#i would not survive Marble Hornets
“Oh the tapes still being playable after being burned and laying outside for years by Alex is the most unrealistic part of Marble Hornets” “oh the most unrealistic part of Marble Hornets is all the characters leaving their doors unlocked” YOU FOOLS THE MOST UNREALISTIC PART OF MARBLE HORNETS IS HOW EASILY ALL OF THESE CHARACTERS DRY SWALLOW PILLS
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rattfreakk · 1 month
I just give tim a deep ass bond with his cat holy shit.
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all-lars-bars · 11 months
Hehehe hohoho thinking about throwing Post-Canon Tim into Undertale. Just him and Frisk going through the underground, making friends
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ikindeadpeople · 4 months
Silly little marble hornets rant
Okay so I was just thinking, a lot of people in the mh fandom overlook what Jay went through(I think because everyone else’s trauma is more obvious as we are literally told that Tim was in a mental hospital for most of his childhood). Personally I like to believe that Jay is the kind of person who cares(a little too much, we can see where that got him) a lot about the people around him, so much so that he’s willing to drop everything to help(the fact that he’s involved in Alex’s movies says a lot about their relationship, and how he immediately decided to continue his investigation when he received that tape from Alex)
What I’m saying is that he’s not stupid, he’s naive but no one sees his intentions.(he decodes the TTA videos after all) It pisses me off so much when the fandom shows him as a soft baby boy who can’t be violent because he CAN be violent and aggressive. He’s not innocent, he BROKE INTO BRIANS HOUSE, lies, definitely trespassed multiple locations. (he probably doesn’t pay taxes lol he broke asf how he survived I have no idea)
And people always mention how Tim has Masky and doesn’t know if he’ll wake up in his bed or in the middle of a forest miles away but no one thinks about how Jay must feel about his memory loss. Imagine how he felt watching himself on camera doing things while a faceless entity that he doesn’t fully understand stalks him and his friend but not remembering, or waking up in a hotel room he doesn’t recognise and having 7 months missing from his memory? (I would know from experience, I sleepwalk often and it’s terrifying sometimes because you wonder if one day you just won’t wake up or you’ll wake up with broken/sprained limbs) Tim may have the same problem but he’s been living with it for so long it’s normal, he’s gotten used to it.(yes, it’s still scary, but it’s been his life for as long as he can remember which isn’t a lot) For someone who hasn’t gone through memory loss before when you first realise it it’s fucking terrifying, which in this case is Jay. He’s never dealt with this before, he can’t possibly treat it like a normal thing that happens because he knows it’s not supposed to.
(Basically Jay isn’t dumb he’s just really fucking determined and loyal in my eyes, like really really determined…)
Just for the record, I’m not dismissing what Tim went through I’d just like to point out that the “dumb character” here isn’t dumb
Okay thank you for listening to my rant uhmm I rotated this around my head for 3 hours
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AN UPDATE on me showing my partner Marble Hornets for the first time and their batshit insane takes on the series/characters. We got to 76 last I remember. Here’s everything they’ve said for just the new entries we’ve watched between now and the last post:
- The entry where we see Tim’s body cam POV after him and Jay get attacked by the operator in Rosswood:
- “Slenderman uses his dead body dimension to grow mushrooms
He’s really interested in the conservation of this really rare strain of mushroom, that’s what the dead body dimension is for”
- To Tim: “if shit sucks, hit da bricks”
- After Tim gets in his car and drives the fuck outta dodge: “Oh he’s going on a lovely little road trip, he’s just like me fr”
- “You know marble hornets is just a series of bad decisions made by film majors, which is the original bad decision” (implying that the characters being film majors was the initial fuck up and NOT Alex deciding to kill all his friends on a whim)
- During Tim’s panic attack in the same entry: “You know, panic attack aside, I think I’d really enjoy peeling all the crumblies off that dry wall”
- “Hacking coughing licking iPad crying baby”
- “I do appreciate how his arms and legs are out of the way of the body camera in lieu of his panic attack, thank you for that”
- As Tim is taking his anti hallucination meds: “Don’t over dose. Oh it’s just one, you’re probably fine. Wait why are you taking another one? Not even a bottle of water? It’s why you’re coughing. Don’t take a third one! DO NOT take the whole bottle, that’s how you die! You’re not gonna die of slenderman related causes, you’re just gonna die of stupid!”
- Upon seeing Tim find Hoody’s messages on the walls: “ “Follow meeeee!” It’s like that one snowman in the phineas and ferb holiday special. My brain loves referencing obscure media”
- After Tim passes out trying to break the “he is a liar” wall: “Ok, takin a nap.”
- “You go mentally ill queen!”
- About Alex: “Why does he look like John Darneille????” (Context: they are obsessed with the band The Mountain Goats and because of tism face blindness they are convinced Alex shares a striking resemblance to frontman John Darneille)
- “Slenderman is a HORRIBLE parent!!”
- “Alex is a high school nerd who would get shoved into a locker!” “I would argue Jay is more of a nerd on that regard” “they’re both nerds shoving each other into lockers!”
- “Ok he theoretically knows how to fight, but that doesn’t mean he’s good in practice”
- The entry where Jay and Tim follow Hoody around the abandoned hospital:
- “Hoody’s like if Santa was really sinister”
- “He teleported to the next house to give all the good little boys and girls their evil tapes!”
- Seeing Alex tied up: “oh are we getting kinky?” “Hoody is literally trying to kill him” “hot”
- “You know, if I was in my hometown and slenderman was there, I’d be pretty mentally ill too”
- “How many holes do you think slenderman has?”
And finally (for now until we finish the end of MH):
- “I don’t think slenderman would survive long in federal prison”
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solazu1 · 2 months
was the plot of wooden beetles (the film) different than marble hornets at all? also, did jessica have a similar personality change to alex (becoming a more violent person) or was hers still the same as her paranoia near the end of s2?
also also are the events still the same otherwise? like, would jessica end up killing tim, and then getting killed by jay who survives with alex?
this au is so interesting to me so far i love it hjgfbhg
I'm condemned to be stuck in LAC at school right now so I have plenty of time to answer this!!!!!
The plot of the student film Wooden Beetles is not thought up right now but it is supposed to be different from the student film Marble Hornets!! It's sort've on the same level of bad but enjoyably bad yk? ldk how to describe it forgive me.
Anyway, Jessicas "downfall" from the operator sickness was a mix of severe paranoia and that snappy aggressive behavior that mh!Alex had but a little more leaning onto the paranoia up until she decided to drop the project and move schools to live with her brother. After she's dragged back into the wooden beetles mess she is a lot more aggressive and snappy than Alex would be and constantly giving Tim mixed signals on wether she wants him to help or if she wants him to fuck off and never speak to her again.
As of right now in the way it goes in my brain, Wooden Beetles events are mostly the same as MH,,,, as in they have the same outcome but they go about things very differentlyyyyy hehehhee. :3
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murderandcoffee · 5 months
I'm sorry I sent the ask too early-
Can i get some of your tma character design hcs
well of course you can! sorry it's taken me a bit to get to this ask, I'm uh. bad at keeping up with messages lmao
okay so quick disclaimer: I didn't have solid visual ideas of all the tma characters--details would change or shift or whatever, so I'll only list some major ones/the ones I really imagined well
I see jon as a japanese-british guy who's like 5'6"/5'7" (168-170cm) with a bit of a dad bod. stern-looking, with short black hair that's graying around the temples, and some well-kept facial hair. I imagine him growing his hair out over the course of the show. he's also got glasses. I've drawn my interpretation of jon a couple of times--check out my bs.art tag if you wanna see it!
uh oh this is the one that could get me in trouble with the fandom. now listen: I had NO contact with fandom interpretations of the characters when I listened, so there was no influence from fanon designs. the martin in my head is a very tall, very lanky, awkward trans guy with blue eyes, shaggy blond hair, and a crooked smile. he's got freckles and glasses, and moves kind of like he's still a teenager getting used to how long his limbs are after a growth spurt.
okay so the way I imagined sasha is actually pretty close to a lot of fan interpretations! I see her as a tall-ish, well-put-together, academic-looking black woman with glasses and a natural hair. I picture her wearing a lot of skirts and sweater vests. she's definitely the most professional-looking of the archival staff in my mind.
I'm not gonna lie I really pictured tim for longest time as tim wright from marble hornets. I kinda still do. tall white guy with dark hair, sideburns, and expressive eyebrows. goofy and expressive. not much else I can say for him lmao.
michael distortion:
this is another one where the picture in my mind is waaaaay different from popular fanon. the distortion, to me, was not psychedelic-eyestrain-tie-dye-colorful. it was more of a black and white, reality but a little to the left, slenderman-/cryptid-esque vibe. definitely inspired by the visual auras I get from migraines. the distortion looks completely normal until you see its reflection/see it through a warped pane of glass, then it's all sorts of fucked up! but fucked up in a take too much nyquil and see the hat man sort of way, instead of a take too much acid and see god sort of way.
I believe in natural redhead gerry
okay okay another one that people are gonna disagree with. the basira in my head does not wear a hijab. she's got her hair slicked back into a tight, military-style bun. brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin, some moles and freckles, some scars, no-nonsense, take-no-shit attitude.
the daisy I picture is a small firecracker of a woman. she's dangerous the way brass knuckles are dangerous--sure they fit in the palm of your hand, but they will deliver blows that you won't ever recover from, if you're lucky enough to survive. she's covered in scars, muscular, very pale (I see her mostly as a redhead), and with some tattoos, too. sometimes I picture her as blonde, but I like ginger daisy.
I've drawn my version of melanie! I see her as desi/south asian, with wavy brown hair and brown-green eyes. I hc that she dyes her hair red, but once she's infected with the slaughter it starts staying that way (un)naturally. she's short in my mind, probably a few inches shorter than jon.
I don't have much for elias, georgie, or helen, really. their designs kind of shift around in my head. I feel like I'm forgetting characters, but oh well!
I've drawn a few not listed here (annabelle, agnes)
if there are any characters in particular that you're curious to see how I envision them, lemme know!
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Ok I have an idea but i wasn't sure if I made it sense but here my idea:
So task force 141 had sent some rookies on a mission due strange things going on in the forest and but only one rookie survived and had they had camera to see what happen only to watch rookies get brutally murderer in a supernatural way like imagine you turn paper into a ball but instead of paper its a human body.
So ghost, gaz, and soap went to same mission only for them to be hunted by a strange entity and they run for there life's but they meet eldritch!pacifist!reader that made them want to scream but they saved them from the creature they were hunted down but reader has no trust in them.
But they apologize because that creature was their sibling and then a few years later you get captured by the enemy and you get saved by the boys also reader tells them that their sibling is coming so yeah start hiding.
After their sibling takes reader back home next morning you give them a gift saying " I was wrong about you "
Also if your wondering what's a eldritch think of slenderman or some scary monster that has supernatural that was never meant to exist
Also here the power of catbow you shall sleep
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Anyway I hope your doing well
Ty for the request!
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Eldritch reader, gore mentions, violence, made this whole watching marble hornets so it’s honestly perfect, blood mentions, if you can’t tell I really like writing horror
The 141 had sent out some rookies with live body cams for some training
As they where watching the body cams of the rookies they heard a scream through the microphone
One of the rookies dropped their cam onto the forest floor
They saw blood, heard bones crunching, and heard screams
The only thing they saw was some, thing, almost floating up to the last guy who was trying to run away
All they could see was him falling to the forest floor and his body contorting into what could only be described as a ball
Blood was everywhere, all over the camera lens as the crunching of bones finally ceased
They couldn’t even get a good look at the creature as it slipped away but it looked to be tall, slim, and almost dead looking
“We are not going out there Price! Fuck no” Soap argued
“Soap im sorry but someone has to go out there and I trust you three the most mate” he snapped back
They all groaned, fearing that this would be their last mission before they end up mutilated and contorted in the forest just like the rookies
The day of the mission came, they had their gear, weapons, body cams, and flashlights
As they were sneaking through the woods the entire time they felt uneasy
That’s when it happened
Gaz caught something in the corner of his eye
Unfortunately that something wasn’t quick enough to hide
It was the creature that murdered those rookies
It was hunting them
It was frozen in place for a moment before it started to creep up to them in the distance
“Go. Go fucking go!” Ghost managed to splutter out
Their legs started moving before their brains
They remember looking at the creature, hearing ghost, and then running
It was all a blur
They knew they couldn’t fight that thing
What was even the point of this mission?
This was where they died
Their contorted, crumpled bodies would have to be extracted from the forest probably weeks later
Even from the other side Price was yelling at them through the microphones to “pick up the fucking pace”
They saw another blur to their right
That’s when they heard the rustling of leaves and then unknown sounds
It sounded like yelling but in a foreign language
But not in any language they had heard before
Almost cracking their necks while turning their heads around they saw another one of those things
Back turned to them
Almost protecting them
Yelling at the other other undead looking creature
after a minute of this it backed off
Sneaking back into the unknown depths
Before they know it they saw the thing turn around and apologise to them
Wait. What the fuck
Did it just speak to them
“I’m sorry about that. That’s my sibling. They don’t really have their morals in place” it chucked, voice distorted, ranging from deep to high pitch each second, almost overlapping with itself.
Soap put a hand to his forehead, feeling the sweat dripping down his face “oh my god. I’ve gone insane” he laughed to himself
“No mate. I see it too…” Ghost whispered to him
Gaz just opened and closed his mouth over and over, unable to form even a thought apart from “run”
“What. The fuck. Is that” Price carefully whispered through the mic
“Are you three ok?” You asked cautiously
“Oh! Right I see you must think I’m going to hurt you. I promise I’m not. I’m a pacifist” you calmly explained
Soap was the first to speak up
“I… we, uh. Yes, alright” was all he managed to say
They where in a daze
You silently went back to where you emerged from
Leaving them alone and scared
3 years later the boys where on a mission
They where to sneak into the enemy’s base and collect info
That’s when they saw you
In a cage, like an animal at the zoo
“This… THIS?! Is what saved you 3 years ago?!” Price almost yelled at them
It wasn’t like he didn’t believe them, he was just terrified to see something so… grotesque
The 3 of them kept begging Price to let them free you. It was the least they could do right?
Finally he agreed and they all busted the lock
“Thank you. But my siblings coming so if you don’t want to be a literal meatball I would advise you ditch the mission and run” you laughed a little at your stupid joke
They all agreed it was for the best
They got back to base and a couple days later they got something in the mail, but it was wrapped in leaves and bark, with no address??
They opened it cautiously and found that it was 4 flower crowns made of sticks and grass
There was a note that seemed to be written with tree sap on a piece of wood
It read “thank you for saving me. I didn’t trust you when I first saved you to be honest but now I know I can. Love [name]”
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: A Twinge of Thyme .
O2. The “Hosts”/ Proxies
Synopsis: One step closer to heaven, but falling down to hell after tripping.
General Content Warning: cannibalism/ gore/ cults mentioned in EJ, and abuse /BRIEFLY/ hinted at in Toby's.
Notes: I GOT TO YAP ABOUT TOBY, TODAY IS A GREAT DAY PEOPLE... (I love this man so much)
One step on the moon, one leap for Tobias Erin Rogers, or whatever that guy said.
Kate is still a WIP because I need to replay Slender: The Arrival and check up on her story again to get a gist of her character, and Brian is a WIP because even though I watched Marble Hornets I was not paying attention whenever that man was on screen. (I'm just a girl who was trying to see Tim Sutton play a character who is NOT having a field day.)
I didn't add Kate because the only thing I have on her is "the third to join" 😭, I CAN'T LOOK LIKE A COOL AESTHETIC CREEPYPASTA BLOG IF I CAN'T EVEN WRITE A FULL SENTENCE ABOUT MY INTERPS !! 😡😡🤬. (I'll add her once I finally manage to get more of an idea of her character/ where she is in the story and manage to write a full sentence about her.)
The “Hosts” of The Operator consist of:
Jeff The Killer
Tim Wright/ Masky
Brian Thomas/ Hoodie, (WIP!)
Tobias Erin Rogers/ Toby
Kate The Chaser, (WIP!)
Eyeless Jack, (in the process of becoming a “host” is more heavily influenced than the others due to The Operator needing to rely on him more since he's the only one around with adequate medical experience to tend to wounds.)
Jeff The Killer
The fourth to join, after killing his family he fled to the woods in seek of refugee from the cops where he ended up abruptly being forced to succumb to “Operator Sickness” the longer he had to stay/live in the woods. 
He is sadistic, cruel, apathetic, selfish, and quick to anger. He is /not/ kind or sympathetic to anyone or anything, He does not feel bad for life or taking it away, he kills for the adrenaline rush of it all to see somebody’s misery/ suffering as he takes life away and for the /joy/ of it all. If you try to plead a sob story with him or how much you “relate” to him he’ll just laugh in your face and play with your emotions before eventually killing you off.
He used to play with dead cats and would kill small animals in their yard when he was younger, but Liu and his family would just brush it off as Jeff being a weird little kid- even when he began to become weirdly obsessed with forensic science and the study of murder and even gave Liu a dead cat once, they just brushed it off.
He likes the attention of fangirls and finds them amusing, (and they give him a /major/ ego boost.) But doesn’t care for them enough to spare them at the end of the day. He’ll kill anyone he runs into contact with, and fangirls aren’t the exception. He’ll just toy with them and flatter them, making them feel as if they're worth something- as if he cares about them before mocking them /cruelly/ in the process of doing so before eventually killing them off. The only reason why Nina is still standing is because she had a good enough survival instinct to run away before he could end her, making him /hate/ her. 
I HC that he struggles with Intermittent Rage Disorder, ASPD (Anti - Social Personality Disorder), and narcissism. So he is /extremely/ quick to anger, and his rage isn’t just a brooding teenager screaming at his mom to get out of his room- it’s a Molton, seeping, hot rage that genuinely kills/ threatens the lives and well-being of anyone in a general vicinity. He manipulates people who show interest in him to do his bidding before eventually cutting them off abruptly, dropping that he never cared for them in the first place. He’s selfish and only thinks about himself in every aspect of his life, including relationships and social interactions most of all.
If he approaches you, it’s because he sees something that /he/ can gain from the conversation- not because he wanted to just out of good will. He doesn’t care or spare other people’s feelings, only thinking about the joy/adrenaline rush /he’ll/ get out of something. He has a "bit" of a superiority complex of sorts, assuming he’s the most beautiful of them all. And that even if he carves into somebody to make them beautiful like /him/, he’s still the most stunning of them all.
Don’t even think about changing him, he doesn’t want to be changed- he knows what he’s doing is wrong, /he just doesn’t care./ 
He lives in abandoned cars in the woods, not really caring about settling down and finding a home- only on the run/ adrenaline rush that killing gives him. 
He has nobody close to him, and he doesn’t care for relationships- only himself. 
He hates The Operator and has fought against him countless times and will still do so, having not learned his lesson yet. He doesn’t like the feeling of somebody else having control over him, especially with how “powerful” he is, so even if the memories he brings back make him feel /hurt/ with an ache in his chest occasionally, he’ll continue to fight.
He’s generally around 28 in my au/interp, (to make him fit into Nina’s story. I originally was going to make him mid 30’s- but eh, fuck it we ball.)
Tim Wright/ Masky
The first to join, during the set of Marble Hornets he was practically struggling with the “Operator sickness” (the influence/disease caused by The Operator), and infected Brian in the process due to them being best friends and now also being forced to be around each other due to filming. His licensed schizophrenia not making it any better/ and making it easier for him to fall under the influence. 
Masky is an alter ego in a sense, Tim is not conscious at all of whatever Masky does when he “fronts”/ takes over. He struggles with Dissociative Amnesia which means he completely forgets what happens in the time Masky “fronts”, he forgets the murder he committed and is left with the afterglow countless times- forced to look down at bloodied hands with shaky breathes and widened eyes. 
Masky was made in a way to sort of cope with Tim being a “pushover” various times throughout his life/ when it came to Tim easily accepting his fate under The Operator. Tim didn’t bother to fight, he was scared and just let The Operator slowly take over him and form, thus making Masky form in a rebellious manner to “combat” against The Operator- just to be broken down psychologically and forced to work under The Operator.
Neither Tim nor Masky like The Operator or “obediently” work under him, they both loath/ hate him and just work under him in fear of what the being can do to them/ fear of completely losing a grip of themselves. They don’t like working for him, they just fear what would happen to them both if they didn’t and pulled themselves out. 
Tim isn’t nice, he’s sympathetic to a /certain/ degree- but he doesn’t show it, /at all./ He’s socially awkward and keeps to himself in the internal fear of affecting anybody else to succumb to The Operator Sickness like he did to Brian, to /everyone/ on the set of Marble Hornets. He blames himself for what happened is practically filled with self-loathing, but hides it well by a rough exterior- barely even flinching at any gore as he lazily smokes on a Marlboro Red. 
He’s cold, but awkward all the while- and cuts straight to the point, ending any conversation as fast as possible efficiently with a /severe/ resting bitch face. He can be snappy and quick to anger, not bothering to yell/ start an argument. 
He doesn’t have anyone close to him, only co-workers and enemies, and he’d prefer to keep it that way. 
Masky is /cruel/, sadistic, and apathetic. He doesn’t spare any sympathy and is cruel and teasing/mocking while doing so, he doesn’t shed tears with pleading victims- he only finds a profound /amusement/in their suffering. He’ll happily grin and laugh in your face if you’re pleading for a sense of sympathy or crying about your dead family. 
His tactics are /brutal/, he’ll use anything he can get his hands on as a weapon- he’s self-sufficient in that manner and he won’t even bat an eye if some intestines come spilling out. He is /not/ the “host” you will be getting a sense of humanity from, he treats your suffering like a toy he finds great entertainment in and finds genuine satisfaction from hurting people. 
He’s like a robot completing a mission, and /nothing/ will make him stop a mission once he picks it up.
Unlike Hoodie, he kills just to kill without meaning.
He lives in a busted-down Cabin that’s a part of the inner woods/ depths, as close to The Operator as humanly possible without him going insane so he can be at The Operator’s every beck and call- The Operator relying on him more considering he’s the first of the group that The Operator “influenced.” He doesn’t like it and complains about it, but can’t do anything to fix it.
He is not friends with Hoodie/ Brian, the duo after having a fallout after Tim pushed the man out of a building/ window/  nearing the end of Marble Hornets. 
He’s in his mid-30s and has a beard growing from months of not shaving due to guilt/ depression.
Brian Thomas/ Hoodie (WIP!!)
I’m good at reading Hoodie’s character, but not so much of Brian’s yet. So unfortunately for the time being I’ll go more into depth on Hoodie’s part, I’m sorry for the inconvenience. 
He’s second to join shortly after Tim, being quickly affected due to him being best friends with the man- especially since he spent so much time by the man while he was being affected.
Brian hates the idea of Tim/ even the mere topic of the man being brought up, and Hoodie is the same way and feels the exact same way about Tim/Masky. The memories are too bittersweet, he hates Tim for what he unknowingly caused and misses the life that they had before The Operator happened- but still misses the man. They were best friends, after all. 
A sick part of him feels like Tim is the only one to understand where he’s coming from, and he might even try to make contact with Tim when he feels like this. But then pauses and remembers how much /damage/ Tim/Masky caused and stops himself and goes right back to hating him. It’s a miserable cycle he goes day by day, but he can’t find himself getting a clear grip on his emotions anytime soon.
Hoodie hates The Operator, and so does Brian and they both do anything in their way to rebel/ go against The Operator. Their only goal is to kill Masky or at the very least Tim. 
Eventually, Hoodie was forced to give up after a particularly grueling fight that cost him his life and he was forced to begin working directly under The Operator. And although he is still plotting against The Operator, he isn’t as open about it. 
Hoodie is /manipulative/, he doesn’t speak and is generally a selective mute. But if the situation calls for it he knows just exactly how to turn on that Southern charm that makes anyone /swoon/ into talking too much and giving him the information he needs. He isn’t empathetic, and although he is a /tad/ bit sympathetic- it isn’t generally enough to make him care about what happens to you at the end of the day.
He's an instigator, he gathers as much information on you as possible and follows you around to tip you on the edge of paranoia before handing out anything he gets on you to The Operator. He doesn't kill unless The Operator asks him to and is more so just there to push the victim further into The Operator Sickness/ just to let the victim know that they're being watched.
Tobias Erin Rogers/ Toby
The last to join, he’s just 26, verging on 27 in the present day. He succumbed to the “Operator Sickness” during the weeks leading up to Lyra’s death, only to become easier to be influenced the longer the weeks stretched by after Lyra’s death. Eventually, when he snapped and killed his father- he was already too far gone and completely affected by the “Operator Sickness” and succumbed to being a “host” easily the second The Operator showed up to save him from the fire.
He isn’t kind, he’s /extremely/ hard to get along with. He’s not waffle-obsessed, “Hey Masky!” Childish idiot who somehow managed to become a “host”, he’s /brutal/, analytical, and is a genuine threat to anyone who comes across him. 
When he was 17 and freshly joined the “Hosts”, he was naive, I’ll admit that. He genuinely believed that he could gather The Operator’s praise as long as he did what he wanted and thought that he could consider The Operator as a father figure. But upon working for him longer, he soon slowly begins to realize that The Operator doesn’t care for him at all and can easily replace him- slowly making him loathe and eventually form a hatred for The Operator.
He hates how dumb he was, he hates how The Operator stole away his past and he can’t remember anything about it. But when he /briefly/ remembers his past because The Operator /wanted/ him too, he hates it and just desperately wishes to forget it all again.
He doesn’t like working under The Operator, but he stays working under The Operator due to fear- fear that he’ll be forced to remember everything again, he /wants/ to remember, but he can’t ignore the array of emotions he feels when he finally does remember and he /hates/ that. 
He hates feeling weak in general, after possible years of feeling weak- for once he wants to be the top dog, the brute that everybody fears.
In his teenage years, (17-19) he was childish, dumb, and playful- but as the reality of the situation began to dawn on him and he realized just exactly how The Operator couldn’t give a shit about him, he began to change. He began to become more cold, realizing now that he could die at any second and he could be easily replaced- the fear dawning on him as he began to harden and grow to be more /brutal./
He’s /crude/, sadistic, and playful- but being oh-so-/cruel/ while doing so. He treats it like a cat and mouse hunt, and the cat /always/ wins- he’ll tease you and play along about not your hiding place, already knowing he knows /exactly/ where you are. It’s just one big game to him.
His sense of humor is morbid and dark, he’s awfully sarcastic and sounds /mocking/ while doing so- he doesn’t care if he hurts your feelings or not and might even snicker like a little shit if he sees you shedding a tear as he continuously /mocks/ you for every single thing you do. Sure, he’s a /little/ bit more empathetic than the rest of the “Hosts”, but not by much. He might narrow his eyes with a twinge of his brow as frowns upon hearing you vent about your abusive relationship/ friendship and will seem generally sympathetic but he won’t do much to help save you and will still kill you at the end of the day.
He’s hard to get along with, and if you say something in even the slightly wrong tone he’s quick to start an argument. And it’s not a rebellious teen's anger- no, his anger can parallel Jeff’s from how /enraged/ he gets. It only gets worse if he feels like you’re teasing him for it, after all. He screams and yells until his voice cracks and his throat aches, he swings his hatchets around like a madman- bloodthirsty and maniac as he looks at you as if he wants you dead. 
He does this because he doesn’t like feeling /weak, he doesn’t like the feeling of being picked on- he doesn’t like being seen as anything else other than a big dog. He wants to feel /worth/ something, so he does it by feeding into a power complex that he’s only worth something if he’s strong or a top dog in a big power ring. 
So even if he doesn’t like lashing out like /somebody/ he can’t even remember and practically physically recoils at the memories, he can’t help himself from lashing out when so overwhelmed by the feeling/ emotion of being /weak/ he ends up getting lost in his emotions while doing so.
He’s generally a loner and prefers to stick with the friends he has and doesn’t care or need to make more. He likes the friends he has already and wouldn’t bother changing them. (Not to mention that he isn’t a fan of socializing either). He wants to be loved, and he yearns for it like nothing more- he just can’t get it because of his mindset of acting like a rabid dog to the hand who tries to help. 
He already went through too much, and he can’t be changed because of it because it permanently altered his mind of thinking. He literally /can’t/ change because it’s all he’s been taught. 
Even if he doesn’t remember his past, the damage is still there and done- and even if he can’t know or remember /why/ he exactly acts this way. But all he knows is that he /needs/ to act like it.
He has a cabin deeper into the woods of Rosewood Park that verges on the line of The Operator’s territory, but he usually just ends up crashing at Clockwork’s place anyway because it’s “nicer.” 
He does NOT like having to live around The Operator 😭😭‼️
Sorry, I couldn’t help yapping about Toby- he’s my favorite, ugh. 
Eyeless Jack
The fifth to join, he was originally just an “influenced”, but the more proxies The Operator started to gain, the more he realized he needed somebody in the medical field to tend to his proxies who just kept on getting hurt on missions. (Especially Jeff, despite the man /refusing/ any help- his ego too big to admit somebody great like /HIM/ needs to depend on anybody else.)
Eyeless Jack was the first for The Operator to rely on, the man having been majoring in human physiology and having adequate experience before the “incident.”
The more he hung out around The Operator and his “hosts”, the more he got affected by The Operator's sickness- eventually resulting in him where he is now, slowly but unknowingly turning into a “Host.” (He’s aware, he just decides to bury it down and not focus on it too hard in denial about the whole situation.)
He is controlled by the demon inside of him, not the other way around. I repeat, /he literally cannot control his own body./
I HC he’s possessed by the demon/ entity of a Wendigo, his hunger is literally /insatiable/ and he’s always hungry and greedy for more. He’s not one to be around, especially if you’re just a mortal because nine times out of ten he’ll eat you, or at the /very/ least get a nibble out of you or an organ to feast on later.
Even when he’s himself and isn’t /completely/ bloodthirsty, he needs to have an organ supply on him 24/7 (especially when tending to a “Host”) or else he will eat everyone in the room and even bits of himself if he can’t solve for his hunger quick enough. 
At random times, he can become /very/ bloodthirsty and hostile seemingly for no reason at all. He can be hanging out with you, silent as usual before all of a sudden tackling you and ripping off your ear for just a /small/ nibble to tend to his insatiable hunger.
When he isn’t bloodthirsty though and is more so of “himself”, he’s a loner and tends to stick to himself. He’s quiet, calm, and collected- nonchalant and straight to the point and wants to get most social interactions done as quickly as possible. He can come off as monotone and bored without even trying it, and even if it isn’t his intention- it just sort of happens, not that he cares about it.
He doesn’t care for making friends and genuinely doesn’t want to, he finds solace in his life when it’s quiet- and although he does find himself lulling occasionally about how /nice/ it would be to have somebody there, to feel /human/ again, he knows internally that he can’t have it due to his hunger. So he avoids the topic completely or ignores it and buries it deep down. 
He lives in a busted-down abandoned cabin somewhere along the North front of The Operator’s territory and is 28 years old. 
He doesn't really have a sense of sight and it's all muddied/ thermal location, so he has to rely on hearing for the most part. He can see /slightly/ better at night, but it's still not good.
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I'm gonna go nuts
Alex can swing between The Hunt and the Slaughter very well, perhaps even The Desolation. I feel like his earlier kills, such as Seth and Sarah, were Slaughter based, kills of opportunity rather than the meticulous planning and chase of the Hunt. Though later down the line, he's doing nothing but chasing them down, stalking, waiting. An ambush predator that's just waiting for you to turn around so it can pounce. His death can also be considered a piece of the Slaughter, a last-ditch effort, frenzied and fearful.
Tim can be difficult to pinpoint, The Stranger, The Lonely, and The Corruption are all ones that stand out. However, I think I plant him into The Stranger the most. Wearing a face that is not his own, a body out of his control, skin that, for a time, is distinctly not his. I usually mix in the Stranger with a bit of the Spiral as there's a lot of overlap. He can't trust his own mind, can't trust that what's happening around him is real, and can't trust others. Post Marble Hornets, he definitely fits into the Lonely more, however. He has nobody left. They're all gone. He's isolated from society at large.
Jay is The Eye, no doubt about it. He needs to know, needs to see and understand, and put together the puzzle for the sake of his own sanity. He watches and learns and uses the tools he's given. I've done post Canon revival stuff where I interpret him as The Lonely as well. He feels he's the only one who can get this done. Walking a road alone, no one in sight, it's foggy and cold, and suddenly, he's not anywhere. For the world itself has Forsaken him.
Brian was honestly the hardest for me, I want to say The Web, but I want to say The Spiral as well, or perhaps even The Buried. The Web feels more obvious than the Spiral and the buried. He's a sort of leader, pulling you along and plucking at strings so you do what he wants you to, pulling people this way and that for his own purposes, antagonizing and guiding at the same time. Though, truth be told, he's long lost it, He's hardly Brian Thomas anymore. All he sees are secrets and code, riddled with lies and mystery. Nothing is just on the surface as it is. There's always something more. The Buried is simply because it seems as if he can not kill Alex. He had plenty of chances, easy opportunities. Yet he is paralyzed by decision, pinned down by the weight of a life on his shoulders. What would he do after Alex was dead? He couldn't move on. He's stuck like this. A corpse in the dirt pinned at the bottom of the ocean, breathing in the salt water.
Overall, they're all a mess, and they would not survive The Magnus Archives to me. Alex would most likely find himself dead at Daisy's hands, a hunter to kill a hunter. Tim could very easily end up a victim of The Unknowing or even Jane Prentiss. Jay would probably go looking for answers and end up pissing off an Avatar and getting throttled by them, most Likely someone with a firey temper like Jude Perry. Brian might end up in the distortions corridors, going mad with an ever changing layout to traverse and doors that don't go anywhere.
Sorry that this is so long, I went a little crazy, but I just love categorizing characters into the fears it's so much fun.
amazing. i love this
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Are you able to do a S/O of Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, and the Marble Hornets, with a extra appendage (Like a tail that they just use as a belt) or a prosthetic??
Various CRP characters w/ a reader who has a prosthetic tail!
by default, since i dont do romantic hcs for characters like toby, his part is going to be platonic! nothing against you, its just a personal boundary/rule for the admin!
admin note from after writing the post! i admit that i was a little stumped on this idea, as i mention in passing in hoodies part that i truly think that most of the characters would really feel one way or the other about the tail </3 i personally chalk that up to my brain deciding to dry for this prompt + not being used to write most the characters with my current perception of them apologies anon :(
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Characters: Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Masky, and (platonic) ticci toby
CWs; None!
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Eyeless Jack;
true to my usual way of writing ej; he feels he doesnt really have any place to judge you since he literally has to eat human flesh in order to survive
he doesnt really ask many questions about it honestly
but if its one of those fuzzy fur tails he'll subconsciously run his fingers through the material
really thats about it
i wish i had more for his section but i really think he would not give a darn about your tail due to his general principle of not judging others... now if this were before he was EYELESS jack yeah he would kinda be a dick but hey, hes a dick to everyone
but thats another story for another day
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"you have a tail?" head tilt
i dont know what is with my brain today but i am DRY!!
anyways, another sort of
acknowledgement, before ultimately just minding his own business
he does think its interesting, though! he probably wont say it but he does think its at least a little bit cool, especially if its one of those mechanical tails that can move around with some controls
kinda swats it around if its one of the plain simple dimple strap on tails, though
again not much to be said here
i think at worst he might forcibly grab it to inspect without thinking to ask, but hell back right off if you snap back
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he thinks its pretty neat me thinks
kinda like toby in regard to being really indirectly interested (ie playing with it if you give him the go ahead, he likes the way the material feels on his hands)
(i wrote tobys part before everyone elses^)
yeah im not sure what to write with this scenario but i dont want to give you just nothing
i feel like most of the characters wouldnt really care/have seen weirder shit, like i think the only ones who may tease you are ben, jeff, lj, and maybe trender (trender not in the mean bullying way but like. hell get on you if the material is faulty or clashes with your aesthetic/style)
anyways back to hoodie
honestly i feel like between the four he'd snag your tail for himself every now and then/j
god can you imagine
he just really likes it
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"are you a furry??"
hes kinda half joking when he asks that since he doesnt really know why else you would wear a tail
regardless of if you are one or not hes not really going to care
i mean, hes seen weirder, probably..
he thinks its really cool! he asks if you made it yourself or if you made it yourself... subtly asks if you can make him one too, totally not modeled after a racoon tail to match his sleeves...
kinda plays with it if you let him; he lightly taps it in passing when you two walk past one another in the hallway
overall thinks its kinda cool tbh
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d33zn33tz · 2 years
Creepypasta + Marble Hornets as random shit I've heard people say/do
Jeff: "I've got this, guys, trust." *proceeds to completely miss the ball*
Toby: "That is one long schlong"
Ben: "If I just cry at you, will you move?"
Smiley: "They won't survive programmed death"
Ben: "Insects have societies, do you think they have a Joker?"
EJ: "I need the meat in my mouth ASAP"
Jeff: "The Autism. It does wonders"
Ben: "God Damnit, I should become Jesus!"
LJ: "Haha, jokes on you, I'm tall and obnoxious"
Toby: "I'm just gonna sit here and sluttily eat pizza"
Brian: "So, I read an article-"
Tim: "Holy Shit, you can read!?"
Ben: *Playing a video game*"OMG, YOU'RE FATHERLESS, I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE!" *deep breath* "I don't rage you guys."
EJ: "I can't see shit, but I'll allow it"
LJ: "why are you still crawling around? You're dead."
Toby: *singing* "Me and my husband, we're doing better"
Tim: "I can't believe you just started mitski-ing at me"
EJ: "It's supposed to change to purple. If it doesn't change colour, it's a negative"
Jeff: "What if it changed to a different colour?"
EJ: "Then that would be concerning."
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your-local-scene-emo · 6 months
all my marble hornets notes
alex is the guy who saw slenderman first, and made the bad decision to explore it, and he survived i think.
alex sees anxious in all of the clips in entry 3
entry 4 is alex in a park, running from slenderman, or an entity. whatever it is, alex does not seem to want to interact with it.
jay is the man recording in entry 5, and alex is doing a tour of the ground for marble hornets
it may be that slenderman followed him home after the encounter at the park or the road with his dog.
brian, alex, and a girl off camera entry 7, further notes here. alex is off camera and brian is now talking. they are in a car. also, brian is hoody.
the man confirms that someone is most definitely following alex
alex is seen drawing the slenderman poster thingys
sarah and tim are reading a script, and alex is pissed that they aren't doing it how he wants them to. alex seems to want to have the camera recording at all times, this may just be a minor detail only for the set, or it may be because he feels unsettled by the tall man stalking him. seth is the one recording right now.
alex is running away from the tall man in entry 10
in entry 11 alex is checking his house and outside for the entity, it also appears he has hanging the pictures of slenderman up.
in entry number 12, brain and alex are shooting a shot together with alex acting more like himself. the camera distorts, and then seth zooms in on the slenderman.
alex is in the woods all by himself, and finds a symbol that is an 'O' with an 'X' alex notices something and begins to run
it seems slenderman ha invaded his home, alex records for about 35 minutes and gets nothing, but next we see him bleeding from his head, but conscious.
jay and tim are meeting up entry 15. so tim mentions that at first, alex was a pretty good director until moving forward. so that would mean that an clips of alex being himself are the first clips he made, and then the ones of him acting off are the ones that are the result of being exposed to slenderman.brian and alex are good friends it seems, while tim was just along for the ride. someone was leaving dead animals on alex's front yard, so this can conclude that slenderman is most likely hostile if it is him. TICK TOCK
we are in the pov of jay, and he's looking for brian in entry 16 why are these mfs always in the woods at night??? anyway, jay is knocking on maybe brians door. jay attempts breaking and entering. jay succeeds at breaking and entering. oh damn their house is like what comes out of my ass when i eat too much mcdonalds jay i need you to get your shit together and leave immediately. i'm just saying i would know if i'm in a horror film somebody give this mans some cough medicine his coughing is freaking me out more than the spooky tall guy omfg jay don't go upstairs he went upstairs omfg oh boy blood splatters, lets go towards it! OMFG JAY TOUCHED THE SINK FULL OF BLOOD THIS DUMBASS it seems brian took pills, also this is brian's house i'm going to assume
alex is nice now in entry 17 so this is when they first started. slenderman is in the background, no has noticed him yet
maybe alex done did suicided himself
entry 18- more of my rants about this dumbass jay. he's knocking on the door like someone's gonna answer more breaking and entering EW DON"T TOUCH THE DOLL uh oh, you know what that looks like, naked slender man doll :0 also, was that masky or am i tripping? yep, i rewinded it. holy shit, top ten anime battles aw masky dropped him off
so jay is going insane too, great, entry 19 is starting off great. omg masky is sleeping with him, girls night!
totheark is masky's name? refuse to believe. i'm googling it rn uh uh his name is tim dumb ass
so jay is probably gone lol
stopping at entry 19.5 cus i'm tired.
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all-lars-bars · 11 months
I'm thinking about Undertale and Marble Hornets, so now I'm gonna assign Soul Types to MH Characters.
This is going to be a long fucking post, so I'm putting in a read more block here. I don't wanna take up too much space with my ramblings.
Alex Kralie: Justice
No, not just because he has a gun. Although I guess that does help with my reasoning.
Everything Alex does, he feels is justified. He feels that what he is doing is righteous, that it all had to be done for the greater good. The only way to stop this thing is to kill everyone infected and then yourself.
I realize now all of this could also fit for Integrity, but I like Justice for Alex more.
Jay Merrick: Perseverance
Jay is the one who started this whole investigation. He was persistent nearly this whole series, only giving up during season one. But once he got more clues or questions, he searched for answers with a steadfast tenacity. He's stubborn to a stupid degree.
And this all, ultimately, became his downfall.
Brian Thomas: Integrity
Brian seems to be an honest man who has trouble going against his own morals to me (i.e. wandering around the abandoned hospital or shooting Alex in the face).
He does what he feels he has to, but not without remorse. I feel he has to justify his actions to himself. He also got real fucking pissed when he found out Tim lied about his past with the Operator, showing his strict belief in truth.
Also another definition I found for integrity is "the state of being whole and undivided" which I think would be a fun ironic nod to his whole "You are broken" schtick
Tim Wright: Determination
Listen, man, he is the main character AND the final girl. My bro's gotta have determination, baby!
But also I feel that despite everything, he is the person with most drive to survive. After everything he's been through, he keeps moving forward. He keeps getting up, keeps running, keeps fighting. He's the only one who never truly gave up
He refused
And despite everything, it's still him
If you can't tell yet, I think a lot about these guys. I also think a lot about Undertale.
I would be delighted to hear anyone else's thoughts on this. I love combining my interests, new and old.
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furiousofpanda · 8 months
Idk man, if I were to make a creepypasta au, there would be 3 "slendermans" as in like, treating it as a species rather than a person
We have the Operator, the actual concept of slenderman slenderman, and the "adoptive parent" slenderman
The operator and the actual slenderman can't talk while the adoptive parent can, but they can all like,, send vibes across telepathically/control but just each one has their own way of doing it and own personality
The adoptive parents is essentially the Fandom take on slenderman/Fannon if that wasn't clear
This also means in my headcannon all canonical parts of Marble Hornets can happen and yet be completely unrelated to the "adoptive slender" (idk, I don't like the idea of masky and hoodie as alters being put into the houses and given wrong personalities and then not even considering that tim and brian are there too)
All slenders are territorial and would 100% get into a fight if they crossed paths
I may expand on this idea if people want
Edit: Nobody asked and so now out of spite I'm writing more
Imma just write profile like things for em:
I'm using the term proxy very loose for the Operator as he basically only rarely ever takes control, but rather teleports them around and make alter egos via the sickness. I know they aren't proxies directly in the way of the original slender and I don't perceive them as it either but the term works for short explanation so- also I'm calling em "slenderfolk" since they are all essentially just based off of slenderman, so the same species. All electronics when up close start to not work. Audio players, lights,video and audio recordings all cut out when slenderfolk are near, all electronics really. It can occur when they are in frame, deliberate interference, and based on distance to the tall folk themselves.
Operator, Slenderfolk, infectious, Verbally Mute, communicates though mental/physical images, vague telepathy (not direct words but convaying meaning wordlessly) and through proxies.
Operator is distant most times and focuses more on control, disregarding anything a human needs to survive as long as the proxies are working in his favor. Tends to mentally ruin and destroy his puppets, or otherwise spitting their personalities via the Operators sickness. Exists primary in and around Rosswood Park or near related proxies. Killing tactics are different than the actual slenderman, will make infected subjects that he can control do his dirty work for him. The operator is hard to read and almost has very little rhyme or reason for things that we simply cant see at face value but it works in his favor it the end. Operator doesn't kill his subjects but rather let's the suffer until the sickness kills them. Operator vaguely only starts hunting thoes who learn about it though is very distant, and stops for a bit once they become under his control.
Slenderman, Slenderfolk, Mute, Communicates only through proxies, can cause hallucinations and visual blurring, actively hunts anyone who tries to learn about him. Slenderman is nor bound to some set forest and is seen all over the world in densly wooded and abandoned areas. He will at first only stalk in plain sight/sender fashion unless physically engaging with (aka victim attacks slenderman, he impales them on a tree and guts them) otherwise if not engaged with physically. Slender will slowly stalk until the subject is mentally unwell, and then taking them. This, unlike the operator, has whisp like tendrils that come from behind his back and into the air that can reach impossible lenghts but are slow. The tendrils aren't solid like Slendy's.
Wrote something and it got deleted and it's too late to fix it so here's fandom slender snippet that remains
Slendy (Fandom Slenderman), slenderfolk, can talk but prefers to just communicate telepathically, can control proxies but rather doesnt and is kinda lazy about it. Houses killers that in return that they become a proxyof a sort. Won't admit it but Slendy Is the only one of the three that care about their proxies wellbeing and will make sure his proxies can still function, though uses mental manipulation and guilt/trama tripping to keep everything in line.
Slendy is sorta bound to a forest? It's his stomping ground but he can leave (different from rosswood but there isn't a written fandom agreed name for it) which is why he needs proxies but can also appear near thoes under his control If needed or be outside of the forest on rare occasions.
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oddballwriter · 1 year
So it me again (i said I more platonic stuff😈) with MH EMH boys (maybe even habit) with a their rebellious teenager 😭
Warnings: Mentions of the events of Marble Hornets and EveryManHYBRID, HABIT is here, me lightly trashing on Vinny yet again 
Author’s Snip: I was sort of holding onto this request in case anymore came in asking for the other guys so that I can actually think about how they would parent in the first place. But it's been getting buried in all the other requests of both slenderverse and Hi-Fi, and I do like this request actually, so I'll just do it now. Sorry for the delay, anon.
Notes: I'm only going to do a handful of the MH and EMH guys (Evan, Vinny, HABIT, Tim, and Brian) since those four are the only ones I could really think of. Also, this is told in the lens that the five survived and lived past the events of their respective series and low key just be marinating in their trauma. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
He knew this was going to happen
Having your kid be rebellious when their a teenager is natural and so he won't be completely blindsided when you start
Obviously he's still going to worry because he doesn't want you going out and doing things that are actually illegal
And before you mention the stuff he did. 1, it was the result of lack of medication and a paranormal and trauma force. And 2, do as he says not as he does (/hj)
He's going to be worried sick if he finds out you snuck out and he genuinely has no idea where you went and he doesn't like either ideas.
Did you sneak out to go to a party? What if something happens? He really doesn't want a call from the police department saying the party got busted and you were doing something bad.
He also worries if maybe you saw it and freaked out and fled in a daze and now you were scared and confused/disoriented
One thing that I think that would bite Tim is the idea that Tim told you growing up that you were forbade from going into woods, since that's where the Operator hangs out at the most and didn't want you to run into it. He'd always just say that you could get lost when you were little but now that you're old enough to navigate and remember routes you took the 'You'll get lost" won't work
You probably got him to quit smoking at this point
Maybe he stopped when you were born/really small but in the case that he just didn't smoke around you and continued, he would drop it if he found out you were stealing some from him to smoke too
I really do think he'd be the "Do as a say, not as I do" type of parent but in a more gentle and calm way
Brian in general is such a chill parent. He just sort of teaches you lessons about life as you go through life and all the times that kids usually learn things about life
I'm sure Brian won't really be too mad if you started doing some stuff like going to parties and doing some other things so long as you aren't actively hurting yourself in any way
Brian 100% went to parties in high school and even crashed some
To him there's things that you do while you're rebelling that he gives you as a free-by like stealing some sips of a beer and stuff like that, but if you are actively breaking a law like doing full on vandalism and distraction of property then that's when you get a scolding
He's actually really calm and collected for a man he spent a few years of his life living in the woods and setting up clues for people like so cryptid but like ig he's just built different
Honestly, rebelling isn't even rebelling. It's just Brian taking a step back and just making sure the if something bites you in the ass that he's there to pick you back up and say "What did we learn?"
I feel like under normal circumstances Evan would be the same as Brian in terms of parenting, maybe only being a little bit more strict
But with all that's happened, I feel like he's a lot more protective and worried once you get to that point
Listen he can't be too mad when you're just doing what kids do at that point in their lives
But with all the bullshit and freaks that he knows exists now, he keeps a way more closer eye on you
I do feel like he would be a bit sad because you rebelling is also meaning that you're reaching a point where you want independence, and that's fine. He would never restrict his child's independence or autonomy. You'll have to fly away from the nest someday
He's done some slightly illegal shit even before HABIT
Just some petty crimes
Obviously he's still gonna be mad or disappointed in whatever you did but if it's "Not that bad" then he'll just give you a slap on the wrist and say "Don't do that again. Okay?"
Hates it
I'm gonna trash on him but Vinny's so going to be the dad that will tell his kid not to do something but doesn't know what to do when his kid actually does it
His authority is honestly just an illusion and he didn't realize that you would see through it at any point in your life
Vinny does worry a lot through both with the fact that paranormal stuff is out there and he's been victim to it over and over again and the fact that he knows that teenagers in their rebellious times can fall into some pretty deep shit
He sort of just grounds you whenever you do something bad like sneak out or something
He's trying his best okay
He cares for you and although he knew that you would be rebellious someday, he hadn't fully prepared for it
He knows that you're having a right of passage but he also knows that he still has to disapline you
I only added Habit because the idea of his kid rebelling is funny as fuck
Rebelling against him would just be his child being a good and law abiding teenager
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