#i went on for a really long time actually
haveihitanerve · 3 days
Four Times the Batkids Forget They're Adopted, and The One Time Damian Forgets He Isn't
It had started off as a joke, as most things do, and Dick meant nothing behind it, really. It was amusing to him, actually, to tell his coworkers things about Batman and pass it off as his father. “Oh my dad? Yeah hes not big on talking. He loves showing me he cares though.” (this was, of course, in reference to Batman doing three back flips and a kick split when Nightwing had patrolled with him the other day, a classic Nightwing move) But it soon…went deeper. Dick stopped making jokes out of it, and actually began listing things about Bruce. About his Dad. It didn't help that his police friends were actually interested. “So did you and the old man do anything fun over the weekend?” Dick thought back to how he had wanted to surprise Bruce by stopping by for dinner and instead had ended up in the sewer eating granola bars on a stakeout for killer croc, who had escaped. Again. “Oh yeah we had a picnic.” Dick nodded, smiling at Randy. “Yeah. He’s, he’s kinda bad at remembering when to eat a meal on time and all that.” Dick laughed. “Its something I share too. Must be genetics.” He rolled his eyes. Randy laughed, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “I hear you. My old man smoked all the live long day. I try to keep it down, but that addiction gene is just strong eh?” Dick chuckled. “Yeah I guess.” His phone buzzed in his pocket and he waved to Randy, turning to tug it out. It was one, simple message from Babs. “Ur adopted genius. What genes.” 
Jason didn't even know how they had gotten on the topic. But here they were. “Yes. I got my mothers hair, of course, but I get my temper from my father.” Artemis was saying. “I have parents.” Bizarro grunted. Roy laughed, smacking him on the shoulder. “Well you certainly didn't get Kal’s looks buddy. But you do have his killer hair.” Starfire laughed. “That is true. I, for one, share my parents hair and have my fathers powers. But truly the best gene I was given were my mothers eyes.” They all turned to Jason. “What about you?” Roy asked. Jason scratched the back of his neck. “Uh, I used to have my dads eyes but um after the pit y'know,” He waved to his now green eyes. “And actually I have my dads dark black hair, and he’s graying early too, which might be why my white streak is so prominent.” They nodded in agreement. “But yeah, hes actually a little taller than me so maybe I’ll still grow a few inches but uh yeah. I don't… remember my mother enough to talk about her.” “Dang man. I wish we could meet your dad.” Roy murmured, laying a comforting hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Then we could really compare. I mean-” He laughed. “You sound like his carbon copy.” Jason frowned at his friend. “What do you mean? You’ve met Bruce?” They stared at him. “Jason,” Artemis began slowly. “Aren't you adopted?” 
Tim hunched over the information form, eyes straining to read the small print. His hand reached up to stifle a yawn and he settled for a sigh instead. It was late, but Tim needed to get the form done before he went to bed, otherwise everything would be far too stressful in the morning. He reached over and grabbed his coffee mug, a dark black cup that had a red R painted on it poorly. Bruce had made it for him a few years ago when he had first become Red Robin. He sipped it, staring down at the medical form. “Gods I hate having to do this.” He muttered, but reluctantly grabbed the thick medical binder Alfred had obligingly gotten for him when he had asked for medical records of the family. Tim did not under any circumstances, want to have to sit at the doctors office the next day and somehow lie his way through all the medical questions relating to his family history. He didn't have the time nor patience for it, and it was crucial he was given proper medical advice what with his missing spleen. “Any history of heart issues Bruce?” Tim muttered, flipping back past Martha and Thomas to Bruce’s great great great grandfather. “Nope, guess not.” Tim was halfway through the form when he realized the blood coursing through his veins wasn't Bruce’s. 
Steph rubbed a hand across her belly, staring at the monitor. “Your baby looks good Ms. Brown. They’re at the proper stage. Due in about two months. We’ll see you back here for your next check up.” “thank you doctor.” Steph murmured, sliding off the bed and dressing quickly before hurrying out to her car. The car door slammed shut behind her and she breathed, pressing her forehead to the steering wheel. Her phone buzzed. She lifted it and pressed it to her ear, hitting accept. “Hello?” “hey Steph.” Bruce’s voice vibrated through the phone. “How was your doctors appointment?” Steph gave a bitter laugh. “Everything looks good. The baby will come in about two months.” “Thats good. Thats real good.” Steph nodded, eyes closed. “You doing okay Stephanie?” Bruce asked, voice soft. “I don't know.” her voice broke and she squeezed her eyes shut, fighting tears. “I just- I’m so scared Bruce. So scared.” Bruce hummed comfortingly through the phone. “I know Steph. Its scary. And parenting, its hard.” Steph coughed out a watery chuckle. “Was that a hit?” She muttered, rubbing a hand over her face. Bruce chuckled. “No. Baby it wasn't. And just think, you’ll get to see all the firsts I didn't get with you. Their first steps. Their first wave. You might even get to hear them say mama before i kidnap- i mean adopt him or her.” Steph laughed again, and it sounded less watery. “Yeah. Well, when do kids start walking?” She asked in interest, sniffing and sitting up straight again. Bruce hummed. “Well i started walking almost immediately, but Im special.” Steph laughed. “Of course.” “alfred said i first started talking when I was around thirteen months old, and Talia said Damian was walking by ten, but she could have been lying.” Steph nodded. “Tell me more.” She whispered. Bruce obliged, happy to distract her. “Oh and whats probably going to be your favorite, babies, or at least I did, start laughing at around four months.” “laughing?” Steph gasped. “Oh Brucie!!! Thats too funny! Little chubby baby you, the future batman, laughing!” She cooed. She could almost feel his eye roll through the phone and stifled her laugh. “So yeah..” Bruce finished. “You should expect your kiddo to start walking around then. And laughing probably sooner. I would have if you'd be in my life at that time.” Steph was quiet. “Thank you B.” He hummed. “Anytime Steph. I’ll always be here to help you.” “Wait wait wait-” a new voice joined in the background of Bruce. “Are you guys serious right now?” Steph identified it as Jason. “What?” Bruce asked puzzled. “B, Stephs adopted. Her kid is as likely to walk at the same time you did as when she did!” 
“Damian?” “Go away Drake.” Damian called back, riffling through the papers. “Dami?” Tim poked his head into his younger brothers room. “Oh hey kiddo. Whatcha doing?” “I am busy Timothy.” Damian countered in annoyance, shoving the box back under his bed and moving to his desk. “What are you looking for?” Tim asked puzzled. Damian ignored him. “Dami.” “Go away Timothy.” Tim crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe. “Come on Baby Bird. Tell me.” Damian shook his head, covering the blush on his cheeks by poking behind the desk. “Damian.” Tim’s hand was suddenly on his back. Damian jumped. Tim held up his hands in surrender. “Just tell me. I’m sure I can help you find it.” Damian sighed in acceptance, cheeks pink. “I have.. Lost my adoption papers.” He muttered, staring at the floor. But Tim didn't laugh or ridicule him. In fact, when he looked up, his brother seemed thoughtful. “Well i know me and dick and jason have them hung over our beds…” His gaze drifted to the very clearly empty space above Damians bed. “I know.” Damian jerked his head in a nod. “That is why I wished to find it.” Tim nodded in understanding. “Well, lets go look in the den. Thats where Alfred keeps all the legal stuff.” Damian trailed after his brother to the living room and watched as he opened the cabinet and pulled out three boxes. “You look through this one, I’ll search these two.” Tim ordered. Damian nodded, accepting the box. It was where Alfred found them, two hours later, broom in hand. “My dear sirs, what are you doing?” The butler asked in bafflement. “Looking for Damians adoption record.” Tim answered, nose still in some papers. Alfred looked at them. “Master Tim. Master Damian.” The two boys looked up. “Yes Alfred?” Tim asked. Alfred's face was fond and utterly confused. “Master Damian is not adopted. He is Master Bruce’s blood son.” 
@nonepizzawithleftglitter @zombiewithaflowercrown
you asked and you shall recieve!
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princessbrunette · 3 days
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basketball!rafe knew he needed you the moment he set eyes on you once more in that hotel bar.
personally, you thought he might’ve been a nobody on first glance. a really handsome nobody, so he couldn’t have actually been a nobody — but it was the intrigue that drew you in regardless. to set the scene, you didn’t have to go far to find him, no — this was the fanciest hotel in your hometown and you were there alone. something about getting all dressed up and then your friends cancelling last minute, it didn’t matter — it felt like so long ago that you’d forgotten all about it. all you remember was seeing the handsome nobody in a t-shirt and a cap strolling up to the bar.
it was only after doing a double take, you realised the nobody was rafe cameron.
now you’d already known rafe from the obx. distantly, of course — a couple of parties here and there, some lingering glances when you were convinced he was a fuck boy. he was apparently a little unhinged back in the day, but after his dad died he fixed his shit and went pro with basketball, making it big. like mentioned, you weren’t friends, merely acquaintances with the boy a couple of years your senior— but he’d always been someone you saw get their shit together and think, you know what? good for him i guess.
now rafe remembers his history with you differently. apparently, he used to shoot hoops with your older brother in your backyard with a few other friends back when they were younger. still a casual hobby for rafe, and playing it anywhere else but a kook’s backyard might’ve looked too poguey for him to be caught partaking in. at the end of the day, golf was meant to be his sport. it was fitting and low maintenance. basketball took the cake everytime however— helping him mentally in more ways than anyone could imagine.
anyway, he remembers you — a lot younger than you are now, flip flops slapping along the patio as you arrive on destination — mouthing off to your big brother about bouncing the ball too loudly off your wall or spending all the money your mother had left for pizza on the counter. you were this tiny mouthy weapon, even having the infamous rafe cameron snickering down at his shoes as your brother whined back at you, trying to shoo you back inside. he recalls even catching a couple of strays, your shrill youthful voice referring to the eldest cameron as a ‘lanky meathead’.
“jesus, you gotta keep your sisters mouth in check dude. gonna grow up n’get her in trouble n’shit.” he’d shake his head as you’d waddle back inside, bouncing the ball and shooting. after that it was just parties as you grew up, seeing a familiar pretty face through a coked out haze and thinking ‘who’s that again?’ in passing or overhearing you talking to your friends, still carrying that same slick mouth that you only got away with because you were so hot.
only now, he’s staring across this dimly lit hotel bar, the first time in a while that he’d been back in his hometown and there you are — staring back at him, a face he’d never forget except you’re all grown up now— practically spilling out that slinky little dress and acting as a magnet, his feet dragging him over to you before his drink had even arrived from the bartender.
not even five minutes into conversation and it’s abundantly clear that you’re still that spoiled little cheerleader he knew once upon a time, only this time you’re tilting your head to the side with your brows furrowed in confusion that bordered on disinterest when he tried to explain what happened in his most recent game. you weren’t here to talk about that and it showed, leaning over your margarita to adjust his expensive looking chain, pulling it to sit above his tshirt instead of tucked beneath, cutting him off to question “so you knew my brother, right?” he liked that directness about you. the fact you kinda seemed like a bitch. it was a challenge, the urge to tame and rough someone up still very much sat at the surface of his wants and desires.
once a spoiled brat — always a spoiled brat, only now you’re his spoiled brat six months later, clinging to his arm and digging your manicure into his bicep with a whine as a silent command for him to magically vanish any of the surrounding paparazzi outside the airport.
“get rid of them.” you eventually mewl, in a demanding way that represented the physical embodiment of you stomping your pedicured foot.
“you think i fuckin’ want them here?” he sighs, no stranger to your ridiculous requests. that’s what was so intoxicating about your relationship — yes you were a little bitch sometimes, but he learnt how was best to put you in your place. most of the time you were happy, fucked and fed with racks upon racks sat in your expensive handbag, clinging to him and tottering along at his side in heels that cost an arm and a leg— but the times you were snarking up at him, telling him to ‘shut the fuck up’ he was more than happy to grab your throat and ask “the fuck are you talking to like that, huh?” which oddly would cause a smile to emerge on your face and the attitude to melt off you for an hour or so.
that being said, you kept him in check too. now rafe wasn’t like he always was — unhinged, explosive and overall angry at the world. no, he had an access to therapy now and basketball worked for a good outlet of his frustrations, all whilst opening up a new world for him to get his fresh start away from all that family bullshit he had to put up with a while back (cut them all off, minus wheezie who he sends money to every month and facetimes to talk shit.) that being said — he would be the one to catch an attitude out of the blue sometimes, which was often remedied by a sharp eyebrow raise from you, a dramatic head swivel and a “you better fucking talk to me nice, rafe cameron. not one of your fucking fan girls.”
with a tongue in his cheek, he’ll shake his head and drop the whole thing — but not without saying “y’know you run your mouth like you’re six foot four with two pistols tucked sometimes. shit.”
life outside of your relationship with rafe became a dream all because of him. quickly, as rafe skyrockets to success in the basketball world, you’re skyrocketing to being the top pinterest muse— starring in every girls ‘future manifestation’ moodboard with snaps of you courtside in your pretty little outfits cheering on your boyfriend. you were glammed to the nines at every game, because you knew you’d end up on that big screen one way or another.
when travelling with rafe for his tournaments, you’d get the princess treatment you deserved and that was a promise. designer shoes, designer bags, steak meals that cost the same as your house back home and you were not poor by any stretch of the word. he liked to flaunt you, flaunt his success. he was the man now, like he’d always wanted to be — and effortlessly so, not the charade he was putting on back at tanny hill throwing those parties whilst suffering on the sly. no, he had everything now— and was happy to share that with you. you didn’t have to do much to gain this treatment, no. holding him down was enough, but he’d be happy to accept your payment of gratitude in having his cock wedged down your throat in the limo back to the hotel, ending the night on your back with your ankles on his shoulders and that same chain you fiddled with when you first reunited swinging in your face.
it was no secret that the two of you fucked. it made up a good 60% of your free time together, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. rafe could still get very frustrated — with his manager, with his teammates, with people from his past cropping up, even with the general public who had opinions on his playing — and with that, what better way to pound out some frustrations then by bending you over a balcony in a foreign country? rafe had a good team behind him, and luckily so — because it wouldn’t be the first time a hotel had attempted to get the two of you blacklisted for causing too much of a noise disturbance, notes pinned to your door found in the morning reading ‘Dear guests, whilst we are thrilled that you are enjoying our hotel, we please ask that you keep it down for the sake of the other guests. To remind you, other guests do not need to hear your lovemaking through the night! If this continues throughout your stay you will be asked to leave.’
your basketball player boyfriend would pluck the note off the door the next morning when you’re leaving together for the day, your sleepy self tucked under the arm of his hoodie covering his jersey as he scoffs, handing it your way carelessly. “pussies. they can’t do shit about it.”
unstoppably so, despite your hate for gossip past being in high school the notes would turn to blind items as rafe truly came into the public eye. you couldn’t scroll three videos on tiktok without hearing ‘this north carolina basketball player and hometown it girl may have come into hot water again at this famous vegas hotel after making sure their wall neighbours heard the ins and outs of their passion — april 27th, crazy days and nights.’ that, or the blogosphere getting ahold of the blurry and ambiguous paparazzi shots taken of you supposedly ‘getting it on’ on the beach.
unfortunately, this public knowledge that the two of you were real fuckers was not enough for twitter, which resulted in your first leaked video.
rafe should have known to be careful when the two of you in a lustful haze filmed an amateur tape the day before you had to fly home for a little while, the basketball player knowing he’d miss being in it and needed some material to work off whilst you were gone.
the video was 1 minute and 49 seconds of pure glory. filmed on landscape with an outstretched arm rafe captures you, whining and mewling as you roll your hips on his lap, bouncing on his cock as he watches the two of you through the screen, swollen lips parting and tongue flattening to catch your nipple as you do so. he grips your ass hungrily, aiding you on fucking down on him before delivering a firm smack to your ass that makes you jolt, only unlatching his mouth from your tit to grumble out “s’what i’m fuckin’ talking about baby. who’s your daddy, huh?” looking up at you from your needy spread out position.
you still recall the way your heart dropped into your ass seeing your name along side rafes in the trending tab, following by the words ‘leaked video’.
your legal teams were all over it instantly, working hard to get it shut down off every site it had been reuploaded and desperately attempting to track down whoever had managed to get into your boyfriends cloud to expose it— a couple weeks of watching paparazzi shots of rafe taking calls outside buildings, yelling down the phone and flipping off the cameras in moments of frustration and stress — for him to then be on the phone to you from a hotel room later that night, talking you down as you cry like a baby and complain.
“i know, i know alright i’m workin’ on it. gonna get that shit wiped from the net i can promise you that now, i got the guy who can make it happen for me. but for now, look y’know there’s — there’s nothin’ i can do alright, i can’t make people fuckin’… unsee that shit unfortunately just be glad you look so sexy in the video cause — okay, shit, the hell are you yelling for? m’just tryna help—”
after a while it does infact die down, and the video can no longer be found — yes, even on the shitty pop up porn sites that had reposted it with twelve watermarks in the worst quality. however, it didn’t stop jaded basketball fans from bringing it up any chance they got — getting in heated debates online and using it as an insult to the cameron boys playing skills. god forbid a rafe fan would speak up for him after a particularly poor game, his mentions getting filled with nothing but a screenshot of your boyfriend with your titty in his mouth.
though it had faded, the two of you learned that there was no way around it than to humour it — your boyfriend barely addressing the tape by quoting it in his instagram caption after one of his big wins, the post of him grinning on the court with his trophy tilted ‘who’s your daddy, huh?’ which of course, sent twitter into a spiral.
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roosterforme · 3 days
Aim for the Sky Part 9 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You were trying your best to enjoy the countdown to the arrival of the baby, but your emotions were all over the place. Even on your birthday, you couldn't tell if you were excited or anxious. Bradley planned to surprise you with something special, but he got a different kind of surprise instead.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, swearing, injury while pregnant
Length: 4500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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Your parents' departure after Christmas left you antsy and anxious, and you knew Bradley could tell. All the talk about them potentially moving to California had you on edge, especially since everything was beginning to feel very real now. Your due date was creeping closer and closer, and you were starting to remember one solidly scary fact on an hourly basis now: neither you nor Bradley had any clue how to take care of a baby.
Your husband was so excited, it wasn't like you could feasibly bring up this topic of conversation. Every time you tried, he reminded you that he had watched dozens of Youtube videos. He told you that your parents were always just a call away. He assured you that if he was ever going to be successful at anything, it would be taking care of Rosie.
"I'm ready for the Nugget, Baby Girl," he told you as you got dressed to go out to the Hard Deck on New Year's Eve. He was already wearing the pink shirt you gave him for Christmas. The tiny matching one was tucked away in the closet in the nursery which brought a tear to your eye.
"I know you are," you sniffed, "but I'm still scared." You'd had a headache for the last few days, and food just hadn't sounded appealing to you. Your belly was getting enormous as your third trimester wore on, and everything was tender. "She'll be here so soon."
Bradley looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, his eyes lighting up as he smiled. "Eleven more weeks, but who's counting? Not me," he said, holding up his phone which had a 'Countdown to Rose' background on the screen. When you didn't even smile, he sighed and said, "I know you're nervous, Sweetheart. I get moments where I'm really nervous, too."
You pressed your lips together and tried to hold back the tears. You already knew how much he struggled with coming to terms with becoming a parent when he hadn't had either of his for such a long time. "The whole thing is going to hurt. And then we have to figure out what to do with an actual baby. Like this is going to be way different from nursing Tramp back to health. And I suddenly feel like I'm going to be terrible at this."
He had you in his arms immediately, and you were trying not to get your smeared makeup on his pink shirt. "It might hurt, but I'll be with you the whole time. And then I swear I'll take care of everything right afterwards so you don't have to. I'm planning on taking a few days off from work after Rosie gets here, and you can relax and be an amazing mom while I clean and take care of everything else."
You looked up at him as a tear slid down your cheek. "You're going to cook, Roo?" you asked, finally breaking into a smile.
His eyes went wide, and his lips parted wordlessly. You laughed at the worried look on his face even as you cried a little bit more. "Well, we can figure that part out. Or maybe you can freeze some dinners? I don't think I should be cooking."
"I agree," you hiccuped, wrapping your arms around him awkwardly with your belly in the way.
You were quiet for a bit before Bradley finally asked, "Would you rather stay home tonight?"
Of course you'd rather stay home. Nothing sounded as good as your bed these days. That was where he fucked you until you weren't horny anymore and then let you fall asleep in his arms while he read to you from the Nugget notebook. "No, I want to go out and see everyone," you told him, because you knew he wanted to go out. "We can sleep in tomorrow and do nothing."
He kissed the top of your head and murmured, "It'll be a relaxing week since we're going out for your birthday on Friday night."
"Are we?" you asked, suddenly feeling excited that he always remembered your day and made it special. "Where?"
"Hot sauce restaurant," he whispered. "And maybe a little something extra."
"A cake?" you gasped.
Bradley laughed as he wiped away your tears. "You want a cake? I'll get you a cake, Baby Girl. Anything you want."
The Hard Deck was absolutely packed for New Year's Eve, and Bradley was getting worried that someone was going to bump into you. He tried to get you and your bottle of Gatorade tucked safely between his body and Nat's, but there were people shoving through the crowd in every direction.
"I've never seen it this crowded before," you said over the music. You'd just been talking to Jake about three feet away, but Bradley could only pay attention to anyone who looked drunk and unsteady on their feet while he sipped his own beer cautiously.
"Seriously," he replied. "Penny and Jimmy look panicked. That new bartender looks like she's going to cry."
You scanned the room, taking a small step away from him and Nat, and that's when you got bumped. "What the fuck, man?" Bradley shouted to some guy he'd never seen before when you stumbled back against him. "Watch where the fuck you're going."
"I'm fine, Roo," you assured him with your hand on his bicep, but Bradley glared daggers at him until he was out of your vicinity.
"You might be fine, but I want you to be safe and comfortable," he snarled, finally looking down at your pretty face as your straw rested on your lip. "I want you to feel as perfect as you look." Just then someone else bumped you into him, and his fingers curled into a fist.
You reached for his hand and shook it until his fingers uncurled and were laced with yours. "I want to tell you to stop, but you're seriously turning me on right now," you moaned, eyes glued to his face as your pupils grew wide. "Like a lot."
Bradley closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his body reacted to your words and the look you were giving him. His hand came to rest gently on your bump, stroking you through your shirt. You looked incredible right now, and you even tasted and smelled impossibly sweet to him. "It's way too early to leave," he rasped, glancing down your shirt as you took another sip of Gatorade. "But when we do, I promise you'll be well taken care of."
"Mmkay, Daddy," you replied, kissing his neck while Nat made an animated gagging face behind you.
"I was going to ask if either of you wanted to play darts with me, but not if you're going to start doing that all night," she said, but you were already bouncing with excitement. 
"I want to play!" you told her, shoving your drink into Bradley's free hand.
Nat grimaced but said, "Okay, fine. But only because you look happy, and the endorphins are probably good for the baby."
For the next forty-five minutes, Bradley acted as a human fence, trying to block anyone from jostling you while you and his best friends played darts. "You want to play, Roo?" you asked him at one point, holding up three darts in his direction.
"Who's going to guard you and Rosie if I play?" he asked, glaring at a woman who came tripping in your direction.
"She'll be fine," Nat told him, but he just shook his head and let you play. This was actually exhausting. He knew he'd be tired once the baby was born, but he hadn't been anticipating starting his protective duties this early. Soon he'd have his wife and his daughter to look after. Not that he minded. He was already living for it, but he didn't want to mess anything up. Your nerves were evident earlier as your hormones were constantly fluctuating, but he wasn't sure he had an excuse here.
"Are you listening?" you asked, patting his abs with the back of your hand. He could feel your engagement ring through his new shirt which made him smile unexpectedly. "It's almost midnight."
"Oh. Should we head home?" he asked, hoping he could get you out of here unscathed. The bar was getting a little wild now.
"Let's stay for the countdown and then head out. Get me a ginger ale?"
He grunted in response, looking for someone responsible to leave you with while he fought his way to the bar, but Bob was already gone on his deployment. Maria hadn't even come out tonight, and Cam was wasted. Bradley glanced at Jake and Cat who were looking quite cozy off in the corner, and he led you in that direction with his hands on your shoulders. "Stay with them," he told you, clearly interrupting the couple as you tried to dig your feet in.
"Hey, Angel," Jake said with a smirk. He had Cat's lipstick on his face and his arm around her waist, but he didn't seem too upset that Bradley dumped you there.
"Can you look after my wife while I get her something to drink? It's a little rough in here tonight. If anyone touches her, just punch them."
"I don't need a babysitter," you complained, but he kissed your forehead as Jake made room for you to stand against the wall.
"Yes, you do. I'll be right back."
Bradley fought his way up to the bar where everyone was reaching for the plastic champagne flutes that Jimmy was pouring. Penny saw him and immediately got him another beer, but he had to lean in and ask, "Can I get a ginger ale too, Pen?"
She shot him a little smile as she reached for the soda gun and a pint glass, and Bradley turned back to check on your current status. This time next year, you and he would be cozy at home with Rose, and there was nothing that could possibly make him want to be out for the night. A soft smile found his lips as he thought about coaxing his daughter to sleep and holding her against his chest while you and he watched New Year's Rockin' Eve on TV with Tramp on the area rug.
"Hey, handsome, you wanna buy me a drink?"
Bradley let his gaze shift down to the woman next to him, and he shook his head as she reached for his hand. "Absolutely not," he replied immediately, annoyed that someone was making his quest to get this drink and get back to you longer than it needed to be. He handed Penny ten dollars and grabbed your ginger ale before heading toward the back corner where you were waiting for him, safe and sound.
"Seriously, as soon as midnight hits, we're out of here, Sweetheart."
You sipped your soda and said, "Whatever you want."
It turned out you and Bradley wanted the same thing. He had you both undressed by the time you got to your bedroom, and then the two of you stumbled into the bathroom, laughing between kisses. He tasted like beer, and his two day old stubble was rough, and you wanted him so badly you were aching for it. But he took the time to light two of the candles you left near the bathtub for when you wanted to take a relaxing bath, his hard cock bobbing as he walked. 
"I'm setting the mood," he whispered with a smile, the scars on his face intriguingly handsome in the candlelight.
"Bradley, I'm always in the mood at the moment," you reminded him. You could probably handle him four times a day right now if he could manage it.
"Just let me try to be romantic," he whined, pressing your butt against the edge of the vanity before spinning you around to face the mirror. "I want to romantically fuck the shit out of you."
Your giggles turned to moans as he guided himself deep into your pussy before stroking your clit with one sure fingertip and bracing his hand on the vanity next to yours. His abs were hard against your back, and his pelvic bones were sharp, digging into your rear end. He pulled out a few inches before thrusting deep once again with a delicious snap of his hips. His eyes looked impossibly dark reflecting in the mirror as he watched your breasts bounce as he repeated that same thrust once again.
"Look at you," he crooned softly, leaning in to kiss the shell of your ear as he fucked you a little faster. "Oh my god."
He dragged his big hand up from your clit to cup your belly softly, kissing along your neck as you already felt yourself pulsing around him. Those rough fingers soon found your nipple, and you gasped, "Bradley," which just seemed to egg him on.
He was sucking on your neck and murmuring sweetly incoherent nothings. "Baby Girl, these tits. Gonna love them. My fucking god. Massive."
Where you just saw stretch marks and oversized body parts, he saw something that made him go feral for you right now. Your boobs were so tender, but there was something about the way he was grabbing at you that made you just want more. His voice was deep as his teeth grazed your skin, fingers kneading into the side of your breast as you clenched around his cock which was once again shoved deep inside your pussy.
"Your nipples look fucking huge," he whined, his hips starting to stutter after each fluid movement. "Do you see this?" he asked, hand sliding up the valley between your breasts to grab your chin and aim your eyes upwards until you were studying yourself. Your lips were parted, and he was right, your breasts did look pretty incredible as the candle light flickered. And somehow your swollen belly looked almost cute as he slammed into you from behind and groaned your name. "I did this to you," he whispered, hand resting over your belly button. "But the rest of it is just how fucking sexy you are. I can't get enough."
When you met his wild gaze in the mirror, you let your head tip back to his shoulder, maintaining eye contact as you started to come. He held you tight to his body as his hips met your butt and his cock stroked you exactly how you needed him to. "Oh fuck," you gasped, legs starting to shake as you got closer.
"Good girl," he crooned next to your ear, his mustache prickling your skin as your eyes closed. He fucked you through your orgasm, voice mingling with yours, and before you know it, you were standing there panting while his cum dripped down your inner thighs.
You were a little dizzy, but he kept a firm hold on you as he kissed and tasted your neck, cheek and shoulder. His fingers were stroking your furled nipples, and your skin was on fire with pleasurable little aftershocks that you didn't want to stop. But you were so tired, you needed to get off your feet.
Maybe it was how you said it, or maybe it was the use of that pet name in general, but he seemed to know exactly what you needed with just that one word. He helped you to the toilet and cleaned up your legs while you used it. He brushed his teeth while you did yours, and then he waited for you to remove your contacts and wash your face before leading you to bed. When he climbed in next to you, he kissed your lips and let you get as comfortable as you could before whispering, "I love you both." You were asleep before he turned off his lamp.
Leading up to Friday, Bradley kept trying to sneak off to confirm the plans he made for your birthday. But when he tried to call the lounge in Del Mar first thing in the morning, nobody answered, and if he tried later in the day, there was always an interruption. And that interruption was usually you. On Thursday evening, he finally managed to sneak away to the garage where he planned on working out as soon as he made the phone call.
Once he verified that you were nowhere in sight or within earshot, he had his phone pressed to his ear. When someone answered, he quickly said, "Hi, this is Bradley Bradshaw. I just wanted to confirm my rental agreement for the rooftop space for tomorrow night. I have the hour-long private event planned."
"Yes, sir. The space and the DJ are all yours from nine to ten o'clock tomorrow night."
"Great," he replied, head still on a swivel even though he was pretty sure you were doing a load of laundry inside the house. That's when you came strolling into the garage with a snack in your hand, and he quickly ended the call after a muttered thank you. "Hey," he told you as he awkwardly tossed his phone onto the tool bench and picked up one of his dumbbells.
You stood there in one of his old, stretched out tee shirts and a pair of maternity shorts and chewed on an unsalted pretzel. "Who were you talking to?" you asked. He should have known he wasn't going to get away with you not noticing.
"Uh... nobody," he muttered, and you raised one eyebrow in response. He sighed. "I don't want to tell you, because it's a surprise for your birthday tomorrow, okay?"
You smiled and told him, "Okay, Roo. No worries." You bit into another pretzel, and Bradley realized how tired you looked.
"Did you finish eating dinner?"
"No," you replied softly. "I just want a few pretzels. I have like no appetite."
Your next appointment with Dr. Morris was coming up in a week, and he had been wondering if it was bad that you hadn't gained really any weight since before Christmas. Work had been very busy for you the past few days with the arrival of some sort of new scientific equipment that completely baffled him. You were exhausted after one round of sex now, which was definitely a change of pace from a month ago. He almost blushed when he thought about how the two of you spent your first wedding anniversary.
"I think you need to eat something with some substance or protein or something, Sweetheart."
"I can't," you snapped. "Everything else makes me feel awful. You should try being pregnant, Bradley. It kind of sucks."
He didn't know how to respond, because the last thing he wanted to do was piss you off the night before your birthday. "Okay. Well, will you let me know if I can get you anything?"
You nodded as you chewed up another pretzel before yawning. "I came out to watch you get all sweaty for a minute before I head to bed."
"In that case," he said, laying back on his bench, "let me get started, birthday girl."
You were smiling again as he unlocked his barbell and got to work.
You woke up on your birthday to the feel of Bradley's hand on your hip and his voice in your ear, slowly coaxing you from your dream. "Happy birthday, Sweetheart." You rolled over and were met with his brown eyes and his messy bed head, and he collected you in his arms. "It's my second favorite day of the year."
His body was warm, and the last thing you wanted to do was go to work today. "Pretty soon it will be your third favorite day of the year," you croaked. When his brow furrowed, you guided his hand to your belly and said, "Don't even try to tell me the Nugget's birthday won't surpass it."
Your husband shook his head. "It'll be a tie," he whispered, kissing your forehead as the baby thumped around. "Hey, Rosie is saying happy birthday, too!"
You moaned softly. "Rosie is hungry but doesn't seem to like any foods right now."
Bradley ran his fingers along your cheek before kissing that spot. "I'm hoping the hot sauce restaurant will hit the spot for you tonight. Plus I have a fun surprise for afterwards."
It was worth a try. Hot sauce was one of the only things that didn't sound disgusting to you at the moment. In fact, Bradley poured you a little bowl of your favorite kind for you to dip your granola bar into while he made some coffee, and you did feel a bit better. Your stomach gurgled as he plopped down onto the piano bench to play the birthday song and sing to you. 
As ridiculous as he looked sitting there in his boxer briefs with his hair still a mess, you knew you could never love someone the way you loved him. He was going to be such a good dad. He already built the playset and had the nursery almost ready. He had a countdown going on his phone. He picked out an outfit for the baby to wear home from the hospital. And he took care of you all the time.
"I love you, Roo," you promised, wrapping him up in a hug and kissing along the gray hairs at his temple. "I can't wait for dinner later."
As soon as you were dressed in your hideous maternity tent, Bradley drove both of you to work, and you found yourself stifling yawn after yawn. You were beginning to doubt that you could make it through work let alone a whole date night, but you didn't want to tell him that. Not when he was playing your favorite songs and holding your hand while he drove. Not when he had his arm draped over your shoulders as he walked you all the way up to your office and kissed you like his life depended on it.
"I love you," he murmured before dropping down to one knee to press a kiss to your bump. "Be extra nice to Mommy today, little Nugget." You could feel her squirm around as she seemed to recognize his voice. "She's got a busy day planned for her birthday."
Then he was back on his feet, zipping his flight suit up fully, and with one last kiss, he was heading toward the elevators.
After just an hour in the lab, it was evident that the granola bar and hot sauce had not been enough for breakfast. You desperately wanted to sneak back to your office and dig around in your snack reserve in your desk to take the edge off if you could. You were currently waging a war between being hungry and simultaneously appalled by food.
"Are you okay?" Cat asked, nudging your arm with her elbow as Bickel droned on about the equipment that was on loan from Lemoore's engineering department. He was hoping that in the next two months, you and the others would be able to help him build a more streamlined interface for the F/A-18s. It wasn't that you weren't interested, because you were. You just couldn't focus very well at the moment.
"I'm fine," you told Cat who gave you side eye but stood quietly next to you. It would have been beneficial to have taken your birthday off and spent it in bed, but it was too late for that.
After an indeterminate amount of time, Bickel finally stopped talking, but then he called your name. You met his gaze and realized he looked very excited.
"Yes, sir?" you asked him, taking a step forward. You felt awful. Even the sound of your boot squeaking on the floor set your teeth on edge. Your head had begun to pound at some point in the morning, and now it felt like your brain was attacking your skull.
"Come help me test it out," he said, his voice grating on your nerves in a way it never had before.
Your next step was a bit of a stumble, and you tried to reach for the edge of the counter. You were going to throw up. The urge to gag left you reeling, searching for something to hold onto. Cat was calling your name as Bickel's eyes went wide, but when you reached for him, your hand caught on the instrumentation instead. It hurt a lot, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as your knee connecting with the cabinet. You needed someone to reach you before you hit the floor, but you weren't that lucky. You wrapped your arm around your belly the best you could, but as soon as you hit the floor, you were met with blackness.
Bradley didn't really need practice dogfighting, but it certainly was fun anyway. Especially when he was up against Jake late in the morning. The taunting was comical and getting more absurd by the minute.
"Hey, Hangman, why don't you hang it up, man. You're done," he said as he shot the other pilot down for the third time in a row.
"Lay an egg, birdman," came the response through his helmet that made him chuckle.
Bradley was just pulling up on his throttle to gain some altitude and go again when he heard Maverick's voice crackle through his helmet. 
"Wheels on the tarmac. Both of you. Rooster first, then Hangman." The tone of his voice left Bradley wondering what was going on. The weather was beautiful, and he was actually enjoying this exercise immensely. In a few hours, he'd be feeding you anything you wanted off the dinner menu at your favorite restaurant before indulging you in your very own, private silent disco.
But as soon as he touched down and started to taxi back toward the hangar, he saw Maverick and Nat running his way. Then he heard her voice through his helmet. "Open your canopy. You need to get out now. Your wife is in the emergency room."
A chill colder than ice shot through his body. Something was wrong with you or the baby, and he hadn't been there to help you. "What?" he gasped, saliva starting to pool at the back of his tongue, making it hard to swallow. "What happened?"
Nat didn't respond, but as soon as his jet came to a stop, she had his ladder ready for him. The rush of fresh air that hit him as his canopy opened did nothing to make him feel better as she shouted for him to climb down. Something happened to one of his girls. He hadn't been there. As soon as he was able to control his body, he climbed down as quickly as he could, skipping the last few rungs. When Nat reached for his hand, he could see the alarmed look in her eyes, and he started crying.
"What happened?" he asked again, but she just pulled her car keys from her pocket while she grasped his hand, and he ran with her to the parking garage.
Omg, why am I doing this? I hope Nat can drive fast. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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sc0tters · 2 days
Betting On Brats | Nico Hischier
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summary: when you decide to give Nico a taste of his own medicine it seems you two can only go so far.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v (unprotected), swearing, oral (fem receiving!), slight degradation, porn with post plot?
word count: 4.37k
authors note: I really don’t know when it was that I last released something so let’s not ask @heavenlyhischier how long this idea has been swirling around… but long story short Abby posted something with Nico in his car and I was like the car sex request was music to my ears. I actually love elements of this so I’m hoping it gets picked up by y’all too. Here’s to us getting more updates soon!
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You were playing with fire.
From the moment you stepped into the venue, the smirk on your face should have given it away that you were ready to ruffle some feathers. Except it all started and ended with your fiancé and how he didn’t seem to care for the fact that you disliked your neighbour.
Mackenzie could have been the nicest person in the world, but that didn’t matter to you whilst she felt the need to flirt with Nico.
You swore things were going to be different when you came home with the giant rock on your hand. Yet your hopefulness quickly ran out when you saw her talking with him.
It was any old Monday as when you came back from Pilates, ready to tell Nico all about your day and how the Slovakian lady who owned a bakery left you with more baked goods for him to try “thanks for helping.” The voice made you freeze.
Mackenzie’s voice was like chalk against a board as she twirled her hair through her fingers “yeah our sink had that problem last week.” Nico nodded along as he clutched to the tool bag you got him months back.
You froze seeing Mackenzie in her pj shorts and a little vest. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she practically flashed her tits in his face “Hischier I’m going to shower if you want to join.” Your words came in a grumble as you shoved your shoulder into his.
It threw both of them off “we were in the middle of a conversation.” Mackenzie shot back as you scoffed.
Usually the sight of you all sweaty in your leggings and tight tops was enough to make Nico weak in the knees “I’ll be back in a sec okay schatzi?” He squeezed your hand but still that made you just roll your eyes as you pulled your hand back and left to the apartment.
That was four days ago and your comments to him have been with minimal contact. Nico noticed of course but he didn’t have the time to call you out on it with the start of the season quickly approaching.
It was what brought you both to today, the welcoming dinner for the returning and new players alongside their partners and it was your third season planning the event “schatzi please can we act-” Nico began as he went to squeeze your hand “Timo!” Your cheer cut him off as you saw the older boy smile at you.
Throughout your relationship with Nico you had gotten the chance to get close to Timo, and after convincing him to teach you Swiss phrases to then say back to Nico who of course was in awe of the gesture. After that you quickly found the boy turning into your friend as he now saw you like his American sister “you two still at it?” Timo smirked as he pulled you into a side hug.
Your sigh seemed to tell him all that he needed to know as he cracked a grin “knew you were wearing this for a reason.” It was a red sundress that Nico adored on you with the little slit that sat midway up your thigh that you paired with a white pair of heels.
Each time you wore it Nico seemed to end up pulling you into a room before the end of the night. So having it in place where he wasn’t allowed to touch you, was bound to be torture “it’s all just for a little bit of fun.” You smirked as you shrugged doing your best to ignore how Nico’s eyes glared at sight.
Timo simply nodded “is it still that Mackenzie girl?” The name made you scowl “if Nico could realise that she’s flirting with him then all of this could be avoided!” You wanted to pull your hair out at the idea of his constant disagreement of Mackenzie trying to do any bad in this world.
It made the older boy feel sorry for you “look maybe I can help you.” His offer was quick to make you raise your eyebrows in anticipation “since you want to get him jealous, why not stand with me.” The idea was perfect.
You were in your dangerous dress, Timo and you actually had a lot to talk about with the need to catch up, and if all went well Nico would get a taste of his own medicine. It almost made you mad that it wasn’t you who came up with it as you nodded “I owe you.” You added shaking his hand, leaving Nico confused at what was causing the smirks on your faces.
The questions only seemed to grow as Nico offered you the seat next to him - your normal seat - but instead you opted for the one across from the captain, right next to Timo “schatzi?” Nico did little to hide his confusion as sure he knew you were mad but he didn’t think that you were going to be that mad.
Instead you just offered him a smile “figured you’d want to see with Jacky boy no?” Your hand pointed to the boy who took your normal seat “yeah cap she got you all summer.” Jack matched your tone as he sent you a toothy grin paired with a wink.
Throughout that dinner Nico swore he was going to kill Timo and honestly Jack too. It seemed the American only loved to start talking when you were whispering things into Timo’s ear. All of the things had to do with random questions but the way it made Nico’s eyes burn into your soul left you feeling more alive than ever.
Nico was close to breaking his glass as he watched Timo help you push your hair out of your face as the freshly curled locks weren’t paired with a hair tie tonight “you’re so good t’me Timo.” You cooed sending him a smile as you sipped at your drink “Nico you good dude?” John was sat on the other side of the boy and felt how his body tensed.
It took the American a snap of his fingers to break Nicos gaze “yeah I’m fine.” Through gritted teeth you figured you had done enough for now to make him jealous “yeah baby you’re not looking too hot.” You turned your attention back to your boyfriend and that seemed to be the longest sentence you had give him in days.
Nico grew surprised but when your heel began to rub up the inside of his leg “schatzi I am good.” His voice came with a warning and a cough not sure how much more of your teasing he could truly handle from you.
You instead just smiled as you nodded dropping your foot to go back to your dinner letting the night go by quietly. Still you never gave Nico the satisfaction of standing in a conversation alone with him as Timo seemed to be attached to your hip, making the captain more irritated by the second “look dude I don’t know what you did-” Johns words practically dug his grave for him “what makes you think I did it?” Nicos head snapped in the curly haired boys direction as his eyes sharpened.
John felt his mouth go dry “well she’s kind of spent more time with Timo than she has with you.”John was scared his comment would get him into trouble as his body shrunk in front of the boy.
Nico went to respond but when your hand raked over Timo’s shoulder it practically cut him off “I’m going to kill him.” His voice was rough as his hands clenched making his knuckles grow white “hey now we cannot have the start of the season be tied to our captain being a murderer.” John stopped the captain from moving.
The Swiss man knew he was right but somehow that didn’t make him feel any better “she is just doing this all to piss you off.” It was the truth. You were desperate for Nico to feel how you felt about Mackenzie and you had done only an ounce of what she did.
When you touched Timo’s shoulder it had been to flick a leaf from it. Whilst you wanted Nico to feel your pain, not even your own stubbornness would bring you to inflict those emotions on him. You also wouldn’t think to do that with Timo, yet still you were too proud to let Nico see how you constantly watching him as you hoped that he would care enough to be a little jealous.
Your wishes quickly came to fruition when Jack finally ran out of things to say to Nico and Luke’s whines of boredom got too much for the middle Hughes boy. As the Hughes boys were no longer in eyesight, Nico turned his attention to where you and Timo stood giggling as you sipped your wine.
He didn’t hesitate as he made a beeline for you both, not uttering a word as he swooped down to grab you by your knees so he could throw you over his shoulder “have a good night you two.” Timo couldn’t help but laugh knowing the that your salute and his captains not so subtle middle finger basically said the same thing as one another, the end goal of the night was reached.
Nico didn’t let you go until he got to the door of the restaurant “I wasn’t ready to go.” Your voice was a mumble that made him scoff as he continued to walk now with his hand gripping yours “when you are acting like a fucking slut flirting with my friends, I think you’re ready to go.” Nico shot back not bothering to look back at you as your lips pursed together feeling the pain form in your wrist.
His comment seemed to trigger something within you as you scoffed “maybe it’s a shame that she wasn’t here because then you wouldn’t give a damn what I did.” Your comment struck him in a way that most words wouldn’t. All of this came down to jealousy and as he shut your door it seemed that part of it could have fizzled down to the fact that you didn’t feel heard.
Nico thought that leaving the environment would have been enough but your silence only reminded him more of his much you seemed to enjoy talking to Timo “cat got your tongue schatzi?” Nico’s words had a hint of annoyance that only you could pick up on.
You turned to him with a glare “surely you can’t be thick enough to not see why I’m mad?” Your teeth bit down on the inside of your cheek.
The timing of the comment was against you as the car came to a red light giving him the chance to fully focus on you “you let her flirt with you and get it to a point where I’m uncomfortable and somehow I’m the fucking bitch!” It was clear you were hurt as Nico’s consistent effort to ignore your complaints stung “at least I’m not flirting with your best friend.” If Nico didn’t notice that you were pissed off he was sure to notice it now.
A laugh left your lips like you couldn’t believe that this was reality “Timo at least gives a shit about what I think.” As your words oozed from your lips Nico clenched at his hands around the steering wheel.
The commentary struck a nerve “you need to watch it schatzi.” His tone was cold “or else what?” Your tongue clicked as you waited to hear him throw back some lousy argument.
But instead you got something so much heavier “if I have to pull this car over you will not be able to walk for a week.” His threat made you want to squirm but your strength stopped you “is that meant to make me scared?” Your ego was always going to get you in trouble.
And as you watched Nico pull the car into a semi secluded area that was made all that much more private by the darkened skies “w-what are we-” you had never seen Nico do this, the only place you two had been together was in your room “you wanted to see me fuck you in the back so get in the back.” Nico’s expression was flat as he turned the car off.
As he went to undo his seatbelt you realised that he was indeed serious so this time you opted to listen, sliding into the back seat as you realised he had gotten out of the car. Nico didn’t take long however, as the next you saw of him was now from the back door as he did his best to find a comfortable position whilst the doors locked around you both “we could have gone home and had a nice night schatzi.” Nico sighed as he let his lips hover over yours.
His hands traveled up your waist over the fabric of your dress “would have bent you over in this pretty fucking dress that I love so much.” The captain muttered along to himself as his breath fanned against her skin.
You whimpered trying to force your body closer to his touch “uh huh baby.” Nico clicked his tongue as his hands tugged at your dress forcing it over your stomach “hold it.” He ordered as he sent you a look that told you he was serious.
His usually soft fingers felt rough as he tugged at your panties pulling them down your legs before he shoved them into his pants pocket “want you to spread these.” Nico patted your thighs as he helped you lift your legs up resting your feet against the passenger headrest and your current seats.
Your cunt still glistened even in the darker area “did Timo make you this wet?” Nicos question taunted you when his index finger ran up your slit “fuck no.” You whimpered as you shook your head.
Even as he pushed you to your most irritated , it was always Nico you thought of when your hands dropped between your thighs “oh look, your brain does still work.” The hockey player didn’t give you a chance to respond as his lips pressed a kiss on your clit “fuck Nico.”
Your hand traveled to his hair, fearing that he’d leave if you didn’t “always my pretty pretty girl.” Nico cooed as he slowly thrusted his fingers into your cunt.
In response your stomach tensed feeling his beard rake against the inside of your thigh “please.” Your voice was needy as his pace was painfully slow “please what?” His lips dropped from your clit with a pop.
Your lips rubbed together as your waterline was soaked in tears “please cap.” You begged arching your back against the door.
Your cunt was weeping as it called for his attention “such a well behaved girl.” Nico smirked as he went back to what he was doing. His fingers were long as they thrusted into your core “and to think you were trying to be such a brat.” The captain clicked his tongue as he laughs vibrated through your body.
It didn’t take him long to settle back into his motions lapping at your clit as he eyes watched you chew at your lower lip “you’re so pretty.” You whined feeling his gaze burn into your skin.
His fingers were calloused from the large amount of weight lifting that he had done in preparation for the season, you felt every detail as the gummy walls of your cunt clenched around him. Nico found the perfect balance between licking and thrusting his fingers that held you back from cumming.
He would graze your g-spot without letting you enjoy it for long enough.
He hid his smirk as your thighs began to shake “fuck Nico.” Your moans were brought on with a tug at his hair as your stomach began to tighten.
You drove your hips closer to him “fuck Nico ‘m close.” Your eyes screwed shut letting your pent up frustration bubble over as your fingers weren’t doing enough for you.
Nico always knew how to lull you into your orgasms so when you felt his fingers drop from your cunt your mouth fell open “you really think I was gonna let you cum?” He laughed as he pressed his lips against your thigh.
You couldn’t help but huff “you wanted to be a brat and not get treated like one?” Nico taunted you as he rolled his eyes sitting up straight “you know you gotta answer when I talk to you sweet girl.” The hockey player pointed out as you looked to your thigh where his hand sat.
A gulp echoed from your throat “why do you let her flirt with you?” The question was vulnerable as if your heart wasn’t ready for the answer even as your mind was “because I don’t care for it.” It was Nicos usual answer and it made you feel like everything you had done tonight crumbled beneath you.
He too noticed your disappointed state when he hooked his fingers under your chin “not when I’ve got my girl.” He explained using his other hand to pull you onto his lap “and what’s so special about her?” You failed to hide your blush as you chewed at the inside of your cheek.
Nico nodded as he brought his hands down to your legs “well she’s got a smoking body.” His words made you laugh as you toyed with the buttons on his shirt “just a good body?” Your fingers made light work of revealing the skin of his chest.
The boy placed a kiss on your shoulder “sometimes she knows how to behave too.” He smirked as your jaw dropped letting your mouth fall agape “well we both know you prefer when I act like a brat.” You shot back petting your hand travel to his belt.
The increased pressure made Nicos breathing grow unsteady “so you admit you were being a brat?” The air around you both grew hot as he clicked his tongue doing as much as he could to hide his reaction to your hand fiddling with his boxers.
A smile formed on your lips as you pulled his cock out from above the waistband “well I don’t think a brat would willingly fuck you.” You pressed a kiss against the shell of Nicos ear as his fingers dug into your skin.
You squeezed your thighs around his leg “yeah well you’re still my needy fucking slut.” Nico reminded you as he arched his back trying to push into the pleasure he felt as you met his movements with pulling away.
His gaze sharpened as he scoffed “who’s the needy slut now.” You smirked running your fingers through his hair, softly tugging at the roots in the process “schatzi you better watch it.” The hockey player warned as his hand cupped your ass cheek.
You grinned as you let your hips drop so that his cocks head could graze your clit “know that you’re too horny to leave me here.” You hissed as the sensations shot through your body “just fucking sit on my cock.” He ordered and as his eyes practically burned into your skin.
The air around you both grew tense as you let your cunt sink around his cock “fuck Neeks.” Your forehead pressed against his as you took a chance to adjust around him.
His eyes stared into yours when his hands settled on your ass “I’ve got you.” His voice was soft as he dropped his head to kiss at your collarbone.
You whimpered at the feeling, finally rocking your hips as you revelled in his attention “don’t like you in all this.” You mumbled fisting your hands at his jacket “can say the same for you schatzi.” Nico clicked his tongue as his eyes toyed over the breast line of your dress.
It gave you the confidence to begin moving a little bit faster as you propped yourself up in a way that left you almost bouncing on his cock “then do something about it.” You whined as his hands wrapped around to slap your ass.
The skin was left red but you didn’t seem to care as you continued to swirl your hips, letting your core feel every inch of him “maybe I will.” The hockey player let his fingers harshly tug at the fabric, damaging the straps in the process “Nico!” Your whine echoed through the car as the boy smirked.
Nico always did adore this sight as your now free breasts bounced with every thrust of his cock since he made his hips meet yours. He was grateful for the fact that, you hated wearing bras in these dresses because now he had one less piece of clothing to get rid of.
His laugh pulled you away from the pleasure that was building up in your stomach “much better.” He clicked his tongue before he lowered his lips to your peaked skin.
A wonton moan left your lips as his tongue swirled around your skin “fuck Nico.” You gasped letting your hand tug at the hair on the nape of his neck.
You forgot how much you missed getting Nico like this, the power you had being on top of him was your favourite since he so clearly worshipped your every being“all you had to do was ask for this doll.” Nico murmured pressing a kiss against your skin as he switched to the other breast.
Now you were far too gone letting your hand drop to your clit craving the fucked out bliss you sought “‘m sorry.” You huffed catching your lower lip between your teeth.
It made the boy grunt against your skin as your cunt clenched around him “what was that schatzi?” His lips left your nipple with a pop bringing a line of saliva with his mouth, causing your eyes to screw shut.
Your silence made the sound of his breath and his skin slapping against yours when he drove his hips up echo in your ears “I couldn’t hear you slut.” Nicos voice got deeper as he softly hit your hand away, replacing his calloused fingers on your clit.
The action cause a long moan to leave your lips “please Nico.” You whined pressing your hand against his chest causing the cold metal of your ring to cool his skin.
As he looked down being reminded of the sizeable diamond that sat on your engagement ring, he swore he could have cum on the spot “you know that’s not the right words schatzi.” His softer words could have given you whiplash “I’m sorry okay!” You grumbled growing frustrated as you swore that every bit of strength you once had as you planned your night had vanished.
His thumb pressed into your clit in response “now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Nicos pace increased as he rubbed your sensitive bud craving his orgasm yet refused to cum first.
Your eyes began to flutter as he watched you do little to hide the fact that you were close “wanna go make a mess on my cock?” He added cooing in your ear as you nodded “wanna baby neeks.” You confessed feeling your walls burn as they trapped his cock within them.
If Nico had been dreaming he didn’t care because that made his pace turn animalistic as his free hand pinched at your hip “can’t wait to see these fucking tits grow so full.” Nico barked his desires at you and it was finally too much as your body began to shake “Jesus neeks.” You cried as your cunt clenched around him when you collapsed into his chest.
With a few more pumps of his cock and a soft “fucking hell.” His release spurted from his tip and coaxed your walls.
A flurry of whimpers flew from your lips as you felt him continue to slowly thrust into you “just making sure you don’t lose any of it schatzi.” Nico softy laughed as he kissed your forehead seeing your breathing slow “I love you.” The whisper was so quiet that if you weren’t looking up at him the words would have been lost in the leather of his seats.
In that moment he swore it was just you two and the gentle hymn of the engine “I love you too.” He let out a soft sigh running his fingers over your skin in random figures “and I’m sorry that I haven’t done a good job showing that.” Nico added causing you to nod as he tucked his hair behind his ear.
You softly smiled as you had enough energy to sit up straight “really?” You cocked your head blissfully unaware of what the night would hold.
It was as if Nico was going to cement the thoughts in your brain as he pushed any doubts away “you think you can give me one more?” You were now in your bed with your legs over his shoulders “fuck no.” You gasped seeing his face push out from the sheets.
The sun now started creeping up through the gaps in the curtains “ain’t that a shame.” Nico let out an exasperated huff as he pushed up to hover over you.
Your body was tired as you hadn’t stopped feeling his pleasure since you arrived “you’re so pretty.” Your voice was soft as you kissed his lips pulling the sheet over you both once you used what little strength you could find to flip the two of you over.
It was funny that after that night you two didn’t see a lot more of Mackenzie, in fact she seemed to move out “isn’t Micheal so sweet?” You giggled to yourself cupping your now quickly forming baby belly as you stared at the basket of baked goods in front of you.
Nico swore it was the universe coming back to laugh at him mocking what happened all but four months ago. Oh how he was going to grow relieved on the day when he learnt that it was in fact he who Micheal had a crush on, not you.
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poppy-metal · 2 days
your porn history post had me thinking about if did accidentally see their porn history. like i can imagine it going two different ways, one for when they were younger and then one for when they were older. when they were younger it's probably something you tease them about. especially art because he has shame while patrick doesn't. you went to google something on patricks phone and it pops up - "porn tennis girl fucked". or you're studying with art and go to pull up something he'd found the night before on his laptop, suddenly met with some site plus "soft feet milk my cock".
patrick would probably make fun of you before you make fun of him. teasing you about your shocked expression and then playfully accusing you of snooping. it takes a good bit for you to be able to make fun of him. long enough for him to shut up and for you to stop wondering if he was possibly thinking of you when he was watching girls get fucked in their tennis uniforms. poor art just wants to die when he looks over to see what you're laughing about. he's hiding his face away into a pillow and his whole body is turning beet red as you poke at him. teasing him about him liking feet stuff and threatening to look at the other searches. you start kicking him at random moments and then going, "whoops, forgot you like that," and it makes his brain stop working every time. 
with older patrick, you could find it anyway. looking up something, going through movies he owns, or he might just show you himself. he spends less time making fun of you and more time figuring out if you're possibly into it too. you'd get a better chance to tease him. ask him what went wrong in his life to make him so perverted. he sees it less like a joke and more like a compliment though. the whole thing probably ends with you watching porn with him, regardless if you're together or not. curiosity killed the cat.
with older art he would still be so embarrassed. especially when you go on a spiel about how you always took him as more of a vanilla guy. his face is red as he swears he is but his history... well, it suggests otherwise. make fun of him and then make fun of how it makes him squirm to be teased. ask him if that's something else he's into and he might die of both embarrassment and excitement. 
- ☕
whenever i get an ask from you an angel gets its wings. a fairy is born anew 🧚‍♀️
i actually think younger patrick would be more embarrassed than you thought - it depends on your relationship with him. if you're his friend - yeah he doesn't give a fuck - he's teasing you for being a pervert and going through his stuff. if you're like.... a girl hes been crushing on and you stumble on it - he's flushing red. not out of shame, just more like. aur, shit, you weren't supposed to know that about me yet. the yet is important because if things went according to his diabolical plan, then you'd be into all this shit too, eventually, as soon as he managed to stumble his way into being your boyfriend. he catalogs your reaction and either downplays it as being stupid shit that hes not even really into if you look horrified but if you look flushed then hes like. kinda tugging on his ear with his own flushed face like. yeah. thats what im into.
older!patrick. absolutely no shame. he'd be watching it on his phone because you had an argument and dont wanna give him head. or you're hanging out and hes bored and he just. pops his earphones in and plays a tride and true classic. when you look over and act scandalized by what hes watching - something with alot of cum and balls and anal, probably - he just unplugs the earphones and turns the screen so you can see better. "you wanna watch?" you're like patrick..... this is crazy and he shrugs like its not a big deal. suddenly curious to know what you watch, then. you're very adamant about not going down that rode, but then something about his making fun of you - suggesting you're into cutesy stuff and that's fine, its cute, its adorable really - well, you just have to show him you're not so vanilla. turns a little awkward though when you play your favorite video and both of you get intensely turned on.
art..... literally wishing you'd just kill him. like death would be better than this, he's sure. he can feel his soul leaving his body actually. at first, you find it funny. i mean - "mommy milks my cock." you have to laugh. pushing at his shoulder when he hides his face in his hands like, 'mommy? sorry? mommy? sorry? mommy? sorry?' just almost in tears laughing over it until he glares weakly at you, his face flushed bright, bright pink and tells you to knock it off. something about his watery eyes and golden curls and pouty face.... you let the subject drop quickly. if only because you get uncomfortably wet. later on, when you try to joke about it again - pausing before you hand him the milk he asked for with a grin "say 'please mommy'" you feel completely blindsided when art bites his lips, looks at you from under gold lashes and says "please can i have my milk.... mommy?" you hand it to him. you feel an out of body experience. like great, art. now we're both perverts here.
older art..... think he'd have more daddy related content.... breeding kink.. daddy fucking the babysitter.... daddy fucking me in my cute pjs... ect ect...... he equally wants to die from shame when you find it. just utterly beside himself trying to explain hes not into younger women like that! its just - he just - he likes it when - he likes the thought of - he cant even explain himself. just fumbling over his words. its easy to tease him about it. call him and old pervert who wants to fuck tight jailbait pussy and be called daddy. if you call him daddy, even in a teasing lilt, his whole body is reacting. nipples tightening, breath shuddering, thighs clenching.... cock chubbing up in his sweats. he has no response for you.
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lilyarchived · 2 days
too late [john price]
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a/n: I wasn't originally gonna write anything yet because I still feel absolute dogshit, but this post by @gloomyyangel was too yummy to ignore.  I don’t really like this but what else can I do? Write some more? (gunshots)
warnings: smut after keep reading! (go away minors), swearing, hurt NO comfort, fem reader, mean!price at the start, 1.7k words oops, Lowkey abrupt ending.
summary: you let price imagine you as his ex wife because it will hurt even more to let him go, but what happens if he finally tries to make it up to you?
“F-fuuuck..” your husband groans. “Feels,, sso good, angie..” The sound of another woman’s name should be enough to make you feel bad, be enraged, scream at him, go apeshit crazy, right? Your whimpers of pleasure say so otherwise. It has been like this for years, you’ve come to terms that your husband, Captain John Price, will always see you as his ex wife. At some point you feel bad for yourself, you wouldn’t have let this shit slide. Hell, you wouldn’t even settle for a rich, handsome man all because he told you women should just stay quiet. The bitch slap you gave that man before storming out the restaurant stays engraved in the back of your mind, good days. 
But now? Now you’re settling for a man to imagine as if you’re his ex? Since when did your standards fall down to the deepest pit in the ocean? “ ‘m close, fuck, so tight for me.” You didn’t know whether to feel flustered or disgusted at the praise, knowing damn well he’s talking to angie in his mind. You gasp as your orgasm suddenly takes over your whole body, basking in that sweet, sweet pleasure. Hey, he can be a dick husband and still make you cum, nothing wrong with that. He follows suit after a few more thrusts, his hands beside your head grasping at the satin sheets. His moans ring through your ear until he finally plops down beside you.
You don’t expect him to clean up. At Least not like he used to. You get up to clean yourself before going back in the room with a warm and wet washcloth. You clean your husband up before noticing he’s already fast asleep. How did you ever get here? From your handsome Captain flattering you, taking you out on dates, treating you as if you are the sun keeping him warm, putting your pleasure first, and actually caring about you; to this man, ever so distant, calling you his ex wife’s name, never talking to you unless it’s work related or if he needs to let out some energy. And why the hell are you letting this happen? A man? Taking advantage of you? Making you some sort of sex doll?
You wish you could just be mad about it, scream and punch and cry, do anything to avenge your poor self. Yet you can’t. You love him too much, you love him like he painted the morning orange sky above, you love him like he hung up the moon and stars. You love him. Only Simon knows about his behaviour, you were a bit sceptical telling him everything since he always thought so highly of the captain, you feared he would take his side and tell you to get over yourself. You hadn’t expected him to pull you in a tight hug and whisper to you that you should leave him. You cried for the first time in a long time that night.
Snapping back to reality, you get dressed in your sleeping clothes and settle next to your sleeping husband. Staring into his shut eyes, wondering where you went wrong. You let your eyes droop to sleep, preparing your mind for another unbearable day tomorrow.
As months passed, you and John were still together, happy, no, but still married. You start to grow numb, never once batting an eyelash when he cums again after moaning “angie”. What an annoying sound in your ears it was. Don’t get me wrong, you still felt good whenever he decided to initiate something sexual with you. Your moans and whines fill the air alongside the sound of slapping skin. Simon gives you the usual disappointed look, but you honestly can’t tell if that’s his resting face or not. Then, everything changes.
“Darling, d’you wanna get food with me?” You freeze on the empty couch in the equally empty rec room. The sound of John’s voice making your heart skip a beat. He has never asked you to eat out with him, well ever since he normalised moaning a different name in bed. It’s like all his intimacy and chivalry left with your dignity. “Umm, I just had dinner Sergeant Garrick, Captain. I’m set for the night..” you reply after you peeked behind you, making sure he was talking to you. “At ease, I’m talking to you as my wife, [Y/N]” You let out a forced chuckle before going back to the book you were reading. “Why were you out with Kyle?” you hear him mutter. He can’t be serious. “..We were both free and hungry?” you reply in a meek voice. “I was free. Couldn’t even be bothered to ask your husband first?” 
The way your blood was boiling the moment that stupid sentence left his mouth. Why does he care? Does he think that he can moan a different woman’s name in bed and get away with it but you going out for dinner with a friend is all of a sudden, adultery? “You told me you’d be busy the whole day. Why is it a big deal I went out with Gaz? It’s not like I’ve been saying his name during sex.” You quickly shut your eyes, you didn’t mean to say that last part out loud. You prepared for his anger, instead you were met with a deep sigh. “I’ll let you be.” He says defeatedly, walking away from the scene. You see a confused Simon in the corner before squealing out of surprise. “How long have you been there, freak?” Simon only chuckles, “Tha’ don’t matter, Cap’n looks devastated. Ya think he’s been feeling guilty?” He sips on his black tea, you remove the hand clutching your shirt near the beat of your heart. “I don’t know, and I don’t care.” You fall face down on the couch to scream, ignoring Simon’s deep voice laughing at your pain.
What you both didn’t know is that John has been feeling bad for how he’s been treating you. He would notice your soft giggles echoing the hallways as Johnny picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, at how pretty you look in casual clothes, how your hair flows during bar hopping nights with the team, how your face shines in the city lights. How your nose scrunches when you get teased by Simon for liking your coffee too sweet. How beautiful you sound when he’s feeling you up and down, your surprised gasps as he rubs your clit in circles, how sinfully angelic you look when you come undone. Fuck, he really messed up.
So he makes it up to you, he cuddles after ruining your guts, he cleans you up, he wakes up before you to cook you breakfast. He makes your coffee the way you like it, gets you flowers every now and then, kisses you more passionately rather than his usual rushed ones. He loves you tenderly but it all seems foreign, even though he used to do it for the first few years of your relationship, you had already forgotten how it feels like to be loved by this man.
You feel nauseated. How could he go back to the way things were, like he hasn’t been giving you the cold shoulder for months now? Why now? WHY now? Why NOW? You stay cautious, every sweet move he’s doing puts you on edge. You knock on your Lieutenant’s door before he tells you to “come in” with that same ol’ gruff voice. As the night rolls in, you’ve already told him everything Price was doing, how he kept acting lovingly without addressing the past few months. He tells you you have two options: to confront him, or to go along with it. Neither of it seems appealing to you but deep down, you know he’s right. 
You thank Simon for the advice leaving his room to confront your husband tonight. The minute you walk into John’s room, his face lights up and asks you if you’ve eaten.  You scoff as you tell him you need to talk. “Why are you doing this to me, John?” you finally speak up after staring into the same eyes you fell for. His face drops, eyebrows furrowing, “What do you mean by that, dove?” A sigh escapes your soft lips, “Don’t call me that, John. Don’t act as if you weren’t just calling me, imagining me as your ex wife during our most intimate times. Don’t act like you haven’t been ignoring me, acting as if I didn't exist ‘til you needed work done or if you needed to have a shag.” You let out, tears staining your cheeks. John reaches out to wipe them but you move his hand away. “I mean, was it all a joke to you? Did I mean nothing but a body for you to imagine as if you were still together with her?” John finally talks, “You know it’s not like that, [Y/N]-” 
“Then what, John? What is it like? God, you- you” hyperventilating now, you search for the right words to come out. “You changed me. Acting like nothing’s wrong and being all sweet won’t work on me. I gave up on whatever our relationship was a long time ago.” His breath hitches, “Baby, please-” “I should go.” you cut him off. “Please, I’ll do better, we can start over?” he pleads, grabbing your arm. “It’s not that easy, John.” “Loving you is easy. I love you like it’s breathing. Please. You mean the world to me. I can’t let you go knowing i fucked up everything.” He sounds desperate now.
“I love you, John. But I don’t think I can ever love you like I used to.” He looks up to you, bloodshot eyes as tears pour over his face. You reach over to wipe them away. He leans into your touch. “Don’t give up on me, please?” You give him one last broken smile, “We’re way past not giving up, my love.” 
taglist for the people in the original post's comments LMAO (lmk if u want me to untag muheheh): @blackhawkfanatic @tf141gloryhole @montenegroisr @princesslikesfanfics @hoelesss
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authorhjk1 · 3 days
I’ll try my luck in requesting.. Plot is, reader asks SNSD Yoona who is his gf to dominate him femdom style.. I’d want to see kinks like pegging and well.. To be honest body worship especially armpits.. Thanks for reading and if you choose to decline it, all good.. But I really wish to a great writer’s take on this humble request of mine..
Submitting to her
(Lim Yoona X Male Reader)
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This is how everyone sees her. Lim Yoona. One of the younger members and the center of Girl's Generation. Most of the time a cute, playful sunshine. But when it comes down to it, she can also be fierce and borderline sexy.
But no one will ever be able to see her, how you see her. That is something no one will ever know.
You met Yoona about a year ago for the first time. You couldn't believe she actually walked into the bar you were working at. It was a very expensive and prestigious one, yes, but you didn't really think of Yoona as big bar goer.
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And you were quickly proven right. She was only there, because of one of the two friends she was with, was celebrating her engagement.
The three women were sitting at your bar the whole night, chatting away and drinking more and more of your most expensive liquor. While you were serving them and the other guests as well, the newly engaged woman seemed to have drunk too much. First, she kept on showing off her ring to Yonna and the third woman, but as the night grew longer, she also started to flirt with you.
You thought nothing of it at first, blaming it on the alcohol, but she got more and more into it. You could tell that Yonna was getting a little uncomfortable at her friend's behavior, but she didn't say a word.
"Would you mind mixing me another cocktail, babe?"
Yes, you did mind. And no you didn't like the fact she called you increasingly worse pet names. Blaming the alcohol would have been only a sorry excuse at this point. You could already tell that her future husband would probably catch her cheating at one point. It was so clear it could've been written on her forehead.
Eventually, her and Yoona's other friend went to the bathroom. The rude woman definitely drank too much. And while you were wiping parts of the black granite surface of the counter, you were hoping she wouldn't completely ruin the ladies' room.
You heard Yoona groan, after she took the last sip of her cocktail.
"Would you like a refill, Miss?"
To your surprise, Yoona suddenly glared at you.
"Oh, please, lover boy. Don't pretend like you would say no, if she asked you to spend the night with her."
You felt that was a little out of the blue. But the alcohol and her being annoyed by her friend, probably made her search for some kind of release.
"I would say no."
You would never sleep with another man's girlfriend, wife or whatever.
"Really? Why wouldn't you, huh?"
You suddenly felt trapped. Was that a trick question? Did she want you to mess up, so she could let out all her pend up frustration on you?
"Never mind, I'm sorry."
Yoona cut you off, before you could answer.
"It's just... I'm always too busy, you know? Barely free time, no time for dating, or a boyfriend and especially no time for a husband."
"Another cocktail it is, then."
Yoona chuckled as you started to mix the same cocktail she had before.
"You're really good at that, you know?"
"I hope so, I've been doing this for years."
As you added your finishing touches, Yoona let out another sigh.
"You are still young, so take some advice from me. Make sure you find the right person to be with. Don't wait as long as I have."
"I'm sure there are a lot of good men out there, who would like to go on a date with you, despite your busy schedule."
Since the granite surface was a little bigger, you let her new glass slide over the stone. It came to a hold just in front of her. You leaned over the counter and reached behind her ear.
Yoona slightly backed away, but you pulled back already, holding a small cocktail umbrella in your hand.
"Myself included, of course."
You blew on the umbrella, opening it up, before you let it fall into the drink.
You usually weren't that straight forward with guests. But this wasn't a usual guest. This was Yoona.
"That was smooth."
She playfully wiggled her eyebrows as she acknowledged your skill.
"Like I said, years of work and experience. Once I start something, I only finish once I perfected it."
"I like the sound of that."
Her smile was warm, but at the same time a little seductive. Her eyes sparkling with amusement, but also looking at you as if she was searching for something.
You later asked about that moment.
"I liked you. You looked handsome. And I wanted something she couldn't have."
That was her answer. Almost the perfect way to describe the start of your relationship.
"Although I don't have a man, I do have needs. I don't have enough time to date, but I can definitely make just enough time to take care of those needs."
You were surprised at how hopen she suddenly talked about herself. You were still in a public place.
"I could use someone like you. Dedicated to a task. Not stopping until he is satisfied. I would repay you of course. How much money do you make?"
While you were standing there, totally bamboozled by her sudden offer, you realize you could've seen that coming. Yoona is lonely, doesn't have time for a proper relationship and has more than enough money to find herself a sugar baby.
And for some reason, you did like the sound of that. Her terms were clear. Wherever and whenever she wanted, you would do your best to worship her entire body, make her feel good. But for that, you would have to quit your job.
"Don't worry. I will pay for everything you need."
While you were still debating on saying yes or no, her friends came back. They were eventually done drinking and were about to go home.
Yoona gave you one last look.
Decide right now, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
You quickly wrote your number on a napkin and gave it to her.
The dynamic in your relationship was clear from the get go. Yoona was literally your sugar mommy and paid for everything, while you were tasked with pleasuring her better than anyone had ever before. Outside of the bedroom, she was the dominant one, but when it was about sex, you were the one who took care of her.
After staying at her place a couple of times, you, unconsciously, slowly started to move in with her. It started with a toothbrush and it ended with your computer and desk in her guest room. Not that Yonna minded at all. The living together and sleeping together, made it impossible to not start developing feelings. And finally, after ten months of sex with no strings attached, you both agreed on your new status of your relationship.
"10 Minute break in twenty minutes. Need you."
A simple text from your now girlfriend and you are on your way.
You enter the SM building slowly after, making your way to one of the smaller rooms on the third floor. As soon as you walk in, Yoona crashes into you. You haven't seen her since this morning. She looks just as good as she did then.
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As soon as you saw her outfit this morning, you knew this is gonna be one of those days. She doesn't have them often. But on those days, she sometimes shows you a side of her no one can know about.
Most of the time, the power during sex is equally distributed. Sometimes it's Yoona, who leads, sometimes it's you. But most of the time, the two of you are equals. Yoona isn't the kind of woman who loves to get fucked like a cheap whore. She does enjoy you, being a little rougher with her at times, but never something too crazy.
And on rare occasions, just like today, you can see a fire burn inside of her. A fire that makes her lust and arousal grow immensely. Until now, she always had herself under control. But you do know, that if her self control breaks, you will be the one who will have to bear the consequences.
"Oh, fuck. I need your tongue so bad."
She whispers into your ear, after just having kissed the life out of you.
You lean down and push her hair behind her shoulders, before you start to kiss her naked skin. Yoona loves how you take care of her. How you worship her. To say that she has a praise kink is an understatement. More like goddess kink.
"You taste perfect, mommy."
Yoona purrs, at your words, letting out a satisfied sigh. Yeah, one of those days. You know you are doomed tonight, if you can't satisfy her well enough right now.
And at the same time, you don't mind at all. You actually welcome the idea of Yoona punishing you for doing a bad job. You want to find out what happens, when that fire inside her does take over her being. You are just not sure yet, if you can handle it.
Once you have dutifully peppered her shoulders with endless kisses, you pick her up and carry her towards the window.
"Oh, yes. I'm craving that. Oh, baby I'm so thirsty for your touch."
Yoona always turns into a mess, whenever you start to worship her like this. She loves it. And you do too.
After putting her down on the windowsill, you quickly start to take off her belt. This is just the right height for what you have in mind. Once her suit pants are around her ankles, you reach into her panties. The black lace traps your hand, forcing you towards her pussy.
"That's it, baby. Be a good boy."
Yoona moans in delight as she feels you pushing a finger inside of her. You lick your lips as you see her closing her eyes, ready to bring the second half of your plan to life.
While your left is slowly fingering her wet pussy, your right hand is now reaching for her wrists. Already knowing what you have in mind, Yoona gladly raises her arms. Standing next to her, you are greeted with the magnificent sight of her left armpit.
The slight sweat on her skin sparkles in the sunlight from outside. You unconsciously take a deep breath, enjoying Yoona's scent. After you spend hours after hours worshiping her entire body, you know how she tastes everywhere and how she smells too. Usually sweet, with a hint of sweat, because it's a hot day.
After taking another breath and pushing a second finger inside of her, you stick out your tongue and place it right underneath her armpit. Yoona lets out a deep moan. This combination has always made her cum pretty quick. And you have limited time right now.
The slight salty taste hits your taste buds as you use one long lick to move your tongue across her armpit.
"That's it, baby. Lick your mommy clean."
Yoona moans out loud as she feels your tongue now delivering longs swipes across her armpit. Your fingers in her pussy aren't idle and soon, Yoona succumbs to the pleasure you force onto her.
It takes you a minute or two to complete lick her armpit free of her sweat and just a little longer to reward yourself. The more you can have of her, the better. Yoona's sweat is now replaced by a small amount of your spit.
You change position as you keep your fingers inside her, your thumb now rubbing her clit.
"Hurry, baby. If you don't make me cum..."
Her whispered threat is interrupted by your tongue, finally reaching her armpit on the other side. The saltiness seems to be a little bit more prominent on this side. You gladly lick it all up, while Yoona starts to buck her hips against your hand.
"Damn it!"
She sighs heavier as her breathing becomes faster.
"Make me cum already."
Her heightened arousal makes her a little more aggressive today.
You keep on licking her skin and fingering her pussy. You know that she is slowly getting there. Maybe a couple of licks more. Or maybe a third finger...
You stop immediately as you hear someone outside the room. Yoona holds her shakey breath.
"We have to get going now."
"Give me a minute, manager-nim!"
Yoona quickly urges you to pull your fingers out of her. As if you wouldn't have thought of that yourself.
"This isn't over."
She looks up at you with that fire in her eyes, once she is done making herself look presentable.
"As soon as I'm home..."
She let's that threat linger in the air as she walks out of the room. Yes, this is one of those days. But today seems more intense than usual. You wonder, if you asked for it, would Yoona let that raging fire consume her? Would she let go off her primal instinct and use your body for her pleasure, without thinking about you?
A shiver of anticipation runs down your spine. What do you have to do to make that happen?
You know that Yoona will be busy for the rest of the day. You're sure she mentioned something about a magazine cover photoshoot, but you can't remember. Her schedule is stuffed with way too much events and appointments for you to know all of them.
And that's why she catches you by surprise, when she suddenly crashes through the door to her apartment.
"I have ten minutes."
It looks like she is on a break again. And it seems she came straight from the photoshoot. She is still wearing that outfit.
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And you can tell by the fact, that she only came here for sex, that she is close to breaking.
You try to get off the couch you are lying on, but Yoona is quicker. The advantage of her skirt is, that she can just sit down on your face, without having to undress.
Barely ten seconds after she came home and your tongue is already buried inside her wet pussy. Yoona quickly holds onto your hair with both hands. Too impatient for you to find the proper rhythm, she just starts to ride your face. You have no choice but to lie there, enjoying the taste of Yoona's sweet pussy.
A minute passes. Then two. Then three. You do your best, trying to get her off as quick as possible. But that small voice at the back of your head starts to talk. What if...
Yoona breathes heavily and leans forward, trying to catch her breath, as she realizes that this isn't enough. Not enough for her to orgasm. Not enough for her to satisfy her hunger.
She quickly gets off your face, leaving you with trails of her juices all over it. Before you can react, your pants are already off. And a second later, Yoona has already straddled you, her pussy hovering above your cock.
"Oh, damn. That cock."
She sighs, her eyes closing in bliss as she impales herself on your cock. Without even thinking about it, one of her hands move towards your throat. She keeps riding you, her pleasure now increasing by the second. After almost getting caught earlier today, she really needs to find that high right now.
She hears you coughing after calling her. Her eyes shoot open and she realizes that she has been choking you. Yoona quickly moves her hand away, an apologetic look in her eyes. She has never done that before. She never let herself go that far.
She wants to say sorry, wants to apologize. And yet, a small part of her mind tells her to put her hand back on your throat. To make you cough, while she rides you like a dildo, not giving a damn about your well-being.
It scares Yoona for a moment. Those thoughts. But she can also see that you seem to know, what's going on inside of her.
Her eyes grow wide as you slowly start to nod your head.
No need for words. Yoona takes a deep breath, before she puts her hands back on your throat. For the first time, she starts to let go of herself.
You lie on the couch with wide open eyes. Yoona left barely a minute ago. It's hard for you to get up. You didn't expect her to go that hard. She rode you like her life depended on it. You were barely able to take it yourself, her pace and power were almost too much for you. Reaching for your throat, you grimace in pain. It's not that bad, but you don't need a mirror to know that that's gonna leave bruises.
You are glad you were able to cum, just in time, before Yoona came herself. You wonder if she would've cared about your orgasm at that point. Maybe not. But that thought alone almost makes you reach for your cock, which is still wet with her juices.
The rest of your day goes by without anything major happening. You are excited about what is gonna happen tonight. Despite having climaxed earlier, Yoona still didn't look very satisfied.
Trying to make time go by faster, you sit down in front of your computer, planing on gaming a little, until she comes home.
"Turn it off."
You almost have a heart attack, when you suddenly hear Yoona's voice. You didn't hear her come home.
"H-Hi, babe."
Her tone made it clear, that this day is still not over. The only question is, how rough Yoona is going to be with you.
Once you turn off the computer and look at her properly, you know what kind of sex she has in mind. She is now wearing a different outfit. Probably another one from her photoshoot.
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"You look gorgeous."
You can tell she is holding in a smile as she leans down, to be at your eye level.
"I've had a long day..."
You get the hint as you stand up, just to walk her over towards the bed. Knowing you have the rest of the night, you start slowly. First, her hands. You kiss each of her knuckles and the back of her hands. She sighs, as Yoona lies on the bed, enjoying your work.
You soon move upwards, switching from one arm to the other, while you pepper her skin with kisses. It's smoothness takes your breath away every time. How can she be this beautiful?
Reaching her shoulders, you take a short trip to her collarbone, licking along it's length, before returning to her shoulders. Yoona lets out a satisfied hum. But you know that, at least today, this won't satisfy her enough. You move her arms away from her body a little, giving you access to her pits.
"Baby. I need to fuck you."
Yoona sighs, her first words since she told you to take care of her.
You know what she means by that. The fire in her eyes still there. As you dive in, licking her right armpit, you know that she is thinking about something far different from just riding you, like she did earlier today.
Yoona's fire urges her on to take control. To take you. To make you hers. And there's only one way you will truly be hers.
Yoona shifts around a little, while you keep worshipping her body. Once you're finished with licking her armpit clean, you kiss along her collarbone towards the other one, before diving in again.
Her hand finds itself in your hair as she lets out a heavier sigh.
"I need to-to take you. Now."
You realize that Yoona is approaching her breaking point. Should you push further? Ignore her real needs for just a couple of moments longer?
You eventually decide to be forward.
"You can do what you want with me, mommy."
You kiss her armpit one last time, before looking up at her face.
"Please. Be as rough as you want."
This is the only way for her to be happy today. To be satisfied. And you are more than willing to help.
"A-Are you sure?"
You nod your head yes.
"Do with me what you want."
You can see that dangerous fire flicker in her eyes. Yoona's inner voices are fighting each other. Eventually, she pushes you off of her, before she jumps off the bed. You watch her walk towards the big closet. Once she opens it, you can see what's lying on the middle shelf.
Four dildos, lined up and sorted by length. A belt, to make a strap on out of one of them, on their right. You gulp, knowing that there is no turning back now.
It's not like this your first time. Usually, at least one of you is in the mood for it. And you are the one, who decides which one gets used, before you start.
But you are very aware that Yoona is already using the one on the right. She put it on the belt already and is now tying it around her waist. The biggest one.
Her black outfit seems to fit the blue plastic perfectly. You don't choose that one very often. But now you know Yoona's true thoughts. The others aren't big enough for her taste.
She says, before even having turned around.
You hesitate for a moment. It's not that you don't trust her. It's the fact that you don't trust that fire within her. How far will she go...
Yoona's movement quickly makes you jump into action. As she turns around, you're just getting rid off your pants. She steps towards the edge of the bed as you take your shirt off.
Without a word, Yoona stares at you, lust burning in her eyes. She does a come hither motion with a finger, making you crawl towards her.
"Suck my cock, baby. If you don't want to get hurt..."
Yoona only used lube at the beginning. But after having tried this a couple of times, she started to make you suck the dildo first, before pegging you. Your own spit being the lubricant. That should've been a sign that something like this would come sooner rather than later. A sign you should've read.
You look up at Yoona as you open your mouth. Her fiery gaze stares back at you. You can't tell how rough she is going to be exactly. Should you be using a safe word?
But as Yoona pushes her hips forward, the blue dildo pushing past your lips, you realize that the time for setting a safe word has long past. You feel the plastic in your mouth, the unforgiving material dragging along your tongue. Yoona places her hand on the back of your head, holding you in place as she forces you to take it all at once. The tip slightly grazes the back of your throat, once your lips reach the base.
"Look up."
You do as your told. Yoona stares down at you, her face cold, while her eyes are burning. You catch her biting her lip slightly, before she moves her hips back. A moment later, she pushes them forward again. She starts to pick up the pace soon after, letting her other hand wander towards the back of your head as well.
Yoona is now fucking your face. Not as hard and fast as you occasionally do with her, but enough for you to cough once in a while. Due to her constant thrusts, the blue plastic is eventually covered in your saliva. Some of the liquid is already staining your lips and chin.
"What a good boy you are, sucking mommy's cock."
Up until now, you had both of your hands placed on the mattress, supporting your weight. Now, knowing how horny Yoona is, you reach forward with one hand. Since she is wearing a one piece, it was hard for you worship her whole body just now. So you try to make up for it by placing your hand between her thighs.
"That's right, baby. Mommy comes first."
Yoona slows down a little to make it easier for you to rub her pussy through the black fabric. Whenever you send really big jolts of pleasure through her body, Yoona thrusts forward uncontrollably. And soon, she is fucking your mouth again, while you try to pleasure her.
"Press harder."
You follow her orders, applying more pressure on her pussy.
"Fuck, yes!"
Yoona hisses loudly at the sudden increase of pleasure. Her hips move as fast as your hand, the two of you in a silent competition on who can go the fastest. It doesn't take long for Yoona to win as she forced herself inside of you exceptionally deep, making you gag and lose control of her your hand.
"Turn around."
She tells you, while you still recover from her sudden attack.
Once you do, you feel Yoona climb on the bed as well, kneeling behind you.
"If you are going to be a good boy and take it well"
Yoona leans over you slightly, the wet plastic pressing against your ass cheeks. It sends a shiver down your spine as you know very well what's next.
"I will reward you by letting you lick and kiss every single part of me."
It's an offer you can't refuse. For one, because you would do anything to get that opportunity. And two, because you are literally unable to refuse. Even if you would try, Yoona would just laugh at you.
You feel the dildo poke your butt hole as Yoona readies herself. She lets her hands wander over your cheeks, before she reaches underneath you. A moment later, her hand holds your cock, slowly stroking it.
"Don't cum too early, baby. Last time, you made a mess of yourself while cuming."
One would think that Yoona is just being considerate. But her tone says otherwise. It drips with her lust and you can tell that that's exactly what she wants. For you to lose control over your body as you cum.
Finally, Yoona slowly pushes forward. You breath a little heavier as you try to adjust to the new feeling.
"Relax, or this is gonna hurt."
Usually, Yoona would stop if you had trouble taking it and speak some encouraging words.
Not this time. Instead of waiting, she pushes the plastic tip past the ring of your muscles. You hold onto the sheets as Yoona slowly pulls you towards her, while she moves forward.
More and more of her length you take. Inch by inch, the blue dildo stretches your ass.
"Oh fuck, baby. Your ass looks so tight."
One of her hands squeezes your cheeks, while the other keeps stroking your cock. You grit your teeth as Yoona pushes further. Having taken this dildo a couple of times already, you can tell that you're halfway there. You feel every new inch drag past your muscles.
You feel fuller than before as Yoona keeps going. She doesn't stop, until you've finally taken it all.
"Good boy, taking all of mommy's cock."
Yoona whispers sweet nothings into your ear. You know that this only the calm before the storm.
Without asking if you are ready, which she would usually do, Yoona starts to pull out of you. Your hole clamps down on the plastic, not wanting it to leave your body. Just when only the tip remains inside, Yoona pushes forward again. She does this very slowly a couple of times, before she starts to pick up the pace.
It hurts a little as she becomes faster, but you don't complain. You can take it and you don't want to get on her bad side.
"Oh, damn. You're so hard already."
The whole time, Yoona has kept stroking your cock. She removes her hand for a moment and you hear her spit on it. Her now wet hand goes back to working your cock, while the plastic cock in your ass keeps moving back and forth.
Just as you are getting adjusted to the current pace, Yoona starts to fuck you faster. Some thrust leaves you breathless as she pushes your face into the mattress with her power.
You don't dare ask her to stop, but you need to warn her. You feel like you are losing control. Your thighs start to shake, your cock twitching a little.
"Not, yet."
You can tell she is gritting her teeth as she fucks you from behind. Both her hands are now on your ass as she keeps up the pace. Soon, she is pounding away with no regard for your comfort. The plastic inside of you drags along your inner walls and keeps splitting you open.
It seems that is the only word that you can force off your lips. As she takes your ass, you can tell that Yoona is really enjoying herself. Her nails are slightly digging into your flesh as she holds a tight grip on you. Apart from her breathing, which is now a little faster, you can hear her deep moans and an occasional grunt.
"Mommy, I think I'm gonna-"
You suddenly have a mouthful of the mattress. Yoona has pushed your head down to shut you up, ignoring your warnings that you're about to cum.
You can't help it. The plastic dildo in your ass keeps dragging along your inner walls as Yoona fucks you hard. You hiss, feeling slight pain, as she bottoms out inside of you.
You want to warn her again. Tell her you're about to cum on the sheets. But your words are muffled by the mattress, while Yoona keeps fucking you further into it.
"Don't cum too early, baby."
She mocks you, her hand finding it's way to your cock again. She squeezes it slightly while she strokes you faster and faster. Timed with her thrusts, her handjob pushes you further towards your climax.
Because you can't talk, you can do nothing but take Yoona's cock in silence. You feel your back arch as Yoona pushes your head even further into the mattress. It enables her to drive herself even deeper into you.
That's the final push you needed. You let out a deep moan as you climax immediately. Yoona's dildo feels even bigger now, her hand drains you of all of your cum. You can tell you've ruined the sheets, without even having to look.
"You've taken mommy's cock so well, baby."
Yoona leans down to kiss your cheek. For the first time today, she seems to genuinely care for you.
"Time for your reward."
You lift your head, once Yoona has removed her hand. You fall to the side, still breathing a little heavily.
Yoona uses your small break to untie the belt, before tossing it off the bed. She straddles you and leans over you with an expectant look.
You move your head upwards to lap at her armpits, cleaning her off the sweat that had just build up over the last couple of minutes.
"Get your tongue in there, yes!"
Yoona sighs in delight. You let your hands wander over her clothed back, trying to find the zipper. Once you do, you slowly reveal what's been hiding underneath her one piece.
You move from her armpits, over her collarbone, towards her chest. You suck on Yoona's nipples, once your reach them. She moans out loud. Her tits are quite sensitive, especially while you dedicate yourself to worshipping her body.
More and more of her skin gets covered in kisses, until you've been everywhere at least once.
"Make me cum, baby."
Yoona quickly strips off her entire one piece, now leaning over you completely naked. The sight makes you hard again already. She quickly lowers herself onto your cock. Just like earlier, she doesn't wait for you to adjust yourself. She quickly picks up the pace, using your cock like a dildo.
"Use your tongue, damn it."
She groans as you stop for a couple of seconds, because you are too captivated by her beauty.
While she rides you, you keep your tongue on the skin of her upper body. You make sure you don't miss a spot. Her tight midriff, her chest, her collarbone, her shoulders, her pits. All deserve equal attention as you do your best to reach each spot.
Eventually, the combination of your cock inside of her and your tongue all over her pleasure her too much, Yoona finally orgasms on top of you. Her body shakes as she rides out her high.
Once she comes down, you are surprised by feeling her getting off of you.
You'd hoped she would allow you to stay inside her longer. Maybe even cum in her.
"You are not done yet."
Yuna turns around and lies on her stomach on top of you. She purposefully puts her feet in the direction of your face. You feel her lips wrap around your cock, while you dart your tongue out to get your first taste of her feet today.
As you shift around a little, you can tell that your going to be sore tomorrow. But it won't be too bad. Because once she woke up, Yoona will be the beautiful sunshine she usually is. You wonder how long it's gonna take until her next rampage.
Hi, everyone.
This is the first time I tried writing kinks like armpits and pegging, so the quality might not be as good as you expected. But I hope you were still enjoying reading it.
Stay healthy!
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causenessus · 1 day
Biggest Sweethearts. | Haikyuu
inc. atsumu, oikawa + bokuto as an extra <3
written in 2nd pov
song recc: brooklynn baby by lana del ray
word count: 1244 words
summary: defending atsumu and oikawa against playboy allegations or in other words, the kind of partner each boy needs <3
ik i already lowkey went off and defended atsumu in that one post while i went crazy in windowless rooms for 12 hours that one day but i wanted to write the full thing <3 i have not posted written content in so long!! happy 900 followers <3 this has all been written in one night while my brain is giving out so i apologize
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miya atsumu
atusmu need someone who knows what he’s doing
he definitely wants a part in leading a relationship but he wants someone who he can fall back on and isn't expecting him to be like a full-time hotshot
he needs someone who loves him unconditionally, seeing past all the fronts he puts up and loves him past the douche he can sometimes act as/be
of course it’s fine if you tease him like his friends, he’d expecting nothing less, but falling for you means you’re someone he feels safe with
someone he feels comfortable enough to be soft around, someone he can come to after a long day and let his shoulders drop as he falls on top of you while you’re laying on the couch
he doesn’t feel like he has to maintain a facade of a man whose strong and acts like nothing ever phases him around you
like yes, he’s strong and makes a show of it for you all the time, but everyone needs a rest day <3
when you guys are at home together he’s actually pretty quiet
it’s all loving gestures and soft voices
hands wrapping around your waist while you’re in the kitchen and a murmured “i missed you” while he peppers kisses down your neck
he can be so loud around his friends and it’s part of an autopilot switch that just flips on being around them, and being loud is nothing bad
but if he needs your help with something while you’re both home, he’s never yelling for you
he’ll peek his head in, finding you laying on your shared bed
when you look up, he’s picking at the doorframe, quietly waiting a response
“if you’re not busy can you help me with something? it’s okay if you don’t want to”
you’re already getting up from the bed, softly pulling his hand off the doorway to hold it between both of yours, “of course i’ll help you, ‘tsumu, what do you need?”
biggest baby ever actually
he could never be with someone short term or do casual relationships and he really hates hookups
everything already feels so superficial to him besides volleyball, and he knows he’s eye candy but he wants to be more than that
he wants to be more than the shallow flirt his fans seem to obsess over
(of course he’s a big flirt, but his comments are reserved for you and you only <3)
falling for you means he’s found that in you; he’s found someone who sees him for who he really is and still loves him
oikawa tooru
tooru knows what commitment is
he knows that fruition will only come from time
if he wants something meaningful, he has to put effort into it. he isn't going to get that from messing around with a girl or nothing else
of course he accepted the gifts from his fan club and ate up their attention, but once he met you, it no longer meant anything to him
he wanted you to be wholly is, and him to be wholly yours
he would never do anything to make you think that he wants anyone else but you
he’s committed 100% to you which also means you also receive 100% of his flirting because he enjoys the reactions it gets out of you
and even when he teases you, his words are light and harmless; you can hear how much he loves you behind it all
honestly probably the best communicator ever because he wants to make sure you know how much he loves you
will text you about how he’s been asked to do a photoshoot with a model and then will write you an essay on how he’s not doing it because he’s interested in anyone else other than you and in fact, he’ll only be thinking of you during the shoot
his fan club made it a little hard for him to really accept or even know who he was, he wasn’t sure anyone would value him for anything other than his volleyball skills and looks
but you’ve stayed with him, seeming to find the positives in everything he’s done. even through the games he’s lost, and when he’s acting pessimistic and is isolating himself, you’ve stayed with him
you’ve talked him through the losses. when he’s curled up and turned away from you, mind drowning in thoughts of failure, your voice seems to break through everything
you take small steps towards him, telling him that you’re coming closer, and that if he wants you to leave at any moment then to tell you
but he never tells you to leave
he’ll lean into your touch, and he feels how much it quiets his head
as soon as he’s better he’s always apologetic for how he acted and he tells you how thankful he is for you while rubbing small circles on your skin
you always hush him with a kiss
“tooru, i’m not gonna get mad at you or leave you just because you lost a game and then understandably get upset. you’re always working so hard”
you silence his biggest fear
he needs someone who really sees him
you’ve never once failed to notice an accomplishment or how hard he’s working at something and that’s what he needs, rather than someone whose only with him for what he can give them or for something physical like his appearance/manners <3
extra!! bokuto koutarou
NOT a playboy but i just wanted to sort of hc the kind of person he needs in his life
amongst everyone who always seems to be “growing up” in the world, he needs someone who will still see the beauty and the color in the world
not here for anything that those people who are always posting about “look how successful i am at the age of 18” “here’s how to make an extra 10k a year” “you should be doing this, you shouldn’t be doing this…”
just wants to be happy with u <3
he needs someone who will still get excited with him over getting ice cream, looking at christmas lights, watching new episodes, and more <3
he knows money or whatever concerns of life people have will be solved and follow after happiness so he’s also definitely your biggest cheerleader
always advocatess for you to find things to do that you enjoy. hushes any concerns you have about how much it'll pay
"i've got it, baby. you do whatever you want. whatever makes you happy. and if volleyball somehow doesn't make enough i'll find a way :) maybe akaashi will let me help him with his editing"
will check in and make sure you’re always doing good
will always always always come over immediately to be with you if you’re not
he'll brings over food or distractions to give you company, never pressuring you to feel better immediately
it’s okay to stay and work through any feelings you’re having <3 there’s no rush, but he does want you to be feeling good so he’ll stay with you until you’re doing better and even after <3
life isn’t simple, he knows that, but there’s also no reason to overcomplicate it in his mind so he’ll never fail to get excited over new movies and getting to go out with you <3
paying bills and tax days are fun
(also he's definitely the kind to be like "we should just get married rn so we get those discounts")
you’re both fighting for your lives, the table is a mess, and while some couple next door is argued over taxes, you both have your heads in your hands
then you’re both looking up at each other
“i didn’t even know we got charged for having a phone” he whispers, absolutely horrified
“me neither,” you reply, just as confused
“do you wanna go watch wall e?”
“yes” you’re both already sliding out of your chairs, leaving the bills for another day
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selfloverrrrrr · 1 day
Hii, I've been thinking a lot about an AU where y/n adopts dog-hybrid Choso, who's doesn't accept any other hybrid to mate during heat, except you
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Can't.... without you
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Warning: Smut, unprotected Sex, rough sex, teasing, nipple play, hybrid sex, hybrid Choso....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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It was a night. I was doing some work of my college. I had to submit it next day. It was almost 3am. I was feeling too tired. So I decided to make a cup of coffee. I went up and get out of my room towards the kitchen.
I was adding coffee in the hot water when I heard a sound. I lived in the ground floor. The sound was coming from the garden. I quickly went towards my garden door. I heard a groaning sound. I opened the door and went outside.
There was dark outside. I turned on my phone's flash light. And started searching for the sound. Then I heard that sound again from the back of a tree. I went there and what did I see? A guy sitting there his knees to his chest, shaking from the cold. Then I noticed that guy had two long black ear and a black thick tail.
My eyes widened. What was that creature? "W-who are you?!" I asked. "P-Please.... P-Please help me" the guy said. I noticed his hands were slowly turning into a furry little dog's hand. "Please!... please... I need to go in a hot place " the guy said as if he was almost going to cry.
"ok ok... come inside.... follow me" I said and lead him the way in. He couldn't even walk properly. When he went inside I locked the door. I could feel that he was too cold. I turned on the heater. It was also cold outside. He felt a bit relieved when I turned on the heater.
After a few minutes I saw his hands started being like a human hands again. "Um.. what are you... I mean who are you?" I asked. "I'm... I'm actually a.... hybrid of dog.... m-my name is Choso" he replied. "What?" I asked. "Y-yes.... I'm a hybrid of dog... If it's too much cold then my body starts turning into a dog.... that's why I asked you for help.... people aren't good in this area.... They always beat me whenever I fully turned into a dog" he said looking at the floor.
"omg... they did what?!... I'm so sorry hearing this... But don't worry you can stay here...they won't do anything to you ever again" I said. He looked at me. His eyes glazed. "Really???" He asked. "Yes... really!" I replied him with a cackle. And from that day choso started living in my house.
He was like another member of my family. Few weeks passed. It was afternoon time. I was laying on the bed with a book in my hand. Choso was laying behind me. He hugged me from the back. "Choso? What happened? Do you want some food?" I asked. "No..." He replied.
A few minutes later he pulled me too close to him. My butt touched his crotch. He was... hard?! He slightly rubbed his crotch on my butt. "Mmmhhhmm" he moaned in my ear. He brings his face to my neck and inhaled my fragrance. "You feel so good" choso said. "Are you in heat...?" I asked. He moaned and rubbed his crotch on my butt again.
I put my book on the night stand. He kissed me roughly. Making me breathless. He didn't took off my dress or bra. He pulled out my boobs from it and I gasped. He started playing with my nipples with his tongue. " C-Choso!!" I moaned. He slowly reached for my panties and took off it.
he rubbed my clit and I gasped. He smirked. He got up and took off his shirt while starting at my pussy. Then he again came near to my face and kissed me. I heard a unzipping sound and when looked down saw Choso was stroking himself.
He lined himself with my pussy. He looked at me for permission. I nooded. He slowly pushed himself in. I grabbed on his shoulder taking deep breath. He give me some time to adjust it. Then he slowly started thursting in and out. He started increasing the speed. I was a moaning mess. He was so huge. His dick was touching my deepest parts. His speed became faster and harder. I dig my nails on his back. My pussy clenched around him tightly.
He flipped me. Now I was lying on my stomach. He reached for my ass and spanked me harshly. He pushed his whole length inside me again. In this position he was going much more deeper.
He thursted in and out roughly. I was moaning his name repeatedly. After a few minutes I came. My walls clenched around him tightly. " G-god... You're so tight... F-Fuck...." He moaned and with that he came inside me. Then he cleaned me and him. "I love you " he whispered. I blushed.
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Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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Lewis Masterlist
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Not just a pretty face p.1
"You know, I've always been serious about us." "I know. But you're a f1 driver, Lewis"
Maybe in another life - p.1 / p.2 / p.3
"A what-if that will forever linger in the quiet corners of my mind."
She’s here and she’s ours - p.1 / p.2 / p.3 / p.4
You couldn’t really tell if he was telling you or himself that. "How you feeling dad?" "Amazed, hopeful, scared... in love"
Get me out of here p.1 / p.2
“Why are you defending him?” “Because we need to think this through, babe. Toto’s not one of us anymore, you saw it.”
Your future was Ferrari - p.1 / p.2
Surely, it meant nothing for Lewis and you would probably never see him again. Your future was at Ferrari, somewhere he would never step foot in. Or would he?!
Ways to say “I love you” p.1 / p.2 / p.3(NSFW)
All these little things p.1 / p.2
Small firsts p.1
An impossible dream - "Don't you ever wonder what could have been?"
I didn't get scared. I'm always scared - “Do you even understand what it’s like for me? To love someone who lives every day like it might be their last?”
Not now, not ever - "You don't have to go through this alone, you know"
I'll come find you - “I’m scared… of how things have been, of how things are going to be.”
If these wings could fly - “I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like Sunday. It’s been so long and everyone’s worked so hard for that”
And just like the sun, we will rise - “I can’t promise to have all the answers, but please let me in”
R for Roscoe, C for Coco - "You went through all this trouble just for Father's Day with Roscoe?"
Whispered fairytale - "The point is in the surprise. The joy of meeting them, whoever they are, for the very first time."
A thousand times over - "Since I still don’t believe it’s true… would you marry me, again?"
It sounds silly - "I'm a grown woman who’s achieved success in life, yet… I find myself comparing to those other women."
NSFW (+18 only)
Improvised Compensation - "My plans definitely involve you" he continued, "but they can be done anywhere"
As good as chocolate - "That's a new way to claim your share"
I'm yours, only yours - Vegas special - “You really thought she was any match for you?”
It always points South - “Your compass tattoo, huh?”
My Venus - MET special - "I can actually feel your eyes searing holes in my dress, Lewis."
I want South - "Hello, miss explorer”
You only need to ask - "Seems like someone's forgotten how we got here in the first place"
It's Mrs. Hamilton - “Mark me, show me who I belong to”
The things we do for fashion - "Like what you see?" "More than you'll ever know."
Show me you care - “I’m asking you to, show me how much you want this, because I know you do”
My mark - “I’m not one to leave things unfinished”
NSFW alphabet
Senna!Reader x Lewis Hamilton
Thank you for everything - "It doesn't matter how long it's been" "Grief doesn't have a deadline."
Under an Ipê tree - “He would’ve liked you I think… would’ve hated to race you, for sure."
Do not under any circumstance plagarize, edit, repurpose, or repost any of my original work. this includes all of my works.
copyright © 2024 pickingupmymercedes all right reserved.
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hearts4golbach · 2 days
waitttttt you could totally do something w the sam n colby vid w jake n johnnie, like were reader is with johnnie and you could do something like the clip of jake hugging johnnie??? if that makes sense 😭😭😭😭
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
this isn't going to follow the points of the ACTUAL video. this is all made up and never really happened.
scary ig?? I don't know if it's that scary, but yk.
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going on a trip with Jake, Johnnie, Sam, and Colby had been on your bucket list for a long time. whenever Jake came into your room and asked you if you wanted to go, you were ecstatic.
now you were there.
"what the fuck was that?" a bang from the other room echoed down the hallway. instinctively, you gripped onto Johnnies arm.
everyone's head flew to the corridor behind them. "Holy shit." Johnnie muttered.
Colby turned to Sam. "why don't we set up the rope thingy so whatever spirits are here can lead us to where they want us?" his evil smile said everything.
"good idea." sam turned back to you. "y/n, you still wanna do the estes method?"
you nodded carefully. "Yeah." Your grip on Johnnies arm loosened. "let's fucking do it."
Colby set up the rope, leading down the same hallway. "Now we wait."
"So, were gonna let these demons lead us to where they want us to go?" Jake spoke up. his hands were shoved in his pockets. he laughed. "they're going to fucking eat us alive or some shit."
sam pressed his hands together. "Probably."
"woah, what the fuck was that?" Johnnje pointed down the hall.
"What, what?" you asked frantically, looking towards where he was pointing.
"i- I don't know. I think my mind is fucking with me, I don't know." he brushed it off.
the rope went off, catching all of our attention. the lights slowly lit up one by one, leading down the hallway and stopping at room 513.
"let's go, I guess." Jake laughed nervously.
Johnnie began to cautiously walk down the hall, and you weren't far behind him. Jake, Colby, and Sam followed suit.
the door of room 513 creeked open eerily. a cold breeze hit your face, sending chills down your spine. "fuck." you muttered under your breath with an uneasy smile.
Johnnie rubbed your lower back. "You got this, y/n."
"Thank you. I'm excited as fuck, but nervous." your shoulders shrugged anxiously.
"Alright, let's get this shit set up." Colby dragged a miscellaneous chair from the corner of the room to the middle of the room.
"Why are you guys always sacrificing the girl?" The camera panned to jake.
"Hey, I volunteered. I used to binge watch these two daily, I've wanted to do this forever."
"they're using their ghost magic to get into your head." jake was trying extremely hard to hold back a laugh and keep his bit together.
Johnnie laughed. "Oh, for sure, jake."
Sam graciously handed you the blind fold. "ready to get started?"
you nodded cautiously before taking the blind fold and putting it on. eventually, headphones playing loud static were placed in your hand.
the next moments happened so fast.
more static.
'not me.'
'him!' the voice became louder.
static once again.
'I'm coming.'
'i-' there was a pause.
what sounded like a woman's laugh came through the static, sending shivers down your spine.
you began to bounce your leg anxiously. a hand net yours and held it gently. you knew it was johnnie as his cold rings pressed into your warm skin.
'the door.'
there was a pause.
you felt johnnies hand shift after you said 'the door.' what was going on? you wondered.
'Leave.' you scrunched your nose as the deep voice rang through your ears.
'y/n!' it was so loud, you felt as if your ear drums had bursted.
you ripped the headphones off your head and pulled off the blind fold. you were gripping Johnnies hand so tight your knuckles were turning white. "fuck," your shaky voice mumbled. you let out a laugh. "something, like, screamed my name in my ear." your fingernails were digging into Johnnies hand.
you stood up and wrapped your arms around his torso. he wrapped his arms around you gently and patted your back. "it's okay, y/n. don't worry."
"the ghosts won't get past these muscles." Jake flexed as he pursed his lips together.
johnnie rubbed your lower back. "holy fucking shit," you laughed, trying to play off how bad that actually scared you. johnnie could feel you trembling in his arms, and he didn't let go.
you cautiously pulled away from Johnnie. "so, what happened?"
sam began to explain. "of course, I asked if anyone was here with us, and you said 'me.'"
"and he asked whoever it was if they had died in this room and you were like 'no, stop, not me, him."
Johnnie wrapped his arm around your shoulder comfortingly. "I asked who we were talking to and you said 'I'm coming, evil and extraordinary.' there was something else I didn't catch."
"sam asked who's coming and you said 'i-' then paused for about 10 seconds. it was dead silent before you said 'am.' then you said 'run' and 'fire.'" Jake recollected.
"you randomly said him and I asked what he's going to do to us. you said 'hell, fire and the door.'"
"and 'bad.'" johnnie added.
"so, we turned towards the door then you started listing our names. you said after and then your own name and ripped the headphones off." Jake explained the rest.
you shook your head. "we need to get to Colby and tell him. I'm so fucking uncomfortable in here."
sam began to walk out of the door. "that was one of the clearest conversations we've ever gotten." he gushed excitedly.
"you can't make that shit up," you mumbled, still shaking your head in disbelief.
while you were under, it all seemed like gibberish to you. now it all made sense.
you gripped Johnnies hand tightly as you roamed around the halls to find Colby.
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weaveandwood · 2 days
Smutty one-shot based on a prompt from this list. Will tell the prompt at the end!
Pairing: Gale x Female Tav Words: 2.2K Summary: After spending the previous night confessing feelings and spending the night entwined in the stars, Gale and Tav enjoy the evening together at camp. warnings: vaginal sex
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Tav lounged against a plush pile of pillows with a book in her lap and held out her cup for a refill as Gale popped the cork on a second bottle of wine for the evening, a reward for making through another tough day in the Shadow Cursed Lands. Retreating to Gale’s tent in the late hours of the evening when everyone went back to their own tents, spending the hours drinking wine and reading, talking, or flirting (though neither would openly admit to the flirting) had become their habit as of late. At a certain point, Tav would remark on the time and how they had another long day ahead of them before heading back to her tent to spend the darkest hours of the night alone, her hand traveling down her own body and imagining it was Gale’s as she brought herself her own pleasure. 
After last night, though…would a night spent confessing love and being entwined in the stars change anything? 
Laughter turned into gentle teasing about the way he always pointed his finger up when he thought he had someone backed into a logical corner, the way she snorted when she really laughed, the way he spent more time looking for discarded books in locations than looking for gold or food or actual items of use. 
“Well, if I didn’t look for books, we wouldn’t have nearly the ample reading material we do now for our evenings together would we? Then you wouldn’t have any reason to come into my tent each night,” he took a sip of wine. “And I would be dreadfully sorry for that.”
She narrowed her eyes at him and took a long drink from her cup, finishing it. “Fine, fine, you have me there, I can’t argue with that. I do enjoy our evenings,” she smiled, feeling a heat crawl up her neck to her cheeks as she returned her focus to her book. Or attempted to, at least - she could think of a litany of reasons to come into his tent at night, several of them coursing through her mind at that very moment. With that, she knew the hour was getting late. The wine was starting to go to her head and her cheeks were flushing much easier than they ever would in daylight. She should start to make her way back to her tent. 
Engrossed in a passage, she heard a rustling of fabric and felt a comforting presence next to her. “Get lonely over there?” she smiled, still looking at the book. 
He leaned across her to refill her cup again, the second bottle of wine now empty  “It looked like you needed a refill, but you were so lost in words I wouldn’t have dreamed of interrupting you,” he said softly. His mouth was so close to her ear, she could feel his warm breath on her neck. The tent suddenly felt like they were back at the Grymforge, impossibly hot. 
“Hmm, perhaps, but it’s getting so late. Maybe I should go,” she whispered, starting to slowly close her book - not really wanting to leave, but not wanting to assume anything. 
“Surely you don't want to go to your tent?” He asked, pressing his lips gently to her neck. She closed her eyes, feeling the flush in her cheeks redden. Gods, that felt good. 
“Where else would I go?” she asked, tilting her head slightly and granting him more access to the sensitive skin she wanted him to lay claim to with his mouth.
He continued kissing her neck, up to her earlobe. “You could stay,” he whispered before placing his hand under her chin, turning her to face him. He looked at her through half-lidded eyes, his gaze trailing from her lips to her own eyes, then back again. He took the book from her lap and gently placed it behind him. There would be no more reading tonight. 
“I could stay,” she whispered back. 
He crashed his lips against hers, the first time they had kissed again since their confessions to each other the night before. Words of love and a chaste kiss followed by a wondrous vision of Waterdeep, then limbs tangling as they bonded in the Weave, it’s gentle strands wrapping around them and becoming one with them as she experienced a feeling she wasn’t quite sure she’d ever experience again - something more than pleasure, more than peace.
Still, as she parted her lips for him and felt their tongues sliding together, she couldn’t help but feel like this was better somehow. 
She turned her body toward his and brought her hand up, wrapping it around the back of his neck to pull him closer and kiss him deeply. Warmth consumed her as they pressed together, breaths growing heavier as hands explored the other’s body. He tasted heavenly, she wanted to drink him in. He broke the kiss and went back to her neck, removing any reservations she may have had once he lightly sucked on a spot that sent a jolt throughout the entirety of her body. Heat started to pool in her abdomen - she already felt as if she was on fire just from a kiss. 
“Gale,” she whispered, her body molten as he moved his hands from her thighs to her waist, slipping under the hem of her shirt. 
“Tav,” he whispered back against her skin as his fingertips brushed over her stomach before dancing a light path up to her small breasts. He moaned against her neck as he felt the bare skin, her nipples starting to harden under his delicate touch.
She reached for him, her fingers fumbling with the ties on his wrap top - first the outside, then the inside fastening, slowly revealing more of his beautiful skin that he was so reluctant to show on a normal day. She pressed her lips to his neck, hearing his soft exhale as she did. She followed the path of the orb, placing gentle kisses on his collarbone, the center of the orb itself. It didn’t frighten her, not anymore - it was a part of him that they would overcome, just as they overcame everything that had been thrown at them so far. 
He shrugged the shirt off his shoulders before reaching for hers, pulling the thin fabric over her head and tossing it across the tent. Her eyes trailed over his chest, feasting on him. Gods, his body was unreal - she never would have guessed that was how he looked under his layers of clothing. The projections from the night before implied it, but seeing him before her, in person - she could not have imagined how perfect he was as she followed the line of dark hair from his chest down, down, down, until she could see how much he desired her, his hardness showing under his thin linen pants. What really got her was the way he was looking at her, like a starved man being shown his first meal. Ravenous. 
He placed his hands on both sides of her face and kissed her again, harder and hungrier than before. As if he wanted to devour her - she would let him, gladly. She reached between them, feeling him twitch through his pants as her fingertips brushed against it. He groaned into her mouth before breaking the kiss, panting. 
“I want you, Tav.” 
“I’m yours to have.” 
Both of them made quick work of removing the rest of their clothing, now discarded in a wrinkled pile across the tent with Tav’s shirt. Tav felt his hands immediately move to her hips, his soft lips on her shoulder. 
“You are so beautiful. I want to spend every hour of the day tracing each freckle with my lips,” he said in between small, lingering kisses as he did just that. 
“Gale, we would be here for three days if you did that,” she laughed before moving her hand down his chest, then his stomach, finally wrapping around him and feeling the soft velvet of his skin for the first time. The fire inside her burned hotter as she started to stroke him. 
“I see no problem with that,” he moaned as the breath caught in his throat as her hands moved up and down the length of him. “Gods, that feels so good, Tav.” 
She hummed as she felt him get even harder in her hand. She needed him inside her. Now. 
Placing a hand on his chest, she pushed him from his kneeling position to lounge back against the pillows where they had started their evening. She climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. Normally she would want to take her time with him, but the wine was making her bold and impatient.
“I want you. The real Gale - the one here in front of me right now. Let me show you the stars in my own way,” she said as she wrapped her hand around him, hard and ready for her, guiding him to her entrance. He started to close his eyes as the heat and slick wetness from her body made contact with his.
“No, look at me,” she whispered, looking into his warm brown eyes as she slowly lowered herself onto him agonizingly slowly. She groaned as she felt herself give around him, taking him fully inside her. How could he have a preference for astral pleasure over this? This felt so perfect. She would see to it his mind was forever changed.
Gale moaned, his fingertips digging into the skin of her waist as she started to rock her hips back and forth, slowly at first, then picking up speed as they got used to each other’s bodies for the first time. She leaned back, placing her hands on his thighs behind her. His eyes moved from her face down to where they were joined, now on full display. His eyes darkened with lust as he watched her - watched her ride him, watched her arch her back, watched her grab her own breast and bite her lip as she called out his name. He couldn’t help himself as he tensed his thighs and started matching her movements with thrusts of his own. She leaned down to kiss him and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to his body as he thrust harder, faster up into her. 
“Yes…yes…” she panted. “More…please, Gale, I need more.” She had been with others before this, but gods this was on another plane. Weeks of attraction, tension, flirting - it all led to this. She had never felt this good. Her body was buzzing with electricity and he was lightning ready to strike. “Take me Gale, make me yours.” 
He groaned at those words and in one smooth movement, she found herself on her back, Gale between her spread legs. “I want to take my time and devour your sweetness, but since you asked so nicely…” he said, trailing off as he entered her with a quick thrust that made her cry out in pleasure at the sudden feeling of fullness as he pressed fully into her. He pulled out completely before thrusting back into her, the hard movements making her whole body jolt as she arched against the pillows. He hooked his arms under her knees, lifting her legs to his shoulders to let him go even deeper, each hard thrust punctuated with a snap of his hips as he buried himself within her. He moved his hand between her legs to trace soft circles around that sensitive bundle of nerves. 
Her body jerked. The sensation of him moving in and out of her roughly, the sound of their bodies hitting together, his light touches between her legs, the heat in the tent making them both slick with a thin layer of sweat…it was too much. She was ruined for anyone else now - no one would ever be able to make her feel the way he did. A tightness began to form deep in her abdomen. She reached out to grab his thighs, her nails digging into his skin. She could sense he was as close as she was, his thrusts getting faster, less controlled the more she tightened around him.
“Gale I -“
“Tav -” 
They both cried out loudly as they each reached their own climax, rushing to the peak and toppling over it, pleasure crashing over them in seemingly unending waves as she shattered around him and he filled her with his own release. 
Panting, he pulled out of her, collapsing down onto the pillows beside her. She couldn’t help but smile - he looked more disheveled than she had ever seen him. She turned onto her side, facing him. 
“I love you, Tav,” he said, his face now softened with emotion as he came down from his high.
“I love you, Gale,” she replied, smiling at him. “So, did I make you see the stars?” 
He laughed, “My love, I’m still seeing them, I am absolutely ruined. You are never leaving this tent at night again.”
She nodded. “I could stay.”
Prompt: "You could stay."
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Do you do dark/yandere kenji Sato?
If you do can you make Yandere kenji sato smut.
Where the reader is angry at Kenji bc he does not let them go out so Kenji decided to uh… do something.
You were sick of it. Being cooped up in his house for months now.
In the first couple of months, you were stuck in a containment cell(like Emi was in but smaller). Kenji would sit in front of it and talk to you like he knew you personally. Like you were someone he knew for years.
But, you didn't know him...personally. You did know him. But only as "Kenji Sato! The famous baseball player." You went to one of his games, and this is how it pays you off Being kidnapped by some weird.....also hot baseball player.
It would almost be a year. After a month, he would let you out into the rest of the house and make you do weird sentimental things...
Like cuddling, kissing your cheek/forehead, wearing dresses and his big shirts and jacket, and making you sleep with him in his HUGE bed. He was acting like you guys were....like...a couple. And if you declined, he threatened to put you back in the containment cell and wasn't gonna feed you for a week.
There were some good things, though. Like having cable and unlimited food. A warm bed to sleep in. Not to be mean, but you did not have the best place to live like he does. He's rich. You were...poor. now, in the present, you were sitting on the couch watching something on the TV. That was until Kenji came in with a light pastel pink and purple sweater. It was long that it would come mid thigh.
Kenji said gently. He sat next to you as though something bad happened.
"I want you to put this on."
You looked down at the dress you were wearing. It probably would be better than this thin sundress that was actually really cute.
You couldn't go somewhere else. You had to change in front of him for some reason. So.... standing up and finally slipping the dress down your body until it hits the floor with a light sound.you also had a pair of a black bra and panties Kenji had made you put on. You slip on the purple sweater with no hesitantation. You sit back down and feel kenji slip his arms around you and pull you close. Until your head lays gently against his hard muscle chest. Was he sniffing your hair? Never mind that. You pulled your arms enough to wrap them around his torso so he felt like you liked it as well. He started speaking...
"Im gonna have to put you back in your containment cell."
Your eyes shot open in an instant after he said that...
You let out a quiet
"Because i have some things to do with my dad and Emi"
You remember Emi. She was such a cute little lizard baby. She would babble and scratch the glass container by you. She was super cute.
"Why do I have to go back in the containment cell?"
You asked, pouting. This was the only way you could get something. Like a fucking child...pouting.
"Because baby, you're not trusted."
He was right. You tried escaping many times. Then mina would catch you. And you'd get punished.
You were tired of this. Why does this guy get to choose what you do. You haven't even seen grass in almost a year. You weren't gonna let this slip.
You smush your cheeks on his neck and say in the most child like manner.
"You can trust me. Mina will know if i escape."
You feel him get hot.
"I-I.....you can't be trusted."
Ok, now you were getting pissed off. You push his hands off you and see his eyes widened seeing you act so mad.
"Why the fuck would i want to stay in a containment cell?! I'm fucking trapped here and i havent even gone outside in fucking YEAR! I haven't seen grass kenji. Litteral grass. YOU expect me to sit in a glass container for a fucking week or so!?"
You saw his eyes darken, and he pushes you in the couch cushion with his fist on your neck. And you started regretting your little outburst.
Kenji said, yelling in your face. Spit flying onto your skin like rain drops.
You started to sweat with worry. There's no way he would do this.
After some time, he throws you onto the ground and pulls his pants down for his half hard cock to pop out.
He rips off your black pair of panties and pushes up the fluffy sweater that he gave you.
"Fucking brat."
He pushes his pink tip to your entrance and shoves in you witb jo remorse.
"KENj- please stop! I've learned- I've lear-!"
You say tears prickling your eyes. It felt horrible. You felt something tear in you, and it hurt so much.....to much.
He ignored you, please, of mercy and continued his punishment.
He couldn't help himself anymore. He started to kiss you. Ruffly, not gentle and soft, as he did before. Teeth and all.
He grabbed your panties and ripped them. Them grabbed both your arms ruffly and tied them above your head with the ripped fabric.
Grabbing your legs, he moved them to his shoulders for easy access to your pussy.
After a couple of minutes, it started to feel.....good.
Better than good. It felt astounding.
You started moaning and gasping from each thrust into your core.
You moaned. You couldn't help it. It felt so good. That was until Kenji started playing with your clit.
You finally cum, and it felt nice.
After a couple more thrusts Kenji cummed inside you without even worrying about pulling out.
He and you were out of breath.
He and you were sweaty.
He and you finally came.
He and you were finally ONE.
Kenji started breathing heavily. He lay on top of you and started kissing your body.
You didn't want to talk. Not after this. You felt ashamed of yourself for doing this. Why would you enjoy this so much. Hopefully, you are not getting the case of Stockholm syndrome.
Kenji broke the train of thought by talking.
"Mina, get the containment cell ready."
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cbrownjc · 5 hours
Thoughts and Speculation after 2x07 (Spoilers):
A lot of people have said that this moment from the Season 2 trailers might actually be caused by a fight between Louis and Armand in the penthouse:
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gif credit: @hermit-frog
And I have to say, after watching episode 2x07? I think they might be right.
Because if you know the book, you know that it is at the very end of it, like literally the last few pages, where it's revealed that Louis knew the whole time about Armand's role in what happened to Claudia. And they break up.
And so I think the same thing is coming next week on the show. Only in the show's regard, Louis knew of Armand's role, as we saw here -- but then was made to forget the actual full context of just how involved Armand was.
Because, as I pointed out on Twitter, this image from the trial --
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-- is quite something. You have both the writer and director for the Théâtre des Vampires not on stage for this whole thing. Very much underlying the fact that this is a theatrical play that is being put on. As we saw, there was even a real, actual SCRIPT for this whole thing!
Like, how much more could the show have been pointing to what was really going on here? Trust a writing staff of playwrights to be meta about all of this. 🙃
Because the ending of this trial was written and locked in long ago. And who is the one that usually says when a play or film is locked in and finished?
The Director. (And yes I know producers and studios do too, but Armand is very much all of that wrt his role for their little theater as well).
BTW, Santiago and the coven did NOT expect Armand to do that to the audience. Saving Louis was very much off-script. And if Armand really had no power here, the coven could have just taken Louis off stage and killed him another way. The only reason they didn't was because Armand was very much not powerless in all of this.
Like, I love Armand's character, I really do -- now. But that is something that only came about after I read the books from Queen of the Damned forward. For the first two books, I very much did not like him. And, particularly when it comes to the Paris part of this story, that is where we are with his character right now. I know why he's doing what he's doing, I understand it. But I can't defend it.
Louis probably figured things out before San Francisco in 1973. He probably knew Armand's full role in what went down, same as in the book, after it all happened. But it was his suicide attempt that had Armand redact that knowledge from Louis' mind. The clues for that being the case are all there after episode 2x05.
Because, at the end of the day, even knowing Armand's full role in Claudia's death, Louis still mostly blamed himself for it all.
As we see, things are slowly starting to come back to Louis, but he's not fully there yet. And I think this whole memory thing is a more literal interpretation of the veil that descended over Louis' mind after Paris in the books.
A veil that only began to lift once Armand revealed to Louis that Lestat was alive. As we've seen, Louis knew Lestat was alive back in 1973. I'm not sure if he does so now. But maybe this isn't about knowing if Lestat is alive or not. Maybe it's just Louis thinking he needed to be punished because of his own role in failing Claudia -- and staying away from Lestat was part of that self-punishment. Because that view is a feeling I got when watching episode 2x05 and Louis not wanting to speak to Lestat. His refusal to speak wasn't out of anger IMO, but more fear and even sorrow.
The show is very much sticking to the beats of the book with all of this, and not revealing things about what happened that were revealed in later books. So I don't think Louis fully knows what was going on with Lestat during that trial. I wouldn't be surprised if we learn he still doesn't, since he never learned it in the first book.
But as I said here, it was clear as day that Lestat wasn't himself during that trial. Physically and especially mentally. I didn't even guess that the show would be that obvious about it, but they were. All very much hinting about what was really going on with his appearance here.
And Louis himself might, just might figure that out for himself. Especially if Dreamstat might appear to be back in his mind again. Because Dreamstat is very much Louis' subconscious. And I think Louis' subconscious knows something important is missing wrt all of this.
It was nice that, at least in the end, someone chose Claudia. Madeleine could have escaped this but chose to die with Claudia instead when she didn't have to. Her little middle finger to the crowd gave me a smile.
They did not do the full reveal of Claudia's diaries and what was in them on stage, which I seriously thought they would. They gave a hint about it, but more so in episode 2x05 than in here. Which means that, in a later season, we're still looking at that reveal from Merrick happening it seems. But then again . . . there were some things I suspect got left out on purpose because the actual (attempted) murder of Lestat was very much glossed over for us, the audience, during that trial sequence. We are very much set to revisit that whole thing during The Vampire Lestat adaptation in Season 3, of course. But I think even more will be revealed about that there then I originally thought.
And finally, Claudia. They said in the Inside The Episode they wanted her to go out with as much strength and defiance as she could and yeah, she did. But in the end, I still think she was angry, sad, and hurt by it all, which she had every right to be. Because at the end of the day, she never should have been made and was made for all the wrong reasons. But being turned so young made her a fierce and pure vampire though and though because she never had enough time to have lived a human life to have those types of morals and outlooks fully imprinted on her. That was always one of Claudia's core traits wrt her being turned so young, and she still had it here. And yes girl, you will haunt things after this -- particularly your parents.
In fact, it probably very much was your voice Louis heard calling him back in 2x05, wasn't it?
So, for a penultimate episode, this was very, very good. And things are very much going to explode next week. I knew Louis going Carrie/Firestarter on the coven would happen in 2x08. That moment always screamed "season finale" to me. Santiago picking up Claudia's yellow dress is also significant, as I think we'll see Louis' POV of that moment with Lestat about it.
And the break up between Louis and Armand might just be much more violent than it was in the book as well.
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wooahaes · 1 day
svt - coming out as bisexual [hyung line]
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pairing: non-idol!svt hyung line x fem!bisexual!reader
genre: some are angstier and hurt/comfort, others are fluffier.
warnings: reader coming out as bisexual. cheol being anxious, misunderstandings. reader having several moments of thinking this would end a relationship (present in several drabbles). some drabbles has reader having known for a while, others have reader having realized it recently. implications of reader having bad past experiences with coming out to people (ex-boyfriend in shua and jihoon's). food mentions (cake in joshua's, vague dinner mention in jihoon's). mentions of exes (both ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends).
daisy's notes: happy pride :) no taglist on these because idk how many ppl off of it would care haha also might do the maknae line once i have ideas lol i already feel kinda repetitive with these since there's only so many ways to say 'i love and accept you' yknow?
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choi seungcheol
seungcheol remembered your text from earlier: i have something i need to say. can we meet up soon?
which, as much as he hated to admit it, sent his mind into overdrive. it was vague enough that it could be plenty of things. you were sick, your friend was sick, your family member was sick, you were moving, you'd killed someone, you actually hated him and this was all some stupid bet... anything. so seungcheol waited in the park ten (okay, fifteen), leg bouncing restlessly as he waited for you. everything was okay, right? as long as you were safe, he could live with whatever thing came next.
but you greeted him nervously, a bit quieter than usual. the moment he went to take your hand, you'd jumped, and apologized with this flustered look on your face. yet you didn't take his hand, instead tucking them into your pockets as you set off along the park pathway. this sealed the deal: you were going to dump him.
he just wished you'd do it already. instead, you'd been casual enough in talking about whatever came to mind. you'd asked about him twice now (clearly feeling out whether he'd cry if you dumped him or if he'd hold himself together), asked about kkuma, asked about work... so seungcheol reached forward, catching you by the hand.
"if you're going to break up with me, it's okay. you can say it already."
immediately, you jerked around to face him. "oh my god. is that what you think this is?"
"yes?" he stared at you, and then shook his head. "no? you're acting strange, and i've been worried ever since i got your text this morning..."
you slowly exhaled a deep breath and then took his hands in your own. "i'm not breaking up with you," you said. "i..." you trailed off for just a moment, then swallowed hard. "seungcheol, i'm bisexual."
he said nothing at first, just staring at you as his mind just processed what he just heard. you're...?
"it's okay if this changes things," you said all too quickly, as if you were always prepared for him to say nothing or to react badly. "i get it. not everyone is okay with dating someone like me. it's not like there's someone else, but i kept thinking and—"
seungcheol took your face into his hands, just to stop you. "thank you for telling me," he said, voice soft. "i know this was a really big thing. but it doesn't change anything." he paused, and then let out an awkward laugh as his head dropped forward. "i was terrified something bad had happened!"
thankfully, it just earned an affectionate snort from you. "i'm sorry! i kept rereading my text and wondering if it was too serious. i'll do better next time i have something to tell you—"
"ah, don't coddle me—i'm ruining your moment now," he lifted his head so that he could look at you. "really, though... thank you for telling me. it would never change the way i look at you."
"i know." your voice was quieter now, so tiny as you gave him a shy smile. "that's why i wanted to tell you." you cupped his cheek with one hand, bringing him in for a soft kiss. "i want to be myself with you. and... i had to tell you, y'know?"
he could understand your reasoning. something bloomed in his chest. pride for you, first: coming out could be hard, and he was glad you felt safe enough with him to do so. and then a soft love, sweet as could be, that you wanted to be your most authentic self with him. the same way he wanted to be himself when he was with you.
yoon jeonghan
jeonghan's body was warm against your side, head resting on your shoulder as the two of you were enjoying your little movie night together. the smell of popcorn filled the air, the bowl haphazardly resting in his lap. the lip of it pressed into your thigh, and all you could focus on was the way your heart was racing a little. you rested your head against jeonghan's, shutting your eyes for a moment.
better now than never.
"i think she's really pretty," you said when the actress was alone on screen for a moment, your tone as casual as could be. an innocent enough comment, but one that would let you maybe gauge whether to keep going from here.
jeonghan hummed in agreement. "she is, yeah."
well, shit. that didn't tell you anything. but... with a deep breath, you pulled away from jeonghan to pause the movie. he sat up a little, watching you curiously for a moment as you turned to him. "jeonghan, i'm bisexual."
at first, he said nothing as he just watched you for a moment. "oh?"
already, your mind was going into panic mode. "shit, i--listen, i know how that sounds coming out of nowhere, but i--"
jeonghan's hands found your own quickly, and he squeezed them. "sorry!" he said it quickly, intertwining his fingers with your own so that he could press his palms flat against yours. "sorry. i... i should have reacted better." he just sat there, holding your hands for a moment. "i love you. but was that a test?"
"it... might have been."
he snorted a little. "you're so cute," he said. "but thank you for trusting me with this." he paused for a moment, "can i ask how long you've known, or...?"
ah. a scary question. "not long," you confessed. "i dunno, i just... one of my friends is bisexual, and she was talking about it a couple months ago, and a lot of the stuff she said kinda resonated with me? so i just... started questioning how and why and everything, and..." you pulled your hands free from his. "i just figured out that i wasn't as straight as i always thought i was."
his gaze softened. "oh. honey..." he reached forward to brush back a stray strand of hair from your face. "does she know?"
you shook your head. "you're the first person i've told, actually."
immediately, he drew his hand back as he stared at you. "... really?" and when you nodded, he leaned forward to kiss your cheek. "i'm honored you trust me so much, then," he giggled. "i love you. is it okay if i have questions?"
"just about how out you want to be," he said. "i won't tell anyone without asking, but... we'll talk about it later, okay? i want to support you however you need me to."
something melted inside of your chest at how soft he was treating you, voice so gentle. you'd fallen for the silly antics of jeonghan before you fell for how tender he could be. being around him was like being bathed in sunlight (sometimes after being doused in a water balloon thrown by him). you just snuggled in close as turning the movie back on, pressing a tiny kiss against the side of his neck.
joshua hong
joshua had been watching the way you moved about your kitchen with a new sense of nervousness to you. but he was used to it: baking was a hobby of yours he fully enjoyed reaping the rewards of, even if it meant seeing you a little nervous before he tested a new recipe for you. if it wasn't him, then it was your roommate, vernon, who would taste test. but he liked having the privilege of being your boyfriend and always asked first if he was free. you toted a cake toward the dinner table, knife clutched in your hand, and slowly set it down as carefully as you could.
"so what's this one?" he looked up at you, smiling a little. he loved seeing how flustered you'd get over this sort of thing.
"you'll see."
that was enough to throw him. since when did you not gush about whatever new recipe you'd found...? he watched the way you were hesitating.
"maybe this is stupid," you mumbled to yourself, clearly not intending for joshua to hear.
he reached up. "do you want me to cut it?" he stood up to stand next to you. "i can cut my own slice."
your hands were shaking. effortlessly, you let go of the knife when joshua pulled it from your grasp. without a word, you just sat down, watching intently as he gauged how big of a slice he'd get for himself.
and then he saw pink first, the cake crumbs giving it away. as he pulled out the slice, he was met with three colors: a pink top later, a purple middle layer, and a blue bottom layer, held together with purple icing between them. joshua wasn't an idiot: he'd seen pride flags before. he'd seen the bisexual one, too.
"... is there something you want to tell me?" he asked softly. "or is this for someone else?"
you shook your head. "it's for me." you had shut your eyes, lips now pressed firmly together. how afraid were you right now...? without a word, joshua pushed the cake away from the edge of the table, slice and knife and all. and then he kneeled down beside you, taking your hand into his.
"hey. i'm right here," he said. "i'm not going anywhere."
and then you were crying, all at once. joshua rose up to wrap his arms around you, letting you bury your face in his shoulder. was he the first person you'd ever told...? or had you really been that scared that he'd react badly? he just kissed the side of your head, holding your securely in his arms.
"i baked the stupid cake because if you reacted badly, i'd just go eat cake with vernon," you babbled through your sobs. "we still have to save him a slice of the stupid cake. but i kept freaking out because what if--" you hiccuped, "what if you left me?"
"i wouldn't," joshua hugged you a little tighter. "it doesn't change who you are, silly."
"doesn't it?"
his heart ached a little at that. had it changed you in someone else's eyes...? no matter. joshua still saw you as yourself, just with a little something new for him to file away in his brain for you.
"it doesn't," he reaffirmed. joshua drew back so that he could see your face again. "so... there's a really good cake sitting right here," he nodded toward it. "you wanna share it?"
it was a stupid change in topic, but the weak laugh it earned from you was enough to do the job. "yeah," you pecked his lips. "let's eat some cake. ice cream's in the freezer, shua."
wen junhui
jun liked to consider himself a good listener, especially when it came to you. he liked to sit back and just listen to you talk about anything and everything, whether it was your interests or the things that pissed you off or even about your work day. today, he'd been holding your hand, listening to you go on about some conversation with a friend.
"and i told her that i thought it was a dick move, you know? i mean, who fucking cares what he thinks? he's an ex-friend for a damn good reason."
jun, admittedly, had lost the story by this point. one of your friends had been in some fight, maybe? and said ex-friend had reached out to say something that pissed both you and your friend off. he wasn't sure what it was yet, but you seemed a little more fired up than usual.
"i don't know, like... who fucking cares? he's a sexist dick as it is. did he really need to add biphobia to the mix? like, who fucking cares that i'm dating a man? it doesn't mean i'm any less bisexual. it's like people don't actually give a shit when bisexual woman are bisexual if it doesn't visibly look--"
... wait a second.
"you're bisexual?" jun spoke before he'd thought, and he watched the clueless way you looked at him.
"... wait, i didn't tell you?"
jun just shook his head. that was the kind of thing he'd file away in his head as vital information in order to support you. how many times had you talked about this that he didn't realize...? fuck, how shitty of a boyfriend was he?
you just blinked at him for a moment. "jun, i was dating my ex-girlfriend when we met."
oh, shit, that was your ex-girlfriend...?
"oh." jun felt the heat rising to his cheeks. "i'm sorry, i didn't realize that--"
"no, don't," you waved a hand. "she really hated skinship so we were never touchy, which..." you raised your connected hands. you always reached out to take his hand every chance you got. "... is a huge reason why we didn't work out. i could have sworn..." then you trailed off. "oh."
"oh?" he parroted back at you.
"i really never told you." with a hum, you shrugged it off. "well, now you know. does it bother you?"
he shook his head immediately, "no! no, it's not--i just--"
"jun," you pulled your hand free, turning to face him. "don't get upset, okay? you didn't know because i didn't tell you. i don't need this to be a big deal, okay? i'm bisexual. it doesn't need to be some big thing, y'know?"
he nodded, taking in your words fully. if you didn't want for it to be a big deal, then he would let the issue rest. "okay. but... just so you know," he said, lowering his voice, "i love you."
you giggled, leaning in for a quick kiss. "i love you, too, silly."
kwon soonyoung
soonyoung liked seeing the life you lived before you met him. the two of you had curled up on the living room floor of your parents' house, his head resting on your shoulder as you told him old stories about your life. the amusement parks that you used to go to with your parents, old family dinners and get-togethers, the years you did theater in high school...
"oh!" you had flipped a page and spotted a picture of yourself surrounded by your friends. you had painted cheeks (pink, purple, blue in three close lines on both cheeks), and your arms wrapped around friends with their own painted flags on their cheeks. beads hung from your neck in various colors, all of you grinning at the camera. your dad was squished into frame, too, bearing a shirt that offered parental hugs. "mama took this one at my first pride event..."
soonyoung perked up a little. he'd gone to pride once before to support some of his friends. but he didn't dress up the way you did.
"ugh, it's so cheesy," you rolled your eyes. "i just came out to them as bi a few months earlier. i know i'm lucky, because they took it really, really well... but they'd been so goofy about it." you snorted. "i think they both still have the shirts."
"mhm?" he watched you. "i'm glad they support you."
"you could come, too, if you wanted." you snuggled in. "your my partner. you're supportive...?"
"very supportive," he giggled. "you don't have to take me if you don't want to."
"no, i do," you turned to him. "my parents are straight and they still came to support me. some people are always gonna have issues with it, but as long as you're being respectful then literally no one cares. and those who do usually just go home and bitch on social media about it," you shrugged. "you have a bisexual girlfriend to support. that's reason enough if you want to come."
"i'd love to," he wrapped his arms around yours, snuggling back in. "if you want me there, i'll be there."
you just smiled to yourself. he didn't have to say it any further, but the message was loud and clear: i see you and i accept you and i love you.
jeon wonwoo
"are you alright? you're quieter than usual."
the click of the turn signal filled the car for a moment as you watched lazily out the window. the two of you were more introverted, and after a few hours of socializing, you were the one who would usually recharge a bit in the car while wonwoo drove aimlessly. eventually, he'd ask if you were ready to go home (usually after he'd grown ready to be there, just to gauge where your energy level was). but the two of you usually talked a little, or listened to music and sang along. little things that weren't draining. not that being with wonwoo drained you in any way; he was the exception to how draining socializing could be.
"mhm." it was half-hearted, but you weren't sure what else to say. the two of you had been together this long, how were you supposed to just say you'd realized something about yourself lately?
"okay." wonwoo reached over, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze. "if you want to talk, i'm still here."
the car ride continued in silence for a bit longer. you fiddled with the radio at one point, growing a bit more restless with your thoughts. wonwoo had always been understanding. hell, the two of you would read books by queer authors and discuss them--if it was an issue for him, it would have come up long before now. but it was different, right? being for gay rights and actually dating someone bisexual? it had to be different. hell, you weren't even sure if you were--maybe you were just pretending, and this was all starting to feel stupid and maybe you were--
"honey?" wonwoo's voice was soft and so, so concerned. "you've turned the radio on and off five times now. what's wrong?"
... had you done that? that sounded oddly right. it was easy enough to bump the knob, listen to the radio, and then decide silence was better... only to change your mind again. "can i tell you something?"
he looked over, and then paused for a moment. "let me pull over."
"you don't have to--"
"it's serious, isn't it?" he looked at you. after you gave him a shy nod, then he continued, "i want to give you my full attention, then."
soon enough, he'd pulled over onto the side of the road. you floundered a bit, rambling until wonwoo took your hand in his own for a moment. he ran his thumb over the back of your thumb, slow and steady, and it made you feel grounded.
"it's okay," he said. "you can tell me anything."
so with a deep breath, you pulled yourself together. better to rip the band-aid off. "i think i'm bisexual."
wonwoo watched you carefully for a moment, and then slowly nodded. "okay." he held your hand in his own. a moment later, he quietly asked, "is that all?"
you shyly nodded quickly, face growing warmer by the second. "i'm not telling you because i want to open the relationship or anything," you said. "i just wanted to tell you."
he nodded. "okay," he squeezed your hand. "then thank you for telling me." wonwoo leaned forward, kissing your forehead gently.
an odd sense of uncertainty seemed to swirl in your stomach. he just... accepted it? that was good, but part of your couldn't fully believe it. you'd heard horror stories of relationships going south, of shitty partners becoming ex-partners because they tore their partner down. yet wonwoo just held your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles, and thanked you for telling him.
"is there anything i can do to help you figure it out?" he asked quietly. "i... could look into books, if you wanted to read about it. or--"
tears welled up in your eyes, and you found yourself laughing. "oh my god," the words spilled past your lips. "you're so cute."
wonwoo's eyes widened a little. "i'm... cute?"
why had you been so nervous? the uncertainty was dissipating little by little. it was wonwoo, one of the smartest and most polite men you'd ever met--let alone dated.
"you are," you leaned forward to peck his lips. "but... thank you," you smiled at him, looking at him so tenderly. "for accepting me."
he shyly smiled at the thanks. "you shouldn't be thanking me," he said. "it's the bare minimum." but he squeezed your hand one more time. "let's go home."
with him, you already were.
lee jihoon
"you said there was something you wanted to tell me?"
you had been ever-so-slightly off ever since jihoon met up with you outside your usual coffee shop. but the moment you took jihoon's hand in your own, his worries had been set a little bit at ease... until he realized you were dancing around whatever topic you wanted to bring up to him. he'd let the issue go for a bit: if you wanted to tell him something, you'd tell him when you were ready.
except that had been earlier. the two of you ended up catching a movie (his heart sped up a little when you rested your head on his shoulder, snuggling in happily), and then grabbed dinner at a local restaurant. now it was just the two of you, walking down a semi-empty street, with you rambling about the latest book you'd read.
you turned to him with a hum. "hm?"
"just..." jihoon squeezed your hand a little. "that's why you wanted to meet up. you said you wanted to tell me something."
your smile faltered for a second, twitching slightly as you averted your gaze. "right. yeah. there was something..." but you turned back to him, forcing a smile again. "it's not important."
"is it?" jihoon prodded slightly. he knew you well enough, despite the fact you hadn't been dating all that long. "are you sure?"
your smile fell again, and you let out a sigh. "okay." you squeezed his hand gently, "i just... i dunno. i'm nervous to say it out loud. my ex dumped me over it, and... i really like you, jihoon. but if i don't tell you, then i feel like i'm lying to myself and pretending to be someone i'm not, so..."
jihoon said nothing, just waiting patiently.
you stopped, turning to face him fully as you took both of his hands into your own. "i'm bisexual. i've known for a really long time, but i don't really broadcast that knowledge until i know i can trust someone. and you're... you're really sweet, and i like you, but i need to know that i can be myself around you."
you trusted him? jihoon felt his heart race a little in his chest at the implication. "thank you for telling me," he said, the words a little stiff and stilted as he tried to calm himself back down. you really liked him. you trusted him. the words kept running through his head. which... was really good, because he trusted and liked you, too. you'd been kind enough to take the relationship slow when he asked for it.
"you aren't mad?"
"why would i be?" he gently squeezed your hands, just to reassure you. "i..." his voice dropped a little lower, just to keep this between the two of you, "i really like you, too. and... and i'm glad i get to know you like this."
you just leaned forward, pressing a lingering kiss against his cheek. "i am, too."
and with his sweet acceptance, you fell a little more in love with lee jihoon all at once.
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malfromtheblue · 1 day
Can you do a yandere! jock! fwb? Like he made it clear he doesn't want the two of you to be exclusive, but when you end up going on a date with another guy, he just gets so fucking upset? Some NSFW, and making the jock a bit of a himbo if you're feeling generous?
sorry, I've been out for a few! and i most certainly can, ive been wanting to write something like this out for a bit! your wish is my command *bows*
Yandere! Jock x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Yandere topics, stalker-ish, slight mentions of kidnapping, jealousy, Reader is a woman, HEAVY SMUT, 18+ MDNI
• Yan! Jock! who really didn't want an actual relationship with you. He was wanted and praised by majority of the students at his school. Even those who disliked him couldn't deny his raw talent when it came to athletics. He was strong, fast, and easy with any sport or physical challenge he was met with.
You had caught his eye the first several weeks of school. I mean, there was no denying that you were absolutely breath-taking. And he'd be a liar if he said he'd ever had a clean thought about you. Because holy fuck, you were so damn hot. So incredibly sexy in the school uniform that clung desperately to your stunning curves. That angel face and glowing skin that matched you so perfectly. And beyond your jaw-dropping beauty, you were intelligent. You were always turning in your assignments on time and always getting good grades. You seemed to be on a grind to get what you needed done. He could respect that. And your smarts were how you guys started talking in the first place.
• Yan! Jock had been struggling with a few subjects and went to you for help. You were happy to oblige. Part of you accepted his offer for you to tutor him because you knew your material well. But another part, a more secret part, was incredibly attracted to him. There was no denying his charms. He was tall, muscular and well-built, yet he was somehow elegant and smoothe. His tanned skin, sharp jawline and freckled nose had become your favorite physical parts about him. So, yeah. You agreed to tutor him.
The first few sessions with the jock was normal. Well, as normal as possible with two attractive people in one bedroom. There were occasional slip-ups where the two of you would be working with your heads too close to each other, so you'd practically kiss when either of you would lift your head. There were moments where you'd hold each other's gaze for too long or stare at each other's lips. But the both of you had honestly TRIED to keep it normal.
But there was that ONE night after studying that Yan! Jock just couldn't take it anymore. He was sick of pretending that your presence didn't affect him. Didn't cause him to shift in his seat every few minutes to hide his growing erection. And what frustrated him even more was that you were clearly into him too. Yet, you refused to make the first move. So he did. After staring at your plump lips for a solid minute, he leaned forward to kiss you before he could catch himself. You didn't even put up a fight. You just... Melted.
The first time the two of you fucked, it was heavenly. Your tight cunt hugged him so perfectly. Kept him so snug and warm when he buried himself deep inside you. He couldn't even pull out if he wanted to, it was like your pussy was squeezing him, relentlessly keeping him within your gummy walls. And you... You were adorable when you were filled to the brim with his spine-snapping cock. Your puppy eyes were puffy and sweet water spilled from you tear ducts. Your cheeks were flushed and your plump, glossy lips were swollen from the rough, demanding kisses and bites he had given you. Fuck, you were just perfect...
• Yan! Jock who finds himself fucking you anywhere he can when he has the time. He gets so incredibly greedy when it comes to you. Like an addict finally getting his fix. He's so sweetly brutal when it comes to being in your fat pussy, always grinding his hips against yours so desperately and clinging to your ass, thighs, hips and tits like a stupid dog who was scared that its owner would leave it. And he drooled like one too. He just couldn't help himself. Not when you felt so fucking good.
When you brought up having a potential relationship, he was quick to blow the idea off. Sure, you were incredibly. In every way, really. But a relationship would get in the way of sports and his title. And he couldn't have that. Sports was his top priority. Or so he thought.. He made sure to remind you this after almost every heated session, while kissing that pretty pout off of your gorgeous lips.
And despite how amazing he was himself, you found yourself getting bored. You loved his body (because who wouldn't), but you wanted more than sex. You wanted an actual relationship. Loyalty and trust. It's what you thrived for. And when football season began and Yan! Jock cancelled his "study sessions" with you for practice, you found yourself opening up to others.
You hadn't ever seen yourself as attractive as people seemed to think you were. And besides that, you got many compliments on your personality and sense of humor when you started hanging out with others. It was... Refreshing. As your confidence grew, more guys began to approach you. Usually, you would have made up some stupid excuse to run off, but when a certain guy asked you out at the library, you decided to take the chance.
He was cute, really. You had bumped into him several times at the library before and had no issue with getting to know him better. He introduced himself as Adam, and the two of you set up a date. It would be simple. Just a greasy diner located Downtown to start off. As you and Adam talked on the phone up to the date, you discovered that you might like him. Like, REALLY like him. He was the opposite of the jock you had recently been fucking. He was a bit of a smartass and could be snarky, but he kept his interactions with you playful and respectful. He never asked for anything along the lines of a sexual relationship and went at your pace. You were comfortable with him and could see yourself with him, which is what you had originally wanted.
• Yan! Jock who's favorite spot to eat just so happens to be the diner that you and Adam decide to have your date at. It was after one of his football games. The rest of the team was exhausted and just wanted to head home after they hit the showers, but he had just enough energy after cleaning up and changing, to go to his favorite diner. He couldn't help but indulge in their greasy food every once and a while, even though he knew he should stick to his diet. But you had to break the rules some times. Right?
The moment he pulls into the diner, he could see you from the window. A familiar warmth began to stir in his lower regions. God, you were hot as Hell itself. But when he looked a bit closer, he noticed that you were with someone.
"What the fuck?" He growled, his tone coming out more possessive than he intended. For a second, the jock paused. Where was this sudden hostility coming from? What did it matter to him who you were hanging out with? It was your business after all. But when he looked back up at that idiot who was now hand feeding you a few fries, he lost himself. He got out of his car and slammed the door shut without worrying about locking it. He barged into the diner and ignored the older waitress who greeted him.
Yan! Jock approached the table with a grin plastered on his face, but he couldn't hide the pure fire raging in the depths of his usually warm brown eyes.
"Hey, man! What's up?" He said to Adam through gritted teeth. His boiling blood seemed to sear right through his pores. It felt like he was on fire. "Couldn't help but notice that you're with my girl tonight," He slid down into the booth beside you. "You two having fun?"
You froze in horror as you realized what was going on. Adam gave you a confused look. Before you could open your mouth to say anything, the jock wrapped and arm around your shoulder and squeezed one of your tits. "Oh, she didn't tell you? Me and this pretty little thing kinda have something going on. A relationship, if you will. Sorry to disappoint."
You tried to protest, but Adam wasn't having any of it. He got up abruptly and nodded at Yan! Jock before quickly heading to his car and driving off. You couldn't believe it. You finally had something promising going for you and the stupid jock had to RUIN it? You glared at him, but he was already pulling you out of the seat.
"You're coming home with me. It's late."
You tried to yank back, but his grip was made of steel. "Like hell I am, you asshole! The fuck is wrong with you?!"
He paused and looked at you. For the first time, his eyes seemed devoid of all emotion. He let out a sigh and pulled you closer to his warm body as he led you to his car. "You're what's wrong with me, Cutie. Going out with such a loser, have you lost your mind?"
You were quite literally at a loss for words. Who did this idiot think he was?! He was the one to ruin everything! He was the one who didn't want a relationship in the first place! You were so stunned that you hardly noticed him gently pushing you into the passenger seat. You were quiet on the ride to his house, still frozen in disbelief. The recent events flashed through your head like a horror film.
When the two of you arrived, he carefully pulled you out of the car and into his house. He rubbed his hands up and down your arms as if trying to warm your icy body. "Just relax, you're good now." He cooed, softly and pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck. You snapped, spinning around to slap him hard across the cheek.
"I can't believe you! I was finally talking to someone who liked me for me and not just what my body had to offer! And your dumbass wanted to ruin it all?! You're a sick fuck, you know that? I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!"
Your fists felt soft against his broad chest, though the slap still stung his cheek. He flinched at your declaration of hatred for him and immediately wrapped you in a warm embrace. He pressed soft kisses to your scalp and trembled slightly from the sudden wave of regret. Not for lying to Adam about the two of you being in a relationship. But lying to himself and convincing himself that sports and his own needs should come before you. Because you were perfect. And he would do anything he could to make you happy.
"M'sorry, Honey. I fucked up, I know that now," He pulled away slightly so he could stare down at you with his softened, brown, lovesick gaze. "I should have given you what you so desperately wanted. A relationship and the loyalty that came with it." He buried his face in your neck, gripping your hips tightly as if horrified you might leave him once more. He felt your body stiffen under his touch and he grimaced. He genuinely messed everything up. His grimace shifted into a look of determination. I have to fix this, the jock thought. He hoisted you up into his strong arms and carried you upstairs to his bedroom.
"Hey! Put me down!"
He kissed the scowl off of those divine lips of yours and gently placed you onto the bed. Before you could scramble up and give him a piece of your beautiful mind, he was already pulling your dress up, peppering your plush thighs with soft kisses.
"Shhh... Just lemme take care of you tonight. I wanna prove that I love you more than anything, " He tugged your panties to the side with his teeth, revealing that juicy, slick mound that he adored so much. "And that your body may not be the only thing I care for when it comes to you, but it's most definitely something that should be worshipped." He slowly dragged his wet muscle between your folds, sucking gently on your clit.
You tried to ignore his apology and show him that this wouldn't get anywhere, but the way your back immediately arched from the familiar feel of his tongue wasn't fooling anyone. He didn't tease you like he usually would. He just grabbed at your thighs and ate you out passionately, kissing and suckling at your dripping cunt; moaning as your delicious juices hit his fast-working tongue. "M'so sorry, Darling. So, so, sorry... Mmh.. Shouldn't have been so stupid." He murmured his apologies between the comfort of your pussy lips, smiling in triumph as your legs instinctively tightened around his head. He plunged his tongue into your needy hole and added a few fingers to fill any empty gaps.
You must've orgasmed about five times before he finally got up from the floor to unbutton his pants and free his heavy cock. Instead of pouncing on you like a wild animal, he bent down to kiss your slightly pudgy tummy and slid his hands up to comletely tear off your thin dress. He looked up at you with a sheepish grin.
"Don't worry my love, I'll buy you a new one if you want."
The jock leaned up and gave your puffy eyes gentle kisses as he aligned himself with your gaping entrance.
"Please forgive me, Cutie. I should've known better." He leaned down to kiss your swollen lips as he pushed his stupidly large dick past your weakened defenses. He groaned loudly and grabbed onto the fat of your hips as if trying to ground himself.
"Fuckkk, Sweetie... You're so goddamn perfect... Always so ready for me~"
You were too full of him to speak. Tears streaked down your flushed cheeks. As much as you hated to admit it, you loved seeing him like this. So remorseful and gentle. It genuinely made you feel wanted. No... Needed. You whined loudly in response to the thick intrusion and bucked your hips.
Yan! Jock kneaded your breasts gently with a soft growl. He was thrilled to see you responding so well to him. Especially after he BETRAYED you and your trust. But this had to be his favorite side of you. You were too sweet, especially for him. Forgiving his short-comings so easily. All you needed was a little... Persuasion.
He smiled and guided your legs to wrap around his torso as he began to fuck you. He was rough, but in a gentle way. He knew how bad you needed this. Needed him. And he wouldn't deprive you from his attention any longer. So he made sure you could feel every inch of him. Every vein in his bruising cock. He could feel the appreciation coming off of you in waves of heat. Still, he continued to apologize and beg you for forgiveness.
He needed to fill you with his remorse. Engrave his sincerest regrets into you through his hickeys. Make you understand that he would NEVER hurt you like he did again.
• Yan! Jock who fucks you so good, that you couldn't walk for the next three days, and took care of you each day. He took off of practice to ensure that he could tend to your needs and give you much needed affection. Sure, he cuffed you to the bedpost because you tried to say that you needed to get home, but obviously you were just being silly. After all, you were all his now. And he would NEVER leave your side again.
~ Mal 💕🍵 (i hope you enjoyed this, i was half-asleep so sorry for any grammatical errors)
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