#if i shower every day my hair and skin feel unpleasant
catastrothy · 3 months
I want to empathize with your stinky girl shower-phobia but: completely alien, sorry. Shower is Very Temperature and I do not want to leave it.
yeah that’s fair, most of the time i really enjoy showers but sometimes i feel like a cat forced to bathe u feel
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inzaynety · 4 months
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ice, ice, baby! ⤫
➢ summary: your boyfriend seeks warmth the same way every time
➢ content: zayne x reader; 1259 words; fluff; one (1) suggestive joke if u squint; cold fingers lol; can be read as gn!reader
➢ notes: my first fic in a long time, i missed writing. hope you like it <3
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Despite the nature of his evol, Zayne doesn’t do too well in the cold. 
You’ve seen it when getting caught in the rain where his hair and clothes were drenched and a seemingly permanent scowl was on his face. He was very quick to usher you both to a hot shower and didn’t even let you leave his side until he deemed himself warm enough. 
You’ve encountered it when he would pick up your drink orders and as he places your iced beverage down in front of you, he retracts his hand to clench and unclench before drying it off on a napkin from the condensation. He sits down across from you and you pretend not to have seen anything when he looks like he wants to put his gloves back on.
You even noticed it when he would lounge on the couch after a long day’s shift wrapped in a blanket, bundled in with a comfy sweater you purchased for him as he nodded in and out of sleep. This was one of the rare times that you had been the one to tell him off about getting a good night's rest. 
Of course, you adored his actions. They were endearing for a man of such stoic nature and you’d be damned if that all went away. All except one, however. 
You’re both relaxing on that same comfy couch, a show in the background that is nothing more than background noise to the rain hitting against the glass of your apartment. Zayne has you in his lap, his hands resting comfortably on your waist as you lean back on his chest as you feel his fingers tap your sides occasionally. There wasn’t a set rhythm or anything as he was doing it idly. 
No words are exchanged through the muffled sounds of rain and TV show characters for a good amount of time, so you decide to nestle further into him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Sleepy?” He asks in a low voice. His actions don’t stop but it has you feeling content with your position even more. So you nod. He hums in response and brings his arms to wrap around you more. You’re about to fall asleep until you feel the sharp iciness right on your skin. 
You jolt in his hold and reflexively grab his wrists. His fingers had slipped under your shirt and you had lost the barrier protecting you from the unpleasant cold. 
“Zayne!” You narrow your eyes at him after whipping your head around. A hint of a smile is threatening to break on his lips but he knows he can’t let that through. Not if he wanted to see a deeper furrow in your brows.
“Sorry, I thought I could warm up a bit faster.” He doesn’t seem apologetic when he brings you back to him to place his hands and fingers in the exact same spot. You squirm but he doesn’t let you go, only rubbing the skin as he gradually gets warmer and warmer. 
You huff and take it upon yourself to turn in his lap to come face to face with him. Zayne only looks up at you expectantly. You don’t say anything just yet but you do take one of his hands and lift it up to cup in both of your own. Just like that your expression grows concerned. 
“Is your evol acting up again? I told you this would happen if you didn’t take that nap during overtime.” Zayne chuckles and shakes his head. He loves that you care about him even if you needed to show your annoyance first. 
“Not anymore that it already is,” is what he says. It’s not really an answer to his nearly freezing temperature and it definitely doesn’t assuage your worries. 
“I swear.” He says firmly, looking you right in the eye. You don’t question that any further. 
“Okay, then why not use your gloves? Or the blanket over there?” You say with a lilt and it lightens the mood a little. “I was so close to sleep, you know?” 
Zayne smiles gently, bringing one of your hands with his now even warm one to his lips. He presses a kiss to the back of your hand before wrapping his arms around you once more. But there is a slight look of confusion on his face. 
“What do you mean?”
“Hm? Don’t those help you warm up much quicker? That’s how your coldness goes away, right?” Now you had gotten confused. 
At the sight of you he laughs again and shakes his head. He brings a hand to the back of your neck and you brace yourself, but are met with no cold whatsoever. His palm is warm. 
“What are you talking about? I always use you.”
“What?” Now it was your turn to be confused. “You don’t. Not when you get cold like this.”
Zayne looks amused. “Name an instance where I don’t.” You think to yourself and come back to the same scenarios.
“When it rains, you immediately take a hot shower when we get home,” Zayne looks like he’s expecting more to the answer.
“Am I alone?”
No, he takes you with him. But you assumed it was to save water. That and well, other things. But as you’re about to answer that you see that he’s serious. Like he’s waiting for you to realize something. Have you missed something?
You try to think back. Those rainy days happened more times to the both of you, more than one might think, so there was even a routine had another one of those days come. You’d rush all the way home and try not to leave too much of a trail of water to the bathroom before stripping down and hopping into the shower. 
You did recall always standing in proximity, heck, he would keep his hands resting on your legs as you sat in the bathroom counter whole towel drying his hair. There was no a moment his hands were keeping your close. 
“No… well, what about cold drinks? You always have your gloves on right away afterwards.” He does, but he’s sighs inwardly at the fact that you never notice that he reaches out to hold yours first, after wiping his hands on the napkin. Zayne always realizes that you flinch subconsciously but hold his back and it’s because the stark contrast of temperature surprises you. That’s why he puts his gloves on. Though, he does notice how much faster he warms up after your touch. 
He says as such. You’re taken aback. Really? Your face gives it away, He nods.
It’s like he can see how the cogs turn in your head as you can’t believe how you’ve missed the hidden adoration he holds for you. You know his little gestures of affection, but your focus on them really did cover up the obvious. Your face flushes and your cheeks feel warm so you think to cool them down with his cooler hands, lifting them to your face.
Zayne obliges and watches as you close your eyes in embarrassment. 
Your voice is small. “I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.” He only responds by pulling you forward to rest your head over his shoulder. He nuzzles himself into your neck and sighs. 
“There’s always something else going on in that brain of yours; I don’t mind it. Just," he pauses, lifting his head to press your foreheads together. He closes his eyes before softly finishing his thoughts.
“Stay here with me a little longer.”
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justmediocrewriting · 5 months
okay but thoughts on sanji x reader where she gets jealous bcs he flirts with every woman he sees and she’s scared to confess because she doesn’t know if he likes her or just loves to play a flirt
Tell It To Me Straight (Because I’m Going Crazy) {v.s}
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Summary: it was just like you to fall head over heels for a guy at first sight, only to later realize said guy was the world’s biggest flirt. It would also happen to be your luck that this same guy would join your crew — and now you had to deal with feelings and other things that were equally as unpleasant.
Genre: angst, fluff
Requested: ✅
Pairing: Sanji x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: insecurities, pining, Sanji (that’s a warning, right?), angst with fluffy ending ❤️
A/n: anon bless you for requesting my husband Sanji. I love this man so much. This actually took me entirely too long to write and I’m so sorry for that, writers block has been hitting me like a fucking train. Anyway I hope y’all enjoy even tho I feel this one might be a bit shitty ❤️✌️
Red painted lips curved into a smile, hair pulled into a classy updo, high rosy cheekbones, and donned in a dress that hugged every curve just right, the woman was truly beautiful, and when the dim lighting of the tavern reflected off the pair at the bar, you couldn’t help but feel that she looked too good next to Sanji.
It was a reality that was painful but long since accepted by you, the fact that you’d never truly be good enough for the charming man — but acceptance didn’t curb the cinching pain within your chest, or the burning jealousy that flickered to life in your gut and heated the underside of your skin.
You pursed your lips as you watched the two exchange murmured words and laughs, and fury burned hot in your lungs when the woman brought a hand up to swipe painted fingernails along Sanji’s forearm — Sanji, predictably, didn’t usher the woman away, and your next heartbeat was incredibly painful when Sanji instead leaned into the touch.
It was utterly ridiculous, the way you burned with flaming jealousy — and honestly, you weren’t sure if you were more angry with Sanji’s antics, or the fact that they affected you the way they did, even though you had been aware and exposed to them from the start. Sanji was a flirt, through and through, and it didn’t matter if the woman he flirted with was ugly or gorgeous, he just enjoyed the act of it — and this very fact put you in a position where you had to constantly remind yourself that just because he showered you with compliments and called you pet names didn’t mean they were genuine, or that you were someone special to him.
You’d also thought that acknowledging this fact would chase away the deep feelings you harbored for the man, and in the beginning, it actually did, but Sanji always found a way to drag them back to the surface.
Sanji was tall, he was handsome, and he had a way with words that could make any woman melt, you included. When you’d first encountered Sanji at the Baratie months ago, you had been utterly and hopelessly drawn in by these very traits of his, and still to the day, you found yourself stuck to him like a magnet. And it infuriated you from the inside out.
Because you’d never even asked for it, and the only chance at relief had been stolen away from you when Luffy invited Sanji to the crew, and the man actually agreed — and for the past few months, you’d been plagued with so many emotions that it gave you mental whiplash.
The center of this inner turmoil also didn’t help any. From the moment Sanji locked eyes with you, he was spewing compliments and sweet nothings at you, and looking at you with these eyes that made you squirm in both the most unpleasant and pleasant ways; you’d never had that kind of attention from a man, especially not from a man as attractive and damn sophisticated as Sanji, and it was just as exciting and exhilarating as it was flustering. It was no surprise you’d fallen as fast as you had — anyone would, should they get the time to really be around Sanji for a prolonged period.
You had even once considered admitting your feelings to Sanji; the prospect of confession had swirled into your mind the first night of his joining, when the crew was locked on the path to the Conomi Islands to retrieve Nami. You two had fallen into conversation late into the night, swapping muted stories in the comfortable air of the Merry’s galley, and Sanji was so attentive, so alluring, and his eyes… his eyes were locked onto yours, as if you were the only girl in the world, and there was something within their depths, something that had you wondering if he’d felt the same sensation you had when you two had locked eyes in the Baratie.
They had you wondering, entertaining, if he truly thought of you in the same way you thought of him.
But that notion was quickly tossed away the night at Cocoyashi village — because you noticed that Sanji gave those eyes to nearly every woman he met, save for the ones who were underage, and it hit you so heavily that you were not special to him at all that you nearly lost your breath. From that point on, you swore away your feelings for the man, and promised yourself you’d never let yourself be mislead or disillusioned by his flirts and charms again.
Except, things didn’t really go according to plan.
Because no matter how much you acknowledged the truth of Sanji’s flirtatious disposition, it still affected you — you would still feel so warm and fuzzy inside when he smiled at you, or when those soft endearments and compliments slid past his lips, or when he’d softly stroke your elbow to announce he was passing you aboard the ship…
Everything he did made you jittery and warm.
And you fucking loathed it.
“Are you alright?” Nami’s soft voice and gentle touch to your arm broke you from your scathing thoughts, and you tore your eyes away from the events unfolding at the bar to blink at her.
“Uh, what?” You asked, a little dumbly, and the redhead’s brows furrowed a little.
“I asked if you were alright.” Nami iterated, and you took in a sharp breath, a part of you so desperately wanted to flick your eyes over to Sanji, just to see what was unfolding — but you resisted the urge, and instead forced a smile to your lips.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just… spacing out, I guess.”
Nami didn’t look convinced, and your heart stuttered just briefly when she glanced in the direction that you had been previously staring, and a strange sort of look shadowed her eyes. Thankfully, she didn’t say anything else, and instead took a sip of her drink. Now that you’d been pulled back into the present, you were aware of Usopp and Luffy bickering about making “subtle changes” to the Jolly Roger, and you could hear faint snores from your right — sure enough, when you turned your head in the direction, you pinpointed a sleeping Zoro nestled a few feet away from Nami. Part of you wanted to smile, but the thought that Sanji was still at the bar with that woman dulled your ability to do so.
Don’t do it, you warned yourself, but despite the seething voice in your head, you still turned your focus back to the bar, and sure enough, Sanji was still entertaining the woman.
“Jeez, all he was supposed to do was get drinks. Guess we should start sending someone else to do that from now on,” Nami huffed from beside you, and all you could do was nod numbly, because at the moment your throat felt too tight to possibly push words through. Sanji’s lips split into a beautiful smile, and moments later your ears were graced with the rumbling timbre of his laugh, and despite yourself you couldn’t help the shiver that ran down your spine from the pleasant sound. The sight of his dimples and the crinkle in the corners of his eyes made your heart stutter in your chest, and in that moment, all you wanted was for him to be looking at you like that — to be on the receiving end of that smile and those eyes once again.
Just then, in a moment that was equal parts mortifying and electrifying, Sanji turned his head and locked eyes with you; your breath caught in your throat, and for an irrational heartbeat, you swore that Sanji had somehow telepathically received your desire to be looked at and followed the command, and you wondered if your feelings of burning jealousy and desire were reflected on your face. You forced a small smile to your lips and held up your near-empty bottle in one hand while gesturing to it with the other, silently reminding Sanji of the real reason he’d went to the bar in the first place.
Sanji’s expression changed from confused to realization in seconds flat, and you watched in growing anger as he addressed the woman once more and murmured what you assumed was some sort of departing quote; then he skimmed his fingertips over the length of the woman’s forearm before he turned back to the bar and grabbed three bottles by the neck in one hand and turned on his heel to stalk back to your table.
You tore your eyes from his and downed the small bit of liquid still in your bottle; the bitter taste and satisfying burn gave your mind something else to focus on.
“Sorry about the wait, my sweets. Here are your drinks.” Sanji said smoothly, placing a sweating bottle in front of Nami and then placing one in front of you as well. You tried not to look at him, but your eyes were drawn to his long, dexterous fingers by the light shining off his ring in just the right way.
Anger stirred in your gut at the way he apologized for the wait as if it wasn’t entirely his fault. You bit your lip and brought your hand up to grip the neck of the opened bottle in lieu of yelling at the cook, and downed a few swallows as you watched Sanji take a seat just across from you. Your eyes connected briefly, and you seriously wanted to rip out your chest because of the way it bloomed with warmth.
This was going to be a long night.
You giggled into the skin of Nami’s neck as you both stumbled side by side; your breath tickling her neck caused the other woman to giggle profusely as well, and walking now felt even more difficult than it had before.
Behind you, Usopp and Luffy also walked side by side with one arm slung over the other, Zoro walking not too far behind them and perfectly, irritatingly balanced — screw him and his inability to get drunk.
The leader of your merry little pack was Sanji, guiding the rest of his drunken crewmates with a confidence and swagger that only he could possess. It kind of pissed you off — but it also made you really, really warm at the same time. And a little wet, but you blamed that on the alcohol thrumming through your system. It was easier that way.
By the time you’d all made it back to the docked Going Merry, Usopp had keeled over and thrown up a total of two times, and had to pull a deadweight Luffy to their sleeping quarters. Zoro was quick to follow their lead and enter his own room, with the assertion that he was going to “get more sleep.” As if he needed more.
“You comin’ to bed?” Nami slurred at you, and you shook your head; you were drunk, yeah, but you weren’t exactly tired at the moment.
“I think I’m gonna go hang out in the galley.”
Definitely not because Sanji would more than likely be there, prepping the rations for tomorrow’s breakfast as he did every night. But by the raised brow and smirk Nami sent you, you knew that she knew that’s exactly why you were going.
“Alright, don’t have too much fun.” Nami teased with an affectionate bump of her hip, and you glared at her back as she swayed her way to your shared room. When you stumbled to the galley, Sanji was there, as you’d predicted, a towel thrown over his shoulder as he meticulously separated a myriad of fruits and vegetables and grains. When you entered, he gave you a charming smile, one that made you extremely weak in the knees. It seemed that the buzz of alcohol had taken away your previous irritation with the cook, and all you could feel now was a warm sort of fuzzy fondness for him — one that you were far too used to feeling.
“Hello, love. Looking for something?” Sanji asked, his accent tickling your ears in the most pleasant of ways. You loved his accent; it just made him all the more handsome and charming in your eyes. You returned his smile with one of your own and head shake.
“Nah, not really. Just wanted to hang in here for a few.” You said, padding as gracefully as you could to the sofa. It took some maneuvering to slip yourself behind the hanging table, but you were able to do so without too much fumbling. Getting drunk wasn’t something you indulged in often, and your lack of stability and coordination was a major factor to that, but your drunken mind was just as unstable as your physical body, and you were quite prone to mood swings — that’s what you were going to blame your next actions on, anyway.
“Jus’ like watching you do your thing. ‘S nice.” You mumbled, and the smile Sanji sent you warmed you from your head to your toes, and you didn’t even have it in you to hold back whatever could be showing through your eyes as you rested your chin in your palm and stared at him.
Sanji turned his focus back to his prep, and he worked while you watched in a companionable silence. As he worked, your mind began to race — your train of thought wasn’t exactly clear or obvious, and the track was definitely a little misshapen, but as always, it was Sanji on your mind. You watched his fingers, his face, his arms, his everything, and you just thought about him.
You thought about the soft little smiles he sent you, about the crystalline blue of his eyes, how easy it was to get lost in them. You thought of the delicate Cupid’s bow of his lips, of the way the parted and formed sentences that were perfectly articulated to muddle your brain and chest. You thought of his hands, large and warm and dexterous. Of his caring disposition, of the way he was always so attentive to the needs of his crew. Your heart felt as if it was swelling within your chest, and you had to force yourself to look away from him lest it completely explode.
But Sanji didn’t seem to understand that you were seconds away from combustion, because he had abandoned his prep in favor of leaning against the island counter straight across from you.
“Something on your mind, sweetheart? You seem lost in thought.”
You snapped your eyes up to meet his, and he was looking at you like that again; eyes soft and brows relaxed, lips pulled into that little smile — you swore it must be love on his face. You immediately became angry with yourself, and instead of answering him, you demanded,
“Why do you do that?”
Sanji looked taken aback, and his throat worked in such a tantalizing way as he swallowed a couple times, confusion written clear on his face when he spoke. Your anger was momentarily replaced by a very warm feeling in your gut.
“Why do I do what, love?”
“That. Talk to me that way.” You said, flapping your hand wildly in a gesture. Sanji’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, an action your sloshy mind couldn’t help but track and froth over. His tongue looked so soft and pink.
“Does it make you uncomfortable?” Sanji asked, and in a show of bashfulness that you’d never seen from the cook, broke eye contact to focus on his hands — which he quickly busied one by swiping imaginary dirt from the surface of the island counter he was leaning back against.
“No, not exactly.” You said, lips rather loose from the alcohol. “I just don’t get it.”
Sanji’s brows furrowed and his hand halted in its movement, and rather than waiting for him to respond to that, you began to ramble.
“I mean, it’s just confusing for me. You look at me in this way, and you talk to me like that, all gentle and kind, and it makes me feel special and like I mean something to you.”
Sanji was beginning to look a little bit uncomfortable, but at the moment, your brain only had the capacity to really take your own feelings into consideration — and right now, what you were feeling was confusion and anger, and you needed the answer as to why. So you rose from your seat, knocking your hip into the edge of the hanging table as you did so, but even the shock of pain lacing through your abdomen wasn’t enough to stop your advance. When you were only inches from the man, you rose your hand in a fist and pushed an accusing finger into his chest.
“And you even had me feeling like maaaaybe you felt the same way as me, but was that true? Noooo.” Vivid memories of the night in the galley, when you’d first wondered if what you felt was reciprocated, flew through your mind painfully. You knew your words were slurred and groggy, and you knew you were spilling everything right now, but damn it, it just wasn’t fair.
“It’s not true, and I know it’s not, because you act the same way towards every pair of legs you come across. I-I ju-just—”
You’d started off strong, or as strongly as you could given your drunken state, but now there were tears in your eyes, words cut off by a wet sob, and the anger in your chest had been replaced by a heavy pain. Desperation clawed your mind fiercely, and you just needed to know.
“I’ve been torn ever since we met — I don’t want to feel this way, but you always manage to give me that hope, only to t-take it a-away again. J-just tell me Sanji, please — tell it to me straight, because I’m going crazy!”
Sanji was completely silent, his lips parted in a small ‘o’ as he stared at you with wide eyes. Your finger was still stuck to his chest, and you pulled it back quickly when you noticed, but you kept your eyes fixed on his in a weak glare.
After what felt like an eternity of silence, Sanji’s eyes softened and his shoulders slumped with the force of the breathy laugh he released. Sanji hung his head, the laughter still bubbling from his throat. You took a small step back at the reaction, confused and heated with something akin to embarrassment, and the courage that the alcohol had given you seemed to have leaked out at some point, because now all you wanted to do was run; answers be damned.
When Sanji glanced back up at you, bright eyes slightly obscured by wisps of blonde hair, your heart skipped a beat; the smile on his face was small but genuine, and when he spoke, his voice sounded halfway exasperated and half way relieved.
“I’ve been pretty stupid, haven’t I, love?”
Now it was your turn to be confused. You knew you looked a lot like a fish, what with your eyes wide and your lips soundlessly flapping, but your throat just couldn’t produce any sound — and that ability was further stunted when Sanji gripped your wrists in his large, warm hands. Using the gentlest of tugs, Sanji pulled you forward until your nose bumped into the broad expanse of his chest, and his hands released your wrists in favor of sliding down to grip your hips softly.
Your entire body froze, skin buzzing and mind drawing blank, and the only thing you could really focus on was the rise and fall of Sanji’s chest, his warmth, the spicy cedar of his cologne, and the hold he had you in.
“Oh, darling… I’m sorry. I never even noticed…” Sanji cooed to you, chin grazing against the top of your head as he did so, and you were definitely about to spontaneously combust right there in the galley. You couldn’t speak, couldn’t moved couldn’t do anything else aside from simply short circuit in Sanji’s arms.
“I’m just flirty by nature, love, that much is true.” Sanji said, and he gently pushed you back only far enough so he could hook a finger beneath your chin and tilt your head up. Your lips were now a hairsbreadth from his, so close that you could feel every undulation of his breathing. Your heart flipped and twisted in your chest, and your skin heated, your gut tightening in a mix of anxiety and arousal that left your mind reeling.
“But all those other pairs of legs, they’ve got nothing on you. You’re the only girl I’ve got eyes for.”
Finally, you found your ability to speak — but your words were still very weak, dampened by a mixture of utter confusion and disbelief. There was no way this was happening, right?
“If I’m the only girl you have eyes for, why do you flirt with every one you see?”
Sanji’s smile was wide and dimpled, crinkling the corners of his eyes in that way that always sent your belly aflutter, and you could feel more than hear his words —
“Because I didn’t know the girl I had eyes for had eyes for me, too.”
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shalotttower · 5 months
The Devil Is a Gentleman
Title: The Devil Is a Gentleman
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night with a headache.
Word count: 800+
Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader
Notes: Yandere Chrollo, captive Reader, my head is murdering me so I wanted some soft Chrollo stuff.
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You shift under the covers and for a moment it seems that maybe this state of half sleep, half consciousness is here to stay. Just for a bit, until you slide all the way back into a dream, where the dull throb in your skull doesn't matter. No such luck; angry blurred dots start swarming behind your eyelids and the longer you lie there, the more evident it becomes that sleep isn't coming.
3 AM.
The red numbers from the alarm clock glow way too intensely in the dark. It's quiet. Chrollo's breath tickles your shoulder. No matter the position, he somehow manages to do this every single time - wrap himself around you like it's no tomorrow, with tangled legs and chest pressed to your back. Sometimes it's annoying, sometimes sickly comforting, but not now. There's a faint feeling of nausea in your throat, the whole world is spinning and swaying from side to side even though you're lying still.
Sharing a bed is a recent development. Previously the floor was your choice, but two weeks ago Chrollo simply carried your sleeping body to the mattress. You woke up trapped between him and soft pillows, then the pattern repeated two times, four, six, until it became clear that this arrangement was going to stick.
Carefully, inch by inch, you wiggle out of his embrace. An awful taste coats your tongue, clings to the palate - not something you expected upon waking, but not unusual either.
The kitchen light is bright and unpleasant. It stabs right through your eyes without remorse, making you promptly settle for a dimmer one above the stove. One cabinet after another, the fridge - no pills. Of course, why would Chrollo keep anything like that lying around? You probably have to wake him up for medicine, but it's honestly the least tempting scenario. You don't want to talk to Chrollo, don't want to ask him for help, don't want him to see you in pain or sick.
So you brew a cup of coffee and hope that the nausea plaguing your throat will eventually subside. What you should know by now, however, is that Chrollo doesn't need more than you breathing wrong in order to wake up.
His voice has a slight raspy edge to it.
You glance over your shoulder and see his figure standing at the door frame. The light from the hallway throws a shadow cutout across the floor, and it's the only time beside after shower you ever see him all mussed hair, loose pants and, of course, no shirt. You suspect its absence has some relation to the attempts at wooing you which range from subtle to not so subtle these days.
You make a non-committal sound.
"It's 3 AM," Chrollo says and steps into the kitchen. "What are you doing up?"
His fingers brush a strand of hair away from your neck, linger there, feather-light and warm. You take a small sip of coffee.
The pulsing in your skull feels like someone decided to tap a small hammer against your brain. Well, he's up, so might as well do something.
"Headache," you say and press your forehead to the cool marble of the counter. It feels nice for a short moment.
Chrollo doesn't respond. He does place a hand on your nape though, thumb drawing circles, massaging the tension there. It's so peculiar. His tenderness leaves marks wherever it goes - light trails on your skin, hands on your forearms - a constant reminder that in this current reality he's everywhere and everything.
'Stop,' you want to say, but instead a quiet "mm" comes out. Maybe you're too tired to muster up any spite. He takes the cup out of your hand and sets it aside with a quiet clink.
"How bad?"
"Bad. Don't get too close," you warn. "I feel like throwing up."
He does anyway, and wraps an arm around your waist. Chrollo knows very well that you'd rather jump into boiling oil than lean on him out of your own volition, maybe that's why he uses every given opportunity to hold you.
"You should have woken me up," his words are muffled, lips pressed against your temple. Chrollo smells of shampoo, sheets and himself. "I'll get you something from the pharmacy later, but for now you should try and sleep, dear."
Then you're up in the air, carried out of the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" you frown, fingers gripping the muscles of his arm.
He hums something akin to a simple melody, the devil. "Taking you back to bed, where you can keep being miserable with more comfort."
This time you don't protest; the pillow has cooled down, and as soon as you lower your head on top of it, it feels like bliss. The bathroom door opens and closes, followed by quiet splashes of water. There's a pause before the mattress dips on your right.
Cold cloth covers your forehead.
"You should have woken me up," he repeats. "Next time do it, dear."
"Mm," is all you manage, when the bedside lamp clicks off, and then there're covers lifting, fingers rubbing your temples and a low hum somewhere above you.
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rin-fukuroi · 6 months
𝐁𝐃𝐒𝐌 [𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: dom!Blade x sub!fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, bondage, rough sex, cumshot.
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Blade is created for BDSM. And no one will convince me otherwise (「• ω •)「
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art: @tiredceles_
It's so hard not to touch that amazing back at least once a day. His muscles contract so sexually, and his shoulder blades cast a seductive shadow on his skin as he rummages through the drawer. Your gaze slides over every scar that adorns his body. Every time, as if for the first time, you notice the muscular, embossed forearms and shiny long tarry hair, slightly blocking your view of the full picture of his magnificent back. You want to reach forward, gather the black curls in your palm, tossing them on his shoulder, and shower kisses on every scar on his pale skin. You're so annoyed by those gray trousers that fit his buttocks too perfectly, making you feel dissatisfied and even angry because you can't touch him.
Your hands are tightly tied behind your back with a rope that almost painfully cuts into your skin. You are once again desperately testing its strength, but your strength is not enough to even reach the knot with your fingers, let alone tear it to shreds. And you want it so much that tears of despair almost come to your eyes.
— Don't fidget, you know it's useless, — Blade's low, velvety voice echoes in the silence of the room while he's still rummaging through the drawer, talking to himself without turning his head in your direction.
— It's cruel, you know.
— We haven't even started yet, — you can't see his face, but you're pretty sure his lips are stretched into a smug grin.
You hear the sound of a drawer closing and Blade finally turns around. In one of his bare palms there is a wide satin black ribbon, and in the other there is a silicone red gag, perfectly combined with the scarlet hue of the ropes that tighten your soft flesh. You nervously swallow the lump in your throat when your gaze stops at the threatening gag.
— What is it, are you really afraid?
The expression on your face changes like a switch when you furrow your eyebrows and give Blade an angry look.
— N-no! It's just that I've never done this before, — you wanted to sound confident, but your voice sounded low because of the unpleasant feeling squeezing your stomach.
— Great, — after these words, the last thing you see is how the gag falls on the bedside table when Blade straightens the ribbon in his hands. The next moment, black satin covers your eyes with pitch darkness. You squirm on the soft mattress, bringing your hips together to somehow cover your body, feeling the tingling touch of fear to your spine. A sad thought flashed through your head that you were deprived of the opportunity to even visually enjoy Blade's body, which made your lips tighten in a grimace of resentment. But it wasn't for long either.
You felt strong fingers pressing into your jaw, forcibly forcing you to open your mouth when something round and pleasant to the touch touched your lips, but dense enough that pressing your teeth could not flatten the material. A thick belt stretches across your soft cheeks, closing at the back of your head. Ah, now the gag you were so afraid of has come into play.
You felt so defenseless and as if you were even more naked, considering that even before that there was not a single hint of anything covering your naked body, except for tight ropes, on the contrary, only emphasizing all the charms of your figure. Although it was all so new and scary, you trust Blade and take a deep breath through your nose, trying to calm your nerves that are stretched like strings.
— If only you could see how amazing you look right now, — Blade laughed hoarsely, and you realized that he was still looming over you, just like before he made it impossible for you to see him. — Hm-m… I think I can show you.
You heard the rustle of the fabric of his trousers. Having lost your sight, all the sounds around you seemed to become ten times clearer, it was… So unusual.
While you were trying to comprehend the new unusual sensations, there was a clicking sound in the silence of the room. You knew right away what had happened. You squirmed, pulling on tight ropes, unable to utter a word, spewing only incoherent grunts from your throat.
— When we're done, I'll take another photo so that you can see yourself in all its glory afterwards.
How annoying he is. You could have sworn that right now your face looked no less red than the ropes snaking through your body and the gag already glistening with your saliva in the dim light of the room.
The suffocating embarrassment immediately receded into the background when you felt a painful grip on your hips. Blade's fingers dug into your soft sides to push you onto the bed and turn you over on your stomach. You unconsciously arched your back, fidgeting on the soft sheets, giving Blade a delightful view of the curve of your buttocks when you were still trying to hide at least your crotch by bringing your hips together.
In less than a couple of seconds, a strong, hard pressure spread your legs apart, making you squeal softly. Your face pressed into the sheets, making it difficult to breathe, as Blade wrapped his big hands around your hips again, lifting your ass up, forcing you to rest your knees on the bed. It was a terribly uncomfortable position due to the fact that your hands were still tied behind your back, which did not give you any space between your face and the mattress. You whined in alarm, panting and already regretting that you had agreed to this at all. The only way you could get even a little air was to turn your head to the side when you felt his hands let go of your legs and you heard the rustle of his trousers again. Louder than the last time he took his phone out of his pocket.
— You look like a slut. I wish I had the patience and time to capture this sight too.
There are so many curses running through your head that you will definitely remember to say them out loud as soon as your mouth is free of the annoying gag that absorbs any words swirling on the tip of your tongue. Your legs immediately tensed in an attempt to close your hips when you felt a sharp pain on your buttocks, which spread like heat under your delicate skin.
— Don't even think about it, — you felt his hot breath against your ear and soft hair streaming down your back. — You're going to lie still like an obedient bitch, am I making myself clear?
Another whiplash, and you felt how hard, hot, such an ideal member for you plunged into your insides with amazing ease. You were so caught up in your lump of irritation that settled in your stomach that you didn't notice how much you were actually aroused by what was happening.
You sobbed, desperately trying to get as much air into your lungs as possible in that position. His cock throbbed so pleasantly inside you, trembling every time you made those sweet sounds of despair, either because you wanted to break out and touch him so much, or because Blade remained completely motionless, pressing his groin into your buttocks, as if savoring the moment, in which you finally gave up.
— Good girl. If you had behaved so obediently from the very beginning, I would have fucked you senseless by now.
His long fingers possessively slid, squeezed, massaged your body, paying special attention to your burning buttocks, throbbing painfully after his brutal blows. You wanted so much to pull away and plant yourself on his cock with the same force with which he pushed into you, but all you could think about was that one wrong move from you and he would deprive you of any pleasure for disobedience. He's done it before and you're not as sure about anything as you are that he's going to do it now.
You could hear his quiet but heavy breathing, you could feel his greedy, domineering gaze sliding along the ropes, which would surely cover your body with purple bruises, so tightly they tightened your skin.
— Do you want me to start moving?
You almost screamed at how cruelly he bullied you, knowing full well that you couldn't answer him, but you obediently nodded your head in agreement.
Blade reveled in your charming obedience, despite the fact that you were probably beside yourself with rage. This is the level of submission that you should always strive for. You have to feel his undeniable dominance over you, you have to listen to every word he says, you have to remember who you belong to and who gives you pleasure. You have to remember who can take it away from you.
Noticing the tears that he loves to see running down your cheeks, Blade's cock twitched inside you. You screamed and dug your nails into the tight ropes as his hips abruptly began to push towards you in a frenzied rhythm, and the room was filled with the sounds of loud skin-on-skin slaps and his growls. Strong fingers painfully dug into the flesh of your buttocks while Blade impaled your immobilized body on his cock in a hard rough rhythm, knocking out any hint of air from your lungs. Shiny drops of saliva mixed with salty tears, flowing down the matte surface of the ball in your mouth, drawing a wet spot on the sheet under your cheek.
Every hard thrust made you scream as the tip of his cock pounded into you all the way. It hurts, but it feels so good. Your mind was fluttering with a mixture of thrills, tormenting your body more than usual due to heightened senses. You so desperately wanted to scream his name over and over again, begging him not to stop until that knot at the bottom of your stomach, as tight as the one that fixes the rope on your wrists, comes loose, spreading blissful waves through every cell of your body.
The reddish tips of Blade's bangs stuck to his forehead as small beads of sweat poured down his chiseled cheekbones. Velvety lips parted, and hoarse, delicious moans burst from his throat, caressing your sharpened hearing. His hips don't slow down for a second as his thick cock swells in your contracting walls, resisting every time he empties your insides.
— Just look at yourself, — is another pun that you would have snapped at if you didn't care so much about any words coming off his tongue right now. — You resisted so much, and now you're squeezing around my dick harder than usual. Do you like? Do you like being fucked like a whore?
His thrusts become more and more careless and deep, his hips collide more and more whiplashingly with your ass, causing your eyes to roll under the satin ribbon, and your teeth to desperately dig into the silicone ball in your mouth. You can feel his cock throbbing inside, and your stomach is cramping from a familiar, but such an intense feeling that makes you squirm in your shackles until a single thought covers your mind — you want to cum so badly on this divine penis.
You hear a hoarse loud moan, merging into an obscene symphony with your sobs, screams and the sounds of his thrusts into your bleeding walls, your head feels heavy when you press your face into the mattress, convulsively shuddering from the unearthly orgasm that has fallen on your exhausted body. A heavy cock bursts out of your wildly spasming insides to pour hot sticky cum on the scarlet ropes and the delicate skin of your back.
Blade is still hovering over you, breathing heavily and trying to recover from an incredibly intoxicating orgasm, even for him. Your body goes limp while you're still basking in the warm waves of pleasure relaxing every muscle, barely holding on to the last threads of reason so as not to lose consciousness.
A sinister grin stretches across Blade's face.
— Do you still mind doing it again?
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲: easy tips to form healthy habits ( based on this alessya farrugia video )
lately i've been having trouble being productive and finding a healthy balance between study, passions, exercise and free time. i've been searching for a long time online for advices and ideas that could help me find my serenity, and my searches led me to this. i hope you appreciate it.
pro tip do not try to improve everything all at once, you're gonna fail. just try to incorporate something small in your routine to start forming healthy habits. it might take months, but one year from now it will all be worthy.
𝟭. don't hit snooze ( ⏰ )
the "snooze" button is definitely my worst enemy, i simply don't want to get up and start a new day that will be tiring and hard, but when i realized the reasons why putting off the alarm is so harmful for me i seriously started to stop doing it. you will actually wake up even more tired and sleep-deprived after the second or third alarm goes off, since falling back to sleep after having already woken up causes your brain to begin a new "sleep cycle" that takes 75 minutes to complete, abruptly interrupting these cycles brings unpleasant side effects such as tiredness, irritability and headaches.
bonus start waking up at the same time every day, this will not only help consolidate your routine but is scientifically proven that it significantly reduces levels of anxiety and depression.
𝟮. don't check your phone (📱)
i've always spent at least an hour scrolling through social media right after waking up every day, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's not exactly the healthiest thing in the world. do not go on your phone for at least 30min/1h after waking up. i know it seems hard ( i have a severe phone addiction so i understand ) but i guarantee you that your days will be so much more stress free and productive. why? going on your phone as soon as you wake up gives you an instant hit of dopamine ( for more info, check this post ) that is gonna literally ruin your day, because your brain is gonna pretend more and more dopamine for the rest of the day in order to function properly.
𝟯. have a glass of water ( 🫗 )
you didn't drink for 8 hours or more so it's time to rehydrate your body. i hate drinking water as soon as i wake up so you can try adding some lemon juice to give it more taste, you can also try some herbal tea if it's winter and you don't feel like drinking cold water first thing in the morning, but avoid caffeine ( and theine ) for at least one hour after waking up. exactly like the hit of dopamine that your phone gives you, caffeine and similar stimulants will have the same effect on your body.
𝟰. have a cold shower ( 🚿 )
ok, i'm not one of those gurus who tells you to get up at 5 in the morning, take an ice bath and run 12 km before 7am, but switching to cold water for the last two minutes of your morning shower will have some benefits invaluable for you and your body. first of all it helps to wake you up, because it stimulates the nerve endings and makes the brain more active, it also helps to tone the skin and make the hair shinier. it's a difficult thing, but doing something like this in the morning will help your brain cope better with the workload during the day. it also reduces stress and anxiety, since the cold can activate the production of endorphins ( known as "happy hormones" ).
𝟱. physical and mental care ( 💕 )
take five or ten minutes to just look after yourself, do skincare - it doesn't have to be a deep session, just a little moisturizer and lip balm -, meditate, journal, cut out a few minutes from your morning routine where you leave out for a while all the negative thoughts, stress and anxiety, your body is your temple and you must treat it with reverence, your mind is your home, your safe place, and deserves your attention.
𝟲. get direct sunlight ( ☀️ )
apply some sunscreen and go get some sunlight, the benefits are so many that i couldn't list them all: i quote, production of vitamin D ( very important especially if you are a woman ), improved mood and, in general, physical and mental health, sleep regulation, improved skin. i know it's not always possible, especially in winter when there is very little sun, but for example if you have the chance to walk to school or work on a beautiful sunny spring day, take it!
𝟳. make the bed ( 🛏️ )
why should i make my bed if i'm going to have to sleep in it in the evening anyway? well, this is the mistake that i very often make and i admit that i am guilty of it. however, not making the bed is exactly the reason that pushes me to go back there immediately and sleep again. making your bed in the morning as an act of discipline will not only improve your self-esteem and make you less want to go back to sleep, but it will make your room seem cleaner and generally improve your environment, making you feel more productive and satisfied. completing that little task in the morning, even if it's small and simple, will give you motivation and will push you through the day.
𝟴. high-proteine breakfast ( 🥞 )
make sure you eat a balanced, protein-rich breakfast that will keep you feeling full until your next meal. it is useless to limit calories especially in the morning when we need an extra boost, this will only make us feel more tired and irritable and will significantly decrease our productivity.
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diovstheworld · 1 year
La Squadra and Self Care
this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long so it’s time to finally post lmaooo. self care, hygiene, what they smell like, how they relax. a whole bunch of stuff. honestly they’re more just like personal life headcanons for the boys but oh wellll. enjoy! also i’m working on requests and stuff, i’m just so busy with class work and some things going on in my personal life i’m sorry </3
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
self care king honestly
in terms of hygiene, this guy showers twice a day, three times if hes around or has the time
face mask before bed every second night and has a morning and evening skincare routine
often likes to reward himself at the end of the week with a nice bath surrounded by some scented candles. this is his favourite way to relax
has a very strict sleep schedule. if you wake him up before 8am and it’s not important, he will fight you lmao
his hair is of most importance so takes great care of it. he washes it very regularly and loves to brush it until it’s silky smooth
he will not leave the house with any knots in his hair. for this reason, he takes a hairbrush with him in case he has to brush it whilst gone
he smells like his shampoo tbh. like some sort of floral scented shampoo
he’s always making use of body sprays and colognes too. normally also floral scented
to relax, aside from a nice bath, he likes to sit down and read people’s horoscopes. he probably keeps some sort of horoscope journal so he likes to fill that out too
sometimes he’ll play video games with formaggio and some of the other guys
honestly i can’t unsee that one part where he doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom so this man is…questionable with his hygiene
showers when he remembers or can be bothered
applies way too much deodorant and probably reeks of lynx africa
that being said, he probably puts on cologne sometimes
he doesn’t have a routine to be honest. just a shower and deodorant and he’s probably good to go. cologne if he remembers it or the situation requires it
illuso and proscuitto have probably tried to persuade him to do face masks and skin care routines with them but he always tells them it’s a waste of time lmao
people buy him fancy shower gels and stuff for christmas and he doesn’t take the hint. he continues to use the lynx africa shower gel that came in a set with his deodorant
all jokes aside i think he would shower when he knows he’s unclean or personally feels unclean
always taking breaks for his mental state, most likely playing video games. it’s his escape. he enjoys playing them with ghiaccio and melone
he often stays up late doing so but this man will ALWAYS catch up on his sleep lmaooo. he’ll probably be napping at the worst possible times due to a messed up sleep schedule
also likes to relax by crocheting little hats for his cat <3
also uses 2-in-1 shampoo and body wash (nothing wrong with it btw, i just definitely see him using it)
has amazing self care, this man definitely has a big self care routine (partly because he’s worried grateful dead will have a negative effect on his appearance)
definitely showers every day, maybe even twice a day
i think he would use a bit of hair products like spray or gel so i think he’d be the kind of guy who washes his hair everyday otherwise it’s gonna be really clogged up there with all that hair product lmaooo. sometimes just simply washes it with water, other times he’s using shampoo and conditioner
also uses a lot of cologne. never leaves the house without it. he’d rather be caught dead than not have on his favourite scent
speaking of what he smells like, i haven’t smelled many men’s cologne, but i do know i love the smell of tom ford noir and i can picture him wearing this
also leaning into the whole what he smells like thing, he probably has a faint whiff of tobacco from him. it lingers on his clothes but not in a pungent, unpleasant way. it’s more comforting and has become part of his natural scent alongside his cologne :) he makes sure he doesn’t reek of cigarettes
he probably has a lot of colognes (probably gets them as birthday and christmas gifts when no one knows what else to get him). he also probably has a lot of skin care items
speaking of skin care, he definitely has a routine he does every morning and night for sure. he hates it when his skin starts to feel rough in the slightest. also shaves often for this reason. he hates the feeling of hair on his face
will take time for himself by stepping away and going to read, he’ll probably do a face mask while doing so lmao
on the whole sleep schedule thing, this man goes to bed at 11pm. maybe 10:30pm if he’s extra sleepy. he’ll only stay up late if a job requires it
not exactly self care but i just wanted to include the headcanon that pros carries a tiny little foldaway comb in his suit jacket pocket at all times
i also think he’s the kind of guy who sings in the shower lmaooo. he likes to sing heart of glass by blondie (i’m going to make a post on my music headcanons for la squadra but it’s gonna be a little messy and all over the place in terms of what i think the guys would listen to sooo that post might be a while away lmaooo)
just like prosciutto and illuso, he has his own morning routine. doesn’t have a skin care routine per se but he definitely uses face creams and such when he remembers or has the time
also a man who showers daily
he doesn’t bother too much about his hair unlike pros and illuso since his hair is kept under his hat anyway
that being said, he does wash it regularly. he gets irritated when he knows it feels unclean
he mostly relaxes by reading and listening to music. he also likes crime novels but often finds them rather cliche and can work out everything before the end of the book
also listens to music a lot while doing things like paperwork or other activities that don’t require him listening to his surroundings. music is a big comfort for risotto for sure
i feel like he often struggles to sleep so he often uses sounds he finds relaxing to get to sleep (mostly rainforest noises)
i have a shower song for risotto too unfortunately and it’s pour some sugar on me by def leppard :,)
i think he’s definitely got the cleanliness part nailed down but he’s not so good at relaxing since he’s always so busy so he’s probably not the best at self care
he’s always getting lectured by the other guys to take a break and take some time to himself for a while because honestly, he often forgets to take any time for himself
firstly, he definitely relaxes by playing video games and reading comic books. he loved to escape in stuff like that
i also feel like he relaxes by cleaning for some reason. like, he finds it very satisfying and calming to clean up his room while he listens to some music in his headphones and blocks out the shenanigans of all the other guys lmaooo
as for his levels of cleanliness, i can see him being a very clean man in all aspects
just like pros and illuso, he showers at least twice a day. however, unlike pros and illuso, he probably uses like a 2-in-1 shampoo and body wash. i can imagine him wondering (more like ranting) about why you would buy two individual products for more money when you can have the two products in one and save money
despite melone's efforts to try and change ghiaccio's ways, ghiaccio does not have a facial care routine in terms of things like moisturizers
he does, however, take care of his skin more now than he ever did due to constant outbreaks of spots so i can definitely see him at least using some sort of fancy face wash, even if he does refuse to do any other parts of a skincare routine
first of all, this boy likes watching slime videos to relax. he finds the noises very relaxing!
also likes to watch tik toks to take a break from the world
just like his big bro, he has a very good self care routine! he has a very similar one in fact
has a skin care routine and normally follows alongside prosciutto to make sure he’s doing it right
sometimes joins in the face masks
also he smells of apple shampoo! the smell is very comforting to him <3
other ways he likes to relax is by doodling. he’s not necessarily great at art but doing little doodles makes him happy. i totally think he would have his own OCs for the different media he consumes (he’s just like me fr)
also likes to read to relax! he often reads comic books and gets a lot of recommendations from ghiaccio and borrows them from him often
if he can’t fall asleep on his own, he sometimes goes to formaggio or ghiaccio’s room and falls asleep watching them play their video games
but for the most part he has a strict bedtime set for himself to ensure he gets the sleep he needs
loves getting his nails done
also likes doing other peoples nails to help them relax too
just like prosciutto and illuso, this guy also has a good self care routine in terms of skin care and hygiene
also part of the face mask gang. i can imagine melone, illuso and prosciutto have a little self care night doing each others nails and doing face masks and having a good little gossip
part of the night owl gang. he stays up late often playing games with formaggio and ghiaccio though he probably is the first one to cave in and go to bed
again, i think he would like to read. he definitely has a stack of books at his bedside that he’s desperately trying to get through when he has the time
i think he would also have a floral scent to him. illuso often accuses of stealing his shampoo or body sprays because the smell is so similar
very sensitive to light when he’s trying to sleep. even the tiniest little bit of light sneaking through the curtains will disturb him so he sleeps with an eye mask over his eyes
Sorbet and Gelato
as per usual, i don’t have many headcanons for these guys but whatever they do, fully expect them to be joined at the hip
i mean they’re brushing their teeth in the bathroom together, they’re doing their skincare routines in sync
they shower separately but they do enjoy having baths together. in fact, this is probably their ideal way to relax
they definitely like to paint each other’s nails too when they have the time. the second any one of them has a chip in the polish, they’re taking it off and redoing it for sure
they also like to snuggle up on the sofa together with a blanket sharing the same book as they read together <3
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feynavaley · 2 years
Hetalia Ficlet
I haven’t written in ages, then a funny accident sparked my inspiration. I hope you’ll enjoy!
Forgotten Item
Alfred sauntered along the sidewalk, whistling a cheerful melody under his breath. A cool, gentle breeze ruffled his hair and clothes, cooling down his skin from the kiss of the sun. At his sides, the two plastic bags than hung from his hands and bounced at every step, sometimes knocking against his legs, were a physical manifestation of his high spirits.
In those moments, Alfred loved progress – and, above all, technology. The enormous improvements they brought were undeniable and constantly in front of his eyes, inescapable: the smooth grey cement covering the street, fast cars running over it... Alfred remembered when that very street had been bare, alternating between a stretch of dried earth and slimy mud depending on the weather. Which was a big change, but there were also smaller things. For example, a mall three blocks from Alfred’s apartment had started running an online service that notified subscribers of new deals or products they offered. A ping of his phone had been what had led Alfred outside that morning, and presently, he was returning home with a supply of chips and candy that couldn’t easily be found in other stores and were also quite cheap on top of that. He has also taken advantage of the situation to shop for groceries and other items he needed, which meant he had the rest of the day free. The satisfaction felt good.
Everything was perfect... aside from a hint of alarm scratching at a corner in the back of his mind. A slight frown creased Alfred’s forehead. Usually, that feeling meant there was something he had forgotten... a quick mental list of everything he had bought, however, shed no light on the mystery. Alfred shrugged and decided to put it behind him – if it turned out he really needed something, he could always buy it later. Still, how odd.
By the time Alfred had reached his apartment, the unpleasant feeling had been relegated to a corner of his mind. He climbed the stairs two steps at a time, swinging the bag in his right hand in a wide arc in order to pass it to the left and have the right hand free to get the keys. Still whistling, he reached his landing – and stopped short as an unexpected sight filled his eyes.
A young man was huddled next to Alfred’s door, his skinny arms hugging his long legs to his chest and his chin resting on bony knees. In contrast with the slack, almost bored features of his pale face, a glimmer in his lilac eyes betrayed some strong emotions.
Time froze as Alfred stared at the unexpected apparition in confusion, unable to put the pieces together. For a moment, they both simply looked at each other.
Unwilling to talk for some reason, Matthew was gradually losing his struggle with keeping his face expressionless. The corners of his lips trembled, about to turn down in a disappointed frown.
Alfred diverted his eyes first.
“So, uh...”
A paper bag lay at Matthew’s feet, the lids of two paper coffee mugs sticking out.
The realization washed over Alfred like a cold shower. That was what had been nagging at him... Oh, he had forgotten something, all right. Only, not at the store. His eyes widening, he snapped back to his brother’s face.
“Oh, shit—”
“Should you really be the one saying this?” Matthew’s voice was colder than ice itself. Now that Alfred had realized what was going on, his previous composure melted away, leaving him almost trembling as his features contorted in frustration. “I hope you had a good walk, at least.”
***About two hours earlier***
Alfred woke up to a yelp followed by the thud of something heavy falling on the parquet. Groggily, he peeled his bleary eyes open.
How unusual for him to feel so dazed in the morning... even though it was quite early, the light filtering through his curtains was coloured by the pink hue of dawn. It was way too early to get up.
With a yawn, Alfred stretched on the mattress and turned in search of a more comfortable position in order to go back to sleep. As he was about to drift back into oblivion, another small thud reminded him why he had woken up in the first place. There was no feeling of urgency or lack of safety – still, checking might be better.
Sighing, Alfred peeled himself away from the bedsheets and trudged on to the living room, rubbing his eyes with his fist.
As he had suspected, Matthew was sprawled on the floor in front of the kitchen, his hands trying to untangle the lamp cord wrapped around his feet. He froze when he spotted Alfred.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you up, I just...” when words failed him, he gestured at the cord, his face the very picture of dejection.
“It’s fine. Give me a minute and I’ll be awake,” Alfred mumbled, trying to shake himself.
By the time he remembered to check whether Matthew needed a hand, his brother had finally managed to free himself and was back to his feet.
“I’m still sorry,” he said, his voice earnestly apologetic, “you must have gone to bed so late to be still this groggy... you were nice enough to put me up, and this is how I repay you.”
Alfred shrugged, his brain still too slow to come up with an appropriate answer. Fortunately, his brother perked up without needing his intervention.
“But, well, you know what? Since you’re awake, how about I go get something for breakfast while you get ready? My treat, of course.”
Well. Alfred didn’t think it was necessary, but he certainly wasn’t going to refuse some free food – especially if that free food consisted of some freshly-baked donuts such as the ones both he and Matthew liked.
“Sure, sounds good,” he yawned, stretching his arms behind his back.
Satisfied with his reaction, Matthew nodded and slipped on his shoes. Just as he opened the door, his confidence faltered for a moment.
“Oh, I forgot! My phone just died and I put it to charge, do you think you could answer if—”
“Of course, that’s fine,” Alfred answered automatically, waving off his brother without even registering what he had said. The apologetic tone had been enough – it was way too early to deal with Matthew’s peculiar brand of self-pity.
“Okay then. Thanks!”
With those words, Matthew was off.
Ten minutes and a coffee later, Alfred was finally fully awake, his attention engrossed by his own phone, which had started going off with an endless e-mail chain regarding some changes to the military expenses budget. The previous conversation had been forgotten, along with the fact he was waiting for the food Matthew would bring.
When Alfred received the notification from the mall, the entire notion his brother had spent the night at his place had slipped off his mind.
“—Can you imagine the embarrassment? You didn’t answer, I thought you might have had an accident... and when I went down to the porter to ask for some spare keys, he told me you had gone out! And he’s new so he doesn’t even know me, I must have looked so shady, I’m sure he thinks I’m some sort of wannabe criminal now...”
Sitting on the sofa at the opposite side of the coffee table, Alfred had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes.
“Come on, Matt, nobody would ever think that! You look like the nicest guy on earth.”
Matthew interrupted his nervous pacing to glare at him.
“Easy for you to say that! Just like it was easy to go for groceries and leave me locked out, I suppose?”
In spite of the bite of anger in his words, Matthew’s heart was no longer in it. Even his features were softer now, his eyes almost sorrowful. A deep, exhausted bitterness seeped from his voice.
In all honesty, Alfred would have preferred anger. Anger was easy to react to – anger didn’t make guilt simmer unpleasantly in his stomach.
“I already said I was sorry,” he defended himself, holding out his hands in a placatory manner. “I really didn’t mean to, I was still half-asleep when we talked so I forgot... it was just a mistake!”
“I had even gotten you breakfast!” Matthew burst out, pointing at the bag on the coffee table.
He didn’t acknowledge Alfred’s words, he was getting too worked up for that. Leaving him to work things out on his own would probably be for the best...
“Yeah, and it’s a nice breakfast,” Alfred declared as he rose to his feet, “which I’m going to eat now. Look, I am sorry, but what’s done is done. Wanna join me or keep sulking?”
Without waiting for Matthew’s reply, he grabbed the paper bag and moved to the kitchen. The donuts had gotten cold so he put them in the oven. One minute went by. Then two.
...Matthew still hadn’t reached him.
He really was upset, uh?
Privately, Alfred thought that his brother was exaggerating. He could admit that not waiting for him had been a mistake, that much was true... Even so, it wasn’t actually something that serious. Nothing more than a careless mistake due to the fact he hadn’t had enough sleep. Matthew being so hurt by it was highly irrational.
...But Matthew was hurt, and Alfred hated that he couldn’t swallow down the guilt scratching at his own insides.
(word count: 1,586)
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unabashedyearning · 1 year
After a long day, your eyes hurt just a little. But thankfully that unpleasant tingling goes away as you close your eyes in bed at the end of the day. Better yet I’m laying next to you, my breath a comforting sound in the dark. My hands rub your side as I shower you with sentimentalities “Darling, you’re perfect, I mean perfection is that which can’t be improved, then  you are perfect, the word could refer to nothing else, everything about you is wonderful and I am so happy to just bask in you.” But then I squeeze your shoulder as you feel me twisting and leaning closer. 
“Basking is good enough, but it also isn’t, are you feeling generous honey? I hope you are in the mood for my touch, you can rest your eyes, your limbs even, though I must say it’s unlikely either of us will sleep any time soon with all this delightful tension I’ve already summoned up by asking. Sorry, anyway I have the patience to wait for another night so please tell me what you’d like to happen right now, more touching, sleeping, name anything and I’ll do it for you.”
Your eyelids open an imperceptible sliver, and you can see me blushing and looking half-loving, half-desperate. Both our chests rise and fall faster than if we really wanted to sleep. You squeeze your eyes closed, easing the unpleasant tingling while you adjust your position. I react by placing my arm over you, supporting myself over you, wisps of my hair brushing along you. The bed is so comfortable and you’ve found just the right place amid the blankets as you exhale an excited breath towards me. You tell me you’d like to make me feel good. I laughingly retort “But that’s what I want to do to you! Aw you perfect little thing why do you say such nice things you spoil me, let me pay you back.”
 You sway your head a little, hearing the bed and my clothes rustle and I move. You feel me lightly push on your hip with the palm of my hand, making a circular motion. As I rub you, I let out a rolling, guttural sigh like a pur. “Oh how are you so sexy, sweetie, do you know how aroused you make me?” Indeed as I pull myself backward you feel a stiffness between my legs. My other hand is free for just a moment as I start running it along your thighs. “I’m already ruined, I’m already so excited just by the idea of you and a few caresses. I can only hope that you’ll be quivering with as much desire soon enough darling.”
All the other sensations fall away as you feel my hands firmly pressing and squeezing your legs and midriff. Even when I’m not speaking, my breath is ragged, it’s so obvious how much I want you, even with your eyes closed you can vividly imagine me struggling to contain myself. I adjust your pajamas, sweetly whispering “Oh your limbs, your skin, ahh you’re perfect, and then there’s this... Oh it’s embarrassing to say but I like your pussy especially. How do you feel about a few kisses upstairs before I make out with you down here? I’m imposing a lot but you make me needy darling you can’t settle for anything less than you. I need to indulge myself with your body, let me show you how much every inch of me needs you.” I shift up so my face is closer, you feel my breath and pretty soon, my lips on your cheeks and neck and most of all your own lips.
“Tell me it’s okay to keep touching you, honey it feels so good I’m going crazy.” With just a few words to the affirmative, I move one of my thighs between yours, grinding it into you with the same gusto I kiss you with. “Once I get going I just have to have you, your body the best experience, you’re so sexy, it’s unbelievable, I need it, I need to make you mine.” With that last word I press my body fully onto yours, my tongue plunging into your mouth as you feel yourself shake with pleasure. I let out a quiet, yet deep moan and move and swiftly peel down your underwear. “You’re wonderful, darling, sweetie, you’re the perfect lover, my lover, mine and I want you so bad, I’m shaking too, I can’t wait.” You feel the warmth of my face on your pussy, my nose poking as I kiss your mons, lips, and clit. The brief pecks transition slowly into lingering, sloppy kisses. The obscene noises are only slightly muffled by the sounds of shifting blankets and my toasty hands caressing your thighs. 
“Darling...” you feel me pressing my tongue against your clit, the texture so perfectly suited to please “... I’m already addicted.” I go back to tasting you, my mouth vibrating from my uncontrolled moans, my hot breath running through your curly hairs. You open your eyes only to close them as the tip of my tongue slides from the edges of your cunt to your clit, the pressure filling you with an exquisite feeling. My hands begin gripping you tighter as I push my face closer, my quickening movements betraying an undeniable excitement. My hands slide to the inside of your thighs, making you feel as if you’ll melt. I keep licking, my drool mixes with your wetness. I gasp out “You’re making me so needy” before passionately kissing your pussy again. Your legs twitch and close onto my blushing, hot cheeks and ears. You feel my hands and tongue digging into you with an exuberant energy. I make a quiet, yet erotic groan while the pleasure is beginning to approach its crescendo, you breath in shakingly and grip my hair firmly, guiding the direction of my tongue and lips. The stimulation of my mouth, my face, even my breath so consumed in you is so wonderful. You pull at me, and I kiss and suck on your clit just so and you climax, squeezing every muscle and opening your eyes, seeing me staring lovingly up at you, my hands slipping off your body. You slowly release my hair and head, seeing my face fully as I pick myself up, dripping wet from our enthusiastic bodies’ sweat, saliva, and so on. “My sweetheart you’re perfect, thank you, we must smell so distinctively... like we are marked by each other, that’s just fine by me I want to keep you all to myself, I need you like this and I’m so happy.” I wipe us both off with some tissues and help you get into your pajamas again before laying down next to you and whispering sweetly “Let’s go to bed honey, rest your eyes and tomorrow we can play some more.” 
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Dunno how much you’re into feet, but Bruce obsessing over Tim’s. They’re small and young and soft and smooth, and Bruce loves rubbing them, holding them, just looking at them, or even licking them and kissing them. He’s obsessed with them, and can’t help but make Tim stroke his cock with them until he cums, makes Tim press his feet against him while he ruts into them, can’t help but jerk off until he shoots hit cum across Tim’s soles, Tim’s toes, and then licking it all off.
i 100% understand how feet can be made erotic and it really depends on my mood, time of day, and the weather but YES!!
i think bruce would be absolutely fascinated by tim for a few reasons 1. he's small 2. he's cute 3. he's light. well compared to someone like bruce a lot of people are like that but bruce doesn't feel any tug towards the average person. tim is different because tim is his robin- tim is his in many ways. if bruce wants to tug and pinch at him he can because that's his robin.
so sometimes tim will let bruce explore his curiosity with his body. he's a bit confused at the fascination bruce has with him. his hands are big enough that one can cover all of tim's face. those hands stroke down the side of tim's cheek and necks. they stop to briefly squeeze tim's tits but there's hardly anything there to grab. then down to his hips where bruce's hands will squeeze his thighs, his ass, he'll rub fingers against the peam of tim's pants until tim is squirming and then he'll trail down to his knees, calves, and fine ankles.
tim keeps them tucked in fuzzy socks most of them time. his feet have a tendency to get cold. they're like ice when bruce peels the socks off. bruce's hands are warm, like little furnances and tim shivers as bruce gently sqeezes them with his big hands to chase the chill away.
fascinated fingers stroke down the sole of tim's little foot. shaking fingers caress his arch and gently pinch each toe between two fingers. bruce is absolutely enraptured by tim's feet and tim never understands it.
usually he'll be watching something on the tv in the living room or scrolling through his phone while bruce does his thing. tim is freshly showered, he smells like flowers, and his hair is damp.
sleep tugs at the edges of tim's mind but not enough to fall into it as he hears bruce unzip his pants.
bruce is interested in every bit of tim- but his feet are a special thing.
tim listens as bruce groans, feels as his hard, warm cock presses to the soles of tim's feet.
it tickles but tim does his best not to shift or move. bruce presses both his feet together and thrusts the length of his cock against the natural seam between them. other times bruce will rut against one foot, wrapping his big hand around tim's foot and his cock so he can rub against tim. tim's other foot will be lifted up by his other hand to his mouth where a warm, hot mouth will kiss at tim's fine ankle bones and little toes. tim feels bruce explore his foot with his mouth, kissing, lapping, even gently suckling on tim's small toes until tim is shivering from the odd but not unpleasant sensation.
bruce uses tim's feets to hold them close to his leaking cock, staring down at them with such adoraption.
tim doesn't understand it fully. why out of every part of tim bruce likes his feet. bruce tells him they're 'pretty' and 'delicate'. when tim's nails get too long bruce carefully trims them with a nail clipper. every night before he goes to bed, bruce rubs a thick, sweet-smelling balm onto them and covers them with thick woolen socks.
tim feels as bruce's thrusts stutter and curls his toes when thick, hot cum paints them. tim feels the soft skin of bruce's sac and cock as he rubs his cum into tim's skin, hips thrusting and and riding out a few more spurts.
a few times bruce will rub his cum into tim's skin, coating every bit of his skin in a thin layer and then putting tim's socks back on.
most of the time however, most of the time bruce will-
tim shivers, letting out a soft squeaky sound as bruce tugs tim's toe into his mouth to gently suckle and lap up the bit of cum that coated it.
bruce flattens his tongue, coating tim's delicate feet with a thin sheen of saliva as he neatly cleans up the mess he spilled onto tim's feet.
at the end, bruce presses lingering loving kisses to the hollow of tim's arch. tim wiggles his toes at the feeling, curling them and suppressing a laugh when bruce presses kisses to the little buttons they are.
tim doesn't get it, not fully. but if bruce asks to touch any part of him he'll let him.
that's his job after all. as bruce's robin.
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skinhairlaser · 1 year
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Surely scalp care is quickly becoming just as significant as the skin & hair care products we use. Our self-care routines have long overlooked the scalp, which is frequently given second-class attention. However, your scalp is the foundation for healthy hair growth and the key to achieving good locks. Proper scalp care is vital in maintaining the health of your hair. In this blog post, we will explore why scalp care is important and how it can benefit you.
There are several signs that indicate your scalp is in bad condition and requires dry scalp treatment. Here are some of the most common ones:
Flaking or Dandruff 
If you notice white or yellow flakes on your scalp or in your hair, it could be a sign of a dry or irritated scalp. Dandruff is a common scalp condition that can lead to itchiness and discomfort. With the right hair loss treatment in Lucknow, you can get this issue resolved.
Redness or Irritation
If your scalp appears red or inflamed, it could be a sign of irritation or infection. This may be accompanied by itching, burning, or tenderness.
Greasy or Oily 
If your hair feels greasy or oily even after washing it, it could be a sign of an overactive sebaceous gland. This can lead to clogged hair follicles, acne, and other scalp conditions.
Hair Loss
Excessive hair loss or thinning can be a sign of an unhealthy scalp. This may be caused by inflammation, infection, or nutrient deficiencies. At this stage, you should consult a doctor for scalp treatment.
Unpleasant Odor
If your scalp has a strong or unpleasant odour, it could be a sign of a fungal or bacterial infection.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action to improve the health of your scalp. This may involve using a medicated shampoo, changing your diet, or seeking medical help from the top Hair & Skin clinic in Lucknow if the problem persists. 
How should I take care of my scalp?
Cleanse your scalp whenever you notice buildup; depending on the individual, this may require more regular washing. When problems return, hair & skin experts typically advise washing your scalp and hair once again; for some people, this may be daily, but for others, less frequently. 
Keep in mind that sweat, oil, dead skin cells, and other irritants cover the scalp every day; therefore, doing a deep clean using exfoliating products on a regular basis will optimise the scalp environment to stimulate hair growth. 
Individuals worry that frequently washing their hair would be too “harsh,” so they use PH-balanced products to help their hair’s microbiota.
Choose shampoos with specific components to address problems including dryness, irritation, and flaking (e.g. piroctone olamine, selenium sulphide)
If possible, apply your shampoo and gently massage it onto the scalp for a few minutes before thoroughly rinsing it off. This can relax you and settle your mind in addition to massaging your scalp and boosting blood flow.
Consider the water quality that you use to wash your hair (i.e. is it hard or soft water). Consider a shower filter if your water is harsh, and search for components that will nourish your hair while removing buildup and scale from your scalp (which can become dry and brittle)
To avoid irritating your scalp, wash it with tepid water.
The best dandruff treatment is available for scalp care, offered by the best Aesthetic doctors in Lucknow.
Benefits of Scalp Care
Prevents Hair Loss
One of the main reasons why dry scalp treatment is important is because it helps prevent hair loss. A healthy scalp means healthy hair follicles, which are essential for hair growth. A dry, flaky or irritated scalp can lead to hair thinning and hair loss. Proper scalp care can help remove any dirt, oil, or buildup on your scalp, promoting healthy hair growth and preventing hair loss.
Reduces Dandruff
Dandruff is a common scalp condition that is caused by a buildup of dead skin cells. It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but proper scalp care can help reduce dandruff. By exfoliating your scalp regularly and using good-quality shampoo, you can keep your scalp clean and free of flakes.
Promotes Healthy Hair Growth
Healthy hair growth starts with a healthy scalp. By taking care of your scalp, you can promote healthy hair growth. A well-nourished scalp will produce stronger and thicker hair strands. Massaging your scalp regularly can also improve blood circulation, which will help nutrients reach your hair follicles more efficiently.
Prevents Infections
A dirty scalp can lead to infections and other scalp conditions such as folliculitis or seborrheic dermatitis. These conditions can cause redness, itchiness, and even hair loss. By keeping your scalp clean and healthy, you can prevent these conditions from occurring.
Improves Overall Scalp Health
Proper scalp treatment not only benefits your hair but also your skin. The scalp is an extension of the skin and requires the same care and attention as the rest of your body. By keeping your scalp clean and healthy, you can prevent dryness, irritation, and other skin conditions.
In conclusion, scalp care is an essential part of maintaining healthy hair and skin. By incorporating scalp care into your daily self-care routine, you can prevent hair loss, reduce dandruff, promote healthy hair growth, prevent infections, and improve overall scalp health. So, make sure to give your scalp the attention it deserves!
Visit Dr Disha’s & Garima’s skin & hair clinic to book a consultation with one of our skin & hair experts and know which hair loss treatment in Lucknow is right for your scalp care and other issues.
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secretfilesxxx · 2 years
Why They Won't Ever Go Bare Again: 6 Women with Natural Pubic Hair
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A trimmed or hairless bush was the most popular pubic hairstyle for many years. The number of women, however, who have abandoned their razors and waxing kits in favor of letting things develop au naturel below has increased recently, as we have seen. Anecdotally, lady lawns appear to be making a comeback, which may be due to the fact that more women are learning about their unexpected health advantages. hairy cunt
According to Maureen Whelihan, MD, an ob-gyn at Elite GYN Care of the Palm Beaches in Florida, removing pubic hair can result in irritation of the hair follicle and open sores or nicks, which may raise the risk for STI transmission. Although one study did correlate pubic hair removal to increased herpes and HPV transmission, it is unclear if having less hair corresponds to a higher risk of STIs.
We asked six women who adore their hairy pubes to share how it has improved their physical, mental, and sexual health since we were curious about some of the additional wellness advantages. They have sworn off grooming forever for the following reasons.
"I feel more assured now that I have pubic hair"
"I never liked the way [my vagina] looked or felt without hair, therefore I always kept my bush. For a long time, especially when I was in my teens and early 20s and it appeared like everyone was completely bald, I felt embarrassed about that. But I knew that by respecting my hair preferences, I was far more at ease in the bedroom than if I had shaved. I also discovered that a partner wasn't the right one for me if they didn't like it. —Danny, 26
"I never experience unsightly, uncomfortable ingrowns"
"Why am I positive for bush? Since ingrown hairs are terrible. And if I don't wax or shave, I won't have to worry about acquiring them. When I did, I looked for shaving cream, post-wax oil, or some other calming item that would be able to stop them. I thus made the decision to let my hair be. I'm delighted there are lots of people, including possible spouses, who find a full bush attractive. —Ellen, 32
"My bush gives me a strong, feminine feeling"
"Having pubic hair is equivalent to giving the prepubescent appearance that porn made so popular the finger. My bush gives me a strong, feminine, and undeniably sexual feeling. Feeling confident and body positive in my natural condition is everything to me. I would advise any lady who is initially developing pubic hair to embrace it. Display your best. Accept your physical self as it is. Meghan, 24,
"My ex-boyfriend showed a desire for hair, so I stopped shaving to test if I'd like it, too. My bikini area is no longer chafed and lumpy." Since I began shaving my pubic hair as soon as it started to grow, I had never seen myself holding a bush. In the end, I adored it! No rash, razor pimples, or strange chafing from my spandex underwear or shorts. I still have a bush even though he and I have since broken up. I advise every woman who has never felt or seen her pubic hair to let it grow at least once. You could come to enjoy it just as much as I do. Elizabeth, age 25.
"Rubbing and irritation on my skin are prevented."
"Creams, at-home waxing kits, shaving, and plucking were uncomfortable, and they gave me breakouts. Professional waxing not only took a lot of time and money, but it also hurt. I eventually made the decision to listen to my body after doing this for 15 or 20 years. I now own a porn bush in the style of the 1970s, and I adore it. Because my hair shields me from unpleasant rub, I can wear much sexier lace panties without experiencing discomfort. —Alexa, 35
"I save time since I have hair"
"One day, when I was shaving my underarms in the shower, I wondered how much time I could save if I quit grooming altogether. Shaving was initially avoided as an attempt to save 10 minutes twice or three times each week. However, the longer I went without shaving, the more I liked the way having hair made me look. I save 20 minutes a week, or approximately seven hours, a year by not shaving. LOL.” —Carly, 27
Watch here for more information: https://pornonan.com/
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which you get your period and jungkook just wants to be with you.
> fluff / wc: 2.9k
> warnings: period blood 😭 lots of it obviously you know how it is
note: helloooo i’m back :D this was requested. i think. it was probably a month ago so i don’t remember well IM SORRYYYY but here it is anon who was ranting about their period in my asks <3 i feel like i’ve been gone for long but it’s only been a week help i’ve been here and there for the past days hehe
you stand motionless beside the bed, staring at the blood stain on the grey bed sheets. you’re still too tired to function and to process the mess you’ve made this fine morning, and you can’t find it in yourself to move when the pain of period cramps is starting to blossom in your abdomen.
jungkook enters the bedroom to wake you up and to announce that breakfast is ready, but is met with the sight of your current predicament.
“oh, baby,” he sighs, wrapping his arms around you and planting a soft kiss on your cheek. “come on, let’s get you freshened up.”
it’s his first instinct to check on the inside of your thighs. this isn’t new. he used to worriedly mention it the first few months you lived together — asking if you’re feeling okay, if it’s normal to bleed that much, until he didn’t anymore. instead, he speaks through his actions.
you feel the wet wipes slide across the soft skin of your thighs, and you try to take over cleaning yourself but his quiet ‘let me’ leaves your heart feeling weaker. your eyes gloss over his hunched figure lovingly, wondering when the intimacy between the two of you started running this deep. with a silent whimper, you lean your weight against his hold when the lightheadedness become unbearable.
it’s the worst week of the month again. your period has always left you in pain, vulnerable, helpless. after the long years of experiencing this monthly, one would assume that you’d get used to it at some point, but you simply can’t. every month feels like the very first time, an evil-spirited visitor forcibly bursting through your front door on a random morning to wreak havoc in your peaceful temple.
this morning is one of those mornings. and this is usually when you feel grateful that you no longer live alone, that you won’t need to crawl your way to the bathroom because your super strong boyfriend never hesitates to swoop you in his arms.
you hold onto the bathroom sink to steady yourself on your feet, hazy eyes looking up at him hesitantly. “i’m okay. i can shower on my own.” his hands pulling up your shirt pauses.
his bunny teeth tugs at his lower lip, looking back at you with uncertainty. your baby hair is sticking on your forehead from sweat. it’s a thing, you’ve told him. hormones act up and increases your body temperature. it gets hard to breathe. aside from cleaning yourself up, that’s also part reason why you scramble to stand under the shower the moment you realize you’re on your period.
he’s worried sick, but of course, he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. “are you sure? you know i don’t mind at all, right?” and he says it genuinely, having catered to you in the bath about a thousand times, with or without period. he fixes your hair, putting them away from your face in a small effort to lessen your pain and discomfort.
you hold onto his wrist, the simple touch grounding you back into lucidity and reality. “hmm, i’m sure. i’d ask for help if i need it, you know that, too.”
“oh, you better.” he grimaces, unpleasant flashbacks flooding his mind. “i’ll get mad if i find you passed out in the shower again. i’m not even joking.”
“you almost cried that time. i think you’ll cry for real if there comes a next time.” you chuckle, the faint memories have already become something you can laugh about. you were the one who got into the accident, after all. but it still feels fresh to jungkook, who rushed you to the emergency room that morning.
“shut up. you scared the shit out of me.” he mumbles, lips shaping into a pout. why is it that he is in a constant fear of you accidentally hitting your head?
you smile at him softly. he’s been extra caring and attentive since then, constantly checking up on you to ask you how you’re feeling. he simply refuses to let anything bad to happen to you, or else he would go insane.
“i’ll get you some water first, then i’ll clean up while you shower, okay?”
“okay. thank you.” you respond meekly, letting go of his wrist.
he comes back with you naked behind the shower curtain, your head peeking out as you were waiting for him. he hands you a glass of water, and you watch him neatly place a fresh set of clothes and a pad on top of them on the clothing rack as you gulp down the refreshing liquid down your throat.
“finished!” you exclaim proudly, giving him back the empty glass. admittedly, it eased your lightheadedness a little bit.
“good girl.” he praises you, and you hide the shy smile on your face by drawing back the curtain. as he listens to the shower running, he cleans up the floor you’ve unknowingly stained in your debilitated state.
with your eyes closed, you lather your hair with shampoo. “babe, i’ll change the sheets now. you promise me you’re okay?” he checks up on you once again as the lovely boyfriend that he is.
to be honest, you just want this over with as soon as possible so you can lay back down and curl yourself up into fetal position. but still, you don’t really feel like you’re going to faint, so that means you’ve never been better. “yes, i’m okay. i’ll be quick.” you answer quietly, scratching at your scalp.
“not too quick. you might slip, or get dizzy. just breathe, you get it?!” he reminds you, jokingly raising his voice and making it deeper. you can almost hear his smile.
“got it, sir.” you copy him, giggling.
you enter the living room to find the couch filled with a bunch of pillows and your favorite fluffy blanket ready to engulf your weary vessel in a warm embrace. and of course, your boyfriend patiently waiting for you. like a kid on christmas day, his eyes light up when he sees you.
he reaches for your arm, immediately pulling you to sit on his lap. “how are you feeling?” he caresses the back of your head tenderly. you close your eyes at the comforting feeling.
“not good, not bad. just alive.” your head falls on his shoulder, nuzzling your face on his neck. “also dizzy. bad cramps. i’m hungry. but i’m sleepy. i don’t know what to do first.”
he juts out his bottom lip. he hates it when you’re in pain. he hates it. “i just reheated the waffles. eat first so you’ll wake up feeling better, is that okay?”
“with strawberries and bananas?” you look at him expectantly, the image of the waffles in your head making you salivate.
he chuckles at your cuteness, visibly feeling unwell but still cheerful in a way. “of course, baby.”
“hurry, hurry.” you crawl down his lap, moving over the blanket instead. since you’re feeling hot, sitting on it to feel the soft fabric against your skin is enough for now. however, he stays still on his spot for a few more seconds. his doe eyes meet your ingenuous ones, and he half smiles.
he scoots closer to you, leaving a small distance between your faces. his gaze falls down to your lips and he asks, “may i get my good morning kiss first?”
you’re the one to cross the distance, and he tilts his head to the side to mold his lips against yours. he feels a tug in his chest when your thumb rubs the supple skin of his cheek softly, contrasting your teeth playfully tugging at his lower lip. you don’t particularly do it to insinuate something, it’s just your favorite thing to do. and he gets drunk on it each time.
you’re also the one to pull away, pressing one last swift kiss on his lips. “there you go. may i have my breakfast now?”
“the things you do to me.” he mutters under his breath, shaking his head with a laugh. you roll your eyes and slap his ass jokingly as he gets up to leave, making him laugh harder.
with a groan, you pull your knees to your chest, putting a pillow in between in an attempt to relieve your cramps.
he comes back quickly, handing you the plate and setting down another glass of water on the center table. your stomach grumbles loudly at the addicting smell, and you look at him with wide eyes in embarrassment.
he throws his head back like a little kid, laughing without a sound as his body vibrates. “shut up!” you whine, hitting his arm lightly with a closed fist.
“my poor baby.” he coos, taking one of the forks from the plate and cutting out a bite sized piece of waffle. “let’s feed the little angry monster in your tummy.”
you don’t say anything anymore, not when the good food is working so well in soothing you. you chew with a delighted expression on your face, obediently biting the slice of banana he offers you. after that, you steal the fork from his hand and start eating on your own.
he turns on the television and flips through the channels until he settles with a drama you’re seeing for the first time. and then he leaves you again, and comes back with the obligatory heating pad.
you focus on eating and trying to follow the plot of the high school drama, figuring out whether it’s the fun or annoying type of cliche. on the other hand, jungkook takes away the pillow, puts the heating pad over your lower abdomen, and brings the pillow back to keep the heating pad securely pressed against you.
you immediately slip further into relaxation, the food giving you energy and the heating pad easing your cramps. “thanks, baby. i feel a lot better.” you voice out your appreciation, extending the plate of waffles to him. he did cook them, after all.
“i already had some earlier.”
you grimace, moving it closer. “you know i can’t finish all these. you brought two forks for a reason.”
“you got me.” he cackles, taking the plate from your hands to be the one to hold it for the both of you.
and you spend the next hour feasting on waffles and fruits, two fools laughing and exchanging commentary about a show you have zero idea what’s going on with.
after the food is wiped out, you gradually get more comfortable on the couch until you finally lay down. your eyes are fighting to stay open as a game show plays on the television after the drama.
jungkook is in your shared room, getting ready to go out for work. he has a schedule this afternoon, which means he will be home later than usual.
he comes out with a backpack already hanging on his shoulder. he squats down infront of you, blocking the screen. you frown as if you’ve actually been watching. “is there anything you want me to buy?” he asks, stroking your hair delicately.
“you smell nice.”
“thank you.” the random compliment makes him swoon.
you hum in response, twirling the lone strand of hair on his forehead with your finger. “need more pads. and the hand soap in the bathroom is running out. and i’m craving fishy ice cream.” the last item referring to the ice cream sandwich that is designed as a cute fish, a dessert you’ve grown very fond of.
“noted. here’s your phone, baby.” he sets down the gadget on the space infront of your chest. “call me if you need anything else. and just order in food for lunch and dinner so you won’t get tired.”
he is about to stand up again before he pauses, suddenly remembering something. “wait, don’t you need panty liners too? i saw that you ran out.”
you blink at him in astonishment, slightly overwhelmed with how observant and thoughtful he is. this is the first time he’s mentioning them. oh heavens, he does love you.
“oh right, i forgot. will you buy those too?”
“i will.” he smiles, proud of himself for remembering and bringing it up. “okay, i’m going. don’t forget my reminders.” he gives your cheek a peck, and you feel some of his lip balm staying on your skin. he gingerly brushes it away with the pads of his fingers.
“hmm, remember to stay safe, too.” he nods at your daily reminder, patting your head one last time.
you doze off to sleep the second he walks out of the door.
it’s past midnight when jungkook comes home from work. he finds you fast asleep on the same spot from this morning, except you’re wearing a new set of clothes. the television is playing an action movie he knows you fell asleep to. the heating pad that has ran cold is laying on the table, beside a covered white paper cup he suspects to be iced tea from either lunch or dinner. he takes a sip, and finds out that he is right (cherry! japanese food?), but it has turned flat and bland from the melted ice.
he gives you a forehead kiss before heading to the kitchen, throwing the cup in the trash can where he sees empty food containers as well. he’s relieved that you listened to him. he puts the packs of ice cream in the freezer, and plastic bags of chicken and pork in the designated meat container. he goes to the bathroom next, placing the pads and panty liners in your small cabinet. next off, he refills the hand soap dispenser.
once he has ticked off all the boxes in his to-do list, he brushes his teeth and takes a quick shower to wash away the hectic and tiring day he had at work.
at last, he crawls next to you on the couch only wearing his boxers, letting you use his arm as a pillow for your head. he would carry you to bed, but he doesn’t have the heart to wake you up from your peaceful slumber. more than that, he has noticed that you look more comfortable sleeping on the couch more than the bed.
you stir in your sleep, subconsciously draping your arm over his abdomen to pull him closer to your body and to snuggle against him for comfort and tranquility. he turns to the side so he can embrace you properly, burying his nose in your hair to breathe you in — to soothe the light headache caused by the travel back home.
but you haven’t been asleep that long, so his loving actions wake you up from your rest.
“jungkook?” your small voice whispers, and he feels your warm breath hitting his chest.
“yes, baby?”
“what time is it?”
he checks the time on your phone, which is on top of your abandoned pillow. “1:06am.”
“did you have dinner?” you ask right away, stroking his back gently.
“bibimbap.” he answers, and you feel his lips ghost over your forehead before he gives you a sweet kiss.
“need to change my pad.” you unwillingly pull away from him with a sigh, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“can i come with you?”
silence fills the air for a moment. “what? no.”
“i won’t look. i’ll turn around.” he tries reasoning with you.
you sit up and look at him in bewilderment. “still a no.”
he looks at you innocently, unwavering with his want to stay close to you. “i’ll wait outside the bathroom door.”
“you missed me?”
he purses his lips, contemplating with what to answer. “just a little bit.”
you hold back a smile at how being silly he is. “did you buy my ice cream?”
“you’re set for an entire week.” he answers proudly, corners of his eyes crinkling as he grins.
“that’s good.” you reply nonchalantly, climbing over him to get off the couch and to stand on your feet.
he follows your movements with a frown. “so can i come with?”
you yawn, tugging at his arm to force him to stand up. he quickly obliges, putting on his slides. “hurry, or i might fall asleep while changing.”
“please don’t.” he nervously laughs as you drag him with you all the way to the other side of the apartment.
he waits patiently by the door, until he notices the disorganized products on the vanity he left this morning, so he spends about a minute fixing those before returning to his post. he hears the water running and then some rustling. he perks up when he hears you whimper next.
“what happened?”
“almost tripped while putting on my panties.” your voice comes out echoey from inside the bathroom.
he slaps his forehead in distress. “i’m starting to think i should bubblewrap you.”
you gasp, opening the door to confront him. “to deliver me to someone else?!”
“i . . . did not mean it like that.” he trails off, biting the inside of his cheek.
you raise an eyebrow in question, and he smiles at you sweetly. “let’s eat ice cream together?”
his offer sounds tempting, however- “didn’t you brush your teeth already?”
his smile drops. “you think that would stop me from having a late night date with you?”
you shrug, stepping out of the bathroom to head to the kitchen. “alright then. makes sense since you’re a mint choco liker.”
he follows suit, whining outloud. “you’re so mean on your period!”
taglist! @lolalee24 @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @yoonqki @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle + send an ask/dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
I want to share a basic "how to keep your body clean" guide with you.
Before we get into it: I will write this as an absolute beginner's level guide. This is not meant to imply that lgbt+ people by default struggle with body care - I just want to take the shame out of it by removing any assumption of what you "should" know.
There are many reasons why a person may not know a lot about body care/hygiene. For example, they may have experienced neglect or abuse in their childhood. Just like any other skill, we need to learn how to keep ourselves clean - and some parents are unable or unwilling to teach hygienic habits. There are also many people who struggle with forming regular habits, for example due to mental illness or neurodivergence.
There is nothing shameful about being a learner! So, this is a completely neutral guide - there are no moral assumptions about you in here, no matter what your personal level of this skill may be.
Ready? Okay, here we go:
Two good reasons to clean your body on a regular basis is that it can prevent certain health issues and unpleasant smells.
Many people also feel more comfortable and confident when they feel clean and some people find relaxation or comfort in their regular hygiene habits - but it's important to note that you don't need to care about your look or need to enjoy body care to benefit from adding regular habits to your life. It's okay if your personal motivation is purely functional.
Four basic habits to add are: regularly cleaning your body, your hands, your face and your teeth. I said "regularly" here because there is no perfect number that works best for everyone - the most important thing to aim for is doing it regulary. It can take some "trial and error" to find an interval that works for your personal circumstances and for your unique body.
- The most effective way to clean your body is to shower. A schedule that works for many people is showering daily or every other day. If that doesn't work for you, try to aim for 3 times a week.
- On days you do not shower, you can use a hand towel or a baby wipe to clean your armpits (and any other bodyparts that may feel sweaty). Try to put on clean socks and underwear every day, regardless of wheter you showered or not.
- You (usually) don't need to wash your hair everytime you shower. Washing it too often can actually remove too much of the natural, protective oils and leave you with dry hair or an itchy scalp. Try to go a few days between washes.
- We often touch our face without noticing it (and so get whatever germs may be on our hands near our lips, nose, eyes where they can enter our body and make us sick). That's why one of the most important ways to avoid both getting sick and getting others sick (Flu, Covid, Stomachflu etc.) is to wash your hands!
- Use warm water and soap, make sure to lather up every part of your hand and scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Do this after using the restroom, before preparing food, before eating, after blowing your nose/coughing/sneezing, and after handling animal waste.
- In situations where you don’t have access to water and soap, you can use hand sanitizer.
- A schedule that works for many people is washing their face daily. It's a good idea to do this even if you don't wear make-up as your face may be exposed to germs or get sweaty during the day.
- The skin on your face is more sensitive than on other parts of your body. Avoid hot water and harsh cleansers (Your skin shouldn't feel painfully tight or look red after using a cleanser. If it does, switch products.)
- You can wash your face in the shower to save time or wash it seperately. That's mostly a personal preference! Just be careful to only use products on your face that are meant for your face. Body soap, shower gel etc. are usually too harsh for your face and will irritate your skin.
- Regulary brushing your teeth can prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Those problems can cause a lot of pain and (if untreated) even lead to other health problems in the long run, like heart disease.
- A schedule that works for many people is brushing twice a day. If that's difficult, try to aim for once a day. (And for difficult days: Using mouth wash is better than doing nothing at all!)
- If possible, try to visit a dentist every 6 months (even if you don't have any pain). When you go regulary, they can catch problems early on.
Something that goes for all these areas: A little bit is better than nothing. Showering once a week is still better than none times a week. Brushing your teeth every other day is still better than not at all. Don't beat yourself up if you fall behind schedule during a hard time. If you can only invest a tiny bit of energy or time into body care right now, then so be it.
What if you struggle to remember to do these things? Here are so ideas on how to build a habit:
- Set a reminder on your phone (or a good old alarm clock!)
- Print out a "behavior chart" (you will find free ones online like this one) and put it up where you will see it.
- Combine it with something you already do regularly (You take medince every night? Wash your face right after.)
- Give yourself a tiny reward every time you remember to do it.
Be patient with yourself. It takes around a month for the human brain to recognize something as a regular habit. The first 30 days will likely feel the hardest!
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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shibaraki · 3 years
tags: SFW, GN reader, fluff and comfort, intimacy, soft kiyoomi, established relationship
for the ‘a safe place’ collab by @kodzucafe, hye my love thank you for letting me join in and giving me a reason to write sakusa again!
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There are sometimes days wherein you wake up and you know in your gut that it is not going to go how you want it to. An instinct, a premonition of sorts, one that sits like lead and looms like a ghost. A feeling that you try to ignore in favour of staying positive, and you tell yourself thinking that way will only make room for bad things to happen.
And yet, it rains on your way to work and your clothes stick uncomfortably to your skin. You’re shivering and your hair is a mess and the coffee machine is broken. The spare clothes left in your car have been there for a while, they’re dry but they smell damp and your co-workers noticeably turn away from you for the rest of your shift. In the bathroom you attempt to dry your hair off with paper towels and knock your phone into the sink. Your chest tightens as the droplets of water make themselves at home under the screen, though you’re just thankful it still works.
The printer malfunctions, a document you were printing has jammed the tray and behind you stands a line of inconvenienced people waiting to use it. The wheel on your desk chair begins to squeak for no apparent reason, and every time you shift you feel the weight of your seat mates' annoyances and the amusement of whatever God seems to be playing with you today. Your lunch had been ruined along with your clothes so you had some delivered, it arrived cold, but the driver was wet and shivering and you tipped him anyway not wanting to make his own afternoon any worse. Misery can be contagious that way.
The day comes to a close and you’re relieved to the bone to make it home unscathed, even if you are a little sad that Kiyoomi isn’t back yet. The hot shower is a welcome feeling, soothing against the ache in your muscles from hours of carrying your anxiety and washing away the smell of rainfall. It’s difficult to part with the heat but you eventually step out, hissing when the soles of your feet meet with the cool tiles.
A key turns, a click. Your heart perks up upon hearing the familiar thud of his bag hitting the floor and the shuffling of his shoes as Kiyoomi neatly aligns them in the entryway. He calls your name, his long legs carrying him toward the bathroom, and steam plumes behind you when you step out to greet him wrapped in a towel with wet shoulders.
“Hi sweetheart,” he murmurs, his tender smile smoothening into something sombre as he notices your poor mood. A large warm hand circles itself around your wrist with a gentle but firm pull into his waiting embrace and you go willingly. As soon as the weight of his arms settle around your shoulders you feel your resolve crumble.
“Omi,” you say weakly, voice shaking and lower lip trembling. This was all you needed, all you’d ever need, coming home to Kiyoomi suddenly made the entire day worth it. You hated leaving him every morning and yet it is being away from him that makes you truly appreciate how in love with him you are.
Sakusa is not a man well versed in comforting others, that much he knows. His concern will often come across as irritation, his reassurances come across as a scolding, but when you needed him he tried his best. For you.
With fingers curled into the fabric of his clothes, you press your face close into the dip of his collar and let yourself come apart while he rocks you both in synchrony. His hand cups the back of your neck, thumb massaging circles into the skin beneath your ear. You realise that you’re beginning to dampen his shirt, an unpleasant mix of tears and mucus.
“Shit, sorry baby, I—”
“It’s alright,” he continues his reassurances, cradling your head closer to his chest, “whenever you’re ready”.
This was the Kiyoomi you knew. Unbending and patient and quietly loving. Kiyoomi revered you in his own little ways, spoiled with touch and fond looks in place of the words he found difficult to speak. Even if he didn’t know what to fix or how to fix it, he would stay and he would wait until you could fix it together.
With one final shuddering breath you step away from him but only slightly, not wanting to leave his warmth. His arms loosen and hang relaxed around your waist, fingers interlocked at the small of your back as he studies your expression closely.
You feel a draft pass through the hallway and the fine hair on your skin rises. Kiyoomi frowns, finally appraising your less than dressed figure. “You should get dressed and dry your hair, you’ll catch a cold,” he says.
“That’s a myth and you know it,” you smile amusedly but you turn to appease him all the same, knowing it’ll bother him. When you feel his presence following you into the bedroom you peer at him with confusion but he doesn’t acknowledge it, instead making a beeline for the closet. He pulls out one of the bigger soft blankets.
“I’ll put it in the dryer while you’re getting dressed so it’s warm for you,” he explains, stopping by the door frame before he passes to press a long kiss to your forehead. You tear up again at his thoughtfulness, throat swelling with emotion.
When Kiyoomi re-enters the bedroom you’re in a hoodie of his that stops mid thigh and a pair of his sweatpants that decidedly do not fit you. He doesn’t comment on it, climbing onto the bed to join you with the thick blanket under his arm.
“Here,” he opens it up and rests it over both of your shoulders, wrapping it around your front and tucking the corners in, effectively swaddling you. Leaving his arm around you he guides you into his side, pulling you both back into the pillows by the headboard.
“Yeah,” you whisper, the word thick and nasal, catching uncomfortably in your throat. You tuck your face into the crook of his neck, nose pressing to the underside of his jaw.
“Much better”
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letthebodyfall · 2 years
No One Ever Stays
CW: Sexual themes and crude language.
My take on the flirty hero x flustered villain trope.
The shower thundered against their ears.
The mattress was soft, the sheets warm and yet, their skin prickled with the bite of the air conditioning. It was familiar, this feeling. It wasn't unpleasant but not something they liked, either.
This was the third this month. The heroes were getting more and more adventurous with them as time went on.
They remembered the first time, around a year ago. The first hero was charming, suave- the type that made the civilians swoon at their glory whenever they sent a villain to the ground.
They were new to the city when it happened. They didn't know the lay of the land, didn't know the type of heroes that resided here.
It was embarrassing that it was so easy for them to be taken, to be swept up by all the attention because god, the first hero was charming. For months they pursued this newly minted villain in the city. The secret dates, secret meetups- it was all exhilarating.
The sound of the shower stopped. Villain closed their eyes as the door to the adjoined bathroom opened.
Hero stepped out, drying his hair with a towel while keeping the rest of himself in the nude.
"Hey." He smiled that winning smile of his as he sat at the edge of the bed; his large, calloused hand patting Villain's leg. "You were great."
Villain snorted, turned away just as Hero stood up and left the room.
Shuffling was heard by the kitchen moments later. Villain cracked an eye open, frowning at the prospect of Hero using their stuff outside of the bedroom.
This was new. Often, the heroes would just leave immediately after fucking, leaving them to whatever situation they were in. Done and done, just waiting to get and be fucked by the next one.
They got up.
Their body ached with every step, hips throbbing for beat after beat after beat. Walking the seven ten towards the kitchen was certainly not the most pleasant thing to do at this point in time.
"What are you doing."
Hero turned, still nude but with one of the more oversized aprons that Villain had, haphazardly slung over his neck and grinned. "Making a snack."
Villain eyed him, a brow cocked as they pulled a sheet over themself as slimy sensation trailed down between their legs, making them grimace. "You're not leaving?"
Hero looked at them with an incredulous expression before expertly flipping what seemed like a piece of toast. "Why? It's late and tomorrow's my day off."
He was weird, Villain thought as they moved to a sofa, careful to put a rag beneath them so as not to ruin their furniture. "Why."
A frown made its way to Hero's features, though Villain thought that they were more petulant than upset. "You don't want me to be here?"
"No one ever stays."
He stopped, turned, genuinely frowned at how deadpan Villain was being right now. "I'm staying."
"No one ever does," Villain insisted, leaning forward while their legs crossed over. "None of your hero buddies ever do. They just fuck my brains out and fucking leave to fuck the next person. You know this."
There was a grit to Villain's voice, cutting, reaching, eyes pleading at him for an explanation, a reason, as to why Villain deserved to have more time with such god of a man.
Villain leaned back, resting their full weight against the back of the sofa; eyes devoid of light and a morose enough to wilt. "Your kind thinks of me as a whore, Hero. A whore. Why?"
He knew why but didn't answer. Hero heard the stories, the jeering, the insults within the agency. They were a common topic amongst the saviors of the city, often over break. It was sickening.
Hero saw the way the other heroes eyes glazed with lust whenever Villain came into view. The way they would touch them in ways that were uncomfortable.
He flipped another pancake.
"It's because I'm easily flustered, it seems." Villain laughed, a garbled sound that tore his heart to shreds. "They said I was sweet. I was adorable. They were very kind at first, you know that. Your kind is very charming in the eyes of the masses. But I was a villain. I don't have your rights. I don't have your liberties. Even if I leave, if I quit, you lot follow me and take me back.
It's because I'm easy. It's always, 'Oh, feeling horny? Here, fuck Villain. They love it!' I hate you heroes. I hate you. You just fuck me and never even stay."
"I'm staying."
His voice was quiet, commanding. Villain frowned.
Hero padded over, nudging Villain to the side as he plopped down next to the sofa, pancakes in hand set on the coffee table. He was close, so close. So warm.
Snaking an arm around their waist, Hero pulled Villain closer before nuzzling the top of their head. "I actually like you, believe it or not. So you're not getting rid of me that easily."
"You're impossible."
He grinned that charming grin of his. "I hope you like it."
Tell me if you want this continued! :^)
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