#important to spread this info
ducktracy · 2 months
there are a lot of evil people in the world and a lot of darkness in the world and so it’s very important for me to stress that now more than ever is the time to spread kindness and compassion. combat the evil by not only not partaking in it, but actively refuting it. destroy the notion that being compassionate or generous or kind to someone is uncool or embarrassing or even scary. be the change you want to see. start a chain reaction. positivity only breeds more positivity. do an act of kindness for someone so that that person who is too afraid to do it themselves can see you, realize that they’re not alone, and perhaps sheepishly follow your example. and then the next person who is too afraid but sees that person can do the same. when bad news comes out about bad people or horrible atrocities in the world it’s such an easy impulse to despair, and obviously it’s important to feel what you need to feel. grieve. be angry. be sorrowful. be empathetic. but dust off your pants and get up and be a part of a chain reaction that, no matter how small the scale, and spread compassion and love and care. all the reasons why you might not—“it’s hard! it’s scary! people will make fun of me! it’s useless because there’s too much evil!” are all grade A arguments as to why you should. you have no idea how many people you could inspire to do the same. even if it doesn’t get you anyway far, you can at least say you have the nobility of trying. please choose love and please choose life. you are worth loving and you are worth inspiring others to love
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maceration-smell · 2 years
A message from conservationists, please don't buy taxidermy bats or bat skeletons.
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fantasma-de-la-cueva · 2 months
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 7 months
Due to this being the strike week for Palestine, I wont be posting any quotes for the whole week & instead reblogging any helpful posts that support Palestine that I see. [This includes the Headcanons blog as well.]
Please help out in anyway you can!!! Even if you cant donate, spread the word. A free easy thing you can do daily is even to just click a button.
Twitter seemed more active and posted more information & aid last time so please look there as well!
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homelander's just a walking talking extra pricey heating vibrating telescoping flesh real super dildo that never runs out of batteries i guess i--
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Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
I’m sorry, there’s not much I can do, but I will try to spread this post
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lotuscommunity · 2 months
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“the little tiny things, it's so easy to bring that back to a person.”
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“It’s so easy to dehumanize people”
“Most of the people, anyone that's homeless is treated like garbage.”
“You know that once you have that title you're screwed.”
I watched this documentary and this is Elvis a man who helps build homes for the homeless
A good watch on Youtube to educate you on homelessness in the US
Poverty in the USA: being poor in the World's richest Country
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
Lyss be stressed over college because i over think things before even starting! Feat. College explaining important decision AFTER asking me to make said important decision
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knife-dad · 1 month
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jamiehe4rtsmen · 22 days
-> dessert : help NEEDED !!
-> i would really appreciate your help, whether in the comments or thru THIS FORM:
you can skip any questions that trigger u OR u aren't comfy w/ answering ! thats perfectly ok.
i want to hear ur guys's stories/experiences but i do not. want to see highly personal information such as:
full legal name or what boarding school you attended (if that applies to you). that information is highly sensitive & should not be spread online!
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-> a bit more abt the story below !!
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explained in the simplest terms possible : queer kids in texas + their token straight friend make it out of their shitty lives.
a/n : these guys have so much lore im pretty sure this would be a series, but im not sure bc a lot of series are just books that could've been one book & got stretched out & i really hate that.
boy x boy
friends to lovers
mutual pining
sports romance (ish - the main couple are a baseball player & football player)
"dumb jock" x "genius nerd" (very very loose titles but its the trope).
height difference (not wattpad dw. <10in.)
forced proximity (bc they're roommates)
highschool romance
two anxious messes
mommy issues x daddy issues
class difference
gentle giant x fierce small
-> thank you SOOO much for participating or just even reading ! i appreciate u more than yk. i want to make sure everyone gets their POSITIVE rep!
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-> @anitalenia for the lovely borders as! always! go send sum love their way
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koumeowkami · 1 year
hi fellow paralive fans!!
the english paradox live fanbase (paradoxlive_EN on twitter) is currently trying to get the official paralive comic licensed and translated in english!!
they made a thread on twitter in which it's explained how we can reach out to some publishing companies that take suggestions for comics to license through open forms and the info we need to put in + the links to the forms.
PLEASE it really takes two minutes to complete a form, let's all gather and try to get paralive translated 🙏🏻
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scaryinclusive · 10 months
by @scaryinclusive.
a discussion of the ableism and stigma relating to npd — a separate resource post will be posted at another date, written by a narcissist. if you believe in the term 'narcissistic abuse', have been conditioned by your surroundings or past trauma to view or discuss narcissists in a negative way or simply want to understand why it's important to show sympathy, compassion and patience towards those with npd, please read this and keep an open mind. i'm not here to tell you what you can and can't do or what to feel, but if you are someone who wants to learn about the impact your vocabulary can have on others, as well as how your behaviour contributes to the isolation and ableism towards an entire community, this might be a useful post for you.
i understand this might be an inflammatory topic, but please be patient with me, and show me the same respect you'd want to receive. i am a living, breathing person behind the screen. first of all, i think it's important clarify what is meant by ableism, when used in this context. as an abuse survivor myself, i have subjected others to an ableist mindset — whether that be externally or internally ( internalised ableism. ) i have previously called my abuser a range of ableist terms, without having a diagnosis for them or the ability to make one. i have projected my own insecurities onto others and myself, instead of taking a step back to assess my trauma, shame and getting to the root of the blame. if this is something you have done previously too, or are currently prone to, know you are valid.
often, people want logic to illogical situations, they want reason to make sense of the unreasonable and in some cases they want to have something or someone to blame. and it's absolutely easier to blame an individual or disorder deemed monstrous by society than it is to blame the abuse itself. to hold an event, or series of events accountable. whatever it takes to keep the blame off of us, right? and while this is a common phenomenon within society, to blame people with narcissistic personality disorder or antisocials for our suffering, by throwing around the terms 'psychopath', 'narcissist' and 'sociopath' etc, it's not sustainable and in the long run, sure — you'll succeed in adding to the stigma of already massively stigmatised communities, but you'll drag yourself down with them. and that's not healing. that's not overcoming. it's certainly not contributing to the empathy, compassion and care many of you wish to see in the world. i feel this short, non-accusatory and sympathetic article really helps elaborate on what i've already mentioned.
i also want to stress that, at no point, am i excusing harmful behaviour. i believe individuals with these disorders, professionally or self diagnosed, and even those who think they might have one or both, have a responsibility within themselves to seek out support, healing and improvement to keep themselves and others safe and protected. but with the total lack of resources, community, space, patience and safety for them to commit to such, it's a vicious cycle. you're asking people who struggle greatly with shame and insecurity to face it, in an unsafe space with people that seek to shame us. we cannot get the help we need, regardless of how self-aware we are, due to society's stigmatising perception of us. due to rumours, lies and stereotypes.
therapists aren't always safe. in my experience i have been exposed to some highly questionable therapists. some have been corrupted by the stigma and are therefore unsafe for us. resources are designed to brainwash and instil internalised ableism. friends and family hate us. we have nowhere and no one to turn to. so, we bottle it up. we bottle it up, and up, and up until we explode or implode. someone catches it on camera and uploads it online. thousands if not more view it and all that comes from this devastating explosion is more stigma, more hate, and less space for us to heal. the cycle continues.
where does the stigma start? well, it starts with society's knowledge and education on what narcissistic personality disorder actually is. in this circumstance, unfortunately, you can't even fully trust things like the dsm's criteria, or the many websites accessible across the internet. you 100% can't trust word of mouth. i will begin with what npd is not. it is not a choice. not something you can decide to be, or to not be. people with npd do not love themselves, we are not entitled or selfish. we don't have a god-complex or view ourselves as higher beings or more important for the fun of it. we do not all have low / no empathy and we don't feel nothing. we aren't heartless, soulless, blood-sucking monsters, we aren't cunning villains scheming and seeking to manipulate and hurt people. we are not a different species or lesser being, not parasites or a infestation.
so what are people with narcissistic personality disorder? exactly that. people — a community of human beings who primarily experienced varying childhood traumas. the more effort, time and money put into the scientific and biological understanding of npd reveals it to be more and more alike to a trauma-related disorder. the entire meaning behind 'personality disorders' is that the title trait is a typical, average personality trait. however, the difference is that the trait itself is amplified, more intense or severe due to some form of trauma during childhood development.
as much as people don't want to admit it, narcissism is a healthy, typical human trait. but when an individual is exposed to trauma in early life, such as neglect ( particularly emotional neglect ), as they grow and develop the brain adapts in this environment to survive. this can lead to the development or intensifying of harmful, negatives behaviours that continue into later life. when you are no longer in an environment where survival is a necessity, an environment where you might need to manipulative, emotionally disconnect or behave in a specific way to avoid a threat or emotional injury, these behaviours don't simply vanish. they continue, even if it means harming those around you or treating them in a negative manner, because your brain is constantly convincing you of perceived threats — real or imagined, and your attitude towards life was never healthily developed in a way that you can pursue stability and safety.
to cope with this, specifically for those with npd, we develop grandiose delusions of ourselves. a façade, a safety net, a wall between us and the world. on the outside, it might appear that we are infatuated with ourselves, simply self-obsessed, entitled and obnoxiously detached from reality. what's really happening is that our core selves are so insecure, in such a deeply-rooted way, that in order to survive and cope with our inner fragility, we must create a false sense of security. npd is entirely based around insecurity. and insecurity, in itself — even without npd being a contributing factor, can lead to harmful behaviour. projecting our insecurities onto others to feel powerful, in control and above all else, safe. we are not monsters, we have simply had to adapt and learn to survive in an unstable, volatile and potentially dangerous environment and were never given the tools to heal from this. isn't that sad? an entire community of people unable to heal from their trauma because society has cast us out. stereotyped us as murderers, villains and abusers.
through therapy ( it's taken me 10 years of searching to find someone that understands me, healthily challenges me, respects me, is patient and remains unbiased throughout my healing ) i have learned much about myself. i have become more self-aware, been able to break down my trauma and thus combat my internalised ableism, and have been able to do so in a way that hasn't brainwashed me into believing the only way for someone like me to heal is to shame and hate myself and those with my disorders. it's not true. we can heal in a safe and healthy way that promotes self-love, sympathy for our suffering, compassion as well as responsibility, recognition and rationality. all of these can co-exist.
we can take responsibility for our mistakes and harmful actions while also being sympathetic towards what made us this way. but unfortunately many are pushed by society to take to self-loathing, self-deprecation and the spreading of stigma in favour of winning over ableists who reduce us to a stereotype or generalise us as lesser beings. "look how healed i am! i hate narcissists too!!" they are not healing, and by pushing this narrative and encouraging it, you are only digging a deeper hole.
outside of those that have been misguided by their trauma, leading them to label emotionally abusive, or just abusive individuals, as 'narcissists', along with various other stigmatising labels, there is a huge portion of society who remain uneducated and merely misuse the label due to it being commonly thrown around and not knowing any better. i ask that, if you are someone that uses this term to describe anyone other than someone with narcissistic personality, and certainly if you use it in any derogatory form, why you do that? i think it's fair to invite you to perform the same introspect about yourself that we are so desperately trying to do, with or without resources.
why do you need to use the word narcissist? narcissism, narcissistic? the same goes for antisocial, psychopath or sociopath. any word related to mental health or disability, really. outside of it being purely medical. what's stopping you from changing your vocabulary and contributing to the healing of a community? if your answer is 'because i can', or 'because they deserve it', you are dooming an entire group of traumatised individuals to fail.
if your answer is that narcissism existed as a trait and / or adjective prior to the disorder — you're absolutely right. it did. but the meanings of words change. the r* slur is a primary example. once, this slur was purely a medical word. it was then used by the general public as a derogatory way to describe those with intellectual or developmental disabilities. to reduce them as people and dehumanise them. it became such a widespread pejorative term that, now, the majority don't use it. because it's deemed offensive, hurtful and dehumanising. the meanings of words change, and if a handful of people from a relatively small community tell you it's hurtful and dehumanising, you don't get to tell them otherwise.
by saying things like "narcissistic abuse", instead of emotional abuse or abuse, you're adding to the stigma. by calling your abusive partner or friend a narcissist instead of what they are — 'an abuser', you're adding to the stigma. by armchair diagnosing ( diagnosing an individual despite not having the knowledge / legal qualifications to and purely basing it on personal / biased experience ) people guilty of performing in a toxic, abusive, harmful or negative way with narcissistic personality disorder, you are adding to the stigma. and above all else, it's ableist. it's discrimination and it's social prejudice.
here are a couple of useful resources relating to the definition, discussion and stigma surrounding npd. i will also be making a post listing alternative and appropriate vocab options for a variety of commonly misused labels.
5 things you got wrong about narcissistic personality disorder, a short, informative comic.
narcissus and the daffodils, an essay on the nature of npd.
please avoid adding onto this post to keep from spreading misinformation or stigma, but feel free to reblog! if you have something to say, i encourage you to send it to my asks. but i think at this point, if you're still set on misusing the term and adding to the stigma, i personally have done as much as i can. i really do sympathise with trauma-born ableism. but it's not acceptable and i'd like to think the majority can do better than that. just because others choose to contribute to the ableism, doesn't mean you have to. everyone deserves to heal from their trauma, including us, and including you.
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lexisism · 4 months
i love user @floraldresvi
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troythecatfish · 8 months
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feral-radfem · 1 year
Free access to information is more important than researchers and authors (or colleges, publishing houses, and news outlets) getting a paycheck. Entertainment works are a little different but I'm going to pirate every educational book/pdf I can get my dirty little hands on, idfc.
If your works contain even a little information on a educational topic it is more important to me that people have access to that than your paycheck. Sorry, not sorry lol.
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mg549 · 1 year
2018 vs 2023 gc2b binder comparison: is the quality really worse?
tldr: no
so, id heard that gc2b's quality had declined to the point of their binders being unsafe, but i was needing a new one (since my old one was getting pretty worn after 5 years of wearing it nearly everyday and not following proper care of it either) and i would always rather replace an item with the exact same one than try something new. i was also Curious about the claims being circulated online! so i bought a new one, and. they are functionally exactly the same.
but there have been a few minor changes! but none that would affect quality now or in the long run.
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the paler binder on the left was recieved 8/30/18 and is a size 2xl. the more saturated binder on the right was recieved 4/19/23 and is a size 3xl. i will refer to them as "18" and "23"!
so lets start off with patterning! 23 has a slightly longer length than 18 (likely just bc i went up a size), and the neck is slightly more V-shaped compared to the very round U neckline of 18. the neckline and the straps also appear much smaller, but im pretty sure that's just because 18 has gotten very stretched out over the past 5 years of near-daily use.
the outer fabric on 23 is also much more saturated. when i first recieved it it was practically a bright yellow! but after a few washes its muted out to a more neutral skin tone shade. 18 was more saturated when first recieved, but was never as bright as 23 was when i first got it. after a few washes tho 23 looks about the same as 18 when new, so maybe earlier binders came pre-washed (either by gc2b or the fabric suppliers), or the fabric source for the outer shell changed to a supplier with a different dyeing process. 23's color might wash out a little quicker than 18's did. either way, the fabric is the exact same type and weave. 18 is much more stretchy than 23 is currently, but that is definitely caused by wear, and 23 will stretch out in time as well.
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next, lets compare the fabric and stitching of the binding area! 23 is on the left, 18 on the right. the fabric is exactly the same! the stitch used is also exactly the same, but 23 has a slightly larger stitch width, which shouldn't affect quality and may be caused by being a size larger than 18. the thread is slightly lighter in color.
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comparing the side seams, the patterning, fabric, and stitch patterns are all the same. again, the stitch width on 23 is slightly larger but otherwise the same.
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heres a closer look at the straps (18 on left, 23 on right). in this picture you can see the knit of the fabric, and they are indeed exactly the same!
also of note, the first year of owning the 2018 binder, the stretch knit fabric on the outside of one of the straps started to tear away from the seam. a quick handstitched repair fixed it and it has held ever since! seam rips can happen even from the "good" years of gc2b, bc its a knit fabric with a lot of stress being put on it. i would still say the quality is very good! the fact that the repair held and no other issues occured is a testament to that. any fabric garment is liable to wear, which is something to keep in mind when purchasing a binder!
so yeah! 2023 gc2b binders are of the exact same quality of 2018 gc2b binders. im confident that the new one will last me another 5 years!
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