#i'm also boycotting starbucks
feeshies · 4 months
i know someone like me can't afford to be too picky when it comes to dating, but i think i developed a new dating profile pet peeve and it's:
when someone writes like they're already assuming the worst of you and now you have to prove them wrong
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Woohoo another starbucks plan cancelled
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northern-passage · 10 months
i thought there was a call to boycott the entirety of black friday and cyber monday?
i think there are people on tumblr & twitter that are advocating for a full boycott (which is good), but specifically with BDS & according to their website they're just calling for a targeted boycott against puma, HP, and marvel for black friday and cyber monday (along with the other targeted companies)
personally, i'm also boycotting starbucks (for their treatment of unionized workers) as well as a few of the other companies not listed in the immediate full boycott list.
as of 11/22 on their twitter, this is what they shared:
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1. Consumer boycott targets - The BDS movement calls for a complete boycott of these brands carefully selected due to the company's proven record of complicity in Israeli apartheid.
2. Divestment targets - The BDS movement is pressuring governments, institutions and investment funds to exclude and divest from as many complicit companies as practical, especially weapons manufacturers, banks, and companies listed in the UN database of business involved in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, as well as the WhoProfits and AFSC Investigate databases of companies enabling the occupation. Below we give some of the targets we are campaigning against.
3. Pressure (non-boycott) targets - The BDS movement actively calls for pressure campaigns against these brands and services due to their complicity in Israeli apartheid. We have not, on strategic grounds, called for a boycott of these brands and services, instead we strategically call on supporters and institutions to mount other forms of pressure on them until they end their complicity in Israeli apartheid.
4. Organic boycott targets - The BDS movement did not initiate these grassroots boycott campaigns but is in support of them due to these brands openly supporting Israel’s genocide against Palestinians.
ultimately the companies listed under the first category you absolutely should be boycotting 100%.
and i'm not going to tell you to not also boycott black friday, especially since it coincides with the temporary 4-day "truce." like i said, i know there are groups that have been advocating for a full boycott this weekend along with protests; there were hundreds today, from Washington, DC, to Massachusetts, to California, to Florida... i shared the creator's day because they do that every other month or so on itch.io anyways & i wanted to link the BDS information alongside it. they may update in the future as well and call for more targeted boycotts as the holidays ramp up so i suggest bookmarking the website or following them on twitter, and look for a campaign near you to get involved directly.
BDS has also called for a global day of action on November 29th, which includes intensifying all targeted boycotting campaigns.
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matan4il · 10 months
Pro Palestine people are boycotting Starbucks for suing their union for making a pro palestine statement. Timothy was probably holding a Starbucks cup.
Hi Nonnie!
I was aware of the dumb call to boycott Stabucks, but I missed that Timothee's coffee cup was bought there. I went back to have a look, and you're right, it's a bit obscured, because of the cup holder, but the logo is there.
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To the best of my knowledge, Timothee Chalamet has never expressed himself when it comes to the conflict one way or another. I'm also pretty sure he is NOT the only person who has continued to buy coffee at Starbucks. Yet, they're not canceling other Starbucks clients, not even other famous ones. I did a quick Google search for celebs currently affiliated with Starbucks, not just drinking a cup bought there, and found Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. But I've seen no signs of either being canceled over that. Literally, they're hounding him for being Jewish, and trying to hide the antisemitism behind a coffee cup, that's it.
Also, while we're at it, how is the "big bad" that the antisemitic BDS movement calling to boycott, a coffee brand that doesn't even have a single branch in Israel? I very much doubt Starbucks is the only company to take a stand against decisions that would make Jewish employees feel unsafe. And neither Israelis, not the Israeli economy, will be hurt by this boycott, which is supposedly the goal of the BDS movement. Local employees of Starbucks, on the other hand, might end up being financially harmed. And some of them are apparently pro-Palestinian, so the irony is truly something.
Which brings me to a truth no one wants to admit about the BDS movement... they're not asking you to boycott companies, because it will financially hurt Israel. They're asking you to boycott anything or anyone, doesn't matter who it'll be, doesn't matter who gets hurt, because they want to reinforce in the public's mind the idea of Israel as a pariah state, and because they want you to do anything that will make you actively a part in this. When you actively participate in something, no matter how small the action you take, you become more invested in it. And that's what they want, so who cares if the excuse is flimsy, who cares if Israel won't be affected at all, who cares if regular Starbucks employees will get hurt in the process? The goal of demonizing the Jews sanctifies the means.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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twst-charity · 11 months
I'm not altogether knowledgeable on how to bea mod but I want to help in some way. Is there anything I can do?
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Hello! First off, thank you so much for your interest and for reaching out to us! Both our mod and contributor applications are currently closed, but there are still other ways you can help, both with this charity and with the situation in general!
The first is by submitting fanart and fic requests (once those forms are open) here with us (@twst-charity) by sending a screenshot/receipt of a donation made to one of three charities (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestine, or Anera).
A very quick, easy, and free way to help is also by visiting this site and clicking the big, red, help button. If you’ve ever wanted to hit a big red button, now is the time to do so. This generates a donation to UNRWA to help Palestine.
Unfortunately, as many have heard by now, even these charities have been struggling to deliver resources to the people of Palestine due to blockades and frozen accounts, etc. Anera seems to continue to be successful in still getting resources where they are most needed, but the situation is constantly changing. We will be continuing to help raise donations in hopes that, as soon as there is an opportunity to do so, those charities will have the means and funds to make a difference.
However! There are still other ways to help Palestine and show your support. The first – and most important - is spreading awareness. Learn what is going on now and has been for the past 75 years. Be aware of propaganda and misinformation, whether purposeful or accidental. Archive tweets and posts and videos so that they cannot be scrubbed from the internet by those hoping to erase evidence of the genocide in Gaza. The importance of spreading the truth cannot be underestimated, especially with Netanyahu and the IOF increasing propaganda. Popular tags to do this include: #CeaseFireInGaza #CeasefireNOW and #FreePalestine!
Signing petitions and contacting representatives is also a good way to show your stance. Unfortunately, this does have some risk, due to organizations like c4n4ry mlssl@n (censored for safety) doxxing people who support Palestine.
Boycotting is another method that has been showing signs of success! The boycotting effort is being directed by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), which is the Palestinian leaderships of the global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement. Frankly, far too many brands and celebrities have shown support for Palestine for the average person to avoid all of them. So, a certain few have been picked to have the most impact.
Boycott: Starbucks, McDonalds, Disney+ (which means no TWST microtransactions, y’all!), Domino’s Pizza, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King, AXA, Puma, Carrefour, hp, Siemens, Ahava, sodastream, and Israeli businesses. (Note from Mod Ryuu: This does NOT mean a general boycott on all Jewish businesses! Don’t be that person. You’re not helping.)
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If you want to proudly show your support of Palestine IRL – and are safe to do so – a popular method is by wearing a Kufiya, the iconic scarf of Palestine. You can order an authentic Kufiya from Hirbawi at kufiya.org or from Kufiyas Australia at kufiyas.org.au If you’re not in a position where that’s possible, there are two other popular methods. The first is simply by wearing the colors of Palestine: Red, Green, White, and Black. The second ties into those colors and the history of colonialism in Palestine, where once it was illegal to fly the Palestine flag. Instead, people used the watermelon as a symbol to represent the flag. If you need a subtle means of showing support, the watermelon is the way to go.
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Resources on the history of Palestine:
Netflix films: Born in Gaza (2014) dir. Hernan Zin, Farha (2021) dir. Darin J. Sallam, A World Not Ours (2012) dir. Mahdi Fleifel
YouTube films (FREE!): Tantura, Killing Gaza, Roadmap to Apartheid, Gaza Fights for Freedom, Born in Gaza, & Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
Other films: The Present (2020) dir. Farah Nabulsi, Tale of Three Jewels (1995) dir. Michel Khleifi, Chronicle of a Disappearance (1996) dir. Elia Suleiman, Omar (2013) dir. Hany Abu-Assad, The Time That Remains (2009) dir. Elia Suleiman, Ambulance/Gaza (2016) dir. Mohamed Jabaly, Five Broken Cameras (2011) dir. Emad Bumat, 200 Meters (2020), Salt of This Sea (2008) dir. Annemarie Jacir.
Twitter link with these and more for those who still use the bird app:
Other threads (largely from the bird app) with information on how to help and what is happening:
-Break the boycott, including doing things like ordering a bunch of food and then ditching without paying. You are only making life harder for the minimum wage employees doing their best, not the billionaires behind them.
-Do not spam the tags with posts not related to Palestine, etc. Keep your fandoms in their fandom spaces and so on. Unless, of course, you are doing a charity drive or something similar through your fandom.
-Be antisemitic. DO NOT harass or accuse Jewish people of being responsible for this genocide. Jewish people across the world have been protesting in defense of the Palestinian people even before this latest war began. More than 2/3 of people in Israel disagree with Netanyahu and the IOF based on recent polling.
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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original post:
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Cake pops are made from leftover cake pieces. They're scraps, and are one of the many things you do to prevent food waste -this is something people were doing before Starbucks commodified it, so this isn't a new idea, but for people who didn't know or who haven't found alternatives yet (and hopefully not because they don't care), OP gave a quick mug cake recipe (also I've made them before and they're good -just make sure to pick a neutral oil when making them if you do this with oil instead of butter because there are easier recipes out there, and adjust the recipe to your food sensitivities/etc of course, like I would use plant-based milks, butter and chocolate chips.)
I'm not sure if the person originally posting the recipe meant to be insensitive, but I understand the sentiment because if you're still going to Starbucks because they make 'this' that you love without making an effort to find an alternative, that's awful. Keep finding alternatives -they exist, I promise. And support local businesses as much as possible. Don't stop boycotting.
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nicosraf · 11 months
On Twitter, I talked about Israel's involvement in the violent genocide of 160k Maya in Guatemala; I also wrote a thread on Israel's imperialism in all of Latin America, which includes them working with anti-Semitic regimes in Argentina and Brazil who targeted Jewish activists. They've also armed and trained death squads in Central America, rightwing drug paramilitaries in Colombia, such as the AUC in Colombia, and have played a hand in the militarization of the drug war in LatAm.
My purpose here is to emphasize that this is a fight much larger than many might realize, that Israel is happy to harm diaspora Jews in order to build its colonial state, and that Israel's involvement in places like Guatemala, in particular, show they are no friend of indigenous people.
With the US and Israel revving up the war machine, the best acts of solidarity right now are protest and boycott.
For a list of boycotted companies, please look here, but here is the list if you don't care to click a link: Siemens, HP, AXA, Puma, Israeli Fruit and Vegetables, SodaStream, Ahava, and Sabra. (I've heard about boycotting Starbucks and McDonalds too online, but I'm going to emphasize the Palestinian BDS National Committee's guidance).
As for protesting, general advice is to hide your face, hide tattoos, don't give anyone your name, and do NOT trust protests that ask u to "sign up" by putting down your information. A friend ( @andromedaexists ) responded to my tweet about protest with this guidance – please look through it. I know it all seems hopeless, but I've never seen global solidarity like this, and we can't let them break it. We're all fighting the same fight against imperialism, colonization, and war. And a better world is possible if we fight for it.
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drvirgus · 5 months
Protecting (my heart)
Idol! Minji X bodyguard! Reader
Description: getting a new job as NewJeans bodyguard isn't really something Y/n thought would happen to her. What exactly happens when she suddenly felt attracted to one of the NewJeans members? Can Y/n stay professional or are her feelings for Minji too much to handle?
Warnings: stalking; harassment; kys jokes; suggestive language; death threats; mention of abuse; mention of murder;
Chapter: Top or bottom? (Half-written)
Nervously, I stood in front of the door after ringing the bell, holding two cups of coffee in my hands—one from Starbucks and the other from the bakery down the street. My hands were starting to ache from the heat of the coffee burning them.
I looked up at Minji, who was smiling as she opened the door. "H-hey. Sorry. The coffee is hot," I quickly said, and Minji's eyes immediately moved to the coffee, which she took from me. I let out a relieved sigh.
Minji gestured for me to follow her, which I did after taking off my shoes. With the Starbucks cup in hand, I followed Minji into the living room and watched as she placed the coffee on the coffee table.
"So... I wasn't sure if you boycott Starbucks or uh... that's why I got one from Starbucks and the other from the bakery," I said, feeling embarrassed as I noticed my cheeks heating up. "You decide which one you want," I muttered quietly as an addition.
Minji chuckled, visibly amused, shaking her head. "Well... that's not exactly the point of boycotting if you still end up buying something," Minji said as she came closer to me. "But it's already bought," she added as she took the Starbucks cup from my hand and took a sip.
"Thank you, baby," she whispered with a smile on her face, giving me a brief kiss on the lips. My body relaxed automatically as I just nodded and watched her sit on the couch. With a smile on her face, she patted the spot next to her several times, and I immediately sat where she indicated.
Nervously, I rubbed my hands together as I looked around. This was now the third time I had entered this apartment, but it was the first time I was here in my free time. And, Minji was now my girlfriend...
"Are... uh... are the others not here?" I asked, prompting Minji to look at me immediately. Her eyebrows raised as she scrutinized my entire face. "Oh... they're probably in their rooms," Minji murmured, and I nodded in response.
Somehow... knowing that relaxed me.
"Ah, okay," I murmured softly. Minji watched me intently until she handed me the hot coffee, which I accepted and bowed slightly. Minji looked at me with wide eyes. Suddenly, the younger woman laughed, "Are you as nervous as I am?" she asked, her cheeks visibly flushed.
With wide eyes, I immediately looked at my girlfriend and started nodding frantically. "Yes, I'm pretty nervous," I replied, starting to laugh a bit. Minji laughed along with me, and you could almost feel the nervousness in the air.
Minji glanced away from me before looking back at me again. "Um... don't you want to... take off your jacket?" the taller woman said, tilting her head slightly to the side. My eyes immediately fell on the thin cardigan I was wearing over my sweater, and I laughed as well.
"Oh. Yeah. Of course," I said softly as I placed the coffee in my hand on the table and moved to take off the cardigan. My eyes met Minji's as I smiled again. "God, sorry... I guess I'm more nervous than I expected," I said with a light laugh, which seemed to relax Minji a bit, who was also nervous.
"How about... we have a drink?" my girlfriend asked with a small smile. I chuckled as I took my coffee back into my hand. "Honestly... no," I replied, which made Minji look at me questioningly.
"Even though I'm nervous, I'd like to experience my time here with you sober," I said as my hand rested on her thigh, and my eyes simply gazed into hers. "Don't you?" I asked, feeling a bit nervous as I started to smile lightly.
Minji huffed as she nodded her head. She placed her coffee on the table and made sure mine was next to hers. Almost immediately, she connected our lips, which made me exhale contentedly.
"Minji," I murmured softly between kisses as my hand wandered up her thigh. I noticed the idol tensing slightly, but despite that, her hand gripped my neck to pull me even closer to her.
A hum escaped my lips as I pulled away from her. I swallowed as I looked into her left eye and then her right. Our faces were only centimeters apart. I could feel her breath, now smelling of coffee, on my skin.
"I... like you so much," I whispered softly as my hand brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. With half-open eyes, I leaned in closer to her again. "I'm still a virgin!" the taller woman shouted in my face, causing me to flinch slightly.
Confused, I blinked several times. "What?" I asked, somewhat surprised by Minji's sudden revelation. Almost immediately, my eyes widened, and I recoiled. "Did... did I get too close? Oh God. I didn't mean to— I mean— uh," I said nervously, waving my hands defensively in the air.
Minji laughed at my reaction and seemingly also at my panicked expression. She held her hand up to her mouth as she gently tapped my arm, letting out a loud giggle.
"No, no. You did everything right. I just... thought you should know," Minji replied, now looking quite nervous herself. Her hands were on her legs as she started playing with her fingers, and she had already bitten her lip.
Smiling, I relaxed and placed my hands on hers. "Okay. Thank you for telling me," I said gently as I saw Minji looking at me. "We'll go at your pace, okay?" I added with a small smile as I noticed how red her ears had become.
I cleared my throat. "How about watching a movie?" I asked, clearly trying to change the subject. The younger woman understood, of course, and nodded her head. She immediately grabbed the remote.
"Yeah... let's watch a movie," the younger one said as she turned on the TV and quickly opened the Netflix app. I smiled and leaned back. "Minji?"
"You can tell me anything. Every little thought. Even if it seems unimportant to you."
"Okay," Minji replied as her eyes briefly glanced at the ground, probably to hide her blush. But I noticed it with a smile on my face.
Minji is so darn cute.
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gryficowa · 1 month
Remember, we are boycotting Disney and the Olympics
As I see, GF ships are coming back… In 2024, bruh
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Marble Hornets? Jeez, I haven't heard that name in years, and I haven't even watched the series (Or that type, because it was more of an ARG before the term ARG)
Well, thanks to them, Slenderman was who he was (Tia… And then this situation with 12-year-olds and this movie from 2018)
Now that I have your attention:
Unfortunately, the biggest problem with sharing links to collections or fundraising posts is that you don't know whether they will be shared or not, which means that the collections don't reach people who could help, which sucks :/
It doesn't help that Tumblr has shadowbanned the Palestine/Gaza tags, which means they don't show up in trends (Although they're in purple, so they're there, but they don't show up, but what can you expect from a site run by Zionists?)
If it was possible to predict whether a post with collections would be shared, it would be a miracle, but unfortunately it is not and it sucks :/
By the way, fuck Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga because they are silent about Gaza
And yes, I know that by sharing links to my fundraising posts and doing the same thing every new post, a chain is being created, but yes, there are also collections from Congo and Sudan (However, there are a lot of collections, and this is the only way to reach people)
There will probably be a lot of tags under this post, because when I talk about many topics in one post, there are usually many tags (Which has its pros and cons, but unfortunately, as I mentioned, otherwise the collections come to a halt)
List of corporations that support Israel:
Burger King
Kinder (It's not written down, but I found the information)
Snicers/Sky milk
Pizza Hut
Papa John's
Domino's pizza
Tic tac
Danone (Actimel)
Marvel/Fox/Pixar (Disney)
Hewlett Pacaro (HP)
National Geographic
There is more, but finding all the companies is a nightmare, so I gave as much as I could
By the way, boycott "Stranger Things" because it is a series created mainly by Zionists, many actors and the scriptwriter revealed their support for Israel
Fuck Rowling too because she liked a Zionist tweet and showed neutrality towards genocide (And the creator of Winx often supports what she says, so yes, we have a chain)
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statementlou · 6 months
my post yesterday about why I don't really care if Louis Tomlinson supports starbucks shocked me by actually circulating and getting notes and obviously I like validation and appreciation.... but I feel kind of weird about my big contribution to the topic being something that might come off as discouraging attempts to help Palestine. Feeling powerless in the face of such injustice is horrible and scary and traumatizing and while there are certain things that I do not think make much difference (like boycotting irrelevant targets), that's NOT how I feel about the situation in general! We CAN make a difference and help the Palestinian people! It can feel impossible to fight against all that power and propaganda and military might- but it has been done successfully over and over, colonialism has been destroyed in one place after another a hundred times in the last century, apartheid regimes have fallen, occupations have ended, because over and over, always, even all the military might in the literal world is less powerful than a united front of the PEOPLE. As Ursula K LeGuin said, "We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings", and as Louis Tomlinson said "The power and magic comes from the people, you guys. Don't undermine your role in all of this" and "get off the 'gram and into the streets"!
Under the cut are things you can do that I believe actually directly impact the Palestinian people and the Israeli government, including some easy ones, and the key to a successful movement is to have every type of contribution, to have NUMBERS. However- it is also necessary to have people willing to do the actual work of fighting injustice, not just changing their consumer habits or yelling at people online. I strongly encourage people to explore becoming physically involved in activist work, and not to see it as yet another tiring obligation but rather as a way to help yourself feel less overwhelmed and exhausted. Feeling powerless and defenseless is a trauma that follows us into every corner of our lives, but standing up and working for change can not only save lives, but is good for your own mental health as well, I promise.
I can't make you an exhaustive list of resources, only tell you some tactics that I believe are actually useful. I'm not an expert or whatever, but I have been actively involved in social justice advocacy, activism, and direct action for over 20 years and am drawing on that history of both things that worked and were great and things that were not from my personal experiences. Thank you to @captainrayzizuniverse for helping me (but she didn't see the post any stupid things said by mistake are entirely on me), and especially for pointing out a big (typical white person) slip up, which was to almost forget the very first item on this list: Listen to, support, and amplify Palestinian voices!!! The whole starbucks issue wouldn't even exist if people just went by this single important guideline and did the things Palestinians were asking for rather than making up other things to do instead. In life altogether, and speaking as a disabled person god does this come up a lot: if you want to help someone, start by asking them what they need and then do that even if it isn't what you think they should want. Don't fucking wing it!! Join local groups organizing for Palestine: the people united are powerful, but only if they are united and working in large groups! Join a group! This is hard because... how? who? And I can't answer that for everyone but I can tell you that in the US JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace) is doing a huge amount of very accessible recruiting, you can just join (you don't need to be Jewish) and get involved straightaway in the great actions they're putting on. PYM (Palestinian Youth Movement) is not open to everyone to join but you should definitely follow them on SM to keep up on actions and maybe find ways to support. If you're a student I bet there is some kind of group at your school?
Go to protests: protest works, period. The general politician rule of thumb is that anyone who bothers to actually go out and march represents 10-100 voters. When they look at the numbers (like- '500-1000 people protested the most recent bill you signed') they do this math and they worry. But also honestly if it's something you can manage- it's good for you. It helps. Even if you just go alone and don't talk to anyone, being in a crowd of hundreds of people feeling the same things you are, caring as much as you do, it helps. If you can, yell along to the chants as loud as you can. Get fired up and use that energy to keep going and not despair!
Call and write officials: if you live in the US or UK this is HUGE. What I said above about how they count people at protests as standing for more people who didn't bother but agree? Same with phone calls for sure, it REALLY pressures them. Many orgs make this really easy- I get emails all the time with links to send a letter in a single click or click to call and all you have to do is read the script, get on some lists I guess? But many sites also have this feature, JVP does for example
Support BDS: the Palestinian led BDS have been doing the work of isolating and chipping away at Israel for 19 years and like I said, the actions of the masses only work if we are united behind a few strategic targets rather than all over the place; they have made this possible. It's good to avoid buying from the companies they target; even better to work on the big divestment campaigns. For example, student groups pressuring the big universities to divest from BDS targets echo the successful University divestment efforts that helped end apartheid in South Africa.
Send money: money helps, immediately and concretely, and again if we are many, each person doesn't have to do a lot. Do what you can spare, it all adds up. This has been painful with Gaza for sure, with millions donating but aid being blocked. I don't have The Answer but here's a group I found that actually seems to be getting aid in, and here's a spread sheet of gofundmes- note that people who have foreign passports do not have to pay the horrible border crossing fees, so you may wish to focus on funding those who don't have that privilege. this could maybe be better and there was some other stuff I wanted to say about doing activism to tie up the "activism as self care" thing from above and also bringing it back around to talk about Louis more but I'm tired and I'm hungry right now and this is a lot already. So. Bye lol sorry. send me asks if any of that is something you care about or want to hear
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aprivateplace7 · 4 months
PSA: Why I Am Boycotting Kpop (& how)
So. I love kpop. Its been a big part of my life for a few years now. But I'm boycotting. Why?
Well to put it simply, its because of the 🍉Palestine genocide🍉 *A lot* of these k-entertainment companies are directly & indirectly supporting Zionism/Israel, including monetarily.
Like most, I think, I only found out about this whole thing in Oct '23, so its now that I'm choosing to boycott in hopes of helping.
This is NOT an "attack" on anyone. Not a certain group, not even a certain label.
I am boycotting *everyone* personally. Officially, the popular boycott is the big 3 & HYBE. However I know that another company, Kakao Ent is also a huge Zionist offender (also I just saw that they invest in a blockchain too...? So yeah, ew). So to make it easier for myself, I am boycotting all of kpop.
I also have no issue w/ the artists themselves. I do not do this out of any hate/fan wars. I am not assuming/accusing them of being Zionists. I know, they are celebs but they work for the company. They have to obey their bosses, so while I would like more of the artists to openly speak in support of Palestine, I am not holding it against them.
Its just that, any $ the artist makes, goes straight to the company. & I don't like what these companies are doing w/ my $.
(Btw, it rly is about the companies. So for ex HYBE America has the artist Ariana Grande. I am boycotting her too, its just that I've never been a huge fan. I rly, rly like kpop. So that is why I am focusing on it. Its meaningless to say u are boycotting something that you never bought/consumed in the 1st place)
And just to note; I don't want to hear anything about "keeping politics out of kpop". These companies are *not* disconnected from the issue. & saying that "I'm not Palestinian so its not my problem" is extremely cruel.
Links & more info below-
Twt thread [X]
For Stays [X]
Twt link 2 [X]
Twt thread about Starbucks (TLDR; Not the same as McDonalds aka not directly contributing to Zionism, but they are still anti-union & treat their workers shitty, so still boycott) [X]
If you also want to stop/reduce streaming, here is how I'm doing it
I'm not saying that u have to completely stop interacting w/ ur fav artists. I'm not. I'm just trying to minimize my interactions w/ official content, like streaming, videos ect.
So the 1st thing; Get comfortable w/ sketchy looking websites & piracy!!!
Like I know, now that everything is readily available on (monetized) platforms, its hard to make the switch! Its hard to even know where to start. But there still are a lot of tools out there to do it.
Here are the basic things-
"yewtu . be"
*** (edit: the website shows .com, but the actual address is .in) "ilkpop . in"
(remove spaces, I'm not putting links bc that is how u get illict sites taken down, i think...)
Google drive
The app "Musicolet" (for mobile listening)
There is this website "yewtu . be" that you can use to watch yt vids w/out adding to the views/ad revenue. I've only used it on desktop, so idk how well it works on mobile. Sorry. Btw, sometimes it can not work, but it has options to switch the source to one that works. I have not tried making an acc, so idk how secure that is, but just using it to watch things seems ok.
As for streaming/downloading mp3, there is another website "ilkpop . in" it has most official releases. U can stream right from the site, or download mp3.
When downloading (I did this all on desktop btw) I would recommend the extension "TabBlock", it prevents opening any new tabs. So u do have to toggle it on/off.
So I downloaded the songs as mp3 files from that website, uploaded them to my Google drive & then downloaded them to my phone from there. These files surprisingly don't take a lot of room, I have currently 471 songs that are only 1.63 GB
The app I'm using to listen on mobile is Musicolet. 1st time using it for about a month & I like it. Its free, it plays local downloaded files, so no need for internet & most importantly it will continue to play the songs while the screen is off. For free. W/ no ads. U can also still make playlists. It has more settings & customization stuff.
This is based on my personal experience, so I use desktop (windows) & android devices. This is all I know. Don't be too scared about the looks of the sites. I haven't gotten any viruses, but u might wanna make sure u have installed an antivirus. The one I use is Avast, the free version is ok. It does have a subscription & ads but its not too annoying.
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hsr-texts · 11 months
Guys, the Israeli forces are annihilating Gaza and it's become more violent than ever. We need to be making an even louder riot about this and call for a ceasefire. Communications there are gone.
It doesn't matter how big or small your platform is, every voice matters and every contribution you make DOES have an effect. Remember what happened when people started boycotting McDonald's, Starbucks, and Disney? They were losing money and got desperate! That's the effect of our actions!
Now more than ever, it's important to be making noise about this. This isn't just a political thing, this concerns the lives of so many people.
I refuse to sit in my home doing absolutely nothing while these people are suffering. The least I can do is talk about it and spread the word because what happening is so evil in many ways.
I'm not typically one of those types that are like "you need to do this or you're a bad person" but this is so much bigger than all of that. So many people are being bombed meanwhile those who have privilege are just sitting around in the comfort of their own homes, not doing anything because their own comfort matters more than thousands to millions of human lives.
I don't want to be one of those people. At the very least I can talk about it to others and spread the word.
Gaza is in the process of being wiped out from existence.
Entire family lines are just completely gone now.
Israeli forces are committing numerous war crimes.
You don't need to donate (but it's also great if you do), all that's important right now is making an absolute riot about this.
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
It would be great if people stopped using real atrocities as an excuse to hate on a White Girl Brand.
Even BDS does not focus on Starbucks. They haven't mentioned it since 2014.
"I'm boycotting Starbucks in support of Palestine!" No, chance are you saw a chance to talk shit about a brand that's popular and it makes you feel like you're better than everyone else. It gets notes. Why talk about actual boycotts like Chevron and HP and Sodastream and Puma when you can give people an excuse to hate That Popular Thing That Girls Like?
"But they shut down that one group for being pro-Palestine!" They shut it down with political speech as the EXCUSE. That was not about Palestine. It was about unions. That was a union-busting action. Not a political one. It was a stupid union-busting action because of the bad press it got them for supposedly being pro-Israel, but it was about the union. From the corporate perspective, it was about the union. It was a chance to take down one of the unions.
EDIT: Other claims of explicit zionism by the company as a whole have been debunked. The matter of Howard Schultz is more complicated. See below.
Boycott the company for its union-busting. A boycott without a clear message doesn't do shit, and you are wasting your time and energy, and spreading misinformation besides.
You are NOT HELPING PALESTINE by spreading misinformation. Sure, the opportunity to hate on Starbucks is going to mean more people share your past and it goes farther, but it's also going to make them think that boycotting a company that has nothing to do with Israel is going to help, rather than, say, paying attention to the gas pumps they use or the food they eat.
Tumblr media
The above image is from the BDS page on economic boycotts. It's official as of early January. This is on the same page:
We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. We need to target companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling large, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”
Many of the prohibitively long lists going viral on social media do the exact opposite of this strategic and impactful approach. They include hundreds of companies, many without credible evidence of their connection to Israel’s regime of oppression against Palestinians. Many do not have clear demands to the companies as to what we expect them to do to end the boycott, making them ineffective.
I'm not saying that Starbucks SHOULDN'T be held accountable for using the Gaza war as a point of contention in their unrelated union situation. It was a shitty thing to do, and incidentally and indirectly supported Israel.
EDIT: I've been given some information on how Howard Schultz, the CEO, has investment ties to Wiz and other Israeli companies that are actually involved with current events. This is significantly more than I was previously finding. If you choose to boycott for this reason, have at ye.
However, I do still hold to my stance that companies ACTUALLY BEING TARGETED by BDS should be the ones name-dropped in posts that feature calls to action. It's a matter of efficiency and effectiveness. The more people that are led to believe that Starbucks is the biggest bad in the room, the less people will join in boycotts and divestment of McDonald's, Papa John's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Wiz, Airbnb, Caterpillar, Chevron, and all the other companies that BDS is saying are actually important to stop giving money to.
Back to the original post.
The proliferation of specifically anti-Starbucks rhetoric as a supposed form of pro-Palestine Action is overshadowing ACTUAL ACTION. If every single post about boycotting to support Palestine mentions Starbucks, and maybe Puma or Sodastream, but doesn't mention any of the two dozen other companies that BDS states are actually crucial to making a change, including other American food franchises (that just do happen to be more stereotypically boy-popular, like pizza and burger chains), then you are ACTIVELY taking away support from the boycotts that matter.
And the reason this happens is because "Starbucks bad" feeds into the confirmation bias for people that already dislike it for being popular or overpriced or not to their taste.
So take a step back. Ask yourself, "am I boycotting Starbucks because I actually believe it will help and am listening to groups like BDS, or am I just using this as an excuse to badger people into avoiding a franchise I already dislike?"
Okay? We on the same page?
Great. Now check if your local Starbucks is unionized, if their union is asking customers to boycott THEM, and then maybe boycott anyway.
But check if it's actually doing something or just distracting you from real activism, first.
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How my Jewish identity came to be:
I always thought my eye shape was a little weird.
I have a very large crease on the upper lid. I thought oh, that's kinda like east asian eyes. But my eyes look different.
I saw that there was a lot of under-eye puffyness. I thought oh, people use cucumbers to get rid of that. I must be tired. But it was mid-day. The puffyness never went away.
My friends have pretty wide eyes. I thought oh, that's strange. But my mom always told me that society likes big wide-eyed white women. But does that mean society doesn't like me? Does that mean I'm not white?
I had always been told I was white. Well, my mom always told me. My dad shrugged and said "It's complicated. But people will see you as white." I didn't understand why. I knew at some level that being Jewish was an ethnicity, that Jews are from Israel, and that Israel is in the Middle East, but when people saw me they thought I was white. Because I have pale skin and blue eyes.
I have blue eyes because my Dad has blue eyes. His Irish Dad has blue eyes. But my dad's Mom is Jewish. She speaks some Yiddish, and never puts up Christmas decorations, but I had no reason to think that was strange. I knew she gave us presents, even though she doesn't celebrate Christmas like my goy friends do.
We celebrate Christmas because both of my Jewish grandmothers get FOMO during the season. They didn't want to miss out. So when they were kids they would get a little present and say they celebrated it. When they married goyim they had a tree. Now my direct family has a tree.
My mom was told she was ethnically Jewish, but that all religion is dumb and the Quakers were probably onto something with all the acceptance and peace...etc. My dad was told "You are Jewish. Society will either see you as a rich white man or a sneaky brown man. You do not get to choose. The minute you say your grandfather was a man named Murray Goldstein, they will know. You do not get to choose, because society has chosen your race already and the left and the right will never agree on who is right." He never told me exactly this, but it was implied.
On certain tests and forms, they ask you for your race. It always said the same thing: Asian, Black, Native American, White, Mixed, and sometimes they said Pacific Islander. What did I put? My parents put white, but I always knew on some level that wasn't the full truth. I would write "Ashkenazi Jewish" at the bottom and let them decide.
Then October 7th happened. People on the streets said, "Go back to Poland". I was never Polish. My family lived in Ukraine. Did they want me to go back to Ukraine? There is a war there! I would not be safe. I don't have any relatives in Ukraine. My family left at the start of the 20th century. Who would I go to? Where would I go?
When October 7th happened, I thought the world would stand for Israel. I knew it was the Jewish homeland, and I had already been researching Birthright trips a few months before. On my favorite TV show, Black-ish the main character, Dre Johnson said "Jewish kids get to go to Israel, why can't my kid say the N-word?" in that horribly out-of-context quote, I knew it was my homeland. Why did these people say it wasn't?
My younger sister had a babysitter who was Palestinian. Let's call her Fatima. I didn't know that was an ethnicity until I met her. Her mom was a politician there. All Fatima was doing was saying "Get my mom out of Gaza. It's not safe for her." She knew I was Jewish, and she was always nice and supportive. I still follow her on Duolingo.
Fatima had a friend who was also one of my sister's babysitters. I'm going to call her Charlotte. Charlotte was a white British woman. She heavily supported the Pro-Palestine cause. She marched in protests and boycotted businesses. She was a goy, and we both knew that. Fatima never protested and was always happy to buy from Starbucks and other Zionist businesses. Charlotte would always listen to me explain B'nai Mitzvahs, but it was clear I was the only Jewish person she knew.
I don't say these things to say that Palestinians can't support the cause, I'm saying this because Fatima didn't, and her white friend did. The fact that Fatima was brown and trying to finish her PhD definitely played into it.
I read Chaim Potok's The Chosen. Its end plot was about the creation of the modern state of Israel. In the end, the characters agreed that after the Holocaust, we deserve to call the land of our ancestors our own. My family agreed with that.
At the time I was really into Pinterest. More specifically, Tumblr screenshots on Pinterest (definitely influenced my decision to come here). After a while, I got more pins on my dash saying "All Zionists are evil. Come to the good side!" That definitely sounded like a cult, so I looked more into it. I saw a lot of people saying "Zionism is killing Palestinians", but I also saw people saying "The official Jewish definition of Zionism is the belief that Israel should exist. 80% of Jews want Israel to exist." The comments were either "Thank you! This is what I have been saying for months!" or "fuck you zionist rat you are killing Palestinians." I looked into it on more trustworthy websites. They usually agreed that it just meant wanting Israel to exist. They also said that Khanisim is the belief that Palestinians must die for Israel to exist. I didn't like that idea. In my Pinterest bio, I put yellow ribbons to support the hostages. I started getting hate messages.
I am here now, and from my bio and previous posts, you can assume my stance on the situation. This post started with me complaining about my eyes and to give you an epilogue, it was today I realized they were Jewish eyes. I love them and would never change them for the world.
If you have any questions regarding this post or me in general you can privately message me. I am a minor though, so don't be creepy. Have a good day!
Also: my other blog is @jewishbiancadiangelo. It's mostly Percy Jackson stuff.
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the-catboy-minyan · 4 months
I’m tired of people telling me who and what to boycott.
Like okay i can boycott this country for said actions. But it doesn’t mean i hate the people. I feel bad for them.
I hate their leaders for dictating said action. The people living under the leaders are victims too for all the targeted hate online.
Idc if my friend’s Russian or Israeli or whatever. I support all my friends. But they will have to accept my opinions as much as i do their opinions.
Sorry. I just had to vent and you seemed like nice person
That being said. You seem nice and fun!
I understand what you mean, but when you boycott, do you actually look at what the company or business had done before you decide if to support it or not?
sure, McDonald's gives a discount to IDF soldiers on uniform, and donated meals to soldiers when the war started because a lot of people had to be drafted without notice and they weren't prepared, if that's enough reason for you to boycott their restaurants then sure, technically, your money can go to support the IDF in a roundabout way.
most Israeli companies have no relation to the government, and potentially employ arab Israelis and Palestinians, they're also one of the main sources of kosher food for diaspora jews, since most Israeli companies market to israeli jews. boycotting them for being from Israel will only harm the workers and the customers who rely on them. there was an incident where an Israeli company was boycotted so hard that they had to lay off a large amount of Palestinian workers, though I can't remember the name to look up a source.
companies like starbucks, who only took down a political statement their employee made on their company accounts, aren't actually related to this issue at all, so boycotting them is useless. they aren't funding the government or the IDF in any way.
and small Jewish and Israeli businesses in the diaspora would also most likely have nothing to do with the Israeli government, and even if they made a statement in support of Israel (not their government) before, they're not big enough to personally fund the IDF in any way.
there's a small problem with boycotts atm, and that is that because of capitalism, this will harm the workers first and the company second. so unless you have proof the company actually funds the IDF or Netanyahu or something, like how there's proof KFC(iirc?) funded lgbtqphobic bills or something like that (i have no clue tbh we don't have kfc here), then boycotting them just means you're punishing businesses for having any and all contact with Israel and Israelis, as if the people themselves are personally responsible for genocide.
yeah, there are dictatorships where the leaders control the companies and boycotting said companies actually does something because they're affiliated with the government, but most Israeli companies are not like that, and if there are, then by all means boycott them.
idk I'm rambling, I can't tell you who and what to boycott, I just personally don't think it's an affective strategy when it harms the employees more than the business itself and when the current goal is to punish anyone who interacts with an Israeli in any positive way.
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intersectionalpraxis · 11 months
A lot of what folks have been emphasizing about the BDS movement (which is an acronym for: boycott, divestment, and sanctions) is that it is NOT meant to be a quick or temporary solution -some BDS movements have lasted decades (South Africa being the first example I can think of), and I wanted to talk a little about this here because sustainability is an important element within this as well.
So, the top 3 that were suggested (and seems unanimous by lots of voices on social media) is McDonald's, Disney, and Starbucks, which have many agreed is a GREAT start because these are HUGE multi-billion dollar industries, whose profits margins are astonomical. There were 2 points I wanted to make into this post, and that includes:
When you're boycotting Starbucks, it means you're not purchasing their coffee beans/teas/tea concentrates/iced beverages/etc from stores as well. I listened to a person on tiktok talk about how Starbucks actually receives the most revenue from this, just a reminder for folks that's also included in this long-term BDS movement, ALL products from Starbucks must be boycotted.
Disney products, passes for the parks, Disney plus/etc are all included in this boycott, as I am sure you are aware. Anything Disney is involved in production-wise is as well. People have been talking about boycotting Snow White and the upcoming Marvels, for obvious reasons; this is just ANOTHER reminder to hit them where it hurts financially. Don't attend the shows -if you need to watch them later or even elsewhere (and I'm not suggesting anything specific per-say, but you know what I mean).
McDonald's seems self-explanatory, but finding alternatives to fast food and convenience items is key here as well.
And lastly, as I mentioned, SUSTAINABILITY is so important! Yes, we can always find a new local cafe or a coffee shop we like (or start making our drinks at home/find other convenience products to use), and sure we can find other fast food options while on the go or again, prepare a snack or meal in advance. We also can find other places to watch shows, to go out and find places to have a good time -but please, remember this isn't like 'when the ceasefire happens we go back to Starbs/McD's/Disney.'
It will include lifestyle changes for SO many of us, and there are plenty of other companies on that list (which includes Lo'Real, who owns a TON of makeup lines -so for so many folks, it's going to be something we find what works best for us -the key is not to get overwhelmed with these dozens of subsidiary companies and labels, but to focus on these 3 at first and then go from there).
Just a final reminder: please don't harrass workers at any of these stores/companies. They aren't alighing themselves with their company's values and statements, they're just folks earning money/an income like us and are navigating this shit just as much as we are.
I've been learning a lot from people who do research on BDS movements, and they can be effective, but it is something we must persist with.
Also, if you already have products from any of the brands listed, don't waste them. Use them, and of course go from there. You don't have to feel pressured to throw a hair product or makeup or coffee beans in the trash. This is about what you do AFTER using them up/and find something else hopefully with a brand that doesn't support Israeli apartheid and colonial violence.
Another huge area we must tackle is BIG TECH, especially since a lot of children (but of course this includes EVERY Congolese person) are being used to mine the Cobalt that is used to make laptops, phones, tablets/etc. They are doing this with THEIR BARE HANDS in the heinous of conditions in the Congo, and are paid terribly -every aspect of this 'work' is a form of modern enslavement.
There are ultimately many things we need to do, and there are steps that have been given by so many amazing Creator's talking about these issues, so with as much solidarity as possible --do your research, support brands/companies that stand by people being oppressed by imperial/colonial forces because this doesn't end until we are all safe, and free from violence.
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