#i'm in tears lmaoooo
maarigolds · 1 year
Guys I am begging you to watch this clip of Ali Hadji-Heshmati (alongside other really talented young actors) in bbc's Bad Education PLAYING PIERS MORGAN IN A SCHOOL MUSICAL ABOUT MEGHAN MARKLE
Because I swear to god my jaw is on the floor
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Just been talking to this npc and he was like 'oh hey!! Nice of them to send out a guy so soon after I sent my letter!' and when link did his little talking hand gestures my full expectation was the next words to be 'omg the hero?? Zeldas knight?? The champion of hyrule? You guys were missing it was all over the kingdom!!'
Npc: oh, so you're just some guy? Man, I thought they would have sent someone out by now, I've been waiting ages...
A) no you haven't
B) Link, WHAT????
Asdfghjkl??? NO WONDER he's been Tony Hawked he's not even introducing himself with his name??!
Actually... Given what other people have been calling him, I think he's been introducing himself as 'just a wandering swordsman'.
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apricote · 1 year
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the baby shower from hell.
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mistressemmedi · 1 year
Seeing my Formula 1 mutuals reblog gifsets upon gifsets of the gay German detective show from my KinnPorsche mutuals like
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non-un-topo · 8 months
Where's that post about being so pissed off and needing to touch your husband's tits to calm down because-
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antifragi1e · 1 year
i think it was ... Ok.
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samsspambox · 2 years
i'm coping
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adoranoia · 1 year
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not to be gay, but, vanderwood realizing he's in love w/ saeyoungcore, perhaps...
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halinski · 10 months
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
Hi!! Can i request a hurt/comfort hotch x reader?
Reader is starting to feel lonely in the relationship cause for the past 2 months hotch has only been home for a week total and she really misses him. They haven’t had time to themselves cause even when hotch is in virginia he’s in the office and him getting called out on a case during his day off happens more often than the both of them want to. and even when they text and call it’s not the same.
anyway hotch comes home in the middle of the night after a case and he just finds reader on the sofa crying cause she just really misses her boyfriend and the two of them finally talk about it.
You have permission to break my heart with the angst and put it back together. I know its long and i have no clue if it made sense so im sorry😭😭 enjoy your day💕
༉‧₊˚. 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 || 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
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― pairing: aaron hotchner x plus size!reader
― summary: you knew that being with aaron meant that his job came first, you just hadn't realized how badly it would actually affect you. now, your life and love is on the line.
― warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST!!! you have been warned!, thoughts of breaking up, established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, hints of depression.
― wc: 905
⋆ a/n: my first long fic back being angst LMAOOOO. i'm not going to lie, writing this kind of bummed me out a bit but that's how i knew it was going to be good LOL. but never fear, i got a few smutty things in the works, so keep a silly little eye out for that!! i love you guys so so much and thank you for your request!
masterlist | AO3
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The room felt melancholic. Empty. 
The sounds of laughter that had once bounced off of the walls of your home now rang silently, one of the only people that knew of the joy that once made your house a home was long gone on a case right now.
You don’t know what to do. How could you last like this? How could your relationship? How could Jack?
Jack, the precious little boy that you had taken under your wing even before you and Aaron had ever made it official. You knew he missed his father dearly, but with every large life milestone the boy had completed, Aaron had missed out on. It had gotten to the point where Jack doesn’t bother to ask you if he could call his dad to tell him about it, because nine times out of ten, he knew that Aaron wouldn’t answer.
So now as you sit here on the couch in the dark with your head in your hands, you can’t help but think that maybe this was it, that it was time to consider the very dreaded other option. 
You tried your best to make your relationship with Aaron work, God did you try, but having to sit there and endure weeks of radio silence, of not knowing whether or not he was alive was excruciating. When he did have time to text or call you, every conversation was more and more distant. 
Hot tears rolled down your cheeks, and your bottom lip trembled. You crossed your arms and placed them on your knees where you leaned on them, staring out into the abyss of your dimly lit living room. You had just put Jack to sleep, and you didn’t want to risk waking him up.
Your eyes solemnly scaled the walls where the pictures of your little family hung, frames upon frames of happy smiling faces. 
What happened?
It was the fact you were absolutely drowning in your thoughts that you didn’t hear your front door unlock – something that your boyfriend would deeply frown upon. 
Aaron wasn’t surprised to find the apartment quiet, what he was surprised to find was your silhouette illuminated by a single lamp. What really set off the alarms in his brain was your shivering shoulders, which could only mean one thing.
“Sweetheart?” His deep voice pierced the thin air hovering above you. You just shook your head, any happiness that would have left your mouth died in your throat, the words leaving you was, “We have to talk.”
You hated doing this, but who’s to say he won’t get called in tomorrow? No, you had to do this now.
Aaron felt his heart fall into his stomach as he made his way over towards you, gently sitting down on the cushion next to yours, almost as if he was afraid to scare you.
“Of course. Are you okay?” He inquired in concern. You just shook your head again. “This isn’t working, Aaron.” The pain lacing your voice was unmissable. “What?” He’s completely caught off guard, because this was the last thing he’d expected to come home to.
“I can’t do this anymore… unless – unless we can figure something out but even then I-” He rushes to grab your hand, and it lays limp and cold in his warm and calloused one. “Honey please, what’s wrong? Tell me what I can do.” Holy shit, he’s panicking. 
“You’re never here anymore! I - I can’t remember the last time in the past two months that we’ve been able to have any alone time together! Most of the time you’re either gone in a whole different state or stuck in the office!” You couldn’t stop the word vomit from leaving, all kinds of emotions that had been kept dormant finally coming up to the surface.
You heaved out a deep breath, your body slumping in defeat. “Did you know that Jack learned how to ride a bike today?” You asked quietly. “No.” Aaron gulped, “I didn’t.”
A heavy silence settled between the two of you.
“What do you need me to do?” Finally, you looked at him.
There were unshed tears in your eyes, “What I want you to do, you can’t make it happen.” His eyebrows furrowed. “You want me to quit my job?”
“No,” You said with a disbelieving laugh. “I just want you to be there.”
“Who says I can’t do that?” His head tilts, his eyes boring into yours, desperately trying to read you. It was like his profiler skills didn’t exist. “Every time you’ve had a day off you’ve been called into the office one way or another.” Your tone is hopeless, like your situation can’t be helped. 
With a harsh squeeze of your eyelids, the tears began to fall, but Aaron was quick to swipe them away.
“Honey, look at me,” He cups the side of your cheek, his thumb brushing away the liquid. Hesitantly you did, and you instantly fell victim to the warmness of his irises. “I will fix this, because I am not losing you. My behavior has been completely unacceptable, and I swear that I will be here for you and Jack more consistently, I promise.”
“How do I know if this won’t happen again?
“I’ll make sure of it.” 
It was the finality in his voice that fizzled out the anxiety in your gut, setting your nerves at ease.
“Don’t make me regret this, Hotchner.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus
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highhhfiveee · 7 months
please i need some dubcon mike schmidt ..,,, like he picks up drunk reader from a party n takes her home n fucks her throat ..,,, ‘you’re so easy to control when you’re all stupid like this’ ..,,, she’s got tears streaming down her face n she’s clawing at his thighs but he just holds her head in place n strokes her hair n tells her how good she’s making him feel ,,
okay okay okay. shiver me fuckin timbers lmaoooo. this is so brothersbestfriend!mike. switched it up a little but i hope you still enjoy! [had this set to post at 12 but tumblr failed me lmao]
tags: brothersbestfriend!mike, fem!reader, intimate touching, choking, wild dick sucking, deep throating, spitplay, degradation, dubcon (reader is plastered, and while she does consent to be taken advantage of, she is still under the influence); mike is such a protector and i'm starting to think that this is megasub!reader x protector!mike in addition to bbf! [let me know if i missed anything + this has been proofread but there’s always still a chance for mistakes lmao]
link to the original fic, mimosa, here 🍹, and the first part of the finale here, tequila sunrise, here 🍸
okay, so maybeeeeeee you two didn't actually get caught that day.
you’re panting in each other’s faces as you come, clean yourselves off, and exit the shed like your brother's best friend hadn't made you squirt all over the garden tools and pool supplies.
the feeling of mike's come pooling in your bikini bottoms makes you tingly all over again, and you're squirming while you both ease your way back into the fold of cookout attendees, diverting into separate paths so no one can catch onto your attachment; clandestine and kept between the eyes, lips, and bodies of you two only.
you'd wished mike nothing but hell while you were away at school, doing anything you could to get the thought of him out of your head. even though you'd been the one to catch feelings, you never wanted him to have any part of you ever again, restricting him from you.
you'd wanted him erased from the entire galaxy then, but from the cookout forward, nothing excited you more than the thought of being mike’s plaything. you snuck around with him more than you should've; giving him handjobs in the backseat of his car, letting him eat you out in your bedroom with the door open---risky things that made your heart pound with adrenaline and need, a rush to the very end.
you could only get that feeling with mike. it made you sick to your stomach with taboo butterflies, fantasizing about all the ways he could have you thrashing, eyes rolling back, toes curled until your feet cramped.
he'd hooked you on him once again, and this time, he'd decided to go with the flow. he wasn't pursuing anything with anyone else, and feelings had begun to bloom in him. nothing like love, he'd told himself (even though your flirty smile made his heart palpitate before making his dick hard), but like...safeguarding.
you were young, unversed with life, vulnerable; mike could see people taking advantage of you, mistaking your soft, impish act for total naivete. even though he'd hurt you himself, he'd never allow anyone else to treat you that way, or put you in a situation to harm you. there was this urge in him to keep you safe, keep you protected from the mean world that ate girls like you for breakfast.
gahdmn i cant tYpe LoL
exhibit a.
y/n are you drunk
4 F R E E dwinks
downnnnnnnnn thw hATCH
pArTyz rool xp
mike's about to ask about your location when your picture floods his screen, phone vibrating in his hand with a call. he answers it with a displeased, "where are you?
"she’s at 8203 harrington circle," someone yells over loud, bass-riddled music and scattered conversations. mike hopes it's a friend of yours, and not a complete stranger. “she was fine, but i think that fourth drink tipped her over!"
mike's been putting on clothes and grabbing for his keys and wallet since your first text message, already sulking to his car as your friend finishes her statement. "stay with her and keep her upright, i'll be there in fifteen."
he can't get rid of the deep scowl etched on his face while he drives, both hands clasped tensely on his wheel at ten and two. he wants you to have fun, of course. he isn't going to tell you not to go to parties, or not to drink---you’re your own person, and he has no right to tell you what you could and couldn't do, but something about you utterly hammered around so many people you probably don't know makes his heart pound against his ribcage with agitation.
harrington circle was a street on a state school campus, one that you'd opted not to go to all that time ago. maybe you'd known some people there, but mike was sure you didn't know your way around, where to go if something went wrong...
he pulls up to a tall, red brick house smack dab in the middle of a cul-de-sac, immediately throwing his car in park and exiting when he sees two girls walking alongside a guy carrying you out the front doorway. he has his hands hooked under your armpits, pushing your boobs together and "covertly" staring at your amplified cleavage as he leads you down the short stone path.
your head lulls back a little, and you're smiling up at the sky with your eyes closed and your cheeks flushed to death. your legs drag under you, and mike's quick to grab for your waist, removing you from that perv's grasp with haste and a grimace.
you droop into him, body leaden with alcohol, and he slides one arm under the back of your knees, bending his own to lift you into a bridal style hold.
you squeal as he turns away from the house, throwing your arms around his neck and dreamily sighing at the way his hands feel carrying you, strong and vigilant and possessive. "mikeeeeeee," you mewl, pulling yourself into him so you can nudge at the column of his throat. your words are slurred almost beyond comprehension, and he commands one of the girls to open the passenger door so he can ease you inside.
he sets you down in the seat, or at least tries to, whispering, "let me go" when you keep your arms wrapped around him. the position has him hunched over, and it hurts his back so badly, but you whimper, "nooooo, want you close" while nearly making him trip and fall across you, splaying his entire body over yours. he smells so good, all warm and musky and mike, and you don’t want to separate from him.
"y/n, please. i wanna get you home," he reaches back to wrench your arms off of him, placing them in your lap and closing the door before you can complain. he walks around the front to the driver's side, monotonously thanking the girl who'd helped you as he grumpily enters the car.
he grabs for your seat belt, stretching it across your torso as he does his own and drives away from the annoyingly illuminated house and party commotion in silence.
you're so gone, but even drunk, it's unsettling to you how quiet mike is, keeping his eyes focused on the road without a hint of a glance or a word to you. his jaw is clenched deeply, and he's stiff as a board against his seat, so opposite from his usual sullen, suave nonchalance. you frown at him, fingering with your strappy, well-tied sandals. "hey, grumpy,"
"not grumpy," you huff at his tone, sour and unwavering, and wiggle your toes as you finally free them from the entrapment of footwear. "i'm fine."
"you've gotten very, very bad at lying," you demur. your head slacks again, but this time against your headrest. you ogle mike through the film in your eyes, digging your teeth into your bottom lip. "mad at me?"
mike writhes in his seat, his jaw muscles flexing at your coy lilt. you know how to manipulate him with your words, sweetening them in just a way that would have mike bending to your will. the way you're gazing at him with your big, unfocused eyes makes him makes him press down on the gas a bit harder.
"i'm not mad," he mutters, all pseudo-nonconfrontational and collected, but you know that he's not telling the truth. something about the circumstances bothers him, and you want to know why. the car comes to a stop at a red light, mike shaking his head as he scrunches his face and rubs his eye with a knuckle. "forget about it."
"i won't. don't like me having fun without you?" he doesn't answer, staring ahead at the empty streets around the two of you. it was so late, nearly 2 am, and it only fuels the exasperation he feels burning in his stomach. he doesn’t like you out here like this, without him to keep you out of harm’s way.
"is it the drinking?" you pout, frustrated with the way he's ignoring you. "i admit, maybe four drinks was overkill, but i feel sooooo good. my body feels like..." you make a subtle buzzing noise, similar to tv static, and cut it off with a giggle, reaching over for one of mike's hands while the light turns green.
you inch it towards your lap, dragging it across the skin of your thigh that skims the end of your skirt, mini and gold and matching with the white corset top you wore. "you should feel."
"c'mon mike," you pout again, dipping his hand between your opened legs. you let out an astounded moan when his cold fingertips connect with your bare clit, and now he's scowling at the fact that you’re not wearing any panties. he thinks about how many people would keep note of that, combined with your docile, inebriated state, and see it as a way in. it’s clear, with how those drinks have you begging him to ease his fingers into you, caressing your tight, warm walls so he can add another check to "car" on the list of places he's made you squirt. “don't want you to be mad at me anymore."
"i'm not mad at you, y/n," he finally says, fingers still against your skin. you're soaking his seats, the excess of your slick dripping down to the cloth, and he has to pull himself out of thinking about someone else feeling you in this way. his eyes stay low on the road as he continues, "did you know anyone at that party?"
"mhm, like one person." mike sighs, a low grumble in his throat. he pulls his hand away from you, putting all of his attention on driving so he can get home. he just wants you inside, away from the world and in his charge. he doesn't say anything for a long while, eventually taking a deep breath and mumbling, "just want you safe, y/n. i'm glad you called me to come get you. there are bad people out there, and i don’t trust them in situations like this.”
"yeah," you purr, leaning against the center console and resting your head on the side of his seat. "you're my knight in shining armor, hmm? keeping me away from all the bad bad people looking to destroy messed up princesses like me?"
mike side eyes your tone, nearly scolding you for treating it like a joke and not something that could actually happen.
"...that's one way to put it, but seriously—-“
"wanna be destroyed though," you interrupt, unbuckling your seatbelt once he cuts the car off in the driveway. he’s turning to you, dark eyes gazing towards your pouted lips. you're reaching your hand across his lap, massaging it over the press of him in his sweatpants. “especially by you. wanna be your little fucktoy. let you use my messy holes however you want because they're yours."
your filthy mouth and shameless confession have mike turned on and hard and thinking about how you've called your holes his. he's seeing you bent over the couch, stuffed to the hilt with his fingers pressed against your tongue while he smirks down on you, veins coursing with lust. he squeezes at your hand, and says,
"let's get you inside, okay? then we can talk more about my messy fucking holes."
you're dizzy, giving him a big, woozy smile and letting all the craving you feel inside pour out through your glazed over eyes when he swoops you up again, carrying you and your shoes to his front door. your arms are back around his neck, and you're placing soft kisses on his lips, jaw, and chin as he drops your shoes by the entrance and carries you all the way to the couch, settling his body into one of the corners.
you're adjusting yourself on him so your bare mound drips over his thighs, and he's got his hands around your hips again, digging his fingers into your flesh as you mindlessly grind against him. you're still kissing against his lips, so uncoordinated and sloppy, and he pulls on the wispy strands at the nape of your neck, disconnecting you from him so he can leer at you with a look that tells you he will be destroying you tonight, guaranteed. "no panties was really bold of you, baby."
"can’t have panty lines in this skirt," you frown, placing your hands on mike's shoulders for leverage to move on him a bit harsher, eventually grazing them over his back and arms as you do. "not cute."
"but it's really not cute for you to have my holes on display for anyone to have, especially not when you're like this."
"mikey, please,” you coo, hunching down to press wet, suctioned kisses on mike's bare neck and rolling your hips into the weight of him. he feels so good against you, and you're aching, the alcohol sending shocks to your clit with every second of friction. "want you in me or something. no more talking, just use—-.”
"aht, don't rush me. trying to get you to understa---" one of your hands goes from roaming his shoulderblades to placing pressure around his throat, shocking him stiff against the back of the couch.
he doesn't think anyone has ever choked him before, and while his eyes burn at you with frenzied astonishment, you're causing him to have a revelation. his dick pulses against the material of his sweatpants at the feeling of your dainty hand squeezing his throat, and he's reaching to grab your wrist and bring your hand down before he comes all quick like he’s 18 again. you stop him with your other hand, coming in close to his face.
there's such a ferocity in your stare, and he knows that you're not going to let him lecture you all night. you need him to fuck you, need him to do something with you and your drunken arousal.
"are you really gonna keep talking, or would you rather just fuck my throat?" you slide your arms down his back, lips placed by his ear as you whisper, "show me how depraved people really can be when i'm like this."
he knows it's sick, but it doesn't take much past that for mike to have you on all fours beside him on the couch, back arched into a 45 degree angle as you drool all over his lap. you're begging for it, whining about how good he feels in your mouth, and he doesn't want to miss an opportunity to give you something you want, even though you're in this state. he's glad that it's him using you in this scenario, and not someone genuinely looking to hurt you. it's his rationale for giving in to your immoral desires.
you pull away from your mess with a sharp inhale, your jaw trembling as you sit up and give mike an eager, spit-slick smile. your eyes are even more distant than before, and it's almost like you’ve checked out. mike can see all the brashness and attitude you give him on the regular is gone, currently replaced with servitude and the intent to please, nothing less.
"wanna feel you ruin my throat, mike," you rasp, grabbing his dick in your hand and stroking at the soft skin, suckling on his tip as you flash him the hunger you feel inside through a grin. "please."
he's silent, having a quarrel with himself as he takes in your blank, mindless expression. it’s so wrong of him, but you look so pretty like this, and he reaches out to hold your cheek as you pout at him again.
"pleaseeeeee," you whine, tears nearly welling in your eyes. "want you to wreck me, use me however you wanttttt. gonna be your obedient, drunk little whore, do whatever you ask."
mike loses all resolve then, and demands you to drop to your knees in between his own. you're quick to assume the position, letting him put one hand on the back of your head and feed his dick into your throat.
"shouldn't like this," mike mutters, wrapping your hair up into a ponytail with both of his hands, watching you rub his dick over your face after slipping it from your mouth to spit on it. he almost can't take you like this, spacey and pliant and all his to destroy. so drunk and willing and--- "shouldn't let me take advantage of you like this."
your face is stained with tears and spit, streaks of dried liquid overlaying your burning cheeks and swollen lips. the neckline of your top is soaked too, saliva glistening on your chest.
"maybe i wanted it," you muse, winking leisurely as you wrap both of your slim hands around his base, smirking up at him. "maybeeeeeee i went and got plastered cause i knew you’d come get me if i called," you're feeding him into your mouth again, and without warning, mike is holding your head stationary, shoving his hips up into your warm mouth while you gulp every time he hits the opening to your throat. of course you'd do something like this. your admittance makes mike feel a plethora of things, good, bad, ugly, but right now, all he's focused on is making you feel like the toy you wanted to be.
"you're a fucking slut, y/n," he hisses with gritted teeth, throwing his head back as he feels you open up for him, allowing him to raise his hips and sink further into you.
the muscles of your throat flutter around his length, and it makes his toes curl, tangling together in his socks. "only sluts go to a party to get drunk so they can be turned into pretty little fuckdolls later...like being fucking mindless for me, huh?"
"love it, mike," you whimper, laying your tongue flat so his dick can slip in and out of your mouth with less resistance. it's covered in thick spit, a droplet resting on the tip, and mike leans down to collect all of it in his own mouth with a sloppy, obscene kiss, before releasing it all over his pelvis with a groan.
it was a fucking mess, and he loved it. he knew you loved it like this too, and your enjoyment of the raunchiness is reflected in the way you patiently wait for him to plunge his dick in you, eyes twinkling with everything and nothing at the same time.
your hand is moving under your dress, fingers stroking along your sodden walls, but he doesn't care; not when your eyes are rolling back into your skull as his dick infiltrates your throat again, filling the room with a persistent gluckgluckgluck as he rhythmically slams your face into his base.
you're sure you'll have no voice after this, but fuck, will it be worth it. you're basking in every second of this, so happy you decided to go out tonight. you were unexperienced in some ways, but you knew how to get to people, or at least to mike. you could get him to do whatever you wanted under the guise of him being in control, and all it took was a bit of sweetening with your voice, a flutter of your eyelashes and a crooked, "innocent" smile for mike to be wound your finger, abusing your face in a way you shouldn’t have dreamt of. you're running out of breath, and your fingers dig into his thighs with the message, but he ignores you, gripping your hair so that your mouth gently snaps up around him every time he pulls his hips back. the sensation is godly, and mike's not sure if he deserves this really. you'd fallen so hard for him at one point, and he'd crushed your hope to be with him under his thumb, but now you're here, letting him have you like this despite those memories. he's lucky, for whatever force is keeping you in his orbit.
"letting me do this to you while you're fucked up...letting some older guy take your throat like you're just free use...you're not getting into heaven," you laugh around him, forming your mouth into a makeshift smile as he slowly slides you off of him, overstimulated by the ridges of your throat muscles clinging to him. he doesn't want to come on your face, not this time. he wants you to beg for him to come in you, for him to fill you until you're overflowing, leaking down your thighs while he gives you more and more and more and more...
"i know," you mewl, pretty face smeared with saliva and pre-come. "i'll be in hell with you. wouldn't have it any other way." mike sits up, thumbing at your bottom lip and hissing as you unhinge your jaw and suck the tip of it inside. your eyes are getting dimmer by the second, but you're still wanting everything mike can give you.
he won't stop until you say so, and he strangely finds himself buzzing with lust at the thought of you bossing him around for his pleasure and yours. how had you gotten in his head like this?
"go in my room and strip, baby. sit in the middle of the bed and don't move." you're on your feet in a flash, clumsily dashing down the short hall without a look back.
it gives him time to get some towels, a washcloth to clean your face up, some lube, and grab waters for the both of you, thinking about all the ways he's gonna contort you. he might even make you watch in the mirror, make you take in your glassy eyes and lack of autonomy, the way you're letting him, your brother's best friend, have you in such an obscene way.
he cracks the door open with all the items in hand, and scoffs when he sees you naked, but stretched out on the bed, mouth hanging open with soft snores.
he walks over to the edge, dropping the things he's holding onto the comforter and shaking your shoulder softly. "baby," you lurch awake, murmuring "huh?".
you blink the bleariness out of your eyes as he uses one of the towels he brought to wipe off his drenched groin, and he smirks at you. you two are done for the night, and that's fine with him. something about your small figure, safely sprawled against his sheets has him seeing hearts and stars and rainbows and everything else he's tried so hard to push away.
when he's dry, ditching his shirt and boxers, he leans against his headboard, cradling you in his arms and lap as he begins using the washcloth to wipe at the dried spittle on your face. "here," he announces, cracking open a water bottle and bringing it to your lips, tilting it so you're able to get some water between them without much effort.
you swallow the sips he gives softly, wrapping your arms around his neck again. you loved being skin to skin with him, and right now, you felt tranquility.
this is but a fraction of that 100% he wanted to give, you think. something has changed in him, and now he wants to show you care. he still wants you to need him, need him to keep you protected from the world outside while he corrupts you in his own. you want that, too.
"mmmmmmm, you're so boyfriend," you muse, placing pecks on his collarbones as he continues cleaning you up. he's able to maintain a pokerface towards you, wiping at your cheeks with passive strokes, but inside, he feels nothing but chaos. why does he like hearing you call him boyfriend, like having you in his arms like this? why did it all seem to fill a hole in his heart, one he always thought would stay a cavity?
"really do love you, mike," you add, staring at him full on now. you might as well be sober, with your attentive, doe-like eyes. "tried hard not to, but i do."
you've broken him down, so easily, and somehow, he's giving into you with a deep, irrevocable sigh. he has nothing else to do but finally accept the truth.
"me too, y/n. me too."
this was rough for me to write because my brain just couldn't work properly, so i hope it's not the dogshit i think it is lmao hope this satisfies you anon!
faire's seedlings ✿
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU max verstappen x fem!indian!reader
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♡ liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, f1 and 649,405 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1 मैं करता हूं (i do)
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yourusername मैं आपसे बहुत प्यार है (i love you so much) comment liked by maxverstappen1
user1 rue, when was this?
user2 did we just get harder than hard launched by max?
danielricciardo amazing wedding, so happy for both of you!
christianhorner it's wonderful seeing you grow up and being a husband now. you better treat her good! ⤷ user3 christian defending y/n is so adorable ⤷ user4 not only a second dad to max but apparently also to her hahahahahah
user5 i'm speechless. i- what even happened ⤷ user6 how did we all collectively just missed that max was dating (and is now married!) to someone????
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♡ liked by maxverstappen1, christianhorner and 73,578 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername so many differences and yet here we are; mr. and mrs. verstappen
view all 628 comments
maxverstappen1 most beautiful woman, mrs. verstappen ⤷ yourusername well thank you very much, mr. verstappen
user7 not her changing her beautiful desi surname to some generic bitch ass white one ⤷ user8 she probably wanted it? that's her decision to make?
user9 they're so beautiful omfg
user10 i'm still in tears how max fully embraced her culture for their wedding like the OUTFITS he looks so good in traditional indian clothes
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♡ liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, schecoperez and 128,394 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername summer break/honeymoon in delhi
view all 749 comments
user11 i need more desi max content ⤷ user12 i didn't even know i needed it this bad
user13 why do i feel so proud seeing them together? i'm in tears they're so cute
user14 i've seen some paparazzi photos of them in delhi and lemme tell you max is literally GLOWING idk who y/n really is but she's doing him so good
user15 them spending their honeymoon in delhi feels so special to me as an indian fan of max. him learning and embracing our culture makes me just love him even more.
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♡ liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 87,392 others
yourusername zandvoort ✿
view all 532 comments
user16 omg is she going to attend the gp this weekend? ⤷ user17 probably ⤷ user18 this will be the first time we'll see her at a race! ⤷ user19 can't wait for her paddock fashion game ngl
redbullracing our good luck charm 💪🏼 comment liked by yourusername
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♡ liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing, f1 and 80,302 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername now that i've seen you win once in person, trust me: i won't be leaving you alone to any races from now on. i'm so proud of you, माय लव (my love)
view all 354 comments
maxverstappen1 ❤️❤️
user20 watch her post one of these every few weekends because max is unstoppable ⤷ user21 this man doesn't know how to loose ⤷ user22 he's not only winning at races but also at life i mean she's so cute
redbullracing our good luck charm seems to have proven their value ⤷ yourusername i'm happy to be of service
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♡ liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, schecoperez and 362,940 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1 जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं ✨ (best wishes for your birthday)
view all 2,391 comments
user23 him learning hindi for her is the most adorable thing ⤷ user24 is she learning dutch for him tho? cuz i haven't seen her going around speaking in dutch ⤷ user25 girl- bffr
yourusername हमेशा के लिए हमेशा के लिए (always forever) ⤷ yourusername altijd voor altijd (always forever)
user26 HAHAHA Y/N POSTING HER COMMENT IN HINDI AND DUTCH HAS ME ON MY KNEES ⤷ user27 she really said 'enough of this shit talking' lmaoooo ⤷ user28 i love her for that
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
I LOVE the zombie Jason prompt oh my god. I'm imagining how angsty the reunions will be at first when they think they've run into him as a regular zombie... before he turns around and starts lecturing them for not shooting him LOL
Oh dang yeah that’s totally gonna be an interesting moment lmaoooo
Now imagine tho: Jason has zombie privileges. He can now walk amongst the dead without fear of getting bitten again. The other zombies don’t clock him as something alive.
So for a while Jason keeps his distance, watches his family flounder about… and then one of them gets swarmed and he has that “goddammit” moment where he looks at the camera like he’s in the office before jumping to the rescue.
(And the others already saw him around on supply runs, walking with the horde (“I had to blend in ok!?”) and that was heartbreaking enough, because they STILL couldn’t bear to take the shot)
So when Jason shoulders himself to the front and grabs the batfam member that was about to become a nice snack— they’re just happy they get to see him again one last time. Even if they think Jason is about to tear into them.
And he does tear into them. With words. Because BOY does Jason have some things to say about that level of idiocy.
And while there’s a teary reunion happening with Jason and that batfamily member of choice, the others only caught glimpses of what they presume is zombie Jason reaching their poor child/sibling and couldn’t bear to keep looking. Thus missing the entire not-actually-becoming-a-snack-for-Jay thing.
Dang it. Don’t tempt me into writing this.
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norris-lando · 9 months
it's time to go / social media au
max verstappen x singer!reader
summary: in which rumors spread about max cheating on you but thankfully, there's a knight in a shining red armor waiting for you
faceclaim: sabrina carpenter
author's note: this is my first time doing a social media au, so please go easy on me 😭 nevertheless, i hope you guys enjoy! also, i'm going to doing more parts to this :)
part 1 · part 2
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f1updates: Max Verstappen and singer-songwriter Y/N Y/L/N have called it quits after almost 2 years of dating. Sources close to the couple have commented the breakup saying, 'apparently there was some sort of infidelity involved.' The couple have yet to confirm these rumours, but what do you guys think? Check the link in our bio for more information regarding the situation.
liked by user12, user13, user14 and 586 others
user1: noooo mom and dad 😭
user2: i'm denial, ain't no way one of them cheated wtf
user3: say sike right now ☺️
user4: it's okay guys mom and dad are just being silly 🥰🥰🥰 it's fine 🥰🥰
user5: i mean if the cheating thing is true, i'm sure we all know who cheated on who
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y/n.insta: how long will it be cute, all this crying in my room 🎼
liked by charles_leclerc, user6, user7 and 321 278 others
user1: mother noooo 😭
user2: it's okay max ☺️ i just wanna talk ☺️🔪
user3: i didn't wanna believe it but looks like the streets were right this time 😪
user4: i'm so lost, what happened??
user3: apparently m*x cheated on y/n
user4: wtf nooo they were my endgame 😭
user5: charles what are you doing here
user3: lmaoo chill they're friends
user6: it's okay bby i can go vroom vroom in circles too and i promise i won't cheat
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y/n.insta: they say write about what you know so i wrote about heartbreak. it's time to go out now on all streaming platforms!
btw, had a BLAST in LA this last weekend. thank you so much for all the support, i love you guys 💖 next stop ➡️ miami
liked by charles_leclerc, user16, user17 and 987 532 others
user1: can't wait to see you in miami!! ♥️
user3: 15 years 😭 15 million tears 😭 begging till my knees bled 😭 i gave it my all 😭 he gave me nothing 😭 at 😭 all 😭 tHEN WONDERED WHY I LEFT 😭
user2: @/maxverstappen1 been awfully quiet since the queen dropped it's time to go 🤔
user1: not the tag lmaoooo 🤣
user6: okay can we pls talk about the fact that cHARLES is back in y/n's likes???
user5: i admire to be this delulu
user8: still feels so weird not the see max in the likes and comments
user11: i know right?? we get it, it was a good joke hahaha i'm laughing now pls can we stop this
user9: i think you dropped this 👑
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maxverstappen1: Simply... Lovely. What a great weekend again 🏆 Miami, thank you!
liked by redbullracing, user18 and 886 379 others
user19: it's time to go to apologize to y/n now ☺️🔪
user5: so proud of you, great job again!!
user17: imagine being in miami at the same time as the girl you CHEATED ON
user2: facts, i feel so bad for y/n cause i remember seeing a video of her saying she scheduled a show in miami at the same as the gp so her and max could spend some time together
user3: lmao at least Charles had a fun night at y/n's concert last night
user17: what?? how do you know that???
user3: he posted on instagram last night that he was there!!
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charles_leclerc: Good day yesterday, on and off track. Thank you, Miami! And special thank you to @/yn.insta for having me at the show ♥️ It was phenomenal and can't wait to see you again soon.
liked by @/yn.insta, carlossainz55, user13 and 687 931 others
yn.insta: Thank you so much for coming! I'm glad you had a good time ♥️ Can't wait to see you soon!
user6: the red hearts!!! and y'all called me delulu
user8: okay but the hearts don't necessarily mean anything?? i mean y/n just got out of a relationship
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cry4mina · 2 months
Take me Back to Eden - The Apparition - Part 5.5 (Jihyo x Nayeon)
(Jihyo x Nayeon) (Fem!Reader x Mina)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
Take Me Back to Eden - The Apparition - Part 5
Word Count: 4.3k Angst/Suggestive/Smut Summary: This takes places at the end of Part 4 and goes through the end of Part 5! Following around Jihyo and Nayeon as they discover what Y/N has been doing since they left the shared apartment, and who Y/N has been hanging out with. TW: This shit is toxic as hell. broken glass, plates thrown, pushing, manipulation, gas lighting, stalking, crime, implied sex, talking about sex, sex is also happening, crying, uh...more of the same really.
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A/N: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! I didn't imagine this kind of support when I started out, so to see it happen so quickly has been truly amazing and I'm so so so so grateful for all of you<3 Shout out to @nr1chaedickrider for helping me concoct this crazy dramatic ass side part lmaoooo<3
“What the fuck are you doing here?…what is that on your neck?” ringing out throughout the studio apartment, as Jihyo slammed the door behind her.
“I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you’re more than welcome to try.” Y/n condescending retorts, as she makes her way to the front door.
“Oh, by the way,” Y/n turning to make sure to make eye contact before delivering the striking blow.
“I hope you like the way I taste. Enjoy.” smiling as she walks out of the apartment as Jihyo is absolutely dumbstruck at what just happened.
Silence falls creating an eerie feeling of hideous rage and tension that only Jihyo could feel as she walks into the room to see Nayeon completely naked, only a small portion of the sheet hiding her hips, covered in bruises and bite marks.
“What the actual fuck, Nayeon?” Jihyo hissed above her as she glared down at Nayeon’s limp body.
“..don’t want to talk..” Nayeon sleepily let out as Jihyo fumed.
“You’re just going to let me look like a fool about all of this? After all the trouble we went through? After everything I did to make sure Y/n never found out, and you’re just going to betray me…? What about us?”
“There is no we or us, Hyo. We just fuck when she’s not around. I never cared about you like that and you know it.” lifelessly left Nayeon’s lips as she drifted into sleep.
Jihyo pulls her phone out returning to the kitchen, and calls Y/N multiple times with no answer, “I bet she’s going to Momo’s.” Instantly calling her.
“Hello?” Momo answered surprised as Jihyo immediately started yelling.
“Have you spoken with Y/n?” the thorns of her tone wrapping around her throat, choking her out.
“I haven’t…why?” Standoffish considering what Jihyo had done to Y/n with Nayeon previously.
“Because I just caught her leaving Nayeon’s apartment with a bunch of random shit, hickies all over her and Nayeon can’t even speak to me and is covered in WORSE marks, and she said some vile shit to me too!” Jihyo screamed in an unhinged rage, fists bawled, tears spilling, a massive hole opened up in her chest that Nayeon created.
“Shut the fuck up, I’m trying to sleep!” Shouted from the bedroom, annoyed tone present from the exhaustion that sunk Nayeon’s muscles.
“Don’t interrupt me!” Harshly yelled back to the bedroom as she kept venting to Momo, probably the worst person to vent to considering she was Y/N’s best friend.
“She fucking said and I quote, “I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you’re more than welcome to try.” And then she had the audacity to say “I hope you like the way I taste, enjoy.”
Those words would ricochet against the inside of her skull for the rest of her existence, and she would never be able to scrub them off. Silently crying with the phone still held up to her ear. Momo is completely silent on the other end of the phone, not even knowing what to say.
“Y/n? Said that? You expect me to believe that happened?” almost accusing Jihyo of making it up completely. How could Momo trust her after what she was an accomplice for?
“Momo-“ voice cracking as she speaks “why would I lie about something like that?” Jihyo questions her back as she wipes the tears from her eyes.
“Hyo, you can’t be serious…You already did” calmly tossed back at her, nausea flashes over her skiing, realizing that no one is on her side.
She was the bad guy in everyone’s eyes, and the thought of that made her skin crawl. She wasn’t the one who did the act, she didn’t cheat on anyone, Nayeon did. Why couldn’t anyone empathize with her? Was she crazy for feeling the way that she did about it?
“If you talk to Y/N, let her know I want to speak with her.” Jihyo hung up immediately after. Becoming completely inconsolable, wrapped in her own misery as the person she risked it all for, had not a care in the world about what happened to her.
She began to sob loudly, cries bouncing off the vaulted ceilings as she went on, wondering why she wasn’t good enough for Nayeon, why she couldn’t just make her happy, why Nayeon would do something like this to her…
Jihyo stood up firmly, and walked into the bedroom. Nayeon was fast asleep on the bed, sheet covering her thighs up to her waist, legs dangling off the edge, not bothering to fix the position Y/n had her in. Jihyo was disgusted by this.
The light flicked on, Jihyo stood silently just looking at the scene before her. The bed was ruined, sheets needed to be changed, Nayeon sleeping peacefully after what looked to be a fight. Hand prints, bruises, bite marks and some welts littering her body.
“Wake up,” pushing Nayeon’s shoulder hard as she sat down on the bed.
“Ugh fine, what?” irritated at the interruption of her slumber, not even bothering to open her eyes.
“Why the fuck did you sleep with her again? You told me that we were going to be together now, imagine my surprise when we had plans and I came in with the key you gave me, to see Y/N, your very recent ex in the kitchen??” Choking back tears as she yelled, trying to show Nayeon how hurt she was.
Laying down with her eyes closed, Nayeon didn’t even flinch at the sound but opened her eyes. Looking at Jihyo with fury, brows furrowed in the heat of her emotions.
“I love Y/n. Just because we were fucking doesn’t mean you’re even in line, Jihyo. You were the one that fucked this up for me, you should’ve waited for me to reach out to you instead of texting me that bullshit, and I won’t forgive you for it either.” words branding into Jihyo’s brain as Nayeon got up and stretched.
“Besides, you can’t do this” gesturing to her body with her hands as Jihyo stares at the roadmap placed on Nayeon’s body by Y/n , “like she can.” Walking toward the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Shower rushing on, and door sliding back.
Jihyo walked out of the tense bedroom into the kitchen to search for the wine Nayeon bought the other day, and poured herself a glass and chugged it. Looking over to see the vase full of roses, and the note written for Y/n.
The way the crystal of the vase refracted the light and the reds of the roses was infuriating, Nayeon wouldn’t even glance at flowers for Jihyo - let alone get her any. Walking over to the vase, picking it up, smelling the roses, briefly admiring them, and then smashing the vase against the floor in a fit of rage.
Nayeon rushed out of the bedroom, soaking wet, to find the scene in the kitchen, Jihyo drinking out of a wine glass, leaning against the counter, one leg crossed over the other. Glancing down to see the vase shattered, glass and rose petals everywhere.
“It’s kind of poetic, isn’t it?” Jihyo said matter of factly, looking up from the rim of her glass.
“Sharp edges and rose petals on the floor between us, you step on roses and I step on glass. Every. Single. Time.” Throwing the wine glass at Nayeon, shattering it against the wall.
Nayeon shields herself from the crashing pieces as Jihyo breaks more glassware around the kitchen. Plates, glasses, and mugs are thrown around the kitchen accompanied by harsh tones and arguing.
“Why are you trying to gaslight me? I have the messages from you saying we were together, Nayeon! I have proof! You can’t gaslight me this time” A mug slung across the room, shattering like Jihyo’s heart.
“All for someone who doesn’t even want you?! Pathetic, I’m standing right here ready to give you the world and you can’t even appreciate that!” A plate this time, crashing into the wall, Nayeon flinching again at the sounds of the ceramic.
“I could say the same thing about you, Hyo!” bravely spit back as the flying glassware came to a halt. Much like the chips of sharp glass, Jihyo shatters into a million pieces. Nayeon runs over and grabs a stunned Jihyo’s wrists, holding them steady as Jihyo falls apart in her arms.
“Why are you never real?“ choking on her words to immediately be shushed down and held against Nayeon’s chest until she was calm.
“I said we might be able to try. But I need to talk to Y/N before that can happen, okay?” Nayeon rubbed her hand up and down Jihyo’s back quickly in an attempted comfort.
“Come on now, let’s clean this up and I’ll change the sheets and we can have a movie night, sound good?” Nayeon coos and winks before disappearing into the bedroom.
Jihyo sighs, grabs a broom and a dustpan, and starts cleaning up the mess she made. Still angry in her own right at Nayeon, but wasn’t in the position to do anything about it and it’s not like Nayeon would care if she walked out right now anyway.
“Nothing good comes easy,” huffing to herself in a moment of toxic positivity, “and she wouldn’t do what she does for me, if she didn’t love me.” Repeating it like a mantra over and over again to herself, alone. Nayeon lightly chuckles in the bedroom, unheard by Jihyo, knowing they will never be.
Waking up that afternoon was hard. Jihyo felt exhausted, her eyes were tired as she rolled over to see if Nayeon was still in bed. She wasn’t, no surprise.
Rolling out of bed, in the clothes she showed up in, and walking to the living room to see Nayeon on the couch watching tv by herself, scrolling through her phone mindlessly.
“Did you sleep well?” Jihyo asks, startling Nayeon who flung her phone at the surprise. Giggling at the sight, Jihyo went and picked the phone up to see the open text to Y/n and the few messages she sent in the past 24 hours. Sighing and handing it back, just letting the tears fall, stinging of her eyes becoming all too familiar.
“Are you really crying again? Come on, Hyo. Pull yourself together,” Nayeon says coldly as Jihyo sulks by herself, sniffling as she pours herself a cup of cold coffee.
Nayeon never made coffee for Jihyo, that was something she only did for Y/n, not even remembering how Jihyo takes her coffee or any of her favorites for that matter. No matter how much time they spent together, nothing stuck. Nayeon simply did not care.
“Do you still want to check out that new cafe we talked about last week?” Nayeon said not paying any mind to Jihyo’s current state as she asks about a late lunch.
“Yeah that’s fine. Let me change and I’ll drive.” emptiness present as she spoke and went to the bedroom to grab the clothes she brought with her for today, putting them on quickly and exiting the bedroom for her not date with her not girlfriend.
Pulling up to the restaurant and seeing Y/N there was considerably unlucky, but with Mina of all people? Talk about a surprise. And for Mina to be holding her hand and looking at her the way she was, it was no wonder Nayeon was so disgruntled, not that she had any right to be.
Watching Nayeon erupt was hard to watch, knowing it was out of fear that she lost what was so precious to her out of her own selfishness. It was hard for Jihyo to keep quiet as Nayeon’s emotions spew out erratically towards Y/N and Mina. Especially knowing there was never any left for her, always wishing to be her focus.
After driving off and not even eating at the place picked out, Nayeon was in a pure rage in the passenger seat. Punching the glove box relentlessly as the interaction plays back in her head.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her from now since you can’t satiate her, apparently.” And then the wink from Mina. She was living in this memory, Like a broken record, skipping and looping through her brain as she stewed in it.
Jihyo trembled in fear at every punch laid into the car's interior, “Nayeon, calm down! You’re scaring me…” trying to get Nayeon to see she was crossing a line. Nayeon, seeing red, doesn’t budge an inch and continues to spew venom everywhere. Not that Jihyo expected her but to stop, but the effort was still worth it in her eyes.
“Who the fuck does Mina think she is talking about Y/N like that? She must’ve not known who she’s fucking with…Turn around.”
“What?” Confused behind the wheel, Jihyo made a face at the request to turn the car and head back to the cafe. Didn’t they already leave?
“I said fucking turn around, Jihyo” Nayeons eyes black with hatred as she instructs her minion to do her bidding.
Jihyo whips the car around, still crying about the interaction and Nayeon draping herself all over Y/N right in front of her. Speeding back to the location they were just in.
“Make a left up here.” Nayeon orders, as she leans back into her seat, slouching with her legs apart, staring into her phone as she leans her head into her hand.
“Nayeon, where are we going?” a worried response as Jihyo makes the left turn. Nayeon sits up, squinting at the cars in the complex parking lot.
“Turn your lights off and park next to that black 2 door over there.” Pointing at a random car that looks similar to the one they were in that was facing the building.
Jihyo once again, does as she’s told. “Can you please tell me where we are?”
“Y/n never took her location off on my phone. We are spying. So shut up and keep an eye out.” Nayeon evilly instructed as she waited for signs of which apartment belonged to Y/n.
Not 5 minutes later did Y/N walk up to the apartment hand in hand with Mina, laughing and smiling with each other, it made Nayeon sick to her stomach.
“We can leave now.” Nayeon says quietly. Stewing in her anger. Plotting and scheming about how she was going to exact revenge.
Jihyo didn’t hesitate to get out of there. She didn’t want to be a part of whatever was happening, she just wanted Nayeon's love and attention so she did what she told her, at the false promise it would materialize if she proved herself useful.
Nayeon seethes on the couch as Jihyo sits silently watching her lover shake in anger, trying to figure out how she can ease the tension within her. Jihyo jumps up and runs around the side of the couch, placing her hands firmly on Nayeon’s shoulder, massaging them firmly.
“That feels so good…baby.” Nayeon whimpers, eyes closed and leaning into the pressure, giving Jihyo the reassurance she craved so desperately.
Sliding her hands down Nayeon’s back, kneading her thumbs into the knots enthusiastically. Tracing up to the back of her head, Jihyo pulls lightly where her shoulders and neck connect, letting go and pushing down on the tension.
Nayeon groans, “You know, I do love your magical hands. They please me so well.” throwing her head back as Jihyo continues to work the knots. Nayeon was playing her predatory game, and Jihyo was the prey.
“Can you get my legs too, my love?” Nayeon pouts, batting her big doe eyes in Jihyo’s direction. Using her for her own gain, taking and no giving. Wondering how much love she could extract from Jihyo as she bent to her will.
Walking around the couch and dropping to the floor as she takes Nayeon’s legs into her hands, massaging down her legs “how does this feel, my love?”
Nayeon suddenly crosses her arms, eyes blurry from tears and she sniffles into her hands.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Jihyo asks as she stands, cupping Nayeon’s face and wiping a tear away with her thumb, gently.
“Don’t call me that! You aren’t her, and you never will be.” Spitting with extra malice as she pushes Jihyo by the shoulders, knocking her to the floor.
Nayeon stands up, not bothering to even try to help Jihyo up as she prowls past her to the door, still in a predatory mindset as she grabs her purse, her keys, and leaves without a single word.
Jihyo sits in absolute silence. Nayeon has never laid a hand on her in that way before. Not knowing what to do, she sits and tries to unravel the complex emotions she was feeling.
Hatred, anger, jealousy, and emptiness filling her lungs as she bawled her eyes out on the floor of Nayeon’s apartment. Realizing she probably would never be enough for her.
“Where did she even go?” Out loud as she swivels her head towards the door. She didn’t need to ask the question, the answer was written on every wall in this apartment.
Y/n and Nayeon’s shared home, pictures still up from their vacations together, selfies from adventures, and of course the matching mugs in their place next to the coffee pot.
“Of course.” Rolling her eyes, not going after her. She just sat on the couch, and waited for Nayeon to return.
Weaving in and out of traffic manically as Nayeon races over to Y/n’s apartment, the only care in the world being whether she can get to Y/n before anything happens between her and Mina. The thought of someone else touching Y/n is repulsive, nauseating, and her skin crawls at the thought.
Pulling into the parking lot of the complex, Nayeon shuts the car off and hops out quickly. Racing over to the apartment she watched Y/N and Mina walk into holding hands. The thoughts induce animosity as she makes her way to the door.
Hesitating to knock, she’s unsure if she really wants to go through with this. She needed more motivation, Nayeon ducks down to avoid being detected and sneaks over to another window with a better view of the living room.
Peaking over the window sill, she sees Mina comforting a crying Y/N on the couch, rubbing her back and mumbling something Nayeon can’t really make out. A death stare lasers the back of Mina’s head as it shoots out of her eyes. “I should be comforting her, not you. And poor Mina has no idea how to deal with Y/N’s panic attacks. I bet she gets overwhelmed and leaves. Y/n needs me” whispering to herself in a psychotic manner.
Nayeon watches as Y/N stands up and starts to pace, ripping her hoodie off so she was just in a sports bra. Mina is still sitting on the couch, face red with a small smile as she watches Y/N pace when she suddenly stands up and catches Y/N by the wrist, pulling her into her arms while wrapping them around Y/n.
Nayeon scoffs at the sight, watching Y/n’s face press against Mina’s neck as she cries, when suddenly Y/n pulls back from Mina, they look into each other’s eyes for a minute as Mina’s hands descending from Y/N’s lower back to her hips, pulling her into a kiss.
Nayeon writhes under the absolute disdain as she watches in horror while the person she wanted more than anyone, willingly kissing someone else. Observing as Mina takes control, and Y/n letting her.
“She never let me do that…” Nayeon sees red and she continues to peep through the window as Mina stands, shoving Y/N lightly onto the couch, removing her sweater as well. Nayeon has just about had enough, turning and running back to her car quickly.
Laughing to herself as she sees a palm sized rock on her way to the vehicle, when a light bulb goes off in her head. Opening the car door and not bothering to close it, she gets inside and begins sifting through her purse, finding her red pen and the small notebook she kept with her. Nayeon rips a page from the inside and scratches “She’s mine” across the paper.
Removing her shoelace and tying the note to the rock securely, she begins to giggle to herself. Walking up to the window by the living room, rock in hand, to see if the make out session was still happening. Catching the view of Mina between Y/N’s legs on the couch as they got closer, almost molding into one another. Mina’s hands reached up behind Y/n to undo her bra when Nayeon completely snapped.
Running over to the front of the apartment, Nayeon launched the rock through the window by the door, laughing maniacally as she did so. Turning around 30 seconds later to run to her car and get out of dodge, knowing Mina would probably call the cops.
Tires screech behind her as she peels out of the parking lot, and heads right back to what Nayeon views as their shared home still. Laughing and crying as she speeds violently around everyone in her way, honking and yelling in a violent fueled frenzy as her heart cracks in half from the weight of the consequences of her own actions.
Jihyo is sleeping on the couch when Nayeon gets back to her home. Walking in without care about the sound made, throwing her bag to the side, kicking her shoes off in any direction. Outrage in full swing as she wakes Jihyo by nudging her shoulder.
Jolting awake, Jihyo sees Nayeon and immediately scooches back on the couch as if she’s scared of her, and she has every right to be considering their last altercation.
“What’s wrong, love? I only wanted to hold you.” Nayeon’s emptiness masked in the sweet tone as she extends her arms out for her to fall in. Jihyo knows better than to lean into it but she can’t resist Nayeon making her feel loved. Her affection being the sweetest form of sugar and her anger being the sharpest knife, and when she twists it? Unbearable pain and torment.
Jihyo was trapped, ensnared in what she thought could be love. Nayeon held her as she turned the blade in her back yet again, removing only the pieces she wanted.
“I’m going to need that mouth of yours. Do you think you can do that for me?” kissing Jihyo’s jaw and moving down to her neck.
Jihyo whimpered and nodded her head, loving the aggression, as Nayeon wrapped her hands around her hair and pulled her onto the ground, a stark difference from the honeyed tone in her voice. Keeping her hand tangled as she instructed Jihyo to unbutton her pants and pull them down to her knees. “I’m going to show you why you’ll never leave me, no matter what I do. You’ll always be a phone call away.”
Nayeon leans down and forcefully shoves her tongue in Jihyo’s mouth, no surprises for Jihyo, she knows what’s coming as Nayeon parts from her, situating herself, pussy dripping in front of Hyo.
Jihyo’s hands lay on Nayeon’s thighs, “I love you” as she opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out allowing Nayeon access to what she was craving, even if it wasn’t the mouth she wanted.
Nayeon grabs Jihyo’s hair as she slowly starts to ride on her tongue, picking up the pace as she finds a steady rhythm. “Just like that, baby” whining through the pleasure that coursed through her veins.
She’s aggressively fucks Jihyo’s mouth, groaning as she grinds down on the tongue of her other lover, only thinking about release of the pent up rage and the rush of the crime she had just committed.
Jihyo is just happy to feel useful as she’s on her knees, letting Nayeon get her aggression out, latching onto her clit and humming while she sucks. Breath is quickening, getting closer to combustion as the snapping of her hips accelerates.
Feeling her panties getting wetter by the second as Jihyo's mouth gets used. She’s sure they’re completely ruined but she wouldn't dare complain, enjoying Nayeon’s sweet taste more and more every time she gets the chance to indulge in her flavor.
Nayeon’s hips start to sputter unevenly as she moans out body tensing as the dopamine launches into her bloodstream, reveling in the pleasure as she continues to ride out the orgasm.
Jihyo slips 2 fingers into Nayeon’s cunt, stretching her out and holding them at the exact angle she would need to make herself cum again. Hair being gripped tightly as her head is pushed and pulled with the new rapidness created mere seconds ago.
“Jus- fuck, baby… just one -right there, fuck- more.” Nayeon gasps as the knot in her stomach tightens again. Jihyo immediately starts thrusting her fingers when she feels Nayeon clench around her and with little time to prepare, another orgasm quickly rips through her body causing her to collapse onto the couch, breathing heavily and whimpering in euphoria.
Jihyo takes in Nayeon’s state, glimmering with sweat, roses cheeks, flawless chest shining and a sense of peacefulness binding her in her place. This is why she stays. The visual of Nayeon in this state, the softness and the sweet moments she was capable of were more than enough to keep Jihyo in her place.
“Let’s do that again” Nayeon huffed out, reaching for Jihyo’s hand to pull her up on the couch, caressing while lightly placing their lips together. She tastes herself on Jihyo’s mouth, wetness layering on top of itself as she deepened the kiss when a loud knock at the door pulled them out of the moment.
“Police, open up!”
Jihyo and Nayeon look at each other, confused.
“Nayeon…what did you do?… What the fuck did you do?!” Jihyo's voice trembles, concern woven between the words.
Nayeon with a maniacal smile “Oh, my sweet sweet baby…you mean what did YOU do, don’t you?”
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lushlovers · 1 year
The P-word, J Burrow
summary; he doesn't know what to say or how to react to things like this.
warnings; fluff fr, mentions of pregnancy and pregnancy tests, pet names (baby, honey, ) joe actually kinda sucks with words but same lmaoooo, swearing, kissing
word count; 903
note; yes angst but also fluff. i'm working on more frat!lsu!joey, but this was something random I wanted to post since it's been a little while. i hate the ending no one talk about it. winter writer's block ain't no joke fr.
this is kind of my thank you for two hundred followers even though we are just on the cusp of three, but thank you so much, I appreciate the support of my works more than you will ever know. i love every one of my followers so so sooo much yall are the best:)
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Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant. Maybe the more you think of those eight letters will fade away and completely off the little plastic at-home test you decided to finally take. God the word just keeps ringing in your head like the most annoying of alarms. How the hell are you supposed to tell him? His career's just started he'll never be along for the roller coaster ride, especially not when it consists of a baby running around as well.
However, luck chooses to be your opponent this evening since Joe's already home and sitting on the couch in the living room, completely oblivious to the fact that your world has just turned completely upside down. It took a while for you to work up the nerve to call him up, but when you did everything suddenly felt so heavy.
The weight refused to leave your shoulders as he sat on the truck at the foot of your bed. Rehearing in the mirror, preparing for every scenario, but especially for the one that you hope and pray will never occur. Everything that you've been through together, nothing will go wrong, he's too good of a person.
After several minutes, worry becomes evident in your voice as he asks you through the door if everything's alright, "'M fine, just nervous, I guess." That seemed to do the opposite of what you intended, that is, maybe your lying and saying you're fine would shut him up for a bit, but your being nervous led to many other questions from the other side of the door.
Adding on to that p-word, every what if clouds your mind as well. What if telling him this is your biggest regret? What if he just packs his shit and leaves? What if-, "Baby, are you sure?" Fucks sake he's still going with his questions, in any less stressful situation this would've been appreciated, but not when you can barely seem to focus on the most topic at hand.
Now or never, seemed to be the only thing that got you to push open the door and finally face the man you love so dearly. He almost instantly jumps up, concern written all over his face even more so when he glances in the direction of your hands. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?" No, not entirely, you think but you won't let that escape your mouth, matter of fact, nothing leaves your mouth for many seconds. Maybe never was a good idea.
It took a bit for you to unscramble your words and finally speak up, "I'm gonna tell you something, but you have to try not to freak out." Your mouth felt dry the way your anxiety made your throat close up made it feel like your lungs had shrunk five times the size they were before, "Okay, care to share? I'm like shitting my pants right now," Joe spoke, chuckling but not because it was funny, he laughs because he's terrified of what words may escape your lips.
You do everything you can to avoid his eyes because the all too familiar feeling of tears surfaces on your waterline and his brows furrow at that. "Honey, you know you can tell me anything, yeah?" His question is lost to you as he cups your face thumbing away the tears before they got a chance to slip down your cheeks. The feeling of his eyes searching yours for any answer to all the questions that he's thinking about is a scary feeling.
"I'm pregnant," it comes out as a whisper, but the way the color completely drains from his face, you know he understood every syllable of those two words. For a split second, he stares at you with a look you don't think you've ever received from him before, "That's... wow." A strangled breath of half relief and half worry escapes you at his response.
Your soul leaves your body as he racks his brain for something to say to express just how he's feeling, but he's almost certain there is no possible way to verbally explain it. Now tears are welling up in his pretty blue eyes, "That's insane, I dunno what to say, are you sure?" His voice is trembling just as much as his hands as you place the test into his palm, he gets choked up as he reads over the same word that had your stomach in knots before with nothing but admiration and surprise.
"Holy fucking shit," he gapes, pulling you into him so tight it nearly knocks the wind right out of you. You laugh now as it settles into your mind that Joe would never do anything to hurt you or your baby in any way possible and to think he would ever leave in a situation like this one was silly, but thinking irrationally tends to happen quite a lot.
"I'm gonna be a dad, I need to call-" you cut him off before he's able to go on his rant, "How about we pause, and we can tell whoever we want in the most extravagant, Joseph Burrow way possible?" He snorts at that, pulling his face away from his place against your shoulder, muffling some form of agreement against your lips, then your jaw, neck, and clavicle, and lowering himself to his knees.
For a moment he looks up at you, "Sorry if I scared you with my response, I don't usually know what to say in times like this and my brain went into shock mode."
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