#it’s not somewhere I thought I’d be but I’m beyond happy
bunny-rambles · 2 years
congrats on 500 followers! thats amazing!!! i still remember finding you and your blog during your 200 follower event and it really doesn’t feel like it was a long time ago lmaoo
also im sorry about how you’ve been feeling recently :(((
often people do just want content and to not care about the people behind it BUT you are 100% allowed to share and vent your feelings because its your blog and you should feel free to do what you want
anyways just saying hi and congrats but also :((( because tumblr is horribly hard on its writers and I understand. i used to have a bunch of writing blogs and then abandoned them. now im getting back into it again it still kinda is an ‘ouch’ when notes are low, even when you want to not care about them.
recently i was working on this scara fic and i really liked it, and personally thought it was like a pretty good piece of work that i had done and then when i posted it, it totally flopped :(((
i was kinda :(((( for a few days but kept checking and only after maybe a week or two it got 30 notes. everything else i did which was like 2 other things got around 200 notes but this one?? nope. ok sorry im making things about me now lmao ANYWAYS my point is that im sorry about how you’re feeling, it is completely valid!!! hope you feel better soon, and if you need to take a break then pls do so <333
(sending you some donuts, if you like donuts??) 🍩🍩🍩
- king
King, dearest !!
How’s my royal anon doing?
Yeah, it’s,,, it’s been a little while since then. I’ll be holding an event I think when I’m at 550 or 600 so look out for that.
Still haven’t gotten around to completing all of the 200 event requests (including yours T^T - still very thankful you’re being patient for that) so I want to complete those before I start another.
It’s been increasingly difficult to get notes if I’m being honest, and I can’t tell if it’s because the quality of my writing is dropping or if I’m just not interesting or good enough. But then I see it happening to other creators. And then I wonder if this isn’t just a ‘me’ thing, but rather just a lack of notes for everyone in the community.
If you wrote a Scara fic recently, then I’m sure regardless of numbers, it was wonderful. Please don’t see notes as numbers of worth like I did, or the enjoyment of writing gets sucked out of it. And that’s when the real problem starts, when you have no fun or joy for the pieces that you create. That’s a lot more difficult to break out of than just low note counts. I’m sure you’re a fantastic writer, and I’m happy I inspired you to come back into a craft you enjoy <3 that is one of my greatest honours of being a content creator here.
Other than that, thank you. I’m still coming to terms about whether what I feel is valid, but quite a few people have said that I shouldn’t feel selfish for feeling emotions. I’m trying to come to terms with that, but it’s still nice to hear again.
I think I’m okay, I don’t think I need a break per se, just need to break out of the mindset of ‘notes and followers are more important than my pieces’ which I should’ve never even considered. It’s fine if I just reached 500, while some have reached it in the first month. It just means my content hasn’t reached both the audience needed and it’s full potential. I just need to keep working at it, and only see the notes and followers as a plus.
I’m feeling a little better, thank you <3 and ooooh of course, I love donuts !! Here’s some cookies for you friend !! 🍪🍪🍪
0 notes
tragedybunny · 8 months
Dance With Me Under the Diamonds, See Me Like Breath in the Cold - Astarion x F!Reader
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I've been waiting to write this for some time. I'm absolutely thrilled with it and I hope you think it's beautiful.
Reader and Astarion have come a long way since that meeting on the beach. They've made it all the way to their wedding.
“Where in the hells is Gale?” Astarion fusses while fidgeting with the brocade crimson overcoat he’s wearing. “That man is always late.”
“He’ll be here Love,” you give him a small kiss on his cheek and take his hand, trying your best to keep things calm. "He's not even actually late yet."
“Still haven’t found patience to be a virtue I see,” Shadowheart strolls over to the two of you where you wait under an arbor of night-blooming jasmine, her arm hooked in Lae’zel’s.
“Would you expect any different,” Lae’zel adds a wide smile to her words, an attempt to make it clear she’s joking. The Githyanki has certainly seen her share of change since you met her, really hadn’t you all though?
“While I’m glad you two have finally developed a sense of humor, I’d rather not be the subject of it.” You can feel his agitation rising and it’s your turn to silently plead with the universe for Gale to hurry up.
“Perhaps he’s nervous,” Lae’zel turns to her partner, pretending Astarion isn’t right there fuming.
“I am not!” Before he gets any more worked up, they both pull the pair of you into a sudden embrace, leaving Astarion stuttering and you trying not to giggle at his expense.
“Congratulations you two, we’ll go mingle and pray for Gale’s safety if he’s any later,” The two of them join arms again and make their way back over to the crowd greeting an enthusiastic Mol and her gang of children that’s expanded beyond just the original tieflings. They’re becoming quite the criminal enterprise. There are so many people here, lives you’ve both touched. Originally you’d planned to just stay at your little house for the event, but when more requests to attend kept coming, you had to choose somewhere else. Duke Ravenguard had graciously offered you private use of Bloomridge Park.
“You are nervous, aren’t you,” you whisper mischievously and watch him try to hide it.
“Of course not, I managed to convince you to come this far, now it’s all formality,” your heart skips a beat when he smiles, the tips of fangs peeking out from under his lip. Smiles like that were all too rare when you first met him.
“I don’t recall needing much convincing.” Truthfully, you don’t remember what had brought the subject up, but Astarion had reminded you that it wasn’t a point, legally speaking, as neither of you technically existed.
“It doesn’t have to be in an official record anywhere, it’s just a promise we would make to one another. And we do know the perfect Cleric for a nighttime ceremony.” The way he’d just stood there for a moment you thought you'd said something wrong. Perhaps it was bringing up a Cleric and making it a sworn oath, he didn’t exactly have any love for religion. But then he was dropping to his knees, taking your hands in his, and begging you to be his wife. It was appropriately dramatic for him. And now, here you were, gathered with friends and found family, waiting on a late wizard.
“Brother!” Beside you, Astarion braces and a pale figure collides with him, embracing him tightly
“Hello Dal,” he gingerly returns her hug, as you notice Aurelia remaining a respectful distance behind them. “It’s good to see the both of you too,” he nods in Aurelia’s direction. His relationship with his “siblings” is complicated, but the horror they shared bonds them, and some of them have tried to make a family out of what is left to them. Dalyria seems to be the most persistent, she even had the two of you come visit their home in the Underdark.
“I’m so happy for you Astarion,” she finally releases him but leaves a hand on his arm fondly. “You’ll have to come visit again. I’ll even make Petras promise to behave.”
There’s turmoil in him only you can see, he would love to forget about anything that reminds him of Cazador, but the sisterly love Dal tries to give him is something he’s missed in his life. “At least it will be safer for him that way.”
“Stop,” she smiles and gives him a peck on the cheek. “We’ll talk more later.” As she walks away, Aurelia gives a stiff wave.
“His time is up, he's de-” A flash of light interrupts and when it fades two figures are standing amongst the crowd, a wizard you know well and one you briefly met.
“Sorry for the wait,” Gale begins awkwardly, trying to ignore Astarion’s considerable glare, “we were occupied in a bit of an undertaking…”
“But I am sure you will find the reasons most acceptable,” Elminster takes over, giving your floundering friend a reprieve.
Another flash of light as two more figures appear and you can't believe your eyes. Your heart leaps and you shout inadvertently. "Karlach! Wyll!" Without a second thought, you launch yourself at both of them, Astarion following along more reservedly.
"Steady on there, Soldier," Karlach pulls you into a smothering hug.
"How," you ask, smoothing the cream lace of your dress as she lets you go, still stunned she's outside Avernus without exploding.
"Wizards," Wyll smiles, glancing at Gale and Elminster. "We had to find a way back, there's no way we'd miss this."
"It won't hold forever, but we think we've got a way I can come back for visits. Until we get something permanent. Good news is Zariel's seemed distracted by something lately."
"I suppose overall this is an appropriate excuse for being late," Astarion finally relents.
"Aww, come on Fangs, don't be sour, it's your wedding." Karlach has a wicked gleam in her eye.
"Do not," but it's too late, the tiefling picks him up in a crushing hug. "I missed you too Karlach."
Tears suddenly start to form in your eyes, seeing them all together again, it was something you feared might never be. Wyll gives Asatrion a less brutal greeting and you turn to Elminster. "Thank you. You will stay right," it's the least you can do.
"Gale has assured me there are to be many culinary delights after, and of course, I've never seen a vampire spawn get married. So I believe I shall."
"Ah. I see Father made it," Wyll waves to Duke Ravengaurd who had been waiting a respectful distance away. "Best go see him, we'll catch up more after."
"You both better save a dance for me," Karlach calls over her shoulder, taking his arm, and kissing his temple.
"Tell me you have them," Astarion has fixed his attention back on Gale, and you rush to his side before he can begin another tirade.
"Worried I would eat them?" Gale has recovered himself from Astarion’s initial onslaught and is smiling brightly.
"Yes," your beloved is still in no mood for jokes.
"Honestly Astarion," you give him a look.
"Ugh, fine, I'll calm down. Once he hands them over." You're lost as to what Gale has that's so important considering the occasion.
"Never change my friend," he laughs and pulls a small box from a pocket on his robes and opens it gently. Inside there are two gold rings with small red stones set in them, you can feel the hum of magic in them.
“Sending Stones?” You glance at Astarion as he takes the box from Gale.
For a moment he seems almost shy about it. “I thought it would be nice if we were always able to speak to each other, no matter what. I know it’s not feasible to never be separated.” The two of you had spent almost every moment of the last couple of years in each other’s presence, but as Astarion continued to heal, he seemed more comfortable with time spent apart.
“You’re adorable, you know that,” your lips brush the tip of his nose, the gift is an incredibly sweet sentiment, and you’re so proud of how far he’s come.
Under the right circumstances, vampires actually can blush. “I..” he starts, sounding like he’s going to grouse about something, probably being called adorable in front of everyone, but stops. “I don’t know if I’ll ever understand why you think that my Love, after everything I’ve done.”
You reach up to brush his cheek and run a finger through his curls. “That wasn’t who you really are.”
“I take it, we're ready.” Isobel joins you under the arbor, eyes already fixed on the moon above, and you both nod in response. “Then let us begin,” her voice carries to the crowd and silence falls. “We come here, under Our Lady’s Light, to bless this couple and sanctify their bond.”
You honestly don’t remember many of Isobel’s words after that as Astarion takes your hand and you get lost in his soft, crimson eyes. Maybe it’s a bit terrible of you to ask Selune’s blessing and then not pay attention, but you think she can understand. “The rings,” Isobel prompts and Astarion retrieves them from his pocket, opening them so the Cleric can bless them. “May the Moonmaiden’s light ever guide your hearts toward each other.” A nearly imperceptible mote of silver light seems to land on them and lends the jewels in them an unearthly glow.
Astarion tenderly picks one up as you proffer your finger. Isobel had agreed to let you both speak your own vows, as long as they didn’t directly offend any of Selune’s teachings. You’d reassured Astarion every step of the way that you didn’t need it to be a sworn oath in front of clergy, but he’d oddly insisted, saying he wanted to swear himself to you to the fullest. “As long as it’s Isobel though, she’s the only trustworthy one.” Shadowheart was still figuring out how much religion she wanted in her life, though it seemed Selune was patient as she continued to have a Cleric's gifts.
The ring slips on your finger perfectly and your heart stutters, your vision getting watery again. You do the same for him in turn and you both entwine your hands, speaking in unison. “Unto thee, I vow, mine heart and home, mine life and love, for now, and all seasons. Let me never from thy side be parted, and unto thee, no evil do. Until, at last, my life shall leave me, this my beloved, is my pledge to you. So I do swear.”
“And so sworn before our Lady, I do pronounce thee wed.” The crowd behind you applauds, and you can barely see Astarion through the tears.
Lae’zel and Karlach are shouting raucously, “Kiss! Kiss!”
You start to lean forward and notice his eyes are just as wet as yours. “Hells, why did I agree to do this in public,” he laughs, dabbing his cheeks with the cuff of his sleeve.
“You couldn’t miss being the center of attention,” your laugh is lost in a happy sob. “Damn it, kiss me before I pass out or something.”
Softly, he pulls you in, lips finding yours. The chaste peck turns deeper, giving the crowd what they want judging by the noise. But then something unexpected happens, there’s the tinkle of mischievous laughter, as though a woman stands near to you. A voice that’s both honey-sweet but radiating power whispers in your ear, “congratulations my dear child,” and you feel a surge of fae-touched magic, reminding you of that day you took a different oath.
The kiss breaks and Astarion is staring at you, surprise clearing away his tears. “I know you.”
Everything goes numb in the rush of terror that follows, he’d learned some of who you were before the Nautiloid, but there was much still to tell. “Astarion I’m so-”
A slender finger is pressed to your lips. “Hush Love, tomorrow. And it changes nothing, I still love you with all my unbeating heart. Now let’s indulge everyone since they came all this way to celebrate us.”
The night is full of feasting, drinking, song, and dancing. The two of you mingle with old friends and those whom you met only briefly, the scents of a delectable feast wafting through the air. When the music starts, you share a waltz under the night sky, Astarion holding you close and whispering in your ear, “love you Sunlight.”
True to her word, Karlach insists on a dance with both of you, surprising you with her talent for it. “I’ve been teaching her,” Wyll looks over at her and Astarion lovingly from where he’s dancing with you. “Once you find a safe place to rest, Avernus can be a bit boring.”
You stumble across Lae’zel, angrily giving gold to Mol and her crew. “She lost a bet,” Mol says proudly.
“Oh really, and what sort of scam bet did you get her to agree to, my favorite tiny criminal” Astarion asks fondly. Mol comes to visit you sometimes and you’ve decided you’d rather not know what he’s been teaching her.
“She thought you might light on fire as soon as it got religious,” Mol laughs and scampers off.
Astarion pinches the bridge of his nose. “You’ve seen me in temples before.”
“Chk, but never swearing an oath.”
“She has a point,” you nudge him playfully.
“Oh you are going to pay for that later,” he leans in to nip at your neck, causing you to shiver.
Dawn nears much too soon and you can see some of his happiness evaporating. There still was no solution you’d found to let him live in the light. “We should go,” you whisper in his ear, “what’s a wedding without the wedding bed?” Ever so lightly, you let your tongue brush against his ear, a spot of divine torment for him you’ve found, and listen as he gasps softly.
“Indeed my Love,” his mood revives and the two of you make your good-byes, your friends having promised to clean up the aftermath of the night. A young woman you think you recognize passes you an open bottle of wine on the way out of the park, “a gift from summer’s best,” she says and it fills you with a strange sensation for a moment before Astarion’s mouth is on yours again.
Your house isn’t far from Bloomridge and the two of you stroll the streets in a blissful, dreamy state, wrapped in each other’s arms, sharing drinks from the wine that tastes of sweet berries and summer rains. Lights dance in the morning mists and everything feels transcendtly perfect as you ascend the steps to your home. Astarion pins against your front door, kissing you hungrily and letting his hands wander your body. “My wife,” he breathes against your skin as his lips travel down your neck.
Heat sparks inside you, ravenous for him. “My husband,” you sigh, lost in your love for him.
556 notes · View notes
reveluving · 5 months
mother knows best ; phillip graves x reader x jeff sadecki
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summary: mama knows love when she sees one. or three. 
warnings: mostly Phil & Jeff’s mom’s POV, mentions of angst (teen!Jeff cheating but not on you, family fights, parents passing away), very tiny allusions to s~mut (minors DNI!), loads of fluff towards the end, Mama Denise is yours and her boys’ number one fan 🩷
a/n: thought I’d use this chance to write this after this ask! this is based on this lil' post! I know Jeff’s mom is named Linda but this is about him and Phil, a.k.a. my mind, so say hello to Mama Denise! pls don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» interested in more of the series? find it here & here!
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Denise Baker has always been a sweet lady. The epitome of a Southern’s hospitality. Married twice, first to a man named Danny Sadecki, then the second being Tom Graves after Danny passed away. They were good people. The best, feeling grateful each day for giving her the best gifts a hopeful mother could ever ask for. 
Two amazing boys. 
Keeping their last names rather than changing them to her maiden name was instinctive. At a one-year-plus age gap, Phil took after his mother’s Southern twang whereas Jeff followed his stepfather’s general American accent. They grew to be one happy family, and the brothers, despite their differences in interests and personality, would fight tooth and nail for one another.
But since Tom’s passing, the boys have been less lively, and understandably so. No matter how well they hid their sadness behind innocent smiles each time their mother was in the room, she could see right through them. She didn’t know what she did to earn such sweet boys, always attentive to their Mama at a young age, but she had always hoped to see the fire in them return someday.
That was until they met you. 
You and Phil were the same age, just beginning middle school with his brother somewhere a little further from the Bakers’ than the town’s high school.
The brothers had been waiting for their mother to pick them up when you slid next to Phil in the waiting chair. It was raining cats and dogs in Wiskayok, so you had to squeeze yourself into the bus stop to avoid getting drenched.
“Sorry,” You squeaked with a guilty smile when your shoulders touched.
Phil was beyond the age of believing in cooties, plus, he and Jeff were a mama’s boy, and she didn’t raise a woman (girl?)-hater. 
“S’okay.” His smile was half-hearted, a little miffed that he couldn’t get to the stand in time when it began raining, and at this point, Jeff had noticed your sudden presence. They’ve seen you before, especially Phil. You always sat in front of him in class, mostly seen with full of life and blinding smile with a missing tooth. 
“Your mom’s coming late, too?” Phil knew he didn’t have to make the conversation any longer than he’d like, but he had no reason to do that with you. You were so… nice, and yet, so respectful. Always giving him a wave instead of barging into his personal space bubble like a lot of his classmates did.
Plus, his mother was already thirty minutes late, what was there to lose?
“Yeah. My brother and I have been waitin’ for a lil’ while,” He replied with a shrug, pausing for a second before asking, “You?”
“Yeah, same,” You responded, though more lighthearted than he was, kicking your feet as you looked at the road, “It’s okay, though. Mom’s always busy. They’re probably tired. So long I’m not alone here, I’m not scared to wait for my mom.”
There you go, with your smile again. Phil couldn’t help but smile back, it was tiny but you could see the slight quirk of his lips. Jeff, too, found your positivity infectious and had been listening.
He had joined in on the conversation moments after. It was fairly light, with Jeff doing most of the talking, but that didn’t mean Phil wasn’t listening and chiming in once in a while. It wasn’t until fifteen minutes later when Denise came, rushing over to her boys with an umbrella and endless apologies. 
You were ready to say goodbye to the two and resume waiting on your own when Denise approached you with a motherly look. 
“Hi, darlin,” She crouched in front of you, with Jeff and Phil at a perfect height as they stood under her umbrella, “I’m Denise, Jeffrey and Phillip’s mama. What’s your name?”
You were a lot shyer with her, considering she was an adult, but you trusted her enough with your name since you kinda knew his youngest. 
“That’s a beautiful name,” Even with the heavy rain, her soft-spoken voice was hard to miss, “D’you know when y’mama will come pick you up?”
You shook your head, telling her that with your mother working at a busy cafe, it could vary. And like you told the boys, you were alright with waiting rather than daring to walk home since the bus stop was always full. Still, Denise, ever the kind-hearted woman, offered to drive you to your mother’s workplace. 
Denise understood that you were wary and good on you for being careful, but to her surprise, Jeff and Phil were nice enough to reassure you. And whether you agreed because of their mother’s gentleness, Jeff’s natural talent to make you feel comfortable with all three of them or even the hint of promise in Phil’s eyes that everything was going to be fine, Denise was glad you did. 
Your mother was extremely thankful, even offered to pay for their lunch for their next visit, but Denise refused and with the two becoming fast friends just as you were with Jeff and Phil, the rest was history.
Though, high school was… eventful, to say the least. While the two of you remained close, almost joined at the hip, you and Phil sometimes preferred backing off as Jeff’s popularity grew. Not that Jeff’s behaviour changed with the two of you, he was still the dorky, good-willed boy you knew.  
Although you and Phil may have fought a little with Jeff when he told you about his cheating on Jackie with Shauna. He broke up with Jackie soon after, but his decision to stay with Shauna may or may not have affected your friendship. You and his brother weren’t too keen on the idea of their own friend/brother being a cheater after all. 
Jeff especially hated it when it rocked what the two of you had. He was dumb enough to think ending up with Shauna or Jackie would make him forget his interest in you, and surprise surprise, it didn’t. The three of you stayed close friends, though he promised never to bring up about Shauna around you or Phil at all.
And then, high school ended. 
Phil’s decision to leave town for the Marines was not only the biggest shock to the neighbourhood but especially to his own family. Not that he didn’t have the means to be one, if anything, his mother and brother knew he’d be one of, if not, the best ones out there. He just never expressed his interest in military work at all. 
Throughout their years as a family, Mama had never seen the two fight so badly until Jeff discovered that Phil had been considering leaving Wiskayok, leaving their mother after they both finished community college. Though their fall-out didn’t last long, no more than two weeks, especially when their mother expressed her worries and sadness over their rocky relationship. 
Plus, Jeff didn’t want what strong bond he had with his brother to end just like that. He cared for his brother too much, and in their moment of vulnerability, he apologized for not doing more in their high school years. When some of his peers saw his little brother as his shadow rather than a person. Phil insisted that he barely cared about them, even flat out said they weren’t necessarily his friends unless it had to do anything with football. 
They hugged it out, and Mama was over the moon. Suddenly, the thought of Phil leaving for the military wasn’t as difficult, knowing that her boys were still going to keep in touch, and on a high note, no less.
He spent his last month in Wiskayok with you and your mother with the most mundane of things. 
But oh, how Mama’s emotions dipped when you, too, left shortly after your mother passed away. 
She couldn’t put it past you for doing so. How could she, when you’ve been nothing but an angel? A one in a million and she’d be damned if she convinced you to stay like a bird in a cage. As much as she and Jeff would love to, insisting that there was something for you in town, but just like with Phil, they didn’t. It was far too selfish of them, and you had so much potential. 
And as thankful as Mama was to have Jeff by her side at all times, there was someone else.
Shauna never sat right with her, no matter how far she was ‘willing’ to go to get to know her future mother-in-law better. Though the smile she brought out of Jeff was nowhere near as big or as wholesome as he was with you, there was a hint of guilt for feeling the way she did. Hoping you’d end up with one of her sons. 
But she wasn’t the only one thinking as such, but Jeff felt that he had lost his chance when you left.
So, he carried himself again to be a better person, especially when he truly believed Shauna was the one, much to his mother’s disbelief. Hell, she’d seen bigger smiles from him when he was with that Jackie girl before they broke up.
But her boy was insistent. 
Maybe, for once, her mother’s intuitions were wrong. 
And as the days went by, the possibility of Jeff putting a ring on Shauna grew higher, Mama did her best to accept her as her own. The two were civil at best, and no doubt that was enough for the two. 
But the years grew dull for the Sadeckis, and the second Jeff came knocking on his mother’s door at two in the morning, his wife not in sight, she knew she should’ve done more to stop what they had. 
It began with petty arguments, with Jeff being the one apologizing to Shauna, despite knowing she was in the wrong or if she began the fight in the first place. Then it became quarrels, something about her nonexistent book club when in reality, she had been meeting up with a man named Adam. 
Each time Mama received a call from her eldest, telling her that he and his wife ‘needed space’, she’d cook up a nice meal and make sure his old room was ready with the amenities he needed.
If it weren’t for Jeff’s attempts to calm his mother down, telling her it wasn’t worth the trouble, she would’ve marched down to Shauna’s front door and knocked some sense into her with a rolling pin. How dare she point her finger at Jeff, attempting to invalidate her own faults by saying it was him who cheated first during their years of marriage, thus, giving her the green light to do the same. 
Although yes, Jeff has done it once, when he cheated on Jackie, he regretted it. Immensely, especially seeing the disappointment in his mother’s face. Oh, how he apologized to her like he had committed the biggest sin of all, and frankly, he did. And though his mother was dismayed by his dishonesty, she knew when any of her boys truly regretted something.
Boy, never has he wished for things to turn out differently and still, he wanted to work things out, when he tried to show his mother what he saw in Shauna.
And she did, but she didn’t see what she or Jeff hoped she’d saw. The final straw was when his wife—his ex-wife disrespected his mother in her own house. He had given her many chances, forgiving her more times than he could count, but he could not stand for her raising her voice at his beloved mother. 
Denise had every right to feel grateful when the divorce happened, but that didn't mean she openly celebrated it in front of her son. But Phil was different, even went as far as having a congratulatory gift sent to their doorstep since he was still on duty. Despite knowing his brother was rolling in dough with his line of work, Jeff couldn’t help but gawk at the gifts, much to his mother’s amusement. A set of cashmere sweaters that probably cost anywhere from half to one grand, complete with a few bottles of fragrances and even one of the finest reds to commemorate the moment. Plus, a personalized rose-gold bracelet for Mama because why wouldn’t he want to spoil her at any given chance?
And though he and his mother did enjoy a few sips after moving back into the Bakers’ house, he couldn’t help but wonder how you were doing.
But he didn’t have to wait for long.
The day you and Phil returned to Wiskayok, standing in front of Mama’s door, she nearly dropped to her knees. Not only has she missed her youngest boy, despite his efforts in calling and texting and visiting in secret each time his deployment ended, but she most certainly missed you, too. It was your first time visiting since the very day you left, after all. Phil didn’t take it to heart when his mother scolded him for not telling her that the two of you were colleagues and maybe were together.
In reality, though, she had a feeling that you were still around. Closer than what you made them believe.
There were days when Phil had a chance to call his mother, and she’d suddenly bring you up. Wondering aloud if you were alright, how life was treating you in God knows where, and somehow, Phil’s confidence in his responses, telling her that he was certain you were doing well, she believed him. Word for word. As if she knew he was with you throughout your journey to find yourself, just like he did.
And she’d be right when the universe reunited you and Phil on the battlefield. When Shadow Company joined forces with 141 and Los Vaqueros, not expecting to find the girl of his dreams amongst the chaos and in those years, you laughed, you smiled, you wept and you released yourself for him and him alone. Finally acknowledging what the two of you were afraid to address as teenagers all those years ago.
Phil couldn’t imagine bringing his walls down for someone other than you and though like with everyone else, he still kept up the proud and almost infuriating act, no one else had the privilege to see the more caring, affectionate side of him except for you.
But Mama wasn't the only one surprised by the revelation.
On the first night of your arrival, Jeff didn't talk much, instead, hanging on to your every word. From the very moment you reached the city alone for the first time, till the very day you carried yourself into your team and reunited with Phil. How you even remembered the gifts you were meaning to give him and their mother in the middle of the conversation. And as the night fell, you insisted on booking a hotel not far from the neighbourhood.
Oh, how Mama has missed the old days when she'd tell you to stay over, making sure to call your mother about your whereabouts. While she wouldn’t dream of replacing your mother, it was understandable how her attentiveness for you has skyrocketed, now that she knew you and his son were coming over much more often. 
Still, she had conditions, eyeing Phil with a knowing look before telling him that you’d be staying in the guestroom. Still spick and span for hopeful days like these. Phil's cheeky smile was worth a thousand words, knowing his mother had caught on to what type of little games the two of you played. Her eye-roll was good-natured, even letting out a hearty laugh when she caught the embarrassed look on your face.
Throughout your stay, she saw how your relationship with Phil blossomed, and how the more-than-friendly feelings between you and Jeff were beginning to rekindle. How her sons’ true emotions—their true colours were showing in that same very house as it always did, as if nothing had changed. Mama knew there was something more to the loving looks they’d give you whenever you looked away.
And when she saw the three of you hanging out and sitting close in the backyard patio, watching the stars and laughing over a stupid stunt one of them had done as kids, she knew that you and her boys were going to be A-ok.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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a/n: we love mama denise. ;; gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
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vampirzina · 4 months
Could you do MK11 Fujin and MK1 Syzoth with a reader who has piercings on her tongue and eyebrow?
tw: she/her (but mostly you) pronouns, mdni, sfw (intended), established relationship, hcs, piercings and the like
notes: i didn’t put a header for this just in case. i also had been racking my brain for fujin content after seeing an edit of him w the caption asking for fic content. i’ll think of more ideas later i swear but for now happy happy happy
masterlist : divider credit
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Fujin isn’t a stranger to piercings, at all. He’s seen plenty of them in his time, in all kinds of places—so not the one to judge if she has one either. Fujin finds the piercing on your eyebrow rather cool, having noticed that first about you but doesn’t ask anything about it. But when you stick your tongue playfully out at him once, he can’t help but ask about both of your piercings.
When kisses with Fujin get deep, he tries not to make it obvious that he’s fiddling with your tongue piercing. Not only is it fun, but he loves your reaction when you finally realize. His face is already flushed from the act, but the cheeky smirk he gives you in return makes you playfully huff at him.
Naturally, thoughts wander through Fujin. Though they are mostly innocent, none of them really see the light (carried into the wind rather), out of respect for her, to spare her from the littlest bits of selfishness, and the tiny tiny part of him that fears her response to him—even if it’s not a bad one at all. He rather not play russian roulette with words.
،، ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
Fujin, tangled in the sheets of your shared bed and awaiting you there, watches you at the vanity as you undid your look. You rub the tip of your index over the slightly sore spot of your undone eyebrow piercing, hissing lowly.
Your eyes hurt from today’s work, and all you wanted to do now was just… Rest. You couldn’t not address the white eyes boring into your face, however.
“Before you ask, I’m fine,” you retort, clasping the piercing together. You set it with the rest of your collection. “Just tired.”
“I’d believe you even if you told me that your skin was as colorful as a rainbow, when it is clearly not,” he jested lightly, and you missed the way his eyes flit to your lips. “I was not going to speak. I just wanted to… Look.”
“The right word is stare, I think, but if that’s what you’re doing to me I’ll take it,” you stood, strutting over to the bedside. Before you got in, “You look like you have a question.”
He hummed a bit. Then, “None.”
“You sure?” you lift the very same brow he’d been staring at, getting comfortable beside him, but suddenly your gaze hardens. “Wait, don’t tell me. If we’re getting married, don’t you dare propose right now.”
Fujin gives the heartiest laugh you’ve heard from him yet, leaning down to barrage you with kisses as he gets comfortable with you.
Fujin needs to kiss you at least once a day.
Syzoth doesn’t think anything of it until he really sees it. He notices it when he’s close to her, cuddling into warmth to duck from the cold night. Maybe it’s his wandering mind as he gets tired, but to say he’s intrigued in it in its entirety is a bit of an understatement from him. If anything, he finds that he likes it on her. Of course he asks about it when you wake, and he feels a bit stupid for not asking earlier. Syzoth asks why and how bad it hurt, and that’s about it. If you’re human, he learns something new when you tell him about the commonality of it between humans.
Kissing Syzoth is an experience you couldn’t get over. Unlike Fujin, he doesn’t toy with your tongue piercing on purpose, but he’s going to brush over it a couple times if the kiss gets all that heated. He’s conscious of himself and many things after that, but surprisingly enough, your piercing there makes him feel a little less conscious of his tongue when he kisses you.
Syzoth offers you jewelry for your piercings. He’s sure somewhere in Outworld and beyond there’s those who sell such things, sometimes he even confuses earrings for them. But once he finds the right stuff, it’s nearly impossible for him to not buy up the entire store. He loves to collect the shiniest and prettiest ones he thinks you’ll like, and occasionally the ones he thinks you would look good with. Syzoth comes home with at least a pair of either or once every few weeks.
،، ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
He finds you where he left her—under a tree in the shade from the sun. She sipped the cool drink as she admired the scenery of the place around her.
You’d been wandering with Syzoth through the markets of Outworld for your morning and the better half of your afternoon. Your feet ached, you complained, and being the gentleman Syzoth is carried you here. He said that you’d both go home soon… However, he wasn’t going until he snuffed out the urge by just giving into it.
“About time. I was starting to think you were halfway across the realm. Where’d you run off to?” you squinted in the soft breeze, lips pursing a bit as you watch him fumble with the bag he was trying to give you.
…You look inside.
“I didn’t buy the whole store this time,” Syzoth pouted from her months-old tease. “With the way they were presented to me, they practically begged me to buy them. Not only that, but they were so you-esque. How could you want me to resist?”
“Because I’d like to think you’d want to buy food to eat, Sy,” you joked, holding them in a hand to inspect them. You can see the way he pouts further, if you somehow couldn’t hear him mutter.
“‘M kidding. Do you think that I’m so ungrateful when I was lucky enough to find you?” you immediately follow up to put him at ease. “They’re absolutely gorgeous, Syzoth. Thank you. I’ll try them on when we get home, okay?”
Syzoth, a bit hot in the face now from her flirt, nodded fervently at her. Whether or not she wanted to be carried wasn’t up for debate.
Syzoth scours beaches and caves for beautiful material someone can craft into jewelry for you.
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devildomwriter · 5 months
One Little Thing, A Ring Part IV | Mammon x Reader
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1.1K Words | GN! Reader | CW: Angst
You came home late again that night from work and were surprised to find Mammon already asleep. The past few weeks you’d been working extra hard, Mammon had stayed up for you and offered you a rose he’d stolen from a bouquet somewhere in the house. But tonight he was sprawled out under the covers and his cheek was pink and puffy.
You inspected closely without waking him up and felt the skin had liquid beneath. Using your magic you identified the perpetrator and healed his wound, draining the last bit of magic you had in you for the day.
Not bothering to change out of your old clothes you lifted the blanket and fell asleep next to Mammon.
Mammon was practically comatose but he could sense your presence and his pained face grinned as he snuggled closer to you, head on your chest.
You smiled and held onto him as you drifted into sleep.
Mammon was sad the next day to see you’d left early again. He noticed your slippers by the bedside and began to wonder if you’d actually been there or if he’d dreamed it up.
He pulled out his D.D.D. to call you but you couldn’t answer and he gave up after a few tries and sighed.
He scratched his back and stretched, trying to wake up his body before being put back to work. Despite the cheer of the holiday season, Mammon stayed occupied only with work and didn’t enjoy it as he normally did. All he could focus on was money and this time it was for a good reason. All of this was for you.
Mammon’s brothers had all learned what was happening and dealt with it in their own ways. Lucifer’s way of dealing was to occasionally ensure Mammon had more work to do but he remained at the castle a majority of the day to make sure he wasn’t worked too hard.
His brothers began to randomly appear at the castle and soon after some kind of disaster would occur that they’d never be punished for.
Eventually, Mammon caught on and he wasn’t happy. He put up with a lot of shit from them over thousands of years but he wasn’t having it and called for an intervention.
They didn’t listen to him so Lucifer forced everyone to come together and hear him out. Mammon got a pardon from work so everyone could meet up at an acceptable time of the day.
“Okay, why’d you call us here?” Leviathan asked annoyed and focusing more on his D.D.D.
Mammon growled, “Dammit, you know why. All of ya do!” He pointed his fingers at his brothers.
Asmodeus gasped and placed his hand over his chest. “I’ve done nothing wrong, how could you accuse me!”
Mammon glared at him and Satan nudged Asmo to cool it with the theatrics.
Belphegor rolled his eyes at Mammon’s declaration. “What did you expect?” He hissed, in demon form.
Beelzebub put a hand on Belphegor’s shoulder trying to ease his anger but it was palpable.
“You guys know damn well why I’m working and you’re makin’ it harder what gives!”
Satan glared at Mammon now, “as Belphie said. What did you expect?”
Mammon clenched his fists and his demon form slipped out which surprised his brothers. Mammon didn’t often lose control like the rest of them, even when they beat on him, called his names, or won their money back, Mammon would stay calm. But not now, Mammon was beyond pissed.
Lucifer remained silent, he knew what Mammon was going to say and he knew that Mammon would be right too.
“Do ya realize that by gettin’ in my way, you’re really just gettin’ in ___’s way!”
They froze in silence.
“I get that you’re all mad they didn’t date you instead! I get that cause I’d feel the exact same way! Y’know how pissed I got all those times I thought they were dating one of you! Or when they kissed Lucifer that time he got amnesia!”
Lucifer chuckled and earned hateful glares from each brother.
“Anyways, I get it! But this isn’t about me, it’s about ___! And if you really care about them then you should want them to be happy and like it or not, they’re happy with me! And I’m tryin’ to give them a ring they deserve and I’m doin’ honest work! So quit comin’ into the castle and screwing everything up! It’s not cool and you know that!”
Everyone was silent for a while and Mammon finally tucked away his wings and sat on the couch facing his brothers.
Lucifer finally spoke with a small nod. “I know.” He relented. “You’re right. All of us are making things harder on you.”
“Hey! You don’t speak for me,” Belphegor snapped but Satan shook his head.
“Give it up Belphie. We’re too obvious.” Satan looked Mammon in the eye. “Fine. We’ll stay out of your way and we’ll do it for ___ not for you.”
Asmodeus nodded and Beelzebub looked at the ground.
“But know this,” Satan continued. “I’ll be waiting for the moment you slip up and when that happens I’ll be the one by their side.”
Leviathan set his D.D.D. down and glared, “That goes for me too.”
Everyone agreed and Mammon sighed. “Whatever, that’s not gonna happen so you’re all gonna have to suck it up for ___’s sake. You really think they want you guys trying to ruin their relationship the second you can?”
Satan turned red and Beelzebub blushed in some sense of shame. They wouldn’t admit to it but they still intended to romance you any chance they could get. Similarly to Diavolo, they were hoping that after hundreds or thousands of years with Mammon, polygamy might be on the table.
Mammon knew this and stayed wary of his brothers but took solace in the fact they wouldn’t dare upset you, so his relationship was safe as long as you were happy. That scared him at the same time.
The closer Christmas got the more he panicked. Was he really good enough? Could he really make you happy forever? He couldn’t even make up his mind on a ring because everything looked so damn perfect when you wore it and he couldn’t afford to get them all.
Mammon looked at the calendar one more time before collapsing into your bed, “the twenty-third already…” he sighed and covered his face.
He was so close to eternal happiness but at the same time feared letting you down. Mammon had nightmares that night until you shook him awake.
“Huh! What’s happening!” He shouted with a start, his cheeks stained with dried tears.
“Mammon…” you said in a gentle tone and wrapped your arms around him. “You need to tell me what’s going on.”
Part I • Part II • Part III • Part V
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asahicore · 10 months
hiding in plain sight - sh, js, jy, jw
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pairing. enhypen x gn!reader (sunghoon, jay, jake, jungwon)
genre. fluff, s2l or f2l, headcanons/scenarios
word count. 1.7k
author’s note. after a month of hibernation i give you this instead of any of my planned wips <3 i got inspired by the tiktok trend w this song so credits to whoever started that ig? also dw i’m not a heesunriki hater i just only had ideas for 4 of the mbs lmao and thank u to @zreamy for beta reading without u i’d be dead in a ditch somewhere.. ok have fun reading lmk what u think !!
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You and Sunghoon had known about each other long before you’d met, let alone got together. Well, known about each other might be a bit of an understatement - you both had huge crushes on the other in high school but, of course, had never considered that your feelings might be reciprocated. Sunghoon was the handsome figure skater whose good looks everyone gushed over, but because of his shyness, not many had the privilege of calling him a friend. You, on the other hand, were the captain of your school’s beloved soccer team. and were popular among the student body for your outgoing and friendly personality. You definitely weren’t blind to Sunghoon’s good looks, and you not only admired his grace and elegance on ice but also envied his small friend group and apparent lowkeyness. Little did you know how cool Sunghoon thought you looked leading your team on the field and how he wished he could befriend people as easily as you. Grass is always greener on the other side, as they say, and you and Sunghoon were both jealous and admiring the flowers in the other’s garden. It wasn’t until later that you met again, when you started attending the same sports university. Your roommate was a figure skater and invited you to their Welcome party - even if you and Sunghoon hadn’t known each other well, seeing a familiar face was comforting (especially for him), and so you spent the better part of the evening talking and actually getting to know each other beyond the surface-knowledge impressions you had of the other. You were amazed at how much you shared and how well you got along and you couldn’t help but think what a shame it was that you were finding out about this now, and not years earlier when high school had started. You exchanged contact information at that party, gradually got closer, and the rest is history.
Jay is usually an extremely patient man, but even he gets tired of waiting for you to recognize his feelings for you sometimes. Most of the time, he’s happy to essentially treat you like he’s your boyfriend without the actual label. Cooking you your favorite meals, picking up coffee and a pastry for you in the morning, carrying your bag for you, tucking your hair behind your ear - you name it, he’ll do it. You just think he’s a really sweet and caring friend, while he wonders when you’re going to realize he’s hopelessly in love with you. If you were anyone else, he’d have no problem straight up asking you out, but because you’ve been friends for so long, he’s afraid of making you uncomfortable or of risking your friendship. So he does what any other normal, sane person would do, and decides to become your secret admirer. If he’s too scared to confess his feelings to you, his anonymous alter ego isn’t. Over the next few weeks, he slips love notes or song lyrics that remind him of you in your bag and places snacks on your table before you get to class, all while he gets to watch your reactions and your growing fondness for this “secret” admirer. He’s filled with pride every time a wide smile blooms on your lips as you read his notes, every time he catches you listening to a song recommendation of his, and every time you gush about your admirer or wonder who he is, not knowing he’s right in front of you, looking at you with nothing but affection in his eyes. After a little under a month, he writes a time and place for you to come meet him on the note he sneaks in your bag. The way your expression as your eyes find Jay goes from giddy, to confused, to disbelieving, to giddy again is absolutely priceless, and Jay stands there through your stages of realization, watching you with a wide grin on his lips and a bouquet in his hands. It all makes sense now - his attention to you over the years, the way your secret admirer seemed to know exactly what you liked. After he confesses, you tell him you might need some time to transition from your friendship into a relationship, but let’s be honest, your feelings for him only need mere days to grow - and you now realize that they might have always been there, waiting for you to notice them.
Your first encounter with Jake may be described as ‘right person, wrong time.’ It was halfway through your first year of college - you’d just gotten dumped by your high school boyfriend who you’d been dating for three years and had had to go long-distance with, while Jake had just found out his girlfriend, whom he’d started dating in the first week of college, had been cheating on him basically the whole of their relationship. Let’s just say that when you went to a party organized by the student association of your department, neither of you were in a great place. He’d found you by the counter of the bar that had been rented out, downing a shot of tequila on your lonesome. By that time, you were already so wasted that the memories of him coming up to you, hitting you with some random one-liner and ordering a drink of his own were fuzzy. You’d kept on drinking with him as you told each other about your recent heartbreaks, so you could not at all recollect those moments - but getting into an Uber with him was somewhat clearer. It wasn’t until the next day, when you woke up with a terrible headache naked in his bed, that you realized what you’d done. Jake was still completely passed out, and you managed to dress and slip out of his room without waking him up. Thankfully, you were part of a big department in a big university, so you only very scarcely ran into each other after that. Having no classes and barely any friends in common meant that the only times you saw him after your one-night stand were from afar at the library or at a club every now and then. You’d exchange a quick hi, maybe some small talk, but nothing more than that. You did wonder about him sometimes - what it’d have been like if you hadn’t met when your mutual breakups weren’t so fresh, what might’ve happened had you not left so sneakily in the morning, how he’d react if you approached him once more and actually talked to him. Then, in your third year, not only do you share a class, but your professor also partners you up for the whole semester. It doesn’t take long for you to realize that you and Jake have more in common than having gone through a bad breakup in your first year of university, and you hit it off. You really hit it off. He makes you laugh, and he takes the uni work you have to do seriously, and obviously, he’s very good-looking. A few dates later, you realize how thankful you are for meeting the right person again - and now at the right time, too.
Had luck been on your side, you and Jungwon could have fallen in love much earlier than you did. You’d met at the Arts & Crafts club of your university, of all places. Between assignments, attending class, having a decent social life, and worrying about the amount of instant ramen you’d consumed that week, activities like scrapbooking or knitting were a welcome addition to your life. It let you turn your mind off for a while and just focus on making something pretty, or at least fun, for a while. When you found out your university had a club for it, you immediately joined - you’d have access to more supplies and could befriend people with the same hobby as you. Your first time there, your eyes immediately settled on a broad-shouldered boy at the end of the table that seemed very focused on gluing bits of paper to a beat-up notebook. What caught your attention was how familiar he looked - not like you met a long time ago, but like you’d seen him around a few times. You’re not sure what it is, all you know is that you find yourself walking across the room and taking the seat right in front of him. He looks up as you sit down, and his dimpled smile immediately makes your heart skip a beat. That first day, you just make small talk, asking the other about their courses and showing each other your progress on whatever art you’re crafting. But now that you know him, it feels like you see him everywhere - in the campus café, at the library, in line at the grocery store, it’s like you can’t escape him anymore. Not that you’d want to, anyway. You’re always happy to run into him, but the best part is that he seems to feel the same way, if his wave and wide grin upon seeing you are anything to go by. On one of those days where you randomly run into each other, he grabs his courage with two hands and asks you if you’d like to get coffee with him - you accept right away, of course. It’s this rainy afternoon, as you sit in a cozy café with a warm cappuccino in your hands, that you find out why Jungwon had looked so familiar the first day. You had lived in the same town, one where it was unlikely you’d know everyone but possible to run into anyone, had attended the same middle school, and even when he’d moved away for high school, you’d kept mutual friends, which meant that you had attended the same wild parties of more than sixty people. You’d lived in the same uni dorm in your first year, so you’d probably seen each other in the laundry room or during fire alarm tests. Even crazier, your parents had had the same vacation spot for years, and when you were fifteen you’d actually been there at the same time. You searched through your gallery and found pictures taken at the same place, mere hours apart. And yet, it was only at the Arts and Crafts club that you finally met. If you didn’t believe in soulmates before, meeting Jungwon had surely convinced you of the opposite.
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permanent taglist: @zreamy @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 @chaechae-23 @baekhyuns-lipchain @hyuckslvr (ask to be removed/added!)
© asahicore on Tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs always appreciated!
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wandasaura · 3 months
have you considered doing a rough patch part? Like maybe when school starts up again the women get busy with work, so much so they almost fall out.
Wanda’s in the office well beyond hours and Natasha’s constantly off doing overnights somewhere else. R would come over, find it empty and wait for hours before giving up and going back to campus to study / sleep. Whenever they’re home for R to see they are still working, it would be a big case for even them. In a low space the R just assumes the contract is kinda over.
So she stops coming by, and reaching out at all. Most of her days are spent in her dorm sobbing and failing. Then on day Natasha gets an email from an old friend, R’s professor, who mentions that R failed the recent midterm and that they were not sure why she was so down but that they would have no problem allowing R a retake. The mention sends the lawyer(s) in a spiral of confusion / guilt / repentance. Happy ending of course.
I’m not sure if this fits your cannon fic dynamic but I just thought I’d share my thoughts, angst and all lol.
˚⋆。°౨ৎ nonnie… i wanna kiss your brain and offer you therapy in the same breath. jotting it down ✍🏼 ౨ৎ °。⋆˚
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c o m f o r t
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c o m f o r t
Sirius has just left home, and regulus isn't handling it well. He and hufflepuff!reader are still developing their friendship, but he comes to her in his time if need
warning and such:
- sx is mentioned in passing , not proofread, written at 3am
Regulus has always just “blended in.” He wouldn’t dare be caught at the center of attention; even being in the foreground was pushing his limits of comfortability. He and Sirius couldn’t be more opposite, but that was the only comparison I would ever make between the two Blacks. 
It wasn’t a secret that the most noble and ancient house of black was nothing shy of cruel and torturous, and the boys dealt with it on polar opposite ends of the spectrum. I have the privilege of knowing them both for who they are, I know first hand that they couldn’t be any more different, and yet still so similar. 
I would like to say that I have gotten “somewhere” with Regulus. The boy who once wouldn’t make eye contact or hold a conversation, will now sit down and study with me. He can manage small talk during meals, and I’ve even seen him laugh when we’re alone. I’ve grown fond of him, but I know better than to push.
So I’m content to exist and let him seek me out. I tell myself that being there, should he need a buffer between him and himself, I’d be happy to play the part. 
Regulus had seemed quiet, more on edge the last few days than I had ever seen him. Rumors spread, and I knew first hand, that Sirius had left home, with no intention of returning. I couldn’t imagine being in the same house, alone, with Walburga and Orion Black. I had met them only once, and that was more than enough to last me in this lifetime and next! Regulus tried to assure everyone who pushed on the subject that he was “fine” and wouldn’t let the conversation continue beyond that. 
I saw right through his charade and knew that he was in fact much less than ‘fine,’ probably the furthest from it, but again, I bit my tongue and tried not to push. I didn’t want to feel as though I was walking on eggshells around him, that he was so fragile he could break with one wrong look, but it was impossible to continue life as if it was “just another day.”
To compensate, I made more of an effort to keep Regulus from being alone. I stayed up later to study in the common room. I got up earlier. I made excuses to pass him in the hallways when I knew he would be wondering about the castle. Anything I could think of, so long as it didn’t border on stalking. I had never been more relieved that I didn’t need much sleep to function, and I did the same for Sirius, of course I did, but I worried about him less. His friends were far more open about being supportive and available. 
It was Sunday, and we only had a few more days before break started and we would be gone for a week. I heard soft knocking on my door, so soft I almost thought I had dreamt it. But it continued, never amplifying. I peered at the clock on the table beside me, it was barely 6am. I stretched, throwing the covers off to the side and stumbled across the cold floor. I opened my door, squinting at the light that poured through the big windows. There, a few feet down the hall and turning back to face my door, was Regulus. 
He was dressed down, a white t-shirt, sweatpants and black socks. For a boy who didn’t wear anything that wasn’t tailored before I met him, I would call this progress. His curls were hanging loosely in front of his face, his eyes were red and puffy, and his whole body showed evidence of his lack of sleep. He tried to smile as he crept slowly back towards my door.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I was already awake,” I smiled, trying to hide a yawn. I pushed my door open further, inviting him in. “Allez, parle-moi.”
Regulus didn’t say anything about my speaking French, though it was normally something that would excite him. I sat on the edge of my unmade bed and watched as he nervously looked around, scratching the back of his arm. This wasn’t the first time he’s been in here, the first time we’ve been alone together, or the first time he’s come to me at odd hours, but there was definitely something going on in that beautiful mind of his. 
“Regulus, are-”
“You don’t have to call me that,” He sighed. 
“I’ll call you anything you want me to call you, love. Reg? Reggie?”
He smiled at ‘Reggie,” nodding quietly,  but the excitement seemed to fade just as quickly as it appeared, and I could see tears brimming in his eyes. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down to sit on the bed beside me, my arm staying on the small of his back, his head resting, reluctantly at first, on my shoulder.
“I know what you’re doing,” he started, trying to collect himself as he spoke. “I see you everywhere I go.”
“Reggie, I’m sorry. I just-” 
“Thank you.” He sobbed. 
I didn’t know whether to feel pride or guilt, so I settled on sympathy. I don’t know how long this had been brewing inside of him, perhaps a few days, perhaps since the night Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor. However long, I was content to sit and comfort him for twice as long. I didn’t press, I just let him let it out. 
Eventually, he stopped and tried to compose himself, rubbing his cheeks quickly and sniffling a few more times. 
“Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”
“Of course not,”
I gestured to the door at the other end of the room, and watched as he disappeared behind it. I could hear the tap running and took a minute to wave my wand around the room, tidying up and making the bed. 
I was pulling a jumper on as he reemerged. 
“I should go. Y/n, I’m sorry again I shouldn’t-”
“Come here,” I smiled, climbing up to the head of my bed, leaving plenty of room for company. I didn’t know what to expect from Reggie, I’ve never known him to be intimate, or otherwise share a bed with anyone before. Why should I be any different?
“I don’t want to take up any more of your time-”
“I’m not asking you to have sex with me Reggie,” I chuckled, patting the bed beside me. “Come sit, let’s talk.”
He hesitated, but sat anyway.
We talked. We talked about school, Reggie's favorite classes, the potions and charms he was working on outside of class. We talked about Barty and Evan and the nonsense they get themselves into.... This was the most I had ever heard him talk, more than all the other times in the last 3 years combined, and so, rather quickly, we ran out of things to talk about, without talking about the elephant in the room. 
“How is he?” Reg eventually asked, playing with a loose thread on my pillowcase. He was laying on his stomach beside me. 
“He’s surviving. Having a go around with James on the daily.” Reg chuckled. “He’s safe, Reggie. He’s worried about you though, he feels guilty for ‘leaving you behind.’”
I watched as the smile dropped from his lips and he buried his face in the pillow, trying to hide the tears that began to fall again. I scooched down next to him, draping an arm over his hips as I began to rub his back again.
“Can you hear me?” He nodded, but didn’t look up.
“Reggie, no one should have to endure what you and Sirius had to. There’s no love in that house. No hope, no admiration, no family. It was only ever you and your brother, and I can’t imagine what it’s like now that he’s gone, but you need to understand that what happened, it’s not your fault!” 
He turned his head, arms still tucked under himself, curls covering his face. I rubbed his knuckles, pulling his arm from his chest and putting it behind my back. His breathing hitched, nerves and unease settling in his body. My fingers danced up his bare arm and across his shoulder. I smiled at him, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, letting my fingers linger in his curls a moment longer than necessary. He closed his eyes again, sighing heavily as he relaxed into my touch. 
I repeated the motion, tucking strand after strand of hair behind his ear, until all the pieces were nestled back into place. My fingers trailed back down his shoulders and to his arm, my nails dragging the skin causing goosebumps at the gentle touch. Regulus smiled, but didn’t open his eyes. He felt for my hand and returned it to his head. 
I carded my fingers through his curls, scratching lightly at the back of his head and repeating affirmations with every pass. 
“You are strong.”
“You are brave.”
“You are smart.”
“You are loved” Regulus shuttered. 
“You are loyal.”
“You are kind.”
“You are careful.”
“You are loved.” Regulus shuttered again, gripping the fabric of my jumper tightly.
“You are gentle.”
“You are confident.”
“You are safe.”
“You are loved.” 
I repeated this, over and over again, each time the word love was mentioned, Regulus pulled himself closer to me. I couldn’t tell if it was embarrassment, or if he was trying to hide himself from the word, as if the word itself was cursed.
Eventually, the shuttering was replaced with heavy breathing, and I resolved to believe that Reg was asleep. I sighed happily to myself, content that he felt at peace, safe enough to sleep. The feeling was overwhelming, and I too found myself beginning to nod off, still tugging lightly on his hair as he slept.
When I woke, Reg was still asleep, though his death grip on my jumper was gone, his cold fingers lay delicately on the bare skin of my stomach, his head on my chest. I stirred quietly, trying not to wake him. I kissed the top of his head, smiling at the realization that, despite knowing he most definitely had been awake at some point, he stayed.
I glanced at the clock and laughed to myself; we had slept for nearly 10 hours. Dinner would be starting soon, and the common room outside was coming to life. (Rather, it had been alive for hours now, but this was the first I was hearing of it.) I reached for my wand, drawing the blinds slightly, silenced the world outside my door, and summoned my book.
I read for about an hour before the boy beside me stated to come to life. He gripped me tightly as he stretched. I kissed his head again, and smiled as he groaned contently.
“Wait a minute,” 
“Hmm?” Regulus let go of me entirely and quickly, looking up at me as his hair began to fall in his face again.
“How did you get in here this morning?!” 
He looked at me, nervous for a moment, before we both dissolved into a fit of laughter. 
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moodymisty · 9 months
hey! Just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your works! I’ve joined tumblr to put in a request, hope I’m doing this right lol. I was wondering if you’d have any headcanons for tech x female jedi general reader? It’s purely self indulgent for my self insert oc, lmao. But I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on how tech would be in a relationship with a general. Thanks so much!
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: You're doing just fine, and welcome to tumblr! It's a mess but it's ours. I love self indulgent OC's so hopefully these little HCs of mine (and a little drabble because it was cute) will tickle your fancy.
Relationships: Tech/Gn!Jedi General!Reader (it just so happened I wrote it without any specific pronouns used)
Warnings: None, unless you consider clone/jedi relationships something to warn about?
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Tech would at first, probably be a little bit at odds with a Jedi; Not in a hostile way, but his very '1+1=2, logic is superior' sort of brain competes with someone who trusts in something so vague as the Force. He doesn't enjoy the lack of concrete answers when it comes to the Jedi.
It's an even more prevalent if you're the 99's official Jedi general.
Tech and the Batch are already grappling with the feelings of finally being shackled with a Jedi, after having avoided it for so long. They didn't feel like a Jedi would fit in their squad, no matter how you might be. It's not the easiest hurdle to jump for sure, especially with Tech.
He's cold at first; You can tell he's displeased by your presence, but is attempting to be amicable. It's when you try your best to mold into their group rather than change them, when Tech ends up realizing that maybe this wasn't as bad as he thought.
You both find a common ground, and Tech even comes to enjoy the more historical side of Jedi teachings, even if he doesn't really get all of it.
He often times finds himself tinkering in the same area you're meditating in; He finds it relaxing in a way he can't explain. He makes sure to be quiet and not disturb you.
But it's actually Tech that's the one to make a move in upgrading your relationship, surprisingly enough- once he realizes his own feelings for you go far beyond how his brothers think of you.
He's extremely blunt; He enjoys spending time with you and would like more, but he knows that clones aren't exactly the pick of the litter. You vehemently reassure him that you'd love nothing more. It's not as if he's the only one who's feelings had been morphing over time, as you'd very much grown to enjoy being around him.
I think that Tech would be the least likely, besides Wrecker, to treat you being a Jedi as a 'big deal' in a relationship. Hunter and Echo would probably hesitate due to a fear of chain of command issues and Echo being used to Jedi more, while Crosshair has a sort attitude towards everyone including Jedi. Tech knows that the Kaminoans cannot find out, but beyond that, you being a Jedi is nothing intimidating to him.
If you ever gave him permission, he would love to tinker with your lightsaber(s). Acts of service are Tech's way of showing he likes someone, and to improve something that means so much to you would make Tech extremely happy. He also would love to see the inner-workings of something so integral to the Jedi order. Lightsabers aren't exactly something you get to mess with every day.
Has a spare robe of yours he wears uses as a blanket sometimes. He got yanked at the collar by Hunter once, when he was wearing it and almost left their barracks without realizing.
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You can hear out far to your left, outside the shell of the Marauder, that someone is working on one of the LA-AT's with a high powered drill. Someone else is pulling a fuel hose across the hanger, as it drags across the ground with a consistent, sliding noise. Somewhere else is the yelling of a captain disciplining his troopers. It all fades to the background relatively quickly. The metal of the Marauder is cool beneath you, piercing the rough fabric of your robes.
There isn't much room in here to meditate, especially without any interruption, but the Batch and you have come to a sort of solution. There may not be much space between the cockpit seats, but it's enough, and you can seal the door if you need an extra bit of quiet.
It works. If anything, you've come to enjoy it. There's a familiarity about it. In the way that the Jedi temple has a comfortable feeling of home, as does the Marauder.
Something small and metal hits the ground; A screw, you think. Judging by the way it bounces a few times before it starts to roll across the floor. You pay it no mind, palms shifting ever so slightly as they rest on your thighs. The sudden sound took you out of your meditation for a moment and the noises outside the ship came flooding back into focus, but soon enough you manage to slowly push them out again. Back to a state of peace, each sound being filtered and muffled as if dunked in water as you once again fade away into-
You open one eye, looking up to your left and watching him look over the arm of his seat trying to spot where his tool went.
It hit your foot, and so you open both eyes and grab it- with a grunt getting up from your cross legged position and handing it to him. Once you do, both of your hands rest on the arm of the seat to support yourself.
"Don't worry about it. I'm not going to get anywhere with this noise anyways." His eyebrows raise behind his goggles and with both hands gripping his current project, he makes a motion as if going to get up from his seat.
"I could do my work elsewhere, if you require complete sile-" You quickly lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek, close enough that your lips brush against the corner of his mouth.
"It's not you. The noise in the hanger keeps throwing me off." Tech looks out the side viewport to see a groups of clones working on various starships, and he notes how loud the sounds actually are. He's just gotten used to it, he guesses. He's slept in far louder places.
"I like having you here when I meditate, actually." You see the way his eyes light up a bit, both from the loving nature of what you'd said, and the curiosity of wanting to know why.
"It's nice knowing you're here. And ok." You reach up and adjust the light on the side of his goggles so it isn't pointing upwards. Tech doesn't seem to even notice that you doing so.
"Nothing is going to happen on a Republic base," He says, before taking note of the way you roll your eyes at him.
"I know, I just like the feeling." You squeeze his hand that's holding his screwdriver, and while he can't hold yours back, you note the way his eyes watch the gesture keenly.
"Once I finish this, I can promise you complete silence." You smile before he kisses you on the lips, feeling the way you gently sigh against them.
"Take your time. I'm just going to watch."
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Bake it 'til you make it
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PAIRING | Chris Evans x Best Friend!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Chris pulled a horrible stunt in the karaoke bar and you're not sure if you're ready to forgive him quite yet. After a few days of personal space, you come back, and for a little while it seems like nothing ever happened, but that quickly changed when the two of you were done baking together.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Break up via voicemail, the need of some personal space, Chris is a mess in this one, and later he is the good old flirty Chris again. Oh, and brownies. Lots of brownies.
A/N | This one shot is part of my Baker's Dozen AU, but can be read as part of the story, or a standalone one shot! 🖤
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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It is still hard to comprehend, on one hand, Chris just admitted his feelings towards you that go beyond just friendship, but on the other hand, Chris admitted he has feelings for you that go beyond friendship. You’re not sure how you feel about this, and you just left everyone behind at the bar where you were hanging out with your colleagues, and your boyfriend Jessie. “Jessie! Oh, shit!” you say to yourself as you’ve come back to your senses a little bit. You were still standing on the side of the abandoned road you stopped at earlier because your emotions were running high, and you couldn’t take it anymore.
Your phone was still somewhere on the bottom of your purse after you had thrown it in there when you left to go to the bar with Chris. You left so abruptly that you didn’t give anyone a chance to follow you, and now you had to face the consequences. You dug it out of your purse and it had been blown up with countless calls and messages from all your colleagues, but you had only one missed call you cared about most right now, Jessie’s. He left you a voicemail and your fingers quickly tapped the button to listen to it.
When you heard his broken voice on the other side, your heart broke into a million little pieces. He didn’t have to tell you what happened, you could hear it in his voice, and it tore your insides apart, like knives were stabbing you and twisting constantly. And that’s when he told you the one thing you didn’t know you needed to hear.
“Hi, Y/N. It’s me, Jessie. Obviously,” he says and he chuckles a little despite the sadness laced through his voice. “I wanted to say I’m sorry for what happened tonight, even though it’s not mine or your fault, it still sucks. Chris sucks, honestly. But I think you deserve to be with him more than with me, I’m sure he can give you all the things I’d never be able to. I’ve seen the way you look at each other, and I see a love between the two of you that I know goes deeper than I ever could love you. Go for him, Y/N, you deserve to be happy with him. I love you, but I’m not the right guy for you, he is. Just promise me that you will still be friends with me because I can’t live without you in my life,”.
And with that, the line cuts off. Leaving you alone on the side of the road. Literally. Even though Jessie just broke up with you through a voicemail, it still didn't hurt as much as you had thought. You lowered your phone from your ear and rested your head against the steering wheel as you let out a few stray tears. Suddenly you got another phone call, and this time it was Chris. For a few seconds, you debate whether or not to pick it up, and you ultimately decide to do it. ''Hi,'' you say, your voice hoarse from crying and screaming your lungs out earlier. ''Muffin, where are you? Are you okay?'' he blurts out, clearly not expecting you to pick up the phone.
''I-I don't know. I'm okay, but I think I'm going to sleep at a hotel for a few nights, I need to have some space and get my thoughts in order,'' you sigh, needing to be away from him for a little while. You can just ask a friend for some clothes or get some from the store, it would be fine. You can't be around Chris right now, and this seems like the best option so you just go for it. ''Alright, I love you, Muffin. Can't wait to have you back here,'' he says, the defeat very apparent in his voice. ''I love you, Cupcake,'' you say with a small smile, even though he can't see it. ''Love you too, Muffin,'' he replies and you hang up.
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Your stay in the hotel has been nothing short of wonderful, but you can't stay away from Chris forever. After 5 days in the hotel, you check out and walk back to your car, your dirty clothing in a bag your friend Jess brought over the first day. During the drive back to your shared apartment you're holding the steering wheel of your car so tight your knuckles have turned completely white at the force. You haven't slept well, but at the very least your nights were better than Chris' nights. He stayed up late every night and got up early every morning in the hope he would see you again, but the two of you only saw each other during classes.
During said classes, you haven't talked to him, although it was not for his lack of trying. ''Chris, don't,'' is the most you have said during those five days and even though you miss your best friend, you find it hard to forgive him for the stunt he pulled in the karaoke bar. You have been hanging out with other classmates and paired up with them when necessary, but you couldn't help but steal some glances at Chris now and again. Right now you were kind of glad to go home again, to sleep in your bed, to wear your clothes. To bake in your kitchen.
You park your car in its designated spot in the garage, get out to grab your bag, and head up to the apartment. The elevator ride is short since you only live on the 3rd floor of the building, but your heart beats faster every time you take a step towards your door. You fish the keys out of your purse and unlock the door, the sight in front of you even worse than you could have imagined. Chris was asleep on the couch, and he looked even worse than he did the days you saw him during your classes, and you got extremely worried all of a sudden. You drop your bags and quickly walk over to where he's laying on the couch.
''Chris, please wake up. It's me, Y/N,'' you say and you gently shake him awake. He slowly opens his eyes only to look directly into the ones he's been so desperately wanting to see. You're back, and he couldn't be happier right now. ''Muffin...'' he says before quickly sitting up and pulling - or more manhandling at this point - you onto his lap in a tight embrace. His face is nuzzled into your hair as he takes in deep whiffs of the smell of shampoo and conditioner you've used. Your arms wrap around him and you pull yourself tighter into his embrace, not wanting to let him go just yet. Suddenly, you feel bad for the way you treated him, the way you left him behind.
Tears are escaping from your eyes, and suddenly you hear Chris sniffle too. ''Cupcake, I'm so sorry for leaving the way I did. I didn't mean for it to get this far. I'm glad I had some time to think, but right now all I want is to bake something, with you. Would you be willing to help me?'' you ask in a soft voice, and he nods. ''I'd love that, Muffin,'' he says and the two of you sit like that for a little while longer. ''Alright, but you need to take a shower first, otherwise I won't let you anywhere near the kitchen!'' you joke and he laughs, a deep rumbling laugh from deep within, which warms you from the inside out.
''Okay, but only because you're asking nicely,'' he says and he loosens the grip on your waist, so you can get up and he can go take his shower. You head up to your room too, so you can get changed into a more comfortable outfit too, before doing your laundry and cleaning the apartment. When Chris is done he walks down the stairs in a pair of black jogging pants and a band shirt, his hair still wet but his complexion looking a lot better now that he has a bit of a red flush on his cheeks from the heat of the shower.
''Muffin, I'm so sorry-,'' he starts but you cut him off. ''I don't want to talk about that now. Right now, I just want to bake together, and not think about anything else. Right now, I need some uninterrupted Cupcake time,'' you say and a big smile appears on his face. ''Alright, what did you have in mind today?'' he asks. ''Caramel brownies, what else?!'' you answer and Chris just shakes his head with a chuckle. ''Should've known!'' he says before pulling you in for a hug, and you happily reciprocate, but not without a little teasing. Your hands slide under his shirt and onto his back, but he lets out a gasp and steps back when he feels your ice-cold hands on his skin.
''What was that for?!'' he exclaims and you double over from laughing so hard, it hurts your stomach. He can't stay mad at you and he laughs too, heading towards the kitchen and getting the ingredients ready. When you're putting the ingredients for the mix into your mixing bowl, Chris comes to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against his chest. His head just leans on yours as the two of you sway to the music he turned on earlier, and you feel like nothing ever changed. But you know full well it has, but you're not quite ready to face that reality just yet.
Chris is making another batch of brownies, but he makes a twist on the traditional brownies recipe by making cookie dough brownies instead, which are one of his favorites. Yours are already in the oven, and by the time yours are done and cooling, Chris is finishing his batch too, letting them cool alongside yours. You're standing with your back against the kitchen counter, leaning on it as you're watching Chris working with a concentrated face, he always looks cute when he's focused on his baking. ''Alright, all done!'' he says when the finishing touch is done and they're complete.
Chris turns around and looks at you with a loving smile on his face. ''Thank you for doing this, I haven't laughed this hard in a while,'' he says as he makes his way over to you. His hands find their places next to yours on the edge of the counter and your breath hitches as he's getting closer. His face is coming closer to yours, and when your lips almost brush each other he asks, ''So, are we finally going to talk about what I did?'' before pulling away and leaving you standing there unable to move. He is well aware of the effect he had on you just now, and couldn't help but smirk as he saw you standing there, biting your lip, trying to comprehend what happened just a few seconds ago.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Is it ever revealed what Gortash got out of trading Karlach to Zariel? I’d assume it would be related to some sort of mechanical know-how he’s an artificer in my heart even if the game doesn’t really have that class option but also. My hc is that it’s directly related to him becoming Bane’s Chosen. The gods were picking their Chosen around this time, I think, and it would make sense that betraying a subordinate that trusts you with their life to a miserable existence of serving a tyrannical hell queen, in exchange for ambition serving power, would make Bane very happy. I could just be behind on my game lore, but I’m less familiar with how Gortash came around to Bane worship than I am with Durge/Orin (though those are rather obvious) and Ketheric.
Now that I’m typing this, I’m also confused about the mindflayer colony underneath Moonrise. How long has it been there? Did the Dead Three Chosen put it there intentionally, or was it just there and the Dead Three had a lightbulb moment? “Fellas, I know we’ve been plotting this world domination thing, and it’s just occurred to me that Shar has a guy whose house is overrun with Mindflayers. Should I dig him up?” -Myrkul in the groupchat
The fact that the Emperor/Balduran went there and was turned into a mindflayer really really muddies the timeline for me. Honestly, making the Emperor Balduran fucks up a lot of things, lore wise.
I'm pretty sure it's said somewhere that he got the schematics for the infernal engines, such as those in her chest, which he used to build the Steel Watchers. Not sure if that's in my head though. I don't think the game ever mentioned how Gortash converted to Bane, and information we might find on it isn't exactly reliable because the man's autobiographical notes are out of sync with other in-game information we find on the chosen, so anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt as half-truths and self-PR.
I don't think the colony has been directly under Moonrise for very long, though if you overlaid a map of Faerûn and the Lowerdark they might be in similar spots geographically (10-ish miles away, vertically).
Illithid primarily live in the Lowerdark; 10+ miles beneath the earth in conditions that are utterly inhospitable to most forms of life, including humanoids, half-way into the Shadowfell, in a lot of places, and would largely traumatise you beyond functioning if it didn't kill you. Small outposts occur in the Middledark, 3-10 miles down. You can find illithid in the Upperdark (extending from between the surface and the Middledark), but this region is mostly a trading zone, not really inhabited by the Underdark races in a settlement capacity. It's also the layer from which slave-taking raids are sent, which might account for Balduran. Maybe.
So the illithid colony moving into the Upperdark and building a colony directly under Moonrise is kinda weird. I guess there are some really good sea caves under that building because illithids hate the surface and the sun so much.
In a divine capacity, illithid are Ilsensine's domain, the Dead Three don't have a lot of sway here (and mind flayers don't often go in for religion - especially not for the gods of thralls.) If any of the Three had the idea to use mind flayers though, I'd expect it to be Bane (they're closest to his domain in theme).
I have genuinely no idea what's happening here, I don't think this much thought went into it. I would assume it works like this: Gortash and Durge eventually settled on "mind flayers" during the world domination brainstorming sessions (before or after acquiring the Crown of Karsus, who can say... Who even told them that existed, again? Was it mentioned in some texts somewhere? Were the Dead Three aware of it (Bhaal being Netherse, Bane having worked there)) And then they'd have to go deep beneath the earth - possibly all the way into the Lowerdark - somehow not die to a million hazards, get into an illithid city without dying or being enslaved, and then convince an Elder Brain to join the plan. Then the colony starts climbing upwards, as per the plan, and migrates to the Upperdark under Moonrise. Being situated over the sea, sea caves down there might provide a suitable environment for them (they need damn, dark, briny caves).
"Suprirse! Balduran is your mind flayer "ally"!" does feel a bit thrown in.
I'm still a bit surprised by the decision to make Balduran an elf, which could be canon to be fair, I've never seen anything on the guy, but I have always pictured him as human considering his namesake city is very much a human Tethyrian/Chondathan settlement. The elves were more populous back then, but the settlement was founded by humans and they very much do dominate and have for a while.
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demondwellersword · 1 year
holding on to our little moment, i’ll never forget it as long as i live.
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vash the stampede x gn!reader
warnings: angst, takes place before the end of trigun stampede but may contain mild spoilers
notes: (the title is actually lyrics from stay with me (mayonaka no door) by miki matsubara. i thought it was a good fit for the fic.) i’m out to hurt my feelings with this one tonight y’all
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Home was not a place to Vash the Stampede, it was a person.
No matter where he ran you were always right there beside him, and it was a fact he allowed himself to take solace in. But fear was an ever present nip at Vash’s heels—fear that he would run somewhere you couldn’t follow, fear that Nai would take you away from him too. So Vash made a compromise: you could stay, but you could never know. Because as long as you never knew that Vash loved you, no one could hurt you, right?
But you saw it differently. You saw it as Vash pushing you away every time you got too close, always keeping you at arm’s length. You guessed you were only ever meant to be a companion, something a little better at conversation than a dog. The pain of it stabbed at you if you thought about it too long; the exact same way that it did tonight.
You had set up your tent but couldn’t sleep, the pallet beside you as empty as ever. You’d been tossing and turning to no avail, always just as awake as you had been five minutes ago. You sighed and pulled on your jacket, shivering against the cold breeze that rolled through the tent when you opened the flap.
You could see Vash sitting on one of the small dunes nearby, staring off into the distance. You chewed at your lip. A question burned in the back of your mind, leaving behind footprints in the sand as it led you to where Vash sat. You eased yourself into the sand, dusting it off your hands as you settled into place.
“Do you even want me with you anymore?” You blurted out, watching Vash startle and scramble to refute your question.
“What? Of course not! Why would you ever think something like that, (Name)?”
“Every time I try to get to know you beyond the most basic information you always blow me off with some half assed answer.” You huff out a breath, pulling your knees up toward your chest. “You always introduce me to people as your friend, but I barely know you, Vash.”
Vash turned his gaze away from you, looking down at the hands that rested on his knees through the space between them. “You’re right. And I’m sorry for that. But…it’s for your own good.”
Tears pricked at your eyes. “For my own good?! Vash, we’ve been traveling together for over a year now! I’ve been shot at, stabbed, damn near blown up, and you think I can’t handle knowing something as simple as your last name?”
“Don’t have one.”
You were too mad for this to give you true pause, but it did cause a quizzical look to pass over your face. “I’d rather know you don’t want me around than to stay here and pretend like you do! You seem like you’d be much happier without me here, so just go ahead and tell me to leave!”
Vash kept on looking out into the distance, his turquoise eyes slowly shutting as he softly uttered, “I don’t deserve to be happy. And I shouldn’t be keeping you from being happy either.”
You felt as if you’d been gutted. All you could do was stare at Vash, swallowing back tears with all your might. “You….you can’t mean that.”
“It’s true. Because of me you’re going to have to leave too. I just…don’t want it to be because you got killed. I couldn’t live knowing I could’ve stopped it.”
Vash finally turned to look at you, his tears glittering like stars in the pale blue moonlight. “I can’t lose you, (Name). I…I love you.”
You couldn’t hold your tears back any longer. You sobbed into the silent night, the full impact of Vash’s words hitting you at once. You didn’t know what Vash was really running from, and you doubted you ever would, but you knew now more than ever that you were going to keep on running with him. As long as it took, as fast as your legs could carry you. You’d be there. And when the time came to finally face it, you’d be there too. You had to be. Because you loved Vash too, and no force on any planet could change that.
“I’ve been so scared of how things would end, I never really let them start,” Vash admitted, “but I can’t keep running forever. Not from this, at least.”
You reached over and took Vash’s hand in yours.
“I’m real sorry I put you through all of this. You didn’t deserve it.”
“Thank you, Vash.”
“Do you still want to keep going with me? I understand if you don’t.”
You shifted closer to Vash and rested your head on his shoulder, enveloping yourself in the scent of gunpowder and metal that always lingered on him. “I never want to leave you, Vash. Not if I can help it, at least.”
Vash leaned his head against yours, a soft smile stretching across his face. Maybe it was okay, letting you in. Maybe it would all blow up in his face someday, but he hoped you’d still make it out with him to the other side. He vowed then and there that he would always protect you, and that you would be the one thing Knives couldn’t take away.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
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caffernnn · 11 months
I don’t remember if we’ve talked about this yet, but I’ve been thinking about how much Haru starts to work through some of the harder-to process emotions weighing him down in his dreams (not fully, but in useful bits and pieces). This has popped up throughout the series, but becomes even more prevalent heading into FS2, and it’s made me think about a possible dream I wish we could’ve seen heavily inspired by this moment in Moana.
Over and over again, Haru returns to his late grandmother’s words about becoming ordinary, both in relation to how he understands his position in the world (within his community, amongst his friends/family, later on with his teams and fans, etc etc) and where he’d like to be — will he accept becoming “ordinary,” whatever that has come to mean to him, or will his ambitions lead him to not go gentle into that good night? FS2’s way of addressing these central questions aside (don’t even get me started) what I think would’ve been impactful and neat to see is Haru revisiting that old quote/idea with her in his line of sight in a dream. This could go many ways (and I’d love to see someone else’s take with this as a prompt of sorts), but here’s one of my initial visions of how it could play out:
Haru, sitting outside of his home in Iwatobi, looking down like he’s contemplating something, like the answer might be lying in the grass. A weathered outstretched hand coming into view at the edge of his vision, familiar enough to make him look up at a face even here (in this nebulous moment outside of time) he knows he’s missed for quite awhile. She doesn’t speak, simply smiles at him, as Haru asks quiet questions. “Where are you taking me?”
Answers are not said, but they come to Haru anyway. Forward.
“Toward… what, getting older? More tomorrows where I’m tired and lost?”
Some, maybe.
“You made it all look easy. Becoming older, becoming ordinary.”
“I thought… I thought the hard part of finding a dream was over. I thought I made peace enough with the eyes on me to make it all hurt less until I eventually, I don’t know, arrived at the right moment to fade into a quiet happy ending.”
Not so simple.
A pause, because words are hard, because he feels he has the space for it here, because his grandmother hasn’t said a word but kind eyes that he’s missed so much are gradually unspooling the mess inside his chest. Then, “how do I find an ‘ordinary’ to fade into after all of this? How much do I have to let go?” … “what do I still have left to let go?”
Whatever compassion that is piloting his subconscious doesn’t respond to his fear with some explanation, just two hands once again reaching for one of his own and holding it gently, securely between them. A reminder that despite every fear screaming at him, this isn’t the end, he isn’t alone.
“Where do I go from here?”
It’s not a perfect dream, but it’s one Haru wakes up with still lingering somewhere in his head. It’s not an immediate shift, but the dream settles something in him, helps him focus. It’s a visit that helps him to eventually accept that his control, his freedom, lies in the promise that time keeps moving and is taking him with it. It’s a small step in learning he doesn’t have to cling to goals that no longer ignite him how they once did. It’s permission to be kinder to himself, to care for himself like she once did, like his friends still do. It’s a reminder that despite his fear of looking into a mirror and falling into nothingness, people see him — there have always been people who cared beyond his swimming, who saw Haru and knew any greatness of his lied beyond whatever skills he could show off to the world. His “ordinary” has been in-the-making all along, and now Haru gets to meet the future with whatever’s in his heart and treasured bonds by his side.
Maybe the only thing he remembers of the dream is getting to see her again, the wisps of warmth in that memory, but that’s what matters most, honestly. He remembers love, he remembers being loved, and he moves forward.
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hopecomesbacktolife · 2 months
so I rewatched this episode recently and I am now Thinking Some Thoughts TM about The Librarians season 2 episode 9 And The Happily Ever Afters
namely, I was thinking about how I feel like there’s been discussions about the general plot, admiration for the funny bits and Fleve moments (as there should be!) a general appreciation for the overarching plot of the episode, how it’s compelling that they turn away from their “happily ever after” or, as Ariel put it, “their heart’s desire” right? and, while I’m sure we could even discuss whether these AU lives shown in the episode would really be these characters’ most secret, deepest wishes, given what we know about them—
I want to set that aside for a minute and really think about the premise. Ariel was saying that no human has ever been able to turn their back on that willingly, right? and my first thought was some abstract idea— humans being unable to turn their backs on true love, on the person they want to be with, or perhaps on the job they want most, or even something like having their own peaceful home, right?
but then I thought, okay, what would this be for me? My deepest desire, the thing that makes my heart ache with yearning— is it belonging? love? What would it actually look like to have the offer of your wildest hopes to be real, and to, for the good of the world and to save you and your friends’ (and the entire world) lives, to walk away from that?
and it’s that last bit of the question that really stopped me in my tracks because. and I don’t know if this is just because I’ve been thinking of STIV a lot recently, but. really? truly? if we’re being honest? deepest, fiercest desire? thing I would long for most in the world? fictitious alternate life that would be hardest to give up as it constitutes a happy ending? like, for me, that’s a Star Trek world, no question even about it. A hopeful optimistic future where humanity is among the stars, racism, sexism, homophobia, human xenophobia, and other forms of bigotry have been virtually eliminated, everyone’s basic needs are met and we’re no longer seeing constant and insidious human rights violations? humanity come together to create an equitable, fair, good world for all that has done away with money and everyone’s needs are met, medical care is free, incredibly accessible, and available to all, people are free to pursue their interests with no capitalistic control upon them, we’ve reached the stars and are caring for our earth, each other, and making friendships with new species?
like, ough. It’s Gillian Taylor being able to come with Kirk and crew back to the 23rd century and live there, you know? It’s that scene in Diane Duane’s TNG novel Dark Mirror where [redacted] is in awe at the prime universe’s wondrous hope and equality and loveliness! it’s The ultimate fantasy, this post-scarcity post-bigotry equitable utopia, you know?
If I was stuck in a life AU like the others in the show, I’m almost certain it would be being put into Star Trek. and I just. can you imagine, being placed into a Star Trek life, and then being asked to give that up, to save the world? how do you give up a future beyond hatred, beyond bigotry, beyond systemic inequalities and oppression and war and capitalistic medical systems and. and. how in hell could someone give that up? how is saving the world the very giving up of the better-future-dream made real, made tangible? when saving the world is somehow going back to the one that seems Worse, where we’re still dealing with all of these hates and bigotries and money-originated-violences? how is that saving the world? and, to be selfish, to give up a world free of homophobia, with instantly available medical care?
I just. god, with the self-reinforcing nature of the AU life spell I just. I don’t know if I’d be able to give it up. Would anyone be able to convince me that it’s not real? And even if, somewhere in my heart of hearts, I know that it isn’t real, that I’d been stuck into a materialized Star Trek AU that isn’t real life… could I give that up? to be completely serious, you know, envisioning that as a real life situation… could I truly look at that life, and say yes, this is exactly what I want, in this life I would never be denied medical care and have no need to work under capitalistic society and am fully accepted and cherished in my queerness and in space… and to say yes, it’s everything I’ve ever yearned for, and then to shut the door on that, and knowingly return to the world of our current day?
I don’t know, y’all. I mean. Even if I did do it, which isn’t 100% certain—but looking within myself I think I could have the strength to do it, but I’d need some time to bid farewell in my heart, it couldn’t be sudden— the very act of seeing a Star Trek future and being in it and then… to willingly leave… it would break my heart so deeply, I just. how does one recover from that? my throat hurts with the sheer emotion and sadness at the very thought; how could one knowingly, informedly leave such a place and not have your heart forever changed? I think I’d always feel a little wounded, a certain especially tender spot somewhere deep within myself. To have held that future and then let it slip from your fingers…
I think this is especially poignant and moving to me given that this comes immediately following And The Point of Salvation and we know that Ezekiel remembers everything, and even though he seems to be fine because the writers don’t let his character breathe and give him the space and respect he’s due / Julian Bashir-ify him / are racist and don’t let him express it onscreen, there’s no way that didn’t majorly fuck him up psychologically, and I feel like, as sweet as this episode is presented onscreen, it’s kind of the emotional narrative successor to the previous episode because it’s like, the other side of the forever-changed-self coin. to really, truly walk away from what you most desire?
for me, to walk away from a brief moment of living in a Star Trek world? to quote another story, I think I might be brave enough; but I don’t think I’d ever feel the same and, I think there would be so much indescribable sadness to the aftermath of this.
Even if we argue that each of their life AUs were vastly more personal than worldwide-altering hopes and dreams, still, and even given that these events were followed up by the season finale (which was very good as well!!) I think the characters would all really, really need time to sit with and process the grief of losing… whatever their heart’s-desire-lives were, whether we agree with the accuracy of the ones we saw on screen or no. I think they’d need to really mourn those brief flashes of an alternate life; and even after they went back to work and proceeded “as normal” I think these sadnesses would crop back up from time to time as a certain sound, certain name, certain object or scenery or other occurrence briefly brought their memory back to those brief flashes of another time, another life. And they’d help each other through it, of course, but. what a particular sadness that would be.
I dunno, I guess I just got to thinking about how incredibly difficult and heartbreaking it would be to be placed into a Star Trek future and then have to make the choice to give that up, and how I don’t think any of the Librarians or Eve would bounce back to normal immediately, how they’d need to give themselves time to feel all of the emotions and process the losses of the time when they inhabited their hearts’ desires because, ough, I would be such a mess.
maybe sometime I’ll write a fic about this because there’s so much unexplored emotional potential and angst/hurt/comfort territory going on here, but I had to get these thoughts out because the concept of being handed your deepest, dearest wishes and then being asked to recant to save the world is so, so much more intense, more heartbreakingly bittersweet, more layered than we really got screen time for, and is (to me at least!) so worth exploring in terms of how it would affect the characters in the weeks/months etc beyond the events of the episode. ough, just. so many feelings about this♡
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I need a hug from behind for these two it's just the perfect match😂
It really is, isn’t it? Well, have some sweet nedcat and also Edmure because why not?
It wasn’t the first time Ned was in Riverrun, but he had missed so much last time. There had been more important things to worry about and they had not spent much time in each other’s company. So there were many things to show him, so much she wanted him to know about her home.
They stood up on one of the walls, looking out over the river and the lands beyond it. The sunset had set the sky aflame and the water below them reflected the fiery colours like a giant looking glass. She had stood there so many times in her youth and simply watched the breathtaking scene. It was a comforting sight, the peace it brought her was the same despite the years that had passed since she last saw it.
“Do forgive me, my lord, but nothing you can see from Winterfell’s walls is anywhere near this” she said.
“I’d say that depends on who you ask, my lady.”
“Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.”
Catelyn had learned to see the beauty of the North, she was especially fond of the moors around Winterfell, but there was a limit to her love.
Ned chuckled and pressed a kiss to her hair.
“Well, I know better than to argue with a Tully” he mumbled. “Especially when I’m on Tully ground.”
“Clever boy.”
Ned took a step to the side so that he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. On instinct she leaned back against him, raised her hands to his arms. The view seemed even more beautiful than she remembered it being when she got to share it with her husband. His arms around her, his safe presence. Silence except for the water running below them and a bird chirping somewhere.
“Am I interrupting you?”
Both of them turned their heads to see that her brother had climbed the stairs up to the wall.
“That depends on what you say next” Catelyn told him.
Ned didn’t let go of her, only raised his head.
There was a slight hostility between her brother and husband and she was quite sure Edmure was to blame for it. He hadn’t been very glad to see her leave Riverrun for Winterfell all those years ago, but she had believed it was because of his young age and that he would accept it when he grew older. Though that had never happened and Ned was not one to try and change people’s opinion of him. Not that it was often necessary, most thought highly of him. Edmure was an exception.
“Father wanted us all gathered in the sept for evening prayers” Edmure said. “Your children are already there.”
The way he glanced at Ned didn’t escape her, even if it was only for a short moment. Lysa wasn’t very happy about Ned and his different gods, she believed them barbaric, and as soon as Edmure had caught onto that he had followed her lead. It was as if he was always searching for issues with Ned. Gods, he was tiring, her little brother. Fortunately enough Ned didn’t care in the least.
“Tell Father I shall be with you shortly.”
Though of course that wasn’t enough, she didn’t know why she had expected it to be.
“Or you could come with me now” Edmure said, sharper than necessary.
“Might I have a moment’s peace with my husband?”
Edmure didn’t have time to respond before Ned kissed her hair another time and then released her from his embrace.
“Go to them, I will wait for you in our chambers” he said.
She saw a very satisfied smile begin to form on Edmure’s lips and decided that she would have to do something about that. And so she turned around and reached up to kiss her husband.
Ned immediately understood and met her halfway, their lips meeting in a kiss.
“It will not take long” she said to him as they parted.
Then she walked towards Edmure and the stairs. He didn’t seem particularly amused by what had taken place before him.
“Don’t you find it tasteless?” he asked as they were out of Ned’s hearing.
“Not at all, I am allowed to show my husband of many years affection” she simply said. “I’m rather fond of him, you see.”
“It is hard not to notice.”
One day he would be wed himself and then he would understand it better. It was either that or he would have to learn some manners. But until then she would be as much of a pain to him as she possibly could when he refused to behave.
“I didn’t take you for such a weakling, little brother, but I must have been mistaken.”
“I’m not a weakling!”
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astralithium · 2 months
Hi! This is not a question, but I just want to say I absolutely love your fanfic, "Beyond the Final Frontier"! The writing is so immaculate, and is no doubt the best Mario and Sonic crossover fic I've ever read! I adore the characterization so much, along with the found family trope, which is one of my favorite parts of the fic, of course. And one of my other favorite parts is the way you write and portray Mareach. I just love how you write them to be so extremely in love with each other, with so much history together, yet they still aren't technically married yet because of the *many* trials and tribulations they faced lol. Not to mention the pacing, wording, and the way all the characters interact and them individually just flow so naturally. Like even something small like...
Okay, I remember you saying somewhere that Mario would try to change or reshape himself so he can reach Peach's standards. And I think in the latest chapter, Sonic walks in on him reading law textbooks, clearly unenthused, yet he's still putting what he believe she might see more of him than his own toleration.
Or just the fact that Sonic's trust in both Mario and Peach is a slow burn, yet not at the same time. He feels like he trusts easy, just because he doesn't know how it feels to be around new people who just want to care for him just because they want to; however, it's also clearly showcased that he's putting as much distance between his trust and Mario and Peach at the same time. Which both fit him fairly well. I loved all four of these characters before for different reasons, but the way you write them all just made me love them just a bit more. Imagine my delight when a fic with two of my favorite fandoms ever has such a sincere and heartwarming fic dedicated to them lol.
But anyway, try not to stress yourself with the other parts! Take as long as you need, as there is no need to rush <3. Have a good day\night\ or whatever else lol
Can I kiss you? Is that weird to ask? Like don’t get me wrong, no romantic intent here, I’m just so, so happy that you’re enjoying it so much!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to rush. I just thought I’d be done with 18-19 several weeks ago. But then I posted that very same Mario thought that you just referenced, and that became a huge factor in the chapters I’m currently writing, and, like the fic as a whole, it just got waaaaaaaaay out of hand. Do you know, I was only planning on writing ten chapters for this whole fic originally? Shows what I know.
I’m so happy you’re giving me an excuse to ramble about characterization. It’s been the HUGE motivating factor here, solely because I know that all of this *gestures to what I’ve been mentally referring to as the Toadstool family* has a huge chance of not working out. In this fic, it can, and I know how it will! But trying to sum it up in a sentence or two just feels wrong. Cause, like, how do you tie Sonic down? How do you give him the mom, the dad, and the white picket fence, and somehow make it feel right? Like it’s not a betrayal of the life he loves and the freedom he fights so hard to keep? Like they’re just trying to support him, to not clip his wings, and just let him fly knowing he’s loved?
Those are the hoops I’ve been trying to jump through writing this fic.
But somehow, it’s working. And I’m still working, too. Even though I’ve hit a wall, it’s finally crumbling, and even the dreaded nineteen’s slowly going down.
Thanks for letting me ramble. And thanks so much for your lovely comment! You’ve truly made my night!!!
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