#im 99% sure this doesnt make any sense
autisticlee · 1 year
it kind of sucks when all your friends and family, everyone you know, are all pairing off and getting married and havinf families, except you. you're the only one that doesn't have a partner and probably can/will never get one. especially if one around you has time for you anymore, they never reach out, never get back to you, because they're only focused on their partners and families. you're stuck alone and drift away from everyone through no fault of your own. you have no hope of finding your own partner or no motivation to look for one for whatever reason. the lack of connections while seeing everyone around you having their own can get overwhelmingly lonely at times....
#autism#autistic#asexual#aromantic#these are probably the two factors that put me in this position#im undateable because im too autistic to form any connections with people and cant even make or keep friends around for long#so how would i ever try to date anyone????#and also asexual which makes it harder. and aromantic (not sure what kind if its like demi and i just need to meet “the one”#and form a connection first to actually have any feelimgs for anyone or not sure if I simply cannot experience romantic attraction#either way its a lonely existence in a world where 99% of people pair off or obsessed with trying to partner up#and theres less value/time/effort put on friendships#ON TOP OF being autistic and forming any connections at ALL is an extremely difficult task that seems to always fail on me!#lee rants#lee rambles#im actually visiting a friend and her gf (who is also friend but we are less close) so i know not everyone partners and shuns friends#but they live in another country and i cant visit all the time so it doesnt help this lonely shit feeling all the time D: to have ~1 friend#would be nice to have all the close benefits and of a dating partnership without the physical stuff and pressure of “dating”#if thar makes sense. best friends but life patners. the person is obligated to help me and bw there for me at all times#someone who chooses me first instead of others. someone that doesnt make me their last choice all the time#their very comfortable to be around and we relate and get along perfectly and make up for each others weaknesses#my favorite person and im their favorite person#they usually always say yes to me and include me and im their first choice for eveything#they respect my needs and boundaries and work with me if we have a misunderstanding or disagreement.#its so hard to find people like this. someone who matches me well enough to fit all these picky things i want#someone who would like me enough to be like this. someone im comfortable with and like who fits the energy i want#even if someone liked ME enough and was these thjngs if they arent comfortable or match my energy then i dont want them#im not desperate enough to take Anyone ans im extremely picky about it#being aroace makes any kind of datimg very hard because theres ~less fish in the sea~#but being autistic makes it EVEN HARDER becuase i cant even make and keep FRIENDS so how would i have a /partner/ ?????#sighs. i think im meant to live a lonely life and need to learn to accept it
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sp1resong · 8 months
what if i made a mechanisms adaptation of razia's shadow. What then
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @dreatine - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
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Secret Admirer
He really doesnt know how you dont notice. The way he laughs at any joke you make, how his eyes follow you around the room wherever you go, how nothing can possibly distract him from you because he’s distracted by you constantly. Doctor Spencer Reid, 99% of the time the highest IQ in any room he walks into, and you have him completely baffled.
He doesnt even need to look up to know it’s you that’s just walked in. It could be you or Derek since you are the only two not yet at work, but some part of Spencer has a sixth sense for you, and his eyes immediately abandon the pages of the book in front of him. There you are, strolling in like a goddess, that same gorgeous smile on your face that you greet all your coworkers with. He waits just a few seconds, and that very smile falls on him.
“Good morning Spencie!” You call out.
He grins back at you and lets go of his book with one hand to wave at you. Spencie. People have referred to him as Spence before, but Spencie? That was something entirely unique to you. For a while, Derek and Rossi made fun of it and referred to him as “Spencie”, too. It was no discredit to you, it was purely because Spencer was never embarrassed to hear you call him that, which all his professional profiling friends knew meant one thing: he liked it, and that was cause for some light bullying. At first, Spencer was mildy irritated by it, but they never made the jokes when you were around, and because you were never given the chance to potentially take offence, it didnt take long for him to discard all negative reactions, and his friends realised his positive feelings towards you were stronger than they thought.
Of course the entire team knew. Did he really think a room filled with profilers wasnt going to pickup on his big fat whopping crush? Spencer knew they’d figure it out eventually. What shocked him most was your obliviousness. He made no real effort to hide his feelings towards you, he couldnt. He gave you at least one compliment a day, whether it related to something you said on a case, remembering someone’s coffee order when they didnt even ask you to get them a coffee, or regarding a new hairstyle you’d tried out. He got very protective of you whenever a case turned dangerous and you were at risk. Spencer knows you are trained and can take care of yourself, but that doesnt mean he wont fear for your safety. The only way he could make his feelings more obvious would be to walk up to you and tell you he’s in love with you, which he couldnt possibly do. He’d rather get shot. Again.
“You should do something for her on Valentine’s Day.” A quiet voice speaks from behind him, Emily.
Spencer tears his gaze from you and clears his throat, staring back down at his book. Even though the entire team knew, he wasnt just going to admit it.
“I dont know what you’re talking about.” He says.
Emily sighs. “Sure you dont. All Im saying is, the tradition of being something synonymous with confidential adorer, might be your best shot at figuring out if she’s interested without just asking her out.”
Emily walks away from Spencer before he has the chance to reply, even though he probably wouldnt have, given that his mind has been blown by what she just told him. Something synonymous with confidential adorer...secret admirer! That might not be a bad idea! And with a week until Valentine’s, he has plenty of time to plan this one out.
Despite Spencer Reid’s brain being a working miracle, he decided to note down his plans, just to make sure he didnt forget anything. Even though it is literally impossible for him to forget anything, unless it traumatises him to the extent of needing a hypnotist to unlock memories for him. But that was years ago.
Red roses. Those were on the list, but he couldnt buy them in bulk. He would have to buy the first ones individually for his first idea, the final dozen were the last part of the plan.
For the next week, everyday when you walked into work, there was a single red rose waiting on your desk. On the first day, you laughed and picked up the rose, looking around and asking who was pranking you. When nobody joined in your laughter, you realised that someone had left you a rose with intent, and that everyone on the team knew that. Spencer analysed the reason behind your laugh, and based on previous conversations with you in which you admitted you’d never been anyone’s Valentine, he concluded that you didnt believe anyone could have enough of an interest in you to treat you that way, because it had never happened. On the second day, you were shocked and silent, blushing and quietly sitting down at your desk, twirling the rose gently around your fingers. On the third day, you walked in and just grinned from ear to ear the moment you saw another rose waiting at your desk. On the fourth day, the team was called in at 4am, and you ran in, hoping to catch out the mysterious rose-deliverer, but even then there was a rose waiting. Your tired eyes teared up at that. On the fifth day, you squealed and jumped around everyone’s desks, clutching the rose and running to Penelope’s office to show it to her. On the sixth day, your entire being lit up at the sight of the small piece of paper sitting next to the rose. Spencer studied how you immediately attached yourself to his words, the fact you hadnt received a note with any of the previous roses put so much weight on the few words.
You are the most beautiful person in the world, to me, and to everyone that has ever met you.
Your back was to him when you read the note, but he heard you sniffle, then take a deep breath and hold the note to your chest, before you tucked it away carefully in your bag. Though you got plenty of work done that day, your eyes drifted to the rose beside you every minute or so.
On the seventh day, Valentine’s Day, you walk into the office slowly, almost hesitantly. When you see the rose there waiting, you smile sadly. Spencer frowns as you pick it up and hold it to your chest.
“The last one.” You chuckle, and Spencer understands. You think that‘s it, it‘s over. He smiles to himself and glances back down at the files on his desk, reassuring himself that later on today, that sadness will disappear. Or in fact, in a few seconds.
This time, the note is in an envelope, which you gently tear open, as though even the envelope is precious because it’s from the rose-sender.
Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.
Instead of making everybody else a coffee, why dont you just make yourself one?
You freeze, and Spencer can practically hear the cogs turning in your head. In seconds, you speed over to the coffee machine, and sure enough there’s another note.
We’ve worked on many cases, some were a botch, but if you really want to know who I am, maybe you should ask…
“HOTCH! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!” You shout as you sprint to his office door.
Aaron laughs and opens his door, handing you another note with a smile.
Although you’re only finding out about this now, my affections for you have lived far longer than a year. If you want to find out more, visit the person whose surname rhymes with “year” (but only if you pronounce “year” with a British accent).
He admits those poems are not of the highest quality, but he was nervous! Not to mention, he wasnt exactly worried about iambic pentameter, more so making sure you could figure out what he was saying.
You burst out laughing. “PENELOPE GARCIA I AM ON MY WAY!” And then you’re running to her office.
Spencer cant see your reaction to his next note from where he’s sitting, he cant make it obvious that he’s the culprit so he has to stay in his seat. However, when you return to your desk with a pouty face, Rossi asks what’s wrong before Spencer gets the chance to. You show him the note you got from Penelope.
Im afraid that when it comes to being confronted by you in the daylight, Im a vampire. But trust that you will see me soon. In fact, you’ve already seen me, countless times.
“How can I trust them when I dont know who they are?” You ask the group as they form a circle around you.
JJ wraps an arm around you reassuringly. “Whoever it is, you know them and you trust them, you know that, you just havent linked their personality to these events.”
You nod slowly. “I guess you’re right, it just sucks. I want to know who it is so bad, it’s keeping me up at night!”
Thankfully, the rest of that day is spent writing up reports and filing, nobody has called the team and demanded they get on a flight to wherever. These days arent common, but they’re possible, and Spencer couldnt be happier that one of them has arrived today. He cant help thinking luck might be on his side, or maybe Hotch has somehow scheduled this perfectly for him. Either way, he’s very grateful.
But the end of the day comes sooner than expected, and he finds himself packing up his stuff with shaking hands. You’re distracted, in the middle of a conversation with Rossi, thank goodness. Spencer darts out of the building, getting everything in place in exactly the amount of time he’d predicted he could do this in. 23 seconds. By the time he’s hidden himself, you’re just pushing the building doors open.
You approach your car, eyes immediately locking onto the envelope on your windshield. Now your hands are shaking just like his. You reach for it, opening it so slowly it’s painful for Spencer to watch. Once it’s open, you unfold the page in your hands and start to read.
You captured my heart from the moment you first smiled at me. You introduced yourself with bubbliness that I was so sure wouldnt survive in this job, but you proved me so wrong. Every single day, you walk into work with the brightest smile on your face. You make it your mission to improve the lives of every person you meet, I dont even think you try, it comes naturally to you. Trying to resist falling for you was futile, and so instead, I revel in it. My feelings for you are not hidden, everybody else can see them. You wouldnt believe the amount of people we’ve met on cases who have pulled me aside and told me to just ask you out. You are the sunshine of the BAU, not the crown jewel, but the crown itself, because without you none of us would make it. And seeing you light up everyday this week because of a simple gesture like a rose, it brings me more joy and pride than anything else ever could. Though you arent aware that my heart is yours, you handle it with such care, and if my only way of returning that favour is to make you smile with roses, I’ll deliver them everyday, until my last breath.
I didnt want to come up with rhymes for Derek, David, JJ or Emily, and send you on an unnecessarily long goose chase, so I suppose all that’s left to say is...hello, it’s me, your secret admirer.
���A-Are you here?” You ask without turning around.
“Yes.” Spencer replies, and he notices your body beginning to tremble as you slowly turn to face him.
“Spencer.” You breathe, your hands immediately covering your mouth as though his name is new to your lips. You had never suspected it was him, but now you see it couldnt have been anyone else.
Spencer steps out of the shadows, a bouquet of a dozen red roses in his hands. He holds them out to you, and you slowly take them, before launching yourself at him. To avoid crushing the flowers, you hold them in one hand and keep that hand at his back as you hug him, crying into his shirt. Spencer wraps his arms around you in a state of shock, feeling his heart swell in his chest.
“Th-Thank you!” You sob, and Spencer shushes you quietly.
“You dont need to thank me, you deserve romantic gestures like this and so much more.” He coos.
You pull away from him to wipe your eyes with your free hand, and Spencer cant help noticing how adorable you look, smiling through your happy tears.
“You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known, Spencie.” You tell him, and he beams at you.
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
Your eyes widen. “I have something for you!”
Spencer’s eyebrows furrow in confusion as you awkwardly fish through your bag with your free hand, until you retrieve a piece of paper of your own. You pass it to him, and he’s about to open it, but your phone beeps.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” You groan in frustration, throwing your head back dramatically.
“What is it?” Spencer asks.
You shake your head and put your phone away. “I love Hotch, but Im about to disembowl him for this timing. Wheels up in 30, come on!” You grab Spencer’s arm and drag him back into the building.
As much as Aaron may have tried to avoid a case on Valentine’s Day, this one couldnt be avoided. It was one of those “this is so urgent I’ll brief you on the jet” cases. By the time the brief is over, the team all but collapse from exhaustion. The flight is a few hours, people can afford to have a nap. Spencer, though, is wide awake. You’re curled up in the seat beside him, the blanket you always bring on the jet is shielding the entirety of you, apart from your head, which is resting on Spencer’s shoulder as you sleep soundly. Not wasting another second, he takes your note from his pocket and unfolds it, his curiosity has been eating him alive for so long he feels like a skeleton.
I honestly dont even know where to begin with this. I have no idea who you are, but I hope. Because if it isnt who I hope it is, this cant go anywhere, I’ll have to let down anyone that isnt him. And it cant be him, can it? The impossible man, the genius with a heart of gold, the encyclopaedia of endlessly fascinating facts that I could listen to forever. I dont make a habit of putting people on pedestals, but him? How could I not? He’s an angel of a man. And as much as I dont think Im worthy of his affection, it would be an honour to be loved by him, and for that, I hope. I hope, because Spencer, if it isnt you, I wont know what to do. But hey, just in case it is, maybe I should keep this with me if you ever reveal yourself? Jeez, look at me, living on nothing but hopes. But for you? If hope’s all I’ve got, even that is a dream.
Spencer blinks away the tears in his eyes. Of all people, you only hoped for him. And the way you described him, you adore him in the same way he adores you. He looks down at your face, sleeping peacefully on his shoulder with a delicate smile. Without tearing his gaze from you, he folds the note back up and slides it in his pocket. Spencer smiles down at you, lifting his hand to ever so gently tuck some stray strands of hair behind your ear, before leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you for letting me be your secret admirer.”
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platonicallylovesick · 3 months
And now, some excerpts from my watch notes. Spoilers.
Today's victim: Bakugo. I'll highlight the ones that arent just recapping events, from the beginning of the show, to where i am now, partway through season 3.
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this is the best pic i have of him rn bear with me
"You don't stand a chance without a quirk🫵😒"
"People look at them and just know they're destined for greatness" Baby, all people see when they look at you is a near miss for FAS be so fr
I know you prolly wanna go to the big leagues hero school to escape your shitty home life or whatever, but honestly take a peek in the mirror, this is what peaking looks like
Kacchan needs to chill tf out. Dude is like 99% rage and 1% confidence. Okay so you moved up ONE GRADE and aren't the coolest bestest ever anymore, but seriously that is why it is a SCHOOL babe, it is for you TO LEARN.
this kid needs like... so much therapy. when tf do we get his backstory because like what the actual hell.
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I LOVE and ADORE Bakugo and Kirishima's relationship. He's kinda Kacchan's only friend. He can make himself as hard as a rock with his Quirk, so Kacchan's explosions have no effect on him. In a symbolic sense, his explosive personality doesnt phase him either, he's really the only one who not only tolerates Kacchan, but actively chooses to hang out w/ him. Kirishima drags him to every event and hangout to force him to get some kind of social time with the rest of the class and kinda tempers his rage. Its REALLY REALLY sweet and I love it so much
"I dont care if theyre my classmates, I wanna beat them up so Im the strongest >:(" "Yeah whatever man I love your determination >:)"
"That kid's got spunk!" "He's like a mini version of you." "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! YOU NEED TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I BLAST YOU ALL THE WAY TO HELL!" "Yeah sure."
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obsessed with him actually
"cmon get it bakugo!!" (Kirishima is) HIS #1 SUPPORTER
Kacchan and Tokoyaki (the explody angry guy and the bird headed guy) got turned into marbles and stolen by the villains
I KNOW I mentioned how much I LOVE Kirishima Because he's currently fighting with several people to let him go after Kacchan. Because he's literally his only genuine friend.
Kirishima and Kacchan are freaking everything to me right now.
"Now i'm not in your debt" UH HUH YEAH MAN NICE COVER
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I NEED to see their ship content
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kruxton · 5 months
Into more PHC headcanons,
Mr sin will spend time with the form 4s and form 5s as a way to make up for himself on not caring enough for the students.
I imagine kahar and Fakhri will have an awkward time spending together and due to the fact kahar is trying to be a good senior to Fakhri.
I also wanna hear more about your headcanons about Naim and Amir please?
mr sin feels that he is to blame (at least partially) for the situation and its weighing him down heavily. so he steps up his game and actually Does his Job and starts socialising with his students like Pn. Faniza does, because he'll be damned if he lets anything like /that/ happen again
imagining the fakhri kahar situation afterwards is so funny to me. kahar is desperately trying to make amends but he cant do that if fakhri doesnt want to talk to him like 😭😭 bro approaches fakhri but hes looking everywhere but in kahar's direction trying not to get mad is that not the funniest thing ever
OKAY so naim and amir hc under the cut. ive never put this into actual words before so i apologise in advance if they dont make sense ok (edit: it turned out WAY longer than i imagined thats mb)
yk that scene that happens sometime after amir's past and trauma is revealed where naim is really angry (i forget why) but then lashes out onto amir bc smth smth why the fuck do u care so much are u fucking gay for me? (im like 99% sure this happened but if it didnt.. uhmm we're going to pretend it did)
i think in that moment amir didn't know the answer to that genuinely. he definitely knows that /something/ in him changed after what happened to him in that store room, but being gay was NOT an option, it just couldnt be, he wont LET it be. bc its not like he was attracted to any guys, right??? he doesnt care for any guy like THAT, yk?? or at least thats what he thought
once naim accused amir of being gay for him, something definitely snapped. it hurt, it hurt, but it wasnt his dignity that shattered. it was his heart.
(did that go hard? i think that went hard. im proud of myself)
because what if naim was right? what if naim just saw right through him and actually.. believed it?
cue the panic and worry that went on in his brain because who the fuck was he going to talk to abt this. his bestfriend? not an option
i like to believe thats why he barely showed up again until that scene in the hospital. ik the show played it off as them being so so angry at each other, and yeah, they probably were? but the both of them knew something went wrong between them at that moment in the dorm when naim used amir's trauma against him (bc when u put it like that.. how couldnt smth be wrong), and they were worried for their friendship, the both of them.
now we cue the internalised homophobia. i assume u can imagine how that goes
naim getting hurt really bad and needing to go to the hospital is what triggered amir's brain to make up his mind on his feelings and guess what? yeah he's gay for naim. and he doesnt have time to worry abt this anymore cause naim is Dying. he could die at any second. whatever the feelings he harbours for him doesnt matter because after everything he is still his bestfriend.
so he stomps his newfound feelings down and doesnt let himself think abt it. and when they hug in that waiting room and naim goes 'aku sayang kau wei' at him, its bittersweet but he cant ruin the moment, not again.
ok flashforward now
he's content with being naim's bestfriend. sure, he gets jealous when naim goes out with that girl (i forgot her name) but at least now he knows there's a valid reason for it instead of an irrarional envy as his bestfriend, so he accepts it and moves on (he doesnt really. but what choice does he have?)
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achoshistor · 1 year
[totk] alternate dimension???
HAHA ok i simply can't go without writing this down but this time i will try my best to omit all spelling errors to preserve readability... tbh i wouldnt read this if you havent finished the geoglyphs
ok im gonna be honest i've only finished botw and totk so this is gonna be moreso why the alternate timeline from botw is plausible in comparison to the actual placement of the timeline bc thats too much thinking and its been like a million bajillion years since i read the historia.
ok so firstly zelda doing different things in the past is def why the line would have changed from botw to totk but why was zelda the one who went back in time?? In botw the divine beasts are literally analogous to the current sages which is basically
vah rudania/daruk = yunobo
vah naboris/urbosa = riju
vah ruta/mipha = sidon
vah medoh/revali = tulin
that covers all four but what about link?? link gets his own divine beast (master cycle) too so why is zelda the sage and not link?? besides i heard this mentioned somewhere else (i forgot where) but link has the ability to literally slow down time when hes drawing his bow or looking through the scope and he can pause time with the menu but idk if thats actually canon LOL. either way link can also control time like zelda. But speaking of divine beasts the 4 helms can be found in totk as well but the item descriptions call them zonai while the general look of the pieces is clearly sheikha which is weird cuz whaaaat?? also idk maybe nintendo just wanted a way to explain amiibo gear but this just suggests that the divine beasts themsleves are also zonai of some sort. Ik people are saying they dont mention the divine beasts at all but impa and i think like one or two other npcs mention them meaning they are still here but zonai somehow which doesnt make sense in the context of botw.
also aside from the divine beasts theres some other things of note too: firstly, your house in hateno which zelda STOLE 😭😭liek man i paid good money for that sign... 3000 rs.... this is p minor but why would she just take the sign away unless it wasnt already there?? I mean ok maybe link wanted to live with her
[zora arc spoilers]
anyways point two about yona... tbh i thought she was ganondorfs spy or something at first because she came out of nowhere... im assuming she's muzu's daughter but we saw no sign at all of her in botw... maybe the devs hated sidlink that much lolol. In all seriousness tbh her appearance does seem to point to a shift in the events of 100 years ago unless she's not from hyrule which seems unlikley seeing that sidon grew up in zora's domain according to the botw dlc.
[zora spoilers over]
ok last thing... the bottomless swamp is gone!!
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like whaaat theres a pond there now
I'm like 99% sure this is just because they needed a body of water that you can drop into safely but its also the only pond on ground thats actually got the lily pads from the sky in it which is interesting. I don't think they added any other new bodies of water aside from this though. Lorewise though it makes no sense at all that they removed that whole giant skeleton from here in a few years and even if they did iirc the ground around it was crackly and dry. Lanaryu/Zorana used to all be a desert and they said it took hundreds of years for it to become fertile so its kind of nonsensical that this area would only take a little while...
overall i think this is probably just nintendo trying to make it so that totk can be standalone but man it cant be that hard to write coherent lore
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gcrtys · 2 years
a review of new tales from the borderlands
so, new tales from the borderlands was ... something! i was really excited going into it, and i can say it was moderately enjoyable. it was not worth $40-50 at all, esp. with the preorder which included three skins in all grey!! woohoo!! that was super cool!!!
in comparison to the original tales from the borderlands, the game shines in some aspects. the mocapping is wonderfully done. a lot of people are saying its awkward and weird, and at some times, it definitely can be. its not an entirely perfect system but it shows a good amount of emotion. with the funding of telltale’s tftbl, it was clear where they were lacking. odd cuts, janky animations, etc.
the gameplay of new tales is definitely more polished. there were a few things that were odd and not well done and some segments were definitely dragged out a lot more than they shouldve been. i wish there were more interactable events in the world b/c i did enjoy exploring. vaultlanders was a unique addition, though overall felt very lacking and didnt make sense in terms of the storyline. it couldve done without it, and im 99% sure this was only added for replay value (collectables?)
they brought in some other new things i didnt necessarily enjoy. the entire system that was created for rating the group dynamic also did not care in terms of the game. i had about two scenarios where it did.
i didnt even know what was changing my group dynamic or how characters felt about one another. i didnt even know if they were on good terms by the ending of the game -- it wasnt made clear by gameplay. my only indication were a few popups stating “fran doesnt respect octavio” (yeah, i wouldnt either) and it was annoying. lou13 has an entire point in the beginning of the game stating teamwork would make the process easier to survive, and yet this didnt reflect one in the entire game. not where i saw, at least.
holy. fuck. they bombed hard with the music choices. one of the BIG big aspects of tales, what made it shine, was the introduction and intros. they were well done, crisp, perfectly timed. its difficult for me to pick a favourite intro from any episode of tales because theyre all so well done -- from a stylish crash onto pandora to “busy earning” by jungle, to the somber crash onto pandora to “retrograde” by james blake. it was clear every song in tales was carefully chosen and the intros were framed around them.
whereas in new tales, its... weird. the introductions to the episodes are odd, weirdly timed and dont expand upon much. it felt like they were trying too hard to mimic the bonding the tales team went through -- but that was natural in comparison to this. even then, there wasnt a single introduction i enjoyed. episode 5′s introduction was the best out of the bunch but even then, the music choice was odd and it felt like there was nothing happening. it wasnt worth watching. whereas in tales, it would hook you and keep you there the entire time.
the name cards are also very oddly timed. a lot of them dont appear when theyre supposed to. typically in borderlands, we get a line or two before a character’s name is revealed. i found multiple times, either name cards did not appear for characters that would be reoccurring, or would just be flat out poorly timed. it didnt feel like borderlands, which is known for the flash of the cards and the catchy one-liners to accompany them.
so... its definitely an improvement from borderlands 3. some would disagree and say its a difficult storyline to follow, which, i understand
i think episodes 2-3 were quite literally worthless and provided nothing. i dont think i even remember what happened in those episodes. the ones that really captured me, were the last two. its where the spirit of the game (quite literally) came out to reveal itself. i didnt expect myself to get emotional but episode four did make me cry, and then immediately sober up in confusion when it jumped to a retro 90s fighting style game with fran.
some of the jokes dont hit quite right and a lot of episode four is... odd. between the std’s joke, the spiderant, so on... it felt unnecessary. the running gag of lou13 “data sharing” (aka having sex) was uncomfortable to watch.
and there were a lot of inconsistencies with the writing, as is usual with the borderlands universe, but:
- anu creates a device to replicate siren technology, which is disregarded after episode 1 and never brought back up again
- octavio’s idiocy goes beyond being an idiot and quite literally just having no brain for the sake of “humour”, which just comes off as frustrating
- characters just stand out in open hallways and get shot and die. its seen as emotional and heartbreaking in game, and incredibly stupid as the player of said game. why the hell did stapleface die from a gunshot to the shoulder? why couldnt anu heal her? who knows, there is absolutely no explanation for it
- when the characters are going on a gameshow and stopped by a bouncer, he says “all contestants are accounted for” and then when you get into the area, there is literally. a single person. and its not a sake of others going before said person -- they literally begin the gameshow, starting with that person, a moment later.
- rhys calls anu to ask her help to stop tediore from opening the vault, and then, never follows up. literally. he is not seen from again for like five chapters or something ridiculous and when he does return, its for a completely separate reason and its never brought up again.
- the writers seemed to have either never played the original tales, or did not care enough to stay true to rhys’ character in general. he’s power-hungry, an asshole, and the type of superior he wouldve hated. the writers chose to ignore every single line of rhys discussing how atlas could be different from the other corporations and went with “actually, theyre ALL bad” which like, yeah, i get it. capitalism, boo. but when it doesnt match up with the characters behaviour its... very irritating.
while there was definitely some of sassy rhys in there ("you’ll be hearing from me, specifically my tears” is one of my personal favourites), it didnt make up for the rest of how they butchered his character. also, i see them hinting at sasha’s return and i DO NOT like it. stay away from her.
they also decided to make athena the ceo of hyperion-- how or why that happened, i have no idea, and frankly at this point i dont want to find out.
the cast is... certainly a cast. but delete lou13.
i really liked anu and i resonated with her. although a little irritating at times, i could appreciate her as a character. it was a real breath of fresh air in comparison to the other borderlands characters we typically receive. octavio was... octavio. i did enjoy fran, but the consistent horniess was overdone after about the second episode.
a lot of the side characters that were introduced just, dont get brought back in. youre introduced to a big group of characters in the first episode by octavio, and then you barely see any of them for the rest of the game. (justice for diamond danielle) its a waste and once again, one of the biggest complaints i have about borderlands games is wasted potential. from bl3′s clay, to athena (who actually makes a reappearance, after the audience reminded the writers she existed), katagawa jr, aurelia, rose, gladstone, and so on...
now we have an additional cast of characters we’re most likely never going to see again, who were introduced as important to one of our protagonists and then never expanded upon. (the fact we saw a literal talking gun more than any of his closest friends was weird)
anyway, going back to my first point, im sorry but i hated lou13. his entire existence was unnecessary. a robot filled with existential dread, oh boy, i wonder where we’ve seen that one before! this isnt familiar and not well done at all.
where loaderbot in the original tales shines, lou13 fails in every. single. category. from personality, to likability, to personal sacrifices for our protagonists... its all lackluster, disappointing, and i could not care less about this character.
anyway, we’re never going to see about 99% of those introduction characters again and while its annoying, im fine with it if it means more room for other, already established characters who deserve some more time in the spotlight.
going back-- we finally saw katagawa senior! they copied katagawa jr’s model entirely, and put a beard on him. fantastic, great work everyone. take a day off, you guys deserve it. mustve been really difficult to come up with that one, especially considering the art we see for him in the next episode is literally not the same man.
if you go into this expecting tales from the borderlands, you’ll be disappointed.
if you go into this expecting good writing, you’ll be disappointed.
if you go into this expecting a few laughs, you might get some! it depends on your humour! i thought badass superfan was hilarious and there were a few bits i genuinely enjoyed. a lot of the humour was enjoyable to me, but after all, this is all matter of opinion. if youre not a fan of reoccurring jokes or bits that drag on for a little bit too long, planned awkward laughter, tension, etc. this might not be your style of humour.
if you go into this wanting good characters to grow attachments to... play tales from the borderlands.
5/10 just want troy baker back plz ty.
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you know, out of all the (western) media pundits on the right who have positioned themselves as mouthpieces, its jordan peterson i find the most unbearable.
hes a pretentious fuckwit who acts like his academic background in psychology makes him uniquely qualified to engage in public discourse, while consistently using pseudoscience to justify his arguments. he uses buzzwords and flowery language to weave spiraling sentences that are ultimately meaningless or just every day bigotry. he responds to oppositional arguments by cherry-picking ideas or evidence, and stripping them from their context to create a strawman which he counters with never-ending academic jargon. and when he cant do that, he just asks what you mean when you use words that have widely agreed upon meanings because willfully misunderstanding your point is better for his position than actually engaging in a good faith discussion.
everytime i hear him speak, i want to dig my blunt, jagged fingernails into his pasty flesh and rip his face off of his head like hes nicholas cage. hes not worth the void of hatred i have for him in my brain, but it exists in my mind nevertheless. i have no interest in ever debating him because hes not worth any words or thoughts beyond insults. hes simply a tosser with an inflated sense of self-worth who holds himself with the air of a genius and yet doesnt know what snake sex looks like.
he is really not worth the hatred i feel toward him because hes nothing special in terms of right wing media pundits, but all the same, im 99% sure that if i ever saw him in person, id genuinely just punch him.like i wouldnt be able to hold myself back because he is so fucking punchable.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
I FINALLY GOT TO WATCHING S2 OF ALICE IN BORDERLAND LIVE ACTION AND IM???? my god it was so good im lost for words
BUT AT THE SAME TIME IM ALSO MAD AT EVERYONE (read: my dad, who hasnt even seen season 2 for himself bc he heard sm bad reviews) WHO TOLD ME IT WASNT GOOD/DISAPPOINTING AND THAT IT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN WORTH IT TO WATCH IT LIKE BRO WTF 😭😭😭💔
hot take: i genuinely think, in my honest opinion, season 2 was done so well and much better than season 1
Keep in mind that, as a self-proclaimed writer, writing comes first to me in any form of media i watch, regardless if its a live adaptation of a series i alrdy know abt or not; my opinion doesnt necessarily come from how "accurate" it is to its original source, but rather if how well its produced as a screen media production - altho i will admit, if i alrdy knew the origin series before the adaptation, i will definitely have some biad from my prior knowledge of the story.
so story time: talking w a friend, he suggested for me to read the alice in borderland manga, and since i only watched s1 of the netflix live action, i was like sure why not and went to read it. then i reached up to where s1 got up to and decided "hey why dont i rewatch all of s1 and then finally watch s2 so i can go in blind + reflect on the differences between LA and the og manga?"
and so i did, and having now freshly rewatched s1 + read the first part of the manga, here is my review: the execution/production of the live action was impressive and done really well, and they made sensible changes and additions to make it work for the show (ESPECIALLY the games that were originally filler chptrs in the manga and showing off arisu's intelligence!), but at times i felt that it didnt pull off the emotional moments/certain story points as well as the manga did. overall (at that point in time) it's definitely really good for a shonen live action if only the emotional moments had a bit more improvement.
and then i went watching s2 99% blind (1% being the fact i read a little bit until king of ♧'s game) and going into s2, from that small bit i read, i was alrdy preferring the direction/writing difference from the manga.
the end of s1 alrdy made a better establishment of the dealers/game management as well as the announcement of the face card games. from what i also saw in the opla, i think one of the necessary changes live actions have to make is to keep and utulize more major characters throughout the story instead of multiple short screen time supports for reasons such as adaptation length constraint, casting + screen time, etc. which i preferred a lot better bc we got more involvement of the supporting cast and the flow of the story was a lot smoother too! the relationship development between arisu and usagi was done so much better too (the konbini convo, im glad they changed how it went and didnt have arisu kissing usagi right then and there), which made their kiss at the onsen so much nicer! and then the queen of ♡s game! my god i loved all the psychological manipulation and more importantly the fact that it made sense!!! EVEN THE ENDING!!! i was waiting to be disappointed by a half-assed ending that made zero sense but i was pleasantly surprised and satisfied with the explanation/logic they gave behind the whole fiasco!
overall, alice in borderland? one of the best live action adaptations i've watched! (up on that list with business proposal, ruruoni kenshin and one piece ^^) i get the feeling that those unsatisfactory reviews of s2 was mainly bc hey couldnt appreciate the final queen of ♡s game psychology, the writing or the ending, and was expecting more action and dramatic ending, but imo it was very fitting considering that alice in borderland imo is more of a psychological series before everything else (like death note)
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 8 months
hey, common sense anon here, hope you are doing well!
i wanted your thoughts on why you think in modern society is obsessed with who has an audience and who doesnt? like why do mainly those who have an audience or following get the utmost attention both good and bad, yet someone like ourselves whos quite ordinary wouldnt be paid any attention unless we have to prove ourselves (as thats what it still feels like from school throughout adulthood) that we are having to either constantly chase someone for their attention or its people trying to garner the attention they want and i think itd got way out of hand to the point where society has lost track of themselves.
we can spend hours and days weeks or months oggling at the lives of others whilst feeling miserable that our life is not like theirs. im concerned that we are not progressing as people should be. so much is wasted babbling on whatever it might be that usually doesnt even concern the babbler themselves. why cant we separate our life from others and learn to be satisfied with where we are? its honestly so hard rn to not feel down in the dumps or behind or lost or stuck. yet someone else is always trying to outdo another being for what cause though? its just a separate lifestyle so why people got to make their own channels and put a character on? makes no sense to me.
its also not just rich and wealthy that rely on needing an audience or cult like fan base either. every other person snd their granny has to have some type of recognition and if we dont have such a thing why do we feel left out or behind in life bc theres always going to be someone younger than us, therell always be someone better than us st something or other so why does it matter at all in society how popular or how many cliques and internet groups where people have to belong somewhere or theyll be too much of an individual. if this makes any sense then please include your opinion!!
i think its such an issue nowadays with how many folk seek an audience and often at times i have caught myself feeling so inadequate or feeling miserable that im not receving much attention outside of relatives. its sad in a way that the world revolves around the way someone appears to be. and in my opinion even those who dont have a following wont amount to much bc in order to succeed nowadays people need some type of following be it online or elsewhere.
for ex the way society goes through trends faster than tissues or how people would only really be drawn to thode who are popular. if celeb dies its a big deal but if its ordinary person it gets overlooked or theyre life wasnt as significant :/
sorry for my rant again just been doing some thinking (again) thanks again in advance if you reply!
Honestly, this is a human thing rather than a nowadays thing I’ve found. We always want the things we see others having, and compare them to what we ourselves have at the moment. It’s like if you have siblings, how if you sibling got something nice you wanted something nice in turn. How people are always trying to be acknowledged and praised for everything they do. Though nowadays, with social media, this is definitely amplified by social media because we can now see all these things others are doing and want those things too. So it’s constantly people seeing others rising higher and higher and wanting to rise themselves. And frankly, we’re not evolved yet to deal with those things quite right. It’s like how 99% of people hate the way they look/are insecure. It’s because we’re not evolved to be used to seeing ourselves, as that ability is fairly new. Sure there were reflections in things like ice and water, but those aren’t clear and horribly skewed.
With celebs dying and things, it is sad that ordinary people get overlooked but also understandable. With celebs, you know at least of them, and have built a sort of parasocial relationship. With ordinary people it’s kind of like when you read history books about people who’ve been dead for hundreds of years. It’s very detached. Unless it’s truly brutal and gruesome, it just doesn’t feel the same as it would for a celebrity or someone in your life.
And again, the trends thing is very much something that’s a constant as well. Our sense of beauty is dependent on what you see the most. Trends change because you see one thing too much, and therefore you want the exact opposite. That, and it also reflects a culture’s values, predicament, etc. etc. trends changing reflect how we as a people are changing. Trends have always been rather fleeting in nature.
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transmeowsculine · 2 years
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I posted 26,998 times in 2022
That's 26,998 more posts than 2021!
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also am i the only bench trio person who became a bench trio person cause no one liked clingy duo any more so i had to learn to like ranboo
My Top Posts in 2022:
@wilburians is being a misogynist! on INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY!!!!
8 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Hello hello hello and welcome to:
Nep’s Downloading Homestuck Walk through!!!
im on desktop and i dont know how to make colored text on desktop so just pretend thats a rainbow!
also going to at @ @ghostdragoncookie  because they needed help but feel free to use this whoever u are!
(also dropping the typing quirk for clarity cause maybe people want to download homestuck but dont have nepeta puns dictionary bookmarked for easy access)
OKAY SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: the ramblings of a teenage boy who just woke up from a three hour nap and also knows like 4 things about computers but just used brute force to get his way through it
Step one:
go here https://bambosh.github.io/unofficial-homestuck-collection/
Step two:
press Download and then download the file that corresponds to your operating system, i have windows so screenshots that will be included will be for windows. but i will learn how to use linux or mac if needed i am a servant to the people! and the people must read homestuck!
also make sure to put it in a place you can find easy that will be important later
Step three:
Downlaod the asset pack. Now this is the hard part, imo, because they say all asset packs are the same but not all work with all the computers. “but nep, that doesnt make any sense! why dont they just tell you what asset packs work for what computers?” and to that i say: thats the joy of homestuck! nothing works, about three things make sense, and we all just guess until it works out. so if your asking what asset pack to download, just start at the top and work your way down ig i dunno man thats what i did.
Step four:
Assuming you magically picked the right asset pack (and if you didnt dw there will be a trouble shooting thing at the bottom of this) you will go into your files and find homestuck!
Step five:
Unzip your files. How I understand for macs if you click on a file it automatically unzips itself. (why does it do that apple? whats the fuckin purpose?) I dont know for linux but once again if asked i will learn. and for windows theres a nifty button to press pictured below.
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Step six:
so now you will go into actual homestuck and open it! process pictured below!!
first you want to make sure ur asset pack and hs are in the same place, that is just for ease of finding things later
See the full post
9 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
who tf r u and whyd u send me a random post abt a terf?
10 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Rowan/Toby/Nepeta | he/him | minor
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See the full post
12 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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what r ur opinions on this photo
when i was young i used to go into a room that was as empty i could find and then i would spin around in circles for up to 45 minutes.
i think that carpet would be too damp and it would smell too bad for me to be able to do that.
16 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sigmadecay · 7 years
It’s 3 am so u know what that means: meg is gonna write another dissertation about metal
Metal seems to be an attractive genre to people like me: raised catholic or christian, raised conservative, essentially raised repressed. Of course there are people that are exposed to metal when they’re little and they grow up with it, and I have a special kind of envy for those people, but.
Anyway I think the reason it’s an attractive genre to those kinds of people is because it’s so polar opposite to what we grew up learning. I went to fifteen years of catholic school. Sex was not a thing you talked about, ever, we all wore the same uniform and said the same prayers. It was like a factory spitting out teeny lil conformists with values from the ‘60s. No sex until marriage, not living with anyone until marriage, etc etc
Like. You see marilyn manson. He is a man. He wears corsets and ripped up pantyhose on stage, wears dark makeup and lipstick, and sings about sex, violence, and death: all shit we weren’t even allowed to think about without some kinda reprimand
And I know I’m making catholic school sound kinda like a merciless cult. But that’s how you start to see it when you’re out? It just produces sheltered kids who were afraid of any kind of misbehavior in my case. I was afraid of sinning and god hating me. I didn’t wanna go to hell. That’s not fair.
ANYWAY(sorry for the tangent) metal is by definition breaking the mold. Men have long hair and wear skirts and dresses and makeup and sparkles, women crop their hair and wear all leather or proudly talk about their sexuality. It’s so different from what we’ve learned all our lives that of course some of us are gonna be intrigued by it. It seems like it was made for kids like us. Some of those songs are pure catharsis but there’s a lot of truth and earnestness behind them. We resent people. We resent our parents and our communities for refusing to allow us to invite ourselves into a type of community that, although unconventional, would have made us happy a lot sooner. Maybe I would have wanted to kill myself less. Maybe I wouldn’t have fallen into self harm. Who knows? All I know is that I have it now, I can’t wait to keep exploring it, and I’m grateful it exists.
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lamouratorrrrry · 2 years
Extremely Unbiased Thread About Why Kintoki’s Design is Good, Actually
hello. you may call me Luna, however im sure most people here know me as “the kintoki huge tits artist”. today i’ll be doing something quite a bit different than my usual posts, and thats that im going to be analyzing why exactly i think kintoki’s original design is actually really nice. no i am not biased in any way. 
the reason for this is that, being a huge fan of kintoki (and frequently browsing his tag on here), a sentiment that i see a lot is “i really like kintoki, but i hate his design/i like his rider and heian designs more”. which is fair! you are very much allowed to think that. all i want is to possibly give a different perspective on why i think the opposite (and to gush about my favorite character). 
so come with me on this design-analysis slash luna-talks-about-how-sexy-kintoki-is journey!
(this thread will for the most part be discussing his 1st ascension. the reason being is that he really doesnt change much design-wise as he ascends aside from the big coat in his 3rd ascension. also, its my favorite of the three! see, totally not biased.)
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hi handsome ;)
we’ll start at the top and work our way down. first, i need to address the elephant in the room, aka my biggest fate fandom related pet peeve. 
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this hairstyle? this is not a bowlcut. this is a bob haircut. and its CUTE OKAY. (op has a bob cut and therefore takes these jokes very personally)
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a bob is typically longer, enough so to hide the ears. a bob is also meant to frame your face. the bowl cut is much shorter, shows the ears, and is one length all around. 
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for reference, the only other character that i can think of who cant beat the bowlcut allegations is tsuna. i see a lot of people saying stuff like “wow, they both work for raikou and they both have bowlcuts!” when their hair looks completely different... 
firstly, his bob is cute! come on :( second, this haircut has roots in historical kintarou depictions! 
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this is a kintarou doll, and is clearly what inspired fate kintoki’s hair! despite the rest of his design being very modern inspired, i quite like that he keeps his “historical” hair. i think its a nice little touch/nod to his younger self. 
moving on, lets talk about kintoki’s fashion sense.
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it took me a bit to pin down what i think kintoki’s fashion sense is exactly, and i think its fair to say he’s very 70s inspired. this is extremely funny to me for reasons i will talk about later. after doing some light research, a big *big* staple of 70s mens fashion ive picked up on is having your shirt unbuttoned like. basically all the way. just absolutely tits out, and i respect that so hard. 
(technically his extremely popped collar is more 80s, but i think its fair to say hes designed after some amalgamation of decade-fashion)
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all kintoki’s missing is a crazy pattern on his shirt. come on raita i believe in you
something else of note is, of course, his jewelry! kintoki very clearly wears a lot of big, bold jewelry like his necklaces and bracelets. ive said it before and i’ll say it now, i wish to god he had been given earrings. that would take his design from a 10 to an 11 imho
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one word i see thrown around a lot about kintoki’s design is that its very tacky, and im 99% sure these comments are referring to his obnoxious amount of jewelry. however, i believe kintoki’s design works so well because its tacky. again i’ll talk about this more later, but i think a lot of kintoki’s charm comes from his dorky, tacky accessory choices. 
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(im sorry kintoki for just straight up putting your crotch on the dashboard)
speaking of tacky and gaudy, kintoki’s belt buckle. yet again kintoki’s quest to look as cool as possible makes him look absolutely silly, and i adore it. i dont have much else to say here except that i love that he wears not one but two belts. (and yet we still see a peak of his underwear in his 2nd and 3rd ascensions? i love him so much) at this point, we all know that kintoki looks the way he looks because hes trying to be as cool as possible in the modern era. but its not very modern, is it? im not sure if this was intentional or not, but a small detail i really really love about kintoki’s design is how... outdated it is. sure decade fashion comes back and becomes cool every few years, but kintoki looks very outdated. again, i think this all adds to his charm. as much as he tries to look like a 21st century cool guy, he just ends up looking like the bully jock in an 80s film. 
i want to take a second and talk about another small detail that i absolutely love about his design, and that’s the use of pink. its kind of small, but its present enough that i feel justified talking about it. kintoki has a pink bracelet on his right wrist, his sunglasses are tinted pink, and my personal favorite, he wears pink underwear! judging by the other characters hes drawn, im sure this might just be because raita happens to like pink, but i love the implications here regardless. definitely a “real men wear pink” sort of thing (toxic masculinity? never heard of ‘im). or, maybe kintoki just likes pink almost as much as he loves gold! he has good taste. 
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and not just pink but hot pink! 
(up till this point, ive been talking about and had only planned to talk about berserker kintoki’s 1st ascension design, but for this small portion, i would like to direct your attention to heian kintoki as well:
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PINK!! AND LOTS OF IT. kintoki definitely has at least 2 favorite colors.) 
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this guy slaps your girls ass wyd
lets look at kintoki’s full body one last time. like i mentioned earlier, at first glance he definitely looks like he shoves dweebs in lockers as well he should. and this, i dare say, is the best part of his overall design. i know that at this point when talking about fictional characters, subverting expectations is not exactly a new thing, but i think kintoki does this so well. just look at him. this man wants you to know he goes to the gym. he wants you to know that he’s over 6 feet tall and has a 6 pack. he wears sunglasses at night and indoors for gods sake!!! he’s also extremely kind and dorky. he loves his mom. he loves children and teddy bears, and he respects women.  
kintoki’s design is tacky and silly and outrageous and thats exactly why it works so well. it bums me out when i see people write this design off as being ugly just because they think they see a bowlcut, because i personally think a lot of thought went into this. well done raita! i do see why people might prefer his other designs, because its hard to compete with a cool leather jacket or a half-tits out samurai. that being said, this design is my personal favorite of his! his cheerful personality and lack of objective swag has endeared him to me greatly. 
this may have been incoherent, but i hope you’ll walk away from this thinking differently about our friend kintoki <3 
if i missed anything or you have anything youd like to add, please feel free! 
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nyxpolarlicht · 2 years
❗️❌MHA SPOILERS❌🚫💙💀❤️‍🔥🔥
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So the fact tht we’re gnna be learning about(hopefully)dabis life till now from 14-24 is so exciting but terrifying at the same time??!
Like up to now we’ve all essentially been trynna read into all of dabis dialogue to see what hes rlly like but nobody ACTUALLY knows!Everyones made different points where either “oh hes just a daddy obsessed boy””He was abused””He overreacted””he misunderstood their actions as not caring/loving!”hes sad over killing ppl!””he loves killing ppl!!””he doesnt care about the LOV””he cares about the LOV”
Like theres straight up so many different views on how dabi is its actually pretty wild,even more with the fact tht hes pretty much the only other main important character tht hasnt gotten a pov and is considered a mystery that honestly we should all be super scared of whats in his past.
Think about it right?
So many things that ppl dnt think about could actually be right and/or be wrong.Horikoshi could legit make him a real villain and make alot of ppl hate him based on what he’ll show and im so scared for tht??!Ill forever love my lil murder meow meow cause i love him no matter what and idgaf(biased af dnt @ me 😩)
I hope he has his reasons and i hope we get more than (no offense) some shitty 15-19 pages of dabis life speedrun cause at this point he deserves it and so do us all,like i want actual 4-9 chapters explaining everything tht happened in 10 years but kinda summarized.If not this is just a plot where no matter what the power of friendship and “heroes” wins.And thts just bs.
Up till now theres barely any heroes tht can be considered pure and honest,and the fact tht Endeavor and (dnt kill me fandom) Hawks are STILL working is absurd.AND they dint get any heavy hatred from the public after their dirty laundry was throw out there???Fkg Endeavor cried and he was essentially forgiven and told aight dnt do it again and then accepted???This was a legit abused and thrown to the side child tht did/went through god knows what till he became a villain,and he gets to keep his tittle as if nothing?!
The only thing tht could fix this is if he or both of them retire after the war cause right now they are the strongest so the heroes woulf need them,but aside from tht this story has essentially gone from a weak lil kid wanting to be a hero and provr himself to him realizing the fault in the hero society and saying “fine ill do it myself” and then being brought back by his shitty childhood friend?(idc to call him his bestfriend cause with everything he did to him bakugo shouldav been expelled but thts another post 👩🏽‍🦯).To then fight a war against ppl that hv been abused/neglected/ignored etc. by the sayd hero society and is actively being distracted so he jumps in and fights bigger enemies(aka tsu and uraraka legit telling him to leave toga to them cause he was trying to reason and understand her).
This is the first time ive ever read/watched something and i fully supported the villains and it wasnt just cause they was hot 😂.Only true hero in mha is deku 😭.
I dnt see the point of dabi dying honestly,like yea i get it sounds biased cause dabi simp but hear me out.The whole todoroki bs is about acceptance,moving on and fixing bs(theres bigger words tht were used once but idr).Dabi wont be killed and im 99% sure of tht,but BUT he might end up killing himself which i am in fear of.BUT IT WOULD MAKE ZERO SENSE!!!!
Dabi is one of the strongest villains so i get why he’d need to be taken care off in some way.But dying/killed??Its useless,stupid,no point in his story,no point in the todoroki story,not fair to the character and what would the message be from tht?”Aight so now that everyone knows his past lets make him burn himself to ash like hes done to all his victims and he’ll die like his jaw or or make him look more angelic so burn himself so much he’ll fall on a bed of ashes while looking at the sky covering his eyes slightly with the back of his hand and you’ll see his skin full black and then fade to nothing ye YE LETS DO THT FOR THE CHARACTER THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT SOMETHING LETS JUST OFF HIM CAUSE HE AINT ON DEKUS THE MCS SIDE!!!”
Y’all see why it would be stupid?
It would make no sense to me in anyway other than just hori killing one more villain/victim off to…to do what?Honestly it hurts to even think about it and hurts even more thinking that it would prolly happen in prolly 2-3 chapters. I want his past to be fleshed out completely in a couple chapters,i wanna know what he went through wether good or bad i wanna know what his thoughts and actions were for every step.I dnt want him to just get 1-2 small shitty chapters with his whole life summarized and then go back to the present and him lose to shoto(shoto would win this if he went all out with both sides and not just fire ngl)and the 3 endeavor sidekicks tht are essentially endeavor apologist🙄.I wanna see dabi just either pass out or get knocked out by shoto and then shoved into an ambulance and sent to an er then healing center or villain rehab,fkg anything at this point just dnt kill him off like hes some kinda side character.
🦋Anyways tht was my rant/vent post.I wanna know ppls thoughts about the mha manga atm for those who are in the current chapters,thoughts about any character in particular and or how would you all think this would all end?Also sorry for the long ass post i put spaces cause its easier to read and write it and if my english is bad its cause its not my main language so srry bout tht to.💙
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Hey lovey! Could I request a mcyt headcanon thing of how they each are in bed?
hi angel , and of course ! as always im sorry this took forever lmao . hope u enjoy (((:
AYO LOOK AT THESE : smut ! rough sex , choking , scratching , hair pulling , breeding / unprotected sex (wrp it b4 u tap it , bbys) , overstimulation , light bondage , i think thats all (:
reblogs are always appreciated <3
dream :
out of all the feral boys dream is the roughest for sure
it's all his gamer rage coming out
he truly has to control himself  / hold back
because he wants to fuck you until you cant remember your own name
but doesnt want to break you
he’s not the biggest fan or foreplay , only because he’d much rather feel you wrapped around him
but he loves to go down on you
would prep you with his fingers because lord knows you’ll need it
and once you started to squirm he’d get so cocky
“if you cant take my fingers , you definitely cant take all of me, baby .”
so many pet names - baby , kitten , pretty girl , bunny , bun , my little whore
he’d make you cum twice on his fingers alone
and wouldn’t fuck you until he was aching for any sort of stimulation
wouldn’t use protection (w your consent !!!)
the thought of his cum deep inside you , painting your insides … it fucks him UP
you KNOW clay would be the motherfucker to slap his dick on your pussy
would groan at the sound of how wet you were for him
he’d run the tip of his cock through your folds and collect your arousal
until you were begging him to fuck you - and even then he’d wait a moment longer
he’d ease in slowly , making sure you felt every single inch 
and would praise the FUCK out of you
“look so pretty taking my cock , bunny”
he’d stop to let you adjust to his length, but he’d be so arrogant as you bucked your hips
“want more , sweet thing ?”
you’d just nod , the pressure building in your tummy too much to produce words
and clay would grab at your chin so fuCKING agressivley
“i asked you a question , whore .”
he would just ruin you (in the most respectful way possible)
you’d cum for the third time within mere seconds
the room would be filled with the sound of harsh , slapping skin
you moans mixing with his - it was like a symphony to him
at some point your legs would go completely limp from the shear amount of pleasure clay was providing
and he’d circle an arm around your hips , holding your body to his as you came yet again
he’d get progressively less vocal as he approached his high , his raspy moans turning to rough growls and groans
and he’d bury himself deep inside of you as he came , muttering scratchy praises into the crook of your neck
as you and clay started to come down together it would be a complete 180
he’d pull out so gently , watching the way his cum dripped out of you
and would press sweet , tender kisses to every inch of skin he could get his mouth on
clay would run soft fingers over every bruise , every mark he left on your skin
admiring his work
he loves the way you look after sex - all fucked out and dewy eyed
would wet a washcloth with warm water and clean you up while murmuring over and over how much he loved you
the two of you would fall asleep pretty quickly after in a tangled mess of limbs
sex with him is quite the workout
george :
gogs <3
i have many thoughts on this subject yall
wakin up in the mornin , thinkin about so many things
would LOVE foreplay
something about being so intimate but not actually fucking is so <3 to him
he loves every single moment of it
starting from when a simple peck turns to something deeper
george’s tongue rolling over yours as he cups a hand under your jaw 
would do the thumb thing™ on your cheek
his free hand would roam up and down the curve of your hips
then up and under your shirt
the way that your breath hitched would make him sh i v e r
and george would start kissing down your neck and over your jaw to your neck
loves hickeys
and biting you
he’d take yall to some place soft if you weren’t already there and start to undress you
adores the action of getting you out of your clothes and insists on taking your shirt off himself
is obsessed w your titties
rolling your nipples between his fingers
sucking on the sensitive nubs , flicking his tongue over them until you could cry from pleasure
then leaves sloppy , hot kisses all the way down your body
is so good with his hands
knows the exact way to curl his fingers inside you
and is very good at keeping a rhythm that pushes you over the edge
but truly have you seen that boys hands because like
he’s all about pleasuring you in bed
it's his number one priority
and he knows your body incredibly well
the boy knows how to make you cum without even trying
yall have experimented and figured out what feels best
and he’s perfected those techniques
on the non physical side of things however
sex with george would be s i n f u l
the things he would say to you …
and in his fucking ACCENT no less
starlight has a voice kink
god he would talk so fucking dirty
the filthiest things falling from his lips as he’s thrusting in and out of you
he’d be so vocal
“just like that , love ,” he’d pant before throwing his head back
his fingers would dig into your hips as his moans turned to whimpers
the two of you would reach your highs one after the other
but george always makes sure that you finish first
sapnap :
we’re just gonna address this right away
daddy kink
(“call me big daddy” , sapdaddy , need i say more ?)
pretty dominant but not necessarily aggressive
more mentally dominant if that makes any sense ???
wants you so far in subspace that you’re all his
dumbification is so hot to him
“baby doll , darlin’ , sweet girl”
degrades you but in a soft way :,)
“look so pretty on my cock , whore”
“my sweet little slut , taking me so well”
spits in your mouth and holds your jaw until you swallow
loves to fuck your throat
literally uses your mouth as his personal fleshlight
hold your hair up for you bc he’s a gentleman
but would rather have it in pigtails
thrusts into your mouth hhhhhhhhhh
wants to see mascara tears and won't stop until he does
loves to give you facials
then takes 1476592837310982 pictures of you like that
his my eyes only on snap is 99% your face painted with his cum
honestly likes to cum anywhere he can see it
on your stomach
l o v e s your thighs
and yall have absolutely done thigh jobs
would fuck you until you cried then marvel at the look of your tears
because you look so pretty when you’re entirely overwhelmed by pleasure
your face flushed a pretty pink 
eyes watering with crystal clear drops
then would make you cum again
“one more , sweet girl , you can take one more”
and you’d just nod , so deep into subspace that he words were like spells
how could you say no to him ?
aftercare KING though , would take such good care of you
would run you two a warm bath and carry you to the tub
bc lord knows you cant walk after him
and he’d run his hands allllll over your body , soothing any rough marks he may have left
at the end of the day he absolutely worships you
karl : 
karl jacobs , love of starlight’s life
i just think that he <3
karl has stated that he’s on the ace spectrum
so i think that sex with him wouldn’t be near as much about physicality
its about the intimacy and connection that comes with that for yall
and mans would make you feel so loved ,,,
he’d kiss every single inch of your body
and hold you so close to him as you two were getting undressed
loves kisses when yall are shirtless
because he can feel your heartbeat on his
and they sync up the longer u lay there
would go down on you for hours if he could holy fuck
he loves eating you out , drawing pretty moans from your lips
and is so good at it bye .
he can easily make you cum with just his skilled tongue
and fucks you with it i-
one of his favorite feelings in the world is your thighs tightening around his head
and your hands tugging at his hair as he makes you come undone over and over
you’re his favorite taste in the entire world
sex with karl would be sweet and soft and so so so intimate
it would be so loving
he’d have you look him in his eyes as he slid in
and would stay buried deep inside you , not moving  until you adjusted to him
karl’s packing i just know it 
moans your name quite a lot
and murmurs how much he loves you , everything he loves about you inbetween thrusts
he’d hold your hands while you two made love
his grip tightening as he got closer
karl would make DAMN sure you came first
but loves cumming at the same time if you can hold off for him
the two of you would stay like that , chest to chest for a while after your highs
karl still tucked inside you
he’d love cockwarming dont @ me
is a fluffy mess after sex and always wants to fall asleep after
with you in his arms
quackity :
sex with alex >>>>>>
he’d be . so fucking good . at everything he did .
alex loves foreplay
bc he’s so obsessed with your body
and having you put on a show just for him ?
turns him on like nothing else in the world
lets you show off for as long as possible before he finally picks you up and throws you on the bed
hands hands hands
alex is so skilled with his fingers and knows how to hit all the best spots
has absolutely made you squirt on his fingers and is so cocky about it
has you hold eye contact while he eats you out
and the minute you break it , he stops
would have his dick in your mouth 24/7 if he could
and loves the way you look with your tongue swirling around him
keeps a hand on the back of your head and pushes down so gently
alex is definitely a soft dom
when he cant hold off from fucking you any longer he’s no stranger to tying your hands up
usually with his belt
fucks you in missionary with your legs over his shoulders
but also loves when you're on top
alex is a titty guy
such a boob guy
and absolutely covers your chest in hickeys and bite marks
getting to play with them while you ride him ?? heaven
once your hips give out from feeling so good , alex would lift you up and thrust into you
his fingertips digging into your skin , leaving pretty purple bruises
would play with your clit as he fucks up into you
“cum for me , princess”
loves cumming inside you
breeding kink
just saying
and watching it drip out of your pussy gets him hard all over again
his voice goes so deep while he moans
and calls you pretty names in spanish
vvvv vocal and loves when you match that
“show me how good im making you feel , baby”
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hshouse · 2 years
hey i know you dont like to talk about stunts so feel free to ignore this, but i was wondering if you think bg will ever end? sometimes i feel insane thinking about this bc i cannot imagine (legally, morally, in every perspective) how this situation has gone for so long. so it does make me wonder if i was wrong all along and misunderstood 99% of things or if im crazy idk.
do you ever feel like this? you've said before that you live with the knowledge that we dont have all parts of the story and i agree to an extend. but i also dont think there are any missing pieces that would explain this whole thing.
i think a lot about the idea that the simplest answer/solution is usually the correct one and how i totally disagree with that gksjgjs life is complicated! but sometimes i think that in this case the only explanation is that he is the father (which doesnt make sense bc there's tons of info out there to dispute this hence the "feeling crazy" bit)
im sending you this bc i feel like you have one of the most rational non-black and white perspective on how things unfold here
sorry for the long ask <3
Hi bby,
I totally understand your feelings and share them. I don’t think about bg bc of exactly what you said: even with missing pieces, it’s very hard to make sense of it. But something else is also clear to me: there is something very wrong in this story. As in, maybe we are all mistaken, sure, but we are not being told the truth. That to me is very clear. Which is again how I feel about larry in general. Maybe I am wrong about all the details, but I am not wrong about them having something that required (and requires) constant lying. There are explanations that fit both of those assumptions that are not my belief (example: if larry just fucked a bit in 1d and if the kid was a total oopsie and he doesn’t see him. both of those fit the things that I am sure of but are neither what I think nor, and this is key, what we are told). About whether it will end. Well I think so. No fucking clue when and how. Taking a step back, I think it’s important to remember that this whole thing is a fun hobby for us that is supposed to bring you happiness and not stress. So I have no qualms about just not paying attention to that. It brings me nothing good and at the end of the day I have my real problems to worry about already. All I can do is love and show support to them in a way that I full heartedly believe they appreciate. If I’m wrong, I know it came from a place of love.
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