#i was planning on going into town to do a shopping and return some stuff but mayhaps i should conserve my energy...
dullahandyke · 8 months
Everyone clap and cheer so so loudly for me I went to one of my lectures and got invited to a horror movie watchalong
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kisskiss-slashslash · 10 months
Hii could u write Thomas Hewitt being scared for reader after Hoyt thinks she wants to escape but all she wants to do is go to town to get stuff for Luda Mae’s birthday 💕💕
Sure thing <3
Thomas fearing that his S/O might be planning to leave
He thought he got over that fear. After all, you have been living with the Hewitts for quite a while now, never leaving the house much. And you haven’t complained about it thus far, so that means you’re happy, right?
Then one day, he hears shouting from upstairs, and interrupts his work to see what is going on. You and Hoyt are fighting… again. Both of you are red-faced, glaring daggers at each other.
“If you think I’ll just let you go rat us out-”
“I already *told* you, I just wanna run some errands!”
“Like I’ll believe that!”
You throw your hands up and storm off.
Now Hoyt’s attention turns to Thomas. “Get your bitchy little pet under control or I’ll put it down, got it?!” And with that, he also storms off, slamming the door behind him.
Thomas stands in the empty hallway for a moment, caught completely off-guard by what just happened. Were you… trying to leave? Are you not happy anymore? Sure, you do butt heads with Hoyt a lot, but apart from that, you get along with everyone in the family. What reason would you have to want to leave?
Early the following morning, so early that nobody else is up yet, Thomas wakes up from the mattress shifting as you get up. He pretends to sleep; maybe you just need to go to the bathroom, after all. But your familiar, loving warmth does not return, no matter how long he waits. The sun is finally rising, and you are still not back.
Maybe you decided to get a headstart on chores? Today is Luda Mae’s birthday, he recalls. Yes, that must be it. There is no way you just left him.
Everyone else is still sleeping, but Thomas can’t fall back asleep, so he gets up and dressed, hoping to find you downstairs.
He finds himself disappointed. You aren’t in the living room, not in the den, not in the kitchen and not in the downstairs bathroom, either. His heart sinks, and he finally sits down on the couch. You are really gone, just like that. Grief tightens his chest, mixed with anger and a tinge of fear. Not only had Hoyt been right about you, but now you are long gone, and that means that the family is in grave danger.
He doesn’t know what to do. And while he sits there and considers his options, he hears the front door quietly open and close.
There you are, strutting back into the house as if you hadn’t been gone at all, with a big shopping bag dangling from your arm. You see him, and your face lights up. “Tommy! You’re already up! That’s great, I could use some help.”
Poor Thomas is hopelessly confused. Wait, so you *didn’t* run away?
You open the bag to show him its contents. There are balloons, streamers, a birthday banner, and a cake.
“For Luda Mae”, you explain. “I wanted to get it yesterday, but Hoyt was being too paranoid to let me, so I had to sneak out. Sorry I didn’t tell you; I thought I would be back by the time you woke up, but I did not consider how far the nearest 24 hour store is from here… So… help me put up the decorations?”
He feels silly for ever doubting you. You love him, and his family. You would never just abandon them.
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razorblade180-heated · 9 months
Early Christmas Gift
[Warning, smut. Like the whole thing]
It had been a looooog day for Jaune Arc. The end of a crazy mission that had far too many explosions, the loss of his wallet for half the day which forced him to miss his boat, and finally, bad turbulence on a flight all the way back to Vale. Now it was the dead of night and he was wheeling his luggage down the sidewalks. At least he didn’t vomit on the ride, this time.
“Note to self, Vacou kids are amazing pickpockets.” He mumbled aloud. Thank goodness Ren was quick on his feet and that Nora could be as scary as she could be sweet. If not, things could’ve been worse. Now that he was back in the city, his Scroll was practically blowing up with messages. Notably, his girlfriend, Yang, called a little more than Ruby. Before he could finally return a call, his scroll rang with Yang’s name.
He laughed nervously and smiled, preparing himself as he answered. “H-”
“SO YOU ARE ALIVE!? WHAT THE HECK MAN!?” The blonde yelled, relieved and annoyed.
Honestly, less aggressive than he expected. “Hi baby. I’m sorry.” Jaune deflated as he spoke. “Today has been a day.”
“That’s putting it mildly. Weren’t you supposed to be home seven hours ago? Did the mission go south? You didn’t get hurt did you?”
“No, the mission was pretty Nora core. All and all we made good time but then someone stole my stuff, missed my boat; lots of other very, very exhausting stuff. I’m walking home as we speak.”
“Wow. That’s…definitely a lot. Wait, you’re walking? It’s nearly midnight. You could’ve called me or someone to pick you up from the port.”
“I figured everyone was asleep.”
“Get real. Do you really think I’d be sound asleep before I knew you were okay?”
Those words warmed his heart greatly. “Thanks Yang. I’m fine though. Vale isn’t some ghost town at night. I am sorry though. We had plans to meet today. You must’ve been waiting a while.”
“You…could say that.” Yang laughed sheepishly. “Here I was, ready to see my boyfriend after we finished our missions and his annoying personal challenge was achieved.”
“A month without sex is a test of will and power.” He defended.
“November is the time for good food and being thankful. Anything else is wild. Besides, we’ve both gone years without fun stuff. Why add a month?”
“Heh, I don’t think being a single or a virgin counts. You’re just opted in at that point. How did your mission go by the way?”
“Got home on time.”
“Ouch… where’d the warmth go?” He teases.
“I know you’re fine now. If you want warmth then…maybe I should see you?”
“You’re an island away. Even if you caught the final flight I’d feel guilty. Though if it makes you feel better…I’ve been missing you all day.”
“…Always the charmer. I’ve definitely been missing you too.” She said, a little more bashful than usual.
“There’s always tomorrow. I’m definitely not going anywhere. Aside from grocery shopping.”
“Have you eaten?”
“My apartment should still have something edible. I’ll probably grab a snack, bathe, and crash.” He finally reached his building’s street. “Anyways, I’ve officially made it home safely. Just several feet away. Now you can have pretty dreams knowing I’m safe.”
“Nope. Not until you go through your front door. I’m not hanging up until you do.”
“Okay, okay. Heh, honestly with my luck something crazy would happen if I hung up early.” He laughed.
“Please don’t jinx yourself.”
Jaune made his way down the hall, up some annoying stairs, and to the front of his door.
“Kay, now you are free to sleep.”
“Have a wonderful night, handsome.” Yang made a kiss noise over the phone and hung up.
Just like that, Jaune felt the warmth again. She was so good to him. He’d definitely have to treat her to a dinner or some kind of club date. The man found his keys and went inside his home at last. Instantly his nose was greeted with wonder and bliss. That was…odd. He put down his belongings and walked over to the kitchen; a flick of the light revealed a hot box of pizza. Jaune had to do a double take to make sure this was his place. He then noticed Yang’s emblem drawn in orange on the box.
“Ah, that’s why she asked if I ate.” He smiled before quickly going back to being confused. How was the pizza hot? Yang had a key to his place but when was she over here? Did she leave briefly before he called? Unless…
Jaune looked towards the absolute darkness that was his living room and squinted. Not that it helped with the balcony blinds shut. “Yang?”
His call was answered with snickering. “Hehehe, I do love watching your brain at work. Although…” She pulled the metal lamp string next to her to light up the room. “You’re also cute when it’s derailed.
And derailed it was. There his cute girlfriend was, sitting on his black leather recliner his family had bought him. Her smile was cheeky as well as ear to ear. She sure caught him by surprise, but the real shock was her outfit. A silly little Santa hat on top of her head jingled while the only thing on her body was a red tube top with white frills that was fighting for his life, a matching miniskirt that barely went halfway down her thighs, and very, very long red stockings that compensated for the skirt’s lack of…well, skirt.
Jaune’s mouth went dry and his eyes embarrassingly wide. It was as if Yang had knocked the exhaustion out of them. He wasn’t quite sure where he should’ve been looking at first, but then noticed despite how confidently the lady sat there with her legs crossed, her cheeks were branded pink and her gaze, while excited, was also avoiding complete eye contact.
“For the record, I’ve been in this for quite awhile.” She said, breaking the silence. “It took guts to commit to this surprise.”
“Now I’m curious what you would’ve done if I had called you to pick me up!”
“Then Remnant would’ve gotten a hot Mrs. Claus on a motorcycle.” She smirked. “Although I’m actually very relieved that was not the case. It’s cold out there!”
Not the issue Jaune thought she was going to say but he rolled with it. Not that he had much choice. Yang finally stood up and slowly walked towards him, draping her arms over his shoulders and giving a more endearing grin despite her obvious flustered face. “Welcome home. As you can see, I missed you.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I can feel the yearning. Hehe, you look…wow. Talk about an early present.” His hands automatically went to hold her waist.”
Yang got on her toes and gained a very sweet and joyful kiss. She’s glad her efforts paid off, but she could tell Jaune really had a long day. “Go grab a slice and unwind yourself. I’m not going anywhere so- mmph!?”
Her offer was outright denied, thrown to the side as Jaune pulled her body closer and back into a more passionate kiss that fluttered her heart and stole her breath. The longer kept her in his arms, the more she found herself melting into the embrace to the point her knees buckled before he allowed her to breathe again.
Frazzled, Yang found herself stammering and chewing on her bottom lip. “I um- I uhh can wait a while longer for you to rest.”
“I’ve made you wait long enough.” He said with yearning and restrained lust as he pulled her back into a kiss that took custody of her tongue.
Yang felt herself rise up onto her toes as Jaune’s hands found residence on her shapely rear. He didn’t think twice about squeezing it as he picked her up and allowed her legs to wrap around his waist. It didn’t take long before her man went a step further in sliding his hands under the provocative skirt. Jaune quickly ended their kiss to gaze at her as her face grew red from his curious expression.
“No underwear huh?” He said, sinking his digits into warm flesh. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Funny. I was wondering the same thing.” Her hands rubbed his broad chest. “Come sit on the couch for you me will ya?”
He followed her quest and sat right in the middle of the couch. Yang was about to get off him for the next step, but was clearly taken by surprise when his teeth tugged her tube top down, freeing her massive chest before ravishing them. A jolt ram through her spine as his warm tongue lapped around her nipples. His hands kept her waist pressed down on her lap to the point she had no choice but to feel his pulsing cock through tight jeans. Nevertheless, Yang couldn’t stop her hips from grinning along it, dampening the fabric severely.
“H-Hey…wait! I-mmm” Her voice shook, feeling him sink his teeth into her. Jaune leaned forward, putting Yang on her back as he continued devouring her body. “Jaune! Hold on~ I…had a whole routine~” Yangs mewls only served to make him more daring. His tongue trailed up her neck, causing her entire body to arch as he met her lips again for another kiss. Yang was overwhelmed with the scent of the boy and his rough day, which she increasingly found more and more dulling to her senses. She didn’t even notice Jaune had unzipped his pants until she felt his buring hot tip rubbing along her folds. “Mmmph”
Jaune could already feel her lips quivering as they coated his cock. To get this excited so quickly; he wasn’t one to talk though. He began pushing his hips continuously into the molten warmth.
“Aaaaah!” Yang felt the wind leave her body as Jaune’s thick cock spread her body apart and filled her inch by inch until she felt the weight of his balls against her ass. He slowly began dragging himself out halfway before plummeting back in as he grunted. “Ah fuck!” Yang gripped his forearms as her body tripped to adjust.
“Gods, I missed you. You’re so wet.”
“Who’s fault is that!?” Yang’s breathing became sharper as Jaune started moving. “Nng, too big. Rock solid too~”
“It has been a long month. I’m dying for a release.”
“How do you think I feel!? It hasn’t been easy for me either.” She pouted. Suddenly she felt his movements slow. “Jaune?” He raised himself up and looked down at her with a shocked look from between her legs. “What?”
“Are you telling me you didn’t touch yourself the entire time?”
Yang felt heat rush to her face. Looking at him became a lot harder so she turned her head to the side. “What would be the point? Even if I used a toy, I just wouldn’t feel as good as you.”
A brief silence fell on them. Yang awaited his response when she suddenly felt him twitch inside her. Jaune’s hands held her waist tightly and raised her lower body off the couch with ease, causing her to look his way. “What are you-” was all she could manage before seeing Jaune thrust his hips forward, causing another series of jolts as he began to go all out.
Yang’s mouth fell open and stayed that way as voiceless, broken cries left her throat until a scream finally broke out. “AAAAGHN~” her brain became a mess, her eyes fluttering at the sight of jaune mercilessly fucking her pussy until their sex became loud and wet. Her stomach felt like fire as her hips became numb with the pleasure of being turned inside out. Each deep rub made her gasp for air she couldn’t gain while her chest bounced to the rough rhythm. “B-baby. Baby! Aaah!” Yang reached for him and he gladly returned to her embrace. She knew despite her pleas, his pace would not falter; nor did she want it to. Their pleasure had built too quickly to turn back now. With a final raise of his hips, Yang felt the man bury himself deep inside and release a rush of heat that made her body squeeze him for more as her vision blurred momentarily. When she recovered, Jaune was already pulling out slowly and giving both of their bodies a break. Still, if you were to go by appearances, Jaune’s body hadn’t calmed down in the slightest.
“Looks like all of you missed me.” Yang huffed, sitting up as her legs gained some feeling. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were trying to have a kid.”
Jaune watched the woman run her middle finger along her slit to pick up some of the lust he left dripping in her. Yang looked him dead in the eyes as she lapped up the naughty taste, making him blush.
“I had an entire routine planned out and you threw it to the side. Not that I mind.”
“You can’t say the things you said a
and wear this without expecting me to get riled up.”
“Heh, touché.” Her gaze fell on his erection, the near seven inches of solid flesh was still ready. Might as well start her plans now, Yang thought. She leaned forward, crawling on hands and knees until she was in the perfect spot to lower her head.
Jaune shuddered as he felt her hot lips wrap around his length to lick him lavishly. Now he knew Yang was horny for sure. Giving head was never her favorite activity in this fun process, but now her face was happily burying itself in his lap repeatedly. His left hand brushed the blonde bombshell’s hair aside for an unobstructed view of her work.
Yang ran her tongue up and down the girth base, polishing it while making faint moans and wet smacks to turn him on more. She must’ve been losing her mind because the way his taste and smell overwhelmed her senses in the best way possible. Her grip on reality only came back when Jaune's hand struck her rear suddenly, his middle and ring finger slipping inside her body to stir her desires harder.
Jaune couldn’t stop his smirk. “Oh you like that?”
“Mmhmm~” Yang readied herself and pressed down in one motion to feel this man in her throat before coming up for air. Yang could feel his digits grow relentless as they sped up. Unable to focus, she freed Jaune from her mouth in a fit of panting and mewls. Her hips couldn’t stop shaking, pushing against his hand to feel each knuckle rub deeper. “Gods, why is this so good?”
“Cum if you need to. Let me see that pretty face.”
“No~ I…I wanted to use my tits on you. But now I…I’m…” Yang let out a long, heartfelt sigh. How did things get this messy so fast? “Put it back in me. I want it.”
Jaune retracted his fingers and did his best to regain his own composure; a difficult task when the love of his life not only pleaded, but brazenly kissed along his shaft in a stupor of want and desire. “Ngh, Yang, get on my lap if you want it.”
Yang got on her knees then swung her right leg to the other side of Jaune’s waist. The boy wasted no time massaging and kneading her chest, riddling it with bits as Yang cooed. Her body dropped slowly, piercing herself onto Jaune’s flesh.
“Aaaaghn~” her hands ran up his chest and gripped his shoulders as Yang started bouncing on his lap, putting all her weight down each time to feel her womb get knocked on. Jaune’s mouth stayed busy where it was but his hands returned to her rear, molding it like clay as he helped push her down to the base. Her hips buckled. “Fuck!”
Heavy, wet smacks echoed every time her ass slammed onto Jaune’s lap. The man couldn’t believe the tightness that surrounded him; the way it clung it his length and coated it with ecstasy that reached his thighs. Engulfed by Yang’s heat, Jaune finally took a second to separate his lips from his body and removed his shirt. Yang’s arms all but sprang out towards him right after, pulling him into a feverish kiss while her hips moved on their own before his hands returned.
“You’re so in love with my ass tonight.” Yang hummed.
“I’m in love with it every night.” He continued kneading it, his fingers rubbing all of it. “Hey, so how much did you prepare for today?”
Yang didn’t get the question at first, until she felt a single finger tracing her asshole. Yang couldn’t hide the state of blushing red he put her into with his pesky intention. To make it worse, her body already gave him the answer to the question. Yang buried her face into the crook of Jaune’s neck and quivered as the naughty middle finger pressed into her slowly. A moan came from her throat and her hips worked over time on his cock as Jaune began to play his little game.
He could already feel her walls frantically twitching but he knew he could make Yang go crazy. He wanted to make the month of emptiness mean everything. He nipped at her ear as he continued fingering her. “You’re such a good girl, you that? Doing all this for me; allowing me to cut loose~” he thrusted up suddenly.
“AAAHH!” His nipping turned into feverish licks as well. Yang tried staying strong but now he was meeting her thrusts and pumped his finger into her more quickly. Her body became repeated jolts of pleasure to the point Yang could only bite her lover’s shoulder as a way to soften her growls.
Jaune’s only panting became like a drunken breath as he approached his end. “Good girl~” he cooed, leaning right into her ear and whispering it one more time. “Gooood girl.” He pressed her hips down against his waist, going as deep as possible. “Here’s your reward!” He grunted, cumming for the second time.
Every muscle in Yang’s body tensed all at once. She was certain she’d scream, yet the immense rush of pleasure stole voice, leaving nothing but a silent yell as she clung to him like a girl on a wild roller coaster. Pulse after pulse, she felt her insides get marked by Jaune. The dork was brazen enough to call it a “reward” and she had half a mind to thank him for it. They were going crazy. Not that she hated it for a second.
Yang felt Jaune relax under her body while she found the strength to set up after his hands finished toying with her. “Wow, that was- hmm” Yang stopped short as she witnessed Jaune struggling to keep his eyes open. Poor guy was spent! It was almost hard not to laugh. “Pfft, gee, looks like someone should’ve eaten.”
“I was hungry for other things.” He groaned, wrapping his arms around her torso and resting his face in her chest. “But now that pizza sounds like a wonderful idea.”
“Oh what to do with you?” Yang giggled, her hands combing through his hands. Truthfully, she wanted him to stay inside like this a little longer, but the last thing she wanted was her boyfriend withering away. Yang kissed the top of his head. “I’ll go fix you a plate.”
“You’re wonderful.”
“And you’re outstanding. My hips are still floating.” She said, embarrassed by her own honesty.
“Let’s wash up together after we eat.”
“Only washing?” She teased, only to feel him twitch inside of her. Yang gasped a little. Jaune raised his head to look into her eyes with a gaze that made her chew on her bottom lip again. Tonight was going to be a long night. “Welcome home.”
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close to home | chapter twenty seven
close to home | chapter twenty seven
plot: the reader throws herself into work to keep her grief at bay, and helps get everyone ready for their journey north
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 2,496 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd, A/N: thank you for reading!!!
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It had been two days since Beth’s death, and every day started out the same. You were okay when you woke up, then you remembered, and you wanted to cry. Then you were busy with the day and were able to get through it. Then, you lay down to sleep and remembered all over again and cried. Then it would repeat itself. 
You learned about Rick’s plans on going to Virginia for Beth, and you immediately agreed to it. You wanted to honor your little cousin in the only way you knew how. You wanted her death to mean something. If you got Noah back to his family, his home, then it would. 
But the group had things to do before the big move. You needed better transportation, and you needed supplies. So on the last day before you left, you were all busy getting ready. 
Two supply groups were formed and would head in opposite directions. You’d travel twenty-five miles, see what you could get, and then come back. You were all due before sunset, and if you weren’t back, the remaining group would come looking. 
You were with Michonne, Carol, Rick, and Daryl. Glenn, Maggie, Rosita, Sasha, and Tara would be the second group. Carl, Eugene, Tyreese, and Abraham would stay back at the campsite with Judith and Tora, and would wait. Rick wanted you to stay back, but you couldn’t. Besides, you were feeling better. Physically, at least. 
Your group took one of the cars, the other group took the other car, and the campsite group stayed with the truck. It would offer the most protection in case something happened. 
You were sitting in the backseat with Michonne and Carol and had been for a while now. The road was mostly clear, and after about fifteen minutes of Rick’s crazy driving, you approached a town. 
“I’m thinkin’ we divide into two groups. We need food, water, and gas. We need stuff for Judith, too.” Rick said as he parked the car. “We also need some cars. The van will hold a decent amount of us, but we’ll need two more cars. I don’t think this one is makin’ the trip, and I’d rather not get stuck on the road with it.”
You climbed out of the car, your hand gripping your machete as you spotted a lone walker. You waited a second before approaching it, taking it down quickly. The rest of the group was taking out some supplies the group had scavenged the past few days--which was nearly nothing, though Rosita scored big when she found some empty gas containers. 
“Michonne and I will look for food. You three try and get your hands on a car. Meet back here at midday, and we’ll reassess if we want to go back in for more.” Rick said. 
You all nodded and made the journey into the town. It mainly seemed deserted, with a few walkers here and there that were quickly taken out. Soon, Michonne and Rick bid their goodbyes, and the three of you were left to scavenge. 
Twenty minutes later, you were breathing deeply and covering the sore wound as Carol took the last walker down. It’d only taken a few minutes but it felt like more. 
“There’s gotta be keys inside the shop,” Carol said. “You two pick a car, and then we’ll try and figure it out from there. I’m going to try and siphon some gas. Hollar if you need help.”
The three of you split up as you searched the small car dealership. When you’d seen the logo of a common car manufacturer, you felt like it was a sign from God. The lot was pretty full, and most car dealerships had cars with full tanks. 
You returned to where most of the SUVs were, Daryl, walking slowly behind you and making sure nothing was around. Your gun was heavy and solid against your thigh, and you drummed your fingers against it a few times as you walked. 
Your eyes scanned the few remaining SUVs, and you smiled when you saw the biggest one. It was an old Acadia, and it reminded you of the one your mom used to drive. You walked up to the door, wiping dirt away with your hand and then wiping your hand on your pants. 
“This will hold seven of us. We got seventeen, including Judith….” You trailed off, checking to see if the door was unlocked. It was, and you stuck your head into the car. “Seems like it was pretty new.”
Daryl walked to the passenger side door and looked in the glove box and visors. A pair of keys fell out, and you smiled at Daryl. He handed them to you, and you started the car. It took a second, but it started, and you sighed with relief. 
“Tank is full, which is a relief. You might want to check the engine. It's been here since the start. Imma look for another seven-seater.”
Daryl nodded, “Shouting distance,”
You rolled your eyes but nodded before leaving. It was quiet, and the dealership seemed mostly untouched--which you were thankful for. You glanced back at Daryl, watching him sort through what was probably a dusty engine. You paused momentarily, watching the muscles in his arm contort as he looked through the machine. 
Shaking your head, you looked across the lot to Carol, who was siphoning the gas from a car. You then walked around, looking for another bigger car to hopefully get you all to Virginia. Unfortunately, the rest of the SUVs weren’t worth trying, so you helped Daryl get the car out of the spot and park it at the front of the lot. Carol met up with you with a full container of gas, and after setting it in the trunk, you drove the car off the lot. 
“Okay, so we got a car and some gas. We just need food and water. I think we should see if we can get some clothes. I’ve got blood on here that’s so old and stained that nothing gets it out.” You said as you drove. 
“There’s a Goodwill; looks like a coffee shop next to it,” Carol said, leaning into the front and pointing. 
“We should see if we could get Judith some clothes too. Maybe a car seat, too, if we could. I’m sure Rick would love that,” You said. 
After parking, Carol went to the coffee shop while you and Daryl checked out the front of the store. A few walkers dumped into the glass, and you and Daryl worked carefully to kill them. It wasn’t a very big store anyway. 
“Smells like shit in here,” You said, looking around the store. 
He snorted, “Ain’ like it always smells.”
You nodded in agreement and walked down the aisles of clothes. You started at the pants, grabbing a few pairs the group's women could use and stuffing them into a bag you’d found at the front of the shop. You weren’t sure what everyone’s sizes were, and everyone being nearly starved didn't help. You did your best to fill up some clean shirts, too, even a few sports bras you hoped would be good. 
You found a few things for yourself to change into, and after making sure Daryl was across the store, you quickly changed.
A few more minutes of searching later, you approached Daryl. He was grabbing a few plastic water containers in the kitchen area. “Here, I found these for you. Will these fit you?” You asked, showing him the clothes you’d found for him. 
“You need new clothes. Those ones are disgusting. Go, try them on. I’m going to look for Judith. And don’t argue with me.”
You handed them over to him and went to the baby area without another word. You quickly grabbed a few onesies, shorts, and shirts that would fit her, with room to grow. You grabbed some socks and shoes that looked right. Unfortunately, there was no baby food, but this was something. You even found a car seat, and added it to the growing pile of supplies you made in the middle of the store. 
When Daryl met you, he had changed into newer clothes. They were just a pair of dark pants, a shirt he’d already torn the sleeves off, and his vest. But he looked better. 
“Did you grab some stuff for all the guys?” You asked. 
You sighed, shaking your head. “We should grab some shirts for the guys. So they could change too.”
“I ain’ doin’ all that,”
You rolled your eyes and walked to the men’s section. It took about ten minutes for you to find stuff that would fit them all--since they were all different sizes. But you had enough shirts for them and wouldn’t even bother trying to guess pants sizes. At least all the women in the group were similar. And you had no idea how to look for men’s clothes. 
After adding them to the pile, you walked towards the employee door and slowly pushed through, checking the small break room before entering. There were some dusty tables and two vending machines in the back. You started laughing when you saw them. They were still nearly full. 
“Daryl!” You yelled, grabbing your machete. 
The door swung open after a few seconds, and he came in with his bow raised but lowered it when he saw your face. 
“Food,” You said, “Help me?”
Daryl looked at you, of course, unspoken on his lips. So he nodded and took the arrow out of the crossbow and then used the butt of it to break open the glass. 
“Careful,” He said quietly as you reached in, pulling out everything and shoving it into one of your bags. 
“Mhm,” You hummed, grabbing candy bars, bags of chips, pop-tarts, and granola bars. It wasn’t the healthiest of foods, but it was more than you had. You grabbed a blueberry pop-tart and ripped it open. It was stale when you took a bite, but you moaned at the taste anyway. “Oh my God,” 
Daryl shook his head in amusement as he busted the other vending machine and pulled out all the water bottles. 
“Here, eat,” You said, handing him the other pop-tart. He tried to refuse, but you forced it on him. “You gotta take care of yourself, too, Daryl. Hand me one of those sodas.”
“They probably taste like shit,” He said. 
You shrugged, taking the soda from him and sitting on one of the tables. A meal of stale pop-tarts and flat soda wasn’t what you had in mind today, but it was like finding a little slice of heaven in the hell you’ve been in. 
Once you finished your food and made Daryl drink, you went to grab the bags. The one with the water bottles was too heavy, and you barely lifted it off the ground. “Ugh,” You groaned. “You take this one.”
Daryl laughed quietly and you looked over at him. Hearing him laugh was a rarity and you loved when he did. 
“C’mon, Carol’s probably wonderin’ where we at,” He said. 
It took you two a good few minutes to load up all your supplies in the trunk, and you were sweating and aching when it was over. The truck was packed, and you tossed the car seat in the back. Before Daryl closed the trunk, you swiped a bag of chips. 
“It’s our reward for all the work we did,” You said, opening it up. Before you could even take a chip, Daryl swiped it from you and took some himself. “Asshole,” You said. 
He laughed again and handed the bag back to you after taking a few more. 
“Bags are mostly air anyway, so you owe me,” You said. 
“Let’s go check on Carol,” He said. 
You followed him as you ate handfuls at a time. You’d been starving since yesterday, and you couldn’t stop yourself from eating the shitty chips. 
The coffee shop was small, and Carol was inside. She’d found a decent amount of supplies in here. She’d found a few jugs of vegetable oil, cornmeal, and grains. An industrial size thing of oats. There were two can openers and some lighters. Nothing that you’d all be able to just open and eat, but it was better than nothing. 
“I found you some clothes,” You told Carol, grabbing some of the supplies. 
Carol smiled at you, “You’re my new favorite.”
By midday, you were waiting in the new car with all your supplies at the meeting point. Michonne and Rick weren’t back yet, but there was still time. You were sitting on top of the front of the car, leaning against the front window. Daryl had gone off into the woods to see if he could do some hunting for a few minutes. 
Carol was pacing back and forth on the road. 
“They’ll be back. It’s Rick and Michonne.” You said. 
Carol nodded, “Yeah, I know. I hope they found water.” 
You sat up and squinted in the sunlight. “We’ll figure it out if they didn’t.” 
Carol turned back at you. “You told Daryl.”
You knew exactly what she was talking about. “I needed to… needed to tell someone, you know?”
She nodded and crossed her arms. “I understand. I’m glad. He asked about it. It was nice talking to someone about it.” She admitted. 
You were about to lean back when you heard a car and watched as a car sped over the hill toward you. You didn’t need to even attempt to worry about who it was--Rick’s driving was a dead giveaway. 
The car slowed as they approached, and when Rick put it in park, they both got out. They looked like they had a bit of trouble but were okay. 
“How’d it go?” You asked them. 
“We found a small apartment building. Probably only ten units. Single floor.” Rick said, “We only cleared a room before heading back. There are probably two dozen or so walkers there. Where’s Daryl?”
“He went to see if he could catch anything. He’ll be back soon. He said he’d be gone for twenty.” Carol said. 
“Did you get stuff from the apartment?” You asked. 
Michonne nodded, “Yeah, they had a decent amount of food.” You knew exactly what that meant. Whoever it was, they killed themselves early on. 
You slide off the front of the car, ignoring the slight ache on your side. “So you wanna clear it?”
“I’d like to. We have the time. How did you guys do? I see you got a car.”
“We found a decent amount. Oh, I got some clean shirts. Michonne, even got some pants.” You said, “Not for you, Rick, sorry.”
“I’ll take a shirt. You won’t see me complaining,”
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Green With Envy | Renji Abarai x Reader |
author's note: more mechanic!au stuff! i love this au with renji sooooooo much. it's so damn fun
pairing: renji abarai x reader
warnings: au, jealousy, some background renji x rukia
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The tick of the clock on the wall only serves to irritate you further, the tickle of what's soon going to turn into anger settling tightly at the back of your skull. Renji's late. It's a Monday morning at the shop and he's uncharacteristically not here. He's usually here before you or right on time with you, and while it's technically his shop, it's still rude to not even send you a courtesy text.
You can't help the bounce of your leg and tightness in your jaw. Rukia is in town, and surely it's because of her that he's not here. She already had the entire weekend with him, and God only knows what the hell they were up to. You didn't hear from your friend not once, and in fairness, you didn't reach out yourself. Working together for sometimes more than forty hours a week is already a lot of time together, not to mention Renji often treats you to dinner after work or you'll invite him over and have a drink together to de-stress from the day.
To put it simply, you monopolize quite a bit of his time, and as nothing more than a friend and coworker, you have no right to feel so strung out about him being with another woman.
Another woman he was certainly fucking the entire weekend.
The bell above the door dings and the way you cut your eyes at him must be pure evil, because Renji reels back as if struck. He's got a frappuccino in hand and his usual black coffee in the other— he certainly knows the best way to extend an olive branch to you. He takes his usual seat before your desk and holds your drink away from your reaching grabby hand.
"Before I give you this and you start tuning me out," He starts, and damn him for knowing you so well. "I just wanna say I'm sorry I'm late, and that I missed you over the weekend."
And ohhhh how your heart warms at his sincerely spoken words. Combined with his dumb-looking, apologetic face, you can't really stay mad at him. "You're forgiven. Did you have fun with Rukia?"
Renji sets your drink down and has a quick pull from his own. "Yeah, always. We went and watched the new Fast and the Furious movie."
You snort and take a sip of your vanilla bean frappe. "And was it as ridiculous as you hoped?"
"Dumbest one yet." He flashes you a bright, dumb grin and sets his cup down to pull a pen and piece of paper from your desk and begin writing out his day's plans. "How was your weekend though? Any hot dates?"
"No." You mutter bitterly. "Seems you're the only one that has any fun like that."
"I dunno why." Renji murmurs, his eyes flitting to you for a moment. "You're extremely hot. Men should be falling to their knees left and right for you."
"Now you're just kissing my ass."
"Who, me?" Renji's smile is blinding, and the telltale twinkle of playful mischief is in his eyes. "Only if you asked."
"Take me to dinner first."
"Busy tonight, but lunch is all yours, babe." Renji scribbles out a schedule for you to keep him on, like always, and grabs a set of keys for his first few jobs— they're theoretically just simple oil changes.
"When does Rukia return home?" You hum, and frankly you're not doing a good job of hiding just how badly you dislike her existence. She's never done anything to you personally, no.
You just want what she has with Renji and the jealousy burns you.
"Tomorrow morning. I shouldn't be late again though."
"I don't care if you're late. I just would appreciate a heads up."
"I care if I'm late. I could lose my job, y'know. My boss is a bit of a hard ass like that, even though I'm the best worker she's got." Renji winks at you and rushes into the shop before you can chide him any, and the sound of his cackling laugh echoing from the garage is enough to ease the tension in your body and let you have a laugh too.
"Idiot." You mutter fondly before answering the incoming phone call.
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A few hours pass by before you see Renji again, and he hooks the keys back up to the key wall. "I am not doing even one more goddamn oil change today."
"Hit your head a few times?" You hum as you browse your computer for lunch ideas, and snort as you feel his eyes shooting daggers your way.
"I don't wanna talk about it." He snarks and goes to his small selection of nice shirts, picking up two for you to choose between. And he nods, expecting your choice of the teal Henley shirt and pulls it over his white tank top. "Lemme go wash up and we'll go get a bite."
"Yes sir."
Renji heads down the short hallway to the bathroom and you tidy up your desk as you wait, and your heart sinks as you see a very familiar pain in your ass walking up to the door. Plastering a small yet still fake smile on, you wave a hand to Rukia. "Hey, Rukia."
"Hello!" She's always been so damn kind to you, it's ridiculous for you to have so much disdain for her. "Where's Renji?"
"Restroom." You murmur, eyeing her carefully. She's wearing a cute little sundress, emphasis on little, and no wonder you didn't hear from Renji during their weekend. And thank the fucking lord they're just friends with benefits and that she lives so damn far away, because you're not sure you'd still be in this business with Renji if you had to see Rukia more often.
It's petty, but your heart doesn't like to share, one-sided or otherwise.
Thankfully Renji's out of the bathroom before the awkward silence can linger, and he greets Rukia with a hug. "Hey, you! What're you doing here?"
"Wanted to get some lunch with you." She smiles brightly and good lord she's a teeny thing compared to him.
"Oh!" Renji rubs the back of his head. "Not that I don't want to, but I already promised to take-"
Rukia pouts, and you sigh to yourself. "Just go, Ren."
Renji frowns. "No, I told you that I would treat you to lunch and I meant that."
"Just go. Make it up to me tomorrow." She'll be gone then, is unspoken, and you're sure hoping he's picked up what you've put down. Much as you dislike her for stupidly selfish reasons, being rude to Rukia isn't an option.
His brow furrows together as you set your purse back into its normal spot and you toss his car keys to him without so much as another glance his way, and he only barely catches them in the midst of his frustration. You're upset, that much is obvious, and he doesn't want to leave you behind like this. "I really don't feel right about this. Let's just all go out together, okay?"
"We shouldn't really leave the shop unattended." Your voice is damn near robotic, and the frustration in Renji's chest digs a little bit deeper. You won't even look at him. "Since Mondays are my busiest days. I'll be fine; I brought my lunch anyway."
And before Renji can argue further, a repeat customer steps through the door and they shake hands for a quick greeting before the man steps to your desk to schedule service. You smile at the customer, grateful he's earlier than he said he'd be— Rukia pulls Renji out of the building and they're off to their lunch, and you get an hour to yourself before your dear friend returns.
"He wants a state inspection, oil change, and he'd like you to do an alignment as well." You mutter when Renji steps back inside, setting the customer's keys at the edge of your desk for your mechanic to move the man's truck out back. Your packed lunch, a simple Caesar salad, sits in front of you almost completely untouched as your fingers tap against the keyboard for yet another email response.
"Alright." Renji eyes you carefully, tugging the keys into his palm and removing his Henley. He hardly ate a thing at lunch, much to Rukia's annoyance. But his happiness is very much dependent on your own, and knowing you're upset because of his inability to keep his word sends a feeling of pure sickness to his stomach. He let you down, despite his best efforts.
You pointedly avoid his gaze, and he sighs gently before he sulks out to get back to work. You end up tossing what's left of your salad, your tummy too full of feelings to want to eat. Renji stays in the shop for the rest of the day, not even emerging for a snack or a set of keys before lockup. The air around you is tense, and you curse yourself for being the very source of it.
But damn this jealousy will not let you go.
You're already shutting down your computer and organizing your desk for tomorrow when the door to the garage opens up, Renji's work boots scuffing against the floor as he comes back for the first time in several hours. He sets all the keys on the desk instead of the wall, indicating he's gotten all the work done.
"Nice job." You murmur, pulling them into one of your desk drawers. "I'll send the invoices tomorrow and depending on when they pay up, we can send out the rent—"
Your chair swivels around, causing your heart to skip a beat as you come face to face with your mechanic, his hands settled on either armrest with you subsequently caged into the chair by his body. When the hell did he even cross over to this side of the desk?? "Renji, what the hell—?"
"I can't stand you being mad at me." He admits honestly, and you can see just how pained he is with his gaze alone. "I'm sorry about lunch, okay? I really, really am."
"Renji." You sigh softly, and it takes everything in you to hold your hands back, keeping them in your lap and not cupping his face and kissing him like you so desperately crave. "It's not a big deal."
"You're mad at me and you're hungry. I got a double whammy on my hands." He moves just a tad closer to you as he shifts his weight, the scent of his savory, expensive cologne still there even after a day spent working hard. "And they're both my fault. You didn't eat your stupid little salad because what you wanted was a grilled cheese with all your little fixins from that place down the road, and also because you're upset and you don't eat when you're upset."
"How do you have me so figured out?" You ask softly, eyes so stuck on his handsome face. The shape of his nose, the way his lips curve, the sharpness of his eyes… The tiny little freckles you've never even noticed dusting over his cheekbones… Being in this close proximity only makes you realize and memorize the finer details of what you thought you already had discovered entirely. But it isn't often you're this close for this long, and hopefully he can't hear the way your heart beats in your throat.
"We have been together for almost six years now." He murmurs gently. "We know almost everything about each other at this point. You're my best friend and my business partner— I'd have to be the dumbest guy in town not to know you better than the back of my hand."
"Best friend?" You whisper in fear of your voice cracking if you talk any louder. Your chest is tight with want and the corners of your eyes begin prickling with tears; this is all too oddly intimate to take place at work, of all places, closed or not. Though it was this place that brought you together to begin with— "We have been together almost six years now." is how he phrased it, as if you were a couple.
"The very best." He whispers back. "Rukia is my childhood friend, but she doesn't know me better than you do. And I definitely don't know her half as well as I know you now. I could talk all day long about things she liked before she turned fifteen and moved away, but I don't even know what her favorite restaurant is now. That's the thing with time. It changes people, y'know? So if you don't keep up with them, you drift. Seeing her once or twice a year isn't enough to beat out my bond with you, no way in hell. I see you every day, all day, and I enjoy every second and always look forward to more time with you."
"You promise?" Your eyes are filled to the brim with tears now, and Renji smiles ever so gently as the pad of his thumb wipes away a renegade drop.
"I do." He presses his lips to your forehead in a sweet kiss, and your arms loop around his neck— and in turn you're pulled into a crushing hug and receive a longer kiss to your temple before his lips graze down your skin to speak softly into your ear. "Let's go get you that grilled cheese now, okay? My treat, and after that we'll go get some ice cream from that other place you like."
"What about Rukia? It's her last night in town, and you said you were busy tonight."
"She's probably packing anyway, and her flight is so early that she'll be in bed within a couple hours. It's fine. I meant it when I said I missed you, and I wanna take you to dinner. It'll be okay." His voice buzzes against your ear, and he gives you another squeeze when you relent and nod along to his idea.
Grinning widely, he lets go of you to pull on that same Henley from earlier. "C'mon, before you start acting hangry and yell at me."
"Hey! I do not yell at you!"
Renji snaps his fingers and points. "There it is, right there! Hangry!!"
You laugh and bat your purse at him, and he screeches playfully and runs out of the building. "You'll never take me alive!"
"Only because you left me to lock up!" You call back, laughing giddily as you ensure the building is secure and follow him to his car.
"Hey, you know the rules. Last one out is a rotten egg." Renji explains as he opens the passenger side door for you
You just laugh at him, chest warm and fuzzy at the day's turnaround. And the little green monster at the back of your brain, the toxic little thing, is sated as your mechanic slips into the car for an evening with you.
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new-tella-us · 21 days
Shard wrong Mika does to surprise each of the boys? How do they react to the surprise?
Not sure what "shard wrong" means but if Mika were to surprise the boys, it would be dependent on the reason for the surprise. So lets say a birthday surprise. Demons don't really have birthday but they do seem to know the season that they were born in so Mika would ask them to choose a random day from their season and not tell them that it's gunna function as their "birthday".
First off the general surprise for any of the boys would have presents, balloons, food (a lot of food honestly), and just a LOT. The more custom responses would come from the place that Mika would take each boy to.
For James- Since it would be some time in Fall, I can see Mika taking James out for a nice walk, away from all of their responsibilities. The autumn leaves and cool air would bring a nice atmosphere. Then maybe they can get a hotel in a different town, dinner, exploring the town. Yknow a mini vacation. James wouldn't really know how to process all this attention and consideration, he's used to being the person that would plan this sort of event. Though after he gets over the initial shock, he would really appreciate the effort and genuinely have fun.
For Erik- His is in winter so ice skating! The lake that Mika mentions in a Seduce Me Episode would be frozen over so it could be perfect for skating. Then some shopping for some fabric to supply Erik's budding interest in fashion (assuming this is Pre-Demon War) and then finally they go to the skyscraper I talked about from my dream. That could be the day Erik revealed what happened to his eye. Erik would be really happy over this gesture. It's not every day he gets spoiled so rotten. He'll return the favor for her birthday.
For Sam- His is also winter so snowball fight! They go to the park, now covered in a blanket of snow and Mika gets the devious idea to launch a snowball at Sam, unaware of the war she would start in that park. Then they could go to the roof of the Anderson estate like they did in game and watch the sunset. Sam would be too busy having fun to question why Mika would spend time to make him happy... at least until the end of the day, then that's all he can think about. Maybe his mother's teachings about kindness had truth to them.
For Matthew- Our only spring birthday is enjoying his birthday in the butterfly garden! Full of flowers and of course, butterflies of different kinds. Maybe they can even go to the zoo for more animal research. Of course Simon Tabby will cause some mischief to make the day harder but they'll find a way to enjoy it and it ends with some karaoke. Matthew would be elated all day, the garden would remind him of his mother, a little bittersweet but it's pleasant memories. He's got a big smile on his face while also planning his counterattack one day. In his eyes, someone willing to do so much for really no reason is a person worth protecting.
For Damien- He's another fall baby and it would be hard to keep this a surprise from him because mind reading so which Mika concedes to the knowledge that Damien will know about the birthday party, where she puts her focus is in making sure he doesn't find out the big surprise. The day would be walking around the city, window shopping, simple stuff that Damien would like to do just to feed his curiosity about the world. And then, at the end of the day, Mika takes Damien into the woods nearby the house and reveals an overgrown grotto. The lush greenery and the sunset light make it look almost otherworldly. And this place is just for them, the others don't know about it. Damien would be very close to crying. The kindness shown by this girl who has no real reason to be so nice is overwhelming. Plus he's being included in an exclusively human event so it makes him feel more human. Mika is getting a big bear hug after this!
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mxhirus · 7 months
Valentine's Day Headcanons
In honor of Valentine's Day, here are some headcanons! Of course, the setting is modern AU, ft. ships my friends like (i might do a second edition if you guys send asks for some pairings hehehe >w<)
Mika ended up asking Yuu out to a fancy dinner, which he thought was just a friend thing because who wouldn't think it's a friend thing? (LITERALLY NOBODY YUU)
Yuu really sucks at social cues which is evident, and Mika sucks at expressing feelings
Mika has to straight up tell Yuu that he was asking him out, not like a friend.
Once Yuu realizes that it is a date, he gets all giddy and excited, kind of how Mahiru would if she were in his place with Guren. (He was raised by GureMahi with honorary uncle Shinya.)
The bill was expensive as hell but Mika's privileged rich self was able to pay because of his Krul budget
Yuu was planning on giving Mika tomochoco (lit. friend chocolate), and got embarrassed that he hadn't planned anything else
Didn't matter anyways because Mika wanted Yuu and nothing more, though he did enjoy the chocolates
Yuu dragged Mika along to many different stalls in the heart of the town they live in to try different foods, Yuu quite likes eating
Spent the rest of the day at an arcade, playing video games (Yuu likes Street Fighter, Mika likes Tekken)
Now that they're adults, they're able to do whatever they want. They've been married for a few years. Guren is quite shy, and simply wakes Mahiru up with a nice breakfast which he heavily struggled to cook. Mahiru enjoyed it, she likes anything Guren gives her
Guren spent the entirety of the night before planning their day together, Mahiru had obviously planned something extravagant to spoil Guren with, aware of how embarrassed he gets over being spoiled
They went out to the mall, Guren was equipped with his credit card, ready to enter debt (Mahiru has quite the fancy taste)
They bought matching sweaters because they're cheesy and corny like that
Then they go and have lunch at a local shop, and they share a bowl of curry because they are, yet again, extremely corny. Plus, it's cold.
Mahiru, noticing Guren's particular favor towards the curry, buys the whole menu, wanting to see Guren's reaction wholely
He got quite flustered
After their day has nearly ended, Mahiru blindfolds Guren and takes him on a long drive, entertaining him with some background music and conversation. She drives him to the place where they first met, and Guren, being Guren, rolls his eyes to the sky but ends up blushing like he would've when he was younger. Guren is quite overwhelmed with the amount of nostalgia, and peppers Mahiru's face in kisses, which are happily returned. They spend their day sitting in the field they played together in.
This time, Shinya would do the planning. He's a pretty simple guy, a small act of kindness could impress and make him quite happy. Guren is a light sleeper, he has to sneak around him to get stuff done. Guren is awoken with Guren Squad outside as a mariachi, playing romance songs very terribly. Despite this, Guren appreciates the effort
Within the time Guren is distracted by the mariachi (Guren has a short attention span, and can be easily distracted depending on the topic), Shinya prepares a bouquet of Forget-Me-Nots.
Guren really likes the color, it reminds him of Shinya's eyes.
Once Guren is given the bouquet, he grows to be quite flustered and rolls his eyes and says he doesn't want them. When Shinya moves to take them back, in order to challenge Guren, he quickly takes them and puts them in a vase.
"I thought you didn't want them?" "They're mine."
Shinya had initially planned to spend the day at home, watching movies.
As aforementioned, he is quite the simple man. However, in turn, Guren tells him that he has ordered cake for them to share, so they must go to the bakery.
They pick up the cake, and Shinya, being the nosy mf he is opens the box. The cake inside says "Happy Valentine's Day, Shinya." and in smaller text under, "I love you" is written. This instantly has Shinya smitten, as he squeals extremely loudly to piss off Guren he likes teasing him.
"AWW YOU SHOULDN'T HAAAAVEEE. GUREEENNN!!! Someone catch me, I'm going to D-I-E!" "Oh my fucking God."
They ate the cake together and watched their favorite movies, cuddled on the couch and fell asleep.
Valentine's Day is the competition of who can be more extra than the other, for Shinya & Mahiru. In this point in time, they would've been married for many years because of the arrangement. Mahiru wakes up first luckily, meaning she had more time to get everything done. However, Shinya wouldn't lose so easily.
Mahiru quite literally dragged a massive teddy bear into the living room and plopped it down onto Shinya's favorite spot on the couch, littering the couch with cards and flowers.
Shinya, on the other hand, anticipated Mahiru's awakening and very very quietly prepared baking supplies, as Mahiru thoroughly enjoyed baking with him. He also just so happened to have bought her yet ANOTHER car (Hiiragi flex).
Mahiru bought Shinya a shiny silver watch, because it compliments the color of his hair nicely, and she likes seeing her very handsome husband.
Shinya ends up walking into the living room, to see what Mahiru was up to. He sees the massive teddy bear. He is a simple man. Looks soft, hug. So, he dragged Mahiru to the teddy bear and hugged her, along with the teddy bear.
Mahiru grew quite flustered, but is responsive to his attention. She likes it a lot.
After a good cuddle session, Shinya drags Mahiru to the kitchen. She sees the supplies and gets excited. they quickly get to work on baking a batch of red velvet brownies. Mahiru and Shinya had both initially bonded over their particular favor towards sweets.
They end up very good, and they forget about their competition altogether because they made out and did some interesting stuff for the rest of the day. (That is up to your interpretation heheh)
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 14: Let's Make A Steal
"Hey guys, I got the light bulbs," Henry said, walking backwards into the store where he worked. He had a tray in his hands, but it soon went flying into the air when his colleagues jumped out at him.
"SURPRISE!" Ray, Charlotte, (y/n) and Gooch all yelled, as the lightbulbs smashed into millions of pieces of the fall.
"What was that for? It's not my birthday" The teen boy asked them, his heart still racing from the shock.
"We know." Ray smiled, as he pulled his sidekick further into the store towards Charlotte and (y/n).
"Give us your head," Charlotte told her friend. She began to spray his blond locks down with a can of hair spray, as (y/n) used some of her powdered foundation to tone down some of the boy's shininess. 
"You, little buddy, are gonna be on television." The superhero said to Henry, who looked confused but also ecstatic at the idea of going on TV. 
"I'll get the shirt." Gooch piped up and he dashed into the back of the shop.
"Shirt? Wait, what are you rubbing on my face?" Henry asked the young woman as she continued to dab his cheekbones.
"Makeup." She said simply.
"Why?" The boy asked, very puzzled at the bizarre situation he found himself in.
"You're gonna be on Spin And Win," Charlotte told him, and Henry was suddenly very excited. He loved watching the programme at home.
"The game show?" He grinned.
"Yep," Ray confirmed, (y/n) slapping his hands away when he tried to touch Henry's face. She wasn't about to let him grease up the boy's face again.
"Hey, which shirt should Henry wear? Gooch one or Gooch two?" Gooch said, having returned with two shirts that each had a photo of his face printed on them. 
"Both look hideous." Ray and (y/n) said, both of them frowning at the weird shirts.
"Oh come on, Gooch is the new black." The Indian man tried to defend his clothing items, but Ray wouldn't let Henry go on national television with the man's face across his chest.
"Just go pick a different shirt." The boss said, so Gooch huffed and did as he was told. 
"All right, can someone tell me why we're doing this?" Henry asked, putting his hands over Charlotte's hairbrush and (y/n)'s makeup sponge. 
"We'll all tell you." The girl said to him, excited at revealing their devious plan.
"Alternating?" Ray looked at the two females.
"Sure. You start." Charlotte said to him, so Ray spun Henry around to face him.
"You know those weird burglaries that have been happening all over town?" The large man started, flicking Henry's hair around to get it to a good look. Next, it was (y/n)'s turn to talk to the teen.
"And how the police have no idea how the burglars are getting in and out of the people's houses?" She carried on, this time brushing his eyebrows out as she spoke to him. When she was done, Charlotte grabbed his shoulders and made him look at her. 
"Well, I figured out that in every one of the houses that have been burglarised, someone had recently been on Spin and Win and won." The dark-haired girl sprayed his hair and brushed the product through. She wanted hold, but not crunch. 
"But then, all the winner's prizes were stolen from their houses," Ray said, stepping back a little so he could admire their handiwork.
"You guys realise there's broken glass all over the floor." Henry pointed out to them, as Gooch came back with a cute, plaid button-down for Henry. 
"How about this one?" The storekeeper showed them all, and they all agreed that it was perfect.
"That's great, it'll go with his eyes." (y/n) smiled, knowing that the kid would look great in front of the camera.
"Pop that ugly shirt off," Charlotte told him, not liking the black and blue t-shirt Henry had paired with an orange and blue paid button-down. 
"Why do I have to change clothes?" He asked, thinking that his choice of outfit was good.
"Because you gown' be on TV, boy," Ray said in a southern accent, his high pitch making Henry giggle.
"Yeah, don't you wanna look gooooood?" (y/n) joined in, copying Henry's catchphrase. 
"I thought I looked gooooood before I came in here." The boy looked at her, also using the elongated word.
"Ehhhhh." The rest of them said as Ray pulled off the orange shirt. Despite the insult about his clothing, Henry was still chipper, mainly because he was set to go on his favourite game show. 
"Man, I can't believe I'm going on Spin and Win." He smiled, letting his friends groom him and change his clothes.
'Hey, what happens if Henry doesn't win?" Gooch said, putting a dampener on the merriment.
"He better win," Charlotte said, looking at the boy with serious eyes.
"Why?" Surely, just trying his best was enough, right?
"So you'll get the prizes..." Ray told him, helping him to slide the red plaid up his arms.
"And then, we lie and wait to see if your house is burgled." (y/n) smiled at him like it was no big deal.
"Wait, hang on," Henry interjected with a protest.
"You're smarter than me, why don't you go on the show and win?" He asked Charlotte, thinking that she'd be the more logical choice.
"I don't want my house burgled." She said in an obvious tone. They were doing the final touches on Henry's look when the kid's phone began to win. 
"What's up?" The boy greeted, his father on the other end of the line.
"Hey Henry, would you please come home?" His dad asked as the others tried to brush his hair and apply makeup. 
"Why?" He replied, batting away at their hands so he could concentrate.
"Because Jasper came over to hang out, but you're not here, Piper doesn't like him, your mom's at the rodeo until Sunday, and I got nothing to say to this kid." Mr Hart told his son, offending Jasper who was sat on the couch.
"Well, I'm not gonna be home until later tonight," Henry said, not bothering to stop the hands all over his face.
"Oh. Working late at the store?" Mr Hart asked.
"Nah, I'm gonna be on Spin and Win." The 13-year-old told his father excitedly.
"The game show?" The man said in disbelief.
"Yeah," Henry confirmed.
"Piper. Your brother's gonna be on Spin and Win." The boy heard his dad tell his little sister in the background.
"Can we go?" Henry's dad asked his son after Piper expressed her interest in seeing Henry play.
"Can my dad go to the show with my little sister?" The sidekick looked at Ray and (y/n) as he held the microphone to his chest.
"I guess." Ray nodded.
"Just tell them that they need to get there early so they can get tickets." The woman added, adding a small amount of blush to his cheeks so he didn't look so gaunt. 
"Yeah, just get there early," Henry repeated what she'd said to his dad, hanging up the phone.
Charlotte and (y/n) stepped back from him, happy with the finished product.
"You're all done." They both smiled at him and handed the boy a mirror. 
"I look goooood." Henry joked as Ray clapped him on the back.
"How'd you even get me a place on the show?" He asked his boss, who just pointed at his best friend.
"I know a guy who works for the network. He owed me a favour so, now we can play Spin and Win." She smiled at Henry. She had connections everywhere, especially in the most unlikely places.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Charlotte said to them all, so they ushered Henry into the Man Van and drove to the place where the game show was filmed.
~Spin and Win Studio~
The filming studio was amazing. The audience was sold out, the lights were bright and intense, there were stagehands everywhere, the place was buzzing. The presenter walked out onto the floor and introduced himself to the crowd, as Ray, (y/n) and Charlottespoke to Henry one last time before the show began. 
"Now, remember, you have to win this game." Ray reminded him, which made (y/n) hit his pectoral with her hand.
"No pressure though." She said to the kid, not wanting him to have a nervous breakdown.
"And keep your eye open for any suspicious activity," Charlotte added too, prompting them that there was something fishy going on surrounding the show. 
"Right." Henry nodded, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.
"Yeah, stay focused. Can't let anything distract you from..." Ray let out a weird moan/groan as three beautiful women came to the stage area. They were wearing long, beautiful dresses and had had their makeup applied by a very talented makeup artist. (y/n) sighed quietly at his reaction, thinking that he never looked at her that way when she entered a room. The fact that they had captured his attention so easily made her feel so downhearted.
"Uh...I better go...check out those girls." Ray said to the three of them, hoping that the three of them would be enough to fill the (y/n)-sized hole in his heart. If only he knew how his words and actions made her feel severely undressed and inadequate. What did they have that she couldn't give him?
"Why?" Charlotte asked him in an accusing tone, knowing that every time he pulled something like this, (y/n) buried her feelings even deeper into her heart. She and Henry were worried that one day, she would dig too deep and lose her love for him, leaving him wondering where it all went wrong.
"It's my job." He stated in an obvious voice, walking over to the game-show-girls. (y/n) swallowed her jealousy as she watched him shake hands with each one of them, wishing that she could've captivated him like that when she first met him. 
Unlike the glamourous ladies, she had been wearing sweatpants and a coffee-stained t-shirt when she first encountered Captain Man. Her favourite cafe had been robbed and the famed superhero had been called to a hostage situation, (y/n) being the one held captive. However, she wasn't going to stick around and leave her life in a stranger's hands. So using what little knowledge she had in self-defence, she beat the weapon out of his grip and whacked the robber over the head with a chair. She then promptly served herself another iced latte and walked out of the cafe to tell the beefy man that she'd done the job for him, and well, the rest was history. 
Snapping out of her daydream, she heard a man calling Henry to the stage, and before she knew it, Charlotte was pulling her backstage to where they would watch Henry with bated breath. 
Little did she know that when Ray first laid eyes on her, he'd never seen anyone so beautiful or fallen quite so hard.  ~
Henry had been surprisingly good so far in the game and he had made it into the final two. Charlotte had pulled Ray away from the pretty women and (y/n) was holding onto his arm tightly, her nervous nature making her feel on-edge for the boy. 
"Okay, we got a tie game going, whoever gets the next question right, will move onto our final round, where they will the five spectacular prizes you see rotating on that thing over there." The presenter said to the two contestants, as Ray and Charlotte looked at each other nervously. 
"Hey," Charlotte said to two kids around her age, deciding to take the time to explore the backstage area. The boy and girl spun around in their chairs and looked at her with irritation on their faces. 
"Uh, it must be fun having a dad who's the host of a cool game show." She carried on despite the daggers they were glaring at her, hoping that she could break the ice.
"Yeah, it's so great." 
"We just love being forced to work here while our friends get to go out and have fun." They spat at her sarcastically, making Charlotte jump back at their tones.
"Oh. Well...what are those buttons for? Do they make the prize wheel spin?" The girl asked them in a cheerful and friendly voice.
"Um, I'm hoping this button makes you walk away." The rude boy said as he repeatedly jammed a button. 
"Well," Charlotte said in disgust, getting the message and leaving the kids to be mean on their own. 
"Ready, guys? For one thousand points, what do these three celebrities have in common, Jimmy Fallon, Jack Black and Taylor Swift?" The presenter asked, making Henry and his female opponent look away in thought. Henry pressed his buzzer, thinking he knew the answer.
"None of them have won Olympic medals." He said confidently, which was taken as a correct answer. He was through to the final round!
"Yeah!" Ray jumped up in happiness, spilling his popcorn a little, but (y/n) and Charlotte were too happy to care. What they didn't know was the two mean kids from before were hypnotising Henry as he looked at the prizes. 
"Wait, what's wrong with Henry?" (y/n) pointed out that the kid looked dazed and didn't hear when the presenter called his name.
"Is he drooling?" Ray asked as the woman next to him stole some of his popcorn. 
"Oh, Henry?" Henry snapped out of the trance as the criminals backstage stopped the hypnosis screen and a stagehand came out to wipe his mouth. 
"You okay?" The host asked as the boy came to his senses. 
"Yeah, sorry, Rick." Henry smiled at the crowd and nervously laughed. What had happened back there?
"No worries. Now, to win those five prizes there on the prize wheel, you'll have to identify ten breeds of dogs in under thirty seconds." Rick said to him, making (y/n) grab Ray's arm in delight.
"Oh my god, this is my specialist subject!" She squealed, having looked at every dog breed on the supercomputer when she was pining for a pet. 
"Come on, kid." Ray encouraged, even though Henry couldn't hear him.
"You got this, Henry," Charlotte said too, giving the boy all her best wishes.
"Let's do it!" The teen clapped his hands together and prepared for the images that were about to come on screen.
"Your time begins...now!" The presenter said as the first dog appeared on the monitor. 
"German Shepard!" Henry answered immediately, making (y/n) gasp in delight. She knew a heck of a lot about dogs.
"Cocker Spaniel!" Another right answer, maybe they had a common interest.
"Norwegian Blue Hound!" Or maybe not.
"No! That's an Alaskan Malamute!" (y/n) sighed, feeling for the kid. Ray and Charlotte winced at his incorrect answer too, but the boy moved past his mistake quickly.
"Great Dane!" He got back on track with another right answer.
"Micro Mini Goldendoodle!" That was a hard one, but luckily, the kid was able to recognise its adorable cuteness.
"Maltese!" He said, breaking his answer streak.
"No, it's Bichon Frisé." (y/n) turned into Ray's arm, knowing that it didn't matter if she knew them because she wasn't Henry. 
"Schnauzer!" Only five more correct answers to go.
"Uhhhh, Mexican Bulldog." Henry guessed, making (y/n) groan.
"No, French Bulldog, French Bulldog!" She whispered, his fists clenching as the timer ticked down.
"Russell Hicks Terrier!" The three backstage were holding their breath in anticipation, their hearts racing too.
"Come on, just four more!" Charlotte squealed as she and (y/n) squeezed Ray's biceps.
"You're hurting my arms." He said to them in a strained voice, causing the girls to quickly pull away.
"Oh, sorry!" (y/n) apologised, rubbing the spot where she had gripped him too tightly. 
"I'm okay." He mumbled out his catchphrase before becoming engrossed in Henry's performance again.
"Spotless Dalmation!" Henry said. He was so close!
"Wang--dooby-doo-doo!" He had no clue what the hairless dog was.
"Chinese Crested, French Bulldog mix!" (y/n) said aloud without thinking, her vast knowledge on the subject making the man and girl next to her look at her strangely.
"What? I like dogs." She told them.
"Rottweiler!" One more to go!
"Just one dog away!" Charlotte and (y/n) were holding each other in excitement.
"Uhhh...Shih Zhu?" Henry stuttered out, winning the game with seconds to spare. 
"And Henry Hart wins the five prizes on that thing there!" His three friends were cheering and jumping for joy backstage. Ray gave Charlotte a high five and kissed (y/n)'s cheek without thinking. She stepped back with tinted cheeks, but she could just blame it on the excitement. 
"Wait there!" Ray gave her his popcorn and ran to the stage. He danced onto the stage and put an arm around two girls, a huge smile on his face as he acted like he was meant to be there. The butterflies in (y/n)'s stomach died away as she watched the girls cuddle into him. Looks like the kiss meant nothing at all, it was just his flirty nature getting the better of him.
A stagehand came to take him away, the large man not being allowed on camera even though he knew Henry. Ray struggled against him, ranting about how it was his job, but he was dragged off by his feet all the same. 
~Henry's house~
"What? You didn't see me win the game show?" Henry asked his dad on the phone, as his friends moved all his prizes from the van outside into his house. Ray came in with an electric guitar, (y/n) carrying the amp behind him.
"No, Piper got into a fight with an usher, and then she broke Jasper's nose with her selfie stick." Mr Hart told the story.
"Where do you want the hot yoghurt machine?" Charlotte interrupted with the odd device in her hands. 
"Over there." Henry pointed to a spot in the kitchen and the girl did as she was told. In the hospital room, Mr Hart was shushing Jasper, as the poor boy was groaning in pain. 
"I think we're gonna be here for a while. I called Jasper's parents, but they can't come to the hospital." Henry's dad said.
"Why can't they?" Henry asked, thinking that surely their only child was the most precious thing in their lives. 
"They ordered a pizza and they want to wait for the pizza." He replied, outraging Henry, but he didn't say anything since he knew Jasper might hear it.
"Got it." He said. Ray plugged in the instrument he had brought in, making (y/n) look at him with excitement. She always loved it when he played, even if it was a rare treat.
"So, Piper and I'll stay here with Jasper until they release him." Mr Hart told his son, which meant Henry had free reign of the house until he returned.
"Cool. Poop ya later." The teenager said goodbye to his father in a weird way.
"Poop ya." And with that, the call ended. Ray was playing some riffs on the guitar, as Henry turned to the two adults near the couch.
"Looks like my dad's gonna be in the hospital all night." Henry rolled his eyes, making Charlotte stand up in worry.
"Your dad's at the hospital? What happened?" She questioned.
"No, Piper broke Jasper's nose with her selfie stick." The boy told his friend.
"Oh my god, Piper has a selfie stick?" Charlotte was less concerned about her curly-haired friend and more about the idea of Piper with another gadget.
"God help us." (y/n) breathed out. To be fair, she and Piper got on fairly well, especially after she took her to the movies, bought her snacks and essentially facilitated her becoming the president of the Man Fans.
"So, uh, where's your mom?" Ray asked, his fingers dancing up the fretboard. The young woman next to him tensed at his question, remembering how he was all over her the last time they were at Henry's house. 
"At the rodeo until Sunday," Henry said in annoyance, not liking that Ray fancied his mother to get over (y/n). Ray played a country riff on the guitar, trying to impress the three around him, but they didn't care. 
"You said rodeo. So I played a riff with a...country flair." Ray stated, smirking at (y/n) as he tickled the strings. She rolled her eyes at his antics.
"What's the plan tonight?" Henry asked Charlotte, leaving the adults to play with the guitar. 
"I say we just hang out here all night..." Charlotte was interrupted as Ray played a rock and roll riff from one of (y/n)'s favourite songs. How could he deny her request when she smiled so brightly?
"And wait for the burglar to try to break in." Charlotte finished explaining, as (y/n) hugged Ray in thanks and he put the guitar around her neck. She played a similar sound, impressing the man that she knew how to play. 
"And if the burglar does break in, we jump on him and stop that!" Henry shouted at (y/n) as she and Ray got too carried away by the music. The two pulled pouty faces and the woman played a sad riff as they backed off.
~Thirty minutes later~
Each person had spread across the house, looking through windows to see which way the burglar would come in. Charlotte was armed with a baseball bat, and (y/n) had a shovel from the garage. Ray and Henry were more than capable of kicking ass, so they just stuck with their fists.
"Do you see anything?" (y/n) whispered to Ray as he peered out of a window that faced the garden. Her makeshift weapon was clutched tightly in her hand, but Ray was certain she wouldn't need it. He would fight until his last breath to keep her safe.
"Hey, hey! A van just pulled up in front of the house." Charlotte yelled from her position at the door, making the others dash over to her.
"A van?" Henry reiterated.
"Criminals love vans." Ray hissed, as they looked through the windows.
"It's gotta be the burglars!" (y/n) gasped, seeing how creepy the shady van was. Suddenly, a phone started to buzz.
"Who's phone's vibrating?" Charlotte asked, everyone, frowning since there was no time for a nice chat.
"Mine. Someone wants to video chat me." Henry took his phone from his pocket and saw that there was no caller I.D.
"It's bad luck not to accept a video chat." The teen girl said to him, so he moved away from the group and answered the call. Staring at the screen, the same swirly video from the game show began to play. Henry's face fell into a gormless expression, as Derek and Maddy hypnotised him again. Speaking through a microphone in the studio, the brother and sister instructed Henry to put all his prizes into the van.
Ending the call, a delirious Henry started to pick up all his new stuff and started to take it outside, much to the bewilderment of Ray, (y/n) and Charlotte, who hadn't noticed anything during the call. The boy just walked past them, leaving them to stand in confusion, as he burglarised himself. 
"Hey, where you taking that?" Ray asked him, feeling puzzled.
"Henry, wha--He just walked past us." Charlotte was utterly baffled.
"And I think he was drooling again." The man pointed out, as (y/n) took her shovel onto the porch.
"He's putting everything in the van!" She pointed to the boy, who just walked back into the house to pick up another item. 
Ray stood in front of him to stop him from moving.
"Henry, why are you putting your prizes in that van outside?" The superhero asked, but the kid just stayed silent.
"Say something," Charlotte added, but again, Henry said nothing. (y/n) put her hand on his shoulder, but he just shrugged her off and grabbed Ray's underwear elastic and pulled it up, causing the man to groan in pain. The two females flinched as his eyes watered at the pain. With Ray out of his way, Henry was free to pick up another prize.
"Why's Henry acting so weird?" Ray asked as he rearranged his underwear.
"I don't know. But it started when someone video-chatted him. Maybe..." Charlotte realised. 
"Sweet cheese, hypnosis." (y/n) clicked her fingers and looked up at Ray with wide eyes.
"Hypnosis?" The teen girl wasn't convinced that a person could be put in a trance and made to do things against their will.
"Yeah, you know, mind tricks and stuff," Ray said to her.
"So that's why the cops could never catch the burglar," Charlotte exclaimed, piecing everything together.
"Because there is no burglar." Ray realised too.
"So someone's figured out a way to make people burgle themselves." (y/n) finishing, blowing out her cheeks at the revelation.
"Hey, guys!" Henry sauntered in happily, having no recollection of what had just happened after the siblings released him from the hypnosis.
"Hey, where'd all my prizes go?" The boy's face fell as he noticed the empty room.
"You picked them up, took them outside, and put them in a van," Charlotte explained, Henry looking at her like she'd grown a second head.
"And then the van drove off." (y/n) said with her arms folded.
"Huh?" The boy was very confused.
"We'll explain later. Right now we're going to track that van and find your prizes." Ray reassured him that he would get his things back.
"And find the criminals who made you burglarise yourself," Charlotte added, knowing that her friend would want justice for himself and the other victims.
"Good thing I put trackers on all the prizes, right?" (y/n) smiled, which made Ray give her a side hug as if to say he was proud of her.
"Right, but first..." The man walked from her side and over to Henry. In revenge for what the boy did to him earlier, he grabbed Henry's underwear elastic and pulled it upwards, making him release a similar groan. 
"Owwwww!" Henry howled.
"Raymond!" (y/n) shouted at his pettiness. The kid had been hypnotised, he couldn't help his actions. Ray let go of the underwear with a snap and walked out the door, his best friend following him and shouting obscenities, leaving Henry to waddle out with Charlotte.
~Back at the studio~
"No, no. We'll sell you four of the prizes. No, just four. 'Cause, we're keeping the hot yoghurt machine." Derek said to another criminal on the phone, wanting to sell the hot items they had stolen quickly. 
"Yeah, we are." Maddy joined him, wanting to keep the best prize for themselves.
"All right, they are on their way over with the money." The boy nodded at the girls Ray had fancied, and they all expressed their excitement at the idea of getting paid for their involvement. 
Suddenly, the lights came on and Henry and Ray burst on the scene dressed in their Kid Danger and Captain Man uniforms.
"Hey! Get your hands off that hot yoghurt machine." Henry snapped at the girls, making them back off.
"Captain Man and Kid Danger," Maddy whispered in worry to her brother, knowing how strong the superheroes duo were.
"What do you guys want?" Derek barked at them.
"We want you to stop hypnotising innocent game show contestants and stealing their prizes." Ray snapped back.
"Yeah, that's what we want." Henry agreed with him, glaring at the kids.
"You kids make me sad. 'Cause, you're jerks." Captain Man shook his head in disappointment at how the kids had behaved.
"You don't know anything about us," Maddy said in a whiny voice.
"You have no idea what it's like spending all day working here." Derek carried on after his sister.
"Watching other people win cool prizes." The girl added in an agitated voice.
"So you think it's okay to hypnotise innocent prize winners?"
"And force them to give their prizes back?" The superheroes asked.
"So you guys can sell them for money?" They were both disgusted with how spiteful the siblings were.
"It's worked out great so far." 
"Well, yeah. I mean--we have no problem with it." Were their answers, so Henry decided it was time to stop them.
"Well, now it's time for you two to spin and--" He started, but Ray cut him off.
"And lose." The quip lost its coolness when they both tripped over each other's words. 
"I was gonna say that." Kid Danger sighed to his boss.
"Yeah, sure you were." The large man retorted.
"You guys are gonna get it now." Maddy hissed at them.
"Girls! Show our contestants what they've won." Derek smirked as he and his stepped back, and the beautiful women stepped into fighting stances. 
"I think those girls wanna fight us," Henry said in alarm.
"I could think of worse things," Ray smirked to him, but Henry decided to tease him even more.
"Dude, you know you would rather (y/n) do that stuff, not them." It was Henry's turn to smirk, and Ray flushed into a deep red.
"HEY!" The man shoved him a little bit, not wanting to think of his friend like that at that moment. He would melt into a puddle if he did.
"We can't hit girls," Henry said to him, as he refocused on the situation at hand.
"Right," Ray said as he shook himself back to propriety.
"Bok choy!"
"Fugu!" The three women shouted the three foods as they jumped out at the males. 
"How do we fight 'em?" Henry asked Ray, the three girls looking tough.
"Uh, we don't. Just try to avoid getting hurt." Ray said, also panicking.
"But how do we--" The boy was cut off as a brunette came charging towards him, doing numerous flips and athletic moves. All Ray and Henry could do were avoid their attacks and occasionally push them back. The woman punched and kicked them across the studio, as the brother and sister smirked at the frightened heroes. Henry ran around the podiums to avoid the brunette as she tried to hit him. A redhead punched Ray across the face as a blonde knocked him off his feet. They were getting their asses whooped.
Henry crawled under a table to hide, as Ray was dragged across the floor by his foot.
"Seriously?" He asked, feeling helpless, as Henry crawled away from the woman. She punched him on his back, sending him to the floor as Ray was being pummeled. The two women had him in a chokehold, as Henry grabbed the brunette's hair, and to his surprise, it came off. It was a wig!
"Captain Man!" Henry called out to his boss.
"What?" The man struggled out as the blonde tried to crush his windpipe.
"These girls are dudes." Henry yelled at him, the 'brunette' holding his hands over his real hair. Ray pulled the redhead's and blonde's wigs off and saw for himself that Henry was telling the truth.
"They are dudes!" He growled, but it seemed the criminals were just as shocked as they were.
"Did you know they were dudes?" Dereck asked his sister.
"I had no idea." She said, her eyes as wide as saucers.
"Now what?" Henry asked.
"Now we can hit them as hard and as often as we want," Ray exclaimed.
"Then let's do that!" Henry punched the former brunette, as Ray freed himself from the choke. The siblings were starting to look more and more worried as Captain Man and Kid Danger fought against the men. Ray shoved two of them together as Henry pulled the other one's nose. Using a roundhouse kick, the larger man knocked out his opponents, and his sidekick used one final punch to add one more body to the floor.
"Nah!" He mocked the men, the criminal kids knowing that the game was up.
"And to think I was gonna ask all three of you out at the same time," Ray said to the groaning henchmen, as Henry glared at him, thinking about how upset (y/n) would have been to see him wine and dine three girls at once.
"I guess you're going to call the cops on us now," Dereck said sheepishly.
"Yeah, I am." Captain Man deadpanned. They had done the crime, now they had to do the time.
"(y/n) saved the number, it's nine, one--" Henry tried to tell his boss, aware of how dumb he was sometimes.
"I know the number." He snapped, making the call so the kids could face justice.
~Later that night~
Mr Hart, Jasper and Piper came home to many surprising things. The first was the numerous prizes scattered across the living room. The second was seeing the number of people still in their house, including Ray and (y/n) who were strangers to Mr Hart. And the third was that Ray was playing a riff on the guitar, just as they opened the door. 
"Hey!" The four people greeted them. 
"What is all this?" Piper and her dad exclaimed as they entered the house, eyeing all the new gadgets. 
"The prizes I won on the game show," Henry explained to his family as Piper picked up a weird device.
"Whoa. What's this thing?" She asked him, picking it to inspect it.
"It's for fighting sharks." (y/n) told the little girl, who looked impressed.
"It's called a sharkpoon," Charlotte added. Ray nudged Henry, gesturing to himself and (y/n) since he felt awkward just standing there in a stranger's house.
"Oh, dad, these are my bosses from Junk-N-Stuff," Henry said to his father, who walked over to shake their hands.
"Oh." Mr Hart said with a smile on his face, happy to finally meet whom his son was working for.
"Ray Manchester." The brown-haired man said politely with a firm handshake before Mr Hart looked to the woman on his left.
"And I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), lovely to meet you." She gave him a warm smile.
"Yeah, you too." He greeted her back.
"You have a beautiful wife." Ray slipped into the conversation, as the young woman's smile tightened and became a little too wide.
"House, he meant house." She didn't miss a beat, correcting what her best friend had said when Mr Hart's face looked a bit confused. Even though what Ray said made her feel a pain in her heart, she was always there to pull him out when he got himself into trouble.
"Thanks." Mr Hart overlooked the comment, as Piper started going on about the shark weapon again.
"How does a sharpoon work?" She asked her brother.
"Be careful with that," Henry warned her. If that thing could bring down a shark, then it could probably seriously injure a person too.
"Be careful with that." Piper disparaged, before turning back to the sharpoon.
"So, how's your nose?" Charlotte asked Jasper, the boy's face being covered in bandages.
"Broken. But it's going to heal." He told her.
"And then it will it look better or worse?" The girl asked him, offending the boy who quite liked his nose.
"The same." He replied in a monotone voice.
"Sorry, dude." Charlotte apologised, but Jasper wasn't sure if she was apologising about the comment or how his nose was going to look.
"Okay people!" Henry called to his friends and family, beckoning them over to the kitchen where seven bowls of steaming hot yoghurt were waiting.
"Who's hungry for something goooooodd?" Henry smiled, as they all went over to the table.
"Okay, 'cause..." Henry started.
"HOT YOGHURT!" He and Charlotte said together, everyone getting excited over the treat.
"Wow, you won a ho-yo machine?" Mr Hart asked his son. They all grabbed a bowl, but (y/n) didn't look too keen when the smell hit her nose. 
"Yeah, dad," Henry said, thinking that the sight of the machine on the table made it pretty obvious. (y/n) stirred the dairy dessert around with the spoon, not sure if she was gonna like it.
"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to," Ray murmured into her ear, but she smiled up at him reassuringly.
"No, you got beaten up by a load of men in lycra for this. I'm eating it." She said, getting the yoghurt on her spoon and ate a mouthful. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. It was warm and sweet, but not too sweet.
"That's good." She said and the others agreed with her.
"Well, I had a pretty bad day, but this makes up for all--" Jasper was cut off when Piper accidentally fired the sharpoon and the arrow went through his nose. The other people in the room looked at him in horror, immediately putting the weapon down. (y/n) put her yoghurt down on the table and went to help the boy.
"Okay, head back. Mr Hart, it looks like you're going back to the ER." She said, grabbing a tissue to dab up the dribble of blood that was coming out of the wound. Mr Hart sighed and grabbed his car keys.
"Come on, Jasper." He told the boy, guiding him to the door with a hand on his back.
"Sorry, dude," Henry called out to them, knowing that Jasper would have to have more work done on his nose. The boy just waved a hand behind his back as he and his friend's father left to go back to the hospital.
The rest of the group ate in a content silence for a few minutes, until (y/n) had about half a bowl left. Deciding that she wanted to cheer them all up, she took her spoon and wiped some yoghurt on the tip of Ray's nose.
"I got your nose too." She grinned up at him, making the kids look at them when Ray tickled her ribs in revenge. She shrieked out in laughter and Piper turned to Henry as she watched the friends laugh together and fall into a hug. Ray looked huge over her, and she gazed at him like he put the stars in the sky.
"Are they in love?" She whispered in her brother's ear.
"Yeah, definitely." He confirmed, seeing the way Ray returned the woman's loving stare.
"Are they boyfriend and girlfriend?" Piper asked again in a hushed tone. 
"No. No, they are not." Henry sighed. The sight of the two would make anyone believe in love, but they couldn't see what was happening right in front of their faces.
"Well, they should be." The little girl told her brother, thinking that if soulmates existed, (y/n) would be Ray's.
"Yeah. Yeah, they should." The boy breathed out, praying to any Cupid out there to send an arrow their way.
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rinline · 10 months
ok. so. i had an idea where Mace Windu survives the fall from Emperor Palpatine and then decides to go underground to create a new order of force wielders, made up of force sensitive children and vulnerable people, that are then isolated from the galaxy during the sequels and original trilogy.
SO WHAT HAPPENS IS when like the sequels are done you get random powerful force wielders wearing cloaks or face coverings or tattoos idk showing up and helping communities and towns from strife and then disappearing.
Maybe at first the galaxy thinks it’s like one or two that can like teleport or some shit, but then you later find out that it’s a bunch of different people.
One day some of these force wielders are helping a town and stuff goes sideways. they get in a fight. the’re fighting a mandalorian or some guy with beskar, they pull out a lightsaber.
it’s purple.
Mace Windu has created a (kinda cult-y) isolated force community that have an equal balance between light and dark.
Here what i’m thinking about the community:
It’s almost completely self sufficient, and children are highly educated in the force, diplomacy, engineering, biology, agriculture, etc. even if they plan on being like a farmer or running their parents shop.
then when the force wielders reach a certain age (maybe like around 18/19) a group of three are put together (one dark leaning, one light leaning, one grey leaning) and are tasked with going out and seeing the galaxy for like 6 months to two years
They have to use the force as minimally as they can and really only when their lives are in danger. They can’t tell anyone about their home, where it is or what it’s made up of.
If they find a orphan child with the force they can bring them back but they can’t tell the child where their going or more info about force wielders. Then when they return, they’ve done a right of passage and they get like a tattoo or a branding (again kinda culty)
I’m also thinking like the ruling council is made up of three different trios of force wielders (trios would be made up of one grey, one light, one dark) and then votes have to be cast not individually but by the groups (ex. one trio votes yes, two trios vote no) and if a trio can’t agree on a choice their vote is abstained.
idk i wish they could do this cause then they can bring in Samuel L Jackson as old mace windu make it’s a show or a movie trilogy i don’t care
just make it plz
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fickleminder · 2 years
I am once again asking for more demons will be demon concept content. Because I am obsessed. You mentioned that Lucifer would make more rules that would make mc stay at the house more often how else would the boys go around trying to insert themselves in MC‘s life and try to gain their friendship?
Okay, so, saying ‘sorry’ will only get the brothers so far (if they even apologize to begin with). They have to prove that they genuinely regret the way they treated MC, no shallow apology with nothing else to show for it.
As mentioned, Lucifer probably starts mandating weekly dinners and movie nights, if only to ensure MC is around more often. Good for family bonding, would be his excuse, and yes that includes you MC. He considers assigning MC more chores as well, but the risk of that backfiring is so high that he discards the idea almost immediately. To entice MC further, he asks them to recommend human world movies under the pretense of cultural exchange. But really, he just wants MC to be able to enjoy a piece of home in the HoL.
Mammon and Levi team up for this. While Mammon works on refurnishing MC’s room and replacing all the stuff he’d stolen from it, Levi stalks them online to figure out what kind of shows/games/media they’re interested in and gets them lots of rare merch. Increasing MC’s amount of material possessions is their go-to method to get them to stay, even if it borders on bribery.
Satan takes the indirect route and goes to Solomon, trying to convince the sorcerer to let him help tutor MC too. He asks Solomon to ‘recommend’ him for certain subjects, arguing that it’ll free up some spare time for his own projects (not that spending time with MC isn’t already enjoyable in itself). Satan might end up owing Solomon a few favors after this, but it’ll be worth it to have some one-on-one time with MC. His plan is to start out as study buddies before progressing (hopefully) from there.
Asmo... may or may not have worked his charm on MC’s lesser demon friends to learn more about MC. He would have tried it on MC themself, but then there’s consent and boundaries and all that. He finds out what kind of fashion they like, which shops in town they frequent, and tries to emulate/adopt their preferences into his own so that MC will have someone around who shares the same taste as them, something in common to bond over.
Beel takes a more active interest in human world food, instead of just devouring everything in sight without meaning/understanding. He asks MC to teach him how to cook, and offers to help when it’s their turn to prepare dinner. Keeping his Gluttony in check is agony, but he does his best to be more engaged in the process than just the final product.
Belphie tries to fix his past behavior and atone for his bullying. He’ll finish (some of) MC’s chores for them without asking, and mumble that it’s in return for their help doing his chores last time (not that they had a choice in it, but still). At night, he makes sure MC only has good dreams and uses his abilities to give them quality sleep. Belphie thinks MC won’t know it’s him, but he doesn’t realize that MC can see him in their dreams when he works his magic.
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minevn · 1 year
(I'm sorry for the mistakes) (silly) *left a note for all my clothes thieves* “Please don't steal my clothes! I’m not rich and I can’t buy new clothes every time!!!”
Minato: Doesn't steal your clothes but is shocked when you invite him over and he sees the note. "You...have people stealing your clothes?" He looks at you, mortified, shocked that stuff like that actually happens and it's happening to you. Offers to stay watch if you want him to.
Haruto: Doesn't steal your clothes, but you two probably share clothes if your clothes fit him, he also gives you his clothes often. Is also surprised when he sees the note, honestly, a bit upset he hadn't thought of doing that himself but also gets upset at himself for thinking that. "I'll buy you new clothes, how does that sound?"
Jun: Has definitely stolen your clothes, especially now that she's back in town and so close to you. Feels bad when she sees the note and returns your stolen clothes back to you, washed of course. She'll also buy you some new clothes and takes one article of clothing, she needs your smell y'know? She'll make sure to wash and return it when your scent is gone.
Hoshi: Hasn't stolen your clothes, but has definitely thought about it. Laughs so hard he falls to the floor when he reads the note you left. "People are ACTUALLY stealing your clothes?!?" Despite laughing, when he thinks about it, it ticks him off. If any one is going to be stealing your clothes, it should be HIM! He's the one dating you! "I'm buying you new clothes and getting you a safe to store them in. That, or you could come live with me and I'll beat the shit outta anyone who comes by to steal 'em"
Habiki: Hasn't thought about stealing your clothes so he hasn't done it. Doesn't notice the note until later in his visit. "Is... Is that a joke?" He points to the paper, looking disgusted. Why would anyone steal worn clothes?? After confirming it's not a joke, Habiki just sighs. "Lets get you some new clothes. Don't worry 'bout paying me back." He doesn't steal your clothes, but he tries to find the appeal about stealing worn clothes. He understands when all he smells is you. Still, you two are dating and he can smell you anytime he wants to.
Kage: He's solen your clothes so many times. He feels bad when he sees the note when he's about to steal some more clothes. He sighs and drops his plans of stealing your clothes. He heads back home and finally does the laundry, it's mostly your clothes. He'll return them back to you when he's done washing and drying them. He'll take a little something as a reward for giving you back your clothes.
Kei: He's stolen one thing of yours(your heart jk) and that's a shirt that you go to sleep in. He only ever steals that shirt. Once the scent is gone, he washes it and returns it back to you, waiting for you to wear it and get your scent all over it again. When he sees the note, he knows he's included, but definitely not the only one. Next time he goes to steal that shirt, he buys you a new shirt to wear every time and leaves you some(a lot of) money.
Yani: The main culprit honestly. He'll go to steal another article of clothing and see the note. It doesn't stop him from stealing your clothes. But the next day he returns with all your clothes that went missing months ago, but he didn't even wash them. You ask how he got your clothes, not wanting to expect the worst, but he just flat out tells you it was him before going over to you laundry basket, picking up a shirt and smelling it while telling you she likes your scent. Will ask you if you know how to turn your scent into a perfume that way Yani doesn't have to steal your clothes anymore. Still, he feels bad so he'll take you shopping, letting you know that he'll be stealing these as well after you've worn them, but at least you have all your other clothes back and Yani will start returning them to you, unwashed however.
Aki: Chokes as soon as she sees the note. Thinks it's a joke but quickly turns disgusted when she finds out it's not a joke. "That's serious, buddy. Call the police??? For now, lets get you some new clothes, don't even worry about paying me back." is so disgusted by the idea of others stealing your clothes that she stays over for a month and doesn't sleep at night, just stares at the window.
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Azul Ashengrotto of Royal Sword Academy || Chapter 14: Birds of a Feather
After shopping for Halloween decorations, Jamil meets up with Azul for a promised trip to the aviary, where he slowly builds up the courage to ask him out.
Word Count: 4,593
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The Prefect meeting about the upcoming Halloween Week just ended, and Jamil is preparing to leave for town to get some decorations.
It's when Jamil is walking to his room, noticing the distinct lack of traps laying around, that his phone buzzes and he checks the message.
It's a text from Azul.
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Jamil's mood instantly perks up. Right, the aviary!
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Azul replies almost immediately.
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It is? If he had known it was so close, he'd have visited more often.
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Almost an hour later, Jamil has just gotten out of the store where he was supposed to pick up the decorations.
Apparently since there was a high demand for carved pumpkins and floating lanterns, the store had run out of stock. They're waiting on new stocks arriving today, and Jamil was told that they'd just deliver the items to NRC.
Normally he'd be annoyed, but he has plans here in town today, anyway.
Jamil easily finds his way to the cat café. He wonders if he should go in or if he should wait for Azul out here on the street.
Then he hears a playful voice.
"Hello, Viper."
He looks to see that Azul is approaching, wearing his purple hoodie.
"Hey, Ash. You're definitely dressed for a nice and comfy day today." Jamil remarks. He, too, is wearing a thicker hoodie than normal on account of the colder season coming in. He walks over to him, smiling. "By the way, you really went and had the nerve to change things up around Scarabia after just one visit, huh? Not only are there less traps these days but last night, I got ambushed by my dorm members just so they could talk my ear off with their opinions of me."
"Oh?" Azul says in pleasant surprise. "How did that go? What did they say?"
Jamil pauses and scrunches up his face. "You can't expect me to recite what they told me. I'm sure they already told you those sentiments first. Point is, the new stuff that's been going around the dorm… I guess it's not so bad. I just still find it wild that you managed to change all that in the span of one day."
Azul shakes his head. "I didn't do much, your residents have already been wanting to tell you those things, they just needed a little encouragement and a nudge in the right direction. What did you tell them?" he smiles at Jamil.
Jamil scratches the back of his head. "I… Well, I didn't know what to say, so I just said whatever came to me in the moment. It looks like it made them happy, so whatever works. Now the only trap I really gotta worry about is a sudden party in the middle of a study night." He sighs, but there's clearly no real bite to it. "Anyway… dorm matters aside, how have things been at RSA? Did you give Kalim that package I sent you?"
Azul nods, smiling. "I did. He teared up and hugged me. You really made him happy with that. And he asked me to give you this," he pulls out a small box from the pocket of his hoodie.
It looks like a small thermal lunchbox, similar to those he used to pack for Kalim's lunches in middle school.
Jamil's eyebrows raised in surprise. He did not expect to get anything in return.
He gingerly takes the lunchbox and opens it up to check the contents.
He sees the dark orange color of the dish and the smell of curry hits him.
"He cooked it himself," Azul says proudly. "He said that he had been practicing that recipe ever since he joined the Cooking Club. He told me to tell you that he hasn't perfected it yet but he hopes that you enjoy it, nonetheless."
Jamil sees a note stuck to the inside of the lid of the box.
You were always cooking for me, I wanted to try cooking for you, too! I hope you like it! ^_^ - Kalim
"Whoa..." Jamil widens his eyes in wonder before he closes the box and carefully puts it in his backback. "I can hardly believe it... I didn't think he'd ever touch this type of food again."
Azul nods. "He told me the story. I'm surprised you still like to eat that dish after what happened."
Jamil shrugs.
"What can I say? It's curry."
Azul smiles. "Indeed. Well, then. Shall we go see some parrots?" he nods to the direction away from the café.
"I still can't believe you went out of your way to search for parrots for my sake," Jamil laughs. "Let's."
"Seems like there's a lot of things you can't believe about me," Azul says playfully as they walk along the street. "It just makes me want to surprise you more."
"Hmm… I don't think I mind such an intimidating prospect." Jamil pleasantly hums, before he falls a little serious. "Have you heard from Rielle since we last talked?"
Azul’s expression sombers. "He messaged this morning, but it's more of the same thing. He just keeps insisting that he's fine. I'd been considering making an appointment at the palace so that I could visit him. I had brought it up to the king, and he said that I'm allowed to visit as soon as tomorrow, when Rielle gets back from his diplomatic trip to the next city."
Jamil grows concerned. "You're heading off? Will this be until the end of Rielle's tasks with his kingdom?"
"I don't know yet,” Azul says. "The king always expects Rielle to accomplish his tasks, but I'm not sure how long that particular one will take. The best we can hope for is a compromise, perhaps the king would lessen Rielle's responsibilities for the diplomatic gathering if he sees that Rielle is having a particularly difficult time handling them. I'm hoping I can convince the king of that, at least."
"Oh, so you're gonna be the diplomat to decrease Rielle's responsibilities as a diplomat," Jamil observes. "You think the king's gonna listen to reason?"
"I certainly hope so," Azul says quietly. Then he turns to Jamil. "I'm not sure how long I'll be gone when I go to the Coral Sea, that's also why I wanted to spend time with you today," he smiles shyly. "I can give your number to Rahzel if you like, so he can send his updates about Kalim to you directly. He'll be messaging me today about it, I can bring it up to him then."
Jamil falls quiet for a moment, but he nods, understanding Azul's plight. "Take care of yourself when you do get there, okay? Let's make this day count, then."
Azul smiles. "Of course."
A few minutes later, they reach an open gate with a colorful sign above its arched top, Abu's Aviary.
"Ah, here we are," Azul says as they walk in. "Have you ever been to such a place before?"
"Not at all," Jamil shakes his head, eyeing the security booth and the visitors milling around. "I think I passed this place once or twice but I never really had the time to look and visit."
Azul nods, then he goes to the ticket booth–which fortunately had no line–and gets two tickets for him and Jamil.
"Do you want to see the parrots now, or look at other birds first?" Azul asks as he hands Jamil his ticket.
"Hm. Might as well save the best for last.” Jamil pockets the ticket. “Besides, I'm curious to see what sort of birds they're keeping around here."
"Let's see the first exhibit, then.”
They entered a garden populated by small birds of different colors; shades of blue, yellow, red, green, brown.
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The garden is filled with the sounds of wings flapping and soft chirping as the birds fly around from one plant to another. Some of them flew near the guests, blinking at them curiously before flying away.
There's a sign on one wall showing that this is the finches section, and indicating what types of finches are in here.
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Jamil watches the birds fly by, enjoying the sights and sounds as he starts to recall the memory. "This reminds me of how Kalim seems to attract all sorts of animals to him. I bet if he were here, we'd be surrounded somehow."
"Then we must take him here someday," Azul smiles. "Does he attract bugs as well?" he asks playfully.
Jamil visibly shudders. "Fortunately, no. But it definitely won't stop him from befriending them..."
They pass through the finches section and go to the next one, the sign indicating that this area houses nightingales.
They hear a guide telling a group of children that the nightingales frequently sing during the spring and summer seasons, so they're quieter around this time of the year.
A few of the birds perched nearby are twittering in a variety of different sounds.
Azul turns to the pictures and illustrations of nightingales on the wall.
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"Adorable," he smiles. "They look like babies who are constantly singing, screaming, or hungry."
Then he reads the text detailing the characteristics of a nightingale.
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"They have impressive eyesight." He turns to Jamil. "How's your eyesight? You don't wear glasses so I assume you don't need them."
"My eyesight's always been fine," Jamil casually brags. "It pays to be attentive when you're guarding people. How about you? Have you always needed glasses? Do merfolk usually even wear glasses?"
"My eyesight is excellent underwater, but on land I need glasses. I think it's because my hometown is always in darkness, so the bright light on land does funny things to my vision. It's not the same for all merfolk, though. Rielle doesn't need glasses, and as you know neither does Jade nor Floyd. Maybe cecaelia eyes work differently. My eyes do look different than theirs, after all. In my merform, I mean."
A nightingale with blue feathers on its chest lands on Azul's shoulder, making him stay still in surprise. It chirps and nips at Azul's ear, then flies away again. Azul chuckles as he watches it fly.
"My, it must've thought you were seafood for a moment," Jamil jokes, watching the bird fly away. "Are you telling me that your eyes do those horizontal slits like octopi do?"
Azul nods. "Yes, my pupils are horizontal. And my irises are a brighter shade of blue than this," he slightly raises his eyebrows and he blinks to indicate his eyes.
They approach the next section, the sign indicating that it houses lovebirds.
Based on the amount of birds flying together in pairs or feeding each other with seeds via their beaks, the section is certainly appropriately named.
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"Man, if any species needs to learn to get a room, it'll be these guys," Jamil mutters.
Azul laughs. "Ah, let them be happy. Besides, this is their room. We're the ones intruding," he says playfully.
Like in the other sections, there are pictures here of the different types of lovebirds, and a group of kids are reading their names and trying to find them among the flying birds in the area.
One bird with red feathers catches Jamil's attention. It flies onto a low branch next to a bird with purple feathers and snuggles against its neck.
Then they lean against each other, reminding Jamil of him and Azul on one of the rooftops in Scarabia just yesterday.
Jamil stutters to a halt and finds himself staring at the pair.
Wordlessly, he brings out his phone to take a quiet picture.
"Oh, they're beautiful," he hears Azul say softly behind him. "Can you send me that photo?"
Jamil glances up to hold Azul's gaze, aware of the colors they share in resemblance to the birds.
"... Sure. I can send it to you later,” he nods, looking a little shy all of a sudden as he turns away and continues walking like he saw nothing.
Azul falls in step beside him and they stop to let a group of kids in uniform pass by in front of them. They must be in the middle of their field trip.
One of the kids, a little boy, looks at them, then looks at the branch above them, and smiles widely. He turns to his friend and says something, then points to the branch then at Jamil and Azul. Then both kids are staring and smiling at them in fascination.
Jamil looks up and realizes that the kids are staring at them and the lovebirds above them in similar colors.
He immediately knew what they were ogling at. He glares at them and shakes his head.
They just nod at him in defiance.
Sighing, he leans to Azul and whispers, "Little children seem to think that we're the human incarnations of those birds up there."
Azul looks at the children, then at the branch above them, and he chuckles.
He smiles at the children and puts an arm around Jamil's waist, pulling him close.
"Wh—" Jamil was about to exclaim, but he freezes as Azul rests his head against his.
The children gasp and their smiles grow brighter.
Their teacher calls them from in front, telling them to follow and not separate from the group.
They both wave enthusiastically at Azul and Jamil before hurrying after their classmates.
Azul lets go of Jamil and stands up properly again.
He stumbles a little once he was let go and he stares at the other in bewilderment. "What was THAT all about?"
"They seemed so happy, I thought I might give them a little more wonder," Azul is smiling, then he looks uncertainly at Jamil. "Did it make you uncomfortable?"
"I... well…" Jamil can feel his cheeks reddening. "I guess I didn't mind, but you owe me for that."
Azul looks relieved. "Of course. Just let me know how I can return the favor.”
"You'll have to wait for it. I want to make this favor worth your sudden gesture," Jamil teases as they proceed to exit the lovebirds section.
Azul raises an eyebrow at him. "I don't think I mind such an intimidating prospect," he smiles playfully, mimicking what Jamil had said earlier.
Eventually, their trip around the aviary ended with them entering the parrot enclosure.
Squawks and fluttering of wings greet them as they step into a botanical garden.
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Jamil gazes around, clearly taken by the sight of the birds.
Their colorful feathers are even brighter than he had expected.
Hues of red, green, blue, and yellow all swirl around them. There seem to be more variations even compared to the pictures on the wall.
Jamil can't decide where to look, there are so many things catching his attention; he ends up spinning around to take in the view.
He eventually decides to approach a bright red parrot with blue, black, and white patterns in its feathers, watching it preen itself.
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"So cool…" he mutters under his breath.
The parrot flies away, and Jamil turns to follow it with his eyes. Then he sees Azul, looking at him with the softest smile.
Azul's eyes twinkle when he catches Jamil's gaze. Then he looks around as well. "I don't think I've ever seen this much bright colors before, they remind me of the bioluminescent fish in my hometown."
"... How do you feel about the Sea Witch, Ash?" Jamil asks out of the blue, curious.
"Hm?" Azul blinks at him. "She's known to be a benevolent mage, according to my hometown's legend. I grew up hearing a lot of stories around her, and I had actually gotten the idea of my magic contracts from the stories. She used contracts as well, right? And the fact that she was a cecaelia inspired me. She's part-octopus, and everyone respected her. I thought that if I granted wishes like she did, I might earn that same respect," he gives a small smile. "Why do you ask?"
Jamil turns his gaze upward. "That's sort of how I feel about the Sorcerer of the Sands, too. He was in a servant's position, just like me, but he climbed his way to the top through patience and sheer wit. He got the position—the acknowledgement—that he deserved and I grew up wanting to end up like him one day."
He blushes. "It's... kinda silly when you think about it. Even more so when he's why I started wanting a parrot. He was said to have one that served as his trusted companion through thick and thin… And one that apparently talked coherent sentences. I looked into it, though, and found that parrots nowadays can't achieve that same level of intelligence, but I suppose that that only goes to show how advanced the Sorcerer was."
Azul steps closer to him. "I don't think it's silly at all. And if the Sorcerer is here now, he'd be proud of all you've achieved…" he looks up at a branch and smiles. "... Jamil Viper," he says in a voice louder than normal.
A squawk sounds from behind Jamil, and there's a flap of wings as a parrot lands on his shoulder.
"Jamil Viper!" the bird says in its squawking voice. "Hello, Jamil Viper!"
Azul grins, then pulls out some bird seeds from his pocket and holds out his open palm to the parrot, who eagerly pecks at the seeds.
"Whoa, hey there, lil' fella..." Jamil greets after jumping a little from the sudden weight against his shoulder. He watches Azul feed the parrot. "Since when did you get bird seeds?"
"I bought some earlier before I met you at the café," he says, brushing off the crumbs from his hand after the parrot finishes eating. "It's his favorite brand," he pats the parrot on the head.
Jamil looks at him in surprise. "Favorite brand? Huh? Wait, you two know each other?"
Azul smiles. "I'd been coming here every other day since last week, teaching three parrots to react to your name and say hello. They allow you to do that here, just ask the staff to help you, since civilians aren't allowed to train birds on their own. I picked three because it's more likely that at least one of them would be within earshot when we come here. And this guy here is our first responder." He holds up the packet of bird seeds. "Do you want to feed him?"
Jamil stares at him with his mouth slightly agape. Then slowly, he blinks himself back to conscious thought and holds his hand out to receive the packet and feed it to the parrot on his shoulder.
"I… I don't know what to say. Why would you go through all that trouble?"
"I don't know… I had a lot of free time," Azul chuckles at his own joke. "He likes you," he says fondly as the bird eats the seeds from Jamil's palm and gives him a few affectionate nips on his braid.
A smile slowly appears on Jamil's face. "Ash, this officially makes you one of the coolest people I know.”
The parrot squawks, as if in agreement. "He likes you!" it mimics Azul.
Azul chuckles at the parrot, petting it again. The bird ruffles its feathers affectionately. "I'm really glad you like it," he smiles, gazing into Jamil's eyes.
"Ash!" the parrot squawks, trying to nip at Azul's hand as he pulls it away. "Ash! Ash!" Then he nips at Jamil's ear. "Ash… likes you! Likes you!"
"Well, I certainly hope so," Jamil jokes, though there's an undeniable grin on his face from the parrot's words. "With everything he knows about me, it'd be terrible if he's secretly gunning for my downfall this whole time."
"I told you that in confidence!" Azul feigns a scolding tone, staring wide-eyed at the parrot. Then he looks at Jamil and shakes his head in mock disappointment. "This one is a snitch."
"Oh yeah?" Jamil raises an eyebrow, turning his attention back to the parrot. "What else did Ash tell you in confidence? It'll be a secret just between you and me."
"Secret! Secret!" the parrot squawks, and just blinks at the both of them, tilting its head side to side curiously.
"Ah, a shred of loyalty remains in the bird's heart," Azul says dramatically. Then he smiles at Jamil. "We can go here whenever we want, they're open everyday. Oh, and you don't need to have me with you if you wanna see this guy or the other two who'll react to your name. Just say your name loud enough and if any of them are within earshot, they'll come to you."
"Fantastic..." Jamil breathlessly utters, still completely blown away by this arrangement. "What's his name?"
"Al," Azul says.
At that, the parrot perks up and ruffles its feathers. "Al! Me! Al!"
Azul smiles. "Oh yeah, he reacts to his name quite loudly as well. So if you ever want to find him, you can call his name."
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Al. You're a really smart parrot, aren't you?"
"Al! Me!" The parrot screeches, bobbing its head up and down like its nodding.
It flies off of Jamil's soldier and lands clumsily on top of Azul's head, leaning forward to stare at Azul upside-down. "He! Likes you!"
"Do you just say that to everyone?" Azul asks playfully, looking at the parrot.
The bird begins to walk in place on Azul's head, earning a surprised "Ow!" from the merman, though he doesn't seem to be hurt.
"Jamil Viper!" Al squawks, blinking at Jamil. "Jamil Viper!" he leans forward to stare at Azul upside-down again. "Likes you! Ash! Ash!"
"Well now, he's snitching on the both of us," Jamil playfully retorts, walking over to lightly wave the bird away. Al soars up with an indignant squawk and flies off to a nearby branch.
Azul chuckles. "So, I take it you enjoyed the aviary?" he proudly gestures around the place like he owns it.
"As long as these birds are enjoying it, then absolutely," Jamil grins. He reaches over and brushes off some crumbs in Azul's hair from Al's earlier perch. "... This place would not have been as cool as it is if you hadn't shown me around today, though. Thank you."
Azul tenses up in surprise for a moment at Jamil's touch, then he relaxes and smiles. "It's my pleasure, Vi. I had a lot of fun with you today. We really did make this day count," he gazes into Jamil's eyes.
From this close, Jamil can see the tinge of red on Azul's fair cheeks.
Jamil recalls Al's words, and his conversation with Rielle back at the Autumn Dance.
He likes Azul, and Azul likes him back... At this point, there really is no doubt to be had, is there?
He takes a breath and begins to speak. "... Ash, I—"
A phone rings.
They both get startled at the sound; Azul blinks and smiles sheepishly at Jamil before stepping back to take out his phone. "I'm sorry, I have to take this," he says as he looks at the screen. “It's Rahzel
Probably an update about Kalim." He answers the call. "Hello?"
"Huh? Oh…" Jamil snaps out of his daze, trying not to look disappointed. "No problem."
Al makes a sad trumpet sound up on a branch.
Jamil narrows his eyes at the bird. How could a parrot even make that sound?
"Kalim's Blot Levels are fine," Azul smiles at Jamil while still on the phone. Then his smile slowly disappears as he listens some more. "What?" he asks Rahzel. "Lower than Rielle's– Rielle had elevated Blot levels? When? You're only telling me about this now?" his voice is rising and he's starting to sound angry. "No, he didn't tell me, Rahzel. Why–" He cuts himself off and closes his eyes, taking a breath. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "Thank you, Rahzel." He hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket. Then he puts his hands on his hips and takes deep breaths, his jaw clenched.
Jamil turns his attention away from a mental stare-off with Al to Azul, bewildered. "Wait… Elevated Blot levels? Rielle's developing Blot, too?" He should've expected this, given that he and Azul are both facing the same stressful circumstances. "When did they pick up on that?"
"Apparently Rielle had gone to the infirmary the day before he left for the Coral Sea," Azul says in an evenly measured voice. "Rahzel doesn't know why, but he had himself checked for Blot. His had spiked more than Kalim's did. No one at the infirmary told me because they had assumed that Rielle would. I had assumed that as well…" he closes his eyes for a moment and massages his forehead. "I have to check on him," he says decisively. "Now. Especially with how he's been disappearing lately."
"What?" Jamil says in surprise. "How? Don't tell me you're planning on swimming all the way to the Coral Sea."
Azul looks at Jamil apologetically. "I'm sorry that I have to cut this day short, I'll make it up to you when I get back, I promise. There's a mirror portal at RSA that leads directly to the Coral Sea, but RSA is farther…" he trails off, then looks at Jamil. "I'm sorry to ask you this, but can we fly to NRC? It's nearer here compared to RSA, and Jade told me that Octavinelle has a mirror portal that leads to the Coral Sea. There's a broom rental right outside this aviary." Azul is trying so hard to be calm, but Jamil can see the worry in his eyes.
"..." Jamil nods, taking the role of the calm and composed in a situation of duress. "First, deep breaths, Azul. I know this is concerning news, but you won't be able to help Rielle in such a panicked state. I'll help you get to NRC, but for now, breathe…" He demonstrates, before gently taking Azul's hand and leading the way out and over to a small building for broom rentals.
Azul laces his fingers through Jamil's and grips his hand tightly, mimicking his breathing.
Seeing that Azul seems too frazzled to pilot a broom on his own all the way to NRC, Jamil had asked the clerk to rent them only one.
He gets on and gestures for Azul to do the same. Then he kicks off the ground, keeping the ride as smooth as possible as they head for the cliff towering above them.
Azul has one arm wrapped around Jamil's waist, and with his other hand he takes his phone out of his pocket. "Jade. I don't have time to explain, but I need access to Octavinelle's portal to the Coral Sea. It's about Rielle."
There's a moment of silence before Azul speaks again.
"Thank you. I'll meet you in the Hall of Mirrors in 15 minutes at most. And Jade… Remember that potion we brewed together…? I'd like to buy a bottle from you today."
Another beat of silence.
"Yes, I'm sure," Azul says, sounding like he's trying to convince himself.
Jamil doesn't ask. He knows that Azul is too mentally preoccupied to tell him much of anything right now.
He gets them to land right by the front gate. With the broom being seen as a foreign substance, they'd just fly right into the invisible barrier.
Jamil is automatically identified as a student and, because he's holding Azul's hand, whatever magic regulations are used here seem to recognize him as a guest.
The broom was left behind. They run all the way to the Hall of Mirrors.
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<- Chapter 13
Chapter 15 ->
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catgirlforkaeya · 2 years
birthday wishes
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kaeya x gn!reader
synopsis: kaeya’s birthday wish
word count: 964
warnings: a little suggestive 😇
a/n: happy birthday to kaeya the love of my life idc if he is a set of pixels 🥳🙏🙏 i have been a PROUD main since feb 25 2021 and i am not ashamed. i will proudly flex my triple crowned c5 r2 aquila kaeya on people. also did y’all see his birthday art???? LORDDDDD
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the streets of the city were bustling, this time of the year was always busy. it was breaching the season of christmas, so everyone’s days were slowly getting busier and busier. whether it be busy with work, christmas shopping, or other unknown tasks, everyone found a way to be busy.
you, however, were currently on your way home early to surprise your boyfriend for his birthday.
you’d been away on a business trip for roughly three months now, and wasn’t supposed to return until right before christmas. this meant you would miss kaeya’s birthday— which you could never do to him. after some nonstop nagging your boss they reluctantly agreed to allow you to cut the trip early and finish the rest at home.
kaeya had no clue you were back in town. last he knew you were on your way to a big business conference and couldn’t talk for awhile, when in reality you were boarding your flight back home. after an agonizingly long six hour flight, you landed and found your way to the taxi outside.
thanks to a few mutual friends you got ahold of kaeya’s schedule for the day, so you knew how to plan things perfectly. you were going to do your best to avoid the apartment just in case he happened to stop by. if all goes according to plan, in a few hours you two will be reunited and celebrating his birthday together.
you spent the next three hours running all around the city, going from shop to shop for items. you bought a whole miscellaneous of items. the cake, obligatory fancy wine, a new watch to complete his set, some cologne, anything and everything that kaeya loved you managed to grab. time was flying by, and before you knew it you were rushing home to set up the apartment.
the apartment was thankfully empty when you arrived, just like you had planned. everything had been going according to schedule, so you had at least an hour to get everything laid out.
you started with the kitchen, placing the cake down in the center of the counter island. grabbing two glasses of wine out of the cabinets above, you filled them up and set them opposite of each other. you left the bottle out, figuring that one glass would not be enough for either of you.
next, you moved onto the living room. you unpacked all of the little trinkets and gifts you had bought your beloved, quickly and neatly wrapping them and placing them on the coffee table. by the time you were done it almost looked like christmas in there.
and at last, you moved onto the bedroom. you wanted to let kaeya end the day off with something relaxing, so what’s better than spending some time in the bedroom? you quickly made up the sheets, tucking them in and straightening them so they were all neat. next, you lit some candles on your nightstands to give the room an aroma. you went with a fall spice scent— awhile back kaeya mentioned that smell was his one of his favorites. your memory with that type of stuff was finally coming in handy today.
once you fixed up any last-minute preparations, you changed into another set of clothes. just on queue, you heard the door click as the clock chimed at six-o’clock. you casually made your way down the hallway, hoping this scenario would play out like you’d rehearsed in your head a million times.
when kaeya saw you standing in front of him, he stopped immediately. at first he did a double take, not thinking it was real. he’d been sleeping less— it was probably a hallucination. however, when he watched you walk towards him and cup his face in your hands, he knew it wasn’t a hallucination.
your lover wrapped his arms around your waist firmly, pulling you in for a deep kiss. it caught you off guard— although you should’ve expected a reaction like this. after being without each other for so long it’s no surprise that both of you were on the needy side.
your bodies melted against each other’s, lips moving in sync. somehow you ended up with your back against the wall, arms wrapped around his neck. kaeya’s knee slid between your legs, resting there as he took over the kiss. he would gently bite down on your bottom lip ever so often, electing a gasp out of you. testing the waters a little, he ran his tongue over your bottom lip too. you caught on and slid your tongue into the kiss too, heating up the atmosphere even more. now your tongues were brushing against each other ever so often, making the kiss a little messy at this point. messy didn’t matter right now, though. he tasted like peppermint and sweets, and his lips felt like heaven. that’s all that mattered.
“what are you doing here?” kaeya asked breathless as he pulled away from the kiss. his forehead rested against yours as you both tried to catch your breath.
“i wanted to surprise you for your birthday,” you let out a shaky laugh as you tried to regain your composure. your head was spinning right now, and your body felt like it was on fire. “i convinced my boss to let me do the rest of the trip from home. i’m here now.”
kaeya was at a loss for words. he’d been dreading his birthday for months because he’d been thinking he was going to spend it alone. he was never a fan of his birthday, but spending it without the love of his life was an even more miserable thought. however, here you were standing in front of him.
guess birthday wishes do come true afterall.
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Hello! I’d like to request a Blackbeard x reader with fluff if possible? Gender neutral pronouns if needed, have a great day!
Cherry Flavored Conversations
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Ship: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Reader Summary: The crew of the Queen Anne gets some shore leave. You run into your captain and have a much better time than expected.  Notes: Another request! Wow! Title is from Cherry Flavored by The Neighborhood Warnings: drinking 
Breaks weren’t all too common on the Queen Anne. Then again breaks weren’t all that common in piracy in general. But every once in a while, you all stopped at some pirate friendly port and sometimes you were given free reign to go ashore and do as you wished.
Blackbeard’s crew was already piling into taverns and brothels, ready to blow their cut of the recent catch on booze and women. 
There were only three exceptions. 
The ever work-focused first mate, who was watching the ship. He’d conscripted Ivan and Fang to stay on watch with him. Both good choices considering that most others would probably whine about missing the ‘fun’.
The illusive captain himself, whom you had yet to really meet despite sailing under him for nearly half a year. (A few of the others made bets and shared ridiculous conspiracies about what their fearsome captain did while they were out partying.)
And you. Honestly it just wasn’t really your scene, being in a loud crowded bar surrounded by drunk idiots sounded miserable. You were going to relish the fact that you could actually be alone for a while.
You were one of the last to leave the ship, giving Izzy a nod which he returned. Even more interestingly you didn’t get his “as a part of Blackbeard’s crew, your actions reflect on your captain and if you dare do anything to sully his reputation, you will live just long enough to regret it” speech which he’d given to everyone else. You wondered if that meant that he trusted you enough to not do anything stupid. If so, you were flattered.
Passing the bustling taverns, you glanced over just long enough to spot the dollar signs flashing in the eyes of the bartenders as they spotted the hoard of pirates ready and willing to blow their entire haul to get drunk. You even spotted a few working girls conspiring, planning to approach once your crewmates were so drunk they’d pass out immediately after paying for their services. More reasons to avoid it all in your opinion.
Instead, you continued onward, scoping out the small port town. Your plan for the night fully formed when you spotted a winery. After a short conversation with the shop owner, you ended up buying yourself a bottle of cherry wine. It was expensive but you (unlike the others) saved your shares, so it wasn’t an issue. Wine in hand you set out to find a quiet place on the beach. There you sat leaning back in the sand and drank your wine, enjoying the starry sky, the sound of the ocean, and the sweet taste.
You hadn’t been able to lay there long when you heard footsteps crunching in the sand. You glanced over and immediately sat up when you recognized the figure in the moonlight. Blackbeard himself in all his glory, pipe in hand and unreadable expression on his face. 
“Oh! Captain, Sir! Do you need anything?” You tried to keep your tone casual but still respectful.
“Nah, just walking around seeing the sights. Wasn’t expecting to see you out here.” His voice sounded very different to both the commands he gave the crew and the intimidating tone he used during raids. It sounded casual.
“Nor I you, captain.” You responded honestly though you were a tad confused as to what he was doing here.
“Ah, at ease mate. No need for all that captain stuff. We ain’t on the Queen Anne.” He waved dismissively.  He cocked his head, seemingly curious. “What are you doing out here anyway? Taverns not to your liking?”
You shrugged. “Prefer the quiet sometimes, Cap- ah….” You wavered on the address. You didn’t mind dropping the captain but you had no idea what he wanted you to replace it with.
“Edward.” Blackbeard, or Edward, apparently supplied. “And I suppose that’s fair. Must be nice to get away from everything…” he continued as if he hadn’t just invited you to call him by his first name. 
“What are you doing here, Edward?” It was very strange to call the infamous Blackbeard by his first name so casually but you also didn’t mind it.
He leaned back slightly, “Same as you I guess.” He took a drag from his pipe, the smoke billowing around him reminding you of the fuses he sometimes tied in his beard for raids. “Looking for some peace and quiet.”
A part of you wanted to immediately offer to leave and hand over your spot but the captain wasn’t really the type to beat around the bush (at least with the crew) so if he wanted you to do that then he’d probably just come out and say it. Instead you patted the sand next to you. “I can confirm it’s very peaceful and quiet out here if you’d like.” Honestly the offer made you a bit nervous that you were overstepping, but Edward seemed not to be upset.
“Thanks mate.” Your captain wasted no time in dropping down to sit next to you, leaning back enough to rest on his elbows. He glanced back at you. “This what you do on shore leave, eh? I’ll admit I was a tad curious where you always disappear to.”
You weren’t really sure what to make of that. He was curious about what you did? Why? You managed a shrug. “It’s nice to get off the ship sometimes but I don’t necessarily want to lose all my share drinking terrible beer from whatever pub I can stumble into. Besides, fucking hate crowds. Especially stupid drunk crowds.”
That got a chuckle from the man. “That’s fair.”
“I’ll take whatever alone time I can get.” You confessed. The crew was fine but being in such cramped quarters with so many people could get really exhausting.
“Ah shit… You came out here to be alone and here I come disrupting all that.” Edward seemed genuinely concerned. “Sorry about that, I’ll just-“ he moved to stand and leave.
“No.” You honestly had no idea what made you bold enough to grab his arm but you immediately released him the moment you realized. “Sorry, I meant to say that I don’t mind your company. Hell, it’s kinda nice to have someone who I can chat with.” It was true. But you had no idea how you were being so open about it (maybe the wine was stronger than you thought?)
He looked genuinely surprised. A smile spread its way across his face. “Well then,” he commented, almost cheeky. “If I’m such good company how could I leave?” He lounged back in the sand almost comically trying to look casual.
You chuckled lightly. “Exactly.” With a little smile, you held out the bottle. “Wanna try some?” You offered. “Cherry wine, bought it back at the town. Pretty damn good.”
He glanced at the bottle then waved a hand. “Nah mate, what kinda captain would I be if I just stole your hard fought wine?”
With the same weird boldness you’d had all night, you rebutted. “Thought you said to drop the captain stuff? I’m not offering it cause you’re my captain. I’m offering because I want to.”
His eyes lit up and a smile spread its way across his face. You’d already thought he was handsome but seeing that smile on his face was still shockingly beautiful. He took a few sips, first tentatively and then much more excitedly. “Fuckin’ hell. That’s delicious.” He took another sip. “Sweet wine… didn’t know that was a thing.” He returned the bottle to you.
“Actually, there’s quite a few sweet drinks.” He gave you a curious look as if he was waiting for you to explain the world to him. You honestly wavered under that look. So much so that you took a gulp of wine before taking. “Don’t tell anyone but I’d take a good cocktail over rum any day.”
Edward gasped dramatically. “What kinda pirate does that make you?” 
You laughed as well. “The kind with functioning taste buds. I’d like to enjoy my drink rather than just get plastered.”
“Honestly, I haven’t tried many other drinks.” He admitted. You realized how weak you were for the man when all it took was a little glance at the bottle for you to immediately hand it back to him.
“You know, I used to help out at a bar when I was younger. I probably still remember all the drinks… Next time we raid a ship with a half decent liquor cabinet, I could make a bunch for you to try?” You offered. When you’d left your shitty little town to strike out on your own, you’d been looking forward to never having to mix drinks again, but you’d make an exception.
He lit up like you’d just offered to pluck a star from the sky. “Really now? Well, I can’t say no to an offer like that.” He smiled and seemed to hesitate for a moment then, “you sure I’m not messing up your alone time?”
“Of course you’re not.” You reassured. It was a little strange for the infamous Blackbeard to be so concerned with that sort of thing but you couldn’t help but like this version of him better. “Honestly, I doubt there’s anyone I’d rather be sitting with.”
He looked at you with those incredibly gorgeous eyes and seemed genuinely touched. “Don’t go stroking my ego too much!” He teased but you could tell that he was relieved with your words. “If I’m such great company, you know if you ever want some not quite alone time back on the Anne, my cabin’s open.”
The offer caught you off guard. It was one thing for him to sit with you and talk on the beach during shore leave but him inviting you to his cabin, that was something. “As long as you’re sure I won’t be messing up your alone time.” You teased. “I wouldn’t mind.”
He grinned widely. “Well then here’s the big plan.” He looped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him. “We find some stupid fancy ship with all the alcohol we could dream of, load it into my cabin and take a whole evening to have a big tasting party!” He turned to face you (maybe to see your reaction) and immediately realized how close he’d pulled you. “Erm… sorry about that mate…” he almost let go but you leaned into him.
“No worries. It seems you're not just good company, you’re a good pillow too.” You mumbled. You realized how forward that was almost immediately but before you could manage some kind of apology or other response, Edward laughed.
“Should add that one to my list of names. Edward Teach, Blackbeard, pirate extraordinaire, good pillow.” He counted off on his fingers as he spoke. 
You laughed and moved to drink more wine when you realized that the bottle was empty. Well that explains the forwardness… You let out a soft disappointed noise which seemed to alert Edward to the sudden lack of wine.
“Awe, the wine’s gone.” He was almost pouting and it was adorable. “I vote that in the morning we go and buy more of that.”
“The morning?” 
“What kinda pillow would I be if I vanished like that, huh?”
You chuckled. “Fair point.” You murmured as you fully leaned into him. Edward decided to fill the silence with a crazy story involving a drinking buddy of his which only got crazier with each line.
As much as you’d wanted to just sit and drink alone in the quiet, you had to admit that this was much better. Ed was a very good pillow and his voice was nice and comforting. Maybe later sober you would be worried about the fact that you were currently cuddled up with your captain with plans to hang out in his cabin later but for now, all you did was relax into Ed’s comfortable embrace and the sound of his voice mixed with the faint sound of waves hitting the shore. 
Relaxation at its finest.
A/N: I’ll admit this is equal part’s shenanigans and fluff but I hope you like it anyways, anon! 
I tried to get a similar vibe to the “Blackbeard's Bar & Grill & Other Delicacies & Delights & Fishing Gear” conversation with the teasing between Y/N and Edward. I’m nowhere near as good as Taika and Rhys but I hope it’s serviceable!
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hassedah · 1 year
The boys and their child have a surprise party for MC :
The request was posted a long time ago under headcanons: MC gives flowers to the boys. 
Hi! How are you? ^^
I hope you are well! Here is the headcanon you requested. I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Vladimir :
Usually on your birthday Vladimir just tries to make a cake (which always fails) and gives you flowers and a present that you want. Your birthday was at the weekend. And it was the first year your child was old enough to understand what was going on. So naturally he went to his daddy to help him give you a present. Vladimir's heart melted when he saw your child coming to him for help.
Vladimir didn't dare go shopping with your child. So to buy what he needed, he sent Aaron, your child went with the wolf. He would have really liked to go with them but the moon was far too visible for him to do so and he never really feels safe outside the manor.
He hid all the materials in a place where you could not find them before he started to organise the party. The first thing he did was to help your child draw you a picture with paint. Did Vladimir get paint all over his shirt because your child suddenly decided to hug him while he was smeared with paint? Yes, and even though his shirt is ruined he still thinks it was really cute. (And he'll probably have to throw away your child's clothes too, since he didn't just paint the leaf).
On the night of the party, Vladimir managed to get you to leave the manor by asking you to run an errand for him urgently in town (Yes, it's a new edition of Pride and Prejudice and the cover of the book is beautiful) you didn't want to refuse knowing how much he loves the book so you went to get it for him.
As Vladimir is not really good in the kitchen, he went to ask Raphael for help in this task. Beliath ended up going through the kitchen to take some pictures which he will probably show you after the party. You can see your child covered in flour from head to toe proudly holding a broken egg in his little hands to show his daddy. Your child drew the pictures on the cake himself and wrote Happy Birthday with his daddy... because Vladimir didn't want any spelling mistakes.
He took advantage of your absence to hang decorations in the dining room, Aaron came to help as soon as he saw Vladimir take out the stepladder to hang balloons. Your child was very busy drawing pretty pictures on the balloons and choosing their place in the mansion.
You returned home after buying the book for Vladimir and stopping at a bakery to buy some sweets for your child. There was a great silence in the whole manor which was quite unusual with your child.
After dropping the book in your room and the packet of sweets in your child's room. You began to look around for members of your manor, after all the house was strangely empty. Once you entered the living room, your child ran into your legs like a cannonball, screaming "Happy Birthday!"
 You felt your heart melt with tenderness at his smile. Then Vladimir joined you and gently kissed your cheek. "Happy birthday, my love. I love you."
Béliath :
Usually on your birthday Beliath takes you to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Despite the presence of your child, he doesn't intend to change his plans and like last year, you will probably go to the restaurant with your partner while the others watch your child. However, the little one has come to see his daddy because he also wanted to surprise you and Beliath couldn't resist helping your child to give you a surprise birthday party in the manor.
He has used shopping for the next party as an excuse to go out shopping with your child. This didn't really surprise you because Beliath usually uses this time to buy new clothes for your child or new toys. He hid all the stuff he bought in Ethan's room so that you wouldn't see it.
Your child didn't really know what gift to give you, the little one wanted to make a pearl bracelet, then a drawing, then a clay heart. Beliath had to limit your child's ideas a little, as he wanted to do a thousand and one things at once without being able to decide. In the end, the little one opted for a drawing with glitter... lots of glitter. Beliath had to wash your child's hair several times, but it never completely removed all the glitter that had been smeared on it.
On the night of the party, Beliath didn't really know how to get you to leave the mansion without arousing your suspicions. He thought a lot, hesitated for a long time, then Ethan came to save him by offering him an excuse for you to go out in town with him that night. So you went with Ethan, who claimed that he absolutely needed you to buy a birthday present for Beliath. You thought the excuse was a bit odd as Ethan always finds the perfect gift for Beliath and clearly doesn't need help with that, but you gave in to the doctor's insistence.
Cooking with your child has been more complicated and he understands a little better why Léandra did not want him to cook with her when he was a child. The little one wants to do it well, but he puts a little too much flour in the batter and then a little too much sugar, finally as all the quantities were almost doubled, Beliath ended up making two cakes. He left it entirely up to your child to decorate the cakes. It's not written very straight and there are some spelling mistakes, but Beliath still says he's never seen such beautiful cakes.
Vladimir has reluctantly agreed to let your child scatter confetti around his mansion. So your child has had a field day, there is confetti in the living room as well as in the dining room and the hall. Beliath doesn't know how, but he also has confetti in his hair, he has given up trying to remove it.
You immediately stopped when you saw the confetti scattered all over the floor before glancing suspiciously at Ethan. He simply smiled at you before waving you into the living room. When you entered the living room your child ran towards you. You held your child in your arms as the little one came to you screaming. "Happy birthday! 
Beliath joined you shortly afterwards. You removed a confetti from Beliath's hair with a smile. "Don't ask me how, I don't know myself" then he kissed you. "Happy birthday, darling, I love you."
Ivan :
Your child was old enough to understand that your birthday was coming up. Normally, when Ivan organises your birthday alone, you don't do anything special, but he always makes sure that you have the evening together.  He entrusts your child to Vladimir, who is always very happy to take care of him. And you usually have a video game/movie/popcorn night. He's planning to do it later this year too, especially because it's harder now with your child to have time for both of you. He has nevertheless accepted your child's idea.
Ivan used the excuse of taking your child to the park to buy things for your birthday party. This did not surprise you because Ivan takes your child to the park at least once a week. He hid all the stuff in Vladimir's room because he was sure you would never go there.
Ivan has moved into the bedroom with your child to help him prepare your gift. It was supposed to be something simple. A simple print of his little hands that you could look back on with nostalgia in twenty years time, but of course nothing is ever simple with a young child and after placing his hands on the sheet of paper to leave his print he took advantage of his father not watching him to redecorate the walls of his room. Ivan didn't argue, however, because the innocent look on your child's face made him melt (he just moved the chest of drawers so that Vladimir couldn't see the carnage on the wall).
On the day of the party, Ivan has asked you to go buy him the latest CD of his favourite rock band. At first you didn't really want to, but he was very insistent and so was your child. You more or less understood that they didn't want you at the mansion that night, so you gave in, very curious as to what they were both up to.
Soon after you left, he started cooking with your child. The noise they made soon attracted Vladimir. Then Beliath and Raphael heard Vladimir complaining about the state of his kitchen. Ivan didn't anticipate that baking with a small child could be so complicated. Fortunately, Raphael and Beliath were able to help catch the carnage that the cake had become and prevent your child from scattering more flour on the counters and floor. Finally your child made the decorations on the cake and wrote happy birthday. There were a few spelling mistakes, but Ivan took a picture of the cake as a souvenir.
Then it was time to decorate the mansion, your child let his daddy hang the balloons while he put the decorations on the living room table. He concentrated a lot on folding the napkins so that they would look nice on the plates (Beliath showed him how).
You took your time, suspecting that your partner and child were up to something at home, and you took the opportunity to buy a new film for the three of you to watch tonight. When you got home, you went to the bedroom to drop off your groceries before looking for your partner and child. You could tell they were there by the light that filtered through the living room door. As soon as you entered your child ran towards you shouting "Happy Birthday!" the little one was shaking his drawing in his hand waiting impatiently for you to take it.
Ivan joined you quickly to give you a kiss. "Happy birthday, darling, I hope we managed to keep it a surprise". You smiled before embracing them both. "I wasn't expecting it at all."
Aaron :
You don't usually do much for your birthday. Aaron always buys you a little present to make you happy and then you try to spend the night together, usually walking in the woods or by the lake. Since you've had your child, it's a bit more complicated. Your child is at an age where it is difficult for him not to want his parents with him all the time, so you dare to be away from the manor a little less. Even if Vladimir assures you that you can leave in peace while they look after your child.
He went out shopping with your child one night, where you preferred to stay at the manor. The fact that they both left did not surprise you, even though Aaron rarely shops for the manor, he very often takes your child with him when he goes into town. When he returned, Aaron hid what they had bought in Ivan's room.
Aaron took advantage of a moment when you were out walking in the forest to help your child give you a present. He opted for something simple that wouldn't end up in trouble. So he didn't paint for fear of having to wash the walls afterwards. Instead, he suggested that your child write you a poem. It wasn't the easiest thing in the world, especially for your child to find rhymes and manage to write on the paper with Aaron's help. But finally, after several hours of work, the poem was finished and Aaron had to convince your child not to go and read it to you straight away because the little was so proud of it.
Aaron has asked you to accompany Vladimir to the horticultural shop. This is not really surprising for you because Vladimir never goes there alone, but normally it is always Beliath or Aaron who accompanies him and you are sure that he has already been there last week. However, you have not refused, it is nice to spend time with Vladimir in a horticultural shop because he is always in a very good mood.
Aaron is not a very good cook. But it's not catastrophic like Vladimir or Ethan. So he is able to make you a cake without setting the kitchen on fire. However, it took him longer than he thought, though, because cooking with a small child is not easy, even when the child is very attentive. Your child broke a child on the floor, put flour on the counter and probably a little too much sugar in the batter. Then, once the cake was baked, Aaron let the child decorate it. There were a few spelling mistakes, but according to Aaron that's not a big deal since the main purpose of the cake is to be eaten.
Aaron agreed to put some balloons in the living room to please your child and let him put confetti in the mansion as long as he didn't scatter it around the upstairs.
You got home earlier than you thought you would, because usually taking Vladimir to a horticultural shop easily takes most of the night. You didn't buy much either, except for a rosebush that Vladimir hasn't let go of for a second since leaving the shop. As you walked in, you immediately saw the confetti on the floor and heard Vladimir's sigh beside you. After helping the aristocrat put his things down in the hall, he motioned for you to go into the living room by assuring you that they could handle the rest on their own. As soon as you enter, Your child ran up to you shouting "Happy Birthday!" you picked the little one up for a hug before Aaron joined you for a gentle kiss. 
"Happy birthday, love, I hope we've been discreet."
Raphaël :
Raphael wants you to be the centre of his attention on your birthday. Usually you stay at the manor, but Raphael prepares a nice meal for you, which you eat together in the living room, and then he gives you a present. He continued to do this after your child was born, except that your baby was in Vladimir's care for the evening. Now that your child is old enough to understand, the little one came to his daddy to help him prepare your birthday. Raphael thought it was so cute that he immediately agreed.
He sent your child shopping with Beliath to buy the things for your birthday party. This didn't really surprise you, because Beliath sometimes takes your child shopping with him (and he always ends up buying him a new cuddly toy or new clothes). Beliath hid what they bought in his room.
He had bought a little wooden box with your child during the shopping. The child wanted to make a memory box for you and decorate it. The box was quickly covered with paint and glitter of all colours and your child even used stencils to paint dozens of hearts everywhere. In the end, your child and Raphael were covered in glitter and paint. However, he didn't have time to give your child a bath before you got home but they have time to hide the box. The innocent look on your partner's and your child's faces when you asked them where all the paint and glitter came from made you laugh.
He asked you with his most unhappy look to go and buy him some sweets. Sure, he had plenty more but... your child is eating them too and there is clearly not enough for both of them. You sighed, frankly hesitating to refuse, but your child came to support his father with the same unhappy look he had no doubt learned from him, so you gave in and went into town, suspecting that they were both hiding something.
He has always loved to bake so he was very happy to be able to share this with your child. Of course there were a few mistakes, like a broken egg on the counter and the milk bottle that spilled, but nothing so bad that the cake was not a success. He let your child decorate the cake as he wanted, after all, the little one has to express his artistic side. And he asked Beliath to come and take pictures so that you would have memories of your child making his first cake.
He asked Aaron to help hang decorations in the living room and showed your child how to fold prettys napkins for the table.
You quickly returned with two packages of candy, one for your child and one for Raphael. The mansion was silent, which surprised you, as your child can't really be called silent compared to vampires. You put the candy in the kitchen before looking for your partner. It wasn't in the library, so you went into the small living room, before you saw the light under the living room door. When you entered your child rushed towards you shouting "Happy Birthday!", you took him in your arms and kissed him before Raphael joined you both. 
"Happy birthday, my love." He kissed you softly before continuing, "I guess you guessed it, didn't you?"
Ethan :
He is not very romantic, but he always tries to do something to please you. Most often he will invite you to a restaurant or a movie. If you have asked him for something specific like a romantic trip, he will do it but he will not think of it on his own. Since the birth of your child, he tries to do only things at home, but this is mainly because he is afraid to entrust your child to anyone else but the two of you. When your child came to him to help organise your birthday party, he couldn't refuse and immediately agreed.
You were a little surprised to see Ethan out shopping with your child because the vampire doesn't usually take your child shopping. He prefers to keep him safe at the manor, fearing that something will happen to him while he is alone with him. However, you did not say anything because you were happy to see Ethan fighting his anxiety about your child's safety. He hid the stuff they bought in Beliath's room so that you wouldn't find it.
Your child was desperate to draw you a nice picture. Ethan immediately agreed, after all, it's easy to do and it makes your child happy. After finishing the drawing, your little one turned to his father with an innocent look on his face before drawing a heart on his cheek with the paint he had on his hands.  Of course, Ethan immediately retaliated by putting some paint on your child's nose. The paint battle continued for a long time until, alerted by the laughter, you went back up to the room to see what they were doing. As you entered Ethan quickly slid your child's drawing under the cupboard so you couldn't see it before smiling innocently at you. They were both covered in paint to such an extent that Ethan's once white hair was now a mixture of colours from blue to red. You burst out laughing at the sight before coming over to join in the paint fight as well.
He asked Beliath to take you shopping, whether it was clothing shops, perfume shops, book shops, whatever. Beliath had to keep you busy as long as possible away from the manor. You weren't very motivated at first, but Beliath asked you to help him find new clothes and you jumped at the chance to finally get him out of those damn clothes he's always wearing. 
He can't cook and your child can't cook either. Of course, with the two of them together the kitchen soon became a battlefield. When Ethan asked your child to give him the packet of flour, the little one immediately obeyed, but he hugged the packet of flour so tightly that it exploded. After a moment's silence when they both looked at each other, your child burst out laughing, quickly followed by his father, who then proceeded to remove the flour from your child's face so that it would not get in his eyes. When Vladimir was alerted by the noises and started to get angry at Ethan for the mess he had made, your child yelled at him not to yell at his daddy. Ethan thought his heart was going to melt when he heard the little one stand up for him. Finally, Vladimir called Raphael to come and help them finish the birthday cake.
Ethan hung balloons on the living room walls with your child's help, then they set the table together. Your child put confetti on the table to decorate it.
When you returned you immediately noticed the strange silence in the manor. You gave a questioning look to Beliath, who motioned you into the living room. You barely had time to walk out the door before your child ran towards you shouting "Happy Birthday!“ You took your child in your arms and gave him a gentle hug.
Ethan joined you quickly afterwards to kiss you "Happy birthday, sweetheart, I love you."
Neil :
He doesn't often celebrate your birthday because he often forgets the date, admittedly he never remembers his own either. But when your child came up to him with a conspiratorial look on his face and whispered in his ear that he wanted to surprise you for your birthday, he couldn't resist.
He went out shopping with your child on a night when you wanted to stay home and frankly, you were very surprised. Normally Neil always finds a way to get a human to do his shopping for him, but this time he didn't want to. However you didn't say anything understanding that with the conspiratorial look on your partner's and your child's faces he must have been up to something.
It wasn't easy to find a gift that your child could make. Neil doesn't want to get your child to paint, as he knows that there is more paint on the walls and floor than on the paper. So he looks for an idea that your child might like to do. After a long hesitation, Neil suggested that your child make candles. The little one agreed immediately, of course, especially when his dad told him it was a bit difficult for his age. Neil let your child choose the shape and colour of the candles. He didn't let her melt the wax though as he was too afraid the child would burn herself. Once the candles were finished, the little one went and hid them in her room.
He looked for a long time for an excuse for you to go out until your child suggested that he send you out to buy a new night light. Of course, Neil thought it was a great idea because your child's nightlight has been going out during the day for the past two days, so the little one comes to wake up you crying. You immediately accepted the idea and left.
Neil never cooked in his life. He always had servants to do it. At first he planned to buy a cake in a large bakery but when he told your child the child protested strongly. The child was desperate to bake you a cake, Neil tried to convince him that this was not possible, but he couldn't do it.  As a result, he found himself in the kitchen with your child trying to figure out the recipe for a cake. He didn't really know what happened the first time, but when he took the cake out of the oven it was as black as coal and yet still liquid. He felt slightly judged by the dejected look your child gave him, especially when he said, "It's OK, Dad, sometimes you make mistakes". However, Neil never sits on a failure, so he tried again, several times with your child. After many unsuccessful attempts, they finally managed to come up with a cake that was edible, albeit a little toasty around the edges.
He has tried to decorate the room in a chic way, but it's hard to be chic when there are lots of colourful balloons on the walls and the floor is covered in confetti. Moreover, he does not dare to look at himself in the mirror because he knows that he has confetti in his hair since your child has thrown it everywhere.
The first thing you smelled when you got home was the strong smell of grilling. This intrigued you greatly, as of course Neil never cooks, however you took the time to put your child's night light in his room before looking for them in the house. It was only when you finally entered the living room that you saw them. Your child ran to you shouting "Happy Birthday!" you picked him up and gave him a hug as Neil joined you both. Neil leaned in to kiss you. "Happy birthday, darling," you smiled before pulling a confetti from his hair. "I'll help you get it out, don't worry."
Léandra :
Since the birth of your child, making a date night for your birthday has become much more complicated. However, Léandra always tries to reserve at least one day for you by entrusting your child to her brother. This year, however, your child came to her a few days before your birthday to whisper that it wanted to surprise you too. Leandra felt her heart melt at the kindness and immediately agreed to help your child.
She went out with your child to go shopping. This did not surprise you at all because Leandra often goes out with the child to buy clothes or to take him to see his brother. When she came home she hid what she had bought in the attic, hoping that you would not go there before your birthday.
Leandra came into the living room, while you were out, to help your child make a present for you, the little one didn't know what to do so Leandra offered to make a bracelet for you. When Beliath was little, he often gave her bracelets that he had made himself. She was able to keep only one that did not get damaged over time. Your child immediately accepted the idea. She didn't have to do much to help your child and only hung the clasps when the little one finished the bracelet. Very happy with her achievement, your child finally decided to make matching bracelets for all three of you.
Léandra pretended that she had forgotten to buy your child's dinosaur biscuits so that you would go there, as they are your child's favourite and he often only wants to eat them at snack time, you went and bought them straight away.
As she began to cook, she remembered why she didn't want Beliat to cook with her as a child. The child is still very clumsy and has a lot of trouble breaking the eggs in the right place. The child also emptied a good part of the packet of flour on the table while trying to carry it. However, Léandra has not given up hope, she has been baking for years for her little brother, she knows exactly how to make up for a few mistakes in the recipe. She let your child decorate the cake after taking it out of the oven and knowing your child's love of glitter, she bought edible glitter which quickly found its way onto the cake.
Decorating the house didn't take long. Leandra hung a few balloons on the walls while your child scattered confetti and glitter everywhere. Then they folded the napkins and put them on the table.
You came home quickly, the absence of noise immediately struck you as odd, whether it was your partner or your child, they could not be described as silent. After placing the biscuits on the kitchen table you started to look for them before quickly guessing that they were in the living room by the light under the door. As soon as you entered the room, your child flew into your arms shouting "Happy Birthday!" and you grabbed the little one and gave him a hug.
Léandra joined you quickly afterwards to kiss you "Happy birthday, my love, I love you."
Farah :
She tries to arrange a romantic evening for you outside the pack for your birthday. Thus, Farah often entrusts your child to the other members of the pack then she takes you to a small country restaurant. This year, however, your child came to her and asked her to help organise a surprise for your birthday. Farah couldn't resist the idea and immediately agreed.
She went out with your child to do the shopping. This came as a bit of a surprise to you, although Farah often does the shopping for the pack, she rarely takes your child with her as she prefers to keep him safe under the pack's supervision. When she came back, she asked one of the pack members to hide what she had bought in her bag until your birthday.
Farah has been looking for a long time for a gift that is easy enough to carry around and that you can keep for a long time. When your child came across of olds handkerchiefs that Farah had embroidered several years ago, he wanted to do the same. It was a bit complicated for your child, but Farah was very helpful. The child embroidered your name in the centre of the handkerchief and then embroidered little flowers around it. For a first time, Farah thinks your child did very well and the little one can't wait for your birthday to give it to you.
Farah asked you to accompany the pack doctor to a pharmacy to fill your medicine kit. This is an important thing so you didn't even think about refusing and left as soon as the doctor was ready, not without kissing your partner and child and promising to return quickly.
Farah would have liked to bake you a cake for your birthday, but she knows that her cooking skills are not very high, and she is not sure if she will have access to an oven on that day. So she was ordered a few days before your birthday cake with your child from a bakery. After choosing the flavour, your child showed the baker a drawing of what she wanted on your cake. On the day of the party, she sent one of the pack to pick up the cake from the bakery while she made the final preparations.
She wanted to decorate the forest without putting confetti and balloons everywhere. So Farah hung up some colourful lights and put the picnic tablecloth. on the ground for you to eat on. Your child helped by folding the napkins and placing them carefully on the picnic tablecloth.
When you returned from the pharmacy with the doctor, you immediately looked around for your partner and child, a little worried that neither of you could see them. The doctor smiled at you and then showed you a place further away in the forest where you could see lights. It didn't take you long to reach them and as soon as your child saw you coming through the trees, the little ran towards you shouting "Happy Birthday". Once cuddled in your arms, the little one handed you the embroidered handkerchief before kissing your cheek. 
Farah joined you quickly before kissing you back "Happy birthday, my love, I love you."
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litcest · 9 months
illicit affairs
Word Count: 2671
Pairing: Father x Daughter (Dave x Nora; yes, I gave "Daddy" a name)
Rating: Mature 
Synopsis: Now that Nora has the man of her dreams, she realises that the situation is much more complicated she had anticipated. Can a relationship survive in secret?
Author’s Note: This is a sequel to my story tolerate it. It's kinda sad. I hope to return to these characters and give them a happy ending. But who knows when it'll happen.
Also available on AO3
"I'm going for a run, wanna come?", I asked Jack as he passed by my bedroom on his way downstairs. 
He stopped on his tracks and frowned, poking his head into my room and raising his eyebrow. "Since when do you run?"
I shrugged as I finished lacing my shoes. "It's good for my health."
"Yeah, but, Nora, you hate sports. When did you even buy all this stuff?", my brother gestured at my outfit, which consisted of a tight crop top, booty shorts, a hooded polyester jacket and running shoes, all in black. "Are you planning on becoming a spy or something?"
I pulled the hood up to hide the red in my cheeks. "I'm just going for a run, okay? And I thought you might want to join, but forget it." I brushed past him and quickly walked down stairs. "I'll be back in two hours or something."
"Have fun, I guess", he replied without much interest.
I left the house and began to run - slowly, as Jack had been right, I wasn't the type to do physical exercise. The houses turned into shops as I left the neighbourhood, heading towards our meeting spot: the parking lot of an abandoned Target. How romantic, I thought bitterly. This hadn't been what I had pictured when our affair started, but after that first night in his bedroom, my dad had never touched me again in our house.
"It's too risky, baby, we can't have Jack finding you", Daddy had told me. And so we had taken on meeting all over the town, kissing in the car and having sex in old motels where no one would recognize us. I didn't like this whole hiding thing, a secret affair with clandestine meetings. I had wanted dinner dates and holding hands, but the most we could do in public was longing stares.
The bitterness melted away when I spotted the red car already parked and waiting. At least I have him, I comforted myself, one day, it'll get better, but this is how it has to be right now. One day when Jack went to college. One day when we moved to another town… That was what he kept promising. "I love you, baby, we just have to wait."
"Hi, Daddy", I said cheerfully as I opened the car's side door.
He glanced up from his phone and smiled, looking at me with those deep brown eyes that could make anyone fall in love. I slid into the passenger's seat and he planted a kiss on my cheek.
"I missed you", he whispered into my ear, making my heart melt. I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him close to my chest.
"I missed you more."
* * *
His touch lingered on my skin as I made my way back home. I could smell his cologne, the musky scent stuck in my nose. I had five more hours of waiting around at home before Daddy came back from work. And then I would have to pretend to be his perfect little daughter, put on an act for Jack's observing eyes.
I spent the time doing house chores: cleaning, washing, dusting, cooking dinner. Keeping myself busy to avoid thinking of how much I missed him. I hated the thought of him in his office, chatting with Inez and the other co-workers. He told me they were only friends, but I knew that, at least from her side, there were some romantic feelings lingering under the surface. I feared that, if they spent enough time together, Daddy might fall for her. Maybe he would decide he liked her more than he liked me and then I would lose everything to that well-manicured whore.
Enough, Nora, I told myself, shaking away the idea of Daddy ever cheating me. But it was useless, if I stayed idle for just one minute, the images of him kissing her full lips would creep back into my mind. And so I found task after task, dusting shelves that were already spotless and polishing silverware we never used.
"You alright?" Jack asked from his room when, for the third time that afternoon, I vacuumed the corridor that led to our bedrooms.
I pulled the plug, ceasing that awful loud noise and stared at my brother. While my face was basically a reflection of my mother's, Jack had looked nothing like our parents. It was as if someone had taken the pieces of our mom and our dad and assembled into something fully new, with dark brown eyes and slick black hair, a pointed nose and prominent jawline. Few people would guess we were siblings.
"I'm just cleaning the house and waiting for Daddy to return," I let out a deep sigh. "Like I always do. Every day."
There was a ruffling sound as he got up from his chair and came up to me. "See, Nora, that's your problem: since you graduated, you have done nothing for yourself. You became Dave's housekeeper."
I pursed my lips. I hated when he referred to our father by his first name. "I stay home to keep you company! I can't go to college and leave you alone."
"I don't need a babysitter, for god's sake, Nora, I'm turning seventeen in a few months, I can take care of myself. We both know the reason you stayed behind was because of father."
I squinted, suddenly scared that my brother knew what me and Daddy had been up to. "What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing", he shrugged and then turned back to return to his computer. "Just, you should get a hobby or something."
Maybe he was right, maybe I needed a hobby. But above all else, I needed Daddy to look at me the same way he had almost eight months ago, when we shared our first kiss.
* * *
The idea came to me while I organised the master bedroom's bathroom cabinet. When Mum disappeared just over six years ago, most of her stuff went missing alongside her, so as I cleaned out empty bottles of shampoo and shaving cream, I was surprised to find a dusty bottle of Mum's old perfume, Acqua di Gioia. Daddy used to truly love the scent, often telling her it was his favourite smell in the world. That's when it occurred to me, that maybe if I smelled like her, he would want me more.
I wasn't stupid. I remembered how I had been wearing one of her old shirts the night he finally reciprocated my feelings, how I had fixed my hair in the same way she used to. Maybe this can reignite our romance.
It was an expensive perfume, but the little money saved from some tutoring jobs I had here and there was enough to cover the costs. The bottle arrived at my front door step in a small cardboard box, holding all my hopes.
For the past three days, Daddy had been too busy at work for our lunch meetings and, since he had been working late hours, I hadn't seen him much in the house either. I was left without a father or a lover. I felt lonely. Jack hadn't lied the other day. He was almost a grown up now and didn't need his older sister all the time. The Friday after the perfume arrived, he would be going to a party at one of his friend's houses. 
I hadn't planned for that, but I gave a huge smile when he told me he had been invited. He was unwittingly helping me to restore our family. I needed Daddy to love me as a wife, so we could be a complete household again.
"Hey, Jack!" I called out as he passed by his door. He stood in the mirror, trying to arrange his snapback cap in a way that made him look cool.
"Have fun tonight, okay? And don't worry about coming home too late; Daddy and I will be fine."
His lips curled upwards, in a knowing smirk that sent chills down my spine. "Yeah, I'm sure you will."
I tried to shake away the feeling of uneasiness. "Just make sure to not drink too much, okay?"
He nodded along, but I could tell he wouldn't be listening to my advice. I had met guys like Jack, who think the rules should bend just for them. He would do as he pleased that night. But, then again, so would I. 
As night fell, I peeked through the curtains, watching Jack walk down the driveway. I held my breath until his figure disappeared into the darkness, swallowed by the shadows. Then, the house was mine to plan. If Daddy kept the same schedule he had the rest of the week, I had at least two more hours for him to arrive, time enough to do what I needed.
I bathed, letting the water carry away the sweat and dust from the day. After patting myself dry, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked over to my bedroom, where the red bralette I had chosen to wear was already set aside, along with its matching lace panties. Once dressed, I took care of the tangled mass of auburn curls that was my hair, which even wet refused to cooperate, each strand a stubborn snarl clinging to its neighbours and meeting my brush with stubborn defiance. I worked through the knots, each stroke bringing a sense of order and purpose to the chaos in my head. As the curls fell into place, cascading around my shoulders like a fiery waterfall, the transformation was almost complete.
It was the determination in my eyes that, above anything, made me look so much like Mum. I practised a seductive smile in the mirror, but it felt foolish. What if it wasn't enough? What if that inkling in my brain had been right and, instead of working late, he was actually in bed with Inez or some other cheap whore?
"Fuck!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the empty house. Fighting back tears, I got up to set the scene in his room. Candles, ambiance music, rose petals. I set up the whole scene, making it as perfect as it could be. In the dim light, I looked irresistible.
 My heart beat heavily in my chest, each thud echoing the seconds that ticked by as I awaited my father's arrival. Finally, a car's headlights appeared around the corner, and my heart skipped a beat. As it approached our house, I recognized the familiar shape of my father's car. Relief washed over me, mingling with an undercurrent of anxiety.
I rushed back to the bathroom for the final touch. Picking the perfume from the shelf I had half hidden it in, I dabbed the cologne onto my wrists, the base of my throat, and behind my ears.
The beeping sound of the car locking cut through the silence of the night, followed by footsteps on the gravel path outside the house. I laid seductively on his bed, propping myself on my elbows and waited for him to open the bedroom door.
"Nora?" his voice called from the entryway, probably finding it strange that I wasn't by the door to greet him. I stayed quiet, suppressing a giggle and feeling a bit like a kid playing hide-and-seek. His footsteps continued up the stairs. "Kiddo, are you home?"
The door handle was pushed down and the door swinged inward. Daddy's eyes fell upon me. He stopped in the doorway, dazzled by the sight before him.
"Hi, Daddy", I said meekly, pushing my chest forward to showcase my boobs, whose natural size had been enhanced with the help of some padding.
Finally coming out of his stupor, Daddy came forth, his face twisted in a frown. "Nora, what are you doing? I told you that we couldn't -"
"Relax", I interrupted him, already knowing what he would say. "Jack's gone for the night, so I thought we could spend some time together."
His lips formed a smile and sat on the bed near me, his eyes fixated on my exposed skin. "Oh right, the party! I totally forgot."
I pouted and shifted so I was sitting half behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders, slowly massaging the muscles. "You're working too much. You need to relax more", I leaned so my lips brushed against his ears before continuing, "with me."
He took a deep breath and his eyelids fluttered. I was sure Daddy would take me right then and there. Suddenly, his eyes opened wide and he got up, pushing himself away from me. "Why are you using Teresa's perfume?" 
"Mum doesn't own a scent", I tried to sound unbothered, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I hated that he seemed almost mad at me. "Besides, I thought you loved it", I added with a shrug.
Daddy shook his head and crouched, so his face was levelled with mine. Gently, he took my hands into his. "Nora, my dear, what are you trying to do with all this?" he gestured around the room as he asked.
I blushed. I clearly had gone way too over the top.
"It's just… I missed you, okay?" I blurted out the words before I lost my courage. "When we started dating, it was magic, and now I can't even wear lipstick because it leaves a trace when I kiss you! You don't take me out in public, you don't spend time with me at home. It's like I don't even exist anymore in your world."
He let go of my left hand so he could brush my cheek. "Nora…"
"No!" I screamed, no longer just sad, but also angry at him. A hundred times before I had believed his promises and been let down, it wouldn't work again. "Spare yours words, Daddy, we both know you talk a big deal, but it amounts to nothing." I pushed myself off the bed, fully intent on stomping out of the room and hoping he wouldn't let me.
"Come one, baby, I know I screwed up", he tried to reason. His hand made motion to grab by arm, but then retreated, his touch never arriving. "I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry."
I pivoted on my feet, feeling very conflicted. "I want you, Daddy, as a husband, as a lover. I don't know how else to show you how much I need you."
An ugly whimper escaped my throat before I could stop it. I closed the distance between us and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I need you too, baby, but it's complicated. We have a lot to lose if the truth of our relationship ever gets out, it could ruin me. The cops would tear us apart, I would go to jail and Jack to the foster system."
By then, I was full-blown crying, my sobs so loud they muffled any sound coming from outside the room. "You call me 'baby' like I'm your girlfriend. You call me 'kid' like I'm your daughter! Make up your goddamn mind! All that I know is that everyone else would pale in comparison to you." Tears rolled down my cheeks and there was a wet spot on his shirt from where I had blown my nose. My beautiful night had turned into a godforsaken mess. "I feel like a fool by the way you lead me on. Please, Daddy, please, let's just… I don't know, run away and be together. Move somewhere new, tell everyone we are husband and wife."
He patted my hair. Somewhere else in the house, a door slammed shut, which I credited to the wind. His silence was worrying me. Finally, I raised my face to look at him. His eyes gleamed with tears in solidarity with my pain. He wiped my cheeks clean with his sleeve, his head hovering just above mine
"For you, I would ruin myself a million little times."
His lips met mine and I melted into the kiss. 
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