#i’ve learnt so much about him that i didn’t know before and i just realise how much he was loved
kisses4reid · 7 months
convenient pt. 2 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
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pt. 1 (you cannot read part 2 with no context).
summary - he totally just cares if you pass your exams, nothing else. there is no other reason he keeps coming back to your convenience store.
genre - fluff, fem!college!reader x early season!spencer
warnings - school work, incorrect science stuff bc i’m just a girl
a/n - thank you all for the love on the first part!!! it was so surprising, especially since it was the first fic i’ve uploaded on this blog, i love y’all so much 🫶 thank you to those who suggested to make this a series, i would’ve totally made this a oneshot if not for y’all.
“you got any plans tonight spencer?”, morgan asked, taking his jacket off the back of his chair, passing spencer’s clean desk.
“uh, yeah actually.”
“really?” morgan stopped beside him, looking over his shoulder, a smirk crawling up, “with who?”
“moby dick.” spencer lied, morgan rolled his eyes.
“you’re no fun man.”
the doorbell rang, but after not seeing a certain skinny man for two nights, you’re mind starting to reset into the ‘studying grind mode’ it had been on before meeting spencer. stop thinking about spencer, keep studying.
three ladies dressed in short skirts, a white man with dreads (yikes), and a boy around 8 years old checked out with various items before a 3 minute cannelloni, bag of coffee, and an apple landed in front of you. before you could look up he spoke,
“how did your assignment go?” you jumped in your seat, nearly punching the man in the face before you placed a hand over your heart and sighed,
“good lord, you need to learn how to walk louder.”
spencer grinned. you scanned the cannelloni, he glanced at your hand still over your heart.
“bless you?”
“the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.” you glanced up and saw him looking at your hand with a thin lipped awkward smile. you quickly put your hand down and continued scanning, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“we all know words. like… vellichor.” you spoke, packing his things in the same plastic bag he brought just little of a week ago. he tilted his head,
“the love of used bookstores?”
“i saw old books in your car.”
“you were looking in my car?” he put his hands in his pockets, as he looked out the window to his parked vehicle, not planning to pick up his bag of ‘groceries’ anytime soon. only then did you notice his tie was askew, his hair a little disheveled, his eyes a little sunken. the doorbell rung, a middle-aged balding man walking in behind spencer.
“i’m observant. $12.98.” he whipped out a slim wallet from his back pocket, flicking through some notes to pull out a $20. you ruffled through the register for his change as he remarked,
“you didn’t even look at the register.”
“don’t need to, you’re predictable.” you reply with a sneaky smile, causing spencer to copy reluctantly.
there was an awkward cough from behind him, the middle-aged man. spencer turned back to you after realising that he was in fact in a convenience store, and you were in fact the only worker there. “sorry sir, um. bye.” he took his bag, the thin lipped smile becoming nearly as predictable as his late-night groceries.
the tall, awkward, superbly smart man who smelt like wood didn’t show up for 5 nights. you thought there were only three possibilities at his absence: sickness, death, or he’s learnt how to cook.
you thought the next time you saw him you would ask more about him. in between studying, classes, and working, there wasn’t much time for a social life in your day to day. or maybe you wouldn’t. maybe he wasn’t showing up because he wasn’t really a regular, just a guy who needed quick meals, coffee, and apples on those specific nights. that’s insane, you are insane, get back to studying.
you almost didn’t recognise him the next night. same clothes, same height, same cologne, different face. dark circles under his eyes, permanent lines between his eyebrows, and a purple bruise on his left cheek. it was silent, he was the only customer at 11:30pm. you both made eye contact while you scanned his items, (same things plus a travel first aid kit) silently observing his expectant expression before you broke the silence.
“i’m not going to ask.”
“i got hit with the butt of a gun.” he said matter of factly.
you halted, coffee bag in hand, and stared at him, squinting. “…okay. actually i am gonna ask. who would hit a librarian with the butt of a gun?”
he scrunched his eyebrows and tilted his head, blinking, “i’m not a librarian. why do you think i’m a librarian?”
you packed his things, “smart, dressed posh, just general mysterious good looking librarian vibe,” he handed you a $20, “you remind me of a pipe cleaner with eyes.”
he raised an eyebrow, breaking eye contact, “not the first time i’ve heard that.”
you laughed, thinking it was a joke. his shoulders relaxed, the lines between his eyebrows softening. he grabbed his things, “bye, y/n.”
“bye, spencer.”
you were so close to finding out more about him. how the hell does a man that looks like that get into so much trouble?
you finish your shift, packing your textbooks and now flat laptop, locking everything up and turning the lights off. it was 1am. and, spencer was asleep in his car.
you looked around and put your jacket around your shoulders before jogging up to his driver’s window. his head was lulled to one side, mouth closed, chest rising softly. you knocked, and suddenly he was wide-eyed and searching for something.
“spencer? what are you still doing here?” you speak just loud enough for him to hear behind the window, which he promptly put down. you had a split second realisation how crazy this was. checking in on a regular, watching a regular sleep, feeling safe enough to approach a man’s car just because he buys the same thing every night he comes to the convenience store.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to fall asleep. i- uh,” he wiped his face, “sorry.”
you look at him with concern, “it’s okay, just.. try not to look like you were waiting for me to finish my shift to kidnap me next time, okay?”
he sighed and nodded. waving goodbye, you started down the street, your apartment only being a block away. over the music now playing in your ears, you heard a car drive away, mixing with your confused thoughts about who this regular really is and what he does for a living. and how does he look that good.
he was back the next night, same black slacks, with a purple sweater a shade darker than your own.
“hey spencer, before i scan your 3 minute bolognese, coffee and bag of apples-“
“how did you get that perfectly-“
“i’m going to ask this and you’re going to answer, okay?”
you know nothing about this man, but talking to him like a good friend felt natural now. though, you still tried to avoid over stepping it.
“-though you don’t actually have to answer it. you are a customer and i can’t force customers to do anything but- seeing as though you know i’m a college student and that i work at this convenience store and that i sort of suck at biology- sorry i’m rambling,” you take a breath, “where do you work?” you finish, spencer smiling slightly. you were surprised he didn’t cut you off to stop you, like everyone else did. he didn’t answer at first, the squeak of your shoe against the floor displayed your anxious tell.
“i can’t tell you.”
you sighed, rolling your eyes and packing his stuff, he already had a $20 ready in his hand. you took it, fingers brushing slightly against his. “you suck, and your so suspicious. i should just call security.”
he looked around, fiddling his fingers together, “you don’t have security.”
you pointed to a dead cockroach outside underneath the warm street light. “yes we do. why do you think he’s twitching? he’s insane, he’ll hurt you.”
he chuckled, the sound bringing a shade of pink to your cheeks. “you don’t work on weekends.”
you squinted, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and maybe a bit of fear. “what.”
“i came in on a weekend and a man was here.” he explained as you nodded.
“yeah, no i don’t. why?”
spencer gulped, taking his bag, and smiling awkwardly, “nothing, bye!”
you waved, confused. also stressed, you hadn’t worked on your psychology assignment while waiting for him to show up.
pt. 3
taglist- @jeffswh0re @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch @wannabewolf @evysian @trashmonstersara
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muxshwriting · 4 months
devil town
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Erik Lehnsherr x daughter!reader
summary: Erik didn't realise he was a father, but as soon as he did, he became the best one || warnings: nightmares, mentions of death || word count: 918 || masterlist
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You hadn’t grown up knowing your father, the same way Erik had lived not knowing he had a daughter. But when you, a mutant with the bizarre ability to control metal, Professor Xavier called in a favour from an old friend.
You’re standing in front of the mansion when he arrives, shifting between your feet. "So you can control metal?"
The man, Erik, removed his sunglasses. "Well, aren’t you direct. I’m assuming you’re the girl Charles called me about."
"Yeah." You shrug. "You're supposed to help me master my gifts or however the Professor puts it."
Erik laugh, actually laughed. "He does have a rather bizarre way of saying things, doesn't he?"
"Yes! Finally someone agrees with me! I mean, he's great and all but he's so weird."
You and Erik got along like a house on fire from then on. He pushed you past your limits, proving time and time again that you could do what you didn’t think was even possible. Before either of you released, it had been three months and Erik was still living at the school, living the lifestyle he once condemned.
One day he comes down to the training room to find you fiddling with a coin between your fingers, a nervous tick you’d picked up from him. "What's wrong?"
"My Mom's coming to visit for parent weekend." You tell him.
"And you're upset about that?"
You shrug. "She's very protective and is gonna be on my ass all weekend. It’s all going to be about what I’ve learnt, what I’m going to do next. Or worse, she’ll grill be about the boys here and ask which one I like best." You shudder at the thought of your mother playing matchmaker again.
The weekend grew closer and closer and before you knew, your mom was climbing out of her car and enveloping you in a rib-crushing hug. The bombardment of questions began immediately. You don’t think your mom stopped asking questions the entire time you gave her a tour. It was never ending.
When you reached the front of the mansion once again, Erik was stood by the front doors. You sent him an expression, begging him to save you. He chuckled slightly as you approached him.
"Mom, I want you to meet Erik, he’s been helping me with my powers."
A look of recognition flashed across Erik’s face as he shook your mother’s hand. Your mother, however, was frozen in place, staring at him. "Honey, this is Erik." She said slowly.
"I know this is Erik, he's been here for the past three months."
"This is the Erik I met 17 years ago..." She widened her eyes. "The Erik from the night I…"
"What?" Your brain restarts. "You mean-" It was as if you only heard what you wanted to, struggling to comprehend what was actually happening. "I can't be his daughter."
Erik finally entered the conversation. "Do you not want to be my daughter?" He asked carefully. 
"I don't mean it like that. I would love to have a dad, someone to rely on. But it's just you- you-"
"I what?"
"You're busy." You reason. "You have more important things to worry about than dealing with me."
"You're my daughter. There's no dealing with you. I'll look after you as much as I can, but you've done a brilliant job so far." He replied honestly. "I'll be here when you need me."
"I’m not going to force myself into your life, it’s your life." Erik quietly said. "I’ll be wherever you need me."
You jolt awake, a sticky sheen of sweat covering your entire body. You could see your breath in front of you, the morning air cold stinging your skin. 
Erik! He had just... he was dead. He couldn't be dead right? You had to know. You rounded the corner and quietly knocked on the door. Your heartbeat was like thunder on a silent night and you could barely hear anything over the thrumming. There was no answer to your knock, despite the gentle glow of light under the door.
Without thinking, you push the door open slowly, hoping to see something that told you Erik was alive, that you weren’t crazy and that your dream wasn't real. No Erik. Not even a tussled bedsheet or a crinkled pillow.
"Erik?" Your voice was uncertain as you quietly spoke his name. "Dad?"
A flurry of movement in your peripheral vision had you turning to the other side of the room. Erik was sat at his desk, working over documents of some kind by lamp-light. He frowned as he caught sight of your panicked state.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You turned to him, a crazed look still in your eyes. You didn't want to think about what you looked like. Hair tangled, covered in sweat, still in your night clothes with a robe and your erratic breath still audible. 
Erik took one look at you and stepped closer, his eyes softening. "Are you okay?" He asked again, his tone softer as he tried to calm you.
"You-" You heaved a breath. "I watched you di-'' You couldn't finish the word but you didn’t have to. Erik knew exactly what you meant.
He reached forward and pulled you into him, holding you tight. "I'm alive. I'm okay." He whispered. "It wasn't real."
"It felt so real."
"I know. But you're safe now. It's over. I'm here." He paused slightly, glancing down at the vulnerable girl in his arms. "Dad's here."
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rynwritesreid · 10 months
Hiii, may I ask a request? something like, taking a train trip with Reid, he doesn't want to hold the bar because of the germs, so he has to hold himself on reader or he would fall. they can be friends or a couple, whatever. Love your work, Thank uuuu!
This is probably the most in-character I have ever written about Spencer :) I really enjoyed this, thank you for the request 💕
Content: Germaphobe Spencer. I don’t think I’ve mentioned pronouns for reader.
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You and Spencer stood next to each other on the crowded subway station. You knew the train was going to be packed, and you’d be lucky to find a seat. It was these very moments you wished Spencer didn’t mind driving, or that you had learnt to drive.
You looked over to Spencer, whose face was contorted into disgust. His eyes scanning the platform, trying to see if there was a more spacious area, but no luck.
“Hey Spence, don’t worry the train will be here soon. I hate this as much as you.” You weren’t a germaphobe, but you didn’t enjoy crowded spaces and your job had made you hyper-aware, so every move somebody made you flinch.
Spencer only offered a small smile in return. Finally, over the noise of the crowd, you heard the rhythmic metallic clatter of the train wheels on the tracks. The crowd moved towards the edge of the platform, pushing you and Spencer closer together.
Once you were both on the train, you both looked up and down the carriage, trying to see if there were any available seats. You both let out a sigh when you realised you were going to have to stand the entire journey.
You reached your arm up to grab the bar, noticing Spencer’s arms remained by his side. His expression turned into one of mild horror as he eyed the seemingly germ-ridden handrail.
"Spence, it's just a bar," you teased, trying to ease the tension.
“It’s not just a bar. It’s a breeding ground for all kind of bacteria, I’d rather kiss every person on this train, then hold onto that.”
You let out a small giggle, thinking about Spencer walking up and down the carriage offering everyone a kiss. “I’m sure everyone would enjoy you kissing them, Spence.”
He just glared at you for a second, not even giving you a small smile.
“Spence, please just grab the railing, you’re going to fall if you don’t.”
“I’m not holding on to that bar.”
“Fine, but you’re going to fall into all these people, and I don’t think they’d enjoy that.” You warned with a smirk.
Spencer shot you a stubborn look but eventually sighed, realizing the inevitable. As the train lurched forward, he hesitated for a moment before tentatively wrapping an arm around you for support.
“There, happy?” he muttered; his cheeks slightly flushed.
“I’m always happy when you’re not going around kissing strangers.” you replied with a playful grin.
Spencer rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small chuckle. The train journey became a blend of amusing banter and shared glances, with Spencer still refusing to touch the bar. Instead, he clung to your arm as the train swayed, earning a few curious looks from other passengers.
As you both navigated the crowded carriage, Spencer's initial reluctance seemed to melt away, replaced by a shared sense of camaraderie in facing the subway chaos together. The train made its stops, passengers shuffled in and out, and Spencer's grip on your arm remained steadfast.
You stole a glance at him, noticing the genuine smile playing on his lips. "You know, Spence, I’m glad you’re a germaphobe, you’ve made this journey ten times more entertaining than it usually is.”
Spencer raised an eyebrow, a hint of satisfaction in his expression. "Well, I do have a knack for turning the mundane into the extraordinary."
~join my taglist~you can also request on here~
@iluvreid @piperb400 @bitchassbecky691 @purplepistachi0 @theillestvillian3 @pleasantwitchgarden @spencerreidwifeee @xohoneybun @julllliiia @krokietino @emalynvtgtgfhvgg @starkid024 @oliviah-25 @evvy96 @ms-ks-world @drspencieee @nomajdetective
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
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summary: it's his fault. daryl knows that. he should've realised sooner that he knew exactly what those mushroom's would do to you once you ate them.
cw: 18+ only. dark fic [ft. sex pollen, dubcon, mentions of previous noncon drugging (on daryl), outdoor sex, grinding, fingering, squirting]
a/n: soo here is my first big daryl fic! honestly, this might be my favourite fic i’ve ever written :3 it was very fun to write and somehow i really liked writing daryl dialogue/inner monologue (his accent is just so fun lol). once again, this was supposed to be a very feral smut fest and ended up having a lot of emotional moments and inner daryl turmoil </3 i still hope you like it :)) || also very unrelated side note, but i think “gold rush” by taylor fits the daryl in this fic v much (it’d be from his pov, not yours)
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“Where d’ya think we should go next?” You ask Daryl around a mouthful of the lone rabbit he hunted earlier this afternoon.
Finding food is getting harder and harder, not to mention you’re running out of your water supply. It’s obvious you need to move your camp to a better area, preferably somewhere near a lake or river. The question is, where is that exactly?
Daryl shrugs, turning the rabbit leg between his dirty fingers around. He takes a rough bite. 
He doesn’t know, and to be honest, he doesn’t really care. Now that the prison fell and with the group scattered to the winds, he doesn’t have much hope for anything. He had gotten a little too comfortable there, his first mistake, and now look where it landed him. Had he learnt nothing from his first camp with Merle, then the camp in Atlanta, then the CDC, and finally the farm? He had enough experience under his belt to know that things always took a turn for the worse, especially when everything seemed safe and peaceful. Yet he still let his guard down. 
The thing is, the prison… the prison was different. It was well protected, with several feet of fence that kept the walkers far from the main building. They didn’t have to worry about any walkers creeping into their cells and taking a bite out of them in the middle of the night since they were able to clear their side of the prison in a matter of days. They had guns and ammo, food and water. Hershel and Carol even taught them how to take care of crops. Hell, they even got their hands on some cattle! They didn’t need to scavenge the woods for some meagre squirrels any more. 
Things were looking up. He had even started to think that maybe, just maybe, they could spend the rest of their lives there. But then the Governor showed up and everything went to shit. 
So now here he is. No Rick, no Carol. Alone once again. Well, not exactly alone– he had you for company. 
It’s not that he doesn’t like you– he likes you more than just a normal amount if he’s being honest with himself. It’s just that… you’re a dead girl walking. He doesn’t know how you’ve made it this far, and by all accounts you shouldn’t have. Before all this, before the virus and the walking dead, you were a preschool teacher. You had lived in the city your entire life, in a nice house located in a nice neighbourhood with nice parents. If he had to bet, he’d say you were even prom queen back in the day. 
There had been no need for you to learn how to hunt, scavenge, track, shoot a gun or even handle a knife. Daryl had been the one to teach you how to shoot a gun in the air, volunteering immediately when Rick brought the subject up and completely ignoring the amused, knowing smile on his friend’s face. 
If he focuses hard enough, he can still hear the sound of your happy laughter the first time you hit the center of the target. Can still feel your chest pressed to his in your celebratory hug. 
“Think I saw some train tracks a couple miles east yesterday. If the others saw ‘em too, they’re probably following them thinkin’ we’re doing the same,” you ramble on, not letting his lack of answer deter you. “Maybe we could find Rick or Maggie.” You lean forward so you can reach the mushrooms you picked up today, plop one and then another inside your awaiting mouth. 
Daryl watches as you chew, eyes judging. He had been adamant that you shouldn’t eat them, shouldn’t even touch them. 
“Stupid girl,” he growled, swatting your hand away from the cluster growing on the bark of a tree. “Didn’t ya mom tell ya not to touch things you never seen before?”
“Ain’t stupid,” you bristled at his tone. “I know these, they used to grow ‘rond some plants in the garden back home. Pretty sure mom put them in our soup ev’ry now and then.”
You don’t let his lack of answer deter you. “Think I saw some train tracks a 
Daryl kneeled beside you, broad right shoulder touching your left one, and examined them closely. He was sure he had never seen them before, not in the woods from his hometown nor in any of his hunting trips since the outbreak started. “Nah, these ain’t safe,” he concluded. 
“Yes, they are.”
“No”, he enunciated the word to make it as clear as possible. “They ain’t.” 
“Yes, they are,” you scowl and plush a couple from their roots. “I ain’t stupid nor useless. I know I can eat these.”
Daryl rolled his eyes. “If ya want to kill y’self just to prove a point then fine, be my fuckin’ guest,” he snarked. Then he got up and kept walking in silence, not even sparing you another glance. 
He shakes his head firmly. “Nah, no train tracks.”
“What? Why?” You ask, surprised. “It’s our best shot at findin’ the others!”
“Ain’t no one to find, girl. S’better if ya stop kiddin’ yourself.”
“How could you say that?!” You look at him like he’s a monster. Daryl clenches his jaw. “They’re our friends, our family! We can’t just give ‘em up for dead as soon as things go south! Not after everything!”
Daryl throws away the bone in his hand and looks at you with fury. Don’t you get it? Merle, Sophia, Andrea, Lori, T-Dog, Dale, the list goes on and on. You’re the only one he knows for sure he has left and he’ll be damned if he has to add your name to the list too because you want to search for ghosts. You are his responsibility now. His voice is loud when he says, “Yeah, we should! ‘Cause if you saw those tracks y’know what it means? Means other people saw ‘em too. Bad people. And if ya go ‘round there, lighting fires and singin’ those stupid kid songs you sing all day like you’re in a fuckin’ musical or some shit y’know what they’re gonna do? They’re gon’ kill ya, or worse. So drop the fuckin’ topic and finish yer dinner.”
There really is no room for argument. You drop your gaze to the floor and gulp down the lump in your throat, bringing your knees to your chest. Everything is silent for at least an hour, the only sounds coming from the crackling fire and Daryl’s chewing. 
And then you call his name. 
“Daryl?” Your voice is different; breathier, quieter. Almost like you can barely string the letters together. “I don’t feel very well.”
He’s on his feet in a second, the argument forgotten as soon as he heard your mumbled call. In three quick steps he’s standing in front of you. He kneels so you’re the same height and cups the side of your face. “Wha’s wrong?”
You blink sluggishly, revealing your dilated pupils, and lick your lips. “I don’t know,” you slur. Your breathing gets heavier. “I think– Oh God, I’m so hot,” you complain, almost ripping the zipper of your jacket in your haste to take it off. You throw it away like it’s made of molten lava. Before he can stop you, you take off your long sleeved shirt, leaving you in just a tank top, and lean back against the fallen tree trunk with a relieved sigh. 
It doesn’t make any sense, Daryl thinks. It’s almost winter in Georgia, you should be freezing, but there are no goosebumps littering your skin that might signal you are cold in any way. In fact, you’re even trying to roll your cargo pants up to relieve your legs from a nonexistent blistering heat. 
Daryl presses his hand to your forehead and is surprised to find it slick with sweat. “Y’re burning up,” he says, though he guesses you could probably already tell. He takes one of your arms and inspects it closely, looking for any wounds that could potentially be infected. “Where ya bit?”
You shake your head. “No, no. I didn’t see any walkers today.”
Your arms are in pristine condition, save for some sparse moles and freckles and a single healed scratch on your forearm he remembers you got from running around the woods so carelessly. There’s no sign of a bite or infected cut.
“Did ya get close to anyone sick back at the prison?” He knows it’s stupid to ask– everyone had taken their rounds of antibiotics to prevent another possible outbreak, and it’s also been a week since the prison fell. If you had been infected, you would’ve showed symptoms earlier on, but he doesn’t know what else to do.
“No, I was with Beth ‘n Judy.” Suddenly, you gasp in pain and clutch your lower stomach, pressing your thighs together. “Daryl, it hurts,” you whimper.
The pain in your voice breaks his heart. You look so small, curled up in a tight ball like a wounded animal. He brings you into his lap and shushes you, “I know, I know.” He rubs your back in an attempt to soothe you. “Just lemme think for a second, ‘kay? M’gonna fix ya.”
He wrecks his brain for a solution but keeps coming up blank. He doesn’t have any idea as to what the hell caused this– one second you were fine and then the other you were bending over in pain. Did you touch something? Eat something? Was the water contaminated? Did some poisonous plant graze your skin? Was the rabbit he killed infected and he didn’t notice? 
The tip of your nose tickles his neck as it moves from his collarbone up to his jaw, your rib cage expanding beneath his broad hand when you take a deep breath. He grunts at the strange sensation. “What are y’doin’, girl?”
Your hands curl around his shoulders, the leather of his vest crinkling beneath your tight grip. “You smell so good,” you mewl, taking in another whiff of his scent.
What the fuck.
He doesn’t know where the random compliment came from. He knows you have to be lying though– it’s been weeks since his last shower. His last one was five days before the prison fell and it wasn’t even a proper shower, just a scrub down with a rag, a bucket of water and some soap they found in the last supply run. That’s why he says, albeit a little disheartened, “Y’re talking nonsense.”
You shift in his lap, pressing your chests together and Daryl has to force himself not to react to the feeling of your boobs against his chest or to the movement of your wiggling hips over his crotch. “Am not, am not,” you babble, pressing small wet kisses to his neck and trailing your palms down his strong arm. “You– you smell so good. Feel so good. So big. I–” your breath hitches when you grind against him, relief morphing your previously pained features. “I need you, Daryl.”
His hands that were previously laying limp on either side of him are suddenly held by your softer, smaller ones and moved to your thighs. He drops his gaze, watches you control his hands. Up and down, up and down. The light coming from the fire illuminates the remnants of your dinner. You shift directions and now his hands are on your ass, forcing him to squeeze and grope as you keep grinding against him. 
He stares intently at the leftover mushrooms and all of a sudden he’s 23 years old and Merle’s laughing his ass off as Daryl finishes the dinner his older brother had insisted on cooking. He remembers now, the desperation clawing at his chest when the shrooms started making effect. Remembers how Merle dragged him to a club in the city and patted his back in encouragement. “Go wild, baby brother! Lord knows ya need this.”
Misery is heavy on his shoulders. He wants to throw up– he was wrong before. He did see those mushrooms before. He had eaten them and been under their control. And now you were suffering the same fate he had all those years ago. Because of him, because he failed to realise sooner. 
You move his hands up to your waist, your stomach, your breasts. He never wanted it to be like this. He had hoped, stupid as it was to dream about something other than mere survival, that if he ever got the courage to confess his feelings it’d be when everyone was safe again. When you didn’t have to sleep in tents and cars and pray to God he found any semblance of food. When you’d finally have a house, or a room, or at least a bed. 
He’d be soft with you, just like you were with him every day. 
Now, as you grind and moan above him in a lust filled rut, that dream will remain that. Just a dream. 
He tears his hands from your grip, one settling on one side of your hip and the other cradling your cheek. Heat emanates from your skin like you’re a furnace. Daryl leans forward, lips brushing yours as he promises, “M’gonna make it better. That okay?”
You’re not in the right state of mind but he still asks for any semblance of peace of mind. 
“Please,” you whimper, little crystal beads gathering on your waterline.
After months of pining, he finally closes the distance between you and presses your lips together in a firm kiss. Your mouth is soft and plain against his, trusting him enough to follow his every command as he devours you completely. He uses the hand on your hip to help you smooth down your otherwise stuttered grinding, drinking down every sweet little moan and gasp he elicits out of you. 
That’s what you are– sweet. Sweet to touch and taste and feel. Sweet even in the way you cling to him, use him to relieve the affliction between your legs he accidentally caused. 
Daryl holds you by the back of your neck, feels the warmth of your breath as you moan his name.  “More. I need more,” you cry. The tear tracks on your cheeks glimmer in the warm fire light. “M’so empty. Need you to fuck me. Please, please, please,” you beg like a broken record, forcing your fist into Daryl’s chest and twisting his heartstrings without mercy. 
“Don’t cry, doll face,” he rasps, brushing away your fresh wave of tears. You inhale shakily, leaning into his touch and nuzzling his palm like a touch starved kitten. Your hands tremble as you unbutton your jeans, struggling to pull them down from how sweaty you are and how sticky the insides of your thighs became. Daryl silences you every whine with a kiss and helps you pull them down to your shins, not willing to risk taking off both your shoes and pants completely in case you need to make a quick escape.
“I said I’s gonna fix ya and I am. Just need a couple minutes first.” You make another noise of complaint that turns into a relieved sigh when Daryl pulls your panties to the side and teases your folds with the tip of his fingers. “Need to get ya ready first. This all for me?” He asks, gathering all the slick dripping out of you. 
“Mhm,” you hum, eyes closed in bliss as he toys with you. You nudge your noses together. “Always for you, Daryl. Only you.”
You really need to stop playing with his feelings like that. You’re talking out of your ass, he tells himself, letting your desire and need for relief control your words. Still, it’s nice to hear. He can’t deny that. Maybe he can live in this fantasy bubble a little longer, at least until reality crashes down on you both and you have to come to terms with what happened and decide to never see him again. 
He circles your weeping hole, taunting you, then plunges a lone finger inside when you look like you’re ready to pounce on him. It’s easy, oh so easy, for him to slip in. He thought it would be harder, given the fact that he knew you haven’t slept with anyone since the apocalypse started. Not that he kept an eye on you or anything, he just happened to notice how your tent and cell were always silent, much like his. But you’re so wet that your cunt practically swallowed him right in.
You tap his shoulder needily, mouthing the word “more”, and bite your lip to stay quiet when he adds a second finger and then a third. You could cry from how happy you are right now. 
“That enough for ya, ya spoiled girl?” He scoffs, rubbing circles on your swollen clit with his thumb. 
You can only nod as he buries his fingers up to his knuckles, curling them and feeling the rough calluses as he prods inside you in search of your soft spot. When your loudest moan yet lets him know he found it, he abuses it, creating loud squelching noises that have him smiling. 
Euphoria sends a shiver down your spine and makes your entire body shake as you cum, a small stream of clear liquid hitting Daryl’s wrist and dripping down to his jeans. “Shit,” he whispers, amazed. 
He made you squirt.
Daryl’s still staring at his dripping wrist as you paw at him with a heaving chest, fingers curling around his brown plaid shirt. Your nails could nearly break the fabric. “You promised,” you sob. “You promised you’d fix it. That you’d fuck me. Don’t you want me?”
He tears his gaze away from the mess between your legs in shock. How could you ever think he doesn’t want you? When you’ve consumed his every waking thought and haunted his every dream. When the only thing he wanted to do when you looked at him with those glimmering eyes was to follow your every command word for word. When he didn’t want to just fuck you– he wanted to keep you safe and warm, wanted to make sure you’d never know hunger.
He grabs your jaw, fingers tightly pressing on your warm cheeks, and snarls. “Don’t ever think I don’t want ya.” He tugs you to him so he can kiss you, unbuckling his belt with one hand and pulling down the zipper of his jeans. Your own hand joins his and squirms under the rough fabric so you can take his cock out from behind his boxers. His jaw clenches at the feeling of your soft hand around him, so different from his own. Untouched by decades of manual work, protected by dutiful applications of hand creams (he's heard you tell Beth how dry your hands are now and how much you miss your favourite hand cream. He’s been looking for some on every supply run ever since).
He spreads all the wetness stuck to his fingers over his cock, his stomach doing a summersault when he sees you biting your lower lip in want. You guide him to your entrance, gasping in unison when the mushroom tip slips past your soaking wet folds. Slowly, you sink yourself down, Daryl mouthing at your neck as you get used to the thickness of his cock as it threatens to split you in half. 
“Relax,” Daryl grunts, the scruff covering his cheeks scratching at the tender skin of your cleavage. He goes back to playing with your clit, knowing it’ll allow the tension to leave your muscles and he’ll be able to push in the remaining two inches. 
Once he’s buried to the hilt, you take a shuddering breath in and slowly start to bounce. “Wanted this for so long,” you babble. “Wanted you, Daryl. A-And now you want me,” you smile, increasing the speed of your bouncing. You chant, “You want me, you want me, you want me.”
Daryl nods, teeth gritted as he feels you tighten around him, walls pulsing. You collapse on his chest, hips still grinding in search of any form of friction. With a firm and secure grip, he grabs your ass and uses it as leverage so he can pound you down on him. For once, he’s not worried about loud noises or stray walkers or even unknown strangers stumbling into the scene. No, he just worries about you and your sweet cunt keeping his cock warm; about your lips on his neck, your hands gripping his hair and your dulcet “uh uh uh’s” ringing in his ears as you cum for the second time.
He lifts you off of him just in time to shoot ropes of white all over his shirt, biting your neck to muffle his grunts of pleasure. For once in what seems like a lifetime, the walker infested woods are completely still, only both of your laboured breathing breaking the unusual silence. 
Until you speak in a meek voice and it’s like he’s suddenly doused in cold water. “Daryl?”
He drops his forehead to your clavicle and shuts his eyes tightly, heaving a sigh. This is it– the moment where he loses you, where you run away. Forever disgusted with him. Afraid of him for breaking your trust. 
After another beat of silence, you call his name again. “What happened?”
He straightens his back and rubs his face. He clears his throat. “It was the mushrooms,” he refuses to look at you as he explains the events of the night, unable to stomach the look of disgust he’s sure is all over your pretty face. “The ones you picked up today. I thought I didn’t know them but I did. They’re some kind of… aphrodisiac or some shit like that. Merle…” he trails off, skipping over the reason he knew about them in the first place. It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. “Y’were feeling so sick ‘n those things… with the amount you ate they would’ve– they would’ve killed ya if I didn’t…”
“You saved me,” you state, cradling his face so that he can see you. His face is all scrunched up like he wants to cry and he hates himself for it– he has no right to feel like shit. He shakes his head. “You did. You saved me. I would’ve died if you didn’t do as I said, as I wanted you to.” You kiss his lips chastely. “Y’know, I meant what I said earlier. While we were…”
“Nah,” he scoffs. “Y’were just saying shit ‘cause of the drugs. S’okay, ya don’t have to worry ‘bout my feelings.”
“No,” you frown, disconcerted that he always seems to bring himself down without even realising it. “I meant it. I’ve wanted you for a while, since– since the CDC, actually. When we played that card game after dinner and ya helped me get to bed since I was too drunk to even stand.” You smile as you remember the feeling of his arm around your waist and the soft pat on your head once you were resting on the pillow. You tuck some strands of hair behind his ear and his throat dries. Shrugging, you say, “I just never thought you liked me that way.”
Daryl weighs his options, wonders if he should take a leap of faith or pretend he’s never thought of you that way. This is too much for him. He’s scared to bare his chest wide open only for you to dislike what’s inside. But then he sees the earnest look in your eye and behind it, the fear that he won’t say anything at all. 
“I do,” he gets out through the fist clutching his vocal chords. “Like you. Like that, I mean. I–” He shuts his eyes at how useless he’s with words (another reason why you deserve someone better than him). However, instead of rolling your eyes at him or making a derisive sound like he expected, you simply giggle at his uselessness, reaching for him once more. 
He lets you kiss him and touch him as much as you want. You trace his brow bone and cheekbones with the soft pads of your fingers, play with the ends of matted hair and twirl them around your index. When you yawn, he makes sure you have your top and jacket back on and lets you rest on his chest. He stretches his arm so he can reach his discarded crossbow and leaves it on his side. “C’mon, go to sleep. I’ll take first watch.”
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pls reblog if u enjoyed it, it’ll make me twirl my hair and kick my feet :3
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sc0tters · 1 year
Your Best Listener | Ethan Edwards
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summary: Ethan learns about your biggest secret, but when you learn he knows. your reaction is better than expect, so what happens when you offer to lure him into it with you?
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, blow job, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), consensual use of recording device, use of the word cum, soft choking (yes I very much so got carried away with this one)
word count: 2.7k
authors note: to the person who requested this, you are so creative! I hope that I’ve done it justice, I don’t know what you call someone who records sexual audios cause pornstar really didn’t feel like the right option. hoping this isn’t the last request you make though because I’m like in love with your mind.
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It had been on Ethan's mind for days.
It plagued his thoughts to the point where it kept him up at night staring at the ceiling as the voices in his head made him feel shame. He knew that the second he heard your voice he should have clicked off of the page, letting it go into the history of his laptop never to be brought up again. But when you let out a moan it suddenly caused Ethan to be sent into a whole different ball park. So rather than leaving, he stayed. The boy made a burner account so that you'd never have to know about what he was doing, so that it could be his little secret that he knew about what you did.
How he knew that you made sexual audios and posted them online.
Ethan realised that you had been doing this since just before the two of you moved to Michigan where you in fact became friends. He honestly had to say that he was shocked. You were the quiet girl who he had to bug for two and a half months before you finally spoke to him. The girl who would sit in the back of the class, the girl who would avoid pres because she hated small talk? That was you, so when he saw that you had racked up over 10,000 followers and over 100 clips that you recorded over the duration of your account, Ethan had to say that it was a nice surprise.
It was over a month ago that he learnt about this account and it made him laugh that you had a schedule even for this. The Canadian thought it was overkill when he learnt that you had your days that you did face masks, days that you shaved, and now days that you uploaded too.
Thursday at 7pm was when the new video would come onto your account, the only problem about this particular Thursday was that you asked him to hang out.
Sure he loved hanging out with you, it was something that he always looked forward to but on Thursdays Ethan wanted nothing more than to be sat in his room, under his warm sheets as he listened to your newest post.
You loved the power of intimacy that the account had shown you, how both men and woman alike enjoyed listening to you. The array of posts that you made were everything from mini role plays to your personal favourite where you were the listeners bossy little girl. You were naturally a total sub when it came to being in bed with someone else, so having the space to be dominant was empowering to you.
So when Ethan came over he was totally unaware of the fact that you were wearing one of your favourite outfits to record in. A matching blue lace set that had a gem in the center between your breasts. The reason why you had recorded one today was because you were going on a girls trip for the long weekend that was coming up and it meant that you weren't going to had time to record.
You and Ethan had been sat scrolling through the various movies that you had yet to view on Netflix as the clock struck 7.
The Canadian had been so caught up in picking the perfect movie that he didn't realise the time and as a string of notifications came through his phone he muttered a simple "can you check those for me?" The request was simple and innocent. And you already knew his password so as you lifted his phone up your eyes went wide to see what was said.
yourbestgirl has posted !
When you went quiet for an uneasy amount of time Ethan looked over your shoulder "shit," he mumbled as he realised that he had been caught out.
It was safe to say that you were embarrassed that he had found this but you wondered if he knew it was you "I should have told you that I knew about it," now that's a real what the fuck moment.
You had the moment to deny it but there was a burning question in the forefront of your mind "you ever gotten off to my clips?" You asked as you placed you hand on his thigh as you slowly began to rub up his leg, it wasn't a question that was far fetched as he had to follow you in order to get those notifications.
Ethan let his head drop back as he was surprised that you weren't freaked out by this "yeah," he repeatedly nodded as he unintentionally let out a whimper.
The hockey player wasn't one to be submissive but he seemed to enjoy those clips of yours the most "you like thinking of me as you get yourself off?" You were so forward because you were honestly turned on by this.
And after watching Ethan in the teams preseason efforts -especially the one by the football field where he lost his shirt at one point- you had started thinking about him when you recorded "so so much," he groaned as you were palming him through his shorts.
As he watched you smirk batting your eyelashes at him Ethan thought that he was going to pass out "thought about recording those clips with you." The Canadian confessed causing you to stop.
Throughout all of those recording sessions not once did you ever think about finding a partner to work with you. It was almost like you would have a special guest on the channel "you want to record with me?" You pulled away being serious in your question.
You had never heard of two people recording audios, this was a whole new ground of uncharted territory "only if you'd be comfortable with that." Ethan didn't want to cross anymore lines than he already had.
It was like a lightbulb had gone off above your head "we could make it like a threesome," the idea just fell from your lips as your filter seemed to quickly disappear as you two spoke about this.
Now you had never had a threesome before but you did know that it was a pretty simple set up. You and Ethan would play the happy couple and the listener would fit the role of your friend that walked in on you two. It almost meant that you actually be able to just do anything you were meant to do to the listener to Ethan instead.
The hockey player was almost touched by the proposal "something tells me that you've been thinking about this too," he smirked as he brushed some of your hair out of your face letting his fingers brush along your jaw before he leaned in to place soft kisses against your jaw.
You reached down to grab your phone as you let out a moan "e," you quickly went to type a message to your roommate "how long do you think we're gonna need?" You asked as you motioned to the message, you had already typed an hour.
Ethan looked at you as he sent you a glare "could make you come in ten," he shook his head "like to see you try," you shot back with a smirk.
It was like one of you recordings came to life "just let me know if you get uncomfortable or want to stop at anytime." Your voice was serious as you grabbed your mini microphone that you used to record. The long cable was thankfully still connected to your laptop meaning that all you had to do was press record "we've been wanting to try this forever," Ethan started by actually answering your consent request.
You smiled as you could see how he was a total natural in this "you think they can handle it baby?" You asked as you took your shirt off so that you could clip the microphone to the strap of your bra.
It was a sight that made Ethan swear that his dick was about to explode "go show what your mouth can do," he smiled as he leaned forward to kiss you.
It was a soft moment that made your knees buckle "you wanna be a good little listener?" You giggled as you dropped to your knees and began to unbuckle his belt.
Ethan clicker his tongue "play nice baby," he warned as he watched you drag your fingers along his boner. It was a sensation that caused him to tense his thighs "you're so desperate that I can't even tease you." You pouted looking up at the Canadian before you leaned down spitting on his cock as you began to use your hand to get him off "be a good girl and give him your mouth then." He repeated the phrase as he was desperate to feel your mouth on him.
Nodding you placed a kiss on the tip of his cock before you put it in your mouth.
Your tongue swirled around as you managed get to the base of his cock. Using your nostrils to breathe as your eyes began to water "being such a good girl for them," Ethan cooed as he ran his fingers through your hair as he helped you begin to let him fuck your face.
He let out a groan as he wiped one of the tears away from your cheek "it's all for my good little listener," you pulled away and as you spoke you made sure that your hand was making sure that Ethan wasn't lacking any type of attention before you used your mouth again.
It should have been embarrassing how fast he was reaching his high but you were beyond talented. You knew how to press your tongue flat against the bottom of his cock, how you would lightly massage his balls giving them the occasional squeeze, how you would take so much of his cock in your mouth to the point where you were gagging around it. You knew how to bring a boy to his knees in a matter of minutes.
That's why you felt so proud of yourself, your ego continued to be stroked by the boy as you caused him to reach his high "shit fuck fuck." Ethan repeated the string of words as he felt his body shake when his hands clenched around your hair forcing you to swallow everything that he had shot into your mouth.
You used your thumb to collect the drop of cum that was still on the head of his penis before you sucked on your thumb when you got up "I'm sorry," the hockey player apologised as he watched you smile.
Letting out a soft sigh you shook your head "that was so hot," you murmured as you kissed him.
Ethan let out a groan as he could taste himself on your lips causing you to make the mental note of editing the audio before you released this.
You softly pushed him onto your bed as you let out another giggle "you got a condom?" You asked as you saw that your box was empty.
That felt like the world was playing tricks on the boy "nope," Ethan groaned as he wanted to pull his hair out of his head.
Thankfully for you, you had seen your spare plan B pills that were still in your drawer "I'm on the pill and I've got these," you pointed out as you were happy with the resolution.
Ethan was now thinking that the day simply couldn't get any better "you sure?" He asked as he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
You nodded as the idea of him fucking you raw was making your wetness pool in your panties "want you to fuck me so good," you mumbled as he kissed your stomach as he pulled your thong down.
Ethan moved you onto the bed as he sent you a final look asking if you were sure about what he was doing. You nodded dropping a gasp as he trailed his cock over your clit making sure to tease you "don't tease me please," a beg came from your lips as he slipped into you.
It took you a moment to readjust to his sheer size before you squeezed his arm motioning to him to start moving again "right there," you groaned when Ethan placed his thumb on your clit in an attempt to make you come quicker.
Yes Ethan was a man with an ego but he also knew when he was a man on the losing end of a battle. And fucking you raw whilst he was still sensitive from his first orgasm meant that he wasn't going to last very long "liking how warm my girls pussy feels." He grunted as he dug his fingers of his other into your side.
You let out a moan as you propped yourself onto your elbows "so good," you murmur before you kissed him.
The had that was on your waist moved to your throat as he pushed your back flat onto your bed as he put the slightest amount of pressure around your throat.
The boy was careful to not suffocate you as he didn't want to restrict your oxygen but rather slow the blood flow from your body to your brain sending you into that hazy mood "wanna be filled to the brim," you confessed as you wrapped you hand around his arm making sure that he didn't move his hand from your upper body.
You were truly on cloud nine as you were feeling so many new sensations due to the lack of a condom "got such a pretty mouth," Ethan's thumb quickened it's movements on your clit drawing another whimper from you. 
Locked your legs around his waist you couldn't help but let him be in total control "look at her so ready to come," he cooed as you squeezed around him making him groan "doesn't like letting you survive when she's close," he pointed out as the feeling of your pussy was similar to your mouth, warm and slick.
The access that you had given him was paying off as he got the chance to feel every crevice of your core "hitting you so deep," the hand that was on your clit moved to your stomach as he placed his palm down with pressure.
It caused you to nearly scream "gonna come," you announced as your own two fingers managed to find their way to your sensitive nub.
Ethan nodded "right behind you," you had been squeezing him so tight to the point where he could see stars.
You let out this cry "fill me to the brim." You barely got the words out before your orgasm hit you like a truck.
There was a gush that Ethan felt from your core before it loosened around him and that caused him to shoot his cum deep inside of you "Jesus gem," his hand fell forward onto the other side of you as he stopped himself from collapsing when he pressed stop on the recording.
You were absolutely fucked out as you struggled to keep your eyes open "I'm gonna get you a towel okay baby?" Ethan's words ended with a kiss to your temple that cause you to nod "did so good for me," he called out whilst in your bathroom.
He came back to see what could only be described as heaven. It was the site of your bare pussy as both of your releases slowly oozed out of you.
The warm wash cloth felt like an angels kiss as you let him do it "I should get going before she gets back." The hockey player mumbled as he handed you his hoodie sensing that you were cold.
That was what you didn't want to hear him say "new business partners spend the night," you shook your head as you leaned in to peck his lips.
This side of you was something that he could get used to "and when exactly did you establish this?" He asked as he slipped his boxers back on.
You sent him a playful grin "as of like thirty seconds ago."
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hanggarae · 1 year
maybe we can try if you let me ..
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6.6k words ☠️ angst fluff hurt comfort pining jealousy royalty au prince! mingyu f!noble!reader one sided love, mentions of infidelity/cheating reader is childhood friends w dokyeom like one mention of blood not proofread
“so, how does it feel?” miyeon inquired excitedly from your side, dusting her fingers carefully over her tiara once again, “i’m still in shocked that one of us is actually getting married”
you forced a gentle smile to her, never wanting to crush her excitement. it’s not her fault she’s blissfully unaware of how you felt about the entire situation. it’s not her fault that your engagement was purely made of convenience. it’s not her fault that you hardly considered it was truly you getting married. it’s not her fault your soon-to-be husband didn’t love you back. and it’s not her fault that you’ve been hopelessly in love with him for years.
miyeon never knew about your infatuation with mingyu, you never told her because the second you did it was a sign that your feelings for mingyu were strong enough for you to inform others of it, and you convinced yourself you’d never let it come to that.
although this should’ve been a dream come true for you, your inner teenage self bashfully giggling at the thought of marrying the prince you’d harboured feelings for since you’d first met him, the part of you that was now mature enough to realise loving someone didn’t always mean they’d love you back quivered in fear at the thought of being tied to a marriage where you’d never receive a fraction of the love you felt.
“it feels.. surreal. i don’t think i’ve still realised i’m actually engaged, that i’ll be somebody’s wife, you know?” you tried putting up a convincing enough act, hoping she’d take your hesitance as nerves rather than melancholy.
she nodded understandingly, soothing over shoulder reassuringly.
“that’s fairly understandable. if i was you i’d be all the same” she hummed, “not long ago we were giggling at the thought of picking a wedding dress and now you’re meeting the tailors at the end of the week”
right. you weren’t particularly excited for it like you’d dreamt you’d be. in fact, you dreading it the more you thought of it. because the fitting would just be you and your fiancé mingyu.
pushing the thought to the back of your head, you smiled at miyeon once again and continued entertaining her questions until you’d both decided to call it a night, miyeon headed back to her chambers while you could barely sleep, mind too busy thinking about what your life had come to and what it will come to after your marriage.
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there was no official date for the wedding yet, but rumours circulating the palace led you to learn that there was a ball in a weeks time, whether the wedding would be before or after you could only find out from the prince himself, and whether or not you can would attend the ball with mingyu was also something you’d have to find out from him.
however, you could never bring yourself to ask him. every moment since you’d learnt of the ball was an opportunity to find the prince and get any idea of what was happening, but you were too much of a coward to ever go through with asking him.
you paced outside of his study once again, debating whether or not you should knock on the intimidating oak door. you hovered your fist over the door for the seemingly hundredth time that morning before sighing defeatedly and turning on your heal to leave. but before you could take your first step the doors swung open as you froze immediately.
there he was. kim mingyu, the crown prince and your soon to be husband. he was taken aback for a second at seeing you suddenly, before he allowed a smile to grace his face.
the smile was probably just to be kind, but part of you wanted to believe it was genuine. while he might not be in love with you, you’d hoped he’d at least not think the worst of you.
“y/n. is everything alright? what brings you here?” his eyes continued to run over you, frowning when he stopped at your hand, “what happened to your finger?”
you were flustered when he pointed it out, surprised he even noticed. you quickly recovered and shook your head lightly, corners of your lips curling up.
“oh i had accidentally cut it when i was taking some of my jewellery off, nothing to worry about. i had honestly forgotten about it” you reassured smiling.
mingyu nodded before bringing his gaze back up to your face, “please be more careful next time. now as i asked before, if something the matter?”
you stayed silent for a few seconds, throat running dry at his intense gaze on you. you cleared your thought and swallowed, “um.. if it’s not a bother, could i ask you a few questions?” turning your eyes away from him slightly to focus on the gold doorknob with a floral pattern engraved on its sides.
“hmm, i have a few meetings with the court i attend this afternoon but i believe i’m free for the next hour or so” mingyu hummed thoughtfully, turning slightly to the side to make space for you, “please come in, take a seat”
you sat at the desk chair opposite to mingyu, the situation reminding you of when a principal would scold a student making you unconsciously tense slightly while you mentally cursed at yourself for getting nervous at the smallest of things.
mingyu must’ve noticed your tense posture and took it as a sign to instead invite you to a small round table placed by the fireplace. while you sat however mingyu busied himself with something else.
he returned with a tray carrying a teapot, two teacups, a small pot containing sugar and a small plate of small desserts. you tried reassuring him that he didn’t have to bring the tray, that he didn’t have to pour you a cup, that it was inappropriate for a prince to do such things when you could’ve but mingyu simply reassured you that this was a minuscule action.
after you had both taken a sip of the tea mingyu was the first to speak up, “do you like tea?”
his question was surprising, you thought he would’ve rushed you to ask your questions, any small talk only being a waste of his time.
regardless, you pondered his question for a few seconds before turning to look at him once again, “i don’t really particularly like or dislike it if that makes sense. my mother encouraged me to have a few cups whenever i was sick but i don’t often have it other than that. how about you, your highness?”
“for a long time i didn’t care for it much, but a friend of mine, minghao, he’s quite interested in tea ceremonies” he answered after taking a sip, “whenever we meet he often goes into detail about different tea’s and how their grown, he’s researched a lot into it”
you smiled lightly after he told you that the tea set you were using right now, a gift he’d given only recently after hearing news of the engagement.
a few minutes of silence pass before mingyu speaks up again “oh my apologies, i had forgotten you had a few questions to ask, what were they?”
you played with the ring on your finger as you murmured, “there had been a few rumours that there was a ball to be held in a week?” you took mingyu’s nod as confirmation so continued, “i was only wondering if i was to attend to?”
mingyu tilted his head and looked at you with a confused look for a few seconds. cute you thought.
“well.. of course, you’d be attending with me as my fiancé. who else would i attend with?” he still looked a little confused.
“that’s fine, thank you for letting me know. oh! and if i could ask you one more thing” again you took his nod as a sign to keep going “i understand there likely isn’t a confirmed date yet but i was wondering if you had an idea when the wedding would be?”
“i’m afraid not, the elders in the court are rushing it but it wouldn’t be very princely of me to rush you into a wedding now would it? the guilt of springing the engagement on you is eating me up as it is” he frowned slightly.
you murmured something quietly and if mingyu wasn’t so close to you he’s certain he would’ve missed it altogether, “i’m sorry, y/n, could you repeat that?”
“my apologies, i had said that if the wedding needs to be done in a hurry i really don’t mind. the marriage is for your highness’ convenience so honestly, i really don’t mind when it is. i just wanted an idea so i know when i should tell a friend of mine to take a train into town” you trailed off slightly at the end.
mingyu frowned even deeper at your sentence, he looked.. sullen? in fact it even looked like he was pouting slightly.
“i’ll be sure to let you know” he said rather hastily before grabbing a few of his things, “while i really must head off now to the meeting but you’re more than welcome to stay here if you wish”
and that was all that was said before he quickly parted ways with you, leaving you alone in the study.
you finished up your tea and started to clear up the table. after you had finished you’d decided to look around the study, after all, mingyu had given you permission to stick around.
you looked over the walls, pictures of mingyu with the royal family gracing them. there were some pictures of him and his pet puppy, some of him and his friend that you recognised as minghao, a duke of a kingdom not far from your own.
you continued looking at some more of the pictures, before you stopped at one that was more recent. it had to have been, mingyu’s hair was slightly longer from when he’d grown it out recently, not that you’d been paying attention of course.
you looked over it again, he was with a lady, you recognised her as a princess of another kingdom, it seemed like her and mingyu were close. from the story that the picture was telling you, they were quite fond of each other even.
you swallowed the bitter taste at the back of your throat. honestly, why did you care? he was a good looking guy that would very obviously have hundreds if not thousands of women pining over him, it’s no surprise he’d take a liking to one. and that one wasn’t you. it’d never be you.
you turned your heel and left before you’d allow it to hurt you even more.
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you hadn’t spoken to mingyu for the rest of the week. it seemed he’d been busy with whatever the elders wanted of him. you’d been busy too, there were all sorts of responsibilities that you would have to take on when you eventually married mingyu, and you’d spent the week at ‘classes’ that taught you how to handle said responsibilities. you figured that mingyu would’ve had to attend such things too, only he’d have been forced to when he was a child.
but today you wouldn’t have to be bored out of your mind while one of mingyu’s butlers explained which was the proper fork to use. despite being a noble yourself, you were never told to go into such details, your family being content with you simply being polite and having good etiquette.
although, you would’ve much rather potentially die of boredom than do what was actually on your schedule for today. and that was meeting the tailors.
meeting the tailors also meant that you and mingyu would face each other, and you didn’t know how you could do that after seeing the pictures he had of him and that princess, because as much as you’d try convincing yourself that you knew he’d never fall for you, part of you still foolishly longed for it and craved it more than anything.
you made a turn in the hallway and finally came face to face with the door, behind it you knew were mingyu and some of the kingdom’s finest tailors and jewellers. hesitantly, you pushed yourself to know on the door, calling out too in order to alert mingyu of your presence before finally turning the knob.
mingyu smiled at you and you returned it quickly before you were being dragged away by the tailors.
you didn’t think that everything would be done so meticulously, but you were quickly shown just how serious of a matter the tailor’s considered it. first they had a team to decide which colors suited you well, also making sure that whatever color you wore went well with what mingyu would wear. then a team helped you decide what shape and design you wanted the dress to have. and then a team to take the required measurements multiple times to make sure everything was perfect. and finally there was a team to decide what jewellery you should wear. after all of your decisions were finalised the tailors told you’d both have to meet them again once the dress was sewn to ensure the dress was perfect.
by the time they left, you were so exhausted you ended up practically collapsing on the stool. mingyu chuckled at your state, striding his way over to you “if you thought that was bad you’re going to loathe the dress rehearsal”
“there’s a dress rehearsal?” you sighed exasperatedly. you shut your eyes, rubbing at your temples as you felt a migraine approaching.
“yes, darling, there is a dress rehearsal” he laughed, “usually a few days before the official ceremony. royals often do it since our weddings are always expected to be more than perfect”
although you didn’t focus on that last part. you didn’t focus on anything mingyu said after he said that one little word.
oh it felt nice to believe for a second that this was real. that this marriage wasn’t out of convenience. that mingyu had proposed to you for love and not because you were a rich noble’s daughter that he only proposed to because the elders of the court wouldn’t let him breathe.
“so there won’t be one after the dress is ready?” you peered at him.
“it’s a little different than a dress rehearsal, it’s simply a fitting. they’ll make sure that both of our garments appear well on us and don’t clash with each other” he explained to you, hand combing through his hair.
you nodded slowly and let your eyes close for a few seconds, your head was pounding and you’d decided to allow yourself to relax for a few minutes before reality would cut in.
when you awoke, you were alone.
you were still wearing your garments from last night and you don’t remember walking home last night, or even being escorted.
soon you realised you weren’t home, you were in the palace. most likely one of the many guest rooms. as for how you got there though, that you were still unsure of.
once you got up you noticed something at the dresser. a note.
good morning y/n, once you’ve finished getting ready, please be kind enough to join me in the courtyard for breakfast.
your heart started growing flustered at the thought of mingyu asking you to meet him. you rushed to meet him, quickly changing into the spare clothes someone had left for you by the mirror and making sure you looked presentable for mingyu.
as soon as you were happy you made your way through the palace halls, walking with joy as you thought about meeting the prince and allowed your mind to be taken over by situations you imagine yourself in with mingyu.
when you’d reached the courtyard, the first thing you saw was mingyu as he sat under a tree for some shade from the sun. when he caught sight of you, he beckoned you over with a smile.
“good morning, your highness” you said while joining him.
“and to you, y/n. did you sleep well? i’d noticed you’d drifted off so i brought you to a guest room, i really hope i didn’t impose”
you shook your head, heart warming at the thought of caring after you, “if anything, your highness, i should be the one to apologise”
“nonsense. this palace is as much yours as it is mine, in case you’ve forgotten, we are engaged to be married” he chuckled teasingly.
you’d spent that entire morning talking with mingyu, it felt nice. you’d been closer when you were younger but when mingyu was named the crown prince, you could only see each other so often. the morning with mingyu was nostalgic, but it also gave you hope and made you content with the future you would spend with him too.
mingyu eventually had to leave for another meeting and you were free to spend the day as you wished, mingyu insisting on it considering how tired yesterday had made you. he said you deserved a break.
you’d decided the best way to spend it would be heading back to town. it’d been a few days since you’ve truly done anything there, by the time you’d usually arrive home you’d be too exhausted to do anything.
upon your arrival, you’d been accompanied by a knight, you were unsure of his name but he gave you enough space. that’d been mingyu’s only rule for the day, that you were to be with a knight at all time for safety.
you looked around the town, waving and conversing with a few old friends, mainly congratulating you on the engagement, asking for any details but mainly, they were asking you about mingyu.
it was no surprise that there was a slight bitter tone whenever someone asked you about what mingyu was like, half the town probably wished they could learn what the prince was like for themselves.
by the time you finally had some time alone, well alone with just the knight, you saw a few carriages make there way into town. odd.
you looked toward the knight accompanying you, silently asking what is this to which he caught on pretty quick, “those are guests from the neighbouring kingdom. prince mingyu invited them for the ball that’s in a few days”
you nodded, slowly remembering the ball. you silently wondered if the tailors would exhaust you for hours to find a dress for that too.
you looked over at the carriages again, eyes catching sight of something, or well someone, familiar. waiting for the commotion to die down, you approached the carriages with the knight.
“seokmin?” you gasped.
“y/n!” seokmin smiled back at you, arms immediately engulfing you in a hug, “it’s been too long”
you and seokmin had grown up in town together, friends for a long time until his family decided to settle in the other kingdom. it looks like he’d finally become a knight like he’d dreamed of.
after he was given permission by the rest of the knights, he made his way with you, both of you reminiscing about memories you’d made in the town the second you saw anything.
“wow, so you’re prince mingyu’s fiancé. that’s unbelievable. but i am happy for you, he seems like a good man” seokmin smiled genuinely
“well i’d hope he’s a good man, he is the future king after all” you replied back laughing lightly, “enough about that though, look at you. a commander in the knights, that’s incredible”
the tips of your friends ears turned red as he laughed bashfully at your praise, “i suppose we’re both doing quite well then”
you continued your walk around town with seokmin, passing over a small bridge and looking over at a lake, “so seokmin, will you also be at the ball?” you turned to ask him.
“i believe so yes. mainly to accompany the princess”
ah so that was who was in the last carriage.
it was starting to get dark so you’d thought it was about time to head back. you bid farewell to seokmin and headed back to your home, heading straight to bed.
the next few days were mainly spent getting ready for the ball, except today.
today you were expected to attend a dinner with mingyu and his friends, when you had asked mingyu the occasion he explained that he enjoyed meeting with his friends regularly, and now was a good time to get you acquainted with them.
you were getting ready in the palace, the maids helping you and calming your nerves for tonight. you don’t know how mingyu was able to manage things like this since he was old enough to walk. when you were ready, mingyu arrived at your chambers to escort you to where the dinner was being held, immediately, you were greeted with the sights of all of mingyu’s friends.
you recognised a few, some of them grew up with you. some you had only met today but knew of them. and some you were seeing and hearing of for the first time today.
one person it particular caught your eye however, was the princess you’d seen from the photos in mingyu’s study.
how was she even more gorgeous in person?
she greeted you kindly and throughout the night was a delight, which made you feel even worse because how could you even dislike her? and how could you blame mingyu for falling for her?
you tried not to let your sour mood show to anyone, especially not mingyu, because you don’t know how you’d lie if he asked you what was the matter.
so you made sure for the rest of the night that you wouldn’t let any of your true feelings show, despite wanting nothing else but to cry.
you’d learnt that the princess had only arrived a few days ago for the ball, and was from the same kingdom as seokmin.
so she was the princess that seokmin would be escorting.
you’d decided to ask her about seokmin too, explaining that you were a childhood friend of his. she got excited at that, shocked at how small of a world it is.
when the dinner was finally wrapping up and guests were leaving, mingyu pulled you aside, “is everything alright? you were quite quiet the entire night”
you shook your head, blaming it simply on your nerves and apologised for potentially coming across as rude to his friends.
“nonsense. you shouldn’t apologise. i apologise for springing this dinner on you quite suddenly”
mingyu insisted on you staying the night at the palace, telling one of the maids to lead you there.
a few moments after you’d gotten ready for bed, you heard a knock on the door.
“come in” you said back, going toward the mirror, you looked to see mingyu in the reflection.
“your highness” you turned toward him, “can i help you?”
he said nothing as he took long strides to stand behind you.
he said nothing as he slowly started to take your necklace off for you, as he slowly took off the rest of your jewellery too, one by one.
when he was done he smiled at your confused look, “so you don’t hurt yourself again”
you were surprised at how he remembered and let the first genuine smile make its way onto your face that night.
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today was the day of the ball. you were incredibly scared because today would be the day where everyone learnt exactly who the crown prince’s fiancé was. as of right now, you were a stranger to most of the public. your family was well known, and it wasn’t like the engagement was a secret, but majority of people didn’t know exactly who you were.
most of the day was spent getting you ready, making sure your dress was perfect along with the makeup, hair, jewellery, shoes and just everything.
you really couldn’t wait for this to be over.
you’d been to balls before so you were luckily able to skip the butlers teaching you the waltz.
before the guests had arrived, mingyu’s friends had arrived early. the princess also arrived early, along with seokmin. you smiled at him and introduced him to mingyu, smiling even wider as they started to get along.
seokmin had already left by the time you’d met mingyu for the first time, so this was the first time they’d ever met.
minghao had also arrived, greeting you with a smile and congratulating you personally on the engagement.
the guests were to start arriving soon and a maid had informed you to stay with mingyu for the time being, but when you looked around you couldn’t spot him anywhere.
you’d asked a few of his friends, even asking seokmin and minghao while apologising for interrupting their conversation.
you’d decided to check outside of the ballroom too but still couldn’t spot him. worried, you tried to think logically.
in a room with this many guards, nothing could’ve happened.
as you continued looking around you heard giggling, mingyu’s. and someone else’s. you had an idea of who but you really didn’t want to admit it.
but as much as you’d want to convince yourself, you couldn’t erase that it was reality.
you found mingyu. he was with that same princess, they were hugging, she’d kissed his cheek too. he looked at her with such a fondness that you could never deny. and who were you to get in the way of that? who were you to stand in the way of two people so clearly in love?
there was a part of the hallway that was empty that you decided to stand in for a few minutes, collecting your thoughts.
he was so cruel.
how could he be so in love with someone while he was engaged to you? how could he make you fall so hard for him while he knew he’d never feel the same?
you couldn’t take this anymore, when you heard footsteps approaching you snapped your head in the direction.
there he was, “y/n? is everything alright?”
“no. no not really” you murmured, letting out a deep breath.
he frowned slightly, coming closer to your side to rub your shoulder, “what hap-“
“i’d like to call off this engagement.” you kept your arm away from him.
“what? what on earth are you talking about?” he looked angry, but he was controlling himself, “you can’t just suddenly say that”
“i can. nobody could ever force me to marry you, your highness. and i refuse to marry someone like you” you looked at him coldly as you started to walk away.
you didn’t think mingyu would stop you and you were right, because while you walked out he didn’t make any move to stop you, to ask you anything, he didn’t even try to look upset. and that was reason enough for you to never look back.
you didn’t try going back to the palace after that, you didn’t even try finding out what happened for the rest of that night. if it was up to you, you’d forget everything about the last few weeks, he’ll even the last few years. if it was up to you, you’d never meet mingyu, you’d never fall for him either. oh how much better life would’ve been if you could simply turn back time every once in a while.
it dawned on you however how irrational you were being, guilt ate you up when you realised how your actions could jeopardise your family’s relationship with the royal family. however you couldn’t bring yourself to truly regret it. you’d rather be an outcast by your own choice than an outcast in what was supposed to become your home. and you’d loathe being an outcast in your own marriage.
for a few weeks you didn’t try meeting anyone, you hadn’t told anyone about what you did either, mingyu would likely take care of it anyway. so you allowed yourself these few weeks of peace, nobody there who you have to explain yourself to.
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“you still haven’t heard anything about her?” minghao asked his friend warily, “this makes no sense. how does someone just go missing?”
missing. well if you were really missing you would’ve been found by now. and if you were really missing then an actual search party would’ve been sent, not just mingyu looking around day and night going mad trying to find any glimpse of you.
the look on your face that night broke mingyu’s heart, so how could he tell everyone the truth after that? he knew that the court would become too hasty and would cut all ties with your family immediately for apparently ‘disrespecting our monarch’. and how could he do that knowing he already hurt you enough?
mingyu was unsure what he really did, but what else could make you look at him like that? from looks of adoration to a cold, inconceivable glare. part of him hated himself for bringing you to such a state.
“how she went missing doesn’t matter. just as long as i can bring her back.. that’s all that truly matters to me” he said slowly, although he knows you weren’t in any real danger that night, he can’t help but grow paranoid at what happened to you since.
ignoring him was one thing, but ignoring your family too was another. he’d even tried asking seokmin and miyeon if they’d heard anything.
the court elders have been pestering him for days, saying that it’s no use trying to find you, that he should call off the engagement officially and just find a new suitor. but how could he when he only had eyes for you.
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mingyu was seven when he’d first met you, you who shyly waved at him when your parents introduced you to him. you who at seven years old asked him if he could ride horses, and fight battles, and have his own wizard, and save princesses because that’s what the princes in your stories would do.
mingyu always enjoyed when you came over. you were the only one who was around his age. you were the only one who understood that he was a child too, he felt safe with you. he didn’t have to be the picture of perfection around you, because you wouldn’t belittle him for being a child. you’d never judge him for being himself. even when his friends would poke fun at him sometimes and he’d sulk, you’d always be there to cheer him up.
and when mingyu was eight and his hand started bleeding after he fell, you were the one who was worried for him, who ran to get him a bandage, who told him it’d be alright when he cried about how it hurts so bad. and you were the one who kissed his hand better for him and giggled when you said that usually the prince does the kissing when the girl is in pain.
and even a few months ago, when mingyu was told he’d have to marry soon, no matter how many suitors he’d meet, his mind would always be on you.
and that’s why mingyu’s whole world lit up the second you said yes when he proposed, but everything went dim the second he heard you say you’d never marry someone like him.
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mingyu stood on the balcony that night, watching the views of the kingdom, it really was gorgeous. you’d have to be there somewhere. there were no carriages leaving or entering that mingyu didn’t know of, so unless you’ve managed to walk out of the town completely unnoticed, you’re somewhere there.
“you look terrible” he heard a voice behind him say.
he recognised it but couldn’t put his finger on it until he turned around, “seokmin, was it?”
seokmin nodded sending a short smile his way, he joined mingyu on the balcony, letting out a deep breath, “y/n where did you run off to?”
they both stayed quiet for a few seconds, seokmin glancing over at the other before sighing, “for the record, i really hope you’re not blaming yourself for this. because, really, it’s not your fault”
‘oh if only you knew the whole story’, mingyu thought, ‘you would’ve done something to me that would’ve had you executed in seconds’
seokmin continued looking over the city, before laughing lightly at something that caught his sight, “you see that cabin behind the bar? y/n and i used to joke that we’d settle there if we ever did anything to offend the nobles. she really used to get in trouble with them a lot back when we were children. she hated them, always having such strict rules for us. could only imagine how bad it must’ve been for you”
mingyu chuckled at that, despite being shy around him there was a reason he was able to be so carefree around you, and it was because of how much you worked your way around the strict rules laid out for you.
“she really did think highly of you, your highness. in our letters she’d mention the charming prince that was her favourite friend. i was actually quite jealous of you for stealing my spot quite frankly” the knight glared at the prince light heartedly, “i’ve wanted to fight you ever since i was ten”
the two were reminiscing about you for hours on that balcony, laughing with their new found friend.
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that morning, you awoke with a headache. perhaps drinking last night wasn’t the best of ideas but it’d been the first time in weeks you’d felt anything but pain or self pity. the cabin was small, you’d stocked up on food before news of you going missing had spread, you weren’t sure what you were to do after that however. if you were lucky you’d be able to sneak around town wearing a cloak that would hide you well enough for some time. right before closing time would be ideal, there wouldn’t be many people around and it wouldn’t be considered odd for you to be walking around in a cloak.
that night, you secured the black cloth around you, basket looped around your arm before you stepped out and made your way around town.
ever since seokmin had told him about that cabin behind the bar, mingyu was sure you’d be there. he’d checked the properties he knew anyone in your family had owned, and even some that your friends’ families had owned only to come up with no luck. and as far as he knew, no recent land purchases were made.
the cabin was small, the only door being at the back, it creaked as it’d opened and when mingyu looked around all he saw was darkness, he didn’t have a candle to light the lamp either. the prince looked around for a few minutes, there weren’t many places to search and you weren’t anywhere. like that, mingyu became more hopeless. where else could you be?
he sat on the rotting floor, tears in his eyes threatening to spill as he realises he may have lost you forever.
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you looked over at your basket, content with how much you were able to purchase. it was dark so even without the cloak it would’ve been hard for anyone to pinpoint who you were. opening the door to the cabin, you lit one of the freshly purchased matchsticks and use it light the lamp by the door, the room lighting up immediately.
when you looked forward the cabin was how you left it. starting to put some of your things away, you drowned out the sounds of the town at closing time, more and more patrons were heading into the pub and it tends to get noisiest around now.
one sound took you out of your daydreams however, the door opened. you quickly grabbed the cloak to wrap yourself in once again, turning around to see none other than mingyu standing there.
he looked like a mess. his eyes were bloodshot, he looked somewhat smaller than the last time you’d seen him, paler too.
you two stood staring at each other for a few seconds before mingyu came forward, eyes pleasing with you to not move away like you did last time.
“i’m so, so glad to see you” his voice cracked, “please even if you hate me, never leave like that again” he grasped your hands.
“glad to see me? wouldn’t you be more glad to see the princess?” you glared at him unimpressed.
truth be told it warmed your heart knowing mingyu genuinely cared about you, that he’d been worried about you, but you couldn’t forget the pain he’d put you in.
“the princess?” mingyu tilted his head confused, “y/n what.. what are you talking about?”
“i saw you that night. that night i left, i had tried finding you, and when i did i saw you with the princess, hugging, looking at her in a way you’d never look at me. because why would you look at me like that?” you couldn’t stop yourself from truly expressing how you feel, letting it bottle up for too long, “after all i suppose i really can’t blame you for you not loving me when i’ve- and why were you with the princess that night-“
“please allow me to explain. the princess is merely someone i’ve known since birth. and the princess is in love with minghao, i’ve been trying for years to get them acquainted and she was explaining to me that the duke had finally confessed to her”
you felt incredibly stupid, and incredibly guilty. you stayed silent for a few minutes trying to gather your words.
“my apologies, i shouldn’t have come here. i should have let you have your peace and i’ll be on my way-“
“no!” you shocked yourself with how instantly you had opposed him, “please no. mingyu- your highness. i apologise. i should have allowed you to explain, i could have avoided this. i humiliated you on account of my own insecurities, and it was childish of me to assume something”
“y/n, you can be honest with me” the prince looked at you earnestly, at that you allowed your tears to finally fall.
“it-it hurts. it’s hurts so much knowing i’d be tied to a marriage where only i was giving. and these last few weeks i’ve just been contemplating if it’s my own fault. if it’s my own fault that you’d never be able to look at me how i look at you. and it hurts knowing you’d never love me the same-“
you’d felt mingyu’s lips brush against yours slowly, for a second you’d think it wasn’t happening if it wasn’t for his hand circling your waist.
he slowly brought his lips away from you, both of you breathless, “does it still hurt?” he smiled at you.
“please, never assume that i don’t love you y/n. because i do. i truly do love you, and for the better part of my life i have. i’ve spent years dreaming of a day where i could finally have you to myself as someone i could spend years to come loving. and if i ever made you doubt that then i’m a fool, but please never blame yourself” he said gently, bringing his hand up so his knuckles could wipe at the tears spilling from your eyes, “i love you”
“i love you too” you smiled tearfully at him.
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rebouks · 1 year
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Brynn: You are much more silent than usual today-.. are you going to miss me?
Wyatt was going to miss Brynn a great deal, but telling her that seemed harder than it ought to be, so he said naught instead.
Brynn: You are not comfortable being happy?
Wyatt squinted, something Brynn had learnt he tended to do when she was on the right track.
Brynn: Maybe you should not fight yourself.
Wyatt: Maybe you only know I feel that way because you’re the same.
And as she tended to do when he was right, Brynn dodged Wyatt’s comment.
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Brynn: Do you think I stay, if you asked me to?
Wyatt: I don’t think you want me to ask that.
Brynn: No, I don’t…
Wyatt: Do you want to stay though..?
Brynn: I not sure it’s a good idea to leave home-.. not for a man I spend only a few weeks with.
Wyatt’s brow creased, though he quickly rearranged his face; she had a point, whether he liked it or not.
Brynn: Does that hurt your feelings?
Wyatt: No…
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Brynn hummed and tugged on Wyatt’s hand, forcing him to stop and face her. It was obvious he was lying. He wanted to know whether this was just a holiday fling to her, or something more, but every time he even thought about doing so it felt like someone had rammed cotton wool down his throat. He’d promised himself he’d be more honest, but it wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped…
Wyatt: What exactly would you be leaving behind? I doubt you’ve exactly made anything for yourself there-.. not with Gael’s arm to cling to.
Wyatt instantly regretted being so blunt as Brynn frowned slightly, a flash of sadness darting across her features.
Brynn: That is a cruel thing to say, no?
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Wyatt: Maybe-.. though I’ve a feeling I’m right, so I’m not taking it back.
Brynn narrowed her eyes, he was right, of course. She had nothing of her own in San Myshuno. Everything she owned, down to the clothes on her back, had been paid for by Gael. She’d never thought about leaving before, she had everything she ever needed, technically-.. but spending time with someone who wasn’t afraid to interrogate her about such matters finally made her question her innermost protests, rather than burying them.
She didn’t like Gael, she didn’t like his friends or his apartment, she didn’t want him to propose, didn’t want to marry him, didn’t want to carry his children. It wasn’t ever supposed to be permanent; she wanted a life of her own…
Wyatt: Well?
Brynn: I not argue with you on my last day here.
Wyatt: We’re not arguing, are we?
Brynn: Exactly!
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Wyatt ran his hand through his hair and sighed, this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He needed more. He was desperate to know how she felt before she left, desperate to know how she’d gotten herself into this situation, whether she wanted out or not. He thought she did, but for once, he wasn’t sure of himself.
Wyatt: I just meant-…
He huffed as Brynn leapt on his back with a chuckle, that was the end of that then. He’d never realised until now how socially inept he was with women-.. no, intimacy; but Brynn didn’t seem to mind, maybe she could relate. He was willing to bet she knew what he was struggling with. It almost seemed as though she were goading him into being honest, like he craved to be.
Brynn: Let’s find somewhere nice-.. if you tell me what you meant, maybe I tell you a story.
He shook his head and snorted, amused; that was definitely what she was doing, wasn’t it?
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Wyatt had done a lot of terrible things over the years. Amongst countless other felonies he’d taken more than a few lives - some with his bare hands - but no crime he’d committed had ever caused his heart to beat as erratically as it did now. Against his “better” judgement and despite his pounding chest, he’d held Brynn close and told her how he felt.
He told her how much he’d enjoyed spending time with her, how pleased he’d be if she stayed, and how curious he was about her situation back in San Myshuno. Brynn had softened upon hearing his words, appreciative of his honesty; and in return, she’d told him how she and Gael met…
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Brynn hadn’t left Del Sol to begin with, choosing instead to remain employed by Varius, which had eventually been taken over by new management. Never embroiled in Ashton’s more nefarious business ventures, the casino and its franchise hadn’t suffered much, remaining completely operational as a result.
Gael was in town for family and work, hauled to the top floor by some of his rather more enthusiastic associates. Clearly uncomfortable, she’d taken him aside and entertained him in a different manner-.. she’d clocked him eyeing a handsome waiter surreptitiously, felt him recoil from her touch; he might’ve fooled his colleagues, but he hadn’t fooled her. Enjoying an easy night full of free drinks and cheesy jokes, she’d thought nothing of his proposition to attend an upcoming event with him the following weekend.
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The event Gael had invited her to was a wedding – his brother’s wedding – and Brynn had suddenly found herself referred to as his girlfriend. She’d thought it quite funny at the time, what an odd man, paying an erotic dancer to pose as one’s partner. The money was good though, and it was much more enjoyable than working in some stuffy club, even one as fancy as Varius.
But as things do, one thing led to another and before Brynn could second guess herself, she’d agreed to move to San Myshuno and stay with Gael permanently. Genesis had seen her arse about Brynn’s newfound source of income, her friends Ace and Robert had moved away, Del Sol was smoggy and garish, held memories she’d rather forget; why wouldn’t she move back to San My? She’d have her own room in a spacious apartment, she wouldn’t have to work, Gael said he’d pay for her to finish school; it seemed like a good idea at the time, like she could have whatever she wanted.
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Except she couldn’t. Gael was a controlling - albeit kind - man, terrified of being discovered by his peers. He told her where to go and when, what to wear, what to say, and how to act. He’d take her phone from her if she’d get distracted at one of his precious galas, force her to attend wellness retreats with his colleagues’ insipid girlfriends and wives whilst he and his friends smacked tiny balls with silly sticks, drag her on family vacations to hot countries where she’d get accosted by mosquitoes and prickly heat.
He’d bemoan her lack of enthusiasm when she wasn’t her usual self, but it’d been so many years that Brynn didn’t even know who she was anymore. He’d felt guilty then, promising she could pick their next destination; that it’d be just the two of them, no pretending.
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Brynn had never imagined bumping into Wyatt again, but she’d often thought of him, wondering what he’d done after that fateful phone call. She’d almost felt proud of him, in a way-.. it wasn’t easy to turn against your upbringing like that, against your friends, against yourself. She’d given him the benefit of the doubt and he hadn’t taken it for granted, which was more than could be said for a lot of men she’d trusted in the past.
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Having landed herself in hot water more times than she could count over the years, Brynn had learnt to be wary of her gut, but she couldn’t deny being drawn to Wyatt; she admired the change in him, despite the fact he seemed unaware of it himself. It was freeing to spend time with someone who didn’t expect her to act a certain way, someone who knew where she’d come from and what she’d been through, yet didn’t appear to judge her poorly for it. He’d done terrible things and so had she; it was nice, being on an even playing field for once.
Brynn had subsequently returned home more disheartened than ever, completely uninterested in her so-called life with Gael. She’d hoped Wyatt would call, hoped she’d get a taste of that freedom in her self-imposed cage, hoped something would magically change. But it hadn’t.
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Wyatt: So, you’re not happy anymore?
Brynn: I am very happy here, with you-.. but that scares me.
Wyatt: Why?
Brynn: Because it means I have to confront the fact that I am not happy at home, and that is something I have never done before. I always find someone to take me in, but is always with conditions, I am never free-.. never happy.
Wyatt: Are you safe at least..?
Brynn: It is painfully boring, sharing a home with Gael, but he is not exactly aggressive.
Wyatt scowled; not exactly? That wasn’t what he wanted to hear, he ought to strangle-..
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Brynn: I not want you to get involved, I think I would like to do something on my own for once.
Wyat: Okay…
Brynn: I put my foot down and leave, even if it means I have nothing. I not want to run to anyone else, including you.
Wyatt: That’s why you don’t want to stay?
Brynn nodded, it would’ve been easier to tell Gael to stuff it and stay here, but that was what she always did; fall into someone else’s hands. Being with Wyatt was different though, it made her want to choose him because she wanted to, because she could, not because she needed to. If that meant she had to throw everything away and strike out on her own first – even though she had no idea how to – then so be it.
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Though he was glad to know the truth, Wyatt was less than thrilled with Brynn’s plan; but she craved true freedom, and after everything she’d endured – in part due to his own transgressions – he figured he owed her as much.
Wyatt: I won’t stop you then…
Brynn: This is why I love you-.. you help set me free in the end, like I to you.
Wyatt: You love me?
Brynn: You love me too, no?
Wyatt dipped his head in agreement. He wasn’t sure how it’d happened so quickly, but there wasn’t much point denying it any longer.
Brynn: Say it…
Wyatt: I love you too.
Brynn: Is not so hard, right?
Wyatt scoffed quietly and shook his head.
Wyatt: I don’t know-.. I’m sweating.
Brynn: [laughs] Ew-.. me too though.
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r0semaryt3a · 5 months
Some pre/during Yorknew Phantom Troupe Identity hcs + Illumi and Kurapika
I do not care if you disagree with these- my word is not law and honestly I want to hear some other headcannons so feel free to drop them down
Chrollo Lucilfer -
Ah Chrollo, my wife <3
He/him (surprising the masses after my wife joke)
Bisexual (no pref)
Monogamy - don’t even suggest otherwise it will be shot down.
“My identity? I’m a bisexual man…hmm? He/him.”
Feitan Portor
Has not and will not ever think about it (if he likes you he’ll date you he won’t label it)
It would be like pulling teeth trying to get him to answer on his identity. Like, it’s just not important to him. Why do you want to know so bad? Just call it whatever, it’s not gonna humour you with a conversation anyways.
“He.” ‘is there anything else?’ “It.” ‘And your sexuality?’ “…like you, date you. Simple.”
Phinks Magcub
Messed around once - quickly learnt he was indeed straight
These people really don’t see the prevalence in their identities so they’re all pretty blunt on answering.
“Eh? Why’d you wanna know? So what? I’m a guy. What? I like girls sure.”
Machi Komacine -
my absolute favourite
Messed around w gender for a bit; doesn’t care but will let you know “she’s a girl”
Bisexual - fem pref
Was the opposite of Phinks - thought she was lesbian then messed around and realised she was indeed bi
“Call me whatever…I’m a girl though.”
“I mean I like everyone, I think? Girls are probably better. No they are”
Woman has to double check with herself whenever asked, it’s like answering a quiz
Franklin Bordeau
Like one of the only ones who’d give you a straight answer if you ever asked
“I’m a man and yes, I like men.” Type of answer
Bi - male pref (the phantom troupe is just a bisexual chat room atp)
I Cannot decide whether I like Nobunaga or Shalnark w this guy
You’ll find out from fucking around with him. In no world is he answering you.
L e s b i a n
Can imagine her being the only one of the group to just have her identity down from day dot
Definitely had a fling with Machi at some point that didn’t work out (they ended on good terms obviously. I can and will go into lengthy detail as to why I believe they had something going in the past and weren’t still together during Yorknew)
This woman is the died in the arc she first appeared in rep I needed!
“She/her honey. I like girls, that’s all that’s to it.”
Does not care
Literally just a colouring book, do what you want he won’t correct you (there’s nothing to correct to)
“Oh? Hmm, well I’ve never really thought about it much. It makes sense for me to be pan though, I guess!”
Nobunaga Hazama
He’s like that grandad that tells you about his time out in clubs and you’re sat going: “YOU? YOU did those things?”
“I’m a homosexual.”
Hisoka Morow
Call this amalgamation of a human whatever you want. As long as you can fight, you can talk to him/j
Type of guy to make a “Yours” joke
I really don’t see Hisoka caring for what people see him as. Like you wanna call him a he? Go for it. She? Sure why not! They? It? All on the table!
Another bisexual - his preference is fight me
Would 100% be down for poly, but depending on his attachment would also demand monogamy
“Why don’t we set a date and you can find out hmm~?”
Shizuku Murasaki
Straight or Aro, one or the other she’s either heavily into romance or completely repulsed and I can’t decide which I think it is.
Will blink at you for two minutes before sighing a response
“Well I don’t mind she or it I suppose.”
I don’t really have that many thoughts on Kortopi so this is like all I’m giving
No one really has a clue on his sexuality and he doesn’t tell any of them, ever. Like he knows what he is, but he just never says it
Illumi Zoldyck
He’s never really thought about it much, after-all aside from family it’s not like most people will live long enough for his identity to matter
Sexuality? Who knows! He sure doesn’t. Does he even like people? Who’s to say!
“What does it matter? I’m a man by all accounts, so refer to me as such.”
Kurapika Kurta
I don’t even really know why he’s on this list tbf.
Will give you his whole coming out story if you ask about his identity. You’ll be there a while.
This was actually really fun to sit and do-
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ebrysteria · 2 years
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Kang the conqueror x (fem) reader
SUMMARY: you found Kang a while back when his ship crashed, you offered to help him and you've now known each other for months. You go out to try and seduce someone for an important part to fix it but he cant help but get jealous even if its just an act... Warnings: Smut 18+, wrap before you tap, jealous Kang, understanding of feelings, fingering, unprotected PnV (be responsible guys), giving into temptation
Note: So I went onto tumblr and searched for Kang fics and there were none at all?! I decided to write my own but this is my first ever time writing so please let me know if you enjoy it, I might make a part 2 and comment any suggestions on what you want me to write next.
Nothing much surprised you down here anymore. It was all the same really. Landing in the quantum realm 20 years ago had changed you. Your way of living and scavenging to survive.
Most of the civilians weren’t that bothered by your arrival but many were sceptical. They were scared of an outsider being in their realm and many didn’t trust you. You couldn’t blame them though as you would feel the same if someone with no resemblance to you at all suddenly started living in your own home.
You got used to your way of living, you learnt how to hunt for food and supplies. You’ve been through a lot and have seen nearly twice as much.
But what you haven’t seen since you arrived was a ship come crashing down from the outer world. Naturally you were curious grabbing supplies just in case whatever it could be was dangerous. What you didn’t expect was it to be a man, around the same age as you.
He didn’t look like most of the people in the realm, he was different. He had deep scars running down each side of his face, travelling all the way just to the top of his plump lips.
He stood by his ship taking in his environment as you watched him, he seemed annoyed? Angry? You weren’t too sure. You didn’t know his motives so you decided to just observe.
“Damn you idiots, I’ll be back you can’t keep me here forever” he mumbled to himself whilst staring down his ship. It was smoking and in bad condition. It barely even looked like a ship with the state that it was in.
A loud screech emerged from in front of him, whatever it was was obscured by his body but you caught a glimpse of blue creatures lunging themselves at him.
You quickly aimed your blaster at the things, praying you wouldn’t accidentally hit the man. You quickly shot the creatures off of him rushing over.
“oh my god are you okay?” you asked offering your hand to pull him up.
He eyed you quizzically while dusting himself off.
“just about, thank you” he grabbed your arm as you pulled him up.
“I saw your ship come crashing down, I didn’t expect it to be a human from the outside world. You are human right?” You looked him up and down.
He wore an armour that consisted of purple and blue colours. Well what was left of the armour, it was damaged, torn and practically falling apart. Whatever happened to him must have been hurt.
“Yes very much human” he smiled chuckling slightly. “Why? Are you not human yourself?
You grinned at him, loosening the grip you had on your blaster slowly placing it in your blaster holder on your hip.
“Yes I am human, most inhabitants here aren’t, they all speak their own language and most were born here unlike us”
“Unlike us?” He said looking you up and down.
“Well yes I wasn’t born here, I broke open a gateway when experimenting with time. I didn’t expect to end up here.” you said quietly, you didn’t speak much of your past with anyone. If they knew what really happened you’re life would be over. “Besides, it doesn’t matter now I’ve gotten used to the way of living in this treacherous hell hole” you gestured to your surroundings as he looked around.
He didn’t look too surprised with his surroundings, he looked more uncomfortable. Then you realised you were still out in the open when any more threats could arise by the minute.
“Yes well this place isn’t on my bucket list of places I would like to visit” he looked back at his ship, crouching down next to it. He pulled open a panel and smoke puffed up into his face. “God damn it”
“What’s wrong?”
“My ship, it’s broken and I can’t power it. If I can then this would be my ticket out of here.”
“Wait you’re saying that thing can travel outside realms?!” you were shocked, no one had technology that advanced except from the people you worked for before your life got turned upside down.
He got back up turning to you.
“Well yes if it was working”
You looked around, it wouldn’t take too long for you to make it back home on foot. You don’t usually accept strangers into your home but he was human and you felt empathetic for the man
“hey the place I’m staying at isn’t that far from here, do you want to come with me just for tonight. I have a spare room and food. It’s just something to get you back on your feet before you figure out what you’re going to do next” you suggested. It would be nice to have some company as living alone for 20 years hasn’t done the best for you. It was a lot safer than staying somewhere with the other inhabitants but the isolation got painful at times.
“Thank you I appreciate it, I don’t even know your name yet
“My name is Y/n” you said whilst turning around beginning to walk. He quickly began trailing behind.
“Okay y/n lead the way”
“Aren’t you going to tell me yours” you said stopping turning around to raise your eyebrows.
He extended his hand outwards to you.
You reached for his hand, it was soft and he shook gently it.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Kang” you said softly smiling.
Turns out it wasn’t just one night.
He happily accepted his room and you got used to living together, it had been 6 months since he had moved in. You decided to help him repair his ship agreeing that he would help you out of here as well and during this you two got closer. You often went out to the market to find spare parts while he helped you around your home. He cooked you wonderful meals and if you didn’t know better it seemed as if he cared for you. You managed to extend your living space to accompany the two of you. The only thing you really had to share was the bathroom as you only ever had one considering you weren’t used to living with someone. But it wasn’t a problem. You both had your own schedules and you worked well together.
You stared at yourself in the mirror humming. Tonight was important. There had been one particular piece for his ship that was very rare to come by and Kang was beginning to feel hopeless when you told him that material like that was unlikely to come by in the quantum realm but you had heard through the market-place that a man named Quaz was actually in possession of some. You planned to speak with him tonight. You didn’t want to say you were going to seduce him but you were determined to get the piece for the ship as it was unlikely you would ever have an opportunity like this again.
You ran your hands down, smoothing out your white long silk dress. You wanted to be humble but you did look good. There was never really much reason to dress up in the quantum realm so it felt nice to have some sort of normality in your life. You hand came up to the dainty necklace that hanged from your neck fixing it into place. You gave yourself one last look before opening the bathroom door.
Kang stood just outside the door and when the door opened he was shocked. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you and how your skin looked exposed by the dress. You felt him drag his eyes down your figure. He quickly looked back up and went to open his mouth but he quickly closed it shaking his head.
“Where are you going dressed like that?” he asked demandingly.
You were taken aback by his tone. You thought you looked good.
“I’m going to the bar, I found some good news on that impossible piece you needed for your ship. I was going to tell you but you were busy fixing your suit and I didn’t want to disturb you”
His eyes softened staring at you. It made you blush slightly.
“You- You look good please be careful” he said reaching out to run his hand down your arm.
“I always am careful you know that, this could be our chance to get out of this place, I shouldn’t waste time because we could lose our opportunity” you quickly rushed out leaving a quick kiss on his cheek and left the house.
He froze and stood there shocked. He feet were rooted to the ground. That shouldn’t have done something for him but it did. He couldn’t stop thinking about you in that dress, how thin it looked. How easy it would be to just pull it off your shoulders. He needed to calm down.
“Get a grip” he mumbled to himself walking into the bathroom.
As he washed himself in the shower he couldn’t stop thinking, no one else should have the privilege of seeing you like that when you're out. And what if they tried to make a move on you? Or hurt you? He wouldn’t be there to help you. Every bad thought went rushing through his head until he decided he was going to go the bar to keep an eye on you. Just to keep you safe. Right?
The place was busy. Busier than usual. The dance floor was filled with swaying people and flashing lights making you feel a little energised as you think back to all the enjoyable nights you’ve spent here in the past. Typically you enjoy this type of stuff. But tonight you only had one goal.
Get the piece.
You move further into the bar, looking around for your target. You have a gun hidden in your dress so if anyone tried anything you were prepared. You looked around with caution until your eyes fell on a man, slightly younger than you drowning himself in ooze. You were never a fan of the drink, maybe because the last time you were forced to drink it to be able to communicate.
You were getting distracted just staring at the man so you moved over and took the high seat next to him. He eyed you as you ordered.
“hi can I have whatever the handsome man next to me is having” you said flashing him a short and sweet smile.
He gave you a drunk smile back, running a hand over his face shuffling closer to you.
“I must say I haven’t seen you around here before, I would’ve remembered a pretty face like yours” he said extending his hand “my name is Quaz”
You took it gently shaking it, lingering it slightly longer to get him interested. You gave him a made up name not wanting anything being traced back to you. He admired your dress.
“That’s a nice dress you’re wearing”
You blushed at the compliment, flirting back with him. What you didn’t realise was a certain someone coming into the bar staring at you from just beside the crowd.
He didn’t know if it the fact your target was flirting with you or if it was you flirting back but jealousy began to spread within him. He tried to remain calm, reminding himself you are free to do what you want with your life but Kang couldn’t stand it. They way some random man moved closer to you, making you smile like that. It should’ve been him. Not some disgusting drunk man obviously only trying to get in your pants. He clenched his hands trying to ground himself. Seeing you two laughing together. It felt wrong even if it was just flirting.
It was worse when he saw the man begin to make advances on you. Resting his hand on you, carelessly stroking the outside of your thigh. Every time he rubbed his hand across your smooth delicate skin he felt the heat, anger and possessiveness within him getting worse. No one but him should be seeing you in this dress. You looked beautiful in it sure but it should be reserved for his eyes and his eyes only.
It turns out that he doesn't keep the piece hidden at all; instead, he stores it in an ordinary old bag at his home. You almost got him where you wanted him; you joked with him in an effort to learn as much as you can about the piece. It was so simple that it was hard to believe.
"So… do you want to go out of here?" He asked softly, bringing his hand higher to the inner part of your thigh.
All contact abruptly vanished, and you swiftly turned around to see him being pushed off of you and onto the ground. Kang gives you a short glance before tightly grasping your waist.
"You touch her like that again and i wont hesitate to kill you" he spat quickly putting a bruising grip on your wrist dragging you out of the bar.
"What the hell are you doing! I almost had it! We could've gone home!!" you yelled trying to shake out of his grip.
He didn't budge staying silent, continuing to pull you along with him until you arrived at your shared home. He harshly slammed the door shut after you both walked in.
He stares at you intensely looking at you up and down almost as if he's contemplating what to say.
"Stop ignoring me and tell me what's wrong, you literally just dragged me out of there with no explanation whatsoever" you questioned first.
"Did you not see that guys hand literally touching you all over?! Its ridiculous I should've punched that smug smile off of his face"
"It was part of my plan!" you scoffed, you couldn't believe he was jealous after you literally told him you were going to get the piece.
"The piece isn't worth that much" he mumbled looking anywhere but you. He seemed- embarrassed?
You walked closer to him "I cant believe you ruined it because you were jealous"
"I am not jealous"
"sure seems like it"
He moved closer staring at you more intensely than before "I cant believe you were going to whore yourself out just for some stupid material"
"What the fuck!! I wasn't going to whore myself out" you said, quickly pulling your dress up slightly to show him the gun you had strapped to the side of your other thigh.
He just stared at your flesh for a moment. Before slowly reaching forward to remove the gun from its holder. It was only then when you realised how close you were. How you could feel his breathing as he looked down at you. It sent hot shivers within you, the warmth spreading like some sick disease. It starts in your stomach and spreads throughout your body - a hunger, a hunger to feel him, closer, that the hunger and heat transcends within you in an unexplainable way
He clicked the gun out and then threw it on the couch. "you could have gotten yourself killed" he whispered leaning down slightly lower. Your breath hitched. His eyes darting downwards as you licked your lips, you could feel a pair of warm hands rubbing over your sensitive skin of your thighs just below where the gun was, moving upwards gently.
That's when he realised what he was doing, dropping your thigh creating some distance between the two of you. "look we will find another way to get the piece okay, just go to bed now its late" he quickly muttered storming off to his room without another word.
You felt hot all over, a part of you wishing he never stopped touching you. You rushed to your room quickly closing your door thinking about what just happened. The way his hands gripped your leg so gently as if you were the most delicate thing in the world, the slight hunger that seeped into his eyes and he traced small circles along your flesh. You wondered what happened if you continued. It was making you begin to feel wet and you knew you had an attraction towards him but you never knew he could be that...
He briskly shut his door rubbing his hands over his face. What the hell was he doing. Touching you like that. He almost gave in. Temptation was getting the better of him. He wants to scream at the top of his lungs, his whole chest constricting with the thought of him calling you a whore. He couldn't believe himself. But God the way you looked at him, the way you stood so close to him all would have to do is move an inch and he would have kissed you. claimed you as his, he wanted you so badly. watching you work for him everyday, determined to fix his ship. He wasn't aware that he was falling for you, but he ought to have seen the warning signs. The fact that he went out of his way more to be nice to you than he has for anyone else. Making sure you returned home safely, sneaking out to punish everyone who had ever upset you, ensuring that your favourite meals are prepared, and bringing you back to bed if you accidentally nodded off on the couch at night.
He should've kissed you then and there.
He got out of bed and began heading to your room...
You keep thinking about the tension between the two of you, he couldn't leave you feeling like this otherwise the heat will swallow you whole. Pulling yourself to your feet, you swiftly get up and swing your door open.
Kang was on the other side, wide eyed, unblinking with his hand half raised in a fist as if he was going to knock. He stared down at you frozen on the spot.
He gazed at you with an intangible nature that is impossible to describe—a sense of learning something new, a revelation. Perhaps it was a knowing look but you didn't seem to care under the intense stare that he had you under.
"What do yo-"
And as you were about to inquire him you were abruptly cut off as he brought you into a searing kiss by cupping your face with his warm, soft hands and making you gasp into his mouth. You eagerly accepted the kiss, gripping onto him as he pushed you further back into your room.
He hurriedly pressed you against the wall to your right and shut the door behind him, his hands frantically and needily roaming your body desperate causing you to whimper in pleasure. He seems to never want to let go of you as he holds you between his arms, up against his chest, and against the wall. He makes it a goal to kiss every square inch of your face, imprinting every detail of it in his mind.
He lets out a moan as your nails scrape his back on his shirt, the flex of his muscles makes you blush and begin to lose balance from the lack of oxygen of him kissing you breathless, and he's ready to take most of your weight when the kiss gets heavier, deeper, your tongue frantically searching as he holds your face, never wanting to let you go.
"I couldn't stand it" he mumbles moving to the side of your neck trailing his plump lips teasingly, "i couldn't stand the way he was staring at you in this dress" his hand comes up to trail behind your back, pushing you further into him as he began to nip kisses into your neck and travelling lower to your collarbones causing your breath to become even more laboured. You felt him slowly tugging at the strings at your back of your white silk dress. "All i could think about was pulling it off in front of everyone and showing them who you really belong to" finally releasing the strings from the back causing the front of your dress to falter slowly revealing your breasts. "I would've made them all jealous making them know none of them can have you. None of them can make you feel the way i make you feel," he said then he quickly sucked on your nipple causing you to let out a soft feral noise.
"God those sounds you keep making are so pretty, keep going. Just like that" he encouraged looking up at you from your cleavage as his hand gropes at your breast. He moved his other hand shifting it down to the lower part of your body to cup you, a wet spot forming on the fabric covering you from his fingers. You whimper as he pulls your panties aside to reveal your beautiful puffy lips that are drenched from your want for him "Keep making those sounds for me" he whispered into your chest as his fingers dipped and found your clit causing your head to tilt back.
"Fuck Kang.." you whimper loudly again and he came back up to capture your whimper in a strong kiss. He traced your pussy lips with his fingers before thrusting one of them in causing you to release a loud moan. He kept pumping in and out of you adding a second finger and your whines kept getting louder and louder. You were getting so close, legs beginning to shake, your walls tightening around his two fingers as he curls them inside, making your back arch. You realised you were closer than you thought. He must have known because he removed his hand completely, placing it on your waist dragging you away from the door.
The back of your knees caught at the end of your bed as he gently pushed you onto it while removing the rest of your dress leaving you almost completely exposed to his hungry eyes.
"My god you are so beautiful" he said against your lips. In a tangle of limbs he began removing his clothes. You ground against him above you causing you to rub him enticingly. He let out a needy moan, gripping onto your hips harder as he used one hand to undo his zipper.
“Please don’t stop…” you begged, and the hand clutching your waist squeezed your flesh in an reassuring way that told you that he wouldn’t.
He couldn’t. Not when you tastes so good and sounded so angelical. Not when he needed you so bad. He had been dreaming of this for months. 6 months of pure torture of the need to be inside you and be claimed as his.
"You see what you do to me? Do you know how hard its been for me to try not to be tempted to fuck you senseless when you sat in the chair of my ship when you were fixing it.
You sat up eagerly helping him pull down his zip and rubbing over his covered crotch causing him to groan as he leaned forward into your neck to leave darker marks. “Don’t you know the power you have over me?”  he groans again.
You gradually begin pulling down his pants and you become dizzy off of want from the root hairs that slowly begin to get exposed with the rest of him, it cause something dangerous inside of you to stir as you wrap your hands around him. Like an inextinguishable fire that could only be put out by him.
He releases deep, grave gasps when he bucks his hips into your hand and his sloppy lips land on back on yours as if whispering a silent prayer.
"I need to be inside of you" he moans softly against your lips pushing you back down removing your panties completely. He continues kissing you with so much passion and desire. Its been so long and he's scared that if he stops he will awake from whatever dream that is possessing his senses in a crazed manor.
He began lining himself up with your entrance and looked at you for confirmation, you nodded quickly as he gripped your hand pushing above your head against the mattress.
Slowly he began pushing inside.
You sobbed in response to the sensation, reaching out for his back with your free hand and scraping your nails against his skin as you felt the sting of pain that accompanied the pleasure. Your back arched and he leaned into you moaning.
"You feel so good. Fuck.." you moaned tilting your head back further into the pillow.
He removed his hand from yours and gripped your waist plunging into you further making your eyes roll back.
"I want you to remember the way that I'm fucking you right now, no one will ever fuck you the way I do will they?" he smirked from above you.
You nodded back frantically biting you lips creating them all wet and swollen.
"Use your words love" he said while brining up a hand to clasp your chin to make you look at him. He saw the hunger in your eyes. The way he was making you feel.
"No one will fuck me the way you do" you moaned loudly as he picked up his pace. Both of your moans and whines loud with the slick lewd sounds of skin connecting.
You were getting so close, you could feel the coil begin to tighten as he pounded harder into you. Your nails dug deeper as his hips began to snap into you. "Always so kind to me, so beautiful…"
Each of his now sharp and rapid thrusts silenced your whimpers and groans. There was no room between the two of you, and you could feel it in the way he kissed you and the way he fucked you into the mattress. You could also feel it in the way his hands held your hips and hurt them as he drew you impossibly close to him.
"Kang fuck I'm close" you moan gripping onto him tighter as your legs begin to shake.
"give it to me, give it to me baby. Cum for me please, please, please, Fuck"
You moan loudly clenching around his cock as it his you. You feel euphoric as your vision clouds from the intensity of your orgasm.
As your pussy clenches him it caused his cock to twitch and white spurts of cum go up washing inside of you. Painting your walls with him. You milk him as he slows down pushing the cum further back into you until he eventually pulls out. He looks down at you and sees your fucked out droopy eyes.
He gets up from you leaving the bedroom, you go to call out for him to stay but your throat hurts from the loudness of your moans.
Not much longer he returns with a cloth crouching down to clean you up gently, staring into your eyes with a promise of him not leaving. He kisses your inner thighs before putting the cloth back in the bathroom and coming back to your room.
He comes beside you lifting you under the covers with him, he cradles your cheek like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen while he leans back and pushes the hair out of your face, straightens your brows, he kisses your lips softly, giving you fatigued tiny pecks here and there till you are content and can feel him forever.
Your heart stopped when one of his arms surrounded your waist to pull you closer and against his chest. You looked down and realized that he had folded everything including your dress so that neither of you would stumble over it the next day, rather than getting dressed. When you stared at him, It was then that you noticed it in his eyes. This desire, this affection, which he has never permitted himself to express to you. His touch still makes you feel buzzy and electrified. 
You nuzzled closer into him, maybe life in this realm wasn't as bad as you thought...
A/N: so how was that? I hope you enjoyed it, please comment if you do and comment any suggestions you may have for me to write.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
Can I humbly request 141 and los vaqueros maybe Koenig to reacting to reader being trained in Muay Thai like Annie Leonhart style
Okay imagine
Reader is already very muscular(👁️🫦👁️) and is known for being super tough but training rolls around specifically sparring and again eren and Annie situation she’s underestimated then absolutely
She just fake jabs then throws them over her shoulder then restrains with her thighs 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Sorry if this is to vague it’s just an idea I’ve had in my mind for a while 😅😅
Of course! Sorry if this is a bit inaccurate to the Annie Leonhart. I’m not really into that type of stuff but I do know some stuff about Mauy Thai.
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So you were currently about to go spar and ‘gain more knowledge on techniques’ as your boyfriend would say. So you grabbed your small duffel bag with your drink, hand towel and gym necessities inside. You walked into the almost empty gym the only soul being there was Simon.
You dropped your bag by his and he turned around hearing your bag. He spoke “ready, love?” You nodded and walked over to him.
You had been sparring and such with Ghost for a while. He would easily find a tactic to knock you down or get you into a weak headlock. So you were getting annoyed at yourself and decided to show a side that you have never showed before.
You both got into a stance and you threw a fake jab, which he threw a real one. You moved to the side, you dodged another Ghost punch then you shin kicked him in the side of his leg right by the back of his knee. Causing him to go down. Then you saw he quickly got back up, you grabbed and managed to flip him over you. You got on top of Simon and you used your legs to restrain him and then put him into a fake headlock.
Once he tapped, you rolled over and looked at him. He said “since when could you do that?” You replied “since I learnt Muay Thai” he looked at you as if you had just said something outrageous. He asked “when did you do that?” You answered “since about seven?” He said “and only now you tell me?” You nodded and said “well, I don’t really do it much anymore” Ghost quickly said “you should” you smiled and gave him a kiss.
You were in your room when you heard a knock. You beckoned them in and it was Soap. He spoke “come on, we got sparring” you rolled your eyes and got up leaving your phone on your bed.
Once you two got into the gym you both went over to the boxing ring. You spoke “ready?” He nodded and you both started throwing punches and tactical moves.
You saw he was about to throw a punch so you put your forearm up and then dodged his punch and then you followed it with two elbows and then kicked him in the calf. He stopped for a second and said “what was that?” You responded “Muay Thai?” Making more of a question for him. He asked “you do Muay Thai?” You nodded and he said “damn, that’s badass” you smirked and said “why thank you” as you two sparred he’d ask about you and Muay Thai.
In the end you ended up teaching him a few moves of your own.
You weren’t actually training, well with one of the 141 boys. You were training with a recruit who knew Muay Thai. You stumbled across the girl and found it fascinating when you saw her practicing. You loved that another woman was doing something you did so you offered to teach and spar.
They mentioned they were slightly knew to the sport so you offered to train them considering you had been doing it for years. So today you asked if she wanted to do it and she happily agreed.
You two were in the ring for a while when you both heard the door open. But you two continued to do your thing. You didn’t realise it was your boyfriend Gaz.
He watched you in awe as you did your thing. He always did, he loved how focused you can get and how much you always put your energy and effort into things like this.
Once you told her she could have a break. You turned around to see Gaz, you smiled and waved considering you had your gum shield in. He asked “how’s it going?” You took your gum shield out and answered “great” he said “what are you doing? I thought it was boxing at first but you two started kicking and shit” you replied “Muay Thai” his eyes widen at the fact his girlfriend does such a badass and lethal sport.
He asked “since when did you do that?” You answered “since I was a kid, I got videos and everything” he smirked and said “could I watch some of them, then?” You nodded and said “even got photos.”
After your sparring you two went to your room and you showed a small photo box of you in oversized shorts since you were so little. You showed him photos of you with your parents. You then cuddled up on your bed as you two watched younger you do Muay Thai.
Once again, you were actually training. You had been trying to teach the new recruits stuff. But the boys being boys didn’t behave or really listen. It made you annoyed since you had to take time out of your day to try and teach these boys who only messed around and made inappropriate comments about you.
So what you always did was go to the gym late in the night and take your anger out on the bag.
You were in the gym when you heard a door open. There were only a few people every so often who would train as late as you did. But it wasn’t someone who wanted to train, it was Price.
You stopped when you heard “love? What are you doing?” You turned to see him walking over. You looked down at the ground. You whispered “taking my anger out” he lifted your chin up and asked “how come?” You answered “those boys I had to teach today, they did my nut in. All they did was taking the piss out of everything and making snarky comments about me.” Price spoke “so you did?” You said “take my anger out on the bag.” He asked “right, but were you actually doing? it looked different to what you actually do” you said “Muay Thai, I grew up on the sport but since the army I don’t do it as often.” He raised an eyebrow and asked “you did Muay Thai? Never thought you did that? Come on let’s go get some tea and you can tell me how you got into the sport” you smiled knowing that Price knew exactly how to make you better when you felt angry or sad.
That’s why you love him.
You both were actually home, you were in the make shift gym you both had.
You were sparring on the punching bag, once you did that for a bit you decided to do some shadow Muay Thai.
Alejandro was on the phone with his mother when she had mentioned of a family bbq and she wanted Alejandro and you to go. Since she first met you she loved you. And she will invite you to anything. So she asked if Alejandro and you wanted to join the family cook out. And he said you two would go.
So he went to the gym where you currently were. You were still shadow boxing when he came in. He shouted “mi amor! Madre was wondering if you wanted to come to the family cook out!” As he walked in he saw you Muay Thai boxing was was shocked. He never knew you could do such martial art.
He called out “Y/n!” You finally heard him so you turned around. You smiled and waved. Taking your gloves off you walked over to Alejandro and said “what did you say? Sorry I was too focused” he smirked and said “it’s fine, was you just doing Muay Thai?” You smiled proudly and spoke “yeah, you know about it?” He nodded and said “an old friend of mine used to do it.” He asked “since when did you do it?” You said “probably five years? Maybe six?” He nodded and said “my mother asked if you wanted to join the family cook out? I told her we’d go” you smiled and said “of course! Is everyone going?” He nodded and you smiled. You loved his family they were so close together and did everything together you loved it.
It was once again another sparring session with Rudy. He always went easy on you, he didn’t want to hurt you. Although you were very muscular you still had feelings, that was his excuse.
But today you told him to go full force on you. You spoke “forget who I am in this sparring session. Pretend I’m a massive man you need you fight off” he nodded hesitantly.
So sparring had begun, you started punching him and he punched you. It went back and forth for a while.
But half way through you could feel him starting to be more gentle so you smirked and rolled your eyes. He was about to through a punch but you were quicker. You kicked him in the rib and then round housed kicked him. You then followed that with knee to the stomach.
He looked at you as if you had just murdered someone. He was gob smacked, he asked “where on earth did you learn that? Querida” you answered “I do Muay Thai” he asked again “since when?” You said “uh two years?” He nodded and decided it wasn’t a bad idea on not going soft.
König never thought you had wanted to go against him in a spar. Not just because of your relationship but because you two are completely polar opposites. He was tall and you were short, he had a wider range of arm motion and you didn’t but did that stop you from asking? No.
So you both got into the ring and started, you had a good few punches to the face from König but he felt terrible. He stopped and said “should we stop? I don’t want to hurt you, maus” you shook your head and spoke “I’ll have my comeback don’t you worry” he hesitated and started back up again.
What he didn’t know was you were about to pull a move he never knew you could pull. You kicked his calf twice and jumped onto his thigh and got your legs on his shoulders and got him into a head lock with your thighs.
Once he tapped he got you down and you said “sorry if I went rapid mode on you, I was wondering if I still had it in me” he raised an eyebrow and asked “where did you learn that?” You answered “I used to do Muay Thai” he said “how come you didn’t tell me?” You said “I would’ve but it never really came into conversation” he nodded and you started to tell him everything as you both walked out of the gym.
Hope you enjoyed!
Ik some of these most likely aren’t actually moves in Muay Thai so I apologise if I offended any Muay Thai people or anything. Once again I don’t do the sport so I don’t have much knowledge on it.
Have a good day/night!🫶
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schemmentisjacket · 4 months
Chapter 3 - Prep Day pt 3
Authors Note: Little something something about non binary queer new teacher coming in, leading to Melissa finding the one.
Seated between Jacob and Melissa, Charlie found themselves looking up to Ava on the stage, that second coffee was starting to hit and they found their leg bouncing as Ava worked through introductions.
C pov:
‘And finally our new fourth grade teacher. Look at that fine head of hair, damn you balancing out Ed Sheeran bringing down the ginger rating. This hottie is Dr Charlie Flinn.’ Ava announced down the microphone, as Melissas hand lands on your leg, making you jump slightly.
‘Dr ay?’ Melissa leant over into their ear ‘Looking like that coffee is hitting, you okay?’
You could feel Melissa’s hand burning through your jeans, as she rests her hand on your bouncing leg. ‘Mmhm, got a phd, not a medical one though, but you think I would have learnt too much coffee affects my adhd meds,’ you chuckled quietly, ‘and being under the spotlight like this gets my anxiety going.’
The hand on your leg squeezed gently but doesn’t move, as you hear Ava move onto talking about a man a few seats down called Gregory.
The rest of the afternoon was spent moving more things into your classroom and sneaking glances across the corridor into Melissa’s room.
So far you’d realised she was a strong woman with a killer sense of humour who drove a stunning sports car, and had so far shown a softness towards you.
You couldn’t wait to learn more about Melissa Schemmenti.
M Pov:
It hit the Friday. You had been enjoying prep week. Watching the new teacher move in across the way. Everyday watching the different outfits and sneaker combo. One day cargos, another tight skinny jeans. Big hoodies, leather jackets, jean jackets. Assorted accessories. Always a pair of gloves.
Today they’d pulled up in a dark pair of oversized jeans, a flyers hoodie and a black jean jacket. Today they had a beanie perched on top of their head, their usual unruly quiff was flopped over their forehead poking out the hat.
‘Didn’t pitch you as a hockey fan,’ you called popping the trunk on her car to take out the last of the supplies she needed.
‘Yeah been watching since being a little kid. Lemme give you a hand with that,’ Charlie reached over, taking a couple of boxes out and into their arms.
‘I’ve never been. You’ll have to take me to a game sometime and come with me to the football. Ya’ know if you’d like?’ You threw out there, glancing at them as you shut the trunk and began heading towards the school.
Charlie smiled, hitching the boxes in their arm, you saw the muscles flexing in their upper arms, ‘Yeah that’d be real nice, we could maybe grab some food or something, before.’
‘Or I could cook? I’m Italian remember, I mean if you wanted to come over, though it might mean seeing Jacob. He’s staying with me at the moment cos him and his boyfriend broke up.’
‘Yeah that sounds nice, I’ll check the next few games season out and let you know, here pop your number in and I’ll drop you a message, work something out.’ They slid their phone from their jacket pocket awkwardly and passed it over to you.
You held the door open for them as you stepped through the main doors and into the school corridor, one hand tapping away into the device before slipping it back into to their pocket for them.
‘You feeling ready for next week when the kiddos get here?’
‘Absolutely cannot wait!’ Charlie grinned excitedly turning to look at you, up close you noticed a little scar on their lip, on the side that never quite curled up as much. Though you noticed when they spoke sometimes you caught a glimpse of something shiny. All week you’d slowly been noticing new things about them. Day two you had noticed they’d come in wearing a nose ring, they hadn’t the day before because they’d taken it out at the weekend. Just a small silver hoop in one nostril, matching the small silver hoop in one ear. A simple silver chain nothing thick or with any kind of charm.
‘I gotta ask what that is shining in your mouth,’ interest peaking, ‘I keep feeling like I’m going crazy seeing something.’
‘Oh this?,’ Charlie asked, raising their lip higher, the scarred lip twisting and their nose crinkling as they activated their facial muscles, to reveal a silver canine tooth. ‘Cracked tooth. One year at hockey camp in College. Someone was throwing slurs during the game and big hits at me and my team mates, so we dropped gloves. I got a cracked tooth and he got a free nose job. It’s the only time I’ve ever thrown a punch. Called my best mate the F word.’
‘On second thoughts maybe you should keep the mug I leant you Rocky.’ You could feel the heat rising across my chest and neck. The idea of them as a sweaty hockey player fighting. ‘You’re full of suprises.’
Charlie laughed softly, ‘Nah, not much going on with me really.’
You raised an eyebrow, I’m not so sure.’
The day passed quickly, with everyone focusing on finishing touches for the kids arrival on Monday and before you knew it Charlie was tapping on the doorway.
‘Hey I’m heading out. Just wanted to say have a great weekend. I’ll see you Monday.’ Charlie said slouching against the door way casually.
‘You coming in all swagged out like that for the students?’ You asked, giving their sleek casual look a once over. Looking back up you caught them watching you expectantly.
‘Ah Melissa, you have no idea.’ They throw a wink in your direction as they back out the room, ‘Something for you to look forward to.’
You let out a sigh. They had no idea.
Your phone buzzed.
From: unknown number
Took me a while to find you in my phone ‘Red Hot Italian 🤌🏻 🇮🇹’ thought I’d drop mine over incase you needed anything.
Don’t miss me too much, it’s only two days.
Your Favourite Newbie 🤓
Save New Contact:
Handsome Hockey Rocky 🏒💪🏻
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crimsonlyinglilly · 6 months
Day 7 Hesitation
also Day 9 Self doubt
Still running late, this time for Day 7 whumpril
But early for day 9. Woohoo
Still with Mother's son and Elijah offers his mother a choice.
There shouldn’t be any hesitation about this.
He knew this had to happen someday when if Freya chose to have another child but he hadn't expected it to come from another source.
He thought Esther had at least ended their lines, as much as learning that hurt, he still missed his little siblings but after that they were meant to be safe from Dahlia.
Freya wasn’t and they learnt from that.
Even years before that he had years to prepare, he had sworn to himself before his wife’s body had cooled, his magic returned by his mother only when she was sure it would be useless.
Ravyn had been bright and sweet despite being chased by her family, one more interested in what they would gain by marrying her to a man three times her age than her; they had met when he was fourteen and her a year older.
He had killed those that followed her before she realised they had found her again, simply because he hadn't wanted her to leave, she saw goodness in everyone, even Dahlia when both her and Freya had given up looking for it.
 It was fascinating to Elijah who had learned to crush any positivity since he had been taken, saving it for Freya alone, he could be the person he wanted to be, the one he was before he had decided to become mother’s mirror image.
His first year was a harsh lesson, Dahlia had ensured he hurt every mistake he made, and while he was used to pain from Mikael, bruises and aching muscles was very different from her magic in his mind and coursing through his body. 
At nine, losing everything he thought he knew he let resentment keep him afloat, mother kept reminding him that he was her son so he would be, at fourteen with her he wondered if he could be more than a copy.
In the end no matter what good Ravyn saw in his mother, they were the death of her. Dahlia kept his power out of his reach as the blood wouldn’t stop during their third child’s birth.
What he hates most is he knows why Dahlia did it, he understood, scarred by Esther’s betrayal she acted before she thought he could repeat it.
Still understanding it didn’t mean forgiving it.
He had promised Dahlia over Ravyn’s grave marker that his children would be free from her one day.
He couldn’t trust his mother with his children when she still chose her resentment to Esther over those in front of her. He had thought she had started to change from the woman that hurt them in their childhood, Dahlia was an attentive grandmother, even Elijah had watched overzealously for it, unable to truly stop her as his wife insisted on it, she had been so happy to find such a close family as his.
He had never broken her belief in that. Dahlia broke his flickering hope of her changing, even after Ravyn’s death she acted the caring grandmother and Elijah had bitten his cheek until he bled to keep his anger to himself.
He doesn’t think she realised the damage she had caused him and Freya until his sister’s escape failed and he had to explain that it was she who had caused Freya’s actions not Esther.
“Ungrateful child” She had snarled as Freya cried over her lost child. “Just like her mother-”
“I would kill my children myself.” he had told her coldly, taking a small amount of joy in the horror he catches in her eyes. “If there was no other way to protect them from you.”
“I’ve never harmed them.” she had snapped back and he had smiled, it could almost be true. but-
“Oh. where’s their mother?” he asked, narrowing his eyes “or did you let your anger and fear control you and take her from us.”
His children were his until they reached their age of majority then they were their own, it didn’t matter the hold his mother had on him they were free, after all her deal was for the firstborn children born of Esther’s line and Elijah wasn’t.
He should have been freed at Sixteen if he hadn’t given himself to her, on the night still haunted by Finn’s screams under her pain spell and everything he had learned, suddenly overwhelmed as his magic more than doubled as their the family magic realised due to his meeting with hers that he was a firstborn.
Esther’s spell had truly made a mess of things. 
She had been a comforting voice and offered to help him and he had accepted and ended up as bound to her as Freya.
Maybe more as he could never escape his blood.
However the same wasn’t true for his children.
He had promised Dahlia over Ravyn’s grave marker that his children would be free from her one day. And he was going to keep that promise, the three of them were linked to Dahlia through him and while he couldn’t break his link to her, he could theirs.
They wouldn’t be forced to join them in their century sleep, they could live and grow.
He didn’t want to, his youngest was only just fourteen, he wanted to be there for them, to see them become their own people.
Nico was older than he had been when his oldest was born, his little dragon wasn’t a child anymore, Finnley was the same age as he was then, they could look after Kain together, explain to him why Elijah had to do this.
Besides Nico unfortunately took more after his father and grandmother’s colder more pragmatic traits than any of them would like, he would understand this and would look after his younger siblings.
They knew their uncle Finn and Sage, they would find them if he broke the link. His children could meet his siblings and be safe from Dahlia’s wrath.
Elijah had made plans and gathered wealth over the years in preparation for this; he had just hoped it would never come to this.
Still Elijah hesitates before he lets the words free, this wasn’t any time for self doubt.
There was no point in letting himself question his reasons, this was out of his hands.
If Mother choose to repeat what she had done decades ago and steal a child to sooth her old hurts, she hadn’t changed she was still the one that berated and scorned Freya when she was just an innocent child, she was still the woman who cut into his mind when he was too slow adapting to the change in his life at nine and made sure he could never call her anything back mother out loud without choking on the memories of pain.
His children deserved better than to have that near them anymore.
“You take the child from their family and I'll unlink my children from us.” he lets the words fall in the silence, she twists to stare at him.
“What?” she asks flatly.
“You attempt to repeat what you put Freya through and I'll free my children from you.” he explained, memory of the first year he spent with her before he learned to match her, memory of Freya’s desperation to escape and save her child from her. He takes a deep breath before he starts again meeting her eyes “You have a choice; stealing another child to hurt your sister or getting to see your grandchildren grow and live.”
Cold dark eyes met his and he raised a brow and let the threat- promise settle in the air.
“You wouldn’t, you’ll lose them too.” she tried, he smiled back.
She was right he would lose them, she had a claim on Freya from her deal with Esther and her claim on Elijah was written in his blood thanks to the same woman, but her only link to Elijah’s children was through him. He could free his children but he would remain linked to her. 
If she chose her old grudge, the next time they woke his children would likely be dead.
But she was wrong about the first half, he had made up his mind before he opened his mouth.
He kept his word.
He was his mother’s son.
“What is your choice, mother?”
Afternotes- out of Elijah's kids, his daughter, Finnley is the only one that still goes by the name she was given when she was born, as she met her uncle Finn around the time her brothers changed theirs as both their names sounded strange centuries later, the oldest asked Elijah to pick his new names, Elijah choice Nicholas, which was shorted to Nico and the youngest picked Kain. Elijah is pretty much the only one they let used their other names now.
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padfootagain · 1 year
You and the King (III)
Chapter 3 : Fighting with Words
Hi lovelies! Here is a new chapter for my Caspian series! Y/N is getting fierce, and I love it. Also, troubles are coming…
I hope you like this new chapter! Let me know what you think!
Pairing: Caspian x reader
Warnings: None… insults? Is that worth a warning?
Summary: Sequel to The King and You – After meeting Caspian in your own world, you decide to follow him to Narnia, your love for him too strong for you to keep your old life. But as you discover the magic of Narnia, you soon realise that this extraordinary world is as dangerous as it is magnificent. Will your love for Caspian be enough to defeat your new enemies?
Word Count: 3740
Masterlist for the series – Caspian’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Dalia was far from stupid.
After refusing to attend your first meeting the previous day, she was expecting Caspian to call for her and ask for explanations. It was part of the plan, actually.
Caspian was an amazing man, a great king. But he was also a little naïve sometimes, a little bit blind. She blamed it on his kind heart. He had a tendency to see the good in people before he could see the bad. And that was the cause of her worry now.
She took a deep breath before opening the door of Caspian’s private office. It was barely dawn, the light still shy, golden, almost orange in a sky tainted with pink. The Castle was waking up, servants hurrying back and forth to prepare breakfast, guards sleepily walking to take their posts. A ballet she knew by heart, that she had known all her life, growing up side by side with Caspian and the royal family.
A ballet you knew nothing about, and yet…
“Come in,” Caspian’s voice was loud and clear as it answered to her knock on his door.
Her face was unreadable as she stepped inside the room, and Caspian was not surprised. She excelled in this art of pretends, of hiding emotions and thoughts. She had been raised at court, after all, she had learnt to wear a mask, just as he had.
He hated that she still used her mask when he was around though. Despite the many years of friendship between them, it felt like she still didn’t fully trust him.
“Good morning, Dalia,” Caspian politely greeted her, but she didn’t fail to notice that his tone was colder than usual. “Take a seat.”
She complied, sitting on the opposite side of the desk. The long, wooden piece of furniture was buried under parchments, documents, maps…
Caspian had been busy. She guessed that he had tried to catch up with his duties during the night, to compensate the day he had spent with you.
She hated you for the dark bags under his eyes.
“You wanted to see me,” she spoke slowly, her voice perfectly calm and polished.
But Caspian wasn’t fooled. He knew her too well for that. And he knew about the ways of the court as much as she did. He was used to tear these masks apart now.
“You know perfectly why I’ve asked you to come this morning.”
“Let me guess… it is about your new fiancée.”
He frowned at her tone. It sounded a little cruel, disrespectful, full of disdain…
He hated it. The very sound in her voice, but now more than ever because the poison was aimed at you.
“I don’t like your tone,” he answered in a cold voice, staring intensely at her.
“I’ve never really cared…”
“You should, Dalia.”
A heavy silence settled across the room. Dalia broke it with a scoff.
“I apologize, My Liege.”
But her tone was mocking still.
“We are friends. We have been for a long time,” Caspian spoke his words slowly, with a heavy frown and a weight on each of the sounds. “But that does not mean that I am not your King. And that certainly does not mean that you can so blatantly insult me and get away with it.”
“I can hardly call sarcasm an insult.”
“You did not come yesterday. How do you call that?”
“I was sick.”
“Now, Dalia, do not play that game with me. I know you are lying.”
He was angry. He was glaring at her and she hated it. She hated every second of it. She didn’t back down though.
“Do you truly want to know why I did not come?”
“Yes, I do.”
She leaned forward a bit, coming closer to him, as to try to catch his attention and put more weight into her words.
“I believe that you should reconsider your decision about Lady Y/N.”
Caspian frowned hard.
“You barely know each other, you are going too fast.”
“I am not…”
“There is still no treaty with Lord Cirvan and his men. And you are making things worse with their lands, refusing to marry Cirvan’s daughter to announce your future wedding less than a day later. You are making a mistake.”
But Caspian narrowed his eyes at her.
“You know perfectly well that if I made an announcement about my engagement with Y/N, it is precisely because of Lord Cirvan and his men. Because I need the assurance that he will not try to marry me off again…”
“But Caspian, this wedding presents no political advantage.”
He clenched his jaw. He was beyond angry now, and Dalia knew it. She couldn’t claim she had not been expecting this, but it still hurt to see such fire in his glare aimed at her.
He didn’t say a word though, and let her continue.
“I know that it sounds cynical, but your wedding is an incredible opportunity to build lasting alliances with other kingdoms, and powerful lords, and you are endangering our borders by acting stubborn and letting a strange girl manipulate your feelings.”
“Manipulate my feelings? Do you even hear yourself?”
“I do. And I know what I am saying. You are a King, Caspian. Women try to seduce you for the throne every day.”
“Y/N is different.”
“Because she made you believe in one of the old fairy tales? The great love stories? Those are good for Doctor Cornerlius’s books, not for us who are dealing with real politics. You are making a mistake by wanting to marry this stupid girl…”
She fell instantly silent when Caspian stood up, jaw clenched and eyes glaring.
“I understand your worry about politics and Lord Cirvan,” Caspian spoke, words slow and voice deep, clearly struggling to remain calm. He was leaning over his desk, palms resting on the map splayed across the wood. “But, Dalia, I will not have you insult Y/N, do you understand?”
“You are being manipulated…”
“I am not,” Caspian answered, voice firm and decisive. “You do not know Y/N, you have spent less than an hour with her. Why do you not trust me on this?”
“Caspian… you are King. People will try to manipulate you. Does it not sound strange to you that all of a sudden this woman has fallen madly in love with you, in barely more than a month, and has decided to leave everything behind to join you here, in Narnia? Do you not think it weird that she might leave her ordinary and rather pointless life behind without thinking for a second about the fact that you are King? Do you not think that it is precisely the reason why she did this? She left because she could become a queen. And you were too foolish to see it. Blinded by… I do not even know what could have blinded you… she seems completely ordinary.”
Dalia fell silent, waiting for Caspian’s reaction. She hoped she could shake some sense into his head. She hoped she could make him see that you were not fit to be queen. What by Aslan’s name was he doing? You had worked together so hard to get him there, as a stable king on a Narnian throne, and now he was falling into such a silly trap?
He stared at her with eyes of stone, icy cold. She searched through her memories but didn’t remember him ever looking at her this way. Of course, after so many years, they had fought countless times, he had been angry against her before. But she had never seen such a rage, it was mingled with something protective that she hated, because you were the source of it.
“You know nothing of Y/N, Dalia,” Caspian repeated in this same slow tone of his. “She has given up on everything to come here…”
“That is what I am saying! If not for the throne, then why should she come?”
But he frowned, a little taken aback now.
“Because she loves me, Dalia.”
He let out a wry laugh.
“So, do you really think me such an awful man that no one could love me for who I am? That the only reason anyone has ever showed any interest in me is because I am King? Well, thank you for the compliment…”
She shook her head, her expression softening.
“That is not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Then why is it so difficult for you to imagine that Y/N has chosen to come here because she loves me? Nothing else. Dalia, do you realize what it means for her? She has left everything and everyone she has ever known, she has been thrown into another world she knows nothing about and is so different from her own… If she wanted money or power she could have tried to earn those in her world and it would have required less sacrifices from her. She came because she loves me. And I love her, Dalia. I love her more than anything. Had I not been King, I would have not come back to Narnia.”
Her eyes grew round.
“I came back here because I am King. Because my people needs me. Because I cannot abandon Narnians. Because Aslan, Eustace, Peter, Lucy, Edmund and Susan trusted me to take care of this land, because my father died for this… But without this responsibility, without so many people I would have failed by leaving for good… I would have stayed with her in New York. I love her enough for that. I understand her choice, Dalia. I would have done the same, but I couldn’t.”
He let out a deep, worried sigh as he stood straighter again. He seemed tired more than angry now. Dalia hated seeing him like this. She wished she could take all his worry away.
Still, when he walked around his desk to stand next to her, leaning against the piece of furniture, his presence was still reassuring, strong, kingly. He ran a hand through his hair to brush the strands away from his eyes, and she wished she could have been the one to tame the rebellious strands…
She remembered how soft his hair was. She had touched the gentle strands a couple of times, always thanks to a silly excuse, always hidden behind a lie. There was something in his hair, it wasn’t tied properly… no matter the lies, they were worth it.
Did he let you touch his hair as much as you wanted?
“Dalia, I know what I am doing. I want to marry Y/N. I have never been more certain of anything in my entire life. She loves me. She loves me, for who I am. She loves me despite the crown, do you understand? She is terrified by all this. By the Narnians, by this place, by our ways, by the prospect of having so many responsibilities and power over people... She is not craving it, Dalia, she is afraid of it. And I need your help, I need you to show her our ways so this place can become her home too. And I love her, Dalia. I know that marrying her will not fit into any kind of political scheme, and I do not want it to. I love her, and that is enough. Do you understand?”
Slowly, she nodded, but she didn’t seem convinced. And indeed, she wasn’t. When he asked for her help again, she nodded anyway, promised to be more open-minded, to give you a chance.
But she had no chance to offer you. Not when Caspian looked so handsome in the early light of dawn…
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“Alright, let us go through this again, shall we?”
Doctor Cornelius was kind and patient, and you felt grateful for him being your first teacher. So far though, you felt a little stupid.
You knew a few things about Narnia, because of what Agatha told you back in New York, because of Caspian’s stories… But their tales did not include any concrete information about Narnia, about their custom, about their land…
It was an awful lot to take in.
First, you were taught about Narnian currencies, basis of geography, and the current relations with other kingdoms and lands surrounding Narnia. Later on, you would be taught about Narnian laws and traditions.
“Dalia will smoothen up your manners to fit the court,” the old teacher had told you. “But I will make sure you understand what is happening around you, and that no one will make a fool of you during a conversation.”
Tough job, indeed… because as you tried to memorize the list of names set before you, you felt utterly brainless.
You had been working for almost four hours now. There was a bright sun outside, happy and inviting, but you were stuck there, in this dusty room, with a terrible headache…
And you felt like you would never make it. Never be ready…
You started as the doors of the library opened, and you recognized Ammos accompanying lord Baras and Luis towards your table. You struggled to swallow…
… they could only mean trouble.
You offered them a warm smile anyway, and they bowed before you.
You were unsure how to react, but Lord Baras spoke before you could decide what to do or say.
“My Lady. I see that you are busy this morning.”
Small talk. It called for something more important, and you assumed, less pleasant as well. You cautiously nodded.
“Yes, Professor Cornelius is helping me learn about Narnian ways.”
“It must be quite overwhelming.”
“Quite,” you admitted.
But your voice was cautious. You were new to Narnia, but you were not an idiot. Baras smelled of trouble. His smile was too sweet not to, too honeyed, as if it would turn sour soon.
“It is noon already, My Lady. Lord Luis and I wondered if you would like to join us for lunch. I am afraid our King is busy today, but we do not want you to feel too lonely for your first days in Narnia.”
You looked for an excuse to refuse, but couldn’t find any. You didn’t want to let anything slip that could compromise Caspian in any way. He had warned you that the court could be ruthless and would be filled with rumours.
But there seemed to be no way out of this, so you nodded with a smile, and followed the two Lords outside the Library after bidding the professor a good day.
They guided you throughout the fortress, and you didn’t fail to notice the annoyed glance they threw over their shoulder towards Ammos’s tall figure.
You wondered if Caspian had asked your bodyguards to remain by your side all day simply because he feared for your safety, or to have a spy…
There was small talk for a while, a rather boring exchange of questions and answers, until you reached a small room, where a table had been set for about ten people. It included three women, who looked at you with fake smiles and judging glances. You felt unbearably self-conscious under their stares.
But you were too old to be intimidated this way. Instead, you merely shot them a tight smile, and followed Baras to take a seat by his side around the table.
You noticed the stares, they were not as friendly as the day before, when Caspian was by your side. You were not surprised though…
There were a few other Lords that you recognized, but they didn’t seem friendly either.
You guessed they were all great at hiding how they felt, and make happy faces for their king.
“Oh, it is delightful to finally meet you, Lady Y/N! Or should I say… Queen Y/N,” one of the women told you after introducing herself as Velma. You didn’t fail to notice the sarcasm in her voice.
Your smile was tighter again. You weren’t sure if you ought to react or not. You wanted to snap back at her, throw a witty remark, but you didn’t want Caspian’s reputation to falter because of your behaviour. So, you merely remained silent instead, and looked down at your plate, filled with appetizing food.
“I hope your royal chambers fit your needs,” Velma went on, insisting on the word royal.
“It’s perfect,” you answered in a neutral tone, tightening your hold on your fork.
“How strange that the King has made an official announcement out of nowhere,” she went on, turning around as to not be talking to you, even if you were in the room. “I would have expected more restrain.”
“You mean, more wisdom,” one of the Lords said.
You recognized him, but couldn’t recall his name. He went on.
“A period of courting is needed, may the lady come from another world or not.”
He glanced over at you, but didn’t speak directly to you, and you hated it.
You planted your fork in your carrot with a little too much strength, but you didn’t care.
You would answer the next jab made at you, you knew you would… and you reckoned that you would be right to do so.
“The king must be eager,” Velma shrugged. “Even though… she doesn’t look like much…”
You clenched your jaw and glared at the woman.
“I am sitting right here, in case you haven’t noticed,” you spoke between gritted teeth.
“I know, my Lady. I am simply discussing a fact, that our king seems eager to marry you… for some reason.”
“Because we love each other? Is that not a good enough reason?”
But they all laughed at you. Even Barras, who had tried to remain neutral and seemed to merely study you. Except for Ammos, of course, who remained perfectly still behind you.
“You are quite naïve. Or optimistic. It is quite refreshing,” Luis chuckled.
“I don’t see how.”
“You seem to have much to learn about political alliances, then.”
You looked down at your plate at that. Of course… royal weddings… they ought to come with a political arrangement. That’s what Caspian almost did with Cirvan and his daughter…
“Emilia was a good choice. A shame he changed his mind.”
You felt a sharp pain cross your heart at that, but you didn’t let it show.
Instead, you let your anger find your next words.
“A chance you’re not in charge of the decision, then.”
“Indeed,” Luis went on. “I would have advised my king to be more cautious in his choice of wife.”
“It’s true I don’t bring lands or money to the table. Sorry about that. You’ll have to be contempt with my striking personality instead.”
He raised an eyebrow at that, surprised. You didn’t care. You were too annoyed and tired, and this headache of yours… it was getting worse.
Your nostrils were tickled by the scent of something burning, you wondered where it came from. But it wasn’t improving your painful head, that was for certain.
“My lady, I am certain your personality is delightful, of course. Why else would the king have chosen you? I can see no other argument in your favour.”
You looked down, unsure why the mean reply hurt you so much. Perhaps it was because you felt uneasy, when the ladies by your side seemed perfectly at ease… and it didn’t help that they were ridiculously beautiful, too.
“It will not, however, change the fact that we have lost a treaty so that the king could bed you.”
Your head snapped back up, feeling heat creeping over your neck and cheeks.
Had Velma truly said that?
You shouldn’t be petty, but you reckoned that she deserved it.
“Wow, that was classy, at least.”
Everyone around you frowned, but you didn’t really care. The manners you were trying to behave with were slowly leaving you, just like your patience.
“I’m sure you can do better than that,” you went on. “If you want to play the insult game, then at least make it a challenge. Or did you never find anything clever to say after you stopped being an idiotic teenager?”
Velma stared at you with wide eyes, her mouth slightly agape, and you reckoned that you had won the duel, for now.
“Now, I am grateful for the invitation to lunch, Lord Baras,” you went on, turning to the man right before you. “But if this was merely meant to spend an hour insulting me right into my face, next time, be free to let me eat on my own. I’d rather have no company at all than an awful one.”
You tried to sit as straight as you could, and with as much dignity as you could muster.
“This kind of words are not expected from a future Queen,” Baras commented, but he had a small smile tugging at his lips. “Is it how you act in your world?”
“In my world I would have thrown my plate into your face. I am mustering all my restraints to not break anyone’s nose.”
You were surprised when he laughed, but Baras did. It was hesitant at first, but when you raised an eyebrow, he let out a bright wave of laughter.
“Forgive us, my Lady. We have underestimated you, it would seem,” Baras said, and there was something a little strange in his gaze, like he kept on studying you but seemed to have detected a worthy opponent instead of an innocent sheep.
You weren’t sure you liked that look though, but for the rest of the meal, no one dared to attack you anymore, or at least, not so openly. You reckoned it was some kind of success…
It didn’t prevent the gnawing feeling in your chest to make you feel miserable as you walked out of the room. You waited until you were alone in a corridor to let your shoulders drop though, rubbing at your temples because of this bloody headache of yours. The burning smell lingered, you wondered where it came from. Perhaps from the torches?
You wondered how much time you would have before Dalia would arrive. You weren’t sure to be ready to see her, she would not try to make you feel better, that was for certain. You wondered what could be the cause of her animosity towards you, but then again, you had an idea. You just hoped you were wrong about that…
A rival was the last thing you needed.
Taglist : @reg-arcturus-black @sergeantbuckybarnes @intothesoul @pat-sirius @rockintensse
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aliveaudiencegang · 1 year
Allie whatdo you like and dislike about the Alex Rider tv show?
hey anon thanks for the ask! so sorry about the very late reply. also i realise now that i answered this basically in comparison to the books and not for the tv show on its own. but i still stand by my answers!!
- we saw more characters outside of alex. and learnt about them enough to care about them as their own (not just as people alex cares about)
- yassen is still alive (😭)
- KYRA!!! i read the books and i’m so sad she’s not there. i love her so much
- we actually see that what’s he’s been through has affected his mental health. he doesn’t just crack a joke and that’s it. (he even goes to therapy. a win)
- i love this version of mrs jones and alex’s dynamic. i can feel the season 3 angst already
- i’m a k unit girly and they did not disappoint (suddenly the show version are the only version)
- yassen though different from his book counterpart. is literally the funniest guy ever. he’s just there silently and yet he steals the show
- tomlex bromance hell yeah
- the opening credits/theme song. a vibe for sure. i’ve never skipped it. know it off by heart. not enough people talk about it
- the change from mi6 to some secret department. idk how to explain it but it felt more significant when blunt was the head of mi6 itself. and not some three person team
- the stakes didn’t feel as high as they did in the books. maybe it’s just something that gets lost in translation from words to screen. but rereading the books gives me anxiety for alex whilst the show was like whatever
- in season 2 it’s much better but i need the classic alex attitude!! he’s a menace to society. he’s an angsty teen who never learnt to shut his mouth
- i didn’t get to see skeleton key 😭
- this one i have an issue™️ with. but the fact that someone else (mostly yassen. actually i think it’s just yassen lmao) dealing with the big bad thus keeping alex’s hands clean. like the whole thing about him not wanting to kill but still indirectly murdering these people is very important (to me)
- i’ve talked about this before but the goofiness of the books is just not here. idk they kept the insane characters and tried to make them work in a slightly more normal plot. when they could’ve went all out. but this could be me too wanting to see damian cray drown someone in coins
this point i don’t know if i like or don’t like so im keeping it down here
alex being 16. i think it was most likely a necessary change for the show. but him being 14 in the books is so important. like what legal rights does a 14 year old have??
but he’s a CHILD both ways so it’s still very fucked up
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justatesfan · 4 months
So hear me out, like captain zero is the divorced jealous ex in almost the fandom portrayal of him. And it's honestly hilarious.
But on the other hand now captain zero's ex wife is single! So, Bring out the chocolates and hearts fellas cause I'm about to score a date!
I mean she is probably a total babe compared to captain zero who I head cannon as being on the less attractive side. Considered the least eligible bachelor
"You were married to captain zero of zero marine? Why?"
"Yeah mate, i mean is, have you seen that guys huge Schnoz?"
"I didn't even know captain zero liked women! Let alone con some poor dame to merry him!"
"Why would anyone wanna sleep with that loser?"
"What was his ex wife gonna do if she's got not nothing to work with down to there?!"
Ah, Captain Zeros wife/ex-wife. I head-canon her as someone who married for love, then slowly realised her precious husband had become entangled with crime, and worst of all was lying to her about it!
I feel a little bad for her. I’ve written her in such a mean way in some (currently unseen) WIPs, but that’s because I write from the Z-Stack’s perspective, and she hates both her (ex-)husband and any of his 'work associates'. So it’s only really half her story.
She’s someone who is very proud, very conscious of appearances. It’s one of the reasons she doesn’t leave Captain Zero when she should, and also why she is so perturbed by his criminal antics. This pride would, however, make her very happy to hear that someone wanted her again. She would certainly appreciate the chocolates!
I also have thoughts about how she’d respond if you asked about him…
 “Why did I marry Captain Zero? Well he wasn’t a ‘captain’ back then… wasn’t a common crook either. We were simply both young and foolish. He wasn’t like this at all at first, or maybe he was just better at hiding it…”
 “Yes, he’s not much to look at now, you would never have thought that he’d been handsome back in the day, would you? After the number of nights he’d return with a battered face and broken nose his appearance did suffer. His lies became ridiculous after a while though, how many bar fights can one man be in before it becomes suspicious?”
“You didn’t think he liked women? Believe me, with the way he was in bed I’m starting to wonder the same thing. As for why I slept with him: I wanted to build a family with him… then I learnt it was best to get my needs met elsewhere.”
 “I’m glad to be rid of him, I’m slowly taking my life back, Lord knows how many years I wasted with him. There’s not many people who are willing to give a divorced woman a chance, but then there were not many that cared about the woes of a criminal’s wife…”
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The Taste of Revenge (4)
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Warnings: canon typical violence, mentions of non-consensual drugging, descriptions of character death, mentions and descriptions of jail, car crashes, descriptions of drowning, lying, manipulation, guns, yandere themes, cursing, mafia AU, mafia Rafael Barba (trust me, he needs the warning), spoilers for Hannibal, references to Leverage, past Frederick Chilton/Rafael Barba, NSFW moments and angst.
Spanish translations
Cariño - Sweetheart.
Chapter 4
“I will be collecting those,” you vowed, motioning to the eggs in the hands of one of the Interpol agents.  From the way they interacted with each other, you were willing to bet that this agent was the one the other three agents reported to.  He hadn’t spoken during your conversation with Sterling and he wasn’t the agent that had stepped forwards to smack your hand away from the eggs.
The agents paired up and then went to two separate, unmarked vehicles while you followed Sterling to his car.
“You need to teach your agents to blend in.”  You instructed, “If they continue to dress in suits and ties, they might encounter some very unforgiving people during a case.”
Sterling didn’t appear to heed your words but you hoped that he listened to them.  You weren’t telling him about his agents sticking out like a sore thumb when they wore suits just to be petty.  A chirp sounded, informing you that the car door unlocked and you climbed into the passenger seat.
Your eyes landed on the gear box, “I didn’t know that you knew how to drive a manual.”
“The car that I learnt to drive on was a manual.”  Sterling revealed gruffly as he slipped into the flow of traffic, “I saw no reason to lose the skill.”
“One time, the boss took us all out to a racetrack.  The cars were all manual.  He tied all our favourite items to posts around the track and while we were driving, we needed to find ways to collect them without damaging the car within a time limit.  That was the day I learned to drive a car with manual transmission.”
“The more I hear about Jethro Gibbs, the more I wonder how that man has continued to serve as an agent.”
“That’s easy to answer.  He’s a good man, an effective leader and one of the best NCIS agents that I’ve had the privilege of knowing.”
Sterling made a non-committal noise in the back of his throat and you realised that your conversation was over.  On the positive side, his driving was much more controlled than Ziva’s or Gibbs’ and you found yourself relaxing in your seat.  That was until your eyes moved up to the rear vision mirror and you noticed the cars with the other Interpol agents breaking suddenly and three unfamiliar cars creeping forward on the road.
In the calmest tone you could muster, you focused on Sterling.  “Either someone forgot to tell us that we’re escorting the president today or we’ve just picked up a less than friendly tail.”
Sterling’s eyes flicked up to the rear vision mirror and your eyes moved around the car, examining any places around the car that possibly hid a gun, “The odds of this are slim but you wouldn’t happen to be carrying a gun right now, would you?”
“No, I’m not.”  Sterling admitted and he removed a hand from the steering wheel.  You were about to question what he was doing when he reached over and with one hand opened the glove box.  Nestled in the glove box were your gun and badge.
“Would these come in handy?”
With a touch of amusement, you thanked him and grabbed your shield and your gun.  “They’re travelling in the standard phalanx formation.  The one in the middle will speed up and the one holding the gun will aim for the middle of the car.  You need to keep driving no matter what happens.  We have two minutes at the most before they begin their attack.”
You checked your gun and with relief, noted that you had a full clip.  You twisted around so that you could grab the lever that reclined the seat.
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Just drive!”  You ordered, “Stay on this road.”  You added as the car climbed a small hill and you saw a river winding underneath you.
You adjusted the lever until you were lying flat on your stomach on the seat.  During this process, you had to undo your seatbelt but you made sure that you clicked it back into place.  It definitely felt odd in this position but you would rather the strange feeling as opposed to flying through the windscreen because you didn’t have your seatbelt on.
Just as you predicted, the middle car sped up so that it was now leading the other two.
“Do you know how they were able to isolate us from the other Interpol agents?”
You squinted and barely made out that one of the passengers was typing on a laptop.  “From this distance, I can see one of them typing on a laptop.  Are you the only person on your team that can drive a manual?”
“Yes.” Helpfully the car sped up and you saw that one of the passengers was indeed typing on a laptop.
“That’s how they’re doing it then.  They’ve hacked into the computer systems in the automatic cars and forced them to stop.” 
“Don’t the community of hackers have any new ideas?  With all the tools at their disposal, you would think they’d try for a little originality.”
You ran out of time to ask Sterling what he meant with his words.  Instead you could only yell out for Sterling to brace himself as the passenger in the front of the car that was approaching you the fastest raised his gun and fired off a shot.
Sterling flinched but kept his grip on the wheel.  You raised your gun slightly, aimed at the headlights of the car tailing you and fired out of the already damaged back window.  There was a colossal bang and the car swerved to the right as the airbags emerged.  The car sideswiped a tree before colliding head on with a telegraph pole.
The second unfamiliar car jumped forwards and realising what was about to happen, you yanked the lever up and hurriedly readjusted the seat and your seatbelt.  “That trick isn’t going to work again.”
“What other ideas do you have?” Sterling gritted out.  His words or tone didn’t alarm you but you detected a subtle note of panic in his voice that did.   Exhaling deeply, you pointed your gun into the small gap between the passenger seat and the window behind the passenger.
“Come on.  Move up a little further.”  You prayed.
The car you were in inched forwards and the second car pursuing you followed suit.  You focused on the first wheel of the car on your right.  Seconds after you had squeezed the trigger, a bullet propelled itself out of the chamber.  It shattered the glass of the passenger window and embedded itself in your target.  The tyre deflated with an audible whoosh and you raised your gun to shoot at the headlight closest to you.  The car’s airbags propelled themselves forwards and the driver stomped on the brake hard.
“Two down.”
“Don’t celebrate just yet.”
The third car slammed into you with tremendous force.  It pushed you across the two lanes of traffic so that you were opposite the river. 
“If the car hits us one more time…”
You couldn’t get a clear shot at the two people in the car because you didn’t want to risk Sterling being caught in the crossfire.  Fragments of ideas popped into your head but they were all too risky.  If you were by yourself, then you would attempt them but you weren’t alone.
Then you remembered a manoeuvre that Ziva had used once.  It was risky but it was the best option that you had.
“Sterling!  Hit the brake now!”
The Interpol agent wisely chose not to argue and stomped on the brake harshly.  At the same time, the remaining car shot past you in a blur.  You aimed and fired at the back tyre and at the small square on the side where the petrol tank was.   There was a bang and the final car became airborne.  Flames erupted from the petrol tank.  It flipped in the air and landed on its side with a tremendous crash.  As gravity pulled the car back to earth, the boot of the car smashed into the car you were travelling in and pushed you sideways into the river.
You had just enough time to realise that the river was deeper than you initially thought before your car began sinking into the river.  Time was of the essence so you ripped your seatbelt off and yanked the headrest from your chair.  In a smooth movement, you unbuckled Sterling’s seatbelt and propelled yourself forwards to smash at the windscreen with the headrest.
Cracks appeared immediately and you held up three fingers to signal to Sterling that he needed to be ready to get out of the car.  Once you shattered the windscreen, you wouldn’t have much time before the car flooded.  You put down a finger before you hit the windscreen again.
Your lungs were starting to burn from the lack of oxygen so you gathered your remaining strength and threw the headrest at the centre of the shattered glass.  Luckily for you both, the glass shattered outwards not inwards.
Sterling used the seat he was sitting on as leverage to push himself out of the car.  You watched him swim up to the surface of the river.  You braced your feet on the ruined seat and pushed forwards.  With the added force, you shot out of the car but as you passed through what used to be the windscreen, your arm connected with the rear vision mirror.  You let out a muted scream and bubbles floated from your mouth as your arm became too painful to move.
Slowly you swam towards the surface but your vision dimmed and you were struck with the feeling that you wouldn’t make it.  Your limbs became heavy and your eyelids fluttered.  You began to sink.
Something disturbed the water around you and you glimpsed the sunlight above you before two strong arms wrapped around you and guided you to the surface.  With the added support, your head broke the surface of the water and you greedily gasped in air.
Your rescuer towed you to where the river met grass and with a tremendous heave, your back was resting on the grass.   In the distance, you could hear the scream of sirens.  The wailing of the sirens grew louder and louder and even in your exhausted and pain filled state, you knew that that meant they were coming closer.
Your body registered a soft touch on your cheek as if someone was brushing the backs of their fingers across it, “You’re safe now cariño.”
The voice was hushed yet somehow familiar.  The sirens sounded extremely close now and just when you registered their closer proximity, you realised the presence by your side had vanished.
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