#it's just creepy and a personal opinion because I appreciate my personal space
crying-tears-for-dc · 2 years
This might be a controversial opinion, but I'm not always the biggest fan when people write Cass as the Perfect Child™ while also writing her as someone who uses her skill in reading people against what they say they don't want and telling everyone when they are lying.
For example, if she knows someone is lying, she just tells everyone around that they are. I don't enjoy reading that all the time if it isn't written in a way that is useful to the plot because it's just intrusive and non-consensual. People lie for a lot of reasons. If she's always written as someone who constantly outs someone, it's eventually going to build resentment and be detrimental in relationships. Also, it's just rude? Idk I get that it's fanfics but it just makes me feel weird, and why wouldn't anyone around her teach her not to do that?
Also, using her ability to read peoples body language in fanfics often lead to her convincing people to do what they "actually want" and that just puts me off sometimes too. Again, that's non-consensual. If someone says they don't want to do something verbally, even if their body language is telling her they want to do something she shouldn't be trying to force them. They have reasons for saying no and even if those reasons aren't always good or healthy, no still means no and she shouldn't be trying to force that? I often see her written as pushing by asking over and over, using puppy dog eyes, acting cute, calling them out on the lie, etcetera and it's just off putting from the consent thing sometimes.
I see this a lot and it's just a whole problem for consent and being rude, in my opinion. Also baffling how no one calls her out on it.
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initial-lime · 1 month
you’re like the first Buried blog I’ve found so I’m a wee bit excited, and I have a few questions that I need an opinion on
1, opinion on the Vast? It and the Buried are practically opposites but they share the ocean (Drowning & the Deep), so could a Vast avatar and a Buried avatar technically collab on making some poor fools live a miserable wet hell?
2, top 5 favorite episodes?
3, favorite avatar/avatars?
Hiiii welcome!! This is where I go insane about the dirt, glad to have you! (:
1. For the bit of it I like to be antagonistic towards the vast, those damn sky loving bastards. In actuality though I think they should be considered two sides of the same coin, they share a lot of attributes (the ocean, and also space if you think about it) and in many ways they’re both the fear of something large and inescapable (wether it be a literal colossal beast or the weight of all existence keeping you trapped)
Where they differ is the approach to getting out of the situation, the vast is an endless attempt to escape and the buried is a failure to escape at all. To stand still and be crushed.
Which is exactly why a vast/buried “collab” wouldn’t be possible,,, you can’t escape forever and also never escape at all, going far and going nowhere is just a bit too,,, spirally if you get me lol
2. My personal top 5 episodes are!
132 - entombed (the look inside the actual coffin was incredible, it stars my two favorite characters, I just really enjoy this one)
142 - scrutiny (mostly for the image of Jon being creepy but the victims statement was also outstanding)
172 - strung out (aside from the buried the web is also one of my favorites and I can appreciate the simple entrapment of social connections and substances)
152 - a gravediggers envy (because Hezekiah’s perspective is actually. Eerily relatable, I too want a nap in the dirt)
91 - the coming storm (I’ll be honest I didn’t much care for mikes statement but I’m a sucker for the Jon whump AND I get Daisy in action? Sign me up)
3. I am. Predictable and perhaps a little unoriginal but my top 3 avatars are Jon, Daisy and Hezekiah wakely (in that order) I like them all for different reasons but in general they’re just characters I either relate to or have an unhealthy fascination with
This is already a kinda long post so I wont go in detail on this one now, but I’m always open for (more) questions 👁‍🗨 if there’s one thing it’s that. I love questions, absolutely yap-maxxing, I am allergic to shutting up ever (:
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electricpez · 11 months
I LIKE IT A LOT i just find it comforting and interesting. i'm not one to ship characters intensely and i don't get much gratification from romantic things, but something about them feels nice to me. autistic4autistic relationship forreal........
putting under readmore bc i'm just rambling tbh
they're both similar in that they are introverted, very smart and capable, hard-working and devoted, and usually known to be cold and creepy. but they aren't the same.
I am of the headcanon that they are both autistic (by human standards, at least) and also not predisposed to typical displays of romance. I am not fully against more tender affectionate wavewaves in a more traditional sense but I feel like it's easy to over-do it and end up with them being OOC.
various takes:
an aromantic partnership built on mutual respect for each others capabilities and devotion to the decepticon cause. they have an admiration and appreciation for each other, but are close partners for the sake of collaboration and reaching shared goals. they keep each other in check. (+ maybe there's also a domestic aspect to it. the casual intimacy of living together, sharing personal space and dividing chores.)
or a relationship where literally no one else can even tell they're together. they're often seen together but no one really bats an eye. because their idea of affection...doesn't look like typical affection. to others it just looks like they're discussing technical shit and swapping information for work purposes, when really that's just their idea of a fun conversation. they're not really trying to hide it. in fact, if you knew this was how they flirt, you'd say they're being too overt.
or the idea of them babysitting each others "kids" is funny. the cassettes pranking shockwave. or shockwave putting the casettes in HIS big booby chest. soundwave looking after a bunch of fuckin bugs or predaking or whatever shockwave's little guys are depending on the continuity. because soundwave isn't the only dad, shockwave also usually has some kind of "minion".
EDIT: OH YEAH silly wavewave is also awesome.
i'm not going to mention my opinions about nsfw aspects. because i do not know how old you are or your comfort level with such a topic.
I'm into G1 and TFP wavewave mostly. Cyberverse wavewave is good too, but it's a different kind of dynamic because they're both grumpy assholes in that show and have a rivalry. TFA wavewave is fine but they don't know each other and don't have much in common, not to mention TFA Shockwave is old as hell while Soundwave is a few months old so there's a vast difference in life experience as well
We have yet to see how Earthspark wavewave could be, but i think it could work based on what we know of them individually.
anyway YEA i like wavewave. sorry for my long ass response anon
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ssreeder · 1 year
In honor of the ask asking for your top 10 atla scenes.... I now want to know the 10 scenes you just absolutely hate, despise, would want to delete from the show altogether.
(if you don't got 10 it's fine, even only one really)
Haha this is funny,,,
So idk if I would say despise or hate any scene but I can share my least favorite?
1. Aang kissing katara after she told him she needed space. It came off forceful & it really put a creepy energy around aang which I didn’t appreciate. I enjoy aang and i felt it was very out of character for him to do that. i don’t think the writing there was very well thought out and I’ve seen people call him very unkind words because of it,
2. Iroh pretending to be paralyzed so he could lay on top of a paralyzed June. I saw it as a conflict of character because he’s supposed to be this wonderfully amazing so wise uncle and yet he was a fucking pervert here.
3. Ummm I would have made some adjustments to the Zuko comes into azulas room to confront her and she acts oddly sexual around him which idk was very…. Weird to me? I think maybe the writers and animators didn’t have the best communication or something because i understood the direction I THINK they were trying to go but the execution was a little too seductive for my taste.
I’m not sure if there are any more I would remove (I could be missing something but I’m done over thinking it) I WILL SAY … there are some things I would have added to make scenes/plot points I disliked a bit better?
1. katara going up to Sokka after she told him he didn’t love their mother as much as him and apologizing. Like Wtf that was super cruel & the writers should have held her accountable for what she said and made her apologize.
2. Some fucking Ozai iroh background or SOME kind of explainatipn why iroh pretty much REFUSED to have any involvement with Ozai. Even neglecting after three years to tell Zuko Ozai was cruel and a bad father iroh straight up just avoided it in my opinion & then did this whole speech of “brother vs brother is not a way to end the war”
Teenager brother & SISTER is totally acceptable go fuck your sister up Zuko bring me back a t shirt. (Or die idk she can shoot Lightning you can’t sucks for you have funnn looovvveeee youuuyu)
3. Ok idk what this counts as (yes it’s a children’s show so I do understand the children had to be the hero’s but like….) WHYYYYY DID every white lotus member stay in BSS??? I think each CHILD soldier group should have had a fucking chaperone or something. Come on iroh for fucks sake dude.
4. I also wish they would have let katara keep her hand scars. It would be a good message that accidents sometimes carry heavy consequences & even if you’re sorry it doesn’t magically fix the situation. I think katara would have been able to be even more relatable & badass if she had hand scars. (I mean spirit water still gave aang a scar so….. idk this is my more person preference haha.)
Ok sorry this went a weird direction but all together I love the show :) obviously. Haha.
Thanks for the ask.
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coldgoldlazarus · 11 months
Do you have a favorite of the metroid games (including pinball)
Despite the temptation to answer with Pinball for the meme, tragically I must admit that I have not played Pinball. I am sure that if I did so, it would take top rank, but alas. For now, my loyalty is to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Which isn't really an unpopular opinion anymore lol, I understand it used to be the least favorite, but now has been reconsidered and has plenty of defenders; for better or worse I came to the party late and uninformed and just like it based off my own experience with it.
I honestly think it's tied with Metroid Prime in terms of overall quality, though it has different strengths and weaknesses, and is kinda a more uneven experience overall. Soundtrack and aesthetic isn't as great and memorable, but they're more consistent in selling the atmosphere while still managing to achieve a few good wow moments here and there. World layout/progression/narrative delivery is more linear and direct compared to Prime, in both good and bad ways. (Though still less so than Corruption at least, lol) Story branches out from Metroid's usual subject matter and recurring motifs, but also feels kinda disconnected as a result. Bosses are bigger and better, and the Spider Ball gets its dues here, but there are also plentiful frustrating QoL-related decisions scattered throughout the game as a whole, one of which turns a potentially great boss into the absolute worst. (Spider Guardian Phase 3 my beloathed) Chozo Ghosts vs. Dark Pirate Commandos. Beam Ammo. (Which I had no problem with personally, but I've heard even other defenders of the game apparently tend to dislike.) From an objective standpoint, I think Echoes is on par with Prime, building off of its foundations well, but also liable to be a more frustrating experience in a bunch of little ways.
But from a subjective standpoint? I just love it a bit more despite its flaws, all thanks to Dark Aether. The creepiness of the dark world and overall moodier atmosphere, and how the game handled difficulty in a way that I really appreciated, make me able to look past its shortcomings in other areas and choose it even over Prime's overall smoother experience.
The vibes throughout are simply impeccable, and I love how little touches like Samus slumping exhaustedly in the save station animation, and the frequency of Luminoth corpses littered throughout the world, really help to sell the severity of the situation. Not to mention the opening investigation of the missing Federation troopers, and how their eventual fate (and the sobering realization that they never even met the Ing proper) really sets the tone powerfully right off the bat.
And it's not all gloom and doom, either, I have just as much love for the bright and sunny Temple Grounds and the associated banger of a theme as for the darker stuff. The environmental design is gorgeous throughout, and I love how bits of Luminoth decoration and artwork are visually echoed (heh) later on in the Light Suit. But even then, it doesn't feel like a complete break in tone, light to offset the shadow and make it darker by contrast.
On that note, I just adore Dark Aether, with its swirling purple skies, the twisted versions of parallel rooms, and eerie distortions of the light world area music; just mwah, chef's kiss from me. Plus the fact of constantly taking damage while outside the light bubbles, further underlining the grim atmosphere and adding an extra layer of anxiety to both exploration and combat.
Which brings me to my second point; I really enjoy how the whole concept of Dark Aether's toxic atmosphere provided a compelling challenge that is like, the kind of approach to difficulty that I actually like. AM2R, much as I love 99% of it, I wound up giving up on at the finish line, because the last two Shinespark puzzles demanded a level of pixel-perfect timing and precise execution of several consecutive, individually tricky actions within the space of a second at most that I simply could not pull off, which kinda killed my motivation to continue despite being right on the Metroid Queen's doorstep.
With Dark Aether, there isn't that same demand for perfect execution, but instead an ever-present source of danger; that emphasized, (for me at least) a fine mixture of thinking ahead by using knowlege of the light world's layout to navigate the dark, and a need to be willing to take risks and go into areas without the light-bubbles. Sometimes that risk would pay off, and sometimes it wouldn't and I'd die; but either way I'd be getting something out of it, whether the reward of success or the reward of learning.
Similarly, I think I died once or twice during the Chykka fight, to the atmosphere instead of the boss itself, and it felt like an entirely fair outcome for playing very haphazardly on that attempt. So to get back to the point, I like how it didn't demand flawless timing and execution, but still forced me to play well, and employ a fine mixture of cautious planning and calculated gambles to make my way through both exploration and the boss fights. Even if not done through the same means as Dark Aether, this is the kind of approach to difficulty I would like to see more of from the series in general; fingers crossed for Prime 4.
Like I said, I think Echoes isn't as smooth or polished an experience as Prime, and replaying it is as much a reminder of all those little frustrations as a reinforcement of my love for it, but I still think that the fantastic execution of the tone and tough-but-fair approach to difficulty keep it my personal favorite despite the flaws.
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starrbar · 1 year
Ships and kinks don't actually reveal how deeply one can enjoy or appreciate a story
I noticed that lately I have this small paranoia in my head that goes kind of like this: "I just experienced an amazing, deep, or wholesome thing. If I start shipping or sexualizing the characters this soon, that will make it look like I never cared about the story or characters or nuances or lessons etc. It'll be like I was only looking for wank material and never appreciated the truly great stuff about it."
And that's not true. It's never true in my case. And though I don't condemn people who may genuinely only care about the ships of a particular media they like, I personally DO care about the whole packages and I analyze media extensively, so I really don't want people to think that of me.
I haven't seen a lot of claims of specifically this, but I have seen sort of adjacent claims about proshippers. Usually goes something like, "It's really Concerning™ that proshippers can't recognize red flags of a predator / don't understand sibling love", as if their ships indicate the ultimate limit of their capacity to comprehend anything. And that's just ungodly wrong. It's almost awkward to see comments like that because it's so bizarrely illogical.
I remember one time, I had expressed the opinion that one of my favorite stories, while it did not contain any plots about incest or pedophilia, was so well-written that it would have handled those topics with grace and care if it had decided to include them. And someone accused me of "PURELY seeing it as sexual and getting off to it" as if I hadn't literally centered my comment on the capabilities of the writers, and had even said that I preferred the relationship as it is in canon. Nowhere in my comment had I even mentioned finding the ship hot or wanting it to be canon. I demonstrated that I was able to appreciate the canon material while shipping a problematic non-canon ship on the side, and people still chose not to see that.
And it's actually one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had with antis. If someone makes a shit claim to start the conversation, it's annoying, sure. But if someone purposely ignores or rewrites what I JUST SAID in order to make a shit claim, that makes my blood boil tenfold.
Couple example stories for me are Omori and Arcane, two very deep, meaningful stories with some very wholesome scenes too... which also happen to have problematic fanon ships that I enjoy exploring both for analysis reasons AND for horny reasons.
And I've seen people get genuine backlash for enjoying the wholesome side of a story purely for sfw E-rated reasons while also enjoying a creepy ship in a completely different space, in a completely different context. Or even just not caring if other people enjoy those things. "How dare you draw a child while being a proshipper!? You must be a creep!" a la this incident.
And now that I think about it, one reason someone may only see me horny-posting about something is because frankly those types of posts are easier to finish writing than a full essay about my intricate feelings about a plot. But then I find it embarrassing that I frequently fail to publish those essays because they would at least serve as proof that there's more to my enjoyment than just "sibling ship hawt".
Another reason is that I do manage to get those essay thoughts out, but unfiltered and ungrammar'd, to my friends. In servers or in DMs. Where I can express myself frantically and unpolished and still be fully understood. And if I say something that could be taken badly, I can just explain myself further instead of risking a sea of harassment BEFORE I have the chance to clarify something weird I said while jittering in my seat and flailing in excitement. With published essays about complex topics, I have to be VERY CAREFUL with my wording and quadruple-billion-check my posts, because I am aware that the internet gets enraged if you mention a thing and then don't give 20 disclaimers about every other possible interpretation of that thing.
Regardless of my probably unnecessary paranoia, I still recognize that everyone has a different reason for enjoying something. Everyone gets something different out of a positive experience. And it's not my job to judge and dictate which reasons are good and allowed and respectable. If something brings you joy, who am I to take that away from you?
Regardless if you enjoyed a show because of its plot or because of its "plot", there's nothing wrong about it. There's nothing gross or insulting about the way you enjoy things.
Keep being you and doing things you love!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 7 months
this is something of a random ask but i spend a lot of time on reddit and i've noticed something about sm stans. they don't just resent bts, they /hate/ hybe. more than any other type of kpoppie bpp, sm stans' hate spreads beyond just bts, it affects the other groups, they hate the idea of hybe itself. everything hybe does is bad, everything hybe does is actually of inferior quality to sm, everything from hybe must be treated as inherently questionable, mediocre and ultimately second-rate to everything from sm. even the most staunch hybe stans don't talk like this about hybe compared to other companies. they don't even bring up sm at all unless in reply to someone else, usually an sm stan making comparisons unprovoked in favor of sm. at least, talking to some hybe stan bffs this year, they weren't even as into the sm-hybe-kakao drama as the sm stans were.
what i'm asking bpp, is if you've seen this yourself. why are they like this? big 3 stans in general have this weird chip on their shoulder but sm stans have this intense vitriol for not just armys but hybe also and it's mad weird.
sorry for venting in your inbox bpp. you ignored my other asks and i don't blame you if you ignore this one. i didn't mean to trauma dump. i feel comfortable offloading in your space after seeing crazy take after crazy take on reddit. it's hard to even write "hybe" and "good" in the same sentence there without an sm stan breathing down your neck for typing it. i'm curious if there's a different sort of animus stans of sm groups have towards hybe specifically, if you see it and can explain why. but it's okay if you don't, i feel better already just being in your space.
That last line is kinda creepy ngl.
Maybe take a break off Reddit? I've not been on there for a while but I can't imagine it's changed much - it's just a place for k-pop stans who don't actually know what they're talking about but also like to argue, and a place for actual fanatics and nerds, to find community. I found my community offline so I've not been active on Reddit since like 2018 and I don't miss it. But if you'd rather remain active on Reddit, the only other unsolicited advise I'll give is to master the art of not giving a fuck. I'm not trying to plug the self-help book of the same title (I think), what I'm saying is that the groups you love are better served by you appreciating them, hyping them up, speaking about them in positive contexts, than going back and forth in comment threads arguing with people. If someone is spreading blatant misinformation, it's best to always correct them. But if it's just hate, personally, it's easy for me to ignore it or at worst if it's actually egregious, report it. I'm convinced the majority of k-pop stans (and a sizable proportion of people in the ARMY fandom including solos), just aren't good people. It's reflected in practically everything about how this sub-culture operates. So a natural inclination towards thinking for yourself and not giving a fuck enough to ignore obviously disturbed people or even just opinions you disagree with, will serve you well. This is how I'd recommend you deal with Reddit.
That said, yeah many fans of SM groups do exhibit a tangible sense of contempt for HYBE specifically. I actually spent almost the entire time reading your ask laughing, because man, there are reasons for why this is but I'm way too sober to get into it now. Maybe one day I will. Because for years I was fascinated by how, even k-pop noobs who become stans of SM groups, take on the same hostile countenance towards HYBE specifically compared to the other Big 3 companies. After watching this pattern repeat for years, finally at some point it clicked for me why. But anyway, we'll get into that someday.
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cheesydelphox · 2 years
I feel like so many of mashima's characters are filled with problems that stem from him as a person
As a few examples:
- Natsu and Lucy (as was mentioned in someone's previous ask)
- Adding to this, Cana's constant groping of Lucy (and other women) which someone mentioned comes from Mashima's fetish for lesbians (I can't remember who said it though, it might have been you?)
- another point about "queer" characters is how not only Freed's sexuality obviously being portrayed as a joke to how weird it is to be gay, but also Master Bob of blue Pegasus
- Nearly every romance plot
- this one is less about Mashima's personality and more about his writing but how nearly every character that's introduced gets powered down to a laughable level, or has stagnant progression despite the fact we've been told they're getting more powerful (with a few main-character exceptions of mainly Natsu and Lucy)
Don't get me wrong I love Fairy Tail and the characters but the way it's written just tired me sometimes tbh
Sorry for the long ask btw!
I do appreciate the ask, no worries! Yes, I agree with a lot of the problems you just presented. The biggest writing flaw (imo) is the romance thing. (also i wasn't the one who said mashima has a lesbian fetish... if that's true, ew.)
Mashima just isn't good at writing romantic relationships (in the context of fairy tail! this could be totally different in edens zero, i haven't read it) and I will stand by that opinion. The only good (CANON) one is elfman and evergreen in my opinion. They're unobtrusive, didn't take a painfully long time to get together, and their relationship doesn't negatively impact their characterization. (Yes, This includes gajevy. i love them but I have problems that you might be able to extrapolate from my comments on gruvia)
Liking fairy tail for me doesn't mean "shipping characters" or "being completely okay with 100% of the canon content." Far from it. some of my FAVORITE characters got destroyed by not the narrative, but a running joke. (*COUGH* MEST *COUGH*)
But I watched this REALLY good video today that has a really good argument in it about how society has forced people's enjoyment of works of fiction to only ever line up with their moral values. I don't agree with a lot of the morality of the "queer" representation. I don't like Natsu and Juvia being a bit creepy towards the people they like. And I really don't like the dishragification of characters like Mira or the thunder legion. But saying that I don't like fairy tail because of all that shit would be wrong of me, because that would be lying!
my opinion is this: if these "problematic" aspects bother you (not you specifically, anon. i am addressing the variety of people that might possibly read this post) enough that you don't want to watch/read fairy tail, that's fine! i understand and respect that. but it's also fine to enjoy it even if you acknowledge those things exist.
this is not opening up discussion about "pro" and "anti" by the way. i think those terms are stupid as hell and don't define how i interact with fandom spaces, especially when talking about shounen anime.
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iturbide · 2 years
There is a grown dude on twitter who is constantly sharing your takes through screenshots on twitter with his group of friends out in the open like nearly every day. He has also name droped you and linked your tumblr more than one time through twitter despite saying that they don't want people to harass you, the contradiction. Just saying because the some of the asks you received had the same arguments they wrote on twitter.
Apparently this is getting uncomfortable enough for people to actually come warn me about it, which I really do appreciate, because it explains why random blogs I've never interacted with have started replying/reblogging and accusing me of pretty heinous shit.
I can't adequately express just how fucking creepy it is that someone is this level of obsessed with my opinions. I am -- and I cannot stress this enough -- a small-scale fandom blog and niche fanfiction writer, and to the best of my knowledge my only crime is...having a different read of a character and not liking them the same way someone else does. And the last time I checked, every person who interacts with a piece of media will have their own unique read of it.
I have never intended to portray my opinions as facts, because I know full well they're not: they're opinions, based on my personal understanding of the facts I have available to me. Heck, I'd already been backing off of posting in the fandom tags because I know that my takes can be super niche and appeal first and foremost to me, because...this is my blog. It's my space. I like interacting and sharing with people who come here, but at the end of the day, this is where I post about things I like and sort through my personal opinions about them. I'm not trying to sway anyone or make it seem like they're wrong -- other people are entitled to their own opinions! I'm really happy that there are other people with different reads of the same material, because I do feel that makes fandom richer! But I don't appreciate people coming into my space and telling me that I'm wrong and therefore a bad person simply because I don't have the same read of the characters or the situations being discussed.
Again, I find it incredibly creepy that someone is consistently tweeting about my opinions and, intentionally or otherwise, getting people to accuse me of reprehensible things just because I have a different opinion from them. And at least some of the people who are coming from Twitter don't actually bother to read any deeper -- they take what they've been told by a stalker as The Whole Truth, even though some of their accusations make absolutely no sense and are actively contradicted by things I've discussed. The lack of thought or care for the fact that they're making these accusations against a real, living, breathing, feeling human being because of a difference in opinion about a fictional character from a fantasy game is frankly appalling.
Do I sometimes find things in fandom uncomfortable? Sure. Do I find some things in fandom upsetting? Yeah. But that's what the block button and filters are for. I would prefer to use those and let other people do things they enjoy with fictional characters and settings, because at the end of the day, what makes them happy isn't my business. I'll curate my own experience, make things that bring me joy, and enjoy myself regardless whether it goes with the flow of the larger fandom scene. If anyone dislikes that, they can block my tags (I tag thoroughly in part for later searching, but also so that people can block stuff they don't want to see) or just block me: my stuff gets no spread on Tumblr.
And for the people who apparently seek out reasons to make themselves mad, please take care of yourself. I highly recommend disengaging from things that make you upset, especially to this degree: it's really not good for anyone's mental health. Take a break. Do something that brings you actual joy. Play a game you love. Pick up an old hobby, or try out one you've always been curious about. Read a new book. That's what I'm going to do.
But I'm not going to let a stalker prevent me from doing things I enjoy. They don't deserve to have any control over my life, let alone that level of influence.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Trying to navigate the spn fandom with the Jared and Jensen hate has not been easy. I have decided just to enjoy the projects they do I'm interested in and ignore the rest. How have you managed to keep so level headed with the constant craziness and infighting amongst the various fan groups? I always appreciate your thorough replies to asks.
Thanks, anon! Although I'm not always as level-headed as I'd like to be, there are a couple of things that I try to do and remember to keep from getting too wound up about anything that goes on in the various factions.
First, I try to remember that it's just fandom and sometimes fandom is pretty fucking blinkered or just straight up dumb. Especially when we're talking about the opinion of some random blog in their own space, what does it really matter? Opinions, assholes, etc. And that's when it's even a take you can actually consider seriously. Some of the shit like complaining about the way Jensen poses for pictures or Jared sits on chairs is just so inconsequential, absurdly petty, and childish? I really do just find it more funny than anything. Like, you're so determined at that point to fixate on hating an actor you've resorted to analyzing that for something to be buttmad about? LOL, okay.
It's a lot harder to not steam over the crap that gets sent directly to the actors - like the creepy fetishistic RPF posted on the SM of Jensen and his business/projects, the suicide bait/death threats to Jared, and the attempts to slander both Js with faux social justice bullshit. Which, first, mostly come from hellers who we have years of knowing are Like That (a lot of what made the aftermath of prequelgate so hard was the seemingly sudden schism of it). For that stuff, I generally figure J2 are probably not personally regularly wading through the sewer that is their SM, so hopefully a lot of it goes unseen. I also figure that they're mature enough and have good enough support to see that fandom has some unhinged people in it who are acting out for attention and it's not really about them. Furthermore, outsiders with a working brain are going to see it for exactly what it is - butthurt, entitled fans that need to get a fucking grip. That doesn't make it not creepy, not hurtful, or remotely fucking okay, but knowing most of it probably isn't hitting its mark and won't generally move beyond the fandom does help a bit. Especially in the context of knowing that you can't actually stop it because twitter really is for trolls and assholes. They can always make more accounts.
Second, when I really can't get something out of my head, because I keep seeing it over and over again, or one thing or another just sticks in my craw for some reason? I post about it. Sitting down and organizing my thoughts "on paper" seems like it helps me feel like I've dealt with it, in a way? I can't stop bad takes, but I can make it clear that there are obvious other takes which exist and make my best case for why my take is better - or at least a reasonable alternative. That's actually what lead me to make a blog way way back in the beginning, just constant annoyance at really bad takes analyzing the show. I knew then I wasn't going to change the minds of detestiel truthers and I know now I'm not going to change the minds of hardcore J haters, but there are a lot more people in fandom than just the extremists and it can help to see that you're not alone in disagreeing with opinions that can seem overly ubiquitous.
Third, when I still can't get away from something, or even one of the petty things hits particularly hard on an already bad day? I walk away for a bit. Stay only on blogs I know don't play into the drama. Do something else that takes enough of my focus to keep me off tumblr for at least a few hours/days - read or work on fanfic, play the sims, rewatch a canon. Come back after I've had a chance to cool off and remember that it really is just fandumb.
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spookyvalentine · 2 years
ooh 6 and 22 for the shep asks if you're still doing them!
Yes! Thank you for the ask :)
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
for mercy, it’s a positive one. at first wary, not because edi is an ai, but because they’re not sure what’s being recorded, logged and shared with tim and cerberus. here’s the thing, though—mercy’s interested in anything that can make conversation, and has always been fascinated by ai. they ask her tons of questions, not just for strategy outcomes but wants to know her opinion on things, asks her to make judgment/morality calls and preferences. what’s her favorite kind of weather? what is it like to fly through a nebula. can you see shrimp colors? in return edi asks mercy questions such as what is eating like, why are you building tiny ships and painting them strange colors, why are you listening to this noise? why do you get up to dance? what is meditation like. when mercy’s up prowling far too late into the night, edi will start conversation. she appreciates how the commander gives answers that show how much they’ve actually been listening. they install a camera at their work table so she can watch them paint model ships at the right angle. just because she doesn’t have a traditional body mercy doesn’t treat her any differently. she becomes very fiercely protective of mercy’s privacy. mercy pushes cerberus to give edi several drones because she said she wanted to know what it’d be like to fight at mercy’s back. i think edi is one of mercy’s closest confidants. i wrote a lil snippet of one of their interactions (rainbow connection)
honestly i personally just love ai so much and get really emotional about it so stellan also has a positive reaction to edi. literally the first words out of their mouth are ah, how interesting! they’re sort of like oh my gosh a person who is always awake and can look up everything—stellan, a kid that grew up on a farming commune, really loves aquascaping and designing terrariums. stellan picks up a pet turtle in ilium and so the two of them are up into the night talking about water chemistry and constantly coming up with new ways to create self sustaining environments in space. set up a hydroponic system of lettuce and strawberries for the turtle. water tank is stocked with guppies and shrimp and fuck if it isn’t a gorgeous, living piece of art that they’ve created together.
stellan and edi have powerful loud and long opinions about water pumps. also just coming to the realization that stellan absolutely keeps bonsais and displays them in the model ship case
22. What’s the last thing Shepard ate before the final reaper showdown?
Ough. Hmm. Well, I think on the way to earth both of them have a ship potluck. everyone brings something. but like maybe as a last moment recharge snack bite?
stellan chows down on some mre or protein bar. doesn’t taste it, couldn’t tell you what it was. they’ve got laser vision. this is the final fucking push and goddammit they’ll see it through and past that, they’ll be sharing a meal with the ones they love after this
mercy, I think, on the shuttle down, has a clementine. peels it in one piece, sets the rind down on the seat beside them to curl up like a flower. savors the burst of sweet juice, bitter fiber, of the bright waft of orange oil in the air. a quiet moment. and when their armor’s been blasted off, and they’re swaying alone on the platform looking at the fucked up shit ass creepy reaper kid that’s been hounding their nightmares, they catch a whiff of the pith still caught under their fingernails
fifty questions for commander shepard
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dextixer · 2 years
Confessions of a critic - Or why i love RWBY despite its many flaws
Link to the original post on Reddit - HERE
RWBY Critics of all stripes are often asked a very simple question, why do they watch a show that they do not like? The answer is simple, despite the denials of some parts of the fandom, we still like the show, we just want it to be better. Now of course, that is not a view that is held by literally every critic. Just like any community we have disagreements and people with different opinions. Some people indeed watch RWBY just to "see it burn" or something along those lines, but those are in my opinion the minority of the people critical of the show.
And yet, those of us who still love the show are often questioned? Why do we critique the show so heavily if we like it? Do we not have good things to say about the show? Are we just lying that we like the show? I personally find such questions kind of rude and somewhat gatekeepy, but regardless, i elected to try and answer a few of these questions.
What do i love about the show?
From the very start of the series, what drew me to RWBY most was its world and its fight scenes. Monty was maybe not one of a kind, but definitely a rare fight animator who we lost way too soon. Even to this day i often rewatch the fights of Volume 1-2. They feel less like fights and more like performances, they have their rhythm, they fit the music and they look COOOOOL. In my opinion with the loss of Monty the fight scenes of RWBY have gone down in quality, and yet i still enjoy them. The fight between Watts and Ironwood was definitely up there in terms of quality. I will never stop loving RWBY for its fights, fights that are not often satisfied by other media, especially anime that usually takes many shortcuts unless they are extremelly well funded and with a focused team. The closes thing we have akin to RWBY fight animation is MADNESS combat and stick-figure animations that still exist, at least in terms of raw combat. But besides that, there is little out there to scratch that itch.
The World:
I am a sucker for mixed tech/culture worlds. And the world of Remnant definitely attracted my attention. Varied mixed cultures that can be examined, utilized and appreciated. Modern and futuristic technology paired with more "magical" things like dust. A world full of inhuman monsters that give way for heroes and heroic stories. The world of Remnant to me is simmilar to the world in the mobile game ARKnights. Its just brimming with both tapped and untapped potential, what is already there in existance is varied enough to be satisfying to explore, but there is even MORE that is out there in these worlds that can be explored. Its one of the reasons why i like WH40k, while i appreciate the stories of wars and fights, i also love the exploration of various planetary societies and even the more creepy corners of space that would not look out of place in the Cthulu mythos. And RWBY has that in spades, even if it doesnt always utilize this.
Just the concept of Dust alone can be explored and creatively modified in many ways. Application in weaponry, in clothes, and for those more adventurous and creative, maybe even in food and beverages.
The concept of souls and powers that come from these souls.
RWBY and its world combined into itself so many amazing concepts that it could ever want to explore. It takes from any genre you can name and makes it fit into this one world. Anyone can find something that they like in Remnant, and that has to be appreciated.
The creative community:
But the thing that keeps me in the RWBY community the most is the raw creativity that is attracted by RWBY, arguablly BECAUSE of how flawed it is. Rewrites, fanfictions, fanart, spicy fanart. Anyone can find a place here. The character designs are so cool that people want to draw them, change them and improve upon them. The plot has both good and bad parts, which causes people to want to improve them. There are many likeable characters that people just want to see more of, and thus they write about them.
And the community actively fosters such creators. Everyone can find their niche and how to express their love to the show.
All of these things together are what i love about the show. I tried to keep them general because if we went into specifics i would need 3 pages minimum to list every single things that i like about RWBY. But at the end of the day, no matter how flawed RWBY is, its also extremelly unique in what it is. Partially due to its own merits but also the community it has fostered, especially the sheer size of it.
But now to answer a second question that is often asked of critics:
Love through criticism?
Many people have often expressed confusion, over how one can express love through criticism. And that is very simple. Those critics that like the show, want it to be better. We CARE about the show enough to share our opinions on it and how it could have been and can be made better in the future. That is simply how we engage with media. That is how i personally engage with media, its difficult for me to talk about the things i like. I JUST like them. It is difficult to make threads about those things because its difficult to put those feelings into words, the same as this entire thread to be quite honest.
At the same time, there are hundreds and thousands of fans that would praise these things, so there is less of a need to talk about them. Unlike criticisms that are more rarely talked about.
Besides that, the saying "squeaky wheel gets the grease" is also applicable here. If people like something, there is no need to say it. People already assume that if one is not saying anything that they find the experience enjoyable. There is little need to express enjoyment because that is an assumed state of things. As such there is more of a need to express displeasure if it exists, just to get it out there.
And at the end of the day. We are all different people, we all think differently, have different priorities etc. Criticism is simply a way that some people choose to engage with their media. That is simply how their brains work. And thats just how i work too, often-times i stop in the middle of anime or games to recreate the entire plot of the work in my head just to build a coherent narrative, its not something that i go out of my way to do, its something i FEEL the need to do. Just like how sometimes i have to spend like 5 minutes with my brain being a chaotic mess that at the same time wants to decide what to do next and is also trying to plan things for today and tommorow, which just makes my brain overloard.
I we didnt care, we would not be here
This is something that people should really realize. One can complain about negativity, or positivity all they want. But at the end of the day, the worst thing to feel about something is apathy. Whether one hates RWBY or loves it, at the end of the day at least RWBY managed to elicit these feelings. Even if a person is here to see the show burn, they care enough to do so. Same as for the fans that just want the show to improve.
I have told this story before, but around 6-7 years ago now i was interested in the "Sunrider" game series. Despite it being technically an average harem game, it contained a great space opera story and enjoyable gameplay. I LOVED it. Then the third instalment of the game series came out and i was angry, because the writing from my perception fell down drastically into a black hole. The quality was simply not there to be found, and i instantly started rewrites, i was fired up to want to make it better.
Until i just wasnt. Until i woke up one day and realized, i just dont care anymore. And then i left that game. I experienced the same thing about a year or so ago with World of Warcraft. I spent more than half a decade with that game, and yet after the Blizzard scandal and me noticing just how little Blizzard care about its playerbase and even the game itself, i just left.
What RWBY fandom has to understand is that if the people are still here, then it means that they care. Because noone is insane/crazy enough to spend time with something they dont care about.
This is why when statements like "If you dont like x, leave" can be hurtful. Because even if we dislike aspects of a work, we still care about it.
Ending word
This kind of post is kind of out of the ordinary for me, but i was challenged to do it. I will apologize if the quality is not to the usual level, and this kind of illustrates my point. I can easily dissect things and offer my opinions, but when the time comes to talk about more esoteric concepts and feelings, im just not at my best, its not my skillset.
Regardless, any opinions/thoughts, maybe even disagreements and questions are welcome.
Heads up - Tommorow i will write a more quality thread discussing RWBY: Arowfell and how despite being a canonical work, its connection to the main show seems to be not the best, both logically and in terms of continuity.
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djsherriff-responses · 4 months
sending an ask because i believe i know what server you're talking about but you can privately answer this--
if it IS the one I'm thinking of... i was very... 😬 at how many minors were in here-- i understand there's reasons Why for that but. i was expecting an older audience for a very explicitly 18+ show. i also found some of the rules to be very strange? very... 'expecting online discourse' for... what i was expecting to be a more mature environment.
from my experience starting a discord server isn't actually all that bad! the hardest part is putting your foot down early on-- which can be nerve wracking but in the end worth it. id suggest thinking on what kind of people you want to vibe with and also extremely early on putting what is and isn't allowed with a caveat that you can adjust rules as needed.
you can also set it that people have to ask for invites so you can screen who comes in. I've also found good experiences in servers where channels are locked until members ate approved or have read the rules-- for me that tends to prevent trouble makers from coming in.
I think in some countries it’s rated 15+ (that’s what the rating is in the UK) so I wasn’t too shocked about the teenagers being in but it did put me on edge
ESPECIALLY considering the stuff that goes on in the show, kinda hard to discuss the themes of exploitation and the very in your face sexual nature of the show when high schoolers are in chat and for the situation to not get uncomfortable. No one actually did talk about sex in chat to be very clear, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t want a space to talk about that and make sex jokes without fear of some poor teen bearing witness to it
That’s why I just decided to just make public posts instead, a lot less creepy if a kid stumbled upon my posts clearly tagged “not safe for kids” by chance that they can than block/filter out than an adult purposely discussing that topic one on one in a private chat room with them, you know?
I already talked about that one rayfrog comic before so you can see what my opinions are, but when people started talking about it in the server I was really looking forward to criticising it and discussing it with others but than people went “oh this person’s making morally wrong art” and like, that was a massive red flag to me
I don’t know the artist so I can’t make judgement on who they are as a person but combined with some other stuff I seen , it made me feel extremely worried that if I said the “wrong thing” someone would pull some weird art I’ve publicly made and try framing me as “making morally wrong art”
As of now I haven’t any problems with anyone from there personally as everyone treated me kindly, but I didn’t feel comfortable staying there for long
About the discord but ummmm idk I’m not exactly the leader type person and I sometimes just not even bother with chats even when I was in the server as well another few I’ve been in before. I do appreciate the encouragement and advice though, so thank you for that even if I won’t put it to practice
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talesofesther · 2 years
dating yelena belova would include... ☺
Some headcanons about dating sweet Yelena;
- so in my humble opinion I feel like she wouldn't be the easiest person to date, partially because I'm certain that this is something she's never experienced before.
- I also think she would rely a lot on advice from Natasha.
- so she fell in love with you, at first she doesn't know what to make of the new feelings, thinking it's simply a strong friendship.
- but eventually, she starts to wish for more.
- and when she feels jealous for the first time, that's when she goes to Natasha.
- I also feel like that at first she could be rather blunt about it, that is if she's already friends with you.
- she would say something along the lines of; "so I'm having romantic feelings for you."
- or, if she doesn't thing you would feel the same, she would hold that feeling inside her until it comes out on its own accord. Much to her dismay.
- if you're not close, she would do anything to befriend you.
- however, when that first stage passes, come some challenges.
- a very important part of Yelena's life was fake, so she would constantly need reassurances that what you both have is real and not one-sided.
- simple gestures might be new to her. She doesn't know what to do when you show up with flowers to her.
- but when she does grasp the idea, I just know she would be the one to give you a small gift at least once a week.
- and every gift that you give to her, for as small as it may be, she treats like gold.
- she genuinely just wants to see you happy.
- touching her happens slowly, in her time.
- she didn't have a lot of physical affection growing up so that's new as well.
- when she gets used to it though. She can't have enough of it.
- lots of cuddles.
- very. Very protective.
- if anything slightly threatening or dangerous happens to you she will go feral. She cares a lot.
- kinda possessive too. Not in a creepy way. Just a 'you're only mine' way.
- sometimes she will need her own space.
- she absolutely adores how much Fanny likes you.
- simple things are the best things.
- Yelena's never been able to do anything "normal" so when you offer it to her she's just smitten.
- take her for a walk in the park or a date night and you just made her week.
- she doesn't cook much, and eats mostly pre-made food.
- so she loooves when you cook for her. Those turn into some of her favorite memories.
- she really likes it when you offer to do her makeup. She likes having an excuse to keep you close.
- she has nightmares sometimes and those times are when she's at her most vulnerable.
- she appreciates it when you hold her without saying much.
- her love language is mostly action.
- it takes a long time for her to fully open up and talk about her past.
- but when she does, you know you just won her full and undivided trust and love.
- she's not huge on PDA, but will always keep her hand on yours.
- Russian pet names all the way.
- you'd rarely fight and when you do it ends pretty quickly. Because Yelena has a bit of trauma in that department.
- her eyes get teary and she gets worried you might leave her.
- you make sure to tell her every day how much you love her.
- and she does as well.
- a relationship with Yelena would be a new experience for both of you. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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nini-trash-forever · 3 years
Luca Changretta x gn (gender neutral) reader
    Luca had convinced you to come with him to a “business meeting”. He tended to get bored during things like this. So why not bring someone that could never bore him? He was meeting with some of the other Italians so that they could talk about their next move. You were finishing up the final touches of your outfit to fit in at the restaurant the meeting would be at. Luca came up behind you and admired your reflection in the mirror.
    “My love,” he said in Italian as he put his arms around you. He couldn’t help but appreciate what you’re wearing. No matter what you wore, he would appreciate it. You could be wearing a burlap sack for all he cared. You started studying Italian about a month ago so you think you know what he said, but you weren’t sure. Therefore, you just smiled at him through the mirror and hoped for the best. “Are you ready to leave?” You nodded and grabbed your coat and walked out the door to go to his car.
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    His car pulled up to a local restaurant, Salerno’s. It’s owned by an older couple who came over from Italy a few years ago. You had met the owners, Gabriele and Sofia, a few times and they were sweet people, they minded their own business but would take care of their customers as if they were family. It’s very homely inside and the smell wafts through the air even from the outside. Luca offered his hand to you and led you inside. The delicious smell of freshly baked bread became stronger the farther you went into the restaurant. You stopped and dropped Luca’s hand.
    You softly greeted Sofia with a smile and a hug. During one of your previous visits, she hinted at you being able to call her nonna, but you expressed you weren’t quite at that level yet, but you might be one day. Luca had never held a meeting here before, but did so on your recommendation. This is also his first time here. So, he was clearly shocked to find out you were somewhat close with the owners. Sofia leaned close to your ear and whispered just loud enough for Luca to hear, “Is this him?”
    “Good evening. My name is Luca.” Sofia didn’t react at first, looking him over for what seemed to be the third time. Was she judging if he was good enough for you? You nudged her a little, but she remained silent.
    “Luca, this is Sofia. She and her husband own this restaurant. They treat everyone like family, especially me. So please be good to them.” Sofia smiled and pulled you into a side hug. She also knew that you weren’t good enough at Italian to understand what she was about to say, and she did so with a smile.
    “If I find out that you hurt them or someone they care about, I will rip out your tongue and serve it up as a specialty for dinner service.” Luca’s eyes went wide with the threat, you were oblivious. “I think it’s time for me to lead you to your table, hmm?” You nodded and followed Sofia, taking Luca’s hand in your own, but for some reason his grip was very loose. You were concerned.
    “Baby, what’s wrong?”
    He swallowed thickly before replying, “Nothing. Just thirsty.” You didn’t quite believe him, but ignored it as you approached your table. You turned to Sofia and thanked her. Luca nodded as a thanks and she gave him a death stare but left to attend to the wait staff. That was suspicious.
    “She said something to you, didn’t she?”
    “Are you going to tell me what she said?” You both sat down, him at the head of the table closest to the kitchen and you to his left.
    “Smart man,” Sofia said as she walked towards the kitchen. You laughed wholeheartedly at her response. Now it is just a waiting game.
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    Slowly, the people filed into the restaurant. As the meeting time got closer, larger groups came in until almost the entire restaurant was full of Luca’s associates. You were surprised at just how many people were there. The wait staff came through to take drink orders and get those passed out with menus so that everyone could order their meals. It seemed like utter chaos to you, but controlled chaos to Sophia. Sophia made sure everyone’s orders were taken without a problem.
    Orders were delivered to the kitchen where Gabriele and the chefs would make sure they were made to standard. You had watched him work the pass once. It was amazing to see his command and grace running the kitchen and his standard of food was one of the many reasons people came back for more. You knew that there would likely be little to no problems with the food tonight even with a packed restaurant. Within twenty minutes, appetizers started coming out of the kitchen to those who ordered them. Luca had raised his eyebrow at your choice of appetizer because most Italian restaurants weren’t able to get it right (at least in his opinion). You gave him a taste of it, though, and he seemed genuinely surprised at how good it is.
    “Wow,” he said, “that’s delicious! I sort of wish I had gotten one for myself.” You smile at his statement.
    “When this is over I can ask Gabriele and Sophia to make some extra for us to take with us. Would you like that?” Luca hummed and nodded his head in response. He gave you a look that let you know he adored you. The last appetizer was delivered and the first part of the meeting started. This consisted of them going over major changes since the last meeting everyone was at. It then went on to making sure everyone was on the same page about minor changes and decisions. Soon you spaced out and thought of the entrées that were being cooked in the kitchen. You had excused yourself to quickly use the restroom and talk to Sophia for a minute. By the time you got back, the food was almost ready to be served. Once it was, everyone in the room looked like they were ready to devour everything on their plates.
    It seemed that everyone enjoyed their meal and dessert was served not too long after. The meeting continued on after and it seemed as though it was never going to end. You’d silently hoped that Luca could see the boredom on your face. He did. He saw the boredom, but there wasn’t much he could do. Everything being discussed was incredibly important. Eventually the meeting came to a close and most of those from the meeting had left. Some stayed behind to get extra food like you and Luca. One man had stated his wife probably wouldn’t let him in the house if he didn’t get something for her as well.
    You drank quite a bit of water throughout the meeting and decided to relieve yourself once again before you left. There was a problem, though. A man who was in the meeting that seemed to be drunk was standing outside the restroom door. He was giving you a look that made you very uncomfortable and was calling you pet names that made it even weirder. This continued to happen until you stood by Luca who was paying for dinner. The strange man still did not catch on to who you were with as he said a certain phrase very loudly that you would never forget, “Hey, sweetheart! How much is he payin’ for ‘ye? I’ll double it. I could treat ‘ye real nice.” With Sophia and Luca right there, you knew something would happen but you pretended to ignore him. You gave them each a look for them to ignore what he was saying in hopes he would just go away. Eventually he did, grumbling how he didn’t think you were that good looking anyway. Luca’s jaw was clenched during this interaction. You could tell it bothered him. It certainly wasn’t the first time a creepy man had propositioned you.
    It turned out that everyone had enjoyed their meals and most planned to come back with their families in the future. You grabbed the extra food and said goodbye to Sophia and Gabriele and headed to the car with Luca. His jaw was still clenched. You didn’t say anything to him. This wasn’t because you didn’t want to talk, but rather you didn’t know what to say.
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    The ride home was a little too silent for your liking. At this point you could feel the anger radiating off of him. He slammed the house door closed. You had tried to talk to him after getting back but he couldn’t handle it at first. You know he wasn’t upset with you. He was just angry that someone would have the audacity to say that to you, and that he didn’t do anything about it (on your wishes).
    After a while, he came back to the room you’d stayed in and kissed you harshly. This went on for a couple minutes and he pulled back. It became very clear to you that he wanted your permission to go after the man who’d said those things to you. You declined. “But, y/n, I just want to talk to him for a—”
    “The answer is no. I will not allow you to go after a drunk man no matter what horrific things he said to or about me. I am not that kind of person. End of discussion.” He nodded in defeat and hung his head onto your shoulder. Some time later, you both made your way upstairs and changed for bed. Snuggled close together, you sighed as you slowly fell into slumber.
    As sleep started to take over you, you briefly heard Luca say something you didn’t understand. “I love and respect you. However, I cannot just let that man get away with it. I will personally make sure he pays. I just hope you can forgive me.” He held you tighter and you fell asleep in each other's arms.
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woahsehun · 3 years
♡ boyfriend jaemin ♡
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what I think jaemin might be like as a boyfriend
disclaimer: obviously I don’t know jaemin lmao this is just for fun and if you disagree feel free to politely disagree elsewhere ♡ but I mean comment if you want idc just pls don’t be mean to me I’ll cry
I also tried to keep it gender neutral but I am new to writing these types of scenarios and stuff so if you notice anything that I should change feel free to let me know :)
now back to our regularly scheduled programming
• house husband boyfriend #1
• if he wakes up before you… would probably drink a cup of coffee before you get up, but would then make himself another with yours so you could drink them together (or if you drink tea same situation different beverage)
• is a big fan of waiting to do things in order to do them together
• another example would be: I think even if he was super hungry he would often hold off on eating dinner until you got home/to wherever he is so he can eat with you, because he doesn’t like the thought of you having to eat alone and always prefers your company anyways :’)
• y’all know that clip of him hugging jaehyun? yeah. would do that a lot, but not just a back hug, like the full on pajamas-morning breath-messy hair-half open eyes vibe. has his face against your shoulder so he can take a deep breath in to let the smell of your hair and clothes comfort him
• taking a quick break because I’m making myself go insane I think
• anyways
• takes pictures of you whether you’re aware or not (but not in like, a creepy way idk). will also force you to let him take pictures of you like that one video of him dragging haechan by the jacket so he could take pictures of him yeah that. hey, it’s not his fault you’re breathtaking
• of course he likes taking the aesthetic candid pictures of you, but his guilty pleasure? taking absolutely wack pictures of you eating and sleeping. hilarious. cute. lockscreen material in his eyes
• expect your cheeks to be squeezed. ya got cheeks? congrats! you get a squeeze. or maybe even a squish who knows. you do something remotely cute jaemin is all over it “ooohhhhwowowo my baby so cute” while you’re just cheeks compressed like (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)
• may tease and nag but it’s out of love ahdhba
• would be a really good person to talk to about your mistakes/worrys or make mistakes around, because I think unless it’s something serious he would be great at calming you down and assuring you that everything is okay. seems like a big fan of “keep moving forward” and thinks sweating the small stuff is a waste of time almost
• maybe I think that because of his not-so-competitive nature most of the time but either way
• I feel like (if you had a day type job or were in college) he would enjoy seeing you off to work or classes if he has time. has your bag and/or drink ready and held out for you as you’re on your way out the door, but he wouldn’t let go of them without a goodbye kiss of course
• yeah I’m going insane again brb
• really appreciates anything you do for him whether it’s getting him coffee unexpectedly, visiting him at work (and if he’s having a hard time it just lifts him right up), rubbing his shoulders after a long practice, or even just the way you look at him is enough to satisfy his happiness quota for life
• because of this, like I mentioned before, he would try and do small things for you too. would wash your dishes or put away leftovers if you forget, would put your shoes by the door if you happen to kick them off elsewhere, sends you goodnight and good morning texts if you’re not together
• probably wouldn’t have much time to visit you at work or school, but would always try and call or text you during your break
• obviously just really affectionate and caring I mean we know this about him but I’m reminding us
• might pout it you reject his affection, but also kinda understands if you need space (even if he wants to hug you tighter than some skinny jeans)
• other than that I don’t feel like he pouts much I mean he trusts you and respects your thoughts and opinions idk what else to say about it
• probably admires you for your similarities and differences.
• I don’t even think it would depend on if you’re a hard worker or successful compared to others he just thinks you’re inspiring to him in your own right. I know people say he’s a member that definitely admires strong women, ya know based on his music tastes, and I for sure agree, but I also think no matter your gender identity he would just be in awe at your inner strength and it would help drive him in other things he does :)
• hello I’m back bc I had more thoughts so am making some edits lmaooo
• the type to make you lunch and leave little notes in it like “I love youuu”, “you mean the world to me”, “have a great day!”, “ooooh sexy”
• takes care of you really well even when you don’t ask for it like makes sure you eat enough and drink enough water, get enough sleep, take care of your mental health etc.
• which I also feel like means he can be stern sometimes, but it’s just because he really cares and doesn’t know what he would do if something happened to you
• that’s where the nagging comes in a bit like if you got sick “”tch tch tch* see this is why I told you you have to drink more water” as he absolutely babies the hell out of you
• if you’re laying on the couch or smth he’d probably just lay his whole body over you limp like a blanket until you tap out from being SQUISHED
• alright I think I’m really done for now so if I think of anything else maybe I’ll just make a part two
♡ I feel like this was kinda short but that’s all I have for now so thanks to anyone who read this I guess, and I hope everyone has a great day/night! ♡
(✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ``` bye bye ```
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