#i usually like to have some background noise while writing but it can't be helped
fictionalwh0ree · 9 months
Hi! May I please make a Billie request where Billie realizes she has a crush on her best friend and starts acting nervous and shy around her, and Billie decides to go live one day and fans are asking about reader since she's usually always around and Bil's like "guys she makes me nervous cause I think she's super pretty" and basically admits her crush? Thank you 🥹🤗
cocktail night- billie eilish
summary: you and billie became fast friends, but the celebrity lifestyle sometimes interferes with your plans. you two finally have a free night and decide to have a cocktail night. with alcohol flowing through her veins, billie can't help but confess her crush on you to the world.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: alcohol/drinking, mild swearing
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billie eilish was easily your favourite person in the world. despite having met only eight months ago, you guys had developed a bond unlike any other, spending any free time either of you had with each other. you knew you could spend every waking moment with her, and if you could, you definitely would. however, the celebrity lifestyles often clashed and while there were weeks were you could spend every day with each other, there were times where weeks would go by and you wouldn’t see each other. now was one of those dry spells where you hadn’t seen each other in about two weeks. you planned a little cocktail night together when you were both free. the idea had been your suggestion as the last couple of times you had seen your best friend, she had been acting strange. she was flustered and more quiet than usual. you blew it off as some weird way of coping with the stress and work that goes into writing and producing a new album, but thought that a couple cocktails might help loosen her up a little bit.
finally, the night arrived. you unlocked her door with the spare key she had given you and were immediately greeted by shark, who barked excitedly at seeing you. you bent down to pet him as billie ran down the stairs to meet you. with almost as much excitement as her puppy, she wrapped her arms around you in a hug while a large smile adorned her face. once she pulled away, you followed her to the kitchen.
“soooo, whats new?” she asked you.
“billie, we were on call just before i left the house,” you laughed before stuffing a couple chips in your mouth.
“but actually, this guy cut me off when i was driving and the guy behind me honked at me. i was so annoyed. the only thing that got me through the drive was reminding myself i would be drinking soon,” you vented.
“the thought of seeing me wasn’t enough to get you through the drive?” she joked, placing her hands over her heart dramatically.
“nope,” you smiled.
she kissed her teeth and looked away in fake annoyance, but the large smile on her face gave it away. she looked back over at you, your eyes locking, but only for a moment before hers dropped to the ground.
“i did miss you though, for real,” you affirmed.
“i missed you too,” she said.
“stop being so busy all the time,” billie joked.
“says you,” you laughed.
“you know, i think it would save you a lot of time if you had a muse to write about,” you joked, snagging a couple more chips.
“oh really? and who should my muse be?” she said, raising her eyebrow.
“me, duh,” you smiled.
“you’re already my muse,” she said, sending an exaggerated wink your way.
“aww, shut the fuck up,” you said, shoving her playfully.
“okay, come on lets get to drinking,” billie said, switching the subject.
you nodded in accordance and the two of you worked together, gathering everything you would need. as you prepared your cocktails, you downed a couple of shots each, leaving your prepared drinks, which were supposed to be somewhat aesthetic, a very ugly and delicious hot mess. you took your drinks into the living room and billie put on a movie. the two of you were already tipsy before having even taken a sip of your cocktail, and the movie had become background noise amongst your lively conversation.
before long, the two of you decided it was time to change into something more comfortable. thankfully, you had come prepared with matching christmas pj pants which you had bought earlier in the day. you told her to stay in her place, and she waited eagerly for you as you retrieved your bag. you pulled them out with a ‘ta da.’ she matched your energy, shrieking in excitement. she ran upstairs to get changed and as did you. once you were ready, you met her back in the living room, about to sit on the couch before the alcohol finally got to your bladder.
“i’m gonna go use the washroom quickly,” you told her.
she nodded, fidgeting with her phone. little did you know, she was going on live. the alcohol in her system making it seem like a good way to share your matching pyjama pants. she turned it on and within seconds, hundreds of thousands of people had joined. her live had just barely caught the end of your sentence, leading her fans to question where you were. the comments became flooded with comments along the lines of “is that y/n?” and “where’s y/n?”.
“yes guys, it is y/n,” billie smiled, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks as she slurred her words slightly.
“i came on here to show you guys our matching pj pants but she went to the washroom,” she continued.
her fans quickly picked up on the fact that she had been drinking and they had noticed the blush that got stronger with your mention.
“ouuuu she’s blushing,” one comment said.
“her cheeks r so red rn,” another one read.
“guyssss,” billie whined.
“who’s got you blushing like that 👀 👀” someone commented.
billie read it, mumbling the words slightly, before giggling.
“guys if i tell you this you can’t tell anyone okay?” she smiled, multiple fans agreeing and promising.
“y/n makes me nervous cause i think she's super pretty,” she confessed, giggling like a schoolgirl and throwing her phone. she shrieked into a nearby pillow, not fully recognizing what she had done. she picked up her phone hastily when she heard the bathroom door open. the comments were flooded with excitement and support from her fans, and of course, a lot of teasing as well.
“shhhhh, she’s coming back. remember the promise,” she said, turning back to see you a couple feet from the couch.
“what’re you up to?” you said skeptically.
“nothing,” she said innocently, widening her eyes at the camera to remind them to stay quiet.
“uh huh,” you laughed.
“i went on live to show everyone our matching pyjamas,” she said.
“well show them then,” you said.
she set her phone down against her empty cocktail glass and got up, standing next to you.
the two of you backed up until the camera captured you two fully donning your matching pants and white tank tops. she ran back to her phone and sat on the couch.
“why are you acting funny?” you smiled at her, tilting your head.
“i’m not,” she laughed.
“okay billie,” you laughed back.
you sat down next to her, setting your head down on her shoulder, causing her to blush again.
“my parents 😫😫😫,” someone commented.
“this is too cute,” another one read.
“billie u need to tell her,” one said.
“what’s up with your comments?” you asked billie, looking up at her.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, looking away.
you shook your head and looked back at the screen.
“billie said you made her nervous because she thinks you’re REALLY pretty,” a comment read.
you barely caught it as billie pulled the phone up above your face.
“you guys are snitches byeee” she said, ending the live hastily.
you sat up straight, looking at her in the eyes.
“i caught that, y’know?” you said.
“they weren’t supposed to say anything,” billie mumbled, a shy smile playing on her lips as her eyes locked on the couch cushion below her.
you laughed softly.
“so whats this about?” you asked gently, trying to coax her attention back to you.
“you read the comment,” she said, voice just above a whisper.
“say it,” you said, lifting her chin with your fingers, “tell me.”
she took a moment to meet your eyes, your faces now only inches apart as you leaned forward.
“i think you’re really pretty,” she whispered, “and i think i might like you, in more than a friend way.”
you finally leaned forward, linking your lips in a tender kiss. she leaned towards you and you leaned back until you were barely upright against the armrest. she pulled away for a moment, looking at you with a cheesy smile.
“you’re so stupid, y’know that?”
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I'm a teen aspiring author. I live in a house with three children and my walls and door are not very soundproof. Do you have any tips to get focused not by reducing distractions but getting focused while still being in the middle of chaos?
Focusing Despite the Chaos
Even if you can't eliminate distractions, it's still worth trying to minimize them, so I want to start there... then I'll get to what to do if you can't. Here are some things you might be able to try...
1 - Minimizing Noise - In a perfect world we could all afford a nice pair of noise cancelling headphones, but there are other ways to minimize the noise that reaches your ears. For example, many convenience stores and stores with pharmacy areas sell packets of disposable ear plugs for just a few dollars. These can reduce noise enough to make it less distracting, so definitely worth a try.
2 - Utilize Continuous Sound/"Noise Colors" - Continuous sound, like the deep rumble of a waterfall or the gentle roar of heavy rain, falls on a spectrum called noise colors. White Noise covers all frequencies equally, so it provides a soothing background hum that can help to minimize other sounds. You can find white noise generators via different apps and places like YouTube or web sites like A Soft Murmur. Or, you can put on a loud fan, air purifier, air conditioner, etc. Pink Noise is a little softer, like the fall of gentle rain, so this might be something like a fan on a lower setting. Brown noise is a step lower than that, like the ambient noise you get from having the window open on a quiet but breezy day. White, pink, or brown noise can be a great way to reduce the impact of chaos coming from the rest of the house.
3 - Put on a YouTube Ambience Room - YouTube is absolutely bursting with "ambience rooms" and channels dedicated to study music, sleep music, relaxation music, etc. These can be a fantastic way to promote focus, not only because they give you something steady to listen to, you can often find things that gel thematically with whatever you're writing, which can help you block out other distractions.
4 - Try a ZenWare Writing Program - OmmWriter, ZenWriter, Focus Writer, and others provide features that help you focus on your writing, such as simple interfaces, special typing sounds, white noise and sound generators, and word counters. These are not typically free but are usually reasonably priced.
5 - Shift Your Writing Time - Even a chaotic house has its quiet times. It could be early in the morning before everyone else is awake, late at night after everyone else is in bed, during mealtime, or when everyone is away. Pay attention to when the chaos is at its lowest each day and try to utilize those times for writing if you can.
When you can't minimize the chaos...
Any combination of the above tactics can still be great ways to help you focus a little more, even if it doesn't really reduce the noise or chaos. Just having things like a special screen or special audio to focus on can help you mentally block out distractions. To some degree, it's something that takes some trial and error--to see which tactics work for you--and practice. I know writers who can write on plans, trains, buses, car rides, in the middle of busy places... it's just something they did out of necessity and got good at with time. You will, too. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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stayevildarling · 5 months
I know you've already done something similar, but I'm wondering if you can write a billie, delia, and mina fic with reader who gets attacked and ends up forgetting things like who her gfs are and where she is? Maybe you can add your own ideas to it if ur up to it? Thank you <33
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Reader- Closure
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A/N: Hi there ❣️ I apologise for the delay with this on. I have been a bit sick and busy. This is really long but I couldn't make it any shorter.
tw: mention of blood, mention of doctors and hospitals, mention of amnesia, cursing, smoking, lots of angst
word count: 11k 😅
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime
It had been a normal day at the academy, a busy weekday really, the four of you going on about your days, Cordelia mostly in her office working on academy business, Wilhemina at work and returning a little while ago, you mostly teaching classes and spending your afternoon in the greenhouse, Billie equally at work. At last, you find yourself in the comfort of your girlfriends arms, the four of you snuggled up together by the fireplace, the tv running softly in the background, drawing out the outside noises from the busy streets, some laughter still coming from some of the witches rooms.
As you glance around you, you notice Delia sitting beside you, holding you closely as the two of you are snuggled in a blanket, Wilhemina sitting in her armchair, doing some knitting, her eyes occasionally glancing at you three, the view warming her heart and causing the ever so smallest smile to coat her features. A sudden movement startles you a little, Billie Dean disappearing into the darkness of the night again as she leaves for a smoke, this time unannounced and you can't help but notice how this must have been her third cigarette within twenty minutes, and equally Cordelia watches her leave, Wilhemina's brows furrowing as usually she announced her little smoking breaks.
And as you think about it a little further, you remember how agitated Billie seemed today, unusually quiet at dinner and not sharing any details about her day, like she usually would. And then it kinda dawns on you how fidgety she had been, how she had barely said any words and the revelation causes you to jolt in Cordelia's arms. Her brown eyes meet yours, concern washing over her, before she speaks softly ,,Sweetheart, are you okay?'' she asks, almost a little confused, noticing how tense you suddenly seem. ,,I'm worried about Billie'' you announce, ignoring the voice in your head telling you not to share your concern with them, not wanting to worry them in the process. Cordelia remains silent as she glances at Wilhemina, and as their eyes lock they share a silent understanding. Despite Cordelia being the supreme, you had an odd connection with the three women, somehow always noticing whenever something was wrong.
Cordelia had tried to solve that puzzle many times, whether it was simply your intuition, whether it was simply the love you share for them and how observant you are. However she had questioned how you almost always seem to get it right, always instantly by Wilhemina's side as your senses alerted you of her pains, always by Cordelia's side whenever some danger was looming over the usual safe walls of the academy, sometimes knowing before she did. And you often knew when something was bothering the medium too, when everything was getting a little much for her. And despite never solving the puzzle regarding your senses, she knows that you must be right, also having noticed how agitated, nervous and quiet Billie had been all evening.
And before too long, the medium returns, opting for the other armchair, despite her sitting beside Cordelia moments before, her loud mind causing her to not be focused, to forget already. ,,Billie honey?'' Cordelia tries softly, drawing the medium away from her thoughts. ,,Is everything okay darling?'' she tries, tilting her head a little as three sets of concerned eyes meet the mediums. And she hesitates then, playing with her acrylic nails as a nervous habit, her mouth opening before she physically stops herself, biting the words back. ,,Billie?'' Wilhemina tries now as concern washes over her as well, never having seen Billie like this despite the many battles the medium had thought over the years, including battles with the redhead but always coming out stronger in the end.
,,It's- it's nothing'' Billie tries but her attempt is pathetic as tears already swell in her eyes, Cordelia quick on her feet to kneel beside the medium, taking her shaking hands into her steady ones. ,,Darling, please, what is it?'' the supreme tries, her eyes pleading with her, grounding her and giving her safety to share whatever this was. ,,It's work'' she finally admits, sighing in the process as she lets a tear stream down her cheek. And as you glance at Wilhemina, your features filled with pain, you both know this was serious. Billie never spoke too much about her work, only the nice parts really, including the promo tours, the fun bits of it, never the hauntings, never the ghosts. The same hauntings, ghosts and spirits that often kept her awake at night, causing her to have terrible nightmares, and the three of you often shushing her back to sleep in the end.
,,It's really bad'' she admits, more to herself than either of you and Wilhemina slowly abandons her knitting supplies, you equally abandoning your spot on the comfortable sofa, before walking over to your girlfriend and placing the same blanket that had provided you warmth and safety to her now. ,,Tell us honey'' Cordelia instructs before Billie begins slowly filling you in. Telling you three about her worst gig yet, how despite having seen everything by now she couldn't crack this one, how there was some connection to witches. How she assumes they are satanic witches who are trapped here and haunting a family, how she has been scared to go to work for the past few days, as all her methods failed. You glance at Cordelia when she mentions witches, wondering whether maybe you and the supreme could help out all things considered.
,,It's okay honey, come here'' Cordelia softly offers as soon as Billie finishes, pulling the medium into her arms as your hands softly reach out to hold the mediums, rubbing your thumb in little circles to keep her feeling safe and sound. ,,Billie?'' Wilhemina tries after a while, after the medium had mostly calmed down. ,,Are you gonna make fun of me?'' Billie chuckles through tears, not used to let her guard down like this, especially around all of you at the same time. Wilhemina's features soften then, almost frowning ,,Of course not'' she speaks calmly ,,We are here for you'' she speaks again and it almost causes for you to cry, knowing your Mina had a hard time with these sort of things.
,,Delia?'' you ask, getting her attention as she glances at you ,,I'm sure we can help'' you urge, pleading with her through your eyes. The supreme hesitates, knowing it was probably possible her being the supreme and also having the gift of mediumship that comes with her powers but knowing this was dangerous, after all if Billie was correct and if they truly had some satanic connections. As she glances around the room, she catches a glimpse of Billie who's eyes plead in desperation and so the blonde can't help but agreeing. ,,Can you take me there tomorrow?'' Cordelia asks and is met with a gasp of relief from the medium, who nods her head gratefully. ,,How about we get you to bed for now honey?'' Cordelia tries and Billie simply nods, before the four of you ascend the stairs, getting ready for your individual evening routines and eventually finding each other in bed.
That night you don't manage to get a lot of sleep, worried about your lover who tossed and turned a lot, awoken by a nightmare a couple of times but the three of you were quick by her side, holding her gently through the terrors of the night. And eventually, you give up on the idea of sleep, softly extracting from bed and wrapping a blanket around you before hiding away in the comfort of the greenhouse, glancing through some of Cordelia's books, hoping you could find something that could help out. After countless hours, the sun already rising a while ago, you are lost in several books about satanic rituals, witches and their history, quite taken back as you hadn't really learned about this type of magic before.
Cordelia eventually finds you, watching from the door where she lingers, softly smiling at you sitting crossed leg on the floor, several books around you. ,,Sweetie?'' she startles you, causing you to jolt a little. And then as you watch her approach, looking ethereal as ever in one of her flower dresses, it dawns on you, how long you had been gone, how tired you are from the lack of sleep. ,,What are you up to in here?'' she asks, glancing at the books. ,,Just some reading'' you explain yourself, quickly up on your feet before she presses a soft kiss to your lips, noticing the little bags under your eyes and guessing you- alike her, didn't get too much sleep the night prior.
Taking her hand, you follow her inside the academy again, the witches already having begun their days, going on about their tasks, as you find both Billie and Wilhemina in the kitchen, already dressed for the day while you stand there still in your pyjamas, blanket wrapped around your shoulders. ,,Where are you going?'' you ask a little confused, noticing they are all dressed to go somewhere, Wilhemina's car keys dangling from her hand. ,,We are going with Billie sweetheart'' Cordelia softly announces, her features a little tense as she knows the argument that is about to follow. ,,Wait- give me five minutes'' you announce, getting ready to sprint upstairs but Cordelia stops you. ,,Sweetie'' she tries and by the hint of guilt in her eyes you know she doesn't want you to go.
,,I need you to stay here sweetie'' she tries but you are quick to shake your head. ,,No way'' you announce, pleading with both Billie and Wilhemina, hoping they are easier to convince at times. ,,Darling it's far too dangerous'' Cordelia explains, her features stern. ,,No Delia I don't care, I'm not letting you three go alone'' you protest before Wilhemina steps forward. ,,Little one'' she tries but you are having none of it, matching the redheads usual stubbornness. ,,Why are you going but not me?'' you question and as you glance at Billie's and Cordelia's face it suddenly dawns on you. How they always seemed to coddle you, treat you like a child as if you aren't worthy of this, not worthy of adult things, of dangerous things despite being a witch and knowing how to protect yourself. ,,Please sweetie, I need you to look after the girls and coven'' Cordelia pleads and you have always had a hard time to deny her or them of anything and so slowly you cave in.
,,We will be right back, promise babydoll'' Billie announces, pressing a kiss to your cheeks. ,,Please be safe'' you beg, before Cordelia hugs you from the side, pulling you into her arms and pressing a kiss to your cheeks. ,,Promise little one'' Wilhemina announces with a smile before you watch the three of them leave. You glance around the kitchen, noticing how you must have missed breakfast and so you opt for getting ready for your day, afterwards checking the schedule for today and how neither you nor Cordelia are due for teaching today. And so the only thing you can do is pace around Cordelia's office, hating the fact that you didn't insist on going, how the three of them could be in danger, trusting both the supreme and mediums gift with all of your heart and knowing Wilhemina was tough but after everything you had read last night, thoughts of panic and concern still crash through you, causing you to hyperventilate a little.
Meanwhile, your girlfriends had made it to the house, Wilhemina had promised to stay outside, the only way Cordelia would agree on letting her drive them. And as soon as the supreme steps foot in the house, none of Billie's crew present as they insisted on investigating this without cameras, she can sense the lost and trapped dangerous spirits. ,,Follow me'' Billie tries, leading the supreme up the stairs and to the room where she had set up several of her failed methods. Cordelia's head begins pounding and aching with their screams as they must sense that a witch had entered the house, among her ranks despite a very different form of magic. As the medium enters one of the rooms, Cordelia inspects carefully, her hands hovering nearby the walls, trying to see if there was anything she could do, a spell she could cast or trying to figure out what the spirits may want and need to move on.
What all of them are unaware of though, is that the lost souls had no intention of moving on, of stopping the haunting of the poor family who had recently moved in. All they wanted was revenge, revenge for the way they had tragically been killed, despite that being by neither of the people affected by their hauntings. As Cordelia glances around, she feels a wave of discomfort course through her veins, their screams causing for her head to ache further, Billie equally shaking with their torture. And just like they intended, they managed to get into your girlfriends heads, using their magic to cause the only thing they had meant to do, cause agony and pain upon the innocent.
And as you continue pacing, you suddenly feel like losing your balance, your ears ringing as you hear an agonising scream, and it wasn't just any scream, it was Billie, the medium screaming for help and as your eyes widen, you are quick to force them shut, using your magic abilities to teleport to your girlfriends, panic rippling through your body. Wilhemina's eyes widen as you suddenly appear in front of her, your face filled with fear and panic. ,,Little one?'' she tries ,,Where is she?'' your shaky voice ripples through the air. ,,I heard Billie scream'' you announce, before brushing past her, quickly entering the house. ,,Y/N wait'' Wilhemina tries, confusion washing over her features.
Wilhemina watches as you try to ascend the stairs, taking a few steps before an invisible force takes over, causing you to fly up and down the stairs, as your body floats at first, Wilhemina's heart stopping in her chest. And then it all stops as your scared eyes meet the redheads before you are thrown across the room, the spirits enjoying their little game. A loud bang startles both Cordelia and Billie who are unaware of what had unfolded, their eyes meeting for a second before they run downstairs, finding you in front of Wilhemina on the floor, her expression filled with panic.
,,Y/N'' Billie shouts, seeing your lifeless body on the floor ,,What happened?'' Cordelia asks, glancing at Wilhemina who remains frozen, before she kneels down, taking your head into her hands, her hands quickly staining with blood. ,,She suddenly appeared and said she heard you scream Billie'' Wilhemina explains. Billie's eyes widen in shock ,,I didn't scream...Cordelia it's the spirits, we need to get out of here'' she ushers and the supreme is quick to agree.
The blonde is quick to take you into her arms, before running towards the car, putting you in the back seat before taking a seat and holding you in her arms. Wilhemina rushes to the drivers seat, Billie beside her before she starts the car. The supreme is quick to cast a few spells, trying to stop the bleeding, trying to heal you but she quickly notices that it must be more serious than this, considering her efforts are not working as the blood still poured and the colour fades more and more from your features with each passing moment. ,,We need to get her to a hospital now'' she ushers, Billie hysterically crying in the front, glancing at you and blaming herself for ever bringing her girlfriends there in the first place.
Wilhemina's determination quickly kicks in as she drives faster, focused to get you to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible. ,,Sweetie'' Cordelia tries, brushing her blood stained hands against your cheeks. ,,Y/N'' she ushers but you can't respond as the battle of unconsciousness had won a long time ago. Tears mingle in each of their eyes, Wilhemina glancing in the mirror as panic sets in, seeing you like this. Within minutes, the redhead has you in front of the nearest hospital, having ushered Billie to call ahead and as Cordelia exits the car, still holding your lifeless body in her hands, there are already some doctors and nurses waiting for you, quickly transporting you onto a gurney and rushing you inside.
The wait feels like an eternity, a lifetime of pain and memories, as the three of them pace back and forth in one of the waiting rooms where one of the nurses had escorted them to. Billie sits curled up in one of the chairs, occasionally pacing around as tears blurry her vision. Wilhemina remains standing, despite the sprain on her back, not caring about her back as all she could think about was you, Cordelia pacing back and forth, her thoughts clouded by the possibility of losing you. And as time passes on, you linger on their mind as the doctors work their magic on fixing your injuries. Cordelia keeps thinking over and over when you first joined the academy, how captivated she had been by you, at last a witch who was experienced, who she barely needed to teach anymore. How she often found you in the greenhouse as it had become your sanctuary, how sweet and polite you had been, often asking if you could borrow some of her books, how she had taught you potions a few times as that wasn't your strong suits.
She thinks back of introducing you to the other two, how your eyes sparkled, more with each moment you spent with them. How slowly you captivated all their hearts, despite Billie unsure about another person but quickly falling for her babydoll. The medium can't help feeling guilty, how she should have never told you, thinking back to all the times she had held you in her arms, how lately she hadn't done that enough, how she hadn't spoiled you in so long as her work had left her in a daze. And Wilhemina can't help but blame herself for how she didn't stop you when you walked in, regretting not having held you or kissed you before they had left. Thinking back to all of those nights where neither of you could sleep, either you finding her in the library or her finding you reading in the greenhouse, how the two of you would often read to each other, lulling each other to sleep as she would hold you close, thinking about how you truly opened up her heart.
,,How is she?'' Cordelia's voice rings through the air as she sees one of the doctors appear, startling the other two in the process and causing for the thoughts and memories to stop for a moment. ,,She's stable'' he explains, three gasps of relief echoing through the quiet room. ,,She just needed some stitches, we assume the shock and impact caused her to lose consciousness'' he carries on explaining. ,,We are just waiting for some scans but if it stays like that, she should be observed for a few days and then good to return home'' he announces before excusing himself again to finish his tests. ,,Thank you so much'' Cordelia whispers, tears lingering in their eyes, tears of relief.
,,Thank god'' Wilhemina announces, the other two meeting her brown eyes. ,,I'm so sorry'' Billie suddenly cries, startling the two, before she breaks down. ,,I should have never said anything, taken you there'' she apologises, feeling terrible as the thought of losing you causes her to lose her balance. Cordelia is quick to guide her to a nearby chair, taking her tear stained cheeks into her soft hands ,,Honey.. Honey it's okay, she's fine'' the supreme coos, Wilhemina taking a deep breath, having a hard time seeing any of her girlfriends like this. ,,We will be just fine'' Cordelia reassures, trying to coax the medium out of her state.
It takes another while, before one of the nurses guides them to a room, where you lay, asleep from the effects the drugs had on your body. ,,The scans confirm no damage'' one of the doctors returns, causing them to again gasp in relief. ,,I suggest keeping her for monitoring but she should be just fine'' he announces. Wilhemina steps forward, glancing at both Cordelia and Billie before speaking ,,Can we take her home?'' she asks, more her girlfriends than the doctor really. ,,She hates hospitals and if it's simply a matter of observing her, we can do just that'' she tries, noticing how you aren't attached to any machines anymore, how you are simply asleep, how you simply had stitches and no surgery that required any further actions.
Cordelia glances at Billie before she glances at the doctor and nurse, a little unsure whether that would be the best idea. ,,If that's what you would prefer, we are happy to provide you with some pain medication for her once she wakes, and if you have any concern or questions you can of course call or come back anytime'' he assures and that's all the confirmation your girlfriends need. As Wilhemina settles the details with the nurses, the doctor approaches you, as you finally open your eyes. ,,How are you feeling Miss?'' he questions and you struggle a little at first, with the bright sensation and the lingering pain but you quickly adapt to your surroundings ,,Fine, a little sore'' you admit and he nods in understanding before releasing you.
,,I'm so glad you are awake sweetie'' Cordelia smiles at you softly, having made a plan with Billie and Wilhemina to distract the nurses for a moment while getting your release papers and medications so she could teleport you back into the coven, figuring that may be easier given the circumstances. And with a swift motion she has you back where you belong, inside your shared bedroom, ushering you to bed before sleep washes over you again. While the supreme watches over your sleeping form, she worries whether bringing you home was the best idea, despite the events she knows your injuries don't seem serious and she also knows how hard it was for your other two girlfriends to constantly be around hospitals and doctors, given Wilhemina's trauma from those and the spirits in the hospital, making it hard for the medium and Cordelia equally. While awaiting for the other twos return, she tries calming herself, knowing that the three of them could certainly provide the best care for you.
Both Billie and Mina return within the next while, Cordelia sitting by your side, watching your chest rise and fall softly, not for once leaving your side. And when they both return, their faces soften seeing you asleep safe and sound. ,,How is she?'' Billie asks before walking over to Cordelia, her features still filled with guilt for what had happened. ,,Fine darling, she's just been sleeping'' the supreme reassures, before the three of them just take a moment to breathe after the dramatic turn of events from today. In the end they opt for taking turns, Cordelia the first one to leave for a while in order to look after the coven for a while and check on the girls, giving some of her classes for tomorrow to Zoe, so she could look after you. Next, Wilhemina retreats for a little, opting for a bath and change of clothes after the events from today, Billie the last one to shower and get changed before returning.
It's late afternoon when you awaken next, your eyes slowly opening after hearing some hushed voices, the bright sensation from the white room causing you to squint them shut, the remaining pain in your heard still lingering. After trying again, your throat feels on fire a little as you try glancing around the room. Billie is by your side straight away, smiling at you, almost beaming a little to finally see you awake. ,,How are you feeling?'' she asks, her voice ringing through the air causing your head to pound a little. ,,Wa'' you try to speak but the pain overwhelms you for a second as you force your eyes to close again. ,,May I have some water please?'' you try again, the request coming out quiet and broken.
,,Of course babydoll'' Billie ushers, reaching for the glass of water by your beside that Cordelia had placed there a while ago. The supreme by the other side of the bed, smiling at you, Wilhemina sitting a few steps away from you in an armchair. The sip of water feels like relief as it cools down the burning sensation in your throat. ,,Thank you nurse'' you speak again after handing her back the glass with shaky hands. Billie raises her eyebrow, chuckling to herself as she sets the glass back down. ,,Is there anything else I can get for my favourite patient?'' she chuckles again, Cordelias features soft and a smirk tugging at Wilhemina's lips as they enjoy your little joke.
,,No thank you'' you reply politely before turning to the other woman sitting beside you ,,What's the prognosis then doctor?'' you ask, assuming that the other blonde must be your doctor. ,,Yes Doctor, what's the prognosis?'' Wilhemina mockingly jokes, giving you a little wink, still assuming you are joking. ,,You will be just fine sweetheart'' she states, her hand brushing over your arm and rubbing little circles on it in a comforting matter, causing for your eyebrows to furrow a little. ,,But when can I leave?'' you ask, mistaking your bedroom for a hospital room as everything is still a little blurry and there is a lot of white.
,,What do you mean sweetie?'' Cordelia asks confused, scanning your features before Wilhemina is already up on her feet, noticing how this wasn't a joke, how this had never been a joke, her expression deadly serious as she approaches. ,,Little one, this isn't funny'' she urges, her features stern, causing you to feel even more confused. ,,Do you know where you are?'' Billie asks, her eyes already brimming with tears. You reluctantly look at the blonde woman who you assume to be your doctor before she speaks again ,,Do you know what happened?''. You try to think for a moment, remembering a man talking to you before in a room that looked quite different now that you are thinking about it. ,,Do you know your name?'' the woman asks again, causing one of the other two to scoff at the ridiculousness of her question. And then it kinda dawns on you how you aren't aware of anything really, you didn't know where you are, what happened or who you are, as if your memories had been wiped completely.
,,No'' you whisper, and by your statement you can tell that those people aren't doctors or nurses as their reactions felt way more personal than that. Wilhemina's eyes force close as she takes a shaky breath, her heart beating fast and aching with pain. Billie's face is stained with tears as they keep pouring, her hand still holding onto yours, squeezing it a little tighter as if she wanted to comfort you, despite you feeling the strange urge to comfort her, despite not knowing her. Cordelia's face is filled with panic, realising the extent of the situation. ,,Wilhemina, we need to call the doctor straight away'' she announces, knowing that Billie wasn't going to be able to think straight at the moment. ,,On it'' the woman with red hair announces before she leaves the room, an unfamiliar sound echoing through the room.
,,It's going to be okay sweetheart'' Cordelia whispers, her own tears streaming down her features, shocked and in disbelief this happened but still hoping they can fix this, that maybe they had made a simple mistakes with your scans, that maybe she could even fix it with her magic. The redhead woman quickly returns, telling them how the doctor was on the way and seeing their faces and feeling utter confusion, you can't help but ask. ,,Who- who are you?'' you whisper, glancing between the three of them and your words hit them like a tidal wave, as you watch their reaction. The crying blonde one sobbing, squeezing your hand a little tighter, the other comforting blonde one furrowing her brows as her eyes search yours, the redhead one's heart literally breaking in front of you, despite her features seeming angry.
,,Darling, this is Billie, that's Wilhemina and I'm Cordelia'' she explains, as she glances between them. ,,Your name is Y/N'' she explains, her heart heavy with pain and worry. ,,You had an accident and I assume you are suffering from amnesia but one of the best doctors we know is on the way and we will fix this'' she explains, bringing at least some light into the darkness in your brain as you repeat their and your own name in your mind, wanting to remember that much. However your eyebrows furrow with confusion again when they still didn't answer who they are to you. ,,But who are you?'' you ask again, knowing this was causing them pain but needing to understand. The three women simply look at each other, unsure how to explain this to you especially considering the circumstances and so noticing her girlfriends reactions, Cordelia speaks again, her usually the one taking over in tough situations.
,,We are your partners Y/N, your girlfriends'' she speaks, her eyes almost pleading with you to remember. ,,What all three?'' you blurt out, causing Billie to chuckle a little, despite the pain. ,,Yes sweetie'' Cordelia nods, before a little smirk creeps its way onto your features ,,Well I certainly must have a type huh?'' you question more to yourself than them really, causing Wilhemina to chuckle lowly. ,,Well at least you still have your sense of humour little one'' she chuckles, hoping to bring some light into the situation, Cordelia and Billie smiling warmly, despite their hearts heavy with pain and faces filled with concern.
The next while is certainly uncomfortable, the four of you sitting in silence before Wilhemina guides the doctor into the room, thanking her for coming over so quickly. Unbeknownst to you, the woman was Billie's close friends, one of her celebrity acquaintances, who eventually also became Wilhemina's doctor. She was familiar with the academy and witchcraft and so it seemed more fitting. Cordelia had showed her the scans and reports from the hospital before, doing it in a private matter because she didn't want to overwhelm you. You had slipped into a little daze of sleep, before Billie wakes you gently, as she hadn't left your side for one minute. ,,Darling, this is the doctor we mentioned'' she speaks and you watch as a brunette woman looks at you, a little torch in her hand. ,,Hi Y/N, do you mind if I take a quick look?'' she speaks and you simply nod, still feeling sleepy and exhausted. The torch blinds you a little and causes for your eyes to close ,,Sweetie I need you to keep your eyes open'' Cordelia ushers softly and you comply, letting the doctor finish her tests.
,,Do you feel any discomfort, pain or nausea?'' she asks and you glance between the four of them before nodding reluctantly, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with this as everything hurt and everything feels empty and confusing. ,,My head hurts'' you admit, causing for Cordelia to frown, Wilhemina's features stern as she observes, the worry almost drowning her in its intensity. And for some reason, your eyes search for the redhead who is standing opposite the bed, further away than all the others and for some reason you want to be closer to her as she seemed safe. You watch as all women leave towards the door, the doctor telling them how this wasn't uncommon given the circumstances, how she ushers something to Cordelia and wanting them to keep her in the loop, wanting to examine you closely over the next few weeks, wanting to get to the bottom of this.
By the time the three of them return, you are curled up in a ball, facing away from them, as tears prickle at your tired eyes, the confusion and pain causing you to feel a little overwhelmed, not understanding what was going on. You could feel all of these feelings, these things that you didn't understand. Cordelia's frame blurs into your vision as she kneels beside you, Billie and Wilhemina standing behind her. ,,Are you okay sweetheart?'' she asks, noticing your scared and sad expression. You don't say anything, simply blinking and letting the tears run before her hand wipes them gently, causing you to cringe at her touch, feeling overwhelmed by their presences as of right now. Cordelia senses it, her heart heavy with pain before she retracts her hand, sighing in the process ,,Would you like some space to rest?'' she speaks carefully, choosing her words in a certain way, to not overwhelm you further.
,,Yes please'' you speak quietly, causing for the blonde to nod and force a comforting smile before they leave, leaving you behind to sob into your pillow for a while before sleep washes over your tired body. They opt for Wilhemina's office in the end, as it was located right next to the bedroom, wanting to at least be a little close to you incase you needed them. Cordelia sighs, rubbing her temples in frustration before taking a seat on a nearby sofa, Billie standing nearby her arms crossed in front of her chest, her thoughts racing. Slowly, Wilhemina takes a seat in her armchair near her two girlfriends, her movements slow, matching both the physical and emotional pain the last few hours had left on her. ,,What are we going to do?'' Billie sighs, unsure what to do with herself as she begins pacing a little. ,,I think we need to be patient and give her some time'' Cordelia speaks, the doubt written on her features. ,,Like the doctor said, this can happen'' she repeats her earlier words.
,,Have either of you thought about what to do if she doesn't remember?'' Wilhemina questions, her voice and features stern as two blonde heads snap towards her. ,,She will'' Cordelia almost spits, the thought too painful for her to think it through. ,,But what if she never remembers us?'' Billie speaks, her eyes brimming with tears again. ,,We will make her remember honey, it will be alright'' Cordelia tries, walking over to Billie to wrap her in a comforting hug before glancing at Wilhemina, almost scolding her for freaking Billie out like this, despite knowing her concerns are valid and the supreme would be lying as the thought had also crossed her mind but she had pushed it down for now. ,,What are we going to do now?'' Billie asks, the other two knowing what she means as it was clear you needed some space.
,,We will go and have dinner with the girls, then we can check on her and see what to do'' Cordelia speaks softly and Billie nods, feeling safe at Cordelia's words. It takes a bit of convincing for Wilhemina to join them as she didn't feel like joining the girls, wanting to be close to you, look after you but knowing it may only make things worse as of right now. And dinner isn't exactly pleasant as your absence is noticed, Zoe and the older girls had asked and Cordelia wasn't really sure whether to fill them in, opting for now it was too soon and simply explaining that you had fallen ill and would need some rest for a few days. As Billie and Cordelia take care of the dishes and confiding in Zoe with what had happened as they needed to rely on her for a while at looking after the academy and girls, Wilhemina had opted to take some dinner and tea up to your room, carrying it in on a little tray.
As she enters the room quietly, assuming you are still asleep and struggling with both the tray and her cane a little, she is surprised to find you awake and looking at her. She smiles softly before placing the tray on the little table beside you, before clearing her throat. ,,How is the pain?'' she asks almost quietly, not wanting to cause more aching for you. ,,It's a little better'' you tell her, before she hands you some water and tablets. ,,These are painkillers from the doctor'' she explains as she watches you glance at them reluctantly but without thinking about it, you take them and she notices how you don't struggle in the slightest, her little one usually hating tablets and to take any form of medication. ,,You should eat something'' she ushers, softly handing you the tray with her shaky hands. ,,Thank you'' you whisper and smile softly at her, feeling a little less overwhelmed after some sleep.
She glances at you for a moment, before turning on her heels, thinking you still wanted some space. ,,Wilhemina?'' you ask, remembering her name from when Cordelia had told you before. ,,Yes little one?'' she asks, quickly internally scolding herself for the pet name. ,,Would you-'' you begin but stop yourself, unsure whether you could ask this of the woman. ,,What is it?'' she asks softly, taking some steps towards you again. ,,Would you mind staying with me?'' you almost whisper, before her eyes glisten a little ,,Of course Y/N'' she smiles softly, extracting a chair and sitting beside you. The room fills with silence for a while, as you eat some of the food that she had brought, also appreciating the warm tea as you felt a little cold. ,,Can you maybe tell me something?'' you ask almost reluctantly again and her head tilts a little at your request. ,,Of course, what would you like to know?'' she asks, unsure what exactly you mean.
,,Just anything?'' you ask and she feels bad then, not able to imagine what it must be like to forget, to not know anything. And so gently she fills you in about as much details as she knows about you, your age, where you are from, your favourite colour, your friends, the things you are passionate about. And you can't help but notice with how much softness and adoration she tells you those things, how kind you are, how nothing is ever too much for you as you loved helping out. She briefly mentioned you teaching at the academy and by now you assume that the place you are currently in must be said academy. ,,What academy is this?'' you ask a little confused after a while and for the first time, she halts, not instantly answering your question. ,,I- I think it's better if Cordelia explains that to you little one'' she tries and you simply leave it as that.
,,What time is it?'' you ask after a while, noticing how the room was much darker now, the sun having set a while ago. ,,It's 9pm darling'' she explains after glancing at her watch. ,,And so this is your bedroom?'' you ask after glancing around the unfamiliar room, seeing four dressers, what you assume to be on ensuite bathroom, and a large makeup table in the corner. ,,It's ours'' she explains a little hesitantly. And she can tell that this must be strange and uncomfortable ,,Do you feel like me showing you around a little?'' she asks, hoping that maybe the memories of this place would help you remember a little. ,,Yes please'' you reply, handing her back the tray she had given you, before you stand up, feeling slightly dizzy from the sudden movement but much better as the tablets are already showing their effects.
And so she takes you around the academy, first taking you to your old bedroom, now mostly empty explaining how you had lived there first before moving in with them, showing you both her and Cordelia's office, before taking you downstairs, leading you to the dining and living room, hoping that might spark something, considering the many nights you had spent together there. But by your reaction she can tell that nothing seems to ring a bell. And so at last she leads you to the kitchen where the other two blondes are still sitting and talking. As they notice you up on your feet they smile softly ,,Hey there'' Cordelia greets you warmly, taking in your features. ,,I have been showing her around'' Wilhemina announces to the other two ,,Perhaps you could show her the greenhouse Cordelia and tell her a little more about this academy'' Wilhemina ushers, her eyes speaking silently, Cordelia of course understanding what the redhead was implying. ,,Of course'' she smiles softly, before standing up. ,,Would you like to follow me outside?'' she asks you, and you nod, leaving the other two behind.
Shivering a little you take a look at the gardens, feeling the cold night air prickle at your skin a little. ,,This is the greenhouse'' she explains as the two of you enter. You glance around a little taken back and she recognises that face, sending her into a painful deja vu of when you first joined the academy and how your eyes sparkled that same way. ,,Would you like to take a seat?'' she offers, and you nod before the two of you sit in the quiet greenhouse. You glance at the blonde, for the first time really taking in her features and noticing how utterly beautiful she truly was. ,,About this academy'' she begins and you notice that same look of hesitation on her face that Wilhemina showed before. ,,This is Miss Robichaux's Academy'' she starts ,,For witches'' she carries on, startling you as your eyes widen. ,,This is a coven darling, the girls here are witches'' Cordelia explains gently, knowing this must be a lot to take in. She senses your disbelief and shock, before she places a hand on your shoulder.
,,I know this is a lot to take in'' she emphatically remarks before you look at her ,,Is this a joke?'' you ask, still in disbelief, despite having noticed some of the symbols on the tables as you entered and the countless books on potions and spells. ,,No darling'' she speaks softly again before her eyes lock with yours, trying to think of a way to prove to you that she was being genuine. ,,May I show you?'' she asks before you nod reluctantly. She walks over to one of the tables, extracting some rose petals from an earlier class, before closing her eyes and a beautiful white rose appears in front of your eyes. You gasp, your eyes flickering from the rose in her hand to her brown eyes. And then she watches the panic form across your features, as it all becomes a little overwhelming again, your head suddenly pounding again, ears ringing a little and chest rising and falling fast.
,,Okay darling, how about we get you back upstairs?'' she offers, noticing your trembling hands, before taking one into her hand and softly guiding you back inside. Once inside you find Wilhemina and Billie in the kitchen, their faces etched with concern as they notice your trembling state, already assuming the news would be a lot to take in. ,,How about we get you upstairs to bed?'' Cordelia offers but you pause, glancing between the three of them. ,,I- I don't'' you stumble over your words, feeling that same overwhelming feeling of emptiness again despite them having filled you in on more details. But it all feels too much, the thought of having to stay with them overwhelming despite the connection you feel towards them and knowing by now that they are your partners. ,,Y/N are you okay?' Billie asks, watching you seemingly struggle. ,,Can I stay in my old room?'' you blurt out, glancing at Wilhemina ,,The one you showed me?'' you ask.
Silence falls over the kitchen, Wilhemina and Billie glancing at Cordelia who stands frozen beside you, shocked at your request and utterly sad as you had always loved being close to them, always afraid of sleeping on your own. ,,I- the doctor recommended you to be under observation darling'' Billie tries, hating the idea of you being alone with all of this. ,,If that's what you want then of course, but promise to find us if you need anything?'' Cordelia offers, the other two shocked by her statement. ,,Thank you'' you breathe out almost in relief before looking at them one more time and leaving upstairs, struggling at first but eventually finding the room that Wilhemina had showed you before. ,,Why would you do that?'' Billie asks, her voice trembling before the supreme sighs ,,We need to give her time'' she announces before sighing. And so the three of them retract to their bedroom, without you, Cordelia checking on you once more and leaving some more water, pyjamas and painkiller with you, asking whether you needed anything but you politely declining. And so as the night slowly begins, neither of them manage to find much sleep, the bed feeling lonely and strange without you, feeling the urge to hold you close, the events replaying on their minds over and over again.
The next couple of days carry on like they had, you mostly spent your time on your own, the day after the accident, Cordelia had taken you to an appointment with the doctors, getting some more scans and checks done and she had worried since as you really didn't talk all that much with them, withdrawing almost. And you had felt bad ever since, the three of them really trying and showing you so much kindness. Cordelia had tried to convince you to sit in some of her classes, Wilhemina often checking on you throughout the day and Billie having left some photo albums with you. But you didn't feel ready, the headaches still returning as well as dreams at night, making it a little hard at times. A lot of questions had circled your mind and so the only thing you can do is toss and turn in bed for a while before eventually growing sick of it and sitting by the little fireplace in your room. As you glance around, you find a desk, your curiosity getting ahold of you before you open some draws, finding some books and when you read the title, the same question repeats in your mind, the question that lingered since Cordelia had filled you in on what this academy truly was.
You knew as much that this was your old room, your eyebrows furrow trying to think about whether they had mentioned anyone else staying there since. As you open the books, you find several pages on spell casting and potions and see several handwritten notes. Your eyes search the drawers until you find a pen, before it flies over a page, wanting to check whether this was your handwriting and whether you may also be a witch. The realisation ripples through you, your head hurting in that same way again as the handwriting is identical and then it dawns on you that you must also be a witch. The whole thing makes you feel sick, the lingering emptiness and confusion drowning you. You debate sleeping again but you knew it wouldn't come and so you opt for some water, the headache pounding into your skull. As you walk downstairs, you pass some witches and notice how they all smile at you, assuming they must have been your friends before. You take in the peace and quiet, hoping that you wouldn't find anyone downstairs, not necessarily in the mood after the realisation you had made.
Almost in a hurry, you rush to the kitchen, before you notice the three women that seem so familiar yet so unfamiliar at the same time. And you opt for leaving again before they notice your presence ,,Hi sweetheart'' Cordelia greets you with a warm smile, the other twos features equally filled with pain and longing. ,,Are you hungry honey? we kept you some dinner?'' Billie tries and you close your eyes for a moment to compose yourself. ,,No thank you'' you speak before explaining ,,I just came to get some water'' you explain, before Cordelia is quick to fetch a glass for you, before walking over and handing it to you. ,,Here you go love'' she speaks with so much love that it almost makes you feel bad for how angry and upset you are feeling at the moment. ,,Are you feeling okay? you look a little pale'' Billie Dean states, her features etched with concern.
You sigh then, trying hard to keep your emotions at bay before taking a sip from the water. ,,Sweeth-'' one of them speaks again and it bursts out of you, all the frustration, emptiness and their attempts of making you remember of making this better. ,,Can you stop'' you sigh, rubbing your head in frustration as it continues pounding. ,,Stop it with the constant petnames'' you sigh stomping your foot, their faces etched with worry and guilt. ,,And when were you going to tell me I'm a witch?'' you carry on, Wilhemina swallowing hard before glancing at the other two blondes. ,,How do you know that bab- Y/N?'' Billie asks, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. ,,I found a book in my room'' you announce, your voice matching your frustration. ,,I meant to tell you but I didn't want to overwhelm you'' Cordelia apologetically announces, her eyes filled with sadness. The room fills with silence before they notice a shift in your demeanour, your face considerably more pale, hands shaking as you hold onto the glass of water for support. ,,Are you okay Y/N?'' Cordelia tries again before taking a step towards you. ,,Please just leave me alone'' you almost shout in frustration as tears linger in your eyes ,,Y/N'' Wilhemina scolds, her cane banging on the floor once, causing for the pounding of your head to get even worse.
Without a word, you turn around, trying to ignore the stars forming in your vision and how much pain you are in. But then it all starts spinning a little too fast and you stop yourself, holding onto a nearby wall, Billie and Wilhemina standing frozen in their spot after your outburst before Cordelia rushes towards you, holding you up as your legs feel like giving in a little. ,,I don't - I'm sorry'' you whisper, closing your eyes bracing yourself for the pain. ,,I don't feel well'' you manage to somehow mutter before the blonde reaches for the glass, giving it to Billie who is now standing behind you. ,,May I take you upstairs Y/N?'' Cordelia tries, before you mutter out some sort of reply, unable to speak at this point. With a swift motion, both women are on either of your side, helping you up the stairs, Wilhemina following behind as they take you into your room, softly laying you down on your bed as hot tears stream down your cheeks. The redhead watches in pain, her heart aching seeing you in this much despair, Billie nervously pacing around a little, Cordelia taking in your features. Her hand lingers softly over your forehead, easing the pain that was so obviously written across your features and softly aiding you to sleep.
,,What is wrong with her?'' Billie asks nervously, before Cordelia turns to her. ,,I assume it's the headaches, the doctors mentioned that would happen''. And then the three of them stand there, almost a little awkwardly, feeling the urge to stay with you but knowing you wouldn't like it, given your withdrawal from them. And so they leave one by one, Wilhemina staying for a little while longer, watching protectively over your sleeping form but eventually joining her lovers a few doors away. Beside you, neither of them manage to get much sleep, Billie still crushed by the guilt of the whole thing, Cordelia's thoughts circling around what she could do to fix this, Wilhemina contemplating the outcome of you never remembering. And as the next morning arrives, they are the first downstairs, despite the weekend and opportunity to sleep in but they couldn't, not without their sunshine by their side who made weekend mornings so much brighter.
When you wake not much later, you feel almost relief as the pounding headache had stopped, as this was the first morning where you didn't wake after some very confusing dreams. The night prior lingers on your mind and you can't help but feel guilty, guilty for the way you had been treating them, withdrawing from them as they had showed you nothing but kindness. And as you change your clothes, getting ready for the morning ahead, you decide to do a little better today, wanting to try for them. When you eventually make it downstairs, the three of them are sitting by the kitchen table, Wilhemina reading the newspapers, Cordelia getting ready for something and Billie smoking a cigarette. ,,Good Morning'' your voice rings through the quiet kitchen, startling all three of them in the process as Billie almost drops her cigarette, Wilhemina lowering the newspaper. ,,Good morning Y/N, how are you feeling?'' Cordelia asks carefully, noticing how your features look much brighter and better, almost as if nothing ever happened. ,,Better, thank you'' you announce before taking a step towards them. ,,I'm sorry about last night'' you mumble, barely audible but they still pick it up. ,,I'm sorry about everything'' you apologise, their features softening.
,,You don't need to be sorry, we understand this must be a lot'' Cordelia softly reassures, offering you a seat and you hesitantly take it. ,,Are you hungry?'' Billie asks, smiling at you. You glance between the three of them before nodding ,,What would you like?'' she asks, happy to finally see you eating. ,,I- I'' you pause for a moment, unsure what you actually like. ,,I'm not sure'' you explain ,,What do I like?'' you ask and they glance between each other before Cordelia smiles ,,Let me make you your favourite Y/N'' and within minutes, you find a plate with eggs, some pancakes and orange juice in front of you. ,,Thank you'' you smile warmly at her before beginning to eat, your mouth watering as soon as you take some bites. ,,So what are you three doing today?'' you ask, causing Wilhemina's eyebrow to raise, surprised at your sudden change and as Billie and Cordelia begin speaking, it almost feels as it had before. ,,And I need to go to the markets today'' Cordelia announces before you look up at her ,,May I come with you?'' you ask, completely taking her by surprise.
The blonde looks at Billie and Mina who are equally surprised, Billie's heart swelling a little and the smallest smirk playing on the redheads lips. ,,Of course Y/N, I'd be delighted'' she announces. And so, Cordelia takes you to the markets, the car ride this time filled with conversation as you ask her all sorts of questions about witches and how you became one, asking about the things you used to be able to do and her filling you in with as much detail as possible. And it feels good, being in her embrace, her warm features, how she takes you around the markets, showing you her favourite stalls, taking you to a candle one and showing you her favourite scents, taking you food shopping and getting some ingredients to make your favourite things. And as Cordelia makes one last stop, you waiting in the car, you can't help but enjoy her presence, liking how warm she was, how ethereal beautiful both inside and out and as you return, you can't help but feel a little flutter in your heart. ,,How was it?'' Billie asks, the two of them still in the kitchen as you both return.
,,It was really nice'' you announce as you help the supreme empty the bags, despite her saying you should rest but you felt good and so you didn't want to rest. After unpacking most things, you find a bag with medication, assuming she picked those up on her last stop and instinctively you place them in front of Wilhemina. ,,Mina your medicine'' you speak, without thinking about it further. However, when you see her shocked expression, the other two equally startled, confusion washes over you again. ,,Y/N?'' Cordelia asks ,,How did you know that?'' her eyebrows are furrowed, Wilhemina's features very serious as you hadn't called her Mina since the accident. Billie looks at you with so much anticipation that you feel bad ,,I'm not sure'' you admit, scared to disappoint them again. ,,I'm sorry'' you mumble, feeling some tears brim in your eyes. ,,Hey, it's okay'' Cordelia reassures, her hand reaching for yours instinctively. And this time, you let her take it, holding onto her as she seemed safe for now.
The same pain in your head quickly takes over again, causing for you to take a step back, realising that maybe it was best to get some rest like Cordelia had initially suggested. ,,I'm.. going to rest for a bit if that's okay'' you speak softly, only met with understanding from your girlfriends, their gazes reassuring with a hint of concern. And as you return to your bedroom, you quickly fall asleep after taking a painkiller, unbeknownst that your memories must be connected to the random pains you would get throughout the days. They let you rest for the remainder of the day, Wilhemina bringing you some dinner in the evening and putting it on your bedside table as you are still asleep. The next day you had agreed to sit in on one of Cordelia's classes and so after breakfast with Mina and Billie, you make your way to the greenhouse, a lot of other witches already sitting and waiting for the potion class to begin. You listen intensively to the supreme, talking about the different herbs and ingredients, having somewhat of a hard time concentrating as again her beauty absolutely took you back. She looked stunning today, one of her black dresses, and you couldn't help but smile, despite it being ever so small, again you could feel the butterflies in your stomach, her voice so soft, her eyes burning with desire for her teaching.
As she begins to explain the last step for the potion, you can't help but feel your eyebrows furrowing before you begin speaking ,,Delia- isn't it supposed to be this one?'' you question, pointing towards one of the other vials and this time the whole class turns around. They had known by now what had happened and seeing your girlfriends shocked expression, you could tell you must have just said something incredibly stupid. ,,Class is dismissed for now'' Cordelia's voice rings through the air. They leave, Zoe exchanging knowing glances and you sit there, awaiting your fate and being told off. ,,How did you know that sweetie?'' she asks as she approaches you and then it kinda dawns on you that you had been remembering, despite it being ever so slowly. The blonde notices your hesitation, before taking another step towards you ,,This is good Y/N, you are remembering'' she smiles, her eyes brimming with tears but the happy feeling is quickly replaced by the returning pounding headache. And instead of sharing with her or them what was bothering you, the pain that had been lingering, you again retreat to your own bedroom, wanting some peace and quiet, away from everyone.
The next time you wake up, you had again slept through dinner and most of the day, again finding a tray on your beside, knowing it was from Billie this time as she always put some extra snacks on your tray for you. Curiously, you make your way downstairs, feeling a strange longing to the three women that apparently are your everything. You felt the urge to sit beside them, be in their presence. And you sigh in relief, seeing them sit in front of the tv, Wilhemina in her armchair doing some knitting, Cordelia on the sofa, chatting to Billie who is sitting on another armchair, as the two of them talk about something. You linger by the doorway for a minute, taking in the scene in front of you and strangely feeling like an intruder, as if you didn't belong. But your heart told you otherwise and so you clear your throat gently, startling the three of them and causing their heads to snap towards you. ,,Hi'' you awkwardly say, glancing around the room ,,Sweet- Y/N are you okay?'' Cordelia asks, their faces etched with concern. ,,Yes- um- may I sit with you?'' you ask, the two blondes face beaming with excitement, a small smile tugged on Wilhemina's lips. Instinctively, you opt for the space next to Cordelia besides your redhead girlfriend and again it doesn't go by unnoticed as that was where you usually sat, including in that same way.
This time they don't say anything, having noticed how their pointing out seems to only overwhelm you further. Yet they exchange knowing glances. Billie notices how you seem quite taken back and interested in what's on tv and it doesn't cross her mind until then that her show was playing in the background. She sees your features focusing on the scenes, Billie not in any of the scenes as of right now ,,Is this your show?'' you ask as you glance at her and again the three of them are taken back by how you would know that, unsure whether either of them may have managed it in the past. ,,Yes darling'' Billie announces. A little while later, the image is almost as it had been before, Billie now snuggled up on the sofa besides Cordelia, you also in the blondes arms slightly as she opted for putting an arm around you and you not refusing. Wilhemina sitting beside you three and watching with pride and the image gives her hope. She had struggled with the idea of you not remembering lately but seeing your milestones makes her unbelievably proud. As you continue watching her show, you suddenly feel an unsettling feeling in your stomach, the feeling of doom, that something was coming, something was severely off.
And then as if by some miracle, your mind is flooded with images, voices, scenes that you can't pinpoint. Your eyes widen as you vividly remember floating in the air, the screams of someone calling for help, confusing pictures of Cordelia's hands filled with blood, your blood. Suddenly your whole body shakes in the blondes arms, startling the three of them. ,,Y/N- are you okay?'' the redhead asks, noticing your shocked and yet unreadable expression. Cordelia's hand reaches for yours, trying to offer you reassurance but you freeze for a moment, unable to process everything your brain was currently throwing at you. ,,Sorry I- I'm tired'' you speak quickly before heading upstairs, leaving behind your three concerned girlfriends. ,,Do you think it was the show that triggered her?'' Billie sighs, walking over to her bag to sneak away for the comfort of a cigarette. ,,I'm not sure'' Cordelia speaks, her face filled with hesitation and concern, unsure why you had been reacting the way you did. Eventually, they opt for bed, choosing to give you some space, thinking that was what you would prefer, but despite that, neither of them could find much sleep, the concern and grief about you losing your memories and them losing their little sunshine, lingering on their minds.
If they had checked on you, they would have found you pacing through your old bedroom, occasionally curling into a ball on your bed, before pacing again as it seems that all your memories are returning. It was painful and slow, the first memories returning from the accident and the hospital, those ones particularly triggering. After followed all the good ones, each one from your girlfriends, before some more painful ones followed. And it hurt, your body on fire, as well as your mind, the throbbing in your head almost knocking the breath from your lungs. It felt like you were going through some weird magic ritual, wondering for a second whether Cordelia may have done something but knowing your Delia would never do this without your consent. And then at last, after several hours it finally stops, your ears ringing a little as the pain lingers but having sufficiently decreased. And then your eyes widen again, suddenly remembering it all, your heart weighing heavy with the guilt, not remotely able to understand how horrible these few weeks must have been with you like this. And then it dawns on you how much had been withdrawing, almost in disbelief to be in your old bedroom.
And then with steps as quick as light, you burst through your door, quickly making your way towards your real bedroom, hesitating for a moment but then the longing wins. Opening the door, not caring you find the three of them in bed, Wilhemina and Cordelia instantly jolt up, seeing your slightly panicked expression, Billie slowly turning around, a little confused. ,,Mina'' you whisper as you take in her appearance, as if you had just woken up, as if you are seeing her again for the first time in weeks. ,,Mina'' you cry her name out now, tears streaming down your cheeks. Cordelia's worried brown eyes meet her redhead lover's. And Wilhemina is quick to aid to your side, balancing on her cane before standing in front of you, her hand softly wiping your tears ,,What is it little one?'' she asks, her features soft but filled with concern. ,,I- I remember'' you stutter, and as you look up at her, her own tears greet you. She doesn't say anything, simply pulling you forward and into her arms, your head leaning against her chest, before Cordelia kneels in front of you, causing you to leave Wilhemina's arms for a moment. ,,Sweetie?'' she asks carefully, as if to make sure it really was you. ,,Delia-'' you cry out, your faces equally crumbling in front of each other. ,,My god- I'm so sorry'' you cry out, but Cordelia is quick to take you into her arms, tears of relief, rolling down her cheeks.
,,What is it?'' Billie's voice rings through the air but as she meets Wilhemina's expression, she instantly knows. ,,Oh- babydoll'' Billie whispers, quickly on her feet to equally take you into her arms. And in the end, the four of you are sitting on your bed, finally having you back where you belong. And for hours, you seem to apologise, for withdrawing, for not remembering sooner, for staying in your old bedroom. But they are quick to shush each of those thoughts, making you understand that this wasn't your fault and that they feel like they owe you an apology. ,,I'm so sorry this happened to you babydoll'' Billie apologises and by the way her voice shakes, you can tell she was blaming herself still. ,,This wasn't your fault Billie'' you reassure, before you ask Cordelia how they dealt with those spirits in the end and her filling you in. And then a silence follows, a comfortable one, finally being with your lovers again, finally remembering just why you loved each of them so much. For a while, you spent some time on Billie's lap, her telling you over and over again how brave you had been, snuggling into you, before the blonde softly falls asleep, content with having her babydoll back. Next you find yourself in Delia's arms, the blonde listening contently how you ended up remembering, her face crumbling as you explained the depths of pain you had gone through. ,,You were so brave sweetheart'' she tells you over and over again, eventually kissing you good night, content to have her little sunshine back.
And at last, you find yourself in Wilhemina's arms, your head resting comfortably on her chest as you look up at her features. It was dark, the only light source the moon illuminating the coven slightly, it was quiet, Billie and Delia's snoring softly filling the room. And then Wilhemina breaks it, telling you how glad she was to have you remember, how sorry she was and how proud she was of you. Her words are quiet, delicate and so unlike her usual demeanour. You snuggle into her further, feeling safe with her arms wrapped around you. ,,The truth is little one- I could never do this without you'' she admits and when you meet her brown eyes, you tear up again, her words so raw, filled with honesty as she fights back her walls and usual sternness keeping her from revealing her feelings like that. And so, the two of you hold onto each other through the night, eventually sleep washing over you both. Wilhemina content with having her little one back. And so after a long journey, you finally are back where you belong, right there, right now, with them.
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jujutsutrash · 1 year
Once again nvm me I'm just throwing some self indulgent thoughts out there for things I might never write. also this was supposed to be like, reals short. well, fuck me I guess, it's 1.9 k
Thinking of Geto x reader where things still went bad, he still went homicidal, and you followed him. you were his girlfriend, of course you followed him. more out of worry about him than anything else, but you blew your life in jujutsu society away and went with him.
But you weren't there when Suguru attacked and went after Yuta. you didn't die with him. and after surviving everything, years later Satoru finds you. it's a twist of fate he could never see coming, and one that shakes him to his bones.
You had stayed with Suguru for a few years, helped him along, tried to make sure he wouldn't kill himself in the middle of his pursuit. you didn't hate non-sorcerers quite so much as you hated what had been done of your lives, what had been done of Suguru's mind. you saw it clearly when he had reached the edge, but there was nobody strong enough to pull him from there, so you followed.
But then one day you went missing. missing from Suguru's radar and from the jujutsu school. the minute you left with him you had been labeled a criminal too, so it made sense for you to not want them on your tracks anyways. but running even from Suguru, that was the weird part.
It was one of the things Satoru noticed the day Suguru declared his soon to come attack on the non-sorcers. you were missing. it made no sense, but he also had no way of really asking. for a short while after you two left Satoru had held out hope you'd find a way to bring Suguru back. but that hope also died. and now you weren't even here. he didn't want to imagine if you were dead.
But the years pass, and Satoru learns to keep on going. he has seen more horror and live more tragedies than any man should, but he learns to keep on going. and then one day, after an usual mission to kill an average curse, he sees your face in the crowd. it has been 15 years since you had both left by that point.
It's like seeing a ghost. a mirage in the summer heat. he'd have ignored it, thought he was mistaken, if not for the gleam in your eye as he caught it for a second. recognition. and just like that Satoru is chasing the remnants of his past again. six eyes hunting you through the streets as you try to avoid him.
Satoru had taken you for dead, with the way Suguru refused to even acknowledge your absence. but now he was chasing you through the streets, amongst the crowd, trying to keep a distance until he found it safe to speak. until there weren't so many people around to bear witness to just how destroyed the sight of you made him. he knows you are aware of him too, trying to shake him off of your trail - but the six eyes see all, and he knows you know that too.
He follows you down a long set of wide concrete stairs until you are both close to the bottom. it's in that precious moment that almost all people vanish, the sound of the crowd like a distant background noise. Satoru was to seize the moment before you run away for good. after all the people he lost and all the questions unanswered, he wouldn't let this chance slip.
so he calls your name, and you hesitate for a moment. when you turn around, cold, tired eyes look back at him. Satoru suddenly remembers how Nanami had confessed he saw you not even a year after you left, all that you had told the man was that someone needed to be with Suguru. and here you were now, alone. it's like a fever dream, and Satoru can't even think of what to say.
"I thought you were dead"
it falls from his lips before he can even register, trembling eyes looking over you as his words ring loud over the background noises around. you'd aged, changed. it has been over fifteen years, Satoru tells himself. over fifteen years and a world of pain. nobody stays the same.
"but I'm not," you respond in a dry, tense tone, gaze filled with suspicion. "if all you wanted was to check, then you've done it. but if you still have a duty to finish, I know I stand no chance, but I'm not going down easy."
Satoru notices your tense, shaking fist holding plastic grocery bags. the partially tucked shirt with a faded stain on one of the edges. the chipped nailpolish on your fingers. it's saturday morning, and you almost seem like someone who always lived a normal life. a part of him feels bad for breaking that spell.
"I wouldn't —" he stutters, "do you really think I would kill you?"
"you wouldn't, but it's what you should do," you sigh and groan, looking up at him from your place near the bottom of the stairs. "listen, Satoru, just forget you saw me here, ok. just leave. this isn't good for either of us."
he calls your name again and he can see you shake. your eyes still look beautiful, almost like all those years ago, but now they look stern and worried. glancing to your sides like an skittish animal. like a mouse cornered and forced into agression by a lack of choice.
"listen, I just want to talk. I have so many questions. why did you leave? wh—"
"the answers won't change anything," you cut him off, raising your voice slightly over the noises of steps on concrete, birds chriping and evrything else around. "you are just gonna relieve the pain again"
"I worried about you, just hear me o—"
the voice comes from behind Satoru, and he watches as yor eyes widen for a momen before you smile sweetly — an expression he hasn't seen in years. he turns around and sees a boy somewhere between ten and twelve looking at him from a few steps above.
the boy gazes at Satoru with suspicion, dark fox like eyes feeling like an echo of something he once knew. it's like a gut punch, and he feels the air leave his lungs as he stares down at a kid with eyes he knew so well. the boy breaks the heavy silence, kicking up the skateboard at his feet before grabbing it with one hand.
"how many times have I told you not to go down the stairs on that thing?"
"eh, sorry mom"
the boy laughs softly, climbing down the steps two at a time until he reaches you. he passes by Satoru and the man can't help but notice how tall that kid was. how his deep black hair was held up in a pony tail. how his smile felt like that of a ghost. but he wasn't, Satoru repeated to himself, he wasn't.
"you are gonna give me a heart attack," you say, caressing the boy's face as he gives you a hug.
"come on, mom. anyway, who is that?" he asks, turning back to you and pointing at Satoru with his thumb before turning back.
"show some more respect will you?" you shoot back with an exhasperated sigh. "that's Gojo, an old friend of mine," you turn your eyes back to Satoru, gaze tense as you speak again. "this is my son, Kazuo."
Kazuo nods and then bows a little when you leer at him. Satoru is fighting hard to keep his expression neutral. there is a moment where his mind just goes blank, looking at the two of you, noticing the similarities and differences. when he snaps back he slimes wide, going down a couple steps as he waves and nods to the boy.
"hey, kid. it's ok, don't worry about formalities, you can call me Satoru, nice to meet ya, Kazuo."
"huh? 'kay, then. nice to meet ya, Satoru."
the boy smile and waves and Satoru feels a sting deep in his chest. it's possibly the most bittersweet feeling he has ever experience in his life. you sight loudly and he laughs — there is still pain in his heart, but there is alos a weirdly nostalgic sensation bubbling within, he can't quite place it, but it warms him all the same.
"shouldn't you be going to soccer practice?" you ask, looking back down at the boy who is now peeking into your plastic bags.
"that's what I was doing," he answers, tugging at one of the bags. "oh, is that mochi?"
Satoru watches in silence, a smile on his face as the scene unfolds. you grunt and hold the boy's wrist as he tries to sneak one hand into the bag. when he is caught, he clearly opts for begging, looking at you with wide puppy eyes.
"if you eat them all there will be none left for after lunch."
"just one mom, please. then I'll go," Kazuo pouts as you stare down at him, and Satoru has to hold back a giggle.
"ah, alright, just one," you give in, shoulders slumping as you kiss the boy's forehead while he sticks his hand in the bag and grabs one of the sweets. "now get going before you run late."
"aye, aye, love you, mom," Kazuo laughs, climbing a few steps down before turning back and waving. "see ya."
Satoru stays quiet, eyes following you as you watch the boy walk down the nearly empty street before making a turn. just as he is nearly out of sight you hear the loud clanking of the skateboard wheels hitting the concrete below. you shake your shoulders with a tired laugh and Satoru smiles softly at the sight.
then you turn around, and your eyes don't look so cold, but they look just as tired, and even more worried.
"how old is he?"
"just about to turn eleven."
"I didn't," Satoru struggles, choking on his words once more. "I had no idea."
"Nobody did, that's by choice. you can see why I went missing now, right? I could deal with the blood in my hands and the guilt in my heart. but I couldn't let a kid grow up like that, surrounded by curses, and violence and all the shit that comes with the world of jujutsu."
"I can see it now," Satoru responds quietly, descing a few steps until he is standing close to you, one hand reaching for your shoulder, relief flooding his body when you don't step back. "he looks like a great kid, you are doing good as his mother."
"thanks, he is a little trouble maker, but yeah, he is a good kid," you give him a quiet chuckle, eyes glancing at the ground before looking back up at him. "and he deserves to have his youth as carefree and unbothered as it can be. and I intent to keep it like that, even if I have to fight every sorcerer in the world for that."
you look at him with fire in your eyes, and Satoru can't blame you. he can't blame you for doing something his family would never have done for him. something he wishes Suguru's family would have done for him all these years ago. the past can't be changed, but the future could still be protected.
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angel-of-the-moons · 7 months
I'm back again since it's been about a month since I last requested. I hope you don't mind me asking another story. So I was thinking of another Hobie one. There is honestly not enough stories about him and I love the way you write him. I was thinking of a more fluff type thing or possibly head cannons. You decide. Regardless about living with Hobie or just spending some downtime with him. Just a chill little thing I wanted to put out there. Thank you. I love your works and appreciate you 😘
Ilysm!!! I am sorry these asks have been rotting in my inbox! I'm finally working on them!!!
Ice Cream
Hobie Brown x Reader
TW/CW: Marijuana usage
Hobie is obviously aged-up in this
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• When Hobie isn't rocking out with his band at pubs, or fighting the regime™ or working to save the multiverse with the Old Man, he's at home with you.
• He often slips into the window because he refuses to use the front door like a normal person (even if you live on the fifth floor)
• Hobie would find you wherever you were, on the couch, in the kitchen, in bed or in the bathroom; and would immediately wrap his lanky arms around you and breathe deep and relax every muscle in his body
• "Where've you been?" You tease, easing his spiked vest off his stiffened shoulders.
• "Dealin' with the Old Man and his nonstop bitchin'." Hobie said, clicking his tongue, leaning over to rest his chin on the top of your head, holding you against him once more as you carefully ease the rest of his punk paraphernalia off of his person.
• You lead him to the bed, and pull him down on top of you, using your remote to turn on the sound system, playing some of his favorite music tracks on a low volume for background noise
• "You're a goddamn angel, y'know that, luv?" Hobie sighed, closing his eyes as he listens to the soft patter of your heartbeat
• "Mmh, I try." You chuckle, your fingers idly fluffing his wicks and toying with them as you feel his breathing even out
• And in no time, he's out like a light, sprawled out over you like a lanky starfish
• Forget moving this man, despite his thin physique he somehow finds the magic in him to weigh as much as his old, beat-up van
• You're stuck in bed, so the only thing left to do is give in and join him for a nap
• When you two wake up, you work on your usual routine.
• Hobie helps cook, making homemade chips while you batter and bake some fresh chicken
• Once your lunch/dinner is finished, you both cuddle on the sofa and watch some shitty movie on your telly
• He 100% has gutter humor, as well as a perverted sense of one
• Is also very big into physical humor. I'm talking shoving tissues into his nose and pretending to be a walrus kind of physical humor. Whatever it takes to hear you laugh
• Totally plays his guitar for you, singing punk versions of almost any kind of song (except American country. That shite is a travesty upon the music industry!)
• Will often split his pot with you, either rolling joints or using a bong, he'll always offer you a hit if you need or want it
• If you can't handle it, he'll FaceTime you while he smokes on the roof. That way, you're still together and he isn't negatively affecting your health/personal preferences with his smoking
• If you're sick, Hobie will full on hit the breaks to whatever he's doing to take care of you (provided it's a possibility that he can do that)
• This includes sending a selfie with a middle finger to Miguel telling him to not bug him til you're better
• 100% a master at making simple comfort foods when you're sick. Cheese toasties, chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, even homemade ice cream. He does it all for you
• Runs you a nice hot bath with some eucalyptus and Epsom salts to help your sore muscles and clear sinuses
• If you're nauseous, he'll put peppermint oil in the water with you and run to the market for some ginger pop to ease your stomach, maybe some ginger root tea while he's at it
• Will also buy you some of your favorite digestives just to make sure you get something solid in your tummy
• Will totally fake threaten you about blabbing to anyone about his "secret soft side" and "ruining his image"
• Everyone already knows, he's just blind as hell and doesn't notice lmao
• This man is 100% loyal. If any gal/pal/guy flirts with him, he will flat out shoot em down
• "Nah, mate. I already got the best partner in crime a guy like me could ever ask for. Nobody c'n compare to that!"
• Always makes sure he never worries you (or at least tries to)
• If Hobie is sick or hurt, positions are reversed and you become his personal nurse
• Totally doesn't pretend to be sick sometimes just so you'll spoil him
• You know he's full of shit when he does though, but you just humor him because he's cute about it
• Yeah, you both put up with each other's shit, but you'd never have it any other way
• However... Hobie definitely knows when he's in trouble.
• "Hobart Brown!" You'd shout.
• Yeah, Hobie could easily feel his blood chill when you use his government name
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Could you do one where both Wanda and Nat are sick and super clingy to reader and just want to cuddle
Clingy Cuddles And Warm Snuggles
〚 Notes - This req was so cute! I loved writing it! Hopefully you enjoy reading :D 〛
〚 Summary - You come home from a mission to find that the compound’s been swept with a cold, meaning its up to you to take care of your sick girlfriends.〛
〚 Wordcount - 1720 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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You sighed a deep exhale of relief as the warm air of the compound met your skin. You’d just spent a long weekend up in the chilly mountains of Canada on a solo-mission so it was safe to say you were more than thankful for the warmth. However, as you made your way inside the compound, you immediately noticed something was off. The place was actually quiet? 
That was something which almost never happened, there was always so form of background noise even if it was just the sounds of a distant conversation or the humming of background music. But no, it was almost silent. You shrugged and being naturally curious person that you were, you headed over the kitchen to both investigate and make yourself a snack. 
Luckily as you approached the kitchen you could hear faint sounds of life. The recognisable sizzle of something frying echoed down the halls. Opening the door, you were met with the sight of Clint as he stood over the cooker, making himself some bacon and eggs. The sound of the door closing announced your entrance and the Archer turned towards you, giving you a small smile. 
“Welcome back Y/N,” He came over and gave you a quick hug before pulling away to muffle a cough into his elbow, “How did everything go?” 
“It went alright, glad to be back though,” You replied as you grabbed yourself rummaged around the snack cupboard before settling on a bag of Doritos, “Where is everyone though? It's so dead in here, usually you can't get a break from the noise.” 
“Y’know I can make you some decent food if you’d like,” He smirked, nodding down towards your choice of snack, “and It’s been like this all weekend, Tony managed to spread around some sort of bug, and it's really knocked people out. This is the first time I’ve been up in a day or so” 
  “Really?” You raised an eyebrow; it definitely wasn’t like Clint to stay in bed. It wasn’t often that anyone at the compound got sick really but when they did, it always seemed to spread like wildfire, especially since you all lived in such close-contact with each other. 
“Yeah, it’s been rough. Even Rodgers is down, we had to explain that cold ‘remedies’ from the 40’s weren’t exactly scientifically accurate after he tried convincing us to ‘take a good ol’ fashioned bit of whiskey’ to feel better.” 
You let yourself chuckle at that, remembering how Steve first reacted to seeing a bottle of DayQuil.  
While you loved catching up with Clint, you couldn’t help but miss the presence of two very special people and you found yourself asking, “Have you seen Nat or Wanda anywhere?” 
Clint thought for a second, “I think they’re still up in their room, last I heard neither of them were feeling too good either so they’re probably still in bed trying to sleep this crap off.” 
“Both of them?” You asked, slightly taken aback. The pair of them never got sick often, Nat had a great immune system and whenever someone was sick Wanda was always the one to go round wiping down surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes, meaning neither of them got sick that often even if there was something going round. 
“Yeah, I don’t think Wanda’s excellent wet-wiping skills were enough to save her this time,” Clint sniffled lightheartly but he must’ve picked up on your anxious expression as he soon came over and gave your shoulder a quick squeeze, “I'm sure they’ll both be okay, go on, go and see them.” 
You nodded, sending him a grateful smile, “Thanks Clint, hope you enjoy your bacon!” You called as you left the kitchen, setting off in the direction of your room. 
It was only a quick walk to your room, as you approached the door you made sure to open it quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone inside. As light floods into the room the sight before you weren’t exactly what you were expecting. 
On one side of the bed is a bundle of blankets, the main duvet and many other blankets are all tightly huddled around a shivering auburn-haired woman, only the top of her head poking out from within. In juxtaposition to this, Natasha was laid next to her on the bare mattress wearing her favourite sports bra and one of your pairs of silk shorts. 
“Y/N?” Natasha mumbled as she lifted her head from the pillow. Her poor voice sounded so unbelievably hoarse. 
“Hi baby, a little birdie told me you weren’t feeling too well.” You sympathised as you let the bags you had been carrying fall to the floor. To your surprise Nat pulled herself up and out of the bed and shakily padded towards you. 
She’d almost reached you before swaying drastically, as she seemed to lose her balance. Luckily, you’d seen this coming and managed to catch her in your arms, wrapping one around her waist to support her closely, “Easy there, let’s get you back in bed sweetie.” 
“Mm thanks,” Natasha whispered, letting you guide her back to the bed, “It’s been a while since I was this sick. My body feels all weak.” 
“That bad, huh?” 
To answer your question, Wanda let out a wet cough and curled herself further into her ball of blankets, the sound of which led you to go back over to your bag and taking one of the water bottles you had stored in there before placing it on the nightstand next to her, “You okay in there sweetheart?” You spoke down into her hair, pressing a small kiss to the exposed part of her forehead. 
"Mmh, my body feels like it's been hit with a truck,” She sniffles as a shiver runs down her spine the feeling of your lips brush against her skin. Wanda tries to smile up at you, but there's so little strength left in her, she has trouble lifting her face from the blankets. 
“Hh’iiitshoo! ‘tschioo!” Hh-Hh’tshiew!” 
You looked over to see Nat sniffling thickly as she rubbed her nose against her wrist and judging from the overflowing trash can and empty tissue box next to her side of the bed, it becomes obvious that she’s going to need some more. 
“Bless Natty, you want me to get you some tissues?” You cooed, as you came to sit on the edge of the bed, brushing your hand down her cheeks to move back the loose strands of hair which had fallen infront of her face, not missing the heat which radiated from her, “You feel abit feverish sweetie, have you taken your temp’ recently? 
Natasha shook her head, “I took Wanda’s earlier, it was 38.6 but I haven't taken mine.”  
“Awh sweetie, that’s so amazing of you to take Wanda’s but just remember that you need to look after yourself too,” You smiled, as you kissed her warm cheek, “Settle back down and I’ll go find the thermometer.” 
“Bless you! I’ll get you those tissues too.” 
Finding both items was easy, Nat had left the thermometer on the sink in your bathroom and a supply closet a little further down the hallway was always stocked with plenty of tissues. Coming back to the room, you placed the fresh tissue box in Natasha’s lap and shuffled up onto the bed, nesting yourself between the two women. You took Nat’s temperature first, mainly because she was the one clinging to your side and to no-one's surprise, she did have a fever. 
“Wands? I need you to come out of your little blanket bundle for me sweetheart.” You coaxed her, not wanting her brain to melt inside of her head. Even if she felt freezing, you were positively sure that she was running still a fever. 
Your suspicions were proven correct when she eventually wiggled herself free of the blankets to let you check her temp. Wanda coughed again as you helped her sit up, sneaking a hand down her shirt to rub small comforting circling along her back. 
“You should drink some of that water baby, it’ll help.” You soothed, Wanda took your advice and took careful sips of the water. Giving a tired yawn once she’d finished, she took the opportunity to lay herself over you, resting her head on your chest. 
“Comfy?” You smiled to yourself once she’d settled back down but you soon felt Nat cuddle further into your side, shuffling up so her head would rest alongside Wanda’s, the two women contently cuddling into you, craving your touch. 
“I missed you.” Wanda admitted  
"Missed you too, Wands" Your heartbeat quickening as the woman snuggles herself into your body. A small yawn escapes you as the two women lay in your arms. The bed creaked as you gently shifted your body, tucking in Natasha with a light arm around her shoulders, “I missed both of you.” 
Nat went to mumble something only both she and Wanda sneezed simultaneously instead, earning a small noise of amusement from the red-headed spy.
“Oh, bless you, bless you! Aw, my poor sweet girls, how on earth did you both get so sick, hm?” You sighed as Wanda sneezed down in her blankets again, and surprisingly she didn’t make a fuss when you reached across to grab a tissue to wipe her nose with, “I don’t think I’ve seen either of you feel so icky.” 
“Tony can't keep his gross germs to himself.” Natasha sniffled, vowing that once she was better, she’d be going over to his lab to lecture him about proper hygiene. 
“Well Tony should be very afraid then.” You smirked, knowing Natasha fully intended to give the man a piece of her mind once she felt well enough but for now, she was thankful that you were here to hold her 
“How about you two try and get some sleep, I bet that’d help a little.” You smiled, pressing soft kisses to their warm foreheads as they settled down. A comfortable silence settled around the three of them in the dimly lit bedroom. Their chests rise and fall with each breath as they drifted off to sleep.
Sure, you had tons of paperwork and a mission report that you should’ve been doing but that could wait. Being there to cuddle your sick girlfriends was the only true thing that mattered. 
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Paint the Night Sky
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Paint the Night Sky
Bang Chan x member!reader (more like the love he gives all his members)
Idea: Based off of this: https://youtube.com/shorts/zQg00zBAK30?feature=share 
Member!reader and maybe felix takes bang chan shopping and gets him some colorful clothes and stay asks who designed it and he's cute about saying it was her 
Requested: Nope. 
Author’s Note:  I know no one asked for anything Stray Kids related, but I wanted to do something short for Bang Chan’s birthday!  (me face palming and picking this up a year later the day after his birthday, but on my birthday) I am working on some other ideas, including a pt 2 to Late Night Talking, a couple Spencer Reids, and Bucky Barnes one but I am trying to make those longer and more like an episode, so they’re taking a bit longer to write.  Also, if anyone is a STAY and wants to talk Stray Kids, message me because I would like some STAY friends pls.  Last thing, I couldn’t tell you what their dorm looks like now, so just imagine that they still all live together. I also couldn’t find Chan in a pink hoodie, but I feel like the pink dolfin one would be a hoodie he’d like.  The title also sucks. lol.
Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new. If you want to only be tagged when I upload something for a certain character or shows, let me know as well.  
Warning: None, just general fluff.
Word Count: 570
You walked into the dorm with Lee Know after a bit of personal dance practice.  It’s nice to practice with everyone, but it’s also nice to do some one-on-one practice to really help with your improvement.  And who better than Lee Know to guide you.
“Do you want to help me make some food?”  Lee Know asks you as he heads toward the kitchen.
“Yeah.  I’ll put on something for us to listen to in the background.”  You pull out your phone and see that the recent episode of two kids in a room came out, so you put that on as the background noise.  
You start by cutting the cabbage to put in the tteokbokki.  While Lee Know searched the freezer for something to fry.  You both continue to make food for the boys as the episode plays in the background.  There’s one particular bit of audio that catches your attention though.  
Chan: "I need someone to go together. I can't shop at all."
Felix: “You Always Buy Black Clothes. You look like a Reaper.”
This got you thinking and you had to ask Lee Know to be sure.  “Lee Know-hung?”
“Does Channie-hung wear anything colorful?”
It took a second of silence for Lee Know to come up with an answer.  
“I don’t keep track of what he wears.”  That was the most Lee Know answer he could come up with.  “But if he does, then usually the stylist put him in it.”
“Yeah, he wears a lot of black.” That got you thinking and your mind set on what to do tomorrow.
You two continued preparing food as the rest of the boys came in from doing their various activities throughout the day.  When you saw Chan come into the kitchen, you enact your plan. 
“Channie-hung, you doing anything tomorrow?” 
“I was going to be in the studio then do Channie’s room, but I got nothing planned for the morning.”
“Good we’re going shopping.”  
“Ok.”  No an argument or anything, but Channie would honestly do anything for us.  
“Be ready to leave at 8.”
*Time skip to next morning*
You and Channie head down to the shopping district in Seoul.  Could you have done this online? Yes. But it’s like Christmas shopping.  It’s better when you get out there and get the full experience.  
You had to pull Chan away from anything black and white because he has a million of those already.  You had to do that more times than you can count.  You ended up going with a baby pink hoodie and baby blue shirts just to ease him into color more.  
“You sure you like…” Before you could even finish, you were captured in one of Chan’s hugs.  One of the ones that is fruitless to attempt to escape.  
“It’s cute! I love it Y/N.” 
Chan wore that hoodie all the way back to the dorms.  You parted ways when Chan went to the studios and you went up to the dorms.  A few minutes later, you see the notification of Chan doing Chan’s Room for Stay.  
Transcript from the live.
“Hi Stay. Hi. Hellooooooooooo.  Welcome to Channie’s Room.”  
“Chan you look so lovely. No, Stays look more lovely.  Chan you look so cute.  Yeah, um… Y/N picked the sweater because I’m told I need more colorful clothes *stands up so Stay can see his sweater* it has dolphins on it. I like it.”   
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isadollie · 2 months
hello, how are you doing? i hope you're doing well.
may I request a long matchup within the tokyo revengers fandom (any timeline works)?
name: ryuu/key
gender: male
pronouns: he/they
sexuality: queer
i'd prefer being matched with a guy.
likes: anime, writing, reading, cats, the dark, music.
dislikes: loud noises (minus music), crowds, dogs.
i mostly write and/or listen to music in my free time, though it's usually a combination of both.
i really like darker/muted aesthetics, i'm not exactly sure what it'd be called. in regards to clothes, i prefer grunge, if that helps.
appearance: kinda scruffy/messy shoulder length dark brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, 5'8
personality: i don't really like interacting with people in person outside of immediate family. i'm more than a bit reclusive and tend to get overwhelmed in chaotic or even just crowded or loud social settings. in groups, i usually try avoiding attention and just listen to the conversation since having all eyes on me makes me uncomfortable. some people have called me rude since i tend to be a bit blunt or overly honest when stating my opinion. i don't really have a lot of friends, so i'm not always sure how to act in social interactions. none of this is to say that i intentionally try to be a jerk, i do try to be friendly and polite to people, i just sometimes miss social cues which leads to awkward situations.
mbti: intp-t
dream birthday present: i'm actually not sure. uh. another cat?
love language: words of affirmation + quality time. there was another that i remember reading online but i can't remember the name of it; it's basically where you and someone you're close to (ex. a partner) can be sitting in the same room, not actually interacting, you're both okay just being in the same room as them while doing separate activities.
a side note: i do tend to revolve around quieter/calmer people since loud people stress me out.
sorry if i missed anything and that it's pretty long.
— matchup —
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i match you with...
Mitsuya Takashi!
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★ we all know our cat lovers Chifuyu, Baji, etc. but i think Mitsuya would be amazing with them as well. his gentle nature makes all the animals stick to him
★ one of the reasons why i chose him for you is because you said you prefer to be around calmer people, so there you have him! he isn't really one to be loud all the time, would shush anyone if that meant making you comfortable
★ ngl, he's the type to make you clothes as a present, without needing an occasion tbh. you mentioned to him once what kind of clothes you like to wear, and the next thing you know is that Mitsuya hasn't been sleeping all night, busy sewing you a new shirt
★ his favourite activity after a long day: a calm, late night walk outside
★ quality time is his thing imo. he would love to just sit around, doing separate things while listening to some music in the background. no need for talking all the time; just each others presence is enough
★ always offers you comfort and words of encouragment whenever you feel bad. just loves to take care of you in general
★ Mitsuya is that type of person who you can always turn to for advice, and he'll make sure you know it well
★ would love to introduce you to his friends!
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sorry that it took so long:/ your second match was chifuyu!
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
Do you have any study tips for people who find it hard to concentrate for long periods of time, or just struggle to even sit down and focus?
Hi! I'm so sorry for the late answer, I've been busy with classwork, curating my schedule for the next few weeks, and just life in general.
I myself struggle to sit down and focus and have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. Everyone works differently and some things may not be helpful to everyone, just a disclaimer!
Something I do that really helps me is to have a set "ritual" I do every time I need to or at least know I need to do school work or productive things that I personally want to do.
My current "ritual" includes the following, in order:
Make a cup of my preferred drink (currently iced coffee with one sweet n low and French vanilla creamer) + grab a glass or bottle of water
Set out all my necessary materiales (studying ex: textbooks, stationary, technology, planner, etc)
Take a deep breath
Write out a todo list that is managable for what I want/need to accomplish
Flick on my desk lamp
Begin the first step for the first talk (open textbook, go to website, write out note title, etc)
My brain got into the habit of "lamp flicks on, sip of coffee, time to work" and it became very automated.
Lately, I've tried to spread out my necessary tasks out throughout a week (within necessary due dates) with daily planning for flexibility of my schedule and whatever things pop up. I believe being flexible with scheduling tasks helps a lot because sometimes I have more energy on some days than others, and other times, I need to allocate energy to other priorities.
For concentrating for long periods of time, I try to figure out my limits, and do whatever I can to work with myself and not against myself. I have severe unmedicated ADHD (as well as other things mentally) and I've learned to listen to my brain and body as best I can.
I can not concentrate if my phone is not near me or within eyesight when I study. I will be too preoccupied thinking about my phone and any missed notifications if I can't see my phone. Answering texts and calls while doing homework does not interfere with my productivity as it takes me a few seconds to type out a message and hit send or answer a call and listen/explain that I'm busy. (it's usually my dad who calls me, and I have no problem stopping my work to talk to my dad).
I need caffiene to give me that push to start. Once I taste my coffee, I know it's time to crack down on my assignments and start focusing on my work.
Background noise!! Very rarely can I listen to music when working at home, so I usually have a comfort show or some youtube video playing in the background while I do work. When I'm on campus, I listen to a specific playlist while doing schoolwork, usually more mellow music like Lana Del Ray, The Neighborhood, Chase Atlantic, MARINA, Mitski, Arctic Monkeys, Mother Mother, Cigarettes After Sex, beebadoobee, Taylor Swift etc. I normally listen to K-pop, but my favorite songs are too upbeat for getting work done.
I try not to watch the clock or set a timer because I never really know how long some assignments will take and if I'm watching the time pass I tend to get anxious and then my mind will wander from the task at hand.
Water!! I have to remind myself all the time, but having water at my desk or study area keeps me hydrated, which keeps me focused and awake.
I try not to eat big meals right before I do work. If I do eat something substantial before I need to work, I always wait 30 to 60 minutes so I can perk back up and properly focus on my work.
Never push past my physical energy limits. If I'm falling asleep at my desk, if I'm yawning uncontrollably, if my body feels heavy with fatigue, I will not push myself past exhaustion as that is no longer healthily productive.
Sleep is a priority!! If I'm sleepy and tired and groggy, I can't work properly. When I'm low on sleep, I also tend to over do the caffiene and overeat, which makes me both uncontrollably anxious and shaky while also making me more lethargic, thus inhibiting my work ability.
Listening to my body and learning how I work best has been the most helpful in my concentration and productivity abilities. I know when I'm feeling off, how to determine what I need in order to feel more regulated and functional. Good, healthy habits and a little self intuition go a long way for me.
I hope this was helpful in some way. I didn't want to give generic or basic tips because this is not a one size fits all topic. I'm open to any other questions!!
Til next time, lovelies!! 🩷
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phereshift · 1 month
Tagged by @cozy-fish-crow 🥰 rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
Favourite Colour: It changes like every year but at the moment it is a lovely orange-yellow. Probably helps that it's the colour I overuse as an overlay layer for all my art too.
Last Song: Something off of lime cordiale's discography... I think it's because I hear their music at work (coworker has an aus indie playlist) but they've been my latest background noise while I do uni work and I've been SO productive omg. I've just had them on shuffle. Currently Reading: I haven't really made time for anything other than some self-indulgent fanfics tbh :C My last novel was Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. Currently Watching: If you ignore how long it's been since I watched an episode then it's the clone wars tv show... I can't watch tv while I draw so I'm never usually watching anything though q-q
Currently Craving: I need strawberries back in season so that I can have homemade strawberry milk asap. I was also craving watermelon last week but that's just the iron deficiency :') Coffee or Tea: tea! Hobby to try: I recently tried out gouache (I've been staring non-stop at Angela Sung's work, her gouache is SO good) so... I'd like to put more time into that. Otherwise I've also learned how to sharpen my pencils for figure drawing with a box cutter + sandpaper and it's mildly reignited an old interest in wood carving. Current AU: Well. For starters, I always have an infinite number of things going at any given time and that includes fic lmao. My writing is also mostly just for myself but I do have a Star Wars AU exploring Obi-wan (maybe a little bit of quinlan too) with themes of post-mission recovery and community support systems in the drafts somewhere. I think this makes it sound more put together than what it is (which is a simple, self-indulgent fic haha) but I love exploring the Jedi community even if my Star Wars knowledge is limited. Also including my current personal art WIP since I'm more likely to finish it/I am more of an artist than a writer. Which is Tusken Raider fanart that I am absolutely suffering through... one of those 'I got most of it done months ago and now I have to find the motivation to go back and finish it' T_T
Tragically I am not bold enough to tag people so I will be taking the coward's way out and doing an open tag!
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
Surprisingly I'm not sore today- so thanks! The warm compress helped:) Daily Hobie HC! I feel like Hobie cannot sleep without some sort of background noise, whether it be music, the whirring of a fan, or something happening. Usually, it meant that he wouldn't be getting enough sleep, or not proper sleep anyways. To counteract those problems, to ease him to sleep, you either softly sing or hum to him, giving him background noise to fall asleep to:). Sometimes to ease his pain of the day, you'll knead at his back and just watch as he practically becomes dough in your arms, or you trace your thumb over his tattoo to help him feel comforted. If you feel exhausted to hum or sing to him, you have an automatic reminder in your head to put on some music for him on those nights, making sure he rests well and fully recharges for the next day. Sometimes he even sleeps in from the satisfaction of your care the previous night, waking up to find you making breakfast or just getting ready in general. Hobie will jokingly complain about how you're practically spoiling him and turning him soft, claiming it will ruin his tough Spiderman image while you know it's already a little too late for that, especially if you're around. While writing this my friend began reading the entire script of Alexander Hamilton....uhh send help?:.) - 🐦‍⬛
Yayy!! That's good to know!!
Daily Hobie hc hooray!!! 🙌
A baby! He's a baby your honour
He's just like me fr I can't fall asleep too without something in the background and without hugging my long pillow. In this case the huggable pillow is you! There's probably a time when you have a trip somewhere far away and have to sleep at a hotel so Hobie's at home in bed all miserable and missing you :( worst sleep of his life tbh so every time you leave for days at a time you'd always spray one pillow with your perfume and leave a background noise machine behind to help him sleep better at night 🥺 nothing beats you having there tho so when you come home you bet your ass that it's gonna get cuddled and he'll finally get to sleep soundly!
Tough spiderman image hah! Not in the houseboat he's not! He's r's little cuddle bug
Lmaoo there's no helping you or your friend they're in too deep in the Hamilton phase
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nyenylon · 3 months
hiya nye!! hope you're doing good :3
looking for some OC advice if that's okay: i have an OC who has MDD, but afaik i don't have it myself and i really want to avoid harmful stereotyping or unrealistic portrayals!
was wondering if you have any tips on writing it, if there's anything specific i should know (if there's treatment, side-effects, etc.) or just anything to avoid in terms of stereotypes?
obviously don't answer this if you don't want to, it's probably very personal, and take your time if you do! i want to avoid screwing up, and while i am also going to check out articles and do my research, i also want to make sure i'm not accidentally being a prick or looking at misinformation and ask you if you have any advice :)
thank you so much! have a nice day nye, stay hydrated :D
Heeyyyy Artsy :3
I'd be happy to help in whatever way I can, but heads up I'm not professionally diagnosed or anything and am definitely not an expert on the topic, so this will just be from my personal experience
So of course maladaptive daydreaming is different for everyone, I think the most common interpretation of it is someone who might use their persona to self insert themselves into media they might like, or a personally written story. Sometimes they might be pre-written and played out (I personally believe this is what "shifters" do). A second common one might be writing a story by thinking about it as a show, where you yourself may not be involved. Many people wrote brilliant stories using this method.
My personal experience is that I can count multiple times where my maladaptive daydreaming was more prominent throughout my life, but I can't really pick it out if childhood experiences as it was kind of like the hit thing to be good at imagining when you were 5.
My standout experience with MDD is ongoing. It started five years ago and it involves myself and other people consistently. There is no change in plot or reboots, I consider these people consistent as any other person I might know. Plainly, I consider the maladaptive daydreaming characters that I have created (ocs) AND have not created to exist as people in some way, so I treat them as such.
Part of my MDD is that these people I know through my head interact with people from the real world, having casual conversations and such.
My level of focus on my MDD varies on my mental health and environment, it usually ranges from maybe 1 interaction a day to things I have planned for the day being cancelled because I'm busy daydreaming. My daydreaming friends will often grow distressed if I don't speak to them for long periods of time. Some of them (my ocs) fear that they'd cease to exist, while others may fear their friends could disappear, including me.
Something well known for MDD is repetitive motions, personally I find my stims outside of MDD are larger and more noticable, while I'm daydreaming sometimes my repetitive motions will be spinning a pen or something as miniscule as timed blinking or eye movement. It's like keeping pace to me, like they tell you to associate a smell with sleeping if you have a hard time sleeping. The motions help keep me focused on my daydreams.
I don't like closing my eyes when I daydream, but I do like dark rooms. I also prefer background noise. It's also well known people like to listen to music while they daydream, and I do, but the noise doesn't have to be music. It just has to be constant and have some kind of pattern that I can tune out to. The noise helps distract me from what I see visually!
I haven't researched treatment because recently I've been quite good at regulating my daydreams, and in the past it's been a fear of mine. I think the only treatment there would be for MDD is finding other coping mechanisms.
As for side effects, I'm not sure what would qualify. I can get angry at daydreams the same way I would anything else, same goes for every emotion. Sometimes it just makes my mood seem out of place, I think. I also think it's obvious when I'm daydreaming, because people usually poke me or wave a hand in front of my face (THIS IS SO ANNOYING DON'T DO THIS I'M DAYDREAMING FOR A REASON). MDD sometimes restricts my real life experiences, socializing, sometimes makes me forget meals, it also makes my memory of everything worse, instead replaced by memories of daydreams. MDD is something that I deal with, while I know it's a negative thing it's something that I don't have any desire to detach myself from. That's a scary idea to me, so I suppose that's a side effect in itself.
As far as writing a character with MDD goes, you'd have to know what they were daydreaming about first. A lot of the rest of the traits, such as what noise or actions they use, would be down to their other characteristics. If I was going to avoid something, it would be to not make everything they daydream about separate to reality. Almost everyone I've known with MDD has integrated their realities in some way, whether it be having their persona personality shine through, their daydreams interact with people around them, writing about it, drawing or infodumping. Of course this might not be everyone, but I think it also depends how private of a person they are. People who have MDD tend to know they're creating something complex.
Thanks for asking me Artsy, again, this is just from personal experiences. Hope this helped! :3
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rfaromance · 2 years
Hii! I read that you're most comfortable with writing for 707 so I was wondering if I could request 707 comforting you after you get ghosted by a close friend?
Totally understand if not and congrats on finishing your exams!
Disappointed, but not surprised.
You would be lying if you claimed this was the first time a "friend" slipped away from you, or if you optimistically declared it would be the last.
However much or little you loved your friends never seemed to matter. You couldn't control them, after all, and you certainly had no say in who would stay and who would go.
This one stung more than usual, though.
As much as you wanted to believe this friendship was different, that this was someone who genuinely cared about you...
Just like the rest of them, huh?
You slumped down onto the couch and picked up the TV remote. Some background noise would hopefully help prevent you from thinking too much. But as you flipped through channels, everything seemed to remind you of them in some way.
'We used to watch this show together.'
'That character looks like them, a little.'
'Weren't they looking to buy a new one of these?'
Eventually you shut the television off and threw the remote on the ground, finding yourself more frustrated and exhausted than before. Wordlessly you turned onto your side and buried your face in the nearest pillow, praying you'd wake up to a text or call or email or DM or anything--
"Are you alright, kitten?"
A familiar voice by your ear snapped you out of your numb trance. You whipped your head around to see golden eyes, warm like sun-kissed honey, peering at you. Normally you could detect a speck of spice in his sweet gaze, waiting to tease you, but this time you could only detect deep affection and concern. "Mmhm," you mumbled non-committally, before lying back down to shove your face in the pillow again.
"Don't lie like that, honey butter."
"Sorry, is my posture bad?"
"No, I mean-- you can lie down on the couch, but don't... pretend you're okay when you clearly aren't." He sighed and sat on the arm of the couch, so he was perched just above your curled-up form. "You don't have to talk about it, but... I want to help if I can."
You hesitated before replying. You could feel beads of sweat beginning to form on your face, and you weren't sure if they were from anxiety or from the lack of air between your head and the pillow. "I don't want to bother you with my problems."
Even without looking at him, you could tell that Saeyoung was making a befuddled and exasperated expression. "As if I didn't drag you into all of my problems? Into a literal cult? Into an apartment with a bomb inside?"
When he put it that way, you did feel a little silly. "I just... I miss a friend of mine. That's all." You sighed and clutched the sides of the pillow, digging your fingers in to ground you. "I haven't heard from them in months. Even though I send messages every other week... and I know they're alive and well... I... This one was different. I thought we really had a bond." You gritted your teeth as you felt tears beginning to pool in the corners of your eyes. "But no, they just left me behind... without a word.... If I did something wrong, couldn't they tell me? Can't someone tell me for once, so I don't mess it up again with the next friend? To just flee without a trace... did they hate me that much?"
You stopped, inhaling sharply for a moment to catch your breath and hopefully calm down. But the fresh air only seemed to aggravate your eyes further, and you had to smash the pillow against your face to try and soak up the tears you knew were coming down.
Saeyoung was silent for a while, which was unusual for him unless he was really serious. "Sometimes... people think the safest option is to leave wordlessly. They think it will hurt less."
You choked back a sob. "You're a special case, Mister Secret Agent."
He chuckled at that, but it was a hollow sound. A sound composed only of echoes of regrets, rather than full of life and mirth. "Perhaps. But speaking as someone who has ghosted people all over the world... friends, acquaintances, business partners, classmates, the cutest kittens at that one cat café in-- Oops, I've already said too much. The point is!" He tapped his fingers on the top of your shoulder like a drumroll, building the tension before revealing his point. "Sometimes... it's not what you did. Someone may have circumstances in their own life that makes them leave. They may be struggling, they may be moving far away, they may feel ashamed of something they said, they may be overworked... It doesn't mean they hate you."
You wanted to believe his words. They made sense, and the logical part of your brain was latching onto them desperately. But that couldn't satisfy the ache in your heart. "But why... why does it always happen to me? Why do I see their posts on social media showing they're still happy, maybe even happier without me?"
He sighed and moved his hand to the top of your head, stroking your hair with slow, rhythmic movements. "I don't know, kitten," he confessed. "I can't imagine anyone feeling happier without you in their life, once they've met you. Maybe you just shine so brightly that they don't feel worthy to be in your presence." He chuckled again, this time with more life in the sound. Perhaps even a bit of embarrassment.
"You're a star, my love. You glow so brightly that your light reaches across galaxies and pierces hearts. Sometimes... we mere mortals get so overwhelmed that we have to step back, because we want to become worthy of that shine."
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asparaygus · 1 year
—☀︎︎ sypnosis: after days of haunting thoughts of the pretty café boy, you muster up the courage to talk to him... and it turns out pretty well?
➪ part 1 | part 2
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after that incident, you start to notice rin more and more. you always catch him looking at you. truthfully speaking, it made you blush and feel the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. but who wouldn't feel that way? a handsome looking guy sneaking glances at you— multiple times, on every day you both "coincidentally" appear in the same café.
it had you thinking, maybe he liked you? you knew that you were fairly attractive. but to be able to pull a guy like rin? you definitely had some doubts.
he had been constantly haunting your thoughts ever since that day. the dark haired boy seemed to never get tired of running around in your mind. it frustrated you, really, not being able to write properly since you can't think of another thing except him.
so, filled with determination, you gathered up the courage to talk with him. you decided that it'll ease your mind and help you get over the constant thoughts that have been forced into your mind. and maybe you'd even earn a friend— or perhaps something more?
you jolt up to the ring of the café's doorbell, looking up to see the teal eyed man who you've been waiting for. god, he looks as handsome as ever.
your eyes watch his figure as he makes his usual order. you noticed how his eyes subtly brighten up as he sees the display of pastries beside the cash register. 'cute.'— you thought.
as he turns around to start his search for an unoccupied table, (preferably near yours), he sees your eyes among the crowd— staring right back at his.
it was as if time stopped. everyone around the two of you suddenly vanished, leaving the both of you to have an intense staring contest. you were lost in each other's eyes, a look of yearning visible in both. you couldn't hear anything— hell, it felt like your body and mind went numb. only focusing on the male a few feet away from you.
subconsciously, your hand rose up and sent a small wave down his way, a small yet awkward smile on your face. rin was slightly taken back from your gesture, but he did wave back in return.
you sat in one of the café's booths, so you knew there was more than enough room for the both of you. you point to the seat beside you and patted it, gesturing him to sit with you.
he hesitantly took your offer, taking small steps towards you with his tray of food in hand. he sat infront of you, an awkward silence between you as the people's chatter serves as background noise.
the two of you ate in the drowning silence. you were a bit intimidated by him, and he was shy especially since he had a massive crush on you.
rin had come to the conclusion that you knew he fancied you, and that was the reason you invited him to sit with you. his heartrate was increasing rapidly, he stared down at you as you drank from your cup. the foam of the coffee sticking to your face, making it look like a mustache.
the tall male chuckled softly, causing you to quickly dart your eyes up at him with a confused expression. he had a small smile on his face as he looked at you lovingly, making you blush.
"you've got something here." he says, pointing to his philtrum. your eyes widen and hurriedly took a napkin to wipe it off. "is it gone?" the boy only nods, turning back to finish his meal.
"so uhm-" you started off, catching his attention. his sharp eyes met yours, causing you to unconsciously hold your breath.
"i've noticed you eyeing me for a while. and i thought that... maybe you wanted to be friends?"
the boy blushed at being reminded of how he stared at you whenever he got the chance. "y-yeah. that would be nice." he averts his eyes from yours.
your face held a small smile, happy that you were able to befriend yet another person.
"oh, and... i'm sorry about all the staring. i found you really cute and i couldn't help myself." he admits shyly while rubbing the back of his neck.
you find yourself smiling wider, your lips were practically ear-to-ear. "it's fine! you're pretty attractive too, if i say so myself." you wink.
rin's face visibly got redder. he bit his bottom lip to prevent a smile appearing on his face. how were you doing these things to him?
all his life, he had never liked anyone. yeah, sure, he'd have small crushes here and there, but he never felt this way before.
when he first saw you, he had just found this café recently and wanted to try it out. he sat a table away from you. you were busy typing away at that laptop of yours. he caught a glance of you as he was looking around the café. it wasn't as busy back then, the atmosphere was peaceful and quiet as jazz music played in the background.
rin then saw you as he was gazing around the place, innocently eyeing you with interest. the way you'd stop a few times from typing to take a sip of your beverage or to stretch your arms, the way you'd scrunch up your nose whenever your glasses glided down, in attempt of trying to push it back up without moving your hands (but end up doing so since it didn't work).
he kept on staring at you, his eyes lingering on every feature of your face, it was as if he was trying to memorize what you looked like. your pouty lips, glistening eyes, squishy cheeks; all of it luring him into a trance.
you looked pretty— no, scratch that. you were ethereal.
rin admired you, but not just because of your beauty, but because of how kind you were. how you would always thank the server, how you would clean up your mess before you leave, how the first thing that leaves your mouth when you go up to the register was "good morning! hi, how are you?" rather than bossily saying your order.
as time passed, he knew himself that he had fallen for you. there was no point in trying to deny it. he would always look for your presence, trying to get even the slightest glimpse of your face.
you were always the best part of his day.
and now, he couldn't even believe what was happening. you were sitting across from him, talking with him, asking him about his day.
he swore life couldn't get any better than this...
..but he couldn't be more wrong.
skip forward a few years later; rin was hugging you from behind, his hands intertwining with yours. he fidgets with the golden ring around your finger, his own hand wearing a matching one.
his head rests on your shoulder as the two of you watch your kids play in the front yard. "mom!! haru's cheating!!" your daughter yells.
your son, haru, turns around to face his sister, his hands holding a soccer ball. "what!? no i wasn't!! stop lying, mizu!"
rin smiles at the two while they bicker. he looks at them with a loving gaze; he can't help but feel whole. he was finally happy— he was finally complete.
"are you just gonna keep on hugging me or are you gonna let me stop our kids from ripping each other's throats out?"
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Talk shop Tuesday!
Has there ever been a time when you wanted to write something for an existing fic so badly but it didn't fit with it really and you debated posting it separately as an au fic? Did you ever decide it wasn't worth writing anyway?
Has there ever been a time when you've been a little jealous of one of your characters? Or you give a character something you want.
Has there ever been a fandom you could see yourself writing for but you never have?
How would you feel if someone beta read for you?
Is there a certain song or playlist you listen to while writing?
I hope these questions make sense
Thank you bestie!! <3
Talk Shop Tuesday
Oh, absolutely!! I've definitely done this, and when the idea is strong enough I will write it out and post it as an AU sidepiece. Torment is an alternate chapter for Bolts and Blasters. Aftermath is an additional chapter placed in between two existing chapters of A Love Once New, and Tear Us Apart is another alternate chapter/sidepiece I wrote as an AU for the later chapters. Years Ahead is an AU from my main Eris timeline, but I thought it was such an interesting idea that I wrote it anyway.
Sometimes it's hard to choose which scene I want for the actual, canon timeline and when I just can't make something fit in with that, but when it's a really vivid idea then I absolutely will still write it out and share it. It's pretty rare that I just plain scrap an idea, at least once I get to that stage in the process.
Again, ABSOLUTELY. Each of my OCs, and most of the canon characters I write for too, are in some way a reflection of myself. They aren't self-inserts by any means, but many of the themes that are present in their stories are reflections or translations of things I go through myself. As comforting as it is to write or read one of my hurt/comfort scenes, I definitely get jealous of my characters sometimes. The big ones for me are 1. unconditional gender acceptance and 2. being cared for when they're sick/in pain/dealing with disabilities, it's both super comforting to read and also makes me a little jealous since I don't really get to experience that in my real life. And I get super jealous of Warren and any other characters who have wings/are able to fly, since I WISH I could do that.
I'm sure I could dip my toe in the Fallout fandom if I felt like it, I enjoyed the show and I think I could come up with some neat fic ideas. And technically I do have a Fallout OC... my courier for New Vegas, which I started playing and really need to get back to lol. The whole universe just has some really interesting worldbuilding, and just the right balance of darkness and intrigue that usually pulls at me for writing ideas.
I mean... I wouldn't be offended or anything, but I've never sought it out. I don't have anything against beta readers and I know they can be a huge help, but I just get so excited about posting my writing once it's done that I can't imagine waiting for someone else to read it first and delay when I get to post it lol XD
Nope! I don't really listen to music when I write, I usually just have a show or movie (or YouTube videos) on in the background for white noise. When I was in college I would actively pick something for myself (usually something I've seen before, so I can enjoy it but don't have to pay attention to understand it), but since I've been home it's mainly just been whatever my family decides to have on the TV. And when I really need to focus I'll go where it's quiet, since sometimes the silence helps me fall into the story and visualize it more clearly.
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years
Weight- Marc Spector
... ʰᵉʸ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ.
No I'm not dead, and no I really wasn't that busy until the semester started up. I fell off the writing wagon a few months ago and still kind of feel that way. Just recently I've been working on some stuff again so I hope I'll get back into the flow of things soon, but I don't want to risk burn out. I won't be posting as often as I used to, but I'll still post sporadically here and there. Hopefully that changes as inspiration comes back to me! :)
SFW// Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
You have a really important day tomorrow, but can't get to sleep for the life of you. Fortunately, Marc has the perfect suggestion.
Word Count:
One of the things you loved about the boys' place was the sounds of the traffic around the building. The soft 'whoosh' of cars as they passed by, the muted squeaks of tires cruising along on wet pavement when it rained, the surprisingly welcome harmony of whiny breaks and car horns when a light turned red. Steven had his complaints about it, and while you could sympathize with him, you yourself never truly minded. It worked almost like a noise machine in the flat, the London hubbub providing a constant hum in the background.
Tonight, however, as you found yourself laying quite awake, you were starting to better understand what he meant. Every time you closed your eyes, trying in vain to get some sleep, the smallest noises from the street were trying their damnedest to get you to open them again.
The hardly audible road rage between two people might as well have been an argument just outside in the hallway. The chirp of a parked car getting locked seemed to echo throughout the room. Hell, even the slamming of a car door was almost enough to make your ears pop.
You let out a quiet sigh as you continued to catch bits and pieces of the ongoing squabble, pinching your eyes shut before opening them once more in defeat. Of all the nights for the sounds of distant traffic to fail you...
Sweat was beading on your brow but you opted to ignore it, the usually inviting cotton sheets feeling much too warm. You tossed over onto your side, your nails digging into the pillow in your grasp as you tried to focus on the sound of Marc's slow, even breaths.
There wasn't much else to distract your gaze from straying, which wasn't helping, either. Like a moth to a flame, you find yourself stealing glances at the laptop perched on Steven's crammed desk. Again and again, however, you forced yourself to stare at the wall beside you. You were playing a game of cat and mouse, it felt like, and the universe was doing everything in its power to work against you.
Your usual white noise was practically blaring. You'd long since kicked the sheets off your body, the material bunched awkwardly at your feet. The sliver of moonlight peeking through the blinds glinted off the laptop's reflective case, only drawing your attention towards it even more.
You found yourself staring at it again before you could help yourself, eyes squinting in annoyance as you chewed the inside of your cheek.
A few more minutes wouldn't hurt.
As you slowly began to sit up, knuckling the sleep out of your eyes, your mind was already racing with things to do.
I haven't got the numbers from quarter two completely memorized yet, and it wouldn't look good if I have to keep referencing that slide during the meeting. And honestly, I don't know what I was thinking adding all those slide transitions. I'll have to edit them out. Maybe I'll pack a quick lunch for myself, too, that way I can just eat at my desk instead of having to pop over to the cafeteria. Yeah, that'll give me more time to finalize everything.
Your legs swung over the side of the bed as you lazily rolled your shoulders, a few satisfying 'pop's greeting you.
I could probably iron out my outfit, as well. I'll never hear the end of it from Jen if there's a wrinkle in my top when I'm presenting. God forbid clothing does what clothes are known to do-
Before you had the opportunity to stand up, however, you felt the weight of the mattress suddenly shift. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist, lips warm with sleep meeting the back of your neck.
"Where're you going?" Marc mumbled against your skin, his voice sleep logged.
You refrained from leaning back into his touch, fingers lightly circling around Marc's wrists.
"Bathroom," you offered, shooting him a reassuring smile over your shoulder.
When he was barely awake, Marc seemed much... softer than usual. His hair was lightly tussled, bits and piecing sticking out in various directions. The usual bags under his eyes didn't seem so pronounced, the gleam in his gaze ever present. You could stare at him for hours, it felt like. The only things tarnishing the view, however, were how his eyebrows began pulling together and the way his lips were pressed in a thin line. Despite just waking up, he was onto what you were up to in an instance.
"I'll only be up a few minutes."
"No you won't."
You could only look at him for a moment before finally speaking again.
"Don't be silly," you said, gently pulling yourself out of his grasp.
"Honestly Marc, I'll be back. You need the sleep and- hey!"
Marc ignored your protests, pulling you in until your back was pressed against his chest and he could lazily throw his leg over both of yours. His cheek pressed itself against the back of your shoulder, each of his soft exhales fanning across your neck. You ignored the goosebumps his breath left in its wake, the frown on your face deepening.
"Please let me go."
"So you can agonize over your keyboard until the sun comes up? Why would I do that?"
"Because I'm stressing out- and rightfully so. There are so many ways I could be productive right now and instead I'm just... I'm laying here."
You sucked in a deep breath.
"I'm not getting to sleep at this rate. I might as well make something of my time."
"That's a horrible idea," Marc replied bluntly, his voice still tired.
"How so?"
Marc interrupted himself with a groan as he gave a stretch, nonchalantly readjusting his position.
"You're gonna tell yourself 'Oh, I'll just review this and I'll be done', right? Then that'll turn into 'I'll rearrange some things real quick' or 'I should make a better version of this table' or whatever else you think up."
You couldn't see his face, but you could practically feel one of his eyebrows arch.
"Am I wrong?"
Too stubborn to confirm or deny his train of thought, even though he was very much correct, you only locked your jaw and sat in continued silence. This hardly phased Marc, however, so he continued.
"You'll just keep changing and adding, changing and adding, until you've got an entirely new presentation you're unfamiliar with. Then by the time you have to present it, you'll get overwhelmed and trip up because its nothing like what you practiced with. You'll be tired, too, which doesn't help. That's what happened last time, from my understanding."
You leaned further into Marc's chest, appreciating the feel of his skin against your own, and let out a heavy sigh.
"Things have to go perfectly to make up for that. I want to prove to them that I can do better."
Another kiss pressed itself against your skin.
"And you will, if you get some rest."
"I... I just can't. I'm all wired up right now and I don't know if I'll be able to get any sleep."
Marc was silent for a beat, only giving you a low 'hmm' in response. Several minutes had passed and you almost thought he had drifted off before he was speaking again.
"What if I laid on you?"
You rolled your eyes with a scoff, earning a chuckle from the man.
"No, not like that. What if I literally laid on you?"
You frowned, turning in your boyfriend's grasp to better face him. his tired eyes and a small smile greeted you.
"I don't see how that would help."
"It would be kind of like using my body as a weighted blanket. I think you mentioned having one in your apartment, right?"
You considered it for a moment, silently appreciating the way his thumb drew small circles on your hip. It was true- you did have a weighted blanket you often made use of back in your flat. And you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't regret bringing it with you...
"You can say no if you want. It's just a suggestion."
"I know."
You toyed with your bottom lip, pondering the idea. What did you have to loose in trying?
"Let's give it a go, then."
"Fine by me."
Marc briefly released his hold on you only so he could roll himself on top of you, resting his head in the crook of your neck before he let his arms lazily circle you once again. You hummed contently at the shift in pressure Marc's weight provided, an instantaneous calm buzzing through your limbs. After several quiet moments of laying together like that, both your rapid heartbeat and breathing finally slowing, he groggily spoke.
"Mmm hmm."
Just a few minutes later and the two of you had peacefully drifted off, the noise from the busy streets below falling on blissfully deaf ears.
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