#i'm not in the mood to draw tbh but you know
averlym · 9 months
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#close up!! because i firstly Did Not render them with such insanity in order for tumblr's lack of general resolution to make it blur#look at all the lines!!! teehee i still really really like this style of digital painting it's super super fun to do!!! and also secondly#because i went back and added a tag ramble and as i seem to often be doing??? lately?? reached the 30 tag limit and went 'hm ok how else..'#anyway the tag essay on that one is now up and talks about the artwork generally and miscellaneous thoughts!! that said. i need a space to#ramble about beatrix at Length because look you don't draw and paint etc a character for like ten hours without having a lot of thoughts#anyways ! i digress terrifically. tag rambles are more like trains of thoughts masquerading as subways and you get on and it's unfortunately#a rollercoaster track. but this is My Blog and i can do Whatever I Want as long as i don't hurt anyone <- affirmations!! also Harm Principle#lately it's been like *kicks up feet* *opens tumblr tags* *treats it as own personal journal* and tbh Good for me!! anyways back to beatrix#fun fact ! the thing that pushed me over the edge to go watch the musical after looking through the tumblr tag was a very specific poll.#and the fact that the winning option was blue hair and pronouns made me double over laughing so hard i had to go see the source material#mm i feel like lately the academic Context has been tossing me essentially into a blender HAHA ;-; so everyone in adamandi is to some extent#a Mood. but bea-specific (haha be specific)(sorry!)(wow this is the same reaction mechanism of my friend who points out innuendos)(...)#i think it's the wanting to prove herself. like from the whole abuela etc thing there's proof here she's got a Stable Support System of sort#and instead what beatrix continues to do is push themselves. 'i guess u could say i'm married to my work? god that's depressing' // no one#here to enforce that // abuela tells me to rest says i'm constantly stressed and i'll just get depressed like before but i still have to try#like. that shred of desperation that pushes you to the brink to neglect yourself (well i guess physically but also your morals..) and like!!#the whole 'lose half your soul thing' proves she's self aware!! like they know what they're doing is super dubious yknow! but they're still#they're still doing it even if it goes into conflict with their morality system in a way and then they justify it to themselves (see pt 1#of ghostwriter) and the whole wanting to achieve at all costs Despite the self awareness. (i think? this aspect also applied to quincy. but#thoughts on him will come later). more beatrix specific also is the fact that they genuinely adore their work.. 'i just love it here where#you know they'll be printing forever and you are just part of it' because that does kind of resonate with me. also the being behind in the#competition is real!!! i'm maybe talking about Art as a subject because that same drive for it exists on my good days i think. even#even when nothing seems to be going right and you've ended up at the back the intent passion inherent in what you do is still there!!!#the genuine. care she has for reporting. is so !!!!! to me... other beatrix thoughts include 'why reveal yourself at the end' aka vincent's#'u should have stayed silent u had a smart plan' like rip to them but i would not // it feels with bea's complex character i can't imagine h#her Not doing that. like the guilt is real i guess. and i am running out of tags but! smth also about her fervent hope or smth that she'll#eventually get to where she wants. and the resilient determination.. 'i won't let their deaths be pointless there's more good i'm gonna do'#they're so so real for that. i'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing; seeing myself reflected in aspects of characters like this.. but it's#it's there regardless. smth smth just make your peace with the person you are ig!! tldr beatrix campbell my beloved. hehe#adamandi
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a-hazbin-reader · 5 months
I hope this is an okay thing to ask for but could you do headcanons of Alastor with female reader on her- time of the month?? (Kinda wondering what to be like for him with all the blood ya know???) 🙇🏻‍♀️ please, thank you!
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being nasty, canon cannibalism mentioned, menstruation(wish I got a TW for that in real life fr)
Description: ☝️⬆️
Can literally smell it coming before you even have a chance to check your calendar
He's like a fucking shark, smelling you from miles away
Maybe it's his affection for you but you're the one person he reacts this way to, he's fine around anyone else on their period
If you forget then he's not going to remind you because he likes waking up to the smell of your blood
Don't worry though he'll take care of the sheets and your clothes, he's got you bby girl
Tbh Alastor is practically starving whenever your period starts, the coppery smell making his mouth water constantly
He's sipping tea and you walk by?? Oops, the cup is crushed in his hands and he's sitting there with tea and broken glass all over him
He wants to devour you all the time
Definitely just finds opportunities to bite you and draw blood so he can stave off his desires
Don't worry it feels good
Eats at Cannibal Town more often
Other than that, he tends to pamper you when you're on your period
You're craving something??? Don't worry, Husk or Niffty will go get it for you! He'll snuggle you while you wait
Wait actually that looks kinda good give him a bite
Fuck off
He steals a bite anyways, forcing you to feed him a little nibble
Thank you love
You're experiencing cramps?? Do you want him to massage the area for you? You want a hot water bottle? He's got you
You just want to cuddle and be held? He can spare some time for that, just let him close the door first
Bby please he has a reputation to uphold
Loves when you have mood swings and snap at the others, encourages your anger
He's a shit stirrer
He literally just likes poking the bear and pointing you in his current victim's direction
"My dear, I thought you knew that Angel ate your sweets..."
As long as it's not directed at him
If you turn your anger on him then his ears fold back and he finds an excuse to run off
"I'm sorry my dear but Charlie is calling for me! We'll have to continue this conversation for another time!"
"Alastor, Y/N is looking for you-"
If your mood changes to sadness and you start crying then he panics and freezes up
Makes awkward grabby motions at you then stops
He hates seeing you upset but he's an asshole and doesn't know what to do, doesn't want to make it worse
Idk if he's ever made a genuine attempt to make someone he cares about feel better
Alastor doesn't want to be the reason you're crying
Will just ask you what he can do to make it better, gripping your chin so that you have to look at him
He's serious
Whatever you ask of him he'll do it and he'll do it himself, no sending someone in his place and no fuss
Is visibly relieved once you're calm again, rubbing your back and letting out a sigh
Alastor is as attentive as he can bring himself to be when you're on your period, but you still have to put up with a lot of his shit
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I hope this is what you were asking for 🥺
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'The Sweetest Mornings'
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Luke Castellan x Fem!Reader hc's
A/N:Rq'd by one of my friends.Not initially what I planned on writing tbh,but I gave it a try.
Waking up next to Luke in the morning hc's
I feel feel like you would wake up next to Luke,and he'd be all lowkey smirking, his signature mischievous glint in his eyes, like he knows he's trouble, but he's your trouble.
He deff calls you some cheeky pet name, right? Like babe,love or sweetheart,but he delivers it with that devilish charm that's just so him. I feel like he'd also start the day with a subtle compliment,maybe teasing you about how you're the reason mornings are suddenly worth waking up to.
He LOVES and I mean LOVES stealing the covers, like it's some kind of conquest.Imagine him playfully arguing about it, claiming it's for strategic demigod survival or something.
I feel like he would be a sprawler in bed, you know? Arms flung wide, taking up more space than logically possible. Maybe you wake up to find his hand lazily draped over you, a possessive yet affectionate gesture that's just so him.
Morning conversations with Luke would be a mix of witty banter and genuine connection. I can totally see him sharing some wild camp stories or making plans for the day with that sly, confident grin.
Imagine him casually pulling off that messy morning hair, you know? Like he just rolled out of bed looking effortlessly attractive, and you're there wondering how someone can be so annoyingly charming.
He'd probably tease you about morning rituals, pretending not to understand the need for extensive routines. I feel like he'd be the type to poke fun at the idea of a demigod needing beauty sleep.
I can totally picture him with a secret stash of morning snacks - and sharing breakfast with Luke would involve stealing bites and playfully arguing over the last bite.
Morning training sessions with him would be intense but oddly exhilarating. I feel like he'd push your limits while maintaining that cocky smile, making you feel both challenged and supported.
He'd be the master of surprise morning adventures, right? Like whisking you away for a spontaneous sunrise escapade or a secret trip to the beach, proving that every moment with Luke is an unpredictable thrill.
I feel like he'd have this habit of leaving little notes or trinkets by your bedside, maybe a stolen drachma or a witty message that leaves you smiling.Those small gestures would be his way of saying, "Hey,I'm thinking of you."
Imagine him cracking jokes about camp gossip or making witty comments about other demigods during breakfast like he's the resident camp comedian, always keeping the mood light even in the face of danger.
Morning cuddles with him would be a mix of warmth and mischief. I can imagine him pulling you into a tight embrace, yet always ready to sneak in a playful tickle or a stolen kiss.
I feel like he would call you "Sunshine" because you're the light in his dark world, you know?And when you wake up, he'd be like, "Morning, Sunshine," with that sly grin of his.
I feel like he would always have this habit of tracing random patterns on your skin while you're cuddling, you know? His fingers just drawing invisible shapes, and you're like, "What are you doing?" and he'd smirk, "Just leaving my mark."
I feel like you would try to get up, but he would pull you back into bed, being all playful, and whispers, "Five more minutes, babe," with that charming smirk.
A/N:Will I post about Luke too?Maybe.I could give it a try ngl.
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xfancyuu · 1 year
~ now i draw a luxury nxde. [aemond targaryen] 18+ SMUT
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because it's the beginning of spring i wanted to post for that so in universe it is also warm and flowers are blooming! reader is afab with she/her pronouns & my requests are open! this could be read as though it's in the same universe as my other bolton!reader works, though she's married to aemond and is referred to as lady targaryen. there are no appearance indicators in this fic, this is kinda canon divergence. also i didn't bold the dialogue for this one and i actually think i'm gonna go and reformat my other fics to match! this fic is also known as frolicking and fucking so yeah that's what you're in for. smut will be indicated with a different coloured line break if you do not wish to read it. [1,757 words]
this fic contains: wall sex, public sex, dressed sex, choking, spitting, voyeurism, name-calling, corruption kink, attempted dirty talk? y'all are just newly married and experimenting tbh, y'all degrade each other, slight orgasm denial, cumming inside. if i missed any please lmk!
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You had never imagined life as a married woman to be so blissful. You had heard from the ladies in court that they simply did their marital duty and did not enjoy spending time with their husbands. They had told you that the bliss would wear off within the year once you had children, and they would steal your beauty.
You had all but rolled your eyes at their commentary. They were rude and bitter, seeking your own mood to be as equally unhappy as their own. They nitpicked at everything you did, from reading too much to what you ate and how you conducted yourself. Loneliness truly was more appealing than spending ceaseless amounts of time with women who were your mother's age and almost as bitter. Being surrounded with unmarried women was improper, they had told you — not that you paid them mind, as your ladies in waiting were all unmarried and far better company.
You found yourself in the gardens with your ladies-in-waiting more often than not, the weather was pleasant, and you'd much rather be outside than wallow inside without much joy. Flowers had brought you much more joy than you had anticipated, they livened your mood from the dreaded time spent with the married ladies in court. They wouldn't be seen outside without reason, whereas you did not care much for the opinions and thoughts of others in court, despite being a Princess.
The book within your lap had become much more interesting than whatever your ladies were gossiping about, you hadn't cared much for the people they were talking about, but the adventure of Lady Sunderland and her times in the Reach were too addictive to put down. Your ladies' had tried to gain your attention one too many times, but you were too engrossed in the book to care for the outside world.
The book was abruptly taken from your hands, making you both lose the page you were ready and had caused your brain to be hazy. You were both mad and irritated by the actions of someone clearly trying to ruin your day. "Do you mind?" You had asked, not expecting to see your husband as you looked up.
"Is it a crime for me to want to spend time with my wife?" Aemond had asked you, extending his hand as if expecting you to take it despite disturbing your peace.
"It's a crime when you snatch my book off of me and expect me to be happy about it." You retorted, deciding it was probably better to go along with him, and took his help to get off the grass. "Lucky for you, I like you enough not to lock you up."
"Oh how merciful." Aemond responded, not removing your hand from his grasp, "the flowers are blooming, you should be looking at the world instead of living in your books."
"I'll have you know I can do both equally," You retorted, leading Aemond away from the prying eyes and sharp ears of your ladies, "Now you're here you might as well keep me company if you won't let me read, perhaps a walk around the garden would do us both some good."
"I have a better idea than touring the gardens," Aemond had pulled you into a secluded pathway leading away from the hustle and bustle of everybody else.
"Your ideas always end up with us in trouble." You weren't entirely wrong, the disapproving look of Queen Alicent would be forever engrained in your brain.
"They may be troublesome, but you always have fun." You couldn't disagree, instead you simply followed Aemond to whichever location he wanted to show you.
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Aemond had abruptly left you in the morning, leaving you needy and begging for him to finish the job he'd started yet he had left you without a thought for your own well-being. You could somewhat blame your crankiness and willingness to do such a deviant act in public with the possibility of anybody seeing and reporting such acts to the Queen.
The thought that you shouldn't be doing this had crossed your mind — the words would not leave your mouth though, you had wanted to do this, neediness had seeped in, with your skirts and underclothes raised above your waist, your modesty was damned and so were you.
The carnal need and desire you felt within yourself had put all your thoughts out the window, if you were in your usual mind frame you would have told Aemond no, that it was improper but words would not form in your throat. Instead, you kissed him back with almost as much longing.
The insatiability you had felt was consuming you, yet it felt more so annoying, Aemond hadn't truly done anything to you to make you feel this way, little touches and long stares did not warrant you feeling so flustered by the man so much you'd let him take you any which way he wanted.
You were expecting the current position you were in — being in public had never been a boundary you crossed with each other, yet he had so little patience when it had come to you, not even checking if the garden was secluded enough not to have prying eyes follow you, "Who knew my lady wife could be such a whore?" Aemond had whispered in your ear, though you could not form words of your own, "Wanting me to take her right now with not a care in the world who witnesses it."
"I think you can only get your cock up with the thought of an audience, you leave me so frustrated when we're alone in our chamber."
"You may come to regret that, wife." Aemond had always had to get the last word, "Your tongue may be sharp, but I will fuck you until you can't form another sentence." He'd begun unlacing his trousers, and you truly knew you were in for it — whatever it entailed, you weren't sure.
"You keep saying what you're going to do, but you haven't even stuck it in yet, tell me husband, are you struggling? Do you need me to help you stick it in? Can you not find the hole?" You couldn't finish your light-hearted taunting Aemond had entered you with little care, it was sloppy and lustful as though he felt as much need as you did.
You couldn't stay quiet, not with how intoxicating Aemond had felt inside, thrusting himself as far as he could inside of you, the slow pace was comfortable but irritating, you wanted it fast and hard, you wanted Aemond to show you the side of himself he hid away, the side which would make you blush if you so much as thought about it.
You were so used to being in control, Aemond had ensured you always felt comfortable and could stop at any moment but seeing him so dominant had made you tingle, then gasp as you felt a hand around your throat. "You've got to be quiet, you don't want the world to hear you, do you? Don't want the world to hear what a whore you become for cock."
The sight of your ladies seeing you in such a position had the opposite effect than what you thought it would, the idea of corrupting them as much as you had been corrupted had you clenching around Aemond's cock.
"Not so fast, princess," Aemond spoke, his pace slowing and causing the momentum and build-up to your own orgasm to be depleted. "Good girls get to cum, you've not been a good girl, have you?"
You couldn't respond, the hand wrapped around your throat had become tighter, "Going to cum inside you, princess, have you got a problem with that?" You had tried to shake your head, but with the grip Aemond had on your throat, your head hadn't moved an inch.
Aemond had increased his speed, and you knew he was close to his own peak despite ruining your own, the pettiness within you had decided if you didn't get your release neither was Aemond. As if sensing your plans, Aemond thrust into you harder, keeping you in place as though you were a doll he could do what he pleased. "You're going to take my seed, and you're going to thank me for it."
Your orgasm was too sudden for you to realise what was happening, from the words Aemond spoke to the way he was fucking you, it was far too much to process and your body reacted entirely by itself. You knew disobeying Aemond would have consequences but in the depth of your own pleasure and Aemond continuing to fuck you, you didn't care. You'd take any punishment to feel a moment of the pleasure you were currently feeling.
"Naughty girl." Aemond whispered in your ear as you came down from your high, "I thought you'd finally be a good girl, though I suppose I set my standards too high for you. Open your mouth."
You did as he commanded, not wanting to make him more upset with you. However, you weren't prepared for him to spit in your mouth — or to like it as much as you did. "You belong to me and you do as I say."
It hadn't taken long for Aemond to spill his seed within you, his grip on your throat loosening and his teeth biting into your skin. It wasn't often you had allowed him to cum inside you — the prospect of what would follow being in the forefront of your mind. "I'm yours." You reassured Aemond as he came down from his climax.
"Are you okay there?" You had asked, not used to such an intense reaction from Aemond, "I really enjoyed myself." You reassured him, you were so close and the euphoria of the situation had you cradling Aemond within your arms.
"It was just a bit... much, I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked, pulling out of you. At that moment, you knew you'd need to bathe. The feeling of his seed coming out of you had you almost recoiling.
"Trust me, you'd know if you were hurting me." You didn't want to approach the subject of being witnessed in such an act. "Your mother may be expecting more grandchildren soon."
"Moontea exists, my dear." You hadn't been married a year yet, it wasn't entirely suspicious that you had not shown signs of being pregnant. "And for what it's worth, I enjoy our time just being the two of us."
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as always, thank you for reading this! i really appreciate it. i really enjoy writing for aemond so if y'all have any requests send them my way. my next hotd fic will be for helaena so if that interests you just message me! crossposted on ao3 under the name hedonism!
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eskir · 4 months
dusk - sunday x gn!reader
warnings - nsfw, smut, dubcon, and slight yandere?
word count - 864
a/n | i have no clue what i'm doing with this tbh and i apologize if there are any mistakes. this is probably one of my first writing bits for him and my grammar is off, i will admit. was also unsure of whether to keep it in third person or second so i just choose the latter. no explicit details and the first paragraph was just me trying to get into the mood of writing. thanks for reading if you do! oh, also took some inspo from sleepingelvhen's and mimisplayground's posts. i am also so embarrassed by what i wrote at 11pm so take this fever dream.
He smiles down upon you, playing the role of an angel as he extends a hand, a helping hand, as if he had nothing to do with your current situation. As if he didn’t orchestrate it so that you would gratefully take his hand, run into his arms and cling onto him as if he was the only safe thing in your world. And Sunday relished feeling like he was the only thing that mattered. Even more, he loved controlling and twisting events and words so successfully to fulfill his own desires. Sunday loved that you never found out, and he would do anything to keep it that way.
He loved it when you were under him, panting with your face painted a deep shade of red. He enjoyed looking over you, touching you in places that he knew would elicit little sounds. Dragging his finger down your spine slowly, watching your back arch and not caring if you begged for him to hurry. ‘you want me to go faster? you’ll have to earn it,’ he’d whisper in your ears, his voice soft and a smile adorning his face that doesn’t reach his eyes.
He's ruthless, bringing you to the edge, watching you writhe underneath him with a coy smile. Sunday doesn’t do anything except continue, wearing you out. If small tears form, he'll wipe them away and coo at you in a sickly sweet way as he continues. He draws out begs and whines, almost pushing you over the edge until he stops suddenly, a pleasant smile on his face as if he had no clue what he just did. 
He'd make you beg even more, persuading, almost forcing, promises out of you. Making you swear that you'd never interact with those individuals again or that you'd stay by his side forever, whichever suited his mood. And if Sunday wasn’t in the mood to draw out promises? He'd tease you instead, maybe bringing out some toys with the promise of continuing if, and only if, you put it on. So you let him tie you up, placing a gag over your mouth and a blindfold over your eyes. Blind to both what's happening and the manipulation occurring.
And he wouldn’t stop once, he’d do it multiple times over the course of hours. Enjoying the way that you broke down, nearly begging for his touch. He'd find small things to critique you over, like the way that you talked to that one person for just a little bit too long, or the smile you flashed to the person that was obviously flirting with you. Sunday paints those events as things requiring punishment, and what better punishment than delay? After all, you wouldn’t ever want to experience what other punishment he has to offer, no?
The only thing stopping him from continuing this cycle is the exhaustion that he can see building up. Be that the way that your eyes start to close or the subtle shift in your tone, he notices it all. So finally he brings pushes you over the edge.
And at the end of it all, he’s barely tired. You can feel the way that your legs will barely function the next day, a numb jelly like feeling spreading throughout your body. But he doesn't, only watching and finding a certain amount of joy, knowing that you'll have to rely on him the next day. But it’s still nighttime, so he caresses your flushed face, tracing your cheekbones and jawline ever so softly. He takes note of the way your eyes close from exhaustion, wiping away sweat and drawing circles on your skin idly.
He doesn’t often take you this far, but today he didn’t feel like using honeyed words to keep you near. Instead, he now brushes his fingers over your body, a grin forming as you flinch and ultimately move into his touch. Sunday knows that you enjoyed his touches, no matter how little or tiring, still seeming to crave his love. So he uses it against you, under whatever righteous guise he chooses.
But as long as you remain devoted to him, like a worshipper to a god, he will stay patient, follow your whims, and be a 'good' person. As long as you were devoted, he would persuade you in the gentlest way, through soft touches and sweet words. Never mind his demeanor toward others.
So he picks up your tired body, pressing kisses to your forehead as he draws a bath. Letting you rest in warm water, he massages your head, soap bubbles forming. He scrubs your body, maybe a few teasing touches, but nothing more. Sunday understands that you're tired. 
After the bath, he bundles you up in blankets, preparing to clean himself as well. He does it quickly, not wanting to miss out a single moment with you. When he comes back, if you're still awake, he'll cuddle with you, kissing you more. If you try to kiss him back, he'll smile, shaking his head as he motions for you to go to sleep. So eventually you do, warm and comfortable, knowing that the next day will be decided based off of Sunday’s whims.
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Dude poly!Ted Schlatt with a size kink? Omfg + calling both of them daddy or calling Schlatt daddy and Ted sir *faints*
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*sorry if I blew up your inbox with likes*
Love them both tbh
I'm so mad that there isn't a lot of poly stuff for them
But then again, I feel like ppl just don't write the reader the way I act, you know?
I also don't really write daddy/sir stuff but we'll see!
To establish some relationship tings:
You're in a relationship with Schlatt and Ted, they're in a relationship with you and each other, none of that "love triangle" bullshit, this is a polyamorous relationship SUSAN!!!
Ted's a switch, dom leaning
Schlatt is also a switch, he doesn't really lean but he loves domming Ted
But they both have a mutual alliance that whenever you decide to sub, they go HAM
Not pushing your limits or anything, but they pull out all the stops
They wont cum until you have at least three times
They set the mood
Fresh sheets
They'll turn your plushies around
I also feel like they'd be very goofy during sex
Schlatt dropped something off the bed one time and completely forgot he was inside you so when he went to bend and get it, he almost came and fell off the bed right then and there cuz you squeezed him just right.
Ted cracks jokes mid-sex ALL THE TIME
"Fuuuck... you're.. so big?!"
"That's what she said."
"Did you just make a 'that's what she said' joke... during anniversary sex?"
But Schlatt doesn't really mind it, cuz he loves the feeling of you laughing around his cock
"Holy fucking shit... Ted, I swear to god, if you stop makin' this sweet angel laugh I'm gonna fucking kill you... I'm so close..."
Because he's Catholic, Schlatt refuses to fuck you with a condom on. Sorry babe, you're just gonna have to deal with it! It's against his religion!
But seriously, no matter your gender or status of fertility, Schlatt CANNOT stop picturing what your kids would look like.
He's a family man, what can I say!
This is getting off topic.
Tbh, they just *work* together, you know?
Joint sex playlist
Believe it or not, Schlatt's the one that adds Careless Whisper to it
Even if he does it ironically, there have been times where you give up and just let him fuck you to it
And he laughs the entire way through, making it soooo cheesy
Meanwhile, I feel like Ted fucks to more sentimental music, like Hozier or smth
I know I said he makes jokes
But I can't help but think he *makes love to you* while Son of Nyx plays
Schlatt also just likes watching you two fuck
A lot
He's taken up drawing and will use you guys as references
He says it's so he can get better at Gartic Phone, but it's just because he can't express his love for you guys through words so he prefers to draw you two having sex.
he keeps the drawings to himself and admires them sometimes
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
10 asks! Thank you! :}} 🫶
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I've heard good things about it, buuut it's not really my taste.. <:/ I don't intend to watch it..
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Sorry, fanfiction is a no-go as well.. 😔
Thank you! And ruling the world sounds like a lot of work! All I wanna do is feel better and get back to my normal life 🥺
@illogically-austere (Related to this post..?)
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Ugh.. always disappointing to hear.. thanks for letting me know. <:) 👍
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I'm not exhausted because I'm overworking myself, I'm exhausted because I'm batting unknown health problems- 💀💀💀 all I've been doing for months is resting, Tumblr is nice break from all the stress going on irl rn <:/
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Good morning! And tbh that's my mood as well 😅💀
I've actually seen some of those movies! :00 if I had the choice, I'd go back and watch Rise of the Guardians again. Such a cool movie ✨💞✨
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm so glad you've liked my pokemon stuff! :}}}
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Thank you! :}} And currently, no.. I don't plan on drawing any Octonauts fanart anytime soon. But that's not to say I'll never draw it again. I'm just taking a break for now! <:}
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dollya-robinprotector · 8 months
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I'll have a little look back and remember how I came up with this current Sona design. The me of 2021 definitely would look at this and go "WTF???". When I search and place old drawings side by side for comparison, It's really been a process of changing my perspective on myself and constantly finding what I want.
It'll be very random and full of my old drawings, so if you don't mind a little rambling, welcome to go under the cut and go back in time with me!
Let's start with this design. As you can clearly see it was based on how I actually look irl, from the outfit, hairstyle to make-up.
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Tbf this was not my first attempt to create a Sona, but it was a huge milestone because it's 2018, the year I got into my dream Art university and left home. My style completely changed, and this Sona showed it perfectly.
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I drew this with my fingers, on my broken phone, to enter a Vietnamese clothes design competition, where we modernized some traditional clothes. What I did here is a modernized Nhật Bình. I won and got my design made into real clothes and sent to me. I'm still proud of it to this day XD
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It was fun! I draw her almost daily, like how I do with Lya and Lyah in this blog. I used her to make friends with other artists. I even created a gender-bent version for her : D
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But the uni life was stressful, especially when I entered my third year and tried to escape my parents' grasp. They were furious and threatened me, I started working extra and do commission to pay for my own living and rent, lessons were hard, and homework and projects were pilling,... As a result, I often use my sona to stress draw.
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It didn't help much, my anxieties and insecurities kept adding to the molten fire inside me, and my overthinking got worse day by day.
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But then at some point, I decided to separate myself from that sona. She turned into one of my many OCs, maybe more special but I no longer see my entire self in her anymore.
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I have to thank my two besties for that. They pulled me out of my darkest moments and stayed with me. They remain to be my only two most important people in this whole world.
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I started to "reuse" the sona appearance into creating many other OCs for many other fandoms I joined (Cookierun, HnK, FGO, KnY, Genshin,...). I had fun jumping between different styles lol.
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The idea for the current design started to take shape when one day I drew her wearing a white delicate dress (I usually just do red) and a see-through sleep dress I just bought.
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Something started clicking.
Then I became an assistant for an Ero Artist. Yup. I started to be exposed to more "sexy" character designs and tbh I just love those. I love drawing female characters already, but there's something something about cute and sexy girls in lingerie... If you know what I mean.
The design slowly became clearer. Cute and pristine-white, see-through lingerie, with little four petals flowers, and little bows, perfect.
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The details still varied. They depended on the style I was using or my mood, whether I wanted to go into details or not. That's the fun of drawing your own design, let's keep it.
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And here we are~ Maybe it's still not final, but I'm happy with it, and that's enough for me now!
If you've been reading this far, thank you and congratulations! I will send you a kiss and wish you a good day~~ Hope you're having fun scrolling on my blog~
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
What kind of music do you think each of the Batfam members listen to? (Besides Jason who is obviously a Mitski stan)
OH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!!!! i'm gonna tryyyyy and take this seriously
starting off i think alfred's music taste influences just about everyone in the manor to some degree. lots of classical music flowing through the hallways at most hours of the day, the music reminds everyone of home. i think it's a general rule of thumb in the family that if you want to locate alfred, just follow the sound of mozart.
drawing off a bit of canon, i think dick listens to a lot of popular 80s stuff. the cure, joy division, the b-52s, billy joel, abba etc. that one panel of him humming 'here comes the sun' also comes to mind, i think he'd enjoy the beatles. however i do think he'd also be into some soft rock, maybe just a little bit of more intense stuff too. fleetwood mac's a big one i think he'd like. i've mentioned in a post before how i think dick would enjoy foo fighters in his post-robin rebellion phase, and i stand by that.
i do also enjoy his insane love for david bowie in the live-action titans adaption... very dear to me. i take that as gospel. also have a slight feeling he's a bit of a jazz guy once in a blue moon.
however i don't think he'd be overly into music, (the artists though, that's a whole other thing), i think he's also just happy to flick on the radio to some random dated station... or, don't crucify me... the top hits of the day.
i think jason's taste is a bit more refined. he's the #1 victim of alfred's classical music agenda, sitting in the library he's got something like 'lacrimosa' looping endlessly.
unlike dick who's got a happy-go-lucky approach to music, i think jason feels into it a bit more. he's joyriding through the city and listening to slipknot, sleeping with sirens, misfits etc etc. he's just looking for background music, maybe he's playing dashboard confessional, or... hear me out... lana del rey. he's out on patrol and is playing 90's rap through his helmet's bluetooth.
i think he'd also enjoy amy winehouse, the boys next door, no doubt, alice in chains, and maybe a bit of lorde. he's definitely into more indie bands too, local stuff. makes his own mixtapes and you'd only be able to recognise like 20% of the bands by name. he's also the one batfam member who i think would go to war to defend the songs he feels deeply about.
tim's a bit more difficult to narrow down, but i'll throw 90s alternative out there; jimmy eat world, oasis, radiohead, weezer, pearl jam type stuff. i'm also very set in my ways about femme-pop tim, which is definitely more out there and harder to justify. in terms of that i think beyonce, rihanna, and britney spears are the big three he'd enjoy.
i just think he likes anything with a beat tbh, it's not so much about genre or the actual song, as it is about the mood. similarly to dick, i don't think he's typically meticulous with defining his taste or anything, just happy to listen to whatever's making him feel good.
as for damian, i think anything with soothing instruments entices him. mainly classical, but not just limited to european stuff, i'm thinking of tyagaraja, toru takemitsu etc just off the top of my head. he'd also like elton john, queen, and other older artists with a polished vocal and avantgarde nature. i'm also going to put cartoon soundtrack music into the mix, specifically songs from adventure time. for whatever reason i'm also super drawn into the idea of him being big on kpop, although i don't know enough about the genre to make specific assumptions.
steph (ik she's not exactly batfam but i'm including her anyways) listens to predominantly female artists, and oscillates between very uplifting pop stuff, and.. societal hatred. so i think on one hand she's very into marina and the diamonds, kesha, and olivia rodrigo, but also paramore, hole, fiona apple, lorde etc. in contrast to all of that though she's also a huge fan of the beatles' solo careers, particularly paul mccartney.
cass is into a lot of the music she's done for ballet performances. the music for the snow queen instantly comes to mind as something that would be a favourite of hers. this might be a bit out there, but i think she'd enjoy grimes a lot, mostly because of how enriching it is to just listen to the sounds of, without having to pay much mind to the words she's speaking (grimes never really makes a lot of sense anyways). apart from that i don't think she really listens to all that much music, maybe some 2000s pop she hears on the radio driving around with steph.. i did enjoy the all star gag in batgirls (2022).
babs has a pretty similar taste to steph i think (i believe steph may have gotten some of her taste from her). she's a big fan of stevie nicks, gwen stefani, maybe the cranberries, hole, dolly parton, janet jackson, lauryn hill, and lesley gore. i'd like to say she enjoys a bit of 70s eccentric too, the doors, blondie, bowie etc. i don't think she's overly fussed with what she's listening to, as long as it doesn't sound too watered down and modern-pop like.
and i don't really know enough about duke to make assumptions, so i'm just going to let him sit out of this one. i also don't think bruce has any time for music, except for a bit of classical to help him concentrate every so often.
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palettepainter · 5 months
EDIT: So I totally forgot about the line where Vox is like "And hey, you still have him under contract" Sooo this entire idea is false. But the idea of Vox saying Angel quit is still an interesting one, since it implies there is a possibility sinners can "quit" in some way from a contract
So two things real quick: I know I've been talking about Hazbin a lot, but tbh If I were to do anything with that fandom it would be with my OC's/NG's, I'm still not crazy over the main cast (besides the potential dynamic between Vox and Angel, and Fizz x Ozzie from Helluva Boss, the characters don't grab me as much as characters in other fandoms do)
And second thing is I do wanna bring up an interesting point I don't think anyone else has mentioned yet
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Vox specifically says "Oh Angel quit?". Obviously this happens in ep 2, but by ep 4 we know Valentino has Angel under contract, Valentino even says "I own you (Angel)". While we don't know a great deal of lore about how contracts work in Hell, I think it's a given to assume they're a big deal. More so, they're not something you can just "quit" and move on from
I just find it really interesting how Vox asks if Angel "quit" rather than saying something like "Oh you fired him?" to Val.
Is Vox even aware that Valentino has Angel under contract?? His brighter mood when he asks if Angel "quit" could be because, for all he knows, Angel is somebody who causes Val to loose his cool, somebody Val chooses to keep around, which causes problems that he ultimately has to sort out. Indirectly, Angel causes problems for Vox (I assume the reason Vox pulls out his phone while Valentino is ranting is because it's likely he's done this song and dance a hundred dozen times and doesn't take it all that seriously anymore).
And if Vox doesn't know about Angel's contract, he's left to believe that Angel is causing problems on purpose. It's probably likely Vox knows Angel is important to Val because of the money he makes him, but he also probably knows that Valentino is a literal tyrant and employs dozens of people who, all together, make him a lot of money
I think the idea of Vox perhaps not being aware of Angel's contract is further supported when he turns to Val later in the episode, when the V's are discussing about having somebody infiltrate the hotel, and asks "Do you think Angel would do it?". He phrases the question casually, like there's a chance Angel could say no, phrasing it a way that makes Angel the one who decides
Alternatively, he could have said "Can you (Valentino) get Angel to do it?" or "Can't you (Valentino) make Angel do it?"
It's very possible that this is just me thinking too deeply into stuff. While I do want this show to do good for the animation world overall, praying it'll draw more attention to other Indie Animated projects (cuz god knows Disney isn't pushing out good movies like it used to-) the writing in some episodes - looking at episode 3 and parts of episode 1 - isn't brilliant. Plus with how some of the writing is in Helluva Boss also I don't have a lot of hope that THIS much thought went into the script for the show.
It's very likely that Vox isn't written this deeply, but if it turns out I'm right and some of what I've discussed does end up being true though trust me I have my doubts, I'll be surprised
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thatwriterchick222 · 4 months
slap you silly (john price x f/reader)
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summary: literally just a short one shot with pussy slapping teehee
a/n: another draft i had lying around that i never posted... i'm still blushing and giggling over it tbh
NSFW under the cut ;))))
“Look at the mess you’ve made, my love.” Price pulled his fingers out of your dripping cunt, his eyes intently watching as he smeared your come around. You trembled beneath him, his thumb still rubbing your clit as you came down from a powerful orgasm.
Lifting his hand from your cunt, a string of your slick connected the two of you for a moment, and you couldn’t help but stare, your mouth agape and your breaths still heavy.
Suddenly, and without warning, Price’s hand came down and gave your pussy a quick slap, sending a mixture of pleasure and pain jolting through your body. You jumped, a surprised yelp escaping your throat. He looked up at you, letting his hand gently rub you up and down.
“Like that?” He tilted his head, his forefinger and middle finger lightly drawing circles on your clit for a moment. He looked infuriatingly cocky, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You nodded, redness creeping up your neck.
Sure enough, he pulled his hand away before landing another slap on your aching cunt, and this time, the sound of your wetness was apparent. Your face became even redder than it had been, the slick sounds emanating from your body being one of the most arousing things about it. Price rubbed you again, the stinging pain from the slap subsiding quickly.
He quickly smacked you again, his palm lingering on your clit as you jumped under him, your lips parted as you simply let him do whatever he pleased.
“Bloody hell…” Price watched your face contort in both surprise and pleasure, taking in the way your body reacted to his hands, your hips bucking as he stroked you, or your tits bouncing as he slapped you once again.
The strange concoction between the stinging pain and searing pleasure was oddly addictive, each harsh slap of his hand against your cunt making you squeeze your thighs around his forearm, yet bucking your hips for more.
You could feel yourself working up to another orgasm, strangely on edge despite him barely touching you how he normally did. It was as if he were teasing you, after slapping you hard he let himself hit a little lighter repeatedly, as if he were patting you on the back.
“John…” You ground your hips into his hand as he gently stroked you, soothing the pain that rippled through you. Your cunt burned, and you assumed it was probably redder than it ever had been, and wetter than it ever had been. Sharp breaths and pathetic whimpers were the only sounds you could get out, your brain practically mush as he began to stroke your clit once more.
“Use your words, darling.” He said, his eyes staring you down, knowing damn well that you were already close to your second orgasm.
If you were being honest, you didn’t have words, for you were too flustered, your heart pounding in your ears and your body absolutely on fire. You just wanted him to keep touching you, and you would do about anything to keep his hand there.
“Don’t– stop.” Were the only words you managed to get out, but you should’ve held back because you knew Price was in the mood to be mean. He slowed his movements on your clit, and then pulled away, landing another quick slap against your pussy. You bit down on your lip, hard, to stop the moan from coming out, to prevent yourself from giving the satisfaction that you enjoyed this.
His finger began slowly running up your slit, gathering the slick that was dripping down. You let your head fall back against the pillow, his feather-light touch a welcome change to distract you from how numb your lips were.
And then he slowly began to push his thick middle finger inside you, and you practically melted around him at the delightful stretch. It went in easily because of how wet you were, and he quickly decided to add another finger, slowly pumping them in and out. You were already so on edge due to the painfully slow teasing, and you instantly ground your hips down desperately on his fingers, reveling in the way his upwardly curved palm brushed against your clit. Your eyes screwed shut, your orgasm approaching faster than you thought it would.
You were startled out of your trance as Price reached up and landed a quick– yet gentle– slap on your cheek, along with a quick and low whistle to grab your attention.
“Hey, eyes on me, angel.”
Fucking Christ.
It wasn’t long before you were letting go around his fingers, each quick thrust of them against your g-spot coaxing more and more out of you, your hands scrambling for purchase on the bedsheets. Your body shook as waves of burning pleasure coursed through you, and as you were beginning to calm down, your breathy and shaky gasps dissipating, he pulled his fingers out and slapped your tired aching pussy one last time.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
your sammy content has me screaming, blushing, giggling and kicking my legs!!! idk if you write for this stuff, but would you mind writing what yandere sammy, gun and goo would be like? have a wonderful day <3 - 🌺anon
Fanon Sammy has me reacting exactly the same tbh! TYSM for reading and the ask 🌺🌺🌺🌺❤️
Oof. Toxic, abusive relationships? (And this is also a trigger warning). I haven't made this as dark as it could be but here we go...
Lookism Yanderes: Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo
A snippet into their toxicity
Gun Park
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"How was school?"
You land on the sofa with a crash next to Gun.
Ugh. School was... school. Albeit a little better this week than it has been. The worst of your project work is over and that idiot in your class hasn't been around.
"Is that classmate still giving you trouble?"
"Huh? Oh. I haven't seen him this week."
"Hmm. Interesting."
Something about the way Gun says that draws your attention.
Why is he smiling? Is he happy that you're happy or-
Come to think of it. You haven't seen him since you last mentioned him bullying you to Gun.
... Everyone who causes you trouble has a habit of going 'missing'.
There was the group of girls who harassed you. Some drunken idiot who catcalled. This classmate who started picking on you. And actually, that boy you made friends with a few months back and Gun had disapproved when you told him.
The dots start to connect.
You startle back to the present and notice Gun staring intently at you. He knows that you know.
"Don't be scared, Y/N. I'm only doing this to protect you."
You know your boyfriend is violent, but you never thought-
"Are they..." you can't bring yourself to say the word 'dead'. The idea that Gun killed these people terrifies you.
"Not dead. They just aren't here anymore." Gun notices the shock written all over your face. He continues, "Y/N, haven't I made your life so much easier?"
And that is true. To an extent. But-
"You understand I would never hurt you?"
Wouldn't he? You suppose he has never laid a hand on you. You nod.
"You trust me?"
That, you do. He has never given you reason to doubt him. You nod again.
"Say the words."
"I trust you..."
"It's for my own good." you say, even as the insidious grip of fear starts to wind its way around your neck.
Goo Kim
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The bell to the cafe jingles, signalling a new patron. You put on your peppiest customer service smile.
Oh. Your face falls when you see who it is.
"You're here again?"
Goo just grins, taking his usual spot right by the counter. Right by you. "Yes my little sweetpea. Just visiting my love at work!"
It started as a nice gesture, Goo occasionally popping in. And if he wasn't here then he would be constantly texting you.
(He sulked for a week straight when you told him you weren't allowed your phone when you're working. Somehow you felt personally responsible for this despite it being a work policy.)
His quick coffee breaks turned into a few hours of lingering then eventually staying during your entire work schedule.
It is too much. Far too much.
"Goo... You know I got told off last time when you stayed for my whole shift."
"Is your manager still giving you a hard time!" Your boyfriend looks at you with the saddest puppy eyes and a pout. Goddamn it. Why are you the one feeling guilty.
You press on with what you want to say anyhow, "... Don't you think you being here all the time is a little inappropriate?"
Not just a little - a lot, you think. And not inappropriate - completely suffocating. But you are careful with your words.
"No! How could you think that..." The sulk intensifies and Goo looks genuinely upset. Ah shit. You're about to apologise- "Besides, I think your new boss would be fine with this."
In a blink of an eye, the mood changes. Goo looks happy. Manic, almost.
You narrow your eyes at him. What is he up to. "How do you know?"
"Let's just say I know him very personally."
"Who is it?"
"Your beloved - me! I bought this little cafe! Now I can see you all day every day!"
Seriously? This is ridiculous.
Your eyes quickly dart towards the other customers and your coworkers. You can't make a scene and frankly, you don't have the energy for this fight.
Nor do you want to put up with a week straight of tantrums until you inevitably suck it up and apologise.
Instead, you attempt your customer service smile again.
You hope it works.
Samuel Seo
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Entering the living room, you are immediately greeted by Samuel glaring at you.
"Where have you been?"
"Didn't you see my text?" You are sure you texted him before you left, telling him not to wait for you for dinner.
"I must have missed it." His expression doesn't change. "Where did you go?"
It was nothing special. You just had a catch up with a few classmates over a meal. Your eyes glance at the clock. It's not even 8pm.
"Who were you with?"
You explain (and you did mention if he had just checked his phone), but Samuel makes you list out every person.
"There were guys there?"
You frown at him. Well, yes but it's not like it wasn't a group-
"Am I not enough for you?"
The question surprises you but you read between the lines. You know Samuel has his insecurity issues, and you have been trying to work through them with him. Surely, this should have been fine.
"Of course you are," You try to defuse the situation, yet the doubt creeps in that you could have been more considerate.
"I would be more comfortable if you asked first." Samuel approaches you, angry and disappointed. "How am I supposed to concentrate on work if I don't know where you are?"
"But I did text-"
"Do you want me to lose my job?"
You shake your head.
"Everything I've worked for?" Samuel looms over you, looking furious.
You shake your head again.
"Then why is it too much to ask you to ask me first before you wander off?"
Your eyes start to well up with tears.
"Don't be like that." Immediately the anger is gone, replaced by concern, "I'm only worried about you."
His hand reaches out to stroke your cheek, and you lean into it - does this mean that the worst of the storm seems to be over?
"You know I love you, right?"
Of course. It's obvious that Samuel loves you. And you love him too. He's only doing this for your sake.
"I know. Sorry for making you worry."
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kindcatchan · 7 months
Kingpin pizzaface
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I don't know who the author of the meme is, but it's beautiful
A little more Goblin Noise. How did you understand - is the idea from Sam Raimi's movie
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I had ideas about other villains, but I got tired again, and I already don't like the ideas, but I thought Pepperman would be the Rhino and Vigilante would be a Hawk.… I think that's enough. Maybe if I'm in the mood I'll draw more.
Tbh my favorite - is goofy comics
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Oh no... Silly boy... What are you doin'? 😩
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Imagine that the Noise here has an Italian accent. I just don't know how to write it 👇
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I don't know how elegant the Noise should be, but according to the author's drawing, it seemed elegant to me
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Spider!Noise by @list0k
Spider!Pepp by idk, but here art on pinterest
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randompajamaalt · 9 months
I'm deeply invested in your Gerry headcannons
Care to share some more? :D
absolutely!! I love gerry so much I have so many hcs for him so I hope you don’t mind if I just.. pour em all out for a second
He makes friends with crows as much as he physically can. Whenever he spots crows in the wild he feeds them and makes friends with them so he’s constantly getting new shiny little trinkets. If he has stuff that he doesn’t want anymore he’ll give it to his favorite crow of the week. And yes, he’s named them, and yes, he can tell all of them apart.
he has heterochromia!  one of his eyes is green and the other is a mix of blue and brown. He wears dark brown contacts to cover them because he was kind of convinced they were a weird ugly flaw from a young age and never really got over it. He used to have two blue eyes, only the right one having brown in it, but over time his right eye(the pure blue one) slowly got greener as his connection to The Eye got stronger. It was almost fully green by the time he got his tattoos.
he would totally have fun in the sky vast
his familial trauma from being abused probably got him into the habit of walking silently, and that only got better with the whole hunt thing, so now he can creep up on anyone without making a single sound. He usually does it on accident
Whenever he’s in a particularly bad situation or a super bad mood the temperature around him goes down. and like- gets chilly. It’s not usually noticeable but sometimes it’s super strong 
SO YOU KNOW HOW HE HAS EYE TATTOOS ON EVERY JOINT. I personally hc they’re all around the same size- kind of small-ish. And if they’re on every joint that means they’re on his knuckles, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, toes, and UP HIS ENTIRE SPINE. UP TO WHERE HIS HAIR ENDS. but hear me out- the jaw is also a joint. WHAT IF. He had eyes on both sides of his jaw.
He pronounces “Chamomile” like “Sha-momma-lay” and nobody has ever bothered to correct him. Gertrude caught it on tape once
I don’t actually think he has a whole lot of piercings. Maybe his earlobes but tbh not much else? Idk why but he just seems like he would prefer tattoos and then just wear fake piercings everywhere else. Like he just doesn’t see the point of going through the whole process of trying to keep the piercings clean when he can just wear cool fake ones.
He likes drawing all over himself. One time Gertrude yelled at him abt it because he was using sharpie.
He loves stickers!! Sometimes he sticks them on books, sometimes on himself, and sometimes just anywhere he can reach. Whenever he passes a craft store he can’t help but buy a bunch of stickers.
He knows a tiny bit about sewing because of all the times he’s had to repair his clothes and sew on patches. He did make a skirt by himself once! Maybe I’ll draw it sometime :D
and yeah that’s all I can think of for now! that uh. was longer than expected. But it was fun!! Tysm for asking I love sharing my hcs :D
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okiankeno · 18 days
2 Truths 1 Lie Reveal:
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TDLR: option 3 was my lie! The first love letter I did lose and never opened until 3 years later (funnily enough, this was from the academic rival's best friend btw) but my second letter, from a girl I knew, I opened right away after finding it. Hence, I lied.
If you would like to learn more about me and the stories behind the options I picked for myself, they're under keep reading!
Most of Smoshblr voted for option two, which everyone dubbed Wattpad fanfic adjacent. It happened lol. I have a long explanation in response to @unknownteapot that I will reiterate here with some edits:
The academic rival was a guy I had a 'crush' on in grade 6 (my last year of elementary school in Canada). I say 'crush' in quotations bc I didn't understand the concept of sexual attraction or romance until the year after. Before understanding sexuality and attraction, I thought that picking the smartest person in the class would make me fall in love or something (spoiler alert: not really). We were compared a lot to each other as overachievers because of the extracurriculars like music and sports that we did, but I never thought we were rivals outside of school.
He and I were pretty good friends too, we ended up going to different junior highs (grades 7-9) but we texted and emailed each other every so often to keep in contact. The summer before high school started, he sent me a flurry of texts pretty much saying "Please go to x school with me, if you do we can date each other" (as if that was like a cool reward for going to the same school as him like??)
He is a nice guy but it was weird to me. He knew that I had a 'crush' on him years ago because I either told him or my best friend told him I can't remember tbh. I have no idea if he liked me tbh it just came out of the blue but what do I know, I miss flirtatious cues a lot so 😔😭😣 oh, and if you are wondering, I did not take up his offer because I thought it was really weird, plus I didn't have feelings for him.
Option one, stopping foreplay because of a joke that I never told my girlfriend? This too, is true.
My girlfriend and I took edibles before nightfall and when I'm high is that I get very bubbly and it's super easy for me to laugh. Additionally, it's very easy for me to get locked in on intimacy — so that's how I found myself in my girlfriend's bed, you know, bodies pressed together (there's a slew of other effects, but these are most integral to this story). But as I was touching her I could not stop thinking about how funny yet unsexy it would be if I cracked a joke. And this thought just kept repeating over and over in my head making me giggle and then into full-blown laughter. So naturally, sexytime had to come to a halt. She asked me what was going on and I told her, "I kept thinking about how funny but unsexy it would be if I made a joke right now," to which she asked, "What was the joke?"
There was no joke, just me laughing in anticipation of potentially making one during sex. Really lame, I know. I ended up getting frustrated at myself for a few minutes (my girlfriend comforted me with, "We don't have to do this right now if you're not in the mood") while we paused but then I locked in and got to home base.
Option 3, unopened love letters! This is my lie! These stories have a lot of sadness carried with them, so if you don't like hearing about heartbreak, prepare yourself!
The first letter, Valentine's Day, I'm the only gal that gets one from this guy. I misplaced it in my bedroom in one of my books and didn't find it again until I deep-cleaned my room three years later. I open it, it's a card that tells me about how cool I am and is filled with Naruto drawings (I doodled a lot of anime characters in class) and a $20 bill. $20 is a lot for an elementary school kid! So, yeah, I missed that signal. My best friend at the time even said to me on the bus home, "Oh I think [guy's name] likes you," and I went hm yeah interesting, not interested (I didn't care for or understand romance at the time - this was grade 6).
Second letter: An anonymously signed love letter was found in my locker in May, a month before I graduated high school. I opened it immediately because I wasn't gonna have a repeat of missing a confession from someone. It's typed in Times New Roman, and signed with an uppercase 'L'. It's from someone I knew because of the details included in the letter. They wanted to confess to me before we graduated but didn't have the courage to do so in person.
I spent a week trying to figure out who this could be, and unfortunately for me, I pegged down the wrong person, someone I had an ongoing crush on for 5 years since junior high, and wrote a letter to him. He reads it. He says it's not from him and he doesn't like me. I'm heartbroken and baffled.
Almost immediately after conversing with my crush, I knew who it was from: the girl who sat beside me in my physics class for the past year. Her last name started with an L, but I never thought it was her, because her words, to me, in the context of my delusional crush on a guy, sounded like him. So in my heartbreak, I write her an emotional reply letter overnight, bringing the one I wrote for my crush as well, and approach her at lunch break.
It's a sunny day, two weeks have passed since getting the letter in my locker, and I bring her to the end of a busy open hallway. She's sitting on the concrete floor, I'm standing above her, letters in hand; everything is bright, but I know the next thirty minutes will be anything but naught. I opened the conversation by telling her I received her letter and by mistake, thought it was from someone else. I let her read the letters. She starts crying, and I do too — she's a very sweet girl and my friend. A teacher walks by and asks if we are OK, and we both are sobbing, saying, "Yeah." We do not look ok.
I felt soo shitty, having heartbroken her heart from my heartbreak, and she tells me she has to write a math exam after this. I still cringe thinking about this story to this day because it fucked me up emotionally and I couldn't sleep right for the rest of the summer. Anyway, I think about the experience and think I could make a Webtoon about it and it probably would pop off because a high school love triangle that's unrequited on all ends? Pain.
Anyways thanks for coming to my story time 🫠✌️
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madstronaut · 24 days
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This post by @void-my-warranty gave me much food for thought because first of all, omg activating my 'is the sun some tumblr anon bothering you my queen' mode (tbh it's always latently activated on this hellsite when i see my beloved moots/writers bothered) upon noting voidy's reaction - I've also read that post in question re: "all smut is writers fucking all their readers" and I will agree to disagree with that premise; sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but it's definitely more than that imho?
The interesting thing about the meaning of stories is that oft times you start with an author's intention, but when combined with the lens through which a reader chooses to consume it (their heart, their mind, their mood, their past, their joys, their sorrows, what happened to them that day, or last year, or as a child, etc.) something quite curious occurs and the story can alchemize into something new and altogether surprisingly meaningful and wonderfully and cathartically important to both the reader and the writer in a way that wasn't anticipated when the fic was written/posted.
Drawing from personal experience as well as chats with IRL/tumblr moots here - I see smut as a way to explore and express sexuality in a safe space and by extension, fanfic/writing itself is a way to explore and express the entire spectrum of being human and all its crests and troughs. I find it hard to properly express sometimes how I feel about fanfic (cough or do I) and the impact it has had on me but poet Lemn Sissay's answers here in his interview with Natasha Lunn on love summed it up in such a poignant and beautiful way. Apt because well, he's an award-winning poet lol
text: Another way of feeling our shared humanity, I've found, is through stories.
Although there are fairy-tale narratives I could blame for my fantasies in relationships, there are also stories that have brought a real form of love into my life. I'm not referring to books or novels about love, specifically, but rather passages of writing that have the power to make you feel a little more alive.
The paragraph that gives you a tingle of recognition. The lines that feel as if they are directly written for a deep, secret part of you, that you weren't necessarily even aware of until it was woken up by words.
Reading such a passage is, I think, a form of love. Like any relationship, that intrinsic recognition is a way of understanding and being understood, of seeing and being seen. The psychiatrist Gordon Livingston said that 'the fundamental requirement for any satisfying relationship is a reciprocal ability to see the world as others see it, to be able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes.'
And that's what a truthful piece of writing does: by allowing us to access another person's reality, it shifts our mind into a higher gear of empathy. This deep clicking into place doesn't happen often. But when it does?
Those passages become a source of love for us to reach back for the next time we feel desperate or alone, like a float thrown out when you've lost the energy to carry on swimming.
This is how I have felt reading Elizabeth Strout's books and watching Kenneth Lonergan's films. It's how I feel every time I read - and speak to - the writer Sarah Hepola too. Her words carry me back to a peaceful place inside myself where I know what really matters. - excerpt from Conversations on Love by Natasha Lunn
I'm not even halfway through the book, but I highly recommend it already.
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