#i told her i needed a whole box of meds to get through today
kirishwima · 2 years
why is it that the moment i get the tiniest bit of praise i become literal putty
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
From Slowdancing in the park lot prompt list
22. I gave your name as my emergency phone call
I get this would be a huge step for Sean Archer & Roxie
I you're feeling it
Sending hugs
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Tagging: @soultrysworld @Mysticcandymiracle @kmc1989 @emilyjr @toasted-stiletto 
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You don’t you realise you have a problem, not until you have to resubmit your paperwork to renew your contract. Your pen lingers over the emergency contact box and that’s when you realise…
You don’t have one.
In the past you’ve put your parents details but the last time you’d ended up in hospital they hadn’t bothered to show up. You’d been able to hear Boden’s voice echoing down the corridor as he lost his temper with your mother’s excuse about the gala.
“Your daughter almost died today and you can’t be bothered to show up.” He had bellowed into the phone before she’d hung up on him. You could tell he was still enraged about the whole thing when he’d stepped into your room a few moments later to tell you weren’t coming as you breathed in the oxygen through the mask attached to your features.
“You are not alone.” He had told you fiercely as he held your hand in his. “You have 51 and we will not abandon you.”
You hadn’t been able to speak so you’d squeezed his hand in understanding. After that there had always been a member of 51 attending your appointments with you, supporting you through rehab. The one you do end up attending alone because of a call out is the time you run into Sean in the café at Med. You probably wouldn’t have met if it weren’t for that incident.
A few months later you receive a medal for your bravery in the field and it’s another event your parents don’t turn up to. Sean does though, he’s on his feet applauding with the rest of 51 because he’s proud of his girl, of the challenges she overcame to make it back to them all.
Your pen hovers again over the vacant box, It’s only been six months but you have never loved a man the way you love Sean, you’ve never met someone so genuine, so caring.
“Roxie, I’m gonna need that form.” Connie says, lingering at the other side of the table and you hastily scribble Sean’s details into the box before you hand it to her.
It’s later that night that you finally broach the topic with him. He’s sitting in his arm chair with your curled up in his lap, your head resting in the crook of his neck as he flicks through the tv to find that show you like, the one about lunatics who marry each other at first sight. He still can’t believe that’s a real thing, it’s highly entertaining and completely maddening at the same time.
“What’s up baby?” He whispers into your hairline, his fingers combing lightly through your hair. “You’ve been quiet all night.”
“I did something today. I should have asked but I didn’t…” You say trail off as he tilts his head towards you, his eyebrows etching into a frown. “I just realised I didn’t have anyone else and you show up when I need you, you always show up.”
“Roxie.” He says soothingly as his thumb traces over your cheekbone. “I’m sure whatever you did is fine.”
“I put you down as my emergency contact.” You say finally, meeting his gaze. “It means if something happens to me on the job, you’re the first person they’ll call.”
You register the surprise on his features and your eyes sting just a little because you realise you’ve fucked up.
“Roxie.” He says softly as he draws you even closer into the shelter of his body, cradling you close. “You know I’ll always show up for you. I’m happy to be your emergency contact.”
You can’t vocalise the sense of relief you feel when you hear those words, you know he sees it too as he tips your chin up, his lips ghosting over yours.
“You’re not alone anymore baby.” He promises you. “You’ve got me to take care of you now.”
Love Sean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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slightlymore · 4 years
hardest to love
part of the ‘soulmates collection’
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surgeon!doyoung x surgeon!fem reader
others: haechan, jaemin, jeno
genre: medical au (but the medical part is not heavy), romance, angst, smut, fantasy elements, “enemies” to lovers, mutual pining 
warnings: +18, esplicit sexual content: doyoung is a hard dom and a soft dom in different scenes, short instances of sub doyoung, finger sucking (I know, I have a hand kink), spanking, raw, ice play, fingering, dry humping, thigh riding, choking, use of "sir", orgasm control and denial, edging, overstimulation, light degradation, oral f, brat taming, safe word, wine play?; lots of teasing; swearing; discussion around death; doyoung is a jerk but gets better
words: 13k
note: you can read this as a stand alone without having read the other works in the soulmate collection. what you need to know: haechan, jeno and jaemin travel different universes with the purpose of getting doyoung and yn be together. mark is trying to do the opposite. sometimes doyoung can remember past lives and sometimes he can't. this life takes place in a hospital. if you're confused by the three boys’ story everything will be explained in their backstory fics coming soon. 
Haechan let out a single deep sigh. 
“Damn it. Doyoung is a fucking jerk in this life.”
The three young men were standing in the corner of the room watching two students trembling mortified in front of a pissed off Doyoung before he could turn around on his heels. 
“I thought he was a jerk in all lives,” Jeno commented while dusting off imaginary lice off his jacket. 
"I’ll be honest. When you said 'hell' I didn't expect the ER."
“Well have you ever been to-” Haechan continued but stopped when noticing Jeno not listening to him anymore but observing their third friend instead. 
“Hey, Jaemin?” Jeno put one hand on his shoulder. 
Jaemin was weak and paler than usual, eyes wide and with a slightly trembling chin. He then followed the direction of the younger gaze and gasped himself. 
“Yeah,” Haechan grated the back of his head. “I’m sorry. I told you this one is going to be hard.” 
Jaemin gulped, looking at himself walking around the bed and checking on the patients. 
That Jaemin looked exactly like him. 
The only difference was the clothes. That doppelganger had a doctor gown instead of a sweatshirt. 
“How is this possible? I don’t understand how I can be here and there at the same time.”
Haechan sighed at Jaemin’s comment. 
“You could consider it time travel. Now, listen to me.” 
Jaemin let himself be grabbed by Haechan’s hands, pressing on both of his arms and looked at the other’s intense eyes. 
“You have to avoid yourself while we work and-,” he stopped as if making sure to have Jaemin’s whole attention, “-you can’t talk to her.” 
As if Haechan’s voice was a spell that summons people, Jaemin raised his gaze from him to look behind Haechan’s shoulder where a woman was slowly walking the corridor, eyebrows furrowed trying to understand the medical records she was carrying. 
“Shit,” Haechan silently cursed and, placing one hand on Jaemin’s cheek, he indicated to keep quiet by putting one finger on his own lips. 
If Jaemin weren’t so weak in the limbs upon seeing her, he would have felt the tingle on his skin coming from Haechan’s palm, or he would have realized that the woman walked past them as if they were all invisible. 
Jeno, arms crossed on his chest, followed the woman with his eyes then nodded once as to indicate that the path was clear. 
“Why can’t I talk to her?” 
Jaemin’s head wanted to turn around and catch another glimpse but Haechan didn’t move his hand from his face yet. 
“You might, I promise. But only when I say so.” 
“Haechan and I can shapeshift and become invisible but you can’t and we won’t be around to babysit you all the time. Do your part and stay out of trouble.”
"You look mean,” Jaemin mumbled. 
"I am. Now move."
A breath. 
A deep and heavy breath. 
He was hearing it inside his skull. His own irregular breath inside his own skull. 
Then a loud ringing suffocated every other sound in Doyoung’s ears. Like tinnitus, he thought, so used to elaborate information by classifying it into boxes.  
The man was looking at his hands as if they were not his, fingers gripping the defibrillator pads, watching how the chest underneath them rose and fell. 
And again. 
A machine. The defibrillator and Doyoung. 
And that body as well. 
But it was too broken to be fixed. 
And when he barely heard the nurse’s question he straightened his back. “Time of death,” he inhaled, his hands now uncovering the wristwatch, “2:41 am,” he exhaled.
Doyoung felt it inside his hands, under the skin. 
It was uncomfortable. 
He looked at his left palm and wished it trembled. 
"A surgeon," the announcement came in the form of a hard pat on the shoulders.
 Doyoung blinked surprised and put his glasses back up on the nose. 
"Great hands," the professor shook them with vigour, his eyes wide open and intense. "Steady," the old man continued his litany of compliments. 
Doyoung let him wiggle his arms for a few more seconds before sighing as another student grabbed the professor's attention. 
The young boy looked down at his hands as well after the man turned his back. 
His eyes scanned every line in his palms as if seeing them for the first time. 
"Those hands will do big things in the future" and Doyoung now, shoulders heavy, moist fringe patted on his forehead in the humidity of the terrace, felt like cutting his hands off. 
Yes. Big things. 
Like playing with life and death. 
Didn't you just kill a man? he asked his hands, lower lip trembling instead of his steady fingers. Huh? and you're fine? 
Doyoung tightened his fists with disgust and punched the air while letting them fall with force to his sides. 
The rain intensified and he stepped in the front further until feeling the cold and heavy drops hit his face. Their sound was chaotic and it calmed Doyoung's heart. 
I can do it again. I've done it before. 
I do it again. 
I can get over it. 
He opened up his hands under the rain until he started to not feel his fingertips anymore. 
Then he walked back inside the hospital.
When you had to deal with the first dying patient, you were paralyzed. 
It was very early in the morning. Your head was still full of the dreams you had just a while ago. Your heart was full of life and excitement for finally being able to work in the field. 
"Get your shit together."
That voice startled you. 
Doctor Kim, the most ruthless and cold person you've ever met, was your supervisor as an intern. 
You looked up at him and caught his dark eyes on that spectrally pale face. 
You just moved. You had no idea what you were doing. Terrified, you let your body work automatically. 
Doctor Kim was calm and efficient while your whole mind felt out of place. 
Oh, God. Oh God, please. 
And when his voice finally reached your ears as if from far away you sunk down on your knees. 
"Good job everyone." 
The kindest thing he has ever said to his interns.
The other vaguely kind thing was his introductory discourse. 
"I know that interning at the ER is dreadful, but that's life."
He was staring you all down, a short line of fresh out of med school trembling kids, no one having the courage to meet his eyes. 
"You have to be ready to see all sorts of things here. Okay, let's go."
And that was it. 
The encouragement of his introductory discourse. 
You'll feel like shit here, welcome. 
You hated him and you swore to yourself that you won’t behave the same. 
He was like a souless machine, walking around and tending to his duties. Lost in thoughts as your eyes scanned his figure walking busily around the hospital, you actually wondered if he had feelings at all. 
The first time you saw Doctor Kim actually show some type of sentiment, was when he exited the surgery room one day. 
You were walking around with the others and checking on the patients when he walked through the corridor like a storm. It was unclear what type of feeling that was but it made you unable to stop staring at his side of the face and back as he entered his office. 
The anaesthetist came out soon after, slowly and sighing deeply. 
And then you understood. 
You've lived many of those days afterwards until you had to welcome your own row of interns. 
You smiled and did a nice short welcoming discourse. 
And at that moment you, unfortunately, got what Doctor Kim meant when he was brusque with you in the beginning. 
It took you all three years of residency to finally get it: there were no actual right words to tell the students and there was no point in giving fake hope that everything is going to be alright. 
Still, there was no point in being a rude ass like him. So you at least smiled kindly and encouraged your students. 
God knew they needed it even more now.
You've never spoken much to Doctor Kim besides what was needed or the routine good morning sir and the short morning he would answer with. 
So it was strange that on the first day of your career as a real surgeon, after your hands and those of Doctor Kim near each other worked, barely moving, his muffled voice ordering the tools, your muffled voice doing the same, you hugged him. 
You hugged him that day for no reason besides the overwhelming feeling of being alive. 
Doctor Kim, after every surgery, good or bad, would always walk out on the terrace. 
You followed him that night and stopped behind his frame. You had to talk to someone about what just happened and he was the only one who might understand. 
He was facing the city lights and the wind breeze ruffled his hair. He didn’t care to push it off his forehead. 
"You did well today," he said quietly without looking at you. 
Oh, you blinked fast. 
Your first surgery was a success but your heart was beating so fast that you couldn't understand your feelings. 
Were you happy? Were you about to cry? Did you want to scream and jump? What did you want? 
But Doyoung just complimented you. 
So again, you let your body work automatically and you looked at yourself, as if going through depersonalization, timid feet filling the space between you and Doctor Kim, your hands touching his waist and going around it until meeting each other on his stomach. You placed your head on his shoulders and closed your eyes. 
"I was so scared," you whispered. 
Doctor Kim's body was stiff, no reaction from his posture, no words coming from his mouth. 
Was he shocked? Was he wondering what the hell were you doing? Was he about to tell you to get your shit together again like that first time three years prior? 
But he didn’t do any of these things. 
He sighed once and you imagined him closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of your body. 
Even if for a moment. Even if it was all in your head and he actually hated it. 
Then he took a step forward and you had to let him go. 
And when he turned around and placed one palm on your shoulder without looking at you in the face, you remained alone on the terrace, breathing the cold air deeply and longing for his hands to hold you a little longer.
Doyoung didn't speak to you again after that night. 
Nor did he look at you once. 
While you found yourself staring at his nape every time he walked around. Or turning your head as if following the trail he left behind. 
You couldn’t wear perfume in the hospital but it was as if Doyoung did because he’d pull your senses towards him by something invisible. 
As if that first touch you shared connected you to him in obscure ways. 
“Here’s the coffee that you asked for, sir.” You entered his office after his dry “come in”.
His expression was priceless and for a moment you felt the urge to look behind you and see if there were a ghost scaring him.
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
“Bringing you the coffee?” 
“I asked a student to do it, not you. You’re a surgeon.” 
Your lips were dangerously trying to form a smile while you placed the coffee on his desk. 
“Why does it matter? I am free while those students are busy learning how to be doctors.” 
“You think that just because you hugged me once when you were emotionally unstable, now we’re friends?” 
That question was so sudden and cold to make you snap your head upwards. 
His eyes were darker than usual and you almost gulped. 
“No, sir.” 
Your voice came out as a tiny exhale and if he felt sorry for his sudden and out of place tone, you couldn't see it on his face at all. 
"I was just being friendly as all colleagues would," you added a new note to your own tone, trying to perhaps make him feel guilty. 
"You can give me up."
His reply shut you up and you furrowed your eyebrows. “What?”
"I'm saying," he spoke slowly, "that I don't want to be friendly with you. Now, please leave."
"I'm going to fucking kill him!" you threw your head back to drink your espresso shot as if it was alcohol and slammed the paper cup back on the counter. 
Jaemin sighed pouring sugar into his coffee. 
"Why did you even try? He's a jerk." 
The man sipped on his drink slowly, the warmth of it misting his glasses. 
“I just-” you huffed, crossing your arms on your chest. “We’re colleagues. It made sense for him to be a piece of shit with us when we were interns but now? ‘I don’t want to be friendly with you’” you mocked his deep voice. “Who the fuck does he think he is? I swear I’ll accidentally stab him with a knife!”
“Hm. Do you like him?” Jaemin asked with an unimpressed tone. 
You almost grabbed the coffee from Jaemin’s hands and threw it in his face. 
“Are you insane? What does that mean? Why would I like him? Kim Doyoung? Me-” you pressed your index on your chest, “liking that asshole? I hate his guts! I can’t believe you said something like this! What’s to like about him?”
Jaemin felt his fringe move around his forehead at your intense voice as if it were wind. 
“No need to get so worked up about it. You’re just talking so often about him lately. Also, he’s objectively good looking. He’s also smart. I understand.” 
“He’s the ugliest man I’ve ever laid my eyes on! And he’s an idiot! And I don’t talk about him! I have no idea what you’re all about.” 
Jaemin rolled his eyes and finished the drink. 
“Talking of ugly. What’s that shirt you’re wearing?” you asked. 
The man’s head snapped down to look at it. “What’s wrong with it?” 
You chuckled once. “Where did you buy it?” 
“It’s a normal Polo.” 
You laughed even harder. “A Polo you say? And what’s that? A knock off Holo?”  
“What’s Holo?” 
Jaemin’s face was genuinely confused and it amused you even more. 
“Are you getting enough sleep? You’ve been acting weird lately.” 
“Or,” he relaxed his expression, lifting one index up, “I come from an alternate universe.” 
You chuckled once and hit his shoulder lightly as a greeting, liking his new joking side. “See you later then, alternate universe Jaemin.”
Doyoung wanted to hit his head on the desk. 
Your expression, hurt and shocked because of his stupid remarks made his heart tingle in a very uncomfortable way. 
One thing was being severe and one thing was being rude for no reason at all. 
But the thing is that you were everywhere and he hated it. 
Doyoung hated that you were trying to get under his skin. 
Like a scent. Like some kind of drug. 
He’d scrub his hands and forearms even harder before going inside the surgery room as if with the water and soap he could get rid of the feeling of your arms around his torso under the rain too. 
What were you even thinking? Asking for reassurance? From him? Reassurance from the most hated man in the whole hospital? What did you even expect? Why would you even try? 
What a reckless person. 
He noticed it the first time he saw you as well. 
Eyes wide with curiosity and surprise, looking around the ER like it was the best place in the world. Doyoung hated your happiness but he also hated the fact that he would have to assist that light slowly die out with time. 
Or at least he thought that would happen. 
Days after days, months after months, he paid attention like a scientist looking at his object of study, taking mental notes and registering results. Doyoung would jolt with secret joy when his theories would reveal themselves to be true but then, like a rollercoaster, he’d feel weighed down with grief seeing you in the same state as his one. 
Until he didn’t know what to desire to see anymore. 
Until one day he lifted his eyes, head full of a soliloquy towards you. “How are you today? Tell me you got better. Tell me you still have your light because no one needs too many black holes in here.” 
Until he realized that he couldn’t remember anything about his life before you. 
And when you hugged him that day, he felt proud. For your success and your light. 
You were a star and he bathed into that warmth for a little before remembering he was still a black hole and black holes attract stars until engulfing them whole with no turning back.
“Why are you always around?” he blinked annoyed. 
You straightened your gown that shifted after bumping into him and sighed loudly. 
“In case you forgot, I work here.” 
Doyoung sighed. 
“This is the farthest yard from where you’re always playing with your friends.” 
“I had business coming here.” 
“What business?” 
“That’s my business.” 
Doyoung’s corner of the mouth twitched. 
“It’s our business.” 
“Are you a communist?” you placed your hands on your hips, tilting your head to the side. 
“I’m your superior. What are you doing here?” 
A few nurses whispered passing you by and you cleared your throat, trying to relax your face muscles. Doyoung rolled his eyes once upon seeing your new fake cordial expression. 
“Apparently I’m doing such a good job that Mr Jung wanted to compliment me,” you raised your chin. 
“Mr Jung?”
His nostrils widened as if he had too much air to inhale and didn’t have time to get it little by little. 
“He doesn’t just summon people to compliment them. Stay away from him.” 
You scoffed incredulously at his innuendo. 
“Are you hearing yourself?” 
“Very well. Get back to work now.” 
“Are you perhaps jealous?” the words slipped from your mouth before you could stop yourself. 
But Doyoung, to your biggest surprise, smirked a little, lifting his eyebrows once. 
“And if I were?” he asked, then walked around you, leaving you still for long moments in the corner of the corridor before being able to walk again.
“And then he said, “and if I were?”
Jaemin gulped his food and chuckled. “I can’t imagine that.” 
“I know right? Was he crazy?” you asked with your mouth full, swinging your knife. 
“Maybe the director does have eyes on you. And-” he leaned in mischievously, avoiding your cutlery, “that’s why he acts as if he hates you. Because he has feelings for you.” 
You chuckled nervously. 
“He hates you too!” 
“He doesn’t even know I exist,” Jaemin shrugged. 
“Hey, Jaemin.” 
“Like once I asked him something and he thought I was a patient and when I said that I’m actually-” 
“Jaemin! I’m pretty sure I’ve just seen someone looking like you pass that door just now.” 
The young man turned around quickly, right in time to see himself exit the food hall. 
“Damn,” he laughed for a few moments. “Someone else copied my hairstyle. I guess I’m not that unnoticeable as I thought.” 
You opened your mouth to comment on that since you were pretty sure it wasn’t only the hairstyle that the man copied when Doyoung approached your table like a storm scaring the shit out of you. 
“What is it now?” he asked, eyes piercing through you. 
You let out a long “uhhh” before talking, staring him up and down. 
“Are you talking to me?” 
Doyoung scoffed then sighed. “A doctor told me you were urgently looking for me.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Who?” 
“Do I look like someone who knows people’s names?”
Jaemin shook his head. 
“Well, I don’t need you,” you let him know. 
Doyoung sighed again and the long look you exchanged made Jaemin awkwardly chuckle once. 
“You can sit down with us for lunch, sir,” he offered and you inhaled sharply, kicking his leg under the table. 
Doyoung looked firstly at you then at Jaemin then at you again as if not believing he was actually talking to people like you. 
But the tray in his hands was getting heavy and there were no other empty tables. 
He walked around Jaemin and sat down near him. 
Then he rolled his sleeves and started to eat in silence. 
But only for a moment. 
“What?” he asked as you were both staring at him with hanging open mouths. 
“It’s our first time seeing you eat,” you whispered. 
Doyoung gulped the food. “I’m putting on a show for you guys. I’m a vampire that doesn’t need food.” 
“See!” you hit Jaemin’s hand as if catching his attention. “He’s making jokes!” 
Jaemin leaned back in his chair as if a little afraid. 
“So you talk about me instead of working,” Doyoung commented. 
His eyes were on you and you suddenly realized what you’ve just said. 
“No,” you quickly grabbed your glass and sipped the water. 
Doyoung looked at Jaemin and the young man secretly nodded a little. 
And for the first time in years, you saw Doyoung smile. 
Like a full-on smile. A big open smile with all the teeth out. 
You blinked fast and before realizing your own lips were stretched in a smile too.  
He was breathtaking. 
You wanted to run away but also crash into him. You were at the top of the world and down in the dumps.
The grunt you let out after hitting a hard surface resonated in the whole hallway. 
For the second time. 
"You are always where you shouldn't be."
You lifted your pained eyes while massaging your shoulder just to see Doyoung do the same. 
"Where am I and where am I supposed to be then?" you asked. 
"Around me and you should be far away from me." 
"And if I say that I'm doing it on purpose?" 
Doyoung's pupils trembled. 
"To make you mad," you explained, the little smile creeping on your lips making him tighten his. 
“You’re trying to make me mad?” 
In your head, all of the conversations you would have with Doyoung sounded fun and risky in a good way. 
In reality, you realized, it was so overwhelming that you felt your limbs shake. 
“I’m joking, sir.” His intense eyes made you look over the windows. 
“You don’t like to look at me in the eyes?” his voice was mellifluous just as his movements, getting slowly closer to you. 
“Your eyes make me uneasy,” you replied honestly. 
Doyoung tilted his head to the side, curious, inviting you to say more. You looked at him again. 
“As if they don’t know fear,” your voice was tiny. 
A little smile curved the man’s lips. “Oh, but they know what fear is.”
“And what is that?” 
“What you’re feeling right now.” 
"I am not afraid," you whispered. 
"Then why are you stepping back?" 
“I am not stepping back.”
Yet the air got softly knocked out of your lungs as you felt the wall on your shoulder blades. 
Doyoung didn't reply and just got as close as to lightly brush your lower lip with his knuckle. 
"You're cute when you pout," he whispered, eyes smiley under the strands fallen from his styled fringe. 
You opened your mouth to talk but he walked away, leaving you alone and with an abnormally beating heart. 
If Doyoung’s newly humorous side was something interesting to share with Jaemin, his newly flirtatious side was something you felt the need to keep a secret. 
Heated up, you walked the corridors like a storm. 
Kim Doyoung? 
Did your body really react that way towards Kim Doyoung? 
Pulse throbbing in places you didn’t want to think of? 
Because of Kim Doyoung? 
Face buried in your wet hands, the cold water running in the sink, you imagined telling this to your younger self. 
Then you lifted your head and turned it off, raising your gaze to look at your dilated pupils in the bathroom mirror.
Doyoung didn’t care about people much. 
Hours upon hours of surgery, he only needed to see his colleagues’ hands and hear their breaths while desperately trying to save yet another life. How they looked without the caps and masks was not something of interest to him, especially knowing superfluous details like their names. 
Yet, when he briefly noticed the eyes of the second surgeon entering the room, Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows. 
Those were not your eyes and those were definitely not your hands in the latex gloves. 
And for the first time, he needed to know who that person was.
“I’m Lee,” the man whispered. 
“I didn’t know you were on schedule today.” 
“Yeah, heard about it last minute as well.”
Were you avoiding him? 
If Doyoung’s body could show tremor, he’d had trembling legs under the desk he sat at after the surgery, and if he’d had the habit to bite his nails, he’d be ferociously eating them by now.
Unfortunately, he was stoically sitting in his office, elbows pressed into the hard iron surface, veins missing adrenaline but aggravated eyes. 
Walking the corridors while people took a step back to make him pass, looking away when he’d look at them and whispering angrily behind his back, was a bliss. 
The protection shielded Doyoung like a fuzzy blanket even if it sometimes felt itchy at night when he found himself the most lonely. 
So when you did the same, passing him by as if hating him, he surprised himself at the sudden discomfort. Especially after
after that. 
He wasn’t sure himself what it was but it must have been something if it made you uncomfortable enough to not show up to a surgery. 
He lifted the corner of his blanket for a moment and he fucked up. 
You stopped in place. 
And so did most people around you. 
Many found Doyoung scary but also interesting to observe when his spite wasn’t directed at them. 
What did she do? you could almost hear the whispery words passing from ear to ear, amused voices, grateful for not being in your place. 
“See me in my office,” Doyoung ordered after you slowly turned around. 
His voice was low and no one could have heard it if the whole yard didn’t just collectively hold its breath. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“You all are surely not working enough if you have time to be useless,” his voice sounded louder and clean all of a sudden. “Do you want some hours assigned?”  
Like a spell, everyone looked around and the buzz filled your ears back, leaving yourself and Doyoung the only still figures. 
Then he moved as well, the swoosh of his cloak touching your hand when he passed near you. 
You inhaled deeply and followed him.
“I am sorry.” 
You wished you’d  accepted his offer to sit down because that single sentence floored you. 
“For what?” you asked with a tiny voice. 
“I know I often say things that I don’t mean. And I know that I might have made you feel uncomfortable. So I apologize.” 
His eyes were round and filled to the brim with such sincerity to make you swallow hard. 
“You don’t have to apologize. It was necessary to make me who I am,” you minimized. 
Doyoung looked away for a brief moment. “I mean the corridor incident.” 
You blinked at him. 
“I made a mistake,” he added. 
The first thing that came to mind was the urge to use that to your advantage. 
Scold him. Make him feel guilty. 
Kim Doyoung making a mistake. 
The power suddenly surging in your veins went to your head so you suppressed the smile that so desperately wanted to bloom on your lips. 
His expression darkened even more at your reply and his adam apple moved as he swallowed. He actually hoped it wasn’t the case. 
“I’ll make sure to keep the surgery schedules separated so you won’t feel uncomfortable working with me. You could have asked me first though before changing it yourself.” 
The excitement died out with these words. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Thursday’s surgery.” 
“I was told you appointed another person yourself.” 
“I did not.” 
“Well, I didn’t either.” 
“It’s not like I’m trying to avoid you, no. But if you-” 
“I’m not trying to avoid you either. But you said I made you uncomfortable, so-” 
“I was messing with you.” 
He finally went silent. 
“You looked so guilty that I wanted to get a little revenge,” your voice came out a timid whisper. 
Doyoung sighed, closing his eyes a little, then he stood up. 
“Did I seriously cause you that much pain all of this time?” he walked towards you as if actually concerned. 
“You made me cry almost every day.” 
He opened his mouth like a fish before closing it. The shocking confession made him lift one hand to cup your face. 
You both looked at it with fluttering eyes as if it wasn’t his. 
He tried to put it away quickly but you pressed your palm on it to keep it in place.  
“I’m joking. I only cried a few times.” 
Doyoung’s pupils danced around just like his brain trying to process the information you were giving him. His face, confused and not knowing anymore what was a joke and what wasn’t, amused you a lot. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been harsh. I’ve been-”
“A jerk.” 
He gulped, his thumb slowly brushing your cheekbone. 
That little gesture made you close your eyes for a moment. And when you opened them, you just leaned in and placed a quick and chaste kiss on his closed lips. 
“If the corridor thing was a mistake for you, I just did one too. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We can pretend nothing of this happened."
You let his hand go and moved to take a step back just to feel his hold on your face tighten. 
Pulling you towards him again, he added the second hand. 
His lips were not closed anymore, but very much open to welcome your lower lip between them. 
Your hands flew to his hair and pulled him towards you too. He hummed and you whined. And when you both needed air, you let yourselves go, panting against each other’s lips. 
A little smile curved your lips, eyes unable to look up. Fingers on his neck, you let them slowly descend to his chest and you took a step back. 
You took your lower lip inside your mouth for a moment, as if still trying to taste him and walked a few steps back. 
Doyoung followed you, unable to let your body go until you touched the door. His eyes were blown out and he kissed the corner of your mouth again, and again, and again, until kissing you fully on the lips for the second time. Hands on the glass behind your head, you heard his nails grating at it slowly as you let your tongue twirl with his. Then you breathed out and he couldn’t do anything else than just moving his arms away for you to slowly open the door and leave in silence. 
After the door closed, Doyoung pressed his forehead on the cold window. 
“Fuck,” he whispered to himself, the fuzzy blanket he carefully wrapped himself with all of those years slowly slipping away to his feet.
It didn't surprise you to see Doyoung pretend nothing happened between you as you passed each other in the corridors. 
But his avoidance felt weirder than usual, even to external eyes, as if something happened indeed and he tried so hard to conceal it. 
"Perhaps it's the 5th coffee talking right now, but doesn't Doyoung look weird?"
Jaemin asked lazily as he rested his body on one elbow placed on the little resting room counter. Said man passed in front of the open door and the furtive look he took of you was interesting enough for someone bored like Jaemin to notice. 
You shrugged, quickly stirring the sugar in your own coffee. 
"Hm?" your friend smiled at your silence, getting closer. 
You sipped the drink. 
"Hmmm?" Jaemin put his face into yours. 
"Oh my God, get away," you tried to push him away. 
"You had sex."
You spat the little coffee you still had on your mouth. Jaemin giggled and took a step back before it could land on his own. 
"We did not have sex! What's wrong with you?" 
"Okay. So you at least kissed," he looked up to you under his wiggly eyebrows as he handed you a few napkins. 
"We-," you wanted to deny but your lips formed a frustrated smile instead. "Shit. I can't believe it either." 
"He was- so delicate," you murmured. 
Jaemin winced amused. 
"But also intense you know? Like it felt-" 
"Okay wait. I didn't ask for a full-on description," he made a puking expression at you. 
You lightly hit his arm. 
"I was just so surprised. I've never seen this side of him."
"Him liking people?" Jaemin giggled. “Yeah. That’s weird.”
"So it's done. We're done. Let’s get the fuck out of here. Seeing myself around is creeping me out."
Haechan sighed, rolling around in his chair. "Not so quickly. They only kissed."
Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows. 
"They have to confess," Jeno explained with a sleepy voice, sprawled on his own chair. 
"But they love each other."
"They have to say the words."
Jaemin put his hands on the hips. "That's so stupid." 
“Tell this to Doyoung. This is what he wrote in the contract,” Haechan mumbled amused, patting his chest where the Book was snuggly packed near his heart. 
Jaemin grabbed another chair and sat backwards on it, resting his chin on the folded arms. 
“So you know the job is done when they confess? What if they break up afterwards?”
“It has never happened before.” 
“And what if it does happen?” 
Jeno opened one eye. “Don’t manifest doom.” 
“I’d probably have to come back and get them together again,” Haechan replied. 
“I still don’t know why you’re doing this. Can’t you just recede from that contract?” 
Haechan sat up properly and grabbed his water bottle. “And do what? Go back to the pits of hell?” 
His eyes twinkled with mischief. 
“I’ve never had this much fun in a very long time.”
He brought it upon himself, he could admit that. 
Ignoring you was more difficult than he anticipated and the first reaction he managed to put out when you talked back to him in front of all of the other surgeons was his usual skin cutting one. 
You didn’t like it, he could see it. 
You’ve never liked it and, honestly, Doyoung could not think of a single person that enjoyed being on the other side of his table. 
Perhaps you were getting a little comfortable with him though because you leaned back in your chair and smiled. As if for once he couldn’t get to you. 
It made him even more eager to scratch that nonchalance. 
So he did. 
Until the meeting was over and he got back to his office with a weird sensation on his shoulders. It somehow tasted like defeat. 
And when you opened his door with a loud bang and got in, he inhaled and took a few steps back, imitating the steps you took forward. 
You pushed him down on the chair, your gazes mixed together just like your breaths as you leaned down. 
Only the sheer anticipation of you touching him made him lose his mind a little. 
One hand on his thigh and the other going down from his lips to his extended neck and chest, dragging your nail on his shirt until reaching his stomach and belt. 
Then you hit one of his feet to the side with yours, making him open his legs even wider. 
He jolted and you could visibly see the way his breath stopped for a moment. 
"I don't think someone else tried to put you in your place before."
Your voice was dark and his eyelids fluttered before his pupils could fall on the way your palm brushed his crotch. It twitched under his dress pants and he inhaled deeply. 
"Unfortunately, it has to be me." 
"We're at work-," he tried to speak but the words died in his throat as you cupped his balls. 
"Sorry? Didn't hear that." 
"Shit Y/N-," Doyoung closed his eyes, jaw muscles tightening as you gently massaged him. 
"Hmm, Doctor Kim is at a loss of words?" 
You cooed, leaning down even more until almost brushing his lips with yours. 
"So cold and composed while you spit venom all day. I really want to see you lose your mind for once."
He opened his eyes right when he started to pant lightly and you gulped upon seeing his dark gaze. 
"You'll regret this."
"Can't wait to feel regretful."
"Be careful."
"Don't want to." 
His smile grew suddenly wicked and it threw you off as he suddenly stood up, grabbing your wrists and pushing you gently backwards. 
"You’ve been loving fighting with me lately. I think that you just need to get laid."
You smiled. "Do you want to help me with that?" 
Doyoung scoffed once. "I can't stand you."
"Then sit down."
He put his tongue inside the cheek, staring at your raised chin. 
Then his hands suddenly crept around you and grabbed your ass. They squeezed, pulling your hips towards his, making you pant and palm his chest in the meantime. Body pressing on his and his low voice buzzing into your ear made you light headed. 
"Arguing with you turns me on so fucking much." 
You gulped and noticed the way Doyoung’s eyes fell on your open mouth. 
“This is a very pretty shade of lipstick. Makes me want to ruin it.”
His thumb opened up your shocked lips even more by tugging at the lower one, your eyes getting hazy from his expression cutting you in half.
The order made your legs buckle a little. Your pupils trembled when you slowly let your tongue touch his fingertip. Doyoung got impatient and pushed it until it was all in. You fought the urge to gag and just whimpered, grabbing his shirt into your fists as he watched you hollow your cheeks on it. 
“I’ve always wanted to make a mess out of you,” he murmured, his other hand cupping your face and feeling your jaw, going down to your neck and wrapping it into its warmth. You raised your face to give him more space and your hooded eyes trying to look at him as he pressed around your throat made him smirk. 
“You like that?” he watched your squirming body trying to get closer to him. He took a step back and rested his hips on his desk, pulling at you until you felt his thigh between your legs. 
“What a slut,” he took out his thumb and spread the saliva on it on your lips. “Bet you wanted to suck me off under the desk, didn’t you? Fuck your superior?” 
You started to breathe through your mouth, the hand wrapped around your throat making it difficult for you to form any thoughts. 
“Or you wanted me to bend you over it?” he murmured, eyes glazing over your breast, his free hand painting one line from your collarbones to the cleavage of it. And when he suddenly squeezed one, feeling its softness in his palm, you almost cried out and dug your fingers into his shoulders. 
“Yes, sir.” 
Doyoung’s corner of the lips lifted as if curiously surprised. 
“And if I don’t do any of those things?” his eyes were on your face now and it made you want to hide away or just beg him to just please do all of those things.
“What are you going to do?” he asked again. 
The pool of wetness inside your panties was so embarrassing that you pressed your forehead on his shoulder. 
"Then just let me go," you whispered in a tiny voice. 
"You're free to g-" he caressed your jaw with one thumb. 
"No. I hate it," you went on, lifting your gaze on him, and he exchanged the look, slightly taken aback. 
"I dream about you every night. It's not about sex, it has never been just about it. Everything about you makes me go crazy. I hate it and I want you to just let me go.” 
Doyoung blinked and cupped your face with both hands. 
You just breathed out, ignoring the little voice screaming inside your mind to shut up, palming the back of his hands with yours, suddenly unable to raise your eyes on him. 
"I just can't understand and I hate being like this," you added after a quick gulp. 
The man opened his lips and you noticed the way you started to breathe in unison. 
"There's something so darkly attractive about you," the tiny sigh coming out of your lips made their way on Doyoung ones and he licked them once, his own breath warm on your skin. 
"No matter how much I try to know you, there's something that escapes me. I can't pinpoint you and it keeps me up at night." 
Doyoung gulped and his hands twitched as they palmed your arms, going down to your hips and pushing you down, gently. 
You gasped silently, your core so swollen that the feeling of the friction of your bodies as you rubbed on him could have been enough to make you orgasm. 
"Sir-," you found the force to talk but he took his tongue out and you just dove in, catching it inside your mouth and sucking on it the way you sucked on his finger. Your eagerness made his hold even tighter, guiding your body rolls, loving the way you squirmed in his arms. 
When you pulled away to whine he raised one hand to bury in your hair. 
"You haunt me too," he confessed. "Sometimes I feel so pulled towards you to make me question everything I know about myself."
Your eyes fluttered and your exposed throat looked so vulnerable in Doyoung's eyes to make him lean in and bite on it. 
The little moans escaping your lips caressed his ears and when he licked the spots you shivered, your hips not stopping for a second. 
It was intoxicating and you didn't dare to speak again but your thoughts were seeping through all of your pores. 
"I want you to tell me what you want me to do," you whispered, words broken.  
"Don't cum," Doyoung ordered and it snapped something in you. 
Your breath grew irregular and he chuckled. 
With a little groan, you forced your hips to still but he looked down and clicked his tongue, pushing his thigh upwards and making you bounce on it a few times.  
"Don't stop."
"But you said-" 
"Don't cum and don't stop." 
"I can't last," you mewled, twitching against his body and he pouted. 
"Baby girl can't keep that in?" 
You shook your head, feeling all dizzy as his hands squeezed your asscheeks, making you rub against his leg again. 
"But I said what I said. Are you going to be a bad girl?" he accompanied his last word with a harsh slap on your ass that made you inhale through your teeth. 
"Sir- I am begging you." 
His hand dropped under your skirt that moved to your thighs in a single movement, the coldness of it on your hot clit making you cry out. 
He hummed amused, slowly pressing into you and circling your sensitive bud until your legs started to twitch. 
"If you want to cum," he stopped, "you'll have to do whatever I say. Is this an agreement?" 
You nodded quickly, so close to orgasm that you started to ride his fingers by yourself. 
He retrieved his hand and pressed it on your stomach, making you step back until you barely could keep your balance. 
"You know where I live, right?" 
You nodded confused. 
"See you later then," he smirked and gestured to leave the office. 
You inhaled deeply, the arousal so high that you considered just finger fucking yourself in front of him. 
"Cruel," you whispered. 
"And you love it," was his amused reply.
Timid feet in front of Doyoung's entrance door, you questioned if you actually lost your mind. 
Were you really willing to go this far for a single orgasm? 
Or multiple, you considered. 
Okay. Well, perhaps it was all worth it in the end. 
Your eyes darted upwards to take in the view of his house. 
The windows were lit on the first floor and it looked like a place you'd love to spend your life in. It was too huge for a single person anyway. 
When he opened the door after the ring announcing your arrival you didn't expect to see him in casual clothing. It looked so off that for a moment you couldn't speak, eyeing his feet in warm socks instead of rubber shoes. 
Then you hit yourself in your mind. Of course, he won't wear his doctor gown at home. 
"Good evening," you finally smiled and he eyed your body with a relaxed gaze, stopping when noticing the bottle of wine you carried in your hands. 
“Good evening,” he gestured to you to come in and you walked the distance from the doorstep to the hallway. His hands draped your shoulders and you sighed when he took your wet coat away. 
You put in a lot of effort in your appearance, choosing the right clothing and accessories. 
And he put a lot of effort into arranging his house for you, lighting up the right candles, you noticed after he indicated a room to the left. 
Yet all you wanted to see was him. 
And all he wanted was to see was you naked. 
Venturing in slowly, you turned around looking at what you figured out was the living room. With the corner of your eyes, you saw the grey of Doyoung’s sweatpants disappear upstairs and it suddenly got silent, safe for the crackle coming from the chimney and the hard rain hitting the windows. You took off your shoes and cautiously walked on the dark wine-coloured rug, close enough to warm yourself. A black glassy mirror was hung on the wall in front of you showcasing the pitiful state you were in because of the storm. Then you looked at the piles of books scattered around your feet placed down in a chaotic path leading to the velvet couches behind you as if someone read them while circling the room and suddenly let them fall on the ground when bored. You followed the spines with your gaze trying to figure out the language they were written in when two feet made their appearance in your peripheral vision, making you snap your head up. 
He approached you with a little smile, getting closer and closer like a black cat. 
New thick energy made it difficult for you to breathe too deeply so you resorted to short inhales and exhales especially after he stopped so close to you. 
Doyoung's hands wrapped yours as he took the wine away and placed it on the coffee table on his left. Then he sighed and you found yourself shivering under his gaze. 
"Take this off," he lightly felt your shirt's material with his fingertips.  
What? You inhaled, mind buzzing at how easy it was this time. No dinner and fancy courtship? 
He did look like someone that'd rather take you into seclusion and have you for himself as quickly as possible though. 
With slightly trembling fingers that you'd never get in the surgery room, you started to unbutton your top. Doyoung tilted his head to the side with a little smirk as if enjoying the show. 
And when you actually found yourself with only your bra on he smiled, even more, eyes grazing your skin slowly until you felt a heatwave shake your limbs. 
“This too.” 
He slowly touched the bra fabric and you gulped. 
“Take it off yourself.” 
Doyoung chuckled once and went around your torso, unclasping it with quick and expert fingers. 
You jolted and you felt your eyelids flutter as it slowly fell down your arms. 
Doyoung grabbed the front part of it and dragged it down to the floor, adding it to the weird maze of books making the eccentric design of his living room. 
His eyes caressed your perked nipples and you tried hard to resist the urge to cover yourself. 
“Pants,” he ordered and his voice was deeper than usual. 
You wavered a moment and he lifted his eyebrows once. Do it. 
You inhaled and slowly opened the zip. 
He bit his lower lip when you bent down to discard the piece of clothing and when you straightened your back he hummed. 
“Wear this,” he gently threw a piece of fabric towards you which you caught quickly. It was soft and it smelled like him. 
He looked at it, then slowly raised his eyes to meet yours, not moving a single muscle. 
You inhaled in again, trying to calm your nerves, desperately wanting to ignore the way he was dressed himself. A white and see-through shirt with the deepest neck you’ve ever seen, barely covering any of his chest. You barely could see his sweatpants as well, but his bare ankles were fully on display, just like his forearms that you could catch glimpses of as he absentmindedly revived the locks blocking his pupils with one hand. 
A raw playfulness made his features even scarier in the dim lighting. 
“I want you wet. But not from the rain,” he explained, eyeing your confusion. 
“You could have just told me to change into it and end it there,” you mumbled, buttoning the shirt up. It was deep blue and oversized, short on your thighs but hiding whatever you had to hide. 
“Why? Did you hate that I made you undress in front of me?” 
“It was embarrassing to stand naked like that.” 
You wanted to sound offended but the pout your lips formed on its own betrayed your secret amusement. 
“Nothing that I won’t see up close soon.” 
His voice was a whisper that forced you to look away. You wanted to reply but he turned around walking towards the kitchen. 
"Besides, I made some spicy sauce. You don't want to spill it on your nice clothes."
“Who said I was going to spill food on myself? I have steady hands.” 
You walked over him, taking the plates from his hold and placing them down on the dining table yourself. 
You wanted to look unbothered by him just like he looked unbothered by you, but the truth was that you just had to do something to not feel that overwhelmed. 
“You don’t,” he argued following you near the table. 
You scoffed lifting your head to look at him. “Excuse you? I’m a surgeon.” 
“Your hands don’t look like the hands of a surgeon when you’re around me.” 
You scoffed. 
“I think that the biggest thing in the world is your ego.”
“You haven't seen my-”
“Don’t say it.” 
He closed his mouth as the little smile he had on kept lingering on his lips. 
Domestic and flirty. It was getting to your head and you hadn’t had the opportunity to sip a single drop of alcohol yet. 
As if reading your mind, he grabbed the bottle of wine you brought and fumbled slowly with the cap. 
"That's my favourite shirt. And I want to fuck you in it." 
The shivers that travelled down your spine almost made your body twitch and your hands stopped in mid-air as you were placing the cutlery. 
He smiled at you when you looked at his expression. 
His lips. His eyes and cheekbones. His skin under the lights. 
Fuck. You really needed a drink. 
And after he popped the bottle open with a loud sound that disrupted the silence, the red wine erupted out of it, dripping off his hand up to the wrist you had your drink right off his fingers. 
Doyoung’s pupils trembled as you leaned in like a cat and his lips opened to breathe better seeing you lick the drops off his fingertips. Rested with his hips on the table, it creaked when you came forward, even more, hands pressed on his open thighs and reaching for his face. You finally caught his lips in yours and you let him taste the wine on your tongue. 
It was rich and slightly sour, then it became sweet as only Doyoung’s taste remained lingering on his lips. 
“Delicious,” he commented after the slow kiss. “You have good taste in wine.” 
“And men.” 
His expression was hidden under his long fringe but you could sense that he was smirking. 
Then he raised his head a bit and had a gulp out of the bottle himself. 
You had the first row to the show that his adam apple moving up and down gave you. Then your eyes naturally fell to his collarbones and bare chest, his white shirt barely covering anything. 
Your fingers gently darted to his skin and you palmed it, then to his prominent collar bones, feeling the warmth of his chain around his neck.
He hummed, letting his head down to catch your hand with his lips. They kissed your fingertips then he finally dove in and let you taste his tongue again, hands quick to let the bottle go and grab your body instead.
Closer closer closer you needed him more and more. 
“I need to feed you dinner first,” he grabbed your wrists as your hands tried to unbutton his shirt. 
“If you won’t fuck me, I can find someone else to do it,” you whispered. 
His eyes tightened and he exhaled once. 
The movement was so quick that your head spun and the spank that arrived at your ass made you jolt on your toes before you could lean down on the table, fingers trying to grip the tablecloth. 
“Yeah? I want to see you get fucked by someone else while my name spills out of your filthy mouth.” 
His voice was raspy and it made you bite your lower lip, ass eager to push back and to rub against Doyoung's crotch. He hummed at your movements and lifted the shirt up to your waist, palming your skin and looking down at the way your ass cheeks engulfed your pretty lingerie. You strained your neck upwards at the feeling of his fingers slowly caressing your lower back, feeling the lace of your panties, then you whimpered as he grabbed the material and stretched it towards him before letting it go. 
"You want this little hole all filled up, don't you?" he murmured, hand sliding between your thighs to rub on the soft and thin fabric. Your legs shifted in place at the sensation and you arched your back for more. The little 'Doyoung' making him exhale. 
"And I thought you'd keep calling me sir." 
You tried to turn your head towards him, wondering if his suddenly absent hand meant that he wanted you to actually call him that. 
But then you saw that hand around you, reaching for the bucket of ice prepared for the wine on the table in front of you. And at that moment you realized that it was for you instead - his drink for the night. 
The ice cube wetted his fingers when he took it out and he first placed it on your open lips. You sucked on it for a moment, the warmth of your skin already melting it, strands of water slowly descending on your chin and inside your cleavage. 
"Say 'blue' and I'll stop," his voice was deep near your ear. 
You nodded breathlessly and you shivered feeling his hand hover over your back. 
And when you first felt it on your spine, your fingers independently grabbed the edge of the table. Then it went down and down, forcing goosebumps out of you. 
Doyoung’s palm soothed your skin, warming it up before reaching to the front to grab at your hard nipples poking through the fabric. And when the cube reached your clothed core you mewled, lifting yourself on the tiptoes. 
“Shit-shit-,” you curled your neck down, jolting under his touch, wanting more of it and running away at the same time. 
Your panties were all wet and you were unsure if for the ice or your own body and when Doyoung took away the cube, giving you a break by gently pressing his own wet fingers between your lips you wished for the fabric to not be there anymore. 
“More?” you whined, chest rising and falling at a crazy speed. 
Doyoung snickered once, his hands grabbing your sides and turning you around.
Mind hazy, you didn’t have the time to wonder where the ice cube went, the only thought roaming your head being the need to pull him closer to you. 
And you did just that, wrapping his waist with your thighs after he lifted you on the table with a thud, making all the cutlery and glasses jingle. 
And you clasped your fingers into his hair while his hands roamed your naked body under his shirt. 
It was when he pressed his cold, open lips on yours that you finally mewled, feeling the ice cube travel from his tongue to yours. 
It got smaller and you sucked on it, giving it back, hearing him hum deeply into the kiss. 
Then he broke it suddenly as if unable to control himself from kissing your neck instead, biting and sucking on your skin as hard as he did on the ice cube. You rolled it on your tongue until it became nothing, finally opening your lips to moan, feeling his cold touch on your breasts as his quick fingers unbuttoned the shirt. 
The material of your panties grazed your legs at Doyoung’s rough pull. You watched them fly and land on the lamp behind him. 
Then you felt his fingers finally rubbing your clit and you inhaled deeply. You were so horny that you were embarrassed to admit that just a few rubs would be able to throw you over the edge. 
Doyoung saw it and from his expression, he was enjoying himself maybe too much. 
“Come on love, cum for me,” he murmured on your open lips. You whined, nail digging into his shoulders and you shook your head. 
“You’ve been begging me for an orgasm and now you want to be a brat about it?” 
His hand worked quicker and when he inserted one of his long and slender fingers inside, you actually moaned loudly. 
“Sir-” the title slipped from your shaking lips and he chuckled against your cheek, pushing another one and curling them both, pressing into you and trying to find the sweetest spots you had. 
“Right here?” he whispered amused. 
You start swearing, moulding his biceps under your tight grip, the table and everything on it shaking at the fast pace of Doyoung’s pumping. 
And then it was too much and it overflowed. 
The gasp you emitted made you fall forwards. Your arms wrapped Doyoung’s body tightly as you came in spasms, legs trying hard to meet each other around his wrist but pressing into his sides instead. 
Doyoung let you whine a little bit more, hand slowing down but never stopping, fucking you through your orgasms as long as he could. Then your jaw got grabbed by his other hand and he lifted your face to meet his gaze. His eyes caressed your fucked up expression before kissing your lips. 
"Good girl. I know you can give me another one."
You gripped his shoulders for dear life as Doyoung's fingers came back outside to desperately rub at your over-sensitive clit. 
“Doyoung-Doyoung-” you writhed in his hold before he could slip away from your arms and fall on his knees. 
You’ve gotten head before, but this time, maybe for the overstimulation or your secret feelings for that man, it felt like the first time ever. 
Not knowing what to grab to steady yourself as his tongue danced in circles around your engorged clit, you buried your hands in his hair. His hands pressed into the softness of your thighs just as hard and when he raised his gaze up to look at you from underneath his messy fringe, you felt like falling. 
And you almost fell when he resorted to quick short licks that drove you insane, making you cum for the second time in such a short time to make you lightheaded. 
The single fuck got prolonged as much as the orgasm Doyoung gave you and when he started to kiss your inner thighs, coming up towards you, on your stomach, pressing his wet open lips on your skin until meeting your breasts, you were ready to admit that you were madly in love with him. 
His kiss felt as if you were underwater, unable to breathe and understand space. You felt his arms around you and suddenly you felt weightless and he carried you around until you felt the velvet of the couches underneath you and his body pressed flushed on yours. His waist got automatically wrapped by your legs again as if that were their place and they weren’t aware of it before. 
He slipped his hands on your hips, grabbing your ass hard as he murmured against your lips. “Are you going to be a brat with me again?” 
His voice was calm but deep as if a storm was incoming, making your knees feel weak. 
“Words,” he spoke again, pressing himself a little more between your legs. 
You breathed out. 
“I don’t know,” you managed to say before pushing him away. He fell to the side, grip softened mostly for the surprise than your strength. 
“Are you going to be a brat to me?” you asked, straddling his lap and pressing your palms on his stomach, going up on his hot skin and lifting his shirt until he couldn’t do anything else than take it off. 
Then his hands found their way on your skin too, unmercifully squeezing your soft breasts. He didn’t care to be gentle and lifting himself up he sucked on your skin so hard until it was almost painful. You wrapped your arms around his torso and threw your head back, stretching out your neck. He left bites all over it, travelling down, tightening his teeth grip around your nipples, making you pant softly. 
“I don’t know,” he finally replied. 
He looked at you from underneath his fringe and you smiled at each other. You caressed his stomach from below his belly button and going up until reaching his collarbones and he leaned back on his elbows to support his weight. He followed your hand going down on him then his eyes shifted their focus to watch how your pelvis started to move back and forth on his sweatpants, right on top of his hard cock. 
“Mm,” he exhaled as finally getting some relief and you imitated him. You placed your hands on his shoulders and closed your eyes and Doyoung flexed his thigh muscles. 
He was enjoying seeing you like that, vulnerable and whiny, needy and horny, while he did nothing to help you with it and leaving you desperate. 
His eyes caressed your whole body, his lips parted slightly at the sight of your breasts bouncing softly, at how you were spreading yourself on him. You felt hot and plump, your thoughts were blurry and foggy. 
"Look at you," he talked. “What a cute little slut.” 
You replied with a whine, locking eyes with him but not being able to do that for a long time as his gaze pierced through you, adding to the sensation his pants gave to your raw clit. 
So you kissed his lips, messily and sloppily, breathing on his mouth and he finally caressed your thighs and ass, pressing you down even more and closer to him. 
Your arms got tighter around his neck and he buried his face into your chest. His hair tickled your chin and you intertwined your fingers into his locks. 
So close to cum, you closed your eyes and just let yourself go, your rhythm lost, your muscles aching, without expecting Doyoung's fingers to suddenly get inside of you. 
You squeezed yourself onto him with a cry. 
"I repeat. Are you going to behave again as you did today?" you heard him ask as his fingers pumped fast into you. 
"No, no, oh fuck, please, no," you managed to answer while gasping for air. 
"I'm going to-" you whimpered about to orgasm and Doyoung at that moment got you off of him, pushing you down on your back and lifting your legs around him, edging you. 
"You're going to cum when I say so," he commented. "You're lucky I'm even giving it to you at all today," he added. 
You bit your lower lip frustrated. 
"Babe, please-" you begged. 
He smiled brightly at the sudden pet name, shushing you as he began to kiss your legs from the knees down, going lightly on the inside of your thigh, making you twitch as he approached your dripping pussy. But he passed over, nudging at it with his nose just to make you jolt and kissed your lower stomach, passing his tongue on the spots he bit before and continued until reaching your lips. 
Then, getting on his knees he finally got rid of his pants and underwear. 
You felt your core pulsing at the sight and breathed heavily. He tugged at your legs, dragging you until the back of your thighs touched his hips and holding himself he nudged at your entrance. You let your arms fall around your head and bit down on your hand as his tip caressed your clit. 
"Doyoung," you whined as your muscles jolted intermittently. You then felt his fingers drag on your leg until grabbing your knee and putting it on his shoulders he humped your folds. 
You let your head fall back into the couch, exposing your neck and making your breasts tighten. 
It was too much. You just wanted him to penetrate you and to make you scream. 
"I want to cum so badly, please," you begged again. 
But he acted as if not being able to hear from you. 
Your muscles twitched in pain and you lifted yourself to meet him. He pushed you down and distanced himself. 
"Behave," he warned. 
You looked at his half-closed eyes and plump lips as he bit it with his teeth. 
He was suffering as well. He couldn't take it anymore, you could tell. 
And when you took your hand to your mouth and licked two fingers, slowly, without breaking eye contact he gasped. 
You were about to suck on them, you wanted to see him going crazy, but you didn't manage to as he penetrated you right at that moment, quick and deep, with a grunt. 
"Fuck," he swore picking up the pace until the wet sounds overwhelmed the storm. 
It was dark. The only light came from the fireplace bathing the living room with a red and yellow hue. 
You were both sprawled on the rug under fuzzy blankets. 
"Come sit on my face. Show me where I belong."
Doyoung’s voice was a low buzz, imitating the storm still going on as it has been the whole night. 
You rolled your eyes to the side amused, ignoring his warm hand palming your knee, nudging you to come closer. 
“You still want to go? I can’t cum again,” you pouted. 
“But I want you to cum,” he pouted as well. 
You sighed and gently got on top of him with the intent of ignoring him and finally fall asleep. 
But his expression changed when you were near enough. “I want you to be completely fucked up when I’m done with you.”
You lifted one hand to cup his cheek and kissed his nose. 
He blinked at you amused. 
“I love it when you smile like this,” you whispered. 
The dying flames danced on his face as he stared at you for a few moments. 
Then you clicked your tongue. 
“Don’t do this.” 
“Don’t do what?” 
“Don’t get all dark and distant.” 
Doyoung exhaled. “I am not.” 
“There’s so much to be proud of, don’t you think?” Your fingers gently started to draw patters on his forehead, going down on his eyes as he closed them, then on his cheeks. He opened his eyelids again after the touch and you talked again. 
“Like striving to do good. Trying. Surviving.” 
His lips opened to let out a small puff of warm air. Then he hugged you tighter and hid his face in the crook of your neck. 
You exhaled too, closing your eyes and lulling his exhausted soul. 
“I am so proud of you,” you whispered but you didn’t know if he heard you.
You woke up in Doyoung's bed. 
It was huge, warm and it smelled like his laundry detergent. The sheets were soft and luscious, caressing your naked body as you shifted underneath them to look to the side. 
Your eyelids fluttered and your lips turned their corners up. 
Fighting the urge to squeal and hide your face inside the pillow, you resorted to admire Doyoung's sleeping face. 
Resting on his stomach with raised arms thrown around his head, only his eyes and ruffled hair poked out behind his bicep and shoulder. And when he slowly opened one puffy eye you giggled and it curved, showing that he was smiling too. 
"Good morning," you whispered. 
Doyoung sighed once first. "It's probably afternoon." 
His sleepy voice made your body heat up and without thinking you just got closer. He turned on his side and wrapped your body with his arms, pulling you closer to his chest. 
"Did you sleep well?" he murmured. 
"Like a baby. You exhausted me enough."
The little kiss he placed on top of your head was so unexpected to make you lift your face. 
He smiled. 
"You inspire so much tenderness in me,” he explained timidly. 
You smiled back, resting your chest on his. His hands automatically wrapped your sides as if they've always belonged there. 
"I'm glad I'm softening your edges. Now you need to behave like this with everyone else too."
"You want me to kiss the whole hospital on the forehead?" 
"Also, I thought you loved my hard edges," he purred, shifting your body to fully rest on top of his. 
His hard cock deliciously poked your clit with its tip as his hands slowly made you roll on it. 
You exhaled and leaned down, rubbing your lips on his as you whispered. "I do."  
His smirk was lazy just like your movements. 
"So you want me just like this?" 
“I want you. I want everything you are. I want everything that you hide.” 
Your hands caressed his chest and came to cup his face. His expression wavered and you found him so vulnerable all of a sudden to make your guts twist. 
“Unleash the darkness that you have inside. Engulf me with it. I am not afraid. I want it.”
Doyoung wrapped your body tightly and pressed you down on himself even more. 
"There's no darkness inside of me anymore. Not when you're around me."
From “I will not vanish” - Haechan’s backstory
The heavy door opened and closed. 
Doyoung looked over his shoulder to see a stranger approach him with slow feet. He raised his eyes and gave Doyoung a small nod. 
The other did the same and when the stranger aligned himself with Doyoung, looking over the cold city, they both exhaled. 
The silence was so deep, safe for the ambulances screaming in the distance that Doyoung found himself restless. 
The stranger leaned on the rail, resting his weight on the elbows and sighed again. 
“You know,” he started. 
Doyoung looked at him with the corner of his eyes. 
“What I like about life,” he paused, “is that you can die.” 
The stranger bit his lower lip for a moment then looked over to the other. His gaze felt so heavy that Doyoung’s arms skin got goosebumps. 
“Imagine being immortal,” the man continued before letting out a dry snicker. 
“Around forever. A pathetic being with no reason to exist besides existence itself. Forever and forever and forever. With no purpose. Until you’d beg someone to kill you but they can’t.” 
Doyoung’s fingers twitched on the cold metal of the terrace rail and for a moment his rational mind wanted to ask that stranger just what nonsense he was talking about. 
But lately, Doyoung and rationality didn’t match well so he didn’t. 
“Immortality sucks only if you’re the only immortal one.” 
The stranger smiled bitterly. “Do you want to be immortal?” 
Doyoung put his hands inside the gown’s pockets. “I’d die tomorrow.” 
“But you wish immortality was a thing.” 
“I mean, I wouldn’t have a job anymore,” Doyoung smiled. “But yes. I wish people didn’t die.” 
“You’re very selfish.” 
That remark made Doyoung frown. “How’s that selfish?” 
The stranger turned around and rested his back on the rail instead. 
“Why do you want people to not die?” 
“Because-,” Doyoung started but didn’t know what to add. “Because it’s painful.” 
“For them or you?” 
Doyoung sighed. “Okay. I see what you’re doing here.” 
The stranger smiled a little. 
“It’s not like I think only of myself when others die. I think how unfair it is when I know they didn’t have the chance to do everything they wanted to do first.” 
“And what’s that?” 
Doyoung thought about it for a moment. “Just- living. Experiences. And most of them actually had enough time to do it. They just took it for granted. And it’s so- painful.” 
“And what about you? If you said that you’d be ready to die tomorrow, I guess you’ve been living your life to the fullest with no regrets.” 
“Actually, I don’t know if I’ve been living all of this time.” 
The stranger shrugged. “Just start now.” 
“You make it seem so easy.” 
“Living? Hell yeah. You just need to give less fucks.” 
Doyoung didn’t reply. 
“If you’re ready to die tomorrow, then you should not be afraid of living.” 
The stranger’s tone deepened and Doyoung looked his way. 
“Who are you by the way?” 
“Oh,” the stranger straightened his back and extended his hand. “I’m Haechan. Nice to meet you.” 
Doyoung imitated him and shook his hand. 
It was warm and in a moment so many thoughts came to Doyoung’s mind to make him breathless. 
"I thought I had my life figured out and yet after meeting you I got shocked into awareness."
"You inspire so much tenderness in me."
“I became obsessed with you and it scares me.”
“You could have just told me. You could have told me that you fell apart. Instead, you acted like it didn't bother you at all.” 
“You are worth the wait.”
“I can't let go of you.” 
Doyoung took away his hand so quickly to almost fall backwards. 
He took a few steps on the concrete of the terrace as if trying to get as far from Haechan as possible. 
“You good?” the other asked but his face wasn’t mirroring his question. 
Instead, a plain expression was adorning his feline features and for an instant, Doyoung felt terror.  
“You’re not Haechan,” he found himself whispering. 
The man in front of him cracked his knuckles once. “And who’s Haechan?” 
“My friend.” 
“Friend? Is someone that uses somebody else a friend?” 
“He’s not using me.” 
“Isn’t he now?” 
The man started to walk towards Doyoung slowly, one finger on the rail, grating at the metal with his nail. 
“Do you believe in soulmates, Doyoung?” 
Doyoung flinched at his name on that man’s lips and started to retreat slowly. 
“I do.” 
“Soulmates are people that always find each other regardless of everything, aren’t they?” 
“And are you and Y/N soulmates if Haechan is always there forcing you together like some sort of cheap mismatcher?” the man spit out the last words. 
Doyoung gulped and his brain tried to remember how he punched him in some past life and actually win. His surgeon hands would definitely get broken in a second. 
“Don’t you want to break this cycle? Find your true soulmate?” 
“That’s Y/N.” 
“Because you say so.” 
“I don’t give a fuck about your orthodox theory, Archangel.” 
The man stretched his neck to the side and Doyoung didn't have the time to run away.
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Andrew Showing The Foxes His Love Through Actions.
All through “All for the game” we can see how Andrew shows his love through actions. I believe that Andrew does care for his teammates and I know I; m not the only one, so I wrote this. (Also, I will just forget about the choking scene because N*ra did their relationship so badly, like- ugh, that’s for another time)
Tw: Curse words, references to the foxes pasts, punches, vomit, Riko, mentions of scars, mentions of nightmares, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of past self-harm, probably many spelling and grammar mistakes.
It happened during a game, the foxes were winning and the other team were getting exasperated because they could not get past the backliners and if they could, Andrew would not let them score.
During the last minutes of the game, a player from the other team made Allison trip on purpose and “accidentally” kicked her.
Everyone else were too far away from them.
Except Andrew.
When the referee called the fault, Andrew was already there, punching the guy resulting in him taking a step back and falling to the ground.
As the referee gave him a yellow card, Andrew extended his arm to help Allison up.
And if he asked Renee how bad the injury was, no one had to know. 
When Matt was visiting his mom during summer vacations, they decided to go shopping, there he found the most adorable hoodies. It was orange on the outside and the inside had a really soft and warm fabric, which was white and had orange paw prints. But the best part was that the hoodie had fox ears.
Matt obviously bought nine of them.
“Disgusting.” Andrew had said, which Matt had obviously expected, so he thought nothing of it.
Everyone wore them, Aaron had given his to Katelyn, except Andrew.
But when winter came, Matt saw Andrew get out of his dorm room with the hoodie on, pulling it tighter against himself when a cold air blast came.
“Not a word.” Andrew deadpanned, pointing at Matt, when he noticed him, before leaving the tower.
Matt smiled the whole day.
During one of their dinner bankets, the foxes were placed into pairs and told to socialize with the other teams. The pairs were meticulously design so that ‘the monsters’ (minus Nicky) interacted. This meant every ‘monster’ was placed with an upperclassmen. Andrew got Dan.
So when they Dan were talking to some players from Penn State, the Ravens decided to join.
They began talking sh¡t about Dan’s time as a stripper.
Andrew didn’t say or do a thing, knowing Dan was capable on fighting her own fights, she is the first female captain on Exy, but he does stand to the side, throwing a death glare to them.
But when one of them decide it’s a good idea to slap her in the butt when she is distracted....Andrew intervienes.
He grabs the Raven’s wrist, twisting it before pushing him into a table.
Dan is surprised, to say the least, but she knows that the Raven will get a worst fate if she leaves Andrew like that. 
Calmly, she tells him she is okay and that the Raven didn’t touch her and that he can look and see for himself.
The latter does the trick, Andrew turns his murderous glare at Dan so she turns in place extending her arms showing him that the Raven did nothing to her.
Andrew calms after a while and stands up, glancing at the Raven one more time. 
The rest of the night Andrew does not leave Dan’s side until they head back home. Dan attaches herself to that memory forever. 
Renee and Andrew sparred at least once a week, more whenever Andrew was having a bad day.
Such as that moment, Aaron’s trial was just around the corner and Andrew was not having it.
He went to Bee’s twice but it still wasn’t enough, so him and Renee spared.
But today was a specially not good day, Aaron’s lawyer had said that he’d have to speak about what happened that day.
Renee knew that Andrew was far more on his head than n the present so she wasn’t mad when Andrew threw her down to the mat and her hip bumped onto the floor.
For the first time since they spared that day, Renee saw Andrew actually see her.
His eyes were wide, probably surprised of what happened so she reassured him that she was okay and that it didn't hurt much and that she’d had much worse before.
But he didn’t listen to her and got off the mat.
Renee stood up and went for her water bottle, thinking that Andrew had gone to let out some steam alone.
But then he came back with an ice package in hand and gave it to her.
Renee thank him, placed it on her hip and sat near him while he starred to the distance in moral support.
Nicky wasn’t one to get sick often, but when it happened, he really got sick.
So when one day he wakes up with a headache and all of his bones ache, he knows he’s in trouble.
Not wanting anyone to be worried about him, Nicky tries to stand up, just for a blast of nausea hits him and he has to run to the bathroom before he pukes on their bedroom.
When he is done throwing his guts out, he brushes his teeth and walks out to the kitchen for a glass of water. But when he gets there, a water bottle is out with a bottle of Pepto-bismol beside it. 
In the middle of his confusion, Andrew and Aaron appear with a thermometer, a blanket and pills.
“Go lay down,” Andrew says with an uncharacteristically softness in his tone.
Nicky complies and walks towards the couch, Andrew protectively trailing behind him with his phone and a blanket.
“I don’t have any class today, Aaron has two in an hour but then he’ll be back. Tea?” Nicky is perplexed at this attention given by his cousins so he is only able to nod and think who were these people and what did they do with his cousins.
The rest of the day, the twins (mostly Andrew) take his temperature, give him his meds, cook for him and help him out whenever he needs it.
Nicky sleeps with a smile that day.
The next day, he feels much better, but because the sickness messed with his feelings, he has an urge to hug his cousins.
He asks for permission and surprisingly, Andrew says yes.
Nicky keeps the hug fast and makes sure he doesn’t make Andrew feel trapped.
He still cries at the memory. 
Out of all the foxes, Aaron is the one with the most difficult things to study. He is in fact studying pre-med.
So during the finals week, he is the most stressed.
There is this one class in which Aaron has been having the most trouble with and if he doesn’t pass the test, he’ll have to repeat the class. So to say that he was stressed was an understatement.
He begins studying for that class a week and a half before the exam is and the day before the exam, he skips gym, morning practice and afternoon practice.
He studies for the exam the whole day and had to be reminded to take breaks for the bathroom and meals constantly.
He is also forced by Andrew to sleep when he woke up at 3 am and Aaron was still awake, studying.
Aaron keeps thinking of the material as he tries to sleep, and isn’t able to until 4 am, he dreams on the material the whole night.
When he opens his eyes, he sees that the sun is much higher than usual, worried, he checks the time on his phone just for his fears to be true, his alarm didn’t sound and he slept through the whole exam.
He doesn’t even care to change and runs to the building. The door to his classroom is closed and the professor is not there.
“Can’t stop thinking about the exam? Me neither.” He hears one of his classmates say behind him.
“I didn’t even do it.” He says through his teeth.
“What do you mean? I saw you there.”
Aaron is confused so he asks more classmates if they saw him, and all of them said that yes, they saw him there.
Hurriedly he got to the tower and confronted Andrew if it was his doing and if he did the exam for him like they did in high school.
“I did.” was Andrew’s only response before walking out.
Aaron got a B⁺ a grade much better than if he had done it by himself.
After Riko died, his and Andrew’s deal could be done, but they had grown close, they had passed so much time together since Kevin escaped Evermore.
Neither of them would say it out loud, but they were each other’s best friend.
So when Kevin learned that his things would be thrown away from the Nest, he went into a spiral.
But when Andrew asked and Kevin couldn’t say why, Andrew made it his mission to know.
Neil had a few assumptions, but when he had been at the Nest, he had been too focused on his injuries that he wasn’t a good resource.
So Andrew contacted someone he never thought he would be speaking to. Jean.
Jean told Andrew of Kevin’s old bedroom and the things Kevin had to hide away from Riko because if he found them, Kevin would be punished. Yet he didn’t know what these secret things were. 
Thankfully, Jean knew where the hiding spot was.
The next day, Andrew took the Maserati in the early morning without a word (Neil knew but he had to act as if he didn’t), and made his way to Evermore.
Once there, he had to sneak inside, but given that the Nest was desolated for classes it was easy.
When Andrew got to where Jean had told him where the hiding spot was, he found a small shoe box.
Opening it, he found three things and Andrew immediately understood Kevin’s spiraling.
When he got back to the tower, he directly went to his dorm. Inside were Neil, Nicky and Kevin watching a game.
Andrew signaled Neil and the latter made Nicky follow him out.
“Where were you? You missed morning practice,” Kevin said as soon as they were alone.
Without a word, Andrew took the shoebox out of his bag and carefully gave it to Kevin, who took a shaky breath at the sight of it.
As soon as it was in Kevin’s hands, he opened it and carefully took the three things which were the last things he had from his mother.
A woman’s ring, a record player and a photograph. 
Tears immediately sprang from Kevin’s eyes and Andrew decided he would give Kevin his space.
“Thank you,” Kevin said as he opened the door, Andrew just nodded feeling a weird warmness in his chest.
Andrew shows Neil his love in so many ways, helping him out during panic attacks, reminding him that he’s safe, holding his hand, kissing him, sharing a cigarette in the roof, stroking his hair when they cuddle and so much more.
But the most important thing Andrew does for Neil is letting the latter see his vulnerability and trust him with it.
It starts with simple things, Andrew letting Neil sleep with him in the same bed, cuddle together, sit on Andrew’s lap (and vice versa), etc.
But it slowly begins to increase, let Neil stay whenever he gets a nightmare and/or a panic attack, let Neil take care of him when he gets sick, let Neil cuddle on top of Andrew, let himself seek comfort in Neil, Andrew letting Neil take his armbands off, see and touch them.
It takes a long time, but Neil doesn’t mind, those little things are more than enough for him and he doesn’t expect more from Andrew, but welcomes this little things and holds onto them with all of him.
Wymack is always threatening his foxes with running marathons and says that their personal stuff is over his pay rate, but oh doesn’t he care for them.
He works hard for them so they can have good things and safe and comfortable area for them, that’s why he had the walls on the showers made.
He loves the foxes, and they love them too.
One morning, he had to organize some piles of paperwork, but he had a stressing week and the night before he hadn’t been able to sleep good, so after a while of organizing paperwork, he decides he deserves a break.
The foxes are supposed to be in class so he doesn’t expect them until the afternoon. He goes to the lounge and lays down on the couch to “rest his eyes”.
He falls asleep almost instantly.
Andrew had forgotten something on the court after their morning practice so he decided to go now, he had finished his classes and knew that Wymack had to organize some paperwork, he was surprised to see the old man asleep.
Andrew could remember his initial fear of the man when he saw him the first time, he was tall, broad and serious, but he didn’t let it show. He had been waiting for the man to do something to him, but instead the man had respected his boundaries and didn’t ask when Andrew broke into his home in the late night and made himself a pot of hot cocoa (which had been bought for this reason).
So quietly, Andrew went to Wymack’s office and organized his paperwork, marking those who were missing one or two things with a post it and leaving right after he was done, not expecting the man to know it was him.
When Wymack woke up and walked back to his office he was surprised to see that his paperwork was organized. He mentally questioned who it was but when he read the post its he immediately knew it was Andrew, he knew all of his children’s handwritings, and made sure he bought Andrew’s favorite  chocolate ice cream.
Abby was the first one, apart from Bee, to see his scars. 
The first time she had tried to say something but she had seen something in his face because he didn’t and let him place the armbands back on.
After that she looked away when he took them off and just glanced at them for a second to make sure there were no track marks before turning around again so he could put the armbands back on.
(She knew there would not be track marks, so she just looked at them so there would be no new ones, he cared for her foxes.)
And during the physical exam, she made sure not to touch him more than necessary. 
Abby checks on Bee asking if he’s okay, she never expects an in depth answer, just a confirmation and she feels relief when Bee tells her that he is getting better.
On one of his sessions with Bee, she suggests Andrew that he should tell someone about his scars, preferably someone who has already seen them. 
Andrew knows what Bee is trying and Bee knows that Andrew knows and Andrew knows Bee knows that Andrew knows.
In the end, he does tell Abby. He keeps it vague and watches her reaction, waiting for a small expression change, but thankfully Abby just listens, and shows no pity, knowing that Andrew would hate it and does not comment.
When he’s done, she just nods and thanks him for telling her and when Andrew leaves, Abby lets the tears she had retained out.
She keeps the truth guarded with her life, glad Andrew trust her enough to say this.
It is not a secret that Andrew sees Bee like his mother figure, out of all the woman in his life she was the only one that he didn’t feel the need to be unlike himself, she loved him just the way he was.
It was scary at first, his mind supplied that it would be just like Cass, he just had to wait for the other shoe to come down.
It never did.
So he found himself driving to her office when he needed to understand something or he was just not in a good mental place.
He would also call her when he didn’t have the energy to move.
She was on one of his sides during Aarons trial, helping him keep his cool when he felt like he needed to punch something.
When it had been his turn to say his testimony, he had looked at her and Neil, remembering that they would be with him and that they would show no pity to him.
So the day before Mother’s day, when him and Neil were shopping for clothes, and he saw a coffee mug in the shape of a bee hive that read “To the Bee-st mom” he had to buy it.
The next day he arrives to her office and leaves the cup before leaving without a word.
It fills Bee’s heart when she reads it but knows best than to comment of it on their next session.
But if she uses it everyday and it becomes her favorite mug, no one has to know.
Look at me posting three days in a row, I’m proud of myself ngl. Anyways, have this, hope you like it, I tried my best and this is honestly the longest “headcanon” I’ve ever written.
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imaginefan · 3 years
I Promise *Part 2*
Derek Hale X Reader 
Word Count: 2443
Requested: @bellabadacadabra​ @zestygingergirl​
Request: Hi! I was just wondering if you ever made a part 2 for the “I Promise” fic w derek x stilinski sister? I loved it a lot and just liked to know if you did and could share it with me? If not that’s totally fine as well :)) loved ur writing! AND This was amazing! You are a talented writer! I would love to read a second part!
*Part 1*
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You couldn't believe that it had happened, the one thing that you worried about, you'd thought about it so many times, you thought about how you would feel but you never thought about what you were going to do when it all happened, you'd only been with Derek for a little while but death was a real threat for the both of you. Now that it had actually happened now that Derek was dead you honestly didn't know what to do with yourself, you were happy that you had some time alone considering your brother was off on some school thing and Allison was worried about Scott and dragged Lydia with her so that they could keep an eye on them.
You had gone back to Derek's apartment, you had intended to get some of your things assuming that eventually, the building was going to be repossessed once Derek was reported dead and Cora decided that she didn't want to stay but the moment that you got there you walked over to the bed and everything still smelled like him, it was still his loft and the memories that you had they were made there, you were crying before you knew what was happening and you curled in on yourself, the door to the loft opened "Sorry Cora I'll go you probably-" You stopped talking the moment that you looked up and you saw Derek leaning against the doorway, you looked at him and for a second you didn't believe that he was there but there he gave a breathy laugh. "Do I look that bad?" He asked. "They told me that you were dead." You said and he nodded attempting to take a step forward but not getting too far before he fell forward, his leg buckling underneath him, you rushed forward, you took a deep breath before attempting to touch him, when your hands came into contact with his shoulder you were quick to help him up and get him onto the sofa once he was there you stood up "give me a second, I'll be right back." "Where are you going?" He asked. "To get the med box." You answered walking off. "I don't have-" "I stashed one here after I started staying here with you, you guys might not need it but I do sometimes, I just never thought that I would have used it on you." You mumbled the last part more to yourself as you opened the box and took out the disinfectant, Derek reached out a hand to you and wrapped his hand around your wrist to try and stop you. "Then don't waste it." He frowned and you took in a deep breath before looking at him. "Please just let me do something."  You pleaded and while he could feel that he was already getting better just being with you, he understood that you could see him healing yet and that probably alarmed you a little bit, so he let go and watched your shaky hands rip his already destroyed shirt off and start to clean the wounds. "I'm going to be okay, baby." He promised after a few minutes of silence. "I know." You muttered and he lifted your chin to make you look at him. "I don't think that you do." He said as he guided you closer to his face and pressed a kiss to your lips "Baby I promise we’re going to be okay."
So you probably should have seen this coming, the moment that the twins grabbed you, you knew that the Alpha pack were going after Derek "so what's the plan today hostage situation? Secret break-in? Frontal assault with a twist?" You asked as Kali glared at you. "Shut up!" She warned and you smirked. "Now why would I do that, you need me alive for your plan to work now don’t you ?" You asked. "I don't need you conscious." She answered as she gave a nod and you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head.
You gasped when you woke up, you looked around and frowned, you recognised this place "it's okay, they're gone." You jumped before registering that it was Derek that was talking to you. "What did they want?" You asked as you slowly turned to face him, finding that he was sitting on the bed facing away from you, he was looking at his hands. "What happened?" "Boyd is dead." He answered. "How?" You asked. "I...Killed him." He answered shakily and while you knew that wasn't the whole story you would have to ask someone else for that, this was something that he believed and you needed to be there for him. "Because of them?" You asked. "They want me to join them and filling him gave me a taste of the power that I could get from killing the rest of my pack." He explained. "Do you want to?" You asked. "No." He answered through gritted teeth, you gently reached out touching his shoulder "that doesn't matter I'm still a killer." "Really?" You asked as you got up on your knees before running your hands down his shoulders and arms before your hands slotted into his the same way that they always had "no, not the hands of a killer." "What?" He asked. "My hands still fit perfectly with yours and so you can't be a killer." You answered you knew that it was a childish statement, a stupid one but for some reason, you being dead set on believing that he was no a killer was enough to get him to relax into you and while there were no other words said but you both managed to get a little sleep that night.
You finally got Derek to start teaching you how to fight considering everything that had happened unfortunately things had gone to crap so quickly, it went from everyone being safe to everyone in danger and alone, your Dad had been kidnapped along with Scott's Mum and Allison's Dad, Derek wasn't an Alpha anymore and you were waving your boyfriend off as he tried to get his sister to safety "I'll be back as soon as she's settled." He promised. "Take your time, make sure that your sister is safe, don't come back until you're sure." You warned him as you pressed a kiss to his lips "I'll wait for you here." "Be careful, text me let me know that you're okay." He ordered and you nodded. "I will now go... Hurry before they stop you." You said softly as you gestured towards the car, he pressed a kiss to your lips and then another to your forehead and then walked towards the car that Peter and Cora were in. You turned and went back into the loft where Ethan and Lydia were waiting. "They're gone." "You don't seem too sad about that," Lydia smirked and you rolled your eyes. "They're safer far away from here." you shrugged. "Where are they?" Kali asked and you jumped as you looked behind you. "You should know." You answered with a shrug. "When I ask he said he had werewolf things to do, probably howling at the moon or running through some network of underground tunnels." She growled and turned to Lydia and Ethan. "Where are they?" She asked again, Lydia gave the same kind of sarcastic response and Aiden decided to stick up for her this time, just when you thought that it was going to get violent Jennifer literally fell through the ceiling. Ethan grabbed Lydia and you jumped out of the way. The fight that ensued was pretty epic and you were rather happy that you didn't have to deal with any one of them just yet but there it came to standoff between Kali and Jennifer. "That's right Kali look at me, do you know what it takes to look like this? To look normal?" Jennifer asked. "I don't care," Kali answered. "It takes power, Power like this." She answered as she rose the glass from the floor around her feet and it floated up and pointed at her. "I should've..." Kali stopped almost as if she was thinking about what she was going to say "I should have killed you!" The glass threw right at her and stabbed her in the face, chest and arms. The twins got up again and this time they had managed to merge but she had them down in no time at all. "What is it the coach likes to say, the bigger they are..." She trails and you glared at her but she turned to you first lifting another one of the pieces of glass. "What do you want from us?" Lydia asked. "I want you to do what you do best, I want you to scream." She answered, "of course if you don't I'll kill your friend." "Lydia don't you dare." You warned, "she wants Derek to come back if you scream he will, you can't." Jennifer rolled her eyes and flicked her hand the glass finding its way into your arm. Lydia gave out a small scream and Jennifer smirked. "Sorry but I need something more than that." She sighed, you don't know what happened but Lydia did scream and gritted your teeth.
Cora and Derek were back far too quickly for your liking and Derek's eyes moved to you at the smell of blood "Are you okay?" He asked walking towards you but Jenifer stepped in front of you. "You don't want to talk to me? I did all of this for you." She answered and you looked at her and frowned. "You did all of this for me?" Derek asked. "For us... For anyone who's been their victim." She answered as you gestured for Cora to check on Lydia. "I saved you once, stop talking to me like a politician, stop trying to convince me of your cause," Derek yelled, he was getting frustrated. He wanted to get to you and make sure that you were okay. "Fine, I'll convince you of someone else's, Her's and Scott's." She pointed at you briefly as you shuffled yourself trying hard not to move your arm. "You can save Scott's mother, her father." "How?" Derek asked. "I need a guardian and that's a role that can be filled by the three parents that I was forced to take or by you." She answered as she walked towards him, your eyes widened as you looked at her, you didn't know what to do, this could all mean that you never see him again. "I can't help you, I'm not even an Alpha anymore!" Derek explained. "I just need you to get Deucalion in the right place at the right time." She answered. "You just killed three of them on your own, what do you need me for?" Derek asked. "You haven't seen him at his strongest, I have." She answered. "And if he's got Scott with him then I don't stand a chance unless I have you." She explained. "Derek, don't trust her," Cora warned but his eyes moved to you for a second. "I have the eclipse in my favour, the moon is only going to be in the Earth's umbral shadow for 15 minutes that's the extent of my window there's no decision to struggle with just help me kill him and the others live, just help me." She answered and you could tell that she was desperate. "Fine but let me talk to (Y/N) first." He answered and Jennifer sighed before stepping aside, he was in front of you before you had a second to think "Hey look at me, look at me what happened?" He asked. "You shouldn't have agreed." You muttered your eyes rolling up to the ceiling as you tried not to cry. "Answer me." He ordered and you frowned, you looked at him remembering his previous question. "It's just some glass I'll be fine." You answered and he looked at your arms, his eyes widened. "You need to get this treated. I promise you I'll be okay, I'll come back to you." You watched him leave with Jennifer and Cora took charge after that helping Lydia up before coming over to you and helping you up but you all turned at the sound of the twins separating behind you. "They're still alive," Lydia said softly. After this discovery you all managed to get them to Deaton's in the hopes that he could help them and after he had done everything that he could he turned to treat your wound which was an easy stitch-up.
It felt like hours when your phone finally rang "Hello?" You asked. "(Y/N) are you okay where are you?" Stiles asked. "I'm fine, I'm with Cora and Lydia at Deaton's Clinic." You answered, "what about you, are you and Dad okay?" "We're fine, Scott's coming to get us." He answered. "Okay, I'll see you at home then." You said before hanging up the phone.
After properly explaining everything to your Dad you finally able to go up to your room and relax but when you opened your bedroom door you were faced with Derek sitting on your bed, you smiled as you walked overthrowing your arms around his shoulders and then hissing immediately, Derek pulled away adjusting you so that you were sitting in his lap with his arms wrapped around you "I thought you would have been with Cora tonight." You said softly. "I wanted to come and see you because she still wants to go back, I'll have to take her back myself and I said we can go as soon as possible." He answered pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "So I won't be seeing you for a while." You said and you felt him nod. "Well then be careful okay." "I'm not going anywhere yet, we have the rest of the night." He shuffled as he spoke moving you both to a more comfortable position. "I just don't think that I can keep my eyes open." You answered and he smiled softly. "I just want to be here with you, you can sleep if you want, I promise that I'll be here when you wake up." He answered. "There it is again." You mumbled. "Hm?" He hummed glancing down to see your eyes were closed, his hand lifted to your arm where he took some of the pain from the wound allowing you to relax properly. "The promise." You mumbled quietly moving your head to press a kiss on his shoulder where your head rested before actually falling asleep.
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purple-dahlias · 3 years
recovering- chapter 2
word count: 1742
trigger warnings: eating disorders, disordered eating, mental health
hello! this is the second chapter of recovering. it’s taken a while (oops) but i hope you enjoy <3
(also chapter 1 can be found here)
The days bleed by, agonisingly slow. Sarah goes about her last days in the emergency department almost completely on autopilot, in a daze. If she had to describe it, it was as though there was a wall separating her from everyone else, everything just felt far-off and somehow muffled. Perhaps it was an overreaction, but things just feel different somehow, ever since match day. Even the way the others behaved towards her.
How Natalie had reacted when Sarah had told her. Polite with her congratulations, but somehow different. Maybe even apologetic, as though she herself had been hoping to be told something different. And maybe Sarah was overanalysing, picking things apart too closely, reading into them when there was nothing to be found. But still. It only contributed towards making her doubts more pronounced, every part of her screaming out: you’ve made a mistake. And how was she supposed to tell anyone that? Especially when she had seemed so dead set on pathology. How was she supposed to turn it around? There was only herself to blame.
None of Sarah’s thoughts do any good for her, and she wishes, oh how she wishes she could turn back time. That feeling, that unhappiness, seeps into every part of her, taking a vice-like hold over her, rooting deep within. This is supposed to be her future, the rest of her life. And already, she’s completely messed things up. So she does what she always does. Retreats into herself.
But it’s on her last day, incidentally the night of her graduation, that things take a turn. Even then, she just can’t let it go. Can’t shake the feeling that she had walked into something so very completely wrong. And where does that land her? The nurses’ station in the PICU, waiting for little Michael’s test results to come back from the labs. Dr Manning had already told her to go, she had a graduation to attend after all, but Sarah couldn’t. She can’t leave now. Not until she knows Michael, lying a few feet away from her in a cot fighting for his life, is going to pull through.
It means she misses her graduation, but what does it matter? Her mother’s not coming. There’s no one else to see her. It’s of no real importance to her, she tells herself. It’s only a ceremony, a formality. She’ll still be a doctor without going. And in any case, it was worth it, because now, now she knew, Michael was going to be okay. The hug she gets, the smile from Doctor Manning, the way she gets be the bearer of good news: there was a happy ending to this story. It was worth it. All of it.
Apart, she remembers, from the fact that this wouldn’t be her life anymore. Today marked the day it was all over.
What should be a momentous occasion almost feels like a cruel joke, opening the box to find her lab coat emblazoned with pathology across the chest. She’d made it, she was Dr Reese now. But it was all just more than a little bittersweet. Even with Ethan, for all his kindness and congratulatory remarks, she can’t find it in her to be completely happy, as she knows she should.
The guilt wells up inside of her, until she can’t quite bare it any longer. Until there’s nothing else for her to do.
It’s a rash decision, one she’s sure will send the others in the ED reeling when they find out. But it’s her only option now, she doesn’t quite know what else to do. And Dr Shore telling her she won’t have a job anymore, well… it’s not like she hadn’t already thought of that.
For the first time in a very long while, Sarah Reese has no plans, no direction. Nothing. And yes, whilst it was a completely self-made problem, it was still more than a little daunting. To have your whole future, which had only moments ago been filled, now completely empty, stark and uninviting. A perfect blank canvas stretching out for miles ahead. No prospects.
One conversation and she’s gone. One conversation and it’s all over. No residency, no reason to stay: as far as she’s aware, there are no other residency posts open at Gaffney. But nowhere to go, either. It’s completely ludicrous, what she’s gone and done. Even if Dr Charles tells her she’s going to be “just fine,” it doesn’t feel that way. Not one bit. In many ways, it’s more like the world has ended for her. And for her, maybe it has.
There were not many things that remained constant in Sarah Reese’s life. But one that was, was the only thing that she had left now. And it’s all too easy to collapse into herself, let it fill up the gaping, empty spaces inside of her.
Her apartment seems darker, colder, lonelier these days. Which she knows seems irrational, because physically, nothing had changed inside of it. But it still all just all felt wrong. Like she had stepped into the twilight zone, was living someone else’s life.
She was alone now, completely alone. She knew it was only a matter of time before Joey stopped calling, stopped texting, stopped trying to go and get her to meet him. That was the way. Sarah always pushed everyone away, that was just how it went. Yes, she had been alone before. In grade school, at college, in med school. But this was different. Then, she had been alone but alongside other people, even if it was on the outskirts of their lives, it wasn’t total isolation. This, however: she was an island. A shell of her former self. A shadow, an outline of a person. And it’s an awful thought, but it crosses her mind, more than she’d care to admit. If she died, if anything were to happen to her, would anyone notice; who would care?
“You have nothing,” she says aloud to no one in particular, glancing at her reflection in the mirror, the morning of the fourth day after she had quit pathology. It was all true. What was she to do now? There had always been a goal to work towards. Finish high school. Get into med school. Graduate. Secure a residency post. And now? What was there for her?
Time slips by. Hours, days, and somehow, strangely, weeks, without Sarah quite noticing. What she does with that time, if asked, she would never be able to say. And not for lack of trying—it all just passes in a haze. Her lab coat remains crumpled at the bottom of her bag, stethoscope discarded in a drawer in the living room to gather dust. She won’t be needing either of them. Laundry begins to pile up, but Sarah doesn’t care. All she needs is the blue cotton sweatshirt she’s been wearing for days on end, the fabric softer against her skin, hanging far looser from her frame than it had ever done before. Groceries go neglected, not that she needs much. She finds she can hardly stomach anything much these days, apart from wafer crackers with peanut butter, the occasional bowl of cereal (without milk, of course).
The isolation doesn’t help; it makes everything a thousand times worse, she doesn’t know where to begin. Now there’s completely no one to hide from, no one to pretend for. Things are bad, and Sarah sinks into it. It’s like second skin. There again, there when she was absolutely alone.
When she finally manages to drag herself out from her apartment, summer is well and truly in full swing. She’s taken up long walks, through the parks and the streets of Chicago. Sometimes aimless, sometimes with purpose. Slowly she gets round to groceries, though never quite buying enough. But it’s not as though she uses it all up, anyway. Better to undercut, she thinks. Things seem to last longer these days, anyhow.
By the fourth week, Sarah knows this can’t go on. Her doing nothing. As much as she feels she has no energy, still no direction. Something has to change. In any case, with no job now, she needs to find a way to pay her rent at least.
She must be the most overly qualified barista in all of Chicago, with an MD attached to her name. Not that anyone knows that. Not that any of them would care in the slightest. She’s not so sure she deserves that title anyway, what with the way things turned out. But it feels at least a little better, having something to do, a little more routine, a little more structure to her days. It’s not ideal. No newly graduated doctor wants to be manning a till and serving coffee, but this was her life now. Small, quiet, trimmed down to almost zero people. The only person she still saw from her life Before was Joey. She’s pretty sure he’ll stop coming soon. And she’s right.
The upside, if there is an upside to any of this, is that Sarah Reese has always been good at working with what she had. She was used to getting things done alone, used to her own company, her own thoughts, however awful they might get. Just like in college. And medical school. She had been alone. Been there for herself. Pulled herself along. Her own champion and cheerleader in one. And maybe it hadn’t quite worked out perfectly; she hadn’t quite escaped without the scars, but still. She was here. And that had to count for something, didn’t it?
Sometimes, she thinks that when Will had asked her, she should have said something. What exactly, she doesn’t quite know. But maybe something. Because now, no one notices it happening this time. How groceries stretch further and further. How the gaps between her meals increase and the portion sizes decrease. How the dark circles under her eyes only grow. How she’s now a little more shaky, a little more unsteady. The dogs at the shelter she volunteers at on Saturdays don’t notice. The others on her shift at the coffee shop don’t notice. No one does. And it’s fine, it’s really all fine. Because there’s nothing wrong and Sarah’s never had a problem. Never.
And this is her life now, anyway. Just her, her apartment, the coffee shop a few blocks over and the dog shelter on Saturdays. That was her lot.  
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Strangers (Part 4)
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Summary: Sam has returned into Dean’s life for some reason and the reader is there to try and help Dean through having Sam around again...
Pairing: Doctor!Dean x patient!reader
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language, mention of surgery/injury
A/N: I hope you enjoy!
“Hi,” said Sam, giving you a quick wave. He stared at Dean who was already on his feet. “I need a place to crash for the night. If that’s okay.”
“What happened to the apartment, you were sharing with that girl, Jessica.”
“She died a few years ago,” he said.
“You kill her?” asked Dean. You got up, still holding your box of swiss rolls and Sam frowned. “You’ve been out of touch for three years. It’s not an unreasonable question.”
“I didn’t kill her,” said Sam. “I saw...it was a serial arsonist. I saw who did it and he ran with a bad group. I’ve been in witness-”
“Witness protection? Are you serious? I’m the fucking easter bunny while we’re at it,” said Dean.
“De, I think he’s telling the truth,” you said, nodding towards him. “He’s obviously upset.”
“You’ve been in witness protection? This whole time?”
“Yes,” said Sam. “Things have been happening lately. A lot of things. These guys are no longer a problem so I can come home. Except for the fact I don’t have a home anymore and had to drop out of college.”
“I filed a missing persons report on you.”
“I know.”
“I hung up flyers, search parties, fundraisers.”
“I know.”
“I drove to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night because I thought I got a tip about you.”
“That was me. I had to relocate after that.”
“I looked for you for so long. Even when mom and dad gave up, I didn’t. There was no foul play but the cops told us it was unlikely we’d ever find you. You probably walked out and didn’t want to be found. I was so angry at you. They told us you were dead cause someone hurt you or you walked away. Those are two very different things,” said Dean. You dropped the box on the couch and grabbed his hand, Dean pinching his nose with his other. 
“I can leave if you want,” said Sam.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” said Dean. You rubbed his back and he walked over, giving his brother a hug.
“Finally got a girlfriend?” teased Sam as he returned it.
“You two are gonna get along great. You can swap stories,” laughed Dean. “Oh, I need a drink. Also how’d you get in my house?”
“My handler had a key made. They took it from your locker at the hospital,” he said.
“I know it sounds…” said Sam as he glanced at you. 
“Crazy is kind of our thing,” you said. “I’m Y/N.”
“You look familiar,” he said.
“My ex boyfriend tried to kill me. With bleach. In my drink.”
“Oh yeah. He was fucking nuts,” said Sam.
“Yup. That’s been our fun for the evening,” you said. “He got out. He’s dead now. It’s fine. Better than fine cause I’m gonna eat a whole box of swiss rolls and not feel bad about that.”
“Yeah, I will get along with you just fine,” said Sam, giving Dean a look. “Not sure about you though. I wanted to-”
“S’okay,” he said. “I’m just...happy you don’t hate me after all.”
“I wanted to call you so many times. It was too dangerous though. I couldn’t put you in that position,” said Sam.
“I’m getting kind of used to that,” said Dean. Sam smiled and you walked over to them both. 
“I crashed date night, didn’t I,” he said.
“Just a bit,” said Dean.
“Well I am really happy to meet Dean’s little brother,” you said, giving him a hug. “You don’t mind if Sam hangs out with us, right?”
“No, never. As long as you’re cool with it,” said Dean. 
“Of course,” you said.
“I appreciate it but honestly I’m wrecked. I could use with a shower and a bed,” said Sam.
“The guest room is right down the hall,” said Dean, pointing the way. “You hungry?”
“Nah. I’ll keep out of your guys hair,” said Sam. “Thanks.”
“It’s no problem,” said Dean. Sam started to head for the hallway when Dean grabbed his arm. “I’m really happy you’re home, Sammy.”
“Me too.”
He smiled before he left, Dean taking a deep breath as he locked up the front door again.
“So you got a brother,” you said.
“Yeah. I probably should have brought him up at some point,” said Dean. You shrugged and rested your hands on his hips, Dean smiling softly. “I thought he was dead.”
“I’m glad he’s not,” you said. “I’m gonna have to back out on the being roommates thing though.”
“What?” he asked.
“Sam needs it way more than I do. I can stick around my parents until my apartment is ready. Seriously, it’s okay. He’s gonna need a lot of help. Trust me. He’s gonna want you,” you said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. My parents aren’t that bad. Someday we can be roommates though?” you said.
“Okay. I’ll take a raincheck for now,” he smiled. 
“Tonight’s not so bad,” you said. He nodded and you pulled him close to your body, Dean’s arms wrapping lazily around you. “You doing okay?”
“I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, the most terrified I’ve ever been in my life and the most relieved I’ve ever been in my life tonight. I honestly don’t know where to begin,” said Dean.
“I got a box of chocolate with your name on it that might be a good place to start.”
“That sounds like a good plan,” he said. “You okay too?”
“My night’s ending on a good note. I’m good Dean. Let’s get back to our date. I was in the middle of cuddling you if I remember.”
One Week Later
“Howdy handsome,” you said, the elevator doors at the hospital opening to Dean standing there in his navy scrubs.
“Gorgeous,” he said, giving you a quick kiss as he stepped on. “You already have your follow up with Mace?”
“Yeah. I am progressing well I guess. We’re switching my immunosuppressant to try something that doesn’t make me as tired and won’t make me as susceptible to illness,” you said.
“That’s good. I know you’re on the strong stuff right now. Mace is pretty good about finding the right med combo by the second or third try,” he said. “Transplant meds are tricky.”
“I’ve learned. How’s your day going?” you asked. “Saving lives?”
“Easy going day. Took out some tonsils on a teenager, did an appendectomy on a toddler, did a bone reset on a kid that broke her leg. Nothing they won’t all recover from 100% percent.”
“That sounds good,” you said. “When do you get off?”
He snickered and you whacked his arm.
“Such a boy,” you said.
“I have one more surgery for the day but I’m heading home after that. Our parents are coming into town. They’ve been in Florida cause their vacation plans got screwed up with the pandemic last year so they rescheduled and of course it’s this week and there’s tropical storms so they can’t get a flight out and they finally are getting home today. It’s been a nightmare. I’m supposed to cook dinner so that’ll go wonderfully.”
“You’re a good cook!” you said as the doors opened and you walked with him down the hall. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. They excited to see Sam?”
“Yeah. They feel bad about...they thought he was dead. Like it hasn’t been long enough to legally declare him that way but they were going to. I’ve always had a somewhat tense relationship with my dad. We fought a lot about Sam after he disappeared.”
“I think no matter what happened before, dinner’s gonna go good for you guys tonight,” you said.
“You’re coming right?” he asked. 
“You want me to?”
“Yeah. I...you make me feel...safe,” he said as he stopped walking. You smiled and grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers together. “You don’t have-”
“I’d love to. I really like Sam and I want to be there for you. I like that I make you feel safe, makes me feel good,” you said. He rubbed the back of his neck but you caught the smile on his face. You gave him another kiss, a whistle coming from further down the hall.
“Get a room, Winchester,” said a guy as he walked by with a laugh.
“Better be a soundproof room,” you said, the guy stopping in his tracks.
“Okay, I approve of this one,” the guy chuckled. Dean rolled his eyes but he was biting down a laugh.
“Y/N, this is RN. Lafetite or Benny as well call him. He’s Donna’s boyfriend,” said Dean.
“Oh yeah, she was great,” you said. “She removed my appendix.”
“That woman knows her way around a blade,” said Benny. “You had the digestive transplant done a while ago, right?”
“Yeah,” you said, Dean making a face beside you.
“Badass,” said Benny. “I worked with Mace some on you.”
“You’re a surgeon too?” you asked.
“No, no. I’m a surgical nurse,” he said.
“They’re pretty important,” said Dean. “The really good ones could perform minor surgeries themselves like Ben. I keep trying to convince Benny here to go to med school and join the rest of us.”
“Oh you know you’d miss me too much, Deano. You me and Novak are the dream team of pediatrics,” he said.
“Sure we are,” said Dean with a laugh. “Y/N and I were having a little get together on Sunday, watch a little football, food. Round up the usual suspects?”
“I can get the crew together. I’ll bring my beer dip and some of those pretzels. Very easy on the digestive system,” said Benny to you.
“That’s considerate,” you said. “It’s okay. I’m alright with most stuff. I just got to watch the grease a bit.”
“These are really not greasy at all. I’ll give you the recipe sometime,” said Benny as his phone went off. “I think we’re late for pre-op.”
“When are we not?” said Dean. “I’ll see you tonight, sweetheart.”
“See you later, Dean.”
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” said Dean that night as he rushed in the house. You and Sam were working the kitchen, Dean checking the clock. “They’re gonna be here in five minutes.”
“Go wash up. Sam and I can cook a few pieces of chicken and make mashed potatoes,” you said. You were nearly finished anyways, the chicken baking away in the oven. Dean made a thud down the hall but shouted back that he was fine before you heard the bathroom door shut. “He always been a worrier?”
“Pretty much,” said Sam as he got out the plates. “He seems different. Good different. More easy going.”
“It’s all I’ve ever known from him so I don’t have much to go off of,” you said. 
“You might have something to do with it,” he said. He smiled and finished up with setting the table. “You’ve never met our parents Dean said.”
“No. We’ve only been together a few months,” you said.
“This’ll be an interesting evening then,” said Sam as the doorbell rang. He suddenly looked nervous and you rubbed a hand up and down his back.
“It’ll be okay,” you said. “Trust me.”
“I see why he likes you,” said Sam. “Here goes nothing.”
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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Home Sweet Home: Catch ‘Em
Summary- 3.9k Andy Barber x You. You and Andy almost have it all, married and with a jointed family consisting of Andy’s teenage son Jacob, as well as your two younger children John and Cassidy. Looking to add another member, your family is in need of a bigger house, a forever home. You find just the place, 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville Long Island.    Home Sweet Home
Written for @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ Spooky Scary Stories challenge. Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Child Endangerment, Hints of Smut (nothing graphic) Swears.
A/N- I chose Amityville Horror for the challenge because its one of my favorite Spook Stories growing up. When reading you will find a lot of similarities to the 2005 Movie, some of the scenarios and dialogue are specifically from that film. Other parts of it are from the book itself. The family name was changed for my own personal reasons. Happy Haunting!  🎃
A/N 2- We’re halfway through! 
Chapter 2 / Masterlist
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The family settled and a few weeks later, morning started out normal for the rest of the household , but didn't start that way for Andy. His coughing never seemed to break and he was covered in a light sheen of sweat. You were already up to make breakfast for everyone, and Andy came down the stairs, rubbing at his chest. 
“Coffee Andy?” You ask while holding the coffee pot over his mug but he shook his head. 
“No, I actually came down hoping to find some cough syrup? Or pain medicine? Anything really. We don't have any upstairs.” 
“Oh I tossed out the old stuff. But I will pick some up when I go out today. I told Jacob that I would drop him off at the high school today after I got John on the bus.” 
Just as you were saying this, a stampede of footsteps came down the stairs making Andy wince a bit and all three kids came around the corner into the kitchen. Andy barked out a bit sharply, which even surprised you. “Y’all don’t need to be running on the stairs.” He coughed again and shivered. “Fuck its cold… I'm going down to check on the heater. If you could get that stuff, that would be great.” 
He snapped the door open and disappeared from sight while you were staring after him in surprise. Even all three of the kids seem to be in shock. Jacob just shrugged at his father's weird behavior and went to sit on a stool at the kitchen bar, the other two following him while you set plates with some scrambled eggs on them in front of them. Jacob just took toast nibbling on the edge of it a bit. 
“My phone cant keep any kind of charge whatsoever! I just got this thing to.” Jacob flipped it around to show you, and you saw it was already at 50 percent. You frowned at that, because of course he had one of the better styles of phones. Much better than anything you've ever had. 
“Your charging cord is working and everything?” You question and he nods, slipping it in his pocket. 
“Works just fine. It charges it to one hundred percent, twenty minutes later it is back down to fifty.” 
You shrug at Jacob at a loss and happen to glance at a small clock on the kitchen windowsill. “Shit.” you hiss out and down the last of your coffee. “Come on, time for the bus before we're late. Jake, meet you in the car.” You grab your car keys and open the door to call down to Andy. “I'm taking the kids to school.” 
You heard nothing more than a resounding deep cough and frowned reminding yourself to pick up that cough medicine for Andy on your way home. “Got your backpack John? Alright, lets go.” The whole pack of kids ushered out the door, leaving Andy all alone. 
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Andy is pacing downstairs, waiting for the heater to kick on, cursing it out. 
“Spent all this money and the damn thing wont work.” he mutters while pulling the chair from his desk to it to sit in front of it, messing with the buttons on the front till a groaning protest came from the heater, and it clicked on to blast a bit of cool air, and quickly switched to warm. Rolling his chair back to his desk, he pulled out files from the bottom drawer to contact his clients and inform them that he was back in business at his new location. 
He was so tired though, having felt like he was up half the night feeling ill, and within a few moments he simply closed his eyes to rest them, he would use as an excuse to himself. Within moments he nodded off, and the creeping shadow came out of hiding, solidifying in front of his desk. Sharp clicking steps echoed against the cement floor and claws seared when they touched the wood of Andy's desk. It leaned forward to loom over the desk, over Andy whose chin rested against his chest. Forked tongue slithered along Andy's face, making him twitch in his sleep, whispering “Catch ‘em, Kill ‘em” Red eyes watched his victim for a moment, seemingly at peace in this state. It flexed its hands, claws scratching into the wood before giving a hard shake, sending  papers and pens flying, Andy’s laptop skidding across the surface and a picture that you had set on there yesterday crashing loudly to the floor. Cracking the glass into shattering pieces across the floor to glint wickedly. Andy’s eyes sprang open and he tipped forward to grab his shaking desk in surprise to see glowing red eyes and the scream of “Catch ‘em!” 
Then it all stopped, and he shoved back from his desk, pressing his heels to his eyes thinking he was seeing things. “What the fuck, what the fuck.” when he lifted his head, his breathing shaky to look at his desk, it was all normal. His papers were still exactly where he had set them before, his laptop in sleep mode ready to be used, pens all neatly lined up how he liked, and his family looking at him with wide happy smiles and laughs at the beach, the glass shining slightly in the light. 
“Jesus Christ Andy, get it together.” he shivered, cold once more and started coughing again. The door at the top of the stairs opened and your soft footsteps brought you down, Andy glanced up to see you carrying a steaming mug with the string of a tea bag wrapped around the handle and a paper bag that he assumed must have been the med’s he asked for. You reached the bottom and started approaching him, seeing his flushed face, the way he was heavy breathing with the rise of his chest, and you frowned while sitting the mug in front of him. 
“Baby, you don't look so good.” Your hand brushed against the side of his face, and it felt ice cold to him. Jerking out of your touch a bit, he wrapped his hands around the mug and sipped from it, scowling at the taste. 
“Don't talk to me like one of the kids Y/N.” he bit out of nowhere and he could see your face flash in a bit of hurt. “Sorry- sorry… I don't know what's wrong. Just a head cold is all. Are those the med’s?” 
“I got you a bit of everything.” your voice was colder towards him now, turned off from his offhand comment, and you set those down to, Andy knew he had to make it up to you, that was twice in the same morning he had been short, completely out of character for him. His hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his lap, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry I have been an ass this morning.” He said, hoping you would ease up a bit. Which you did, he felt you relax on his thigh and your hand lifted to brush through his hair, tilting your head. 
“I know you're not feeling good. Come up soon and lay back down though? I am worried about you.” you confess, and he nods. “I gotta go back up and check on Cassidy.” 
You leave him at his work, and going up the stairs, you leave the door open to let the kitchen's sunshine at least shine down the dark stairs. Maybe it will remind Andy to come back up you think to yourself as you leave the kitchen. 
As soon as you do, the door eases shut, closing him back down in the dark belly of the house. Up the stairs, you walk the long hallway towards Cassidy’s room, gazing along the walls, imagining the photos you wanted to hang along the way when you heard Cassidy’s soft voice seemingly talking to someone. 
“No Jody, I cant. Mommy wouldn't like that, and neither would Andy.” You tilt your head curiously hearing this now, recalling her mentioning someone by that name a few times now since moving in. 
“Well, okay Jody, that doesn't sound too bad. And it is really cool. He took me out on it a few times. Even let me drive it once.” 
You eased her door open to see her standing in the middle of her room, and she jumped when she saw you. 
“Oh mommy! You scared me.” She giggled, and you poked your head around the door to see what she was talking to. Nothing, there was nothing there. 
“Who are you talking to, Babygirl?” You ask, and Cassidy looks once more where she had been talking before answering. 
“Jody, but they are gone now.” she hummed and turned towards her box of toys to dig through it. You come into the room and go to sit on the edge of her bed, watching as she pulled out a few of her dolls and brought out her tea set. 
You wiggle your nose a bit, knowing imaginary friends were not uncommon. You pull up to a stand as she is setting up her dolls around a small table. “Do you want me to have tea with you?” 
“No Mommy, I wanna just play by myself.” She said happily and you lean down to kiss the top of her head. Walking out, Cassidy followed behind you, peeking out to see you heading off to go back down the stairs. 
“Okay Jody, she's gone. You still wanna go down to see the boat?” Cassidy looked over her shoulder to see the closet door easing open on its own. Cassidy giggled, and raced out of her bedroom, one goal in mind. Going to the boathouse. 
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You're in the kitchen, unpacking the last few boxes when you hear Cassidy’s feet thumping down the stairs. Luckily Andy is still down in the basement and hopefully can't hear the thumps that seemed to bother him. You were surprised in finding the door, but figured he must have had to shut it if he was talking to a client. Opening it back up to hear Andy was still downstairs, typing away on his laptop now with the clicking noise that worked its way up the stairs. Humming you lift another box on the table and start to unpack the contents. Turning your back from the fridge, you hop up to sit on the edge of the counter so you could fit the dishes together and put them on the upper shelf you couldn't reach. Unnoticed by you, the alphabet letters on the fridge start shifting around, letters coming together to fit together in a couple words. 
When you finish, you hop off the counter and turn back to catch sight of the refrigerator door, your eyes widening at the horrible words spelled on the door. 
Katch ‘em Kill ‘em 
You gasp in shock at them, wondering who would have possibly written that. Thumps on the stairs distracted you half a second and Andy appeared with his mug for a refill. “Andy, did you write that on the fridge?” you say in a slightly accusing voice, and he frowns while glancing at you as he heads to put the kettle on the stove. 
“What are you talking about Y/N?” 
“The magnets on the fridge.” You answer and you both turn to the fridge door to see the letters scattered all over the place, not spelling anything. You scowl in frustration, because you know what you saw and Andy gives you a strange look. 
“What words?” he asks while he's at the sink, filling up the kettle with water and you just shake your head. 
“Nothing, I thought I saw something, but I didn't.” you brush it off, now unsure of what you saw. While you're unwrapping more dishes, you suddenly hear Andy utter. “Oh shit, Cassidy!” and the tin sound of the kettle crashing in the sink while Andy is sprinting to the back door and outside. You drop what you're doing and follow him out, right on his heels as he's running down the wooden deck steps and headed straight for the boat house. “ANDY?” You shout from behind him as he's running full out across the deck. “What's wrong?!” your panicked, unsure what is going on while Andy is trying to wrench the door open. 
“Cassidy, I saw her go in here.” He rushed out as he wrenched on the handle, trying to get it to unclasp. You start pounding on the door now in a frantic way, Cassidy couldn't swim, and the boat house was stretched over the lake, should she slip in, there was a good chance she would drown. Your fear builds as Andy continues trying to get the door open. “What the fuck. CASS! OPEN THE DOOR.” he yells while trying to push it open.
“Oh god Andy, get it open, get it open.” tears start to well up in your eyes as you picture your daughter slipping under the water out of sight. 
Andy growls out and pushes you aside to slam against the door, hoping to wrench it open. “I'm trying Y/N, get out of the way.” 
Your just about to jump in to swim around to the other side of the boat house when the door sprang open and you both race in, looking around the dim interior to see Cassidy standing on the nose of the motor boat just staring out over the lake, you gasp in surprise seeing her like that as Andy made his way carefully along the edge of the deck not to startle her. 
“Cass, Babygirl, look at me.” Andy says softly as he makes his way towards her. Your right behind him. 
“Cassidy, look at Andy.” you whimper out, watching as she gets closer to the edge of the boat, and her gaze was so far away out over the lake, like she never noticed you or Andy trying to get to her.
“Cass!” He says more urgently, and she jumps to look at him, slipping a bit as the boat rocks from her movements. “Take my hand baby.” He stretches his hand out and she shakes her head a bit. 
“I can’t, I gotta go.” Cass say’s with certainty, tilting her head like she was listening to someone else. “Jody want’s to take me to play.” 
“Take his hand Cass!” your panic rushing your voice and Andy stretches out further over the water, his voice turning hard and authoritative. 
“Cassidy I’m not asking again. Take my hand.” When Cassidy heard him this time, she snapped her head to look at him and her eyes grew wide with surprise. She stretched for his hand, her fingers trying to reach for his. Andy is quick to snatch her and pull her off the boat to safety, falling back against the wall from the momentum. You gather your daughter in your arms, giving a sob. 
“Cassidy what were you doing, you could have drowned.” 
Now the girl is caught up in Andy's and yours fear, giving her own sob as tears burst from her eyes while you and Andy rush out of the boat house with her strongly clutched in your arms, stopping just outside as she wails out. “Jody wanted to see the boat Mommy! Jody wanted me to go with them.” 
“Cass, there is no Jody!” your nerves shook so you shout at her in anger and fear, and Andy reaches to take Cassidy from your arms. 
“She's scared Y/N and didn't know any better, yelling isn't going to help.” He turns the little girl in his arms as she sobs into his shoulder, his hand smoothing along her back to calm her down. “Hey Kiddo, it's going to be okay.” He tried calming Cassidy who’s sobs wracked her body in Andy’s arms, and you walked away a bit to take a shuddering inhale. You know he's right, you're just upsetting her more, but your fear outweighed that right now. 
“Just lock that damn door Andy, so this doesn't happen again.” you look back at the door and he nods. 
“I will go pick up a lock at the hardware store, I promise.” He assured you and you nodded, wiping away your tears. Now your daughters crying in Andy’s shoulder upset you, made you feel guilty for yelling at her. You move to press your hand against her back and say her name. She tilts her head to look at you through teary eyes and you try giving her a shaky smile. 
“I’m sorry baby, I didn't mean to yell. You just really scared me and Andy.” 
She gave a sniffle and Andy eased her back so she could wipe her face dry and look at both of them. 
“I’m-i’m sorry. Next time I will ask.” She said, and you nodded. Andy shifted her once more to rest on his hip. 
“Cassidy, the boathouse is dangerous and you know off limits to you and John. If Jody tells you to do something you're not supposed to, what do you tell Jody?” he asked and the little girl lifted her arm to wipe her face again, hiccuping as she tried to catch her breath. 
“I tell Jody no Andy.” she said, his hand still rubbing against her back. 
“That's right, if you're not sure if you're allowed, you come ask Mommy, Me, or Jacob if it's okay.” he smiled at her to reassure her that it was all okay.
She gave a nod and he held up a pinkie finger, which she hooked her finger around and Andy kissed her forehead. “Pinky promise I swear Andy.” 
“Can't break a pinky promise. You know… I think I have some cookies up at the house.” He said, his hand coming up to brush the last tears away with his thumb on her cheeks. “You wanna get a snack before I have to go back to work?” 
Cassidy seemed to consider it. “Oreos?” 
“Of course they are oreos!” Andy winked as you all headed back up to the house. “Best cookie there is, right?” 
Cassidy gave a firm nod, and you let out a relieved breath. Crisis averted. 
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Later that afternoon, Andy came back out of the basement just as you were finishing the kitchen, Cassidy coloring at the table while he grabbed his keys. 
“I will go pick up Jacob and stop at the hardware store.” He pecked a kiss on your cheek, and you looked at him. 
“You sure you're feeling up for it?” 
Andy nodded and flashed a smile. “I feel much better Love, those meds kicked in and some fresh air will do me good.” 
You happen to agree since he's been in that basement most of the day, and you wave a goodbye, deciding you should probably figure out what's gonna be for dinner later in the day. “How about tacos tonight Cass?” 
She cheers and  you double check to make sure there was enough ingredients, which there was. No need to send Andy a text to pick up anything. “Come on kiddo, lets go pick John up from the bus stop.” you snap the door shut, bluntly ignoring the letters scattered over the fridge. 
Heading down the driveway, the house groaned, all alone once again. There was a shattering through the kitchen, your finest dishes being flung from the cupboard and against the wall, fine china dust settling in the air as the scattered pieces spread across the linoleum for you to find later. The basement door wrenched open and the yawning darkness going down the stairs turned darker, more ominous. 
When you came back, you stared in shock, stopping both John and Cassidy from going in to save them from stepping on shattered broken shards. “How about you two go on up to your rooms to play while I clean this up?” 
Both children went upstairs, and you grabbed a broom to start sweeping, as you passed the basement door, you slammed it shut in frustration and anger. 
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Night fell and you got the kids settled in. Settling in bed yourself to lean against the headboard, massaging your temples while Andy was in the bathroom getting ready for bed.
You were beat after having to help John with his homework and Cassidy suddenly changed her mind and just hated tacos. Andy seemed to be feeling better, helping where he could. Offering to take over the dishes when John called you back to the kitchen table, and afterwards he hugged you from behind, kissing your neck while whispering in your ear that he couldn't wait to put a baby in you before he went back down to the basement to finish up with a few things.  
Thinking back on his idea made you warm up and when Andy came back in the bedroom and stretched out next to you, you looked at him, biting your lip while looking at him.
“You really wanna tonight?” you asked hopeful, since moving your and Andy’s sexual escapades had diminished a bit and you put it all to the stress of moving a whole family to a new house.
“Make you a baby momma? Of course, come on over Pretty Girl.” He reached up to click off the lights and bathe the room in the moonlight when you gently eased into his lap, the two of you starting with gentle affectionate kisses before they turned deeper and needier. Andy's hands slid up and down your back through your tank top, and you would sigh against his lips at how good it felt. Andy chained kisses from your mouth to your jaw and you tilted your head back to let him chain those kisses of his down your neck. He pulled you in closer to feel more of you when his glance lifted to look in the mirror just behind you at the end of the bed. 
At first Andy had no idea what he was actually looking at, a grotesque face appeared above him in the mirror, like it was balancing on the headboard behind him. Crouching in place, its clawed hands dug into the wood, its muscled body flexing as it swayed slightly on the head board. Up to its face, a forked tongue slithered out and red eyes glared at him in the mirror. How could something from a nightmare be here right now? He wasn't asleep, he was just about to make love to his wife. His head jerked back in shock, banging against the headboard with a loud crack as he looked up to see nothing above him. “Fuck!” 
You yanked up in surprise, running your hands down his chest. “Handsome, what's wrong?” your head tilted and you looked where he was staring, feeling his heart starting to race under your hands. 
“You didn't see that?” He grasped your hips, making you go still as you frowned. 
“See what Andy?” his gaze fell back to ours and then back up. 
“There was something there, fuck I saw it in the mirror. I don’t even know what it was. It looked like a- ” He grasped your hips and sat up to look around, your hands grabbing onto the front of his tee shirt in surprise. Looking back to the mirror and then to Andy who was still trying to figure it out. 
“Like what Andy?” You are studying him trying to figure out what he was talking about. 
“Fuck it I know Y/N.” His hold tightened on you a moment, like whatever was going to rip you away while he still looked around the room. 
“Hey hey, Andy.” you cup his face and make him look at you, kissing his forehead and down till you leaned your forehead against his. “It's okay, there is nothing there, I promise.” Your lips brushed against his. His breathing slowly started to settle back down, and your hands rubbed against his shoulders and the back of his neck as he started to sink back against the pillows, rubbing at his face. 
“It was so real though Y/N. These past few weeks, I feel like I'm losing my mind.” 
You tilt your head and brace your hands against his chest. “Stress Andy, we’ve had a lot going on. It will get better, I promise.” 
His blue eyes shined up at yours and softened seeing you looking down at him, his hands going back to tracing your thighs clasped at his sides. “You know I love you right Pretty Girl?” 
You nodded and he twisted you two around till you were underneath him, and tilted your head up to kiss you deeply. “I think I was just about to put a baby in you.” 
You giggled against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck and whispering. “Yes you were Andy.”
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nick-thecreator · 3 years
Aftermath Revival: Human AU Part 3
(This is a flashback btw, there will be a lot of flashback chapters since Salvatore is explaining himself. Also, even though this is a full flashback, Sal is telling the story in a way that won't get the shit beaten out of him [Even though he doesn't really need to change it cause it was technically all Mother Miranda] and so it'll be shorter. He ain't sitting there, telling a half a year long story)
WARNING! Death; Blood; Child Death
Part 2 is right HERE
Part 1 is right HERE
The year was 1974, right in the middle of winter, and Salvatore had returned to the village after being sent out by his uncle for some medical/surgical training at a hospital nearby. A car ride after getting off of the train, and he was dog tired, but he had to get to his uncle first. He carried his bags to his house, unlocking the door, and placed his bags inside, before quickly shutting the door, dashing over to the clinic. He opened the door to the clinic, looking around to see if his uncle was around. Nobody was in there at the time, and a note had been left on top of his desk. He picked it up, putting on his reading glasses so he could read his uncle’s handwriting.
    It read, ‘Hey Sal, I had to meet up with Miranda for an important meeting, so sorry for not being there. Remember to see your father and family sometime today. Also, go to the church at 7pm today, okay? She wants to talk to you. 
Regards, Uncle Florin
    Ps. Remember what we’ve discussed before, about your “future position”, it’ll apply today.’
    He dropped the paper in shock. He had known this day would come, but never now. Maybe he wasn’t as prepared as he thought he was. He placed his hand on his mouth, feeling some vomit come up his throat. He swallowed it back down, then tried to calm himself down with some deep breaths. He sighed, picking up the piece of paper. He folded it up, placing it into his pocket. He looked around the clinic again, going over to a shelf near the desk. He reached up to the tallest shelf and grabbed a briefcase. Pulling it down, he realized how heavy the contents really were. He placed the briefcase onto the desk, opening it. Inside was one of Miranda’s “bibles”, a med-kit, a bottle of what he assumed was rubbing alcohol, based on the smell, and a pastor uniform. He pulled out the uniform. It still had the blood stain from when he was 17 and had to work as a pastor for 6 months, having to work with animals a lot. 
He looked at his watch. 6:35pm. Dammit. The train had gotten to the station incredibly late, and the man who had driven him had stopped for gas and a weirdly long bathroom trip. The church was around a 20 minute walk away. He gulped, looking out the window as he placed the uniform down. The clinic was a ways away from the rest of the village, but he could still hear the activity of the village through the trees and gardens in between them. He stood away from the window, removing his clothes to put on the uniform. He considered washing himself off first, but he just settled with some of the herbs in his uncle’s drawer as cologne. He threw on his uniform, straightening it out so he’d look less like he had been traveling for around 4 hours. He put back on his fur-lined coat to keep warm, putting the rest of his clothes into an empty box, placing the box on his desk’s chair. He closed the briefcase, picking it up before locking up and leaving the clinic.
While walking there, he had to pass through the town. He was stopped a few times by different villagers, asking him how the hospital experience had been, or just what the hospital was like. Many of them had never even left the village before, nevermind going to a full fledged hospital. He kindly answered their questions with his regular doctor-esc demeanor. Sometimes he was stopped for a bit longer than just a couple questions, but he would quickly get back on track. The longest he had stopped was for a group of kids who ran by, with a few recognizing him. They asked where he had been, and what the hospital was like. He tried to keep going, but they had surrounded him before he could. It took their parents, who were slightly behind them, to pull them away so he could keep going. Before he was fully out of the village, he ran into a few more kids from the group, including a small girl with a bride doll. She was only a bit bigger than the doll, but seemed determined to bring it with her. They made eye contact, him waving at her.
“You need help with that?” He asked.
“No thank you mister,” She replied, putting the doll over her shoulder before walking off with the rest of the group, seeming to, on purposely, stay behind the group a little. He just smiled at her before resuming his walk.
 After a bit more walking, he finally reached the church. Looking down at his watch, it read ‘7:02’. Dammit. He formed his excuse in his head as knocked on the front door. Before he could land the last knock, the door was opened by Miranda. He smiled at her, before seeing her deadpan expression. Behind her stood one of her maids, a large case in her hands. 
“Hello Mother Mi-”
“What took you so long?” She asked, interrupting him.
“The train was late, the driver had to stop, and the villagers-”
“Nevermind. You’re here. That’s what matters. Come in.” She stood to the side as he stepped into the church. He looked around the room, noticing that, besides him, Miranda, and the maid, the room was empty of people.
“Hey, where is everyone-”
“That doesn’t matter. Follow me.” She gestured to him and the maid to follow her, walking over to one of the hallways. He quickly followed, the maid walking beside him. While walking, she turned down another hallway that went downstairs. He had been in the church before, almost all over it, except underneath the church. He had almost gone down there once, but he was dragged out by Miranda and brought back to his dad, who later scolded him. He hesitated at the top of the stairs, the maid stopping beside him.
“Doctor, are you okay?” The maid asked. Miranda heard her, turning around to face him.
“Come on Moreau, don’t waste my time,” She commanded sternly. He jumped a bit at her tone, quickly walking down the stairs and following her. She turned on her heels and continued to walk down the hallway to an operating room. Outside of the room stood Florin. When he saw Salvatore, he smiled at his nephew.
“Hey Sal, how was the hospital?” He asked, leaning on the wall.
“It went well-”
“That doesn’t matter now. Ready?” Miranda asked Florin. He rolled his eyes at her interruption.
“Yeah yeah, you have the case Sal?” Salvatore nodded, holding up the briefcase. “Everything still in it?” Salvatore nodded again. “Alright, we’re ready.”
“Good, the patient is in here. Do you need him?” She gestured to Florin.
“No, I should be good.”
“Alright, come in when you’re ready.” She opened the door, closing it on him before he could step in. His uncle placed a hand on his shoulder before he could open the door again.
“You know what you’re getting into?”
“Well, we’ve gone over it plenty of times, so, I’d assume so.”
“No, are you SURE SURE? No assumptions here, you know that.” Salvatore was surprised by his uncle’s tone. He had never been so upfront before.
“Yeah, what’s with the talk? You’ve been preparing me for my whole life, I can handle it-” Florin pulled Salvatore in for a hug.
“Good luck kid…” Salvatore hugged him back, kind of confused.
“Thanks man.” He heard a sniffle from his uncle. “What’s wrong-”
“You should know. We’ve talked about this. After this-” He pulled away from Salvatore, leaving his hand on his shoulder, a few tears in his eyes. “-I won’t be needed.” It finally clicked in his head. He had been told something similar in the past, but he had never considered the worst.
“What? Wait, why!?” He asked, now confused and upset.
“That doesn’t matter now, you’ll find out later.” Florin smiled. “I love you Sal. Never forget that.” He patted his shoulder, gesturing to the briefcase. “It’s in your hands now. Good luck.” Salvatore was about to cry, wanting to stop everything before it even began. However, he knew how important this day was. The day he would take on a village tradition. So he sucked it up, wiped away the tears he had, and nodded, assuring that he was ready. Florin nodded back, smiling.
“Thanks Uncle Florin.” He smiled before opening the door, stepping in. He looked around the operating room. It was faintly lit, a large table in the middle of the room with the patient placed on it. Small tables were around the larger one, tools laid out neatly on them. He looked up to Miranda, who was standing on the other side of the table. She had changed attire in the time that he was talking to Florin. Beside her was a small table with a jar on top of it. The jar contained some black thing floating in a somewhat dirty liquid. That must have been that “Cadou”, labeled as such.
“Come closer, we have work to start,” She stated. He walked a bit closer, his eyes looking down to the patient. His eyes went wide when he saw the patient. They seemed to be a girl in their early teens, sedated by an IV that was running a bluish tinted fluid into her arm.
“Um… Mother-”
“No questions now. We must start before the effects wear off-”
“Who is this?” He asked. She grabbed a journal, holding it so she could read it.
“This is Bernadette. She is 13 years old, and-”
“I was never told that I’d be working on a child,” He interrupted. She looked up, clearly irritated.
“You were told that you’d have to work with villagers. Ages were never specified.” She looked back down at the book. “We will be placing the Cadou in the-”
“Why are we testing on a CHILD?” He asked, in semi-shock. “This is unethical-”
“IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER HOW OLD SHE IS!” She screeched at him, her face going red. He jumped back in shock, before trying to stand his ground again.
“Still. Why a child? Out of anyone?” She clenched the journal.
“So-” She harshly closed the book. “You don’t want to do this then?”
“Not on a child, no. I was told that we would be using adults only, never kids.”
“And why do you give a shit?”
“You know that people have died in these surgeries before. Why would someone want to risk a child’s life like this? And the child of a leading family for fucks sake! And even if she did live, she could become a lycan! Or worse, if there even is worse…” She sighed, walking around the table, getting up in Salvatore’s face.
“You think you have a choice in this?” She asked firmly, using her powers to wrap a mold vine around his neck. “Because you don’t.” He lifted him up a bit, lifting herself up to stand above him. The vine choked him slightly, but not enough to cut off enough air to make him pass out. “YOU work for ME, and will do as I say.” She got closer to his face. “Your cooperation can save you a lot of hardship, but a lack of such will because only more heartache on your end, and trust me, you’ll be alive to experience EVERY. FUCKING. SECOND of it.” She basically spat those words at him as he stared up at her in fear. “So, have you changed your mind?” He quickly nodded, in fear for his life. “Good.” She dropped him back on the floor, him almost falling over from the force of the fall. She lowered herself down slowly, going back to the other side of the table. “If an outburst like that happens again, I won’t be as forgiving. So, for now, just this once, let’s put this under the rug.” He nodded again. “Anyway-” She picked up the journal again. “We will be placing the Cadou in the chest cavity, near the heart. She has already been undressed and cleaned for surgery. Ready to begin.” She looked back up at him, glaring at him.
    “Um- Yes… yes,” He replied, looking down at Bernadette.
    “Alright then, there are some gloves, a mask, and a sterile uniform over there.” She pointed over to a chair in the corner, a surgeon’s uniform, neatly folded on the seat. He went over to it, picking up the uniform. He looked back over to her as she pointed to a side room. He just went in, putting on the uniform, and stepped out, placing his pastor uniform and the briefcase on the corner seat. He walked back over to the operating table, putting on the gloves and mask that were placed on one of the smaller tables. His neck started to feel like it was burning, but he didn’t want to make her even more mad, so he didn’t complain. He moved the light over the patient so he could see what he was doing better. She was naked for the most part, besides a towel covering up her lower half. He was used to working on women, so the sight of breasts didn’t bother him. She had dotted lines across her chest, marking where to cut. Miranda placed a diagram of what to do on a stand next to her so it faced Salvatore. She then tested to see if she would awaken from pain. She did this by using one of her mold vines to smack her across the face. She then used a pointed vine to stab her in the shoulder. Bernadette didn’t even flinch, being in such a deep sleep. Miranda looked back up at Salvatore. “Well, Doctor, begin.” Salvatore gulped, picking up a scalpel, trying to get into the motions as he held the scalpel shakily. The scalpel slowly stopped shaking, being absolutely still before moving close to her chest. Miranda watched over his shoulder, some vines reaching around the table, ready to hand him tools when he needed them.
    The surgery lasted around 5 hours, mainly because it went from the insertion of the Cadou, to trying to save her from it. It was eating at her body, so they rushed to remove it before it could do any major damage. However, it had already taken a toll before they could fully remove it, as it had clung to her heart and started to eat at it. Salvatore had to remove her heart to even attempt to remove the Cadou, so Miranda tried to replace it with some mold. Unfortunately, the mold replica didn’t work, so Bernadette eventually died of blood loss. Once they knew she was beyond saving and brain-dead, they stood over her body, Miranda being disappointed in the turnout. Salvatore, however, was incredibly distraught. He could feel tears forming in his eyes as he looked back up at Miranda. She looked up at him as well.
    “Don’t blame yourself, the Cadou has different reactions to different people. You did well this time. Just keep it to yourself next time,” She told him, walking away from the table to the sink, removing her gloves and washing her hands. He just stood there in silence, looking down at his own hands. He could even believe what he had just done. Once she was down washing her hands, he went over to the same sink, removing her blood-stained gloves before washing the blood off of his hands and face, since some had spurted during surgery. When washing his face, he could feel a few tears escape from his eyes. He couldn’t tell if it was from what had happened, or from the soap that had accidentally fallen into her eyes. He didn’t feel that water would be enough to get her blood off of his face. Once done, he turned to the chair in the corner, picking up the pastor uniform and the briefcase. He went into the side room as Miranda started to disinfect the tools before disposing of the body.
    He locked the door of the side room before starting to take off the uniform, putting on the pastor uniform. While doing so, he brushed his neck with the fabric, making his neck sting. He looked in the mirror, seeing that some cuts we left on his neck after Miranda’s vine had been around his neck. He opened the briefcase, taking out the med-kit and the rubbing alcohol. He started to apply the rubbing alcohol to his cuts, flinching a bit at the sting. He was able to wrap his neck with a bandage, realizing that the briefcase was less for any patient, and more so for himself. He sighed after doing so, putting the stuff back into the briefcase. He stepped out of the side room, the blood-stained surgeon’s uniform draped over his arm.
    “Um, Mother Miranda?” She turned to him, almost done cleaning the large table, Bernadette nowhere to be seen.
    “Where should I put this?” He gestured to the clothes on his arm.
    “You can just put them on that table there.” She pointed to one of the smaller tables next to the larger one, the tools having been put away. He placed them on the smaller table, then headed to the door. “Oh, Doctor?”
    “Yes Mother?” He asked, just wanting to leave the church at this point.
    “Will you inform the Beneviento family at some point this week of her death. Just say that she was killed by a bear, and that her body couldn’t have been retrieved.” His eyes went wide a bit. He had heard his uncle use the same excuse when it came to other deaths in the village. It was both nice and unnerving to find out what the true reason was. It did make sense, considering how deep in the woods the village was and the abundance of ways to get lost and die out here. He just nodded as he opened the door, quickly stepping out of the room. He quickly walked down the hallways, stepping out of the church before sliding down the closed door, starting to cry. He loathed the idea of having to tell a family that their child had died, nevermind having to lie about the cause. He hadn’t seen his uncle either, knowing the worst, but not being able to fully face it after what had happened. He put his face in his hands, feeling tears stream down his face...
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icaruspendragon · 3 years
Hey friends! After months of therapy/new meds, I’ve finally found the motivation and inspiration to not only start reading again, but start writing! I’m pretty excited, so here’s a snippet of my newest project.
Not a lot of her stuff had made it with her from California to New York. But that was okay she kept telling herself. A fresh start and whatnot. No one knows her here. No one knows what happened to her. She can just go to class and go home and focus on graduating and getting a job and maybe moving out of the country. Maybe to Italy or to Greece or England. That was her plan at least. And everyone knew that Annabeth was big on plans. Naturally, this plan seemed to go awry almost instantly while she was trying to move into her brand new one bedroom apartment. She had thought about trying to find a roommate, but the thought of being in close quarters with a stranger made her chest feel tight and her palms sweaty, so she had decided that this would be a solo adventure.
She had told her dad and stepmom over and over again that she could make the move by herself, that she wouldn’t need them to help her move, they didn’t need to spend the money to travel and to take time off of work and who would watch her brothers? Even though she didn’t have that much stuff she was starting to get overwhelmed at the boxes the movers were bringing up in what seemed like an endless stream and setting just inside her front door. The apartment had come pre-furnished, so that was good at least. She didn’t think that she would have been able to bring most of that stuff with her, anyway. She had been sleeping on her couch for months and didn’t think she’d be able to keep that up for much longer. She was trying to make a mental list of everything that she would need to go out and get tonight. New pillows, blankets, sheets, curtains, etc. She would need to find a place to get that stuff, hopefully somewhere that also sold groceries. She didn’t want to have to spend all day running around a new city and trying to unpack and trying to keep herself from having a panic attack.
She was trying to keep her mental list running and keep an eye on the movers and keep inventory of what was in the boxes and what she would need to unpack first and where they were putting the boxes that she would need to unpack first while standing out in her new hallway, trying to stay out of the movers way when she heard laughter. She looked over and saw two girls. One tall with olive skin and dark choppy hair and the other a whole head shorter with wild curls and tawny skin, both chatting animatedly about something. Annabeth was trying to tune them out and hoping that they wouldn’t notice her, and if they did, that they would just keep on walking. She wasn’t in the mood to be social. She hadn’t been in the mood to be social in quite some time. She wasn’t sure she remembered how to be social anymore.
“Hi! Are you moving in?” The shorter one asked. Of course they noticed her and of course they stopped. Annabeth swallowed and turned to face her, trying her hardest to plaster what she hoped was the approximation of a friendly smile on her face.
“Yeah.” She responded, hoping that the conversation would stop there.
“Oh, cool!” The girl responded. “Looks like we’re going to be neighbors. I’m Hazel, this is Piper, my roommate.” Hazel, apparently, gestured towards the girl standing next to her.
“Annabeth.” She introduces, nodding at them, hoping no one wants to shake hands.
“Nice to meet you.” Piper offers, a small smile on her face.
“Likewise.” Annabeth responds even though she doesn’t feel the same. Now that they’re closer she can see just how beautiful the two girls are and sense the ease with which they’re navigating this new situation. Annabeth feels a pang of jealousy. It doesn’t matter, she tells herself. She’s just here to go to class and get out of her. Not to make friends.
“What’s your roommate’s name?” Piper asks, one beautifully sculpted eyebrow raised.
“Oh, it’s uh, it’s just me.” Annabeth tells them, resisting the urge to avert her eyes to the floor. She knows deep down that these girls are just trying to be nice and warm and welcoming and whatever, but she really doesn’t want the reminder of just how alone she is. Not right now. Not right here.
“Where’d you move from?” Hazel asks, eyes following the mover bringing more boxes in.
“San Francisco.” Annabeth tells her, trying her hardest not to be short with this girl who is trying her hardest to be nice to a stranger, it’s not Hazel’s fault that Annabeth’s stomach drops at the mention of it.
“That’s cool. I’m from Malibu. Are you here for school?” This time it’s Piper who speaks.
“Yeah.” Annabeth responds. She knows that she should be giving them more than one word responses, but she wants nothing more than to hide in her new apartment and not come out for the rest of the night. She didn’t think that interacting with other people would have this kind of toll on her.
“I’m from New Orleans, so Piper and I both know what it’s like to be far from home.” Hazel tells her sympathetically. Annabeth offers her a tightlipped smile in return.
“Pipes, are the boys doing anything tonight?” Hazel asks, turning to her roommate.
“Are they ever doing anything?” Piper responds, laughing.
“Be right back.” Hazel tells her and then sets off down the hall.
They both watch her walk down a few doors, stop at one, and then enter without knocking.
Annabeth finds herself looking at the floor, trying not to feel too awkward in the silence and trying not to get overwhelmed. She’s never been that great at small talk and she hadn’t really planned for all of this to happen. She’d been going and going since yesterday, thinking about the next task ahead, not stopping to think about anything else. If she starts to think about literally everything else going on she’ll start to spiral.
Piper speaks up before Annabeth can get too in her head, “What are you studying?”
“Architecture.” She responds and then a moment passes before Annabeth remembers that it’s the polite thing to do to ask Piper the same. “What about you?”
“Communication and environmental studies.” She tells her.
“Interesting combination.” Annabeth responds, because she really thinks that it is but then she’s afraid that it came out snarky and even though she doesn’t want to be in this situation, she doesn’t want to be seen as rude.
“Oh yeah,” Piper tells her, smiling, “I couldn’t make up my mind and I wanted to do something that would end up helping people one way or the other so I decided to do both.”
Annabeth just nods because she can’t think of a way to respond. She’s saved from having to try and come up with something else to talk about or standing in awkward silence when she hears a door open and sees Hazel come out with four boys in tow.
“Ah. Reinforcements” Piper says but Annabeth has no idea what that means and the prospect of meeting even more strangers makes her want to vomit.
“What?” She asks, but before Piper can answer her, Hazel is calling down the hall.
“Annabeth, this is Jason, Leo, and Frank. Boys, this is our new neighbor, Annabeth.” Hazel states, pointing at each boy is turn. Jason is tall and stocky, Leo is wiry and thin, Frank is just big.
She is assaulted by a chorus of hellos and heys and smiles from all directions. Annabeth has no idea why her new neighbor has brought out what seems like half the building, but she really doesn’t want to stay to find out. Thankfully, one of the movers calls her over to inform her that all of her boxes are now in her apartment. She signs a sheet of paper and thanks the man for his work. She turns back around and sees five pairs of eyes on her.
“Did they bring everything up?” Hazel asks her.
“Uh, yeah.” Annabeth responds, wondering why they’re all still standing there. She really just wants to get inside and sit in silence for a few minutes before getting to work on her next plan.
“Where’s Percy?” Piper asks, turning to the boys.
“He’s at his mom’s watching Estelle.” One of the boys, Jason, tells Piper.
“Well then, I guess he’s excused.” Piper says.
Annabeth notices the playful banter between the two, between all of them, really. The ease with which they are all interacting. She’s never had a big group of friends like what they have. It had always been just her and Thalia. And she had always thought that she was okay with that, but now she and Thalia were separated by thousands of miles and one impenetrable secret, as she observes the five strangers in front of her, she feels the snarls of jealousy growing in the pit of her chest again.
“Percy can make it up to us later, we need to get started.” Hazel tells the group.
“Started?” Annabeth asks.
“Yeah. We’re gonna help you unpack. It’ll take you forever by yourself!” Hazel responds, the excitement in her voice palpable.
Panic instantly rushes through her veins. This was not on the list of things that could potentially happen today. Annabeth didn’t have a plan for this. She had one for if her stuff got lost, if the movers were late, if all of her stuff arrived broken, she even had a plan for if something happened at the leasing office and she wasn’t able to pick up her keys for her apartment. She had made zero plans that factored in overly polite neighbors and their squadron of male helpers.
“Oh, you really, I mean, it’s fine. You don’t need to. I can, I can handle this.” Annabeth tells her, floundering. Trying to find a way out of this.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Hazel responds. “I saw how much stuff they were bringing up, and it’s already pretty late in the day, between the six of us, we’ll all be able to get it knocked out in no time.” And dammit, she’s still smiling. Annabeth doesn’t think she’ll be able to get out of this one. Not without being considered a huge bitch. And she knows that she should be grateful, she really does, and she’s trying very hard to be, to be grateful and thankful and a whole host of other nice feelings and words that these five perfect strangers would be so willing to give up their evening to help one imperfect stranger unpack the boxes that have weighed her down all across the country. She is trying very hard.
“It’s really no big deal. I had planned on doing it all by myself, anyway.” Annabeth tells them.
“Well, now you can plan on having some help.” Piper tells her, gentle smile resting on the corner of her mouth. “You can try and fight Hazel all you want, but once she makes her mind up about something, it gets done.”
The big guy, Frank, laughs and Hazel shoots him a look.
“What?” He says, raising his hands in defense, “You and everyone else knows that Piper is right.”
“Whatever.” Hazel responds, rolling her eyes, but there’s no malice in the word or the gesture.
“Welcome to the building, Annabeth.” Leo tells her as he opens her door and just walks into her apartment.
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 21
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A/N:  I’ve always wanted to write a super-tropey scene like the bar scene in this so I went ahead and did it and I LOVE IT, OKAY?!  Also, if you haven’t seen, I posted Part 3 of my Elias story last Thursday.  It’s linked on my Masterlist!
Also, just a quick note that I will be returning to a full-time job after Labour Day today.  I have enough chapters written out that I don’t think I will have to skip a week of posting, and I organize my time wisely so that I still give myself time to write, but this is just a PSA/FYI that I may not get to your asks/canon questions super quickly like I have been over quarantine.  They will still ALL be answered, though, so don’t worry about that!
Anyways, enjoy this! 
February 18th, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was dejected.  
The Leafs had lost their last two games, but these felt different.  They’d lost to Buffalo on Sunday 5-2, and Buffalo was one of the worst teams in the league.  It didn’t even matter that there were a majority of Leaf fans in the building.  Now, tonight, they’d just lost 5-2 again, but this time to Pittsburgh.  She couldn’t keep her eyes off her phone, with tweet upon tweet upon tweet calling this the worst game of the season for the team.  Just an absolutely awful game.  No effort.  No heart.  No soul.  One that they would have to answer for at home, since they faced them again on Thursday, but this time at home.  She didn’t even like hockey and she was taking everything to heart because, well – she was part of the team now.  Everybody had told her that since day one.  And now, at one of the lowest points in the season, she felt that.
She couldn’t stop scrolling.  Couldn’t stop reading what everybody was saying.
It was Tyson who had volunteered to drive her home tonight.  Ever since Morgan broke his ankle, it was a rotation of Tyson or John.  When Emma picked up Tyson, she was just as nice, but she missed Bee.  She missed seeing the way Morgan looked at Bee when they were in the car, because it reminded her of how William looked at her when they were alone.
Aberdeen shuffled into the backseat of Tyson’s SUV.  Tyson was in the driver’s seat, and Emma was the passenger.  Everyone was silent as Tyson began driving into the city – she and Emma could tell he was dejected and mad at the game that had transpired just a few hours ago.  The short flight did nothing to quell his emotions.  And as Emma laid her hand on his on the gearshift, Aberdeen watched as she moved her thumb back and forth, trying to tell him that it was all okay.
“Tys…it’s not your fault,” Emma said softly, finally, after what felt like a lifetime of silence.  
“Tyson, listen to me.”
“—Emma, please, not right now—”
His eyes flashed to hers through the rear view mirror, but Emma wouldn’t listen to him.  “I know it and you know it too.  The whole defence is flawed.  Plus, you guys are missing Mo.  It’s not just you and you know that—”
“—Emma, I really don’t want to talk about it right now—”
“—and besides, if – or should I say when – you’re traded at the deadline, none of this will matter,” she dropped a bombshell.  “Everyone knows you’re unhappy and it’s not working out and that you’re much better suited to play somewhere else.”
Aberdeen felt her body stiffen at the revelation.  So Tyson was unhappy.  Unhappy with playing on the Leafs.  She knew he wasn’t having the best season, especially considering how successful he’d been in Colorado, but she didn’t think it was that bad.  He’d gotten better when Sheldon came in, but apparently that wasn’t enough.  It wasn’t enough to make him happy.  And in Aberdeen’s life, happiness was important.  It was almost paramount.  What you did and who you surrounded yourself with and your work should, ultimately, make you happy.  Was it the same in hockey?  Were hockey players allowed to be happy?  Were hockey players on the Toronto Maple Leafs allowed to be happy?  Or was everything just a business transaction?  A long road to the ultimate success of lifting the Stanley Cup, regardless of who got hurt along the way?
Tyson let out a long sigh as he continued to drive, choosing not to answer his girlfriend or say anything else.  When they got off the Gardiner and into downtown, Aberdeen was almost desperate to get out.  She felt very awkward.  Clearly Emma and Tyson wanted, needed to have a conversation, and she was stopping that from happening.  Just by being in the backseat.  She almost wanted to just tuck and roll out of the car.  Tyson could return her suitcase later.  She really didn’t care at this point.  
When he pulled up outside her condo building, Aberdeen almost didn’t want until he stopped the car and put it in park to click her seatbelt off.  “Hey Aberdeen,” Tyson looked at her through the rear view mirror.  She paused all her movements to stare back at him through the mirror.  “I uh…I’d appreciate it if you don’t mention to Brendan, uh, you know…what you heard…” he trailed off.
Aberdeen stared back at him doe-eyed.  She shook her head slightly.  “I don’t…I don’t tell Brendan about anything I find out about you guys.  I mean I would never…” she said softly, trailing off too.
Tyson nodded, smiling slightly.  “Thanks, Aberdeen.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem.”
When she got out of the car, Tyson popped the trunk so she could get her bag.  After one last thank you, a polite wave, and a push of the button to get it to close, she walked into her condo building.  She nodded towards the security guard before walking towards the elevators.
She wondered if William felt that same way when he played last year.
February 20th, 2020
“Get ‘em!” Aberdeen growled as she looked down onto the ice.  “Get ‘em!!!”
Brendan chuckled as he watched Aberdeen, her hands balled up in fists as she practically hung over the box.  He’d never seen her so into a hockey game before, and he didn’t know what had gotten into her.  “You alright, Aberdeen?”
“Get ‘em!”
He got a kick out of it.  Kyle, too, was doing one of those silent chuckles and getting redder by the second.  “Aberdeen, you’re going to blow your heart out.  We’re gonna need to put you on meds,” Brendan commented.  “You gotta remember that you’re staying until the proofs get here.  You can’t waste all your energy now.”
Aberdeen calmed down a bit, but she was still on the edge of her seat.  “Sorry,” she said.  She knew she was maybe taking it a bit overboard, but she couldn’t help it.  After the awful game against the Penguins on Tuesday, the Leafs were dominating them right now.  Freddie was playing phenomenally, Jake Muzzin had just scored to put them up 1-0, and they were getting really good chances.  It’s like the team did a complete 180 from what they were.  She also knew, though, that she needed to stay at the arena later tonight, because the final proofs for the St. Pats jerseys were coming and she was the one who had to sign for them and place them safely and securely in Brendan’s office to see tomorrow.  She didn’t know how long she’d be up tonight, and she’d need to conserve energy.  
“Don’t apologize.  I just don’t want you to have a heart attack,” Brendan smiled. 
With the Leafs on a powerplay, Aberdeen was like a hawk following the puck.  With Tavares, Matthews, and Nylander on the ice, she was praying for a goal.  And then—
“YES!!!!!” she screamed as William scored a beautiful goal, jumping up in her seat and throwing her fist in the air like she was Bender at the end of The Breakfast Club.  From beside her, Brendan and Kyle stayed unnaturally calm.  Aberdeen looked over at them and tried to settle back into her seat calmly.  “Sorry.  Again,” she said, gripping the armrests of her chair.  “But how can you guys be so calm?!”
“You get used to it,” Brendan smiled.
“Well, maybe you do, Mr. Hockey Player,” Aberdeen joked.
“Especially when the camera is on you,” Kyle added.
Aberdeen’s face dropped.  “Oh my God, I’m not on camera, am I?!”
Kyle shook his head, his smile spreading from ear to ear.  “We’ll have to see, Aberdeen, but I don’t think so.”
The Leafs dominated the rest of game.  Kasperi scored another goal only three minutes after William, and Zach scored in the third to make it 4-0.  Freddie got the shutout.  She knew he’d be happy about that, despite his stoic reserve.  As she, Brendan, and Kyle made their way to the locker room, Aberdeen saw the media already speaking to Jake Muzzin.  She knew they’d want to speak with the goal scorers too, and so when she saw William and Kasperi heading to the media room, along with John, Freddie, and Sheldon, she wasn’t surprised.  It was a good game.  Hopefully the media would back down a bit.  
She congratulated the guys and stood on the sidelines as Brendan and Kyle spoke to some of them once the media left.  By that point, some of them were dressed and ready to head home.  “Hey, you want a ride?” Jason offered as he approached her, tightening his tie around his neck.
“Oh, I’m staying back, actually,” Aberdeen informed him.  He looked at her skeptically.  “The final proofs are coming in for your St. Pats jerseys in March and I have to receive them and put them in Brendan’s office under lock and key.”
“Oh!” he exclaimed.  “Well, I can wait with you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Aberdeen, it’s fine.  We can grab a bite to eat afterwards.”
“Jason, I might be here until, like, eleven.”
“So we’ll have an authentic Italian-style dinner then.  All the more reason since I miss my motherland.”
“Aberdeen, are you really going to say no me?”
She glared at him.  It was like St. John’s all over again.  Before she could open her mouth and say something else, another voice interrupted her.  “Why’re you giving Jason the stink eye?” William asked as he approached them.
“I’m gonna wait with Aberdeen until the proofs come and then we’re gonna grab dinner.  You in?” he asked William, but everybody already knew the answer.
William shrugged his shoulders casually, like Jason hadn’t just invited him to dinner with his own girlfriend.  “I’m in.”
Aberdeen rolled her eyes.  “You two are insufferable.”
“I like to think it’s part of our charm,” Jason smiled.  “Let me call Jen and then we can go trash Brendan’s office.”
*** It was about 10:45 when Aberdeen, Jason, and William ended up at a small bar none of them had ever been to that served small pub-style plates.  It was crowded, for some reason, even though it was a Thursday.  Aberdeen quickly learned, judging by the drink specials, that it was their grand opening weekend, and tonight was their first official night open.  Opening on a Thursday meant pandering to the university crowd for sure (whose pub nights usually took place on Thursdays), but this place was pretty full with an older, gruffier clientele that were seated at the bar and congregated in small groups around the open space in the centre of the room, away from the few booths against the wall.  She wondered if they marketed the place wrongly, or if they just wanted to fill the place so they could say they had a successful opening.  
It was a bit loud, but she, Jason, and William ate their late dinner in relative peace.  They spoke about the game only for a little bit before they moved on to other topics, making it abundantly clear to Aberdeen that they didn’t want to discuss hockey at all.  The food was fine, and so, too, were the beers William and Jason had, but Aberdeen’s Long Island Iced Tea had way too much rum in it so she couldn’t finish.  
By the time they finished, it was almost midnight and Aberdeen was starting to feel her fatigue.  They were told to pay at the bar, so they gathered their jackets.  Aberdeen insisted on paying for her meal, ever going so far as to run up to the bar herself, inching between some patrons in order to pay, before William or Jason could even get out of the booth.  William, however, was right behind her, ready to Jason’s meal on his card.
“H—Hey!  Hey!  Look what we have here!  Y-You’re Wiiiilliam Nylander,” a guy, older and very clearly inebriated, slurred out as he laid his eyes on them.
“That’s me,” William gave a tight-lipped smile, standing just slight behind Aberdeen, waiting his turn to pay.
The drunk guy focused his attention on Jason now.  “You.  Spezza.”
He turned back towards William, shaking his head.  “Teams like this can’t win the Cup.  Esp-p-ecially not with this guy around.”
That caught Aberdeen’s attention.  She furrowed her brows as the friend of the guy, obviously just as drunk, nodded his head in agreement.  “Don’t have the heart like Dougie or Wendel.  All a bunch of pussies now.  Especially you.”
Aberdeen pulled her card out of the reader dramatically, turning her body so she could face them head on.  “What the hell is your problem?  There’s no need to be rude,” she said, her voice loud and firm.
“Aberdeen, stop it,” William said loud enough for her to hear.
“Y-Y-Yyyyou shoulda just sssigned the contract, man,” the drunk man grumbled out.  
Aberdeen tried again, ignoring William’s plea.  “Sir, this isn’t the time or place,” she intervened, but William’s hands went straight to her waist to move her out of his way so she wasn’t standing in between them anymore.  
Suddenly, it was William closer to the drunk man that Aberdeen.  The drunk guy apparently didn’t like that very much.  “You’re damn – you’re damn selfish!  Ssssselfish and greedyyyy,” the man continued to slur drunkenly.  “Seeeelfish, no good—”
“Sir—” Aberdeen showed up beside William, refusing to stand behind him.
“I oughta hurt you like you hurt the fffranchise.”
Aberdeen’s eyes widened.  That was a threat if she ever heard one, and even though he was drunk, Aberdeen didn’t like the tone of his voice.  “Okay sir,” she chastised.  “You need to stop overreacting.  We’re just here trying to pay for our meal.  This is no time to be a dick.”
“You know what?  Let’s just pay at the other end of the bar,” Jason said, trying to diffuse the situation as much as possible.  He even started to herd William and Aberdeen away from the drunk man and down the opposite end of the bar.  “You have fun with whatever whiskey you’re drinking,” he gave one last look to the man before walking away himself.
“Fuckin’ pussy!” the friend yelled loudly at William, already half way down the bar now.
Aberdeen looked back.  William had grabbed her wrist and was dragging her through the crowd so she’d get to the other side with him.  She watched as one of them slammed his glass down on the bar dramatically.  “Willy—”
“Ignore them, Aberdeen.”
“Yeeeeeah, fuckin’ pussy!  Fuckin’ lowlife!  Worst Leaf on the team!  Shoulda traded you back to Sweden, ya Swedish piece of shit!”
The men continued to yell obscenities and taunt William as they stood at the other end of the bar.  Aberdeen stared at William as he stuck his credit card into the machine, quickly punching in his pin.  “Does that happen often?” Aberdeen asked him.
“Aberdeen, don’t,” he shook his head, refusing to answer her as he pulled his card out of the machine and stuffed it back into his wallet.  It was as if he didn’t want her to know; as if he wanted to protect her from learning just how awful some “fans” could be – at least to him.
“Did you pay?” Jason showed up beside them.  William nodded.  “Alright, then let’s get the hell out of here,” he ordered, herding them again to lead them out.
It all happened so fast that Aberdeen didn’t really know exactly that – what happened.  All she knew was that she heard the guy yell from down the bar.  Then she heard the breaking of glass (commonplace in bars, really) and someone else yell “Put it down!” as she, Jason, and William continued towards the door.  Then another voice screamed “Watch out!” and she, Jason, and William turned their heads to look behind them.
Then it hit her.
A glass had been thrown – obviously by one of the drunk men who had been harassing them – intended for William, but it hit Aberdeen right on the forehead instead.  She staggered backwards but didn’t fall.  As she brought her hand up to assess the damage, she could almost immediately feel blood dripping down the side of her eye.  
“Aberdeen!” Jason screamed.
William looked over and saw the blood on Aberdeen’s hand and it dripping down the side of her face.  His eyes filled with anger.  Jason, who was still looking at Aberdeen, saw the look she was giving William.  He whipped his head towards William, who appeared ready to murder everybody in the room.  “Will—William—” Jason tried to get his attention, but to no avail.
“Ohmygodareoyouokaaaaay?!” voices began to ask as they huddled around Aberdeen, William, and Jason worriedly, forming a protective circle around them.  There were so many people, so concerned and so loud asking if she was okay that Aberdeen couldn’t even respond – she was too overwhelmed and too confused to even comprehend what was going on.
That’s when the two men ran out.  When most of the people in the bar were distracted trying to see if Aberdeen was okay, the men had the wherewithal to completely book it out of the bar with nobody stopping them.  It was only William who noticed, screaming out a loud “HEY!” to try and get somebody’s attention to stop them, but nobody moved enough for him to get out of the scrum around Aberdeen to chase him.  William focused his attention back on Aberdeen even though he could feel his cheeks flush red with anger and tears forming in his eyes.  She was still holding the area above her eyebrow cautiously as the bartender waved her over.  Jason and William led her towards the bar, making sure she didn’t step on any of the shattered glass that now littered the floor.  The bartender was already opening the first aid kit.  William heard Jason tell everyone “It’s fine, it’s fine, we don’t need your help, it’s alright, we’ll handle it, we’ll handle it.”
Aberdeen was offered a bar stool to sit on, but she turned it down.  She didn’t want to be on display for everyone to see; she was already embarrassed enough as is.  “You wanna go into a washroom?” the bartender asked, and Aberdeen nodded her head.  He led them to the wheelchair bathroom, since there would be space for all of them, and ushered them in.  “The emergency rooms are just up the street.  They’ll do stitches.”
William glared at the bartender.  “Aren’t you even gonna call a paramedic or something?  What about the cops?” he demanded, his voice shaking from the anger he was still feeling.  “Can we look at security cameras to get a face?”
“Bro, we don’t want cops or paramedics here opening night.  That would kill us,” the bartender said.  William couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  “We don’t have cameras installed yet, either.  Just clean it up and take it to emerge.  It’s, like, two blocks north.”
William felt like punching the bartender square in the jaw.  And he would have, too, for being so insensitive about it, if it wasn’t for Jason opening the first aid box loudly against the counter.  Jason, for his part, glared at the bartender too.  “You can leave now,” he growled, focusing his attention back on finding what he needed within the kit.  “Useless piece of shit,” he mumbled under his breath.
Aberdeen sat on the toilet, trying to collect her thoughts and emotions.  She’d gotten hit with a fucking flying glass in the middle of a bar.  A glass seemingly intended for Willy, thrown by a drunk guy, but it had hit her.  She couldn’t believe what had just happened.  She was sure her hand was covered in blood at this point; she didn’t even want to know what her face looked like.  “Did I get busted open?” she asked, even though she was well aware of the answer.  She needed someone else to confirm it so this all felt real and not like a nightmare.
“Yeah,” Jason said softly.  “Listen, if that dipshit isn’t gonna call the cops or paramedics, I want to clean it before we go to the walk-in.  Your face has a lot of blood on it.”
Aberdeen nodded her head slightly.  There was nothing else she could do, really.  It wasn’t like she was going to reject any medical attention, from Jason or otherwise.  “Is it gonna hurt?” she asked.
“Of course it’ll hurt, but I don’t want any of the blood to crust and dry,” he said. 
“Am I gonna need stitches?  I’ve never gotten stitches before.”
“Move your hand a bit and let me see,” Jason said.  She moved her hand the slightest bit, too scared to move it anymore out of fear that blood would gush out like some Halloween decoration, and Jason looked up close.  “Yeah, probably,” he deadpanned.  William winced at the thought.
“Oh, Jesus.  Is it gonna scar?”
“No.  Not deep enough to scar.  At least not to me,” he said.  She trusted him, if only because he was a father of four and had been around the block a few times.  He cleaned her face as much as he could of the blood that had streamed down.  She watched as he got some alcohol and put it onto a pad, prepped a sterile gauze, and whatever else he needed.    Now, are you ready?” he asked.  
“I guess so,” Aberdeen braced herself.  She took her hand off the injury, relieved that no blood gushed onto Jason’s shirt.  “On three, okay?” she asked.  Jason nodded his head.  She began to count.  “One…two—”
She let out a guttural scream as Jason put the rubbing alcohol on her early so she wouldn’t wince away.  It fucking stung.  The sound that escaped her made Will’s heart drop into the pit of his stomach.  He never wanted to hear it again.  When he looked over, she was writhing on the toilet seat.  Even Jason’s face was pained at her screams, but he was doing what he needed to do.  After doing as much as he could, he took one last look at it before putting the sterile gauze on it, grabbing Aberdeen’s hand to hold it against the cut.  
“You ready to go to emerge?” Jason asked.
Tears had streamed down her face at this point.  She didn’t have a good tolerance for pain.  She nodded her head.  “Let’s go.”
It was just past two in the morning before an emergency room doctor saw Aberdeen.  Jason had called Jen to let her know what happened and let her know that he was going to be extra late, and William…well, William was silent.  He was still red with rage as they sat in the emergency room, with Jason and Aberdeen making conversation, but he was silent.  Truthfully, all Aberdeen wanted to do was hug him, hold his hand, and nestle into him, but she couldn’t.  It would have made things a hundred times better, but Jason being there meant that it was impossible.  She noticed William’s silence from the moment they were in the washroom at the awful place and Jason had cleaned the wound.  She was hoping that he wasn’t blaming himself.
“So, Miss Bloom, what happened here?” Dr. Behari asked as she sat on the gurney, Jason and William standing near her with their arms crossed.  
“Some guy at a bar threw a glass and it hit me,” Aberdeen explained simply.  “I think I’m going to need stitches.”
The doctor nodded, then looked towards Jason and William.  “And you’re her bodyguards?” he joked.
Jason smiled, but William didn’t.  “Friends,” Jason said.  “I cleaned it up a bit with rubbing alcohol at the bar, doctor.  I – It was the only thing I could think to do.”
The doctor nodded, stepping closer towards Aberdeen.  “Let me take a look, Miss Bloom, and I can clean it and see if you need stitches.”  Aberdeen took her hand and the gauze off the cut and the doctor put on his gloves.  “Aallllllright…” he mumbled as he checked it, Aberdeen wincing in pain slightly as he pressed down on it.  “You’ve got no residual glass in it, which is great.  All we have to do is clean it up and give you some stitches.”
The thought of stitches made Aberdeen a bit woozy.  She tried not to think about what they’d have to do.  “Is it a deep cut?  Like is it gonna scar?” she asked.
“Not a deep cut at all,” the doctor shook his head.  “I’m only putting it one layer of stitches.  You’ll probably have the slightest scar once it’s all healed but it’s easily covered with makeup, and due to placement, it won’t be too noticeable.”  Suddenly, the curtain that blocked off the room opened, and some supplies and medical equipment were ushered in.  Jason and William looked to see everything that Dr. Behari would need laid out on the tray.  “Ah!  Here we go.  Have you ever received stitches before, Miss Bloom?”
“No sir.”
“Think of it as me putting this beautiful masterpiece of a face back together,” he joked, causing Aberdeen and Jason to laugh.  William still wasn’t laughing, and Jason took notice.  
“You’re great, Doctor Behari,” Aberdeen giggled.  “I’m gonna get a scar like a real hockey player now.”
“Ahhhhh, so you guys are hockey players, huh?” he gestured towards Jason and William.  “I’ve stitched up a bad hockey injury once or twice in my day.”
Dr. Behari continued with what he needed to do, cleaning up the wound and making sure everything was well and prepped for the stitches.  The second he picked up the needle filled with lidocaine though, to numb the area so Aberdeen wouldn’t feel the stitches as much, William became more visibly upset.  For the last two hours he looked like he was about to cry, and now he just looked extremely pained, distressed at the thought of what Aberdeen had to go through.
It took Jason intervening for William to stop thinking over and over about when the glass met Aberdeen’s head; the look in her eyes and the blood on her face as she tried to stop the bleeding with her hand.  “Will, can you breathe for me?” he mumbled, Aberdeen and Dr. Behari too deep in a conversation to hear them.
William started shaking his head.  “He needs to be arrested.  He needs to be charged with assault.  We need to find him,” his voice was still trembling.  
“Will, we’re not gonna find him.  He ran off,” Jason tried to reason with him.  “There aren’t even any cameras we can check – the manager said.  We just have to let it go.”
“No.  That’s not good enough,” William was persistent.  “We need to—”
“Listen to me,” Jason said in a low voice, grabbing William’s forearm and turning him away from Aberdeen and the doctor.  They stood right in between the hallway and the curtain sectioning off the room.  “I understand this is personal for you because it’s Aberdeen, but you need to be level-headed right now, because as much as the doctor is making her laugh, she’s gonna see the stitches and probably get scared.  And she’s going to be looking at you to help calm her down and tell her it will be alright.”
William stopped breathing during the first part of Jason’s sentence.  He furrowed his brows, trying to brush it off, and brush off what Jason was implying.  “I don’t know what you mean about this being personal for me—”
“Will, come on,” Jason interrupted him.  “I’m too old to be fucked with.  We all see the way that you look at her and we know you have the biggest crush imaginable on her.  It’s not like it’s a fucking secret.”
“H—How do I look at her?”
“She’s the only person you ever see, Will,” Jason deadpanned.  “But…beyond that.  You have to remember Brendan’s gonna be asking questions tomorrow at the office.  I’ll handle a majority of that but he’s going to want the story from you too and you better be on your best behaviour or else he’ll figure out your little crush and Aberdeen will be fucked.  Do you understand?”
William couldn’t look Jason in the eye anymore.  He bit down on his bottom lip nervously, knowing that he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.  “I think he already knows…” he mumbled.
“Excuse me?”
“I think…Brendan already knows about the crush.  At the Christmas party out on the ice I guess he caught me looking and he told me she can’t do anything with me until she leaves, and more importantly, I can’t do anything with her.”
Jason looked like he’d seen a ghost.  “And?”
“And what?”
“Are you doing anything with her?”
Here it was.  William’s first opportunity to lie outright to a teammate, a friend, a colleague, a guy that he looked up to immensely.  Aberdeen had had to do it with Siena, now he’d have to do it with Jason.  His girlfriend was a mere fifteen feet away and he had to deny that anything was going on.  “What?!  Of course not!” he said angrily.  
“William I swear to fucking God—"
“Nothing is happening,” he stressed.  “Jesus, Jason.  How awful do you think I am?  I wouldn’t do something like that to her.”
“Don’t fuck with me Willy.  She’s got too bright a future for you to—”
“I know that,” William stressed.  “I.  Know.  That.  That’s why nothing has happened.  That’s why it’s stayed a crush.”
“You promise me right here, right now, in the middle of this hospital while she’s getting stitches, that there’s nothing going on between you two, or so help me God, Willy—”
“There’s nothing going on between us,” William said bluntly.  He saw Jason’s face relax slightly, meaning that he was buying it.  “I’ve got my crush and that’s it.  But there’s nothing going on between us.  Nothing.”
“Woohoo!  Boys!” Dr. Behari called out, interrupting their conversation.  “Miss Bloom wants to hold one of your big strong hands just in case she feels anything.  Any takers?”
Jason raised his eyebrows at William and gave him a look.  William gave Jason one last look before walked over, stood next to Aberdeen, and offered his hand.  She grabbed it without hesitation.
Jason watched.
February 22nd, 2020
“What in God’s name happened to your eye?” Brendan demanded as he got his first look at Aberdeen Saturday morning.  In the town car, Lou had already commented on it.  Now Brendan got to see it, bright and early in the morning before heading towards the office.
“It’s a long story,” Aberdeen mumbled.
“Well we’ve got a long drive to the office.”
She sighed.  She recounted the events of the previous night to Brendan, from Jason and William agreeing to stay back with her, to them going to dinner, to the rude men, to the bottle throwing.  Brendan looked more and more horrified as time went on, and especially angry when she got to the part with the rude men.  They were essentially targeting one of his players, one of his star players, with assault; instead, that assault ended up hurting his executive assistant.  And when she mentioned the no cameras and the clueless bartender, he got really angry, because there was nothing he could do either.  
“And so, here we are,” Aberdeen finished.  “I’m three days out from my 22nd birthday and one week out from my party and I have a giant scar on my face.”
Brendan could tell by her tone that she wasn’t necessarily upset about it, per se, but that she was more so a bit self-conscious about how it looked.  “It’s not that big,” he said, trying to not make it a big deal.  “The stitches will be out soon anyway.  You don’t want to see some of the scars I’ve gotten.  I mean…” he trailed off, pointing to the one on his top lip and the one on his chin, “yours won’t look as bad as these.  Won’t end up as bad as these either.”
“You don’t think so?”
Brendan shook his head.  “No chance.  It’s only three stitches.  Did you tell your parents?”
“Yeah, we FaceTimed so I could show them.  They don’t want me in bars past sundown now,” she giggled slightly.  “I’m going to have to go to my doctor before we leave for Tampa Bay to see if they can get taken out though.  By then it will have been four days.  The emergency room doctor said it should be okay by then.”
“I’ll call Noah and have him take a look at it once we get to the arena,” he said, referring to Dr. Noah Forman, the team’s head physician.  “I’ll call Jason and Will in, too.  To let me know what happened.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  It was only logical to talk to them about it to.  William had been the one targeted, after all.  “Are you excited for tonight?” she asked, trying to change the subject.  
Brendan shrugged.  “Last time we faced Carolina it was an…interesting game,” he said.  “How much more interesting can it get?”
Aberdeen was absolutely horrified.  Just absolutely fucking horrified at what was transpiring in front of her very eyes.  A complete and utter collapse.  Something that couldn’t be real.  Something she didn’t want to be real.  Something that was affecting her more than she ever thought hockey would.  If Aberdeen thought that Penguins game on Tuesday was bad, this was a hundred times worse.  A thousand.  A million. A billion times worse.
The Leafs were losing to the Hurricanes.  6-3.  And who was in net for the Carolina Hurricanes?  Their emergency backup goalie, who was, somehow, also the Toronto Marlies’ Zamboni driver.  Yes.  The Toronto Maple Leafs were losing to a Zamboni driver.  Their own Zamboni driver.
She wanted to crawl into a hole and die.  
Brendan had already left the box.  He’d asked her not to follow him.  That made her incredibly nervous, because usually when he was upset or disappointed about games, she was still following him like a little puppy.  That wasn’t the case now; he clearly wanted to be alone and alone he would be, wherever he happened to be.  
When the final buzzer rang, Aberdeen felt her heart rate go up even more, because it now meant that she did have to go find him.  She didn’t want to be in the locker room right now.  The team needed to be with their coach, and she didn’t exactly want to hear whatever was going to go down in there.  She wanted to remain willfully ignorant.  So instead, she began walking towards the offices, where a part of her knew Brendan would be.
She was quiet as she walked down the hallway and towards her desk.  She saw Brendan’s door almost closed, and knew he was inside his office.  She gathered her things, grabbed her jacket, and took a deep breath.  
She knocked lightly on his office door.  “Come in,” she heard him say absent-mindedly.  
She pushed the door open slowly.  When she revealed herself in the doorway, Brendan’s eyebrows rose slightly.  He was surprised she’d come and find him.  But he didn’t want her to know that.  Most other personal assistants he’d had usually let him be when he did something like this.  But Aberdeen was different.  “Oh, there you are,” he said, his voice low as he cleared his throat.  There were a few moments of silence as he thought of something to say.  “We need to go over the, uh…the proofs for the St. Pats jerseys,” he held out his hand.
Aberdeen was nervous.  He was a bit too calm for her liking, considering what had just happened.  She knew he wouldn’t want to talk about it exactly, but still.  “Okay.  Um, yeah, sure.  I have it right here,” she said as she began digging through her bag with all the files in it.  There were so many to sort through, and she knew she was taking a while.  
“By all means, move at a glacial pace.  You know how that thrills me,” Brendan said.
She pulled the proofs out of her bag and handed them to him.  He took them, a bit dramatically she thought, and opened them up.  “Okay, so…they’re done.  They can be sent,” he said dismissively, putting his signature at the bottom of every page of proofs.
Aberdeen was shocked, slightly.  There was so much back and forth on them because they had to be perfect and now he’d just signed off on them?  “They…they’re done?  So I don’t need to bring them back to the artist and fetch them back tomorrow?” she began to pull out her iPad so she could change her schedule.  
“Well, if you think the team is worthy of even wearing these jerseys and want to convince me to not just scrap the whole damn idea…then yes, fetch away.  You’re very fetching, so go fetch,” he grumbled out with a resolute emotion of nothingness in his voice.  
Aberdeen stopped her movements.  Okay, so he was affected by what had just happened.  And he was going to let it all out now, in front of her, with no-one else around.  No Kyle.  No Sheldon.  No team.  Nobody but her.  As she continued to stare at him, he couldn’t look her in the eye; he was looking everywhere in his office but her, even though she stood right across his desk from him.  “You’ll need to contact PR, um…Leslie, to see what she can do to minimize the press on all this,” he continued, pursing his lips together, looking out into a void.  “Another humiliating loss splashed across the Toronto Sun.  I can just imagine what they’re going to write about us.  The Toronto Maple Leafs lose to a Zamboni driver who works for them.  The most embarrassing loss yet, and it’s under my watch.  Every newspaper in this city should cut me a check for all the papers I sell for them.”  He shook his head, pausing for a few moments to collect himself, and finally looked at Aberdeen.  “Anyway, I don’t…I don’t really care what anybody writes about me.  But the team.  I just…the team.  It’s just another disappointment…another let down.  Another bad game.  Horrible game.”
Aberdeen didn’t know what to say.  She knew this was Brendan’s version of spilling his guts out to her.  This loss had taken its toll on him – was going to take its toll on everyone in the organization, and he was the guy heading the entire operation.  It all fell on his shoulders.  And Kyle’s.  But he was the overseer of it all.  He put the brunt of the blame on himself – not on the players or the general manager.  “Anyway, the point is…the point is…” he cleared his throat.  Aberdeen could see him visually recollect himself.  “The point is, we really need to get these proofs sent first thing tomorrow morning, because I’d like to see the jerseys before they get sent to the players.”
It was weird to Aberdeen how he could just switch like that – from experiencing the lowest of the low to going back to normal again.  She wondered if it was a hockey thing, because Willy did it too – he would be upset after losses, especially bad ones, but it would quickly become dirt off his shoulder.  She held on to her emotions and feelings much longer than them.  “I’m so sorry, Brendan,” she offered.  She knew there was nothing else she could say to him.  “If you want me to cancel your morning tomorrow, I can.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.  Why would we do that?” he asked.
Aberdeen offered a tight-lipped smile.  “Is there anything else I can do?” she asked.
Brendan nodded quickly.  “Your job.”
Aberdeen called Siena the moment she was out of the office and walking home.  She’d been okayed to go home by Brendan.  She’d texted Will, but he wasn’t answering, so God knows what was going on in the locker room right now.  She didn’t want to stay at Scotiabank Arena for that very reason.  She just knew it was too much for her to handle.  
She knew it was too much because she was already crying.  Silent tears, but tears nonetheless.  She prayed to God that Siena picked up.
“Hey,” Aberdeen finally heard her voice.  “What’s up?”
“Siena…” Aberdeen’s voice was shaky.  “Siena did you watch the game?”
“No, why?  What’s wrong?”
Aberdeen sniffled.  “I never thought I’d be crying about sports but here I am crying about the Leafs!” she blubbered out.
“Why?  What happened?”
“We just had the most God awful game,” Aberdeen huffed out.  “We lost to our own Zamboni driver.”
There was a pause on Siena’s end.  “Aberdeen, are you drunk?”
“NO!!!” she exclaimed.  “Go check the highlights or whatever.  Go turn on TSN.  It was humiliating.  We’re going to get absolutely roasted.  It’s going to be so bad and—”
“Aberdeen—Aberdeen you need to calm down,” Siena urged on the other end of the phone.  “It’s not your fault, Aberdeen.  And it’s not your problem.  Why are you so upset about it?  It’s not like you’re a part of the team.”
Aberdeen felt a punch to her heart at Siena’s words.  But she was.  Everyone had told her that she was – Brendan, Kyle, the guys, everyone – and she had no reason to think otherwise.  It was hammered into her since the beginning.  For all intents and purposes, she was a member of the team, which is why it hurt her so badly.  Siena didn’t understand that.  Siena didn’t understand how all the traveling together made them closer; how all the guys looked out for her – not in a patronizing way, just…in their own way – like they were her older brothers, especially after what happened at Christmas; how the word family was tossed around so often that Aberdeen really felt that this was a family in its own way, with a bunch of moving parts, often dysfunctional, but a family nonetheless.  Siena didn’t understand any of it.  “Yes I am,” Aberdeen said meekly, offering nothing.  She couldn’t put into words what she’d just thought, and even if she could, Siena, with all her smarts, wouldn’t understand them.  “I am a part of the team.”
“Just sleep on it, alright?  I’m sure everybody is going to forget about it by tomorrow morning,” Siena offered, showing truly just how much she didn’t understand.  “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
At that exact moment, a car pulled up on the curb alongside Aberdeen.  When she looked over, she saw William in the driver’s seat.  He was already looking at her.  “Okay, bye,” she ended the call abruptly, stuffing her phone into her coat pocket before approaching and opening the door, slipping into the passenger’s seat easily.
When Aberdeen looked over at William, he immediately noticed her red eyes.  His heart tightened in his chest.  “Why are you crying, minskatt?” he asked.
“How could you not be?” she asked back.
He leaned over the centre console to kiss her.  “Please stop, minskatt.  I can’t stand to see you cry.”
“I don’t know what to feel – what to do – I don’t know what to say to you to make you feel better about this,” she lamented.
“Shhhh shhh shhh,” William kissed her again, bringing his of his hands up to cup her face.  “You don’t need to say anything.”
“Don’t I?”
William shook his head slightly.  “You’re here, aren’t you?” he asked, as if that was enough.  As if that’s all he needed, when really, Aberdeen knew he’d need so much more.  That she would need so much more.  “D’you want to come back to my place?”
Aberdeen looked William in the eye.  He wasn’t asking politely.  He was begging.  She nodded.  “Okay.”
Aberdeen was getting scared at how good she was getting at lying.  She’d made up a stupid story about needing to stay late at the arena again for the trade deadline so Kasha would go to bed and not wait up for her.  Kasha bought it.  Aberdeen didn’t even know if she was staying at William’s tonight or if she’d walk into her apartment at three o’clock in the morning again, for the second time in two days.  
(As if William would bring her to his apartment and then tell her to leave in the middle of the night.)
He took her to a tall, glass condo building, only about a ten minute walk from hers but closer to the south core that made him possible to practically walk to all the games if he wanted to.  He held her hand firmly in his once they got out of the car and walked through the parking garage, getting on the elevator.  William pushed the button for one of the top floors.  Of course he’d have a penthouse.  
Aberdeen was still too caught up in her own emotions to realize how big this was – every other encounter had been at her place, and now she was finally seeing his space.  When he opened the door, she was pleasantly surprised at what she was greeted with.  She knew it was rented, and so she half expected it to be kind of dull with no personality, but that wasn’t the case.  There were touches of William everywhere in the apartment – the slight, boyish messiness just adding to it.  Expensive shoes scattered at the entryway.  A few plants that weren’t dead, so she figured they were fake.  A giant, comfy looking couch in the main area with a massive TV that was hooked up to every gaming console known to man.  And pictures.  Lots and lots and lots of pictures everywhere.  All of his family.
She could tell that there was a spare bedroom on one side of the apartment, and she saw a door leading to the master.  William put his keys in the bowl in the middle of the kitchen island, watching her as she looked around his apartment.  “So what do you think?” he asked.
“Do you miss your family on nights like this?  When it’s a really bad game and really embarrassing?” Aberdeen asked, staring at a picture he had of him and him sisters together, holding them all in a giant bear hug as their smiles stretched from ear to ear.
The question caught him completely off guard.  “Of course I do.  I miss them all the time,” he said.
“What do you do on nights like tonight?”
“I sit on my couch and watch TV until I’m not thinking about it anymore,” William admitted.  “Lately I’ve really been meaning to do it with my girlfriend.”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but smile.  Even after a night like tonight, he was still flirting with her.  “Do you have a change of clothes?”
They went into his bedroom – bed messy, but huge; closet overflowing, but orderly; giant floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the other skyscrapers around them – and she changed into a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt that looked Supreme-branded but instead said ‘spaghetti’.  It smelled like him, thoroughly, and the second she put it on she felt like she was being hugged, even though it was about six sizes too big.  They changed together, and when they were done, they made their way back to the living room and William turned on the TV, pulling her towards the big couch.  He made her sit down first before kneeling down between her legs, resting his head on her stomach just beneath her breasts before wrapping his arms around her.  
It was calm.  It was nice.  It was mindless.  William was mindless as he laid there, his arms wrapped around his girlfriend in his clothes, watching TV but not really watching TV.  Aberdeen was mindless as she laid there, running her fingers through William’s hair soothingly, watching TV but not really watching TV.  It was a while before Aberdeen decided to speak again.  “You know, it’s not healthy to not talk about it,” she said.  
She felt William sigh.  “You know I’m not good with words, minskatt.”
“Oh, I think that’s a lie.  You’re great with words,” she said.
“No I’m not.”
“William, every author in the English language wishes they came up with the words, ‘I think about you when I’m not even thinking’, including me,” she countered.
William couldn’t help but smile.  “Those words are only for you,” he said.
“I know,” she said, “but can you please give me some other words so I know that you’re okay?  Because I’m worried.”
The fact that he was making her worried made him compelled to talk.  That was the last thing he wanted.  “I just…I just know that we’re never going to hear the end of it.  And I hate that.  I hate that it’s gonna be the big joke now.  Because hockey isn’t a joke to me.  Neither is the Leafs.”  He paused and Aberdeen was silent, and he knew that silence was urging him to continue.  “It happened because…it happened because they rallied around their goalie.  They protected him.  They had his back.  And we didn’t.  We just…we didn’t.  And I hate it when we do that.  Because I have…I have every guy in that locker room’s back.  I do.  But sometimes it just…” he sighed, shaking his head.  “Sometimes it just doesn’t work out how I want it to.”
Aberdeen had continued to run her fingers through his hair.  She nodded at the end of his speech.  “I’m not going to pretend that I know what it feels like, because I don’t,” she said.  “I haven’t been a fan of hockey and I don’t understand it like you do but I know how much a game like this can affect the group, especially with the media in this city.  But I got emotional about it because I know how much it affects you.  Even if you won’t tell me about it.”
“I don’t mean to not tell you,” William said.  “I just…” he paused again, thinking if he should even say anything.  “It’s that besides my dad and brother, nobody’s ever really…you know, listened.  So I just stopped talking.”
Aberdeen’s heart broke.  At that point, she stopped running her fingers through his hair and forced him to sit up, even though her legs were still wrapped around him, so she could look him in the eye.  She thought about Mike Babcock and what he’d done to Will.  She thought about all the other hockey coaches he had and wondered if they were just as bad.  “Willy…” she said softly, running her thumb along his jawline and lips.  “Willy, I want you to talk to me more.  About hockey.  About your family.  About your feelings.  About everything.  Please.  Please.”
William nodded.  He understood completely what she was asking him to do, and he was going to make a concerted effort to do so, because he loved her.  He loved her so much and he didn’t want to see her worrying about him.  “I will, minskatt.  I will, for you,” he said, kissing her quickly.  He shifted them so she was straddling his body.  “I just have to get used to somebody listening.”
“Willy, I’m always going to listen to you.  Don’t forget that, okay?” she asked, cradling his face in her hands.
He nodded, quickly kissing her again.  The words were coming now, and he couldn’t stop them.  Aberdeen had that power over him.  “What happened the other night at the bar was my fault,” he said.
“What?” Aberdeen’s eyes bulged out of her head dramatically.  “Willy, that was not your fault at all—”
“Yes it was—”
“No it wasn’t—”
“Yes, yes it was,” he said sternly.  “And I couldn’t take it.  I was so mad, minskatt.  I was shaking.  I wasn’t able to stop it or to protect you or—”
“Willy—Willy, stop.  Willy, it wasn’t your fault at all,” she repeated.  “Those stupid guys were drunk.”
“But they were aiming for me.  They hated me.  I wish that glass would’ve hit me instead,” he said, bringing his hand up to her scar and touching it lightly.
“Don’t you dare say something like that.  It was a freak accident, Willy.  There was nothing either of us could do,” she said, hoping he would soon realize it.
William paused for a moment.  “You’d talk to me too, right?  Like you want me to talk to you?” he asked.  Aberdeen nodded her head confidently.  “Were you scared that night?”
Aberdeen shrugged her shoulders.  “Just a little bit.  But you were there.  And Jason.  And when I realized that, I wasn’t so scared anymore.  I’ve been scared before in my life much worse and with less blood.”
William nodded.  “Are you listening?”
“I love you.”
Aberdeen smiled.  “I love you too.”
They began kissing.  Lightly, at first, and then Aberdeen couldn’t help but stick her tongue down his throat, and William couldn’t help but squeeze at the flesh of her thighs.  As they made out like teenagers on his couch, Aberdeen placed her hands over his and guided them to her ass.  
William giggled slightly into the kiss.  “Aberdeen…” he said in a playfully accusing tone.
“I only want to remember feeling your hands there instead,” she mumbled against his lips.  
William froze.  Suddenly and all at once, her words hit him like shards of glass, cutting him to his very core.  “I’ve been scared before in my life much worse and with less blood.”  Ethan.  She still thought about what happened with Ethan – she still thought about it and it affected her and it made her scared, something she hadn’t admitted to before.  William felt like killing Ethan all over again right then and there, with Aberdeen sitting on his lap.  What affected her wasn’t a physical wound; what affected her was something much deeper.
“Listen to me,” he said, his hand cradling her chin, thumb gliding over her lips softly as she’d done to him earlier.  “Nobody is going to do that to you again, okay?  Not while I’m here.”  
Aberdeen nodded her head.  She believed him completely.
“I mean it, Aberdeen,” he pressed.
“I know.”
“If I ever saw him on the street, I’d fucking kill him for what he did to you.  For how he made you feel.  And I want you to know that, like…you’re not what happened to you.  You’re so much more.  He was a pig who couldn’t see that but I can,” William said.
Aberdeen almost burst out into tears at his words.  You’re not what happened to you.  You’re so much more.  She could have cried right then and there.  But instead, she nodded her head before kissing William again, even more eager this time, wanting to show him just how much she appreciated him, just how much she believed him, just how much she loved him.
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g0dspeeed · 4 years
Burning Love
Request from @leoncharme 
What was supposed to be a relaxing day, turned into one of the strangest visits to Viktor’s clinic that V has ever had.
Hot grease sizzled deliciously in the large wok, the rich smell of savory noodles and synth meat churning V’s stomach even more. She stood near the food stall patiently, her eyes flitting through recent texts sent by practically every fixer in the city.
Ugh, I don’t need another fuckin’ car, she muttered as her eyes scoured all the vehicle offers made in the past few hours. Most were too tempting, too shiny, and V needed way too many eddies to make it happen anytime soon.
Deleting the final offer, V turned to take in the sight before her. The sun was high above the metropolis, caressing the Night City skyline in a golden light and warming the busy streets below. It was an easy heat, bearable, and a strong breeze cooled her off as it sifted through her hair.
Days like these were rare. Aside from the car offers, her inbox was light. There were no pressing contracts, no urgent phone calls from a fixer who needed a person shot, kidnapped, or rescued. No reminders to visit a drop box. No street races. No street fights to prepare for any time soon. Just a preem day for V to relax, eat a hot meal, and spend it with whomever she chose.
Which reminded her.
“Hey, double my order,” she requested.
The vendor nodded, and a smile tugged innocently at V’s lips.
When her noodles were ready, V paid the vendor and started towards her HELLA with a spring in her step.
Today’s gonna be a good one, she thought, allowing that bit of optimism to finally sink in. It’ll be-
A pause.
V barely heard it.
Again, there it was.
The second time there was no mistaking the sound.
A high pitch yelp had caught her attention, followed by a low, pained moan. The source was near, but how close V couldn’t tell. She listened some more, but nothing stood out amongst the traffic.
Part of her thought to ignore it, both the sound and that damned intuition in her gut that said that something was wrong. Agony on the streets of Night City was as common as graffiti and a systemic issue far too big for V to remedy on her own, despite her impulsive need to save nearly everyone she comes across. V helped when she was able and often when she was barely so. Just her nature. Or more so a savior complex.
After lingering for a few more moments V decided to move on. Her noodles were getting cold after all.
Just as her hand pulled on the car’s handle, the sound ruptured again in a louder, more alarming pitch.
This time V quickly whipped around to scan the area with her optics. A tinted blue swept her vision, focus fleeting from object to object in view. It was there, resting against a bench that she spotted him. A clearly distressed man in a white and pink striped shirt was hunched over, sweat glistening on his forehead above a pair of violet visors. A gold chain dangled from his neck, catching a sun beam.
V stepped closer, but right before she could ask him what the hell his problem was, her voice caught in her throat.
Cupping his crotch, the man was naked from the waist down save for a pair of black tennis shoes.
V gasped.
Unfortunately, the stranger heard her. The man turned around and spotted the frozen merc, something like relief laxing his tense expression.
“Hey!” he cried.
He shuffled forward.
V shuffled back.
Her eyes tried to look at anything but what was in his hands. Anything at all.
“Hey, you!” he cried again. “I got to get to a ripper…”
The man’s whole body was trembling, and his voice was overflowing of desperation. She slowly allowed her eyes to fall upon his sweaty face as he panted, seeing his throat bob with each swallow.
Her pity outran her common sense.
“Alright,” V replied, discomfort heavy in her tone and eyes trying their best to look up towards the clouds.
“Great!” he heaved.
V’s brain was still trying to register her predicament, let alone the fact that she agreed to let this half-naked stranger into her car.
“Why’re we standing here?” the man stammered. “To the car! Now!”
A cry left him with enough volume to snap V to her senses.
Quickly, she slid into the driver’s seat. The lunch was placed in the back while her brain was trying to conjure up the fastest way to the nearest ripperdoc.
Though she knew exactly what ripperdoc was the closest, she hesitated. She hated this for him, hated that this weird-ass situation was what she was going to bring to his doorstep. V tried to think of any other clinic that was nearby, anyone at all who was available on such short notice. The reality was, however, that this was an emergency. Any moment the guy’s crotch could set her car ablaze, and ultimately her first option was the best.
When the passenger door slammed shut, dread had already started to climb up from her stomach into her tightening throat.
“Ugh,” groaned the man as their vehicle picked up speed. “Satisfaction guaranteed, they said…”
Ah, she thought. Of course.
V asked if he was referring to the Mr. Stud implant, the provocative ad flashing in her brain. When he confirmed her guess, she hummed in validation. He thanked her for her professionalism, for not being too judgey, given the circumstances. That was the most cordiality her newfound client provided, however, because for the rest of their short ride there was more screaming, moaning, and the demand that she mow down a class of children and pretty much everyone who dared cross their path. Telling him to chill the fuck out didn’t get her anywhere, nor did some scripted words of encouragement.
“Oh, it burns! It burns!” he near screamed, hurting V’s ears.
The moment they arrived at the clinic V didn’t waste any time. She quickly grabbed the bag from the backseat and directed the man to the green, neon sign on the other side of the alley.
“W-Where are you going?” he panted as she took off towards the clinic ahead of him.
“Giving the doc a heads up!” she called from over her shoulder. “Just come this way!”
Two steps at a time, V practically threw herself to the bottom of the clinic’s stairs. Stumbling, she burst inside, the metal gate grinding loudly through its shaft.
Viktor was already on his feet, no doubt startled at the commotion she was causing. Something between a smile and pure shock was spread on the ripperdoc’s face as he greeted the merc.
“Hey, V, where’s the fire-”
“I brought you lunch!”
V moved past him to toss their meal on his workbench. Some of his tools fell loudly to the floor.
“Aw, thanks, kid,” he said with a small smile, allowing himself to be touched by the gesture despite the rising chaos that was building in his clinic. “What’s going-”
“I also brought you a patient!”
Before the words registered, a harsh cry echoed in the large space. Viktor’s eyes snapped to the entrance of the clinic where a sweaty, half-naked man was leaning on the gate’s frame. The man’s hands were planted in the apex of his thighs. A sudden spark caused his body to jolt.
Like a switch, Viktor’s focus became sharp and alert.
“V, the chair,” demanded Viktor. “Stat.”
The merc grimaced as she hoisted the stranger up and led him to the operating chair. Viktor had already sanitized his hands and arms with a quick drying antiseptic by the time the man collapsed in place.
“Due to your compromised state,” began Viktor in a flat drone. V winced at how Viktor shoved his usual stimulant into his forearm, leaving behind a rounded wound that would join the other scars. “I am obligated to act on Article 23.4 of NUSA’s Good Samaritan Law to provide emergency medical care-”
“Shit,” moaned the man, his hands gripping hard at the armrests. “W-What the hell are you talking about? Just do your fuckin’ job!”
“Preem,” muttered the ripperdoc as he jabbed the man’s upper thigh with his medgun. The man yelped. “Pain should subside now.”
V suppressed a smile in response to the dry look that Vik shot her.
“Grab me two ‘Dorphs from that shelf,” he told her, a finger from his exoglove pointing in a general direction. “Need Beauts.”
“On it.”
As V searched his supply, Viktor gathered information from his new patient.
Despite knowing the ripperdoc for as long as she had and walking in on countless operations, seeing Viktor work in such a controlled, level manner calmed V’s nerves as well. A voice as rich as honey had that effect on people. The man made ripper work look easy, multitasking between running diagnostics, checking vitals, and laying a thin, surgical drape on the man’s exposed lap. Viktor kept the conversation flowing, delivering timely ‘mhms’ and repeating specs aloud for the recording program of his computer. He had an ease to his voice, something tranquil and trustworthy, even as Viktor pushed against the man’s chest when the guy tried to rise from the chair.
“Jesse,” warned Viktor calmly. “Easy there.”
If he wanted to put up a real fight, V doubted that Jesse had a chance against Viktor. The patient’s body squirmed under the force of one arm alone.
“Doc, doc, doc, you need to operate,” Jesse argued. “You n-need to-”
“Jesse,” Viktor snapped, and in response the man immediately stilled. Jesse’s lids seemed to then get heavier and his shoulders slumped.
“There we go,” soothed the ripperdoc with a smirk, his body stretching on his rolling stool. “Took your body a while. I gave you a little cocktail of mine, the Vektor special. Should feel nothin’ but good now.”
V set the requested meds on a metal table by his stool. Viktor grabbed one, shook it, and handed it wordlessly to his patient.
Turning on her heel, V was about to dismiss herself from the situation. Her role was fulfilled. The guy was maybe gonna be okay, and even though V interrupted several of Viktor’s appointments, she could at least attempt to respect Doctor-Patient confidentiality. The flaming crotch man seemed like a great place to start.
Just as she started to walk away, she felt a tight grip on her wrist.
“Nuh-uh,” said Viktor lowly, fingers giving a gentle squeeze. “I’ll need ya to stick around for this one, kiddo.”
“Think you got it, Vik,” she said with a grin. “Flaming dicks aren’t really my thing.”
“Oh, I know I got it,” he returned. “And flaming dicks aside, I’d rather have a second pair of hands should things head south. Normally I’d call for Misty, but she’s out today. Besides…”
Viktor rolled in closer to V, an air of confidence about him. V’s eyes narrowed.
“Would love to see you play nurse,” he purred.
A warmth stung her cheeks as she took her wrist back.
“So long as I don’t have to wear an outfit, I’ll help,” she quipped.
“Oh, don’t tempt me.”
The huskiness of his voice made her blush even more.
Viktor winked up at V before he turned his full attention back to his sedated patient.
Her attention, too, travelled back to Jesse as he huffed the med. Then, they fell on the surgical drape in his lap.
“So,” she prompted. “His dick was about to explode.”
Viktor hummed in agreement.
“You don’t, uh, seem that worried about it,” she went on.
A chuckle.
Even Jesse in his laxed state, sat up a bit for an explanation.
“We’re in the clear for now,” answered Viktor. More so to the patient, he added, “Now that you’re calm, your blood pressure isn’t forcing that faulty equipment to activate. Should be smooth sailing if you stay as relaxed as possible.”
“Oh, okay,” replied Jesse dumbly, no longer looking Viktor in the eye, but instead gazing up at the dark ceiling. “Um, what are, what are you going to do exactly, doc?”
“Gonna take that shitty tech out of your junk, Jess, that’s what. Guessing you got it for a steal, right? Black market shit? Some word from the Wise: Don’t ever accept tech that’s too good to be true. Ever. Especially if it’s an implant like this. I mean, you’re lookin’ at a few potential side effects that I can talk to you about after the procedure-”
“Wait, you can’t, like, fix it?”
Viktor sighed.
“Uh, no,” he replied flatly. “Not my specialty. And I don’t plan on being held liable for whatever, eh, works and doesn’t work. I can refer you to a guy I know in Charter Hill though.”
Jesse pouted in response, but after seeing how Viktor wasn’t going to budge on the issue, he consented to the procedure.
As time went by, V kept busy by fetching Viktor whatever supply he requested, whether it be more drugs, sutures, or gauze. Which was fine and ultimately best considering the kind of operation that was taking place. Not that V became squeamish around the sight and smell of blood, no. That wasn’t it. Just the nature of it all, that Vik was repairing a poor man’s augmented penis.
So much for a relaxing, care-free day.
The only saving grace to it all was seeing Viktor in his element. The man shined. He kept Jesse talking, eyes meeting his patient’s and on the monitor in equal measure, while also sounding personable and sincere. They exchanged stories about interests, about boxing matches they’ve seen, hobbies, some boring topics, some piquing her curiosity. Viktor’s voice held the same steadiness no matter the subject, and V’s heart warmed at watching him work with such care. Though she’s been in his operating chair herself probably hundreds of times, it was something special to see him work with someone else, to witness him calm even the most panicked of souls.
A goofy laugh gushed from Jesse, no doubt feeling the effects of all the medication.
“Ah man, you’re just so sexy,” he blurted.
V blinked at the realization that the comment was directed at her.
A listless ‘Mm’ was all she offered.
Viktor kept working, attributing the outburst to the drugs.
“I mean it!” said Jesse, misreading the woman’s lack of response. “You are just so gorgeous. So, so breathtaking. And you helped me-”
“I expect to be paid,” V reminded him.
“Yes, yes, and you deserve to. Yes, you deserve to! Doesn’t she deserve to be paid?”
Viktor offered a close-lipped smile in agreement, preferring to finish the operation as soon as humanly possible with the turn the conversation had taken. Just a few more stitches-
“Do you do advertisements?” continued Jesse, nearly sounding manic. “Do you? A supermodel maybe? You know, like a side gig sorta thing?”
V snorted.
“Nope, can’t say I would even want to, Jesse.”
“Huh, well, you should think about it. You would make a shit ton of eddies if you did, probably more than merc work. Not to objectify you, but like, you totally have the bod for the job.”
Viktor glanced up at V after that comment, his blood boiling at how Jesse’s advice rendered her speechless.
Not missing an awkward beat, Jesse then asked “So are ya single? Or is dating not your thing?”
V squared her shoulders.
“Don’t think you need to know that-”
“Come on! Gimme a hint. I mean, no judgment if you don’t date.”
“Good to know.”
“Yeah, I can keep it loose. What about you?”
Viktor’s jaw started to ache from how hard it was clenched.
“Actually,” said V, her voice perking up. “I am dating someone. And I like the guy. A lot. Pretty solid, so not really looking for anything else right now-”
In a voice that Viktor could only assume was supposed to be a whisper, Jesse said, “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt ‘im-”
A clank.
Viktor had put down a pair of surgical scissors so loudly that both Jesse and V jumped.
“V?” questioned the ripperdoc in a terse tone. “Mind grabbin’ our patient here a low-dose ‘Dorph for the road? ‘Bout finished up.”
A heavy sigh of relief left the merc as she headed towards the back of the clinic.
“You’ll need to take two huffs now and two more in an hour or so, okay?” said Viktor to Jesse, annoyed at catching Jesse’s eyes trailing after V.
“That woman,” he started to say, clearly missing what Viktor had said about the meds. “For such a smart mouth, she’s got a great ass, am I right-”
Without warning, Viktor’s fingers smacked the side of Jesse’s face with enough force to make him flinch. Stunned, Jesse immediately looked at Viktor.
Eyes locked on Jesse, Viktor called out to V.
“Hey, V? See any more of that stim I use? You know, the one that I need in case my hand slips?”
Some shuffling sounded from the back.
“Um, yeah,” she shouted. “Why?”
“I just did a lot of good work here on Jesse’s dick. Would hate for something to happen to it at the finish line.”
Jesse swallowed as he could feel the outline of Viktor’s intense stare past the tinted lenses. The ripperdoc sat close to his patient and spoke in a voice so dark that it made Jesse’s hair rise on the back of his neck.
“You’re my patient now, but the moment you step out of here, you’re just any other asshole on the street that hits on V in front of my face. Difference between now and then is that I’ll kick your goddamn teeth out on the curb should I hear another word out of that mouth of yours ‘bout how hot she looks and what the fuck she does with her body. You will pay her. Don’t care if you pay me, but unless you wanna know what the Bradbury sidewalk tastes like I better hear from V by the end of the day that you paid her in full for bringing you into my clinic today or so help you God I don’t find you and get those eddies myself.”
Jesse swallowed before nodding his head.
The only sound that could be heard in the clinic was V’s footsteps. She found it odd how still the men were sitting and how Jesse didn’t acknowledge her presence once she returned to the operating chair.
“Here,” she said to the ripperdoc, but Viktor shook his head at the stimulant she brought.
“You know, I actually think I won’t need it. He’s all set and ready to go. Aren’t you, Jesse?”
The guy would have some balls to respond. As expected, Jesse remained quiet. The ripperdoc’s back popped as he rose slowly from the stool, his body stiff from operating. He continued stretching as he walked towards the locker room area of his clinic to fetch Jesse a pair of stocked sweats that he set aside for patients.
V gave Viktor a questioning look and was met only with another classic wink.
“About my payment,” she began, turning her attention back to Jesse.
Still refusing to look her in the eye, Jesse stated, “I’ll get it to you in an hour.”
The man quickly dressed, thanked Viktor for his services, and rushed out of the clinic without looking back. Based on the smugness that Viktor carried himself with as he wiped down his workspace, V caught onto what happened.
With V’s help, the clinic was cleaned and prepped for the next fortunate soul who sought out Viktor’s care.
The pair were lounging on the ripperdoc’s crusty couch in the back of the clinic, their feet propped up on a stack of boxes with lukewarm takeout in hand.
“Not a fan of Jesse’s career advice, I take it?” teased V with a grin.
Viktor glowered as he swallowed a mouthful of noodles.
“Not a fan of really any advice he gave, no,” he replied coolly.
“Might lose future business,” she mocked, but he was already shaking his head.
“It’s all good. I’m eating lunch with a supermodel. Life can’t get any sweeter.”
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 4 years
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Ch 7
Word Count: 3,437
Colson continued to be sick as the night dragged on. Dr Lander had warned of the side effects and advised Colson to keep hydrated. Tired of rushing him to the bathroom, Y/N called room service and requested a bucket filled it with sand and put it at Colson's side of the bed; in case he had another bout of nausea-which he did, for most of the night.
"I'm so sorry baby..sorry for putting you through this," Colson mumbled repeatedly.
"I got you babe. Don't worry... I'm here okay?" she cooed soothingly.
Y/N patiently wiped his face or mouth whenever he dribbled and held up the bucket for him when needed. She constantly made trips to the bathroom to wash the towel; to wipe the sweat off to keep his body cool. Colson was delirious until his fever broke, which was the point they finally got to rest.
Colson's phone kept buzzing on the night-stand until Y/N reached over and answered it; because she couldn't take it anymore. "Hello," she said groggily.
"Good afternoon Y/N," Byron said, "Any chance I can talk to your husband?"
"Hmmm.." Y/N groaned, "No can do By."
"Why? He still asleep or..? It's way after lunch-"
"Rather you come over and see for yourself," she croaked in her sleep deprived voice.
"Is everything okay?" Byron started to panic.
"See you soon By. I need to go back to sleep now so-bye," she hung up and went to the bathroom. Then called room service and ordered breakfast for herself since Colson was still knocked out.
Colson was still sound asleep so she tiptoed around as she cleaned up the bedroom. She flung the windows open and the fresh air that invaded the room was a welcome intrusion. The curtains she kept closed so as not to wake him. Colson's phone rang again and she rolled her eyes before answering.
"Hi Mrs Baker! How are you this fine afternoon?" Jax said with enthusiasm.
"Jax," Y/N groaned.
"Everything okay there? Anything I should know?" he inquired.
"Just get here and you will find the answer to all your questions," she sighed as she cut the call.
"Hey-is Colson around?" Slim asked.
"Hey Slim. Yes but he's still asleep," Y/N said for the umpteenth time.
"We have a sound check at four so was wondering-"
"It's not going to happen," she said flatly.
"I'm coming over," Slim saved her the trouble of hanging up.
The phone wouldn't stop ringing. She was almost tempted to switch it off.
"Hi Mrs Baker this is Dr Lander..from last night at the hospital?"
"Oh hi Doc," Y/N said, "I'm going to get the driver to bring you tickets right away. Take care."
A few minutes later she heard a loud knock on the door; when the door swung open Slim, Jax and Byron were waiting outside. Y/N glanced at them and grunted a greeting before walking back into the bedroom. She had thrown on decent PJs and tied her hair in a messy bun. They trailed behind her quietly and stood at the door waiting for her to allow them to get in.
"Colson is sick," she stated in a flat tone, "I took him to the hospital last night but he seemed better and then he got worse. Fever, nausea-all of it," she leaned against the headboard and rubbed her forehead.
"Why didn't you call us?" Slim asked.
"He insisted that you all needed a day off and he was against the idea of calling any of you," she dug her hands into her luscious long hair as she pushed it back. Slim stared openly and shook himself before anyone else noticed.
"Let's not have this discussion here, we might wake him up. He needs his rest and so does Y/N," Byron led them back into the living room.
"So today is the last day of the tour and Colson seems out of it," Byron rubbed his chin worriedly.
"What do we do?" Jax asked as he sat down.
"We can improvise.." Slim suggested.
"How?" Byron asked in a low voice.
"We can give him a little pick me up.." Slim smiled slyly "it works like a charm.."
"No!" Jax said adamantly as he rose to his feet.
"Look-it's the last concert guys c'mon. We can't be refunding fans that got tickets already. Need I remind you it was a sell out show?" Slim whispered defensively, "Besides everyone in showbiz does it."
"What you're proposing will do more harm than good," Jax whispered fiercely.
"Guys let's take five shall we? Deep breaths everyone.." Byron raised his hands, "That's it.."
"Don't tell me you're in agreement with him??" Jax turned to Byron, shock registering on his face.
"Well..I.." Byron looked around in discomfit.
"You can't-" Jax looked distraught.
"I don't really need anyone's permission besides Col's. So I'm going to ask him what he thinks when he wakes up," Slim challenged.
"Why would you want to put him through that again? He's been clean and it should stay that way...Don't do it Slim," Jax glared at Slim, "Just because you're beyond redemption doesn't mean you should take Colson down with you."
"Well, we will have to see about that the, won't we?" Slim sneered and walked out of the hotel room. It was time to put his plans in motion..with a little help from unsuspecting friends of course.
"Hey Slim," Ashleigh opened the door and let him in.
"Hey Ash, listen..I think you need to take Y/N out of the house or something. She seems like she could use a friend right now you know?" Slim said with concern.
"Oh..is she okay?" Ashleigh asked as she sat on the couch opposite Slim.
"I think you should just go over and suggest lunch or shopping or whatever it is you girls do to de-stress," Slim shrugged as he leaned forward.
"Okay, I will do that..maybe Sommer can join us?" she said brightly.
"Yeah, that would be great. It will give the boys a chance to bond," Slim stood up and made to leave, "I'll go and tell Sommer to get ready, so long."
"She can just come over to Y/N's once she's done," Ashleigh said as she walked him to the door.
"Thanks Ash, you're a great friend," Slim said as a parting shot. He smiled to himself as he walked back to his hotel room. All the pieces were falling in place. He would get his revenge before he left and he wasn't going out without a fight. Colson would pay.
"Hey Byron..have you sorted out the venue for the after party? The Banquet Manager just sent me a text that there was a mix up with the booking," Jax looked at his phone and frowned.
"What? I thought she had sorted out the issue with the double booking??" Byron stood up and raked his hand through his hair in frustration, "this is just what I need! I need to get this thing sorted before Colson finds out," Byron grabbed his coat, "please make sure he's on time for the sound check," he said before he rushed out,
"Checkmate," Jax grinned as he made his way to Colson's bedroom. He knocked softly and Y/N's melodic voice told him to come in.
"Hey Y/N-we need to get Colson out of here. I'll explain later," he hurried over and effortlessly lifted Colson over his shoulder, "please get dressed quickly."
"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Y/N furrowed her brows as she threw the covers aside and grabbed her shoes.
"That's what I'm trying to do-make sure everything is okay..including Colson," Jax made for the door, "Let's go-hurry please!" he implored.
Jax hoped that they didn't bump into anyone as they escaped from the hotel room. There was no way he would allow them to manipulate Colson-they would have to kill him first. Jax had vowed to Colson's father to protect him at all costs and he would; no matter what the cost. He would deal with Byron and Slim later. He was actually disappointed in Byron, he didn't expect him to go along with Slim's pea-brained scheme. Clearly Byron was all about the dollar signs and didn't care about Colson's well-being.
"Please open the door for me?" Jax asked when they got to the car.
"Sure-sorry let me get it," Y/N ran forward; opened the back seat of the SUV and then jumped in from the other side. She cradled his head an her lap and he began to stir. Colson's eyes fluttered open and then he fell asleep again, oblivious to what was going on around him.
"So we're going to hideout at a guest house close to Genval Lake until this whole thing blows over okay?" Jax drove away quickly but cautiously.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on now?" Y/N pursed her lips in a grim line as she stroked Colson's soft platinum hair.
"I will but you're not going to like it..just promise me you won't confront anybody?" Jax stared at her through the rear-view mirror, "promise."
"Fine," she sighed.
Jax filled her in on the whole debacle and Y/N went from shocked to super-pissed. Jax had to tell her again that confronting the perpetrators was not an option. She argued with him until she was red in the face but Jax was adamant.
"Let me handle this," he insisted; then "please?" in a gentle voice.
It was inevitable that Colson would wake up because of the heated discussion that was taking place, while he was half-asleep.
"Stop the car!" Colson shouted as he scrambled to sit up.
Jax didn't hesitate he slammed on the breaks by reflex. Colson threw open the door and barely made it out. He spewed his guts as soon as his knees hit the ground. Y/N grabbed a box of Kleenex and a bottle of water then went after him. Jax was crouched close by rubbing his back with a concerned look on his face.
"I'm sorry sweets. I know you didn't sign up for this," Colson croaked as Y/N dabbed his mouth and wiped the sweat of his face.
"I said I do didn't I?" Y/N jabbed at a joke.
"Guess you did," he gave a lopsided grin and drained the water from the water bottle.
"I feel like a third wheeler," Jax grumbled as he stood and dusted his jeans.
"Nothing new," Colson muttered and Jax punched his shoulder playfully.
"You're ready to go?" Jax asked.
"Yeah..just give me a minute," Colson leaned on the car as another wave of nausea seized him.
"I've got your meds in the car. Should I get them? They kind of helped last night.." Y/N suggested.
"Baby, I can't tell you how sorry I am.." Colson said dejectedly; his face filled with shame and remorse. He pulled her into his arms and leaned his forehead against hers.
"There's no need to apologize..I know you would do the same thing for me," she kissed his forehead then pulled his hand, "Let's get out of here."
"Are you good to go?" Jax started the car.
"Yeah," Colson replied, "what were you two arguing about earlier on? The truth please?" Colson put emphasis as he held Y/N's hand.
"Well..if you really want to know.." Jax sighed deeply; his hands tightened on the steering wheel.
"I do," Colson stated firmly.
Jax told him about the discussion that went on while he was in oblivion and didn't leave anything out. Colson clenched his jaw and didn't say anything until Jax was done talking. They even arrived at the house but Colson remained in the car and told them to go ahead without him, he would follow.
The house was a beautiful cosy villa consisting of an entrance hall, a bright living room with a wood stove and beautiful bay window overlooking the lake, a fully equipped kitchen with a breakfast corner, the floors had a sumptuous studio and its adjoining terrace. It had four large bedrooms, including a master room with a dressing room, two large bathrooms with bath and shower. A haven of peace, in a quiet close with outdoor parking included.
Y/N went straight to the shower and afterwards proceeded to make brunch but Colson had beat her to it. He was busy cooking up a storm with the help of Jax. She stood at the door and just observed for a while before they noticed her.
"We're almost done here. Maybe you can help set the table on the terrace or the garden? You can choose," Colson turned back to the stove and busied himself again.
"He'll be fine. Don't worry okay?" Jax startled her and intruded her thoughts. He set the steaming, delicious food on the garden table, then put his hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah..of course," she gave him a stiff smile and proceeded with him back to the kitchen.
"I think we're all set. I'll take the coffee outside and you kids can bring the toast once it's done," Jax said.
"Have you taken your meds?" Y/N asked Colson as she leaned on the counter.
"Yes mum," he teased, "stop worrying okay?" he kissed her on the cheek and smiled, "can we go and eat now? I'm staving!" he tugged Y/N's hand and pulled her back outside.
They made small talk as they ate and Y/N noticed that Colson seemed to be in a better mood. Either that or he was a very good actor..come to think of it-he was. He even had an Oscar to prove it..
"Sweets-please stop worrying! I'll be fine okay," Colson reassured his wife for the umpteenth time, "beside you will be right with me on the stage-isn't that enough?" he chuckled and cupped her face. She tried to focus on his hypnotic blue eyes instead of his enticing well-toned body. He had just stepped out of the shower with a towel loosely tied around his waist; smelling so fresh and looking too sexy. His golden locks were still dripping with water that slid slowly down his neck and coursed down his chest. She had never been so turned on by him as she was at this moment. He could literally make her do anything right now and she would be more than willing to oblige.
"Alright, alright," she said weakly when she remembered that they were supposed to be having an argument, "but if I feel that you are straining yourself then I will be forced to do something about it," she was bit her bottom lip.
"Gees sweets! You're beginning to sound like a typical nagging wife!" Colson laughed and she broke out of his embrace. Y/N couldn't get over his laugh. He looked so young and carefree. His beautiful features really stood out whenever he was happy; which was very rare.
"Cut it out Baker," she swatted his arm and folded her arms.
"I'm just teasing Bambi," he pulled her closer and kissed her softly. Unable to resist him as usual, her lips melted into his and they became one. The kiss ignited something in them and it went from being a mere spark to an uncontrollable inferno. Without breaking contact, Colson lifted her and gently placed her on the bed. Her hands were deeply buried in his hair; his hands were tracing every contour of her body. Their bodies fit perfectly together and they were lost in each other. Caught up in a world of their own where only two of them existed and their need for each other was the main purpose of their existence.
"I need you Y/N," Colson whispered as he pleaded with his intense arctic eyes that bored into her very soul. She could see the need in them and she needed him almost as much as he needed her. He turned up the music on the iPod when she silently gave her consent with a silent nod. He was sure that things were about to get a bit loud and more heated.
He was bound to lose control once he got a taste of her because he had wanted her from the moment he laid his eyes on her. She pulled him back to possess not only her lips but her mind, her body and her heart.
𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 
𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 
𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝑰'𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 
𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 
𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒆𝒆
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 
𝑾𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 
𝑰'𝒎 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓 
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 
𝑰'𝒎 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏 
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖  
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
(Credit: Devil Within by Digital Daggers)
Jax checked his watch and noticed that Colson would be late if they didn't leave soon. There was no sign of either him or Y/N and by the sound of the extremely loud baby-making music streaming downstairs from their bedroom; he knew they were definitely not playing Karaoke.
Jax sighed as he made his way upstairs. He didn't want to disturb them but he had to. Nonetheless he still felt bad. He raised his hand and pounded on the door and got no response until the third knock. The music was turned down considerably and Jax could hear movement.
"Go away Jax! We're almost ready," Colson called out.
"Don't let me come back again," Jax called, "you have exactly one hour to get ready," he said before turning to leave.
"I wish we didn't have to go," Colson groaned as he brushed his lips on Y/N's neck.
"The show must go on Baker," she pulled the covers over her exposed body and sat up.
"Do you regret it?" Colson asked as he furrowed his brows.
"Never," she said with pure conviction.
"Neither do I," his face broke into a smile, "I just wish I could do you all day.."his skilled hands started to rove again.
"Colson.." Y/N gasped as his lips found her weak spot.
"I love it when you say my name like that..it makes me want to take you over and over again.." he trailed her body with feather-light kisses and once again she was at his mercy.
Jax checked his watch again and shook his head. It's a good thing he told them they had exactly an hour to get ready instead on two hours. He knew they would disregard his warning. He stood outside the door and pounded on it once again. The door flew open and Colson stood there fully dressed but cussing him with his arctic orbs.
"That scowl on your face tells me that you're happy to see me," Jax grinned, "it's a good thing you're ready though..where is that dangerously gorgeous wife of yours?" he peered over Colson's shoulder.
"She's almost done," his face softened, "can we go and talk downstairs?"
"So what's on your mind?" Jax sank onto a nearby couch and stretched out his long legs.
"Did you make doubly sure that security will keep Slim out? I don't want him anywhere near the stadium," Colson stressed.
"Yeah I did. We got everything covered. It's under control okay?" Jax reassured him, "if you can step outside, you will see that we have beefed up the security around you as well."
"Good," Colson nodded and ran back up the stairs.
"I didn't know what to wear so.." Y/N shrugged as Colson gave her a once over. She was dressed in full white- ripped jeans, t-shirt and matching converse sneakers.
"You look good baby..you always do," Colson stepped forward, "except there's one little problem," he undid her messy bun and her beautiful, lush hair came tumbling down her back, "I prefer your hair like this," he kissed her nose and smiled.
"If it pleases the master," Y/N bowed her head and they laughed.
"Let's get out of here before the master throws you back on that bed," Colson jerked his head towards the bed.
"Not if I do it first.." she purred as she traced her finger suggestively down his chest. With that she exited the room without another word.
Colson stood there gulping down his own drool; every fiber of his being on fire...
Tagged: @kellysimagines
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Leave No One Behind
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Ch 9-Doctors Orders Part 1 Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: Hannah has a cold and of course Ari takes it upon himself to look after her. Once that little obstacle is out of the way trouble finds them once again on the morning of her birthday…and hell breaks loose at the Red Sea Diving Resort.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW no under18s)
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
A/N: This chapter is going to be split into a number of parts, posting over the next few days. A lot happening here. It ran away with us a little bit! Hope you enjoy, we’re proud of this one!!!
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 8
“Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race. A celebration, Mr. Blue Sky's up there waitin', and today is the day we've waited for.”  Mr Blue Sky by ELO
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 Ari woke early the next morning and he immediately could sense something wasn't right. For starters Simon wasn't curled on his head, not that he was complaining but it felt quite strange to feel him at the end of the bed and not all over the pillow. Speaking of the pillow, he noticed Hannah's head wasn't on it, right next to his, even before he opened his eyes. Why couldn't he hear her breathing? And what was that other noise? Just with that thought he bolted his eyes open only to find Hannah sat up in bed, coughing.
His eyes quickly roamed the dark room, it was still dark outside, but he could just make out her bare back as she was sat up, her knees bent to her chest as she tried to stifle the coughs in the palm of her right hand.
"Hey, you ok?" Ari asked with his sleepy voice before clearing his throat.
Hannah nodded in response but continued to cough as she did so.
Ari shifted on the bed and sat up, gently moving so he could see her, ignoring Simon's grumble as he was jolted from his position by his feet from where he was watching Hannah, again. Ari glared at him. He and that dog were going to need to set some ground rules. Well basically just one; no grumbling at him while on his fucking bed. 
He heard Hannah chuckle softly at Simon's reaction and he reached out to rub her back. Damnit, she was warm to the touch, so he moved again to lay the back of his hand against her cheek.
"You’re hot, Firefly."
"There’s a joke in there somewhere, Lobo." she mumbled before breaking into a hacking coughing fit again. "Fuck, I feel like shit Ari."
She definitely sounded like shit too.
"Let me get you some water." Ari offered before hopping out of bed. He found his shorts and threw them on and then he headed over to the small dresser where there were a couple of bottles. He grabbed one with a swift movement and brought it back to her, twisting off the cap. Hannah took a drink under Ari's watchful eye, spluttering a little as she coughed again but she managed to drink half of it before she handed it back. "You must have gotten a cold." He smiled sympathetically at her. "Or some random tropical disease." she coughed again, just before sneezing.
"Nope. You got soaked in the rain yesterday, Firefly." he stated, a little smug at the memory of her wet clothes sticking to her body.
"I’m the doctor not you." she managed to state between coughs and then looked at him. "Besides, you don’t get colds from getting wet Ari, it’s a virus."
Ari chuckles while rubbing her back softly. "Alright, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" "Drugs, Ari. I need some paracetamol and whatever else we have in the kit." Ari saw her scrunch her nose and she groaned. "Fuck."
"The medical kit is in the office." "I’ll go fetch it sweetheart. You stay here." Ari offered, happy to be of use and take the reins. "I can’t Ari, I need to get back to my hut before anyone sees me…" and with that she set into another load of coughing and sneezing "...or hears me for that matter."
Ari pondered for a few seconds, noticing she was right as the first rays of sun were beginning to sweep through the window. "Then I’ll take you to your room and then I’ll go get the stuff."
She nodded "Can you pass me my dress?"
Ari picked it up from the back of the chair but turned to look at her "Han, it’s still damp." She groaned.
"Hang on…" he said before Hannah watched him disappear in the bathroom only to emerge from it a few seconds later with a towel in his hands "Wrap yourself in that for the time being."
"Yeah, cos that’s not gonna look suspicious."
"This whole thing is gonna look suspicious, Han. Stop being a pain in the ass and do as you're told." the natural leader in him commanded.
Grumbling, she took the towel, stood up and wrapped it around her before taking a shaky step. "Jesus."
"You ok?" Ari asked as he threw his shirt on.
"Just dizzy." Hannah replied as she stood put and rubbed her temples.
Ari rounded the bed concerned and in a quick movement hooked one arm under her legs, the other round her back beneath her shoulders. He was sure she was going to protest at the sudden movement and change of position but she gave a little sigh instead and relaxed into his arms, tucking her head into the crook of his shoulder and Ari thought that was clearly testament to how ill she was. 
He made his way to the door with Hannah in his arms and clicked his fingers at Simon who followed him.  He opened the door with one hand, peeking out and once he had checked the coast was clear he quickly and quietly made his way to her hut. Praying to God and all the saints he didn't run into someone coz, honestly, he had no fucking idea how he was gonna be able to explain him carrying a semi-naked woman bridal style from his hut to hers.
 Once he had reached Hannah's hut he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath and letting relief wash over him before he set her gently on the bed. 
"That's it, sweetheart. Want me to tuck you in?"
Hannah shook his head while adjusting to the new position "Just pass me a cami and a pair of sleep shorts from the drawer."
He headed over and did as he was told, gently dropping her clothes onto the bed next to her.
"Can you manage or…" he asked, hands on his hips and nodding to the items of clothing.
Hannah smiled at his concerned face "You’re the expert at getting me undressed Ari, I’ll manage the other way round just fine."
He chuckled "Ok, I’ll be back in a moment."
Ari left her to it and headed to the main area. Once there he tried not to warn anyone of his presence by bumping into furniture as it was still fairly dark in that part of the resort. He carefully went into the office and turned on the light, locating the medical bag immediately and searched for the meds Hannah had asked for. Just a few seconds later he jumped out of his skin when he heard Max's voice.
"What are you doing?"
"Jesus, Max. You scared the shit out of me." he hissed, trying to buy some time to come up with a feasible excuse.
Max chuckled and then nodded to the box of pills. "You ok?"
"Just a headache. Needed some paracetamol." he said casually, avoiding visual contact with Max and looking at the pills in his hands instead.
Next thing he knew Max was handing him the water bottle in his hand. "Here I’ll get another."
And of course then he had to be watching him so Ari had to take 2 of the damned tablets himself before he managed to fob Max off, grabbing another 2 and heading back to Hannah’s hut once Max curiosity had been duly satisfied and he had watched him turn around and leave.
"What took you so long? Couldn't you find the bag?" Hannah blurted out when he saw him coming into her hut.
"I found something more than the bag. Don't ask." he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and handed the pills. "Here."
She frowned and sat up straight and reached for the water while he explained about his encounter with Max making Hannah chuckle and shake her head before breaking into another coughing fit.
"Are there any side effects to taking painkillers without being in pain?"
"Yeah, Lobo. Hair loss." Hannah deadpanned.
 "No need for sarcasm." he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Well, stop asking stupid questions." she quipped before taking the pills with a mouthful of water, wincing. “My throat feels like I’ve been swallowing glass." "Want me to arrange for you to stay in bed all day?" Ari asked, his hand falling to her knee.
"I’ll be fine in an hour or so, besides if I stay here all day I’ll be bored and there’s stuff to do and ..." she whined.
Ari scoffed and cut her off.  "Ok let me rephrase that, I’m gonna arrange for you to stay in bed all day."
"No, Ari, like I said, it’s boring." she insisted.
"I’ll come keep you company as much as I can." he tried to bargain, knowing full well she wasn't one for following orders she deemed stupid.
"Oh yeah? And what you gonna tell the others as to why you keep sneaking in here to see me?"
"That I’m coming to check up on my teammate." he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like you did with my aerobics classes…when Rachel noticed and asked why you never checked on hers?" she asked, a wicked smile on her face.
"No, that’s….I didn’t…" he sighed. "Well, can you blame me?" he asked with a whiney voice.  Hannah laughed and he smiled "You weren’t exactly being discreet, Levinson"
"Ok, look, forget about that now. I’ll figure something out." he said as he leaned over to kiss her frowning when she pulled back.
"Yeah I wouldn’t do that if I were you."
"Yeah, good point. Although isn’t a cold contagious days before symptoms?" he cockily asked.
"Hark on you Dr Levinson."
"You know, Guy Thomas is technically a doctor, I mean he has a PHD so…" 
She laughed loudly which made her cough. "In fucking Anthropology!"
"Details…" he smiled broadly.
Hannah snorted and locked her eyes on his "You’re right though. Chances are you already got it." Ari chuckled. "Ok, I’m gonna go for my run before everyone gets up. You gonna be ok?" "Sure I’ll manage. I’ve lived alone for the last 4 years Ari, had plenty of colds…" Ari grimaced, he didn’t like to think about that. For some reason it made him a little upset though he knew it was illogical as she was a grown woman and a doctor nonetheless. "Just try and get some sleep. When they start asking where you are at breakfast I’ll use it as an excuse to come see you, tell them I’ll come find out."
"Make sure it’s you who comes, please." she pleaded as she got under the sheets and rested her head on the pillow.
"Of course it will be. I’m the boss, can do what I want."
She sat up again and gazed at him. 
"Don’t let Sammy come or I’m never leaving this hut again."
"Dramatic much?" he tried to joke. "I know him, he won’t let me out of bed for days." she said and Ari could read the concern in his eyes.
 "Neither would I given the chance, albeit for a much different reason." he quipped cheekily, trying to brush her concern away.
His eyes sparkled with satisfaction as he saw Hannah's jaw drop. She slapped his arm and broke into a coughing fit. "You’re an asshole Ari. You can’t say that when I can’t kiss you properly."
"Then I’ll say it again when you can." he said, rubbing her thighs over the covers
"Damned straight it is."
Hannah grinned before leaning back on her pillow again "Go, before I climb you like a tree and infect you with my virus."
"Now that's an image I intend to dwell in all through the day, Miss." he said before kissing her head and getting up and walking to the door. "Thing is firefly…" and he turned to look at her, one hand on the door handle. “…you infected me 9 years ago."
"That is so lame!" she said as she threw a pillow at him "Go. Now."
He chuckled and stepped outside closing the door behind him.  Hannah then looked at the pillow and groaned. "Now I gotta pick that up."
As if on cue Simon trotted towards the pillow and flopped down on it, looking up at her.
"Ok, guess I don’t…" she shrugged
**** Ari was hoping his run would keep his mind occupied and help quiet the noise in his brain. He was worried about Hannah and though he was well aware it was probably only a cold and, yes, she was a fully trained doctor who knew exactly what she was doing, he still couldn't help but think about how poorly she had looked and sounded. 
Fuck it.
With a sigh he turned his Walkman off when he was still a mile or so away from the resort. He couldn't concentrate on what he was listening to and the headphones were constantly falling from his head due to his furious strides. He wasn't in the mood and every little thing in the universe was apparently conspiring to bug him. 
Damn, Ari. Are you listening to yourself? 
His inner voice slapping him on the back of his head was the final straw. He groaned and quickened his pace, longing for the moment the cold water in the shower would ease the stiffness he was feeling in his muscles and mind. 
"I thought you were ill." Max greeted him when he emerged in the main area after making it home and showering.
"I had a headache. Hence the painkillers. And guess what, they killed my pain. So here I am." he explained, a bit too harsh.
"Woah chill man." Max frowned as he raised both his palms as a peace gesture.
"I’m perfectly chilled." Ari huffed as he sat down on a chair.
The truth is she wasn't chilled, not even remotely. He knew there was nothing he could do and Hannah would be probably asleep once the effects of the pills had kicked in, but he was twitchy as fuck to go check on her. "You look worried Ari." Rachel stated. More as a warning of his conspicuous behaviour than as a real concern.
"Do I? Well I’m not. What’s for breakfast?" Ari asked, trying to put on a genuine smile on his face but failing considerably.
"Whatever you want. The guests don’t arrive until 11 so it's up to you what you want. There’s plenty of bread for toast and pastries in the pantry." Rachel replied, squinting her eyes at him.
"Ok, I’m gonna grab some coffee." he said as he got up, praying someone asked about Hannah soon coz he was now seriously worried. 
He was not only worried about her but also about acting cool when they would eventually ask. He wanted it over and done with as soon as possible coz he didn't know how much time he was going to refrain himself from snapping at someone or something. He grabbed his coffee and then an idea came to him. He poked his head back into the main room and asked if he should throw a few rounds of toast in for everyone, knowing if he made enough there’d be some left over and they would be bound to notice one of them was missing.
An instant later Rachel came in to help. They made the first batch in silence, his mind still racing, and as the second batch was in she turned to him. 
"So, come on, don’t bullshit me Ari. What’s going on?"
"What do you mean what’s going on?" he asked back while cursing at a piece of toast who was still too hot for him to grab.
"You’re twitchy. You and Hannah had an argument already?"
"What? No…what makes you think that?" 
Rachel looked at him with that seemingly expressionless look that was yelling cut the crap and Ari sighed. It was Rachel after all, he could trust her and it would do him good to blow off some steam with someone.
"She’s ill."
Rachel frowned before asking "What do you mean? Like bad ill?"
"No, it’s a cold but she’s feeling pretty rough." he explained as he grabbed the bread from the toaster and dropped it onto the plate. He felt relief as he uttered those words, explaining what was going on to another person had really helped him realise he really shouldn’t be making a big deal out of it.
"Ah. Ok. Want me to go check on her?"
"No, I told her I would when you all realised she hadn’t shown for breakfast…" he paused and then bit his lip "Look, can…can you just maybe ask about her out there? My nerves are on edge."
Rachel smiled "Sure, good look convincing Sammy to stay away."
"Actually, I was hoping you could help me with that." he asked somewhat shyly.
"You’ll figure something out."  His shy request had morphed now into a wicked smile making Rachel roll her eyes at him.
"You owe me Levinson. I don’t like lying to him, it’s not fair." she conceded but waved her index finger at him.
"You don’t have to lie to him…just don’t tell him the truth."
"Where I come from that’s called lying, Ari."
"You know what I mean, Rach." he remarked as he flashed his signature cheeky smirk at her.
"Come on man, I’m hungry." Max's voice suddenly startled them both.
Ari seized the opportunity and gave her one last pleading look at Rachel and she groaned before pointing at him again.
"Fine, let's get this over with but I mean it. You owe me, big time."
"I know, and if it's any consolation I don’t like all the sneaking around either but until Han is ready to tell Sammy there’s not much I can do." he shrugged.
"Whatever." she said, grabbing one big plate and handing it to Ari "Take the toast out there, Romeo."
They headed back out of the kitchen, carrying the communal breakfast and Ari sat back down, a bit more collected this time.
"About time, what were you doing? Baking the damned bread?" Max whined, raiding the toast plate.
"You wanna eat that toast or wear it?" Hannah cut his protests.
"Woah, easy Rachel…what’s happened this morning, why is everyone so tetchy?"
Ari looked at Rachel and she understood. The sooner they get this over with the better but just as she opened her mouth to speak, Sammy cut her off.
"Where’s Hannah?"
Everyone looked at one another for a few seconds. The only thing that could be heard being Max munching his toast. Ari tried to hold back the relief sigh he was dying to exhale. Rachel wasn’t needed after all, he had to thank Sammy for that.
"I ain't seen her." Jake, who had been getting the matches for his tan ready, shrugged. "Or Simon actually, he’s normally here before she is…"
 "I’ll go see if everything’s ok with her." Ari offered, standing up.
 "I can go." Sammy frowned.
No. No. No. Ari froze and panicked for a few seconds and gave Rachel a meaningful look.
"Let Ari.” Rachel l blurted out before pausing. "Because of Simon…you know the dog doesn’t like you, and it will only put you in a bad mood if he starts growling and you’ll end up arguing with Hannah.”
Well, that had been bold but it seemed to have worked as next thing he knew Ari heard Sammy grumbling. "stupid little gargoyle."
"And that’s why he hates you. You insult him, you hurt his feelings." he told Sammy, trying not to seem too eager to fuck the hell out of the room.
They were all too focused on their own act to notice Max who was simply looking at them, munching his toast. He clearly wasn’t buying any of the shit Rachel was saying.  Whereas Jake was too engrossed in cutting the matches he had previously taken from the matchbox with a knife, his coffee long forgotten.
"It’s a dog Ari, he doesn’t know what I’m saying." Sammy continued grumbling.
"Well he clearly reads your body language then."
"Yeah…that’s true. He copies body language too." Max deadpanned, sitting back on his chair.
Ari did his best to keep a straight face, ignoring him but clearly hearing his sniggers. Rachel was the one to glare at him and he shrugged as he resumed eating his food.
Thankfully, Rachel then took charge of the situation and started explaining the schedule for the new guests that would be arriving a few hours later, Ari took the opportunity and stood up, heading out  for Hannah’s hut. Gently opening the door he saw Simon was snuggled around her head and she was dozing. He approached and sat on the edge of her bed and watched her for a few seconds before feeling her forehead. She was still warm and he sighed.
Simon moved his head and licked the back of Ari’s knuckles when he recognized him.
 "You looking after her pal?" he cooed at the dog and moved his hand to scratch under the dog's chin, "Good boy."
Simon wagged his tail and rolled over demanding more belly scratches from the hairy human that seemed to be sharing his mom's bed. Ari chuckled as he obliged, rubbing his pink and black spotty belly.
"Demanding little bastard." he softly whispered so as not to disturb Hannah's sleep. But it was too late. With a little sigh she stirred at the movement, blinking.
"Hey, how you feeling firefly?"
"Still crappy." her voice came out hoarse. 
"Yeah, you’re still warm. You should rest in bed till you’re feeling better." he ordered softly.
"Yes Dr Levinson… or Dr Thomas, whatever." she said before yawning and Ari chucked. "How was it out there?"
"Not bad. I asked Rachel for help but it wasn’t needed, Sammy asked before she could."
Hannah nodded and shuffled down a little in the bed, coughing again. Ari waited until she was done and he then leaned down over her, one hand either side of her shoulders as she was led on her side. 
"Ok sweetheart. I’m gonna go back out now but once they know I’ll sneak to see you whenever I can." 
 "I’m just gonna sleep Ari, I don’t need babysitting." she grumbled.
Ari raised an eyebrow playfully. "Ok, so you don’t want me to take care of you or keep you company? That’s fine, I get it…" he mocked a complaint, a soft smile on his face.
"Shut up." Hannah groaned.
"And now you don’t want to hear me either." he chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Get some rest and shout if you need anything." and he pondered for a moment before speaking. "On second thoughts, just don't shout. Your voice is terrible today..." and he stopped when he saw her mouth drop open "You know what I mean, Firefly."
"Ari?" Hannah asked as he made to stand up. "Yeah?" "I could use some orange juice." she beamed at him before sneezing for the umpteenth time.
"Ok, I’ll bring some for you." Ari wandered back to the main area, all the way thinking how he was going to pull his next stunt. Just act natural, Levinson. You got this, he thought as he entered the main area, his hands falling to his hips as he walked in.
"Where is she?" Sam asked once he spotted Ari was back.
"She’s sick Sammy." and he held his hand up to stop Sammy’s impending babble. "It’s just a cold."
Sammy frowned. "A cold?"
"That’s what she said." He shrugged and turned to walk to the kitchen. "She asked for some paracetamol and orange juice." he said, ignoring the fact Max was narrowing his eyes suspiciously after he caught Ari with the pills before. He opened the fridge, considering if it would be good for her to drink cold liquids, and poured a glass of orange and went back into the main dining area just as Sammy walked in from the office with the box of pills and gestured to the orange juice.
"Want me to take it? I can examine her."
"She’s a doctor too, Sammy." Jake snorted.
Ari was getting more flustered by the minute. He just wanted to get rid of Sammy and get back and check on her again. Damned it. He knew he was being ridiculous but she really didn’t look well at all and if he had his way he’d be curled up besides her all day. He would trade posts with Simon on the spot. He looked at Rachel as a last resource, silently asking her to take the reins. 
Rachel took a deep breath and turned to Sam. "Sammy, she won’t want her brother fussing." She then turned to Ari. "Take her some toast too in case she feels like eating something." she said while putting a few slices from the large plate on the table onto a smaller one. "Tell her I’ll check up on her later and grab her laundry."
Thank you Rachel.
"I bet Simon is eating that toast." Max quipped.
Jake chuckled. "That’s a point, should we take care of him today?"
Ari shook his head. "He was curled up on the bed with her, looked pretty comfy. I’ll take him for a walk if he wants to go but to be honest I don’t think he’ll leave her."
“Unless it’s you.” Max quipped.
“What do you mean? Ari asked.
“Simon is conveniently deaf unless you or Cracker are talking to him.” Max grinned “You’re like his parents, it’s cute.”
Ari rolled his eyes and with that he headed back out, down to her hut. God, he was sweating already and he had showered less than an hour before. Simon looked up when Ari got in the hut. Hannah was asleep so he placed the orange juice, toast and pills on her bedside table before leaning to kiss her head.
"Sleep tight, my Firefly." he whispered as he straightened up and looked at Simon. "You coming buddy? Let’s get you some food and go for a walk, huh?"
Ari watched the dog look at Hannah, then him and then back to Hannah again, hesitating. Sammy could say whatever he wanted, but that dog did understand what they said to him. No one was gonna convince him otherwise.
"She’ll be ok pal." Ari rolled his own eyes at himself when he realised he was explaining to the fucking dog. But Simon was proving his point as he stood up and walked down the bed, jumping off the side. Ari saw him stretch and wag his tail as he headed out, Simon at his heels. 
A few hours later Rachel went to Hannah’s hut and knocked on the door, walking in after Hannah told her to do so. Rachel found her sat up in bed and thought Ari, though being a painful drama queen, was right. She looked awful. Her nose was red, her eyes looked tired but at least she was reading.
"How are you feeling?"
"A little better, thanks. I had a good sleep and the meds seem to have worked their way into my system." she explained and then she paused. "What time is it by the way? I can’t find my watch." she asked Rachel as she scanned her bedside table and drawers again.
 "Maybe you left it in Ari’s hut…I mean if you slept there last night…" Rachel offered, cocking an eyebrow.
Hannah looked at her and sighed, rolling her eyes.  There was no point in even denying it and she wasn't feeling strong enough to either. "How much do you know?" "Well from what the pair of you have told me and the fact his tee was mixed in with your laundry, I’d hazard a guess at all of it." "Ari’s shirt was..? Shit!" Hannah groaned.
"Yup, shit indeed. You’re lucky I spotted it before your brother did. Thankfully it was next to a pile of your panties and he wasn’t looking." Rachel chuckled at Hannah's mortified expression before continuing. "Then there’s also the fact that the dress you were wearing yesterday was on the chair in his hut. I washed that too, you can thank me later, or we can talk about how his bathroom was missing a towel and curiously enough there’s one that seems to have appeared on the floor by your bed. Your pick."
Hannah groaned again and rubbed her face down her hand.
"By the way it was the shirt he was wearing for dinner the night he came home." Rachel winked at her.
"Yeah I know…he left it here and I forgot I threw it in with my stuff." "You two had yourselves a welcome home party, huh?" Hannah laughed at Rachel's wriggling eyebrows and coughed a little. "Don’t be so nosey."
"Look, I’m happy for you two, I really am. And I love to see you happy, you deserve it but…well, Max suspects something and it’s only a matter of time before Sammy and Jake figure it. Especially if Ari is as shit at keeping a cover as he seems to be. He was a wreck this morning."
"A wreck?" Hannah asked, surprised. "I’ve got a damned cold, what’s he so fretted about?" "Well according to him you looked really bad and were burning up, moments from death…you know that type of thing. I had to smack some sense into him in the kitchen before he blew it with the rest." 
Hannah rolled her eyes. "He’s such a drama queen."
"When it comes to you he is. You should have seen him. Shittiest Mossad agent ever." Rachel mocked him.
Hannah laughed again and, as usual that morning, her laugh was punctuated by coughs.
"Luckily Jake is too focussed on his tan to notice and Sammy…well Sammy is oblivious and to be fair probably doesn’t even want to even consider anything like that so…"
Hannah pondered what she had said for a minute and looked at her. "You think we should come clean? I mean Ari said he would happily tell everyone but I’m not sure if I can handle Sammy already."
"That’s up to you. But the longer you leave it, then surely the harder it's gonna be?" Rachel smiled at her, sympathetically.
Hannah rubbed her eyes. "I don’t think I can do this until I feel better, and then it’s my birthday next week and don’t want anything to spoil it."
"I can’t answer Hannah, I can’t tell you what to do." Rachel patted her leg.
"I’ll speak to Ari about it." she mused and Rachel laughed.
"What’s so funny?" "That man will do whatever you tell him to do. I know that, you should know it by now." Hannah shook her head, though Rachel may be right that was not what she needed at that moment.  "I don’t want him to just do what I say, just want him to help me make a decision." She looked at Rachel and then grinned "I see you did a pretty good job covering the marks on your neck, unlike yesterday."
Rachel blushed. "You saw them?"
"Yes." And the grin on Hannah’s face turned into a grimace.  "And I don’t want to think about it. He’s my brother."
"Ari told you?"
Hanna nodded.
"I’d already figured it out. I told them ages ago the pair of you were…you know, or at least there was something going on. He was like a bear with a sore head when you were on leave." Hannah explained
Rachel squinted her eyes at her. "Like you were when Ari was gone?"
Hannah shrugged, to be fair Rachel was right, the Navons were pretty shitty at concealing their feelings. And speaking of concealing?  "FYI that concealer on my desk is pretty good if you need to borrow it."
Rachel stared at her blankly and Hannah swept her hair to the side to show her the now fading bruises Ari had given her the other evening and Rachel snorted. 
" Wild Ari, huh?"
"You got no idea." Hannah smirked mischievously.
"Pity Sam is your brother. We could have traded stories." Rachel shrugged amused.
"Don’t get me wrong Rach, I’m happy you’re with him. He needs someone in his life that’s for sure but…yeah, no. I’d rather not listen to them…but if you need to talk hey, I can pretend you’re talking about Chef Aziz…"
At that the pair of them burst out laughing and Hannah had another coughing fit just as Sammy walked into the hut.
"What are you two laughing at?" he asked as he glanced at Hannah. "You feeling better, Han?" "Loads. Rachel is great company." she said, raising her eyebrows at Sammy who went immediately red and cleared his throat. "Need some water Sammy?" Rachel who was sitting on the edge of the bed slapped Hannah’s leg through the covers and mouthed to her Don’t be mean.
Hannah shook her head and looked around, allowing her brother to collect himself. "Hey, where’s Simon by the way? He bailed on me…"
"He was with Ari. They went for a walk then down to the diving hut and then Ari was going out with Jake to prep the tour route for tomorrow." Sammy explained.
 "Has Simon gone on the boat with them?" Hannah frowned.
 "Yeah, why?"
 "I thought he only went diving because he wanted to be with me." she pouted. "He’s been stuck to Ari like glue all day." Rachel confirmed.
 "He even ignored the new group of tourists." Sammy scoffed.
"Judas." Hannah grumbled, folding her arms.
3 days Hannah was in bed laid up, and Ari hated it. He’d popped in as much as he could, stealing half an hour or so here and there to lay with her, until Sammy pulled him up at one point over lunch on the second day.
I’m the doctor, she’s a doctor…I don’t see why you have to be checking up on her all fucking day.” Sammy pouted.
“Because you’re busy with the guests.” Ari reasoned “I’m the manager so I can just float about. Besides, it hasn’t been all fucking day, I’ve been to check on her like 3 times to take her some water and something to eat, that’s it.”
Nevertheless, he backed off after that. On the 4th day Hannah eased back into light duties so Ari managed to spend some time with her during the day as but he continued to sleep in his own hut to allow her to sleep properly to fully recover and also to avoid further suspicion as he had also developed a little sniffle himself and was running out of excuses to the rest of the team as to what it was.
But all this meant it was nearly a week since they’d last managed a night together, and it had left him a total needy bastard.
One morning he arrived at the main area of the resort after he’d been talking to a few guests who had asked him for ideas of what to do in Port Sudan. He headed into the main rooms, looking for Hannah, mentally ticking off where she could be. She wasn’t with Jake and Sammy as they were out diving, she wasn’t with Rachel and Aziz helping set up for lunch and Max…well he had no idea where Max was at all. He stood pondering for a moment when he spotted Simon trotting out of the office and he gave a grin.
Hannah was looking through the filing cabinet in front of him as he stepped into the room, silently. He took a moment to appreciate her, taking in her long legs right from her bare feet up to the hem of her pale, strapless blue sundress which hung mid-thigh. It curved neatly over her ass and hips trailing the curve of her waist up to her shoulders which were bare, hair pulled into a messy pony tail, halter neck of her bikini tied at the nape of her neck.
Fuck this, it had been far too long. And he was horny as hell. The damned world could wait.
He shut the door with his foot and she jumped slightly, turning to face him but before she could register what was happening his lips were on hers, the kiss demanding as his hands held her cheeks, tongue finding its way between those soft pillows, sliding forcefully against the roof of her mouth. She let out a soft moan and her hands moved directly to the ties on his swim shorts. His lips curved into a smirk at her demanding nature, the fact she wanted him just as much was getting him even more worked up, and she pulled back to look at him a little, her fingers undoing the string easily as his hands slid to her waist, yanking her even closer so their pelvises were flush and she could feel his arousal pressing into her stomach.
“Stop smirking.” She mumbled, and he chuckled a little, his nose brushing hers “Cocky bastard.”
“You want cocky?” he muttered, his lips brushing hers, the feather-light touch sent a shiver down her spine as his mouth slid to her jawline and that spot on her neck just behind her ear. “I’ll show you cocky Firefly.”
His lips crashed to hers again as he pivoted them away from the cabinets and towards the desk at the side of the room, his movements effortless as she gave into his directions completely. Submission had never been her strong point, but when it came to Ari she was weak and now was no exception. She was weak to his touch, his mouth, his every damned action as she allowed him to man handle her, his hands gliding up her back to her neck, fingers of one grasping at the nape as he held her face to his, his mouth dominating hers.
In a quick, almost forceful movement he spun her round, his mouth trailing open mouthed kisses down her neck to her shoulder, moving to the other side to repeat the action and she let out a low keen of delight.
“Shh.” He stopped, what he was doing and Hannah stilled, her breathing deep. Once she’d obeyed he picked up where he had left off, his hand sliding up over her covered breasts, palming them in his large hands, letting out a gently sigh of his own as he felt her nipples peak through the material.
“Ari…we can’t…” She mumbled, suddenly coming to her senses as she heard voices pass by the reception desk “There’s people outside…”
“I don’t care.” He whispered into her hear, his right hand gently sliding back7 up her neck, fingers flexing over her smooth, delicate throat “You can be quiet, right?”
“I…” he cut her off as he tilted her face to his, swallowing her protests with another filthy kiss, his other hand moving down, rucking her dress up, the pads of his calloused fingers tracing a slow path up her inner thigh. He gently brushed over the spot between her legs and a soft growl rolled in the back of this throat as he could feel her arousal through her bikini bottoms. He released her mouth, his lips staying millimetres away from hers “You’re fucking soaked baby girl”
Hannah couldn’t find the words to reply. She was putty in his hands, and happy to let him take control. All truth be told she was aching for him too, and although this hadn’t been going on long in the grand scheme of things, the way he did make love to or fuck her had her craving for his touch whenever she could get it. She let out a gasp as his fingers brushed her bottoms to one side, skating her slit as he found her nub and began to coax at her expertly. She bit her lip, hard, the taste of copper flooding her mouth as she found herself desperately trying to control her noise.
Releasing her throat, Ari’s other hand gently pressed at the base of her spine, bending her forward a little over the desk and her hands splayed flat against the wooden surface sending a few papers floating to the floor, her check pressed to the cheap oak. Ari moved her bikini to the side, and with one hand still on her back he used the other and gave himself a few strokes, before he lined himself up and sank into her.
“Fuck…” She hissed between gritted teeth as he pulled back, sinking straight back in again, his eyes focussed on the spot they were joined, watching himself move in and out. His thrusts were slow, deliberate at first, and his eyes flicked to Hannah’s face as her head raised from the desk, tilting back slightly. He saw her jaw slacken and in a flash his hand reached out, palm clamping over her mouth.
“Gotta be quiet sweetheart…” he grunted out, his other hand gripping her shoulder so he could pull her back onto him and he picked up the pace, fucking her with desperation, like a man starved.
The sound of skin slapping skin, her muffled moans and his own low hisses filled the room as he continued his assault on her spot, his cock dragging against her walls again and again. It was quick and dirty, and before long Hannah could feel herself unravelling. Ari felt her too, the tell-tale fluttering of her clamping down on him signalling she was close.
“Nearly there baby?” he asked, even though he knew the answer and she gave a quick nod, his fingers flexing over her mouth. Releasing the grip on her shoulder he reached around, found her clit and she felt the teasing of his thumb and forefinger as he rolled it between them, his chest pressing to her back, mouth nipping at her ear. With a shudder, the world faded to nothing but a bright, white light and she came, her groan stifled by his hand as she bucked back, eyes fluttering shut, knees trembling as she went limp over the desk. Releasing his hold on her mouth he grabbed her hips, his own snapping back and forth with enough force to jolt the desk slightly, causing it to scrape over the floor as he felt his balls contract and he came inside her, hard, and it was all he could do to keep himself from yelling out.
“Fuck…” he mumbled, his hips slowing to a stop as his head fell forward a little, his breathing deep, T-shirt sticking to him as sweat coated his entire body. He took a moment before he stepped back and looked down as Hannah pushed herself up, his hands gently pulling her up by her hips helping her to stand.
“Cocky enough?” he quipped as he straightened his pants whilst she turned to face him, her cheeks flushed. She reached up and pulled her pony tail free, shaking her hair out whilst she shook her head, grinning at him.
“One word for it.” She arched an eyebrow as she re-tied her hair and squirmed a little, feeling his release dribbling down her inside leg “And now I need to go change.”
“I thought bikini bottoms were supposed to be waterproof.” He chuckled, pulling her in for a quick kiss.
“You’re an ass hole.” She mumbled, before she pulled away, patted his chest and opened the door. The sound of the guests outside grew louder as the flow of fresh air filled the room, well, fresher seeing as it was fucking hot out there too, and with a last glance over her shoulder she smirked and left.
Part 2
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thejolexgroupchat · 4 years
the one where they met in med school - part twenty-three
i think you all can tell by the gif what’s coming in this fic...
this one is one our favorites enjoy! - @iamtrebleclefstories​ @doc-pickles​ & Nat
if you haven’t read parts 1-22, you can find them here
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Also... this has some M rated content. Read at your own discretion ;)
(March 2009 cont.)
Jo was exhausted, more so than she’d ever thought she had been before. Her day had been shitty, she’d been barfed on twice, and she hadn’t seen Alex since she rolled out of bed that morning. The moment that Shepherd came up to her and let her know that she could leave for the day, she jumped at the opportunity and rushed to change out of her scrubs as quickly as possible. All she wanted at the moment was to get into the loft, take off her shoes, and drink a bottle of wine while her and Alex snuggled on the couch. 
Of course, why would anything work out for her? The door was jammed, something that it had a habit of doing in the winter months that drove her insane. Despite her upper body strength, she was never quite able to pry the heavy metal door open without Alex’s help. A groan left her as she began to dig through her purse in search of her phone. She didn’t think Alex was home, meaning she would have to call him and then wait for him to get there before she could get in.
Frustrated tears welled in her eyes as she struggled to find her phone, the emotions she’d been holding back all day coming to a head when she realized she would be stuck in the hallway until Alex came home. The small inconvenience was the tipping point for her as she slid down the door and began to cry loudly.
“Jo? What are you doing?” the door opened suddenly, Jo falling backwards as Alex pulled it back. She looked up from her place on the floor, eyes staring up at Alex in confusion. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”
“I couldn’t open the door,” Jo made no effort to move from her spot laid out on the floor as she cried. “And then I couldn’t find my phone and I got puked on today and I just want some wine.” Alex kneeled down next to her, a small smile on his lips as he brushed her hair out of her face, “I have wine inside, you gotta get up though.” Jo took Alex’s outstretched hand, standing up and following him into their apartment. The living room was dark, the lights off but the room illuminated by dozens of candles that laid out everywhere. Jo turned around to look at Alex, who wore a crooked grin on his face as she looked up at him, “Wh—how? How’d you do all this?” “Bailey let me go early,” Alex shrugged, wrapping his arms around Jo’s waist. “I wanted to surprise you.”
Jo blinked once, twice, a third time before a gasp escaped her and her brain caught up with what was happening. The candles, the button up shirt her boyfriend was wearing, the stupid grin on Alex’s face… It all made sense now, “You let me lay on the floor? You’re planning on proposing and you let me lay on the damn floor?!”
“I got you to stand up! If I had known you were gonna lay on the floor I would have stopped you,” Alex laughed, kissing Jo sweetly before pulling back. “Now there’s something I’ve gotta do. It’s a little cheesy, but…” Jo watched in shock and awe as Alex kneeled down in front of her, grasping her hands in his as he looked up at her with a stupid grin, “Before you, I was just some stupid selfish kid riding through life without a care in the world. And then I met you and something in my stupid brain told me that you were different, you were worth it. And for some reason I decided to listen to that little part of my brain and… it was the best decision I could’ve made. Before I met you I always wanted to run, but I couldn’t run from you, not when you feel so much like home. Not when you’re the only person who’s loved me for exactly who I am… You’re so screwed up that you make me make sense. You and me, we just fit. And I want it all with you, everything else that happens from here on out I want you there with me, Jo. So…” Alex reached into his pocket, Jo’s breath hitching in her throat as she watched in slow motion as he opened the velvet box in his hands. The stupid cheesy grin on his face seemed to grow tenfold as he stared up at her with teary, hopeful eyes, “Josephine Wilson, will you please do me the immense honor of becoming my wife?”
“Yes! Hell yes, a million times yes,” Jo leaned down and pressed her hands against Alex’s cheeks, kissing him soundly as she struggled to hold back her tears. “This makes up for all the barf and the laying on the floor.”
Alex laughed as he let a few tears escape his eyes. He stood up and slid the ring he’d spent the past two weeks obsessing over on Jo’s finger, marveling at the sight of it finally on her hand. He stared at her for a couple seconds, in awe of the woman in front of him. This was real. Jo had actually agreed to marry him. 
Jo must’ve noticed his amused expression because she looked at him weirdly, “What?” 
“Nothing,” Alex shrugged, a light chuckle escaping. “It’s just… out of everything in the history of my life, nothing has surprised me more than getting you to agree to marry me.” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” Jo brought her hand up to his face again. “I love you. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You make me feel safe and at home. You are my heart. Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?” 
At that moment, Alex didn’t really think there were words that could articulate everything he wanted to say to Jo. So, he did what he did best. He decided to show her. 
Leaning in for another kiss, Alex wrapped his arms around Jo, pulling her close to him. Jo buried her hands in his hair, kissing him back as if he was the very air she needed to breathe. When they finally parted, Alex allowed his lips to trail down the column of her throat. He let Jo’s soft gasps and whimpers be his guide as he led them over to the couch just a few feet away. 
Jo giggled as they fell back onto the couch cushions, “Really? The couch. We just got engaged and you want to have sex on the couch? The bed is right there.” 
“I’m impatient,” Alex’s hands found their way underneath her shirt and teased her exposed skin, causing Jo to shiver. “And I really don’t think you want me to stop, so I’m going to keep going. Besides, I told Shepherd we weren’t coming in tomorrow, so we’ve got all night to celebrate.” 
“All night?” Jo raised her eyebrows. “Is that a promise?” 
“Oh, definitely,” Alex’s lips curved into a smug grin. “You aren’t gonna know what hit you.” 
“Well then why are you still talking? Get to work,” Jo ordered as she stripped off her shirt and began to unbutton Alex’s. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Alex laughed as he helped her undress him and bent down to press light kisses along the edge of her bra. He played with the straps before reaching behind her to unhook it. He grinned as Jo’s breasts were finally exposed and leaned forward to kiss between her cleavage. “God, you are so beautiful. I love you so damn much.” 
“You just love my boobs,” Jo teased. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
“I do. I really do love your boobs,” Alex confirmed, not even looking the slightest bit embarrassed at having said it. “But I don’t hear you complaining about the attention I give them.”
“Oh no, by all means, please continue,” Jo grinned brightly as she watched him excitedly return to kissing her breasts. 
Alex took his time giving each breast an equal amount of attention, taking each nipple in his mouth and swelling with pride as he saw Jo’s chest rise and fall and her back arch in response to his ministrations. Her chest and cheeks were flushed and her breaths were becoming more shallow, signaling that she was highly aroused and well on her way to what he was sure would be an intense climax. 
He loved that he could do this for her. He loved that he could make her feel this much pleasure. He loved that he could make her feel desired and cherished. It was humbling and thrilling all at the same time. The fact that they were engaged now, only made the thought that much more incredible. For the rest of their lives, he’d be the only one who would get to see her this way. 
“Alex,” Jo breathed out softly, pulling him from his thoughts. “No more teasing. I need you, right now.”
With an understanding nod, Alex let his hands slide down to Jo’s hips, unbuttoning her jeans and quickly pulling them off. He stood to remove his own pants, heart swelling at the look Jo fixed him with, “What's that look for?” 
“Nothing, I just really love you,” Jo grinned as she rose up on her knees and reached for Alex, bringing him down into a searing kiss. “And I really can’t wait to take your last name.”
Alex paused and looked at her strangely, “You want to take my last name?”
“I mean, yeah if it’s alright with you,” Jo shrugged shyly. “I know it isn’t common for female surgeons to do that anymore, but I just… I’d really like to take your last name, because I’ve never had the last name of anyone who’s ever loved me.”
“I love you so much, future Dr. Karev,” a chuckle left Alex as Jo pushed him down onto the couch, legs straddling his waist as she brought their lips together again. Her hot core was grinding down onto his throbbing erection, a groan coming from Alex as he wrapped his arms around Jo’s waist, “God, I’ve been thinking about this all damn day.”
“Well I’m glad I can finally give you what you want, Dr. Karev,” a smirk crossed Jo’s face as she sunk down onto Alex in one swift move, both of them letting a groan of relief out. Alex buried his face into Jo’s neck, his tongue darting out to tease at the hot skin as she began to move at a tortuously slow rate above him. “This makes my whole day worth it.”
The pace Jo set was good, she felt perfect around him, but Alex needed more. Watching her moan and writhe above him had set something off within him and he wanted to savor the moment. With a x quick flip in position, Alex laid Jo down on the couch, pressing his hips into hers and eliciting a loud moan from her as she adjusted to the new position.
Alex watched in fascination as Jo’s back arched off the couch with each long thrust he made, her mouth agape as she let her moans fill the hot air between them. Bracing his hands on both sides of her head, Alex leaned down to bite at Jo’s neck again, his teeth marking her skin as he let the pace of his thrusts quicken.
“Alex… oh my god,” Jo’s voice was impossibly high pitched as she let her nails dig into Alex’s back, spurring him on to keep his wild pace up as she began to move her hips in time with them. He’d wanted to take things slow, to cherish Jo and worship her body after she had agreed to become his wife, but she’d had other plans and he knew as soon as she’d sat astride his lap earlier that he’d be a goner, succumbing to whatever it was that she wanted from him. “More, please more.”
Wasting no time in heeding Jo’s request Alex grabbed one of her legs and brought it up to wrap around his hips, letting him hit her at a deeper angle as he increased the speed of his thrusts. He could feel the way that he bottomed out with each movement of his hips, disjointed moans coming from Jo as her nails raked down his arms and grasped at the burning skin. 
Alex and Jo had had sex hundreds of times before this, they’d used every available flat surface they could find to get in each other’s pants. But this, this desperate and hot session on their couch was something that Alex didn’t think he would ever be able to forget. Jo’s breathy moans and the way she called his name as she neared her release imprinted themselves into his brain, his mind tucking away the image of her letting out a slow and throaty moan as she came, her eyes flitting up to meet Alex’s in a love drunk haze.
“You look gorgeous,” his words were low, almost a growl as his thrusts began to turn sloppy. Pressing his forehead against Jo’s, Alex let their lips ghost over each other as his own orgasm crept up inside of him. “I love you… I love you so much.”
Alex dipped his head down to Jo’s neck as he finally let himself go, spilling inside of her as she let out a desperate moan. The two laid still for a moment as they came to, letting themselves catch their breath and relish in the moment. When he finally did move, Alex laid himself out on the couch and brought Jo into his chest.
“I can’t believe you proposed to me,” Jo giggled, holding her hand up to inspect the ring that now graced her left hand. “I mean I knew you would eventually, but I’m still shocked. I didn’t think I’d ever get a happy ending.”
“You deserve everything good in this life, Jo. And I will do everything in my power to make sure we have a very happy life together,” Alex said, while Jo cuddled into his chest, his arm around her body. 
“What is this? Are we exchanging vows now?” Jo chuckled. 
“No, but I wanted you to know that this is what I’ve been preparing for. I am ready to make sure we have a life full of all that crap we see on those stupid romantic movies you make me watch,” he grunted, pretending to be mad, but not being able to hide the sweetness and happiness in his voice. 
“I am sure we will have a very happy life together,” she smiled at him brightly and let out a dreamy sigh as she stared at her ring. “I can’t wait to be a Karev.”
“Jo Karev does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t?” Alex nodded and placed a kiss to her forehead.
“It sure does,” Jo grinned widely.
“I love you,” he pecked her lips. 
“I love you too, fiancé.”
AHHHHHH!! It finally happened. What did you guys think? What do you want to see next?
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Miu x Reader one-shot: Reunited
Warning: Swearing
As soon as that alarm blared that morning you slapped your hand atop the bed side table, searching for your phone, only to knock it off and not even turn off the alarm in the process. You groaned, burying your face into your pillow, pulling your quilts and sheets over your head, hoping to muffle the sound. You just really didn’t want to get up that morning, hell, it was the weekend, you could sleep in a bit longer…
But then you heard that distinctive ding sound and with a heavy sigh you dragged yourself out of bed. Groaning you tried rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes so the brightness of that small device wouldn’t appear as blinding. It was a new text from Miu. ‘need motivation’. It was six in the morning, when did she wake up, or was she up all night you wondered. “Wait… heh, there’s probably a lude joke somewhere there.” Too tired to really think on it you instead went to get dresses.
“About time you got here! What took you so long? I bet it was a wet dream about yours truly.” Miu crossed her arms and smugly smiled seeing you snicker at her comment. “Yeah, yeah. Well, I’m here now, don’t get your panties in a bunch.” “Excuse me, but it’s a detriment to the whole world if I’m not inventing, so get to work so I can get the juices flowing!” “Uh-huh. On it.” And thus you started your morning workout routine. Miu rather… eagerly watching as you worked, the sweat dripping down your brow and making your tank top cling to your ripped muscles, soon glancing between you and the note pad she was so intensely scribbling ideas on.
When the girl was absorbed in her inventing you gently coaxed Miu to her lab leaving her there to get breakfast. After scarfing down the feast Teru had prepared for you, the chef passed you a boxed breakfast. As you were jogging down the hall however you seemed to trip on nothing. “Nishishi! Ah, look! I’ve caught Y/N!” Propping yourself on your arms you found your face had landed in a pie tin full of whipped cream, Kokichi kneeling before you, holding the undamaged breakfast box. “Hey Oma. How are you today?” As you spoke you stood up, wiping the cream off your face with the thumb before licking it off. “I’m booooooaaaaared.” He then tackled your back, clinging to your shoulders. “Hey, hey! Gimmie a piggie back ride!” “Oh? Alright then. Hold on tight!” You ran down hall after hallway, leaping over people and garbage cans, sliding around corners to add some excitement for your passenger.
However to Kokichi’s groans of disappointment you slowed down having reached your destination. You lightly knocked on the door before entering finding Miu busily working away with some scraps of metal or something. “Hey Mew Mew.” Giving her a kiss on her head you took the boxed breakfast from Kokichi and placed it beside her. “The fuck!?” She wiped around to face you, her whole face florescent pink. She was flustered still she seemed to notice something. “Oh, you brought the crotch goblin with you?” You snorted, trying to repress a chuckle. “What are you working on?” “The key to long lasting longevity!” “… Huh?” “Here I’ll place it in simple terms for you since I’m so nice. This bad boy’ll make anyone be able to last all night long! No more sleep while doing things inventions, I’ll be able to stay awake for it all!” “Ooh, I see now.” You closed your eyes and leaned your forehead against her’s. “Just don’t forget to take a break to eat. I’ll get the crotch goblin out of here, so you don’t have any distractions.” “E-eh!?” Miu simply watched in flustered bafflement as you simply walked away, shutting the door behind yourself.
“… Are you two fuckbuddies?” “Heh, nah. I know Mew Mew likes being flustered, but… I don’t know how to make sexual jokes and stuff so, I give her affection instead!” “… Then why do you take care of her? Are you sure it’s not because you LOVE~ her?” … You didn’t seem to react at all to any of his teasing, curious. What exactly WAS your relationship to one another? “Well, I do love her. Admittedly I’m not that smart, or sexually inclined, in fact I think I might be somewhere on the asexual gradient? We’re nothing alike and yet were best friends. I don’t think it’s surprising though since we had known one another since childhood. I’m not entirely sure how or when we had met, she was just always there. She used to be like my big sister! She’d always protect me and fight anyone who picked on me. She always helped me and tutored me when I didn’t or couldn’t understand something…” You lightly sighed, your features becoming lightly crestfallen. “I feel bad about it, but… I… I sometimes miss that girl.” Kokichi was now quite intrigued. “I sometimes feel lost and scared and… and I just want to see her again. I know she’s still there, but… I can’t help these feelings and, I hate them. I hate them so much… I feel so guilty but also happy? It’s… very confusing with these conflicting feelings. Like I know she’s there and hasn’t changed, but she’s also not there and someone else completely?”
Your voice had begun to trail off, seemingly getting lost in thought. You weren’t looking so good. Kokichi quickly looked around, searching for something he could use. It was then Kokichi noticed a dog. It must have escaped from one of Gundham’s animal pens. Perfect. Discretely searching through his pockets, he found a dog whistle. In order to make pranks on the fly, one must be prepared for any situation which could thankfully be used to his advantage here. Then he blew it. Though not a sound could be heard it certainly got the dog’s attention who came racing to it’s call. “Y/N, watch where you’re going!” “Hu- What the-!?” you tripped over your own feet trying to avoid the poor creature. “Sorry little guy.” “Geeze you’re so clumsy, gurl. Let’s take a seat somewhere.” “Yeah, good idea.”
As you promptly trotted to a bench you had asked what you were talking about. “How Iruma had changed.” “Ah, yeah…” After sitting down Kokich sat on your lap. Before you could ask what he was doing he snuggled into you, cheekily smiling and he took your hands, wrapping your arms around himself. “Okay, I’m ready! Stories are best taken in when cuddling after all!” “Hmm…” You propped your chin on his shoulder, thinking it over. “Fine, couldn’t hurt I guess. Anyway, when Miu changed… It was just a day like any other. We were just sitting outside of the school, waiting for Miu’s mom or dad to come pick us up, and they did. We were sitting in the car, faces pressed against the window. We were at a red light so Miu and I were betting on which raindrop would get to the bottom of the window first. And then…” Your grip tightened, holding Kokichi close. “There was this… loud noise. The crunching of metal, but only for a moment, after that, I just heard this loud ringing. I couldn’t see anything, and I was so hot, like when I had accidentally touched the oven. Everything felt as if it were just burning. With how hard the rain came pounding down, it stung. I… I-i…” Due to clutching Kokichi, getting lost in that time, you didn’t notice how he lightly squeezed your hands. “I-I was so scared.” You voice wavered as you curled up into a ball, hugging Kokichi as closely as you could. “And she was just asleep. I, I screamed and cried but Miu didn’t wake up, she just limply laid there. I couldn’t move. I just couldn’t. She didn’t try to protect me like she always did, she… she was just so limp, a-and, and…��� Taking a deep breath you blinked a few times trying to get the blurriness to fade from your eyes. “I, uh, I’m sorry, I got lost in thought, where did I leave off?” “Right after you got help. A bit after the car crash.” “Oh. Okay. Uh, we… Yeah! I wasn’t in the hospital for long… I think? I was comatose or something? They said my brain wasn’t functioning or something for a bit… I’m not sure, but I know  Miu was there for even longer than me. She stayed there for a very long time and got lots of surgeries. When we did meet again, I thought she was a different person. She acted so differently, but I know it’s still her. I visited her everyday. She… was drugged out a lot on pain meds so we mostly watched cartoons the whole time. I thought she’d go back to normal once she stopped needing the meds, but this was just her new normal, even the constantly taking drugs and stuff. I once asked her why she had changed and she told me the surgeons turned her into a cyborg. I’m not so sure about that now, but back then I just accepted it. At the time it seemed to be a reasonable enough exclamation. But as we grew up, she never changed, perpetually the same, only difference is how she likes make sexual remarks. But she stayed the same. So, I guess… I want to be her Miu, her big sibling that will protect her. That’s why I gotta work out. Y’know, since I’m not so smart, I could at least fight and protect her that way. At least… I’d like to think I can protect her, but… it’s not like I’m strong enough to stop a car… Not yet at least!” Verve reignited within yourself as you stood up, placing Kokichi aside. “What am I doing here!? I need to be training and get even stronger! Sorry Oma, but I gotta go now! We can play some other time!” Kokichi simply watched as you ran away, a little idea forming in his mind.
Several days had passed since your encounter with Kokichi and not once did you think back on it. You were a bit scatterbrained often forgetting what you were even doing, but the one thing you could always remember was that you had to keep training so you could be strong enough to protect Miu from anything. Surely with enough strength you didn’t have to be smart! Besides, Miu could do that part for you! Together you could be unstoppable, you just had to get good enough to get to that point. And so you dedicated yourself to training.
Once more you found yourself wanting to sleep in, tossing your phone across the room, forgetting you could just turn it off. After the alarm automatically went to snooze, you were about to fall asleep when a new one sounded. “Hey, past you talking. WAKE UP, IT’S MEW MEW’S BIRTHDAY!” “WAIT WHAT!?” You tumbled out of bed, getting wrapped and trapped in the quilt and sheets, landing on the ground with a loud, deep thud before scurrying across the room. After shutting off the alarm, you were in a panic, wrecking your room, desperately hoping you did get a present and didn’t forget. After ransacking the place twice over you found your gift in the most obvious of places, under your bed. You sighed, seeing the mess you had made. By the time you had finished cleaning breakfast time was almost over so you dashed as quickly as you could to the dining hall.
When arriving at Miu’s door you were confused to hear muffled yelling inside. “H-hey Mew Mew!” You were out of breath, leaning against the door. “Just keep your dumbass, whore mouth shut for a moment, your breath stinks up the place enough as it is with your mouth shut.” You were very confused to see Kokichi here. “Hey! Hold on! What’s going on!” You quickly stomped over, standing between Miu and Kokichi. “Oh! Hi Y/N~” “There you are! Do me a favor and toss this asshat out of here!” You looked between the two, absolutely confused as to what was happening. “U-Uh…” “ “Uh…” is that all you can say you pathetic, brain dead, vegetable person, you be better off-” “What did you just say!?” “Miu?” You were perplexed at how infuriated she sounded. “Something… about a vegetable?” “Don’t even repeat that Y/N!” “O-okay?” You took a step back letting Miu march up to Kokichi, grabbing him the collar of his shirt. “You are pissing me the fuck off! Stop being an asshole, spewing shit all over the place and get out!” She then tossed Kokichi out, slamming the door behind him.
You just stood there, stunned into silence. You hadn’t seen Miu like this in so long and… “What’s that fuckin’ smile about?” “Ah, well… That just reminded me of when we were kids is all.” You lightly chuckled, recalling how once a kid was calling you a scrawny skeleton and Miu just screamed at them, getting red in the face, almost passing out from not even stopping to breath. “Hey, I’m not sure exactly what you were defending me from but thank you.” “Whatever. Nobody insults this gorgeous girl genius.” “… Oma was insulting you?” “Duh!” She promptly sat at her worktable, messing with circuit boards or something. “… I see.” So you were wrong… wouldn’t be the first time. “Anybody who messes with you, messes with me.” “Miu.” “HEY! What the-!” You hugged Miu from behind, burrowing your face into her shoulder. “If you wanted to feel my tits that badly you could have just asked!” “No, sorry, I… I just want a hug.” “… T-then let me out of my seat so I can hug you back, you big lug!” “Okay!”
“Oh, I almost forgot! Happy Birthday, Mew Mew!” Miu burst out into that bombastic laughter, patting you on the head. “Wow, you actually remembered! I thought you were going to be a day late again!” “No, I wanted to be on time this year! I even set an alarm for it!” Miu held the wrapped box, examining it. “So, what did you get me?” “Uh… I… don’t know.” “You’re hopeless without me, but it’s you so, I guess I can trust it won’t suck.” You were so giddy, seeing Miu was still blushing. You really surprised her by not forgetting this year. Trying to remember was well worth it! “A book?” It was a children’s book, the cover and each page completely covered by cartoon characters you immediately recognized. “Wow this brings back memories.” “This is one of the shows we watched at the hospital… Thanks Y/N.”
Before he could be spotted spying through the window he quickly ducked, looking back a minute later finding you sitting in a chair, pulling a blushing Miu onto your lap. Pressing his ear to the door he heard you saying something about cuddling being good for reading before taking a step back. Turning on his phone, Kokichi looked through his e-mail, deleting a receipt for a cartoon children’s book. He then dashed away. Upon arriving at your room, he shut the window, locking it, thanking his lucky stars you hadn’t noticed it that morning as you destroyed your room. If he had known you were going to take so long to find the book, he would have either just placed it on your bed or taken his time to lock the window and not rush to rile up Miu for you to walk in on. Oh well, it still worked out. Helping a younger sibling reconnect with their older sibling, especially one who so clearly loved her younger sibling, he couldn’t think of a better gift for such a person. “Nishishi. Happy birthday Iruma.”
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