#i’ve had this headcannon since forever and I can’t believe I’ve never voiced it before
Look me in the eyes and tell me Gaz doesn’t have two moms. I’ll wait.
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retroellie · 4 years
The Last of Us Headcannons
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Summary: Headcannons about TLOU2 characters 
A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a bit, I’ve ben stressed so I thought I’d write for my comfort characters lmao 
Warnings: Slight NSFW mentions, TLOU2 spoilers 
Word count: 2.4K
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-This girl is the best girlfriend i swear
-She will always tell you she loves you when she leaves or even if she goes into the other room
-She’s lost a lot of people so she’s always telling you how much she loves you just in case
-Helping her when she has nightmares, especially after joel's death
-”Please don’t leave me.”
-“Ellie, I’m not going anywhere.” 
-She’s definitely a lover of old music
-80s and early 90s was definitely her favorite eras music and movies wise
-Gifting her records you found in abandoned buildings
-She draws you a lot, especially when you aren’t paying attention
-One time she couldn’t sleep so she drew you, she thought you looked peaceful asleep. That drawing is probably her favorite she’s ever done.
-You basically live with her in the garage she lives in
-Winters are always cold in the garage so y’all are basically attached to each other
-You both are cuddled up watching movies with tons of blankets on
-This girl is horny all the time, like if yall are alone she’s on top of you
-Dancing together at the dances
-This girl is so clingy omfg
-Ellie worries about the looks and comment yall get when showing affection in public so she tends to tone down her clinginess
-Joel loves you, point blank period
-When ellie tells you what joel did for her, you didn’t know if you should be happy or sad
-They were gonna take ellie away from you, you probably would've done the same
-”My life would have mattered.”
-”Your life matters to me.”
-You tried to make her feel better about it though, telling her that there would still be bad people and infected in the world
-Neck kisses from the back, my heart is melting holy shit
-She asks maria to put you on routes with her cause mama you are not going without her
-Puns, just puns all the time and you love it
-Definitely calls you babe and baby, you always make fun of her for it but she knows you loves it
-Yall make fun of each other but it’s all in good fun she will never take it too far
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-You’re this mans baby idc
-No one hurts you or they will get tracked down and their knee caps will be gone
-Joel knows full well you can take care of yourself but he just gets so mad
-This man is so soft for you
-He tries to spoil you the best way he can, going out of his way to get you presents from abandon stores
-Teaches you how to play guitar
-He will have you sit in his lap and play the chords
-”Is it sounding better?”
-He just nods and kisses along your back
-He will sing you to sleep if you ask him
-This man has shown you some good ass music, yall sometimes just lay in bed and listen to old records
-He loves the way you look in his shirts, this man melts or bends you over the kitchen table
-He doesn’t cry often but this man is hurt
-The first time you saw him cry was when he broke down to you about ellie and the fireflies and what he did
-It hurt him a lot to admit it but he was so relieved that he could let go and someone be on his side for once
-Tells you all about sarah and how she would like you
-”She would’ve loved you.”
-”Yeah, casue i’m the coolest.”
-”You're a nerd.” He chuckled out
-He would happily tell you about life before the infection, what it was like to not have to look over your shoulder all the time
-He would never tell you about his time in boston
-He didn’t want to scare you, so you never asked but you had a good idea of what happened because of tommy
-Slow dancing in the kitchen while dinner is on the stove
-Forehead kisses in the morning when he has to leave for rounds and your dead to the world
-Calls you Babygirl and princess, IDK HE JUST SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE OKAY
-His voice in the morning>>>>>>
-Will watch you dance from a far while at dances
-Takes you out on little dates, he doesn’t even care about the stares yall (The age gap)
-He is prepared for anything to happen so he loves you like it’s his last day
-Talks about having kids with you but is okay if you don’t want them, i mean he’s not sure if he wants another one but hell, He said he wasn’t going to date anymore but here we are
-If you want kids he doesn't care hold old he is, he will try and try and try to give you a child 
-”Damn it i got my period.” 
-”Well then I reckon we gotta try again, huh baby girl.” He says with a smirk 
-This man has a daddy kink and that’s all i gotta say about that umm anyways
-He is madly in love with you and he shows it, he has lost too many people and he has the mindset of “Good things don’t last forever”
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-I love this man with all my heart, he’s my baby
-He’s very caring and will hold you anytime you need to be held
-He just wants to help people and make the world a little easier for them so he overworks himself to the max trying to keep everything in jackson in order
-”Tommy, it’s 3 am and you got rounds in the morning. Come to bed.”
-”Yeah i'll be in there in a minute, i just gotta figure out the food supply situation.”
-Having to drag his ass to bed
-He loves cuddling, he loves feeling close to you
- Your the fighter of the relationship, tommy doesn’t like to fight if he doesn’t have too so he lets you deal with the violent stuff
-Although tommy loves his brother, he has a hard time forgiving him for the violence he exposed him too
-He feels very undeserving of you and everything good in his life., you have to constantly reassure him that he is a good person and is doing a great job
-He does have nightmares of being in Boston but you were always there for him, he was so thankful for you.
-He loves your cooking, like it can be the most simple thing ever and he’d be like 
-”This is the best Cereal i have ever had, who taught you to cook like this?”
-He has mommy issues, like his mother wasn’t really around so he has a lot of issues with that ig
-He is the best kisser i said what i said
-He’s very passionate and possessive, it’s cute
-He gives you his jackets all the time, he thinks you look so cute in them
- This man is literally the softest i can’t
-He doesn’t cut his hair just because one time you told him you liked it long
-”Jeez honey, your hair is getting pretty long.”
-”Shoot, do I need to cut it again.”
-”No...I like it long, it flatters your face.”
-”I will literally never touch my hair again ever again now that you said that, Okay”
-You have expanded this mans music taste
-He only ever listened to country cause i mean he’s a simple man but then you came along
-You got him a walkman just so he can listen to the music you recommend him
-He tells ellie all about you and asks her for help because he doesn’t want to mess up anything
-He’s not good in relationships and he believes he’s not a very attractive man so he doesn’t really try but he sees himself marrying you
-Spoiler he asks you to marry him because he can’t see himself without you, he doesn’t want to imagine how the world would be so dark without you in it
-He’s not into cute nicknames so he’ll just call you honey
-After joel's death, he was broken and you didn’t think you can even put him back together, but your willing to try
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-I think you would be dina’s first girlfriend but she would love you with all her heart 
-She kissed you at the dance and everything kinda clicked from there 
-She would sneak over to you house in the middle of the night 
-”Jesus, i could've killed you.”
-”But you didn’t silly, come on i’m cold lemme in.” 
-”You're gonna be the death of me dina.” 
-Your rounds with her were never boring, it was always an adventure with her 
-Making out behind building because she couldn’t wait till yall got home 
-This girl will tease you until your bright read in the face
-She will definitely love kissing you, like she will just randomly kiss you 
-She will try to smash you literally anywhere, when she’s wanting to do the nasty it doesn’t matter where you are she will pull you into a random room or bathroom
-She never bores you in bed too, she’s always up to do new things especially since your her first girlfriend 
-When she found out she was pregnant she wanted to give this child the best life so yall decided to move out into a farmhouse 
- Having a kid didn’t really change how she loves you
-She’s still crazy and wild but now she just has a kid on her hip
-You guys were co parents so you both would hunt and take care of JJ 
-You guys would do almost anything to make that kid laugh even if that was dancing like lunatics for an hour straight 
-You guys almost never get alone time so just laying in bed without the kid felt nice 
-Yall are cottagecore lesbians idc, yall are the best parents and i said what i said 
-From behind hugs and kisses, she will grab your hips and kiss your neck until you have no choice but to rip her clothes off 
-Vintage records and slow dancing with JJ 
-I feel like being in a relationship with dina feels like a vintage song about love 
-There's lots of dancing in this relationship because dina loves dancing 
-She’s always afraid that you will feel left out in the family though since your not JJs real parent but you always tell her you don’t mind and you love JJ just like how Jesse would 
-She finds it so hot when your all protective parent when it comes to JJ, as soon as he falls asleep mama yall wont get any sleep 
-Yall are the best parents, dina will fight anyone who hurts JJ and you make him feel loved 
-When he gets older you guys try to tell him about Jesse without making you seem like the outsider of the family if that makes sense 
-Taking care of the animals and plants as a family and reading books about how to while laying in bed 
-Dina makes the best food and she tries to teach you but it just doesn’t add up to what she does 
-Okay we don’t know much about her sister but by the picture we saw she looks hella cool and i think you would be like best friends with her 
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- yall sleep on this man i swear, so this one is to all my jesse stans are there 
-He’s kinky, that’s all 
-He knows he’s hot and he’s super cocky about it 
-He’s not much of a cuddler ngl but he will fall asleep and wake up spooning you 
-Your really close to his mom, like she loves you so much 
-He’s very reckless and your kinda the opposite so you kinda tone him down abit so you think that’s why his mom likes you so much 
-Jesse isn’t much of a dancer and he doesn’t really listen to music but he does like to play video games 
-You always pick him up video games randomly and gets so excited 
-You force him to dance with you at dances and he’s so awkward about it 
-”I hate this.” 
-”Awe you love it.” 
-Always trying to grope you while dancing, like will have his hands on your ass and theres kids behind you like sir stoppp but like keep going 
-”Hey! watch those hands.” 
-”I have no idea what your talking about”
-You and dina are pretty good friends like even after their weird relationship, she’s happy for the both of you 
-Okay so let's pretend jesse didn’t die and he is alive and well 
-When he finds out dina is pregnant he freaks out, he’s still pretty young so he’s terrified he won’t be good enough 
-When the baby comes though he’s so excited, when he’s in the infirmary with dina your happy for him but you can’t help but feel an outsider 
-Dina is so sweet and tries to make you feel better 
-”You're gonna be the coolest step parent ever. I’m glad my son gets such a badass step mom damn.” 
-Dina does move out of jackson still though so yall only get JJ every other week, that was the agreement 
-He cooks in the morning for you and JJ while yall are laying in bed 
-I’m sorry but he’s literally the coolest dad, his entire life changes because of that kid 
-When JJ leaves to go over to his moms house Jesse won’t let you get out of bed, this mf hasn’t got any in a week
-He gets a bunch of cook books so he can better his ability to cook for little JJ 
-You guys decorate JJs room together and it’s the cutest thing ever 
-He takes you to romantic places in the abandon city when yall are on rounds together 
-Jesse has a lot of friends but he would much rather hang out with you 
-Yall call each other stupid and dumb a lot but it’s never used as an insult its just for fun 
-”Damn it, why do i always get the nasty ones.” 
-”Because your stupid, dummy.” 
-”That’s right, i forgot.” 
-Your guys bed is never made, you guys don’t even bother at this point. Like either the kid messes it up or you guys mess it up so what's the point 
-He picks you up when he hugs you, literally pick you up from the waist and lift you up 
!Credits to gif owners!
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16woodsequ · 3 years
Can you tell us headcannons/scenes from fic ideas you have had but have gave up on?
I do have a few ideas for fics that I either thought about writing but changed my mind, or have, but didn’t ever really plan on writing. This is mostly because the ideas are very angsty and while I like thinking about them, I think they might be super depressing to write.
One idea I like playing around with is the idea that Steve started to hallucinate Bucky after he came out of the ice. I probably won’t write this fic, because I am not sure if visual hallucinations commonly work by having just one person following someone around and talking to them. I don’t know enough about having hallucinations to feel comfortable using it as a means of telling a story.
But anyway, if you remember my rant about the cabin SHIELD sends Steve to, I imagine that he started hallucinating Bucky either during or after that. Of course, he wouldn’t tell anyone about it because he would be worried about getting labelled as crazy and sent back to somewhere like the cabin or worse.
I think the hallucination of Bucky would be a personification of Steve’s own thoughts and feelings, so at times Bucky would be comforting and friendly. But other times he could be cruel and blame Steve for letting him die (because Steve blames himself,) or point out all his flaws.
Since I headcanon that Steve knows about the bugs in his apartment, he wouldn’t be able to risk talking to Bucky except when alone outside, or in the bathroom. (Which Bucky would take full advantage off.)
I don’t think he would hallucinate Bucky constantly, but Bucky would show up regularly. I think the first time Bucky showed up, Steve was doing something like cooking, and he hears Bucky’s voice saying ‘I’d like some of that’, and he responds without thinking—before his whole body freezes and he realises what has just happened.
Steve knows that hallucinations are not normal, and that he isn’t okay. But he doesn’t want to tell anyone, and part of him guiltily doesn’t want the hallucinations to stop (something that Bucky calls him out on sometimes, because again, he is basically Steve’s own thoughts, which would be hard to deal with sometimes.)
Bucky doesn’t show up while Steve is on missions, which is important because otherwise Steve would definitely be a liability. Also, it is important, because eventually Steve is going to be fighting the Winter Soldier, and the mask is going to come off, and Steve is going to get a shock of a lifetime.
I imagine that after Hill brings Steve and the others to see Fury, Steve locks himself in the bathroom for a while and rants with hallucination-Bucky, trying to figure out if what he saw was actually real. Since Steve has been hallucinating Bucky for a while, he isn’t sure if he can trust his senses. But he argues that he has never seen Bucky during a fight like that, and why would he hallucinate Bucky’s face on someone like that? He has always seen Bucky as his 40s-self, so why would he see someone with long hair and a metal arm?
(Bucky argues that Steve hasn’t eaten or slept properly for several days, and could just be crazier than usual, and if he is wrong, he could be putting everyone in danger. And, isn’t the fact that he is busy talking to himself in the bathroom alone, a sign that he isn’t really stable? The man didn’t even know who Bucky was, how can Steve claim that he is Bucky?)
In the end, Steve decides that he can’t risk not believing that the Winter Soldier is Bucky, and he decides to treat him like it is Bucky, until he is proven otherwise.
I’m not sure if the hallucinations would stop after Steve finds Bucky, and Steve may or may not finally tell Sam about his hallucinations while they are searching for Bucky.
Some more angsty stories I probably won’t write have to do with self-harm and suicidal tendencies/attempts by Steve, so I’ll put that under the cut line.
Suicidal tendencies
I do have a general headcanon that Steve was suicidal back in the 30s-40s. I imagine it was soon after his Ma died. Steve would have grown up being told he was a burden from one source or another, and he probably felt guilty that he wasn’t able to get his mother more care during her illness.
I can see him getting very depressed and listless after her death, especially if he is in-between jobs, and can’t seem to get another one. I headcanon he lived with Bucky, and Bucky would be working to try to pay the rent, and Steve would start to think it would just be better if he weren’t there taken up money and resources.
I think it would take some time before Steve actually decides that he should kill himself, but the idea would slowly grow more and more intrusive. Eventually he would convince himself that everybody would be better off if he were dead. (Especially since, with his illnesses, he has probably been told he is going to die young anyways. Might as well get is over with.)
For this, I headcanon that he planned to jump off the Brooklyn bridge. I’ve looked at pictures, and heard stories, so I think it is possible for him to do that. On the day that he planned it, he waited for Bucky to go to work, and then he put away all his things in the apartment, and wrote a note for Bucky to leave on the table. In the note, he mentions where his body will probably be found.
He goes out, and first stops by Mrs. Barnes to say goodbye to her (although she doesn’t know that.) It starts raining as he begins walking down to the Brooklyn bridge. I don’t know how far it would be from where he lived, but he wouldn’t really be concerned about the distance.
Meanwhile, Bucky happens to come home early. At first he is confused by Steve not being home, but then he sees the note on the table, and reads it with growing horror. Since Steve mentioned where he was going, Bucky dashes out of the house, hoping against hope that he isn’t too late.
It is pouring rain by now, and there is almost nobody on the bridge because of the weather. Steve is right by the railing when Bucky gets there, and he’s kind of out of it since he isn’t in a good place right now. Bucky ends up tackling him and Steve is shocked to see him.
Bucky is, of course, terrified and angry, and he yells at Steve because he is so scared. Steve just breaks down and they eventually make it home. I don’t think suicide was really talked about a lot back then, so neither of them would really know what to do, and it would probably sit between them like an elephant in the room for a while.
Eventually the tension would snap and Steve would probably yell about why he is better off dead, and Bucky would yell back how wrong he is about that. I can imagine Steve saying something like “You know I’ll be dead by thirty anyways. You know what the doctor says.”
And then Bucky grabs his shoulders desperately and just goes. “No! No. They keep sayin’ that, and you always prove them wrong. Who cares what they say? You gotta prove ‘em wrong. You’re going to live till your one hundred, ya hear? Promise me.”
And then Steve would stare wide-eyed at him, and stutter out a promise.
Steve wouldn’t try to kill himself again in the 40s, but that promise would become important after he wakes up from the ice.
When Steve wakes up in the ice, I imagine his depression hit even worse, and it was even harder for him to resist his intrusive, suicidal thoughts. And, when he wakes up from the ice, he is technically 94 years old. So he resigns himself to leaving six more years. He decides he can live six more years before he kills himself. He doesn’t know if he ages anyways, and the thought of living like this forever is horrifying, but he can do six years. He can keep his promise to Bucky and last six more years.
Of course, intrusive thoughts are very hard to resist, so I imagine Steve got close to making another attempt in the two years after he woke up, but he was either interrupted or managed to talk himself down.
And then, eventually he finds Bucky again, and that focus helps push away the thoughts for the time being.
I always imagine though, that while in Wakanda, Bucky remembers Steve trying to kill himself when they were younger, and he confronts Steve about it. That is when they are finally able to have an open conversation about what Steve felt, and what Bucky felt, and where each of them are mentally now.
This was a fic that I actually planned to write. I have a WIP that was going to introduce this eventually.
The idea was that after Steve woke up from the ice, he slowly began to self-harm to deal with all his anxious, repressed emotions. It would start out small—digging his nails into his fists, and arms to try to focus/calm down etc—before eventually it would evolve to cutting.
Steve is very careful to hide it, and his super healing helps. I headcanoned that he used a pocketknife that Bucky gave him during the war (one of the only things of his that he has, besides his compass). He always keeps it on him, and he develops a sort of anxious tick were he unconsciously brushes his hand over his pocket when he is feeling stressed, just to reassure himself that the knife is there if he needs it.
He knows that self-harm isn’t healthy, but he avoids thinking about it. He justifies the fact that he heals quickly, and doesn’t scar. It hardly matters, right?
I usually headcanon that Sam finds out about the self-harm while they are tracking down Bucky. Once Sam finds out, Steve does try to work on quitting, but it is a two steps forward, one step back process for him. He starts carrying around elastic bands in his gear belt so that he can use those when he has an urge.
Usually I don’t have any of the other Avengers find out—although Steve might tell Bucky once they get to Wakanda. Once Infinity War came out, I headcanoned that Steve really wanted to keep from self-harming after Sam and Bucky died, because he knew they would want him to, so he asked Natasha to hang onto his knife for him. She didn’t know why he asked that, but she could tell it was important.
When I first thought about writing this story, it appealed to me because I wanted to write a self-harm story that should the slow progression Steve’s self-harm took.
The main reason I don’t think I will write this story anymore is because it will probably be depressing for a long time. In order to do the slow-burn right, we’d have to follow Steve’s headspace for a while, so it would be a long time before he got any help. I still like this idea, but I probably won’t write it.
I hope you enjoyed those fic ideas! Hopefully it wasn’t too depressing. If you want to chat with me more about this ideas, feel free!
Headcanon masterpost
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A/n: I just finished the end of DBZ and although I knew what was going to happen, I was annoyed by the ending. I don’t think there’s a need for Goku to be MIA from his friends and family when he’s training Uub on Earth and he has instant transmission. Most of friends and family can also fly so they should be able to visit both ways so I’m not sure why DBZ ended like that. So I made a headcannon of Chi Chi telling Goku off. Also I think they fight like any normal couple so FYI. Also this is the first thing I’ve written in 3 years so be kind. :)
Two Weeks after the End of DBZ
“ We need to talk.”
Goku’s head snapped to the familiar voice and narrowly dodged Uub’s kick. Below, on the ground was his wife with her arms crossed, looking up at their sparring session mid-air. How did she get here?
“Chi-Chi? What are you doing here?” Goku asked confused.
Chi-Chi could feel her anger rising but she refused to let her emotions take over what she wanted to say to her husband. In times past, she let her emotions and short temper cloud her actual feelings and because of that she was dismissed by others, especially Goku. She knows he loves when she gets upset which sometimes works to their benefit and they are able to move past issues rather quickly. But, this time she had to get through to Goku about how hurt she is. She needed him to for once take her feelings into consideration.
Goku descended from mid air and landed right before her with a big grin. Chi-Chi was not smiling back.
“Can we go somewhere private? I don’t think it’s fair for Uub to hear this.”
Goku nodded and lightly grabbed her hand and walked them to the side of the hill under a tree far away from Uub and anyone within ear shot. He knew this is unusual for Chi Chi to be so calm and collected and he waited for her to speak.
She took a deep breath and start, “I don’t understand. Why couldn’t you just take a minute to talk to me about your plan before flying off. I don’t want to hear that there was no time or any excuses. Tell me the truth.”
Goku gazed at her confused, “The truth? The truth was that he is the reincarnated Buu and I need to train him, Chi-Chi. He needs someone who’s going to teach him right from wrong and someone who’s going to show him how to protect the Earth. I’m not gonna be here forever, and I need to know that when I’m gone someone is going to protect the Earth and its people. I didn’t think, I just acted because I knew we have so much work to do. “
“I don’t believe for a second you just acted on a whim. You knew about him for quite some time. You knew that there was a possibility that you might be able to train him depending on how the tournament went. Why didn’t tell me any of this? If you were so bored and unhappy with our life you could’ve just said so instead of running off. I don’t understand how you can continue to put yourself above your family time and time again.”
Goku frowned, “Put myself above my family? One of the reasons I train is so I can get stronger for the next threat. I’m always thinking of my family and even if you can’t see it yet this is about protecting you. Uub is the future, and I have to be the one to train him. So if that means sacrificing time with my family to protect you guys than fine.“
“You are so quick to take the first opportunity to leave us. I thought after all these years that you would want to stay, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Chi Chi, I know you don’t understand but please just trust me. I need to do this. I’m sorry if that hurts you.”
“You’re sorry if it hurts me?! You don’t understand how much it hurts me, Goku. You left! You left me again!”
Now Goku was the one needing to keep his emotions in check. He couldn’t really believe what was coming out of his wife’s mouth. Leave her?
“Chi Chi, when have I ever willingly left you?! I died protecting our son. Twice. I don’t know what you mean by leaving you but that’s never been the case. Do you think I wanted to die? I did it to save our son and the world, and I’d do it again. But if I train Uub right then maybe it won’t be on my shoulders to save Earth in the future. I have to do this.”
“What about Yardrat?” Chi-Chi quipped.
Goku groaned, “Aw, Chi-Chi come on-.”
“Or refusing to be brought back after Cell killed you. Two examples. Two times that you chose to stay away. Two times that you left.” Chi-Chi seethed out angrily.
The hurt etched on Goku’s face made Chi-Chi want to take back those words but the damage was already done. She brought up the most sensitive times of their marriage. Times they both prefer to forgot and worked very hard to move past. All the pain, the fights after Yardrat, and the loneliness after he died were at the forefront of Chi-Chi’s mind. Her self control was out the window. Her anger skyrocketed and she shoved against Goku’s chest.
“Two times you left and I had to pick up the pieces. Two times that I had to wonder what I did wrong or what was so bad about our life together that you stayed away. Two times that I even doubted if you wanted to be with me. And now you’ve done it again. You left ME again, Goku.”
She went to shove him once more but he was quick and caught both of her wrists.
“That’s enough, Chi-Chi!”
It was rare when they fought that Goku raised his voice.
“ Listen, I can’t go back and change the past. I thought we moved past this? Yardrat was over 10 years ago and you know why I had to stay away. I was protecting you and Gohan. As I was when I decided to stay dead.”
Goku released Chi-Chi’s wrists and spun away from her, clenching his fists. He then turned back around and said, “ I don’t know what you want from me, Chi-Chi. I’ve apologized for Yardrat and for staying dead but dammit, that was so long ago and you’re still blaming me! What do I have to do to tell you I’m sorry? Or are you just going to keep holding this against me so that whenever I do something that you don’t agree with you bring it up, huh? All I’ve ever done is try and protect you and I won’t feel guilty for those choices anymore! I’m sorry that training Uub and living here hurts you but this is bigger than you and I. You’re just going to have to live with this.”
Chi-Chi peered down, tears brimming her eyes and she spoke in a hoarse, sad tone, a voice Goku has never heard before and he immediately wanted to take back what he said when he heard her voice.
“I always have to live with it, Goku. At least that won’t change.”
Chi-Chi turned and started to walk back to Piccolo. She said what she had to, Goku said what he said and there was no point in arguing anymore. Once again, her husband’s needs came before her own or their family’s. Now, she knew where they stand, and there was a small comfort in that.
As she walked away, Goku took step forward, “Wait, Chi-Chi.”
She didn’t respond and kept walking away, the silence between them deafening.
Tears ran down her face when she made it to Piccolo. Piccolo didn’t ask what happened and they head back home.
When he dropped her off, she pleaded with him, “Please don’t tell Gohan or Goten about this.“
A week Later
It’s been a week since their fight in Uub’s village. In the past they’ve been under the same roof so they would have been able to confront each other about what happened and move past it together. But with Goku on another continent that reconciliation doesn’t seem possible. Both of them were pretty firm in what they wanted to do, with neither wanting to bend. Chi Chi had to come to grips with a life without Goku once again. She’s done it before, she knew she could do it again although it might take some time. All the other times he’s been gone, he was stuck in a distant place that she couldn’t reach but now they’re on same planet just couple hours away from each other.
When Chi-Chi was feeling depressed, she usually liked to cook a big dinner. Her sons were out playing with Pan at Gohan’s while Videl was visiting her father so it will just be the four of them for dinner. This made Chi-Chi smile. Pan always brightened her day.
As she was chopping the carrots against the sink, a pair of strong hands wrapped around her stomach and squeezed her tightly against a familiar solid chest.
“I’m sorry.” His quiet words whispered into her ear as Goku bent his face and rest his chin on the crook of her neck and held his wife close.
They stood like this for a few moments, peace and understanding beginning to form between them. Chi-Chi was the first to break the silence and turned to face Goku while she was still locked in his embrace.
“I’m sorry too. I was hurt. I know that you would never leave us unless there was a reason. And while I don’t understand why you have to be gone, I know training Uub is important to you.”
Goku smiled down at her and held her cheek, “But you were right, there’s no need to be away and train Uub. I can still train and see my family. So how about if I come home a few days a week after training? I can’t promise I’ll be on time everyday, but I promise I will come home.”
Chi-Chi’s overcome with emotion and hugged Goku tightly, causing him to yelp.
“You mean it? Oh Goku, this is wonderful.”
Goku smirked, “I thought you’d like the idea.”
Before she could answer back, front door opened and her sons walked into the kitchen.
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dannyphannypack · 5 years
Crossover Fic Recs
Hey, saw your post for some fic recs! Unfortunately I can't continue the wonderful thread of reblogs because I wish to remain anonymous, but here have some cool crossovers that I didn't see get rec'd yet :D (you can either post this or add it to the reblogs, I don't mind either way)
Just Another Meteor Freak [500k words, complete] (and it's sequel, which is unfortunately incomplete) is a Smallville/DP crossover that's absolutely a fantastic read and I cannot recommend it enough, it's one of my faves! Brief synopsis: Danny goes to live with his aunt Martha Kent after his family dies (and for once Danny's family dying in a crossover fic doesn't have anything to do with TUE!), and misunderstandings of the good kind and mishaps ensue because of course Danny and Clark's hero complexes come into play. It's got hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, sibling-esque-bonding, and all sorts of cool stuff, including ghost king headcannons and new powers for Danny. It takes place mostly from a Smallville perspective, but Danny's woven in so seamlessly that you won't believe he wasn't in the original show to begin with. I read it for the first time after having not watched Smallville in years and I could still understand it though, so I think that if you haven't watched Smallville before you could still enjoy the fic a lot!
And like, honestly, I totally recommend other stuff by this author (jadedbluerose) too. She's got a Merlin/DP crossover that's pretty fantastic, but unfortunately she hasn't updated anything since 2014 :( still worth the read though!!
Spirited Away [70k, complete] is a Harry Potter/DP crossover, it's honestly THE MOST hilarious fic I've ever read. Synopsis: Danny is an unwilling student at Hogwarts, and the most chaotic Hufflepuff the world has ever seen. He claims he's been kidnapped but when no one listens to him, he raises all kinds of hell to try and get kicked out. And if that doesn't work, well, he can always sue them. 100% worth the read, it will definitely make you laugh.
Various Superphantom (Supernatural/DP) crossovers by sapphireswimming. Literally anything Superphantom found here? Totally the best. You can also check out Superphantom fics by surelysilly (whose fics are more on the darker end of the spectrum, and their prose style is kinda abstract rather than your traditional linear narrative) Vitaliciouscreations (they've got a oneshot collection that's pretty fun, as well as a oneshot that I wish they'd continue and a complete cute 13k-word penpal fic.)
How to befriend a ghost [80k, incomplete] is a HTTYD/DP crossover in which Danny gets stuck in the Viking era, and I originally started reading this for the Danny & Hiccup friendship because it's adorable and both of them see how similar they are to each other and find kinship in that. The dragon Danny gets (because this is a HTTYD crossover, this is inevitable!) really sneaks into your heart though, and I ABSOLUTELY adore Sparky as much as I adore Toothless. He's very lovable and complements Danny super well! Of course, it's not all friendship bonding and training dragons, the archipelago is Danny's home now (until he can find his way back to Amity Park/his own century) and he's going to protect it too when trouble arises, just like the dragons do. He even gets new powers along the way. This fic is pretty fun, there's a lot of switching perspectives and you really see the characters' voices come through in it, and you even get to see the dragons' POV, which is really interesting since you get to learn Sparky's backstory!
Den Mother [8k, ongoing] is a Young Justice/DP crossover that acknowledges the fact that Danny is by all rights a first-generation hero, and he's treated with the respect as such and gets to join the Justice League rather than the YJ team. Of course, he doesn't WANT to join the league at first, which is a different take than you'd expect, but he reluctantly agrees and is then given the same responsibilities as a Justice League member--that is, to teach the YJ something about teamwork or whatever. It's not very long right now, but the premise is so good! It has a lot of potential.
A Foreign Perspective [200k words, complete] is a DNAngel/DP crossover that I saw @scrollingdown call a fandom classic once and honestly agree, even though I don't think many people know/have read it. It's a cute friendship fic that focuses on Phantom (not Danny, but Phantom specifically) making his first friend, an older boy named Daisuke, who seems normal at first, but is slowly revealed to be a little more understanding of Danny's situation than he appears. Some comfort involved too since Danny deals with a little more with the idea of mourning/loss than in canon, seeing as Daisuke thinks he's a full ghost and therefore a teenager that died, and Danny learns to be a different kind of hero because of it. Really cool fic too since you don't need to know DNAngel at all to understand the fic, since it's told from DP's perspective, and you get to learn about Daisuke as Danny does. It's just super sweet and it's got some action here and there that makes it exciting, and it's really a fun read.
Other stuff by this author is worth the read too! They've got oneshots of a HP crossover and Ghost Whisperer crossover, and a sadly incomplete HTTYD crossover [100k words] that is still super super good and also deals with ideas about mourning and loss. Their non-crossover stuff is also pretty interesting (there's a Mute!Danny AU and Dash kinda-redemption oneshot I really liked).
Diversity [150k, ongoing] is another Ghost Whisperer/DP crossover, it's a found-family fic where Danny runs away from home after his family dies in the events post TUE. He ends up running into Melinda and she goes out of her way to help him. There's a couple underlying mysteries surrounding the ghosts that haunt this fic, and Melinda tries to understand Danny's past and ends up tangled in a conspiracy because Danny's hiding his ghostly alter-ego and also the GIW are involved at some point (and they are much more menacing here than in canon). It's totally a page-turner, and you can get as invested as Melinda in hoping Danny heals from his loss. Spellbound [150k, ongoing] is a HP/DP crossover by the same author! Danny accidentally gets trapped by Magical Britain and is bitter about it, but he's trying to make the best of it. The Wizards have no idea what to make of him, but he just wants to go home, and he makes a couple friends while he plots his escape. (It's actually been a while since I read that one, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I do remember feeling bad for Danny in this fic, poor boy's lonely and can't even interact with kids his own age because he's an unknown creature to the wizards. Good thing Danny's never been one to follow authority.)
A Visit to Paris [10k, complete] is a Miraculous Ladybug/DP crossover in which Danny is Akumatized... sort of. The results are hilarious: Danny's a troll, Hawkmoth is frustrated, the heroes aren't really sure what to make of it, and Danny and Adrien make a lot of puns. Oh, and Danny is the only one smart enough to fix Paris' villain problem (okay, so it might be slightly cracky). It reminds me very much of Spirited Away, which I mentioned earlier. It's got the same level of chaos that's for sure. All in all, it's a very, very fun read.
A Different Sort of House Call [50k, incomplete] is a House MD/DP crossover, it's been years since I read it but I've always considered it one of the fandom classics too? It was definitely one of the first things to pop to mind when I was trying to recall all the cool memorable crossovers to rec you, so this goes on the list too. It's Danny at the hospital with House, and the doctors are trying to diagnose him without knowing about his ghost half (and Danny's not exactly willing to tell them either). There's angst (especially since the author wrote this to follow Lab Rat by AnneriaWings), Vlad trying to be an ally (sorta?), and House being clever as usual. Sadly it's incomplete but it's still super good!!
Running Blind [20k, complete] is a CSI/DP crossover (it took me forever to find the link again since it wasn't listed as a crossover). It's super good, Danny runs away for reasons unknown (at the beginning of course) and gets caught up in a murder investigation and he suspects the culprit is supernatural so obviously he helps out. The CSI guys are both trying to protect him (thinking he was a target for the murderer) but also trying to uncover his past and the reasons he ran away. When you find out why he ran away, you might be awed like I was (especially when you realize how long it had been since he ran) or you might be unimpressed, but the aftermath and his family/friends finally catching up to him might make up for that. I kinda liked how Vlad was written here too.
Ghost Crimes and its sequels is a Criminal Minds/DP crossover. It's the first in a very long series (currently 500k+ words in total) that expands on the DP world and lore, and also involves a lot more murder, death, blood (and the other related gore-ish stuff), and overall realism. Like, Danny fights what is basically Jack the Ripper and its terrifying. It's kind of like a "dark and gritty" DP (but like, not unbearably or overwhelmingly dark and gritty), angst sprinkled here and there, along with darker themes and less light-hearted issues (mental health/trauma/depression/etc. and neglect/abuse and like, actual competent adults like social workers and stuff are a real thing in this fic). There's a lot going on but it's got its lighter nice moments too (Dani is there and gets to be a part of Danny's family, Val's in on the secret, among other things). Also some of the chapters are illustrated, it's great. Definitely check it out!
Okay that's a lot of fics so I'm gonna stop now. Have fun reading!!
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abloomntime · 4 years
A Bloom In Time Ch 31
( Hey Guys. Sorry this chapter took so long. It's still my personal headcannon that the Twilight Bell takes you to the Horizon. The song Hattie is the unused song about the Moonjumper.)
How could she have not see all the thing's lining up with what he had said done, and what other's had said about him?! How could Poppy been so blind out what was staring at her before her very eyes?! Sleep didn't come to her that night, and she found herself staring at the dark ceiling. The final pieces of the puzzle fitting together as she remembered all the scenarios that gave away Snatcher's identity.
When she first glimpsed him at the manor. The brown hair was...P-Philip's. It was like everyone's voices and actions were being replayed back through her head with every moment of foreshadowing, hints, and puzzle pieces finally being put back together-
"Hey! I know who can help! Snatcher can!! He's really, REALLY old too and he should what to do!! Come on! He had to deal with being frozen and Vanessa just like you!" Hattie had given her the first major clue to it all. He had to deal with being froze to death AND Vanessa because he was the one who took the brunt of Vanessa's rage. "Hey! I know what can help a little bit. Y-You like flowers right?" He had a flash of panic fly over his face for a moment before he coughed and shrugged. "You said you had a flower stand before Vanessa sent her goons to take you right? O-Obviously you must've liked growing things then. Or at least flowers." That....THAT PECKING PECKNECK KNEW ALL ALONG SHE LOVED FLOWERS!! HE PECKING KNEW!! "We're all that's left and you should accept that's how it is now before you get hurt. Believe me the sooner you do the sooner everything starts to get better for you." "Hey. I can understand that. Believe it or not you're not the only one who's gone through that kind of thing....I'm certainly no stranger to feeling like that. In fact it took me forever literally just to realize my place after I got lost," "Ok. To make it in mushier terms..I DO want to help you ok. Believe it or not I do and I have my reasons. But you gotta know I can't change the past no matter what. Trust me I have TRIED and look where that got me. Stuck fused with a mushy corpse and having to lead a whole bunch of strangers through the forest like a tour guide." he glanced at her confusion again. "Uh..B-But that's not important. The important thing is that I can't change or fix anything that's already happened alright? I can't send you back. I can't give you anything from your old life......And I can't change what happened to you." Her face dropped and eyes widened even more- "But, I can help make the future easier and help you with whatever you need to settle down with alright? But you got to understand that it's NOT just going to be with a snap of my fingers. I know, I've experienced it for hundreds of years. Just know that...You're not going to be alone in any of this alright?" "No. You were right the first time. She was always a monster, it just took her a while to show everyone what was really inside. So don't give her any credit. She was never a queen, just a spider wearing a pretty mask." "I-I...I know exactly how you feel." He scowled. "Yeah. I know EXACTLY how that feels. Vanessa took everything from me too when she froze everything!" He growled and his grip on her became a bit tighter if he was being a lil protective. "I pecking didn't see it coming until it froze me right before my very eyes! I died before my life even took off the ground and now I'm stuck like this....But you aren't." He ...attempted a smile. "Listen, Poppy. I'm not good at this speaking from the heart stuff, but Im pretty good at speaking from experience stuff. So trust me when I saw you still got your whole life plus more ahead of you. It's....probably going to take a while for you to process this properly and start to move on like I did."  "Look. I ....can't change the past no matter how badly I want to. But I can change the future, and so can you. Think of all the things you can do now without anyone to hold you back!" He might've been speaking from what he perceived as a positive but she gave him a funny look. "Uh...By that I mean vanessa of course. She's not holding you prisoner anymore." "I stumbled across him a few times coming up here to visit. Hmph! He's very rude and always steals any dish I make with bacon when he's around me cooking. Quite the oddball out if ya'll ask me." P-Philip ....LOVED bacon. And Vanessa banned bacon from their kingdom around the time she died. "Of course I can! I made the kids all those clothes and my minions their highly durable bodies." ""YOU painted all of these?" she asked gawking at him His smile widened more smug if that was possible. "Yep. And those." He pointed to the left wall wear there was five giant paintings behind the space cow mobile. He then pointed behind her. "And the ones right behind you." Now that Poppy thought about it hard, she faintly recalled Philip learning embroidery from his mother and taking a liking to hobbies like painting and reading books. Both of which he did and you can CERTAINLY learn to sew along with embroidery.  "How do you know that?," she asked genuinely confused. "UH....I- Um-....I-I-I was there when he was killed." He still eyed her for a moment before looking to the floor unable to look her in the eyes anymore. ".......Vanessa killed him. Just like she did to everyone else....a-a-and y-y-you...." "Just like you. She locked him away until everything froze over. Vane-.....That MONSTER!'', he spat hand slightly tightening as he scowled at the floor, "She was pecking crazy. Thought he was....cheating on her behind her back when he was nothing but patient with her. She didn't deserve anything." "Because she was nuts! Always have been and always WILL be! She would've snapped sooner or later with the way she was back then, always so paranoid and thinking I-.....I THINK he belonged to her." His other hand was quick to shoot out and grab her shoulders accidentally making her jolt at the sudden grab but it was enough to get her to look at him. "Now you listen to me and you listen good." A claw poked her chest as he pointed it at her crying face with a deep frown of his own. "I have dealt with too many years of pecking guilt over whether or not it was my fault or if I could've stopped it! And I'm sick of it all! You. Are. Not. At fault!! Do you hear me?! Vanessa was always going to snap and it was HER fault for being so batpecking crazy, she couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality! There was no reason in her! We should've expected nothing less of her for anything! But I'll be just as bad if I didn't it now, and I'm saying it's not your fault. Least of all people you. All you did was sell flowers. Big deal. It would've been the same if she saw m-....him buying a necklace from a jeweler or a ham from the butcher. BANG!!" She flinched at the loud yell he made at 'BANG'. Tears running down her face as he spoke. "Ice. Death. Lots of ghosts. You get the picture. The point is, it's ABSOLUTELY! NOBODY'S PECKING FAULT!! BUT VANESSA'S!! .......You and me didn't do anything wrong."  "So-...I take it this..'prince' friend of yours was a nice person? Not that I knew him, but it seems you two were close. Not that it's any of my business." He had an anxious feeling saying all of this as a stranger but he couldn't help but feel the need to get all this anxiety off himself by asking. "It just sounds like you cared about him a whole lot."  "Yeah.....Hey. This might sound out of no where but do you blame him, your friend, for what happened between him and Vanessa?" "How did you die?," she found herself blurting out before she could stop but she instantly regretted it. "WHAT?!" Snatcher whipped his face to her wide eyed. "S-Sorry." She held up her hands worriedly. "Is it rude to ask a dead person that? I d-didn't know honest. It's just that.....You're doin' an aweful lot for me and I don't know a lot about ya, since you already know alot 'bout me from my rambling. I figured ya would return the favor." "Sorry. NO can do, Red. That's private information." She scowled again. "OH come on! Purple onion. Your contract paper thingy said I could ask for anything I wanted in return for helping ya!" "Within REASON!," Snatcher stressed, "Asking a ghost about their past is like asking a poor person how much money they spent on their shoes!" "Same as you. I died during the Great Subcon Freeze." "Oh. Well you said you saw what happened when Philip....p-p-passed away, right? Does that mean you were employed by the Queen?'' "Sorta. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." Which wasn't really a lie. He couldn't have ever been in a more wrong place or time. "Another innocent bystander to a crazy curse." "Oh right. Dumb question. Then who wer-" "Next question!," "Ok! Well ya technically did, but I mean what made ya decide to help me? I just don't get it.". "Because I recognized you from the village." "I-...Sometimes saw you selling flowers in the square, and-.....I guess I was simpathetic to someone else in a similar situation as I was."
"So....does that mean Philip is a g-ghost too?"  "A ghost? Well that's not exactly easy to answer. Any ghost I know if they even became ghosts would be in the forest .....or another plain of existance. A-And like I said BARELY any of my minions remember who they were before they died."  
He LIED!!....No. Not exactly lied. He did tell the truth but...BENT IT!! Without actually answering anything!! Or telling Poppy anything!! WHY?! What reason would he have to keep his identity hidden from her?! They were friends....Weren't they? ALL OF IT!! Everything he or anyone else had said lined up perfectly with what Moonjumper-....Or second Philip had told her.
"And you know I could always scare you out of any debt you got yourself into with those pecknecks down there." He offered genuinely. "I may not look like it, but I'm very good at legal technicalities. I did want to be a lawyer at once upon a time!" Philip studied laws to better his future kingdom one day. He always said he wanted to be a good king. And mentioned if he wasn't destined to be prince he would've liked to become a lawyer. And there was a bush cat in his home...Philip mentioned having a pet bush cat. A gift from his father. Moonjumper's echoing voice still rang around in her head with everything he said.  "HA! That's rich coming from him! That halfling is lying right to your face!" "Why? Didn't dear Snatcher tell you?" He chuckled and gave a smile similar to Snatcher's smug one. "We're two halves of the same person.~ Split at death and now wondering through death two halves of the same person.~" "Oh! He didn't tell you did he?" He smiled and gestured to himself with a smile. "Well allow me to elaborate for you, my dear.~ Snatcher and I are both Prince Philip Snider Of the Kingdom of Subconette.~ When we died in the frozen celler we split personalities resulting in us becoming two very different ghosts. How I have no idea, but it's quite the sight isn't it?~"
"Are you sure about that?"
No. No she wasn't. She wasn't sure of anything any more than she ever fully did in her entire life. It-....IT DIDNT FEEL REAL!! IT FELT LIKE A BAD DREAM!! ALL OF IT!! THE THREE MONTHS SHE SPENT HERE AND EVERYTHING THAT"S HAPPENED ALL FELT LIKE ONE BAD ROLLAR COASTER RIDE OF A DREAM!! AND ANY MINUTE NOW SHE WAS GONNA WAKE UP IN HER BED, GET UP AS SHE USUALLY DOES, SHAKE OFF THE WEIRD DREAM, AND GO BACK TO WORKING HER STANDS AND SEE PHILIP AGAIN!! HER DEAR FRIEND!!......But it sadly wasn't a dream no matter how much it felt like it. As she stared at the ceiling from her makeshift bed, she was VERY aware of the ghost that happily still read the book about black holes like a dedicated reader. .....Was this really Philip? There was plenty of proof, but how could she know for sure? What was real and what wasn't? It's safe to say sleep didn't come easy to her that night but she guessed at some point she did give in to sleep because when she woke up Poppy was still tired and 'Snatcher was gone. Guess he left sometime after she fell asleep. It was weird after that. It was like Poppy was on numb autopilot for days after that. She still took care of herself and the girls. Still cooked for them, cleaned if needed, made sure herself and the kids were clean, played when they asked her to spend time with them except now they referred to Poppy as Mum. Which she didn't have the heart, focus, or energy at the moment to bother correcting. Her mind kept revolving back around to Mr. Moonjumper (philip 2.0) said and still couldn't figure out why. Why did he say that? Was it even true? Was Snatcher even who he said he was? She barely got any of the script read during that time of course. During that time she busied herself with learning how the new tech worked, mostly the washer, dryer, and the oven. Took a bunch of practice but she got.....decent at working them at least. But she found herself  getting through half of the script  at least when she got the second call from Mr. Grooves. She was just in the kitchen cooking eggs in a frying pan for her and the two girls waiting when Bow came bounding in and tugging on her dress with that giant innocent smile of hers.
"Mom. There's a call for you from Mr. Grooves."
"Hm what?....OH! R-Right. I'll be right there."
It took a quick turn off on the oven and walk(crawl) to the machine room to actually take the call as she held it up to her ear.
"Hello, Darling," came the voice of the penguin as happy and calm as she first rememebered. "You're probably wondering why I'm calling you this early morning?"
"Uh...Yeah actually. Is something wrong?"
"Not at all!" She could feel the smile the penguin had on him at that moment. "We actually have fantastic news! All the sets have been set up and secured not to fall over anymore. We're all ready to start the first rehearsals first thing next week!"
".....F-F-First rehearsals?! So SOON!?," she asked feeling a wave of dread coming over her. She hadn't even finished the script!!
"Yes! That's not a problem is it?"
"U-Uh...N-NO! NO!! Not at all! Hehe." She smiled nervously despite being on the other side of the phone where he couldn't see. "N-N-Next week will be just fine! I c-can't wait to rehearse."
"That's great, Darling! Come to the studious first thing Wednesday morning sharp. We'll start the first run through first thing in the morning when you arrive, Darling. Get up bright and early bird. And don't forget that script now. DJ Grooves out."
"Bye..." Poppy said after hanging up before blankly looking back towards the door. Great. She needed to focus on that script and get it read quickly before next Wednesday!! She didn't even notice the burning smell before Hattie rushed in clutching her hat so it wouldn't fall off.
It was almost like a blink of an eye when Wendesday finally came for them. Poppy had spent so many hours worriedly reading and rereading the thing over and over trying to focus her energy into it instead of worrying about the Philip/Moonjumper/Snatcher situation and just read. She NEEDED to focus on something else besides thinking of that right now, and when the day finally came she got up to the sight of the girls shaking her awake for it, quickly hurrying herself to get her presentable and grab her trusty leather apron, stuffing her script into the breast pocket and an apple into her mouth for a swift breakfast. Nothing on her mind except how nervous she was and how SO NOT READY she probably was for this. Without Cookie to really escort them to the Moon City, the girls would have to teleport her using the two umbrellas and the magic telescope. She really, really wasn't thrilled at the idea of them carrying her through space, but seeing no other option she reluctantly agreed and after the two got their umbrellas, lead her to the machine room where the telescope apparently pointing towards the bird's studios. Needless to say Poppy held her breath and kept her eyes shut the entire way when Hattie confirmed they would about to take off into space. All she could feel after grabbing the little girls' hands was them death gripping her hard with almost inhuman life strength it almost hurt and the sudden lurch forward with the whoosh sound of two umbrellas opening and finally her body being lifted and pulled through the air like a kite. She didn't look the entire way there, just kept her eyes clamped shut the entire way. She would've loved to look upon the beautiful planet or the diamond stars as she passed but she was afraid she might relive the plummet into the swamp and didn't want to relive THAT near death experience again. So for now she would just hang on for the ride, it almost felt like forever just floating in air drifting like a peaceful kite, before suddenly she was whiplashed back and she gasped as she was suddenly suspended by nothing but her arms in the sky. Poppy's blue eyes snapped open and she suddenly blinked at the sight she was taking part in...and frankly almost lost her pecking mind. She thought hanging from that noose once was bad, try hanging about a hundred feet in the air above a desert town and only being held up by two little children holding her hands with an iron grip her hands were almost numb. Her blue eyes shrinking to pinpricks as her stomach flipped seeing the sight of her suspended.
"It's ok!, " Hattie tried to reassure her as they slowly floated down, "We got you!"
To keep herself from feeling anymore sick, Poppy closed her eyes and didn't open them until her feet connected with solid ground and she lightly gasped, for what felt like forever. Popping her eyes open and seeing the old desert town and almost falling to her knees on wobbling legs. Beside her both girls touched down and closed the umbrellas. Giving Poppy a concerned look.
"Are you ok?"
....After a few seconds of breathing and grounding herself, Poppy nodded and leaned back up with an inhale. "Yeah. N-Now...L-Let's get ta that studio, right?"
It was almost the same exact time when Poppy had come in to get measured for her costume, except this time without Snatcher present to tail her, which she was thankful for right now. She did NOT want to be thinking about him right now, but anyways- It was like the last time they came in, with Mr. Grooves pacing in front of the lobby looking worried and anxious but as soon as he saw them he was immediately smiling and racing over to them.
"DARLING!! There you are!!," the moon penguin boomed out happily stopping in front of them, "And not a minute too soon!" And like last time, he grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him towards the big doors leading to the penguins' side of the studios. "We have a rehearsal to perform and practice to be had!!"
Like the last time she entered, everything looked the same except it was now less busy and most of the penguins here were calmly carrying something around or checking the clipboards they were holding for something. Still pretty busy but was way better than last time in here opinion. At least she didn't have to worry about ducking under anything this time around. And like last time the two girls followed only, Mr. Grooves quickly lead them past the changing rooms, and down a different hallway further down the way from the last one. Poppy blinked and watched where they were going, this hallway was much better lit than the giant room outside and multiple props and what looked like painted scenes were printed all over the place leaning against the walls and ready to use at any given moment. Up a head a metal door was waiting for them that read: Back Stage Supervised Personal and Staff Only. They headed straight for that and the Moon penguin opened it with enough force to almost make it hit the other side of the wall. Poppy blinked as she was pulled onto a stage....A REAL wooden floored stage with curtains, and props behind said curtain, and other people waiting there but looked up when the two came in followed by the two girls. They were all there.
"So sorry for the hold up, Darlings," He apologised finally releasing Poppy and smiling at them all, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice to our first rehearsal folks. Now I know the Bird Movie Awards is still so many months away, but we need to practice, practice, practice before we actually start filming the play and editing the footage. Raw talent is the real pop behind the success!" he clapped his flippers together. "Now does everyone have their scripts in hand?" Everyone responded by saying some version of 'yes' and holding up their papers before Grooves nodded in approval and looked up to Poppy. "What about you, Darling?"
Poppy blinked. "UH! Oh r-right." She quickly reached into her front pocket and pulled out the slightly crinkled stack of papers. "H-Here!"
He nodded again, and turned back to the crew. "Alright, Darlings! You all have ten minutes to reveiw your places for the first five scenes before we start! Don't forget just because this is practice that doesn't mean to put the best into your acting! Pretend you're there! Feel the thousands of adoring watching as you all take the stage and dance away!"
"Hello, Miss." Poppy jumped at the sudden voice next to her and looked down to the mysterious owner of the voice it belonged too. Relaxing when she saw the smiling face of Timmy smiling up at her. "Sorry for giving you a fright, but I just wanted to say hello yeah?"
She sighed and smiled. "N-No. It's ok, sugar." She looked up and around a little bit. "Is Hazelle here with you?"
He nodded. "Yeah. She's just talking to one of the production managers about the spotlight keeping on shining in her eyes. ...But I do have something important to say-"
"Darlings!" They all turned and Saw Grooves looking in their direction. "Sorry my little stars. But no children are allowed on set during rehearsals." Both girls 'awed' in disappointment, excitement to see their story come to life fading but he still smiled. "But you little ones are more than welcome to have a front row seat in the audience while we practice." Both smiled again with happy little gasps making the penguin smile more and turn, motioning for them to follow him. "Come along, Darlings. It's this way."
Bow and Hattie of course obliged and happily bounded off after the director but Timmy lingered.  Looking back up to Poppy. "Don't tell anyone this, not even Hazelle. But Moonjumper said to be prepared for me to come fetch you three days from now when it's your day off from work here."
Poppy snapped to him and blinked. "What do you-"
"Little boy! Off the set now. Come along!"
"Sorry. Can't talk now. Just be ready."
She didn't have the chance to say anything back to him before he turned and ran off the other direction, leaving her standing there mouth open and staring blankly at the direction Timmy ran off in. ...At least until there was a yell of someone from the other side of the stage.
"Five minutes people!! Actors for scene one get ready to come up for the opening scene rehearsal! Again five minutes people! Chop chop!!"
Poppy jumped, and with the papers in hand made her way towards the front. The first rehearsal didn't go that badly. In fact it could've been worse. When Mr. Grooves said he really wanted to go by the book he meant it, in fact barely anyone had barely any speaking roles outside the narrator for the play (who happened to be another moon penguin with a deep voice) and all she had to do was do the motions she read in the script and.....messed up a bunch. Stepping on the actor playing Starella's father's foot, tripping over the curtain exiting stage, and once accidentally making Hazelle fall when she nudged her without looking. Thank goodness Hazelle and the male actor was so understanding. It made her nerves rise higher the more they practiced especially with Mr. Grooves watching from a director's chair in the audience and his voice shouting at her or someone else every time something happened.
"CUT!! Darling! Let your body relax, you're movements are becoming too stiff. Once more from the top!!" "Cut! Clean up on center stage!" "Darling, be careful where you step! Don't step on anyone's toes." "Lights, camera, action!!" "Take Seven on opening scene in three!...Two!.. ONE!! Narrator, Darlin'!"
And a whole bunch of other things she kept getting nervous about, by the time they were done she just felt so drained mentally and physically from it all all she wanted to do was go back home and fall asleep when Mr. Grooves gave her the ok to leave. Which WAS exactly what they did, Poppy paid no mind to anyone else and only barely registered Mr. Grooves telling everyone they'll pick up again from where they left off tomorrow morning and for everyone to get some rest and practice. Sounded good to her. So when the two again grabbed her in their iron grip when she essentially shooed them out the door, she closed her eyes basically doing and feeling the same thing as before when she went down only falling on her stomach as soon as they reentered the ship floating in outer space and got herself some rest. Thinking about what Timmy had said kept rebounding in her mind and with all the stuff clouding it up she was almost like a robot with her actions in the next three says. Get up, dress, hygiene routine, take care of the girls, go to the rehearsals (which was Ok at best. she or others still messed up every often and had to restart a lot which was hard for her clouded mind and nervous feelings), and routine afternoon/bedtime routine before falling into an uneasy sleep. Rinse and repeat for the next three days. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. She had tried every so often to talk with Hazelle or Timmy about it, but Hazelle seemed genuinely busy with her role as the evil step sister reading that script, and Timmy just avoided any thing she asked if she could before running off to the audience seats to avoid her. And during ALL of this Snatcher had not appeared once which she was...still kinda grateful for. She wasn't sure what she was going to do or act around him now since what Moonjumper said was still echoing every moment of the day throughout her mind. In fact Moonjumper hadn't shown up either which what was bothering her a bit since she wanted to ask so many questions. But it all finally came to a head early Sunday morning when she was awakened by someone shoving her shoulder and calling her name. Confused, the red head groaned and pushed her head up from the pillows on the floor where she slept, pushing the long red hair out of her bangs groggily blinking.
"Poppy? Poppy! Get up! Timmy's here!", Hattie shouted shoving her again and she almost fell over back onto her stomach.
"W-What?," she asked sleep stilling hanging onto her. The red head yawned and blinked at the little girl in the dark. "Hattie? Sugarcube, what are ya'll doin' this late at night?"
"It's morning actually, but that's not important!," she insisted pushing upwards against the older woman's shoulder to try and get her to get up, "Get up! Timmy says he has to take you somewhere important!!"
She slowly rose with the child's pushing. "W-Who-...Timmy?"
"Don't tell anyone this, not even Hazelle. But Moonjumper said to be prepared for me to come fetch you three days from now when it's your day off from work here."
At the sudden voice in her memory spoke out, Poppy jumped up suddenly wide awake letting Hattie fall onto her stomach on top of the make shift bed of pillows. Timmy was-......Timmy was here! For her! So that meant he was-....Hattie shook her head and reached to push her giant top hat up off her face when she heard quick footsteps walking away from her, blinking she looked over and found Poppy briskly walking away from her towards the rising and falling platform leading from the attic and to the control room. She blinked and quickly jumped up and ran after her to catch up. Poppy was quick to reach the platform as it rose back up and stepped on it, Hattie right behind her quickly jumping on it too just a second before they began to lower into the much more brightly lit room. They could see everything from their spot on the platform, including the purple eyed boy who was sitting patiently at the control room's chair facing the control panel chatting with Bow about something but both looked up noticing the two coming down the platform and smiled.
"Well, well. Good morning, Miss Poppy,'' Timmy greeted from down below waving, "Sorry for the early visit but Moonjumper thought it was best I brought you as soon as I could to avoid suspicion from Snatcher, eh."
When the platform touched down, Poppy quickly got off it and began walking down the ramp towards him with Hattie behind her and Timmy stood up to meet her as she waltzed on over and stopped in front of him.
"Ya'll are...here to take me to Moonjumper?," he asked for clarification a lil bit of excitement coming over her at the prospect for answers.
Timmy nodded. "Yep. Thought you'd want to finally get some answers eh?"
She nodded. "YES! Pecking yes!"
"Oh good." He walked past her going towards the door leading towards the storage room. "Then we all better make our way over to Alpine Town then."
Poppy blinked and slowly followed after him with Hattie and Bow bounding up to walk next to him. "You're planning on using the Twilight Bell to get there?," she asked and he nodded.
"Yeah. I can't get there myself without Hazelle's magic and all of us have supernatural ties upon our souls. It should easily do the trick."
"What's this Twilight Bell?, " Poppy asked following following them still confused.
The door to the storage room opened with a whoosh sound and all three children walked on in throuh the hallway with Poppy going to crawl right after them.
"The Twilight Bell is this HUGE bell that's a part of the Alpine Goat City and can only be used by spirits or someone with really powerful connections to magic or spirits," Timmy explained, "Since all of you are bound to the purple noodle through contracts and I'm tied up with MJ, it should work for the whole lot of us."
"...You mean the bell teleports ya'll?"
"Sorta? It takes us to the Horizon. It's wear trapped spirits go and where I live. I think you'll like it. Not a lot going on but it's pretty peaceful and pretty majestic in it's own way."
The four of them walked(Poppy Crawled) into the storage room and instead of stopping they went over towards the ladder Poppy recognized from when they were cleaning as the ladder that lead to the boiler room. Hattie also mentioned that they stored her ships water supply in there. Without hesitation Timmy walked right up to it and grabbed the ladder, starting to climb up it in a swift manner similar to the two girls who went right after him. Poppy watched them disappear through the small kid sized doorway in the top wall there before she slowly began to follow after them. Half way up the ladder she heard what sounded like a loud thud and she rose a brow at that. At the very top, she crawled her way through the small opening and stopped upon seeing probably literally the only part of the spaceship she hadn't seen before. The area was certainly warmer than the storage room, and true to Hattie description. It WAS filled with lots and lots of water except for a small platform way on the other side lower than where she currently was and a GIANT boiler making a whirring sound as it worked with FLAMES peeking out from the open vents!! Timmy and Bow SOMEHOW got across the water and were waiting by the telescope which was pointing outta the windows also by the platform and Hattie pulled her trusty umbrella out of no where. Before Poppy could react something with the force of a hundred men grabbed her and she yelped when she suddenly found herself being held in the arms of the child awkwardly as Hattie aimed her umbrella at a metal beam above the water. The hook from the tip of the umbrella latching onto it with a metal clang. Poppy didn't have time to say a single word before Hattie jumped and swung them across the ship's water supply. The yelp that the startled woman gave almost caused the child to go unbalanced as she released them from the beam and towards the platform, Poppy instinctively latching onto her hat. Timmy and Bow watched as the two crashlanded on the small platform next to them. Poppy hitting her back against the wall and Hattie belly flopping with her hat over her face, Umbrella just barely missing falling into the water by some miracle.
"Dang pecking nabbit! Warn me next time ya decide ta do somethin' like that!," Poppy yelled from her sitting position, heart momentarily pumping from the sudden leap.
"Are you ok there?," Timmy asked pulling Hattie to her feet as she popped the hat off her head and blinking.
"Yeah. But I really don't like crashlandings." Poppy leaned off the wall and rubbed her back looking around the room. "Why did ya'll come in here?"
"To take you to the Alpine Alps." Timmy gestured to the lone telescope still pointed out the window and Poppy rose a brow at it as he walked back over to it. "This'll take us all straight to Alpine and from there to Moonjumper. We'll have to leave right now if none of us wanna get caught by Hazelle."
"More traveling with those umbrellas?"
"My magic's not strong enough to teleport me let alone all of us to Alpine all the way down there. I could barely teleport inside the ship from the moon. Unless you wanna wait for Snatcher or Hazelle to catch onto our plan and you never see Moonjumper, be my guest." Poppy said nothing and he nodded. "Then let's not waste anymore time yeah?"
Poppy stared at him a little longer before sighing and nodding. Well when he put it at that, he had a point. She certainly didn't think Snatcher would be very open to this idea. Not after what the girls had told her about what he thought about Moonjumper. And she certainly wasn't missing a chance for getting answers now, and what was one more umbrella ride since she's been sucking it up and using it to get too and from work for the past half week now. So with a sigh, Poppy pushed her self up to her knees and watched as Timmy grabbed Bow's hand as she held up her umbrella and walked over to the telescope. Taking Hattie's hand as she offered and shuffled over to the telescope after them, slamming her eyes shut  when Hattie's iron like grip grabbed her hand like a pair of cuffs again.  All she could feel after grabbing the little girl's hand was her death gripping her hard with almost inhuman life strength it almost hurt and the sudden lurch forward with the whoosh sound of two umbrellas opening and finally her body being lifted and pulled through the air like a kite. She didn't look the entire way there, just kept her eyes clamped shut the entire way. She would've loved to look upon the beautiful planet or the diamond stars as she passed but she was afraid she might relive the plummet into the swamp and didn't want to relive THAT near death experience again. So for now she would just hang on for the ride, it almost felt like forever just floating in air drifting like a peaceful kite, before suddenly she was whiplashed back and she gasped as she was suddenly suspended by nothing but her arms in the sky. Poppy's blue eyes snapped open and she suddenly blinked at the sight she was taking part in...and frankly almost lost her pecking mind. The first thing to hit them was the spine chilling limb numbing COLD!! It was like they suddenly got dumped in winter as the air blew wildly around them like a cold winter storm minus the snowflakes. The second thing she noticed was that they were IN. THE. MIDDLE. OF. THE. PECKING. SKY!!! In all directions was nothing but blue sky, greyish white clouds, and cold wind. She couldn't even see Bow or Timmy which is what made it worse for her. Did they get knocked out of the sky?! Were they blown away by the wind!? Were they still falling somewhere to their doom?! Her questions were answered soon enough. When she was about to ask Hattie(who was still gripping her with that strange alien strength) where they were, when something finally peeked through the clouds. Whatever it was was BIG and grey but still blocked by the giant clouds surrounding them as they got closer and closer to their destination being blown by the wind. Her red hair whipped around and she could barely see until they suddenly went down. Poppy gasped and a spike of fear went through her as they did thinking they would fall to her second death slamming her eyelids shut, but instead of falling through air Poppy soon found herself being put down on her knees on something she could only describe as cold bricks. Confused, those blue eyes popped open and they went wide at the sight in front of her. The wind was still blowing, making her shiver and sent a shudder down her spine from the brief flashback to the old clutches of the Vanessa incident before she quickly pushed it from her mind and wished she had a coat as her arms instinctively rubbed her arms. What stood before her was something else. What stood before her looked to be a mini mountain like structure jutting out somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the cold sky, the moutains was decorated with old forgotten torn flags with strange symbols unknown to her waving in the cold wind and a few small snowflakes made themselves present drifting into small piles here and there. It also looked like oddly big shaped ledges formed into a naturally formof stairs leading somewhere but her eyes weren't focused on the path right now. She was looking at the strange egg shaped like statues with goat horns surrounding them before stopping and staring at the MASSIVE two statues of Alpine Goats on either side of the path ahead on two seperate cliffs, almost like guardians from long ago. There was also some plants despite it being so cold, mostly small trees and bushes jutting out from random spots in the cliff but there was also some wild vines growing up the cliff sides here and there. A cough directed Poppy's attention to her left where Hattie had landed and was met with the sight of the other two children as well. THANK PECK they didn't get blown away from them.
''Welcome to the entrance to Apline Alps Ms. Poppy," Timmy said one hand on his hat to keep it from being blown away. "I hope the landing wasn't too rough on ya."
...She blinked shaking her head. "W-Wait. WHERE in tarnation are we?"
"Like I said the entrance to Alpine Alps." He then pointed up the pathway, the ride to Alpine Town is down that way a bit. It's best we get going before we can't yeah?"
She gladly agreed. If there was a town nearby then maybe she could find a shop or someplace warm to warm up a bit. Timmy nodded and turned to lead the way, running towards the stone ledges with the girls following and Poppy once the lady got up onto her feet. Well, she made it this far, might as well see it to it's end. And think. The answers her mind's been beating her over to get was so close to getting obtained. It was kinda tricky climbing up after the youngsters who jumped and ran up and over the ledges with ease, but it wasn't too hard thanks to her muscles from so much work in her youth, she was easily able to jump, grab onto a ledge if needed and pull herself up and over to as if doing pull ups. Guess she can scratch off mountain climbing off her 'Weird Things to Happen To Me After Coming Back To Life' list. When she finally reached the top, Poppy was exhausted and her hands and arms were cold and sore like she had been shoveling pounds of snow with her bare hands, but she stopped when she saw what was before her. Two torches with fire (in the middle of daylight no less) stood on either side of an archway that lead the way to a boarded bridge, said archway was decorated with colorful paper and a rope of holed stone was tied across it. Writing of a language she'd never seen before decorated a sign above it. When Timmy noticed her staring at it, he explained it was the Nomad language and said Welcome to the Alpine Mountain Range. Interesting. The three children ran across the old wooden bridge like it was nothing and Poppy hesitated a wee bit....Come on you scardy cat! You traveled from hundreds of miles from SPACE and the moon tons of times! She could handle walking across a bridge probably miles high off the ground too! Though it didn't ease the butterflies in her stomach, she slowly forced herself to cross trying NOT to think of the thosands of miles below her very feet and instead looking straight ahead. In front of her was some kind of wooden doors and a metal fence leading off to the left, next to the doors was a bell and as soon as the three children got near it Hattie pointed her umbrella, the hook shot out and latched onto said bell and she pulled. The bell rang out a few times and as soon as Poppy got near the thing, the doors automatically opened and they all ran through. Timmy pointing upwards as he did.
"C'mon, Poppy! The way's up there!"
Poppy looked up to where he was pointing and- OH. MY. PECKING GOSH!! A spiraling stone staircase spiraled upwards up another cliff which was bigger than the one she breifly climbed and the ones the two goat statues were on. Oh boy. Well..maybe all this exersize would help her clumsiness in her rehearsals. Sighing she turned her attention towards the start of the stairs and still shivering walked after them. Along the way upwards she noticed there was more of those weird horned, hallowed out, egg shaped statues, a few torches, and LOTS of moss covering the old steps. She tried looking around but saw nothing but more sky and clouds, and as she got to the top she noticed there was even more giant goat statues. When she got to the very top of the stairs however was when things got stranger. At the very top there was four what looked to be graves with SKULLS on top of them, more strange stone statues, a TALL stone piller between the four supposed graves, two GIANT stone cut structures that were purposefully carved to look like horns, and some wooden beams with red flags which waved in the wind which speaking of the wind it seemed to have picked up since they got there. How odd.
"What are those?," Poppy asked pointing a hand at the 'graves'.
"Oh those? Those are memorials to the four founders of Alpine Town, they were devoted to the Twilight Goat who first made their home here. Some say they found out the secrets of high end magic and ascended to the stars when he died," Timmy explained.
So they were kinda graves. She didn't wanna know if those skulls were carved stone or the real thing- A giant clap of thunder rung out as the ground beneath them all shook for a few seconds causing Poppy to fall to the cold stone ground as it did. The giant stone pillar in front of them sinking into the ground a little bit.
"WHAT THE PECK WAS THAT!?" Poppy wailed pushing herself back up and looking around wildly. "An earthquake!?"
Timmy shook his head no. "Nah. Hattie's just summoning one of the alpine skylines."
"The what?!"
She didn't get an answer as it happened again and she was knocked back onto her side again as the thunder clapped and the pillar lowered a little more too. Hattie ran past her over to the third lever sticking out of the ground and with her trusty umbrella started whacking it as it spun around like a screw into the ground and another clap of thunder and another shaking of the cliff knocking her over once the last level was buried into the ground. And Poppy was finally able to push herself up without having the fear of being knocked over. Something slithered forth from the white clouds before them and it took Poppy a moment through her moment of shock seeing the thing to realize it was a rope decorated with more of that colorful paper!! She watched in shock as it wrapped itself TIGHTLY around the stone pillar and stayed there, leading back off to the unknown through the clouds. As soon as it arrived Timmy and Bow stepped up to it, Timmy and Bow locking hands like before they teleported using the telescope, and Bow aimed her Umbrella at the rope. The hook from her umbrella shot out and caught onto it, and as soon as they did they were whiplashed off like someone had just grabbed them and yanked them away disappearing through the clouds. Poppy yelped in shock and ran over to the edge where they disappeared off from, staring at the clouds rolling past. Where the PECK did they just go?! Before she even knew or really processed what just happened at all, something like an iron trap grabbed her hand once again and another hook from Hattie's umbrella shot out and grabbed onto the rope. With a yelp she'll deny later, Poppy and Hattie were also shot forward. It was really similar to the sensations of when she was traveling with the girls to and from space, only this time she could see what was happening to her surroundings as she was once again pulled along by the little alien like a kite in the wind. Red hair whipped in every direction in front of her face and she had a quesy feeling in her stomach from all the pulling she was receiving now. Clouds. All she saw was clouds from her eyes squinting from the wind whipping her face, and the rope that never seemed to have an end as they flew. All she could hear was the whistling winds, claps of thunder from the clouds, and the distant sounds of bells-......Bells?! Wha- Another clap of thunder sounded out as they passed through the biggest cloud of all of them when FINALLY daylight broke through the other side and she could see something besides the clouds. And. Her. Jaw. DROPPED!! More cliffs. LOTS more cliffs. But all of them were MUCH MUCH more bigger than the few they had already climbed, making the ones they passed look like babies in comparison. As they zoomed by, they passed a pair of twin peaks standing side by side with more Alpine Goat Statues THAT WERE GINORMOUS!! Even bigger than the statues they had already seen! These were easily the sizes of a small castle EACH!! As they continued to zoom past those with the cold wind still seeping into her bones, There was yet ANOTHER set of twin peaks with more ginormous goat statues, and with each pair of goats statues there was a massive...rope?? And on said ropes was the BIGGEST golden bells she'd even seen. The giant things rang out from the winds pushing them and shined brightly from the sunlight. Poppy gazed up at them all in awe as they flew past. Well, that explains the distant sound of bells she heard. She was so in awe, it was unlike anything she had ever seen before! It was in a mystical way, beautiful! They were fast approuching the end of the rope's journey and Poppy looked around admiring the veiws. Was....Was that cliff spewing out LAVA!? It looked more like a volcano than a cliff!! And that one had some kind of giant structure on it. She wasn't sure what it was to be honest, but it was still so massive! She didn't see the end of the rope until there was a sudden whiplash and her body was sent forward shooting like a rocket, crashlanding into some green plants with a loud yelp!
"Oh no! Poppy!" Hattie quickly ran over to the red head as she pushed herself out of the roof of the small building she crashed into and coughed, spitting out leaves and shaking her head. "Are you ok?! Im sorry! I must've slipped! "
"Ah'm fine! *cough* I'm sorta used to this crashlanding bizz by now." She shook her head and finally got a chance to look around her. The way they came from was clouded by well clouds and she could barely see the back of the statues n cliffs they passed let alone the cliff they came here from. Looking around her she saw lots and LOTS of man made wooden platforms, houses with the roofs just covered in plants, more of those horned hollowed out egg statues, piles of firewood, bails of hay, and carvings of goats and paintings were plastered all over the available sights of what cliff she could see. Peck. Even the houses had strange carvings in them so details it must've taken someone a hundred years to even finish carving one of them. Odd ledges and stone stairs carved into the cliff sides to the right lead to farther up from the landing platform she crashed into....She blinked. "Where in the hey are we?"
"The town of Alpine Skylines." Poppy snapped over to her left and load and behold Timmy and Bow was just a few feet away from them all. He pointed up the roof she was still sitting on and over towards the path you HAD to climb said roof to get to. "The towns split into five different sections between all these cliffs here, you see. There's the Lava Cake Peaks, Bird House Peaks, Twilight Bell Path, Landing Peak, and Windmill Hills. Right now we're on Landing Peak where everyone who comes here first lands, yeah." poppy blinked and looked up towards the path he pointed at. Landing Peak huh? Well at least it made sense. She blinked again when Timmy suddenly jumped onto the roof next to her and began climbing his way up and towards the path. "There's four skylines leading to them, since we're heading home we need the green one that goes to Twilight Bell Path. Follow me!"
Poppy blinked but moved when both girls started to also climb up the roof and jump onto the path after him, once she set foot on the path and was able to meet up with them, Timmy gestured down the wooden platform path and she followed. The wooden path soon turned to giant stone steps befitting the giant Alpine Goats who lived there. Speaking of the residence they passed one or two goats on their way up, the goats shaking out their furred shelves every so oftten. And some Nomads. The smaller covered up residence of the peaks who lived in the smaller houses of the peaks. Poppy envied their heavy coats as she was still shivering from the cold air from being so far up and rubbing her arms following them. There was still everything she saw from her place back on the landing platform, only now she could get a good look at the other peaks. She could see how they got their names. Bird House Peaks had an actual LARGE bird house(or what she assumed was one since she couldn't guess what else it could've been). Lava Cake Peaks obviously had Lava. Landing Peaks was the center of the peaks leading towards them all. Windmill Hills had the BIGGEST windmill she had ever seen built into it!! As for the Twilight Bell Path- Poppy blinked and gawked at the HUGE silvery-green bell built upon the cliffs that was held up by more goat horn structures. So that was the twilight bell that would lead her to Moonjumper. Gotta say she was starting to find this easier than she originally thought it would be. She continued to follow the kids up, up, up until they finally stopped at this huge fancy carved house. She guessed it must've belonged to one of the goats since it looked too big to be a nomad's. Infront of the house was a giant wooden beam and from it a rope with green fancy paper decorating it lead from it towards the giant bell. Timmy pointed at it and Poppy understood it was the way to go. And so the same thing from before happened. Timmy took Bow's hand and they zoomed away towards the bell, and Poppy did the same again with Hattie. Before they took off though she noticed there was some very beautiful bright blue flowers shining brightly so much, the light made them look white. Poppy only remembered staring at the pretty thing before being yanked away towards the new path. This time the trip was MUCH shorter than the first one this time and she landed more decently on her knees when they reached the stone end, getting off and brushing her self off and looked as Timmy beckoned her down another stone ledge path which lead to more wooden bridged bewteen the peaks that lead to the bell. She could feel the anxiety and excitement grow within her stomach as they neared, but she came all the way here. It was too late to turn back now. Timmy lead them through an archway that he explained read The Twilight Path, so they were on the right track. Though the climbing she had to do against cold stone was NOT fun in the slightest. One Namad they past yelled out that the Twilight Bell was just ahead of them. Which was good since she was starting to feel sore from all this climbing anyways. Along the way she noticed there was stars and strange symbols painted on some of the cliff sides, as well as a few more of those really beautiful bright lit flowers. When she asked Timmy about the flowers he shrugged.
"Those are Twilight Flowers. They grow all along this section of peaks."
"Ah think they're beautiful. Wouldn't mind havin' some back home."
Twilight flowers huh? She'd never heard of those kinds of flowers before, but they were really beautiful to look at. Oh well. As they continued to climb, they FINALLY reached....Another green papered skyline.
"This is the last skyline before we reach the bell,'' Timmy explained before he was whisked off by Bow again.
Oh well that was good at least, her wrist was starting to get sore. So rinse and repeat yet a third time and Poppy was once again strung along, but this time she KNEW she was there. The last trip over felt like an eternity as she just fawned and awed over the large bell structure before her as they got closer and closer. Until finally she was there landing hard on her knees but she didn't care, she was too busy looking at the INSIDE of the thing! THIS BELL WAS HUGE!! PROBABLY BIGGER THAN THE GOLDEN ONES SHE SAW WHEN THEY FIRST CAME IN!! AND THE INSIDE LOOKED LIKE AN ENTIRE GALAXY ON IT'S OWN!! Black void painted the inside of it as beautiful diamonds sparkled brightly like stars. It was absolutely breath takingly pecking beautiful!! She still couldn't take her eyes off of it as she followed the children until they were all standing under it, giving her the best veiw of the inside. Unknownst to her, Timmy nodded to Hattie who nodded back and aimed her hook shot up at the bells lever. It grabbed onto it with a thump and away she went swinging back and forth on it like it was a playground swing. OH PECK!! The loud booming rings it made rang out and jabbed Poppy's ears and head with pain. Causing the woman to clamp her hands over her ears as Hattie continued to ring it and slam her eyes shut. Green flooded around the four, twisting the turning in every direction until they saw nothing and the surroundings COMPLETELY changed. ......Poppy SLOWLY opened her eyes and removed her hands when heard the ringing sto- She gasped and stumbled back onto her behind at the new sight.
"Welcome to The Horizon, Miss," Timmy said gesturing to the new world around them. "Or what I like to call it, home!"
IT WAS DARK!!....But somehow she was still able to see everything. She was surrounded by more strange statues but these instead of looking like regular statues, were a dark green-black that sparkled with somekind of otherworldly magic. Floating buildings of white marble statues with lots of pillars were EVERYWHERE she looked and someone of all things, some were leaking water. Water that went over the edge and down, down, down disappearing without a trace. There wasn't any visible source of sky, sun, moon, or stars. Just black void all around them besides the strange structures......Well when Snatcher mentioned some ghosts living on another plain of existance he wasn't kidding. In a strange way...it was all very beautiful and a sense of eerie calm came from it all.
..............She blinked and slowly pushed herself back to standing in her feet. "W-Where....Where are we?"
"I just told you. The Horizon." Timmy turned and gestured down a path leading off from where they popped up from, Moonjumper is probably waiting for us in the palace."
"The what?" Timmy pointed ahead and there was a big stone building just floating in mid air, it did quite resemble a palace in a topsy turvy way. Poppy blinked but slowly followed after the kids who showed no fear in this other world. As they walked she turned and suddenly gasped and stumbled back a few steps, pointing at something a little way from them. Big. Glowing. And MOVING!! "What the peck is that?!"
Timmy jumped at the sudden shout but looked to where she was and relaxed at the sight of the alpine goat ghost. "Oh that? That's just one of the ghosts that love 'round here."
He shrugged. "Why are you surprised? Snatcher's a ghost, and so is Moonjumper. There's just a few goats and a couple of Snatcher's old minions Moonjumper snatched up here. But they're all pretty harmless." they continued walking as he spoke. " They mostly just float around with they're little bells. There's nothing to worry about."
She hoped he was right about that. Poppy blinked seeing another familiar thing and pointed at it. "Would ya look at that? More flowers!"
"Oh yeah. The Twilight flowers and vines grow in this place too. No idea why, Moonjumper thinks they're magical or something. He likes to study magic sometimes if hazelle let's him borrow her books."
Just like Philip to study. "He....Sounds like a smart fella."
"He should be. People even wrote a song about him in legend."
"You're kiddin!" Philip? Having a legendary song named after him?
Timmy nodded. "Yep! You can ask Hattie to sing it for you. She knows the song pretty well."
Hattie smiled at the prospect of showing her superior knowledge about this place and what she could do. She didn't want to brag but after all she IS an expert in all things ghostly on this planet including the legend of the haunted forest and Moonjumper's tale. She still remembered when she first met the polite spirit when she first entered the Horizon going after one of her time pieces.
"Hello there little girl! Come wide, come far! I am the Moonjumper. Oh, yes. Indeed. I live and breath for this horizon, it's my home. Up here I can see everyone and everything. I am a silent.....observer. Ask me my child. What does my eye gaze upon? A girl in red? A village of the dead? A prize in a shed?.......N-Nevermind."
Hattie smiled again at the memory and like any little girl began dancing around as she sang. "Tale of a place! A deep forest dark with grace! There he lives blooming inside a wild field of big eye! And there he lives! Skin so blue! His eyes shot red! The Moon! The Sky! Tell him only lies! He doesn't know she waits inside!  She lost her mind! Many years gone by!"
Poppy watched and listened at the little girl's funny singing. "What does that mean?"
"No idea!," hattie giggled out.
Timmy shrugged. "No one does. It's a mystery to everyone except maybe Moonjumper."
"Did someone call me?" They all froze at the sudden and distant echo-y voice that came from anywhere and everywhere. It seemed to echo more out into the void until slowly fading away and Poppy frantically swiveled her head around trying to see where it had come from. "Look upwards, my lady." Poppy did snap her head upwards and she let out a small gasp. Up way above floating just a few feet in the air above them was the ghost. He...still looked as sketchy and scary as he did back on the ship all that time ago and she couldn't help but take a few steps back when the ghosts floated down. He was even more weird looking than she remembered. The red markings on his face and those red eyes shining brightly against the dark void as he still lowered, eyes locked onto her as he desceneded and eventually stopped a few feet away. The only sounds from him was the eerie clanking of the chains still on his wrists as he stopped just beside Timmy who still smiled. A head pat was rewarded to the boy from the ghost. "I'm glad you all made it alright. Did you have a nice trip over? I know the journey isn't exactly easy."
Poppy blinked. So many thoughts from before but now her mind went blank at seeing the other spirit again. "Uh...Y-Yeah. I-It was alright."
"Splendid! Now." He clapped his hands together making the floating chains clack more. "Timmy told me you have some questions you wanted answered?"
Her mind came back to her as she blinked. "Uh YEAH! A whole bunch in fact!"
"Well lucky for you Im completely one million percent willing to answer each and everyone you may have." He turned and gestured her to follow him. "Come, come. It's rude if I didn't show you around my home." The children willingly followed when the spook started floating off down the path and after a moment she also started slowly stepping after them. The path contained the same thing they had already seen. Pure white stone marble buildings floating around, water falls disappearing down into nothing, and the occasional spirit who turned and fled the other way seeing Moonjumper. "Don't mind the residence. They do that with Hazelle and Timmy too."
"Right." Poppy rose a brow at the back of the ghost in mostly curiousity and a lil bit of suspicion. "So...Philip-"
"I'm afraid I no longer nor do I like going by my dead name. Please. Call me Moonjumper, or Moon if it's easier for you but please do not call Philip Snider." She shuddered. "That name brings back o-one too many bad memories I wish to forget."
"Oh, sorry 'bout that....Moonjumper?"
He waved a hand not looking at her. "That's quite alright. Now...You wanted to talk to me?"
She blinked..and she scowled. "Yeah! That's right! I got a few peckin' questions for ya'll!"
"I don't mind answering a bit, but I WILL insist you do not use that language in front of the children while you're here. I do not tolerate bad behavior."
"Right. So I can ya'll anything?," she asked crossing her arms.
He again waved a hand. "Ask to your heart's content, my dear.~"
"WHY THE HECK DID IT TAKE YA SO LONG TO TALK TA ME!?", her angry voice practically echoed loud throughout the entire void and the kids winced at the loud sound. Moonjumper seem unfased tho.
"Yes. I do apologize for that but I couldn't risk Snatcher finding out my presence otherwise he would've made sure I never had the chance to talk to you at all. You see I can only leave the Horizon when it's night on your world, but Snatcher is much more powerful than I am and would've sent me back quite easily. Wouldn't you agree that this is the safer route?"
Well that did make sense. Snatcher by what she knew and saw of him did have quite the temper on him that's for sure. "Ok. Then what about everything ya told me back on the dang ship!? Was that all real or ya'll jus' playin' with mah head?!"
"Firstly I would NEVER lie about myself. I find that self degrading. Secondly you are probably the last person I would lie to. Why ever would I lie about my oldest and dearest friend? Thirdly yes. Yes everything I told you was true." Moonjumper smirked in triumph and looked over his shoulder at her. "Every single bit of it was the truth."
"Explain it ta me!," She demanded.
His smirk widened. "I'd be glad to.~ Where would you like me to start?"
"The beginnin'!"
"Of course. How much do you know? I can start filling in holes if I know how much you know."
"I know you froze to death in the celler." Moonjumper stopped and as a result so did she and the children who blinked back confused as too why the adults did. Poppy stared at him for a few seconds and when he didn't respond inhaled and exhaled before continuing. "I know Vanessa killed ya both too when she locked ya down there, and I know she froze everythin' too. And it all happened a thousand years ago and you two..three??...Are all ghosts. And I-...I know she thought I was the one ya'll cheated on her with."
"WRONG!" She jumped at the sudden raise in tone and as Moonjumper snapped his head to her. "That is wrong. I had never EVER cheated on her with anyone ever! She may have thought I did but I certainly did NOT!!''
"O-Ok, ok! Ya didn't. She just thought we was a thing."
"Exactly. We never cheated on vanessa. I'll give Snatcher that much at least. He was always just as faithful til the very end."
"........Hey. I think you said ya'll were one in the same back on the ship right? Explain that ta me."
......He just shrugged. "There's not much to explain on that matter since I have no idea how we came to be. All I remember is waking up after we died in that DREADFUL cold prison cell and waking up here on the other side." He shivered and reached up to rub his arms chains clanking. "I will NEVER go back there even if it meant leaving this prison!"
"Still doesn't make much lick of sense ta me."
He looked her over for a moment before sighing and holding up his hands. "Alright. Allow me to tell you a story that will clear EVERYTHING up and help you catch up with recent events. Once upon a time a thousand years ago, there was two Kingdoms." He closed his hands behind his back again as he gave her a neutral look as he slowly started floating to her left. "The Kingdom of Subcon and the Kingdom of Subconette. The rulers of these kingdoms decided their children would get married and unite both these kingdoms in harmony. Their names were PRINCE Snider of Subconette and Princess Vanessa of Subcon. The princess was the most beautiful woman any where and the prince in my opinion was more better looking.~ But for some unknown reason the princess CRACKED!" He vanished behind her and Poppy had to turn her head the other way as he continued to slowly float in a circle around her. "She slowly descended into madness and became nothing but a controlling dictator that put me-..The prince through NOTHING but misery, and yet the prince still foolishly loved her and tried his best to make her happy! His only saving grace was when he had to leave for his studies and when he met YOU!!" Poppy blinked as he now smiled. "Poppy Rose Bloomington. A small time country girl who grew up on a farm and moved to town to sell her pretty flowers.~ Catching the eye of a prince with your understanding and very kind nature. Basically being everything to him that Vanessa wasn't or ever will be. But THEN." His smile turned back into a snarl. Like the kind of snarl Snatcher gave the Mafia Boss but she wasn't sure where his anger lied with now as he stopped in front of her. "Vanessa turned on me! Over nothing but a few measly flowers all for her!! After everything I sacrificed for her! All those years of pandering to every single one of her demands no matter how ridiculous and impossible they were! I gave her the best dam bloody years of my life and she repaid me for my loyalty and love to her by chaining myself in the dark abyss of the cellar and ending myself up trapped here for over a thousand years! Watching while others got to frollic free and Snatcher get to rein over our kingdoms!!" They. Were. Stunned. Not just her but the kids too. Even Timmy who lived her with Moonjumper seemed in shock from the sudden tantrum. But as soon as it came it left when he exhaled and leaned back holding up his hands. "F-Forgive me. My death...i-is a sensative topic. I just find it so unbareable when the old memories from how unfair it was was brought up....But that's the story mostly. I don't know how or why we ended up splitting on death but each of us are half of what made up our personality and thinking process." He held a hand to his chest. "I am, if I do say so myself, the much better half. The part with the actual manners and dignity and the proper way to actually behave. Meanwhile Snatcher is full of anger and resentment, stubborn an an Express Owl, gloomier than a graveyard, AND he lacks any empathy or positive qualities other than his own motives!!......I hope that answers your questions, my dear."
Poppy.........Still stared. Behind him both Bow and Hattie looked at each other...then they both looked at Timmy who blinked and shrugged with a just as confused face to their looks, before all three children looked back to him.
........She blinked again. "Uh....Yeeeaaaahhh." She wasn't exactly sure how or WHAT to respond with after that. Not that she was afraid. Just...taken aback. But then again she couldn't exactly blame the fella for feeling the way he does after a tramatic death like that. Peck. Even she has nightmares about Vanessa, and she didn't even interact with her for five minutes. She couldn't start to imagine how he could've spent years with someone as evil as that. "Right. Well...Thank ya for ....catchin' me up ta speed. I uh..Clears up a bunch of it actually....Except ah don't know why he didn't tell me this all sooner."
"Oh? You really haven't figured out that yet?" He tutted and rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Poppy. Let me ask YOU a question now. What would you have done knowing Snatcher makes deals with innocent souls who just stumbled into his forest unless they can very rarely defeat him or bargain their way out of eternal servitude and he harnesses all of their souls for his magic fuel?"
He nodded smiling. "Magic fuel. Same goes for me.~ After all the more minions a ghost has the more powerful his magic is. I have a few loyal here to me as you obviously saw coming in. Now...the souls you use don't HAVE to be dead like you, but anyone loyalty of in Snatcher's case hundreds and counting. It makes him almost god like compared to someone like me or ...or HER. Of course he can't kill me. You can't kill someone twice...Uh.." He looked her over. "Or..in your case...Uh ahem or MY case at least, you can't 'kill' a ghost. But essentially coming back to the point. It matters not if your follwers are dead or living, what matters is their loyalty to YOU. Their devotion makes you powerful. I suspect he didn't want you finding that out for the same reason he refused to reveal his..or more like OUR identity and not tell you anything. He was either afraid or just annoyed at the consequences he would've had to face if you had been disgusted your old friend would do something like this."...His smile widened to that smirk again. "But since the owl's out of the bag now.~ He's going to have to deal with the fact that he LIED to you and deliberately kept the truth from you for so long because of a little fright ...I suspect you'll be having some second thoughts for our 'King' of the woods eh?~ Hmhmhm.~"
Snatcher KNEW!! SNATCHER HAD LIED TO HER!!......Well she already knew both of those things. She already knew he lied, and she already knew that he knew but hearing the words straight from his twin's mouth made. Her. PECKING. ANGRY. Angrier than when that yappity bird blamed her for the camera. Angrier when the Mafia was pushing around that poor old man. Angrier when Snatcher made her a babysitter against her own will(not that she was blaming or complaining about the lil tikes). This was a whole kind of next level of anger that she had never felt before even in her old life a thousand years ago!!! This was the anger of betrayel! the worst kind you could feel!! What did she do to EVER GET IN THIS MESS!? .....She had to stop herself and breath in when her vision went red. Now use throwing a tantrum in front of the person who at least answered all her questions so willingly and cleared everything up. There wasn't anymore holes or missing peices in this puzzle now and all the numb, butterflies, confusion had completely disappeared and she felt whole again knowing. Now there was still just one question on her mind that even Moonjumper couldn't answer. Why? And only Snatcher could answer that himself. Moonjumper said it was cuz he was scared or annoyed at the consequences but she wasn't too sure unless it came directly from his mouth. She was DEFINATELY  to give the purple onion noodle one PECKING peice of her mind for sure!!
She nodded her head and looked to Moonjumper calmly. "Well. Ah sure do appreciate ya'll telling me all of this. Ah think I got what I needed. Thank you. But now.." She looked off back in the direction they came from with a scowl. "I got a few more questions ta git outta someone else."
He just nodded smiling. ''Im glad to have been so helpful to you. ...But there IS one more important thing you must know about.~"
She looked back to him with a raised brow. "And what is that?"
"This." He held up one of his hands and snapped his fingers. The sound echoing out eerily and Poppy flinched at the sound. After a few seconds a bright red string dropped from out of nowhere and stopped right beside his head.
She stared at it for a moment. "...What is that thing?"
"It's how I make contracts. You see Snatcher isn't the only one who can make those, the only difference is that the person HAS to willingly agree to sign the paper or he can't do anything...While MINE can be forced upon." His smile widened more. "And frankly I don't think he deserves someone as special as you!!"
His wrist that he still had held up suddenly went down in a slashing motion and in an instant the thing sprung to life on his command. Poppy yelped as it went straight towards her and on instinct brought her arm up to shield her face, the red string wrapped around her arm like a snake and proceeded to tighten like one Poppy was pulled forward by it and she yelped before digging her heels into the ground and pulling back, her otherhand clasping over the string. Moonjumper smiled and simply motioned his finger forward as it painfully tightened around her more.
"WHAT THE PECK DO YA THINK YER DOING?!," She angrily snarled at his smile.
"DAD!! What are you doing?!," Timmy asked just as horrified as the other two children. Obviously he wasn't expecting this to happen.
"Don't worry. They all fight at first but soon you'll forget any pain and be eternally happy." Moonjumper said in a reassurring voice. "Won't that be better? You'll never be in danger again, and be here with me."
"YOU'RE MORE CRAZY THAN SNATCHER!!" She stumbled forward a foot at a sudden yank, The red string glowing a bright red and her blue eyes widened at it.
"Don't worry. I promise it doesn't hur-"
At that very moment a giant burst of energy throbbed hard within the very core of her body. Temparaily knocking the wind outta her. Poppy  gasped and fell to her hands and knees at the sudden tight feeling within her. Her body emitting a small purple light in the dead center of her chest and she stayed there gasping and blinking at the sudden sensation leaving goosebumps across the pale flesh and her shaking like a leaf again. Coughing and gasping for air like a drowning sailor, the red string absolutely disintagrated from the purple magic that glowed in a heart shape right in the middle of her chest. Moonjumper froze, staring at the woman on her hands and knees in absolute shock like the time he first saw her. Poppy's red hair went around framing her face as she coughed and faced the floor....Before slowly looking up through her bangs with the angriest more visious snarl on a mortal woman one could have.
"You can-...NO!" Moonjumper snarled back. "NO!! This can not be it! Y-You-....YOU DONT POSESS ANY MAGIC STRONG ENOUGH TO COUNTER MINE!! I-I-...THAT SHOULD'VE WORKED!!"
"Is THAT what that was?," she hissed out.
"How did you do that?! How you you have possibly have- No! Your will against it just must be stronger than the normal mortal!" He held both hands out and Poppy's face went back to panicked when near ten strings came from the dark and towards her. Timmy yelled at Moonjumper to stop but he either didn't notice him or didn't listen when Poppy was painfully suspended into the air. Most of the strings too tightly wrapped around her arms but some wrapped around her legs too and one around her neck, she cursed and struggled like a mad women being sent to the looney bin. Fighting and fighting before that still glowing purple heart sent out another energy burst and in an instant all the strings were destroyed. Leaving her to fall on the ground and start coughing and breathing again for air like a dying man. Moonjumper once again stood there stunned too shocked for words. Eyes going to the purple throbbing of her body....and suddenly absolutely fear wracked his face and form. "......N-No.....N-NONONONO!!!" His hands suddenly went over his mouth and he floated a few feet away. "N-No.." His red eyes snapped to her face when she weakly pushed it up. "Y-You signed it didn't you? Y-YOU SIGNED THAT CONTRACT WITH SNATCHER!?"
"W-What.." She wheezed and gasped a gulp of air while glaring at him with murder. " d-d-did ya p-peckin' expect?" Of course she signed a contract with Snatcher she he took her soul outta her body. Not like she had a choice there anyways....But she'd definately be having a talk about that with him too once her heart stopped ringing in her ears and her lungs evened out.
"T-Then that m-m-m-means t-that Snatcher's......"
"M O O N J U M P E R!!!"
It was the voice that shook the forest and sent everyone hiding. It was the voice that struck fear into every mortal and enemy ghost everywhere. The voice shook the very void and made every one-...Timmy, Hattie, Bow, Moonjumper, and any ghosts Moonjumper ruled over here stop in their peaceful home and turn to the terrifying scream that shook the dead down to the deepest hell and back again. Moonjumper whimpered like a pathetic dog. Kicked and looked ready to turn into nothing if it meant not dealing with that thing. Every ghost skidaddled and dove behind or through the marble stones for safety. Every goat ghost and dweller here. Which could only mean one thing.
The King Of Subcon....Had Arrived.
And. He. Was. ENRAGED!!
Poppy barely flinched from the sounds, the ringing in her ears making it hard to hear. She had just barely pushed herself up and around when a giant gust of wind whipped past her, making her red hair whipped wildly, and she could feel heat breifly fly by. As if someone lit a fire and swiftly threw it past her body. The dark shadow with the wind S L A M M E D into the horrified ghosts and it sent the two flying. Moonjumper found himself in the hands of the demon. The dark shadow was blacker than the abyss surrounding them, man of hair flared out crowding his face like a lion's mane, the fangs and eyes staring at him seeping with smoke and blue flames. A scream..No. Sound like the most hellish thing you could imagine screeched out from his mouth foaming with blue flames and smoke.
Moonjumper. SCREAMED!!
The three children stood there petrified at what just happed and watched from the ground as the thing that was Snatcher flew straight up into the air before literally throwing Moonjumper's form down behind the building and diving after him.
"POPPY!?" Hattie and Timmy jumped when Bow suddenly bolted over to the woman still laying on her stomach and brought her head up to look at the little girl kneeling in front of her. "Are you ok!?"
Two more appeared behind her. "Im so sorry, Miss! I didn't know any of this would happen!" Timmy looked almost ready to cry when he stopped in front of her looking at her. "I-I don't know what's gotten into them!"
"I-It aint...Y-yer fault."
"My, my. How do all of you get into trouble so easily?"
The children looked up and she slowly followed their gaze the best she could. "Hazelle!!"
The pink wearing witch tapped her foot and held a scowl as she stared down at the four..before turning to Timmy who looked even more scared under her gaze. "YOU are in BIG trouble! Ditching me and running away behind my back! What were you thinking?!..."She looked back up as a giant stream of blue flames shot out from somewhere behind the marble castle. "What were ANY of you THINKING!?"
...Timmy hiccuped and a small tear went down his face. "I didn't know! Im sorry, Hazelle!!"
...Her look didn't soften but she sighed and kneeled down next to Poppy. Her hands grabbing onto her shoulders and grunted as she pulled Poppy onto her back and then pulled her up slowly in a sitting posititon as she breathed. "Nevermind that now. Are you feeling ok?" She patted Poppy's cheek making the other woman look at her.
Poppy blinked seeing Hazelle's concerned face and nodded. "R-Real...w-winded and ...exhausted.."
"What happened?" She looked to the children for answers and Hattie spoke up.
"Moonjumper tried using his strings on her."
Hattie nodded. "But it didn't work. She signed Snatcher's contract."
".....So that's it. The powerful magics just overwhelmed you, you're going to be fine." Hazelle patted Poppy's shoulder before standing back up and sighing. Looking up as another screech sounded out. "Right. Kids. Stay here with Poppy ok? Im going to go break up the other two children fighting."
As she walked away, heels of her boots clacking, the three children looked at one another in worry. Not knowing what to think. Moonjumper on the other hand had a LOT going on through his mind at the moment, especially when he was slammed again with incredible strength in Snatcher's claws. The subcon ruler becoming frustrated when Moonjumper kept dodging his flames. The horrified face of the moon boy stared with fear when Snatcher charged him again, sharp claws out and aiming right for him- Until he was stopped when a bright red string wrapped itself tightly around his tail and stopped him mid dive. The beast snarled like a monster and turned on the red string in rage before another snagged around top half. And then more. And more. And more. .....AND MORE!! Until his entire body was red and thrashing within a cocoon made from hundred and hundred of Moonjumper's threads like a fly trapped within a spider's web. Enraged, the screeching and thrashing increased like he was a worm from hell. He was solely focused on Moonjumper for what he had done. He had felt something was wrong when Poppy the contract's magic alerted him to danger. But when he had instantly teleported into the ship he found no one. He made sure to thoroughly look in each room on the ship before bumping back into Hazelle who just magically dropped in with her weird pet in the middle of his worrying and the two locked eyes.
"YOU?!," he asked blinking at her.
She seemed confused. "Yes...Me. What are you doing here?"
He instantly scowled. "I could ask YOU the same thing, Witch!"
"Uh huh." She looked towards the doorway leading towards the girl's bedroom. "I'm looking for Timmy." She looked back to him with her own frown. "He ran off during one of our lessons and I looked all over for him all day so I've been having Shifty here follow his aura until we got to the moon train. I figured the only other place he could've gone is here with your kiddos."
"Well it looks like we're BOTH fooled!!" He hissed out with a glare crossing his arms. "There's no one here either!"
She hummed and rose a brow. "That is strange. Perhaps Timmy wanted a play date out with them, but why didn't he tell me??....It's not like him at all."
"MISStresS." The Shapeshifter gurgled out in that strangled voice of their's as the strange creature wobbled about slinking towards the door that lead to the storage room of the ship. Getting Hazelle's full attention. "i SeNsE THE bOY's AURa THaT way. FAINT buT TheRe."
It gurgled before crawling towards said door that opened with a whoosh sound and crawled down the hallway. Both of them looked at each other before Hazelle teleported to the other side of the wall and Snatcher's fazed through it. Both watched as Shapeshifter flopped itself to the next level of the floor before crawling towards the ladder that lead to the boiler room and hissed looking upwards.
"hE WENT Up."
"Impossible." Snatcher muttered. "There's nothing in there but water! You're blood hound's as useless as a statue!!"
"Well it's not a coincidence that my boy and YOUR girls are missing as well as that Poppy girl. You can't say we don't have an idea about where they went!"
"Oh please! Why in the PECK would they go in a room filled with water and a measly telescope!?"
Hazelle perked up at that. "A telescope? Don't they use those things to teleport places?"
Snatcher instantly shut up......OF COURSE!! He wanted to smack himself in that moment, but instead he shot himself through the wall into the boiler room and popped out the other side. Rushing up to the telescope and peeping one of those bright yellow eyes through the peep hole to see where it was pointed at on the planet. Hazelle popped a moment later magically teleporting beside him and saw him looking through it.
"Well? Where does this one lead?," she asked him and he looked up.
"Some place in the mountains with lots of clouds." He seemed confused. What kind of place was that to run off too?
Hazelle seemed to get a look of quick realization. "...Oh no."
"Oh no?" Instantly SNatcher was on her scowling. "What do you mean OH NO?!"
"Well, if Im not wrong, that's the long way home for Timmy before I got used to teleporting him everywhere....And Timmy lives in the Horizon."
With Moonjumper!? A shot of panic and rage overcame him at the very thought of Moonboy being all nice and barf romantic over her!! THAT FOOL HAD DONE SOMETHING!! But he wasn't sure what it was or how he was involved in this, but he WAS going to get there and find out! Hazelle offered to teleport them there since it'd be much quiker than taking the Twilight Bell and she was used to making big teleportation jumps with her advanced power. He instantly agreed and after Hazelle ordered Shifter to stay there(in case they came back) she teleported with him holding her shoulders. Once there he had to admit he was a little dizzy, it took a lot to make him feel a bit dizzy so Hazelle must've used a giant burst of magic to get them....Whereever they were real fast. It was almost too fast. But the dizzy feeling was short lived. He felt the second wave of the binding contact protecting Poppy from something and weird place or not, he took off in the direction of it much to Hazelle's protests and yells. If he had a heart it'd be beating a million times a minute as for one rare moment in his after life....He was scared. He knew his magic would be strong enough to counteract Moonjumper's but there was still the lingering fear of her becoming another lost trapped soul trapped her by him somehow. Or what else Moonjumper would do to her?! He lost her once, he didn't want to lose her again!! He couldn't!! Not after he made so much progress in finding her and getting her back!! But his fears were confirmed true when he find them.
Poppy was there...On the ground...She looked so weak. It was like the ghost smacked into a wall with how sudden he stopped seeing her. It was unmistakingly her!! The Purple magic from her soul was his alright and still calling out to him!! Poppy was laying on the ground weakly pulling her head up towards Moonjumper who looked angry and was snarling at her.
Something within him at that very moment SNAPPED!!
It was like the world around him began to blur and spin and the only two figures in his mind was the girl laying on the ground and the snarling person above her. .....What had be done? Poppy was.....hurt? Very possible. Moonjumper did something to Poppy...No. HE did something to Poppy. Moonjumper was a part of him!! A part of him that let Poppy get hurt once again! From that moment something began to bubble up inside of him and poor out in waves. HE HURT HER!! He let her get hurt!! After what already happened to her because of his mistakes!! HOW DARE HE LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!! EVEN IF IT WAS JUST A PART OF HIM MOONJUMPER SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER THAN TO TOUCH THE WOMAN HE LOVED!! Fangs sprout. Claws sharpened. The flames of vengence and pain seeping out. And a cry of pain coming out of him. The only things he felt was sorrow and rage!!
The hunter had found his prey.
"M O O N J U M P E R!!!"
The smell of burning ashes and smoke filled the air as the red strings around the thrashing and snarling beast turned black and with an even louder screech the thing broke loose in an explosion of blue flames Moonjumper had to shield his eyes from. But when he opened them, they widened at the snarling charging claws and fangs covered in fire about to claw him. ...Before a loud smacking sound was heard and Snatcher slammed into an invisible wall blocking him off from the frozen Moonjumper. Enraged his prey wasn't in his claws the mindless beast kept clawing at the invisible shield attempting to seize it's prey within it's protective hold.
"SNATCHER!!" The snarling beast snapped it's head in the direction of the voice and coppery orange eyes glared up at him. "SNAP OUT OF IT!! POPPY NEEDS YOU RIGHT NOW AND YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A RABBID DOG!!" The beast screeched in the woman's direction where she stood ontop of one of the many white marbled blocks. She swiftly moved her arm in a cutting motion and something invisible punch Snatcher right across the face HARD. "GET A PECKING GRIP ON YOURSELF YOU IDIOT!!!"
Snatcher froze. Slowly the rage from his mind with the flames and smoke in it started to uncloud and he found his world twirling back into sights and sounds of a normal person. He found Moonjumper looking at him with anger now, a lot like his anger. But not DARING to make a move towards him. He found Hazelle standing on top of the block too, looking even more angrier than Moonjumper.
"MAYBE NOW YOU'LL LISTEN TO ME!!" She screamed at him at the top of her lungs before pointing back in the direction of Poppy. "YOUR KIDS ARE SCARED!! POPPY'S EXHAUSTED FROM THE AMOUNT OF POWERFUL MAGIC FROM BOTH OF YOU IDIOTS GOING THROUGH HER!! YOU NEED TO TAKE THEM HOME RIGHT NOW AND TAKE CARE OF THEM!!" Her glare suddenly snapped to Moonjumper. "AND YOU!? WHAT THE PECK WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?! HOW DARE YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!" At the questiosn towards Moonjumper Snatcher looked back to him and snarled, claws balling into tight fists. "SNATCHER. DONT. YOU. DARE!! ILL TAKE CARE OF HIM!! GO TAKE CARE OF YOUR FAMILY!! NOW!!"
Snatcher still glared at Moonjumper for a few seconds, the claws still sharp. But Poppy was more important than this fool. The shadow turned and shot away, leaving Hazelle to do the picking up after him. The mane of his neck still bunched up but most of it toned down til it was just bristled like when he was usually irritated. The claws retracting on their own. Shooting through walls and walls of white marble until he finally got to the four of them. They all jumped in surprise save for Poppy who was so tired she felt like she was going to pass out any moment. Timmy looked away in shame as the tall shadow approuched and for a moment Snacther regarded the young boy for the crimes comitted tonight.
".......Hazelle's going to have a talk with you."
That was it. No threats to him from the older ghost, just a warning on what his mum figure was going to do once she got done chewing out Moonboy. Without anything to say Timmy just nodded to the older ghosts before he came to the girls and an instant frown adorned his face. the two girls were clutched onto the barely awake woman looking at him scared and not sure what to do about the situation. ...This was all his fault. He silently gathered the trio up in his arms, both girls immediately clutching onto his fluffy neck like he was going to leave them somewhere and Poppy in his arms blinking up to the one holding her as he teleported. The dark purple surrounding her as they did. He only told her one thing too.
Which she gladly did closing her eyes and letting her body go limp.
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foxanddanapetrie · 5 years
We’ve Got Tonight
A/N: WOW ok so I think this is one of it not my favorite fic I’ve ever written especially with the brain of @absolutetosh fueling me with lethal headcannons so this is all thanks to her.  We were talking about how I’ve never really read any marriage fics because Mulder and Scully are super unconventional and I never felt the need for them to get married BUT THEN WOW WE WENT ON A BRAINSTORMING SESSION and this is what happened.
Summary - Mulder and Scully elope? around IWTB/ post IWTB era and its super fucking cute and I’m sorry i don’t know what else to say.  It’s fluff.
Their bed sits in the middle of the room with a nightstand on either side.  Hers has stack of books on it, some are medical and some are her favorite classics including her old worn out copy of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.  On his side, there’s an array of things he takes out of his pockets everyday and a few wallet sized pictures of him and Scully.  The lamp on her side creates a soft glow against the moonlight beaming down on them.  
His hands cup her breasts as she moves up and down, both of them becoming one like the many times they have before.   He loves the feel of her, how warm and surreal she feels.  It’s like coming home for him and she’s really the only ever home he’s ever cared about.  She reaches for his hands and entwines their fingers as she rides him.  Her hair falls forward and frames her face as she looks him in the eyes.  He feels her pulse around him as the waves she’s riding spill over.  He quickly follows as she slows her rhythm, still clenching his hands.  
She stays there for a minute after, catching her breath, telling him with her eyes everything he already knows.  He looks up at her and says something he’s surprised hadn’t slipped out sooner.
“Marry me.” He smiles.
“Mulderrrr.”  She says, breathlessly as she cups his face in her hands and kisses him.
“I’m serious.  I know you don’t do big ceremonies or anything but we could just go down to the justice of the peace or something.
“Mulder,” she says in barely a whisper “we don’t need to get married.  We’ve been together for 15 years.”
“Just think about it.” he winks at her and she rolls her eyes.”  
When she comes home from work the next day, she slouches her bag off her shoulder and sets it on the couch.  He walks over and stands behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kisses her neck.  He breathes her in as she turns around to face him.
“What do you feel like for dinner?” He asks her.
“I don’t really know.  We really don’t have anything in the fridge.  Do you want to get delivery?”
“Nah, I’m kind of sick of pizza.”
“Me too.  Do you...maybe want to check out that bar a few streets down?  I’ve heard good things and I could go for some wings or something.”
“A girl after my own heart.”
When they walk into the bar, there is a band playing and people dancing on the small, scuffed up panelled flooring that probably served as something other than a dance floor in previous years.  Couples are holding each other and holding each others drinks as they mingled with their friends..
“Wow, who knew this town had such nightlife?” Mulder says, smiling at Scully.
“Mulder this is fine.  Let’s grab a place to sit, I’m starving.”
“Hmm I wonder what drained all your energy…”  he says and she slaps him across the arm with her jacket. 
They sat at the bar and ordered a couple rounds of drinks while they ate their wings.
“This band is pretty good.”  Scully says, turning her barstool around to watch them.  She puts her arm on Mulder’s shoulder and he turns to her.  Her face is flushed and her eyes are fixed on his.   “Do you wanna dance?”
“Dana Katherine Scully who knew you were such a romantic?”
“Shut up Mulder.”  She hops off the barstool and takes his hand and leads him onto the dancefloor.  It’s cramped between the other couples all at varying degrees of drunkenness but they find a spot just as the next song starts. The singer of the band starts with the first lyrics of “We’ve Got Tonight” and they begin to slow dance.  She rests her head on his chest and he rests his chin on her and they sway back and forth as if there’s no one else around them.
We’ve got tonight
Who needs tomorrow
We’ve got tonight, babe
Why don’t you stay
Scully looks up at him, her cheeks still pink from the few glasses of wine she had.  She’s eyeing him like she’s trying to get him to know what she’s thinking.  After all these years, sometimes her face was still an enigma to him.
“You look like you’re plotting something.”  he says looking at her and brushing a piece of stray hair behind her ear.
“Oh I’m the suspicious one, am I?” she jokes.
He laughs “No for real, what are you thinking.”
“I was just thinking...what if we go do that thing you mentioned yesterday?”
He opens his mouth to form the word “what” but before he can speak, he realizes what she means.
“You mean right now?”
“Right now.”
They get in the car and start driving to the town hall.
“Mulder, what time is it?  Is there even going to be anyone there?”
He looks down at his watch.  “It’s 7:00”
She looks down at her hands in her lap, “Dammit.”
Mulder reached into the console and takes out his cell phone and starts dialing.  
“Mulder, what are you doing?”  
He holds up his finger to tell her to hold on for a minute and she watches him, somewhat intrigued and somewhat impatient to find out what he’ll get them into.
“Hey, Daniel?  Hi, it’s me, Fox Mulder.  Hey uhhh I was just wondering if you’re still at the town hall?  I need you to do us a favor...Oh great!...Perfect thank you so much, we’ll be there in about 15 minutes.”  He hangs up the phone and puts the car in drive.
“Mulder, what was that about?  Who-”
“Well I know a guy down at the town hall, he helped me a few years ago with some paperwork with the house.  And uh…” He pauses, smiling to himself.
“And what?”
“And uhh...well…somehow or another we got onto the subject of you and he told me he could do me a favor one day if you...if you said yes.”
“Mulder.”  The way she says his name sounds more like an exhale.  He can hear the disbelief and happiness in her voice at the same time.  “You’ve been planning this for years?”
“Well, I knew we never really needed to get married.  And I knew that if we ever did, we would just elope.  So I figured I’d ask you someday.  And Daniel said he’d help if he could.”
“Mulder I can’t believe it.”  She tries to suppress her smile but she can’t stop it from spreading ear to ear.  
It seems like forever until they get to the town hall.  They knock on the door and Daniel opens it.  They fill out some paperwork and are ushered into another room.  It takes a lot less time to get married than she thought.  It seemed very procedural - perfectly fitting for Scully.
As they walk out the door, they stop and turn to look at each other.  
“We’re married.”  Mulder says, caressing her cheek.
“We’re married.” She repeats as she shrugs her shoulders and scrunches her nose in the wide, mischievous Scully smile that he’s now deemed his favorite of all.
He leans in and kisses her before the walk down the steps to the building.   “Almost forgot to kiss the bride.”
She rolls his eyes at him but he knows she’s loving every minute of it.
“My feet are starting to hurt Mulder, let’s get home.  Maybe it was all that dancing.” she winks.
“Oh, allow me.”  He says as he swoops her off her feet and carries her down the steps.
“Mulderrrr” she protests. “You don’t have to, you can put me down.”
“Sorry, this is the only way I’ll be able to carry you tonight because I know you won’t let me carry you over the threshold.”
She shakes her head at him and relaxes in his arms. “You’re right, Mulder, too cheesy.”
It doesn’t take long for them to get into bed.  They lay on their sides, facing each other.  Mulder brushes her hair out of her face as she starts to fall asleep.  She closes her eyes and listens to their peaceful silence. 
After a few minutes, when he thinks she’s asleep he starts to whisper to her. “Scully, my life has never been the same since you walked into it.  I love every single inch of you and every firing neuron in your incredibly intelligent and loving brain.”  She’s listening to him with her eyes closed and she has to stop herself from smiling at what he’s saying. “I can’t believe that you’ve given me the honor of being your husband.  I promise that I will love you every minute as much as I love you right now - like a man who’s breathing his last breath.  I promise to be there for you in sickness and in health, to hold you and keep you safe from any darkness that comes our way.  Thank you for everything that you’ve given me.  I owe everything good in my life to you and for that I will be forever grateful.”  He leans forward and kisses her on the forehead, still thinking she’s asleep.  “I love you.”
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amylillian22 · 7 years
Like Father, Like Son - Part 1 (Teen Wolf & Supernatural Crossover with Theo x Reader)
Requested by @theoraekendeserveslove - COULD YOU WRITE SOMETHING LIKE THIS ID LOVE YOU FOREVER http://theoraekendeserveslove.tumblr.com/post/165385806772/headcannon-theo-is-dean-winchesters-long-lost)
Word Count: 2,052
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: This is a new mini-crossover series with Supernatural, which I’m excited for. It’s been a while since I’ve done a crossover series with SPN. I hope you like it. I'll try and get part 2 as soon as possible
[Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
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A black Impala stopped in front of a parked truck. The Winchester brothers had never seen the truck before, nor where they expecting someone to meet them at their bunker. Maybe someone randomly parked in front of the gate that leads to the bunker in the middle of nowhere.
"Maybe you should honk," Sam suggested.
"And let them get away?" Dean shook his head as he reached for his gun from the back waistband of his jeans. He removed the safety before getting out of his car. Sam mirrored his brother's actions and walked next to him before slowly approaching the truck.
"There's no one sitting in the driver's seat," Dean said. "Why would they abandon a beautiful trunk?" He asked as his eyes began to admire the black truck, already thinking of names for it as if it was his own.
Sam shook his head, ignoring his brother's love for cars. He peeked over to the backseat and noticed two people sleeping. A teenage boy was lying on his back, with a hoodie covering his face and his arms wrapped around a girl's figure. The teenage girl had half her body against his side and the other half on top of him. While cuddling him, the girl had her face buried in the crook of the boy's neck with her arms wrapped around him tight, almost too scared to let him go. There wasn't much room in the backseat for one person to sleep, let alone two. Sam was impressed. It made him believe they had slept in the backseat before. Probably more often than a pair of teenagers should.
"Dean?" Sam whispered as he nodded his head for Dean to look. Dean peeked into the backseat and saw the two teenagers sleeping. He let out a sigh, wondering why these kids were sleeping in a truck in the middle of nowhere. He ran his hand over his face, wondering what he should do.
"Should we let them sleep?" Sam asked as they stepped away from the truck.
"Who knows why they're here, Sammy, or what they are. For all we know, they might have been waiting for us to get here and kill us."
"Or maybe they have no place to go," Sam's voice was sympathetic, but it was loud enough for Theo's enhanced hearing to hear. He began to stir in his sleep as he heard two voices talking.
Dean fought hard not to fall into that assumption. "Sammy, now these days, we don't know if anyone is human or supernatural anymore. Sure, they look like an innocent couple sleeping in the backseat of the truck, but what if they're not? What if they're a pair of hungry vampires, waiting to suck our blood?"
At this point, Theo woke up. He slightly nudged Y/N awake. When her eyes fluttered open and met with Theo's, she noticed he had a finger up on his lips, signaling her to be quiet. She didn't understand what was going on. She was still groggy and half asleep, until she heard the same voices Theo heard with her werewolf hearing.
"I highly doubt they're vampires. If they were, they would be in a nest and not sleeping in a truck. Also, hungry vampires would be leaving a trail of dead bodies, not cuddling in the backseat of a truck," Sam argued back.
Dean rolled his eyes at his baby brother, who had always been smarter than him. "No need to get all logical on me, Sammy."
"Maybe we should just let them sleep," Sam suggested again.
Dean shook his head. "How the hell are we supposed to get through the gate and sleep? In our own comfortable beds?" Dean asked without sounding like a whiny little kid. It had been a long day and night of hunting and he just wanted to be in his bed.
Having enough of this, Theo sighed and slowly unraveled himself from Y/N's embrace. Y/N nodded, understanding what he was about to do. Theo sat up before he opened the door and got out. Sam and Dean immediately stopped talking and aimed their guns at Theo. Being the protective girlfriend that she is, Y/N immediately shifted and quickly stood in front of Theo. Her eyes glowed yellow as she bared her canine teeth and claws at the hunters.
Dean and Sam shifted their guns at her. The mere thought of someone wanting to kill Y/N was enough to make Theo shift. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her behind him as he growled at the older men.
"Well, at least we know they're not vampires," Dean muttered to Sam.
"Look, we don't want any trouble," Y/N retracted her claws and canine teeth, but still glowed her yellow eyes.
"We just needed a place to sleep," Theo added as he also slowly shifted back to normal. "We'll leave."
"You can't leave without telling us what you are," Sam said.
"Watch us," Theo growled as he turned around to open the door for Y/N to get in first.
Dean pointed the gun at the ground and fired it. The sound of a bullet firing off echoed in the night sky. Theo immediately growled as he turned around, his hoodie falling back. Dean quickly pointed the gun at him, and before he could threaten the boy again, Sam noticed something. He couldn't help but think he might have seen the boy somewhere before. His hair was kind of long and styled how the 90s heartthrobs did. He had an impressive jawline structure for his age. He had a clean-shaven face, which almost gave him a baby face look. Yet, he also had a bad boy image about him. Sam couldn't help but notice how much he resembled his older brother when he was around the same age.
"Wait!" Sam yelled. He placed his gun on the ground, letting the young supernatural creatures know he wasn't going to harm them. "What's your name?"
"Why do you want to know?" Theo asked.
"Yeah, Sammy, why do you wanna know? Why does it matter?" Dean asked with his gun still pointed at Theo.
Sam turned around to look at his brother. "Does he remind you of anyone?"
Dean looked at the boy, long and hard before he shook his head. "No. Is he supposed to?"
"What's your name?" Sam asked again. "Your full name."
"Theo Raeken," the chimera answered.
"Raeken?" Dean asked. "Why does that sound familiar?"
"Where are you from?" Sam followed up.
"Let's go," Y/N whispered as she wrapped her arms around Theo's waist and pulled him to her chest. "Look, we promise to leave and no one will get hurt, okay?" She asked the hunters.
"Theo..." Sam asked carefully. "Where are you from?"
Theo had a deep, twisting feeling he's never felt before and he couldn't figure out what it meant. He just knew he had to answer the question. He had never seen a man pleading so hard for an answer over a simple question. He swallowed hard. "Beacon Hills."
Sam nodded. "Dean, put the gun down."
"Like hell I am!" Dean snapped in surprised.
"Dean, I want to try something, but they won't trust us if we don't put the guns down. So, put the gun down. Now." He demanded.
Dean gave his brother a hard look, one were his lips formed a straight line. He was usually the one to call the shots, but suddenly all the memories of when Sam got hurt because Dean didn't listen to Sam or he didn't do what Sam suggested to do, crossed his mind. Dean didn't know what the outcome of this situation would be, but he wasn't going to risk his baby brother getting hurt, or worse, lose him.
Dean let out a frustrated sigh before he placed his gun on the ground. "Okay, Sammy."
Sam grabbed Dean by the shoulders and stood in front of him a few feet and paralleled with Theo. "Okay, now if you could just squat down a little bit," Sam told Dean.
"Squat? What is this? Gym class?"
Sam ignored Dean's comment and placed his hand on top of his older brother's head before slowly pushing him down. Sam pushed until Dean's head covered Theo's. "Don't move," Sam said before he took a few steps back until it looked like Dean's head fit proportionally with Theo's head. Sam's eyes widened.
"What?" Dean asked worriedly as he shot up and stood up straight.
"Give me a second," Sam shook his head as he walked back to his brother. "Could you come with me?" Sam asked the girl.
"You get her, while I get him," Dean whispered as he winked at Sam, assuming this was a trap to get both of them.
"We can hear you," Theo and Y/N said in unison.
Dean turned around. "You did?" The couple nodded their heads. "What are you?"
"Chimeras," they said in unison again.
"Kai- what?" Dean asked confused as he moved.
"We'll ask questions later, because believe me, I have plenty of questions. But for now, just stand still and don't move," Sam said, earning a groan from Dean before he placed Dean back in his previous spot. "What's your name?" Sam asked the girl.
"Okay, cool. Could you come with me for a second, Y/N? I promise I won't hurt you and neither will my brother."
"Fine," Dean muttered before Sam pushed him down in the same squatting position as before and walked away from him again.
"Just so you know, if you try anything, I won't hesitate to kill you," Y/N said as she walked up to Sam and stood next to him.
"Noted," Sam said. "Now stand right here," Sam moved out of his spot and let Y/N stand where he was. She saw what he was seeing, Dean with Theo's long hair. She arched an eyebrow before looking back at Sam. Sam nodded, surely thinking the same thing she was.
"What's your brother's name again?" Y/N asked.
"Dean," Sam answered.
"Babe, what's going on?" Theo called out.
Too intrigued by the possible similar features between her boyfriend and Dean, she ignored Theo's question. "Dean, can you stand next to Theo?"
"Would a please kill you?" Dean whispered under his breath.
"Please?" Y/N said sarcastically with an eye roll.
"Do Kia-whatever you two are - have enhanced hearing?" Dean asked as he walked towards Theo.
"Yes," Theo answered as they finally stood next to each other. They both faced forward, looking at Sam and Y/N. They couldn't help but noticed the somewhat similar facial features between the two.
"You don't think..." Y/N trailed.
"What did she say?" Dean called out.
"She said, 'you don't think...'" Theo answered.
"Think what?" Dean asked.
"I don't know. She didn't finish the sentence. We're not mind readers," Theo sassed back.
Sam rushed forward with Y/N by his side. "Dean, years ago, I mean yearsssss ago, do you remember that one time dad had a hunting gig in a Beacon Hills and we snuck out of the hotel to eat pancakes at some diner?"
"Beacon Hills! I knew that place sounded familiar. Dad was hunting down the Demon Wolf."
"Deuc?" Theo and Y/N asked in union.
Dean's eyes widen. "He's still alive?"
"Not the point! But we'll get back to that later," Sam said to the young couple before he looked back at Dean. "What was the name of that waitress you lost your virginity with?"
Dean's lips formed a smile, instantly remembering the teenage girl that was 2 years older than him. She was a senior in high school and worked the night shifts at the local diner. "Patty," he sighed.
At the name, Theo stiffened.
"Do you remember what her last name was?" Sam asked Dean.
"I don't know-"
"Raeken," Theo answered. Sam nodded, knowing his assumption Theo might be related to Dean was right, while Dean's eyes widened. His eyes were so wide, everyone thought they were about to pop out of their sockets.
Dean cleared his throat. "How did you-"
"Patty Raeken was my mother," Theo answered. 
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Solangelo Headcanon Based Fics
sooooooooooooooooooooo. As you know I kinda sorta got hooked on writing Solangelo Headcannons and I've been thinking about turning a few them into full scale short-ISH fics all day today. It's currently 11:14 P.M. at the time I'm writing this and I decided "why the hell not?" sooo lets get to it! This is gonna be the first of a few as I come up with them. I know that a few are very long winded, but last time I checked, I normally write that way. Heheh......instead of giving you guys fanfiction fuel, I accidentally gave myself fanfiction fuel! XD
sooooooooooo here goes nothing!
Fic #1 Based on my very first headcanon. I call this one "Black Rose Admirer"
Will nonchalantly strolled out of the Infermary after a thankfully slow day. Once he was far enough away, he checked his pockets and pulled out a small pouch containing Thirteen golden drachmas. Will let out a sigh of relief "Good." he whispered under his breath, "Still there." He had been waiting all day for this ever since he got word from the Demeter cabin that their Roses were finally in bloom! A few weeks ago, he bribed the Demeter kids to grow Thirteen black roses for him. When one asked who they were for, he just said it was for "someone special." No hints of weather it was a romantic someone, or for a friend. But Will knew exactly who they were for. He's had his eye on this boy for quite a while now. The mysterious Son of Hades, who only spent Three days in the infirmary with him, and suddenly made Will a little hot under the collar whenever he thought about him. It was the Raven haired Italian prince of death, Nico di Angelo. And what an Angel he was (to Will, anyway). Will didn't want anybody to know what he was doing, just in case it didn't work out. However, if it did, oh boy was he going to shout it from the rooftops! But for now a black ops secret admirer mission would have to do (pun intended). Going into full stealth mode, he was determined to get to the Demeter cabin completely unnoticed. If anybody caught him with a huge bouquet of roses in his hand, demigods would be asking left and right about who has the Head Medic of Camp Half-Blood love-struck enough to buy flowers for. Pretty much the last thing he needs today. Without too much trouble, and by some miracle, Will was able to make it over to the cabin without getting caught. He saw a girl with wild and wavy red hair and green eyes fiddling with a pair of well worn hedge clippers, obviously trying to get them back in working order. The girl looked up as she saw Will coming over. "Well, Well, Well." she said as a gentle smile graced her freckled face, "If it isn't my favorite Apollo kid." "Hey, Lilly." Will waved awkwardly. "Let me guess. You're here for the roses, aren't you?" Lilly got up and dusted herself off. Will nodded. "Come with me." She grabbed Will's hand and lead him toward the amazing garden that the Demeter kids all grew together. Every kind of flower, fruit, vegetable, and berry you can think of! You name it, they had it! Including the Iconic strawberries that kept the camp running, when picked and sold by the truck load. Lilly lead Will towards the flower section of the garden where Will could see roses blooming in every color! Ironically, Hyacinth flowers grew nearby. Will remembered how his dad, Apollo created the flower from one of his many lovers, the Spartan Prince, Hyacinthus. Zephyr, the west wind , was also in love with Hyacinthus and instead of dealing with his emotions properly, he decided that if he couldn't have him, no one could. So Zephyr decided to murder Hyacinthus by shifting the winds and causing a discus to fly into his head. Apollo turned Hyacinthus into that flower to preserve his life and beauty forever and wrote tragic poetry onto the petals. The one time when his dad was actually good at poetry at all. Will hoped and prayed to the gods that the same thing wouldn't happen to him. The thought was jolted from his mind when he saw a tiny section of the rainbow of roses blocked off. "Here we are!" Lilly announced in a singsong voice, "So What do you think?". There they were. 13 roses in full velvety black splendor glittering with droplets of dew on the biggest petals. Will stared in awe at the amazing flowers. Lilly had truly outdone herself this time. "I had to import the soil from Turkey, which is the only place they grow naturally." She explained, "It took a little more TLC than most of my roses, but it was so worth it!" Will gave Lily a big hug in excited gratitude. "Oh my gods, Lilly! These are perfect!" Will exclaimed. "Aw, shucks." Lilly's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink, "But, honestly. Would you expect anything less from me?" It was a known fact the Lilly was the keeper of the roses in the flower section of the garden. Her roses were the best of the best, and you best believe that she made a killing off of them once February rolled around at camp. Those roses were her children and she took great pride in them. Lilly took out a smaller pair of clippers used to pick flowers from the garden from her dress pocket. She began to pick the black roses one by one until they were all in her hand. Will followed her inside the cabin where she wrapped up the roses in silvery grey plastic wrap and tied it all together with a long piece of black ribbon into a neat and tidy bow. "I can't thank you enough for this." said Will as he got out the red pouch from his pocket and held it out for Lilly to take from him. "Here." he said with a grateful smile, "One for each rose." Lilly smiled and shook her head. Will stared at her, understandably confused. "Oh, no you don't, Solace." Lilly handed the freshly made bouquet to Will, "This one's on the house." "Wait, seriously?" Will asked. "Yeah!" Lilly exclaimed, "It's the least I could do! You healed up my hand good as new after that copperhead bit me a couple weeks ago. We're square, buddy!" Will sighed "You're a lifesaver!" "Actually," Lilly corrected, "You would technically be the lifesaver." Will was going to retort, but Lilly cut him off before he could. "Now go win over your Prince of Darkness!" Lilly turned him around and gave him a friendly shove. 'oh no.' Will thought. "You knew?!" he tried to whisper in a panic. "Actually, I kinda just guessed" Lilly shrugged. "How?!" Will started to get a little apprehensive. "Gee, let's see," Lilly began in a sarcastic tone as she put a hand on her hip and a finger to her chin, "Who wears the color black all the time, has black hair and lives in a big cabin made of black obsidian?" Will turned a rosie shade of red. "Is it that obvious?" Will asked, trying to hide his reddish face. "Don't worry, Will. I promise I won't tell anyone." She raised her right hand. "I swear it on the River Styx." Thunder rumbled in the distance. Will let out a sigh of relief. At least he could trust Lilly with his little secret. "Thanks, Lilly." Lilly put her hands on his shoulders. "No problem. Now get to the Hade's cabin, pronto!" Lilly shoved Will out of the Demeter cabin, and walked back over to the hedge clippers to try and get the darn things working again. Will felt solar flares going off in his stomach instead of butterflies. Contrary to popular belief, he's never done anything remotely romantic before. But here he was, about to pull the oldest trick in the book, by leaving a bouquet of roses at the doorstep of the boy he liked. Will steadied himself and took a deep breath. 'Here goes nothing." he thought. He walked past all the cabins until he stopped dead in his tracks in front of his destination. There it was, Cabin 13. The home of the children of Hades. A big imposing looking building, with walls made of black obsidian. A giant skull hung over the doorway and torches carrying green fire burned 24 hours a day. Will had to admit, it sure did leave an impression. This was it. The moment of truth. Will's hands were shaking like a leaf and his knees slowly started to buckle, his heart began to pound in his ears. He started having second thoughts, but quickly punched those second thoughts in the proverbial face and steadied himself again. He walked up the steps to stop right at the humungous doors that if he didn't know any better, could lead straight into the Underworld. Will took a deep breath, and prayed to the gods that Nico would be in there. He raised his fist, and knocked on the door Three times. At first, nothing happened. Then after what seemed like forever, he heard a voice from inside the cabin. "Coming!" 'OH SNAP!' Will screamed in his mind. he gently placed the flowers in front of the door, sprinted down the stairs, and dove into a nearby bush. He peaked through the leaves just in time to see Nico open the giant black door. Will's heart was beating so loudly in his ears, he had no idea how Nico couldn't hear it. His olive skin glowed in the sunlight. His silky raven hair was messy as usual, but always managed to look gorgeous anyway. Nico walked out and looked side to side to find no one there. He looked down at his feet and was in complete disbelief at what he saw. A large bouquet of 13 velvety black roses in full bloom. Will watched with unblinking eyes in anticipation to see how Nico would react. Upon closer inspection, Nico discovered a small card tied to the black ribbon holding the bouquet together. He opened it, but it didn't say who it was from. All that was there was a golden Lyre emblazoned on the card. The symbol of Apollo. Nico's eyes widened, his cheeks started turning a lovely shade of red. And then, something completely unexpected happened. Nico di Angelo smiled. Although it was a tiny one, Will could tell it was definitely a smile. Nico quickly looked around again in case the mysterious admirer was around. With no such luck, Nico took the flowers and sped back inside the cabin, closing the giant black door behind him. Will snuck out of the bush once he saw the coast was clear. 'YES!' he whisper shouted in his mind. He did a little happy dance before heading off to dinner. That night, when he scraped his offering into the brasier, he made the a sacrifice to both Aprhodite and his dad, Apollo for extra luck in his further romantic endeavors in an effort to win the heart of the illusive Prince of Darkness. He treated himself with two chocolate chunk cookies that night to congradulate himself on a job well done, for phase one of his plan was complete.
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