#i’m just dumb
addsalwayssick · 8 months
what if cracked and joined the fucking octonauts fandom? huh? HUH? HUH??????
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thorneswife · 1 month
something really interesting I’ve noticed after writing three fanfics with Winter as the main love interest is that I envision her as soft, feminine, and small.
she IS SOFT and FEMININE but she’s also tall. this is incredibly funny to me for no reason. Winter is 5’9” y’all. she is 5’9”
I have multiple times had to rewrite phrases because I referred to her as short or small or didn’t realize the height difference between her and other characters.
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ballsmcballserson · 1 year
“He’s old enough to be your dad!!!”
Yeah, and daddy didn’t raise a coward, I’m gonna fuck him.
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languagendersex · 8 months
Attention Everyone:
I am an idiot sandwich. I figured out how to do the tumblr spinny-thing on my iphone again. I’m just Dumb™️.
@phoenixiancrystallist @hydrosspyross since yall responded to my Stupidity™️
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fatherforgivethem · 1 year
Thought I lost the file for The Clock’s Hand Falls on Us….. phewwwwwww
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I was literally so scared but then I realized I was just being stupid
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the downside of being aroace is that when i’m a fucking idiot in front of people i can’t just blame it on being attracted to them
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I genuinely hate being autistic because like I’m not dumb, but I’m so dumb, but I don’t look dumb so people are like why are you so dumb? because most times I’m not dumb…until I am dumb again and so on. I feel like it would be easier to carry a sign everywhere that said Im autistic please don’t get mad at me. Because that paired with my rejection sensitivity from my ADHD is enough to make me want to be unalive let me just say.
I want so badly to have been born with a normal brain. Like I’m sorry. Honestly I didn’t consent to being born at all.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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I’m curious to see what sort of story we get from this new update, as well as seeing wherever this is, the place looks interesting
Also, don’t think I don’t see you over there Dark Cacao Cookie, what role are you going to play here? Are you going to ask Prophet Cookie for advice or something?
Speaking of Dark Cacao, so is wherever this is somewhere in the Dark Cacao Kingdom? To be honest it doesn’t look much like anywhere I’ve seen from the Dark Cacao Kingdom (though I still haven’t gotten to Episodes 13-14, so maybe there are places like this there). Or perhaps it’s just somewhere adjacent to the Dark Cacao Kingdom? I dunno
But yeah, personally I’m looking forward to this update
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banggyu0308 · 1 year
sorry if this sounds dumb but what is n/n 😭 is it nickname ?
Yes it is 😭 dw i didn’t know what it was my first two years of fanfic-
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regina-cordium · 1 year
Me: I LOVE science fiction!
Science fiction: starts doing science
Me: what the FUCK
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sidhewrites · 4 months
Being kink positive makes it really hard to be a hater of media rip. I used to love watching “the WORST book I’ve read this year” booktube videos but now its like I hear them ask, “Who is this werewolf smut even for?” Omegaverse fans, next question. “Why would you write this?” Because they find it sexy, can we stop focusing on the ewie yucky kink part and focus on the fact that the author used the word knot five times in a single scene? It’s bad werewolf erotica, but it’s not bad because it’s werewolf erotica like come on
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chericheriwave · 3 months
forgot I had a tumblr yet again
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hunterarden · 5 months
If I block enough people here, will that be like having a semi private blog?
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dogstare · 7 months
also switched to test. injections every 3 weeks and it’s sooo much better like🥸 at work i have my hair half up half down and still get called mate by men like we are so backkkkk
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stormystarzz · 9 months
I probably should’ve clarified in my post that I wanted DKOS kdj in the webtoon rn bc we’re so close but. It’s too late for that now 🧍🏼‍♂️
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justacasualidiot · 9 months
me searching through a ship tag: “I just wanna read about them kissing like i’m one of those kids with the two dolls, making them kiss”
me, forgetting to filter out the E rated stuff using the filter tag feature on ao3: *in a raspy voice* I’VE SEEN SOME THINGS
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