a deep breath, that he releases with a shudder. He is swaying on his feet, his face looking ghastly.
“What happened?”, Geralt sighs, putting his hand on Jaskiers shoulder to steady him. He frowns at the heat that radiates through Jaskiers shirt and moves his palm up to the bards red-tinged cheek.
“Jaskier you-“, he starts, but then Jaskier throws himself forwards and locks his arms around Geralts muscly torso, burying his face in his collar.
“I thought you’d died.”, Jaskier whispers and then, to Geralts great horror, lets out a sob.
Geralt awkwardly pats the bards back. “Hunt took longer than expected.”, he grunts. “You should have asked for a healer.”
“I was mourning.”, Jaskier mumbles into his chest. Like it was obvious and Geralt can’t bet but roll his eyes again.
“How long have you felt like this?”
Jaskier shrugs weakly. “Dunno.” He snuggles up more closely towards Geralt. “What day’s it even?”
Geralt rolls his eyes. “God, you’re delirious.”
“Yeah.”, Jaskier chuckles dreamily. “Thought you came back y’sterday, but then ‘t was jus’ a-“, he breaks off, frowning for a moment. “Halluci-something!”, he finished, giggling manically now.
“Okay.”, Geralt says, at a loss for words. This might be more serious than he had first assumed. Jaskier had stopped laughing in order to gasp for breath, slumping against Geralt heavily now.
“Okay.”, Geralt repeats. “Lay back down, yeah?”
“Mhh, sounds nice.”, Jaskier approves, but does not move away from Geralt.
Geralt lets out a long breath to calm himself down before removing Jaskiers arms from around his middle.
“Hey!” Jaskier moans in indignation. “Not lettin’ you go ever ‘gain.”
“Yeah, more like I’m never leaving you unattended ever again. Get in bed.”
The bard grumbles unhappily, but let’s Geralt manhandle him back under the covers. When he looks up at the Witcher then, his eyes look a bit clearer and disturbingly serious. “Stay?”
It may not be a real promise to anyone else, but Jaskier understands. Relaxes.
Geralt mentally bids goodbye to the idea of sleep in the near future and starts to gather some herbs from his bag, brewing what he hopes will get Jaskier back to his feet quicker.
He kind of hopes that Jaskier will doze of soon, but the bard just keeps on chattering away, stringing together sentences that are barely sensible.
“Have to tell me all ‘bout… y’ know… monsters and stuff.” or “It’s real’… freezy here.” – but mostly just different variations of: “’m sooo glad that tha’ ‘ur back”
“You should really try to rest.”, Geralt repeats, when he has given up on waiting for Jaskier to get tired of talking on his own. He kind of enjoyed the familiar blathering after a week worth of having nothing but his own thoughts to distract him from the absolute silence around him, but that did not implicate that he has to humour Jaskiers inability to shut up.
“No.”, Jaskier frowns. “You might vanish ‘f I go t’ sleep.”
“Not a hallucination, Jask.”, Geralt mutters for what feels like the thousandth time.
“You dun’ know that…”
Geralt rolls his eyes. “Kind of think I do.”
Jaskier moans in obvious disbelief and Geralt decides to let him be. He needs to focus on the medicine.
When he has poured the liquid down Jaskiers throat and moves to finally set up his sleeping roll on the floor, fingers weakly wrap around his wrist.
“Lay down w’ me?”, Jaskier pleads, and Geralt hesitates. “Be sensible Jaskier. The bed’s too small and you need real rest.”
But asking Jaskier to be sensible is probably a major mistake on his part he decides, as the bards eyes water.
“Have t’- have to… feel you.”, Jaskier whimpers. “Know ‘ur really here.”
Geralt sighs, silently hoping that his herbs will do their job soon as he pushes Jaskier closer to the edge of the bed in order to make room for himself. “You’re awful.”, he says, but it sounds to fond, that he almost doesn’t recognize his own voice.
Jaskier latches onto him before his head even touches the pillow and the heat that radiates from the bard is majorly concerning. Geralt rubs Jaskiers shoulder in what he hopes is a comforting manner and Jaskier cuddles up closer.
“Sleep now. Get better.”, Geralt grunts and Jaskier nods.
 And when Jaskier gasps awake close to ten hours later, he is still curled into Geralts side, feeling more rested than he has in days, blinking confusedly.
The Witcher jerks out of sleep too, instinctively curling his arm more tightly around Jaskiers body. They are both sweaty and gross, but Jaskier does not feel as hot anymore and Geralt feels incredibly relieved.
“Well, congrats on no longer being in danger of frying your brain.”, Geralt huffs.
“Thank you?”
It’s obvious that Jaskier only has a vague idea of what went down in the last day or two.
Geralt sighs and untangles himself from the bard in order to grab the jug from the nightstand. He helps Jaskier into a sitting position and pushes the waterfilled pitcher into his hands carefully.
He watches Jaskier drink for a moment, deep in thought. Then, he sighs again. “Sorry for making you worry.”
Jaskier looks up, startled. He stops chugging the water greedily and furrows his brows. “You didn’t do it purpose.” He pauses. “Did you?”
“’Course not.”, Geralt agrees. He takes in Jaskiers still-too-pale face and the way his sweat-soaked curls stick to his forehead and curls his lips unhappily.
“You’re awful at taking care of yourself, by the way.”
Jaskier huffs. “You’re one to talk!”
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Ok so sleepover time: SO i had this idea a while ago of like the reader being with peter and they've been together for around like 5 months, and she knows may and everything, and they're all cute and close, and she knows about the Spider-Boi Business, and yeah. and Like peter talks to TOny and like all the avengers about her and hes really happy, and they're all wondering when they're gonna meet her, and how would peter introducing the reader to the avengers go essentially?
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Frick I’ve been waiting to write this for my entire life
Peter is not good at introducing himself to new people so him introducing you to some of the people that he values most in his life is so nerve-wracking for him
He’s literally put it off for almost a year but see he’s also the type of person that, once he gets comfortable with them, won’t shut up about you
So they’re forced to sit there and hear all about you except they don’t even know you and they don’t get to meet you??
Tony is literally so tired of hearing about you from Peter because he wants to mE ET you not keep hearing about ‘that one time when they fell asleep in a class that they shared with me and they leaned their head up against my shoulder’
So Tony finally, after hearing this specific story for the twelfth time he is like nope this is the time
“If you don’t bring Y/N over here tomorrow I will take away your suit and kick you out of the avengers forever”
We are pretending that peter was brought into the avengers and not destroyed like an hour later
Peter is like oh GosH gOLLy gEE
He calls you ten minutes later and is like you doing anything tomorrow? Oh you are? Well my entire life rides on you coming over to the tower tomorrow so I’m gonna need you to cancel your plans
Peter sets everything up and you’re gonna meet him there at ten am the next day
He’s like i stg they’re real and they’re coming over here tomorrow
Tony is like I’ve got my eye on u Parker
Peter is sweating
The meeting time literally gets there so fast Peter is like uM did any time pass at all? It’s already here???
He’s literally so nervous acK
Like he’s not nervous about them not liking you he’s nervous about you not liking them or about them embarrassing him in front of you and argH
He meets up with you and you’re in a cute lil outfit he’s like oh goodness I’m crying
HE nervously takes ur hand and brings you inside and he’s like deep breathing the entire time because these are the aVeNgErS and they mean a lot to him but you do too????
You squeeze his hand and he realizes that he hasn’t even thought about how nervous you must be because you’re meeting the aVeNgErS
And he feels so bad
On the elevator ride up he tries to give you a pep talk but doesn’t really know how he’s like I love you and I know they will too and don’t be scared of them like I know they’re superheroes and Natasha will probably have a small knife on her and Thor might be there with his hammer and stuff but like you don’t have aNyThInG to worry about
The doors of the elevator slide open and you’re like shaking
Nice pep talk Peter
He leads you into the main room and you’re like two minutes early and Peter texts Tony that you’re in the living room
You hear like a friggin rumbling and you’re  t e r r i f i e d
And you see Iron Man coming down the hallway
Suit and all
Just walking tf towards you almost in slow motion
You want to bail
You are so scared
He takes off the damn helmet and is like oh hi I didn’t hear u come in I’m iron man hbu
Peter is so done
He kindly suggests that Tony get out of the suit and into something less life-threatening
He’s like hm okay
Comes back out with a suit on :’)
He wants u to be impressed
By that time it’s past two and everyone else has arrived
Natasha does in fact have a smol knife with her
She throws it up and down a few times 
Steve and Natasha are the ones to notice how freaking terrified you are and be like oh honey how are you we’ve heard lots about you I hear you like doing this in your free time how’s that going and oh man you gotta update us on how the rude teacher situation is going has he surrendered
Peter is sitting there smiling like haha they know everything about u
You end up really enjoying everyone and Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Natasha get your number before you leave and you make a group chat
Slowly, one by one, other members of the team are added
But peter is never
Which is good because you use so many meme faces and bad pictures of him in that chat that he’d be so embarrassed if he knew
You get invited for family dinners every week
They all just really like you because of how completely whipped Peter is for u
Sometimes you’ll leave school and Tony or Steve will be waiting there like hi :)) want a ride kiddo
All in all being introduced to them would be terrifying but so worth it because fun group chat with memes
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