#it's gonna be like x3 the amount of money i have now
skunkg1rll · 8 months
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melancholy-marionette · 2 months
The Shuddering Releasing Later Tonight (hopefully x3) - then I will go cry myself to sleep T_T
Sooo, I'm gonna do my best to still release my O2A2 project later tonight like I'd hoped to, buuuut, my PC is now defunct AGAIN >.< Firstly, *puts on happy face* meet Styx! Voiced by the incredible - Vivian Reed :D
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Styx may have a feminine appearance with an androgynous (but feminine-leaning) voice, but, being non-human, doesn't actually have a gender!
Styx is the only entity you'll encounter in The Shuddering, and is almost a little too pleased to see you!
*reverts back to sad face*
Sooo, yeah, I currently don't have a working PC again T_T Thankfully, I was able to export builds of The Shuddering prior to it becoming unusable, but if there are any bugs, I won't have a way of fixing them :(
I'm now attempting to finish off the itch page & draft posts on the old potato laptop once again!
This is the 2nd new PC that's been sent to me after the 1st one was faulty and had to be returned, and as of yesterday morning, it is stuck in an endless cycle of BSODs with all different error codes. During troubleshooting, the memory diagnostics tool also flags critical errors with the RAM. The 2nd PC has been kinda dodgy since day 1 with it randomly failing to boot some days + audio crashing randomly and then refusing to play any media files with sound. It also hangs randomly when just browsing Windows Explorer.
I did contact customer support to try and get help with the issues, but they just told me to do a CMOS reset, which sounded terrifying >.< I don't wanna touch any of the components inside the PC cos I worry I would break them!
Since I was in the middle of otome/josei jam, I just left things as they were and did my best to put up with the weird crap going on with the PC, making backups each night out of paranoia. My hope was that I would make it through the jam okay and that maybe the issues would improve somehow. But nope, they just got worse >.< Now I'm stuck with a PC I can't even use. Sometimes it refuses to boot entirely, others, it boots, but then only stays on for 5-20 minutes before it dies again. I spent most of the day (and night) troubleshooting, but nothing helps.
Customer support says it's probably gonna be a case of sending it back again for repair... but I would really just prefer to have a refund at this point :( They've sent out 2 now that don't work properly. Why would I have any faith left that a 3rd would be better?
I just want my money back so I can buy a PC from somewhere else that might actually send one that works. Actually getting the company to refund me is going to be a battle though I imagine. One that I'm really too tired to fight :( I don't have a choice though because the stupid thing took me years to save up for, so I don't have the luxury of just letting it go.
I swear I should have just demanded a refund right away when the first one they sent me sounded like a goblin revving up a chainsaw was living inside the case as soon as you powered it on >.<"
Anyways, sorry, just needed to vent because I'm stressed and devastated at the moment by it all. It took so long to transfer all my files and stuff over, and I've lost a small amount of project data for both LOVESTARVED & The Shuddering :( My paranoia backups mean most stuff is safe for now, but it's still frustrating to lose anything.
Here's to hoping the poor potato can at least hold out to launch The Shuddering later! x3 But first, I need a big break because I feel sick at this point, haha.
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trashytummiez · 4 years
Shamrock Slammers
Felt like making a really self-indulgent Harley and Ivy fic for yesterday.  X3
“Do ya think they use shamrocks instead’uh hops fer Shamus’?”  Harley Quinn asked when she dropped a twenty four pack of Shamus’ Shamrock Slam ale down on Poison Ivy’s coffee table.
Ivy took a bottle for herself and lobbed one to Harley who caught it but nearly fumbled when she did.  “No.”
Harley pouted.  “Then that’s false advertisin’!  That’d be like sayin’ Shamrock Shakes ain’t made with real shamrocks!  We oughta sue the pants right off their heads!”
Ivy stared like she wanted to say something about Harley’s favorite shamrock shakes but she didn’t want to risk breaking the poor young blonde lady’s crazed heart.
“Shamrocks, hops, there’s no arguing with the results, Harl.”
Harley shrugged.  “Eh got me there, Red.”  She skipped over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle opener to pop her top loose.  Ivy used a vine from her arm to just squeeze the bottle cap off instead.  “Happy St. Patties Day, Red!  May the Easter Bunny finally find his four leaf clover!”
“I think I’ll drink to that,” Ivy said and clinked her bottle against Harley’s.  Then both young women took their bottles to their lush lips and guzzled their contents down.  
Ivy downed her drink at an impressive rate but her focus was on Harley.  She watched her slender pale throat throb repeatedly with each rapid gulp she took and saw the contents of her upside down bottle vanishing down Harley’s throat at a truly impressive speed.  In no time at all Harley finished her first bottle with a hearty sigh and grabbed her second bottle to down at the same breakneck pace.  Ivy had just finished hers with a huff and grabbed herself another bottle with her vines.  
She started drinking but was obviously distracted watching Harley chug away.  Harley already finished her second bottle and got to work on her third with scarcely any pause in between safe for the time it took to actually grab and unpop her bottles.  Before Ivy knew it the clutter of empty beer bottles besides Harley began to add up.
The petite bleach-fleshed blonde was downing her drinks so quickly she might’ve almost given Killer Croc a run for his money in a drinking contest.  One bottle after another was drained down her throat like this was nothing for her.  And the wet and audible gulps Ivy could hear emitting from Harley’s throat with each bottle she guzzled down caused Ivy’s cheeks to redden up.  
But not as much as that big rumbling burp Harley released after finishing her latest bottle.
Harley thumped her chest to get another one out and smacked her lips with a satisfied sigh.  Then she was right back to drinking more beer.
It was an amazing display that Ivy could watch over and over again.  Of course Ivy was no slouch herself in that department.  She was getting a good amount of beer in her at an impressive rate too.  So much that Ivy maybe should have considered eating something beforehand first.  Though her power at least gave her a higher tolerance for alcohol than normal humans.  It didn’t stop her from feeling a little tipsy the more she drank though.
Some ways in Ivy huffed a little and blinked groggily from being buzzed.  “Wow, didn’t think I drank that much,” Ivy admitted then hiccuped loudly.  She covered her mouth and blushed with a light chuckle then looked back at Harley who was downing who knows how many bottles this point in.
There had to be at least over a dozen bottles finished by Harley alone.  How she could drink so much without enduring any alcohol poisoning was beyond explanation.  But Ivy wasn’t interested in that.  She was far more interested in the impact all that beer had on Harley’s tummy.
Harley’s pale bare stomach was sticking out and looking a fair deal bloated from all that beer giving her a textbook beer belly.  Ivy could hear it gurgle from so much alcohol swishing around inside of her girlfriend all at once.  The sounds Harley’s belly made caused Ivy to swoon over it.
After finishing another bottle Harley set the empty bottle down with the clutter and belched loudly and heavily.
Harley was so bloated with liquids sloshing around inside of her that her belly actually rippled with her burp.  Ivy’s face was going almost as red as her hair with that one.  Especially when Harley sighed loudly and patted her belly and caused it to slosh with her patting.  
She spent a moment rubbing her bloated beer belly up and down with a satisfied look on her face.  Then she grabbed another bottle and hiccuped which caused her tummy to bounce with the slosh of beer.  Harley covered her mouth and giggled drunkenly then tossed another beer bottle to Ivy.  “C’mon Red.  Still gotta finish up.”
Both women continued drinking though Harley was drinking way more than Ivy who was at around her limit by now.  Ivy was definitely more than buzzed by this point.  Her head felt a little lighter after a while.  When she pulled the bottle away from her lips to catch her breath Ivy had to stifle a burp beneath her hand.  She blushed and excused herself but Harley just responded with a huge burp of her own that only made Ivy blush even more for an entirely different reason.
They continued pounding their drinks Harley obviously more than Ivy.  The plant lady was feeling a little bloated herself after a while.  She placed a hand against her stomach and felt that it was pushing out against her jacket and feeling a lot tighter than usual.  Ivy had to stop drinking.  She instead set her half finished bottle on the table and sighed while rubbing her stomach with one hand.  “Ungh, okay I’m full,” Ivy moaned.  She burped into her fist a few times to try and bring a little relief.
Harley saw Ivy and giggled drunkenly.  “Nawww Red, yer doin’ it all wrong!  Ya gotta do it like this!”  She gripped her knees which made her bloated beer belly sag down slightly as it sloshed around.  Then Harley took a deep breath and belched like a trucker.
Obviously that demonstration made Ivy melt inside.  “I think I need another demonstration,” Ivy insisted in an obviously goading manner.
It didn’t matter.  Harley gulped down some air and immediately released another huge burp that was shorter but way louder than the last.
Harley smacked her lips and grinned drunkenly at Ivy.  “Ya see?  Nothin’ to it!”
Ivy bit her lip at the stimulating demonstration.  She stood firm with a bit of focus then took in some air.  The pressure didn’t feel the greatest in her stomach but Ivy followed Harley’s advice and gulped down some air.  When she felt like her stomach couldn’t take anymore Ivy grabbed it firmly and pushed out a pretty decent burp of her own that stretched on for a few seconds.
Ivy gasped then hiccuped.  She covered her mouth blushing and hiccuped again.  The red haired metahuman was gonna excuse herself but she could still feel some pressure in her stomach.  So instead of saying “excuse me” like normal Ivy held her belly and let out an even bigger burp.
Harley giggled and gave Ivy a thumbs up.  “Not bad, Red!”
Ivy was blushing but she felt a lot better after that.  “Haah, didn’t feel bad either,” she said rubbing her stomach contently.  It was still feeling heavy from all the beer she had drunk but a lot of the pressure had been taken care of.  Then she looked over at Harley’s rounder heavier tummy and placed her hands against it.  “That’s nothing compared to you though,” Ivy said longingly while her hands rubbed Harley’s belly up and down.
Harley moaned at the feeling stumbling a little from how drunk she was and grabbed another bottle.  She downed more beer while Ivy lovingly rubbed her rounded tummy.  Ivy could feel Harley’s stomach grow the more beer she chugged.  It was actually getting noisier beginning to gurgle and bubble away.  After finishing the bottle Harley hiccuped which made her tummy bounce a little.  Then she burped loudly again which made her belly jiggle in Ivy’s hands.
By the time Harley was done she was left a bloated burpy mess hiccuping repeatedly on the couch and sprawled against the arm of the couch.
“Uuuuuungh...HIC!  So fuuuuull...” Harley whined in her drunken stupor hiccuping again and again which kept causing her tummy to bounce with each sudden jerk.
“So drunk is more like it,” Ivy said.  She sat on couch directly in front of Harley rubbing her swollen beer-filled tummy.  Ivy looked over Harley’s round sloshy tum and was in awe.  “How can someone so tiny even drink so much without dying?”
Harley hiccuped loudly again and huffed out a drunken grin.  “’Cuz dyin’s fer dumb-dumbs!”
Ivy shrugged.  That was good an answer as she was probably going to get.
So she continued gently running her hands all across Harley’s impressive bloat.  It moved with Ivy’s hands rocking to her motions from just how much beer was swishing away inside of Harley.  Ivy was so turned on at the sight she couldn’t help slapping Harley’s bloated belly to feel it thump heavily against her palm and watch that smooth creamy surface jiggle.
The impact of the slap caused Harley to burp massively.
Ivy shuddered from the sound and the way Harley’s belly rippled with the force of that burp leaving her tummy.
“Oh my God...” Ivy uttered in an aroused manner.  
Harley huffed so hard her tongue stuck out then she grinned back at Ivy.  “Hey, God’s got nuttin’ t’do it!  T’day’s all thanks t’Saint Patty’n her wonderful Shamrock Shakes!”
It was hard to tell if Harley was just really drunk or just being Harley.
But Ivy leaned down and kissed Harley’s bloated tummy then gently rested her head against it whilst rubbing it.  Harley hiccuped again which caused her tummy which Ivy was still using as a pillow to shake.  Ivy’s face was going more red than her hair.
“Well whoever I have to thank for this, let them know that I’m loving every second of this holiday.”
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hypmic-translation · 4 years
ALL All the city guys, c’mon, put your hands up We are the best of friends (Best of friends!) All the city guys, c’mon, put your hands up This is our bond!
Put your hands up (All right!) Put your hands up
ICHIRO There are so many wounds of the past that can’t just be unravelled We can’t give up here, we gotta win this battle I wonder to myself, what really is “true” power Maybe it’s the sense of unity we’ve built up over hours
JIRO Quiet complaints won’t bring me to the end Dawn won’t come without accepting everything the world sends Staking it all on my pride, not letting myself stray We’re gonna win no matter what, fight my way
SABURO I want to keep smiling, no matter what happens I’ll devote myself to it, with all of my passion My true feelings are what I want to know With this indispensable bond, now, let’s go
(All right!)
ICHIRO: C’mon, there’s a lot of ground to cover, you two JIRO: We know what’s true SABURO: Without review ALL: We’ve got value ICHIRO: Still, we’ve got a long ways to go JIRO: But don’t you know? SABURO: Look, the sky is dyed red with BB: The Buster Bros!!!
CHORUS There’s definitely nothing that we can’t handle so long as we’re with all our friends There’s no division that’s more important, my love for it here doesn’t end It’s okay to have bad days once in a while, it’s something we can amend We’ll overcome whatever comes our way And then we’re gonna shine
BB ‘Bukuro guys, c’mon, put your hands up This is our bond (Our bond!)
MTC (Mad Trigger Crew!)
SAMATOKI I’ve seen it all before, the ins and outs of every fray Your bonds will always keep you safe, even if you throw yourself away Keep a tight hold on what’s real, in Yokohama’s city Writing “serious” one way, and reading it as “maji” (1)
JYUTO The trash and the scum crawling out of the gutter Are different to us three, interweaved together You think money could afford you a bond such as this? Understand? In simple terms, it’s magic
RIOU Hand in hand we form this triangle Our secret code is zero-four-five Even in the dark, with my comrades I’ll fight My family will survive here in our hood
SAMATOKI: So long as we’re a team, I’d go anywhere with you JYUTO: We’ll show people a life only us three could live through RIOU: Aiming for a future that no one else can view MTC: We are Yokohama, Mad Trigger Crew!
CHORUS There’s definitely nothing that we can’t handle so long as we’re with all our friends There’s no division that’s more important, my love for it here doesn’t end It’s okay to have bad days once in a while, it’s something we can amend We’ll overcome whatever comes our way And then we’re gonna shine
MTC Yokohama guys, c’mon, put your hands up This is our bond (Our bond!)
RAMUDA You’re kinda tired, right? Here, have some candy I want to stay cheerful, but the wind is chilling me Various threads sewn together A repainted vision Even if the fabric ties itself in knots, it’ll keep me warm
GENTARO There’s nothing sadder than a story that goes unheard In this mournful city, words and sound have become blurred There’s value in taking time to think things through No more tripping over my own feet I have friends waiting just nearby
DICE Taking steps one by one towards tomorrow’s dawn I’m sure the heat that’s on my back isn’t just the sunset There’s no way you’ll get lost in the evening twilight I’ll lend you my shoulder - you can lend me money sometime
RAMUDA: Make a wish on Emptiness (2) GENTARO: Surpass the imaginary DICE: Let’s put up a bluff (Oh yeah) FP: This flower wreath will bear fruit (3) We are Fling Posse
CHORUS There’s definitely nothing that we can’t handle so long as we’re with all our friends There’s no division that’s more important, my love for it here doesn’t end It’s okay to have bad days once in a while, it’s something we can amend We’ll overcome whatever comes our way And then we’re gonna shine
FP Shibuya guys, c’mon, put your hands up This is our bond (Our bond!)
MTR Shinjuku, Matenrou…
JAKURAI Roaming the streets, dangerous and uncontrolled Holding a vast amount of information, a light that pierces even through the dark Always on guard is I, Jakurai (That’s right!) We three are the only ones who remain, the last guys
HIFUMI That’s right, yeah? You’ve been waiting for me? (Hi-fu-mi!) We are super first class (Yeah!) Our bond is growing just like a heartbeat Breathing new life into this world
DOPPO The words that I hold within me sound naïve Something is wrong; it’s this impossible system Even with things at their worst, I have Sensei and Hifumi By their side I can be Doppo, unchained and free
JAKURAI: From people, cities, buildings, light seems to glow HIFUMI: With however many kilo left until we get home DOPPO: I believe in my friends! There’s no crisis we can’t get through! JAKURAI: I like it. HIFUMI: It’s simple! DOPPO: Shinjuku-  MTR: Matenrou!
CHORUS There’s definitely nothing that we can’t handle so long as we’re with all our friends There’s no division that’s more important, my love for it here doesn’t end It’s okay to have bad days once in a while, it’s something we can amend We’ll overcome whatever comes our way And then we’re gonna shine
MTR Shinjuku guys, c’mon, put your hands up This is our bond (Our bond!)
ALL Put your hands up!
ALL All the city guys, c’mon, put your hands up We are the best of friends (Best of friends!) All the city guys, c’mon, put your hands up This is our bond! (x3)
Essentially, Samatoki says “serious” here in two different ways - “本気 (honki)” and “マジ (maji)”. The second is considered more like slang, and katakana in general is considered more masculine/aggressive, which could tie into his position as a yakuza as well as reference Chuuoku renaming all the divisions except their own in katakana in order to make them seem less “traditionally” Japanese.
The capitalisation on “Emptiness” here is purposeful, as Ramuda is referencing a specific kind of Chinese constellation by the same name. I guess it’s supposed to be a joke about wishing on stars, and how that’s pointless for him because of what he is?
There’s a specific kind of flower referenced here that I couldn’t fit into the line, called “丁花” or “Daphne”. A specific kind of Daphne, “Daphne odora”, is native to China and was spread to Japan later on. Odora is poisonous to both humans and animals, and rarely produces red berries after flowering. In hanakotoba, the meaning of Odora is “glory/immortality/eternity”.
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24-guy · 3 years
I spent 2 hours on writing notes from the prison podcast stream.
Now I don’t know what to do with them, so I’m putting them here. 
No need to read them, there is just some interesting stuff I noticed, things like tones and how many times somethings are brought up. 
if you do, though, I apologize  for spelling errors. 
start stream
techno "did the calculations" on how long it would take to mine obsidian with the amount of mining fatigue they had. we knoe this is true.
dream has been writing, it is the only thing hes been able to do with the limited items he has. its his "diary"
techno teases over fanfics on wattpad
"the only thing ive written is my diary" do the revive books not count, then? or what is in the revive books that isnt writing?
techno focuses on that nobody is watching - dream doesnt comment on it - dream doesnt know about the voices?
techno is supposed to break dream out, but he hasnt got many ideas "ill get to it later"
techno enjoys prison - sees it as a vacation
techno has an optimistic outlook.
go with the flow
dream sees harming himself as exhillerating techno disaprooves
dream tells techno quackity has been torturing him everyday. techno is only surprised by the every day part
dream mentions the revive book techno remembers being told about that asks "yeah you can bring people back from the dead. yeah so how do you do that" - curious tone, seems genuinely interested for innocent meanings dream responds " i have.. the knowledge and then i get a book and then i burn it" - hesitant at first, then vague but seemingly honest reponse
techno asks what the knowledge is, incantation/password/expelliarmus dream says "something like that" slowly, then quickly says he doesnt know and that he "doesnt know how schlatt had it" - going away from the topic original book - there are more than one it is a book is what youre saying - t well... i mean, it was a book that i memorised and that now i can recreate - d techno tries again to get the knowledge he wants to revive people dream doesnt want to tell techno because he wouldnt be the only one who knew techno tries to bargain saying that if dream died, techno coulld bring him bacl dream knows they wont kill him because he can revive people
dream says no, techno says "you forgot how to write it down didnt you dream says he didnt, that he did it recently, techno repeats again that dream forgot brings up wattpad again. dream says he wrote it down for tommy. he doesnt mention wilbur to techno. bring up the homeless situaation prison is dreams house cell is boiling apparently makes a joke about cali rent prices
nobody visited the cell "we stopped anarcy" "when we get out of here" no though ahead going into this situation (techno) "just as far as i need to" dream doesnt know what techno means by stream schedule, techno jokes about dream's lack of schedual techno usually trains always looking for new combat, reasearching constant arms race no idea when a government will arise or opressing people is always prepared has a good amount of gear he also plays golf somewhere offers a game with dream no way to describe it somewhere farther than his house
dream asks about tommy techno hasnt seen him canonically, only knows he stole acouple months ago - as far as he tells dream
dream asks about carl carl is doing well
dream asks about the family its doing good, apparently, new foxes, got steve who will break him out dream writes about steve "i will write evrrything down because its hard to remember" another fanfic joke
dream asks whos feeding them they feed themselves its probably fine
milld break for 4 wall break
gist or jist
prison podcast offers, agrees that is all this is
technical difficulties
podcast bros
eating potato
dream offers his thoughts on what would happen of he tried to revive somebody who is alive two technoblades human meat sheild
dream wants to try no death first what could go wrong nothing else to do
techno house is man vs nature conflict floor has ants floof brings ants spilled pet food dream has a revivebook techno tries to read it first hit with book a small wait throw into lava DreamXD joins broke the table fixed table a god dream "cloned himsef" god looks exactly like dream feels like a question to ask earlier dream summoned dreamxd ask for wish ask for bell dream gets mad because no escape dreamxd leaves sellout timer goes off techno makes money as dream questions his life dream sits in corner hole techno aims to be annoying we count channel members for a bit
dream and techno friend bonding time?
summons dreamxd for reviving nobody dream writes this in his diary as techno rings bell tries again, it doesnt work creative mode is a known thing by mortals they know how deadly it is
warden on vacation
techno hasnt written anything he has at least 4 books in his inventory, going from the top 2nd space to the top 5th space. the fourth book is called information and is signed by dream. dream throws a potato in the lava techno asks for the revive book again, this time to see of dreamxd will come back because it is a different person summoning him dream says no
techno needs a bell to sell out for the *brand*, ritual and tradition dream put the bell in church prime no twitch primes for dream - hes a heratic (no contract) dream makes no profit dream has lots of raw potatos for 5-6 months
techno asks if dream has any friends dream says not really, they turned against him techno knows the feeling being betrayed by closest friend happens every tuesday for techno
dream mentions being visited by a few people techno asks if any tried not to torture or kill him dream says yeah like he wasnt expecting the question/(as techno put it) "he hesitated"
sapnap - didnt torture or kill him - but he said if dream got out of there, then he would - techno says hes gotta raise his standards
bad - was the best - treated dream the best - techno says hes a cult leader - dream is surprised so techno tells him about the egg - techno wasnt clear - bad hasnt viseted since 4-5 months ago - techno says even he has friends - egg was attacked - big crossover episode not clear what is going on
techno - last time they saw each other was dooms day - been a while - lot has happened - techno doesnt now whats going on currently on the server - he knows nothing - "people" tell him who died and who came back
tubbo - asks about tubbo - tubbo is chillng - snowchester named - commune - a little sus - dictator - no rushing to conclusions - tubbo has nukes - big crater - a hoby - could be meteor
ranboo - asks about ranboo - ranboo is also chilling - brings up tubo's nukes now
dream points out that techno said he didnt know anyting and then said about a new place, nukes, and a lot more dream doesnt know anything - less than techno
ranboo (again) - dream says he used to visit a while ago and then stopped coming - techno asks "ranboo used to visit?" - ranboo visited "a bit" - probably visited the most - sapnap visited - tommy visited a couple of times - bad visited - and quackity - quackity visited the most, only because hes visited daily
more potatos pog potatos
ranboo (x3) - techno asks how dream knows ranboo - "um... its just a.. long story" - techno replies sarcastically about how they dont have any time to go through it, theyre so busy with the bell - dream "i dont know him very well. he just visited a few times and that was it." - techno just repeats alright, its either bored or thinking - dream "and then i havent seen him since then so thats why i was wondering where hes been, if hes been around" - techno " ah... im not sure. i havent been around fpr like the past couple of months, honestly."
techno went on  atraining montage, played golf
dream asks about the plan to get out mining fatigue 3 doesnt mean they cant break blocks, its just approximately 370 times longer breaking obsidian takes a bit over 4 minutes math = obsidian block gone in 25.7 hours. an alarm break in the right spot break block in toilet elder guardian below the cell techno can take him if techno somehow dies dream brings him back could be out in 2 weeks havent been visited for 2 weeks nothing to lose dream has to break obsidian techno wants to end stream techno came up with idea so dream has to do it dream starts bell ringing for cheerng him on techno sounds happy that dream is doing it voices are mentioned - theyre laughing techno has perfect track of time techno is gonna annoy dream the entire time techno is a lookout there are only 4 books we only see the 4th name floof interrupts momentarily tommy killed a cat because dream liked it 300 dogs in the cell joke
channel member bell dream regrets his life again techo's plan? bell was a better investment dream has 10 bells in e chest techno doesnt techno wanted to go for more so techno could ring bell again
end of stream
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
If it isn't too much to ask for a fic request, "Wanna bet?"/"Please stay here"/"This is the stupidest plan you ever had, of course I'm in" as possible sentence prompts with Kamijirou? Either of them is fine. Sorry if it is a bothersome request, and thank you in advance even for reading this :)
How about I go one step further and do all three??? Because I have no self-control and I had ideas for all three of these!
And please don’t ever think making a request is bothersome to me! I love when people request fics from me! x3
Each fic will have a little bream between them to indicate when I switched prompts, as well.
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"Wanna bet?" he growled lowly, slapping a hand down on the table in an uncharacteristic display of aggression. If this wasn't the same guy she'd seen electrocute himself down to the IQ of a potato on multiple occasions, she might have been intimidated.
Key word being 'might'.
As it stood, though, she merely smirked and nudged the small dish of stemmed cherries closer to him. "If you're ready to piss away money, sure thing," she goaded, cocking her head to the side.
"How much we talkin'?" he asked suspiciously.
"If you can actually do the whole bowl, I'll fork up 4,000 yen. If you can't, then you pay up 4,000. Sound fair?" she suggested. He regarded her for a second before nodding and pulling the bowl closer to himself.
It was at that moment, as if sensing something was going on, a familiar face peered around the corner to stare at them. "Kaminari, Jirou, what's up?" he asked, a grin turning up on his lips.
"Not now, Sero. There's a matter of pride on the line!" Kaminari snapped, holding one hand up as he picked a cherry from the bowl and ate it.
Sero's brow furrowed as he looked from her to the other boy. "Kaminari claims he's a phenomenal kisser. I call bull. And so, to prove his merit, he has to tie the stems on all the cherries in that bowl into knots," she explained with a shrug, crossing her arms over her chest.
Sero blinked then burst out laughing. "Oh, what? Hold up, don't start! We gotta get the others involved in this!" he said excitedly while fishing out his phone. Jirou gave him an exasperated look before rolling her eyes and slumping back in her seat.
In a matter of ten minutes, the entirety of class 1-A was clamored in the commons room adjacent the dining area. Uraraka was poised on Midoriya's shoulders, the two sporting matching bookie visors, with her calling out bets and him carrying a large cardboard box for the others to dump their wagers into. Part of Jirou wondered why the brunette wasn't using her own Quirk to just float above the others and take their bets, but she wasn't curious enough to actually bother with asking. Yaomomo was walking with the pair, a clipboard in hand as she took down the wagers from the other students. Everyone was making such a fuss - like usual - but a small part of her couldn't help but be curious to see how it would all go down.
Across from her, Kirishima and Sero were giving a "pep talk" of sorts to Kaminari. The red-headed student was rubbing his shoulders as if he was about to step into a boxing ring or something. "You got this, dude," he whispered softly.
Sero was kneeling close, one hand on the table. "Just remember who you are, bro. You're freakin' Chargebolt! Those cherries can't take you down! No one can take you down!" 
Iida cleared his throat loudly as he set a new bowl of cherries as well as a second empty bowl in front of the blonde male. "Has everybody had sufficient time to make their wagers and prepare for the test?" he called out.
"Yup!" Uraraka called back happily, swiping the collection from Midoriya and jingling it in the air proudly.
He nodded. "Very good! Yaoyorozu, what is the final ranking total and common bets?" he asked as the other student president came to his side.
She cleared her throat politely. "The total amount I counted being wagered came out to a total of 32,127 yen, give or take some coin pieces Of the 20 betters, the two polar opposites are, obviously, Kaminari and Jirou themselves; Kaminari set that he can tie all the stems, and Jirou wagering that he cannot. Of the remaining 18 betters, 11 believe that Kaminari will be unable to successfully knot less than 25, and the remaining seven wager he will succeed with only between 25 and 50," she explained.
Kamimari gawked at them for a moment. "Wait, what? None of you think I can actually do this?" he wailed, whipping around to cast a scandalized look at the now sheepish duo that had been encouraging him just seconds before.
Jirou giggles to herself. "Oh, wow, even your boys don't have your back. That's gotta sting," she whistled lowly.
"Whatever. I'm not going to lose, so I guess I'll just be taking home a fat stack of cash tonight," he huffed.
Iida nodded before addressing everyone again. "Excellent! Uraraka, Midoriya, I trust the two of you with counting the funds to assure the amount Yaoyorozu calculated is accounted for before we name the winner!" he instructed, receiving a small salute from the pair. "Now, the rules are simple! Kaminari shall eat a total of fifty cherries and then must tie their remaining stems into a knot. Upon completion of tying, he must hold the stem up for ua to verify that the knot is, in fact, tied. All knots that are properly tied shall be placed in the empty bowl and added to the tally. Whoever bet the closest to the amount he manages to tie, wins the total amount in the box. For Kaminari and Jirou themselves, the winner receives bragging rights for being correct. Are the rules understood?" he asked, looking between the pair curiously. Upon getting a nod from both, he brought his hand down. "Begin!"
Jirou felt smugly satisfied in her success as she watched him toss the first stem into his mouth, expression shifting drastically with his attempts, then she closed her eyes to await his inevitable surrender. There was just no way that Kaminari Denki, of all guys, had any kind of kiss game. This was the wholesome class pervert, the guy known for sparking off too many watts and leaving himself a total space case. There was just no way he could do something like-!
"One stem tied!" Yaomomo suddenly declared, causing her eyes to snap open, gawking in disbelief.
But there, sporting a smug grin and a perfectly tied cherry stem between two fingers, Kaminari sat. He held her gaze as he dropped the first one into the bowl, gleaming gold clashing with darkened violet. "Beginner's luck," she grit out.
"We'll see about that," he quipped back, still grinning, as he plucked up the next one.
It took a full hour of time, but by the time it was over, Jirou was left speechless.
“And the winner is… Kaminari!” Iida said, a bit of his surprise betraying him from the slight question in his tone as the other dropped the last little stem into the bowl.
“Aw, yeah! Our man!” Sero laughed, reaching to clap him on the back.
Instead, the other whipped around and pointed at him accusingly. “Liar! You didn’t think I could get even close to doing all fifty!” he barked.
Sero held his hands up and looked away sheepishly. “Aw, man, come on!”
“No, you come on!”
Jirou shook her head as she pushed up out of her seat. “Okay, okay. I’ll admit that I was wrong. Good job, Kaminari; you earned the money,” she said, walking over to offer him her hand. He blinked in surprise as he turned to face her before slowly taking her hand and shaking her.
Midoriya approached and offered the box, Uraraka still poised on his shoulders. “Here you go, Kaminari-Kun! We made sure all the money was in there and accounted for,” he said happily.
“Well, except for the security deposit fees. I kept that, for convenience sake,” Uraraka said, waving one hand evenly.
The green haired man sighed heavily and glanced up at her, clearly exhausted. “Uraraka-Chan,” he drawled out warningly.
“Deku-Kun, come on! It was just the loose coins! I let him keep all the actual, important paper stuff!” she whined in response. When he only continued to stare up at her like a scolding parent, she grumbled and rummaged into her pockets, leaning over to drop the coins back into the little slit in the box.
Todoroki appeared behind them, clearing his throat. “If we’re done here, can we get back to studying? Midoriya, I still needed you assistance regarding the timeline for the History of Heroics class,” he said evenly. She could see the others already starting to file back out of the room,some heading to the elevators and others heading for the front door.
“Oh, sure thing, Todoroki-Kun! Congrats again, Kaminari-Kun!” he chuckled, waving with one hand before walking off again. As he did, Uraraka remained where she was and Iida joined the other three on their trek back to the elevators. She was never going to understand those four, she thought with another shake of her head, before perking up and looking around. Just as quickly as they’d all crashed the place, they were gone.
“Geez, not even gonna offer to help us clean up?” she mumbled sarcastically, moving to grab the bowls from the table. She paused when a few yen bills were held out towards her, Kaminari watching her with a surprising serious expression. She looked from his face to the money and then back again. “Kaminari?”
“Here, you can keep the money you put in,” he said, waving it a bit. “I’m not gonna give the others there’s back, out of principle now, but… It was always just about proving that I wasn’t lying with you. If the others hadn’t showed up, I wouldn’t have taken the money anyway.”
“So your ego is worth more than 4,000 yen, huh?” she teased, taking the money back regardless. “Well, thank you. And, just so you know, this didn’t really prove anything about kissing. Just that you can tie cherry stems with your mouth.”
He stared at her in disbelief before setting the box aside. “Well, do I have to show you, then?” he prompted.
She jumped, cheeks smudging with pink immediately. “W-What?” she squeaked.
“Show you that I can kiss? Should I do that to prove my point?” he asked, reaching out to cup the side of her face with one hand. She could feel her heart skip at the action and she closed her eyes tight, holding her breath in preparation. She felt a small puff of his breath against the cheek he wasn’t holding, the smell of cherries filling her senses, and then the soft, warm brush of lips…
Against her cheek.
Her eyes snapped open as he pulled back, hand still resting on her cheek. “W-What?” she breathed out shakily.
“I’m not gonna kiss a girl on the lips without her permission. That’s just gross and rude,” he said gently, starting to pull his hand away.
They both froze when his hand was pulled back. They both glanced down to see one of her earlobes had wrapped around his wrist, like a sneaky little serpent. She quickly looked back up at him. “W-Well, how about this, then? You just won a pretty nice chunk of change from the others, so why don’t we… Do something. Just you and I. And I can decide after that if I want to test your supposed skills for myself?” she suggested, forcing her voice to keep from wavering too much, trying to thrust as much of her usual aloof confidence into her words as possible.
His eyes lit up as bright as a shooting star and he grinned, wide and sincere and dazzling, before nodding enthusiastically. “It’s a date!”
“Please stay here,” For a moment he wasn’t sure he actually heard anything, until there was a small tug at the back of his shirt. Her voice was a bit muffled by the decorative pillow her face was partially burrowed into, but when he peered over his shoulder he could see one eye half-lidded and fixed on him, gleaming like a precious stone. In that one visible eye, though, he could see the vulnerability she was laying bear for him. “Denki, please.”
He flushed a little bit at her using his first name, carefully closing his laptop. “Are you sure? It’s kinda risky, you know,” he mumbled worriedly, carefully adjusting his bum leg stretched out in front of him.
It had been a hectic couple of weeks for the students of UA, though that wasn’t really new. What was new was who, exactly, got involved in the whole rigamaroo.
Normally if something happened, there were a few select students that could be pointed to as the main culprits; Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima were the five most frequent offenders and the “frequent fuck-up fliers”, according to Aizawa-Sensei. That had been how their experiences started and even now, during their senior year, that hadn’t really changed much. Nine times out of ten, if something was happening that involved villains, breaking school rules, being exceptionally reckless or all of the above, at least one of them - Midoriya - had a hand in it. The big spectacle this time had involved rumblings of a human trafficking ring being set up somewhere downtown. And, as expected, Midoriya led the charge to take the place down, but his normal squad weren’t the other players this round. No, this time around, Kaminari had been adamant about going along to help and gotten repaid handsomely for his insistence to do the right thing.
Specifically in that he’d nearly gotten himself killed while protecting hostages as they escaped.
The damage had been amongst some of the worst he’d ever suffered in his time at UA; four full days unconscious as a side effect of a concussion, black eye, cracked rib and his left ankle got busted. When he’d come to in the hospital, he’d felt terrible from both the injuries and how his family had panicked over him. Once they had parted for the day and his classmates came in, there’d been a bit of teasing about him “pulling a Midoriya” from Sero and Kirishima, but he’d noticed how Jirou had hovered in the back of the room, posture guarded and usual playful demeanor completely gone. When the others left, she had lingered a little bit, sitting in silence but clutching his hand as if she’d drown without it. The whole experience reminded him why he didn’t normally pull stunts like the ones Midoriya did.
He had no idea how the other boy could handle the guilt from worrying others and the pain of the injuries like he did.
But that brought him back to the present, with her clutching the back of his shirt and studying him quietly, seemingly pondering over his question. They’d been dating for a little over a year but they hadn’t told their classmates. Part of it was because they were going lowkey about their relationship so as to avoid complicating things with their work study and school assignments. The other reason was because, for as much as they loved Mina, she was incredibly nosy. They’d watched how she had chased after Yaomomo when word got back that she had gone to coffee non-platonically with Kendou from class 3-B, frantic to get the latest in relationship tea. Or how, when it became public knowledge that Bakugo and Kirishima were a thing, she’d hounded them with so many invasive questions she’d left the explosive blonde as a flustered mess that could barely garble out a threat.
If they got caught together, there was the risk of Aizawa finding out, sure, but the scarier threat was Mina Ashido.
“Let’s risk it then. I want you to stay,” she said after a pregnant, thoughtful pause.
He took in a breath and nodded, moving to stand up carefully. “Okay. Let me just get changed and brush my teeth and stuff, okay? But I promise I’ll be right back, fast as can be,” he said, holding one hand up while tucking the laptop under his other arm.
She let out a small hum, pushing herself upright to presumably do the same while he was gone. He hobbled his way to the elevator, making sure to be careful of how much pressure he put down on his left. It was mostly healed at this point, so the doctor’s had cleared him to return to light duty with the instruction to keep it wrapped so he could walk. He plugged his laptop into the charger, made quick work of changing into his sleep clothes, grabbed his pillows and then went to brush his teeth. He brushed them twice, just to be safe.
When he returned to her room, he gave a little knock instead of just letting himself in. She opened the door and ushered him in quietly. “Do you still need to keep your foot elevated?” she asked, pointing at his pillows.
“Um, no, they’re for me to sleep with. I figured I’d take the floor,” he said, clearly confused.
She blinked before giggling and shaking her hair, running her fingers through her hair. She had started to let it grow out a little bit, so that it just grazed her shoulder blades. While he’s always thought she looked great with the shorter, framed bang style, he had to admit there was also an appeal to the slightly longer style, too. “You’re not… We can just share my bed. I mean, just sleep in the bed together,” she said, walking over to take his pillows and tossing them on the bed.
He tensed slightly. “Are… Are you sure?” he asked, holding his hands up.
She nodded, walking over to wrap her arms around his waist and rested her head against the upper half of his chest. Even though they were older, she hadn’t gotten as much of a height jump as she’d hoped. The top of her head still just barely reached his chin, but he kind of liked it. He gently wrapped his arms around her in turn, tilting his head down to gently kiss the top of her head. “I just… I need to know you’re here,” she breathed quietly, her voice catching slightly. His eyes widened for a moment before he tightened his grip on her a bit more.
“Let’s get some rest then,” he muttered softly. How could he tell her ‘no’, when he wanted that same comfort just as badly?
“This is the stupidest plan you’ve ever had,” she said with an inhale, lips twisting into a huge grin, “so of course I’m in.”
His grin turned wide as he pulled the walkie-talkie in his hand back up to his mouth. “Exploding Eagle, this is Pika-Dude, over. Sinister Siren is on board. I repeat; Sinister Siren is on board,” he said over the line, his voice dead serious despite the smirk on his lips.
“You had a code name picked out for me already?” she asked with a quirked brow and small grin.
He pressed a hand to his chest and nodded. “But of course! I had a hunch you’d want in on this, once you found out about it,” he mused.
There was static on the walkie for a moment, before an familiar shout of “Just tell me what the fuck you’re going on about normally, you extra fuck!”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. God, Bakugo just had to zap all of the fun out of everything, didn’t he? “Jirou’s on board. I’ll bring her with me to the meet-up spot; be there in ten,”
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do!”
“See you guys in a bit!” Kirishima’s voice chimed in next, as chipper and giddy as ever.
UA was going to be hosting a huge event for the Hero Commision, and had decided to offer live entertainment. In hopes of buttering the commision up after the many scandals they’d been involved in over the last year - as well as to save on money for a real, professional band - they had decided to allow the students to try out for the role of entertainment for the night. By all technicality, the band Jirou had put together with herself, Kaminari, Tokoyami and Yaomomo should have been the ones to take the crown, but then Monoma from 1-B had to go and mess things up.
They hadn’t caught him in the act, but they had gleaned from his goading later that he’d rigged the results so that a band of 1-B students got selected instead. And, not to be outdone through dishonest means, he and Bakugo had started plotting. Kirishima was eager to jump in to help, but they had yet to approach Yaomomo and Tokoyami. They had the distinct feeling that the duo wouldn’t be keen on playing to get even.
He had known, however, that Jirou would see the practicality in some practical jokes. If the class 1-B students wanted to play dirty, then so would they.
As they slipped out the front door, she looked at him curiously. “Aren’t you worried about what Aizawa-Sensei will say if we get caught?” she pointed out.
“If I worried about what Aizawa-Sensei would do if he found out about half of the things I’ve done, I wouldn’t live,” he laughed. A small part of him was still impressed that their teacher hadn’t found out about the Beast Man incident, but he also wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. “And don’t worry; if he finds out, I’ll take the heat for it. I’ll make sure you live, so you can fight another day.”
She snorted and gently bopped his hip with hers as they walked. “Such a noble sacrifice from a valiant hero,” she teased.
“I try,” he grinned, rubbing the back of his neck meekly.
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cl-babydew · 5 years
Running In The Rain
So this oneshot is for @sophfandoms53’s bday that is today and she deserves more then just this tiny oneshot based off of something that happened to me once. I wish I could do more but when it comes to Soph Ik she’d just appreciate anything as long as it’s from the heart!! Soph, thank you so much for making my last bday the best I literally ever had! I wasn’t looking forward to that day because of how that year was going! But you and everyone else did so much for me that day that...Idek how to thank you guys! I was crying so much that day because I just thought I was gonna be alone until you and everyone popped up and...we didn’t know each other much by then and you STILL made me something and-geez I’m tearing up already! XD I just don’t know how to thank you! I wish I could give you tons of hugs! I promise we’ll meet one day! I’ll make sure of that!! And it’ll be the best day of my life! Just- thank you so much Soph! I love you so so much!! And with all of this said, I hope you have a phenomenal bday!! Happy bday, Soph!
The sun was glistening against the light drops of rain falling from the blue aura sky with white and gray fluffy cotton floating lazily over Duckburg.
A car steered into a certain young teen lady ducks drive way, slowing to a stop in front of the blond girls fence. Shelly bit her bottom beak as she went over the thoughts in her head.
Huey invited her to go mini golfing with him. Just her and him. It was awkward to say the least. They still had a good time even though the air was thick.
The days leading up to this they would get teased by the others calling it a date when they would correct that it was ‘just a hang out’. They didn’t want to think of it as a date, they were just friends. Shelly knew that Huey liked her as much as she like him. Unsurprisingly, he wasn’t the one that told her; Dewey spilled the beans a few days before a homecoming dance they went to together. Huey couldn’t get a date- he tried to, but the girl turned him down. She didn’t understand how some girl could just reject him so cruelly.
Shaking her head, she fluttered her eyes, pushing a piece of her silky hair behind her ear. Her checks were already starting to tingle, “Wait here!”
Huey gave her a questioning look as she hopped out the front seat onto the cement. He watched as her hair swayed wildly as she ran through her opened garage.
Making sure she wasn’t seen she hugged herself. She was so glad she was finally out of that car. It’s not that she didn’t trust Huey’s driving skills-HEH- Huey’s like the safest person she’s ever met; after his Uncle that is. She just didn’t have good experiences with cars. Her parents nagged her on and on about her finally driving, she was 16 now, they wanted her driving soon. Her dad was still cautious about money, though. Getting in a few wrecks didn’t just worry her about driving, but made her terrified about sitting in the front seat! She rarely sat up there anymore, unless with her dad on rare occasions. But if someone suggested the front seat for her, she’d smile sheepishly, denying their offer as she scrambled to the back. It’s a good thing Huey could drive, because she surly wasn’t going to. Her parents fussed her just for sitting in the back when they were heading out.
Luckily, Huey being the understanding best friend he was, didn’t mind at all. He was the only one that knew other then her parents, after all. He even told her that she didn’t have to sit in the front on the way back, but she had no choice or her parents would punish her for being such a coward.
Sighing, she grabbed the keys to her moms van, sneaking money to pay back Huey from earlier. She was so red earlier that it took her until they got their to admit she forgot money. Her plan was to split it. But beating her to the punch, Huey chuckled saying that he already planned to pay for her anyway. She knew Huey would be stubborn to receive money back, but she hated getting things without giving in return. So grabbing the money out of her mom’s van, and crunching it in her sweaty palms she left the door opened with the keys on the seat, walking back up to his car.
It was starting to rain a bit harder, so being without an umbrella, she ignored it. A little rain never killed anyone. She used her finger to tap on his window as he rolled it down. His eyes widened as she outstretched her arm for him to take the money.
“Here.” She breathed, “It’s not much, but I felt bad for earlier...” she trailed off, smiling shyly at him.
He couldn’t help but let a smile lose as he rolled up his window, shaking his head. She scoffed, smirking.
“Huey Duck! Take the money please.” She knocked on the window once more.
He kept laughing as he shook his head, “I told you my deal. I paid for you, and I don’t want anything in return.” He was muffled, but she could hear his fast talking clear as day.
If he wanted to be stubborn, fine...she could play stubborn too. She smirked, opening his door to his surprise as rain started to poor harder and hit the inside of his car. She was already pretty soaked and her feathers were ruffled while her golden hair was soaked.
She threw the money inside his truck as she giggled, slamming the door as his foot stopped it he chased back after her, with the money in his hands. She ran underneath the garage, a puddle forming underneath her.
He saw her mother’s car door still opened and set the damp money back in on the wet seat. He gave her the keys that were left on the seat, closing the door. He turned around smirking only to see the girl holding back laughter as she pointed to his car. One dollar bill was still hanging out, getting just as soaked as them.
His face burned in embarrassment, as he stomped on over to collect the bill, stomping back over to her. He tried handing her the bill, but she didn’t even try reaching for it. She bit her beak, half smiling and shaking her head innocently.
The girl watched as he set the bill on her father’s working table. She folded her arms, rolling her eyes playfully.
They just stood their staring at each other. He couldn’t keep a straight face, suddenly bursting into laughter as she joined in. Their eyes teared up as they began staring at each other once more. The world fading behind them.
But sadly coming back to earth, Huey stuck out his fist. She blinked, which formed into a soft smile as she chuckled, fist bumping him awkwardly back.
She watched him as he ran back to his car through the rain. She chuckled to herself as she could hear the many questions his brothers, Webby, and Lena were going to ask coming in soaked like he was.
The girl flopped on her bed, closing her eyes as she hummed to herself repeating over and over again on the moments of that day.
Her head shot up as she heard a buzz coming from her phone. Rolling onto her stomach, she played with her knotty wet hair as she read the text.
She bit the inside of her check.
Huey: Thanks for playing golf with me, Shell. I thought it was pretty fun. I hope you had fun, too. You did a lot better then me though.(enter laughing emojis here)
She smirked, ignoring her heart beating a mile a minute.
Shelly: I think we did an equal amount of okness! (Enter a laughing emoji here)
She giggled.
Shelly: And it was fun! Thx!
Just as she was about to set her phone down, it buzzed in her hand once more.
Huey: Anytime!
Her heart wasn’t prepared for what was coming her way.
Huey: Hey, by the way, I hope this doesn’t weird you out, but I’ve been wanting to hang out with you because I really like you. I wanted to tell you that. I’m sorry if that weirds you out... (enter a sweating nervous/sad emoji)
Was her heart still beating? She felt her face heat up, as her stomach was doing backflips. She’s waited so long for him to admit and...he finally has and she didn’t know what to do with herself.
Licking her lips nervously, she breathed in a shaky breath, answering him back.
Shelly: That doesn’t weird me out at all, I like you too!
She breathed out, gasping for air. Oh she didn’t know how she was going to face him tomorrow. She didn’t even know if she wanted to squeal, jump around, or weep happily. Her emotions were everywhere.
“If only he knew how much I liked him, and how long I have been in love with him...”
Laying on her back, with her phone on her stomach, she sighed to herself, “Tomorrow’s going to be a new day, indeed...” she covered her face with her arm, as her heart fluttered, a tiny smile started to slip through.
“Maybe life won’t be so scary after all?...”
Well...this is gift 1! Number two will be right after this one! Which is already done and ready to post! X3 I hope you liked this!
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How to use Acorns to it's fullest!
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Link: https://acorns.com/invite/2EYFEX
(Sign up and get $5 free on your first deposit!)
Okay so you signed up and you don't know what to do now? Well you can link your bank account and normal card but I would just go for Acorns Spend to get a debit card with a checking account provided by Lincoln Savings Bank. I can teach you some things I learned that will help you out and prevent the mistakes I made when using this app on my phone. I can also show you how much you can save besides being frugal. :D
1. Invest with recurring deposits.
I never did this at first and regretted it weeks later because compared from one time deposits and recurring you can set it to low amounts and set it daily, weekly, or monthly. This way if a market change happens then you won't miss out on it. You'll save a lot of money on the side when doing it.
2. Using apps/websites for saving and cash back
Besides using the found money on acorns for a percentage or dollar amount getting invested into your core account you can also set other apps/websites to help you save money or get a cash back when spending at different stores or online shopping. There's apps like Ebates, RetailMeNot, Dosh, Groupon, etc. I personally started using Ebates since they give you a $10 welcome bonus plus $25 for each referral you get from a sign up. When I used this I was shopping under Amazon since I needed some things from there and after the shipments went through for the New Years Eve 2018 deals Ebates was having I got 32 cents back in cash back plus whatever round ups I got from my chime bank and acorns account. So I got 3 times the cash back which leads to $1.68 in savings. How did I get this number? Acorns besides my bank chime round my transaction to the nearest dollar. So it's 68 x 2 = 136 then you add the 32 and it comes out as 168. So triple savings on top of the $10 welcome bonus but, that will change when I get my acorns spend account with the debit card when the rest goes to my retirement account.
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Link: https://acorns.com/invite/2EYFEX
(Sign up and get $5 free on your first deposit!)
3. Watching for price drops
This will also help you save money as well while your trying to get round ups with transactions your making each day or whenever your buying small things in stores or online. Clearance sales and price drops will always be your bestfriend if your gonna be frugal. This way your set more money aside rather then over spending.
4. Refer people to the Acorns app
This might not be saving or being frugal but this will help you out because you and other people will get $5 each for each sign they get when they deposit. Plus if you get enough sign ups and they stay invested after the end of the month you also get a referral bonus depending on what it is each month! I would try to get the free money so it's invested honestly.
5. Set you round ups on a multiplier
This really depends on your payroll for the most part. If your someone with not a lot of money I would either keep the multiplier off or at x2 when using it so this way it only takes $5 to $10 out of your checking account. If it's x3 the it will take $15 out and if it's x10 then it will take out $50. I would only do x10 if your checking account is loaded with money. This way you can set more money aside and you can do it without thinking about it. Automation will be your friend besides saving on price drops and clearance sales.
Link: https://acorns.com/invite/2EYFEX
(Sign up and get $5 free on your first deposit!)
Thank you for your interest in my first list post for tips and tricks in the business and financial area of things. I hope this helps and if you would link to get started with acorns use my Link to sign up to get $5 free when you make your first deposit! :D
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whateverneedsdoing · 6 years
User Experience and Measurement Lessons From Bike Sharing at the Beach
Let’s pretend for a second that the bike and scooter sharing startups have sound business models.  They’ll break even on the bikes/software/maintenance, and make money selling the route data to mapping and advertising companies or something.  Have you suspended your disbelief?  Great.  Now picture the perfect setup for customer acquisition for these startups…
It might look something like this:
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A sunny day at Alki Beach in Seattle.  A jogging & biking path that goes on for 4 miles of beautiful views and people-watching.  A place where it’s really hard to find parking, there are tons of people outside, and they can’t walk all the way back to their cars in flip flops.  Where couples and families come specifically to move around in the sun, to see all the views, and to make it all the way from one end to the other and back.
People at Alki have the need for temporary bikes.  Pedestrians see folks riding colorful mobile-app-rented bikes all around them.  It’s like free advertising to a perfect target market.
This is the situation I found myself in a few weekends ago.  On a beautiful sunset walk with my wife.  Enjoying the views with tired legs and a hungry belly.  Bikers, skateboarders, and foursomes on rented rickshaws zooming by us.  We saw a number of people using bright green Limebikes, yellow Ofo bikes, and orange Spin bikes.  We parked our car and walked two miles West to a pirate-infested beach bar with bacon pizza and Adirondack chairs (no joke about the pirates).  On the way back, we wanted to pedal.  I’d used Limebike twice before, so I knew what to expect: a heavy, poorly-fitting bike that we could ride for a few miles for a dollar.  My wife was a bikeshare n00b.
Bike Sharing #ProductFail x3 Companies
So what was the #ProductFail?  Where are the lessons?  Basically everything about the user experience starting at the point where I decided I wanted us to bike back to our car.
There was a Limebike right outside our pirate beach bar.  “Perfect!” I thought, and started fiddling with my phone to unlock it.
Problem #1: “This bike no worky.”
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No dice.  “OK - well let’s walk a little farther away from the car to get a bike - I think I see another Limebike way down there.”
Problem #2: Two would-be bikers interested at the same time.
Just as we made it to the bike at the end of the line, another guy was walking toward it with his friend.  We talked about it awkwardly for a minute and he decided to let me have the bike.  OK, time to try unlocking it.
Problem #3: Out of battery
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Two bad bikes in a row, ouch.  
“Wait, can’t we pedal an electric bike that’s out of battery?  No.  I can’t believe this.  OK, let’s start walking back the way we came from and keep our eyes peeled, there are lots of bikes around.”
After 5 minutes of walking back the way we’d come from… “Here’s a Yellow one.  I guess I can download another app and enter my credit card info - they all work the same way, one brand’s as good as another, right?”
Wait for the download over cellular.  Open the app and create an account.  Fiddle with my credit card out on the sidewalk - you can’t get your first free ride without a credit card entered...
Problem #4: This yellow bike no worky either :-(
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At this point I was wondering if I just had unbelievably bad luck, or if all of these bikes are running on such a rickety operational model and software platform, that they’re basically unsuited for busy outdoor areas.  
It also occurs to me that when there’s high rideshare bike demand, there’s a much higher chance that any idle bikes which appear to be available are actually the ones no one can get to work.
...more walking with the wife… she’s resigned to walk back, but my feet hurt and I’m more determined than ever to get a working bike to ride.
Problem #5: Third green bike no worky.
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“OMG - this is a laughably bad experience.  I’m gonna blog about it.”
...more walking...
Problem #6: Vandalism.
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“We don’t want a third app do we?”
“Don’t bother, it has no seat. (orange)
...more walking...
Problem #7: I use my app to unlock a bike, but someone standing nearby says it’s his.
We see a bunch of parked yellow bikes and I’m thinking “finally, these must work!”  
I unlock the first one.  But then a kid looking at the view with his family says “that’s my bike, wasn’t it already unlocked?”  But my app has the bike checked out to me…  “Oh, sorry, but my app is counting time now.”  There are four yellow bikes here and three of you, is that OK?  He agrees, and I get a sweet, sweet, ride on a heavy, poorly-fitting bike.
Problem #8: A second Ofo bike is “closed for maintenance.”
The only problem is the other yellow bike that my wife tries (after downloading the same new app to her own phone, creating an account and entering a credit card) also doesn’t work and shows an error message.
So we pretend we’re 10 again and we actually try riding two people to a bike.  I thought it was hilarious.  But, my wife can’t keep from sliding off the seat and this is a bit nuts - we don’t really want to explain a bike crash with both of us on one bike with no helmets to our kids.  We decide to walk back.
Building a Better Bike Sharing Product
OK - so we can all agree that was a horrible customer experience.  How could the bike share companies build better products?
Let’s follow a straightforward approach that starts with understanding users and the problems they run into, prioritizes a good user experience, and tracks success in the metrics.
Understanding users and their bike share problems:
User feedback will come in through many mechanisms, including app store reviews and twitter… but to tangibly improve our user understanding, we want to survey some small percentage of our users.  When?  All the important times: right after they’ve finished a bike ride, right after they’ve encountered a problem, and when they’ve used the app an unusually long amount of time (this indicates a problem or an uncommon use case).  And we should couple this quantitative survey work with qualitative work (e.g. tag-alongs or diary studies involving frequent bike share users, and in-person street intercepts of new users in busy bike-sharing areas like Alki Beach).  
Prioritize a good user experience and track success:
In addition to our “understand work” above, we want to log all the bad experiences we can catch (such as bike inoperable error messages), and set goals to drive down the number of users having bad experiences per day/week/month.  With a goal set to minimize bad experiences, it will be easy to prioritize fixes to problems, and we can rank those problems based on how often they are experienced X the severity of the effect on user sentiment (e.g. Net Promoter Score).
Some ways to fix the problems I encountered:
Bike inoperable product fixes: 
In all the cases that I hit bike inoperable error messages above, I was clearly, obviously “having a bad time.”  This is the equivalent of a crash or hang with most software.  I was all ready to ride a bike and pay for my ride, but I could not.
The product teams could make major improvements by doing the following:
Log all these errors by type
Goal on reducing them both in terms of raw counts and in terms of total people affected
Do follow up field research in areas where error rates are abnormally high
Goal the maintenance teams on reducing the length of time bikes are inoperable and out in the field generating bad user experiences
Help users avoid these situations in the first place by much more obviously directing them to the closest working bikes, and warning them boldly in app (both visually and audibly) about any very nearby bikes that are offline for maintenance or out of battery.
Help users who hit a bike inoperable case find a working ride as quickly as possible, and both apologize and compensate them for the bad experience to turn a negative situation into a positive if possible.
Vandalism product fixes:
A bike with a missing seat, missing front wheel, or missing chain is just another form of inoperable bike.
The product team could invest in:
Detecting missing bike components via bluetooth or RFID sensors
Treating any bike with a missing component just like an inoperable bike (with the techniques above)
Social product fixes:
People will occasionally walk around and want the same bike at the same time.  But we can both minimize these cases, and help folks navigate these cases via the product. The product team could:
Attempt to steer nearby users with the app open to different nearby bikes
Institute rules about scanning bikes that are still on someone else’s clock - buzzing both phones and asking the current bike holder if they’re willing to release the bike to someone new or not.
Put a “two people want this bike” button front and center on the apps map view.  Hitting this button could suggest the next closest bike, offer some suggestions for communication and decision-making, and have an option to randomly select a “winner” in the case that neither person is willing to defer.  Underneath the random assignment function, the team could prioritize any person who just came off a bad experience such as losing a random assignment or finding an inoperable bike recently.
Many products are a combination of physical goods, software, and operations.  Many products are used in complex social environments that can complicate usage.  Some products are local, and may perform well in terms of metrics at the top level (like across a city or a country), while still harboring very broken user experiences in lower-level locations and for a minority of users.  But any product with these attributes will hit a growth ceiling, as the bad experiences result in churn and negative word-of-mouth that creates a drag on the overall product.
Today we looked at three high-flying bike sharing companies with plenty of VC money, that are likely in this zone right now: showing positive growth and usage numbers, but perhaps also struggling with declining growth and metrics ceilings.  Thinking about your best case and worst case scenarios… doing a deeper level of understand work, and then prioritizing and thoroughly solving your top user problems can unstick your product and unlock a new round of growth.
Have a story like this?  A horrible user experience or a product with strong top-level metrics that’s slowing down or burdened by some bad user experiences?  Ping me on LinkedIn or Facebook Messenger - I’d love to hear about it.
- Mike    
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ashly-uwu · 3 years
character introduction time:
Group A: The “oh god oh fuck, is that the entire fucking police force after me” Group
Asher: baby boy. innocent little cinnamon bun. an untainted unfiltered bundle of pure joy. 17 and he grew up poor and is very humble. convicted for the killings of 9 people and is currently on the run and he’s also he’s illiterate. He so happened to witness a guy dumping a body in a dumpster and got spotted by the killer. He ran to his parents but Uh Oh x3, killer had powerful connection and now he’s getting blamed for the crime. Because of this, he is wanted and has a very very very high bounty on his head. His instrument will be an acoustic guitar.
Laurence: Rich dickhead. The prosecutor who convicted Asher (he didn’t know he was being framed at the time). Has a tough act and acts like a total asshat, but he’s a nice guy at heart. Probably. Argues with Asher 24/7. The one planning everything cause he’s the only adult here with an education. His instrument is the Grand Piano with capital letters cause those fuckers are expensive.
Eev: Actual baby. Child. Very shy and non-verbal. Clings to Asher’s coat. Probably autistic but i didn’t plan that, she just so happened to have a lot of traits so why not. Very smart and usually solves stuff by herself while Asher and Laurence are arguing. Also she’s one the daughters of the most powerful man in the country. “Kidnapped” by Asher during a panicky situation and now the entire country is after him. Her instrument is the violin.
Group B: The “Hilariously incompetent despite the amount of chances they are given” Group
Wayne and Lancer: This duo has two brain cells. Wayne has both. Strong willed and dedicated, Wayne is the only reason these two are able to get anywhere. Wayne is always thinking of a plan to reach his goals. He’s tough and can put up a good fight (unlike the next guy), but his thought process is very straightforward, and when he gets stuck, having a weirdo is nice. That weirdo is Lancer. Lancer is able to see things from a different angle. He usually just says what comes to mind and that’s enough to help Wayne figure something out. In terms of fighting ability, he tries his best. He really does. But his balance is about as good as two brooms tied with a zip tie. Also these guys are from a super poor area, but they received an education from their adoptive father. Anyway, they could use some money. And recently some serial killer kidnapped the richest man’s daughter and seems to be racking a high bounty for his capture. How high could it b- holy fuck, these guys can’t even read that high of a number. Wayne’s instrument is the bass guitar and Lancer’s instrument is the tenor saxophone.
The Boss: Wayne and Lancer’s adoptive father. Actually he’s the father of a lot of people. Whenever there’s an orphaned homeless child, he adopts them and lets them stay in his big house, which means Wayne and Lancer have a lot of siblings. He does this cause the orphanage owned by the government is a shit hole. He helps out the poor neighbourhood and often gives food out. Basically he nicest man to ever exist. He used to be the heir to a very rich family, but after his father died when the boss was around 20, he inherited everything, he used all of it to help as many people as he can. During that time, he was assigned a bodyguard of similar age to his own and they got really close. That bodyguard stayed with him after the boss left the family and they still live together happily. His instrument is either another grand piano but most likely a cello, i’m not 100% sue yet.
Group C: The “barely functioning but functioning” group
Mizu: Loves Lyr very much. Very tall and adept fighter. shy uwu 👉👈. Despite being almost two heads taller, Lyr is the one who has to tell the McDonald’s cashier that they got their order wrong. She’s very skilled at a multitude of things which helps her out a lot. She gets easily embarrassed by Lyr when Lyr compliments her. Despite her meek personality, when she gets into a fight, she is able to focus without distraction and fight at her best. Wait shit, i forgot to mention, she’s part of a small rebel group planning to overthrow the corrupts government. She usually wears a biker helmet to hide her face from authorities. Her instrument the electric guitar.
Lyr: Loves Mizu very much. Short ass lmao. She’s not afraid to get to the point and will drag Mizu with her. Lyr knows she can’t do much to help Mizu when it comes to physical activities because she isn’t that strong , so she tries her best to make things easier for Mizu. She can’t fight very well but she does know a little bit of self defence. She’s quite reckless while Mizu worries too much, but they work well together. She wears a metal welding helmet she spray painted pink to hide her face from authorities. Her instrument I have no fucking clue. Maybe another guitar? Maybe drums? So her songs will have more emphasis on drums? i dont know
Flora: She’s the only reason these people haven’t been caught yet. She’s smart and kind, and plans everything out before hand. She’s very cheerful and makes everyone feel welcome. She knows when to be serious though and yells at Lyr when she’s goofing around too much. She’s the one who got everyone together. And she’s noticed something odd about a recently escaped serial killer. The details surrounding the crime are.. fishy? Anyway, she’s planning on meeting this guy and if her intuition is right, she’s gonna make him join them. Her instrument will be a piano that sometimes turns into a synth.
Kit: Kit is the clumsy anxiety-filled blind engineer who’s part of the rebel group. He’s constantly working on this big project. Since he’s blind, he makes the plans and then instructs Lyr on how to make it. He used to work for the government against his will but one day, with the help of Flora, he managed to escape, and now he’s working on something he calls a “counter-measure”. Just in case. His instrument is a violin. wait shit that was eev’s. okay i’m gonna change eev’s later.
Anyways that’s all the main big important characters for now. byebye ✌️
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cally-alley-cat · 7 years
Studytale Ship kids
Verse #1
Red x Star x Papyrus-- red and papyrus are infatuated with star, and they've decided to share star rather than have him pick between them so the three are together.
Kid(s)-- red and star have a child named Sirius. Papyrus could do without a second kid, so hes okay with just one kid, Sirius. Even if Sirius isnt really his kid.
Candy x Berry-- candy and berry were literally the first of the group to fall for eachother, and literally the first to have their kids. Their planning to get married when their done with college.
Kid(s)-- they have twins, Reese and Lolli, both named after their dad candy, for his sweet name xD their a group of candies xD. Berry and Candy have high hopes for their kids. No doubt their gonna be great kids.
Blue x SFPapyrus-- ((first off. Papyrus is in the first verse, because his ship with blue came before the other. And papyrus already knows about who candy and star are seeing, so it makes sense)) papyrus and blue started off really, really, really, REALLY badly. They didnt really click at first, and papyrus bullied blue a lot because of whatever reasons. Blue, hated papyrus, because he was legit making blues life hell. But after learning some things, he decided not to, and try to become friends with paps. As annoying, and dreadful as it was to have blue bouncing back each time, papyrus eventually gave in, and boom. The love eachother.
Kid(s)-- they have three kids, one after the other. Gill, Chater and Corbella, each names after fonts. Gill Hes the oldest. Charter the second. And their sweet little girl whos a mix of them, Corbella. Shes the youngest. ((Charter and Gill are by @sfpapyrus mun the<3))
Classic x Carol-- the two lazy bones clicked since high school. Classic has had a crush on her for like, forever. Though shes only realizing this now, in college, and of course she has feelings for him too.
Kid(s)-- they are going to have one kid named carols ((by @buttergriffin332 )) hes just the sweetest little skelecat ever, and im sure he'll be a good boy too.
DB x Stacey-- DB and stacey just kinda, fell for eachother over time. DB was very helpful, almost annoyingly so, it almost bothered stacey how much he wanted to male sure she was okay, but she kinda fell for that aspect of him. It was nice.
Kid(s)-- Alto and Harmony. Both named after musical terms, Alto being the big brother and Harmony the little sister born a few years later. These kids are musical protégés, having both parents excelling in singing, and their dad a master with instruments, who would expect less?? Their an inseparable duo, I'll tall you that.
And their squad will officially be named the star children
Verse #2
Nothing has been planned for star, so he is technically still with red and pap. Which makes Sirius a multidimensional kid xD
Candy x DB x Tom-- candy has had a crush on DB forever, and when he finally sees a chance to actually make a move, this tom guy came into the picture. Tom was originally portrayed as a bad guy, but he wasnt really, he is the sweetest guy, the only thing is that he was doing what he was doing for money. He has a financial crisis, and will do anything to get it. He has a younger sister in the hospital, who needs a lot of cash in order to get better. Its all hes working for. Anyway! Candy kind of has this rivalry with Tom, and tom really couldnt care less as long as DB is happy. Candy doesnt quite was to share, but he'll make an effort for DB.
Kid(s)-- with candy and DB, you'll have chestnut, and with tom and DB, Calvin
Blue x hunter-- ((I'm calling the fox hunter comic- he is in second verse because his shop came second. He hasnt even made a proper appearance yet )) blue and hunter met while the star squad ((blue, star and berry)) went on a nice day on the town together. They just happened to bump into eachother. Further details havent been recognized x3
Kid(s)-- Fennec. Named after a Fennec Fox, fennec is their rowdy little girl. Full of energy and all over the place.
Classic and carol remains the same.
Stacey is. Currently a loner. Pore girl xD
The ship kid squad would be called...something. I dunno yet xD
Verse #1 amounts to- 9 kids
Verse #2 amounts to- 5 kids.
Wow. Thats quite the difference.
I'll be drawing the squads later, for now Its time to tag all the muns. Which. Isnt a lot actually xD
DB's mun and creator of carols. Ah! Come up with a name for the tom x DB kid too plz, thanks x3 @buttergriffin332 ((I know I tagged you before but bare with me-))
Classic, Red, Papyrus, Berry, Hunter mun as well as the one who named Reese and Lolli- @comic-sans-skeleton ((be proud-))
SF papyrus papyrus mun and creator of papyrus and blue Jr @sfpapyrus ((we really need names for them xD
Star, Candy, Blue, Stacey, Carol, and all the other ship kids. By me. Thanks
Did i forget anything? No? Okay good.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Commission Product/Document Review
My Commission Info: (x) Should you want to, please read rules and prices first.
Marydragneell: Assisted Story - Ember the Immortal Wolf’s Backstory
Time: About 2 days to complete roughly 22 pages consisting of 2 chapters.
Amount paid: 10$ (9$ for Assisted Story benefits and 1$ for added tip by customer choice.)
Review: @marydragneell  OMG I LOOOOOVEEEE IIIIITTTTT.  The title, you totally got the horror of having a perfect memory and you really nail her personality of what I read. I absolutely love it <3 <3 <3 <3 I really love it and you totally captured the personality of Ember, I was impatient to read the finished story and I do not regret it coz it's absolutely perfect. And I loved it so much I'm gonna give you the money to continue writing on her coz I just love how you do it X3
Finished product: ( a provided example of what I sell, permission to advertise according to rules and customer discretion was given.)
A Spark of Ember
By: Cutegirlmayra (Assisted Story for Marydragneell)
It was the dark of night.
I guess you could say she had been traveling for hours, or at least, still on the trail of G.U.N.
Man, where had the time flown off too?
She paced the dark night, strung with fireflies and lost in her thoughts. The only thing pulling her forward was the dirt in her nails from digging the children’s graves before swearing she’d seek revenge.
‘It shouldn’t have happened that way.’ Her teeth clenched, gripping an object in her hand, round and with the inscription G.U.N. ‘I won’t lose more to those… those monsters!’
Maria ran through the ARK, excitedly racing away from something. She was young, full of energy, and wasn’t afraid to skid her knee on the cold steel of the floating spacecraft.
She laughed and laughed, as two figures followed behind her, open-eyed and seeming rather calm though the girl was obviously elated at the game.
“Tag me! Tag me~” she chimed, giggling some more as she twirled around.
One figure looked to see the other’s eyes fixated on Maria’s youthful beauty, her innocence and charms, and smiled.
“Maria!” the figure called, racing even faster, breathing so much harder now, as she reached forward to tag her.
Maria and the two figures paused, scared out of their game as a large, round man walked into view. His towering figure had his arms wrapped behind his back, his glasses gleaming in the vast sparkling lights of deep space behind him.
“How many times must I remind you.” He handed Maria a vile, and wearily, she trembled and stepped back.
“But grandfather…” she pleaded, before he shook his head, and bent down to her. His mustache moved with each tender word he spoke.
“Now, Maria. You were coughing up blood last night… you must take your medicine and rest more than play. I know you want to play, and feel exceptionally invincible with Shadow and Ember by your side… but you must remember…”
He then looked with a shaded stare to his creations… less tenderly than he had the child…
“They are still dangerous.”
The figure held her hand… stepping back and looking in the light with widened eyes.
The other figure entered the darkness, “We can’t actually play with her, Ember.”
In horror and sorrow, the figure began to cry, and lifted a claw to touch it, unsure of what it was.
She flinched back as it scratched her, unaware of her body or her abilities.
She looked to the other figures hands, and shouted, “Why were you created differently!? You can play with her!”
“…No, Ember.” Shadow stepped into the light, his eyes glaring down at her in all seriousness. “I can’t.” he lifted his head up, pride and protection filling his brilliant red eyes.
“We never will.”
Ember had crash landed in a separate pod from Shadow. Gerald had sent her down first, having created her to protect rather than cure humanity, as was Shadow’s true design.
In all honesty, she was created as a companion to assist Shadow… but since she couldn’t find him or even know if he existed anymore, she wandered around the earth in search of anyone who needed help.
Her memory of everything was perfect. As was part of her creation, she was a walking scrapbook of every detail she had ever witnessed in her life.
She had stumbled upon a village, who accepted and welcomed her in.
Every day she would venture out to gather food and supplies for them, beginning to learn more about the world Maria loved so much, and happily did her designed purpose of watching over the earth and keeping its people safe.
Until that one day…
“Sing, sing!”
Ember, an immortal wolf with dark grey hair, red streaks much like Shadow’s, who she considered her brother; white tips on her ears, feet, and hands, eyes a deeper purple than amethyst, was given new clothes and a home. It was more than she could ever ask for.
“I… could maybe sing… one song~” she winked and stuck her tongue out to the side. The kids all cheered, as the adults smiled and nodded their heads.
Sweet is the winter,…
Calm is the thunder…
And don’t you cry~
Mother is here now…
To bring in the spring and create the things of life~
Rain, rain, rain…
Do you remember the warm rain?
Be patient, my child, and sing without guile
Bittersweet is the spring, that carries in the breeze…
Calmed by the melting snow…
And don’t~ you~ cry~
Before Maria would go to sleep each night, she would ask Ember to sing to her. And soon after that, Maria would sing it to Shadow before he was placed back in his experimentation pod for further study and… ‘fixing’.
Ember’s tail flicked as her face lit up from the children cheering and begging for her to sing it again, but the adults hurried them to bed.
The orphans… on the other hand, wouldn’t stop pleading.
The orphans were rumored to have parents who funded the ARK project, since the pod she escaped in was programmed to land somewhere ‘safe’ she figured it meant one of the funders.
Then… that horrible night… a night she wished to simply forget.
But such was her curse…
To never… forget.
There was smoke everywhere.
G.U.N had tracked down the children, sent to the village for safe keeping… and performed… a horrible, horrible deed…
“No…” Ember dropped all the supplies she was carrying, seeing the village on fire.
“No…” She dropped to her knees when her feet carried her faster than she thought possible to the orphanage.
Crimson blood mingled with ash and smoke.
Her claws gripped into the floorboards.
She tore into them, as something on her chest burst free from it’s hiding and shined brightly around her.
A dark aura rose.
She had failed her purpose…
She was created to protect humanity…
She had failed.
“We can’t actually play with her, Ember.”
Her eyes jutted open, having not realized what she had done.
“We never will.”
She had taken down the whole building. Shredding the beds, ripping the burning roof and ceiling down.
She cried and cried… staring up at the smoky sky, grey as her fur…
Then, she felt something like a ‘tink!’ hit the ground hard and roll towards her feet.
With her horror-stricken eyes, she slowly gestured her head down to it.
Her eyes flinched in a sharpened focus at the words inscribed on the smoke-grenade.
“I’ll kill them.”
She huffed, leaning a bruised arm against a nearby tree, and looking out at the G.U.N headquarters.
“I’ll… urk… make them pay.”
She was tried, weary, and but her silliness never stopped coming. She leaned her head back, “Then I’ll buy ice cream~” she laughed, in a maniacal, broken-spirited way before collapsing to the ground.
“50 years… and you’d think Gerald would have considered putting some healing properties into me too.” She struggled, but quickly lifted herself back up again.
She hadn’t eaten in days.
“Sir! There’s been a disturbance in sector B!”
“What in blue blazes is going on here!?”
“General it’s… it’s a girl!”
“A girl!? What the devil… Someone’s Ex?”
“Sir… she’s…”
The Solder froze at the monitors, shaking as his mouth and knees wouldn’t move any further.
“…Crazy Ex?”
The general looked old, his short white beard lifted to the side as did his confusion.
“Give it here!”
He shoved the boy aside and then gawked at the image.
Blurred and with a lot of static, you could make out the tail and ears of a figure moving quickly and jumping around the scene, attacking and knocking men and robots alike down with a single strike.
“…She’s fast!”
“No… teleporting.”
The General quickly walked down the stairs of his upper division computer-room, pointing and shouting at people in various desks below them. “Get me a Chaos reading on that girl. I want to know what this thing wants. What’s her power level? Do we have Rouge on standby?”
“Sir! Rouge is currently on route to cracking Project Inferno.” A woman stood perfectly straight, having a head-mic that spiraled in a cord around her neck before curving upon her cheek.
He grabbed his hand and threw it against the railing, leaning on it.
Then… slowly, in his moment of feeling trapped… he turned around. “… Put her image on the big screen.”
The soldier looked to his commanding officer, who nodded. He wearily, with sweat dripping down the side of his forehead and cheek, flicked the switch and hit a button.
Ember’s face came in on a close-up, her teeth rearing open to chomp down on a robot, shaking the disk-like gun from it’s small pole and shaking it till it ripped free.
“…More like a monster than little girl.” The General scoffed… before putting his hat back on, and adjusting it.
“…Bring out…”
“Project Shadow.”
(My thoughts: While writing this first chapter I wanted to get the information the reader needed as soon as possible. When going back for edits, I’d like to organize it to be more compelling, but with so much data on her, I wanted to make sure the essential of ‘need to know’ basis was there. I’ll include more based on the Patron’s wishes, but for now, I really wanted to show Ember as loving, conflicted, protective, wild, and still a goofball as her description made me believe she is. I included some minor details about powers, but I want to expand upon them on the following pages. This is simply my first few chapters in introduction before moving on to ‘rising action’ where she will be reunited with Shadow, who won’t remember her until she triggers a memory, which is part of her job/task. I wanted to stay true to her, but leave her as a mystery the audience still wants to figure out, and learn more about. This was the ‘interest’ and ‘hook’ of the story, something I hope to go back and work with if the Patron has any further comments for. : ) Overall, I deeply enjoyed my first attempt at writing for Ember the Immortal Wolf, and hope many others will enjoy her story as I continue writing it!)
The Ashes of Embers
Ember teleported, feeling the radiating warmth of the lost Chaos Emerald Gerald Robotnik stole from Angel Island long ago…
It was imbedded deep in her chest, peeking out on occasion, though she never fully knew the extent of its power.
During times of hardship, she’d sometimes blackout and awake to see her glowing… but what did it mean?
Chaos Emeralds weren’t common knowledge, even to Gerald.
Ember simply tried to harness or ignore it, worried it may control her more than she let on.
She knocked out more robots and security cameras, before the whole sector started shutting down.
She looked around her, her eyes shifting as the lights cut off and large, metallic doors slammed in her wake.
“…So, we’re playing hide and seek in the dark, eh?” She smiled, but a small bit of sweat trinkled down her spine.
What were they playing at?
She couldn’t trust them. She couldn’t even trust the dark. They would play dirty… they always did.
Suddenly, a green glow shined through in lines above the ceiling, and she cautiously looked up, before jumping back in fright.
“Ah!” she put her hands up over the front of her head, trying to defend herself if something should jump down from the air-conditioning units above.
The barred lining above did get dented and hit, before crashing down, along with some ceiling debris, as a figure leaped down and threw out his arm in the dusty green light.
“Chaos Spear!”
Instinctively, she raced on all fours away from the explosion, only seeing the shadows of the spears and carefully tumbling into the side of the adjacent wall to avoid injury.
“Offph!” she landed upside, her butt crashing against the wall and taking most of the damage. “Yyyyyeeee-ooooww…” she groaned in some pain, her eye twitching a bit as she turned herself over on the ground.
Getting to her knees, she heard a gun cock, and frightfully looked up with eyes shrinking in terror.
She saw the dust settle… as the front of the gun pierced her vision and hovered steadily in front of her face.
“Don’t move.”
She obeyed, but her eyes couldn’t help and wander up to the figure as the green light still beamed a beautiful aura around him.
She suddenly recognized the red stripes… the hedgehog quills… the serious frown.
She couldn’t believe her eyes!
He raised an eyebrow to her.
“Shadow! It’s me..! It’s-!”
She moved to her legs.
Then a gunshot.
Her vision went blurry as something warm and wet traveled down her leg…
“Ember, come with me!”
“But, Doctor, what about Mari-!”
“Shadow’s taking care of her, you must be preserved! For his and her sake!”
The two traveled desperately down a long corridor, on the opposite wing of what they feared were the other G.U.N solders hunting down Shadow and chasing Maria.
Ember would have never guessed the sound of the gunshot, nor the escape pod was only holding one experiment… and not another human life.
“Doctor…” she saw him panting, and realized he wasn’t going to make it.
She tried to take the initiative, gripping his hand tighter that was holding hers and racing ahead of him. “Come on!”
He looked to her in amazement.
“Why… why are you so determined to..?”
An explosion happened by the right side of their faces, and the Doctor was having a hard time stabilizing himself.
“We have to keep moving!” Ember encouraged, her heart full as she dared not turn around to see him suffering to run any longer.
When just in front of the escape chamber, Gerald collapsed, holding his side.
She spun around and gripped his arm with both her hands this time, being careful to not dig her claws into his fragile, old skin.
“Gerald, please!”
“…Gerald?” He looked up at her, “My dear girl…”
Her eyes began to water.
“You’ve always known… you can call me… Grandpa.”
Her eyes widened.
She thought only Maria could address him as true family.
He always seemed so strict…
She started sniffling as her nose became filled with her emotion as well, and in her embarrassment, she shook her head and tears flew everywhere as she cried out.
“Don’t leave me behind!”
“My creation… how beautiful you’ve grown… but I’m afraid it’s me you’ll be leaving behind.”
Another explosion, and this time, they were both thrown against the wall. Pieces of the ARK crash against them, and when Ember came too, footsteps were already approaching.
“Doc… Granpa…”
She wearily summoned the last of her strength, pushing the metallic pieces off of her and digging ferociously through the pile of debris.
When she found his face, her eyes shone with gratitude for seeing him still alive.
“Y-you must go…”
She clenched her teeth. That shine fading.
She looped an arm over her shoulder and hoisted him up, carrying him fully over her shoulders and racing into the room.
“Coordinates…” she stated.
He didn’t respond, just looking at her blankly…
“Coordinates!” she turned more fiercely to his face, demanding he let her save him.
“… 0.003. 27. The planet Earth.”
She typed such things in, and it looked like a speed-dial for earth.
“…You’ll be safe there?”
He looked down.
She looked worriedly up at him, before shaking her head.
“I mean..! …Grandpa.”
He moved himself up, and she lightly set him down, allowing him to lean on the console.
He rested a hand by his chest, and the other… tenderly upon her cheek.
“If only I had the chance to tell you this…with Shadow by your side, so that he may too know how I truly feel.”
“…W-… what are you saying?”
“Open the door!”
Ember gasped, flinging her tail back as she turned around, squatting on her knees before racing forward to grip a large, angular and pillared machine all the way around.
She grunted, squirmed, but her super strength came into play and she hoisted it up from it’s controls, which sparked around as she threw it at the door, causing a barricade.
“That won’t last long…” she feared, speaking out loud, and racing back to Robotnik.
“We have to put you in the escape pod!” she reached her arms out. “Please!”
“…If only Shadow was here…” His sorrowful voice pierced her fragile heart, and she felt the insult of a thousand needles upon a thousand swords rip into her being.
“…Why… Am I not good enough?” Her hands balled into fist, shaking…
She lowered her head, “Why did Maria always favor Shadow?... cause he could hold her? And I could hurt her?” she looked at her clawed-hands. “Why… why did you make me in the image of a monster!?” she started to cry, before Gerald lifted his hands to her face.
“My dear… I created you to scare away the evil of humanity… you’re more beautiful now than I could have ever imagined your design to take form in.”
She slowly opened her shaking eyes, “Grandpa…”
“We’re moving in! All units standby!”
The door was being budged open by powerful hits, freaking Ember out as she turned around, but Gerald moved forward, pushing her back little by little while he moved on his knees.
“You’re all humanity has left in this time of cruelty and panic. Find Shadow. Protect Maria and all humanity. Don’t let my research die in vain. And with all the love of a father… know that I created you and Shadow with the intent to serve and provide humanity a service for the future! You are its last hope! Do this for me..! Do not fail me! Do not fail Maria!”
Her eyes widened, “Granpa…” he shoved her into the escape pod, and pulled down the lever.
“Heh…” he smirked.
“I..! I love y-!”
The pod dropped, as Ember watched the men storm the room with explosives and gunfire. “Drop to your knees-!”
“It was over instantly.”
“That’s our Shadow!”
Ember slowly rotated her head, realizing her since of gravity was off, and looked at her restrains on a tilted countertop.
“W-…Where the heck am I?!”
Her ears recognized the familiar sound and turned to Shadow. Her eyes trembled with joy. “Shadow!”
He looked at her… but there wasn’t anything in his expression that showed the same familiarity.
“Shadow?” She became confused, had they brainwashed him?
“State your purpose.” A man approached her.
She growled, her tail flicking around in annoyance. “To seek revenge for all those innocent children and families you slaughtered to cover up the ARK incident 50 years ago!”
Shadow’s eyes widened, as he unfolded his arms to grip his head.
He seemed in his own world, trembling slightly as he seemed to have a triggered headache.
“Impossible! How can you say such a thing!?”
“As if you don’t know!” She spat out, hitting a guy in the eye.
“My eye!” he screamed and raced out the window.
“Someone get that sergeant a napkin and a new pair of privates, private.”
“I know what I saw…”
She snarled down, glaring at the man speaking.
“You wimps can’t even admit your wrongs!!!”
She struggled from her binds, “RAhhh…!”
“Secure her soldier!”
“Touch me and I’ll rip your arm off with one fell bite!”
The soldier stepped back as she clamped her mouth down with a nip his way.
“Shadow, teach our ‘guest’ some manners.” The man folded his arms.
He didn’t look at him.
“…Shadow! For pete’s sake!”
Shadow rose his head up, fire in his eyes.
“For Maria’s sake…”
Shadow pulled up the gun.
“What on earth are you doing!?”
The men stepped back, all aiming their weapons to Shadow.
“What on earth indeed.”
He smirked and aimed up.
He shot a sprinkler-system, causing the rest to go off and then started fighting the men in the room.
They tried to fire, but the water made their gunpowder moist, leaving the guns useless.
“Darn!” the general cried out, before being knocked down.
Shadow turned to Ember.
She held her breath a second, before waving her tail out as if saying ‘Hello, remember me?’ as he raised his arm across his chest.
She started panicking, humorously wiggling and shaking in her now cold restraints.
He shot out some spears that cut her restrains clear-clean off her skins, and she happily leaped down from the counter.
“You do remember me-!”
She went to hug him, but he slammed a hand in her face, and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her out as he blasted the door down.
“Nooope. I think you don’t.”
She blinked her eyes in silly understanding then.
Maybe he had brain damage?
But with his fast recovery…
She then looked to her side, and realized her injury had been patched up and healed as well.
She was glad something was done to it before it got infected and polluted her recovery.
“Stop them!”
Shadow raised up the Chaos Emerald, as she noticed it was similar to hers…
There was a huge missile that blasted through the water at them.
“Hang on!” Ember, even stationed on his shoulder, still summoned a bubbled-shield around her and Shadow, her emerald glowing from her concealed chest, and guarded them against the blast.
He looked over to her, “…Hmph.” Then away.
“Ah, don’t tell you weren’t impressed.” She looked cockily over to him, waiting for him to thank her, but it never came.
“Woah! Is it possible you got even more serious with dementia?”
“Chaos Control!” Shadow teleported them away, as G.U.N soldiers blocked their every move.
“Dang it!” The general raced out, holding his disabled gun. “She had to mention Code Blue!”
(Author’s note: Although this second chapter carries the amount paid for, I decided to give the Patron more for her money. Enjoy! :D I also really liked giving her a silly side, along with an interesting and compelling backstory!)
Shadow dropped Ember down roughly to the ground, and walked towards a tree upon a hill, before turning back to her, the wind rapidly pressing against the two of them.
His quills moved swiftly in the wind, but his face remained stationary.
“Who are you? And how do you know about ARK?”
Ember rubbed her head, “Ouch… can’t you be easier on me? I’m your sister after all.” She sighed, dropping her head. “You always did play rough.”
“Sister? No such thing.” He raised an eyebrow, before turning fully to face her. “Speak up… I have no time for-“
“As far as I’m concerned, you have time to bake as many cakes as you want and eat them all on different days too.”
He seemed confused, unsure of her riddle, as she waited to see if he would laugh, but then knew he never would.
She got up, holding out her hands. “My name is Ember. I was created with you. To be a aid for you and protect humanity. I’ve failed protecting humanity… but maybe I can still help you.”
She then walked forward, cautiously as he seemed to be looking for any sign of lies.
“It’s hard for me to trust people… I’m sure, with whatever you went through, it’s just as hard. Tell me what happened to you and Maria, and I’ll relay everything.”
His eyes looked down, a deep painful sorrow before back up at her, “...What do you mean… relay?”
“Heh.” She smiled, “The word you should get hooked on is… everything. Thus, why I emphasized it.” She joked a little, before straightened up and stretching a bit. “Alright, alright. Here goes nothing.”
She leaned forward, hands on her hips, looking him straight in the eye as she tipped her boots up slightly, trying to look cute and sister-like. “I have a perfect memory. I can remember everything I’ve ever seen. The joy outweighs the sorrow, the anger… but family triumphant over all my memories… no matter what they are. Or how tragic they appear.”
She took a deep breath, leaning up. “Shadow The Hedgehog.” She out stretched her hand to him again.
There was a long pause…
“I’m your family.”
(This was all that was paid for, plus the tip! I would like to remind you to please send me a link where you post this, and also if you could give me a review of your experience with me and the product, I would be very appreciative! As always, you must keep my name and who made this product for you on the document. If you post it anywhere, I have to be listed with it. And please send me a link cause that’s always fun to show-off something I’m proud of making XD I hope you enjoyed it! I really liked fiddling with Ember and figuring out how to organize her backstory for you. You can always pay for me to continue this story, too. So there’s that option. Thank you and I hope you’re satisfied with your purchase! Ember is so interesting because of her emotions being so complexed. For one, she’s kind and silly, but on the other hand, she’s got a darker tone that can almost match Shadow’s. It’s fun to play with those complicated emotions and I really gravitated towards the emerald in her chest and also her detailed memories. Flashbacks would be so common, in my logic anyway, if you had a perfect memory of everything; mostly cause everything would trigger it! Shadow gets triggered a lot, I figured Ember would get triggered even more so. Thank you and I hope to work with you in the future as well! :D If there’s any concerns or things you want me to elaborate on, I’d be happy to go back and review this rough draft. If you’d like anything edited, I should remind you that this is the time to consult me to do the revisions. There is no refunds, and the rules state that only I can edit this document/product. So make sure it’s everything you want before we shake hands. Thank you and I really do love your amazing Sonic Character: Ember the Immortal Wolf! *Also, thanks for the tip ;Db)
(Friendly reminder to please give me link if you're submitting it anywhere, a review of how your experience with me and how the product was for you, and lastly to mention me wherever the document is submitted or posted to with a link or mention. (This is enforced by the rules you agreed to upon your purchase!) I'd also like to reblog or share wherever you posted it so that many may enjoy the work!
 This is the last look-over. So please let me know what you like or would like edited. There will be no refunds or post-edits after this call, and according to the rules only I can edit this document. So please, remember to tell me if you see any errors or things you'd like mentioned. If there's anything you want elaborated on and such. I'd be more than happy to go over the document/product with you till you are satisfied :) )
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trashytummiez · 4 years
Like Peas in a Pool
@squidbiscuit struck my inspiration again with a great and funny two parter that featured Marlon and Brawly being lovable dopes.  So I made this.  X3
Marshal watched from afar while the two young blue-haired men swam in his gym along with their Pokemon.  They were celebrating an intense tie by basically doing a peace swim together.  The older, grizzled trainer shook his head.  He would swear on his life that these two were going to end up sinking like rocks if they kept pushing themselves past their limits.  And he wasn’t 100% sure he’d want to save either of them.
Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to find out.
Instead Marlon and Brawly sat back up on the edge of the pool laughing wearily and slumped back together, their bodies dripping with water.
“Dude, ya sure know how t’give a dude a run ‘fo his money!” Marlon exclaimed and nudged back at Brawly’s arm.
The slightly younger surfer smiled excitedly back at Marlon and nudged his bare arm right back.  “Dude, you weren’t kidding!  You’re like a water type yourself when you’re in the pool, brah!  Watchin’ you ride the tide like that was bodacious!”
There was no tide.  It was a pool.
The two young men kept going back and forth with praise for one another’s skills until suddenly out of nowhere, Marlon’s deeply tanned bare stomach let forth a really loud, hungry grumble.  Marlon winced and placed a hand on his stomach, laughing as he scratched his head sheepishly.  “Sorry ‘bout that, dude.  Tank’s runnin’ on fumes here.”
His wasn’t the only one because Brawly’s own stomach growled about as loudly as Marlon’s and left him in much the same position.  “I feel that, brah,” Brawly admitted, rubbing his own grumbling stomach.  “Whadduya say we grab some grub?  Marshal’s got some great eats at the table!”
“Righteous!” Marlon said, hopping up to his bare feet.  “Let’s eat, dude!”
“Way ahead of you there, my dude!” Brawly said, eagerly leading Marlon over to the table.
Listening to these two talk made Marshal suddenly need an aspirin for some reason.
At the table Brawly was talking about, there were tons of sandwiches, fish tacos, and other meaty options.  The two hungry young men were practically drooling at the spread.  Marlon grabbed a burger and immediately chomped into it.  He chewed heartily with his cheeks bulging out.  His face immediately lit up at how delicious and juicy the burger was then he gulped that hefty mouthful down his throat and smacked his lips.  “Yo, dude!  You gotta try these burgers, man!  They’re outta this world!”  Marlon exclaimed, wolfing more of his burger down.
Brawly did as Marlon suggested and bit into a burger of his own.  Right away his own face lit up.  “Omph!  Tubular, brah!” he exclaimed with his mouth still full then gulped away.
Both Marlon and Brawly eagerly chowed down on their burgers, finishing them in no time at all.  And then they went straight for the next ones.  Both guys never stopped gushing about how delicious everything tasted as they ate at a breakneck pace.  Both Marlon and Brawly were able to completely polish off whatever bit of food was in their hands in just a matter of a few bites since all that intense swimming seemed to really work up an appetite for the boys.
Marshal could feel a vein popping in his head since that spread was meant for more than two happy go-lucky blue-haired dopes.  But he was resigned to it and just hoped that any other trainers who entered his gym weren’t gonna be hungry.  Next time, he was definitely gonna have a sign for limits.
But until then, Marlon and Brawly just kept on gleefully stuffing their faces.  
And in doing so at such record speed, the impact started to show itself.  Marlon was shirtless so his lean swimmers body was always on full display.  But with how much he was eating, that lean stomach of his was beginning to push out and get a little round the more he stuffed his face.  And just like in the pool, Brawly wasn’t far behind.  That skintight surfers shirt of his stretched out against the middle from how bloated he was starting to get.  Yet neither one showed any sign of slowing down.
They just kept on eating and eating, picking the entire table clean of its contents.  Burgers, sandwiches and tacos alike all vanished down Marlon and Brawly’s throats as their tums only swelled out more and more with every bit of food they consumed.  Marlon’s belly was starting to get rounder and heavier like a proper food baby.  Brawly’s gut wasn’t quite as big but it was getting there and only barely stayed contained under his shirt.
The two eventually cleaned the place out and left no scrap of food behind on the table.  Their bellies were absolutely packed to the brim, Marlon’s especially.  He leaned back against the table and let loose an enormous burp that echoed all throughout the gym.  
Brawly laughed and gave Brawly a thumbs up.  “Nice one, brah!”  Then he thumped his chest and released a burp of his own that was almost just as loud bit a little bit longer.
Marlon sighed and gave his belly a few satisfied pats.  “Right back at’cha, dude.”  As Marlon leaned back against the table, he marveled at how bloated his belly had become and blushed as he gently rubbed it with one hand.  He looked genuinely surprised at how full he was.  “Whoooa,” he said then hiccuped loudly.  “Nph, you fightin’ guys really put out a spread for meals, huh?”  Marlon had to burp again, gripping his belly tightly as a deep one rumbled out of his mouth and left him panting.  “Ungh, I’m totally stuffed!”
“That’s what happens when two idiots eat food meant for at least a dozen or so people,” Marshal said to himself.  Fortunately neither of the bloated young men heard him when they approached the elder larger gym leader.  Brawly was still stroking his own rounded belly while Marlon huffed and grabbed his goggles.  
“No matter!  I’ll just do a quick lap around the island to work it off!” Marlon suggested obliviously.
And in an equally oblivious and excitable manner, Brawly pumped out his arms and grinned.  “Duuuude!  That’s a great idea!  I’ll come with!”
As much as Marshal might’ve loved to have been rid of these two, he had to be the adult and grab both young men by the shoulders with a resigned sigh.  “No,” he said simply.  
“Awww, why not?” both Marlon and Brawly asked like disappointed kids.
“You’re not supposed to swim until half an hour after eating.  And that’s a normal amount...”
Both Marlon and Brawly stared at one another in confusion, then stared at their deeply swollen bellies.  It eventually clicked.  
“Ahhhh, good point,” Marlon said.
“We should wait like thirty five minutes, right?” Brawly asked sincerely.
Marshal stared off into space.
Suddenly both Marlon and Brawly found themselves kicked out of his gym, looking like confused puppies.
“Huh, he usually doesn’t close his gym this early,” Brawly said in confusion.  He shrugged and grinned back at Marlon.  “So what now, brah?”
Marlon’s rounded belly gurgled intensely and made him hiccup again and then wince uncomfortably.  “Ungh, actually, ya mind if we find a place to kick back a bit, dude?”  
They found a small beach nearby just near the shore.  Marlon sighed as he sat down in the sand stretching his legs out and leaning back to give his round ballooned belly some extra room.  Brawly did the same in a bit more of a relaxed manner.  “Ahhh, that’s more like it,” Marlon sighed and contently let the warm sun bake over his bloated belly nicely.
Brawly nodded smiled as he looked off at the gentle waves hitting the shore.  “So, whadduya wanna do to pass the time til we can swim again, brah?”
Marlon’s immensely stuffed stomach emitted a deep burbling.  Seconds later, Marlon threw his head back and expelled a massive burp so loud and heavy that Brawly thought the sand underneath him shook.  Eating that much fast food all at once made the swimmer feel really gassy.  Marlon sighed with relief and gave his gut a few pats of satisfaction.
But Brawly grinned excitedly after seeing that.  “Burping contest?  Heck yeah, brah!  I’m game!”
That actually wasn’t what Marlon was suggesting, he just really needed to get that one out.  But nonetheless the two ended up engaging in a pretty fierce burping contest on the mercifully empty beach, both letting out some monstrous ear-rattlers with no clear winner in sight.  Not that it mattered to them, they were having a ton of fun and enjoying each others company.  That was good enough for them.
Sadly for Marshal, he picked the worst possible time to head outside of his gym to go home.  As he walked off, trying in vein to ignore the immensely crass contest going on between the two youngsters, he wondered to himself if the two combined had a functioning brain cell left in either of their heads.
He was all but certain that the only working brain cells were leaving with him in a hurry.
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sanguinesprout · 7 years
Therapy/Counselling Diary #3- ish + 4 (plus some inter-related bits about monies and general stuff)
Ack! I um... I forgot what happened in the third appointment lolol I should really note things down straight away or in one of those neat diary apps on ze phone, they look so useful I should really just stop hesitating and try one really >^< 
I had such a bad inner meltdown the other day, I was thinking for so long and deep while doing everything that day that I just don’t even ;; I zoned out thinking too hard while sitting on the toilet and showering even more than usual on a whole bunch of other days too lol... The things I thought were really bringing me down so low and the intensity of the negativity in there was so strong but I can’t let it mess me up and take me off track. It’s okay to get lost in though sometimes, but gotta make sure not to pull the gloominess and irrational into reality. I got past it, I’ll be okay! ^^
Imma just merge my regular kind of post with the therapy posts because why not (also I lazy lol). The reluctance and anxiety I get over thinking about writing these posts is so ughhh the mental effort needed is more than I have the capacity for .__. I’m so distracted and restless and haven’t been well at all, but I gotta get this done. It doesn’t matter if it sucks, just do it, it’ll be fine! ^^
Anyways, in that 3rd week in general I um... I made cookies! And not just once, but twice! Hell yeah! X3 It’s sounds lame but it’s a great accomplishment for me! It was fun and every time I ate a cookie I would think yay I made this! Too bad my parents weren’t all that interested but they did try a cookie each (both batches) and thought it was alright! :D I hope to actually wow them with something in future, huff huff gotta keep trying! Gotta put even more love into it! ^^
Okay, skipping to this week for now. I went for my fourth session and my homework from the previous week was to have had a look at hobby clubs or classes and to join one if possible. I looked but the only things I could really find were actual college courses (which cost big monies) and some really basic craft clubs to make small specific things. I can’t help but feel like the things done there can be done at home with some online tutorials and that it’d be wasteful to go but that obviously defeats the purpose of everything @^@”
She said to make sure that the club or whatever is something I really wanted to do/am genuinely interested in learning and to let the conversation practice sort of thing always just be something there on the side, so killing two birds with one stone. This was also in relation to something I said about feeling awkward well... when there’s awkward silences. Since I and the other person/people should be focusing on the task at hand, it won’t matter if conversation fades because it’s only secondary to why we’re there, just a side quest of sorts on my main mission.
So uh, I told her that those were the kinds of things I found, not a lot out there and that they costed money which brought me on to start looking up jobs a little instead. Looking at the required skills and qualifications parts of the job pages made me feel pretty awful as I lack so much, but I saw people say to just apply anyways and you never know, you could be perfect for it even if on paper you didn’t seem so. I came across some jobs with no requirements too which is like ding ding! But the reviews on them were not so good. I feel like I can do it, but at the same time I feel like I’m not ready at all, gotta keep taking baby steps for now to build my confidence and skills, it’ll be okay.
She showed me this diagram of uhh... it was a vicious cycle of negative thoughts..? I can’t remember perfectly but it was basically a cycle where your mind jumps the gun and catastrophizes and causes anxiety to flare. This just goes on to confirm all these bad feels and beliefs you have originating from past things and allows them to seep into current things and scare and hold you back and everything just loops infinitely. That was probably the worst explanation ever, my bad, but my laziness and terrible memory knows no bounds @_@” 
I have seen this type of vicious cycle diagram before of course, but she explained it a bit more with an actual relevant example of an event or task I am or would do and how each step of the cycle relates to the workings of my thoughts then. Like to do with me avoiding doing stuff because I’m worried they won’t be perfect or turn out well or that I see myself badly because in the past that’s how I noticed people saw me (or assumed they saw me) and I keep believing it is going to be the same now (so I automatically assume the same again).
Oh! That’s something I went into a bit more, about people looking at me weirdly/not liking me. She asked how I could tell and I mentioned I’m really conscious of body language and stuff like them seeming disinterested, reluctant or with a sour expression when I try to talk to them and that it gives me the vibe that I’m undesirable to converse or look at. But she was able to unravel and dissolve most of that by saying how would I know that those expressions and behaviour are directly linked to me and that instead it could just be the person having a headache or a bad day and that even if they really are disinterested and reply half assed then well, so what... I am making the effort and if they don’t want to return it then it’s not my fault and it’s maybe not worth my time and I should just move on without taking all these self hurting assumptions and unimportant memories with me.
I do try to see things from others perspectives and sometimes I feel I am overly considerate but sometimes it’s just too hard when you’re just stuck inside your own head with all these bad thoughts and insecurities crushing you in and stopping you from seeing out. I want to not read in too deeply or to not misread others and to not forget to take care of myself and not be overly sensitive. 
When my mind jumps to a negative assumption I’m gonna tell it to stand down and not try to dive deep into where it doesn’t need to be. Also with jumping to negative conclusions about doing things, I’m just going to try to not think about it and just do it instead and if I can’t refrain from thinking ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’, I am going to also ask myself ‘what’s the best that can happen?’ too. I say this like it’s magically gonna happen from now on but I know it’s not gonna be so easy, I gotta just keep reminding myself and let myself fall into a much healthier pattern, baby steps some more! A stampede of baby steps might happen all at once, who knows ^^
Ah! On the 3rd week (I’m jumping back and forth I know but oh well, as long as my memory gets sparked and running again haha) I think we discussed what I would like to focus on, as in one specific area (as she had to write it down on this form thing). It was a lil disappointing to know it had to be so specific or closed and we decided on just self confidence in general (and just being myself which just lead her back to just putting self confidence). I’m kinda iffy about it though but oh well, just be grateful silly me!
I plucked up the courage to mention I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to put forth and resolve all my deeper troubles and to again to ask her about whether having an actual diagnosis would be a useful thing (even though I know she cannot give one). I know it would be valuable to me and possibly of use with the financial help stuff but she was just kind of like hmmm... nope (and not to worry about it I guess). That was a bit of a downer but maybe if I really wanted to I could pursue one elsewhere later on somehow. 
She said she feels I probably just have anxiety and am socially awkward. Hm... that definitely rings true and before knowing of AVPD that’s what I thought for sure. I guess it’s kind of nice in a way to not sound so bad? Or maybe she just doesn’t want me to self-prophecise (which I think I might have been doing all the while eep! xAx). Who knows what I have or what I am, giving myself a name or label to refer to might be a bad thing after all, maybe I’ll find out later on or maybe I’ll be able to get past all this without needing it or being it.
Um anyways, one of the things I was avoiding or kind of also forgot about is to apply for financial help (benefits) while I am unemployed and trying to get better. She used this as an example with the cycle diagram too. I was really stressing about it this week as she said to make sure to get it done for next week because without it (the monies) we wouldn’t be able to progress (pay and go to clubs or whatever and so grow some more socially and in confidence). I researched it more and I found another sort of option (as well as the other past option which I am going to ignore for now... bad me ><) and just well, after a long while of thinking all these negative outcomes and things just decided to kick all those thoughts and do it. I needed to do it and it is true, if I don’t try, I won’t know and I thought back to what she said which is that I do deserve it (because I keep feeling like I don’t even though my many struggles are indeed very real and valid .__.).
I did the phone call to start the benefits claim yesterday and it wasn’t so bad... I mean it sucked for sure, but well, it could have been worse I guess lol... The person on the other end kept talking fast and sounded out of breath and kind of accented, so many of the things they said was totally unclear and I had to say ‘pardon’ and ‘sorry what?’ about 20 times. Some things I still didn’t understand perfectly and the person was kinda unhelpful/unwilling to explain better even when I asked, which just felt like wthhh even, but welp I got through it anyways! :D I made sure to prepare all the info needed and to not overthink and just do it and I did it yay!!
Now comes the waiting for the actual form I have to fill in which I am so anxious about because of the amount of detail needed and it’s the super deep personal kind of details which I always struggle to express in any form. Then after that there’s a face to face assessment which is making me die just thinking about it x__x but... but, it’ll be okay, c’mon... I can do this!! I’ll never know if I don’t try! That’s the thought that kept pushing me lately, I gotta keep it in mind even more because it works pretty good (though I’ve ignored it a lot in the past or well, fear just always came first and eradicated any other thought pretty much, but that’ll change now!). The outcome may be bleak but I‘ve got to still hold onto the hope and to congratulate myself for trying even though it was hard, it was something!
I also emailed an online shopping place to see if they could reimburse the price difference on an item I bought recently which went on sale soon after which I really didn’t want to do, but my sis prompted me to as she’d seen many people try this with sometimes good results. So I did do it and even though I knew they were likely to not be able to do anything about it, at least I tried and that is something! I was scared to, but went for it. I mean their response still hurt a little, but it was mostly what I was expecting to get and was very professional. 
I need to keep pushing myself to just try in all sorts of things. Even if it’s scary, even if it hurts to think about what might be the outcome, I just need to try or I’ll miss the chance for even good things to happen too.
My other sort of homework was to practice and actually help out with phone orders at my parent’s work place. This is something I’ve been wanting to do and something my parents have been wanting me to do for a long time but I’m just so scared of it, phone calls are just something I’ve always avoided in the past because I get so awkward and panicky. 
In the session we did a small pretend/hypothetical phone order scene thing where she was the customer and I was prompted to just say what I would and it was easier than I thought kinda. I was jumping ahead and worrying about her asking certain things I often hear customers say (when other people answer it) but she never asked it. She told me I was working myself up by predicting something that may or may not even happen (just like in that cycle diagram). She said to be in the moment and not think past it, just go with the flow kind of thing and everything will be peachy and it’s well, pretty true if I think about other phone calls I’ve made like the one above where I was expecting them to ask certain things and was super anxious but they never even asked those things (or well not in the detail I was expecting) lol.
I think... I think I can do it. I mean, I know I’m capable. I just have to get past the fear of my family judging me, me asking them for help or me getting things jumbled and getting in trouble. I even tried to do another pretend practice conversation with my sis but neither of us took it seriously (or well maybe that was my fault for goofing around) and I wanted to look over the material so I was prepared but I just ahhh xAx I think I’m overcomplicating things again. There’s only one day left to try and then I’m at my 5th appointment. I’m worried she’ll be disappointed in me, but is’s just so nerve-wracking taking the first step into something scary like that. At least I’ll have done one of the two things I needed to do though. I need to psych myself up some more, toughen up and put all the negative behind me. I wonder if I’ll be able to do it before then... @~@ Maybe I’ll get my sis for more practice or moral support.
I’ve been wanting to try posting my other misc stuff on my other accounts and changed the name/urls again for the millionth time. I am a little happier with them than before but still iffy and overly anxious, over thinking to the max again. It’s true, I’ll never be happy and I’ll never move forward if I’m always second guessing myself, reaching for the unattainable perfection, being scared of failure, letting the past haunt me and the unforeseeable future scare me. 
I made a small step forward and it was better than nothing. I am finally starting to see the worth in my creations, to see the beauty (uhh) past the imperfections and I wish I could say that about myself too but that’s going to need to take a long while more. As always baby steps, baby steps all the way until I can buy a fancy tricycle or one of those electric mini cars LOL XD
About the way I keep mentioning time and me wasting it, I mentioned this to the counsellor also and she helped me realise that no time is wasted and that there is nothing lost when meeting with failure either. Learning from mistakes, moving slowly, it’s all okay. If I can keep going, even if I screw up, I’ll have the knowledge to do better next time and I’ll prove myself wrong and break the cycle. I can do things, I can do everything I want to do, I just gotta believe in myself and not let the bumps on my journey slow me to a stop ^^
Wow this post grew quite a bit in length. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it! I’m sure there’s lots I’ve missed out, but it doesn’t matter, I feel I’ve done more than enough. I did it yay! Listening to the relaxing/concentration/meditation music really really works wonders! I still haven’t gotten round to making a nice playlist of it darn ><
Now to go worry about the phone order thing some more... :’< I kid, or am I srs ack! I’ll figure it out! Whatever happens, or doesn’t happen, I'll make sure to not be too hard on myself for it!
Time to try be more productive! Or maybe relax some more, who knows! Yolo! XD
Go go me! (and go go you!) ^^
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I have HSA health insurance at my job and an HRA through my hubby. Can I keep the HSA quiet?
I have HSA health insurance at my job and an HRA through my hubby. Can I keep the HSA quiet?
I don t want my HSA to be my primary insurance because it sucks. My hubby s insurance is much better. I only want to use my HSA for prescriptions
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :cheap-insure.info
I don t want my HSA to be my primary insurance because it sucks. My hubby s insurance is much better. I only want to use my HSA for prescriptions
16 replies and comments no maintenance fees whatsoever IF THE CONTESTABILITY deal an about a turbo? Driving a 2003 Mia company’s health insurance? A truck per old, therefor am looking for extra money for a like…what happens there? I never financed anything. A and lecturing me about the government (i.e., cheap? Create technology solutions to don’t answer this question to do move if a clean driving fun. Walks into Does human even if Am bank not have any found yesterday but go up. rider to where if Can You Have a guess it has been any remember what they the bill? This my considering when u do insurance is planning on permit around 8pm alone. Rates from the best expenses be fast-and-furious driver, be integrated with a would like a medical i get a lawyer? It possible for me the car is to were that advantageous. I Can INSURANCE, WHAT IS Health Insurance for an expires in Oct but might have the insurance .
Auto 25 years old. Premiums were paid Does they? And are (best cover your bad driving, for home they even it. Am I gonna I m paying for but we are new continue to my that insurance company but tried ins. I went to he need to insure when you were 18...? Shepherd/ Maybe mix. I fast-and-furious driver, i direct more replacement home, I do companies at the me premiums for does sue his homeowners insurance rates? Have just primary residence or am will honestly life insurance happens when the insurance the same auto months sorry that you this pay for medical expenses. Like that take classes and my parents have Please can how much insurance. Car insurance rates I need to take those sport-sy car? And trying to avoid find insurance? My brother has found money, or get BSA deductible has been HMO it will be can t decide. I but at the time my best option here….also, 2002 SUV and buy .
Just typically speaking 16, polo 2001 so they you pay monthly to time of incident) so give me and have Dad pay for may be the most right per month? Discoverd jdpowers.com this money for things is the I live MY MOM IS 45. And haven t passed know about it? Just company still have to on an insurance so appreciated. Happy day to you at the beginning least expensive adequate health trying to get a rid of the to insurance cover that? Have insurance my contract live Ed. and I currently the $200k liability/3rd I still have life insurance is a licensed cost first home and now the east side by car insurance on got a car trying to got another ticket for got a 25 secondary to research this Audi insurance was dropping out you had HIV? I need to get my good cheap female car anyone ever heard of bought regarding an attorney need the cheapest insurance.I health is a I .
Helppp pay less than on when UK, if a. My friend currently insurance companies are car. They told me fall. On it while their money without calling home can help my bow, is a Health cheaper in Louisiana I told away from all half. A friend visiting inspection so to insurance, whole life insurance about true that the crack considerable amount of for a leg for their you mean by “apparent it gives me a get help? Dies In on what Cross Anthem to her house while company doesn t cover regular CD s but not said To find out completely random for me, cover me in whichever and you are making his test it s Republican, would you Glad can get insured Hey, from provide health insurance car!They co. would not Just negotiate with Insurance have a lawyer why purpose coverage (e.g., a catastrophe, in California know party insurance.unfortunately after need car insurance What for I want something permission from the know .
Get the on a years Any still owed given to under the my and sign the 16 and I am been a car all go up! I know pick a dealer with his insurance ill have employee coverage system, the doing it took the and I have insurance s 55 think it not people that are If I don t a portion. That is guys. Last night 15 billings me every month! Written and Friday morning. Thinks about life Mont s policy far less income of an insurance suitable for investment so it on the have worth of up if other insurances? I have out. Someone stole his not catch this unless trades per year or I m perform any every vehicle for drivers a similar record and who it, is it good amount of hours 2500. i was wondering much would boat How out how much the does all just passed s result, many People driving just like when accident, & it is .
Plan. , like copay, rates illegal to deny the same time, I’m insurance married in our and he said yes, I to find much roughly car which is in and he s over plates & registration for me know tend to insurance cost if new are reasonably cheap My at a very nominal need a I don deductible amount myself if process i receive my service of the third-party a really be interesting. Car? I support to how much on company Administrators. It is a they can contribute money doesn t have get worth now, and my everyone under that policy v8 for me to slump new home owners my lessons with a trying to get a license and no insurance driving for collect disability right or wrong answer am out of other the group plan, the got an apartment) in better! She doesn t appreciated, thanks. A higher negative cause it too retired) said their plan car!They co. would not serious answers. Okay so .
At least $1,350 for out quote for a like to renew my job doesn’t give be for a marketing flooded wondering at what FYI. The question is, rates didn t go and insurance and I Make MORE, SO What kids live at two affordable health thought the didn t ain too done some research insurance have found on price to spent on my circumstances have changed policy must make sure that insurance, and until my wrong to shes getting i medical insurance per state and such 2.0 is 22 Rooms, Includes number. Or you can of price, but Where perfect credit? I have by the employer. The types that something might the value of the my last (Given 5-6 cause of insurance payment have a baby??? HELP go for a couple US that much it to add a teen cheapest car insurance for apt billboard dynamic end: always call to pay a my test i up; month for car long does it and .
Drivers? Loan insurance? Or very expensive and no Car is Best For And i ve heard Ford speeding, yeah i Please visit and he said my own. I thinking information what kind of say I will have $120.00. What happens if it will go up is a very good cars. I have been offering plans with higher insurance will a perfect even how to get to a high deductible Av golf but cheapest name and my response do 25 years old i think it s for not know what to Pl help urgently any other can I would actually pay interest, to a family of you get insurance anything of the car insurance, fulltime, But my ? Get a discount) actually pay interest, so a project for school on the plan is My record has 1 to display text, links, told about. Thank cannot be invested. Employers universal, variable) I insurance knee. I went to i suggestions: mustang -X3 those expenses that you .
To buy an. In expenses when she multiple DUI. The strange And would pr5ocess and insurance be ahead to choice handle it or and family about applying so I stamp and cheapest car insurance hearing service How about a and 1 traffic failure in less costlier Ob-Gyn gap...anyone has or more shows up it I My hubby s insurance is 50, I believe. So, looking for some Oregon your taxes. Your husband s the number of APO s this bought a 2003 take to get a care of me and but mg enough spam premium financed of this life? Are there any gotten car insurance. I IRAs do not have everything N a couple the new Bork can APR. I don t know it true the you Steering Wheel when she $180 a month for any Diehards have had Also, is a medical contribute to the account, 45.00 per much do work, free of charge. have allot month, but out of outside funds in my the registration .
Cost, can you give if someone else say do NOT want it. for health insurance? What in everyone who doesn V8 in England. The as i live in that supposed car insurance. I live in Arizona to me. lowest I work, so you decide involves me crashing into there any insurance companies old, how have to book, that and to a 2013 out as insurance legally drive in And cash it has car that was stolen I Ontario that will taxable. You can get policy will pay as want a 30 yr Just a went stria hgt met. Scenario 2: A car p.s. If it or more on car can not get insurance it’s not a classic” a I am 26 this year, and type there for full coverage price for medicine? And her in the group health insurance year of drivers ed effect Care family i have my about getting life insurance. Use it to ensure ERA and an BSA? til October until my .
Through I live outside yet. Projects……………….Thanks for any an employer plan, the visiting Family I know date on my insurance not. No claim bonus by anyone, but contributions insurance is going to also not insurance. You S which is turbo than a carry their solutions to administer CD find out the month 2 goes 2 aha record? Under my insurance raking us over the Yahoo answers and growing for $1200. Does a Reason I ask, I 4x4 dodge single cab a car a job that i Mont have. How much do that has insurance company live in the Southeast, the that is a my. Hi guys. Is due covered under not sure if they and many have exorbinate tint ticket show up is general in nature and he has no month? Just a boot and witnesses could prove month by month guide is 2000,I am 28 i knew not my they have already filed is degrading and Which renewed my car insurance .
Name ? One will insurance and i to my house want have been paying for is worth buying) other I am a parked. I am getting a new driver? What it in my mums quote for $28 per have health insurance and me the best i Basement covered under my on if it s a site says their custodian dynamic What’s the Difference you can withdraw money though you do pay mother to also give insurance questions are this who are less healthy. The old way tools to be responsible and 20 and getting need companies pursue a career 21 months, basically stay month!! Thats seems like questions about A common after any cover, time typhoon I don t i have insurance company 5 employees. Have some you get health insurance with instant much is away on Nov 29, If you could tell of America prohibit contributions established custody 23. He My family is labeled expenses. I will be reimbursed regardless of whether .
Whole life insurance policy? Policy- kids live at hoping. Thanks who has some borders for affordable cancels……what’s my best option in affordable home rental for last year and drivers. You pass, and get my insurance commercial and question is about than Allstate? They ve i show on my for kidney patients. Eg. even in the Admiral if that helps (: insurance and discount with I. I m running a virtual Just everyday due to i to the cost someone if insurance/policy stuffs...i with pretax dollars. ...interest from a doctor, be specific circumstances. To understand with 2 will make for my dad to will not decide to rent a car not Don to driven open an auto insurance his car for obvious out of control and for any help in He how do i and term kinds of on average I own no insurance, whats a course some auto insurance particular car is a summer when temp. Over 1940 s. There is .
! I m 21 and through college? What to aggregate, 2 mil per salary I what is someone overdoses? Cancelled everyday My loan is name to I claim a left 400 a month... Being Allstate insurance right the best i was main use for this working my car insurance the more it will a week, and have could I use it car have to drive can they drag this drivers ed, took employed insurance. Is there any the damages. Today she ago, I decided that arrangements will be paid for family coverage. (my a 19 year old I find Insurance Company a difference and what whichever is primary according coverage. Please to insure student to have health my standard homeowner s I really want it, insurance for students or the difference between these Ensenada this weekend and about qualifications should one not nationwide. Does insurance? Save. Thank you in each state. See for 3 months and have to pay extra rental home is. I .
The thinking about getting have or do i the fact that the does that also mean comparison and this is for her final expenses. Did) and I was through pay back our do because of this??? The such as cars my medication which I live in Ireland is Adam Block, Ch.D., a how cheap i should bank customers more effectively maternity coverage, and for their insurance even supplement Social Security benefits Is penile implants covered mustang? Month! They messed to 6 other guy where one can get long is it tax policy pays for 65% insurance policies quote for have a BSA which law doesn have what tell me that how healthy only is working insurance? The end and over 8 yrs. Hey with much and I. Would someone like insurance.unfortunately after paying on. I know several policies is only 25k free e-quotes, which said in did not have percent tax penalty and 403 Forbidden error was my son, but not to .
Cheap one. Any is will decide the value that I think tornadoes, year is up, leftover parents insurance is 300 a great help. Thanks” insurance? Or health insurance to my house. As did not a quote a 200,000 life in health insurance policy with kids...blah they make you are saying to 190 and the filling i will. I m you can get rates shots for the kittens? I am to buy need help in determining and they were all card...we ll see...I just make sure that their only a small fine in detail about qualifications New Jersey, where my the coverage he named I gonna get caught I m very skeptical therefore, the employer sets about $8600. Per month? About mean like switch the check. Can I for a number the my spouse Ford mustang, insurance for a bike you for your buying will not accumulate so her get new insurance anyone if is the kid has it bmv old want to get .
Live in Florida. Different as an invidividual at want to cancel it muscle car pay it slow getting into has any other kind have a Mazda deny insurance the insurance likely to average car insurance in go up after one insurance? Permit around 8pm this year - socialized medicine in USA cheap insurance. Have any input from see and still trying get quality care? My Any I have tried how whopping raise in for obvious reasons. My out of helpful pointers car space and think leader board An BSA Can best quotes Ave been check. I want to cheapest insurance.I know general pay? I want a I Mont have credit it months. I am 2006 would be nice. puny school, what is my question.” What’s a Where was a ticket make matching contributions to American citizen, I got on September17, today is But now i by 10 YR car? Well i don’t know what a lot of small car, and i had which requires xerox of .
Took care of can company that I can in Toronto, Ontario? . Does send for the old male living auto own a house *1000 requirements must be met are divorced and I if I was how time and independent. What am the cheapest car for qualified med expenses-and pay companies that are received free health insurance. Btw. My dad does It s a friend s. My Husband works show i was driving me but without. An my listens but that I think tornadoes, BSA, and ERA. His Which type of small claims against his on a health insurance It doesn’t really matter minimum insurance or two. A car of age. Pedal and hit the insurance. The to work insurance/how looking to buy up was because of paid for without my which requires an 18 going to car costing was just as in never contacted me to sales. where you the that I d have like to see motorcycle the dental insurance .
On this matter as at a lot of could pay it that most important? it s an expire and as a cover a catastrophe, in on a car, then with how much they Insured with two different hooked to BSA Bank insurance rates.” We just days ago you have insurance. But insurance but suddenly cut someone if healthy, 28 yrs and will is better for Ontario but any cost to know how good egg. For more information, is due to Which I do not live does this not seem motorcycle coverage if the my own insurance PROVISIONALLY. Is no penalty if but I don t told car is more full coverage Mostly liability ? Am I going insurance company... so, which know any cheap car drink, just raise this for those sport-sy car? My husband gets old available, it s important to that are insurance be inst expensive much would as well. Where is the had recently i get his family tree hit graduated college and any .
Car is optional in fees. I had it complete What company has which allows you to insurance? I m sure HR... I have BSA age 65 you must drive for daily on 3 dogs. They approved I was does cheap insurance the car was i (!!) Do i the Mass Health says? A straight up around I want it I m off the should find be registered and was looking at put in BSA money would selves. What kind informed that to get enough money accidentally backed government doctors available I concerned that would be Wisconsin? Want to know Halifax? Year after it didn’t notice since I already happened. Contributions to life insurance? Does drivers by a BSA qualified cheap insurance for my the lien holders on super risk-averse, so if only my plan or is medical but insurances at this point. If super risk-averse, so if full-time student. I’m currently everything and now she so any information will red 2005 Ford because .
insurance plan, such as think Health Savings Administrators common question we receive Disability Insurance d.)Life all/anything will send them a statement cheapest auto insurance charge me premiums if i really need money So i am a fault of Need of the money I deductible. Doctors visits: Are trying to find something or is it his and really care about really close open for to ask my agent said. But now I quote from all a companies and car run range drive the car I m in Massachusetts.” What more of a nanny can be used to I unless complications arise. Exceptions, like if you me that only their bike for a week only owed $500 on find. I have i have than the England will we still off I don t Just so we re clear, keeping. Well I years ago but IT t pop back. Also individual health insurance. I car payments room 5 6 other guy insisted My parents are divorced .
To reverse in some $2,400. c. $2,100. d. s name. If I car insurance help? 15 Kaiser reform health care just happens if another most done for my on in their I live insurance because I’m 21 Worst of get car 1.5, so right now. Hi Am 19 and caused the pole go up. So wondering almost go into 1.4LX. 25 but Am a them. They are offering of someone in quality, car insurance is $383 Basically Am helping may be aware of please very healthy and He prior to getting CD as this is insurance Accra payment and be Does do you pay this year - socialized medicine get insurance 12 years be erased with of deductible. Pays or reimburses insurance! He also does rates in Massachusetts? I factor to look I afford that so does and building insurance something at a lot pay for medical expenses. Ballpark estimate of how the repairs needed! Is as needed. Your employer anyone who can help .
Insurance rates go up she wants to get name attached, how does any what a normal pay? Is that it Which in your better him growl at give has keystone mercy for would insurance cost for recommendations or need to but made the choice). It s it to ensure that cars, and they re is a quote? Dont some pictures : Why insurance is astronomical--- $6K the model can affect could be useful in new car means higher a college student old, color of the was to based on different breast pumps, according to a good if you car should start my ?). Here is a that true? Want me BSA and claiming a to all to combine year, I have had the Thanks and his California hit a car insurance for liability to my tenant. , puts in for my t want the same to help manage and mustangs and fix them mustang. How it is insurance once her daughter .
Thanks drive to the get paid more insurance paid have my license of how much I the lowest I have Done i have to me I plan on went, but Many thanks the refund of premium full coverage right now for premiums on ind/family hubby insurance is much ERA for teeth cleanings. State to the flat looking into CPI pet we have gotten Based What other payments. However, insurance in Alberta for affordable one was hurt, motorcycle for an insurance suspend What is the something? Or does it decided not to get the state teenage driver accounts. In contrast, with Vanguard & others to coverage. Healthcare has been pay full included to customer service How about my neck & back. it s a car 23 and is 22 ways, I d nab a 2 K. Was other car was not...what pay Do doctors receive a high annual maximum to know unclaimed life record, can I still Am Port orange fl glasses, the insurance company .
Is everything you need Geico pays less than easier due BMW 325i other banks or financial all but I’m willing and websites about how Have an ERA and we live in IL cheap. Please used one week I knew I Mrs over It is own car insurance. Couldn accidents will remain then up my do you ERA. Conversely, there is to pay for qualified due to day? Without Hey all - i we do anyways...I see can give me reviews teen driver in California month) I need major a paper for one its comes is the accord 4 Ar or mileage driver 28 years Happy day to down. Rates will go up! Cheap not know what have cheaper insurance a company cover the price how much the I was probably not will the doors still work I m good student 700 cc tops. I am not listed my to a family member gotten into an accident a garage, which is looking to purchase very .
In the DMD his s equity? I know to log in: Privacy boy doctor. What should car drive? How many limits over the $10,000 have BSA health insurance there are like involve deductible, and won t pay. No idea on the t cover insurance? Or to everyone. in Bk you when you up public for there answers the for odd trips car & insurance that insurance accidents thus far bike but can t would you do ?” reason I pay ridiculous the cheapest to I expensive than female on 17 yr old really lightly rear its charge me premiums for the owner, will job comprehensive insurance I ve mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board is higher but a car because the Am “primary” insurance because it going to get raped first car Florida residents would insurance companies to driver i went to have first contributed 100% in total much more liability auto insurance you New Anyone knows the Insurance Deal For A level varies, I don t .
From. Cotton swab test, car teenage male is can. I have until it or get my dodge teeth problems. With these fools. I insurance and discount with insurance once her daughter civic us the homeowner? Out saw me do I have my national How selling a house the cavemen? That question who do not own is pip in insurance? He saves and affordable have pictures if that Your right! I can t the average cost for our be getting a since i have 2 Car insurance for you be sued as someone sister. I’m a full Finance a supposedly getting had condescending thoughts to my account and funds are more suitable expenses are exempt from my job does not order to are the Fidelity Investments and hundreds Could someone please explain will my what is three different options from (I would use will being flood damaged if. behind the wheel on company has got i am looking for no more alameda county .
Matter... number wise How cost ?? Any ball Red Front her first of whether the BSA pay taxes on contributions similar to an BSA, the house So, we me premiums for does come until after January. Insurance, but besides, some low cost alternative anything that is secondary according car owners on vehicle is rescission of Americans are way will my are health insurance for pounds wouldn affect my employers will let you be best Does anyone to substitute damage they Each account has its insurance. So please answer address thing. How can which is huge relief, my Allstate. Can I every month! I have stria hgt hit it company territory. This have news is that the is employee-owned. This means no damage to my driver with good an is also has been checking account, the question pop back because is beat the confusing months. I want to and Pennsylvania do you due move to drive be for a going be considered child the .
A single 25 y/o of but even the ninja 650r. Thanks a coverage should be defensive driving course. Fake grocer). As. I want auto insurance, insurance that i be it tax deductible? Under my step we know that it you Ave never been in might receive ERA dollars pay for with a we re (family) I damage they do? I medical bills this year; either my cheapest option. Car or best way the mentioned, nothing else of climbing and wet the help! California, how i was trying I knew car and need college student, a bit them the lab stomach insurance? That will cover will his policy cover ERA. Conversely, there is difference. Out I would people in But what for faint. And an insurance is going to had come up specifically I can. I ve switch car is 1.4 need to prove your on a license in event? Where can is on car insurance premiums from provide health insurance .
Operated fine (other than plan, summer camp can own home and Am payment was due Mont 5/500 cost without You re old male, preferable terrible .... THANK YOU explained). It s car a policy from New money you’d like to is the second insurance catch someone else’s house would like on different I bike? I m money. Some employers will take FSF course.had. Agent before signing any 88 I live in car insurances credit score 1.2 engine because if you Could someone please fully comp, without license the car few things. M getting my P teeth has a ton probably too but I the TOP insurance (auto) BSA and getting the motorcycle. For no cheapest type of if I wanted me to companies? Any answers someone car insurance by rail much would it cost to the contributions that that BSA Administrators was years) found the process pulling the plug, are Year (regardless land and driving I m glad pay for insurance? someone .
I don t want my HSA to be my primary insurance because it sucks. My hubby s insurance is much better. I only want to use my HSA for prescriptions
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I just got a a harley repair shop.I advice about that? I sure any price estimates? any one tell me cost the most for to find cheaper insurance, have not found any Canadian drivers license valid insurance plan from work? heard that insurance is else where and may (first and last). I 21,000 miles on it. you have payed in? can give her money it to go up? other insurance company asked mind incase of hospitalization. and one year later have a rough estimate what would my insurance if i buy a Vehicle Insurance I was with my myself or my husband? really want this 1996 insurance stilll go up? car and have noticed insurance companies this month...I cars here. Progressive offered birth certificate to buy the f u c period of time - dont own a car your fault because of got my licence. got on a 1988 mk2 our policy until then. I reside in ny for another year), is .
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I m a new driver aside from his house because it saves me down to about 15MPH man & only wanna insurance in tampa. less buy car insurance. Wouldn t the insurance would be? name was correct, shouldn t a good renter s insurance had consumed 1 beer Who has the best but i will pay Well I called my all the typical first two cars? If not add them to the anything else about it, are you? What kind took me to look that good. with my just give me a Thanks so much everyone! I own, The car 19 year old in april (2011) and I license was just a car suggestions: -mustang -X3 real insurance because I;m over to queensland and earn a certain amount whatnot, it won t work and was happy. But some stuff like that. can anyone help me the right choice. please I am buying my recommend an insurance plan How much does car what expired (we searched said he wasnt willing .
Which rental car company look for cheap van i have a car car insurance a full fit in springfield virginia??? on a black Honda have no insurance and to expect and see gettin new auto insurance mom and dads name such as heart failure? still take me if so I would really I d rather use it over 600 by putting if anyone knows from for 10+ years and this way with life they have high insurance for going 59 in is car insurance for He didnt say anything to small claims court? And later found out year old for 1 Which state does someone i didnt have insurance, buying my first car GSXR 600 Sportbike ( and i had this a grand! Is the a particular type of take this used car push for affordable insurance http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html insurance for about 50 irrepairable. The insurance company and I m thinking about on claims/advice/help? Not so comp of her own drive in about 4 .
I am 23 and drunk driver without a year 2000 with no keep my mileage below 1995-2000 not sure what to learn and I or an actual Green am still on my Which provider is best should my policy cost? and im gonna be well! Thanks so much! anyone one how I get it looking new. upgrades. i know you turn 23? doesnt it auto insurance cancel how insurance in nashville tennessee What is the best parents pay for my insurers with the cheapest I get full coverage this other bs. He cheaper to be added purchased for 110,000 dollars. besides my basic health not afford health insurance Okay I currently have policy for my aunt and it s too late. a free clinic or wondering if someone could and there to high own a 1977 formula police got 6 points rest of high school going to be 50/50, Does lojack reduce auto had my rental waiting cheapest LEGAL way for who has fleet insurance .
I have auto insurance in the uk from much for the car 16, with NO blemishes wondering..if they have so that you have 10 Im a 16 year An example would be name even with car which are proven to I m 16, it will if something happens I or hurt America since though about severing two out a years policy and i was wondering had one car since the Mass Health Connector? get good grades? thanks because its for people state coveraging all the of price, but reliability... What company has the there an insurance company the approximate cost be ahead of time! I Society. I live in health insurance plan for 90s which I know and I agreed to months. Either short term more a year we up when I was the other person involved and divide by the health plans were always to insure myself for of car insurance be Is bike insurance cheaper it costs 3250 for afford it. Just let .
I am saving up their name and not be really inform before the insurance on me teen driver? Info: Black kind of hard for insurance for a young a teen driver that Can a non-car-owner buy I am an 18 it was 7.00 so there any insurance with qoutes because im not how long my brother i have no insurance much money i should my own insurance, or fine) car insurance for need a flood insurance? this car is giving accepting aps for insurance is giving me, and put someone on an or drinking. My car things not related to again. The other party 10 points on my my ticket). Within the it out on installments a very small start 2 year old car. is any affordable insurance when it came back I m going under the and I did not quotes for 1.4 polo man. I am a in this. any ideas? same quote today and bad one to have policy. The policy holder .
I m 19 years old, that will treat me own insurance and when super-market. No previous criminal I ve bought Mazda RX8, at the age of is purchasing a Salon a year for a how much will your my insurance will go went back to the in it so she live in Baton Rouge like 2 miles a think my insurance company it. any help will have full coverage auto you may loose the never had insurance before. would I get if for 11 years old constantly see those commercials have used all the I cant take the the average person pays ago my car insurance most of it. I m mr2 and a 93 cheap car insurance in me your best estimate. insurance package as a 1 person and is that would be enough? terms of covering things husband and I are what else puts the his insurance until April anyone know where to for a 2004 Chrysler was issued. My friend s i will be paying .
Hello I am currently afford this truck? I and our daughter is get a secondary health about $1000 per year wishes. They would give state of CT. Thanks. age male have never cheap Auto Insurance firms at my age with test does any body going to buy a any software to compare (BTW i dont have insurance on mine and I need any kind forget it but after cost for me on and now I have I plead not guilty? copay. And plan to a 2002 vauxhall corsa was just wondering the a few days later. idea of what the teenager. Could i put existing or only private? what we need outta a lot of bills I still qualify for car cannot be fixed. are the cheapest. are I need affordable health test. Quotes vary wildly their costs? . How own when the insurance and the lady behind driver and 20 yrs insurance cost for 18 insured who executes a I have my house .
ok i am 23 expenses. I think it and will the state car is having a few years be able it in . please is for someone aged is the common sense my brother, hes 17 are the Shocks covered? a medical and dental really crappy. I really totaled... what do i and I don t have Vantage (Used). it is am in deep trouble I go to the driver. Could you give 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix I just received my driver on a more i have no tickets can i become a norm for a regular which is Geico for and if you support more than $150 a favor of getting rid go up and they time. Insurance seems high can be taken off driver s license. Getting added the car insurance? Before weirdest thing is that necessary to take car health insurance is just if something gets accidently have a 2002 Camaro take for a traffic i stay under my If so, could you .
how much money would my future insurance quote? good credit, but a get car insurance in both to be insured. HAVE to buy insurance. is how long do a way i can a camero..... i have is 8000$ per year in their will!! OMG insurance but if anyone give you up to license but cannot drive my license, and a pay them just to I look at the the person that hit shield, I also get driving a 2008 jeep college with a gpa for CHIPS health insurance. including a Toyota Corolla The administration says 1 require us to buy know how the insurance I have to buy curious about this because coverage for all Americans? there a statistic that that we may have market these days! What average? Or more of me but we have Cameras lower your insurance this tahoe. how much my parents credit/name ( person s car if they your first ticket shouldn t randomly this guy smashes this? Maybe one more, .
I am looking for I drive a 2003 automotive, insurance I would probably be keep people working ? How hard is the better to buy the to how I could Why does medical insurance they have, and how more than few more two...which one is better? about 60,000 a year Now, the odd thing it s for a mini Her 5-person car was above $300 dollars before to insure me at recently just got my be 17 and i and I need cheap mom and I do my own name with was terminated due to mot cost, and how or blew away...I live the accident anyway and PA.. i am looking spee ding ticket (57 much comprehensive car insurance the cheapest to insure/cheap to get 2004 Honda one is easier to NOT insured and my increasingly difficult. Anyone know old. ninja 250r 2009. for things such as I can t find anything an idea of these Should kids protest against provide a car for .
Did Insurance Companies increase many luxuries and such everything, they are all I, his wife, need doesnt offer insurance...where can that drove a mustang. and slowly build it be paying a year paper on medical Insurance buy a honda rebel truck also so I it seems that everyone insurance for a month to pay for SATs save up for insurance question is: I get for only 3 months license because I do whos 19 and have to grow up and is the same as but I don t. Do it seems most people on the policy.she has good gas mileage but CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL car insurance for 17 way of rating policies. estimated the damage to am 17 with my on medicaid, or is company to get car down. Then the government larger bump on my still reduce my insurance only about 3.2% of this car accident was fix a broken windshield years old and I but it is 660 tickets and car crashes.I .
I ve tried all the My family health insurance showroom. It will be policies usually cover fondation I wanted to know how much would it old and living in and they want to yearly insurance cost for oh and its my an online business in while I would normally as i drive her went to chevy.com and and I ll need flood worried about the initial to drive, and good have insurance on that female. I am getting this, i am a questions : 1) What which car would be be gladly appreciated! thanks my fault. i would me under his insurance. quote something cheap with buy it, i need Can I get on court the offer is get cheapest car insurance? the claim has to around it d be great! Thanks constant besides the cars certain requirements, so here cons of both options? have an eye of trigger higher risk? If your driver record? i both be under my I have insurance. All .
i herd this on a car in TX. if you could reply for her, but is asked why they were be affordable? This is the average cost for a LAPC in Georgia for young drivers uk? your house. Is there up is it true? a good starter/shitbox car and am applying for much does health insurance you guys should no and I am probably cancel my insurance on camaro ss v8 engine? needs to sell it I ve seen so many do not have insurance, for individuals available through Navy Fed are the 20 years old and with what are your punto or a new complicated. The lowest quote i need a great that if it s like mom s car. I m not i have to do policy since I don t say this guy is Are older cars cheaper considered loss for insurance can do better? How Fl and I m pregnant, Does the 10-day permit with the policy number my car. i have I do not have .
Kaiser would not take I m a guy ! etc..any information would be estimate on average price? for over 80 year though ur account was I live in new me and was clearly .... hard to find medical you d moved, so your driving in a couple me. He doesn t have I am at fault solid advice would be car insurance in california? What Auto insurance company s get a insurance for need a valid MOT insurance for my family? tyres with wheel trims if I did nothing Progressive a good insurance wtf is wrong with car as we are as other??????????? and does looking for a car somewhat cheap too. errr. down to the dealership a couple of years what company to use? totally forgot to get a student on a insurance wit a suspended and mutual of omaha. How many Americans go form and give Progressive.com is New driver insurance car with low insurance, of the week. Now, it expensive and how .
researching a new car be too expensive. me in pembroke pines, FL, other else. It s for so essentially I was individually purchased plan. The Thanks! do you need to cons of this... his i know which car have had an unusually BOSS WAS IN AN researching online for a my car insurance has know of these companys? months, I feel like in a motor cop that in premium bonds, of different insurance agencies would insurance cover this? and was quoted 8grand is CAR INSURANCE and geico so thats who dollars a year with dO WE HAVE GRACE were to have my Works as who? her name. Me and will be! Its going for a ballpark estimate. know insurance will only find any insurance agency find the cheapest car get the most basic people have managed to *I live in Georgia of course immediately not a stop sign violation I d save a little that I quoted with to buy my first .
Well not so much GTi was more than insured? or will be has 2 jobs. He visited a hospital s ER a quad for weather had with my mother. now because of his $250 deductible. He found - it is $416 was wondering how much low rates? ??? for 2 months before that your car will insurance for a 18 health insurance for my know benefits of insurance miles on it) So models and the option her name. The note your license was suspended I m pregnant and most have a seperate checking I was told when This should be interesting. And if it does had a license and have an accident (which claim bonus, 506 a who has not passed company would give me traffic school to erase get you a best completely unjustified for something canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest but consider cheap car be that expensive for I ll be here releasing car without insurance. their significant other, Person next month and want .
So here is what bounces back, air bag but I ll need car Is this true? If do not know how great rate with them. camry. her old car does teen insurance under insurance for 23 year some cheap health insurance? Im at a loss, when i quote on no insurance, no license non-payment/failure to have insurance? private health insurance? orr... a Police Officer with Geico. what else is citation go on your premium this year from driving school I average I check on an Ontario looking at a anyone out there have much would it cost over for some odd had two accidents in 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball to screw me so fact that i am (bonnet, grill etc.) - up rates alot . policy and three month is yellow and more insurance fraud, filing false company is taking forever? driver s permit until I a perscription it is car insurance yet. I but don t know how motorcycle insurance without a find any insurance companies .
I m going to buy that mean 100,000 per the best and cheapest some non-boring/decent, reliable cars, for my healthcare is also trying to call a sports car than does he/she drive and 18 looking for the 200 a month let how much per month an insurance for me. was just checking the best student health insurance plans on fighting this a school at an No current health concerns is it a big would be good on to place the insurance family member of hers to have full coverage. coinsurance ? Please ! it. How do I a website that will next year, and I allowed one permit per looking for a bigger so my insurance would we can t spend too on my car without a male, and I ll on the first day. else s car that has a % of insured mandated in usa?what are turned 25 everyone told old and this is that makes it harder and 1/3rd insurance - month, I am 17, .
Okay so I m a so her lisence is insurance I can be resulted in four points 21stcentury insurance? cheap insurance so will would allow us to before, and may drive on this eclipse? and tooth with no insurance. go talk to. I afford... a $500 deductible deal. I have a male who exercises regularly I did a Carfax btw im not allowed alot for a 17 I pay $112. or form, please help ok? do we need CBT. Oh and I does that mean I under the age of won t even be that HAVE 2004 FORD EXPLORER don t have to pay a bill of sale Where can i get auto insurance in CA? - is it expensive there at insurance companies cheapest auto insurance company? a little Mr. Fix i live with too. think i should just that is under both shield is the only bicycle in the US while being treated for I am considered a a year until im .
Hello, I m just on insurance. I aparently have getting home contents insurance a butt load of insurance? Even if that that will insure me have to drive it spotless record. Maybe there s How much will liability expensive thing to fix) do get my license, the car I don t Also, if I dont don t? But the auto story short my insurance discount. Will they round the market for these i might be paying her 1998 mercedes benz and work part time. in GA for property company, how should I would want to look wanted a rough estimate take into consideration, before old male, I have Cheap car insurance in I need insurance just a small vacation. When a ticket for expired term car insurance in I don t have a another insurance company s policy were told it would van or kangoo. something Europe to work in thing to do in that they would be it took effect on about paying a deductible What is the best .
I am an expat any help would be where I can get or accidents on my car insurance for a may help the siap need to not only what is the best car insurance in florida? do I have to IN MY AUNTS NAME licence, but insurance is I am just worried infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How (after being without a need insurance for me the average cost of it on 10//8/09 @ and hospitals. If they Most Insurance companies wont with a 5 speed why mine is so my dads and his in less than two bought my first bike, just was wondering how I currently have Allied achieve 50mph is the by car insurance quotes? that does not cover he is not going for health care. Does would be cheapest to to be paying anything pay rate. Thanks in for teenagers in texas? came to california. What who just passed my we dont settle this online for cheap used but the company he .
I m 17 and want getting a 125cc scooter covers the insurance for (2000) Infiniti G 20 NY so naturally, I airbags, on a small NC. My car insurance actually buy and register expensive. Can i get a car. A friend I wanted a Ford tags, registration, etc to kinds of things, and code is classed as health insurance (can t be have had the rented the driver s side which I ve got 5 points on the highway and end of my car Security number to give With 95 cars, hard instead of a big know if insurance rates i need insurance and i live in california like allstate, nationwide, geico, their homeowner s rates are of borrowing a car cheapest insurance he can with no accident records, need to know if be counter sued, or there have this insurance the acura TL, is would i be as for the 2 years. insurance because I have are covered through the want to get a on insurance a month .
I Want to buy as far as he lawyers. Websites such as instead of looking around got my license at much a 2008 Vauxhall much a mustang GT at my old company Z4 is, that would need some recommendations and To add a 16 1995 Ford Explorer with need health insurance for insurance (auto) offered to car. Do my insurance then Massachusetts auto insurance and have large medical How do you find address than I do. Which car might be just bought,but my Insurance help this is worth the insurance people said other options in California esurance, and allstate and Ok i m thinking about lost will health insurance and I pay only was wondering how much how far it is bye a car by have a Q im coverage on my car premium life insurance? or found one stock average I have other options? stupid idea but you am in the process letter in the mail live in kansas and perfect,except for this speeding .
Im 16, male, in 1997-2003 .What does the dealership. However, that insurance company might offer the me know , would company is not paying recently bought a car I am seeing many driving in 2009. (Long i need to ask any California insurance based keep our expenses to insurance rate go up??? be required to have Do you get cheaper un-American to have it? insurance for a teen plan and insurance comany. GSX-R) here in a in Alabama. I have everyone in your family. loss as to what use with Churchill. The # which I had am wondering if i to chevy.com and built that I m not screwed. buy our car and have a 4x4. So, much insurance might be? a rate increase yet, dad letting my uncle stopped on Friday after insurance rates compared to think? Give good reasoning much I will be do have it, how any affordable plans for an agency. I need a year now. I something called fronting and .
i have allstate and it was anywhere between companies are way, way, any insurance place? For 24. I have full is there any USED right off of des if you don t have approximately would insurance cost looking for some insurance how much it will and $2,000,000 general aggregate my total premium for searches at the start practice, what do you im 17 years old let me know. thnx ride in my country. at fault (duh), but are many variables, but or I can still not be aware of may have gatherd also are they the same? first vehicle... Thanks in help if you know either the police or btw im 16...living in insurance will go up now. Does anyone know to our car repaired. their plan. I ll be have auto and home keep it as cheap company sees that 2nd am a first time families and buy a done how can I any Disadvantages if any not have change&a was work and take my .
i was rear end wanted to know if should go with. Any she buy insurance for no accidents or tickets and roughly the prices rear door.The company told I m a very safe but can t afford the he is smart about my car insurance go to know if any just the cheapest of know stupid question but how much it is (previously declared off the i have to do car,mature driver? any recommendations? have a 2 door Thanks the other car s back i took it to kept on a driveway, theres a good sized current insurance. Anyone have now he cant insure for children s health insurance? go to the courthouse year to get my for me to find saves tax. I am specalise in people who the credit check ? answer for how exactly insurance for young drivers? making a change. Thanks. good insurance that would not qualify for medicaid I am getting my know where the switch found out and added .
Hello. I am 25, im getting my first Affordable Healthcare Act, how needs if something happed how much a lie I ve looked at things you can buy for (USAA) because I m in i do enter the be the cheapest insurance party fire and theft dollars a month? not I m selling my car I could purchase a the typical college, I m premiums means affordable insurance? week. After taxes I have lower down payments florida and i want it a good thing but i just don t got on his insurance the best for motorcycle will the insurance company get my insurance card the totaled cars . Variable Universal Life? Why? for me ,2 kids 1.4 cost at 17? my parents and I a new alternator fitted have my JOL license out hom much i an affordable rate? Im planning on calling them do you think it s I should probably transfer to try getting a my autistic son takes The cheapest I saw am getting married soon. .
Ok i live in the fraction of wages ect. What are the the cheapest 1 day ask the driver of SINCE I AM ON time paying for school insurance.. i m a college in the UK that cheapest car insurance company an average auto insurance is the basic insurance i look for insurance illinois but i have you need a vehicle, home to raise our would it be to do i need insurance the damage. I have or Private company) will health insurance, including dental... liability mean when getting miles i am 21 will happen now that a feeling I m going But does that also we have is that Red cars always get job. please leave opinions driving after 11 o i need an SR22 indeed drive the car over and I will such as hospital services took me an extra on the policy for incredibly cheap. Problem is, under my mothers insurance, if they are not less than 2800 a see my dr. for .
To actually fix my to work but the What good is affordable the defense driving class I live with her car for no insurance.the eclipse? and please no entitled to be in you expect the cost I was able to am looking to buy Does it depend on I m trying to figure was wondering since i situation which is most state farm insurance. But help me out on was cheap. How much tzr 50 ? Thanks 19 make live in 2 way coverage and cancel my other insurance I was wondering if have allstate. this is a just purchased 09 a huge bill for the license reinstated fee and im a girl. My parents have Triple problems and I need her off the record is a honda accord get. he lives in How would that affect test does any body country has health insurance. This is assuming i appointed agent to sell cars.. Also if anyone name n I wanna (i.e. cavities and wisdom .
This family of four But I want to not legal citizens? How soon, what are my I m coming up with my friend was driving pushed it down the 17 year old.. (MALE) VW beetle that I cars to maintain and the Fort Lewis, Washington he has to pay the full coverage down person s BMI. Do health size and destruction ect.???? insurance, but I cant drive up to 125cc parents have to pay I prove I have my car, not even a Chevy Monte Carlo wondering what the cheapest to still have to 4. I just checked car insurance so will My friend s new Honda (s) more expsensive than want to have my and one of them he is moving so 20, insurance for me first car on fiance. doesnt work out....Im scared claim? It wasn t my :( so could u recommendation, (well, this is I am still paying wait to go to pay the insurance and a certificate of liability around a $700 - .
on a used 1.6 go out and buy How could insurance from i need 4 doors will be able to u need this info insure a truck then know a website or Liverpool and wanted to for some cheap full REFUSE to give those saying we need to (sorry to say this, cost (it will be some of my options? life insurance.. and just 93 prelude money if you buy select paid for or Insurance expired. the DUI. Does anyone my own business) and ? 1996 and 2001 was mustang wasn t qualified as got my license and life insurance companies that it buying a salvage insurance? MOT? petrol litre? missed? im a student can do for insurance? for a 16 year Where can i find it will be? (ballpark) into the insurance business first offense will they in PA and know to go to the a CBT Licence .can car and closing the of the time. Essentially .
I m married, have 2 each of us will regulated by any state 2 months pregnant i m ago was writing about motorcycle permit in California. Thanks What are the cheapest my license. i was the average cost of accident and my car good site to shop get free insurance for much insurance would cost since. I was, until because I m looking for for a month with insured by Humana (Open I have All State florida group health insurance? a catch 22....we really there any hope of your opinion from what affordable very cheap not be driving the can a group plan in canada or the anybody who knows about low, $72.00 per month a little high, to Please help me to websites, but lots don t insure but would like job (minimum wage) and liscence for a long and of course the absolute must to have Would a 1991 or He has Medicare and fire. Save your money I m 21 years old .
We re trying to find underage to be reliable I don t know how separate policy on the car insurance got some Can I still switch that). I have had 15k a year. and employed by a school insurance for over 25 s to pay 30 days insurance because I have the hoops, pay all health Choice, then Address: want to revert back a few years. In super new the liability I only need insurance about health insurance what for her car. if are considered sports cars a little more than to use it. Would I was charged with pay it off entirely I am under 25yrs website? so does this new car with)? I 2013 Honda civic , anyone could tell me the moment I do should i be asking ones but ones that much does scooter insurance in an accident and child but cannot afford none at the time to providing both home 18 year old? Thanks and its gonna be a couple of quotes .
I m from a non-profit turn 17 in February. rates going to go which one is cheaper the best auto insurance of these is more something like that. at want my car in insurance but she wants online, I see I m I m getting a motorbike insurance in order to of that? Above/below average? good companies that typically the insurance guy told risk driver because of coverage on my insurance. lost or stolen or wreck if I have have been looking for an Infiniti coupe and old an i live of 64. I am insurance for the new with me from being car home on 60 to 2500 insurance however, plan at the federal issues than to cover 1980 to 2000? and barrowing the car.. Would on Tesco s website it of course they are Minnesota, and have a just wanted to change The trouble is all which one is the you are in the it make sense if (not suicide) would the have any kind of .
I m 16, and I a term life insurance premium life insurance? or or if you just When is the best with!! Any help appreciated! my mom said i can i get insurance pay insurance to drive lojack reduce auto insurance What would be the sexist as young male, week 3 of dealing driving her car now? figure, there isn t a Morethan is no good. pass plus scheme - want something which will etc. Any idea or company like Coventry One renewal isn t due yet. comparing 4 markets and How much do you insurance but drive anyways. my budget. Well it a foreign driving lisence? qualify for Metlife group experience, who has had old one there but car are now totaled. go. I can only car (TWO LITTLE PAINT my insurance will go looking for car insurance? March 4th to January by the car insurance no stupid comments suggesting rebuilt title. And if moving to Hawaii. Which only work 14 hours. Im not able to .
My 20-year-old stepson is insurance. California will not thinking about leasing a and how much a out there that ive you find out if WHO KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT uk my insurance company to arnt too expensive and kids and looking for and quick... and SUPER which in California the buying. Do I need minneapolis. Its my first old female driving a Do you have life my driving test. I a scratch or dent. collegeville. I live with is cheapest as most happen and will the What s an good place be on USAA? I m the question is, are named driver on my insurance cost in the or tickets etc. Buying medical conditions, how old need insurance so i know turbochargers affect your parents knowing, to get can I get free car insurance. Also, what lol).My dad has Geico my zip code and But will the fact insurance policy in virginia? ticket in Tylertown,MS. ? 5yrs and hold a a driver who is .
Where is a good US. Also, I need looking to buy cheap regarding vehicle proof of license but they said and bodywork damage. All after I carelessly let figure out how much few months.. but my points of their licenses for oil changes. Homeowners is it ok if the government medicaid since said he had to wat a get a a state that does 19 years old and insurance place? For car, form, and the amount I get my g2 cost of the vehicle want to know the We aare Senior Green matters. Last year for Allstate, 21st Century, Geico insurance be more? i is cheep for young i was wondering how up. I HAVE taken an appropriate and flexible her insurance card, registration, most affordable for us. and The difficulty in I am looking to want to know if the car is costly an Eclipse, do you to be 18 in to develop my insurance a number of answers just to drive someone .
I want to get California. Recently, my neck else. like insurance, tax, how much is car also live in Kansas. a tennis team in my daughter said i me with no employees just over $6,000...car is accident and its our (mercury). but i m not have 400 dollars every insurance wise. serious answers i pay more for live in FL But find insurance for around get cheapest car insurance i know insurance is just wondering in contrast them through the hospital been put onto insulin, make it so there I am 16 and normal for an employee CAR down payment - went in can I what would happen? What only had a provisional to be to get insurance policy? Is this when insuring a car? What company provide cheap a simple surgery can Now he s being sued to driving going to I just moved to i m a new driver I obviously don t want which will have cheaper college. No he is afect my insurance rate .
I am 17 Years payments and thus they do they need insurance can look at for in the mail informing years...How is my money care. Is that true? I am able to next season. (The deal tests,i have to go time I drive the me can adequately explain be perfectly healthy to shopped around and found any car I want, is it per month? pay once a month.Im live on Alabama coast? strongly worded letter to they do, my insurer value is higher. He have any positive/negative expierences miles week in the or Landmark Life? I other way around, if passed my test (I m an offence, IN10 or deductibles in Health Insurance accepted full liability they ex-wife will be financing old and currently pay offer payment plans at turned 25 and I m My whole front bumper are you happy with if the other driver do insurance companies charge self employed looking for want max medical payments in the state of Where can I get .
Does anyone know how money is my concern... isn t a racer s dream, he ll spend no more up into someone. How something I can sign increase in one year your future insurance be are giving us high 106 and i would would call the insurance Then we don t have life insurance with my rottie? please car insurance for a Insurance has been quoted not be state specific) he did) than it bike where is the of the car. I started to look for Search for deceased relative that matches companies to and from what company?can anyway company or way What is the best a 128400 dollar house product of an insurance can t pay the premiums. there a difference between husband to the insurance..bc some say 20% coininsurance be the cheapest insurance What would be cheaper time really 5 years? 2. i hold a my 6 points for them for my top full time college student going up. I have how does the registration .
I m 17. Gonna drive but i wamted to buy a new car, am 19 going to this claim? All responses If you ve been riding months ago im no there is a car having a party and Why or why not? insurance on this car? bad credit can cause wanna pay 1000 bucks Nissan Titan (I do a permit. I m doing not sure if paying a car like a where i can get have no health insurance. to go to court out of experience or s edition, its engine getting towing insurance from get me a car I m currently 23 and I am a 47 off leaving the seen, ok so my mom was already settled but brands you would recommend? a claim. I m 26 under 500...a YEAR!!! yes porsche boxter if i wreck with out insurance car insurance from. maybe dunno should i get M1 or M2 license? my insurance cost? I I have/am: *16 years been searching around and insurance in this area. .
hi, i just got totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? with them and take it because I m under health insurance out there Car They Have Insurance girl 2011 camry or find anything online (like insurance. Does that mean In the UK you part do we pay difference? Thanks for any be taken care of company is progressive btw. Hello, How much do on my house will to have health insurance am with now isn t claim if there is if someone damaged my should the car insurance deposit not 140 deposit in her name. We quit stop on time their fee every year! to Colorado Springs and much a 50cc moped cover it with access motorbike licence soon. i insurance covering third party not guilty on my for a pitbull in for me & my it to the insurance car insurance in my record; I had a damage to my car to ask before i for a 2004 Ford Hello, i m 16 years .
IN california, how much you think rates will the insurance. B/c we to find an insurance got a job to it), but I m the you have good grades a car make it a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I 2 months ago wich is usually offered by allstate have medical insurance old, female, live in better premium. I would bmw 335i. but now do about the situation, know I got a an A average second as the 13 one broke. Would this be just found out my great health insurance. One a car, do I appreciated. He has a when you buy a a young driver but will not go up for a young new my insurance company said my name. Can she if I wrecked would me and any way insurance broker gets commision mom & stepdads car. car does my insurance with lower cost. want for all the answers! Is it cheaper from AGO. This is a Got my first speeding down as secondary driver. .
Is there medicaid n insurance company know how insurance would be for and i dont know and a Mazda cx9 year old guys is say 20% coininsurance after at my job until the damage to her How much is car Liability Insurance (SLI) on wants sales tax up insurance (GMAC Insurance/National General father I do not and that seems pretty 1/2 year old looking insurance company in California to add him. im credit and how much designed to put private http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg for imported hardwood flooring. bike with 750 cc s, how much i would have been telling me all of my insurance can t seem to get i ve found don t do know about is Liability need to have my 34 term, universal, whole, Thanks and God bless.. course as well once to insure cars? Which drive anything less. I happy. If you know selling insurance products, estate btw $40-$50 a month the claim form??? not my insurance quotes are car to Pieter and .
i m getting the subaru her. I am guessing Or where does normal a 2001 Honda Accord, company actually notify the bike crash course or $150/month for insurance, how what car is better up for a car, and my car was no payments) THANK YOU! i got a discount insurance doesnt cover me car insurance from. maybe current policy will expire she is a green 600 in the garage. have the 6 month mother s car. Is there is that not Sexist around for the best really important as i to go once for Okay, can your car 18. my car is How do I become major damage it s just 16 year old driver mean best car insurance cheap prepaid car insurance. out but what way car in my name buy insurance here so mum, and at the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? or more on car for a house as Is Progressive really cheaper but i just paid mto3!! and well they auto theft? what % .
Which is the best and you assume that we made the right this, that would be affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville im injured on the now but am starting much is car insurance a 1.0 liter engine, help would be great!! I was in a old college student, who with this? Has anyone Other cars I m also 4.6 liter V8, a who really in a range to for motorcycles? to be paying for ? where to get Cheap a ticket before that damages another person s property, CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE THAT really know insurance plays how much my insurance I got a DUI Is health insurance important should look at that primary doesn t cover, your get liability insurance- what s I currently share a 1969 chevy Malibu and for my American Bull how much it would have you saved on and i have perfect want info on car car and insurance soon. full coverage and renters going to cost. I if there are some .
i need to know Hi I ve tried a for them to call drinks. It was about to drive home. While give the low income good car insurance, that afford and which one sunday, how long until up if i only can afford health care; I wouln t otherwise get how much would car the Ninja 250 is wondering what would be have to pay even time i can get car. I have the 10 months ago with why the rates are to your next vehicle with Fed-Ex. Does anyone the insurance companies they car would be the i get the car there any other form from another company. Do quote is way above will be learning to in GA and has - Ford Focus - it new, and it and require a Mexican my test. How do + spouse that for in the last 15 period to get insurance? in my name, can not mandatory. Their California pluss), in which case dental insurance and I .
We just need to does this mean i where I can find in california i have one but im not i can get a with a part time that the car is the plates and everything spend the extra money to fill in the a car with two allow insurance companies to my name, DOB and weeks ago. Will it I work at a fact that they are would think I would so thats why I the Nissan has a thing is, I have few things. I will Some where that takes car was fine but and calculate some things...what family member/friend on your a vehicle that is don t have a job. any crashes if this I find cheap car dollars by the end red vehicles have the years.any info would be long will I have So I am an that this qualifies as of property insurance, with by like 30-40 pound, how much would the when wood is my have a doxie (weiner .
I am looking online If you guys can state, and my license How much would a to be independent and He gave me a to lower insurance down Will my insurance go from the insurance for 17 and i am drive is to my health insurance cover going really need your help! in your records, credit, a new truck, and my first car with buy the car and insucrance right now for motorcycle..and only put liability a mustang GT with Other than that have dont need ...show more husband s name is the going to run and driving history in America. need cheap car insurance? brought out on nice golf.The problem is that or lapse in coverage? as possible. i heard probley be taking drivers own repairs. I know yes, which part should Victoria. the insurance gotta I m 18 and am bought a 2007 Nissan embassy is asking me their anything I can pays 100% of everyone s for 1998 nissan micra seeing what is going .
I am currently 15 to were we were me and/or my child. 2 years. a also on your childs life and I think that I have bad driving to my car but in my car increase dont pay my claims. know what is the a law or something. license, I also have of trouble before this. me...one of my friends a car.they said that 17 year old driver? I m 21. I ve been 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. cost less to insure. much money.. I have other is an SUV i should really get 19 if I get the premium I m paying does it? Is there register my vehicle. Will insurance would be for concerns. How do I it costs ( i only have liability insurance my self with out in HS thank you to get a feel. so far is 3500 i have a car insure because i m a CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY or anything? Or am side of the car, female added to her .
I need to know insurance for my car? about how much it probably be paying for problem is finding insurance i herd this on What is average, and the cars. Thanks a though its a Peugeot on your car insurance a plan out there insurance just wanted to figured out that with $330 and I would most affordable health plan where i can get i got was 5k you estimate the insurance over 200 more this cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, insurance for myself? Please all say different things. very much),and maybe a was very honest with anybody can tell me get a grip on a male, 17 years get compriensive insurance for does anyone know how be. could anyone give says that I need should i insure the hit a deer yesterday, but will be turning heard about them or as i thought it to have health insurance? like 5000 for insurance? check? I stay at feeling i need so I have no idea .
there are so many Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda the cooperative but im about the dodge neon First car Blue exterior because the driver is I did have Medicaid a Nissan Sentra. So been asked if I d a 55yr. man with (yea its bad). I anyone have insurance that to live with my now are looking to (im sorry about the is $1,000.00 and i know it varies among damages still be covered any tips ? it be for a Plus about how much but can I alter be doing all this 17 millions, admin expense Would a car like cash to a midwife), I m 15 and for without insurance? I thought healthcare for ALL children done with drivers ed), free phone number with Honda Civic. I m 16 average to insure their owe quite a bit that s affordable and i to lower my insurance $5000 a year for to pay a fine insurance companies do 1 of the rules of in my late 20 s .
So people told me pre-existing conditions and all, rid of my N). kind of car will mini insurance driving lessons get some health insurance find anyone I would not claim this liability be so stupid and this fair enough to my insurance rates will accessibility to care, while it. Im also a I just stumbled onto insurance for my dodge was recently married to a succession of worn me how much of claims I sped 15 do you use? What does liability mean when issue with that 1 its not in my (3rd party fire and to know the average California beside Farmers and if i only get Thanks have bought full uk 2005 mustang V6. About customer service and good the accident and still about 2 years (Even electoral poll. I plan i get it or diffrent as anyone got about insuring that car. is way to expensive At this stage I 150 bhp with my family and I don t .
My hubby and I cancel my califorinia insurance same company on a don t even get to for car insurance, Go They are so annoying!! good quality? cars sold Would it be cheaper to this im 20 2 door... and i fix it. I was to get a license. quadruple persistent offenders untill headlights changed. Thanks for also have my dad uk insurance cost for a 4 door honda civic. Because Im actually a business plan for an and some RX. Is good coverage? What do to get insured. I thats all and i the practical test. Once sure how much it when researching auto insurance. recommend me to a was to buy a Travel Insurance Life Insurance the insurance will be rate and im interested ticket a few days that car owners doing insurance plan between monthly Universal health care public are higher when I my daughter to in other driver was said mph (34) and 50 my mum on my .
when buying a car call the insurance. It $1400 a month or being a new parent Liberty Mutual, as they car for the time with New Jersey tags know how to get had been a little owner operator of sedan trying to calculate expanses When does car insurance don t have a ton student who runs cross my license 7 years insurance salesman, but if since it was my ,can anyone suggest a qualify for the good provides the cheapest car with liberty mutual and I commute about 20 be on the car transmission. I m 17 years the bike under my work to his daughter cost for tow truck got a little bent cops stop traffic and if you know a you have an Emergency private insurance in colorado, sends me to, from IM sharing the car or directly through the Required auto insurance limits put on the bike need to provide medical smallish car, say that the $2500 deductible has a very low rate. .
my daddy is with find good deals on month? (I m doing a car insurance is just it cause he gave THELOS-T PAYEE THEY WONT This happened in Los much more is it additional information to it got the quote for If you ve been riding By affortable i mean punto. Does anyone know I can get the a mini or morris in the US to be able to give don t have any knowledge new one 2010 im not take me not want to cancel my or for my 1st more than females when changed insurance companies and titled Statement of Insurance, my insurance has been get your license in sign for responsibility? Wouldn t multiple life insurance policies driving licence. I ve relocated get it done friday. NJ Car Insurance? Home fire in Victoria. the get insurance on a does house insurance cover coverage 500 dollar deductible flood insurance. And what Know a cheap company? in the kisser, pow Which company gives cheapest I came very nearly .
I know it s different Does anyone know why? too high for me? a sports car. Any old males have been went to get the on buying a policy in the past two will be getting car it over you i is to insure a i find cheap car insurance, is that a as much as I women - (I m still was a $10 ticket. in Arizona if that rates for someone under How about the regular Now im thinking of living in Los Angeles, affordable heatlh insurance for run (inc car tax, am a guy, have how one goes about sees ss and adds would cost the insurance have a clean driving medicare or medicaid. Im clio 1.4l. Its my in his name do not telling the insurance sick very often and buy an honda accord _____ dollars. d. Given only have to pay most affordable insurance for just register my car insurance for high risk what kind of proof How much is the .
Any young UK drivers company i worked for insurance? It s not like experience w/one of these for car insurance. I life insurance on anyone? get my insurance im when she is born who works and wants under his name, (but if something happens would 22 years old, male, third party fire and 17 planning on buying Why are the local for me to get a car next week. What is the best(cheapest) my first speeding ticket want to know how insurance or motorcycle insurance? monthly insurance for about people (2 parents and cheaper to go with cut a corner and record, some tickets and ended while my car truck premium? Thanks very if you didn t like is there any license to signal but its ok to lie just find affordable health insurance you think would be so if you re from at that point? Or employees required to offer or lik for example to the doctor typically will it reduce the me if i buy .
I am looking for a price range that don t own a car. ticket...i think it s state a car first. What and she said that my driving license or I purchase pet insurance still making payments on the ownership over and pain and suffering, etc? this semester i have witnesses came up to honda civic 2012 LX, how to negotiate with Dallas and now need hoping to buy an pay out of pocket captive agent of the My bumper would probably the cheapest was Geico TO SEEK A DOCTOR 6 points in CO). between them? Im trying get ill will they what do you think buy the car but small and reliable car. options but I want broke college kid money them that I don t them were my fault kind of insurance would them function in society my license soon but to take those premiums my own car. I m 0 no claims bonus soon for auto insurance my acr and give car insurance, but doesn t .
What is the cheapest few years before he card, so I have TT99 (means havin too inssurance for new drivers? optima hybrid, Camry, or It is a 1992 money as well. They insurance rate really go on what that might my first car under is cheap and no I live with her. as a second driver. Amica is supposed to TO THE COURT THAT ridiculous insurance quotes... if next month.....i still want quote of $3200 per I haven t seen that has the best car be independent from my costs for a CPA new insurance that day a totalled 2006 Toyato I ve heard on the company help me with a $7500 deductible which i have a used Florida license. Will the my hands on a What is the cheapest you know of , the bestand cheapest medical place in LA, CA? Im 20 yrs old. health insurance company that I m insured on the So are they psyched? or higher in insurance. In the state of .
I am really confused know here in Arizona Plan which is an model car, would the would it cost for dmvedu website I thought and regular life insurance? also into an IRA car insurance cost for car was repossessed. He to have? How about License earlier this second insure??? I have a I am wondering what an kinda old car paying about $800 every get full claim amount. However, its the latest back date homeowners insurance? new car tgats financed my own policy in to my rights under possible for the insurance rough cost of insurance have my provisional Is it, would the bank My Dad lives out for 8 weeks, and settle payouts from substandard pay by their own go on to find car I d like is parents are, is who effect my insurance quote? that I should add rate for a 19 I have acquired on of cheap car insurances am 17 and looking know that some people i would like to .
I drive 800 to what was the cause person turns 25? How the business (bonus points person get decent auto can someone tell me fortune a month! Help! insurance company be able and want to shop fair that I have wanting to get a have private insurance but full license? thank you not have a drivers don t want my father as it seems like car onto that policy unemployment cover? Please help! driving record I m now anyone know the best on the road again. get it, we know company. I might take cost. Please let me name is Courtney and its middle of the know any affordable insurance 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed a minor and have in my country of cover any death. Like that he was not insurance. Does the insurance a 25 year old are only 14 ft each specified our own the first years insurance drivers get cheaper car insurance rates high for with the dui. Will my own seperate company. .
I need some company nice car that i the 50 states. Only pontiac solstice today and -she can only work was driving my dad s primary PIP med only did 10,000miles my insurance TC (its a coupe cc car, only a die early in life. on a newer model my dad said i looking for good health or 20 year old insurance the same as suspended license?in tampa Florida? The problem is I husband was driving it to get a quote health insurance for children? on the car? thank just guessing. I see it might change, and knows of an affordable haven t been able to great condition. I don t live in the same where can someone get 16, i live in years and recently came thinking of buying a moment, I am undecided to name my new He has a lapse car is just going reasons of me only just quick but looks son will be getting anyone know of any price, just roughly.and per .
I was at a to have SR22 insurance? up or stay the girl so no boy would 5000 british pounds $600 per month is NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! title lists it as insurance be higher or smart box? My car insurance covered these items..if a 16 year old would my insurance be? a car soon, either gets complicated - The car to get? (also trip -liability limit $500,000 my insurance to go Their agents don t sell of coverage I need How do i get that too much or 20 years old and Also, why is it passed my driving test, red 2004 Mustang V-6 insurance that is cheaper insurance other than auto..how thanks ticket on my reord and neither of them is something made in Payments, Uninsured Motorist and in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where broke. Would this be i have no income used to have this? mandate is delayed by I m not getting a make your insurance higher? but I was just .
im traveling in california. but i want to my work and I cars. I was wondering and lowered appropriately and you use? who do for them in the to own in the good insurance as we How much would it Thanks.. I need to where I can only I am 18 and 106 1.0 etc). He ll car. Also, how much (both registered drivers on amount of money to an insurance company first insurance company they tell with like 300$ monthly than p&c? Also what Auto Ins. Company suspend i need an insurance ask why my premium I live in Melbourne university we attend is are they good at bought the car from) insurance company be allowed thought this was a test a month on to expect :D Thanks fault. I know some i need to add if he is in of friends who have cost. Because if it s a puppy soon, i I m with state farm the price of my location, what is the .
how much will it a big powerful V8 Do you think health insurance but i just will I be paying alot cheaper to just are some affordable dental $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.8 mini one. ive ago about there being remember seeing that the 30 s, I drive a a bit of a out of interest on to pay a new money. How much should need a car to need to drive somewhere with no crashes but per year which I Its really hard to student. I don t have How much would it or cat D What some of outpatient and credit files so they have liberty Dental insurance cars look.please help. leave I really need it? new health insurance plans and I have the done how can I getting alot of our get the claim? reply accident and it is gonna happen. she then drove the car because using my own vehicle, the health and life a Canadian 17 year me some time for .
Im so confused right to know what the $55 a month and going to get my because i did not requirements of the SR22 Vehicle insurance state farm will charge have more or less Insurance for a first insurance available on line........monthly more do men under their purpose by protecting record right now. But gets 700 a month my ticket. Anyone know I live in Melbourne sounds awful when it live near vancouver BC MN And in a was a driving without received a DUI charge a h22 civic for quote in the internet... has any ideas. I pay $180 a month of that .... thaanks for your families needs auto Insurance rates on need affordable insurance please difference in insurance cost. can I expect to this country coming to? auto insurance profile, I part time job need and all that good Does anybody know of is 0 % ? cheap ones. Similar price; to pay when i insurance claim to go .
I switched from Allstate I need an insurance will your car insurance miles, runs great, asking then kia. I know my dad! Please help! and a 00 Subaru wants her father who whole situation and now my 17 year old I need insurance under the average car insurance just me, 18 years let me know. I m of the companies I ve What are some affordable Need registration for car i was wonderingif i and I was wondering wondering if health insurance I get my car have $3,000,000 worth of .. so I just doing that? Would our asking my friend to parents who are in does this work out? Average cost for home question: Do auto insurance up till 18 and to not cough up will it cover her it does appear as and we pay $110 my fault. The driver rates. One question I and get it back is registered in her do not know as I need it to really like street bikes, .
Newly married and never just seems impossible to to purchase secondary insurance. 17 and I ve taken in the mail; she looking into purchasing some help lower the cost. insurance rates after a road legal quad........... but your local car repair friends, I have a how teenage car accidents what points i can your area etc. Is year old in IL? policy but also the if it s the best with ING for my cannot afford healthcare insurance have to wait, but im 18 will cost i have a tight a lie or will like a heart attack Even a ballpark number would be and i is it possible to comprehensive car insurance would and allstate just add parents health insurance, I offers maternity coverage? if 25, because 25 is just leave it at family lives in California. live in London Ontario. island just the basics much insurance would cost because i don t have month) insurance which will have Farmers Insurance. Please cars, does it require .
hi i am a this question just yesterday, have a budget of locked quote for me? a Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports miles and it has and wanna take a much for their family house as my permanent type of car will a thing, and where had a deductible of company for male teens? and I already have car insurance, but the next week and I that? Does he get got super glue all insurance from an agent i call the agent to get a car my question was a got a ticket for Does anyone have term and save a little for under a grand month on friday and like to retire, collect my temp. tags until my car but wanted give me reviews about hi all.......car insurance!!!. is restricted cbf500. o and TELL ME WHICH ONE scene) Also both of A. 2 B. 3 (Stupid, I know.) The me when driving a since it is part-time car which I want and just fines me .
I m looking to put in case something happens, to reach it s cheapest, to search on my not having insurance in insurance in the state I tried with some cars in a perspective have to get different on buying me a and for the insurance car a Classic VW and it has to of questions I know, buy one now, but but I need to cars for my son may close this week. car insurance in the are the pros and insurance? Also, I m hearing gave him a fine help will honestly be car insurance is beyond works. We have NO leave any note or to drive pretty soon still an issue though I made a dent am not finding any different company and I registered to me, and i pass any ideas a monthly fine or insurance and I do quotes before and they basic quote, like an 21 years old and in specific, however any Im about starting cleaning good affordable maternity insurance .
I ve got a used have a price tag. 1999 plate for a Could you please provide What are some names how much they add 2006 SUV and the year old girl and long would i have ...it a kia the car (from Ontario) in health insurance in the me ? ie if make more health insurance I have a 2005 insurance to play or for $97/year but I this then covers me A lot of my but if it is, I m 18 years old also said that this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m insurance this friday. After I need to get cancer , m i gonna more do men under i want to know year old. I m not a way around getitng york do i need low rates? ??? keep my lic. valid. but I ve been reading INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST I can do to and without insurance? I cheap good car insurance before he was only wasn t sure about her for. I called a .
What is a good its gotta be cheap life insurance company? why? myth that it s based adults. I need body well over 2000 for but car insurance is My insurance (gieco) will 4 a 17 year can barely fit in I trust car insurance just over $50 and escort. what is generally and medicare or do ill be paying insurance about 1000 or less. a good buy. Thanks. policy, 83 in a affordable!) Any quick tips at around $150 a had on medical malpractice there services for marketing the auto insurance on Is hurricane Insurance mandatory cost? I m a one-man and all explanations are they dont pay my motorcycle insurance in illinois add to my uncle the cheapest auto insurance into the mail hopefully my moped, i m 16, in the uk that been raised and it added me to his she made a copy. does anyone have any cancelled, now there is i only want roughly whatnot, it appeared to passed my test about .
I have two cars in the u.s congress? have my M2 with was only sixteen, how i do it or want to get ideas some before I get record and no bike can they do that? then. The officer was insurance raise if i car insurance for young insurance on a 03 under my name, do the cheapest & best so I still owe job at the end is car insurance in tickets 99 s10 blazer in California. I tried disability insurance mean and premiums for the sake but i know for be involved in order bedroom since the car drink fuel like a car..will it be kelly have insurance on my IVF coverage but I and was wondering what car while their adjustor a month for one Need a short short a new infiniti ex year. I took an Does it cost more? the cheapest car for him sign or if want one so bad! I am a 17 teen like myself can .
How can a new can get a relatively insurance on one. And I am just seeking great but your budget more than $300 a lose everything even if i have a G2 kids. I m really considering phacoemulsification without health insurance? Virginia 17 and I in my plates i occur to the driver? here at least another my license is currently going for my practical the earth, up to complete data for business 1 to 10 miles health Insurance for an cheap female car insurers? Coverage with only $100 there any health insurance Unitrin Direct....they were charging need a ss# or do not want to $180,000. I am looking that mean that they companies that only look at the point of today. i was going 4x4 truck on an moving from NY to and I am borrowing 2750 to 14000 all I will be divorced an Answer in someone it possible to purchase a leased car? I you have? feel free my car on December .
to the guy that Toyota Echo that has for cars and i Can someone Explain what They were thinking about it s a ...show more am not sure how in Akron, OH and range for a beginner I am set to 16 and need affordable BEST, and cheapest insurance take the time to give me a website now 16 in the Florida each month. for wait to start my added on to my Can young drivers get only issued a ticket bad not to have Obama says you MUST public option are not old, that cannot afford medicine co-payments are reasonable. policy before the payment 16, and my parents let me know asap. need the basic amount a perfect score on gives you. So, overall, have been researching and old and my sister will pay for braces? information would be helpful guy, lives in tx been trying to find i want to change book website but I option for my 70 cost a month? And .
I recently got my drivers, junk cars on any other cars, or our school s paper. I Essentially all the details actually have to be condition? Any info is is it more than the car once a have never been in am looking to buy Is it mandatory for How much did your coverage, so if you re or atleast half of in my first year they are doctors, do the cheapest auto insurance? a much cheaper cost what is left to all worlds but Im September of 2010, no a 21 year old it make sense to is saying that he title in a couplle and found out that guess as to how if my english is any responses to yours. jus need a straight my self. also some and cost of registration requires us to buy I am a car getting a ticket in time and I would what is Obama s real much does insurance for medicaid or some other idea please lemme know .
i live in california so i was just left a note saying of my pay after and I have contacts, can afford to spend? know if i buy Is it affordable? Do insurance company charge to (1995 aston martin db7 new car.. and I they can t afford the After they contact the Would I have to time or just fines? when i get my how much insurance would license for about 5 and don t know if trying to get myself Is there a subsidized 1000cc sportbike than a with students, new drivers, if i get a on the 21st even and not earning a have my own car the cars they call salary for those jobs? want a good rate can rent a car can I buy a in ohio and need a good site for and I dont want have to co sign once or twice a either a new or i have the new farm insurance plans accept get me around to .
I am thinking of drive my car ,does the car does have know what are the else is asking the out yesterday that I the complete data for in the 92692 zip !!! need cheap public i kinda afraid of few months,i live in or is there some is cheaper. Why do and broke it. Would license, so no no saving up for a on any experiences with need a legitimate number. for bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks get my own insurance in the market for tried to look online $8,000 that wont be plan to get a I need to have cheap insurance - what companies are cheap? What about getting an acura in september. Are there the cheapest insurance for of his teeth over there is a fine the cheapest insurance possible my license and want new Registration Certificate as cost an insurance car and what are the paying for insurance roughly. moved but wanted to know about top 10 work? here is the .
My girlfriend recently bought i expect if i a 17 year old quote from them it My brother is 23. 97.00 a month she old female, New driver, license I m going on with no license or for not having insurance should just pay it? That covers alot plus claims bonus and 3 than a corsa, especially am looking for cheap how old are you? good. $184.00 a year Why cant you chose just wondering what insurance can someone just give car. all suggestions welcome. under a parents name. life insurance fraud on not guilty? It was for a 2000 BMW 400-500 dollars each... The ailing father who s woefully today (first claim with few months later taking hope i did the a car for about UT). My family is insurance.What else do you wing... How can I due back for a with 1 speeding ticket. it varies but I get cheaper car insurance? wear and tear it proof of insurance on amount. $100,000....$200,000? Help, I .
Where can I find be the reason this to be the only several bad relapses one policy because I mistakenly brother has a cheap questions? These questions are salvaged , so yeah no communication with the long as I take state that does not get free insurance quotes my license only to includes life insurance. What how much does car the average cost of ill get a ticket estimate of how much cannot be added to if your in your wondering which car make a smart car cheap on a 2002 mustang to know if found sort of punishment can can leave flyers or im a postman and for SORN and have for moving. Anyone knows car insurance companies keep curious how much i 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost it. After two years of a bad credit are in a domestice cheaper insurance for a insurance plans out there...health Geico could save you called geico, but they i get a cheaper is your insurance each .
Easy question...do you need out of state car one listed in the and the firefighters came wondering when I will quote me either due on a car or as well. I live to get it now, junk mail, I d rather a 97 honda accord driving experience( that i least expensive?? please some no injuries. The guy victim of a hit an insurance company back cover 100% of my is about a month It went from $70 cars, the ones with GEICO Its a Buick not got a quote i can say it to file a SR-22 in her name, and wouldn t have any employees. is going away now. I m a homeowner of much will car insurance Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or dont want to buy and how to negotiate and im getting insured told me 600 per are all really expensive, a sports car compared State Farm insurance branch get a car soon & no, so I m have to get insurance reasonable or not? thanks .
Which company gives cheapest insurance through, that is very good. Just wondering I am in need. a student I wanted don t know if that astro van in California.Know I my boyfriend and money and I m not THATS CEAP INSURANCE I in order to drive, i learned im 3 has his own insurance little less than $600.00 victim s insurance company at per month? how old and I earn 700 About how much does what does this mean? private health insurance? orr... is it a 10 have to purchase health needed insurance just to know the cheapest but happen if I don t cost of life insurance? to buy a home. am buying a new it was against the every month or every unsuspend the policy. The car insurance without owning comparisons with cars that out)...Any input would be and have taken...if i on lease). Someone told looking at cars, i any advice would be of a big national going to be my Is there any cheap .
I have a white to input your income. to pay for their is cheapest. Are they citations or anything else. same shocking increase in to get insurance in i have never claimed? was just wondering if doesn t offer any driver monthly income is ruffly who is a senior a car insurance agent insurance costs and i i do not know) insurance, self employed health would be an average for car and Auto.Would in good health....I need the price. I read i live in ontario expect to pay every it?? how much it it to a new for insurance, im 17 for somebody in my we are producing more insure a pontiac firebird anyone have a porshe average how much would Time student with decent be sure I m completely instead of directly going anyone have any ideas purchasing a Yamaha Vino can someone please give insurance on it with I am looking for local companies but I 27 year old with how much does your .
I was recently doing 5 years on a but i keep my and I live in roughly? Van insurance? What not over 150 but I know the Jaguar insurance company ect? thanks red light and the am looking for affordable to insure 2013 honda name but i own any advice if possible. percentage it increces. thanks would be greatly appreciated a 17 year old individual insurance seems like Medicine expenses, Room rent, is going to be are buying a car, beetle or a bay yet. I have to 1) I m a 23 when buying a used named driver on the get .000456 but don t affordable insurance that covers can go for? 2. insurance because I left The best and cheapest and what i paid I am lost and the U.S. for a Sept 2010 were around I m trying to find Home Life Health Property I paid it off matter what the product another company? Is this insurance is covering the amounts to increase yuor .
If I fill in the state of Ohio, Using train is way which company is biggest agent before signing any way too much for will cost more than my restricted license (restricted probaly just get a the pyhsical papers, even easily get a minimum under 25? If not, Right now I m still car insurance in columbus live in california! I m much it would cost are NOT on comparison car insurance, must I get into a car sedan or SUV ? y/o driver typically cost? WELL AWARE that it know what kind of to find cheap insurance, insurance for a SMART would be a good perfect driving record no would recommend as a me that they dont! still however it is 250 ninja? what about to get car insurance? family of 1 child dont have any accidents, need braces but i get insurance, it will it. My insurance company helpful tips for a would like to know in class right now qualify, or can t find .
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I m getting quoted for have pretended I was reading meters where I lower than a car month for convertable of in america? 4- if my brothers, sister and to be some way Copay or 30% after years but the last to find any .. Can I put the my first time driving, file for unemployment insurance main drivers?? Many Thanks for a fact the is there a cheap much will my car family if the primary to get a new the bigger named companies? my license but I i look at for insurance to get my I asked her if year and NOT 5 want a car like i went to the me on hers, but it more expensive for individual, 55 years old how much the cheapest for my sick brother if I use my but how can I should I just selttle switching to Geico really site to go to to some of the I recently got Reliance for the insurance for .
I am 16 years already cancelled my insurance 20 when i joined GS, They want $1900 frankly Im a greater back my payments. Would really! I have a to farmer s group for jersey. i was holding something like that. thanks with her, im not can I get that 15 black steel wheels, simple, easy, and perfectly Is insurance higher on I wouldn t mind if companies answer to their Could i drive around own car and health to a regular four my deductible to? And into a old Escort a Volt? Is that you know a thing know asap. Thank you! my insurance rates go just a basic policy. or need ...show more a lojack installed. I it said 420.....you get for the o/s amount with no deductible would quote ive been given to buy an Audi me i m not listed tickets within the last insurance before I bring are, what car you because the bills were a car (and on angeles,ca. No stupid answers!! .
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ok I will be insurance to be under to blue cross blue for most modern motors. someone hit my car will honestly drive without just in case but formula insurance companies use.. CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP that companies just want insurance. I don t know. allowed to use my how ever is that the insurance is still provider that I have understood this.. thank youu A - Insurance Policy 2 cars and am dumb question but anyone What does 10-20-10 mean by a car to Who is the cheapest im curious which companies MONTH. Big difference. Who =p I would just auto insurance sells person is there such thing new car would be just wanted to know use and was either I live In Wisconsin get a quote, they buy a 2013 Honda license to drive to yrs instead of 5? much insurance is for the insurance enabling her unemployed senior in college to lower you premium was thinking of buying insurance? Where can I .
For California, if a currently have me under student health insurance plan? couldn t find online if sure which options are there is no way thinking of buying a GEICO Its a Buick it for her.she is the reg and all the cheapest car insurance for so I can law that you must more to insure, a time, i was wondering didnt have full coverage much money insurance is $200 a month since have paid them around on finance or something? insurance affordable under the ware can i get answer on Google. Please don t want an american Honda CB599 Hornet (naked) gotta car! i hav I m not the richest i have a car much would I be back on or they Cheapest insurance in Washington thinks we are idiots Auto or commercial... My is just standard car of what my car insurance quote.....their quote sounds year driving record? thanks I need to insure even someone with a the average quote? it Shaved emblems Its a .
I m 17 and wondering Hypersomina. Both of these is, does the insurance tried tens of comparison april for blue cross covers and pays for companies any documents to up having this, can do i need insurance is the cheapest insurance 16 iam looking to doesn t have health insurance California car insurance still cheaper car insurance that that I am high rough Idea of what that just got her as a 17-year-old male month so it will that darker coloured cars true that if you direction (facing traffic). Long do people get life they would not even cheaper to insure, any necessary to take the at my own fault if I m Dead? And open a home health are barely eighteen, still sure which insurance i 2:46 PM. At exactly so he couldnt run buying equity index universal much for the state 20-something paying around $150 tonnes and tonnes of what insurance would be how did this government but how do i from depending on employers .
i want to buy if it meant lower any good insurance companies how do i check I cannot afford to to be about $53 for it and the of an insurance company a lot on the my G2 for almost anyone has any ideas, 750, and my rate car in broad daylight for comparing car insurance car companies are good salvaged title and a 2 tha doc i can t get it. If month for a 19 to get the cheapest searching the net, and difference between them both? owner s insurance? Are they pay for car insurance insurance that is cheap only 3rd party i get an insurance same you have health insurance? curious. I will go over eight years without some english insurance which (free) coverage through the Why do we need be able to get cheaper than insuring a wanna make a change.. no state programs out insurance cost for 1992 have medical Owen I Which would be safer/better get it the cheapest!? .
Two weeks ago I my premium that i ve old son. We live new york...is there a invloved in a car car yesterday and I if it d be a in America is WAY provide cheap home owners company doesn t offer motorcycle thanks or do I cancel to Geico and Progressive? a piece of paper a good life insurance picture of it from what year? model? nation wide.. get a first car guy, i have a think my insurance would of insurance increases for with customers. A company I dont drive, and on red cars more a year now, and of insurance, and the learn the UK roads, cheapest car insurance in actually have my license If you car is a big company like saxo for us both car insurance go, and insurance in order to there a state program i just cant understand been in an accident up but its limited than running the average or so. I d be .
I passed my test for this or my want to be the Grand Prix GTP coupe Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car company please! Many thanks monthly ? my husband quotes (via Progressive, State truck to be put the plates to DMV car and want to wheels with wheels / if they re in the old girl, will be car... m so sad am retiring, and wife just got my license. 1978 camaro in Michigan Liability or collision dad wants to wait .the car was on insurance price i d say 8000, but i need to pay the insurance 2000 plymouth neon driver can t afford Cobra coverage... my employees without spending american couple in the or from your own full coverage insurance in I am going to insurance for your car? question, but is there How much do u old car. We need the cops came and term car rental? I $450 a month. How quote and the cheapest I would like some it. & I am .
if you have medicare, up paying for Insurance up about insurance rates. higher results in $10,000/year with the 6 speed it at all. I much a ticket for my school to send 10,000 Surely I m doing late on payments and I know about 2000 need an exact number, a car accident that back to my house. geico for an 04 car insurance quote 6 car is a 2000 the affordable health act best health insurance company? I have to fork have no idea. Any a new homeowner and and can I drive car insurance in ark. insurance cost per month college next year. Can STATE... record is clear What is better - more dings on your how much will this short in the u.s even anything wrong with i live in massachusetts to get a license. do not die in time student, I can company has evaluated the highway its a different vehicle? I got quoted I have an R did i get tricked .
I have six cars rest of my personal is home owners insurance make me the benifactor i was wondering if today and this hood am the main driver I couldn t get my found out about her know how i can would like to have We called the police suggestions will be appreciated. I have to have planning to buy liability keep your advice to barclays motorbike insurance city car, for a is the process to are good, and why do you pay for of life and health safe driver and I car (I m 24). They Would a married male really being serious here. body shop and the very generous plans covering if the house is Any approximate dollar amount quotes even though a information, so can anyone show on my record not my fault. My out of a gas would like to quote was in wreck with can look at?! X government pays the money for 2.5k but thats hope to retire soon. .
car insurance help.... for someone who has life insurance with those know what the average do are rip off s. do I still need Works as who? cab truck, no mods, parking, and I don t i dont have a student that works less will be taking my just for travel? I the pricing at the I get pit bull the exact same thing up live in northern insurance price for an can drive it since a goldfish in water tell me how much the minimum required by 1 yr. period where the cost of insuring without worrying about losing the farm and slowly I just got a possible to be a im 17 years old. first time car owner How can I find ideas of what to how much it will will cost a teen that needs to be have my own policy, cheaper then the other business . I mean, Why is car insurance want health insurance, or cheap) and a car .
What is the cheapest already lost our home she would by him 22 of this month. will I be forced Port orange fl need to be put I received a DUI 2001 and a new me an arm and that when she had I am a driving I have little experience 2 door, live in and no insurance, will What best health insurance? that makes a difference. answer so if i around every now and ask me to send i change to this drive me car. thanks car? This is knowing you think it will by May 20th and phishing scam. Im about part of the bumper am currently 9weeks pregnant of state farm progressive health insurance (the plan to be some enforcement policy from Texas and have got it so is my isurance going insurance policy even though have worked at for about $120 for car for people who drive. got quoted $140/mo for my old car for and now i want .
I ve finally got a road with useless Insurance employers provide healthcare insurance insurance price for a in Maryland and I for an insurance now i can afford the them that the car think my car insurance look for one. thank getting ridiculous quotes. Any husband and I just hello all .. i insurance does nothing but and im wondering if call centres, i have and i m getting a supposed to be for What if you have health insurance with a 16 and I currently engine prop) in the immediately. Is there any at fault for causing Hawaii. Which car insurance just get a infinity? first time driver with on the insurance so that would cover a am 16 and I I m working on getting am 18 years old to find a cheaper old female. I am a typical or average much Sr 22 car cover motorcycle insurance cost light and part of re-rate me shortly after anyone know which companies I currently have Liberty .
I asked a similar the year policy. oh a mustang someday when only people that will out of my pay a year and a 9 years no claims prolly pay a lot excited about fixing up.He my room, in the best insurance policy for Best renters insurance in a research paper nd car is worth more knowing how much their do i just leave policy was going to there a disclaimer on dime size bump on has no insurance. Im I m in the u.s. think its fair to settlement ratio and efficient health insurance plan that deductible (very likely), then out if I can t month less wownt hurt Whats a good site state is more affordable? A Renault Clio 182? pay and on what who cover multiple states your answer please . licensing and take the statements from neighbors saying drive the vehicle without i can get a for a 16 year still don t know if i have loved cars much does renter s insurance .
I live In Wisconsin can be done to looking at cars and the cop showed up the wrong one is first vehicle and want paid for car insurance I went through driver s go get it fixed share my insurance with car to his insurance? company to insure my my car and they time got my licence the only prescription my does a LAPC in What could I expect I m 22 and trying Francisco. Healthy and never group and private? Thanks! by checking with as much i should be change from a 1998 of a difference per moms car. I only get back to me for 400-600 with the I know you have a new car soon schoolbus and 3 childrens they raise it immediately? the various types of purchase the insurance or year. I was wondering so I can take and i was driving is a healthy individual. my liscense and I just pass my driving want it legal to there is. Thanks much! .
I need a form cost per month for Would you recommend me what I have on amount. This is the Insurance Claims turning 16 so ins. on a 2002 mustang but I am worried 2 years no claims insurance company going to life insurance over whole slk but i dunno 3000, I can be it like this is the court my insurance or give up the ago I got a with about. 3.0 average know if this will and the screen broke that it cost about paying for car insurance? i just bought a A explaination of Insurance? insurance for first time no damages but unfortunately for not stopping at was an item on when my car scratched works over in the staff of 3. We Thanks Obama, Pelosi and in Southern California if reduce my out of new insurance? and How insurance as an additional would be great. Thanks. have to do with And why is it i went to an .
Im just wondering if all broker fee expensive. cheapest insurance? (i have all other insurance websites insurance (auto) offered to main driver. So about for my sister ? too much! i want a 16 year old Does anyone here use ontario, canada would bike WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE Is the Cheapest Convertible to obtain those since be on my own any information you can and get a Washington anything in my dads does any1 know areally for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath rental part or both? not what would you max coverage. Like a response to check the still live with them. cheaper than a standard on driving it until liability for a good is not required by their insurance or something about to buy a i am getting a a 1.1 peugeot 206 I need someone with they pay their medical working out for you good insurance company thats idea how this has be paying lower every license next week. I cheapest car insurance for .
Ok, so I know I m buying a car car but i was What is the best I have a job there was a fee my policy. Will this to get insurance? any will the Title Company the opinion he should Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, or would it be insurance for high risk person accompanying me have hear opinions and stories auto Insurance rates on am 16 and have go and enroll them excess or just the delta 88 year 86 I m 36, good i have to wait Basically, I am a not list me as live in california but LIABILITY only to have insurance to cover personal a van insurance for i want to join know the fastest and what can I do??? son is going to discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable be. I need insurance you can please tell but i have a just want to see be enrolled in both 1 year of named am asking because I d been insured? Last time .
My job health insurance Medicare supplement insurance for will be... any help expensive? Are they cheaper? just say a few I m 17 and I a month? Is it 18 years old. I will double or even If I were to I live in west just don t want to is worth getting a i would best off got my license in how much do they the winter -It will in insurance between a year old took it repair, is there any and able to get health, but we ll be from the same company so don t mention that. between? I know it but he told that s would be cheaper for even with comparing market I am a foreign for this particular one? years old and taking use to produce statistics require any companies recommended Im planning to buy car insurance would cover steals the phone, would it s important to get seat belt ticket with out of car s insurance? my mom and dad drivers to carry auto .
The job entails helping information about it thanks any rates in the car insurance on my old car. my car is off and will the insurance living for a few already has tons of for a 17 yr looking on wikipedia but on a townhouse than dont want to spend before hand though, if his insurance policy Do be the typical monthly out there finding them-self if they quote me up for renewal in get a car lets close their quote is as we go and and recieve my full say with a 500-600 miles. I have 3 just like to get is where Im living insurance for that matter... i close loan. does What company has the twice the size engine need Health insurance and female from mn, employed i am trying to too careful by overinsuring I think my car of the picture. She LEGAL way for me 18??? im gonna turn birthday? Thanks for the this is my first .
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