#i wanna say thank you for those fans who call them out because they’re not angels and should take some responsibility
mutualhl · 11 months
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kithtaehyung · 11 months
seven days (m) (teaser) | jjk
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POSTED HERE JULY 22ND, 2023!!  upcoming series: seven days (m)  pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x reader(f) genre/rating: m (18+) ; angst , fluff , smut ; roommates to lovers au  summary: you dump yet another guy that wasn’t up to your “ten day standards,” which leaves your cocky ass, very off-limits roommate to tease your single status yet again. but the teasing is always expected. what’s not expected, is the bet that you make without thinking. the bet that even though you give ten days, he wouldn’t even last seven. warnings: cursing, alcohol/vape mentions, parties, he wears glasses sometimes😔👍, chains bc it’s tradition atp lmaooo, cocky!jk, feelings🤕, big big big jk, flirty!jk, baddie!reader😌, multiple explicit scenes🫠, jk constantly in grey sweatpants and nothing else :))), full lists to be revealed each chapter! notes: …so this song called seven dropped and— notes 2: but really there was a fic that had been in the wips for a minute, and i just so happened to have a burst of energy to expand on it so here we are! making it a series to allow myself time to dedicate meaningful energy to each scene and not rush them💕 est. chapters: prologue | mon | tue | wed | thurs | fri | sat | sun | seven days est. running dates: july-september 2023 taglist: sign up here (i check every entry so read the rules!) teaser: below the cut if you want a taste 🩵
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“Sure did,” Jungkook puffs before stepping away, taking all the tight space with him and letting you breathe again. “But all I’m saying is, you gotta lower your standards or—” 
“Or,” he continues, giving you a look, “Not complain if they’re too high.” 
“Well, thank you.” With your nose grazing the sky, you point out, “I’d like to think they’re just right.” 
“What even are they anyway? All you’ve said is something about ten days.”
“That’s basically it,” you murmur, resting your arms on the island as to not have your chest in full view. “If I still like someone after ten days, I know I’d be fine dating them for real.” 
There’s silence when you finish. When you finally look, the gawk you’re getting in return almost makes you laugh. “What?”
“You mean those days are only a trial run?” 
You do break into laughter this time, burying your face in slight shyness. “And what about it!” 
“Are you serious—?” Jungkook rounds the island so that he can speak directly at your hidden features. “Has anyone even gotten past all ten with you?”
You pause, breath fanning the granite top beneath you and wisping around your face. When you lift your gaze above your arms, you keep it trained on the countertop instead of his curiosity, 
He doesn’t say a word. 
“Not since my standards changed.” 
And you think that’s the end of this conversation. Because what else is there to say? You know your expectations are impossible but you think this is a hell of a lot better than—
“I could do it.” 
“What.” A glare is shot. “Absolutely not.” 
“Why not?”
“You? No.” You shake your head. “You wouldn’t even last seven.” 
“Try me,” he challenges, and you still can’t take him seriously despite the fire in his eyes. “I’ve lasted a lot more than that as your roommate, right?” 
“But that’s—this is—this is different! Be for real, Kook.” You vacate the island and head to your room, having enough of his teasing for one morning. 
But you get stopped at the doorway, a bare chest and chains blocking your vision and sending your mind into a frenzy. When you flick your gaze to his face, he simply says, with the straightest expression,
“I am.”
tbc. :))
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🦋 soooo how do we feel !! | wanna be tagged? 🩵
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a/n: yeah idk what happened to me. one moment i was saying i wasn't gonna get bitten by the seven bug, and the next.. well. this happened lol. anyway! taglist is on a form so that i can easily keep track of who to tag. pls make sure to either tell me ur age in the survey or to have it on your blog bc i check all entries when tagging. prologue is already written and will be up soon! ++ ⇥ masterlist
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mikanotes · 3 months
goodbyes are sour
connor x gn!reader — 2.1k words
genre: angst sorta! mutual pining in denial
warnings: mentions of guns and killing, kabedon for the sake of science, connor unreliable narrator LOL u have feelings android man… maybe ooc idk. (wrote this w the idea of connor being deviant since the beginning bcs Yeah!)
synopsis: You meet Connor again. Turns out things are much more complicated when you aren’t working together.
author’s note: hi dbh fic?! i Love connor nd i’ve been writing this for a while (crazy since it’s rly short) but i don’t like it much… anyways whoevers alive in the dbh fandom have this!
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There’s just something about the way Connor speaks. The cadence, the pitch, the enunciation of each word. It’s painfully evident that he isn’t human. Everything about him is so machine-like that even his perfect, human-like exterior could not fool anyone. However it is something you got used to. Hearing the android speak your name and call you ‘Detective’ back a while ago felt somewhat unsettling. Now it’s so easy to recognize that it almost makes you feel at ease.
“Do you seriously think I’m an android? I don’t wanna deal with those fucking machines, either. I’d be glad if you put a bullet through them rather than me.”
Turns out hearing him fake being a human is ten times more terrifying than his android speech patterns could ever hope to be.
This was not part of the plan.
You were sent with a unit to patrol around the streets for any android who still hadn’t been brought back or destroyed. You weren’t a fan of this whole assignment, but felt better than the rookies who were sent out to shoot humanoid robots as their first field mission probably did.
It would be fine, is what you told yourself, because you didn’t feel anything towards Cyberlife’s creations enough to be completely uncomfortable with the idea of their blue blood on your hands, though it wasn’t ideal. You could manage. Until the first person you came across happened to be the one android you genuinely cared about.
“I don’t think he’s one of them…” one of your fellow officers murmurs next to you. You suddenly become very aware of the gun he, too, is holding and pointing towards the target. Fuck. As if the situation wasn’t bad enough.
At least this idiot’s performance seems to be fooling them.
You wait one second, then sigh on the second, and finally lower your gun on the third. “You shouldn’t be here.” you say casually, prompting your colleagues to relax and the atmosphere to lighten a little. Your heart is in your throat, however. “We’ve got orders to round up every android we see around here. You should go home. This isn’t exactly safe.”
“I know, I know.” he sighs, rolling his eyes a little, “I was gonna leave anyways, thanks.”
Your coworkers mumble to themselves about how disagreeable this guy’s attitude is and it’s enough for them to miss the wink the latter sends your way as he leaves. You almost regret not shooting a bullet through his head.
Still, you sigh in relief, setting your gun back at your side and running a hand over your face. You don’t think you can continue patrolling in peace. There’s one too many questions in your mind and the key to answering them is escaping from your grasp.
You take the phone in your pocket and pretend to get a call, moving it to your ear and looking at the members of your team. “I’ll join up with you later.” you say, gesturing towards your phone. They nod and walk away, and you do the same, feeling more relieved than ever that these people see you as a leader of sorts. They won’t question you on anything. You hurry towards the direction your so-called partner left to the moment they’re out of sight.
A rooftop door, stairs, and more stairs. You’re jogging down like you’re chasing a criminal on the run. You’re down to the fifth floor out of eight when someone grabs your arm and pulls you out a door.
“Wha—” you try to yell, but a cold hand settle over your mouth. Your body relaxes but your expression tenses. Connor. “Let me go,” you mumble incoherently, surprisingly succeeding in getting him to let you step away.
You sigh and shake your head, turning around abruptly. His ‘human costume’ (which really just was a grey suit jacket thrown over what should’ve been his Cyberlife uniform, glasses, and a cap to hide his LED) is already gone, replaced by his usual attire, just missing his jacket.
“What the hell was that about?” you ask, annoyed, pointing towards the staircase (back there, on the roof) and the android simply shrugs. “Connor.”
“I was undercover, Detective. I thought someone as smart as you would recognize that much.” he says, his tone back to normal. You’d feel relieved if he wasn’t being so irritating. “Was I wrong?”
Your face drops. “No. I figured as much. But what for?” you sigh, crossing your arms.
“Same mission as always.”
“Who are you chasing? Did you find the place?”
“I have no reason to tell you.”
It only clicks then that while you know about Connor continuing his mission after being laid off the case, you’re not part of it anymore. He had to be sent back to Cyberlife, and you should’ve been forgetting about him entirely. You’re still DPD, and you have orders to shoot Androids on sight— Which you clearly aren’t following. He’s right. He has no reason to tell you.
You grab his arm when he threatens to walk away. You’re not sure what you want to say, but you’re not done talking. He lets you. “Connor.”
“Detective.” he says. You straighten your back and sigh, not breaking eye contact. He tilts his head to the side and his LED flashes yellow for an instant. “You’re angry.”
Of course you’re angry. He’s infuriating. There’s something about how logical and dead-set on following every single rule he is that makes Connor the most annoying individual you’ve ever talked to. Everything he does has to be for his mission. Every single thing.
“Do threats work with you?” you ask blankly, “If you don’t tell me where it is, I’ll get Cyberlife to bring you back, and all that?”
When he takes a step closer to you again, forcing your back to press against the wall, and his LED does not even threaten to change hues, you’re taken aback. Just a bit. It’s the same kind of frustrated attitude you would’ve expected from a human after saying what you just did. But not Connor.
He doesn’t seem frustrated, though. And you know he can look annoyed. He just doesn’t. So he must not be. And you want to find what it is he’s doing exactly, stepping closer to you without even saying a word, but your brain feels like it’s short-circuiting at the distance between you two. You know he does everything for his work. Does he think you have new information on deviants? Does he really believe you would call Cyberlife on him? Is he using his stupid interrogation module on you? Whatever it is makes you even more annoyed.
The silence feels heavy. It makes things worse. It gives your brain time to process how this is making you feel and it’s no good at all. “What?” you break the silence, tone somewhat irritated.
“I’m trying to understand the reason why you’re so angry at me.” he explains simply, like it makes sense. His eyes narrow a bit and the LED at the side of his head flickers yellow for a moment. “And no, Detective. Threats don’t work on me. Not when I can tell you’re lying so easily.” he adds, quieter.
“Shut up.” you scoff.
“I dont think I will.”
“— However,” he interrupts, “I can step away from you at any moment if you tell me to.”
What— No?! You register the word after saying it and sigh, face contorting into a somewhat pained expression. You panicked and said it, your mind processing his offer as him leaving you again— With no information and nothing to ease your stupid worries. Now it just sounds odd.
Is that embarrassment?
“You didn’t finish what you were trying to do, did you? You haven’t told me why I’m angry yet. Since you apparently care so much.” you say, tone sounding much softer than before. Your apparent discomposure took away all the bitterness from your voice. Interesting.
Truth be told, Connor knows why you’re angry. He’s not letting you in on the details of what he’s doing despite the time you spent working as partners a very short while ago. He’s spent enough time with people, and you especially, to know that after forming some kind of bond with a work partner, it would be frustrating not to receive information about their mission the way you used to from them—
Especially considering he was still chasing after something you both knew about. Jericho. But he cannot tell you about that. Not… Right now.
What he really was trying to do was evaluate how much of a threat you really could be to his investigation. He didn’t sense any hostility before and he doesn’t now, and you could’ve shot him but you didn’t. But it’s not enough. He needs more time— More evidence that it’s fine. That’s why he pulled you here in the first place. That’s why he pressured you to talk.
He needs to make sure killing you isn’t necessary.
“Because I posed a threat to the stability of your current mission earlier. You wouldn’t have been able to shoot me had I been discovered, and your reaction to your colleagues shooting me would’ve jeopardized your job itself.” he answers.
This reasoning would make sense.
“That’s not it.” you sigh.
Your heartbeat is slowing down. No good. Connor leans his arm on the wall next to you and moves closer. Your heartbeat picks up in speed. It’s almost alarming. He can tell all the details about your physical condition and deduce what you’re thinking or feeling based off of them, sure. But he’s no human. The way he views and comprehends emotions is registered in his system in a much more clear and logic-based way than it is in humans’ brains.
So maybe he won’t ever know why your heart beats so heavily against your ribcage. So he just has to pressure the right places and demand answers. He unfortunately can’t allow you to relax. He won’t get anything out of you if you’re calm. You’re much too turbulent for that.
Or maybe he’ll just have to ask. In a normal way.
“Detective, what’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” you scoff, eyes widening. Wrong question.
You seem like you want to be angry but something is holding you back from displaying just how much he gets on your nerves. You sigh deeply and look at him, “What’s wrong with you? You’re acting so weird. More than usual. Why’d you pull me here if you didn’t want to tell me anything? And I’m worried. What if you really did get shot? Wasn’t Cyberlife supposed to deactivate you? They wouldn’t have brought in another Connor this time. You’re off the case, you— You would’ve died!”
There’s circles under your eyes. There always are, but they’re more defined now than they were the last time he saw you. Now that you’re actually being honest, your whole voice and mannerisms betray any of your usual annoyed and dismissive facade. He didn’t think you cared this much, though he understands that some humans are quick to empathize. To a fault.
Now it’s clear he doesn’t need to eliminate you at all. Part of him seems to have grown fond of your company. He couldn’t risk that getting in the way of his better judgment.
“I only pulled you here so you wouldn’t pointlessly chase down the streets searching for me, since I made sure no one would follow.” he says, stepping back and giving you more space, “You’re a police officer. It doesn’t matter what you say you’ll keep to yourself or not. I can’t compromise. This is too important.”
You’re hurt, it’s visible. He’s saying he can’t risk trusting you. He figures that must not feel nice.
The sound of the radio attached to your side breaks this prolonged silence with the promise of separation. You take it, eyes not leaving Connor’s, and listen to your colleague speak. You tell them you’ll be right there. You’re not one to be late. He knows you’ll really leave this time— Too far away for him to hope to talk to you again, if anything goes awry.
You turn the radio off and put it back where it was. “Hope you succeed, then.” you say, bitter, and push yourself up to start walking away.
“Take care of yourself, Detective.” Connor says. Asks. The words come out before he can really think. Something about your voice and this whole atmosphere made him… Feel uneasy. Like he needed to say something. If this is how your partnership ends, he doesn’t believe it should be on such a sour note. He cares doesn’t dislike you at all, so why should it?
You stagger a little, seemingly stopping in your tracks, but moving again no more than a second later. “You too, Connor.”
Somehow, goodbyes had never seemed so sad.
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meraki-yao · 3 months
TN Candies Part 3
I was gonna make a collection like the last few times but thanks to his majesty Mister Tony Curran, I’m going slightly insane now, so this one is gonna be a little shorter (I’ll write another one during the weekend) but this one will be about M&G, so buckle up :D
Part 1/ Part 2
The usual disclaimers, if you know if jump directly to under the cut:
This post contains content regarding real-person shipping. If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post and leave
 I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: My writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
Chinese people have a very different understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships compared to the Western world, and they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that serious or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
Nick, Taylor, Tony and M&G, what the fuck is happening
1, "My Taylor"
The day(night) after the M&G teaser was dropped was the GQ Men of the Year event that both Taylor and Nick attended, but Nick left early. The funny thing is when asked to do a Taylor impression again, Nick said “My Taylor”. Now, clearly he means “My Taylor Impression” but that didn’t stop “My Taylor” from trending on Twitter. Active Weibo rwrb fan called 激情大肥鹅 (the username means… a thing that I will not translate, go use google translate😅) commented on the boys:
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“I can’t stop laughing I’m gonna die
Taylor: handsome  handsome  handsome
Nicholas: beautiful  giggles  shy  dropping his stuff on the ground”
2, The Crown
Mentioned this in my part 1 post in the Taylor’s China Trip section:
A fan asked Taylor to sign his and GQ magazine shoot, he first drew the moustache on Nick’s face, giggling “I’ll sign on Nick’s face”, signed his own signature, then just when he was about to give the magazine back he suddenly changed his mind and said “wait wait I wanna do something on my face”, and then drew a crown on his head while muttering “crown prince”.
So, to summarize the candies of this one fan interaction here: Historical George had such a moustache, Nick plays George, George is the King’s lover, Kings wear crown, and Taylor first drew a moustache on Nick and then a crown on himself.
… Go figure 😅
3, Alone
Currently, out of the 7 M&G posts on Nick’s Instagram, Taylor liked 3 of them: “The Son The Seducer” poster from 18 Jan, “Power breeds Power” poster from 16 Feb, and the red carpet post from last week. Note that in all three posts, we don’t see George with any of his lovers (sex partners? Idk the right word to use): the first poster is only George, the second poster is George with Mary looming over him, and the third is the cast.
Tony Curran (King James in M&G) commented flirty comments Nick’s GQ MOTY post and “The Son The Seducer” post. Now the weird thing with “The Son The Seducer” post is Taylor liked the post first, then Tony commented, and then A DAY AFTER HE LIKED IT Taylor went back to comment “Hell Yeah”! The likes one Taylor’s comment surpassed that of Tony’s comment (sorry sir😂)
5, Word Choice
(I really, really this one is a stretch but the Chinese fans like this one so I might as well translate) On M&G red carpet post, Taylor comments “Yeah Boy ”, and umm… the idea is he could have used “yeah baby” the same way he did during the RWRB UK VS US draw off, but he used “boy”, something not as on the nose as “baby” but more intimate/closer than something like “yeah man”
6, Twitter Likes
Whatever the fuck Tony’s doing today: Among Tony’s recent Twitter likes, there’s a couple of rwrb/firstprince posts, and a post of Taylor.
… yeah
(ok this is the tin hat part, so skip this bracket if you want to you have been warned: there’s this idea that if you’re in a relationship, your friends will cheer you on and tease you and like stuff about your relationship. It’s what my friend group does with the couple in our group, it’s also what happened to the cast of my rps ship JZ that I mentioned here: during the farewell concert to their show, the rest of the cast kept teasing JZ both in and out of character (JZ were okay with it, it’s all in good fun)…so… with that logic…yeah.)
Alright that’s it for this M&G special edition of candies!  I think I can get the next one done by Saturday, but definitely writing another one of these within the week (200 fucking screenshots…)
Tagging a couple of folks:
@lfg1986-2 @tal-vez-o-quizas @na-18dia @mylucayathoughts @androgynoustriumphclown @hopefulblizzardsublime @whattfisausername @leimons @ghostwithatophat @badhimboi88 @pippin-katz
If you're not on the list let me know if you want to tagged in the next one!
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Badonkadonk: a Santiago Garcia imagine
Gif by @santigarcia
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Going jean shopping with Santiago “Pope” Garcia. You’re friends (though you wish you were more), and you’re at the mall together one Saturday (yes, obviously you also swung by Home Depot on the way), and he says he needs your help to pick some out.
Fine, you think. No problem.
But, as he ducks into the changing room with several pairs you realise your grave error. You realise who you’re dealing with here. You remember his… assets.
Any moment now, he’s going to be waltzing out in a succession of snug fits, parading his shapely badonkadonk right in front of you. 😱 Lifting up his t-shirt to show you the full shape, giving you a tiny sneak of that soft tum too.
This is outright warfare. But, it’s far too late to abort mission.
He comes out in the first pair and you thank the stars that they’re a little ill-fitting, actually. A little baggy, a little too long.
Phew. A close call. You tell him no. Not those ones.
But the jeans keep on getting progressively tighter as he sizes down, and every time he’s coming out, he’s doing a little pace around, a little twirl, a little jut of his hip, a pop of those shapely cheeks. And you have to look, because that’s the whole point, isn’t it? And all the while, he’s looking intently at your face, waiting for your opinion.
You feel see-through.
“Those ones,” you choke out, feeling a flood of heat rush to your face (and to other places). “Those look good on you. Get them.”
“Yeah?” He seems unsure, and he’s still turning his head over his shoulder, checking out his rump in the mirror.
“Trust me.”
“Are you okay?” He asks obliviously, upon seeing you begin to fan yourself with a promotional pamphlet.
“Sure. I’m just gonna go get some air.”
You wait outside of the store, all flustered, until he finally pops out, his new purchases all bagged up. Thankfully, you’ve composed yourself a little by then.
“You good?” he asks, stroking your arm like the tactile bastard he is.
“Yeah. Actually, yeah.” He smiles fondly at you, and you can’t help it, but a mischievous glint takes over your eyes. “You know what? There’s something I wanna get your opinion on too.”
“Sure. Happy to return the favour. What is it?”
“Lingerie. Come and help me try some on?”
Santiago’s eyes bug. Suddenly he is the one to look flustered.
Oh well. It’s definitely time for a bit of payback.
It’s also time to find out the answer to your question, once and for all. That is; whether you and Santiago can ever end up being more than friends.
From the way he’s drooling before you’ve even reached the store though, you’re pretty confident you already know the answer.
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
can i request readers calling the dorm leaders more “feminine” nicknames? like doll, doll face, princess etc
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬(𝐞𝐬) <𝟑
author’s note : hehe thank you so much to everyone who suggested some nicknames for this!! you were a great help! and thank you anon for requesting, i really enjoyed writing this! ♡
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riddle rosehearts
“oh, so you’re here. so glad you could make it to the unbirthday party.” riddle smiles, taking a seat next to you.
“i would be breaking a rule if i didn’t show up, wouldn’t i? but, i suppose respecting the queen’s rules isn’t the only reason i come here— i like seeing you!” you flick his ahoge. “—my queen.”
gets all shy for a moment, asking “why not just stick to the ‘regular’ nicknames?”— no, don’t look so disappointed! he didn’t say that he doesn’t like them! . . but h-hey, don’t go around telling everyone he loves them, either!
but jokes aside, he doesn’t mind them! thinks they’re quite cute, actually— but he has a lot of trouble admitting it. he absolutely won’t tell you which ones he likes the most, but you don’t even need to ask. you can tell which ones he really likes whenever you call him it— it’s all in his expression! his face goes all pink and he pouts, how cute!
but anyways, yes, his favorites— two of them are sugar and lady! riddle’s a fan of both sappy and fancy-sounding nicknames.
leona kingscholar
“took you long enough to get here.” leona grunts. you laugh, setting your stuff down on his bed. “sorry princess!”
his ears perk up. “… princess?”
squints real hard at you. he’s not sure how he feels, there’s one part of him that goes “i do not care” and another that’s going “but i’m a manly man, u can’t just go around calling me ‘princess’ >:(” —but he decides to tell you knock it off with the nickname. you say no. what does leona do now? shrug his shoulders and say “ok”.
ends up he doesn’t care enough to protest after all. ^ ^ (this is also how most minor conflicts— if you can even call this a conflict??— between the two of you end (^ω^) )
but still, he’s nooot really the keenest about these nicknames (or so he says), so he doesn’t have any favorites. won’t even tell you which ones he even slightly likes! boo.
azul ashengrotto
“angelfish, i’m quite sure floyd would be much more willing to horse around with you than i am right now; i’ve got contracts to make.” azul taps his pen against the table.
you fall back into a seat with a sigh. “i thought you were done with those yesterday? no matter, there’s a bigger issue here— and it’s that i’m bored. and don’t wanna play with floyd.” last time you did that, you nearly ended up with a broken rib.
“c’mon, please hang out with me, wifey!”
azul hates being flustered— and these nicknames make him feel exactly that. but he’s so conflicted because he actually likes them and how they sound!! it’s just that he melts every time he hears you call him one— no, it’s not a good thing! he’s a professional yada yada ‘n he can’t let people see him going pink over being called “princess” or somethin’!
but moving on, his favorite nicknames. hmm, i feel that azul’s the type that’s weak for nicknames in foreign languages— especially romance languages. hermosa, bonita, he’s shbdjsbfjsjs
kalim al-asim
“y/nnnn!!” kalim yells, shoving his way through the crowd of people (and giving little apologies every time he bumps into someone)— “y/n! jamil said yes to having that party i was talking about this morning!”
“ohh, kalim! i’m so happy, doll! you bet i’ll show up!”
doesn’t even blink lol. he doesn’t care in the slightest! he uses all sorts of nicknames— more feminine, more masculine, or ambiguous— with pretty much everyone he knows! (as long as they’re okay with it, hehe) so yeah, he’s not all too surprised to hear one like that used on himself! he likes it though!
for kalim’s favorite nicknames!! there’s actually quite a lot, but just two of them are babygirl (unironically)— and wifey!!! (kalim and y/n wedding when?)
vil schoenheit
“hm, i knew i could count on you.” vil smiles, taking some bags from your hands. “thank you kindly for running those errands for me.”
“of course, my queen!”
actually really pleased that you’ve moved to using more feminine nicknames on him, as he finds a lot of them more beautiful (??) like, they just sound prettier, y’know? which means they’re fitting for him!
but while he does find a lot of them pretty or cute, he’s picky with which ones you can call him by! he wants you to stick to more regal sounding ones, so his favorites, of course, include things like my queen, princess, yada yada!
idia shroud
“idia.” you poke at his arm a couple of times, but his gaze on the screen didn’t budge. “idia..” you sigh. he gives you a little pat, hoping it’ll satisfy you. “y/n, i can’t spend a second not playing this— i started grinding for materials a little too late, and this is a limited event! limited!”
“c’mon, at least help me out with this one math question!” you huff. “please, angel?” “—?!”
idia loves being called feminine nicknames, and that is the hill i will die on
.. well, secretly loves being called feminine nicknames. he made a bit of a fuss, going “aaah, hey, that’s embarrassing! i’m a guy, y’know!” as if he wasn’t internally squealing and kicking his feet. he puts up this front pretty much every time you use a “girly” nickname on him, and it always makes you laugh.
idia’s favorite nicknames..? all of them. he’s all over the place.
malleus draconia
(this was all really just supposed to be a prank at first— but you found using the nicknames on him cute, so you kept going with it!)
you ran up to mal, who was just chillin’ at a table, and leaned against it. “hey babygirl.”
straight up just “isn’t that a nickname you’d use on a woman??” and you’ve gotta explain you can really use it for anyone you want— he listens, and boom, malleus is enlightened. and he is all for these nicknames.
—it did take him a minute to get used to them though~ but they grew on pretty quick! he doesn’t really know if it’s because he likes how they sound or because you’re giving them to him out of adoration. probably a mix of both!
malleus is another one who adores all the nicknames! they’re all his favorites!
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Happy Thursday hoes, let’s get to it!
Todays pros: citytv thinks im in TO so I’m getting it started at six!
Cons: no subtitles.
Alright, OG up first.
Love this new detective that’s a fanboy of everyone, makes me miss rollins lol
Pls let it be a female perp. We love a good female perp.
Okay seriously, this very subtle shaky cam is fucking terrible and hurts my head.
The GROAN I let out at the sight of Samantha in her well fitted pants suit sitting there like a fucking badass pissed off look on her face. Ma’am. Please. (yes, she is the only reason I watch this show)
Okay, the pedo may be the only eye witness, but they still have blood on the murderers pants, don’t they? Would that not tie it together enough? Or is it because the eye witness was the one who lead them to him? God I hate the legal system.
I REALLY wish this show would show more of the arguing between Nolan and Sam, like these two do NOT see eye to eye or have the same opinions on basically anything. And while I know major fighting would be called unprofessional, we at least used to see the lawyers get into it, or bantering. There’s so many times that you can tell just by the look of her face that Sam’s pissed, that she doesn’t think highly of him or his decisions on cases, like she hates him. I wanna see that play out on screen LOL
SVU time!
Let’s see if this week is any better than the last ones
Liv back in therapy, we love to see it.
A crumb of EO? Will that keep the crazies at bay? (like, I don’t even ship it but fuck am I sick of it now, the baiting is hella annoying and terrible, make it happen or not, don’t keep leading the actual ship fans on…)
Uhhh… is there not some kind of patient dr confidentiality? Like this bitch could have just lost her job (esp with someone like mcgrath involved… wtf..)
ITS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES ME FERAL. In previous episodes they’ve had situations where shrinks couldn’t testify when they were the ONE witness, and like the entire case went into the trash because of it based off this exact type of situation… where TF is the continuity??
Okay… so she’s a minor so I can see the loophole here, BUT the therapist should have told her parents….
I knew it wasn’t the math tutor…
Ok… so mcgrath threatens to kill the math tutor, but when they’re picking up the son across the street he goes rage on benson?? And the iab captain? Shouldn’t you be attempting to punch the kid or something? God I really hope this ep is his last…
“can you drop that to me?” good thing Bruno’s there cause fin would have ZERO ideas on how to do that…
“until the age of 25 the male brain is about as useful as an electrified meatball” jfc… that wins for best line of the night.
Where the fuck is Velasco? Like.. man deserves his paycheques too..
Okay, mcgrath’s wife needs to shut the fuck up, liv’s trying to help her daughter and she accuses liv of gunning for mcgrath’s job.. jfc..
I was expecting mcgrath to throw hands not pull out his fucking GUN jfc… and like.. that was infront of two cars, that’s gonna be on a dash cam somewhere…
This is one of those one case turns into 4 but there’s only 5 mins left of the episode… cmon…
“I guess I didn’t see it in myself…” THANK YOU I was just gonna bring up the whole half assed back plot of mcgrath being abusive… (which is on par for cops, and ironic that the woman playing his wife was the wife of a cop who abused/raped her in 1.o)
This very much seems like a good bye. Pls let it be a good bye. Petition to bring back Garland!
Okay… im confused, I looked at my phone for 5 seconds and lost track of what was happening. Is the iab captain joining svu, cause that doesn’t work…theyre both captains. Or is she saying she’ll be filling in for mcgrath in the meantime??
Onto OC!
Okay, I am incredibly thankful for carisi on oc, but he’s the *sex crimes* ada.. not the only Manhattan ada, he wouldn’t be prosecuting this case… lol
Me: “wait I thought he was an officer.”
Reyes: “detective?” *side eye*
Me: ah yes, okay he was promoted the writers didn’t forget between weeks.
God this entitled pos teenager… wtf… its not *your* house bitch.
Ah, thank god, here’s the arguing that was missing in OG, not surprised its Elliot. Lol.
Oh god..the bratty teen overheard that didn’t she? Fuck..
God… this girl is gonna blow the entire thing, isn’t she? Like, in todays day and age with all the social media and how teenagers (and some adults) don’t know how to go without it, there’s no way they’d cut contact with everyone and delete socials and keep things quiet.
Aaaaaannd here we go. 5 seconds in and she’s blown their new location. (also WHY would the cops even tell them the location? That seems like something they wouldn’t do until they were halfway there…)
Okay… we’re missing a daughter.. I don’t know if this is supposed to be Maureen or elizabeth but I’m assuming liz as it looks like her kids are twins and she was the twin… Also where’s dickie? (I know the brother said something about someone not being able to get a flight? Im just deaf and without subtitles I couldn’t tell ya what exactly was said lol)
How old is this younger brother supposed to be? The only info online I can find is the actor is 50 which im not sure I believe.
Okay there’s dickie he’s in the background!
These guys KNEW they were in a high risk situation and none of them have a vest anywhere near them? ARE WE DUMB?! IS IT OUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB?
Okay, there’s the other kid.
Maureen and Kathleen giving side eye while sipping their drinks while the tea is being spilt is the highlight of this moment.
This is SOOO awkward for everyone else at the table jfc… ESPECIALLY Eli’s poor girlfriend.. like. Welcome to the family drama, don’t worry we never have to come back…
Why the fuck did jet not grab the other gun?!
Me: unfazed at Elliot body slamming a teenager.
Bell: *casually* “I’m shot”
I knew this other captain was going to be coming more into play, but im pissed its cause bell’s out with a gunshot wound.
Okay well, another week and OC is continuing it’s reign as superior of the three!
Some pics for context/hilarity
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apompkwrites · 2 years
I really don’t like using all caps with bold, but this fells needed just incase. Just as I was about to sleep this came out of my brain.
Galaling final live stream curtain call: a falling star. Galaling has tear tracks on their face, their eyes puffy and red, but they seem so calm. They address the audience of their livestream that they’re doing from their phone. They say that because it is curtain call, it is time for them to take their final bow and become a falling star. People watching then notice that the wind is strong and is messing with Galaling’s hair. Some people are complaining, wondering why they were doing a livestream just to end right away.
Despite the good mic on Galaling’s phone, one could still hear the strong wind. Galaling’s voice is carefully neutral. Their face has a small smile, but it feels more… mocking… belittling… They begin to list some of their final “acts and scenes” in the stage play that is their life. It tells of how horrible they feel and how they felt like a failure and everyone calling them such and how they felt isolated in their own “family”. Then they say that they are now shooting the final scene of the final act of their stage play that is their life.
They were moving the whole time, walking, pacing back and forth. Eventually, they stop. They adjust their camera to stand on its own and move farther away from it. The wind is blowing through their clothes and hairs. It seems cinematic. The stars are just starting to shine from above. Galaling is facing the camera, full body now in view. The sunset shines from behind them.
Some would call the scene beautiful and organic. Some would be calling Galaling dramatic and mock their “acting” and ask why they’re(Galaling) wasting their(some audience) time. Maybe a few people notice just where Galaling is standing. Or more specifically, what height they are probably standing at. There’s no guardrails.
Galaling thanks the livestream for attending their show. Tells them they have it set up for the livestream to end automatically. Tells them that it’s time for them to take their final bow. And tells them that it’s finally their time to be a star like the rest of their family. But not one in the sky that shines down upon others, but a falling one. Still facing the camera, they take a deep bow. As they stand back up, they don’t stop. They fall backwards. They fall. And they’re gone. The livestream ends on the sunset.
People on the internet are torn. Some calling the livestream fake and for attention. Some are concerned for Galaling’s safety. Some are calling Galaling evil and cruel for doing such a thing for attention. Some are wondering about Galaling’s words.
Vil’s DMs are blowing up. When his sibling said they had a show that night, he didn’t think anything of it, even though he hadn’t heard of them getting a new role. He just said for them to not mess up. That they’re a schoendjkrsbjys(I can’t spell) and to act like one and be a star. Those were his last words to them. Not even in person. Just a text. He wonders what he could’ve done to change the ending.
Right when I was about to sleep/nap. Of course, if you’re uncomfortable with this, you don’t have to reply to it >.< I know some subjects make folks uncomfortable and I totally get it if you don’t wanna answer! Your comfort is more important than answering an ask!
- Heartbeat Anon
hhh gives me shinsei kamattechan vibes D:
just the idea that the lil schoenheit feels no other way to escape the life they have and thus resorts to this. they send their final message to vil and go live, offering a final goodbye to everyone.
they thank the very few fans in the comments section for their support despite the fact they didn't deserve it. they thank the critics for enlightening them on the fact that they just weren't meant for this life.
and they thank their brother and father, wishing them well for their careers.
as the sun begins to set behind them, they take a bow, and swing back to disappear over the ledge, leaving their chat with nothing but the setting sun, the stars beginning to shine to welcome the newest fallen star.
so many people change their tune, expressing their disappointment with society while sending condolences to the schoenheit family. they don't care that they are being called out by others for their cruel behavior. they can just claim its fake, after all.
imagine vil entering the livestream in its final moments, watching his younger sibling fall to their death, his message of "wait for me" still in the text box and his thumb just above the send button.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Hello! I love your stories on Ao3 especially with Mona Lisa & Raphael! They’re just so good!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Anyway, I just looked up the meaning to ‘Mary Sue’ and I’m just wondering why April from 2012 was continually called that, and is that why she and Donnie didn’t go well as a ship in the show fandom? No shade to 2012 April but still I wanna know, please and thank you. 😊
First off, thank you! <3
Secondly, I will admit I originally was one of those people who thought 2012 April was a Mary Sue (don’t believe that anymore) and usually people’s criticism of her are just full on mindless hate and not any good logical reasons. But if you don’t like 2012 April that’s valid! I’ll respect you’re opinion, just please don’t say she’s a Mary Sue when in truth, she’s not.
To keep it short, from personal experience and from what I’ve seen, 2012 April haters often felt April had it too easy, like how she became a kunoichi with ease (she didn’t she worked hard for it like everyone else) and her psychic powers and being half Kraang making her overpowered (I still kinda agree on that) or how she’s the main key the Kraang need to complete their evil plans. The hater felt as if she had it way too easy (not true), with two guys being in love with her and being “manipulative” towards the both of them (though Casey and Donnie are no saints either in that love triangle) and haters believing she can do no wrong and never faced any consequences for her actions (again not true) and acting like a spoiled brat.
Again, these are NOT my personal opinions of her now, I’m just saying what I’ve seen the haters say about her.
And I think the reason why Donnie x April didn’t get received well by fans is because fans usually dislike the idea of April being in a romantic relationship with any of the turtles. That and how the writers handled Donnie and April’s relationship to some felt uncomfortable and sloppy at times. How Donnie’s feelings towards her came off as obsessive and stalkerish while April’s feelings were often unclear and we were never truly given her thoughts and feelings on the situation, just hints, never anything direct from her. That’s not even to mention that their romance plot kinda gets forgotten about by the beginning of season 3 and nothing ever really comes of it after that. We just see them hang out together and occasionally have a cute moment and that’s it. There was never a big pay off so it felt pointless to even have this ship exist in the first place when nothing really came of it. The sad thing is, this ship could’ve worked, it’s just the writers didn’t know how to handle it.
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i know karen page is not really fave of yours but you write her well enough that i think i should bring this to you. so daredevil was 2015-18 and the word was not coined yet but now that its coming back, how do you think karen would react about people who are being “a karen”. yknow, the smarmy & bitchy women. would foggy & matt tease her when she’s in a tetchy mood and tell her to ‘stop being a karen’ but in an affectionate way? how would she react about her name having that new meaning? ty 🙏
Hey, Nonny, thanks for the ask!! *hugs* and thank you!!!! I feel it’s a worry of all fanfic writers that they might not capture a character right or they’re worried about how they’re writing a character, so hearing something like that is a real encouragement.
And, I mean, I think Karen is okay, I just really wish they would have wrote her character differently. It’s like they leaned in on a few different extremes and tried to smush them together without really thinking about it and kinda flip flopped on too many different things. Anyways, I digress, cuz I wanna get to your ask!
I think Karen would definitely have mixed feelings about it. Like, she knows that labeling is a thing and that groups of people and certain behaviors need to have a name, but I feel she might have a different name for ordering/shopping/etc.
That being said, I feel it would slowly wear at her—almost to the same extent as when you work with someone and they constantly misspell your name or call you by the wrong name/mispronounce your name.
I feel Matt and Foggy only use ‘Karen’ as a verb occasionally when they talk about maybe an opposing client or an experience, because they don’t want to risk Karen getting upset. She is there fried, after all, and while you can tease friends, you never want to push them past their limit.
Most of the time, she doesn’t mind when they mention it in casual conversation.
Sometimes, she’d joke “How much of a Karen? On a scale of ‘me-Karen’ to ‘well-see-this-on-the-news-Karen’?”
But if they call Karen a Karen?
Oooohhhhh boy.
They would rue the day.
I mean, I can see it happening on a day when she’s already in a bad mood. So bringing this up?
Maybe Matt or Foggy would ask for follow up on case research or if she was able to reach a character witness or something, and she’d give them a short or snippy response and say she’s been busy with other things.
I love Foggy, but my gut says Foggy unleashes her wrath. He’d say “Okay, Karen” as both an affirmative response to her and a snide little remark.
And all three of them would know immedately and simultaneously that serious shit would hit the fan.
“Christ, I am so sick of hearing that!” she shouts. “What did I ever do to have people think of me as a ‘Karen’? I’m helpful, I’m polite, but then people hear my name and they thing they have free rein to just use it and throw it around all of the time! I’m sick of it!”
“Karen, you know he didn’t mean it like that,” Matt tries.
“Really, Matt? Your super hearing couldn’t pick up on that?”
“Karen, I’m really sorry,” Foggy pleas. “I didn’t mean to offend you. But you have every right to be mad at me.”
Then Karen would close her eyes an let out a long sigh. “These last two weeks have just been so stressful. I’m sorry.”
“Well . . . Today has been slow. How about we close early?” Matt suggests. “We could try that new pizzeria a few blocks over?”
They’d all quietly agree and grab their things.
“I’m sorry I was such a Karen,” she says. Foggy and Matt wrap her in a tight hug to let her know that her reaction was justified and that they’re sorry.
Even still, the phrase ‘Karen’ is very rarely used in their practice—put on special reserve for the *extra difficult* people they encounter in the practice.
Alternatively, I can see Foggy proposing an alternative name for the designated difficult people—perhaps choosing a name of someone that they all have a shared dislike for. Maybe a “Beverly” or a “Trish”. (Idk those were the first names that came to my head I’m sure if you’re a Beverly or a Trish reading this you’re a lovely person)
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daydadahlias · 5 months
omg okay jess i don’t even know what to say. i can’t believe i didn’t read scene 14 sooner omg it’s amazing. this may just be your best fic imo. i’m gonna read take notes next and then i can just for sure but holy shit. this fic has fucked me up so bad. i’ve never read anything like it. i’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned before that you act/ have acted and i think that’s one of the many reasons i really love this fic because all of the acting scenes and stuff feel real and honest. not like you researched it. and i did NOT think this fic was going to be as angsts as it was, or at least i didn’t think i was going to be sobbing and pacing and (quietly) screaming at 3am over the last 2 chapters. i really love how well you portrayed luke’s reaction to the break up, even though it wasn’t actually the break up (but i think that makes it worse honestly) and the whole miscommunication between them. the fact the ash thought they were dating the whole time after they had sex was what really got me. i wanna listen to the rest of the twenty minutes of that voicemail! i loved the whole ash knowing luke’s coffee order thing. i loved how ash finally got a good first time, and hopefully many more. i can’t remember if it said that they’re going to tell them eventually, but i love how everyone else is still out of the loop! i really hope sierra and kay kay didn’t break up and i really hope crystal says yes to michael’s proposal and they live happily ever after. i hope calum and roy have a happy ending too. i literally could think of so much more to say but i need sleep haha. i really loved this fic jess. thank you for writing it and thank you for all that you do in the fandom. im gonna go to sleep now and then when i wake up i’m gonna watch the normal heart and die over scene 14. bye bye jess
Hello anon!!!!! Sorry it took me a second to get to this!! I thought I would have time to get to my computer at some point today but apparently not so I’m writing this on my phone while walking my dog apologies.
I really have not thought of scene 14 in over a year so this was a nice little reminder that she is still alive and well :) I don’t know if I’d say it’s my best fic but I definitely love it !!! The writing process was so fun (I remember being 17 writing in the back of my science class instead of paying attention 😭).
And yeah I’ve definitely mentioned acting before !! This was in the absolute height of my acting “career” too lol (read: I wrote a play and was in my senior year of highschool theatre), and knew I had to write something about theatre before I went to college and inevitably left it behind (rip acting i will always love you). I appreciate that it felt real and not researched!!! It definitely was all just personal experience coming through (such as my brief obsession with a high school theatre arch nemesis who played Billy in Bright Star — looking back I def would have casted Ashton as Jimmy if I rewrote the fic now).
I’m usually not a fan of miscommunication OR enemies to lovers in stories lol so this was kind of my go at trying to do what I hated :) I’m glad you liked it!!
Honestly the real shame is that I used to have the full voice mail!!! Back in ye old day, when I was writing, I would voice memo all monologues while planning them so I could transcribe them later so that full voicemail used to exist !! And then my phone crashed a year ago and wiped everything I loved lolz.
And Sierra and KK definitely did not break up!! I’d never do that to my girls. And of COURSE crystal said yes. Call me a sentimentalist but I set all those needs up for happy endings.
As for this last bit, I hope you got to sleep!! And thank you so much for this!!! I love our little fandom :) especially for people like you 💙🥰 and you’re going to love the movie!! Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer ate DOWN. Their performances were UNREAL. Keep tissues nearby.
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glapplebloom · 2 months
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Why we have Crossover DLC Characters...
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So I have certain tastes, and that means I don’t watch many shows others may like. If it interests me, I’ll give it a shot. Usually what gets me is random clips or finding out their intros are frikkin awesome. And Peacemaker fills those two slots. Thanks to his appearance in MK1 being so fun and full of references to his stuff, it made me check out the intro, which is so frikkin fun! So I am giving it a One Shot.
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So after the movie (which I haven’t seen), Peacemaker is in the hospital being discharged. He thinks he should be going to jail but decides to use this time to escape since it seems like nobody is actually interested in capturing him. So while we see this lady text someone that he’s leaving, he gets into a Taxi and celebrates. Cue intro.
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Man, this intro is so fun. It's basically the entire cast dancing to a song called “Do you wanna taste” and it looks so fun. I wish more shows had intros like these. Returning to the show proper, we see some females entering a room (one of them being Leota Adebayo for future reference). I believe they are a couple because they’re talking about having a kid and calling them Octopussy. Bond fans, am I right?
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Back with Peace Cena, and after paying the Taxi with the helmet he wore during the movie, he’s back home and locked out of it. He had to break into his own house, and man it's a mess. Not like “someone broke into it” mess but more “haven’t picked up anything in months” mess. So apparently Vigilante is a “friend” who constantly calls him. 
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Of course, returning home means people who captured you the first time would know you would come back to it, and one of them is Leota from before. The Bond Fan. And I think the others are the ones who helped the Suicide Squad in the movie. That’s when Clemson Murn offers Peacemaker a deal: work for him and avoid going to jail. 
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Yeah, this is definitely Leota’s first job. And it's honestly funny. So the job is called Project: Butterfly, not a giant Mothra but alien parasites who possess people. And between working with that or having his head blown up, he accepts the job. He just needs to pick up his sidekick Eagly and visit his father to get a new costume and helmet. Also, he’s racist so he’s as bad as you think he is. Eagly is alive, healthy, and a hugger.
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After looking at the demoted allies to Peacemaker, we see Cena trying to make a connection with his father, by telling the story about one of the guys having a rat phobia and why. Sadly, it didn’t last long since he was the guy who shot him. Now we get to why Peacemaker showed up: getting a new helmet. Yeah, glad to move away from this scene because the father is a distasteful man that we’re supposed to hate.
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At the meeting, Peacemaker arrives dressed in full gear, to a casual meeting. Honestly, it is frikkin fun. They bounce off each other so well. Leota is fun. Harcourt kicks butt. And Economos reminds me of Deadpool’s friend from the movie. So after a series of events, and a sex scene with nudity, we find out Leota not only is working for Amanda Waller but is her daughter.
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And after that and a dance scene of Cena in his underwear, the girl Peacemaker slept with attacked him. Let's say the fight scene makes it really clear he is a perfect fit for Mortal Kombat. So while more adult than stuff I typically watch, it was a fun episode. And with only eight episodes I can definitely get this done before the year ends.
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peppermintbuttlemon · 4 months
i gotta add to the discourse bc you keep taking the literal thoughts from my brain and i love it (same soho anon from yesterday getting my unmoderated goss fix in since ive gone off the grid online - so this is long)
i literally only like him bc i think he’s cute imma be so real w you. (he is mid i know my friends dog on my terrible taste all the time and he fits my tragic pattern) i saw him in game of thrones in 2019 and was like hello and wanted to slide into his dms but was not possible bc no ig (that we knew of lol) and it became a whole joke with my friends that my celeb crush was some rando who was in game of thrones for 3 mins and then when he was in ST it just became a whole bit. when he did a con by me it was a literal 2 minute walk from my house so my friend and i went just for the plot and he was actually nice when i took my photo. idk it also might have just been early so he maybe had pep in his step but i was going to leave and he stopped me mid walk and said “thanks for coming” (obvi the standard to be polite) and i literally just said “ok” bc i was hungover and that dystopian ass JC Penny portraits curtain cubicle was disorienting me LMAO. i will never ever go to one of those things ever again. then like an hour later saw his big head active on raya.
re: weirdo fans
i have literally talked about this on other goss blogs bc it rubbed me SO WEIRD and everyone dogged on me for saying it/it was mentioned/denied in some twt thread but one of the weird fans mentioned before was hanging out with a girl that literally jogged after someone on his team and was like “what i don’t get a hug???” like you’re so bizarre but okay. they can deny it all they want but i literally watched it sitting on that musty ass convention center floor. y’all ain’t gonna gaslight me w that!!! i literally could give you a police sketch description of them if i had to💀
i feel bad for ppl that had bad experiences when they pay for it (and i know he made BANDS on those cons. like a ridiculous amount) bc clearly it means more to them than it did for me but in regards to like in public or on the street meeting him and being upset - yall gotta realize that ppl don’t you shit just bc of what they do for a living. i’d be too embarrassed to go up to someone and be like “yeo love your work” while they’re just trying to get from point a to point b or eat dinner
re the reminder that he’s just a south london dude:
there is a type!!!! they all act the same as someone who’s dated 3 of them (i have no self control and clearly do not learn from my own horror stories) they have the same attitude, ego, mindset, etc. and i have come to the conclusion that if i actually knew him irl id probably hate him or try to argue with him for fun because of it. i live to humble men and at the end of the day he is just a man!!!! a man who is basically a glorified theatre kid when you think about it
re: https://www.tumblr.com/peppermintbuttlemon/741588680956952576/httpswwwtumblrcompeppermintbuttlemon74157782
can say i do not recall what he smells like but my friend always says he looks damp so we do call him a name about it (i don’t wanna add just in case someone on twitter recognizes that it’s me lmao)
DAMP 💀💀💀😂😂 oh my god I love it!!
So what’s the south London guy thing? What are the symptoms of this disease? 😂
0 notes
sluttywonwoo · 3 years
pretend || j.ww x reader
Summary: reading thirst tweets with your co-star/boyfriend’s best friend makes things a little tense
Warnings: swearing, smut mentions (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n:  originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
The sound of Mingyu cracking his knuckles next to you sent a shiver down your spine, making you cringe instinctively. You turned to glare at him and leaned away from the noise.
“I hate when you do that!” you groaned.
He smirked. “I know, that’s why I like doing it.”
You looked over at Wonwoo, who was sitting across the room with the crew, and pointed to Gyu. 
“Can you tell your best friend to stop being annoying?”
“Can you tell your girlfriend to stop being dramatic?” Mingyu retaliated.
“I’m not picking sides!” Wonwoo shouted back and held up his hands in surrender.
You let your jaw drop. “I’ll remember that, Jeon.”
“Baby, I-” Wonwoo started to defend himself, but fell silent when the producer got up from her chair and approached you and Mingyu who were sitting behind the camera. 
“Which one of you wants to take this?” she asked, holding up a large insulated jug full of paper strips. 
“I’ll take it,” Mingyu offered and set the cup in his lap. 
“What a gentleman,” you said, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. 
“You’re lucky you’re pretty,” he muttered, “because you’re so fucking annoying.”
“Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
The producer gave you both a sideways look. “Are you guys alright? Should we take a minute before starting?”
“No, we’re fine,” you assured her.
“We don’t actually hate each other,” Mingyu added, “this is just how... we are.”
She didn’t look any less concerned, but nodded anyway. “Okay, well remember what your director said about playing up your chemistry to promote the show. And when we call action just give a quick slate and start reading the tweets.”
She walked back over to her spot next to the cameraman and took a seat before looking over a checklist that had been handed to her and writing some notes on it.
“Nervous?” Mingyu whispered to you as you both waited for your cue.
“A little,” you admitted. “You?”
“I’m a bit on edge,” he concurred. “Mostly because your boyfriend is about to watch me read filthy comments about you on-camera.”
You glanced over at Wonwoo who gave you an encouraging smile and a thumbs-up. “He’ll be fine. How bad can they be?”
From a distance, the producer you had just spoken to called for everyone to be quiet on set and signaled the cameras to start rolling. You perked up and straightened your dress, waiting for Mingyu to take the lead. 
“Hi guys, I’m Kim Mingyu.”
“And I’m y/n y/l/n.”
“You might recognize us from our new Netflix series, Breaking Curfew, where we play opposite each other in what you might call a... complicated romantic relationship.”
“We’re enemies with benefits,” you summarized. “And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets about each other.”
“Ladies first,” Mingyu said and held the cup out to you.
You closed your eyes and sifted through the strips of paper with one hand, selecting one at random. 
“Okay, this one’s about you. ‘Kim Mingyu has the prettiest eyes’.” You grinned as you watched your co-star’s cheeks turn pink. “He’s totally blushing right now! We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff!”
“Thank you very much to whoever tweeted that,” Mingyu said and cleared his throat. 
“I agree with this person,” you continued, “you do have really pretty eyes.”
“Aw, thank you, y/n.”
“You’re welcome.”
“My turn.” Mingyu closed his eyes and rummaged around the cup before picking one. “‘Someone tell y/n y/l/n that I’m single and I get a discount at Olive Garden if she ever wants to let me take her out on a date’.”
You chuckled. “I do like Olive Garden.”
“She’ll get back to you on that one, mate,” Mingyu said quickly and let the crumpled piece of paper fall to the floor. 
You took that as a sign to move on so you reached into the jug and pulled out another tweet.
“Oh, this one’s about me again. ‘Y/n y/l/n scissor me challenge’.” You clapped a hand over your mouth in shock and thrust the slip of paper towards Mingyu.
“You know what, props for being so bold. What do you think, y/n? Are you going to take them up on the offer?”
“I’ll think about it,” you managed to choke out, sending Mingyu into a laughing fit. You fanned yourself with your hand as you tried to recover and motioned for your co-star to read another one. “Your turn.”
“‘Kim Mingyu and y/n y/l/n are my dream celebrity threesome,’” he read. “What a compliment, don’t you think?”
“Oh, for sure,” you agreed and winked as you held your hand to your ear in a call me motion. 
“These are just getting more and more vulgar, aren’t they?” Mingyu asked. 
“I don’t know that anything can beat the scissoring one,” you pointed out as you fished another tweet from the bucket. “Another one about Mingyu, okay. ‘I wanna suck Kim Mingyu’s soul through his dick then spit it back in his face’.” You blinked at the piece of paper in front of you in shock, scanning back over it to make sure you had read it right the first time. “Jesus... christ.”
Mingyu smirked and nudged your shoulder with his. 
You ignored him and pointed a finger at the camera in disgust. “I cannot believe you made me read this with my own two eyes. I could have lived my entire life without seeing those words in a sentence together!”
“I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received,” Mingyu countered, running a thumb along his jawline cockily. 
“No, I have beef with whoever tweeted that now.”
“You’re just jealous that I like this tweet better than the threesome one.”
You sighed. “This interview was a bad idea. Your head is already so god damn big.”
Mingyu opened his mouth to retaliate, but paused like he had thought better of it and took a deep breath to compose himself. 
“Anyway, moving on.”
You watched as he sifted through the tweets and chose one from the bottom, reading it to himself and grinning slightly before reading it aloud. 
“‘Petition for y/n y/l/n to start an OnlyFans because I just know her tits are incredible. I can feel it in my bones’.”
You brought your hands up to your boobs self-consciously and laughed. “I don’t know about that, but thank you.”
“I’ve seen them,” Mingyu added nonchalantly, “and I can confirm that twitter user ‘geminisuns’ is correct.”
“What? Do you know how many sex scenes we had to shoot? We’ve seen each other naked plenty of times.”
You looked back over to the crew and made eye contact with the producer. “Do you see what I have to deal with?”
“Maybe we should take a quick break,” she suggested and motioned for the cameras to stop rolling. “Get a drink, freshen up and be back here in five.”
“Do you think they’re going to use that part?” Mingyu asked as he followed you over to the water cooler. 
“I don’t know, dude,” you sighed in annoyance, “but great fucking job. The whole world already thinks we’re boning.”
“I don’t know about the whole world.” You glared at him. “Wonwoo knows we’re not.”
Wonwoo. You had nearly forgotten that your boyfriend was there on set with you. You looked around for him, and saw him still sitting in his designated guest chair looking at his phone. You could only imagine what he must be thinking of all of this. You should probably say something to him. 
You told Mingyu that you’d be back and made your way across the room to Wonwoo. Even from a distance you could tell that he was upset. 
His knuckles were pale and his jaw was tight. He didn’t look up at you when you approached him. 
“Sorry this is taking longer than expected,” you said, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he murmured in response, still not looking at you. 
You sighed and draped yourself across him, slinging your arms loosely across his shoulders as you leaned down to see what he was doing on his phone. He was scrolling aimlessly on Instagram, not even liking any of the posts. 
“If you’re bored you can leave,” you said curtly and stood back up. 
“I’m not bored.”
“You’re not even paying attention to the shoot.”
“Trust me, it’s impossible not to. I’ve been trying to tune it out for the past ten minutes with no luck.”
“Why would you not want to pay attention?” you demanded even though the answer was sitting right in front of you. “This is a big deal for me.”
Wonwoo swallowed and finally looked up at you. “I know, baby. It’s just- do you know how hard it is to listen to my best friend talk about doing all of these dirty things to you-”
“He’s my best friend too,” you pointed out in a quiet hiss. “The only reason we’re together is because of him.”
Sometimes you felt the need to remind Wonwoo that you had known Mingyu longer than you had known him. If Gyu hadn’t brought him to set all those times back when you were filming in the fall, you wouldn’t even know about each other’s existence. 
“I know that.”
“You’ve done interviews like this before,” you argued. 
“I know,” he repeated.
“Then why are you being like this?” He didn’t answer, so you kept going. “You know my bare ass has been on tv, right-”
“Don’t,” Wonwoo warned and grabbed your wrist.
You gasped and flexed your fingers gingerly in his grasp, challenging him. “Don’t what?” 
“Don’t... act like I want to fuck your best friend?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You’re enjoying this.” It wasn’t a question.
“Don’t pretend like I’d rather fulfill those tweets with him instead of you? Give the people what they want?”
You had to bite your tongue before you went any further and said something you might regret. Your words had already had the desired effect. You didn’t even have to look at Wonwoo’s lap to know that he was struggling not to get hard. 
You could see it in his eyes. The arousal that had turned the warm brown into black. The way he was looking at you told you everything you needed to know. You wondered if you would even make it back home before he’d break, if he would pull the car over on the side of the road and take you then and there. 
Your knees were weak at the mere thought of what you were in for later that night. Making Wonwoo jealous was admittedly one of your favorite pastimes, purely for selfish reasons. Possessive sex was arguably the best sex. The teasing, the hair-pulling, the choking, the face-fucking, all hit different when Wonwoo was reminding you who you belonged to. 
Wonwoo released your wrist from his grip and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Are you finished?”
You shook your head and grinned. “Just getting started.”
lmk what you thought; i always appreciate feedback!!
wonwoo tags: @wonw00t
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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malleux · 4 years
spell [2]. | corpse husband
part one ; part three
-> Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
-> Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
-> Warnings: Hate Comments, Self Doubt, Anxiety, Cursing
-> A/N: thank you for 1k notes on part one! i’m so glad everyone likes my work. it’s really nice getting this much love after taking a hiatus on my fire emblem writing blog. i hope y’all enjoy it and stay on the lookout for part three!
corpse husband taglist is closed!
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Two weeks.
It’s been two weeks since you joined Sean’s Among Us stream.
While that was your first public appearance, you had joined three others after that and already you were blowing up on almost every social media platform you had. The attention was kind of nice, you had to admit, but sometimes the anxiety of becoming a public figure weighed heavily on your shoulders.
During that time, you turned to your friends who were used to such scrutiny: Sean, Felix, and now Corpse, who you’ve been talking to every day for those two weeks.
It was another one of those nights where, at 1am, you were on Facetime with said man. His screen was dark, as usual. He hadn’t shown his face yet and you respected that. You didn’t need to see him to talk to him, or be his friend, or develop a slight crush on him. All of which you did.
The call was relatively silent on your end. Corpse was on Facetime with you, yes, but he was also on a call in Discord, once again playing Among Us.
You often wondered if playing that game was all your new friends did anymore.
You stayed quiet, letting Corpse play the game and avoiding his fans finding out about your call. You had college work to finish anyways, so the silence was rather helpful.
“We should ask Y/N if she wants to play. I wanna meet her.” Sykkuno’s voice rang out from the Discord call. He was right- you’d never met him. He and Corpse seemed extremely close, though, so you’d love to talk to him. A friend of your crush friend was a friend of yours.
“She’s busy tonight.” Corpse responded.
“Yeah, she’s got an exam coming up- wait, how do you know?” Sean joined in, questioning Corpse.
“Uh, I mean we’re on Facetime right now, I guess.” Your heart sped up- now his fans knew. “She’s studying. We’re just hanging out.”
“Didn’t you guys ‘hang out’ last night as well? It seems like you’re trying to take my best friend away from me.” Sean joked back.
“I mean, I definitely am.”
Your breath caught in your throat. What was that supposed to mean? Sean was obviously kidding, but the tone in Corpse’s voice wasn’t the one he used when he was joking as well.
Felix suddenly butted in. “Ooooh, I think Corpse-y has a little crush.”
“And if I do?”
Y/N.exe has stopped working.
Three weeks, now, that you’ve been talking to Corpse daily.
One week since Corpse’s crush comment and one week that you’ve endured countless mentions and tags on Instagram and Twitter, constantly talking about #CorpseY/N.
You didn’t really mind the shipping, often losing yourself in daydreams about driving those two hours down from your apartment in Los Angeles down to San Diego and running into his arms. It didn’t help when he mentioned wanting you to come visit one day.
You just worried about how Corpse felt about them. He was still relatively new to blowing up on the internet as well, his fame suddenly skyrocketing in the past few months, so you weren’t sure if he was comfortable with them. You didn’t want to bring it up, either, fearing that the discussion would make things awkward between the two of you.
For now, you were rather content with just scrolling through the #CorpseY/N hashtag, looking at the pictures and nice things people had to say about you both.
“they’re so cute when they talk to each other, you can just tell Corpse meant it when he said he was trying to steal Y/N away.”
“#CorpseY/N is my new favorite thing. Everyone shut up this is all I’ll be talking about from now on.”
“God why can’t they just be together already? #CorpseY/N”
Everyone was so supportive and sweet, it almost made you feel like you already were Corpse’s girlfriend. Although your heart hurt when you were brought back to reality, you couldn’t help but love the comments that everyone left. They were amazing.
Until they weren’t.
There are always two sides of the same coin. Along from the supporters and their loving actions, there were also those who seethed at the idea of you and Corpse.
They scrutinized everything about you to the point that you made your Instagram account- already with 30k followers- private.
Haters talked about you. Your body, your personality, how you weren’t worthy to even talk to Corpse and the rest of the Youtubers, and so much more. You’ve spent many nights with your Facetime mic muted so that Corpse couldn’t hear the small sobs coming from you.
These thoughts were almost always on the back of your mind, but you were sometimes able to push them away.
Like now- as you focused on your exam. Well, tried to focus. There comes to be a time where one can only hear so many negative things about themselves before they can’t ignore it anymore.
But alas, you tried your hardest and finished your exam, before walking out of the room and pulling out your phone. Now, you had a break before your new classes started and you’ve never been more relieved. You pulled up a certain contact and clicked on the message icon, beginning to type.
i’m finished! up next, a break.
I hope you did well. How long is your break?
two weeks!
Come spend it in San Diego
You stopped in your tracks, taken aback by the offer. You really didn’t think that he’d invite you over, but you weren’t about to complain. Instead, you sent back an ‘I’ll pack tonight :)’ and rushed home to do just that.
Corpse called you as you packed, just like he calls every night. You were used to the routine now, often falling asleep around 3am as he stays on the phone, doing whatever he does with his ruined sleep schedule until you wake up and say good morning.
Tonight, however, you were too jittery to sleep. You stayed up all night with Corpse, talking about anything and everything, like usual.
What wasn’t usual, though, was how distracted he sounded. It made you nervous- was he having second thoughts about inviting you over? Was something wrong?
Your thoughts nearly overwhelmed you, forcing you to say something.
“Are you okay, Corpse?” You tried to hide the small shake in your voice.
“Hm? Uh, yeah, yeah, everything’s good. Why?”
“It doesn’t sound like it. What’s going on? You’re acting off.”
His side of the phone was silent for a moment, before he let out a sigh. “I’m just thinking about what I’ve got to do before you get here tomorrow. Like, cleaning and stuff.”
“Pshh, that doesn’t matter to me.” You waved your hand, even though he couldn’t see it in the darkness of your room.
“It’s just that, my apartment isn’t… the best. It’s small and there’s only one bedroom and it’s kind of shitty. I just don’t want it to be even more shitty.”
“Corpse, I’m coming there to spend time with you, not your apartment. I don’t care what any of that shit looks like. I’m going to be looking at you and hanging out with you. Not your apartment.” You didn’t mean to go on a tangent of reassurance, but you truly meant all of your words. “Hell, I might not even see the apartment because I already know I won’t be able to look away from you.”
“I- God, give me a minute. That took me off guard.” He laughed. “But thank you. I may not even be able to clean because I’ll be distracted too.”
“By what?”
“You, standing in front of me, in person.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “That’s a fucking dream come true.”
taglist: @namjoons-crabssss @lookingforaplacetosleep @teenloves @princess00wifi @pillowjj @nvm-idgaf @creativedogs @wildflowerwhore @chillininahottub-withaghost @whyisquill @holosexualunicorn7000 @ourheavenlyemotions
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seijorhi · 3 years
Finders Keepers
the long awaited (sorry!) zombie au. hope y’all enjoy
Seijoh 4 x female reader & Miya twins x female reader 
TW Blood, gore, angst, um... toxic relationships?
“Let me see.”
It’s little more than a murmur, but in the quiet stillness of the night your voice carries. It hardly matters; Oikawa has you close, tucked under his arm with his injured leg stretched out between the two of you. He could stop you if he really wanted, but he only watches, those tired, wary eyes fixed on your face as you reach for his pants. 
“It’s fine,” he grunts out, yet he can barely get the words out before he’s hissing through his teeth – a knee jerk reaction to the scrape of rough fabric against his wound. His fingers are digging painfully into your arm, and it doesn’t make a difference how gentle you try to be, how many stammered apologies fall from your lips, your fingers are stiff and clumsy and his pants are caked with dried blood and grime, hindering the process.
Pursing your lips, you glance up. “This would go easier if you took these off, you know.”
He cracks a smile at that, strained and tense, but your chest still flutters at the sight of it. “If you wanna get my pants off so badly, cutie, all you had to do was ask.”
“Tooru,” you begin, but he sighs heavily and that brief flicker of mirth glimmering in his eyes fades. Reaching over he picks up his hunting knife, pressing the handle into your palm and letting his fingers slowly curl around yours. The weight of it feels unwieldy and foreign in your hand, and you can’t quite say for sure if the way your breath picks up and hitches is due to your nerves or the way Oikawa’s watching you, his warm hand still wrapped around yours.
“Cut it, then.”
The knife helps, shearing through his pants like butter, but the wound itself is messy – torn threads plastered to congealed blood and dirt – and blunt fingernails sink into your skin and Oikawa grits out a curse when you try to gently ease them free. 
It’s worse than you’d thought. A lot worse. Raked over his right knee, five gouges, jagged and gruesome, raw flesh and muscle exposed beneath. Your stomach roils at the sight of it, bile creeping up your throat, and for a moment you’re astounded by how calm he is, sitting there beside you. 
If it were you, you’re fairly sure you’d be rolling on the ground howling by now, but the only hint of pain Oikawa’s face betrays is the tightness of his jaw, teeth clenched even as he looses a shuddering breath.
“I-I’ll go see if I can find something to…” to what? Clean the wound? Stitch it? You’re not an idiot, unless this little cottage has an incredibly well stocked first aid kit, you know you’re in trouble. And even if it does, beyond the very basics of clean, disinfect and bandage, you don’t know how the hell you’re supposed to fix this.
Iwaizumi was always the one to stitch up their wounds, muttering obscenities under his breath and glaring at them the whole time. It was their own idiot faults for putting themselves in a position where they could get hurt in the first place, he’d say, they could deal with a little pain while he fixed them up. But as you stare at the grisly mess of Oikawa’s knee, there’s a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that this might be beyond even Iwa’s level of expertise. 
It doesn’t matter anyway, because Iwa isn’t here. 
Makki and Mattsun aren’t either.
And strangely enough, it’s not the fear of the creatures lurking in the woods that’s gnawing at your gut. It’s Oikawa’s injury, the blood and mangled mess that you can’t even begin to fix, the thought of the trap that’s awaiting the others back at the sanctuary. It’s that feeling of helplessness that’s tightening around your neck like a noose.
“Hey,” Oikawa calls, snagging at your wrist when you try to pull away. “They’ll find us, have a little faith.”
Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you nod. “I know.”
You don’t have the guts to tell him that that’s only half the problem.
Making do with vodka and some old bandages you’d scrounged up from a first aid kit under the sink, you do what you can for Tooru’s knee. Working by the light of a few flickering candles, your hands shaking like a leaf, it's a job easier said than done, and you can’t help but wince at every pained hiss and grunt that escapes him. 
It’s a hack job, a bandaid over a gaping wound, but he thanks you for it anyway, pressing an affectionate kiss to your temple as he drags you closer once more. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” he murmurs, and the words hang heavy over the both of you; a promise and a sobering reminder in one.
Tucked up in his embrace, you shut your eyes and will yourself to fall asleep. 
Yet the moment you do, you’re right back there again: the hallway doors bursting open and the undead pouring through. Rotting and snarling, the sound of panicked shrieks tearing through the sanctuary in their wake.
Tooru’s hand in yours, yanking you along as he ran. Your heartbeat, pounding in your ears as you gasped for breath, your chest burning. And the fear, the horror that threatened to choke you as the others fell behind, their frantic pleas turning into agonised screams.
Everybody else first. The words spoken before any one of them left the safety of the sanctuary; you’d always assumed it was a grim kind of joke between the boys, a good luck charm. How many times had you heard Mattsun laugh it, clapping Iwa on the shoulder, or Makki for that matter, or Oikawa?
‘Come home safe’, you’d thought it meant, not ‘rip the guns out of other survivors’ hands and throw them back into the path of the oncoming undead’.
And then you’d stumbled, tripping over your own two feet. You remember Oikawa cursing, the pain that radiated up your knees and the palms of your hands as you hit the floor hard, and the absolute, bone chilling terror that surged through you when you looked up and saw one of the undead creatures lunge for you; jaw hanging loose, more ripped flesh and gristle than an actual mouth–
Oikawa was too far away, too slow, and even if he wasn’t, you’d just witnessed the lengths he’d go to for self preservation. You’d screamed for him anyway, squeezing your eyes shut and praying you’d go quickly when those fingers and yellowing teeth dug into your flesh and ripped you apart.
And in the space of a single petrified heartbeat, three shots had rung through the air, a warm wetness splattering against your cheek. Tooru was there, kicking the rotting corpse away from you and hauling you back to your feet, back safely against his side.
But the next one was quicker, leaping over the husk of its fallen friend, snarling and bloody and savage, and then it was Tooru who was screaming, undead fingers sinking into the flesh of his leg, ripping as it tried to claw him back.
Heart pounding viciously, your eyes shoot open in the darkness.
Even with the reassurance of Oikawa’s frame pressed up behind you, his breath warm against your skin, sleep doesn’t come easy, and the dawn brings little reprieve.
Stupidly, you’d hoped – prayed – that somehow through the night he might’ve gotten better. It was early in the morning when you’d felt him start to shiver against you. You’d tried to roll away, to give him space so you wouldn’t accidentally knock his leg, but Tooru was having none of it, burrowing in closer, his grip tightening.
And when you’d felt him start to sweat, his arms becoming sticky and clammy, his shirt dampening at your back, that slow, cloying sense of dread took root inside of your stomach.
Under the first rays of morning light, the true extent of Oikawa’s condition is unignorable. Without the luxury of being able to properly close the wound, blood’s seeped through the bandages overnight, leaving them a mottled, macabre red. His face is pale, a thin sheen of sweat dotting at his brow and with every shallow, rattling breath he takes, his body trembles.
It’s more than just simple blood loss.
You think for a moment that he’s unconscious, long lashes fanned out over flushed cheekbones, but the moment you reach for the bandages, his eyes snap open. “Don’t,” he rasps.
You frown, “Tooru–”
“No,” he says. “It’s fine. Leave it alone.”
Between him and Iwaizumi, and to a certain extent, Makki and Mattsun, you’ve never had much of a say in how things are run. You’ve never questioned that they’re the ones in charge, Oikawa most of all. They’re the ones who’ve kept you safe, kept you alive all this time, and all they’ve ever asked of you is that you do what they say.
And you have. Always. Because without them, you’d be dead. You don’t have to pick up a gun and fight, because they do it for you. You don’t have to go on supply runs because they take care of it, they take care of you. And it’s never mattered whether it’s just been the five of you out there alone, or if you were banding together with other survivors; that’s never changed – no matter how many dirty looks it earned you from the others.
You are their responsibility, but in return, you do what they tell you without question.
But this–
This isn’t like that. This isn’t you begging Iwaizumi to take you with him on perimeter patrol because you’ve been cooped up for what feels like weeks, or pouting because they’re deliberately keeping things from you again. 
And maybe they have kept you in the dark, but you’re not blind and you’re not stupid. The reality of this situation hasn’t escaped you. 
The sanctuary’s overrun, and if – when – Iwa, Makki and Mattsun make it back, they’ll be walking into an ambush. Even if by some miracle they do manage to all make it out unscathed and somehow figure out a way to pick up your trail, there’s no telling how long it’ll take for them to find their way back to you.
(You can’t bear to think about the possibility of them not coming home; you won’t.)
Right now, it’s just you and Oikawa, stuck in some abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a rifle and a baseball bat between you. You have no food, no supplies and he’s getting weaker by the minute.
You’re terrified.
And you don’t have the luxury of sitting back and letting somebody else take care of you anymore. You don’t stand a chance of survival without Oikawa, and right now he doesn’t stand a chance without you.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you shake your head. “Okay, I won’t touch it, but I’m not just going to sit here and watch you get worse.” Smoothing your palms over your lap, you take a deep breath in through your nose. “There’s a prison–”
“I said no,” he snaps.
Biting back a sigh, you try again, “Tooru, there might be supplies there,” you plead. “Painkillers, antibiotics, something that might help–”
“I don’t need antibiotics and you’re not leaving. We need to stay here where it’s safe until the others find us,” he grits out, eyes narrowing dangerously. 
Normally, this would be the point that you’d back off, running off to lick your wounds before he decided to get mean, but even as some part of you cowers at the mere thought of upsetting him, this time you don’t back down.
He watches warily as you lean over, pressing a kiss to his cheek, gently smoothing damp brown locks back from his sweat slicked forehead. “I don’t know when Iwa’s coming back,” you murmur. “But until he does, the prison’s our best chance, if I can just–”
“No!” he snarls, cutting you off once again.
His eyes are manic now, blown wide and glazed over, he’s shivering, his breath a faint rattle – but his grip is iron, long fingers clutching at you desperately when you jerk back with a gasp.
“You don’t leave me.”
You don’t want to. 
It’d be easy not to, to sit and stay with him and pretend that your world isn’t falling apart and he isn’t dying. You’ve never been a fighter, always too soft, too weak, too naive to survive out there on your own. The thought of setting one foot outside of that door without him by your side fills you with absolute terror, but what other options do you have?
He might not like it, but you’re out of time – this decision isn’t his to make anymore.
“Tooru, I-I have to, you know–”
“No!” he snaps, dragging you closer. “You’re not leaving me, I won’t fucking let you!”
Your hand trembles when you reach up to take his, easing it from your shirt and bringing it to your lips. Tears spill from your lashes, falling in heavy droplets against the back of his hand as Oikawa makes a pained sound.
“Please don’t go.”
You both know he can’t stop you.
“Keep the gun,” you tell him, mustering up a tight, watery smile. “Anything but Iwa and our boys comes through that door, shoot it.”
It seems a cruel, twisted joke that you find a perfectly good truck sitting a little ways up the driveway, just begging to be used – with no way of getting it started.
Mattsun always made hot wiring look so easy, tossing you a wink when the engine rumbled to life, as if it was a neat little party trick he’d pulled out just to impress you. He did it so quickly, so smoothly, ripping the wires out and sparking them like it was second nature, but he’d never bothered to actually explain what he was doing to you.
And why would he? Between the four of them, there’d always be somebody else to take care of it for you. It’s the same reason they never taught you how to shoot, never taught you how to fight beyond the very basics of self defence.
Now, trudging along the side of the barren road with nothing but your baseball bat and a canteen of water slung over your hip, you find yourself wishing you’d paid a little more attention. Ten miles hadn’t seemed that far on paper – it was less than the trek back into town and you’d figured a safer bet, but walking around in broad daylight without any kind of real protection feels like you’re begging to be preyed upon. Yet by some stroke of luck (and despite that persistent nagging sense that you’re being watched) you manage to make it to the perimeter gates without coming across another soul, dead or alive.
The towering brick walls topped with spirals of barbed wire that line the prison complex are as imposing as they are unbreachable, and for a moment, standing there staring up at them, you feel a crushing sense of disappointment. You’ve walked over two hours, left Tooru in pain and alone for nothing. There’s no way in hell you’re gonna be able to scale those walls, and without any kind of bolt cutters or firepower, you’re not sure how you’re supposed to get past the front gates. 
Iwa would’ve known that. Iwa would’ve been better prepared. 
But as you draw closer to the guardhouse, you’re pleasantly surprised to find that it’s not a problem. The heavy wrought iron gate’s already unlocked and open, creaking in the breeze. And really, that should have been the first warning sign, but you’re too busy thanking your lucky stars as you slide on through to pay attention to things like that.
The courtyard is just as deserted. The crunch of gravel underfoot echoes too loud, setting your nerves on edge as you make your way towards the imposing structure. It’s quiet, eerily so – even the birds seem to have disappeared. Is this how all raids feel, you wonder as you climb the steps towards the door. This sense of foreboding dread that settles in your stomach, the goosebumps that prickle down your arms? 
Your grip tightens around the handle of your bat and you press gingerly against the door – just like the guardhouse gate, it gives under your touch, swinging open wide. It’s dark inside; you hadn’t thought to bring a torch and with the absence of any windows lining the corridor it’s near pitch black. Your heart hammers inside your chest, every cell in your body screaming at you to turn around and run back to Tooru, but you’ve come this far already. 
The undead flock to fresh, living meat. It’s been months since the outbreak began; anyone unfortunate enough to have found themselves trapped inside when it happened is probably long dead, and any of the undead likely long gone.
It’s just a little darkness. 
Steeling your nerves you creep through the black, clutching tightly at your bat, toeing your way down the corridor waiting for your eyes to adjust to the dim. Every breath you draw in feels too loud, every step too obnoxious. Deserted or not, the sooner you can find the med-bay, get what you need for Oikawa and get out, the better.
The layout’s simple enough – five looming multi-storied wings breaking off like fingers from the central watch-tower, but you don’t have a clue which one holds what you’re seeking. Your only option is to search them one by one and hope for the best. 
You’d expected steel bars and heavy locks, but the prison reminds you strangely of a school instead; long hallways lined with doors, each with a tiny window to peek through. They’re all open now of course, whatever locking mechanism keeping them shut having failed when the generators ran out. The first few are empty, barren and stripped of everything but soiled mattresses – it should be a relief. 
There’s nothing waiting for you in the darkness but empty halls and emptier rooms. If the others were here, they’d be teasing you for sure. Or Makki and Mattsun would, at least. You always were such a scared little baby – their scared little baby – you’d jump at your own shadow if you didn’t have them around. 
And it’s easier to keep going imagining them there by your side, the jokes they’d crack, the warmth of Iwa’s hand in yours, or Makki’s arm slung over your shoulder. You’d feel safe with them. You wouldn’t need to feel afraid.
But no amount of pretend comfort is enough to allay the heavy sense of dread that’s sitting in your stomach, growing harder and harder to ignore with every passing minute. And the problem, you realise, with the prison being so deadly quiet is that every noise, no matter how quiet, echoes.
Climbing the stairs in the dark, you don’t notice the slickness on the walls either side of you, the red handprints smeared messily over white paint. You don’t see the broken, bloody fingernails littering the steps beneath you. 
You hear it though, when you reach the landing. It’s soft. A quiet, wet squelching, ripping–
There’s no screams accompanying it like there were back when the sanctuary was overrun, but it’s not a sound you’re gonna be able to forget any time soon. In the dark you freeze, not daring to so much as breathe as you peer down the endless corridor, trying to pinpoint which of the cells it’s coming from. 
In the end, you decide that it doesn’t matter. 
They’re quicker when they’ve fed, stronger too, and there’s not a chance in hell that you’re going to be able to fumble past in the dark without drawing that thing’s attention. The wooden bat in your hands feels heavy, your palms already slick with sweat. You weren’t quick enough back at the sanctuary; without Tooru, that thing would’ve eaten you. And suddenly it seems laughable that you came out here, that you genuinely thought you could handle this – fight one of them off if it came down to it.
Tooru needs those meds, you know that, and you might be useless and weak and absolutely paralysed with fear, but you’re not stupid. You can’t help him at all if you’re torn apart by one of those creatures.
Your pulse racing, a potent mix of adrenaline and sheer, unrelenting terror coursing through your veins, you draw in a quiet breath, slowly lifting your foot to back away. It hasn’t heard you yet, and so long as it’s distracted–
“Oi, hurry up! I know what I saw, she came in this way.”
“Jesus, just shut up for a sec, wouldja! Ya don’t need to keep yellin’ at me, I’m comin’!”
Through the grate at your feet, you see two beams of light break through the darkness, the sound of loud, heavy footsteps echoing down the wing. Icy claws tighten like a vice around your heart and you still once more, squeezing your eyes shut as you listen, praying…
The squelching’s stopped.
Grip tight around the handle of your bat, your entire body quaking with fear, you watch with wide, stricken eyes as one of the doors halfway down the block slowly creaks outwards. 
For a heartbeat, there’s nothing, and you try and convince yourself it’s just the wind, that you’re imagining things and your mind is playing mean tricks on you–
A feral snarl rips through the air, and before you can so much as scream it’s crashing through the open doorway, head swivelling as it searches for the source of the disturbance. In the dark you can’t make out much, only that it’s huge, half its flesh torn and decaying, smeared with blood and filth – but you see it when those white, cloudy eyes fix on you, its rotting mouth bared and salivating.
And this time you do scream. You scream for Oikawa, for Iwa, for Makki and Mattsun and the faceless strangers on the floor below as you cast your bat aside and run. You don’t dare look over your shoulder as you take the stairs two, three at a time, slipping and slamming into the stairwell wall, a sharp burst of pain radiating down your shoulder – you can hear it giving chase, the rabid growls and snarls too close for comfort.
Tears flood your eyes, your chest heaving with every desperate breath as your feet hit solid ground once more and you take off.
“Please!” you sob as you run, blinded by the brightness of the torch beam as it’s shone in your direction. “PLEASE HELP ME!”
You can’t outrun it forever. Even now, you hear it gaining on you, its hot, foul breath puffing against your back – it’s just like back at the sanctuary. It’s gonna catch you, rip into you and feast while you choke to death on your own blood and screams, and this time you won’t have Oikawa here to save you. You’re going to die in agony, torn apart and devoured, and it’s all your own stupid fault.
Your throat tightens, more tears springing free. You can’t see anything beyond those two blinding lights, moving now, dancing across the field of your vision. “PLEASE!” you shriek, desperate and hoarse as the undead creature behind you readies itself to pounce.
Please don’t leave me here to die.
And for one heart wrenching second, you think back to your boys, and the words they’d said before kissing you goodbye. Everybody else first. Maybe this is some kind of divine retribution, you think. Maybe when the world went to hell people became cold and selfish and you deserve this for sitting back and letting others die in your place.
“Get down!” the voice yells, and you don’t even stop to think before you drop, sliding across the floor. There’s another blinding flash, a shot fired into the dark and all you can do is squeeze your eyes shut and hug your knees to your chest as the creature snarls in anger and jerks backwards, a gruesome spurt of blood spraying over you.
“Ya fucking missed! How could ya fucking miss?!”
The gun cocks and reloads, another deafening shot ringing out above you and you flinch, your nails biting into the soft skin of your palm–
But this time the bullet hits its mark. The creature crashes to the floor with a loud thump and doesn’t move again. 
You don’t waste a second scrambling to your feet, launching yourself into the arms of your saviour. You don’t care that you’re crying, that you’re covered in blood and filth and god knows what else, you cling to him like he’s a lifeline, sobbing into his shoulder. And instead of pushing you away like he probably should, he lets out a short huff that sounds almost like a laugh, his arm curling around your waist.
“I’m the one who shot the damn thing,” the other mutters sourly.
The man holding you snorts, “Nah, yer the idiot who missed.” Belatedly, you realise that he’s still gripping his gun, the brightness you’d assumed to have come from a torch actually from a light mounted to the barrel. He slings the rifle carelessly over his shoulder, drawing back slightly to appraise you. “Now, wanna tell me what a sweet thing like you’s doin’ all alone in a place like this?”
With your eyes now adjusting to the light, you can see that the two of them can’t be much older than you. They’re both tall, broad shouldered and handsome, the same jawline, the same slope to their nose, nearly identical hooded eyes – brothers you decide, maybe even twins. And they’re both smirking at you, not with the relief of just barely escaping a brush with a particularly gruesome death, but with an odd sort of lackadaisical amusement, as if this – skulking through dark, abandoned places, killing the undead – is nothing out of the ordinary for them. 
And from the ease with which they carry their weapons, maybe it isn’t.
Oikawa warned you about men like them. Men in general, really. Even the ones who smiled at you back at the sanctuary, the ones who offered to help you move heavy supplies when they saw you struggling – at least, until Iwa or one of the others stepped in with a poisonous glare. Anyone who wasn’t them was dangerous, a threat, just waiting in the wings to take advantage of a pretty, dumb little thing like you.
And maybe he’s right, but when the one holding you instead drags you closer, wraps an arm around your shoulders and begins to lead you back towards the guard tower as his brother falls into step on your other side, you don’t shrug him off. 
Oikawa isn’t here, and they have just saved your life. That has to count for something, right?
“I-I thought it’d be safe,” you confess breathlessly, trying not to focus on the thumb sweeping over the curve of your shoulder. “Well, empty at least. I didn’t have a choice.” And they listen, sharing glances in the dark as you tell them about what’d happened at the sanctuary, about Oikawa and the desperation that’d led you to leave him and walk miles alone to try and find some kind of medicine–
Until a snicker interrupts you. “Sorry,” the blonde mutters, though he doesn’t look all that sincere when your eyes flash to his. “It’s just…”
“Anythin’ worth taking woulda been snatched up months ago,” the darker haired one interjects.
“There ain’t nothin’ here but the occasional idiot tryna set up camp an’… Well, ya saw how well that turned out.”
It hits you like a gut punch, forcing the air from your lungs in a harsh, gasping breath. There was never anything here, everything… all of it was a waste. You came all this way, left him feverish and screaming himself hoarse for you, risked your life, almost died and–
It was all for nothing.
Fresh tears sting at your eyes, they’re still talking but it’s just white noise washing over you. You don’t even realise they’re leading you back outside until you’re walking through the doors, the sudden burst of sunlight making you flinch. But it doesn’t matter. None of it matters anymore.
You’re an idiot.
A naive, dumb little girl who was stupid enough to think this half cocked plan was gonna work. That you would make it back to Tooru in one piece, medicine in hand to save the day and prove you weren’t the helpless damsel they’d pegged you for. 
You’ve wasted so much time, for nothing. 
There’s no drugs, no food, nothing that’s gonna help either one of you make it through the next few days and suddenly you’re drowning under a wave of hopelessness and bitter disappointment. You fall to your knees in the dirt, taking both your saviours by surprise, and let out a painful, heart wrenching sob. And once you start, you can’t seem to stop. It’s overwhelming, every emotion you’ve bottled up and shoved aside over the last two days suddenly forced into the light. You cry for yourself, for Tooru – for Iwa and Makki and Mattsun. You cry until it feels like you can’t breathe anymore, and then there’s rough calloused fingers brushing your tears away.
You look up through wet lashes to find the dark-haired man crouching before you, his expression sober. “Ya don’t need to cry, sweetheart, we’re not monsters y’know.”
His brother chuckles behind you, “We’re not about to leave some pretty little thing all alone out here to starve to death.” His hand’s resting atop your head now, smoothing down the hair at your crown. It’s soft and soothing, and you’re so attuned to seeking comfort that you can’t help but lean into it, eyes momentarily fluttering shut. “We’ve got some friends nearby, a nice little hideaway stocked full of all kinds of shit. Everything ya could possibly need.”
“Y-you mean it?” you ask, wide eyes flickering to the dark haired one, who smiles at last. “You’ll share them with me?”
“‘Course we do. Meds, food, weapons. Whatever ya want, it’s yours.”
You take the hand he offers to help you stand, your limbs trembling once more – but this time it’s not from fear or exhaustion, but the overwhelming rush of sheer relief. You could kiss him, kiss them both, but you don’t.
Instead you settle for throwing your arms around them once more, breathless thanks falling from your lips faster than they can catch as you hug them tight. They don’t seem to mind though, sharing almost identical smirks as the three of you head out to an old, beat up camaro parked out by the entrance to the prison. While the blonde slides in the driver’s seat and his brother takes the passenger’s side, you climb up into the back seat. 
“Is it far?” you ask as he kicks the car into gear and peels out onto the deserted road. Hopefully it’s not, the sooner you can get back to help Tooru the better. 
“Nah, not too far. We’ll be home before ya know it.”
Of course, they’re driving you to their friends, but they haven’t promised anything about driving you back to the cottage and Oikawa–
Which is perfectly fine! You’re not going to push your luck, they’re already doing plenty for you. More than they really have to. You don’t even need that much – just some medicine for Tooru and enough food for the two of you to get through the next few days, and you’ll be fine. Whatever you can carry, which, admittedly isn’t much. There’s still a few hours of daylight left, if you’re lucky you’ll be able to make it back to him before nightfall.
Things are gonna be fine. You’ll bring the medicine and once he’s better, the two you can head out to find the others. Everything’s gonna be okay. You’ll be better when you’re all back together, the way things were meant to be. 
You need them, if anything this little venture’s proven that much at least. 
They’d promised that it wasn’t far, and maybe it’s just the exhaustion of the last few days creeping in, or the gentle hum of the engine as the car drives along the long, narrow stretch of road, but your eyelids start to droop, your breath evening out as sleep beckons.
And you’re just dancing on the edge of consciousness when a hushed voice breaks through the comfortable silence, dark eyes flickering up to watch your slumbering form in the rearview mirror. “Ya think Kita’ll be pissed?”
There’s a snort, “Nah. He’s always had a soft spot for strays, ‘specially the pretty ones.” He’s quiet for a moment, almost contemplative before he opens his mouth to add, “‘Sides, we’re gonna take real good care of her, ain’t we, Samu?”
The only reply he gives is a soft grunt of acknowledgement. 
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