#it’s a scary place out there fellas
itscrazylate · 9 months
taking a homestuck quiz with people who’ve read (??) homestuck had the same energy as reading your zodiac chart to astrology ppl.
Am I getting insulted when they said ‘that makes SO much sense’ a bunch? Idk dude.
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beartitled · 18 days
ur au inspired me alot so have this writings I made based off of ur evil cipher parents au...
Bill cipher was SUPPOSED to be a normal Euclidean. A normal triangle. Despite his color not being right and he was practically blind in his 2d world.
All he knew about his parents was that his mom was a lovely deep blue, and his father was a wonderous shade of red.
And he was okay with that.
Atleast he could stare at the stars as his mother's voice lulled him to sleep.
.. he swore he saw a group of stars moving… It looked weird, it was a line with a dip down at the back end, and what looked like a trapezoid(he believes that's what trapezoids look like, it was hard to see anyone else in the first place) on the front end.. it was unlike anything he'd ever seen before.
"Ma.. Some stars are moving…" Billy said, his voice a soft mumble.
"Billy, there's nothing there moving… I promise.." Billy's mom said, her voice silky smooth.
Billy hummed in reply, just watching the bundle of stars move in such an odd way.. then there was one that looked like one of the star shaped people he's somewhat seen, but it had a trail coming from the back. The two bundles paused, as if they were staring at him.
It was.. unnerving.
"Ma..?" Billy called quietly. There wasn't any reply. Mom must've left already.
Billy didn't want to bother her. So he just watched the two bundle of stars.. Until they got closer. They weren't stars.
They looks so weird.
He was scared- it was so scary- he suddenly wanted to be normal- to have an eye where it's supposed to be-
One of the giant things reached down and carefully scooped him up-- Billy gasped loudly as he was lifted up-- he could see so much MORE. He could see the two giant things he originally thought were stars.
They were.. 3D. He had thought no such things could exist!.
But if they were here, why did they pick him-- Was it because he could see them?
Billy whined softly, Glancing around nervously for some sort of escape. But there was none.
"Billy?" He heard his mom say, "Billyy? Where are you?"
Billy Desperately wanted to tell his mom he was still here- he just couldn't describe it.
"Mabel what do we do now-?" The first giant said, the one with the line and trapezoid thingy on the front on their forehead. The other had no markings, but he could tell that they were the star shaped bundle of stars.
"Just kill him- like.. like Grunkle Ford said.. to.." The star said.
The trapezoid with a line frowned, Shaking its head.
"I'm not gonna kill him, he's.. so small.."
"Then what?"
".. surely Grunkle Ford wouldn't mind if we take him home?"
Billy didn't understand what they were saying.
"BILLY??" Mom called out, much louder.
"I'm here, Ma." Billy replied. But mom didn't seem to hear him. So he tried saying it louder. "Here, Ma."
Still, nothing. Next thing he knew, he felt so odd, he didn't feel right.
He could move more. Everything wasn't hard to see, he could TURN.
"That was just a dream, Bill."
pls enjoy :3
Awwww thank you ❤️ Glad my comic inspired you to create this is so sweet 🥹
I love the atmosphere ✨ You can feel the unease 👀
Also MABEL?????? HOW ARE YOU SO BRUTAL? Don’t kill da baby D:
I know it’s a nightmare and it would be really fitting tbh (I think Bill would be paranoid/have anxiety about Pines now liking him) (if Pines have the memories present, there would be discomfort vibes between them)
But still
Mabel would never 😭 would she? 😭
Oh and 💥 this was Bill’s POV probably huh
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Also forgot to mention it in part 3 💥
A person wrote a great short fanfic about how “normal” Bill would meet his parents (with a happy ending :D)
They didn’t want to share it publicly, I respect the decision so not tagging them
But just wanted to say that I really appreciate your fan works fellas 💕
It’s a delight to read your fanfics, makes me happy to know that people like my silly comic so much that they were inspired to create 🥹
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steddielations · 1 year
“Evening, sir.”
It’s the Harrington boy. Again.
“I told you, son, it’s Wayne,” he manages a smile, harder to do these days, like chipping it out of cement and dusting it off. But he gets it done.
Steve doesn’t have the Henderson boy with him today, that’s a first.
“Where’s the curly one?” He steps aside, letting Steve into the trailer door, more rickety than before. No money left to fix it after repairing the bulk of the earthquake damage.
“Dustin? He doesn’t wanna watch the game, and trust me, you don’t wanna listen to that kid complaining the whole time,” Steve walks by, sorta chuckling to himself, “I always miss the replay ‘cause he makes me change the channel to those D&D cartoons during the commercials, just like—”
He stops in front of the couch, looking over his shoulder at Wayne like he’s afraid he messed up somehow. Wayne noticed that look often from him, less and less, but still often. All that confidence he carries can drop on a dime, sorta reminded him of—
“Like Ed?”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“S’alright. I don’t mind talking about him if you want,” Wayne manages another concrete smile, but he means it. Steve always waits for him to bring up Eddie first, like he doesn’t want to remind him if it ain’t on his mind, but Wayne likes to be reminded. It’s nice to feel like he’s not the only one missing him. “But the game was yesterday and y’know the cable’s out.”
“Yep, got it covered. I uh, I taped it,” Steve fishes a VHS tape from his back pocket. Fancy. Wayne would worry about him using that for his sake, but he has a feeling Steve’s folks aren’t around enough to notice.
“The Colts win?”
Steve flips the tape around, “Haven’t watched it, so we can bet on it if you’re feeling lucky.”
It doesn’t feel so dry and heavy when Wayne laughs a bit then, waving Steve to go ahead and start up the TV. He already caught the game on the radio, but he bets on the Colts anyway. Loser’s supposed to do the dishes after they scrounge together some soup, but Steve does them anyway.
Wayne would make a stink about it but he can tell Steve just wants to help, to feel like he’s helping. Same thing when the Henderson boy comes around to see him, wanting to hear all the stories, even the scary ones. So Wayne doesn’t mind letting Eddie’s friends feel like they’re helping him.
His nephew didn’t have many friends. Real, cover-your-six kinda friends. The boys he played his music with, they’ve come by a couple times, Wayne always liked Jeff despite the racket. That older fella that’s doing time now, Wayne wasn’t too fond of. And some of Eddie’s dungeon buddies he talked about were the only few.
Now, casual acquaintances? Anybody who didn’t have anywhere else to sit when he had an empty spot at his table? Sure, Eddie had those in spades.
His boy was good at that, putting on a good old show for his crowd, on a stage to keep his distance. That damn Al did him in good, never could trust easily, having his old man pop up and drag him into his mess before he took off again. And Eddie’s poor momma would’ve done right by him, if she hadn’t gotten sick so young.
Took Wayne a long time to get Eddie to depend on him, to trust this was his place to stay and he didn’t have to earn it, Wayne wasn’t just filling his head to scheme something out of him.
Love ain’t a transaction that way. He wasn’t ever any good at saying it, but he tried to show Eddie the best he could.
His boy though, always carried a debt with him. Like he owed Wayne something for taking him in, had to graduate quick and make it outta here, do something with the better life he gave him. Al dug him in so deep, Eddie stayed roped into whatever his latest scheme was (the cars, the dealing, the gambling, thank God Eddie wasn’t there when the goddamn robbery went wrong, 25 to life) like maybe it’d be enough to keep him from running off again.
The odds have never been in favor of people like them, poor folk in a town that’s stuck in its ways, where everybody’s just like their old man, but Al made his choices and Wayne made his. Rest their mother’s soul, she did her best. Part of Wayne was relieved when Al got locked up, at least Wayne had a better chance of keeping Eddie from going down the same path, try to raise him right.
Being a Munson wasn’t a crime. He didn’t owe a darn thing to anybody. Eddie could graduate at his own pace, play whatever games and music he wanted, dress however, that didn’t mean he was up to no good. And a lot of boys get into dealing for a little easy extra money around here, he was gonna grow out of that just like Wayne did.
It worked until all this mess.
That’s why Eddie ran off after what happened to the poor Cunningham girl. He gets spooked when something goes wrong, like it’ll be the last straw he can’t make up for so he runs off. Like the first time he didn’t make senior year, went and hid out with that Rick fella that Wayne never did like, got Eddie deep into that business he tried to keep a secret.
‘Course Wayne knew. He knows exactly what and where his boy hides. If those damn cops weren’t tailing him, he would’ve gone straight to get him.
That was before he knew it would turn into all of this. Now he wishes he would’ve done it anyway. Gone right to Eddie, told him it wasn’t his fault that everything got all turned upside down. Told him he knew he was innocent right from the get-go, and got him away from this rotten old town.
But he didn’t.
He didn’t go get his boy.
So now he’s just trying to be there for Eddie’s boys, since he can’t.
“You have a night shift tonight right? Gonna put on a pot of coffee,” Steve says once he’s finished up the dishes.
Wayne hums. There’s usually more noise going on during these visits. Steve’s still alright at carrying on, even without the Henderson boy’s chatter to fill any gaps.
It was strange, the first time the two of them showed up. Wayne knew Eddie was close with Dustin, but he didn’t have a clue that he was chumming it up with the Harrington boy. Just don’t seem like the same type of company. He might not believe it if it weren’t so obvious that Steve cared about his boy. He suspected before, but now with Steve showing up here alone, he knows.
Steve misses Eddie in a different sorta way than Dustin.
“No cream or sugar, right?” Steve looks humored by that as he passes the mug of black coffee to him, “How are you related to Eddie again?”
Wayne’s mouth turns upward, remembering his nephew’s god awful sweet tooth. He picked up a box of Honeycombs the other day in the store out of habit. “Just happened to be standin’ there when they beamed him down.”
That gets a good chuckle out of Steve. Nothing wistful weighing it down and Wayne’s glad, watching Steve pour himself a cup of coffee too.
Then bitter-sweetness swirls in his chest, seeing the mug that Steve chose for himself. Must’ve dug it out from one of the boxes Wayne hadn’t hung back on the walls yet. The earthquake did a number on his collection. That Garfield one was the only one he’d gotten around to gluing back together.
“What is it?” Steve asks, cup paused at his mouth.
“Ah nothin’ just,” Wayne waves it off, “That’s the mug Ed always used.”
“Oh, I can use a diff—”
“Nah, nah go ‘head. It’s fine.”
Unconvinced, Steve takes a wary sip.
Mostly these days, Wayne just feels like a watch without a ticker, a chest with nothing beating inside it. He can’t name the feeling he has at seeing Eddie’s old mug being used by someone else, but at least it’s something.
“Y’know, he used to put everything in that sucker. Soda pop, soup, cereal, you name it,” Wayne shakes his head, mouth twitching into a smile, “I’d have to wrestle it away from him just to give it a good washing. It’s well loved, alright. Leaks now.”
As if on cue, Steve has to grab a napkin to sit underneath it.
Wayne lets out an amused hum, “He uh— Didn’t have much stability ‘fore he came to live with me, so he’d get real attached to things like that.”
Carried around a stuffed dragon they picked up at a garage sale ‘til Wayne couldn’t sew the wings back on anymore. Never wanted to throw anything away. Got real anxious about Wayne going to work sometimes, even when he was too old for a sitter. Held onto him saying “Stay home just today, Dad, please.” Which, he didn’t mind Eddie calling him that. It always softened him up, made him give in. Wishes now that he’d told Eddie upfront. Maybe he never would’ve stopped.
“Thought for sure he’d marry that damn guitar one day.”
Steve nearly sputters his coffee, laughing at that, “Yeah, those two are made for each other.”
It’s nice, seeing the way that story lit Steve up. Sorta like his boy can still make someone happy. Hurts like hell that he ain’t here to do it himself, but Wayne was always good at telling stories. That’s where Eddie learned it from.
“I’m uh,” Steve deflates after a minute, looking down at the mug, “God, I’m just really sorry, Wayne.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry too, Steve,” he says, because, well.
Wayne gets the feeling that his boy was Steve’s boy too.
Read the rest on Ao3
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personwhowrites · 4 months
Diner Adventures
Task Force 141 x gn!reader. (Platonic or romantic?)
Having to work at a small diner basically in the middle of nowhere wasn’t easy. It wasn’t even worth the pay, nor the customers. It was always some sort of ghost diner, cars passed it thinking it’s abandoned. You did tell the manager to fix the sign so maybe more people would come in.
Since, you being the only waitress, you never stressed out. Restocking was barely a thing needed, most of the time you spent it talking to a cook or down on your phone. Hoping that maybe one or two customers would come in into the diner.
Finally, one night looking down at your phone you hear it.
Four men walk in, looking around before finally spotting you. You froze, it wasn’t just any average customers you would get late a night.
“Miss?” A Scottish accent spoke up breaking you out of your trance. “You open?”
You blinked a couple times before opening your mouth to speak. “Uh.. yes, sorry uh.. how many..?” You uttered out knowing it was just four of them. “Oh.. uh you guys want the bar or booth?”
“Booth.” A stronger voice spoke up and pointed to a booth. “That one will do for us.”
You grabbed the menus and walked over to the booth. You couldn’t help but side glance at them multiple times. They were freaking you out, it was obvious to them as well.
One of them placed a pistol on the table. The other two set their gear down on their laps, rolling their shoulders back before picking up the menu. The last one, that seemed to be the leader of the group took his hat off, ruffling his own hair as he stare at the window.
“Smoking allowed here?” He asked glancing at you now. “Don’t worry, they aren’t loaded.” He gestured to the guns. “I believe.”
“I..uh yeah smoke zone of the diner is the one you’re sitting at..” you spoke out, your eyes glued down to your notepad now. “What can I get you all to drink?”
“Coffee for me” the same man speaks up. “For those two muppets some sugary drink.”
You glanced up to see him pointing to a mohawk man, and another male wearing a baseball cap with the UK flag. Nodding you wrote down their drinks, then turned to the scary skull mask looking your way.
“Tea.” The masked man utter out. “Three sugar, packets on the side.”
You awkwardly nodded and backed away quickly as they turned their attention to the menus.
“Talk about freaks..” The cook said as you grabbed the drinks. “Who comes into a diner dressed like that.”
“Watch the tone.. At least we finally have someone in this dump.” You reply and look at the cook. “You can finally prove that you can cook.”
The cook rolled his eyes before glancing at the four men sitting in the booth.
“They don’t look American to me..” The cook points out. “That one guy with that cap, had a uk flag on it didn’t it?”
“They did sound… off, but who are we to judge?” You reply with a small smile. “I mean we are just three, counting the manager in the back working at some rundown diner.”
“Point taken, that Mohawk dude is looking over at you.” The cook says turning to the mild hot stove. “Think he’s into you?”
“Or probably trying to get my attention to order.” You say grabbing the tea. “Toss me some sugar packets.”
The cook shrugs and throws you some sugar packets. You mostly catch some of them, the cook chuckles as your clumsy hands. Setting the hot coffee on a tray with the two other sugary drinks felt odd. Something was odd about those four men. Their accents, their.. clothing style, I mean it wasn’t often you seen men like these in the diner.
Picking up the the tray that held the drinks you walked over. Setting it down in a booth behind them, you grabbed the drinks handing them each to them. You took out your notepad and smile, a fake smile they saw right through.
“So you fellas ready to order?” you asked holding the pen. “Or do we need more time.”
“We never been to a place like this before.” One perks up looking at you. “So, what would you rec—-“
“Ky—Gaz.” Another spoke putting his hand on the table. “What did we say in the car?”
“Sorry, Price.” Gaz says looks up from the menu. “Just, what.. on earth is a Nashville chicken on a waffle?”
“Oh, uh.. it’s some chicken tenders covered in a spicy tangy sauce.” You say before pressing your lips into a thin line. “..on.. top of a waffle..”
“You Americans eat that shit?” The mowhak man says before being elbow by his masked friend. “What! I mean it sounds disgusting.”
“Johnny.” The man spoke side eyeing him.
“It’s true aint it! Look at the photo doesn’t even look appealing!” The guy blurted out again. “Also Johnny? What happened to soap huh? Has our lieutenant Ghost finally losen up?”
Lieutenant? Wait.. are these men in the army? Your mind rushed to thoughts finally connecting the dots. That explains the gear, and possibly loaded guns on their laps and table.
“Ignore them..” Price says grabbing your attention again. “I’ll take some normal pancakes.”
“..normal how?” You say looking at him. “Like.. you want plain butter milk pancakes or uh.. something on them? Like berries or some kind of sweet?”
“What pancakes do you have?” Price breath out while looking at the menu. “..Christ..you have a lot.. uh..” he paused for a moment and pointed to some fruity strawberry pancakes. “Just bring me these.”
“Okay..” you mumbled out writing down strawberry pancakes. “For the rest?”
“You sell burgers?” Soap hummed while skimming through the menu. “Like ones that aren’t pure American grease?”
“Mactavish.” Ghost warns looking at soap.
“What, listen I’m on a diet.” Soap says looking at Ghost. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Or you’re just some picky eater.” Gaz charms in and looks at you. “I’ll the blueberry pancakes.”
“I’m not picky! Just.. look at all of this… on the menu..” Soap says and sighs looking at you. “Do you even know how much calories this all is?”
“On the bottom of the dish it lists the calories and what’s on the dish.” You reply now annoyed by soap. “I can just get you some salad.”
“Offend.” Soap scoffs and stares down at the menu. “Just get me something that doesn’t have a lot of calories.”
“So a salad.” You noted and looked at him.
“No something with just low calories.” Soap replies and slid the menu down.
“..a salad is the lowest calories we have.” You hiss now irritated by his actions.
“Or maybe a burger.” Soap grin noticing your irritation.
“Which one?” You asked in the most fake voice. “Because we have several.”
“One with the lowest calories.” Soap says and looks at his friend Price. “..actually just some pancakes…”
“..just get him a the highest calorie shit on the menu.” Price spoke out glaring down at soap. “Add everything on that burger.”
“I’ll take some pancakes too.” Ghost mumbles out to you. “Just plain ones.”
You nod, grabbing their menus and walking away. You can hear Price whisper yelling at soap. A small smile creeped on your face hearing at least he has friend or teammates that set him straight.
“What do they want to eat?” The cook asked as you approached him with the menus. “Well?”
“Pancakes and a burger with… everything..” you say and sit down in the high chair connected to the bar. “Well technically one stack of plain pancakes, a stack of strawberry pancakes and a blueberry stack pancakes.”
“Pancakes..” the cook mumbled out annoyed. “Did you even find out why they’re dressed like that?”
“From what I heard, something with the military.” You reply getting out the chair to help the cook set the batter of pancakes out onto the stove. “I know their names are Soap, Gaz, Price and Ghost.”
“What type of fucking names are that?” The cook uttered out before glancing at you. “You sure that’s their names?”
“Don’t know, but they call each other that.” You shrug and go to the nearby fridge. “Gaz let it slip that they aren’t from here tho.”
“Really? Where do you think they’re from?” The cook replies and presses down on the patty. “They look like those tea drinking Brit’s.”
“Now that you mention it..” you mumble looking at the four men who are all talking within themselves. “Their accents do sound British except for that soap guy.”
“Still can’t believe that’s their names.” The cook chuckles and looks at you. “What are you thinking?”
“..could be code names? You know like those cheesy movies?” You snickered with a grin. “Like I never thought that shit is real.”
The cook just shrugged and turned to focus on the food. Meanwhile, Gaz got up from the booth and wondered close to the open kitchen. Hearing you and the cook talk about them, their accents and names. His eyes narrowing as he heard you laugh about such an important thing to him.
“You think those guns are loaded?” The cook asked. “I mean, hey at least they would have the American sprit.”
“They are.” Gaz spoke up crossing his arms. “Where’s the bathroom?”
You immediately jumped and looked at Gaz before pointing to the bathroom. Gaz just walked away shaking his head, before you looked at the cook. He stare back at you before bursting out laughing with you.
When the food was finally done, the cook helped you take it to their table. They all gave you some glares, no words were exchanged in the process. You awkwardly took their drinks and refilled them, walking back you paused to hear them talking.
“Just drop it Gaz.” Price says shaking his head. “We just eat, pay and continue with our mission.”
“How can I? They’re speaking shit literally right in front of us.” Gaz hisses as Ghost rolled his eyes. “Is this how everyone is at America?“
“Hey at least we know that it’s not only graves.” Soap jokes and bites his burger. “On the other hand this burger is good.”
“Pancakes aren’t bad ether..” Ghost admitted while pouring more syrup on the pancakes. “Just enjoy the food.”
Price noticed you not far away and clear his throat. You walked over and set down the refilled tea, and two sugary drinks. Gaz just glared at you, before being kicked by soap under the table. Gaz glare now to Soap, as you stare at them.
“..listen, I didn’t mean to offend anyone here.” You mumble in an apologizing tone. “It’s just, we never seen folks like you four.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gaz snaps his head to you again. “Is it before we are different! Because we are ‘tea drinking Brit’s’?”
“Okay, maybe we did judge.. but we just neve—“ you try to speak but Gaz interrupts again.
“Save it, leave us to eat in peace.” Gaz hiss while grabbing his drink. “Go now.”
You stare at Gaz, before shaking your head. Turning away you hear them mumble something to Gaz.
A couple minutes pass and you hear them laugh. Or two or the four men laugh, the smell of cigarette being lit up caught your attention. The cook glanced up from his phone and stare over at the men, before looking at you.
“You need a break?” The cook says in a teasing tone. “Even though you always are on break.”
“Shut up..” you reply with a small smile. “How about you?”
“All good here.” The cook boomed as he looked down at his phone. “I looked up their bandages, I got a close eye to them when I helped you with the food.” He pauses for a moment and grins. “These four men are more important than we think.”
“Really?” You perk up leaning over to see his phone. “How so?”
“Saw a badge that said SAS.. and I googled it.” The cook said pulling up an article. “Special air forces, something from the British army.”
You stare down at the article, reading though it before glancing at the four men.
“..huh..” you mumble and sigh. “Well doesn’t matter now, they hate our guts..” you pause to get out of your seat. “I’ll just hand them the check so they can leave and we can all forget this ever happened.”
The cook just shrugs as you walk away to the front counter. Printing the ticket out, you glance at them as you make your way over.
“Here’s the check.. you guys can pay whenever you’re ready.” You mumble and place the check down. “Again I’m sorry if me and my friend offended the four of you.”
Gaz just scoffs and Price gives you a small apologetic smile himself. He takes out his card to pay, but Ghost beats him to it. Handing his card first and looking at Price with a small prideful stare.
“Don’t sweat it.” Price speaks up and looks at you. “Just.. watch what you say. The smallest things can bring you enemies love.”
You just nod and take Ghost card back to the front counter. You slide his card, paying for the food. You walk back with a copy of the receipt and a pen.
“Sign here, and uh.. you guys can leave at anytime.” You say and walk away quickly to the bathroom.
Ghost just nods and signs the receipt. Gaz takes the pen and starts writing in a napkin, soon soap takes the pen and does the same onto another napkin. When you returned back from the bathroom they were gone. The plates were stacked neatly and there were four napkins with handwriting from each of them. The cook walked over and glances at the napkins and then notice the tip on the receipt.
“Who the fuck just blows over a thousand on a damn diner.” The cook mumbles grabbing the receipt. “Are you seeing this?”
In fact you weren’t, you were too focused on the napkins. Their handwriting was so different from each other, their notes as well.
“Don’t judge too easy.. and tell that cook to mix the pancake batter better next time we come by.” -Gaz
“The food was great, sorry for annoying you. It was funny to see your nose scrunch up when I annoyed you. Hope you don’t mind that when we come back.” -Soap
“Saw you needed a cigarette, sorry I didn’t offer you one. Maybe next time I can.” -Price
“Try to catch the sugar packets better next time. I wanted three not two.” -Ghost
You smiled at the napkins and looked up to see them get in their car. They all glanced at you, before Price patted the car for the men to load up and get ready to leave. You turned your attention back to the napkins, before slowly noticing something in the edge of every napkin. Their numbers…
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lolaandthens0me · 2 months
Question for you: Do you ever worry about giving this kink too much importance in your life?
I ask as someone contemplating a big move that, ultimately, is about being closer to other ABDLs.
There’s other upsides besides that, but were I born a vanilla fella, I’d probably be sticking closer to home.
It feels both exciting and scary at the same time. Does it sound crazy?
Hello Anon and thank you for this really amazing question!
As someone whose life is very kink-heavy, I periodically check in with myself and ask this question: am I finding a balanced life? There are times when my days and even weeks and very kink-oriented and then it will ebb and I'll be focused on other things like training, family, or career path stuff. As with hobbies or friend groups or lots of other things that hold our attention in life, kink too can ebb and flow. That being said, I think it's important to check in with ourselves to make sure that we're finding a healthy balance in all things we're doing.
For me, that balance includes having a close group of friends outside of kink, as well as a couple of hobbies/activities that I do regularly outside of kink and my kink circles. These close friends are open, empathetic and curious people that are striving to live an authentic life, just as I am. They know that I'm kinky and that I make content, but that's all they know about that side of me. It's important for me to be surrounded by people that I can be myself with; I don't feel that I have to hide myself around. I've also found a hobby that I've really invested some time in where I can just be plain-old-*insert my name here* in. It's a good escape from my everyday life, just as any hobby is from work life or family life or adulting life. My work life and everyday life just happen to be kink-centered at the moment. And I love it. If I find that I'm losing myself or I'm not happy and fulfilled in this life anymore, then it will be time to make a change.
As for the second part of your question, I don't think it sounds crazy at all. My advice is to make sure that this move makes sense for you financially, that you're in a stable, good place where you're not leaving behind some responsibilities or important stuff like family/school, etc that really acquire your attention there at the moment, and that there are other cool opportunities and reasons to move where you're moving to outside of kink.
I am so freaking happy and thriving now that I've moved to a place where I can be surrounded by my kink circle and in the same city as my partner/Daddy. It was absolutely the right decision for me. Living near "home"/where I grew up, it was really difficult for me to feel like I had the space to truly grow and be my more authentic self. I felt held back by the person I was/used to be and making a physical move helped me transition into this more real, truth-living, glorious being I'm becoming. My roommate is in the ABDL community, and this allows me to wear diapers 24/7 without needing to hide or be uncomfortable about it. The people I see most often and hangout/party with are all either ABDL's or in the broader kink BDSM realm. They are so fun, great communicators, responsible adults, and open people who really see and care about one another. Being able to live out our authentic kink selves within this group has helped each of us find self-acceptance and self-love. And that is invaluable.
I wish you the best and all of the good vibes as you move forward into whichever path truly allows you to be and love yourself. And if that path includes moving to an ABDL mecca, then hell yes!!
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Bruh I got this idea in my head that y/n is getting bullied/scared by some asshole and due to being spooked she hides behind slasher. Slasher is probably confused af. Request open
Yeah anyways how slashers would react:
Tw: y/n isnt very smart, begging(not tw, more just cringe warning), death(not y/n, only bully)
Head tilt, kinda confused, He probably was watching this whole argument (somone yelling at y/n) from shadows few minutes already, untill he decided to go in and end this little stupid game of theirs.
When he went in to the room y/n was in, the last thing he expected was her running to hide behind him, being visibly more scared of some normal looking person than some scary guy in mask.
Well thats cute, little butterfly like you, hugging his back, begging to be protected? So cute. Well he wont keep the lady waiting, pests like this bully of yours dont deserve to be in his collection anyways, so why live?
Quick stabs in stomach and neck will do the thing. Now what to do with y/n, well she is terryfied but its difficult to say if shes scared because of Asa deadly activities or the person that was just killed
If y/n decides to thank him for saving, he will probably🤨🤨🤨 kinda confused, like gurl you realise that you are prolly next? Tbh this gratitude probably saved her, because he is now very intresed in her, and will gladly 'invite' her to his nasty as lookin hotel place hideout
Billy Lenz:
He probably already knew shes bullied by her roomate, he is known to stalk people
He does not like the attitude they give her, not at all, of course He is a bab person and serial killer ect, but he is horny aswell and He has crush on any breathing women in 100meter radius, so obviously idea of his little crush being bullied makes him angry
He probably come out from attic just to steal some food and the cat(billy cat person) when he heard shouting, he recognise voice, its that bitch that is being mean to y/n. Billy being Billy tried to sneak and watch yall argue
Y/n probably sees him in corner of room and thought that its one of girls she lives with(Fic takes place in the same place as movie) so she went to him grabbed him and went"🥺shes mean to me again😭"
He will be flabagastered, a f e m a l e just touch him??? Consensually?? And asked for help?? Well now He doesnt crush you anymore, he loves you now. Will stab the bully for you honey. How could they treat you like that?
Will hug you and say some billy-level unholy stuff
Micheal Myers:
He is probably more confused than y/n and her bully together. Ayo human touch? Ayo some girl begging him? To kill somone??? Oh boy thats a lot to take in🤯
I mean win win, he gets kill, she gets rid of bully.
If y/n decides to thank him he will have error, noone really did it before? I mean it doesnt change anything but its still kinda noice? He wont kill her, but will stalk her atferwards, and maybe kidnap yoink her.
Thomas Hewitt:
Well guess who is the dinner today!
Y/n was probably on trip with her 'friends' and one of them acted rather dry and mean >:(
Thomas would probably notice fast, they didnt try to help her, and even said something along the lines "take her not me you monster!" Overall not slay person
He will feel bad but not to point to spare her 🙄 but when she litteraly hide behind him? Da killer? She more scared of her friends than guy who wants to eat her?? Well damn kinda felt bad for her
He would let y/n leave hause, but because he doenst want her to call police, he'll probably just yeet her in basement untill he figures out what to do with her (dont worry shes not next dinner, he will try to convince Luda to keep you. 🥺I got this cute little fella in my basement can I keep her🥺)
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scrufflesksunnide · 10 months
Something I've been working on for awhile and finally I can tell you what this au is ABOUT.
Welcome to...
an AU that tries to follow the canon of rain world in it's own unique way, creating new landscapes, added backgrounds that weren't there in rain world, new characters, and overall headcanons galore!
The AU is heavily inspired by things like Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time and Omori! Character refs and information below!
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The premise of the au is about Survivor and Monk being contacted by a familiar white iterator from the void, who sends them on a mission to fix this world before things get messy with the landscapes they stand on shifting from times ahead and before, the memories they gained being wiped from them completely, and everything being set back to the very beginning. Their goal is to close time rifts causing this calamity, with the help of the Echos trapped inside these rifts, not only will they gain power to help the world but also gain memory the player never got to see... Will they be doomed to repeat this loop again due to their own problems? Or will they stop it all in time, before they have to repeat it all over again? They are all stuck here for their flaws, much like the echoes before them... maybe it is possible to break the cycle for once...? Meet the Main Cast!:
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"Seth" aka The Survivor
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Age: 20 Likes: Collecting pearls, Manny, Happy thoughts, Nature, History Dislikes: Having to give up pearls, Lizards, Bad thoughts, Thunder Storms (how ironic), and forgetting about the good times...
"Trying to find peace and happiness in a world that hurt them, their curiosity leads them into a new adventure. However, they aren't alone this time. With their sibling by their side, nothing will take this duo down!"
"Still full of curiosity, they are a sucker for nature much like their sibling. They are deeply curious about nature and wants to explore the world for what it has to offer. Their thoughts cannot be trusted however, despite it being full of curiosity, it is also full of doubt and bad faith after bring them down and keeping them rather depressed. They are numbed by the cruelty of this world, often not showing their emotions due to feeling static. It makes it hard to understand what's going on with them when they don't show a lot that's going on inside. However, they try their best to see a brighter future. They are quiet for the most part, but isn't scared to take action when necessary." Relationship Chart:
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"Manny" aka The Monk
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Age: 18 Likes: Gardening, Seth, Lizards, Batflies, Donating! Dislikes: Fire, Violence, Blood, seeing Seth sad, being alone. "Full of sunshine and and optimism. No matter of their naive nature, they set out to save this world with their kindness and their sibling by their side. Flourishing their way through this world with kindness has it's ups and downs however, we'll just have to see how they take it." "Peppy and happy, they try their best to make others joyful as well... to the best of their abilities anyway. They can be naive and foolish, they aren't super smart but they try their hardest... though sometimes they push themselves a little too hard. Due to the incident with Seth, they HATE being separated from him and suffers from separation anxiety. Their separation anxiety makes it hard for the duo to split up when it is needed, creating a struggle for the poor fella." Relationship Chart:
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"Harvey"/"Harv" aka The Hunter
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Age: 19 Likes: Doing risky shit, Red Lizard meat (sorry Manny), combat, their friends... helping out others in need... oh and uh, jokes Dislikes: staying in one place, being fluffy in the morning (yes they do fluff up fun fact!), being on a time limit, scav tolls, failing the mission. "After living through the scary odds, much to the world's pity, they live weaker than what they once were... but luckily they gained a strange but much needed friend." "Energetic and risk-taking, they make great effort to be danger to the enemies who dare try and disturb the peace. They led their ego and pride get the best of them at times and get carried away with playing the role of "hero" as that's the only thing they feel they have left to their name... "hero". They will willingly take a spear if it meant people made it out alive, they will rush head first into danger to shield those they care for... but in turn get extremely hurt in the progress. They can be impatient and does not want to be stuck in one place for more than 10 minutes, they have a soul that NEEDS heroic action and NOW!" Relationship Chart:
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enot (dats me!!) the inventor (hehe see what we did there?) here's my [icture!
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im 20 even though some people don't believe that fo[r sum reason (also I am very tired so my typig mayyyyyy be a bit wacky but ill fix it latr... probs) anyway uhhh I liek making cool gadgets, being the prettiest thing you'll ever see, my friendsss, eg, and kissing my babe (sethy!!) (and they is MINE, I will KILL YOU IF YOU DARE TOUCH THEM... just kidding!! there's enough of them (and me!) to go around!) and I like long walks on the shore! what I DONT like. I HAAAAAATE when people do not cooparate with each other and don't stick to the plan! like I swear everytime I'm playing skywars I get so pissed because I get teamed up with kids who dont even know how the game works OR they are SO egostical that they try doing stupid stuff and dont LISTEN to the guy who has actually PLAYED the game and KNOWS what their DOING!!! only reason why I lose so damn much is because of these bad teams holding me back, thats why I do solos most of the time and I do SO GREAT with those and- whats that? OH CRAP SORRY UH UH, I also don't like spiders and dark places, I've had a big fear of it back then and I've gotten over it... I think. anyway! im just gonna copy and paste this and be on my way, see ya later! "I'm stubborn sure but I have a great plan!... at least plans that are silly to others but DO work. I guess my biggest downside is I take too much pride in myself and i'm a bit too loud haha but im working on it!! Im very caring and loving and im cringe but im free!! I maybe a bit unstable... physically I mean PHYSICALLY IM FINE MENTELLY... I think. I do have a feeeeew memory issues (but im pretty sure everyone else does since, yknow, the current situation, hopefully I gain my memories back soon with those echoes!) anyyyway, hope you have fun reading everyone else's bios, see ya soon readers!! -love enot" Relationship Chart:
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"Grant" aka The Gourmand
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Age: 25 Likes: Mold Slime (Loves it so much that 80% of their body is made OF it!... wait that's probably really unhealthy- uhhh-), taking care of slugpups, crafting handy tools, hugging, and art Dislikes: People hurting their tribe, not eating for a period of time, seeing others sad, letting their craving/urges win. "One of the slugcat tribe's greatest warriors and excellent crafter, only thing holding them back from their truest peak is their huge appetite." "Carefree and always willing to protect those they love most. They be a bit slow but they are a lovable guy all around! They often get hungry due to them consuming a lot of mold slime, needing more food to feed their belly and having a shift in mind if they don't get food right away, they often eat other people's food without realizing it. This becomes a problem when people need to save food, it's a huge struggle for them to control these new found urges and often gets disappointed in themselves for letting those urges win. Despite this, they make up for it by trying to be a good role model and inspiration for people. They aren't the actual leader of the slugcats, however, they do take role as leader when the current leader is dead (unlikely but can happen) or they need to split up for expeditions. Relationship Chart:
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"Asher"/"Ashley" The Artificer
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Age: 20 Likes: Taking care of slugpups and baby scavs, when people do their job, quiet, listening to music, combat, scav boxing matches that take place every Wednesday night (they like watching them instead of being in them cuz they don't trust themselves with fighting people as they get, rough, really rough.) Dislikes: Loud noises, Seeing slugpups get hurt, leeches, water fuck water FUCK WATER FUCK WATER-, having breathing problems, smoke, being reminded of their mistakes, having to get violent. "A strict but fair ruler to the scavengers, swore to make sure scavs don't dare try and step out of line with slugcats ever again. Despite their rage and violent past, they have calmed down and learned that taking on this role (the role the old ruler barely did right) would be a good change in the slugcat race." "Ash often gets a bit annoyed when people step out of line, but luckily they don't expect people to be perfect, they will NOT give slack to people that step out of line on purpose. They are more mature and parent like when it comes to ruling over the scavs, at first they saw them as freaks, but they grew on them after awhile and treated every single scav as if they were their own, even if they don't show it, they appreciate their hard work. They can be demanding but they would never ask anyone to do something dangerous unless they knew they could handle it. They can be pessimistic, most of the time feeling down due to thoughts, that doesn't make them less of a fighter however. They are a combat warrior when it comes to fighting, just because they got rid of their violent ways to the scavs... doesn't mean they got rid of it for the other creatures like vultures, lizards, and centipedes. Relationship Chart:
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"Ruffles"/"WD (Water Dancer)" aka The Rivulet
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Age: 18 Likes: Collecting pearls with Seth, Swimming, relaxing and chilling with LTTM, other fishes, pretty lights. Dislikes: Huge waves, being Pressured, being on a deadline, being made fun of, getting startled by people, rain, and the rot. "Being on the run for awhile, they were sent out by chasing wind to deliver a data pearl to any surviving iterators out there. Their anxiety is the key to their speed as they rush towards their destination out of fear alone." "Ruffles gets startled pretty easily, though their reaction is oddly... delayed. They often have trouble controlling their vocal volume when they are not relaxed, often getting shaky and anxious when put on the spot or is the center of attention... but when they are relaxed and calm, they really open up to be a fun loving slugcat! They feel they need to get things done quickly due to the events that happened with trying to GET to shoreline, that and they think people might get disappointed in them if they don't do it quick enough. This results in them getting more anxious and things could easily fall apart if people don't catch up. They can be clumsy but makes up for it by having fast reflexes, they almost drop your birthday cake? Fear not as they will do their DAMNEST to have that birthday cake be perfectly fine! They see LTTM as their best friend, often feeling relaxed and comfortable around her, LTTM is the only time where Ruffles feels safe... other than their friends of course." Relationship Chart:
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"Sii07" aka The Spearmaster
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Age: 19 Likes: Challenging themselves, having a goal and completing it, drawing/painting, SRS... and warm places. Dislikes: Failing a goal, not having a purpose, being bored, people getting in their way, and vultures. "A message slug created by Seven Red Suns that fulfilled their purpose... but found themselves in an unsatisfying life after their loss. They find new albeit, risky and hurtful adventures to challenge themselves so they can feel they have purpose... or at least try to think they do."
"Sii has a knack for putting themselves in dangerous expeditions, resulting in them getting hurt often... but they feel completely numb to it all. They set too ambitious goals with only satisfaction as their reward. It takes a lot to get them to stop trying to do dangerous expeditions but when they do stop even if for a bit, they can be a chill and almost inspiring! They are a pretty good critic too when it comes to art and combat, even though they can be harsh whenever it's negative, they want people to improve upon their skills... It seems pointless to them to try and teach people things... for now at least. They are highly determined, always preserving no matter what, this can be a good... and bad thing. They can get bored pretty easily so they like to doodle or draw full on pieces of art for however long they feel like it, it's much rarer nowadays... but when you get to see it, it's beautiful." Relationship Chart:
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"Sage" aka The Saint
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Age: 21 Likes: Uhh... Guiding people to the right path...? They didn't really... fill this out. Dislikes: They don't like meat... that's pretty much all I could gather. "Created by-" what?... would you rather that be private? You sure there are people already kno- Okay, okay. We can skip that part. "They set up to help people in need, and be of a sort of guide for Seth and Manny on their quest to fix this big problem... again." "A pacifistic being whom aims to help others in need of guidance. Although their perfectionist nature holds them back from being happy with their results often times. They do their best to support Seth and Manny in their adventure, testing their new found powers and helping them be better people. They have a tendency to not let people in their personal life... but sometimes, just sometimes, people can gain their trust. They are highly mysterious and it's hard to tell if they mean well or not... but they haven't hurt anyone so far and they seem to want to help people with their calm and on form approach." Relationship Chart:
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More info coming soon!! This post will be updated now and then so do check back here every now and then! Comics will be in the making soon as well so keep look out for that!
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skxllz · 7 months
“ ya’ know — alastor is a real commendable fella. ”
you brought your head out of the clouds with a twist of your neck towards rosie, only to see her sipping on her freshly poured tea that she had soured down with warm, tangy blood that was drained out of the gut of a demon not long ago.
beings as though you weren't one of the cannibals, but accepted it from being friends with the overlord, you tried your best not to cringe at the thought. it was hell after all. instead, you rose a brow at her, “ what do you mean? ”
she gave you one of her famous, cheshire smiles upon setting down the fine china onto a beautifully decorated saucer. “ I've seen the way you've been looking at ‘im, honey. it's as if ya’ mad — and knowing alastor, that sly demon, he probably did somethin’ to rustle ya’ feathers. ”
all you needed to do was look away to confirm her suspicions.
sighing, the cannabalist leaned forward and placed a hand among your shoulder, giving it a gentle pat. “ well... listen, dear. whatever he did, it's in due time that he makes up for it. you see, alastor is... he's rather difficult. ” seeing her deadpan made you crack a smile.
“ but - one thing I've learned, is that he can care for people, believe it or not. ” the look you sent her told her you weren't believing a word, but rosie smiled, holding up a finger, telling you to let her finish.
“ the guy's like’a brain teaser, ya’ hear. you got few cards you're dealt which are the very obvious traits of our dear friend — demon, overlord, scary, packs a pocket full of mannerisms. the rest is for you to figure out; cause, it's like the sayin’ goes, you can't always judge a book by its cover. ”
the words sunk into your brain like a long overdue lotion massage. the pricking of tingles that rosie's wisdom sent throughout your body was quite horrifying, but... perhaps an eye opener.
yes, alastor was terrifying. yes, alastor could be quite the blood-thirsty, aggrivating demon in his own way. but, you never really came to think, what if something else was hidden under all of the seemingly polite greetings? or the way he'd get angry, and scare the wits out of others within the hotel, but not necessarily take the stab of harming them?
he's had plenty of chances to stream broadcast after broadcast of demons throughout pentagram city over his infamous microphone, to where he could catch the mauling attention he enjoys grabbing. and yet, nothing.
it made you wonder, deep down, did he have an ounce of kindness within that bitter shell of a soul of his? even just a drop?
as you lift your head now to peer over at him, speaking with charlie, that permanent grin of his only stretching wider in reply to whatever they were discussing, your thoughts only wanderer further; why would rosie tell you this? you, of all people?
this was going to go somewhere with alastor and then I said fuck it, let's just have a small talk with rosie. she's so mother <3
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
last of the big five yall!!!!
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happy late fourth of july! remember to keep boycotting, speak out and listen to palestinians, the people of congo, native americans, queer/trans people and women currently being oppressed this independence day because america fucking sucks!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
here are a couple good places to donate! please remember to do your own research and take care of each other, it’s getting scary out here.
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ohhhh nimdok, where to start with you….
i have been dreading doing him because he pisses me off so bad but i actually had some decent fun with him :D. designing him and branching out farther away from his canon self was nice, but im not touching his backstory or personality really, that stays about the same for me in my head.
speaking of whichhh! like benny, i understand how the game makers had a short amount of time to fit an entire character arc of an old man undoing his deeply internalized racism/xenophobia/ableism in a singular short scenario, but unlike benny i actually somehow like his better?? nimdok had a lot more to get over (well not saying being a dickhead murderer isn’t a lot but 😭) and i enjoyed seeing him actually help out the people he would’ve previously turned in. it still feels a little hollow/unrealistic because again, he’s been like this his whole life, but considering how much AM takes him away from the group to (most likely) psychologically torture him for his actions he’s probably had a bit of a revelation.
doing his scenario was unfortunately funny at times because of the strange way we had to go about redeeming him with the golem guy😭giving him a smooch caught me off guard but ykw? i’ll take it for being able to kill mengele like immediately afterward. also speaking of whichhhh…
i would go into more detail about nimdok and mengeles relationship to give it some depth because god i love me some queers, but that is??? a real fucking guy???? a real life monster???? im less than comfortable picturing the fucker in my mind, much less giving him depth with a character who i also don’t like. like why ship ur essentially OC with a REAL LIFE N/AZI??? just another one of the reasons harlan elision creeps me out. (if that just pissed you off google search him s/a-ing 2 people, marrying a 19 year old when he was in his 40s and defending a child r/apist i really don’t feel like arguing with you. the guy was a horrible fucking person and he makes me sick, i just like this franchise.)
i cannot cough up anymore thoughts about this fella pls forgive me; these past couple days have been rough on my 3 brain cells. AM will for sure be next and after that fully rendered/decked out full bodies are in order!! so look out for that:]]]] i may also start posting some art fight things since i was just complaining about the lag a post or so ago☺️ jk ily artfight. team seafoam lets goo
ok i love u guys!!! if u have any requests for me drop a comment or an ask, and thank you so much for the continued support on my art❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ lots of links on this post but one more quick reminder to take a look at my commission page if you’d like!!! yolanda is still in the shop because they cannot figure out what’s wrong with her :(
have a good night friends 🫶
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mishasminion360 · 8 months
How Do You Do It?
Jack Daniels x fem!reader
Warnings: Mild language; words said in anger; stress-induced anxiety; mild angst; self-doubt; but lots of fluff, I swear.
Summary: Being a new mother and a homemaker are two difficult jobs to juggle at the same time, and even more of a challenge when your husband is constantly away. When Jack returns from his latest assignment to find you overtaxed and irritable, he decides to make it up to you by spending a day in your shoes.
A/N: What a busy summer/early fall. So much has changed in such a short time. Change is weird sometimes and brings a lot of stress. Had my first-ever panic attack. Zero stars; do not recommend. But even the stressful, scary parts of our lives can be inspiring. This fic is proof of that 😝
P.S. As you can see I began this fic in the fall of 2023 and look how late I’m posting it! I’m sorry for the long hiatus, folks, but believe me when I say it was necessary.
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How is it that your husband is the secret agent, but the weight of the world always feels like it’s been thrust upon your shoulders?
The day you found out you were expecting was one of the happiest of your life. You and Jack had been over the moon and spent the entire adventure of pregnancy fantasizing about all the joys of parenthood that would arrive along with your bundle of joy. You weren’t kidding yourselves; you knew that a baby brought big changes and more than a few challenges. You just weren’t aware of just how high those hurdles would be until you were thrown into the race.
The roles of wife, homemaker, and now mother all seem to merge into one monstrous, never-ending task; and your duties seemed all the more daunting when you were left to fulfill them alone.
Jack is nothing short of attentive and dedicated when he’s at home. The problem is that “home” is usually the last place one will find him. As of late, his job with the Statesmen pulls and pushes him this way and that into parts unknown where he’s embroiled in espionage for some indeterminate period, leaving you with a house to maintain, meals to prepare, clothes to launder, and a colicky infant to soothe.
You’re trapped inside a pressure cooker and the temperature is nearing critical.
“Baby Shark” is on its 25th iteration, every “doo doo doo” is like a bat to the back of your head. You dance topless in the living room with your wailing son clutched to your naked chest. You’d tossed your t-shirt into the wash twenty minutes ago, covered—like the two before it—in your baby boy’s milky vomit.
Your sanity is a mere thread, frayed, delicate, and seconds away from completely unraveling. Your head is pounding and back aching, and you’re trying to convince yourself that the flush of heat you feel just beneath your skin is not a fever. You can’t afford to be sick now. Not when you are all your son has; when you are all you have.
“Daddy’s home, darlin’!”
The sound of his voice, the familiar clip-clop of his boots on the hardwood floor, should fill you with after hardly having heard it for a solid week. Instead, it has your already tepid body simmering with frustration.
“Hey there, Mama Mare.” The affectionate term oozes from between his grinning lips with all the smooth, sweet ease of honey. “Give this ol’ cowboy some sugar. He missed you.”
His lips are on yours and then detaching themselves before your mouth can even register it’d just been in contact with another; far quicker and more careless than the long overdue reunion kiss you’d been anticipating. The brief little smooch held about as much passion as a handshake.
“There’s my little cowpoke!”
Jack lifts his squalling son from your arms and little John’s cries instantly cease. Of course they do. Of freaking course.
“Well, now, you didn’t have to get all dressed up on my account, honeybee.”
You snap to attention after possibly having fallen asleep on your feet for a split second to see that Jack’s devilish gaze has zeroed in on your bared tits.
“You certainly know how to welcome a fella home.”
While he’s busy ogling your non-seductive nudity, your own eyes have locked onto the trail of muddy prints stretching from the front door, each filthy footfall a perfect imprint of the sole of Jack’s boots. Yet another mess you’ll have to clean up; another chore added to the already heavy burden you’re shouldering.
“How’s about after dinner we mosey on upstairs, put this little buckaroo to bed, then I show you just how much I missed you?”
You don’t even know how to respond to him right now, so you don’t. You simply turn your back and walk away, seething in a silent rage as you stomp your way upstairs to put on the thickest, ugliest sweatshirt you can find that leaves everything up to the imagination.
John starts to wail once again, but that’s Jack’s problem now. You have about a million other tasks to accomplish—make that a million and one, thanks to his filthy freaking boots.
You slip into the master bath and toss back a couple of Advil for your pounding headache and by the time you re-emerge, Jack is pacing around your bed, hands on his hips and a pensive scowl on his face.
You take a deep breath through your nose and the words tumble from your lips in a sigh. “I haven’t started dinner yet. Give me just a few minutes and I can—“
“Did I say somethin’ wrong?” he blurts. “‘Cause you gave me a look back there that reminded me of an angry steer about to trample a rodeo clown.”
“Just forget it,” you mutter, brushing past him toward the door. His hand wraps around your wrist before you can cross the threshold.
“I ain’t forgettin’ nothin’,” he drawls as he turns you to face him. “Sugar, what’s wrong? No use lyin’ because I can tell somethin’s stuck in your craw.”
Oh, it’s stuck alright. Like a bug in a windshield.
“Jesus, Jack,” you sigh. “Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve had a total of five non-consecutive hours of sleep this week. Or it could be the fact that the house is a mess or that I’m down to my last pair of clean underwear. All the chores have been put on hold so I could tend to our son while you’ve been off playing ‘secret agent man’ in God only knows where.”
His mustache twitches and his jaw ticks.
“Honeybee, why didn’t you tell me you’ve been strugglin’? I would have—“
“Because I shouldn’t have to tell you!” you snap. “You should know me well enough by now to tell when I’m not okay! You should already have some inkling of how hard it is to raise a child and that the process usually goes much smoother when both parents are involved. But I guess I’m just a fool for assuming. Getting shot at is far less hazardous to your health than changing a dirty diaper after all.”
When the red finally clears from your vision you see that Jack’s has become clouded with a look you’d only bore witness to once and concluded that you never wanted to see again. His mirthful brown eyes dulled by a deeply rooted pain planted long ago by a cruel twist of fate. He’d been robbed of his first chance to be a husband and father and you’d just accused him of squandering his second.
“Sugar, I’m….I’m sorry.”
Shit. It’s not fair. You have been miserable for an entire week and you can’t stand to see him miserable for even a millisecond.
“No, I’m sorry,” you insist, voice and legs quivering. You lower yourself to the bed before exhaustion and gravity get the better of you. “I’m just so tired. Tired and frustrated.”
He drops to the bed beside you and pulls you into one of his signature hugs you’ve missed so much. The tightest of embraces that only he can give.
“I know you’re working hard to provide for our family,” you sob. “I know that but still I….I feel so alone, Jack.”
Before even a single southern-drenched syllable can leave his mouth, a sharp wail blasts from the baby monitor and your body reacts instinctively and urgently. You shoot up and out of Jack’s arms like a rocket.
“Let me check on him and then I’ll start dinner,” you say with a sniffle.
“I’ll get him, darlin’,” Jack insists, gently grasping you by the wrist and halting your minimal progress toward the door.
“But he probably needs—“
“I will get him.”
His hands are on your shoulders now—firm yet gentle—and grounding, comforting.
“Please, let me take care of my boy so you can take care of you, honeybee. And then, later, I’d like to take care of you, too. If you’ll let me.”
You can only muster a nod before he’s striding out of the room. Taking advantage of the first minute you’ve had to yourself in a week, you slip into the shower and let the warm spray unclench every muscle coiled tight with stress.
By the time you emerge, John is sleeping peacefully and a pizza’s been ordered. Jack dotes on you the entire evening, giving your aching feet a rub down with his skillful hands and cuddling you close as you both zone out to some ridiculous reality TV. His mere presence is a balm to your weary soul.
Whenever the baby cries in the middle of the night and your body moves on instinct Jack stills you, urges you back to the mattress, and takes on the challenge himself. It’s the best night’s sleep you’ve had in you can’t remember how long.
And surprisingly enough, you don’t manage to sleep any later than 9 a.m. The smell of extra greasy bacon lures you from bed, a siren’s call to your stomach.
John bounces in his high chair, babbling around a mouthful of mashed banana, most of which appears to have ended up on his face, shirt, and chubby little fists. Jack is an even more astonishing sight than your messy son, strutting about the kitchen in your frilly apron topping his off-white Henley and faded Wranglers.
“Well, good mornin’, sugar,” he cries, grabbing your hips to tug you in for a kiss. “Though I wasn’t expectin’ to see you up so soon.”
“How did you expect me to stay asleep when something smells incredible?”
“That would be my famous chocolate chip, peanut butter, and banana flapjacks.”
In true Southern gentlemanly fashion, he pulls out a chair and eases you into it before setting a towering stack of syrup-soaked pancakes before you, coffee and bacon following suit.
“Better eat quick now, darlin’,” Jack urges as he takes a seat with his plate. “You’ve got a busy day ahead of you.”
As if you could forget. That laundry is begging for attention, the house hasn’t had a good dusting in you can’t recall how long, and Johnny already needs a bath—
“I made you an appointment for noon.”
Your train of thought instantly stalls on the tracks.
Jack grins over the brim of his steaming mug.
“Honey, you need a break. Figured you might enjoy yourself a little spa day.”
You can hardly believe your ears.
“Spa day?”
“Yes, ma’am. Massage, mud baths, whatever the heck they do with seaweed, the whole nine yards,” he explains proudly. “I even called up your buddy from work and asked if she’d like to join you. And it’s all on me.”
“But Jack, what about John? And the house, the laundry, the cooking?”
“Gimme some credit, sugar,” he chuckles. “I think I can keep the homestead standin’ and our baby boy breathin’ for a day. Besides, it’s high time I start puttin’ in my fair share of help around here, isn’t it?”
You’re not sure if you want to thank him or burst into tears. Maybe both.
“You do so much, honeybee,” he says warmly, voice as smooth, rich, and sweet as the syrup sluiced atop your pancakes. “You move mountains every day to make this house a home. How’s about lettin’ someone do somethin’ for you for a change?”
You scarf down the rest of your pancakes before kissing him with sticky lips and racing up the stairs to get ready for your big day out.
You feel rejuvenated and refreshed. Brand fucking new. A far cry from the husk of a woman who’d left the house this morning. Wrapped in seaweed and slathered with mud you’d been returned to the earth and reborn at full strength, like a phoenix risen from the ash.
You'd been reunited with an inner strength and power you'd all but forgotten. And thank God for that, because you're going to need every bit of it to face the chaos you come walking back into upon your return home.
You can hear John’s piercing wails before you’ve cut the engine and opened the driver’s side door. You can smell the smoke before you've even reached the front steps.
Inside all hell has broken loose. Gray tendrils of smoke slither through the air, teasing the detector into screaming its warning. Your baby boy is giving it some stiff competition with his own cries as Jack struggles to bounce him on one arm while he tries to fan away the smoke with the other. Both gestures prove futile.
“It’s okay, buckeroo. You’re okay. Don’t cry. Please, please don’t cry.”
Jack looks so frazzled. The situation is far from funny so the last thing you should do is laugh at his expense. But dammit if you don’t anyway.
“Do you need some help there, cowboy?”
His frantic eyes find you through the haze and pierce you with a desperate, wordless plea. You take the inconsolable infant from your husband’s arm and soothe him into silence as Jack does the same to the smoke alarm.
“There now, Johnny. See? Everything’s okay. Daddy made the bad sound stop.”
“He just stopped cryin’ for you. Just like that.”
Something in his eyes burns. Something in his voice cracks.
“I couldn't bring him any kind of comfort. He didn't….want nothin’ to do with me.”
Your weary cowpoke sags into one of the chairs at the kitchen table and buries his face in his hands with an exasperated sigh.
“You were right, darlin’. I'm useless.”
You settle John into his high chair with a teething ring to distract him before turning your attention to your distressed husband.
“To be fair, I never said you were useless.”
“You may as well have,” he sighs. “And if you weren’t thinkin’ it before you’ll be thinkin’ it now.”
You smirk. “Rough day?”
“Oh darlin’, you don’t even know the half of it.”
He begins to recount the day’s challenges, his voice raising in pitch as goes from describing one hurdle to the next. He almost seems on the verge of tears.
“And I got so distracted while tryin’ to get our fussy boy to eat his dinner that I failed to hear the timer and let ours burn. Hence the fiasco you came home to. And when John started bellowing for his supper I was in the middle of the laundry and I forgot to separate the colorful items from the rest, so my new red jockeys turned our bathroom towels pink and….and I just failed so miserably today, sugar. I’m so sorry.”
You laugh, unable to help it. It’s all you can do at this point. “Welcome to my world, sweetheart.”
“How on Earth do you do it, sugar?”
If you’re being honest, you ask yourself that question at least once a day, and not always with the same emotional connotation behind it.
“There’s just something inside of me that encourages me to power through the difficulties. A force, a reminder.”
“An iron will for damn sure,” he scoffs.
“No, that’s not it,” you chuckle. “It’s love, Jack. For you and our boy. That’s what keeps me going.”
He looks at your have cradling his own, a gesture of both dominance and comfort. In this moment he believes that he is made of inferiority.
“I love you both to the moon and back, yet I can’t even do a load of laundry.”
“Jack you do enough. I have not, do not, and never will doubt your love for me and John,” you reassure him. “Acts of service just happen to be my particular love language, not yours.”
“Then what is mine?”
You lift his hands and kiss both sets of his knuckles. “Words of affirmation.”
His acts of service are for the world, but his words are just for you.
“But ain’t actions supposed to speak louder?”
“For others, maybe,” you shrug. “But that’s only because no one else speaks as loudly as you.”
@grimeylady @rav3n-pascal22 @mamacitapascal @insomniamama1 @pedrosbisch @emmaispunk @lv7867 @reonlouw @hawaiianmelodies @heythere-mel @healingstardust @delorena @pedropasxal @caesaryoulater @fangirling-alert @fromthedeskoftheraven @axshadows @dragon-scales88 @spacepastel-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @hauntedmama @mswarriorbabe80 @horton-hears-a-honk @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @a-trial-run-on-paper @oonajaeadira @dhadiirah @felicisimor @practicalghost @luz-introvertida @amneris21 @hb8301 @tanzthompson @littlemisspascal @dobbyjen @supernaturalgirl20 @alexxavicry @harriedandharassed @trickstersp8 @neganwifey25-blog @twistedboxy @emiemiemiii @energeticspookyshark @thevoiceinyourheadx @pedr0swh0r3 @anamiad00msday @secretwriterpp @wannab-urs @pedrostories
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sommerregenjuniluft · 11 months
@jegulus-microfic - october 31 - halloween - 745words
insp by @regscupid october 3rd microfic <3
“Say ‘I am going to abduct you, earthling.’”
“I look stupid.”
“You look properly scary.”
“I have wobbly eyes on my head.”
“Don’t see what one thing has to do with the other, love,” James grins cheekily from behind Regulus in the mirror and then gives him a loud smooch on his cheek.
Regulus rolls his eyes and hopes the green-ish face paint over his nose covers his blush.
“Ready to go, Hazza?” James calls up the stairs.
There’s a giggle from the floor above, a few quiet steps and then Harry jumps down two at a time within sight of them with a loud Grawr.
James playfully jumps in place and clutches his chest with a gasp as Harry erupts into evil snickers.
The young boy comes bounding down the rest of the stairs in his skeleton onesie and black and white face paint that’s only minutely smudged (as of now) and holds up his sweets bucket that his father told him to get from his room. 
This one is distracted fighting to pull his spider legs shoulder straps over his thick coat so Regulus gives Harry a nod and a smirk and reaches his hand out to him, “C’mon. Shoes on and then off we go.”
“Yeah!” Harry yells with elation and passes his plastic pumpkin bucket off to Regulus.
It’s still light outside when they start their walk around the neighborhood.
James tells Harry to look out for the houses with Halloween decoration, anything creepy– candles, spiderwebs, carved pumpkins.
It only takes two houses down the sidewalk before Harry gasps and points at a prettily decorated front door.
James gives his son a warm smile, nodding, telling him to go on, as he snakes an arm around Regulus’ waist, pulling him closer into his side.
It’s not particularly cold but Regulus lets himself melt into James’ ridiculously puffy jacket with a sigh anyways. He’s warm and he smells good, like his cologne and their laundry detergent and the glass of mulled wine they shared before getting ready. 
He burrows further into James’ scarf around his neck as he watches Harry skip up the stairs, two pointy-toothed pumpkins out front, white cotton wool and black, little paper bats adorning the railing.
Harry rings the bell and then hastily presses himself against the outside wall next to the door, holding a finger to his lips as he looks wide-eyed and breathless back at them.
Regulus’ chest feels so full he might burst.
The door opens and a middle aged woman with a witch’s hat peeks around with a bowl of chocolates in her hand.
She has barely time to look confused at James and Regulus before little Harry jumps out of his hiding spot with a shrill, “Trick or treat!”
The woman yelps in a genuine fashion and throws an admonishing look over at him and James as Harry falls into a little giggle fit. “Well, thank goodness I’m no 60 something year old with poor blood pressure,” she says good-naturedly, crouching down in front of Harry with a smile to let him choose his pick. 
Regulus shifts his weight from one foot to the other a little uneasily at the thought of Harry actually giving one of the pensioners in their neighborhood a heart attack.
“As young and fresh as always, Miss Sinistra.” James says with a charming grin.
The woman grumbles a little and fixes James with a look when Harry turns his back to her to join the two of them again, “You fellas should dial it down a notch or two.”
When Regulus looks over again, James seems a little bashful as he smiles brightly, “Noted.”
Satisfied with that, apparently, she softens right up and gives them another pointed look, smug smile on her lips, “Happy Halloween to you.”
“Happy Halloween, dear neighbor,” James responds, squeezing Regulus’ waist knowingly.
Regulus curses quietly, giving Sinistra a wave, smiling strained.
“Happy Halloweeeen,” Harry shouts, racing past them and they quickly turn to follow.
Regulus gnaws on the inside of his lower lip while he feels James radiate with glee next to him, who waits until Harry is further down the sidewalk out of earshot before he leans down and rasps into Regulus ear, “Seems like she didn’t forget the way I fucked you against the window last year, after all.”
Regulus jams his elbow forcefully into James’ side.
The puffy-jacketed bastard doesn’t do much besides chuckle and pull Regulus into a kiss.
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jealousjersey · 8 months
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ “oh shit” ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
๋࣭ ⭑ part 2!!!
๋࣭ ⭑ part one here
๋࣭ ⭑ futuredad!mike schmidt x pregnant!reader (fluff)
๋࣭ ⭑ mostly dialog (really short i’m sorry fellas)
๋࣭ ⭑ a/n: short af, wanted to get pt 2 out as soon as possible!! part 3 is coming soon but i just couldn’t wait with this one!!
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“what do you mean you’re gonna be a dad?” you ask sincerely, with a bit of worry in your eyes,
“baby, i think i finished inside you” he says, still smiling. he loves the idea of being a dad.
“oh mike..” you say, hands covering your face. this scares you a lot. you know you’re not ready to be a mom.
“i’m here, i’ll always be here.” mike comforts you, putting his rough hand on your knee. “i can’t imagine how scary this is, but it’s your decision if you want to keep it or not.”
you pause and think for a second. “let’s have the baby” you say, smiling. eyes still muted, clearly deep in thought. do you actually want this baby or do you want mike to be happy?
“i really do want a kid with you mike. we would be good parents” you grin
“really!?” mike exclaims. he wasn’t expecting this answer. he was estatic. he wants to be a father so badly.
mike gets up and wraps his arms around you, his lips place a kiss on your forehead.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
about half a month after the test came back positive, the morning sickness really starts to set in. you’re always head above the toilet. mike can see how sick you’ve become, being extra careful around you, holding your hair when you throw up, and always getting you anything you ask for. he loves taking care of you.
mike already started picking out colors for the nursery, after only a month of you carrying his child. “he really is excited” you think as you smile. your pregnancy has opened a new aura to mike. he’s become softer. his eyes are no longer dull. since the night you became pregnant, his eyes have stayed with a sparkle in them. he was meant to be a dad.
“i really think primary colors would look good in the room, whaddya think babe?” he turns to you. “i think it’s perfect” you smile at him.
mike already bought a car seat, a crib and so. many. toys. you both don’t even know the gender, he doesn’t care right now, whatever the gender is, he’s going to be thrilled.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
3 months into your pregnancy, your baby bump starts to show. mike loves seeing you like this. he loves the new maturity you’ve grown, the glowing aura surrounding your skin and how beautiful you look. he’s also noticed your breasts getting bigger. you notice him checking you out and you start flirting with him like you just met. he giggles and kisses you.
mikes also matured a lot, you’ve noticed he stopped biting his nails, he’s become a lot less nervous. your pregnancy is sort of soothing to him. seeing you in a whole new light than the day he first met you.
you look happy. mike hasn’t seen you like this in a very long time, he’s absolutely amazed on how this has grown on you.
mike looks at you for a minute before pushing your hair behind your ear and kissing your cheek. you blush for the first time in months and he can tell.
“so, any guesses on the gender?” you ask him. “i’m making my bets it’s a girl” he grins as he looks you in the eyes, the same glimmer stares. “i’m putting $20 down that it’s a boy” you joke. “prepare your $20. it’s definitely a girl” he laughs back. the communication between you both has changed. you two haven’t argued in 4 months. this is a new record for you two. but you’re certainly not complaining.
mike started picking up on cooking dinner for you, when he found out the test was positive he frantically picked up every pregnancy book and started cooking trying to avoid the foods you couldn’t eat. of course once or twice he messed up and added cheese but you caught it before you took a bite. he was so embarrassed at first, making you a new dish entirely. it was so cute to see him like this.
mike has always had a thing for giving you whatever you needed, always taking such good care of you. it didn’t matter what was going on, sickness or in health, he always put you first.
“i love you so much” he says to you as you hold his hand tighter than ever. “i love you so much more.” you respond
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@joshhutchersons-slut had to tag u fr ☁️
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sstormyskyess · 11 months
Spooky Season
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author's note: happy halloween fellas! hope that your halloweens are filled with candy and fun costumes just like the boys here!
cw: just fluff
word count: 1300+
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TF 141 x GN!Reader
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Simon “Ghost” Riley [costume parties]
♡ Ghost loves dressing up in a fun costume every year because it lets him both take part in the festivities while also keeping his comfortable sense of anonymity.
♡ Even if it's just a face of nicely done make-up you decorated his face with, just having anything covering him up keeps him feeling secure. It’s only a bonus to watch your cute little focused face as you’re applying the make-up, telling him to quit smiling so much so you can get everything lined up properly.
You have a smile on your face when you show Simon the costume you bought for him. A Frankenstein’s monster costume—in the largest size, of course—to match with your mad doctor costume. He took it from your hands with a chuckle. “How long did it take you to find this?” You laugh and set down your own costume on the bed. “An hour or so. You’re too big for your own good.”
Soon enough, you have his make-up done just right and his outfit straightened out just so. Then, you’re on your way to the party that Laswell and her wife were holding. “Love, I’m trying to drive.” He scolds you when your finger comes up to brush at his face and clean up some of your handiwork that had gotten smudged at some point. “You have to look perfect! Just gimme a sec…”
Once you get to the party, you immediately start getting compliments on your costumes and your face beams with pride, putting a little smile on his face. After a couple hours of mingling and indulging in snacks, candy, and Halloween-themed cocktails, you’re sitting on the couch together and the costume contest starts. It’s a close match between yours and Price’s dragon costume, but the final vote places you and Simon at the top.
He revels in the way your face lights up when the results are announced, dragging him up to the front of the room to get a little round of applause. His cheeks warm up and he silently thanks your make-up skills, since the face paint covers up the way his cheeks turn pink from the attention.
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John “Soap” Mactavish [scary movies]
♡ Despite the fact that Soap is a massive scaredy-cat when it comes to spooky Halloween movies, he adores watching them just for the adrenaline rush.
♡ They’re even more fun when he has someone to grab onto when he inevitably falls to his weakness to jumpscares; once you’re dating, you will be the unfortunate victim to his antics. Half of the movie you’re getting jostled around because of his big arms wrapped around you when he’s freaking out from the monster that just popped out of a closet all of a sudden.
You yelp, not at the jumpscare on screen but because, for what felt like the hundredth time, Johnny has yanked you to his side with a shrill scream. “Oh, Christ—!” He squeezes onto you tight, pushing the air from your lungs. The evil ghost just jumped at the screen with a grumbly roar and now one of the main characters on-screen is getting mauled to death. Yikes.
“Johnny, you look like you’re about to piss yourself!” You laugh, a pout on his lips from your teasing. “It’s scary!” He wails, despite his eyes still locked on the screen and watching with suspense. You wrap your fingers around the bicep currently crushing you and give it a squeeze. “You’ll be okay, handsome. Now can you let go of me?” Johnny just nuzzles closer and squeezes you harder. “I can’t! What if the ghost gets me?” His pout dramatically deepens and you sigh.
“Well, if you squeeze me to death just know that I’ll be haunting you for as long as you live.” You muse, resting your head on his. His eyes snap to you and widen at that little comment. “You wouldn’t. Right?” He gives you an incredulous look. “I dunno, baby, if you keep choking me out like this you’ll just have to find out.” He gasps and huffs childishly, grumbling into your shoulder about how mean you are.
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick [apple picking]
♡ Gaz loves apple pie. It reminds him of his childhood so he makes it a yearly tradition to make at least one [he will eat more than one whole pie by himself] pie every autumn.
♡ The first autumn after you started dating, he saw a couple online going to an apple orchard for a date and he knew he needed to take you on a date just like that. You end up coming back home with enough apples to make as many pies as your hearts desire.
“Kyle! We’re not gonna have enough apples if you keep eating all of them!” You scold your boyfriend, watching him shrug and take another bite out of the apple in his hand. “We have plenty, sweetheart, don’t worry!” He said between crunching down on the bite he took. You shake your head and take the canvas bag full of the apples you picked just a couple hours ago away from the kitchen table, much to his dismay.
He follows you like a lost puppy and puts his chin on your shoulder while you prepare the homemade pie crust, pressing it into the pie tin. “How long is the pie gonna bake?” He asks with his hands on your hips. You pick up your phone and scan the recipe quickly. “Um… one hour.” Kyle groans. “That’s so long.” He whines.
You roll your eyes and turn back to getting the pie crust squared away before you get booped on the nose by Kyle’s flour-covered fingertip. You gasp and look back at him with a playfully offended glare. “Oh, it’s on now.” You grin and pinch some flour between your fingers to flick it at him with a giggle. It takes a good fifteen minutes before you’re finally able to get back to making the perfect pie, the two of you somehow ending up play-wrestling on the living room floor with your giddy laughter filling the room.
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John Price [pumpkin carving]
♡ At this point in his life, Price has perfected the art of picking a good pumpkin to use for all the recipes he loves: pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, even just fresh roasted pumpkin seeds.
♡ He gets to use his uncanny talents even more when you eventually drag him out to a pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern. He’s all smiles as he watches you crouch down to pick up and assess each one, giving you little tips along the way.
“Be careful with the knife, doll!” John calls from the kitchen. You roll your eyes and start to cut into the top of the pumpkin along the line you traced with a washable paint marker. “I’m not a baby, John!” You reply, a playful annoyance in your tone. He chuckles when he walks back in, watching your eyes squint while you try to cut the hole perfectly, fully focused.
He takes a seat at the table across from you, placing the pumpkin carving kit down in front of him and waiting for you to finish the first cut. "Did you pick a face for him?" He hums in thought when you pull your phone up and show him a picture of the design you picked out from your short Google search. “It’s a bit complicated, yeah?” You scoff and put a hand to your chest with a confident grin. “I can handle it, no problem!”
The night ends with your original pumpkin being used for pumpkin puree because you managed to goof up the design on your first try. You’re a bit down after having to use another pumpkin, but John is extra supportive of you the whole way through. By the time you put the candles in the bottom of the freshly made jack-o-lantern and put it on the porch, John has made the both of you a pot of pumpkin soup that you eat up the rest of the night.
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carolmunson · 2 years
feelin' mighty fine
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rockstar!eddie x actress!reader
inspired by: merry christmas, baby part of carol's christmas song blitz a/n: this is a heavily reworked version of the opening for chrismtas '97 in the rockstar!eddie au. it just wasn't working in the story so i'm making it it's own standalone! you don't have to know much about my rockstar!eddie au to enjoy it -- but just know, you're a famous actress married to rockstar eddie munson and have twins - van and violet, they're about three here. would recommend listening to the song before or during reading to catch the vibe.
cw: 18+, brief smut mention/description, dad!eddie, parenthood, some swearing?, brief alcohol mention. minors dni 4eva. fluff, fluff, fluff.
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December 23rd, 1997 - Chicago Stadium
It was the last night of tour before the four of you, exhausted, would travel back to Indiana. It's a short flight, but getting the kids on a jet at midnight didn't sound like the Christmas Eve Eve plans you wanted to make. The twins were fussy backstage, the nanny long sent home earlier that morning since they'd have Wayne and everyone else to help you in Hawkins.
It was half way through the set and the kids should've been sleeping but they wanted to watch from the wings with you, Vi in your arms and Van by your feet -- both safe in headphones made to fit them perfectly to block out the sound. As the song ends and the crowd screams, you can see Eddie running toward you backstage, pulling his guitar from over him with a tech rushing by you to retrieve it. He only has a minute or two while Jeff works the crowd but he never wastes it. His skin shines with sweat, tattoos glimmering over his arms and chest.
"Hey, you havin' fun?" he doesn't wait for an answer, pulling you in from the back of then neck to kiss you. His mouth is cold from the water he's been drinking, he tastes like the faint twang of tequila from the flask in his back pocket. A hint of his mid-show cigarette lingers on his lips.
"Are you having fun, sleepy girl?" he asks Violet, she giggles and hides in the curls that match her dad's, "Shouldn't you be in bed?"
He looks down, seeing Van nearly jumping out of his little leather jacket to have his dad pick him up, "Shouldn't you be in bed, too?"
Eddie scoops him up, smattering his face in kisses -- Van shrieks in laughter so Violet laughs, too. Never one to miss out on kisses, she reaches for her dad desperately before Eddie pops her onto his free hip. He double fists the twins like he used to double fist bottles of Don Julio.
"Honey, you gotta go," you urge, you notice the tech waiting with Ed's other guitar by the wings.
"Okay, okay, sorry -- one more kiss, okay?" he nods to the twins, pressing a kiss to each cheek before placing them back down on the fold out chairs next to you.
"And one more for mommy," he swoons, slinging the new guitar over his shoulder. You roll your eyes and let him smooch you all sloppy, he grins like you just met when he's done. Ed tosses you a wink before rushing out to the stage where he starts to talk into the mic about what's coming up. The tech rushes by you again with Santa hats in his hands -- running onto the stage to pass them out to Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, and the rest of the band.
"Now normally we don't do this shit, we like to keep it a lil' scary here -- but it is Christmas time so, I wanted to play a little somethin' special. Y'all know Otis Redding?" Eddie asks. You beam, you know exactly what he's about to get the band to play. The crowd screams, barricades straining against them while they bounce and jump.
"I wanted to introduce some fellas on brass who are comin' to join us for this number," Eddie puts his hand back to reference a small brass band stepping onto the platform next to Gareth's drum set, "Give 'em a 'round of applause for me."
The applause is rauccus and the brass players wave sheepishly from their platform. You guess it's not often that they're playing with a band that used to be in the news for 'promoting Satan's music'. Especially not with someone with a reputation as sordid as Eddie's.
As the horns begin to play, Eddie puts on his Santa hat and gets close to the mic, "This song's called 'Merry Christmas, Baby', I'm sure most of ya know it. But it was my mama's favorite -- she used to wear that record out so much that my daddy had to buy it for her twice. So this is for my mama, and all the mama's that are out there tonight."
He winks towards the camera that fed out to the screens for the back seats, sending the women in the crowd to their knees. Their screeches nearly drowned out the opening chords.
Eddie's voice has a gruffness that meets the songs needs, Jeff's joining his in a playful duet. As the intro finishes, they both trade their shrill riffs for a funky bass lines and twangs to match the energy from the brass.
"Well I'm feelin' mighty fine y'all, got my music on the raay-di-oooo..." Eddie sings with a smile, his eyes closed against the bright lights. There's a lightness about him that his fans rarely see, something soft, something you get to see at home. Like when the babies would fall asleep on his chest.
"Feel like I wanna kiss ya, babe, standin' underneath that mistletoe..." he drawls, and you can see his head turn to try and peer at you behind the curtain. A silent dedication. He'd kiss you all the time if he could.
The crowd claps in time with the beat. You can see the gleams of painted nails and rings, silver bracelets, and leather arm cuffs glinting in the light of the first three rows. There was an air of genuine surprise that the crowd was singing the lyrics with them, but the holidays infect everyone. Even 'god damn delinquents', as put so delicately by the venues owner.
"Sure did treat me nice, said you bought me all those presents, and I feel like I'm in paradise..."
And overwhelming wave of nostalgia hits you as they reach the music breakdown, remembering what it was like before the kids were born. How things felt before you got married. You'd wait in his dressing room, watching the feedback on the TV in the corner, eating the snacks and drinking the champagne he'd get for you on his rider. He'd come back at the end of the show, dripping in sweat, vibrating from all the coke, chugging a bottle of Jack Daniels.
The grizziliness of him was so fucking hot at the time he didn't even have to ask you to bend over the couch. He'd rail into you so hard you could barely breathe, hand entwined in your hair, dampening your shirt when he pressed you against his slick chest.
"Been thinkin' about you all night. This tight fucking pussy," he'd grunt, whiskey might as well have been seeping out of his pores. But he was so different now. So straightened up. So present.
He was clean long before the twins were born, but something changed in him when they came. He was so alive again. Just so fucking happy to be there.
"Please give another round of applause for our brass band over here!" Eddie's announcement sends you right back to reality. The crowds cheers scream through the venue again and you instinctively cover your ears. You watch the brass band wave and bow, stepping down off the platform off the stage while the rest of the band hypes them up.
"That was fun, wasn't it folks?" Eddie asks, "So I guess we'll get back to--"
You're confused at the sudden shrill of shrieks from the crowd.
"Oh, you guys know Van? He's our new guitarist -- this is actually Jeff's last show," you hear Eddie's laugh boom over the speakers. You look down to the horror of only seeing one child next to you, who is now off her chair and inching towards the stage.
"You wanna play a chord, buddy?" you hear Jeff's voice say, the crowd cheers again. You look up at one of the screens, Van perched in his uncle Jeff's arms while he leans down to strum the strings. The crowd whoops and giggles while Jeff puts his hand over Van's tiny one and helps him play a real chord. Eddie claps, eyes shining with pride, the crowd goes absolutely insane- Van! Van! Van! Van! Your son hides, embarrassed at the attention -- always one to be shy, burying himself in the crook of Jeff's neck.
"Violet baby, come here," you coo over to her, taking a step. But that step makes her book it -- and god are they fast at 3, "Shit, fuck."
"Oh-ho-ho, wow, my little lady of the hour," Eddie laughs while she runs right into his legs, knocking herself to the ground softly, "You've all met Violet, right?"
You watch him pick her up, her soft and excited, "Daddy -- Santa!" echos through the stadium.
"Hi, baby! That's right, daddy looks like Santa!" he parentese's excitedly, placing her on his hip. He looks over his shoulder to see you crouched down, tip toe-ing quickly across the stage mouthing a guilt 'sorry' his way. He grins expectantly, his perfect show girl in her stretch pants and sweatshirt. Her clean white sneakers. "There she is -- I'm sure you folks know the wife."
You wince at first and then wave while the crowd thunders at the sight of you hurrying over to Jeff to scoop up Van. Your eyes squint against the lights, the only thing you can see in the crowd are the little flames from lighters being waved by fans. The venue shakes at their applause and you're almost embarrassed by the attention -- but not too much. What's this but another red carpet? The only difference is that you never go on stage -- the last time being just after you got married so Eddie could gush about his 'for real this time' wife.
"Mama," Van whined, hands outstretched and grabby over Jeff's shoulder while he climbs into your chest. You hoist him up to make room for Violet who at first, doesn't want to go, making Ed so close to cancelling the rest of the show to cuddle her before you're finally able to wrench her out of his arms. Their heads bobble with their headphones on, snuggling up against you.
You turn to leave, but he taps you on the shoulder, still speaking into the mic, "You forgetting something?"
You look at him confused, you have both babies with you, "What?"
"You gotta pay the toll, baby," he shrugs, his smug grin making you blush. The crowd roars, they love when he's a little bit of a bastard. He looks you over, tongue running over the inside of his cheek, "Can't let you go without paying the toll."
You let out an audible sigh, facial expression playing to the cheap seats so everyone knows just how fake exasperated you are with him. You lean in and his kiss is lewd and wet over the twin's heads, the clicks of spit sounding over the speakers. He scrunches his nose at you when he breaks away, a boyish blush blooms on his cheeks.
"Thank you," he smiles, "You're free to go."
"Okay babies, you gotta wave bye to daddy's friends!" you say softly to Van and Vi as they look at the crowd.
"Say bye-bye," Eddie says gently, mimicking a wave so they'll copy. They wave over your shoulder while you walk back stage, sitting down on the fold up chairs with them both on your lap.
"Alright folks, sorry for the cutest interruption you'll ever see in your life," he says to the crowd, "And I know outside of friends and family, Christmas is about y'know -- the Lord. So in honor of the birth of Christ I'd like to introduce this next song..."
Two incredibly face melting riffs play simultaneously.
"We call it, 'Your Mother Sucks Cocks in Hell'."
You roll your eyes as the music starts, but on the bright side the twins are finally starting to nod off to sleep.
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sable-skies · 2 months
LinkedUniverse boys as Monsters (from monster hunter)
I'm waiting for MH:World to download so watch as I merge my current two major interests together in real time
These are based off of vibes mostly and descending from most confident to least confident
Twilight - Zinogre
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Beloved thunder puppy. I will not take any sort of argument or objections on this. But on a more serious note, it's mostly the canine connection that makes me think these two are similar, and I think Twilight deserves a beefed up monster wolf form as a treat. Nintendo please give him a scary wolf monster form please.
Legend - Mizutsune
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While Mizutsune's aren't difficult monsters to fight, and if Legend was one he would be a bonkers hard battle, there's something about the elegance and movement of a Mizutsune that's very Legend to me. Also it could be the pink and yellow mix on both of the designs.
Warriors - Ratholos
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Okay okay if ANYONE is gonna be a giant raging dragon, it would be Warriors. And while Warriors isn't from a mainline game, I think he holds an immense amount of iconography that is almost comparable to the Ratholos for their respective game series.
Time - Kirin
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Despite not being a fan of OoT or MM (sorry Time), he has this almost ethereal yet intimidating vibe to me. If any creature can match that, I think the Kirin can. A respectable and formidable opponent.
Sky - Paolumu OR Legiana
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Alright alright Sky kinda gets two because I couldn't pick. I wanted to give him a bird wyvern but none of them really fit his vibe to me, so I settled on these two. Paolumu looks like the weird cat from Skyloft that I forgot the name of, and I think its very fuzzy appearance makes it appear less threatening and that fits Sky immensely. Legiana is the more intimidating version, it's a flying creature and I think can represent Sky's untapped abilities.
Wind - Tobi-Kadachi
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Technically speaking, Wind should probably have a water based monster because of his game, or a wind based one because of his name. But I say no to both of these, watch a video of a Tobi-Kadachi fight and you'll see this mf flying and flipping around all over the place, that feels very Wind to me personally.
Four - Great Izuchi
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From what I remember from the Izuchi fight in MH:Rise, they tend to travel in packs. Given Four's whole deal of being able to split himself into four parts, I think the Izuchi's whole pack thing is weirdly fitting for it. Also raptor claws. Yes.
Hyrule - Great Girros OR Rathian
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Forgive me fellas, I could not land on one for Hyrule. Almost none of the large monsters really gave me a Hyrule vibe at all except for the Great Girros, but that's technically not really a full on monster and doesn't have its own special fight and all of that. My alternative pick was the Rathian, which is the female counterpart to the Ratholos. I figured if anyone should get an iconic monster or at least one associated with it, it should be the first Link of them all. :]
Wild - Nargacuga OR Odogaron
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Wild gets two to pick from because one is a relatively nice pick, and the other one I made because I was feeling mean. The Nargacuga gives me the same vibes he does while in the stealthy sheikah suit, something swift and probably beating the shit out of you before you know it. The Odogaron, however, I think would represent Wild's initial death in his own quest to save Hyrule, and could be a fun way to further showcase how he's living after dying, even if resurrected, and probably doesn't function the way everyone else does. there's something inherently off and maybe a little undead about him. also picking the odogaron gives him a shared canine monster with twilight, so teehee.
i still have an hour waiting on my download im so mad
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creepylittlelady · 10 months
Hello, sorry it took me so long to respond! I was quite busy today lol
I like Toby and EJ, so I have quite a bit on them! Sorry if you don't like them because they're not the most canon accurate, they're actually a bit more on the fanon side in some parts ;) I wanna give some more slice-of-life headcanons but if you want more serious ones I'll give them to you!
-So you know that 'Toby loves waffles :3" thing? Well in my AU it was a thing that happened but just not to that extreme. When he first moved into the mansion (Yes this is a Slendermansion AU), Waffles were his safe food and he ate them quite a lot, making the other residents at the time to make an inside joke about Toby loving waffles. These days he can't even look at a waffle without Jeff and Ben screaming "SAY THE LINE!" and staring at him until he says it.
It basically goes like:
Slender: What do you want for breakfast? Toby: *nervously fidgeting* Toby: *whispers* Waffles. Ben, from the other side of the room: DID I JUST HEAR SOMEONE SAY WAFFLES?? Ben and Jeff, in unison: SAY THE LINE TOBY! *UNCOMFORTABLE EYE CONTACT* Toby: *sighs* I love waffles. Ben: FUCK YEAH! Toby: I hate this stupid house.
-He's basically immune to Slender Sickness. Due to being around Slender so much he doesn't feel nauseous around him and gets really confused when newer residents get it when they first see him.
-He often has periods where he's really apathetic to most things and doesn't care, and then in the blink of an eye becomes an uncontrollable mess. He's got poor emotional regulation and when he gets irritated he goes into a RAGE about it.
-He secretly learnt Necromancy from a book in the Library and used it to try and bring back Lyra (is Lyra still a canon thing? Apparently she's her own character but I'm not sure at all). But Necromancy is a really difficult thing to accomplish so although he PARTIALLY brought her back she's more like a mindless zombie.
-Sometimes he'll visit his mother's house in the dead of night and leave presents for her. It's just something he does subconsciously that nobody knows about. On occasion Connie wakes up while he's doing it, but she just assumes that she's seeing things.
Every year on her birthday he breaks into her new house and places an inconspicuous birthday present on the dining table. She'll wake up the next morning incredibly confused on how it got there. Toby wishes that he and his mom can really meet again one day.
-Him and Natalie's relationship is...turbulent, to say the least. They've gotten together and broken up so much that nobody knows when they're dating anymore. They're really close regardless and hang out a lot, but they just hook up sometimes randomly, go on one date and break up again.
-His dad currently resides in the Underworld and Toby's met him several times. Due to his father being a sinner, the lowest of the low, Toby often beats him and stabs him with his axe every time he sees him. It's all perfectly legal.
-He frequently forgets random information about himself. Like at times he'll wake up and forget it's his birthday that day, he'll forget his age, sometimes he'll even forget his own name. Like deadass Masky will call his name like a million times and he'll be like "Man I hope this Toby fella answers soon".
-His closest friends are Masky, Hoodie, Kate and Natalie. He doesn't actually like Jeff all that much as he sees him as a dick, and he's pretty neutral towards most other people in the mansion. He HATES Ben and finds him scary, he won't even make eye contact. He prefers Eyeless Jack over the two of them however as he's Jeff and Ben's close friend he doesn't talk to him much.
-He actually secretly dislikes most of the mansion residents. Although he's pretty nice to everyone since he believes in yk not being a major bitch he doesn't care about most of them.
-MASSIVE PYROMANIAC, since he can't feel pain he doesn't really feel a sense of danger such as when there's a fire or when there's an enemy nearby.
-Okay, without delving too deep into my AU, he's one of the only ones who knows what's up 'going on' behind the scenes with Slenderman and Zalgo. He's somewhat aware of it so when an 'incident' happens he'll mainly be apathetic to it. Often times when Slenderman 'disappears', he'll cover for him.
-His mouth and jaw are incredibly numb so he can't really taste food, sometimes food will slip out of his mouth and he just won't know.
-When it comes to Sally and Lazari, he actually really likes them but sometimes when he's in his more irritable moods he finds them incredibly annoying and has snapped at Lazari a lot of times.
-When it comes to 'Missions' (like Proxy stuff), he's the only one that ever actually obeys Slender's orders. He has to remind Masky and Hoodie of what they're meant to be doing so much it tires him so he just lets them do what they think they're meant to do and laugh when they screw it up.
-He finds it funny with other people make mistakes, like he'll die of laughter when Laughing Jack hits his nose against a door.
-He owns a can of Pepper Spray that he'll use against Ben, Nina or the other ratchet Pastas when they get too crazy.
-Sometimes he'll act like fanon Toby, but more as a means of sarcasm. When Masky and Hoodie first met him they thought he was being serious so chocked him up as some incompetent loser, but he quickly let them know that he meant business.
-His love language is giving people random stuff. Like not even expensive stuff but if he likes you he'll hand you something random that he thinks you'll like. Or he'll give you a fun fact about a topic he knows you're interested in. He has a bunch of random Edgar Allen Poe or Drawing facts for Slender and Natalie. Once he gave Masky a black Sharpie he found lying in the woods for some reason.
-He's such a terrible singer on GOD but the thing is is that he loves singing so much that nobody can bring it up to him that he's shit at it.
-He has a lot of vocal tics, like he'll hum a random melody or yell "GOO GOOBIE!" randomly. Everyone's used to it. He's actually terrible at hiding from his victims because of this. He also has a tic where he throws WHATEVER is in his hands at that current moment right up into the air. Sometimes it's funny but other times it's concerning, especially when he's holding his own axe.
-Doesn't like video games because he finds them annoying and stressful.
-Once he got so mad at everyone that he checked himself into a Psych Ward under the name "Erin Rogers" and stayed there for a good six months. Everyone was so worried about him for a half of year and genuinely thought he was dead or in serious danger until one day he just waltzed back into the Labrinth unharmed and was like "Hey guys guess you've been wondering where I've been".
-He doesn't perceive the idea of people worrying about him so he does a lot of concerning things and doesn't realise that people genuinely worry for his safety sometimes.
-He's got no filter, or just has a really lax one. He'll say basically anything that comes to mind out loud, even if it's offensive to the person he's currently talking to.
-The kid goes missing A LOT. Slender actually had to file a Missing Persons Report for him because he disappeared for 4 months without contacting anyone. He comes back fine every time but he never tells anyone where he goes.
-Adding on to this, I kinda headcanon that he has a strange form of Amnesia where for months on end he'll forget who he is, anything about himself or his past, or even who anybody is around him. This causes him to run away frequently.
-He subconsciously uses himself as a human shield every time one of his friends is in danger. He'll throw himself in front of Masky and Hoodie if they're about to be shot by an Underworld General or something.
-Thinks that blood is really tasty and often will lick his own blood. This dude is NOT sanitary.
-Takes like one shower a year because he just forgets that he has a human body that gets dirty. Which is weird considering he's outside in the dirt and in a puddle of blood like every other day.
-He doesn't have a concept of boundaries so often time's he'll grab someone suddenly if he wants their attention. Usually it's harmless and the new Pastas get used to it eventually, but sometimes it's problematic when he grabs Lazari's horns or LJ's cone nose without their consent.
-Because in my AU Slenderman's Forest is a Labrinth where people don't age, although he's maybe in his 20s now he's still the exact same as he was when he was 17. He doesn't have a concept of time so this doesn't phase him as much as it phases EJ.
Eyeless Jack
-He's got demon ears, and a demon tail. Yes that's right EJ IS A FURRY!!! Just Kidding but he does have some characteristics of a demon.
-There's a slight different between a Half-Demon like Lazari and a transformed demon like EJ. For one EJ has WAY more demonic urges than Lazari does and whilst hers are manageable, EJs definitely aren't. If he wants to kill, he has to do it otherwise he'll harm everything in his way, including himself.
-He's tried to cannibalise himself out of frustration several times, and his arms are now just permanently in bandages. Toby hits him with the Pepper Spray everytime he sees him chewing on any body part at all.
-When he's not submitting to his Demonic Urges, he's a really chill and nice guy. He's way more sane than anybody else in the Mansion and thinks everyone's unique and likes to observe them. His dream was always to be a doctor to support his parents and help others, so often times he takes care of people when they're sick.
-His demon side isn't that scary since he won't harm anybody he's close to, only himself and random people he comes across. Of course, you'll be terrified when you first see him absolutely DEVOURING the dead corpse of some random girl, but he'll always tell you that he'll never hurt you, even when he's in his Demonic State.
-Although he's an incredibly nice guy, he suffers severely with trust issues, especially when it comes to Romantic Affairs. Upon realising that Sally and Lazari were shipping him with all sorts of people, he got incredibly angry and told them that it wasn't okay.
-He's uncomfortable with romance in general after what happened with Jenny and doesn't see anybody in the Mansion as a potential Romantic Partner, since he sees relationships as something that will always end terribly and he doesn't want to soil his friendships with anyone.
-He's very close to Jeff and Ben, often coming along on their strange adventures just to watch. He believes that they aren't as bad as Toby thinks they are, so he finds it fun to hang out with them.
-He and Jeff are jokingly (KEYWORD JOKINGLY) romantic towards each other after finding out that Lazari had written fanfiction about the two of them. Although he doesn't like being shipped, Jeff helped turn into more of a funny inside joke.
-Although he has an affinity for human organs in his Demonic State and still nonchalantly consumes Kidneys regularly, he doesn't actually like meat. He's not really Vegan or Vegetarian, but he'll choose a Salad over a Steak, if you get what I'm saying.
-He's a valuable asset to the house due to his medical knowledge, and because of this is quite close to Dr Smiley and Nurse Ann, and often helps assist them with more serious cases like Natalie's eye infection and Jeff's mouth...injuries.
-He's one of the few people in the Mansion that actually liked Nina when she came, since most hated her initially, EJ helped her settle in and get to know everybody. He helps her a lot, especially when it comes to drama with her and Jeff.
-He really likes rock music and can play Guitar really well. He's not a great singer but can play an Acoustic Arrangement for any song you request him to do.
-Him and Liu are very close friends and helps Liu with panic attacks and sleep paralysis.
-He has a strictly PLATONIC relationship with everyone in the Mansion and outright discourages dating between residents, and didn't really approve of Natalie and Toby's relationship. Because of this he has no problem touching people in any way or sleeping in the same bed as people.
-As I said earlier, he did disapprove of Natalie and Toby's former relationship and advised them to break things off early, but he didn't really want to outright sabotage them. However, his own former trust issues subconsciously make him sabotage any romance he sees. He even discourages people on having CRUSHES in the Mansion.
-His trust issues cause a lot of problems, actually. Although he has no problem touching people or getting in their personal boundaries, he'll be PISSED if anybody grabs him suddenly or tries to hold his hand or anything like that.
-He has a rivalry with Laughing Jack over who's the better Jack. So far they're both even. Eyeless Jack insists that one day he'll win and be the true Jack.
-Okay in all seriousness EJ has been through a lot of shit, especially when he turned into EJ. I remember when I was little I saw this Creepypasta named "EJ Returns" or something like that where he was tied up in some Demon Hunter's basement.
This has happened to him a lot of times. Sometimes when he suddenly turns back to normal after eating somebody he'll get caught and he's the least fortunate out of everyone in the sense that the people that he gets caught by are ALWAYS occultists.
-He often has nightmares about being in this situation and because of this HATES basements and never goes into the Mansions basement unless there's a rotting corpse in there that he wants to eat.
-He desperately misses his old life, more than most of the Pastas do. Since his family and old friends are still alive he makes it an unhealthy habit to stalk them and follow them around in real life.
-In my AU, Jack Nyras is still a missing person and his disappearance was so mysterious that his case is still talked about on True Crime Podcasts. It was a nasty shock when he turned on the radio one day to discover people creating conspiracy theories on what really happened to him.
-When he came to the Mansion, his reaction was similar to Pomni from TADC. He believed it wasn't real. He broke down and wouldn't leave his room for WEEKS, and it was actually Jeff who brought him out of his shell. Although most Pastas think Jeff is a stuck up asshole EJ does have a sort of appreciation for him.
-He's blind, and although has a walking stick knows his way around the Mansion well enough to not need a guide. His sense of smell and his hearing is incredibly good.
-There's a lot of Braille books in the Library, and the section for it is referred to as the "EJ Section".
-He really likes Harry Potter and watches the movies every year.
-Jeff actually found him right outside the Forest, desperately consuming the flesh of someone Jeff had killed a day prior.
-Jack's sexuality is unknown, but we do know that he is at least attracted to women. He's claimed to have found men hot before but we may never know if he was telling the truth.
-His tail only really comes out when he's in his Demonic State, and yanking on it will NOT get you a good reaction.
-He has a fascination with watching people sleep. Don't ask him why, because he wouldn't tell you the answer.
-Upon his knowledge of what's 'going on', he has an understanding due to Toby constantly covering for Slender and Zalgo's strange behaviour. Due to being uncontrollably violent at times himself, he's sympathetic to whatever's truly going on but doesn't want to get involved.
-He does jobs with the Proxies quite a lot to the point where he even gets a paycheck (The Proxies are not slaves in this AU).
-He's really good at video games and even buys Ben a new Majora's Mask cartridge every year on his birthday to celebrate. Ben sees EJ as one of his favourite people and because of this tells him a lot about what his life was like before Drowning, but EJ won't tell.
-He owns a possessed item. It's a stuffed rabbit named Judas whom he insists can talk, but only when there is nobody else nearby. Lucy read Judas' aura and concluded that whoever is possessing Judas is a malicious entity. Despite this, EJ hasn't gotten rid of him.
-He discovered Nina and Liu and were the ones to bring them to the mansion.
-Due to the Forest being a Labyrinth and preventing it’s residents from ageing, EJ is constantly having an existential crisis on how old he is. Is he 19? Is he 29? Is he 50? He has no idea and worries about it everyday
Well, these are just some of them to get the ball rolling! I hope you liked them! If you want some more AU backstory I'll be happy to give more details ;)
If you want any more of them, whether it be on a specific topic, serious or light-hearted, feel free to ask! This was fun to write, I hope you enjoy reading, please correct me if I say anything that's too out of canon :3
If you’d like to ask for any characters in specific, any AU lore or any questions in general about the world then go ahead I promise I’ll try my best to always respond!!!
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