#is this an open ending?
hinamie · 1 month
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quick itfs sketch page
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frogchiro · 1 year
virgin sacrifice reader offered to war god ghost?? prepare to be his lovely wife instead of a sacrifice with at least 10 demigods running around, he wants to raise strong warriors!
Ghost would definitely be a god similiar to Ares; a god of war, brutality, bloodshed, masculinity and virility. Men go and pray by his shrine or in his dedicated temple to give them strength in both battle and bed, to be a strong and unbeatable warrior and be able to father strong, healthy children.
One such temple, the main one, is in a surprisingly remote location, surrounded not by a major city or capital but a few villages. According to myths it was this place where a brutal battle took place millenia ago where the fearsome god Ghost defeated an army all by himself, the blood of his slain enemies served to make the land fertile and for many villages to grow and prosper...until now.
Usually sacrifaces to appease the god would be made by the men of the villages; black stallions, the strongest bulls, wine, silver and pure steel, everything that has connections to masculinity and power, however some kind of horrible fatum seems to hang over your little village. The animals either die young or are sickly and weak, the wine turns out sour like vinegar, there in so money to buy anything either and it's taken as a curse by the elders. If nothing will be done and Ghost won't have his sacrifice who knows what will happen?
So they decide on the next best thing, a desperate last choice reach in hopes to appease the brutal god-a virgin sacrifice. The prettiest, unmarried and untouched young woman is to be chosen, dressed in the finest, gauzy silks and locked inside the stone temple in hopes that the god will come down and the blood of a slain virgin will calm his fury. Luck wasn't on your side it seems, you were chosen.
All you could remember were the desperate cries of your mother, the dissapointed remorseful look on your father's face and the ritual cleansing of the old crones in the village. You were cleaned in rose water, intricate patterns were drawn with a mixture of honey, mushed up berries and flowers on your breasts, around your nipples and bellybutton, and the most intricate was drawn on the place where your womb was. You were clothed in a white gauzy dress that was a symbol of your purity and then you were bound and dragged to the temple no matter how much you struggled and kicked and pleaded until you were finally locked in the dimly lit temple, only the many candles present to lighten the main chamber and to show the powerful, majestic sculpture of the god, Ghost.
Imagine crying yourself to sleep, everything hurt, you were scared and confused, all alone to die in this forsaken temple because some old men decided on it. Falling asleep out of exhaustion, the images of your crying, terrified mother haunting you even when sleeping.
Imagine waking up and instead of feeling cold and sore from sleeping on the unforgiving stone floor, and instead finding yourself laying on and under the most luxurious furs you've ever seen, the warmth of them felt like a blanket and the smell of them, pleasant warm masculine musk made a shiver run down your spine, just where were you?
Before you had the chance of looking around the room, you felt huge, strong arms clamping togehter around you and bringing you into a powerful, broad chest which rumbled with a growl like purr and a stern voice saying:
"Stay. Don't move around girl."
And the very same arms turned you gently around to face the man behind you and you couldn't help but gasp and breath out a tiny, frightened yelp-behind you was laying a man who looked like the stone sculpture of Ghost cane to life and became human. It...it was Ghost. You laid next to a god.
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monamoon8 · 3 months
Instead of getting ready for Eid festivities like they used to every year, my friend Bilal's family are still living in a makeshift tent in this sweltering heat, striving to secure the inadequate amount of food and water they can hardly come by. Since October, Israel has imposed a tight siege on Gaza, severely limiting the flow of life-saving essential food and medical items. Now, with the seizure of the Rafah crossing border which has been closed since May 7, the situation is worse than ever. Vital goods are scarce in the markets, and when they are available they're sold at exorbitant prices.
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Bilal's family had to leave Rafah and go to Khan Yunis again to escape the recent massacres. It is now harder for them to provide basic needs for themselves and the children including the three newborns. The little water they manage to obtain with great difficulty is often polluted and salty. It's not even suitable for cooking regular meals for adults, let alone prepare baby bottles for three newborns if ever formula is accessible.
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Every single day is a struggle for survival for Bilal's family. Their lives are constantly threatened by acute malnutrition, infectious diseases, and indiscriminate bombing. Your support has truly made a difference, but it is now needed more urgently, as the situation is getting more dire.
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Please help Bilal keep them as safe as possible until the border reopens and they are hopefully able to evacuate.
It would mean the world to them if you donated or reblogged.
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soon-palestine · 8 months
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[image description : a person setting on his computer and says " but I am just one person " below are many persons the same way she is on their desktops telling themselves " I can't do anything " and then many more of people the same way End Description.]
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sanzundertale · 1 year
babygirl i will invent stages of grief you have never seen before
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
The sound of John Constantine’s incredulous voice entered the meeting room before his body did. “Fight an Infinite Realms ghost? Are you insane?! Do you want to get us killed?”
Zatanna spun and almost snarled at him. “What would you have us do then, Constantine? Maybe you’re okay with sacrificing people sometimes, but we’re the heroes. We can’t just let it keep wreaking havoc. There’s no reported deaths yet, but we don’t know how long that’ll last.”
He leaned against the wall nonchalantly and lit a cigarette. “Well, what’s it yelling about?”
He took a long drag before continuing. “Realms ghosts– they’re basically immune to our magic, but they’re easy marks if you know how to deal with ‘em. They all have some sort of Obsession. Just work with that and they’re remarkably simple to manipulate.” His voice turned to a grumble, “Doesn’t mean they can’t be a huge pain in the fucking ass sometimes though.”
Tapping some ash off his cigarette, he looked straight back into the room again. “So… what’re they yelling about?”
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puppyeared · 1 year
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learned something about myself lately
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ceeejus · 1 year
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looks like my summer vacation is… over.
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cracklewink · 7 months
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Harmony Syndrome Part 5/5
The last chapter of my mlp infection AU! Thank you to everyone who followed along. Some final thoughts on my twitter @cracklewink if anyone's interested : )
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shellem15 · 1 month
Can I just say, I really appreciate how Critical Role plays the Devil trope straight. There's been this phenomena in a lot of modern media (I'm not going to mention specifics but I'm sure a few examples pop up in people's minds) where Hell and the Devil aren't scary or malevolent forces. Hell is portrayed as being basically the same as our world just "edgier", and the Devil is a pretty decent guy actually. Heaven are secretly the real bad guys!
But Critical Role doesn't do that. In Exandria, Asmodeus *feels* like the Devil. He's malevolent and manipulative and terrifyingly powerful and he hates you, personally. We never see that type of portrayal anymore! And it's amazing! And he still manages to be sympathetic and tragic without losing his edge!
And the "Good Gods" are portrayed as flawed without being secretly evil or something! Like, actual nuance? In my Heaven/Hell dichotomy? What!?
It's just such a breath of fresh air after so many "The Devil was right, actually" stories. So props to Matt and Brennan and the cast.
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pal1cam · 5 months
Rafah has been ordered to evacuate…
if this isn’t convincing enough for you to push for a ceasefire right this second, as hard as you can, no matter at what cost and what the consequences will be, then you truly have no heart…
do you understand what it means to be in a position where you’ve been displaced time and time again, just to get to the only supposed safe area that you have been ordered to go to by a force that’s so much stronger than you as an unarmed civilian, just to be told that you can’t be there anymore ? and that is after you have lost everything, like your home, your memories, your friends, family members and loved ones, your job, and everything that you’ve worked so hard in order to achieve…
The more than 1 million civilians that are now displaced in Rafah have NOWHERE TO GO.
And if you’re thinking “Why don’t they just go across the border to Egypt ?” …
well first of all, these people are indigenous to Gaza and to Palestine and if you think it’s that easy to leave your homeland then you’re wrong, and especially at such a time where the occupation’s forces would be delighted to see all of these Gazans move to Egypt, that only makes the Gazans want to stay even more, even if that means they’d lose their life inside this homeland.
and second of all, Egypt doesn’t allow Gazans to cross the border that easily, first they’d need to provide the evacuation costs which could get up to 10,000 $ per person, and then they’d have to sign a shit ton of papers and get on a waiting list, which is a situation that they could be stuck in, and unfortunately lose their lives in Gaza due to bombing while their turn to evacuate is still so far away on that waiting list.
So protest, boycott, call for a ceasefire, donate, share news, call your reps, scream and shout for the liberation of the Palestinians and do anything in your ability to stop this atrocity… so that tomorrow when the future generations ask you about what you did to stop a live and ongoing genocide, you’d at least have one good thing to say.
Don’t look away when a genocide is happening.
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attleboy · 10 months
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more sharp-toothed pomni shenanigans... this time, with weirdly specific projection [packaging... my sworn enemy]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Ooh, you want to know what happens at the gay bar run by ex-pirates, ooh...You'll just have to read Tiger Tiger to find out...
(Inspired by this Disco Elysium comic)
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delicourse · 3 months
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Another year, Another lesbian pride gown moment🌸
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Her Astrophel and Sterling
You know what.
You know those AU's where the Batfam finds or learns about either hidden or thought to be dead Al Ghul Danny! with a deaged/daughter Dani (Ellie) (I should know, I created a few of those storylines) but what if, now hear me out, what if instead of them finding Danny first its Talia.
Do I want Talia discovering her thought to be dead son to be alive? Yes. Do I want her to find him while investigating Amity Park when the League gets reports of 'Lazarus creatures/water'? Yes.
DO I WANT HER TO KNOCK ON THE FENTON'S DOOR, fully ready to pretend/honey talk her way into the house to uncover what the Fenton's know, ONLY TO MEET A LITTLE ELLIE?!
Ellie whose eyes and hair look like a copy of her Beloved but she can see bits and pieces of herself as well. Talia knows the child in front of her was not fully her's though but everything makes sense when she hears a voice, a voice she hasn't heard in ages but as a mother just knows, speak out.
"Ellie! I thought I said do not answer the door my Sterling."
"But Daddy, yous was busy fighting the hotdoggys!"
Talia's eyes widen when she finally catches sight of familiar black hair and blue eyes.
and she could only lightly whisper a old nickname she hasn't dared uttered in ages, a name she secretly gave her son due to his love of the stars "Astrophel..."
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ookamihanta · 2 months
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A Heart to Heart Vol 2
Vol 1 | Vol 2
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