#i was so ready to argue w my boss when i saw her
kirishwima · 2 years
why is it that the moment i get the tiniest bit of praise i become literal putty
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luveline · 5 months
would you ever write about hotch pining after r because he thinks she’s interested in someone else but then she confesses to him that she’s only ever had eyes for him 🥹
You’re shocked Hotch will let them look at him, honestly. When was the last time you saw Hotch receive medical attention? He doesn’t seem happy about it, suit jacket folded in his lap, his shirt cut in three places, most noticeably the left sleeve. 
“His arm is definitely broken,” Spencer tells you. 
“Do you think he’ll let me give him some comfort?” you ask, the two of you with your arms crossed against the side of the second ambulance, where Morgan undergoes a similarly reluctant checkup for his bloody temple. 
“No. You can always try, though. He’ll appreciate the effort.” 
You ready yourself with a deep breath and begin the short walk. It feels long then suddenly over at the same time. The only thing between you and Hotch now is a shoe’s width and the EMT securing his temporary sling. 
“They’re making me an emergency appointment,” he tells you. 
You fight the urge to rub the toe of your shoe into the ground. “Are you in pain?” 
“No. They gave me tramadol.” 
Hotch pushed you hard out of the way of a brawl and took blows meant for you in turn. He never lets you get hurt in the field. At first you’d assumed him to be the overprotective boss, and careful of women in the team, but you’ve caught on now that his motivation wells from somewhere deeper. 
Hotch loves you. He won’t tell you. You have no idea why. 
The EMT says she’ll return and takes her leave. You nod to the patch of metal flooring beside him, legs too tired to keep standing, and Hotch moves over to leave a gap between you suitable for turning into. You sit down with a sigh. Face to face, this close, you can see the different colours of his iris and the scar under his eyebrow clear as day. 
“You okay?” 
“Are you?” he asks with nothing more than a single short nod. 
“I’m worried about you,” you confess. “I wish you wouldn’t do that. I can take care of myself, okay? I don’t like you getting hurt in my place.” 
“I’m your Unit Chief.” 
“If it were Morgan, you wouldn’t have pushed him out of the way. If it were Emily. And we both know I can hold my own.”
He doesn’t look away from your face. “I know.” 
You’re finding it hard to want to scold him. You love him, too. You appreciate what it takes for him to take a fight that was meant for you, and the sentiment behind it. You’d quite like for him to protect you, just not at work. He could glare down potential suitors or argue with people who are rude to you at the grocery store. He doesn’t need to do your job for you. 
You raise your hand tentatively to his face, ignoring his confusion as you rake the hair that falls against his forehead back up. “It’s getting a little long for you.” 
“I’ve been busy.” 
“Me too. I keep meaning to do so much stuff but we get home and I get to my apartment and I just sleep for days.” 
“I wish I did something that sensible.” 
You curl your fingers over his shoulder. Without his suit jacket, you can feel the solidness of his muscle and soft tissue clearly. You rub your thumb in a half circle. 
“Why don’t you sleep much? I wish you would.” 
His eyes flare momentarily. His only tell, a flicker of movement you can’t miss. He’s surprised by something, your question, maybe your tone. “I do sleep.” 
“Not enough.” 
“No, I guess not.” 
You press your cheek to his arm. Can’t help yourself. He’s this strong, stern guy, so used to trying to save everyone that he barely looks after himself, and it makes you sad to think he’d love you and not want to tell you, because why wouldn’t he? Something in him must stop him from acting on it, but that something isn’t in you, not anymore. “Can’t believe you got your arm broken for me,” you murmur, lips to his shirt. You let out a breath, feel the warmth of it pass onto his skin and his following shudder. 
“It wasn’t purposeful.” 
“No? That’s good.” 
“I would do it again,” he says. “I thought you’d be with Morgan.” 
“Morgan’s a big boy.” 
“As opposed to me.” 
“I want to be here with you. I’m worried about you.” You press your face further into his arm, scared to say it even though you know it’s returned. “I care about you so much, ‘n’ you never let me show it.”
“That’s not true,” —his voice climbs higher— “I thought… You and Derek are close.” 
“He’s my friend, Hotch. It’s not like that.” 
Hesitant, tender all the same, Hotch’s uninjured arm slinks around your side to hold you, to bring you closer to his side where you’re hiding. You’re much too old for this, and still you have to confess. 
“I don’t like him,” you say. 
“As opposed to me.” 
You laugh at his repetition. Too embarrassed to say anything more on the subject but wanting to cement it in his head, you raise your head and your hand at the same time, knuckle to his jawline, nudging him to one side. You lean up and kiss his cheek. 
“Please don’t push me out of the way again,” you say. 
Hotch smiles at you, a proper, soft-eyed smile. “I won’t.” 
It’s an obvious lie. 
“Maybe when we go home we can nap together,” you suggest, heart slamming considering the innocence of what you’ve suggested. 
His fingers cradle your side. “You want to?” he asks carefully. 
“You can finally get some rest.” 
He closes his eyes, resting his face against yours. 
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heartsfrommeg · 1 year
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ii. memories
a/n: thank you for all the support on the first chapter 🫶🫶
warnings: language, mention of scar, mention of blood, arguing
w/c: 1.8k
next chapter: so what’s the plan?
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we finally got back to my place and i took my mask off after entering the front door, throwing it onto the counter. i then went to the couch and sat down. the others sat down all around the living room and dining room. hobie sat right beside me of course. “so what’s up? why do you guys need my help?” i asked. “it’s a long story, you ready?” peter b. asked. “yeah, i have the time.” i said, putting my hands behind my head.
peter b. explained everything about miles and how i’d be a big help. “okay so you’re telling me that this miles dude got bit by a spider that wasn’t from his universe so once he got to hq shit happened with him and miguel and then when he tried to go home he got sent to the wrong universe and the universe that he’s in has no protection of any kind?”
“yeah, pretty much.” gwen said. “and he got chased by like all of hq?? damn kinda wish i could’ve seen that.” i said with a laugh. “i left after helping him escape, didn’t feel like running for no reason and have mr. anger issues boss me around.” hobie said, arms crossed. “fair enough.”
“but would you be willing to help? hobie should have an extra watch so you don’t glitch out.” peter b. said. “um actually mate, i don’t. i didn’t think you’d wanna recruit anyone else so i laid off making them.” hobie said. “you didn’t even think about making extras kid?” spider noir said, which hobie just shook his head no to. “we’d have to go back to hq so i could get parts, which shouldn’t be an issue.”
“i can come with. i’ll use a day pass because i’m sure peter has extras for mayday.” i said. “i do, which hobie should’ve done with his watches!!” peter b. said. hobie just rolled his eyes then looked at me. “are you sure you’d wanna go back? after y’know?” i nodded, “he has no reason to do anything. i couldn’t prevent my canon event from happening so. plus i could probably take him down this time.” i said, slightly elbowing hobie.
“well then i guess let’s head to hq.” peter porker said. “no offense but i always forget there’s like animal spidermen.” i said, getting up to go grab my mask, making hobie and a few others laugh. peter b. then handed me a day pass which a slid over my wrist as hobie opened a portal, which he let everyone go into first before looking at me. “you ready?” i nodded, slipping my mask on. “now or never.”
i then followed hobie through the portal and got met with a familiar room and familiar faces, some had masks on. the group took their masks off and i did as well, i proceeded to hide behind hobies tall frame, kinda hoping other spider people wouldn’t notice me which hobie took notice of and smiled. lyla then popped up, “miguel wants to see you all. even you, (y/n).” she then disappeared. “of course he noticed us already.” gwen said, rolling her eyes. “perfect.” hobie said, smirking to himself. “excuse me but how is that perfect??” i asked.
“because, on the way to his office i can steal parts.” he whispered.
“yeah. don’t worry love, like you said, he won’t do anything.”
i tagged along behind hobie and the others as we made our way to where miguel was. as we passed through the parts room, hobie was stealing parts left and right. i rolled my eyes with a smile as i saw what hobie was doing. we eventually got to miguel’s office and a wave of nervousness washed over me. hobie noticed and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and slightly rubbed it. i then noticed miguel coming down slowly on his little platform that i always found stupid. “come on, some of us don’t have all day.” i muttered under my breath, already wanting to leave.
miguel finally turned around to face us. “i thought i told you guys not to return.” “well technically you only kicked two of us out. the rest willingly left because that’s how shitty you are.” i said. miguel then looked at me and i felt my body tense up. “hm, i didn’t think you’d actually show your face again, even after your canon event happened. sorry about that by the way.”
i scoffed, “sorry?? you’re sorry? please, you are far from fucking sorry. so don’t even give me that bullshit. and i know that you know exactly what happened during that event and you know how much that fucked me up.”
“look, i don’t want to talk about it. yeah, i do know what happened and we both know who was under that mask.” “what? you don’t want them to know that this scar on my face is because of you?!” miguel just kept silent as i started remembering the day i got this scar, much rather wanting to remember that then who that face was behind the mask.
miguel called me in, i just saved a bunch of people so i was kind of confused of why i was called in. i eventually got to his office and he was already on the ground, back turned away from me. “what did i do?” i said as soon as i entered.
“you know what you did, (y/n). you almost disrupted a canon event.” i shrugged, “i don’t get why it’s such a big deal. it should be my choice if i wanna save my parents. i shouldn’t just stand back and watch it fucking happen.” peter b. then walked in wondering what the commotion was about.
“(y/n), there just isn’t some people who are supposed to be saved.” i just rolled my eyes, “like i said, that should be MY choice.” i started, stepping closer to miguel. “just because you had a shit ending, doesn’t mean i have to!” “that isn’t the point (y/n)!!” he yelled as he turned around and slashed my face. i stood there in shock as i felt blood going down my face and my eyes starting to tear up. peter b. was speechless, he couldn’t say anything. i just simply walked out, letting the tears flow as i walked out.
“and don’t come back.” i heard miguel finally say. i went to go open a portal, not even noticing hobie right beside me. “hey, what happened?? why is there blood going down your face love? why are you crying?” hobie blabbered but i muted his voice out, just trying to calm the pain down. as soon as i opened the portal i threw the watch out and gave hobie one last look before disappearing into the portal. the watch rolled to hobie’s feet, he proceeded to look down at it in shock, taking in everything that happened.
he then made his way to miguel’s office, knowing he had something to do with it. “ay, what the hell mate??” hobie said, holding my watch. “she broke a rule, so she had to go. and you will not be seeing her either. i’ll know if you go there hobie.” hobie scoffed, “did you literally have to put a scar across her face though??” miguel just sighed as he walked off, “she was too close.” hobie looked at the watch then at peter b. which he just turned his head away to.
i then looked around the room, keeping silent. “why are you guys here?” miguel said. “well most of us have the right to be here.” spider-byte said. miguel just kept quiet. “whatever, you can go.” as soon as i heard that, i left, not wanting to see his face anymore.
hobie followed right behind me, stealing more pieces as we walked through the parts room. “what happened?” he suddenly asked, us walking together a little ahead of the others. “hm? what do you mean?” i asked. “your canon event.” i looked at him then looked away. “i’d… i’d rather not.” hobie immediately understood, “it’s okay, i wasn’t forcing you to or anything. but wanna come back to my universe with me so i can piece this thing together?”
i simply nodded with a smile. i headed to hobie’s universe with gwen and pavitr as the others went back to their original homes. as soon as i entered hobie’s universe i came across the familiar smell of weed, something me and hobie would do every now and then whenever i would stop by. i happily plopped down on hobie’s couch, taking in all the familiar sights around the room. hobie set the parts down on the table and went to his room. shortly after, he came back with some tools and sat beside me. gwen and pavitr decided to sit on some pillows that were on the ground.
“so how long have you been spiderwoman? or i guess spi-tallica?” gwen asked. my attention went towards the girl, eyebrows raised. “just about two years now. you?” “around three.” i then looked at pavitr for his answer. “only like six months or so.” i looked at him, surprised. “so you’re just a rookie then.” pavitr nodded.
hobie was in his own world, putting pieces together to make the watch. “so what is this miles guy like?” “he’s a lot like you, tryna save his parents and shit. wanting to save his universe. but other than that, i don’t really know much about him. i know he’s been spiderman for about a year now, but other than that he’s a pretty cool guy. you’d probably like him.” hobie said, still focused on the watch. i then looked at gwen and pavitr, hoping they’d give me more information.
“he’s a jokester from time to time. but he is a really sweet guy. i don’t think his parents like me that much though..” gwen said. i raised an eyebrow, “and why is that?” “that’s the thing! i don’t know! i mean i treat them with respect, i know their names, i-“ i cut her off, “wait, first name or last name basis?” “um, first name..?” you gave her a deadpan look. “that’s your problem right there! some parents find it very disrespectful if you go calling them by their first name too easily. not even hobie does that!” i said. “i don’t even say their last name honestly. i just say hey, what’s up.” hobie added on. “well that’s because you’re hobie. but you gotta go by their last name for a few like if i ever met hobie’s parents i wouldn’t go ‘oh hi samantha and issac’ or whatever their names were! i’d say mr. and mrs. brown.” hobie looked at you with an offended look, “samantha and issac?? cmon, you didn’t have to give my parents the most basic names ever.”
“well not my fault you never told me their names.”
“you never asked.”
“well now i’m asking.”
hobie let out a chuckle as he continued working on the watch.
it was nice to finally be able to hang around other spider people again, especially hobart brown.
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@certified-dilf-lover @simpingsohard
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asolverssolution · 12 days
Chapter 2: Lousy Exposition
I tap my foot against the floor as I ponder what was going on with Cyn. Something isn't right, I think to myself. The old creak of the floorboards are the only sound in the room aside from my tapping. What could possibly happen at the Gala, I thought to myself more. I think back to our conversation. Was it fear she was feeling? Or was it intent, the darker part of my system whispers.
I shake my head. Cyn is way too shy to do something to the Gala, my system retorts. My internal monologue is interrupted by the sound of running. I run to the door and open it, revealing Tessa and J, quickly walking down the old manor's hallway. The two look at me, fear in their eyes. "What's going on?" I ask, concerned. Tessa steps toward me and grabs my hand. "Cyn is about to harm people in the Gala." Tessa says hastily. It takes a second before I roll my eyes. "Funny joke, you two." I said, annoyed. Tessa shakes her head. "J, tell them!" Tessa says harshly, before continuing down the hallway. J motions for me to follow, which I oblige. "Cyn, almost an hour ago, became some Eldritch abomination thing- Looked like a worm or snake- And said a vague threat. Not to come to the Gala because Tessa seems squeamish." J says quickly. "That makes no sense. I saw Cyn only 15-ish minutes ago. She was normal and scared of the Gala." I argue. She rolls her eyes. "Cyn always treated you different, Ava. How she acts towards you has always been softer, ever since you two first spoke." She fires back. I grit my teeth. J has always claimed that for ages now and at this exact moment, it is getting on my nerves.
The two begin to ascend the stairs and I freeze. Cyn said to stay down here, my thoughts remind me. Tessa and J look back at me. "Cyn said I should stay down here." I say, barely above a whisper. Tessa sighs and J rolls their eyes once more, approaching me. "Well, Cyn isn't your boss, Tessa is. So you're coming." J says sternly. She reaches down and grabs my arm. She tugs me and I nearly fall onto the stairs. She continuously pulls me, slowly pulling me up- Then the force goes away. I hear Tessa scream. I look up and see the disabled Drone from before with a claw for a hand. A very crooked smile on it's face. I notice it slashed off J's arm, which is now falling limp onto the stairs. Another appears and grabs me before I can even blink. I nearly let out a scream when I hear Cyn's voice come from it softly, somehow calming me.
"This wasn't supposed to happen. Plan B it is. Ava, do not struggle. I would never harm you." It states before attempting to dash away from the fight clearly about to start.
• w •
I watch as my systems turn back on. I blink a few times before looking around slowly. I was clearly in the Nurse's office. The random artwork, manuals on repairs, and the unused medicine cabinet made it obvious. I look around a moment and spot Uzi standing by the door, tapping her foot as she looked down. I stretch my arms and legs, ensuring I was ready to move. As I stood up, Uzi looks toward me and shows a hint of relief. "You made me thought I killed you, jerk!" She exclaims angrily. I roll my eyes. Leave it to her to get angry I dared to be knocked out, I think to myself, amused. "What, were ya worried?" I tease. I see her cheeks blush. "No! How dare- Ugh, bite me!" She yells, beginning to leave the office. Not entirely however, as she realizes I wasn't following and turned to stare at me, still pouting. I roll my eyes and follow, which she seems to approve of as she continues to angry stomp.
"May I ask why you are carrying around a exploding gun?" I ask. She gives me a glare over her shoulder. "It won't be exploding for long! I just need a part from the Imperium's Junkyard!" She exclaims. I give out a loud sigh. "Ah yes, the place where we will be killed with no consequences." I state. "I never asked you to come!" She exclaims, turning around. A few Drones look at us as she yells. I see her demeanor instantly change to a more shy one as she notices the stares. "But I know you want me to." I retort with a smirk. She tries to fire back, realizes she can't, and begins walking again. "Bite me." She says quietly. I chuckle as we approach her family's room. She opens the door and turns to me. "I'll be by in a few hours. Be ready." She demands. I raise an eyebrow and she sighs, the blush returning. "Please?" She mutters. I chuckle and she glares. I put my hands in the air. "Yes ma'am." I reply. She smiles, gives a determined nod, and closes the door.
I quietly head toward the main doors, deciding to just wait for her rather then do anything else. As I enter the main area where the final door is, I think about the situation going on beyond these walls. Cyn has no idea where the WDF's cities are since we stuck to pre-existing structures, usually underground. That is the only reason how Nori got them to accept diplomats. Now the only question is why are they keeping the stalemate on so long. Are they locating us to strike? Or are they sizing us up? Hard to tell...
I lean against the giant door's frame, opening up Flappy Drone on my system to keep me entertained as I wait for time to fly.
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amandacanwrite · 29 days
Ohhh, can I play? I just ate one of these so the word is peaches 🍑 x
Alright -cracks knuckes- MINORS DNI with the following snippet. This is a little bit from the beginning of my Peaky Blinders meets Fae Court Politics book called Of Foxes and Follies.
Context: Rheannon is a girl with a mountain of debt owed to one of the most notorious street gang bosses, The Half-Blind Barber. She is the type to steal from Peter to pay Paul, sneaking into soirees uninvited and stealing from guests who are too tipsy to notice when a necklace is slipped off their neck, or an earring is nabbed off their table.
Only when she crashes a party hosted by a notorious gangster known as The Magpie she is quickly caught and invited to his parlor for a game of cards. The wager? If she wins, he gets his priceless timepiece, if he wins, he gets a dance.
This scene takes place shortly after his winning hand, but Rheannon isn't ready to give up her prize quite yet. Hope you enjoy!!
...But I also couldn’t deny the enticing nature of him, even if he would only use me and throw me away, I couldn’t deny the pull he had over me.   
We went into the next series of steps at the music picked up in tempo and Cilean spun me again. It was all going just fine; just as easy as it had been before, when my shoe caught something slick on the floor and I lost my footing.   
Cilean didn’t miss a beat, he quickly caught me and kept me from humiliating myself by falling back on my own arse. I looked back to where I’d slipped as he took me out of the path of the other dancers and balked at what I saw.   
I’d expected a discarded hors d’oeuvre, or perhaps a misplaced handkerchief. Instead, what I saw was something entirely shocking.   
It was a pool of blood, red as spider lilies against the ivory marble floors.   
Or at least it had been when I caught the slickness of it with my foot, now it appeared as a streaking, pink mess on the white tile of the floor. I inhaled to ask about it, but Cilean was already leading me away from the dance floor.   
“Careful, darling,” he said. “Should we take a step outside? It’s getting a little stuffy in here, isn’t it?”  
“S-sure,” I said. “W-wait, hold on a minute.”  
“You want another dance?” he asked, looking at me, his brows raised.   
“Th--What I just saw on the floor. That was blood,” I said. “I slipped in someone else’s blood.”  
“You really do need some air,” he said, smirking back at me. “Why would there be blood on the dance floor?”  
“Hell if I should know, but I know what I saw,” I said.   
“You saw some red liquid on the floor? Do you know how many casks of wine I keep in my cellar, Miss Todd?” he asked. “I promise you it wasn’t blood.”  
I pressed my mouth and looked back at the floor again as he led me away, but whatever mess I’d slipped in was either hastily cleaned up or blocked from my view by the dozens of spinning dancers on the floor. I wanted to argue with him more, but I worried I truly was wrong about what I’d seen. I didn’t want to appear as if I was delusional.   
So, I followed, feeling a bit uneasy about the strangeness of things I’d seen since I’d gotten here. How did I wind up at the card table of The Magpie himself? How was I now frolicking with him through his hallways.  
“Where exactly are you taking me?” I asked.   
“Why would you want for me to ruin the surprise?”  
“I’m not entirely sure a surprise from you would be something I’d like to willingly walk into,” I said.   
“A little late to be worried, isn’t it?” he asked.   
“Touche,” I said as I let myself get carried away in his undertow.  
Finally, he came to a nondescript door, a plain wooden one with hardly any embellishments of note, aside from an ornate handle attached to twine—a servant’s bell.  
“Are you taking me to the servant’s quarters?” I asked.   
“Easiest way to get out of doors,” he said looking back at me. “Do you have some sort of objection to taking the back way?”  
“Only if it’s because you mean to hide me from someone,” I snipped. “Perhaps you didn’t invite me and perhaps I am not the kind of girl you like to cavort with, but I have enough stubborn pride to refuse the indignity of sneaking around like some kind of dirty little secret.”  
He pushed the door open and led me into the corridor. It was dark and smelled of food. I could only imagine it was from all of the dishes that had been carried through the small, poorly ventilated space. He took a few more steps before I dug in my heels and brought us to a stop.   
I had expected him to sigh, to gripe about me being a prude or an annoyance. To try and shame me for thinking that someone like me could ever think that someone as wealthy and handsome as he was could see me as anything more than a spirited tryst in the stables. I could handle it, I was ready to give him an earful of exactly what I thought about that.   
But he didn’t sigh and he didn’t gripe. He didn’t yank his hand away to leave me and sulk. No, he did quite the opposite. I could see the outline of him only faintly in the dark corridor as he crowded me. He stepped into my space so quickly that I had no choice but to give way, backing one step, then another. As soon as my back brushed against the wallpaper, his hands were on me.   
My waist, my thigh, my back. My heart leapt into my throat, and I heard my own shocked gasp fall out of my mouth. Finally, he cupped the side of my face in his hand. It still smelled of tobacco from his pipe, I could smell his sweat and how it mingled with the fragrance of his aftershave and the pleasant earthiness of whatever cologne he was wearing.   
His nose brushed along the edge of mine and I hitched in a shaky breath.   
“Do you think, sweet Rheanon, that I would let anyone dare make me feel ashamed in my endeavors with a woman?” he asked.   
Somehow, his voice had dropped even lower than his already natural baritone. His voice rumbled in his chest like rolling thunder, and just like real thunder, I could feel the weight of that sound in the very marrow of my bones.   
“Is there a problem with wanting a bit of privacy?” he continued, his warm breath cloying, brushing across my lips. “Then again, maybe that’s something you like, hm?”  
“Like?” I asked, my head fuzzy. “What do I like?”  
“Do you like the risk of getting caught? Do you like the rush of knowing that any moment now, my butler could walk through that door—or one of the chambermaids—or one of my guests. Does your heart race when you think of what they’ll see as the light spills into the hallway?”  
He hefted me up into his arms with such speed that I shouted out in surprise. He pressed me against the wall, every line of his chest and abdomen melding with my own. When the skirt of my gown got in his way, he pushed it up so that it bunched and bustled around my hips, only the thin fabric of my shift and my undergarments remaining between us.    
One of his fingers snagged the strap of my garter belt and tugged, pressing the fabric of my stockings against my inner thigh.   
“What will they think when they see me like this, Rheannon?” He asked as his hand coursed up the curve of my thigh, his fingers digging into the soft flesh. “With your beautiful thighs wrapped around my waist, with my hand curved around this...”  
He cupped the swell of my backside before kneading wantonly, “...this perfect peach of an ass you have?”  
“Y-you’ve...you’re misinterpreting--” I mumbled. “It’s not that I’m some kind of...exhibitionist.”  
“Am I?” he asked. “Then why are you so breathless, lass?”  
Cruel. He was a cruel and sadistic man to subject me to this. He was a cat playing with his food. It was enough to make me want to box his ears.   
“Are you just going to torture me and make me feel like a deviant, or are you going to shut up and kiss me?” I said, sounding far less angry than I’d been trying for.   
“I’m not sure—did you leave your manners somewhere?” he asked, an edge coming to his smile that I could see even in the dark. “Is that how you ask for something that you want?”  
I couldn’t tell if I was flustered or furious. He truly wanted to play with me.   
“Oh, you really didn’t like that, did you?” he asked.   
“Does being patronizing usually work for you?” I said.   
“Lass, I don’t typically have to work for anything when it comes to my romantic exploits,” he said. “Usually women and men alike are clamoring for my attention.”  
“Sorry to disappoint you,” I said. “If you wanted an ass pat, you should have asked one of your invitees to join you.”  
“I’m not disappointed,” he said, smoothing his hand up the front of me, brushing over my breast before grasping my chin in a firm hand. “You’re the most fun I’ve had in ages.”  
Then, despite my refusal to beg and my prickly griping, Cilean closed the distance between us and kissed me.   
I had been expecting his mouth to be hard on mine with the sort of quiet command that rolled off of him in waves. I’d expected a clash of tongue and teeth, I’d expected biting and mis-matched trajectories.   
What I got instead was something entirely different.   
His hand was tight where he grasped my chin, but his lips were feather soft as they closed on mine. It was hard to describe how it made me feel. The brush of his lips was so sweet and light that it pulled me in, the tender brush a siren���s song seducing me.   
My eyes fluttered closed as I surrendered to it, his hand on my chin releasing its grasp before ghosting gently up the curve of my jaw and slipping into my hair.   
The kiss ended, but he didn’t part from me. He still held me against the wall without a single hint of discomfort or exertion, our noses still touched. I opened my eyes and found him watching me.   
This close, I could see the beautiful curve of his long lashes backlit by some distant moonglow deeper in the servant’s quarters. His eyes flickered as they stared into mine, then dropped to my lips.   
“What is it?” I asked in a whisper.   
His eyes met mine again, dark and desirous. There was something else in that stare, some emotion I couldn’t identify. I tried to read it, but before I could discern anything he closed that small distance and kissed me again. His mouth seized my lower lip, a faint suction pulling it between his teeth that only barely brushed against the tender flesh there. His tongue swept in deftly, teasing the opening of my mouth and asking to be invited within.   
The skin on the back of my neck blazed and burned like I had a fever. His thumb brushed down the side of my neck in a sloping line, pressing against my pulse point. He huffed a sound of amusement through his nose and I knew he could feel my heart hammering like a hare’s in my neck.   
How embarrassing. He’d barely started to kiss me and I was already as wound up as a virgin the first time she pinked her knees with her sweetheart. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing to me—well enough that he felt satisfied to smile into the kiss as he deepened it—well enough that he didn’t even need to say anything to make me feel plenty self-conscious about it.   
His tongue, like the rest of his mouth, was unintrusive in its pursuit of mine. I was used to Eian and the other boys; the clumsy tangle of tongues that tasted of stale ale and hastily hand-rolled cigarettes, the hurried and frantic nature of their desire as they pawed at me.   
Cilean kissed me like a connoisseur enjoyed a fine vintage. He took his time, tasted me slowly, savored me. His full lips were slick and pillow soft, his tongue, despite the smoke and drink he’d been consuming, tasted of summer-ripe berries and honey licked off of sticky fingers. I felt like I was melting in the palms of his hands, like I’d rather die than kiss any other man than this one standing before me.   
I reached out my hand for his chest, wanting desperately to feel his body. I wanted to undress him, to taste more than his mouth, to taste his skin, his sweat, his blood. I wanted to bleed for him. I wanted to give him anything he would have from me. I no longer cared about the strange things I’d seen—the group sex, the blood on the dance floor, his strangely silent minions—I’d do anything if only he would stay close to me.   
I coursed my hand over his chest. He gave a low hum that rumbled through my body.  
I was so pleased to hear that sweet sound come out of him, so happy to make him feel good. I brushed my hand higher, sliding in a trajectory toward his neck where I hoped to twist my fingers in his dark, thick curls.  
But I felt something cold on my skin as I reached the seam of his shirt collar. Cool and metallic. A golden chain.   
My eyes fluttered open and it was as if a spell had been broken. I remembered all at once who I was, why I’d come here, the exact nature of the predicament I was in.   
I’d come here to steal, to settle my debts and move on with my life with my new found freedom. I’d come here to swipe a few worthwhile pieces to pawn them off so I could give the money to The Barber. Sure, I’d played along with Ciliean to this point—with The Magpie. But’d gotten in over my head. I’d let him beat me at cards, let him charm me with a few dances, and now I’d fallen in too deep with him.   
I knew where kissing like this ended up.   
Gods—what had I been thinking? What would Eian think if he came to my flat tomorrow and I wasn’t there. How hurt would he be to know that I’d fallen in bed with another man the very same day I promised to give him a chance to court me.   
There was only one way I could justify something so egregious, and I was in the perfect position to follow through on it.   
I made sure to keep the pace he was setting for us, I made sure to seem as lost in his kiss as I had been mere seconds before, and I got to work.   
If anything, this was going to be easier than the usual conquest. When I pickpocketed, I always had to find some reason to bump into someone, find some reason that my hands wound up on their body. Sometimes it was a spilled glass of wine, other times it was manufactured clumsiness. But I wouldn’t have to do anything like that now. I had more than enough reason to have my hands on him—to even be a little heavy handed.   
The trick to a good pickpocket was sleight of hand and misdirection. It wasn’t enough just to steal from drunkards—even drunks could tell when something was missing if you were too quick and careless with the theft. The key was to make your mark think the watch was still on their wrist, the necklace still around their throat, the earrings still looped in their lobes.   
Gold was heavy so when it came to Cilean. I’d have to find a way to keep the illusion of weight in his coat’s interior pocket as long as I could.  
But I knew he was perceptive. I couldn’t be sloppy, not when he had me pressed against the wall with his hand on my throat. If I was going to steal the pocket watch, I’d need to replace it with something else.   
It was a risky move, but I could only hope that he wouldn’t recognize what I left with him—that I could sneak out of the party as soon as I got the watch and that he’d continue to get so drunk that he wouldn’t even remember this strange little tryst we were engaging in. I reached down with my still-free hand and slipped my brooch out of the sash I was wearing. I was practiced enough with it to do it with one hand and to do it quickly enough that the movement hadn’t been noticed.   
I passed the beetle brooch into my other hand, hiding the swap with a covetous stroke from his stomach to his neck, then back down again where I let my hand pull on the chain, adding tension on it—pulling it taut so that, if there was any difference in weight between my jeweled brooch and the gold watch in his pocket, it could be written off as my hand leaving the chain.   
From there, it was simple. A slip here, a slide there, a little pluck and the watch and chain was in my hand.   
I was suddenly glad for the humiliating racing of my heart earlier, because it was the perfect cover for how my heart was hammering in my chest now. There was nothing like the thrill of a good score, and this one was by far my largest catch.   
I made a gesture like I was trying to reach back against the wall to steady myself and hid the watch down the back of my dress, hooking the chain on the neckline and letting is slide into my corset, already stretched and displaced from all of the dancing and kissing.   
It was a haphazard place to put it, but it would have to do until I could get myself away from The Magpie.   
With my winnings secured, I broke from the kiss and made a good show of panting.  
He cupped my face as I let my head loll and my lashes flutter.   
“Alright, lass?” he asked, his voice husky and warm. “Have I need to grab the smelling salts?”  
“Mmn--” I said, making my voice syrupy and dreamy. “I could use a bit of fresh air.” I gently played with his silky bow tie. “Maybe we could go back into your gardens? Lie down under the stars for a spell? Have a sip of water before we...”  
I bit my lower lip, finding it soft and swollen from kissing. “Carry on? With our diversions?”  
His eyes crinkled with mirth, though his own swollen lips just barely twitched at the corners. He brushed the edge of his nose against mine once more, taking a deep breath in. “You are turning out to be quite diverting, indeed, my little vixen,” he said.   
I giggled, trying to keep my mind clear about me as, even now, the threat of being ensorcelled once more by his enigmatic charm and his skilled lips loomed in front of me. Truth be told, I would have loved to learn what a man who could kiss me breathless could do with the rest of my body; to see what his fingers and his hips could do for me.  
More concerningly than that, was that I craved the opportunity to please him.   
To be called a vixen, his vixen, was almost as intoxicating as the kiss. I wanted to know what he’d say to me while I rocked and ground along the length of his shaft, wanted to watch the adorable tension men always got in their jaw when they were ready to lose all control and spill into me.   
But I couldn’t get distracted. I couldn’t indulge—for plenty of reasons.   
“Well,” he said after a few breaths passed between us. “Let us get you some air and some water, shall we, Darling?”   
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theacedragon0w0 · 7 months
A Little Reward
Sage x Velvette Smut fic
Smut warning: sex toy, penetration, work office sex
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Velvette knew Sage was suspicious when she sent Hazel away for a dinner grab, but from the gentle looks Sage would give towards her and the way they treated Hazel like an equal, Velvette had to get some privacy with them.
It was just them in her office as all the other workers clocked out from their shift, and Sage broke the silence,
"Is there something wrong ma'am? Anything you want me to get for you?"
Fuck Velvette was down bad but she wasn't going to pull a Valentino, especially since between Hazel and Velvette, Sage was the only other sinner that saw through them, and instead of high-tailing it, they wanted to get to know them better.
"No sweetie, but there has been something on my mind since you started working here," stepping close enough for Velvette to look up at Sage, "Why are you so nice to Hazel and me? You go out of your way to make lunch boxes for both of us, fuck I bet you know our coffee orders like it's been stamped into your skull."
Sage stood silent, trying to find their words to explain themselves, "w-well the thing is, the thing, uhm," their hands rubbing the back of their head, they began pacing around the office.
"I mean you guys are fun to work with given my other job, and you aren't as bad as a boss that every makes you out to be and, I don't know,"
Sage stopped to turn to Velvette, knowing that they were putting their ass on the line
"You both are really pretty," Sage confessed, their ears flushed just as much as the rest of their face.
Velvette returned the same blush, because of all the time spent with Sage she knew that they are one the few demons here that rarely lie.
Velvette stepped forward, which made Sage step back, unaware of the loose fabric that was scattered on the floor, causing sage to fall backwards
Velvette tried to catch Sage by their vest but she fell with them. Both froze, Velvette appearing to stradle Sage, their vest now having lost a couple of buttons
Both were staring at each other's lips, almost inches apart from each other
Fuck this, Velvette thought, closing the distance, she couldn't not kiss Sage at the moment
Sage returned the favor, holding the back of Velvette's head as both were exchanging moans and saliva. Velvette then quickly began undoing Sage's shirt and Sage undoing Velvette's belt,
"Hey ma'am, do you want to keep going? I know you have Hazel coming back soon and she's better at this"
"Shut up pup, you and Hazel have your rounds in the break room so I think it's fair I can have a turn with you this once, right?"
Sage couldn't argue with that, helping Velvette take off each other's underwear, Sage noticing Velvette's strap materializing while doing so,
Sage's legs spread out, hungry for Velvette to make them her toy, "I'm ready ma'am "
Velvette didn't hesitate, her silicone cock going inside Sage, starting slow just so she can get a feel of their speed, Sage's moans and hip bucking gave Velvette the clear to quicken the pace, grabbing Sage's hips for stability, feeling Sage's thick tail against her back to keep her from going far.
Sage's hands were looking for anything to grab, finally choosing on gripping Velvette's shoulders while trying to get words out between each moan,
"Fuck, boss, aah, yes ma'am, like that" were the only words that the reptile could conjure up. Velvette, wanting more, pushed Sage flat on their back, shifting their legs so they draped over her shoulders so she could lift Sage's hips upward
Sage was at their limit, but Velvette wanted it to last which pissed her off more when she knew that someone could walk in on them.
So with the final pushes, Sage unraveled, their back arching and their thighs nearly crushing their boss' neck.
Velvette didn't mind it, as she bent down to kiss her new guard, marking her signature lipstick on their neck,
"Good job pup, now let's get you cleaned up shall we?"
Sage, still shaking from the pure ecstasy, nodded, allowing Velvette's magic to redo their uniform, like they weren't just getting railed by the person they are getting a good paycheck from moments ago.
The only thing that Velvette left untouched was the kiss mark, showing that Sage was going to be hers.
At the moment that both parties finished, Hazel walked in with two bags of take out.
"Hey Bluebell, Boss! I'm back with the grub so I hope yall are hungr-!" Stopping as she saw her coworker, visibly struggling to keep their composure, "h-hey, you -ight?"
"Oh I'm fine, just low blood sugar got to me pretty bad," Sage forcibly laughed, grabbing her burger from one of the bags that Hazel was holding.
"Sorry I have to go, my morning shift starts in six hours and the stove isn't going to prep itself." Already booking towards the exit.
Velvette pouted, "Damn, there's no way for you to stay over time?"
Sage hesitated, but knew that they wouldn't have the energy to explain being late again, "Sorry ma'am, don't want any bad karma coming your way." To which Sage exited the door.
Alone, Hazel turned towards Velvette, "Listen I might not know much, but I can tell when someone was having a good time"
"Hmph, well maybe if you were faster you could have joined the fun," Velvette sauntered over toward her guard, gesturing her to bend lower to kiss her lips.
"I think we should have a talk pup,"
You have no idea how long I have been working on writing this,
Hazel belongs to the amazing poolie @puffymucher
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Give your heart a break - Chris Evans smut
The one where Chris is a biker and decided he wants to start your forever.
Warnings: I’m gonna tag this as dubcon just to be safe, Chris definitely crosses a line without proper consent, breeding kink, biker!Chris AU, bondage, (belt used to restrain hands), dirty talk
A/N:  this is for my own birthday celebration challenge! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them. Hope you guys like it!
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Chris’ P.O.V.
“Hey, baby!” The smile she opened up when she turned around to see it was truly me who had just arrived at her coffee shop made my heart beat faster than it ever did while I was away from her.
I guess the adrenaline the bike used to give me was nothing compared to her effect on me.
“What are you doing here?” She exclaimed, jumping on my waiting arms so I could twirl her around, like I always did after we spent some time apart. She looked just the same, which comforted my heart somewhat.
I hated leaving her, but this nomadic lifestyle I’d chosen for myself long before we ever met would never work for her. It’s why she always resisted accepting any kind of labels to what we shared.
That was all about to change, though. Even if she still didn’t realize it.
“What? Can’t I stop by to visit my best girl?” Her smile became even bigger at the pet name. It was the indication I needed of her true feelings. She wanted to be mine, she really just couldn’t handle the biker lifestyle.
“Of course, you can. I just wasn’t expecting you, that’s all. Sit down, I’ll bring your usual order!” I watched as she fixed me a black coffee and picked a muffin with great care before bringing it to me. I had no doubt it was the warmest one on the tray. “Will you be sticking around for tonight?”
I could see the glint of hope and desire in her eyes. I knew that even though she didn’t want to be tied down to me, she hadn’t looked for pleasure in anyone else ever since I first kissed her. And even though I was sure she thought differently, neither had I.
She owned my heart ever since we met. There was no one else I’d rather have underneath my body. “I think you’ll soon realize I’ll be sticking around for a lot longer.”
Her eyes lit up at that, excitement clear in her features. “A whole week?” She’d been asking me for that for as long as I’ve known her, and I’d never been able to stick through the whole seven days. There was always some shipment to assess, brothers to help.
This time, nothing would force me away from her.
“You’ll see.” She rolled her eyes at my attempt at keeping a mystery, and I know what was going on through her pretty little head. I was already too secretive as it was, there was no need for more hiding. But I had a plan, and I was going to stick to it.
“I’ll be right here until it’s time to lock up. I’ll walk you home, how does that sound?” The way the corner of her eyes crinkled as she smiled at me was enough of a response, yet she gave me one anyway.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Stop that.” The order startled me, too lost in the haze of lust to realize that he’d stripped down to his boxers, finally noticing that I’d climbed on the bed and had been playing with myself while I waited for him to join me.
Usually, I’d immediately follow his directions - almost instinctively, actually. It was probably some remaining fear that used to exist inside of me when I saw him on his bike just outside my shop, before I decided to give him a chance and began this little adventure between us…
I never wanted to see his anger directed at me. But tonight, I was feeling brave for whatever reason. Maybe it was because of how much I had missed him this time we spent apart and how I unconsciously resented him for always leaving. We’d never have an actual relationship, and it was all because of him.
So maybe that awoke the brat in me, because all I gave him was a smirk, keeping the movements on my clit as I watched him watch me. “I don’t think you deserve that,” I taunted, taking notice of the way he seemed transfixed by the wetness gathered on my lower lips, until I stopped my movements and raised my hand to slather it on my lips.
“You’ve left me all alone so many nights, with only these fingers as company…” I returned them to the apex of my thighs, pushing them inside of me this time, making sure to exaggerate my moan at the relieving sensation of being filled. “I think you deserve to suffer for a while longer.”
He looked so beautiful with his eyebrows furrowed, the length of his eyelashes and the pinkness of his lips almost making me overlook how threatening he still looked, all tatted up, clearly disappointed in me.
“Stop it,” he warned once more, but I wasn’t in a submissive mood. Not tonight.
“Why should I?” I argued, fucking myself faster. “I’m not yours. You can’t boss me around.” That was the wrong thing to say, I realized the second his eyes darkened, jaw clenching at my defiance. He was on me in a second, easily gathering my wrists in one of his hands as he pulled them up in the direction of the headboard, and it was only when I felt the leather around them that I realized he’d picked up his belt to tie me to bed.
“Yes, you are,” he breathed out against my face, eyes looking directly in mine to show me just how serious he was. “And you should know better than to disobey me.” The authoritative tone in his voice had me shivering, especially after he pulled away and stopped covering my body with his, taking advantage of how I was bound to the bed to drink in my naked figure.
“I promise I’ll behave,” I tried to argue, legs flailing around his figure until he grabbed them. “I-I just missed you, that’s all.” The way his huge, rough hand felt on the inside of my thighs should be illegal. And he knew just how much it affected me, as he smirked and looked up at me from under his eyelashes with a knowing glint in his gaze.
“Don’t you trust me?” He questioned, head tilted as his thumb slipped and found place right over my nub. “I just want to make you feel good, sugar.” I hesitated for a moment - I hadn’t really experimented with any sort of kinky sex before, even though I expected him to try something unusual ever since the first time we were together. Guess this was starting small. I could take it.
Besides, I needed him too fucking badly.
“Yeah?” He confirmed after I nodded, tone almost patronizing as he kept rubbing me and playing with himself. “Got yourself wet and ready for me, won’t need to prepare you, huh? Guess your disobedience has it’s advantages.”
All I could do was whimper, especially when he finally leaned over me again, resting his hard cock over my navel. “Feel this?” He asked, and I nodded once more. “It’s about to be inside of you, pretty girl.”
And so he grasped my hips and adjusted himself to start pushing in, spearing me open. Having him for the first time after a while was always a challenge, and although he always took it slow to get me used to him again, he was never one to give me time to accept the intrusion. He just took his time, thrusting in and out, taking note of every little moan that I released as his hips pressed against mine.
“Oh, fuck…” I groaned, wanting to wrap my arms around him but unable to do so, due to my restraints. “T-that f-feels s-so good!” I was positively trembling as he started to pick up his pace, cocky smile only adding to my arousal.
“Oh, yeah?” He panted, drops of sweat starting to form on his naked body from the frantic activity. “Then fucking scream it, sweetheart. Tell your entire neighborhood how good it feels to have my cock inside of you.”
I must have obeyed him, from the way my throat felt hoarse when I finally came back from my orgasm, but I couldn’t remember it. I was too far gone. All I knew, all I could focus on was the way it felt to have his cock rhythmically dragging in and out of me, the sounds of my juices reverberating off the walls.
“Pretty little pussy,” he complimented, eyes focused on the part of me he was so obsessed with. “Can’t wait to fill it up with my cum.” Well, that jolted me back into reality, suddenly pulling on his belt again.
“W-what?” Only when he heard my question and the hesitation in my voice did he raise his gaze to meet my eyes, a patient smile defining his expression.
“C’mon, pretty girl… You know you want it too. Don’t you want an ‘us’?” He urged while I could only stare back, mouth agape. “You know I want more, I’ve always wanted more. Now I’m ready to give it to you. And I know you want me too.”
His voice was soothing against my ear as he kept fucking me, “You want to be round with my baby, don’t you? You want me to keep you filled all day long, until your breasts are heavy and your belly starts growing, so everyone will know you’re now undeniably mine.”
And to be his is all I’d ever wanted, but I never expected it to happen like this. I could only watch, frozen in place as he came deep inside of me, moaning right by my ear before kissing my temple.
“I love you, sweetheart.” He’d never said those words to me before. I don’t think he’d ever said them to anyone. “I know it’s fucked up that I’m only now telling you this, but I do. And I wanna fall asleep next to you every day from now on.”
And so he kept me plugged, full of his cum even as he released my wrists and lulled me to sleep, and for the next seven days, when I woke up in the morning, he was really still there.
“You’re really here to stay,” I whispered on the eight night, cradling his face in amazement as he smiled before kissing my palm.
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sckyie · 3 years
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word count: 2.1k
genre + warnings: slight angst + family fluff; slight arguments between bo & gf, dad!bokuto, mom!reader, sharing a bed w/family
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: im not even gonna apologize im like so bad at posting on time
It was a hard break up between the two of you. Although it was mutual, the after effects was worse. You found out you were pregnant, postpartum depression, constant court battles, and struggling with just to put food on the table. In the end, with Keigo at now three years old, you two had shared custody of him.
You had finished cleaning up Keigo's room from it being empty the past week. You had just built him a new bed from him outgrowing the last. After putting away your cleaning supplies, you walked to your bedroom to crawl into your sheets. You slowly drifted to sleep thinking about how empty the house felt when your son was gone.
Even if you grew used to the lonesome halls, you didn't like the quiet halls all to yourself. You missed having someone to come home to but since the break up and since Keigo, you hadn't thought about a relationship for a while. All the while your ex had fully moved on.
Bokuto had a new girlfriend, new house, and had moved on in his career. To him, you were nothing more than his kid's mother, or so you thought. There were times where he missed having you around and he sees pieces of you through his son. But, nonetheless he moved on and finds himself with struggling now.
"You can't just say that about Keigo!" Bokuto argued. "My son comes before everything, before you, before my career-"
"Before me? I'm your girlfriend! Why should that bastard child come before me?" Yui yelled. "He shouldn't even come before his mom. I don't understand why she even matters so much to you anymore!"
"She's my son's mother of course she matters!" Bokuto was fuming hearing these words coming out of her mouth. "Don't ever call Keigo a bastard child! Get out of my house!"
"Like hell I'll leave! I'm not moving! You either pick me or that little monster." She yelled. Bokuto raised his eyebrows and scoffed. Without speaking, he picked up his keys and wallet. "Where are you going?"
"Taking my son away from you," He glances back.
"Oh yeah? And where would you even go?" Yui says.
"Like hell I'd tell you," He says. "When I get back though, all your things better be gone. If anything of mine is missing, I'm suing you. We're done."
Bokuto continued on to his son's room and the anger boiling in him diminished after seeing his sleeping figure. He slept just like his father, his body sprawled all over, his toy lamb in one hand and drool down the side of his face.
"Keigo, hey buddy," Bokuto carefully woke his son up.
"Mm? Is morning Papa?" Keigo stirred.
"No, bud, we're going to Mama's," Bokuto says. Keigo instantly perked up. Just like his dad, his immediate amount of energy got him ready to see his mom. "We're gonna stay at Mama's for a while so only take your bag and your lamb for you to sleep-"
"Are you sleeping at Mama's?" Keigo rubs his eyes, holding his stuffed sheep close to his side. Bokuto nods, putting some of his son's necessities in his bag. "Why?"
"Yui and I are...not being nice to each other right now. Papa just needs to stay somewhere else," He says.
Bokuto carried his sleepy son to the car passed Yui to avoid any questions from him. Though, he did as more and more questions throughout the car ride. "Papa look Lamb-Lamb is driving like you," He shows off his toy. "Wait Papa? I thought Mama and Papa don't like each otver."
"It's not that we don't like each other baby, Mama and Papa used to love each other so much, that's how you were born..." Bokuto paused. "It's just Papa hadn't showed Mama he loved her enough that we chose to spend time apart. It's okay baby, I just hope Mama will let us sleep over."
Pulling into the driveway, Bokuto looks at the clock and sees how late it is. Letting out a big sigh, he goes to help Keigo out of his car seat. His little hand wraps around his dad's finger as they walk the path up to your front door. Keigo plays with his shoes as Bokuto nervously fiddles with his keys.
The door rang as you stirred in your sleep. You pulled off your comforter and turned to your alarm clock to see that it was past midnight. Knowing you had work tomorrow, you were irritated to check the door. Who could possibly be here at this hour?
You threw on a cardigan to cover your pajamas and walked into your cold living room. You peeked into the peephole and saw a familiar tall figure with a little boy clinging onto him. You quickly open the door, confused to see the two.
"Mama!" Keigo practically jumps into your arms.
"Hi Bubbas, what are you doing here so late?" You ask.
"Yui and I got into an argument and she said some...choice words about Keigo. I told her to leave and she gave me an ultimatum. So we left and now we're here," Bokuto scratches the back of his neck.
"Can we stay wif you Mama?" He says into your neck. "Papa and I don't wanna stay with Yui."
"Of course you can stay," You say putting Keigo down, letting him hug your leg as you turned to Bokuto.
It was awkward to say the least. Spending the night with your ex-fiancé can't be that bad right? "Kotaro you don't mind sleeping in the living room right?"
"No! Papa and Mama sleep in the same room!" Keigo tugged at your shirt. "I wan Papa to sleep next to you because Mama's and Papa's always sleep next to each otver. Like how Yui sleeps next to Papa!"
"You're so smart, Bub," You gritted your teeth. "But Papa isn't with me remember? He loves Yui, so he can't sleep next to Mama." You took a look at Bokuto but could tell he was uncomfortable at the sound of his now ex-girlfriend's voice.
"Please?" Keigo's eyes began to water, hinting that he wasn't just tired but he wanted his way too. "I wanna snuggle in Mama's bed with Papa."
You looked at Bokuto, both of you felt guilty if you had turned your son down. It was just for one night, right? You guided the two boys to the room and flicked on the lights for Keigo to find his way. "Papa look at Mama's big bed!" He runs and jumps into the center of the king size bed. "It can fit all of us!"
Bokuto chuckles at your guys' son and sits on the left side of the bed. Keigo notices and began to whine and push his dad off the bed. "Woah bud, I thought you wanted me to sleep with you guys, why are you pushing me off?" He asks.
"Mama sleeps on that side," He points out.
"Ko, can you turn on the lamp?" You ask, shrugging off your cardigan. You flick off the light, leaving the dim light beside your bed. Your ex-fiancé and his mini-me both yawn in sync as they adjust the sheets. "Let get some snuggles bubbas."
"I love you Mama," Keigo kisses your nose once you laid in bed beside him. He flips over and kisses Bokuto's noses and whispers, "I love you Papa."
The three of you slowly drift off into sleep. It was a peaceful thing. The three of you asleep together like a family for the first time. Bokuto had shifted in his sleep to hold onto both you and Keigo. Both your legs intertwined and your bodies encompassed each other's warmth.
Bokuto was the first to wake up. He woke up to the blinds letting sunlight hit his eyes. He slowly looked around the orange tinted view and spotted you directly in front of him. Keigo had snuggled close to your chest like he always did whenever he was sleeping in bed with you. Bokuto smiled when he saw you like this. Though he didn't say it, he knew.
He was still in love.
You were his first love, his first true love that he could show off to people. The type that made people feel jealous that you were even a couple. It wasn't anything bad between you two when you broke up. Just time, Bokuto couldn't manage any of it. He wasn't showing you he loved you like he did. He didn't make time for you. He didn't know when to show up for you. It wasn't enough and so you broke up.
You slowly woke up with your body regularly waking up to the early morning. Your fuzzy vision locks onto Bokuto's figure and you smiled slightly. You rubbed your eyes to focus your sight and saw him smiling back at you. "You still snore," You pinch his nose and carefully shift out of bed not moving Keigo. "I have to get ready for work. There's coffee in the kitchen and food in the fridge. Keigo's not going to wake up until around nine, so you can make breakfast if you want."
"What are you going to do?" He asks as he moves a piece of hair out of your face.
"Shower, now shoo," You say. You walked into the bathroom locking the door behind you. Your cheeks were bright pink while Bokuto threw up his hands hiding his face.
Once out of the shower, blow dried your hair and got dressed. Just in time to hear Bokuto calling you that he made you coffee. "Here, just how you like it," He serves. You accept the cup sipping on the beverage, trying to ignore the tension between you two. "You can go to work early, I can take Keigo out today since I have the day off."
"Maybe I should take a day off for a family day," You laughed.
"Keigo'd like that," Bokuto suggested.
"I know he would but...I'm just...y'know," You hesitate.
"I know," Bokuto responds. "But, I'd rather spend one family day with you than anymore with Yui."
"Is that true?" You ask, fiddling with your mug. Bokuto hummed in response. He took a step forward to lean beside you on the counter. It was a strange feeling. "Ko...Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, something bothering you?" He sipped is coffee.
"Do you...still...think about me?" Why were you asking this? It's not right to be asking this but you wonder if you're still on his mind. At some point in time you were there the love of his life, so could there be a chance?
"Everytime I look at Keigo," Bokuto says without hesitation. That's when you felt it. A flutter in your heart told you there was still hope for the two of you. The glow on your cheeks spread as you go to message your boss about your day off. You looked up to see Bokuto gleaming as you finished typing. "Thank you Y/n," He says. You smile back but something in the air shifts between you two.
Your eyes meet. The wholesome smile fades and the nostalgic feeling of your past relationship is brought back with a single look. Before you knew it, you both found yourselves leaning over the counters. Your breath just grazed over his lips before placing it on his. It was almost like putting the last piece in a puzzle. Both your lips moved together as if you two had never broken up.
What were you doing? You knew kissing your ex-fiancé was wrong but you weren't stopping yourself. Bokuto's hand rested on your cheek as you deepened the kiss. He hummed as you two felt one another's lips after so long. Only until you heard the bedroom door open, you pulled away slowly. "Mama? Papa?" Keigo asks sleepily. He drags Lamb-Lamb on the floor as he enters the kitchen looking for his parents. Bokuto smiles at your rosy cheeks before kissing your nose and walking to pick up his son.
"Good morning buddy," He kisses Keigo's cheeks.
"G'morning," He says groggily.
"Good morning my Bubbas," You smiled walking over to greet your half awake son. You peck his cheek as he rubs both his hands along your warm face. "You wanna spend the day with Papa and I?" His eyes light up and nodded excitedly.
"Can we go to the beach, Papa? I wanna show Mama how I spike!" He asks very excitedly. The three of you continued to discuss your day plans with thoughts of breakfast, volleyball, and lots of giggles. Little did you know, that this was the first of many of your family days. That old nostalgic love was blooming once again from this single morning.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @just-a-siiimp @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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rosietaeyongswife · 4 years
black orphan |l.ty
genre: angst, smut mafia!taeyong, taeyonxreader, mafia au
tw: mentions of dead, murders, bad language, sex, mafia, mafia stuff
summary: being daugther of people who are hierarchy..well known around south korea isn’t very nice especially when they’re mafia and you killed them. u know what also isn’t easy? taking care of your younger sister.
authors note: pls if you have time it would be nice if you could read this it’s about lately thing with chinese idols. i explain there why some people should stop spreading hate on them and that it’s not really their fault.
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when you were child you didn’t understand what were your parents doing. you only knew you were rich. private schools. everything you want. most expensive clothes. everything. trip to hot country in middle of the winter? no problem. you and your sister minhee had everything. but your father and mother didn’t forget to teach you that you need to work for what you have.
  you were always amazed by your parents untill you were 16 years old and started to understand what they are doing for living. your parents were killers and drug sellers. you couldn’t belive it at first but with time you understood. that’s how your family is living. that’s how kim’s family is living. with time you learned about mafia life and your parents business. your father made sure that his daughter is going to take care of their business one day.. exactly - one day. one night your mother was standing in front of you with smile.
“y/n you are getting married.” she smiled wider. “he is son of rich man who can be needed.”
 they wanted you to marry some 40 years old man and sell your younger sister because they would had only benefits. it was this time when it hits you.
 you are just 24 years old, are you really going to kill your parents? answer is yes. few weeks ago you poisoned your parents and made sure that everyone would think that their heart stopped. because of this you were now the owner of kim hierarchy. now you are boss. 
  you were sitting at conference room with jackson when someone called you.
“yes honey?” you smiled. “how much do you need? okay. take my credit card. yes it’s fine.”
 you hung up. it was minhee. she needed some money so you gave it to her.
“it was minhee right?”
“how do you know?”
“you always smile this way when you are talking with minhee.”
“damn jackson. you know me too well.” jackson chuckled. “so now. how is the deal with sagurako family?”
“i think they don’t want to pay us.”
 you could only smile.
“they really don’t take me seriously.” you sighed. “kill his son.”
“ok, how and when?”
“whatever. tell jaebum that it’s job for him.”
“yes sir.”
 you really weren’t in mood to games. you just want money and nothing else. is this that hard? pay what they own you? your parets exactly but they are dead so you should take money, right? they don’t matter same as their children. they have five kids so one less isn’t big deal. 
 when you were sitting by your desk you heard someone. it was yugyeom. you sighed and walked to the coridor.
“why the fuck are you so loud?”
“because bambam is stupid idiot.”
“what? no!” he shout. “he almost kill me.”
“whatever. be quiter.”
“y/n wait!” yugyeom looked in to your eyes. “someoe was following minhee when she was at school and then with her friends.”
 hearing this made you upset. you know that you have much more enemies than friends but you had hope that minhee isn’t going to be part of their hit list. 
“bambam take me home i need to talk with her.”
“what are you going to do?” yugyeom was looking at you confused. he knows very well that you don’t play games. “are you going to kill somebody again?”
“ew no. she is going to have home school. ask youngjae or mark to hire someone ok?”
 your sister safety is your priority. she didn’t do anything wrong and she is innocnt teen. you couldn’t let someone to hurt her or even worse. of course minhee knew that yours family works in dirty business but she doesn’t know much. and it should stay like this. minhee isn’t going to take your company one day. you can’t do it. if you won’t be dead to your 60s you would give company to your child or something but at this moment it isn’t time to think about this.
 the whole house was clean. junmyeon was here for sure. you smiled softly. take off your coat and boots. first thing you did was to drink some watter. drinking watter is important especially for your brain’s work. when you were done you went to find your sister.
“minhee!” you looked around your house but you didn’t hear her back. sighing you went to check her and you could hear she was talking with someone. “minhee!”
 you walked in and first thing you saw was her with phone.
“i’m sorry. didn’t hear you.”
“yeah, it’s okay. are you fine?”
“yes. everything is fine. something happend?”
“you not gonna attend school anymore. you will have home lessons. you know teacher will be here with you.” you shrugged.
“what? no way!”
“you can’t do anything about this.”
“you can’t lock me there! the fuck y/n! i have friends there.”
“they can come to house.”
“but no..wtf. i don’t want to.”
“it’s for your safety.” you tried to hug her. “i know it’s not cool and all but i don’t have any other choice.”
 minhee was looking at you with only hate in her eyes.
“are you trying to lock me down? just like parents did to you?”
“no, of course no! it’s not it.” you took package of ciggs. “i don’t want to see that you are dead. someone is following you. if you still be arguing you’ll be dead soon.”
“w-who is following me?”
“i don’t know. jackson hire some teacher and some bodyguards so i hope you’ll be safe here if no then i have to send you to china.”
“yes to our uncle.”
“why the fuck i can’t live normal live.”
“listen. you can’t choose family but you should be grateful for us. for what you have. i work hard for everyting we achhived.”
“how? by killing people? it’s a job for you?” she smirked. “you are exactly like parents. what else do you do? drugs? murders? are you selling people?”
“done! i’m fuckin done. you can’t leave the house for next week. better accept how things are going because i’m not gonna let you talk to me like that.” you were pissed of. “you didn’t even know them well, what can you know? you acting like i don’t care about you even tho it’s not true.” 
 minhee didn’t feel bad about what she said. she was mad at you because she didn’t want to be in home. she wants to explore. you exactly know that she doesn’t want to live the way the whole your family is living. and you also don’t want her to live the same just like you. so sending her to china is the best option. uncle isn’t in mafia and all dirty stuff the rest of the family members do so minhee can be safe there.
  your sister didn’t talk with you by the whole week. you didn’t really care because you have so much work to do. kinda proud because you made japanese family to pay you the money they owned to your parents so you were satisfied. everything went fine. things are nice so are you. no worries by the whole time. only thing you are upset about is that your family want to meet. family meeting sounds nice? no. there is going to be other mafia because remember guys - if there is family meeting that means there is going to be make big deals.
 jackson with the rest of the boys were standing next to you. 
“you look pretty.” mark said looking at you with a smile. “but where is minhee?”
“told her that she has 5 minutes untill i go there.”
“yes sir.”
 you smiled. nothing can make your day worse. you are clever person so it turns out that you made a lot of big deals so now you are just swimming in the money to be honest. everything is so fine like never and nothing can upset you. not even this damn dinner with your family and others because you’ll be there with your people.
“minhee please we don’t have time. grandma will be mad.”
“i don’t care. i don’t want to.”
 you could only sighed. walking in her bedroom made you feel like teenager again. she was kind of similiar to you but at the same time she was so different. you took her hairbrush and started brushing her hair while looking in to her eyes in the mirror.
“you are so beautiful minhee. can you see it?” she nod. “everyones eyes are going to be on us. especially you because you are younger. behave there honey ok? they won’t like acting up or something. also be ready for all the compliments.” you smiled softly. “plus.. i can’t have eyes on you whole night so be careful. if someone is bothering you..” you lean to her ear “you know what to do.”
 she nodded and stand up. ready to go and show off. you are y/n and minhee kim. you are prestige family and nobody can tell otherwise. 
 the place was huge and expensive. you knew your family like things like that but not that much. without thinking your people with you at the front walked in welcomed by some people who were smilling at you.
“it’s me.”
“welcome madam. have fun.”
 slight smile goes on your lips and disaper quickly. and here you are. all eyes on you and your crew. smile and confident walk by you was really indimidiating. you knew your presence here was cherry on top. your parents died in mysterious conditions and here you are leading kim’s company. isn’t it suss? it is and you know it well but it’s only made you proud. your parents were problematic and were problem not only for you but for the family and co-workers. jelous eyes of wifes and girls were on you. to be honest, you are one of the prettiest and hottest woman there and that’s why you are just eye-catching. 
 the long table was place where you and minhee should stay. your people found place to themselfs, and when they were gone you noticed that by the table was sitting bosses of others organizations.
“good evening grandma.” you goes to hug her and asked minhee to do so. “i missed you so much.”
“is this my little y/n? sunshine i missed you. how are you?” she was worried. this woman was someone who you wish were your mother. she was the only one who cares about you. your mother or father never told you “i love you” it was your precious grandma who always was making sure to say “i love you” no matter what. “is everything fine?”
“i’m fine. everything is the best. business is going really well. you know.. zeros on bank account are only growing.” you smiled. “what about you? health?”
“i feel like i’m in my 30s.” she was only 70 years old but she felt way younger. “you know even tho your grandpa is pain in ass i’m fine. i’m so happy that now you are leading business.” she smirked. “my son and his -be sorry god- wife were failure. they have never made this much money like you do.”
“grandma thank you. it’s not such a big deal.”
“it is. i’m proud of you. i’m proud that you are leading something to be even bigger.” tear came down my cheek. “and you minhee. what about you?”
“everything is okay i guess.”
“is something bothering you?” everyone were looking at your sister and you knew what she is going to say.
“i feel kinda grounded but it’s okay.”
“y/n made me stop attend private school and have home schooling.”
“it’s against your wish?”
 you were now kinda mad at your sister. you know well that she said that because she still doesn’t agree with idea of home schooling and china.
“let me make things clear grandma. someone was following her and i love her too much to let someone hurt her. it’s the safest in our home.”
 your grandma sighed like everyone else in family.
“minhee you are still too immature and too young to understand things. let your sister work and decide. she is doing everything for your best.” your grandpa said while he was drinking his wine.
“but i have friends there. i have thing i’m interested in school and now i’m going to be grounded.”
 you couldn’t listen her anymore what notice your another uncle.
“minhee just let things happen. can we talk about something else? as you can see we have guests by these table.” he looked around.
 and that was the time when minhee must leave. you looked at her and she disaper. anothers girls and boys who were teens also disaper leaving the elders and bosses.
“okay so let’s talk.” your grandpa said. “my son is such a dumbass and made debts. also. police was suspecting you to be the one who killed your parents my dear y/n.”
 boss of nct, bts and monstax looked at you. you just smiled at them.
“there is no proof. i made sure to done work.” you took your glass of wine. “i’m more pro than my parents was, right? i don’t think someone is crying because of their loss.”
 you interested taeyong. he has never seen a person who openly talk about murder. about parents murder. you were that cofident that it makes him like you. he could see clearly that you don’t fuck with others. 
“mother will you let her get away with this? he still was your son.”
“will you talk like that if you knew that he signed documents about taking over your wealth? and everyone else?” you took a sip.”seokhyun you are so fuckin dumb. i hope you know why i don’t have respect for you right?” you smirked “you are pain in as..you remind me of some boy who was bothering minhee. you know what did i do with him?” he shook his head no “i shot him in front of his parents eyes. be careful.”
“what else you know?” grandpa took another bottle of wine.
“i know so much that i could easily take over business of everyone here.” you smiled. “father hide money in japan. i guess no one knows why there but it doesn’t matter. i have deal for mr. lee taeyong.”
 taeyong smiled over you. he was glad that he is going to make deal with big mrs. kim y/n. 
“i listen to you lady.”
“i know your handsome and eye-catching member named yuta nakamoto is japanese and he runs your business there. let’s say i need him. i want your help with finding money in japan.”
“i want 40% from this.”
“you want too much. it’s almost half of the money i would get. it’s not worth it. you are only finding money that are basically belonging to me.”
 you weren’t dumb. you knew that it’s way too much.
“what is your proposition?”
“i can give you 20%.”
“deal. i’m glad i’m going to work with you mr. kim.”
“same here mrs.lee i hope you not gonna fail.” he smiled. “i want to also say something. time is ticking mr. seo. and you know what happend.”
 lee taeyong stod up and leave to his members table. you looked confused at wife of your cousin jongdae.
“what happend?”
“it’s matter between me and him. please don’t ask questions.”
“okay so i can begin now.” namjoon said slightly annoyed. “what with our collaboration mrs.kim.” he was looking annoyed at your grandma
“i said i don’t know.”
“please.. my boys were working for you. i think we would be giant.”
 you were looking at them and thinking. what the fuck. you knew that bts are doing good but you also heard about their debts.
“no. if my lovely grandma said no then it’s no.” you didn’t look at him but at your glass full of wine.”don’t you want collaboration with my grandma and granpa just to pay off your debts and bills?”
 everyone was looking at your table because everyone heard it. whole nct were looking at you with shock same with bts and bosses of other mafies were spechless same with shownu.
“aren’t you too mean? it’s none of your business y/n. it’s thing between me and your grandparents.”
“exactly. and i’m not going to look how you want to take their whole wealth. how much money do you need? we can borrow you but you know.” you stand up like namjoon did few seconds ago just to come closer. “deadline is short period of time. and consequences are really big.” you smiled. “ask chan what happend when he was late with money.”
 namjoon was standing there embarrased and paralaized. you come at him and he didn’t like it. but you weren’t afraid. you are at too strong position to be moved by little kim namjoon.
“okay. borrow me a three milion dollars and i’m going to return them back.”
“sure. jackson!” you said. “make collab with my grandma but remember that i have eyes all around and i will notice if there is less money than it should be. you have month to pay me back.” jackson give you both piece of paper when you signed it. “sign it.”
“thank you and yes. month and you will have your money back.”
 after this everything went smooth. no fights. just paceful event. by the time it was time to dance and you were asked by your cousin jongdae to dance but soon enough you were dancing with lee taeyong.
“i didn’t know you were that mean and that strong.” he said while his hands were on your waist and yours around his neck.
“i don’t like playing games with someone who isn’t worht it.”
“and i like it.” he smirked. “you seem to be good player aren’t you?”
“maybe i am. mr.taeyong why are you even here?” he was confused. “i clearly see that you and your men don’t want to be there.”
“are you watching us?”
“shouldn’t i?”
“i guess you should. it scary talking with girl who killed own parents.”
 you could only smile. you aren’t afraid of anything and no one will make you feel regret. your parents deserved this and if you wouldn’t kill them they would ruin your life and your family lifes. and y’all don’t deserve this at all. your parents were selfish since you’ve been child. when there was no minhee your only friend was maid and chef. they were talking with you and play with you and your toys just to not feel alone. beside of them you had your grandparents. your grandma loved you like you were her daughter. she always made sure to say “i love you” and to check on you. and your grandpa? he would be proud and happy to walk you to your kindergarten and take care of you along with your grandma. and your parents? they didn’t care. they just thougth about money. more money and even more money. your mother was mean if she had to stay with you. she would just left you in your bedroom with toys and goes to her friend or to watch tv. and father? he didn’t even talk with you. he started to talk when he wanted you to be part of mafia. 
he taught you everything you need to know. and because of their lack of love and your knowledge of things you shouldn’t know about you are like this today. cold and emotionless. no one really show your love (not including your grandparents). kids at shool were afraid of you becasue they knew who you were and their parents didn’t allow them to play with you. in high school they didn’t want to be in touch with girl whose family is gangsters and who could kill anyone they want. you even hadn’t any best friend. no one. 
“it’s not scary. they deserved this.” you were closer. “sometimes you need to get rid of your enemies and i’m sure they were one.”
“am i your enemy?”
“if you will help me you’ll be my friend.”
since then you haven’t talked with family members. you didn’t need to. also minhee was more distant than usually. you even noticed that she is leaving and coming back late at night. you just had hope that she isn’t causing any problems. but when she was gone for two days and came back like nothing happend it makes you feel mad. mark and youngjae were nice enough to follow her around and found out that she is dating someone. minhee was dating and you didn’t even know. also, it seems like they know each other really well and are together since the very long time. 
 you were fine with it. she is 18. she can date anyone. you didn’t even care about this that she doesn’t tell you but it’s okay. it’s hers life after all. but when she were gone for a week and she doesn’t contact with you.. boy, you were really mad. minhee just disapear and have no signs of live. 
“y/n you need to calm down. she for sure is fine.” mark said “she is teenager, something like this happens.”
“but i do so much for her, why she is like this?” bambam was looking at you with sad eyes. he knew he shouldn’t feel this way but he hates your sister and seeing you hurt was really.. bad feeling. he knew how much effort you put to raise her well and take good care of. “i don’t understand. she just could told me that she want to go somewhere or something. i’m sick of it.”
“y/n.. we got it. i think she could leave with her boyfriend. yugyeom is checking him.” jackson hugged you tightly. “she is fine. minhee is strong.”
“and naive. she doesn’t even know how to defend herself what if he is going to hurt her?”
“maybe no? we don’t know.”
 when you were sitting in your office you didn’t know back then that person who is lover of your sister is who he is. reading his info was really surprising to you. it was unbeliveble. member of nct. 
 sound of your heels could be hear in headquarter of nct. your usually outfit on you - dark coat and black boots above your knees. people called you black orphan because of the fact that you are orphan basically and because you only dressed in black.
 members of nct who noticced you were whispering something about black orphan being here. you were walking slowly don’t even bother to look at them. you had goal - find minhee. jackson and rest of the boys were behind you and were in the line. like always.
“excuse me, what are you doing here?” man named mark was in front of you. “i don’t remember that you were invited.”
“i don’t need invitation.” you growled. “better find kim minhee and park jisung.”
 face of mark knew that is going to happen and why are you here. taeyong and rest of the members of nct couldn’t belive that jisung is letting his girlfriend stay in their place. taeyong was against and mad because he found out by accident when he was checking bathroom and minhee was going to bathroom. he almost killed her.
 when mark was about to go your sister and her s/o were near. minhee was looking at you surprised. she knew you could find her but didn’t think that you would come to nct. 
“i count to 10 and we coming home.”
“i’m not leaving.” she hissed. “i’m sick of being under your control.”
“what is this noise here?” taeyong appeard in his hallway. the crowd of his people were looking around whole argument.
“you living with my money that i worked for. i pay your bills and all. i’m doing everything for you to have amazing life. why don’t you understand that you will never be normal girl? you will never. you will always be “daughter of mafia” or “sister who hate her parents”. you should accept this.”
“that’s why i fuckin hate you!” she scream. “i don’t want your help. you think you did everything well. i want to throw up everytime i reminds to myself what you are doing. i don’t want to be part of this also i don’t want to live in china. i want to decide.”
you laughed like freak. you were looking at your little sister and couldn’t think of anything but how stupid she actually is. 
“i’m not asking you.” you hissed. “you are ungretful, spoiled brat who thinks that owns the world and is main charcater, don’t you? if you want to be that independent okay. i’m going to block all back acounts from you. from now on you will work your ass off for money. i’m starting counting and you better come here.” you looked in to her eyes. “1..2..3..”
“you aren’t my mother. my mother is dead! understand this!”
 jaehyun was about to say something but taeyong stopped him. he was enjoying the show in front of him. he really loves how crazy you actually are.
“i’m staying with jisung. i won’t come back to home.”
“you are making disrace for our surname. don’t act like fool and come to home. i’m at 7.”
minhee didn’t even flinch.
“i’m not scared of you. after all i’m your family.”
“are you sure honey?” you touched her cheek. “do you know how killed your lovely parents?” she denied. “i did. funni isn’t it? everyone know but not their own daughter. i think you should be scared of me at that point.”
 minhee couldn’t belive her ears. you killed your parents. she was living with you not knowing about everything.
“you are crazy bitch! i hate you! i hate this family! one day i’ll make sure that police or media destroy you.”
“good luck.” you winked and slapped her. “you are no longer part of kims family. i don’t need you. you were the one that needed me.” you said harshly stepping closer and touched her chest to push her. “you are no one know. there is no coming back. you are done in my eyes. dead. and if i see you in my way i’m going to kill your love and then you. and guess what? nothing will bother to help find justice.” you shrugged and smiled one last time “you are free. make sure to change surname and to make it like we have never been family.”
 minhee was holidng her cheek and crying. at this point she knew that she doesn’t really know her own family. that there is secrets that are creepy and scary just like them. and she was sure she doesn’t want to involved. but now she was feeling bad because of what she said. jisung had tried hundred times explain her who you are. that she is doing it for her safety because thousands of people wants her head and she still didn’t listen.
 taeyong was following you.
“are you going to stop going after me or you want me to beat you up?”
“don’t need to be so harsh. i just want to ask you something.” he smiled. “have you ever been in love?”
“the fuck mr. lee? i only met you few times and i talk with you for the second time.”
“just answer me y/n.” his eyes was shining and you liked this view. you liked him to be honest. he did awesome work by finding your fathers money. he was loyal to you and you liked it. also he was handsome. why don’t like him?
“no. i have never been in love. having crush in daughter of mafia doesn’t sound nice right?”
“i don’t belive. you are way too pretty and too smart to be alone the whole time.” you smiled. he was cheesy but you liked it. “i think this can change.”
“do you want to seduce me?” you asked with little smile. “make me feel like i’m special and leave next day?”
“who said i would leave?” he smirked. “you are really something y/n.”
“i think we could talk about it.”
 and here you are. taeyong brings happines to your live. you have never experinced things like the one you do with taeyong. you are no longer alone. you wake up usually in his bed with his eyse piercing in to your soul. jackson and boys were happy that someone is interested in you and you are intrested in someone. they have never seen you having crush in male. but here you are. all over heels over lee taeyong. you didn’t like the idea of him having you wrapped around his finger but who cares? you like it.
“y/n what are you thinking about?”
“taeyong would you kill for me?”
“isn’t it obvious? i know you can do it by yourself but i would always kill anyone who is messing with my girl.”
“since when i’m your girl?”
“since the first time i’ve heard of you y/n.” he kissed you. “why you asking?”
“i feel like i spend way too much time with you so i need to make sure that you are worth it.”
“are you doubting me?” he touch your cheeks. “look at us. we are in my apartment in japan with beautiful view on sea. we are here alone having the best sex of our lives. having each other and telling silly secrets.” he hugged you and you lay your head on his chest. “we don’t need to stress about business. we have each other now. it’s feels like heaven.” 
“we are in japan. we are looking at the sea.” you smiled softly. “it’s almost like dream.”
“i know you have never thing like this. i want to show you life colors you know?” he smiled. “i want you to be happy. i want to see that you enjoy your time and let someone like you more than friend.”
“you just saying that.” you sighed. “you are going to leave soon like everyone in my life. but it’s okay.”
“you will never get rid of me.” he looked deadly in to your eyes. “past six months was like arcadia with you by my side. i feel like i can love you and i know that no one ever loved you the way i do.” he smiled. “but i’m here. i love you.”
“you heard me and i’m not going to say this again.”
“lee taeyong you make me feel needed.”
 he was messing so much with your head and you didn’t even mind. he was there. he was with you and makes you forget about any problems. about stress. about work. time with him is smooth. and you love it.
“can we make love this time? not fuck? i want to feel your love even if it’s temporary.” you said with eyes closed while you kissed him
 taeyong smiled wide. he loved the idea of making love and not just fuck.
“my girl is soft.” he teased. “i want to do it. love.”
“i hate you so much sometimes.” you rolled your eyes. “i’m not going to ask anymore. it’s just this once.”
“alright. i got it.”
 you were sure that taeyong will disapear. you can’t show feeling but taeyong.. he show you love. he was there. you didn’t even know when you started to finding yourself making breakfasts for him. hugging him for every 5 minutes. telling him your dreams. listen to him and advice him. making him happy. it comes to you naturally just by watching his moves to you. it was so soft and so new to you. proudness. it what’s you feel. you could love taeyong. you didn’t even love your parents nor sister. it was more like obligation. but with taeyong? you realized your feeling when you were missing him and your mind just focus on him.
 you wanted to be best girlfriend to him. one time he even just put gun in your mouth and say to suck it if you love him just to then have you moaning “love yous”. and you did. not thinking twice. at this moment you both knew that it’s simply love between dificult people.
 taeyong was deep in you. you could feel him hitting right spots.
“how’s my kitten feeling?”
“good. good sir.” you moaned. “i feel like i’m close.” you whines
“i love view of you. you are perfect for me even your pussy is made for me.” he moeaned. “look at you under me. lovely.”
“stop talking and just make me cum.”
“marry me.”
 you were that confused. you were at edge of orgasm and he is telling you this.
“taeyong why are you saying this when we fuck?”
“why not? will you marry me?” he punted deeper and faster. “i would love to see you with my surname. lee y/n.” he smiled giving you hickeys “all by myself. my wife.”
“you got to be kidding me.” you laughed “we are having sex and you asking me about mar-”
 you couldn’t end your sentence because taeyong circled your clit and suddenly wave of pleasure hit you like ddu du and you cum. moaning his name and curling.
“answer kitten.”
“yes. i want to fuckin marry you lee dumbass taeyong.”
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mc-lukanette · 4 years
Luka was taking his usual route home, his coffee in hand and marked with his name, as it always was. All employees got one for free at the end of the day, and while it felt a little too generous for him to accept at first, he got used to the insistence, just glad to have a boss who wanted their workers to be happy.
That said, he hadn't opened it yet, planning on doing so when he got home in order to be perked up and ready to work on his music. The coffee he made without following a menu had a certain bite to it that somehow made the wake-up call even stronger, earning him the nickname "Viperion" from all the people he worked with. He didn't complain, obviously; it sounded cool.
As he walked down the wide sidewalk, he glanced up and noticed something that made him pause: a woman, slumped over a table and looking ready to either sleep or pass into the afterlife. He couldn't get a good look at her face, since she was face-down on the table and her black hair was making any of her features unseeable, but he saw the professional outfit she wore and the sketchbook resting under her hand, implying that she was overworked.
Luka realized belatedly that she didn't have a writing utensil in hand, his eyes drifting down to scan the circular table she was laying on. Indeed, there it was, on the opposite side of the table and continuing to roll along due to the occasional gust of wind. He rushed forward as it neared the edge, saving it from a sad fate on the sidewalk. He couldn't tell how fragile it was, but it seemed expensive, so he was glad to have come by when he did.
Slipping the pen between the open pages in the book, Luka's next priority was to duck down and check under the table for the woman's belongings. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that her purse was safely between her legs, unstolen and with the strap hanging around her shoulder. From the looks of how she was hunched over it with her legs pressed into the sides, he imagined that she might stir awake if someone attempted to take it or steal what was inside, but he wasn't going to take that chance.
He stood, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving her a gentle shake, even though he felt bad for doing so. The woman made an assortment of whines and groans at the motion, shifting away from him and curling in on herself. She even pulled her sketchbook in with her as if it were a pillow, clearly not willing to depart from whatever half-asleep state she was in. He couldn't help feeling bad for her; she was so obviously exhausted and he got the impression that this was a recurring thing.
While debating on what to do, he remembered the coffee in his hand, still hot and definitely a burst of caffeine for anyone who drank it. There was no question as to whether or not he should offer it to her, he just did, holding the cup out and gingerly pressing the bottom of it against the back of her hand while ensuring that the name side was facing away from her. She shifted again, but had a better reaction to the heat, maybe recognizing what it meant. She turned her head up, her hair parting just enough for him to see one of her eyes as it took in the cup in his hand.
His heart skipped a beat, having not expected to see such a bright blue color, but he remained still and waited for her reaction.
Eventually, the hand not touched by the cup came up to grab it, the other soon moving out from under the cup to do the same. She tilted her head back down at the table, then gave him a muffled, "thanks," probably thinking that he was someone serving her a drink she ordered.
He smiled, her voice reminding him of the pleasant chime of a bell. He was content to accept whoever she thought he was so long as she accepted the drink, releasing it so he could walk away from her. Once he was a fair distance away, he looked back to see that she was slowly pushing herself up so she could drink the coffee he'd given her. Satisfied and feeling that it was safe to go, he rounded the next corner to continue his way home.
The next day at work was particularly slow, with Luka having difficulty keeping himself occupied. He'd already wiped down everything in the shop that he could think of without the customers starting to suspect that he had a cleaning obsession, so he gave into his personal wants and pulled out a notepad he kept on him. It wasn't much, but he used it to jot down little melodies that came into his head, figuring that he might be able to turn them into something special with a little bit of time and effort.
He'd only been able to sketch some quick staff lines when the front door opened, rapid footsteps following as someone apparently barreled through. He glanced up at him, only needing to look for a moment before he recognized them as the woman he'd helped yesterday, though she was sporting casual wear instead of her business attire. A few of the customers at the tables turned to eye her, their faces a mixture of curious and confused, but she didn't seem to care.
"Is—" The woman panted, waiting to catch her breath before she stood straight, raising her right hand to reveal the coffee cup she'd been given yesterday. "Is there a Luka here?"
Luka gaped, then raised the notepad to his mouth to hide the fact that he was chuckling. He'd honestly thought that something terrible had happened to her with the panic she was in, but this?
The woman looked around frantically, clearly hoping to get a positive response. The customers who'd focused on her earlier had glanced in Luka's direction at the mention of his name, causing her to follow their gaze to him. Luka himself lowered his notepad enough to offer her a smile, his free hand going up to greet her. She ran up to him, taking note of the signature on his name tag and then comparing it to the one on the cup.
"Oh—thank goodness," she sighed. "I found you." Setting the cup down, she threw herself face-down onto the counter. Luka felt glad that he'd just cleaned there.
Curious, he asked, "Why were you looking for me?"
"I am so sorry," she whined in response. Raising her head just enough to look up at him, she continued, "I was so tired and I wasn't even thinking, and then I drank all of your coffee!"
He blinked, half-wondering if maybe she'd been so tired then that she thought that she'd stolen it. Offering her a smile, he placed his hands on the counter and lowered himself until he was level with her, assuring, "I gave it to you, it's okay. We get them for free. Besides, you looked exhausted and you definitely needed it more than I did."
"Still!" she argued, pushing herself back up with a pout.
The speed of her response told him that she actually knew already that she didn't steal it, yet was still that distraught over the matter of drinking his coffee anyway. He thought it was cute.
She threw her arms out. "And I'd never been to this place before and had to find directions on my phone and I was so worried that I might've picked the wrong one and I wouldn't know since I figured you were just a customer so my chances of finding you again were already bad and even if you were a regular I wouldn't even know what you looked like—" She stopped herself, letting out a sigh as she seemed to realize that she was getting side-tracked.
Luka watched, a mixture between amused and maybe a little charmed as the woman pulled out her purse and began to dig through it. Though he couldn't make out much, he could tell that it was organized, leading to her pulling out what she'd been looked for relatively quickly.
With a sudden serious look on her face, she firmly placed the money she'd grabbed down on the counter. "Anyway, at least let me pay you back! I don’t care if you got it for free or not!"
Luka looked at her, then the money, then back at her, reminding himself that she really went through so much trouble over a cup of coffee and it was absolutely adorable. He wasn't sure what his face looked like, but he knew it wasn't his normal "customer smile."
"What's your name?" he finally asked, once he'd put his thoughts together.
"W-what?" The serious expression vanished, replaced by surprise. "Um—" She tilted her head, but answered him anyway despite not knowing why he was asking. "Marinette."
Grinning at the melody taking place in his head, he turned away from her, abandoning the money she'd set down and picking up a cup to start writing on. "So, what kind of coffee do you want for that money?"
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
A Little Secret-Alfie Solomons x Reader (Part 3/?)
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(GIF credit to @fockingshelby​)
Part 1 / Part 2
Tags: @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mollybegger-blog​ @broitsriah​ @maryan028​ @peakascum​ @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight​ @mzcrazy2​ @br0ck-eddie​
Summary: After Alfie’s outburst, he has been avoiding Izzy, not wanting to face up to his disappointment. However, Izzy thinks the exact opposite, but of course, she doesn’t do anything to amend the situation. She too keeps out of his way, thinking she’ll only make him more angry, until they both receive a letter.
Characters: Alfie Solomons x OC!Reader, Ollie x OC!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mention of death, arguing, shouting, crying, trauma, low self esteem issues
Izzy heard something be pushed through the letterbox as she buttered her toast, wiping her buttery hand on a tea towel before going to retrieve it. She hardly got post, all of the time it would be bills, but today was different. It was in a crisp, white envelope with fancy handwriting, it even had a seal on the back. She inspected the wax, trying to figure out who it was from. Izzy had no friends, no family, which meant that this made her heart race in fear rather than anticipation. It opened without ripping and she took out the neatly folded letter. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she read it.
Dear Isabelle,
You are cordially invited to the opening of ‘The Blue Note’.
We have recently taken ownership before refurbishing, giving the club a completely new look and fresh feel. The evening will commence at 7.00PM where music and beverages will be provided. 
Please RSVP to the return address labelled on the envelope. We await for your reply with anticipation.
Kind regards,
Thomas Shelby
Shelby Company Limited
Izzy had no clue who Thomas Shelby was, or why he had invited her to a club opening. If her name hadn’t been addressed at the top, she would think it was just a businessman’s idea to bring in customers. This couldn’t be a coincidence, not after everything that was happening that week. She read it again as she finished her toast, noticing that it was almost time for her to go once she finished eating.
The morning at work went by as usual, time moving swiftly as Izzy completed her tasks alongside everybody else. It had been three days since the incident of her being locked up, and Alfie had avoided her like the plague. Although Izzy had wanted to speak with him, explain that she wasn’t upset with his actions, she knew she would never have the confidence to do so. Like always, she let life pass her by and decide her fate, rather than take control of it herself.
“Izzy,” Ollie got her attention, shoving a pile of letters into her hands,“need you to take these to Alfie, now.”
“I can’t!” Izzy protested, hating that Ollie was already walking away.“He doesn’t want to speak to me.”
“Then don’t speak, just drop off the letters.”
Ollie disappeared around the corner, causing Izzy to tense up, clutching onto the letters. Taking a deep breath, she turned around to look at Alfie’s office door, seeming more daunting than usual. Wanting to get it over with, she picked up the pace, finding herself in front of the door quicker than she expected. Knocking swiftly, Izzy could feel her heart rate increase as she was called in.
Of course Alfie knew it was her by the sound of the knock. He still wanted to keep away from Izzy, not wanting to risk upsetting her more than he already had. When she had cried out his name and ran after him after he punched that fucker, he had hated how that chipped away at him. She was his weakness, and no one else could see that. Noticing how she kept her head down, quickly placing the letters on his desk before turning around.
“Izzy.” he grumbled. 
She froze, glancing over her shoulder.
“I don’t have enough fucking time to sort through this. Do you mind reading them for me?”
She fully turned around, nodding before taking a seat. The first two letters weren’t of any importance to Alfie, he dismissed them after the starting sentence. But the next letter Izzy picked up was familiar to her, and Alfie noticed this.
“You like the look of that one?” he asked in a monotone voice.
“It’s just...” she mumbled.“I’m sure this is the same as the one I received this morning.”
That perked Alfie up.“What?”
She began opening it, recognising the wax seal.“Yeah, it is. It’s an invitation.”
Alfie held out his hand to take it, holding his glasses with his other hand as he read it. He looked confused at first, until he saw the signed name at the bottom, fury filling his body at the thought of Thomas Shelby knowing everything about Izzy.
��You’re not going.” he stated, carelessly throwing the paper on the desk.
“You know I’m not a big fan of clubs anyway.”
“You don’t reply to him, you don’t open anymore letters from him, and you go no where near that club!”
“Mr Solomons, I wasn’t going to-”
“He shouldn’t know about you.”
“Who? Who is Thomas Shelby?”
“He’s the business associate that visited, when that man got shot.”
“How does he know where I live?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you...do you think he wants to hurt me?”
Alfie said nothing, abruptly standing from his chair and storming to his office door. Leaning out of it, he yelled out Ollie’s name, harshly slamming the door again which caused Izzy to flinch. She shouldn’t have mentioned the letter, she was in trouble now, it wasn’t like she was going to go to the club anyway. 
Ollie knocked before entering, sensing the tension in the room as he glanced between his boss and friend. Alfie shoved the letter into Ollie’s hands, his eyes widening as he read it. What was Thomas Shelby’s plan here? He knew Alfie’s temper was short, and he knew that Izzy meant a lot more to than man than he wanted to let on. This wasn’t good, Izzy shouldn’t even be near this place, she never should have been in the first place. Alfie whispered in Ollie’s ear, it was so quiet to ensure that Izzy wouldn’t catch one word of it. 
“Mr Solomons?” Izzy piped up as Ollie left. She tried to make eye contact, but he left swiftly.
“You’re going home now, collecting as many of your things as possible, and letting the lads take you somewhere to stay.” he demanded.
“I’m sorry?”
“Ollie and a few lads are going to drive you home. If you need extra cases, I can get ya’ some-”
“Why am I packing my belongings?”
“Cause you’re staying in an old place of mine, somewhere where no one will find you.”
“W-why? Mr Solomons, what’s going on?”
“I’ll explain once you’re safe.”
“Please Mr Solomons,” Izzy stood, catching his attention and stopping him from pacing,“I need to understand what’s happening. You can’t just cart me about and kick me out of my home!”
She was scared, it was evident all over her face. Alfie didn’t want to tell her. He wanted to hide her away from it all until it was all over, keep her safe until he had shot all those bastards dead. 
Ollie popped his head through the door.“Cars ready Alfie.”
“Please Alfie.” Izzy hardly used his first name.
Izzy’s mind was screaming at her to defend herself, keep begging for an answer. Something dangerous was going on here, and she was near, if not in, the centre of it all. Why couldn’t she just be like any other normal person? They would at least have the decency to raise their voice. But she was weak. She always had been, it would never change. Quickly turning away from Alfie, she hunched up as she brushed past Ollie. There wasn’t anything she could do to go against him.
Staying silent in the car, Izzy had her hands clasped together, squished between two burly men Alfie had entrusted her safety in. Ollie was driving with another man in the passenger seat. No one was in the mood for conversation, not that Izzy would ever be able to hold one with any of them; Ollie was the only one she had ever spoken to for more than two minutes. 
“Be quick as you can Izzy, we need to get you to the safe house.” Ollie advised as they entered her home, two men staying beside the car as the other two checked around the back of her house.“You need me to grab anything for you down here?”
“Um...” it was incredibly hard to think of all your possessions off the top of your head.“No, thank you, Ollie. I...I think everything I need is upstairs.”
Izzy had emptied all of her drawers and wardrobe into the cases she had, though she didn’t own that many clothes anyway. There weren’t any valuable items laying about, though there was one thing she had to save. Kneeling on the floor, Izzy reached underneath her bed, feeling around for the chipped floorboard. Once found, she silently lifted it, reaching inside for the last letters her mother wrote her, as well as the necklace she’d had since she moved there...it had been gifted by a certain someone. 
“Where are we going Ollie? Where’s this safe house? I don’t mind walking to work, I just want to know how far away it is.” Izzy asked as she struggled to carry her cases downstairs.
He quickly took them off her, though hid how heavy they were.“Um, Alfie will explain once we’re there.”
“Mr Solomons will be there?”
“Please Izzy, just do what he’s told you so neither of us get in trouble.”
He didn’t mean to snap, but Izzy knew by now not to question everything. Sometimes her staying silent was the best option. Ollie handed over her cases to the men to load into the car, waiting for her to lock up. She took out her keys, looking up at the tiny, terraced house she had lived in for so many years. It seemed dramatic, but being away from the only place she felt comfort, the only place she could control the look of, it made her uneasy, especially because she didn’t know how long she would be away from it.
The car ride indicated that this safe house was certainly further away than Izzy would have liked. Ollie was secretly glad that the other men were here, it stopped her from asking questions. He didn’t actually know the full story, he didn’t know why Alfie was taking such big precautions; and he was being made to drive through the slums into the countryside, the city slowly being left behind. Firstly the houses started to get bigger and further away from each other, they went from blocks of flats, terraced, before becoming semi-detached. The streets started to look cleaner, as did the people walking them. Instead of homeless men and prostitutes lining the streets, women out for afternoon strolls with their babies in prams chatted away to each other, and old couples enjoyed their retirement together. Izzy held back a smile as she peeked out of the window, having only imagined places like this when she read her books.
Unfortunately, the awkwardness remained in the car for another twenty minutes, all of them secretly relieved when they pulled up at another house. It wasn’t a place that homed people full of riches, though they certainly weren’t poor. Driving down a back alley, they parked outside a small, semi-detached house. The other house beside it had a boarded up door and windows, with overgrown ivy all over it.
“This belongs to Mr Solomons?” Izzy asked as they all exited the car.
“Apparently so. I was as shocked as you are.” Ollie said before instructing the others to take her cases inside.
As they stepped inside, they saw that it was minimally decorated, though that didn’t surprise them. There were a few cobwebs about the place, as well a dust that had settled on top of surfaces. But with a quick clean up, it could look homely. It hadn’t been lived in for a while, the floorboards creaked from the new weight (that was something Izzy was both thankful and upset about, she could hear if anyone was in the house, but then again, that would mean someone was in the house). 
“Izzy?” Ollie called to her as she explored the kitchen. Her head showed up in the doorway.“They’ve put your things upstairs.”
“Thank you.” she meekly said, going back into the kitchen until she saw Ollie leaving.“You’re leaving?”
“Yeah, the men will stay though, to guard you.”
She scurried down the hallway to him, standing in the doorway as he continued walking.“What am I meant to do?”
“Settle in. Alfie will be here soon, maybe you could clean up the house?” he was joking, but that didn’t resonate with Izzy.
“Do you know what’s going on? With any of this?”
He sighed, approaching her so the others wouldn’t hear.“I’m sorry Izzy, I don’t know anything. If I did, I promise I would tell you. Alfie has instructed me to bring you here, and said he’ll be coming to see you today.”
“Izzy, you’ll be absolutely safe here, we’re prepared for anything...I didn’t mean...not that anything will happen. I’m going to go before I say anything else.”
After Ollie left, she locked the door with the keys left for her, wishing there were more locks. She was in a small state of shock. Her life was being controlled, all because of something that she had no idea about. The only thing she could do now was as Ollie said, settle in. She was disturbed by the dust everywhere, heading into the kitchen to find a duster and other cleaning supplies. Her own belongings could wait. Covering her mouth with a handkerchief, Izzy still coughed and sneezed, her eyes watering. The house was modest for what rooms it held. It had a front room, a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms and a small garden. It was more than what Izzy had ever had, and it was properly furnished. But you knew no one had been living here.
“Izzy?” Alfie’s voice made her jump. She had just finished dusting in the bedroom her cases were.“Izzy, where are you?”
Removing the handkerchief from her mouth, she brushed off the dust that had fallen onto her dress as she made her way down the stairs. Alfie was stood at the bottom, watching her. In that moment, he couldn’t help but think...no, he shouldn’t be thinking things like that, they would never come true.
“What you think then?” Alfie sniffed.
“It’s a lovely house, Mr Solomons.”
“Won it in a bet didn’t I? Didn’t know it would come in handy one day. Tea?”
She followed him into the kitchen, starting to boil the water as he sat down at the table big enough for four people. He glanced around the place, trying to distract himself from how Izzy looked like the perfect housewife in that moment. No one spoke as the tea brewed. Izzy wanted to ask questions, but she knew she had to be grateful for whatever Mr Solomons was protecting her from. And Alfie didn’t want to say anything stupid, he thought she was still angry with him. Once the tea was ready, Izzy focused on keeping a steady hand as poured it into two cups. The tension was building more and more by the second, she didn’t want to make matters worse by pouring boiling water onto your boss’ crotch.
“You’re probably confused.” Alfie said, taking a sip of the drink.
Izzy sat beside him, leaving her cup.“Yes, I am.”
“I’m just being over cautious Iz, can’t risk anything.” 
“About what?”
He rubbed his eyes with one hand, sighing loudly.“That letter you received, it’s from Thomas Shelby.Do you know who he is?”
Izzy shook her head.
“I hoped you wouldn’t. But I’ve got to tell you in order for all of this to make sense. He’s the leader of this gang, right, this gang from Birmingham. They call themselves the Peaky Blinders, due to the razors they sew into their caps. It’s, it’s barbaric if you ask me.”
“And, this gang, they want to hurt me?”
“Nah, nah, not that I know of. But he’s becoming a powerful man. He’s proven that by finding out who you are and where you live.”
“You don’t think they had anything to do with the man who harassed me in the street?”
“Nah, but he’s up to something.”
“So...so what do we do now?”
“You’re going to stay here, until that’s figured out.”
“But how am I supposed to get to work? I mean, it’s no problem for me to walk, I just know it’s further away-”
“You’re not going to walk to work, because you’re not going to work Izzy.”
“But, how am I supposed to earn money? What am I going to do here?”
“I’ll still pay you. Think of it as holiday pay. A holiday where you can’t leave the house.”
“No one knows you round here Izzy, but you can’t let anyone see you here. That’s why it’s good that the house is tucked away with no neighbours.”
“But I could be stuck here for ages.”
“You’ll be fine.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, you, you like being alone.”
Izzy raised an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, you keep to yourself, you don’t have any friends, what’s wrong with staying in here?”
“Because I’m trapped!”
Alfie hadn’t expected her to protest.“You’re not fucking trapped! You’re safe!”
“Safe from what? You won’t tell me!”
“What’s got into you? You’re never like this.”
“Because...because maybe I’m scared! You’re not telling me anything Mr Solomons-”
Alfie stood from his chair, coming off more demeaning as he towered over her.“Why do you always call me that? We’ve known each other since we were children! You never say my name!”
Izzy shrunk into her seat, hands gripping the side of the chair in fear.“I-I...You’re my boss, I-”
“That makes no difference! Oh for fucks sake, Izzy, we’re practically the same age!”
Izzy ducked her head, too scared to look at him.“I’m sorry, Mr Sol-Al-Alfie!”
Alfie realised how he looked to her, but his stubbornness got in the way. Instead of apologising like she should have, and wanted to, he kept going, somehow thinking that scaring her more would make her want to stay.
“Just do as you’re told. It’s not like anyone is going to notice you’re gone. I’m doing this for you, some fucking gratitude would be nice.”
But as soon as he saw the tears in her eyes, he hated himself. How was he supposed to know how to talk to women? Let alone comfort them! Izzy meant a dear amount to him, which is why he hated himself right now. He knew this woman for most of his life, why couldn’t he read her? Not knowing what else to say, Alfie left the shocked woman behind, heading out and past the men he put in place. They pretended they hadn’t heard any of their shouting.
Izzy didn’t move for another few minutes, scared that something else might happen. Alfie slamming the door didn’t help, causing her to flinch, a small yelp escaping her mouth. Once she was certain he was gone, the tears fell freely and silently, not wanting to make any noise, with only one thought circling her mind.
Why am I so weak?
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vansmaybeonthewall · 4 years
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
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requested by: anon
Y/N L/N was one of the sweetest, kindest people you would ever meet. She made life seem so easy and pure. She sought the best out of everyone and everything. That’s why everyone thought she was crazy for wanting to work with criminals. This one pure, innocent soul wanted to interrogate some of the evilest people on the planet. Instead of listening, she focused on her studies and became one of the best. She was damn good at her job.
For this reason, the BAU called her in. Well, Penelope suggested Y/N specifically and Hotch went along with it. If Penelope said Y/N was the one for the job, then she was the one for the job. They were having trouble with their latest suspect.
Although, the team was not prepared for her to walk in with the brightest white shirt one could possibly think of. The shirt was even brighter in the light. The bright white glow made her seem like an angel, all she was missing was wings and a halo.
“Penelope!” She greeted back with excitement. 
“I see you’re still as bright as ever.”
“But of course, you have to show them who’s boss.”
“Y/N L/N, I’ve heard great things,” Hotch interrupted.
“Aaron Hotchner, pleasure to meet you. Now, who are we dealing with today?”
As the two began to speak, the rest of the team started a heated discussion.
“But she looks so innocent. How is she known for breaking criminals? And that shirt, it’s blinding!” Derek argued.
“Hey, don’t underestimate the woman. I bet she kills them with her kindness and innocence.” Prentiss shot back. Before they could continue their debate, Hotch interrupted, saying something along the lines of “Let’s go” and “They’re ready for us”.
The team made their way to the interrogation center, unprepared for what they were about to watch. 
“See you on the other side, well can’t really see you, but you know what I mean,” Y/N chuckled to herself. Now the team really couldn’t believe how she broke down criminals. 
Inside the interrogation room sat a young man in his early twenties, suspect to a group of murders that plagued California. 
“Alexander Hudson, 22, suspect to a series of murders right here in California, what’s up with that?” Y/N started. 
“I..I don’t know, I was with some friends and the next thing I know, I’m being arrested.”
“Hate when that happens, it just kills the mood you know? I had a friend, Melissa, one minute she’s laughing, the next she’s sitting in a holding cell. Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”
“My mom’s name was Melissa.” 
“She.. she was killed 4 years ago, someone broke into our house.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that, it must’ve been hard.”
“I guess? She wasn’t the greatest, but I still loved her?”
“You didn’t sound sure about that. Are you sure you loved her? It’s okay not to. Sometimes mothers aren’t the best.”
“Well, I guess not.”
“Huh, strange..”
“What? What happened?” He grew worried, he started to think she knew something he didn’t.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, just fine. What’s strange?”
“Oh no, I don’t think you’ll like it.”
“Just tell me.”
“Well, every victim was said to be an unfit mother. It’s strange how everything seems to fit into place.” She was met with silence. “I bet all those mothers loved their children, even if they didn’t show it, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, don’t you think your mom loves you?”
“She’s dead, isn’t she?”
“She is, like the others. Just carelessly killed, no mercy. But you wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”
“What? No, no! I didn’t do it. I didn’t kill my mother!”
“I didn’t say you did. Just thought it was strange.”
“What, no, no, you said-
“Why are you accusing me of something I didn’t do? I would never do that Alex.”
“Stop it, I didn’t-”
“You need to calm down Alex. You have to stop it. When are you going to stop? I’m sure they didn’t deserve it.”
“But, but-”
“You’re breaking my heart Alex.”
“They deserved it, they..they wouldn’t let them go. They just yelled and yelled. There was no freedom.”
“But Alex, they loved their kids more than anything.”
“No they didn’t, I saw it, they didn’t love them. They had to disappear, they had to. Don’t you get it?”
“I do, I completely understand. And I’m sorry Alexander.”
“You, Alexander Hudson, are under the arrest for the murders of-”
“Melissa Hudson, Kassandra Peterson, Lisa Walker, Isabel Eaton, Heather Warren, Raquel Vasquez, and Evelyn Fox.”
“No, no, no, no! I trusted you!”
Y/N watched as the boy was dragged out of the room. The screaming soon faded out. The team, watching from behind the glass, stood in shock. They couldn’t believe that this “innocent” woman could be so twisted. She didn’t seem much like an angel anymore. The white shirt now was a disguise of who she really is.
“Y/N, that was incredible, despite the circumstances. But you are amazing.” Spencer complimented,creating a lighter mood. 
“Thank you.”
“Are we not going to say anything on how she manipulated him so easily?”
“Oh, Agent Morgan, people usually thank me for catching the criminals. Making them trust you first just works. I must go though, I have to be in New York for more fun. It was nice to meet you all. I would love to see you all again.”
They watched her walk away, not losing sight of that godforsaken shirt. 
“She definitely does not kill them with her kindness.”
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leechonspeeddial · 3 years
Midnight Shift: Something Rotten...
Summary: Resentment goes to the only place she can think of to reflect on the news of the vampire Lazarus Chapters: 3/? Read on ao3
I allowed the door to slam shut as I put on Emmett's air pods in my ears.
Blasting music wasn't a foolproof anti-mind reader strategy, but it did help a little. Possibly. Maybe. So while the Glass Animals told me how they could sometimes only think of me, I finally allowed myself to reflect on the events of last night.
The Cullen-Hale-Masen Household was officially in James Watch—much to Eddy boy's annoyance. If it were up to him, he would put Bella and me in Fort Knox and then throw the whole damn thing in the Mariana Trench for good measure if it meant "keeping us safe."
Luckily for my autonomy, despite spending hours yelling his arguments at us before anyone could actually voice anything, Carl managed to calm down his century-old brat and told us life would more or less resume as normal. Carl argued that Alice's vision had been too brief to give us any valuable information and any rash reactions could lead us into a self-fulfilling prophesy. Better to keep an eye open and be prepared for whatever.
Personally, I thought that "being prepared" would include someone filling me in on who the fuck James was and why everyone so stressed out...but I guess it was an only me thing, because I still knew fuck all about that crusty ass corpse corpse.
Unluckily for me, that also meant that the party Alice was throwing would still be happening. I sighed and kicked at the snow. It was still dark but I could see the sky begin to pinken as the sun rose. A new beginning.
How lovely.
It was possible to sabotage a psychic. Not easy, but possible. Not likely, but possible. Headache-inducing, but possible. Possible, but not everything possible was worth doing. While I did desperately want to stop the stupid party, I could also sense a losing battle. For every plan I made, Alice was certain to have at least 5 to counteract mine.
No reason to play her game when my best outcome would come from not playing at all.
Maybe I'd flip a coin to introduce a little bit of randomness to my weekend. Add a little spice or some shit.
I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out a quarter. Heads, I'd go to work even though it was my day off, tails I'd  loiter at the park.
I flipped the coin and frowned.
Ew. No. I wasn't doing that. That was so fucking boring. Who was I gonna annoy for the next 8 to 10 hours? Some fucking geese? No way.
With a destination in mind, I hummed along my music and walked.
"These days, I'm way too lonely. I'm missing out, I know…du du du du du..du du"
[Scene Break]
The last remaining Burger King at East Ladle technically was open 24/7, even if I had never personally seen any customers come in for the midnight shift. There was no demand for it but the boss insisted, so there was always someone technically on shift. When it was my turn to stay overnight, I liked to sit outside on top of the dumpster and feed the raccoons and rats our leftovers. They were considered pests, so I felt like they should have a good time since they were sadly not here for a long one.
It was lonely, but lonely was better than home sometimes.
When I opened the door of the restaurant, I saw that Gay Kevin had been the one to stay overnight this time. Music was playing over the speakers and he was typing on his laptop. He didn't acknowledge me in any way, so I assumed he was too into whatever he was writing to give a fuck. It was nice to see him blow off work every once in a while.
Caring too much for this dump was bad for the soul.
I approached the guy and looked over his shoulder. I could count 21 tabs open and an unknowable amount more were hidden by the UI. He was on wordcounter.net and looking by details on the side, he had a good 12,456 words written. Good for him, I guess. I was ready to snoop some more, but then I finally processed the lyrics of the song playing.
"Wait. Is this a metal cover of a one-direction song?" I asked, as some guy proclaimed that no one else was ever beside him.
"Son of a bitch!" Gay Kevin jumped from his seat and slammed his laptop closed. I cringed. That was no way to treat your electronics.
"Eh, close enough"
Gay Kevin took a deep breath and looked at me.
"What the. Ugh. Why. Mmmm," he kept starting a new sentence and I simply waited for him to complete one.
"It's your day off," was what he finally settled with.
"Yes," I nodded.
"It is your day off," he repeated. I nodded slower.
"Go home?" he asked incredulously.
"Nah. It's boring there and too quasi-incestuous for my liking"
"You're not a customer. Leave. Please"
"I will literally buy something every 20 minutes if I have to. Is that what you want?"
Gay Kevin stared back at me with clear frustration painted on his face. He sighed and deflated back onto his seat.
"No…just. Don't be a menace," I decided to be merciful and didn't point out how that wasn't possible for me. Being a menace was my God-given purpose.
"Whatcha writing, Kev"
"I literally just told you to not be a menace"
"Hey! That's mean. I'm just curious. I simply can't phantom caring about something enough to write more than 10 thousand words on it"
"Yeah. No. That actually explains a lot about you. It tracks"
I waited but he said nothing.
"Come on Kev! Cooler Kev shows me what he's working on," Gay Kevin looked back unamused.
"He's Cool Kevin now? What happened to Straight Kevin"
"Straight Kevin implies the existence of Gay Kevin, and you did give me a very extensive lecture about not outing people. So. I gotta make do with other adjectives," Gay Kevin rolled his eyes.
"Ah, miracles do happen, I guess. You do listen to what I have to say"
"I do listen! And now I'm giving you the opportunity to have me listen to you even more!"
"I'd rather get my appendix removed again than talk about what I'm writing"
"Aww, I'm sure you're a good writer, Kev! You don't need to be embarrassed"
Gay Kevin rolled his eyes and started putting his laptop away. I pouted. He was no fun.
"I know I am a good writer. This simply isn't meant for your eyes"
"Ooooooh, is it for your boyfriend then?"
"No. But he will be proofreading. So. I don't need your input"
"I think having multiple eyes look over your work is considered good practice"
"Shush, demon"
I crossed my arms and watched as Gay Kevin took his laptop case into the office. I was taking offence to that. How dare he think that I would hack into his computer to read what he was writing. I wasn't gonna before, but now that he distrusted me, I would so do that first chance I got. Jerk.
I sighed.
The place was more quiet than usual—even with the omnipresent hum of the appliances and whatever weird as Spotify playlist Gay Kevin had playing—and the air was disgustingly stale. Frying oil had a habit of clinging to everything and never letting go. My stomach growled.
I hopped over the counter and turned on the grill. Breakfast time.
One croissant and sausage sandwich coming up. Yum.
"Oh my god. What are you doing?" Gay Kevin was back.
"Relaaaaax. I was hungry"
"I'm never doing anything nice ever again. This is what I get for caring about my coworkers' birthdays…" He grumbled and ranted while pacing back and forth. "Never fucking swapping shifts again"
"I think you're overreacting a little," I said while flipping the sausages, "if a customer came in while I was working and made their own food, I'd call it a blessing"
"Well. I'm not like you"
"There's no one quite like me," I smirked and the sausages sizzled.
Gay Kevin sighed and went to wipe down the tables and other miscellaneous surfaces. We worked not exchanging any more words between us. I dunked way too many fries into the screaming oil and smiled.
Yeah. This was so much better than fucking around at the park.
[Scene Break]
I was mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, watching blonde after blonde fruitlessly try to be the next Addison Rae, when the overwhelming stank of decay entered my nostrils. I gagged and pulled my gaze away from my phone and towards the door.
There stood a teenage girl absolutely covered in grime and who the fuck knew what else. She was so badly covered in that…black goo? you could see no color on her. It was almost as if she was in grey-scale in real life. I tilted my head and took another deep breath.
Oh my fucking god. It was even worse the second time. A smell worse than death, than death ten times over. Rotting, sour, and bitter, sticking to my throat and choking me. Smoke burning and leaving gravel behind to finish the job. What the fuck was going on in this town? First, the scary Singer guy, then that James fucker, and now this girl? Was East Ladle some sort of magnet for weirdoes and freaks?
From where I sat I could see Straight Kevin wrinkle his nose, but he didn't seem to be as affected as me. Lucky bastard.
"Uh. You ok there, dude? You have a little something on your…everywhere…"
Swamp Thing stalked towards Straight Kevin, almost limping.
"where is the man?" she croaked. Her voice was low and gravelly, almost as if she hadn't spoken in centuries.
"Uh. What?"
"The man. I've seen him enter here," she leaned closer to the counter and Straight Kevin took a step back. Moving at an inhuman speed and with unlikely strength, she grabbed the collar of Straight Kevin's uniform and pulled him to her. She growled and he yelped.
I jumped to my feet. Oh boy, it was one of those days…
"I know it doesn't look like it. But lots of people come in here, off-brand Samara," Swamp Thing didn't loosen her grip, but she turned her head towards me.
She had brown eyes. Her wide scowl showed off perfectly human teeth.
"Listen, why don't you let the minimum wage worker go, and we can chat like normal people. Kay?" I put my hands out and made placating gestures. She might not be a vampire, but she did look absolutely feral. No need to escalate whatever this was.
We silently held eye contact as Straight Kevin struggled to free himself from her grasp. His new wave playlist played on as he pathetically squirmed unsuccessfully.
Finally, Swamp Thing released her prey…
… Only to immediately collapse on the spot.
Straight Kevin laughed nervously and fidgeted.
"Should...should we call an ambulance or something?"
"Yes, Kevin. I think you should definitely call an ambulance"
We stood staring at the body laying crumpled on the middle of the floor. I took a small whiff and gagged. I couldn't smell any blood though, so silver linings.
"The ambulance?" He jumped into action and the music abruptly stopped.
I approached the lump on the floor and checked her pulse. It was weak but it was still there. When I pulled back my hand, the goo coated my fingers. I restrained myself from licking the goo. I still had some sense of self-preservation after all. It was hard though.
I didn't want to get ahead of myself but it felt like everything that was happening was connected. Swamp Thing looked like she crawled out from her own grave, and if James really had died when the Cullens said he did…maybe something or someone was waking up the dead from their slumber. Maybe someone who had shown up yesterday and freaked out my vampire senses.
Maybe that's why she came here, maybe she was looking for the douche bag who woke her up.
Well fuck.
Edward was so NOT allowed to know that. I did not want to spend the rest on my existence in the Mariana Trench.
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Romanced!Companions React: It’s All A Dream (Part One)
Note: I hope this is okay! I treated it as if the dream were kind of an alternate timeline that the companions accidentally saw into via a dream. If that’s not what you wanted let me know!
Cait wakes with a start, surrounded by a home she barely recognizes, in a bed that feels too soft to be real. She reaches over to the other side of the bed out of habit to realize it’s cold and empty. Panic rises in her chest and she sits up fast enough to make herself dizzy. The memories of two different worlds blur together and she squeezes her eyes shut, willing things to straighten themselves out. She opens them again.
There’s light streaming through the window near her bed, warm orange casting onto the hardwood floor. Slowly, nervous to make the wrong move, she stretches out her legs and places her feet firmly on the floor. Nothing shifts again and she breathes a sigh of relief. It was a dream. Of course. A realistic dream, but a dream nonetheless. 
Cait runs her fingers through her fiery red hair and rises from her bed, pausing to stand in the sunlight. There’s no mistake in the warmth on her skin or the fluffy clouds drifting by. This was real and she had just had a weird dream. With a scoff to herself that she couldn’t even have a realistic dream that was nice, she shuffled her way to her kitchen and turned her mind to other things.
It was her sister’s birthday soon and she needed to head out to find a good gift. As always, she’d put it off long enough that it was practically an emergency to find something at this point, but she was confident Concord would turn up something useful. First, though, she needed coffee and a good breakfast.
Nearly three hours later Cait made her way through the streets of Concord, peering in the windows at the displays. They were filled with warm clothing in soft shades as the weather had begun to take on a light chill in the past couple of days, reminding everyone it was nearly October. She decided it was hard to go wrong with a good scarf, especially since her sister worked outdoors, and began to head up the stairs to the shop entrance.
Before she could enter, though, someone came bustling out. Cait dodged to the side to avoid getting barreled over and turned to reprimand them when her stomach dropped. Sole was staring up at her from a lower step in confusion and concern. “I’m sorry, I just realized I was late and I didn’t realize you were on the other side of the door. Sorry.” They sounded flustered.
“Don’t worry about it.” Cait struggled to keep her tone even as memories from the dream came flooding back. Sole hadn’t budged, despite just stating they were late. “Do we- do we know each other?”
“I don’t think so.” Sole looked lost, their gaze searching Cait’s features. “You do look kind of familiar, though.”
Cait nodded slowly. How the hell did they have a dream about this person, create a whole new world with them, and not actually know them? She swallowed nausea that rose at the idea that she was a stranger to them. Sole took in a deep breath and looked as if they were going to say something before pausing and shutting their mouth. “I’m sorry, I really do have to go.” They smiled politely and turned to leave, still appearing confused.
She couldn’t bring herself to say anything and simply watched as they hurried away, checking their watch once more.
Curie roused slowly. The first thing she thought was that she didn’t feel Sole in bed next to her; they must’ve gotten up early. The second thing she thought was that it was too comfortably warm to be the middle of winter in the Commonwealth. She shifted, stretching lazily, before she opened her eyes.
Her surroundings made her scramble backwards on the bed, defensive as she gathered the sheets around her. This wasn’t the bed she shared with Sole in Sanctuary. She blinked a few times before things started to become more familiar. The photo on her nightstand of her and her parents, the nurse’s uniform folded on her nightstand across the room, and her cat basking in the sunlight all seemed to be greeting her back to the real world.
Curie sighed, relaxing and letting the sheets drop into her lap. Had that really been a dream? It had been so real, so lifelike. A pang hit her chest as she thought of Sole, though it dissipated soon after. Sole wasn’t real. She didn’t actually know them. “Kitty.” She called out softly to her pet, seeking comfort in her companion.
Kitty raised his head in contemplation, debating whether or not to join her on the bed, before dropping his head again to enjoy the sun’s warmth. Curie sighed and rose from her bed. She had work in a couple of hours; she couldn’t afford to be this distracted while taking care of patients. It was no use to dwell on a dream.
It wasn’t a particularly busy day for Curie and her coworkers. She had a few patients coming in for check-ups, but other than that, they spent most of their time talking amongst themselves and attempting to pass the time. She was sorting through paperwork when she heard a familiar voice say, “Hello?”
Curie rounded the corner to the front desk only to stop dead in her tracks. Sole stood on the other side of the desk, drumming their fingers idly on the surface, glancing around the waiting room. Curie took a deep breath to steady herself and willed what she remembered of the dream to leave her be. “Hi. Do you have an appointment?” She asked. Maybe if she continued casually the familiarity would ease and so would the knot in her chest.
“12:30. For-”
“Sole?” Curie blurted out. So much for casual.
Sole’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “Um, yes. How’d you know?”
“Lucky guess.” She replied weakly. “Right this way, Mx.”
Her legs felt like jello as she led them down the hall to a room. She turned to leave after reassuring them that the doctor would see them soon when they called out. “Sorry, what’s your name again?”
They nodded to themself before blinking and putting on an easygoing smile, though she could still see disorientation in their eyes. “Sorry, I thought I knew you. You seemed familiar.” They laughed. “Guess not.”
“Guess not.” Curie repeated softly before exiting and clicking the door shut behind her.
Danse woke to surprisingly familiar surroundings. The bed was stiff underneath him, the snoring of a couple other people echoing around the room. However, when he opened his eyes, he was alarmed to see he was no longer on the Prydwen. Instead, it appeared he was in another sort of soldiers quarters.
His eyes darted to his side and his concern grew at the fact that Sole wasn’t there next to him. Someone shifted in their bed and the familiar sound of the springs grounded him for a moment. He had just been dispatched to Concord with a few others for a ‘just in case' situation. The orders didn’t give a specific reason, but it was good enough for his Commander, and therefore, good enough for him. Concord was a quiet little town with just enough to do, so everyone else was treating this as a mini vacation. Danse, however, had been finding it hard to relax for some reason. Of course, he'd been teased that he was always uptight, but this had felt different. And then he had the weird dream. 
That's what it was. A dream. He gritted his teeth for a moment before taking a deep breath and forcing himself to move on. Exhaustion did weird things to the brain and he was just finding out how far that weirdness went. Maybe food would help bring him back to reality.  Danse stood abruptly and made his way out of the quarters. 
 Late in the evening, a few others had insisted he get out to see Concord more and "take a break for once." Danse had agreed, though extremely reluctantly, and allowed them to drag him to a nearby movie theater. Something had stopped him from going inside and he waved them off when they called him a buzzkill, moving to sit outside on a bench and take in the surrounding area. Maybe thirty minutes later, someone sat down next to him, and when he turned to look at them, he inhaled sharply.
Sole was sitting next to him, a bright smile on their face, warmer and more vibrant than ever. The recognition sent a shock through and he resisted the urge to wrap them up in a hug. “Hey there, soldier.” The greeting was so familiar he had to look away in a panic. “Friends leave you behind?” They asked, their tone light.
“Uh, no. Wasn’t really interested in the movies.” Danse cringed internally at how stiff his tone sounded.
Sole didn’t seem to mind and instead laughed. “You too? I just gave my friends the slip. They wanted to see a cheesy horror movie and I’d rather enjoy the weather right now.”
Danse nodded in response, trying to seem casual. He must’ve seen their face before; he knew people in dreams were just faces someone had seen before and subconsciously remembered. They must’ve passed by him before and he’d simply had a realistic dream due to the long hours he’d been working.
“Do you wanna go walk around the park, soldier? It’s just down the street and something tells me there’s more to you than your lack of conversation lets on.” Their tone was teasing.
“I,  uh- why not. Let’s go.”
It was late in the evening and Deacon had been trying to shake the dream he’d had off all day. When his company offered to take the employees working overtime to the bar, he’d accepted readily, more than ready to get his mind off of things. Better yet on the company’s time. Deacon swung back a shot of Jack Daniel’s, kindly gifted to him by his boss, before working his way through the crowd to sit in the back of the bar.
It was loud, something he didn’t usually enjoy, but it was entertaining to observe everyone filter through the room. Internally, he made up backstories for everyone. The bartender simply wanted to get home to his new dog. The couple arguing in the opposite corner were debating whether or not National Pancake Day should be made an official holiday and include paid time off (the brunette man was winning, the blond man simply couldn’t keep up with his boyfriend’s logic). 
Eventually, Deacon grew bored and reclined in his chair, swirling his whiskey in the glass. A moment later, someone tapping his shoulder got his attention. Deacon’s gaze snapped up as he instinctively shifted away, though he froze as soon as he met Sole’s eyes. “Um, normally I’m not so bold, but would you like to dance?” It was a little hard to hear them over the music, but their voice was so familiar he could pick up on it.
“I’m sorry to say I’m not the dancing type.” He replied, leaning towards them so they could hear him. He watched their face drop a little as they mulled over what he said. “I’m willing to give it a shot, though.” 
The way their face lit up was so distinctive he wondered if dreams were supposed to be detailed enough that he could remember such a thing. Internally, he found he couldn’t logic his way out of this one. It made no sense that moving around them was muscle memory to him, and yet he’d never met them before in his life. He knew for certain that meeting them was about to make his life a lot more interesting, though, and took the hand they offered him, allowing them to lead him onto the dance floor.
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harryspet · 4 years
little doe [6] peter parker - finale
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[Warnings] peter parker x named oc, angsttt x1000, but fluff too, fingering, vaginal sex, little editing
A/N: This idea came from @buckysugar​. I don’t have much to say except enjoy the last chapter of Little Doe!
In which love is tested. 
word count: 3.1k
Doe looked in the mirror of the hair salon, her eyes wide as she admired the blue streak that was now running down her bright white hair. MJ had tried to convince her to dye her entire head blue but Peter insisted before they left that she wasn’t allowed to. Doe stood up from the chair, moving closer to the mirror so she could see herself. 
Her bright hair had so much volume now and, to her surprise, she actually felt pretty. She was like the princesses in the movies who’s hair always looked perfect no matter the activity or event. She poked at it, examining each strand of hair. 
“Does that mean she likes it?” The hairdresser asked MJ awkwardly. 
“She loves it,” MJ assured her casually, “Right, Doe?”
Doe turned around with a bright smile, “Love it! So pretty, thank you.”
MJ handed the woman a couple ten’s she had taken from Peter’s wallet and she scurried off with a grateful smile, “You look good kid but what do we say when we see Peter?” MJ crossed her arms, looking you over. Doe could tell she was trying to hide her smile. 
MJ wasn’t one for girly things or for having friends that were girls. With Doe, MJ knew she could never feel judged, and having that made her feel comfortable to try different things. 
“Hair is Doe idea. Not MJ.” 
“Good,” MJ nodded satisfied, holding her hand out for Doe to take. 
“What about clothes, MJ?” Doe asked, grabbing ahold of her hand and following MJ towards the front of the store. Doe looked down at her black, plaid skirt and her combat boots that MJ had picked out. 
“Those were your idea too,” Doe nodded this time, understanding. She thought the things MJ picked out, although they lacked color, were still cute, “Let’s get some ice cream.”
Doe loved New York for everything it was. All the people walked really fast including MJ, she always saw diverse groups of people, and everyone is super blunt. Some people would consider it rude but that kind of language was just easier for Doe to understand. 
Both MJ and Doe were licking at their icecream cones when they noticed some commotion from across the street. “MJ?” There was barking and lots of it plus a small crowd had gathered around. 
“They’re probably just selling puppies,” MJ said, her tone uncaring and nonchalant. Doe pulled MJ’s hand, dragging them across the street quickly to the dismay of a passing cyclist. 
“Doe, I said we’d be back before sunset,” Doe didn’t listen, trying to push the two of them through the small crowd that gathered. 
There were piles of dog cages sitting outside a small pet shop and a big sign that read PET ADOPTION with smaller letters that read “we’re free, save us from the pound”. All of them were older dogs, some of them in questionable shape as they were probably recently rescue. 
“MJ, what is a-dop-tion?” Doe asked, trying out the foreign word. Doe carefully looked over the small creatures, wondering why they all had to be kept in these small cages. 
“It means the dogs are looking for families. For people to take care of them.”
“Like Peter take care of me?” MJ only nodded, the sight of all the lost dogs starting to bum her out. She understood what happened at the pound and hoped the people standing around would consider taking one. With a frown on her face, MJ licked at her strawberry icecream. 
She squeezed Doe’s hand, “C’mon, we have a train to catch.” Doe pulled away from MJ, approaching one of the many cages instead of listening. MJ huffed, starting to understand how Peter became frustrated sometimes. Doe was too curious for her own good. 
Doe had looked around and noticed the dogs that everyone seemed to focus on. One that no one came to check on was one towards the back and Doe assumed it was because this dog was crouched in the back corner of his cage. He was shy just like Doe had been. 
The dog was medium-sized, had brown-black fur and it seemed his ears had been clipped away. The uneven stitches were evidence of that. The sight tugged at Doe’s heartstrings and she tried not to frown. As Doe crouched beside the cage, the dog's eyes opened, one a golden brown and the other an icy blue. 
“Do you want me to open the cage so you can pet him? He’s shy but friendly,” Doe looked up at the volunteer that had approached them. 
“No,” MJ interjected, “We’re just looking, thank you.”
The volunteer’s lips pressed into a thin line and she nodded before turning to walk away, “What if … w-what if dog does not find family?” Doe spoke up, ignoring her anxiety of using her English with strangers. 
“We have to take them to the pound, ma’am.”
“Pound?” Doe questioned and MJ sighed. MJ was well aware of what happens to the dogs that don’t get adopted and she didn’t want Doe to know about what could happen. Doe was unsure of what the Pound was but it sounded like another prison for this shy creature. 
“MJ?” Doe stood, looking up at MJ with her best puppy dog eyes, “MJ? We cannot leave. Doe need family and he need family too.”
“I know you want to help, I do too but we can’t adopt a dog without telling Peter. He’ll flip!”
Doe’s shoulders slumped, “Peter is not boss of me. I can make de-ci-sion too,” MJ looked back and forth from the pouting girl to the helpless animal in the cage. If they helped this dog then they were doing a good thing, right? The good outweighed the bad, “Please, MJ.”
“Fine, but you’re explaining this to Peter.”
It turned out that dogs need lots of things to take care of them. After a shopping spree, Doe was ready to take the dog home and surprise Peter with the new addition to their family. She expected to find him waiting since she was running late but the apartment was completely silent when she stepped inside. 
Doe was in the kitchen, filling up his water bowl when the front door opened. Doe was nervous, to say the least, but the shy little pup she was petting was a good source of comfort. It lapped at the water, shaking the entire time, but Doe whispered kind words to him. 
As Peter walked in, his smile quickly fell as he took in the sight before him, “Doe?”
He had worked from sun up all the way to now and all he wanted was to come home to his girl. The blue streak he could look past. On her, he thought it was beautiful but this …. it made his brows furrow, “Don’t be mad Peter. Okay, please?”
“Don’t be mad about what?”
“MJ want to name him Draco. He is cute Peter. Come see,” She waved her hand, urging him to move closer, a soft smile on her face. Peter’s body went still as things began to click in his mind. Doe looked up to see how tense he was, “Peter, please, I save him!”
“Tell me you can return it,” Peter ran a hand over his tired face, trying to contain what he was feeling deep inside. 
Doe stood up from her kneeling position, crossing the kitchen towards him, her eyes pleading, “No return. He is adoption. We are family. Peter is Daddy and I am Mommy.”
“No,” Peter stated firmly and tears stung in Doe’s eyes, “We’ll find someone to take care of it but it will not be us.”
“Peter,” She reached out to grab his hand but he flinched away, “Peter, he is family. You save me. I save Draco. Someone hurt him, he need family!”
“Forget his name,” Peter shook his head, his teeth clenching together, “We’ll find him a family, Doe. It takes a lot of time and money to take care of an animal. We don’t need that responsibility.”
“We can!” Doe argued, “You take care of me Peter and I learn! I learn lot of things. We can be family-”
Peter didn’t want to be angry especially at Doe. He didn’t know why he felt that fury building in his chest but he couldn’t push it down, “I can barely take care of you, Doe!” Doe flinched as Peter’s voice thundered through the room, taking a step back. “You can barely take care of yourself! There is no more family! What makes you think I want to care for something else?”
Something else that needed his love. He wasn’t sure if he could handle loving something else. 
Doe took a step back, her chin trembling as a tear slid down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly, “I-I am stu-pid. It is too hard for Peter loving Doe,” Peter hated himself immediately and he opened his mouth but no words left, “I-I try. I try h-hard to be smart for Peter. I am sorry.”
“That is not what I meant!” Peter retorted, a look of bitterness sweeping across his face, “You are smart. You’re the smartest person I know, Doe! But I know you’re not ready. We’re not ready.”
Doe turned her head from Peter. It was the first time you didn’t feel the urge to be in his arms or crave his touch. She felt that connection between them waver, “You …  You do not know,” She pointed to her heart and then her mind, “Do not pretend, Peter.”
“I do know you!”
“Do not!” Doe shouted back, stomping her feet. Rejecting Draco felt like he was rejecting her and maybe he was. Maybe everything he had told her was false, “Yesterday, I know Peter. Peter is kind. Peter is family. Today, I do not.”
“You do …” Peter’s voice trailed off, his voice breaking, “You do know me. Doe, please just listen-”
“I do listen.  I am bur-den for Peter. My love is bur-den,” Her tears were flowing so much that it was useless to wipe them away, “If I-I am burden, let go. Do not take care for Draco, do not take care for me!”
It would be easy. Things would be easier for him if he turned back. Life was just starting to be normal again before Doe came along. People tended to come and go from his life and not loving was easier.
Peter stared at the crying girl in front of him, tears in his own eyes, before he turned away. Doe didn’t look up as she felt his presence float away and the front door shut behind him. 
It took Peter an hour to turn back. 
An hour of yelling at himself, of MJ yelling at him, and convincing himself that ending things would be the best decision. 
It took him that time to realize that he didn’t want things to be easy. Loving her was the easy part, falling for her was so simple it was like falling asleep. The passion and lust were easy. It was the sacrificing, the understanding, and the patience that was the hard part. If he was going to have her, then he wasn’t going to love a few parts of her, he was going to love all of her. 
The front door opened with a boom and he rushed around the dimly lit apartment looking for her. He thought he might have lost her forever until his senses picked up her tiny snores. He found her, fast asleep, on the living room couch. Draco was by her legs and sleeping soundly at her feet.
Tears stained her cheeks and she was still completely breathtaking. Peter kneeled beside the couch, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of her hair. It only took a few of his touches for her eyes to flutter open. Tired, she looked over his disheveled appearance, “Peter?”
He nodded and, as sudden as fate, she jumped forward. Her arms wrapped around him and he did the same, holding her so tight that he thought she might dust away, “I’m so fucking sorry, little one,” She nuzzled herself into his neck, taking him in as though she never wanted to let go, “I’m so fucking sorry,”
“I’m sorry, Peter,” She whispered, wanting and desperate, “Never again.”
“Never,” Peter assured her, “We don’t walk away from each other, ever. No matter what the argument. We never think of each other as burdens. And we make decisions together from now on. Together, do you understand?”
They pulled away from each other and she nodded, “Together. Like family.”
“Like family,” Peter smiled through his own tears, “Okay?”
She nodded vigorously and he smashed his lips onto hers. They tasted each other hungrily, swallowing all the darkness and the anger. Peter stood, pulling her with him as he lifted her with ease. She wrapped her legs around his waist, still moving her lips against his. 
Peter began to carry her from the living room and towards their bedroom. She pulled away suddenly, “What about Draco?”
“Trust me, he’s not going to want to see this,” Peter smiled and she kissed him again. 
He set her down as they passed the threshold. They did their best to keep their lips together as they slipped off their clothing, leading to a clumsy and messy kiss. It made Doe giggle as they finally fell together onto the mattress. Peter was on top of her, kissing at her neck, a growl leaving his lips as she cried out in moans. 
Her fingers ran through his hair, a feeling Peter could definitely get used to.
He loved knowing her body, what brought her pleasure, made her head tilt back and her toes curl. His lips found her again as his finger slipped between the fabric of her panties. He swallowed her moans as he rubbed circles into her sensitive bulb. She moved her hips against him, “Please, more,” She begged and Peter was more than happy to oblige. 
First, he slipped a finger inside of her, feeling how tight she was around the digit. He watched her face carefully, looking for a sign that he should stop. It was foreign but she still found herself wanting to go further. She kept moving her hips as he pushed another finger inside, his palm still rubbing against her clit.
She nodded her head up and down and Peter took that as a sign that she was already close. Moments later, she was tightening around him, warmth rushing through her body as she orgasmed. 
“Feels ... good, Peter,” She told him and he began to slip off her panties all the way. He was rock hard in his boxers after watching her cum on his fingers. 
“I’m gonna be gentle,” He assured her, settling himself between her legs, “Tell me to stop and I will.”
Doe nodded as Peter placed his hands on either side of her head. Her hands were on his waist after he lined himself up with her center. They stared at each other for a long while, their eyes speaking rather than their lips. It was as if he was asking, “are you sure?”, and her eyes responded with a confident “I love you”.
He held his member with one hand, positioning it at her entrance. As he slowly pushed inside of her, she tried not to wince at the obvious pain. Peter kept going, waiting for her to tell him to stop but it never came, “Peter,” She whispered, her voice trying to hide the discomfort, and Peter responded by placing his lips on hers. 
He kept them there as he sheathed half of his member inside, pulling out and then pushing in again. It took her a good while to get used to the feeling and, although, the pleasure was spreading through each part of Peter’s body, it was difficult to hold in his moans. 
“Faster,” Doe said suddenly which caught Peter off guard, “I’m okay.”
Peter kissed her again, starting to move his hips faster. She was starting to adjust to his size and the abnormal feeling of him being inside of her. It all just felt right, like they were two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. Her nails dug into his broad and muscular back as his strokes became even faster. 
“You feel so good, Doe,” Peter grunted, “Fuck, you feel so good.”
His moans made it even more enjoyable and she could sense how wet she was between the legs. She was in ecstasy and she found it harder and harder to keep her body still. Her hands moved all over him and her kisses were random as she placed them on his lips and then on his shoulder. 
Peter shifted them into a new position, wrapping his arms behind her and pulling her up so she was impaled on his lap. They held each other tight, her breast pressed against his front, as they both started to move against each other, getting into a rhythm. In that position, he hit her most sensitive part and Doe found herself crying out in bliss. 
As Peter made his final, desperate thrust inside of her, her body convulsed against him as an orgasm ripped through her. She felt his warmth filling her insides as he held her tight. She could stay like this forever, with him claiming her over and over again. 
They stared there for a while, in each other’s arms, admiring that love they felt under each other’s gaze, “I love you,” Doe breathed.
“I love you more,” Peter spoke, out of breath and Doe giggled. 
They fell back onto the bed, and Peter wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close, “Peter?”
“I can say ‘fuck’ now?”
Doe felt a spank on her bare bottom and her laughter filled the room. 
“So, when are you two getting married?” Happy asked, petting Draco as they all sat in May’s living room.
It took a little while to convince Doe that Draco needed a better home for the time being and that Happy and May would take care of him. Now, seeing Draco content in Happy’s arms made her heart flutter a bit.
“No wedding,” Doe interjected before Peter could, “Just … travel.”
“Hmm,” May hummed, and she smiled as she reached over to pet Draco, “I think that’s wise of you two. Where’s your first stop?”
“Disney world,” They spoke at the same time and they both blushed. 
“And what about the neighborhood, Spiderman?” Happy questioned. 
“The neighborhood can survive without me for a short while. It won’t be easy but … ” Peter’s gaze met with Doe’s, “The neighborhood is going to have to share my heart with someone else.”
Okay, but imagine Peter proposing to Doe at Disney World …
Like, reblog and let me know what you think! Did you enjoy this series? This ending? What new series would you want me to write?
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 56
~WARNING!!!~ this chapter contains scene of violence, physical and verbal abuse towards minors, mentions of child abuse and domestic abuse! Please be careful when reading this as it may act as a trigger ~WARNING!!~
So that is Mob Boss. This was a very interesting chapter to write. I got to go into some lore and history in this and there will be references. The ending scene was a little bit inspired by the Crow's final fight scene (you can watch it here). This chapter also marks the end of Issac's arc. He will appear again but he won't be causing Luka trouble anymore and probably won't have a speaking role. If he does speak, it will probably insane ramblings about demons. Anyway, hope you peeps like it :D
Chapter Fifty-Six: Mob Boss
Marinette frowned as she looked at her phone but no text had come through yet. It had been an hour and a half since Luka had left for the metro. Even if he was going to the Liberty, he should have gotten back and texted her by now. She picked up her phone and dialled his number, putting it to her ear as she paced. She bit her lip as it rang but he didn't pick it up. Instead, it went straight to voicemail, causing her to frown and hang up. She scrolled to the Captain's number and dialed it, putting her phone back to her ear as it rang.
 "Hello?" The Captain asked, sounding pretty merry. 
 "Captain, it's Marinette," She stated, frowning as she heard Jagged in the background.
 "Hello, Lass!" The Captain roared happily. "Did Luka get back to the Liberty ok?!"
 "That's why I'm calling," She replied, frowning. "I told him to text me when he got back but it's been an hour and a half and he hasn't texted. I tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. I'm worried..."
 "Jagged! We need to get to the Liberty!!" Anarka yelled, making Marinette jump. "We're gonna go look for him and hopefully he'll just be asleep and had forgotten to text,"
 "Yeah..." Marinette replied but she had a terrible feeling that it wasn't that he forgot. No matter how tired he had been, he had always made sure to text her first when he got home. It was extremely out of character for Luka not to. He knew she would worry and worried she was. The Captain hung up, causing her to put down her phone and pace around her room. She bit her lip and poked Plagg, who was snoozing on his little bed. He groaned and woke up, ready to tell her off for waking him for his cheese coma but that thought dropped out of his head as soon as he saw her expression.
 "Dollface, what's wrong?" He asked, floating over to her as tears filled her eyes.
 "It's Luka... I don't think he's ok," She gasped, fear clear in her eyes. "He hasn't texted me to let me know he's home. He always texts to let me know, Plagg and his phone went to voicemail,"
 "You don't think he ran away again, do you?" He asked, frowning. He thought Luka had enjoyed the party.
 "N-No, he was in a good mood. He enjoyed the party," She gasped, making him frown before her phone vibrated. She hoped it was Luka and looked at it but it was the Captain. She swiped the answer button and held it to her ear. "Did you find him?"
 "No, he's not at the Liberty," The Captain gasped, sounding panicked. In the background, she could hear that Jagged and Penny shouting his name. "The gate isn't even locked. It's like he never got here..."
 Marinette's eyes widen as a possibility hit her like a ton of bricks. Her phone slipped out of her hand as she realized it was the only plausible reason as to why Luka wouldn't text back, answer his phone or not be on the Liberty. She knew he would text her or answer if she rang, meaning only one thing. He couldn't text or call her. She felt stupid as she should have realized it sooner. She quickly picked up her phone as she heard the captain calling her name.
 "C-Captain, call the police," She gasped as Plagg looked at her. "I t-think h-his step father-"
 "Oh god," The Captain gasped before she let out an angry growl. "If that son of a bitch has hurt my son, I'm gonna kill him!"
 "Captain, stay calm," Marinette ordered as she realized that Hawkmoth might try to take advantage of this situation. "Getting akumatized won't help him,"
 "You're right, Lass," She gasped before shouting at Jagged. "Lass, I need to get going to report this to the police so try and get some sleep,"
"R-Right," Marinette replied. She knew she wouldn't sleep until he was found. The Captain said her goodbyes, hanging up before Marinette pocketed her phone and took a deep breathe as Plagg moved over to her as she looked up at him. "We're gonna go find him. Plagg! Claws out!"
 She transformed into Lady Noir and climbed out of her skylight. She jumped across the rooftops and searched every part of Paris she could think of, trying to find Luka. Minutes turned to hours as she searched but she couldn't find him. She searched in the Eiffel tower, the sewers and the catacombs. She searched the different parks and his usual hangout places but he wasn't there. Finally, she searched the top of the Grand Paris, hoping that maybe he had gone back there but she knew the truth. Luka was missing and it was her fault. She should have insisted that he stay over at the bakery or she should have walked him back home. As the sun rose, she landed on her balcony and went back through the skylight as she dropped her transformation. Plagg flew over to her and hugged her cheek as tears rolled down her face.
 "It's ok, Dollface," He whispered, frowning. "We'll find him,"
 ~Issac's Warehouse, 1 am~
 Tikki and Kaalki carefully followed as Luka's kidnapper carried him inside a warehouse near Paris' airport but far from the main part of the city. They had managed to sneak out the drive there without been seen and had been following since. They hid behind some boxes as the kidnap dropped Luka on the floor as a tall man walked in. He had a cigar in his mouth and was dressed in a fairly nice suit. His hair was mostly black but he had some silver hair from aging. It was gelled back and he had a trimmed beard. His eyes were an ambery brown color and his skin was fairly pale. To a certain degree, he resembled an older, male version of Juleka, making Tikki gasp as she realized who he was. It was Luka's stepfather Issac. He moved Luka's face with his boot before tutting.
 "Handcuff his hands behind his back," He ordered, causing his goon to walk over to Luka and handcuff his hands behind his back. Luka groaned as he slowly came round, causing Tikki to gasp quietly as he did. As soon as he was fully awake and saw Issac, he tried to get up and away from him but failed, falling back onto the floor. He looked up at Issac with pure terror in his eyes, making the man smirk. "Hello, Luka,"
 "I-Issac..." He gasped as he got up and walked over to him, towering him. "W-what do y-you want?"
 "Did I say you could speak?" He asked before backhanding him, causing Luka to fall onto the floor. Issac sneered as he looked down at him. "It seems that you forgot your manners in the time that I've been gone,"
 Luka didn't answer.
 "First, you bite me and break my friend's nose then you ran away and now you speak out of term," Issac continued as he clicked his fingers. The goon who kidnapped him grabbed Luka's hair and made him sit up as Issac walked in front of him. "Clearly, I'm going to have to teach you a lesson, boy,"
 Tikki looked away, causing Kaalki to hold her as Issac slammed his fist into Luka's face, knocking him back to the ground before he began to kick him. Tikki gasped and covered her mouth as she heard a crack. Tears filled her eyes as she wanted nothing more to fly over to him and get him out of there but if she revealed herself, it would endanger Luka more. She and Kaalki held their breath as Issac continued to kick Luka. Tikki let out a small cry as she heard Issac beat him until they both heard a thump, causing him to look over. Luka was curled up on the floor, shaking as Issac fixed his hair, pushing it back as he looked at him with disgust. Issac walked away with his goon, leaving him there. As soon as they were gone, Tikki and Kaalki flew to him, scared for the young hero.
 "Luka," Tikki gasped, gently touching his face. He had a large cut on his cheek, a busted lip and his right eyes was swallowed up. She cupped her mouth as she realized he was crying. Kaalki hugged him as well. "It's ok. We're going to get you out of here,"
 He didn't argue, just nodded and tried to get but fell back down and cried out. He took a deep breathe as he tried to calm himself.
 "I c-can't..." He gasped, trying to look at her. "M-My r-ribs... I t-think he b-broke t-them..."
 Tikki went to say something but her and Kaalki gasped as they heard footsteps. Luka whispered to them, telling them to hide. Tikki carefully placed a paw on his cheek before Kaalki and her flew off to the boxes again. Issac's goon came in and dragged Luka over to a pillar near the boxes. He uncuffed his hands before moving them so they were around the pillar, trapping him there. Luka hissed in pain as the man walked off. As soon as he disappeared, Tikki and Kaalki flew back over.
 "We'll unlock the handcuffs and you can transform to escape," Tikki gasped as Luka tried to take a deep breathe but they both stopped as they heard footsteps again. Tikki and Kaalki hid behind the pillar as the goon came back in with a chair. He placed it in front of Luka and sat down, causing Tikki to frown. Now Luka couldn't transform. The two kwamis bit their lips as Luka carefully looked up at the goon.
 "W-what does he want?" He asked, making the man look at him.
 "I don't get paid to ask questions, kid," He replied, making Luka frown. He frowned even more as he heard talking. It sounded like a number of people. He heard a door open and multiple footsteps approaching him. He glanced up and saw Issac had returned with a number of other men. Like him, they were dressed in nice suits and were talking to Issac like they were friends. All of their heart songs were strange and messed up, making Luka feel more uncomfortable then he already did. One of the younger ones glanced over at him and frowned.
 "Who's the kid?" He asked, making Issac sigh.
 "Jagged Stone's boy and our ticket to more money then we've ever gotten before," Issac smirked, roughly grabbing Luka's hair so he was looking at Issac's friends. Luka hissed and flinched as Issac smirked a little. "Micky, take a photo. I plan to send it his father,"
 Micky took out his phone and snapped a photo before Issac let go of his hair and walked back over to Micky. He took the phone and smirked at the picture.
 "Good job," He stated, walking away with the phone as he dialed a number. Micky glanced over at Luka, frowning a little.
 "What happened to your face, kid?" He asked as Issac spoke on the phone. Luka didn't answer. Micky frowned before looking over at Issac as he came off the phone and walked back over. "Hey, what happened to the kid?"
 "I had to rough him up a little as he tried to escape," Issac replied as he typed on his phone before he looked up at Micky. "You got a problem with that?"
 "Y-You're lying," Luka gasped before Micky or the other guys could answer, making Issac look at him in surprise. He honestly didn't expect Luka to actually try and talk back. "I d-didn't try to e-escape. You j-just s-started t-to b-beat me a-as-"
 Issac growled and backhanded him, cutting him off.
 "Did I say you could talk back?!" He growled, roughly grabbing Luka's shirt. Luka gasped in pain as his ribs ached before Issac punched him again before dropping him. He began to kick him again, causing Luka to try and curl up as best as he can. However, Micky and one of the others grabbed Issac and pulled him away. "Get the hell of me!"
 "What the hell, Issac?!" Micky gasped as Luka carefully breathed in. "Look, I'm all for beat the crap out of guys but we don't hurt women or kids... and that boy is a kid,"
 "That boy is a freak of nature!" Issac shouted, surprising his men and causing Luka to flinch. "And I'm in charge here so what I say goes and I say I can do what the hell I want to that bastard! Got it!?"
 The guys nodded fearfully, causing Issac to smirk.
 "Good," He stated, clicking his knuckles before turning to the goon who was guarding him. "Jose, I want you to keep an eye on him. I'll be back later. I have a meeting to attend,"
 Issac clicked his fingers and pointed towards the door, causing his men to leave before he followed, leaving Luka alone with Jose, who got up and out of sight. Luka frowned and tried to move his hands, seeing if he could free his hands but the handcuffs were too tight. Tikki and Kaalki flew back over and landed on his shoulder.
 "Kaalki has a plan," Tikki whispered. "She's going to go and see if we can get help to rescue you,"
 "H-Help?" Luka asked quietly. "A-As in Master Fu? T-Tikki, y-you can't... he's t-too old... Issac will hurt hi-him."
 "I know which is why we're not going for him," Tikki replied, causing Luka to frown. "Kaalki is going to the miracle box to the other Kwamis,"
 "W-what?" Luka gasped, hissing in pain. "Y-you c-can't bring them here..."
 "Luka, we have to get you out of here. Issac is dangerous and he is determined to hurt you," She gasped, making him frown. He knew she was right. His song was dark to say the least. In the time since he last saw him as a kid, Issac seemed to have gotten worse. "I'm gonna stay with you while Kaalki goes and gets the others,"
 "I'll be as quick as I can, Master Luka," Kaalki gasped, placing her hoove against his cheek as he slowly nodded before she flew out and out of the warehouse.
 "Ti-Tikki..." Luka whispered, causing her to look at him but before he could say anything, they heard Jose walking back over. Tikki quickly flew back over to the boxes as Jose came into Luka's line of sight before he sat down and began to read a news paper.
 ~At The Grand Paris Hotel, 5 am~
 Anarka paced up and down as she tried to remain calm. Luka had been missing eight hours now and despite calling the police, she had been told that she couldn't report him missing. She had screamed down the phone at that point and hung up. She had then gone on to phone Roger's personal phone and told him what had happened. Roger had told her to remain calm and he would do what he could. She took another deep breathe as someone knocked on the hotel room door. She walked over and answered it, frowning deeply when she saw it was Bob Roth.
 "What the hell do you want?!" She growled, surprising him. He blinked before holding up his phone. To her horror, she saw a photo of Luka. His right eye was closed up, he had a cut on his cheek and a busted lip. Issac was smirking at the camera as he roughly held Luka's hair. The message below it read as 'Bob, let Jagged know I have his son. If he wants to see him again, he needs to pay me five million euros and drop it off at the louvre. He has twelve hours to complete this or he'll never see his son again'. Anarka blinked before she suddenly grabbed Bob by his collar and dragged him into the hotel room. He tried to pull away from her but she punched him, sending him flying on the floor. "Where is Issac keeping him?!"
 "I don't know," Bob gasped as she grabbed the phone. "I swear, Anarka, I do-"
 "Don't lie to me, you pirate!" She screamed, making him blink as Jagged and Penny rushed into the room. "You know Issac so where would he hold him?! Where is Luka?!"
 "Bob?" Jagged asked, looking at him before Anarka shoved the phone in his hand. His eyes widen as he saw the picture and the threat before he looked over at Bob with a dark look that didn't suit him. "Roth, I want you to think very carefully about your next answer because if you know where Luka is and you're keeping it to yourself, I will not hesitate to feed you to Fang. Got it?"
 Bob nodded as he looked pale. He had never heard Jagged speak so calmly. 
 "Good," Jagged replied, still eerily calm. Fang came over. "Now where would Issac hold Luka?"
 "H-He has a warehouse near the catacombs," He gasped as he eyed up. "I don't know the exact address but I swear, Jagged... I didn't think anyone would hurt the boy-"
 "Shut up," Jagged growled before turning to Penny and Anarka. Penny was already on the phone to the police and Anarka looked like she was about to kill Bob. Jagged was honestly surprised that there were no akumas yet but right now, they didn't care. They couldn't rush to Luka's rescue as they didn't know the address but Penny was telling everything to the police that she was on the phone to. Within an hour, Roger and a number of officers were at the hotel and actually taking the case seriously. They took Bob away for questioning and asked a number of questions to Penny, Jagged and Anarka before promising they would do their best to find him before the deadline. Once they were gone, Jagged held Penny and Anarka as they sat in the hotel room, terrified for Luka.
 ~Back at Issac's Warehouse~
 Luka tried to move to try and get more comfortable as his ribs ached. He glanced up and saw the sun was slowly peaking through the windows, making him frown a little. Jose was still reading his news paper, making Luka frown. He moved his hands a little and glanced back over to Tikki, who was keeping an eye on for the other kwamis. Luka jumped as he heard the door open and Issac came into view. He tapped Jose's arm, making him look at him.
 "You can head back now," He stated, causing Jose to nod and get up. He folded up his news paper before walking off, leaving Luka with Issac. He turned to Luka. "I thought we could talk, Luka,"
 "Y-You never w-want to t-talk," Luka gasped, causing Issac to look at him as he gave him a nasty smirk. "W-What do yo-you want?"
 "Money," Issac replied, walking over to him and crouching down. "And your mother of course. She was the love of my life you know. We dated when we were younger and then she ran off to join the 'circus' so to speak. That's where she met that sinner, Jagged. He seduced her and then she had you..."
 He roughly grabbed his hair again, making Luka flinch as he leaned closer to him.
 "You should have never been born!" He snarled, making Luka flinch again. "But I guess that couldn't be helped. It wasn't Anarka's fault that she was seduced and I was even willing to look past you been the son of that devil worshipper... until I realized that you were a witch,"
 "W-What?" Luka gasped, looking at Issac in surprise. "I'm n-not-"
 "Don't answer me back, boy!" Issac roared, causing Luka to flinch again. "I saw you using magic when you were little. You would 'talk' to demons and evil spirits and your mother... bless her... she couldn't see what evil she had given birth too. She tried to say it was just imaginary friends and that you were just a sensitive child but I knew the truth. You're a witch and in league with the devil,"
 "Y-You're insane," Luka gasped, causing Issac to punch him. "I-I'm not a witch!"
 "Don't lie to me, boy," He growled, standing back up. "I know what you are and I made a promise to myself that I would protect Anarka and my daughter from you. I thought I could beat it out of you and force it out of you through pain. I came close but you used your magic on your mother and forced us to break up,"
 "Sh-she left you bec-because you were a p-psycho!" Luka gasped as Issac walked back over to the chair. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and took it off before unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them up. 
 "She left because you enchanted her!"
 "I-I'm not a witch!"
 "Then explain how you woke up from a coma that you shouldn't have woken up from?! Or how you had no brain damage?!" Issac shouted, shocking Luka. He briefly remembered been in hospital for a number of weeks when he was younger but he didn't know he was in a coma. Issac growled and punched Luka before roughly grabbing his shirt again. "You are a witch and you should have stayed in that coma but I'm going put you back there and this time you won't wake up!"
 Luka's eye went wide as Issac punched him repeatedly. Tikki cupped her mouth as she tried to look around for something to distract Issac with. She saw a rope and flew over to it before glancing around in luck vision. She pulled on the rope, causing a chain reaction to make a number of boxes fall. Issac stopped attacking Luka and looked up, dropping him back down. Luka's head flopped down as Tikki back to her hiding place before Issac turned back to him.
 "What did you do?!" He growled, lifting his head. "Answer me,"
 "I... didn't... do... anything," Luka gasped, causing Issac to growl and hit him again before his phone rang. He rolled his eyes and answered it. He frowned and said something. He hung up and walked towards the back of the warehouse. He came a few minutes later with a roll of duct tape. He ripped some off and knelt back down.
 "Don't want you to draw any unnecessary attention, don't we?" He stated, pressing the tape over his mouth. "Now we'll have to continue this later so don't go anywhere,"
 He smirked and stood up before grabbing his jacket and leaving. Luka tried to look up but he was finding it hard to stay awake. He was in a lot of pain, felt close to collapsing and was more then terrified. Issac had made it clear that he had no intention of letting Luka leave this place alive. He flinched as Tikki flew back over and placed her paw on his cheek, frowning as tears rolled down his face. He was shaking as well, clearly close to having a panic attack.
 "I'm getting you out of here," She gasped, flying over to his handcuffs but she stopped when she saw an akuma and an amok fluttering towards him. "Oh no,"
 "Hmm?" He tried to say something, making her fly back towards him.
 "Luka, whatever you do stay calm," She gasped, making him look at her with a confused look. She decided it was best to warn him. "There's an akuma and an amok,"
 Luka's eyes widen, causing Tikki to place her hand on his cheek.
 "Just focus on my voice ok?" She stated, making him nod. "Hawkmoth and Mayura only target those who have no solutions but you are Anatis. You always have a solution,"
 He nodded and tried to take a breathe but he had to breathe through his nose, which was hard in itself as his nose was busted. He wasn’t sure if it was broken but it hurt trying to breathe. He flinched as the akuma and amok entered his bracelet, opening the connection between him, Hawkmoth and Mayura.
 "Escape Artist, I am Hawkmoth," Hawkmoth declared as Luka froze up. "You're trapped and afraid hm? Well, I can give you the power to esca-"
 The slightly buzzing noise interrupted his speech but it currently wasn't too loud.
 "All I ask in return is-" The buzzing noise got louder. "Miraculous,"
 "Escape Artist, I am May-" Mayura declared as the buzzing noise interrupted her as well, getting louder and louder by the second. "I will give you Cell who will assist you in your escape and help you capture others. It will be-"
 The buzzing reached a new height, causing his eyes rolled up in the back of his head again. Just like last time, his body began to shake and convulse violently but this time, it was more violent and he was finding it hard to breathe due to the duct tape around his mouth and his busted nose. Tikki flew over and grabbed the tape, pulling it off his mouth as he continued to shake and fit. It only eased up the seizure a little.
 "Luka, focus on my voice!" She gasped, feeling afraid too. She gasped as she heard the door to the warehouse opening and hid inside Luka's jacket. She tried to calm him down silently by place her hand on his chest.
 "Issac?" Mikey's voice echoed as he came in. She could hear other people walking as well. "Yo, Issac! Are you- oh my god!"
 Mikey rushed over and grabbed Luka's shoulders as he continued to convulse. He frowned deeply when he saw the akuma mask around his eyes.
 "Shit, John! Keys to the handcuffs now!" He demanded as blood dripped down Luka's noise as the seizure got more violent. Mikey moved his hand behind Luka's head so he didn't hit on the pillar. He was lucky that he hadn’t already. "Kid, can you hear me?!"
 John rushed over and unlocked the handcuffs, causing Mikey to move Luka onto the ground and place him in the recovery position. Mikey let out a sigh as he held Luka's head still and tried to keep him calm. He only knew what to do because his sister was epileptic. Who knew that Akumas could trigger seizures? 
 "What's wrong with him?" John asked, looking at Luka with concern. 
 "He's having a seizure," Mikey declared, making John frown. "He must be epileptic. Call an am-"
 "What the hell is going on?!" Issac roared as he came in. Jose walked behind him. Issac stopped and glanced at Luka with an emotionless look. "Nice try, boy but you can stop pretending now,"
 However, Luka continued to shake, making Issac frown. He pushed Mikey away and grabbed Luka by the collar, pulling him up. Luka's eyes were rolled up in his head and he was convulsing. The butterfly mask was clear around his eyes.
 "I knew it," He growled, dropping him. "Behold, gentlemen, proof of evil. The boy is possessed,"
 "By a fucking akuma!" John gasped, making Jose step back. "We should break the item! It might stop the seizure,"
 "He isn't having a seizure!" Issac growled, making them look at him. "It's just the evil inside of him taking a hold!"
 "Issac, he's having a fucking seizure!" Mikey gasped, surprised of the lack of empathy from Issac. He may have been a criminal but he had rules that clearly Issac didn't. He took out his phone and dialled 112 but Issac grabbed his phone and threw it on the floor, stamping on it until it broke. "He needs help!"
 "As I say before, I'm the boss and I say he doesn't!" Issac yelled, causing his goons to frown as Mikey knelt back down and put Luka back into the recovery position. "Besides, if we alert the authorities, they'll arrest us because in case you have forgotten... we kidnapped him! What do you think they are going to do if they find us?"
 "We can't just leave him like this!!" Mikey argued, making Issac frown. "We should break the item with the akuma,"
 "And let the akuma go free? Possibly possess someone else?" Issac pointed out, making them frown. "It's not like the bug is around to purify it,"
 The men mumbled as he had a point but they also couldn't do anything. It was clear that Luka needed help.
 "What if we did it as an anonymous phone call?" John suggested, causing Issac to look at him as the seizure slowly came to a stop. Issac and his men stepped back as the akuma and amok suddenly broke free from the bracelet they had been in. "Did he just reject them?"
 Mikey went to answer but to their surprise, the akuma lose it's purple look and turned white and the same happened to the amok, making it into a white feather. Issac blinked as Luka had stopped fitting but was still laid still. His eyes were still rolled up his head but he was still. However, his eyes moved back to their normal position and he suddenly sat up as if nothing had happened. However, his eyes were no longer blue but a beautiful silver color that resembled stars.
 "Demon," Issac growled, going to hit Luka but before he could, they heard the sounds of shouting, causing them to look up. Kaalki pointed to them as the other kwamis came in through the window.
 "Charge!" Kaalki declared, causing the kwamis to shout and flying towards Issac and his men. Issac tried to hit and attack the kwamis as his men ran away while been chased by them. One of the goons went to call Sass cute until he hissed and bit them, causing him to shout and warn the others not to be deceived by their cuteness. Barkk, Kaalki and Pollen rushed over to Luka as Tikki poked her head out. "We need to go, Master Luka,"
 Luka, however, didn't answer. He just simply tilted his head to the side.
 "Luka?" Tikki asked, looking up at him. "Are you ok?"
 "Tikki, his eyes..." Kaalki gasped, looking at them. Pollen and Barkk gasped as they looked at them. Tikki flew up and looked at them as well, gasping as she did. It was impossible yet there was no mistake in whose eyes they were and they certainly weren’t Luka’s.
 "...Finni?" She gasped, surprised. He merely smiled and placed his finger across his lips before he carefully stood up. He hisses quietly, holding onto his ribs before a golden glow came from his cuts. He reached into his pocket and pulled out Kaalki's miraculous before putting them on. 
 "Kaalki... full gallop," He whispered, transforming into Appalo. He turned his hand as he created a ring of energy. "Voyage,"
 It opened a portal out of the warehouse. Luka or Finni as it techqually was turned and whistled loudly, causing the rest of the kwamis to fly over after tormenting his captors. They all stepped through, causing the portal to close but not before Issac shouted and tried to run towards them. The Kwamis looked around as they saw they were now on some rooftop.
 ~Luka's POV~
 Tears rolled down Luka's face as he curled up and covered his ears, trying to push away the sound of the buzzing noise. Like the last time, he had ended up in the same hut that he had met Hao Feng but this time, he was alone. The buzzing sound was louder then ever and he was more scared then before. He thought the first time was terrifying but this time was a hundred times worst. He just wanted it to stop. The sound of footsteps caused Luka to glance up as someone walked over to him. They stopped in front of him and crouched down, gently placing their hand on his shoulder. He looked at them as the buzzing noise calmed down but unlike last time, it didn't go away.
 "F-Feng," He gasped, tears in his eyes. "W-Why is this happening?"
 "We have always been chased and condemned by those who are darkly influenced," Feng whispered, making Luka frown. "I can't help you today. Not in the same way I did before. The akuma and the amok are stronger together but I can bring you to someone who can,"
 Luka nodded as Feng held out his hand, causing the younger to take it. In an instant, Feng had pulled Luka to his feet and led him over to a door. He pushed it open and brought him inside. It was just a separate room and part of the hut but inside there was a pile of ash, making Luka blink in confusion. However, he slowly let go of Feng's hand and walked over to it. His instincts took over as he knelt down and gently touched the ash. To his surprise, it began to glow a golden color before swirling up in the air as it reformed to create a beautiful bird unlike anything Luka had ever seen before. It had orange, yellow and red feathers and had a golden circle on it's forehead. It's wings were multicolored and it had three feathers coming from it's head that were blue, purple and green. They also matched it's tail feathers. The bird's eyes opened, revealing that they were silver like Feng's but in a different way. When looking into them, Luka felt like he was seeing the stars. It was eerie but beautiful at the same time. He slowly reached out, causing the Phoenix to lean it's head forward, placing it against Luka's hand. Luka blinked as it nuzzled his hand a little before looking back at him. He jumped back in surprise as it suddenly disappeared in flames, causing him to look at Feng.
 "A Phoenix?" He asked, looking at Feng. "Why did it leave?"
 "To help you," Feng replied, walking back over to him. "He will be back once your body is safe,"
 "My body?" Luka asked, frowning before he gasped and looked at Feng as he sat down next to him. "I'm having a seizure again, aren't I? Why does that kept on happening to me? Is there something wrong with me, Feng?"
 Luka glanced down as he thought about Issac's beliefs about him. Issac believed him to be evil and right now, he was beginning to wonder if he was correct.
 "Am... I evil?" He asked, looking up at Feng. "Is Issac right about me?"
 "No," Feng stated with certainty. "Luka, your stepfather isn't right about you. You are not evil,"
 The way he spoke was bitter, surprising Luka but he didn't question it. Somehow, he knew that Feng understood what it was like to be an outcast. Feng gently placed his hand on Luka's shoulder.
 "Your stepfather is like most of his kind. He fears what he doesn't understand and unfortunately, that means he's afraid of you," Feng explained, making Luka frown. "But that is on him. Not you. He chose to be afraid. He could have tried to embrace your differences and gifts like your mother did but instead he refused to try and understand and his ignorance only fueled his fears,"
 "You know what it's like, don't you?" It wasn't a question but a statement. Feng frowned and looked to the side.
 "Like you, I was born... different..." He stated, frowning. "I saw things that other people did and had visions. I saw spirits as well and I didn't realize that other people didn't so I would talk to them. It caused my village and family to grow afraid of me. I would predict things and they became convinced I was the cause. They feared me and thought I was a demon too but I'm not. I was an empath like you and just happened to have the ability of foresight,"
 "You were an empath?" Luka asked, surprised as Feng nodded. "Did you hear songs as well?"
 "I admit I'm not quite the same level as you," Feng replied, making Luka frown. Of course, it made sense though. Feng would be more powerful. "You are much more advantaged than I was at your age,"
 "What?" Luka asked, surprised. "I am?"
 "Yes," Feng nodded. "But I know some ways to using that you don't. For example, you can give the emotions you felt to other people,"
 "I can?" Luka asked, completely surprised. "How do I do that?"
 "Hold out your hands,""Feng replied, moving so he's facing him. Luka nodded and did as told. Feng placed his hands on his, causing Luka to gasp a flood of emotion waved over him. He could literally feel what Feng felt but then he realized it was more then just feeling. He could feel Feng's experience. He could feel the way Feng pushed his emotions forward. Feng was sharing his experience with him, teaching him how to use the method without instruction. Luka closed his eyes and followed the technique. He took the emotions he felt and in his mind pushed them forward, showing Feng what he felt in return. He could feel a connection between them begin to forge. Well, it felt more like he was repairing a connection between them. However, Feng cut it off, causing Luka to frown and open his eyes. "You're not ready for that yet,"
 "It will hurt you if you do that right now," Feng replied before standing up and holding out his arm. The Phoenix appeared in a flame and landed on his arm. "Besides, it's time to wake up,"
 "What?" Luka gasped before suddenly it went dark. He blinked and looked around in confusement, finding himself on a roof surrounded by kwamis. His ribs still felt sore but not as bad and his other injuries were healed. He looked at Tikki as she floated over to him.
 "W-where am I?" He asked, glancing at her. "Tikki? How did I get out of there?"
 "Kaalki got you out but are you ok?" She gasped, deciding not to tell him the full story yet. "You had a seizure again and Issac had beaten you. Are your ribs ok?"
 She looked at him and blinked in surprise. All of his cuts and bruises had been healed. Luka moved his hands onto his ribs ad pressed them. They felt bruised but no longer broken.
 "I'm ok," He stated, making all of the kwamis let out a sigh of relief before they suddenly tackled him, making him smile a little as they hugged him. "Thank you for coming for me. Now let's get you guys home and then me. I'm sure Ma is worried,"
 He reached into his pocket and took out his phone, trying to turn it on but found it was dead. He frowned before calling his transformation on and heading towards Master Fu's with the kwamis.
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 Both Hawkmoth and Mayura stared in surprise as their connection to the akuma and amok was completely cut it off. They couldn't even recall them back. Somehow, the Couffaine boy had not only rejected the possession but actually cut off their connection to it. However, it didn't put Hawkmoth off and he could feel a strong emotion he could take advantage of. Issac's anger made him perfect prey for his akuma. He held out his hand, causing a butterfly to flutter over but Mayura placed her hand over his.
 "Are you sure you want to akumatize him?" She asked, making him look at her. "He doesn't just dislike the boy. He loathes him and blames him for everything that has gone wrong in his life. What if you can't control him?"
 "Don't worry, Mayura," Hawkmoth smirked. "I can simply cause him a lot of pain to get him in order,"
 She frowned but let go of his hand, causing the butterfly to land on it. He turned it into an akuma before letting it fly away.
 "Fly away, my little akuma and evilize his angered heart," He ordered as it escaped through the window. A few minutes later, the connection between him and Issac opened, causing him to smirk. "Mob Boss, I am Hawkmoth and I'm giving you the power to hunt down Luka Couffaine and prove that he is in fact a force of evil. All I ask in return is for you to take Anatis and Lady Noir's miraculous and bring them to me. Do we have a deal?"
 "Let the hunt begin, Hawkmoth,"
 ~Back to Anatis~
 Anatis stopped on a roof and leaned his hands against his leg as he took a breathe. Despite been better then he was, he still felt weak, his ribs ached and he felt ill and warm, like he had a fever. He took a deep breathe and shook his head, jumping back across the roofs. He stopped a few more times but finally, he came to Master Fu's place. He jumped across and landed on the edge of Master Fu's window seal, opening it carefully before climbing inside and turning to the kwamis. 
 "Alright, you lot... back to the box," He stated, making them nod and head back apart from Kaalki. Wayzz headed in the back to where Master Fu was. He let out a sigh and turned back to the window but his yoyo buzzed, causing him to open it and press on the notification. He almost dropped it as he saw Anarka, Penny and Jagged on the video. The three of them were tied to stakes by the louvre and were surrounded by some sort of mob who were yelling and shouting as Nadja Chamack appeared on screen. Two of the members of mob shoved the mic in her hand and demanded that she report what they wanted her.
 "An a-akuma calling himself m-mob boss has taken over the louvre and- ah!" The akuma grabbed the microphone from and roughly backhanded before she was dragged off by the crowd. He turned to the camera, revealing his skeleton face and blazing eyes. He was dressed in a suit with a dark gray trench coat.
 "Luka Couffaine!" He growled, making Anatis feel pale. "I know you're watching this so listen up, you  brat. If you don't want your father, his bitch and your whore of a mother to burn then come and face me like a real man!"
 "I-Issac?" Anatis gasped, feeling sick and fearful. The kwamis looked at each other.
 "You have ten minutes or they will burn in your place," He stated before lifting his arms, causing the crowd to yell and chant 'burn!' repeatedly. Anatis shut off the screen before turning back round and swinging towards the Louvre. He landed in an alleyway close to the scene as the kwamis caught up to him. Issac was throwing up his arms, making the audience chant louder. What disturbed Anatis the most was he could see his friends and some family members there. Juleka and Rose were there and so were Marinette's parents. Luckily, Marinette wasn't there but he was concerned as to where she was. Mob Boss turned back to his hostages as the crowd continued to chant. "Time is almost up,"
 He roughly grabbed Anarka's chin, causing Anatis to flinch.
 "Still think your son isn't evil?" He asked, making her narrow her eyes before he laughed and let go. "Once that brat turns up, I'll be able to get rid of him once and all and finally things will be right again,"
 "You laid a hand-"
 "One minute!" Mob Boss shouted, causing Anatis to frown.
 "Tikki, Spots off," He whispered, making the kwamis gasp. "Stay here,"
 "Luka, you can't!" Tikki gasped but he shook his head.
 "I can't let him kill them," He gasped, looking at him. "And I can't be certain that he won't burn them if I turn up as Anatis..."
 "Luka, this-"
 "This is the only way," Luka replied, turning on his heel and running out of the alleyway as the crowd counted down. "Stop!"
 Mob Boss moved his arms, silencing them as he smirked evilly.
 "Let the witch through!" He shouted, causing the crowd to part. Luka took a deep breathe and began to walk through the crowd. Issac frowned and narrowed his eyes as Luka walked over to him. He roughly grabbed his arm. "Where are they?!"
 "Whe-Where are what?"
 "The demons you summoned!" He growled, making Luka frown. He must meant the kwamis. However, he apparently took too long to answer, causing Issac to hit him. Jagged, Penny and Anarka shouted out and tried to break free from their binds. "Answer me, boy!"
 "I d-didn't summon any demons," Luka gasped, making Mob Boss growled and hit him hard enough to knock him to the floor and bust his lip again. He roughly grabbed his hair, dragging him back.
 "You can burn with your father and his bitch," He snarled, going to drag him over to the fourth stake but before he could a baton came flying at him and slammed him in his face, causing him to stumble back as Lady Noir jumped down, causing Mob Boss to growl. He yanked Luka up and wrapped his arm around his neck and placed his other on his head.
 "Let him go!" She snarled, beginning to stalk as her eyes glowed a little. Luka couldn't help but feel a little fear of her. He had never seen Lady Noir look so fearsome. 
 "Move closer and I'll snap his neck," Mob Boss snarled, making her stop. "Now why don't you be a good cat and hand over that ring of yours, sweetheart?"
 "Lady Noir, don't!" Luka called out as she actually looked down at her ring. However, Mob Boss suddenly let go of Luka as he swore. Luka blinked and saw his hand was burn, confusing him but Mob Boss charged at him. A crack appeared in the platform as Lady Noir suddenly slammed her hand down onto the platform and summoned her cataclysm. The wood broke from Mob Boss's weight, causing him to fall through it as Lady Noir suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled her to him, causing them to fall and him to land on her, causing a blush to appear over his cheeks. "S-Sorry,"
 She didn't answer as she rolled them over and jumped up as Mob Boss climbed back up and threw fire balls towards them, using her baton to block them.
 "Get your family free while I distract him!" She ordered before jumping across and attack Mob Boss. Luka rushed over to Penny, Jagged and Anarka before freeing them. Anarka hugged him before pulling away and cupping his face.
 "How did you get away? Do you know why his hand got burnt when he touched you?" She asked, worry clear in her eyes. It become stronger as she noticed he was hot to touch. "Luka? What happened? You're burning up,"
 "I'm... fine..." He replied as Mob Boss punched Lady Noir and got on top of her, trying to strange her. Luka gasped and rushed over to the pillar, grabbing a plank of wood. He slammed it into Issac's face, causing him to stumble as Jagged and Penny helped Lady Noir up as Luka stumbled back, feeling dizzy. His eyes flicked silver but luckily no one saw it. Lady Noir rushed over to him and picked him up like a bride as Anarka punched Mob Boss before Penny broke a plank of wood over his head again, knocking him down before Jagged kicked him in the first. Luka held onto Lady Noir as she used her baton to propel them away from the scene as the three of them ran off, away from Mob Boss. Once they were a safe distance away, she lowered him down to the floor but he was taking swallow breathes, reminding her of when he got possessed by an akuma.
 "Luka, you're sick," She gasped, placing her hand on his cheek. Even through her glove she could feel how warm he was. "I need to take to the hospital,"
 "N-No, he'll look there," He gasped, making her frown. He was right. Mob Boss would look for him there. She frowned as she thought about the most unlikely place that Mob Boss would look. An idea popped in her mind, causing her to click her fingers before she picked up Luka again and jumped off. She set him back down and opened a manhole before helping him climb down. She closed the manhole as he leaned against the wall, breathe in and out but his breathing sounded heavy. She picked up again, making him blush a little but he held onto her as she ran off with him.
 "So why is Mob Boss after you?" She asked as they moved through the tunnels. "You don't seem the type to have enemies,"
 "H-He's convinced I'm evil..." He whispered, making her frown. He sounded out of breathe and tired. "H-He kidnapped me and I managed to escape s-so he's pissed..."
 "I know about the kidnapping," She stated, kicking open a door and bringing him in the room. She set him down on a bench and gently moved his hair, making him blush a little as she looked at him with a soft but concerned look. "Marinette asked me to look for you when she realized you were missing,"
 "S-She must have been worried since about me..." He sighed, looking down. "I o-owe her-"
 "No, this is not your fault," She gasped, making him look at her before her ring beeped. "I have to go and charge up my kwami then I'll deal with Mob Boss but you need stay here. As soon as Anatis and I have defeated him, I'll get you to the hospital ok?"
 He nodded, causing her to run out but only to wait a few moments before Tikki and Kaalki flew in. He went to get up but stumbled and fell back down, making Tikki gasp and rush over to him. 
 "I'm ok," He whispered, making her frown. "We need to transform and help Lady Noir,"
 "Luka, you're in no fit state to-"
 "I have to," He gasped, making Kaalki and Tikki look at each other. "I can't let her fight that monster alone,"
 They both remained quiet as they knew he was right. He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself and replicate the feeling he had when he faced Blackout. Slowly but surely, he felt his energy come back to him as the same feeling washed over him. He opened his eyes as they turned silver, causing Kaalki to gasp a little. 
 "Luka?" She asked, making him look at her. She wasn’t sure if it was Finni again.
 "I'm fine, Kaalki," He smiled, standing up. Both kwamis look nervous. "I take it my eyes are not blue right now?"
 "No, they're silver," Tikki stated, biting her lip. "Just like when you faced Blackout,"
 "Then it worked," He replied, making the kwamis look at him with surprise. "I kind of learn that I might be able to trigger the same thing that happened during Blackout from Feng . Admittedly, I still don't understand what it was but it gave me enough strength and energy to face him,"
 "I see," Tikki gasped, nodding. "So if you can trigger it, it would do the same,"
 "Exactly," Luka smiled before frowning. "I just hope I don't faint this time when I go back to normal... but we're worry about that when that happens. Right now, I need to help Lady Noir. Tikki, spots on!"
 He transformed into Anatis and took out his yoyo, opening it. He frowned a little as he saw Lady Noir's location wasn't moving but she was at the Louvre again. He put his yoyo away and gently patted his shoulder for Kaalki to sit on it. She flew over and did before he ran out of the room and to the nearest exit. He climbed up and threw his yoyo up, pulling himself into the air and swinging through the streets. He landed on the building opposite the Louvre, frowning as he noticed the flames surrounding the area. He scanned his eyes before noticing Lady Noir, trying to use her baton as a shield against Mob Boss' flames. However, he managed to knock her baton out of her hand and smirked to himself, stalking over to her.
 "Kaalki, hide," He ordered, causing her to hide in a nearby alleyway before he jumped down and threw his yoyo. It wrapped around Mob Boss' arm as he lifted it to punch her. Anatis yanked it, pulling Mob Boss into the air and slamming him down into the ground. Anatis freed his yoyo and rushed over to Lady Noir, helping her up.
 "You ok?" He asked, making her nod. "Sorry, I'm late,"
 "No worries, Annie," She smiled, pushing a bit of her hair out of her face. "You're just in time,"
 He went to answer but quickly blocked a fireball from Mob Boss with his yoyo, moving Lady Noir behind him. Feeling a shiver down his spine as they backed away, he took a deep breathe. 
 Any advice on facing him? He mentally spoke, hoping that Feng might answer.
 Don't hold back. This man will take advantage of any weakness you show... Feng's voice echoed in his mind, making Anatis nod. Mob Boss growled and summoned fire balls in his hands, causing a few of his goons to flinch and he heard Lady Noir whimper a little. His flames grew in size, making Anatis gasp as he realized how his flames worked. Show him you're not afraid...
 "Of course... fear is his power..." He whispered as it clicked into place. Of course, Issac would be an akuma who feeds off fear. Mob Boss threw the flames towards them, causing Lady Noir stumble back in fear as they flew towards them at full speed. Mob Boss smirked evilly as Anatis stopped spinning his yoyo. Instead, he swiped it up and bring it down, cutting through the flames and destroying them. Mob Boss' smirk turned to a look of shock as Anatis glare at him, standing tall in front of Lady Noir, who was looking up at her partner with awe in her eyes. He turned to her and offered her his hand, causing her to take it before he pulled her to her feet. "He's just like Horrificator, Lady Noir. Fear fuels his flames, making them bigger. He uses his mob to power himself up by making them afraid. Well, I got some news for you, 'Mob Boss'..."
 Anatis narrowed his eyes towards him.
 "I'm not afraid of you," He stated, enraging Mob Boss. He summoned more flames and threw them at him, hoping to make him coward but Anatis didn't. Instead, he stood his ground, not even trying to block his attack. He had a feeling that the flames only hurt you if you were afraid. Lady Noir gasped and went to take out her baton but he gently placed his hand on hers, making her look at him. "Trust me,"
 She looked into his eyes and even though they were silver, she could still see what he was feeling. Smiling to herself, she nodded and turned to face Mob Boss as well.
 "We're not afraid of you!" She declared as the flames got closer but as soon as they touched them, the flames completely snuffed out. "Whoa!"
 "No!" Mob Boss screamed enraged before summoning a massive amount of flames. "I'll burn it!!! I'll burn it all!!"
 "Ok, he's lost it," Lady Noir gasped as Anatis took out his yoyo and threw it into the air.
 "Lucky charm!" He declared, causing a hose pipe to appear out of thin air as Mob Boss began to create a fire tornado. His mob became even more afraid, making it get bigger. Lady Noir stepped back as fear got to her as well.
 "Annie! Please tell me you have a plan!" She gasped as he looked around in his luck vision. It lit up a fire hydrant and the hose pipe. He smirked to himself.
 "I have one!" He declared, making her rush over to him as he opened the fire hydrant. He worked quickly, attaching the hose to the fire hydrant before standing up and pointing it towards Mob Boss, who's flames were huge. He was laughing like a manic as well. "Hey! Mob Boss!! I hope you like rain!"
 "What?!" He gasped as Lady Noir turned the switch on the fire hydrant to full power. A powerful stream of water burst through the hose and hit Mob Boss straight in the chest, sending him flying into a wall, causing him to gasp and splutter as he tried to push back the water. His flames completely disappeared as his influence on the nearby crowd weakened. Lady Noir ran up to him and summoned her power, tapping his ring. It turned to dust and the akuma climbed out as Anatis turned off the water. He threw his yoyo and captured it, pulling it back to him. He released the butterfly then unscrewed the hose before throwing it up in the air.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He declared, causing it to burst into the cure and swarm around Paris, fixing the damage Mob Boss had done. With him defeated, he turned back to Issac, who looked around confused before seeing the heroes. Almost instantly, he jumped up and ran off, clearly afraid of what the heroes might do to him.
 "Should we go after him?" Lady Noir asked but she got her answer when her ring beeped. "Oh no! I need to go get Luka!! He's pretty badly hurt,"
 "Ok," Anatis nodded as his earrings beeped as well. "We'll track him down later,"
 She nodded and went off before Anatis went the other direction. However, he slipped into the alley Kaalki had hid in, making her fly over to him before he took out his yoyo, reaching into it. He took out the horse miraculous and put them on.
 "Tikki, Kaalki... unify," He declared, turning into the merge form. He threw out his arm as he created a ring of light. "Voyage!"
 It opened a portal into the room Lady Noir had left him. He stepped inside, causing it to disappear.
 "Tikki, Kaalki, divide," He ordered, causing him turn back to Anatis. "Spots off,"
 He caught Tikki before sitting down on the bench as his eyes began to turn back to blue. A wave of nausea to wash over him making him to feel weak again as he covered his mouth to stop himself from gagging. Slowly, a headache began to creep through. He took a shaky breathe and held his jacket open, allowing Tikki and Kaalki to hide in it. A few minutes later, the door opened and Lady Noir rushed in. 
 "Sorry! I had to charge my kwa- Luka?" She gasped as she reached him. He had closed his eyes and was taking short breathes as he felt himself warm up. "Oh god, you're worse than before,"
 "I-I'm... fi-" He started but she helped him to his feet and began to lead him outside. As soon as he stood, he felt very weak and ended up leaning against her. It didn't take her long to get him out of the sewer before taking him to the hospital. The doctors and nurses took him from her as she promised to bring his family. Soon, he found himself in a hospital room, lying on a bed while the doctors try to get down his fever as they asked him a number of questions. He answered them as best as he could, even telling them about the almost akumatization and amok. The doctors and nurses shared concerned looks when he told them about it but he felt tired and just wanted to sleep. Seeing how tired he was, the doctors concluded their tests. As soon as they left, he ended up falling asleep and when he next woke, the Captain was sat next to him. Her eyes were closed but he could see how stressed she felt. "M-Ma?"
 She groaned and stirred, opening her eyes.
 "Luka?" She gasped before standing up and hugging him. He hugged her back. "Oh I am so sorry, Lad. I should have walked with you-"
 "It's n-not your fault, Ma," He whispered, gently pulling away from him. "Issac was convinced that I'm the reason you left him. He said I was evil and a witch... I don't understand why..."
 Anarka frowned and sat back down, taking his hand.
 "He was afraid of you," She stated, making him look at her. "When you were younger, you had what I thought were imaginary friends but I realized very quickly it was something else when I saw you talking to something in your room. You must have been three years old when this happened but when I asked you who you were talking to, you told me it was your grandmother,"
 Luka frowned a little.
 "The thing was she had died two years before you were born and I hadn't told you about her at all. We didn't get on," She mumbled, looking down. Luka frowned as he listened. "You knew her name and described her down to a tee. I do not doubt that it was your grandmother but it scared me and I told you not to make up stories. You never told me if you talked to anything like her again after that but I would hear you speaking to other things but then Issac heard you talking to them and he became convinced you were 'in league with the devil'. That's what we argued about a lot of the time and it just got worst as time pass. I told him you had imaginary friends and were just sensitive but he didn't believe me. Soon, you stopped talking to things that weren't there and I thought you had grown out of it. I didn't realize Issac had hurt you every time he caught you talking to them. It got worst when you showed an interest in music. He would scream that it was the devil's influence and would break anything that could cause that then he went too far and you ended up in hospital in a coma for a week. It wasn't long after that when I realized he was hurting you. I had been at work that day and Issac had called me, saying you had fallen and hit your head. I only found that it had been him that had hit hit you and caused you to hit your head months later during an argument. It was the moment that I decided to leave him. I hated myself because I should have realized sooner that you were been hurt by him. I packed our bags ready to leave but Issac..."
 She took a deep breathe as Luka listened.
 "That was the day Issac got physical with me. He then threatened to take you and Juleka away from me if I left. I realized that I would need to be clever and crafty to outwit him so I saved up any spare money we had while trying to protect you and Juleka while we were still there. That's why we were so poor. Issac would spend whatever he had on booze and I was putting anything I could into an account he knew nothing about," She explained, making Luka frown as he listened. "The christmas he walked out, I saw a chance and got the locks changed but he kept coming back. He would try to kick the door down and even tried to take you and Juleka from school one day. After that, I had you both home schooled. Since you were frequently ill, it helped to keep you at home. During the time of having him locked out of the house, I contacted an estate agent and sold the house, which gave us our money. Since I had finally enough money, I brought the Liberty. I packed up our basics and moved us to Paris with the Liberty,"
 "How did we get away from him?" Luka asked, causing her to sigh. "Didn't he try to wait outside the house?"
 "I called the police that day and had him arrested. I knew he would get out but it gave us a few hours to escape. While he was in jail, we left the house for good. I don't know if you remember but I legally changed our names. Not by much admittedly but before our surname was Couphène but I had it changed legally to Couffaine. It's slightly different pronunciation and spelt differently. The change was small but it was enough that Issac wouldn't be able to find us. Besides, you and Juleka always pronounced it as Couffaine anyway,"
 Luka frowned to himself as he listened. He did briefly remember spelling his surname different and got confused when he was first corrected but he assumed that because he was a kid, he just didn't realize how to spell it properly. It never occurred to him that his mother had changed it.
 "Why did you change it?"
 "So if Issac ever looked us up, he wouldn't be able to find us. It's also why I brought a boat. We could move it and would never be in the same place," She admitted, frowning. "I thought it was safer that way...  but I should have protected you better. I'm so sorry, Luka.,"
 Tears rolled down her face as she cried, making Luka frown. He carefully moved so he was closer to her before opening his arms. Anarka looked up at him before moving so she was sat on the bed and hugged him. 
 "It's ok, Ma," He whispered, hugging her before they pulled away. "I was afraid to say anything and when I got old enough to say, Issac threatened to hurt you and Juleka. I wasn't going to let that happen,"
 "You shouldn't have had to," She whispered, looking down as she wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry.."
 "Ma, it's ok," He smiled, glancing to the side. "But I don't remember seeing them?"
 "The coma you were in..." She muttered, looking down. She had beaten herself up for ages when she had realized it was Issac who had caused it. She still felt guilty to this very day. "The doctors... they thought you wouldn't wake up and warned me that you would have brain damage if you did but then you proved them wrong and woke up. Despite been in a coma for a while, you only had a little bit of memory damage. You just didn't remember seeing spirits or ghosts... The doctors and I called it a miracle..."
 "But Issac saw it as proof of me been evil, didn't he?" Luka asked, making her frown. "He called me a witch and said I was evil..."
 Anarka frowned as she saw the expression on his face. He thought it was possibly that he was.
 "Luka Couffaine, you listen to me," She stated in a firm voice. He looked up at her. "Issac is wrong about you, Lad. You're not evil or wicked. You're a pure and gentle soul and he's the evil one for harming you. People like Issac fear what they don't understand... and I was afraid too but not because of you seeing ghosts. Our family have always been different and strange but that's what had me afraid. I feared that people would treat you differently and I was wrong. We should celebrate our differences and gifts, even if other people are afraid of them. If it turns out you are a witch then I will be proud of my witchy son,"
 "Thank you, Ma," He whispered, hugging her before pulling away. "Though I think Juleka might be the witch of the family,"
 Anarka laughed and ruffled Luka's hair, making him smile before someone knocked on the door and entered. He glanced over and smiled a little as Juleka, Rose and Marinette looked at him. Relief flooded their eyes and before anyone could move, Juleka had rushed over and hugged him, causing him to hug her back as she cried.
 "I'm ok, Jewels," He whispered, stroking her hair before he looked up at the other two and stretched out his arm. Both of them rushed over and joined in with the hug. Rose was crying worst then Juleka and Marinette was holding back tears. The three of them pulled away as a doctor entered and asked to talk to Anarka. She got up and walked out as the girls sat on the chair. "Is Dad here?"
 "He was talking to the doctors," Juleka mumbled as Luka leaned against the pillow. "And Penny is looking to get Bob Roth in trouble too. He's been arrested as Issac had sent him a photo of you with a message for Jagged. He wanted 3 million euros to release you,"
 "Why did he give the message to Bob Roth?" Luka asked, frowning. Juleka looked at Rose who bit her lip. "Jewels?"
 "I overheard Ma and Jagged shouting at Mr Roth... apparently he was friends with Issac. He admitted to confirming that it was us to him when Penny threatened him. He's the reason why Issac kidnapped you," Juleka explained, making him frown. "He tried to claim that he didn't know that Issac would do that but Penny, Ma and Jagged don't believe him,"
 "What about Issac?" He asked, looking at them. Juleka and Rose looked sad and pale and Marinette looked angry. Luka sighed as he felt their emotions. Disappointment and rage. "He got away didn't he?"
 "The police are looking for him," Marinette stated, taking his hand. "And they've placed an officer here in case he tries to come after you..."
 "I see," He frowned, making a mental note to track him down as Anatis. "I hope they find him soon. I want this nightmare to be over,"
 "I hope it ends soon," Marinette whispered, linking their hands together. Rose gently tapped Juleka and pulled her up, leaving the room so Marinette and Luka were alone. "I'm sorry..."
 "For what?" He asked, looking at her.
 "Letting you walk home alone and not insisting you stay the night. Mama and Papa wouldn't have minded. They like you," She whispered, looking down. "So I'm sorry..."
 "Marinette, none of this was your fault so please don't blame yourself," He whispered, making her look at him. "It's Issac. He's always hated me and this was just part of that,"
 "How are you so calm?" She asked, wiping her eyes. "You got kidnapped and you're in hospital and you must have been so afraid..."
 "I was..." He admitted, looking down. "It was terrifying. I was almost akumatized too but-"
 "Oh no, did you have a seizure again?!" Marinette gasped, looking more worried. Luka nodded and went to continue what he was saying. Only for Marinette to hug him again. "I'm so sorry!!"
 "It's ok," He mumbled, making her look at him. "I'm ok. The seizure... it passed pretty quickly and actually helped me escape. Issac and his men were arguing about taking me to the hospital so while they were distracted, I slipped away. Admittedly, it was hard because I was tired and just wanted to curl up but I got out. Anatis found me once I got out of the warehouse he kept me and helped me get away properly... but then Issac ended up akumatized and threatened to hurt my family so I slipped away from Anatis to go and save them..."
 "You're so brave, Luka," Marinette praised, making him blush as Jagged and Anarka came back in. Marinette gave them a small smile. "I'm gonna head home but I'll come and visit tomorrow,"
 "Ok," Luka smiled, nodding. She smiled back before getting and leaving the room. Jagged hugged him, causing him to hug back as Juleka came back in and took a seat with the others. He yawned and laid back down, trying to stay awake.
 "Go to sleep, Lad," Anarka ordered as Jagged sat down. "We'll be here when you wake,"
 He nodded and closed his eyes, drifting into a dreamless sleep.
 ~A Week Later~
 "You sure this is the place, Barkk?" Anatis asked as they stood opposite a warehouse. After he had left hospital, he went straight to Master Fu to ask if he could borrow the kwamis. He wanted their help in finding Issac. Since Master Fu was aware of the situation as he had visited Luka in hospital to make sure he was ok, he agreed to let the kwamis help Luka. It had surprised him but since Lika had decided it was time to end Issac's reign of terror, Master Fu had agreed to let the kwamis go with him so he had some kind of back up. At first, Master Fu had tried to convince to let the police do the work but Luka told him he couldn't let it go. Issac hadn't just tried to kidnap him. He was intent on killing him and hurting his family. He knew that if Issac got him out of the way, he would go after Juleka and his mother and he was not about to let that happen. No, he was done living in fear and he would protect his family at any cost. With his mind settled, Master Fu tried to come along himself but his back began to play up and Luka told him to stay back. Part of him wanted to ask Lady Noir to come with him as well but he also knew that this was something Luka had to do and not Anatis. 
 "This is the place, Master Luka," Barkk replied, making Anatis sigh before the little dog kwami looked at him. "But are you sure you don't want to go in as Anatis?"
 "I have to do this as Luka," He replied as the other kwamis surrounded him. "You guys keep back but the moment Issac shows any possibility of hurting me, attack him and don't hold back,"
 "Yes, sir!" The kwamis declared, saluting him before he jumped from the building and landed on the ground. As soon as he was on the ground, he detransformed and caught Tikki, giving her a cookie. She took it before flying up and kissing his cheek lightly.
 "Good luck," She smiled, making him nod before he walked over and tried to the door. It was lock so Kaalki flew over and unlocked it, causing him to smile and step in. He walked through glancing around as he recognized the place he was held in. He kept his hand on his phone as he walked through. He felt his fear sneak up on him but he pushed it to the back of his mind. He stopped as he looked around. The warehouse seemed completely emptied. He frowned but stopped when he felt someone walk up behind him. Judging by their song, it was Issac. He flinched a little when he felt Issac stop behind him.
 "Well, I knew you were dumb but I didn't think you were this stupid," Issac growled as Luka took a deep breath and slowly turned around.
 "You'd just come after me anyway," He answered, staring at the man who made his life a living hell. "I'm here to end this,"
 "You? Want to fight me?!" Issac laughed before taking out a gun and pointing to him. "You don't stand a chance,"
 "I'm not here to fight you," Luka stated, keeping his mind clear and calm. Fear would do him no good.
 "Then what do you want?"  Issac growled.
 "To prove you wrong," He stated, making Issac frown. "Hand yourself over to the police and let this grudge. It will only cause you more pain so please, give yourself in. It’s not too late to change,”
 "You are pathetic!" Issac growled, making Luka sigh. He had given him a chance. "You think I'm going to listen to an evil bastard like you!"
 "I'm not evil, Issac," He stated, sighing before his eyes turned silver, making Issac stare at him. During his rest in the hospital, he had dreamt a few times of Feng and the bird that he learnt was called Finni. Feng had finally told him that he had natural magic and started to teach him how to chanel it. He still had ages to go and he was still confused about a lot of things but Feng had taught him more about projecting emotions onto others. He could show them love, hope and even feelings like fear and sadness. "But I am different,"
 "Demon!" Issac shouted, going to fire his gun but the kwamis flew him, taking the gun out of his hand. "No! You trickster!"
 "I'm not a demon and I'm not a trickster," Luka stated, walking closer to Issac. He tried to back away but tripped over when Pollen, Kaalki and Barkk pushed a box behind him. He scrambled backwards until his back hit the same pillar that Luka had been chained to. He went to get up but the kwamis had handcuffed him to it, stopping him from getting up. 
 "No!" He gasped as fear caught up with him. He didn't expect Luka to reverse their roles. He was the one in charge here. Not the demon child. Luka sighed and crouched down in front of him. "You bastard!! I'll kill you!"
 "I have something for you, Issac," He stated, making him blink. "Something I don't want anymore,"
 He reached out his hand, causing Issac to try and pull away.
 "Don't touch me, you demon!" He shouted but Luka ignored him and rested his hand against his cheek, causing Issac to flinch. For a second, nothing happened but then Issac started to scream in absolute pain and terror as he looked at Luka, who eyes slowly turned from silver to a glowing golden color that resembled the sun. If anyone else had seen them, they would have described them as beautiful but for Issac, they just added to his fear. His eyes widen as he saw a golden aura round Luka that resembled a bird. However, he let out a scream of pain as Luka's touch actually hurt him. Slowly, Luka pulled away as Issac screamed and cowarded away from him, crying as he did. Tikki flew over to him as Luka stood up and looked at him with a mixture of pity and sorrow.
 "What did you do to him?"
 "I gave him the fear and pain he caused me," He explained, wiping a tear sliding down his cheek as the kwamis flew over to him. "All sixteen years worth and all at once..."
 The kwamis looked over at Issac, who was reduced to a crying, broken mess. Receiving all that fear and pain at once had broken him but they could not think of a better punishment for him. This way, he would never hurt anyone ever again. Luka blinked again and wiped his eyes before taking out his phone and placing a call to the police but hung before they could ask his name. He left the warehouse and transformed into Anatis before swinging off. Once he got to the Liberty, he slid in through his room and dropped his transformation before curling up on his bed and began to cry, surprising the kwamis.
 "L-Luka?" Tikki asked as Luka shook. She looked at the other kwamis as he slowly sat up.
 "I'm s-sorry," He whispered, wiping his eyes. "It's just... I find it hard to believe it's over..."
 "It's ok, my prince," Pollen gasped, hugging his cheek. The other kwamis followed suit and hugged him, making him smile despite his tears.
 "Thank you for coming with me,"
 "Luka!" The Captain called, causing the kwamis to hide as she burst in. "He's been caught!"
 "What?" He gasped, pretending to be surprised.
 "Issac! Officer Roger called me. They got a tip about where he was hiding and arrested him!" She gasped, hugging him. "It's over, Luka. He's never gonna hurt anyone again,"
Next Chapter: Chapter 57
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