#if they don't ultimately get a good ending I may cry
pearl-kite · 1 year
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About 3 years ago FHR helped revive my drawing habit by giving me reasons to draw Gale again, and I did a lineup of them over time, as was the trend.
imo it aged poorly, and it was time for an update and an excuse to draw baby infant child
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paperclipninja · 2 months
I'm gonna sound very old person yells at cloud but I don't care, I feel like I need to say this. We all (well most of us) know that messaging Neil with any headcanons/theories/wishes/hopes/dreams to do with the show is a no-go because it could potentially compromise the story he wants to tell or ends up telling. And yes, he is a grown up who chooses what to respond to etc and I think it's wonderful he engages with fans and answers a lot of lovely and interesting questions about his process, writing and journey etc.
However, there is another reason not to send theories and ideas about how the show should go to the show creator in the hope of a response: it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether a theory is correct, or a speculation may or may not play out. That is why fandom exists.
Online fandom is where we all come together to yell and cry and throw around weird-ass ideas and theories and look at art and read fanfic and unite in our love of characters and a show. A huge part of being in fandom, is the way fandom theories become like an understood little bit of fanon lore that some people attach to, others disregard. But it doesn't matter. And part of the fun of fandom, is when a new season or a new episode of the show comes out, you have this collective catalogue of ideas and theories and headcanons and you get to yell and scream, "omg it happened1" or "lol that that thing was ever talked about" or "thank god that theory didn't come to pass".
Wanting to know now (not that we ever will) and not wanting to wait until the next season to find out the answers diminishes the fandom experience. I cannot stress enough how much we are in the absolute peak of the fandom experience right now. The between seasons time is the ultimate time to be a part of a fandom (as I'm sure many people are well aware), knowing there's another season coming energises everyone to create and connect and speculate and it's glorious! I know it feels like it'll be like this forever, but it won't. Next season is the last and yes, there will be a flurry and uptick of all the energy and excitement once again, and I absolutely believe Good Omens fandom will live on and remain active and thrumming. But there won't be theories and what ifs and hunting for clues for the next season, and over time it will dwindle a little and plateau and some people will fall into other fandoms, and while it will probably bubble away, there won't be the anticipation that sits with us now.
My point is, fandom is where we get to throw around ideas and flail and be ridiculous and also serious sometimes, but it's all for us. For the fans. Showing Neil theories or getting in a flap about a particular speculation and asking if x, y, or z might happen isn't just about putting the creator in an awkward spot, it takes away what fandom is about. Just let this time be ours. If you haven't been in fandom before, enjoy it! Don't be in a hurry to seek definitive answers or know things either way.
It doesn't matter if any or none or all of the things that float around end up being correct or incorrect. Fandom isn't about being right. It's about being a part of a community and being able to share ideas and it's about it being FUN.
So TL;DR Stop sending Neil fan ideas because that is for fandom, not for the creator.
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sannie4luv · 3 months
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Make You Mine
Pairing: Sugar daddy! Seonghwa x f!reader
Warnings: rough sex, unprotected sex (the crowd boos), oral sex (m&f receiving), degradation, daddy kink, age gap (seonghwas 38 & reader is 23), squirting, seonghwa smokes.
Word count: 8k
Summary: after losing your job money had been tight, you weren’t sure how you were gonna make ends meet. Until your friend suggests something that catches your eye.
Being a camgirl.
"Fuck! SHIT!!" You screamed as you jumped out of bed as soon as you saw the digital clock that sat next to your bed, and to your demise. You over slept again. Even after your boss clearly stated that if you were late again you would be fired. "Okay, it's 7:30 and work starts at 8:00, I definitely got this. No sweat at all!"
Except you definitely didn't have it. Even after throwing on your clothes and doing your hair and makeup as quick as you could, you still managed to be 5 minutes late. And your boss Mingi had clearly told you that if you were even a minute late again that you would be fired.
"I thought I told you that next time you were late you would be fired, so tell me Y/N why are you late yet again? And don't give me that "I overslept and my alarm didn't go off bullshit." he says while making quotation marks with his fingers.
Mingi wasn't always like this though, he actually used to be a pretty great boss until he asked you out and you ultimately rejected him. Having not taken the rejection well he was out for blood, and made sure that your work environment was an absolute living hell.
"Please Mingi give me one more chance I promise I won't be late again, I really need this job." You begged and pleaded but alas they fell upon deaf ears. "No Y/N i'm done with you being late all the time so you can kiss your job goodbye. Get out of my office and pack your shit before I have to have security come do it for you. You better be out of this god damn building in 10 minutes." Mingi said with his gritted teeth, clearly he wasn't fucking around this time.
Pretty much scared out of your mind you got up and left his office and headed to your desk to collect your things with tears welling up in your eyes. "Fucking hell Y/N how could you be so reckless and fucking stupid." You whispered to yourself has you collected your belongings from your desk. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, since everyone knew about you rejecting Mingis offer they saw this coming.
After collecting your things you left your office that had been your workplace for the last 6 months and ultimately you were jobless yet again. It wasn't that you weren't good at keeping a job, you did your job very well. It's just you were very unlucky when it came to any job, it seemed like you could never catch a break. Whether it be asshole bosses, harsh work environments, stalker customers, or bitchy receptionists.
At this point you didn't know what to do anymore, because you indefinitely needed a job. Your rent was already high enough even though you had one of the shittiest apartments in Seoul, you were very behind on your bills, and you could barely afford to feed yourself. What the hell were you gonna do now?
So you did what you know best and called up your childhood best friend Yeosang, since he always knew what to do in a situation like this. You took out your phone and dialed his shops number since you figured he didn't have his cell phone on him. "KYS Motors this is Yeosang speaking how may I help you?" Yeosang spoke on the other line. "Yeosangggg it's Y/N" you said with a whiny voice. Yeosang could tell something was up since it sounded like you had just finished crying. "What's up princess? What's wrong?" Yeosang said adding the nickname he always called you ever since you guys were younger. "I just got fired and I don't know what to do, help me please." You said as you walked down the busy streets of Seoul whilst crying into the phone. "Come down to the bike shop, I'll see you when you get here princess." Yeosang said then the call disconnected. You weren't too far from his bike shop but since you had no car or money to take the bus you were resorted to walking everywhere. And walking around with this heavy box that had all your things in it was making your arms tired and the heels on your feet were killing you. "God dammit fuck this stupid ass box and fuck these heels." You said as you went to a near by trash can and tossed the box along with the heels away, there wasn't anything important in the box and the heels were hand me downs from your mother. After this you stomped away angrily down to KYS Motors.
Yeosang heard the door chime as he looked over he noticed your disheveled and barefoot figure. "Hey princess, did you forget to wear shoes this mornin?" Yeosang said with a chuckle. "No you dumbass I was just tired of those heels so I tossed them in the trash on my way over here. But that's not even important right now, I need a fucking job." You said frantically, you didn't wanna straight up ask Yeosang to hire you but you didn't know what else to do. "Are you hinting at you want me to give you a job?" Yeosang said with a raised eyebrow, "if so it's not gonna happen." He said as he walked over to the bike he was working on before you got here.
"Please Yeosang it'll only be for a little bit until I can find a new one. I don't care what it is I just need to make enough to pay my bills and rent. Please Yeosang I won't ask for anything from you ever again." You said as you bowed in front of him, you hated begging more than anything but you were desperate at this point.
"Ugh fine. But it's not permanent, I already have too many people working for me already. You can work here for max 3 months and then you have to find somewhere else okay? I'll let just let you clean up around the shop, will that work?" Yeosang said with a sigh, it's not that he didn't wanna hire you or help you out. It's just he had a very strict rule about not hiring close family and friends.
"Yes thank you so much Yeosang! thank you thank you thank you!" You said excitedly and hugged him from behind and planted a kiss on his cheek since he was still slumped over the bike. "Yeah, yeah. Be here tomorrow at 10:30, make sure you’re here on time. I'll see you tomorrow princess." Yeosang said has he continued to work on the bike and waved at you as you walked out the door and back to your apartment.
As you walked down the streets of Seoul your phone began to ring, taking it out the caller ID read 'PARK HANA' you decided to answer since she rarely ever gets time to call you. "What's up Hana?" You said as you brought the phone to your ear. "Y/NNNNN are you busy right now?" Hana said clearly sounding like she was bored. "Not really no, just heading home because I got fired from my job." This made Hana’s ears perk up, "What??? What do you mean you got fired from your job? Was it because of that bitch of a boss Mingi?" Hana said into the phone, "Bingo." You stated. "Can you meet me at the cafe near your apartment? I miss you." Hana asked and honestly you just wanted to go home because today was already rough to begin with, lost in your thoughts. You noticed you still didn't have on shoes, "Uh, yeah I just have to run home really quick. I'll meet you there in 15?" You asked Hana. "Yeah be there in 15!" You said as you sprinted towards your apartment building
After grabbing shoes and changing your clothes into more comfortable ones you headed to the cafe that was just a few places down from your apartment building. Upon opening the door you accidentally bump into a tall man with black hair "oh sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." You said as nicely as you could to the very handsome looking man. "Oh that's okay I didn't see you there sweetheart." He said with a dimply smile and pushed passed you to leave the cafe. Upon walking into the cafe you catch Hana waving to you in the Corner of the shop. "HANA!!" You said as you hugged her tightly, it had been forever since you saw her since she was mostly working. "Y/N! It's so nice to see you! I can't believe you lost your job I'm so sorry!" Hana said as you both sat down in the booth. "Yeah it's a fucking lot right now, he made my life living fucking hell there just because I was the first person that wasn't interested in fucking him. I mean I'm not saying he's not attractive, but he has a complete shit personality and this stupid superiority complex. Honestly I'm not that mad that he fired me now, now I don't have to deal with his bitch ass anymore." You said as your rested your head in your hand, "Well what are you gonna do about a job now?" Hana said sipping her drink that she managed to get before you got here. "Yeosangs letting me help clean up his shop for 3 months just to keep me stable until I find another job. You know how he is about not wanting to hire close family and friends. But it's only gonna be enough for my basic needs, ugh back to the completely broke life I go." You said as you rubbed your face in annoyance. Hana suddenly perked up thinking back to something she saw on the internet earlier that week. "Wait a minute I have an idea... why don't you try being a camgirl!" She said while slapping both of her hands on the table. You looked at her in complete horror and tried to figure out if she actually said that or if you just thought it. "Did you just ask me to try being a camgirl??" You said looking at her with a shocked look on your face. "Yes! You can make fucking bank from it! You're hot I bet the money would come rolling in, in no time!" She said to you. "Hana prostitution is illegal, if I wanted to do that I might as well go join a brothel." You said with a dead panned look on her face. You definitely weren't being persuaded. "Oh my god Y/N it's not prostitution, just think about it! You never know what might happen!" She said to you, "ugh I don't know Hana this seems so... dirty." You said back to her still not convinced. "I'm just saying, these top cam girls pull in THOUSANDS a month. It wouldn't hurt to try. But anyway, I gotta cut this short, Seonghwa just texted me that somethings up at the warehouse. I'll see you later Y/N!" She said rushing out of the cafe.
You sat there in silence by yourself for a bit contemplating what Hana had said. Of course this seemed so dirty and lewd but... desperate times call for desperate measures maybe?
Today was your first day starting work at Yeosangs shop and you made sure that you wouldn't sleep in this time. You set 3 alarms on your alarm clock, and 5 on your cell phone. You jumped up and began to get ready, still thinking about what Hana said to you yesterday.
I mean there was no way that you were even considering this right? You weren't that kind of person. I mean sure you were confident in yourself but like, not this much. But on the other hand you could make a lot of money from it? "God dammit just shut up" you said to yourself as you brushed your teeth trying to get the thought out of your head. After brushing your teeth you looked at the time on your phone "okay we're doing great it's just now 9:30, I have an entire hour until I have to be at work."
You went into your closet and threw on just a regular t-shirt and jeans, you figured Yeosang would give you a work uniform when you got there this morning. You slipped on your shoes, grabbed a jacket and your purse and headed out the door. You decided you were gonna grab a coffee from the cafe this morning since you had extra time.
You walked to the cafe and you once again bumped into someone while trying to get into the door. You looked up and realized it's the same man from before "hm he must come here quite often." You thought to yourself. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you!" You said as you held your hands up in your defense. "Oh I bumped into you yesterday didn't I? Sorry about that again pretty girl." He said with a sultry voice.
You were flustered at the nickname he just gave you, "I-it's okay! It's my fault! I should really watch where I'm going!" You said quickly, he cocked an eyebrow at you and smiled. He thought you were pretty cute.
"What's your name beautiful?" He asked you as you two stepped aside to let other people get into the cafe. "U-uh my name is Y/N! It's very nice to meet you!" You said as you held a hand out for him to shake it, instead he took your hand into his and gave it a soft kiss. Oh my god you felt like you were about to melt.
"What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. I'm San, it's nice to meet you sweetheart." He said with a smirk and a wink. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest at that moment. "Thank you! That's a really nice name!" You nearly face palmed at what you just said, really Y/N? "That's a really nice name?" That's the best you can do!??, "haha thank you cutie, well this was nice but I gotta get going. I'll see you around okay?" He said as he patted your shoulder and left.
You couldn't believe that just happened, in the midst of you being flustered you almost forgot about work. "SHIT!" You said as you pulled out your phone quickly unlocking it to look at the time. You let out a sigh of relief noticing that it's only 9:55, you still had plenty of time to grab your coffee before you head to KYS Motors.
After you grabbed your coffee you started your walk over to the bike shop, and you had to admit that you were super fucking nervous. What if Yeosang was super critical of you on your first day? What if he fired you for not cleaning something right? Shit you were really anxious now. Your nerves only got worse when you reached his shop. "You got this Y/N just calm down." You said to yourself to try to hype you up.
"Hey princess! You're early, I'm proud of you." Yeosang said as he unlocked the front door to let you in. The shop wasn't open just yet, it didn't open until 10:45 but he wanted you here early just so he could go over what your duties were. "Yeah well I can't fuck this up I really need this job." You said to him and took a sip of your coffee.
"Well first things first you need a uniform." Yeosang said with a sly smirk on his face as he went to the back to grab your uniform. When he comes back you're greeted with the ugliest jumpsuit you've ever seen in your life. You immediately wanted to argue, but you really needed the job so you just held your tongue. "It's great!" You said enthusiastically, Yeosang could clearly tell you were lying. "Haha I'm just fucking with you, here wear this." He said as he tossed you a grey polo shirt with his shops logo printed on the side.
"Oh thank god." You sighed a sigh of relief as you went to the bathroom to change into your work shirt. "Not bad princess, now you look like you belong." He said slightly rubbing your shoulders to get rid of some of your nerves. "Hey it's okay, don't be nervous. What I'm asking you to do is really easy." Yeosang said as he lead you around the shop stating what your duties would be. It didn't seem hard at all, all of them were really simple tasks.
After a few hours you seemed to get the hang of everything you were supposed to do, so much even you already finished all the work Yeosang had tasked you with. So ultimately you asked him what else there was for you to do and he looked back at you with a stunned look on his face.
"You already finished everything? Um, let me go check it out." Yeosang said getting up from his seat in front of the bike he was working on and began to walk around to the places in which he tasked you to clean. Everything was spotless and perfect. He couldn't believe it. "Well everything looks great, I don't really have anything else for you to do today so you can just go on home if you want." Yeosang said scratching the back of his neck.
"No Yeosang pleaseeee give me something else to do, that apartment is so boring and I need the money." You said tugging on his jumpsuit sleeve. He sighed, giving into you like he always did. "Ugh fine, you see this page? These are all the customers whos bikes are ready for pick up, their name and phone number and what bike they had is all right there. Call them and let them know that they're ready whenever the can come get them." You looked Down at the paper and there was only 3 people whos bikes were ready.
After calling the first two you went to call the 3rd and you noticed something interesting about it. "Choi, San." Read the name, you couldn't help but think back to the San you met this morning. You wondered if it was the same guy. "Oh no that's silly, San is a super popular name. That can't be him."
Well, turns out. It was him. "Hey pretty girl I didn't expect to see you again, you stalkin' me or somethin'?" He said with a Dimpled smirk on his face, making your cheeks blush a bright red. "N-no! I just started working here today I-I didn't know!" You said in your defense. "Haha it's okay cutie I'm just joking around, can I have the keys?" He said with that stupid grin on his face. God he was so hot.
You went over to the cork board that housed all the bike keys, skimming until you found his you grabbed it and handed it to him. "Thanks beautiful I'll see you around." He said with a wink. Good thing you were wearing black pants because you were a fucking waterfall right now.
"You know him?" Yeosang said while wiping his hands that were riddled with oil on a towel. "Um, I bumped into him at the cafe near my apartment yesterday and today and it just turns out that he comes here to get his bike maintenance done." You said still blushing. "Yeah he's a pretty good customer, he's been coming here for a few years now along with his brother." Yeosang said to you. "Oh that's really cool."
You said to him. "Yeah, anyway. I don't have anything else for you to do and we close in about 30 minutes so you can just head on home. Don't worry I'll still pay you for the whole day." Yeosang said as he grabbed your shoulder playfully. "Okay thank you for this again Yeosang, I'll see you tomorrow morning!" You said while grabbing your things and heading out the door.
The walk to your apartment was only about 10 minutes so you made it here pretty quick. Upon coming inside you kicked your shoes off at your front door and trudged your way to the bedroom and flopped on your bed. Work wasn't hard at all it's just you were on your feet all day. You rolled over and stared at the ceiling, you couldn't stop thinking about San. You couldn't believe all the things he said to you today. Every little nickname made your heart flutter.
You slapped your hands on your face and tried to get him off your mind. You grabbed your laptop and just absentmindedly went to one of the 'illegal' sites to watch one of your favorite shows. Hoping that would get you to stop thinking about the black haired handsome man. Upon entering the website you were greeted with these obvious porn ads, one in particular caught your eye. It read 'diamondgirlsxxx.com' , your curiosity got the best of you and you clicked the ad.
You were immediately greeted with tons of girls on live touching themselves. You blushed and shut your laptop extremely quick. But it didn't stay like that for long since you were pretty curious about all this stuff. You decided to click on one of the random girls, you watched in awe. You couldn't believe how confident and empowering she looked. You wondered if you could look like that too... "fuck it." You whispered to yourself and went over to the 'create account' button.
After putting all your information in you had to decide on a username. You went with "Luv4Kitty" you cringed at the name but it's the best you could come up with. You couldn't believe you just did that, the first thing you did is call up Hana to tell her the news.
"Hey Y/N what's up?" Hana asked into the phone, "I- Uh I wanna try being a camgirl." You said quickly and Hana could hardly tell what you said but she made it out pretty well. "Oh my god are you serious! Yes bitch yes! You know what we have to do right?" She said and you could hear the devious grin on her face. "What?" You said excitedly. "We have to go shopping." She said with a sly smirk. Oh god what have you gotten yourself into.
"Shopping?? Hana you know I can't afford that, I can barely afford to live in the first place." You said with a groan cursing your broke self. "Oh don't worry about it, I got this. Meet me in front of your apartment In 15 minutes." Hana said as she hung up. You didn't understand what she meant by what she said. You just trusted her judgement and started to get ready.
You ended up just switching your shirt to a classic tee since you were still in your work uniform. You decided to just stick with the jeans. You grabbed your purse and keys and walked down to the front of the building where you were supposed to meet Hana. You scrolled through your phone until you heard a honk which indicated Hana was here.
You noticed it wasn't her car though, she rolled down the window and smirked at you. "Get in bitch we're going shopping." She said as she flashed a black card and your eyes went wide. You couldn't help but notice the handsome man sitting in the drivers seat smoking a cigarette
"Hana what the fuck? Who's card is that? Because I know it's not yours." You said as you rolled your eyes getting into the backseat of the car. "It's my brothers and this is him by the way." She motioned to the man sitting in the drivers seat. He gave you a small wave and a smile. "Hana what the fuck do you mean it's your brothers?? We can't spend HIS money on ME. That's so disrespectful."
You said frantically because you knew damn well you don't need to be in anyone's debt. Especially not someone you didn't knows debt. "It's really okay, Hwa is rich as hell. As long as you let him watch your streams he's more than happy to contribute to the cause." She said with a devious smile on her face
"I uh- well I really thank you a lot Hwa?" You said Hana’s nickname for him since she failed to tell you his real name. You sent her a glare because you didn't wanna sound informal. "Haha no problem darling, and my names Seonghwa but Hwa will be just fine." He said while flicking the cigarette ashes out the window. You blushed at his forward ness. "Make sure you pick something pretty for me okay?" He said and this only made you blush 10 times harder.
"I- yes sir!" You said quickly. Seonghwa smirking at your reaction. "So uh, where are we going?" You asked as your scratched the back of your neck nervously. "We're going to the mall duhhh, we gotta get you some cute lingerie to wear! I've seen what underwear you have and they are just not gonna cut it sweetheart." She said with a smirk. "Hana can we please not talk about my underwear in front of your brother."
"Why not? He's gonna see you naked anyway." She said shrugging her shoulders. You couldn't help but notice Seonghwa blush at Hana’s words. "Hana can you please shut up." You said with gritted teeth. It was your first time meeting him and she was already embarrassing you. "Yeah Hana, be nice!" Seonghwa said and he slightly hit Hana in the back of the head. "Don't hit me you fucking geezer." She said slapping his arm.
"We're here guys." Seonghwa said as he pulled into the malls parking lot, you weren't gonna lie. You were super nervous about this whole thing, of course you weren't a stranger to touching yourself or having sex, you had done it plenty of times. But you had never done it on camera for several people to see.
You got out of the car and began walking towards the mall, Seonghwa could tell you were nervous. He thought it was adorable, he let Hana get ahead of you two so he could wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you close. "Don't be nervous pretty girl, you'll look perfect in anything you wear." He whispered into your ear. This made you shiver and tremble with want. "Oh thank you." You said to him as you tried to hide your blushing face.
You both caught up to Hana and followed her to the first store. Of course it was Victoria's Secret. Almost immediately your nerves came back and you started to panic. There were so many beautiful options and you had never owned this kind of lingerie before. "Why don't you pick some out Hana? I'm not really good at this kind of thing." You said as you twiddled your thumbs.
"No problem, I'm perfect at this kind of thing." She said with a wicked grin and immediately started grabbing every piece of lingerie she thought was cute and in your size. Your eyes went wide at the prices of some of these. You couldn't believe people would spend this much money on underwear alone. "Okay here go try these on, I think these will be perfect." She said handing you about 3 sets of lingerie.
Once you got into the dressing room you began to feel nervous again. But that all went away after you tried on the first set. It was a beautiful emerald green color endorsed with lace and ribbons. It fit you perfectly and you couldn't deny that you looked absolutely stunning in it.
"What do you think of this one Hana?" You asked her since Seonghwa wasn't allowed back here per their rules. "Oh my god!! You look so fucking hot Y/N! We definitely have to get that one! Go try on the rest!!" She said excitedly. You were glad that she thought it looked amazing as well.
The second set you tried on was a cute baby pink, the bra being lace that was lined with Rhinestones across the top of your breasts. The bottom featured a lace pink skirt that was attached to a white pair of silk panties. You thought this one was beautiful as well, although you felt more cute rather than sexy. Not that that was a bad thing though.
"Okay what about this one?" You asked Hana again. "oh my fucking god bitch you are so hot!!! definitely a yes!!" She said to you. The confidence you were gaining from this felt invigorating. You couldn't get enough of it.
The third and final set Hana picked out was a royal blue. It was a full lace body suit that dipped down all the way under your belly button in the middle. This one you truly felt sexy in. This was probably your favorite of the three.
"I think this one has to be my favorite Hana I look so hot!" You said as you stepped out to show her and her eyes went wide. "We are so getting that you look amazing! Also, Hwa picked one out for you. He gave it to me for you to try on." She said as she handed you another set of lingerie.
The one Seonghwa picked was gorgeous, it was a lilac silk body suit with lace lined around the top of your breasts and it also featured a long purple sheer robe that had the same lace lining on the ends of the sleeves. You were surprised that he didn't pick something way more revealing. You felt the most beautiful in this one.
"Well?" You asked Hana as you stepped out of the dressing room for the last time, "holy shit Y/N you look so gorgeous, I can't believe he picked that one? You'd think he'd pick something more revealing." Hana had thought the same as you. "We're definitely getting all of these, this should definitely be enough to get you started. Once you get into it more we'll come back and buy you more!" She said as she pushed you back into the dressing room.
You got dressed and walked out with all the lingerie in hand and found Seonghwa waiting for you both outside the dressing rooms just scrolling on his phone. "Hm I'm surprised you stayed here the whole time, don't you think it's kinda boring?" You asked him teasingly. Hana had wandered off somewhere to look for her some things as well.
You were pretty tired so you decided to sit down next to him. "How could I get bored when I know a pretty girl is trying on lingerie for me?" He said with a wink. This alone made you blush. You couldn't help but feel yourself getting riled up at the thought of him. You wondered what other kinds of things he would say to you.
You felt yourself get some courage and whispered in his ear, "how about I let you take it off of me tonight?" You said as you slightly bit his earlobe. It was your turn to make him blush and he felt himself harden at the thought of taking off the lingerie off of you.
"I might have to take you up on that offer baby." He said in a husky voice. God you couldn't wait to get home now.
After your interaction with Seonghwa you couldn't wait to get home, you two exchanged numbers while still in Victoria's Secret away from Hana. Little did you know this was completely set up by Hana in an attempt to get Seonghwa off her ass. Not only did she help you but she finally had someone to set her brother up with.
He had been so strict and annoying lately when it came to the 'fake' family business and he would not shut up. This was her attempt at getting him to let off some steam. It couldn't have worked out any better. Of course you didn't know that though.
After walking around the mall for awhile your feet began to hurt and you grew tired, since you barley had any rest after work that day. And you couldn't wait to get a chance to be alone with Seonghwa in the seclusion of your apartment. "Hey, it's getting pretty late why don't we head home?" You said to Hana and Seonghwa.
Seonghwa smirked at you causing you to blush. He knew exactly what you were pulling here. "Yeah you're right, I'm pretty exhausted as well. Let's get going." Hana said with a yawn and you all headed back towards the entrance of the mall.
Hana offered to let you sit up front so she could lay down in the back seat. You told her that you didn't mind to sit in the back but yet she wouldn't budge and here you were sitting right next to Seonghwa as Hana softly snored in the back seat.
"I had fun with you tonight pretty girl, I hope you enjoy everything you got." Seonghwa said with a sultry voice. God you wanted to take him right then and there. "I-I did! Thank you so much again, I don't know how I can ever repay you." You said to him with a blush on your face. You guys approached a stop light and he leaned over the center console of the car.
"You can repay me with that pretty pussy of yours later baby." He said as he kissed your neck. You suddenly felt a deep pulse between your legs. Your face grew red again as the stop light turned green and you all headed towards your apartment building.
Upon arriving at the front you noticed Hana was still asleep so Seonghwa pulled you in one last time to whisper in your ear. "I gotta drop her off and then I'll head over baby. Put that purple one on just for me and sit pretty for me okay?" He said with a kiss on your cheek. "O-okay I'll see you in a bit Hwa." You said as you stepped out of the car and walked into your apartment building.
You went in your apartment and immediately began to get ready. You hadn't hooked up with anyone in awhile just cause there hadn't been anyone that was really worth hooking up with. So you had a lot of preparations to do.
You figured you had maybe an hour to get ready for him so you jumped in the shower and began washing off the reminiscences of your day. You couldn't get your mind of Seonghwa. He had made you feel so warm today. You couldn't wait to see what else he'd make you feel.
After you washed your body and your hair you went back to your room and towel dried your hair, put on some lotion and some light perfume. You didn't wanna seem like you were trying too hard. But you wanted to put in some effort in looking nice for him.
You pulled out the purple set he picked out and put it on. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you felt so beautiful in this. It was definitely your favorite now. You wondered what people would think of it once you started streaming. Would other people find you beautiful in it or would they think you're trying too hard?
You're knocked out of your thoughts when you hear a knock at your door. You texted Seonghwa your apartment number once you exited the car so you knew it had to be him. You could feel yourself getting nervous. "Pull it together Y/N you got this." You said as you headed towards the door.
You opened the door to reveal Seonghwa himself, he had changed from his jeans and leather jacket into a pair of joggers and a hoodie. God he looked even more sexy than before?! How was that possible?
His jaw dropped once he saw you, since he wasn't allowed back in the changing area of the store he never saw what the lingerie looked like on you. God you looked so fucking beautiful he couldn't take his eyes off you. He couldn't wait to get in there and take it off.
"Hey there pretty girl, god you look so fucking hot I can barely contain myself." He said as he backed you into your apartment. Your eyes glanced down to see he was already sporting a semi. The thought of it made you blush.
"Then don't. Show me what you can do old man." You whispered in his ear. This made the hair stand up on the back of his neck and he couldn't hold himself back anymore. "Who the fuck you calling an old man princess?" He said as he smashed your guys' lips together. "Only thing you’re gonna be calling me is daddy, do I make myself clear princess?" He said as he pulled your hair back to kiss up your neck. This action alone made you shiver.
"Yes sir." You said with a moan. "Good girl. Now, show me what that pretty little mouth can do baby." He said as he shoved you to your knees. You're then met with quite the bulge in front of your face. If he looked huge through his sweatpants then you couldn't imagine what he looked like with nothing on. The thought alone made you clench your thighs tightly. Rubbing them together to get some kind of friction.
"Didn't I just tell you to get that mouth of yours to work princess? Or am I gonna have to do it myself?" He said as he grabbed on to the base of your hair and pulled you up to look at him. "N-no daddy I'm sorry." You winced as he held you by your hair. "Good girl, now get to it." He said as he set you back down on your knees.
You pulled down his sweatpants only to be met with a huge tent in his boxers right in front of your face. Yep, this man was definitely huge. Your mouth watered at the sight of it. You gave his tip a small kiss through his black boxers. This made him shutter. "F-fuck baby pull em down please, need you so bad." He said breaking his rough facade for a mere second.
You pulled down his boxers and was met with his monster of a cock. He was definitely bigger than the other men you had been with, you wondered how this was even gonna fit in the first place. You got to work on his dick, grabbing it at the base and slowly stroking it. Getting a little more confident you sucked his tip into your mouth slowly while looking up at him with big doe eyes.
"Fuck baby go deeper please." He said as he grabbed your hair and pushed you down further causing you to gag a bit. You did as you were told and began sucking him off completely. "Fuck yeah princess that's it. That's a good girl." He said as he held your bobbing head.
You grew more confident and put him all the way to the back of your throat. You grew more needy the more you heard his moans, you didn't wanna stop. He felt so good in your mouth you felt like you were getting high off it. The feeling only made you slick the body suit even more.
It had been months since you had sex so you could probably cum from sucking his dick alone. It only made you go faster. "Fuck baby stop I'm gonna cum, I don't wanna cum in your mouth." Seonghwa said as he pulled his dick out of your mouth. He pulled you up by your neck and kissed you deeply. Slipping his tongue in your mouth and tasting himself.
"You want me to eat that pretty pussy baby?" He whispered as he left little hickies on your neck which you would surely need to cover tomorrow. "Please daddy.." you whimpered out as the pool of slick in your body suit was beginning to be too much to bare. You wanted to fuck him so bad.
"Lay on the bed for me pretty girl." He said as he gently pushed you onto the bed. He couldn't get over how hot and fucked out you already were and he hadn't even done anything yet. "Goddamn princess, sucking my cock turned you on that much? Pussys practically dripping for me. Fuck you're so beautiful." He said as he slowly rubbed your clit through the body suit and pressed a small kiss on it.
"F-fuck Seonghwa please." You whispered out feeling yourself get even wetter from his actions. "Don't worry baby Daddy's gonna take good care of you." He said as took off your sheer robe and pulled the straps of the body suit down over your shoulders and took it off. He almost came at the sight of you. You were even more beautiful than he imagined.
"God princess you're perfect. Lookin' so pretty for me." He said as he fondled your boobs. God everything about you was perfect he couldn't get enough of it. "Please touch me Seonghwa please." You whimpered out as you couldn't take his teasing anymore. "No problem baby. I got you." He kissed down from your neck, to your navel, and finally to the place you needed him most.
"Please, I need you so bad." You whimpered out to him hoping to god he'd do something soon. "I got you baby don't worry." He said and gave your clit a kiss, you shuddered out a moan and gripped your hands in his hair. He licked a long strip from your entrance all the way back up to your clit. "Fuck baby you taste amazing." He said and delved back into your pussy.
"F-fuck Hwa oh my god." You said as you gripped his hair even tighter. Seonghwa began to grind his hard erection into the bed just to get some kind of friction. He kept licking at your wet heat and dipping his tongue in your entrance every once in a while. You tasted amazing, if he could have this every day he would be in heaven.
You began to feel the knot in your core tighten. You knew it wouldn't take you long to cum since it had been so long since you had, had sex. But you damn sure weren't complaining. "Hwa I'm close" you moaned out to him. "Oh yeah princess? Want me to make you cum all over my face baby?" He said to you.
"Fuck yes please daddy make me cum." You said gripping his hair even tighter. Seonghwa began to work you like a starved man, you suddenly felt an urge like you had to pee. Immediately you wanted him to stop, you didn't think he'd want you squirting all over his face. "Seonghwa s-stop i feel funny." You moaned out but he didn't stop. Suddenly the knot in your stomach broke and you ended up squirting all over his face.
You sat up terrified because you were so embarrassed that just happened. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I promise I didn't mean to-" you were cut off by Seonghwa smashing his lips into yours and pushing you back into the bed. "Never fucking apologize for that baby that was fucking amazing. I'd let you squirt on my face again but god damn I need to fuck you right now."
He said as he pushed you back on to the bed and he began undressing himself completely, you nearly moaned at seeing his completely naked body. Despite him being a few years away from 40, god damn he looked fucking good. You could tell he did a lot to keep up his physique. God you needed him inside you immediately.
He crawled onto the bed and on top of you and pulled you into a deep kiss. "You ready pretty girl?" He said as he poked your entrance with his hard cock. "I- I don't know if it'll fit." You moaned out as he rubbed his tip on your clit. "Don't worry baby I'm gonna make it fit." He said as he began to push into your entrance.
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head and you threw your head back with a moan. "Oh fuck Seonghwa!" You moaned out which only made him push the entirety of his dick inside you, you almost came right then and there.
"F-fuck baby it's so tight." He said as he stilled inside so you could get used to him. "Please move, I can't take it, move please." You said as you glided your fingernails along his back. This made him shudder with pleasure.
"You got it princess." He said as he began moving back in forth. You felt so warm and wet he knew he wouldn't last long. Here he was in his late 30's and he was about to cum like he was a virgin all over again. Although it had been a few years since he was last with a woman. So he cut himself a bit of slack.
"Fuck me just like that oh my god." You moaning out your obscenities only made him fuck you even harder. He pushed your legs up to your chest and locked his arms around them trapping you. He began Pounding into you so fast you saw your self seeing white. You were definitely about to cum.
"F-fuck Seonghwa I'm gonna cum." You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his shoulder. "That's it baby cum for me. Fucking squirt all over me baby. Come on do it for me." He grunted in your ear and that's all you needed to hear. You let out a ear splitting moan and gushed all over his abdomen.
You fell back on to the bed as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. "Fuck princess I'm gonna cum, you gonna let me cum inside you?" He said roughly in your ear. "Fuck please Hwa, cum inside me." The second you said that you felt his cock twitch. A few seconds later you felt him filling you up. The feeling was almost addictive.
"Fuck pretty girl take it all. God damn you're so fucking hot." He said as he pulled you in for a deep kiss as he was still cumming inside you. After he had finished he laid on top of you for a bit while he was still inside. He stroked your hair as you tried to catch your breath.
"Still think I'm an old man princess?" He said as he kissed your cheek. "Absolutely not, that was amazing Hwa." You said as you kissed him softly. He finally pulled out of you and you felt his cum dripping from within you. It felt nice but it also felt disgusting. "Let me get you cleaned up baby I'll be right back." Seonghwa said as he went into the bathroom to get you a warm washcloth.
After he cleaned you and himself up you both found yourselves laying in the embrace of eachother. You didn't want the night to end. "Will you stay with me tonight Seonghwa?" You said as you traced shapes along his chest, slightly dozing off in the process.
"If that's what you want baby." He said as he kissed your forehead. You nodded and after a bit he heard soft snores coming from you. God you were so cute he couldn't get enough of you. He was definitely going to have to thank his sister for making this happen.
"Goodnight beautiful." He said as he drifted off to sleep himself. Ending the night in the most perfect way possible.
A/N: heyyy this will be two parts but I can’t promise when the next part will come out so wait patiently for it !! Ty!!
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: You and Javi are trying for your first baby. The two of you can't help but be excited for future baby Peña, even they don't exist yet
Word Count: 1.3K
Pairing: Husband!Javi x Wife!reader (No use of y/n)
Warnings: Allusions to smut, breeding kink, talks of starting a family/stopping birth control, being so soft and in love I am physically ill, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF
A/N: HELLO IT'S ME AGAIN. Here's a cute lil drabble about these two bc I cannot get them out of my head and I love them more than life itself and it's FINE 😭🫠 I'm never getting over Javi and Osita and their cute lil family, and I'm not sorry about it!!!! Poorly beta'd bc that's how I roll, sorry for the mistakes
“I think this is the one.” 
“Javi, you have thought that every time we’ve had sex in the past 3 weeks is gonna be the one that gets me pregnant.” You laughed, giving your husband a playful roll of your eyes as you rested your head on his bare chest, your naked bodies blissfully tangled in the sheets of your bed. 
A little less than a month ago, now married and your new house finally finished, you and Javi had ultimately reached your agreed upon point of actually trying for a baby and starting your family together. Even though your doctor had told you it could take up to two months for you to get pregnant after stopping your birth control for good, Javi was more than happy to aid in the cause of doing everything he could to help you beat those odds. 
“I know, I’m- Fuck, I’m just really excited.” Javi beamed, draping his arm across your waist, gently taking his broad palm and placing it on your stomach, softly rubbing circles on your skin with his thumb. 
You couldn’t help but feel your heart burst with how thrilled Javi was at even just the idea of being a dad, your cheeks growing warm and soft at the love he already had for your baby that may or may not even exist yet.
At this point, you were honestly convinced that Javi was more anxiously waiting your period (or hopefully, lack of period) than you were, convinced that if the two of you tried every day, sometimes more than once a day, there was no way there weren’t going to be two pink lines on your pregnancy test at the end of the month. 
“You know there’s no baby in there yet, right?” You giggled, gesturing down to Javi’s hand, now placing yours over it, intertwining your fingers together. 
“Could be.” Javi smirked, pressing a soft kiss into your messy hair, making you giggle as he pulled you in closer. “I hope there is.” 
“Well obviously I do too, ya dork.” You smiled, letting out a quiet sigh as you nestled your body closer to his. Javi perked up at your exhale, looking down at you with his sweet, doe eyes, a twinge of concern spreading across his face at your heavy breath. 
“You okay, Osita?”
“Yeah, it’s just- fuck, it’s crazy to think that I’m literally gonna grow a tiny human inside me. That we’re gonna be parents. I don’t know, that it’s not just gonna be the two of us, well, the three of us,” You snickered, gesturing over to a grumbling Bear laying sound asleep on your bedroom floor, “hopefully soon. I just- I’m really happy, Javi. Thank you for wanting to give me a family. I love you so much.” 
You couldn’t help but let happy tears well in your eyes, letting out a few soft sniffles as you wiped the wetness dripping down your cheeks with the back of your hand, laughing between your crying as you tried to compose yourself. 
“God, I’m not even pregnant yet and I’m already an emotional mess. Sorry baby, I don’t know what got into me but guess I’m feeling extra sappy tonight.” You huffed, brushing away the last few tears still pooling at your eyelids, waiting for Javi’s response until you heard the sounds of quiet sobs next to you, echoing the ones that had just left your mouth moments ago. “Javi… Baby, are you crying?” You cooed, laughing empathetically at your husband’s teary state, looking like he was crying harder than you had been. 
“Shut up…” He mumbled, quickly trying to wipe his wet, red face, doing his best to downplay the absolute wreck the thought of being a dad and having a family with you made him. He gave you another little shake in his broad grasp, making the both of you giggle out the rest of your joyful tears. “It makes me really happy, too. I never thought I was ever gonna get a chance to have all this. For a long time I just- I didn’t think it was gonna be in the cards for me, and as much as it hurt, I learned how to be okay with it. Thank you for wanting to give me a family. I’m so thankful for you. For everything. Te amo mucho, hermosa.” 
“Jesus, Jav, you’re gonna make me cry again!” You laughed, your eyes starting to water as you stared up at your sweet husband, wondering how in the world you had managed to get so goddamn lucky. 
“Sorry.” He sighed, planting another tender kiss on your forehead, bringing his hand to cup your cheek, cradling your jaw as his thumb wiped away the tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“You really think I’m already pregnant?” You couldn’t help but beam, both of your faces lighting up at the thought of a tiny baby Peña already starting to make a home in your belly for the next nine months. 
“Even if you’re not, at this rate I think it would be impossible for you to not be sometime soon.” The two of you laughed, rolling your eyes and shaking your head at Javi’s persistent need to prove that he was stronger than the lasting effects of your birth control and win out his own personal bet that you’d be pregnant after your first month of trying. “What do you think it’s gonna be?” 
“What? You mean the baby that may or may not be growing inside me right now?” You teased, raising a curious eyebrow at Javi. “Well, there’s a 50/50 chance it could be either, ya goof. But if you’re asking me what I hope it is, besides happy and healthy, obviously, I don’t know… growing up with 3 brothers and spending my whole life around them and their friends, I feel like I would be okay at raising a boy. But there’s a part of me that really really hopes it ends up being a girl.” 
“I really hope it’s a girl, too.” Your head perked up at Javi’s comment, tilting it up to see the big, goofy grin spread across his face. “I’d obviously be happy with either, but I just- God, I just always picture little mini versions of you running around our house and it makes me so happy. I hope that if we have daughters they end up just like you.” 
“You want more tiny, sarcastic assholes following you around all day? You are a brave man, Javier Peña.” You snorted, Javi rolling his eyes at your comment and your inability to stay serious for more than 30 seconds. 
“Pendejo. I’m being serious, Hermosa. You’re smart and beautiful and independent, and I know you’ll be such a good mom regardless, but I don’t know… I know you’d raise our girls to be just like you. Perfect little versions of their momma.” 
“You know those little girls are gonna have you wrapped around their finger, right? You can barely say no to the dog when he looks at you, let alone an actual baby.” 
“Well, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” Javi sighed, wrapping his arms around you, flipping your back flat against the mattress, your chest caged to his as he peppered ticklish kisses across your face and neck, making you squeal and squirm in delight, slowly working his way down your body. “But for now…” He smirked, his lips pressing hot and heavy along your skin, “might as well make sure I do everything I can to make sure that’s a bridge we cross sooner rather than later, huh?” 
“You’re ridiculous.” You snickered, throwing your head back against your pillow as his kisses traveled lower and lower, his fingertips gripping into the meat of your thighs with a devilish grin growing from cheek to cheek. “I love you so much, Jav.” 
“I love you too, Osita. Let’s make you a Momma.” 
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@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @nastiasnow @vee-bees-blog @hopplessilse @mxtokko
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signedkoko · 7 months
Makes perfect sense about the requests, thank you for letting me know!
There was really one idea that I've been thinking about but it's kinda angsty and cliche so I understand if it's not the most interesting prompt
It's for poly Stolas and Blitzø x reader (but if you don't write poly relationships they can be separate)- finding their s/o crying? Usually their (s/o) tries to be self-sufficient and while they're in touch with their emotions, feel uncomfortable being vulnerable about it.
I understand if you choose not to write it for any reason, though. Take care 💛💛
Stolas X Reader X Blitzo [Comfort]
In which the two stumble upon you crying, and do their best to comfort you.
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Of the two, you are likely to be the most down to earth, go with the flow person
It works best that way with two large personalities, they give you all the love and attention you could need
And ultimately, you are very good at working through your own problems more personally, since a lot of them don't concern your lovers
The both of them have a lot of more pressing matters that require a lot of support, though Blitzo is far more begrudging about his issues
It was just that, recently, everyone has been so busy, and you found yourself falling below the line of being 'okay enough'
Except Blitzo had so many clients with IMP recently, and it was that time of year where Stolas has to participate in all kinds of royal ceremonies required of his lineage
So you were mostly home alone, seeing them at the end of the day and, if lucky, during breakfast
It's not to say they were neglecting you or one another, but there was a mutual understanding that the three of you had very demanding lives- or at least, they did
Everything was just becoming a bit much, and you found yourself spending most your day shut in
One evening, Stolas came home a tad earlier than expected
He knew you'd be home, and after a long day he wanted nothing more than to tell you about it and see your face again
He was very troubled when he heard crying coming from your shared room
Probably runs in, blowing the door open and dramatically lifting you up into his arms
" Oh my is everything alright my dear!? "
Like a mask had been switched, you hid your tears and stopped crying, shaking your head
Even if you try to tell him you were just a bit sad, he will not have it, it is extremely rare to see you crying, and knowing you'd been home alone all day he worried you hadn't taken care of yourself
He lets you back into the bed and hushes you, rubbing circles into your back and using his magic to bring the phone to him
" Blitzo, when will you be home? "
" Kind of in the middle of something, Stolas, can it wait? "
" I'm afraid not, you see, our partner- "
" I'll be there in 5. "
Literally there in less, his van is squealing into the driveway and you can hear him running through the halls, and when he enters he is on the phone, likely yelling at Moxie to take care of everything
Both are on you in moments, Blitzo is inspecting you for any injuries and Stolas is soothing you with scratches and comforting gestures
While Stolas will try to coax you into being more open with them, Blitzo is far more direct
Because, fuck! He's worried! And if you don't tell him what's wrong, how can he fix it? How can he make it all better?
As hard as it may be to get things out, they won't leave until they can figure something out for you
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Author's Note - I always like s/o with Stolas and Blitz because I imagine reader can be sort fo a mother figure to both Octavia and Loona! Anyhow, thank you for requesting, and please enjoy 🖤
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I'm so sorry Asra but I have to do it.
May i request m6 when mc gets temporary amnesia? But they don't realize it temporary at until they get their memory back after like 2 or three days. Before and after they realize if that's not too much.
Again, i'm so sorry Asra.
The Arcana Mini-HCs: MC gets temporary amnesia
Julian: doesn't have time to panic while it's going on because he spends the whole time in doctor mode, trying to figure out what caused it. collapses into a sleep-deprived relief nap afterwards
Asra: talk about reliving trauma. doesn't leave your side, is the tenderest caregiver, stuck in a horror-struck daze trying not to cry. so happy when it ends but gets PTSD nightmares about it for weeks
Nadia: doesn't get as upset as you'd expect, simply because she's so determined to get your memories back. takes excellent care of you while it's going on and praises you for overcoming it when it's over
Muriel: stuck in an anxious haze because he doesn't know if this is your history or if this is his curse coming back. keeps bringing you myrrh and trying not to look scary until it's over and he can touch you
Portia: tries not to let you see it but completely falls apart. you're the one person who's ever seen her outside of someone else's shadow, and now you've forgotten her just like that? happy tears when it's over
Lucio: torn between trying to get your memories back, and wondering if it would be good for you to know him without the messy history. ultimately realizes how comforting it is to be known
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thejujvtsupost · 9 months
I heard you wanted some requests? I have one! It's fluff!
How about a sorcerer reader that when they get tired they get very very clingy? Reader may use the partners clothes as comfort if they are not home and or/sleep on their side of the bed.
Let's see, I don't know if you have a character limit so let's go with gojo, choso and someone of your choice!
Thank you very much!
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When You’re So, So Tired…
I kept it to Gojo and Choso because I couldn’t decide who to pick. Thanks for the ask! This was fun.
Notes: Gn!reader, lots of cuteness, this is just soft and fluffy, cuddly and clingy reader.
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You might not be as strong as him but you were a force to be reckoned with and worked hard enough for the both of you.
It was uncommon for you to be paired up on missions, as one of the stronger sorcerers you were valuable handling missions and taking students out on your own.
Today didn’t go as planned, Megumi ended up with some bumps and bruises when you were helping Yuuji get the upper hand. You handled the curse easily, exorcising it quick and then all hell broke loose. It was your fault for leaving yourself open; Megumi took the brunt of the attack and protected you.
As soon as it hit him you got a handle on the situation. Your anger fueled your cursed energy (because how dare it hurt one of your students), exorcising the curse that hid from you initially. Yuuji was at Megumi’s side when you turned around again, this time the coast really was clear, and the three of you warped back to the school, immediately headed to Shoko’s office with Megumi.
Apparently you had a deep gash on your cheek- you didn’t even feel it at first; Shoko had to give you a few stitches. It might not scar but only time will tell. It didn’t matter, the kids were ultimately okay and Megumi proved he was a good kid- not that it was in question.
So yeah, the day wasn’t great.
You were exhausted and needed a shower but a quick rinse with a washcloth would have to suffice- couldn’t get your stitches wet for the first few days to your dismay. On top of everything, Gojo would probably want an explanation for Megumi’s minor injuries and you felt so bad, and you were so tired and you really needed a hug and of course Gojo wasn’t home yet; god knows when he’d return.
Everything was just too much to handle after such a long day.
You stole one of Gojo’s shirts that ended at your mid thigh and collapsed into bed, falling asleep with his scent surrounding you. It was as close to a hug as you’d get for now.
Strong fingers were stroking your unblemished cheek when you were awakened. Gojo…
“Hey little shirt thief.” He teased you. “Heard you had a tough mission from Megumi and Yuuji, you okay for the most part? Didn’t break bones or swallow a land mine?”
He was ready for bed and as much as he didn’t want to wake you, he had to make sure you were okay.
Your voice was scratchy, “Hey.” The relief of him being home sent tears down your face, it was a rough day and you needed him.
“Oh sweetheart…” he complied with your grabby hands and slid in bed so he could hold you close and let you cry it out. “Sorry ‘bout gumi- he protected me and I should have been paying better attention.”
Your crying made you a little hard to understand but he was patient. “Don’t be sorry, he’s fine, he’s a big boy. He probably loved having the opportunity to show off and come to your rescue.” He brushed the hair from your face as you let out a small laugh.
“It really was impressive, it was a strong curse and he deflected it successfully to give me some time. I told him I was proud when I apologized and he was trying not to smile and act like it wasn’t a big deal.” You’ve been in Megumi’s life for years, you and Gojo started dating not long after he took him in as a kid. You wouldn’t force yourself into any role, but you considered him family and he seemed to see you the same way.
“See? He’s fine and you praised him, he’s probably bragging a little. You on the other hand ended up with stitches.” He sounded sad towards the end of his sentence.
“‘M fine, just a cut.”
“Mhm you should be careful, I happen to love this face of yours.”
Your hands were already fisted in his shirt and you hid your face in his chest to hide your blush.
“Shut up and go to sleep ‘toru.”
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You walked in the door dead on your feet.
Your energy was completely depleted, you didn’t even know how you were able to walk.
“That you?” Your boyfriend called out from a different room before he met you in the living room, moving slowly and tempted to face plant on the couch and sleep for a million years.
“Woah hold on. You okay?” He stood in front of you and held your shoulders. The physical touch was enough to push you over the edge of exhaustion and you slumped forward into him. He accepted you easily and lifted you into his arms, your legs wrapping around him by instinct.
Your head rested on his shoulder and you were basically asleep before you got to your bed. The tv was playing whatever Choso had been watching before on a low volume and it only soothed you further like asmr. Choso tried to pull you away and lay you down, but you held on tighter every time he did.
“C’mon, let’s get you changed at least. You know you won’t be comfortable in jeans.”
You groaned but let him help you, too dead on your feet to cooperate much. He was right though, the jeans were uncomfortable and now that you were tucked under the blankets with him holding you close, your mind was quiet and you were out like a light.
Choso laughed quietly out of fondness, returning to watching his show and making sure he didn’t stop rubbing your back as you slept.
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open! <3
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beegalactica · 5 months
the it girl's guide to handling rejection
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So the one thing that could possibly go wrong finally did... What now?
You put yourself out there; you went for that person, you applied for that opportunity, you tried that thing that had been on your mind for ages, and it didn't work out. Maybe you feel upset with the world and wonder why it always has to be YOU that misses out, or maybe you internalise it all and completely think that it's definitely your fault. Sometimes it is hard to accept how things happen in life because we feel like we were so close, like it could've been us, but ultimately it wasn't because we weren't 'good enough'.
As humans, we always feel the need to be in control of every little thing in our lives, so when something doesn't work out as planned, we ask ourselves: "What did I do wrong? Why not me?". Rejection is a part of life. You are worth so much more than just settling and accepting the bare minimum because you may be desperate, so that's why you don't get that guy or that job.
It's all because there is a greater movement happening in your life that you can't see. After all, you're just hyper-focusing on this one specific aspect. Bigger things are happening for you than you can ever imagine, and if you settle or get complacent where you are right now, you won't be driven to seek out that greater thing, and you won't get to experience it.
You know that it's all supposed to get better. You know that the pain will stop one day and you'll forget all about it, but before you get to that point, it's so hard to even think about it when you feel so negative in the present moment. You just feel this tightness in your chest and it feels like you can't breathe, but I promise you, you will breathe again.
Here are some ways to navigate rejection instead of letting it break down the person that you are:
Cry, yell, do whatever you need to do: the worst thing you can do is let it fester inside until it eats you up. Talk out loud - let yourself truly hear what it is that you feel. It hits you so much harder when you hear yourself be so upset, but acknowledgement is the first step.
Write about it: I will always be the biggest advocate for journaling but this doesn't even have to be formal in any way. Open your notes app and just dump whatever it is that's on your mind. Save It with just the date as the title and one day, maybe in the next week, month or even years, when you feel so much better, you'll be able to look back on that note and have so much proof in your life that you got over it.
Think about what's next: You went out of your way and did that thing, even if it didn't end up the way you would have liked. What are you going to do now to move on? It's better to think about what's next, after having done it anyway, than spend the rest of your life wondering what if.
Always remember to take a step back and express gratitude for the place that you are, even when it feels like there is nothing to be grateful for. The fact that you woke up today is a blessing, even if you spent the whole day in bed. You're not going to be upset one day and magically be perfectly fine the next day, it WILL take time, but it is possible. Just as it is possible for 'bad' things to happen, it is more than possible for amazing things to happen to you and I know that they will.
take care of yourself 💗
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v1nsmoke · 19 days
oneshot - cop!shanks x fem!reader
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tw: age gap (both are adults though), mention of guns, smoking
summary: when your cop dad brings you to his promotion party at the police station, you don't expect to meet a red-haired coworker of your dad
fandom: one piece
a/n: remember that zoro oneshot i wrote back in 2023 october with a tiny cop shanks cameo at the end? and how i mentioned that i might make it a full length oneshot? yeah, this is it! I never wrote romance oh lawd and this feels new…
tags: stargirldelight 
wc: 1.2k
notes: modern au, first person pov. 
Dads with daughters - if they don’t despise them - usually threaten boyfriends or suitors with something along the lines of “if you cross my daughter or make her cry, i’ll break your jaw,” and mine was no exception. Unlike most of those dads, he actually could. His ultimate, go-to threat was that if any boy hurts me, he will take them to jail. He did once. That guy was involved in some illegal marihuana deals and owned a gun without any permission, so he went to jail for actual reasons. 
With my single dad being a cop, I used to spend my free time at the police station where he worked whenever he couldn’t find anybody to babysit me. Luckily, his co-workers didn’t mind, and often took care of me while I was there. The last time I visited that station was when I was around fifteen, after that I was allowed to stay at home alone for days. Up until that, I had to be supervised at the station. It wasn’t as boring as it may sound at first, there is lots of exploring to do and many gadgets to ruin. I didn’t do the latter. Maybe once, as an accident, but it got fixed up real quick. My dad’s colleagues taught me how to shoot a gun, which my dad disapproved of. I was seven years old back then, of course he did.
It’s been almost a decade since that happened, and now, I’ve been invited to a get-together to celebrate my father’s promotion at the station. It was well-deserved, he’s done many great deeds and had been working hard, harder than anyone. I was tasked with the food. I thought that the best would be to make pizzas and something sweet for dessert, maybe some of those mini pretzels for a snack, but there was no way I’d make the latter. There are shops for that.
“How’s the progress?” My dad asks, sneaking up on me.
“Almost done,” I answer, adding the finishing touches.
“Hm, they look good,” he says, taking one of the freshly prepared cupcakes.
“You’ll get them at the station, until that, no more!”
I load the two boxes into the car, dad sitting in the driver’s seat picking the music while he waits.
“I could use a hand here,” I call out.
“Grow a third one,” he replies calmly.
I hop into the car. Dad revs up the engine, and the vehicle finally gets moving.
“Lots of things have changed since you were last there,” he starts the conversation. 
“Like what?”
“I got some new coworkers, you’ll like them. We also renovated some rooms.”
“You mentioned the renovations before. I remember that you ruined most of your jeans because of it, we had to throw out like ten pairs because they all had paint on them and I couldn’t wash it out.”
“The good old times,” he sighs. “It’s been real lonely since you moved away. Feel free to move back if you feel like it.”
He parks the car in the tiny parking lot of the police station. He sits in the car, immersed in the song playing on the radio.
At the ripe age of twenty, I moved to my own tiny house. Up until that point, I didn’t even stop to think that he might feel alone. I made a mental note that I’ll make sure to visit him more often now.
“You’re not going in?” I ask.
“Do I need to? There’s gonna be lots of people,” he whines.
“I thought you were my dad, not my son.”
“Go, get the food out from the trunk, in the meantime, I’ll mentally prepare myself,” he instructs.
With a sigh, I get out of the car, and lift the trunk open.
“You need help with that?” an unknown voice asks.
I turn around to find a man leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his fingers. Light smoke swirled around him as he stepped forward.
“I think I can handle it,” I nervously answer.
“Here, let me,” he says, taking one of the boxes from my hand with a gentle move.
My dad gets out of the car.
“Shanks, good to see you!” He greets the man next to me. “I see you already found my daughter.”
“This fine lady is your daughter? You better watch out, then,” he smiles at him mischievously.
“Don’t you dare, Red Hair!” Dad replies.
“At least he helped me with the boxes,” I intervene.
“Your pa didn’t?” 
“He told me to grow a third arm.”
The red haired man chuckles, looking over to my dad.
“Not too nice of you, Hank,” he says, walking off with the box.
Inside gathered a swarm of people. Some people I knew, some I didn’t. Dad did say he got some new coworkers, and I assumed this red-haired man was one of them. Most of them wore their regular uniforms, some, who were off-duty that day, had casual clothes on.
I place the box on one of the tables, the red-haired man following suit. I take the food out of the said boxes, placing them onto separate trays and plates.
“Where can one get this food from? Looks delicious,” he speaks, picking up a slice of pizza. Luckily it was still fresh enough.
“From me,” I answer.
“Thank you, it’s nice to hear someone appreciating it,” I reply.
“You made all this? Impressive, I might just move to your house only for the food,” he says before taking a bite of the dish. “No, not might. Definitely.”
I chuckle at his statement.
“Your dad doesn't? He should, it’s amazing,” he says, his mouth still stuffed.
“Even if he does, he doesn’t say it out loud.”
“Are you a chef or something? Or is this just a hobby of yours?”
“More like a hobby. I work in an office, I hate it. I want to see the world or do some action, y’know.”
“Of course I do. I wanted action too, that’s why I’m an officer. They still give me paperwork, but when there really is some action, it’s worth it. We can teach you some things if you want.”
“You really would?” I enthusiastically inquire.
“Why not? I’ll do it in exchange for more food of yours. Deal?”
“Deal,” we shake hands.
“So first, I really want to teach you how to shoot a gun. You did that before?” He asks, walking back and forth in front of me.
“A few times, many years back.”
“You remember how to do it?”
I hold the handgun firmly, bringing it upwards. I lock my eyes on the target, an old soda can that he likely got from the trash, and I pull the trigger. The bullet was close, but flew by the can. I lower my hand in defeat.
“Here,” he says, handing me a handgun, “aim at that can right there.”
“Give it another try,” he encourages.
I lift my arms back up, aiming again. This time, the bullet made a dent into the can.
“That’s it! Off to a good start,” he speaks, patting my shoulders. “Maybe your posture is the only problem I had, though really minor.”
He comes closer, behind me. He gently places his hand on my arm and adjusts my shoulders. 
“There you go,” he whispers next to my ear. 
“Officer,” my dad interrupts.
“Yes sir?” The red-haired man turns to him. “Keep the posture,” he instructs me.
“Is that my daughter?”
“Yes sir.”
“Please don’t call me sir. Makes me feel old,” my dad grunts, walking closer. He comes to a halt next to me, observing me. Please don’t take the gun away, please don’t take the gun away…
“Keep up the good work. Teach her good, officer,” says my dad, walking back to where he came from.
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red-haired shanks belongs to eiichiro oda.
© v1nsmokes 2024. Do not modify, translate or rewrite.
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kamiko1234 · 16 days
Alright just got to chapter ten of The Lightning Thief and I have more thoughts.
So, first off : I stay firmly rooted in my opinion that Luke is great. I love him, I bet his hugs are great. He and Percy have a cool brotherly sort of friendship going on. Ngl ? Percy and Luke found family sounds GREAT to me. God knows that poor boy (Percy) could use someone like him (Luke) to look after him. (Sadly with Percy going off with Annabeth and Grover now it seems we'll see less of him, which is a crime imo. Give me my wholesome older bro character. Hope dies last tho, so I'll just hope I can get more of him over the course of the book and the rest of the series !) But also, the hint with his quest ? Naw that backstory is going to be SAD, my poor baby. I will cry over him. I may have only known him for a few chapters but damn, he's my favorite. Offical favorite. Like he deserves for radiating the biggest Teedy bear, Big Bro, Green Flag vibes in the entier series besides our beloved MC Percy. Second off, uh- the gods are sort of dicks ? Like, you are telling me that Poseidon was just A-okay with abandoning Percy for all his life and ONLY claimed him bc he needed him ???? Not cool ! But also, the implications of this ???? And the fact that apparently Percy is being send out on a quest at- what ? 12 ? 13 ? That is NOT safe, and the gods are apparently fine with it too ?????? Not to MENTION what happened with that Thalia girl !? Honestly, the fact that Zeus broke that sacred oath first did not surprise me, but also Hades wtf ?????? That's an innocent kid ! She isn't at fault here you idiot. That entier sittuation is some A+ child neglect and endangerment aswell as what I gotta assume attempted murder, someone call CPS on those guys or I will do it myself. What a bunch of a-holes. On a third note, so the prophecy said that Percy would be betrayed by a friend. Which means I gotta scrap my previous suspicions of Clarisse or any Ares kid, they and Percy are NOT friends. My next best guess would be Annabeth. She's the next best friend of Percy, and she's on the quest with him which would give us good opportunities. She DID seem weirdly enthusiastic to go on a live threatening quest.
Not to mention that Annabeth is a child of Athena, and it was stated that she (Athena) has a rivalry with Poseidon going on. Maybe Athena's in on the plot to steal the Master Bolt and frame Poseidon due to a grudge from that, and Annabeth as her kid acts on her behalf.
But also, she's like- the only one I can reasonably imagine doing it. Besides here Percy has like, two other friends. Grover and Luke. Grover is the ultimate dork, but also has more than enough motives to specifically STAY loyal. Besides the obvious thing of getting his license, he's been Percy's oldest friend at that point. he cares for him. As for Luke, I just don't think he's the type to do that, yk ? As far as I've seen the guy is nothing but caring, he teached Percy and welcomed him ! Even going out of his way to train him when the other campers were avoiding him after he'd been claimed. Why would Luke do that if he'd just betray him at the end ? He's seemingly being written out of the book for now too, when should he get the chance to betray Percy ? (He did have that one weird line about looking evil that one time which confused me a bit ???? Ngl imma just assume he has a cool badass side, like the cool badass dude he is. Did I say that I really like Luke already ?) My fourth point : the line in the prophecy saying Percy'll fail to save what's most important will be him failing to save his Mom from the underworld. Hades' is built up to be the big bad, and he rules the underworld where Percy's mom is currently in. He cares a whole lot about her and Percy did think about saving her already. And last but not least, I think Annabeth betraying Percy will lead to him not being able to save his Mom. I'd imagine it'd go like this : Percy, Annabeth and Grover go to the underworld to get the Master Bolt from Hades (which I assume is the big bad) and to save Percy's mom. They manage to get the Master Bolt, and are about to save Percy's mom when Annabeth reveals herself and betrays them. Causing Percy and Grover to be unable to get Sally. And that was all ! PS: OMG OK I JUST STARTED WITH CHAPTER 10 AND I NEEDED TO GET THIS OUT WITHOUT WAITING FOR THE NEXT POST. I FUCKING LOVE LUKE, buddy sprinted up there so say goodbey AND he handed Percy those sneakers ?
Naw I'm convinced of my theory now. No WAY Luke could ever be a bad guy ! Why go through all that trouble just to betray Percy in the end ? But also, found family sense are going strong in me rn. Greenest Flag if I have ever seen one. BUT ALSO HE GIVES HEADPATS ? AKJFHQILUWEZBDIL I do still think he has some issues going on tho, poor lad. I hope he get's therapy and a good hug. he deserves it.
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midnight-in-town · 22 days
Have u seen the way Tanaka reacted when each of the twins came back? I think that gives us more clues that Ciel might be involved in whatever happened to his birthday.
First of all, when the young master came back, Tanaka, though at that time he couldn't walk, still he tried to get up from his wheel chair and fell to get to the younger twin. That itself showed that how much he cared for the younger twin and although the younger twin obviously had more bond with Tanaka, since he was mostly at his room rather than playing outside, still I think Tanaka not giving the same type of affection for real Ciel speaks volumes and it shouldn't be taken lightly.
Now what we didn't see in the manga is Tanaka's very first reaction after seeing real Ciel for the first time after 3 years. We don't know how he reacted. But I still don't think he was as excited or was happily crying like he did in the hospital with our Ciel. What we did saw was how Tanaka was quite and sad the entire time real Ciel was confronting Sebastian and our Ciel. We also noticed that for some reason, Tanaka didn't even tell the other servants that real Ciel is not their master before our Ciel came back to his manor all wet and washed up... Do u happen to know y he did that? Like any assumptions?
I also don't think that Tanaka choose to stay at the manor because he took real ciel's side or anything (considering how much rough he was with real Ciel on his first day of supposedly being or practicing of being a watchdog or something). Tanaka just handed real Ciel so much work on his first day (it kind of gave me the impression that Tanaka got no lenience for real Ciel even though he came back after 3 years with a "sick weakly" state and even though real Ciel isn't an official watchdog yet since he didn't meet the queen yet). Anyways, I think that Tanaka is being on the manor to keep an eye on real Ciel or to know any new sort of information about "that day" if he can.
I don't think Tanaka knows the full story of who attacked the Phantomhive manor or what was their real motive. He may have never suspected real Ciel just like everyone else as well (except Vincent let's say) and he was just as shocked, horrified and surprised during the massacre. However, I think he saw real Ciel talking or doing something with those same assassins or assassin that was killing everybody one by one during the time our Ciel showed up, running and crying with blood on his hands. And I think that's what Tanaka was trying to say to our ciel, about "lord Ciel" before he got stabbed. I don't think Tanaka was gonna say something like "lord Ciel is in danger or getting kidnapped or were to get stabbed like the rest", since if that was the case, then instead of wasting time giving warning to our ciel, like the good butler he is, Tanaka would have immediately tried to fight the assassin to save "lord Ciel" but he looked so scared, saddened and distressed meaning "lord Ciel being in danger" is not the case at all. Rather Tanaka was almost gonna spill the beans to our ciel about his dear elder brother but then again he hesitated since that's too much for a young innocent child to take or accept but ultimately even if he stopped after saying" lord Ciel is" still he ended up getting stabbed. Had our Ciel not interrupted or screamed, then maybe Tanaka could learn something more, without getting stabbed or before getting stabbed who knows.
Also, people may wonder that why did Tanaka not tell our Ciel about whatever he saw that day about real Ciel on their birthday. I think that's because, he already assumed that real Ciel was dead (I mean who wouldn't especially when ur gone for 3 years or so) and saying that our ciel's elder brother is kinda responsible is indeed too much dangerous for our ciel. Like this kid literally went through hell already (even if Tanaka may not know anything about the slavery, rape, drugs, cult). At least Tanaka knows that the younger twin was innocent and he lost all his family members in one day, that itself was traumatic enough. Tanaka also knew that how much close the twins were to each other and how much our Ciel admired real Ciel (Tanaka could obviously tell that our Ciel saw real Ciel as his role model, so much to the point that he even took/stole his role model's identity). I think Tanaka never thought that the younger twin stole ciel's identity for malicious intentions. Tanaka could also guess that something really bad happened to our Ciel if not both of the twins while they were missing for a month while he remained in the hospital (if he didn't assume that the twins died alongside their parents that is).
So anyways, basically, Tanaka knew the type of image that our Ciel had in mind when it comes to real Ciel and he didn't want to tarnish that image by telling him the truth. Also, he may not know the full truth, so he thought it's best to keep quite about it until he gets more information about it or if our Ciel grows a bit more mature or an adult and maybe then he would have revealed it, who knows. But I don't think he would have ever revealed it if only our Ciel came back as he saw our Ciel taking real ciel's identity anyways.
Tanaka may also suspect Sebastian as being supernatural considering how he came back from the death or how he was gonna 90 percent eat our Ciel at his most vulnerable state. He may also know somewhat about our Ciel and Sebastian's contract since he saw that how much shy our Ciel was and then all of a sudden, he came back with a perfect loyal Butler? Like that's quite suspicious, from Tanaka's point of view, I believe. Tanaka obviously wouldn't want to lose our ciel, just like undertaker right? So maybe he's quite so that it would slow down the revenge that our Ciel is so much seeking (at least Tanaka may hope it does). Also, Tanaka may not know that real Ciel is a bizarre doll yet (still he didn't show any happiness for ciel's comeback, which is quite sus indeed).
A question related to season 2 comes to mind, that is, if the person that ur supposed to be taking revenge on is already dead then what do u do? How do u continue the contract?
I get it that real Ciel doesn't see servants more than just "servants" but can we say the same for Tanaka? I mean, if I'm not wrong, I think I saw both the twins calling Tanaka "gramps".
Another thing that comes to my mind, regarding how Tanaka managed to get out from that manor despite getting stabbed twice and fainting is that maybe he didn't get out himself. With all those injuries and already knocked out, who can get out perfectly from such a big fire? Maybe real Ciel asked the assassin to take Tanaka out of the manor and leave him to his fate. And maybe the assassin listened to that request at least. Luckily, Angelina happened to find Tanaka and got him to her hospital. Or maybe the assassin had a sudden change of heart and just saved Tanaka regardless if real Ciel requested it or not and at least got him out of the manor since he's just an old man with injuries already and they took mercy on him.
I'm so sorry for this bizarre long ask. I know you're really busy. My ask is indeed confusing since it got so many questions or assumptions on various different topics all revolving around Tanaka, most probably. Is my ask even an ask anymore? Or is it just my theories or assumptions? I just want to know your opinions about all of these topics, if you happen to agree or disagree with some of my assumptions or not. For now, adios and take care 😘.
Hey Anon ! Thank you for warning me haha. Let's talk about Tanaka then. :)
First of all, some generalities before I answer some specific questions : since we know that Tanaka figured out which twin came back 4 years ago...
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...I'm of the opinion we can believe his reaction back then was indeed genuine. In contrast, as you pointed out, we didn't see how he reacted to real!Ciel's return. Only...
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...the sadness to see the situation unfolds like this for our!Ciel.
What we did see however with real!Ciel, in ch145 and ch151, is that he stayed as professional and as strict as he always was with our!Ciel's household (see the murders at manor arc, when he temporarily replaced Seb).
More specifically, to answer some of your questions :
"Tanaka didn't even tell the other servants that real Ciel is not their master before our Ciel came back to his manor all wet and washed up... Do u happen to know y he did that?"
I can think of two reasons. The first one is that Tanaka is loyal to the Phantomhive household, probably because he promised his first master(s), Claudia and/or Cedric, he'd watch over their children and grandchildren until his final breath.
In fact, Tanaka often says "a butler isn't allowed to die before his master" but we don't really know who Tanaka's master was or is. Was it Claudia ? Is it Frances since Vincent's death, or our!Ciel ? Or was it Cedric (who is likely to be UT and, in that case, "still alive") ?
Depending on the answer, Tanaka might have more specific reasons not to leave the household despite real!Ciel's return, not even to go to our!Ciel's side, even if he's incredibly fond of him. Still, I think Tanaka kept our!Ciel's secret, because he's loyal and knows the Phantomhive family always has peculiar circumstances.
The other reason is, knowing what Tanaka might know or suspect about what happened 4 years ago (I'm talking about the RCMT and the role the twin might have played into allowing the massacre to take place), I'm assuming that he also kept our!Ciel's secret all this time, because that's literally all he can do to help our!Ciel's situation.
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For the same reasons, he's probably kept as secret whatever he probably knows or suspects about Sebastian being a supernatural being : like UT to a certain extent and Frances, as long as Seb doesn't directly threatened our!Ciel's life, Tanaka sees him as an effective shield and good butler to the household, so he keeps his mouth shut.
That's why, for me, he didn't tell the truth to the servants immediately when real!Ciel came back, because our!Ciel was not there yet and he decided to wait for our!Ciel to come back before he told anyone anything. He stayed loyal and I don't think anyone can really hold it against him, in this situation.
"I also don't think that Tanaka choose to stay at the manor because he took real ciel's side or anything (considering how much rough he was with real Ciel on his first day of supposedly being or practicing of being a watchdog or something). Anyways, I think that Tanaka is being on the manor to keep an eye on real Ciel or to know any new sort of information about "that day" if he can."
About why he stayed, in my opinion, the answer is again...
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that Tanaka is loyal to the Phantomhive family, because he has been there since Claudia's days as the Watchdog.
For that reason, I gather that whoever holds the Earl or Watchdog's position doesn't particularly matter to him, he's simply watching over the household (and its secrets) until his life ends. That includes keeping quiet about our!Ciel's identity, Seb's true nature and probably real!Ciel's ill intent 4 years ago, that more or less led to the massacre of the household, amongst other things (there is a reason Ciel doesn't know much about his grandmother after all).
Until we know the depth of his link to Claudia and Cedric, that's all we can surmise, in my opinion. :)
"I don't think Tanaka knows the full story of who attacked the Phantomhive manor or what was their real motive. He may have never suspected real Ciel just like everyone else as well (except Vincent let's say) and he was just as shocked, horrified and surprised during the massacre."
I disagree. I think he knows real!Ciel was involved and that Vincent died on Queen Victoria's orders.
We don't know for sure how Tanaka survived when pretty much everyone else couldn't, especially since he was heavily injured and stayed several years at the hospital (since he was still absent when Bard joined the household), but my theory about how he survived can be found here (side note : it is highly doutbful that he survived just because "he was an old man and they took pity on him", to quote you, especially since I believe the main attacker was a demon).
However, we know he felt incredibly bad about having survived when Vincent and Rachel didn't, so I don't think he holds any grudge towards real!Ciel for what happened.
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Like I said, Tanaka's loyalty runs strongly and real!Ciel remains a Phantomhive above anything else so, like UT, I think Tanaka blinds himself and avoid choosing a side for now, because he's been loyal for decades to the entire family.
And so, even in the case that real!Ciel directly tried to kill him, Tanaka will blame himself for not realizing he was manipulated by Victoria rather than turning against him.
"Also, Tanaka may not know that real Ciel is a bizarre doll yet"
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I also disagree, even if it's also up for debate: I personally believe Tanaka knows about real!Ciel being a BD, especially with all the blood transfusions he must see real!Ciel getting at the manor.
"I get it that real Ciel doesn't see servants more than just "servants" but can we say the same for Tanaka?"
Yes, we can. If you look at that panel from ch145 above ("I have been there for 3 generations [so I won't leave]"), it is also to be noted that even real!Ciel thought Tanaka would leave with the other servants.
In other words, I doubt real!Ciel himself cares about Tanaka staying or being loyal to him, even despite the theory that he tried silencing Tanaka 4 years ago. In general real!Ciel doesn't care about many people, servants even less...
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Not even people who helped him resurrect...
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But Tanaka is an efficient servant, so real!Ciel has no real reason to push him to leave either.
To sum up, about 4 years ago, I believe Tanaka knows that real!Ciel holds some responsibility, but I doubt he cares about finding more about it. This might change if or once real!Ciel becomes a real threat to our!Ciel but, until then, I see Tanaka as a neutral party (kind of like UT).
"Also, he may not know the full truth, so he thought it's best to keep quite about it until he gets more information about it or if our Ciel grows a bit more mature or an adult and maybe then he would have revealed it, who knows"
Yeah, maybe. Or maybe he just would never have told a soul, because he thought it was his duty as a loyal servant to the family to keep the skeletons hidden (just like he never said anything about Claudia's death which is why Ciel has no idea about who his grandmother was and how she died). It's at least clear to me that, as a servant, his job is mostly to serve and protect this family he's so loyal to.
He may also know somewhat about our Ciel and Sebastian's contract since he saw that how much shy our Ciel was and then all of a sudden, he came back with a perfect loyal Butler? Like that's quite suspicious, from Tanaka's point of view, I believe. Tanaka obviously wouldn't want to lose our ciel, just like undertaker right?
Again, I think Tanaka is aware that Seb is more or less a supernatural being in some sort of contract with our!Ciel but, like UT, all he cares about for now is that our!Ciel is safe, as long as that contract doesn't end. So for now, he sees Seb being our!Ciel's shield.
Another possible reason that Tanaka knows about Seb is Frances. I have a theory about Frances being able to see/sense that Seb is a demon (hence all the "nasty" comments about his hair and face) and I sometimes wonder if Tanaka accepted coming back as the house steward, despite how injured he is, because Frances asked him to keep an eye on our!Ciel and Seb and to keep her posted.
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"A question related to season 2 comes to mind, that is, if the person that ur supposed to be taking revenge on is already dead then what do u do? How do u continue the contract?"
I despise season 2 with every fiber of my being, but all I can say is that our!Ciel's target of revenge isn't dead since it's Victoria, which means he can have his revenge alright, even if the story thematically presents revenge as the wrong choice to make (or, rather, as the choice to make for the wrong reasons).
"I just want to know your opinions about all of these topics, if you happen to agree or disagree with some of my assumptions or not. For now, adios and take care"
There, I should have answered most of your questions. :)) Thank you for passing by and have a good day ! ^3^
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Love your works, keep going but don't forget to take care of yourself!
Its my first time requesting so bare with me, though you dont really need to do this. I just want angst hahahah.
Hsr men
You know the thing like if either they pick the world/everyone's sake or you thingy, hahahahah
Anyone really but put bladie first.
A/N: ohh I absolutely love that idea! It makes for great angst, so I hope you'll like this! And thank you for the request!<33
Featured characters: Blade, Jing Yuan, Welt
Content: Established relationship, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of betrayal (?), just pain
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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It wasn't the world or anyone else he had to choose between. No, for him, it was the revenge he sought after for so long and you. Revenge is what motivated him and kept him going. It's all he wanted, all he needed. If he could get his revenge, then he'd finally be free from this hell.
And he was a selfish man. A man, who ultimately only cared for himself in the end. Who always prioritised himself over anything and everything. Including you. He told you this, he told you how he thought and how he was. He gave you a warning and you still stayed. He laid out the red flags for you and you still stayed.
So why were you so surprised, when he chose his goals over you with such unashamed ease? Did you really think, that he'd change for you? That he'd give up everything for you? Perhaps you were foolish to think that he would.
Not that he seems to care, as he leaves your crying and broken form behind. Ignoring the painful ache in what was left of his heart, before it too diminishes by the lack of you near him.
》Jing Yuan
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It was Jing Yuan's duty to protect the Xianzhou Luofu and it's citizen. He swore it under oath centuries ago, he spent years and years of training and energy to perfect himself for his job as well. It was important to him. So important, that he couldn't think twice, when it came to choosing the ship over you.
And it was so painful. It tore out his soul. Destroyed his heart, until there was nothing left. He wished, that he would never have had to choose and yet it was for the greater good. Even if you hate him after this, surely you'd still be able to live on safely.
He can't even look you in the eyes anymore, the shame fighting his guilt, as he steps away and apologises for the 1ppth time. Then he leaves, his eyes trailing over your broken form in pain and heartbreak, before they also turn away.
He takes it as his last memory of you, so that he can remind himself of the consequences of his sacrifices and suffer for another lifetime for them.
》Welt Yang
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It was always the world for Welt. Always. No matter what dimension or timeline it was, he always protected the world. And his world included you, but even that wasn't so simple. In order to save you, he had to let you go, he knew that.
So he didn't hesitate to send you away, promising that in another life, or dimension, you two could finally be together. But you ofcourse don't understand. Why can't you choose him here? Why was the world so much more important than you? Why can't he just choose you for once?
His heart rips apart, as he can only silently walk away, unable to answer any of your questions. He thought, he'd be stronger than that. He thought, that he was used to this. And yet, it took him all his strength to not turn around and go back to you.
In the end, he secretly felt like it was all for nothing. He may have saved the world, but lost you in the process. And what's the point, if he can't have you next to him?
A/N: Alright, I hope that was angsty enough for you, Anon! Thank you again for the request!<33
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loving-family-poll · 6 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 1
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Norma and Norman Bates sculpture by artist "Rainman," titled Murderer
Propaganda under the cut:
The entire game is about how the power of twincest and a little gratuitous dadson/unclenephew can overcome the cycle of generational trauma
They are half-human half-demon twins who got split up when they were 8. Dante is the more normal one although he is mega depressed and doesn't like being around full human people. Vergil is kind of the evil twin although he is not that evil
They meet again when they are 19 and fight a few times and generally seem like they don't like each other (at one point Dante says "how about a kiss from your little brother" before pulling out a gun) but later on they team up and act like the brothers they once were
Vergil jumps into the demon world (and it's implied that it's a kind of suicide attempt, I think) and stops Dante from reaching for him. Dante is very emo about this and basically considers Vergil dead. He then names his devil hunting business Devil May Cry after how he cried because of Vergil
10 years later Dante comes across a brainwashed Vergil and kills him, not recognizing that it was Vergil until he is dead and gone. Dante is very emo about this
Like 10 years after this Dante comes across Vergil's accidental kid and acts like a distant enigmatic uncle toward him. Like 5 years after that, Vergil is back and splits himself in half, and when one half tells Dante that the evil demon they need to stop is Vergil's other half, Dante gets super pissed at him because he thinks he's lying and doesn't like people using Vergil's name in vain, I guess.
Eventually, both halves of Vergil recombine and he and Dante fight again but Vergil's son tells them to stop doing that and they're just like "okay".
Then a portal is opening to the demon world so someone has to go there and stop it but they'll be trapped there. Both Vergil and Dante go. Vergil tells Dante he doesn't need his help and that he can leave but Dante is like "no 🥰". We see them fighting in hell (in a friendly way) and fighting other demons together, just generally having a good time. Currently, they are still trapped there.
TLDR: Dante is very depressed when it comes to Vergil because he's lost him like 3 times and just wants Vergil to be alive and with him. At the end of the last game, Dante is super genuinely happy with Vergil in the demon world. We see less of Vergil's side of things, but he loves and hates Dante because he feels inferior to him (for mommy issue reasons). Vergil only smiles around Dante and honestly likes fighting him for fun. There's a lot more I could say but this is already so long so... They are complicated but they love each other <3
The weirdest, most charming mother/son duo ever. Bates Motel took an interesting story and turned it into something greater, exploring Norma and Norman's relationship with sincere sympathy. Their love for each other is beautiful, but destructive; their intimacy was born out of necessity and shared pain; the world won't leave them alone. It's awful to witness. It's beautiful and heartbreaking.
i mean COME ON. Norma is constantly upset that Norman expresses interest in other women. She hid her husband from Norman because she knew Norman would throw a hissy fit over them being together (which he did)
He tried to commit murder-suicide so they could die together and when he survived he taxidermied her corpse so they could be together forever
Norman “It’s like there’s a cord between us” x Norma “Honey that’s - that’s from Jane Eyre” are everything to me. I’m barely scratching the surface in doing justice to their insanity. They mean everything to each other and I love their fucked-up codependency so dearly.
After he killed her he couldn't live without her so literally absorbed her personality and started wearing her clothes and speaking for her and carrying her corpse around and when a woman he was attracted to showed up at the hotel he killed her as his mother bc of his mother's jealousy??
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
The Categories of Final Hallucinations
I noticed 2 types of visions that the characters had in the last episode, specifically in regards to Non
Non was front and center and the visions are about him
Phee: He kept continually seeing Non die in different ways, including some which were new and unseen ways. He's grieving Non's death and also feels guilty for what he's said (the "Get lost and die"). Phee was also the only person who understood that these were visions and Non wasn't real. Even in the 2 years later part (which may or may not be real - tbh I'm thinking of it as a continuation of the hallucinations in the courtyard), Phee sees Non walking into the water.
Tee: Non asks Tee to kill him with a knife on the rooftop because he’s so trapped while working for Tee’s uncle. Tee has been feeling guilty about his actions bringing Non into this world and ultimately being unable to get him out of the mess, so this manifests as a horrific way to help Non, though of course he ends up stabbing White in reality :’(
Tan: Non thanks him, then hangs himself, then thanks him again. Tan just wanted to be a good brother and in these hallucinations, after he has avenged Non, he finally is. His last vision is Non thanking him and walking into the light.
Non may or may not be there but it's mostly about their own situations/consequences/fears rather than Non
Fluke: Non is hardly there except at the end, Fluke's mostly being chased by a cop because he's deathly afraid of ruining his reputation and not getting to become a doctor. Aside: I loved that Fluke gouged his own eyes out, the eyes with which he was constantly witnessing the misbehavior against Non (Top breaking the camera, Jin taking the video) but keeping silent about
Top: He was just being chased by Non through the woods, very little depth because we hardly knew anything about him
White: he never knew Non and so his visions are about his relationship with Tee instead
Jin: I don't think Non even appeared in this but I'd have to double check. It was mostly about what if what Jin did to Non happened to Jin himself with him seeing people taking videos of him in compromising situations, including with Keng
For me, Tee's was the most shocking and horrifying because I was expecting death for Tee (especially after episode 11) but there was the vibe that maybe White is the final girl who will survive. Instead, my mouth fell open as soon as I realized what they were hinting at and I lost my mind as the sequence went on. One of the most unpredictable aspects of this whole show for me and it really is tearing me up, esp after ep 11.
Tan's and Phee's are the most tragic. I didn't cry at all during this show but for a second there, during Tan's visions, I became misty-eyed. (also I've been typing Tan as Non and having to correct... I think NewTan would like that tbh)
I think Jin's was the most disappointing to me because although he knows his actions to release that video were wrong and likely feels guilty, I was hoping Non would at least make an appearance? When Jin apologized to Non the day Non disappeared, Non didn't know what he was apologizing for and said Jin didn't have to apologize. I wanted Jin to apologize to Non while admitting to his wrongdoings, even if it's in hallucinations. Instead, it's Jin being paranoid about what he did to Non being done to him.
[Edited because the Tee/White scene did a whole number on me so I got a bit confused about their visions when I first posted this right after watching the ep]
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lucivinyl · 2 years
mc visits devildom after getting into a fight with their family
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pairing : om brothers x gn!reader (separate)
warnings : none
note : reposting old works because i accidentally deleted my account OwO reblogs and likes appreciated!
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He's buried in paperwork when the doorbell rings. He isn't expecting a visitor this late and finds it annoying at first. But when he sees you standing out in the dark with swollen eyes, he takes you in immediately, worry written all over his face.
If you want to rant to him, he'll make sure to give you his full attention, and if you ever start blaming yourself, he'll stop you immediately. He wants you to be honest with him.
If you don't want to talk about it, he'll take you in his arms and let you cry as much as you want while trying to soothe your breathing. Hearing you so broken makes his heart break, but he has to be strong for you.
Either way, you're gonna end up in his arms, and he's not going to let go for the whole night. He'll be more tender and gentle as usual, pampering you with kisses and confessions that he never had the courage to say.
His comforting words are based on logic and reason as he tries to show you that whatever you're feeling is validated.
Brings you to bed afterwards knowing how tired you are, doesn't matter how much work he still has to finish. Nothing is more important to him than your happiness.
It's so unexpected that he doesn't know what to do at first.
He's on cloud nine when he learns of your sudden visit, but the broken look on your face makes his heart drop. He's immediately worried, asking you what happened and whether anyone hurt you.
He understands that as important as families are, they can be a pain in the ass sometimes, so he'll always side with you and show his support any chance he gets.
Lets you talk as much as you want, but ultimately he runs out of words to comfort you. Instead, he just brings you into a crushing hug, trying his absolutely hardest to show you how much he loves you with his arms.
Tries to distract you with all kinds of things. Will movies do the trick? He'll put on a scary movie if it means you'll forget about being sad. You crave local Devildom snacks? He's already putting on a jacket for his trip to the stores. Whatever you need, just say the word.
But ultimately, he just wants to cuddle with you and squeeze the sadness out of you. He's not going to stop until that brilliant smile returns to your face.
He is so clueless and it frustrates him. What exactly should he do so that you'll feel better? All he wants to do is console you, but he can't even do that… no, it's not the time to sulk!
Starts with listening to your explanations, running his hand up and down your back. His shoulder is all yours.
Rakes his brain for the right words, can't find any, but when he sees you at the brink of tears again, he just says what's at the top of his head.
"I'm sorry that happened, MC. No one is allowed to hurt you like that. But you're the strongest person I've ever met, and while my words don't do anything, I want you to know that I'll always be here for you."
No stuttering, no hesitation, just something honest and sincere. He hopes that it's enough for you.
If you don't feel like going to sleep yet, he makes you game with him for a while to distract you, but if you're worn out, he'll take advantage of the small bathtub and hold you close to him as you drift off.
He may get angry immediately, ready to throw hands with whoever caused your tears, but when he takes a second look at your state, he knows that you just need him for now.
Satan is a good listener. You'll be sitting on his bed while he sits across on a chair, holding your hands tightly. Don't mind him if he interrupts you with questions, he really just wants to understand the whole situation better.
He's resourceful. He reads a lot, and he knows exactly what words you need to hear, be it realistic advice or understanding reassurances.
If you're more angry than sad about the whole situation, he helps you blow off the steam. It may be screaming into the void, it may be making biscuits and absolutely obliterating the dough, he'll even act as your punching bag (though he's sure you wouldn't ask that of him… right?).
It's bad to bottle up feelings, so just confide in him! After making you feel better, he'll give you a huge smooch on the forehead before getting in bed <3
He's fussing over you in seconds, bombarding you with questions like, what's wrong and did someone hurt you and tell me their names and I'll make them pay for hurting you!
After learning that it's your family though, he understands he can't just go over and avenge you, so he asks you directly if you'd want something special from him.
He probably gives wonderful massages, so he'll have you lay on his bed as he works magic all over your tired muscles. Will definitely give you an eye massage and steal kisses from you while he's at that.
Of course, he's not just going to ignore your worries. He can't help but complain about how your family treated you, but he realizes that you probably don't want to hear all that. That's why he chooses to take care of your body instead. He'll make you relaxing tea and run you a bath with the most luxurious bath bomb he has. He already treats you like a royal on a normal day, so imagine just what length he's gonna go just to make you feel good.
He promises to bring you somewhere fun the next day. But for now, a refreshing sleep is what you need.
He cares a lot about his family, and he knows they care for him too. So when he hears about what went down in yours, he's confused.
"Aren't families supposed to make you feel happy and at home?"
"Not mine, apparently."
He suggests making you some snacks to lift your spirits, but he also understands that when you're hurt, there's a hole in your chest that not even food can fill. He isn't afraid to ask you what you need to feel better.
The best thing he can give you is his presence. He has this magical ability to make you feel safe anytime he's nearby. Ask him for some cuddles and he won't let you go, not ever.
He may still feel inadequate though, so while you're asleep, he'll go to all of his brothers and ask them how to cheer you up-- how to fill that hole inside you.
You're going to wake up to a lot of gifts and stuff around you, and it's obvious who came up with which idea, but the fact that Beel spent his whole night running around and preparing the surprise for you is what makes him special.
His hazy, sleepy eyes blow wide open when he sees the pain in yours. Immediately, he wants you to tell him the details.
You'll be lying in bed, face-to-face as he takes your words in. He is aware of how much families can hurt you, but he also doesn't want to go straight to the conclusion that your family is bad. That's why he doesn't give a lot of comments.
Instead, he holds you close to him and tells you how much he appreciates you. Belphie somehow knows just what to say to you. They may not even be about your family issues, just simple compliments.
Sleep always makes him feel better, so he wants you to try it as well. It always seems to solve all kinds of problems. But the next day, he'll make sure that you're totally fine. If you're not, he'll gladly sacrifice his napping time to spend time loitering around with you or planning pranks on other students. Surely that will get your mind off unpleasant things.
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vitaminseetarot · 11 months
Perseid PAC Pick a Fruit: What Blessings Are About to Shower Upon Your Life? 🌠
Hey, hey, listen! [/navi]
Did you know we're gonna have an insanely wonderful Perseid meteor shower on August 13th?! It'll be somewhere in the ballpark of, I dunno, 200 meteors passing an hour?! And the moon will be dark so they will be perfectly visible! So time to grab your favorite lantern, unroll the sleeping bag, and pray for some clear skies cause the night will be sparkling like champagne ~
In the event that you don't see the showers (city light pollution go brrr), their blessings will still be felt by all as they pass over us like benevolent winged unicorns. So I'm gonna do for you a quick PAC to find out what kind of blessing you will receive around this time. The blessings may be small and sweet, but it might just make you smile and look up.
Some of these piles were heavier than anticipated, so please note that blessings come in all shapes and sizes like these fruits below.
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Pile 1: Banana 🍌
[XIII Death, XI Justice, 5 of Cups; Markab, Debilitated - Discomfort, 1. Vision- Contemplating the Future]
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This pile reminded me of old crime shows I watched ages ago like "Cold Case Files" as well as "Medium". The shows were all about resolving difficult cases to the very end. Even when the solution was found, the perp was eventually taken in, and the ghost wandered off to the afterlife, there always was a lingering sadness around each episode. Because the entire show premise and episode would not exist if it weren't for these characters experiencing injustice well before the script's running and the camera's rolling.
Your blessing is that you will have the chance to close out something that was left unresolved for a very long time. It's not going to bother you anymore. Without that sense of revenge, you're getting even. Maybe there were fights, or maybe it was just lost information, but you will ultimately feel a sense of closure from this. I read that there's really nothing you need to do at this time to facilitate this blessing. It will come on its own time. Once it does, you may feel it in the form of healthy grieving, of having a good cry. This release may be uncomfortable but it's necessary for allowing the chapter to finally end for good, so let it flow. (Try listening to "Before the Dawn" by Magnetude & Julia Marks, I always play it during rough times.)
I'm getting that you already understand this to be the next step, but I can give you assurance that it's okay to feel bittersweet about it. This isn't a typical blessing, but there is a newfound freedom to be found here. Your Justice card features the Statue of Liberty, and your ethereal orb card Markab talks about liberty as well: "You have outgrown your old skin, now it's time to utilize your wings." It seems rocky right now but trust that you are on the right path. This closure will give you the chance to transform your life and move ahead.
You're being asked to spend more energy looking to what you want to do after this is over than worrying about the closure. There are new doors opening for you, and you have the choice to go down many different paths. You're being asked to specifically consider about where you want to be one year from now, and work from there. The banana you picked is shaped like the waning crescent moon in your card, but it's also a symbol of fertility. Banana reminds you that endings imply beginnings.
If you also feel drawn to pile 3, you can check it out for further guidance as it has a similar message.
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Pile 2: Mandarin 🍊
[Queen of Wands, 10 of Cups, 3 of Wands; Sirius, Jupiter - Abundance, II Resources]
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What a tasty pile we got here pile 2, cause it looks like with mandarin, you're getting a taste of the sweet life. Your blessing is gonna be a huge boost to your personal confidence. It could be that someone is coming to you with a work offer, one who is bright and charismatic. Or perhaps the fire is being lit from within you. This person could have what it takes to fund your project, for example, or may be enthusiastic to work with you. Your creative potential is being highlighted here. You're onto something good!
It's great seeing the 10 of cups smack in the middle of your reading, but look closely. 10 of cups is not behaving like its usual contented self. The real rainbow is at the end of the road and right now, you're being given some green light signals to move ahead towards your destination. Even though this surge of self-esteem is going to feel really really great in the beginning, ultimately it's to serve the higher purpose of guiding you to your next assignment. This energy is the start towards setting down the foundations for something amazing.
Your ethereal orb card Sirius reads: "Offer me direction and exhibit my intention, my head is full of dreams and my existence is a fantasy." Perhaps your mind is swimming in all the wonderful possibilities that could arise from this encounter or event. But you're not meant to stay in this energy forever. Savor it, praise it in gratitude, then pack your bags and be ready to march out at dawn. If you're able to keep up the momentum, it will likely result in further blessings. But you will need to stay on track and not let it all get to your head.
You will need to keep yourself from getting too emotionally overwhelmed from this blessing. Jupiter can mean "a lot" of anything, which can cause us to feel dizzy from the sudden luck. As if you're struggling to believe if it's true. And it's good to be wary of "too good to be true" scenarios, but once you look closely at the finer details, you can proceed. The key is to stick with what's true for you and to not compromise for somebody else's vision, as it's just too soon for anyone but yourself to get involved with what you're working on, but be open to support from the outside. You can move forward with both optimism and grounded judgment.
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Pile 3: Apple 🍎
[8 of Cups, Queen of Coins, X Wheel of Fortune; Athaya, Capricorn - Achieve, 2. Dominance - Believe in Yourself]
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Pile 3, when I was shuffling your tarot deck I got very tense before drawing 8 of cups. Like a wound rubber band waiting to snap. Please make sure to go out on walks or you're exercising to let off some steam. You seem currently stressed out about something that has long overstayed its welcome. It's something you may deeply cherish about in some way but is draining you rather than helping you grow. It may be the very apple of your eye, but it's really poisoning you at this point. There's a sore spot that keeps getting pushed. An event may have happened recently which caused you to say, "that's it!" and storm off only to feel bad about doing so.
Don't be! The blessing here is that as soon as you drop whatever is bugging you and weighing you down, you're going to feel so much lighter. Like being lifted from the gravity of the earth for a moment. You will be propelled into an eventful and fun new chapter in your life, and you're being given the inner drive to do this. The initial blessing is gonna be a feeling of a massive weight being lifted from your shoulders and a chance to breathe. Once this happens, and you've taken care of a few loose ends, you'll be in a better position to receive greater blessings down the road. I see 1010 in your cards so look for this number as a confirmation that you're on the way towards success.
You're being asked to take personal responsibility and control for your life, but the keyword is your life. Do not take responsibility for this weird old baggage unless you actually need to talk it out with a person or make amends, but that's not what I'm reading here. This is more like if a person joined a fitness group and made good new memories and connections only to be forced to leave it behind. Maybe the fitness group was a cult all along, maybe the teacher was spreading damned lies and statistics about nutritional health, maybe there were a lot of disagreements, and it got to where you had to leave it behind just to feel any relief.
Your ethereal orb card Athaya reads: "Duality teaches us that in order to love we must bind together what differentiates us." When I read this I heard the lyrics "if you love me let me go". Sometimes holding on to what we cherish too tightly can cause it to slip quickly from our grasp when we least expect it. They were great memories, but you have so many amazing new memories waiting for you. Once you're in a position to prioritize your life first, to get your needs met, and focus on practical matters, then opportunities will be flooding in for you. Moving on won't be as hard as you think when life moves you to a better place.
If you feel drawn to pile 1, you can check it out for further guidance as there are similar messages.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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