#i'm probably just taking every vent post i see WAY too personally but
count-doodoo · 4 months
why is openness about disability and illness trauma dumping?? like fine maybe it's traumatic but it's not like. Trauma (tm)???? it's simply Life??????
"i have [disability/illness]" is not trauma dumping and i will die on this hill. i'm sorry that you see every disability/illness as a Terrible Traumatic Tragedy Requiring Emotional Labor but this is in fact simply part of life, sir.
people are allowed to be in pain in public ffs
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Can I poke the bear for a moment and get angry? Because I'm seeing "posting as activism" more and more in fandom spaces, and tonight I saw a post that made me lose it.
There is a post about (current events) going around that says, "full offense, but in this time, your own comfort doesn't fucking matter, you should be uncomfortable about things that are happening, and I hope you can fucking live with yourselves if you are quiet. It takes five seconds to retweet or reblog, fuck your aesthetic, fuck your anything aesthetic."
And my god. How dare they.
Yes, there is severely fucked up shit happening. Yes, people should be aware that people are being killed. Yes, there are people who are just shrugging about it and pissing off. But how does reblogging a post certify someone as Good or Bad? How does this person know that someone hasn't already helped out meaningfully in some way, or is still helping out, but on other websites? How does this person know that someone isn't barely holding on by the skin of their teeth, and they would have a mental breakdown if they got closer to any more stressful things?
I know a multitude of people, including myself, who have recently either needed to call lines, check into facilities, move back in with their parents, or go on medication because of how insane things have become in their own lives. How does this person not understand that blogging; being on tumblr; engaging in fandom, having a small space that someone can control in its entirety, is a reprieve for people who are already at their wit's end outside of that space? And that's okay.
(We are not doing the relative privation shit in this house. I refuse to entertain that.)
Ironically, by insisting that people participate in sharing posts when they're already stressed and exhausted, that's a surefire way to make their problems worse, and potentially prevent them from acting helpfully in the future because suddenly, their exhaustion turns into full-blown burnout. That's how it works. Professionals tell you to dial things back if you are too overwhelmed. There is a reason for that. There is a limit to how much people can mentally process and handle. Compassion fatigue exists. For a lot of us, we are already at our limit. We need space to relax, and not have arbitrary obligations thrown on us. That is not our fault, it is not a character flaw, it does not mean we are bad people. And just because horrific things are happening elsewhere, it does not mean we can, or should, stop taking care of ourselves first. Yes, it feels shitty to think, "you know what, I can't reblog this". You bet your ass that I and my friends feel guilty about not being able to engage as much as we think we should, but that is how it goes. I can put my head underwater for a bit. But I cannot keep my head underwater forever. I will drown.
Not to mention the obvious part: guilt-tripping people to the extent of implying they are somehow contributing to genocide, just because they won't reblog a post, and implying they should not be able to live with themselves if they do that, is beyond revolting.
I am angry, and I am not sorry.
So many of those kinds of posts—and they turn up during every set of horrific real world events—sound like people who are in a country far away from the events, diaspora at most but probably just randos, venting their impotent rage because it's the only way they can feel productive in a situation where nothing they can do is productive.
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nyaagolor · 12 days
Bad Polls and the Art of Engagement Bait
So as anyone who follows this blog probably noticed, I posted a poll yesterday. Sorry ace attorney tumblr, it was bait. That was part of a little social experiment to test some theories I had about engagement bait and the tumblr "algorithm"-- and it was a resounding success!! I even made a replicate, that being a similar poll only hours later, which had basically the same result. Somehow. Now that the cat is officially out of the bag, I thought it would be fun to talk about it!
The entire point of this little social experiment was to combine some observations I had about what posts do well, the general attitude of tumblr users, and how to maximize engagement with minimal effort within fandom spaces. Thus, I'm combining all my thoughts into a little guide: how to make the lowest effort, highest engagement post possible:
Recognize that negative engagement on tumblr travels father than positive engagement Tumblr may not have an algorithm, but the system is still set up in a way where negative engagement rewards the poster more than positive engagement. A simple "like" is enough to show agreement or approval, but dissent or shock requires replies or reblogs (the latter of which are significantly more common). More reblogs = more people seeing the post, and thus posts that elicit a negative reaction tend to travel further than positive ones
Capitalize on the fact that people love to bitch about things when given the opportunity Generally speaking, going onto a random post you hate and exclaiming how much you hate it is a bit of a tumblr faux pas. Same thing with venting about how much you dislike something. While bringing up the topic yourself and being snippy to specific people are frowned upon, however, places like polls that provide an opportunity to bitch about things are a great outlet, and a LOT of people will take it
Take advantage of the poll's inherent anonymity This may seem counterintuitive-- the person posting the poll and everyone reblogging it aren't anonymous at all! This doesn't matter though, only the votes do. The anonymity of the votes on a tumblr poll turn the opinions of others, no matter their relative size, into a nebulous opinion of the indeterminate masses. THIS is the most important part of the engagement bait, because tumblr users love to complain but aren't likely to do so to someone directly for fear of hurting their feelings or getting called out for being rude. If you can take a dissenting opinion and remove the actual user from the equation, people are far more likely to share exactly what they think about it-- this is when the "no reading comprehension" and "you people seriously think (X)" and "ugh I hate fandom" takes come out en masse. Tumblr users may be mean, but more importantly we are also cowards. In the case of the poll I posted above, even extremely small minority opinions were being commented on in almost every single reblog, despite the fact that these opinions made up less than 10% of the votes for a majority of the poll's run.
More buzzwords, less nuance Buzzwords and a lack of nuance work together to make engagement more likely-- buzzwords are often both overused and misused, while a lack of nuance (typically in the form of a yes or no question) eggs people into explaining themselves. Combine these two and you add people justifying themselves, arguing with others, and complaining about the buzzword in general into your reblogs, boosting your numbers even more. In my case, I chose the lowest of the low when it comes to poll topics: "Is (recognizable character) (buzzword)?". How people fell for this twice I'm not sure, but it works!
If things are getting boring, stir the pot yourself You can use alt accounts or just make up tags yourself, but I was too lazy to do this. However, there's always the option of cherrypicking-- screenshot outlandish or dissenting tags, even if it's just one in a sea of hundreds, and post that in a reblog with an incredulous caption. Bringing tags to the attention of the majority invites new focus on those tags AND your poll, giving people another outlet to add their takes. Some people will likely even reblog it Again.
Now that the bait is set, watch people in your notes talk over themselves like a flock of seagulls
Congrats! You've now made a successful bait poll. Fortunately or unfortunately, mine worked so well that people fell for it twice, both of them got thousands of votes each within the day, my notifications are overflowing, and popular blogs have made posts referencing it. Point proven, hypothesis verified. As they say: easy website.
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Heartslabyul Romance Headcanons
Hello! So I decided to do a series for Twisted that are my takes on how they are as romantic lovers! I’m going in order of dorms and writing SFW and NSFW headcanons for each and every single character (Ortho gets an SFW one, but it’s not romantic). This is to help me familiarize myself with the characters.
I'm on book 6 (just started) but when I wrote 90% of these headcanons I was barely through book 2 and going off character vignettes. I went through and changed some things though so they aren't too OOC. Also uh, I will be linking each part but I might honestly forget so if you don't see links to all the dorms by the end of the week then just assume I forgot and drop me an ask of DM so I can do that. I'll also be making a masterlist later on.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. No beta, I die like the idiot I am.
Heartslabyul (You're Here) | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
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Romantic Headcanons
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is wholly thrown for a loop when it comes to romantic gestures. Completely inexperienced in the ways of romance and without much reference for how a functioning relationship works at home, the boy is confused.
Expect it to be a while after he realizes he likes your company far more than he thought. At first, he’ll think it’s just that he likes you since you tend to keep Adeuce in check for him when he can’t, but it’ll click for him eventually.
After he figures it out, he’ll decide from afar if you’d be interested. Eventually asking to take you to tea parties with just the two of you, and being the one to personally extend the invitation to unbirthday parties. Going so far as giving you the first slice of a tart (something that will make everyone in Heartslabyul mentally screams because at this point it’s too obvious).
He’s the kind of person who will write you a letter, requesting your presence after classes one day to confess. He’ll be very composed, having rehearsed the lines and coming up with all possibilities. If you accept, he’ll probably have a gentle blush on his face and ask if you’d like to have some afternoon tea with him over at the dorm.
He is a gentleman and will put your needs first. Don’t expect to just be able to vent to him about anything though. He will give solutions assuming it’s what you’re seeking out. If you want to vent you have to spell it out to him that you’re not looking for solutions.
His love language is taking care of his significant other. Whether that means they’re eating properly, getting to bed on time, or are mentally well. He’s always sending you good morning and good night messages to make sure you don’t oversleep/stay up too late. If you ever message him at one in the morning though, expect a reply back in a scolding fashion. He has his ringer on for you and you only, so he’ll wake up to the messages and be disappointed you haven’t slept yet.
He’s not one for PDA, at all. The most you’ll get out of him is linking your pinkies together as he walks you to class. He’s still awkward with the whole relationship thing and would rather not do anything scandalous.
Behind closed doors, he’s far more pliable with physical touch but tries not to go overboard. He’s still new to the relationship aspect and would appreciate it if you didn’t randomly sit on his lap while he’s trying to read. Simply sitting side by side with your legs touching will have to suffice for a while. Not that he doesn’t want to be closer to you, he just doesn’t want to rush anything. He’s a gentleman after all, and he will be courting you slowly.
The dates you can expect from Riddle is going out for tea (obviously) but also study sessions where he’ll teach you about more advanced topics to help you. He’ll also help you “cheat” since he knows the curriculum, has gone through it and will know what to have you study for those pesky pop quizzes. He won’t go overboard with you on the studying through, if you want to stop, he will and suggest something else (perhaps a walk through the gardens to get rid of the stuffy air of the library?).
The biggest downside of going out with Riddle is having to follow rules. Riddle can’t have his significant other breaking every single rule of his dorm and undermining him. While he’s not super strict and he doesn’t “punish” you as he would the others, he still expects you to respect the rules and try to follow the ones you know. When you get closer in your relationship he will get a little bit more lenient, and on occasion have him break rules (like curfew for example, who doesn’t want to go on a stroll and explore the stars when the campus is silent?).
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Trey Clover
When it comes to Trey, it’s genuinely hard to know if he likes you. He’s always been polite with you, only occasionally teasing you and pulling simple pranks, but that’s how he treats everyone in his dorm. You have to really pay attention to him to see the special treatment he reserves just for you.
The genuine laugh he has, how his eyes sparkle when he looks at you, the subtle way he will touch your shoulder or graze your hand when giving you something. How he lets his guard down a little more around you, how he compliments your actions. Those are all the little things you have to look for when dealing with Trey. He doesn’t just outright say he likes you, but rather shows you through his actions.
When it finally clicks in your head he’s giving you special treatment, Trey is probably going to notice. Almost like an “It’s about time” sorta thing. The advancements after that will be a lot less subtle, almost teasing until your head is spinning. Honestly, he’d prefer it if you were the one to confess first. He leaves you no room for doubt about his feelings towards you, but he doesn’t want to make it awkward if he confesses and you’re not interested. You’re going to have to be the one to step up.
Once you two are finally going out, don’t expect the almost “Big Brother” persona to falter. He’s still going to be taking care of you but in far more teasing ways. He’s not going to be trying to get you to wake up early or go to bed at a decent hour, he’s not your mother, but he will make sure you’re doing okay. Expect him to check in with you between classes to make sure you’re fine.
Study dates are a must. He’s normally helping out the others in his dorm, so he’ll always try to get you to join him. He’ll also be keeping you well after the studying sessions so it’ll just be the two of you together. Expect that 90% of your homework will be done in his dorm room. Whether you guys are talking, helping one another out, or just doing your work silently. He likes those moments where it’s just the two of you.
He’s going to be baking you your favorite things. Don’t be surprised when he begins asking what your favorite kinds of foods are, especially sweets. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, he’ll make more savory desserts. He’ll bring them to Ramshackle, always with some tuna or a snack for Grim so he leaves your stuff alone.
If you’re willing to help him when he’s baking, or even just chilling in the kitchen with him, he’ll be over the moon. Baking is something that has a calming effect and sometimes he just wants to make something for no reason. If he can show you a thing or two, all the better. If you have no interest in baking, then just chill and talk with him while he’s there. Waiting for things to bake in an oven can get boring if there isn’t other prep work to be done, so having you there is nice.
He’s not much for PDA either, preferring those things to be exclusive between you two. He is a bit more open to it, holding your hand in public is something he has no problem with. Giving you a kiss on the forehead, cheek, or back of the hand is another thing he doesn’t mind doing. If he happens to be taller than you, it’s easy to make him melt by placing your hand on the back of his head and pulling him down for a quick peck on the lips.
He does enjoy getting a rise out of you. Expect him to tease you a lot with romantic gestures. Leaning in close during study dates and thinking he’s going to kiss you? Nope, he just happened to see a pen he wanted to use on the other side of you. He loves seeing your cheeks flare up, and it’ll be up to you if you drag him by his lapels for a proper kiss after. He’ll always laugh against your lips after and murmur about how easy it is to fluster you before leaning back in for a kiss.
Trey doesn’t try to break Riddle’s rules. Not because they’re rules, but he’d rather not deal with the lecture about how he’s Vice Warden and should be held up to higher standards. Still, he’ll break some rules when Riddle isn’t looking. Expect him to show up at Ramshackle past curfew to hang out with you, maybe take you somewhere, or just relax on the couch with you on his lap. He’ll let you play on his phone since you’re technology deprived.
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Cater Diamond
When Cater falls for someone, he falls hard. One day you’re just another cute little freshman of his, the next he’s realizing being around you makes his heart speed up. His smile feels more natural and he’s seeking you out more and more. He isn’t shy about it either, the moment he realizes exactly what’s going on, he’s going in full throttle. Be expecting him to visit you in between classes, offer to walk with you, and invite you out places.
Smile for Magicam! Or at least that’s going to be his excuse for snapping photos with the two of you. 90% of those photos are for his eyes only. He’s not going to be creepy and set them as his background until after you’re already going out. Just be expecting him to follow you around like a lovesick puppy when he has time to spare. If you somehow don’t realize that he likes you, he’ll try harder to get it through your thick skull.
He’s pretty natural when it comes to confessions. He doesn’t do anything over the top. Probably just another hang out for you guys, going to some new trending store he heard about, or even a café. While you’re there he’ll comment on how you two would make a pretty cute couple, then ask if you want to be. His heart is going to be pounding like crazy, hoping for the best, and you better be prepared for the cutest smile in the world when you accept.
He’ll be more likely to post photos of the two of you on dates if you’ll allow him. He reserves two photo shooting sessions per date, only lasting maybe five minutes. While social media is important to him, he’d rather be focused on you. The photos more or less are for his own memory bank. He also loves taking candid shots of you. He definitely has a photo of you sprawled on his bed after a long day of classes, mouth open and fast asleep. He won’t comment if you snored, but if you ask he’ll tell you the truth and say it’s endearing.
While he might have a study date or two with you when it’s absolutely necessary, he’d rather be out and about with you. Studying gets boring so you have to really help him get engaged if you two end up doing that. If not, expect to see the newest trending places, get the recently released pastries at bakeries, etc. In fact, he really hopes you have a sweet tooth because he always feels bad buying something for Magicam and then not eating it in the end. If you don’t like sweet either, then he’ll bring it back to the dorm for someone else to have.
He’s totally fine with PDA as long as you’re chill with it. He doesn't want to overstep and make you uncomfortable, but he wants to flaunt you off to the world. A huge show of “This is mine and they’re the best thing in the world.” His hand is always wrapped around your shoulder when you walk places, and he’ll die of happiness if you put your hand in his back pocket while walking.
Cater doesn’t give a damn about rules as long as Riddle isn’t around to punish him. This means you two will have a lot of sneaking around to do in order to not get in trouble. Certain events are way past curfew, but he can’t just go. Don’t tell Riddle, but he gave him a side Magicam account to follow so Riddle can’t see all his outings that break rules. Riddle is none the wiser and he’d rather keep it that way.
You’re gonna need a phone. If Crowley isn’t going to give you one early on, Cater freaking will. He needs someone to message during class who won’t scold him for being distracted. He’ll also set you up with your own Magicam account so he can tag you. Whether you ever post on it or not, he doesn’t care. He just wants to be able to tag his amazing significant other.
It’s canon that his older sisters tend to give him a lot of ‘cutesy’ stuff that he’s not a fan of. He’s more than happy to give you stuffed animals if you’re into that sort of thing. In fact, anytime he gets a package he’s going to call you over and ask what you want to take from it. Don’t feel bad, he legit doesn’t want any of it. He’ll take photos for Magicam so his sisters don’t get upset, but after he’s handing them all off to you. If his sisters ever find out, expect the packages to now be sent to Ramshackle. They aren’t playing games. If he’s going to give them to you anyway, then they might as well personalize them to your taste. The packages end up becoming twice the normal size as well.
Kisses. Be expected to have a lot of them. Cater literally can’t keep his hands to himself, and needs to show his S/O with affection. So hand kisses, cheek, forehead, they’re all fair game. If he sneaks up behind you, expect his arms to be wrapped around your waist and a kiss to be placed on the back of your neck. Yes, he will do this if you’re speaking to someone else and he wants your attention. Yes, he absolutely adores how flustered you get as well.
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Ace Trappola
Ace? Liking you? Romantically? Fun concept, wrong guy. Or at least that’s what he’s going to tell himself on repeat for literal weeks after he figures it out. He’s tried the whole dating thing before, and it wasn’t his cup of tea. Not to mention you were his close friend, and he didn’t want to ruin that by going on boring dates and then ghosting you. He couldn’t ghost one of his friends. So he decided he was just going to pretend like he didn’t like you romantically and carry on like normal.
Sadly this is easier said than done. You don’t even try to do anything flirty with him. You two will just be messing around and your hand grazes against him and his mind is wandering. “Wow, their hand felt kinda nice, I wonder what it would be like if they let me hold it?”. Queue him going into denial and trying to escape the situation. It isn’t hard to figure out that there’s something going on there.
You’re going to have to be the one to put on the first move. Start inviting him out on platonic, friendship dates. Watch him enjoy himself and do things that are just on the cusp of what a cute couple would do. Get him into the mindset that no, it’s not boring to date someone. In fact, your significant other should indeed be one of your closest friends. Ace will finally realize that his mistake last time was going out with someone he didn’t know much about and never actually bonded with. Just someone who liked him and he thought was pretty. Once it clicks that dating could be fun and nothing would change, he’s singing a new tune.
It’ll still take some time before he finally confesses to you though. His next worry is “Wait…what if I’m misinterpreting this entire thing and we’re just really close friends and they don’t think of me like this?” Thankfully his blunt nature will win over eventually. He’s just one day going to outright ask if you want to start dating. He’s killing himself with all this doubt and it’s cramping his style. Either say yes and begin dating, or say no and he just pretends this whole thing never happened. You’re gonna say yes. How could you not?
Give him some time to traverse through this newfound territory. He’s going to get a bit of whiplash as he realizes the things he’s been wanting to do with you, he can now do them. His hand is going to find yours. Kissing? New favorite activity. Expect him to drag you somewhere private between classes for quick make-out sessions. He loves the feeling of your lips on his, it reminds him that you guys are beyond the friendship phase now.
He’s a bit more handsy now that you two are officially together. He is constantly instigating physical contact with you, even if your face goes red in public. He’s going to be laughing and teasing you for it. He’s another one to tease you with lingering touches and almost kisses that turn out to be him leaning forward to grab something. Drag him in for a kiss and he might apologize (he won’t).
Expect him to also be treating you like his friend still. Sure he can kiss and hug you whenever, but he still wants what you guys had before. Best of both worlds, really. Hanging out in your group with Grim and Deuce and just messing around. Getting into trouble is still one of his favorite activities to do with you. However, detentions are now significantly more entertaining since he makes you flustered during them.
He’s going to be showing up at Ramshackle unannounced all the time. Always under the guise of Riddle being pissed off at him (which sometimes is true if the collar around his neck is anything to go by). Just get used to it and always be prepared for him to tease you about sharing the bed at night. He’s going to have to fight Grim over the fact. It’s a known fact that you and Grim cuddle at night on the same bed (after all, the first few nights at Ramshackle it was the only habitable bed). If he does share a bed with you, expect Grim to be right in the middle, kicking Ace in his sleep.
He’s going to make you late for class, this there’s no doubt. He’ll always want to sleep in if he’s already with you in bed. The only way to get his lazy butt up in the morning is to kick him off the bed. Even Grim is up before him, which is saying something. Make some coffee though and he’ll spring right up. His dorm is all about tea, so the bean juice is a special treat he really only gets when he spends the night at your place.
Late-night calls. If he’s not at the dorm, be expecting mass text messages until one in the morning. You might have to put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” if you want any sleep. How he can stay up so late at night and be hyperactive during the day is beyond you. No wonder he sleeps like a rock. He does get a bit cuter in his messages the later into the night it gets. It’s the only time he’ll be telling you how much you mean to him and how pretty/handsome you are. A tired Ace is a more honest version.
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Deuce Spade
Deuce is going to be the only one in the dorm who differs when it comes to whether his crush identifies as a female compared to a male or any other gender. He respects women but is far more flustered. So it’s going to take some time even for the friendship aspect to sink in if he knows you’re a female. If you’re male or identify as something else, he’ll be easier to talk to and approach. He eventually will warm up completely though once he realizes there’s really no difference when it comes to friendships, he just won’t try to rough-house with you unless you instigate it first.
When he realizes he has a crush, it’s obvious to literally everyone. Unless you’re super dense, you’re going to notice the moment he realizes it. The way his entire body tenses as you guys are hanging out and how he looks at you. You’d think you were the one who put the moon and stars in the sky with the look he gave you that day when it dawned on him. After that he’d get flustered a bit more, not knowing how to deal with his emotions.
His mother figures it out instantly. Whenever they’re on call and she asks him questions about school and he brings you up, it’s like the air shifts around him and through a phone it’s palatable. It took her a total of five seconds to know her son had it down bad and bring the conversation to that. Yes, he got all the good courting advice from his mother. Ace tried to help, but the boy doesn’t know much about romance so? Trey was a bit more help, but in this case, his mother really came through.
You’d have to thank Ms. Spade at a later date. When Deuce showed up at your front doorstep with a bouquet of flowers in his dorm uniform, you were blown away. He was a blushing mess but clearly needed to get it off his chest. Over some tea, he confessed and you accepted without hesitation, how could you not? The boy is sweet and we all know he will treat you right.
He’ll be clumsy as he navigates the new territory of your relationship. A lot of coaxing is needed at first. Take things very slow with him, go on dates and act like friends. Maybe convince him to hold your hand at some point. You will actually break him if you go straight for a kiss on the lips. On the cheek is more his pace until he’s braver around you. Let him be the one to kiss you first, it’ll be well worth it.
He’s not going to be taking part in PDA, it’s a bit too embarrassing as a model student in the making, he didn’t want to accidentally break rules. If you keep teasing him, he will scoop you up into his arms and take you somewhere private so you two can be alone. He will be blushing like mad the entire time while muttering under his breath how you’re going to kill him.
During school breaks, he’s going to invite you to his place. You can bring Grim along, of course, he just wants his mother to meet you (she’s been begging since she heard the good news, and probably is already planning for a wedding). His mother will love you no matter what. If you were ever deprived of motherly love growing up, be prepared to cry into this woman’s arms. She’ll treat you like one of her own. Also, you’re leaving with her contact information and she’s expecting a call once a week to check in on you. Dating Deuce means getting another mom.
Once Deuce is finally comfortable around you, you can expect him to be cuddling with you often. Just sitting you in his lap while you two work on school stuff. Please help this boy study and dumb it down for him. He’s slow at learning but he CAN learn. He’ll be forever grateful and probably be apologizing when he realizes you guys have been studying well past curfew and he’s going to be in trouble with Riddle (explain to the warden what you guys had been doing and help bring Deuce’s grades up and he’ll overlook you guys being out past curfew).
Blastcycling. He’s getting you a helmet and the moment he has his bike, he’s taking you for joy rides. Probably going to be showing you all his favorite places to drive to for some peace and quiet. Stopping at the edge of a forest after an intense riding session, your hair is a mess, and you’re sitting on the edge with his arm wrapped around you watching the sunset. You can expect dates like these. Deuce is secretly a romantic and will adore moments like these with you.
With friends, he’s more likely to treat you in a friendly way. He doesn’t want things to get awkward in the group by being all lovey-dovey but expect after hangouts for him to steal you away for some alone time. He’s also going to be way more protective over you once you two are going steady. Nobody messes with you unless they want Deuce’s delinquent side to come out and physically fight them. He also apologizes when he shows you that side, but it’s just another part of Deuce and you love him for it.
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heyftinally · 11 days
“no celebrity is treated the way Taylor is.”
That is such an outrageous claim. Taylor is praised by 90% of the media. Taylor has a [rabid] fan base that send literal death threats to people who voice their negative opinions on her. Taylor being called out for genuinely bad work and bad choices is not hate it’s accountability.
Britney Spears has it worse than Taylor and continues to have it worse than most celebrities. Miley Cyrus endured some of the worst treatment from the general public and media of a current star when she was growing up. Justin Bieber has been abused by the media since he was 15. Michael Jackson was ridiculed at every turn when he was alive and people still tried to take advantage and drag his name through the dirt after he died. Marilyn Monroe was treated as more of an object than a person and still is mistreated today with misrepresentations of her life being made for entertainment purposes. Cassie literally just had footage of being assaulted by her ex Diddy released to the public. God I could keep going but I won’t. The proof is out there. She’s just too blind to see it. She claims she’s not a Swiftie but she clearly is. If she’s neutral towards Taylor she could at least acknowledge that Taylor has had it very easy in contrast to MOST celebrities.
I had her original account blocked but she made a new one and keeps posting in the anti tag and I’m just fed up. I’ve blocked her again but I needed to rant. Most people in the anti tag aren’t actively hating just expressing their frustrations and even if they were hating. ITS IN THE ANTI TAG. OMG. Sorry but she’s clearly a Swiftie who doesn’t have a god damn life and is baiting people into her ask box. She probably sends herself messages to show she’s got a larger following than she actually does. It’s pathetic. She calls antis pathetic but really we vent to a couple of blogs who agree with our thoughts and those blogs post them. She’s the one seeking out these things to complain about them. It’s so f*ckin annoying
I've honestly called other performers WAY worse things than I've called Taylor Swift. I've criticized countless artists for a variety of things. Hell, anyone who knows me knows I have just as many issues with Harry Styles as I do Taylor Swift (they're basically two versions of the same issues if you ask me).
I tag my posts the way I do for one reason, and one reason only: so that swifties can block me, block the tag(s), and fuck off. I'm not going to sit here and try to convince someone that they shouldn't support her - that has to come from your own moral compass. But in return, don't come on to my posts and tell me I'm wrong for having an opinion based on the facts we're given 24/7.
And as far as the old bullshit of "antis are pathetic" (how very 2010 tumblr lol), I say mocking someone for having an opinion you don't like is MORE pathetic. Taylor Swift is shoved down our throats literally constantly - if I'm forced to be aware of her bullshit, I'm going to have an opinion on it. If that opinion isn't favorable towards her, sucks to fucking suck. You know what I don't post about? Who Hilary Duff did or didn't go on a date with last weekend. Because I have no clue what happens in her personal life, and I'm not about to go be a stalker freak to find out. If Taylor Swift can't stand people not liking her, maybe she should put less of herself on display. And again, if swifties don't like my opinions, they can block me and my tags like adults and move on.
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waywardducks · 9 months
Dick Grayson Angst
I'm in a mood and I just really needed to write some angst. I have found a depressing shortage of Dick angst. There is so much angst for Jason, Tim and even Damian but I feel a deep lack of Dick angst. As the oldest child in a large family with a dead brother, I feel it is my duty to provide (he just like me fr)
I can't spell very well bc of my dyslexia, I do have Grammarly on but it misses some things so I can't promise that everything in this post will be legible, I just really needed to get this down.
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TW: oldest child/good child syndrome, mentioned noncon, death, canon typical violence, (I'm sorry to all my can-do-no-wrong Batdad fans but I’m sticking to canon Batman here) child abuse, emotional/physical abuse.
• Dick is the oldest, that much is a given. But as the oldest he was the “guinea pig” or the “experiment” child of the family. He's seen it all. Bruce had no idea how to raise a child so any parenting skills, good and bad (mostly bad) were tested out on Dick.
• It's no secret that Jason was the favorite Robin out of the two of them. Dick knew it. But come on! Jason came from the shittiest of situations, he was a street rat, and his mom was an addict. Of course, he was happy when Bruce took him in. Bruce was probably a Saint compared to the things Jason had lived through. Dick on the other hand came from a loving family. Two parents who would do anything for him, showering him with love and praise. So when he was suddenly taken in, taught to be a vigilante by a man that would hit him, yell at him, was cold, showed no emotion except rage, pretended to love him unconditionally in front of the Press, show him little to no love behind closed doors. Do you really think Dick was going to just be happy-go-lucky?
• Dick sees each one of his younger siblings as his charge. When he gets a new one, (whether he likes it or not) he takes over as big bro immediately, feeling like it's his responsibility to raise them in areas bats never could. I feel like he wants to be a shield between his sibling and their father. Most of the newer kids will never know about the man Bruce was when it was just one Robin. Cold, mean, unforgiving. But he would show them lobe in places where Bruse was still lacking.
•He probably resents Bruce in some way for it. He can’t show it though. The man took him in when he had nothing. But if Bruce is capable of loving the family he has now. Why couldn’t he love Dick then back when he needed him the most? Of course that doesn’t change the fact that he will *always* come back to Bruce. It doesn’t matter how much shit Bruce puts him through, he would never leave Bruce forever. He loves him more than anything and would always but Bruce first, right along with his siblings.
• Dick has a problem with putting his sibling needs first. You will rarely catch him being sad or vulnerable in front of his family members. This is funny because he’s always the one encouraging his family to feel their emotions and let things out when they need to. He's always there when they need to vent, ready to listen and to be a shoulder to cry on.
• He can’t be sad though. He the happiest person, he has to be happy to help navigate the angst. He’s the glue. The strong hold of the family. When there’s a fight (mostly between a sibling and their emotionally stunted father) Dick will play the mediator every time.
• I feel like Tim reminded Dick of Bruce a little too much. So, yes, Dick loves Tim. Of course he does. But Tim is also pretty emotionally stunted. Meanwhile Damien is a ball of rage. Damien is so obviously autistic (I have much reasoning for this one but I can get into another day) and needs so much patience and love. Dick threw himself wholeheartedly into his youngest brother. Their dad was “dead” and he had nothing left so he used raising the boy as a way to cope, even if it meant leaving Tim in the shadows.
• He regrets leaving Tim the way he did. But he just couldn't handle it at the time. He would later believe himself to be turning into Bruce. The thought alone causes Dick to break down. He hates hurting his sibling more than anything, he would die for anyone of them and it hurts him to know they hurt.
• Dick has a problem with wanting to fix everything and everyone. Even his own friends and team members. He probably doesn’t even recognize it, but whenever he is forced to come to grips with the fact that he can’t help a certain person it eats at him.
• He uses sex as a coping mechanism. It’s no secret to anyone that he has slept with *a lot* of people. He thinks sex is the only way to get people to love him because he doesn’t really understand what a healthy relationship looks like. It gets him into situations that he doesn’t want to be in. But he believes he deserves it when those things happen because it means he’s loved. He's only ever had Playboy Bruce to truly base a relationship off of, not remembering his parents relationship well enough.
• Leading off of the last point, he doesn’t know how to say no. He will agree to even the worst of things because he craves the validation that comes from doing things for people, no matter the cost to himself. He will end up piling favors on top of favors until it becomes so overwhelming he breaks.
• He probably breaks in manic sort of way. Like, he will go out of his way to deny that anything is wrong and let everything build for weeks to months until it bubbles over and he just goes nuts. It’s mostly a self destructive sort of nuts though. He might panic and clean his apartment until his fingers are raw from cleaning chemicals, maybe he will throw himself into a fight he knows he can’t handle just to get beat up. He might throw out everything he owns before panicking at what he’s done and go back in search of the things he just tossed. But all the while he would go out of his way to make sure no one knew what was happening.
• Being Robin, being the “oldest”, being the one to raise his younger siblings, to create a path for them to follow while also guiding to follow their own paths. He lost who he was. Who is Dick Grayson if not a vigilante? Who is the person behind the mask? He doesn't know. It's why he left. It's why Bruce was so angry. Dick was supposed to be his protege, but that isn't the life Dick wanted. And when Jason died, the only piece that Dick had of himself, that part that was a brother, the last that finally had a *close* friend, died right along with him. Even after Jason came back, Dick never really found that piece of himself again. Dick left to Bludhaven to finally find himself. But the cowl would forever remain a piece of him that he could not shake.
• Bruce is probably trying to be a better parent/person. Dick is proud of him, but he still doesn't fully trust it and Bruce knows that. But Bruce won't do anything, especially not apologize for the things he’s done to his eldest. But Bruce will tell him he’s proud of the person Dick has become. That probably tears Dick to pieces for reasons he doesn’t understand. He probably has been waiting for the praise his whole life and now that he has it it makes him sick in a way he can't comprehend.
• There are days that he is almost %100 sure that the only reason he keeps going is because of his family. Not his precinct, not whatever one sided relationship he’s found himself in (until Barbara that is, but even she counts as family) not his job, not his friends, not even himself. He’s living for his family. Even when his family is falling apart at the seems, he is still living for them. It’s tiring, sure. But he does it because it’s all he’s ever known. Living for Bruce for years, living for Jason and Alfred and Barbara then for Tim and Damien, then Steph and Cass and Duke. It’s what he does. It’s what he knows.
I can keep going but this is getting kind of long and it's late and I have to be up early in the morning. Let me know if you want more or, anything specific! I want to write more so ask me anything!
He's bringing you a flower 🥹
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xx-theblack-vixen-xx · 3 months
i'm sorry guys
((vent under cut))
i love you, but my depression is flaring back up and i don't know what to do
i'm getting attached to you all and i can't figure out how to put how i'm feeling
my arms are healed now, but i can feel the scissors needing to be used again,
i'm shaking and i know you guys don't want me to do anything to myself.
the pills are rattling around in their container and i know that if i take them it could be over
but my friends need me
Peyton, Sera, Remy, Tomi, Leo, everyone.
i love you guys so much and i need to stay with you, i know that,
but life is unbearable sometimes, my skin is too tight on my body, i don't find joy in doing anything anymore, my chest feels hollow, it's hard to breathe,
my favorite people are mad at me or make me feel insecure, but i can't figure out how to say no.
i need affection, and i need it all the time, and when people don't let me pat them on the head or hug me or give me any energy i always have done something wrong. every time.
they give me a glare, i wonder what i did to upset them, why they hate me? am i just weird? why are you disgusted? why are they staring at me like i'm a monster? you don't even know me what did i ever do to you? please don't hurt me. how am i in your way? am i that much of a burden that i hold everyone back from happiness just by being nearby?
they raise their voice at all? fight or flight kicks in, i'm going to get his aren't i? something's going to happen to me. slouch over, they can't see me anymore, make yourself invisible, draw their anger to something else. anything but me.
they raise their hand to me. fear, cower, make them see that you're not a threat, i'm a pathetic little weak child who's been hit one too many times before WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME
person stops talking to me. i said something dumb again, what is it that i said? what did i do? please. i didn't mean to, i don't even know what i did please no no no.
my appetite is terrible, i'm never hungry and i go days without eating, then i eat way too many sweets and sugar
then my dad gets mad at me for eating so much, he says that i'm going to get fat
i'm already underweight what more do you want from me
my friends are always coming to me to vent, but the sheer amount of pressure to have everyone's problems on top of my own is overwhelming to an unbearable point
i'm probably not going to be very active for a while, but you might find me posting on my vent blog @vixen-vent
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Your post replying to the 'what would Touya be like if he stayed home' made me shed a tear lol, ur metas are so good I cant describe it😭 anyway in that post you said something on the lines of 'the family did love him as much(as he did)'. Is that just referring to Enji, or the whole family in general? And the line after saying that if they did the abuse would have stopped, Clearly the kids wouldnt be able to do much on their own, so was that just the case in Touya's point of view? If to Touya his family didnt love him as much as he loved them, how do you suppose in the present they(Rei,natsuo and fuyumi, Maybe enji?) could start to show him that they do love him? This is all in the case that Horikoshi reunites them permanently which I'm pretty confident will happen at this point. Sorry for the long ask😭 Ik the wording is messy, so dont feel you have to answer this! Have a nice rest of your day!
thank you so much for reading and enjoying my meta!
To answer you, while I think the weight of the abuse rests solely on Enji and Rei, I also think that the whole family contributed to making Touya out to be a bad sheep. Like, I was mostly talking about Enji and Rei, who both admitted to neglecting him and not even looking at him. Enji most obviously so as he never made time for him and turned him down every time Touya asked to be followed during training. But Rei too, who canonically played favourites and ended up acting more like a loving mother to Shouto than she ever did to her other three kids.
But I was discussing it as a family issue because all of them more or less act on the example that the parents (mainly Enji) set out. In the fam dynamic, Touya used to be the problem child, the one who couldn't just take his issues elsewhere or swallow down his unhappiness for the sake of pretending to be a real family. We are shown tiny glimpses of this, and not just on the parents' side.
Fuyumi for example doesn't understand why Touya cannot give up his training, and though she speaks from a place of love and worry, the underlining implication is that Touya would be happier if he just stopped causing his own problems. Which is, you know, an oversimplification. While it's true that stopping the self-harming training would improve Touya's overall wellbeing, it also wouldn't cancel out the fact that Touya's psychological distress is caused by Enji's neglect. And please don't take this as Fuyumi hate because I love her and I'm her self-appointed defense lawyer, but. Obviously as a child she didn't fully understand that she was unconsciously blaming the wrong person for Touya's unhappiness, but her words clearly made Touya feel even more alone and misunderstood. He took them as condescension, as Fuyumi not being on his side, as her thinking he should "stop" like his father constantly also told him to. That was obviously not Fuyumi's intention, but it was what Touya heard all the same.
Then there's Natsuo, who was Touya's sole confidante. That time when Touya wakes him up to vent to him, Natsuo is tired and wants to sleep, not listen to his brother's complaints. But when he tells Touya to go to Fuyumi, Touya feels as though Natsuo finds him a burden too and cries that he's telling him to, and I quote, "buzz off, too." Of course, brushing him off once while sleepy doesn't mean Natsuo didn't love him, or didn't want to listen to him, but it contributes to making Touya feel like the concerns he raises about the family aren't heard. That Natsuo, too, just wants Touya to shut up and move on or to find someone else to talk to. The reaction we see from Touya is heartbroken, and that's probably because he's equating Natsuo washing his hands of his brother to the way their parents washed theirs of dealing with Touya's moods. Just like how Enji and Rei wanted him to be a "normal" boy who made friends and moved on, in that moment Natsuo posed like someone who wanted his brother to just leave him alone and talk to someone else. To just... Quit being so difficult all the time.
Of course, just like Fuyumi's case, it goes without saying that this isn't the case. Natsuo was eight and he couldn't have done anything more to ease his brother's pain at the time. But his siblings were still part of a dysfunctional family, and as such, they sometimes repeated the patterns they saw from their parents, and that contributed to Touya's overall isolation. By virtue of the fact that no one except Touya himself ever aimed any criticism Enji's way, but instead treated the eldest like the real problem, they were perpetrating Enji's scapegoating pattern.
Even now, as adults, they have all yet to realize that they're still doing the same thing. By treating Dabi like the bad sheep of the family, someone on whose behalf to apologize (Rei), someone to fight (Enji), or someone whose messes to clean up and bring back home (Natsuo and Fuyumi), they're all still repeating the same dysfunctional patterns without even realizing. That's why I've always thought that they cannot heal so long as they don't stop aiming the blame at the right man. Enji. And ask him to clean up his act.
But you ask how can they start showing that they do love Touya (unconditionally, I want to add). Well. If they stopped scapegoating him, that would be an excellent start imho.
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lajikookbolala · 11 months
Why do I do this to myself?
Why is it that every time I'm in a good mood I ruin it on purpose?
As you probably already know, I'm extremely passionate about Jikook and BTS in general. I'm also an extremely sensitive person, and I always have been.
I notice that every time I see someone online who is hating BTS or Jikook, it just makes me sad. And I know this.
And I still actively go looking for BTS hate videos, hate comments on Jikook videos, or negative posts on here.
I know I'll always end up feeling shitty afterwards, and I still do it.
I still come here to look at stupid theories about other ships, or theories about JK and his new MV, even though reading about those theories makes me feel like shit.
I still go onto one of my favorite BTS music videos, go to the comments, and scroll until I see something mean. And it hurts, to be honest. I've been struggling with my mental health for a while and it really feels like BTS is my safe space and has really been a distraction from all that. So when I see people hating on BTS for absolutely no reason at all, it makes me really sad. Sad that they don't understand. Sad that they're trying to ruin that.
And I still watch Taekook videos, not to make fun of them, but because part of me wants to feel bad. Wants to feel like I'm in the wrong, or that people hate me, or that Jikook isn't real (even though they are).
I don't know why I keep digging myself into this hole, and it's hard to get out of it.
Also, I know I said I was gonna start posting only positive Jikook content on here, but I think that might change. For now, my Jikook Discord server is my safe space, and I really don't know how to feel safe here, on tumblr, anymore.
And I hate that I feel this way, too. I fucking hate that I'm so sensitive about this. My friends all tell me I'm too obsessed with BTS, but they don't understand the joy they have brought me for the past few years.
The thing is, being in this fandom brings me a lot of pain, too.
I might just have to take a break from the fandom and all its drama until 2025. I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that, but I guess we'll see.
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i-am-just-a-skeleton · 4 months
i don't talk much about mental health stuff on here but y'know we're having a bit of a moment and i think it's best to get it out of the system so. i guess this is a vent post, fair warning if you do read any of it i will be talking rather extensively about my experiences with depression
anyway i really don't feel like. i mean, there are times i can convince myself that i probably don't actually have depression, like, i feel fine. most of the time, i think. but then there are times like the last few weeks, where i just get. sad, and lonely, and tired, and there doesn't seem to be any reason i should be but it's there anyway. and there are times i convince myself that even that's normal, i mean, it's not like i've ever actually tried to kill myself, right? i spent almost all of secondary school wishing i would just disappear like i'd never existed at all, i wanted to die, but i never did anything did i? i hardly even self harmed, i mean, i can remember, what, once? but like. it doesn't take much reflection to realise that it's not normal for a fucking child to be crying in a corner thinking it would be better for everyone if they were gone and planning to just stay there until they died, thinking or hoping that no one would even notice. but i have so many memories of that exact thing. from so far back. and in a lot of ways i think. i feel like my life was good, too good to justify my ever feeling like that. but god i was so fucking lonely as a child. i can count on one had the number of friends i had in all of primary school and. it's not like i was ever really alone, but it was always sort of, there was the group, and there was one or two members of the group i was friends with. and they all had other friends, but i didn't. i was just. hanging around the edges. until, i think about year 8, because my best friend (that was only the second person i'd ever thought of as my best friend. the first was in year 2-3 ish but he moved away and i never saw him again) had moved and there were. a lot of other things as well, my parents getting divorced, the very first hints of my first gender crisis, i'd just gotten diagnosed with autism and barely fucking knew what that meant but i did realise on some level that there was something wrong with me (which included registering the depression since i finally knew that was a thing. but at that point i'd been dealing with it for so long that it hardly felt like a serious problem).
but anyway, that was the first year i was really, really alone. i had no friends whatsoever for nearly all of that year and i was a mess. i honestly barely have any memories of it but there are several of crying at school which i. do not fucking do. because i. don't really cry anymore, i hardly can even if i want to. i did make new friends in the years after that, but still, the ones i was friends with then i don't really talk to now. and i do have friends now. but i still have that feeling, even though i'm more part of the group now, i have five or six frineds instead of one or two, i feel like i'm just hanging onto the edges, they're all better friends with eachother than any of them are with me, and. and the person who's been my best friend for the past two years is gone and i might never see them again and i'm afraid that even if i do they might. we both might be so different that we don't fit together anymore. i haven't seen them in months i don't even know if they're okay. i feel like i'm getting farther away from the rest of the group and i don't know what i'll do if i lose them too. i feel like i don't hardly mmatter to any of them, i barely speak when we're all together and so much of it feels like i'm trying too hard and i just. i feel like i don't care enough about people because if i did i would put in more effort to be a better friend i would put up more of a fight when i felt myself drifting away from the people i love but. but i don't. every single time i just let it happen and don't do a single fucking thing about it and then they forget me. and it probably is better that way because i was never a very good friend to anyone was i. i'm so scared that i'm never going to be able to live on my own but i know i'll never find anyone who wants to stay with me long enough or be close enough to me to live with me. no one cares and no one is going to care about me enough for that and that's fucking fine. i don't do a single fucking thing to deserve it anyway
anyway i don't have a nice neat way to wrap this up and i don't fucking care anyway because no one's going to read this far in the first place so
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
As a Tumblr Elder (lol I just like saying that) who has experience with many fandoms, how do you cope when canon ends your ship, refuses to give a healthy relationship a realistic relationship outcome, makes characters act inconsistently with their established personalities without reason, etc.? Seems like a common response is for fans to lose their fucking shit. My personal response is to cry. Looking for better alternatives here lol.
Welp, do you mean such not-to-be-spoken-of events as the Timeless Abomination in winter 2018 (it's almost five years later, and no, nope, still not even close to forgiving it)? That was, hmm. That was something. For sure.
Every fan has a different relationship with canon, and how much they want the text to do explicitly/onscreen, vs. what they are content to do themselves with fanfic/headcanons/AUs. Because I am, as you say, An Old, I have gotten to the place where if canon disappoints me, I sigh, I grumble, I complain on Tumblr and to a few friends, but I pretty quickly get over it and just totally ignore it. I mean, I'm 100% expecting SAB s2 to fuck up at least one of my ships in a very stupid way (odds are on Fivan), so will I be angry? Yes. Will I make a few snarky vent posts? Undoubtedly. But after that, I will go the "I recognize that canon has made a decision, but since it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it" route and that will be that.
I can't tell people how to have a "right" emotional reaction to something that they're very attached to, especially when the showrunners torch it for no good reason (see again, Timeless Abomination, may it never be forgiven). I do think that spending tons of time yelling at/acting abusively to showrunners and/or other fans on social media is never productive, and shows that people need to do work on separating fiction and reality in terms of what they're allowing to have an outsized impact on their personal behavior. I hate it, you hate it, we all hate it, but still, if you find yourself acting like a total dick to some total stranger over a fictional TV show, it's probably time to take a step back and cool down.
Likewise -- crying is fine. There's nothing wrong with that and nobody's going to judge you. If you're asking how you move on constructively from that phase, again, it differs for everyone. If you want AUs or fix-it fics, that's usually readily available, since if you're mad about it, odds are a sizeable proportion of the rest of the fandom is too. As I say, canon is just one version of the story, it doesn't have to be the only one, you don't have to incorporate it if you don't want to, and you can go on creating and consuming transformative works that just flat-out ignore the parts you don't like. That's what fandom is for, and it's a good thing.
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
Okay we're getting nowhere and I don't have the char limit in asks to counter properly but just wanted to make clear that when I said you were being rude, I didn't mean to me personally but in saying things like "gojou's fans know no cringe".
"I don't have the char limit in asks to counter properly" - then dm me.
"Okay we're getting nowhere" - i don't know where the destination is so i can only trust you on this.
as to that particular tag being rude, yeah, it absolutely is. this is some unfortunate coincidence that you haven't come across the posts or tags where i talk this way because i often do. and i'm being very sincere here, i do not expect people to know all my posts. it's just unfortunate that you weren't forewarned and got a wrong impression of me.
i have for a very long time expressed extreme exasperation with the juju fandom. i have written that it gives me brain damage. i compared it to toxic waste. these are rude things to say regularly, especially without caveats like "some people in the jjk fandom ... ".
but i also have an about section on this blog which very explicitly says that this is my personal hoarding blog. this blog exists exclusively to cater to me and my fandom experience. that's why i vent and rant on it.
for example i vent on in about how gojou, getou and stsg fans are making the fandom quite insufferable for me, a person who:
1. used to like gojou but liked him because i see him as extremely flawed;
2. despises getou as a person for being a fascist and supremacist but used to like his descent into that ideology, not the execution in 0 though,
3. who gave zero shits about them as a pairing, like never thought about it on my own.
thank so the fandom now i can't stand gojou, getou and their ship anymore.
i love kenjaku and the getou and stsg fans who constantly erase them are aggravating.
getou fans who consistently pretend he wasn't genocidal are aggravating, especially considering how anti fascist and leftist a lot of juju is. gojou fans who act like his shit doesn't stink are frustrating too. these two exist probably 80% as fanon on this website.
stsg and gojou fans who think every fucking panel and every fucking moment in jjk is a parallel to either gojou or stsg. that will flood the juju tags with these inane farfetched takes even on moments that are specifically about other characters. yuuji, my absolutely fucking favourite character in juju is probably the main victim of this. almost everyday i look at a post with a manga panel or screen cap of characters i like, click to expand the post just to read some absolute gibberish about how this particular panel, this particular moment is actually about gojou or getou or them together...
this is how the fandom feels to fans of yuuji, kenjaku, megumi and others. gojou and getou fans think the fandom revolves around them, that it's their job let fans of other characters know that their favs are nothing more than stand ins for gojou and getou. that their stories exist only as reference to gojou and getou's stories... instead of, and i know it's fucking wild, letting others enjoy their thing without having to be bombarded by characters they don't give a shit about.
my friend witnessed a situation when gojou fans literally invaded and spammed a jjk server. making everyone else in that server have a bad day.
idk if there are any yuuji or kenjaku fans who go into gojou or getou's tags to create posts about how gojou or getou moments are actually just reference to yuuji or kenjaku moments. is that an actual thing that happens?
what have we done to gojou and getou's fans? what is our fucking crime that we can't enjoy our parts of the fandom in peace?
there are so many blogs that love gojou or even focus on him. and you came to me, a person whose interest in jjk can be boiled down to:
i'm not normal about yuuji
i love the mindfuck that is kenjaku
i love all the leftist themes in juju, its convoluted magic system and the way the multiple parallel plots used to run
i thirst after sukuna especially in his true form
i miss nobara a lot
i actually like angel, hana, yorozu, uro...
a person who wrote things like: gojou die challenge, or how i wanted sukuna to graphically and gratuitously eat gojou at the end of this fight to compensate for the brain damage i was getting from reading text posts on this website. that i hope that if he dies his fans will rage quit the fandom and we will finally be allowed not to think about him.
a person who practically never reblogs individual art of him because i can't look at him anymore.
and you come to poke me, to insinuate that my subjective opinions are somehow lesser from yours which you apparently consider objective or whatever, dear gojou fan.
and now you come here sulking that this is going nowhere... what is going nowhere? what did you set out to do? evangelise to me about gojou? because it's not enough that the majority adores him? no one is allowed not to care about him or the crime dislike him? no one is allowed not to be impressed by him? no one is allowed to prioritise different things about juju than you?
please, for the love of the manga gods, what did i fail to guess that you want from me? and how am i responsible for that, dear stranger who approached me?
i'm so exasperated. this is not an excuse, this is an explanation. i vent my frustrations in a rude way, it is what it is.
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jinisnuggets · 1 year
Haikyuu character cute scenarios
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Scenario count: 4
You and Hinata are eating Ice-cream after school, since you and Hinata are still friends you decide to give him a small hug, since he ✨Likes you✨
After you guys begin dating he always likes to back hug you when you don't see him, and if you tell him that he scared you, he will make a cute little pouty face.
Tanaka would type in all caps in the team group chat that you are also in "HINATA AND Y/N SITTING ON A TREE, K-I-S---" and Nishinoya would probably join him.
Your first date was a picnic date 🌸 he wanted to kiss you
Scenario count: 5
You were the first one to like him and someone from the team told him that and he was what "Excuses me-?"
He started seeing you as more then a sister since then.
He confessed to you on Valentine's day with bringing you a bag of your favorite things and told you he liked you.
Suga would get really nervous or shy when someone brings you up to him.
He normally calls you every night and you have to get used to hearing "Have you studied?" As his hello.
Scenario count: 5
He was so nervous around you ALL the time. When you guys got closer, he viewed you so much as his sister.
He would get hurt very easily 🥲
Many times he would ask you in text or in person "Are we still friends?"
He started liking you after he noticed you're the only one who makes him feel truly the way he does around you.
He always complements you with things like "You look really pretty today" or "I really like your hair."
Scenario count: 5
He would view you as a sister too, mostly because he feels very comfortable around you.
He wouldn't really feel much for you until he realizes you're the only one who accepts him for who he is.
He would tell you sorry a lot because he feels bad for bothering you.
Your first date would be to a 🎰Arcade🎰
Kuroo would send you pictures of him in the corner playing games and ✨ sleep pics of him ✨
You guys wouldn't kiss for the first 2-4 months of your relationship.
✨ I like Kenma too so we're buddies ✨
Scenario count: 4
Man would like to call you Chan or Kohai
He would probably do anything in order to tell people you guys are a 🌸 thing 🌸
He would always say "Have you eaten?"
He would take funny close up pictures of himself and them to you, it's his way of saying "Hey", "Watcha doing?", "I'm bored" etc.
Scenario count: 6
"By the time I get back, you better not be on that stupid phone anymore!"
He would be a very strict 'older brother'
If you don't give him enough attention he will throw a fit, when he says words like that you know he's serious.
He will often rub your cheeks and run his fingers though your hair in order to make you fall asleep.
Despite being short, he gets very protective over you.
You can vent to him as much as you want. He will always be there listening.
Scenario count: 5
Too energetic of a crushy-wushy.
He would send videos of him and Kuroo in oversized hoodies with the tight hoods over their heads dancing to random songs and you can see poor Akaashi and Kenma in the back regretting all their life decisions.
Cuddles to sleep ✨✨✨
He would call you in the middle of the night asking if you still love him.
You and Akaashi are the only ones who can take care of his emo-mode.
Scenario count: 4
Teaser bf 🌸
He would tease you all the time, "Wow you're so short", "yn, please, stop being so stupid."
He would hug you from behind or keep you from kissing him just to tease, if you like reading books he would take your book from you.
Very passionate and responsible but also very immature.
Haha, I accidentally posted this before I was even finished with it 😂
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It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Martyn has no issue with getting older, none at all, but still, every year, when his birthday comes knocking, it's another dread to the list.
Tw!! Feelings of self doubt and hate, crying, isolation
Not beta read or edited!!
And like always, it's here again.
Martyn’s birthday.
If you were to know anything about martyn is he hates being touched when overwhelmed, but he still craves that touch. 
He also has to wear the same two coats everytime he leaves the house, and they both look exactly the same except one is bigger on him.
There's also assigned seating in his house. He always sits on the left end of the couch, next to the end table that has a lamp. And it really bothers him when someone else sits there.
He also puts his closet rainbow order. 
And he hates chocolate cuz it makes his mouth greasy.
And when he gets scared, he thinks he hurts his friends and cuts them off out of fear he's making things for them worse.
And he hates holidays.
Gods how he hates them.
OK. He doesn't hate holidays. He loves the idea of them, really!! But, in practice? The only he really ever takes joy in, is halloween. You can't fuck up halloween. He just, he can't remember having a happy holiday? Maybe it's childhood trauma, maybe he's being dramatic, but also every holiday he can remember, was tainted in some sort of way, by some just, awful event. 
And as you can probably assume. Martyn counts his birthday as a personal holiday.
Its 12:32am, and martyn is a year older, and martyn feels sick. The numb sort of sick, where you aren't necessarily connected to it, but you can still feel your stomach turning in knots. He's scared. He sits on the kitchen counter right by the sink. The light above the stove being the only light on besides his phone screen. 
12:33am. The numbers taunt him. 
He realizes he probably won't do anything about it. He has the day off from work. So his plan is probably just stay up too late, because he never gets the peace of mind to get good sleep, if any at all during holidays, natrually, sleep in, make something to eat, watch shitty TV, go grocery shopping, hop on the discord vc, hang out, talk with who ever is there, and then read until his eyes feel heavy. Just like every other day.
Martyn decides to update his discord status. The silly profile picture of a picrew greats him. The background is an ace and unlabeled flag, and martyn feels his heart sing for just a moment, before the rot in his stomach takes over again as he taps into his status. Erasing the song lyrics without hesitation.
'Lvl 25!!' 
Yeah. That'll work. 
It's 12:36am now. It's 12:36am, and martyn is scared.
He isnt sure what he's scared if. But he feels the frantic beating of his pulse. Martyn gave up on figuring out what he was so afraid of years ago.
It wasn't getting older, no, he'd been raised on the internet, a constant state of feeling like he should be older, and feeling like he shouldn't be this old yet.  An odd limbo, so it wasn't the fear of getting older. 
And it wasn't necessary the fear of the future, of course the future is scary and he had his fair share of issues with it.
It's more of, every year, is just a reminder, that he's going, absolutely no where. He has nothing to show for it. No friends with tales about him, no one to sit in his one bedroom apartment and tell him, they're happy he made it another year.
He knows in full certainty, it's kinda his fault. And a part of him wishes, as he stares at his phone, that someone, anyone. Sends him a text without him reminding them. It's 12:41am and martyn sees a tear hit his phone screen. 
Another year passes, his age just goes up another number, and he hates his birthday more then he hates any other holiday. And still.
He's insignificant at best.
Author notes
And once again, annual birthday post, and like always, I put my feelings about my birthday onto a character. If I post on February 26th, just assume it's a vent post. I'm not feeling awesome, but I will live, and post more later, I'm writing a few really fun aus right now actually!! :)))
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selfshipseaside · 11 months
Definitely kicking a hornet's nest with this one,
but it's a chance to vent so here we go.
I wish people would keep DNI's to their own pages, rather than putting them on every single selfship post.
I hate when I see an imagine that I would otherwise reblog, but it has a big DNI at the bottom.
My blog doesn't have a DNI, and I don't want to endorse the DNI's of other people or make any of my followers feel unwelcome because someone else's DNI is on my blog, so I just don't reblog those kinds of posts.
(I mean on some level I don't think DNI's are even that effective in the first place. I kinda just wish people would block blogs they don't like or agree with rather than calling for a public harassment campaign against them. I suppose on some level this technically makes me "proship" in the literal sense that I oppose harassment over shipping, but I also don't actively ship the kinds of things proshippers are supposedly known for, and I understand why they might make people uncomfortable, so I guess I'm neutral? I just wish people would use the block button instead of creating this atmosphere of exclusion. We all just want to imagine our F/O's; we shouldn't have to agree on everything to reblog an imagine.)
This is all a very fair point to make, anon! I also recognize the hornets nest *I'm* kicking by answering this ask. I have an opinion that...well, a lot of users won't like, probably. But I'll be the first to say it if not the only one. (And let me preface this, because some of you will take this as an opportunity to harass me. I'm not on either side, neutral, or adjacent at all. I do not associate myself with discourse, this is known!) DNI's to me, are extremely performative (Especially DNI banners, what's the point?). And yet, everyone has a general DNI. I do! But I do recognize how performative it is at it's core, I have one to try and attempt to what everyone else does, keep the bad eggs out. But, we cannot control people, we can't ever know who anyone is truly through a screen. Using your own judgement to weed people out is and will remain the best solution for personal curation of your own space. I can't trust a good chunk of this community because I know I'd get taken advantage of in one way shape or form, it's happened to me multiple times already. I will also say that not having a DNI might inherently outcast you from the general community due to everyone's fear of somehow supporting a bad person, or alternatively attracting people you might not want to interact with you, so a lot of people have DNI's, but don't like having them (Myself included). I don't usually answer asks that blatantly claim their stance, or blatantly oppose a stance. This blog is entirely discourse free, and I want to respect absolutely everyone who is worthy of my respect(IE, people who aren't causing harm, people who aren't assholes for no good reason). I also cannot control who does and doesn't interact with my blog, unless I catch them by chance (I see too many accounts fly by in my inbox to keep track, ya dig?) If i see someone I don't agree with interacting with me, say someone who I genuinely believe to be abhorrent with their behavior, I block them. It's not my job or responsibility as a community self-shipping blog to build people's spaces for them. That's their job. This is why call-out/block-lists posts are not my gig, nor will they ever be. They're also performative, and spread a type of negativity that I just simply wont ever promote in a place of comfort and safety. This might be the only time I ever mention this blatantly, but perhaps the future has something else in store. I'm unsure! I just know that a lot of my opinions are rooted from having a perspective and lens in every single playing field to now not even inhabiting any side whatsoever. I'm very articulate with how I manage my morals, I might be a radicalist in some aspects, and grey in other areas. Life doesn't have lines for the less abhorrent tidings. DNI's are one of many human responses of trying not to look like a bad person out of fear, and perhaps even being unsure of themselves and relying on others to speak for them. But that's another topic I won't get into! Sorry this got so long! I do enjoy talking about this subject, but it's just interesting to see how everyone feels. I want to promote listening and civil discussion, emotional intelligence and discussion on community dynamics. Once again, controversial takes are welcome! Let's discuss stuff about our community!
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binniesoob · 8 months
the plan was to write a fun and light-hearted review but i guess that's not in the cards for me today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here's a bunch of feelings instead!
(no lore, literally just a lil rambling. feel free to ignore ofc - i'll probably post some unhinged reviewy thoughts later anyway :)
soooo... since this morning I've been trying to write a fangirling review full of memes for the name chapter: freefall like i've done before for other albums or their previews. you know, to have fun and scream about how good they sound or that line that made me go feral! and i do have something for a couple songs that i'll probably post later, but overall i kept failing because honestly that's not what feels right right now.
apart from back for more and do it like that (that are like an ass shaking break from dehydrating yay), i honestly sobbed my ass out with this album and i'm on the verge of doing it again as i'm writing this and listening to it.
the aspect that affected me the most was the lyrics and the way they delivered them. you can hear and tell how much txt grew musically. their vocals are really really great in every track, their styles more defined, and their overall group color too. they got back to the genres that fits them best (i think) - rock and disco -, experimented new ones - 80's new wave -, and something in between - rnb with dreamer that literally devastated destroyed demolished me btw, in more ways than one. when txt said in interviews and at the comeback showcase too that they keep trying to deliver relatable lyrics about their own struggles and feelings as well as their peers and the young, they weren't joking or overestimating themselves, they really are.
this album feels very personal to me. txt's songs always did, but with this i think we reached a new peak. i connected to it heart and soul.
personally, probably the one thing i love most about txt is how we share being in our twenties at the same time and how, despite different ethnicities, backgrounds, experiences etc, we are connected by our feelings and are able to sympathise with eachother and help eachother out, like, ahh... it just warms my heart. their music feels so close to me and that's honestly what any musician needs for them to become my favourite. once i connect on a deep level with their music that's literally all it takes.
I haven't opened up about this on tumblr before, but i've been pretty depressed this year. that's also part of the reason why i haven't been that active, together with being busy with uni stuff. i did had good days, i've been hanging in there, trying to focus on the good things in my life, but overall it's been hard, and i'm trying my best to get better soon because it's been tiring. i get so angry at myself because i have so many things in my life to be happy and grateful for, but i still get anxious and i'm still unsatisfied. i've been so frustrated about where i am in life, all the things i expected to be different by now, that i want to change but still can't, i've grown beyond impatient.
so, today, this album felt like the kind of understanding hug i've been looking for this year. growing pains is probably going to become what can't you see me was for me during the pandemic - an outlet to vent my anger and frustrations. chasing that feeling is going to be what take me home by ateez also is for me - my reminder to keep chasing what feels like home despite the hardships. dreamer is literally me condensed into a song (!?). deep down is there to remind me that even if my peculiarities can feel like a burden they're part of my identity and they shouldn't feel like it. happily ever after says it's okay even if things didn't go as i planned them, to embrace my failures and keep going even if life it's not a fairytale and it's unpredictable. i'll find my way. skipping stones feels like reading one of my journal entries where i write to my past and future self. and blue spring, a promise, has been here for me everyday since i heard it at the concert. with this album i didn't feel alone anymore, i felt that company and reassurance in a way i struggled to find until now, and i'm deeply grateful to txt for that 🤍
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