#i'm glad to know that she passed so peacefully
Summary:You take forever to wake up, and is to heavy of a sleeper to wake up
Type:Hcs:Halsin X Gn!Reader: Karlach X Gn!Reader: Gale X Gn!Reader
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Halsin finds it abit amusing, especially if you snore or talk in your sleep
Until you need be awake early, and end up passed out until the afternoons
Usually on those days he'll carry you
But still, hes gets abit annoyed at constantly having to carry you since you just won't wake up
Other days, he likes the calmness of the camp because only on the days you're fast asleep are all companions quiet and getting along to not wake you
And he knows you need the sleep, so he never wakes you
(Not like he could)
She finds it so funny
Especially since people will try to wake you up and fail horribly
If she wouldn't burn your skin off she'd come snuggle with you
It's actually one of her favorite things about you, mainly because you look so peaceful and calm for once
She has tried to wake you up before, plot twist, didn't work
She likes doing stupid things to you while your like this
Like moving you somewhere higher up, drawing on your face, putting your hand in water, stuff like that
He loves it, mainly because now he doesn't have an excuse to wake up early
And he's got the worse sleeping schedule, so it's nice to finally be able to sleep in
If your dating he will snuggle with you
You two would be the worse
But when you guys do need to do something in the morning, it's such a pain and he will get annoyed by it
But, unlike halsin, he doesn't have the strength to just drag. So he ends up doing it alone
But on other days, he's glad you can sleep so peacefully
[A/n:Man, like three posts, maybe four today. I'm on a role(maybe). I hope you enjoyed]
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Summary: You help one of your friends who suspect she is different, but when Pablo finds the positive test in your shared bathroom, he starts to panic.
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: none :)
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"Oh my God! I'm pregnant! Like actually pregnant!" Amelia said as tears fell down her cheeks and you held her hand reassuring her that she was not alone.
She was in an abusive relationship for a whole year and when she finally was determined to leave, this happens...it was valid that she was sad and helpless.
"I don't want it! He will never change! And he won't let me do an abortion...he will kill me if I even mention it.." she sobbed and you took the test leaving it on the washing machine before helping her up and taking her to the living room to calm down and drink some water.
A few days pass...
Pablo was packing for his next big match in Madrid, when he noticed the test rested on the washing machine thinking he was crazy but those two solid lines made his stomach flip.
He googled "how many lines means she is pregnant?" (ofc he did :) and seeing that it was two his jaw kept clenching as he stared at it in disbelief.
His girl was pregnant...and she didn't tell him. Why?? Is she scared of his reaction?
He heard you come home from Uni and he hid the test inside his bathroom purse before walking to the living room to meet.
"Ugh..my feet hurt so much" you say falling onto the couch before smiling wide when you noticed him at the door of your shared bedroom.
"How are you amor?" Pablo carefully asked thinking that maybe she was going to tell him now but when she just smiled saying she was alright he knew she was planning on keeping it a secret...but for how long does she think that would work?
"You sure? No sickness?" he poked and she gave him a questioning look wondering what's gotten into him all of the sudden.
"Not really...I mean yesterday morning I was s little sick " she said not really seeing the significance of this but all Pablo registered was "morning sickness" his stomach clenching.
Pablo sat down and she moved to rest her head on his shoulder and he pulled her closer gently kissing the top of her head. He was scared and no doubt shocked but even though it wasn't planned, he would never be angry with her..and would never stop loving her.
"Are you packed for tomorrow?" she said sadly and he nodded reassuring her that he will be back home before she even notices he was gone.
"Impossible Pablito...I'm gonna miss you every hour you are gone..both of us" she said and his face turned serious while she chuckled.
"Me and Pablo 2.0" she said pointing at the big bear Pablo got her for Valentine's Day to cuddle with whenever he had to travel.
"I still give better cuddles than him!" Pablo said proudly and she giggled straddling his lap and kissing his lips a few times before they hugged.
You watched a show for a few hours before it was time for bed since Pablo had to wake up early to meet his teammates and you were really tired from a long day at the Uni.
"Amor? Is there no more pickles?" you ask from the kitchen and Pablo got up walking up to you. Were you just having cravings??
"Um..yeah there are some spears in the fridge. Why?" he asked and she chuckled opening the fridge and taking the jar out.
"So I can eat some duh?"she said biting one and he felt more nervous with every passing moment...maybe if he shows that he know, she won't be scared to tell him the truth.
"You craving them?" he suggested and she just shrugged nodding her head wondering what got him so curious about her eating habits.
"Let's go to bed, mi campeon" she said putting the jar away and they left. She was sleeping peacefully while Pablo could barely stay motionless...he was going to become a dad...like it was scary but also some part of him only wanted that with you.
Barcelona won the game in Madrid and Pablo was coming back tomorrow. He couldn't really contribute much on the pitch considering that his mind was elsewhere but he was glad that didn't cost his team.
"Hola, bonita. How are you feeling? Have you been sick again?" Pablo asked on a FaceTime and you reassure him that everything was fine apart form how much you hated sleeping alone.
"Congrats on a win, my cariño. You looked a little distracted during the game, everything okay?" you ask since Pedri did tell you that Pablo was acting strange the whole trip being quiet and searching some private information online.
"Everything is fine, don't worry about me amor. I've just been a little tired lately. Can't have all games be perfect.." he said and she nodded deciding to let it go for now knowing that if something was seriously going on, Pablo would tell her about it.
On the day that he was coming back, you promised Amelia to go to the abortion center with her. She needed someone there and being her best friend you promised to be her support.
She was still having bruises barely healed form the last time baby's father 'got angry' so it was understandable why she didn't want this to be her life but it was still a difficult choice.
Pablo arrived to the Camp trying to call you numerous times but your ringer was off since you wanted to be fully present for your friend who was getting checked by the doctor.
"Dónde estás querida!?" he said to himself after leaving another voice mail and Pedri reminded him that he can use Snap Maps to pinpoint your location.
He never really does so, but you also never dodge his calls for hours..he was worried and checked to see that you were at the nearby Abortion Center.
Abortion Center..
Pablo started to panic grabbing Pedri's hand and pulling him to the parking lot before telling him to drive as fast as he could. He needed to get there on time..he needed to be there for you..to tell you that you don't have to do this because of him.
"Santa Mierda Pablito! Is she.." Pedri asked after reading the sign and Pablo just rushed out of the car without a reply yelling your name on top of his lungs.
"Ai chico, you can't be yelling! This is a hospital!" one of the older nurses said and he apologized begging her to tell him if she saw you while showing her your picture rested on his arm from his phone.
"Yeah, she went to the second floor" woman said
"Muchas gracias!" Pablo quickly said before rushing up the stairs again yelling your name and you heard him from one of the rooms when Amelia was already done.
"Go, I'm okay.." she smiled and you nodded walking outside seeing Gavi's tearful face meet yours.
"Pablo? Que pasa? What are you doing here?" you ask drying his tears afraid that something terrible happened form the way he looked like.
"Amor, I know..it's okay. I'm not angry...I know we are young, but we love each other and we will figure it all out together...I don't have to travel as much..I won't leave you hanging, I promise...just please don't let them kill our baby!" he held her waist pulling her in and she felt her heard melting despite the fact that this was all absurd.
"Pablo.." you tried to speak but he kissed to shut you up.
"I'm not pregnant Pablo!" you push him back a little having to say that since he was definitely acting crazy.
"What?? But...but your test in the bathroom..and why are you here then?" he said and you smiled shaking your head realizing that you forgot to toss away Amelia's test in all the craziness.
"I'm here with a friend..it was her test...plus you bought be tampons a few days ago because I am on my period, idiot!" you chuckled and Pablo relaxed running his hand through his hair before cheering loudly being sushed again by nurses.
"You are on your period! That's right! Oh Díos mio!" Pablo said and you laughed pulling him into a hug before raising you off your feet and twirling you around.
Amelia's mom came to pick her up and she thanked you for being there with her before you and Pablo went to Pedri's car to get home.
"Okay seriously guys! Are you pregnant or not!? Is that why you were googling baby bottles and best pacifiers online?" Pedri said the moment we came in and you burst out in laughter while Pablo blushed in embarrassment.
"I'm not pregnant. Pablito got some things mixed up Pepi..please drive us home" you say and the boy sighed turning the engine on and dropping you off in front of your apartment building.
"So you were googling baby things??" you ask while you were cuddled up in the living room by the fire drinking some chocolate milk Pablo loved so much.
"Stooop! I thought you were pregnant so I saved some ideas.." he said and you smiled kissing his cheek really feeling better that you have a man who would not leave you alone no matter the situation.
"Can I see it?" you ask and he groans pulling out his phone showing you some pictures he saved on his camera roll.
"All these are for boys? Were you expecting a son, Gavi??" you tease and he tossed the phone to the side ticking your sides before laying you down and hovering above you.
"Don't test me or I might get my son after all.." he smirked kissing your neck before both of you giggled at the whole situation.
Hope you liked it! :))
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aifsaath · 10 months
I am continuously perplexed at how a show as objectively bad and problematic as hotd keeps inspiring outstanding fanfics like yours and @gwenllian-in-the-abbey’s. Truly it’s a mystery to me, especially considering that the books covering the dance are supposed to be quite mediocre as well from what I’ve perceived. Just so you know,with that trailer out now I’m gonna completely blend out the events of the show and consider our fathers clad in red canon
@gwenllian-in-the-abbey AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I think George's gonna order a hit on us:D
I'm glad you like our slightly destructive approach to teh canon. I'm mostly fueled by spite and my dislike for George's and HBO's complete disregard for the historical context of the stuff they draw their inspiration from (you can't do the Matilda vs Stephen showdown and expect the same sense of injustice, when your main conflict is about Viserys' imbecilic approach to rules, Rhaenyra's weak-ass claim and papa/dragons being her go-to solution to all her problems, Daemon being a chaos gremlin, Corlys' malignant ambition and the Hightowers being the only ones who actually care about the rule of law.)
A lesbian romance doesn't automatically turn a story into a feminist manifesto, nor does a girlboss who's treated by the narrative as the second coming of Christ. Context matters and it's a mistake to view the Dance through the lens of modern ideals about egalitarianism.
GRRM's hubris when it comes to "Aragorn's tax policies" is just another thing that enrages me and Gwenllian, because the man completely misunderstands the medieval legal codes. Just because they were complex that doesn't mean they were fucking contradictory on their own; no one wanted civil wars breaking out each time a monarch died.
Problems happened when two countries with generational beefs worked on two different principles of succession, ie. England (male-preference primogeniture) vs France (male-only primogeniture), or if there was some dynastic fuckery that completely messed up the clear-cut succession lines with usurpations and cousin marriages (Yorks vs Lancasters).
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Had Richard II (the son of the Black Prince) died peacefully without issue, the succession would have followed through the line of the Duke of Clarence, with Edmund the Earl of March eventually becoming the king (and he was Richard's heir, btw).
But that's not what happened. The son of John of Gaunt usurped the throne and it was then passed down through his line, because he was the crowned king. Now, you can argue whether or not he had any right to do the usurpation in the first place and whether or not he was the legitimate king and you bet people back then argued about that too. This ambiguity is how you create a proper narrative about actually conflicting claims. The only thing propping up Rhaenyra against her brother is the fact that Viserys is a moron.
How the fuck can I take F&B seriously and without the Dead Sea's worth of salt, when it pretty much blows Jaehaerys' posthumous dick about his wisdom when he "let" the council of 101 decide the succession (while politely ignoring the fact that Jaehaerys' own claim is legit only in the cases of either full salic or semi-salic succession, ie male-only), while never once it calls out Viserys out on his extremely dangerous decision. He gets to die venerated as the peaceful grandpa and all the blame for his incompetence is piled on Aegon II and Alicent.
Let's go through the possible succession systems, shall we?
If we follow male-preference primogeniture, the legitimate line of kings ends with Aerea because she was the eldest child of Aegon the Uncrowned, Maegor's eldest nephew. Only after she and her sister die without issue, Jaehaerys can become the king. Jaehaerys' canon ascension works only because Rhaena gave up her daughters' claims. The next in line would be Aemon and after him Rhaenys. But that's not what happened.
If we follow the salic law (male only), the legitimate line of the kings goes Aegon I -> Aenys I -> Aegon Uncrowned -> Jaehaerys I -> Viserys I -> Aegon II. This is probably what Jaehaerys wanted to ensure, since he challenged Maegor's kingship in the first place.
If a crowned king can choose his heir, then Jaehaerys was never a legitimate king and Aerea was the true queen, because Maegor, who had won his crown in the trial by combat, chose her as his heir.
What about the principle of seniority? Cognatic seniority where men and women have equal claims is out of the question since Aegon I was the crowned king, not Visenya. Male-only seniority would go Aegon I -> Aenys I -> Maegor I (uncontested!) -> Aegon Crowned This Time -> Viserys the Not Tortured to Death -> Jaehaerys I -> Aemon (only if his uncle Viserys has no issue) -> Baelon -> Vaegon -> Viserys I -> Daemon (EW).
Notice the distinct lack of Rhaenyra.
Team Black keeps mentioning the widow's law, but that's a bulk of nonsense. I suppose the misunderstanding originates from a (willful) misinterpretation of this passage. The book says:
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Now, I highly doubt Jaehaerys intended for the law to mean that a daughter from the first marriage should come before the sons from the second. The wording is a bit unlucky, but I suppose the intention was to establish the legal position of the second wife and her children as united with the position of her step-children - she has the same duties towards them as if they were own, and the same goes the other way. Which would make sense. Because otherwise, no one would be desperate enough to marry a widower with daughters. Since we know that title and land ownerships have remained in the same families without changing hands once or twice since the implementation of the law, I really doubt the team black's literal interpretation of the passage was the one intended. Ffs, Viserys was pushed to marry again because he had only one daughter, meaning, this law wasn't viewed the way the Team Black wishes for. And I'm not even delving into the fact that this would be a female inheritance hack penned by Jaehaerys, if that was the case. Talk about ooc.
So, yeah, we're taking Gyldayne's interpretation of the past with so much salt our hearts are gonna fail.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Chapter 8 His POV
Chapter 8
Kate: I usually only came here when I was feeling down.
Elbert: ...When you were feeling down?
Kate: Yes. I would eat delicious bread at that shop, have idle chatter...
Kate: It was my secret place where I would mysteriously regain my energy.
After leaving the bakery she frequented, Kate whispered as if confiding in me.
Kate: I'm returning the favor since you showed me your secret place.
Elbert: ..........
Closing my eyes, the scene from just a moment ago vividly appeared on the back of my eyelids.
(A place filled with the bustle of people, yet I didn't feel anxious.)
Time seemed to pass peacefully amidst the murmuring laughter.
It was a warm place, like a painting of happiness.
(That was...)
(A place I shouldn't search for or desire.)
Kate: Did I perhaps... make it a little too lively?
Elbert: No. ...It's a wonderful place.
I immediately denied Kate's slightly anxious voice.
Elbert: ...It's lively, but... there are places that aren't suffocating.
Elbert: I learned that today...
(Kate took me there.)
Without telling me where we were going, Kate led me like a butterfly fluttering towards a flower garden.
(To a place I wouldn't have been able to set foot in otherwise.)
It felt like I had broken a taboo and tasted sweet nectar.
Kate: ...I'm glad.
Kate: Ah, that's right.
Kate put her hand in her bag as if she suddenly remembered something.
Elbert: Hmm...?
Kate: Aunt Jesse gave us some fruit for dessert. Let's eat it since she was so kind.
Elbert: ...Didn't you just say you "ate a little too much"?
Kate: Dessert is different.
Elbert: I see...
Kate: We have oranges and apples. Which one would you like?
Kate held up the two fruits, one in each hand.
(...She looks like a goddess of harvest.)
The fruits in her hands shimmered like the seashells on that beach.
But more than anything, I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
Elbert: ...You choose.
Kate: ...Me?
Elbert: I want the one you choose for me.
Kate: ...?
Kate hesitated for a moment, her eyes wandering.
Kate: Ah... well...
She offered me the glossy red apple.
Kate: Then, here's the apple... for you.
Elbert: Hmm...
I took her hand holding the apple and pulled it towards my mouth.
(...Looks delicious.)
For some reason, I felt an unusual appetite for the bright red apple adorning her palm.
Elbert: ...Mmm...
I took a bite, and the honey-colored juice, belying its red appearance, overflowed and moistened my lips.
(Sweet, and it smells good.)
Elbert: ...Mmm... Delicious.
When was the last time I tasted food so vividly?
My mouth was surprisingly sweet... and I didn't dislike it.
Kate: ...Hehe.
I looked up at the faint laughter, like the fluttering of butterfly wings.
Elbert: ...? Why are you smiling?
Kate: Ah... sorry, I shouldn't laugh at someone while they're eating.
Elbert: That's fine, but...
Kate: Aunt Jesse said that "when you like bitter things, your heart is tired..."
Kate: So the fact that you find a non-bitter apple "delicious" means...
Kate: I was just happy thinking that maybe your heart is a little less tired today... so I couldn't help it.
Elbert: .............
Kate's smile is sweet.
Sweet, warm, soft, and sparkling.
(That's surely because...)
Elbert: ...You seem to be happiest when you laugh at someone else.
(It reflects your heart that rejoices in the happiness of others.)
Kate: Is that so...?
Elbert: Yes. Much more than when you laughed saying the bread was delicious...
As she innocently tilted her head, I was terribly drawn to her...
Suddenly, something thick and muddy welled up in my throat.
--Is she beautiful?
I heard a voice asking from the emptiness in my chest.
I couldn't answer, "I don't know," like I always do.
The voice crawling up from the dark depths demanded an answer, as if reproaching me for entering the secret garden and tasting the sweetness.
--Is she something I should obtain?
Elbert: ...When you learned that Daisy was safe, and when you found the blue poppies for her...
Elbert: You had the same face as you do now.
As if being manipulated, my body moved on its own, pulling Kate's hand that held the apple.
She stumbled forward two or three steps, almost close enough for our chests to touch.
Kate: ...Um, Lord Elbert...?
Elbert: What...?
Kate: Isn't this a little too close...?
Elbert: Ah... I wanted to see you better.
(I can't trust my senses.)
(So this is a mistake.)
(She's different... She's not what I'm looking for.)
(I don't want her to be.)
Yet... contrary to my thoughts, my eyes were captivated by her, unable to even blink.
I couldn't look away, and my heart was pounding wildly.
A yearning impulse and the reason trying to stop it swirled together in my chest, creating a vortex.
(Cover my eyes.)
(If I don't look away...)
Boy's Voice: Aww, you're flirting!
Kate: Huh!?
When I turned my head towards the voice, the boy who had spoken to us at the bakery was laughing cheerfully at us.
My thoughts were pulled back by the incomprehensible words, and I couldn't help but stutter.
Elbert: "Flirting"...?
Kate: W-We're not...!
Kate blushed to her ears and pushed my face away with both hands.
Elbert: Ugh...!
Kate: Ah! I'm sorry...!
Elbert: ...It's alright...
(That surprised me.)
What had welled up in my throat smoothly sank back into the emptiness.
Chestnut Haired Boy: What, you're not going to kiss?
Kate: No, we're not! You shouldn't tease adults!
The boy grinned mischievously and left with light footsteps.
I watched the boy leave, vaguely ruminating on his words.
Kate: Um... shall we head back to the castle now?
Kate averted her gaze, a little awkwardly.
Elbert: .....
Elbert: Ah... yes, let's.
The person who can share a happy kiss with her is surely someone much like her.
(Someone strong, kind, and snow-white.)
(Someone... who isn't me.)
Even though I knew it should be that way for her to be happy, Kate's smile, the sweetness of the apple, the warmth of the bakery, the taste of the nectar I had tasted, wouldn't disappear from the back of my tongue.
I felt the impulse that had been swirling in my chest earlier stir in the depths of my stomach.
Chapter 9
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
3.80 Favor ain't fair
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I couldn't help but watch the elders and how they dealt with each other. All of us had long since gotten used to this post-divorce world we lived in. Though everyone had moved on, I expected Winterfest to be very weird. Me seeing Dwayne with Mama or Dad hearing about him from me was one thing, but having them in the same room was another. Dad made a lot of progress, but was he ready for that? I had prepared to be a buffer or make an excuse for him, but he looked surprisingly comfortable. Dwayne was the one who was hesitant. He had always been reserved and comfortable in the background, however, so he could have been okay. Mama was all smiles, of course. Heh, this was probably the best day of her year with her kids and both lovers at home. I watched them all with pride despite feeling like it was all very weird. It took a LOT for all of them to get to that place. I honestly doubted Dad would ever get there, but he walked around Mama's house grinning up a storm and peacefully sharing a space with the man who took away his soulmate. Winterfest miracles did exist.
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After dinner, Rosie found me, and I gave her some holiday love.
"Happy Winterfest, Ro! You've been a very good girl. You think Father Winter will bring you a nice treat?"
Alessia stood there watching us, and I hoped she would do better with our dogs than she did with Tofu.
"Did you meet your auntie yet?"
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"Ehhhhh...hi," Alessia said stiffly.
I laughed.
"She's not gonna bite you, Less. Just put your hand out slowly and let her smell you. If she thinks you're okay, she'll let you touch her."
"Okaaaaay." She bent over slowly and cautiously. "I'm coming down...don't be weird..."
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Rosie stepped toward her equally as cautious, sniffed her hand, and then sat in front of her.
"See? She likes you. Give her a pat on the head so she knows you're friendly."
"That was really cool. She's cute."
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She never gave Tofu a chance. Maybe Rosie and Kooper will win her over.
Mama came in with the dirty dishes and caught Less and I having seconds.
"Hey! Don't fill up on that. There's dessert, you know."
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Dwayne left shortly after dinner. He said wanted us to enjoy our family time. I could see the disappointment in Mama's eyes and imagined her saying something like, "but you're my family too." Dwayne was a realist, and I appreciated that because Mama's fantasy land was gonna get someone's feelings hurt eventually.
It was time for presents, and I caught a glimpse of Less and Sophia dancing in the living room as I passed by. Whether they had bonded or it was just coincidence, I was glad to see them together, not in conflict.
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"Luca," Mama sang, "I've got something extra special for you!"
Alessia rolled her eyes.
"Here she goes with the special gifts just for Luca."
"It's not a special gift! It belongs to him."
She handed me a box, and I took it hesitantly. What did she have of mine? And why make a big deal out of it on Winterfest? She wasn't the re-gifting type.
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"Uhh...thanks," I said.
I took the box and opened it slowly. Inside, I saw a painting I'd seen my entire life. It hung in my room when I was little. And then when we moved to Newcrest, Mama put it in the kitchen. I seemed to recall one time Mama said Gammy painted some things for my nursery before I was born. This had to be one of them!
"Gammy's painting?? You're gonna let me have it?!!"
"She painted it for you. The one with the dogs too, but I want to hold on to that one."
"Yeah, of course! Wow! Thanks, Mama. This is so cool!"
I thought about our frigid meeting in the cemetery often. I loved that I now had evidence of our past relationship and would hang it in a place of honor in our new house.
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After presents, we gathered around the tree and sang songs. And as always, Less acted like she was too cool for school. That only made us turn up and be even sillier. At least she was in a good mood, though. At the end of the night, she sat on the rocking chair doing belly laughs. It was very contagious, so I joined in. Mama came in and told us a story about how Father Winter came to their house in Sulani while she was doing belly laughs. He thought it was adorable and gave her some tips! And just like how it happened in her story, Father Winter walked in on her doing a belly laugh demo for us.
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"I remember you," he said. "You still go it."
"Thank you, Father Winter! This is my son, Luca! He's getting married soon!"
"Yes," he said, "I've been watching him. He's been very good this year. This is one of my extra special gifts."
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I didn't know what to think. An extra special gift from Mama, and another from The Man himself? And I was getting married in three days to the kindest, sweetest, funniest woman in the world? It was all too much. I thought about everything I'd gone through and how burdened and confused I was. All of that was a test. I held on and did the best I could, and now I was being rewarded. Not with a gift from Father Winter, but in love, success, favor, and friendship. I had already reckoned with my problems, but at that moment, I felt like the struggle was officially over.
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run2min · 9 months
Hi, i was wondering if you could do a 8turn headcanon about cuddling with them!
btw i love your writing so much omgg
𝐚/𝐧: I hope you like this! Thank you I'm glad you like my writing <3
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Fem!reader but only for Haemin <3
𝐁𝐟! 𝟖𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍 𝐗 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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He was sat on his bed with you, texting someone on his phone.
"Mmm?" His eyes stayed glued to his mobile
"Yah? Myungho"
His eyes lazily met yours, "Yes sweetheart"
You placed a kiss onto his lips and looked him in the eye
"What do you want angel?"
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull yourself onto his lap.
"Wah, you love me so much huh?"
You let out a huff and shoved his shoulder lightly
"You were ignoring me!"
He rubbed circles on your back and placed a kiss on your cheek
"Sorry baby, I love you,"
“Y/nnie, I found this new blanket at the store you should come try it with me”
Jaeyun walked into your room with a canvas bag in his hand, he dumped it onto the floor, removing the blanket before slumping down onto your bed.
"Come here baby,"
You walked toward him and sat down next to him, as he wrapped his hand around your shoulder.
He pulled the blanket over the two of you as you nuzzled into his chest
You stayed there peacefully for a while before you finally broke the silence
Jaeyun let out a sleepy groan
"I have homework"
You walked into your apartment and slumped down next to Minho on your sitter
"Hey baby, you okay?"
You let out a huff as you felt Minho's arm sneak around your shoulder and lightly pull you into him
"This girl in my class was being horrible today and we got into an argument,"
He would sit and listen to your story while pulling you closer, all the while chiming in with,
“You totally won that argument baby”
“she said what to you?”
You and Yoon sat on the floor of your campus green house, in complete silence
You both hated each other yet the stupid weather had decided to turn on a thunderstorm when you were mid-way through your herbology lesson.
You let out a shiver and caught Yoonsung looking at you from the corner of your eye
"Quit it Yoonsung,"
"What did I do?"
"Your staring"
He let out a grumbled, "whatever"
Another shiver travelled down your spine as you shifted in your place.
"are you cold?"
"obviously, It's fucking freezing Yoonsung,"
"god, alright, calm down I don't control the weather,"
"I didn't say that you did, your so annoying,"
He let out a grunt and passed you his jacket,
"Thank you," you mumbled
Yoonsung placed his bag behind his head as he slowly layed down
You slowly turned to him and nodded slightly.
"Are you still cold?"
You nodded again, eyeing him suspiciously
"Do you want to share body heat, it works?"
You rolled your eyes at the boys comment and shifted in your seat
"I'm being serious, if you want to freeze to death, be my guest!"
You turned around sharply and let out a huff
You shifted over towards him as he placed his arm around your waist, slightly nuzzling his face into your neck,
"I told you it works,"
you suppose he was right, the burning sensation on your cheeks did warm you up.
Your date for the dance had cancelled on you last minute, so you were sat in your apartment, alone, as usual
The ringtone of your phone ripped through the silence
"Hello Seungheon, you alright?"
"I heard that Kai cancelled, he's here already,"
"He- he said he was sick,"
"Oh my god, what an asshole!"
You slumped further into your seat, letting a sigh leave your mouth
"You know what, are you still home?"
"Yeah, why? Don't leave, please, I want you to have a good night!"
"No I won't, my friend's date didn't turn up, I'm gonna send him over, trust me okay?"
"Ugh, fine, this better not be one of your schemes!"
"I promise, I'll see you soon I love you!"
"Bye Heonnie!"
You got changed into some silky pyjamas and made a cup of hot chocolate for yourself
You were mid-way through an episode of a love so beautiful (a comfort show of yours) when a knock at your door interrupted your watch
"Hi, I'm Haemin, your Y/n, right?"
"Yeah, thanks for coming! You want a drink?"
The boy stepped into your apartment, pulling his jacket off of his shoulders, hanging it behind your door
He slumped down onto your couch, leaning his head back against the chair.
You sat next to him, passing him his mug of tea
"So, what happened with you?"
He explained that he hated school dances, that "everything is so cliche, the dates, the drama, it's so unnecessary! To get my friends off my back I told them I had a date, then said that she was ill today."
You laughed at his minor outburst, crossing your legs on your couch before placing your mug down on your sideboard
"I was meant to go with this boy I really liked but he turned me down last minute, he told me that he was sick but Heon said that he saw him at the dance with some other girl,"
"Wow, that's low! How could someone turn you down? You're so pretty!"
You looked at him shocked, "Thank you!"
"Why so shocked, with a face like yours, I'd of thought people tell you that your pretty 24/7, am I right, pretty girl?"
A blush crept it's way onto your cheeks and you turned away from him
You felt Haemin's hand make it way to your waist and pull you onto his lap
"You don't get complemented often? That's not right! Your, angelic,"
He knew exactly what he was doing
You placed your face in the crook of his neck, hiding your face which was now a vibrant red,
The boy played with your hair, telling you how you deserved better, how Kai should be on his knees begging for forgiveness, as he sent you into a lullified slumber.
It was 2 AM and Kyungmin had called you at least 10 times in the last 5 minutes
Begrudgingly you answered the phone, "I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO TALK!"
A sniffling noise made it back through the phone, "Please baby, just talk to me I can explain everything,"
You had plans to go out with Kyungmin earlier that day but he stood you up, sending you a quick message 'I'm with Minho, sorry it's an emergancy call u l8tr'
You had called Minho, just to check if everything was okay but he replied "I'm fine, I haven't seen Kyungmin since yesterday morning, sorry."
You were quick to send Kyungmin a long message and leave him on read for the next 3 hours
And that brings you to now!
"Listen, I can't tell you were I was, It'll ruin it you just have to trust me!"
"Are you joking? Tell me now Kyungmin!"
"I don't want to ruin it, please"
"No, Tell me"
"Fine, I had an appointment,"
"An appointment? What with another girl?"
"No, it's not like that! It was with a jeweller, I was getting you a promise ring,"
"I forgot about it and I couldn't reschedule, I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't be sorry, can you let me in though?"
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, quickly opening it you were met with a red eyed, open armed Kyungmin
Rushing into his embrace, he led you both towards your bed, falling peacefully onto it
He cradled your body and whispered, "I'm sorry I lied,"
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"
It had been a long day.
Both You and Gyu were extremely tired from studying all day.
"Baby its been hours I'm tired please can we finish up?"
Yungyu threw a pillow in your direction at a failed attempt to get your attention.
"Ya Yungyu. I'm busy! Just let me finish this please. It won't take that long!"
The boy let out a sigh and let his body flop onto the bed that sat in the corner of your room.
5 minutes had past but to the waiting Yungyu it had felt like an eternity.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Are you done yet? I miss you!"
"How can you miss me when I'm right here? Be patient Yungyu!"
"How would you like it if I just sat and played video games with Min when you were over?"
"I wouldn't like it at all"
"Because Video games serve no educational purposes. Studying does now let me finish Yungyu!"
The boy let out an exaggerated sigh and slumped dramatically onto the floor.
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
The boy let out a sigh ever so often but they went unnoticed
The boys eyes lit up and he arose to his feet.
You stood up and he pulled you into a warm embrace
"You're so dramatic Yungyu!" You laughed into his shoulder
Yungyu fell backwards onto your bed and tightened his hold on you.
"I'll take more breaks next time okay?"
"You better.
You were nervous to say the least.
Meeting the parents of your boyfriend was always a nerve wracking task but especially when one of them was your proffesor.
"Hello Mrs Lee" you spoke, leaning into a deep bow
The Woman, surprisingly, brought you up to stand with her hand telling you there is no need to bow!
"Hello! It's so nice to properly meet you! Seungheon speaks about you a lot but I never really speak to you in lesson, you're just so well behaved,"
You grin at the woman, what a relief, she ushers you into the sitting room and shouts your boyfriend down stairs.
As his face emerged from the stairwell you saw a smile take over his face.
He pulled you into a hug and exclaimed that you looked so beautiful!
"She is just so lovely Seungheon. And so polite!"
You smile at the boy as he silently thanks you for making his mom smile.
"You two go upstairs I'll call you down later okay? Your father's running late but you can just meet him at dinner!"
As you entered his room he pulled you straight onto his bed, thanking you for being kind to his mom and reassuring you that his father will love you!
Overall the night was a success!
𝐚/𝐧: Sorry it took so long :( Seungheon's mother represents asian moms as a whole.... NOT my mom threatened my boyfriend saying she'd sell him to Teke Teke (ifykyk) if he ever dared upseat me. He hasn't tho and it's been nearly a year so clearly it works!
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @m1ssluvyoobot @warm-oatmi1k @watamotee33 @gfksn
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
This one is a special one!
So, if you've seen the lion king, you've seen how the lionesses stood up to Scar.
Especially Sarabi (shout out to my queen bro!)
So I had a thought.
Leona's overblot dealing with a female prefect who hadn't been afraid of him from the very beginning.
Stepped on his tail and was not fazed when he threatened her after thinking she was a boy (cause she hid her gender for precautionary reasons)
Stood up to him when he forced the little magical shift game upon Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Cater.
Basically, she was very outspoken when dealing with him and made her presence known.
Even when he overblotted, she showed no fear and stood her ground, still voicing her thoughts.
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As she should 💅🏾✨️
OOOH!! YES! An outspoken MC would be one that Leona genuinely likes (Either romantically or platonically) because it's unusual for people to actually talk back to him. Ao3 has been going down a lot this past week and I'm ready to cry. I have stories to write on there. Also! Octopuses have no spines...or any other bones.
Leona with Outspoken Fem!MC
Leona's worst nightmare has come to life (Or just come to Twisted Wonderland)
He wants peace and quiet? Not if the Prefect is around
He was expecting the sole magicless student to be quiet and to know their place in this school, but that was quickly disproved on that fated day in the Botanical Garden
"Don't just leave your tail on the path, then!" the prefect had snapped. "While you're at it, go to YOUR room to sleep instead of sleeping in a place where all students are allowed to go!"
Aaaand, he grew an immediate dislike for her
The magical shift game against the Heartslabyul kids? Only hardened his dislike of her
"HARD pass," she had said. "Seeing as you're incapable of winning anything without cheating, or you wouldn't be letting one of your students injure other players."
And then she had the audacity to stand up to him during his Overblot, yelling about how he can't commit murder just because of a family argument.
"Not happening!" He had growled when Jack brought her to Savannaclaw, asking for her and her pet to stay there.
His greatest mistake? Letting Ruggie guilt him into letting them stay in his room.
Those two could not stay quiet for the life of them, managing to whine about everything and even dragging him headfirst into their squabble with Azul.
"You're a girl!?" He growled upon walking in without thinking to find her changing
She threw a dagger at him...how she got one? He had no clue
But finding out she was a girl changed a lot. After all, Leona couldn't throw hands with a girl, that went against everything he had learnt growing up
Does not give the Prefect his bed, even after finding out she's a girl...just wakes up to find her having trouble sleeping and tosses her in the bed while he takes the couch so he can sleep peacefully
Aaaand that just leads to teasing (Cue Leona google searching "How to get a human to filter their words")
Don't be fooled. He does enjoy having an herbivore that actually speaks up and argues back, no matter how annoying it can be at times. After all, he gets to argue for once when he's normally given his way on principle.
Octopunk overblotted. Did MC get some self-preservation instincts and keep her mouth quiet for once? Of course not.
"Get over it, Azul! Bullying is cruel, but it isn't a damned reason to repeat the cycle! Grow a spine- do octopuses have spines? Oh well, grow one and stop fucking whining!"
...Leona is ready to wrap this suicidal prefect in bubble wrap and lock them in a spare room. Savannaclaw dorm has plenty of empty dorm rooms.
Yes, she's grown on him like a leech
By time Winter Break rolls around, he's just glad to have the prefect out of his dorm and have a reason to get away from her for a couple of weeks.
After all he really needs a nap
And if he "dropped" a better phone than the one Crowley got her in Ramshackle before taking off, well, it's definitely not because he doesn't trust Jamil or Azul
Not at all
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limonecat005 · 2 years
A scara x you pov: (I love him sm hsbdjs)
Numbness prickled your skin as you watched his resting face, unmoving and defenceless. Your legs lead you to a stool just beside where your love rested; it made you feel so uneasy because if anywhere you stood within a five feet radius, on normal days, he would immediately spring from his sleep with fondness in his deep eyes. You were one of the few ones who knew Scaramouche from the inside out, it was only fate and luck that hadn't brought your relation to shambles.
You had snuck into his resting room.
What else could you do? You are the god's favourite and he is the fallen angel, almost everyone despised him. No one from the fatui, no one from his 'family', no one from anywhere and it hurt you to no end to see him suffer through so much alone. He needn't to prove anything to anyone - when was he going to realise that he was perfect for you.
Was all of this hatred and revenge much more worth than their memories?
You wanted to slap him across the face and then laugh out loud when Scaramouche would chase you down like it was any other day as you wandered from one region to another. Then you would kiss him silly and bicker about the most trivial things as if you two were children.
Right now, your eyes could only focus on the few cracks his body possessed along with circular scars you assumed were because of the tubes that were connected to him. Tears haze your vision and you carefully hold your love's cold, unresponsive hand into your warm ones, attempting to transfer the love you had for him all through this one simple contact.
"I did tell you not to do this..." Your voice trembled slightly, "I know you're cleverer than this. You knew about the consequences, so why? Why would you choose to let me dwell on your wellbeing?"
You squeezed his hand tighter. "I- someone knew about us." You exhaled. "A couple of attackers raided my home but I managed to survive. I took everything I could in that moment; I managed to grab hold of our album and the g-golden feather. The doll which looks like you is also with me."
You feel your eyes losing the stinging burden and you were finally crying after years of stoicism as you watched Scaramouche work for his plans and future. "Wake up. Please- wake up fast so we can leave and live peacefully."
You caress his cheek with your trembling free hand. "I-I love you so much. Please do not leave me like the others did."
You heard a light clutter and your heartbeat strikes to a new high leaving you dizzy and dazed. "Come out!" You exclaimed in panic as you watched the door intently.
You did not receive any response. "Please just come out whoever that was. I already heard you."
After what seemed a few minutes, a child enters the room, curious written all over her face.
You were surprised, not expecting a child. "Who are you?"
"I should be the one asking that."
Your legs tremble at the fear of being caught.
"Don't worry, I will keep your secret." The child reassures. "But in return you have to answer a question of mine."
You stared at the child, you had no idea who she was or where she was from. The only thing she could deduce from her aura is the aura of absolute divinity and purity. Although her words unfit of what she looked like, you could not pass off the offer. Secrecy for knowledge.
It was simple enough.
"Okay." You agree with her terms hesitantly.
The child merely sent a bright smile. "I'm glad we could negotiate."
It was far too awkward to negotiate with a child, but the only thing you could do was to comply to her wishes. "Go ahead, ask away."
"How could a heart like yours ever love a person without one?"
Her question never sounded as words of ridicule, rather it was genuine curiosity though the question still jabbed you lightly in the chest. "Even if he doesn't have a heart, he has given me more love than my family, who had hearts."
Here's pt 2: https://at.tumblr.com/limonecat005/a-scara-x-you-pov-i-love-him-sm-hsbdjs-pt-2-lol/n824m9cpekmq
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hotheadrednecksimmer · 2 months
Vault Tec Legacy Challenge
3 months later, in total 4 months have gone by since Alexia and Ellis went into the Wasteland.
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Saylor: There's someone trying to enter the Vault? Could it be....?
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Alexia screaming on the other side of the door: I'm sweating, I'm hot, and I'm tired. I want a hot, clean shower and a warm meal. And my code isn't working!!
Saylor shouting back: I'm opening the door!
The Vault door opens and Alexia and Ellis walk in.
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Saylor: I'm so happy you guys are alive and back! We were so worried about you guys.... we assumed the worst. So much time has passed.
Alexia: Are you moved into the Overseer Quarters?
Saylor: No, not yet. It didn't feel right for me to move in, when there was still a pos-
Alexia: Cool, I'm going to shower, brush my teeth for the first time in forever, and sleep in a bed where I don't have to look over my shoulder.
Saylor: Shouldn't we talk first?
Alexia: I don't want to.
Ellis: Saylor, Let her go. I'm not quite tired yet, plus we got your research and the part for the generator.
Alexia leaves Saylor and Ellis by the Vault Entrance.
Saylor gasps: You did?
Ellis: It was a pain in the ass and multiple hoops we had to jump through like we were some damn circus animals, but we got it all. Al wouldn't let us come back without getting everything we needed.
Saylor: That sounds like her. I can take the research off of you and I'll put it in the Med bay so we can't start looking over it.
Ellis: We met someone while we were out there. I think I know what Kenzie is turning into ..... and there's no stopping it.
Saylor: Oh?
Ellis awkwardly: I'm actually getting a bit tired, we can talk more in depth tomorrow. Al was right, a hot shower and a bed that hasn't had hundreds of people on it sounds really nice right now.
Saylor: Goodnight Ellis, It's really great to have the both of you back.
That night in the Overseer's Private Quarters
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Alexia rocks back and forth on the bed: We made it back. We're safe. Nothing can hurt me in here.
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Alexia cries into the bed: How do I even begin to explain what we've been through to the other Dwellers?
The next morning in the Dining Hall
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Ben: Where did you go in the middle of the night last night? Is Ophelia having nightmares again?
Saylor: No, she actually slept through the night. I wasn't going to say anything until they emerged from their rooms but Ellis and Alexia are back. They looked quite beat up and they were absolutely fifthly. But, they're alive! And Alexia can be Overseer again.
Ben: Is that what you want? I thought you had been enjoying being Overseer?
Saylor: I only did it because I had to. "Enjoying it' wouldn't be the words I would use to describe the additional responsibilities and work I had to do.
Ben: That is true. I'm glad they aren't dead.
Saylor: You can say that again.
Ben: When do you think they'll be up?
Saylor: There's no telling how long they have been able to peacefully sleep over the past 5 months. I'm letting them rest as much as they can before I announce that they are here.
A couple hours later, Alexia enters the Dining Hall
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Val: Mom! You're back! I missed you so much!
Alexia squeezes Val tightly and holds on to her: I missed you more sweet girl. You have gotten so big and beautiful!
Val: Thank you! Oh, mom, you've got scars? Are you alright?
Alexia blinks away tears before Val could notice: I'm much better now that I'm home with you girls. I promise I'm okay, we're all gonna be okay.
Clem: Mommy? MOMMY!!
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Clem races over to Alexia and hugs her tightly.
Alexia: Oh, little bear. I missed you so. How tall are you now?
Clem: I'm well over 4 feet tall mom!
Alexia smiles: You're growing like a weed! What are we feeding you?
Clem: I eat whatever Mr. Ben makes. Dr. Saylor wouldn't let me eat the old box of Sugar Bombs. They looked so good!
Alexia: How old were they?
Clem: Like really old, older than you I think.
Alexia: Glad you didn't eat them then. Why don't you and Val come to my room tonight and we have a sleepover? I missed you girls a lot and would love to catch up with my little bears.
Clem: Val isn't a little bear, she's a meanie. I'm the little bear.
Alexia: Okay, well it still stands. Do you want to have a sleepover in my room?
Clem: YES! I'll tell Val and we'll have so much fun. Can we sneak snacks into your room? I know they usually aren't allowed but...
Alexia whispers: Yes, and I won't tell.
Alexia kisses Clem on the check and Clem runs off making a mental list of what all she's going to bring to Alexia's room for tonight. Alexia takes a deep breath. She thought this would be easy, sliding back into Vault life away from the horrors of the Wastelands. Alexia realized at some point that she would have to confront her other fear, confessing how she felt about Jameson and if she was even ready for that conversation.
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[So sorry that this was a long episode, I feel like there was so many good things that needed to be included in the homecoming of our two courageous characters. ALMOST added Ellis and Kenzie's reunion but realized how LONG it was. I have loved this series so SO much. This story and series has been on my mind constantly and where I want to go with these characters, on top of the challenge. Another thing I wanted to add was that in the challenge is says that the Dwellers aren't supposed to leave the Vault, but for story telling purposes I wanted to do it anyway. Thank you all who have read thus far and are invested in these characters!] ╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ First | Previous |Next ╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Updated Character List
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hyzenthlayroseart · 1 year
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GOTG art that takes place sometime in the future after Rocket has passed away (hopefully peacefully in his sleep from old age) and is reunited with the rest of Batch 89 in an endless meadow where they can enjoy the sky for the rest of eternity. Oh and of course he'll reunite with his Guardian family too when they eventually pass (he's definitely reunited with Gamora, Yondu and Groot Sr. but I just wanted to focus on Batch 89 here).
Y'know I know Rocket and Lylla were a couple in the comics but I'm actually glad the movie made them just friends, especially since in their first meeting together he was a baby and she was already an adult and was acting motherly towards him since he was frightened and in pain so....yeah.
Speaking of ages, judging by how flawless Lylla was at speaking human English from her very first scene, I assume she's the oldes of the bunch. In fact here's how I imagine their age range from oldest to youngest: Lylla, Teefs, Floor then of course Rocket is the baby.
I may or may not have cried several times while drawing this (spoiler alert: I did). Also at one point I accidentally closed this drawing without saving it so I had to redraw Teef's wheels, his lower body and Floor. Ugh.
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fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
Just a Kiss Pt. 1
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Soft Billy Hargrove x Reader
Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,015
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: October 15th 2022
Post Time: 10:24 pm
Summary: As Billy and the reader lay in bed one night he realizes just how happy he is. He realizes that even just a kiss goodnight from her is good enough for the rest of his life.
Please refrain from stealing our work, thank you and please enjoy!!
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♪ Lying here with you so close to me
It's hard to fight these feelings
When it feels so hard to breathe
I'm caught up in this moment
Caught up in your smile ♪
Billy’s Pov: 
I lay awake and sigh angrily as I rub my face. I turn over to look at the clock to see it’s only 9:30. I feel movement to my right and I look down to see that my wife is still curled up to my side, peacefully fast asleep. She lets out a light puff of air as she continues to sleep and I can’t help but watch her be so peaceful. 
Her face then twitches like she’s in pain and I instantly know what’s wrong. I carefully set my hand on her stomach before sinking down just a bit. 
“Hey. Let mama sleep, ok. She needs it,” I whisper to her belly as I rub it. 
Her face goes back to looking peaceful and I smile lightly in satisfaction that the baby listened to me. I sit back up and lightly pull her back onto my chest. She continues to sleep and I start to feel a little jealous that she’s sleeping so well, but then I’m glad she is. 
She needs as much sleep as possible right now. I grin as I pull her slightly closer and she nuzzles into my chest. Her face scrunches up for a moment as she lets out a light whimper and I kiss her forehead lightly. I rub at her belly again, making her relax, making me smile lightly and my mind starts to wander. 
It’s moments like this when she’s so close to me as I hold her that I wonder how I ever denied my feelings for her in the first place. When we first moved to Hawkins and I bumped into her in the hallway at school, there was this immediate connection. I knew it, she knew it and everyone else around us knew it. 
But I ended up acting like a total jerk to her and told her to watch where she was going before just walking off. It wouldn’t be until a few weeks later that I bumped into her again, but this time on the road when I was driving. My dad and I had just had another big fight, so I angrily stomped off. 
I went out to my car and drove away as fast as I could possibly go without breaking any laws. I drove and drove for a while before coming up to a very dark road. At first I didn’t see her, but as I passed her I could see her walking with her arms crossed to keep warm with tears running down her face. 
I still to this day have no idea what made me pull over and talk to her, but I did. I pulled over and she stopped to look in my window. I asked her what she was doing out there and the rest was history. 
We stayed friends for a while and she’d let me crash at her place whenever things got too much for me at home. We eventually started dating and now I couldn’t be happier with where we are. 
♪ I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back
When I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this
Let's just take it slow ♪
I sigh lightly as I look back down at her to see she’s still peacefully asleep. She drools on my chest, but I could care less as I realize what shirt she’d worn to bed tonight and I remember the time when she’d first stolen it. 
I slip into my car angrily and let out a huff, knowing exactly where I'm headed. I quickly pull out and purposely rev the engine, knowing it’ll make Neil even more mad. I drove for a while before coming up to her street. 
I park down the street, knowing it would wake her parents before quickly getting out of the car. I then walk up the street to her house and open the gate. I walk into the backyard and see her light still on. With a light smirk, I pick up a few pebbles before tossing them at her window. 
“What do you- oh, Billy. Sorry, I thought you were Steve. He does that too when he wants to go for late night swims,” she says as she looks down at me and I smirk up at her. 
“Nope, just me. Can I come up?” I ask and she giggles, making me grin. 
“Yeah. Dad’s asleep though, so we’ll have to be very quiet,” she tells me and I nod before starting to climb the tree outside her window. 
Once by her window, I quickly slide in, but my foot gets caught and I fall. We both freeze as it gets really quiet and I look at her with wide eyes. 
“Y/n, what’s going on in there?!” Her dad yells from down the hall and she puts a finger up to her lips, telling me to be quiet. 
“Nothing, dad! I just tripped again. You know me, clumsy as hell!” she shouts back and I hold back a laugh. 
“Oh. Ok. Be more careful, sweetie!” he yells back and she holds back a giggle. 
“Ok dad I will!!” she yells back with a grin on her face. 
We wait a few minutes and when it has been quiet for a while, we both burst out laughing. I quickly get up before walking over and throwing myself onto her bed. I put my hands behind my head as I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she giggles lightly before turning back to whatever she’s doing at her desk. 
“One of these days, you're going to get me into trouble, Hargrove,” she tells me as she shakes her head and I chuckle. 
“And you’d enjoy it,” I playfully joke and she lets out a snort. 
“Sure, I would,” she replies sarcastically as she rolls her eyes. 
We’re quiet for a minute as I watch as she does whatever she’s working on. She starts to hum and I sigh as the thoughts of the fight with my dad starts to creep back in. 
“You know. I’m here to listen whenever you need to get stuff off your chest,” she quietly speaks up and I shake my head. 
“Nah. It’s ok, princess. You wouldn’t want to hear the details, believe me. Is it ok if I crash here tonight?” I ask her and she spins around in her chair. 
“You know it is, Billy. And while you think I wouldn’t want the details, that’s fine, but if you need to get something off your chest then by all means, tell me. I just want this to feel like a safe space for you…” she tells me truthfully and I frown, shaking my head. 
“Nobody has ever tried to give me a safe space before. If I were to tell you anything I… I wouldn’t even know where the hell to start,” I mummer out as I look away from her and down at the bed. 
“And that’s ok, Billy. I don’t want you to feel pushed either. I’m simply letting you know that I am here if you need it,” she tells me softly before turning back around. 
“Thanks. Well, I’m going to sleep,” I tell her as I yank my shirt off before cuddling into her bed. 
“I’ll be over in a minute, just wanna finish this last line…” she tells me as she continues to write and I shrug, pretending I don’t care when I very well do. 
“Ok. Move over, you big lug,” she says as she walks over and nudges me lightly. 
“Wait. I wanna change,” she tells me as she jumps up from the bed. 
She leans down and scoops something up, but I don’t catch what it is. She quickly goes into her bathroom and changes before coming back into the room. I quickly put my arm out to her with a tired grin. 
She gives me a light smile before coming over to the bed. It’s only then I see she’s in my shirt, making me smile. She turns off the light on her bedside table before getting under the blanket and pulling it over the both of us. 
“Shirt stealer…” I mumble out and she giggles as she curls into my side. 
“And you love it on me…” she playfully pokes her finger into my side and I squirm, making her gasp. 
“Is the Billy Hargrove ticklish?” she asks with a raised eyebrow as she looks up at me. 
“Noooooo….” I playfully deny and she giggles again. 
“I think he is…” she replies as she pokes my side again before slightly tickling, making me squirm. 
“Ok… ok… I am definitely ticklish. Stop it,” I chuckle out and she giggles. 
“Oh. Ok. Only cause I’m not mean,” she tells me before she lays back down. 
Her head slots perfectly by my neck and she leaves a light kiss, making me shiver a bit. She smirks before settling and laying still. It goes quiet and suddenly my brain decides it’s going to mess with me. 
I start to think over the things Neil had said earlier and I run a hand through my hair. Y/n slowly sits up and frowns at me. 
“B… talk to me…” she whispers out and I sigh with my eyes closed. 
“Billy, baby. Look at me,” she tells me as she puts a hand on my cheek. 
I finally open my eyes and my breath gets caught in my throat at the sight. She’s sitting up, looking down at me as the moonlight that’s coming through her window reflects off her eyes. Her eyes shine with unshed tears and I just want to wrap her up in my arms as I take away whatever is making her sad. 
“Baby, why are you crying?” I ask her and she giggles a wet giggle as she wipes her nose. 
“I just…” she pauses and I wait patiently for her to continue. 
I sit up and pull her into my lap so she’s straddling me. I wipe just under her eye and she smiles a small smile at me. 
“It’s silly, really…” she tells me and I shake my head at her. 
“Nothing you’ve ever got in that pretty head of yours is silly. Please tell me,” I tell her and she lets out another wet laugh. 
“I just wish your dad wouldn’t be so hard on you…” she whispers out and bites her lip. 
I stare up at her in shock for a moment before shaking my head. I then bring her forehead down to mine and before I know it I’m spilling everything that happened tonight. 
~ End Of Flashback ~
That definitely wasn’t the first time I stayed the night with her, but it most definitely was the very first time I ever opened up to her and after I was done telling her everything, she kissed me. She then begged me not to believe a word he had said and in that moment I realized she’d be my forever. I decided right there in that moment as I held her while she fell asleep that I’d do right by her and always be there next to her side, no matter what. 
With another sigh I look at the clock again only to see that it’s now 12:00. I quietly groan before slowly moving y/n off me before getting up from the bed. Tiredly, I walk down the hall, but I stop at one of the pictures we have on the wall:
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♪ Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No I don't want to mess this thing up
No I don't want to push too far ♪
~ Flashback ~ 
“Billy, this is so cool. Who’s throwing it?” she asks as I park the car. 
“Tommy is. And before you complain about it being Tommy, don’t worry. You won’t even see him tonight. I just really wanted our first real date to be a good one seeing as I’m not much of a date kind of guy,” I tell her as I turn off the car and turn to her. 
“Awe, B. Don’t worry. You don’t have to be that guy with me. Just spend time with me, that’s all I ask,” she tells me and I smile. 
“That I can do, princess,” I tell her before leaning over to kiss her. 
“Are you ready for some bonfire fun?” I ask her and she giggles, nodding. 
“Ok. Let’s go have some fun, babe,” I tell her before getting out of my car. 
I quickly rush around and before she has even the slightest chance of doing it herself, I open her door for her. She gives me a huge grin before grabbing her over the shoulder bag and getting out. 
“My, if I do say so myself. Mr. Billy Hargrove can be a gentleman,” she jokes with me as she pats my chest and I grin. 
“I only had to find the right girl for me to be a gentleman,” I playfully joke back and she bursts out laughing. 
“Billy, honey. That’s so cheesy, but we both know you are more of a fighter than a lover,” she tells me and I playfully gasp. 
“And who says?” I ask her, making her snicker.
“Steve Harrington’s face, that’s who. Poor boy’s been done in by you more times than I can count,” she jokes and I purse my lips. 
“Yeah that’s cause he ain’t you, darlin,” I tell her and she smiles. 
“Well, how could I turn that down? A boy who’s willing to love on me and beat on others for me,” she smiles before giving my cheek a kiss as we come up to the table of drinks and food. 
She grabs a small cup and fills it with punch. I give her a look and she giggles as I take the drink from her and throw it over my shoulder. 
“Billy, that was my drink!” she shouts and I shrug. 
“I’m not letting you drink that on our first date. Tommy always spikes it. The food you can have, the drinks no. I’ve got some good ol Dr. Pepper in the trunk,” I tell her and she grins. 
“B. Is that your way of telling me that you wouldn’t take advantage if I was drunk?” she asks and I lazily shrug. 
“I mean, not that I would, but it’s more me looking out for what’s mine,” I tell her and she grins even bigger. 
“I like the sound of that,” she tells me as she wraps her arms around my neck. 
“Of what, exactly?” I ask and she giggles, throwing her head back. 
“That I’m yours. Silly,” she tells me before placing another kiss on my cheek. 
“Oh. Well, get used to it then. Cause you're most definitely mine,” I tell her with a smirk on my face and she nods. 
“Come on. Let’s go have some fun,” she tells me as she grabs my hand and pulls me away from the table. 
~ End Of Flashback~ 
The rest of the night was spent just walking around and talking to others. Then we found out that the younger kids were out there and I went livid trying to find Max. When we found them, they were just hanging by the fire with pepsi so everything was fine. 
The picture that I’m looking at was taken that night, definitely not one of mine and y/n’s first kisses, but it was definitely one of the best ones. We had decided to just hang with the younger kids that night, seeing as me and Max were working on our relationship after the whole mind flayer thing. Then someone started playing music and y/n had begged me to dance with her when what she deemed “our song” came on. 
Never being able to say no to her, we ended up dancing in front of the kids and I couldn’t care less if anyone thought it was weird. All I cared about was making my girl happy. We danced until the song was over and when it was, y/n looked up at me with so much happiness radiating off of her that I couldn’t help but to kiss her. 
As I did, Max sneakily took the photo that I now stand in the hall looking at and I couldn’t be more happier about it. If it weren’t for Max, the memory would have stayed just that, but now I can look back on it with fondness. 
With a shake of my head and a fond sigh, I walk to the kitchen. I decide to put on some music before getting myself some hot chocolate. Something y/n got me into, instead of hot milk or tea, y/n drinks hot chocolate to get to sleep on nights she can’t. I guess it just stuck with me to do the same. 
As I make the hot chocolate, the song we had put on repeat that night comes on. As the song plays quietly, I sit at the table and my mind drifts to the memory of our first real make-out. 
♪ Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright with just a kiss goodnight ♪
“I had fun tonight, B,” y/n tells me as she turns to me in her seat of the car. 
“I’m glad you did. I had fun too,” I agree with a smile and she grins. 
“Well, I’ll see you on Monday at school?” she asks and I nod sheepishly as I try to gather the courage to just kiss her. 
It’s not like this is the first kiss we’ve shared, but it is the first one after our first date. Not to mention, her dad is just inside the house so if I do, it can’t be a make-out kind of kiss. I need to show her dad that I’m not the playboy everyone calls me, that I can treat his daughter like a queen. 
“I’ll walk you to the door,” I tell her and she grins brighter. 
“I would like that,” she agrees, biting her lip again as she nods. 
I grin at her before nodding and starting to get out of the car. I quickly round the front of the car before she even has a chance to open her door. We both smile at each other as I open her door for her. 
“Thank you,” she says as she gets out of the car. 
I grin at her as she gives my cheek a kiss before rounding behind me to the front of the car. I close the door before turning to catch up with her. I come up beside her and wrap my arm around her waist as I lead her up to the door. 
“Well, goodnight. I’ll see you on Monday?” I ask her and she grins. 
“If I don’t miss you and want to see you sooner… then yeah,” she shyly tells me and I smile, nodding. 
“If you miss me, don’t hesitate to call,” I confidently tell her and she smiles. 
“I won’t…I hope you sleep well,” she tells me as she bites her lip. 
“I hope you sleep well too, princess,” I tell her softly as I reach up and play with her hair, making her grin at me. 
I shake my head at her cuteness before leaning forward and attaching our lips. My hand moves from her hair and to her cheek. The kiss is slow and sweet. 
For a moment it feels like the whole world fades away as I kiss her and she kisses back. My heart swells with love for this girl as I keep her close. Before I know it, what was meant to be a simple kiss turns into a make out when she grins as she swipes her tongue over my lip and again I can’t tell her no. 
We continue to make out for a few minutes before she lets out a moan, making me pull away with a smirk on my face. I put my forehead to hers as I rub at her cheek. We then hear a clearing of a throat and we both freeze before turning to see her dad. 
He has his arms crossed with a stern look on his face, making y/n blush. I bite my tongue so I won’t say anything inappropriate in front of her dad. 
“You’ve got five more minutes to say goodbye, y/n,” her dad tells her before he walks back into the house. 
I chuckle and she groans, rubbing her hand over her face. I quickly pull her back and leave one peck on her lips before putting my forehead to hers. She grins up at me before biting her lip. 
“I really don’t wanna say goodnight to you,” she tells me softly and I smile at her. 
“I don’t either, but I promise it won’t be for very long,” I promise her and she lets out a giggle. 
“Who knew Billy Hargrove, “King” of Hawkins High, could be such a romantic?” she jokingly asks and I smirk. 
“Only for you, princess. Only you,” I whisper out and she smiles even bigger. 
“And he’s cheesy, too. I’m one lucky girl,” she tells me and I shake my head. 
“I’m the lucky one,” I tell her and she giggles again before giving my lips a peck. 
“Goodnight, B,” she tells me and I sigh happily. 
“Goodnight, princess,” I agree with her before reluctantly letting her pull away from me. 
I wait till she’s in the house with the door closed before shaking my head and pulling my keys out of my pocket. With a light smile, I walk over to my car and start to get in before looking up at her other bedroom window to see her waving at me. I grin and shake my head in disbelief before waving back at her. 
~End of flashback~ 
It was that night that I decided that even when life was bad or something was going on, just a kiss from her would be enough. She’d never need to do anything else but kiss me and I’d fall to her feet. Nobody else’s kisses were ever like hers. 
Just a kiss from her is enough to make my whole world complete. 
♪ I know that if we give this a little time
It'll only bring us closer to the love we wanna find
It's never felt so real
No it's never felt so right ♪
I’m startled out of my thoughts when I feel arms wrap around my neck and a kiss gets placed to my neck. I hear a giggle that makes me calm before I pull her around me and set her in my lap. 
“Sorry I scared you, baby,” she tells me as she runs a hand through my hair. 
“It’s ok. I just thought you were asleep,” I inform her as I close my eyes at the feeling of her hand running through my hair. 
“I was, but the bed got cold then I came to find you. Can’t sleep without you, baby,” she tells me and I nod as I bring a hand up and rest it on her stomach. 
“I’m sorry I woke you, hon,” I apologize and she shakes her head. 
“Shh. It’s ok. Can’t sleep though, huh B?” she asks me as she now scratches my scalp lightly. 
“That obvious?” I ask her and she giggles quietly. 
“Baby what’s going on?” she asks with a light frown and I sigh. 
“I don’t know. My brain just won’t shut off,” I huff out and she nods. 
“Well, clearly you finished your hot chocolate. So let’s go back to bed and try again, yeah?” she asks and I sigh before reluctantly agreeing with her. 
She slowly stands first and I start to get up after her. She grabs my cup and sets it into the sink before walking over to the doorway of the kitchen. She gives me a light smile as she holds her hand out to me. 
I walk over to her and grab her hand. She slowly leads me to our room and I chuckle at her tiny waddle. 
“Are you laughing at me?” she asks me in a fake offended tone and I shake my head. 
“No,” I playfully deny and she looks back at me, raising her eyebrow at me. 
“Ok fine, I might have been, but babe, the pregnant waddle is just so cute!” I tell her and she swats at the air. 
“Oh… stop, it's not cute at all,” she tells me and I shake my head. 
“No, it really is…” I promise her and she rolls her eyes again. 
We make it to our room and she lays down first before pulling me down with her. I let out a chuckle as I wrap my arms around her and she cuddles into me. I let out a yawn and she grins, looking up at me. 
“Getting sleepy now?” she asks and I nod before leaning down to place a kiss on her lips. 
“I can help you baby,” she tells me as she sits up a little. 
“What are you doing?” I ask her and she giggles before pulling me closer and laying my head on her stomach. 
“Helping you fall asleep,” she informs me as she starts to scratch at my scalp again and I immediately let out a sigh. 
♪ Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far ♪
“You know I was remembering back to our first date,” I mumble out and she grins down at me. 
“Were you?” she asks and I nod as I let out another yawn. 
“And what were you thinking about that made you think about that?” she asks and I smile up at her. 
“You…” I tell her and she giggles, rolling her eyes. 
“I shoulda known,” she playfully says and I tiredly smile up at her. 
♪ Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright with just a kiss goodnight
No I don't want to say goodnight
I know it's time to leave
But you'll be in my dreams
Tonight ♪
“I know I’ve told you, but you are my forever,” I tell her and she grins with tears coming to her eyes. 
“B. You're my forever too. I love you baby,” she tells me through her tears and I reach up to wipe at her falling tears. 
“I love you too and our soon to be coming little one. I never thought I’d have this,” I tell her as I sit up and she shakes her head. 
“You only thought that because that’s what you had put in your head because of your dad,” she tells me and I pull her into my side as we lay back down. 
“I thought you’d leave me a long time ago, but you proved me so wrong. Thank you princess,” I explain honestly and she nods against my chest. 
“No. It wasn’t just me, B. You may have thought you’d mess this up, but you worked just as hard as I did in this relationship. That’s one factor to why we’re still together,” she tells me as she starts to draw circles into my side. 
♪ Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might ♪
I smile as she looks up at me with so much love in her eyes. I let out a puff of air before shaking my head. 
“I really love you so much,” I tell her with emotion clearly in my tone. 
“And we love you,” she affirms as she takes my hand, putting it on her stomach. 
“You were and still are my shot in the dark, you know that?” I ask her and she grins. 
“Awe, B, you’re mine too,” she tells me before she leans up and gives me a kiss. 
She then cuddles in closer and lets out a sigh of comfort before she’s falling asleep. I lay awake for just a few more minutes as I watch her sleep peacefully. 
♪ Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright
Ohh… ♪
As I lay there with her in my arms while getting more and more sleepy, I can’t help but love where we are. Married, living in California just down from the beach with a baby on the way. What more could I ask for from life? 
Only four years ago, I didn’t see my wife even being a part of my future, let alone that it’d be this good. The old me could have never imagined the life I have now. I feel y/n wince once again and I rub her stomach like I did earlier. 
She lets out a puff of air before settling into peace again and I smile softly. I'm so glad I found all of this. I'm glad that I have someone that makes even just a kiss goodnight so wonderful. If it’s with her for the rest of my life. I couldn’t want anything else. 
♪ Let's do this right with just a kiss goodnight
With a kiss goodnight
A kiss goodnight ♪
The End…
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If your user has a strike though it means we were unable to tag you and we are terribly sorry.
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@olivia-zaq @justyouraveragefangirl1967 @haleypearce @awesomesauce-abbie
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lexiloulou24u · 1 year
CW/TW: mouse passed away
After a rescue from the fate of being a feeder mouse and a year and a half of a very fulfilling life my beloved angel Measles has passed on. Hope they have lots of treats and wheels for you to run on in heaven, Meebs. I love you, thank you and good bye💕
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She would run everywhere and was fairly skittish, but when we lost 2 of her first 3 mischief mates she came to me for attention all the time. I cherish every moment I had with her and I'm grateful for all she taught me about mice and life in general. She was amazing for introductions and in the end she had 7 other mischief mates to call friends and she came to me less since her new friends could meet her needs. I was a little sad, but overall very happy she wasn't lonely anymore. Mooney has been with her since the beginning and she seems to be doing okay despite the loss. I'm glad the girls all have each other, I know in my heart they all loved her. For her not being from a breeder, she lived a long time. I found her while cleaning the cage, I suspected she was gone before that though when she stopped showing up for food. She went peacefully in her sleep based on her remains. I can pretty confidently say that she went because it was her time, and that I was surprised to have gotten to spend so much time with her.
With this post I want to not only eternalize her memory, but share as much of the joy she brought me with whomever may see this post. She would steal food from the other girls instead of foraging her own, she'd zoom everywhere she went, she badgered the other mice to groom her, she'd chew at my nails bc they weren't up to her standards and she was so curious and loved to explore.
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physically, she was smaller than my breeder mice, had soft orange fur and a white belly, a pink nose, ears and tail, and a very pointy face. She was adorable. Thank you if you took the time to read this and thank you if you just looked at her pictures. May she rest in peace.
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matrixxsystem · 4 months
Terrapin Soup Part 9 (1/7)
After a round of showers Usagi stepped back into his room to see Leo sitting on his bed fairly focused on his phone. He had in fact stolen one of Usagi's shirts which might just be the cutest thing he's seen possibly ever.. The dark mask he wore earlier was no where to be found and since he had just been in the shower the wraps on his arms were missing too. He liked seeing Leo like this.. So casual and unguarded.. Usagi gently knocked on the door frame letting him know he was there, Leo perked up and smiled more seeing Usagi with his ears down again, god he was cute.. He scooted over leaving room for Usagi to join him as he set his phone down. "Dee said Hyo's fine, he's stable and should be good to come home tomorrow as long as he doesn't over do it. And I told Raph I'd be home soon, after we go to your place and get whatever you might need to spend the night. I-If you still want to that is.." "I'm glad he's alright, and yes Leo. I'm still planning to stay the night." He chuckled as he scooted closer, resting his head against the sliders shoulder, "I'm glad you bought us a bit of time though, I was hoping to properly thank you for tonight." Leo looked down at him, very confused as to what he meant, "But I thought you did? You said thank you like twice and y'know- We kissed downstairs, was that not a proper thank you?" Usagi looked back up at him unamused, "It was, but don't you recall I said, 'if we both come back in one piece I'll kiss your wounds better and then some' hm?" Leo blushed a bit nodded, "Well.. Yeah, but I didn't know if you were serious or just saying things to get me to go-" "You're very cute when you're confused, did you know that?" Leo rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around Usagi pulling him closer, "Excuse you- I'm cute all the time~" "True... Then, you are especially cute when you're confused, and when you do that thing where you tilt your head to the side, like an animal trying to understand the language." Leo rolled his eyes again gently nudging him, "I'm taking that as a compliment. But we probably shouldn't be gone much longer, Raph is like, the king of worry. I'm giving you like.. Fifteen minutes, get some pajamas and whatever you need for the night."
"Would you be opposed for staying like this a bit longer? I only need five to get ready anyway. " Leo thought about it for a moment, he really didn't need much convincing. "Mm.. Fine, only cause you're so soft and fluffy. But only ten minutes alright? Then you can help me re-wrap my arms and we'll head out." "Mhmm. Anything you say love." 
Donatello pulled his mug of the shelf in their kitchen, filling it with 90% ristretto and 10% creamer. He saw the tech on the wrist light up and gave a tired glance. He hadn't been sleeping as well as he could have with the series of new projects he'd been hyper-focusing on lately. Seeing the alert he spat the sip he'd just taken and slammed his mug down going to the medbay to get April.
This was not the day he was hoping to have.
Not in the slightest. 
"April-!" He called as he pulled the fabric curtain back, hoping there'd been no issues. She perked up from the beanbag chair in the corner, she'd been peacefully doing her homework with her phone beside her playing some music quietly.
She perked up a little surprised that he didn't just text her, "What's up? Did something happen to the mutant dude?" Donne hesitated but nodded and made his way over to April showing her his notification, "I might have added some of my nanotech into the IV Leo gave our patient. It's revolutionary stuff really, it circulates the bloodstream doing dozens of internal scans so even if my external scanner is in use or not close by I can still be connected to the vitals and see what's going on. And even-" "Donnie get to the point!"  "Right right sorry- Part of the functions was not only monitoring the system but also tracking what passes though! And as we all know it takes about 40 hours before what you've eaten fully passes and becomes untraceable-" "..I didn't know that." Part 9.2
Part 1
TS Master Post
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heyitsharbor · 11 days
cw pet death
my cat has found a place she wants to be when she passes but throughout today she's left it to go out in the yard, on our front porch where it's sunny, sitting on the sidewalk. little jaunts and she seems comfortable, just...slow and tired and frail
and i'm so sad but im so happy she's had such a long life and that she feels safe and loved and can choose to go peacefully
it hit me very hard when my first cat died and now it's her time too i know im going to feel very lonely without her but i will never forget how both of my cats were so loved by so many people and how they returned it and they got so much affection and playtime and i will never forget chloe sleeping next to my pillow or daphne in her spot on the porch or any of her other many many spots nooks and crannies
i'd had them both since i was i think around thirteen but i dont remember for certain. maybe younger. its so hard to think of life without them. its been two years now since chloe died. they were both there with me through so much.
daphne couldn't retract her claws and chloe was a rascal and they were more like casual roommates who got along completely but weren't super close with one another, but they never fought
daphne purred like a bird chirping and the last time i sat with her and pet her she was still purring, even if it was so much quieter
i was there with chloe because we had to take her to the vet. it was terrifying. i was so scared. i was glad i could be with her though .
daphne wanted to be alone. and im glad that she's well enough and comfortable enough that we can do that in good conscience. i got to say goodbye when she was in her spot of sun on the porch and soaking it in and purring and still happy to be pet and i got to tell her how much i love her and draw her
so many of my friends have seen picture after picture of her so im going to share some of them
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i love u daphne
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nogenderbee · 2 years
hii!! I love your works btw!
can I request akito, rui, toya with a reader with family problems? for example their family is arguing and falling apart or something like that??
Hi hello, I'm so glad you like my works, darling <3 And somehow I actually had huge idea for it so I hope you enjoy ^^
Akito, Toya, Rui with reader who has family problems
Tag List: @vodka-glrl - come get your ginger tsundere~
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⊱ if you were keeping your family problems a secret from Akito, he'd often get confused why you're so scared to invite him to your house but he also understands privacy so he often just walks you home
⊱ although on one of your walks he overheard fight between your family when he was saying goodbye to you, so he finds out about it eventually...
⊱ if you do decide to tell Akito about your family tho, he'll be very glad that you trust him so much and will also relate a little...
⊱ he says that if you want, you can always stay at his place whenever and how much you want, sure Ena will tease him endlessly if she would catch you two snuggled into each other but just maybe he can get over it for yours sake
⊱ but if anyone from your family will raise their voice or a hand on your for that matter, and he'd get to know that then there's no way of stopping him, he's ready to argue or get into a fight even with your parents
"You can always come to my house. It's not the calmest place but from what you said, I think it can still help you calm down from what's going on at your place..."
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⊱ you don't have to worry about much if you keep your family problems a secret from Toya, he doesn't like talking about his family either so he understands you, but he still can't help but wonder what's the reason for that...
⊱ the only way possible he finds out is if you spill everything out, since he doesn't want to get into your private things, after all he doesn't want to force you to anything or do anything and everything to find out, he thinks you'll tell him when you're ready
⊱ if you do tell Toya about your family problem tho, he'd often suggest staying a little longer outside with him, he'd love to take you to his house so you can spend time there but atmosphere there isn't great neither and he knows it...
⊱ so he'll take you to longer walks, choosing routs where you pass a lot of cafes, shops and other locations you might be interested just so the two of you can spend some time together and forget about bad things
⊱ if it happens that one of your family members raised their hand on you, he will really wany to confront them about it but if you tell him not to, he won't
"Oh look, our favorite cafe is on the way... would you like to enter and enjoy each other's company with something sweet?"
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⊱ you won't actually succeed at trying to hide problems with your family from Rui that you gave family problems because of how good he actually is at noticing things, for example he'll immediately pick up how you always try to stay away from your home and instead prefer to hangout somewhere else
⊱ but just because he notices it, doesn't mean he tells you about it, instead he waits peacefully for you to tell him since he respects your privacy
⊱ if you do tell Rui about your family problems tho, he'd be really happy that you trust him that much and tells you that you can always come to him whenever you'll need anything
⊱ he'd build some special noise blocking earphones for you, so you can always just put them on whenever you have enough of your family and want some peace
⊱ he'll also offer you stay at his house or to hangout with him after school, or even to come go his group practice, just so you can forget even for a second about your situation at home
⊱ he isn't the type of person to be violent or really rude, but if one of your family members raises a hand on you, he may just build something to give them a good lesson
"Hey darling, I remember you saying how the constant fights are annoying you so I got you a little present! They're noise blocking headphones. Do you like it?"
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yuriisclumsy · 7 months
Howdy! Long time no see!
I reread your Time Dilation AU and a thought just struck me; with so many changes, what stayed throughout the ages? And then the part of me that cared about Jean (because she was my first 5 star) suddenly flared up.
My question is: What happened to the Gunnhildr Clan?
(Bonus meme lmao 'cause why not:)
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–What happened to the Gunnhildr Clan?
Hello! It indeed has been awhile, hasn't it? I had a lot of things happening. School, writer's block, and whatnot. It isn’t something to worry about. I am glad you’re interested in Time Dilation! It was my second idea for a ‘book’(fanfiction–but we don’t talk about that).
Now that you bring this up, it does pose a good question: “What happened to the descendants of all the characters we know and love?” 
Initially–when I was writing this–I had just made the lazy decision of just reincarnating every character into the modern Teyvatian world. Now, I feel bad for all the short-lived characters for not giving it much thought. So, to make up for my faults. I have decided to update Time Dilation! Even when I haven't finished any of my other projects… but let us ignore that for now! 
Sight… seems like this ‘world’ needs more fixing.
Because I will be updating this, I’ll answer your question and expand on it on the update. Please keep me in-check and message me, or send another inbox reminding me. I tend to lose track of time.
I like to believe that all members of the Gunnhildr Clan passed away in either a brave or heroic act, or peacefully in the comfort of their homes. That said, because of the Gunnhildr Clan’s reputation, they are one of the few families in Teyvat that have maintained their presence and influence. So, worry not! The Gunnhildr Clan is as strong and mighty as ever!
Oh! If you’re wondering, Jean’s and Barbara’s reincarnations are still related! They belong to the Gunnhildr family but are in separate branches. Jean is the daughter of the Clan’s first-household. While Barbara is in one of the lower-households. They are third cousins’ twice removed!
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???: I wonder what got me to do so much…
???: Ah, it doesn't matter anyway! As long as I can get my mind to work it’s all the same to me.
…: !!!
???: huh?
???: Oh, hello there little one. Been a while, huh?
…: !
???: Happy to see…me? Well aren’t you adorable?
???: I'm happy to see you too, little one.
???: Ready for the next update?
…: *nod*
???: Wonderful.
To: @udretlnea
I would also like to thank you personally. For staying for as long as you have and asking questions, even if it does take me a long time to respond. I really appreciate it.
Btw, I liked the meme. it cool.
ѕιgnє∂ чυяι—
If anyone is interested in tag for this or any other piece of work: comment, rebblog, or message me.
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