#ice cream dates/hangouts/meet ups >>>>
napping-sapphic · 4 months
Dating me would just be like we either go out for ice cream or stay home and eat ice cream for every single date sorry
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sturniqlo · 1 month
Her Over Me- C.S
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summary: after chris, y/n's best friend, gets a girlfriend she gets left behind almost like a distant memory. his girlfriend is probably the definition of perfect, however, she couldn't be that perfect, her and nick had noticed something unusual about her. when y/n confronts him about it, he lashes out on her. once he realizes that she was right, he goes to her house but is it to late to ask for forgiveness?
cw: angst, arguing, crying, happy ending
an: as always, a huge thank you to @monroesturnns for the idea
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"Hey, Nick." Y/n says as she enters their home. "Hi, Y/n. Did you bring me my fries?" Earlier today, Nick had texted her and asked if she could buy him some fries. "Yep, here you go." She pulls out a brown paper bag. "Thank you, I love you very much." She smiles at his words.
"And here, you left these at my house yesterday." She pulls out his headphones from her tote. He gasps. "That's where they went! I thought I had lost them." She laughs. "Where's everyone?" She says, dropping her bag on the couch. "Matt is coming home from a car wash and Chris is napping, go wake him we're about to leave when Matt gets here."
Y/n goes down to Chris' rooms and knocks on the door and she hears a faint "come in." Opening the door, she's met with a sleepy Chris sitting against his headboard. "Hi, sleepyhead. Matt's almost here, are you ready?" She walks over and sits at the edge close to him. "Yeah, I fell asleep waiting." He chuckles, wiping his eyes from the tiredness. "So, how'd last night go?" Chris has been seeing this girl he met at a party a while ago, and he's been out on a couple of dates with her.
"It went good, really good. I asked her to be my girlfriend, officially." Y/n's face drops a bit but Chris doesn't notice it. "O-Oh that's great Chris, congratulations. I can't wait to meet her." She put on a smile for him. As much as she was happy for him, her heart couldn't help but ache at the fact that that girl wasn't her and will never be her. Yeah, she's had her boyfriends here and there and Chris supported her in every relationship. She should do the same. "Yeah, hopefully soon." Once Matt got home, they all piled into the car and went shopping then got some dinner before getting ice cream and calling it a day.
Two weeks later, Y/n went over their house and Chris was out with his new girlfriend. "Y/n, did you know Chris had a girlfriend?" Nick said as he brought her up to his room. "Yeah? He told me two weeks ago. You didn't know?" She plops on his bed. "No! I literally found out before you got here. I texted him where are you and he said out with my girlfriend! When- when did this happen?" Y/n then tells him to whole story.
"I literally thought you knew about Viv?" She mentions her name. "No, I guess anytime he was on a date with her he told me and Matt he was out with you." He turns on his TV. "Have you met her before?" She shakes her head. "Not yet, I've seen pictures of her and she's beautiful- like perfect." Later that day, they told Matt everything and he was just as shocked as Nick was.
"Guys, she's here." Chris said, going to open the door for his girlfriend. It was the next week and Chris thought it was time that Y/n and his brothers meet his girlfriend. "Viv, this is Y/n, my best friend." Chris introduces her first. "Hi Viv, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." Y/n says. "Nice to meet you." She gives her a smile mixed with a scowl but nobody else seems to notice besides her and Nick.
After he introduced Viv to his brothers, they all hung out in the living room. The room was filled with Viv's loud -annoying- laugh and high pitched -irritating- voice. It wasn't that Y/n was jealous of her, maybe a but not a hundred percent, it was just that Viv presented herself that way. Even Nick had to take a break and hangout in his room for a bit- Matt too.
When Y/n, Chris and Viv were alone in the living room watching a movie, Chris would get interrupted whenever he tried to talk to Y/n. "Y/n, are we still going to-" "Hey, Chris, your house is like- so cool." Chris turned his attention to his talking girlfriend. "Thanks, V. I'm glad you like it." He then leaned in front of a kiss and they started to make out. "I'm going with Nick." She whispered to herself, walking fast to the staircase.
"I can't be out there any longer." She said as she entered his room. "Why do you think I'm up here? As much as I love Chris, that Viv girl is kinda annoying." He whispered the last part. "Nick, you can't say that." She giggled. "Viv is.. nice." She kind of questioned the last part. "Come on, Y/n. You can agree she's annoying." He nudged her. "Fine, she's not the more bearable person."
"If I were Coraline I would've definitely stayed with the other mother. She can sew those buttons in my eyes if it means I get a whole feast every night for dinner." Nick makes a comment at the movie that's currently playing on his TV. "I wouldn't what if-" She gets cut off by someone opening Nicks door. "Guys, I'm going to shower, can you guys go downstairs with Viv. I don't want her to be alone." Chris peeks through the door.
Y/n looks at Nick who's mouth his opened a bit. "Please? Don't be like this, go hangout with her, she's really lovely." He says. "Oh yeah, very." Nick says sarcastically but Chris doesn't realize it. "I'm glad you think that, now please? Go down." He said before closing the door again. "Ugh! I don't wanna." Nick threw a tantrum like a toddler.
"Come on, I'm pretty sure if we spend some time one on one with her she'll grow on us." Y/n got up off the bed. "Fine, I guess." As they open the door they can hear her talking. "Guys look, I'm at the triplets house. This is the familiar living room and kitchen. It smaller than I imagined honestly. But, at least I'm here also Y/n is here, their best friend. Both Y/n and Nick look at each other confused. "I'm going to end the live. Bye everyone!"
"Just a few more months to go." They hear her say. Nick suddenly comes running down the stairs to make themselves known. "Hi, Vivian." He says, Y/n follows. "Oh, it's Viv, actually." She corrects him. "My bad, I just thought Viv was short for Vivian."
"Well, it's not." She puts on yet another fake smile.
That was just the beginning. Y/n and Nick would notice that Viv would prop herself on Chris' lap and either make a tiktok, instagram story, or she would go live. They also overheard her going live when Chris was showering again, almost like the first day they met her. "Who pays for dates?" She reads out a question. "Oh, obviously Chris. I never have to pay anything. Another pro of dating a rich youtuber. I don't have to waste a dime. He also buys me whatever I want, I got a new collection of makeup the other day."
"Are you and Y/n friends?" She reads out another question. "Oh yeah, we're best friends! We go out all the time. I just don't post about because I like spending time with her off camera." Nick looks at Y/n and covers his mouth to prevent a laugh from escaping. "How about Nick? Nick and I are besties, oh my god! We have so many laughs together and we love to pick out outfits for each other and especially our inside jokes." Now it's Y/n's turn to cover her mouth. Everything Viv just said was a lie. They've never gone out with eachother, heck they've never even hung out all together with her.
Today marked three months of Y/n knowing Viv. The triplets currently went to pick up some food and Y/n stayed behind to clean up thier kitchen as they had just finished filming a video. When she was washing the dishes she heard a distant voice coming from Chris' room, so she turned off the running water to get a better listen. "Hi, baby. Yeah, I'm almost done with him, I'm already at three hundred thousand followers, just two hundred more to go and I'm dumping him and telling him all I wanted from him was fame, he's so pathetic, he always tells me he loves me and all this shit. He's crazy if he believes that I actually love him." Y/n gasped and her heart broke for Chris.
Soon Viv hung up and made her way upstairs. To her surprise, she saw Y/n standing in the kitchen. "Oh! Y/n, I- I didn't know you were here." She nervously laughed. "I got here a while ago, I didn't see you come in." She said somewhat normally, she didn't want her to know that she heard the phone call. "Uhm- Chris gave me a key to the door that's in his room, got here a couple of minutes ago." Y/n hummed at her response and resumed to her task.
"You know, Chris always tells me he wants me and you to hangout, how's tomorrow for dinner?" Viv asks from the table. "Sorry, I can't. Me and Nick are already going to dinner." She doesn't look back at her. "Well, I can join along with you guys, it's no problem." Y/n puts the last dish away and turns to her. "Oh, we can't add anymore people on our reservation, it's too last minute." She shrugs and Vivs face falls. "Oh, next time I guess." She gets up and goes back down to Chris' room.
Y/n didn't move from the couch at all. How was she supposed to tell Chris that his girlfriend was just using him for fame. It will break his heart. He always tells Y/n that Viv is so sweet and that he loves her very much. She didn't want to be the one to break the bad news to him.
"We're back!" Nick yells as they enter the home. "Hey, guys. Nick I have something to show you. Come on." She nods her head to the stairway that leads to his room. "Why don't you tell all of us, I wanna know." Chris says, placing the bag of In-n-Out on the table. "You guys wouldn't understand, sorry." She runs up the stairs before he could say anything else.
"What do you have to show me?" Nick asks, throwing his hoodie off and leaving himself in his graphic tee. "Nothing, it's just I heard something and I didn't wanna tell Chris first. I don't know how to tell him." She whispered. "What?" He says. "Well, when I was washing the dishes, I heard Viv down in Chris' room and she was talking to someone on the phone and she called them baby but she was telling them that's she's almost done with Chris, she's just waiting until she hits five hundred thousand so she can break up with him. She doesn't love him, Nick. She's using him."
"Holy shit." He takes a seat on his bed to process the information. "You've got to tell him." Y/n gasps. "Me? I don't want to break the news to him. You do it! You're his brother." She says. "He won't believe me, he knows I'm not very fond of her. Plus, you're his best friend, he'll listen to you." Nick says. Y/n thinks for a bit, leaning against the door. "Fine, but not today. Not when she's around. I'll come by tomorrow morning and tell him."
As they head back down they hear her high pitched voice. Nick looks at Y/n and rolls his eyes. "It's fine, I don't like eating that junk anyways. Why do you think I have a body like this." Y/n had to stop on the last stair, she did not just say that. "Didn't she eat Wendy's last week?" Nick whispers. "I can't keep up with her lies anymore." She whispers back. "Mm, you guys are back. Your guys' food is getting cold." Chris says. "Where's Matt?" Nick says, ignoring the wave from Viv. He pretended he didn't see her.
"He wants to eat in his room, said he has a movie to finish."
Throughout the rest of the night, Y/n kept thinking about tomorrow. How was she supposed to tell him? How was he going to take the news?
It was now the next morning and Chris opened the door for Y/n when she texted him. "Hey, you're here early." He moves aside to let her in. "Chris, we need to talk." She immediately says. "Oh? About what?" He locks the door behind her. "It's about- let's go to your room first." She drags him fairly quickly to his room. "Okay, you're scaring me."
"Fuck, I don't know how to tell you think." Y/n paces back and forth in front of him while he sits confused in his bed. "Tell me wha-" She cuts him off. "Viv is using you!" She blurts out. "What? What do you mean?" He kind of laughs. "Yesterday when I was cleaning up the kitchen, I heard her in your room talking to someone. She said she's going to leave you when she gets to five hundred thousand. She's using you Chris, she has someone else. As shitty as it sounds, she doesn't love you."
Chris gets angry at Y/n. Why would Y/n say something like this? "What the hell?" Y/n frowns. "I know, Chris. I'm- I'm sorry you had to find out this way." She sits down next to Chris and puts her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "No, don't fucking touch me. You really think I'm gonna believe that shit of lie? I knew you didn't like her, but to go to the extent and try to break us up is unbelievable. I never sabotaged any of your relationships. Why are you trying to do it to mine?"
"Chris you're not listening to-" He cuts her off. "I'm done listening to you, I actually can't believe you- get the fuck outta my house, Y/n." He points to his room door. "Chris-" "Fucking go!"
"Fuck you, Chris. Seriously. Don't come fucking running to me when she dumps you. I clearly told you what she's up to." She gets up and slams the door behind her and leaves their house.
nick 11:37am
sooo how'd it go this morning?
very BAD, he didn't believe me and kicked me out. safe to say he doesn't like me very much at the moment or maybe it's permanently, idk
what the hell?? is he blind???? there's so many fucking signs right in front of him! A) she's always posting everything they do together, there's not one time where she isn't live when she's over B) me matt AND you don't like her C) there's a reason why she doesn't let him go over her house, not because of construction but because she has another fucking man living there D) YOU literally told him what you heard come from HER mouth!!! he's so stupid holy fuck, i'm going to go knock some sense into that man's head
go ahead and try, i'm done with him at this point
"What the hell is wrong with you? You'd rather pick Viv over Y/n? Did you not listen to what she told you? Viv is fucking using you?" Nick barges into Chris' room. "Did she brainwash you? She tried it on me too, she's crazy. Do you really think Viv would do that? She's an angel she would never! I don't want Y/n coming by the house anymore." Nick grows even more angry.
"You're delusional! You're seriously throwing fifteen years of friendship away for a three month one sided relationship? There's a reason why me, Matt and Y/n don't like her. We can see right through her. She must've done some witchcraft on you or something because how do you not see it?" Chris rolls his eyes. "How are you not seeing it? She's live every. single. time. she's here. Posting whenever all of us are out, spreading lies that me her and Y/n are the bestest of friends?"
"Why is it that whenever Y/n gets in a relationship you guys are over the fucking moon, but when I get in a relationship it's like you guys are trying to break us up?" Nick groans. "Because she chooses some decent people, and you chose someone who just wants fame off of you!" Nick has the urge to pull all of his hair out. "Get out of my room."
"Fine, but since you don't want Y/n coming around no more, I don't want Viv here anymore either, alright? See if she'll let you see her house for once." Nick leaves and slams the door.
One month, it had been one month since Y/n tried to break the news to Chris. They haven't seen each other in one month. However, her, Nick and Matt hangout almost everyday at her place. They told her that she shouldn't listen to Chris and that she was allowed at their house anytime. But, it was her decision to not go.
Chris was currently out with Viv. Hanging out in his room. Although his brothers didn't want her in their house, Matt also joined in on the argument later that day, Chris always snuck her in through the door in his room. "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." Viv gets up off the bed and heads to the bathroom, closing the door behind.
He nodded at her, his eyes stuck on the random yet interesting youtube video. There was a constant buzzing on his bed, he ignored it the first five times. On the seventh he picked up his phone and sees that there's no notification. Confused, he saw Vivs phone next to his. He hesitated to pick it up.
It buzzed one more time until he picked it up.
hi baby
did you do it already?
i cant wait to have you all to myself once you get home
how'd he take it?
knowing that you didn't actually love him
That was enough for Chris to read. Y/n was right, she was right and he didn't believe her. His heart broke in half. He wasted all this time on her, spent a lot of his money on her, stopped talking to his best friend, loved her? and she doesn't love him.
"What are you doing with my phone?" Viv says when she sees Chris with her phone. "You used me? You used me." He tells her. "Baby, Chris, what- what are you talking about?" She smiles to keep the mood light. "Don't act stupid, you're with someone else and you just used me to get all of these followers. Who the hell does that?" Y/n was right. I should've just listened to her." He shoves her phone into her hands.
"Chris, you how Y/n is, she's trying to break us up. She's jealous of me." Chris can almost laugh. "Get the hell out of my house. Go back to Garret, he's waiting for you at your house." He gathers her things and gives them to her. "You can't be serious." She says. "Oh, I'm serious. We're done. Don't think of coming back ever." Soon after she leaves he breaks down.
Not because he lost Viv, but because of her betrayal. How did he not notice? Never in a million years did he think this would happen. He threw on a random hoodie and grabbed his car keys off of his nightstand.
Y/n was currently getting ready for bed, even though she wasn't going to sleep, as she was preparing herself a tea there was a knock at her door. "Who the hell?" She wasn't expecting anyone.
"Chris?" His eyes were red and his hair was a mess. "I- I know you told me to not come running to you when she dumped me , I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go." Y/n's heart broke. "Get in here." She opens the door fully and he steps in and immediately hugs Y/n. "I'm sorry I didn't believe. I'm so fucking sorry." She pats his back. "Shh, it's okay."
Soon enough, Y/n brought him to her couch. "You wanna talk about it?" She whispered as she rubbing his shoulder. "She had went to the bathroom and her phone was going off like crazy for I checked and you were right, she has someone else and she was just using me for followers. She didn't love me, you were right." He whispered. "Oh, Chris. I'm so sorry. She didn't deserve you."
"I was so stupid-" Y/n cuts him off. "No, Chris. You were in love with her, you didn't see through her because you loved her so much." He shakes his head. "No, Y/n. I was so stupid to see how in love I was with you, not her. I- I feel like I forced myself into loving her because I was finally in a relationship. I feel like I forced this relationship even if it was a one sided one. I love you Y/n. And i'm not just saying it because of everything that just happened. I kept it to myself after all these years. I love you, I really do."
"Chris, I- I don't know what to say." She's taken back. "I mean- I like you too. So much. Are you sure we're ready for something like this after everything that just happened?" She says. "We can take it slow, however you'd like. I'll go along with your pace." He tucks a strand off loose hair behind her ear. "Okay, okay." They both smile.
"Just to let you know, I love you, too." Chris smiles at her confession and kisses her forehead.
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chenlesfavorite · 3 months
GOT MY ION YOU, mark lee
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you’ve failed yet another chemistry exam, high chances are you’re gonna have to retake the entire class next year and miss out on almost all school breaks due to studying and fixing your bad grades, and that is until your trusty friend suggests a tutor to you.
— pairing: tutor!mark x fem!reader
— faceclaim: y/n’s faceclaim is minnie from gidle (for picture purposes) but no actual visual descriptions/details of y/n will be given so you can imagine her however you’d like!
— genres: social media au (smau), half written, friends to lovers, fluff
— extra: y/n likes taeyong, mark likes y/n, mark is down bad for y/n
— warnings: lots of death jokes.. that’s about it
— playlist: If I Could Tell Her - Dear Evan Hansen musical | we can’t be friends (wait for your love) - Ariana Grande | So let’s go see the stars - BOYNEXTDOOR | I Don’t Want to Be Friends - Jake Scott | Lie With You - TEN | Night Changes - One Direction | Still Into You - Paramore | My Number One - Helena Paparizou | 200 - MARK
— authors note: my first fic on tumblr.. and also idk how to use tumblr, excuse me for any mistakes i may make on here 😭 ignore the times/dates on the tweets.. can’t be bothered to fix them sorry ☹️
— status: completed
— taglist: closed
divider credit to enchanthings !!
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profiles 1 | profiles 2
1. uh oh
2. number
3. private
4. first tutoring session! (half smau/half written)
5. hang out plan
6. seriously? (half smau/half written)
7. inside the haunted house (fully written)
8. just a friend!
9. awkward…
10. personal hangout
11. fun times
12. truth revealed
13. team who?
14. facetime
15. a shared trip
16. cute… sometimes!
17. who is it about?
18. ice cream (half smau/half written)
19. heart hand emoji
20. new crush alert
21. results and gifts
22. plane ride
23. matching!
24. he’s admiring your beauty
25. lipgloss or lipstick? (fully written)
26. mark’s what? girl?!
27. shenanigans before meeting up
28. happy new year’s! (fully written)
29. official launch
30. the end (fully written)
— END —
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7ndipity · 2 months
“Miss You”
Jin x Reader
Summary: You and Jin had always been close, but following his enlistment, you realize that there might be much more between you than just friendship
Word Count: 4.0k(wtf?!)
Warnings: angst, pining, swearing, lil suggestive at the end, not proofread
A/N: A massive thank you to @coffeedepressionsoup for this request and for being so patient with me while I worked on it! This really got away from me, lol, but I really love how it turned out and hope you will too!
"Why am I so fucking nervous?” You wondered to yourself as you sat waiting in your car, glancing around the parking lot of the restaurant in search of the familiar figure of your best friend. “This man has seen me at my worst, he’s not gonna care about my outfit."
But still your fingers found their way back to your sleeve, fidgeting with the fabric anxiously, finding it impossible to get it to sit to your satisfaction.
Dinners with Jin had once been such a common occurrence for the two of you that you would naturally show up at each others places without notice, oftentimes still in work or rehearsal clothes and messy hair.
You and Jin had been friends for years, meeting not long after you first moved to Seoul, and in essence, your relationship boiled down to that you irritated the shit out of each other, but that was why you loved each other. It wasn’t uncommon for you to greet each other with nicknames like “jackass” and “idiot”, or to treat each other to things like ice cream topped with fish sauce instead of chocolate syrup.
Some in your friend group found your dynamic a little peculiar to say the least, but they didn't question it much. The two of you were simply comfortable enough to be your true ridiculous selves together.
For all of your more childish behaviors though, you both knew you could count on the other for anything, whether that was being a shoulder to cry on when you got dumped by your first real boyfriend, or comforting him as he poured out his fears of keeping up with the demands of Idol life. You trusted each other with every version of yourselves, which was quite different from almost every other friendship you had.
Indeed, the only thing you had truly kept hidden from him was the not so small crush you had developed for him over the years.
It wasn’t exactly a shocking development; neither of you had particularly fulfilling dating lives, and you tended to spend most your nights off at each other's places because that just felt easier, more comfortable. You two had even joked together that you might as well date, but it of course never went beyond jokes.
Part of you wanted to be honest with him about your feelings, but it didn’t feel right to dump that kind of information on him when he was already dealing with so much.
What if he didn’t feel the same? Were you really willing to risk one of the most important friendships in your life on a maybe? And even if he did feel the same, which you very much doubted, what would you be able to do about it now that he was going away for over a year?
No, it was much better, much kinder, to just keep things the way they were, and to love and support him solely as a friend.
As the time for Jin to enlist drew closer, your hangouts had taken on a slightly more bittersweet tone, realizing more and more how much you were going to miss seeing each other.
Neither of you spoke about it though, playing it off with jokes about how grateful you’d be to have the other out your hair.
“At least once you’ve left, I’ll be able to watch good tv again.” You’d teased one evening after losing another round of rock, paper, scissors for what show to watch.
“Ha, as if! I bet you won’t make it two weeks before you’re back to watching my picks.” He’d retorted, flopping back against your couch. “Face it, you’re gonna be totally lost without me.”
You’d rolled your eyes, but a tiny voice in the back of your mind feared that he was right.  
But then, the time came for him to leave, and reality hit much harder than either of you had anticipated.
You had thought that perhaps the distance and time apart might help you get over your lingering feelings for your friend, but instead, his sudden absence had just left a painfully obvious hole in your life and left you feeling terribly alone. You hadn’t realized just how much space he took up in your day to day life until he was gone.
Everything felt off balance. Evenings at home, which had once been your favorite, were now dark and dull, dinners quiet and lonely. Your favorite cafes and shops were now far too loud and crowded on your own.
You could tell that he wasn’t dealing with the separation well either, though he tried to keep up his normal cheery disposition whenever you called. But each time, you noticed the way his smiles didn’t always reach his eyes, or that his laughs were just a little more forced.
You tried to keep in touch through text, sending each other your usual memes and updates, but as time went on, the frequency began to slowly lessen more and more.
It was better when you were able to see each other in person, able to pretend for those few hours that almost nothing had changed, but it seemed more and more like the universe was against you having even that. On the days that Jin managed to get leave, something always seemed to interfere with you seeing each other, whether it was work schedules, family emergencies, or random stomach flus. Last time, you’d only managed to meet up for a quick coffee before he had to leave again.
To your credit though, the two of you never forgot a single holiday or special occasion for the other, sending gifts and trying your hardest to meet around the time of your birthdays.
This was one of those such days, just a week or so past your birthday, that you were currently sat waiting for him to show up.
He had promised to treat you to a meal for your birthday, just like he did every year, so you had picked a place close to his base that you knew you both loved. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a little locally owned barbeque place, but it was where the two of you had met several times before, and it had come to feel like ‘your place’.
Finally, you spotted his familiar figure appear, leaning up against the side of the building as he glanced around for you, looking gorgeous as ever in the golden evening light.
Exiting your car, you half ran across the parking lot, tackling him in a tight bear hug.
“Oof! Hi, Bug.” He greeted you breathlessly, steading the two of you before returning your embrace.
“Wassup, dork.” You said, grinning up at him.
“Yah! I’m a military man now, you should speak to me with some respect.” He scolded you.
“Yeah, not gonna happen.” You snickered, earning an eye roll from him.
“Alright, menace,” He shoved you off playfully. “Let's go eat, I’m starving.”
The two of you fell back into your usual rhythm with each other, swapping stories about work, family, his new friends from the base, the new coffee place near your apartment that you hated, anything that crossed your minds. But throughout the evening, you couldn’t help but notice the strange shift in the air.
Maybe it was the fact that this was the most time that you’d spent together in ages, but the whole evening had a nervous energy to it, almost like a first date.
You caught yourself admiring little things about Jin that you had only fleetingly paid mind to before, if at all.
The way he gripped his chopsticks or spoke with his hands, bringing to mind the numerous times he’d gripped tight onto your hand to keep you from getting separated in busy crowds. You wondered if they felt the same, or had the past year of work made them rough?
You blinked, Jin eyeing you mild amusement.
“You okay? Or am I boring you already?” He asked with faux indignation. 
“No no, sorry.” You shook your head, trying to ignore the sudden heat in your face. Had you been staring at him the whole time? You desperately hoped not.
Then again, it wasn’t just you acting strangely either.
More than once through the evening, you could have sworn you caught Jin staring at your mouth as you’d spoke, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt, drawing your attention to his outfit, noting that he seemed to have dressed up a bit more than usual, just like you had. 
The perceived change in both your demeanors lead to several weighted silences, but there was also an nervous undercurrent of excitement to them, both of you fleetingly meeting the others eye, only to then be caught and left temporarily unable to look away. It was as if you were both waiting, daring the other to address it, but neither of you did.
Inevitably though, it grew too late to ignore, the restaurant around you now nearly empty, the sky outside long turned black.
As you exited the restaurant, a cloud of silence fell over the two of you again, this time though it was more mournful, sensing the impending goodbye, not knowing when you would get to see each other like this again. 
“You’re sure you’ll be okay getting home?” Jin asked softly. “It’s a bit of a drive.”
“Yes Mom, I’ll be fine.” You tried to tease, but the words came out without any real edge to them.
The two of you stared at each other for a long moment, Jin chewing his lip nervously, as if he wanted to say something more, but he didn’t.
Suddenly, he wordlessly pulled you into a tight hug, something he had done a thousand times before, but something in the way he held you this time made your heart ache, holding onto him a little tighter this time, savoring the warmth of him around you for just a little longer.
"I miss you." The words slipped out before you realized, so small and heavy with heartbreak, drifting away in the night air as you kept your face pressed against the material of his jacket, hoping that maybe he hadn’t heard you.
You felt him freeze for the smallest fraction of a second before his arms tightened around you, hugging you closer.
“Me too.” He breathed, barely audible.
You bit your lip, trying desperately to will away the sudden stinging wetness in your eyes.
After a long moment, you both became of aware of how you were holding onto each other, parting awkwardly as you cleared your throat, looking anywhere but him.
“G-goodnight, Jin.” You muttered hurriedly. 
“Night.” He replied, taking a small step back before giving an awkward half bow. “Stay safe and eat well, yeah?” His eyes were similarly misted over, matching your own.
“Mhm, you too.” You nodded quickly, looking away again.
Feeling your already wavering facade threatening to crack, you nodded and turned away, walking quickly to your car without looking back at him.
The next few months passed relatively quickly, but following that night there had been a palpable shift between the two of you.
Calls began to lessen. Then texts. You claimed work was just really hectic and you were just busy, but it wasn't the whole truth. 
The truth was you were terrified.
Memories of that evening plagued you constantly, as did your accidental confession.
It was just three words, a simple and perfectly innocent statement given the context of your situation, but they had held more meaning than you intended them to, and you could tell that Jin had picked up on their meaning as well, based on his recent, equally awkward behavior. 
Staring down at your phone, you cursed yourself silently, seeing no new messages from him yet again. If the earlier distance between you had been painful to cope with, the new silence was agony.
Why had you said anything at all?! You were sure you must have freaked him out. 
You considered just being completely honest with him and telling him how you felt, more than once you had written out several long-winded texts in an attempt to explain everything, but each time you’d lost your nerve and deleted it.
At a loss, you did the only thing you could think of, which was nothing.
You stepped back, giving him whatever space he wanted or needed, letting him choose how things would move forward between the two of you.
If he wanted to move on and act like nothing had happened, you’d go right along with him. And if he wanted to talk about it… then you’d face that and accept whatever he had to say.
That decision however, had resulted in Jin overthinking things as well.
He had also been replaying that last dinner with you, his mind drifting back to how pretty you had looked, the nervous flush that had crept over your cheeks as you’d talked, the shape of your lips, how tempting it had been to lean in and-
He shook his head, glancing around quickly as he tried to clear his mind, hoping no one had noticed his lack of focus.
“I miss you…” Those three little words had echoed in Jin’s head for days. They were simple enough, but it was something that neither of you had said in the nearly year and half that he’d been gone. Your quiet confession had caused all the feelings that he had been trying to stifle for ages to rise back to the forefront.
Over the course of your friendship, he’d become increasingly infatuated with you, but he’d always pushed those feelings to the side, fearing that you wouldn’t feel the same, or even if you did, that the complications of dating as an Idol would be too much and drive you apart. 
He had thought he was doing the right thing by keeping his feelings to himself, but your words had made him reconsider.
Unsure how to proceed, he had pulled back slightly as he mentally battled with himself.
But then you had started to pull away as well.
Your shorter messages, the sudden lack of interaction, it all made his stomach sink lower and lower with every passing day. 
He shook his head again.
No. He couldn’t take this.
He decided one of the first things he would do following his discharge was tell you the truth about how he felt, and whatever your response was, he would accept. If you rejected him, he would go back to being just your friend and pretend nothing had happened.
And if you reciprocated his feelings-? He wouldn’t let himself think about that, not yet.
Above all else, you were one of his best friends, and he was not prepared to lose you.
Finally, after what felt like the longest and shortest year and half of his life, Jin received his discharge.
The first few days after coming home were a frenzied blur for Jin.
Between meeting up with family and friends, photoshoots, hosting a fanmeet for Army, and various other schedules, he was absolutely exhausted.
In a way, it was wonderful to be getting back into his chaotic, but familiar routine, but the sudden shift back into ‘civilian life’, if one could call it that, was taking its toll on him all the same.
Everything was so loud and happening so fast, all he really wanted was just to find somewhere quiet to lay low for a few days and do nothing.
Wait no, that wasn't quite true.
He wanted to see you.
Since he’d gotten back, you had sent a few texts, welcoming him home and the like, but he’d yet to get to actually see you, a fact that was beginning to make him increasingly uneasy.
He needed to see you, needed to hear your voice, to tell all the thoughts and feelings that he had realized over the past few months. He could almost feel them, pressing in against his ribcage, squeezing the air from his lungs. He didn’t think he would be able to breathe properly again until he told you how he truly felt.
Luckily, he knew he would have a chance tonight at the party his friends were throwing for him.
It wasn’t anything elaborate, just a get together with some of his friends, with food and drinks, as a way to welcome him home.
Despite the fatigue of the past few weeks, Jin was looking forward to it, if only for the chance to see you again.
But as he scanned around the crowded room, he failed to spot your face.
“Something wrong, Hyung?” One of his friends asked, noting his deflated expression.
“Have you seen Y/n?” He asked, still looking around hopefully. “I thought they’d be here.” 
“Maybe they’re just running late or something?” He offered.
Jin nodded distractedly, ducking off to the side and fishing his phone out of his pocket.
He called your number, but was sent directly to your voicemail. He hung up and tried again, with the same result.
“Everything okay? I really wanted to see you tonight…” He typed out quickly, pressing send as someone else’s conversation caught his attention.
"Y/n? Didn’t they say they had a date tonight or something?"
His head whipped around at their words.
"What date?" He asked, slightly more sharply than he intended.
"I dunno, some blind date that Y/n said their work friend set up.” They shrugged.
“Oh.” Jin felt all the energy in his body slip away, like water down the drain.
Everyone's voices faded into static as Jin stood there motionless, feeling as if the ground below him was slowly swallowing him up.
He was too late. 
In all the months of imagining and planning and hoping, he hadn’t accounted for the fact that he might not be given an opportunity to confess, that you would move on before he had a chance. Because why wouldn’t you? He hadn’t given you any reason not to, if anything quite the opposite. He’d stupidly shied away from you in an attempt to spare himself the awkwardness of having to explain himself to you before he was ready, and now it was too late. He’d fucked up… 
In reality, however, you were not on any such date. You had actually spent the evening curled into a sniffly ball in bed, completely unaware of Jin’s numerous attempts to call you as you faded in and out of a cold meds-induced sleep.
It was true that your friend had tried to set you up with one of their guy friends, and while they had sounded very nice, you had politely declined, telling her you appreciated the offer, but you weren’t looking to date anyone at the moment.
You didn’t mention that it was mainly because you were still hung up on your best friend, but no one needed to know that, including the best friend in question.
You’d had every intention of going to his welcome home party, and to hopefully clear up the awkwardness between the two of you, but fate had decided to screw you over once more by having you come down with a cold that day, leaving you an achy, feverish mess in bed.
When you woke up the next morning, or early afternoon to be more precise, your head still slightly wobbly as you checked your phone, you felt your stomach drop as you scrolled through the multiple missed calls and messages from Jin.
You quickly called him back, praying that he wasn’t too upset with you for ignoring his calls, as well as missing his party.
It rang several times, making you worry that he wouldn’t pick up, until you finally heard his voice.
“Hello?” He answered, his tone flat and detached.
“Jin, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see your messages til this morning-” You tried to explain.
“It’s fine.” He stopped you, but you thought you heard a faint sniffle from his end of the line.
“Are you okay?” You asked worriedly.
“M’fine.” He answered flatly, but you thought you recognized that sour tone.
“Are you sure? You sound a little stuffy, you’re not sick too, are you-?” You tried.
“I said I’m fine, Y/n.” He cut you off. “Look, uh, now’s not really a great time to talk, I’ll call you back later, okay?”
“Okay.” You said quietly, heart sinking as the line went dead.
He’d said that he was fine, but his short tone with you had said otherwise. You’d known him long enough to know he was either sick or sulking, and neither of those options sat well with you at the moment.
Before you had fully thought out what you were going to say to him, you were standing outside his door.
He was equally slow in answering the door as he had been on the phone, cracking the door open slowly.
"I was the one who was sick, why do you look like you’ve been through the plague?" You asked wryly, trying to get him to crack a smile, but no such thing happened.
“What are you doing here?” He asked in the same monotone from earlier.
“I came to see if you were okay-”
"I’m fine." He said flatly. 
Oh, he was definitely sulking. It was gonna take a bit more work than you’d initially thought to get him to talk to you then.
"Alright then, what if we-.” You started.
"How was your date?" He asked suddenly, catching you off guard.
"What date?" You asked in confusion.
"The one your friend from work set up.” He said, the distaste clear in his voice.
"Who told you about that?".
"What does it matter? How was it?" He said sharply.
You blinked, staring up at him.
Was that why he was upset about? Not that you missed the party or his calls, but because he thought you’d done so in favor of a date?
"I wouldn’t know, I told them no." You admitted, shrugging indifferently.
He straightened slightly, looking up at you in surprise. "What? Why?"
You hesitated.
You could just say because you weren’t interested, or you could just tell him the whole truth, right here and now. If he rejected you, at least then you would know and you could both move on, rather than slowly ruining your friendship the way you had the past few weeks.
Your hesitation made him suddenly anxious, seeing the conflict in your eyes, afraid to get his hopes up.
"Why didn't you go, Y/n?" He asked again, his voice suddenly low and soft.
It was the same voice that had brought you comfort more times than you could count, the voice that had accompanied numerous midnight conversations. That safe, familiar tone that felt like home.
You realized it was now or never. 
You met his gaze. “They weren’t you.”
His eyes went wide, and for a split second you feared you had made the choice.
But then he was crushing you to his chest, holding you tightly and yet so achingly gently, as if you might shatter in his hands as he pressed his lips to yours.
“I thought I was too late.” He breathed, drawing back just enough to gaze at you.
You shook your head. “I wanted you.”
“Thank fuck-” He closed the gap between you again, kissing you much more firmly this time.
Everything else seemed to fade away, all you could, hear, smell, and feel was Jin. The lingering scent of his cologne, the faint roughness on his hands as they drifted up to cup your cheek.
You hooked your arms around his neck, pulling him and pressing him closer to you.
His hands drifted lower, caressing your waist as his tongue glossed over your lower lip, making you let out a soft whine.
“Is this okay?” He rasped.
“God, yes.” You nodded quickly.
“Jin’s just fine, you don’t have to give me any special names.” He smirked at you.
You shoved him away weakly. “You’re the worst.”
He just laughed, pulling you to connect your lips again.
The sound of voices in the distance suddenly reminded you both that you were still stood on his doorstep.
“Do you wanna take this inside?” He asked “Or am I still the worst?”
“Inside.” You said quickly, giving him another shove, this time propelling you both inside and slamming the door behind you.
@sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @classicalelephant @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0ghol @seleneacyoflove
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thequeenofcupps · 2 months
Sal fisher x shy fem! reader college au!
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A/N: Anon requested this!
Warnings: mentions of getting drunk, puking, mentions of sex and virginity loss, getting high and thats all of it
Also I don’t know much about how college works that much so sorry, also Larry is like 26, sal is like 23, your like 1 year younger than sal.
Larry + cousin!reader and Sal Fisher x shy fem!Reader
Back ground!
 ♫ You grew up around Larry half of your childhood, you guys were practically best friends. You’ve been shy all of your life, but thankful Larry has always been there for you like help you ask his mom for something, asking for help from a staff member etc
But unfortunately when you were 10 your parents decided they didnt want to live in that Nockfell ghost town so you all moved, leaving your favorite cousin behind
 ♫ Fast foward to like a couple years you moved back to Nockfell because you found a pretty good college there, and you see your cousin Larry moving boxes into a dorm room across from you
Meeting Sally! 
 ♫ After catching up with Larry and helping him with the boxes you see a person with blue hair and a mask? Walk into the room. But thankfully after Larry introduced you both you both hit it off quite well!
 ♫ you and sal ended up being friends surprisingly fast due to your shy nature, sometimes if you guys have days off from school you both like to go the closest cafe near you, hell even sometimes you guys go to frat parties out of bored but because you were shy you usually just sat in the corner drink what ever the fuck you could find. most of the time sal sat next to you and the both of you just sitting and chatting about how school was going, hobbies, music taste etc.
 ♫ sometimes larry likes to “break” into sals dorm room to smoke zaza when his roommates gone, sal usually asks you to come smoke with them
 ♫ As your friendship deepened, you began to show a more playful side. It started with like subtle teasing during your guys hangouts, you  would quietly mock Sal's choice of snacks or pretend to be unimpressed by his ghost stories. Sal would retaliate with exaggerated dramatic acts , which always earned a giggle from you.
♫  The first time she showed affection through biting was a bit unexpected, you guys were studying together in the library, heads bent over textbooks and notes, when you leaned over to point out a passage in his book. In a playful moment of distraction, you playfully bit his shoulder , causing Sal to jump slightly in surprise.and smirking with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
♫ at this point sal started to develop a crush on you, thinking about the late night talks you both had, the hangout sessions, getting coffee and such, Sal found himself constantly drawn to your presence, your quietness, and the playful banters you both shared
♫ one day for a break from college you and the rest of his friends and Larry decided to go to the lake to go camping and swim. It wasn't until a quiet moment by a lakeside, when everyone was asleep and neither of you could sleep and decided to sit by the lake, that you both finally acknowledged each other's  feelings for each other, you shyly admitted how much you enjoyed your guys time together, and how he would add brightness to her days when on campus. Sal, with vulnerability, confessed how much he valued your presence as well.
The start of dating!
♫ each time you guys are passing classes you like to sneak kisses or sometimes just flat out skip classes and makeout in his dorm
♫ theres a high chance you both barely study and you guys just cuddle and watch stupid ass movies that come up on the tv or just pillow fight each other
♫ on the low chance you guys actually do study, you both help try and help each other, and as a reward you guys go out to get ice cream
♫ you know how I said you both go to frat parties? Yeah ok but this time you guys are just holding hands while sit
On rare occasions when you get drunk hes usually there by your side whether you need to puke or get headache medicine due to your hangover
♫ whenever you guys go to class you always have to link pinkies cuz I don’t think you both like to be the super pda typa couples 
♫ speaking of pda its like a forbidden object in your guys relationship, your shy and hes shy to kiss in public or hold hands in public, you guys just stick to kisses, cuddles, hugs and such to your guys’s rooms 
You may or may not lost you virginity to him :X
♫ sometimes Larry third wheels like you, him, and Larry go hang out like at the mall and stuff you and sal are like flirting and Larry fucking pops out of no where and just says “what are we flirting about ;>?”
♫ the first time sal shows you his face hes fucking shaking like those 16 year old crusty ass white dogs that every mexican family has (including me lmao)
But when he does you caress his cheek gingerly and quietly say “oh sal, your so pretty :,c” he starts fucking bawling a fucking water fall
♫ also whenever you and Larry hangout you teasing you saying stupid shit like “when are you getting married?” or like “when am I getting Nieces or nephews?”
♫ you affectionately bite him or nibble him and at first he was like “what the hell are you doing to me” and later he got use to it 
♫ you know that one stupid tiktok thing like “by boyfriend bought me pads with wings” and its actually just pads with chicken wings (auntie lisa gives him a little advice about pads)
High sex lmao
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A/N: I took so long trying to write this I hope its ok!
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moonjxsung · 10 months
I was curious which love trope would you give to each skz member 🫠
I LOVE THIS QUESTION okay hear me out:
Chan: Best friend’s brother. He just gives super sweet guy who comes around your place a lot because your brother’s there, but he won’t hesitate to flirt with you in passing and ask about your day. And eventually it turns into you guys both falling for each other (I literally have a fic of this exact trope and am 15k words into it I’ve been working on for months I NEED TO FINISH IT FFS)
Minho: Opposites attract/“I hate everyone except you”. He’s a little quiet and reserved and you’re a mess, you’re loud and you love him so openly and vocally. You purposely fluster him in public and shower him in affection and he secretly loves it though he’ll pretend not to. He’s never been loved like it before and it instills this overwhelming feeling in him he could never begin to explain. When it’s just the two of you alone he won’t hesitate to make it known how grateful he is for you. You two against the world fr
Changbin: Work adversaries to lovers. He’s the loud, persistent coworker you can’t stand and you guys get paired to do some big project together. He’ll eventually break down your walls and find out you’ve been hurt before and through late night bar trips and working on your project in office after hours you guys will fall for each other. Maybe also because I like imagining Changbin in a suit and glasses a little too much
Hyunjin: Love at first sight. The minute you see him you’re absolutely smitten with him. He looks like straight up poetry, he has soft soft expressions and beautiful features and you just have this urge to know him and get close to him. And lucky for you Hyunjin believes in love at first sight too so when he catches you staring, he’s enamored, too. Doesn’t take long before you guys are approaching each other and arranging for a date and pretty soon it’s like you’ve always known him.
Jisung: Friends with benefits to lovers. People love the friends to lovers trope but I think Jisung starts out as a physical endeavor for you after you guys meet a party or something because physically you just can’t get enough of him. Slowly turns into jealousy when he talks about other girls or can’t see you one weekend. You guys will definitely end up adjusting your rules to stay exclusive to each other and then Jisung will find that he’s really fucking smitten with you and he doesn’t want anyone else. So much fluff but the sex is A1
Felix: First love. Hands down. Felix’s little crush is so mutually reciprocated because he’s an absolute sweetheart and he makes the most kind, grand gestures to win you over. Felix grew up with sisters so trust that he gets veryyy sagely advice about what you want for gifts or what little gestures he can do to earn your trust and your love. It’s kind of dizzying when you guys start dating bc it’s like?? What did I do to deserve this person??? And it’s just safe, healthy, fully reciprocated, beautiful flourishing love !!
Seungmin: Best friends to lovers. He’s constantly texting you, hanging out with you, arranging hangouts with you and just catching up on every detail of your life. He’s bringing you dessert at 3 in the morning after you said you were craving something specific. He’s dropping off his jacket at your cubicle at work because it’s raining and you didn’t dress for the weather. He catches himself talking about you to everyone and people start to know it before you guys even do. Dating him comes so naturally because he’s your best friend before he’s even a lover. Absolute sweetheart to you always
Jeongin: Boy next door/neighbor. Your families knew each other growing up and you grew up hanging out with Jeongin. Chasing after the ice cream truck together, going to the park together, chatting while your moms caught up with each other. Maybe you separate for a while when you guys start college or something but by the time you see each other again, there’s so much attraction and chemistry like never before. He can’t stop thinking about you, and the little hangouts turn into dates where you relive those memories. Picnics at the park, ice cream dates, catching up while your parents have dinner. You never expected to be dating him down the line but it’s so much fun bc you already know him so well!
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snail-squasher · 5 months
'boys suck, and girls I've never tried' - chappell roan
word ct. - 1113
warnings - a small panic attack(?), mostly fluff, fem!reader is implied but anyone can read :)
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You've never been one to have crushes. Sleepover gossip times would always make you pick at your skin for 5 minutes trying to remember all the boys in your grade so you can blurt a name out when asked who you like. But when you got into college something changed. Something that goes by the name of Kiyoko Shimizu. You first heard about her when in a group project with Yachi, she had suggested that Kiyoko tag along to the cafe meet up that you guys had planned - a simple 3rd person to keep conversation flowing so there’s no random awkward silence. 
Wrong; you were incredibly wrong. In the entire 2 hours you guys were there, you got 2 things done: writing your name and finding out Kiyoko was the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen and that the way her lips move when she talks is mesmerizing; maybe that’s why everything she said you completely agreed with - is this what your friends talk about at sleepovers? Is this what movie scenes are made from? Is this normal? 
Obviously you know what being gay meant, you’ve seen gay couples in movies and even around campus, so why was this the worst whiplash you’ve ever experienced? And why are you getting so nervous and sweating when she asks for your number? Why do you only let out a shaky - mousy - ‘yeah’ 
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The only information you absorbed is that the prettiest girl you've ever seen is in your contacts and that she likes peaches and ice cream. There’s only one reasonable response to this information - type out 4 draft messages asking her to the local ice cream parlor. Who would know better how to ask her out on a completely platonic and friendly ice cream date? Yachi. 
You’ve never felt more awkward in your entire life; you could smell the tension before the conversion even started. “Well… I say just ask in the friendliest way possible… this one right there,” she points to the 2nd message, “seems like you're rambling a lot, and the one below that sounds like you're demanding she go.” Yachi explains - a little concerned by how concentrated you are after explaining how this is a ‘totally friendly and chill meet up because she seems cool’ for about 10 minutes. “Okay…so like… the last one? Or are the emojis too much?” “The last one is perfect, she actually texts with a lot of emojis too.” “Okay perfect…” both of you sit in silence for 20 seconds before you blurt “can you please send the message for me.” 
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It was set, you're very casual friend hangout, was the next day at 2pm. Although the state of your room said that you were evacuating by 2pm tomorrow; clothes thrown from your closet had basically made it out of your room, forgotten t-shirts now seeing the light of day, even pants that you’ve been meaning to return to a friend had found its way onto the outfit roster. But after what felt like the zombie apocalypse, you put together an outfit that had one inspiration - Kiyoko Shimizu. 
It was just to seem cool right? To hope that she'll want to be good friends right? And maybe kiss? Do good friends do that? 
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This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea. This was the worst idea you’ve ever had. Gripping the steering wheel so hard you make a mental reminder to call a mechanic and breathing so hard you reach for a non-existent inhaler. You’ve never had a worse timed star- aligning ever. You can see her in the window, occasionally glancing out the window waiting for any sign of you, but you’re too busy having second doubts because your gay awakening is waiting for a obviously, for sure, ‘no wonder Yachi was awkward’ date. You try to quickly regain yourself after seeing Kiyoko start to look down at her watch every 6 seconds. Checking your face in the mirror and fixing your hair in the shop’s window reflection, you finally open the doors and come face-to-face with the most attractive cause for your midlife crisis. You're not even 25.
“Hey, sorry I’m a little late, I was picking up my room a little and lost track of time,” well that's not a complete lie, you had folded about 4 shirts and then rethought your entire outfit and started from scratch. And then she did the smile, the little lift up that makes her beauty mark move 3 cm from its resting place, “It’s really no problem, just glad I wasn’t stood up.” Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. Being stood up means a date. This is for sure a date. You're glad you didn’t over analyze but also panicking because you just processed what a lesbian is in the car you’ve had since 17.
“Yeah, sorry again, I didn’t mean to leave someone like you waiting,” are you actually stupid. ‘Someone like you?’ You’ve been homosexual for 5 minutes and already messed up. “Hope that’s a good thing,” she says sarcastically before walking up to order. “I’ll get the peach please, and what would you want?” She looks at you. She focuses on you. “I’ll just get the same thing” a smile. She smiles at you. “Sounds good, do you want to find a table while I pay?” “Oh you don’t have to pay f-” “No no, it’s okay.” You're starting to understand why your friends freak out when a guy offers to pay. 
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“Okay- so- wait. He asked you to marry him after only seeing you?” you ask holding back a laugh, “Yes! I still give him a hard time for it too,” Kiyo - she insisted you call her that - was laughing telling you about her time in high school, while checking her watch, “Oh! It’s already late! Sorry for non-stop talking, I feel like that’s all I did.” You quickly try to recover as you both stand up and throw your trash away, “oh no it’s okay, I loved hearing about you.” After making it through the front doors, she turns to you and smiles before leaning in and giving a small kiss, “Well maybe you can tell me about you next time.” “Yeah! Of course,” you reply too quickly for you not to cringe when thinking about it later. She does the smile again, the same smile, “Make sure you text me when you get home… I’ll see you soon.” “Yeah of course, have a goodnight…” You watch as she walks away to her car before slowly sitting getting into your own. You're surprised the shop owners didn’t come running out after the excited scream you let out.
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I hope you guys like it!!! the divider(s) is from @cafekitsune
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itjazzbicch · 10 months
Biker Prince Charming PT. 3
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Pairing:  Shinichiro Sano x Fem Reader 
Summary: Biker Prince Charming PT. 1 - Biker Prince Charming PT. 2
Spending time with one another causes rumors to spread about Shinichiro and the reader dating, which they only fuel, becoming official after the reader finally explains the one thing hurting her heart, and Shinichiro tackles that issue...
Warnings:  mentions of past abuse, a little fight (Shinichiro snaps) (but that's about it!)
Word Count: 1.4k 
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After going out with Shinichiro and almost fighting with that guy at our hangout spot, there had been much talk about us maybe being together. I wouldn't say we were together, but we kept giving people things to discuss.
"So, you two dating yet?" My best friend loved to poke at me, walking alongside me; meanwhile, Shinichiro was on my other side, heading to the yearly festival.
"Don't you have your own little boy toy you should be worrying about?" I whispered, eyes on Takeomi on her other side as we went together.
The way she blushed made me laugh, subconsciously holding Shinichiro's hand and offering:
"How about we get something to snack on? Every year, there's a stand that makes some delicious gyoza."
"Let's go get some then," Shinichiro smiled, allowing me to lead the way.
It was in the same spot as last year, and this 'double date' was already so much fun. We ate, and got to check out some of the other stands with all kinds of collectibles, jewelry, you name it.
We were smiling the whole time too, excited as a firework show was going to happen soon, my best friend jumping at the thought:
"Ooo! Can we go get some ice cream before we watch the fireworks?"
"Sure thing, babe," Takeomi was really trying to charm her up. I couldn't wait to tease her about it, but we all got an ice cream cone, went to where we planned to sit and watch the fireworks till Shinichiro squeezed my hand:
"Is it okay if we talk for a second?"
He wanted us to be alone, fighting a smile, and I couldn't say no, finishing my ice cream and nodding:
"Yeah, let's go."
Heading away from the crowd, we stood by a staircase, my heart fluttering as Shinichiro was reaching into his pocket, whispering with his cheeks turning pink:
"I just wanted to give you something special, that's all."
"What is it?" Watching his hand open to me, I saw a bracelet with little charms, one standing out compared to the others, a crown. It appeared to be handmade, those flutters getting stronger as he took my hand gently, clipping the bracelet around my wrist:
"I remembered when you would make charm bracelets when we were kids. So, I made one for you."
"You made it?" This gift touched my heart, and I held my hand up to admire it more; a smile formed as he nodded, explaining and giggling:
"It might not look the best, but I even welded the metal into a crown. A princess needs her crown, right?"
Staring at the crown, my smile grew brighter, finding his eyes, "I think it looks beautiful, Shinichiro. Thank you."
He just smiled back at me, our smiles so bright we broke out into giggles, but my chest seized as his eyes twinkled, taking my hand and his head leaning down to me.
Was he going to kiss me? This was it. I could feel it, letting my eyes shut gently as he inched closer, but flashing back open at the sound of a voice I knew:
"They are together, huh?"
The last bit of fear in my heart returned, shaking as I stared off toward who was talking; Shinichiro quickly noticed something was wrong.
"Hey-" He whispered, looking in the direction I was, seeing my ex-boyfriend, "That's your ex, right?"
"Yeah," I whispered back shakily, my eyes briefly connecting with my ex's, and my shaking worsened.
"Y/N," Taking my shoulders, Shinichiro moved his head to meet my eyes, calm and only wanting to help, "If he's bothering you somehow, tell me. Please."
"I-I just-" I swallowed, finally growing the courage to tell him what I've only told my best friend, putting my head down, "Remember the end of senior year, when I missed a few days of school? I came back all messed up, and no one knew why?"
"I remember," He nodded, having an idea of what I was going to say, staying silent as I cried softly:
"It was him. He 'put me in my place' to try and show off in front of some gang he joined."
His hands were still on my shoulders, and he felt stiff, the tears of sadness turning into rage as I picked my head up, huffing and explaining:
"And that's why I created my gang. To show stupid boys that us girls can lead and, more importantly, kick ass too."
Shinichiro was staring at me, his eyes darkening, and it almost scared me as I had never seen such a look in his eyes before.
"Guys! You done? The fireworks are about to go off!"
My best friend and Takeomi were coming for us, shaking again as Shinichiro stood up straight, turning to Takeomi and commanding:
"Takeomi, stay here with them. Don't let a soul near them. Got it?"
"Got it," Takeomi didn't bother to question him; Shinichiro's eyes said it all, but I was still paranoid, reaching out for him:
There was no stopping him. He walked right up to my ex, who was laughing with some guy, trying to be all cocky:
"Yo, Shinichiro. Heard you got my sloppy seconds!"
"Did you think she'd never tell me?" Hearing their exchange, my heart wouldn't stop pounding, panting even as my best friend kept me in a hug, Takeomi watching in case someone else was to step in.
My ex only stared. He knew what Shinichiro was talking about, going to speak just for his jaw to be met with Shinichiro's fist, the impact louder than any punch I ever heard, making my ex drop like a ton of bricks, the fireworks starting to blast and explode into the sky as Shinichiro hit him with another punch.
That buddy of my ex's was so scared he ran away, Shinichiro picking him up by the shirt and punching him over and over.
His yelling started to attract attention; Takeomi looked as we saw a bystander dialing their phone.
"Shinichiro!" Running to him, even Takeomi could barely pull Shinichiro away, "Someone saw! We have to go!"
Shinichiro wasn't exactly a prizefighter, but seeing him in a rage, this unseen strength. I'll never forget it. He finally let go and backed away with Takeomi, who was pulling out his keys:
"Sorry, girls, we have to go."
"It's, it's okay-" I heaved, clinging to Shinichiro's arm as he came to me, his keys in hand, whispering:
"We can go to my place."
We didn't say anything after that. I just followed him, hopping on the back of his bike, and clung to him the entire ride. We stopped with Takeomi to make sure my best friend got home safe, then went to his place.
"I need a cigarette," He mumbled, lighting one up as we stepped inside, and I sat on the couch in silence, fidgeting with my hands and the bracelet he gave me.
Halfway through his cigarette, he came to sit next to me, whispering softly:
"I'm sorry for ruining our fun at the festival. When you told me that, I just-"
"It's okay, really," I cooed, taking his hand, fighting tears again, "No one has ever stood up for me like that before."
"I will always be here for you," Finding my gaze, I started to cry, knowing his every word was true, "I'll fight the whole world for you if I have to, Y/N."
All I wanted to do was hug him, doing so and squeezing, never wanting to let go. He ashed out his cigarette so he could embrace me back with both arms, my head against his chest as I confessed:
"I love you, Shinichiro. You really are my prince charming."
Unlike the festival, nothing stopped him as he pushed my head up so his lips could finally kiss mine.
As our lips danced, something was pouring into my heart. This strong sense in both my brain and heart. It was true love. I just knew it. The same sense was beaming from him as he guided me back on the couch, our kiss deepening and less intertwining.
"I love you too, princess," Lips just hovering above me, his dark eyes were back to soft and precious like usual, the cute smile that lifted his cheeks making me fall for him even harder than I already had, paying great attention to his following words, "There's nothing to hide anymore. We can be happy."
I couldn't get enough of him, kissing softly and ensuring he knew, "I'm always happy when I'm with you." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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Catkin Miles Morales headcanons because it's canon(Meows is his 8311 Variant).Anti therians DNI idc about your sheltered opinions
Warrior Cats kid and it was the pipeline to his catkin awakening(many such cases)
Started off identifying as just catgender until he settled into his identity and got comfortable with identifying as otherkin too
Is a therian out of a mix of unmaskable autism/audhd and loads of trauma coping
She's a trans catgirl(transmascfem and a black femme)
He/she/they/sol/sparkle/strawb/crayon/paw/claw/meow/purr/cookie/glitter pronouns
And not related but these are made with dreadhead Miles in mind
Meowing vocal stim,light visual stim,milk safe food and rubs and scratches do wonders for his sensory
Trained herself to land on her feet both for Spiderman reasons and lightening species dysphoria
Owns at least 3 cat ears hoodies and her collection is growing
Dreams of herself as Meows on multiple occasions and gets sad when she wakes up
But her and Meows are instant besties when they meet and she's overjoyed Meows is canon instead of her just hoping for nothing
She goes crazy for cat shaped food in general but her favorite is cat shaped grilled cheese sandwitches and she perfers to eat them with canned strawberry milk
Her species is Munchkin Cat and she gains a supernatural white streak in her hair and fangs out of spider mutation as Spideruniversal validation
Breakcore,Lo-Fi chiptunes and Pop Punk fan
Mixed media art noob yet does it like a master
Plays Animal Crossing very hardcorely and collects all the cat villagers and her goat is Kid Cat
Hobie diy's and thrifts therian items for her and also just general cat themed/based goodies,including an ears and tails set,a Meows plushie and a ceramic cat mug
Hobie is also a therian,hence why he's so good at it,and he's dogkin specifically and his type is great dane.Punkflower is dog x cat dynamic but literally <3 Punk subculture's acceptance towards nonhuman identities only made her even more happy to go pastel punk/afrosolarpunk
Miles dosen't do cat puns often but Hobie does and it's his way of flirting with them and Miles is enchanted somehow.Their song is 'The Lovecats' by The Cure
They also made matching cat and dog hair charms and Hobie convinced Miles to dye their hair like he did Gwen but they said they only would if he did too so they did eachother's dye jobs(Miles' was split down the middle pink and Hobie's was blue dip tips)
Hobie contrary to assumptions refuses to dunk Miles in water against her will and actually shoved Pavitr into the water for trying to when the Spiderfam was at the beach and then took her to get ice cream as an apology
She sends him tiktoks of cats and dogs as a duo like 'Us🥺?' and he always enthuthiastically agrees
Jefferson and Rio were hella confused but had the spirit,even if took them a fair amount of time to truly understand how to go about it.They call them their 'Gatito' and do whatever they ask to make them feel more comfortable in their skin and surprise them with stuff like the cat tree and cat themed stationery they gifted them and telling them cat facts they learned
Arcades and cat cafes are tied for their biggest hangout spot.Them and Hobie go to both as dates and their parents started going to the latter with them as family trips and Jefferson has so many punch cards
Watches Creamheroes as their comfort show and draws fanart and even creates memes and fanfic
They've also drawn catsonas for every single one of their important people as her ultimate show of love
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twstbookclub · 5 months
Parallel Lines
Summary: Close friends, but nothing more. Parallel lines, but never touching. POV: 2nd Pronouns: Gender neutral Admin/Writer: Kai⚔️ Tags: Kalim Al-Asim, light angst, parallel lines trope, I took this one easy, be grateful that this is gentle cause I cried writing the next two Word count: 799
enjoy the lighter angst from me this time because the next two will... destroy the respective stans :)
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Laughs and cheers filled the open room. You liked being in Scarabia, even with the sand and dry weather at times, but you were mostly there for Kalim. The housewarden became your friend the moment he could talk to you one-on-one. You felt drawn to him. It was a natural course, but all of that had its own consequences.
Kalim perked up when he was finally able to meet you. He talked to you with so much energy, and you responded the same way. Someone could catch up with his mood, which was the best thing for him. He constantly talked to you and got excited about spending time with you. It felt so right, but there was still some… unspoken distance.
You were a person that didn’t belong in the world of Twisted Wonderland. You were simply wasting the days away in this universe while Headmaster Crowley searched for a way home for you.
Kalim Al-Asim was of high status, a relative of the Scalding Sands royal family. Coming from a big family and having his guard—or friend, depending on what you wish to call his attendant Jamil. He was of a different standing, similar to the future king of Briar Valley, Malleus Draconia.
There was an apparent wall between them. They were separated by an invisible glass with holes just so they could talk, but they became best friends with the snap of a finger. Everyone around them would comment on how easily they made each other laugh and brighten everyone’s mood.
Some even suggested dating because “You two are perfect for each other,” but that was much easier said than done. You were aware of that. Kalim was aware of it, too.
You liked Kalim for his bright smile and shining energy. He was like a golden retriever boyfriend that you always heard about in your world. He was genuinely kind and always helped you or kept you company.
Kalim liked you for your diligence and kindness. You didn't take advantage of his good intentions, and that was enough for him to accept you. He liked the conversations and hangouts that you would have with him.
You were restless, and he was restless with you. Sleeping in class was usually done together. You and Kalim were like parallel lines.
But parallel lines are close, but never touching.
Knowing the circumstances, there was a line that neither of you could cross, but it was established without even needing to talk about it. You understood his situation, while he understood yours.
Kalim had his life set for him back in his homeland. You had an entire life waiting for you back in your world, too.
“Kaliiiiiiim!” You yelled, looking through the halls of Scarabia's dormitory. The cool wind of the night in the desert was a drastic comparison to how hot it was in the day, but you couldn't complain when you could see Kalim's smile.
He stepped out of his dorm room just moments later, surprised at how you called his name like that. “Hey! What's going on? You're screaming as if I took the last ice cream from the freezer.” 
His joke made you laugh, and you held up a building set, knowing you liked doing it with him. “Building set. Over 500 pieces. Should we all-nighter this thing!?” You asked excitedly, watching Kalim's face light up as he got hyped.
“Should we!? What kind of question is that? We have to. Come on!” Kalim exclaimed and took you into his room before he started to clear off a space on the floor.
You set down the box and looked around for a lollipop. You left a few the last time and grabbed one to snack on so the sugar could keep you awake. After, your eyes fell on Kalim, and he was still cleaning the floor, but he had a wide smile.
Once he was done, he noticed your eyes stuck on him. He laughed lightly. “You look weird staring at me like that. What's wrong?”
You stay quiet and take the lollipop out of your mouth, giving him a light smile. “I like how we are, Kalim. Can we never change?”
Your question made Kalim's smile falter. He blinked a few times and stayed quiet, too, then gave you a cheeky smile again. “I don't want to change, either. Why would we?”
You began to laugh and tilt your head. “You're right. How dumb of me,” you said playfully and stared at him for a little. Kalim stared right back and didn't break it for a moment. His red eyes showed the brightest light that an iris could hold.
Parallel lines. They're always close, but they never touch, never cross. Just like the two teens in this very room. Close friends, but nothing more.
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viscountoflondon · 11 months
College Kavinsky 2.0
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You drove down the street stressed that you were late. You arrive the restaurant and send an I’m here text waiting for him to respond as you sit in the car. When 5 minutes pass you think nothing of it but when it gets to 15 minutes you don’t why but your stomach sinks.
“Hello?” you say as he picked up and was silent  
“Y/L/N?” “Yea?” you confirm turning down the volume in the car, you hear a lot of commotion in the background
“Shit sorry Y/L/N”
“Ohhh kayyyy” you were getting stood up. “Shit happened in the club emergency meeting and I just lost track of time I was gonna text”
You interrupt “I understand” 
“I’m sorry” “Thanks” you respond nonchalantly “is everything okay?” you ask hearing a yelling match go on 
“I can’t really talk now mind if I call later maybe we can hang out. I will make it up to you I promise” 
“Sure” you respond in a flat tone “don’t stress about it, just call me back when you can” “Great thanks Y/L/N” 
You sigh and look up. Did you just get stood up or was he playing the forgot lets hangout at your place possibly hook up game?
“Babes? What are you doing here?” Ivy asks you 
You shrug “Peter couldn’t make it” 
“Oh shit what did he say?” 
“I don’t know something happened he lost track of time” You scoff taking off your shoes.“Some bullshit. Make up wasted, outfit down the drain” 
“Aww don’t be like that” she pouts opening her arms for your to hug 
You smile and give her one “Yeeaaa, i think he stood me up” “He wouldn’t do that!” she insists 
“Well only time will tell Ivanna, only time will tell. I’m gonna go lay down” “Okay I’m here to talk if you want” 
Ivy knew this wasn’t going as planned but she knew Peter just wouldn’t fake it like that only to stand you up she texted Cam only to be ignored for hours as well and he confirmed the same thing Peter said fight etc...
You agree one more time to meet Peter over the next weekend, it wasn’t the best time for you two but Peter really wanted to see you. So the best you could do was agree to a coffee date 2 hours max because you both had obligations after 
“Hey!” he says walking in 
“Hi” you greet smiling at him. He had managed to ease away the wall you immediately built up after last weekend 
“Man you know all the cool places, I thought we were gonna meet at starbucks or something” “Nope!” you emphasis the P “they have good coffee, bagels, and treats” 
“I don’t even know what to get I normally get my coffee from starbucks and its some latte shit” “Ooh I can order for you is  your starbucks order sweet or not” 
He shrugs “i don’t know like regular sweet” 
“Perfect, want a bite or?” “I’ll follow your recommendation boss” You blush “Here” he hands you his card “I’m gonna find a seat place is kinda packed” 
You nod and wait for your order to come out. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes. When he sees you approaching with the items he gets up to help you. 
“Here is your order” you say, handing him his bagel and coffee while you take yours. “I got you a bacon egg and cheese bagel, NY Style and a Half White/ Half reg Mocha, latte.” “MMM! So good!” he says taking a sip of his drink
You smile “I have to stop myself from coming here everyday.” 
“What do you have?” “Oh i have a white mocha caramel brulee iced latte and a cheddar bacon bagel with cream cheese, classics” 
“Classic kind of girl” “I try new things sometimes I just like the classics you know can’t go wrong” He nods in agreement mouth full of food “So how have you been?” you ask cautiously  “everything okay?”  you pay attention to his mannerisms 
He sighs “yea, i can’t say much but one of the sophomores got into a fight at the bar and the guy wanted to press charges it was crazy” 
“Oh wow!” 
He takes in a deep breath “I can’t wait for this to be over”
You tilt your head and look at him “I thought you liked being in a frat” 
“I do but I don’t at the same time. It’s a lot you know. You have to like  micromanage the freshmen and some sophomores make sure their are passing their classes, mentor them, Because that affects our metrics. Teach them to not be creeps. Some haven’t had a girlfriend and don’t know how to manage a full house with many girls and you know they make stupid stupid mistakes sometimes.” he eats a little before speaking “You know whats funny the brother I looked up to when I was a freshman said the same thing I am saying now and I thought he was just had a shitty attitude but this shit wears you down” “Sounds rough” you give him a sympathetic look “Don’t get me wrong it's good it can be great, it really can, but i put in a lot of work last year being the social chair. I’ve never networked as much as I did so much so I hate when people recognize me now”
“Really? I thought you liked the spotlight” 
“Yea I kinda wanna be invisible sometimes” 
“Aww” you pout seeing the exhaustion in his expression 
“But I can manage for 2 more years and then barely look back, that is my mantra now” 
You beam at him “You got this Kavinsky” 
He smiles “I will if you continue to be by my side” 
“You’re so cheesy”  You blush looking 
“Only for you Y/L/N” 
“So I was thinki..” You’re interrupted “OMG PETER IS THAT YOU?” You hear looking back to see Olivia and a few of her friends, you wave back at them as they waved first/ She walks over “Y/N What are you guys doing here?” 
“Talking” he says matter of factly answering for you 
“Ooooo about?” she  wiggles her eyebrows while sitting next to him  “oh mind if wejoin?” “Actually we were just” 
“Yoo Peetterrr” You hear Sean calls to him 
You see the annoyed expression on his face 
“Pull up a chair guys” Olivia instructs her friends
“So much for some alone time”  he mumbles you hear it and refrain from laughing
You look down at your phone after receiving a text 
Peter 🥰: Sorry about this
Y/N: its okay 
You look up and smile at him, he responds by giving you a sympathetic smile. You two sit in a circle, with one of Olivia’s friends sitting in between you two? How that happened you don’t know. Peter kind of gets caught up in the conversation that he doesn’t realize time is passing but you did because you had a tutoring session and you couldn’t be late for that.
“Guys I have to go, tutor session” “What are you getting tutoring for?” One of Olivia’s friends ask slyly you peep that 
YOu smirk “I don’t get tutoring sessions I am the tutor 3 years now” “Oh” you see the sly smirk fall “And I’m getting paid to do it so I can’t be late my client is waiting for me, talk to you guys later it was nice meeting yall” 
“Nice meeting you too”
“Oh shit I gotta go I’m late” “Where you off to Kavinksy.” “I gotta go to practice’ Although stanford didn’t have a men’s lacrosse team Peter was able to try out and join a club where they had frequent games, like a norcal. 
Oh yea, text me Mark wants to go over somethings later tonight “Will do Y/L/N wait up girl” 
You smile and wait by the door. “Bye guys” 
See Ya! He throws the peace sign as he walks out 
You two walk to your cars he had parked next to you  “I’m sorry about that”  Peter comments
“It’s okay Peter can’t control everything” He smiles “you're awesome, I gotta run but I’ll text you okay?” 
“Yea drive safe, remember the building is not running away from you” He gives you a quick peck on the cheek and runs to the drivers side of his jeep. 
You two meet again at yet another frat party. Besides the brief interactions on campus it was really the frat party where you two could interact 
Y/L/N what time did you get here why didn’t you text me
I just got here
“Cool cool, whats your poison tonight” “A few shots” 
KAVINSKY You both turn
Mark motions him over with his head I’ll be back 
You run into Olivia and her cheerleading crew you hang out with them a bit before you leave and move around the room 
There you are babes. I need a dance partner and Cam won’t do it with me
“Ummm” you chuckle “I’m not dancing” “Don’t act like you didn’t teach me how to salsa, come on pleeeaasssee just a few songs, here lets take some shots 
“Noooo” “Yesss and then like 3-4 songs” 
“Okay three and then i will leave you alone” 
You smile the alcohol works through you dance with her to the songs glad the third one is ending as you could see glimpses of Peter watching you. The songs switch tempo to a bachata song. 
She holds onto you tight “One morree pleeasseee”
“Peter is watching” you mention not liking his attention 
She smiles “Good so is Cam lets get them all worked up”  she winks. You can’t help but laugh and follow her lead, she pulls you in close dancing as a couple as you two move around on the dance floor. A few spins for you both a little foot work. The song ends and you’re glad its over with so that you can get away from the middle away from the attention(Peter’s) 
“Whoo I need some water” you think as you reach into the icebox
“I didn’t know you could dance Y/L/N” you hear Peter’s voice You turn to face him and you feel your face flush with embarrassment as he walks to you slowly  “I.......don’t?” He motions behind him “so what was that?” “Oh i was following Ivy’s lead” you explain trying to hide your smile He chuckles “LIAR” 
You smile and walk away from the crowd in the kitchen, he follows you to the backyard. “I know a spot we can talk come on” he grabs your hand 
You two walk a bit away from the house near the fence you find a bench 
“How you been?” he asks moving your hair behind so he could see your face
“Busy like you”  He hums in agreement 
“I wanna take you out to dinner” he says while playing with your fingers a little nervous you will say no 
“Do i need to dress up?” you ask 
He shrugs “Sort of”
He smiles “You tell me gorgeous” 
“Yo Kavinsky” you hear from the distance 
“Oh my gooodddd”
You giggle 
“I gotta question” the guy says as he stands in front of you two 
“Shoot” he answers nonchalantly 
Another guy walks up “KAVINSKYYYY! What’s up bro?” he shouts as he gets closer 
You hear him groan “Michael how you doin?!” 
“Oh shit didn’t mean to interrupt” 
“It’s okay” you go to stand up to walk away but Peter tightens his grip on your hips 
You look at him and smiles at you, before looking at the freshmen “what was your question” 
“Oh i wanted to know...” you fade away
“Finally okay about dinner”
KAVINSKY he Mark calls 
“I can’t fucking take this” it shocks you when you see him irritated “WHAT?” 
“It’s okay Peter”
“I’m gonna lose my fucking mind” he runs his hand down his face frustrated 
“So Dinner I am free Saturday evening and Sunday evening after 3pm”
“Cool I’ll pick you up at 5, I gotta go I’m sorry.” He pecks your cheek before running towards the house. You sit on the bench and contemplate ponder. Your conversation with Peter was mostly done via text. I mean the times you two were around each other it seemed that you two were constantly interrupted how would this work. At least with Cam and Ivy he made time for her. How could it work if Peter didn’t? That was tomorrows problem because tonight you were laughing at the antics in front of you. 
“You guys are cute you look up it was Olivia” 
“Oh Olivia! Whats up?  you scoot over so she could sit next to you 
She sits down before saying “Nothing just commenting on you two love birds”  she teases “So what you two discuss?”
“Oh” you blush “Peter wants to take me out to dinner”
She smiles “Really when?” 
You shrug “Next weekend I think” 
“Think he’s gonna make it official?” she asks 
“I don’t know maybe or maybe he just wants the chance to get to know me better no interruptions” you say 
“Yea thats possible”  she smiles. You two talk about other things before she too gets up and leaves. You hang out in your spot a bit longer feeling the last effects of the shots starting to fade before you decide to leave it was late you had to study all that shabang. You push your way through the crowd and see Peter having a very deep conversation it didn’t seem like an interruption from you would be appropriate at the moment so you send him a text. He wished you had done so, it would have given him an excuse to get out of that stupid discussion 
Next weekend arrived and this time Peter was not late. In fact he was early. 
You hear a knock on the door and look down at the clock. It's 4:30 why would he be here at 4:30? You were just finishing up the final touches of your makeup. You throw on a robe and  rush down the stairs tidy up the best you can before opening the door
“Kavinsky, you’re early 
“Early bird gets the worm” he stands with his hands behind the back 
“Do you wanna come in sorry for the mess
“Laundry adorned the couch as you were mid washing cycle and didn’t feel like carrying it up all the way to your room 
He scoffs looking around “Its nothing compared to the (frat) house you know that.” He pulls you in “how are you?”
Oh you blush “I’m good” 
“I got you these” He pulls the bouquet from behind his back 
You can't help but to grin “Aww Peter you didn’t have to!” 
“It’s my pleasure 
You smile and walk towards the kitchen “want something to drink?”  you ask as you place them in a vase. “I’ll read this later” you say as you place the card down
“I’ll take some water” 
“Okay, I’ll be right back. I don’t wanna be late I promise I’ll be down in 10 minutes” you say as you run up the steps
“No problem take your time!”
“Okay I’m ready” your heels go clacking against the wooden floor as you walk down the stairs. “12 minutes a little late.”
He smiles at you holding his hand out “Right on time to me. WOW look at you!” He holds your hand up so you can do a little spin 
You smile as you stop facing him “I look okay? i can change”
“Don’t I love those on you: he comments speaking of your heels  
You look around and see that one of your panties laid on the floor you hoped Peter didn’t notice and you become extremely bashful. “Okay let's go” you open your clutch  “keys, wallet. phone. Good all in there”
During the ride there Peter held your hand and sang a few songs on his playlist you laughed and snapped a few videos
“You gotta post those” he says when you’re done
You end up 1 hour away from your apartment in Berkeley, CA 
You see the sign Welcome To Berkeley, California when you turn to Peter “We are in Berkley” 
“Yes ma'am” You give him a look “I’ll explain when we get there”, 15 minutes later he pulls into a parking lot of a restaurant that had all the romance vibes. 
“Wow Peter this is” you look around “thank you” 
He smiles looking at you taking it all in “it’s my pleasure” 
The waiter comes and you two place your order. The conversation is surface level, until you were both done and now waiting for dessert. 
“Ummmm” the waiter interrupts looking bashful “I have drinks” 
“Oh” you look down at the drinks and back up at Peter who also looked confused “We didn’t order those”
She blushes even more “I know but um there is a couple around who wanted to buy you two drinks said you guys were so cute and I agree” she smiles 
“Oh” you smile and look around to see if you could tell who it was but you couldn’t  “tell them thank you!” 
Peter picks up his drink and you follow suit “Salud to us to life and to the lovely couple:  you raise your glasses in the air, clinking them lightly and taking a sip. 
You two stare at each other while he routinely kisses your knuckles while he holds a smitten look on his face
You blush before speaking “So we drove to Berkely an hour away because?”
He sighs and sits up rubbing his thumb over yours “I really like you Y/N” wow you didn’t know you could like the sound of him saying your first name as much as you did your last name “And I didn’t want any interruptions. I want to just focus on you, on us, I wanna make sure we are on the same page” he smiles before placing a soft kiss on your knuckles  You blush “Are we not on the same page?” “I think we are but, now I get to talk to you, like really talk to you without someone fucking recognizing me” 
“I honestly thought you loved that” He huffs “I am starting to hate it. I can't even get a moment to think, only time is after practice, at the library when I've locked myself in a room and late at night, when everyone’s asleep and the house is mostly quiet. But  then i can’t sleep because i’m trying to catch up on my thoughts, like oh I forgot to watch the tiktok you sent, coach sent us a schedule for next week” You reach over and caress his face “it will be over soon Peter” you try to sooth his frustrations
“I have dessert for you two” 
The waiter brought a plate, you watch as she places it down. Letters adorn the plate ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ It reads you look down then back up at Peter. 
“What do you say Y/N Y/L/N” he asks moving the hair from your face as he leans in closer in and speaks softly “Will you be my girl?” he pushes the hair behind your ear and caresses your cheek “I would love to be yours” 
“Peter” you say above a whisper 
“I need an answer baby” he insists in the most sultry voice you’ve heard from him so far
God when will you stop blushing you think before answering “Yes I would love to” 
He smiles and gently pulls you towards him and gives you a peck on your lips. Your first kiss A feeling he knows he will become addicted to. 
When you pull away you take it all in “You planned all this”
He smiles leaning back and taking scooping some of his dessert and eating it “I did for you, for us like I said”  
“You’re so thoughtful thank you Peter” 
“I wanted to” he smirks smuggly knowing his mission was accomplished  You blush “what is it?” he chuckles 
“Nothing” you smile looking away from him 
“I wanna be with you in ways that I haven’t felt in a long time” he pauses “I wanna be there when you’re sad, mad, happy i want to experience those things with you” 
You smile slyly “Even if i’m mad at you?” 
“Even if, because I know that we can talk it out and be better”
“You’re such a romantic”
“Can’t blame me, anyone would be especially when it comes to you” 
You smile 
His phone pings and he looks down at it and huffs. You're quickly brought back to reality which was Peter’s availability. 
You look away from him feeling a sort of dread, what if this would be the first and last time he did this for you. Not that you were wanting him to drive an hour and spend hundreds of dollars but what if this was it do you savor the moment or do you...
Your head snaps to look at him “Yea?” 
“You okay?” 
“Yes!”  you smile
“Tell me amore” he caresses your hands again 
‘Amore’  God why is this happening to me I can’t be going through this rollercoaster of emotions 
“Oh I’m okay” 
“You looked sad what is it?” You shake your head “Oh i was just thinking” 
“About tell me” he insists pulling your hand to his mouth again for more kisses
“I just got too lost in thought and started thinking about the people I’m tutoring” you chuckle nervously, avoiding eye contact 
“You sure?”  he asks feeling as if you weren’t telling him the truth 
Yea you lean in to give him a kiss “I’m sure” 
The night was perfect, you think to yourself, no need to ruin it by overthinking things. You to finish and head back to your place. The car ride is filled with jokes and funny stories. 
 “So do you wanna come in do you have time?” you ask as he parks in front of your house 
He looks at his watch and nods “yea” he had to be back to the house within 30 minutes but he was sure he could make because it only took 10 minutes to get there from your house
“Oooo” the girls say in unison  
“You guys are back finally” Ivy comments 
“Peter, you know Ivy but  these are my other roommates Daniella and Willow” 
He salutes them “Nice to meet you two” 
“I was gonna give him a quick tour is that okay?” you ask 
“Yes it is! Welcome to our home Peter, nuestra casa es su casa!” Daniella comments 
“He’s cute!”  you hear them whisper as you go up the steps 
“We can hear you!” You say and they giggle 
“So you've seen the kitchen and dining area” 
“Daniella and Willow occupy the 2nd floor” you say as you stop in the common space “we have a common area with TV also just in case someone wants to watch american horror stories and the other real housewives of beverly hills, and then their bedrooms are across from each other ensuite bathrooms, closets towels linen etc.” 
“Okay okay he looks around taking it in” 
“And” you walk further down the hall up to a third set of stairs. “This is my bedroom:  you say as you walk in you noticed the pile of laundry sitting by the door and didn’t pay it any mind
“I have the attic” 
“Wow”  he comments your space was cozy
“You like?” 
“It's very cozy I love it”
Warm lights and fake candles adorned your space 
“I have a desk over there you point to the desk across your bed, small lounge area where I can kinda crash and watch my own TV you point to the small sectional, slept on this sectional so many times, my lovely bed catches all my dreams, closet,I have shoe problem, don’t comment, and bathroom.” 
He nods taking it all in “This is dope, lots of space too”  you smile in response “And where is Ivy’s room” 
“Oh she has the basement”
“Cool, cool” 
“Yea the attic and basement are both bigger so since the previous seniors left we took the rooms over Ivy said she wasn’t gonna walk up all those steps”  
“I like it, it fits you” 
“Really how so?” not understanding what about your room fit you
“Warm and cozy thats how i feel when we are together, like i have safe space with you” he says matter of factly 
“Oh that's sweet of you”  you plop down on the bed, your feet hurting from wearing heels one inch too high for your comfort 
He smiles and walks over to you squating down “I got you, let me get these off” he works the clasps on each shoe and gently removes the heels
“I still don't know how you walk in these” he says looking at the heel 
“One step in front of the other, you can just drop them there” you point at a space near you 
He does so “Speaking of dropping” he picks up a pair of lace panties on the floor a pair you had just washed
“Oh my god!” you snatch it from him and shove it under the pillow “you didn’t see those” 
“Those look good kinda”  he reaches for them and you push him away giggling “ wanna see them on you” “Peter!” 
“What you’re my girl now, don’t need to hide anything” he grabs your hand “come here” 
You feel your face flush as he pulls you in. He moves the hair out of your face as looks down at you. “You’re so beautiful Y/N” 
You smile “not as handsome as you”  you manage to say before he leans down and gives you a kiss. This time it wasn’t just a peck, it was soft slow nothing rushed, he cradled your jaw and face, you feel light circle sensations on your cheek as he simultaneously pulls you in closer. You feel like you’re gonna faint his lips are so soft, you let him kiss you deeply, tongue exploring your mouth, you feel as if he is breathing you in taking your breath away your grip on his arms tightens, he pulls away slowly softly returning for another make out session only allowing you a few seconds to catch your breath as he peppered small pecks your lips he couldn’t resist he just needed to feel your lips on him once again  you don’t know how long you two kissed but you both jump when his phone rings. 
It had been 30 minutes and Mark was now calling his phone. He looks at the caller ID “Oh shit i gotta go amore” 
“Its okay” he leans in for another kiss you giggle “Peter you’re gonna get in trouble”
“Its worth it!” he declares 
You lightly push at his chest and reach up to wipe the remnants of your lipstick from his face and lips “you gotta go handsome” 
He rolls his eyes “trying to get rid of me” he argues 
“Nope you grab his hand trying to get you out of trouble” you counter 
He smiles and walks down the steps with you 
You walk him to the car he leans in one more time for a kiss you both smile as you giggle “you gotta go”  you whisper softly pushing him in the car 
“One more for good measure” he comments pulling you into his jeep and holding you tight
You give him a quick peck and push away quickly “you gotta go text me” you say closing the door 
A round of “oooooos” erupts as you walk into the house. You roll your eyes “seriously guys?”
“What you brought an adonis into our home and we cant cheer for you pshh you deserve it girly pop” Willow comments 
You smile thanks “oh i forgot i didn’t read the note” you state seeing it sit on the flowers , you slowly open it and it reads “thinking of you forever and always” you read outloud “Awwwww” they all say in unison
“Damn, what do i have to do to get  a boyfriend like that?” Daniella asks 
“You smile be yourself” 
A/N: Please Reblog, like but you don't have permission to copy. Let me know what you think, remember I am sensitive about my shit.
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minawritesfanfic · 1 year
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Backyard Boy Part 2
Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Word Count: 3,000+
Summary: You and Rodrick go ok that long await ice cream and skate ‘date’, it’s not a date though well okay maybe it is. A friend date, you can go on dates with your friends right…?
Part 2
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I lay in my bed staring blankly at my ceiling, the room was dark but slowly being illuminated by the rising sun. I knew that it was already nearing eight a.m. and that I hadn’t slept a wink last night. At first, I thought me and Rodricks hang out tomorrow, wait no that's today, was just a simple meeting between friends. My mom on the other hand doesn’t believe that, she asked so many questions and gushed about how I already had a date. Now that she brought it up this hangout is seeming more and more like a date.
I groaned and covered my face with my hands, trying and failing to pretend that it wasn’t already morning. I knew that I had to get up in a few hours and that I had stuff I needed to do before then. I forced myself to sit up and climb out of bed, I shivered once my feet hit the cold hardwood floor and quickly put on my house shoes. With a yawn I undressed and got ready to take a shower, I hopped in without checking the temperature and I was jolted wide awake. I adjusted the temperature and quickly warmed up, at least I was more awake and conscious of what was going on.
By the time I had gotten out of the shower, it was a few minutes past eight-thirty, I now sat at the kitchen counter eating breakfast. Homemade french toast and a glass of sweet vanilla almond milk, way better than normal milk I’d say. Despite it being eight a.m. on a Saturday I knew both my parents were out of work already, Dad was always in and out of the house since he was almost always on call at the station. Whilst mom’s job just had a weird work week, who the hell works Friday through Tuesday? I don’t even know what she does anymore since we moved, just that she’s out for hours at a time on the weekend.
I finished my breakfast and decided to start on chores early, so it wouldn’t be a problem later. I grabbed my ipod and started to clean with my epic playlist ‘Doghouse Jams’, it was chaotic but it was perfect for practically any mood. I nodded my head to the music blaring through my earbuds as I cleaned the dishes from breakfast and whatever meal my parents ate last night, they probably came in late and ate the leftover lasagna from last week. Regardless I scrubbed and rinsed away the leftover food bits and put the plates onto the drying rack, eventually the sink was empty so I switched sponges and started cleaning off the counters. I had spilled a bit of syrup and cinnamon on the counter, so I might as well get the rest of the counters while I’m already cleaning them.
It only took half an hour to finish up in the kitchen, so I decided to just hang out on the couch for a bit and let the rest of my playlist play. It was still only nine a.m. so I had a little over two hours before I could even think about getting ready to leave. I let out a sigh and snuggled deeply into the couch, I let my eyes flutter shut. I would just rest my eyes for a bit to waste some time.
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I awoke with a yawn, as I sat up with a stretch. I felt incredibly disoriented and stood as I rubbed the sleep off my face. I walked through the hallway towards my room and happened to glance up at the clock on the wall. If I wasn’t awake before, I definitely was now when I realized the time.
11:57 am
“Shit, shit, shit! I’m so gonna be late!” I bolted down the hall and up the stairs to my room.
I quickly gathered everything I needed to go out on my bed, phone, chapstick, wallet, and fuck where did I put my keys? I scavenged my dresser and any jacket pocket I could to find them, it was only after several minutes that I found them in a discarded pair of jeans. This made me realize that the pants I was currently wearing were way too nice to wear to a skate park, so I wasted a few more minutes looking for a replacement. Eventually, I found a nice loose-ish form-fitting denim pair and put them on, then my sneakers. I made sure to grab a hoodie before I left my room, as I walked down the stairs to the front door I organized everything I needed into my various pockets. I lifted my head when I heard a knock at my door, and it was then that I remembered my skateboard was still upstairs. I quickly rushed back and grabbed it before answering the door, only after calming my heavy panting first. I swung the door open and I was met with Rodrick, who stood with his hands in his pockets shifting awkwardly in place.
“Hey! Sorry, I’m a few minutes late. I woke up barely an hour ago.” He said with a nervous laugh avoiding my eye contact, while I just breathed a short sigh of relief.
“Hey, it’s fine I was running a bit late too. Are you ready to hang?” I said stepping out my front door and shutting it behind me, giving the nob a quick twist to make sure it was locked.
“Yeah, ice cream, and then I’ll show you that skate park as promised.”
“Glad to see you’re a man of your word.” I joked as I followed him off my porch toward the ominous white van I just realized was parked in my driveway. It had ‘Löded Diper’ painted on the side, I just stared in awe.
“Do you like it? I drew it myself.” He said with a proud grin as he looked over at me.
“Yeah, I’m speechless. I didn’t realize that was how your band name was spelled, it’s unique though. I like it.”
“Thank you, it’s totally spelled like that on purpose. I picked the name myself, and I love it. Anyways, after you my liege.” Rodrick did a dramatic bow as he opened the passenger side door for me, I laughed and climbed inside.
He climbed in after me on the other side and then put his key into the ignition to start the car. He pulled out of the driveway a bit recklessly so I gripped my seatbelt tightly and knew I would have to apologize to my parents for the damage to the front yard. But just like that we were on our way down the street, it was silent for a while inside the car. I could occasionally catch Rodrick sneaking a few glances over at me as he drove, which reminded me a lot of my own mother's driving. Unlike my father’s uptight and stickler for the rules driving, my mother was uncaring and drove with her hands in the wind, literally. She occasionally let go of the wheel and put her arms out in the air, thankfully she at least used her thighs to somewhat drive the car when she did that.
It was a relatively short drive and we were already pulling into the tiny parlour’s similar tiny parking lot. The building looked quite old but through the large windows I could see the inside was certainly more modern. I left my skateboard on the floor of his car and climbed out of the van, the sound of passing cars was loud and led to there being a breeze despite the stagnant wind. I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I rounded the back of the truck and met Rodrick, we walked up to the parlour in a somewhat comfortable silence. Rodrick opened the door for me keeping up his chivalrous act, as I entered I was hit with a wave of coolness and sweet scent. I stepped up to the glass protecting the several dozen containers of ice cream as I looked for my favourite flavour.
“Welcome to Old-Timey Ice cream parlour, what can I get you guys today?” The blonde clerk asked as he gestured to the rows of ice cream.
I ordered my favourite flavour but then saw the different cone options, “Oh, and can I get that in a waffle cone too please?” I asked as I held onto my wallet in my pocket.
“And I’d like a mint chocolate chip in a normal cone,” Rodrick said, stepping up beside me at the counter.
“Are you ordering separately or together?” The clerk asked as he quickly scooped my ice cream up and handed it to me, then did the same for Rodrick.
“Sep-“ Rodrick put his arm out in front of me and cut me off, “Together, how much is it?”
“Your total is eleven thirty-five.” Rodrick pulled out his wallet and paid for the ice cream before grabbing my hand and leading me outside.
“I don’t know what to comment on first, you choosing mint chocolate chip, you paying for both our ice creams, or you holding my hand. It almost seems as though we’re on a date right now.” I said with a quirked eyebrow as I savoured that first lick, Rodrick met my gaze and hesitated for a moment looking from me to our linked hands.
“You say that like it would be a bad thing!” He said with a smirk letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulder instead. “Also, mint chocolate chip IS the best flavour in the world.”
He waved his ice cream in my face offering the first taste I just made a disgusted face and ducked under his arm, “Gross! I bet you like eating toothpaste, you weirdo!” I said with a laugh putting a couple steps in between us.
“No, now that’s gross, I just really enjoy brushing my teeth. I’m not a crazy person y’know.” He flashed a toothy grin, albeit not having the straightest teeth his teeth were on the whiter side.
“Mmm, maybe not that type of crazy person but definitely still a bit crazy. Anyways, are you still going to show me that skate park?” I asked licking away at my ice cream happily, Rodrick nodded and we walked back to his car.
The drive over was much shorter than the one to the ice cream parlour, Rodrick had me hold his ice cream while he drove. But of course, he had to multitask and have me hold the ice cream near his face whilst he drove, which had me hoping there was somewhere I could wash my hands. I now had sticky ice cream and Rodrick’s spit all over my hand from failed attempts at eating ice cream, not to mention I learned Rodrick bites into his ice cream due to the fact he bite my finger.
I’m honestly struggling to decide which is the weirdest and the grossest, though in my heart it’s still probably the flavour. I really hate mint chocolate chip.
“Andddd here we are Plainview’s one and only skatepark, there's also a playground hidden on the other side.” He pointed over to the park as he pulled into one of the parking spaces, my eyes were fixated on the skatepark packed with people a few hundred feet away from us.
“Oh sick, there’s already people here. Thank you, Rodrick, I literally was going to die if you guys didn’t have a decent park and skaters here. Maybe your town isn’t so ‘plain’.” I snickered as I handed him his ice cream.
I climbed out of the van and cleaned my hand off with one of the napkins I took from the parlour, I’d still have to run it under some water on it as it was a bit sticky. I made sure to grab my board and we walked over to the skate park, it was a beautiful sight to see. Girls and guys all skating freely, doing tricks, falling on their asses, it had everything it did back at home. Down to the trio in one of the corners smoking and laughing their asses off every time someone fell, this was really starting to feel like home. I turned to say something to Rodrick and I could tell from his body language despite there being a smile on his face he didn’t really want to be here. The way his eyes darted back and forth, or how he hid one of his hands in his jean pockets. He even was eating his ice cream slower than before, he was almost done with it but had barely made any progress since we left the car. I looked from him and back to the park thinking for a moment, before ultimately deciding that I visit the skate park on my own another day.
“You’ve said you haven’t skated before right, Rodrick?” He whipped his head towards me, a bit surprised I said something.
“Yeah uh no, I haven’t skated before. Why..?” He asked skeptical but I just smirked and didn’t respond.
I tucked my board under my arm and took his hand then pulled him off towards the street beside the skatepark. I quickly finished the rest of my ice cream, enjoying the sweetness of the waffle cone as I did. I set my board down in the middle of the street after checking for any cars, once the coast was clear I started my lesson.
“Why you ask, well today we’re going to start your skateboarding lessons is why Rodrick! I promise it’s just as easy as driving a car, with waaay less rules though.”
“Wait what, since when was this happening?”
“Since like right now, skateboarding is fun and all but it’s a whole lot more fun when you’ve got a skatemate. So this is also me officially asking you to be my skatemate, I’ll teach you everything I know in return.” I said flashing him a smile, he hesitated for a moment looking from me to the board, and back at the skatepark before responding.
“I mean I guess I’ll be your skatemate, which is a stupid name by the way.” He said with a shrug shaking his head, I feigned hurt and wiped an imaginary tear from my eye.
“Ouch Rodrick! My poor poor ego, me, and my friend upstate came up with it. Oh how cruel you are, is this revenge for calling your band lame?” I teased with a curious expression, though it didn’t seem like he caught on to my teasing.
“Oh well uh actually it’s stupid in a cool way, yeah like that book is stupid but it’s still really good..?” He said nervously, clearly worried that he’d hurt my feelings, I tried to stifle my laughter but failed, confusing him even more.
“Pfft- oh my gosh, Rodrick I was kidding! Yeah, it’s a stupid name, you didn’t actually hurt my feelings. Literally, something me and Lorei came up with when we were like ten.” I said, shaking my head and giving Rodrick a reassuring pat on his shoulder.
He didn’t say anything and just looked away, though I could still see the faint pink hue on his cheeks which made my stomach flip at the sight. Though I shook away the image that was slowly ingraining itself into my mind and cleared my throat, we'd been standing here and I had yet to be able to get to my point.
“Anywaysss, first lesson standing on your board! First, we need to figure out if your stance is regular or goofy, please do me a favor and turn around.” Rodrick looked skeptical but turned around, before he could ask why I gave him a barely gentle shove forward.
He tumbled slightly, catching himself on his left foot, “Hey what the hell! What does that have to do with skateboarding?!”
“Everything my dear, you caught yourself with your left foot so that basically means that is your dominant foot. Which means you ride goofy just like me, so you’ll probably feel most comfortable standing like this.” I stepped onto the board balancing carefully in a demonstration, “Also sorry for shoving you. It’s kind of a right of passage my friends and I used to do, so it’s a really bad habit. Anyways it’s your turn, try to step on and balance.”
“You and your friends sure are wei-“ He tried to say as he stepped onto the board but wasn’t paying attention, the board slid off to the side from under his foot. He fell forward towards me, I just barely managed to catch him and keep us both from falling to the floor.
“Pfft- maybe try watching the board when you’re stepping on it. But here you can hold onto me. I'll help you balance since it’s your first time.” I tried to avert my eyes knowing how red and embarrassed I was the first time I tried riding.
Eventually after a bit more back and forth and with my guidance Rodrick was able to almost effortlessly ride up and down the street. I clapped as he turned around using a side street and headed back towards me, he came to a stop —well more like tumbling to a stop— panting heavily and smiling wildly. It was obvious Rodrick was having a blast and even though I’d barely been able to ride I was too, Rodrick’s smile and excitement were contagious so it was hard not to smile and celebrate alongside him.
“I cannot believe I’ve been missing out on this my entire life, I really appreciate you teaching me this has been so much fun. Though I haven’t fallen on my ass this much since I tried learning how to ride a bike.” He said with a laugh as he carried the board over to me while he pushed some of his hair back and out of his face.
“Ugh, don’t remind me of that! My grandpa straight up removed the pedals to teach us how to ride, I have no idea how it worked but it did.” I took my board and we sat down off to the side on the curb.
“What? I refuse to believe that actually worked, that sounds more like torture.” He sat down next to me, closer than I was expecting as our thighs were squished up against each other.
“Probably cause it was, I struggled with it but hey my grandpa was certainly on to something. How did you learn how to ride a bike though, Rodrick?” He paused for a moment staring down at the pavement below our feet.
“Uhm well I never really learned how to ride one, I tried but I just couldn’t get the hang of it.” He admitted quietly as he kicked the gravel further into the road, I didn’t know what to say.
“Really? Guess that means I’ll take up your time next weekend and teach you that too, we could put the no pedals method to the test yeah?” I nudged him lightly with my elbow and smiled over at him.
He looked up from the ground and up at me carefully reading my expression, he opened his mouth to say something but hesitated before just smiling and nodding. “Yeah, that sounds nice. I appreciate it.”
We sat for a while in a thoughtful silence enjoying each other’s company and our sugar rush coming to an end. I brought a hand up to cover my yawn, my eyes crinkling in the corners as I did. I turned to see Rodrick staring forward, his eyes following any car that happened to drive past, eventually, he turned to me as he felt me staring.
“ I didn’t get the chance to ask this earlier but who’s Lorei?” I was a bit surprised by the question, I hadn’t expected him to pick up on the name let alone ask about them.
“Lorei aka Lorelai was my next-door neighbor and ‘bestest friend in the world’, as she would describe it at least. We grew up together and were, well still, really good friends. We became friends because she had crawled through a hole their dog made in the fence to my yard , and her parents went crazy looking for her. But we had a blast crawling and rolling around in the dirt together, she loves the outdoors and is the reason I skate.” I said staring off with a fond smile as I thought back to the bubbly purple-haired mess I called a friend.
“Wow, she certainly sounds fun and like a really great person. I’m sorry you had to move away and stop being neighbors.” He nudged me gently with his elbow in what I think was meant to be comforting.
“Yeahhh, it’s alright though. I got a new neighbor to have crawl through a hole into my yard.” I said easing the mood with a grin, Rodrick laughed at my comment shaking his head.
“I don’t know about crawling but I’ll climb your fence if that’s what you want.”
“I could use something new so I guess that’s fine, but don’t sue my family if you break your neck doing so!” He rolled his eyes at me but we both laughed regardless.
Nothing about the conversation was particularly funny but we still laughed heartily, it was less of a joke and more of a positive energy building between us. The air felt softer and less like it would consume me if I embarrassed myself, and the conversation was light and a lot less like two teenagers who had met just days before. It was starting to feel like two friends who’d known each other for years and could truly be themselves around each other.
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littlefreya · 1 year
Hi Freya, if you have time, can you please link some shitpost/funny or sweet stories you wrote? I had a very stressful week at work and I'm so tired. I am thinking of taking a day off for my mental health and in the meantime unwind with your stories and a nice cup of tea :)
Hey lovely 🖤🖤 I am sorry you had a stressful week. I hope that the weekend will allow you some time to unwind. Here is some silliness I wrote to help
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RPF - Henry Cavill
Snow Figures - Henry x Reader (fluff) Henry likes to build snow dicks to make you laugh. 
Vanilla Milkshake - Henry x OFC (fluff, friends to lovers, sexual innuendo, mild seduction, sex talk, an unwanted boner, Henry being a boomer, Henry having a meltdown. )  Henry and a long time friend hangout at their usual spot when things turn chaotic because of an innocent misunderstanding…
Raspberries - Henry x Reader (Pure fluffy romance, slightly erotic vibes) Henry is a big fluffy bear who likes to take his time. He wants to get to know you before having sex for the first time.
A creepy Surprise - Henry x Reader (Fluff though suggestive)  Henry forget to take off his Witcher costume while results in some unfortunate panic
Scruffy Kisses - Henry x Reader (Fluffy Fluff) You come home crying after a terrible week and Henry is trying to cheer you up with a little surprise.
The Baker of Blavikan - Henry x OFC (Fluffy romance) Waking up in the morning to find Henry gone from bed and some obscure situation happening in the kitchen
Kal watching Henry when he is trying to get it on Henry x Reader (fluff, suggestive)
Can I pet your titties? 
Some random memes I made
Captain Syverson
Buns in the Oven - Captain Syverson x reader (Pure fluff) Sy has hidden clingy tendencies and he is very much afraid to admit it until one night has one drink too many and all his secrets are exposed.
Knockers - Captain Syverson x Reader (Fluffy, Suggestive, slapping man titties) You found a new way to provoke the Captain
A valid argument - Shaving off the Captain’s beard
August Walker
Something Wicked - August Walker x Reader (Fluff) August sleeps tightly, and you decide to exploit the situation.
Boomer Walker
Always Sunny in Philidelphia meets August Walker
August joined the CIA for the wrong reasons
Walter Marshall
Santa Baby - Walter x Reaser (Fluff, a tad suggesting)  For over a decade, detective Walter Marshall kept a dirty little secret, thinking no one would ever find out about his past. Sadly for him, you are somewhat of a detective yourself.
Walter with a man flu
Multi character headcanons
Henry’s characters as supernatural beings  
Henry’s characters daughter dating reaction 
Henry’s characters reacting to their girl being tattooed 
Henry’s characters accidentally walk into the room while you are changing your clothes :O 
What pets do they have? 
How do they react to you stabbing your toe on the corner 
Characters and their ice cream flavour
Characters and their cars
Ghost hunting crew
When he sees you drinking an energy drink 
The men referring to their “junk” 
What attire do they sleep in?
Incorrect subtitles gifs
Naughty Clark 1
Naughty Clark 2
Naughty Clark 3
Food dilemma
August on a mission
August being inappropriate
August being inappropriate again
August being August
Lane mocking August
Clark on breeding mode
Sassy Sherlock
Sassy Sherlock 2
Sassy Clark
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How ENHYPEN fell for you
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❤♡+:。.。Heeseung。.。:+♡ ❤
He was the school’s heartthrob & infamously known for being a playboy
Unfortunately for you he was your bully
He would always tease you, sarcastically flirt with you or annoy you in some way
Not a day goes by without one of Heeseung’s snarky comments being thrown at you
Every morning you were greeted in the same way; your locker being slammed into your face, almost crushing your fingers
He would make you do his homework
& If you failed to do so, he would simply get revenge by locking you in the janitor’s closet for the whole lunch hour
You only made this mistake a few times.
From then on you made sure to always do his homework first then yours
Even if it meant sometimes you couldn’t do yours & that would result in you getting a zero
In your brain you registered that he hated you
Why? You don’t know
But it was the opposite
Heeseung liked you
Actually. he LOVED you
Since your first day when you bumped into him in the corridor on your way to class
He never aimed to be your bully
It sort of just happened
The first few months you just ignored him
& it annoyed him
So he started picking on you for your attention
But then later he realized that you would never like him if he kept being your bully
So he started slowly changing
He would stop picking on you so much
Instead of slamming your locker in your face every morning, he would greet you with a simple “Hello” or “Good morning” with a cute smile
Of course you found it weird the first few days but then you sort of got used to it
& your feelings for him were slowly changing as well
💚♡+:。.。Jay。.。:+♡ 💚
Your dad was Jay’s dad’s best friend & business partner
& recently they’ve been wanting to expand their companies
What better way to do that than getting you both married to each other
Not only did it benefit each company
But it also made it stronger since it would now have a family tie
When your parents first told you this you were flabbergasted
At first you refused
But they told you to think about if a little more
You loved your dad very much & had a great relationship with him so you didn’t want to disappoint him
Plus you were tired of going on the blind dates your mom sets you up with
So you ended up agreeing to it
So that weekend you were going to meet Jay for the first time
You had met his parents multiple times since they had come over many times for dinner
So you knew they were nice
You got ready, wearing the best dress you had & took time to look presentable but also effortlessly pretty
When you reached the restaurant his parents booked, your heart started beating fast & you started breathing heavy
You were about to meet the man you would spend the rest of your life with
It seemed a little early to think of it like that
But you knew that it was going to turn out like that
The first thing you noticed about him was how handsome he was
His smile had caused a mild blush to form on your cheeks
His mom hugged you when she saw you & you hugged her back smiling at her
Jay gave your mom flowers & pulled out you chair for you
You took note of how kind & caring he was throughout the whole dinner
After you finished eating both of your parents were discussing about the wedding planning
So you two decided to talk a walk outside & get to know each other
You found out he was cooking & he also had an incredible sense in fashion
He was also so incredibly kind & funny
He was the whole package
You were starting to fall for him
& that wasn’t a bad thing
Cause Jay was falling for you as well
🧡♡+:。.。Jake。.。:+♡ 🧡
You & Jake were neighbors
You had meet when your first moved in
& then used to see each other in the hallways, greeting each other with a smile
Both of used to hangout in the same café
Which result into you two getting closer & becoming friends
You used to go with Jake every Friday to the dog park with Layla
& on the way back you used to get ice cream
Jake was the sweetest person you had ever meet
He was kind, sweet, caring & funny
& he was also incredibly cute
He was perfect in you eyes without a single flaw
This made it very easy for you to develop a crush on him
Of course you tried very hard to keep it hidden from him
You were pretty sure Jake didn’t like you that way & you didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him either
Since he’s pretty good at physics he comes over every Monday & Wednesday to tutor you
Many people called you lucky to be tutored by Jake since he’s the topper in physics
But he only tortored you
Cause he liked you
You were kind & caring
& you were very pretty as well
Plus you got along with Layla perfectly
Making you the perfect match for him
He had tried many times to ask you out on an actual date but always got nervous & chickened out
But he decided that this weekend he was going to ask you out
He had planned everything out
He arranged a cute picnic at the park by the lake so you guys could feed the ducks while you ate
He had also planned to confess to you
He was tired of hiding his feelings for you
So after your last class
He called you to pick you up
While you were packing everything up, he was waiting outside with your favorite flowers
When you came out, he gave them to you
You accepted them & thanked him with a faint blush on your cheeks
“Y/N would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?”
💙♡+:。.。Sunghoon。.。:+♡ 💙
You & your friends decided to go out this weekend together to celebrate the end of your exams
Your friend had suggested the ice rink
You not knowing how to skate, refused at first
But they were constantly begging you to come along so you agreed
The actual reason they wanted you to come was that the school’s cold heartthrob had asked your friends to bring you to the ice rink that weekend
He had always admired you from a distance
He was planning on making a move on you
He was tired of hiding his feelings for you & seeing other guys trying to flirt with you
So that weekend you & your friend group headed to the ice rink
Your friends, knowing Sunghoon’s intentions ditched you the moment they stepped on the ice
You not knowing how to ice skate, were struggling to stand on the ice & not fall over
You slowly started to skate but unfortunately you slipped
Sunghoon saw this as the perfect opportunity
He gracefully glided towards you & caught you before you could fall
You gratefully looked up to him & thanked him smiling
“Have you ever ice skated before?” he asked you
“Not really” “This is actually my first time” you shyly responded
“If you want I can teach you” Sunghoon proposed
You immediately accepted
The school’s ice prince had offered to teach you how to ice skate
How could you refuse
So from that day you & Sunghoon hung out every Saturday & Sunday at the ice rink
You were slowly falling for his charm & incredibly good looks
Him on the other hand was ecstatic
He would look forward to hanging out with you all the time
That was undoubtedly the highlight of his week
Today tho he planned to confess to you & ask you out
He was nervous yet excited all week
Finally Saturday came
He picked you up from your house earlier than usual
& before you headed home after the session he said it
“Y/N, do you want to go on a date with me next week?”
💗♡+:。.。Sunoo。.。:+♡ 💗
It was a pleasant Friday evening
You had stayed back in school to finish up some work in the library cause it would be more peaceful there
You had got up to get a book from a shelf
Someone had seen this & took the chance to place a flower on your desk
It was your favorite flower along with some of the candy you like
When you came back & saw this
You couldn’t hide the smile that formed on your face
This had been going on for about 3 weeks
& to be honest it made you happy knowing someone liked you
The person who gave you the flower always waited for your reaction
It made him happy seeing you happy
It was Sunoo
He was the school’s sweetheart
He was known for being kind & caring to all of his schoolmates
He had an adorable smile & the cutest personality that it made it impossible for many girls to not have a crush on him
Even some guys had a crush on him
Teachers also couldn’t resist him
He was very well mannered & smart
Always spoke politely & never summited a late assignment
He was the perfect boy any mother would love
You were his crush every since you became his seatmate in on of the classes you two shared
You too developed a small crush on him
Cause he was always so nice & always brightened your mood when you were down
He had found out that you like doing your homework in the library so he started hanging out there & always kept your favorite flower & either some candy or some drink for you when you were away
One day you were curious to know who kept giving you
So that day you pretended to go look for a book
But instead hide behind a bookshelf & waited
Then after a minute your saw someone approaching your desk
They left a flower & some candy, the usual stuff & went back
When they turned around you saw who it was
It was your crush, Sunoo….
💛♡+:。.。Jungwon。.。:+♡ 💛
You worked part-time after school at a local coffee shop to earn a little extra money
Everyday for the past 3 months a cute guy would come at the same time & would always order the same thing a Frappuccino & on some days some ice cream
You didn’t mind him coming every day tho
You rarely got to see any cute guys like him at your café
You knew he was from your uni since you’ve seen him around campus a couple of times
Seeing him around often had made you develop a small crush on him
How could you not
He had the cutest dimples you’ve ever seen
He was also so kind & polite to everyone
But you didn’t know the reason he came to your café everyday
On your first day on campus, you had gotten lost & had asked a guy for directions to the office
That guy was Jungwon
You were the prettiest girl he had ever seen
& he developed feelings for you
He found out you did part-time at a café & decided to go there to get closer to you & hopefully ask you out on a date
Considering you both went to the same uni & saw each other every day
You did get a little close
Always greeting each other with a smile when you saw each other outside
Making small talk when you used to run into each other at the entrance on your uni before heading to class
Each time you talked, Jungwon wanted nothing more than to just pour out his heart & express his love for you
But he knew that it was too soon for that
So today when he came to the café
Before heading of to a table, he slipped you a note with his number saying “Let’s go on a date this weekend <3”
& then blushed & ran away before you could give an answer
💜♡+:。.。Niki。.。:+♡ 💜
Nishimura Riki, captain of the dance team & without a doubt the best dancer your school had ever had
He won ever dance competition he entered
Quickly making him very popular since he was so young
Every girl wanted to date him
Every guy wanted to be him
He was insanely handsome, athletic, smart, tall & was good in everything he did
He was on the school’s basketball team, & sometimes joined the soccer team if they needed a replacement, he was on the dance team, in the rap unit & even in the choir
& he still managed to get the first rank with so many extracurricular activities
So he was VERY well known throughout the entire school
The teachers loved him & even the principle
He brought a very good name to your school making your school popular
Girls would transfer here just to see him every day
You also did have a crush on him
You were in the choir & helped out with the basketball team
So you had taken a liking for him
Niki also did like you
The whole reason he joined the choir was so that he could see you
When you became the basketball coach’s assistant he was thrilled
Every week he would try & accidentally get hurt because you were in charge of taking them to the infirmary
But then one day Gaon had purposefully bumped into Niki making it look like his fault
This caused Gaon to twist his ankle & Niki to have a cut on his knee
You had to take them both to the infirmary
But you were taking care of Gaon more since he had twisted his ankle
& this was annoying Niki
He knew Gaon did it on -purpose so you would fuss over him
It was annoying Niki how close you were carrying him
How you were feeding him his painkillers
& he knows Gaon has a crush on you as well
The next day during practice, Gaon was sitting on the bench since he couldn’t play & he was constantly flirting with you
You being oblivious of it thought he was just being nice & just smiled & continued to talk with him
Niki was green with envy
So after practice was over after all the guy left the locker room, he waited for you
He knew you came in after they left to do some checks
& he also knew Gaon was at the infirmary getting his check up & would come back any moment
The moment you came he
He slammed the door & pinned you against the wall
You were shocked & flustered by the sudden action
You were a flustered, blushing mess when Niki slowly kept coming closer to you
From the corner of his eye, Niki was watching the door, waiting for the perfect timing
The exact moment Gaon entered the room
Niki kissed you
He made sure Gaon would know who’s girl you were
This is my first work! It was so much fun writing this. I might have gone a little overboard for Niki's cause he's my bias so I got carried away😭but I love how it turned out. Niki's was probably the one I didn't get stuck in & that was the one I wrote the fastest as well, but I am very pleased with how the ones for the other members turned out as well💌. Please feel free to give suggestions & my requests are OPEN as well. Hope you enjoyed reading my work💟
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mbappebby · 2 years
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Like their older brothers || Seven
Ethan Mbappé x Anisah Hakimi (OC)
Summary: When a group asks for Anisah’s number, Ethan steps in and tell them she’s taken. He then officially makes it official between them.
Requested: Yes, by anonymous: Ethan invites Anisah to "hangout" when reality it's actually really a cute date; they go to get ice cream, ice skate, get dinner, and get approached by fans who ask for Anisah’s number and Ethan says "sorry she's taken" after the fans get a photo and leave he asks her to be his girlfriend and she says yes
Words: 1.0K +
It had been awhile since Achraf had told Ethan that he was allowed to take his little sister on a date. Ethan was going to ask her after training to hangout.
“You doing anything tonight?” Ethan asked as they were making their way outside as training finished. “No don’t think so, why?” Anisah asked.
“Wanna hangout? Feels like we haven’t done it in ages” Ethan replied. “Sure! Where should I meet you?” Anisah added. “Your favourite restaurant” Ethan told her.
“Is this ore than just a hangout, Eth? If is it I would of said yes anyways” She asked with a smile. “I mean you could say that if you wanted” Ethan smiled.
“Alright, a date then” Anisah added. “Be there at 5, got some other plans after too” He said. “Awh, look at you planning out everything. See you then Eth” Anisah replied as she kissed his cheek.
Ethan pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. “See you soon Nisa” Ethan replied.
Anisah had put on some comfy clothes, as it was quite cold in Paris. The only thing is, she needed to get out and not get caught by her brother. Ethan was going to the same as well.
Anisah grabbed a little bag before she made her way towards to front door. But a voice made her turn around before leaving.
“Where are you going?” Achraf asked catching his sister before she was about to leave. “Um, I’m going out?” Anisah replied.
“I know that, but with who and what time will you be back?” Achraf added. “I ain’t telling you, and I don’t know what time I’ll be back” Anisah replied.
“Nisa, tell me who your going with!” Achraf told her. “Oh just let her live, I’m sure whoever she’s going with will bring her back at a reasonable time” Hiba said as she entered the room.
“Thank you! This is why I love her more than you!” Anisah added. “Love you more Nish” Hiba smiled. “Okay let’s not steal my wife now, you can go lil sis” Achraf replied.
“Thanks! Love you both!” Anisah called as she left. “Do you know who she’s gone out with?” Achraf asked. “Maybe a certain young Mbappé..” Hiba said.
“I need to go call Ky!” Achraf added as he went to go find his phone.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I got caught leaving by Achraf” Anisah said as she sat down opposite Ethan. “I got out before Kylian saw me” Ethan added.
“Lucky, Hiba came to my rescue so I was fine then” Anisah said. The two footballers ordered their food and soon enough they were out walking around the streets in Paris.
“So, what else have you got planned then?” Anisah asked. “Ice skating and ice cream?” Ethan said which made Anisah face lit up.
“Really?! I love ice skating I haven’t been in ages!” She replied. “You’ll be good at it then” Ethan added. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you don’t fall” Anisah smiled.
They both got there and put their skates on, Anisah was the first one onto the ice. She skated back to help Ethan on the ice. Surprisingly, he got a hang of it quite quickly.
“See? It’s not that hard is it?” Anisah said. “No, I thought it would be worse than this” Ethan added. “I got a feeling that we are going to get notice her” Anisah said.
“Most likely we will” Ethan replied. They both spend quite a lot of time on the ice, eventually it was getting a bit more cold so they got off it.
Anisah and Ethan were walking around once again, and as they thought would happen, did happen. A group of boys around their age called their names.
“Can we have a photo?”
“Can you sign this for us?”
“You are exactly like your brothers!”
“Can I have your number, Anisah?”
The last question stood out to Ethan. “She’s taken sorry man” Ethan said which led to Anisah being confused but also put a smile on her face.
After they left, the two footballers walked in silence for a bit. “So, I’m taken am I?” Anisah smirked looking up at Ethan.
Ethan stopped them both and pulled Anisah into a little corner for a bit of privacy. “Nisa, I know it’s taken me a long time. We are best friends and I didn’t want to ruin anything but my feelings have grown stronger. So, will you like to be my girlfriend?” Ethan said.
“Of course I will Eth, I’ve liked you for ages as well but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship because it’s the best things that’s happened to me” Anisah replied as they leaned in and kissed.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that” Ethan mumbled. “Same here” Anisah whispered.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hello hello~ I'm glad I've found your account on Tumblr I LOVE IT SO MUCH 😍😍 Can I maybe request Xdinary Heroes as your caring older brothers? If it's not a problem of course!
Thank you ~
I'm so happy that you love my account! That means a lot to me <3
All members  <^-*>
Summary: Xdinary Heroes as your caring older brother.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Definitely the type to check your outfit before you leave the house. He won’t let you leave if he thinks it’s inappropriate. If you came home late he would sit on the couch in the dark waiting for you to get home.
“Where have you been?” Gunil questioned in a calm yet eerie voice. It succeeded in scaring you since you had not expected anyone to be there. He laughs at your startled state, walking over to you patting your back. “Text me the next time you’ll be home late. I was worried,” he says before leaving to go to his room. If some asshole broke your heart, Gunil would do two things. First, console you. He would buy you your favorite ice cream, watch your favorite movie with you, tell how you were too good for them and that they didn’t deserve you. Second, he plots their murder. He wouldn’t actually do it of course, but if your ex tried to contact you again he wouldn’t be afraid to use his muscles if necessary.
He’s the sweetest. Even if he’s annoying you it still ends up with both of you laughing. Probably the type to take you on a sibling outing at least once a month. Protective over you when it comes to dating. Will become a whole private investigator to ensure the one you're interested in is good for you. For them, meeting Jungsu would be scarier than meeting your parents. Pays attention to you even if you think that he isn’t. You one offly mentioned about how you wanted a certain jacket when the two of you were just chilling watching t.v. He didn’t really respond just made a comment about how you always want something. However a few months later you were receiving that exact jacket as a birthday gift from him. When he’s out shopping he’d always pick up snacks that he knows you like or would randomly buy you a plushie/knickknack just cause he thought you would like it. 
Like a best friend, but simultaneously a thorn in your side. You guys would be really close. Even though he’s older than you, people sometimes refer to you two as twins just because of how close you are. Would be the type to bug you when you have friends over, but it’s because he wants to hangout with you too. This means he’s pretty well acquainted with your friends and you are with his. If he discovered your crush on someone he would never let you breathe. Especially if it was someone he knew. Protective in the “only I can bully them” type of way. Will call your outfit ugly, but if someone else called it ugly he would defend you. 
“Their outfit is great! You just don’t understand fashion,”. Shares his accessories with you. Doesn’t even care if you don’t give them back, cause he’ll just go into your room and take them, maybe some of yours too. 
Reliable older brother. Would come pick you up late at night. Gives you a lot of advice. He always has an ear ready to listen to you. Would joke that he’s your therapist, but would actually be so glad that you trust him enough to tell him your problems. No matter how big or small they were. Seungmin wouldn't be that interested in your love life. Although if he found out that the person you were dating wasn’t treating you right he wouldn’t hesitate switching into big,scary, protective older brother mode. Speaking of protectiveness, he’d be subtly protective over you. If you’re out walking and a group of guys with an off putting vibe head your away he will casually switch to be on the side that they’re passing by on. Some guy is disrespectfully checking you out. You don’t even have time to notice, with how fast Seungmin is sending them death glares.
He’s the loudest when he’s with you. Feels like he can just be himself around you. You are one of the people that he is most comfortable with.This comfortableness translates into you having immense solace with one another. Whenever you’re feeling stressed you’d go to him. He can tell when something is bothering you, even if you don’t say anything.  He wouldn’t pry if you don’t want to talk about it, but would let you know that he was there. Hyeongjun would always find a way to ease your mind. The two of you would have movie nights or binge watching sessions, where you could just forget about life for a while. He enjoys spending time baking with you. If you’re no good at baking then you’ll be a professional recipe reader and taster. Even though he is more reserved he would still speak up for you. You’re his dear younger sibling, so he naturally feels the urge to protect you.
Another thorn in your side. He’d always find some way to bother you, but it’s how he shows his brotherly love. Yes he just walked into your room and left without closing the door behind him, but it was because he couldn’t tell if the noise he heard was you laughing or crying.If he sees that you actually aren’t in a good mood that day he would leave you alone. Instead now wondering what’s got you upset. If it’s because of another person he’d want to fight them. How dare they upset you? Again the “only I can bully them” type of protective. Loves to give you grief, but if someone else does, they don’t know what they just got themselves into. Would offer you the food that he doesn’t want or didn’t finish.Playing games is a sibling activity of yours two. Whether you're good at the game or suck at it doesn’t matter cause he just wants to spend time with you. 
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