#i'm too tired for this
otiksimr · 5 months
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pool-spidey · 1 month
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Do y'all see my vision?
+ bonus: Peter with Deadpool Chihuahua
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secondbeatsongs · 11 months
oh. ao3 is being DDoS'd.
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teeheegiggleman · 2 months
I'm writing an essay about Batman, the batfam, and their similarities to cults, if you even care...
But seriously, it's like 4 pages so far and I only got through behavior in the BITE Model, soooo
Please give me examples of any toxic or manipulative or just down right ick Batman (or Batman in general, that can tie in too) behavior, with proof preferably. I know there's a lot of it, and so do you.
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beepboopappreciation · 7 months
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The brainworms took control of me and I made some stickers of my robotsona for discord use :] you're all more than welcome to use them if u so wish.
Might make more, The Silly is just so fun to draw!!
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perroulisses · 4 months
I'm starting to reblog art and being very specific of why i like it and why i think it is a good piece
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protags-scissors · 4 months
sighh massive wip/art/doodle dump
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haii :33 dies again for another 5 months because i dont know how to use tumblr nor do i care if this doesnt get anything because i barely check anything :3
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
Would've liked your ari fic if it wasn't so anti christianity with a stereotype character.
Please chill. I'm not anti-christian. Christianity has a history of being manipulated by people to suit their needs all the time. Any good cult documentary will demonstrate that. It was just a story, not an assault on anyone's faith.
I promise you'll be fine. And if you don't like it then you don't have to read. It's honestly as simple as that.
It's not that serious. Sorry, but I am in no mood for this today. This is a work of fiction. It's how *I* perceive certain Bible thumping folks who make a mockery of my own Christian faith because they're more than likely too proud or too stubborn to deal with their own chemical imbalances in their brain.
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fayeandknight · 8 months
Today has been A Day.
It started with me accidentally spilling half my coffee all over myself and my dog. Luckily for him it was iced coffee, unfortunately for me I didn't have time to do anything but mop us both up and head to work.
My day did not improve.
I stopped at the grocery store on the way home for a no effort meal. On the way out, with my single purchase, I passed a lady and a kid holding a candy bucket coming out of the next door martial arts place. The kid pointed at me and said 'There's a costume.' This lady looked me up and down and responded 'That's not a Halloween costume, that's a poor person.'
I admit that I started laughing because that's the kind of day I've been having. But also I'd like to talk to the writers about maybe making my life a little less made for TV movie.
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leader-of-the-foot · 4 months
{A shadowy figure appears.}
Hello, young one.
"Tigerclaw already reported to me about you so please move along and don't bother me ever again."
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phrogarmyinvasion · 4 days
watching youtube at 5am and maybe this is my tiredness but this dude just said "you guys wouldn't know 'funny' if it railed you up the ass and fiddled with your brain" and frankly, that is the funniest insult i have heard lately and i will be using it frequently
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bapydemonprincess · 18 days
Soooo is there some tumblr things broken today? I get lil blue notifs but see NOTHING. Both in activity and in inbox and all I can think is, like, either tumblr is bugged or the people sending things were people I've blocked. I DON'T KNOW.
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daddywarbats · 1 month
Sometimes I just log on in general and immediately go "what in the DEVIL are you people talking about?" cause it's like walking casually around a corner and happening upon the aftermath of something unspeakable and everyone is like what is you opinion on this but you have only scattered context cues and an awkward silence to work with.
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Please universe, I really don't want to have to sue my insurance company 😭
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0ak-leaf · 6 months
got sent sh gore in inbox again-
Uh. Be careful of kaylasartworks
Don't click on a photo if they send you one.
Im not really triggered by sh but just a warning for you guys.
Edit: it's with a S! There's a someone with the exact user without the s and they're a nice person so don't go after them :]
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demodraws0606 · 10 months
DRDT Cast's handwriting
There has been a little suspicious phenomenon in the story that I've noticed and it's that there is a lot of focus being put on the character's handwriting.
Which is very interesting considering the mysterious note given to Xander. With the cast pointing out how they lack information to identify who it could possibly be.
So I've done my own little scavenger hunt in trying to find everyone's handwritting shown throughout the series. Keep in mind some of it might not literally be the character's handwriting but I still counted it for practicality.
The mysterious note :
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Arei :
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Min :
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Charles :
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Xander :
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Teruko :
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The fake note in CH2 (probably Levi) :
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Eden :
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The characters who we haven't seen the handwriting of : Whit ; Rose ; David ; Hu ; Veronika ; Arturo ; Levi (?) (if he isn't the culprit) ; Ace ; Nico ; J
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