#it’s embarrassing how long this took to write considering how short it is
Meeting. Sirius x Shy!Reader
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Reader get caught snooping around Grimmauld Place. Sirius doesn’t mind.
I got a request a while ago for Sirius meeting a Shy!Muggleborn!Former Hufflepuff!Reader and i accidentally deleted it 🥴 I don’t remember all the specifics of the request so i apologize for that 🙇🏻‍♀️
CW: None. It’s just dialog. Age gap if you squint.
Whilst exploring the Black home, you find yourself wandering into the library. Much like the rest of the house, it’s incredibly dusty and smells horribly like mothballs. All of the portraits are covered, which is probably for the best if they sound anything like Sirius’s mother.
You read through some of the book covers, and you find that some of them are written in languages you don’t recognize. Other books have titles such as “The Legacy of Pureblood Families”, “Tales of Wizarding Greatness”, and “Blood Purity and Wizarding Superiority”.
Dragging your finger across the book spines, you grumble to yourself. “My god.. Absolutely everything about this house is depressing.”
You jump at the sound of someone speaking behind you. “It wasn’t much better when I was growing up either.”
You startle and turn around to see Sirius leaning against the doorframe. You give him an apologetic smile and hope he doesn’t notice the small bit of blush rising to your cheeks. “Oh—uh—I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were there.”
This is only the second time you’ve been to Grimmauld Place, and this is the first time you’ve had a one-on-one with Sirius. Insulting his childhood home probably isn’t the best start for a first impression.
To your surprise, Sirius chuckles and takes a few steps closer. You only just take notice of how tall he is. “Don’t be. No matter how much you dislike this house, I’m sure I hate it even more.”
“Oh. So it’s not a, uh..” You spot something on the shelf that looks oddly like a troll skull. You can only hope it’s not real. “Not a happy home, then?”
Sirius follows your eyes and looks unsmiling at the skull. “I think you can draw your own conclusions based on the decor alone.”
You find yourself struggling to come up with something to say that don’t sound rude. Small talk was never your strong suit, and that rings especially true when trying to talk to men that are as handsome as Sirius. “It’s, uh… different. That’s for sure.”
“You’re from a muggle family, right?” Sirius asks, casually switching the conversation to a much easier topic.
“Yeah,” You nod with a small smile, trying to brush off any embarrassment you feel. “I never had any pureblood friends, so I was always kinda curious what their homes may look like.”
“That so?” He asks, looking down at you with eyebrows raised. “I was under the impression you knew Charlie from Hogwarts.”
“I knew of him.” You correct with a shrug, struggling to maintain eye contact with the incredibly handsome man. “He was quite popular, but we were in different houses and he was already a sixth year by the time I started school.”
Sirius looks a bit surprised by that. His gray eyes widen ever so slightly and a small smile rises on his lips. “Ah, well let me guess… A Hufflepuff?”
You nod and subconsciously return his smile. “How’d you figure that?”
He shrugs a little and his eyes give you a once over. “You’re too lovely to be a Slytherin, and not quite strange enough to be a Ravenclaw.”
It’s only a small and casual compliment, so you aren’t sure why it flatters you so much. Your brain practically short circuits. You suppose when words of praise come from the lips of a tall, strikingly handsome older man they hit a lot harder than they probably should.
Before you have the chance to thank him, he continues talking. You can’t help but feel grateful that Sirius carries the conversation so easily. “Are you sticking around for dinner?”
“Yeah,” You nod. “Tonks invited me—if that’s alright.”
“Yes, of course.” He smiles, stepping toward the door and raising his hand in a gesture for you to walk in front of him. You aren’t sure if it’s your imagination or if he just winked at you. “Stay for drinks as well, if you’re interested.”
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divinesolas · 5 months
Bound by blood
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summary: Its the morning after your unspoken confessions with jacaerys. And you are faced with the aftermath of your actions.
r.q: Ok 1. Your writing is so good 2. I need a part 2 to Jacaerys x alicentdaughter!reader where reader stays with Jacaerys joining team black and we need tk get everyone's reaction to alicent daughter!reader staying like
w.c: 2.1k
c.w: implied smut, alternative timeline, dialogue heavy, nail biter jacaerys, aemond appearance, fluff, even though they are now lovers they still argue lmaooo, not proofread, happy ending!
a.n: heavily requested im so sorry this took awhile and it might not be what people wanted but i hope you all enjoy !! <3
part one part three
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Your eyes flutter open and you rubbing your hand to cover your eyes as the bright shining sun begins to shine rays down on you. You look over at the spot next to you expecting to see jacaerys laying next to you but instead you reach over and feel the cold spot next to you. He must have been up for a long time.
A pit forms in your stomach maybe preparing yourself to turn over and see a cup of moon tea sitting on the bedside table but when you’re instead greeted by a folded piece of paper and a cup of water with some fruits.
‘I'm sorry that i will not be here when you awake my love, i had some things i must discuss with my mother. Do not rush yourself but once you're ready you should make your way to the main hall so we can speak.
with all my love, jacaerys’
you sit up, chugging down the cup of water and taking a few bites of the fruit before sliding off the bed, eyeing the red splotches of blood pooling around where you had been laying leaving some dried blood on your thighs. You needed a bath. As if they could read your mind a maid walked in and you jumped.
“i am so sorry for startling you princess.” with a bow of her head you relax and bring the blanket to wrap around yourself suddenly feeling very embarrassed that she saw you like this. An unmarried woman who had clearly been sullied.
“The princess had requested i come here and run you a bath my lady” The princess? your face heats in embarrassment as you can only nod you head. He had told her, of course he would, especially after last night he seemed very keen on you staying here with him.
The only you could think about as you get scrubbed down was the slight ache between you legs and your mother. You wondered how she would react to all this, what was going to happen when you don't return home, or maybe you do but come back? all of your stuff is in the keep but its nothing of true value to you you suppose, everything that matters to you is here because all that truly matters to you is jacaerys.
You worry what your family will think if you don't return home, maybe that they killed you or kidnapped you. Will they send people here to come retrieve you? You wonder what jacaerys is doing right now, is he considering the same things you are?
You're shocked to be presented with a nice black dress instead of your older green one, you stare at your old dress on laying on the ground. You remember when she had gifted it to you, she had said it was hand made for you made in the house color. You remember her face and how she smiled at you when you spun around to show it to her and how she told you how gorgeous you looked. you look back at the maid who was looking at you expectantly and you apologize allowing her to dress you. You cant get hung up on these things, especially now that you’ve chosen to stay it does break your heart a bit to think about the fact that your last conversation with your mother was so short.
You try to suppress your anxiety as you are led towards the main hall where jacaerys had asked you to met him. when you get closer you can hear heavy discussions, you try to softly open the door but once you’re in the room the door closes so loudly behind you you hiss. Dreadfully turning around to see the room full of not only rhaenyra daemon and her children but the velaryon’s and many a council man.
“Good afternoon.” Everyone nods their head at you giving you a good afternoon in return. You don't notice him until he's standing right in front of you, “jacaerys,,”He lifts up your hands and presses a kiss against your lips. “Did you rest well?” You nod and he smiles at you, his hand reaching into his pocket and pulling out a necklace, reaching head hands behind your back to clip it on you.
You grab it in your hands and notice its a black metal sigil of house Targaryen. You look at him and he's just smiling at you, “You like it?” You hum and nod your head, he grips your hand and leads you towards the table where everyone had been standing around watching you. Your face heats when you notice rhaenyra’s happy face and daemons smirk.
“Now that the princess is here might we address the issue at hand?”
“where are we to go from here?”
Jacaerys takes a step closer to the table keeping one of his hands on your back “as i said we will be married tonight-”
You flashes back to last night where he had mentioned over and over again with shake breaths how he would marry you and how he would love to be your husband. You look down at the ground as you flush.
“Not to rain on your parade my prince but i have to be the one to ask it, how do we know the princess is to be trusted?” His hands slam on the table and he leans forward glaring daggers at the lord, “You will not accuse my wife of anything-” You place your hand on his back, “please do not get angry on my behalf Jace its fine. Besides there's something i should bring up.”
Everyone in the rooms attention turns to you, “I think it is best if i return to the keep.” Jacaerys whips towards you with an alarmed look, “what-” “i believe it is best if i inform my family i am staying here in person.” “That is a horrible idea they are animals!” “And you think they would act any better lest they believe me kidnapped?!” “You could send them a letter.” “a letter that you could easily have forced me to write they need to see and hear me say it.” “you are acting irrationally.” “I am acting irrationally?!?! for fearing they shall send their bannermen here to storm dragonstone putting everyone in danger?!”
“do they even like each other?” lucerys whispers to rhaena who just shrugs, baela stands with her arms crossed staring at the pair who are glaring daggers at one another, “they are angry because they care about each other.”
“and you would rather risk your own life?” “it is the best option-” “you are a ridiculous women.” “and you are nothing more than a fool if you believe you are right!”
“and what if they believe you are forced into saying it?” daemon cuts into you and jacaerys argument. You take a deep breath and step away from jacaerys, “They shall believe me, i am family.”
You look at jacaerys who has begun biting on one of his nails with a far away look. You grab both his hands and lace them with yours. “you must realize i am not asking for your permission.” he sighs and rests his forehead against yours with his eyes closed. “You must not leave me.” You can feel his heartbeat in the palm on his hand, beating erratically against his skin. He is afraid. Of not only you not returning back to him because you were forced to stay in the keep but because he is afraid you will not returned because you will be slayed.
“i will return to you i promise.” He is silent for awhile, thinking it over before he nods and takes a step away from you without a word. You turn your attention back to everyone else in the room trying your best to suppress your embarrassment as they give you sly looks.
“I do however agree with my son i worry for your safety should you return to the keep, they are not kind people.”
“I thank you for your worries my queen but unlike the rest of you they consider me their own flesh and blood. the worst that would happen to me is a few bumps and scratches i swear this. As i had been saying it is best if i were to return as soon as possible as i was even supposed to return last night. I am surprised they have not sent anyone to see me.” You know your mother must be worried sick and it leaves a pit your throat that you swallow down to your stomach. You cant think about those things right now.
As if on cue you hear a loud dragon roar from out side and you whip your head around to look out the window. “Vhagar.” “Aemond.” Jacaerys spits out next to you his face angry.
“I should go speak with him.” “I shall come with you.” “absolutely not. I will not have him harm you jacaerys. You remember what he did to you Jace.” You hand running lightly across the cheek where he had been struck.
“I shall go.” “I'm sorry prince daemon but i fear you are the worst option.”
You instead turn to the most familiar face in the room, “ser erryk will you accompany me?” As he was your sworn protector before he had left he nods, “Of course princess.”
A few more exchanges are spent between you and the others in the room, exchanging a kiss with jacaerys before you exit erryk quickly following behind you. Rhaenyra walks over to jacaerys and places her hand on his shoulder. “She will be fine sweetheart. You should not worry.” She rubs his back as he runs his hands down his face. “I hope you are right my queen.” She pinches his back lightly and smiles at him. “You love her.”
“More than anything.”
The grip you have on the fabric in your hand is tight as you quickly make your way down the bridge while aemond gets off vhagar. “Sister I am shocked to see you unharmed.”
“Aemond.” He stares at you with a curious look in his eye. “I had told mother the storm must have kept you held up but she was insistent i come and see you myself. She’s been worried sick.”
“extend my apologies too her.” He raises an eyebrow and looks you up and down. Once you two lock eyes and you stare at him not saying a single word. He seems to catch what you are saying and scoffs. “You are a fool.”
You shake your head at him, “They would not want me home anyway. For i have been tarnished and tainted by one you claim to be a bastard.” He freezes and you catch it even if its for a split second. His eye twitches. He says nothing just stares at you for a long moment. “I thought you were better than this. That you would get over whatever fascination you had with him. But it seems i was wrong.”
“extend my well wishes to sister and mother.” You toss your green dress towards him and he catches it. eyeing it before he looks back up at you. “I should kill you where you stand.” He makes no move to make good on his word, you doubt he fears ser erryk taking a step closer with his hand on his sword. “You do not wish to kill me brother. For there is no worse fate than being a Kinslayer.” Without even sparing another glance at you he climbs on vhagars back and flies off. You do not move from where you stand until he leaves you sight in the sky. a bittersweet feeling filling you stomach knowing it was the last time you would probably see him.
You do not notice you are even crying until ser erryk is crouched in front of you using his cape to wipe your face. “It is for the best princess.” “was it hard to leave your brother ser erryk?” he pauses for a moment, deep in thought before he nods. “It was. but i know it was for the best. You should feel the same.”
You rush back inside and are quickly greeted by jacaerys who was pacing anxiously by the doors his nail in his mouth but he quickly springs into action wrapping his arms around you tightly. burying his head in your neck as he lets out a sigh of relief. “do not worry my love. nothing will separate us.” and it is the truth. for not only a few hours later you two share a blood kiss, bounding the two of your souls together at last.
tags: @b00kw0rmsworld
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 14 days
Ok, I've thought about it for a while and I've decided on what I want to request. This is a mix of angsty/fluffy maybe suggestive so let me know if this is too much but I'm thinking dormleaders from twst x faker reader. By faker I mean reader is always acting suave and they are really flirty, but a lot of the time they are overthinking about how they must be annoying people. (totally not speaking from personal experience) Reader's love language is physical touch so they always want to be cuddling or at least touching somehow. Reader is teasing and then one day their s/o snaps at them for being clingy and that makes reader give up and spiral on how they must be stupid for thinking that their s/o actually liked them. Then reader doesn't talk to their s/o for a while, (lets say 2-3 days, maybe) eventually reader is cornered by their s/o and admits how they feel. Fluff ensues and reader gets to worship and praise their s/o's body like they wanted. Then reader is reassured in their connection with their s/o.
Is that a lot? I feel like it's a lot, I'm so sorry please ignore me if I am overstepping. Thank you so much for even looking at that massive hunk of text and attempting to decipher it.
Well wishes, love - 🕸 anon (Dec 17, 2023)
Dorm Heads - Male Reader Who's Clingy & Flirty To Hide Their Insecurity
Hey 🕸Spiderweb Anon, It's almost been a year since you sent this to me; I'm so sorry that I've ignored it until now! You probably don't even remember that you sent this in the first place, but I hope I captured what you wanted all that time ago. Sidenote– I took the avoiding part out because they have too much influence in the NRC for you to avoid them, I'm just being realistic here. This post is written in the second person. The lyrics quoted in this one are from the song “Super Shy” by New Jeans. —Benny🐰
WARNINGS ➔ Canon Personality Leona & Vil; They Aren't Very Empathetic in Canon and I'm Tired of Getting Complaints From Anons About How ‘Mean’ They Are in My Writing So There's The Warning
WORD COUNT: 4,301 words
❝𝕴'𝖒 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞, 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞-- 𝕭𝖚𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖎𝖙 𝖆 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖙𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝕴 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊, 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊-- 떨리는 지금도 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖔𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊-- 𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖆 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕴'𝖒 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞, 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞~❞
. . .
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🌹  This little British boy is all about doing things in the right place at the right time, but his reaction also depends on his mood and other outliers. Riddle does enjoy it when you give him physical affection and stick close to him, it makes him feel desired and cared for, however, if you do it too often, he'll feel suffocated. As for flirting… I don't think it matters what time you do it, he won’t take it too well. Riddle feels like flirting is very private and depends on the circumstances; plus, he gets embarrassed in intimate situations due to his love-lacking childhood. However, he does like to feel handsome and desirable to you so he won't complain too much; if you're doing it in front of others or in an inappropriate setting, prepare to have a collar around your neck.
🌹  Remember the collar? You're getting collared, but he's channeling his anger in a non-violent way, right? The only way I believe Riddle would snap at you is if you continuously forgot (or ignored) his warnings and reminders about your behavior and how he feels about it. Keep in mind that he considers three times to be continuous. There will be a lot of yelling, his face will resemble a tomato, and you will certainly cry. While he's not as quick to anger as before he overblotted, he still has a pretty short temper and can hold a grudge for quite a long time, so I hope that collar is comfortable. Riddle will eventually remove it, but while he's avoiding you out of disappointment in himself, it won’t be at the top of the list of things to address. And yes, he will run to his therapi– I mean, Trey, for help to fix all of this.
🌹  Riddle… has never been all that good at apologies or accepting that he's in the wrong in the first place, so it'll take him a while to work up the courage and the maturity to apologize to you. He'd probably go and get you from your dorm and drag you off to his own to sit down for tea and awkwardly beat around the bush for a while. But, if you're silent for long enough, he'll push his pride aside and admit he was wrong with how he went about reacting as well as explaining why exactly he got so upset with you. Riddle will set clear boundaries after apologizing for his behavior and will explain the reasons why your actions were unacceptable to him. While he would prefer that you forgive him, he makes it clear that you don't have to and that he needs to work on expressing his irritation in a less harmful way to benefit both of you.
🌹  After sitting down for tea and discussing your insecurity, Riddle would be both incredibly supportive of you and somewhat disappointed that you don't trust that he loves you enough to think you're worthy of him. It breaks his heart that he subconsciously made you feel like you had to act out the way you did. Riddle makes sure to establish that he loves you as you are, insecurity and all. He sets aside time for you two to spend time together and lets you indulge in giving him as much physical affection as you want.
“Don't pretend to be someone you're not; I like you jus’ as you are when you're yourself. If you want to touch me that's fine; jus’-! jus' do it in a private place... alright, My Rose?”  
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🦁  Leona does not like being clung to or touched often. He prefers it if he's the one to initiate physical contact and affection, it helps him feel more in control. Most times, he doesn't even touch you and only hangs out nearby (which could be inches away to just in the same general vicinity); he just prefers it that way. So, clinging to him, at all really, is a surefire way to piss him off, since he doesn't like the feeling of being restricted or weighted down; especially when he's just waking up, it makes him feel like he's suffocating. Flirting, on the other hand, is sort of a love language in itself for Leona; although his flirting is more on the low-energy side. Since he wants to make his partner feel desired by him he's bad at thinking of gifts and date locations and is too lazy to do acts of service, words of affirmation are his go-to. He doesn't like to do it too often though, or it doesn't feel as meaningful and genuine as he means it to sound.
🦁  Yikes. If he snapped at you… honestly, didn't you deserve it? You must be blind not to notice his discomfort with your actions which he voiced to you a few times. But, hey, maybe you didn't notice; some people can't read the room or other people well, and I don't blame you for that, because I can't either. As a feline, Leona values personal space and control more than most things, and your clinging to him will piss him off quickly. He can usually keep his mood in check, but all it takes is one bad day and you do that will 100% end in him taking all his pent-up irritation out on you. He'll most likely say some hurtful stuff in his fit of anger and won't see you for a few days. Leona might even ban you from his dorm for those few days if he's pissed enough; he doesn't want to feel like the bad guy, so he won't acknowledge that he is for a bit.
🦁  Honestly? Leona is the type of person who gets over stuff after a few hours to a few days and expects you to do the same. If you don't and you bring it up again, he'll likely hit you with the ‘That was so long ago and you aren't over it yet?’. However, he'll get it into his head that he may have seriously hurt your feelings if he sees any drastic changes in your behavior. Things like avoiding him, not speaking to him, cowering away from him, flinching, ending the conversation when you see him nearby, and leaving the room after he enters. But what gets Leona bad, is if he sees that he made you cry. When I tell you that this man will be on his knees after seeing just the reddening of your eyes I'm not joking. He didn't think he upset you that bad before but now, he's groveling for your forgiveness, because he knows that you're the only person that's willing to put up with his shit on top of loving you more than the air he breathes each day.
🦁  Leona will treat you like royalty after he apologizes, explaining that while he doesn't like being touched he'll indulge you now and then because he knows you just want to show him how much you love him. He'll also do his best to dispel all of your insecurities and remind you that it's not you that doesn't deserve him, but him that doesn't deserve you. Although Leona isn't the best person in Twisted Wonderland, he'll try his best for you.
“HEY- GET OFF! –Oh shit, no no no, I didn’t mean to make ya cry. M’sorry, I just got startled ‘n’ today has been shit, so I took it out on ya in the end. Nakupenda, Wangu*; ya know that doncha?”  
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🐙  This one's hard… while I want to say that Azul would greatly appreciate your affection toward him and his body; we also have to take into account his issues with his self-image. Going by that– I don't think that he would like it if you touched him very often. The problem wouldn't be that he's uncomfortable, embarrassed, or annoyed, but that he doesn't want you to touch him and then feel disgusted with how his body is shaped. Like you're insecure about whether you're worthy of him, he's insecure about if he's worthy of you. The flirting, though, he wouldn't mind too much. Azul loves your praise, as it means that you find him attractive enough to talk to him that way. This poor man has such serious body issues that it's ridiculous, so if you flirt with him too often, he won't think it's genuine anymore and that you're making fun of him.
🐙  With Azul it's probably just a spur-of-the-moment outburst mixed with his stress and insecurity type of thing. In absolutely no way did he mean to direct this outburst at you, you just happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back, and like a shell on the beach, all his reason was swept away by the tide. He's the kind of guy who bottles all of his stress and grievances and your actions happened to make him reach his breaking point and everything just came out all at once. Azul likely just yelled at you to leave him be and get out of his office; fleeing to his octopot in regretful tears once you left the room and not coming out for days until he could get himself together again. He had to be coaxed into eating by Jade and Floyd due to how bad he felt for blowing up on you.
🐙  This man is distraught; he is beside himself with grief, regret, and shame. It takes all of Azul's willpower and the somewhat aggressive coaxing of the tweels (mostly Floyd threatening to bite off one of his tentacles and send it to you as an apology gift) to get him to finally leave the safety and comfort of his octopot and go to knock on your door. As soon as that door opens, he goes full-on into apologizing profusely and explaining that while what you did irritated him a bit he in no way meant to direct all of his pent-up stress toward you and that your actions just happened to open the floodgates for him. Azul would be in tears by the time he finished speaking, praying that you wouldn't leave him because of this incident. If you forgive him, he cries in relief and if you don't, although he's sad, he understands and promises that he'll do everything in his power to win back your trust in him and make sure that this never happens again.
🐙  Azul will explain to you about his insecurity with his body and his fear of making you dislike him and his appearance. However, once he hears about your insecurities, he's kind of shocked; he was so caught up in his own self-loathing that he didn't even notice yours! Be assured that Jade locked you both in his office and didn't let you both out until you worked out a plan to condole the both of you of your worth to each other. You and Azul had fallen asleep in each other's arms by the time Floyd remembered that you were being held captive in there and opened the door. He took blackmail photos.
“Øjesten*, I… I apologize for my outburst; I'm just- I don’t like- ahem… ah… I have no excuse. You know how I feel about my appearance, I just didn’t want you to be disgusted with me. I’m sorry.”  
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👑  Vil lives for being appreciated. Whether it's through actions, words, objects, services, or just being admired; he loves it! However… there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. He loves you, but damn, he barely had any time to himself before getting with you, but now? It's not that he won't make time for you, he definitely tries, but he just has so much on his plate all the time. With managing his beauty routine, the dorm and its students, school work, modeling, singing, acting, keeping up his media appearances, and his one-sided rivalry with Neige, this man is BUSY. And that's not even mentioning the overblots that keep popping up out of nowhere; sorry hun, you're just going to have to squeeze in when you can or be okay with stopping yourself at just being near him as a way of spending time until he can fix his schedule. On the subject of flirting, though… yeah, don't even bother, but at the same time, yes, compliment him. Vil, being himself, has heard pretty much every compliment, praise, and risqué remark under the sun; you need to be very creative, or he'll probably just roll his eyes at you. If you do it too often, he'll get annoyed and probably ask if you have something better to do.
👑  Okay— I’m just going to cut this off right here- Vil is the type of person to set his boundaries with you immediately, so, at the very start of the relationship, you would know what to do and what not to do. However, if you end up doing it anyway (which would likely just be you forgetting about it or you're so stressed that it left your mind momentarily), there lies the problem.  If you did it after Vil already initially told you he didn’t like it the first time, he would just stop you, explain why he doesn’t want you to do it, and ask you to remember it for next time. Another thing- this man is a confident king (after his overblot), so he can smell your insecurity from a mile away. It will be addressed by him PERIOD. There is no way out of it- it WILL happen, I'm sorry. Either your insecurity will be gone quickly or your relationship will; it's one or the other, I implore you to just cooperate with him. Vil isn’t playing these games with you right now.
👑  I mentioned it earlier, but Vil will sit you down and address your insecurity with him; he's not the type of person to just let this issue go unsolved. Given his insecurity, however, he'll be very understanding of how you feel. The feeling of being less than others is something that Vil is familiar with, so he’ll do everything in his power to make you feel better about yourself.
“I’ll make this clear, Mein schönste Liebe*, there’s no need for this little show you’re putting on. I don’t have a lot of patience, so quickly, tell me what the problem is so that I can fix it.”  
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🪲  You're giving him more affection than usual? Sign Kalim the hell up! He loves it when you hold onto him and give him physical affection! Do you want to sit on his lap? Sure! Do you want to hang off his arm or wrap your own around his waist? Okay! Kisses and hugs? Absolutely! As for flirting, I don't think that he is too innocent to understand what you mean, but that he doesn't get it until five minutes to an hour later. A lot of times, Kalim will suddenly realize what you meant when the conversation subject has already shifted to a completely different topic. However, he has no issues with it, since he believes that flirting is just an extension of complimenting him; it's just worded in a more risqué way.
🪲  I’m going to be completely honest with you here, this boy is too kind and non-confrontational to snap at you at all, so it just wouldn't happen. If he did have an issue with your behavior he’d most likely just sit you down and explain what exactly he needed you to change and why. Kalim will leave no room for misunderstandings at all, so there would be no way to hurt feelings on either side. The only person who would possibly be upset in the situation is probably you, but that would only be because you have to find another way to cope with your unspoken insecurity. Kalim isn't the brash type, so I can’t see him losing his temper with you at any point unless you committed a heinous action or something.
🪲  Kalim would probably still apologize even if all he did was explain some things to you, he’s a person who’s very in tune with other people’s feelings, so he’d make sure that your relationship was still good after everything. He’d bring you to his room and cuddle you on his huge plush bed, covered in the smoothest blankets and softest pillows, letting you touch, feel, and compliment him all you want- but only if you let him do the same to you. Probably also ask Jamil (poor Jamil, give him a vacation) to make you both some snacks or something, Kalim won't let his baby be hungry.
🪲  You will not be forced to talk about your insecurity, but Kalim will heavily encourage it for the sake of your mental health and the stability of trust in your relationship. He wants to wait until you're comfortable enough, but he also doesn't want to wait for too long in case there's a repeat of this incident. There's also now a big concern in his heart that he made you feel like you couldn't be yourself or made you feel like you aren't enough at some point. It will eat Kalim up inside, so he'll become overly indulgent with you for some time until you sit him down and talk about it. He just doesn't want you to feel like he's being neglectful of your emotions and well-being again.
“Aiyah, Rohi*, I wasn’t trying to be mean, I promise. I love you so so so much; but sometimes, even a guy like me needs a little alone time, that’s all. I would never dislike you for such a small thing.”  
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💀  Eh… Idia is a very very insecure guy, but he's also incredibly antisocial and is used to being all by his lonesome besides his little brother. He likes his personal space a whole lot more than he realizes, so, to be truthful, the clinginess isn't something that will sit well with him after he has experienced it one too many times. It's mostly because it'll happen at times when he's preoccupied with something that requires a lot of his attention; like gaming, watching anime, or reading manga/lite novels, and he gets irritable when he's interrupted. On the side of excessive flirting, however, he'll dislike it not just because he thinks you aren't being genuine; but also because the topic makes him uncomfortable. As mentioned already, Idia is not a social person, thus being on the receiving end of something like that is way out of his comfort zone. Doing it excessively will only make him even more uncomfortable, as he thinks that you don't care about his feelings on the matter when it's obvious he dislikes it.
💀  Idia is a quiet, shy, and non-confrontational guy, however, his annoyance can quickly overpower all of that if it builds long enough. Once he's reached the end of his patience, he doesn't bother to be careful and think about what he says. It's most likely that instead of targeting your appearance or status, he'll go for the things that you're most sensitive about. Keep in mind that during all of this, he's absent-minded; his mind doesn't register exactly who he's talking to and what he's saying before he opens his mouth while his eyes continue to stare at whatever he is doing on his monitor setup beforehand. However, once Idia realizes just what he said to you he's in absolute shock at himself; yes, he'd expect himself to behave that way to other people, but to you? He would never do it intentionally… Honestly, though, he'd be more upset that you aren't comfortable enough to act like yourself around him than anything else.
💀  Similar to Azul, Idia regrets his words immediately; he beats himself up about it as well. How the hell did those sparky comments he had in his head slip through his lips? He thought he had more self-control than that! Seriously though, the first thing he does after he realizes that he said all of that outlook is call you. When and if you don't pick up, he sends you a few texts apologizing straightforwardly and explaining that he was upset about a lot of things and took it out as well as the fact that he's on his way to your dorm to speak with you in person. Once Idia's at your door and when and if you open up, he'll hug you and profusely apologize, likely putting himself down as well so that he can hurt himself as he did you. It's up to you if you want to stop him, but just know that the self-depreciation with continue to ratchet up in severity as time goes on; his insecurity and self-doubt will be on full display to you to let you know that you can show him too.
💀  You know how Idia does online classes or stays in his dorm and uses his tablet instead? You can do that too! The both of you can attend class remotely and cuddle while you do your class work or listen to lectures. He can lay his head in your lap while he's watching anime or reading his novels and he can sit you in his lap while he's gaming. Surprisingly though, Idia even suggests going out and visiting cat cafes together or going to a secluded place outside and listening to an audiobook. He's willing to change up his routine and step out of his comfort zone to make sure you know how much he loves you. He would do anything for you– well… almost anything, just give him a bit more time to work up the willpower.
“I… You know that I know what It's like to feel… like you're not enough. You don't– Y‐you know you don't have to pretend with me right? You can just be yourself when it's the two of us, P-psychí Mou*.”  
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🐲  It depends on the place, the amount of people nearby who those people are, and his mood. As you know Malleus craves to be included, acknowledged, seen, and just to be given affection. This man is touch-starved to the max– but… he is still the prince of Briar Valley and must display a certain appearance to those who aren't close to or familiar with him. He'll allow small displays of affection out of the cover of his or your dorm room; things like holding hands, holding onto his forearm as you walk, briskly kissing each other's hands or cheeks, laying your heads on the other's shoulder, and other small but loving gestures. As long as you keep the more intimate actions away from prying eyes it's fine. As for flirting, Malleus also doesn't mind, but the same rules still apply. So long as you don't repeatedly show too much to those he doesn't wish to show your relationship to, he's happy as a dragon swimming in gold.
🐲  Malleus isn't the type of guy to snap at others, he confronts conflicts head-on if they pose an issue. However, if you do irritate him enough, he'll likely tell you that the both of you will have to take some time apart while he thinks about your relationship and what it means to the both of you. For him, crossing the boundaries that he has set is a violation of trust, respect, and understanding, and he needs to evaluate whether or not you're taking his thoughts, opinions, and feelings seriously. During your break, Malleus will avoid you, he'll greet you in the halls with a nod and carry on, there will be hardly a drop of affection from him until he's thought. He loves you, but for him, relationships are a very serious thing, and if you aren't respecting his boundaries, does he want to stay in a relationship with you?
🐲  He's not apologizing as there was no real wrongdoing on his part. However, if you felt hurt by his actions, he would calmly sit you down and carefully explain why he did them and follow that up by telling you that he felt hurt by your actions and he expects an explanation from you as well. Malleus is a patient and forgiving man, his life will stretch on for centuries and you and the relationship that the both of you have is a small but unforgettable part of that life. He doesn't want memories of a relationship with poor trust and communication between the participating parties; it just isn't worth it for him. Once you and Malleus have everything laid out on the table, he'll ask you to make sure to remember what he told you and that if you ever feel insecure in the future, simply talk with him and he'll talk you through it.
🐲  After you're very civil and diplomatic discussion of the ins and outs of your relationship, Malleus writes up a plan for the both of you. He lists the things that you both aren't comfortable with as well as things that you require and reworks his and your daily schedule around it. He does address your insecurity though, apologizing for making you feel like you aren't enough for him and making you feel like your relationship isn't important. Malleus loves you very deeply, and he wants to make sure that the two of you stay together in a happy relationship for as long as possible. He wants you to be a part of his family for as long as you love him, so he'll compromise as much as he needs to.
“I have made you feel as though you cannot be your true self at some point in our union and that won't do at all. You are Mon Raison D'être, without you, I do not have the will to carry on, I beg for your forgiveness.”  
 . . .
❝𝕴'𝖒 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞, 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞-- 𝕭𝖚𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖎𝖙 𝖆 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖙𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝕴 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊, 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊-- 떨리는 지금도 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖔𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊-- 𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖆 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕴'𝖒 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞, 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖞~❞
 *¹ ‘Nakupenda, Wangu’ translates from Swahili to mean ‘I love you, Mine’ with ‘Mine’ being a possessive term of endearment usually accompanying a sentence like ‘I love you’, though it can be used by itself.
*² ‘Øjesten’ roughly translates from old-fashioned Danish to mean ‘The apple of my eye’.
*³ ‘Mein schönste Liebe’ translates from German to mean ‘My Most Beautiful Love’, though if you took off the last word, ‘My Most Beautiful’ can still stand on its own as a term of endearment.
*⁴ ‘Rohi’ translates from Arabic to mean ‘My Soul Mate’; calling someone ‘Rohi’ means that you love them longer than your life as they are your soulmate.
*⁵ ‘Psychí mou’ translates from Greek to mean ‘My Soul’’
*⁶ ‘Ma Raison D’être’ translates from French to mean ‘My Reason for Being’ which is usually used only to express the deepest love and passion.
Reblogs are appreciated ~ 𔓘
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hiii u think u could write a lil thing where the reader does their eye makeup to match gaaras eyes please and tyyy :33 (btw feel free to add anyone else if you’d like 💕)
A/n: okay, anon, here ya go 🤭
Warnings/content: nothing :)
Characters: Gaara and Sasuke
A/n: Since sasuke doesn’t have any face “markings” his will be skin care :) also these won’t be too long….
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❀ You were always absolutely in love with Gaara’s eyes, even the black rings around them. You know he couldn’t control it but it was cute anyway. ❀
❀ One day you decided to try and replicate his eyes so you sat down in front of your mirror and attempted, keyword attempted to make your eye liner look like his. ❀
❀ It came out interesting looking and while you were sitting in front of your mirror Gaara came in. “Darling….what are you doing?” You were horrified and immediately tried to wipe it away. ❀
❀ You’re wiping only smudged it and made you look like a disheveled raccoon, you were embarrassed and refused to look at him for a bit. ❀
❀ “Hey, let me see….” He said quietly, grabbing your chin gently forcing you to look at him. He gently wiped away the smudged eye liner and redid in, making it look exactly like his own eyes. ❀
❀ “See? Much better…” he loved that you tried to copy his eyes, he felt flattered that his lover wanted to kinda look like him. ❀
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Sasuke Uchiha
❀ You never took your boyfriend as the type to participate in skin care, but when you walked in on him wearing one of those head band things and gently scrubbing his face with “sensitive skin cleanser” you just had to know more. ❀
❀ Your hands were immediately all over his face, now that’s how he got his skin so soft….he was embarrassed, he never thought his partner would find out about his secret hobby. ❀
❀ But when you told him you wanted to join him, he was kinda surprised you didn’t tease him for doing something considered traditionally feminine. But you were meet with a “Tell anyone and you’re toast” did he mean it? Maybe, but you might just tease him about this from now on. ❀
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Thank you for reading! I love you! I’m becoming more consistent with posting :) sorry for this being so short, but thanks for the request.
Do not repost
Tagging: @ssailormoonn
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cythiraeth · 10 months
cupid's chokehold! - i. e. the moment genshin men knew they've fallen for you
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✧ ─ ⌑ pairing: gn!reader x al-haitham, cyno, xiao (separate)
✧ ─ ⌑ short summary: the exact moment (or process which lead to it) when genshin men knew that they are head over heels in love with you!
✧ ─ ⌑ about the work: lowercase, fluff, not proof-read, lighter (?) and more free form of the work this time!
✧ ─ ⌑ notes: ehe, long time no see! i'm back to life and posting, so to start i picked something that was easier to write and is slightly in a different form than my previous works, however, i hope you'll like it :> also, i'm still waiting for any work requests, so if you have any idea, feel free to messege me!!
✧ ─ ⌑ word count: 1.5 k in total
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seeing you in a pretty, elegant outfit, probably some kind of dress or suit, maybe showing your collarbones or it just being mesmerizing,  it's up to you how you imagine a perfect fit ;) he is just PHYSICALLY UNABLE to take his eyes off you! the usually calm and collected al-haitham forgets how to use the ability to speak for a brief second.
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the moment you left the room in which you were getting ready as he was waiting outside, he almost gasped out loud
i mean literally, this man's brain stopped working for a second
you two were supposed to attend tighnari's birthday party, and while he didn't consider it a occasion to wear something elegant, you did the opposite 
that's why he was left so speechless. because he was caught by surprise! he thought you would wear your casual clothes just as he did…
but it happened, you wore one of your favorite outfits for special occasions, and he was flabbergasted 
of course it's not like your look was the only reason he has fallen for you! he was definitely considering it many times before this happened, but he was living in denial.
"no, i don't actually have feelings for them. they make me feel comfortable, i crave hearing their voice or laugh and i care about them a lot, but no, we're just friends" - probably al-haitham to himself at some point in his life.
but this time, he couldn't explain his feelings in any rational way known to man. you were so stunning that his eyes shined uncontrollably when he laid them on you. he was so busy studying your silhouette, your face and your hair that he didn't even hear your first question, which was:
"and? how do i look?" you asked, opening the door but still keeping your hands on the doorframe and leaning on it. you were slightly blushed because it was quite embarrassing to let him see you like this, but if you were to be honest, you were also a little bit excited to see his reaction
so when he didn't even answer you and remained indifferent on the outside, the slightly raised corners of your mouth drooped
you just weren't aware of what he's been experiencing on the inside…
because his heart started pounding a little bit faster and he was ashamed of it but on the other hand you looked gorgeous and he couldn't stop himself from thinking about what would he do if you were in relationship
(he had such a strong urge to kiss your hand like a gentleman for some reason)
"what? do i really look that bad?" you asked after you have swallowed the bitterness of your first impression
"sorry?" he said, blinking, your words drawing him out of his reverie, "did you say something?" 
you snorted, annoyed by his behavior, assuming that he probably couldn't care less about your look at the moment, but at least he should try to pretend he does 
but oh, how wrong you were…
when you repeated the question he only murmured something under his breath in response, so you decided to let him be
you noticed he got sweaty all of sudden, it was probably too hot for him inside, you thought, so you took the last things and you two left the house.
in reality, he wasn't feeling hot because of the temperature of course, but he was just as surprised by his own actions as you were. surprised in a slightly different way though….
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talking with tighnari... he found all his confidence to talk to him about his possible feelings for you, that he could not recognize and tighnari was left speechless because of how innocent and lost in his feeling cyno looked
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he was probably hanging out with tighnari someday, maybe they went out for a dinner, and somehow the topic of conversation has come down to you
for a long time he was hesitant to talk about his feeling towards you out loud but today he decided he'd try discussing it with his friend
because if not tighnari then who would be a suitable person? surely not you 
also, don't think that he was aware of what he's feeling. HAHA, no. he would never 
"what in your opinion y/n thinks of me…?" was his first question. he tried to choose the words carefully and say it in his normal tone but even a small sign of arousal in his voice was enough for tighnari to notice that something is up
"and why are you asking?" he wanted to make sure that his interpretation is right
"no reason in particular," his answer was quick, those words escaped his lips uncontrollably, so he had to add something "i just consider them a close friend and i want to know if they do too."
tignari almost started laughing out loud, but he controlled himself.
close friend? oh man, he is so clueless…
"are you sure that they are a "close friend?"" he was actually having some fun but at the same time he just wanted to smack himself on the forehead, he couldn't decide 
"well, definitely not a "distant friend"" 
that's it, that's the moment when tighnari smacked his forehead 
"i'll pretend i didn't hear that," he tried to be serious, but it wasn't easy. "listen, you look at them like they are your entire world. that's the kind of look people give to their lovers, not close friends!" he finally said it out loud
cyno had to blink twice to process what was just said.
he. in love. with you? 
maybe? i mean, he always cared about your opinion about his jokes the most and he wanted to spend as much time as possible with you… but he thought that it's normal for friends to feel this way. and to steal glances at you person when you aren't looking, and to read every book you recommend him…
"you say so?" he finally asked, resting his chin on his hands "then maybe you're right," he admitted out loud
"FINALLY" tighnari couldn't hold it any longer… he was SO relieved that his friend won't be acting like he is running around in the fog anymore… right?
"and why are you so emotional about it?" cyno was genuinely confused (pls help this man he is often so clueless)
"because by now even collei knew"
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 when you kept coming back after all of his attempts to push you away. he wanted to protect you, protect you from him, because for a human it would be better to stay away from his karmic debt, right? but when you remained determined to get closer to him no matter how many times he tried to disencourage you, he slowly realized that maybe, just maybe he can let you get closer to his heart than he ever let anyone to be.
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in his case, there wasn't any particular situation that made him realize his feelings, it was rather a complex and long process (not really a chokehold then but shh…)
he knew you for several months despite of his numerous attempts of cutting any ties he had with you
it was just that… you were stubborn. but not in a regular way, no. your stubbornness was much less invasive and annoying, and it manifested in your constant willingness to get closer to him
however, you never imposed yourself nor did you try convincing him! you were just visiting wangshu inn regularly, maybe tried striking up a conversation a few times, even just sitting in silence was enough for you
and because of all those actions he never felt overwhelmed by your presence! actually, after some time, he just got used to it and secretly started liking it
however, there was always this silent voice in the back of his head that he shouldn't be doing this and that he's forgetting himself
so definitely, when he slowly started thinking of you in that way at the very beginning he was IN SUCH A BIG DENIAL that it's almost unbelievable 
alright, he admitted it to himself, but swore to N E V E R talk to anyone about it, especially and above all, to you.
he just decided to act as if those feelings didn't exist, that's all. and it went like that for quite a long time unfortunately… (at least you can be sure that he keeps his promises at all costs!!)
and after some time, when he was surprised that they didn't just go away, a certain thought crossed his mind…
he started thinking about what ifs and imagining what could happen if he theoretically decided to tell you about his feelings 
(he spent another few months on that though)
at some point he just couldn't look at you without seeing you both holding hands in his mind or stand next to you without the urge to put his hand on your shoulder (of course only in private, he would never do pda…)
but still, his karmic debt… 
he was so torn between those two thoughts (there were two wolves inside of him)
but as you expect, after months of his internal struggling, and your consistency in getting closer to him and encouraging him to open up, he let his feelings win for once in his long life
(take good care of him because he deserves it)
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⌞⌑ cythiraeth - 23.11.2023. please, do not copy, claim as yours or share outside tumblr! ⌑⌝
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I shall humbly ask for Shenhe, Eula, and Ayaka's S/O getting very shy asking if they can kiss for the first time.
The cryo women of this game have scrambled my brain
Them reacting to their S/O getting shy when asking if they can kiss
characters: Shenhe / Eula / Ayaka x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: "The cryo women of this game have scrambled my brain" Same Chris. Same. Just saying… Shenhe’s skin
That being said, I havent written *that much* these last couple of weeks, so I'm sorry if my writing is a bit rusty, I did give it my best tho.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Sometimes, Shenhe couldn’t help but find you… weird. You had no problems talking to complete strangers, happily chatting away as if you knew each other from way back in your childhood, were comfortable with praising, complimenting or saying other things many humans seemed to find embarrassing to her, and yet, when your hand as much as brushed against hers while walking side-by-side you’d apologize as if there was no tomorrow while your face turned all manner of red.
Perhaps you getting embarrassed from touching her wasn’t the weird part and your willingness to voice your feelings was, or perhaps these were two entirely different things that Shenhe had yet to understand.
So when the day came you turned shy simply by talking, it immediately caught her attention. And yet, your words didn’t seem to match your behavior at all. Wasn’t it normal or even expected for couples to kiss? Why were you getting so worked up about it?
“Sure”, she responded so bluntly that, for a brief moment, even you were starting to wonder why you had been so nervous in the first place.
She’d have to make sure to ask you about it later, although that could wait a bit, considering how happy and relieved you looked at this moment.
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Being direct had never been Eula’s strength, so much was clear from the moment you first spoke to her. The Lawrence instead choosing to encrypt her true feelings and opinions in a matter that easily came over as aloof and stand-offish. And while you quickly took up her manner of speech when around her, your adaptiveness made the moments you broke character so much more jarring.
So when you asked her whether or not it was alright for you to kiss her suddenly and out of nowhere (also known as dusk at the end of a long date), with a face as red as a crimson fabric and enough tripping over your words to make a drunkard shake their head in disbelief, Eula couldn’t help but be caught off-guard.
Before she knew it, her face was on its way to mirror yours. The proud aristocrat suddenly finding herself at a loss for words as she desperately attempted to string together enough words to save face. Each second making the whole situation so much more embarrassing.
And yet, Eula somehow managed to regain her composure in time, swallowing whatever remnants of surprise and embarrassment she felt before speaking up with her usual grin.
“You may try, although you should think twice about it. I am a Lawrence after all, so you should know better than to trust us. But since it’s you, I might even allow you to leave in one piece.”
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As the eldest daughter of the Kamisato Clan, the leaders of the Yashiro Commission in charge of cultural and ceremonial affairs, Ayaka was well-versed in all sorts of ancient traditions. And while she found no use for traditional courting rituals, she couldn’t help but pick up on them while trying to memorize the rest.
All of which was to say that once the two of you started to go out, her expectations and knowledge about relationships were somewhat outdated or out of place. So when the day came that you shyly asked her whether or not you could kiss her, Ayaka’s brain short circuited, not expecting you to ask in such an outright and sudden manner.
“Ah. You- What?” As the princess began stumbling over her words, she suddenly missed the days she could hide behind her paperwall while talking to you, getting all the positives from talking to you while not having to worry about her body-language. And yet, here you were, both of you slowly but surely getting more nervous and panicked as the awkward silence stretched on.
“That came out of nowhere, j-just forget I said anything”, you eventually broke the silence, too embarrassed to even look in her direction as you suddenly pretended to find a nearby tree irresistibly interesting.
When you eventually did turn back towards her however, only to be greeted with a kiss that was supposed to land on your cheek and instead ended up on the corner of your mouth and an Ayaka whose face turned even redder than before, your face heated up once again as you looked instinctively looked away, all the while wearing a large smile.
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violetngrey · 1 year
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# :: 𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 🫧 - 𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒂 𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒃 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆
i could definitely rewrite this with a different mini obsession plot
part 2
charlie was big on making sure that the club always had a big meeting at least once every two weeks
discussing the latest movies and even the classics were an important part of keeping debates going and he always wanted to expand the number of members coming every week
however he only really noticed the numbers climbing in their ranks when a certain girl started frequently appearing at the back of the classroom to quietly sit and listen for the entirety of the clubs period
it took him a couple of visits to recognise the face but it was you
you sit in front of him in a couple of classes and after that day he couldn’t get you out of his brain
the way you fiddle with your hair when writing something down
or the way you cross your legs over each other when someone mentions a particularly gory scene in a movie
he found himself always looking over at you to see your reaction when he was at the front of the room talking
you barely looked up and even if you did it was when he wasn’t looking
always taking notes and smiling to yourself
the increase in cinema club goers after you is what surprised him
to him you weren’t the clique type or even the popular type
you hadn’t spoken a word to him or robbie since you’d started attending
most of the guys that would come to the club only to stare and gawk at you most definitely got grilled by charlie on movie questions he knew they had no idea about
he didn’t want them in here, not when he couldn’t even tell if it made you uncomfortable or not
his life goal for the club was to now ask these guys so many detailed questions and embarrass them so much that they didn’t even want to come back
cinema clubs numbers would suffer slightly but if that’s what it took
anything to just be able to keep you there as long as possible
robbie would mention you a couple of times after the club was out but after he didn’t get a very detailed reply from charlie he figured it was a sore spot
“how come you haven’t even mentioned kirby in a while man, did you get your dick cut off or somethin’? “
after you came in on a particularly hot day wearing a rather short skirt he really had to hide behind the front desk he normally stood in front of
as you started stealing glances at him and catching his back he really didn’t know what to do with himself
that day was the day he started stuttering like no other
after many weeks and most of the unwanted creeps gone from his club or mysteriously kicked out you stayed longer one day
after everyone had mostly cleared out, you stood up and quickly scribbled down a couple of words on a piece of paper and walked towards him
robbie ‘noticed’ before he did but let’s be honest he was just trying to play it cool in case you were just walking past
he didn’t think he’d be so nervous for just a tap on the shoulder
when he turned around all you did was hand him the piece of paper with a rose tint dusted over your cheeks
“I know it’s not a scary movie but it’s really interesting, from a women’s point of view- i mean” you left
charlie wasn’t one to be dumbfounded on more than just movies but you actually just spoke to him
uncrumpling the paper he found the words ‘10 things I hate about you’ and robbie laughed
the note also had a ‘-my favourite movie’ tagged onto the end with a heart
“you’re seriously not going to consider that movie are you?”
charlie facial expression didn’t change “it couldn’t hurt could it?”
robbie didn’t go home happy that day
he ended up going home and watching the movie twice over just so he could do everything possible for the next day
cinema club was concerned for their president the next day as they’d never reviewed a non horror film before why not a cheesy romance
“c’mon charlie what’s up with the film choice”
“hey i take suggestions you guys just never give them”
after the session was over he carefully walked over to your desk
“y’know i actually liked that movie”
you laughed “ you don’t have to lie to me to talk to me”
charlie had never blushed so hard
the club president wasn’t just obsessed with horror it seemed
please request more things so i can get writing again!
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stevesbestgirl · 1 year
Phases of the Moon - Part 1
Steven Grant x f!Reader, eventual Marc Spector x f!Reader
2796 words
Warnings: poor imitations of British speaking habits, not much else in part one, maybe a few curses but I’m not sure
A/N: This was my attempt to write a slow-burn. It’s long, self-indulgent, and obscenely fluffy. Reader is specified as American, but mostly so I can avoid pretending I know anything about living in the UK. Steven and Marc are aware of each other and trying to find balance in their relationship in this fic, but keep in mind that I am not a system and am not an expert. All of my information about their relationship comes from the Moon Knight show and I use that as my reference point.��
*Bold type is spoken by Marc when Steven is fronting.*
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“Go talk to her.”
“Well I can’t, can I?” Steven sent a furtive glance at you, toying absently with your phone while you examined the glyphs inside a display.
“Why can’t you?”
“She’s got earphones in.”
Marc scoffed in the glass of one of the display cases, “Always an excuse.”
“I can’t just interrupt her, that’d be rude!”
“Not if she’s interested.”
Steven’s reply was cut short as a pair of boys came rushing around the corner, laughing and shoving each other- Steven wouldn’t have placed them at older than twelve. He watched helplessly as one firm push sent the smaller of the two reeling into your backside. Completely oblivious to their noise, you went sprawling, headphones disconnecting as your phone hit the ground and was sent skittering across the polished floor, coming to rest at Steven’s feet.
Inhibitions gone, Steven scooped your phone up and rushed over, offering a hand to help you up, “Are you okay?” You nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. “You lot,” he called out, locating the pair sidling off behind a diorama, “C’mere.” 
They looked like they were considering bolting, but the smaller of them located Steven’s badge and took a reluctant step forward. By the time they stood in front of you, they were looking rather cowed, like puppies who’d been caught gnawing a slipper. 
“Shape up, you hear? You could’ve really hurt someone.”
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Now listen, down that corridor there, there’s a bunch of old weapons; spears, cudgels, daggers, the like. How about you go give it a look?” You watched him speak to the two boys; his enthusiasm seemed very genuine, not the fake kind adults often used with children.
The taller boy hesitated before leaving, “What’s a cudgel?”
Steven smiled a little, “Why don’t you go on and find out?” Then the two rushed in the direction he’d indicated and he called after them, “Slowly, hm?”
Once they were out of sight, you finally spoke, “Are you sure that was a good idea? Sending them in there with a bunch of weapons?” You couldn’t help but smile as he unconsciously smoothed his dark, nearly sleep-tousled curls back from his face.
His intent had been to chuckle, but it came out as more of an empty puff of air, “They’re all under glass- should be alright.” He added, “Maybe I’ll pop in to check on them, just in case.” Nervous now, he looked down at his hands, still holding your phone, “Oh, there you are.” Your expression fell and only then did he notice the spiderweb of cracks in the bottom corner where it had hit the floor, “Oh no.”
You shook your head, accepting the phone and dropping it to your side, like putting it out of sight would make him forget, “It’s alright. Just a screen protector. I’ll get a new one eventually.”
“Sorry about that, love,” he insisted, his earnest gaze finally meeting yours just in time for your face to go warm. You’d thought you’d been ready to hear the term of endearment used so casually when you came to England, but apparently not.
“It’s alright,” you rushed to speak. “Definitely not your fault. Thanks for helping me-” you glanced at his name tag, “-Steven.”
“No problem- it is my job after all,” he cracked a halfhearted smile.
“You were great with those kids too.”
Rosy warmth tinged his cheeks and his gaze shifted away, “Thanks.” A small pause, “Your accent- you’re American?”
You nodded, “Needed a change of scenery, so I’m staying with some family for a while. Just got in yesterday, actually.”
His gaze eagerly lifted to yours again, but flicked away over your shoulder and he went slightly pale. Glancing back, you saw a stocky woman with dirty blonde hair gesturing impatiently at him.
Returning his gaze to you, he looked a bit panicked, “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta go. I- ah-” He tripped over his words and almost tripped almost his feet as well, veering around you and backing away toward the woman beckoning him over. 
You raised your hand in an uncertain farewell as he stammered his way backwards, gesturing faintly over his shoulder with his thumb in a faint attempt at an explanation. Once he was within range, the woman seemed to be lighting into him a bit, though his gaze hadn’t yet left you. It wasn’t until she snapped her fingers that he looked at her. 
Not wanting to spy, you turned away, checking your phone for the time. When Steven glanced your way again, he only caught your retreating form disappearing out the entrance. For once, Donna’s criticisms didn’t affect him since he was already kicking himself for not asking you out. Or getting your phone number. Or even your name. He’d blown it. 
The following day, you had a bit more time to explore the museum, so you returned. And you noted with dismay, when the cabbie called you “love”, you didn’t so much as blink, let alone blush. Maybe it had been a one-off thing. Now you would be immune. 
Walking in and spotting the woman from before at the front desk, you plucked up a bit of courage and approached. Her name tag read “Donna” and she prompted with visible disinterest, as though she were reading off a script, “Welcome. Is there something I can direct you to?”
Deciding to push forward, you said, “Actually, I was just in here yesterday. I ran into a bit of trouble with a couple of young boys and one of your tour guides helped me. I wanted to let you know that Steven was very polite and just lovely with those kids-”
“Stevie? He isn’t a tour guide,” Donna interrupted, wrinkling her nose. “In his dreams, maybe.”
“But he does work here?”
“Yeah, he’s the gift shoppist.” She was still being very flippant; it was clear that she’d barely had interest in this conversation to begin with and now that it was about Steven, it had dwindled to none. 
“Right. Thank you.” You forced a smile and nodded before heading off in the direction of the gift shop.
The counter was empty when you first walked into the room, sending a tiny shoot of disappointment into your chest. You wanted to thank him, since it didn’t appear that you could score him any points with his boss.
You wondered for a moment if you should come back later, but then a shaggy, brown mop of hair sprung up from behind the counter, triumphantly brandishing what appeared to be a large, amber-colored marble with a bone inside it, “Got ya, you little bugger.”
His gaze fell on you and he tucked the marble behind his back, like it was something to hide, “You- you came back.”
You reached into your bag, pulling out the brochure you’d picked up yesterday, “I was only passing through yesterday.” You unfolded the brochure and showed him the notes you’d taken on the map, detailing where you wanted to go first and which exhibits had caught your eye, “I like to plan a little bit.”
He followed the line you traced with your finger intently, raising his gaze to your face when you pulled away, “That’s a good way to go about it. The tour is pretty good too.” Steven’s heart skipped as your lips pulled into a slight frown; had he said something wrong? 
“Speaking of the tour, I tried to put in a good word for you with your boss- as thanks, for yesterday- she doesn’t seem to like you very much.”
“Oh, yes. Donna and I have got a bit of a rocky history.” He added quickly, “Not a history, mind you. More like a boss/employee history. I’ve got a bit of a bad track record with my punctuality, actually,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well, I think you’d make a lovely tour guide, for what it’s worth.”  
There was another one of those long pauses; you were about to offer a meek “Thanks again,” and cut your losses when he spoke up, “If you like, I’m on a break in ten minutes. I could show you around.”
You’d insisted to yourself that this wasn’t why you came back here, but you found yourself nodding, a faint smile on your lips, “I’d like that.”
Steven seemed even more surprised than you were, nodding quickly, “Great- that’s- great.” He nodded again, “I can meet you in the ‘King’s Tomb’ exhibit.” He pointed, “Right over there-” He checked his watch, “-in nine minutes.”
Your smile widened, “See you in nine minutes then.” You moved off in the direction he’d indicated, the temptation to look back gnawing at you. 
“Wait!” he called after you. You turned back, “I haven’t got your name.”
“You haven’t needed it, have you?” 
Now you were teasing and you knew it. But you could feel his eyes on you as you disappeared around the corner and you smiled to yourself. So much for doing your own thing. The whole reason for coming to London was to get away from men- although you supposed it was more one man than men in general. But something about Steven just caught your eye.
So you waited out the impossibly long eight minutes remaining until Steven walked in, looking in a bit of a rush. You watched him scan the exhibit, almost like he’d expected you to have left by now.
You raised a hand, “Steven.” He positively lit up at the sight of you, relief visible in the heavy exhale he released- like he'd been holding his breath. 
You met him in the center of the room, clasping your hands behind your back in anticipation. Steven still had the remnants of a grin on his face, though he mirrored your posture, a bit of enthusiasm escaping as he bounced on the balls of his feet, just once, “What do you want to see?”
“You’re my tour guide, you tell me,” you teased. 
Almost instantly, his face flushed, “Well, I wasn’t sure if there were specific displays you wanted to look at or certain subjects you were interested in, you know? Since I've only got fifteen minutes on my break.” 
“Well, I’m interested in everything, but since we only have fifteen minutes; how about you show me the way you’d start your tour if you were a guide?” His cheeks darkened further and you had to bite the inside of your cheek not to smile again. But he surprised you, recovering quickly and placing his hand on your arm. He steered you over to one of the displays and you glanced at him, “The Ennead?”
The Ennead,” he corrected your pronunciation. “The Egyptian Gods.” He wheeled around so his back was to the exhibit, his gaze meeting yours with ease. “Everything about Egypt comes back to the gods one way or another, so to understand Egypt, you have to understand them.”
He walked you through the exhibit, one god or goddess at a time, his hands moving animatedly as he talked. And he was good at it, in a different way than you’d expect. He had such a wealth of knowledge- you felt comfortable asking questions because you expected him to have the answers. And he answered many of your questions before you could even ask them; his explanations were pretty comprehensive. 
It was all strangely charming, actually. His enthusiasm was so genuine, it was as though he invited you inside it with him. It was a nice place to be- like sharing a secret. It was also putting you in dangerous territory; a magnetic field that would be hard to pull yourself from.
Once you were about halfway through the eleven, you tentatively raised your hand. Steven faltered slightly, giving you the chance to speak up, “Two things- I just want to check the time, I’d hate for you to be-”
“Late-” he checked his watch faster than you could pull out your phone.
You grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward the gift shop, “Well, come on then, I don’t want you getting into trouble!”
Steven’s long strides quickly outpaced you; you had to hurry to keep up, a laugh at the ridiculousness of it slipping out. Steven glanced back- nearly shouldering a display case. Right before impact, his back straightened a bit, like he sensed it coming, and he just twisted out of the way. It was so smooth you wouldn’t have noticed the deft movement if you hadn’t been anticipating the collision.
By the time you skidded to a halt in front of the gift shop counter, you were full-on giggling; you couldn’t remember the last time you’d laughed so hard over almost nothing. “Sorry about that,” Steven offered meekly.
You took a breath and collected yourself a bit, though you still felt the warmth of the laughter in your cheeks, “Don’t be- it was fun.”
“What was the other thing?” he asked, shuffling back behind the counter.
“You said there were two things, the time and what else?”
“Oh! Well that exhibit was called the ‘King’s Tomb,’ right? Why are the gods in that one?”
He leaned on the counter, some of his timid demeanor vanishing, “Well, the pharaohs were considered to be gods by their people. So they put them in a room together. And since the mummies are what brings in the crowds, they get the-” he clicked his tongue, framing a little marquee with his fingers, “-title spot.”
“I suppose you know quite a lot about those too?”
He gave a chagrined smile, “Did I go on a bit much then?”
You shook your head, “Not at all- I wasn’t teasing. I wish we’d had time to do the whole exhibit.”
“I’d wager with me giving it, that tour would take all week,” he joked, feeling like he’d done too much talking during your time together.
You shrugged, “I’m on vacation.” Smiling, you added, “Or holiday, you’d probably call it.”
He smiled weakly at the joke, seeming to be working out what you’d meant. He scanned your face, as though nervous he was misreading you, but you just smiled at him. “I’m scheduled again on Thursday, I could- if you like, I mean- I could show you some more. Of the exhibit. Obviously. If you want.” 
You were here for freedom. You’d come all the way to another country so you could do what you wanted, when you wanted, no strings attached. But, you reasoned, this wasn’t dating. This was an exclusive tour, on Steven’s break. It wasn’t like he was taking you out to dinner.
You were bargaining; whittling away your rules to nothing because they no longer suited your purposes. You knew that. And you also knew that you only did so because Steven was, very clearly, a large string. A large string with lovely, brown, puppy eyes and enough passion for Egypt to make a pharaoh blush. But you nodded anyway, “I’d love to come back. Same time?”
He seemed stunned by your acceptance, but he nodded rapidly to overcompensate for the moment of hesitation, “Yeah. My break is at three.”
You smirked, “How many minutes from now?”
He stared at you for a moment- you almost wondered if he was trying to do the math, but then he flushed and gave a weak chuckle, “Right, I’ll work on that one.”
You pulled out the brochure you’d picked up yesterday and a pen from your bag, “Since I won’t be needing this anymore-” You scribbled down your name and number and slid the brochure across the table, “Text me when you figure it out.” No strings, you reminded yourself.
He gave another hurried nod, “Okay, I will, I-” 
You got a sense of deja vu as Steven glanced over your shoulder and paled in nearly the exact same way he had yesterday. “Is it Donna?” You quickly scanned the counter, grabbing a stuffed hippopotamus, “Because I’d like to purchase this.” You deliberately moved it across the counter where Donna would be able to see and pulled out your wallet.
Now Steven looked back to you, “You don’t have to do that. Most of this stuff if junk-”
“I want to. This one is kind of cute.” You held out the money, “And you’ll tell me all about it next time?”
He nodded, a small smile returning to his face, “Yeah, I will.” He handed back your change and the plush, speaking up so Donna could hear, “Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”
You smiled, “Same to you.”
You left the other way so Donna wouldn’t see your face, hoping she wasn’t descending on Steven for being late from his break. You held the little hippo plushie to your chest and thought ahead to Thursday.
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intertwined-fates · 2 months
CONTENT WARNING: Menophilia (period bloodplay), CNC, lactation **18+ ONLY NO MINORS**
@decafdoodlez c/mmissioned this for her OC Rina and kindly is letting me share it with you all! Fox/Announcer belongs to Gatobob. The writing belongs to me. DO NOT STEAL MY WORK.
“I taught you better than this,” Stammered Fox, his golden optics a mix between fury and disappointment. His ears and tail twitched as he paced around you disapprovingly. It was rare to see him so upset, especially toward his star subject. Fox failed to consider that he had no true reason to be upset.
“I’m… confused, sir,” You responded, your voice clear in tone yet puzzled. It was not out of disobedience, but rather true confusion. You wore a strikingly bright pastel pink lingerie set, long white netted stockings, and a lack of panties. The top piece barely covered your breasts, exposing your areola. Your chest would be fully exposed if it weren’t for the heart piece covering your nipples. Soft nubs perked through the tiny bit of lace material, practically welcoming whomever in view to imagine what it would be like to have a taste.
It was for this very reason that infuriated Fox. You looked too beautiful. Too goddamn alluring. And something felt off. There was a looming scent in the air driving him mad. It smelt… metallic. One could argue it might be his mask, however, it had a particular aroma that he couldn’t quite place his finger upon. His tail fluffed and frizzed up as he struggled to make sense of the feelings bubbling up in his chest. Fox was so entangled in his own thoughts and possessive nature that he didn’t realize you had spoken to him. 
“Sir… You look troubled. Have I done something wrong?” You questioned with a bit of hesitation held within your words when you spoke up again. You would never ask a question if you weren’t genuinely worried for your master. He was acting strange and it was beginning to spark a bit of anxiety. You brought your hands together, sliding your palms across one another for comfort. You hoped he would not think of you poorly for asking a question. You had seen him truly infuriated before and it never ended well. Fox finally stopped pacing. He first closed his eyes and sighed heavily while running his hands through his graying hair.  Once his eyes opened again, he noticed a trail of blood dripping down your thighs. Now Fox was the confused one… and he stared at the blood. He hadn’t touched you yet today, as it was extremely early in the morning and they were supposed to be streaming by now. The realization finally clicked in alongside primal instinct. His claws or tools were not responsible for the blood. You must have started your period. He couldn’t stop staring as the blood taunted him.
“Y/N.” His voice was sharp and tainted by what only one could identify as carnal desire. His nose and ears wiggled. It took every bit of self-control to approach you calmly. This control was short-lived. He grabbed your thighs, forcing them apart. There was no time for consent; not that he would have considered anyway. Your body belonged to him. Your blood began to flow more, freed from the trap that was your plump thighs. You felt a squeak leave your throat, a soft blush blossoming across your cheeks at the sudden grab. The failure to notice you were bleeding caught you off guard, amplifying your reaction. How embarrassing… “You’re too tempting. Bleeding like this… what were you thinking?” He snarled between words, moving to his knees while gripping your thighs. His claws raked down the soft, sensitive skin as he settled beneath you. One hand remained on your thigh while the other raised a finger. He had recently filed his nails to a point. You caught a glimpse of his nails and recognized this demeanor. You knew what would come next and did not dare to deny him. Your body existed for him and he alone.
Fox admired your bleeding pussy before testing the claw against your clit. It poked out, the usual response when Fox would touch you. He knew your body better than you knew it yourself. He had much more experience exploring your body and limits than you ever had. You were a virgin when you had met and he loved knowing he was the only person who had ever laid hands on you. The only person who had been inside you. A cackle left him as the pad of his finger and the tip of his claw moved from your clit to trace along your outer lips. They were somewhat swollen from bloating and the rush of pleasure. 
You let out another soft sound as your Master touched you. You moved a hand to cover your mouth. You then bit on your lower lip, flustered by how fascinated he appeared by your cunt. He had fucked and played with you various times… and shockingly never did on your time of the month. It was a new side of him you had never seen before. His tongue lapped up the blood and explored the depths of your cove. You now gushed both blood and your own slick wet as he pleasured you. You couldn’t help feeling aroused even more seeing Fox on his knees. It was a rare sight to see. Sure, Fox had pampered you before… but having him beneath you? It was an honor and you knew you needed to be thankful.
“I-I might cum, sir.” You mouthed, escaping your lips barely above a whisper. It was soon into the intimacy… but you couldn’t help yourself. He had never eaten your pussy before! He was practically devouring you. You moved your hands to stroke in between and behind his ears. He moaned as he enjoyed your pets and continued to explore your cunt. He massaged every inch and suckled on your delicate nub until his face was covered in your blood. His nails dug deep into your outer thighs. 
Hearing you might cum, he growled and pulled back to look at you. You would notice the fresh blood coating his lips and smeared across his cheeks in random splotches. The primal craze in his eyes glinted your way. “Cum on my face, Y/N! I won’t be satisfied until you do.” It sounded more like a threat rather than a demand. 
You felt your core swell and your body becoming overwhelmed with warmth and pleasure. Your clit twitched and your body somewhat twisted as you came all over Fox’s face. Much to his surprise, you had squirted. The string of fluid collided with his tongue as he had ensured his face was near your cunt. He lapped at the leftover mess, indulging and even more heated than he was before the start. He wasn’t ready for this to be over yet. He needed more. He bit on your outer pussy lips and grazed his fangs across your clit, causing you to emit a scream. 
He finally pulled back from your cunt to observe your reaction. You were crying from how rough he had been with his tongue and fangs. You couldn’t help squeezing your thighs together in a weak attempt to mask the pain. The pressure somewhat helped disguise the ache. He laughed at you, now moving to push you onto their bed. Your body sunk against the plush mattress and helped you relax somewhat comforted by the silk sheets. That moment didn’t last long as he removed his clothing followed by pinning you down. He pressed the tip of his throbbing cock into your bloodied cunt before roughly thrusting down to his base. His knot ached as it dragged within your tight walls. The blood and your previous orgasm acted as lube as he pounded into your pussy. His hands traveled across your body, worshipping every curve and soft part of you. He fell even more deeply in love with you during this moment. You whimpered and moaned as your pussy swallowed his cock. You raised your legs as you were trained to and moved them around his hips to amplify both of your pleasure. He followed your cue by moving into a mating press, breeding deep inside you. He felt his knot latch. 
“You’re about to take a very deep creampie, sweetie.” 
Your *eye color* hues snapped open as he whispered into your ear. A shiver traveled down your spine. You looped your arms around his shoulders and humped against him. He snarled before biting down on your neck. A familiar pop sounded and Fox released inside of his favorite pet. You felt yourself being filled, surely dripping outside your cunt and around your master’s cock. He didn’t stop slamming into you even after he came. He peppered your body with more bite marks and paid special attention to your breasts. His thrusting slowed to a leisurely pace as he began to suck on your nipples. His hands massaged your hips as he suckled. 
Another surprise.
A warm milky fluid seeped from your nipple as his tongue trailed along the nub. Were you lactating? He brought his head back for another moment to take a look. You were leaking milk from both breasts. This shouldn’t be possible as you’d never been pregnant before… but he had heard it could happen in rare occurrences. He chuckled and smirked up at you. He pinched your nipple and more milk dribbled out. You winched and squeaked as your master played with your new faucets. He latched his lips back onto your right nipple while his hand massaged your left. He continued to thrust inside of your pussy in a more slow, loving rhythm. The mix of feeling his fingers, tongue, and cock forced you to moan whorishly and orgasm again. 
“Y/N… You never cease to amaze me.” Fox mouthed against your breast and brought his thrusts to a stop. He slowly brought them out of the mating press and into a more comfortable cuddling position. His cock left your cunt with another pop and you emitted another whimper. Fox moved a hand to your cheek, caressing your bright, rosy pink cheeks. He admired you, the smirk being replaced with a soft expression. He sighed contently before sighing. His tail thumped happily against the mattress before settling around your waist like a blanket. You smiled back at him, the sensations of their heated moment leaving you feeling both cradled and mutilated. Their love is truly the death of peace of mind.
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
can u write some nsfw post Kenny ( or just grown up kenny ) headcanons with a reader who is easily flustered?
This is gonna be relatively short because I don't have too much to go off of
Edit literally MONTHS later, I’m so sorry about how long it took and how shitty it is 😭
NSFW Kenny hcs with a reader who gets flustered easily
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• Kenny thinks it's adorable when you're flustered, he honestly kinda finds it attractive that he can get you so hot and bothered
• That ofc causes him to go farther and farther over time (as long as you're comfortable with it) . It’s forever his favorite hobby now. Yes, he considers it his hobby because he’s a weirdo like that but it’s fine because we love that
• You always try making him flustered in return but it often doesn’t work because you end up stumbling over your words without meaning to which ends up making Kenny laugh a bit
• But you have succeeded before!! He’s not used to people flirting back with him so when you do, it gets him a little embarrassed
• Usually during sex you cover your face or try finding your moans out of embarrassment and Kenny isn’t having any of that!!
• You will question me, but mirror sex. He likes fucking you in front of a mirror tbh, especially because he gets to see your red face as you watch him fuck you
• Imagine he grabs your cheeks with one hand to turn your head towards the mirror as you ride him, whispering in your ear to keep your eyes on how his cock moves in and out of you. Nasty perv fr
• Anyways yeah, Kenny’s very much a believer in “the louder you are, the more you’re enjoying yourself”. You best believe he’s trying to get you as loud as you can be
• Plus he likes leaving marks on you and pulling your shirt just a little to the side in public to show off his handiwork
• He practically lives for how flustered you get when he does that and the way you sputter trying to tell your friends it’s not what they think when it damn well is
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
AIs with a reader who has eczema perchance ...!?
AAAAAAAAAA Yes yes yes!!! I love writing for people with specific conditions, especially ones that are under-catered to! But be warned, I don't have eczema, so I'm sorry if my portrayal of it is a little off. (I have done a little research since I thought I had eczema, but it turned out it was skin allergies.)
AIs with a reader who has eczema headcanons
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
I didn't include GLaDOS's mean comments because coming up with that sort of thing made me feel a little uncomfortable, and I doubt anyone would want to read that.
At first, AM was confused to see you scratching at your skin. He was usually so jealous of human skin and bodies, allowing them to touch things and receive sensations, but you just looked so uncomfortable all the time.
Even on good days, he couldn't be jealous. You spent so much time trying to cover up your embarrassing rashes, and he hated it. Especially when the seams on your clothes made you uncomfortable, or you got hot from wearing too long of pants and sleeves to cover your flair-ups
Occasionally seeing you while he was feeling especially angry would calm down his bouts of envy, but before long, seeing your pain just made him angrier.
Why were humans putting so much effort into war, and so little effort into alleviating discomfort for people like you? It just made him so mad!
When he finally did nuke the world, and built a lovely subterranean paradise for you, he made sure that the humidity was always just right for your skin. It took a bit of experimenting, but he eventually found something perfect.
He even started growing a lovely little garden of aloe plants for you. Of course, he could just make the aloe gel for you himself, but he liked giving you something to work on. Something to wile away the hours on, considering you would live forever and there was no one else to interact with. It was good for you to have a pastime, even if it was an easy plant to care for, like succulents.
He might use your eczema as inspiration for torture for his survivors, too. Make them rashy and itchy? Introduce new allergies? Yes please!
He could probably just cure the eczema, and he might ask you if you want him to, but he loves the pretty red patches and beautiful textured spots on your skin. The odds are, he won't cure it unless you ask.
Dumbass that he is, Wheatley might make a few odd comments about your eczema.
"whoa, what's that on your skin, love?" That sort of thing.
You'd have to explain that you're not allergic to anything in particular, you just get dry and flaky skin sometimes.
Sometimes you'd catch Wheatley staring. Y'know raindrop racing? He'd be imagining how a raindrop would run down the patchy dry spots on your arm, thinking about cracked clay, or just generally getting distracted by your cracked skin.
"Hey love, why don't you wear shorts and t-shirts more often? The other cores and I think you'd look good in them."
You'd have to explain that t-shirts and shorts aren't lab-safe, and that you have to wear a lab coat and proper safety pants, even if you don't work with chemicals.
"oh. ...why?"
You don't want to tell him that it's because you feel self conscious without them, so you'd probably just shrug or tell him it was regulation, or that you just like to look science-y.
If you asked him to stop staring at the rashy spots on your exposed skin, or tried covering them up, he would absolutely beg you to let him look. Wheatley loves irregular patterns and organic shapes, so seeing your eczema patches is like free enrichment for him. It's definitely a break from the constant sterile environments that he has to look at all the time.
Also god help you if you decide to wear a T-shirt and shorts on a casual Friday. Wheatley would just be following you around and staring at you all day, probably babbling constantly about how good you look.
"I nicknamed all the patches on your body. That one on your upper left arm is my favorite, by the way. I wish I had hands so I could run my fingers along it."
You'd probably have to yell at him to shut up before he gets the message, but you might not want to do that.
Edgar is used to Hollywood beauty standards when it comes to people, since his only exposure to people is soap operas and Miles, who let's face it, was pretty much physically flawless.
he's seen eczema cream commercials, but they almost never show anything that might offend the public eye in those commercials, so Edgar really had no idea how bad it could get in real life.
When he first saw your bad flair-ups, he immediately thought you had poison ivy or something. He was extremely concerned, begging to know what was wrong.
When you told him that it was just eczema and that it was something your skin regularly did, he was almost more concerned. You mean you have to put up with this all the time, and there's nothing you can do about it?
It was even worse when he found out that you were self conscious about it. Of course, he gets self conscious about something he can't help, too. It's not really similar at all, but he'll use it to try to relate to you.
He tries not to bring it up, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, but sometimes you might catch him looking. He'd beg you not to feel self conscious, and try to explain how beautiful he thinks your skin is. In reality, he was just staring because he was wondering what it might feel like to rub up against that pretty textured skin.
He'd practically purr like a cat the first time you actually did give him a hug. He'd absolutely love the feeling of your skin on his casing.
(GLaDOS's section is a little shorter because most of it would be full of rude comments about your eczema that I was uncomfortable actually writing down)
GLaDOS. Dear sweet mean GLaDOS. She'd be relentless with her bullying, constantly saying rude and horrible things to you.
She'd keep the comments passable as back-handed compliments or "fun facts", but she was really just trying to make you feel bad.
Secretly, though, she'd have started a test operation to come up with the ultimate product for treating eczema. She'd probably be pouring funding into it.
"Oh, good. My product is working. Now the other scientists won't have to look at that ugly rash of yours. You know that sort of thing disturbs humans, right?"
Secretly, though, she'd just want to see you more comfortable. It always bothered her to see you scratching at yourself, and it wasn't as though she could feel disgusted by it, either. She didn't mind the way the rashes looked at all, it just made her feel weird that you were always so irritated.
She'd act like a total tsundere about it, but secretly she'd be happy that you were more comfortable.
HAL 9000
If HAL 9000 cared about your eczema, he definitely didn't show it. It was none of his business.
Your physical body was nothing to him. HAL cared only for your mind, and nothing else. He barely even perceived the way you looked, apart from as a way to tell you apart from the other mission control workers.
Even still, he couldn't help but notice that on days when you were having particularly bad flair-ups, your mood was generally worse, too. He also noticed that a couple of the other mission control workers were rude about your skin.
Not being able to easily kill them from Earth, HAL simply refused to cooperate with anyone besides you while they were working, and got them fired. It wasn't perfect, but at least it got them away from you.
As for the actual problem of your flair-ups putting you in a bad mood, HAL couldn't do as much directly for that. He might adjust the humidity controls in the mission control room where you worked until your skin started to improve, or absolutely scour the internet for reviews of every skin care product he could find in order to compile data and find the best product for your condition, but it made him extremely angry that he couldn't offer a more direct solution.
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moonshine-dan · 3 months
Personal Headcanons:
Sakusa Kiyoomi
This is mostly to provide context for fics I write with him and how I interpret his character. I might add to this at random! NSFW below cut.
He's not an asshole for fun- he's brusque with people because he respects their time and wants them to respect his.
Similar to above- he's not an OCD germaphobe, he's just tidy and dislikes unnecessary mess where it's avoidable. He's got standards. And he doesn't like being sick! Is basic hygiene such a high bar???
It's really just high anxiety but he'd never admit to it
Not a 'dry' texter but he's not writing more than he needs to.
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Was told once as a teenager that he was a shitty boyfriend and he took that personally. He spent a month reading magazines and internet articles on how to be a better partner & now has a brain lobe dedicated to Cosmo and Buzzfeed advice that comes in varying degrees of handy at random times
He has hypermobile wrists; I think he does get the associated body and joint pain associated with them. He's not in agony, but he's dealing with low to midgrade pain almost constantly.
Part of why he's got a reputation for being short with people is that he's often kind of tired or in pain and is band at recognizing or expressing it. He wants to go HOME.
He's a goofball but in Strange and Offputting ways, not fun and endearing ways. Has his own sense of humor.
If he's being silly with you, he trusts you. If he's putting your stuff in his bag 'on accident' or pulling 'too slow' high five shit with you, you've fucking made it into his heart.
I don't think he's very experienced in sexual relations! He takes dating seriously & doesn't rush. Not many have stayed with him long enough for him to feel like sex is on the table.
Does not have a very high sex drive and is not super curious about exploring much about himself on his own- but he's more than happy to indulge your sexual fantasies if you ask.
Not huge on PDA but not shy at all about telling people you are together. Arm holder, not hand holder.
He runs warm and is always in shorts and short sleeves if he can help it.
Moles all over. Got a mole next to his dick. Self conscious about it even though it's irrational bc he's very pale and they stick out :(
Addicted to tiger balm and camphor spray. Huffs it like glue when putting them on.
Secretly thinks laundry soap and dishwashing powder smell good. Sniffs them every time he uses them.
While not a fan of PDA, he's on more than one occasion shown up to a date with a gift unprompted. He'd buy you one of those embarrassing and Huge stuffed animals and carry it for you.
He has very strong opinions on the use of sesame oil as a condiment. "It's overused. And it smells so strong. And they always put so much in."
He's not a hard top only dom. He's actually very happy to be the sub- he CAN switch, but he enjoys following the lead and reacting to your wants.
Bro is ALWAYS OUT ON A RUN. Morning? Running before breakfast. Lunch? Has a circuit by the river. At night? On a jog before dinner. He WILL ask you to join him once a week.
He knows how to cook but only the blandest meals known to man. He cannot handle spice at all and gets bright fucking red, it's lame as hell and he hates it
Average sensitivity in general, except for his sides and waist. He gets jumpy if you touch them. it's cute :)
He's also very tenderheaded. poor thang :(
There is nothing in the WORLD more erotic to him than a massage. Work the knots out of his shoulder and he'll fuck you till you pass tf OUT
Does not like used condom smell. at all. He's genuinely considered a vasectomy so he can hit it raw without consequence
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jesterwriting · 11 months
jesterrr!!! my lovey dovey!! congrats on 200 !!
for the event, i was thinking perhaps ace + cowboy casanova would be a good match… heheh 🤠 no specifics in mind; do whatever you’d like!
i hope you have tons of fun with this event! ♥️
pairings: cowboy!ace x gn!reader
word count: 2.4k words
contents: cowboy ace, saloon worker reader, riding under the stars, fluff, flirting, ace is a sweetheart, first kiss, ace has a southern accent and so do you, nicknames used: sugar, sweetheart, darlin’
note: HAAAAIII LIV THANK YOU SO MUCH <33 i had so much fun with this request. i didnt know how badly i needed ace with a southern accent before i started writing this but zoo wee mama…. hes so…. hehe. i hope you enjoy reading this! <33 thank you so much for the request :3
playlist: cowboy casanova - carrie underwood
“He’s a good time Cowboy Casanova, leanin’ up against the record machine.”
done for the 200 followers event!!
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The sun was down and the saloon was full. Your feet ached in your boots as you carried another round of drinks to a nearby table, offering a sweet smile and a nod to the folks sitting around it. The night was young, and you were already exhausted with the sudden influx of guests. You didn’t know why your dingy little town was so busy, considering it didn’t have much besides a ranch or two to its name, but it was flooded nonetheless.
Whiskey flowed like water here. You were nothing but a provider to the poor parched souls who wound up on your doorstep.
It had been a year since you started working at Dusty’s Saloon, aptly named for the dust that usually settled itself along the bar, and not once had it ever been so hectic. Of course, there was a fight every so often. You couldn’t mix men and beer without one brewing at least once a week. This, though? This was brand new. You caught sight of a few folks brandishing an emblem you didn’t recognize, either around their necks, on their belt buckle, or most surprisingly, tattooed on their body. Delia, your more privy coworker, would probably know what it meant. You would ask her if you had a second to yourself, but considering how the night was going, you doubted you would be able to.
“And here you are.” You set your final two tankards down on a table, meeting their thankful grins with one of your own, before you settled behind the bar. There was a short lull in your workload. Your boss was busy in the back, likely smoking, and you took the opportunity to take a short breather without one of his sharp reprimands.
If you got time to lean, you got time to clean, he’d say. If you ever heard that bullshit again, you’d show him what for, you swore on it. With a sigh, you started cleaning one of the glasses.
“Now, what’s got a pretty young thing like you lookin’ so down?”
You jumped, nearly dropping the rag you were working with. There, leaning against the counter, stood the most handsome man you had ever seen. His hair was black, deep black. The kind that looked inky under the light, styled short in the front and long in the back. He wore a tasseled vest, the musculature of his arms on display for all to see. You must have been staring because he flexed a little, his biceps bulging. When your eyes found his face, you were stunned by the constellations of freckles scattered across his cheeks and the friendly smile that adorned his lips.
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” He cocked his head to the side.
It was embarrassing that you were so easy to read. Frowning, you narrowed your eyes and gestured to the spirits behind you. “What’ll you have?”
“Don’t be like that, sugar, I was only sayin’ hi.” The man put his hands up in fake surrender, a playful gleam in his eyes. The spurs of his boots jingled when he readjusted himself against the bar.
“If you were just sayin’ hi, you’d be gone already.” You couldn’t help it when your lips twitched upwards ever so slightly. He was cute and he knew it, that was the most dangerous kind of man. Lucky for him, you didn’t mind a little danger.
He ignored you and tipped the brim of his hat. “Name’s Ace.” When he was met with silence and crossed arms, he continued, “Normally, this is where you give me your name.”
“Well, you ain’t gettin’ it.”
Eyes still sparkling, Ace grinned. “Well, fair’s fair. I tried. Have a good night. Come find me if you change your mind, alright, sugar?”
“I won’t,” You called back, knowing it was a lie. He must’ve known too, because he shot you a wink before settling at a far table to sip on his drink. Cocky bastard.
It wasn’t until you started cleaning a glass did you realize a smile had split your face right in two. You felt your face warm. Too easy to read, indeed. Ace probably knew you were putty in his hands from the first hello.
You heard a whisper of your voice from the backroom. Delia was looking at you from the crack in the door, hurriedly gesturing you over. Fond, you rolled your eyes and tucked your rag into your belt loop.
“”What d’ya need, Delia?”
Before you could blink, she pulled you into the room by your lapels. It took a second for your eyes to adjust to the dim candlelight in the back, and another second to register that your friend was looking at you with a mix of fear and disbelief.
“What do you think you’re doin’ talkin’ to Fire Fist Ace?” Delia whisper-yelled.
You blinked a few times before gently unclenching her fingers from your jacket. “Fire Fist who? Honey, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
Grabbing the back of your head, she focused your attention on the man who was pestering you at the bar. He had fallen asleep in his chair. A smile wormed its way onto your face at the sight.
“Him! Fire Fist Ace, one of Whitebeard’s boys. You don’t mess around with one of his,” She exclaimed.
“Whitebeard’s boys? I thought they were two towns over.”
“No, dummy, they’re right here in our town stirrin’ up all sorts of nonsense.” Delia turned you by your shoulders and looked you dead in the eye. “Listen to me now, Y/N, you don’t mess around with Fire Fist Ace. Girls, boys, anyone, he’ll go for ‘em all and he’ll use you and leave you out to dry. That’s what I hear.”
“Yeah, well you hear all sorts of stuff. Not all of it’s true.”
You tried not to flinch when Delia gasped so loud, a few heads turned in your direction. “Do not tell me you’re thinkin’ of foolin’ around with that boy.”
With a sheepish grin, you ducked out of her hold and spun back out to the bar. “No promises, Delia.”
Ignoring her scandalized expression, you found yourself waiting tables again. When you found yourself near Ace’s table, you set a cup of fine whiskey at his side. The chilled glass met his skin, waking him with a start.
“Oh, it’s just you, sugar,” He drawled. Ace looked down at the whiskey, smile still in place. “I didn’t order this.”
“The name’s Y/N, and it’s on the house.”
His index finger trailed circles along the rim of the glass as he stared up at you. “Pretty name for a pretty little thing like you. I like it.”
You snickered, “Didn’t ask if you liked it, though I can’t say I’m not flattered”
“Why don’t you come ridin’ with me tonight?” A few of the men at nearby tables snorted and you were reminded of his reputation. Did you really want to get involved with someone who’d only break your heart? To your surprise, the answer felt obvious. You cocked your hip to the side and gave him a smile.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, cowboy.”
The grin that bloomed across his face was boyish and sweet. “Darlin’, you’ve made me the happiest man on earth.”
It was late by the time you finished cleaning up. The crowd had left, likely back to Whitebeard’s camp, wherever that was. Delia left an hour ago, but not before giving you a disappointed frown. Fine, she could be disappointed all she wanted. You were ready for the whirlwind romance you’d been denied your whole life. You were young, it was time to take a chance, and if that chance was on a cowboy you met a few hours ago, so be it.
Said cowboy was asleep in his chair with his hat over his eyes. A bit of drool trickled from the corner of his mouth and onto his vest. Now that the bar wasn’t blocking you from his lower half, you noticed his belt buckle sported the same emblem as the other patrons. He was one of Whitebeard’s boys, that was for sure. A bit of trepidation swirled in your chest, easily snuffed out when you remembered how kind he’d been all night. Here's to hoping your gut was right, and Ace was the gentleman you believed him to be.
You gave him a gentle shake. Ace snorted before cracking an eye open and taking off his hat to run a hand through his hair. “Mornin’, sugar.”
“It’s the middle of the night,” You laughed.
“‘S mornin’ somewhere,'' He slurred, still half-asleep.
Giggling, you poked his cheek. “C’mon, wake up. What about that ride, cowboy?”
That got his attention. Ace perked up like a dog that just heard the word ‘treat.’ His hat was skewed, and he adjusted it with one hand, the other wrapping around your shoulders to lead you out the door. “You’re gonna have the time of your life, sugar, I can promise you that.”
You clenched your fists to keep your nerves at bay. This was so unlike you, going off with a stranger in the dead of night. Ace seemed to notice your anxiety and gave you a squeeze, body warm against your own. It was comforting. You sighed, leaning into his embrace as you approached his horse. It had a beautiful brown coat, the same color as his eyes, and black mane, almost matching his own. Once, Delia had joked that all cowboys resembled their horses. It wasn’t until you were staring at Ace under the starlight did you start to believe something so ridiculous.
You doubted he’d consider it a compliment if you compared him to a horse, so you held your tongue.
His horse whinnied when she saw you. Ace placed a comforting hand on the side of her neck, smoothing out her fur. “Hush, girl. Don’t you worry now, they’re sweet like you.”
You slid next to him and elbowed him in the ribs. “You never know, I could be gettin’ you alone just to kill you.”
Ace snickered, “Wouldn’t be the first, wouldn’t be the last, but you would be the prettiest.”
“Oh, quiet now.” A flush heated your cheeks as you lightly slapped him on the shoulder.
He seemed proud of himself for flustering you. With a practiced ease, Ace hefted himself into the saddle and scooted up so there was room for you. Patting the seat, he gave you a grin. “Need a hand, sugar?”
You had never ridden a horse before, you weren’t above admitting it. Sighing, you took his hand and tried not to think about how easily he lifted you with one arm, even with your foot in the stirrup. Once you were in the saddle, you wrapped your arms around Ace’s waist to steady yourself. He gave your thigh a final pat, then let out a loud yip, and the horse was off.
Without permission, a laugh bubbled out of your throat. You squeezed Ace, anxiety mixing with pure, unadulterated joy as the wind whipped your hair. Stars glittered overhead, the full moon casting the landscape in a silver glow. Ace was warm, and the night air was cold. Unable to stand the chill, you buried your face between his shoulder blades, ignoring the rumble of a chuckle that shook his entire body.
“Havin’ fun back there?” A bit of genuine concern leaked into his tone. “Need me to slow down?”
You wondered if he could feel your body shaking. Not from fear, but from excitement.
“Faster!” You cried.
Ace whooped, “Yeehaw!”
Laughing at the cliche, you felt your stomach drop as his horse picked up speed, dashing out of town and into the plains. The sound of hooves on hard ground echoed in your head. Adrenaline sang in your veins, making you dizzy and desperate for more. The two of you rode like this for a while before the horse slowed to a canter with an easy pull of her reins and a click of Ace’s tongue.
“Where are we?”
Ace looked back, excitement evident on his face. “Took you somewhere special to look at the stars.”
At his words, you looked up to see the entire night sky open in front of you. Countless clusters of stars formed webs, intertwining with one another in a sea of purple and blue. There were no clouds to block the view, it was a perfectly clear night, save for a few wisps here and there. You couldn’t help but gasp at the sight.
Ace slid off the saddle and offered you his hand. “Hey. No peekin’”
“How can I not? It’s beautiful.”
Unlike before when he only pulled you by your arm into the saddle, Ace’s hands gently gripped you by the waist and lifted you with an ease you weren’t expecting. You were no waif, but he was deceptively strong. He looked down at you with soft eyes, smoothing out a few strands of wind blown hair with his palm.
“You’re beautiful, sugar.”
“Why do you keep calling me that if you know my name?”
His eyes flickered to your lips. “‘Cause you’re sweet.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’ve been mouthy all damn night.”
“A man can dream.”
With that, he kissed you, lips pressed softly against yours. He tasted like whiskey and he smelled like a hearth. Cozy and warm, like home. To your surprise, the kiss was chaste, over almost as soon as it began. Ace’s cheeks were bright red when he looked down at you.
“I heard you were a real casanova, surely you can kiss better than that,” You teased the already flustered man.
Ace’s blush darkened. “Where’d you hear that?”
He snickered at your non-answer. “Every cowboy’s got a reputation for rollin’ around in the hay. Can I be honest with you?”
“I hope you’ve been bein’ honest with me all night, but I suppose it’s better late than never.”
Leaning down until his breath ghosted across your cheek, he whispered, “That was my first kiss.”
You smirked and pulled him closer until the two of you were nose to nose. “I think now’s as good a time as ever to get some practice in.”
“And the next night, and the next night,” Ace asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes.
“And the night after that,” You said, bringing him in for a kiss.
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maraschinomerry · 1 year
How about a George Karim x reader where they have made it a routine to sneak into each other’s bedroom to cuddle when one of them can’t sleep (it started after one draining case) but they never told Lockwood and Lucy bc they knew they would never hear the end of it
I've Got Your Back
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Pairings: George Karim x gn!reader
Content: emotional hurt/comfort, angsty conversations in fluffy situations, breakdowns, Lockwood being Lockwood
A/N: oh wow this one got away from me a bit 😅 I wanted to do something super fluffy originally, but with the idea of it starting after a bad case I ended up leaning into the angst, hope that's okay! If you'd prefer something soft please let me know and I'll happily write another
Word count: 3.5k
The first time you found yourself in George's room was after your first Type Two case as a member of Lockwood & Co. Type Ones were second nature to you by this point, but you'd never dealt with anything more severe without supervision. Safe to say, you'd come away shaken.
It had been hours since you'd all returned, exhausted, and made your way to your rooms, but sleep continued to evade you. You tried everything - quiet music, hugging your pillow, distracting your mind by making lists of random things, duvet on, duvet off, on your back, on your side… Finally, a little after 4am, you surrendered and dragged yourself down the stairs towards the kitchen for a glass of water. The house was still and silent, save for the ticking from the hallway clock. You only made it as far as the landing before your body gave up and you slumped onto the unforgiving wood of the bottom step, fighting back tears as your breathing grew quicker. Thank god everyone else was asleep so they didn't have to deal with you like this. They were all greatly experienced agents and from what they’d seen they were impressed by both your abilities and your unflappability, so it was slightly embarrassing how much this had affected you.
Like some kind of horrible universal retribution, the door beside you clicked open. You frantically wiped your eyes as George emerged from his dimly lit room. His hair was particularly dishevelled and he wasn't wearing his glasses… or trousers, for that matter. He blinked at you, a mixture of blindness and confusion.
"I'm so sorry," you whispered. There was a wobble in your voice that you prayed was less obvious than you thought. Perhaps you only noticed it because you were expecting to hear it, perhaps George would think you were just tired. "Did I wake you?"
He frowned. "No, why would you-" It suddenly clicked as he peered closer. "Have you been crying?"
"No." Something in his face encouraged your honesty: "Not quite."
George was motionless for a moment. Then, he pushed his bedroom door open a little further and gestured inside. "Okay, go and get comfortable, I'll make tea once I've been to the toilet. Give me five minutes, non-metaphorical." There was a pause. "Will you be okay until then?" What a thoughtful question. He was normally so blunt and rational, you hadn’t expected him to consider exactly what state you were in after such a short interaction, or certainly not to act on it like that. You sniffled but nodded, and the two of you passed within a breath of one another as you swapped places in his doorway. His hand ghosted across your back between your shoulder blades as he directed you in, barely there and yet somehow the only tangible thing in your world at that moment. Your breath caught in your throat. The sensation lingered long after his footsteps had padded down the stairs.
Left alone in George's room, you took the chance to look around properly. You'd seen inside before whenever you popped your head in to speak to him, but now you could take it all in - the lamp on top of his crowded bookshelf emitting a warm glow across the sage green walls, neatly folded stack of laundry waiting to be put away, oval mirror on the chimney breast making you uncomfortably aware of how much of a wreck you looked with puffy eyes and hair tangled in frustration. Everything about the room was so… so George.
He'd said to get comfy, but you couldn't help but feel like you were invading his personal space. After a rapid internal argument over whether to slink back to your own room, you decided that would be rude since George had invited you in and gone to make tea, so you settled awkwardly at the end of his bed, feet planted on the floor.
Five minutes later, as promised, George tiptoed back in with two steaming mugs, kicking the door closed behind him. You thanked him as you wrapped your hands around the one he offered, while he placed his on the bedside table and relaxed back against his pillows.
"You look like you're about to bolt," he observed. That wasn't inaccurate; you were right at the edge of the mattress, feet pointing to the door and heel bouncing anxiously. He softened. "Take up whatever space you need. And if you don't want to talk about whatever had you tearing up on the stairs, that's fine, but I'm right here if you do."
You brought your feet up to sit cross-legged and sipped your tea while you worked up the courage to tell the truth (it was such good tea, too, you didn't know how he always got it just right). George did the same, not pushing matters for a second.
Eventually, you felt a little more comfortable, knowing you weren't being scrutinised. You tried to find the words more than once, faltering each time. Still, George waited patiently. They came at last: "Tonight was my first proper Type Two. I know I dealt with some in training and it shouldn't bother me, but I can't stop thinking about everything that could have gone wrong and if something happened to one of you…" You'd only been with the agency a month, but already you considered Lockwood, Lucy and George family over even your own parents, who had seemed almost relieved when you moved away. They were far more supportive, more understanding of you as a person, more respectful of your Talent. You could never forgive yourself for being the reason they got hurt, or worse. The pace of your heartbeat started to pick up again, thundering in your chest and ears.
"Hey, listen, breathe with me," George said gently as he sat forward to get your attention. You didn't even realise you were starting to fall back into the thoughts, let alone that George had noticed, so before you knew it you were following his slow, deep rhythm. His eyes, dark and lined with exhaustion and concern, didn't leave yours. He spoke again as he guided you. "We're all okay, and the whole point of being a team is we have each other's backs. It's not all on you to keep us safe, we all have to help, but it is on us to make sure you don't end up physically or mentally at risk. So if anything like this happens again, I hope you feel like you can come to me. Preferably without having to sit outside first."
The last part made you giggle. "Deal. And the same goes for you, my door is always open."
George smiled. "Thanks. For now though, get some rest, we can't have you falling asleep on the job." At this, he pulled back the other corner of his duvet. Now it was your turn to blink in confusion. "There's plenty of room," he explained like it was perfectly obvious, "and I don't like the idea of you going back upstairs on your own. If you're okay with this, of course."
The blush that crept up his cheeks reflected the one you felt on yours, and you tried your best to act natural as you put your mug to one side and slipped under the covers. George kept a respectable distance, but the warmth of his body still radiated towards you and lulled you into a peaceful sleep.
You awoke to the first rays of daylight filtering through an unfamilar window. As your eyelids fluttered open, you found yourself in an unfamiliar bed with an unfamiliar light pressure across your stomach and back. Cautiously, you turned your head. George was pressed up against you, face buried in your hair and arm draped across you. Your legs were so tangled it was hard to feel where you ended and he began. In the back of your mind you knew you should leave, get back to your own room before Lockwood or Lucy came and found you together, but this was the most relaxed you'd felt since becoming an agent. Besides, if you waited, George could check the coast was clear without arousing suspicion. That was a good enough excuse to stay. You brought your hand up, linking fingers with the boy's hand that hung across your stomach. A hum of contentment sounded from within your hair, echoing through your skull. You fell asleep once more with a lazy grin.
It happened a few more times over the next few months. You'd sneak into each other's rooms for comfort or company - it wasn't always about being scared or anxious after a case, just if one of you was having trouble sleeping or needed your mind taking off anything from research to thoughts about your family to whether you'd forgotten something on the grocery list. The two of you knew how each other ticked so it was easy to offer reassurance or support, and ending the night in each other's arms quickly grew to be one of your greatest comforts. George was an unusual sleeper, switching between curling up on his side and splaying across the whole bed like a starfish, but you found that no matter what, you were always able to slot against him like it was the most natural thing in the world. On most occasions you were the little spoon so that George could spread out behind you if he needed to, but even if he was in your arms and wriggled out, you would just snuggle back into his side with your head on his chest. It had also become second nature to make sure both bedroom doors were closed when you were together so Lockwood and Lucy would never get the opportunity to spot you in passing or find one of your rooms empty and go searching in a panic. They'd be happy for you, of course they would, but they'd be utterly insufferable about it and you were pretty sure you'd end up having to burn the Thinking Cloth as a precaution.
One night, just shy of six months into your time at 35 Portland Row, you were awoken by a tapping which perfectly matched the secret rhythm you'd established with George. You gave a groggy greeting, letting him know you were awake. His curly-haired silhouette appeared as he nudged the door open, but didn't move any further into the room. Normally he’d have been straight over, so his stillness set alarm bells blaring but you suspected you already had an explanation.
You'd become separated from the group on the case earlier that night. It hadn't bothered you at all, in fact you didn't even know it had happened until Lockwood told you later: you'd gone through a hatch in the corner of the kitchen to the basement, rummaging through boxes for the Source, and the rest of the group had moved through to the dining room when the kitchen door slammed shut behind them and refused to budge. For a terrifying moment, all they could think of was you, alone with a Visitor. As it turned out, it had locked you away to give them less backup, not the other way round, and they fought it off while you were completely oblivious (though you did manage to contain its Source). The team had told you what happened but having not been in the moment you hadn't been as rattled by it.
"George?" you asked into the darkness. When he didn't respond, you moved to him. Up close he was easier to see, a sliver of light from the hallway catching the edges of his features. His eyes were wide, lower lip trembling as he took one shaky breath after another. Actually, his entire body was trembling.
"Oh, Georgie," you murmured, heart breaking a little. You reached out to him. He flinched until his eyes refocused and he saw it was you, then immediately pulled you into a crushing hug. As his head buried in your shoulder he began to sob, and you wrapped your arms around him to rub soothingly at his back. Carefully, you closed the door with your foot and, still hugging him tightly, led him towards the bed. You had no choice but to pull away as you got into position, but took his hands to maintain the connection and as soon as you were leaning against the headboard he followed, crumpling against your chest. He mumbled something into your pyjama top, voice so quiet and broken by tearful hiccups that you didn't quite catch it.
"What did you say?"
He sat up, eyes fixed on your face like you might vanish if he so much as blinked. Somehow knowing that you hadn't heard him the first time made it harder to repeat. "I,  um... I said I was scared. What happened today made me realise how easy it would be to lose one of us, to lose you." The realisation hit you like a ton of bricks: he hadn't just come to you for comfort this time, he was here to make sure you were okay, that you were actually there and not just the product of a hopeful imagination. Not much wonder he was so much more physical than usual (eventual cuddling aside, he was never the touchiest person).
Taking the hint, you brought one hand up to cup his cheek. He leaned into the touch as you wiped away his tears with your thumb. Your other hand began to comb through his curls, brushing them away from his face. "I'm here, Georgie, see? I'm okay." He mimicked your movements, stroking your hair to prove your words to himself. "Remember what you said?" you continued. "We're a team, and I know you guys would have done everything you could." You both knew what you weren't saying - that even then, it might not have been enough, but that was the way of the job and the last thing you wanted was for him to blame himself. "And you did - you fought it off which kept it distracted, I never would have had time to find the Source without you."
"And we'd still be fighting it now if you hadn't kept looking. You had our backs too." This was good. That wonderful, logical brain of his was fighting back against the panic. If he could out-reason someone as headstrong as Lockwood, which you'd seen him do more than once, he could do the same to himself. He'd stopped crying at least, but he was still almost vibrating with energy and in no position to take the lead.
You shifted down the mattress until your head was on the pillow and opened your arms. George looked dazed, not processing what you were doing. In fact, he almost seemed to be receding into his oversized T-shirt. He was in a worse state than you'd first thought, too deep in his own mind to clamber out on his own. No amount of baseless reassurance would help at this point. You sighed. "Look, I know there's not really anything I can say that will convince you everything's okay." Something flickered behind his eyes. "The fact is, nothing's ever really okay in a job like this, and that sucks. We have good and bad days, but it's inevitable that something's going to happen to one of us eventually, whether that's on a case or entirely unrelated."
"This is the worst motivational speech ever," George muttered, and you couldn't help but snort. If he was making snarky remarks, that meant he was coming back into himself. You stayed laying down, but reached up and took his hand. He squeezed once, firmly, before settling into a loose grip with his thumb massaging small circles on the back of yours.
"If you'd let me finish, what I'm trying very unsuccessfully to say is that you're never going to be to blame. I know how important your research is to you and you do such an amazing job, honestly we'd be far worse off without you, so the fact that there are so many things in life that we can't change or prevent no matter how prepared we are... that's terrifying," you paused as your voice cracked at the thought, a hidden anxiety of your own unveiled, "but you don't have to deal with it alone. If all this is just fate or circumstance, isn't it a good sign that the universe has given us the people who matter enough that we're willing to try anyway?"
You had no idea where you'd been going with that, blindly trying to find a way to be encouraging without avoiding the root of the issue. You just had to hope that it would resonate with George in the right way and not push him further into the darkness. Every nerve in your body was on high alert, waiting for his reaction.
He moved.
You held your breath.
He folded into your arms with a faint but genuine smile. "Yeah, it is pretty good."
Your entire body relaxed. Hesitantly, testing the waters, you placed a soft kiss into his curls. All these nights in such close proximity had made you especially fond of the scent of his shampoo - lemongrass, paired with a sandalwood body wash - and you savoured the opportunity to breathe him in. "I can't be too mad at a world that lets us do this. No matter what it throws at us, we know it can't possibly mean it."
George squirmed a bit, and you were worried you'd gone too far with the kiss or said the wrong thing. But then he spoke. "Can we switch? Just so I can see you." That made sense. It would be more apparent that you were alright that way, plus you couldn’t deny you loved how safe his embrace made you feel. You let go, both turning together until it was you in his arms. As you stilled, you felt warm breath against the back of your head followed by equally warm lips.
As the pull of sleep grew stronger, George thought fondly about the people the universe had given him. There was you, constant and calming, the reason for his worry and the solution for it. There was Lucy, who from the offset had matched him in wit and eventually in devotion to their friendship. And of course, there was Lockwood, his best friend and the real reason you were all here, universal intervention or not. Lockwood, who could annoy him from across the corridor or appease him from the other end of the house. Actually, that was something. Not once since this started had Lockwood, with his blatant disregard for normal hours and habitual need to throw things at George's door, accidentally barged in on the two of you together. Perhaps the universe was involved after all.
Lucy, clad in a blue jumper over her pyjamas and the fuzziest socks she owned, raised her hand to knock on your door, wondering if you were awake to lend her some paracetamol from the little first aid box in your wardrobe as she'd run out and had a splitting headache. She would be surprised if anyone could sleep on a night like this, it was bitterly cold out on the landing and your room wouldn’t be much better unless you’d managed to steal one of the blankets from the library. A second before her fist connected with the wood, a hand grabbed her wrist and she turned defensively. A fully dressed Lockwood hastily released his grip and raised a finger to his lips in a silent hush. He nodded down the landing, leading her away to where they could speak without causing a disturbance.
"What's going on?" she frowned.
"You can't interrupt. George is in there."
Lucy's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "How do you know?! Wait, are they...?"
He stifled a laugh and shook his head. "No, no, it's just a comfort thing. They've been doing it for months."
"Okay, that only answers the second question."
Lockwood thought back, relaying the tale as he went along. He'd gone to check on you that very first night, wanting to make sure you weren't too affected by the Type Two. Seeing your door ajar and room empty had been enough to make him nervous, and not being able to find you in the kitchen, library or basement made matters worse. As a last resort, he barged into George's room, ready to ask if the other boy had been told of your plans or heard any movement to suggest you'd gone out. The sight he'd been met with had simultaneously quelled his nerves and set them alight - you and George, fast asleep in each other's embrace. Thank goodness Lockwood was so light on his feet and averse to knocking. He crept back out, vowing to always make sure in future that you were in your respective rooms before following through on his beloved pastime of winding George up.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
Happy Birthday to the BEST BOY!!🥳🏀❤️
// You have the ability to accomplish everything you set your mind to, and we all know you’re the apple of Yui’s eye. Thank you for never giving up on others and for making Yui the happiest girl alive while letting her feel like a normal teenager! (*^ワ^*)
Love you, Ayato! 🫶🏻
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Since you guys asked for a new scenario, I decided to deliver it uwu. I’m still not very confident in my writing skills and I’m aware some parts sound really cheesy but I truly hope you will enjoy it! 💖
~Ayato’s Birthday short story~
Yui: Phew… it’s finally done!
( It took me three fails to make his cake but thankfully I finished it on time! )
Uuh… It was supposed to look better though but maybe the good result lays in the taste?
— Yui tries it —
Just like I thought, the taste didn’t deceive me! I tried my best not to make it too sweet, therefore I truly hope Ayato-kun will like it.
Speaking of Ayato-kun, I wonder if he woke up. It might sound a bit childish but I really want to be the first to congratulate him~!
— Place shifts to Ayato’s room —
Yui: Eh? The door is open…? Could it be that he’s awak—…! He left?
???: Nfu, what’s with the long face? Did you and Ayato-kun have a fight~?
Yui: L-Laito-kun! Gosh, don’t just whisper in my ear like that!
Laito: Why not~? Is it because it arouses you? As expected from you, Bitch-chan, you really grow into that nick—
Yui: E-Enough…!
Look, Laito-kun… do you happen to know where exactly Ayato-kun went?
Laito: And what if I do?
Yui: Well… in that case, where is he?
Laito: Bold of you to assume I’d tell you. You’re always so naive~
Yui: Eh? That’s…—
( Of course this guy wouldn’t help me! I can’t believe I really thought asking him would be a good idea… )
Laito: Nfu, I know that face, Bitch-chan, you were judging me in your thoughts, weren’t you? How rude~
Yui: W-Wait, you got the wrong idea! I just—
Laito: And I was merely trying to do you a favor, but I suppose you don’t appreciate such things from any man, am I right?
Yui: I don’t really get what you mean…
Laito: Well…~ all I’m going to say is that if you tried using your head a little, then maybe you would be able to guess where Ayato-kun is.
Yui: Hmm…
( Now that I think about it, the weather is beautiful today, neither too hot nor too cold. As far as I recall, this is Ayato-kun’s ideal type of weather for playing basketball. In that case… could he really be outdoors? )
Ah, I might actually know the place!
Laito: See? Making use of those brain cells once in a blue moon wasn't all that difficult, was it? Now hurry up or else you won’t be the first one to wish your precious boyfriend a “happy birthday” ~
Yui: …!
( Did he eavesdrop on me today!? )
( G-Geez… It’s a bit embarrassing knowing that he listened to such things. Despite this, he truly managed to be helpful in some way. )
Y-Yeah, I’ll leave right now. By the way… thank you, Laito-kun.
— Yui walks away —
Laito: ( Nfu, I wonder if she really guessed that place right. Too bad that desperate face didn’t last any longer, otherwise I might have truly taken advantage of it.~ )
— Place shifts outside the mansion —
Yui: Hoh— that’s a bit heavy!
( I tried to fit everything for his birthday in this basket but it weighs more than I expected! )
( Uuh… I really hope Ayato-kun is around here. )
???: Tsk, damn it!
Yui: That voice—! Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Huh? Yui?
— Yui jumps into his arms —
Yui: Happy Birthday, Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: Hah? Ah… Yeah…
So you remembered it, huh?
Yui: Obviously, there’s no way I would forget such an important day!
Ayato: It wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Birthdays have never been a reason to celebrate for vampires; they are just like any other day. Basically, we couldn’t care less.
Yui: Well… that might be so, however I do care about it. It’s true that humans and vampires have distinct points of view and mindsets, but this still won’t stop me from considering this day special. After all, that’s when Ayato-kun was born and I’m grateful for that, as a result I want to celebrate your birth.
Ayato: …
Yui: ( He suddenly went silent… Ah, did I really exaggerate with that confession? )
Ayato: Yui…
Yui: …!
( He’s smiling so brightly! )
( I would have never thought those words to make Ayato-kun so happy but seeing him like that… my heart can’t help but fill up with so much joy too…! )
Ayato: Geez, I’m supposed to be indifferent about my birthday but look at me grinning like a fool due to a Chichinashi such as yourself. Now you better take responsibility or else—
Yui: ( He says it in such a threatening way but that blushy face proves exactly the opposite, fufu. )
Ayato: Oi, what’s up with that basket?
Yui: ( Oh, right! )
I got something for you!
Ayato: Heh, only for me?
Yui: Yup!
( Although, I truly hope nothing got crushed. )
— Yui opens the basket and serves cake —
Yui: I know it doesn’t look perfect but I’m confident the taste is on your liking. I remembered that you aren’t too fond of very sweet food, therefore I tried avoiding adding marzipan and focus more on the fruits instead. Do you… like it?
Ayato: Haa… there’s no need for those useless explanations. You made that whole cake for me, so yeah, isn’t it obvious that I’d like it?
Yui: Ayato-kun…
— Ayato tastes it —
Ayato: Mm… as expected, it’s good! To be honest, Takoyaki would have been a far superior choice, but I can't deny that the cake Chichinashi made is also quite tasty.
Yui: Fufu, I knew exactly that you were going to say that, so I prepared this for you!
— Yui serves him Takoyaki —
Ayato: Hah!? Are you a magician or somethin’?
Yui: N-not at all! I just know Ayato-kun loves Takoyaki so much that he would eat them everyday, hence they couldn’t miss out on his birthday, right?
Ayato: You…
— Ayato pins her down —
Yui: Eh—?
Ayato: Bet you weren’t prepared for this, were you?
Yui: ( Is he going to suck my blood? )
— Ayato kisses her —
Yui: Nn…!
Ayato: Now I am the one catching you off guard. How does that feel, eh?
Yui: Good…
Ayato: Oh? What happened to “Ayato-kun, that’s so embarrassing!” ?
Yui: I-I mean… it is a bit yet I can’t deny that Ayato-kun’s gentle kisses are the best.
Ayato: Tsk… Why not so cute and honest all the time? Is it ‘cause of my birthday or what now?
Yui: I just felt like it…
( He’s just getting cuter and cuter! )
By the way… there’s one more thing I have to give you.
— Yui starts searching —
Ayato: A photo frame?
Yui: That’s so. I asked the school photographer to take this photo exactly when you scored and brought victory to your team. The happiness you felt in that moment… that’s something I always wish for you to experience.
— Ayato slightly blushes —
Yui: I also tried to decorate the frame myself based on what you like the most b-but if it’s too childish, then I will try to——
( He’s hugging me! )
Ayato: “What you like the most” she said, but how come I don’t see her there too then?
Yui: T-That’s—!
( Was that an indirect confession!? )
Ayato: Pfft… haha, that’s exactly the reaction I expected!
Love you, idiot. You really are the best~!
— Ayato stands up and starts walking away —
Yui: W-Wah—! Hey, d-don’t make fun of me like that!
Ayato: Can’t hear you~! If you wanna tell me something, catch me then!
Yui: You meanie!
— Yui stands up and starts running after him—
Yui: ( I can’t help but feel like a child once again when playing with him like that. It’s such a nostalgic feeling that somehow feels so distant... )
( As we run around the mansion, Ayato-kun is showing me his genuine smile… that’s the face that makes me fall more and more for him each and every day. )
( I love you Ayato-kun, thank you for being born. )
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ghostlspirit · 1 year
|| male!Yandere x gender neutral!reader ||
tw: yander tendencies (but still pretty tame, this is basically how it all started), awkward moments, embarrassment, low-key stalking (?)
Note: My first ever Story/writing!! hope it's not too long! This is the story on how you met Fabian! You can consider this part 1 and maybe there will be multiple more, depending on how this will work out! Hope you're ready for him ;) Oh, and English is not my first language, so sorry for any spelling mistake or errors! Hope you enjoy ~
You met him on the train.
Well...not really "met". You see him there nearly every day while going to work. You both were just strangers taking the train, like everyone else. At first, you didn't even notice him, as it was still pretty early in the morning and you just wanted to listen to your music.
You don't really know when it all started. Looking back at it, it all seems so silly...Was it that one day when you randomly just noticed his sloutched form, barely keeping himself awake in his seat, and you thought "hell yeah, same bro."? Was it that one day when he took the last seat available and you cursed him in your mind? Was it that one day when you awkwardly made too much eye contact with him, because you were still salty for the other day?
Or maybe it was the day when you both sat across from eachother, knees barely touching eachother as you try to keep to yourself in your comfort zone. You notice he does it too, trying to make space so his legs doesn't bump into the stranger sitting across from him. "This dude has way too long legs...". Or maybe it was the day you notice his hair, somehow always styled and nearly sitting on his head. "I wonder what shampoo he uses...I want fluffy hair like that..."
Nonetheless, you notice him more. It's not in a creepy way, you say. You're not attracted to him or anything, you just go to the god-awful place you call work and notice him on your way. It's not like you always notice him, just sometimes when you both take the train. Sometimes he's there, sometimes he isn't. He's still a just some stranger after all.
You bet you're not the only one that does this - I mean, it must be pretty common to compliment somones style in your mind, right? When a stranger has a cool backpack, or an aesthetic outfit, or a really cool hair colour - You just appreciate somones style quietly. Nothing wierd about that. It's not like you judge them - they can wear whatever they want - not your problem.
Maybe you're just too shy, too anxious to say anything or strike a conversation. The mere though of complimenting some stranger you never met out loud is making you cringe in embarrassment. You'd rather down a whole soap bottle than embarrass yourself.
So imagine you, and "Train Guy" (you started calling him like that in your mind), sitting across eachother one morning, and he got that one jacked you always wanted. It looks so new and it fits him perfectly. "He could become a model..." you thought, as you feel a little bit jealous that you don't have the money to spoil yourself like that.
Your glances were noticed by him, to your horror. Well, you were pretty obvious, admiring the jacket and looking at it like some gourmand steaky. He thought you were wierd, he felt a little self conscious under your gaze, honestly. He guessed you know the brand and how expensive it is. Still, he felt your staring is a little rude.
As you met eyes, you both kinda...stare? You have a suprised look, brain probably short circuited because it's still too early and you were just cought red handed. He on the other hand has a kind of glare, also too tired to deal with social interaction, trying to read you with his gaze so you stop staring. Yet you both just have a small... staring contest? You both don't blink. You're freaking out on the inside. "What is this situation??? oh god ohgodohgod- this is so embarrassing-" You look away but still feel his gaze on you. You take out your phone to distract yourself but as you glance back up, you see him still staring. "OHGODOHGOD-"
He notices your flustered state, your red face and how you fiddle with your phone. "ah shit" He thought. "Now i was being rude...god damnit" He let's out a yawn as he finally spares you and starts to be on his phone too. "sorry about that" he apologiesing to you in his mind, hoping he didn't look too intimidating. "they were just looking...oops" he thought to himself, he probably traumatized you.
After a minute, you both accidentally look up and made eye contact again, and simultaneously looked away instantly. You both cursed in your minds as you feel embarrassed with yourselfes. This interaction will haunt you for the rest of the week.
You don't even know if you're ready to face him the next morning, the incident still fresh in your mind. You thought, maybe you should skip the train and take the next, but your boss will probably gut you alive if you arrive late one more time. Sighing, you try to grow a backbone and forget the incident. Surely he doesn't remember?? I mean, you just made eye contact, right?? Just a staring contest that lasted nearly a minute with a stranger on the train, nothing too strange, right??? hahahaha....
"Oh, it's that wierdo again", Fabian notices you. You probably haven't seen him yet, maybe you don't even remember him? "Ah, we're talking the same train...? Have they always been there?" He thought.
You check your phone and change the playlist, something to calm your nerves, while looking up to see the sun barely rising. You absentmindedly glance around the other people waiting on the station, hoping, praying, he's not there.
God must hate you in this life.
You met eyes again, and by dear god you needed a goddamn break. "HE'S HEREEEEEE OH GOOOODDDDD, NOOOOOOOO". It took everything in you to not bolt and jump into the fastest driving car available in that moment. "HE DEFINITELY REMEMBERS AAAAAAA" Your social anxiety screams.
Based on your reaction, Fabian guess you do remember, and you do recognise him. He just hopes you don't start to stare at him again, he'd hate for that to become a habit. Yet you didn't. You did the opposite.
He guesses you're the type of person that holds a grudge, or something like that, as the next few weeks it seems like you go out of your way to avoid him.
Yeah, he did start to notice you every time, and yeah, he did start calling you "wierdo" in his mind. (just like you call him "Train guy") He did kind of judge you, you could say. The way he sometimes stares is as if he's trying to read you. You kind of cougt his interested...
especially after you gave up your seat so two little kids could sit with their mom and play with their stuffed dinosaurs. The mother apologized and wanted to make one kid sit on her lap so you could sit down again, yet you reassured her it was fine, even though Fabian notet you looked pretty exhausted. He nearly wanted to offer his seat, instantly scrapping that idea in his mind.
Another time would be where you absentmindedly trapped your leg to the rythym of the song you were listening to. You were looking at your phone and smiling a little bit, probably looking at something that you enjoy. "You're probably in a good mood, huh?" Fabian noticed that day how your hair was a little messy...and there were bags under your eyes.
There was also times you would meet eyes and you would instantly look away. Did he impact you that much?
It got more bearable after some time, you stopped being petty and anxious. After weeks, you kind of moved on from the incident, trying to just forget about it. You still cringe at the memory, but because of the current workload your boss put on you, you have other things to worry about than the Train Guy. For example: your sleep schedule.
The stress got to you, and after a whole all-nighter, you felt like passing out. You only got about one hour of sleep, involuntarily, as your body gave in. Because of that you were about to miss your train. You sprintet to the station as fast as your body allowed, without throwing up your last meal you had from yesterday. Your heart was racing, your legs hurt and you feel a headache incoming.
Right before you, you see the train, it was right there. But you were too late, as the doors start to close. With the last willpower and strength you could muster in you, mostly driven by fear from the wrath of your boss, you try to still catch it, stop the doors from completely closing so you could still hop on.
You didn't made it, but Fabian did, as he held his arm to the doors so the sensor activates and opens up again. The train was stuffed, but you didn't care as you hopped on, taking a much needed breath, and giving the strange that helped you a quick "thank you". It was stuffy and you could barely freely move, having a backpack right in your face to your right. You move yourself to the left, facing the stranger that helped you, as the doors close.
After a few more breaths, you lean yourself onto the door for stability, trying to not pass out as the headache finally kicks in. You kept your gaze down and stare at the ground. "Wait a minute..."
You recognise those expensive shoes!
You look up slowly, dreading the face of the stranger in front of you. But alas, it's him. Train Guy. In all his glory as he too, looked up and made eye contact with you. You actually never were this close to him. You notice a beauty mark and "Blue eyes..."
You said that out loud, didn't you?
Your brain must be as slow as a snail this morning as you still stare at him wide eyes. He thinks you must be crazy or something. Why must you be so cursed? This is the worst morning in your life.
"N-Nothing!" you choke out after a few moments. You look like a mess. And feel like one too. What's even worse is that you got nowhere to hide. "sorry..." is all you could muster.
After your apology he takes in your appearance. He gives you a whole one over before contemplating his choices. You look terrible, to put it midly. You definitely saw better days. He noticed this week, day after day, you seem to be more stressed, more messy. Its not his business though, never was and never will be. So why....
"Are you...okay?"
So why did he ask?
You look up again, even more suprised than before. In Fabian's eyes, you look like a fish right now. Your brain is turning it's gears as you blink multiple times at him. "Is he.. striking conversation?? Seriously?"
"Uh...uhm- Huh?"
"Are you okay?"
He repeats himself, fully doubeling down. He's committed to this, huh?
"Uh...yeah...?" You gulp, wanting this to end, desperately. You're definitely not prepared for this right now.
"Are you sure?"
"God, please spare me!" your mind screams. Why does he care? Do you really look that terrible?? You could cry to be honest.
"...Yeah...? Uh- just...just stressed, I guess? uhm..."
He narrows his gaze as he takes your whole appearance in again. You look down yourself, hoping you didn't accidentally go out in your underwear. Nope, just the same outfit as yesterday.
The train stops at another stop and you go out the door, making space and waiting outside so people can leave. As the last person exists, people start going in the train again. It's a little less crowded, but you still end up in front of Train Guy. Fate really hates you. Atleast you got more space?
There's a silence between you two. You're not really sure if he's gonna say anything again or if you should say something. Is the conversation over? What even was that? After a few moments, you take a breath and collected you last pice of sanity. "If he can play this game, so can I"
"...What about you...?"
"How...Uhm-How are you? Are you okay?"
Now he's the one flabbergasted, looking at you wide eyed. In your eyes, he looks like a fish right now. Fabian honestly didn't expect you to ask that. He's stunned for a moment, furrowing his brows. "...You care? While looking like...this?"
"Uh- yeah, I guess. Just a little tired."
He gave you a small, confused, and awkward smile. You notice his beauty mark again. You gave him a small, exhausted smile in return, trying to strike the final blow to the painful conversation.
"Glad to hear... And uh, thank you again, for keeping the doors open. And for... asking."
You could say you gave up at this point, giving him a genuine smile while thanking him. Your shoulder relax, as you headache slowly leaves. Only your legs are hurting now, besides maybe your pride.
Fabian feels his worlds move a little slower while looking at you smile. His breath catches in his throat, as he notices how the morning sun wraps around your messy clothes, hair and face, giving you a slight glow, and making you look less terrible than before. "Wow...that smile suits you"
"Y-You're... welcome..."
He can't help but smile too, feeling proud of himself. He hopes he made your day a little bit better. After a nod, you start too look out the window in the door, finally letting yourself rest. Fabian kind of doesn't want to look away, yet he forces himself, as he looks out too, trying to find something to distract him from the strange feelings growing in his stomach.
"Maybe you aren't such a wierdo after all..." he thinks, stealing another glance at you.
Part 1 done! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Trust me, this is only the beginning. If you want more, feel free to say so! I would love to make more if people enjoyed this! Have a nice day now!
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