#i slowed people down to a more sustainable pace
novlr · 1 month
How do I strengthen my writing? I tend to fall back on bad habits because I can't find good habits to replace them.
Building sustainable writing habits that really help you improve can be really difficult. Especially if you don't know where to look. So, here are 10 tips for building good writing habits that can help strengthen your writing!
1. Clear out your creative faucets
Step away from your project and do something else! Write something different. Let yourself write badly. Or just plain old take a break. Your writing will suffer if you're constantly forcing yourself to work on something that isn't bringing you joy.
2. Read voraciously
In the immortal words of Stephen King: “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to write.” 
Read widely in your own genre and outside of it. Take inspiration from other authors, and read critically to see what they do well and what they could do better.
3. Read some bad writing, too
Breaking down exactly why a piece of writing doesn't work for you can be super helpful for understanding what to avoid in your own work. 
4. Try on different writing styles
Try out different approaches to storytelling to find the voice that feels most like yours. You might find yourself attracted to descriptive, sensory prose, or more to austere and pointed prose. Your writing will be strongest when you're the most authentic self you can be.
5. Explore characterisation 
People are messy. Accurately and compellingly conveying this innate messiness is essential to creating a powerful story. Explore your characters and who they are, and if it's a character-driven story, don't be afraid to let them drive.
6. Make friends with your thesaurus 
A great way to make a piece of prose shine even brighter is to expand your vocabulary. There are a lot of words in the English language that mean similar things but have slightly different moods and tones. Finding the exact right word to convey what you’re trying to say will help your writing land more emphatically with your reader. 
7. Banish filtering words
Filtering is one of the most common mistakes new writers make. It involves describing a character’s sensations or feelings with filtering words like felt, saw, heard, knew, watched, or realised. This holds the reader at a distance and makes them feel like they’re hearing a story, rather than living it.
An example of filtering would be, “She watched the sun rise majestically over the mountains”. It would feel more immediate to simply say, “The sun rose majestically over the mountains”. The reader already knows your point-of-view character is watching; now, the reader can watch it with them. 
8. Glare disapprovingly at the passive voice
Passive voice isn’t necessarily wrong all the time, but nine times out of ten, it will slow down the pace of your story and encourage the reader to lose interest in your characters. Passive voice means having something done to a character — “John was punched in the face by Nick” — instead of a character actively doing something: “Nick punched John in the face”.
9. Familiarise yourself with story structure
The best stories follow an established plot structure, and follow it so smoothly that the reader doesn’t even realise there’s an ancient storytelling template behind it. These structures are designed to introduce just the right amount of tension and suspense and to give the reader the ideal payoff by the end. Rather than being formulaic, they help with pacing and plot development.
10. Get peer feedback
Finally, the best way to make your work as strong as it can be is to get some feedback from other writers. This can be from a professional editor, a beta reader, or a collaborative writing group. Getting a second pair of eyes can help you catch plot holes or inconsistencies before you send your story out into the world.
Want to know more? Read the full post at the link below!
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liesmyth · 11 months
I want to start running...any tips?
I WAS BORN TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Thank you so much for asking! Unfortunately, I am a nerd about my hobbies so this got quite long.
Keep it simple ✨
Running is easy to get into; our bodies are built for it. Don’t stress over technicalities and just do what feels natural to you. My local races are full of 70-something white-haired pensioners who are kicking ass at it. Don’t let anyone tell you that running is meant to feel like dying, that’ll harm your knees, or that you absolutely need to have that specific smartwatch model to get into it. All you need is a solid pair of shoes, everything else is optional.
Medium effort is the way to go
The ideal aerobic running pace is a speed at which you’re able to hold a conversation, even if a bit winded. NO faster. If you’re able to sing along to your playlist or chat with a friend, that’s your ideal running pace. If you’re gasping or wheezing, slow down! You’ll get a bit faster as your lung capacity gets better, but that shouldn’t be a priority unless you want to train for a race. You get most of the health benefits of running just by keeping up a steady, sustainable, conversational pace.
Walking breaks are fine, actually
That’s the reason why I don’t love C25K as a beginner program — the way it’s structured sort of implies that walking breaks are something you should grow out of to become a more experienced runner. If you need to walk for a bit, go ahead.
If possible, jogging is preferable, just because the mechanics of even a glacial-pace jog are more similar to running than those of a faster power walk, so you might try switching to a jog after a bit of a walking interval. But walking is not a failure; there are serious marathon training plans out there that use walk/run intervals as a viable strategy.
(Related: picking up speed helps you keep going! If you feel like you are completely drained, try speeding up for a very short interval, then slowing back down. It’ll often give you an energy boost to keep going)
Run for time, not distance ⌚
Especially for beginners, I find that getting fixated on numbers can be counter productive, and the most important thing is to listen to your body. If you’re aiming to hit a certain mileage, you might get the urge to speed up at the end to get done faster. Instead, set yourself time-based goals and end every run with a cool down jog or walk.
Good running shoes are essential, and pretty much the only fitness-related purchase on which I’ll always support dropping money. If you get to the point where you’re consistently running 10 km (6 miles) each week, you’ll want to go to a running store — the kind of place where you’ll get fitted, and they’ll have you try on models and jog on a treadmill to evaluate your gait and let you know which characteristics your ideal shoe needs. I can’t stress enough how useful running store staff can be. They’re all running club nerds who LOVE getting new people into running, and they really want to help you find your ideal fit. Also get good running socks while you’re at it.
Be prepared to drop at least 100€ (or equivalent currency) but they usually have a great return policy if the model isn’t a good fit for you. Take care of your running shoes — maintenance, wearing them only for running, gentle cleansing etc — and the cushioning will last for quite a while (600km / 370miles at least). If you decide that you hate running, they’re still great for walking around. Once you find your ideal shoe model, it gets a lot easier to shop for it during end-of-season sales, or looking for online bargains etc. I love stocking on end-of-series shoes and rotating them so they’ll last even longer, and I buy online quite often! Just make sure your FIRST pair is fitted, for ideal injury prevention and joint health.
Injury prevention 💪
I’d love to still be running 10k races when I’m 70, but it takes some care to get there. When you run, you’re slamming your body weight up and down with every stride, and that might be hard on your joints if you’re not used to it. If you’re completely new to running, cap your runs at 15/20 minutes every other day. Do that even if you feel like you could keep going! If you have a good aerobic base already, you need to give your joints time to catch up with you lung capacity, and give your body time to recover. Do bodyweight exercises like lunges and planks and glute bridges to strengthen your core, legs, and hips. Dynamic stretches are great for warmups, and static stretches are better for cooling down. If you have the option, running on softer surface like grass or dirt is better than asphalt, which is better than concrete and pavements.
(If nothing of what I’ve said here makes sense to you, shoot me another ask, or look at some of the resources I’ve linked down below!)
Don't get bored! ���
I love running in groups. Running clubs are great. You can learn so much in a hands-on way from seriously experienced people, you can chat about gossip over a running job, and you can make some interesting friends. If you don’t have access to a running community, then personally I love just chilling on a run by myself listening to an audiobook or podcast or exploring a certain area.
Running form❓
Don’t stress about it. Just go out and move your body. Attempting to modify your ‘running form’ too quickly can do more harm than good. There ARE a few things you could pay attention to — I recommend trying to focus on one of these at a time for a minute or so, and alternate between them. After a while, it’ll start to feel natural to keep track of all of them:
1. Don’t slouch! But a slight lean forward is great.
2. Keep your shoulders pulled down and your upper back tense.
3. Swinging your arms in a way that helps with your stride is good, but I shouldn’t feel forced.
4. Even breaths, inhaling through your mouth and expiring through your nose.
5. Take turns to check with every part of your body, and relax them in turn: are your jaw and neck too tense? Are your fists tight?
6. Don’t overstride! shorter strides with quicker leg turnover are better than huge strides that feel awkward to you.
7. Use your glutes to drive up the motion of your legs, not just your quads. This can take a while to get used to, but it’s a game-changer.
8. ENGAGE YOUR CORE. This is a great skill to develop whether you work out or are just existing in the world — basically, let your inner abdominal muscles help you carry your weight forward. This is VERY intuitive once you know how to do it, but it’s hard to get a grasp of it if you don’t know what it means, so here are some resources about it.
an extremely fucking comprehensive article that improved my life and eased my big-boobs back pain
similar content but in video form
a running-specific form video
Personally, learning to do this made me feel like I unlocked a superpower. Go forth and brace.
Accessories and tips 🤓
Like I said above, the only thing I really suggest spending money on for real is running shoes. Everything else is details! However, I’m nothing if not wordy I have Thoughts about those details, too.
Run tracking: I suggest downloading Runkeeper if you want to keep track of your runs — it’s free, intuitive, and solid! If you decide to get into wearables, a low-level Garmin >>>>> anything else.
Self-care: use sunscreen and/or thick face cream as needed. Stop to sip at a public fountain if needed. Get a small fanny pack to hold your phone, keys, or lip balm if needed. If chafing is an issue, anti-glide gel is relatively affordable.
Outfits etc: I get all my running gear and clothes from Decathlon — they are in most countries and ship worldwide. I especially love this thermal shirt for colder weather
Safety: if you’re running on the road, make sure to run in the opposite direction from traffic and to wear something bright. If you run with headphones near traffic, keep the volume down, or get over-the-ear conductor headsets. I love shokz, they're fantastic.
Post-run snack: eating something small and carb-heavy within 30 mins of a workout is great for kickstarting recovery. I love dried fruit personally.
Various resources 📝
Routine basics: check out the r/running order of operations, which is a great “how to” guide to building a basic running routine. I also recommend that subreddit's wiki! Running programming gets exponentially more involved the more advanced you get, etc — if you ever have any questions, hit me up!
Dynamic stretching warmup: a quick leg swing workout to get your legs ready to go. If you’re feeling overachieving, here’s a lunge warmup routine and a how-to bodyweight squat video.
Cooldown routine! Check out Strength and Mobility, a great post-run quick cooldown routine that includes some bodyweight exercises to strengthen your hips and core. Video included.
that's all, folks! 🏃‍♀️
Sorry I got carried away! I love running. I love getting people into running. My mental health, cardiovascular system and my popping quads also love running. But FYI, some people hate running and that's also fine! If you decide it’s not for you, find something you like more. There are a lot of misconceptions out there and a lot of guilt-tripping and body shame-y rhetoric around exercising, especially aimed at women, and I want to make clear it’s all bullshit. Just have fun <3
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
Someone who for whatever reason wants to get eaten by Vorticia and so goes to the gluttony ring hoping to find her. They by some miracle get to interact with her but when they beg her to eat them she’s like “lol no,” because it turns out they’re her match
[This is fucking hilarious. Fem reader.]
TW: Macro/micro themes; Vore.
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Tightly tied to a chair, you can hear them talk behind the kitchen doors.
" You're telling me you just found this one trying to break into the premises?! " The short imp you've only caught glimpses of so far sounds exasperated.
" Yes... " The much taller demon with a dark mane replies. " She wasn't very successful, but I'm fairly certain her goal was to get caught. "
" And she said she wants to get eaten. " It's not even a question.
" By mother. Specifically her. "
There's a beat of silence.
" Vorago. You can't expect me to present a fetishist to your mother. That is ridicu- "
" Is it? I would much prefer if my meals walked directly into the plate. " The prince counters. " You're doing the poor thing a favor. I've advocated for this in the past as well, think about the time and resources we could spare during ceremonies if we take in people just like her. "
" My prince- "
" Do you like chasing after them, dad? Do you enjoy spending money on increasingly expensive hunting services? "
Dad?! That little imp? Imp-ressive.
" No, but we can't just- "
" Then give this a shot, perhaps it'll open your eyes to more sustainable alternatives. "
An unmistakable defeated sigh rings out. " ... Fine. "
You smile silently, happy that the tusked high-ranker who caught you managed to get your dream to come true. For such a scary-looking guy, he's actually not that bad.
When the doors part, your head snaps towards the curly-horned imp. They spare you a skeptical glance.
" It looks like you're getting what you want after all. "
" Yes! " The cheer is immediate and juvenile, met with a grimace.
" ... Right. " They're clearly uncomfortable. " Undress please. "
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Words cannot describe how wildly your heart is beating within your ribcage.
You've been dreaming of this day ever since you discovered the nuances of your sexuality. Queen Vorticia is the most gorgeous, regal, seductive demoness to ever slither upon this galaxy and to feel the caress of her tongue would bring you to a level so beyond Nirvana that you have to contain a freakish noise of delight just thinking about it. Not that it would have escaped very fair, with the strange fruit crammed in your mouth- It's starting to hurt your jaw a little actually...
Yes, you're not the most normal of humans, but that hardly matters now.
The cart you're laid upon is wheeled towards what you assume must be the main dining hall of Gluttony's mansion. The pace is slow, the imps in charge of transporting you dare not displace a single element of your large plate's design. See, upon hearing about your situation through the curly-horned imp, the chefs present decided that it would only be fitting if you got properly and excellently decorated for the occasion.
A few of them sympathized with your situation. Few things are as romantic as loving someone so much that you would like to become a part of them, be consumed by them. One of the girls was a bit emotional hearing you talk so sweetly about the Queen. All in all, you feel lucky to have gotten this far so smoothly.
A noise from beyond crashes your train of thought.
A crash. Hissing.
The imps pushing your cart whimper and look at each other fearfully.
Ah, a tempestuous mood. You wonder what has the Queen like that.
Your chaperones slow down even more, and if you could, you'd stomp your foot on the cart to make them hurry up. You're not about to be left stranded in this hall because these cowards are doubting their life's decisions.
Finally, oh finally, you can see the tall, intricately carved doors to the dinning hall. The last room you'll ever be in, if all goes according to plan. The realization breeds a heavy feeling that causes shortness of breath in you, but for some odd reason, you have no second thoughts about any of this. More servants stand stationary, guarding the doors.
At the sight of your cart approaching, said guards hurriedly open the doors much taller than themselves, seeming frantic in the way they hurry everyone inside.
You have to strain your neck to get a good look at the scenery.
Tones of orange, red and gold shower the room, it's large enough to be mistaken for some kind of bombastic ball room- But you've done a bit of research, and you know the dinning areas are the real focus of the Gluttonous Household.
Little does it all matter. You can't bring yourself to focus on anything other than the absolutely gigantic scaled woman currently seated at a massive, tall table. Her sandy yellow scales glimmer under the jeweled chandelier's light, everything from the twin-tipped tail that lounges across the room to her drooping black robe and pupils nearly as sharp as her eyes make you want to swoon, toes curling in delight.
Queen Vorticia reaches down below, you get to watch the demoness grab a flailing, kicking man by the ankles. He's muffled just as you are, but a lot more bruised and roughed up, trying his damndest to scream past an unforgiving muffler. He knows what will happen to him the moment he's raised in the air, as do you. And there's nothing he can do but close his eyes and accept his fate when the bottomless pit that is the Queen's maw stares back.
One second of mind-numbing anticipation is all it takes, then he's gone. Dropped. Her jaw clamping the second the man was submerged. Hardly a lump forms in the column of her long throat before it's over. With neither a scream nor a whimper, his doom arrives. The Queen however, looks unsatisfied. It's almost as if she didn't even eat anything to begin with, frowning at the wall pensively.
Until the platter that man was in goes flying across the room and nearly rips a chunk out of the wall. It was so fast you barely saw the flash of gold before your human eyes.
Two of the imps escorting you scurry beneath the cart for safety.
" I trussst you've brought me ssomething worthh my time? " Her voice finally rings through.
" Y- Yes, your Majesty! " One of them is brave enough to squeak, rattling the cart and everything on it as he pulls it forward, the others sticking to the back.
You can kind of understand them. Vorticia could easily swipe a hand down and capture two or three of these imps as an appetizer.
" Then hurry! Do you wisshh me to starve here?! "
A slam of a powerful fist causes the ground to quake.
" Never, my Queen! "
In a blink, your platter not only lifted off the cart but rushed onto the table, quickly turned and pushed to be in front of the demonlord herself. You almost get dizzy from all the jostling, and as your vision settles, you see the Queen wordlessly wave before scrambling steps follow. The servants nearly trample each other to leave the room alive.
You don't even look their way.
You can only bore holes into the gorgeous woman before you.
Vorticia raises a brow ridge, humming.
When a single claw descends, you imagine she'll slice your skin, peel you like an apple or go for your innards first. Instead, she stabs a tomato next to your waist and brings it to her lips, tongue roping it inside in a blink.
You're sure she can hear your poor heart thunder in its fickle confines.
" You mussst be the human they mentioned earlier. "
You blink.
" Pretty thhhing, wantss to be my dinner... " She nearly purrs, making something stir low in your belly.
At the way you attempt to frantically nod, she actually cracks a smile, incredulous. Although the hunger you've always yearned for resides in her thin eyes, there's also a hint of genuine curiosity you wouldn't typically see in the gaze of such a predator.
" Hmph. Well I hardly buy it. "
" MmMMF! " Even if you had something eloquent to counter with, muffled grunts are all you manage.
" Don't mumble, it'sss rude. "
She begins flirting with the decorations on your platter again. Every single time, you study the movements of her calloused, scaled hands as they move, waiting for the cut that never comes, the grip that never follows, she simply steals bits and pieces of vegetables and frivolous dressing. You're almost offended for a second. But... The anticipation is actually causing some curious effects in you.
In a way, every single time her claws scheme the platter, brushing over the bare skin of your legs and tickling your sides briefly before retreating with a slice of fruit or veggie, she's playing with you. Having her fun, as both an apex predator and a teasing mistress. Fear mingles with sparks of arousal you've poorly contained thus far, creating a fire that has you sweating under her serpentine gaze.
" You're almossst too cute to eat. " She chuckles eventually. Something wooshes nearby, it takes you a moment to notice it's her large tail.
You notice, rather belatedly, that there's no one else in the room but you and Vorticia, and a suspenseful quiet has fallen between you. You could not have asked for a better environment. It feels as if you're both sharing a very intimate, sacred moment.
The next time her hand dips, instead of skirting around the main course, she tip taps her way up your trembling figure and circles a long claw under the swell of your breast, watching you shiver attentively before edging the decorative leaf covering it. A more than pert nipple catches on her sharp extremity, and she uses a thumb to flick it idly, casually, head tilting at the way you squirm and exhale through your nostrils.
Your other breast is easily uncovered as well. The Queen betrays nothing in her expression when she grabs a piece of bread and soaks it in the condiment that coats your skin, dragging it upwards, swirling it around one of your tits before eagerly devouring it.
This is repeated enough times to drive you a little stupid with want, groaning miserably when she merely teases your tits and continues to torture you with featherlite caresses.
The sweet torture continues when she takes care of the rolls covering your spread legs, watching the shameful state you're in become more and more noticeable. Your cunt flutters beneath her mere stare.
" Ssstrange, I've yet to cut you, and you're already dripping. "
You'd shake your head in denial if you weren't able to feel your own soaked folds right now.
She has the mind-numbingly erotic audacity to grab another useless vegetable decoration and generously coat it in your wetness. The rounded tip of whatever she's pressing against your womanhood bumps your clit. She swirls it intentionally, tapping it down and circling the nub with enough pressure that you strain against your binds and whine behind the gag, wanting to beg her for more yet only drooling pointlessly.
She makes a noise like an amused snort, and when you toss your head back, you can hear her practically slurp the thing for all the flavor it has, her thumb replacing the vegetable and leisurely keeping you stimulated.
When you're able to look back, her pupils have blown wide, the black nearly drowning her acidic sclera.
" To thhhink that, ssomehow, suchh a preciouss gift would fall upon my table... Withhout notice... "
Even if you're loving the attention, heating up like a small fire -Probably enough to cook the ingredients around you- You could never have guessed the Queen would take such an intense liking to you. It feels like a dream.
" Do you wisssh to be eaten, my sssweet morssel? " She curves, shadowing you, strings of drool falling onto your neck and chest.
Her hues acquire a nearly hypnotizing quality, prohibiting you from glancing away while she toys with you. All you can respond with is frantic, vapid nodding while you grind yourself down on her finger like a mutt.
" Truly? "
" MMMhmnn!! "
Not even the gag could have curbed that whorish bleating.
" Then I will. " Vorticia grins wide enough to crinkle the edges of her eyes. " Tonight. In my chambersss. Your wissh comess true, in a way. "
You're not given enough time to rationalize anything before her touch vanishes, leaving you cold and miserable. The snaps of the Queen's fingers attract the same imp you met when this all began.
They look at you with a mixture of confusion and mild caution. " You called, Highness? "
" Yess. Run a bathh for me and my Queen to be. "
He coughs and chokes.
When your head snaps to Queen Vorticia, you find no hint of mockery on her face.
You're fairly certain one of the sauces you were doused in must be causing you to hallucinate...
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pedripics · 1 month
What’s pedri’s actual position
the great thing about Pedri is that you can play him in a variety of roles because of his technical level and how smart he is. he has played in pretty much every midfield position you can think of, at las palmas he played a lot as a winger or 10 as well.
personally, i prefer to see him playing deeper in the midfield rather than higher up and i think the majority of the people will agree with me on that. for me, the most beautiful version of football comes to life when Pedri has the ball at his feet. that obviously happens a lot more when he plays deeper. LCM/ DLP with a lot of freedom to go forward is imo THE position he should be playing long term because from there he can give you passes, control, rhythm, offense, defense, literally everything you could ask for simply by using the ball the way he does. part of what makes pedri so great is not just his obvious talent but also his awareness and IQ, there's only so much you can learn or train, sometimes players just have that instinct and pedri has it. he has excellent ball control and ball-carrying abilities as well as ball protection, and he's also quite impressive with 'pre-assist' passes and long balls. he's also very press-resistant and is able to squeeze the ball out of tight situations because he manages to find spaces that don't exist. one of his most important assets is his ability to control the pace of the game to his liking. my dad lovingly calls him football's 'Dr. Strange' because it seems like he sees all the options and just picks whatever version of play he wants for himself and the team. and that brings the team calmness. xavi once said that barça is a completely different team if pedri is on the pitch. you could perfectly see that in the away game against psg or in last weeks game against valencia. the second he entered the pitch, he made a difference because of how he slowed down the game to barça's (and his) advantage. without him we ran, with him they ran. when Pedri got injured the team often struggled without him, not just because he is obviously a talented player whose qualities are missing but also because they are used to relying on him to decide the pace for them. xavi once said that Pedri gives them a break and that when some players have the ball, his heartrate goes up, however, when Pedri has the ball, it goes down and he relaxes. Flick and pretty much any coach Pedri has played under have said the exact same thing. Why Xavi decided to move Pedri further up the pitch last season after demanding more than 100 passes per game from him just months prior I will never know. Obviously, sometimes depending on the opponent and, well, squad availability it is necessary to play Pedri further up the pitch. DLF's use of Pedri at the Euros is a great example of this. I know a lot of people weren't a fan of it and just from an enjoyment point of view I agree. It's not a great experience to see Pedri making 20 or less passes per game. But it was exactly what DLF and the team needed. DLF knew that he wouldn't face deep blocks (or rarely so), which is why it made sense to have Pedri in the most crucial zone because of his ability to hide himself and create space where there isn't. Pedri is so good at basically every position in the midfield that he has to play out of his preferred position because others cannot do the same. Yes, he saw less of the ball but for Spain that wasn't necessarily a problem because they didn't sustain pressure, they were happy to come up and down the pitch, and just look at the amount of chances Pedri managed to create even with very little touches. Personally, I don't like that style of play a lot, but it's how DLF wants them to play. And therefore it was understandable to use Pedri like that instead of the version we all prefer. That's why I don't like comparing international football to club football. If the team's structure is right, he can be brilliant as a 10. He mainly played there during his time at Las Palmas. The problem is that you can't isolate him there. You still need to give him some freedom
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WIBTA if I broke up with a guy after learning that he is clinically depressed and has anxiety?
So rolling back in time, I (22f) met this guy (28m) through a work event. We hit it on really well, and started going out for chats & coffee soon after. I told him from the get go that I was ace and seemed decently chill with that despite not knowing much about it. I was pretty cautious since pretty much all my relationships have gone down the drain because of that (ie my being blamed for leading people on). Things were going decently well and slow paced until I had to go back home for a month (one of my parent's funeral).
Not surprisingly I haven't been in the best of moods and felt pretty much no interest to pick things back up when I came back. But in an attempt to not close off myself, I went back to chat with the guy. Which is where things came up that he is depressed (has been for the past 5 years following a burnout) in addition to having anxiety. While he's been going to therapy for a while, he's been in a slum most of this time (ie, not having progressed at work, very few friends, etc), which isn't helped by him having some substance issues. Overall this wouldn't be the end of the world but it makes him very needy which I absolutely hate (especially considering that I'm trying to fix my own problems). His neediness translates to him being very very affectionate (which, I don't mind? Just that I'm not a teddy bear) but also him really really wanting to help me since he has problems that he wants to share and therefore wants to return the favour. Thing is. I really don't want that? The support that he offers doesn't do much for me since I already have other methods of coping with my problems (including friends that I feel more comfortable chatting with). I realise that it might not be the healthiest but I'm not keen to open up and share problems when it doesn't help me.
So this leaves me in the situation where he haa very much fixated on me while I'm not willing to commit more effort to trying to help with his problems (the fact that he seemed to have his life together, only to not have done much over the past 3-5 years is really the issue). I can't really sustain a one way relationship + work has been extremely stressful and life has been kinda shitty (rather obviously). But I feel like an AH for dropping him the moment I learned that he had mental health issues.
So WIBTA for breaking up with him?
What are these acronyms?
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
the fairest stars, continued
The "Beren and Lúthien steal two Silmarils" AU that has spiralled completely out of my control: time for a new post again! Parts 1-9 are here and Parts 10-15 here. Also now slowly being uploaded to AO3 here, though you still want tumblr for the latest version.
To recap:
Maedhros and Maglor are in Himring.
Maedhros has (somewhat, a bit, with caveats) recovered from his very bad unreality attack, and is now attempting to defend Himring from an army of orcs. Unfortunately 90% of his people aren't there.
Maglor has very much not recovered from being stabbed by Maedhros, and is not really in a great situation.
Fingon is busy trying to stop Curufin's war with Doriath. He's kind of managing to talk Thingol down from attacking Himring's assembled army.
Although his bright idea for accomplishing this was offering to execute Curufin.
Maedhros holds one Silmaril in Himring, Thingol has kept one in Menegroth, and the last one is still in Angband.
Dead characters who are nonetheless still in the story: Lúthien, Beren, Finrod, Celegorm.
When Maedhros' mother named him well-made, she was not picturing his prowess on a battlefield: but Maedhros was forged anew in the crucible of Angband, or perhaps more gently in his long months of healing by Mithrim's shores, and this is what he is good for, now.
And he is very good at war.
Under his command the defence of Himring rallies. Maedhros sets the few archers he has to rain down arrows on the arrows on the attacking orcs, and takes a small party out on horseback to drive them further back, and the fortress gains a little breathing space.
But there is only so much he can do with so few people – and people, at that, who are so strangely slow to respond to his command.
Not that they will disobey him openly, but he is far too aware of their suspicious eyes on his back, the wave of mutters that breaks every time he issues an order.
"And the way they look at me – as if I'm, as if I'm one of the Enemy's thralls – do you think—?"
"Nelyo," Maglor says instantly, "you are not a thrall."
Maedhros attempts to stop his frenetic pacing up and down Maglor's room. "Then why," he says. There is so much noise in his head. He cannot seem to finish the sentence.
"They're Curvo's people," says Maglor, and there is something hard and unfamiliar in his voice as he speaks their brother's name. "Who can say what poison he's fed them?"
That was the wrong thing to say. Maedhros blanches for a moment, draws in a sharp breath, and then says, "Curvo told me – he told me—"
"I know," Maglor says, reaching out a hand. "I know, and he lied. Come here."
Maedhros clutches at his hand. Maglor can feel his frantic, fluttering pulse beneath his fingers.
Maedhros can feel Maglor's, faint and irregular.
He tries to steady his breathing. Tries not to sort through the jumble of memories pressing against his skull (they're dead, they're both dead) and focuses on the present.
Maglor is here, alive, alive – although his pallor has worsened every time Maedhros can snatch a moment from the siege to visit him, and his grip on Maedhros' Silmaril is white-knuckled, and some nameless fear touches Maedhros as he looks at him.
"Should I send you away, dearest?" he asks.
Maglor's eyes widen. "What?"
"It isn't safe here," Maedhros explains, although he has little heart for his suggestion in the face of Maglor's obvious dismay. "If Himring does fall – I don't wish to put you through a hard retreat."
"Don't make me leave you," Maglor begs, his voice teetering on the edge of real distress. "I want – I want to stay here, and—"
"All right," Maedhros soothes. "All right. You can stay as long as I hold."
"You'll hold, Nelyo," Maglor says. "You always do."
In the face of this unwavering confidence Maedhros manages to summon a shaky smile.
When he is gone – and the sustaining warmth of the Silmaril with him – Maglor reviews his objectives, which are threefold.
One: stay alive. Not going very well tbh. He has not recovered from the blood loss. And more than that the world feels grey and cold to his eyes – he who has always loved sunrises – and he cannot stop remembering: the splintered haunted look in Maedhros' eyes, the way, before Maglor sang him to sleep, he was reaching for the knife to try again.
Two: make sure Himring doesn't fall. He cannot quite believe it will, while Maedhros is in command, but the news about the recalcitrance of the few soldiers they have is concerning. He should have realised that rumour would spread through the castle after Maedhros was found in a pool of Maglor's blood, should have blackmailed Curufin's lieutenant into keeping her mouth shut about it – but too late now. Hopefully Maedhros can rally them.
Three: keep Maedhros generally sane, and specifically unaware that he stabbed Maglor. Also not going too well. Maedhros is growing stressed and paranoid. He's noticed that Maglor is healing very slowly (or not at all, to be more accurate). And – as today's incident shows – he will remember, sooner or later.
A dire situation all round, Maglor concludes, and he is not sure how much longer he will have the energy to attempt to handle it.
Where's Fingon when you need him?
Exactly where he should be, actually!
Fingon is mostly succeeding in his objectives.
The Sindar have stood down.
(Thingol agreed to his terms. That’s what matters, right? Not the vague flash of disgust in his eyes.)
“Are we going back to Himring?” Curufin wants to know. “They’re in danger.”
I have to kill you, Fingon thinks, and says aloud, “Yes, we are. But if you’re lying to me again, Curufin…”
He lets the threat trail off.
Anyway. More pressing concerns for now.
He sets a hard pace back through Himlad, reasoning that even if Curufin is lying there won’t be any harm done in getting back to Himring quicker.
Curufin has been trying to make contact with Maglor again, but his brother’s mind is closed – worrying.
All he gathered from Maglor’s brief use of ósanwë was the scent of blood and panic, the sound of orc-horns in the distance and a terrible pain in his side.
Has Maglor been injured in battle? Surely not; his leg can’t be mended enough for him to fight yet. But then what’s wrong with him?
Curufin definitely isn’t going to try touching Maedhros’ mind, considering the state Maedhros was in when he left Himring.
This is such a mess. And it’s all his fault. And Celegorm is still dead.
Be better, Fingon told Curufin – but now he won’t even look at Curufin, and Curufin’s hand is still burned and he doesn’t think it will ever heal.
Does he even want it to?
Back at Himring, Maedhros watches as the orcs press closer. If they manage to surround the great hill completely—
[look I know nothing about military stuff. in lieu of any actual manoeuvres or strategies we are going to assume that the Bad Thing that needs to be prevented is the fortress being encircled. got it? cool.]
“Harass them from both flanks,” he orders. “Keep them contained, don’t let them spread out.”
His paltry force obeys, but with plenty of murmuring.
The patrols, Maedhros catches, and His own brother.
He doesn’t know what they mean. He doesn’t know how much longer he can possibly hold. He doesn’t know where Fingon is, or whether he’s succeeded at preventing a war with Doriath, or why Maglor isn’t getting better.
When there is nothing left but the clamour in his head and his racing pulse, there is still war, at least: still the swift brutal swing of his sword though orc-neck after orc-neck, the splatter of black blood against his breastplate and the deadly dance of the battle-field.
(Still the gentle light of the Silmaril in his pocket. Still Maglor, breathing. But those are harder to hold on to.)
Himring will not fall. Himring must not fall.
As the weary battle for the fortress continues, its chronicle is woven by steady, skilful hands in the House of Vairë.
Míriel Therindë’s grandson has little difficulty finding her tapestries in the Halls of Mandos.
He is staring at them in transfixed horror when he feels a presence behind him.
“Oh. It’s you. What are you doing here?”
“Same as you, I imagine,” says Finrod, coming to sit beside him (metaphorically. since spirits can’t really sit. you know the drill). “Looking at the tapestries.”
Celegorm snorts impatiently. In life he had a tendency, when frustrated, to slip into the language and mannerisms of whatever bird or beast he felt most appropriate to the situation – elves are simply too stupid to talk to being the clear implication.
Finrod is absurdly pleased to find out this is still the case.
Or maybe it isn’t absurd, he tells himself, maybe it’s natural to want to believe that this is still the cousin he grew up with, that a person can betray you and turn your kingdom against you and still have some parts worth saving.
“I meant,” Celegorm is saying derisively, “what are you doing in these Halls? I thought your dear cousin won you a special boon.”
“Impressive you can still speak of her, after what you did,” observes Finrod. “But yes, Mandos did tell me I was to be re-embodied. First of all the Exiles, you know.”
“And?” Celegorm presses, after he is silent for a time.
Finrod smiles at him. “I told him thanks, but no thanks,” he says.
Celegorm splutters for a bit. “What?” he manages at last. “Ingoldo, have you lost your mind? How – why – is this all out of some misguided form of pity? Or are you just flinging it in my face that you can choose to leave and I can’t?”
“Lúthien reminded me,” Finrod says seriously, “that we always have a choice.”
Back in Himring, Maedhros is being pressed hard.
They are so badly outnumbered, and the orcs keep coming and coming, a never-ending river.
If Himring falls, Maglor dies – for there is no chance of his surviving a hurried retreat, Maedhros can see that even without fully understanding what ails his brother, and he has refused to be sent away in advance.
Himring can’t fall, Maedhros tells himself.
(To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well – how those words echoed in his ears four hundred years ago, as he watched his high stone fortress built. He realises, now, that he always expected Himring to fall.)
The orcs have pushed them back to the south of the hill, almost closing off the circle, cutting off their last path of retreat.
Will he burn with the house, then – like Amrod, like his father? The prospect would not be so awful were it not for Maglor.
Nothing lasts forever; Maedhros understands that as few other elves do, and has done since Angband.
But Maglor – Maglor has to live forever – Maglor is dying—
To the south-west sounds a clear silver horn, the horn of Fingolfin.
(to be continued)
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7grandmel · 3 months
Blog Update - 16/06/2024
TL;DR: My 1-month break is over! The blog is returning but with a slower rate of posts. New forms of posts will start rolling out soon as well - scroll down to the bullet-point list for details.
Hello all! I've been receiving some asks and questions in the request form wondering where I've been this past month. Rest assured, I've been fine. With Athletic Doctor back in May, I reached the one-year anniversary of doing this daily-rip-posting thing, and today, June 16th, marks the one-year anniversary of this blog's existence as a whole with Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World. Because yeah, for those first 30 posts I didn't do this as part of a blog, but as a daily activity for my own personal Tumblr account on @melblur. If you compare the word counts on those first few posts (the "First 30 Archive") to the posts made later in the blog's run, you'll likely be able to see how my focus in writing evolved, going from mere shoutouts and recommendations to full-on retrospectives and analysis. That was a large part of why I chose the blog's initial name as "Tumblr's SiIvaGunner Historian", there's something about regaling these oft-forgotten events in the channel's history that just invigorates me, a passion that kept me doing this for a year straight. What began as nothing but a laid-back writing exercise to keep my mind sharp became something that, on some days for rips that I was truly passionate about, drew my FULL undivided attention for an entire day's worth.
You saw the TL;DR, and you can probably tell where this is going. By the last few posts, I was noticing myself that this really isn't sustainable to keep doing at a daily rate. I've worn that pace as a badge of honor for so long on here: In my mind, it just made so much sense for a blog celebrating SiIvaGunner, a channel partially defined by its insane rate of uploads, to also do things at such a high pace, with so many references to past posts interconnecting them all just like the many in-jokes on SiIvaGunner itself. But this blog isn't a network of a hundred team members and a thousand contributors - aside from the requests on what to write and footnotes left by a rip's creator, everything made on this blog has done solely by its writer, me, Mel. I loved it - but I do think its about time I slow things down.
I was as torn on this choice as you likely are seeing it - after all, it's called "TODAYS siivagunner" for a reason, right? I was toying around with how to resolve this as far back as in March of this year, tossing around ideas and concepts as to rework the blog to be more feasible whilst still preserving its spirit. The April Fools prank, the legendary Raftmageddon of Raft Ride ~ The Story So Far, was sort of an offshoot of this, a day where posts were more rapid-fire than ever yet were all contained to just five or six sentences each: Short, snappy, concise, and even pretty casual and silly a lot of the time. And that was really fun for the sake of the bit, it again fit with the nature of Raft Ride the same way that my main posts sort of fit with the nature of standard SiIvaGunner uploads, but I realized even then that it wouldn't be a good fit for the blog's main posts - the things that make both you and I most happy as readers and writers respectively are when I get to truly get down to the meat of a rip and explore its contents and history to the fullest.
A month went by quicker than I thought it would, but alas, here we are. A lot can change in not so much time - I'm currently employed, for one, which is yet another reason why daily posts feel far less feasible, but I'm also spending my time expanding my interests, listening to albums, reading books, watching shows, talking to new people...I want this blog to keep going, but I also don't want to use it as an excuse for my own lack of growth as a person. And so, I've landed on a compromise that I hope will satiate all of us. Here's the current plan for the blog going forward:
Rip coverage will be going from daily to weekly, posted every Monday starting tomorrow, June 17th. In return, the goal is to make these posts as well-written and interesting to read as possible.
Requests for these posts will still be taken as normal. I'll of course try to prioritize requests from people who haven't had theirs featured on the blog yet, but keep in mind that it's still up to my judgement if I'll be able to have enough to say on a rip (or know enough about a rip's topic) to warrant writing a post on it!
New, more laid-back kinds of posts for the blog will be featured in the days between rip coverage posts - these will be a lot simpler in nature and made ~2-4 times a week depending on my schedule. Here are some examples of posts I have in mind!
GIFs and image sets from the channel's various visual rips and/or lore videos! Think the Christmas Comeback Crisis, the KFAD Tournaments, the Festival events of Season 4, 5 and 6, legacy content posted on the SiIvaGunner Twitter account, and more!
Character appreciation posts featuring all sorts of characters from the SiIvaGunner lore! Celebrate the figments you love with all twelve other SiIvaGunner fans on Tumblr!
Trivia about the channel, which I'd otherwise sneak into main posts, may get small little posts in of themselves! This can be anything from Did-You-Knows about how in-jokes have been carried on during the channel's life, to easter eggs and references, to fun tidbits about rippers themselves.
Shitposts! Goofs! Stuff I'd otherwise reblog under the #epic flintstones tag, basically.
Miscellaneous text posts related to the channel, such as Guides, summaries, or just whatever various thoughts I have!
All of these will have their own tags dedicated to them, just like #todays siivagunner - what tags they end up being is still up in the air and may change even as the posts are rolling out. Either way, the blog's pinned post will be continually updated with all the relevant tags and info about the blog - keep an eye out on it during next week.
Whew! That's a lot of stuff covered. I hope you're as excited for the second year of this blog as I am! Hopefully the greater variety of posts will help with the longer wait between "main" posts. The goal is, as you can imagine, to keep the blog a fun read for you all and just as much of a fun passtime for me, whilst also easing my own workload enough to make it manageable. I love running this blog more than anything, and I'm hoping this new schedule will give me more energy to make better posts - Maybe I'll even get a chance to interact with all of you even more by discussing more than just per-rip analysis.
Thanks for reading everyone - That SiIvaGunner Tumblr Blog will officially be back tomorrow!
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csykora · 2 years
g how do some professional hockey players get away with being so tragically bad at basic acceleration skating…… help i need to stop hating my own team’s captain
I don’t remember your team and I need the goss on who’s slow so I tried to check your blog and now somehow I've been kicked in the face with a football and I'm secondhand beer-drunk
Look, part of it is that hockey coaches are not, historically, good at teaching skating technique. They just aren't. They didn't do it for a long time. But setting technique aside, I think a huge part of it has to do with the muscular ability to accelerate. I would say that it’s because how hockey players train, and what they train for, is changing right now. There's a reason Connor McDavid exists now, and not just to haunt me.
Hockey is a strange sport to train for: it is, actually, notably different than other sports. The way the game is structured calls for different and often opposing physical qualities, and you could play it in ways that push it further in one direction or the other. Modern hockey is pushing in one particular direction right now.
Hockey could be like modern lacrosse. On the most basic level, the gameplay in both is about moving to cover and control a big, wide territory. Modern lacrosse is played in shifts of about fifteen minutes, much shorter than traditional stickball and running games, but it’s still a running game in spirit. You have to be able to run and run. You have to have that aerobic endurance, physical and mental endurance.
There's a reason running games have been around forever, and the sports we have today haven't.
Pro hockey could be played in fifteen minute shifts or more. It used to be. Pond hockey and pickup hockey still can be. For a long time, competitive hockey teams didn’t substitute players. It was an endurance game. 
As teams got bigger, shifts could get shorter. Coaches started carrying the now-standard 20ish players and sending out lines for a couple minutes at a time because they saw that players could go fastest and hardest for about that long. If they were out longer, they would settle into more of an endurance pace. That’s pretty much an innate, biological rule. Before we knew why there’s a change in muscular performance after one to two minutes of intense sustained activity, we could see that it happened. Choosing to prioritize a fast, hard game, pro coaches chose to shorten shifts. But other than the fact that people could go fastest in the first two minutes, and working on skating at top speed, they didn't really know how to improve on acceleration for a long time.
And, unlike figure skating, they kind of didn't have to, because the fundamental game of hockey doesn't require it. You don't have to launch yourself into the air, so you can play hockey in a way where the only races are on the long straightaways and breakaways where everyone has time to get up to speed--as long as everyone is accelerating at the same pace.
The reason I am, or at least the reason I became, obsessed with Soviet sports is that they really did change the whole game. That era was when we nailed down the differences between anaerobic and aerobic muscle metabolism and between fast and slow-twitch muscles, and they started targeting them. They took fucking muscle biopsies of potential players. Then they invented plyometrics and implemented weight training and cross-training in a way that the Euro and Anglo-North American athletic communities hadn't done before to increase the explosiveness of those players' movements.
The old description of the Russian machine was that they were a washing machine: they spun you around and left you wet. They weren't just fast on the straightaways, they could stop, spin around, and get back up to top speed in the other direction quickly, in a way that forced North Americans to the sweaty limits of their anaerobic metabolism.
Quickness is different than speed. Quickness is the ability to execute movements with maximum force at maximum speed. It's explosiveness, which is acceleration. You can be fast once you get going but take a really long time to get there, or be comparatively slow but able to accelerate quickly. (Elias Pettersson or Evgeny Kuznetsov move pretty fast if you give them space, but they accelerate like a Monday morning.) When you're playing against a league of people who aren't especially quick, the fastest person wins. Once someone is quicker than you, they win.
Mogilny and Federov made North Americans want to be not just fast, but quick. But honestly, it took another twenty years for that to happen. The way that Federov trained was...insane in the oldest sense: it wasn't well, it wasn't sound, you know? It took a really specific, really intense environment.
North American hockey players train with their coaches and, increasingly, at specialty summer camps. The amount that most coaches know about this area of athletic training isn't high (and I don't necessarily think it should be, except that know they've started doing it). It's taken this long for training techniques that emphasize quickness to really penetrate youth hockey, and for youth players to have the drive to do it. (Note that I am not saying that drive is a good thing).
Today, youth players can watch trending videos and read about exercises for explosive skating on the internet in a way that wasn't happening even ten years ago. More and more of them train year round at camps or on skating treadmills like the one Connor McDavid has been hooked up to since he was fifteen. They believe that the way to stand out is to be an explosive skater, because they're told that, and they have the tools to at least try to make that happen.
Basically, even a player in their thirties today was in a different class of physical training than the last few drafts, because of instagram.
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glubglubsalmon · 1 year
Be Nice To Me
Kaoru Hakaze x Reader
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Many people live by the Golden rule, do as to others what you want done to you, But sometimes some people can't take what they give. You quickly learn that when you try to give your boyfriend payback.
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Nsfw, Degradation, Praise, Crying but not sexy, Bottom Reader/Top Kaoru, Sub Kaoru/Dom Reader, Gender Neutral and Sex Neutral, Mommy Kink
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Having previously been a playboy, Kaoru has always been the more dominant role in bed. It only makes sense since he has the most experience. Yet, he's never been one to be... nice. Whenever you and him have time to let things get heated, the loving, careful nature seems to slip off, and a new one arises. You had spent countless nights getting called a plethora of names from "Filthy slut" to "Pathetic whore", honestly it was the last thing anyone would expect to come out of him. The time wasted just teasing and edging you to watch you cry.
It's not like you were complaining.
Tonight, you're in control.
Here you are, body sat firmly between his open legs, drinking in the gasps and moans he offered you. You had a tight grip, firmly jacking him off, smiling at his whimper that's informing you he's close. And then... You stop.
"Nooo! Why would you do that? It was just getting good." He asked, though it acted more as a plead.
"Look at you. You're acting like such a slut, and sluts can wait a little bit more to cum, right?" You teased, grabbing his shirt collar to wipe some of the sweat from his jaw.
His eyebrows knitted together, clearly pondering your words, pouting a little
You clicked your tongue at him. "Oh don't be like that, you're a proper whore who can manage himself."
Your fingers ghosted their way up his dick, feeling the vein that runs along the shaft, taking their sweet, sweet time before fisting around him, thumb gently rubbing across the slit in his tip.
Desperate for friction, he attempted to thrust up into your hand. But held his hips in place, shaking your head at him in disappointment.
"You can't bear through a little bit of teasing? Pathetic boy, I thought I had a proper trained slut in my hands, not some common back alley whore."
He had tears brimming in his eyes at your harsh comments, though you assumed he was just frustrated from the lack of stimulation.
You began to fuck your fist down on him again, but it wasn't paced. Sometimes slow with a harsh grip, fast with a loose grip, etc. The whole time telling him how he moans like a pornstar and must need several partners to sustain this seeming overt need, overall just insulting him.
Until, he whimpers out a sentence, causing your motions to stop.
"Why can't you be nice to me?"
Ah, he's crying.
"Did I do something wrong?
"Are you punishing me?"
"I'm sorry"
Your body softened at his reaction, reaching up to rub his shoulders. "Baby, no, you didn't do anything wrong. I thought you liked this stuff. I'm sorry."
You pulled him into your chest, hugging him.
"You're a good boy, okay? You're a very good boy for me."
He held onto you, arms holding her in place tightly. Despite this, you felt him perk up a little at the praise.
"Oh, you like that? Do you like being a good boy for me?"
Still teasing, but less insulting, he nodded.
"Can you speak up and tell me what you want?"
He was silent for a second, thinking.
"Can you keep saying stuff like that?"
"And can I call you Mommy?"
You held back a laugh from the last request and felt him shy away a little in embarrassment.
"No, no! It's fine. I'm fine with it. I just didn't expect you to say that." You add in a mild panic, worried you made him feel bad again.
"It's okay if you don't wanna do this anymore. I didn't mean to make you feel bad"
He sniffled, "No its fine, I still want to fuck you." Crude, but honest.
"Then I'll stop teasing you, now lay down on your back for me, okay?"
He nodded and laid on his back, head resting on the pillows.
"Yes, mommy"
OK, that's going to take some getting used to.
You crawl up him, shifting to settle yourself on his hips.
"Good boy, are you ready baby?" You cooed at him, tilting your head a bit so you can take in the way he looks at all angles.
"Yes" he nodded to hammer in how eager he is.
With that confirmation, you gently sink yourself onto his cock, having prepped beforehand. Starting at a slow pace, his hands found your hips, but he made sure to hold back from rutting up into you, and when you finally speed up, running your hands through his hair and telling him how pretty he looks and how good he's being. He's in bliss, coming undone within minutes, and as a treat, he was allowed to cum in you. Though you did take your time to reach your climax, essentially overestimulating him. But it all worked out.
And afterwards, after things were cleaned up and he held you in his arms with hopes of drifting off to sleep, you asked him the begging question.
"Why are you so mean to me during sex if you aren't into it?"
His face flushed and looked away in embarrassment.
"I mean, I am it's just... I mean, I don't prefer it, but that's what partners have always wanted from me. I can stop if you don't like it."
You giggled at his answer.
"I like it silly, but if you aren't into it, don't force yourself to do stuff like that. I won't mind if you stop."
Kaoru smiled, seeming to enjoy the thought. Settling off to sleep with a new hope.. and new ideas.
AN: This is my first time writing for Tumblr and writing second person in hopes of being inclusive, haha. Apologies if it's bad.
Now, here was my inspiration.
This post
That led me to send my first ask.
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araedi · 6 months
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I promised an update on my life/activity and stuff, so here it is! I’ll stuff it all under the cut but the tldr is I’m still here just on a super slow. I’m always down for chats and interactions as long as you’re cool with that!
I’m quite private about myself online so gonna keep this brief (lol watch me do anything but), but I feel like I keep circling back to apologising every few months for not being here enough then punishing myself over it when I’m not magically active again. It’s ultimately a hobby but I still feel bad that people writing with me could be feeling let down/ignored, so I wanted to drop this rather than keep on cycling the same apology until it feels hollow.
Life’s a Lot right now: I’m currently juggling two part time jobs, pretty much full household responsibilities for three people, night-school with essays, and an emotionally intensive placement as part of my training which also involves paperwork. Home life is also less than ideal (won’t go into details). On top of this, I have chronic health problems alongside chronic pain so most days I’m just crabby and exhausted; my mental health could be better but rn it just feels like I’m treading water to get to a place where I’ll have fewer commitments.
Ultimately rp and writing/creative stuff in general is part of how I unwind so I’ll always be around because this outlet is so rewarding, but as it stands I’m just so mentally and pysically drained that when I do have the time I’d rather just switch my brain off and play a bit of a game and have a sliver of social life than try to force out writing which is gonna be sub-par. I’ve been feeling kinda down about my writing for a bit and just feel like I’m giving the same post over and over, which also isn’t helpful!
As for my activity and where y’all fit: I’m still around and intend to be; still responding to DM’s on Discord or IM’s on here (unreliable though they are -_-) just being ridiculously slow with replies and popping reblogs or replies out just as and when. I’m not the type to up and quit, hell I’ve been on this blog for years so I’m going nowhere, just on the go-slow with the odd spurt of like 3-5 replies.
Of course I 100% understand if this weird unpredictable activity doesn’t fit for you: we all have different needs and expectations with this hobby and if me only showing up now and again isn’t gonna work that’s totally ok and you don’t have to follow or write with me: it’s been a blast knowing you!
If you’re chill to stick around and deal with my slowness, please know I WILL get to replies, even if it’s at glacial pace. I’ll post a shot of my tracker/a list up in the future so I can be 100% on what I owe and know you can always check in with me/hold me accountable for stuff. Please know you can ALWAYS drop stuff in my ask boxes, whether it’s memes or questions for muses or just crack. It always puts a smile on my face <3 if I received it I’ll reply to it, so barring just a few memes I have nothing else waiting!
This all being said I would LOVE to build up more long term/in-depth character relationships and sustained interactions over multiple threads. I love getting to know my rp partners beyond the muses – it’s just that right now it’ll take six times as long to get anywhere. My door’s open for any chats r.e. any muses here or on the multi.
If you need my disco handle just ask/reply here or whatever and I can send it; if you need to get in touch for any reason and can’t seem to get through to me, just send a ping to the bestie Benevolentgodloki c:
If you read all this and are ok with sticking around know that you have my undying love lmao; I know it isn’t easy trying to build anything with someone who only posts once in a blue moon so your patience is appreciated and I’ll always appreciate having people to come back to on here <33
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ink-flavored · 9 months
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Slow-Down Announcement
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your patience during my break, my move, and through the holidays. It means a lot that you’d all be so generous as to keep paying me while you wait. In general, your continued support is incredibly important to me. And as much as I appreciate it, I will have to ask you for a bit more patience.
Ko-Fi was an experiment I started to see if it was practical for me. I was excited about the response my AUgust 2022 prompts had gotten, and I wanted to see how my audience would respond to access to more of my writing and more of my process. I was also curious to see if I could use Ko-Fi to grow my audience, or supplement my writing career. Building a brand online is difficult, but I couldn’t let an opportunity like this slip by me.
After about 15 months, I can say I’ve had a lot of fun on Ko-Fi. I love Magnet Mondays, I like sharing what happens behind-the-scenes, and giving you all sneak peaks of what’s to come. Like I said, I’m forever grateful you thought my art to be worth paying monthly for in the first place, it’s not something I ever dreamed people would do for me. Unfortunately, posting on Ko-Fi as regularly as I wanted has become impractical for my schedule and mental health.
Keeping up with the rate of posting I promised—weekly, biweekly, and monthly, over my various categories—isn’t sustainable in my current environment. If I had the opportunity to do nothing but write for 8-hours a day, 5-days a week, it would be easy! I would have plenty of time to share my writing with you, continue my personal projects, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Sadly, my writing schedule is not so generous. My full-time office job cuts into my creative time a lot, and stacking the self-imposed obligations of my Ko-Fi schedule on top of that means that I’m “at work” a lot more than I otherwise would be.
Long story short, I’m getting fatigued trying to keep pace with Ko-Fi updates. I’m going to be slowing down my activity here, and prioritize what I can do without burning myself out. I have a flexible plan that I’ve been developing, so you know where you can find me outside of Ko-Fi if you’d still like to follow my work elsewhere.
Keep Reading below here or on Ko-Fi
First, Magnet Mondays are sticking around, but this time for free. Polls are easier than counting comments, so I’ll be hosting the weekly vote and the poems on my ink-flavored Tumblr account. I really don’t want to give up doing Magnet Mondays, since it was a lot of fun for me (and for you all too, I hope). The first poll will go up this Sunday (January 7th) and the first poem will go up the next Monday (January 15th), so I hope I’ll see you all on Tumblr! I’ll still post the final poems here on Ko-Fi for organization's sake.
Second, one of my goals for 2024 is to be more active on my new Neocities website. The freedom of having my own writing website where I can post whatever I want without the need to be overly professional like a portfolio, and no risk of getting my content reported like on social media, means that I can share a lot more of what I write. Please do check it out, and feel free to sign the guestbook while you’re there!
More generally, I want to migrate some of the Typewriter-tier behind-the-scenes posts to Tumblr and Neocities, so more people can see what goes on under the hood when I write. I don’t have imminent plans to share the exclusive content on Saturdays anywhere else—save for things like AUgust, which are already all free—but I won’t write it off.
Finally, as for the fate of this Ko-Fi account, I’ll be reworking the tiers a bit. Magnet Mondays will be free, so it can’t be a perk, and my plan is to post behind-the-scenes or exclusives sporadically, whenever I feel like I have something to share. I’ll keep the BTS to Wednesdays and the exclusives to Saturdays, but that will be the only consistency in scheduling. Nothing from the Manuscript tier needs to change, since I don’t plan on halting commissions.
Thank you all for being so understanding, and for being so generous this past year and a bit. I’m happy I even had the opportunity to try this out, and it would have been over before it started if I didn’t have people like you.
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bogkeep · 1 year
i don't know if it's just me, but there's posts that i keep seeing that are like "people need to stop cycling through fandoms so fast," usually with a sentiment about the importance of commenting and sharing people's work and nurture their communities. i think Fandom Sustainability is a very interesting topic so i have THOUGHTS............ like first of absolutely all, that's a weird onus to put on people. Fandom Is For Fun. people don't usually control what their brainworms are gonna wriggle about. nobody should have to sign a five year contract for Enjoying Thing Together With Others. like. i understand that a lot of these posts are directed at people that are Enjoying the works of fanartists and fanfic writers, to urge them to share and react and feed their inspiration - but what about me, A Creator Of Such Things? are you making it my obligation to keep drawing fanart for a specific thing? becuase i've gotten plenty of lovely comments and feedback and all around soft and fuzzy feelings from the communities i've partaken in, but i'm only human. it's not that i lose love or interest for the properties, it's just - sometimes life happens. sometimes my momentum is unsustainable and i gotta slow down eventually. sometimes i want to draw other things! and yeah, i'm only one person, i'm not a whole fandom, and i can only speak on my experiences. i just feel like there's a narrative of "nice comments and engagement can keep an artist/writer go on forever" which i don't really agree with. reblogs and comments absolutely make me want to make more stuff! being part of a community is absolutely inspiring and fills me with ideas! but that can only take me so far. i think plenty of artists carry the same feelings of guilt for not drawing more X, or have gotten asks pleading for more Y. feeling unappreciated is not the only reason people stop creating a specific content.
my next Thought is that i think there are external sources causing fandom lifespans to shorten. i think there's a well documented phenomena that it's easier to sustain a fan community for long running, serial media with waiting time inbetween content, than it is for one-off movies or like, entire showruns premiered all at once for bingeability. and the current climate of "we're probably going to cancel this show after two seasons for capitalist rot reasons" and disillusionment with corporation and streaming services? probably not helping either!
i DO think there's something to be said for the speed of social media as opposed to, what, email lists? snail mail compendiums? but early tumblr was like, dominated by approximately five fandoms or something for years and years, so it CAN be done. clearly. maybe the change for discord servers to be the main hubs for communities, as opposed to old school forums? i think that may be one of the culprits for sure, because servers are so fast and exhuasting and there's Stuff going on all the time and you can only keep up so much before you burn out. i think. maybe it's just me who's burnt out thinking about it, because i know there can be really good servers that are well moderated and paced and sustainable! i've tried fandoming in several formats - i've done old school forum. i've done discord server. i've done Small Group Of Friends. i've done Just Vibing On My Blog/Twitter. and to me - and this is of course personal experience and not speaking for everyone else - the best longterm strategies for me has been the ones where i have the least contact with the actual fan communities. partaking in communities has been amazing and inspiring, i've made lots of close friends i'm still in contact with, but active participation in fandom is not something i can hold up forever. i can either burn in a fiery blaze for a little while or i can keep a low simmer for a long time. it's so much easier to love a story on my own terms when i don't have to be involved in every controversy of its fan community, even if it means trading away ideas and inspiration and drive. there's a balance to be struck between the two, of course. then there's like... sometimes something happens, either with the Media or with the Fandom. there's always going to be a risk with attaching yourself to a community and pouring yourself into it. do i have to keep loving something even if the creator of it makes it too weird for me? should i have to stay in a space that causes me stress or pain? sometimes the right thing for us to do is leave. sometimes we need a change. i think it's lovely when people stay to keep communities good, to keep creating good fanwork in spite of dissappointing creators. i think it's good to nurture love, but. it's a choice everyone has to make for themself. you should stay because you want to, not to martyr yourself for the sake of proving a point. last Thought i want to honor is that yeah, i believe there's Attitudes Afoot that are a sustainability drain: how old can a fandom get before it's Cringe? how large can a fandom get before it's Cringe? either we're all Cringe or none of us are. people love what they love, and is it not cruel to mock someone for something so joyful, based on arbitrary lines in the sand? if pre-2014 tumblr culture was good at anything it was to love hard and fearlessly. i DO think it's worth creating good and sustainable communities, to love well and responsibly, and find joy on your own terms. i think there's many ways to fandom and one way isn't more right than the other. a relationship is worthwhile even when it's not everlasting.
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terselylove · 25 days
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How to Get Motivated to Minimize
Many of us know the feeling of wanting to live with less but are struggling to find the motivation to get started or continuing to make progress after a quick start. The desire is there, but the energy or commitment to the process can be hard to find at times.
Sometimes we find the work is more emotionally tiring than we thought. Sometimes we realize the project is going to take longer than we thought. Other times, life just gets in the way.
Regardless of the reason, it’s a frustrating place to be—living between where you are and where you want to be. However, it is a feeling that many of us have experienced.
In fact, from the interactions I have with people, there are a lot people living in this struggle. You want the benefits of owning less: more time, more space, less stress. But you’re not sure how to find the motivation to take the first step, or the next one after that.
I want to help. You can move forward. It is possible to break out of that struggle and continue making progress (or get started if that’s where you are). Below are some practical steps to help you get motivated to minimize and declutter your life.
1. Tell Yourself Out Loud That This Is Possible
The first, most important, step in any life change that we desire is to believe it is possible—that this change is something we can actually accomplish and that taking the first step is worth it.
But I’d like to add that one of the most powerfully practical things we can do when starting a big project is to hear our own voice telling us that it is possible. So find a quiet moment, look yourself in the mirror and say out loud: “I can do this.”
2. Understand That It Won’t Be Done Overnight
One of the biggest roadblocks to getting started is the overwhelming thought that everything needs to be done at once. But here’s the truth: minimalism is a process, not a destination. The work of decluttering and minimizing won’t happen in a single weekend or even a single month. And that’s okay. For Kim and me (+ 2 kids), the process took nine months.
Instead of focusing on the enormity of the entire project, narrow your view. Tackle one drawer, one closet, or one room at a time. Set realistic goals. Progress is progress, no matter the pace. When we shift our mindset from “I have to get it all done now” to “I’ll take one step today,” we free ourselves from the pressure of perfection and make room for lasting change.
3. Set a Decluttering Deadline for Each Area
Understanding that this process will take time opens yourself up to not being overwhelmed. That being said, we don’t want to go too slow. And sometimes open-ended projects feel too overwhelming to start.
To counter this and find motivation, give yourself a deadline for each area you want to declutter. I recommend one week for each of your home’s “lived-in” areas (living room, bedroom, bathroom, closet, etc). Storage and less-frequently used rooms might take longer.
Zoë Kim once brilliantly said, “You can always declutter just a little bit at a time, but do you really want to be decluttering for the rest of your life?” She is right! Set a deadline for the areas in your homes. This helps manufacture urgency and focus, helping you overcome procrastination.
4. Write Down a Motivation Greater Than “I Just Want to Own Less”
“I want to own less” is a great goal, but it’s not really enough motivation to get us through the hard parts of decluttering. What we really need is a deeper, more meaningful reason to push us through the process. Take a moment and physically write down your reasons.
Perhaps you want more time with family, less stress about maintaining a large home, or financial freedom from excessive spending. Maybe you crave more space for creative pursuits, want to travel, have faith-based motivations, or just desire to live more aligned with your values. When we attach our minimizing efforts to a purpose greater than just reducing clutter, we tap into a source of motivation that can sustain us when the process gets tough.
5. Start With What You Know You Don’t Need
Sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start. A simple way to begin is by focusing on the items you already know you no longer need or use. These are the low-hanging fruits of decluttering—the things that hold no emotional attachment and are easy to part with. It could be kitchen gadgets you haven’t used in years, clothes you never wear, or toys/games that are no loner used.
By starting with these items, you build momentum and create space—both physically and mentally—to tackle more challenging areas later. In fact, here’s a list of 101 places to start.
6. Make a Donation at Your Local Goodwill or Donation Center
A practical way to take immediate action is by making a donation. Fill a box or bag with items you no longer need, drive to your local Goodwill or donation center, and drop it off. The simple act of getting things out of your home forces you into motion and clears space.
The reality is there might even be a couple of donation boxes or bags already sitting in your home or trunk just waiting to get dropped off. Do it today, There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with knowing you’ve not only removed clutter but also contributed to someone else’s life.
7. Find Accountability and Support
Getting motivated is easier when we don’t feel like we’re doing it alone. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or an online community, finding support and accountability can make a big difference. Share your goals with someone who can encourage you along the way. Better yet, find someone who’s also interested in minimizing, and commit to helping each other stay motivated.
8. Watch This Video: The Story of Stuff
Sometimes all it takes is a little outside inspiration to reignite your motivation. Watch The Story of Stuff, a short film that highlights the impact of overconsumption on our world. The video is 20-years old but is equally relevant today as the day it was published. It was one of the most motivational videos I watched while pursuing minimalism and I know it will inspire you as well.
Minimalism is a process, but it does have an endpoint. And you’ll love it when you get there!
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I want to make a story on a girl that while in a vacation to Holly Greece's island of Rhodes, goes back in time to Ancient Rhodos, & basicly some generated content...
[Request: You are in vacation in Greece on a pitoresque island filled with history. Suddenly something happens & you are brought in a parallel world some thousand years before... you took the place of a nice housewife... you go to an oracle you just heard of & ask how you can leave it. & it tells you that in order to leave you have to live there by a year & follow the customs of the place from the mid of summer till the final day of the year... get all the details clear, what she has to do by day & weeks each months, the special ocasions, etc... ]
I. the Oracle talks...
Here is the detailed response from the Oracle on how you can leave this parallel world and return to your own time:
⚡️"Greetings, weary traveler from the future. I have heard your plea to return to your own time, but the path is not an easy one. In order to leave this world and find your way back, you must fully immerse yourself in the customs and traditions of this time for the duration of one full year, from the middle of summer until the final day.
🌞 Your journey shall begin on the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. On this day, you must participate in the grand celebration honoring the gods of sun and harvest. Join the villagers in feasting, dancing, and giving thanks for the bountiful season ahead.
🍇 As the days grow shorter, you will find yourself in the midst of the grape harvest. This is a time of great activity, as the villagers work tirelessly to gather the ripe fruit and prepare the wine that will sustain them through the colder months. Lend your hands to this important task, learning the traditional methods passed down through generations.
🍁 With the autumnal equinox, the harvest season reaches its peak. The village will hold a grand festival, with colorful processions, elaborate costumes, and rituals to honor the change of seasons. You must immerse yourself fully, embracing the customs and traditions, even if they seem foreign to you.
❄️ As winter approaches, the pace of life will slow, and the people will turn their attention inward. This is a time of reflection and reverence. You must observe the sacred holidays, such as the Winter Solstice, with the utmost respect and participate in the rituals and ceremonies that have been practiced here for centuries.
🌱 When the first stirrings of spring arrive, the village will come alive once more. This is a time of renewal and rebirth, and you must celebrate the awakening of the land with the same enthusiasm as the locals. Help to prepare the fields for planting, tend to the livestock, and welcome the return of longer, warmer days.
🌅 Finally, as the Summer Solstice approaches once more, you will have completed the full cycle of the year. If you have embraced the customs and traditions of this world with an open heart and a willingness to learn, the Oracle will deem you ready to return to your own time.
🐍Be warned, however, that the journey back may not be an easy one. You may find that the lessons and insights you have gained in this parallel world have forever changed your perspective, and the return to your own time may be bittersweet. But trust in the wisdom of the Oracle, and have faith that you will find your way back, forever transformed by your experiences in this ancient and mystical land."
Lit me hearing the voice of an air-plane assistant that says things like put your belt on & get ready to flight.... i could have some alternating moments, like she dreams of something like wandering on some stony terrain, there is super hot, she takes some water from a lil bottle (ploscă) to drink, then she realisezes, there's no more... then she hears a strong melodious voice, sounding as from afar, the sweet lady on the microphon calls her to reality, anouncing the start of the flight...
She arrives at the destination, the way s not that important (too much researching!!!). & then she has to wait for her parents to do something... then they're going on a village way to her grandparents (fatherside) & then she stumbles on a mistery box... there she finds & reads out loud the story of an ancient hunt with the beautiful tradition of Ancient Rhodes (surprisingly it has English translations.. huh, tourist friendly i suppose, yeah, our lady can hardly speak/read/understand any greek, & she's first time at her fatherside grannies, of whom she was totally unaware till recently, nor even of her father did she knew - bravos mama, but that's another story..)
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(Nice, Bing... I guess it shows how she reads translation).
Have a lot more but ig 4 first part is enough...
Including of rituals s gotta be a must, so if anyone could help, & would like to, id love to hear it, u could message me ^^
📍The aim of the story: s to motivate myself to learn on the ancient customs (im aware there's gonna be a lot of made-up things, cs there's no way i could sit through it all, to have it as authentical as for example Umberto Eco or Mark Levi would have it...) & to discover a new style of writing...
Oh, kinda missing my old wattpad days, not the bugs tho :// & i dont have the energy i used to have aroud 2016-18... & this is def super deep... had an older wapp account i lost, but it still exists... there i got my first failure at writing & saving one of my works which was not a random book, but a fanfic.. & the action happens in there, cs the star i wanted to make it about s from there, n namely Saloniki, chose Saloniki cs a metropola & not Athens (back then, i learn Greece has two metropolas, if meanwhile got a third, or i had wrong infos, im sorry, dk 😆). Meanwhile, learnt the guy's from there, namely. Had no idea back then, n for some reason didn't bug to check to my shame, or so i remember...
The first narration line -well and the only till the sinking- is focused on a Cypriot girl, her aunt, Nane (who btw, lately i decided s gonna be of Turkish descent, cs why not) & her two friends one of the names i remember is Nike & the other i decided meanwhile was gonna be Suzy, cs i simply forgot her name.. & they got an interesting story, i think i saved it... i also put a school in there, where they all 3 finished high school... but that's for another time... need to find and retrieve from my lil roleplay w chat gpt... & ik it's gonna be sooo maddening, 1st to find all that, then to retrieve...
Wish me luck, in all...
Here a nice Asphodel Meadow, meaning that there is more than what meets the eye... ^*)
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luminous-letters · 2 years
Hi can you please do the roller skating thing but with Kalim Ace and vil .
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"Do a flip!"
You had to explain to him more than once that you weren't on that level in skating.
"I'm still working on some tricks. I'm not sure if I can manage..."
"You can do it. I'm sure! Just believe in yourself and everything's gonna turn out fine," he assured with sparkling eyes.
You had to tell him that's not how it works and that you need more practice. But you didn't have the heart.
"I know. I'll teach you! Right, right. It's not that hard, everyone can do it," he patted you on the back.
If only Kalim was as good a teacher as he was a learner. You had trouble catching up to his pace. Unlike others who would start out slow before spiraling into a harder difficulty, Kalim immediately started on the more advanced parts.
"We can do this, I believe in you."
You never ran short of morale with him. Maybe it was his out-of-place sunny disposition.
You need at least some sunshine in your life.
You tripped and fell, and scraped your leg. Sometimes it was your arm. But you kept on trying to achieve that flip.
"Let's try doing it again," you tapped him on the back.
He offered a blinding smile. "That's great to hear! But I think we should rest first, I'm beat," he laughed.
"Coconut juice?," he asked you.
"I'd appreciate that, thank you."
He came back with a whole crate.
And a first aid kit.
"This should ease the pain from the bruises you got earlier, I brought some for occasions like this. It doesn't hurt too much does it?"
"It's manageable."
Maybe it was a way to say sorry? You weren't sure. But you were thankful for the gesture nonetheless.
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"Well, life's all about learning right?"
It was a sight to behold. You and Ace were scrambling like a couple of waddling penguins.
Very clumsy penguins.
Though, it didn't take him too long to learn the basics. Soon enough, he was gliding with a better form than earlier.
Improvements, bit by bit.
"It must hurt falling on your ass all the time. Can't relate."
As if he didn't land face-first onto the concrete three minutes ago.
"You see, you gotta leave these things to the pros! Don't need a bunch of pipsqeaks," he joked.
You caught him by surprise when you were rushing towards him.
"Hey...hey! Slow down!"
All-fast and all-powerful.
Like a fucking truck.
You both crashed with a resounding thud. Thankfully you didn't sustain too many injuries, the protective gear was doing its job.
"Were you trying to get us killed?! Ah— oh shit, that hurts."
But that didn't mean your bodies weren't going to be sore for the next two weeks.
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"Poise and form, darling. Poise and form."
Vil was a demanding instructor, that came without a doubt. For someone whose aim was perfect beauty, it's no surprise that Vil extends his standards to the people that walk beside him.
But that didn't make his training any less effective.
It didn't make his training any less easier either.
"Keep that book on top of your head. If you wish to glide with elegance, you need to first learn how to balance your weight."
Training, as Vil put it, lasted for weeks on end. With each session more difficult than the last.
Wasn't this supposed to be a fun bonding time?
At the end of the month, you could launch yourself with a twirl mid-air. The crowds applauded your little trick.
You searched for his face in the crowd. And you did. It made your heart flutter to see him with a proud expression on his face.
"Care for a dance?" You extended your arm towards him.
"Can you keep up, is the question," he flashed a smirk.
Only one way to find out.
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yhlifestory · 4 months
Week 7: Slow Fashion and Influencers
“Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.” -Shelly Xu
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"Slow fashion" aims to slow down the crazy pace of fashion by releasing just a few lines each year but it's also sustainable. Meaning it's better for the environment, but it's often expensive, limited in size, and hard to find. It's not as convenient as fast fashion. Lately, more people are paying attention to slow fashion, even calling it a trend. However, slow fashion isn't just a trend; it's becoming something we see as essential. (SeventhQueen and Chomsky, 2023)
During class, my friend started a chat about what we were wearing. When they asked who was wearing 'slow fashion,' only a few of us were. Most of us had clothes from thrift stores, second-hand shops, or local brands. This little conversation showed that slow fashion means different things to different people. Not everyone can afford to buy from slow fashion brands, but many of us are taking steps towards sustainability in our own way.
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A study I found looked into how slow fashion affects shoppers. Most people in the study thought sustainable clothes cost more than regular ones. It was interesting that only one person said the higher price meant better quality. The study found that people are pretty price-sensitive and don't want to spend extra to be eco-friendly. This made me think that a lot of folks see sustainable fashion as a pricey luxury that might not even be better quality. (Domingos, Vale and Faria, 2022)
While doing some research, I also found that a lot of people are still confused about what sustainable fashion really is. To clear this up, we need to explain it better so everyone can understand. This is where social media influencers come in—they're helping to spread the word and make slow and sustainable fashion more popular.
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Kittieyiyi, also known as Lim Zi Yee, is a Malaysian slow fashion influencer known for her unique style. (not gonna lie, I love her style so much, it's giving me positive vibes) She's big on promoting sustainable fashion, encouraging people to buy locally and reduce waste. She teams up with brands that share her eco-friendly values, showing off their stuff and urging her followers to make greener choices. With her colorful outfits, she proves that being eco-conscious can still be fun and trendy. She's all about making sustainability cool and doable for everyone, which is why she's a favorite among those wanting to make a difference online. (Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur, 2022)
We're pretty lucky these days with the internet and all. Everything is at our fingertips. You can shop for a whole new wardrobe without even leaving your couch. It's fast and easy, and there are so many deals to be found. With all this convenience, it's no wonder that sustainable fashion is becoming more popular. I'll admit, I wasn't really into it at first. However as I started researching and writing about it, I discovered a whole world of influencers and social media accounts dedicated to sustainable fashion. They've really opened my eyes to the importance of living a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
References :
Domingos, M., Vale, V.T. and Faria, S. 2022. Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: a Literature Review. Sustainability, [online] 14(5), p.2860. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14052860.
Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur. 2022. LSA100: Rule Breaker Kittie Yiyi explores the whimsy in life through fashion and beauty. [online] https://www.lifestyleasia.com/kl/digital-cover/lsa100-rule-breaker-kittie-yiyi/.
SeventhQueen and Chomsky, R. 2023. What is Slow Fashion? A Guide to Sustainable Style. [online] Sustainable Review. https://sustainablereview.com/what-is-slow-fashion-a-guide-to-sustainable-style/.
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