#if anyone has a problem with it......then....well I'll look the other way if you add stuff to the wiki ;U
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
Megaten wiki update. 
Working on making pages atm, even tho they are just stubs. 
P4MC’s page is (for the most part) formatted how MC’s need to be formatted. FeMC is next.
IT each have their own stubs and gallery stub. Feel free to have at it there. (Galleries I’m trying to format them as Games, Mangas, Animes, Stage Plays/Live Action, Special Events, Other, They aren’t fully labeled how I’d like but that is the rough order they are in atm)
Persona x Detective has a stub created
I’m going to try to expand as much as I can on Souji (and other stubs of P4MC tabs), P4 manga, Femc, and then P3 manga. 
If anyone has any special interest stub they want created so they can expand on it, just comment or shoot me an ask and I’ll get the ball rolling (or if someone knows how to make the stub they can go for it obvie)
Researching on the best way to deal with spoilers. Mostly in concerns with Naoto (gender reveal, cause that is a spoiler), Adachi, Izanami, Goro, Sumi, Maruki, Ikutsuki, Ryoji, Yaldy/Igor, (and Teddie?). I’m trying to figure out what’s the best course of action. A warning? Is there a way to have a spoiler page and then a non spoiler page? (ex: if it’s  non spoiler, Naoto is referred to as male, but then in the spoiler page it changes to female pronouns. Or the best way to deal with the Kasumi/Sumire situation....) However, below is my idea to make it so the wiki is friendly with people who don’t want to be spoiled (see below for my rough) 
Ideas for Spoilers (subjected to change):
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So as you can see, there is a non twist spoiler page, you’ll write it as if you believe she’s Kasumi, up until the twist. Then if you click on spoilers, it becomes Sumire, and if you want the real Kasumi, then you click on the other tab (or can return to the fake version). 
I’m not sure if this is the best way to go about it, but I want to try to save people from being spoiled on the first page like people were complaining about with Sumi when P5R first released on the other wiki. 
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ikeuverse · 2 months
CRIMINAL LOVE — p.sunghoon
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PAIRING: killer!sunghoon x rich!fem!reader GENRES: angst, smut, maybe fluff WC: 4.6k+
WARNINGS: weapons, drink, drugs, swearing. mention and execution of murder, blood, fights (physical and verbal). unprotected sex (the details of the sex parts i'll add as i post the chapters), but there are more than two, for sure. lmk if i forgot anything else.
SYNOPSIS: paid to kill people, sunghoon finds himself in the biggest dilemma of his life. getting paid the most money his profession has ever given him to kill a woman. but he can't do it because it goes beyond his principles, who has never laid a finger on a woman. what will he do when the twist is right in front of his eyes?
NOTES: i had this initial idea for jay, but i don't know why i thought i'd write it for sunghoon. i've modified a few things and i'm thinking of making it a story with a few chapters. i hope you like it!
TAGLIST: i don't know if i'll do it, but…
masterlist | prologue | part 1 | part 2 [...]
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None of this was new to Park Sunghoon. The eyes stared at him in fear, shining with a pair of panicked features as they begged for their lives. His index finger against the trigger of the gun before he asked to speak his last words and then fired. Seeing the body slowly collapse in front of you, the eyes losing life and the blood dripping through the fabric of the clothes and onto the floor. This was a very familiar scenario, even more so as a hitman.
If anyone ever asked him why he lived this life, the answer would come quickly: easy money.
Sunghoon got used to being on the streets in search of a job to maintain his almost miserable life after the death of his parents. His grandfather, an alcoholic who barely stayed at home, was the only living relative he had. And the only person who could give him a roof over his head at fifteen.
Wandering the streets in search of something solid led Sunghoon to meet all sorts of people and ways of making ends meet. He worked with a bit of everything until he found the job he had settled into today. It was through Jake, one of the first people he befriended, that he learned what it was like to kill for money. His friend's father had a scheme and paid him well enough to eat, dress, and live in his grandfather's house, which he barely saw.
Jake and his father became a family to Sunghoon, even if it was in the worst of environments, but it was the only thing he could get close to that bordered on a good feeling. The boy couldn't call it love because he'd never heard it from any of his friends, although they could say that they respected and cared for each other, but love, for Sunghoon, was too strong.
Who would say about love when, in fact, he was hired to kill? Often people from his own family and for financial reasons. So how could he believe that love existed when his job showed otherwise? Of course, everyone had family problems… Look at him! Sunghoon wasn't the greatest example of this, but come on, he would never have his grandfather or anyone else killed in his own home. It was bizarre, but unfortunately, that's what he dealt with most of the time. And that's what filled his pocket and made him change his life.
Moving into his apartment after his grandfather died, having more contact with Jake and his father about the business, and even getting on a bit more when things started to expand. This was all thanks to Sunghoon's skill and eye for instigating Jake's father to think bigger. It was risky for him to try to suggest that they think big, such as killing some CEO in debt or someone high up.
You've got to be crazy, he heard Jake mutter once, at an informal meeting they had after a successful case. Sunghoon could be crazy, but when it came down to it and money, the highest cases paid well. And that's what he asked Jake's father about until they had their first diplomat client. The amount to be paid was so high that they had never thought of having it in their bank accounts.
"We need to kill about four people to get that" Jake muttered after looking at the amount. A sigh left his father's lips before he agreed.
And so began the great social affair between Jake and Sunghoon – along with Jake's father – for bigger cases with fat sums in their money accounts.
It was dangerous, but Sunghoon lived for it. He didn't have anyone else, he didn't have anything to think about except his well-being and how he could have what he wanted more peacefully after living in poverty for years. He didn't want to go through the insecurity of not having anything to eat, or having to wander the streets looking for something to do or somewhere to stay so that he wouldn't have to be alone in a house where he didn't know who would come back. But now, in his apartment, he shared the peace of knowing that everything was his. Every little thing in there had been earned by him, even if the money wasn't in the cleanest way, but someone had to do that kind of work.
And it wasn't as if Sunghoon would kill just anyone either, he had strict criteria about this that he made very clear to Jake and his father before things got as strong as they are today. Like killing people who had only done some kind of harm to those who had asked for it. Like women who had been beaten by their husbands, or someone in particular who had physically or mentally hurt whoever was hiring the service. Or that person posed a risk to the society in question and they knew that no authority would do anything about it. So they did. And the most important thing of all was that under no circumstances would Sunghoon lay a hand on a woman.
But the universe seemed to play tricks on him that morning, arriving at the office and seeing Jake's eyes light up. It would be pointless to ask why, considering that he was one of the first to receive clients and their proposals, so someone had probably come to Jake to talk to him and give him a huge sum of money.
"Dude, I think we're rich" he threw himself into the leather chair that initially belonged to his father. But as long as the older man didn't arrive at the office, Jake took possession of it until that happened.
"What do you mean?" Sunghoon held back a laugh as he walked a little further into the office, throwing his body into the small armchair opposite the desk Jake was sitting at "A client with good money?"
"Better than that" he sighed, throwing his head back "This client wants to hire our services for two people, but the price is—"
"Jake, spit it out" Sunghoon said quickly.
"Bro, she'll pay two million" he looked directly at Sunghoon. That amount would cheer the boy up if he hadn't heard it before, or even been paid for it "For each of us, and for each of the two people we're going to kill."
Wait, that was new to Sunghoon. Two million for each of them, totaling two people to kill, so… Four million for him, and four million for Jake?
"Man, that's…"
"Insane, I know" Jake interrupted him as if he already knew what his friend was going to say. But something seemed a little off because he didn't have that much energy to say that amount. Normally Jake would have been bouncing around the room literally like a child, totally losing his hitman pose as he commented on the four million that would be playing around in his bank account for the next few weeks.
"What's wrong?" Sunghoon asked at once, noticing the change in his friend's mood as the seconds passed. Jake now looked a little uncomfortable in his father's chair and shifted his body a few times to try to find a comfortable position, opting to lean his elbows on the table and tilt his body a little.
"You know it's four million each, right?" he asked, watching Sunghoon agree "And that the percentage we give my father on each client is very small because, well, he already has a lot of money…"
"Speak up, man. You're stalling on something." Sunghoon wasn't out of patience, but he knew that Jake tended to talk too much when he was nervous. What could have happened to make him like this?
Jake nodded in agreement and continued to lean on the table, leaning towards Sunghoon, who settled into the armchair and imitated his friend's position on the other side. Leaning his elbows on the table and looking at the boy in front of him, who was now looking at his hands.
"A woman wants us to kill her brother and…" Jake slowly closed his eyes "Her niece."
Sunghoon felt a ringing in his ear and then his whole body tensed up. He couldn't explain why he had that reaction, but just mentioning that there was a woman for him to kill made everything seem completely out of place to him.
"You're kidding me, right?" Sunghoon asked.
"I really wanted to, man, I swear" he whined, watching Sunghoon's withdrawal appear little by little as he slid his arms off the table and leaned back in the armchair.
"And what did those two do to make her want to kill two people at once?"
"I don't know" Jake shrugged. "She hasn't told me yet, she's arranged a meeting and my father wants to go along. It's too high…"
"You two do it" he stood up, walking to the middle of the room before he heard Jake calling after him. Without turning around, Sunghoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He waited a few seconds before finally turning to his friend.
"I can't do this without you, bro. You know we've been working together forever" Jake began.
"But what are my conditions?" Sunghoon asked, and for a moment he saw a glimmer of regret in Jake's eyes. For mentioning or even thinking that his friend might do this kind of thing. Maybe the money had messed with his head a bit and he wouldn't deny it, but Jake knew Sunghoon well enough, he just wanted to try until he couldn't anymore. Even though he knew it would come to nothing because Sunghoon would never accept.
Silence was Jake's way of responding, not knowing exactly what to say because he knew Sunghoon's terms well. Everyone was aware and in agreement, so why change their minds at that moment?
"I just need your help, then" he said after some quiet time.
"I'm not putting my hands on either of you, be warned," Sunghoon said, a little angry about the whole situation until he saw Jake nod silently, implying that he had nothing more to say.
Then, as if on cue, he left the room and walked around the building in search of something to clear his mind of what had just happened. It was an unimaginable amount for him, but Sunghoon wouldn't go against his principles for it.
For the first time, he had refused something that Jake had asked of him. And he felt immensely awkward about it.
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You could feel the migraine invading you little by little. The side of your head ached like never before, while your eyes stung and you tried your best to pay attention to people and their words of condolence.
It had been a week since your grandfather's death, and the only sincere tears you had seen – apart from your own – were those of your uncle. He was the closest thing to real family you had after your father's death a year ago. Having him around was comforting, especially as your family was driven by money and scandal. Everything revolved around social and financial status. Your grandfather's company was the focal point of all that arrogance in the family members.
But now, with his death and the will read, you had to assimilate that the only beneficiaries were you and your uncle, the one who was still crying over his father's death and trying to understand how it had all happened. And then there was him, a well-groomed gentleman who eschewed the stereotype of the rich old man and business owner who walked around with a glass of whisky in his hand. On the death certificate, his grandfather had died of cirrhosis, but you were surprised. Even though he wasn't a health professional, you could assume that this would be different, to say the least, since the old man had never drunk a drop of alcohol.
“This is terrible for your health” he once said. “Try never to drink more than necessary. And at parties, I promise to serve you the best natural juice.”
Those words always lingered in your mind because your grandfather was serious, in his own right, but he was very loving. You became so attached to him that you took an interest in the affairs of your grandfather’s company with a genuine gesture of helping him, which he appreciated.
Maybe that was what had made him put your name on that paper, inheriting half of the family fortune. While your uncle got the other half.
Millions and millions, or should say billions? It was so much money that you swore you would die and the amount would continue to yield in your account even though you used it almost every day. That was why you knew that some people who had always been there for your grandfather’s money were now furious because they couldn’t enjoy a single cent of it.
“We are so sorry for the loss of your father, Yvone” someone’s voice took you out of your thoughts, making your eyes dart around the people around you. A well-dressed woman with a tired expression was greeting your aunt. She didn’t have a trace of sadness on her face. That stranger seemed sadder than your aunt over the loss of her father.
“I’m sure you are too” she tried to fake a sad voice that you recognized from afar. Your stomach almost churned as she hugged the other woman.
Suddenly, your embarrassment became even greater, because your aunt's gaze was immediately on you. She seemed angry, with something bad inside her that immediately wanted to be directed at you. Your gaze soon turned away from her to try to find your uncle who was desolate.
Your steps through the environment were fast and precise, the sound of leather shoes against the devastated floor was inhibited by the sound of other people's voices and laments. You weren't running, but the things inside your body said very well that you seemed to be in a hurry.
Your eyes quickly spotted your uncle a little further away, sitting on a bench alone outside. You walked a little calmer towards him until you sat next to the man. He didn't need to look up to know that the only person with compassion in that family was you.
"I wish this nightmare would end" he said quietly, a sob breaking out of his voice when your uncle raised his head and continued to look ahead.
"I still can't believe it" you sighed. Your eyes are locked on the events in front of you. Some people were coming and going from your grandfather's mansion with small flowers in their hands or pieces of paper, like written notes of thanks. Of course, he wouldn't read them, he was dead. But it was a way of thanking everyone he knew, and the reading would be up to you and your uncle. The only ones who cared about the sentimental side of things.
"Do you think Yvone hates us now?" your uncle asked, finally looking at you. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets and bloodshot from his eyeballs, they were so red. You swallowed a sigh and just nodded.
"For the reading of Grandpa's will? Of course" you laughed humorlessly, listening to him accompany you.
As if summoning a haunting, just saying her name out loud made your aunt's figure appear in the doorway of the mansion. She welcomed people by trying to look sad or convincing whoever was arriving. Her eyes quickly fell on you and your uncle, further away from the house and sitting on a secluded bench. She didn't show any reaction but took her cell phone out of her pocket to do something you didn't even care about. Her attention was on the man next to her.
“I can’t be happy knowing that my father left all this for me and you” he ran his hands through his hair, almost pulling it out if it weren’t for your hands stopping him. You held one of his hands and kept it in your lap.
“It’s okay uncle, I’m not happy about this either” you said. “Money won’t erase anything that’s happening to the two of us, you know that.”
Of course, he knew. You and your uncle could sometimes say that you were born into the wrong family because you were the only ones who didn’t count on money. Even though you knew that your whole life revolved around it. Even though every interaction you had since the day you were born was driven by money. It wasn’t your fault for being born into a family like that, but you could deal with it and think about how you spent what you had.
“How about you come in and get a drink? I bet you’re thirsty” your uncle said quietly, making you look at him after some time of contemplation while still watching people entering and leaving the mansion.
“I think I’ll go in a little while, I want to stay here a little longer” you smiled sadly at the man as he stood up and just waved in your direction. Just as you knew when he wanted some time alone, your uncle was also able to understand when you needed it.
Leaving him and going back into the mansion, you saw him disappear among the little people who had now gone inside the house. You remained there, looking around that immense land that your grandfather owned. One of them, to be more exact. You remember playing with your uncle and your father to guess which was the largest land your grandfather had in his name. Of course, the two older men always let you win, even though it was a rather unfunny game. But it was one of the few moments when the three of you were together, aware of the money you had and trying to make good use of it.
Your body slowly shrank with a small gust of wind, indicating that the weather was changing from sunny to something colder and almost rainy. You looked up at the sky, noticing the clouds beginning to darken. Rain was the last thing you wanted, but maybe you needed it. To wash away all that heaviness you've felt since your grandfather died. Rain could help wash away the dirt that remained beneath your feet and wash away all the bad feelings and burdens you would face in the days to come.
The decision to go back inside wasn't so difficult as your body shrank a little more, curses spilling from your lips as you missed a coat or a blanket that could cover your arms. Just a tank top and silk pants weren't a suitable outfit for the moment, but it was the first thing you could think of to wear when your aunt summoned the whole family to pay homage to your grandfather at his mansion.
You got up from the bench and stretched your whole body, trying to shake off some of the day's exhaustion and thinking about how you wanted to go back to your apartment and take a shower. Get all those sticky, fake hugs off your body. Those words buzzing around in your head lamenting what had happened. No one there really cared, so you at least paid attention to the fake tears in front of you.
You walked in slow steps to the front door, trying to avoid walking in with anyone who might greet you. You didn't want to talk to anyone anymore, just to be there long enough to leave. But your steps were quickly stopped.
Feeling a hand around your waist, you looked up to find your aunt standing in the doorway just as something covered your mouth. It all happened too quickly. Your vision began to blur as you struggled against a body that seemed much bigger than yours. Your hands were useless at grabbing any kind of skin to scratch because the arms holding you were covered.
You don't remember much, but the only thing that didn't leave your mind before passing out was the cynical smile of the woman right in front of you.
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“What did she ask for?” Sunghoon was exasperated, pacing back and forth as he looked at your unconscious body on the other side of the room.
“To torture her and get a video of her saying she wants to pass everything on to her aunt…” Jake began.
“First of all, I never agreed to this” he interrupted his friend, controlling himself as much as possible so as not to scream and wake you up. They had just taken off the masks and all the equipment when they laid you down on the small mattress with almost no foam.
“My dad just asked you to help me bring her in, I know.” Jake sighed. “I don’t want to do this either, but—”
“Dude, listen” Sunghoon looked at him. “We can deny this and say fuck you to those four million. Seriously, there’s no way we can continue.”
The desperation in his voice was completely real, Jake could feel it. He was also desperate about all of this, although it wasn’t something new for either of them. But the cruelty in how his aunt was making requests of them without even knowing them or having finished the job. How demanding she was and how she wanted everything to be done as quickly as possible. Sunghoon never had bad feelings about his work, he just went there and killed whoever was necessary. But as soon as he looked at his aunt through the gap in the mask and noticed her smile, the way she behaved in front of the people who were entering the house, without even noticing that he and Jake were carrying her to a black car with no license plate.
He didn't know what he was doing, he didn't know why he had accepted all of that. Sunghoon was breaking one of his biggest rules and all because of money? Four million wouldn't pay for his principles even if his job was one of the worst possible. He already had too much blood on his hands, but that didn't matter when you had a woman unconscious and almost ready to be killed by Jake.
Arguing with Mr. Sim was out of the question, he had already tried since he received the offer and saw the man's eyes light up at the amount. Even though he knew that Sunghoon's biggest criteria were at stake.
"If you're not going to kill her, at least help Jake bring her here" was the only thing he said after finishing the little discussion he had started. He couldn't win this one, he couldn't deny something that he had at least managed to keep going.
Now here he was, pacing back and forth and going over what your aunt wanted Jake to do to you.
For one lousy moment, Sunghoon felt a twinge of regret and compassion for you. Your calm countenance while you were unconscious and the way you seemed harmless, something clicked in his mind telling him that you weren't as bad as the woman said you were. Maybe she'd done the worst kind of propaganda just to make you look bad enough for them to kill you.
"Sunghoon, hey" Jake called out quickly, taking off his black glove and throwing it on the table "What are we going to do?"
"I already told you," Sunghoon sighed once again, stopping walking and feeling his throat irritated because he had already shouted at Jake the whole way "Let's give up that four million, it's not worth it."
"Is that all I'm worth?"
Sunghoon looked in Jake's direction and they both froze. Eyes wide, breathing almost labored as they searched for something to cover their faces. But it was too late. As soon as Sunghoon crossed the room and focused on you, there you were. You were sitting with your back against the wall, your hands tied by the ribbons perched perfectly on your lap. Your hair was completely messed up, but he could still see every detail of your face. How, even so, you looked very beautiful.
"Shit" Jake cursed softly, turning away while Sunghoon stood there staring at him. He felt his friend pull him a few times so that you wouldn't stare so hard at his face that you wouldn't recognize him if something went wrong. But Sunghoon simply couldn't move.
"It's okay, I've seen you. I've been awake for a few minutes" your voice was hoarse, perhaps from lack of use, and because you tried to scream before Sunghoon put the cloth over your mouth to force you to faint.
Jake hesitated to turn around but did so when he saw that his friend wasn't moving at all.
"If you say anything—" Sunghoon made Jake look like he was speaking rudely when he landed a weak punch on his arm. He didn't know why he was defending you like that, not least because that was Jake's role, to be rude at first and gradually hurt whoever was in front of them.
Knowing this, Sunghoon already sensed that he would start being rude until Jake's hands were on you to hurt you. And he didn't want that.
"What did you hear?" Sunghoon addressed you for the first time. His eyes still glazed over at your completely weak and staggering figure in front of him.
He noticed that your eyes were bright, maybe watery, and if you blinked a little more, tears would fall like waterfalls. He was already weak just knowing that he had done this to you, seeing you cry would do what to him? Sunghoon didn't want to know. That case was getting too emotional.
"Just the four million part" you moaned a little in pain as you moved and felt your back crack. That mattress was terrible and you assumed you'd been on it for a long time, but it wasn't important. Your mind was elsewhere and on how you were here, so before you could even think of anything, you asked "It was her, wasn't it?"
"Her who?" Sunghoon and Jake asked at the same time.
For a long minute, you were quiet, just thinking about the little interactions you had with the woman who was supposed to have done this to you. Your heart ached, that wasn't possible. You never thought she could do that.
"My aunt told you two to kill me," you tried to keep your voice steady, "did I?"
It was the turn of the two boys to be silent right in front of you. Jake moistened his lips and tried to find the words to answer you, pondering whether or not to be rude to you. Not least because he didn't want to be punched again by Sunghoon. He swallowed dryly and looked away a few times, wondering whether or not to tell the truth.
"I triple it."
"What?" Jake raised his voice, echoing throughout the room as he looked in your direction and then at Sunghoon.
"I say I'll triple that amount" you moved again, trying to find a more comfortable position on that shitty mattress that was making all your muscles ache "If you don't kill me."
Jake laughed. Nervously, perhaps, but he tried to look a little more cool as he walked towards you and bent down right in front of you. Knees bent enough to bring him close to your face. If you were in the best condition, you could lift your leg and kick him in the knee, only to stagger and fall backward. But you just wanted answers.
"Do you think we're open to negotiations, princess?" he shifted his gaze between your eyes and your mouth but remained in your gaze, which was still sparkling. Jake didn't want to seem arrogant, but that's how he'd been taught.
That's how he learned to deal with that kind of situation, listening to everything and every possible appeal before doing his job. But he never received a counter-proposal, especially one as high as that.
"I don't think you'll even get paid that four million, actually" you looked at him, your voice becoming more and more shaky, "but since the whole inheritance is with me, I'll triple it if you don't kill me."
For a second Jake looked back to Sunghoon for support at that moment. He knew that his friend would probably accept because it would give him the chance to never lay a finger on you.
"Instead, I want you to kill my aunt."
That turn of events was making Jake and Sunghoon's heads spin. Hearts pounding as you let a single tear fall down your cheek. You tried to look convincing and strong talking to two guys who were about to kill you.
But being able to protect yourself was one of the few things you learned because it wasn't the first time someone had approached you out of interest. So why not use the money you had to your advantage? You never thought you'd be able to do that kind of thing, but you'd try anything to make sure no one killed you.
And if the case was to have those who wanted you dead killed, then you'd start with that.
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© ikeuverse, 2024. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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msbigredmachine · 8 months
Checkmate - A Roman Reigns One-Shot
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The new Smackdown GM reminds the Tribal Chief who’s boss, in more ways than one. The aftermath of the highly entertaining WrestleMania 40 Press Conference.
Pairing: Roman Reigns/OC
Word Count: 5.9k
Warning: Smut
Click here if you want to be on my tag list. If I’ve forgotten anyone please let me know so I can add you.
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Answer your fuckin phone.
She's been expecting his text message, to add to the half-dozen missed calls he's already deluged her phone with. His WrestleMania plans were thrown into disarray tonight and for some reason he thinks she has something to do with it.
Too bad she doesn't give a fuck what he thinks.
I'm calling you one more time. You better pick up.
So bossy. Always has been. But he knows damn well who the boss really is. When her phone springs to life again with his beautiful face snarling at her through the screen, she rolls onto her back with a heavy sigh, smooths down her oversized t-shirt and presses the green button, waiting to hear his deep voice on the other end of the line.
"What the fuck, Joy!"
Damn. Even when he's pissed, he sounds sexy as hell; it's the same menacing timbre he adopts when he's folding her up and turning her out. The memory makes her hot between her thighs.
"Reigns." Her voice is calm and steady despite the thumps of her heart, calling out to him even when she doesn't want it to.
"Why was Cody there tonight? Hmm?" he demands, his temper simmering beneath his words. "I coulda sworn he agreed to step aside for Dwayne. Why he change his mind? Did you have something to do with it? What'chu say to him, huh?"
She extends her left hand to inspect her ombre-colored acrylic nails. "Calm your tits. I don't control Cody's actions, I'm Smackdown's GM, not Raw's. He won the Rumble and he has the right to choose who he wants."
"Don't patronize me, Joy! Rock and I were a done deal!"
"You sound tense, Reigns. Paranoid, even," she smirks, "Worried you can't beat the American Nightmare a second time? Besides, you heard the fans...they wanna see you and him-"
"Bullshit!" he cuts her off. "This wasn't about no fans. You wanted this and I know why. You saw the pictures of me and Venita over Christmas and you been in your feelings ever since."
It's a predictable, childish response, and though there's some truth to it, she dismisses its immature delivery. "What you do with your bitch is your business. You are marrying her, after all," she says coolly, hearing him bristle at the other end.
"See? We ain't had a civil conversation since those photos got out. I know exactly how you feel about her, so tell me I'm lying."
"Don't ever question my ability to separate business from pleasure. You are walking proof of that," Joy warns him. "My problem is with you questioning my authority, with your silly little threats and your temper tantrums. You did it leading up to the Rumble and I'll be damned if I let it happen again. In case you forgot, I run Smackdown now. You work for me. The Mania match is scheduled, so your ass better show up in Philly, you understand me?"
A long, tense moment crawls by.
"Are you done?" he says, sounding bored.
"No. Whatchu gon' do about it?" Joy challenges.
"You looked hot as fuck in that dress tonight."
She rolls her eyes. Of course he deflects. But it's not going to work this time. She wants him to feel as frustrated as she has been over the last couple of months. "Ain't your fiancée over there with you?" she retorts, her tone clipped and snarky.
"She's in the Hamptons. And even if she was here, that ain't never stopped us anyways," he calls her out.
"Whatever." As flippant as she's tried to be about it, she is growing tired of the same old song and dance between her and Roman. She's allowed him to juggle her and Venita, and she blames herself for not leaving him alone when he chose to stay with her. Perfect, pretty little naive Venita. The IG influencer extraordinaire whose only two cares in life are her follower count and the picture-perfect aesthetics of the 'Roman & Venita' brand.
Whatever helps her sleep at night, I guess.
Joy had wondered just how perfect they really were the first time she saw the couple backstage in the Thunderdome, with Venita looking bored as hell the entire time she was there. It was clear that she had no interest in Roman's world, and Joy told him just that. Certain she would be fired on her first day for opening her big mouth, he had merely laughed and agreed, and it was then she found out she was his producer for the upcoming Bloodline saga. Onscreen, they created magic with the now legendary Tribal Chief storyline, but the magic they soon began making behind the scenes and between the sheets was even better and way too hot for TV.
She's never had time to be ashamed of inserting herself in someone else's relationship, mainly because her career has accelerated to the top of WWE's creative hierarchy. Plus, she's not about to give up such great sex, not with a stroke game that superb and a libido as high as her ambitions. Sometimes she wishes she doesn't have to share him, but she accepts that she can't have it all. After all, she already lords over the A-show as Smackdown's General Manager, meaning she is virtually unstoppable now, with money, power, and most importantly, the balls of the biggest star in the industry in the palm of her hand. Literally.
But he's pissing her off right now.
"Look, I want us to talk. Come see me." He's turned on the charm but Joy refuses to fall for it.
"What I want is an apology for your constant disrespect ever since I became GM," she replies, "I told you; I don't give a damn that we're fucking. Do not make an enemy out of me, Roman."
The Tribal Chief sighs heavily. "Look. You're right. Let me make it up to you. Come to my room so we can talk things out."
"No. You just want pussy."
"That too," he snickers.
Joy bites her lip as she idly circles her middle and ring finger over her pussy lips. She had no prior plans to touch herself, but listening to his deep, haughty voice has sparked a throbbing between her thighs that needs urgent attention. "Right. Well, I don't feel like leaving my room. This bed is way too comfy," she emphasizes.
"Mine is comfier. Are you alone?" he asks.
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"Woman, you better not be givin' my pussy to nobody else," he growls, making her laugh.
"You're hilarious. My pussy is mine and mine alone, no matter how good you beat it and eat it," she reminds him, her smile widening as she hears him taking deep breaths, trying to compose himself.
"I see that you get off on testing my patience. Does that turn you on, baby girl? Hmm? Does it make that pussy wet? I bet you wet right now." His voice drops an entire octave at that last part, and she bites her lip to keep from moaning when her slick honey pools around her fingers.
"I might be," she gasps.
"Then bring your ass over here and let me take care of it."
Joy huffs, determined to resist him for as long as she can. "I can take care of myself, Reigns. Matter of fact, I'm doing just that as we speak..."
"Aww, babe, don't be touchin' on my pussy without me," he grumbles. His frustration makes her grin in triumph. She holds all the cards and she's enjoying listening to him squirm.
"I wanna see you, beautiful. We ain't been together in so long. I miss you," Roman continues.
"Is that right?"
"Uh huh. Don't you miss me, Joy? Don't you miss this dick? It definitely misses you. Listen..."
The slippery, sticky sound that follows his words is unmistakable, and her heart pounds in her chest at his soft groan. The image of him lying in his bed, probably naked, jerking off to her, makes her stomach flip and her pussy spasm beneath her fingers. The tension crackles over the phone, simmering with the same intensity as though he were right there in person.
"Hear that, baby? That's how bad I need you. Come over." His silky-smooth whisper finally loosens the last thread of control she has held onto tightly up to this point. She knows that ultimately, she won't deny him...she never does because she can't, and he knows that.
"Gimme ten minutes," she relents.
"Make it five."
"I said, ten. Text me your room number." Cutting the call before he can respond, she leaves her bed and searches for a couple of accessories to wear. After a quick check in the mirror, she picks up her phone and sees he's already sent her his room number. The thought of what is about to transpire hastens her flight out of the room, the dead of night no match for her rapidly burning need for him. She has since accepted that she will always need him, too.
His door swings open seconds after she knocks, and a surprised yelp escapes her when he yanks her inside and tugs her flush against him. He is barefoot, in gray sweatpants slung low on his hips, and shirtless to show off the majesty of his massive, inked chest. Joy meets his loaded stare head-on as he drinks in her own appearance. She is in one of his old Nike hoodies that she swiped from him and never gave back, with the open zipper in the middle showing the swell of her breasts underneath. Long pastel-pink stockings run up to her brown thighs with gray Crocs on her feet. As his eyes crawl hungrily up and down her frame, her body thrums with realization at just how hard he is, his sizable erection poking her lower belly. Despite their back-and-forth, it's no mistake that she intoxicates him, and that power thrills her.
"Like what you see, champ?" she asks, staring him down for his response.
Roman's moan is ragged as he clamps his huge paw around her throat and covers her mouth with his, and she instantly melts in his arms, her nerves alight from his touch. She is swept up in the softness of his lips, the sweetness of his taste that contrasts erotically with his aggressiveness and the eager, hungry flicking of their tongues as the kiss heats up. He feels wonderfully warm and smells incredible like he always does.
Reluctantly, his mouth retreats from hers and he tucks his face in the hollow of her neck. He nuzzles his cheek against her skin and inhales the fragrance he's missed so much, her hushed moan caressing the depths of his senses.
"You a vindictive little bitch, you know that?" he mumbles, pressing a kiss to her throat.
"Only when I wanna be," she hums, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
"You musta loved watching me lose my cool tonight," he adds, "I saw the look in your eyes on that stage when I got into it with those two bums. That shit turned you on. Your nipples were hard through your dress. And I'm sure that pussy was soaked."
Truth be told, seeing his cool calm composure collapse, with his long hair flying and cocky countenance as he talked shit to Cody and Seth, made her so wet she had to run into a restroom stall to take off her panties, forcing her to go commando for the rest of the night. She'll never admit it though; she never likes to give him the upper hand. "How do you know?" she challenges.
"Cuz I know you. I know everything about your body, sweetheart," Roman brags, "I know what you like, and I know you love testing me cuz it makes me wanna fuck the attitude outta you."
"So what are you waiting for?" She licks her glossy lips, full and pouting, goading him with her bedroom eyes. But the Tribal Chief can feel her body trembling, betraying her bravado. This time he has the upper hand and he plans to exploit it.
He pulls her hoodie over her head and his eyes immediately drop to the thin beaded belly chain adorning her slender waist, accentuating her delicious curves. Desire gleams in his brown irises at the sight of her bare breasts, the fleshy mounds popping out at him, her nipples hard and aching for his touch. "Fuck, you're sexy," he murmurs. He massages each one then leans down to lick and suck on them, his tongue and hands working together to pleasure her.
"Ooh, that feels good," she moans, placing her hair behind her ear to get a good look at him feasting on her nipples. Ever the multitasker, he grabs her white lace thong at the hem, yanking impatiently until it rips from her body. Joy bursts out laughing at his savagery. "I knew you was gon' fuck up my panties," she jokes.
"I replace 'em, don't I?" He abandons her breasts and kisses her again, this time sliding both hands down to her round backside and lifting her up to press her against the wall. The friction of their bare chests pressed together, nipples grazing, her legs wrapping around his waist and bringing them even closer, builds the desire. He grinds his throbbing hardness against the open heat between her thighs, and she gets him back by reaching inside his sweatpants and grabbing his dick, stroking the turgid flesh as it jumps in her grasp. "Mmm, baby you're so hard. Put it in me," she orders.
"Not yet," he cuts her off, his huge biceps flexing as he carries her across the lavish suite. "Come over here, you little slut. Come suck my dick in front of this great view of the Strip."
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Next to the expansive window is an L-shaped sofa large enough for a good trip to Pound Town. As he takes off his pants, Joy can't stop herself from drooling at his towering form. Six foot three, bronzed Adonis with chocolate eyes, luscious hair, massive and muscled and all man, with a long, hefty cock pulsing between those powerful thighs. He looks like a demigod in all his glory, and she venerates at the altar of his beauty.
Roman settles himself at the other end of the sofa and eyes her down with a smug smirk. Tucking his hands behind his head, he spreads his legs. "Crawl to me," he commands, his smirk widening when she advances towards him on all fours. Joy is a work of art, with nicely sized titties, round hips, thick, mouth-watering thighs and ass and that fat pussy he dreams about at least once a day. Every part of her is real and silky soft to the touch. It's been years since he first tasted her, and he is still drunk off it. She is a potent drug he can't wean himself off of, and frankly, he doesn't want to. He loves Venita, but for all her prowess in bed, she does not possess a fraction of the wild thrill that encapsulates the woman before him. He wants Joy, needs her like he needs to breathe, and he always will. He will seek his fiancée's forgiveness when that day comes.
Joy slowly slithers up the length of his body, ignoring his erection for now as she straddles him and plants a long, wet kiss on his mouth, the sound of their lips meeting and parting filling the suite. Her hands caress the tight muscles of his body, having memorized all the spots that make his breath quicken and his pulse spike. He puts his hands on her hips, but she seizes them and pins them above his head without breaking stride, laughing when he moans out with frustration. She catches his tongue as it slides into her mouth, and she proceeds to suck on it, her head bobbing like she is sucking his dick. Saliva quickly gathers around their joined mouths as she feasts on only his tongue. It's the messiest, sloppiest, hottest kiss they've ever shared, and the tension is reaching fever pitch as a result.
"You want me to suck your dick like this, baby?" Joy asks. When Roman nods, she tugs his lower lip between her teeth. "Say it," she orders, her fingers digging into his wrists. Her hips are rolling too, moving in a seductive, serpentine dance that short circuits every fiber of his being. He can't move even if he wants to; his senses are pinned down to the bed along with his body. The Tribal Chief is helpless, forced to endure the sweetest agony, with the head of his dick grazing her wet slit and driving him insane. An uncharacteristic whimper deserts his lips as his blood pumps with agitation.
"Yes," he responds breathlessly.
"What's the magic word?" Joy presses. The mocking smirk gracing her pretty features should infuriate him, but it only arouses him instead.
"Please," he concedes, knowing full well that she will drag out the torture until he succumbs. With a triumphant smile and one more intoxicating kiss, she finally takes pity on him and makes the descent down his heaving body, soothing his butterscotch skin with soft kisses. As she nears his groin, his eyes squeeze shut, and he takes deep breaths to remain focused.
"You think you're in control, toying with two women's lives." Joy shakes her head. "Hell no. I'm in control, Roman. I own you. You're mine to do with however I want. And you know the best part?"
She closes her mouth over the tip of him, giving it a gentle suckle before driving home her point. "Deep down, you love that shit."
Roman merely grins. The power has shifted back in his possession and she doesn't even know it. He shows her when he strikes with lightning speed, grabbing her and twisting her around so her legs are on either side of his head. Stunned, Joy grabs his thighs to steady herself, as he's already grabbing handfuls of her ass while using his tongue to part her lower lips. Her body jerks from the warm fat wetness of his tongue lashing around her sensitive crevices, softening her up with his saliva. Heady with desire, she just lays there with his dick in her hand, too overwhelmed to do anything else but moan with pleasure.
A sudden, stinging smack on her left ass cheek jolts her back to earth.
"You gon' suck me off or what?" Roman demands impatiently before refocusing on his own task.
Regaining her senses, her mouth engulfs his length, her head bobbing with her wrist twisting around the base. She cups his balls and rolls them in her other hand, making him groan wantonly. Her mouth is warm and her pouty lips are tight around him, sliding up and down with her tongue trailing saliva along his hard flesh. He retaliates by spreading her pussy open and holding her down on him, sucking and licking her folds with rapid strokes and enjoying her sexy throaty sounds that mingle with the sloppy slurps of his mouth on her. The increased pressure on her sensitive pussy has her moaning and squirming against his face, which in turn floods his tongue with her taste. His appreciative groans while licking her in rhythm with her rolling hips sends shivers down her spine.
Mustering all the strength she possesses, Joy frees herself from his clutches and crawls back down his body, her juices smearing a slick trail along his torso as she guides his length inside her with impressive quickness. She moans out loud as he fills her, her head tipping forwards as his big palms paw at the supple flesh of her backside. Roman groans at the wetness that welcomes his dick as it disappears into the warm canal of her pussy. "Yeah, fuck me good, baby girl," he growls, slapping her ass in encouragement.
Holding onto his ankles, she rocks up and down his erection, winding her hips with each drop down to take him as deep as she can. His husky moans and his tight grip on her waist empower her. Joy seizes every chance she can to turn him into putty in her hands. Because the motherfucker never likes to relinquish control, always determined to break her down into submission; whether it's with his God-gifted tongue, or his huge hands choking her, or with that big ol' dick, fucking her against the wall of her office, bending her over the table in his locker room at TV, or making her ride him in the bowels of his private jet. It's fun taking control from him and showing him who's boss, on the job and especially outside of it.
"You love it when I ride this big dick dontcha? Got you deep in this pussy just the way you like it," she purrs haughtily, upping the ante by reaching down to grip his cock.
The Tribal Chief realizes she's on demon time to be stroking his dick while riding him. She looks so sexy on top of him, in them pretty waist beads and stockings. Her thick hips roll back lavishly, her even thicker ass presses down on his pelvis, grinding and twisting and nudging him all the way up in her creamy pussy. Damn. He loves the way she fucks him. Baby girl has mad skills and a juicy pussy, and he is glad to be the one she uses them on. "Go faster, baby. Bounce on my dick," he cajoles, massaging her ass cheeks and groaning softly when she obeys, "Uh-huh, just like that, babe, unnnh..."
She can almost see the look of pleasure on his face. She can definitely hear him as he tugs at the soft flesh of her butt, lost to the depths of her warm wetness, in the erotic sounds of their sex noises and their slapping skin filling the big room as she bounces on his dick. Another moan escapes her, her head tilting back as he angles his hips to make his dick reach that oh-so-sweet spot inside her. He smacks her ass again, earning yet another whimper from her lips as her juices trickle down his length down to his balls. Her thighs are starting to burn from her efforts, but she can't stop, not when she's so close...
"Uhhhn baby, I'm comin'," she gasps, leaning back to rest her hands on his chest as she gyrates her ass on him. Roman's breathing is as heavy as hers, his fingers digging into her hips to steer her movements. The sensations are overwhelming as her walls contract around him, her pussy moistening as she leans forward again and rides him even harder. Seconds later, a flooding orgasm bursts inside her with such power that it wracks her entire body with tremors. Through the thick fog of numbing pleasure, she hears Roman's surprised grunt as her cum leaks all over his groin area.
"Damn baby, you nuttin' all over me. I knew you been needin' this dick," he taunts her.
Truth be told, she wasn't expecting to come this hard, but fuck it always feels so good when she does. "Oh my god," her voice trembles, her hand clutching the headrest to keep from collapsing in a heap.
Roman spanks her again. "I ain't tell you to stop. Keep goin'..."
"Hol' up, you got me shakin' so much," Joy groans, her thighs still quivering. He is still deep inside her, his dick throbbing impatiently inside the warmth of her tight walls.
"If I take this shit over, you won't be able to walk in the morning, that's a promise," he threatens.
"Then quit talkin' and do that shit," she bites back, glaring at him over her shoulder.
"A'ight then." He pulls her backwards on top of him, with her back to his chest. He grabs her legs and holds her up by her knees, thrusting upwards into her, reveling in her surprised yelp that quickly dissolves into loud moans. This new position feels so good that she's whining and making noises that only seem to turn him on as he strokes in and out of her pussy from underneath, making her body react and remind her exactly why she's not leaving his trifling ass anytime soon.
"Uhnnn yes, Roman, fuck me," she whimpers over and over, her mind spiraling, her eyes rolling back. He is relentless, pulling her legs further back and pounding her faster, sparking another intense orgasm. She squirts so hard that she's left dizzy and boneless, causing her to slip off his sweat-slick body, a shivering crumpled mess. She curls up into a fetal position and gives in to the intense euphoria of her release. With a proud snicker, the Tribal Chief caresses all over her body, then rolls her onto her stomach, spreading her thighs to observe the damage he's inflicted on her pussy.
"We ain't finished," he informs her, tapping his hard, slickened dick against her soaked, puffy folds. She tenses and arches her back on instinct, anticipating his invasion. He smiles behind her, grabs her hips, and drags her limp body up and onto his hard, waiting dick. The moans they exhale together is a symphony that serenades the pair as he continues his hard, deep thrusts. With her hips in the air and her backside in his calloused palms, she is at his mercy yet again, and her vision swims at the feeling of him practically in her spine. She knows just how deep that big ass dick of his can get inside her, but it never fails to wipe her mind blank when it does.
"Oh, fuck," she mumbles into the couch, her face sinking further in it as he drills into her hard and rough. It hurts so good that it's quite literally taking her breath away. "Shit, fuck Roman, wait, wait," she pleads, reaching behind to push his thigh and forcing him to halt his movements.
"Too much?" he asks, laughing as he presses gentle kisses along her spine, feeling her body shiver from the contact. "That's what you get when your pussy is so good. You was talkin' all that shit earlier, best believe I ain't lettin' up, baby girl. Who owns who now, huh," he says, swatting her ass and starting again.
"You're a cocky asshole," she moans shakily, defiance swirling in her lust-filled gaze.
Roman's smirk is diabolical and panty-wetting. "And don't you forget it. Now shut up and take this dick."
Joy winces as his hand curves around her throat, the other clutching her lower hip as he fucks her prone body into the sofa. She clings to the cushions and her sanity with everything she has, tears filling her eyes as he pummels her with hurried, lethal thrusts, making her ass jiggle and her pussy drip some more as she's dragged dangerously close to the precipice. He pushes the arch out of her back and flips her around, sliding right back inside before she can regain her bearings and dropping his body weight on her. His intoxicating cologne surrounds her as their mouths crush together in a hungry, toe-curling kiss. Incoherent moans leave them both as he rolls his hips against hers, nestling his dick right there, eking a sob out of her as she falls apart again.
"Aww, f-f-fuuuck..."
"I know baby, I know it feels so good," He kisses away her tears and then her cheek, his fingers curling over her breast in a light squeeze which in turn squeezes her walls around his pounding thrusts. "Mmm, this pussy so tight and wet. Keep comin' for me, baby, gimme all that nut."
His sultry command sends another wave of pleasure crashing into her like one of his trademark Spears, and her jaw drops from the force of her orgasm, her pussy clenching painfully around his dick. Her pitiful moans that she struggles to muffle against his tattooed shoulder are music to the Tribal Chief's ears as his own body is moments away from the same fate.
"Shit," he groans gruffly, shuddering breaths tearing from his lungs as his balls tighten and his strokes become sloppier, heavier, "Fuck, I'm boutta buss..."
Joy lifts her left leg up and rests it on his shoulder, digging her other heel in his lower back to pull him in deeper and finally take him down. She runs her hands all over his sides, his back, his ass, her moans mingling with his as his hips snap harder and faster. Their foreheads touch, and a devilish smile forms on her face at the helplessness in his glazed eyes, licking his lips in between throaty gasps of pleasure. She has him right where she wants him. "There you go baby, pound that fuckin' pussy, fill it up," she coaxes.
"Unhhh, shit," Roman's whines disintegrate into a whimpering cry as his big body trembles viscerally against her own. Joy's toes curl as he lodges his dick all the way inside her, making her feel each throbbing spurt of his warm seed spilling generously in her pussy. She never minds him coming inside her; her IUD is always in place, mainly for his benefit and hers. His deep, sexy grunts as he rides out his nut with stuttered ruts of his hips wash over her, leaving her breathless and weak-kneed for him.
Kissing her leg and letting it down, Roman finally pulls his dick out with a hiss and strokes out the rest of his cum onto her softened, battered pussy lips. Joy stares dazedly at the ceiling, her body humming from the last vestiges of her orgasm and a touch of pain. She feels his big arms slide around her waist and draw her in so their lips meet, savoring their collective taste with their tongues as they bask in the afterglow. He takes her arms and winds them around his neck before picking her up, transferring her from the sofa to the king-sized bed a couple of feet away. He lays her carefully on the bed and sits at the edge, watching her snuggle against the soft sheets and pillows with a satisfied sigh. The outdoor lights peeking through the window cast a glittery shadow over her nude body, making her look even more beautiful. And speaking of beautiful...
"I got you something," he announces, taking a small gift box labeled Van Cleef & Arpels sat on the nightstand and handing it to her.
"What's this?" she questions, slowly sitting up.
"Just a lil' sumn I thought you'd like," he simply shrugs. "Open it."
Eyeing him suspiciously, she unties the ribbon at the top of the box and removes the lid. Nestled in navy-blue velvet are an eighteen-carat yellow-gold Alhambra bracelet and matching earrings. She wishes she disliked the warmth that blooms inside her at the sweet gesture. She meets his eyes, noting his cocked eyebrow and cocky smirk as he gauges her reaction.
"This a good enough apology for you?" he asks.
Joy smiles gratefully and kisses his lips. "They're beautiful. But I keep telling you, you don't have to buy me anything," she says.
"Well, I want to. Sue me." He goes quiet for a few seconds, contemplating his next words. "You got tickets to the SuperBowl, right? Let's go together. We can hang out in my skybox."
"And have people talk about us? We got reputations to uphold. And what about Venita?"
"She'll be there. She's still clueless about us. And I told you, ain't nobody gon' say shit. Between your lawyer and mine, all them NDAs are water-tight." When he speaks again, his voice is much softer. "I just miss spending time with you. I miss when we weren't at each other's throats like we are these days."
"That's only cuz you make my job harder, Reigns," she points out, scooting over when he rolls into the bed and sits up against the headboard next to her.
"And you, mine. But despite all of that, I would do anything for you. You know that, right? That's why I agreed to that damn match. For you," he adds, biting his lip as he caresses her chin and gazes tenderly at her. Joy feels her heart flutter as his chocolate-colored eyes gleam with that familiar, intense passion that the two of them have been sharing for almost four years now...
"You're so cute when you get all soft and sweet on me, champ," she smiles, leaning in for another kiss that lingers pleasantly this time. It's little moments like these that try to con her, even to this day, that their affair has veered towards the romantic side. She thanks the cynical businesswoman in her for swiftly kicking that childish notion to the curb every time the delusion attempts to rear its ugly head.
Their embrace is interrupted by the grating sound of his phone vibrating, forcing him to pull away from her with a tired sigh. On the nightstand, a text message with Venita's name lights up his phone screen.
Countin the minutes till I touch down in Vegas 🥺😍 Can't wait to see you again! Love you Baby Boo 😘
"Aww, poor baby," Joy's giggle is dark and mocking as she looks over Roman's shoulder. Snatching the phone out of his hand, she opens up the message and begins typing.
"Don't start no shit, now," he sighs, but makes no move to stop whatever havoc she's causing through his device.
"Relax, Baby Boo," she teases, pressing Send and holding his phone up to his face to show him her response.
I'm waiting for you babe. Can't wait to see you 😍 Love you sm.
"See? I was nice," she says, putting away his phone and climbing on top of his big body.
Roman rolls his eyes and runs his hands along her thighs. "I guess I should thank you, then?"
"Oh, no need to thank me. I'm just being a good, caring boss," she replies, bending to kiss his lips, trailing her tongue along his bearded jawline and tasting her dried juices. "You're my star employee, so it's important that I always give you what you need. And I always give it to you, don't I?"
Roman groans into her mouth as she kisses him harder, her dainty fingers stroking his dick which immediately pulses in her grasp as though it hasn't been touched all day. "Yeah, you do," he rasps, his body heating up as she starts to descend on him. "Oh shit, baby, you feelin' generous tonight..."
"Mmm, more like selfish..." She sits all the way down with a gasp, making both their hearts race with each twitch of his cock inside her. "Cuz I want that dick again, and I'm taking it..."
She is already moving, hunched over him, her titties in his face, sucking them both back into that sensual place of pleasure they like to visit together. He answers to her, in more ways than one, and he won't have it any other way. "Anything you want, boss. Anything you want," the Tribal Chief croaks out, allowing himself to sit back and enjoy the ride, quite literally.
Please leave feedback/comments. I appreciate them as they help me improve my writing.
Thank you all so much for reading!
Banner made by me. Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
TAGGING: @jxtina-86 @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @harmshake @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @harlemblipster @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @shonny09 @lizzyd1ish @gomussy @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @mzv11 @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @theesexystallion @yourtribalqueen
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Hi! I’m not sure if this has been requested before but I’ve been working nonstop lately. I’m completely worn out and desperate for a day off. So, I was wondering how you think tangerine would react to this sort of situation with his gf/wife/partner- being very overworked, exhausted, tense, stressed, anxious? In need of some comfort, fluff, love and reassurance. -🤍
Thank you so much, I love you!!
hii!! im pretty sure it has, but that’s no problem. make sure to take care of yourself angel, really sorry you’re so tired, hopefully this can be of some comfort. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 I love you and hope you’re doing as well as you can be xx
ignore kimura’s hand 😭 the pic is just really hot
tangerine x fem!reader — fluff & comfort
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word count. 637
Tangerine had noticed a change within you recently. Though it wasn't hard, anyone could.
He could see it in your eyes, the exuberant shine almost fading with every one of your early starts and late finishes. And those tired, half-smiles you'd give him when he questions it only prove his point more.
He knew you were under a lot of stress lately, everything in your life catching up with you, and all he wanted was to help you. Even if it was carrying your weight on his shoulders for a few minutes - anything just to give you a moment of ease.  
It had gone past midnight, but you were nowhere close to finishing the massive assigned workload. The dining table filled with stacks of your papers, the surface repurposed as an office desk once again. By now, the words on the page were far from legible, the lines blurring and swirling together as you pushed through the last section.
"I don't get it," you mutter to yourself, dropping your head into your hands. 
"What don't you get?" Tangerine asks, appearing in the doorway as if he were a genie.
"I don't know," you mumble, rubbing your face in your palms. "All of it... it doesn't make sense— none of it does. And I've been reading it over and over and," you cut yourself off with a sigh, looking over the array of papers in front of you. 
"Come on, now," he hushes, moving across the room to stand in front of you. "You're knackered. You need good sleep," he adds, placing his hands on either side of your head, making you face him. 
"I can't. I have so much to do," you faintly exhale - the sound weary and worn down. 
His thumbs glide under your eyes, the pads running over the dark circles and tired skin - the act as if he were trying to soothe you. "I'll help you out in the morning, alright? But not now. You need'a sleep."
"I can't," you softly shake your head, his hands moving with the faint movement. "I can't sleep knowing how much work I have."
He sighs, his head cocking to the side to maintain the eye contact you were so desperate to get out of. "When you hurt, I hurt. And you're hurting a lot right now, aren't'ya?"
The lack of response from you, silently answers his question. 
"That's what I thought," he says, leaning over to press a kiss into your hairline. "I'll lock up. You go get ready for bed, yeah?" he laces his hands into yours, helping you from the seat. "I'll follow up in a minute."
You do as asked and get ready for bed, continuing the rest of your routine from a couple hours before - brushing your teeth and peeing, changing back into pyjamas. You get into your side of the bed, the comfort almost immediately soothing the aches in your body.
As promised, Tangerine follows closely behind, entering the bedroom with a glass of water in one hand and a pack of paracetamol in the other. He makes his way around the bed to your side, setting the glass and painkillers on your nightstand.
He gets in bed from his side, slipping under the covers, his arms instinctively reaching for you under them. He pulls you towards him, holding you tight. 
"Can you give me food poisoning tomorrow?" you attempt a joke, burying your face into his chest. 
"I'd rather throw myself down the stairs and break my legs and then sit in A&E all night so you could get the day off," he whispers, stroking over the back of your head.
"Might try that myself."
He presses a kiss into your cheek, tucking your face back into the comfort of his chest. "Enough now, get some sleep."
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
Okay, so, this will be a stream-of-consciousness type post, because I am this close to starting to print screenshots and do a full murder board trying to make this make sense to someone who is not in my brain, so I'm gonna type this out, and if you're seeing this that means it worked or I just typed for too long to not post lol.
Buck, Actually. Buck, Bothered, and Bewildered. I am not the only person that desperately wants a callback, and I know I'm not the only one thinking about what this might mean for buddie. Well, I've been saying for a while now that I would try to type out something about how buddie has been planned and the answers are in Buck, Actually, and that's what I'm gonna do now, I guess.
We know Buck gets a lot of his ideas of love from Buck, Actually. Seeing Maddie and Chim in the early stages, his own quest with love while moving on from Abby, notably Mitchell and Thomas and the "you don't find it, son, you make it." Buck's quest with love now is at a point where Buck wants to be seen "I feel like she sees me" but he is still at a point where he doesn't want to actually be seen, he wants someone to see what he wants to show, but that's not what actual love is. But still, we start out Buck, Actually with Buck literally in front of a huge sign that says "See Me" (also just to add into my madness about the blue and green in other elements of the scene, love the clear divide of Eddie against the sky and Buck against the sign, and yes I know they can't change the color of the sky or the sign but shh just go with it) with Eddie right above it. Interesting scene composition I think.
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But talking about the actual couple here, we have Lola, who feels like her husband doesn't see her anymore after a situation where she feels like she lost herself, their kid went off to college, she has more time to herself, is struggling, and goes nuclear until Norman proves that he does in fact see her, just not in the way she was looking for, dude just wasn't aware there was a problem that needed to be addressed. I know I make everything about the cemetery scene lately, but come on. The whole thing with being seen, Buck not knowing who he is after dying, the expectation he is putting on himself about being the person he was before but he doesn't know who that is, like, come on, it's there.
Then the robbers and the two employees at the gas station, granted the robbers are a lot about Buck thinking about his own ways when it comes to sex and women considering he just had sex with Taylor in a bathroom, BUT here is when I start to go a little crazy. Because Ruth and Earl have that little moment of a relationship developing (hi blue scrunchie green cap 🫶), which we later see has developed, but Earl with his injured right shoulder is talking about how he's hurt but he was only thinking about her safety.
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Does that sound familiar to anyone else? Just a thought. Yes, I know I'm crazy, it's fine, it will get worse.
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Because another thing about the episode is the whole "till death do us part" thing, with the newlyweds who crashed their car, Mitchell and Thomas dying together, and maybe even Buck having to hold Lola back so she wouldn't fall. I'll come back to this in a second, but you gotta love a nice little crush injury involving a vehicle and a focus on handholding, huh?
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But the thing is, Mitchell and Thomas make an impression on Buck, and Mr Self Destruct for Attention because that was the only way I was shown love as a child definitely takes the way they die together a bit too literally. Taylor being in this episode while being blatantly wrong for Buck makes an interesting point on that and the way bucktaylor evolves, because Buck gets the whole you make it, and decides he needs to kill himself to make it work, and it is what he ultimately does with Taylor, he thinks he loves her, he thinks she loves him, and he thinks that means if he doesn't give up he can move past his very obvious reservations about the relationship as a whole because "love is not supposed to be easy". But the whole thing is that Buck focuses on the wrong thing there because while Michell and Thomas died together, they had a whole life together, the point is not the death, it is the life. Yes, you need to fight to make it work, but the fight is not all you have.
Another thing about the episode is the concept of movement too, like, Lola's call on a freeway, both accidents involving a car crash of some sort, the robbery is a chase, even Buck and Taylor in the news van, Maddie talking about how slow being on the freeway is, and metaphorically too, with Madney starting to move towards something, Athena learning to deal with Michael's boyfriend. And Buck finally allowing himself to move on, and move on not going back to his old habits, sleeping with anyone for connection, but actually talking to his love interest for a change.
And we have relationships in all types of moments there, we have Buck and Taylor doomed to fail, we have Maddie and Chim in that nice early stage where you're falling in love with someone, you have Bobby and Athena and the whole when you know you know and the way Bobby proposes the next episode, we have the newlyweds, we have Ruth and Earl making the change in their relationship, we have Robber Guy and Baby Bear realizing that she's more in it than he is, we have Lola and Norman and the whole relationships take effort no matter how long you've been together, you have Mitchell and Thomas sharing a whole life.
There's also the whole layer of having the couple that shows Buck what he wants out of love be a gay couple, the way when Buck realizes Thomas is unresponsive he calls for Eddie first, because Chim and Hen are at the call, and they're not with Mitchell because Mitchell's body is there too, so like, the choice to make sure Eddie would be right next to Buck to comfort him is something.
Also, something else, the inmate who kidnaps them is also called Mitchell, and I cannot explain how I got here for the life of me. But Mitchell, Mitchell, Charlie, Charlie, Ambulance.
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I don't know, something about the repetition of names, the ambulance as a key piece of the scene, the bonding, the comfort, the fear, the way Mitchell and Thomas died together, and Buck and Eddie could have died together in all of those situations. And the way Buck volunteers into the danger in all of those situations, he offers to help Eddie with the grenade, he goes to get Eddie without backup while actively being shot at, he runs toward the gunfire because he thinks Eddie is in danger, so like, it's a pattern of wanting to go together.
But also, the madney of it all, because while they are clearly moving towards something, they are not ready yet, but everything is acknowledged, which honestly is my main hope, because I don't think buddie is ready yet, but I would like some acknowledgment that where they're going, yk? And with the episode title possibly being a play with the song about being in love and not showing it, not knowing what to do with it, and the next episode being called "you don't know me" who could also be referencing a song about being in love with someone who doesn't know, we could be looking at real movement happening between the two of them yk?
I don't know if this makes a lot of sense, but if you read this I love you 🫶
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the-power-of-a-pen · 1 year
A Way Home
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Fandom: Spiderverse
Summary: Following the loss of his alternate universe daughter, Miguel is reluctant to risk letting anyone close to him and breaking canon again. However, as most anomalies are returned to their universes, there's the issue of you. You don't have a universe to return to. So, after having you on his team for half a year, he adopts you as his child.
Word Count: 4654
Pairing?: Father-child relationship btwn Miguel and gn! reader.
Trigger Warnings: Some cursing, reader is hinted to having a traumatic past (very briefly and vaguely described), 1 reference to reader as "Spiderman" (meant as a gender-neutral phrase)
A/n: This turned out to be longer than I had planned b/c I realized how much I had to add to make the change of heart even slightly natural, so let me know if y'all want a part two of the reader and Miguel interacting further along the adoption. Not sure how I feel about the structure + characterization in this one. Feedback much appreciated! Please!! I'm on my hands and knees, begging for feedback!!!
"Lyla, status on current anomalies," Miguel ordered. He leaned over the yellow panels in front of him, watching the same scene of him and his child playing over and over again. His grip on the console tightened.
She blipped into view. "Currently, there are 918,503,201 anomalies to be returned to their home universes. That's 40% less than yesterday! Spider-Byte does have an update for you regarding-"
"I'll convene with her later. I'm busy."
"Busy brooding over your twelfth cup of coffee. Not enough sugar this time around?" Lyla teased, only to be met with a glare. "Alright, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. But seriously, it can't wait. A canon event was disrupted and now there's a spider-person without a universe to return to."
Miguel turned around dangerously fast. "What did you just say?"
"Talk to Margo -- she'll fill you in." Lyla blipped away.
"There you are," Margo mumbled to herself as Miguel approached. "This one's in rough shape, got dropped in Earth 616 and put up a fierce fight before Jessica took them to HQ. I tried to send them through the Go Home Machine, but it just dropped them back here."
"And you're sure it's not a hardware issue?"
"It's 2099," Margo drolled and rolled her eyes. "There's no hardware issues anymore, grandpa."
"Then try sending them home again. I don't see why this requires my supervision."
"This machine tears people's atoms apart and throws them back together in other dimensions," she explained. "If I run the same person through the machine too many times, they could die."
Miguel sighed heavily and began pacing around. "Well, what am I supposed to do? Keep them here forever?"
Margo looked at him like he was crazy and slowly nodded. "You can't leave them here to die."
"They're an anomaly anywhere they go, Spider-Byte. Maybe death would be a mercy."
"To you," Peter B. called from behind him.
"Maldito sea, carajo" Miguel cursed under his breath, turning around. "I thought you were taking the week off."
"Well, I was going to, but Mayday was begging me for another one of these cafeteria burgers," he said with his mouth full of food. "They're really good, you should seriously try them sometime."
Miguel's eyes darted to Mayday and quickly darted away. "I have work to return to in my office, so if you'll excuse me-"
Peter stepped in his way. "I'm sorry, Miguel, but I can't let you walk away from this problem. It's gone too far."
"I'm sorry, what?" Miguel questioned, laughing bitterly.
"Ok, I'm not great with words, especially not in front of big, strong, angry men, so MJ had me prewrite this, let me just get it- oh, Mayday has it. Mayday, hold the paper up for daddy, thanks, sweetheart."
Peter cleared his throat and began to over-annunciate his speech. "Everyone in this building joined your society because they believed in your ability to lead, shape, and change the world. We trusted you to use humane practices behind your actions and to keep the safety and rights of humanity at mind before all else. However, given the fact- Ok, this is bullshit - sorry, Mayday, don't tell mommy. Point is, Miguel, that you claim that you're all about saving the multiverse and saving humanity, but then you throw half of your sanity away to hunt down a 15 year old kid who just wants to save his dad. You're so obsessed with the concept of saving humanity that you forgot what it's like to care about individual humans. You forgot how to be a human."
"I never forgot what it felt like to care. To love."
"It's okay to admit that the new kid reminds you of your daughter, you know."
For a moment, Miguel and Peter B. just stood across from each other in silence, unable to break eye contact. Miguel's expression was intense, but otherwise unreadable. Then: "Go home, Parker. More and more of you prove that you're untrustworthy when it comes to prioritizing the greater good. I'm not afraid to get rid of you, too."
Peter's arms gripped on tighter to Mayday. He seemed to want to say something, but found it in him to walk away. Once he went through his portal back home, Miguel called for Lyla.
"Hold the chatter, Lyla," he said before she could open her mouth, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Silence any notifications except for the urgent ones. And I mean urgent."
"Well, since you asked so nicely," she remarked sarcastically, but complied.
Everything in Miguel's office repeated like a broken record. The video of his daughter. Peter's comment that he "forgot what it's like to care about humans, forgot how to be human." Gwen's "we're supposed to be the good guys." The feeling of his own child glitching out of existence in his palms, the very reason he got into this work. The ticking of the clock. The ticking of that motherfucking clock.
He zipped a web to the clock and smashed it into the ground, falling to a knee amidst the broken glass.
"I understand that you're having a very emo moment right now, Mr. O'Hara," Pavitr began, "But Jessica told me to drop this off." He placed the file on the floor and nudged it over with his foot as far as he could without getting too close. "I'm heading home now, have a great day!"
"Oh, I was afraid you would say that."
"Tell Jessica to report to my office."
"She said to tell you that she's not available until noon tomorrow."
"Of course," he chuckled angrily. "One person's off for the week, another needs 3 weeks of recovery. Now one of my only trustworthy members can't report for duty until tomorrow. But who's checking in on me, huh? That's right - no one. I took on this leadership role because I know firsthand what it feels like to have the only joy in your life, your only reason for living, taken away from you because of your own reckless mistakes. And despite all of that, I made it my life's mission to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. But now I'm the villain?! "'We're supposed to be the good guys!'" "'You can't leave them to die!'" "'They remind you of your daughter.'" But does anyone else here know the pain of losing a child you weren't even destined to have?"
Pavitr blinked heavily. "With all due respect, sir, I'm 17."
Miguel barely seemed to hear him. He sank to the floor, running his hands through his hair and not bothering to clear the glass shards around him. "Maybe they're all right. Maybe I'm the one hurting everyone else. Maybe I'll make the same mistake I did before, and take another innocent life because I want to feel fulfilled, just for a moment."
"Should I get someone?"
Miguel sighed. "Just go."
“Morning, sunshine,” Jessica called, taking a seat in Miguel’s office. “You had a chance to go through the file?”
Miguel hummed in agreement. “Need a second opinion.”
Jessica flipped through her copy of your file. “Teenager, been Spiderman for 2 years, originally from Earth 45, but got dropped in Ben’s world. A slippery one for sure; took nearly two hours to get them on the ground. Tried talking to them, but they wouldn't speak. I know my stance on this, but what’s yours?”
Miguel paced around the room. “We can’t keep them here. They’re an anomaly regardless of where they go. Margo said that it would be too inhumane to send them through the Go Home Machine again, so… I think we should let them go quietly.”
“Are you serious?”
“When am I not serious?” He took a seat across from Jessica. “I’ve been hearing it from everyone else. I need to hear it from someone who was there from the beginning. Someone who I trust. Am I falling off the edge? Have I gone too far?”
She raised her eyebrows. “You’re just now questioning that? Look, as your friend, I’ll say this: you’re taking too much weight onto your shoulders. You need to stop being Spiderman for a moment and start being Miguel.” She shifted in her seat. “But, as your teammate, I want you to know that I’ll be by your side no matter what you choose.”
Miguel nodded, but he was totally spaced out. All he could think about was his daughter. How he wanted to take this one in so bad, just to feel like a father again, feel like a man again. How he feared the consequences of love. 
Jessica snapped in front of his face. “Earth to Miguel.”
He shook his head. “What?”
“Look, I can’t say that I don’t agree with your initial idea. But I look at them, and at Gwen, and at my future kid, and-” She put her hand on her stomach “-I just can’t imagine leaving them in the dust like that. I was wrong about Gwen, yes, but these kids are suffering. And I don’t know if we can keep making these hard decisions that put these people right back where they were trying to escape from and still call ourselves heroes.”
Miguel held his face in his hands. “I don’t know what’s up and down anymore, right or wrong. I was all of these kids once: Miles, Gwen, Hobie. I know what it’s like to love your family so much that you throw everything else to the wayside. But that cost me my child, and thousands of other lives. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do anything to stop it. I just want to stop the suffering. I just want it to stop.”
Jessica gave him a moment. “Let’s meet the kid. Give them a trial before we make any decisions we can’t take back.”
“Alright,” he agreed, “But if you’re wrong about this-”
“Then lunch is on me. Come on, mafioso.”
“Here they are,” Margo announced. “Just so you know, they’re fully aware of their situation, but not very talkative.”
“Let me talk to them,” Miguel insisted. “I want to hear what they have to say.”
As Miguel and Jessica approached, you refused to meet their eyes. Instead, you drew your hood closer to your face.
Miguel took a knee by you, talking through the red barrier. “Hey, kid. My name is Miguel. Miguel O’Hara. I’m Spiderman.”
You gasped dramatically. “No way! Really? I never would have guessed!”
He took in a breath. “So you do speak. Look, we’re trying to relocate you, but we need to have your account of what happened. Why doesn’t your home exist anymore?”
You shrugged and counted off the events on your fingers. “Dalmatian-looking dude crashed through a window at my internship. He went straight for the collider room, and most of my mentors were at lunch, so I went after him. I tried to shut off the collider at the same time he stepped through it, he pushed me into a hole, that lady behind you caught me after an uncomfortably long chase, and here we are.”
“You worked at Alchemax,” Miguel mumbled, though mostly to himself.
“Yeah,” you replied, leaning back. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Did you get bitten by the radioactive spider before or after working there?”
“Did I fucking what?”
“That’s how you got your powers, right?” He asked.
“My powers? Oh, I see what’s happening here,” you laughed. “You’re all off your rockers! Let me guess, this is some alternate dimension Alchemax where everyone’s trying to biologically get the abilities that I developed through technology. Ooh ooh, or, this is an elite spider society trying to save the multiverse from itself!”
“That was really just a guess?” questioned Jessica.
“I read a lot of sci-fi,” you explained.
“Nevermind all of that,” Miguel groaned. “What’s your story, kid? What’s your motive? Because if we don’t have that information, we can’t help get you out of there.”
Your expression became grave for a moment as you considered your options and chuckled bitterly. “My story? My story is that I’m a poor kid from the slums who worked their ass off to get into a good school so that I could do better for my family. My story is that my family never loved me, my friends never cared, and I was forced to choose between what I love to do and what the world needed from me. I didn’t have the power to stop my parents from hurting me or stop people from hurting each other. So, I manufactured that power and took it into my own hands. My story is that the moment I was released from that hellhole of a world, I was locked up in a three foot wide cage and forced to talk about my feelings. I heard what you guys were talking about in that back room. All I ask is that you do it quickly. I don’t like waiting.”
“Miguel, we can take a quick debrief if you need one,” Jessica offered, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Miguel didn’t budge. He looked into your eyes and felt your pain like it was his own. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. Finally: “Let them go, Margo.”
“You heard me,” he asserted. “Let them go.”
Margo released you and offered her hand to help you step down from the pedestal, which you reluctantly accepted. “Didn’t know you were one for sob stories, Mr. O’Hara,” you mocked, though your comment fell through as soon as your legs trembled from lack of use.
“I’m not,” he responded, walking up to you. “But I know an innovator when I see one. You’re hurt, yes, but you have the capacity to do so much good. I’m offering you a place on my team.”
You approached cautiously, your arms crossed. “And if I say no?”
“I’d ask you to reconsider.” He held out his hand for a shake. You accepted, and he smiled. “Welcome to HQ.”
Margo whooped in the background and gave your shoulder a squeeze.
“Ok, first mission briefing,” Miguel started, walking backwards.
“On the move?” you asked.
“That’s the only way to do it.” He shot a web to a nearby building and dropped from an HQ terrace. 
You followed suit. “Where exactly are we going?” you shouted over the wind.
“Earth 616. There’s a rogue Vulture stealing tech from Osborn. We’d let it happen, but the man's the only thing between a country of people and an all-out war.”
“Got it.”
“We go in, capture Vulture, and bring him back to HQ. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”
 You stepped through your portal and immediately got whiplash from the pure speed of a nearby aircraft. 
Vulture swooped down from above and tore the tail off of the police helicopter. It crashed into a skyscraper and gained speed as it headed for the street below. 
Miguel spoke to you through the comms. “Trial number one, newbie. I’ll pursue Vulture; you stop that helicopter from hurting civilians.”
“On it.” You dived off of your skyscraper to gain speed and pulled yourself forward with your webs. In one smooth movement, you grabbed the two co-pilots and placed them on the closest rooftop. 
The helicopter was quickly approaching the ground, where children were playing in an enclosed playground. 
“Shit,” you murmured, propelling yourself under the machine to create a landing pad for it at a safe distance from the kids. At the rate you could fire, you wouldn’t be able to stop it on time. 
In the distance, you saw Miguel struggling to keep Vulture away from a construction site, and reached out to him over the comms. “Have him ram into that crane.”
“Just trust me.”
Miguel redirected the Vulture, dodging last second when he attacked so that the crane would fall down. 
The crane caught the chopper where it was, and you used it as a crutch to help you redirect the chaos to the empty street. You swung around the crane five times, wrapping an immense amount of webbage around it and attaching along the side of a business building. When the helicopter threatened to fall due to the weight of it, you shot three web bombs at it to keep it in place.
When you reached the ground, you were out of breath and half-heartedly waving to the clapping children and their parents. Miguel placed his hand on your shoulder as you observed the incapacitated Vulture.
“Not bad, kid,” Miguel chuckled. “Not bad.”
A good six months had passed, and you had risen in the ranks of the Spider Society. You were still without a place to stay, and had been bouncing from place to place in between missions. The first month, it was Pavitr and his aunt’s place. Then, Hobie’s, then HQ, and finally, Gwen’s. Most of your free time was spent discussing tech with Margo or trailing behind Miguel. 
A building-wide alert had gone off, sending every spider-being into high alert as they searched for the threat.
“What’s the sitch?” you asked Miguel as the two of you bounded down the hall. “A futuristic Rhino that’s suspected to work for The Spot just invaded HQ. He’s trying to destroy our tech and pick us off.”
Just as Miguel had finished his explanation, Rhino crashed through a door four floors below. You both zipped towards him, barely avoiding running into Peter B. as he took a picture of himself, Mayday, and Rhino. Miguel attacked Rhino head-on, performing a spin-kick to the face before webbing his arms together and latching onto his back. Rhino broke his constraints effortlessly, and threw Miguel out of a nearby window. You helped Noir get to his feet and went after Rhino.
By the time you got there, Rhino had Miguel pinned to the cracked concrete. His web shooters were broken, and he was using all of his remaining strength to stop Rhino from snapping his neck. When he saw you approaching, he tried to silently signal for you to go, but you didn’t listen.
“Hey, Alexei!” you shouted. “I never really took you for the dominant type! It doesn’t suit you.”
You swung a piece of concrete at his back and zipped to deliver a punch to the face. Rhino was quick to return the favor, and charged you through a nearby wall. 
Miguel attempted to stand up as backup arrived. He climbed onto Rhino’s back and sunk his teeth into his neck, effectively, though temporarily, paralyzing him. A team of 15 spiderbeings worked to get Rhino back to HQ while you and Jessica helped Miguel to his feet.
“What the hell were you thinking, kid? You could have died,” Miguel snapped.
“You were the one near death,” you argued. “If I didn’t come when I did, you could’ve died. Was I just supposed to let that happen?!”
“No!” You dropped his arm from around your shoulder and Peter B. went to pick up the slack. “Why is it so hard for you to understand that people care about you? You gave me a chance when no one else would. I lost my world, my home, and my friends. I couldn’t lose you, too.”
“That’s not for you to decide. I can’t trust you like an adult if you refuse to act like one,” he grunted, before wavering in his stance. Jessica helped right him. 
You took a step back and pressed your lips together. “You know, I joined this team because I wanted to save people. I have the ability to save them. And… if you can’t acknowledge that ability, then… maybe you need to reevaluate your interests.” With that, you took off.
Jessica and Peter sat Miguel down to rest. 
“How bad did I fuck up?” Miguel inquired.
“Give them a few minutes to sit on it,” Peter suggested. “Kids are like that. They need time to cool off. Just make sure you talk to them later.”
You sat on the slanted glass roof of HQ to listen to music and blow off some steam. Heavy footprints sounded from behind you. You sighed. “If you’re here to argue, can you at least wait until the end of this song?”
“I’m not going to argue with you. I wanted to talk. And… apologize.”
That piqued your interest, but you tried to sound nonchalant as you gestured to the space next to you. “Go ahead, then. Sit.” You turned the music off.
He obliged. “I’m sorry for saying that I couldn’t trust you and that you needed to act like an adult. It wasn’t fair. I do trust you, and there’s no reason for you to act like an adult when you’re still a kid. I’ll be more conscious of my words in the future.”
You nodded. “Thanks.”
You sat in silence for a while, and you began to get up.
“Wait,” he asked. “Please.”
“What did you really come here to say?”
“Just sit, and I’ll tell you.” He waited for you to return to your spot and took a deep breath. “When I was first messing with the multiverse after working at Alchemax, I wasn’t as careful as I am now. I found a world where I was dead, but had a daughter, so I replaced myself and began raising her. I loved her more than anything. But, I was an anomaly, and had disrupted canon events. I felt her glitch right out of my hands. Thousands of innocent people died that day because of me. So, I made a vow to myself: never again. I wouldn’t let this happen to anyone else, and I wouldn’t let anyone get close to me.”
He paused, gulped, and forced himself to make eye contact with you. “Then I met you. And I tried to hate you, I really did. But you’re funny, and you’re smart and passionate, and you have a damn good heart. And everything in me just wants to protect you. I’m so mad at myself for hurting you and-”
You cut him off with a bear hug, to which he slowly responded once he understood what was happening. You shed a few tears into the crook of his neck and mumbled, “I’m sorry, too.”
He laughed, partially in disbelief. “For what?”
“I called you a dick behind your back for the first three months because I thought you had a stick up your ass.” You backed away snickering and wiped your eyes. “But you’re more my family than my parents ever were.”
Now or never, Miguel.
“About that,” he began. “I know you’ve been staying at Gwen’s place - and you’re completely free to stay there if you want - I just thought it might be nice for you to have a permanent place to stay, a school to go to, a familiar face, you know?”
“Not really,” you expressed. “What do you mean?”
“I- it’s better if I just show you.” Miguel took a folder out of his bag and handed it to you. He looked the other way as you processed what he gave you.
“Are these adoption papers?”
“Um… yeah,” he relented, still refusing to look your way. 
“And this isn’t a joke?”
“Of course not. But, it’s also up to you. I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to do-”
“Yes,” you cut him off and wrapped him in an even tighter hug. “Absolutely yes.”
Miguel helped you carry your few boxes of belongings that you had left at Gwen’s into his modern duplex. 
“Jesus, dude,” you commented. “You didn’t tell me you were rich.”
He laughed. “This is what being a scientist earns you.”
“Damn.” You took the space in. The windows in the living room were from floor to ceiling, the couch a cool grey with ornate yellow and green pillows. Everything was open concept, and both the Mexican and Irish flag hung on either side of the TV. Aside from the occasional painting, the apartment was largely monochromatic. 
“The kitchen is under that loft area, which I usually use as office space, but you’re free to use it, too. Bathrooms on first and second floors,” he explained while walking up the stairs. He stopped in front of the third door to the right. “This is your room.”
You gently pushed open the door. Miguel had prepared for your arrival intensely. A twin bed sat in the back left corner of the room, a desk in the back right. There was a wide panel of windows with shades and a nightstand with knick knacks. A mirror, bookshelf, decorative rug, and bean bag filled the empty space. A poster with a Spiderman symbol hung over your desk, and a smile fought its way onto your face. 
“There’s a closet, too,” Miguel said proudly.
You opened the closet to find it fully stocked with casual, formal, and tactical clothing. “You did all of this for me?”
He smiled warmly. “Welcome home.”
It was the following year on Father’s Day, and you were waiting for Miguel to come home when you heard keys turning at the door. 
“Hey,” you called from the kitchen island. “I made dinner for us. And we can watch that crappy comedy show that you like.”
He hung up his jacket and gave you a hug. “Thanks, sweetheart. How was it with your friends?”
“Pretty good. But it took an hour to get Miles out of that Famous Footwear. I swear that boy has enough sneakers to cover the Mediterranean. How was work?”
Miguel grabbed a plate and took a seat next to you. “Well, we finally figured out the malfunction in the control room. Hobie had been messing around with it for his own projects. Shocker, right? But other than that it was just a bunch of boring meetings.”
“Oh, I just remembered something.” You rushed upstairs to get a gift bag from your room and returned, out of breath. “I made this for you. It’s not much, but my job doesn’t start until July and I wanted to give you something, so…”
He removed the tissue paper to find a carefully knitted shawl with his suit designs on it. He remained speechless for a moment. 
“What do you think?”
“I love it.”
“Really? Cuz I could get you something else if you’d prefer-”
“I love it,” he repeated, giving you a bear hug. “I’ll wear it all the time when the weather takes a turn.”
“I thought it might be useful for winter patrols,” you admitted. 
“It will be. I know you don’t like getting too sappy, so let’s watch some TV, yeah?”
Halfway through an episode of the comedy show, you got up to use the bathroom. Miguel paused the show and admired your work on his shawl. When you came back, he was still staring at it as if he were examining each individual stitch. 
“I’m back,” you said when he didn’t acknowledge you. 
He hummed in response. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
You furrowed your brows, worried now. “Is something wrong?”
“No, not all, it’s just…” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I wanted to let you know that I would understand if you want to look into seeing if there’s any way to find your real parents. I love you and I want you here, don’t get me wrong, but if this is something you feel strongly about, I wanted to make sure you knew that my feelings wouldn’t be hurt.”
You stared at him for a while before bursting into laughter. 
“What’s so funny?”
You grabbed his hands and looked him in his eyes. “I found my real dad the moment you brought me here. I’m home.”
He squeezed your hands and repeated your words as if convincing himself of the truth. “You’re home.”
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lowkeyremi · 10 months
Hello Maya! Before I start my request, I just wanna say, I love your writing!!! I've been reading your things for a few weeks now (I'm new to tumbler) and I'm hooked!!
Anywho- I was listening to "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift and it gave me the idea of fem!reader meeting Satoru at some big event for sorcerers and falling hopelessly in love with him
heyyyyyy thank you for reading my stuff and i'm really happy you made a request, i've been hoping someone would bc i want to write ideas other than my own. i'm not huge on taylor swift so i had to listen to this song lol its pretty good :) you ask and i shall provide!! also i'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind :')
Enchanted S. Gojo x fem!reader
wc: 1.1k
content: fluff, meeting and getting together
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The night hadn't been going so well. You spilled some of your drink on your dress. That was borrowed from your friend might you add. Three guys that showed any potential interest were already with someone and their dates angrily pulled them away from you.
There are whispers about the oh so famous Satoru Gojo, and how he's finally made an appearance with his long time friend Nanami.
You've heard plenty about him, he's the famous sorcerer from Jujutsu High that has six eyes. He can solve any problem and he's said to be very hot. Honestly you're kind of a hater, you think people are gassing him up for no reason.
You've never personally met him but his description makes it hard to miss him if you see him; white hair blue eyes, but he'll likely be wearing an eye mask.
A sigh escapes your lips as you walk toward the bar for another drink, you would have invited your best friend but she's not a sorcerer and would not get it at all. "Hi, sorry for being back so soon, but could I get a strawberry margarita?" The woman behind the bar nods.
Before she can walk off though, a silky, carefree voice makes a request with your order, "Me too! Never tried strawberry margarita. Sounds pretty fruity." This day is already bad so you turn your head to see who just made it even worse-
A pretty white haired man stands by your side, piercing blue eyes peaking through sunglasses that look down right ridiculous at such a formal event. "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors??" Is the first thing you ask, no 'Hi how are you?' or 'why are you ordering drinks on my tab?'
"Cuz I could make everyone faint with my pretty blue eyes." He smirks, confidence evident in every word.
You look confused and he finds it cute. A foreign feeling stirs in your stomach. "Just kidding. I'd waste my power if my glasses were off. Actually, I was advised not to wear them, but I didn't wanna wear my mask for this event. I have it in my pocket just in case though." He's so light and bubbly you almost forget what you were fuming about.
"You're Gojo right?" He smiles and gives a quick nod.
"And you must be 'girl with a stain on her dress', huh?" You fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Woo that was a good one, almost made my stomach hurt from laughter." You counter sarcastically; the moodiness coming back to you.
"Haha, my bad. Anyway when we get drinks I'll find us somewhere to sit and I'll make you laugh for real." That confidence is still there. You love funny people, they're exciting to be around.
"I'm holding you to that. I need a good laugh." His smile consists of all his pearly whites and is enough to make you, or anyone around you melt.
He goes to pay for your drink, and even hands it to you. "I have to say you are way less selfish than people make you out to be."
The man in question shrugs and smirks at you, "I am very selfish about certain things, childish even. It's only the first date though so pretend you don't know about that." He waves his hand dismissively. You couldn't even care about the fact he admitted to selfishness, you're stuck up on the part where he said this is a date.
"Who said this is a date?" He notices you're trying to play it cool, but he can see right through you.
"I did. I mean if you want, we can think of it more as a blind date since it wasn't planned." Something about him doesn't rub you the wrong way or make you angry at all. He's definitely an odd ball, but he's able to make you feel something in your gut that you haven't felt in a very long time, maybe not ever, actually.
"I- what- you can't just-" You cut yourself off, lost for words, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.
He intertwines his fingers with yours. They're cold to the touch, long and slender. He does that thing where you rub your thumb across all the other fingers. On top of that he gives you that love struck gaze. You're all kinds of confused because why is someone like him trying to flirt with you??? He could literally have any other pretty sorcerer but he's walking you over to a fancy table to sit and talk.
"Ugh, you're supposed to have warm hands to contrast my cold ones." He complains, and if you weren't already stunned then you definitely were now. He's swinging his arm back in forth, with you mirroring it because he's holding your hand.
"I can't help my hands being cold, maybe you should be the one with the warm hands." He shrugs at your response. The swinging stops when you two reach a table big enough for four and pulls out your chair for you.
"I normally don't do this but you're definitely worth it." a lopsided grin covers his face.
As nice as all of this is you look around for cameras. Your mind is telling you he means no harm, but you can never be too sure.
"Okay, is this some kind of joke or show?? Where are the cameras because this can't be real." The white haired six foot something giant's face contorts into something very (ugly) funny. His face scrunches up at your words.
"I can't believe you'd suggest something like that! I'm serious, I just want to be a normal guy and have a normal encounter with someone. So, can you just pretend I'm a normal date and not Gojo Satoru?" He's telling the truth and for the first time tonight you fully relax.
"Okay, hi normal guy. What do you like to do?" You ask playfully feeling enchanted by his charismatic presence. He makes you feel a sense of freedom like you never have before.
The rest of the night the two of you goof off and talk about all kinds of things. Eventually he's being dragged out by Nanami because of how drunk he is. He'd given you his number, "Call me!!!" He whines loudly while being led to the car he arrived in.
"Okay! When I do, don't forget everything from tonight." You yell back to him.
"Like hell I will!" And he was telling the truth because about two hours later when you were winding down for bed you get a call from an unknown number. Usually you wouldn't pick up but you have a feeling that the person on the other side was none other than Gojo normal guy.
"Hello?" You don't get a response for a few seconds, your stomach drops thinking you had miscalculated...
"I miss you already, when can I see you again?" He asks sleepily.
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dduane · 1 year
Meanwhile, at the digital art end of things...
Here's another shot of that Magic Room set that I'm about to kitbash/rebuild into a bedchamber.
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I'll be stripping all the contents out before I get started. But let me add a couple of human figures first for scale...
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...as they're going to be the ones using this bedroom most. —Yes, other members of their marriage will be there often enough. But this is a working family, and the other spouses frequently have other places they need to be.
The initial problem becomes immediately apparent: this space is way too big for a bedroom, even for a king. And with ceilings that high, it'd be hell to heat with just one fireplace. Sure, there'll routinely be at least one magic-worker in the bed at any given time, but why should they have to constantly be spending useful lifeforce on room heating? (Or wasting power on anything besides the things one goes to bed to do.*)
So: time to throw everything out and deal with the scale issues of the main structure.
From the outside, here's what the room structure looks like.
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If there's a problem with this, it's that the maker has built it all in one piece. You can't pull annoying chunks off it and get rid of them, or substitute others in their place. But (the flip side of this coin) it is possible to rescale the structure as a whole.
So what I propose to do is squash the room flatter, thereby shifting the shape of those arches somewhat, but also lowering the ceiling. I can also decrease the length of the room somewhat. The combined reductions along the X and Y axes should render the room's proportions a bit more snug and liveable: roomy enough for a Middle Kingdoms family bedchamber, but not a great hollow echoing space that can't be comfortably filled except by sending out to USC or someplace similar for a marching band.
So let's throw all the extraneous furniture out. And (after this shot) the chandeliers. No need for them: this isn't a public space, and the intended resizing would screw up their proportions anyway.
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Now we start squeezing the structure into better dimensions. Reducing the room on the X axis (to about 80% of its original length)...
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... then on the Y axis, making the ceiling about 30% lower...
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... and then widening the Z axis out to 20% or so wider than previously.
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So that's a start.
Now about twenty different things have to happen to this space, including fixing the lighting (which got knocked out of kilter by the various resizings, as you can see), hiding unwanted objects like that staircase, changing various materials—such as the floor, which before has always been European-medieval style encaustic tile, so that's what it'll be again—reshaping the head of the bed into something more neo-Gothic (probably in Blender) to reflect the arches, installation of the necessary fireplace, and loading in much old furniture from other renders. (As it happens, this detail's canonical. The other main characters have started teasing Freelorn about Kynall castle's endlessly recycled furniture—especially those beds still equipped with mattresses so old that Héalhra Whitemane himself might have slept on them.)
Anyway, not going to bore anyone still reading this with any further process, except to say that the reworked room features the pale-colored marbles quarried all over that part of Arlen, as well as whitestave wood, used extensively in the Castle and nearby official buildings for its durability and its ancient associations with the Lion and Arlene royalty.
So this is what's in place at the moment, at least down at the bed end. Yet to come: more hangings, more furniture, better bed linens, clothes-presses and bookshelves, clothes thrown over chairs, etc etc...
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And at the fireplace end:
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More texture and detail work to do down at this end as well; as well as tuning the firelight (always a nuisance). ...A job for another day.
Meanwhile, turned around the bed-facing camera just in front of the fireplace, and found myself regarding a not-too-bad reverse angle.
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(eyeroll) These two idiots. :)
*Like sleep. ...Or, yeah, okay, other things. (shrug/grin)
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amultifandom-mess · 2 months
That fucking season has me screaming, crying and throwing the fuck up!
(Spoilers ahead for TUA season 4)
Not in the way you think tho.
Fuck! First and foremost, the Five and Lila storyline. Five did not need to fall in love with Lila. It could have been anyone else (or, for all you Five is aroace truthers out there, no love interest at all)!!
There were so many other ways that the multiple Five's and the realisation that the brellies are the problem could have happened. And they choose to go with THAT! THAT FUCKING BULLSHIT!!
They pulled that shit from their ass as a poor excuse to add drama! There are better ways to add drama without making Lila a cheater and making Five a home wrecker!!
Not even kidding, at the start of the season, I was all "Oh my god, I'm genuinely in love with Five. I actually love him!" Like I was down bad for this fictional fucking character... And then episode 5 happened and I fucking 180'd!! I was fully like "FUCK HIM" With my middle finger up and shit every time that mf came on screen.
I genuinely cannot even stand the sight of the character I once loved with my whole heart.
Five was the reason I fell in love with this show. Shallow, I'm aware but can't fight the truth. And I still do LIKE the show to some capacity, don't get me wrong. I just won't ever watch it again unless it's to analyse/criticize it. And I sure as shit do not LOVE it anymore.
Not even just Five's involvement. But having Diego and Lila in a loveless marriage AT ALL was just a shitty ass decision. They aren't the healthiest, sure BUT LOVELESS IS A STRETCH AND THEY REALLY WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY TO REACH FOR IT!
Fuck the writers, honestly.
I'm sure there's more I can say about that storyline but I'll leave it at that.
Now for the others!
* Luther should have grieved Sloane more. Sure, it's been six years and he still loves her clearly but.. well yeah
* Allison was forgiven too quickly. Again, six years. But no one had talked to her (outside of Klaus) for the entirety of those six years. Surely there was still some level of resentment for anger. She betrayed them for fucks sake! AND SA'd LUTHER!!
* In the end, Abigail's storyline made no sense. So Reginald brought her back to life and because the brellies (her creation, via the marigolds) keep destroying the world, she decides to help them end it, but this time completely?? I mean sure it was to reset the universe COMPLETELY this time... This one isn't actually a complaint. I like how they did this but it could have been dragged out across more episodes and explained a bit better
* My theory from season 1 that the "something that was meant to end" (when the Handler was talking to Fuckface) was right!! I said it was the brellies and I was RIGHT!!
* Ben and Jennifer were really cute but I don't love that they merged and became that monster at the end. Could have just had them turn into a kugelblitz dupe or smth!! That's what I thought was gonna happen honestly
* I hate that Klaus just got his powers back, hasn't even had them for a day and just went back to his junkie life just cause it's a pattern!! PATTERNS CAN BE BROKEN!! KLAUS DID NOT NEED TO , BASICALLY, FORCE IT TO HAPPEN
* Was it just me or was the special effects in this season just so shit?? Like the vomit looked so fake. Compared to Klaus's barf in season 2, this shit looks so obviously fake. Same with some of the blood in some scenes.
I'm sure there's more I could add to this but I'll just leave it here. I'll add more to the comments if I think of it. Or you guys can, no biggie.
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lewkwoodnco · 10 months
Now That We Don't Talk - Lockwood x Reader
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A/N: very very brief suicidal mention, sooooo much writer's block hhhh (the seasonal depression is depressing), (angst but diluted if that makes sense) add/remove yourself from my taglist in the link beloooow ALSO
🎄Special Announcement! I'll be doing a twelve days of Christmas fic series (1 songfic fic a day leading up to Christmas) BUT I will also be accepting extra holiday-themed requests (if any)!🎄
(speaking of the holidays, thinking of switching to a santa-themed george icon soon hmmm), wc 3.1k
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 3.5 | Ch 4 | Ch 5
Moving had been a surprisingly smooth process that she remembered little of. She had to take care to not think too much about the ornaments she was packing or the boxes she was taping shut or the lonely town she was numbly driving towards, lest the rest of her catch up to the grief weighing her down. Her supervisor had looked plenty confused when she explained where she was transferring to, and muttered something about not knowing if there were any visitors there.
As steep as the change was from working in central London to a significantly sleepier town, she seemed to be adjusting fine. In fact, she was liking the peace and quiet. Or at least, she would, soon enough. She'd learn the right habits, like finding contentment in the stagnant void that descended on her windows far too quickly every evening, the same way she'd unlearn bad habits, like him. So no, her biggest problem was hardly the early sunsets here, but was actually what everyone wanted to talk to her about when she called. The one thing everyone - her old teammates, colleagues, friends - wanted to make sure she knew.
"The gala was fantastic this year - though not as fun without you, of course -"
"You'll never believe who showed up."
"He looked very sharp in his suit. He cleans up nice, I suppose - Anthony Lockwood, I mean."
"They've become quite the celebrities, that Lockwood & Co., though the other two don't seem to tolerate the cameras like he does."
"Oh, you should have seen it. Say what you will about Lockwood but does he know how to make an entrance!"
"Were you at the gala this year?"
She sighed for what must have been the fifth time that day. "No, Ted, I was not. You were at my farewell party, remember?"
"Tha' was for you?"
"Goodbye, Ted."
"Wait! You've seen the pictures, haven't you?"
"No, I haven't, because contrary to popular belief, I am not obsessed with evrything that goes on at Fittes."
"Well, we had a tiptop chocolate fountain this year. Didn't get clogged once and looked absolutely gorgeous. Anywho, I've recently stumbled upon this smashing business opportunity involving chocolate fountains - they're selling like hot cakes, I tell you! - and I'd love to spread the wealth."
"Theodore, you haven't joined another MLM, have you?"
"What is an MLM, other than an opportunity to invest in yourself?"
"Don't make me phone your mother."
The call ended rather abruptly after that. Only Lucy, as always, was an angel.
"I take it you've heard plenty about him?"
"Who? Oh, him. Yes, more than plenty."
"I thought you might. He has...quite the presence, so the papers wanted to interview him, and he agreed - "
" - obviously - "
"And I think they asked him about you at some point."
Her mouth dried. She struggled to find her voice, forcing it to stay casually disinterested. "Hm? What did he say?"
"Absolutely nothing. First and probably last time I've seen him stunned speechless. Naturally, it's all anyone can talk about."
"He hasn't talked about you, if you're wondering. Sees it coming from a mile away every time George and I try to bring it up. It's so stupid; we know it, he knows it, and he's always in a foul mood. He keeps thinking, these days...Y/N?"
"I don't care."
"No one would blame you if you did."
"I don't."
"So how are you holding up?"
"Well, Luce, I felt happiness outside of external validation for the first time in...ever, then three months later I'm crying in my bathtub wishing I would die, and now I'm miles away from everyone I ever knew and it's always dark outside and I'm always miserable. I'm doing great."
She could hear the exhaustion in the crackling static of the telephone. It occurred to her that she wasn't much acting all that cheerful either.
"If it makes you feel any better, I think he half-expected to see you there."
She inhaled sharply and sat up in her armchair so fast she could feel a cramp curling in her neck. She didn't dare believe Lucy's words. "Really?" she wanted to breathe into the telephone, and revel in dormant delusions, if only for a moment. Instead, she gingerly sank back into the chair, continuing in a flat voice.
"Well, I don't care about any of that now. Oh, I'm sick of it. All of it. If I never hear his name again for as long as I live, it'll be still be too soon. How's George doing?"
After she hung up, she laid in her chair, watching the shadows from her shutters stretch and fold over her furniture as the sun set. She was thinking about the last party she had been to, a yacht party where some of Fittes' and Rotwell's biggest investors were in attendance. How Lockwood had managed to score an invite was beyond her, but what intrigued her more was the cab ride they shared back to Portland Row.
She had been half-dozing off when she felt a hand cover hers. As she blinked at him blearily, she noticed the rigid tension in his spine, as if poised and waiting for an attack. He was clutching her hand purposefully, as if holding off on warning her about something malevolent that was consuming him. She couldn't see his face, which began to feel no different from the cold, hard window pane it was peering out of.
She stirred, distantly unnerved by his impersonality. He glanced at her, apologetically retracting his hand with a sheepish smile. But that look of consternation remained on his face as he turned back to the window with a furrowed brow, with the air of waiting for something. He visibly relaxed as they approached Portland Row, but she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling even by the time they reached the doorstep.
"You all right?" she was asking, while Lockwood fumbled with their keys.
"'Course. Why wouldn't I be?"
She didn't respond, and the two of them watched him wrench at the key in the lock, trying to steady his mildly trembling fingers.
"Key turns the other way."
He paused his efforts, and after a second or two turned the key the other way. The door slid open smoothly with a click. He held it open, but she just looked at him expectantly. He sighed.
"I'm fine, I promise. I just...get a little nervous around some parts of London."
"Which parts?"
"Scared of what?"
"A few things."
"For fun. Look, I'm freezing out here. Can we just drop this?"
That was more than a mild exaggeration; the sun had only just set and the air was still pleasantly balmy. But he looked so beseechingly, and it didn't take much for her to relent when it came to Lockwood, so they stepped inside and shrugged their coats off in silence.
"I'll tell you some day. I'm sure I will."
That was some day too far away. Now she'll never know if, or why he ever felt like that. Or rather, she wouldn't know when he would feel like that. But it was no matter. It was none of her business then, and it was even less of her business now.
She had mostly forgotten about her conversation with Lucy by the following week, which was why her parcel came as a bit of a surprise, especially since she'd mentioned being swamped by a mountain of upcoming cases.
Y/N -
I was thinking about our call the other day. On a completely unrelated note, here's about every gossip rag from the past month I could find at Arif's.
Love, Lucy.
She was beginning to see what was so appealing about these magazines. As ruthless as they could be, they sure knew how to sell a pipe dream to common folk with less exciting lives. The gala was clearly as glitzy and glamorous as it was every year, and the articles held an air of intrigue now that she was quite separate from Fittes. But that quivering excitement became somewhat muffled as she flipped through the glossy pages.
The Anthony Lockwood she saw now looked worlds apart from the Lockwood she left behind. His well-fitting suit, megawatt smile and carefully styled hair made him look expensive in a way that destabilised her. She flipped through photograph after photograph of him looking jarringly luxurious besides walls of text effusing about the success of their latest case, and what an honour it must have been to be personally invited by Marissa Fittes herself. It weighed at the pit in her stomach to see this unfamiliar silhouette of a friend who was become increasingly unattainable, speeding along roads to prosperity faster than she could ever keep up with.
She sifted through the other rags. The most extensive feature was a few pages long, and was centered more on the exciting, up-and-coming agency that was Lockwood & Co. rather than a specific case. There were pictures from their most recent cases, and in each one he looked unnaturally distinct from the last, but in every single one he oozed an appealingly languid charisma. It was good to see him doing so well. She was happy for him. Or she would be, tomorrow, when she had the strength for it. Lockwood was unbearable in a way that made him perfect for a life in the public eye, a life for which she was somehow always deficient. She traced a too-long strand of hair flopped on his forehead in one of the photographs, as if she could magically straighten it out.
She could see him now, thumbing through the pages with an approving tilt to his head, limbs folded uncomfortably in the armchair he always insisted on sharing with her. "No such thing as bad press," he'd claim absent-mindedly, his too-long hair flopping impractically. And she'd watch him with bruised eyes like she always did, wishing for nothing more in that moment shared with him. In other words, wishing for nothing short of what she could never have.
Maybe it was some lingering wish to break herself before he beat her to it. Because that was all it was; dodging blows, lying through pretty teeth, racing ahead to pull one over on him, cursing the feel of his breath on her. There was simply no calm, no respite, only the all-consuming experience of becoming wrapped up in him and losing bits and pieces of herself which would never again be truly hers.
She picked up the telephone again. It felt too heavy in her hand. Numbly, she spun the dial as if on autopilot, keying in her mother's phone number. The dial tone comforted her in some twisted yet cathartic acknowledgement of the emptiness inside of her.
Looking at it now she could see the distinct air of mystery that engulfed Lockwood and clouded her vision. He was never quite fully present; a part of him was always tucked away to be kept secret in some dark corner, and her mind was only too happy to extrapolate, to construct this most desirable yet entirely mythical figment. She felt ragged, winded and worn from battling reality day after day, all alone. And most of all, she felt so very stupid.
Her mother was saying that she had made the right decision. Not that she needed any reminding. Of course her life had taken an upward swing ever since; she'd be a fool to think otherwise. She was positively paralysed with liberty, bedridden with joy, simply immobile with ecstasy!
She was slowly but surely going very insane. Now making eyes at each other, now disconnect, now love, now heartache, now this, now that, but never any peace. Maybe it was some lingering wish to shatter and let the pent up misery dissipate.
Months passed. The holiday season arrived, and she choked through the November blues with shivering bones and clammy hands. Even with the slight uptick in visitors, as was expected in the colder months, her life provided little to distract her from her own ghosts under the floorboards. So when she received a consultancy request from Fittes one morning, she had written back and mailed her response all while still holding the jam knife.
The train was crowded and noisy with the bustle of the holidays, but as it chugged along through the fields of snow, she couldn't help but perk up ever so slightly at every sigh and creak of its wheels. There was a spring in her step all the way to Fittes headquarters, where she was supposed to collect her apartment key.
A tall, indistinct figure was walking out of the revolving doors as she approached. She flinched when she realised who it was - Lockwood, who didn't seem much happier to see her either. He looked mostly well, though the corners of his mouth were a little strained, his face flushed in the cold.
"Yeah. Um, how have you been?"
"Good...good. Busy. As busy as winter gets."
He was wearing a different coat. It was quite similar to his old one, but this one was thicker and more structured, and looked like it was at least somewhat effective in keeping the brisk winter wind out. He looked foreign and unfamiliar in a way he hadn't since...since the Investors Party.
It had taken her a while to pick his face out of the pretentious crowd, given how preoccupied she was with weaving through the thicket of people. It had taken her a eyes minute to adjust to the almost nauseatingly charismatic silhouette of an especially-chuffed Lockwood in a newly tailored but otherwise identical suit. She tried to give him a reproaching look, but there was something infectious in his smooth ease as he larked about in his prime which made her lips twitch despite herself as he waded through the crowds.
"You really shouldn't be here."
"You're clearly not drunk enough yet."
"How did you even get in? This is invitation-only."
"Had an invite, didn't I?"
She pursed her lips, shaking her head slightly. He was hopelessly incorrigible in an oddly fascinating way. Her voice dropped to a murmur as she felt herself begin to relent.
"I ought to...tell someone about you."
"That you're secretly in love with me?"
"That we have an illegal stowaway."
"You're not going to rat me out, are you?"
The pleading look on his face was enough to give her pause. She was already beginning to regret her decision, but he looked so vivacious it was difficult to stay disapproving for long.
"Excellent. Now, would you be so good as to point me in the direction of the bigger spenders?"
They spend the next few hours laughing and entertaining the many important men on the boat and their great deal of important thoughts. She'd excuse herself towards the end of every conversation to leave Lockwood and the glimmer in his eye to close a deal. For someone so adept at climbing the corporate ladder, she was surprisingly poor at fulfilling these adjacent duties.
She hated every second of it, and she drank as much as she could without raising eyebrows to make it all halfway palatable, but it was all worth it then. He had wanted to stay for as long as it would have been polite, so when they finally left, long after the media had made their rounds at the event, his jacket was folded over his left arm and his hand was delicately holding hers.
When she was stuck in her drafty cottage on the edge of nowhere, she'd think about the feel of his fingers curling around her palm more than it was appropriate, and wonder how she ever thought she was somehow better off here.
But that evening's sense of camraderie was long gone. Now, she regarded him coolly, holding him at arm's length. They may have had a rough falling out, but that didn't mean they couldn't still be friends. Just friends. Nothing more. But the vaguely intimate look in Lockwood's eye told her he was in no mood to entertain any kind of platonic notions.
"I didn't know you were back."
She relented. It was the season of giving, after all.
"Only for a while. Fittes hired me as a consultant for a few months."
He blinked at her. "You could have called."
"I didn't think you'd be interested."
"Of course I'd be interested. I'm always interested when it comes to you."
She sighed sharply. It was so easy to get swept up and believe him when he said things like that, that she wondered how she found the strength to leave. He was a bastard, a ne'er-do-well who only knew how to break her heart after promising sweet, simple luxuries in whispers over expanses of skin. She made her lips tremble, her pulse quicken, her heart shake in all the worst ways.
But underneath all that, love was there. Love was there...still.
"Ready to go?"
They turned in unison towards a strikingly beautiful girl with glossy raven curls walking out of the revolving doors. The girl's smile only slipped a fraction as she shook her hand, and she was distantly aware of making some kind of clumsy introduction. They stuttered through some stunted small talk, during which all she was aware of was the blood roaring in her ears that gave the whole scene a distantly muffled feel. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Well, this was...lovely. Shall we go, then?"
The girl turned to leave, but some semblance of hesitation prevented her from pulling Lockwood along with her.. His face still had that same confused look.
"You could have called," he repeated tonelessly, like a broken record. The girl's presence made the back of her neck smart and prickle uncomfortably.
"I might, later."
"Bye. Nice meeting you."
"Nice meeting you too."
"We're home all day."
The last one was from Lockwood.
"Just...if you want to drop by. So that Luce and George don't have my head on a platter by supper."
"Goodbye, Lockwood."
He was captivating in a way that made her want to keep him all to herself. No one needed to intrude on this tantalising secret they shared. It was at that moment that she made the very unfortunate realisation that she didn't need to say it out loud to make what she had been screaming from the rooftops of her heart any more real - him and her would forever be unfinished business.
And nothing she could do could make the palpitations of her heart any less real either.
As the life she once dreamed of walked away from her, all she was acutely aware of was that it was a lingering wish, some half-thought dream, to sit opposite him in a chilly kitchen on blustery mornings, watching him drink his tea while she got drunk on him.
TAGLIST: @novelizt @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @mischivana @mitskiswift99 @houseoftwistedspirits
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bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
If the reader is sick (the one with the snakes), would he snakes come out too and just plump down next to her and be a little dramatic? I need some distraction because I’m sick and nobody to look after me and wanted to know what they’d do. Sorry if this is a stupid question. 😅❤️
I hope you feel batter soon and i'll add some Zosan taking care of reader for you for good measure.
Warning: Snakes, being sick, bad language and gross stuff.
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship. Reader has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they are also connected to her emotions. Iv also deiced that the snakes are genderless.
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You're not one to get sick, you avoid it the best you can but when Zoro got sick he hid it very well and now you were sick. You avoided being sick for a reason, it didn't matter what the sickness was your snakes would get it too and your arms itch like crazy because of this. Chopper has wrapped your arms in bandages, given you cold packs for your arms but your already freezing even with a fever so you lay in bed itching your arms resisting the urge to rip the bandages off. The bed was comfy and warm but you couldn't sleep to focused on your shivering body, blocked nose and sore throat. Sanji had been coming in and out to check on you while Zoro stayed away since the cook yelled at the man for not telling anyone he was sick and for getting you sick, even though they were in the kitchen at the time you could hear their argument clear as day. A part of you wanted to slap the swordsman but you mostly understood why he didn't tell anyone, he didn't have any symptoms other than seeming to wrap up a bit more than normal. "Hay love. i made you some tea with Honey and lemon for your throat" Sanji smiles walking in and setting the tray down on the bedside table "Thanks" you cough a little sitting up in bed and rubbing your arm "I know it itches love but please don't" The cook grabs your hands to stop you form itching, you nod at him and go to take the warm cup of tea drinking a bit as Sanji sits on the edge of the bed.
You breathe in the warm steam and take in the soothing feeling going down your throat as you drink "Thank you" You whisper feeling a little better "It's no problem love, oh, Chopper said to take this if you can" The cook reaches over and grabs a bottle from the try along with a spoon, you groan and pout a little, the blonde gives you a sympathetic look before pouring the medicine onto the spoon and feeding it to you. You take the medication that tastes awful but you swallow it and drink some more of your tea to wash it down but the itching in your arms starts to become unbearable again, holding your cup with one hand you use the other to start scratching. Sanji sighs and gabs your hand as your leg shakes feeling frustrated "Why don't you just let them out" Zoro's voice comes from the door way getting a glare off Sanji "I told you to stay away, you've done enough damage" The cook try's not to yell standing up to go and shove the swordsman out but the man doesn't budge "Sanji, its fine" You cough a little placing your cup down as the blonde stops pushing the swordsman with a sigh. "Last time i let them out when i was sick" You cough a little only for Zoro to walk over to you and sit on the edge of the bed, Sanji keeping a close eye on him. "Their going to be sick too. I'd rather itch than look after two sick snakes" you lay back down in bed the swordsman pulling the covers over you.
Sanji smiles placing a hand on Zoro's shoulder "We'll were here now, so we can look after them" The cook was still mad at Zoro, but he was also very concerned, he couldn't see that the man he loved was sick for almost a whole week. "Isn't one of me enough?" You ask looking up the two was your body shivers and itches "Please, baby. I'm really sorry for getting you sick at least let me make it up to you. I'll take care of them" Zoro takes your arm and runs his hand up and down the feeling making you feel a little better "Ok fine." You groan pulling your arm away form him and making fangs out of your fingers, The tattooed snakes on your bandaged arm slither out of your hands, they stay small as they look at each other, their eyes droopy and skin paler than normal. One turns to Zoro flicking its tongue at him "They don't look too ba-" Zoro smile only to get sneezed on by the snake, You and Sanji slap a hand over your mouths trying to stop yourselves form laughing "You were saying?" the cook chuckles behind the swordsman who keeps his eyes closed while grabbing a tissue wiping the snot off his face and using the same tissue to wipe the snakes nose. Your other snake hisses laying its head in Zoro's lap, its eyes groggy and mouth dry "Don't worry I'll look after them" Zoro smiles at you a little making you smile back.
Sanji places a wet cloth on your head while Zoro sits on the end of the large bad with the two small snakes on his lap, he wipes their noses and gives them water he didn't find it too hard. As you fell asleep Sanji went to get water and some other stuff Chopper recommended for sick snakes "If your not careful i'm gonna start calling you pissy" Zoro groans holding a tissue to the snakes nose, it gives him a glare even with tired eyes "What now?" Sanji whispers setting stuff down on the other bedside table before walking over with a cup of water. "This one won't sneeze into the tissue" The swordsman whispers back slowly pulling the tissue away but keeping his eye on the snake looking for any signs that it'll sneeze again. The cook lets out a small quiet laugh as he sits on the bed holding the cup on the bed as your other snake lazily slithers over and starts to drink "There you go" The blonde lightly rubs the snakes head with his finger watching it drink. The snake on Zoro breaths in before sneezing but this time the swordsman manages to get the tissue over the snakes nose giving the snake a cocky grin as it stares daggers at him. Sanji puts the glass of water on the side table before grabbing two warm towels and laying them down for the snakes to sleep on.
"Honestly i thought it would be harder than this" Sanji lightly pets the snakes head as it curls up on the warm towel "your only saying that because you got the easy one" Zoro looks over the cook then down at the sleeping snake only for the snake in front of him to slither up his arm and into his kimono "Get out" the swordsman whispers trying to grab the snake only for it to wrap around his bicep, he stops with a sigh since it reminds him of how you some times cling to him in your sleep. Your arms around his arm and head on his shoulder, they are a part of you so he can't bring himself to pry the now warm snake off his arm. Sanji watches with a smile soon feeling the snake in front of him wrap its tail around his index finger keeping his hand close as it try's to fall asleep.
Things seemed to be going well, you were asleep along with your snakes while Zoro and Sanji sat on the bed "I know your still mad but i'm sorry, if i knew Y/N would get sick i wouldn't have hid it" The swordsman whispers getting Sanji to look up from the snake holding his finger "I'm upset that you didn't tell me you were sick, what if you ended up like nami was, she pretended she was fine until she passed out." The blonde looks over the swordsman hoping he will understand. When Nami got sick it scared everyone, they almost lost her and the thought of going through that again especially with someone he loved hurt. "I won't do it again if it worries you this much. It was only mild so i didn't think much of it.... i just didn't want to be fussed over" Zoro looks over at you, he didn't know if you had a worse version or if the snakes being sick made your symptoms worse, either way he was sorry and hopes to make it up to you. "Zo, it's our job as partners to fuss over you. your gonna have to get used to it" Sanji lets out a small laugh making the Zoro blush a little "You know i hate that shit" The swordsman grumbles under his breath, the cook reaches over and takes Zoro's hand making the man look at him "You act like you hate it but i see the way you lean into it, how your cheeks go slightly red, how your body relaxes"
Zoro using his free hand to stop the cook from saying anymore, placing his hand around the blondes mouth "Is this your way of torturing me?" The green haired man asks earning a snicker and a nod. The snake on Zoro's arm tightens slightly before letting out a sneeze making the swordsman groan and reach into his kimono to pull the snake off his arm, it offers up some resistance but seems to be too tired to fight back. Grabbing a tissue the swordsman wipes the snakes nose and lays it down on the second heated towel on the bad before wiping his arm "I think thats also good payback" Sanji chuckles leaning back a bit and watching his boyfriend clean snot off his arm. The snake lifts its head up and sneezes again only this time it lands on your second snake, a loud angry hiss fills the room as the snake unravels its tail form around Sanji's finger and lifts up "Hay it's ok we can just clean yo-" The snake in front of Zoro sneezes again right into the seconds snakes face, the hiss gets louder as the snake shivers with feeling cold and anger. Zoro quickly grabs his snake just before the other snake lunges to bite "Hay i know its gross bud but were not gonna do that" The swordsman try's holding onto the snake as it starts hissing back.
A once calm environment now turned into an intense argument between the two snakes, Zoro and Sanji held one each to the best of their ability while the two snakes hissed and lunged at each other, the swordsman stepped off the bed to try and create some distance only for the hissing to get more intense and louder. Waking up to the sound of loud angry hissing and Zoro and Sanji trying to calm the two snakes down, you open your eyes to find Sanji holding one snake while sitting on the bed and Zoro holds the other getting off the bed to step away. The two snakes hiss and trying to bite each other even though their quite far away form each other now. Your throat hurts and your still tired but anger boils through you as you yell "Knock it off" You hold your throat as you sit up, the yelling hurt but at least now the room was quiet. Zoro and Sanji along with your snakes turn to look at you as you sit up with a hard glare making all of them gulp in fear "I finally get some good sleep and you two start a fight." You point to the snake in Zoro's hands making it jump a little "You, sneeze into a tissue, how many times have i told you to do so?" You growl trying to yell but your sore dry throat won't let you, the snake looks down at the floor in shame as you look over at the snake in Sanji's hands.
You didn't fully understand what happened but you can put the pieces together and its happened before, its very rare but when it does happen all hell can breaks loose "Don't attack each other now both of you apologise" The two snakes look at each other and flick their tongues while lowing their heads as a way of saying sorry. You flop back down and rub your head as Sanji puts the snake back on the towel and grabs a tissue to wipe it down "I'm sorry love" The cook sighs as Zoro walks back over and sits down still holding the snake while grabbing a tissue and makes the snake hold it with its tail. "It's not your fault, this is why i didn't want to let them out, they always start a fight, and they both have their own thing that annoys either me or each other" pulling the covers back over you while rolling on your side you look over at your two boys "So its not just the sneezing?" Zoro asks putting the snake in his hands down on the warm towel "Yep. your one sneezes and refuses to use a tissue, i have no idea why but it also some times refuses to drink even when it really wants water. The other one is very clingy and tends to try and sleep underneath the other for warmth or try and curl up under my head but its also quick to anger, its even bitten me once because i rolled away form it, luckily they only get like this when their sick" You groan earning sympathetic looks form your two boys as the two snakes finally settle back down.
The next couple of days you managed to get some good sleep but there were times when you would have to let your snakes back on your arms, it drained your energy and gave you a headache if they were gone too long, and they would get dizzy. Zoro and Sanji helped the best they could tending to keep the snakes away from each other as to not start another fight, Zoro spent most of his time with you looking after one snake while the other laid on your chest as you slept, Sanji would come in and out bringing stuff for everyone before going back to doing what he needed to do. The cook has a very strong immune system, he can't remember the last time he got sick, so he wasn't worried too much about being around you. Of cause, he didn't want to get anyone else sick so took measures to wash his hands and change cloths before preparing food or drinks. Chopper would pop in once a day to check on you and if your snakes were out he would check them over too. Thanks to everyone's help you got better much quicker than you had previous times, it only really hit you when you let your snakes back onto your still bandaged arms. Chopper insisted you keep the bandages on to stop you form itching when ever the snakes went back but it didn't itch.
Sitting up you look over your bandaged arms earning a look of concern form Sanji, Zoro and Chopper "What's wrong baby?" Zoro asks sitting on the end of the bed and placing a hand on your leg. You smile at him and grab his hand "its doesn't itch anymore" It was such a relief, you were finally well enough for your snakes to not affect you "Thank you guys so much, it feels so much better" You let out a sigh of relief as Sanji runs his hand through your hair while sitting next to you on the bed "I'm glad your feeling better but your still not 100% so please stay in bed" The cook begs but you don't protest instead you nod and take his hand with your free one "Keep taking the meds i gave you and keep warm, I'll check on you tomorrow" Chopper smiles patting your shoulder before jumping off the bed, Zoro gets up and lets the doctor out of the room thanking him on the way "You boys did great, i've never gotten better this quick" You laugh a little as Sanji makes you lay back down and covers you over "It's the least i can do for getting you sick" The swordsman walks over running his hand up and down your arm "It's ok, i'm not mad hun, you more than made up for it" Giving the two a smile they can't help but smile back, it was hard taking care of your sick snakes but it was worth it.
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Hey, I like your writing. Would it be alright if we get Ganyu and Hu Tao with a pre-S/o who obviously has a crush on them but is to shy to confess their feeling. So it's up to them to take initiative. Thank you.
Them with a reader that’s too shy to confess their obvious crush to them
characters: Hu Tao / Ganyu / Keqing x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: I decided to add Keqing because I feel like I haven't written for her in a long time, and frankly, because I could.
If there's something I got wrong about your request, feel free to say and I'll try again once i find the motivation/time to.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Hu Tao
While, at this point, most people would think that Hu Tao had no idea how to read a room, the funeral director was confident in saying that their theory couldn’t be more false, as she simply chose to ignore it whenever she could. So when you started acting increasingly shy and nervous around her, she was quick to pick up on your behavior. And once she noticed how you were acting, her discovering why was already on the horizon.
Of course Hu Tao used this gained knowledge to sort things out for the two of you. Or at least she will… eventually. After she got her fun first.
The longer you stared at the lines of the poem Hu Tao had handed you, the more of a weird feeling you got in your stomach. It was unusual enough for her to write anything that wasn’t at least 50% meant as a joke, so when you saw that it was about love you wished for nothing more than to either sink into the ground or wake up from this awkward scenario. 
What didn’t help was the fact that she continued to stare at you with a grin the whole time, not seeming to blink once whenever you stole a quick glance towards her.
“Uhm”, you tried to find the right words to start, only for Hu Tao to cut you off.
“Is there a problem?”, she asked, almost sounding genuine, if it weren’t for her grin growing bigger.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but why didn’t you choose anyone else to proofread this?”, you nervously asked, seeing her playfully tilt her head from the corner of your eye.
“Who else should I hand it to? Xingqiu? Nothing against him, but he really isn’t made for criticizing romantic poetry”, she was quick to respond, letting out a small yawn as the first sunrails made their way towards you, causing you to realize how long it was since she had dragged you out here.
“And I am better at talking about these kinds of texts for what reason?”, you asked with all the sarcasm you could muster, both of you knowing damn well how bad you were with any material about romance.
“Your reactions are funny”, she stated almost matter of factly while raising her pointer finger and pointing at a specific verse in the poem, looking at you expectedly. “Reread this once more and tell me if there’s something to change”, she demanded, causing your eyes to scan those words once again, only for the realization that the person described shared a lot of features with you… Almost too many for this whole thing to be a coincidence.
Before you had a chance to say anything however, Hu Tao snatched the paper out of your hands, giving you a smile before playfully patting your shoulder.
“Oh no, it seems like a new morning has dawned, which means that a new day of work lies ahead of us, so sorry that I have to cut this short all of a sudden”, she feigned sadness, only to give you one of her usual mischievous smiles. “But hey, if you need to tell me anything, you know where to find me.”
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When you first began acting awkwardly around Ganyu, going so far as to avoid looking her in the eyes, the more anxious side of her began worrying she may have unintentionally done something that caused your behavior, only for you to blush whenever she mentioned it before trying to assure her that everything was fine.
It was only after one specific, purple haired coworker of hers started to notice the way you two acted around each other and decided that enough was enough, that Ganyu was confronted with the possibility of you having caught feelings. And while the intention of revealing your somewhat obvious crush was to make the half Adeptus stop worrying too much, it turned out to have the exact opposite effect as Ganyu also began to turn into a nervous wreck whenever she was around you.
Taking the initiative in situations like these never was something Ganyu was all too fond of, her own anxiety not exactly helping in making things easier. Nevertheless here she was, waiting for you to meet her as she requested, doubts about this whole thing quickly starting to invade her mind, only for her to try and shake them off once she saw your form in the distance.
“Good morning Ganyu!”, you greeted her, a smile on your face as you made your way over to her, completely oblivious to how much of an anxious wreck she was at the moment.
Or at least you were until she presented you with a rose, barely managing to look you in the eyes as the color of her face started to turn into the same shade of red as the flower.
“I-I’ve heard of a nearly opened shop that sells beautiful flowers, so I wanted to… buy you one”, she mumbled just loud enough for you to hear, the sudden change in atmosphere causing you to start blushing as well, slowly taking the rose out of her hand, making sure not to sting yourself on any of its thorns.
“T-Thanks, I would have brought something with me too if I knew you bought me something. Please excuse me for a minute, I’ll get you something”, you offered, trying your best to get out before your nervousness took over completely, only to stop when you heard Ganyu speak up again.
“Wait!”, she almost yelled, immediately stopping herself once she realized how loud she was, lowering her voice drastically. 
“There’s something I wanted to tell you.”
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No matter what way she looked at it, Keqing couldn’t help but feel slightly infuriated. You were her secretary, the first one to hold out for such a long time at that, so why were you spending less and less time around her, preferring to pretend to be busy running errands around the office?
This wasn’t jealousy that was speaking of course, it wasn’t like she started to enjoy having you around her at work so much that she couldn’t help but feel lonely whenever you weren’t, but if you had a problem with her, you should simply tell her that face to face instead of trying to run away.
And so, the Yuheng decided to ambush you somewhere private, fully intending to resolve whatever issues you had in a direct way.
“O-oh Keqing. Is there something you need?”, you asked, nearly jumping as Keqing appeared from behind the corner, cutting off your way suddenly enough that you nearly ran into her..
“Yes. I need you”, she stated, her tone sounding slightly frustrated, only for her eyes to slightly widen once she realized that her words could be taken another way, quickly adding a few more. “-to do your job as my secretary.”
While Keqing may have been full of resolve when she set out to confront you, the longer she had to wait for you, the more she began to actually fear what could happen. What if you really had a problem with her? Would you resign? Did you not enjoy working together as much as she did? At this point it was fair to say that she was feeling somewhat nervous, increasingly hoping that this all turned out to be some kind of misunderstanding.
“I can’t help but feel like you're avoiding me. Even now I had to basically ambush you to get you to even speak to me”, she explained while crossing her arms, checking your face for any reactions before taking a deep breath and continuing, “If you have a problem with me, just say it”, Keqing tried her best to continue her confident facade, only for it to slowly giving way with each and every word, her nervousness making its way onto her face.
“I don’t have a problem with you”, you quickly blurted out, only to almost instantly be cut off by the Yuheng.
“Then what is it?”
Her question almost instantly managed to shut you up, causing you to look around nervously as you tried your best to find the right words to continue with. Eventually letting out a long sigh as you closed your eyes in defeat.
“Could we go somewhere more private? I… have some things I need you to know.”
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gretahayes · 2 years
(without judgment) may i know why you like tim? i mean the reasons why he is the "best" robin for many people, (according to you). You seem to really know his character
(my english is really bad, sorry)
Ah, okay, so this seems like a serious ask, so I'll sit down and actually answer it.
I like Tim because, at his core, he believes he is a good person, and does good things. Is this true? Well, in most cases, yes. His morals can be loose sometimes, and he's always this close to snapping and becoming a genocidal dictator, but his conviction that he is a good person and those aren't "good person things to do" stop him. He's silly and dumb and so so complex and seems generic on the surface, but I swear he is so, so much more.
He's undoubtedly a good Robin. He was the first to get the Robin suit pants (thank God for that, though the scaly shorts were cute), and his writers loved him and loved Robin. Tim’s hardworking, a fast learner, kind, canonically the most intelligent Robin and a better detective than Batman himself. (Not to say any of the Robins are stupid, they're all intelligent and amazing detectives, but this is Tim’s thing, y’know?) I consider him the best because he was diligent and reasonably cooperative (at least cooperative enough that it didn't interrupt the mission), intelligent, compassionate, a good fighter, and quippy, all in perfectly Robin-sized proportions. He did a lot as Robin, achieved a lot, and that definitely adds to my conviction.
He's also got his own personal agenda half the time that he pushes secretly or blatantly, depending on if it'll cause problems that will stop him from achieving said agenda. He thinks out of the box to achieve his ends, and has a ruthless streak a mile wide. He's also such a loser yet makes fun of others, and that's hilarious to me.
For me, at least, he's just...relatable. He's flawed and bossy and sometimes paranoid and a Batman and Robin (then later, Nightwing) superfan and he's funny and tends to overthink a lot and he fails, sometimes. The narrative tends to be kind to him, and many characters admit he's likable or at least worth their time (I'm thinking of Lady Shiva here, basically training him because she basically thought he was batshit insane ("thought outside of the box" or whatever) and that appealed to her). He's what I call little-brother shaped, in that he's annoying in a way that you're accustomed to find endearing.
Tim has good relationships with a lot of fan favorites, batfamily members or not, and has a tendency to get in other people's business with the insistence he can help. People, whether with shock, humor, derision or resignation, tend to let him, leading to his genuinely ridiculous amount of teamups. He's friendly and fun(ny) to be around generally, even when he's moping. (See: Red Robin 2009). He was remarkably popular in school but too wrapped up in Robin to take up the many, many invitations to hang out he got daily. He's a nerd but hates school and dropped out. He's unable to stay in one place, maybe partly due to him moving apartments a lot as a child.
...I'm rambling. Anyway, here's posts that get into Tim's relationship with his parents. These next ones are about Jack Drake; one that I agree with probably due to my father being a lot like Jack Drake, one that's kinder to him than I'll ever be, but looks at it from both angles and I agree with the harsher take, and one that's got a lot of Bruce but a lot of Tim about Jack as well. TDLR; Tim's dad was shitty, but not shitty enough for anyone whose name isn't Dick Grayson to really...notice? Or do anything about? Which is relatable to me, at least. Jack dies when Tim’s 16, kicking off the worst year of his life.
Tim's also got average parents that tend to be on the side of bad, in Jack's sake. His parents weren't shown on-panel a lot, but from what we know, they ship him off to boarding school once they can. (Which, hey, no judgement, better than leaving him alone) He stops going to boarding school when he's uhh, 15-16. He's 13-14 when his mom dies and his dad is sent into a coma. He mourns her. Jack gets out of his coma eventually, dates then marries his much-younger physical therapist who's a better mother-figure to Tim than Jack is a good dad, is a shitty dad (he knows barely anything about his kid yet keeps exerting control over him, he lets Tim down time and time again, he's shown to have violent tendencies though it's worth noting he never hits Tim on-panel. Some of this can be attributed to him and Tim just being different, but Tim's his son. He should put in more effort than he does.), makes up for it a bit, then dies.
This sounds like Tim propaganda, and it is. He's forgiving and sarcastic and very quick to make nice with people that've hurt him in the past. He's also got a chronic case of Youngest Child Syndrome due to him being the youngest for so long, so he's there's that undertone of brattiness/entitlement when interacting with the older family members he's close to, that screams he's used to being put first and expects it, even. It's endearing though. He loves his friends and his family, makes sure to let them now, and makes sure they know when he feels unloved so they can fix it. He proudly parallels Dick and quietly parallels Bruce, and is the most Bruce-like off all the batkids. King of compartmentalization for the mission.
(Also, he's bi and I see him as heavily ADHD/autism coded (a bit of both in my opinion) he's also absolutely insane btw.)
He's just!!! I'm so fond of him, and I see why other are too. He seems over-hyped, but like...he's genuinely amazing. He didn't create the Robin mantle, but he gave it so much life and joy and he deserves the world.
Also dw your English is perfect here!
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userholland · 2 years
baby's first christmas
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after five months with your own bundle of joy, it's christmas time! the two of you weren't expecting to splurge so much but it's the morning of december 25th and it's all about the newest holland of the family!
PAIRING: dad!tom holland x mom!reader
GENRE: parenting/domestic au!!!, super fluffy, short sweet to the point
A/N: so happy to keep up with this series and hope its giving such christmas vibes to anyone reading <3 appreciate the support on the first post so hopefully i'll keep up with it!
𑁍 masterlist 𑁍
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Your eyes fluttered open to the sight of delicate snow falling down on the terrace. A smile quickly appeared on your lips, pushing against the bed as you stretch your chest and neck. As you take a deep breath, your hand reached over to the other side of the bed but only grasped the sheets.
You furrowed your eyebrow, then looked at that side of the bed, only seeing the messy and wrinkled down sheet and the full blanket on the floor.
After making up your shared queen bed, you put on your slippers and robe before heading down the hall. Usually, in the morning, you checked on the baby first, but you froze when you saw her curled up in Tom's arms.
"What are you doing up?" You giggled, walking over to his side. You nuzzled your face behind his shoulder as the two of you glanced down at your precious girl, Mia.
"I woke up early and she was crying so, I picked her up and have been scared to put her back down." Tom lowly spoke, rubbing Mia's back as he turned to you and placed a soft kiss on your temple.
"Merry Christmas." You grinned.
"Merry Christmas, babe." He replied, pulling you close to him.
You pouted, "It's like yesterday she was so tiny."
"As if she's not now?" Tom jeered, running his hand over the top of her hair, "She's like the world's smallest thing."
"And it's her first Christmas today. Can you believe it?" You sighed, walking around to the closet. You had already laid out her red overalls and a small white shirt.
You heard Mia babble as she stretched out her arms and legs in Tom's hold, watching her squirm a bit before she opened her small eyes. Tom couldn't help but smile, tickling her tummy and then holding her face.
"Did you already change her diaper?" You asked, walking back with her outfit.
""Fresh and clean. Surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be after we fed her peas and squash last night." He said as he laid her down on the changing table.
"Well at least she finally likes something that not just bananas." You joked, giving him the overalls and shirt before unbuttoning her onesie.
"She gets her pickiness from you." He chuckled.
You smirked, "Well, she knows what she wants."
♡ ♡ ♡
When you both came downstairs, carefully holding Mia to your chest, the Christmas tree was beautifully lit and shining bright with presents wrapped around the bottom. You were in awe of it, already overwhelmed by how Christmas has come so fast.
"Did you add some presents last night?" You asked him as the two of headed toward the couch.
""I didn't want to admit how overboard I went with baby stuff."
"She's not even a year old and already has so much. You're just trying to make her a daddy's girl, aren't you?" You teased.
"No problem with a head start now."
You rolled your eyes, but Mia was on your hip, reaching her arms out when her eyes glimmered at the shiny paper of the presents.
"See," Tom pointed out, "She's already loving me." He smiled, quickly kissing Mia's cheek. It made you so flustered the way he was so affectionate with her, wanting to be involved no matter what occasion.
"Okay, start handing out presents Santa. We got a lot to get through this morning." You said as you carefully sat on the couch with Mia propped up on your lap.
Tom leaned down, reaching behind the tree to grab the first present. You tried to look around him, but then saw the biggest, softest brown teddy bear in his arms.
"I wonder who this is for." He smiled, "I know it wasn't on my list."
You laughed, pointing to the bear as Mia reached out her hands again, "Look at that, Mia. That's all for you."
As Tom sat the bear next to you, Mia's hand grabbed its fluffy nose and pulled it toward her with the little strength she had.
"With that muscle, she'll be bench pressing this." You jeered, making sure she didn't hurt herself.
Tom pulled another present, pretty small but quaint, "Here's for mom." He trailed, kneeling on both knees in front of you.
You pouted, "Oh, you're so great. It's like we have a baby together or something." You sarcastically said before scrunching your nose.
You unwrapped it, pulling off the paper and Mia tried to reach for the shreds as you threw it away. A velvet box revealed itself from the paper and you opened it, stunned to see a beautiful gold bracelet.
As you admired the band further, the three of your names were engraved in it. Your heart melted at the moment, looking in awe at it before Tom offered to put it on your wrist.
The two of you got lost in each other's eyes, adoring one another even more at this moment.
"I love you so much." He whispered, rubbing your knee.
"I love you so much too." You giggled as you tried to hold back tears, but Mia held your bracelet and tried to bring it to her mouth.
"No, no, Mia. Not in your mouth." Tom chuckled, "I actually have a present that's for that."
You smiled, "Maybe she wants one too."
Tom sort out the rest of the presents and you held Mia closer to you, seeing her brighten up when Tom opened her presents for her. She was young, but you knew she was loving it. You hoped that subconsciously she would remember moments like this and the shared warm feelings between the three of you.
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ciaran · 2 years
ep10 thoughts (spoilers for trigun stampede 10)
it's very obvious that Vash's pain tolerance is at best highly variable and most probably obscenely high. he gets shot and makes barely any sound, without even giving the impression that he is deliberately keeping himself quiet, and then walks off. also what an insanely good character beat!!! I'm going to throw up.
i actually wonder to what extent (and I've been having this thought since the plant reveals dropped, around that time) Vash's extreme compassion for humans is inherent to him on a species level. most of the plants we've seen haven't been characterized (as much as they've been shown as having an internality) as...disliking the way they're used even though it's clearly bad for them? like this isn't scanning as a metaphor for slavery, more for symbiotic relationships or parasitic mutualism. not that i think that's a decent status quo but, ah. thoughts.
Vash apologizing repeatedly to Wolfwood ;_; WAIT SHIRTLESS VASH REVEAL????? IM SHAKING LIKE A CHIHUAHUA RN
“I can imagine, even if i don't want to, how a misfit like you is being treated by humans,” I'm going to climb into a rocket and blow myself up to fuck. what the fuck
i need to print every line of dialogue from this scene onto the inside of my skull they're giving me EVERYTHING i want
then we're immediately catapulted into some kind of sick and twisted old man yaoi between Doctor human experimentation and our good friend Roberto
side note it's very funny to me that the Meryl/Roberto dynamic parallels the Vash/Wolfwood dynamic in the sense of: idealistic person walks into trouble and their cynical, substance abusing boyfriend/mentor trudges despairingly after them to keep them alive another day. top tier
i love a good artificial and fucked up child I'll be honest. also Roberto saying “the important thing is how you feel when you see these children”...i may be reading too much into his character but his addiction and cynicism make sense to me from the perspective of this—essentially okay if ordinarily messy person trying to survive in a world where every daily decision runs counter to the basic morality he cannot silence no matter how much he drinks. which adds a certain tint to how he views Meryl? i don't precisely love their relationship as is (i would want a few more layers folded into it) but I'm inclined to view it more favourably in this episode.
SO I TYPED OUT "interesting backstory for Elendira" and then this guy said "he" so i was like "what" but INTERESTING BACKSTORY FOR ELENDIRA. PLEASE LET HER BE TRANSFEM STILL.
weirdly paced runaway scene though, really hollow and... tonally dissonant voice acting when i didn't notice a problem before. direction issue? it really jarring :/
huh, Roberto really let them walk into a trap and then abandoned them there. stone cold! i like that in a guy
“I hate you” “me too, we might get along well” Wolfwood will find a kid who looks traumatized and unsupervised and be like “is anyone going to be an elder brother to them” and not wait for an answer.
oh, Roberto NO. this is so annoying. let me have a good dynamic between them for ONE episode before it gets utterly killed oh my god. violently irritating stuff.
thematically, i like that Meryl receives the message that it's okay to run away if you're scared from her mentor, who has literally always advocated for this while also following Meryl into trouble quite frequently. it's also very...i don't have a word for this but i see it happen often, where one character hears something alone that other characters need to hear too, that type of emotional beat; this is a message that Vash needs, and Meryl is meant to pass it to him. but it's also for her! i like that Roberto emphasizes on some level the importance of not dying for a cause, for knowing your limits and sticking to them even when the world is demanding too much from you—but then he dies for it? hmm.
this monologue from Wolfwood is very interesting, isn't it? “i don't have time to hesitate for the fear of making sacrifices, i have to make a choice. i will do anything to protect the things i cherish. i am the guide, after all... what a great babysitter i am; i managed to bring you here alive when you're always asking to get killed” oh Wolfwood i will kiss you and your Judas parallels directly on the mouth. with tongue. and feed you olives <3
“thank you for all this time” aaaaaaaaaa
he has stubble in this episode I'm about to burst into tears. i need to make a list of Wolfwood's hottest features starting with 1. betrayed the love of his life (or tried to, i suspect it won't stick) 2. STUBBLE!!!!!
KNIVES!!! also I've been really enjoying the cuts to Knives playing the piano between scenes. so beautiful, so tender. augh. brotherly reunion ;_;
i have so many thoughts about the scene between Vash and Knives but starting with “you're just trying to make up for the big fall” no honey i think it goes back further than that but also! Vash is the most guilt-ridden man of all guilt-ridden men. so yes. head full
“Nicholas, have you put down your cross?” oh they gave him a cross just for dialogue like this to hit like a truck. i get it. I'm dying fr. "and what if i have" while carrying. denial is a river in egypt
“the redemption will never end: no matter what you do, the humans will never forgive your sins before they die” okay lots to unpack there also. he's right! but also. lots to unpack
is this Knives plan with collecting the dying plants? to send them out in a blaze of glory to make Vash a plant with the ability to create? that's SO sick and twisted i love it. freak rights who is doing it like Knives Millions for his baby brother
incredibly satisfying episode, 10/10 would watch again.
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sillyandquest · 10 months
Haven't mentioned that Mutant Mashup AU in a while, might as well bring something up that I've been stewing over for ever since I saw this YouTube video by skulltrot.
It's a really good analysis on Leo and why he does the things he does in the movie. It even explains a few minor details you might've missed during a first watch, as well as a few other details that are mentioned in the series.
After watching this video I've seen Rise Leo not as an overconfident teen whose goofy for personal amusement, but an insecure kid who covers up that fact by telling jokes.
I'll explain more on Blue's character in the Au under the cut so you don't have to read it if you don't want to, but just as a reminder.
2012 gang's nicknames are:
Leo = DaVinci
Raph = Sanzio
Donnie = Niccolo
Mikey = Simoni
Splinter = Yoshi
April = May
Casey has the same name.
Rise fam's nicknames are:
Raph = Red
Donnie = Purple
Leo = Blue
Mikey = Orange
Splinter = Lou
Casey = Cass
April has the same name.
Now for Blue's character. I'm gonna focus on his insecurities here, as well as a bringing up his relationship with his brothers and cousins.
In the Au, Blue lives with his brothers and lives a few tunnels away from his cousins so there's plenty of interaction between them all. However, that also means that Blue picks up on his family's talents quickly and feels very insecure by the time the Au begins. Similar to canon, Blue doesn't tell anyone about his insecurities, using jokes to hide what's going on beneath the surface. It's hard for Blue to be vulnerable, even in front of his family. This was partially influenced by this father and uncle's relationship with each other, as well as how they treat Blue himself.
Yoshi and Lou absolutely care for Blue and don't want to see him hurt, it's just that they have so many other turtles to look after that sometimes Blue gets overlooked. He's not the only one either, Purple, Sanzio, Niccolo, even Simoni get overlooked from time to time. It also doesn't help that Blue's father has a habit of ignoring his issues through TV and other distractions. That meant Blue didn't get as much emotional availability from Lou as he should've growing up. Leading to Blue's lack of communication with his father, it just feels awkward at this point because Blue doesn't know if his dad will take his issues seriously.
Yoshi was a little different as he saw Blue growing up to be just like Lou and was worried Blue would turn out that way. That's why despite both sharing a similar sense of humor and getting along well, Yoshi was harder on Blue than the rest of his nephews. That led to Blue feeling like his insecurities were a weakness he needed to fix and feeling uncomfortable bringing them up to Yoshi.
Blue also doesn't like to bring his insecurities up to his brothers.
Blue noticed Red taking care of the family alongside DaVinci when their Dad and Uncle would fight. He understood, even at a young age, that something was wrong and that Red and DaVinci were stressed out over it. That's partly why Blue doesn't want to tell Red about his issues. He feels like Red already has enough on his plate and doesn't want to add more or feel like another burden his older brother needs to shoulder. Red and Blue do still tease and prank each other, as siblings do, but when it comes to internal issues that need to be addressed, Blue hesitates.
Purple is a different story because emotions are hard for him to get right. He tries, but Blue doesn't want to make his twin feel awkward or uncomfortable if he can help it. Even if Purple can understand being overlooked sometimes by the adults in their life, Blue doesn't feel the need to explain if it means an awkward infodump.
Orange is the closest to understanding Blue but isn't fully aware of the extent of his older bros issues. Blue is fully aware of Orange wanting to help and Dr. Delicate Touch his way into solving the problem, but Blue doesn't like how pushy Orange can be. Orange has a lot of energy with a passion comparable to his cousin Sanzio, but that eagerness to help isn't what Blue wants. Especially when he wants to protect Orange and not burden him with his issues, similar to Red.
The absolute last person Blue would explain his issues to is DaVinci. While Blue looks up to his oldest cousin, he feels inferior in many ways. DaVinci is strong, confident, efficient in battle and projects and air of safety that everyone can feel just by being around him. Blue wants to be like that but feels like he can't, that he's too weak to ever achieve that level of strength. DaVinci is pretty much the object of Blue's insecurities. That's not to say they aren't close, they both love Space Heroes and spa days. They care for each other, it's just that Blue can't help but compare himself to his cousin and other family members.
Sanzio is in a weird place though. While he would absolutely relate to Blue's struggles and maybe even offer some really good advice, Blue just doesn't explain to Zio. Blue is fully aware that Purple and Zio have an agreement between them, not the specifics just that there IS an agreement, and doesn't want to mess up with what they've got going on. Eventually, Blue will learn to lean on Zio after a talk with both him and Purple.
Simoni is similar to Orange in that Blue doesn't want to bog Simon down with his issues. Simon is fully aware that Blue's got some stuff to work out and is super go with the flow about it. He's not gonna pressure Blue into explaining something he's not ready to talk about and is totally cool with providing distractions. Blue appreciates that and spends the most time with Simoni because of it. Blue likes to divert his attention whenever his self criticism, or boredom, become too much.
The only person Blue willingly explains his issues to at the beginning is his cousin Niccolo, even the ugly parts.
Nico is calm, gentle, willing to listen and not give any feedback unless asked for it. Blue doesn't want others to find the solutions for him, he wants to find them on his own. He knows his brothers mean well, but Blue feels weak when he finally gets vulnerable in their presence. Blue wants to feel in control of his issues and Nico understands that. To others, Nico's silent presence might feel like detachment, but he's always listening and that's what Blue wants.
The Hamato's hooman friends are in a funky middle.
The Jones' definitely aren't the ones Blue would go to for insecurity assistance. Him and Cass aren't close enough for Blue to ask her for help, plus I think he'd view her as friend by association. She's a little intense like Orange so that doesn't help her case. Casey may be good at keeping a secret, but that doesn't mean that he's good at keeping a secret from his friends. Blue likes his secrets kept as such. Casey Junior lands in that same boat where Blue doesn't want to burden him anymore than he already is. I mean, kid lost everything and is considered the lone survivor of a doomed future. Maybe Blue might ask if his older self had any self care tips but just very subtly.
The O'Neil's try to get him to open up in their own ways. Blue doesn't go to Kirby or Carol unfortunately because he had a hard time leaning on adults growing up. April definitely encourages him to talk to DaVinci about his issues mean while May asks him to talk to Red. Both do their best but Blue is stubborn and stagnates a lot of the time.
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