#it’s just an opinion
cocozydiaries · 1 month
guys pls pls pls
i genuinely need people to realise that when they shift they will be the person they scripted.
when you shift you will live out those experiences and they will shape you out to be the person you are in that reality. that person is actually you
there’s nothing inherently wrong with scripting you had a specific sort of life that’s nothing like your own now. big or small chances idc but istg sm shifters make ocs instead of an actual person
but for a second think about it. is that smth you actually, genuinely, whole heartedly want for urself?
ur drself ≠ an oc
decided to edit this and add some more
why do some people talk about their drselves like it’s someone else and why do some people post stuff about them like they’re a character😭 like pookie that’s you😃😄😃 you know that right?
maybe it helps people figure out stuff ig? idk but i always talk about me like im talking about me? IDK if ur the kinds person who does this pls explain☹️ i would like a more rounded view on things pls and thxs
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pipinghawtcocoa · 2 months
seriously guys: why do I feel like there are absolutely zero mikey oriented stories?? it’s always “leo this” and “donnie that” and don’t get me wrong, they’re cool asf come ON—
like no hate to anyone, but when I’m searching for fics to read, i see no mikey stuff?? There’s a crazy amount of potential with him for a story and NOBODY is seeing it?? HUH??? like casey literally said he was the greatest mystic warrior that EVER LIVED and yo ass out here telling me that’s not the best prompt you’ve ever heard? Leo said he was a, and i QUOTE “badass mystic warrior”, like, he said that to nobody else. maybe I’m reaching on that one but hear me OUT—
Leo didn’t even USE his powers for the entirety of the beginning of the Rise movie, and there were plenty of times where leo could slice open a portal but nooooooo, he didn’t. So why is nobody asking??? Hm??? HM???? Just me?? Just me picking up on le vibes?? Le questiones??? NOBODY ELSE thinks there might be a reason why, idk, Mikey could use his powers but Leo couldn’t???HELLO??? Knock knock??? Mikey literally opened a whole ass portal (repeat: PORTAL, smth that’s supposed to be LEO’S thing) through time and space and you don’t think he could rival some godly power or, better yet, be a target of some higher power?? We’re just going to ignore the fact that he could very well be on his way to nirvana?? No?? NO?? Y’all just gonna close your ears and go “NUH UH??” is that how it’s gon be??? HM??? IS IT??? OK, OK! I SEE HOW IT IS! F*cking FIGHT me in the comments you—*aggressively pulls hair your hair bc girl fight idk ive never been in one*
in short
we should all write more mikey stuff bc he’s cool and actually has hair
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sylkhi · 8 months
Rukia and Byakuya having the most beautiful bankai like,,, okay Kuchiki family
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fox-guardian · 8 months
"maybe if i dress more boring i'll get gendered correctly by strangers" that's the devil talking
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nubs-mbee · 4 months
The people against bows becoming a trendy fashion accessory has annoyed me sooo much lately. Saw a tiktok that was like “if you get uncomfortable with us saying wearing bows infantilizes women and supports the patriarchy, it just means you’re uncomfortable with us pointing out you’ve been engaging in a harmful trend/behavior 😌” aaaaaAAAAAAH people online are allergic to nuance
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sunshinem0ths · 2 months
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club meshis
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abracadaze · 2 years
i feel so bad for nikola tesla like imagine spending years beefing with a guy who has conned the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and you end up dying broke and starving and alone and then 100 years later another guy cons the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and he's doing it all IN YOUR NAME. he must be rolling in his grave like a fucking rotisserie chicken
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notherpuppet · 30 days
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Ball is (after)life *badum tsk* 🥁
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rubyleaf · 2 years
You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.
Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…
…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Just saw a TikTok complaining about ‘kitten’ as a pet name in fanfiction and while I do agree with/understand their discomfort on that one the comments were FULL of people mentioning all the other common pet names ?? Like honey babe baby sweetheart etc ?? Is your partner just supposed to call you by your name the whole time ????????
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emilyaxford · 7 months
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cali · 8 months
i hate motherfuckers who base their whole personality on the sum experience of their formative years + the people they mostly interact with + some key impactful events in life + a small amount of traits they were just born with + their current interests and some other stuff probably. so fucking annoying...
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stuckinapril · 3 months
don't stress about that opportunity that fell through or that friend you lost or that thing you really want to happen but isn't. as long as you keep your chin up and try try try again, better things will replace your losses. i'm looking at my life rn and actually marveling at how every single thing i stressed about, whether it be an opportunity or a person, got supplanted w another thing that is so much better. it really is true that loss makes space for better things. these days i don't get sad when something doesn't work out. i get excited that i'm now open to so many other possibilities out there, so long as i actively seek them. you never lack. you just transition.
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sporesgalaxy · 25 days
i shouldnt be at the club i should be at a monastery. illuminating texts and shit
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kiisaes · 3 months
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momma's boy
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robiniswriting · 5 months
never trust a doctor who fan to tell you which episodes of doctor who to watch because I just saw someone on my dash say that absolutely nothing consequential happened during the eleventh doctor’s run. ive seen people say that twelve’s last season was low quality. they’ve said that nine’s season is good, but you don’t really need to see it to understand what’s going on. someone suggested that ten is overrated and totally out of character for the doctor and his first two seasons are worth skipping so you don’t have to see any romance nonsense. tons of people think thirteen’s has no redeeming qualities whatsoever and should be written off entirely. trust no one. you gotta take matters into your own hands. godspeed
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