#i would ask my mom to make her give it back and the. shed take it again
Room for Two
Sam and Dean Winchester x teen!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Dean takes you in after your mom is killed by a monster, but it doesn’t go over well with Sam
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“There, that shed.” Dean led the way along the dirt road, Sam right at his heels. “Keep an eye out for that thing, I’m gonna see if the kids are in there.”
Sam turned to scour the woods while Dean stepped up to the newly padlocked shed. He swiftly shot the lock, opening the doors to reveal at least a dozen startled kids, ranging from tweens to mid-teens.
“Who are you? What do you want?”
Dean was surprised to see one of the older ones brandishing a broken board as she stepped up in front of the other kids.
“Hey, I’m here to get you guys out,” Dean assured her, lowering his gun. “I’m here to help you.”
“Is-is that thing still out there?” The girl—you—didn’t lower your board as your eyes scanned what little area you can see.
“We don’t know, that’s why we’ve got to move.” Dean was becoming impatient.
“I can’t just let all these kids out there for that thing to pounce on them,” you argued, keeping your body firmly between Dean and the other children.
“Look, kid, I can protect them, but we can’t stay here,” Dean stepped forwards, and he deftly blocked your attempted blow, wrenching the board from your hands. “Let’s go.”
You hesitated, but this strange man seemed to be your best bet.
“Ok,” you said finally, knowing that the kids would follow your lead. “I want the youngest in the middle, we go as a group, no stragglers and no one gets left behind.” You turned to Dean as the kids began to shuffle out with the two of you at the lead. “I want a gun.”
“Excuse me?” He frowned at you.
“There’s a lot of kids, and a lot of places this thing could attack from. You defend the front, give me a gun and I’ll take the back.”
Dean hesitated, but a rustling in the woods nearby made up his mind for him.
“Don’t shoot anybody,” he said as he handed you one of his guns.
The group made it back to where the Impala was parked without incident, which made Dean assume that Sam had taken out the monster. But then where was he?
“Alright, there’s a gas station about a mile down this road. You’ve gotta take the kids there, and you can call for help.”
“What about you?” You were still on high alert, your eyes darting around the area.
“My brother’s out there trying to find this thing, I need to help him.” Dean turned to go, but you grabbed his arm.
“Wait! Do-do you have a phone?” Dean was surprised at the sudden change in your demeanor, and he finally saw you for the young kid that you were. “I have to call my mom.”
Dean’s heart lodged in his throat. He had known this moment was coming, but he still wasn’t ready for it.
Kids had started disappearing two weeks ago, just vanishing from their beds. All the parents were beside themselves, relying on cops who had no answers. Every parent except your mom. She had tried to go after the monster before Sam and Dean had gotten wind of the job.
She’d been torn apart.
“Kid.” You didn’t miss Dean’s transformed expression, or his gentle voice.
“What?” You asked anxiously.
“Kid, your mom, she…she tried to find you,” Dean sighed. “She didn’t make it.”
You were shaking your head, your chest rising and falling rapidly as your breathing quickened.
“That-that’s not possible. She…tha-there…” you were struggling for words, panic and grief overtaking you. “My mom can’t be-“
“I’m sorry.” When your knees gave out, Dean was right there, holding you up as you began to cry. “Kid, I’m so sorry.”
“The other kids,” you said after several minutes. You were almost standing on your own, but you still gripped onto Dean’s arms for stability. “Their-their parents-“
“All ok,” Dean assured you, surprised at the question. “Your mom…she was the only one to go after this thing. She was a genius, kid. I don’t think we could’ve found you guys without some of the research she left behind.”
“Did-did she…um…” you couldn’t seem to get the words out, but Dean was pretty sure he knew what you were trying to ask, because it’s what he would’ve asked.
“That thing is ruthless, but it…it’s fast, kid. She wouldn’t have felt any pain. Probably didn’t even see it coming.”
You didn’t speak, but Dean sensed his words had helped, if only slightly.
“Your brother,” you seemed to shake yourself out of your stupor. “These kids, they can make it back on their own. Let me help you hunt this thing.”
Dean didn’t even think about. “Not a chance.”
“Look, this thing killed my mother. I’m gonna go after it, whether I’m with you or not.”
“No.” Dean shook his head. “You’re gonna take these kids, and you’re gonna get them to that gas station, and you’re gonna call for someone to come pick you guys up.”
“I don’t have anyone to call.”
Your words silenced Dean, and you took the opportunity to continue.
“For as long as I can remember, it’s been me and my mom. That…that thing took my only family. I’m gonna help you kill it. Now you can either let me, or I’ll go on without you.”
Dean weighed his options, but it was pretty clear he had none. Those kids needed to get to safety, he had to get to Sam, and he didn’t have the time to try to drag you away.
“You stay close,” he grumbled. “And don’t shoot me.”
As soon as the group of kids had a designated leader and started their walk towards the gas station, Dean led you further into the woods to track Sam and the monster.
“Dang it, kid, I told you to stay close!”
“I was close!”
“I still don’t understand why you brought a child with you, Dean.” Sam’s voice cut off your argument with Dean.
“I didn’t exactly bring her,” Dean said. “She came because she’s a stubborn brat.”
“Hey, I had your back out there.”
“Yeah, but nobody had your back, because you didn’t stay close!” Dean exploded.
“It’s not that bad,” you soothed. “It might not even need stitches.”
“Oh you definitely need stitches,” Sam interjected.
“Let’s take her back to the bunker,” Dean sighed. “I can stitch her up there.”
“What?” Sam stared at Dean. “Why not the hospital? Then she can call her family and-“
“No,” Dean glanced at you as he spoke, and he didn’t miss the sudden nervousness in your demeanor. “No let’s just go back to the bunker.”
You relaxed slightly as you followed Sam and Dean to the Impala, and Dean felt his gut twist just looking at you. The kid who faced down a monster without even flinching was now trailing behind him, scared of being dropped off somewhere and abandoned without any family.
Dean slowed his pace, throwing an arm around your shoulder once he was beside you.
“You did good today, kid,” he assured you. “We’re gonna take you to a safe place, get you fixed up, and you can stick around as long as you ne…” Dean hesitated, then changed his words. “As long as you want.”
He hoped you didn’t think his offer strange, but he just felt the need to protect you. Even after just one night, you felt like a little sister to him.
He didn’t have to worry, because the hope in your eyes and the smile on your face that appeared after his words showed him that you felt the same. It showed that you were relieved to have someone to look out for you.
Relieved to have a family.
“And you’re done.”
Your whole body relaxed as Dean put down the needle. You didn’t even look at the stitches, wanting to keep your mind off the pain that lingered.
“Thanks, Dean.” You smiled at the man who had taken you in, patched you up, and was already starting to feel like the big brother you’d never had.
“Anytime kid.” Dean smiled back at the little girl who had seen things beyond her years, and thought about how he’d already made a promise to himself to keep you from even more harm. “Hey, there’s a few rooms right down that hallway, you can crash wherever you want.”
As soon as you were out of sight, Sam turned to look at Dean.
“Dean, what is going on? Why is she here?”
“You didn’t recognize her? You did the research, Sam, her mom was the one that got killed.”
“And?” Sam questioned.
“And she needed a place to go.”
“Ok, I get that Dean, but this isn’t exactly the best place for her,” Sam said.
“It was the only place I could think of.”
“And how long does she stay here? This isn’t a home, Dean, it barely qualifies as a place to crash. It’s a bunker; she deserves somewhere real.”
“Yeah well, she had somewhere real before that monster. Now she’s got the best I can do.”
“Dean, we can’t just take in a teenage girl! Our lives are insane!”
“Don’t I get a say in this?”
The brothers turned in unison at the sound of your voice from the doorway.
“Kid, you should go get some rest.”
“Look,” you sighed, ignoring Dean as you stepped further into the room. “I don’t want to cause any trouble. If you guys don’t want me here, just say the word and I’m gone.” You had been directing your words at Dean, but suddenly you turned to Sam. “But don’t do it because you think this isn’t good enough for me. I’m not looking for a parent, here. I’m grown, I’m raised, I’m not looking for a dad or something. I just need a place to go. If it’s not here, I’ll be fine. But I’m not privileged enough to let something like this go, if you’re ok with me staying.”
“I’m not trying to kick you out,” Sam sighed. “I just think it’s not a good idea. But it’s not my decision.”
Dean didn’t miss the way your shoulders slumped when Sam brushed past you and went to his room.
“I don’t want to be trouble for you guys.” It amazed Dean how stark the difference was between you when you were comfortable—sarcastic, strong, and quick-witted—and how you were when you were uncomfortable—like now.
“Don’t worry about Sam, he’s just…” what? Worried? Somehow it felt like more than that. “You should get some rest now, really.”
The next week passed quickly for everyone. You recovered quickly, and to Dean’s relief you began to get comfortable around the bunker. Sam however didn’t seem to share Dean’s feelings.
He wasn’t cruel to you; in fact he was fairly civil. But it was obvious to everyone that he didn’t want you here. Neither of you spoke about it, though. Sam seemed determined to ignore you at every turn, and that vulnerability that Dean had seen in you on the first day had gone. You spoke your mind, and for the first few days that had meant that you and Sam butted heads more times than Dean could count. Hence Sam’s current desire to ignore you.
Dean had made up for Sam’s behavior by including you in everything. He didn’t want you to feel like you had to leave, in fact he wanted more than anything for you to stay.
You noticed what Dean was doing, and you’d never appreciated anything more. But that didn’t change what else you’d noticed; it was starting to divide the brothers. With Sam avoiding you like the plague, and Dean sticking to you like Velcro, tensions were high in the bunker.
After a particularly nasty fight between the boys, you made up your mind. You couldn’t stay here. You wouldn’t repay your rescuers by being the reason that they stopped talking to each other.
You were in the room that Dean had let you claim, packing up the few belongings that you had into a backpack. It was stupid, but you began to imagine the life you could’ve had here: two big brothers. A family. People who cared about you.
You flinched when you saw a tear drip onto your hand. Once the dam was opened, it turned into a flood. The tears overtook you, so much that they quickly turned into sobs, and soon it became hard to breathe. Your knees gave out, and you sat there on the hard floor next to your bed, your arms wrapped tightly around your stomach as you cried.
You were on your feet in an instant at the sound of Sam’s voice in the doorway. It was a struggle, but within a few seconds you managed to halt your tears, rubbing at your face as though you could make Sam unsee what he’d seen.
“Knock much?” Your attempt at sarcasm was half-hearted, and so pathetic that Sam had no desire to sass you back.
“The door was open.”
“I’m sorry.” You turned your back to Sam as you returned your focus to your packing.
“Going somewhere?” Sam’s voice was soft and gentle. Nothing like anything you’d heard before.
“Yeah, I-I figured it was time to move on.” You cursed both your stammer and the quaver in your voice.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Yes I do.”
“Look,” Sam sighed as he stepped further into your room, and you retreated from him to sit on your bed. “I know we haven’t exactly gotten along lately—“
“Don’t.” You felt the tears trying to return, and you blinked rapidly to keep them at bay, ducking your head to avoid Sam’s gaze. “It’s just better if-if I go.”
“I wasn’t trying…” Sam shook his head. “Ok, maybe I was trying to get rid of you. But it doesn’t have to be like that.”
“Why?” You scoffed. “Because I’m crying? Please don’t pity me, Sam.”
“I don’t,” Sam insisted. “I just think…maybe I haven’t been giving you a chance.” He stepped closer to you, and you looked up to see him waiting at the edge of your bed. You gave him a slight nod of invitation, and he sat down next to you. “I guess it’s just…it was weird, alright? Dean got on with you so quickly, and he never does that. I mean, within an hour he was acting like…” Sam stopped, shaking his head.
“Like I was his little sister,” you finished, and Sam nodded.
“And I guess that felt a little weird. Then you moved in, and it was like he couldn’t be parted from you. I guess it felt like he was picking you over me.” Sam sighed. “It feels stupid now that I say it.”
“It’s not stupid,” you said. “You felt like you were losing your family. I get that.” You found yourself unable to look away from Sam’s gaze. You’d only ever seen him annoyed before. You hadn’t realized how kind he could be. “But I’m not trying to be a threat here. I-I just thought…I thought maybe I could find a place here with you guys. Like…like a family. Kinda dumb, huh?”
“No.” You were surprised at Sam’s insistence. “No, not dumb. And maybe it’s not too late for that.”
“What made you change your mind?”
Sam just shrugged.
“I figured Dean’s got a pretty big heart. There’s room for both of us in there.” Sam smiled. “Besides. Maybe I wouldn’t mind a little sister.”
You reached forward suddenly, wrapping your arms around Sam’s middle. For a second, you were worried it was too soon; then Sam let out a low chuckle, and his big arms wrapped around you, basically burying you in his large frame.
“Welcome to the family, kid.”
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januaryembrs · 5 months
I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE | Marc Spector x reader
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Request: @happyhauntt says - okay i am BEGGING for a fic based on the song 'forest fire' by brighton (be warned that shit HURTS) but i fully cannot decide between poe dameron, steven/marc or spencer reid so i am giving you full creative direction and i look forward to getting my heart ripped out!!
Description: Marc had always carried her with him, since they were small kids playing pirates in the yard, before things got messed up by grown up feelings and burdens. It's not until he sees her twenty years later, he realises he should have saved her.
length: 3.9k
Warnings: Heavy warnings for childhood / domestic abuse/neglect (both from Marc and also reader has a neglectful father) warnings for alcohol, the cave scene, drowning, death etc. you asked for angst, so I served!
authors note: sorry this took so damn long, today isn't even my day off and I have been too exhausted to even look at my computer, but I hope you like it!
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Before Randall was too little to be part of his adventures, Marc used to play on his own in the yard. 
Usually that entailed kicking a football at the wooden fence that lined their garden, trying to knock it off his chest when it would come bouncing back the way he’d seen the professionals do it, even if it had led to three milk teeth coming loose already. 
But there weren’t kids on his street to play with, at least that’s what he thought until the one day he kicked his ball a little too high and watched it fly right over the top of the fence, bouncing into the neighbour's yard, a soft “ouch” meeting his ears. 
In minutes, a little head appeared over the wall, beady eyes frowning down at him, and he realised it was a girl around his age, maybe a little younger. 
“Did you lose this?” She held up his soccer ball he was worried he was going to have to kiss goodbye to forever, the small digits of her other hand holding onto the fence tightly. 
“Yeah! Sorry, I didn’t mean to kick it so high,” Marc said, and with no more explanation than that, she threw it over to his side of the partition, and her tiny head disappeared back below the fence line. 
He felt stunned. He knew there were moving boxes over that way a couple weeks ago, but as far as he could see there was only a man living there on his own, a scowl on his face most days. Marc had seen him shouting at the other kids on his block to stop riding their bikes in front of his house because it ‘upset the dog’, though Marc had yet to see for himself this canine friend he was speaking about. 
But there was a girl living there! A real life girl who spoke to him; granted he had lobbed a heavy soccer ball at her, from what her distaste told him, and he wondered if perhaps, despite the grumpy look on her face he realised mirrored the man he’d seen living there, that she might like to even make friends with her neighbour. 
“Wait!” He yelled, running up to the fence where she had slipped away from him, grabbing on to the top and pulling himself up to the point he was on his very tippy toes and he could only just about see her yard. 
The grass was unkempt, which was odd because Marc’s own dad cut the grass every fortnight, and there were planks of wood with nails sticking out of them strewn across the side of the shed she had used to pull herself up with. He fought the urge to cringe in disgust, because there, looking up at him from where she was making a daisy chain in the long, dry grass, alone in a pink plaid shorts and a white, dirt stained top, was the girl. 
“Do you want to play?” Marc asked, his foot nearly slipping under him where he was trying to rest it on the wood to take a closer look, “I have tennis, or swing ball we could play?” 
She looked interested at the mop of curly, black hair for a moment, before she looked back at the house that he had still yet to see any sign of a dog. 
“I’m not sure my dad would like it…” She said cautiously, almost whispering to him, picking the soil under her nails. 
“My mom could come around and get you, she could talk to him,” He offered, because this was when his mother was still mom and not Wendy. 
Before she had yet to flip his world entirely upside down with her cruel hands and vicious tongue. Before Steven. 
She seemed unsure, biting her bottom lip and stroking her arms like she was giving herself a cuddle. But she nodded, looking up at him, and he tried to hide just how excited he was to finally have someone to play with. 
“I’m Marc,” He said, grinning at her, his tongue poking between the space where his adult teeth were only just growing back in. 
She told him her name back, and it was the first time he understood what a crush was. 
“Marc, I’m not sure we should be doing this,” She said, grabbing his hand so tight he thought his heart might explode. 
“It’s okay, we come here all the time, don’t we, RoRo?” He reassured, looking back to where Randall, now a few years older and big enough to play with them, held onto the side of the cave, his own face nervous. 
“All the time!” The little boy echoed, because Marc knew he had a bit of a thing for her as well, because she was older and cool and smelled like a field of flowers and he hated seeming like he was scared, even though he was. 
He was just a kid. 
They were just kids. 
And being kids, they stumbled into danger without realising it, not even when the rain started coming down outside torrentially and they had to pause their game of pirates to run for cover. They hadn’t expected, in their childish excitement to continue the adventure, that the water would start pooling into the cave; that it would fill up like a basin, whether they were in there or not, and it wasn’t until the screaming started that they realised they were in the kind of danger that required an adult. 
Marc was the first one to get out, his hair soaked, his heart racing, and he used a grown up word he heard his dad use sometimes because he could have sworn they were both right behind him. 
And if that had been true, then where were they? 
He called her name, debated going back in there himself to see where they had gone, then he yelled for RoRo, because she didn’t seem to be answering. 
And there was only silence, except a clap of thunder overhead that said the rain was going to get worse; was not going to stop for hours. 
Which was when he ran to get his dad. 
By the time Elias got there, his glasses wet and steamed, his thick thatch of curls too similar to Marc’s soaked through, all he could see was a head of hair peeking out of the mouth of the cave, and his heart sank. 
He dragged her out of the dark water, arms under her shoulders as he rolled her on her front and started patting her back, trying to get her to spit some of the water out, because her face was ice and her skin was soaked and her playsuit was ripped from where she’d snagged it on the rocks. 
Marc remembered crying into his hands, gaze flicking back to the cave to see if RoRo was right behind her, if he was just waiting to be pulled out as she had been. 
But there was nothing. Nothing but rain water and moss and those damn rocks he’d been gripping onto not an hour earlier. 
His heart leapt when she spluttered finally, after his dad had thrown her over his knee and taken to giving her a one handed heimlich right between her shoulder blades. She spat the water out, her body shivering immediately, eyes bleary as they looked around as if she expected to still be in that dark hole in the wall, and Elias set her down on the grass to go look for his youngest son. 
“Stay with her, Marc,” He barked, uncharacteristically sharp for him though Marc guessed it was fear, and took off towards the cave again. Marc pulled her into his arms, and it was only then they started wailing together. 
They sat there for an hour when the rescue team finally arrived, a medical team with warm hands and even warmer blankets ushering them to the safety of the back of an ambulance, and the last thing Marc remembered for that horrible day was sitting on the stretcher with her pressed against his side, trembling under the reflective wrap they’d been tucked in that made them look like baked potatoes, wishing he had never suggested they go in that damn cave. 
“You’re leaving?” She said, her lip quivering, her eyes lined with tears. They sat on his bed, his duffel bag already packed, his acceptance letter burning daggers into his head from his nightstand, “Military? Marc, just think about this for a minute-”
“I have thought about it. I’m not some dumb kid making rash decisions, I want this,” Except he didn’t, not really. What he meant to say was he wanted to leave, to run away and never come back, but the idea of never seeing her again was too difficult to think about. 
She thought about it for a moment, and he held her hand when he saw her face really start to crumble then. “If you go, I’ll have no one left. You’re all I have,”
He didn’t hide the fact he saw how nervous she was when Marc would pick her up from her house and her father would see her out the door, a nasty, inebriated glare in his eyes at the Specter boy. He saw all the times she would tiptoe around the floorboards, the way he knew too well, as if she was scared of what would happen if she took up too much space, made too much noise. Or when his mother had been kind, way back before any of this had happened, and had fussed over her pretty hair, had piled food on her plate because Wendy said she needed the goodness, she had locked up entirely and looked at his mother as if she was an alien. 
Even now, when they were both seventeen, nearly adults in the grand scheme of things, he knew her father was cruel. 
“I’m sorry,” He said honestly, and he felt his own throat clogging up with real emotion he only ever let himself show when he was with her, “When I get a place of my own, I’ll come back here, and we can pack your bags together, and we can live far away from all of this,” 
And it sounded like he was spinning her a fantasy; which he was. She felt like an idiot for believing him, for flashing him a small smile and leaning her forehead to his which was the closest they ever got to admitting how they really felt about each other. 
He wanted to kiss her then, before he left to start his new life, one where they could be happy together, and he made a promise to himself that when he came back for her that would be the first thing he would do. 
He could see it now; he would be in some kind of flashy car with the top rolled down, a man grown from the regime and fitness they would teach him in the army and she would come running to him like an angel parting the clouds, like a dream that was finally within reach, and he would kiss her then, so hard it would make up for the time they had lost, the time they had grieved together, it might even make up for that day she nearly died because of him. 
So he left her, that fantasy of coming back to her keeping him going in the months of training, during roll call and exams and the small, clinical portions they would serve him in the military. 
But that day never came. Somewhere between losing himself to the alter that had formed and led a full life separately to his, between hiding Steven from the ugly truth and becoming a mercenary after dropping from the army, he tucked the dream away as a what if, and he didn’t return back to that house where his mother had caused so much hell. 
Not until the second day of her shiva, that was. 
“Marc?” He forgot how sweet his name sounded from her lips, and he hated to admit it in the middle of his drunken state, but he’d wished he’d never heard it again in his entire life. 
Because the second his front door opened, and a woman in a long black dress, heels and lace gloves stared back at him with a face that looked similar to a girl he once knew, only a notch between her brows that said she had done nothing but frown for twenty years, he wished he had never seen her again. 
She was beautiful, more beautiful than he ever gave her credit for, yet she looked tired. Sunken. Like she had wept and screamed alongside all the frowning. 
“Marc,” She said it more determined this time, pacing down the stairs to his home, her footsteps rushed and worried, “Are you okay?,” 
He knew he must look like a mess. He hadn’t stopped crying for three days since he got the first phone call from his father in almost two decades, since he’d learned his mother had passed, and he was already a bottle of whiskey deep by the time he’d stepped out the cab onto the street he grew up on. 
He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought she would be there. He guessed she would be far away from this place, just like he had been, in a mansion with a 401k and a dog and a neurosurgeon for a husband. She had always deserved it. 
But here she was, grabbing the bottle out of his hand gently, rubbing a hand over his shoulder like not a day had gone by that they hadn’t seen one another, and it didn’t take him much convincing at all to pull her into a hug he had needed since the day he left. 
“My mum’s dead,” Marc said, sounding like a little boy again when he wept into her neck, squeezing her body to his, and he felt her rubbing his back soothingly. 
“I know, Marc, I’m so sorry,” She hummed, and she smelled like a fancy floral perfume he couldn’t afford to give her before, “I know you must be feeling complicated,”
He nodded, because he couldn’t have put it better himself. He felt complicated. 
“I missed you,” She said, like it was a confession, and he cried harder, his face burying into the crook of her shoulder. 
“I missed you too,” 
“How’s Steven? Is he still around?” She asked, pulling him away to root through her pocket for the pack of tissues she’d kept handy for the day. He took a deep breath, rubbing his sleeved arm over his face to dry it even the slightest. He could feel his cheeks sopping wet from where he had sobbed in the back of the cab like a madman all the way here. 
But she was still fussing over him, and she looked just as pretty as he had remembered her, sitting on his bed that day, if not only a little more tired under her eyes.
Ofcourse she had known about Steven. How else was he supposed to explain the times they would be playing boyfriend-girlfriend together and he would become a different person. 
Sometimes Steven would remember her too, because it didn’t matter to her who he was, she was his best friend either way. He remembered a girl who smelled like summer, sitting on the swings and eating ice lollies together, taking it in turns to push each other, blue tongued and happy. 
“Yeah, sometimes,” He replied quietly, as she handed him the tissues, “He misses you, too,” 
She smiled at him with her lips pressed tightly.
“I take it you’re not coming in?” She said in a careful tone, and he shook his head quickly. 
“No- I just can’t,” He said, tears welling up in his eyes in seconds, and she wrapped him in another hug immediately, soothing his hurt as fast as it had bubbled back up.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t have to,” She hummed, stroking down his back gently, and he hugged her tightly as if she was the only thing keeping him together. 
He opened his mouth to speak when his front door opened again, and he worried for a second that it was Elias. 
Instead, he saw a girl no older than five emerge in a cute, poofy dress that met her knees, her hair tucked into a neat braid, lace gloves matching her own as she lingered at the doorway. 
And perhaps the thing that struck him the quickest; she was the damn near double of the girl he’d hit in the head with his soccer ball in that very yard. 
“Mommy,” The girl said in a gentle coo, her eyes empathetic as she met his gaze, more empathetic than he knew children could feel. But, he supposed, if she was her daughter then it didn’t surprise him in the slightest. 
His best friend turned, her face smoothing out into something peaceful when she saw her little girl, and he knew then she was born to be a mother. Nothing like his own, nothing like Wendy, and he cursed himself for not seeing it sooner. 
She was a mother. 
“Yes, baby?” She said, half stepping towards her child as the girl stumbled down the first step towards them, and she was quick to swoop her into her grasp and onto her hip. 
“I need to use the bathroom,” The girl said shyly, peeking a glance at him over her mum’s shoulder, and she waved at him with tiny fingers. 
He waved back, even if the sight of her had dumped a bucket of cold water all over his body. 
“Alright, baby. Just wait in the foyer, I’ll come take you in just a second, I’m just speaking to my friend right now,” She said, stroking over the back of the girl’s hair softly, and kissing her chubby cheek. “Is that okay?”
She nodded, and her mum kissed her once more, plopping her back on the top step to direct her back into the house. And they were alone again. 
She looked at him guiltily, stepping back towards him as she fiddled with her sleeves nervously, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t get childcare and I don’t really know anyone in state anymore-”
“No, it-it’s fine,” He stammered, feeling her watching him for his reaction carefully, “What’s her name?” 
“Dalilah,” She replied, rubbing hands up her arms to calm herself. 
“Where’s her dad?” Marc asked, hoping he didn’t sound bitter, but the whiskey made it sound like a bite. 
She shrugged, “He wanted the cars and the house when we split; I wanted her,” She said calmly, like it wasn’t one bomb after another to be dropped on him. 
He knew nothing about her life. He had tried to run away from that promise he’d made her for twenty years, because he knew he would never be good enough for her; that he could never give her the happiness she deserved, even before he had become the Moon Knight. 
At his core, he would rot her, ruin her. He would destroy her.
And yet hearing it was just the two of them alone, he felt like he could take out the piece of shit who ran out on them barehanded and go home to sleep next to her soundly.  
He felt like perhaps, as much grief and anguish as returning back to that house had caused him, perhaps this was his second chance. His chance to be what she needed, to be something good.
He would be so good to them. He would give them everything if she asked. 
“I’m not really in town much, especially with my dad still around,” She said, gesturing to where her yard still stood, full of junk and a dog that had supposedly been kicking strong for two decades, “But I would love to see you again. Lila has school most days so you’re free to come over any day of the week if you want it to be just us; I work at home,” She scribbled an address about two hours away down on a piece of paper, along with her phone number, handing it to his distraught face with a sad smile, somewhat hopeful he would take the olive branch she was shaking his way. 
He took it with a nod, his bottom lip still trembling before he bit it hard enough to force it to stop. He would love to see her, if he would even allow himself something good. If he would just let go of the resentment for everything that reminded him of that time, he could see the two of them healing one another slowly, but surely. 
She could fix him. And he could fix her. The way it had always been with them. 
“Yeah, I’d love that,” Marc said softly, allowing her to grab him tightly one more time, “I really did miss you,” 
She laughed, not properly more like a sad breath out, squeezing him to her, “I loved you so much. I never let you go, you know that?” 
He tried not to sob, almost holding her so maddeningly hard she couldn’t ever leave. 
But he had to let go eventually, and he watched her walk back up the stairs to where his family mourned, her face glinting with something hopeful, holding a flashlight out to him where he was walking around in the dark blindly.
He tried to smile back, though he knew it wouldn’t be the same, wouldn't be truly untouched by the grief he wallowed in. 
And by the time he got back to his hotel room, alone, even more drunk, Khonshu had another job for him that would whisk him away for two weeks. But he kept her number, the piece of paper gripped in his hand tight, like he was determined to keep his promise this time around.
He dialled her number exactly fifteen days later, his body aching, his nose bloodied, but something lighter in his chest at the prospect of seeing her again. The light in his dark, the girl on the swings he’d once pretended to marry during their game of house (the rings had been tiny daisy chains she’d woven together just that morning, their officiant was Randall who could barely ride a bike let alone remember the vows he was supposed to say.) 
Only when the phone got put through, a different woman answered, and the light flickered back out into something cold and dark and vengeful. 
“Oh, oh god, you haven’t heard?” He swallowed thickly, “She was hit by a drunk driver last week picking Lila up from school,” The woman, her cousin, explained, her voice teary and solemn, and he didn’t doubt she’d had to make a thousand of these calls the past few days, “They said it was quick, and Lila went fast so she wasn’t in any pain- and she was only in the ambulance for ten minutes before her heart stopped so she wasn’t hurting long either-” 
But he put the phone down, his eyes wide, his body numb, his chest empty and lonely. 
Because the very last bit of good in him was gone; because everything he touched was cursed and tainted from the offset. 
It took what felt like twenty cups of whiskey for him to black out that night, he knew sleep would evade him, he knew not to even bother trying. And Jake Lockely woke up for him, something mean and hateful in the black of his eyes. 
He didn’t care who, but someone was going to pay for his cielo being taken from them. 
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
I love your finn x reader farm world stories you've been writing. They are so good I can't stop reading them, I don't know how to ask this, And I don't know if you're still taking requests but can you write Farm World finn x reader Where the reader is from Ooo, but she looks exactly like farmworld finn' s wife And how would he react. I'm sorry if that's messed up, I like pain.
Ohhhh boy this one will be heartbreaking. Thanks for requesting! Reader uses she/her pronouns in this one
This is an AU in which Reader’s farmworld self replaces Huntress Wizard, love you HW
TW: Angst, mention of illness, mentions of death, hurt and a little comfort,
Farmworld Finn x Reader who’s his wife’s counterpart
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• You had agreed to go with Fionna, Cake and Simon to find another crown and make their world magical again.
• After a close run-in with the scarab, you find yourselves in a post apocalyptic city.
• People all around you were giving you surpised looks, which only made you even more uncomfortable in this already hostile environment.
•When Jay first sees you all in the city, he can’t believe his eyes. He’s had this happen before, sometimes seeing someone with a similar hair color to his mother, only to have to remind himself that she’s gone.
•But when you turn around and he sees your face, there’s no mistaking it. It’s you. He doesn’t know how or why, but you’re here again! Tears flow down his cheeks as he struggles to keep quiet and out of sight.
•Once the Destiny gang are gone, Jay looks at you in awe before hurling himself into your arms and hugging you so hard you almost fall over.
• The three of you have to try and explain to him that, although you look like his mother, you’re not actually her, and slowly his smile starts to fade as the realization sets in.
•He agrees to take you to his dad, but is really worried about he will react.
• The five of you make your way to the small farm, where Finn is busying himself chopping logs. He wipes his brow, turning around to scold Jay for staying in the city so long. But then he sees you.
• No. This isn’t real. This is just another one of his dreams. That’s what this is. It’s just a dream. None of this is real. Any moment now he’s going to wake up, shaking in a cold sweat like he has every night for the last 3 years.
• But then you reach out and touch his arm, and he feels the warmth of your hand on his skin. You’re real. You smile awkwardly, a little unsure of what to say, “It’s Finn, right? It’s nice to meet you.”
• For the first time in years, he sheds a tear, and you instinctively you bring your hand to his cheek and wipe it away with your thumb. He brings his hand up to hold yours, feeling your soft hands against his calloused ones.
• “Who are you?” He asks, his voice shaking as if you might dissapear at any moment.
• “This is going to sound crazy, but I’m from another universe, and my friends and I need your help.”
• You try to explain yourselves to him, the fact that there are multiple universes, that you came to save Fionna and Cake’s, and that there is even an alternate version of himself. You decide to gloss over bringing up your own counterpart, having pieced together from Jay’s sadness that her fate was likely an unpleasant subject.
• He brings you all inside, and instantly the kids are all over you, crying and none of you have the heart to tell them the truth, so you play along. None of them care if it didn’t make sense, they were just happy to have their mom back.
• After a tense dinner and discussion about the crown, all of you are made to sleep in the hayloft. But after Fionna and the others have fallen asleep, you sneak out back to the house.
• You find Finn sitting in front of the fireplace, watching the flames as Jake lays next to him. You hesitate, debating just leaving and going to sleep, but his voice breaks the silence first.
• “I know you’re there, leave me be.” He mutters, not looking away from the flickering light. But you don’t leave, instead taking a seat next to him. Jake pads up to you and sits in your lap.
• You stay like that for awhile, the tension so thick you could cut through it, but after a little while you steel yourself and in a soft voice finally ask the question that’s been eating at your mind, “What was she like?”
• He sighs, a deep and tired breath that he’s clearly been holding in for far too long.
• Finn tells you everything, how the two of them met not long after the crown was destroyed, how she was the only one who accepting him despite his past as the Snowman. How the two fell in love, her kindness slowly melting the icy walls around his heart. How they built this house together, and not long after moving in their first son was born. How eventually their tiny family kept growing, only getting happier with each new addition. How a couple years after Bonnie was born, she started to developed a cough, and at the time she brushed it off as nothing a little rest couldn’t fix. But she kept getting worse, eventually becoming bedridden and barely able to move. How the doctors pulled him aside and told him that her prognosis wasn’t good, and while he tried to hide it from her, she already knew her time was coming. How the kids would bring her flowers and help feed her, and how she kept smiling and laughing no matter how bad the pain got. Then one day, she took his hand in hers, telling him how much she loved him and their family, and how grateful she was to have been able to be with him, if only for a little while. And then she was gone, and his world changed forever.
• After he’s done, you’re left speechless. There’s nothing you can do or say to take away the pain he’s feeling, and your presence is no doubt exacerbating it. You feel tears well up and you try to think of what you can do.
• In the end, you just put your head on his shoulder, speaking so quietly it’s almost a whisper, “I’m sorry I’m not her.”
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mikeandikeschmidt · 10 months
The Father-Daughter Dance
Fluffy and wholesome!Mike and Abby sibling bonding
Word Count: 1988
Summary: When Abby's bully tells her she can't go to the school dance, it's up to Mike to save the day. Risking his wallet, as well as his last nerve with the local Karen...
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• • •
A few months after what happened at Freddy's, things seemed to be going back on track for Mike and Abby. Mike got another job with better hours so he could spend more time at home with his sister, she was socializing more with kids in her class, and things seemed like they were looking up.
Soft snores were heard from Mike's car as he waited outside for school to let out. The young man sat in the driver's seat with his arm draped over his eyes to block from the sun. But he didn't have to wait much longer because the back door opened suddenly and slammed shut a second later.
Mike jolted upright and immediately made a fist, a reflex when he was frightened (that trigger was subtly worse after everything they went through) but Mike instantly relaxed when he saw it was just Abby getting in the backseat. He instead ran a hand down his face to wake himself up.
"Hey, Abbs. How was your day?"
"F-fine." But her voice was wavering. She was certainly not fine.
Mike looked up from his hand and turned to look at her, seeing her eyes were red and she was sniffling. This made him tense again. Who did this. Who hurt his baby sister? Was it a bad grade on a test? That bully girl on the playground? He took a shaky breath, willing himself to be calm. His voice was soft and gentle when he asked,
"Abby, what's wrong?"
She fidgeted with a pink flier in her hand, "Th-the Father-Daughter dance at school is coming up and Emma told me I can't go because I don't have a dad..."
He knew somebody had hurt her feelings. Freaking Emma. He could tell she was going to be a little snot when he saw her at the open house. What with her perfect little blonde braid and her mom's minivan that had a bumper sticker that said, 'my child is an honor student.' Great. Just great.
Mike took another breath. After the mall incident and losing his job at Auto-Zone, Mike learned to keep calm, or at least keep from showing people how he really felt. This wasn't something he could fight his way out of.
"Abby, please don't cry. Emma doesn't know anything, ok?"
"You mean I can go to the dance anyway?" She lifted her head, her eyes lighting up with hope.
Shoot. He hadn't thought that far ahead yet. If he had to plan something, he would have suggested getting pizza and letting her pick a movie to rent to cheer her up. Now he realized that was stupid. Of course she wanted to go to the dance like everyone else.
Well, even if their dad wasn't around, Mike could take her. But the only problem was he wasn't much of a dancer. Maybe every once in a while, he'd goof off while cooking or at the grocery store, but that was just when he was trying to make Abby laugh and when no one was looking. He hadn't really danced in front of other people since the Prom. But if it would make her happy...
"Uh, if you..uh...you want to go then I can take you." Mike cleared his throat that was suddenly dry, "Sure we can go."
A squeal suddenly rang in his ears as Abby jumped up and threw her arms around him, climbing around his seat so she could give him a great, big hug. Every tear she had shed before seemed to have evaporated in a second, "Thank you, Mike! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
He chuckled and patted her arm, "It's no problem. I want you to have fun. But sit back in your seat, okay? I'm gonna start heading out of here."
She giggled and hopped back before putting on her seatbelt, "This is going to be great! Can we stop by the store before we go home for a dress?"
"What's wrong with your purple dress? You know, with the polka dots?" Mike asked, remembering the last time they went shopping. That was for an Easter dress, but did they get that this year or last...?
"That dress is not cool for a dance, Mike. And we got to match. Your tie needs to match my dress."
"I need a tie now too?"
"Yeah! And matching bouquet and croissant." Abby gave him a toothy grin through the rear-view mirror.
Mike tried to stifle a laugh, "I think you mean boutonniere and corsage."
"Yeah, that!"
If she wasn't so giddy, Mike would be sweating over how much this was going to cost. But he didn't have a choice. This clearly meant a lot to her and if this is what she needed then heck with it, he was going to make sure she had the best night of her life. He was going to make that little bully Emma eat her words.
• • •
"Owww, Mike!" Abby complained as her brother tried to fix her hair for the dance, "You're hurting me!"
"Don't blame me. Your head is a rat's nest." He squinted through the dark mess, armed only with a Cinderella brush.
"No, it's not!"
"I'm sorry. A curly rat's nest."
"No, it's nooot!!" Abby protested again but she was giggling all the while. She had been excited like this all day, reassuring Mike he had made the right decision by taking her. Even if the recliner in the living room had been calling his name...
When her hair was finally tamed then Mike slid a headband over as the finishing touch, "Alright, all done. What do you think?"
She hurried over to the mirror to see how she looked and instantly smiled at the results. She had chosen a pink dress with sequins on the top, lots of tulle for a tutu-like skirt, and a ribbon at the waist with a fake flower on the side that matched her headband. "I love it!"
Mike walked up behind her, smiling softly as he admired both their reflections. He hadn't been able to talk her out of the pink dress so he wore a black button-up, slacks, and a matching pink tie. It wasn't his color, but this night was of course not meant for him, "You look beautiful, Abbs. You're going to be the prettiest one there."
"You really think so??"
Prettier than Emma, Mike thought to himself before pinning the boutonniere onto his shirt. Once that was on then he knelt down and held out the corsage, "Just one last thing..."
Abby held out her dainty little wrist so he could slide on the corsage, also showing off her glittery nails that Mike had helped her with earlier. Man, it had taken a lot of work to get them ready for this dance. Who knew it took this much work? He felt sick to his stomach thinking about a few years down the road when she wanted to start wearing makeup...
"There. All ready for the dance. How we feeling?"
Mike nearly fell over when she tackled him in another great-big Abby hug, "You're the best big brother ever. I wish dad were here but...I'm really glad you're taking me."
Okay, that one got him. He hardly knew what to say. He quickly blinked his watery eyes as he wrapped his arms around her, "Abby, you know I'd do anything for you. I'm happy to take you. Come on, let's get going."
"Hehe, okay!" She eagerly grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door.
• • •
Mike stepped into the gymnasium with an expression like a deer in headlights. It was all set up for the dance with streamers, a disco ball, a DJ, and a snack table. It was mostly dark with flashing multi-colored lights while The Sign by Ace of Base played blaringly over the speakers. Yep. This brought back memories. Welp, at least he always had the snack table.
He looked down to Abby, "Hey Abbs, you want some--?"
But she didn't hear him over the music, "Hey, Ashley!" She dashed off to chat with her friend.
Mike chuckled and let her go have her fun while he went to get some food. But to his horror, Emma's mom was manning the table, helping serve snacks and drinks. He took a deep breath and forced his expression to remain neutral. No one but him had to know how much he hated her.
"Oh, hi, Mike!" Her nasal voice rang out.
"Lisa." He kept his head down and grabbed a plate for a couple cookies. These had better be chocolate-chip and not oatmeal raisin. Stop acting like it's so much healthier, Lisa, they're freaking cookies.
"I'm surprised to see you guys here! Are you allowed to? You know, since, this is meant for fathers and daughters and all." Mike could see where Emma got all that charm from.
1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3...just breathe and relax. Breathe and relax.
"Yep," Was all he replied, taking a sip of punch.
"My David is out there with our sweet little Emma. Isn't she just a peach?" Lisa pointed to a man and little girl out on the dance floor, both doing the cabbage patch. Like complete dorks.
"The peachiest." He took a bite of his cookie then instantly regretted it. Oatmeal raisin. Dang it, Lisa.
Thankfully, Abby ran up to him to save him from anymore small talk, "MikeMikeMike! They're playing my favorite song! Can we go dance??"
"Uh, sure." Mike let her drag him to the dance floor, not far from Emma and her dad. He left his plate of disappointment behind at the snack table.
"Have fun!" Lisa waved them off.
"Have fun," Mike mocked under his breath.
When they were in the center of the gym, Abby pumped up her fists one at a time and bounced up and down. Her little curls flying all around her head. She was so cute, he was gonna die.
"Mike! You're supposed to dance with me!"
"Uh..." Mike kind of copied what she was doing, but looked around for ideas. He was not going to do the cabbage patch, that was for sure. Gosh, he hadn't been to anything like this in years.
Next Abby made a peace sign and waved it over her eyes until Mike mirrored her, the music pulsing under their feet. He could still hear her laughter and he really hoped it wasn't because he looked stupid. He just had to pretend he was in his kitchen and people weren't looking. But honestly, who cares if they were? He couldn't be as bad as David, so why couldn't he blow off a little steam?
Mike finally relaxed. He grabbed Abby's hands and swung their arms back and forth. Now this wasn't so hard. Hey, he was having a little fun too. This night wasn't just about her (though it was 95% about her) but this was about them being together and it was honestly better than he thought it was going to be.
When the song started to end, Mike finished it off by spinning her around and the two shared matching grins. They were going to treasure this moment forever. Despite everything that had happened in the past, at least they had each other. Brother and sister against the world.
"Mike!" Abby bounced up on her toes.
"After this, could we rent a movie and order a pizza?"
He laughed. Now there was an idea. "Absolutely. And while we're out, maybe a box of cookies. Chocolate-chip."
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jqmalikhsgib · 23 days
train wreck
you look at yourself in the mirror. you couldn’t believe you let it get this far. you knew you should have left the moment he laid a hand on you the first time.
you’d been blinded by love. every single time he told you he wouldn’t do it again, you believed him. every.last.word!
you told yourself it was your fault. maybe if you were a better cook, maybe if you ironed his shirt correctly, maybe if you didn’t embarrass him in front of his friends, maybe if you’d been a better wife. he wouldn’t hurt you the way he did. it had to be your fault, right?
he was the perfect man. the kind of man your parents wanted you to marry. he’s rich, successful, and smart. he was everything you looked for in a man, according to your mom that is.
at first he was the perfect man. he treated you like a princess. you were his princess. he was the kind of man that made you believe fairytales could be real.
but after two years of dating, the abuse happened. it started out small. something as simple as calling you stupid. verbal abuse.
but as time went on, his hands became his weapon of choice. when he proposed, that’s when you thought maybe the abuse would stop.
but this only made it worse. he thought of you as his property. he knew you’d never go to the police. you’d never tell a soul what he’d been doing.
four years go by. four years of covering up black eyes, four years of hiding bruises, four years of coming up with excuses as to what really happened to your arm.
and right now, as you look at the positive pregnancy test, you knew you had to leave! you couldn’t bring a child into this kind of environment.
you swallowed your pride and dialed a number you’d never thought you had to dial again, a number you tried to forget.
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emily rushes to the front desk of the hospital immediately asking for your name. when she got the room number she hurried to you.
her eyes widened when she saw your face. she barely recognized you.
it had been some time since emily saw you. the last time she saw you was a week before your wedding. she noticed the signs right away. she tried to convince you that you didn’t have to marry james. you could report him and get him arrested for the bruises on your wrist you tried to hide.
james found out about your conversation and didn’t take a liking to it. he hit you mercilessly before you uninvited emily to your wedding. emily hoped that you’d leave before things get any worse. before james would kill you.
and now, as she sees your face busted, arms covered in bruises, your skinny frame, she couldn’t help but blame herself. she should have pushed you harder into leaving.
emily couldn’t believe the girl woman she babysat all those years ago grew up in an loveless, abusive, marriage.
“god, yn!”
you looked up and start to shed tears. seeing emily again made you feel whole. she’d been the only real family you had. you knew your parents wouldn’t help you. they’d tell you to tough it out, be a better wife, do better for james. emily was the only person you knew that would drop anything and everything for you. she’d been the only person that was willing to save you from years of torture.
emily examines your face. she sighs before the nurse comes in.
“misses harper?”
“please, it’s yln.” you whispered.
the nurse gives her a sad smile. nodding understandably. she’s seen plenty of women come in and out of this hospital with marks and bruises all over their bodies from domestic abuse. she knew the signs of the women who would leave it all behind and the signs of the women who would go back.
“the doctor should be with you shortly. i just wanted to make sure you know your options beforehand.” she hands you a few pamphlets. you try your best to grab the quickly. emily beats you to it and sighs.
“thank you nurse.” emily smiles as the nurse nods her head and leaves them to talk.
“you sure you’re pregnant?”
“i missed my period the past two months. i took a few test before coming here. im pretty sure.” you gulp. “i don’t know what to do em. i—im sorry for calling you and bringing you into my mess of a life. i just—”
“stop! you can call me any time, yn. i just hate that it got this far. i hate that you went through this alone.”
when the doctor arrives you lie back and lift your shirt. she pours some gel on your belly before rolling around the wand. you grab emily’s hand. you wait patiently before the doctor shows you a little black dot.
“theirs your baby! would you like to hear the heartbeat?”
“i—i don’t know. i don’t know what i want exactly. i don’t know if i even want to—god, i don’t know if i can do this.” you shed more tears. you’ve cried so much in the last four days. in the last six years.
“doctor, may you give us a moment?”
the doctor nods understandably before leaving. emily looks you in the eyes. “hey, tell me what’s going on?”
“i don’t know if i can do this emily. i wanna be a mom. ive always wanted to be a mom. but how do i bring a child in this world knowing their father— emily, im alone here. im alone. i can’t do this alone.”
“you won’t, yn! rather you want to keep the baby or not, you won’t be alone. you got me, alright? i can help you anyway you need me to. you’re family, remember? remember what i told you when you were younger?”
you give her a small smile. “no matter what, you’re like my sister. my only family. you got my back and i got yours.”
emily nods. “so, for once in your life after having your whole life being decided for you, what do you want?”
you wipe the tears out of your swollen eye gently. “i wanna keep him. i wanna keep my baby.”
emily nods. “ill call a few of the guys i work with. we can go to your house and pick up your things. hopefully he won’t be there.”
you simply nod your head. “are you sure i can stay with you? i don’t wanna be a bother.”
emily shakes her head. “no! you’re never a bother, alright. you can never be a bother yn.”
you nod your head. when the doctor comes back in, you tell her you wanted to hear the heartbeat. when you do, you fall in love. after she carefully lets you know what’s next, appointment, what kind of vitamins to take, what you should avoid eating and drinking, you and emily head out to her hotel room.
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emily lies out clothes for you to put on. you thank her before heading to the shower. you tried to clean your body as best as you could. trying to wipe james off of you.
you felt like you could finally relax. for the past few days you’ve been looking over your shoulders. you’ve been waiting for james to find you. you knew if he did he’d kill you.
you had even threw your phone in the river. you’ve been trying to keep a low profile until you knew emily was on her way. when she told you she was an hour away you finally went to the hospital. it wasn’t just you that you had to look after any longer. you had a kid to think about. a human growing inside of you.
you had to get to the hospital to make sure they were alright. you think about the stress you’ve endured the last few days. replaying in your head over and over again. finally feeling free and safe.
when you get out of the shower, emily wraps her arms around you. she kisses the top of your forehead. “get some sleep.”
and for the first time in a long time, you finally slept peacefully.
the next morning you hear whispers. your eyes flutter before you suddenly lift yourself up. you sigh in relief when you realized you were still in the hotel.
“hey! it’s alright. did we wake you?”
you turned and frowned. you saw two men standing by the desk.
one of the men was more lanky than the other. his hair fell a little on his shoulders. he looked like he was around your age.
the other was older. he was more muscular. his head was clean shaven. he had a goatee. the both stood tall.
“no. it’s fine.” you shake your head.
“sorry! they flew in last night. they’re here to help get your things. make sure that james doesn’t harm you if he’s there.”
you simply nod your head.
“thank you.”
“don’t thank us, sweetheart! any family of emily’s is ours as well.” he gives you a winning smile.
“this is derek and that’s spencer. dave and hotch are outside as well. hotch actually wants to ask you a few questions.” emily states.
you give her a questionable look. “if you’re up for it. we don’t wanna rush you or anything. but, james should pay for this, yn.”
you simply shake your head. “trust me em, he won’t! james he’s—he has connections. he’d get away with it.”
“maybe not, yn. don’t you wanna at least try?”
“what i want is to get far away from him as possible. please, em? i don’t wanna go through any of this. i don’t wanna go through this train wreck any longer.”
emily nods her head.
“lets just focus on getting your things, yeah?” spencer gives you a sad smile. you nod your head. emily helps you up.
the four of you head outside. you walk to a black suv. you see two older men.
“this is dave and that’s my boss, hotch.”
you nod. thankful you had your sunglasses on. you didn’t need anyone else seeing how bad your face looked. emily helps you get in the back of the car. she sits beside you as she grabs your hand. you squeezed it gently. you look up to see hotch looking at you in the rear view.
he gives you a simple nod. you put your hands on your belly. feeling a little bit of a flutter. when you finally get to your home you sigh in relief. james car wasn’t in the driveway.
when hotch parked the car they all get out of the car. you grab your key as you unlock the door. you look around the house. it was left the same as the night you left. you figured james left it that way so you’d come home and clean the mess.
emily sighs. she sees glass everywhere, pictures on the ground, everything looked like a crime scene. it was a crime scene.
you step over the broken table. you head upstairs, everyone following behind you. when you get to your shared bedroom you grab a suitcase. emily walks over to your closet and grabs a few clothes.
you walk over to your shared bathroom. you grab your toiletries and put them in a bag.
once you finished grabbing the most important things you head back downstairs. everyone gathered back in the car and drove out of the driveway. you rest your head on emily.
you were extremely exhausted. emily felt your head and frowned. she knew you’d probably have a fever with being constantly on radar. emily asked hotch to stop by a drug store once they get farther out.
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when you finally arrived to emily’s she told you to get some rest. you fell asleep right on the spot.
emily closed the door gently to her guest bedroom. she asked if anyone wanted any water.
“has she said anything else to you? anything about james?”
emily shakes her head. “nothing.”
“she’s deserves justice, prentiss. is there anything at all you can do to convince her?”
“i don’t think so. guys, yn, she’s always been pretty fragile. even as a young girl.”
“what do you mean?”
emily sighs. she sits down next to derek before continuing. “yn grew up kinda the same as i did. her parents, her father was a politician. he was hardly around. her mom would go with her. they left her alone with me. she was only eight when i started ‘babysitting’ i was barely sixteen. we both just understood each other. with our parents barely paying us any mind. i had a wall up. i was hardly trust anyone, especially my parents. anything my mom said to me, promised me, i heard in one ear and out the other. yn was different. she trusted her parents. they’d tell her they’ll take her somewhere, pick her up, travel to different countries, but it never panned out. she still believed them. she trusted their judgement on anything and everything. that includes people she’s dated. if a guy was out of their liking, they’d tell her. she’d break things off with him and find someone new. but nothing she did was ever good enough for them. it’s why i had a hard time leaving. i just—i couldn’t stay there. i had to get out of there and find my own way. yn also had her own dreams. she wanted more than being the daughter of a government official. she wanted to brighten her horizons. but her parents had other plans. when she was legal, they’d introduced her to james. they thought he was perfect for yn. yn still trusted their judgment and dated him. when i got the invitation to the wedding, i thought it was some sick joke. i graduated with james harper. i knew the kind of man he was. ive heard rumors here and there of the women he abused in the past. even seen some of the flinch at the smallest most innocent gestures. when i saw her, when i saw yn, i knew he’d been hurting her. i tried to get her to move, come live with me, get away from all the abuse she’s endured. she just shrugged it off and left. the next phone call i got from her was her uninviting me to her wedding. i knew from the way her voice trembled he’d hurt her bad. i tried telling her parents but they didn’t believe a word i said. they agreed that i was no longer invited to the wedding. i was sure when i got a phone call from her again, it would be the hospital or her parents telling me she was killed. it sucks, it’s pretty fucking shitty, but she’s right. james has so many connections. he could get away with murder.”
“we can’t just let this guy walk, em.”
emily looks at her teammates. she sighs as she nods her head in agreement.
“ill try and talk with her. right now, i wanna make sure she’s okay. she’s like my sister. she is my sister. this is personal.”
they all nod understandably. everyone says their goodbyes before hotch stops. he turns. “if she needs anything, anything at all emily, call me alright?”
emily nods her head. “i will. thanks hotch.”
hotch nods his head before leaving. emily gently closes her front door before walking into her guest room, and lying next to you.
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okay…this is all over the place but i promise it’ll get better! i just wanted to get everything out in the open before i continue.
this is a hotch x reader story and will be kinda fast paced going from here. i said before, i don’t like slow burns that are too slow!
so slow burn but not three toed sloth slow
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kel-lance · 6 months
Jjk headcanons/fan theories/ random thoughts/random facts
I made this in a few months time so its prob repetitive
Tsumiki went into her year and 7 month long coma when megumi was 13-14 years old meaning tsumiki missed her sweet 16 :( (she’s a year older than him)
Toji was a good dad in the end (both times) bc he was already dead and told Gojo to take Megumi as a F u/later fix the alliance’s of the clans and to make sure that Megumi would be protected, fed, housed, and taught sorcery bc toji damn well couldn’t much less protect his kids from curses anyhow.
Noaya (and the men of the Zenin clan) abused Mai and maki bc they’re women (implied SA) noaya hinted at asking to beats em up like he used to (could be implied bc he called them hot & Mai has the same face) but he was also possibly teasing since Mai just 💀 but there’s no way he could have known that
It’s worse to be a male Zenin with no cursed energy bc then you’d be absolutely powerless, useless, worthless, etc. no other clan woman would want you and your fam would never coughed for you much less protect you bc why do they have to you were born a Zenin and yet…
So we know Kokichi Toji Mai n maki all were hit with HR but it was just a double whammy to also be twins? Yes. HR hit Toji so hard bc he was the first to be without cursed energy but then Nanako and Mimiko, bc they’re fraternal twins that that’s possible they’re able to both have CE?
Kenjaku stayed in Iori for so long that his stitches healed I’m guessing he planned it all (or saw hat happened which is why he chose Jin (bc there’s no way that’s random) and killed Jin and went to Geto when it was time (did Ken know about the KFC break up too??)
maki had no CE but still couldn’t get in tune with her full potential is bc Mai was there this the twin HR is f’d but there’s probably more chance one could 💀 the other to become powerful but in this instance it was about sacrifice and distance love. Different paths yet they were “the same person” so that’s only with identical twins?
sukuna loves to eat and is a cannibal and lactates and has 4 arms, 6 mouths or more, 20 fingers, many eyes, 4 legs, 10 toes, 3 heads, hopefully 9ft tall in his monster form…. 
stg toji had his divorced dad rock on religiously (nickel back fan don’t even start w me, weezer son nickleback dad)
nobara gonna be used in some way theres no reason to have her status as unknown of not to edge us istg I’ll even take a cursed spirit piloting her to mess with Yuuji more and she’s part of sukuna or some even worse group they gotta fight after the culling game arc
after chapter 253 are maki and yuta dead?? Hopefully Yuta was eaten but on Yutas birthday gege thats foul (I love it) 🫣🤩
It’s past ch253 and we’re waiting for 3/24 for the next chapter but I heard yuta yelled at Hakari to shut up with cursed speech? Or was that earlier 
Maki Mai and Megumi and Tsumiki met probably around the time tsumiki went into that coma/megs entered jjk no wonder hes so formal//doesn’t know them well he was under gojos protection for so long
some jsckass said mais first love is unknown or megumi are you dumb shes in love with her sister no sister kissed the other to give them a sword cooly and die she literally just wanted to be with her no matter what to go to the ends of the earth it didn’t matter as long n as maki was with her but maki knew Mai’s potential to be better than her so she tried to make herself better, leaving Mai behind in the process and they still never hated each other even after all the time away.
mai likes to take care of cacti/the clan favored her over maki bc she has at least some CE//weve only seen maki being affected by her family's rejection (jjk0 makis mom said shed wished shed never have given birth to her as she was a failure and same girlie but my mom chose any and everyone to compare me to) but Mai either didn’t see herself special in that way and put the blame on maki or dealt with it in her own way (maki vs the fam excluding Mai and Megumi // whereas Mai’s version US against the world)
if choso is yuujis brother and kamo is one of chosos distant family, that would mean Yuuji, Choso, Yuki, Todo, and Kamo are all "Brothers" I love the thought of them being super cool and scary together with their cute yuki & Yuuji golden retrievers in a Doberman family
the same people who ship yuki and choso also ship utahime and gojo or shoko and gojo yall have NO comprehension skills at ALL or cant believe men n women b close like Yuuji & Nobara/Power & Denji/ Sasha & Connie/ Nami & Usopp, Franky, or Luffy) 
Kenny planted the first finger by Geto’s twins to Yuuji’s school. they just had to get the finger to the occult club 
Does Kenny have a witch or oracle or even premeditative powers to know the future or did he just plan this out to a T and what is his damn goal 
Yuuji and Yuta are from the same home town bc gege said it’d be easier for the story but then todo also went to Yuuji’s middle school
Nobara dyes her hair lighter and I wonder how often she talks to Fumi back at home. And her grandmother if she’s like me w low contact
Megumi was alone with gojo for almost 2 years (no tsumiki) no wonder he’s so to himself he was probably always with tsumiki before, who decided everything for them (in a big sis way) and he respected it 
Yutas a pos for forgetting how Rika 💀 then trapping her w him bc of how traumatized he was like bruh you also yelled at her the first time u ever yelled at Rika was over another girl and he doesn’t do much else but manipulate like the Pisces man he is (I kin him/made an oc before I found out about his BITCH ass and he got everything word for word but is a dude I’m losing it) 
As an astrologer, I must say Gege’s planning with the character birthdays and everything else I can read from that is incredibly accurate I’ll give examples in the next points
geto’s mission was to go to remote village, he finds curse and exorcizes it, finds the twins the next dy, he kills everyone, he goes back to his pants to get supplies and kills them (prob no his first choice but once again was probably proven right) and runs has been gone for way too long and gojo doesn’t know what th ehhell happened. which is why he was so mad at kfc and geto just had to accept his new role while gojo was still in the past
Toji and Megumi (Kamo, Nobara, Todo) being cancer moons meaning they care about the heart, (todo has other placements making it seem a lil more “shallow” when he just wants a “straight” answer (lmao Megumi)
Yuta being a Leo moon and (outwardly asked) liking the chest
Yuuji being a libra moon liking butts all this makes sense (libra moons are indecisive, will weight out all the possibilities and still want the peaceful side unless there’s such chaos there’s no way for that to happen… then we snap)
Yuuji and Junpei would’ve been perfect friends we already saw but they both just didn’t ask for any of this and chose their own paths, they’re almost parallels of each other 
Geto’s birthchart shows a lot more of wanting to get humanity to evolve where gojos looks more like a POWERFUL cog in the machine 
Yap: Gege basically made this for women I’m sorry boys but why all the beautiful men & perfectly written women & relationships maybe it’s just a rare case where the mangaka actually knows women (or gege is a woman 🤗) & how all the dudes fit a Yaoi archetype & the women,,, they’re perfect & cute & not sexualized (other than maki in jjk0 & the glasses girl in ep 1 getting groped) but everything else is just hot w/o taking ur clothes off kinda energy & thats INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT w everything else going on 
You think something broke in Meimei when she said she wanted to be comforted and Gojo was like bruh I was joking 🙃 
Kirara and Uranme’s gender is yes 👍🏼 
Geto raising the girls as a 17-18yr old is insane same age as Megumi and gojo so for how long was Geto their dad? Inbetween 10 years but when did the girls realize that that wasn’t their dad anymore? I’m guessing Kenny can remember the vessel he takes overs memory or does something to their brain to replace it w him
I doubt a male mangaka can write good women (mostly bc of the stereotype that they’re shut ins but also from just reading/watching with my own eyes and being a woman myself) and add them in correctly, though the thing is in jjk they’re all just in a world but in Naruto and berserk and stuff she’s the add in into /their/ world where they keep fighting bc they miss each other and she gotta be used and a pillar for them or an excuse like Nobara and shoko weren’t used like that by satsug and itafushi they were their own ppl w their own sh like don’t get me wrong vasca and Sakura also were their own people but they really were given the bottom of the barrel sh bc of the dudes decisions. Shoko and Nobara strictly did what they wanted instead of falter to men
They’re literally all kids it doesn’t matter if some are weaker or useless, imagine a god/demon came here rn like the strongest will survive/fight you have to also apply the “weak characters” to irl bc I bet you they’re still stronger than most of us (miwa, Kamo, idk about momo still but she been w them I can’t doubt her skill just cause they had POWERFUL enemies
Gojo not being able to drink makes sense no drugs to impair his power and eyes (maybe lightweight maybe uncontrollable drunk and no one’s really ready or able to control that) 
Gojo isn’t coming back and he wouldn’t bc he half assed the fight and now he’s with his love and everyone has to fend for themselves now 
I like to think Gojo had Megumi and tsumiki, Geto had Nanako and Mimiko and nanami had Nobara and Yuuji in this preschool/parent AU (tojis gojos ex baby daddy) 
All of them are taller than me other than momo and Nobara. (Im 5’4” so gojos 10 years older and a foot taller 🫣) 
In one of Geges book covers it has Gojo in the winter w pink camellias and those flowers mean ily even after death and that flower is also specifically for the birthday feb3 (Geto’s) AGAIN WHY I THINK GEGES A WOMAN RAHHHHH
Maki, Mai, Toji, Kamo, Kokichi were all raised w no love like at all. Yuta had it good til 11, Miwa, yuuji and megumi never fully had it good, todo, Toge (?), Panda, momo, and nobara were just chillin.
Uranme and Kirara go by (they/them)
Gojo and Geto were soulmates no matter the relationship
Utahime, Shoko, Momo, Mai and Nobara all like girls 
Gojo knew Geto for the short amount of time but thought of him for 5x longer.
Megumi’s been without his sister for 1.5 years so she went into a coma when he was 13, his 2nd-3rd year of junior high)
  Mai and maki didn’t know about Toji and Megumi until that year (2018)
Kenjaku planted the first finger at Yuuji’s school by Nanako and Mimiko (they’re the same age) hence why thanking Satsuki for taking care of his son
The person Rika is gone, her cursed spirit is what remains (an embodiment of her love/the curse yuta placed on her)
Yuta is wrong for using Rika and forgetting about his promise and why she’s even there for 6 YEARS then yelling at her about Maki 
Shoko started smoking in high school and stopped about 5 years ago, but started again when she heard Geto was alive again. 
Sukuna has 6 mouths, 4 arms, 4 legs, many eyes, and lactates. 
Choso, Yuuji, Kamo, Todo, and Yuki are all “brothers” by blood or not idc i love their lil weirdo family.
Toji was a good dad, dealt the worst hand, everything going down so the best way to protect his kids is to give them to people who can kill curses and teach them about sorcery. 
Nobara and Yuuji have the same friendship as Power and Denji, Nami and Franky/Luffy/Usopp
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Heart Shaped Wound:
Katsumi’s Ending (Smut) 🌶️
Minors Do Not Interact
Katsumi’s Ending (Smut)
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Art by @amateurbaki
       The moment Katsumi brought (your name) to the honey moon suite, he threw her on the bed. His calloused hands eagerly tugged apart every tie to get to his prize.
       “Katsumi, stop.” (Your name) pushed her husband back a bit. Her kimono was already mostly off and Katsumi was equally disheveled. His cheeks were flush and his breath was ragged. “Please not yet-“
        Katsumi latched his mouth onto her neck. His lips sucked at the tender flesh with a hum while his hands pulled apart the rest of the silk fabric. His hand now slid into her kimono to touch her bare hip.
       “We’re married now… there is no need to worry. I’ll take care of you…” Katsumi muttered into her skin between fervent kisses. “I’ll take care of us.”
       (Your name) tried to shove him away again but he simply knocked her hands back to continue to remove her clothes. Katsumi pulled back to admire her body in awe.
         “My wife is so beautiful…” Katsumi then intertwined his fingers into her hair to pull her into a passionate kiss. His tongue pushed into her mouth to wrestle with hers. He was eager to explore her wet caverns while he hands cupped the supple flesh of her ass. He could finally touch her… he could finally make love to his wife. “I love you… I love you so much.”
         Katsumi began to shed his own wedding attire. The man took his time, his eyes never left her to ensure that she liked what she saw. Katsumi whistled at her to draw her attention.
         “Do you like my body?” Katsumi shyly asked her. His boxers now the only article of clothing that kept his dignity. (Your name) gulped when she saw the thick bulge in it, the smallest wet stain now visible to her eyes. She was terrified…
        Katsumi took her wide eyes of being an expression of her surprise at his size, which made him puff out his chest in pride. “I’m a little bigger than I let on… but I’m a little bit on the thicker side.”
          Katsumi pulled his boxers down in a flash, his member slapped his stomach in excitement. He leaked with so much precum that the head glistened. There was no way that was going inside of her…
         Katsumi stroked himself, his cheeks flushed under her intense gaze. Katsumi moved himself forward. The man now sat on top of her bare form with a soft smile.
          “We’re going to lose our virginity together…” Katsumi whispered with a smile. He took advantage of her shock and took her hand in his to place it over his heart. The organ drummed in his chest. “We’re going to become one.”
          (Your name) snapped out of her stupor and tried to push away from Katsumi again but he pressed his lips firmly to hers. His hands firmly grasping her hips in place. Katsumi smiled into the kiss, tears fell from his eyes.
         “My mom said you’re fertile right now…” Katsumi whispered, one of his hands dipped down between her legs. His eyes shined in awe at the slight dampness. “We have a whole week together so that should be plenty of time for you to get pregnant…”
         (Your name) was horrified. Him and his whole family were insane… but she knew it was too late for escape. She had no way of contacting anyone nor did she have access to her own money. Katsumi would eventually catch her…
       Katsumi started to experimentally rub his fingers between her legs, her body jolted when he slid over her sensitive bud. Katsumi smiled, his thumb sensually circled the bud to elicit a moan from her. Katsumi was determined to make his wife feel good… he wanted his wife to want him.
          (Your name) put her hand over her mouth to try to quiet her moans. She didn’t want to give Katsumi the satisfaction of knowing she was pleased. But Katsumi took her rebellion as shyness. His wife was so cute… she had nothing to be shy about. This was what two people did when they were in love with each other.
       Katsumi’s fingers soon entered her, his eyes widened at how tight she was… she was so tight… 
         (Your name) hissed in discomfort but Katsumi soon leaned forward to latch his lips onto her neck. He trailed kisses down her soft skin until he reached her chest. Katsumi latched onto her left nipple and began to suck. His eyes rolled back when a loud gasp left (your name)’s lips. Her body arched into his touch. Yes… see? He could make her feel good.
        “Katsumi… stop.” (Your name)’s body trembled. His fingers and his mouth were too much… she felt so strange… like she was going to explode. “I… I’m going to…”
          Katsumi continued to circle her clit with his thumb while his two fingers continued to move inside of her but he moved his mouth to her right nipple. His teeth grazed against the sensitive bud and he was met with a sharp moan. A dampness coated his hands while (your name)’s body spasmed. She just came…
        (Your name) felt herself float down from her high, she rested her head on Katsumi’s shoulder. She felt good… if felt far better than she thought it would…
       Katsumi smiled at her slumped over body, he was happy he was able to pleasure her like a good husband should. Katsumi helped her lay back on the bed, the young man positioned himself at her entrance.
          “I love you.” Katsumi then pushed himself in, his head thrown back in pure ecstasy. She was so wet and so tight… she was a dream. 
        (Your name) was brought back down to reality by the discomfort. She sunk her nails into his biceps from the pain of being stretched in a way she never has been before. 
         Katsumi gasped at the sensation he was feeling. It was so good… it felt like heaven.
         Katsumi continued to push himself in until he bottomed out. Katsumi began to cry when he saw (your name)’s eyes well up with tears. He took them as tears of happiness from finally becoming one.
        “We’re one… I’m yours and you’re mine.” Katsumi bent down to press his lips on hers. “We’re going to have a baby… a family.”
          And that’s when he gave an experimental thrust, a shudder left his lips at how amazing this was. Katsumi never knew sex could feel so good…
         Katsumi pressed his lips against (your name) as he began to thrust into her like a mad man. The woman loudly moaned into his mouth, her nails drew blood from his biceps but it did little to deter Katsumi. Katsumi instead grabbed the back of her legs to go deeper… her body now in a proper mating press. There was one thing and one thing only on his mind. A baby. He wanted a baby.
         Katsumi’s kisses and thrusts grew desperate as his high steadily approached. Poor (your name) gripped onto him for dear life, her cunt dripped a puddle of slick and blood beneath her while Katsumi continued to thrust into her tight dampness. His hips wildly snapped into hers, his tongue intertwined with hers in a sensual manner.
         “I’m going to fill you with my baby… I’m going to fill you with all I have to offer.” Katsumi began to ramble, while his muscles contracted and his hips stuttered. He was going to cum… he was going to fill (your name) to the brim with his seed. “Take it! Take all of me!”
       Katsumi firmly gripped her hips, his hands left bruises in his wake as he gave one last thrust. Something hot and sticky filled her up while he pushed deep into her guts. Katsumi’s eyes rolled back in his head, incoherent mumbles spilled from his lips.
        Katsumi rocked himself two more times before he collapsed beside (your name). His eyes admired the white cream that began to spill from her. His fingers scooped his cum back inside of her so not a single drop would be wasted.
       “I love you so much…” Katsumi pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I can’t wait for our future together. Do you love me too?”
        (Your name)’s eyes were dull. Her body trembled while tears fell from her eyes. This was her fate… he fate was to be the mother of Katsumi’s children…
        “I love you too…” (your name) softly whispered, she succumbed to her fate. She was sure she could learn to love Katsumi with time.
         Katsumi smiled brightly. The young man pulled her up into the bed and moved the covers on top of the two of them.
        Katsumi cuddled close to (your name), his arm wrapped securely around her body while he pressed kisses to the top of her head. He was so happy…
         Together they were going to start a family. Something he had always wanted. And now he would have it with the woman he loved more than life itself... his (your name).
         Katsumi would have her bent over every surface of the suite every chance he had. Their honeymoon was spent making love and eating. They weren’t even able to sight see yet because Katsumi couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
       “Katsumi?” (Your name) asked softly while she laid beside him in the bed. Her body was littered in love marks and bruises, her hair disheveled, and cheeks flushed from yet another passionate round with Katsumi. “How about we go to the beach?”
         She was desperate to get away from him but she didn’t want to outright say it… It’s not like he’d listen anyways. Katsumi was completely delusional now.
       Katsumi smiled at her. The young man wrapped his arms around her while he pressed hot kisses all over her shoulders. He couldn’t get enough of his darling wife…
       “Yes, my love?” She tried not to grimace when she felt him rub himself against her again. She was already so sticky and in desperate need of a shower. 
        “How about we go to the beach and spend the day together?” (Your name) softly whispered, her fingers crossed that he’d agree. Katsumi smiled.
     “Is that what my wife wants to do?” She was tired of him constantly referring to her as his wife. It was annoying, but there was little she could do other than go with it. She nods her head at him.
       “Yes. I’d like to do that… I want to spend quality time with you outside of the suite.” (Your name) became more bold with her desire to get out of this suffocating room. She hated this elegant bird cage he trapped her in and she hated his ardent touches. If she didn’t get out of here, she was going to bash her head into the wall. 
        She masked her inner thoughts with a bright smile. She’d play along with him if it meant she’d have the smallest taste of freedom. Katsumi beamed at her.
         “Then let’s go to the beach! We could take a bath together first.” Katsumi helped her up from the bed. His muscular arms pulled her to him and up in the air bridal style. A goofy grin on his face. “I’ll wash your back for you.”
         (Your name) felt a part of her die again from this interaction. It bitterly reminded her of the relationship she had with him prior to him losing his mind. She adored him still and she hated herself for it… how despite all the things he has done to her, a part of her still cared deeply for him.
        Katsumi sat her in the tub and started the water, the man hummed a chipper tune with a grin. “The water isn’t too hot is it?”
        (Your name) just gave him a soft smile back. She was sure she could forgive him one day, but for now, she’d play along.
       Katsumi crawled in behind her. His hands lovingly ran up and down her bare form. Katsumi pressed a few kisses here and there on her shoulders.
        “When I was young my father died.” Katsumi whispered softly. “I was part of a circus.”
        (Your name) sat patiently in front of him while Katsumi poured his heart out. She had no idea what she did to deserve to be trauma dumped but she allowed him to continue.
       “Doppo and Natsue were there and they took me in. I’m so grateful to have parents as wonderful as them but…” Katsumi moved his hands down to cup her stomach. “I always wondered how it would be to have a family of my own…”
       Katsumi smiled into her shoulder, his head leaned onto her skin to try to be as close as humanly possible. “I promise to be an amazing dad and an amazing husband. I will love you forever, (your name).”
         (Your name) held his hands in hers while the tub continued to fill. The two sat in a comfortable silence, his promise rung in her head over and over. She didn’t doubt that Katsumi would… it was just the way he went about this whole relationship.
         “I know you will, Katsumi.” (Your name) leaned back into his touch. Katsumi curled into her body with his own like a blanket. He had a comforting presence, he was the kind of guy who would take good care of her… but he had broken her trust in him and forced his love onto her.
         (Your name) wasn’t sure how to feel about it all… which she knew would be a recurring thought. Could she learn to love him? She had already accepted her fate of being his wife. But could she genuinely enjoy her time with him?
             Perhaps one day she’d love him back. But that wasn’t going to be anytime soon.
       Two weeks after the honeymoon and (your name) found herself curled over the toilet to vomit out her breakfast. Katsumi held back her hair with shaky hands. His eyes wide and his breath ragged… she was pregnant. They were going to have a baby.
        Katsumi eagerly pulled out the box of pregnancy tests from the cabinet and handed (your name) one. 
         And those two little lines made his chest explode in happiness. Katsumi began to sob while he held her tight to him. Finally… he was finally going to have a family of his own.
Author’s Note: thanks for reading!
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i am so in love with your comfort one shots. Can you write one about reader's mom is sick and y/n is worried and chris is there for reader because y/n is scared?
Going through that right now with my mom, she is in the ICU right now ;(
Forever by my side
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PAIRING | Fiancé!Chris Evans x Fiancée!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Your mom took a nasty fall down the stairs, and you're rushing to get back home. You don't have a way of contacting Chris, but when he shows up at the airport to be by your side, you know exactly why you said yes to this man when he asked you to marry him.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Hurt/comfort, mentions of a bad fall, broken bones, lots of tears and even more tooth rotting fluff at the end.
A/N | I'm so sorry to hear about your mom being in the ICU; I wish I could give you the biggest hug! (Or send Chris your way for an even bigger hug 👀), I hope she will quickly recover and be out of the ICU soon! Hopefully, this will be the comfort you are looking for right now, and I wish for this to make you feel a little bit better 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs would be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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Today is just a regular day at work filled with meetings, lots of paperwork, and even more meetings. This all changed when you suddenly got a phone call from your Dad because he only calls you at work when it's an absolute emergency.
You run out of the meeting room after excusing yourself before picking up.
''Dad? Is everything okay?'' you say when the door behind you is closed.
''Hi Darling, I'm sorry to bother you at work, but your mom just had a terrible fall down the stairs after she slipped, and she got taken to the hospital with an ambulance,'' he says, and the words don't seem to get through after ''bad fall''.
The world comes to a stop all around you, and your breathing gets quicker while the world around you seems to go in slow motion. Your phone drops out of your hand, shattering as it hits the ground below.
The only sound coming from you was a broken sob as you sank onto your knees, and your colleague rushed over to you to comfort you.
''What happened?'' she asks, but it sounds like you're underwater, and her words don't really register with you.
''M-my mom...'' you croak out, and you completely break down right then and there, not caring who sees or hears you. The woman you love and adore shouldn't be in the hospital, yet there she is right now.
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''Y/N?'' your Mom asks as she walks into your room. ''Are you awake, Honey?'' she asks, and you stretch as she walks in.
''Mornin' Mom,'' you say, followed by a yawn.
''How was your last night in your parents' house?'' she asks with a big grin and a small tear. This afternoon you're moving to the other side of the country for a new job opportunity.
''Weird, but overall, I slept okay,'' you tell her as you sit up. You love these conversations in the morning, and your Mom was there every single morning without fail.
''Good, I'm glad to hear it. Now, shall we head down for some breakfast before your flight?'' your Mom asks, and you nod. She leaves the room, and you pick up the outfit that you laid out the night before, stepping into it.
''Is our girl ready for our last breakfast before moving to Boston?!'' your Dad asks, and you chuckle. ''Yeah, I am! Hit me with those waffles!'' you say as you sit down.
The conversation over breakfast is light and exactly what you need right now. The tears and heavy conversations would be saved for the airport.
Your parents decided to drive you to the airport to say goodbye to their last daughter, who would officially move out of the house in a few hours.
It wasn't too bad when it was time to say goodbye to your Dad; a few tears were shed, but nothing compared to your Mom. 
''Honey, please promise me you will take care of yourself and that you will call me as soon as you land, okay?'' she says as she pulls you into a bone-crushing hug.
''I promise, Mom, please don't worry about me. You know I'll be fine,'' you tell her, trying to fight the tears - without success.
''I love you so much, Honey, and I wish you all the luck in the world in Boston,'' she says, unable to fight back her tears.
The two of you fell into each other's arms and sobbed loudly until it was time for you to leave, and you waved goodbye with tears streaming down your face.
This is definitely the hardest goodbye you have ever had to go through.
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Somehow you made your way to the airport in one piece, already waiting on the first flight home. Suddenly it occurred to you that you must inform Chris; you can't return to your parents without him.
You realize what has happened to your phone and can't reach him at that moment. When you started panicking about how to call him, you heard his voice through the airport.
''Y/N!'' he shouted, and it echoed through the airport. ''Y/N, where are you!'' he said again, and you quickly stood up to follow where the voice came from.
''Chris? How did you-'' is all you say before he reaches you and envelops you in a big hug.
''It's okay, Bubby, everything will be okay,'' he shushes you as you rock back and forth while you completely break down in his arms.
When you had calmed down a little, Chris went to grab a water bottle and got recognized by some fans, but he politely told them that now wasn't a good time for a photo, but he did sign some quick autographs.
He returns with 2 bottles of water and hands one to you before twisting the other for himself.
''What happened?'' he asks as he sits beside you.
''My Dad called and said she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, she had a nasty fall down the stairs and broke many bones, and she was unconscious when the ambulance arrived,'' you tell him as he pulls you in for a big hug.
''She's going to be okay, Bubby. She's a lot stronger than she looks,'' he tells you, and you know he's right.
''I'm glad to have you by my side, and I think they would be pleased to see you again,'' you tell him, thinking back to the first time they met Chris.
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''Are you ready to meet them?'' you ask, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
''As ready as I'll ever be,'' he sighs as the two of you head into your parents' house. You have been together for nearly 6 months, and they invited both of you over for a family dinner.
''Good afternoon, I'm Chris,'' he says as he introduces himself to your parents.
''Oh, Y/N, you didn't mention you're dating the famous Chris Evans!'' your Mom joked, knowing full well you told them to prepare them.
''Just kidding, Chris, Y/N has told us all about you. It's nice to finally meet the man who makes her look like she's glowing,'' she says, and you have the widest smile on your face.
''I told you they'd like you!'' you say as the two of you walk out to the garden, ready to meet the rest of the family too.
''Yeah, yeah, you were right!'' he says before leaning down and giving you a soft peck on your lips.
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The flight went on without a hitch, and before you knew it, you were in your Dad's arms, crying as you finally felt the release of being back home and back with your Mom.
''Darling, thank you so much for coming, and you too, Chris,'' he says as he nods to him.
''Anything for Y/N, and of course, you and Lily, too,'' he says. He walks over to both of you and softly brushes your hair out of your face before kissing the top of your head.
''When can we go see her?'' you ask, and your Dad tells you it should be soon.
''I believe she's coming out of surgery at any moment now,'' he says, and you nod before sitting down with either one of them on your sides.
You reach out for both of their hands, and your gaze is fixed on the door; Chris strokes your hand softly with his thumb.
After what seems like an eternity, she gets wheeled through the doors, and you shoot up, practically running to her with tears streaming down your face again.
''Mom! Mom, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you when you fell. But I'm here now, and I won't leave your side until you're all better,'' you ramble, even though she's not even conscious yet.
''Bubby, come on. Let's sit by her bed until she wakes up, okay?'' Chris says, and you nod, letting the nurse put the bed into place.
Chris sinks into one of the chairs beside the bed and pulls you onto his lap so you're sitting sideways on his thighs. Your head is leaning against his shoulder, and after all the stress and not knowing, you slowly drift off to sleep in the warmth and safety of Chris' arms.
''Bubby, wake up,'' he says softly after about 2 hours; he and your Dad have been wrapped up in conversations the entire time you were asleep, careful not to wake you.
''Honey? Is that you?'' you hear, and suddenly you're wide awake and next to your Mom's hospital bed.
''Mom, I'm here. You're okay, you took a bad fall down the stairs, but you're going to make a full recovery,'' you tell her while you hold her hand.
''Chris is here too, and Dad as well,'' you tell her, and she slowly turns her head.
''Hi, Lily; I'm sorry about what happened”, Chris says as he walks over to hold your Mom's hand.
''You have always been my favorite son-in-law, you know that?'' she says, and all three of you burst out in laughter. ''What's so funny?'' your Mom asks, and you're just happy she can still joke.
''I missed you so much, and I love you, Mom,'' you tell her and give her a soft kiss on her forehead.
''I love you too, Honey. Thank you for coming all this way to see me,'' she says, and the rest of the night is spent in light conversations and laughter until it is time to go home.
''Do you two want to sleep in your old room, or will you book a hotel?'' your Dad asks.
''We will stay with you, but only if we get waffles in the morning!'' you tell him, and he agrees.
''Deal,'' he says, and all three of you walk out of the hospital and to the car, all in dire need of rest.
''I love you, Chris. Thank you for being here with me,'' you say as he hugs you again.
''There's nowhere else I'd rather be,'' he says before kissing your lips passionately, lovingly.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
The New Heir - Prologue
Alright, the awaited multichapter, actual plot series! I'm excited, feedback will be greatly appreciated, don't hold back. I don't know how many chapters there will be, so everyone, including me, will be taken for a ride. It's also Batfam & male!reader, so I'm excited! There are also OCs here, so if you don't like them you can stop here. Also, first time making this aesthetic Warnings: child birth, hints towards a backstory, hints towards the potential father,
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
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The state of New Jersey, Gotham City. It was the dead of night and screams ripped the usually quiet halls of the hospital. It all came from the maternity ward, where Natalia Rose Callahan was giving birth. This baby wasn't an easy one and it seemed like it didn't want to leave the Natalia's womb. The baby seemed quite content to stay there forever, seemingly knowing that the world was a cruel place.
Natalia was alone, the only company nurses and doctors, who were making sure that the baby coming out of her was healthy. There wasn't anyone outside of the room for Natalia. Natalia was in a world of pain, but she was used to it. For the last 20 years of her life, pain and healing was all she was doing.
She was the bringer of pain and death and yet, she was giving birth to a new life.
How ironic.
Her head was swimming, not a single coherent thought inside, only get this baby out now and my God help me. She let out another scream and she let her head fall down onto the pillow. Her sweaty hair was stuck to her forehead, evidence of the fight she is going through. She was going to get through this, she did go through this before, but she was put under.
Maybe she should have opted for a C-section too. Or an epidural. But not this.
She heard the doctor tell her, just one more final push. She took a deep breath through her teeth and when she felt a contraction she pushed, nurses holding onto her hand, helping her through this with soothing and encouraging words.
Natalia Rose Callahan closed her eyes as she heard a baby's cry. She heard shuffling and the doctor was telling her about the placenta and the umbilical cord, but she didn't care at this point.
She just wanted to hold her son. She heard him somewhere else in the room, crying and then silence.
Would he turn out like his father? Would he be ruthless as his father? Merciless? Sadistic? Evil?
She barely opened her eyes. It felt like her eyes were taped shut and she was fighting against it. She smiled as she took her son into her hands. She cried as the nurse helped her place her infant son on her bare chest, the baby calming down instantly.
Natalia cried for a long while. Some were happy tears and some were tears of sadness. Her son was finally here, in her arms, thousands miles away from her old life and back in the place where he belongs.
But at the same time she wondered how did she allow him to get her pregnant once more. Did she love him? More than anything. And she knew, that deep down, he loved her too. But was that the life for her son? A life of pain? A life of destruction?
A life full of grooming to take over?
Only purpose to be an heir?
When Natalia stopped crying, she looked down at her son. He opened his dark blue eyes and Natalia knew that she was going to break the cycle. One way or another.
Her son wasn't going to be born into her old life. When she gets out of the hospital, her son will step into the new life. And with his step into a new life, she will shed her old self, like a snake.
She will adapt. She was surviving before, but she won't anymore. She will live. She will do whatever it takes to protect her son. He won't live in fear.
She won't let it happen.
" Do you have a name mom? " The nurse asked as she came in to see how the duo was doing.
" Elias Spencer Callahan. " Natalia said, smiling down at her son.
" Such a beautiful name mom. But I'm afraid that I have to take little Elias. " The nurse said as she wrote the full name down.
Natalia nodded and with a last kiss, she handed her son over. The nurse cooed at Elias, putting him into the special crib, just near her.
" Rest up mom. You will need it. " The nurse said with a smile, leaving the room.
Natalia closed her eyes, ready to fall asleep, but woke up when she heard the door opening.
" Hello Aseel. " Natalia said tiredly, smiling at the old friend.
Aseel chuckled, walking towards the bed, giving her a kiss on the forehead. He gripped her hand for a moment, before letting go. He walked up quietly to his nephew. Although not related, Natalia looked at Aseel as an older brother.
He looked down at the baby. The baby fell asleep. Aseel felt a tear fall down on his face. He wiped the tear away.
" What's his name? " Aseel asked, watching as the baby's face scrunched up a little bit.
" Elias Spencer Callahan. " Natalia said, turning her head to the side.
Aseel nodded, gently caressing the baby's face with his pointer finger. He washed his hands before this. Natalia could smell the scent of soap. Something... Floral?
" I can see that something is bothering you Aseel. What is it? " Natalia pressed, making Aseel sigh.
" He kind of looks like his father. "
" But he has my eyes. " Natalia said softly, making Aseel smile. She did have gorgeous blue eyes.
" I don't doubt it. I took care of everything. You and little Elias are going to be fine. " Aseel said, moving back to Natalia. He took a chair and sat down next to the bed.
" Something else is bothering you. " Natalia said, closing her eyes for a moment.
" I love my unofficial nephew, but... Was it wise to have him? You gave the bastard an heir. A male heir. " Aseel said, jaw clenching at the thought of Elias' father.
" The baby isn't at fault. And he never will. He didn't ask for this. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure that he is safe. " Natalia said, clenching her fists.
" Does that include that you will teach him how to fight? "
" Yes. But it will be more fun. "
Aseel snorted quietly, rubbing his eyes.
" You should sleep Nat. You look almost dead. " Aseel joked, standing up from the chair.
" I will don't worry. "
" I will go to your apartment to get it ready. "
" Thank you Aseel. For protecting us and for helping me. " Natalia said, finally falling asleep.
" Always my sister. Dayiman akhti. " Aseel said, giving her a kiss to the forehead. He walked over quietly to the little baby. Elias was so untouched by the world and its cruelty.
" And I will always protect you. " Aseel whispered softly. Aseel chuckled quietly after a funny thought. The kid is going to have a year round tan. And very good skin complexion.
But there was something else that entered Aseel's mind. The sheer protective feelings and a feeling he thought he would never feel. Paternal love. This baby, this boy was going to be loved so much.
Elias Spencer Callahan was going to be okay. Aseel al-Dawood swore to whatever deity was listening.
Translations: Dayiman akhti - Always my sister
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lymoncat · 9 months
AOT HCS MODERN AU! What pet you guys own
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he has a dog I’m not even gonna lie, he comes across as a dog person, he doesn’t care what breed but prefers big dogs specifically German shepherds he bought a dog when y’all moved in together and he’s actually really close with the dog, you named the dog bobo you chose the name cuz you thought it would be cute, the dog is very attached to eren
a cat, an orange tabby cat. Armin comes across as a more calm less crazy person meaning he would want a cat to chill and read with. He named the cat tangerine cuz it’s orange. You bought him the cat for Christmas one year since you didn’t know what to get him. It’s the wholesome moments, when you see him on the couch after work holding the cat, you fall in love all over again with your gentle small ray of sunshine
you may think that he has a horse but your very wrong, he has an annoying green parrot that calls you mom, you can simply walk by the change and you’ll hear “food mom?” And you eventually get used to it and get another parrot for them to play together and stop bugging you
oh you poor unfortunate soul, him and that tortoise. Jk he has a dog still, you poor unfortunate soul, him and that dog do everything together, he has a border collie that joins you two in everything, taking a shower, the dog is at the door, using the bathroom?, the dog is staring into your soul, trying to leave? The dog is following you out the door. The dogs same is bacon cuz the dog loves bacon
Bull dog off the bat, he has a big dog strong like him, they wrestle on the living room floor all the time, go on walks, play fetch, chase little kids- wait- what?! Yeah, they think it’s funny to chase children in the park especially the snotty teenager brats over in the corner doing some not so innocent things, the dog is a female named Presley very energetic and playful but don’t expect any unwanted visitors there will be none, middle of the night a robber comes ain’t no way that person getting out alive, maybe in a body bag but not alive.
a tortoiseshell cat with gold eyes, you guys went to an animal rescue center for your anniversary and he fell in love with this cat, he was begging you until you said yes I mean how could you not?! He’s batting those pretty green eyes while on his knees with the cat “please can we get her? I’ll do anything my love” it was a yes in that very moment and next thing you knew you were on your way home with a cat named pineapple don’t bother asking how that name came across his mind but it’s always nice to see him in one of his weird sleeping positions with pineapple splayed across his chest on her back
a lazy pug named Mr. There’s no question just a fat lazy pug that sheds buckets of fur.
you begged him to get an animal and he kept saying no until he came home to you having bought one without his permission, he glared and looked pissed until that fat fluffy black cat looked him in the eyes with her emerald ones. He caved in. The cat was named jasmine and he allowed you to keep it because cats are very hygienic and easy to take care of. He hates changing the litter box but will do it for Jasmine. And when he does actually sleep it’s curled up with you and jasmine and absolutely precious, jasmine sits on his lap when he’s doing work and he shares his food with her all of the time strangely enough she loves lettuce, you’ll be in the kitchen making salad and she’ll prance over and sit there meowing for lettuce
I hope you guys liked this, please comment your thoughts and send me requests and don’t be afraid to give me feedback ❤️✨
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I just want to tell you I am (Jamie Tartt x reader)
warnings: fluff, language? mention sex like once
summary: Rebecca and Keeley ask you a very suspicious question
a/n: short little engagement drabble <3
“How’s Jamie?”
You, Keeley and Rebecca have begun a tradition of pamper and girl talk before matches, almost every week. Each of you bring things for self care to a rotation house- this time yours- and spoil yourselves and each other. The three of you, the medical and technical director, the publicity mogul and the club owner, make a very unusual trio of three generations. 
You’re in the middle of putting on a bright blue rubber face mask with your hair up in a mask and dressed in your matching fuzzy robe when Keeley poses the question.
Rebecca busies herself with her nails, pretending to not be interested.
You can’t help a face-splitting smile as you gaze at one of the many pictures of the two of you on the wall of your shared residence with the famous football star player: Jamie Tartt himself. In this particular shot, Jamie is holding you up in front of a sunset, your hair flips down and covers both your faces, but if you look carefully, you can see jamie’s adoring eyes. 
patting the mask back on, you avert your eyes. 
“He’s… fine. Great. He’s great actually.”
Keeley tears the seal off a tube of teeth-whitening solution.
“You two are perfect for each other,” She tells you. “You don’t take any of his shit. That’s really good.”
Rebecca flashes her white shimmer nails. Both you and Keeley ooh and ahhh at them.
“you’ve been good for him,” the oldest in the room tells you. “He’s been very good for you, as well.” 
You smile at your two closest friends. 
“d’you reckon you’d marry him?” Keeley asks suddenly. “like, if he proposed tomorrow, what’d you say?”
You stare past her at the screen.
another one of the defining characteristics of your spa days is the sad movies playing in the background. You and your girls always love having a good crying movie in the background, especially if they have happy endings.
(you remember when you had the day at Keely and Roy’s place. The football coach walked in, took one look at the three of you crying while a screaming mother grieved on the huge flatscreen tv, and turned and walked out). In this particular movie, the boy who is sick is being sung to and he starts crying (unrealistically. he’s in a coma).
“It sounds crazy. I know, but i think i’d say yes,” you tell them. “I don’t know. I’ve never loved as hard as i love Jamie. It’s not going away, it’s only getting so much better.”
You watch Rebecca’s face carefully, trying to gauge her reaction. After her horrible experience with Rupert, how would she take this?
She looks like she’s trying to hide a smile.
“That’s great, babes,” she tells you. “really, really great.” 
“plus,” you add with a grin. “he’s really, really good in bed.”
“That’s a bonus right there,” rebecca exclaims.
The three of you soon brush the tooth whitening solution on and silently shed tears as the mom on screen begs for mercy.
this is the life.
The match today is a great one to see. Jamie flies on the pitch, and every time he scores he looks up at the box and blows you a kiss. You know he likes to fluster you, and this never fails to disappoint.
when there are only five minutes remaining, rebecca and Keeley stand up and grab one of your elbows each. 
“what’s going on?” you follow them, confused into the stands, and to the private elevator. “where are we going?” 
they share a look. Keeley squeals and rebecca squeezes your shoulders, but they don’t answer your question.
“You’ll just have to wait, my darling.”
you give them looks. They know you don’t particularly like waiting. You’re the one who always looks up spoilers for the movies you watch because you just can’t wait.
You descend past the entrance and to the pit. The smell of sweaty man bombards your nostrils but they keep walking. 
“you guys know you’re not allowed on the pitch, right?”
“don’t worry, babe, we’re not going to the pitch.”
“see even though you say that, it really feels like we’re headed straight into the tunnel that leads to the pitch.”
the second you step foot into the opening, the ref’s whistle blows. The three of you stop short as the crowd erupts into screams and the Richmond chant. Rebecca has her phone out. 
“What is going on?” you ask for what feels like the fifteen hundredth time. the whole Richmond team Is getting closer to you guys. Sam and Isaac don’t even say hello, they hoist you onto their shoulders and charge back out onto the field.
“put me down!” you are surrounded by the team - your family. “You two are super sweaty!”
once you reach the center circle they let you down. The whole team - and the other, for that matter, surround you. 
Jamie Tartt, your boyfriend, cuts through the circle, followed by all four coaches. 
he’s holding a microphone and a ring box in his hand.
you bring your hands up to your mouth and look to your sides. Sam and Jan Maas, the two closest to you give you the hugest, shit-eating smiles you’ve ever seen as jamie gets down on one knee, still in his kit, and flips the ring box lid. 
“(y/n), love.” his Mancunian accented voice reverberated throughout the gasping crowd. “I live you more than i’ve loved anyone in my life. I will never stop loving you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” he pauses and you  cover your eyes, sloppily wiping up the tears that have gathered in your eyes. “Do you want to spend the rest of yours with me? will you make me the luckiest man on the planet and marry me?” 
The crowd, the teams, and even the birds flying above seem suspended in this perfect moment. The moment your perfectly imperfect boyfriend becomes your fiancée.
you nod furiously. frantically. 
“yes,” you whisper. “of course i’ll marry you, Jamie.”
he quickly hands off the microphone and charges toward you, taking you into his arms and spinning around amidst the roar of the crowd and the teams gathered around you. You’re crying. you’re both crying. He kisses you in his arms and then takes the ring out of its box and slides it onto your finger.
You press your forehead against his and kiss him again, crying.
This is the moment you will remember forever.
When you get a moment of silence, jamie kisses you sweetly. 
“You don’t have to, love.” 
you pull back, startled. 
does he mean he wants to take it back?
“I put ya in the spot out there in the pitch. You don’t need to say yes right now. It’s okay.”
You can see the pain this statement causes in his eyes. You shake your head, new tears of happiness blooming for his consideration of you. 
“Jamie, I meant what i said. You are the love of my life, okay?” you hold out your hand. “And we’re getting married.”
He kisses you again, but this time, you can feel the promise of more behind his desperate, post game, adrenaline fueled lips.
should i make this a series?
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bravo4iscool · 1 month
kinda fucked up to cheat on your wife with your moms girlfriend💀 (wtf bjorn???)
(bjorn ironside x fem!reader)
tag list - @bumblebeesfromvenus @yazt09
(masterlist | join my tag list!)
you sit in yours and bjorn’s hut, cradling your youngest son to your chest as silent tears make their way down your cheeks. you thought he would’ve been different. you thought he would’ve been better than his father but…he wasn’t.
you’d see him. you’d seen him kiss her, cradle her to his chest. and you felt disgusted. he’d told you that he loves you, made sure to show you but apparently all those words and actions were false promises.
you sniffle and wipe away your tears, looking at the little boy in your arms. how could bjorn do this to you? to your son?
“look at you, my baby,” you softly whisper in a broken voice, your eyes still glossy from the tears you’d shed. “it’s just me and you, mhh? you’re the only one who’ll stay true to me, won’t you…”
it was evening when bjorn came back home and you were already in bed, your son leif fast asleep in his crib. you refuse to look at your husband, not acknowledging him while he changes into his night clothes and slides into bed beside you.
you can feel him shift and place his arms around your waist. your body stiffens and your breath catches in your throat. when he starts to trail kisses down your neck and bite the inside of your cheek and push his hands away.
“not today, bjorn,” you mutter while you scoot further away from him.
a frown appears on his face as he watches your back. “what is it darling?” he wants to know, his voice soft. he just wanted to hold you in his arms.
you let out a huff. how dare he? “what is it?” you turn around to face him. “i’ll tell you what it is!” you slightly raise your voice. “i saw you bjorn,” you hiss. “i saw you with her.”
bjorn’s eyes widen at your words and he opens his mouth to talk but you cut him off.
“what is it that i have done wrong?” you question while you throw your hands in the air. “have i not given you enough sons already? have i not been a submissive wife? do i not look good enough? are you ashamed of me?” the words leave your mouth without even giving him a real chance to answer.
you stare at him, your eyes furious. “answer me!” you demand.
bjorn opens his mouth again, “i—i don’t love her,” he says, popping his body up on his elbows. “it was a one—okay, maybe two or three time thing but—” he gets interrupted when your hand collides with his cheek.
you scramble out of the bed, searching for a simple day dress to pull over your body. “how dare you!” you hiss as him, your eyes full of fury.
bjorn flexes his jaw before he also stands up to slowly walk towards you. “it meant nothing darling,” he tries to reason but you just huff.
“sex never means nothing!” you put on your dress and fasten the strings at the back.
your husband sighs and tries to put a hand on your shoulder—you swat his hand away. “please, listen to me. i don’t love her, i only love you.” his voice is calm as he speaks and you wish you could rip out his vocal cords.
“you don’t love me,” you say. “a man that loves his wife wouldn’t do something like that.”
“please,” bjorn tries again, the look in his eyes hurt when he sees you pick up leif from his crib. he didn’t want you to leave…
you turn towards him and sneer. “would you take it lightly if i fucked another man?” you questioned as you walk towards the door. “would you believe me if i told you i love you after doing that?”
bjorn doesn’t answer, just looks at you. but you can see it in his eyes, he wouldn’t believe you. he would’ve kicked you out.
your jaw is tense. “i thought so,” you say before you open the door. “i’ll stay with floki and helga. don’t try to talk to me.” bjorn still doesn’t talk when you leave the hut, disappearing into the night…
bjorn knew he fucked up. he knew he lost you. and he knew it was his fault. his fault alone.
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 33
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Warning: suicide attempt
Your mother's service is not at a church, but at a funeral parlor.
I'm not religious, (Y/n). I understand why a church might not be the norm, here. You can have your funeral at a parlor in the states, too! But wow, a Dutch funeral parlor is a very impersonal building. And ugly.
If I was your mom, I would be pretty pissed.
If I was your mother, I would be angry at the turnout, too. There are a lot of people, don't get me wrong, but there is your family squarely on one side and her friends squarely on the other. They do not intermingle and the hostility is palpable.
I'd ask you to explain why that is, but you are not speaking to me. At all. You woke up and ignored me. You haven't said a word of English all day. I am lost in a sea of people, all speaking a language I do not understand.
So much for you loving me. Today, I am the man who killed your mother. The look in your eyes when you happen to glance at me says it all.
You hate that I'm here. Even your family is beginning to give me strange looks because I am so clearly unwanted by you.
Everyone sits in uncomfortable folding chairs. The casket is and remains closed. The director speaks a few words, then several people speak. Your grandma carefully unfolds a note, reads only two words and then bursts into tears, so that your grandfather has to come and take her away.
You go last, and you are not like your grandmother. Your eyes are bone dry, and you do not have a note.
You're in a black dress - I've never seen you in a dress, but despite the circumstances, you look beautiful in one - with your hair up in a ponytail. You are wearing a lot of makeup for once. Which is understandable because when you woke up this morning, you were so pale, it was like we were going to your funeral.
The makeup looks like a mask. On your expressionless face, it may as well be armor.
“When they ask me what my mom was like during my childhood,” you begin.
“I close my eyes and try to imagine something normal to respond.
“But all I can see
“Is a very small version of me.
“Reading books to myself
“And putting myself to sleep.”
There is some murmuring. This is not the kind of poetry you are supposed to recite at someone's burial.
You don't care. You continue to speak, in Dutch now, and slowly the regular sadness returns. At one point, something you say makes everyone laugh, and I chuckle along though I don't know what's funny.
When you are done, you sit down next to me and you don't look at me and I should take your hand, I should support you, but you don't want me to.
The director says some more words, and then the procession outside starts. Your mother is lowered into the ground gently. Your grandmother cries too much to be able to throw some dirt, so you do it twice. Once for her, and once for yourself.
You hold your grandmother's hand, not mine.
After it's over, we get in the car with your uncle, and he drives us back to the AirBnB.
You don't shed a tear until we're inside.
But once the door closes behind us, you crumple.
You go into the bedroom and you close the door behind you - Keep out, Joe - and I can hear you crying, sobbing, and I don't know what to do.
I did this to you. I gave you this pain. I truly believe that once the grief dulls, you will be better off, but that doesn't help you now.
If I had not been so obvious and if you had not known I was the one who took your mother from you, I could have hugged you and made things better.
As things are, I am helpless.
Things go quiet after a while. I let them be quiet for about an hour before I go knocking at the door.
No answer.
“Do you want some food, or something? I could heat you up some soup.” You haven't eaten all day, after all.
No answer, still.
The door is not locked. I open it slowly, softly, and peek in.
You are on the bed. Your back is to me but I think you are asleep. You are on top of the blankets and you're still wearing your black dress and your shoes, I should take them off and tuck you in.
Then, my eye falls onto something. I don't know why. It's been there for three days.
It's a bottle of pills Nadia gave you on New Year's. She said they would help you sleep, and you told her, firmly, that you weren't planning on taking her medication. That you knew what road that led down.
I barely paid attention to the exchange at the time. You are not a drug addict and I did not think anything of it.
But I have the worst feeling.
I walk over slowly, uncertainly. Your nightstand feels lightyears away but then I'm reaching out, picking up the bottle.
It's empty.
Everything goes out of focus.
I am feeling your neck for a pulse, listening for your breathing. I am carrying you. I am in the shower with you, sitting on the floor underneath the cold spray with you in my lap.
“Don't do this to me,” I hear myself say. “Don't you do this to me.”
My fingers should not be going down your throat and you should not be puking out all that is inside you, which is water and bile and pills. I pull you to my chest and I rock us and I think I have saved your life but you need a doctor, a hospital, and I don't know what number to call.
The first thing I'm aware of that doesn't happen in flashes, is being in the living room, dripping wet, and calling Nadia. I use your phone and Nadia answers with something in Dutch.
I don't know where you are. I don't know where I left you.
“Nadia? It's Joe,” I say. “How do I call nine one one? (Y/n) just tried to kill herself.”
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callsigndragon · 2 years
The Christmas Date | Chapter 2: Do they know it's Christmas?
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Fem!Kerner!Reader
(Ron Kerner is Slider, Iceman's backseater)
Wordcount: 2.8k
Summary: Y/n "Athena" Kerner and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw hate each other. Everybody knows. What happens when they have to fake date for a whole week to avoid Iceman and Slider's matchmaking plans?
(there won't be smut in this series)
Warnings: mentions of death (minor character DEATH), swearing, a bit of angst(?), the magical one bed trope.
Tag list: @littlebadariell @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @tayrae515 @shrimping-for-all @mak-32 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @harper1666
(If you want to be tagged comment or sent an ask <3)
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Bradley can be a dick sometimes. He always finds a way of messing around with you. But he eventually gives in and helps you put your story together. And it this is the result: 
You two have been dating for seven months now, after Rooster confessed at the BBQ party Maverick threw at his house on the 4th of July. He saw you there, being so happy, careless and free, a side of you that he didn’t get to see that often these days due to work. He just risked it all and confessed. Afortunately, you also had feelings for him. You've been keeping it a secret so the two of you could still work together. You've talked about confessing everything to your family recently and agreed to tell them on Christmas. But Slider's call ruined the surprise. 
And that's it. 
You two know each other since you were toddlers, all the other important tiny details you know them already. 
"Have you talked to Rebecca recently?" you ask Rooster when you arrive at the airport. He said that he was going to leave the car in the parking lot, in case the whole lie you just made doesn’t work and you have to go back home immediately.
"Yeah, but I did all the talking" he says, opening the trunk and getting your bags. "It's been almost a year" 
"Yeah. A year already…"
Rebecca, Iceman's daughter, lost her husband almost a year ago. John was a marine, served in Afghanistan for several months before he was killed in action. Jessica, their daughter who was four at that time, would never see her dad again. You and Rooster try to tell her stories about her dad, show her old videos that you have on your phone from when she was a baby, and just try your best so she doesn’t forget the memories she has with him. It’s difficult, and you know that when she grows up, the only reminders she’ll have from his dad are the ones you and Rooster had played during years on a screen. 
Rebecca, Rooster and you practically grew up together. You were there when she met John in high school, when she asked him to go on a date, when they made it official, when he asked her to prom, when he asked her to marry him… You’ve always been there. And when Jessica came into this world, you were also there. The little girl was kind enough to come to the world in July, you and Rooster had been on a 3-day leave at the time. She was the prettiest, tiniest and most perfect baby you had ever laid your eyes on. As her ‘auntie’ it was your mission to be the cool, loving relative who would always take care of her. There was nothing in this world you could’ve done to stop her tiny eyes from shedding tears last New Year’s Eve, when her mom ran away from the room after a phone call. Iceman had tried to explain to her in the best way possible that her dad would never come home… but how do you tell that to a child without destroying her childhood? You can’t.
"I can't wait to see our little princess" he says, trying to lift the mood. 
"She must be taller now" 
He nods and moves to the inside of the airport. Jessica it’s, probably, the only topic of conversation you can have with him without arguing. And possibly, the only thing that would make you agree on something.
In the plane, you try not to think too much about the fact that you’re about to lie to your family for a whole week. You’ve never been one to lie and chances of getting caught are higher than you want to admit. 
“Did Becca send you that picture from Disney World?” asks Rooster, pulling you out of your thoughts. Rooster and you thought that it would be a wonderful idea to give Jessica an early Christmas present and send her and her mom on a 3 day trip to Disney World. They’ll come back tomorrow.
“What picture?” 
He gets his phone and opens Rebecca’s chat. “She sent it to me a while ago, maybe she forgot to send it to you” 
“Or maybe she knows about the ‘relationship’ already and thinks that sending the picture to one of us is enough” 
“Yeah, that’s probably it. Here it is!” he turns the phone so you can see your pretty princess wearing a disney costume. Well, actually prince because she is wearing Prince Adam’s clothes. And she even has a red rose. “She’s so cute” 
“She goes to the best place in the world to be a princess and decides to dress as a prince. That’s my niece” you laugh, sending the picture to your phone. 
“Our niece. Don’t keep her all to yourself” 
Noticing that the daily dose of kindness reserved to talk to Rooster is running out, you put on your earphones and take a nap. It’s going to be stressful once you get off the plane, you don’t want to tire yourself before the big show. 
“Do you see my father?” you ask, three hours and a long nap later, when you land. “He should be around here” 
“If you can’t see him, how am I supposed to?” 
“Because you’re a giant and I'm not?” you deadpan. 
“I fucking hate yo- Oh there he is. Smile” he says, grabbing your bag with one hand and your hand with the other, while approaching Slider. “How can you be so old and still have better hair than me?” he jokes. 
“Because I’m better than you. Period.” your father says, hugging you close. “My little girl, look at you! Prettier than ever” 
“Dad, don’t flatter me i’m not telling you what I got you for Christmas” 
“Damn, it never works” he moves away from you and pats Rooster on the back. “Nice to see you, Bradshaw” 
“Bradshaw? C’mon, Slider. You’ve never called me that”
“Well, you’ve never dated my daughter before so now I have to act a little different around you. I need to scare you” he says. 
“You know you can’t scare me, right?” Rooster states, putting his arm around your shoulder and bringing you closer to him. You can smell his cologne. “Maybe when I was six, but I’m older now” 
“You sure? Let me try this then” he stands in front of him, looking eye to eye, and dropping his characteristic smile that always accompanies him. “You hurt my daughter, make her sad or cry and I will make sure the only thing you fly for the rest of your life is a commercial plane” 
You can almost hear Rooster swallowing in fear. 
“Did I make myself clear, son?” 
“Yes, sir” 
And then, just like that, your father smiles again. “Great! Let’s go home, kids. Maverick is already there” he walks away, turning every so often to make sure you are still walking behind him. 
“You better convince him that you broke up with me” he whisper-yells at you. “Because otherwise, he’s gonna chop my dick off” 
“I thought he said you’re gonna be flying with American Airlines” you remember him, trying not to laugh. 
“Oh my god, I’m so dead” 
You arrive at Iceman’s house. It’s surrounded by snow, Christmas decorations and some inflatables such as Snowmen, Santa Claus, fake gifts… Iceman went all out this year. Maybe, in a way, it’s to try and regain the Christmas spirit rather than remembering this time of the year as a sad one. 
“Look at the lovey-dovey couple!” you hear Nick, Iceman’s younger son, yelling from the door. He is just like his father. 
“You could come and say hi to your friends, you know” you shout for him to hear you. 
“Oh, no, please. I don’t want to see your disgusting behavior up close” he fake gags, as if the whole situation could make him want to vomit more than you. 
“We’re only holding hands?” tells Rooster, raising them as a proof. 
“That’s enough for me” he runs into the house, making you roll your eyes. 
“He didn’t get that from me” Sarah tries to blame Nick’s behavior on her husband. 
“Oh my Sarah, it’s been so long” you hug her, she is the only aunt you’ve ever had. And she was the cool type. 
“Please, you need to come home more often! I’m surrounded by aviators” she complains.
“Aunt Sarah, I’m sorry to tell you this, but she’s also an aviator” laughs Rooster, hugging her. 
“But she’s my girl, it’s different. Let’s go inside, it’s freezing out here!” 
You go inside and see a lot of pictures on the walls, half of your life displayed in pictures in a house that wasn’t yours, but whose owners were as proud of you as if you were her own daughter. You walk through the house, feeling a tightness in your chest when the memories from the last time you were here come to your mind. It’s been a year, but you can remember it as if it was yesterday. 
You move to the kitchen to find Maverick and Iceman drinking hot chocolate from Christmas-themed mugs. When they see you, they hug you and ask you about the station you’re at, your job, but none of them seems to be really interested in your relationship with Rooster. Weird, but you’ll gladly accept that rather than a full interrogation. 
All of you sit down, Sarah giving you some hot chocolate too. Talking about everything that has been going on, the new things that are happening in their lives, learning about new hobbies, friends… Just filling up each other makes you feel at home. This is what Christmas feels like. 
“Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” asks Iceman sipping his chocolate. 
“I’ve been waiting for someone to bring it up. And I don’t wanna be the prying old woman here but when are you going to tell us how everything happened? Because as far as I can tell my dears, you two have been always arguing.” Sarah is a bit skeptical about the whole relationship thing and, honestly, you can’t blame her. She’s been like your second mom. 
And you really hope that your biological mom never finds out about this. She’s having a wonderful holiday with her husband in Hawaii. 
You look at Rooster, moving your hand to squeeze his and take a deep breath. “Well, you know. Sometimes things are not what they seem to be” 
“So how long has this been going on?” Maverick questions, leaving his mug on the kitchen counter and beginning the interrogation you so stupidly had thought wouldn’t come. 
But you don’t really care too much about the answers. You’ve prepared them with Rooster, you know what to say, how to act, how to smile. You’re not worried about it. And Rooster seems to be a great actor, too. He’s not smiling the same way you are, but his little actions are more credible: how he looks at you when you talk, nodding so you know he’s listening, squeezing your hand from time to time, offers you his mug of chocolate when you finish yours. He even takes a napkin and cleans some chocolate from the corner of your mouth. 
They should nominate you two to an Oscar after this. 
“It’s disgusting to see how cute you are together” your father blurts out. It makes you snort. 
“Thank you, dad. I’m glad you approve it” you roll your eyes, getting up from the stool and walking to get your bag. “I’m going to my room, need to unpack my things” 
“I’ll take them to your room, princess.” Rooster offers, using that stupid nickname that makes your insides turn in disgust. 
“Oh, about that. You’re in Rooster’s room” Sarah says, walking behind you to your ‘boyfriend’s’ room. “I mean, you’re probably done dirtier things than sleeping on the same bed” 
“Sarah, let’s just not talk about our sexual lives, okay?” begs Rooster, following her upstairs. 
She opens the door for you, entering and explaining where the blankets are in case you need some more, but you can’t listen to her. Your whole attention is on the queen size bed with a Christmas themed quilt in red, green and yellow colors. It has dozens of pillows on it, and it seems rather comfortable. 
But there’s only one bed. 
“You sure you don’t want us to sleep in separate bedrooms? We can do that, we want to be respectful.” you offer, but Sarah just laughs. 
“Honey, I’ve been waiting years for this moment. Not you dating each other, that’s still a bit weird but i’ll get used to it I guess. You’ve never brought a partner for Christmas. And I was scared that you would end up alone, actually. Rooster, you’ve always talked about how you wanted a relationship like the one your parents had, but yet you dated that annoying Mindy girl-” 
“Mandy” he clarifies.
“Whatever. She was a horrendous girl and I don’t want to hear about her ever again. And you, Thena. Have you ever been in a relationship? Because you’ve never told me or Terry about it. And she’s your mom!” 
“Sarah, I d-don’t think this is the moment for this-” you stutter a bit, not wanting to talk about the lack of romance in your life. 
“Oh sweetheart, it’s true. You’ve never had a boy-” 
Rooster yawns very dramatically, stretching his arms over his head. “Aunt Sarah, it’s been a tiring day, we’re going to sleep and we’ll talk tomorrow, okay? And you’re wrong. She’s dating me, she has a relationship now. So, please, don’t make my girl more uncomfortable than she already is, thank you” rumbles Rooster while pushing her out of the room and closing the door. You hear the click of the lock and you feel like you’re able to breathe again. 
“Thank you” you mutter. 
“I didn’t do it for you. I’m really tired” he stands next to you, looking at the bed like it was an enemy aircraft that needed to be destroyed. “I’ll sleep on the floor” 
“You’re not sleeping on the floor. I’ll do it” you argue. 
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor, you’re gonna be complaining about your back hurting you tomorrow and I don’t wanna hear it” 
“There’s room enough for the two of us, you know” you say, really tired and just wanting to get some sleep. 
“Try again tomorrow, princess. Today, I’m sleeping on the floor” 
He doesn’t let you say anything more, getting the fluffiest pillows from the bed, a few blankets and lays them on the floor next to the bed. You try your best not to throw a pillow at him for being so stubborn. He could sleep perfectly on the bed, but he has to be an idiot and try to be a gentleman. ‘Well then, gentleman, I hope your back hurts like shit tomorrow’ you think, grabbing your things and going to the bathroom to change into your pjs. 
Once you come out, Rooster has turned off the lights, and is laying on the floor, looking at his phone. “The door is still locked, in case anyone tries to enter tomorrow morning” he informs you, locking his phone once you’re in bed. 
“Thanks, Bradshaw” you adjust the pillows and cover yourself with the blankets, closing your eyes ready to fall asleep. 
“Is it true?” inquires the man, his voice a bit louder than a whisper, but you’re still able to hear it. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“You’ve never had a boyfriend?” his voice is a bit louder, and you can hear the curiosity in his voice. 
“I don’t think that’s your business” you reply, turning around and thinking that the conversation has ended. 
But not for him. “Well, I need to know, because if you’ve never been in a relationship there’s a lot of things I should do differently around our family” 
“Why do you care so much about it?” 
He moves up from the floor, sitting on the bed and turning the bedside lamp on. “If they know I’m your first boyfriend, they’re expecting me to treat you like a queen. And I need to up my game” 
“Rooster, we’re faking it, in case you forgot” 
He sighs, his hand scratching the scars on his cheek. “Can you please answer my question?” 
“Fine, I’ve never had a boyfriend. Happy now?” you hide yourself below the blankets, not wanting to speak more about the matter. 
“I’m beginning to think that you are, actually, allergic to the whole human emotional spectrum” 
You uncover yourself and kick him with all your strength, making him fall from the bed. “At least I didn’t get dumped” you tease him.
“At least I’ve had some love in my life” he mocks. 
“I hate you” 
“Ditto, princess” he says, and before he can even finish the sentence, you throw a pillow at him and cover yourself with the blankets. 
It doesn’t feel like Christmas anymore.
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
I am loving Pearl so far, beautifully written, but WAIT because I have to know what the letters said 😭😭😭
thank you, anon! <3 i appreciate your sweet words 🥹 and thank you for asking, it inspired me to actually fill in this gap - hope you enjoy!
content warnings: best friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, mature themes, adult language, death of a parent, topics of grief, emotional hurt / comfort, self-doubt / insecurities - unedited - if i missed anything, pls let me know!
pearl masterlist
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November 19, 1984
Sitting back in my dorm feels almost surreal. Everyone around me is going about their lives as normal, and I know I can’t be mad because obviously to them nothing’s changed, but how am I expected to join in normality? To just pick up where I left off at the start of the month?
You know what my chem professor told me? ‘We’ve all lost someone. The trick is to not make it your whole personality.’ In a way that makes sense to me. It’s logical. I can’t let my dad’s passing define me. And he obviously would want me to move on with my life. But Eddie, my heart bleeds. 
This grief… This grief is swallowing me whole. This grief has embedded itself into my core being and on most days, it’s fucking consuming me. I lost a parent, a protector, a friend. There are memories I’ll never get to make because he’s gone. I really lost a piece of myself. How come no one seems to get that?
You get that, right Eddie? I know you understand. You always understand.
I miss you. I miss my dad.
P.S. Excuse this tear stained paper. It’s a mess. I’m a mess.
P.P.S I’m sorry for running off on you the day of the funeral. It was just… a lot.
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November 22, 1984
Nothing makes sense anymore. (Also, I know I just wrote you, but I haven’t sent that letter yet so you’ll get both together and can respond to them as one.)
I’m trying to catch up on the material I missed and the words blend together before my eyes. Well, I only have myself to blame. My mom offered for me to take the rest of the semester off and start fresh from the new year, but I thought the distraction would help. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I’m so sad all the time. And you know what the worst part is? Aside from the nightmares and this restlessness I’ve felt since the funeral, I just can’t stop thinking about you. What is Eddie doing, who is he with, does he think about me too?
Well, do you? God, this is fucking stupid. I know you do ‘cause you fucking call me everyday and I can’t bring myself to answer or call you back… Stupid…
I also think about our last moment together often… Actually, please ignore this letter, Eddie. Don’t respond. Like I said, nothing makes sense anymore, including my thoughts.
I miss you.
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November 27, 1984
I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring your calls. I’m sorry I’ve had my roommate make up stupid excuses for me, that’s so lame. Most of all though, I’m sorry I haven’t called you back. 
You’re trying to be there for me and I’m pushing you away. That’s shitty of me and really unforgivable. But the thing is, I think I’m doing it because I know you’ll always forgive me. That’s even shittier of me. I’m awful.
You deserve a better friend, Eddie Munson. You deserve the world and I only wish I could give you that. Instead, you’re stuck with a girl who runs away from uncomfortable situations and hurts you in the process.
I wish I could go back to the day of the funeral and change
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November 30, 1984
I spent the entire day listening to my mom cry over the phone — tell me, does it make me heartless for not shedding a single tear? Thinking now, this is the first time I haven’t cried since the funeral.
Anyway, I’m failing the semester. Surprise, surprise.
Also, Jonathan and Nancy came to visit. Why didn’t you come with them? God, why am I such a loser? Won’t speak with you over the phone, but gets mad when you don’t take time from school to come see me. I’m sick of myself.
P.S. Thank you for regularly doing the groceries for my mom and helping her around the house. You have no idea how much that means to her, and to me. I love— Thank you, Eddie.
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December 4, 1984
It’s been a month since my dad died.
The grief hasn’t surpassed. If anything, it’s gotten stronger. My roommate has to force me to do basic human things like eat and sometimes even shower. She’s really been my rock here these last few weeks. You’d like her, I think. She couldn’t be more different than you in style, but she’s funny. 
I know you probably don’t have a high opinion of her now, considering she’s helping me avoid you, but—
I should really call you back. I’m sorry.
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December 10, 1984
I haven’t sent a single one of these letters. You’ll probably never read them and know how truly awful I feel for ignoring you.
Eddie, how come things have gotten so complicated? You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s all on me. I wish we could go back to that day at Lover's Lake when you played your guitar for me. That was bliss.
I miss you, my Bobby McGee.
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December 14, 1984
Eddie, you didn’t call today.
I shouldn’t be surprised. Not like I’ve given you a reason to call.
I wonder if you’ll even want to see me when I come home for the holidays. Probably not. That’s okay though. That’s okay…
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December 19, 1984
Perhaps I’m saying this a little too late, but I appreciate you. Thank you for being my best friend and the entire reason why I know I’m going to be okay.
I think I’m in love with you. No. I know I am.
And I’m going to give you all these letters. Hopefully, you’ll read them in front of me so I can see your reaction when I say:
I love you, Eddie Munson. 
I’m coming home for the holidays. I’ll come see you and I’ll apologise. With any luck, you’ll forgive me for being a cold-hearted bitch. With any luck, although I probably don’t deserve it, you’ll be my person again.
I'm yours, forever.
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thank you for reading <3
& tagging some cool people that expressed interest in this lil series: @cactusangie , @spenciesprincess , @capitanostella , @ashlynnkennedy , @ms1oftheboys
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cinamun · 11 months
I had to send an ask because the comment(s) would’ve been too long *cracks knuckles*
I’m apart of the late crew today…but first things first, Life swings us all by our ponytails. This is not the big comfy couch. IRL & pixelated life can get it. ..BUT I’ve been peeping how JayJay moves and let’s take it back a bit when Hope was in her “I wanna fuck Kenji” stage…Do you see how that man handled that situation!? 😩 Like, he literally opened up the conversation (if my memory serves me correctly) then reassured our girl as he conversed/reassured her WHILE HE WAS IN HER GUTS. Slow strokes. Reassuring voice. Baby girl shed a tear. That hit MY soul. (Nonny, i get it if you don’t understand grown folks business…and THAT moment right there was DEFINITELY grown folks business OKAY! Sheeeesh) But, I personally don’t feel someone like/that can do THAT will risk it all for a student that so happens to know tHe CoLtRaNe CyClE. I said before, I know things be falling apart a helluva lot but I want us to be released from the shackles of not being able to trust someone that has pure intentions & a good heart because we’re used to seeing/experiencing the fuck shit. Shit, not to bring up our fallen homie El *pours one out for him* but see how Jay tackled THAT situation!? He’s not playing about our baby girl Hope Diamond.
he’s one of the good ones. You see the bullshit his mama puts herself in and he most definitely sees that too. Jay wants a happy home & a happy life. He’s had enough trauma & he’s not trying to invite that bullshit into his life. We gotta give him credit for that. That’s grown man shit right there. He had an active/loving father. He grew up in a loving household until his father passed. It’s all he talks about…the reason the man loves Coltrane is because of his father. He remembers that love his mom and dad shared. So when he’s staring at the back of Ubrite girls head at those keys, that man is zoning out to the sounds of Coltrane. And I’m pretty sure when he gets home he will run home like a lil school girl and tell his wife that he has a student that has talent & knows her Coltrane. He’s a professor, it’s his job to invest in his students.
There’s definitely piss in the pool when it comes to men but there are trustworthy men out here. Jay is one of those men. Not a gas light or manipulation in sight, Jay loves his wife and family. He is literally the happiest man…misery cheats. Also…also I feel that if it crossed his mind that’s a conversation that he would have with his wife, Jay communicates. He’s not impulsive. That man is a damn good man/husband.
So I’ve said all that to say, what makes you think that they aren’t living and experiencing their happily ever after right now and that he is doing his job to make sure he invests in his students because he wants them to succeed. Home girl popped up and turned in one late paper & all of a sudden black women can’t have nice things. LIKE!? I’m confusion. 😩 But also, every single good show leaves on a “cliff hanger” just to get the mind going. That’s good writing. That makes you want to come back to see what’s gonna happen and it always doesn’t have to be the extreme. Life is about navigating those situations…and that translates to this story *chefs kiss-ly*
Listeeennnnn, Imma ride for JayJay. Literally put on my ski mask and drive the black bus for anyone else who wants to hop on because I don’t play about that one. He’s proven thus far that he’s one of the good ones & I don’t believe his flesh or his mind is weak. THATS A DAMN GOOD MAN SAVANNAH!
but also My eyes perked up when I read “Would you like your plate to go” 👀? Because yes, I would like one also 😂…Girl (you know I’m not the anon because I say it with my full chest, always)…but lemme get a wing plate and TWO ghetosas to go! It’s been a loooong week. 😂😂😂
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That's all I got, I'm fucking speechless!! This is so important and I.....
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