#if he was going to die he didn't care and made it about themself. it was so awful. I'm glad i left that server.
xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
Live for us | {SaneObaGiyuu}
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Theme: Angst+fluff+angst!
Note: TW's!! self harm, suicide, self degradation, blah blah, ok you get it
they're already dating and tanji doesn't exist <3
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There was a thing about life that made it so unappealing. Several things, actually. But for one, you don't even make it out alive. What's the point? What do you live for if you're just going to die in a couple years? You don't even know if you'll make it past tomorrow. So what's the point?
The fact stood, however, that if Giyuu died, he would no longer see Sanemi and Obanai anymore. Which seemed to be the sole reason he was alive. He didn't even know if he should keep living for them. He was a nuisance anyway. He would only bother them and they were better off alone. He wondered, often, if they would notice if he died.
Though they did seem to notice other things. Like if he was quieter than usual—which was saying something, considering he was often quiet—or if he hadn't been eating. His eating problems weren't like Obanai's. They were selfish—Obanai's made sense.
Giyuu didn't eat because he hoped he would starve to death. He would waste Sanemi's carefully made food just because he wasn't happy. He was stupid.
He was so sure that Sanemi and Obanai were quite done with him. He figured that if they weren't so nice, they would've dropped his ass immediately. He had forced them into the relationship anyhow, right? He'd forced himself into theirs. Somehow, for some reason, they had let him. They acted as if they loved him—but did they really?
Sometimes, when he watched them, he could imagine that they would be perfectly fine without him. Smiling and laughing. They looked good together. They were better off without his presence. He was nothing but a river between to pieces of land, pushing them apart. He only ruined things. 
They insisted, for his sake, that he wasn't annoying. They said they loved him. They said they cared. But they couldn't truly, right? Shinobu had said it herself—nobody liked him. Nobody wanted to be his friend, much less his boyfriend. So how had he gotten two boyfriends? Simple. They were too kind to let him down. They probably figured he would cry like a fucking baby and follow them like a stupid child if they rejected him. He would. He probably would.
That was the worst of it. He knew why they hated him. But he couldn't let himself to accept it. Or, at least, leave them be. He stuck to them like glue, unwilling to leave their side. You see, they were the only people who could make him feel, even just for a split second, that he might possibly want to live. That he might be worth it. That life might be worth it. Just for a minute. And it was the most selfish thing he ever let himself keep. He refused to be selfish, typically, but he needed it. Wanted it. He longed for it. Yearned for it to last. A little longer. A minute more. 
Sanemi knew what it looked like when someone hurt themself deliberately. He would know. He used to do it. But that was in the past. He hadn't given it much of a thought again after months—years—passed. He began to feel content again and mostly forgot that he'd ever had an episode like that. 
Obanai and Giyuu were his absolute pride and joy—and Genya, though he would never admit it to anyone. They made him feel as if he could lead a somewhat normal life, or at least die a content death. So he went along with his life just fine for a while. Until Giyuu stumbled into his house, face pale and arms slack.
For a moment, he got a sense of déjà vu. He didn't understand it at first and simply picked up Giyuu, asking if he was alright. Then it hit him.
The first time he had purposefully harmed himself, he hadn't been sure what was wrong with him. It was when Masachika was alive. Sanemi hadn't slept well that day and had awoken with a surge of guilt and pain. He didn't understand himself. He had grabbed his katana and numbly drew it down his own body, watching blood spill from the wounds. The blade had been sharp. And he had pressed much too hard. But the pain felt relieving, as if feeling some pain would make up for the loss of his family, his siblings he'd been unable to protect. It soothed his mind. But then Masachika had entered the room.
The katana had dropped and suddenly his wounds stung in a million other ways and he no longer felt the momentary comfort from them. He cried out, standing. He had wobbled towards Masachika, unsure what he was doing. He was sure, now, that he must've looked exactly as Giyuu did now. Collapsing into Masachika's arms, molded by the concern lacing his friend's gaze.
He must've looked the same. Pale and shaky. Wondering what the hell had he done.
Sanemi tugged Giyuu's sleeves up. When he had done it, it had been all over his body. His legs, his arms, his chest. But he had caught a glint of bandages from under Giyuu's haori sleeve. It hadn't been there earlier and he hadn't gone on any missions since they had last met.
The bandages were stained red. It was only one arm, but it was still one arm. It was still there.
He scooped Giyuu up, taking him to his room. He placed him down on the futon, ordering him to stay there before shouting at his crow to go find Obanai and scouring his bathroom for towels and bandages. 
When Obanai had arrived, they had mopped up Giyuu's arm, putting light pressure on the wounds as they dabbed the blood with the towel. The bandages were wrapped around his arm and then they pulled him under the covers of the bed, quiet. They stole worried glances, holding Giyuu in a tight embrace.
After Giyuu had fallen asleep, they had spoken to one another in hushed tones for hours. They hadn't known that Giyuu had been unhappy to the point he would do something like this. And Sanemi feared it wasn't a one-time thing. That it was worse. That it would spread. 
Obanai suggested they spoke to Giyuu about it. He said that they would have to help him, somehow. To make him have something to live for, maybe.
When they talked to Giyuu, the following day, over this matter, he had brushed it off.
"I'm alright," he had said. "I was just feeling bad yesterday."
Neither believed him. Giyuu had never been the best at lying. He hadn't suddenly gotten the talent to.
They ended up dragging him back to Sanemi's house for another cuddle session. This time, however, they involved Giyuu in the talking. The conversation went back and forth time after time, constantly revolving back to the fact that Sanemi and Obanai loved him dearly and then Giyuu denying it and assuming they didn't.
In the end, however, they were satisfied with the results. Giyuu ended up contently snuggling into their hugs and finally giving up with his argument. he seemed a bit happier after the talk and Sanemi and Obanai relaxed slightly.
Of course, they of all people should've known to never let their guard down. But it's only human to forget every now and then. Even when it comes at the worst times possible.
It would've been a lie to say that Giyuu hadn't felt better after his boyfriends told him how much they loved him for an hour straight. But it would've also been a lie to say that it helped him on the long run. See, it made him feel better for about two hours after the talk. Roughly. And then his mind ran wild.
They must've been telling him that to make him stop being a burden to them. So they would stop having to help him. They probably felt pressured to do it. Yes, that was it. They didn't love him as much as they said they did. Words were empty, right? Promises didn't save Tsutako's life. Neither did they mean much when they told him "I love you." They didn't love him. They shouldn't. They wouldn't. Who would love him anyway? It was illogical. Unlikely. Stupid.
The thoughts molded his mind. They made up his thoughts. They made him want to curl up in a ball and cry. And maybe get dehydrated from that and die. Then in that moment he made a decision. It wasn't a sober one. He wasn't in the right mind. But it was far too late to stop him.
He was being ludicrous. Of course they didn't love him! Of course they wanted him out of their sight right away! Why would they care about him? There was nothing appealing about Giyuu; he was quiet and stubborn and annoying. He was nothing but another person to worry about because he was too childish and careless to take care of himself. So he was better off gone. Out of their lives.
His hand was on his katana, pulling it out of his sheathe. Then the blade was at his throat. He felt nothing more.
It came, as would be expected from anyone but Giyuu, a shock. At first, the Hashira were confused. Was this a joke? It was the middle of the day. What had happened to Giyuu? How had he died? And then one word fell upon their ears and they were stiffened with shock. 
The news reached Sanemi and Obanai first—who were on their way to Giyuu's house to hopefully spend some time together. They had been making their way idly to his house, talking lightheartedly. Then a crow swooped by. Was that Kanzaburou?
The word of Giyuu's death that he'd inflicted upon himself had barely left the bird's beak before the two had dropped their food—which they'd had to maybe convince Giyuu to eat lunch with them—and rushed to his house. The door was broken open—there was no use knocking.
The house was eerily silent for the middle of the day. Their footsteps, though loud, and their calls of his name didn't fill in the quiet that had befallen over the house. They stopped dead at his bedroom door, eyes wide but face otherwise slack with shock. Giyuu's body was slumped down, his head deattached from his body. His katana was held loosely in his hand, blood dotted vaguely on the blade. He was dead.
First came the shock. The processing. Then panic surged both Hashira forward and they stumbled towards his body, kneeling by his side. There was no hope on saving him. There couldn't be.
They searched the room. Had there been something to trigger him? No. What was it? Had they not done enough? Had they made it worse? What had happened? What the hell had fucking happened?
The news rippled through the Hashira. A death like this, though not uncommon for Demon Slayers, was the first amongst the Hashira in decades. Because of that, several Hashira were at Giyuu's house within minutes of getting the occurance. They found Sanemi and Obanai bent over Giyuu's body, clutching each other and shaking. Tears didn't seem to be coming out but silent screams rendered them useless as Tengen slowly pulled Giyuu from under them, wrapping him in a blanket to be buried.
Neither Sanemi nor Obanai knew what had happened. But both blamed themself. And the cycle began.
« Word count: 1921 »
sun is shining, birds are singing, nice day to write angst!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hope you dont mind an angsty request but
Can i request Kieran, Carmine, and Drayton see (or heard for Drayton’s part) the reader in a comatose state after taking the blow that was meant for Kieran when Terapagos went out of control. Like they, in the moment, sacrifice themself for Kieran and was somehow still standing after taking the hit but after they caught Terapagos, they immediatley fainted and havent woken up ever since.
(Btw i enjoy your posts!)
Ough this hurts, it's an absolutely devastating concept <//3
(and thank you!!!)
Instead of summoning your 'raidon, you shoved him aside and took the full brunt of the tera energy-infused blast, not caring what happened to you.
As long as he was safe.
He couldn't understand why you'd do this for him.
Even after going on that angry tirade about you, even after he caught Terapagos with a master ball solely to "get even" with you....you chose to save his life when you could've just saved yourself, Carmine, and Briar.
How could you be so kind and selfless to someone like him? Who's done nothing but talk about how much he envied you?
And somehow you're still standing, convincing him to fight by your side so you could both quell the legendary's fury.
Seeing the light return to his eyes made you smile as your pokemons' combined strength defeated it, with Kieran deciding to let you properly catch it.
What nobody expected, though, was for you to pass out shortly after you picked up the pokeball you used..
Your 'raidon got everybody safely out of Area Zero, but you still haven't woken up and were rushed to the hospital.
The attack left you in a comatose-like state, according to doctors, and there's no telling when you'll awaken...if ever.
There was overwhelming tera energy coming from your body, which caused any Pokémon within the room to start terastalizing themselves. So you had to be isolated, having only human visitors.
Of course, Kieran was the most devastated.
Now he might never get the chance to apologize to you..and it's all because he got obsessed with defeating you and was willing to use a dangerous legendary to do just that.
This was all his fault.
If you were to die thinking he still hated you...he'd never forgive himself.
He definitely doesn't wanna think about you reincarnating into a Phantump and haunting him for the rest of his life.
He visits as often as he can, holding your hand while he talks to you.
While he's not sure if you could even hear what he was saying, but somehow he believes you're listening.
"I went too far, [y/n]..I only ever wanted to be like you. But instead I....I-I did this to you. I did this to someone who still believed in me. Someone who still saw me as....a-as a friend..." His voice breaks, never having felt such remorse in his entire life. "I'm so, so sorry...please wake up soon."
Although he had let go of his bitterness towards you entirely, his bad sleeping/eating habits are still there, and there's not much that anybody can do to help him cope.
With every visit, he grows more desperate for a positive update on your condition, chatting with you and always ending with a plea for you to wake up.
Hell, he's even willing to become friends with Drayton again if that's what it took to see your eyes open.
When you do finally awaken after the tera energy readings have dropped to practically zero, you see Kieran asleep in the chair beside you, his hair messy and reminiscent of what it looked like a year ago.
You muster up enough strength to lightly ruffle it, and that's what makes him jerk awake, shocked.
At first he thinks he's still dreaming when he sees you're now conscious...but when the doctors confirm you're gonna make a full recovery, he just collapses into your waiting arms and sobs into your shoulder, having held back all of his tears until now.
You simply comfort him, reassuring that you didn't blame him at all.
It was you who chose to sacrifice yourself.
And you'd do it all over again.
Seeing you take that devastating hit for her brother shocked her to her very core...and even moreso when you were still standing despite the powerful blast.
But when you pass out shortly after capturing Terapagos, she's quick to snap Briar for pushing Kieran to terastalize it, blaming her for the reason this all happened.
She doesn't care if she gets in trouble for backtalking a teacher.
Her obsession with this "hidden treasure" ended up hurting a student, someone she was supposed to protect...and now you may never wake up.
At the hospital, Carmine sometimes visits you alongside her brother, and other times the two go in separately, leaving their pokemon outside.
When it's just her, she mostly talks about how Kieran has been doing, mentioning how you literally brought the light back into his eyes and how he wasn't some battle-crazed stranger anymore.
You saved him in more ways than one, and she cries a little just thinking about that, wishing you'd wake up and see that he was willing to let go of the past.
Whether it takes days or weeks, she never stops visiting you.
What you did for her brother was noble...and something she wishes she could've been brave enough to do.
The day you finally wake up and start to remember everything, Carmine quickly tries to cover up the fact she was crying.
But when you start talking, she's quick to breakdown as she (lightly) berated you for doing something so reckless, making you swear to NEVER do that again.
Soon Kieran rushes in the moment he hears you're awake..and he starts crying, too.
You just comfort the two siblings in your groggy half-asleep state, wondering how you'll tell them that this wasn't your first near-death experience...
All he hears is that you were involved in an accident down in Area Zero...and it feels like a punch to the gut when he learns it put you into a coma.
Now he wishes he went with you. Maybe he could've kept an eye on Kieran just in case he did anything stupid for the sake of defeating you in-battle.
But he didn't, and that's exactly what ends up happening.
Despite not knowing all the details, he 100% believes Kieran is at fault for your condition.
Even though Drayton only knew you for a short time, he cared enough to frequently visit your room, trying to stay his chill and relaxed self while he talks to you about whatever came to mind (in case you were listening, he didn't want you to worry over him).
But it gets harder with every passing day and no clear confirmation on when (and if) you'll wake up.
Carmine was afraid he was going to strangle Kieran if he saw him...
Yet whenever they so-happen to visit you at the exact same time, words are seldom exchanged between the two.
Although Drayton will often glare at him, thinking to himself "only now he's sorry?"
Even so, he doesn't verbalize it.
There's no bitter reminders of what Kieran did. No petty insults to get the other ex-champion riled up.
They just sit in silence, although seeing the tears in the younger boy's eyes and the way he holds your hand made Drayton's gaze less icy the more he saw it.
Whenever you wake up, he's one of the first to know and brought you a Dragonite plushie as a gift, relieved to see you talking, his eyes slightly stinging and a huge smile on his face.
Once you recover more, he'll ask you what you remembered of Area Zero....and becomes shocked after you explained everything that happened down there.
All this time, he thought Kieran used Terapagos to attack you directly, but to learn it actually got out of control and turned its back on him??? And you chose to push him out of the way???
Drayton isn't sure if you're brave or dumb, but he's glad you're okay now.
When Kieran comes in, he leaves you both be to update the Elite Four, although he'll be back to help you on the long road to recovery.
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remember-the-fanfics · 7 months
My writing is off because I had a sugar rush starting and then it went everywhere it wasn't planned to go but I went with it
◇Set before the pilot only because Alastor would kill the man before he came inside because he lacked any manners.♧
(Y/n) was arguing with someone who didn't actually wanted to work while under contract, usually would happen in their own territory but the sinner had sought them out while at the hotel.
(Y/n) and Angel Dust was sitting in the lounge, talking about their day until a sinner rushed in, loudly requested to get out of their contract. (Y/n) quickly try to deescalate the situation.
"Look if you want out, join the hotel to better yourself-."
"I ain't doing this rainbow fruity bullshit! You're working me to hard, I want out!"
"You, exactly Timothy Johnson, work less than 32 a week. That's around 6 hour a day for a five day week because you get the weekend off." Said (Y/n), getting stern.
"I just wanted the housin' and free shit."
"You knew what you signed, Timothy. I gave you multiple times to say no, you and I both set up the time for you to work. You have an easy job!"
"Customers are assholes, they ain't being respectful to me!" He said, lying which (Y/n) knew the moment he spoke. The young overlord made sure customer services wasn't a nightmare it was on Earth, sinners that live in (Y/n)'s territory knew to be respectful to each other because (Y/n) would know if someone wasn't.
"Respect goes both ways, Timothy. I know you never worked customer service before but you should atleast know not to try and fight a kid." (Y/n) said, who sat up straight. "I've already have alot of complaints, 5 from that incident alone, I could move you some other job..?"
"I want out of our deal, I don't wanna work for you." Said Timothy crossing his arms, not letting go of the topic.
"I cannot, you still have four years left." (Y/n) said, tired of arguing with the man infront of someone. "It haven't even a month..."
"You said you had a free trail-!"
"The first week was it and You said you were fine then! I checked up on you every two days, making sure everything was fine and it was."
"(Y/n), maybe you should just let him go. He seems like a waste anyway." Said Angel Dust. "He doesn't want your free shit so just drop him."
"N-no! That shit is still mine!" Said Timothy.
"It will be when the contract is over." Said (Y/n). "I made all of this very clear during the whole thing. I explained it and let you read it over before you signed anything." They stood up looking confused at Timothy.
"I must of skimmed over some parts." He said nervously. "I just wanted a place to sleep! Not dealing with a kid, who thinks that they can boss adults around."
"Nothing is for free, you either join the hotel and better yourself or stay under contract." Said (Y/n) before Angel Dust tried to ask.
"What will make him stay at the hotel-."
"Quiet, addict!" Interrupted Timothy pointing at Angel Dust. "No one cares what you say."
"Speak to him like again and no one will ever hear you say anything again." Said (Y/n) before Timothy decided to dig himself a deeper hole with a stupid idea.
"Oh. You actually care for the idiots at the dusty ass shack?" Said Timothy laughing. "I can't believe that!"
(Y/n) just glared at the sinner, they had feeling where this would go if they didn't do anything.
"Listen." They said in a voice they don't usually use, getting closer to Timothy, becoming taller."If you don't leave and go find a hole to die in, I will personally hand your soul off to someone who would find good use for it and it will not be easy like what I've been letting you do."
They were invading his personal space, Timothy swore he saw them everywhere afterwards.
"Understand? Then leave."
With a meek nod of approval, Timothy bolted away. After (Y/n) returned to normal, dusted themself off.
"I keep forgetting that you're actually an Overlord." Said Angel Dust after collecting himself from what (Y/n) just did.
"Yea- uh. Yeah, ugh that voice messes with my throat to much. But I'm sorry that happen infront of you usually sinners would wait till I get back to pester me." Said (Y/n) sitting back down.
"5 dollars he pissed himself."
"You're on."
Timothy will return for vengeance later (tomorrow) also lore on how you died because I need to write it.
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
You have a computer that can access the internet of any dimension. You don't have the ability to physically go places, just to observe them and interact with them through this one machine.
Sometimes you'll just do it for fun. Seeing other timeline's versions of sites and the content that's created there. Getting to see work from artists if they hadn't sold out or moved on. Or getting to see what YouTube is like in a world where it never become corpratized. Or get to go on Vine in a world where vine exists in 2024. You've read writing from Shakespeare if he had been sent to the new world, seen stories from Lovecraft if he had unlearned his bigotry, seen experimental films from George Lucas if star wars had floppe, heard music from Kurt Cobain if he hadn't died young.
And you've gone off to weirder places to. You've seen what political discourse is like in a world where Constantine converted to Buddhism instead of chrsitianity, where that's the dominant religion of the west. And you'll see conservatives talking about how sjws are undermining the west's Buddhist values, or YouTube videos talking about chrsitantiy as this forgotten dead religion from the crisis if the third century. And you asked someone in the comments of that video what they thought a world would be like if chrsitanity survived, and they said it was impossible, that it was doomed to die out just because it did.
And you've talked to people from a world where humanity lives underground, where an apocalypse made the surface of the world uninhabitable, and every human on earth lives in massive subterranean complexes. You talked to them about what they wanted, if they wanted to see the sun, see the forests and the birds and the creatures that they knew were above them, and most of them didn't really want it. Most of them didn't really want to see the surface, they had grown up having never seen it, it didn't bother them, they were confused why anyone would be that committed to finally go somewhere that humans weren't. And there was one person who told you they did always really want to see it, that it's their hyperfixation, but that they'd obviously go back with the other humans if they had the chance, that they couldn't live somewhere without them.
And you've seen a world where humans where dead, where only robots and ai and cyborgs were still around. And even though they couldn't touch you, you were afraid, because you thought they would hate you. But they didn't, on every site where they talked about humans they talked about how cool you were, and how much aprication they had for their culture. And when you made a post asking if they'd want to hurt humans if they saw them, everyone who replied called you weird.
You've seen the internet in a world where cryptids and monsters are real. And you ended up on a forum for vampires. And you asked a newly turned vampire how they felt, and they said it was cold, that their body felt so cold, but it was still their body, and that they still wanted to live, still wanted to find a way to enjoy their life even if they didn't like their body.
And you've seen a world where all humans are completely aroace, and don't desire sex or romance at all. And you decided to upload sexual and romantic art, and even fetish art, to one of their sites. And the people there loved it, despite not understanding its purpose, they loved the way the artist depicted the world, saw it as so unique and strange, as something weirdly beautiful, and not at all gross, because nobody ever told them such things were gross.
And you've made online freinds from other worlds. People who you can never touch, never see, but who you see through their words. You've comforted someone who doesn't exist in your world, from a country that doesn't exist in your world, but you've comforted them, and made sure they don't get hurt or hurt themself, from very far away, because despite everything you can't help but care.
Mabye the internet isn't that bad. Mabye the world isn't all horrible. Mabye people aren't that bad.
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d34dlysinner · 11 months
Back at it again with my war crimes shenanigans.
Kings + Lucifer (n anyone else who'd fit, not sure) with a MC who's lacking several braincells despite being a rather smart person. The type who'd touch a burning stove out of pure curiosity, or put tide pods in a microwave to see the reaction. Empty headed but not lacking intelligence it's just gotta be coaxed strangled out. They get themself into some serious ahh danger due to head empty y'know the usual 'I fucked around and now I'm finding out but hey, MY CURIOSITY IS SATIATED' cliché lmaoooo.
Oml, thanks for the ask😭 (minor spoilers chapter 4 ending)
Minors DNI
You were messing around on the streets when you heard someone call out your name. You looked up in the direction of voice and saw an angel smiling down at you. Not the kind smile of course. It was one of those sadistic smiles that said: "I'll actually blow up in a second and you'll die with me."
You normally would run around trying to avoid the angel, but for some reason your brain couldn't register that you're in danger. In fact, you were even more curious what angel blood (of an angel weaker than a seraph) would do.
So all you did was stand and watch up with a calm expression present on your features.
Satan ran up to you and pulled you away and ran with you through some alleys in Gehenna where he knew it'll be hard for angels to fly in.
He looked down at your panting frame and checked if you were alright.
"We're you frozen in fear or just curious to see what would happen?", he asked as he remembers how you stood there without any fear present on your face. When you didn't give him an answer and looked down he knew it was the latter option to his question.
"You made a promise to help us in Hell... You should keep it. Sitri, for now you shall stick to MC's side until she's out of this... curious mindset.", Satan said to Sitri who just made his way over to where you two were.
He wasn't going to scold you, but he needed you to be careful.
Mammon made hands rise up from the floor to shield you from the angel. Those golden hands shielded your entire frame, only disappearing a few seconds after the explosion.
When the hands opened up, you saw the normal blue sky and the red painted ground around you. You made your way over to Mammon and were dragged into a big hug.
"Master... I don't know why you just stood there, but don't do that again."
You felt a bit guilty because of how worried he became. You wanted to apologise, bit were interrupted by Bimet scolding you.
"How could you make his majesty so worried. How could you just stand there without even a reaction of fear in your face. You should be grateful that his Majesty blocked the blast.", the ginger demon rambled on.
He was only stopped when Mammon told him that he scolded you enough.
Beelzebub somehow got you away from that blast. You didn't really know what happened because it went by so fast.
"You should try and fight back or run whenever there's an angel.", Beelzebub said.
He wasn't scolding you, but he did think that it would've been a waste if a snack like you did something like this.
"Oh... and you should sometimes ignore that voice in your head. Stay curious.", he said. He understood what you tried to do. Or why you did it. In fact he has heard Bael rant many times about how you let your curiosity get the better of you. Beelzebub was at least happy that he was on time with saving you... This time...
Leviathan dragged you into his coffin and you both managed to get away from the blast.
You wanted to thank him for saving you, but stopped yourself from doing so the moment he shot an angry glance at you.
"Are you insane? Why did you just stand there instead of running?", he started and didn't stop.
"When I told you that you were dangerous factor to Hell and when I locked you up in my coffin I should've done so.", he said. He didn't really register what he said at that moment, but you did. He was talking about that moment where you met him and that he almost killed you by locking you up in his coffin.
He wanted to continue scolding you and being angry, but it stopped the moment his words fully registered and when he saw tears stream down your face.
He really didn't mean it like that, but he did understand that to you it may have been a bad memory. He embraced you.
"I didn't mean to say that. I just need you to be more careful in general. I've see the stupid things you did out of curiosity, but atleast try to be safe.", he said.
Lucifer, a fallen angel, had more tolerance to the angel's blood than most demons had. Also him having an entire kingdom full with healers helped him in what he did.
He just took the blast for you.
To say that he was angry at yet another wound, that he may or may not be able to heal, was an understatement.
But his anger did vanish a bit when he saw you tear up out of shock, guilt and worry.
"You should continue crying. It's the only thing keeping you safe from me.", he said.
Whether he meant that sexual or not, no one knows. Lucifer's words are just as mysterious as his actions.
He would be healed in no time. Searching for you only to see you getting scolded by Marbas. He didn't stop Marbas.
"His majesty blocked you. You should be very grateful. Also, what would you have doenif you were hit? We are healers yes, but we don't create miracles. You are just like those demons in Abaddon. The ones that give us extra work."
Marbas was angry, but not only because of the explosion incident. Also because of the amount of times you let your intrusive thoughts win. Which results in him and the other nobles of Paradise Lost to heal you.
You coming to Paradise Lost to heal was on par with the amount of times Dantalian came. It maybe is an exaggeration, but that didn't mean that you didn't frequent that place to get healed. At first they blamed it on you being a human, but that thought broke the moment you told Buer that you just wanted to see what would happen if you touched a hot pan.
He, the others and Lucifer were worried.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 months
got any more empath reader?
Only because there's rampant plot bunnies for it in my brain. I have an abundance of much more polite asks.
"You okay?" Dick asked, careful not to touch you as he got close enough to speak in your ear- to be heard above the din. You were drowning in an oversized hoodie and that usually meant "Do not. I am not real today."
You half shrug and give him a wan smile, "About as okay as it gets after a blow out."
"It was a good one, huh." He rubbed the back of his neck and leaned against the wall. You exuded calm he knew you didn't feel. And it was nice. He felt better, and he appreciated it. That benefit of your odd little empathic quirk.
Bruce had banned you from doing it to the WHOLE manor all at once, but, it was a little difficult for him to stop you from doing it in your immediate vicinity.
"What was Jason like before?" you ask, tucking your knees up under your hoodie and wrapping your arms around yourself. There's no judgement in the question, just curiosity. From someone else that had felt a part of themself die on a filthy floor.
"Annoyingly cheerful," Dick snorted. "Tough though. Street smart. Idealistic and brave to a fault. It's like he was made in a lab to be Robin. I got the job by Tragedy. Jason got the job because Bruce- well frankly I think Bruce was lonely and saw a scrappy kid who stole his tires and just went 'welp guess I'm a dad again'. And we all know Tim just bullied his way in." He broke off and shook his head. "He didn't really mean what he said about-"
"You and Steph call me a Science experiment all the time," you point out.
"Yeah," Dick admitted, wincing. "But it didn't go wrong. What they did to you was wrong. They way they did it was wrong. What you can do is cool as shit... You're not a walking Xanax. That's not what we keep you around for."
When you don't look at him, nodding silently, he wonders what you're picking up. How deep you can dig through a person for their buried feelings. And exactly what it COSTS to know that information all the time. "I think I'm gonna go on a walk for a while."
" 'Kay," Dick said easily, "Planning on comin' back for dinner?" Rambles were good. And not uncommon. They gave you time to clear your head.
"I'm not sure," you admit, "but I should be back before dark."
Dick nodded, "I'll tell Bruce. I don't think he wants you on Patrol for any particular reason. You're probably just on stand by." With any luck, Dick thought, they'd never put you with Jason. That would be catastrophic.
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throughgoalsandbaskets · 10 months
A Demon's Guide to Anthropology 2
Part 2: sunlight
Word count: 655
Tags: use of 'MC' and they/them pronouns, brief description of a pill bottle and vitamins, rushed and short, fluff
★ ——— —— —
MC going back to the human world periodically over weekends and denying staying in the Devildom over breaks despite claiming they wanted to confused Mammon.
It had been explained to him a thousand times, and yet he'd seem to forget just as soon as it was said. He simply didn't understand.
One one particular return to the human world, Mammon went straight to the source of all his confusion, sat down on the bed, propped his elbows on his knees, and stared with a seriousness one would only see in his gaze at a casino.
The human who brought such emotion from him murmured to themself as they packed a small bag about needing to keep a bag ready to stunt this constant packing and unpacking only a few things, and Mammon stayed silent in thought.
When MC stood, bag slung over a shoulder, Mammon pounced like a cat.
"So.." He drew it out nice and slow, swing casual despite his body language showing he clearly wasn't being such a thing.
"Why do ya need to go back so much?"
MC blinked and raised a brow, turning to look at the greedy demon. A flash of amusement formed in their eyes, a companion to their confusion.
"Didn't Lucifer explain this to you, like, a billion times?"
Mammon scoffed and grumbled, mumbling under his breath about the question and the realities of it before giving his response.
"It's not my fault! I-I'm just curious, but it's not like I care or somethin'! You're just a human why can't I ask? You're in my care, so just cough it up you-!"
He cut himself off when he heard laughing coming from above, glancing up and watching the object of his torment wheeze and laugh, covering their mouth to poorly hide the humor they felt.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just.. I need to go back, it's not that I want to. Humans can't survive without sunlight," they explained.
This only brought more questions than answers, along with a sense of growing urgent dread.
"You what?"
"Yeah, humans need sunlight to survive. Why do you think I take these?" MC held up a small bottle labeled with their name on top. Inside of it was a few clear capsules. Vitamins, Mammon is quick to put a name to them.
"W-Well, I just thought- I just-" He huffed and crossed his arms, pouting like a spoiled child denied their wants.
"Without sunlight humans die, so I take these to sustain myself each day here, and go back to the human world with Solomon whenever we can."
It all made sense partially, but Mammon knows truthfully it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense even with a dumbed down human anatomy lesson. This once, he conceded and allowed himself to not fully understand, despite his sin making him internally scream for answers on his human's health.
"But," MC began again, causing the sulking demon to perk up and look at them from where he sat on the bed and where they stood. "If you're good next week, I'll ask Lucifer and Lord Diavolo if you can come next time? Just don't tell anyone, I don't want the others knowing I'm only taking you."
MC knew just the right answer to cheer the avatar of, and immediately to hide his rebounded embarrassment, Mammon turned his head to the side and scoffed, arms crossed.
"You think I can't last a week? I'll show ya that I can last a month!"
The humans merely shook their head and sighed, readjusting the hold on their bag, and giving a small smile.
"Sure thing, Mammon. And pigs can fly."
The demon gave a squawk once he realized what that meant, the human beginning to leave as they laughed.
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lovelikealcoholic · 3 months
A mother-type yn in alien stage who's very gentle with every human even if they're a weird(?) (It's luka) in a scenario where they sacrifice themself for the other (very original in alst i know) would be very !!! If they have some kind of lullaby they used to sings for everyone that they hum a tune of it in their last breath, smiling.
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You just always had to put others before yourself, huh?
I mean, knowing you, it shouldn't have been a surprise; they should have seen this coming.
But now seeing it happen, you, lifeless on the floor... It's hard to forget. The caring smile on your face, even though you knew you were going to die, you don't care as long as they're safe.
You were the oldest of them all so naturally without even knowing, you cared for them as if they were your family.
You'd teach Mizi, Till and Sua how to make some arts and crafts while watching over Luka who was running from Hyuna.
"Luka... careful! dont pull her!" you softly scold.
It was easy for you to grow on them because they didn't really have parental figures, you were the best moment of their lives.
It took you a while to grow on Ivan, though. After you did, he would always hold your hand, watching the rest with a blank face while you continued talking to him about anything.
Every night, when one of them struggled to fall asleep, you'd make them all gather around in a circle while you sang to them; this time, it was Till who couldn't sleep, so he got to rest his head on your lap while you caressed his head. It always worked.
You'd do anything for them, that much was obvious. When one of them was in trouble you'd go to hell and back just for their sake. You fought for Till. You almost lost your life helping Ivan with Till so they could escape...
You didn't say a word after they came back.
Hyuna would always try to impress you, give you gifts and try to act cool around you, you'd laugh and go along with it. She admires you a lot, you're so composed in any situation and you rush into danger just for the people you care about. She wants to be like that.
Luka... He was...
There is no real way to describe him. He's very smart, but he's quiet and dissociates a lot. You're always there to comfort him and sing softly to him while he hugs you mindlessly.
You had given him a small puzzle for you and him to solve, you went away for a minute and it was already completed. So , you always made more challenging ones everytime. He really appreciated that.
For till , you got him a guitar made of whatever you could, you'd tune it for him and hed smile with beaming eyes at you and always showed you the songs he'd write.
When you got older, you were forced to participate before them, and in your second tournament, you were forced to go up against...
At first, they almost downright refused to participate in the round. upset but they didn't show it. Hesitation as they sing and angry when they see you don't even bother to try.
their eyes widen when you go to sing the sweet melody you played for them, legs weak and they stutter out the lyrics.
You give them a bright smile before everything goes black.
They promised you that they would survive just for you.
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
Hello, hope you are having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request a Ghost x Male reader where reader isn't one to think of themself or their own needs, they are very self sacrificing. Reader has always hid the darker parts of them away from view projecting a strong, calm, sturdy person. Reader also wants to be Ghost rock give the man everything, but reader has been keeping secrets like the cause of the nightmares he has.
You can only be strong for so long before you crumble
Hey thank you so much for this precious request, I love it! Hope you like it!
Warnings: Talking about death, mentions of selfharm and suicide/suicidal thoughts, parental abuse (mentally and physically)
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There were many times where the team of 141 could count blindly on on Y/n. He was their best friend, their loyal colleague, a good soldier and most importantly someoke the could always count on. It didn't matter what the problem was, Y/n was always ready to help or give some advice. They all took it for granted, it was by now a normal thing in the task force. Nobody wondered or asked if he needed some help or advice or just wanted to talk because Y/n always seemed so confident and strong. So sure about anything and everything in his life that everyone stopped the slightest doubt about him feeling alright whenever it started to bloom up their mind.
Of course there is no such thing as always feeling alright and never needing help. And Y/n knew that perfectly well. He was just a professional in hiding his feelings from the others, from anyone that wasn't his pillow in the middle of the night in his barracks. He felr like he wasn't allowed to feel such emotions. Back in his teenager days, his parents made perfectly clear that he wasn't to fuss about other emotions or feelings than confidence and that he rather keep his thoughts about how he felt to himself as to not bother anyone with his problems. Because that's what you do as a good person. You help others with their problems but you keep yours away from the surface to not seem selfish or mean.
It's been years since he really talked about how he felt with anyone other than his own mind in the small room on the base he called his home. Of course they need to talk to Price or Laswell regularly to check of they are still capable of doing their work but it's never personal and intensive talking. They won't check the roots of the problem or the reasons as why a soldier sometimes would go all quiet while eating at lunch or why they would spend their time alone in their room. And like said before, Y/n was very good at lying about his feelings and personal life. He also seemed to be doing so well that sometimes on missions when he would get hit he looked like he was actually totally fine even if he was hurting, all calm and reassuring. Soap and Gaz always wondered how he did it. How he hid it so well because when they got hit or hurt themself on small things they would be whining and breathing heavily and looking as if they're dying in that moment.
Y/n was strong, calm and confident. That chabges though when a specific skull mask wearing brit was in danger or would show some kind of hurting emotion. Then he was all gone. Ghost is on a building keeping his eyes on Soap through his rifle and not noticing the man trying to ambush him? Y/n would be standing behind them in mere seconds, slashing their throats before they can even reach his brit. Gaz and Price would be firing their guns while him and Soap were trying to get to Ghost who was shot on mission in the field? Suddenly he didn't care that was actually mortal and could die from bullets, his legs carried him through the gunfire and to his hurt lover who just had a grazing wound on his leg by getting shot.
One time, it was after a week long stealth mission, Ghost sat silently outside on the grass while looking up at the nearly complete black sky. Y/n had walked out of the building to take a quick smoke because the whole mission got on gis nerves pretty bad. He had to leave the mask wearing man behind for 2 days after getting ambushed. It was the worst time for him and now Ghost wouldn't look at him but when he fpund him outside he sat beside the lieutenant on the freshly cut grass. ,,Gho-" ,,Simon. Call me Simon", he had said to the h/c man. His voice uncommonly soft. In that night Simon had confessed to Y/n that he had felt scared for the first time on a mission after the h/c had to leave him on the field.
Y/n had felt so bad he swore to himself to never leave the others side again and always try to be there for him. It made him feel even more bad and selfish whenever he felt bad or got the nagging thoughts of telling someone how he felt, especially when he wantes to talk to Simon about how he felt. He felt so bad whenever that he tried to punish himself with doing more and more work for anyone of his team to convince himself he wasn't selfish and bad because he still did help others. This obviously did confuse Ghost a little sometimes when his lover got a sudden outburst of needing to help someone even if there wasn't anything he could do for someone because there was no need for help. But it wasn't that concerning because they all knew how Y/n was at times.
When the whole teams expectations changed on another mission, it was a very surprising and shocking moment for everyone. Y/n had been told to clear out a house in a city while the others did the same to a few other buildings. It had something to do with a cartel and it was just regular procedure for everyone. Walk in, clear every room, take informations with them, walk out and leave. Though when the h/c had entered the second room of the house, a bedroom of a teenager at the looks of all the band posters and school work stuff on the desk, his whole world came crashing down on him. There on the side on the floor next to the bed was a body. Nothing special, they had seen enough dead bodies in this job, but this was the lifeless body of a young girl, probably the owner of this bedroom. And she wasn't killed like other humans he had seen, no she had cuts along her wrists. It made Y/n stop in his tracks for a few seconds before he started to look around the room and go through the stuff on the desk.
It made him feel bad but he had to check everything to not miss anything. At a small little piece of paper that looked as if it has seen better days before, the sergeant stopped to take a closer look. It was very crinkled and had a lot of water damaging on it, probably from tears. When reading the text on it, it was soon clear this piece of paper should've been read by the parents rather than him. It was an apology for all the times this poor girl had failed them and selfishly only cared about her feelings and situation than the problems of others. Her guilt ate her up from the inside out and she couldn't take the disappointment of her parents anymore. She was sorry for only carung about herself instead of others. This all reminded him of himself when he was young. He had those thoughts as well- still has them at times. They weren't nice, they were terrifying and bad but he knew not to bother anyone about them. Just like this girl.
,,n?....Y/n? Y/n do you copy?!", the distraught voice of his boyfriend spoke through the radio. For a second he forgot they were on a mission. ,,Y-Yes! Yes copy. Sorry guys, been searching through this room", ,,Alright, Y/n I'm done with my building- I'll come over and help you", ,,Got it Ghost", their conversation was cut off and Y/n tried his best to keep his calmness. A few minutes later Simon was standing in the same room as him, being shocked at the sight in front of him but letting his emotions show not like his boyfriend. A quiet broken sob escaped Simon at the sight. This poor girl was so young- why would she do this? And why didn't her parents find her? Did she had the same bad parents like his dad? Simon's thought's were making him even sadder but the warm embrace of Y/n calmed that river of negative emotions. ,,It's alright love, I'm here. Let's get going and look for the missing information yeah?", they both went on with the mission, but this wouldn't be the last time one of them would think about this poor girl.
The chopper went down and Price turned it off. They were back in the base, it was getting dark outside already, everyone was tired from the mission which went surprisingly successful and everyone had been getting impatient on the flight back to the base. The second the soldiers got the okay from their captain to safely leave the aircraft, they were all gone. Gaz, Y/n and Price made their way to the kitchen, hungry after all those hours out on the field meanwhile Ghost went to the barracks to shower and Soap also went back to his room, but probably to fall asleep the second he hit his bed instead of showering or doing anything productive 'cause he was the most tired and exhausted out of them all today. Back in the kitchen, Y/n stood in front of the oven, waiting for their food to be done meanwhile Gaz took out some plates and forks for the three of them.
It was in the middle of the night, everyone finally went to sleep and get some rest, when Y/n woke up from a terrible dream. It wasn't really a nightmare mire like an old memory that his mind was replaying. He was 9 again, young and still happy and coming home from school with his math test. He got a good grade and he wanted to show his mother and see how proud she'd be of him for achieving this. When he got home his mother was angry with him. He should help her clean the house instead of wasting time with showing her some stupid test he achieved for once. When he started crying about how it was a good test and he tried really hard his mothers hand flew and struck him across the face. ,,Don't be so ungrateful and stop with the disrespectful behavior of yours!" She had screamed at him. It scared the shit out of the young boy and he really just wanted to get away from his own mother. Just like the teen girl did. Only that he wasn't as brave to go through with hus plan.
Y/n never noticed how his hands shook and how he made subtle hurt noises that woke his boyfriend up until Simon slowly sat up next to him and carefully put his arms around the shaking man. ,,Love is....are you alright? I've never seen you like...like this. Baby?", ,,Oh my- Simon just-just go back to sleep it's fine I don't know what happened- actually I'm feeling okay let's get back to-", ,,No, no you're not fine Y/n. You're crying and shaking what...was it the mission? It's because of that little girl isn't it? It's okay Love, I've been thinking about her as well I-", ,,It's....I'm not thinking of her....particularly. I was...I....she reminded me of me....I was dreaming of something that happened back when I was younger it....I'm sorry it's alright it doesn't matter. Are you okay though? You didn't tell me that it bothered you so much, the girl i mean!", ,,My love is....why are you trying so desperately to change the subject from your feelings to mine? I want to check on you and see if you are alright so why are you pushing me away?",
He thought for a second and was confused. Why did Simon want to kniw hiw he felt? That's selfish of him. Did the blonde man want him to be mean and selfish? They never talked about him so why now? Ot didn't make any sense maybe he just waited for Y/n ti finally snap and talk about his feelings just to have a reason to yell at him and call him a bad person...
,,Hey, I can basically hear your thoughts going a mile a minute baby. I care about you. We all do. And we all know that you don't really talk about yourself, which makes me worry because I know you're not alright sometimes but now I can see and I really want to make you feel better. I am worried about you Love", the blondes soft deep voice spoke into the darkness of them quiet room. ,,But...but that's selfish of me. I don't wanna be a bad person Si....talking about my feelings and thoughts makes me a bad person because I only care about myself and-" Y/n was stopped by two soft lips. His boyfriend couldn't hear the awful words coming out of Y/n's mouth so he put an end to it by kissing his love and showing him with the passionate force how much he cared and wanted to help him. He backed away, a small smile tugging on Simons lips as he spoke again. ,,Now please tell me what's bothering you my Love and let me, let us finally give something to you, let us help you yeah?"
Sorry it took me so long to post something! Was having a stressful week and again having another stressful one! Life sucks man, hope I get some free time pretty soon because I wanna try to write for something knew and I already got ideas kind of I just...need time for it!
See yall next time <3
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readingwiththestars · 2 months
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["Riddles are for people who enjoy playing,” .... “Do you consider yourself playful, Mr. Hawthorne?”]
| ✮ 4 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [!!!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!] this is very long guys sorry
ok so *cracks knuckles* lets talk about tgg
!!warning i'm finishing this like four days after i read tgg so i might've forgotten things because reading until 2am and remembering what i read is apparently a hard thing for me to do!!
first of all.... JLB, you and i need to have a chat because that ending was not okay. you literally just left us with no answers. seriously. what the hell????? and while i wanna kick my feet and scream because we got two kisses and then you had to go ahead and ruin it in the span of two or three pages and give us that shitty ending.
i would like to point out one question i had through out the book, which was why was grayson playing? what was the point of that???? like seriously was there an actual need for him to play or was it just jameson, avery, xander and nash fucking with him? whatever it was it didn't make sense and just felt like jlb was trying to shove lyra and grayson into forced proximity so they could interact.
speaking of thatttt i love graysonlyra and rohansav (more thoughts on sav later) the banter the looks the touches the everything i love it sm omg AND AVERYJAMESON!!!!!!! THE CRUMBS WE WERE GETTING MADE ME SO HAPPY OMG!!! I CAN DIE HAPPY!!
i will say i feel jlb really did pull out all the stops for this book the different levels of everyone's connection and knowledge of how to solve the riddles/puzzles (i was literally CLUELESS) like how does one make all that connect. the level of detail was insane connecting books and characters together just weaving some kind of intricate web of characters.
and at first i did feel like the game felt really short but i think that was just my 2am dumbass brain forgetting this is only the first part of the game lol. i did kinda hope there would be more like running around and trying to solve things on the actual island not stuck in a house though but who knows whats happening in the next book soooo
it did get very confusing there with calla (who is fucking INSANE BY THE WAY!!! SHE TORTURED KNOX??? WTF????) and the whole calla lily thing with lyra and odette was confusing af. so its like calla (the person) has a connection with knox and brady and then a calla lily has a connection with odette and lyra (also kinda gray cause he knows abt it i guess)
and and and and im a die hard gigislate shipper (and brady daniels hater) so im praying that we get an enemies to lovers with gigi and slater where he's forced to be mean/hate or wtv because of *gags* eve and then its like oop no im breaking you out of here idc what eve thinks because i only care abt you. ESPCIALLY because gigi was talking abt how no ones ever looked at her the way jameson looks at avery throughout the book (SOMEBODY HIRE ME FR)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
lyra - ok i love her. she was such a good strong character it was so much fun to read about her interactions (with grayson 😏) she was actual so wife material but idk why i felt like i wasnt allll that into her character too much like i love her but didn't really feel connected with her?? idk she was a very good fmc to read about tho!! but i do wanna know about miles end and her whole connection with her dead dad (who btw is an ass who tf kills themself in front of a FOUR YEAR OLD???) and whoever's stalking here (honestly i had a whole ass thing thinking its ALL PROBABLY EVE LIKE SHE WOULDA DONE THAT MUCH RESEARCH OR SOMETHING or maybe eve was js there for gigi) but now i think it might've been something to do with alice. who knows honestly
gigi - this is my time to shineeeeee. if gigi has zero fans i am dead (and slater bc im delusional like that) i love gigi so much omg. she's my no 1 girl i love her. my girl just needs someone to love her fr she talks through out the book about how she wants to be looked at with so much love (she thought it was brady BUT NO EW) i loved reading from her perspective abt how she just wanted to prove that she was good enough to be in the game AND SHE IS!!! im still bitter about her getting kicked out of the game - AND IM NOT EVEN GONNA TOUCH ON THE WHOLE KIDNAPPING AT THE END (GIGISLATE ENEMIES TO LOVERS WHEN????)
rohan - marry me. thats it. honestly just marry me. u need to work on ur nicknames tho- it was super interesting to read about his way of think and the whole labyrinth thingy lol. there wasn't too much more about his backstory tho WHICH IM SO INVESTED IN FR. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIS FIRST MEMORY IS DROWNING????
savannah - girboss fr. she could step on me and i'd say thank you. its really interesting to me how (obviously) she's been manipulated by eve and it'll be super interesting to see how jlb will play out her whole revenge plan. she's extremely driven which is admirable and a good characters (she's literally like a female grayson imo - which also reminds me of that one scene where she goes "i am grayson hawthornes sister" which made me smile so big fr)
there are so many characters oml
knox - ok so my buddy boy knox. broski, brozilla, broville, brother from another mother, u need a hug? i didn't really like him in the beginning tbh he was a moody lil girl working through his issues. but after a while when he warmed to gigi it was nice to see the softer side to him (which tbh wasnt for very long until oop trauma dumpppp) but seriously oml knox baby the scar???? imma find calla fr (jlb cant write new characters also why complicate the shit out of everything and have a calla lily be relevant to lyra and also have calla be a person???) i did like how sweet/soft he was with gigi when she fell though that warmed my heart.
odette - iconic grandma shit tbh. she was third wheeling the entire time and at some points actually seemed like she was shipping them but then two seconds later she was warning them? saying no? idk the whole 'seizure' thing seems faker than eve's lies. and the fact she instantly gave brady the watch after gigi said no. like um what about knox? idk if thats js my brady hate coming through here though so yeah idk if i trust her or not (bet everyone is working for eve except for gigi, lyra and rohan)
grayson - marry me. love me. choose me. pls. i'd do ANYTHING. my simping for this man aside. IT WAS SO GODDAMN REFRESHING TO SEE A HEALING GRAYSON. like yes. it made me so happy to see him admit he was wrong but also know that its okay to be wrong skdjhaasd. this is so short because i love him and cant write proper thoughts about him fr.
brady - *cracks even more knuckles* brady daniels....... you know i've always wanted to know what it'd be like to write a hate paragraph. i guess im finding out now. i hate him. literally. i have unbridled hate for this man - who by the way still shocks me that he's only 20 he acts like he saw the fucking first world war. its one of the reasons i never liked him like he sooo took advantage of gigi's smartness and kindness like HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during the game gigi carried the entire team and when she refused to take odette's watch and then him instantly taking it. ICKKKK don't even mention how he lied abt his mom like dude just admit it you knew you were fucking cooked in that fight and the only way you could win was by lying. AND WHAT ABOUT THE WHOLE BOMBSHELL ABOUT HOW (i cant remember his name but the dude who raised knox, calla and brady) died??? and then being a little shit and dropping gigi's heart. like we get it u dumbass man child u think you're clever cause u can speak so many languages and read even more but NO. i was onto you, i never trusted your crusty old man ass. like he even touched gigi without her permission (on the stomach) which so gross to me, the dogshit under my shoe can do better than you brady. seriously. i hate him. i'm the leader and founder of the I HATE BRADY DANIELS CLUB. so thats at least something to sate my anger. help this got so long 😭
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [i'm putting like two because this already wayyyyy to long for anyone to actually bother reading.]
"you will come back to me, or i will make you come back to me." - grayson
"Beside Avery, Jameson was looking at her like she was the sun and the moon and the stars and eternity, all rolled into one." - gigi
"give me your eyes sweetheart." - grayson
if you're here at the end of this *APPLAUSE* i commend you on getting through that kilometre of my shit thoughts. have a piece of cake 🍰
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deathbxnny · 1 year
well since we are requesting angst.. i will request one too >:]
aihoshino!teenreader dying in the same way as ai hoshino
so for more context; a fan/admirer comes to them one day, they bring them white lilies and then stab them in the stomach, as [insert character] goes to check up on them, they see the reader bleeding from the stomach and the fan holding a bloody knife throwing insults at them, despite being brutally stabbed, the reader still goes on a monologeu to explain themself to their admirer, the fan gets into panic after this and runs away, the reader had abdominal aortic tear so it would be impossible to save them without proper treatment, as their stomach bleeds, they tell [insert character] that they love and appreciate them (platonically) as they die in their arms, dying with a smile on their face
the characters are stelleron hunters, yeah im sorry (for blade especially)T-T
A/N: What better way to come back from a small break, than with heart-wrenching angst? But in all seriousness, thank you for the great request Anon!
Content: Reader dies, teen reader, hurt/no comfort, angst, mentions of severe injury, mentions of blood, platonic relationships, just pain really
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Kafka wasn't home when it happened. She left you alone for a couple hours to run some errands and told you to never open the door to anyone. But you were still so young and naive, that you didn't think twice when opening the door anyways to the man, who told you he was an assistant of the Stellaron hunters.
Kafka should've known better, than to leave you alone and now that she held you bleeding out in her arms, she realised that it was useless to think about anymore anyways. You were about to die. Your breaths were shallow and no amount of pressure to your injury seemed to make it better. The medic team would take an eternity to arrive and by then it would be too late. It was hopeless and you both knew it.
And so you decided to comfort her, gently apologising for being so foolish and not listening to her. She tried to shush you, but it was a weak attempt, as tears of agony brimmed in her eyes. You continued to speak, words becoming softer and softer by the second, as your life ran out of your eyes. You smiled, thanking her for everything and telling her that you'll see her again in another life, before finally letting go. Your smile was etched eternally onto your face, as the silence was filled with Kafka's soft cries for you to come back.
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Blade left the home out of anger. He was sick of you being a brat and not listening to his warnings, which made him overwhelmed and just leave for a moment to cool off. He never wants to get angry to the point of yelling or insulting you, as he did understand that you were just a kid, who hasn't experienced as much as he did. But with leaving you so enraged, he left you feeling guilty and lonely. So guilty and lonely, that you opened the door expecting it to be Blade, only to be stabbed brutally by a man you didn't know.
And Blade came home to you at the brink of death, an excited, weak smile gracing your lips like it always did when you saw him. You tried reaching out to him, wanting to at least apologise, but he was frozen at the door, his eyes wide in terror. He didn't know what to do, his mind for once empty at the sight of the kid he took care of for so long, just dying. But then he just fell to his knees and slowly engulfed you in his embrace. He couldn't say anything.
And it was alright, because you were glad to at least die in his arms now. You apologised to him, told him he was right, told him that you loved and appreciated him. You felt something warm drop onto your cheek and you noticed he was crying. He's never done that before. Him crying over you made you smile wider, happy to know that he did care for you even now. He finally eventually opened his mouth to speak, apologising for leaving you. But by then it was too late. Your eyes were empty.
》Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf was in her room finishing up some work, when you told her that the doorbell rang. She indifferently told you to open it, not looking away from her screen, to which you obliged and left again. After a while, she noticed that it was too quiet. Pulling off her headphones, she sat there for a moment, before hearing you call her name weakly. Her body moved faster than her brain could process, as she practically ran downstairs to see you lying in a pool of your blood, clutching onto a lethal injury.
She immideatly scrambled to your side, couple screens opening up before her, as she tried typing and applying pressure onto your injury at the same time. If she could get a medic team to arrive, maybe there is still a chance to save you. But your bloodied hand stopped her, knowing it was too late. Tears welled up in her eyes as she just hugged you in defeat, the screens disappearing.
She pathetically listened to you gently comfort her, telling her that it was alright and that you were thankful for having her in your life. She didn't understand what you were thanking her for, especially when she couldn't even save you from dying like this. Hearing you take your last breath must've been the worst part to her. She hugged you for a moment longer, before slowly raising her head, seeing your cold smile and empty eyes. The silence was deafening, as she just dropped her head again and cried in shame.
A/N: Alright, I hope this was okay and angsty enough! Thank you again for the request!<33
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digenerate-trash · 8 months
hey its the anon who had the scenario i wanted to ask about. Ok so what if PC managed to skip town. Like ok let me break it down. PC when they got this deal was at the police station for their crimes and was about to be sent to prison and they were just thinking about how their life managed to lead up to this point. And they start crying you know cause they didnt want to steal but they had to to get enough money for robin and themself. And now because of Baileys stupid demands they are now being sent to prison for their crimes. But then the guard opened up their waiting cell thing and this woman came in offering a job. One that according to her needed the expertise of someone like them. When PC asks if the job includes them being a criminal the woman just laughs and says the job isnt anything like that. Its a job that helps people. Helps people that are in the sex trafficking ring get out and live life again. And that they needed someone that is good at gettibg away wihtout leaving evidence and has fighting skills in them. The woman offers PC a place to live as well and a ticket to leave this town should they choose to accept. So of course PC accepts it.
Now the thing is PC doesnt tell anyone this. Not even Robin and especially not Bailey. They know Bailey wouldnt want to let go of his best moneymaker and it would just break poor Robins heart if PC told him they were skipping town. So they simply plan to escape the orphanage duribg midnight and meet the woman at pub street at the train station. The only people that knows PC would be leaving is Jordan and Leighton. Jordan because PC is a temple initiate so of course they have to tell him should they be leaving town permanently. Leighton so he could write in his records that PC would be transferribg to another school. 
And the plan succeeds. PC managed to successfully escape town without any of the yanderes foiling their plan! So how do the YAN DOL cast react? I know the School Li would know of this from their teachers telling them PC transferred. Who would find out first besides the people I have already mentioned? Would they try to get to PC or just wait in Rapechester?
Wow ok so that was a doozy. Would love to see your thoughts on this tho! Take care of yourself and have a nice day.
(I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to take this long promie. I was out of it and everything got away from me)
Absolutely ruined, he's got no clue why you'd leave him high and dry like this especially after he claimed you as his. He's not having a good time and he's fucking sick of not having you around anymore. As soon as school is over he's hunting you down with nothing but brass knuckles and spite. 
You escaped and that's not how things work around here. You should know that. He's made sure to drill it into your thick skull and yet you left without so much as a goodbye. He's tracking you down and dragging you home. Not to the orphanage. You are staying with him. 
He absolutely can't handle it himself he's crying every day and can't eat or sleep or handle himself at all. He calls around he can't find you. He wants things to work out but he can't see it happening. Robin is trying his best to keep it together but he becomes a terrible shut-in. would probably die in the orphanage alone. 
Coming after you no exceptions. He's looking through everything he's going through hospital records school records he's digging through baileys stuff and intimidating students. The man is hysterical and panicking. He packs up a bag and promises his parents he'll be back soon before he hits the road. When he does finally track you down he's so happy to see you he's crying. You haven't changed a bit! That's what hell insists on before he knocks you out and drags you back to his home. Youre never getting out of the basement now. (he took your legs)
Pure Sydney is regretfully relieved. Though sad. You were too tempting. You were a lot to handle and he's thankful that youre no longer distracting him and causing issues but he misses you. And he waits for you to come back. He plans on marrying you still. 
Corrupt Sydney is a bit worse. He bothers people in town about where they think you went he causes problems he tries to track you down but doesn't get very far. He's sent back to therapy by Sirris… 
Let's be fair. You never escaped Eden. He's on high alert all the time. Even if you did manage to get away from his grasp he found you first and dragged you to the cabin. He keeps you held down and in the cage every time you mention leaving. He's not great with letting things go. And he's even worse when you mention needing space. 
Avery thinks this is fine. And it is fine. Youre just an aid date after all he can always get another one. But it still bothers him. Thinking yore out there somewhere. Indulging someone else probably. He says he is okay. He thinks he is even when he drags other orphans who look exactly like you on dates. He makes them respond to your name. He chokes them when they slip up. He is much less patient with them. After a little while he pays a private investigator to find you. 
It only takes a couple of months for Avery to show up to your new job. In person. 
Black Wolf
Devastated puppy dog eyes. 
Can't handle it constantly looking for you can't even track your scent anymore. Can't even go into town. 
Blackwolf just has to wait for you back at the cave. He hopes you come back home soon
Great Hawk
Same as black wolf but with more bird sounds. 
Has a pile of jewelry waiting for you. 
Absolutely wrecked. He thinks he's the one whos done something wrong to drive you away. He asks around and finds out youre gone from town and no one can find you. He feels sick all the time can't even take care of the farm anymore
He doesn't track you down. He can't even think about you without feeling sick and angry with himself
He's tracking you down instantly. Don't get comfy in your new life because you won't be there for long. He's dragging you back home within days of your disappearance and hes pulling no punches. 
Youre chained and locked away forever now. He's never letting you go and for the next few weeks, he refuses to talk to you. He treats you terribly and can't even look at you. Pissed off that you would ever even think of leaving
Good luck escaping this fuck :)
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not-5-rats · 3 months
@puffin-smoke tried to out angst me on my own scenario post, they have started a war, a war that they cannot win
Ik it's less than a day since my last questions/scenarios post! But I have more! (Traitor! AU Chester has been on my mind ever since I posted that-)
1) What's your Bugs favourite thing about themself? (Haha positivity bet you weren't expecting that 💥💥💥)
2) How good/bad are their reflexes?
3) How likely are they to resort to violence?
4) Would they prefer to be; loved or feared?
5) Scenario #1!
It was a silent night, most people were asleep or atleast in their beds. All except one, Bug was on the couch as they couldn't sleep, something was keeping them awake...a worry that they just couldn't shake
So they remained awake on the couch, just trying to calm down. Then they heard a thud from one of the rooms, they were concerned so went to investigate. They went to where they beard the noise and found themself at Chez's door, they knocked but when they got no response they decided to let themself in. So gently pushed open the door and stepped inside
There stood Chez, fully dressed, a bag packed with all his belongings. There was also a note on his desk, on the envelope it read 'farewell'. He seemed startled when he spotted Bug and tried to think of an excuse for what they saw
"*Bug*! Shit, I thought everyone would be asleep by now- I...I-"
He couldn't think of an excuse, Bug stared from the doorway before asking the obvious questio of what on earth he was doing?
"*Bug*, I have to go, I can't...I cant stay here...I want to, but its not safe"
They ask him to explain, he seems to break slightly, his voice shaking as he continues
"Cause I bring bad luck! Everywhere I go bad shit happens! People die, people get hurt, they struggle all because of me! And I've tried to change, I try! But I can't! I can't change!...and I don't want any more bad things to happen to you guys, you've had enough hardship in life...so I have to go"
He grabs the bag and walks over to the doorway where Bug is stood
"Let me go, protect yourselves"
What does Bug do?
6) Traitor! AU (continued on from last post!)
(cw; spitting up blood, injury, death talk)
After Chesters betrayal the group was trapped but by some crazy luck they were able to make another escape
They got out and made their way back to the swamps, Lora wasn't a huge fan of staying around by she decided she didn't really have any other option. Things were peaceful...finally, all of them lived away from the town, happily together. No Hunters, no harm, no drama, just peace.
It had been a month or two, and Bug was going on walk to collect some resources. They followed the river to a spot where they knew certain fruits grew and that's when they saw it.
A figure, crouched beside the river, trembling violently. They took a step towards the person, calling out to them and asking if they were alright. The person lifts their head, their blond hair draped over their face sheilding them from view (mostly-), but their eyes still peirced through, those purple eyes...
They barely recognised him, Chester Markins, wtf was he doing here! The hurt they felt when he betrayed them came back to the front of their mind, they couldn't believe he dared show his face around here again. They stormed over to him ready to beat the life out of him
They grabbed his collar, they saw what a wreck he was. His hair was a mess, tangles galore, a bold contrast to how much care he used to put into his hair. Blood and bruises coated his skin, so that it was barely visible anymore. His eyes bloodshot...yet empty as he stared up at them
They yelled at him, trying to figure out why he did it, why he betrayed them like that, why he dared come back...and finally why they shouldn't kill him right here
"...they...they blamed your escape on me, that's why I'm here, they won't let me back into town until I bring their...their creatures back"
He coughed, blood dripping from his mouth as he rushed to keep explaining
"I'm not here to hurt you...any of you, not anymore. The..relief I felt when I heard that you got out. It made me realise, none of you deserved that...and I'm sorry. I know you won't forgive me, fuck I wouldn't...I just needed to know you guys got out of town okay"
He smiled, at least he tried to, he was so beaten that his mouth barely moved...but it was clear he was trying.
"I understand...if you still want to kill me, I encourage you to do so. So go ahead...take your shot"
Kill him Bug, he's an asshole, a traitor, he won't change...and he's gonna die anyways, look at him, he'll bleed out in hours.
Kill him Bug
(I love making shitty characters <3)
Tags -
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @astralbulldragon13 @ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @reefhastoomanyaccs
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labyrinthdancer · 8 months
MORE lore time :DDD apologize in advance this is kind of long :/
When Link died in Oradon Spring Ordona didn't bring him back, she resurrected the Triforce of Caurage(or whatever makes all these boys act and do heroy things) so the time between it gaining life and it getting turned into a wolf the Triforce of Caurage was the goodest most righteous good boy there was. Then when it was pulled into the twilight infected area(don't remember the proper name) and turned into a wolf the Devine Beast was born and overpowered it taking over Link's body and forcing it back to its nonsentient state, creating Wolf(Later known as Wolfie) and Beast. Wolf is the half that controls their wolf body, and Beast is the half that controls Link's body. They both possess and feel Link's memories and thoughts but Beast feels them more vividly as he has the hylian body. Even with a hylian body the Devine Beast is still a wolf and views the world through the eyes of one, he does not lie or get envious or power-hungry as people do but he also doesn't have the empathy or kindness of people, if you die you die, he will not help or harm or care about people unless he has a reason to, because of Link's memories he views Oradon Village(Manly Rusl, Uli, Colan, and unborn baby) as his pack so he cares about and loves them.(Later as his quest goes on he does befriend Link's friends from the game)
Because he views Oradon Village as his pack he sets off(TP Link's journey)
As he aided Midna in getting the fused shadow, then the mirror shards, the Divine Beast started to get slowly corrupted by the dark magic.
He and Midna also fall in love through the journey, and he thinks they are mates and are gonna stay together forever cause, wolves, they mate for life.
When Midna shatters the Mirror of Twilight she was originally going to leave Beast behind because she didn't want to take him away from his family. But in the last seconds of the portal closing she changed her mind cause she loved him and couldn't live without him, but because Beast took One Single Step Back out of shock when Midna told him he wasn't going with her she couldn't reach him in time and the portal closed separating them forever.
Also when the mirror shattered a ton of tiny pieces of the mirror embedded themself into Beast's skin, the only reason he didn't turn into a monster like Yeta did was because with all the dark magic already corrupting Link's body he was already technically a monster.
So Beast goes back to living Link's life, he's upfront about how he is not Link from the get-go but even tho the villagers are sad about the loss they welcome him home anyway. As Beast is not Link, Illia and him don't get 'back' together.
Over time the Fused Shadow and Mirror Shards 'corrupted' Link's body, merging it with Wolf's. 
Beast grows wolf ears and tail, wolf eyes emerged below the hylian ones, his feet warped to be more wolf-like and he grew declaws, and wolf teeth grew in front of the hylian ones(they retract like Toothless's :D), he had more muscles in the skin around his lips so he can pull his lips back like a wolf, and he can open his mouth farther than a hylian can.
The people of Oradon Village didn't care or mind his new look or eating habits(He eats monsters), they were very receptive as it made the monster population in the area drop significantly. But hyrule is a very religious country, Zelda and the Sages included.
Once they got word that the Hero of Twilight was 'corrupted' by dark magic Zelda sent soldiers to retrieve him, they would attempt to remove the dark magic, and if they couldn't it would be best to keep him close(Keep your enemies close and all that). They couldn't remove the magic, so they conveniently chose to inform Beast that the Hero of Hyrule served the Queen and that he should stay in Castle Town to better fulfill that role.
Originally Beast was allowed to visit his home and travel the region, but the Sages managed to convince Zelda and the people that he was a 'religious matter' and would be better cared for under their supervision, they then barred him from leaving the castle. Cut off from his food supply and anyone who would listen, Beast began to starve.
After not having any monsters to eat for quite a while Beast collapsed into madness for a short time and Wolf ate someone. When Zelda and the Sages found him they were horrified, Zelda wanted to figure out why he had done this(legit no one listened when he said that he needed to eat monsters). But because he was under the care of the Sages they had the final say and locked him in the deepest part of Hyrule Castle's prison, only being taken out a few times to show proof of life and hyrules might.
Dark was created by Hylia to serve as a physical representation of the dark and evil parts of the heroes, he would fight them and then they would win and accept their dark parts and it would make them better heroes (in theory)
When Dark inevitably failed in this task(The heroes refused to acknowledge their darker sides) Hylian would cast him back into the void, leaving him in pain as his body slowly healed itself until she needed him to fight again.
He's also fully conscious between the fights, unable to do anything for hundreds to thousands of years waiting for the goddess to bring him to the realm of light so he can get his ass handed to him again.
Dark has fought almost all of the heroes and failed his mission every time. When he was pulled out of the void to fight Beast he was shocked to find someone who already living with his dark parts and didn’t need Dark’s aid at all(He was sent around the time Dark Link appeared in the manga)
This piqued Dark’s interest, this was the first hero to do this(while they were alive at least, Shade figured it out but that was like 300 years after he died) so Dark watches Beast's journey and doesn’t go back to or inform Hylian of what’s happening, at this point he toying with the idea of rebelling.
So when Beast was locked away, after a while Dark broke him out, he wanted to get to know this strange hero and he couldn’t do that if he was in prison(he 100% did not have a crush on him that would be CRAZY)
Because the Sages never check on Beast he can go back to Oradon Village without fear of them dragging him back, a least for a while, and when he learns that Dark doesn’t have a home or anywhere to go he invites him to go with him, and Dark accepts(Dark is fully rebelling against Hylia now, having no intentions of going back or serving her again)
Dark lives with Beast and helps him at the ranch, and over time(a couple of months or so) they fall in love(And I, mean really in love they're down bad)
Around this time Dark was thinking about getting some revenge and Beast was more or less on board, the people of hyrule had done nothing but harm him, and Hylia had done nothing period. But they were both happy and content with their lives and swept the thought under the rug pretty quick.
Hylia eventually catches on that Dark had been lying to her and wasn't doing his job so she snatches him up in the night and casts him into the deepest part of the void where the remnants of Demise's army is locked away.
(like the story of Prometheus)Dark was torn apart by the monsters only for his body to heal so they could do it again.
(also side note, time in the void moves differently so Dark gets tortured for at least a hundred years while only a couple of months pass for Beast)
now consumed by rage and hell-bent on getting back at Hylia Dark breaks out of his prison and takes some of the monster's essence with him to form his army of black-blooded monsters.
because Dark was wreaking havoc across time, Hylia called the chain together and they recruited Beast. Beast doesn't really care, but he's a noble creature and knows that killing tons of people isn't good so he agrees to help the chain(he knows that Dark is causing this BTW)
Random tidbits:
Beast can make himself look like a normal hylian and does so around the chain because he doesn't want the ✨drama✨.
The chain thinks that Beast is just a normal hylian and knows nothing about him being a monster, wanted by hyrule, or that he's not Link, he is not lying to them about this he just doesn't feel the need to correct them.
Four was the closest(living) hero to accepting his dark side because of the colors and Shadow.
Sky is the farthest from accepting his dark side(I don't even know if he fights dark just go with it :P
this song is very Beast and Dark core, it just so them <3 just ignore the first like half of the song lol
English Ver.「Mistletoe ~Tree of Reincarnation
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guess-that-ship · 4 months
S11 Semifinals
Knight(s) in shining armor
cw: major spoilers
Green and Blue were rivals turned genuine friends, although there was attraction for more from at least one of them. But the circumstances didn't allow for more, partly because of the constant stress they're under as part of their job and the plot, and partly because of the irruption of a third person, Red, who also has a big crush on Green and is close to him. However, Blue realizes upon dying that he loves Green too much to break the promise he made to Green, and thus simply refuses to die. Motivated by their mutual love, he manages to go back in time under a different identity, which turns out to be Red, in order to save Green. He then proceeds to push his past self and Green closer, becoming his own wingman in the process.
During this time, the one now known as Red also tries to get closer to Green himself, and after some rocky beginnings the two end up getting along as much as Green and Blue do/did. Green was heartbroken after Blue's death, and found comfort in the arms of Red, who he only learned was actually Blue after Red was killed too. Green then used the power of love and courage to avenge his lover(s) and save the people they both cared about, and ultimately resurrect Blue, securing their shared happy ending that Green had died for twice.
Two Sides of the Same Coin
cw: major spoilers, suicidal ideation
Heads and Tails are the same person. Heads is the first, having been put in a situation they couldn't bear to be in anymore, and due to divine intervention is placed in a new body to guide Tails, who has been put in the same situation they were in. Tails does not know the real identity of Heads, and Heads intends to keep it that way. Due to their intense self-loathing, Heads passive-agressively lets it out at Tails, teasing him all the time, and yet they are the one person Tails can confide in about their situation, and both bond over it.
Eventually, everything is too much for Tails to bear, and they lash out at everyone, Heads included due to the secrets they've kept from him. The situation being all too familiar, in order to stop Tails from destroying themself like they did before, Heads, while never directly engaging with him, helps from a distance, guiding Tails towards his happy ending. And Heads hates it. It's not fair that fate wanted them to fail just so Tails could do what they couldn't.
When Tails returns, Heads explains everything about what happened to them, and forces Tails to fight them to see who gets to keep this happy ending. They hate Tails because they hate themself, and they hate themself because they hate Tails. But Tails doesn't feel the same way. When he wins, Heads just wants Tails to kill them and be done with it, but Tails refuses. It was thanks to them that Tails was able to get their happy ending, and it wouldn't be right to keep either of them from it. Heads fades away, their job done, but both promise to meet again.
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nomeaynfoeye · 7 months
HLVRAI TMA AU (BP edition)
Hoo boy! Here we are! This post is going to get LONG because I am SO fucking autism about this shit. Like infodumps, TMA and/or Hlvrai? Stick around! Don't? Last chance to scroll by.
Inspired by @corvidaeconundrum! Their HLVRAI/TMA stuff inspired me to post my version.
General info:
This is a game au! The game the player ends up getting was an experimental rip of Half Life to bring the Fears closer to a nonexistent world, and see if they could affect lives that technically do not exist. (Aka some nerdy avatars decided it'd be a fun little side project to generate more fear) Unfortunately the project was eventually deemed a failure and given away to some poor soul for shits and giggles. That poor soul ends up being the player, getting more than he could've bargained for.
(I don't have a drawn ref for Gordon because I forgot to save Krita right as I was coloring him in :') I'll upload him when i have the motivation to try again.)
As the player proceeds through the game, they find themselves accepting the role of Gordon more than their own identity at times. While parts of themself are integrated into Gordon (their son, dreams to be a streamer, etc.) they eventually fully accept Gordon Freeman as who they are. Gordon does eventually become an avatar. Throughout Black Mesa, Gordon is often confused, and denied any sense of logic in his mounting terror regarding the situation. As he's ambushed by the military, and his hand is sawed off, he's faced with a choice. He can stay here, and die confused, alone, and afraid, or he can go home to his son, a mess of inconsistencies and terror. He takes a knee and submits to the Spiral, taking on the burden of insanity as an identifying trait. When the game is turned off and put away, he finds himself still embodying Gordon Freeman and the Spiral in the real world.
Dr. Coomer:
WARNING! Clowns, existentialism, and body horror regarding eyes
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Harold P. Coomer has been a loyal employee of Black Mesa long before Becoming an avatar of the Stranger. Faced with confusion in his identity, and a few failed experiments, he found himself in avatarhood. More than anything, he doubted himself as a real person. Of course, this thinking was absurd, and he often relied on his friends to anchor himself as somewhat human. A person who mattered. But with the first glimpse outside of Black Mesa, an unloaded map with half-finished textures, enemies as still as statue, unaware of their own existence... He Knew. He Knew none of it was real. That he wasn't real. He Knew that every time he had grounded himself, told himself he was real... that it didn't matter. He's been proud of himself then, for calming down. Now he's distraught more than anything as he takes on a new burden: The Eye. After being separated, he collects the old parts of himself. Damaged, rejected pieces left behind after experiments, he stitches them together, fuels them with the same rage he feels. After Gordon and Tommy fight their way through, he feels conflicted. He takes a while to think. To reflect. To realize that it doesn't matter how he exists or why. He was made with purpose. With love. To be someone. With a new perspective gained, He rejoins the Science Team.
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The perfect scientist was hell to create. It needed time, wastes of Government money, and sacrifices. Through this, Bubby was eventually created, a born avatar of the Desolation. Keeping him sustained wasn't easy, either. A couple phones with heartfelt memories a week usually satisfied him enough to be cooperative. But despite his nature, Bubby found someone he cared about. That he'd never take anything from: Dr. Coomer. The two bonded instantly, becoming best friends in a matter of days. One night, they managed to sneak out. Arson was committed, ice cream was bought, everything was going perfectly. But as night fell, Bubby discovered a new desire. The stars in the sky. He almost wished he could reach out and touch one. During the escape from Black Mesa, he almost achieved this dream. Climbing on top of the rocket, he reached for the atmosphere, before he stumbled and fell. The fire felt cold as he dropped. It was an experience completely alien to him. He'd been confined his entire life, yet the open sky greeting him as he plummeted terrified him more than anything, and the Vast made a connection. When he hit the ground, he saw stars... and nothing else. The voices of the people he cared about echoed in his ears as his own felt incredibly distant. Realizing he'd never actually see Dr. Coomer again, he wondered if this was what it was like to have everything taken from you.
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Nobody really knows where Tommy came from. Not even Tommy himself. All he knows is that he has a dad, a dog, remembers the entire OSHA handbook cover to cover, loves bayblades, and his favorite thing in the world is soda. He knows that all of this isn't real. He knows he's an avatar of the Spiral and the Stranger. He doesn't really care. He wants to go home, eat dinner, and walk his dog.
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Barney Calhoun was something of a klutz. So it came to the surprise of no one when he stumbled through a door and never came back. All anyone knows is that Barney disappeared one day, and Benrey showed up. He wants out. He doesn't know how he got here. He knows it isn't real. He wants out. And he's going to do anything he needs to get to the real world.
WARNING! Body horror and eye contact ahead. She's a good girl I promise :)
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Tommy's beloved dog, and avatar of the Flesh. Did the team a favor and "disposed of" (integrated) the bodies they left behind. Looks like she got an earring out of it, too. Oh by the way she's fucking MASSIVE. Clifford-looking ass dog.
(Haven't drawn him yet. He looks basically the same.)
Just wants to graduate. He doesn't know why these guys look so weird or why their fucked up dog considers him a chew toy. Maybe if he survives Sunkist he can go home. Maybe.
(Also haven't drawn him. Is also basically the same.)
Just works in the mixology department, and is the only normal human at Black Mesa. Friends with Tommy, refuses to let his coworkers eat radioactive materials for funsies.
And yeah, that's basically my interpretation of the AU! I'm still working on concepts regarding it, but I just wanted to get this out there.
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