#ill follow you home
alltoofuckingwell · 2 months
i cant stop thinking about that old photo where taylor is in a white or blue dress looking into a window at night whenever i listen to i look in people's windows
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lightofunova · 2 months
200+ Followers Raffle!!
It’s almost the end of the event and that means it’s time for our raffle!!!
One winner will recieve the gijinka design below that I’ve lovingly dubbed “The Prince of Truths” while the other will recieve an icon similar to the example shown below!! If you would like to enter Please Comment in the replies below!!! You do not have to have participated in the event necessarily to enter, but must be a follower!
I hope everyone has enjoyed the event and I look forward to announcing our winners in a few short days on May 1st!!!
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skilled-plaque · 6 days
This art is for another great artist on this app, @crayolascribblz, I absolutely loved drawing this character, super fun to draw, kinda reminded me of an animal crossing character lol
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And I kinda wanted to make something silly so here's a tiny comic I made for fun :)
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Please go check them out, their art is so amazing and wonderful <)
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insufferablemod · 6 months
do you have any tips for like... paneling? your lil comics, if i could call them that(?) with Dave are well made (to me at least) and I'd like to get into making comics! or if you know any resources that helped you. :') - sincerely, a beginner.
sorry to be answering this so late, wanted to try and give some kinda proper advice haha so what i do is i just make my posts as long as possible so that it takes up like all of ppls dash, this means they are forced to look at it and engage with it! no ok but for real, first off this is just how i do things and by no means any sort of proper tutorial or anything, most of this is prob kinda basic and intuitive stuff, but its good to be reminded of the basics and to notice why you might be doing said things intuitively so you can start doing it intentionally so how i approach things is by picking a focus panel whats the Punchline/Emotional pay off for the page/comic? and then i try and build the rest around that for actual Comics not every page is gonna have one of those ofcourse and thats fine i tend to often have to many focus panels,,,, lmao(which is why my posts end up so long,,,,) i try to group similar panels and make them smaller, it saves space, makes it so the attention goes to the more unique panels and makes things feel more sequential(or u can do like me and have too many similar panels and think, what if i just make it an animation, its just a few extra frames right,,,?<- clueless(i have done this twice now,,, the second is still a wip,,, )) heres one of my posts deconstructed using all this, id do more of them but i dont wanna make this even longer asdsd, but i think its pretty obvious to pick up on once you know the formula lol
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after that i think its mostly just clear composition and flow so things dont get confusing(like what panel(also applies to text) youre suppose to read next and such(thats easier with this cus its usually just individual panels and not full pages)) edit: oh and resources that helped me, i mostly just looked at other comics, paying attention to how the paneling was effecting the story and mood! some comics ive looked at for paneling inspo are houseki no kuni, how they play with contrast and stuff, idk theyre all just very striking, i looked at ajin at some point as well for help with some action stuff, most action shonen are also great for that 2 so yeah, just find a comic scene that has the same vibe that youre trying to get and see how they did it, finding a few and comparing and contrasting what you feel works best thats my thought process while doing stuff at least! i hope this helps at least a bit haha
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accidentalslayer · 3 months
"I'll tell you when you're older..."
Do yourself a favor. Especially if you're in foster care and separated from your parents. If they ever break out with that line during a court-ordered visitation at your local CPS, realize that this is what is actually being said to you:
"I'm never going to tell you what really happened because that would require me to take responsibility for my actions that I'm doing my best to avoid."
And also...
"I was making choices that hurt you without your wellbeing ever once crossing my mind. You did not factor into my plans at all."
I waited for 29 years to be that mythological "older" person and still haven't been told why and I've agonized about it every single day of those years until I realized that there will not be a day (or an age) where my parents would take accountability for how they ruined my childhood. I want to save you the 29 years of suffering right now.
They weren't thinking about you. But other people you meet in life WILL. They'll make good choices with you actively in their mind. Those people are the ones you need to think and care about getting answers from.
And you won't even have to wait for it.
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carcarrot · 7 days
i guess im being offered the job lol
#i didnt even have to interview????? here i was worrying about oh god going for an interview#but i guess not???#manager called me just now and was like hey i spoke w the people they want to know if you can start on these dates#like. okay???????#theres a week of training for me to do and then the following week id start at thee job#like an idiot as i was saying bye on the phone i only remembered then that i should have asked if it was PAID training ugh.#im assuming so . but maybe not. idk#im gonna call him back on monday to give my answer#this is it.... i may finally be free of the annoying people....#but like anything i have my trepidations. bc who know if itll work out#well thats life. as the song goes#fortunately im still within the timeframe to change the amount for my commuter benefits pretax card thing#bc the monthly pass id need for the new job#costs like less than half of what i pay now for the bus to ny#crazyyyyy. anyway i gotta do that if i decide to take the job#its more money (a little. but still more. ok its like a dollar and 4 cents more. which not a lot but still)#i get more sleepytime (always good) and im saving on commuting#plus ill only have to pay nj (and federal) taxes. instead of also paying ny yay. thats good#sorry again weighing the pros and cons onstage here#UH. what else#well a shorter commute is good but it means less reading/music listening time#although ive only resumed reading recently lol#idk. well then i could read at home and not worry about my books getting messed up#these past couple weeks ive been :( that the like 70-something year old paperback ive been taking is getting a bit rougher#only a little. but yesterday it got a bit wet bc my bag got soaked in the rain#why am i taking a super old book to work well i dont know what to tell you we have some old books#ok getting off topic. everything seems good about the new job so fuck dude i guess ill go for it#finally free of the stupid people here.... on to new stupid people (undoubtedly)#well it's probably all good then but unfortunately i always worry what if it isnt. hm
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doctorweebmd · 13 days
i love the comments on the latest chapter of the path to paradise where people are like 'akutagawa leave those crabs alone!'
because that's something I do
literally traveling the world's oceans, harassing all of God's crustaceans
for example took a weekend trip with my partner for our 6 year wedding anniversary a few days ago and spent a solid multiple hours searching for and harassing crabs
here is photo evidence of the largest and most in-chargest one I found:
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undefeatablesin · 7 months
Me whenever I am not playing Bloodborne: I sure do wish this was Bloodborne
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ink-asunder · 9 months
Having demand avoidance in a medical setting is literally hell. Like, patient autonomy is already absolute ass. It's only made worse when doctors CONSISTENTLY tell you what to do and act like you HAVE to do it instead of consulting with you first like normal fucking people.
#also “”“”medical necessity“”“” is NOT an excuse here.#ive been to plenty of doctors that thoroughly discuss a range/timeline of treatment and explain it IN DETAIL before saying “thats what i-#-recommend“ instead of just going ”okay were gonna do this. im gonna explain the prep to you a mile a minute and if you have any follow up-#-questions im just gonna repeat part of my spiel with no clarification. and if i cant answer your questions too bad :)“#not to mention how many doctors just force you to do things that WILL NEVER WORK#like one therapist tried forcing me to do emdr when i was only IN HER TOWN for the summer and i had no internet access when i was at college#im pretty sure emdr takes several weeks to work and i did not have that kind of time available to me. i couldnt just drop out bc of ptsd.#also the number of times ive had to decline an ESI is stupid. I've already had 2! they didn't work! i had a bad reaction to the meds!#why am i being forced to do it again?#also back surgery. i cant do that because i am a white trash rural kid and our home (which we built ourselves) CANNOT be accessible enough#for spinal surgery recovery. but i went to the surgeon and he was like “thats valid! and also surgery literally wouldnt help you so idk why-#-they sent you here.“ : l It's cool to be right all the time lol#its like. no wonder i developed medical demand avoidance after so much traumatizing and malpracticy bullshit in my life#demand avoidance#medical demand avoidance#chronic illness burnout#chronic illness#chronic pain#medical tw#ptsd#disability#medical neglect#medical trauma#vent#this might be too personal. if i do delete it ill have it rb'd on my boar-deer-whitetrashbutterfly blog first#idk i just havent really been able to find anyone else talking about this specific effect of being chronically ill/disabled.
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soupkiddo · 4 months
tried to put myself in the headspace of a transphobe and got pissed off cus it's so fucking stupid
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
unfortunately i unironically enjoy stupid my little pony horror stories why am i like this
#im sorry. i am!!!#cupcakes is ironic enjoyment to be clear cupcakes is. not a good fic lmao. but its like funny gore shock value.#BUT THERES GOOD ONES I SWEAR#GO READ BIBLICAL MONSTERS BY HORSE VOICE#GO READ THE WRITING ON THE WALL. ALSO BY HORSE VOICE.#GO READ LEVIATHAN. AGAIN BY HORSE VOICE IM STARTING TO REALIZE A LOT OF MY MLP FIC RECS ARE HORSE VOICE FICS#GO READ A FLEETING LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS (and its sequels) BY FLASHGEN#the blink series (various authors) is also a personal favorite of mine because i love the teletransportation paradox in horror#uhhh what else. why am i even doing this literally no one following me wants mlp darkfic recs#look i need to say something or ill explode thats how i function#The Visiting Hour…. good fic. Silent Ponyville is closer to cupcakes in terms of quality/vibe i think but its a fandom classic.#Somno Captis. Something Sweet To Bite. Rainbow Factory is good and let no one tell you otherwise. THERE IS NO LUNA!!!!! GOING HOME!!!!#im telling you guys. i promise. they’re good fics.#no one wants this rec list and yet. here it is.#and personal rec but like if you want a really long thing. The Secret Life of Rarity and its sequels.#again. cupcakes vibes in its slasher/gore nature. the first fic in the series drags a little towards the middle with episode recaps#But With Murder This Time. the public life of sweetie belle is great though. and obviously the next few fics in the series are fantastic.#genuine compliments for how it takes the ‘what if pony…. but SERIAL KILLER????’ concept and then has Serious Repercussions that end up#slamming into you like a brick wall and fucking up the entire world of the fic. i should reread that series.#anyway im done now sorry about this#mlp
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kits-ships · 28 days
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my husband ranks my f/os.png
things i love about this:
he has watched moon knight, yet didn't recognize jake lockley or marc spector
he does NOT know who rex is. he said he just likes that picture of dt hgfsdfhh
wtf did din do to him
i love who he put in 'my wife needs help.' it's everyone i expected him to put there
i thought 🪓❄️ would be in the last category tbh
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plulp · 6 months
hey guys sorry for the radio silence (4 days) :( Im Sick
but in other news: almost at 200 followers!!!! so if any of you want me to do the same thing i did last time (maybe not as much) or something different i can to celebrate :) since i should be free to draw however much after this week (have some things to take care of (while im sick))
#ill finish doing asks when i get back home (dont know when)#and then when i hit 200 ill do another thing i guess? maybe pcs again or maybe ill draw other peoples dol designs but problem with that is#i Dont Know Many People Here 😰#i only follow legit like 5 people and i dont check this dashboard often so i miss a lot#since i usually use my main tumblr to yknow. scroll through tumblr#i wish i could reblog other peoples art more often too but for some reason i get nervous? its so weird. i get nervous writing tags#probably because i get too excited and then i get a headache#what was this about again#oh#if any of you have anything you want me to do for 200 you can send an ask or something and ill make a poll so you all can vote on it maybe#but hopefully i can do it like order as in: finish asks i have now > celebrate yay!! > draw more designs lmao#but before all of that. i have to finish this one thing. lemon honey green tea give me the strength i need to finish this.#i need to clear out ageless followers when i get home too :( so i might not be that close after that#right now im 8 away from 200 i think?#but thank you to whoevers followed me :)#if you dont have an age in your bio remember to put one okay? or ill get another headache#i think thats all i have to say right now? if you have any questions comments or concerns please dont be afraid of me.#germaphone#i promise i dont bite. i kind of gnaw like a toothless cat. its all gums and its slimy and feels weird. like that#200 follower special you all ask me about my teeth situation (nothing special really)
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megumi-fm · 6 months
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
me when my dad is actually okay with the thought of me walking home from the party when it’s completely dark outside
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sunlightfeeling · 11 months
gonna maybe be away for a lil bit (I say maybe because it really depends on my brain’s temperment)
currently fighting some darkness atm that won’t fucking stop (I’m okay, though, I swear, but its been all fucking day and I need to sleep and I can’t because thoughts)
leave a message after the beep
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