#inherited superpowers
A New Era (1)
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he turned against it. A hundred years passed, and the war ended, but a new Avatar has yet to be found. The Earth Kingdom waits, ready, for any stirrings of power expected to rise in their lands. The Fire Nation works to rebuild relations with the rest of the world, sending its trusted envoy Skulduggery Pleasant to keep watch over Nefarian Serpine. The Water Tribes strengthen themselves, and the last scattered descendents of Air Nomads hide, not yet ready to believe they are safe. Their newest member, Stephanie Edgley, starts to stretch her wings. The pieces are in place. A transplant of the Skulduggery Pleasant characters and plot into the Avatar world, to see what would change.
Chapter 1: The Stage is Set
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P1 P2 P3 P4
‘Story time! Story time!’
The little girl ran upstairs, never having looked so eager to be put to bed. Gordon followed, casting a helpless glance back at his brother and sister-in-law, who laughed heartlessly in his face and returned to their conversation by the fireside.
Sighing, Gordon left the warm embrace of Desmond and Melissa’s rather small (cosy, he corrected himself) living room and followed the five-year-old up the rickety staircase.
She was waiting in bed, practically vibrating with anticipation. Gordon took the seat she mandated by her bedside.
‘Story!’ she demanded again.
‘Alright, alright,’ Gordon said grumpily. ‘Spirits, you’re bossy tonight.’
‘Please,’ she corrected herself, giving an adorable gap-toothed grin that mercilessly eliminated all his defences. If Gordon hadn’t been so impressed by its effectiveness, he would have been irritated.
Who was he kidding, this kid had stolen his heart with her first words.
Fortunately, he reassured himself, no one besides himself knew that, so he would not be susceptible to any teasing from her parents. Ignoring the little voice reminding him that all his niece had to do was enthusiastically exclaim “Story time!” in order to get him to abandon intelligent adult conversation and obey her wishes, he made himself as comfortable as he could.
‘What story would you like tonight? The one about the valkyries?’
‘I’m Valkyrie,’ she told him.
‘Yes, your mum and dad were just telling me. Do you feel braver with your new name?’
‘No more bad dreams?’
‘Uh uh. No more bad spirit. He leaves me alone now.’
‘Well that’s very good to hear. You can raise all kinds of Cain for him now.’
Valkyrie laughed, even though Gordon didn’t think she knew what he meant.
‘So, what kind of story would you like? We’ll have to make it a good one, I’m going back to Omashu tomorrow.’
‘I wanna know about the airbenders!’ Valkyrie bounced in place, ruffling her covers.
Smoothing them back over, Gordon said, ‘Ah, yes. Now this one is a true story, so we have to be very respectful. Are you going to be good and listen quietly?’
Valkyrie nodded eagerly.
‘Alright then.
‘Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. The evil Unnamed Fire Lord wanted to rule the world, so he secretly made machines that could climb cliff faces, and ships that could sail as fast as the waterbenders, and trained an army to overpower anyone who would dare stand in his way.’
‘Except the Avatar,’ breathed Valkyrie, eyes wide and entranced.
‘That’s right. Now the Avatar was only young- a little older than you. He was still being trained by the monks at the Air Temples, and was far from ready to face the Fire Lord. And the Fire Lord was coming. He knew he had to kill the Avatar if he wanted to rule the world, so the monks came up with a clever plan: they would trick the Fire Lord by hiding the Avatar at the Northern Air Temple, so that when the Fire Lord came to the Southern Air Temple, he wouldn’t find what he wanted, and the airbenders could trap him.
‘But something went wrong. The monks underestimated the Unnamed’s desire for power. Instead of just attacking the Southern Air Temple, all four temples around the world were invaded. The Unnamed had decreed that not only the Avatar, but all the airbenders must die. So the Fire Nation stormed the air temples and killed everyone they found, and if they heard whispers of airbenders who had escaped anywhere in the world, they would hunt them down and kill them too.’
‘How did the Avatar get away?’ Valkyrie asked in a hushed voice.
‘A very clever airbender protected him through the chaos of the battle. He helped hide him and trained him, taking him from nation to nation so he could master earthbending, and waterbending, and firebending too. They spent years hiding and biding their time, growing stronger and inspiring resistance and freedom fighters across the world! They became known as the Air Avatar and his master, the Last Airbender. And the Last Airbender was your great-grandfather.’
Valkyrie clearly already knew this, back to bouncing in place with a huge grin.
‘But we don’t talk about that to others, do we?’ prompted Gordon.
Valkyrie shook her head soberly. ‘It’s a secret.’
‘Yes it is.’
Before Gordon could continue with the story, Valkyrie asked, ‘Uncle Gordon, why is it a secret? There’s no more airbenders anywhere anymore, not even Mum or Daddy or you or me or Uncle Fergus or Aunty Beryl or Carol’n’Crystal.’
‘Well, the bad people who were around back then didn’t care if you were really an airbender or not. If you were related to an airbender, or friends with an airbender, or helped hide an airbender, that was good enough for them. So we just keep this little secret to ourselves, because even though it’s not that dangerous anymore, there’s still bad people like that out there somewhere.’
‘Okay.’ A troubled frown worked its way across Valkyrie’s face. ‘That’s scary.’
Gordon winced, then hastily backtracked, sitting on the bed beside Valkyrie and putting his arm around her, making sure not to squash the threadbare brown badgermole toy nestled in there with her. She snuggled into his side.
‘It’s okay, we’re just being careful. The bad people are all locked away now, and they’re not going to hurt us. You don’t have to be scared, we’re all perfectly safe. It’s just in case, you understand? Your mum and dad are never going to let anything happen to you.’
Looking slightly more reassured, Valkyrie nodded, and Gordon hurriedly continued with the story, hoping she’d forget about the warning.
‘So, once the Avatar was all grown up and had learnt how to bend all four elements, he went to fight the Fire Lord. And they had a great battle! Fire flew, and rocks smashed, and the wind howled and the ocean roared. It was incredible! But then the Avatar got hurt, and the Fire Lord was winning. He closed in, ready to strike- and out of nowhere, who came to rescue the Avatar but his old master and friend, the Last Airbender!’
‘The Last Airbender fought with everything he had! The Unnamed had killed his people, his family, his friends, and he would not let him take anyone else! He wanted to make the Unnamed pay for all he had done.’
‘That’s bad,’ Valkyrie piped up. Gordon glanced down at her in surprise.
‘Is it?’ he said with interest. He hadn’t thought she’d pick up on that particular moral deliberation.
‘Yeah. Daddy said the Air Nomads wanted peace, and wanted to be nice to other people, so that’s what we should do. Great-granddad forgot that.’
‘Yes. He did. Good girl for remembering.’ Personally, Gordon was on his grandfather’s side there, but he doubted Melissa would appreciate him lecturing her five-year-old daughter on the subtleties of war and justice.
‘Like you say, the Last Airbender forgot about what he’d been taught in his youth, and wanted revenge. He fought like he was possessed by a dark spirit! Some say he was, and that the blood of the Spirit World will forever flow in our veins.’ Valkyrie shrieked as he tickled her, giggling until she calmed down.
‘Really?’ she asked.
‘No,’ said Gordon. ‘He just fought really well.’
‘Oh. Okay.’
‘But in the end, the Unnamed won. The Last Airbender hurt the Fire Lord so much that he had to retreat, but was fatally wounded in return. With the last of his strength, he made sure the Avatar was safe, and would continue to fight back against the Fire Nation. And then he died, at peace and knowing he had done his part so that the world might one day be saved.
‘Reinvigorated, the Avatar might have gone right after the Unnamed and challenged him again! But something was happening in the Fire Nation. The Unnamed was old, and though he was powerful, he was growing weaker. One of his younger generals decided that he wanted the throne for himself, and before the Avatar could finish the job, he assassinated the Unnamed and crowned himself Fire Lord Mevolent.
‘Fire Lord Mevolent was no less evil than his predecessor, and the Fire Nation became stronger under his reign. For sixty more years, the war raged, and the Fire Nation was clever. They knew the Air Avatar wanted to defeat the Fire Lord, and made sure that he never got another opportunity. And so, in the end, it came down to the sheer will of the people.
‘After one hundred years of war, the world was desperate. It was no longer the Avatar’s job to save everyone- it was up to everyone to save each other. So the Earth Kingdom gathered the last of its soldiers, and the Water Tribes the last of their warriors, and even the people in the Fire Nation who didn’t agree with the war and didn’t like Fire Lord Mevolent all rose up! And together, they planned, and they were clever, and they became strong and quick and braver than they had ever been before! Fire Lord Mevolent was a very evil man, and he was bad to many, many people, even his own family. Eventually, he made so many enemies that the bad Fire Nation soldiers were overwhelmed, and Mevolent himself was defeated by his own son. The war was finally over.
‘Fire Lord Caisson put the bad Fire Nation generals in prison, and the ones who were willing to learn how to be good again were given a second chance. Then, he and everyone who had helped him began rebuilding cities and villages and farms, but most importantly, they began to rebuild trust. And in the end, the world became much safer, and much, much happier. Just in time too,’ Gordon added, ‘because you, little missy, were born not long after the Hundred Year War ended. We needed to make sure everything was ready for you, after all.’
Valkyrie giggled, but her smile faded sooner than Gordon would have liked, and she cast worried eyes up at him. ‘But Uncle Gordon, you said all the bad people got locked away, but just now you said some of them got a second chance. What if they go back to being bad?’
Well, Gordon couldn’t say he wasn’t worried about that too. It had taken Gordon longer than he cared to admit to relax around any firebenders; he was still learning, to be honest. After generations of knowing that the lives of himself and his family rested on one stray rumour about their heritage, deconstructing that mentality was going to take some time. Especially as more than a few of the firebenders loyal to Mevolent had escaped capture and were still out in the world somewhere.
Fortunately, most of the really crazy fanatics had been jailed in various top-secret locations around the world that Skulduggery wouldn’t divulge no matter how much Gordon pestered him. But Serpine now, Serpine was a worry. Apparently the Dai Li had him under strict observation in Ba Sing Se. Not strict enough, if Gordon’s sources were to be believed, and Gordon was inclined to do so; after all, there had to be a reason Skulduggery had gotten the Fire Lord to make him a Special Envoy and send him over to the Earth Kingdom. If that reason wasn’t something to do with keeping an eye on Serpine, Gordon would eat a whole sack of fireflakes.
‘They’re not going to do that,’ Gordon told his niece reassuringly. ‘Have you heard of the Earth King? The one in Ba Sing Se?’
‘Eechan-Mary Torteyus.’
Gordon laughed. ‘Yes, him.’
‘Mummy says he wouldn’t know what we want if we bit him on the bum.’
‘Er, right. Him. Well, after the war King Eachan put a lot of rules in place to make sure that the people who were bad during the war could never do what they did again. So you don’t have to worry, because all the Dai Li agents and Earth Kingdom soldiers are ready for anything bad to happen.’
‘Uncle Gordon?’
‘What happened to the Avatar? He never defeated the Fire Lord. You said Caisson did instead.’
‘Well, that’s a bit of a sad story. You see, he never got another chance to end the war, and one day, after he’d done a lot of good things and helped lots and lots of people, he died.’
‘But there’s always an Avatar. He gets re-in-car-nat-ed,’ Valkyrie sounded out carefully. ‘That means he gets born again into another body.’
Gordon huffed dramatically. ‘Why don’t you tell the story then, since you seem to know everything, Little Miss Smartypants?’
Once she finished giggling, he said, ‘Yes, the Avatar was born again, into one of the Water Tribes this time. No one ever found out who he was though. Eventually he came out of hiding, but instead of helping, he joined Fire Lord Mevolent.’
‘A bad Avatar?’
‘A very bad one.’ Gordon had only ever heard stories, but they’d chilled him nevertheless. He was definitely planning on including some of them in a book one day. ‘People think he died at the end of the war, but the next Avatar hasn’t been found yet.’
‘What happens when they are?’
‘Well, you remember those rules I told you the Earth King made? Some of them mean that when the Earth Avatar is found, all their training and schooling will take place under the Earth King’s supervision. He doesn’t want the Avatar to become bad again, and he’s going to make sure it doesn’t happen.’
‘Oh. Okay.’
‘Now, do you think I’ve given you enough dreams for tonight?’
‘But I want more stories!’
‘Ah ah ah, you’ve coerced too many out of me tonight as it is. Time for bed now, or your mum and dad aren’t going to be very happy with me.’
With much whining and extortion (on Valkyrie’s part) for more stories to come, Gordon was eventually able to tuck her and her badgermole into bed. As he blew out the candle, he heard one last sleepy, ‘Uncle Gordon?’
‘Yes Valkyrie?’
‘Why did the Water Avatar go bad?’
‘No one really knows. Sometimes people just make bad choices.’
‘That’s sad.’
‘Yes, it is.’
‘Okay. G’night Uncle Gordon.’
‘Good night, little miss troublemaker.’
Shutting the wooden door quietly, Gordon reflected on that. For his writing, he’d researched the Avatar Cycle quite a bit. He’d heard that the spirit of the Avatar, Raava, was one of light and peace. It fundamentally shouldn’t be possible for an avatar to wreak as much harm as the last Water Avatar did; to do so would cut them off from the very core of their being… it must have torn him apart inside.
Although, the general consensus was, if there was ever anyone capable of cleaving their own soul in half, it was Avatar Vile.
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rustedleopard · 17 days
Dumb headcanon: Drayton treats the Polar Biome like a giant fridge and just. Squirrels away snacks by burying them in snow drifts. Lacey and Amarys insist that he's "littering" and "making tripping hazards" but Drayton insists that he's doing his civic duty both as an Elite Four member and the most senior student there by providing food for all the hungry League Club members working hard out there in the cold.
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chickensoupleg · 4 months
-pokes head in with a prompt- Hi, it me, Brightside!
Billy gets brought back 'wrong', Eddie gets brought back 'wrong', but one thing Vecna underestimated was the homoeroticism of one Steve Harrington. Now all three are on a cross country road trip in a stolen bus or RV to save the world. These are their stories -dun dun-
Your thoughts?
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Okay so what I'm imagining is the Upside Down after Vecna's defeat is repairing itself back to what it used to be, and since everything is a hivemind it just repairs everything. That includes whatever was left down there, including Eddie and Billy's body. Billy's body technically isn't physically there, but since he was hive-minded and kept in one piece at one point there is a Billy somewhere down there.
Except of course humans don't naturally exist there so they get revived using non-human materials. My idea is the UD repaired them like they did the Mind Flayer body so they're semi... liquid. Not entirely! But whatever was lost was filled in with evil putty. And the evil putty may or may not be controllable.
To make it cool it looks like tattoos once their bodies (forcefully) accept the goo. I am a sucker for sun scar Billy and bat scar Eddie, so that's what the 'tattoos' look like, which are entirely black. They're not entirely controlled by the Upside Down, but there's a part of it still in them. It freaks Billy out way more than it does Eddie since he's half convinced that he's not in control of himself again, but Eddie manages to calm him down and get everything explained for him.
After a while Vecna (>:() gets a hold of himself and decides to try yet again! Man is as stubborn as a toddler in search of ice cream. Eddie and Billy find out somehow, perhaps through a democreature they managed to befriend to their side and decide 'Yeah no that's not gonna happen again' and figure out a way to portal back into the real world. They're not the greatest at it (all hands on deck), and only manage to open a rift near the closest person they could imagine.
That being of course a Steve Harrington. Steve of course is besides himself because not only is Eddie alive, so is Billy. They're both supposed to be dead! Eddie and Billy find out that after Hawkins was destroyed Steve stayed just long enough to help with reparations until he disappeared with Robin out across the country, back in sunny California because where else would it be. Perhaps Steve wanted a taste of the sea, reminiscing about stories Billy told him by the quarryside and needing to see it for himself out of memoriam for both him and Max.
Except, well. Turns out he's back.
And after a tearful reunion and some relaxing they explain what was going on in the UD and Steve decides (after a lot of griping) that he's going back into the fray.
Lucky for him, he's gotten the RV of his dreams and now his Billy and Eddie back. He finds out about their new abilities a few hours in when a bump in the road knocks over a cup and before it shattered Eddie caught it with a black vine shooting out of his side.
... So there's that.
For a lingering danger over their heads they sure do take a long time getting there. Why stress? The world is their potato. Perhaps the black duo still have a connection that tracks how close Vecna is to coming back again and know there's a lot of time (Steve and Robin get a lot of congratulations for defeating Vecna so hard he's taken this long to collect himself). Steve's learning a lot about his feelings towards the recently revived and also a lot about his body's feelings towards the recently revived.
Robin comes along as well. She has to leave the RV often for the privacy of her best friend. Perhaps even picks up a girlfriend on the way who is oddly very okay with what's going on in the studio. Maybe even two girlfriends, Robin has two hands.
They have a lot of souvenirs as they go along and the RV is just filled with trinkets by the time they return to Hawkins to save the world a fifth time.
#stranger things#steve harrington#billy hargrove#eddie munson#robin buckley#vecna/henry/one#harringroveson#vecna on the other hand since he isn't connected with billy or eddie doesn't find out about their abilities until the fight#he thinks the only power-inclined people are him and el#he gets all haughty upon seeing billy again and thinking he can tempt him back over to his side#except turns out vecna promising love is WAY different than steve and eddie proving it time and time again to him#he may not like himself but DAMN does he love his boys!#sadly eddie and billy did not get bat related or sun related superpowers#eddie would have loved to fly around like a bat#alternatively though.... they do#with eddie being chewed on by bats and billy feeling the effects of fireworks and the whole failed sauna thing#they ended up inheriting that as well and steve finds out during the massive road trip#it was totally by accident#billy got so excited he threw his fists up and suddenly there was a whoosh and a crackle above him#and there were fireworks startling everyone#afterwards they try to see if eddie got rabies (kidding) and find his bat wings#robin finds it OP because billy can fight with fire now and that's the UD's weakness#the fireworks affect billy and eddie some but as long as it's not actually towards them they're fine#billy's hands can take it#vecna doesn't understand why he can't control the UD that is in the mungrove#its because the gay gay homosexual gay is stronger than forced control#the kids are still back in hawkins because max is still there#and they refused to leave her side#steve and robin while they do love the kids needed to leave#it was hopper's decision because steve's been battered to hell and back and his noggin can only take so much
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poopraven · 2 years
A little giveaway booklet
Hello and welcome!
I have a little booklet that I give away at conventions. It has an introduction to Inheritance, some art, and the start of Jack of Thorns. This is less than accessible for people who can't attend conventions, so I thought I'd make key pages* available here for anyone who'd like it (electronically, of course).
-- AK
* I have left out boring stuff like the copyright page.
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While this would normally include an excerpt of Jack of Thorns, I'm not including that here, as the ebook of Jack of Thorns is widely available for free from the following retailers and most libraries:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SS7RBW9
Apple Books: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1466949949
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/2940161429259
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=O5KbDwAAQBAJ
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/jack-of-thorns
If you have questions, please feel free to ask!
-- AK
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Some People In My Family (Excluding My Mom Who Is An Agent Of Chaos And Will Choose Alliance Over Letting The AI Win) Play Monopoly Like It's A Gladiator Ring. No Humour To Be Found, There Is Only The Bloodlust Of Victors And The Broken Bodies Of Their Victims Beneath Their Feet.
Then There's Me Who Is Just Vibin™ Acting Like I've Been Shot Every Time I Land On An Owned Property Only To End Up Owning Half The Board And Lovingly Calling It The Pain-Bow.
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milesofstars · 14 days
dick grayson in fanon: sweet silly older brother, pretty but stupid, favourite child, happy robin, basically batman 2.0 but a nice person, his brothers are more skilled and could outpace him but they love him anyways, goody-two-shoes, good relationship with batman, responsible eldest child, mentally stable and supportive
dick grayson in canon:
became robin so he wouldnt commit first degree murder
like all of his appearances young justice season 1 are about how hes a maniac and a genius
leader and strategist of the teen titans
actually Murdered the joker
considered an equal by the worlds most dangerous and deadly mercenary
was literally fired by batman and only really continued working w him because of jason and babs
managed to keep up with angsty new-to-the-job batman
has had so many arguments with bruce its a miracle he hasnt cut him off forever (hes tried though)
can take down the entire teen titans if he wanted despite being the only one of them with no superpowers/abilities
was the definition of angsty teenager
inherits his insane paranoia from bruce
a thread away from breaking the no-kill rule, give him a rest
hes literally feral guys i mean cmon
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bittlebarnes · 1 year
Still thinking about The Last of Us:
There's something about Ellie inheriting her gun from Frank that scratches the itch in my brain.
A baby queer inheriting something from a queer elder.
A queer elder who got to live passing down an object of protection to a baby queer whose superpower is that she lived
The mirrored role both Ellie and Frank play(ed) in Joel and Bill's lives.
Yeah. Itched scratched.
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
reminder that the only reason the "ADHD is actually demigod BATTLE STRATEGIES" and "dyslexia is DEMIGOD BRAINS HARDWIRED FOR ANCIENT GREEK" things exist in the PJO universe is because it's a very direct reference to early 2000s teaching/parenting techniques for neurodiverse and disabled children, which aimed to frame childrens' disabilities and hardships as a "superpower" or strength so that the children would feel more positively about their disabilities or situations. This technique has fallen out of favor since then for the most part since more often than not it just results in kids feeling as though their struggles are not being seen or taken seriously.
Yes, demigods are adhd/dyslexic (and sometimes autistic-coded) in the series. This is extremely important and trying to remove it or not acknowledge it makes the entire series fall apart because it is such a core concept. Yes, canon claims that their adhd/dyslexia is tied to some innate abilities, which is based on an outdated methodology. It's important to acknowledge that and understand where it comes from! But please stop trying to apply it to other pantheons in the series like "oh, the romans have dyscalculia because of roman numerals!" or "the norse demigods have dysgraphia for reasons!" - it's distasteful at best.
A better option is to acknowledge the meta inspiration for why that exists in the series, such as explaining potentially that Chiron was utilizing that same teaching methodology to try and help demigods feel more comfortable with their disabilities and they aren't literal powers. In fact, especially given Frank, there's implication that being adhd/dyslexic isn't a guaranteed demigod trait, which means it's more likely to be normally inherited from their godly parent/divine ancestor as a general trait, not a power, and further supports the whole "ADHD is battle strategy" thing being non-literal. It also implies the entire greco-roman pantheon in their universe is canonically adhd/dyslexic - and that actually fits very well with the themes of the first series. The entire central conflict of the first series fits perfectly as an allegory about neurodiverse/disabled children and their relationships with their undiagnosed neurodiverse/disabled parents and trying to find solutions together with their shared disability/disabilities that the kid inherited instead of becoming distant from each other (and this makes claiming equivalent to getting a diagnosis which is a fascinating allegory! not to mention the symbolism of demigods inheriting legacies and legends and powers from their parents and everything that comes with that being equivalent to inheriting traits, neurodiversity, and disabilities from your parents).
anyways neurodiversity and disability and the contexts in which the series utilizes representation of those experiences particularly during the 2000s symbolically within the narrative is incredibly important to the first series and the understanding of what themes it means to represent. also if i see one more "the romans have dyscalculia instead of dyslexia" post in 2023 i'm gonna walk into the ocean.
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yujateaandpi · 1 year
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Aigoo, let’s do this one last time. My name is Mirae Jae. Friends call me MJ. My great great grandmother was bitten by a radioactive spider— and then nothing happened for a few generations. Until the day I woke up and found out I could punch through walls?? Nobody told me superpowers are genetic, but hey I’m figuring it out. For the past year, I’ve been the one and only: Spider Dancer. It’s been wild! I stopped some robberies, finally beat my Uncle Beom at baduk, and fought off this ugly green guy. I come from a long line of folk entertainers, so fighting crime isn’t really something that comes naturally. Sometimes I wonder why this inheritance chose me. But I have it now, so I might as well put it to good use right? And who says I can’t have some fun with it along the way? 
This isn’t turtle related, but I made a spidersona inspired by samulnori and pungmul (types of Korean drum performances). This movie has a vice grip on me.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
AU where Thomas and Martha don't die, but Batman's still a thing!
Instead of Bruce becoming Batman, its Thomas. He's already a huge help to the city, so this nocturnal passion is for sport.
If it wasn't obvious enough, he's not the most stable guy. But he's a loving dad and exemplary husband, so it's mostly fine.
God forbid men have hobbies.
He specifically picked up a bat theme to hopefully cure Bruce of his fear! Just imagine that 6'5 error of nature cladded in black, claws with his costume cause he's sexy like that,
"See? I'm not scary at all!" But Bruce is already sobbing and hiding behind Alfred.
"Martha, you'll never guess who I saw on patrol tonight. Bruce's college roomate! The blonde one with the glasses and gay vibes. "
" Oliver?"
"Oliver who?"
" Queen?"
" Well! I think that fits you better, amore."
" Bruce's childhood friend? Known eachother since infancy? Came to you for tech?"
"Bruce had FRIENDS?"
Bruce, from the other room, " Her name is Harley! You paid her college tuition and killed her dad."
" I've never met her in my life, and i keep my kill list detailed.Anyway, I adopted her. Shes seeing that clown boy and I think his superpower is boring me to death."
The batkids still get taken in, of course. Bruce is already a full adult and outgrew his Robin costume. He just barges in with a feral Jason and Dick, " Look, Brucie! Papa's got brothers for you!"
But Bruce? Looks at these two snarling kids, kicking, thrashing, clawing, and takes them in his arms, " Babies. My babies."
" Uh... Come again,,-" But Thomas raised a spoiled BRAT, so Bruce definetly bites him and throws a tantrum until he agrees to pass full custody. Naturally, Alfred and Martha have no sympathy.
"But you're too young to be a dad!"
" I'm 27."
" Young. A fetus. Cousin Gomez's newborn is older than you." Bruce is already drawing the adoption papers. Fight him about it.
Naturally, instead of dating his rogues, Thomas parents them. Imagine you're Selina Kyle and Batman scolds you for getting caught by the cops, " You know better. Villain privileges REVOKED."
Mr Freeze? Thomas gets it. Do what you gotta do, King. You need some pocket money?
Khoa? Problematic son. Thomas adores him and brags about him to every family reunion. "Your daughter tried to poison you for inheritance? That's adorable, Agatha. Khoa kidnapped Alfred last week. Beat that."
Ivy? Thomas invites her to beer and game night and plays matchmaker with her and Harley.
Waylon is his favourite. Naturally, he's the only one adopted legally.
He fist fights Ra's for Talia's custody and she is desperately shoving Damian in his face. Trust her. You don't want to go through with it.
the image of Batman not being a broody, stoic vigilante and instead Gomez Addams with a cape makes me weep
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walkingnightmare · 19 hours
on a serious note, the one major grievance i actually have with the episode is the random weird “blood family is more important” undertones sprinkled in
(psa i have no problem with ruby wanting to find her birth mom. that is normal and not what im talking about. also this can just be me reading into stuff but i did catch it on my first watch which is why im talking about it)
what i am talking about is the magical properties and language used around louise’s importance in regards to ruby.
louise is SO IMPORTANT that she (a human) gives ruby (also a human) the ability to do inhuman things despite never knowing her.
now the “power of family” is nothing new in fiction. It’s used in a lot of media, especially sci fi and fantasy. But the thing is there is no basis for this power. there are no established rules that say this is something that can happen. ruby didn’t inherit these powers as her mom doesn’t have them (to our knowledge) and ruby doesn’t have any “biological powers” (like superpowers). so, why does she have them in the first place? and if its because she loves her family so much it manifested, why doesn’t she already have this power since she loves carla so much?
(im aware this is used to find her bio mom, but you HAVE to have an in-universe explanation for it other than “i want to find my bio mom.” there are PLENTY of ways you can do that without giving ruby unnecessary and illogical powers. this also gives her a BUNCH of plot armor but thats another conversation for another post)
but the line- yes line!- that pissed me off the most was when ruby says she wants to find her “real mom.” now this could have just been a slip in the writers room to mean bio. but in what way is louise ruby’s “real mom?”
this term has been used for a loooooong time to make adopted kids feel unwanted and separate because they’re not blood related and it makes me mad seeing it in the “outcast and proud” tv show.
like carla has raised ruby since she was practically born. carla is in every right her mother. she loves her, raised her, supports her endeavors and wants her to be safe. carla is her mom. and she may not be the person who birthed her but she is the one who took care of her when no-one else would.
im tired of seeing blood family be more important than the people you choose.
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writing-prompt-s · 2 years
Your parents are a superhero and a supervillain. You inherited their superpowers and they both have always tried to pull you to their side, while you never wanted anything to do with anything super-related and so you picked the most mundane and normal job you could think of.
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anonymouspuzzler · 4 months
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you know what? fuck you (heartbreak gulch's my own guys)
(@heartbreakgulch courtesy of the inimitable @strangegutz & collaborators, also miscellaneous Thoughts under the cut bc it's my blog no one can stop me the doors have closed behind you)
Probably does not have superpowers anymore but still came from a family of considerable influence and was under pressure to inherit, pressure which he very much Broke Under.
Turned to a life of crime, definitely got in over his head with it, and essentially got rescued by Eddie, who he is Utterly Obsessed With And Heartsick For.
Has spent literal years as one of Eddie's attack dogs and generally jumping through hoops for him for Whatever Scraps Of Affection He Can Get, though he's still kind of squeamish around Literal Murder and thus tends to be assigned to supply runs and such most of the time.
Amateur mechanic and car enthusiast. Probably did a lot of McGyver-ass fixes around the Gulch-slash-generally assisted Ami til Davey was recruited.
Speaking of, was still the guy who recruited-slash-rescued Davey. They fell for each other hard and are in a committed relationship now, which has helped Buck take a little bit of a healthier step back with whatever the hell he and Eddie have going on (and helped him be a little less jealous and curmudgeonly about the Hot Young Things In Town, ie Zeki and Felix).
Absolutely not prepared to be a guardian to Minnie which has led his and Eddie's whole Relationship to enter a fun new stage of "hey man can I ask you for parenting advice nothing weird"
Pretty similar backstory to the Villain-Coded version. Civilian turned criminal, lost his arm when he got in over his head on a job and Buck rescued him.
Has a bunch of different prosthetics he swaps out for different purposes, ie. one for combat, one to use for mechanic work, a kinda general use/everyday one, etc. That said, he goes without a lot to make sure he's prepared for a situation where he doesn't have access/one breaks or fails on a job/etc.
An alarmingly good recruit; I feel like originally Eddie kind of let him stick around as a kind of "gift" to Buck, but now that he's actually got him on jobs he's become a real rising star. Real good in a scrap and is a little more flexible with his moral lines in the sand compared to Buck. Outside of that he works with Ami a lot doing mechanics and repairs - probably interested in learning CompanDroid maintenance/repair but figures it'd be skeevy for him to push that point too much.
He and Eddie have a complicated relationship I think. They'd be kinda suspicious/distrusting of each other but also have a LOT of similarities and work really well together. To say nothing of their respective relationships with Buck.
I don't think he's Trying to Uncle the younger recruits in the Gulch but he definitely Does. He likes White a lot. He and Ami would also definitely get along really well. He is being The Bigger Man and Mature Adult and not giving Felix a wedgie no matter how badly he wants to
From the same family of prominence as Buck and is currently very much on the run after a failed attempt to kill her own dad.
Extremely a city kid and is Not necessarily adapting well to Middle Of Nowhere Self Sustained Living.
Knew Of Buck but never met him before this so his whole Life and Little Criminal Commune featuring Multiple Guys He's Got SOMETHING Going On With is. it's a lot
Would like to do some crime actually but is A) still a little traumatized and adjusting to the whole Situation and B) 13 Whole Real Human Years Old.
Fascinated by Zeki's whole deal and his work but I think they would absolutely bring out the worst in each other they would fight so much. Autism to autism hostility
Having a very complicated response to White and Ami wherein she thinks they're SO cool but interacting with them at any length would make her realize Things About Herself that she's not consciously ready to confront so just like. Imagine being White and looking over your shoulder and that 13 year old is just Intensely Staring At You Unblinking from around a corner and as soon as she realizes you've seen her she turns around and runs off as fast as she can directly into a wall
Zarita absolutely hitting that Cool Just Slightly Older Kid niche for her.
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morallyinept · 29 days
Devoutness - Mature!Marcus Moreno x Mature 60+ F!Reader
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Written as part of my B O D I E S Series 🤎
This story is part of my Heyday Hero universe. <- You might want to read that story first for context. But you can read this as a stand alone if you wish.
Summary: Marcus and you embrace the challenges of growing old together and enjoying intimacy.
Pairing: Mature!Marcus Moreno x Mature 60+ F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader in terms of ethnicity, Reader does have hair, however. Reader and Marcus are both in their mid-sixties, I've made Marcus 64 in this, and have real bodies with aging and Reader is on the curvier side.)
Word Count: 7.5k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Triggers & warnings: Reader & Marcus are much older and have real bodies reflective of their age/use of Viagra & sex aids/erectile dysfunction/unprotected PIV (wrap up folks!)/oral M receiving/mild dirty talk/Marcus has superpower hands ⚡️/lots of kissing/schmaltzy romance/Marcus doesn't fuck, he makes love.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: It's important to me that all types of readers are represented in my work, therefore this collection of stories is written for readers with REAL bodies. However, anyone can enjoy them. Whilst this story may not specifically represent your own personal journey, it is my hope that it resonates and offers comfort and enjoyment. This story is specifically about aging and growing old. If it upsets you to read about mature lovemaking, then I don't what to say - you'll be this age yourself one day... Everyone's journey is personal and unique, and I have undertaken as much research as I can to write accurately and respectfully. 🤎
Enjoy! 🖤
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“Are you ready, kiddo?” Marcus asks.
“No,” Missy gulps. 
“You’re not nervous, are you?” 
“Were you nervous?”
“Both times?”
“Yes.” Marcus nods. 
“Just breathe-”
“I am breathing. I-I think I’m breathing too much!” She squeaks.
He watches as Missy wrings at her hands that are visibly shaking. He’s never seen her so amped up and antsy before, and he decides instantly that he doesn’t like it. 
“Hey, hey. Look at me.” Marcus places his own hands deftly on her shoulders and rubs his thumbs into the bones gently. “You’ve got this.” 
"Dad, I'm so fucking nervous. What if I trip walking down the aisle?"
Marcus frowns with a soft smile. “I won’t let you and your potty mouth trip.”
“What if I forget my vows? Oh God, shit! I can’t remember them!”
"Hey now. Remember the time when you faced the Void Fiend head-on?”
“What does that have to do with-”
“You were brave, strong, and fearless. This? Walking down the aisle to marry the man you love? It's a breeze compared to that."
The Void Fiend was a creature of pure darkness, with tendrils of shadow that twisted and writhed like living smoke. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, casting an eerie light that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality. And it had temporarily cast Missy into another dimension, until she battled her way out and ended the Void Fiend’s existence with her tenacity and strength. Something she’d inherited from her now retired, ex-Heroic father. 
“I’m missing the Void Fiend right about now…”
“Tranquila, estás exagerando. Tú puedes hacerlo." (Calm down, you’re exaggerating. You’ve got this.)
“I don’t know how you did this twice.” She sighs as she paces, placing her hand over the boned satin corset covering her stomach. “God, I feel sick.”
“Well, I didn’t really have a choice.” Marcus says, timidly. He takes off his glasses, rubbing at his temple.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“I know.” He reassures, and it stops them both in their tracks like a blow to the gut. 
A moment of silence passes between them, filled with unspoken thoughts. Missy’s eyes soften as she looks at her father.
“Look at this, you’ve always been useless at ties,” Missy smirks, fussing with the silk slate knot at her father’s throat. 
“Fingers are too big for something so slippery,” he snorts, casually. 
“That’s what she said.” Missy grins.
“Behave.” Marcus sighs, rolling his eyes. 
“There,” she says, as she tweaks and neatens the tie into place. She pats down the soft lapels of his dark navy suit and steps back to look at him. “I love seeing you so happy.”
Marcus smiles. “I love being so happy. For a while I didn’t think I ever would be again...”
His thoughts immediately drift to you and it makes the blood in his veins sing. Each thought of you ignites a warmth within him, spreading from his chest and radiating outward, as if you're the very sun that has lit his internal world.
“Do you think Mom would be proud of me?”
His expression becomes tender, a deep sadness mingling with his love. “She would be more than proud. She’d be over the moon. You’ve become everything she ever hoped for and more.”
Tears well up in her eyes, and she takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “I wish she could be here today. And abuela…” (Grandma) 
He nods, his own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “They both are. They’re right in there.” He points to his daughter’s heart.
“Dad! I can’t cry, my mascara will run. Shit!” She fans her face quickly. “You promise you won’t let me fall on my face in these ridiculous heels?”
“They are pretty ridiculous.” Marcus smirks, clocking the sky high heels that his daughter totters around uncomfortably in. “But I take my job very seriously. You’ll remain fully upright. Until you say I do, then you’re Sam’s problem.” He chuckles. 
Missy takes a deep breath after giggling, and gathers her bouquet. It’s a stunning arrangement of flowers, each one grown and hand picked from Marcus's cherished garden, adding a deeply personal touch to her special day. Full of sweet smelling blush peonies, white roses and anemones, wrapped with eucalyptus leaves.
“Okay. I can do this.” Missy says aloud. 
He nods, his eyes filled with pride. "Of course you can. You've faced far greater challenges than this, and you've always come out on top. You’re a Moreno. Just remember to take it one step at a time so you don’t break your ankles-”
“-and focus on the love in your heart. Everything else will fall into place." He simply shrugs. 
“It really will, won’t it?” Missy concludes, looking at him and how intensely happy he is. It just radiates off of him like a solar flare bursting from the sun.
“Sam’s a lucky man.” Marcus says proudly. 
She steps closer to her father, and they embrace, holding each other tightly. The bond between them, forged in love and shared loss, feels stronger than ever.
“Thank you for always being there for me. For being both a father and a mother when I needed it most. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Marcus wraps her in a warm embrace, his arms a safe haven amidst the whirlwind of emotions that try to rattle her.
"You'll always have me, muñeca. Now go out there and show that fiancé of yours just how beautiful you look." (Doll)
“You scrub up pretty well yourself, you silver fox.”
“Stop it.” Marcus blushes unabashedly whilst he straightens his cuffs as Missy wolf-whistles at him. 
His suit jacket is impeccably cut, with sharp, clean lines that accentuate his frame. A neatly folded pocket square, matching the silvery tone of his tie, adorns his breast pocket, its presence a small but significant nod to tradition and style. His cufflinks, sleek and elegant, catch the light with a gentle gleam, completing the sophisticated look.
His suit, complete with waistcoat and a white rose boutonniere, compliments the mercury that’s over taken his once dark, cocoa hair and facial scruff, both now trimmed neatly and styled for the wedding.
His eyes, a deep, soulful brown, still hold a spark of the formidable spirit that once defined him, shrouded often behind his thick, black-rimmed spectacles, that are a trademark feature. They reflect both wisdom and a hint of the mischief that lingers from his younger days. The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes deepen as he smiles, adding to his rugged charm. His body, though no longer in its prime, remains strong and capable, despite his advancing years.
The suit he wears fits him perfectly, tailored to accommodate the changes that time has wrought. His shoulders, still broad and solid, hint at the strength that lies beneath the fine fabric. His waist, though a bit softer around the middle, speaks of a man who has remained active and engaged with the world around him, despite slowing down in his retirement.
His hands, once steady and unyielding in the face of danger, now show the signs of age with slightly knobbled knuckles and veins that stand out against his papery skin.
Sixty-four has never looked so good on Marcus Moreno.
But at this age he feels the weight of time in his bones and muscles, a constant reminder of the years that have passed. Mornings are sometimes the hardest. As he rises from bed with you, his joints protest with a familiar stiffness. His knees, especially, ache with a dull persistence, a result of decades of wear and tear from heroic escapades.
He moves more slowly now, careful with each step, aware that a wrong move could lead to a fall. Yet, despite these physical reminders of aging, he carries himself with a quiet dignity. Marcus has grown accustomed to the small rituals of maintenances that aging requires: daily medications, regular doctors visits, the strength of exercise and stretches to keep his body as agile as possible.
And he's aging gracefully with you right by his side, watching the season's change and embracing them with a smile and contentment. There's a certain peace in accepting the changes brought by age. Appreciating a slower pace.
Life has a different rhythm now, one that allows for gratitude and reflection. He cherishes the stillness of the early morning, sipping coffee with his arm around you and taking in the scents of his garden. More moments to stop and smell the flowers.
He has more time to appreciate the small things. He's not merely growing older; he's becoming more himself with each passing day.
“I mean it, your lovely wife will need to watch her back. Those bridesmaids of mine are feral.”
“Cripes.” Marcus shudders, already feeling himself sweat at the horrid thought. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll keep you upright if you keep those hormonal women away from me.”
Missy giggles. “I can’t promise anything, Dad. One of them has the power of influence. You might be cast under her spell.”
“Please tell me you’re joking.” He groans.
Missy simply taps her nose and grins. With a newfound sense of confidence, she takes a deep breath and grips onto her father’s arm as he offers it out to her.
Marcus smiles down at her from behind his polished spectacles and slicked back hair, and beams brightly. 
“Come on, let’s get you married. You’re such a pain in my ass. Can’t wait to be rid of you.” He says.
“Nope. You’re stuck with me forever. That's the deal. You made me.”
“I should have worn a condom.” Marcus grins. 
“You’re such an ass.” Missy snorts ungracefully, choking on her giggles. 
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Sitting in the front row of the aisle lined with garlands of fresh flowers, you stand and watch as Marcus emerges with Missy on his arm, in a modest ivory dress, to a solo violinist’s rendition of All Of Me. 
You clock Marcus’s face and he seems completely entranced and proud as he walks Missy down the aisle to her future husband Sam, who’s waiting and wiping discreetly at his eyes. 
You smile fondly at his reaction, remembering Marcus looking at you just like that on your wedding day to him. It was an intimate and heartfelt affair, celebrated in the same garden where he lovingly tended to the flowers, now featured in his daughter’s wedding bouquet. A place that you had grown to love just as much as him.
The setting was a testament to his life's quieter, nurturing side, a stark contrast to his years of heroic exploits, and you were only too inclined to agree at the lowkey subtlety. It was a place that was special to you both and you both spent a lot of time together basking in the Texan sun, as well as your love.
The retired superhero had stood at the heart-shaped trellis threaded with lilac roses and violet ranunculi - a nod to the purple heart emoji from your early days of flirting and getting to know one another on the dating app - his heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement, and looking at you like you were the only thing that kept his word spinning on its axis. 
Marcus has spent years, decades, alone after losing his first wife shortly after Missy was born. A woman who had been his partner in every sense of the word. Her passing had left a void that seemed impossible to fill, a grief that lingered in the corners of his heart and a guilt that overpowered him when he thought about moving on.
Throwing himself into work and saving the world on the regular, between bringing up a headstrong and smart younger version of him, consumed him. and it was only when retirement beckoned did he realise he didn't want to spend the remainder of his life alone.
So then there was you. You were different and brought a familiarity that felt like home. You'd connected over shared experiences, laughter, your mutual love of flowers and home cooked food, and a heightened passion that sizzled between you both.
Your laughter was like a soothing balm to his weary soul and your kindness, understanding, and your acceptance of his late wife and the love he would always have for her, slowly began to heal the wounds that time had only partially mended.
Your relationship had grown slowly, rooted in deep conversations, mutual respect and compassion. You'd walked Marcus's garden many times, traversing the flower beds, conversing about the different species and plant types. Cuddled up by the pool at golden sunsets, kissing deeply in the loungers, and sharing twilight dinners and wine.
It was in his garden, that you both realised you could love again. And it was where he had proposed to you too. He'd had your ring custom made, a floral stone shape, cut with stunning teal diamonds.
You’d walked towards him on that special day wearing blue - a colour that you both loved on you - radiant and beautiful, every step bringing you closer to your new life shared together. You remember the way Marcus had looked at you as you exchanged vows, his eyes filled with unwavering trust and devotion. Tears making them glisten under his spectacles.
The ceremony had been simple yet profound, promises made in front of a handful of those closest to you, both not seeking an extravagant affair or party into the wild hours. Instead a small gathering and a lovely home cooked meal, which you and Marcus had lovingly prepared together for your family, after you both promised to stand by each other through all of life's challenges.
And as Missy and Sam prepare to exchange similar vows now, Marcus joins you by your side on the pew, his hand slipping into yours where it belongs, and you hand him a tissue.
“Thanks,” he whispers, smiling crookedly and blushing as he dabs at his eyes under his specs once more. “I'm a mess.” He sniffs.
He feels a tear slip down his weathered cheek, not from sadness but from the deep, abiding joy of witnessing his daughter's happiness. 
“She looks so beautiful.” You compliment, filled with adoration for her as if Missy were your own flesh and blood.
She’s become the closest thing to a daughter to you, your relationship with her deepened and special. Sharing girl-dates together on the regular, shopping and having lunch when she’s not saving the world. Teaming up and teasing Marcus to no end until you’re all in a fit of giggles.
You’re so proud of the young woman Marcus has raised.
“She does.” Marcus whispers. 
He turns his head and your eyes find his, big and watery and filled deep with sincerity. “You look absolutely beautiful, mi dulzura.” (My sweetness)
You gently squeeze his hand, feeling warm and more loved than you ever thought possible, as he places a gentle and lingering kiss on top of your head. 
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The grand garden is alight with fairy lights underneath a gloaming sky.
The hazy orange glow that emits from the twinkles hovering delicately above this enchanted place leaves you with a sense of warm contentment, despite the gentle nip of the cool breeze as the evening wears on.
It’s an idyllic wonderland, draped in satin and ivy. Over the course of three days it had been transformed into an empyrean view fit for a king himself, and Marcus spared no expense in giving Missy everything she wanted for her big day. 
A vast lawn covered with bunting and a large white gazebo in the grounds of the Edwardian Manor House. Tables lined with crystal glasses, enormous plumes of roses that matched her bouquet.
Marcus was never an extravagant man, always mindful of living a modest life, but he wanted to make this a day Missy and Sam would never forget. His generosity, and smart investment skills over the years, is another trait of his that you love so much. 
The tinkling sounds of music flows through the crowd, like an invisible ribbon wrapping itself around all the guests that litter this decadent soiree. The threads of Heroic connections between them are visible, retired and current heroes in attendance; their radiance, euphoria and harmonies hum through your ears as Marcus twirls you around on the dancefloor.
The atmosphere is a blend of celebration and reverence. There's a sense of continuity, of old and new merging seamlessly. Marcus’s past as a Heroic adds an undercurrent of awe and admiration among the guests, but tonight, he’s celebrated for his role as a loving father and husband. 
The world around you seems to fade, leaving just the two of you bathed in the soft, golden glow of the twinkling lights. The band is in the middle of a slow, melodic tune, the kind that speaks of timeless romance and unspoken promises.
Marcus takes your hand with a gentle, yet confident grip, his fingers intertwining with yours as if they were always meant to fit together. You feel the familiar, crackly buzzing from his fingertips, reverberating deep into your skin and down your arm, igniting you, and he winks at you knowingly. 
He leads with a grace that hints at his once superhuman agility, his steps sure and deliberate. As you waltz across the floor, your eyes lock, a silent exchange that speaks volumes. Your eyes sparkle with a mixture of joy and affection, while his reflects a depth of gratitude and love that words can never fully capture.
You both share a secret smile, the kind that only two people deeply in love can understand, and it feels as if you’re the only ones in the world.
A palpable chemistry fizzes between you, helped by the static in his fingers that he teases you with, a testament to the deep bond and joy you bring each other. The music swells, a building crescendo, his hand gently guiding yours. At one point, he twirls you gently, your dress fanning out fully, and as you return to his embrace, you both chuckle, your foreheads touching for a brief, tender moment.
There's a playfulness in your dance, a sense of rediscovered youth, as if the years between you have melted away, leaving only the pure essence of your connection.
“Have you always been this smooth a dancer?” You query as he sways with you.
“I might know how to cut a rug.” Marcus smirks. 
“I’m still discovering all these wonderful secret talents about you, Mr Moreno.”
“Well, I like to keep you on your toes, Mrs Moreno.” He smirks with rosy cheeks.
As the song progresses, you pull each other closer, moving as one entity, lost in each other’s eyes. His hand rests on the small of your back, guiding you effortlessly, while your hand caresses his broad shoulder.
"You make me feel young again," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You make me feel safe," you reply with a smile. He loves the way your eyes crinkle when you do. “And so loved.”
“That’s because you are, mi dulzura.” He presses a kiss to your temple. (My sweetness)
"Look at her," you say softly, glancing toward Missy, who is radiant in her wedding dress, and laughing with others at a table. "She's so happy."
His eyes follow yours, and he nods, a proud smile spreading across his face.
"She deserves all the happiness in the world. She's incredible, just like her mother was..." He trails off and his eyes become a little deeper.
"She's incredible, just like her father is," you add gently, squeezing his shoulder.
He chuckles, shaking his head. "I don't know about that. I always tried my best. But I'm so proud of her. She's taken on so much, and she handles it all with such grace."
"She has a great role model," your voice is filled with warmth and admiration."You should dance with her," you suggest with soft encouragement.
Marcus hesitates for a moment, glancing at his daughter, who is laughing joyously with her new husband and their friends.
"Do you think she'd want that? It's her big day."
"Of course she would," you reply, your fingers brushing his cheek tenderly. "She loves you so much. This is a special moment for both of you."
He looks into your eyes, seeing the sincerity and love reflected there. "You're right," he says, his voice a little shaky with emotion. "I just... I don't want to intrude."
"You could never intrude. Go to her," you urge with a warm smile. "I'll be right here, cheering you both on."
Marcus takes a deep breath, then leans in to kiss you gently. "Thank you. For everything. You’re incredible."
"You're pretty incredible yourself." You smile back, your eyes shining. "Go on. Make this moment unforgettable."
He releases your hand reluctantly and makes his way across the dancefloor, each step filled with a mix of pride and nervous anticipation.
As Marcus approaches his daughter, she looks up, her eyes lighting up when she sees him.
"Dad," Missy says, her voice filling with delight. "Come dance with me!"
He nods, his heart swelling. "I'd be honoured."
The band begins to play another soft, melodic tune that echoes through the sumptuous garden.
“You took your shoes off,” Marcus chuckles, noticing her bare toes peeking out under the satin hem of her dress.
“I did. Let us never speak of those evil things again.”
“You know, I used to dance with you when you were little.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. You’d stand on my feet and let me move you about. You said you were no good at dancing and would pout. It was so cute.”
“And I stand by that fact.” Missy announces. 
“Nonsense.” He smiles. 
“And I’m always cute, for the record.” She grins. “Can I stand on your feet now?”
“Go for it.” He smiles.
She steps onto his polished shoes and he holds her close in his arms as he moves, his chin resting on her head and smiles. 
"You look so beautiful," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thanks, Dad," she replies, her eyes misting. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I know Mom would be," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the music.
"I am too," he replies, his grip on her tightening slightly. "I see so much of her in you. She would be so proud of the woman you've become."
She nods, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I hope so."
“I know so, muñeca.” (Doll)
“But you’ve got a wonderful woman who loves you just as much. Maybe even more.” Missy says to him. 
“I do,” he smiles over at you and you beam. You’re recording them dancing together on your phone, something for him to keep forever. 
“I’m still pissed that you found your one on a dating app you didn’t want to join for so long…” Missy snorts. 
“And after only one date too. What is it the kids say now, I’m winning at life?” He chuckles. 
“Yeah. You are. You smug bastard.”
“Easy now,” Marcus remarks with a thick smirk.
As the song draws to a close, Marcus pulls her into a warm embrace, holding her tightly. "I love you. Always."
"I love you too, Dad," she whispers back, her voice full of emotion.
They part with a final smile, and he steps back to let her return to her husband. As he makes his way back to you, you’re waiting for him with open arms.
"How was it?" You ask, pulling him into a hug.
“Perfect. Thank you for encouraging me.” Marcus beams.
"Anytime," you say, kissing him softly.
“Come on, dance with me some more, Mrs Moreno.” He says, pulling you gently towards the dancefloor again. 
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Later that evening, after calling it quits on the late night as it shows no sign of dying down, you and Marcus ascend the grand staircase in the Manor House, a structure with an old-world charm blended with modern comforts.
The lobby is adorned with elegant chandeliers and plush seating, exuding a sense of timeless sophistication. Still glowing from the day's festivities, you make your way to your suite, hand in hand and talking softly with smiles and giggly laughter.
As you open the door to your room, you’re greeted by an inviting, romantic ambiance. The room is spacious yet cosy, with a large queen four poster, draped in crisp white linens and silky drapes. A pair of plush armchairs sit by the window, offering a breathtaking view of the city lights twinkling in the night.
A bottle of champagne chills in a silver bucket, accompanied by two flutes and a tray of gourmet chocolates.
You look around in awe, taking in the thoughtful details. "This is perfect," you murmur, your voice filled with contentment.
“Should be, we’ve paid for it,” Marcus chuckles, loosening his tie. 
You smile, stepping further into the room and slipping off your heels. "It's beautiful. Just like tonight."
You move to the window, admiring the view over Austin in the distance for a moment, before you feel him wrapping his arms around you from behind, pulling you in close. You lean into his embrace, feeling the warmth and strength that has always been so comforting.
Despite the buzz of the day, your bodies remind you both of the years you've lived. His back aches slightly from standing and dancing for so long, a dull reminder of his age and the years of unrelenting vigour from his past Heroic life. Your feet are sore, throbbing from your heels, and you feel a familiar stiffness in your joints.
“This night couldn’t be any more perfect,” you sigh dreamily, enjoying the way Marcus is planting delicate kisses against your neck and murmuring in agreement.  
“I may have had a thought on topping it.”
“Oh really? Do tell, Mr Moreno…” You prompt, smiling.
He turns you to face him and kisses you deeply, humming in satisfaction as his tongue massages against yours. Gentle and explorative, and leaves you utterly wanting.
“Thought that I would make love to my beautiful wife.” Marcus kisses over your knuckles one by one, planting a longer kiss over your wedding band. 
“I’ve been thinking about that all night.”
“You have?” He smiles.
“Mm-hm, it’s the suit.” You smile, running your hands down his lapels. “You look so handsome and sexy.”
He blushes and it’s still the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, watching his prominent tan nose and the tips of his ears turn a little pink. 
“You want to?” He asks and you nod. “Good, I came prepared.”
“I would expect no less from Mr Organised.” 
Grinning, he then steps away from you and rummages in the overnight bag that has already been brought up to the room by the concierge. 
You watch as he pulls out a small box and pops a little blue pill into his palm. He winks at you from behind his specs as he swallows it, and you reach for him. Your lips reconnect as you kiss him deep. 
The warmth of his lips running against yours, the familiar scent of him, and the deep, unwavering love in his eyes, combine to create a sensation that’s almost overwhelming and makes you dizzy with desire.
Your knees feel slightly weak, and you cling to him a little tighter, grounding yourself in his steady embrace. The giddy sensation is both disorienting and beautiful, a physical manifestation of the profound connection you share and the intensity of the moment.
When you finally part, he leads you to the small table where the champagne awaits. He pops the cork with a practised ease, pouring you each a glass.
"To how incredibly beautiful you look," Marcus toasts, raising his flute.
You smile, feeling your own face heat, clinking your glass against his.
You sip the champagne, savouring the bubbles and the moment. But he can’t resist much longer, waiting for the pill to work its magic, and neither can you as he pulls you into his arms once more.
The skin of his hands is marked by age spots and the veins more prominent, but his touch is as tender as ever. You feel the pleasant buzz from them sinking into your skin and travelling through your nerves. It makes you shudder, your nipples rousing awake as he glides his fingers down your arms.
"I can't believe how lucky I am," Marcus whispers, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your back where your dress reveals a slink of skin. It's softer there now, a bit looser, but still so familiar and comforting.
"We both are." You agree. 
You both murmur and hum into more shared kisses, each one lasting a little longer and conveying your longing for one another. 
“Mmm, that’s nice,” you say as he nibbles gently on your lip and then licks over it.
“Really nice.” Marcus says, pulling you in closer. 
You giggle after a few moments. “My lipstick is all over you,” you smile, wiping his lips with your fingers. 
“I don’t care,” he smirks. “You can cover me in it, as long as I get more kisses.”
You giggle more as he rubs his lips against yours deliberately.
“Does it suit me, is it my colour?” He asks, grinning. 
“Yes, velvet pink is your colour, Marcus.” You titter.
“Well, blue is certainly yours, this dress is just so… stunning. I like how it just-” He loses the words as his eyes roam all over you. “I like how it just kind of shows all of you.”
“Yeah?” The dress is flattering, hugging your curves in all the right places and just revealing the subtlest amount of flesh, mostly down your back.
“Yeah… God, I want to peel you out of it so slowly. I want to enjoy the view.”
He kisses across your collarbone as you unbutton his waistcoat.
“I’m just gonna take my jacket off, set it over there…” he tosses it across the room and it misses the chair as he locks onto your lips. “You look so good in blue.” Marcus compliments. “Almost don’t want to take it off.”
“Then you won’t see what I’ve got on underneath it,” you tease. 
He makes a noise similar to a hungry bear, and you giggle as you reach for the zip under your arm and pull it down. 
“Fuck…” he sighs as you slip the dress off to reveal a matching lace set in midnight blue. “So gorgeous,” he smiles, pulling you in for another deep kiss. 
“You like it?”
“I love it…” He says, as his fingers trace the strap down from your shoulder, over the delicate cup, and he squeezes gently around your breast. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You both chuckle as he walks you backwards towards the bed as you push his waistcoat off. You pull on his tie, bringing him closer so you can taste his lips again. 
Sinking into its plush comfort, Marcus climbs over you. The soft lighting casts a warm glow, creating an intimate, serene atmosphere. He kicks off his shoes as you loop his tie out from under the collar and toss it to the floor.
“See what kissing you does to me,” you whisper, guiding his hand down between your legs, and he groans when feels how warm and damp it is there. 
“Quiero que te sientas muy bien…” (I want to make you feel really good) He whispers back.
“You always make me feel so good, Marcus.” You assure.
He smiles crookedly as you reach for his crotch.
“How you doing, big guy?” You say, stroking over the soft bulge in his slacks, and he sighs into your mouth. 
“Almost,” he pants. “Keep doing that… feels really good.” His cock although still a little flaccid, is swelling. But the Viagra needs a little helping hand to get him there.
“Do you want my mouth?”
“Oh God, yeah.” He groans and you’ve never seen a man unzip his pants so fast. 
He watches you pull out a small bottle of lube from the overnight bag. You squirt a little of it into your hands, rub them together and then slide them around his cock. He immediately groans out as you do so. 
“That feel good?” You whisper, nipping on his lobe. 
“Mmm… so good.”
A swollen, pale pink tip, and grey, wiry hairs that are trimmed almost to sparsity around his thick, heavy balls, greet you as you stroke and pump. Marcus has always harboured a generous sized manhood between his thighs, and aging certainly hasn't denied him of that as the throbbing length of him feels so good in your hands.
You grip a little tighter, making him work as he pushes his hips into your fist, almost like he’s fucking it.
“Oh wow!” He grunts. 
You kiss over his belly, down into his thighs and then take him in your mouth, cock swollen and hardening fully around your tongue as you suck on him. He tastes good, he’s always tasted so damn good. 
He repeatedly gathers your hair up, stylishly streaked with it's own grey, but it falls out of his grip, continually obscuring his view. He swipes it into a ragged, messy pony between his fingers in time to see you let your saliva dangle from your mouth and drip onto his head. 
“Fuck…” he whines, as you sink his cock back into your mouth. It’s rock solid now, throbbing against your tongue. “God, I fucking want you…” He grunts with those delicious expletives tumbling out of him in that way when he gets all worked up.
“Want you inside me, Marcus.” You moan into his mouth. 
He pulls down the cup of your bra and sucks your nipple into his mouth, and you both groan out in delight. 
“How do you want me?” He asks, removing his shirt fully.
“Lay with me, beside me so I can kiss you.” You pant, unclipping your bra and removing your panties.
Once you’re both fully naked, he shuffles up behind you, taking your leg and folding it over his arm. He kisses you, tongue slipping into your mouth as you reach down and guide his thickness against your folds.
"Wait, do you-"
“I don’t need any lube, you’ve got me so wet, Marcus…” You pant as you swipe him against you, up and down, covering him in your slick. 
You hear him growl in your ear as he pushes in, slipping through into you with ease.
“Just slides right in.” He agrees. “Fuck! You feel so good. So wet for me.”
The lewd sounds of his cock coated in your slick provides the background noise to your mutual pants and whines as he pushes in and out.
“Damn, this is such a beautiful pussy. Oh God.”
“Mine.” He pants.
He kisses your knee, your cheek, your breast, your mouth - all within easy reach as his hips push back and forth, his cock sinking deeper into you with each gentle thrust. 
“Oh, you feel so good,” he whines. 
“Mmm, Marcus.” 
“You can feel me, hmm? Right here?” He places his large palm flat on your lower abdomen and presses down a little and you groan. 
“Right there!” You sigh, smiling. 
You gasp as his fingers slip down onto your clit, circling around and around as he kisses you again. You feel that delicious buzzing on it from his fingers and you shudder and grin into him. 
“I love that so much.”
“I know you do,” he smirks. You whine when he does it again. Little flares of electricity pulsing through you.  
He’s pressed flush against you, balls deep into your cunt, and rubbing your clit. Gentle, rhythmic strokes and you kiss around his lips and neatly trimmed beard. He nuzzles his nose across yours, smiling deeply into you. 
“Marcus… feels so good. Don’t stop…” You pant. He can feel you squeezing already; your breath more ragged as it pelts him in the face.
“Come for me,” he coos, as you grip onto his wrist; your thighs shaking as your clit pulls tighter under his buzzy ministrations. “Look at you, so beautiful. Come for me.”
He delves deeper, pushing that thick cock as far as it’ll go in this position - his crackly fingers gliding across your clit faster as you mewl and whine. You buck and push back, your body shaking and tensing. Your gasps reach higher pitches as you feel it rising within you. 
“So beautiful when you come for me. Tan hermoso... Quiero sentirlo. Quiero sentirte venir para mí. Ven toda sobre mí…” (So beautiful... I want to feel it. I want to feel you come for me. Come completely over me.) 
And that does it; the hushed whispers of the Spanish dirty talk flooding warm in your ear ignites the spark that crackles down your spine and floods in your core. 
“Así es, joder, te sientes tan bien alrededor de mi verga.” (That's right, shit, you feel so good around my cock)
“Oh fuck, Marcus, the way you speak like that-”
“I know, why do you think I do it?” He grins into your cheek, his tongue licking against it. “Porque sé que te gusta y te pone tan húmeda para mí. No puedes evitarlo, ¿verdad?, cuando hablo tan sucio así, ¿hmm?” (Because I know you like it and it makes you so wet for me. You can't help it, right, when I talk dirty like that, hmm?)
You nod, smiling and heated. “Sí, sí, sí…” (Yes, yes, yes)
He continues to slide in and out of your pussy, making you groan with each measured thrust.
“Let me ride you,” you say, sucking on his bottom lip.
“You won’t get no protest from me,” he grins. 
You straddle him, feeling him fill you full of him again as you sink down, all the way down on him. 
“Oh God,” he whines. “Thats it, that’s it… fuck. Fuck yes!”
“Feel good like that? Taking my cock so deep, mi dulzura… Oh shit!” He pants as you ride him harder. “That’s it, take it, take it, take it… It’s all yours. I’m all yours.” (My sweetness)
He likes watching you as you ride him, moving that bit faster, winding your hips more intensely as you draw closer to your peak. He likes to kiss you and suck your nipples as you work.
You watch him lick his thumb and press it against your clit, nodding and smiling at you to come for him, almost begging he wants it so bad - wants you so bad. You cry out as those crackles flood your core, making you clench and writhe.
He’s floored, watching as you glow riding on his cock like this. Unable to form words, you’re so beautiful. The fact he can still make you feel like this, even when his body can’t or won’t cooperate, stuns him. 
“F-Fuck…” Marcus can only stammer on a barely there whisper as you lean in to kiss him some more, feeling your pussy contract and rib around him as you come undone. 
You collapse gently on top of him, and he wraps his hands around your waist.
More often than not, he can't finish, especially with the Viagra. Just keeping him stiff and for your pleasure, which he’s more than happy with and to indulge in. “Just want to feel you come, mi dulzura.” (My sweetness)
Every time you come around him, he feels it, sees the joy and bliss in your eyes, hears the mewls and pants into the pillow, dusted over his lips. He’ll give you this, all of him as long as he can. As long as he’s able.
The mind is willing, but sometimes… sometimes the body can’t quite keep up anymore.
You’d both talked about it the first time it happened. The first time he lost his erection and couldn’t finish. He was so embarrassed, on the verge of tears and feeling like he'd let you down. But your reassurances and love, peppered with longing kisses, convinced him it was nothing to worry about. So he didn’t.
And he did the same for you, when you struggled to get wet sometimes. It wasn’t that he didn’t turn you on, because he sure as hell did. He still does every time you look at him - he takes your breath away.
But sometimes your body doesn’t want to play ball too, and you’ve both discovered ways to still enjoy sex together with some helpful aids such as toys, lubricant, some blue pills, but most of all, patience.
Switching up positions when you both tire easily and your joints won’t meld you into adventurous positions anymore. Spending time kissing and fawning over one another. Just being in his arms is more than enough.
You both enjoy pulling pleasure out of one another with no hurried pace or shame about how your bodies have changed, and continue to change. Your breasts have stretch marks and hang lower now, the skin under your arms flaps about a bit more - your own tummy is crinkled with wrinkly skin. And yet he always makes you feel beautiful when you’re naked in his arms.
His cock struggles to get hard without assistance now, his balls hang lower and the skin around his own waist and back is looser too. But you still desire him, you still love every single inch of him. 
You’re growing old together; something that both of you are lucky to experience and embrace wholly, together.  
Marcus whimpers, ragged little cries escaping his throat as you come around him. Your pussy is tightening and feeling so good that he can barely contain himself. And he’s so beautiful to you now just as he was when you first met him in that restaurant on your first date together. 
He still has that golden tanned skin from tending to his garden lovingly in the hot sun. Painted with some paler lines across his stomach and pubic bone where the sun doesn’t reach. The little sag of his belly from gaining a bit of weight now that he's not working out every day. A head of silver hair, almost snowy white entirely, replaces his dark curls. Liver spots and wrinkles appear in places they weren’t before.
Now in his mid-sixties, Marcus carries the weight of his years with a distinguished grace that speaks of a life well-lived and battles hard-fought.
Despite his enduring strength, age has brought with it a touch of forgetfulness too. He might occasionally misplace his glasses, only to find them perched atop his head after a thorough search. His keys sometimes elude him, turning up in the most unexpected places, like the refrigerator shelf or the bathroom sink.
These small lapses are met with laughter and gentle teasing from you, and you always help him find his missing items with a patient smile. One morning recently at breakfast, he hesitated, trying to remember if he’d taken his morning vitamins. But you, ever attentive, nudged the pill bottle toward him with a knowing smile.
"You didn't take them yet," you said, your voice filled with affection.
"Thanks," he replied, a bit sheepishly. "What would I do without you?"
"You'd manage," you’d teased, "but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun."
These moments, far from diminishing him, add to his character, painting a picture of a man who has lived fully and continues to do so with grace and humility. His forgetfulness becomes a part of your shared experiences, something that brings you closer and provides moments of light-hearted humour and tender connection.
“Oh fuck, you look good on top like this, so good on top… like that, that’s it. Oh God, use me. Keep doing that…” He’s drawn back to you, to this moment where you garner some more strength to keep going.
“Marcus!” You cry as you grind a little harder. 
“I just wanna hold you right here…” He pulls your forward and keeps you in place, crushed against his chest as he thrusts up into you. “God, you’re so hot, I can’t get enough of you!” He pants.
“Oh fuck, Marcus! I’m gonna come again!” 
“Yes, come, come, come, come…” He chants in your ear. 
You wriggle and squirm in the throes of your pleasure. He grips onto you tighter and pushes himself deeper into you. 
“Marcus!” You call out, your eyes rolling back. 
Gripping onto his shoulders, he almost roars as you come again, body tensing and sweat pouring off of him. You can hear him wheezing in the back of his throat as you shake and tense above him.
Then, a small whimper rolls off his tongue as he strokes your back, hearts thudding against one another. 
He taps over his heart. “Oh shit, it’s beating like crazy.”
“You okay?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” He chuckles breathlessly.
“Don’t wanna give you a heart attack.” You smirk.
“No, no, no. I’m good, really good. Although, it'd be a good way to go.”
“I don’t know CPR.” You muse. 
“I know the hymen-lick manoeuvre.” He waits for a second, before you burst out laughing. 
“That was terrible!” You cackle at his stupid joke. 
“You laughed, it counts.”
You hear him giggle, and then you giggle too as he looks at you with deep, brown eyes. 
“Not bad for an old guy, hmm?” Marcus smiles, nuzzling into you. 
“Not bad at all.” You agree, planting your lips on his. 
“I love you. Te quiero.” (I love you)
“Te quiero mucho.” You reply, kissing the tip of his nose. (I love you so much)
You lay there together for a while, cuddled up to him and savouring the tender, peacefulness between you.
“You wanna go again? I’m still hard. Will stay like that for a few hours…” Marcus grins. 
You snort, laughing into his lips. “Are you trying to finish me off?” 
He nods. “I’m banking on the life insurance policy. This wedding has cost me a fortune. I need to top up.”
“You’ll be lucky. Christ, I can only imagine what it would say on my death certificate.”
“Fucked to death.” He chuckles, pulling you against his chest, and you can’t help but laugh with him. 
"You silly man." You smirk, planting a kiss into his neck.
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The following morning, you both spend time together in the elegant bathtub, washing and caressing one another in the fragrant soapy bubbles.
You lay in his lap as he strokes you gently to a soft orgasm with wet fingers, and tells you how much he loves you. You take your time with him, stroking his cock in your foamy hand until he eventually bursts, spilling warm and pearly over your grip, shaking and panting into your mouth.
You smile, watching Marcus pull on a soft sweater, and then you both laugh as he realises, whilst putting his suit in the suit bag, that he’s put it on backwards. 
Once dressed and packed, you both head down for breakfast in the Manor House’s elegant dining room. The room is bathed in warm morning light, with large windows offering a stunning view of the lush gardens outside.
The table is set with fine china and an array of delicious breakfast options, from fresh fruit and pastries, to a variety of hot dishes on offer and cooked to order.
Marcus pours out fresh coffee and you pick Marcus a fruit bowl whilst you wait for Missy and Sam to join you both as previously arranged.
You feed pieces of melon into Marcus’s mouth. He eyes you suggestively as he sucks your fingers free of the syrup. 
“Mmm,” he murmurs with a wink behind his dark-rimmed specs as he leans in to plant a sugary-sweet smooch on your lips.
"You two are worse than teenagers," Missy teases, a playful glint in her eyes. "How do you still act like this in your sixties?"
Marcus grins and squeezes your hand. "Love only gets better with age, muñeca." (Doll)
You smile softly, leaning into his shoulder. "We've had plenty of practice," you add, your eyes twinkling. "Besides, we're just setting a good example for you two."
Sam raises his coffee cup in a toast. "Well, if we end up half as in love as you two when we're your age, we'll consider ourselves very lucky."
Missy smiles warmly, looking at you both with a mixture of admiration and amusement. "Alright, alright, I get it. Love doesn’t have an expiration date. But still, maybe keep the lewd PDA to a minimum while we eat?"
Marcus laughs, his eyes glimmering with joy and pats your thigh affectionately. "No promises, but we'll try to behave.” He looks at you, with a cheeky glint in his eye. “For now..."
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I really hope you enjoyed reading this story with Marcus, and welcome your comments/thoughts. I'd appreciate a re-blog if you liked it so others can find it on their dash to read and enjoy too - thank you very much! 🖤
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tossawary · 4 months
"Was it really going to make him look on while a child was being abused? This was really too much... Even so, Shen Qingqiu couldn't afford to take risks.
While he was anxiously fretting, a compromise suddenly came to him.
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect had a minor technique, "Plucking Leaves, Flying Flowers." At a glance, it wasn't very useful, just aesthetic and interesting. The novel had described how Luo Binghe used the technique to win the nth woman's affections. As Shen Qingqiu had, since his arrival, been furiously reviewing various manuals, he had also recently seen a description of it."
Chapter 1, page 43.
Shen Yuan may have inherited all of Shen Qingqiu's cultivation skill and he has to fake his way through a lot of interactions, but he does actually study and work to bring himself up to standard! And when he sees Binghe being bullied like this, he goes on to lose over 50% of his B-points driving Ming Fan and his lackeys off. He wants to return the jade pendant immediately, but knows it would count as another System violation and he has only 30 B-Points left.
Admittedly, he gets 100 B-Points for keeping the pendant and seems giddy about potentially being able to use it to curry favor with the protagonist. There are a lot of moments in this chapter where Shen Yuan is clearly still adjusting to his transmigration and he's having difficulty seeing everyone around him as people instead of characters yet - he's having a WEIRD couple of weeks here - so it makes sense to me that his mindset is kind of... detached and mercurial here? He thinks his life is on the line. He's not being nice to Binghe for Binghe's own sake, even if his personal desire and default is to be kind.
Still, this scene did win me over a little. It's not clear if Shen Yuan knows what a punishment from the System entails yet; it's a reasonable question for him to have asked off-screen, but the System was probably very vague at best. (He ends up having to experience having a limb ripped off on a later book. That's pretty fucked up.) But he still takes an enormous personal risk to interfere with what's kind of an average encounter in Luo Binghe's shitty life (though there is the significance of the false jade pendant), even though the System is insisting he can't take any credit for it.
Shen Yuan comes off as really young and stubborn here! Less used to the System's edicts and his character role! A little spoiled and very excited to have superpowers! Inexperienced and maybe more clear-sighted than he becomes when his relationship with Binghe gains genuine affection, followed by guilt, grief, and terror. Luo Binghe is just a kid and Shen Yuan is a brand new transmigrator (probably not much older than 19-20, honestly) who doesn't like bullies!
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reedreadsbooks · 3 months
Book Review: Dreadnought by April Daniels ✨🏙️⚡️
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rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
After Dreadnought, the world’s greatest superhero, is killed in combat, closeted trans girl Danny Tozer inherits his powers and is transformed to have the body she’s always wanted to have. Now she has to deal with having superpowers and being an out trans woman, all the while hunting down the supervillain who murdered her predecessor.
This book was phenomenal, and I’m kind of at a loss for words to describe how much I liked it.
To start, I love the world of this book. This is such a classic superhero story. Daniels uses the conventions of the genre without making things feel like a parody and subverts tropes just enough to make the story distinct.
I also really love Dreadnought as a trans narrative. This book doesn’t shy away from transphobia. Between Danny’s parents, kids at her school, and other heroes she meets, we get a pretty broad and realistic representation of the types of abuse a young trans woman might face. There’s also so much trans joy in this book. It was really nice to see Danny come into herself, and it was cathartic to watch her realize that no one could take her transition away from her. This is the type of story that will give trans kids hope for the future.
I would recommend this book to literally everyone. In fact, I plan on recommending this book to literally everyone. But because that’s not helpful, I’ll be more specific and say I highly recommend this book to fans of Andrew Joseph White. Obviously, it’s very different from his work, genre-wise, but I think the themes are really similar. If you like Hell Followed with Us and The Spirit Bares It’s Teeth, I can definitely see you liking Dreadnought.
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