#is this how remus lupin feels
iheartmoons · 1 year
on my period and have to do two exams today. hate having periods so insanely much <3
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nettedtangible · 4 months
"It's unrealistic!"
Remus' name is Remus Lupin and he's a werewolf. His dad's name is Lyall and his mum's name is Hope Howell. Nothing, and I do mean nothing we could cook up would ever be as unserious as canon.
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lunarlivs · 9 months
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nye with r + s ⭑
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swag696942069 · 1 year
Head canon that none of the Black cousins knew how to drive and so their respective partners attempt to teach them and it goes terribly wrong and most likely scares their partners for life.
Like just imagine;
James: Okay love, lightly push the gas pedal to start.
Regulus: Alright!:Absolutely floors it
Remus: alright, now what you want to do is make sure you check your mirrors before-
Sirius: I know Moony! Gods, you act like I'm an idiot.:Doesn't pay attention at all and nearly drives into a ditch-
Andromeda, already driving: And, which one is the break again?
Ted: *Has a panic attack*
Alice: Wow Cissa! You're doing suprising well, considering- :Looks over and notices Narcissa using the rearview mirror to fix her hair,:OH MY GODS, EYES ON THE ROAD!
Rita: Trixie, stop someone's trying to cross. Trixie. BELLATRIX STOP- OH MY GODS!
Bellatrix: oops!
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bimoonphases · 11 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 10 - prompt 10: Knight Bus [word count 513]
Come to think of it, it hadn’t really been a good idea. Well no, actually it had been an amazing idea to go out in muggle London all together on one of those things Muggles called pub crawls. No, the not so good idea in James’s hindsight had been the amount of alcohol they had ingested. Peter had fallen asleep in the split second they had taken out of the last pub to summon the Knight Bus, Sirius wasn’t able to stand on his own and even him had trouble stepping on the bus and handing the guy looking at them with amusement the money for their tickets. The only one functioning was Remus, who was now helping Sirius sit down on one of the beds.
“You’re warm,” Sirius slurred, passing his arms around Remus’s waist.
James noticed that Remus’s lips were reduced to a thin line that in that moment reminded him scarily of Professor McGonagall. He managed to put Peter down on the same bed, where he kept on snoring without even waking up as the Knight Bus bolted forward, and frowned. Even with all the alcohol coursing through his veins he knew Remus was angry. And he knew why.
The last pub they had been into, the one where the tipsiness had turned into drunkenness, had had a massive Pride flag over the door and a statuesque drag queen welcoming people just inside.
“Welcome home, darlings,” she had smiled as they had stumbled towards the bar.
Sirius was visibly ecstatic about the place, and had launched himself on the dance floor the second they had downed their first tequila shots. He had taken them all with them, but as the hour went on and they had drunk more and Remus had sat down on a bar stool because his hip was starting to hurt and Peter was staring dreamy-eyed at another drag queen and he had had yet another drink offered by a guy in a cowboy hat and little else or what looked like a very expensive and very out of place button down, Sirius hadn’t left the dance floor. He had been smiling and laughing and whirling gracefully from hot guy to hot guy and Remus’s expression had become more and more closed down. Looking at him now, James wondered if he could take advantage of his own state to tell Remus outright that Sirius was as in love with him as Remus was with Sirius and had been for years now. But sooner or later Sirius would sober up and kill him if he did that, so he just sighed and leaned on the bus window. Sirius chose that moment to nuzzle Remus’s neck.
“You’re hot, you know that?” he murmured.
James saw Remus freeze.
“But not as hot as the love of my life,” Sirius went on.
“Is that so?” Remus rolled his eyes.
“Yes. His name is Remus and I’m gonna marry him one day. Well, after I find the guts to tell him I love him,” Sirius nodded, closing his eyes.
James saw Remus’s eyes widen and his cheeks instantly turn the colour of the Gryffindor banner and he sent a silent thank you to whoever had invented tequila.
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apoetsworld · 1 year
Minutes. Seconds. After watching the Barbie Movie.
Sirius, James, Peter and Remus: IMAGINATION, LIFE IS YOUR CREATION
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fr3dricckk · 8 months
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Today's progress
We still have a long way to go but this is beginning to take on shape alright.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 26 - Sick Fic
@wolfstarmicrofic July 26, word count 752
Part seven of werewolf Sirius
Previous part First part
Sirius dropped Rorbey’s hands and cradled his own head in them as huge soul-wracking sobs burst from his body. Reggie, his baby brother Reggie, was alive. 
“Where is he, Rorbey? Can we get him out?” Remus addressed Rorbey, asking the questions Sirius couldn’t. The little elf wrung his hands. 
“Rorbey be feeling like a fool, Master Remus, sir. Rorbey should be knowing, sir, but Rorbey got his two Masters's magics confused. Rorbey should be punished, sir.” The elf shook his head as he snuffled sadly. Sirius looked up at him, his face tear-stained. 
“Where is he, Rorbey?” Though he felt he already knew. The little elf looked up at him nervously through his eyelashes. 
“Master Regulus is being in the same dungeon you was being in, Master Sirius,” The elf confessed. Regulus had been below Lestrange Castle the entire time, cold and alone. 
“Merlin’s ghostly balls,” Marcus exclaimed. Remus hit him with a silencing spell, and he immediately shut up. 
“Thank you for your input, Marcus, but we won’t be requiring further comments at the moment. Thank you. Now sit down and behave.” Remus growled. Marcus sat on the forest floor and watched the scene before him, silently. 
“Is he alright, Rorbey?” Sirius begged. Tears swam in Rorbey’s giant round eyes as he shook his head. 
“Master Regulus has a fever. Rorbey doesn’t think Master Regulus even knew Rorbey was being there.” 
“Remus,” Sirius’s voice cracked. 
“Tell me as much as you can, Rorbey,” Remus demanded.
Rorbey told Remus everything he could remember. It sounded as though Regulus was in a bad way. 
“He might have pneumonia amongst a myriad of other things.” Remus sighed, running his hand through his hair. "The sooner we get him out the better.” Remus deduced from the little Rorbey could tell him. “It sounds like he may have a fever. Rorbey, can you get him out?” Remus asked. Sirius could almost see the plan he was drawing up in his mind. 
“Rorbey can not, Master Remus, sir. Rorbey can take things to the young Master, but there is magic not letting Rorbey take wizards with him. Rorbey tried with Master Sirius, but Rorbey failed.”
“You didn’t fail, Rorbey. You’re a good house elf, and you’ve done far more than I can ever thank you for. But Rorbey,” Sirius continued. He’d gotten over his initial overwhelming feelings and was thinking straight again. “I need to ask you to help Regulus get better. Do what Remus says, he’ll help you.”
“Of course, Master Sirius, Anything for Master Regulus.” The elf nodded profusely. Remus gave him a list of potions to buy and how and when to administer them. 
“He’ll need broth once he’s conscious and plenty of fluids. He’ll take some time to recover, but from what you’ve described I think we’re just in time.”
“Use my personal account when you buy the potions,” Sirius told Rorbey, scribbling his permission on a scrap of parchment. 
Rorbey was gone for a few days, but when he finally returned it was with good news. Regulus was awake and alert and ravenous. He also had a message for Rorbey to give to Sirius, but Rorbey wouldn’t repeat it. 
“Rorbey, come on, it can’t be that bad,” Sirius urged. He didn’t want to order the elf, he’d never been one for that, but he needed to know. Rorbey shook his head. Marcus passed him a scroll of parchment and a self-inking quill. 
“Take this to him and get him to write it down,” Marcus told Rorbey. 
"Good thinking, Marcus," Sirius thanked the wolf. The little elf bowed and popped away. They didn’t have to wait long for his return. He handed Sirius the note written in an elegant script. Even as a prisoner, Regulus was never one for sloppy penmanship. 
‘Sirius, You absolute wanker, of course, it had to be you to figure out where I was. Hurry the fuck up and get me out of here. I must take my revenge on our dear cousin and her useless husband for what they have dared to do to me. Yours Regulus Arcturus Black  P.S. Thank you for sending Rorbey. Now get me out of here!!!’
Sirius chuckled as he folded the parchment and put it into his pocket. Regulus was pissed. He only swore when he was beyond frustrated. 
“Well, my sweet little brother seems to be completely back to full health thanks to you and Remus, Rorbey. So now the question is, how are we going to get him out?”
Next part
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oswinthegeek · 6 months
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‘What is she looking at?’
I haven’t had time to post anything lately, I’m hoping to be more active here in a couple weeks after the play I’m in is over, just a very busy time for me rn.
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ninety-two-bees · 3 months
stop using the word “cripple” to describe disabled characters!
just because a musical uses the word and it trends online doesn’t make it any less of a derogatory term. stop using it. stop reblogging posts that use it. fandom should be a safe and comfortable space for everyone, including physically disabled people. “cripple” has always been a derogatory term, and you don’t get to start using it now just because the internet thinks it’s funny
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tealeavesandtrash · 5 months
Wolfstar Micro Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Amnesia - 750 Words
Remus sits on the sofa, staring at the bookshelf in front of him, wonders how many of those books are his, which ones he’s read or was excited to read. This is his life now. When he isn’t at doctors appointments, he’s staring at photos or objects pondering what history he has attached to them. This is his house, he knows logically it is - he’s in photos on the walls, his name is on the mail - but it feels like he’s living in a stranger's body. There are days he’d rather stay in hospital just to escape the relentless notion that he's an imposter in someone else life.
He can feel Sirius’ eyes on him, watching in anticipation, like any moment things will snap back into place. “Lily found some more photos,” Sirius says, “we could go through them today?” Remus nods, although he doesn’t feel like he has much choice in the matter. “Is she coming round?” “Yeah, but she won’t stay.” He likes Lily. He suspects they used to be very close, but it feels juvenile to ask outright if they’re best friends. Despite that, he slips back into the bedroom shortly after she arrives, feigning tiredness. It’s not a complete lie - he’s tired a lot which is supposedly a good sign that his brain is trying to fix itself. But he’s also tired of all the visitors - friends of theirs trying to help who don’t how to act around him and Remus is constantly running through a mental rolodex trying to find names for faces. 
“The Potters send their love,” Sirius says while laying the photos from Lily across the living room floor. Remus scans them, trying to identify them. It’s one of the memory exercises they keep pushing in therapy that feels more like a child’s game. He picks up a photo of a couple and a baby and Sirius gives him a hopeful smile. Remus doesn’t explain that he picked it because it’s the only picture of a redhead. When he first picked out a photo of his parents Sirius had been so excited, only to be crumble a moment later when Remus explained it was a simple process of elimination - they just shared the most resemblance with him. Remus stopped explaining his logic after that, save people the disappointment. 
Nights are the worst. When he’d first come home, he refused to share a bed so Sirius insisted on taking the guest room. Not that it made a difference to Remus, he feels just as much a guest in the master bedroom as he would the guestroom. Sirius loiters outside his room when they say goodnight, the same way he does every night, like he’s half expecting Remus to invite him in. “Why are you being so patient with me?” Sirius looks at him with soft, sad eyes. “Because you’re my Moony,” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. The nickname feels foreign. Sirius says it with such revance but it means nothing to Remus. “I’m not though, I might never be him again.” “You will-” “-You don’t know that,” Remus cuts him off. “People keep saying that, like everything will suddenly fix itself, but you have no idea. No one does.” Sirius swallows, dropping in gaze. Remus might feel bad for snapping if he wasn’t so sick of everyone’s blind optimism. Sirius takes Remus’ hands, gently runs his thumb over his knuckles. “It doesn’t matter,” he says quietly. “You’ll always be my Moony, even if you don’t see it. Even if you never see it.” 
Remus curls up in the middle of an empty bed, a thousand thoughts bouncing around his head as he replays Sirius’ words. He thinks about how alone he is, open and exposed in a room that feels too hollow. He thinks about how his therapist told him to embrace the unknown, push through the fear.
The floor is cold under his bare feet as he pads across the landing and slips into the guest room. The curtains are wide open, illuminating the room with moonlight which he's immensely grateful for. It doesn’t feel as claustrophobic. Sirius has his back to him, chest rising and falling with steady breaths. Remus doesn’t slip under the covers, this alone is a big enough step, but he does lie down next Sirius, close enough that they’re almost touching. Remus takes a deep breath to steady himself, lets himself adjust to the moment. Tentatively, he lets his eyes slip closed.
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polaroidcats · 11 months
Ugly crying & the marauders generation - a pseudo-scientific approach (my marauders crying PhD abstract)
In recent days, there have been a variety of claims as to who the prettiest and ugliest crier in the marauders generation could be. This paper aims to address the recent surge in opinions on the matter, and categorize different approaches as well as add a new approach to the scientific examination of ugliness/prettiness when it comes to crying. I hope to provide readers with an overview of the current state of research and encourage all marauders scholars to add their own and I intend to make a contribution to the discourse by committing to the bit and writing a pseudo-academic paper about it instead of actually working on my thesis.
In the following paper, the discourse about 5 marauders era characters will be examined in regards to their various levels of perceived ugliness whilst crying. Scholars who may ask why Peter [Pettigrew] is not included in this analysis are advised to refer to acclaimed marauders ugly crying scholar @lynxindisguise's (2023) original poll on the popular blogging website "tumblr.com" which did not include Peter, but rather two non-marauders characters named Lily and Regulus. This paper will follow that approach, since Peter is the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met, I do not trust him and he is a fugly slut. The characters included in this approach are as follows: James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Regulus Black.
Following the scientific criteria for ugly crying, as stated by lynxindisguise et. al (2023), the question of the ugliest crier can be answered by observing the crying person and assessing their ugly-levels on the following parameters: (1) unbecoming facial expressions, (2) facial swelling/blotching, (3) unsettling noises, (4) snot factor, (5) tear volume, (6) general loss of dignity, (7) glistening eyes/lashes, (8) Victorian heroine factor, (9) elegant tear-wiping, (10) post-cry glow (ibid).
Criteria (1)-(6) can be categorized as the ugly crying parameters whereas (7)-(10) are pretty crying parameters, creating a false binary between ugly and pretty crying, which may be problematised and addressed in another the paper. In contrast to lynxindisguise’s original 10 criteria to measure the aesthetics of crying, this paper proposes to add (11) explosiveness of cry as another ugly crying parameter, in order to get a more clear assessment of where on the ugly-pretty crying scale a character falls.
The ugly crying parameters
(1) Unbecoming facial expressions
James Potter is mentioned in this category by several marauders scholars: @jaylienpotter talks about his red face and ugly sobbing, @artbyace mentions his “scrunched up cry face” and @sectoren claimes “james (…) is that one handsome guy that when the waterworks get going becomes like. Cartoonishly ugly”, raising the question of upkeeping toxic masculinity in order to avoid having to witness more of James Potter’s crying “mug”.
Though James Potter features heavily in this category, another character who is also mentioned just as often is Remus Lupin: @kaaaaaaarf, @appreciatedmoron and @http-starboy all emphasise that Remus Lupin is the one with a red and blotchy face.
(2) facial swelling/blotching
While there is a definitive overlap between the categories of facial swelling/blotching, unbecoming facial expressions and snot factor, Sirius’ and Regulus’ victorian heroine complexions, which give them an advantage in the homonymous category, may be to their disadvantage in the “blotching” category. This will require further research by other scholars.
(3) unsettling noises
James Potter is mentioned in this category by Jaylienpotter (2023), claiming he not only hiccups when crying but also that “his cries are one of the most heartbreaking things you’ll ever hear” and similarly, artbyace states that “James loves and feels so loudly”, whereas “Sirius is silent”, both sentiments are reminiscent of znelda’s (2023) statements that James “was allowed to feel his emotions freely in a loving household” and “Sirius (…) [is] used to hide [his] feelings and [has] become stoic”.
With several other scholars, among them also @jamesunderwater (2023) raising the point that James may be the ugliest crier due to him being “the only one well adjusted enough to have access to his feelings” this raises the question of possibly introducing another category, maybe of emotional awareness/stability to be able to measure this parameter more efficiently, though emotional vulnerability may also just be a part of the unsettling noises parameter, suggesting that there is a correlation between noisiness and the existing environment being welcoming to and accepting of various expressions of emotions.
(4) snot factor
The most popular winner in the snot factor category seems to be Remus Lupin, with several scholars agreeing that his sobs are the dampest and snottiest out of all the candidates. kaaaaaaarf (2023) writes “he turnes all red and blochty and snot drips out of his nose (…) he cant (sic) not cry with his mouth open as well so there is a lot of spit”, and appreciatedmoron (2023) agrees with kaaaaaaarf on this.
It only seems right to me to include spit in the snot category as well, seeing as they’re both crying-related bodily fluids that add to the ugly-cry factor. http-starboy (2023) also mentions snot in regards to Remus Lupin, which compared to both their comments in (1) opens up the question of how unbecoming facial expressions, more particularly redness of the face and snot factor may be related, as several authors seem to write about both specifically in relation to each other. Whether this is just pure coincidence or not would need further research, for which we currently do not have enough funding. This is only one of the many research gaps in the relatively new field of marauder’s ugly crying studies, which cannot fully be addressed in this paper.
James Potter is also mentioned in the snot category, namely by the marauders scholar artbyace (2023).
(5) tear volume
Artbyace (2023) claims James Potter is “full on bawling” which can only be assumed to refer to tear volume, but the most convincing argument for tear volume comes from the acclaimed marauders scholar @fruityindividual (2023), stating that “tsunami warning tones go off in sirius’ brain anytime remus is close 2 (sic) tears” which already indicates high levels of tear volumes. The author then goes on to specify the volume by claiming that “indeed the ocean wishes rj lupin would jump in and help contribute 2 (sic) rising sea levels”, further emphasizing the volume of Remus's tears.
(6) general loss of dignity
@pastaplatypus (2023) writes about James Potter not being able to do a Melodramatic Bollywood Cry, which is perceived as inherently racist by the crier.
I would like to argue that Sirius Black also deserves to be mentioned in this category. While as of today, with less than 1 hour left to vote, 15.5% of voters agree that Sirius is the ugliest crier, the more outspoken voices all argue for different ugly criers. Due to their upbringing, I am tempted to name both Black brothers in the “loss of dignity” category and look forward to reading future contributions to this discussion.
The pretty crying parameters
(7) glistening eyes/lashes
Undoubtedly Sirius Black deserves to be mentioned in this category. I believe his dark lashes and glimmering eyes are part of what makes him the prettiest crier. Whereas Remus’s eyes also sometimes glisten or appear red, and it is usually attributed to be caused by drug consumption, which more often than not is a wrong assumption, but he happily goes along with the pretense of being a weed-smoking bad boy in order to hide his ugly crying damp tendencies.
(8) Victorian heroine factor
It almost seems superfluous to even mention Sirius (and, to a lesser degree, Regulus) Black in this category. This category was made for Sirius, as is apparent when reading lynxindisguises (2023) description of the victorian heroine factor, in response to a question by the scholar @plecotusauritus:
“the Victorian Heroine Factor is a deeply scientific assessment of the Vibes. Is this person giving tragically beautiful, windswept Victorian Heroine, sobbing gently into their hands while sprawled across a boulder or a well or a fountain of some sort? When they look up at you, do their tear-plumped lips part elegantly as a single tear slides down their cheek?”
(9) elegant tear-wiping
There hasn't been a lot of research in this area, but I would like to propose handkerchiefs with embroidered initials and family crests as another potential factor in favor of the Black brothers scoring high marks in this category as well as the Victorian heroine factor.
(10) post-cry glow
Artbyace (2023) claims “lily is always beautiful (…) even when crying”, which is echoed by znelda’s (2023) earlier claim that “Lily (…) [is] a woman and no woman is ugly when crying.”
Sirius is the other popular choice by marauders scholars for this category, with @in-flvx (2023) stating that he “handsomely handsomes while dying after 12 years of torture hell and another year in shackles”, which would mean that “a few tears would[n’t] stop him from being the hottest person in the room at all times” (ibid).
Additional parameters
I am suggesting to introduce an additional metric in order to further specify and better assess the ugly-crying levels:
(11) explosiveness of cry
@felixantares (2023) introduces the idea that Remus “is the type that very few people have been seen cry because he ignores every difficult emotion hes (sic) ever had (…) and it all explodes at once and its horrible to watch when he breaks down”, a sentiment shared by several of the other authors mentioned above in various other categories.
Further opinions & conclusions
The most popular consensus seems to be that Sirius cannot be the ugliest crier, sometimes also in direct comparison to his brother: @spindrifters (2023) answers the question of the ugliest crier with “obviously it’s regulus”, elaborating that “at least [it’s] definitely not sirius bc (sic) reg is canonically less handsome in all ways” which brings up the question if regular beauty plays into ugly crying. This is contrasted by lynxindisguises argument, that Sirius may be an ugly crier because he’s so gorgeous, and his ugly crying subverts the expectations of beauty:
“the most beautiful man alive looks hideous while crying, and his deeply awkward and perpetually damp bf (sic) is literally in his element while crying – dampness becomes him, you might say.”
This statement raises yet another question – does regular crying make the crier more or less ugly? Can an ugly crier become a pretty crier by practice or are we all born either ugly or pretty criers, condemned to this fate for life?
While this paper has given an overview of the current state of research to ugly crying/pretty crying, it has also raised many more questions. Other topics which may be addressed in future papers also include the philosophical question whether ugly crying is in the eye of the beholder and if it is possible to ugly cry without being perceived, and if it is possible to ugly cry if the person perceiving you doesn’t find it ugly. Since the research field of ugly crying is a relatively new one, we can only hope to read many more opinions on these and other topics in the future, and I look forward to reading different scholar’s approaches to these highly relevant topics.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
in a (modern) muggle au, sirius would be either a tattoo artist or a mechanic, remus would be either a teacher or a librarian, peter would be either a game developer or a tutor, james would be either a personal coach or a psychologist, lily would be either a nurse or a midwife, dorcas would be either a photographer or lawyer, mary would be either a nail technician or a fashion designer, and marlene would be either a bartender or a professional sports player
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mentallyadinonugget · 5 months
wolf “ You can kiss a hundred girls in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling” star.
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lyr-caelum · 5 months
One year ago today, I drew Sirius and Remus for the first time. 🫠✨
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
Wolfstar Microfic: Darling
Remus and Sirius were sitting in the back of the library studying, much to Sirius’ chagrin. He would have much preferred to be in the back of the stacks snogging, but that wasn’t exactly the way life worked. 
One of these days he would tell Remus how he felt. 
Sometimes Sirius thought he might already know. Sirius caught him staring every so often, and he couldn’t help but wonder if it was because he knew what Sirius was hiding. Did he know how often Sirius thought about him? How he consumed his heart without even meaning to?
“I’m so tired of astronomy,” Sirius muttered under his breath. 
“What was that, darling?” Remus asked, distractedly. 
Both of their heads snapped up at once. 
Remus had never called him that before. Had never called him anything remotely like that. 
They stared at each other. 
“That didn’t- I mean I didn’t- Can we pretend-” Remus attempted, never finishing a single thought. He was blushing furiously.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Sirius could feel himself breaking into a grin. He couldn’t help it. 
Did that mean…? Could it mean…? Well, there was only one way to find out.
Sirius leaned back in his chair. “If you want me to be your darling, I’m all yours,” he drawled, smiling in that way he knew made witches melt. Maybe it would work on wizards too. He’d never tried. But he was very interested in this wizard in particular, so it was worth a shot. And if it didn’t work, he could just say it was a joke. 
Remus’ mouth opened and closed a few times. 
“What are you saying?” he finally asked, bluntly. 
Sirius grinned wickedly. “If you want to go back in the stacks and have your wicked way with me, you’re welcome to, darling.” He raised his eyebrows as an invitation.
Remus slowly smiled, and it was a real, heartwarming sort of thing, no posturing about it. 
“Yeah, okay, if you’re serious,” he said.
“I am always Sirius,” Sirius quipped. Before Remus could roll his eyes, he finished quickly. “But in this case, I’m extra serious, grab your bags and come with me right now.”
He winked at Remus, who had never in his life gotten his books together and stood up faster.
Well this was going to be fun, Sirius thought.
On AO3 here
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