#i'm a bisexual gay too so I totally understand
m3r1m4r5u333 · 30 days
I'm getting a bit tired of the fandom's overwhelming consensus that Eddie is surely gay even thought there are plenty reasons why his relationships with women would not have worked out.
Personally bisexuality makes more sense to me, and I feel like that's what the show is trying to show, too. And since the show already had "closeted gay man in a "straight" marriage, I think it would make more sense to go for Bi Eddie.
Because Eddie is different from Buck even if he's also bi. Religion. His family's expectations. Marriage. Parenthood. And I also think - earlier realization of sexuality even though he remains closeted. Fun fact: that's what bisexuals do! Even in supportive environments, we stay in the closet the most and the longest.
I'd really like for Eddie to be bi.
Eddie's the type of bi in disguise that the world is full of and nobody notices because the marriage with a woman would be a true one.
This matters because it seems like there's this odd idea that these bisexuals are doing fine in the closet. Why talk about them?
The reality is actually that according to just about every study, bisexuals are distinctly not fine.
The biphobia and erasure comes from all directions. People expect and understand the concept of heterosexuality and homosexuality well enough. Bisexuals...?
It's called the Double Closet. Expectation to either be straight, or gay, and if you're anything else you're just confused.
Also, bisexuals may not just have shitty parents. They also end up falling in love and marrying people who are biphobic. Fun times.
Anyway, I'm listing my reasons why Eddie being into women and men would make the most sense to me:
He agreed with Shannon that sex was never the issue for them.
His marriage to Shannon failing? He was young, the pregnancy was unplanned, he was pushed to marry a high-school sweetheart at young age and then facing the stress of trying to figure out how to raise a special needs child with her.
He went to a war, and returned traumatized. Trauma tends to make everything even harder.
Their mutual lack of trust and communication.
Meddling parents.
Perhaps... Being a closeted bisexual dating a woman who does not know.
Because that's one way to keep a partner at a distance - by hiding a part of yourself.
Losing a loved one, being afraid to love again.
Being pushed to date too soon after grief and trauma.
Falling for a male friend who he thinks is straight.
Being pushed to date someone else.
Oh and the panic attacks - Learning that his friends have died,
being shot by a sniper and thinking Buck was hurt,
ending up in a rapidly developing relationship with someone who is falling in love with him...
When he just likes her... but feels pressured to keep the relationship going anyway.
Because his son loves that person, and Eddie is programmed to go for marriage in every relationship he ends up in. Catholic guilt... They love marriage.
Family expecting him to be straight. Family pushing him to date despite him saying he isn't ready.
Being totally new in the dating world. No wonder he talks about performance anxiety and feeling like he needs to perform - his heart isn't in it.
Also he's probably never even been on dates. How to act on dates? He's not a teenager anymore, it's embarrassing and awkward to fumble and not know the dating culture.
Also when we first meet Eddie he's only been with one woman. Women aren't carbon copies. Sex can be intimate and awkward with someone new. Of course he'd be nervous.
Then finding out that his girlfriend was almost a nun... and being closeted bisexual!
And so on. Nothing actually says the man MUST be gay, and I feel weirded out by the insistence that he surely is gay.
I feel like... Maybe the show expected this, that people would dismiss his interest towards women, and wanted to make the queer community check their prejudice?
Because that episode which focuses on Eddie's fight club and has that super queer coded ice skating scene??
It's Hansel pushing Gretel away... How gay! Expect then we find out that Hansel was only scared that she would miss out an huge opportunity by staying with her. A role in the big leagues.
And that joke about Bobby being a hockey player and a figure skater??? And saying
"Who says you can't do both?" while a piece composed by Paganini - also famous for mastering both guitar and violin, plays.
The shot shows Buck AND Eddie, and Hen with Chimney looking and pointing at them in amazement.
Saying "We'll google for photos later!"
Maybe the implication of
"Who says you can't do both" being referred to isn't just
"Who says you can't do both women and men?"
.... but ALSO "Who says you can't write both of these characters to be bi?".
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astraltrickster · 1 year
All the people calling the analysis of the queer undertones in Goncharov "reaching" and "tumblr fangirlism" need to sit down and do some damned research because listen, I'm one of the first people to be skeptical of intent in things like this, I lived through TJLC, but this is, decidedly...not that. Matteo JWHJ 0715 addressed it in this 1975 interview, one of the few he's ever done! He makes it clear, in no uncertain terms, he is a queer person, he uses his pseudonym for his and his family's safety, and his work cannot be fully understood without understanding his struggle with being unable to fulfill a role prescribed to him.
(Hell, the comment about him sometimes wishing he was a woman so that he might be loved the way a man is supposed to love a woman makes me wonder if he ended up being on the mlm-transfem cusp, but that's as far as I'm willing to speculate, especially because odds are decent he's still alive so that would be not just historically unstable but also just plain rude.)
And I mean, okay, it's an obscure interview, I don't blame some of you if you hadn't seen it until now, and I know that filmbros can look at a guy saying "yeah this movie is partially about my queer experience" and still be like "oh but it's just METAPHORS there aren't REALLY gay people on screen and besides he was probably joking anyway", but...some of you at this point are just reinventing "UGH why do you freaks have to make EVERYTHING gay?" and claiming it's not homophobic because you are also gay.
Yes, the queer elements are a lot more subtle than you might get in 2022, but that doesn't mean this is just "internet shipper goggles"; you don't even get the full power of the themes if you don't acknowledge the complex web of attraction going on here. There's a running theme of characters obsessing over the ideal of something to the point of destroying the real thing they're based on - from "heritage"-obsessed nationalists destroying priceless, irreplaceable historical and cultural artifacts as acceptable collateral damage to take out one enemy, to Joe straining all his family relationships and driving himself deeper and deeper into debt in the interest of propping up their image of the perfect, loving, wealthy, glamorous unit; to, yes, the entire mess of the Andrey/Goncharov/Katya/Sofia would-be polycule. They contain so many examples of this running motif that you can't deny that the whole tangled net of homoerotic attraction is there without sacrificing the thematic integrity of the entire film.
And hell, with that - even if it wasn't part of the writer's intention, well, this is what "death of the author" means, not "the author is a prick so Hatsune Miku wrote it". If the themes of a piece have better payoff if you include an unintended subtextual detail - who cares that it was unintended? It's still THERE, echoing and amplifying the themes. Whether he intended to or not (and it's pretty clear from the interview that he did), he wrote a bi4bi couple being thrown into chaos because suddenly they couldn't pretend they were straight anymore.
(Speaking of which, while I can't fully agree with the reading that Goncharov and Katya's marriage was exclusively one of convenience, I can't say I really have a problem with it as a whole either...but can some of you out there please stop insinuating that it HAD to be because they MUST both be totally 100% Kinsey 6 gay? Bisexual people can have sexuality crises with body counts in the dozens too, thank you~)
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sevensoulmates · 26 days
i wonder if people would be okay with eddie being bisexual. shannon as the only woman he fell in love with and buck as the only man eddie fell in love with. bisexual people also suffer from catholic guilt (i'm bi, latina and my family is catholic), but i don't think 9-1-1 would give us bi4bi romance. i just hope that, if eddie is bi, fans don't get mad and say things like 'it doesn't make sense'
Oh goodness, now we're getting into some iffy territory here. So, WARNING, if you follow my blog, you may already know that I personally headcanon Eddie as a repressed gay man, and not bisexual. And I have very specific reasons for that. HOWEVER, if the show DID want to go with Eddie also being bisexual, I would 100% accept that, because you're right bisexual people 100% also experience catholic guilt and comphet as well. All of that could definitely fit into the bisexual experience too. It would also make sense to the story...to a certain degree. So here's my warning again, I'm going to dive into my headcanon here, so be warned this is just MY opinion and is not indicative of all queer experiences real, fictional or otherwise.
Here's my reasons why I feel the story aligns closer to repressed gay than bisexual for Eddie. I simply don't believe that Eddie really ever was in love with Shannon. Loved her as his best friend, yes. Deeply loved her as the mother of his child? Yes. Loved her as a person? Yes. In deep romantic love with her? No. Nothing I've seen from their relationship, not the sex, not their "sweet" moments, or the vulnerable moments, nothing has ever made me ever believe they were in love love. I totally realize that that's my personal opinion and other people see it differently, I understand that, and I respect other people's personal opinions on the matter. This is not a knock against Shannon as a character, but just my individual feelings on their relationship. This was my opinion back when season 3 was still airing and I saw the show for the first time, and it's still my opinion now.
However, back in season 3/4 I actually still believed Eddie could be bi, for sure. And I would've been absolutely THRILLED with a bi4bi story from Buddie.
After all, just because Eddie wasn't in love with Shannon didn't mean he couldn't fall in love with another woman (or man), right? But then came Ana Flores....and then Vanessa...and then came Marisol....and the pattern kept going and I simply COULD NOT justify any of his behavior as actually really being attracted to/wanting/loving ANY of these women.
I understand that plenty of heterosexual and bisexual men also have this kind of avoidant-attachment relationship style, and that it could also stem from trauma, the way he grew up, patriarchy, etc, but the way he FORCES himself to be in a relationship with these women. The way he NEVER allows a genuine bond with a woman to just grow naturally and always has to force it to start, and then desperately cut it off when he's finally reached his limit, truly feels like he's torturing himself. And I'm so sorry, but I feel like if you were a person who genuinely wanted to be with a woman or a man, or anyone, in any capacity, you would not be torturing yourself over being with them.
Especially when I look at him in comparison to Buck, a canon bisexual man. I never once doubted that Buck actually loved Abby. I never once doubted that Buck was actually trying in his relationships with Ali, Taylor, and Natalia. When he was interested in these women it didn't feel forced. Unhealthy? Sure. Not the right fit for him? Absolutely. But forced? Like he was only doing it because he thought he had to? Never. Sure, maybe Buck held on longer than he should've because he didn't want to lose them, but that's because he still wanted their love even if it wasn't healthy for him.
I don't see any of that with Eddie. Shannon, and Eddie's relationship with her, has always felt like a crutch for Eddie, like an excuse, before she came back, when she was present, and long LONG after she died. So the argument that "well Ana and Marisol just aren't Shannon" will never work for me.
I also think Eddie being demisexual would be a better fit narratively at this point than bisexual as well. But then again, there's overlap and it's all very subjective and yeah--just a lot of queer theory to get into that I'm not an expert on, so I'm just gonna reiterate again. This is just my opinion.
If the show really wanted Eddie to be bisexual, and stated it as such, I would be fine with it, and I would accept it graciously and happily. But I do honestly feel like it wouldn't really fit well into the story they've been telling. At this point in time, with everything that we know, and everything we've seen, the only thing that I believe truly fits with the narrative is that Eddie's a repressed gay man and/or demisexual.
But if real-life bisexual people see themselves in Eddie, that will ALWAYS be valid, regardless of what the show says in regards to his sexuality. Fuck, they'll probably just leave him unlabeled regardless, in which case, any and all headcanons are valid.
This is a nuanced topic, and I do admit that IN REAL LIFE (remember I'm just discussing FICTIONAL characters here based purely on what a NARRATIVE has shown us which is all we can truly take as fact) someone in Eddie's position could for sure be bisexual and have this exact same experience.
I just think in my personal subjective opinion that with all we've seen in canon thus far, it would feel most organic to the story (and doesn't make Eddie look like a fucking asshole who chooses not to care at all about the women he's dating) if he realized he was a repressed gay man.
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so I've heard in the past that some members of the band have hinted at not being 100% straight and richard has given hints at wanting to know what it's like to be a woman, could you please give me some sources to those since I've looked everywhere and can't really find them? thank you, if not, it's totally understandable
Another really really old ask, not because i didn't want to, but because i wanted to findas much info as possible 🌺 sorry anon for taking so long..
Well, the most recent 'hint' was Flake's podcast with topic 'gay/lesbian' where he mentioned that the topic came up one evening when the band were chatting and it turned out they all had their experiences 🥰
Rammstein is imo a band who has always been very 'inclusive' in any sexual preferences, and especially in Till's lyrics you can tell he is very interested in anything out there (not that that makes him 'not straight' (to be honest, i think he is, by some other quotes in interviews 😊) but i wouldn't be surprised if he tried some stuff somewhere in life).
Richard did an 2010 interview in Canada (don't have a link to the original, just this transcript) where he was quoted (about 'Mann gegen Mann')
"Actually, Till showed the lyrics to our Gay community, to our friends, just to make sure, because if you talk about something that you not really are, it's always kind of hard. Sometimes you cross the line, you don't think about it, but it could be offensive. If you do something because it's your experience, it's fine, but if you write something and you're not actually a part of it, I think you should make sure that everything you want to say is right. So he gave the lyrics to some friends, and they were very approving."
Which sort of confirms that they don't see themselves as gay so much. Also in interviews where they were asked 'are you gay', they usually end up with 'no'... interestingly, i don't think i've seen an interview where an interviewer explicitely asked 'are you bisexual' 🌺 (by the way, i would be really surprised if Richard hadn't some experience with a guy when he was younger, i vaguely remember he alluded to such in a really old interview, but i don't have a link).
Richard indeed has expressed ideas about his feminine side several times, in the interbiew above he says for instance
"If you talk to me right now, I'm a big believer in getting myself in balance between the female and the male side. I have a female side too, obviously."
And very striking was in several interviews ca 2021 after he did the cover 'Always on my mind' with Till for the Emigrate album 'The Persistence of Memory' and then made it a duet, stating:
"I mean, obviously, Till has also this very characteristic voice. And then it was pretty fast. He recorded one day. And then I was listening to it, and I felt a little bit that his performance was a little bit too male-oriented. So I felt I need a little female touch to it. So that’s why my personality came in. And I think it’s a good combination"
So he felt a female touch was needed, and added his own voice to Till's track 🥰
And ofcourse in 2023 he shared on his ig
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"I've always wondered what it's like to be a woman"
Now ofcourse this could just be a Kruspe-caption 😊 but with the 'DT' video in mind and his role in it, it makes one wonder doesn't it... where is that making of when we need it 🌺😊
From the others i don't have quotes at hand...sorry...but maybe someone else has and is willing to share 🌺
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butchwheels · 5 months
ways of describing your gender that might come from painful dysphoria but are also very sexist/misogynistic (and often cissexist) and worth actively confronting in yourself, since you might very well be reinforcing gender roles in yourself and others:
joking is 100% fine obviously, but sooo many of these i've seen completely unironically within the lgbtq community (terfs dni)
#1 - i'm not a woman or i don't feel like a woman because... i'm too masculine, hairy, loud, snarky, confident, wish i was tall and buff, want to be the one in charge, don't care if i'm pretty, do unwomanly things, don't like fashion, don't like makeup, don't know how to do small talk, don't understand social cues, enjoy stereotypically masculine interests, like to be the one penetrating during sex, like being rough during sex, like dominating, like being tough, all things that obviously contradict womanhood
#2 - i'm not a man or i don't feel like a man because... i'm too feminine, don't like body hair, have a more feminine or high pitched voice, talk or dress in a stereotypically girly way, enjoy dresses and skirts and dolls and makeup, enjoy stereotypically feminine interests, like being the submissive one and being penetrated (which i see as a "womanly thing" especially if it's in a rough way), like being polite and docile and dainty or being promiscuous and wearing revealing outfits, or even being a sex worker, all things that are girl things to me and make me feel like a woman and aren't something a real man would ever be
#3 - OBVIOUSLY i'm not a man/woman... look how androgynous i look!!! how did that cis person even think i was cis lmao???? i'm too gender nonconforming to actually be a cis man/woman, obviously even i will assume a gender conforming person is cis but a VISIBLY ANDROGYNOUS person like ME??? extra hilarious!!!! (there isn't a specific "trans look" bc trans/nonbinary can look like anything and gnc people exist so this is sexist and transphobic af)
#4 - [anything that implies that being trans/nonbinary is a political statement for the person or a choice to say fuck you to cissexist heteropatriarchal society instead of a very personal identity like being gay or bisexual, it's just a political subculture]
#5 - i'm gay/bi/etc and i believe that my lgbtq identity inherently contradicts me being a cis man/woman
fyi, #5 is said not in the respectful way someone will describe their own personal identity, but rather trying to literally state that being gay/bi/etc inherently means not feeling like a man/woman despite MANY lgbtq men & women being totally connected to their binary gender, feeling a special connection to it through their gayness. this includes binary trans people who have a very unique connection to manhood or womanhood. it's not cool to label gayness or transness as inherently nonbinary. radical sure, but binary lgbtq people have fought FOREVER to be seen as no less of a man/woman than anyone cishet, an obviously homophobic af belief that is pushed by bigots everywhere, to the point where some countries have transition legalized but not homosexuality bc they think that being gay makes you not a real man/woman, so you might as well become a "normal" straight person by transitioning. this shit should be called tf out
#6 - i don't agree with misogyny and i want to distance myself from it politically despite being 100% comfortable with being male and living as male and not having any social or physical dysphoria, or even euphoria, so i use the term nonbinary to show support to women. this is a take i've actually seen passed around lmao, both from transmasc and transfem people
#7 - i just want to make cishet people uncomfortable. it's funny as a joke obviously, i've said i'm gay to make men mad wayyy too many times i get it. but some people when prompted will deadass say that's their only reason to identify as nonbinary. and ngl that sounds like treating transness as a political accessory instead of just a personal identity. which means they think being trans is a choice, like political lesbianism back in the day
there's so many hilarious jokes to make about gender that i love seeing around. so many fun ways to describe gender identity. but let's not feed cishet people's sexism and reinforce the bullshit we've learned growing up, excusing it by giving it a fresh rainbow coat of paint. the last thing the community needs is tighter gender roles. we need to EXPAND not only what it means to be nonbinary, but ALSO what it means to be a binary man or woman!!! it's okay if some of these were signs for you, but the way you speak about it matters
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the-illiterate-pirate · 7 months
Well can't go wrong with the classics - got anything in mind for a weird guy making Kira realize he's bisexual? For the funsies. Preferably no serial killer bs, I'm merely a tired homosexual
Congrats on the thousand followers you deserve it 🎉🥳 🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉
~ @ufolvr
Hi Cebi!!! Thank yoou <33 I wasn't sure how to go along with this. I tried? But maybe I'm just not understanding something, sorry king
Celebration post
Gay(Bi) as hell Yoshikage HCs
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• Kira is a collected man, so while finding an interest in a man's hands instead of the latter confuses him, he stays calm to try and figure out why. It's just hands, obviously. You can't exactly gender those so he doesn't think much about it at first.
• Until he realizes it's not just the hands he's attracted to... your personality delights him, and Yoshikage finds himself yearning for your presence when he's alone.
• Yoshikage isn't exactly weird about being attracted to another man, and he'll tell you about his growing feelings the moment he realizes it isn't just skin deep attraction. It's 1999 in Morioh Japan, the world is a strange, changing, mysterious place. Tbh he's more upset about falling in love with someone for a change instead of a pair of sexy hands /j
• Ok so I'm running out of ideas for this exact request so please enjoy gay old man in love shenanigans if you can
• Prefers to stay inside the vila instead of going out. He can cook a mean breakfast/dinner
• Total malewife and loves to clean
• He's too old (33) for dating so most nights including sharing the couch while he finishing the newspapers sudoku and word cross
• But if he does take you out it's to a very nice restaurant for dinner and he makes sure you both look very pretty/handsome ❤️
• Not a fan of PDA so instead he just likes to hold hands <3 if he's feeling frisky he'll give your knuckles a kiss
• Office work is surprisingly stressful so he comes home and asks for shoulder/neck massages. He'll give you one if you ask
• Likes doing his before-sleep stretches w you
• Buys matching ties even if you won't wear them.
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lanaevyssmoved · 8 months
👀 what if I was interested in that Gale poly rant but in a positive way?
LKSJFDLKFJGDFG i can't use the rant on you then because it would be too clinical and i would angry swear sometimes probably
but honestly like. first we need to talk about halsin . wait first we need to talk about poly as a sexuality
i'm going to try and not turn this into a massive character analysis or analysis of queer identity in media etc so i will attempt to retain my humour throughout to ground me
people who are poly tend to sit on either side of a coin. poly is a preferred state of relationship, or just a state of relationship they enjoy, and they can do just fine with monogamy, and everything is chill - ultimate relaxed person mode. the other side is the group of poly individuals who view poly as important to them and their sexual identity as being straight or gay or bisexual or pansexual or any other identity. for them it is part of the queer umbrella and it is fundamental to their being, they can't turn it off, they can't be ok with monogamy, this is who they are.
for reference, halsin is the latter. poly is part of his sexual identity.
halsins poly rep is, spoken from a poly person, ok. it is ok. it's not good, it's not bad. it's mostly the stuff around halsin i don't like. (and i am not going to talk about his drow situation, for reference, because that shit goes beyond poly rep.) making halsin token poly, for lack of a better word, would realistically be fine in most situations, in fact i've talked with aisling about this and i would have preferred they made him poly with no poly options in the game to go with him over what we got - we can't forget he was added late, he isn't as fleshed out, he feels a bit misplaced sometimes, and his poly goes hand in hand with that. he could have existed as a poly character, which nearly all wood elves are in canon, without shoving in some poly options for him with existing companions who would explore that with anyone else despite the game allowing you to romance those companions with the other companions if you play as them? and they flirt with each other in banter quite regularly? i don't know. it feels very like, o shit we gotta make him poly he's a wood elf! and he's a druid! but we have no options for him! who are the easiest to add without it feeling odd??? like idk. it doesn't feel great from a poly pov, and if you enjoy like halsin x shart x tav or halsin x astarion x tav that's totally cool - i am not dismissing these at all because i don't fucking care about canon so even if it didn't exist in canon in a way i don't really like, i would still be cool with it.
our poly rep leaves much to be desired, tldr.
i am happy it exists, however. and my hope is that one day in the future when we have an rpg where every romance option is bisexual or pansexual that they are also poly. that is my ultimate ideal for the future of these situations in gaming. i know some people are uncomfortable with poly, but that's why we refer to what i first said. you can have characters like halsin where it is fundamental to their being - they will never be monogamous, you cannot change them. but you can also have individuals who are cool with monogamy if you're not comfortable with polyamory. i want characters who will date each other on their own, and you can join the polycule, or get involved with just one of them. i want devs to be open minded and not give us a token polyamorous character and instead explore it in better ways.
i have known many poly people, i've dated poly people of both sides of the coin, i've been involved with people who are married to someone they don't live with but have nesting partners (a partner they live with who isn't their spouse) and multiple partners on the side and follow the hierarchy side of poly. my ex helped me understand poly as a sexuality and they also didn't subscribe to poly hierarchy and all their partners would be equal. poly is an expansive identity and it deserves the attention and respect other queer identities do.
a poly person creating poly ships and poly situationships with a character or characters who are confirmed monogamous is the same to me as a gay person creating gay ships and gay situationships with a character or characters who are confirmed straight. and that might be divisive, because many people, including queer people are not ready for or not comfortable with polyamory yet in their spaces. now i can be respectful of people who have trauma around polyamory because they were involved with someone who used it as a weapon - usually done by someone who isn't actually poly. but we as poly people deserve to take up space, we deserve to be in your media, we deserve respect, we deserve to be represented well.
and if video game devs aren't going to do that for me, you bet your ass i'm gonna do it for myself. no one can take that power for me.
what exists in my game doesn't have to mean shit for yours - it doesn't exist in yours. it is a thing i do for me to make me happy. if anyone gets upset about that they need to go outside.
please don't cast a witches curse on me
i might come back to edit this ... i haven't proof read it..... this was just screaming <3 i'm too tired to read my own words back
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Twisted wonderland headcanons:
(Any hate will be deleted. This is just headcanons)
-I'm split on Nonbinary Riddle or Trans FTM Riddle
-I can see the appeal of both
-I like Trans Riddle more though tbh
-Maybe it's self project
-Trey is either cis or Trans, no in-between for me
-He's such a guy
-Definitely Bisexual
-I think that's actually canon. Or atleast him being mspec
-Nonbinary or Trans, yet again
-I mostly see him as Nonbinary though
-Maybe Demiromantic but I'm not sure
-Trans guy all the way
-Trans guy, definitely
-It just speaks to me so much
-Or Bisexual. But I hc him as gay
-Another tricky one
-He could be cis or Trans tbh and I'd understand both
-I lowkey like Trans Leona because he's one of my favs
-Another tricky one
-Demiboy or Trans guy
-Maybe both idk
-Again, either completely cis or a Trans guy
-That man definitely likes men, in some shape or form
-Again, tricky. Mostly because of mermaid biology though
-Or a Trans man
-Both are good
-Or Pansexual
-Again, merman biology
-I don't have much of an opinion on Jade
-Maybe Demisexual
-Any pronouns tbh
-My boy
-Trans guy 100%
-Or Bisexual
-Mostly see him as gay though
-Or Agender
-Maybe some Demisexual in there
-He's not cis
-Can you tell I have a certain repeating hc
-Or Nonbinary
-Or anything really
-I hc as Nonbinary though
-Or a Trans guy
-Perhaps both
-Manly man
-Or Pansexual
-I see him as gay though
-My love
-DemiAroAce all the way
-Nonbinary or trans
-Trans guy Idia all the way
-Totally not self projection
-But also Trans perhaps
-Grey Asexual
-Maybe Grey Aromatic too
-Or Nonbinary. Both could work
-Maybe trans too
-Can you tell I self project a lot
-Idk Silver strikes me as someone who's just there in terms of gender
-Bird bastard
-Went between gay and Bisexual for awhile but chose Bisexual because of the term Crow in the Bisexual community and his coat color scheme
-Or Bisexual but I hc him as gay
-Strikes me as Genderfluid or Nonbinary
-I would trust him with my wardrobe
-My husband
-Or Libramasc
-Not many headcanons
-I feel he might be Bisexual
-Or if he's straight, he'd be the biggest ally
-Feel like he had a few romances with men in his early days idk idk
-Silly billy
-He's not cis, he's above gender
-Maybe some Xenogenders too but idk
-Hopefully this doesn't get me killed
-He/They/It +Neos
-Or Omnisexual
-Or Trans
-Or both
-Idk Neige is so everything
-Or Nonbinary
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What you said about the bi-washing of gay women in the industry is so true😭 I hate it so much😭😭😭 It's good to know I'm not alone in this
You are definitely not alone. Bi erasure is very real and I’m not belittling it, but lesbian erasure in favour of bisexuality is also soo common everywhere (not just in the entertainment industry) and it’s almost never talked about. So many women who label themselves as lesbians get called bi because they once dated a man, or because it’s just more acceptable for women in society to ‘just be a little bit gay’. I totally understand your frustration, I too have hidden many years behind bisexuality in order to not rock the boat too much. I will most likely never be fully out as a lesbian to my extended family because that would pose many further questions and potentially shade my past relationships and ex partner. That’s why it’s so important to me to be out where I can be with the correct label and it was a fucking big deal to wear the lesbian flag on my wrist at Pride this year for the first time!! ❤️🧡🤍💗 I still wear it as much as possible for Lesbian Visibility Day and during Pride month. It’s been a bloody long time coming 🥹
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not-goldy · 8 months
I am confused. Gay people hug women too. Don't we already know from years ago that jungkook has, in his life, back-hugged a woman that everyone involved agrees he was not dating? I bet he even hugs his mom and many other pretty men that are not jimin. Have these people ever gone outside? Have we been operating under the assumption that jungkook, even if he is straight, has no female friends? Is this really the final straw of jungkook's queerness? Some of y'all are sad
They conveniently gloss over the B in LGBTQ plus too and expect us to be phased by it💀💀💀💀
I just be sitting here feeling embarrassed for them as fuck. At least Namjoon gets it. He gets it.
They keep looking for the slightest hint of interaction between JK and any imaginary or random girl as proof he is straight and I'm like 👁👄👁
Is bisexuality a joke to these people????
And for someone who firmly believes Jimin is bisexual I get discombobulated and confused when I hear these red herrings truly. Like what difference does that make? He's still queer🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I've seen Jimin drool over men's thighs as he does women. And I'm at this point a full blown lesbian but I'm enamored wiith Jimin and would definitely throw it back for him. Does that make me straight? I don't think straight people understand straight anymore.
I don't have to go through any mental gymnastics to explain away he's supposed attraction to girls if indeed he is- if he likes girls it's totally valid. it doesn't take away the fact he's attracted to Jimin or has been into that man from day one. And that's something most people just don't get.
First they tried to prove Jikook aren't a thing but failed with all the sus and question marks that surround their relationship. They tried the fan service argument and it didn't work, they tried the brothers rhetoric and that failed too. Now they like well let's just prove he's into women that should do it.
They must really be stupid or they're desperate attempts to invalidate Jikook has left them senseless.
so pathetic
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bisolationist · 3 months
What do you think of this? I think I mostly agree. I just feel bad about number 2. It leaves me demoralized. I shouldn't get hung up on whether its called rape or not.
I totally understand the need for a word that describes the sexual assault of women by men. I understand why rape is poised to simply be at that. I do not begrudge that. As a woman of course I get it.
But for people assaulted by women like me, "you weren't even really raped" is a common taunt. Many people treat it like its no big deal and I'm stupid for acting hurt by my experience.
So when people are eager to tell us its just sexual assault and not rape its hard to trust they aren't trying to say its lesser and stupid. Even if that is not their intent they often refuse to acknowledge people use it that way and just treat me like I'm a hysterical bitch.
And then there is the fact according to them I cannot call my abuser a rapist. she is just a woman according to these people, she didn't do anything so bad it deserves that title.
She agrees words can be a weapon I just wish there was acknowledgement its also a weapon against us loser "sexual assault" victims too.
Ah, I'm so sorry anon. Yeah, I completely get you on all fronts here. Super long post so putting a cut.
So on Point 2. I do agree that women need to be able to talk about male sexual violence and I see why they want to reserve the word rape to apply just to them. So I don't have an issue with that.
But I agree with you anon, the people who are neutrally trying to push to maintain that differentiation don't understand (and sometimes don't care) the degree to which "it's not even rape lolol" is a taunt that gets used against SA victims. They also put no effort into understand why people DO use it as a taunt and why it works.
So I think even if their insistence is based only on principle it can come across as really callous, and it's often worded in very stand-offish ways. So I do wish if there is going to an insistence on differentiating rape and sexual assault, then there should also be a concurrent emphasis on not belittling sexual assault and not treating it as something of "vastly lesser magnitude" (to use a phrase I often see thrown around). People probably don't do that because they think it's obvious (I'm hoping) but it's clearly not obvious to a lot of people, and without that disclaimer it does embolden those who use the "it's not rape" thing as an insult/mockery.
I also wish then more people would SAY "sexual assault and rape" and not just "rape" when discussing issues relevant to both, because a lot of anti-sexual violence stuff focuses on the word rape even when its clearly meant to be broader (even if just discussing women like you; obviously not trying to say all discussions of SA/rape have to be inclusive of male victims. But then don't word certain things to make it sound like it CANT include us either :X)
All of that said.... I do have the same hang-up as you for some reason. I'm okay with discussing my experience as sexual assault and not rape. But... the idea that these people think my rapist shouldn't be called a rapist makes me incredibly angry and upset almost past the point of reason. I've definitely had just very very strong emotional responses so that.
Another concern I have is for things like statutory rape or corrective rape? Those are established and understood terms. I think it does REALLY bother me if someone were to try to say women who assault bisexual/gay men/boys are not committing corrective rape. I get why, but it feels like trying to take away the 'hate crime's aspect of it. Maybe we need more words for sexual violence but I think we have to balance that with the need to maintain clear and recognizable language that all members of the public can interact with, too.
Sorry this ended up a huge response. I'll tackle the rest of the linked post as quickly as possible (you know I have essay writing disease so uhm... anyway).
Point 1. Okay cool thanks I guess. But saying "men do suffer from sexual assault" doesn't quite address the real point of contention. Most of the people attacking male victims acknowledge there might be suffering to the experience. But they think such suffering is either trivial (something that should have minor effect on the individual) or irrelevant (does not deserve mention or discussion), or more often both.
This is why there's so much eye-rolling "okay so? get over it" in response to female-on-male sexual assault from both men and women. People are extremely comfortable with telling us that it's NOT something life-changing or "justifiably" traumatic, and that it's a completely different type or level of suffering (pain, degradation) than what women endure.
Since October I've had people tell me it's a "Different level of magnitude", that it's "comparing a paper cut to a gunshot", and similar, the point being that the sexual violence boys/men face is nothing but a minor inconvenience and does not deserve seriousness or sensitivity . I know the original poster feels bad about it now, but I do have to point out there were hundreds of people agreeing with the idea that SA against men is "Bad but not horrific, and it's bad to treat it as a horrific because that diminishes how people think about Real sexual assault". The notion that we don't face real degradation is also incredibly prevalent. The original post was bad enough and lots of the responses were clear rape apologia, but this one is always going to stick in my mind as perfectly illustrating a sentiment I'd always felt being expressed but never seen said written out so casually. Like imagine really writing "Being sexually assaulted 'sucks' but isn't the worst thing in the world".
I agree with the linked post that there's other levels and factors for women when they are assaulted irt to both potential pregnancy and the trauma of living in a misogynistic culture after the fact, but I think many people take that to mean sexual violence against men truly is something that should be ignored by both the victim and society at large. I also think people underestimate how much all sexual assault victims, including men/boys, feel hated, ruined, and reviled by the culture at large. Again I completely understand why for women there's so many things that are retraumatizing, but I think there's this idea that for men/boys our trauma ends with the act and then we're free, but that's just not true either. I push through talking about all of this because I think it's important and someone has to, but that doesn't mean all the things that get said to me or about male victims is harmless and has no effect.
On Point 3. Yeah I agree, feminists don't owe anything to male SA victims, even when the perpetrator is female. But I am bothered by how often this is used as a shield to actively participate in sexual assault apologia. Yeah feminists don't have to do anything for males, but people don't have a moral responsibility to just one cause. Or in other words - yeah your feminist activism has no reason to focus on males or their suffering in any way, but if you do go out of your way to harass male victims or belittle their sexual assault you're still a shit person. It'd be fine for me to declare myself an anti-race activist and only work on issues related to race and xenophobia, and prioritize learning and caring about those issues, but as a person and moral agent that wouldn't give me carte blanche to ignore or belittle other forms of discrimination.
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sarasade · 10 months
One more thing because I value your opinion and views!! How do you feel about Jason saying that Viren isn't queer on the q&a on Twitter? The way he said as if it's not his personal opinion but rather something he also thought about and sought to learn more from the people above and was denied really broke my heart..... I don't talk about ships, I never expected any to be canon, but to dismiss all of the subtext And the jokes on s5 really brings the taste of queerbaiting 🫠🫠
Haha that's a lot of responsibility! I try not to disappoint then.
Yeah, I saw people talking about that on Twitter. I don't know the full context, really, since I don't usually check out the Q&As. What I think is that everyone, including the creators of the show, are allowed to have their own reading of the text. I think it's that simple. Maybe they don't particularly see the subtext around Viren but that doesn't mean it's out of malintent. Queer subtext is like this language you have to study to understand and some people just aren't fluent in it.
You are totally allowed to feel disappointed! There is nothing wrong with wanting a character to be queer or/and be respected as such. However I don't think this is queerbaiting. I used to be a BBC Sherlock fan (yeah...) and the way that show and its creators openly mocked the gay shipping fanbase while inserting gay "jokes" in the show was basically what I think queerbaiting is. Everyone in TDP staff is super sweet compared to that flippin' nightmare... Queer subtext, intentional or not, is not the same as queerbaiting IMO.
Personally, I see the authors' opinion as one among the many. "Death of the Author" etc. Devon Giehl (The lead writer/producer I think) seems to have her own reading where all the characters are bisexual (if not stated otherwise) which is neat. I've seen plenty of the official TDP staff share their own LGBT+ headcanons so many times that it's hard to keep up with it all. But if that's not shown in the show then I don't know- I appreciate that Giehl said that but I don't really need anyone's validation. I can just watch the show and see this beautiful elf boy outright state that he made a whole ass child with another man. That itself is, well, kind of gay. Like damn, it's right there in the show.
Why I've written a lot about the subtext around Viren and Aaravos is because I think it's fun and meaningful and interesting. I don't really think we as a fandom need a permission to read into things. as long as it's not about being hateful or harassment, of course
I wonder if this could be about miscommunication too. Like what do people mean when they say "queer" here since that can mean great many things? Once again I might lack the context.
This answer is kind of all over the place but this is how I see it. I hope this was at least a little satisfactory. Also if you want an evil a funny answer: Ok, so what if Viren is straight? We've seen what straight male fans think about Aaravos. What I'm trying to say is that Viren would still hit that. And we do know that Viren would do anything for Harrow so I don't think something as insignificant as heterosexuality could stop him from- ok that's probably enough I'll stop talking now.
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you are so real for that response to nansheofearth's comment. lesbians are stuck licking crumbs off the boots of bihet feminist women or queer/trans identified people.
ive been to polilez/radfem events too, and hearing them talk is as alienating as being a homosexual women in queer spaces. sorry i dont want to listen to women talk about how boring their husbands became, or the 4 kids they had with a man before they "became lesbians". it is so alienating as a lesbian, you feel like you truly are a freak of nature, when even other "lesbians" can talk so casually about sleeping with men, so what's wrong with you that your whole being seizes with disgust and wrongness at the thought. or maybe there really is no one like you in the world.
it sucks that even other lesbians make allowances for radical feminist homophobia. our self esteem is so grounded into the dust that we think we need to put up with this homophobia for the "greater good".
your blog has become the go-to for lesbians haha, i check it regularly even if i don't otherwise check tumblr, so i'm throwing in my few cents into the discussion.
Hi anon!
(Anon is referring to that post.)
Thank youuuu, your last paragraph made me so happy 🥹 I'm glad my blog can be a positive lesbian space! Now I'm thinking I should post more beautiful women and gifs from lesbian movies hehe
I totally understand what you mean, that's pretty much how I felt when I went to that lesbian festival (tbh I knew something was wrong when the woman who handed me a flyer at the entrance had super long glittery stiletto nails, I almost left then and there 🤣)
To summarize the first edition of that lesbian festival last year:
First there was a panel on lesbian representation in the media that was derailed to trans males within ten minutes (and even complained about trans criminals being misgendered!), the second panel about intersectionality of lesbians of color had zero lesbian in it, only bi women and trans males
Then there was a lesbian comedy show with two fakebians talking about their ex-boyfriends and making jokes about lesbians' supposed obsession with astrology + a non-binary bi woman who claimed that her gender identity made all her relationships gay (she called herself a dyke and a faggot)
There was a sex-ed booth held by an influencer who had DYKE (yes, in all caps) in her Twitter bio while talking about her het hookups (and throwing a real tantrum when people told her it didn't make sense), she also made sex ed videos on our national tv channel's website where she said that lesbians have sex with men and that men can be lesbians. She has since removed dyke from her bio.
A lesbian bookstore had a booth too, the original owners retired and the new ones are polilez queers who keep promoting books about lesbianism being a choice... Half of the books at that booth were about trans people.
Needless to say, I wouldn't even inflict that on a lesbian I dislike as a prank!
What you said about "lesbians" talking casually about having had sex with men reminds me of a French podcast I listened to years ago that was about bisexual and "lesbian" women who were with men before realizing they were attracted to women. The first conclusion I had was that I couldn't relate at all and felt very uneasy about it. I didn't even dare write my second conclusion back then but it was basically this:
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I couldn't differentiate their stories at all. And deep down, they must know this because fakebians use their experiences with men as a way of relating with bi and het women while being mostly hostile to gold stars and finding us unrelatable!
Anyway, this is really long already haha Question for the gold stars: what would be your dream lesbian event? 💃 (apart from being only for actual lesbians, of course!)
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
so you know the trope of Robin explaining bisexuality to Mike and Steve overhearing and being like "YOU CAN LIKE BOTH????" and Robin like ????? yes?????
okay so that but it's Nancy and she fully loses her cool in front of the hot girl
ooohhhh i love it!!!!!
like. imagine Nancy has already been struggling for a while with her feelings for Robin but she's still just one step from understanding what exactly she's feeling, right? but she knows Robin is gay, and of course she has to be there when Robin has that conversation with Mike, right? Nancy tells herself that she's emotional support for Mike and then she pretty much shoves him to the side and nearly yells at Robin "IS THAT AN OPTION?!"
Nancy: "So even if I did like Steve and Jonathan, I can like you too?" and after a moment of silence too long, "HYPOTHETICALLY. i mean that hypothetically..."
but also consider. Robin being the lesbian disaster that she is, hopelessly in love with Nancy Wheeler, 101% convinced that Nancy is the straightest girl in the world and probably still in love with Steve or Jonathan or literally anyone but her... she BELIEVES Nancy. like "sure! in theory, that'd be totally okay for someone! :D "
i'm betting only a snarky comment from Mike along the lines of "are you going to kiss right now? can i leave the room first?" is the thing to make both oh... OH....
and yeah mike leaves the room and then Robin and Nancy kiss for the first time <3
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 months
You can ignore this if you want. I am in hyperfixation hell right now, and I have zero focused on season one Steve again. These are just some thoughts.
Quick question, I'm being pulled out of my funk now and interested in a FUN debate. Did some of us assume in season one that because Steve was well known, had a big house, was on the basketball team, and went to parties that he was like every other preppie jock? I mean, Tommy, Carol, and Steve kind of gave me outsider vibes to me, too. Did they just show up to parties hoping to be in with the crowd? Because honestly, I always thought they were dorks who wanted to be cool, ya know? And honestly, how many women did Steve actually have sex with? Because that might have been an exaggeration on Tommy's part to try and keep Steve’s sexuality a secret. Maybe he doesn't know. Maybe he thinks Steve’s gay like him, and he doesn't even know about bisexuality. (I definitely think Tommy and Steve have made out a few times.) I honestly think that with the rumor mills and everything that Steve wasn't as cool as everyone thought he was. Like he did, and he's still so surprised that Dustin thinks he's cool because he's finally accepted he's always been a dork. Season 1 Steve is fun to speculate on. Sometimes, I enjoy the fact that they gave us so little because I like coming up with my own ideas of who Steve thought he was back then. God, Tommy was weird, and so was Carol. She just propped her nasty ass foot on the table like that at lunch. That's dorky behavior. I also totally understand that if Tommy was in love with Steve, then I could understand him going to the darkside with he who must not be named. (Anyone else think the three of them are not neurotypical?)
Yeah, I still think they're annoying, but I kind of enjoyed Tommy and Carol, too. I think that if Barb hadn't died, Barb and Nancy might have calmed the two down a bit. Like maybe if Tommy and Carol had gotten involved. Maybe if Tommy and Carol had gone outside after making Steve think they went off to have sex and they inadvertently saved Barb from the Demogorgon? And holy shit, that was their wake-up call. (Writing prompt fic idea?)
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yuukei-yikes · 5 months
holds your hand. consider with me for a second. shintaro already has a hard time coming to terms with his bisexuality. but have you ever considered a silly and fun aromantic shintaro.
part of it is just the joy of hcing characters as aro, but also shintaro is imo a person who does crave relationships and companionship but doesnt understand what that really means to him. he needs someone and hes codependent as hell and he thinks that a relationship means love and dating and having a girlfriend (or kano) but really he just craves the companionship and fears being left alone. he doesnt know that its even an option to have companionship without romance, and he doesnt even know hes bisexual because he isnt gay (buddy. you are something though).
to him he has to be straight he has to want a girlfriend he is so incredibly normal and fine. but lord. look at him. sorry if this is incomprehensible but you know. You Know.
yes!! aroace shintaro is a hc i totally adore!! im sure i've talked about it before but i'm too lazy to find it in my blog teehee <3 he's definitely a guy who keeps being stressed about expectations and stuff but when in practice he's like i honestly do not want this. lol. like sorry to make everything abt shinaya breakup especially since i do like aroace ayano as well but imagine them in a relationship and shintaro's just so uncomfortable with everything going on and he's so confused because he's like ????!!! what.
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