#internet relapse
optimisticapocalypse · 4 months
I felt the invitation to be cringe.
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Comfort character memes. (?)
I may live to regret this.
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lupuslikethewolf · 11 months
it really does piss me off when people call the war against the others 'the north's war' or 'the stark's war' or 'jon's/sansa's war' and claim that daenerys was helping because she just wanted to or something along those lines
as if the north/night's watch/the stark's/common sense wasn't saying the entire time "if these guys manage to defeat us they will come and kill all of you too, and have an army of millions of soldiers that cannot die to do so."
dany deciding to fight in the war in seasons 7/8 was not simply an act of compassion or allyship or whatnot, it was an act of self-preservation and (kinda) proactivity, considering that the war against the others is everyone's war. not just the north's, not just the stark's, and not just the night's watch.
the show and the books have been telling us the entire time that, when people get too caught up in politics and playing the "game of thrones", they end up ignoring, if not helping, the actual threat.
in fact, her fighting in the war is beneficial to her if she wishes to establish a reputation as the hero, and the liberator, coming first to conquer or reclaim, but then deciding that stopping the apocalypse is actually more important than ambition for the throne. whether or not i agree with that statement is a bit iffy, considering she needed the north to help in the fight as much as they needed her, but it is good PR.
no-one is indebted to dany because she decided to fight against the long night alongside everyone else, who had been doing it/preparing for it for far longer than she had. if the north/house stark had not sent word to dany, she would have been caught completely unawares and likely suffered a far worse fate at the hands of the others.
they helped each other, as just because dany had dragons and an army, she had no way of knowing what would kill the others or the wights, or what the legends surrounding them were, or even that it was a threat to be addressed until it would have been too late.
now this isn't me saying that i at all agree with the directions of seasons 6/7/8, or with how D+D handled the aftermath of the war with others, or jon, or dany, or any of the show in the later seasons really. dany (among others) absolutely deserved much better treatment, and so many characters were absolutely assassinated for no reason (*coughjoncough*). but, working with the material we have, dany made the only intelligent choice in those circumstances. the north are not supposed to worship for acknowledging what they have been saying and preparing for since the beginning: 'winter is coming'.
they helped each other: just because dany arrived at the war with the westerosi equivalent of nukes does not mean that everything else that was done by the north was useless compared to that. it was their land, and funds, and food stores, and shelter that was providing for dany's army and dany's dragons. "what do dragon's eat, anyway?" is a legitimate concern when you are trying to feed an entire nation of people during winter. "whatever they want" is not helpful here, babes, even if it is a badass line. my girl was just trying to figure out how to feed your kids without starving everyone else.
what happened after the long night is a different story entirely, but when it comes down to the actual war, there was never any question of what dany should do/should have done. had she ignored the others, and instead focused on "conquering" westeros, in the end, there would have been no westeros for her to conquer and rule.
tl:dr: the north is not to blame for what happened to dany during the long night, as if she had chosen to simply ignore the problem, it would have been so much worse for her in the end. nor are they indebted to her, as the problem would have become hers anyway, except on a much larger scale with much worse consequences. they helped each other, because it was never the north vs the others, it was humanity vs the others. life vs death.
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faerieheart · 3 months
I did (1) reply this weekend, where is my cookie
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heavyhitting · 2 years
... 🌻🧣
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... 🌻🧣
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Can someone give me tips to on how to f∆$t for 24 hours???
Need your help lovliesss😢😢😫😫✨✨❤❤
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cocosnowlo · 1 year
So, my dumbass brain seems to be at war with food and calories again and I hate it -.-
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boop-le-snoot · 2 years
"why don't you write angst?" my sibling in thor, if you have read any of my late night drabbles, you know that someone out there will surely become suicidal if they consume the glass-wool cotton candy that I am capable of writing.
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philsmeatylegss · 1 year
Not the blue whale challenge, oh my god… I remember my parents were very concerned when all that shit was happening and the local news would just put uncensored pictures on as if it was nothing. (I understand the want to raise awareness, but holy shit??? The fact that I can still remember those pictures very vividly??) Truly a crazy time to be in.
You’re right!! There was uncensored pics that were really graphic. Like did they not think we knew what they meant when they wrote what happened?? I didn’t need a diagram?? I literally just looked it up and there’s still many graphic uncensored pics of it that you don’t need to look hard to find. I love how shit like this happens and we all just forget about it. It’s not like this was twenty years ago?? Insane
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felixfathom · 2 years
ok fuck i am not actually killing myself but i am so mentally unstable with Nothing going on for me i feel like i'll actually reach my limit before calming the fuck down and not let my emotions take full control of me . SORRY i am constantly thinking about death and murder i truly can't help all the anger stored in my body ! and well if i can't inflict it on others because it's Fucked Up the best way to cope with it is to punish my body
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whsprings · 2 years
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pumpyrunah · 3 days
(lrb) naw but I honest to heart mean it. My only good hypothetic reason to return to programming as a career is to learn to demake and port almost any little game I want into any machine.
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theodore-priv · 1 month
not me relapsing because i read a fic
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justaholeinmysoul · 3 months
Thank fuck I'm not into drugs bc I would've killed myself immediately with my kind of personality
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craving moribund addiction
looking at colored packages as i walk past to the tall can of mortal addiction. [ i want power,
why wont you give me my power back ? ]
the personification of my skeleton is an action which I cannot take back .....
why do you cry at the dinner table mija? is it something i did wrong? what kinds of food can i make you? do you want to go grocery shopping?
a life is only worth living if a propagation is began amid the umbra
take ashes, to ashes I will return one day regardless
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corazondebeskar-reads · 6 months
turns out sometimes the cure for writers block is to let yourself purge gratuitously bad poetry into a google docs trash can
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