#if anyone has a cool character idea for this feel free to let me know
After playing RE2R, RE4, and RE6, I can’t stop thinking about Leon and Ada. Their whole relationship both saddens me and angers me (bare with me, I can explain myself)
Um… it’s like 1AM and I really really really love analyzing resident evil. CAPCOM should hire me or something (I’m in desperate need of a job☠️)
Ada is a very mysterious character having known so little about her and her upbringing. All we know is that she’s a mercenary that makes it believe that she’s loyal to her employer when in reality, she willingly betrays Wesker and Simmons.
I don’t like that argument where people say Ada is a bad person because she betrayed Leon—because let me tell you: she didn’t.
Sure, she got her hands on the Amber and she did kind of take the G-Sample when she fell into the abyss or wtv—but she still has that same sense of humanity she’s always kept.
I’d like to think of her as someone that lives through so many expectations that maybe she doesn’t know what she truly wants, until she met Leon. Leon is the type of guy, just like Chris, who cares so much about the people and keeping the world safe and free of danger. Even though Ada might be working with enemies in the future, she will always do what she thinks is right, hence her betrayals to her employers in the past.
The only reason she betrays everyone is because she betrayed herself in not knowing what she truly wants in the end.
I don’t really ship them (I don’t ship anyone, it makes me feel weird putting two characters together when I can just wait for the official statements) but they do give me that vibe of a “what if” relationship.
“What if?” They can’t indulge themselves in a relationship, sure they’ve hooked up, but how long until either one gets hurt that they can’t bear the thought of seeing the other again. The chase is fun, yes, but they both know that they’ll only get hurt.
It’s like the type of right person, wrong time type of thing but at the same time: is it love or infatuation?
They make me sad because I can’t fathom the idea of loving someone but not being able to be with them. Leon frequently has to choose whether to go with Ada or keep saving the world.
But he never really chooses Ada and Ada knows this just as much as he does that no matter how much you may love someone—you cannot ignore the obstacles thrown your way. It’s time to let go. In RE6, Ada basically says goodbye while Leon keeps her memory.
Idk man I be crying because of them.😔
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tanlotts · 1 year
Kinda want to do some modern AU art for Fallout characters
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cozage · 1 year
Hi! I really like your writing , each of them makes me feel all the emotions.🥺💞 I have an idea for a request, maybe someone has already suggested this (sorry if that's the case) I think it will be interesting, cute and sad🌱
Monster trio, Ace, Low with fem S/O, whose body was under the control by the enemy, she did not want to harm her nakama, but could not prevent it because of a uncontrolled body. Thereby hurting someone, but not of their own free will
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language :(
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this one for a long time because I knew how painful it would be to write. I only did three of them, but if you want Luffy and Sanji’s, definitely send me a request when I reopen them!
Characters: female reader x Zoro, Ace, Law
Cw: angsttttt
Total word count: 2.2k
Enemy Control
“What the hell are you doing?!” Zoro yelled, jumping away from your swinging blade. 
“I don’t know!” you cried out. “Just get away from me, I can’t control it!”
Your body suddenly changed direction, jerking you to the side. Your arms raised your sword and swing, aiming directly for Nami. 
“Nami!” you screamed, but there wasn’t enough time for her to jump out of your way. Your blade made contact with her flesh, causing her to scream out in pain. Blood dripped down her arm; the wound was deep but thankfully not fatal.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed. “I can’t stop it.”
You raised your blade again, ready to strike Nami again. She cowered in fear, and you swung as if you had the intent to kill. 
Metal hit metal, and Zoro stood in front of you, blades raised to defend. His good eye was scowling at you, full of confusion. 
“The enemy must’ve gotten ahold of your blood. He’s forcing you to fight us to keep us occupied.”
“Just run!” You jumped back, aiming to strike Zoro. 
“You are faster than all of us and you know that!” He yelled at you. “We just have to keep you occupied until Luffy knocks the guy out. It’s not that hard.” Your swords clanged together again, Zoro easily deflecting your blows. 
You kicked him, using him as a springboard to push him backwards and propel you towards Chopper. You hated that your body knew who to target, and Chopper ducked as you swung, screaming in terror. 
“Please, Zoro. Knock me out or something!” You sword jabbed towards Chopped again, but your boyfriend was back in front of you, defending his crew mates. 
“The ability still works if you’re knocked out,” Zoro said, keeping his sword against yours.
Tears were streaming down your face. You had already hurt Nami pretty badly. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you hurt anyone else. Or worse. 
You pulled away and swung again. You changed your trajectory at the last second, almost catching him off guard. 
“Kill me then!”
Zoro gritted his teeth at your request. “Not an option,” he growled. 
He swung his blade around to make contact with your sword, sending a shockwave through your body. He used your brief disorientation to flip his blade around yours, causing it to fly out of your hand. Once you were disarmed, he tackled you to the ground and pinned your arms down.
You thrashed against his body, and he struggled to keep you still. You were still sobbing under him. 
“Nami,” you said. “How is she?”
“She’s fine.” Zoro tightened his grip on your wrists. He was trying to be gentle with you, but it was difficult when you had such strong bloodlust. “Chopper’s helping her now. Just relax.”
After what felt like an eternity, he finally felt your body go slack. He looked down at you, waiting for you to fight back against him, but you seemed to be free from the curse. 
“Can I let you go?” He asked, watching you carefully.
You flexed your fingers and toes, checking to see if you had control back again. They responded to your desire, and you breathed out a sigh of relief. 
“I think so, just be ready in case something goes wrong.”
He nodded and released your wrists, still sitting on your core to make sure you kept your cool. 
“Nami?” you asked, propping yourself to look around for the orange-haired navigator. 
“She’s fine.” He got up and offered you his hands to take. You accepted, and he pulled you to your feet. He dropped one of your hands as you stood, but interlaced his fingers with yours, holding your hand tightly. 
He squeezed your hand tight, trying to comfort you. “Let's go see her. Everything’s okay now.”
“Ace!” you screamed, your fist infusing with haki as it aimed for the back of his head.
“Huh?” he turned just in time for your hand to connect with his cheekbone. The force was so intense it sent him staggering a few steps backwards.
“What the hell!?!” Ace yelled at you. “Why did you do that? That actually-”
You pursued after him, readying your fist again. “Ace, get back!” you screamed. 
You punched at him again, but this time he was ready, and he grabbed your fist as you swung. “Stop it!” he cried out in frustration. “Just tell me what I did!”
“Something’s wrong,” you said, swinging your other hand. You connected with his freckled face, and he grunted out in pain.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, jumping back a few paces. He rubbed his cheek, trying to soothe the pain. 
You continued towards him again, and you could feel yourself winding you for another punch. 
“Can’t we talk about this?” he said, backing away from you. 
“I’m not doing it!” you cried, increasing your pace to him against your will. 
Ace created a wall of fire between you two, trying to give himself time to think. “Please, Y/N! What’s-”
Your screams cut off his question, and he watched in horror as you stepped through his flames to get to him. “Ace,” you sobbed. “Help me.”
Your fist drew back, ready to hit him again, and he leapt backwards as you aimed for him. He was fast, but you were faster, and you closed the gap yet again and punched, making contact with his face again. 
He groaned in pain and pushed you away. He instinctively lit his fist on fire to attack, but quickly diminished it when he realized it was you he was fighting. He couldn't harm you, even when he knew it wasn't you attacking him.
“Shit,” he hissed, dodging another one of your relentless attacks. 
“Knock me out!” You screamed, punching at him again. 
“I’m not going to hurt you!” He could see the fear in your eyes as he continued to evade your attacks. 
“You have to do something!” You cried back. You could see him debating the idea. “You won’t hurt me! Just do it! Please!”
He dodged your next attack, slipping behind you. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, smacking his hand against a pressure point in your neck, and everything went dark.
You woke up in the infirmary of the Moby Dick, the soft beeping and whirring of machines around you. Your eyes found Ace, slumped in a chair across the room, and you sat up to look around. 
Marco must’ve been alerted to your consciousness somehow, because he quietly slipped into the room and smiled at you. 
“You’re okay,” he assured you, seeing your panicked eyes. Marco’s voice caused Ace to stir, but he didn’t pay the fire user any mind. “You were under the influence of an enemy, but it appears that it was temporary. Whether it was time related or range related, we’re not really sure.”
“Can it happen again?” You asked, scared for the danger you could put your crew in. 
“Unlikely,” Marco said, looking at your chart. “When you first came in, there was an unknown toxin in your system - likely whatever was causing your body to act on its own. But that’s disappeared now. I’ll keep testing you for a few days, but I’m not concerned about it.”
You nodded, and Marco left the room to give you and Ace some time alone. As soon as he was gone, Ace got up and walked over to your bed. He stroked your hair affectionately and planted a kiss on your forehead. 
“You scared me,” he whispered. 
“I scared me,” you said. “I didn’t know what was wrong with me.”
“I’m sorry I burned you.” You could see the pain and regret in his eyes from a simple mistake. 
“That wasn’t your fault.” You gave him a pained smile. “It was just a bad situation.”
You shuffled to one side of the bed, and patted it for him. “Come join me.”
You’re not sure who benefited more from cuddling together, but you were thankful for his warm embrace. 
“Something’s wrong,” you whispered, your heart in your throat. Your feet moved without you telling them to, your hand reaching for a knife. 
“Hm?” Law hummed. He still had his back to you, chopping vegetables. He was completely vulnerable and unexpecting of what you were about to do. 
“Law,” you said, more urgently now. You hands grasped the hilt of the knife, and you turned to face him, raising it above your head. But he still didn’t turn around.
“Law!” you shrieked, full panic now. He only had a few seconds before you...
You swung, Law turning around just in time to see the flash of silver. Just before your knife made contact with his shoulder, something shoved you hard in the side, and you heard a groan. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Shachi yelled. He grabbed your shoulders, shaking you. You could feel the knife wedged in his shoulder blade, a warm, sticky liquid flowing out from the wound. 
Your knife was removed from his back and stabbed into him again, and Shachi gritted his teeth from the pain. He switched his position to hold your arms down by your sides. 
“Captain, get your girlfriend,” Shachi shouted, and your eyes looked over to the captain. When you looked at him, you knew that Law was your target, but it was best to get rid of the weaker enemies first. 
Why were you thinking like that? What was happening to your brain? You were scared, and you could see your own fear mirrored in Law’s eyes. This ability - your body moving separately from your thoughts - reminded you of Dressrosa, and the man you defeated there. 
“It can’t be…” Law whispered, backing away from you. “That’s impossible.”
You kicked Shachi in the groin, causing him to loosen his grip on you and fall to his knees. You looked down at him, just as terrified as he was. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears in your eyes, as your foot whipped back and you kicked him in the jaw. Shachi slumped to the ground, unconscious, and your eyes turned back to Law again. 
“Please run,” you begged him. But Law only stared at you, horrified. Even as you picked up the knife and aimed it at his skull, he just stared at you.
“Law! Do something!” You screamed again. You threw the knife at him and he finally moved into action. 
“Room. Shambles.”
Suddenly, you were behind a locked gate, Law standing in front of you, safely out of your reach. Your body instinctively lunged for him, and he stepped back out of surprise, but you still couldn’t reach him.
“I’m sorry about this, Y/N-ya.” He sat on a barrel and watched you for a few moments, you desperately clawing at where he stood. Your vision was getting blurry from the tears in your eyes, but you could see that his eyes were still filled with fear. 
“Go help Shachi,” you sobbed. “Please.”
Law shambled a med kit to the room you all were in, and pulled out a tranquilizer. “Stay still,” he muttered, flicking the syringe and walking up to the bars you stood behind. 
“Law-” When you reached out to grab him, he quickly took hold of your wrist and flipped it over, injecting the sedative into your veins. The last thing you saw was his face, looking down at you as you crumpled to the ground. 
You weren’t sure how much time passed when you woke again, but your mouth was dry and there was a blanket over you now. The events came rushing back to you - the lack of control you had over your body, the prison, Shachi. 
You were too tired to move, so you balled up as small as you could on the cold metal floor and you let out a sob of despair. 
You heard movement from outside of the prison, and then the soft creak of the cell door opening. Your entire body tensed, afraid of what might happen, and you squeezed your eyes shut in fear. Maybe if you didn’t see the person, you wouldn’t hurt them.
Calloused fingers rubbed your arm, and you leaned into Law’s touch. You would know his touch anywhere, and it made you feel a little bit better knowing he was so close. 
“Shachi’s okay,” he whispered. 
You could feel hot tears slipping past your closed eyelids and down your cheeks at the mention of the news. Relief flooded through your veins. 
“You can open your eyes,” Law said, still running his fingers up and down your arm. 
“What if I-” you choked on your words, unable to finish. 
“You’re okay now. It was a devil fruit power that could control the person through some kind of virus. But I removed it while you were sleeping.”
Law wouldn’t lie to you, and your eyes opened to see his golden irises. There were dark circles under his brilliant eyes, a sign that he hadn’t slept in a very long time. But you could see relief flood through them now, and you knew everything would be okay, just like he said. 
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treacheryinblue · 13 days
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Chapter 2/4
A Noah Sebastian x F!Reader One Shot Series
Word Count: 7.1k
× Summary: Noah is Death, the ruler of the after life (or whatever you want to call it), though he is cursed to watch you come and go from his never ending existence time and time again.
× Warnings!: Eh-level smut (oral [f receiving], P in V obviously, touch of spanking), language, little bit of violence, tiny fluff if you squint, slight dom!noah, smut with plot aka this became more in depth than I meant for it to aka a one shot that's now a series. Let me know if I missed anything!
× Author's Notes: ( 1 ) Thank you sooo much for all the support this story has been given. It was never was supposed to be more than a one shot, but after all the excitement behind it, I've decided to make it into a short series! I'm going to try to keep it at four parts, just to show the lore behind the characters and also maybe why it's happening...if I can make my brain create such things. ( 2 ) PLEASE suspend all thoughts of how time works when reading this. Time is pretty much just NOT a thing in Noah's realm. It's nonlinear and I refuse to be tied down by it! Also, hopefully the context clues are obvious enough for people to pick up on what time period the female character is from in each chapter. If not, feel free to hit me with a question.
Happy reading! xoxo
“The Dark Lord will be pleased with this one.” 
An unknown voice sounded out around you, immediately sending a chill down your spine. You heard yourself expel a whimper of fear as your hands responded by trembling in their bindings. The man must've noticed this because a sadistic sounding laugh rang out, echoing through wherever you were and reverberating in your ears. 
How long had you been tied down to this slab of rock? It easily could've only been hours, though it felt like days. Weeks. An eternity. Nothing felt longer than waiting for your impending death. 
“Please…” you pleaded in a soft and broken voice. “Let me go and I will make sure no harm comes of you.” 
The men again cackled, the kind that you were sure had them gripping their bellies and arching back. Maybe it was a good thing you couldn't see their dirty faces and broken teeth taunting you. That would never be the last thing you'd want anyone to have to witness before their untimely demise. 
“The blade. Now.”
Something cool pressed to your chest and immediately forced a slight gasp out of you. Again, you began to tear up and pull at your restraints, although you had no idea what you would do if you happened to free yourself. The noises you had picked up on told you that there were more than two people there, and after so long without food or water, you'd never be able to take them. You were doomed one way or the other. 
As the blade traveled downwards, it was made to puncture and rip the bodice of your dress. Another set of hands tugged the thin fabric to further open it, revealing your bare torso beneath it. 
“Please! Don't do this!” You cried, now feeling shame from being so exposed. 
How horrible was it that you were briefly only concerned about what your mother and father would say of this? They'd scold you, hissing words of how it wasn't very ‘lady like’ and that ‘no man would want you now’. You would be the ‘shamed whore’ of your village. 
Before those thoughts could lead with any traction, the sound of faint chanting snapped you from your own thoughts. It started as a whispering and ever so slowly began working its way higher and higher with every repeated line. Unfortunately, you couldn't make out any of the words. It was possible that it was in another language, though also likely that your sobs took the forefront of the focus. 
As the volume grew, so did your fear. Your breathing was rapid and uneven, a cool sweat forming across your chest and along the back of your neck. It was not being able to see what was happening that was also truly terrifying. Your captors had blind folded you after securing you down, this being the last time you saw any of their faces. It had been days of darkness - if not longer. 
The chanting had started increasing in pace. Voices roared all around you and you could sense someone probably just within your reach (had your hands been free) but they had yet to do or say anything. You sobbed beneath your blindfold, the ropes holding you down rubbing your poor wrists raw from how you had been desperately trying to pull them free. They burned with every motion, and you were sure blood had been coating them since day one. Not that anyone around cared enough to take note. 
“Please!” You yelled again, the single worded plea broken from your constant waterfall of tears. You swore you even heard another chuckle from right beside you. 
“Send our love to the Dark Lord.” 
A fierce pain punctuated his final statement as the blade ripped through your chest. You screamed in terror, just for the blade to be retrieved and then forced through skin, muscle, bone, again and again until you were nothing but a husk of who you had once been. 
× × ×
Piercing eyes stared at you from across the long table, silently watching every move you made, no matter how small. You could feel the weight of his gaze despite having told him before how uncomfortable it made you - this had shocked him into a brief silence - but it obviously hadn't been important enough information for him to retain. 
As you reached for your glass of wine, he did the same. His motions mirrored yours when you both took a swallow from the glass, followed by another, then another - the third being a mere test to see if he would or not. 
The demand left you with an irritated sigh, your wine glass then being loudly placed back to the table top. He chose to do the opposite, instead opting to lightly set his own glass down in a more respectable manner. 
“Stop what?” 
Your eyes narrowed at him, lips pressed tight together to showcase to him just how completely and utterly annoying he was. Ever since your arrival, he had done nothing but get under your skin day after day, night after night, second after second. 
Maybe you really were in Hell. 
“I'm going back to my quarters.” 
You weren't going to do this with him again. It had become an every encounter sort of thing at this point - both of you engaging in an argument until you finally stomped off or he dismissed you before you ‘fell victim to his true nature’. How in the world were you supposed to live like this? For how long? Every time you’d yell this inquiry at him, he would only smile like he knew a secret you didn't. 
Dropping your napkin to your plate, you were just about to push away from the table when his voice halted your every movement. 
“Sit back down now. I haven't excused you.” 
There was a sternness to his demand that you had yet to hear from him prior. It shook you to your core…in a way you hadn't expected. 
There was a brief pause as you stared at him. You were silently debating with yourself as to whether or not you should listen, weighing the options. Since you had nowhere to go where he couldn't find you, you did as he requested. 
“Maybe I've gone about this the wrong way. Maybe I've been too nice. Too lenient. Too patient. Since those approaches don't appear to be working, we're going to switch up to the way I prefer things.” 
The man you knew as Noah slowly stood from his chair. Those eyes of his never broke from yours, not even as he placed his palms on the table top and leaned forward a bit to assert only an ounce of his dominance. You wanted to say it didn't make you want to cower in a corner, but it did. 
Or maybe take your clothes off…
“You are here in my domain. Do you know what that means?” 
Noah's eyebrows raised when he paused, though you knew he wasn't looking for an answer. He already had one of his own loaded and ready to go. 
“It means I'm the fucking King and it would be in your best interest to not disobey me.”
You thought it would end there. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. 
But wait…what was this new sensation you were beginning to feel? It was warm and tingly…quite different from any you had experienced before, both when dead or alive. 
“It doesn't matter to me that it's you. You are still required to make sure I remain pleased.” 
This caught your curiosity and it showed in the way your own brows pulled together ever so slightly. 
“What does that mean?” 
“It means that you listen to m-”
“No, the first part.” 
You could see the way his features softened when he realized what he had said. Was this one of those secrets he always seemed to be keeping from you? Obviously. The issue was that you had no clue what it meant. 
“For the love of Go-!” Noah paused before he could get the entire saying out, his jaw clenching and face reddening as if it would truly pain him to say the words. With a deep exhale through his nose, he stood to his full height and raked his fingers roughly through his hair. He was frustrated, though something told you that it wasn't all because of your defiant behavior. 
The anger he held was bubbling to the surface and forcing him to lose his composure. He growled as he latched onto the chair and sent it hurling to the ground, followed by the glass of wine he had previously been nursing. Both became shattered pieces that would be impossible to repair. 
“Why do you not remember yet?! Is this some cruel joke you're playing on me? Is that it?!” 
Before you could even blink he was in front of you. He had forced your chair out a bit, enough for him to wedge himself in front of it to prevent you from escaping. His tattooed hands firmly grasped at the arms of the chair, intense eyes level with your own. 
You weren't frightened of him. You had endured the wrath of more vile men many times in the past, your father being one of them, so this temper tantrum of his did not register as a threat. 
Plus, you were already dead. What more could he do to you? 
“I need you to remember.” 
These words were spoken in a much softer tone, almost like he was begging you. Pleading. The pain was clear in his eyes and for some reason this hurt you as well. Why did you care about his feelings? Why did you want to make him feel better? Never during any of your previous altercations had you felt this way. 
“I'm sorry…I don't know how…I don't understand…”
Noah appeared crushed. You swore you could hear the sound of his heart breaking; that's how deep his emotions ran along his features. He dropped to his knees in front of you, his head bowed to keep his face hidden. The hands that had once been gripping the arms of the chair fell to your covered knees, now grasping tight to you in any way he could. 
“Please…try for me? There's a part of you that would do anything for me, just as I would do for you.” 
Although his words continued to confuse you, they didn't disturb you or make you uncomfortable as they previously had. There was even a fraction of you that believed him…which only made you want to try as he was requesting. 
Maybe he could sense this, because you felt one of his hands fall and begin lightly tracing along your ankle. The other remained on your knee, still clutching tight. 
“Close your eyes…will yourself to remember…I know you can.” 
There was a flicker of something behind your closed eyes, almost like a thought. Maybe a memory. You weren't too sure because the scene clip was foreign and not anything you had ever experienced in your living life. All that was familiar within the abrupt flash were his eyes and the way they devoured you. 
“That…what was that?” 
Noah’s hand cradled your cheek, his touch immediately causing you to open your eyes and connect with his own. There was now a hopeful gleam within them, so much that you swore you even saw his lips threatening to turn up into a smile. 
“Did you remember something? Tell me.”
All you could do was slowly shake your head. Even if you wanted to tell him what the brief image had been, you knew you wouldn't be able to put it into words. It was like trying to describe a color to someone that they would never see for themselves. An impossible task to say the least. 
Without another word, you quickly pushed him away from you and stood from your chair. Noah was stunned by your actions but made no move to stop you from running away, not like you had expected him to. As you exited the dining room, all you heard behind you was the sound of more glass breaking and Noah’s pained yells. 
× × ×
Sleep eventually took over you that night, though it hadn't come easy. To bring forth this needed unconsciousness, you had to think of the images from earlier and imagine what scenario it was attached to. 
It took place in an unknown room, though you could assume this room was in the same domain you currently were held in. The decor was the same, the walls and lighting giving this away. It wasn't your current room, though, but somewhere a little more lived in. It was comfortable, if you were being honest. Almost as comfortable as the bed you were laid out over in this flash of images. 
There was a warmth that accompanied them, one that you were only barely accustomed to. You had experienced it before during your living existence when you had hiked your dress up to your hips and buried your fingers between your thighs - these moments were fleeting and only happened enough times for you to count on one hand. 
Although, it wasn't your hands that brought forth the unfamiliar but welcomed warmth this time, but something - someone - far more enticing. 
A pleasure radiated throughout your entire being in a way that had your body trembling and your voice crying out for more. You had managed to open your eyes long enough to see his head between your spread thighs, decorated fingers holding tight to you to make sure you remained fully open for him, all while his mouth worked wonders in ways you didn't know possible. 
“Noah!” You moaned and whimpered, his name on your lips only sending him into an excited frenzy. He groaned into you as his mouth secured around your clit, harshly sucking before soothing the nerves with swipes of his tongue that made your hips buck and your cunt clench in a desperate need to be filled. 
“You're so perfect…” he breathed as he pulled back just enough to watch his fingers disappear inside of you. The sensation was heavenly, as ironic as that was, even more so when his long digits dipped and curled within your dripping wet warmth. Noah stroked along a spot that immediately had you gasping for air and gripping tight to the already tangled sheets your body had become well acquainted with. The mess of linens told you that you had been at this for a bit now, and it definitely wasn't his first time admiring you from below. 
“Don't stop, please…” you begged, soft and gentle between your labored breathing. 
Noah happily obliged, not that he had any plans on stopping until he was thoroughly satisfied with your amount of pleasure. His wicked mouth returned to your clit, tongue swirling and flicking in a way only the Devil could know how, while his fingers assisted in bringing you right to the edge. 
If this was eternal damnation, then you would willingly devote the rest of your existence to it, to him. 
Just a couple more firm strokes of his fingers and your body was tensing, a pressure building so high that it literally felt as if you were going to explode. And almost as soon as the thought passed your mind, your body released - literally and metaphorically. Moans heaved from you and your hips writhed beneath Noah’s form, a sudden wave of pure heat traveling through you and coating his fingers. The bed became soaked, though Noah seemed less than concerned about this. He hadn't even let up on pulling your clit between his lips and forcing his fingers harder within the collapsing and pulsing walls of your cunt. 
You awoke from your slumber with a gasp, your body abruptly sitting up in bed. It took a moment for you to gather yourself, but you eventually noticed that you were alone and no longer in the room from your…dream? Memory? It was still so hard to say. As you made a motion to move, you felt a throb between your thighs, a deep pulsing just like the one your subconscious had just been experiencing. 
You thought nothing of it at first, not until you stood from the bed only to realize the sheets, as well as your clothing, held a wet spot right where one could assume. 
It only took a moment for you to change, though you left yourself bare beneath the sleeping gown with not even the top tied securely. There was no reason for you to waste time with it when there was one thing on your mind now. 
After a few wrong turns and having to backtrack more than you'd like to admit, you finally stumbled upon the study where you knew Noah to spend the majority of his time. Sometimes you swore this domain liked to purposely switch up and change on you, just to make finding your intended location all the more difficult. 
“Stop lingering,” his voice called out after you had stood outside the cracked door for far too long. 
A small jolt in response to his voice being directed to you caused your heart to skip a beat, though you did as he said and gently pushed the study door open enough for you to slip through. 
“How did you kno-”
“Nothing happens here without my knowledge of it. No matter how small or…private.”
That's when his eyes lifted to meet with you, they focused in on your hips first before slowly trailing up to your own gaze. Something gleamed within his stare, but it wasn't something you were yet capable of putting your finger on. All you knew was that it further stirred a sensation inside you. 
“It's late,” Noah then pointed out as he leaned back in his chair, sights still locked on you. 
You nodded in understanding, slow steps being taken closer to the desk he resided behind. Instead of stopping in front of it, you moved around the side and only paused once you were in front of him, just within arm’s reach. You could see Noah's chest inflate with a deep inhale, his eyes further darkening at the close proximity. Had his gaze even flickered down to where your hardened nipples were evident beneath the thin fabric of the dress you wore? You swore they had. 
Speaking of your clothing…it was drastically different from what Noah always wore. His black on black suit wasn't like anything you were used to seeing, though your clothes were reminiscent of your time, unchanging from what you knew. How odd, you thought to yourself. This wasn't the time to ponder such things, though. It was just one more mystery added to the collection you were keeping note of. 
“I had a dream,” you finally revealed. A hand hesitantly reached out so you could trail a finger slowly beneath his jaw, a simultaneous step closer to him also being taken. “At least…I think it was only a dream.”
“A memory, perhaps.” Noah spoke up, his eyebrows raised. 
“Perhaps.” Your hand fell from his face and you swore you noticed a sadness quickly glaze over his eyes, almost as if he missed your touch already. Lucky for him, you had no intention of keeping your hands to yourself right then. 
Delicate fingers clutched the fabric that covered your body, now being pulled up just enough so you could freely move while settling into Noah’s lap. Your knees straddled him and his hands moved to lay atop the bare skin of your thighs, almost like a reflex. 
“Tell me what you remember.” 
A slight shrug of your shoulder caused the gown to fall away, revealing more of your skin to him. His eyes followed the trail of your neck down your shoulder and to your chest, just as he reached up to further tug the fabric away in a gentle manner until the swell of your breasts were shown. 
Noah had learned forward so he could slowly kiss along the bared skin of your chest. His hands traveled up the sides of your thighs, purposely pushing the hem of the dress up more, but not fully. He was then gripping your waist, slyly pulling your body even closer to his while his lips dipped between the valley of your breasts. 
“It's mainly feelings that I remember, not necessarily specific moments…” 
A question lingered at the tip of your tongue, one that you weren't really sure the meaning of. It was merely plaguing the back of your mind, leaving you curious for an answer that could possibly mean absolutely nothing to you. 
“How…many times have I been here?” 
The inquiry caused Noah to pause, his eyes flickering up to yours before he relayed an answer. 
“This makes five. Five lives…five versions of you…and this you by far has been the most stubborn.” 
This knowledge didn't frighten you like it would have mere hours ago. No, it actually made a bit of sense now, like the puzzle pieces were all slowly starting to come together. 
“And each one is me?” 
Noah hummed lightly, his lips returning to their trek along your chest. He was being much softer with you than you would've imagined, especially given the outburst you had witnessed from him earlier. 
“Same body, same eyes, same markings…” he punctuated this with a slight bite to a prominent freckle that sat off to the side of your right breast. “Even the same name.”
“So…where are all of the previous versions of me at?” 
A heavy sigh followed your question, his jaw clenched in obvious frustration. Having not yet answered, Noah swiftly picked you up and laid you down atop his desk after swiping the unnecessary items aside. There was a darkness in his eyes again, and you noticed that his previous soft caresses were becoming much more defined and needy. Witnessing this had your insides stirring, but in a way that made you thankful for wearing nothing more than your sleep gown. 
“You’ve been taken from me.” 
Noah’s voice was harsh, the words almost being hissed through gritted teeth. Apparently you had touched on a sore subject without even realizing it. But still, he began undressing himself as you laid beneath him, vulnerable and aching. Not even his growing anger was going to stop him from having you. 
With his torso now bared to you, you took a moment to take in all of the permanent etchings that crowded his skin. You had never seen such things before, though you've heard tales of tattoos and these being described as the ‘mark of the Devil’. Clearly your time wasn't too far off, considering who you were currently in the company of.
A hand grabbed your face and forced you to look up at him as his body hovered over your own. Noah’s eyes were as intense as ever as he searched within yours, on a hunt for something. 
“You aren't meant for this world but you are mine. I'll see to it that every death brings you to me. They can't stop me.”
There was no chance for you to inquire about this because Noah’s mouth was then on yours, all hot and desperate. He kissed you like his life depended on it - funny enough - like you were the only thing that could breathe oxygen back into his lungs. And much to your own surprise, you kissed him back with just as much ferocity. His taste was addicting and familiar, one that you wanted to hold onto for as long as you could. 
Even as he pulled back, you swiped your tongue along your lower lip simply to savor what remained. 
One strong pull was all it took for Noah to rip the gown you wore straight down the middle, his eyes immediately drinking you in. He leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, moaning against your heated skin while flicking his tongue along the hardened bud before sinking his teeth in. You gasped at the slight pain, but the rise of your hips to grind against his let him know that you actually enjoyed it. 
Noah smirked as he moved to your opposite nipple, displaying the same loving abuse to it. A warmth was pooling between your thighs and you were suddenly so eager for his touch that you didn't know what to do with yourself. Your hips continued to grind along his, desperate to feel any sort of relief, but the material of his pants were too soft and not at all what you were aching for. 
“Not so defiant now, are you?” He taunted, his clothed hips firmly pressing into yours just to further rile you up. 
“Look at you…desperate and whining…you must be remembering how good I can make you feel.”
Indeed you were, because never have you felt a need as strong as this before. Something in you knew just how mind blowing a climax at his hands could be and you wanted it now. You were so caught up in your own selfish needs that you hadn't even heard the sound of his belt coming off or the distinct ripple of the zipper being dragged down. When your eyes met with him again, he was fully naked and standing between your legs, slowly stroking along every inch of his hard cock. 
“Fuck…the things you do to me,” he murmured to himself, heavily exhaling through his nose. You watched in awe as he continued to touch himself, his hips pushing forward to thrust into his hand, even as he rubbed the head of his cock down between your folds. Noah’s eyes closed and his head tossed back, reveling in the sensation of you being so wet for only him. 
“Please…” you whimpered, your legs spreading more as if that would help entice him in. As much as you liked watching him get himself off, surprisingly enough, you were far too needy in that moment to have any bit of his stamina wasted on his hand. 
Releasing the hold he had on his cock, he instead grabbed your calf and lifted your leg to his shoulder. His strong hands now held your hips, the tip of his cock pressed right to your entrance since he had produced the perfect angle after maneuvering your body around however he saw fit. 
“You have to be a good girl and take it,” he instructed, his voice soothing but still holding an edge to it. 
Noah pressed forward, allowing only the swollen head of his cock to stretch through your tight walls that hugged him just as close as he remembered. 
“Say it.” He demanded, refusing to go any further until you had. 
You shakily breathed out, your heart racing and blood pumping so fast that your cheeks were flushed a deep red already. “I'll be a good girl,” you repeated his words, nodding. “I'll take it, I promise.”
Happy with this, Noah thrusted forward in a swift motion that you had taking every inch he had to offer. Your tight pussy welcomed him into your depths with a constricting pulse that would've made him cum right then had he not had an eternity of practiced self control. 
Noah deeply groaned, his jaw set and biceps flexed while holding you in place. Your own moans mixed with his, your body trembling in his grasp from just how intense it was to be fully filled by him. It was like nothing you had ever felt before…quite literally since your living existence had yet to experience the touch of another. You had only known a release at your own hands, which was nothing compared to this. 
“That's it…” he cooed the familiar phrase as he began his rapid pace of driving his cock deep into you again and again, forcing moans and profanities never yet spoken from you each time. “You're always so good at taking it.” 
Oh, how you wanted nothing more than to take all that he had to offer. 
The stretch of your walls were so tight around him that you swore you could feel every engorged vein throbbing when he forced himself as deep as possible. Noah turned his head so he could kiss along your ankle, the grip he had on your calf tightening just before leaning forward a bit. It was a good thing you were pretty limber or else a cramp would've surely ruined the mood by now. Noah didn't seem concerned about this, though. He was far too focused on the shape of your lips as you cried out his name. 
This angle had to have been created by this Devil himself though, because you could barely take a breath from how overpowering it was. You looked up at him with furrowed brows and nothing but silence as your breath caught in your throat. Every inch of your body tensed, though this had yet to cease his quickening thrusts. Your cunt felt too good, too warm, too tight, for him to let up now. 
“Noah!” His name finally erupted from you again, just as an unexpected orgasm took charge. Your head tossed back and your hips arched up as much as possible, your pussy now gripping his cock like a vice. Your walls were so strong that you noticed he was finally beginning to break a sweat. 
As the climax shook through your body, his motions began to slow before coming to a complete halt. He stared down at you, a fire in his eyes. 
“Did I say you could cum?” The question was punctuated with a firm spank to the side of your thigh, a sting radiating outwards that you knew you'd be feeling for some time afterwards. 
“Hadn't I just told you that you're meant to listen to me? That I'm the King and you do as I say?” 
Noah had shifted your leg off his shoulder and pulled his hips back until he was no longer inside of you. The loss of connection made you whine and pout because one orgasm hadn't been enough. You desperately needed more. 
“I couldn't stop it,” you explained while he forced you up, around, and then back down so the front of your body was pressed to the desk. 
“You promised you were going to be a good girl.” 
There was a bit of rustling from behind you, followed by the faint clink of metal that you recognized from his belt when he had been removing it not long ago. Your thighs pressed together in anticipation for whatever he had planned for you now since you knew that fleeting moment of softness from him was long gone. 
“But good girls ask before they cum, and you didn't ask.” The sound of something moving quickly through the air garnered your attention, but a mere second later a sharp sting forced a yelp from you when the folded edge of his belt made contact with your ass. The pain shot right to your core, your cunt clenching eagerly around nothing. 
Another crack rang out when the belt again collided with your tender ass cheek. You whimpered and writhed, your hands desperately trying to grab onto something to steady yourself but there was nothing within reach on the desk. While it did hurt, and the pain only worsened with each spank, you still couldn't help but to crave more. Maybe it was because Noah was now rubbing his palm soothingly over the red and welted area, or maybe it was because you liked allowing him this power over you. 
You held a power of your own over him as well, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Although now may have not been the time to bring that up. 
“Look at how fucking wet you're getting from this,” he mused gleefully as his fingers dipped down to brush along your pussy. He gathered the wetness around his fingertips after sinking his digits into you, though he only graced you with a couple of pumps before their retreat. 
Noah leaned over your body so his mouth was at your ear, his wet fingers forcing their way between your lips for you to obediently clean. Which you did without hesitation or complaint, even going so far as to moan softly at the taste of yourself. 
“Now, are you going to be my good girl or do I need to punish you a bit more?” He whispered into your ear while lightly brushing your hair back from your face. 
You could feel his hard cock between your thighs, teasing you with what you so badly wanted again. This assisted in you making up your mind, despite how much you enjoyed the punishment given. 
“I'll be your good girl,” you promised once his fingers were pulled from your mouth. 
Noah circled his strong hand around your jaw before placing a firm kiss to the side of your head. “That was the correct answer.” 
Gently forcing your body back around to face his, he was careful to then set you on the edge of the desk. You winced at the weight being placed on your abused bottom, and it was only intensified when Noah purposely grasped the exact area, fingertips digging into the welts. There was no room for true pain when it was quickly overpowered by the euphoric sensation of him thrusting into you again. 
Christ, if you weren't already dead then this man surely would've been the death of you. 
Both hands squeezed your hips as he helped drag you along his cock, maneuvering your body in just the right way so he was hitting every spot inside of you that had you gasping for air. Your mind was occupied solely with thoughts of him, especially when taking in how he was gazing at you. It didn't matter that bits of his hair clung to his forehead with sweat or that you could barely take a breath without demanding that he fuck you harder, because Noah was still staring at you like you were the only thing in this entire melancholic universe that mattered. 
“You're fucking amazing,” he grunted just as he pushed against your chest to lay you back on the desk again. This allowed him free reign to drive his cock at a maddening pace into your depths, his thrusts relentless to what your mere mortal body could handle. 
Did it matter since you were already dead, though? Were you technically a mortal still? So many questions. 
Your noises of ecstasy echoed through the study as your cunt throbbed around his twitching cock. The way Noah’s hips began to slow until he was taking long drags out of you, only to roughly thrust forward again, told you that he was close. You weren't sure how you knew, but you did. Just as you somehow knew other things little that would make him tick - both in good and bad ways. 
“You look so beautiful like this.”
You couldn't help but to smile through your delightful torment, your body already so sensitive from your previous orgasm and all of the other things Noah had made you feel that night. From his unmatched stamina, so you could assume, to the pain of his belt across your ass that made your cunt clamp tighter around his cock just from thinking about it. 
Noah must've noticed because he released a deep growl from his chest, his head now bowed and eyes closed as he continued his unforgiving thrusts. 
“Oh!” You gasped the moment his palm pressed against your lower stomach and his thumb made contact with your clit. Your hips jerked and your thighs threatened to close, but his grip on the one only tightened to a harsh squeeze to keep you perfectly spread for him. 
“You have to ask.” Noah reminded you, since he was well aware of what your reactions were pointing to. 
Your eyes rolled back and your teeth sunk deep into your lower lip, breathless moans escaping one after the other, making it nearly impossible for you to say much of anything. 
“Please!” You finally were able to pant out, a faint whine to follow. “Can I cum? Please?” 
Noah smirked at your obedience. The sound of your begging only made him drive harder into your core, his thumb still working against your overly sensitive clit. 
“Please please please,” the pleading continued in a faint whisper, this being all you could manage out now in a little chant of desperation. 
Instead of voicing his approval, he merely gave a single nod just before planting both of his hands on the desk near your head. He was leaning over you now, his hips violently colliding with yours. Dark eyes focused down on your face and you immediately knew he wanted to watch up close as you fell apart for him again. 
Your hands ran up his sides and back to clutch his shoulder blades, nails sinking harshly into his inked skin the moment your climax took over. Every inch of your body spasmed beneath his, your knees digging into his hips and nails dragging down his back in a way that made him sharply inhale in an almost hiss. 
“Oh my go-!” The cry was nearly completed when his hand covered your mouth, preventing you from voicing the final word. Though this didn't stop you from moaning in a continuous yet muffled fashion as a wave rushed through your body and your cunt hungrily tried dragging in more of his cock. 
“Fuck, you're doing so good,” he murmured in a low tone that had your insides melting and your orgasm freely flowing around him. “Fucking hell!”
Noah groaned as his thrusts became a little more sloppy before a final drive forward had him pausing as deep as possible inside of you. The muscles in his arms and shoulders tensed as he erupted, the vein in the side of his neck now more prominent. You couldn't help but to crane your neck forward just a bit in order to sink your teeth into it, bringing forth a moan from him directly into your ear. 
Shivers traveled your body from the overly full feeling of him cumming inside of you and filling you to the brim, his arousal mixing with your own and overflowing. Still, your cunt continued to pulse and flutter around his cock, emptying him for all that he was worth. Your hips even rolled up into his again, purposely working yourself along his length simply because you could and because it felt so fucking good to have him stroking your g-spot, no matter how sensitive and spent your body was. 
“I told you I could be a good girl,” you breathed against his neck while trailing your lips up in search of his. Noah chuckled into the kiss you eventually indulged him with, his brow finally relaxing now that you had stopped grinding into him and he could properly think. 
Lifting his head after you parted from the kiss, he gazed down at you to admire how beautiful you looked with your cheeks flushed and a post-sex glow setting in. It was the first time he had seen you appear genuinely happy since your arrival, and while he of course wanted your body again and again, he also wanted to see that as often as he could. 
“Don't think I've forgotten about how you acted at dinner.” His tone was serious only for a fleeting moment. Your eyes widened slightly, the welt on your ass pulsating as if to remind you of the punishments he could make you endure. 
Noah cracked a faint grin before dragging his hand along the side of your face and claiming your lips once again. He was then standing to his full height and carefully pulling you to a sitting position along with him, where he slowly pulled himself out from your drenched core. A faint whimper escaped you, though you quickly covered it with a bite to your inner cheek. 
“No need to worry about that now. I'll let you know when I'm coming to collect for your defiant behavior.”  
Well, that surely made your pussy clench in eager anticipation. 
Flexing and rolling his shoulders back, he muttered something about giving him a second and then scurried off, but not before making a quick turn back to kiss you again. As he disappeared, you took this moment to glance around the study. It was one of the many rooms you hadn't really been in before, Noah's bedroom included, because you always felt they were too personal for you to see. 
And much to your own shock, Noah never entered your room either. At least you knew he could respect boundaries to a degree. But now? Well, now you weren't so sure what sort of boundaries remained for you two. 
Taking in a deep breath, you lifted a hand to gently massage into the back of your neck, just as your eyes swept across the large bookcase that lined one side of the room. Something on one of the shelves immediately acquired your attention: a knife of sorts, a dagger, with rubies embedded in the handle. There was something very familiar about it, so much so that you found yourself slipping from the desk to make your way over to where it was displayed. 
“I wasn't sure if you wanted to remain in the clothes you're used to, so I brought that and another option…” his voice grew quieter as it trailed off upon realization that you were no longer on the desk. 
Noah's returning presence couldn't pry your eyes away from the dagger, nor could his soft demand for you to tell him what you were doing. Instead, you reached out to lightly trace along the sheath the dagger was housed in before ultimately picking it up and pulling it from the enclosure. 
“What is this?” 
Noah was by your side within seconds, his hand reaching for the item though you made an abrupt turn to step away from him. 
“I need you to give me the dagger now…please. Then, maybe, we can discuss just what it is.”
There was a churning in your stomach and your heart was now beating so loud that you could hear it thumping within your ears. You recognized this dagger despite having only seen it for a few seconds after your captors all but dragged you to your death. A multitude of memories flashed before your sights of this dagger in particular, although in many different scenarios and situations.
Your eyes were pooling with tears as you finally looked up at him, both confusion and hurt written all across your face. It appeared as if Noah wanted to say something but he remained silent, his hand still outstretched like you were actually going to hand the item over to him. 
“This was what was used to kill me, Noah. More than once. Why do you have it?”
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so, i put together a prompt list for femslash february all from works by various queer, woman-loving artists, but then i got insecure about it and didn’t post it, and THEN miss chapman’s grammy performance happened and destroyed my brain. so i rehauled that original post idea and now we have this!
tracy chapman lyric prompts <3
1. “i’d like to live as if only love mattered” — at this point in my life
2. “deep in this love no man can shake” — for my lover
3. “i’d climb a mountain if i had to, and risk my life so i could have you” — for my lover
4. “if there’s one thing to remember, don’t forget that these are open arms” — open arms
5. “it’s just a theory but i would stake my life, lay my money down, that you were meant for me” — a theory
6. “i make a fool of myself in matters of the heart” — matters of the heart
7. “say you’ll hold a place for me in your heart” — the promise
8. “i place my faith in love, my fate in this communion” — wedding song
9. “if this be obsession, deliver me” — devotion
10. “all my ghosts they find me, like my past they think they own me” — bridges
11. “i’ll find my way back to you (please say you’ll be waiting)” — the promise
12. “i just want someone to hold me and rock me through the night” — give me one reason
13. “let me be tempted, let me be torn” — in the dark
14. “you love to play with fire (and i like it when you play with me)” — you’re the one
15. “i’ve got a red hot heart (if the talk is true yours is the same)” — smoke and ashes
16. “if time is what you need, baby i’ll stop the clocks” — open arms
17. “that old flame has cooled (but i’m burning for you)” — don’t dwell
18. “you think she’s good; i’ll be better” — love’s proof
19. “you can be pretty and tragic. i’ll try to keep the walls from falling down” — it’s ok
20. “almost saved you and myself” — almost
21. “what if i can’t break free of my devotion?” — devotion
22. “just one more kiss before the tears come” — almost
23. “if you’re looking for a villain, go on; assume the role” — the love that you had
24. “i’d save a little love for myself, enough for my heart to mend” — be careful of my heart
25. “she will find her place in the sun” — she’s got her ticket
26. “leave tonight or live and die this way” — fast car
intended for use for gen works featuring female characters or femslash <3 please feel free to tag me in anything you make; i’d love to know if this list was helpful for anyone
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One thing I am still upset at until.tjis day is the one side stories episode where they dressed up as scooby doo characters.
Say what you want about the mlp comparison, but I'll give it as much as it being somewhat accurate. I don't know if I would've picked the same comparisons, but it makes sense. I can understand where it came from.
But this??? This is insane.
Let's start off with the biggest crime of all; Why is Fred AARON?? Listen I know old cartoon Fred has no personality, but Fred in the more recent adaptations (not counting Velma) has consistently been a himbo.
Fred has been reclaimed as an iconic himbo icon. With this characterization comes the fact that he is literally mystreet Garroth.
I have been rewatching mystery and incorporated recently. And with every scene with Fred that I watch, I think to myself, "This is literally Garroth."
It's not just the blonde hair, it's the personality. The energy.
Mystreet season 1 Garroth especially, yes he had the puff out your feathers scene. But he was also shown to be pretty smart when it came to other stuff. Well-meaning and kind but dumb when it comes to feelings and emotions, JUST LIKE FRED. THAT'S LITTERALLY FRED.
Meanwhile that doesn't seem to be Aaron. I am not as big of an Aaron hater as most of you, I blame the age gap on Jason, not Aaron. I really like what mcd Aaron had going on for him. And I find it ridiculous when people get upset at him for "stealing Aphmau away from Garroth (and Laurance)".
But you know what I am upset at? HE STOLE BEING THE FRED FROM GARROTH.
I swear Jess just made Fred Aaron because he is the conventionally attractive male lead. (Meanwhile Garroth is FAR more conventionally attractive then Aaron bffr)
And instead Garroth is SCOOBY. Garroth is the DOG. WHY? And before you say "because Zane was Scrappy". THAT WAS EVEN WORSE. Everyone hates Scrappy! Zane does NOT deserve that slander. Free the guy, all he did was being emo.
This actually perfectly illustrates how Garroth and Zane aren't taken seriously by the other characters. ESPECIALLY ZANE! By the narrative and the other characters, they're(especially Zane) not taken seriously. Like how it's laughed at the very idea of Zane getting a lover. And in minigames, we see things like people laughing at the idea of shipping Garroth with anyone. Because Garroth is obviously too stupid to feel serious love/s. And Zane is obviously to undesirable to ever be loved by anyone/s. Garroth is the good dog, Zane is the bad dog.
I do not CARE how cool that comparison is though. GARROTH SHOULD HAVE BEEN FRED.
Also, Aphmau?? As Velma?? Really? I mean, fine, but it doesn't fit with how Aphmau is (sadly) infantalised in canon. And she is never really shown to be book smart at all. She is shown to struggle in school. Sure, she is shown to have more sense than Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis (which isn't very hard). And sure, this was all before Kim was introduced, and it was when Emmalyn wasn't relevant anymore. However, I don't care, and I still believed it should've been Emmalyn. Maybe the orange would clash, though,,,, maybe Kenmur? I don't know, I just think it should've probably been someone else.
Also, WHERE WAS DAPHNE AT? Why did Lucinda only show up FOR ONE SECOND? They included Scrappy but not Daphne????!! I know Daphne is often portrayed as a little boring, but this is an outrage.
I think Shaggy should've been someone else, too. Laurance doesn't seem like much of a coward. If I were to imagine Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis in a horror movie. And you asked me who would survive, I'd say Laurance. Laurance is either the final girl or a part of the couple that makes out and gets killed while doing that.
It's actually lowkey insane he was Pony assigned Rainbow dash but then assigned SHAGGY from all the scooby doo characters. The only thing consistent between those two is that they both probably smell and don't wash themselves enough.
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glitchtricks94 · 2 years
Lofi Hip-hop Beats To Chill and Cuddle To Headcannons: Azul, Cater, Leona, Malleus, Idia
This idea has been living rent free in my head for a few weeks, and now I've cracked. As a result of my upcoming insanity, I present to you a set of small headcannons of you listening to lofi with my selected Twst characters. Got any fun ideas? Want a take on some headcannons? Wanna see any particulars? Let me know, I have nothing but brainrot for all these boys. Enjoy the fluff! -Glitchtricks Word Count: 2.9k
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul's a big cuddler when left alone with you; he loves, cherishes, and simply melts at any affection you offer, gobbling it up greedily like the needy octopuppy he is. And you love your octopuppy as much as you loved your relaxing music.
This boy cannot get enough of snuggling you in his lap. Calming sounds of the sea and soft hip-hop beats filled the room, a few splashes of acoustic guitar and piano jumping in as you sat in Azul's lap. The pearl haired boy held you from behind, one arm wrapped around you as he went over a few small expense reports for the Monstro Lounge. Originally, this was supposed to be a resting period for him by your insistence, but he always managed to sidetrack you. "Azul, you promised you'd be taking a break with me." You chided gently. "Just let me finish these, princess, then I'm all yours, I promise." Azul crooned, looking at you with heart melting adoration. "Alright, alright." You sighed softly, nuzzling your cheek into the dorm leader's chest, a chuckle rolling out from him as his shoulders shook slightly. You were truly enamoring to him.
The kisses you both share during these times were heavenly. A kiss was planted on your cheek gingerly, the coolness of Azul's soft lips lingering. "I'm terribly sorry, my love..." He whispered softly, his voice as hypnotic as a siren's, "I just needed to get those out of the way..." "Oh, honey, don't worry, as long as you rest for a bit now." You replied, making Azul's heart melt as you pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, his lips quirking up into a bashful smile. "How did I ever get so lucky to have you as my lover?" The merman asked softly, his fingers tilting your chin upwards towards his face. Azul leaned in, giving you a soft kiss on your lips, warmth filling each other's hearts. If heaven was on earth, you would argue that Azul was just that, and nobody could convince you otherwise. R.I.P. Ace, you owe Deuce money now.
Azul always looks so cute when you feed him, too. You let a soft giggle leave your throat as you looked at your boyfriend's cross-eyed expression, his pale skin flushed a warm pink. "You look so cute like this, sweetie!" You chirped, Azul's nickel eyes darting back to your face as a pout formed on his lips. "Darling, are you trying to mock me?" "Never, you just look so adorable with whipped cream on your nose, you always look so surprised and you blush, how could I resist?" You giggled, starting to laugh even more when you caught sight of his now scarlet cheeks. "M-my pearl, must you do such things?" Azul whined, taking a small bite of the vanilla cupcake you offered to him. "Yes, because I love you, my sweet little octopus~!" You cooed, Azul letting out a whine as he looked away from you in embarrassment. Letting out another soft laugh, you kissed Azul's cheek. Oh, how you loved lofi and your man.
Cater Diamond
Oh my god, Caycay with lofi? Talk about a dreeeeaaaam! Cater loves being able to just drop his social media persona with you and kick back for awhile after his 3rd year duties were attended to; mixing in lofi was just an added bonus, plus free cuddles! Yes, please~!
Cater loves to just collapse next to you on his bed. (Or yours, depends where y'all land.) Cater is a simple man: all he needs is you, some tunes and a comfy mattress to be forever happy. However, despite this self proclaimed simplicity, you know your man, and you know him better than anyone in this school. So, you pamper him, of course! Make him feel so good, honey, he loves every minute of it. Normally, you two just set your phone up to a wireless speaker and a playlist of lofi songs on your phone, flopping onto the bed in the room and just basking in the soft atmosphere you both created. Soft smiles decorate your faces as your hands lay interlaced between you two, it always felt magical how you could both have moments like these; no talking, no phone screens, no social media, just you and Cater enjoying the presence and feel of one another.
Both of you are guilty of stealing kisses and giggling like school kids. Smooch! Cater just stole a kiss from you! How cute! You and the ginger 3rd year always found yourselves like this; giggling as you both stole kisses from each other, usually with you laying on top of his toned chest with you head resting on his shoulder. Smooch! Kissing fight! The war has been waged, and now you and Cater were locked in combat! He smooches your cheek, you peck his nose, and here comes Cater with the lip lock! And you are down, Cater remains the undefeated champion! And now you're both giggling again as Cater pulled away, hugging you tightly while you played with his hair. Smooches!
Did someone say spa days? Because Cater loves spa days with you! Busting out the face masks was fun, facials often being done up by you and your doting boyfriend. You two go the whole nine yards too; face scrubs, peel off masks, and cucumbers on the eyes with your hair being freshly washed and wrapped up in towels, you do it all! There's nothing quite like listening to the lullaby like music in the room while pampering yourself with the boy you love more than anyone in the world. Despite not ever doing much on days like these, you loved every moment of them, it was like a fairytale ending as you washed your pores of the charcoal peel, smiling over at your prince charming. "I love you, honeybunny~" Cater cooed, noticing your gaze and stealing a breathtaking peck from your lips. "I love you more, superstar." You replied, a dreamy smile on your lips as you stared up at your boyfriend with a look so adoring, he felt his heart stop for moment. You two both needed more days like this one.
Leona Kingscholar
Okay, let's be honest, this man does not give a shit. Leona doesn't really care about what you do, as long as you know you're his, you don't overstep boundaries, and he gets to have you all to himself here and there, he's sittin' pretty! Leona felt lucky that you tended to deliver so much more than his expectations.
This is one of the few times that he's vulnerable with you. Leona held you tightly to his chest, one of his hands wandering under your shirt to press into the soft skin of your stomach, the lion just lives for skin to skin contact. He'll never admit it though, even when he has you pressed to his chest with one arm while his free hand occupies your own and his tail is wound around your ankle. Leona is very prideful, but he still knows your keen eyes see right through his façade; underneath everything, he's afraid. He's terrified, horrified even! Vulnerability is not this man's strong suit, in fact, it's actually a major crack in his armor and you and him have had plenty of arguments over what you perceived as a lack of trust. Granted, after he snapped and yelled his explanation at you, you both made up, a deeper level of understanding being established. So, this was your compromise to help keep the relationship stable. You already knew that Leona was a cuddler, given how he often clung to you when he decided to take a nap in your presence, so you figured you two could snuggle while listening to your favorite relaxation genre. Your beast of a boyfriend did admit he liked this at one point, and so started a routine of spending the entire weekend together cuddling while lofi played in the background. You normally just let him decide the positions, and after getting confirmation that you were actually comfortable, you two settled into the groove of the music and each other's hearts.
Leona loved how you played with his hair during these times. Your careful fingers ran through Leona's chocolate locks, a hum of content leaving his throat as he nuzzled his face further into your chest. You let out a soft chuckle of amusement as you undid his braids and started making them again, more following suit. All the practice you had before was paying off, your boyfriend not once letting out any hints of protest other than a content growl, the man angling his face to look up at you with a lovesick gaze. You gazed into those emerald orbs he held and gave a soft smile. No words of affirmation were given as you gently ran your fingers over his ear, Leona sighing in satisfaction as he shut his eyes and enjoyed the soft gesture from his partner, his mate, taking that as a silent confirmation of love. Going back to running your fingers through his hair, you continued adding more braids as the soft sounds of rain and music filled his room. Leona felt like he was in heaven getting this kind of treatment, he felt like a king, your king: he wouldn't trade anything in the world for this feeling, these emotions, this love belonged to him, and him alone.
Silence is golden and kisses are silver. Leona isn't one for pretty words, and you understood that perfectly, so your cuddling sessions are often spent with your voices staying mostly in your throats, your actions speaking volumes instead. Leona's shows of affection being akin to that of a cat, scenting you with his body while holding you close, nuzzling his nose into your neck, and marking you with his teeth before licking the new wounds with his tongue. You jokingly call him your precious kitty, much to his chagrin. That last one was always a teensy bit awkward to explain to your friends. Deuce and Epel were always lookin' for a reason to beat the shit out of Leona, so you have to stop them from committing Darwinism. You often showed him your love by touch: running your fingers over his arms, back, chest, anywhere you could reach with your soft hands, sending shocks through his body and to his heart. You like to run your fingers through his hair too, making small braids and brushing featherlight touches over his sensitive ears. Leona practically melts in your arms. None of it compares to your kisses, though. When you and Leona share kisses, it's like fireworks every time as you both feel goosebumps spread across your bodies, clutching each other tighter than before. With how intense Leona is when he's kissing you, you'll be panting when he pulls away, your face flushed red and eyes hazy. And if you're not a mess after he kisses you, he'll keep doing it again, and again, and again until you are whimpering for more from him. Then, if he thinks you've been a good little herbivore, you'll get a treat. I'll leave that to your imagination though~
Malleus Draconia
This man, oh-ho, this man. Malleus is utterly enamored by everything you do together. You both could be watching paint dry and Malleus would still be there, holding your hand and telling you how much he adored you. But getting you all to himself with soothing music from your strange device while holding you close? Pinch him, he must be dreaming!
Malleus is unabashedly a cuddlebug. Malleus sighed in content as he lounged with you in Ramshackle, soft lofi blanketing the room as he held you in his lap, Ace and Deuce being gracious enough to look after Grim for the day so you and Malleus could cuddle in peace. You giggled as you felt Malleus lean down to press a featherlight kiss to the shell of your ear, the dragon fae joining your soft laughter. "Child of man, do you understand just how you enchant me so?" Malleus asked, his voice like that of velvet. "Yes, you tell me everyday, love." You replied, cupping Malleus' cheek tenderly. He leaned right into your palm, resting his own hand over yours, lacing your fingers together. "Then I suppose today should be no different." Malleus replied, a smile quirking up on his lips. "Your demure continues to enchant me, you smile is more dazzling than the stars in the sky, and your eyes, I could lose myself in them for all eternity." "Oh, Malleus..." You cooed, leaning up to press a loving kiss to the eager fae's lips. Speaking of kisses...
This man would beg on his knees to feel your lips. Malleus loves the feeling of your lips, and he doesn't care where they land, he just loves the feeling of them. Your kisses feel like small gifts from heaven to him, so he's always hungry for them. Small kisses from him pepper your cheeks, nose, eyelids, anywhere the dragon could reach, he pressed a loving kiss to your skin, laughter erupting from you. "Mal, stop, that tickles!" You squeal, Malleus only chuckling even more as he drank up your sweet sounds. "But, my beloved, I adore the feeling of you against me, and the sweet melody of your laughter." Malleus crooned softly, cupping your cheeks in his gloved palms before stealing a kiss from your lips. "You are spoiled rotten!" You laughed when the fae pulled away, the prince now pouting. "Well, must you blame me for wanting all your affections, my darling?" "Not at all, my sweet." You said, planting a kiss on Malleus' lips, a happy hum escaping the two of you.
Malleus has always held your trust in such high regard. This was his heaven on earth: you resting in his arms with your soft breaths mixing with the soft music that filled the air around the two of you, your sleeping face enamoring on every level imaginable. His heart began to beat faster as he gazed at you, his grasp on your tired form featherlight and filled with love. He always treasured the trust you held in him, despite his more draconic urges. You were ever so sweet to trust him as such, handing your life over to him as if it were candy; it made his heart roar with victory a his beloved adored him as such. He hoped one day to make you his queen.
Idia Shroud
Idia's a hot mess. A very hot, very cute, very nerdy, mess. He needs time before thinking of doing something like handholding, let alone snuggling up to you while listening to lofi. Though, when he finally experiences relaxing with you while such chill music plays, he's asking why he didn't do this sooner.
These days happen very frequently, Idia thirsts for them like water. Have you ever seen a gamer beg on their hands and knees for reasons outside of pleading for the gaming gods to bless them with the luck and skills to defeat a Bloodborne boss? No? Well, now you have! Idia craves this atmosphere of chill, and over all craves your time too, so since you're both introverts, this arrangement works out perfectly! And in case you're wondering, this is how Idia expresses the honeymoon phase of a relationship. This anxious wreck of a boy has never been in a relationship, and he's very finicky about his personal space and will be terrified of physical touch, but as previously stated, once he gets a taste, he will be insatiable. Is it yandere of him, wanting to have you to himself? Yeah, kinda, but he doesn't mean to! Your presence is just so soothing, and coupled with the relaxing music and the ability that you two share of being able to do your thing and still bond in the comfortable silence, it was like a drug for the poor boy! You're the only one outside of Ortho that Idia allows into his room. He even cleans up for you!
Did someone say lap cuddles? Because Idia loves those too! Laying his head on your lap gives this flame haired boy so much comfort, and you don't have to worry about any burns! His hair feels like a nice, warm blanket in all honestly, so it always feels nice when he lays on your lap while he plays his tablet gacha games. You personally love to run your fingers through Idia's hair, a soft hum on your lips as you started to braid his long, fiery locks, the tips of his hair turning a soft pink. "You're so pretty, Idia." You say softly. "W-what?! B-But you're the SSR character, here!"
Ever wanted to have a story based game night? Here you are, dove~ Snuggling into Idia's lap with a blanket around toy two, everything felt so warm and wonderful as Idia botted up that one story game you told him about, lofi fluttering in the background. Idia was never for story based games, he was more into skill games and such, but for you, he'd give this a go. Especially since he adores being able to just touch and hold you, accepting that you actually wanted him to hold you so lovingly, like those couples in that slice of life anime you both loved. As you excitedly played and voiced the lines, Idia looked down at you with a shy smile on his blue lips. He felt as if you were his dove in that moment. He hoped you never flew away...
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insom-nom-nom-niatic · 10 months
2 Of A Kind
CHARACTERS: Troy Otto X Fem Reader
WARNINGS: It's made for FTWD so you should know the basics. +Abuse but not really but you can't know that yet
This is made for THIS anon request!
I don't typically write long fics, but this idea has me needing a whole story so it will be in 2-3 chapters!
It is also un-edited other than by my own tired eyes so things could be wrong... punctuation may be off... who knows but let's just say it was planned chaos and if you find it then good for you and you can get a black star.
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Rocks shuffle under the heft of Troy’s boots along the twisting and turning of the back road he somehow stumbled upon. 
It had been just over 2 months since his exodus from the ranch. 
2 months of wondering aimlessly. 
2 months of anger building up, only to fizzle into starvation. Starvation in the physical sense, but Troy had never thought he would ever feel the starvation for being a person again. To have a home, or a need, or someone (anyone) to talk to. He was always a bit of an outcast knowing he hadn’t been anyone’s favorite or even friend once Mike left, if he ever was a friend at all. 
His feet, trembling from the pain he kept pushing through, trembled in his boots. Icy eyes watching the path finally glanced up, squinting in the setting sun as he peered through long eyelashes. A cabin was dead ahead, not even 100 meters away making his heart pound in his chest as he let out a deep, gutteral chuckle. 
Nothing. Nothing is all he had seen for miles upon miles of desert and the occasional tree sparing little to no shade. What a time for his luck to turn around. The cabin seemed free of both the dead and alive as he closed the distance, doing what he could to stealth up to the wooden building. Blood splattered most of the exterior walls, always accompanied by a few bullet holes littering the cabin… but there were no signs of the dead nor the alive. 
With his gun raised, Troy slowly turned to the knob on the back door pushing the wooden plank open with the tip of his boot. He waited a few heartbeats before entering. 
Ther were no sounds. 
No smells.
No signs of life. 
As he entered, Troy sighed. His lips turning into a grin at what he found before him. The place was decrepit but it was clean. He walked over, gun hanging by his side as he looked over the photos still barely hanging on the walls. This place must be from the early 1800’’s at least. 
Checking the cupboards, he came across a few gallons of water hidden in what used to be the pantry. His gun clattered onto the wooden floor at his feet when he rushed to open the jug closest to him. Dying of thirst, Troy savored every drop he swallowed, spilling some in a stream down his chest. Welcoming the cool moisture to his overheating and over exhausted skin. 
The sound of a shotgun pump made his chest fall, freezing in place. Taking the jug from his lips his blue eyes searched beside him before a voice cleared directly behind him. His face was still, unwavering, as he slowly placed the jug back in the cupboard and raised both arms. 
“Kick it to your right,” the voice spoke up. It was a woman’s voice that spoke to him and he could tell by the tone, she wasn’t playing games. So he did as she asked. Troy kicked the gun at his feet to his left, watching as it clamered against the wall. His eyes examined the wall higher where an old copper plate hung. He could clearly see the woman now. 
“I didn’t know anyone was here. I don’t mean to intrude ma’am, I just needed a place to get out of the sun for a little.” Troy kept his head low, peering through his eyelashes when he oh so slowly turned in place. The woman kept her stare but allowed him to do so. 
“I’m not from around here,” Troy thought for a moment before continuing, “I don’t think. I’ve been walking for ever and this is the first place I’ve come across that is still standing.” 
The woman’s grip on the weapon tightens. Her neck stretches to the side before aligning again. Troy notices a long scar, seems to be healed, trailing from one eyebrow down to her jawline where her hair flows in front of. Something about her makes him not feel as uneasy as one should whist being held at gunpoint, so he lowers one hand to test the waters. 
“You can’t stay here.” The woman glares at him as he relaxes a bit. It’s then that Troy notices the scars up one of her arms before his eyes catch the newly formed line of blood across her neck. 
The woman shifts her hands to  move her hair to cover her injury, giving Troy the oportunity to grab the gun in her hands. He had to admit that she pput up a fight, but he was twice her size. She assumed she’d now be the threatened, but Troy simply looked the weapon over, smiling at the way she must have kept it clean and in good working order, before placing it upon the counter behind him. 
Troy turned back to the woman, hands now on her hips as she gives him a questionable glare. 
“I can’t stay here because I’m in danger of you,” Troy straightened his stance eyeing her neck befire meeting her glare once more “or of the person who did that to you?”
Suddenly, the mood shifted. The woman slunk her shoulders back, dipping her chin slightly to grin up at the brunette infront of her. “Both. I can handle myself, mister. And I don’t need any fuck-boy to get in my way when they do come back.” 
Troy was taken aback, quietly chuckling at the spitfire he had unfortunately come across. But he was still who he has always been. Being at the ranch or not didn’t change that. 
As the woman opened the door for him to leave, Troy took a step back. Glancing up at the roof, already half fallen in shambles. And then to the walls, or what there was left of them. He could audibly hear the woman grumble and scoff, the floor boards below her feet creaking with every step she took closer to him until he heard her reach for the shotgun. 
“By the look of that blood dripping down your neck and the scars on your arms, you sure do look like you have everything handled.” Troy’s voice echoed as he stepped into the living area… or what would have been. 
“I’m not saying you can’t handle yourself ma’am,” Troy opens the door to the bedroom, facing a dresser covered will all sorts of knives and daggers cleaned and sharpened. Troy swallowed hard before turning back to the woman standing at the other side of the hall now. “I need help, and you seem to need a little as well. It doesn’t have to be forever, ma’am. Let me get on my feet and keep that man away from you and I’ll be out of your hair.”
His cold blue eyes struck a nerve in the woman. She wanted to shoot him then and there, but then she’d have a bloody mess to clean and she’s already found out how hard it is to get brain matter out of wooden walls. The way he talked, the pain and exhaustion in his eyes though made her release her weapon. 
Her eyes stuck on him as she saw his tension release. 
“It’s not a man… it’s many.” 
Troy’s face contorted at the information, looking at her through a side eyes she closed the gap between them, shutting the bedroom closed with a loud clammer. He was able to see the wound on her neck more clearly however, and the dried blood that stained her knuckles. His heart jumped and cheeks flushed  when she spun against his chest, ushering him back towards the living area.Her hands small but lighting pressing into his back.
She didn’t give anymore information that night, she was quiet but kind. He tried asking questions about the house but to each inquiry all returned was a look of intimidation. 
Troy awoke to the sun shining through the small windowcoverings on the east side of the cabin. Rustling with a groan, he wiped the sleep from his eyes. He had forgotten the comfortorts of a home, even though he had only fallen asleep on the torn up sofa. He didn’t feel that uneasy jostling of having to check your surroundings at every moment, he could sit there and take in the comfort… the safety. He then remembered he wasn’t alone. 
As Troy rose to his feet, he waited to hear any sign of the woman but there was nothing. He searched the bathroom and then bedroom, finding nothing but a heap of sheets and a lizard scurrying down the drain. Troy couldn’t help but run his hand down one of the hunting knives displayed on the dresser. He could hear the sound of the blade skimming his calloused skin with a grin. 
Making his way back to the pantry, his face lit up with the joy of once again having clean, uncontaminated water. As he threw open the pantry door, he was left with a single 1/6th of a jug in front of him. Scoffing into the air, Troy took the jug in his grips and slowly drank the remnants turning towards the window above the sink. Removing the plastic from his cracked lips, Troy narrowed his gaze as he caught movement outside the cabin. 
With a creak, door swung open and the woman came prancing in. Both stood in the kitchen, face to face in silence for what seemed like ever before she finally spoke up. 
“So you found the water, eh?” She passed by him with a smug smirks marked on her lips. Bouncing down on the couch and removing her boots, she looked over her shoulder at Troy, still standing silently. “I couldn’t trust you while I was out, sorry but not sorry.” She threw her military grade boots against the wall near the door. 
Troy couldn’t helpthe miniscule smile that grew to the left corner of his lips. He didn’t like this woman, but he didn’t hate her either. He was weirdly amused and proud of the witt she had. It was becoming more clear how she’s continued to survive this long. 
His boots clanked and creaked on the floors as he went to inspect her own, kicking one to the side to get it out of the emergency exit path. “Where did you go? Hunting?” He said with sarcasm looking at her boots caked with sand, dirt, and drips of what he is now figuring out may be blood. 
“Yeah, actually.”
“Come back with anything to eat? Squirrel maybe? Rabbit?” 
“I don’t think you want to eat what I hunt fuck-boy. Unless that suits your fancy, in which case, there’s a while ass feast about a half mile North.” Troy sighed at her little nick name for him, but soon grew more intrigued by her option of hobby. He could hear the snicker she muffled as she got up and headed towards the bathroom.
 Without a thought… he followed.
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hi! This idea's suggested to me by my sister. What if the overblot boys are in a relationship with a s/o who uses music and singing to influence emotions?
Hi, thank you for the ask!
Overblot twst characters with an s/o who uses music to influence emotions
Honestly he needs therapy (not like all of them do tbh) so the fact you can calm him down is so nice. He's very thankful you help him out, especially how you helped him during his time recovering from his overblot incident
A lot of students will look to you for help whenever Riddle looks like he's going to lose it. They basically use you as a shield haha
Might ask you why you decided to create your unique magic in this way. If you are a singer, sure it makes sense, but why emotions? Whatever your explanation is, he's pretty fascinated by your skill in magic
I feel like overall as long as you don't use your ability to harm others, he finds your magic to be super cool. He loves you nonetheless with or without your magic though
Might never ask you to sing for him because he's too emotionally constipated to tell you he likes it when you sing
You don't need to calm him down, but he does like it when you hum while he's relaxing. He falls asleep easily, but with you it's even easier (and that's always a plus)
Similar to Riddle, he will wonder why you decided to make your unique magic in this way. I feel like he would respect you for your magic skills too
Overall he's pretty chill with your ability. He's really thankful you can help him feel less miserable by your voice alone too :')
Little Mermaid reference? Likely called you a siren at some point because he loves your voice!
He gets nervous easily, so whenever you sing or even hum around him to help calm him down, he's super happy. He tries to show you his appreciation through gifts and lots of hugging
I can also see you two working together at the Mostro Lounge, maybe you sing there? Azul's also interested in how you came up with your magic ability btw, so feel free to let him know!
He respects your skills in magic a lot, even admires how benevolent you are whenever you help people feel better by using your voice. Might think it's similar to a story he heard long ago in his childhood about a mermaid haha
He also needs calming music because this man doesn't get a break :/
He has a surprisingly good voice, one that he's never shown anyone other than Kalim and you. It would be super cute if you two did duets together whenever you guys have the chance btw
He might've not known it was your singing that caused him to feel better when he was down, but he soon connects the dots and realizes it was your magic ability. Won't ask you how you came up with the idea but will have a lot of respect for you nonetheless
He tries to tell you he's thankful for how much you help him when he's stressed but he doesn't feel that confident in putting his emotions into words. So, he'll likely make something you like and surprise you with it for dinner
Probably thought you had some magic ability that had to do with singing and emotions because whenever you sang it was like he was a lot calmer than before. Turns out he's right!
You were the one that helped him out a lot during the VDC but also after the competition. You stuck by his side and made sure he wasn't stressing out too much. He's honestly super grateful
You two should also do duets together! I can only imagine how good you two would sound!
Overall Vil has a similar approach to you like Riddle. As long as you aren't harming anyone, he won't really mind your magic abilities. Just know that Vil really thinks your ability is cool, especially as it can help calm people down
He's a nervous wreck almost all the time and it doesn't help that he can't sleep because he gets nightmares easily. But whenever you hum when you two are together, he finds himself feeling a lot better. It's because of you he gets to sleep better too!
Idia's super grateful to have you because honestly you give him so much comfort and help. He tries to let you know he's thankful by trying to spend more time with you. He probably attempted to draw you something but gave up and made you a small robot instead
He isn't really interested in the logistics of your ability but will ask why you decided to use your voice for your magic. He's more interested in your thoughts and reasoning behind your magic since it can tell a lot about a person.
Idia just loves you for being you but admires your musical abilities and your care towards him. If he had the courage he would've asked to do a duet with you at some point
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Hello! This is gonna be a weird, abnormal request, just a heads up, 'cause I'm in need of human interaction.
So I'd like to ask for literally anyone you choose (and I mean anyone. I don't mind if they're a character I don't know from a Fandom I'm not in, as long as it makes sense for the reader to exist in their world and the interactions are fun, I will be happy) with a reader who is a socially awkward and anxious jorogumo (a golden orb weaver spider yokai, typically known in mythology for shape-shifting into a beautiful human woman and luring human men into her home so she can eat them) who just wants to live life. Maybe they don't like the idea of eating people, but as a spider are an obligate carnivore and can only digest meat? Maybe they only eat violent criminals and creeps? Feel free to take your time!
Did you know that orb weaver silk is considered "exceptionally strong"? I read a few articles on orb weavers and they are pretty cool spiders!
/⁠╲⁠/⁠\⁠╭⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)⁠╮⁠/⁠\⁠╱⁠\ <- spider
Eyeless Jack and Slenderman x jorogumo Reader
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Eyeless jack
★ First off, nether of you understand social cues. You can both be blunt. If there's a problem in your relationship or something that needs to be said you both just say it.
★ You eat people? He eats people! Honestly he's glad that you aren't creeped out with his diet, as most people would be. It's one less thing to worry about in your relationship.
★ If you don't like eating human meat he can try to find some kind of substitute. Don't ask me how I know this but according to real world cannibals, human flesh has a similar texture to beef.
★ Jack gets extremely pissed when someone makes fun of you for being shy. Some people *cough* Jeff *cough* do this to get a reaction from him. But jokes on him because your lovely boyfriend later stole his phone and hid it.
★ While normal orb weavers venom is not strong enough to kill a human, I like to think that yours is. He might ask for a few samples for "resurch" if you're able to. (Iykyk)
★ Slenderman is well aware of what a jorogumo is. He is in love with the spider features because like you, he has some inhuman traits. Do I even need to say that he prefers your spider form?
★ When you get anxious in public he holds your hand. He even lets you do the whole holding arm thing that cringey couples do in highschool, idk what it's called.
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This ⬆️
★ None of the pastas are really good socially so your good 👍 no one is going to bother you. Especially since you have him as your lover.
★ Slender finds it amusing how men are drawn to you, only for it to be their downfall. Your hunting stradigy is really effective. Either that or most men are dumb. Actually it's probably a little bit of both.
★ Not trying to be sexist here! In mythology jorogumo make there nests in caves, forests, or empty/abandoned houses. They should have known better :/
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eevvvaa · 10 months
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Hi !
SO ! I recently reached 302 followers and to thank you all for following me, I decided to follow @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone's advice and created a little challenge for you. I tried to make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy it and set free your creativity ! I picked some movies I like, chose quotes and created tropes from them for you to use in your fics.
You can either :
Mention a movie in the fic one way or another
Use a quote from a movie
Use the trope based on a movie
Do all three
You can also mix and match and pick a quote from one movie and a trope from another. Whatever gets your imagination and creativity going ! Feel free to pick what inspires you 😇
As for the fics, you can write about whoever and whatever you want. Any fictional characters or real person. I mostly read Supernatural and The Boys fanfic, but you're welcome to write about another fandom, Jensen Ackles' other characters or actor/actress if you'd like to !
Here's the list :
• Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
Quotes :
"You lost today, kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it.”
"You say this has been just another typical day for you huh?" "No. It's been better than most."
"Is there anyone here who speaks English? Or maybe even ancient Greek?"
"Are you crazy ? Don't go between them." "Go between them. Are you crazy ?"
Trope :
Being manipulated by/manipulating the enemy
• The Hangover
Quotes :
"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
"You are literally too stupid to insult."
"Am I missing a tooth ?"
"Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon."
Trope :
Not remembering the night before
• Tangled
Quotes :
"You should know that this is the strangest thing I’ve ever done!"
"So, I made the decision to trust you.""A horrible decision, really."
"Let’s just assume everyone in here doesn’t like me."
"You broke my smolder!"
Trope :
Realizing someone's dream
• Back To The Future
Quotes :
"I finally invent something that works!"
"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."
"I've never seen purple underwear before."
"He's a very strange young man."
Trope :
Going back in time
• Crazy Stupid Love
Quotes :
"Ew. Friend to friend. Ew."
"You think I'm the perfect combination of sexy and cute ?"
"I'm going to help you rediscover your manhood. Do you have any idea where you could have lost it ?"
"I'm wildly unhappy, and I'm trying to buy it, and it's not working."
Trope :
One Night Stand
To participate, you just have to send me an ask with what you wanna use. You can join the celebration whenever you want and cancel your participation whenever you want too, if needed. This is supposed to be fun, easy and something enjoyable without any pressure. You're free to write anything that inspires you, in the length you want. Tag me in your fic and use #eevvvaa302celebration within your first five tags, so I can find you easily.
The no no are of course : non-con, incest... you got the idea
I'm putting the deadline at January 24th (So we can all remember the date 😉) but if you need more time, I'm cool with it !
Once again, thank you all ! Feel free to participate if you like. And if you don't, you still deserve a big kiss 💋
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cookieeevee · 3 months
Hello Yellow and Welcome People!!
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Most people tend to call me Cookie or Cookieeevee because of my blog name, but call me Alice! I use the pronouns She/Her and They/Them (I don't mind which one you use)
I am into Rain World, OneShot, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, Kirby, Sonic, Pikmin, Ori, Chicory: a colorful tale, Steven universe, MHA, Epic Mickey, and many more
You can ask me anything, I'd love to chat with you all (Ask about ADH au or ask Lily if u want too)
Art requests are always welcomed :D
My designs of the slugcats and Iterators My Rain world OCs My other OCs
Side blogs of mine:
Cookie: @ask-cookieeevee03
Madge: rainworld-starsandclouds023
Droplet (Old, should probably reboot at some point): rainworld-ask-the-medic
SOES: rainworld-lifeisendless230
Slugcat's: rainworld-cycle-of-slugcats
just doodle/art blog: mossy-doodles85
Silly adventurers of my plush's (feel free to send me art in Messages of the sillys if you want, I will post it and credit u, if u want :3)
you can draw for me if ya want
Amazing Friends Of Mine!: @rainworld-obsessed-cat-reborn (One of my first tumblr friends! Probably one of my closes friends here! They are really silly and has great art! I thought I'd never see them again once their main blog got deleted... I'm very glad they're back now. I care for them with the might of a 1000 suns and always wish for the best of them! I'll always have their back, no matter what <3) @stargazer0001 (A great friend, who I really care for! One of the first people I go to talk to about silly ideas and aus of mine. They're art is a joy to see and our silly chats we had before were really fun! Thanks for being there for me <3) @critter2 (Super silly bud that I met because of Star! Their art is amazing and its always a blast to be around them! Sadly they aren't on often so that kinda sucks... ALSO THEY ARE WHOLESOME WHEREVER THEY THINK/KNOW THAT OR NOT!!!!) @lanternlightsovercloudyskies (I've actually never checked if we're friends or not, but see her as one! Cute silly art that a joy to see, and shes super wholesome in my opinion! I always hope for the best for her!) @bananacat76 (My silly great friend! They're super cool and wholesome, all things I wish to be. They've let me add their RW persona, Banana cat, to my RW AU and even let me make Banana Cat Enot's sibling! Lots of hugs to them! A joy see and a gift to be around ^^) @rcranger (THIS SUPER AMAZING AND COOL PERSON IS MY FRIEND!!! Hes made super cute and silly art that is a joy to see and always puts a smile on my face! Cherry has been a super great person and he need MORE LOVE so go check him out and give him some love!!)
@puffstarss (I'm pretty sure we're friends, at least to me she is! Puffs is probably one of the most kind people here! She's a big UT and UTY fan and is the owner of The Undertale Yellow Runaway Route AU! If your a fan of UTY aus and stuff be sure you check out her blog! also I will die for them like all friends of mine)
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Random things about me: My favorite colors are mint green and lavender I want to write but am too scared to put it online and I get writers block a lot... I wish people would ask me more things (on any of my blogs)... My IRL friend group and I do a lot of dark humour I draw all the time, in class, at lunch, at home, in the car, and many other places Cream is my favorite Sonic character I my 3rd favorite Sonic character is Chris from Sonic X, FIGHT ME ON IT I have four brothers and no sisters... I have many AUs which I will probably never tell anyone about because I am scared of doing that Rain world brain rot I REALLY want to play SA2 just because of the chao garden Undertale Yellow fan! I'VE DODGED DEATH!!!! If you want to be friends with me, just ask. Cuz I'm probably not gonna ask you that and I'm always happy to have more friends I need help
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java-lava · 2 years
I have a great SAGAU idea (if anyone wants to write it, let me know);
The Creator! Reader and Teyvat! god, created the the land of teyvat together. Teyvat!god created the land and most plants (not including the regisvines, which both created together) and Creator!reader created the people, animals, creatures and elements.
(For simplicity sake, I’ll be referring to Reader as just “Creator” and Teyvat!god and just “Teyvat” for the rest of this post)(Also I’m using an f!reader for this, but you can make it go!reader if you want)
Anyway, along the journey Creator and Teyvat fell in love and decided to create something of their own, while Creator thinks of the people and all the other creatures of the land her “children”, she and Teyvat decide to have a child of their own that can help take care of their creations. So Creator and Teyvat have a baby but the process drains both of their energies, so Teyvat becomes one with the land itself, creating a sentient Teyvat. Creator looses a physical form and goes into a long sleep state to regain her energy(basically a dream world where she grows up with a normal life in the “real world” and forgets she was the Creator).
What happened to the baby you ask? Well as it turns out, Creator and Teyvat didn’t have ONE baby, but had TWO babies, Lumine and Aether, born with the power of the stars of Teyvat. As it turn out, Creator didn’t only help with the construction of Teyvat(the world) she also created the multiverse (other games) and Lumine and Aether inherited her power to travel between worlds.
So the story would start with Creator waking up in Teyvat (maybe in Mondstat) and IMMEDIATELY the land itself seems overjoyed for her to be there. And maybe there is an imposter, maybe not. But someone (not a playable character) accuses Reader of pretending to be the Creator and chases her off, then the npc calls one of the playable characters to investigate. When Character finds the so called “imposter” the only thing they can think of is “This is 100% the Creator, not only can I feel their warmth, (like when the Reader played with the character back in the “real world”) but they are surrounded by dangerous creatures and they are not being attacked.” It doesn’t hurt that Creator is sitting on a swing made of vines that seems to be pushing itself with no breeze (Teyvat loves Creator, and is 100000% a simp for her) anyway Reader has already started getting back her memories but they are a bit jumbled and hazy, so Reader convinces Character to help her hide until she can regain all her memories. Eventually when Reader remembers her children she HAS to find them (unfortunately she cannot talk to Teyvat, because Teyvat knows where their children are) and Creator goes on a quest to find them, and eventually teams up with Lumine (traveler) and when Lumine tells Creator her backstory, Creator finally starts to realize who Lumine is.
If anyone wants to use this idea feel free, just let me know or tag me. Also you can pick any character you want, but I imagined Kaeya when writing this. I would love it if you do NOT make the twins hate their parents. Also some cool things you could add;
-Obviously Teyvat knows that the twins are their children, why else do you think Traveler is always finding chests all the time? Not to mention all the resources that the Traveler needs always seem to pop up in their path when they need it!
-In Creator’s absence, celestia (who creator created) tried to take over more (when the cat’s away the mice will play) and Khaenri’ah only worshipped the Creator, not an archon, so celestia ordered the archons to destroy it and cover it up by telling their people that the Khaenri’ah people were bad.
-The Creator’s main symbol is a star, that’s why the twins have a connection to the stars, that’s why when we make wishes they appear like falling stars, and that’s why Khaenri’ah’s symbol was a star (with most of its people being born with a star somewhere on their body, like Kaeya and Dain’s pupils, Albedo’s neck. It’s also why Abyss mages have diamond patterns on their clothes) and that’s why you see a Diamond pattern a lot in Teyvat.
-I personally would LOVE to see a scene where the kind, caring and merciful Creature absolutely DESTROYS celestia for the slaughter of Khaenri’ah.
-I would love Creator to be kind and nurturing but super sassy and sarcastic too, but you can make the personality whatever you want.
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hjpslytherclaw · 2 years
All That We'll Ever Be | Harry Potter.
Harry Potter x fem! reader 
Summary! In which Harry has been friends with Y/N for years but truly he's always wished to be more, but he knows he'll never be as close to her as he wants and with her boyfriend in the picture, it just hurts even more knowing he'll never be him.
Warnings / Content! You saw the summary, angst, a dead snowman.
All that we are is all that we'll ever be cause he's the one waiting at home. She holds my guitar as I pluck out a melody there's only so far we can go, next to you but I'll never be close.
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Y/N L/N laughed as Harry jumped one of beds of the Gryffindor dorm room, a hairbrush in his hand pretending it was a microphone as Somebody to Love by Queen played in the empty room, echoing across the walls.
"Can anybody find me somebody to-oo love!" He sang as he walked across the fabric of the scarlet sheets.
The only people there were the two of them, simply enjoying each other as they always did.
Once Harry had gotten off the bed he grabbed Y/N's hand, taking her along as the song continued to play the two of them now singing their hearts out, side by side.
Anybody find me somebody to-oo love
He took her hand, dragging her along as they danced around the room, spinning her outwards with his free one, Y/N laughing at how they were having their own personal concert.
Y/N enjoyed Harry's company, she has since the moment they met all those years ago.
He's been by her side, just as she's been by his since the second their lives had collided. The two of them being the best of friends since.
Somebody, somebody, somebody, to-oo love
The two of them never seemed to stop laughing, they were just being normal kids.
Even in a world of magic the two seemed to bring the humanity out of each other.
Grounding each other in ways no one else could.
As the song came to an end, Y/N was spun around by Harry once more as they both belted the last line, halfway through he flung the hairbrush onto one of the beds, using both of his hands to catch Y/N.
Their eyes locked as he caught her, both of them with smiles so bright they could blind someone. After a split moment Y/N's eyes moved from his to outside the window.
"Harry look!" She exclaimed, unraveling from Harry's hold.
Harry felt his mood change when she did, he missed how his heart skipped a beat when their eyes locked, how she felt against his skin.
"It's snowing," Harry replied, moving to stand next to her as she stared out in awe.
"Look Fred and George are pelting Ron with snowballs!" She pointed out, "We should go out there! Maybe not to save Ron but to go have some fun of our own."
Harry never wanted to let Y/N down so he said yes instantly.
The pair headed out once they were ready, Y/N grabbing Harry's hand excitedly pulling him out to the now snowy grounds of Hogwarts.
The two had built a snowman first, Harry and Y/N rolling him out, grabbing random sticks making his arms, rocks for his mouth and eyes and they didn't have a carrot so they used Harry's wand as his nose.
Harry named him Jack Frost after the character he had heard about once before, figuring he was cool enough to be fit for their snowman.
Though Jack Frost didn't live for long as Y/N and Harry had started running around, mimicking Fred and George's previous actions, and throwing snowballs at each other left and right.
Jack Frost was caught in the crossfire.
Harry had tackled Y/N, both of them crying out once they realized they had pummeled Jack Frost.
They had patted down his snow and held a small funeral for him.
Saying their respects as though he was a real person. Normally Y/N wouldn't do this, even more so with anyone else, but Harry had always entertained her ideas.
He didn't make her feel as though it was real.
He acted along side her, like it was normal to hold a funeral for a snowman.
If only she had known Harry would entertain her ideas for the rest of his life if she let him.
Harry wanted nothing more than Y/N to be herself, and that's all she ever was with him.
But she didn't.
Moments later Y/N heard her name being called, she turned around to see her boyfriend, Joshua, waving over at her.
A smile appeared across her face, a smile Harry thought only he had known.
"Hey Harry," Y/N started, turning towards the raven haired boy, "Is it okay if I go with Josh?"
Harry felt a pang in his chest. Today was supposed to be their day.
Joshua makes Y/N happy. Harry thought. And you make Y/N happier, you were here before him.
Harry reluctantly pushed those thoughts aside, only muttering three words. "Yeah, of course."
"Great, thank you Harry," She smiled, now beginning to walk away. "I'll talk to you later!"
Harry couldn't even speak, he just nodded at the girl as she walked away.
Running into the arms of the man she loved.
Harry watched as he picked her up and spun her around, he watched as she laughed like she did with him.
As much as Harry didn't want to admit it, he longed to be Joshua.
He longed to love Y/N L/N and he longed for her to love him just the same.
But she wouldn't.
To her, Harry was her best friend. Her platonic love.
Nothing more.
And Harry would always deal with that, how his heart hurt more and more as the days went on of having to see her in the arms of another man.
But there was nothing he could do.
She was happy.
And he supposed that was enough for him.
Best friends, support each other.
And Harry never wanted to admit it but he had to, best friends, and that's all that we'll be.
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vestaclinicpod · 3 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 17th March ✨
I’m back! I’ve been cursed by something and life keeps trying to really kill the vibe but I’m back!! Happy Audio Drama Sunday, everyone! ✨
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E5.5) Ough, Riley! This is not good. They may be (pretending to be) fine but I’m not!! Absolutely fuming at the sequence of events that has separated Riley from the only person who can handle them and vice versa 😮‍💨
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (143) season 4 is gripping me by the lapels, screaming “do you UNDERSTAND?!” In my face while I stammer that I am not sure if I understand. I LOVE it though. It’s so fun listening to show where you can trust the creator to take risks and know that it will pay off if you pay attention and keep your red string handy. I love the idea that the god of change and rebirth is affecting the actual narrative - it’s so cool! Though, I want to grab Marolmar by the antlers and fling him somewhere nasty. If Nikignik gets (more) hurt, there will be blood. 
🧳 Travelling Light @monstrousproductions (15) hehe frogs 🐸. My wife can attest that I actually went ‘oh, no!’ out loud when I twigged where the little guys had come from! Oh, Traveller, what are we going to do with you? 
🎙 Not only did I have the immense pleasure of seeing The Attic live show this week, the new WTNV episode was so fun as well!! I’m so glad Kevin is back…
♦️@grottopod (6) Aaaah!!! Emily!! They have to get them back together?!! What does that MEAN??!! 
⚔️ @camlannpod (5) TURN ON YOUR LOCATION, COWARDS. Waaaah I just want to talk about how this episode hit us with the ‘you are in charge of your own destiny, your story can be changed’ then with a reminder that ‘there is no version of this story which doesn’t have a good ending’ BUT wHAt if he’s making one!!?!?!? I feel for Dai SO much but I really truly believe that the power of love is going to win !!! The Green Knight has just broken the radio so we don’t get to hear his long lecture about how to be a better boyfriend. 
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (10) that was creepy as all hell. Absolutely hated that, actually. The first time in ages that I've thought about a podcast character with fear before turning out the light 😬
⚓️ The beloved eelers of @eelerschoice were back with a very fun Q+A episode. My main impression was how dARE anyone tell Lou that ey cannot write music??? Who is this person?? Feed them to the eels!!!! 
🍎 I finished @notquitedeadpod S2 these past few weeks which was GRIPPING as hell. I listened to the Q+A today and I have to say that it’s one of my fave Q+As ever, there was so much genuine thought and detail put into the answers. I can only dream of producing such a coherent, interesting response to any question about my own work! SO excited for S3, especially given that we're about to get into the vampire science!!!! let's gooo!!! 
Feel free to join me in manifesting a good week!! A huge thank you to everyone who's making these shows (and others!) which I love so much. There's nothing better than sticking on some headphones and escaping life for a while and I've needed that more than usual recently! 
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haithamuse · 2 years
sfw : not proofread
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Jouno Saigiku hated winter. more specifically — the holiday season. It was loud, busy and no matter how you looked at it, people experience a height in emotions. The joy of celebrating the ‘best’ time of the year with your loved ones, or the internal dread of anticipating the next huge fight between them — christmas brought out both sides. But alas, the fellow men surrounding him wasn’t the least of his concerns….
Jouno had already noticed how you were struggling with two mugs of punch in your hands, trying your best to return to your boyfriend with both of them still full. And yet he still didn’t move to help you, as he was way too busy being petty. Jouno couldn’t decide if he should pretend to ignore you or help you for the sake of receiving his much anticipated warm beverage.
“I told you to stop calling me that in public”, he muttered underneath his breath while the frown on his forehead deepend.
But in response, you only giggled — his dismay only provoking you more to use said nickname. “It’s fine, it’s not like there’s anyone else around that knows you.” Jouno just huffed, taking the mug you offered him, but not yet taking a sip.
“Yeah, that’s the last thing I’d need right now.”
“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.”
And if Jouno would get a yen for every time you’ve said that phrase to him today, he’d certainly be able to spend his time elsewhere. He should have known better than to let you plan your day off together, as he hadn’t anticipated you dragging him off to a christmas market.
But after dating Jouno for a while now, you know his habits and how he’s wired. As much as he groans and whines — maybe even throws a tantrum — you know he’ll indulge you as long as it makes you happy. He doesn’t get a lot of free time as it is, and as a hunting dog in his line of work — Jouno is keenly aware of how valuable time with your loved ones is.
… Even if it leads him into situations like these.
Your gaze feels like a burning sensation on his skin as you scan him up and down. Biting your lip, you contemplate whether you should speak up or not, already anticipating how he’ll react.
Yet finally, you relent. “Giku… are you-”
“No”, he snapped quicker than intended. “I’m not cold.”
Your eyebrows rose sceptically, seeing as he was visibly shaking. “Alright,” you sighed in defeat. “We can leave any time though.”
“No”, Jouno reiterated with a firm tone. “We’re staying.” In an attempt to strengthen his argument, he took a sip from his punch — which he thanked to whoever was up there — has finally cooled down enough to drink.
His reaction elicited a grin from you, “We’re staying then.”
Not for too long though, as you wouldn’t want your boyfriend catching a cold.
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꒰ A/N. ꒱ — for @hiraizens A WHITE CHRISTMAS collab !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ i got this idea while helping out at my local christmas market today and had to get it done before i lost inspo lmao. i'm also a sucker for calling jouno 'giku' and i don't care if this is out of character come fight me
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