#it's like they're constantly in my head and i need to beat them at life lmao
coff33andb00ks · 1 day
20 Oscar
20: pressing the other’s hand against their cheek
warnings: author doesn't understand the meaning of the word "short" and (badly written) descriptions of a wreck during a race (no injuries)
driver + number = drabble/short fic <3
Piastri just doesn't give a fuck.
Oscar is just too chill.
Does he ever show emotion except when he's laughing at Lando?
You try to stay out of comments. Hell, you try to stay off social media, it's nothing but a cesspool of people with too much time on their hands and not enough brain cells to comprehend more than the surface level of what they're shown. But sometimes you like it, because there are creative people who put out beautifully edited videos of your boyfriend. Sometimes you show them to him, enjoying his giggling while he watches and shakes his head over someone finding him attractive enough to warrant a thirty second video set to a Rihanna song.
But the comments about his emotionless black cat behavior hurt. He's so much more than how he portrays himself. He's vibrant and so full of life, and you will forever appreciate the people who see beyond his social anxiety and notice his amazing sense of humor, his passion for racing and life. They'll never know the real him and will probably never understand why you fell in love with him.
Him. The sweet and shy guy who'd come to your defense when a rude customer had been berating you over a wrong order. His voice had cut over her yelling, calm and measured, and after your manager had kicked out the irrationally angry woman it had been Oscar that had approached you to check on you, frowning when he saw your tears. His gentle tone had calmed you, his respectful stance had won your admiration, and his calling the woman a fucking cunt had made you smile.
You wish you could defend him as he continues to defend you. When a video questioning how a nobody like you had bagged a formula one rookie had gone somewhat viral he'd taken to twitter and unleashed such a beautifully worded rant that people were still quoting it more than a year later.
It's come to my attention that some so-called fans are referring to my girlfriend as a nobody. Allow me to introduce her to you. She's funny, she's brilliant, she's beautiful. She's every word you can think of to describe the perfect person and she's so much more. She shines light in the darkest corners of my soul. Her eyes are a map of my universe. When you look at us together, know that I am constantly trying to be worthy of the love she gives me, and know that if you speak ill of her you will never have my respect but you will have my disgust.
You would never ever doubt his love for you. Not that you ever had but that had cemented it. You could never come to his defense in such a way. If you even tried you'd be sneered at for being a try hard.
And really, you didn't need to. Because the one thing Oscar did not give a fuck about was anyone's opinion. Only a handful of people mattered enough to him for him to care what they thought. You were blessed to be included on that list.
You love him so much that for a while it scared you, having never fallen into the this one person is my moon and stars mindset. But now you understand. He didn't just hang them, he is your moon and stars. Your one and only and if for some reason this doesn't end in forever you'll be ruined for any other man.
It was still a shock, though, when you felt your heart stop beating as you watched his car careen towards the barrier. The front wing clipped Max's rear tire and you can't breathe, watching in slow motion as the brightly colored car tips and lifts into the air. There is nothing but absolute silence around you in the McLaren garage and you're frozen, staring at the monitor while his car flips and rolls, carbon fiber flying in every direction when it lands upside down, his helmet just visible as it slides to a stop at the safety fence.
Silence. Then pandemonium. Your world has just flipped and spun and you can't breathe, ears straining to hear him but you can only hear the crackle of the radio when Zak and Tom try to get him to respond.
Then, finally, his voice. Shaken and scared. "Are they okay? Please tell me they're okay."
Of course he'd ask after the others involved. You can finally breathe but it hurts, not knowing that he's okay. And you can't do anything but wait, heart barely beating until he's finally out, he's moving, he's giving the fans a thumbs up as he's put on the stretcher. You still can't do a thing and you've never felt more useless than you do while you're waiting just inside the medical center with Zak and Lando, who'd come to wait during the red flag.
Then the most beautiful words you've ever heard.
"He's okay."
There's more after that, about him being transported to the local hospital for a complete check, the possibility of a concussion but he's okay. And you're allowed to go see him while the ambulance is readied.
He's sitting up, looking a little pale but he's not hurt, he's in one piece, and when he sees you he gasps. You try to be gentle when you embrace him, but he steals your breath, holding you so tightly it hurts, his face pressed into your neck.
"They won't tell me - are Max and George okay?" His voice is strained and you feel his tears.
"They're fine, my love," you promise.
"I didn't mean for it to happen, I don't know what I did. I was going good and then I was upside down." His voice shakes and cracks and he's trembling, one hand fisting in your shirt. You reach for the other.
"Shh shh... It's okay my love," you whisper, your tears finally spilling when he guides your hand up, holding it to his cheek as he lets out a shaky breath. "Everyone's okay, you're okay."
His eyes meet yours and your world rights itself.
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goldlightsaber · 9 months
lately i've been becoming more aware of the fact that i have lot of very unhealthy beliefs ingrained in me around success, failing and losing, being "cool", needing to "win", etc and boy i can't wait to hash it all out in therapy
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opbackgrounds · 20 days
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This scene with Sanji is one of his most important moments in the series, and in my opinion also one of the most difficult passages in the manga to interpret, because to completely understand it you have to look at the manga holistically rather than this scene by itself.
The big question that needs answered is why does Oda let Zoro "win" here by having him be the sacrifice instead of Sanji. Both are equally willing and both are identified much later on as the Wings of the Pirate King, implying that they have similar importance (although vastly different roles) within the Straw Hat crew.
If we go back to Sanji's introduction on the Baratie, his big flaw was that he lacked the "spear of spirit" to pursue his dream. Since he's been a boy he's wanted to find the All Blue, but even when he had the opportunity to go after that dream he chose to stay on the Baratie out of a feeling of obligation to Zeff. Sanji put the continued existence of the restaurant over his own life, something Luffy rightfully called him out for at the time, and even at the end of the arc had to be pushed away by Zeff and the other chefs before he finally set sail for good.
On Drum, Sanji once again almost died protecting Nami and Luffy during the avalanche, resulting in a broken back that required surgury from Dr. Kureha. Luffy again calls him out (note the English translation here isn't entirely accurate, see here for a breakdown), and with his power there's a good chance Luffy could have gotten them all out of trouble without all the dramatics by Sanji.
Something similar happens on Skypiea, when Sanji puts himself in the way of Enel so that Usopp and Nami can be saved. This case is perhaps more justifiable given the extreme situation they were in, but nonetheless he was still quick to throw his life away.
Then on Enies Lobby Nami--while not criticizing his chivalry--calls out Sanji for simply not running away from Kalifa, instead just accepting that he's going to get the shit beat out of him, and possibly die.
So there's a pattern of self-destructive behavior. Sanji repeatedly puts his life on the line when he doesn't need to in order to preserve the lives and dreams of the people he loves. Even him constantly simping over Nami and Robin falls a little into this category, because if either of them told him to take a long walk off a short pier I have no doubt he'd comply. It's that same extreme willingness to sacrifice anything and everything for the people he cares for that we see in Baby 5, except Sanji was fortunate enough to not be surrounded by people that encourage these worst impulses of self-destructive behavior. As he says here in Thriller Bark, he's just the cook. Luffy can always just find someone else.
(The glory of Whole Cake Island being Sanji realizing, no, Luffy can't, and he won't).
And it is finally on WCI that get to the heart of why Sanji is like this with yet another episode of putting his own dreams and happiness aside for the sake of others, and not until Wano that we finally see him take the first steps toward asking others for help instead of passionately throwing his life away when he doesn’t need to.
When Zoro first offered his head to Kuma, the prominence of his dream was first and foremost. Notice that Sanji never mentions the All Blue. One Piece is a series that places the pursuit of one's own ambition above all else, even if that ambition is selfish. Sanji hasn't yet learned to be selfish, so Zoro knocks him out and ends up being the one to accept Luffy's pain. Sacrifice isn't sacrifice if the person doesn't value what they're giving up, and right now Sanji clearly doesn't value his own life compared to the rest of the crew.
Next chapter Oda will speak through Brook to confirm that Sanji's willingness to give himself up wasn't foolish or stupid. It's just that he's missing a piece of the puzzle, and that's not something he'll have for a long time yet.
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Reasons to ship every single version of MegOP
since Very Dumb Discourse™ exists about whether or not certain versions of this ship are valid, this is going to be THE most positive post about all versions of MegOP. refer back to this post for reasons to ship your favorite version of MegOP if anyone gets weird about it with you. now let us begin!!
G1: goofy '80s faction dads fighting each other in a denny's parking lot every week LET'S GOOO, that shit is fun as fuck. orion pax also totally had a celeb crush on megatron before megatron ruined that and shot him and his pals 😔 and there's a lot of angst you can add with megatron becoming galvatron and optimus coming back to life to see how much he's changed!
BW: it's the sheer fucking comedy gold factor of a newly minted college graduate and a terrorist dinosaur IMMEDIATELY singling each other out on a prehistoric rock and deciding to call their daily gang slap-fights the BEAST WARS, what iconic drama queens LMAOOOO. also, megatron made his final body in BM look like optimal optimus SPECIFICALLY to fuck with him, and that's just...incredible
UT: the fact that megatron CANONICALLY acted like a grieving widower over optimus after he died in armada is. amazing. never forget their absolutely insane obsession with each other that they can never EVER give up on played a direct part in unicron nearly ending the world <3
Bayverse: this is the one continuity of all fucking things that gave us the lore about megatron being prime's lord high protector. absolute galaxy brain writing from the tie-in comics. also these two would ABSOLUTELY have the messiest, nastiest, most brutal hate sex imaginable, and that's beautiful. <3
Animated: optimus being a rookie washout underdog and megatron being a super scary much older warlord is a really interesting and underrated fresh take on their dynamic! lots of fun to be had with exploring what their relationship would be like after megatron finally acknowledged him as his archnemesis, lol. also...age AND size difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prime: do i even need to say anything, i'm pretty sure that one flashback still of orion and megatronus being friends is responsible for birthing a million shippers for this pairing alone LMAOOOO. the bitter ex-boyfriends energy was TRULY off the charts in this show, it's a damn shame megatron never appeared in RID15
Cyberverse: same bitter ex-boyfriends energy but this time with dates at maccadams. megatron also dies encouraging optimus to beat the unhinged alternate dimension megs AAHH THE ANGST
IDW1: they're both depressed gay war criminals in this one who CONSTANTLY live in each other's heads rent-free and that's amazing, lmfao. also, megatron becoming an autobot means this is one of the VERY FEW continuities where it's not nigh impossible to figure out a way to give these two a happy ending together in fanon
IDW2: space date space date SPACE DATE. they were falling together and everything. megatron also LITERALLY tells optimus to open himself to him...to give him the matrix...yeah megs my dude i'm sure that's the ONLY thing you wanted from optimus "opening" himself. toootally positive, lol
G1 Marvel: megatron was SUPER fucking pissed and weird as shit about the time optimus died over a video game. it counts
Dreamwave: their first fight had megatron urging optimus to join him AND they disappeared together in a space bridge explosion once which is like, a fanfic-esque setup for them to be alone. also i'm pretty sure this is the continuity where optimus accidentally gave megatron a lobotomy, so...uh...potential for angst is to be had
SG: mirror universe!! evil crazy villain optimus with noble goody-goody hero megatron has so much potential for absolute chaos. bonus if you also bring in the normal versions somehow through multiverse shenanigans <3
KP: the only way this version of prime can redeem himself from the creepy underage human girl bullshit is if he gets a good hard dicking from megatron. next
Prime Wars: huge "ex-husbands go on a road trip with their disgruntled daughter" energy here. megatron also LITERALLY says "oh optimus, if only you could see me now" <3
Earthspark: again...need i say why? they're pals and working together from the get-go, what's not to ship??
Skybound: optimus literally wears megatron's arm. truly beautiful <3
TF One: it's not out yet but give it time. the entire movie is going to be about orion and d-16 being madly in love and tragically breaking up, baby!!
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sweetchildcloud · 3 months
Polyamorous headcannon with Geto and Gojo ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
contain s#lf h#rm,sex (not explit) hope you like this ^•ﻌ•^ฅ♡
@kiwicopia @muzansslxt @candy69gurl
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(i choose this two pics c'ause it represent they're personality in the reletionship)
i totally didn't create this for my thirtsy needy b#tch a*s
Geto and Satoru are in a closeted poly relationship with you. You three are a team not only in work, but in life as well. When you are with them they never want to let you go even in your apartment. Even when you are sleeping the two are always making out or cuddling next to you.
Satoru and Geto often have cooking contests to see who can cook the better dish. It’s all in good taste though as they always share the dish they make with you. Geto takes great pride in his cooking, while Satoru is more so passionate about it. Both are great cooks nonetheless. Both are very protective of you, and you’re the one with final say in who wins and who loses. They won't get too overcompetitive because they can’t risk you being angry with them or losing you.
The three of you are out grocery shopping. Geto and Satoru usually have disagreements on what to get and what not to get, they’re like night and day. Geto is more reserved and is fine with eating any old food whereas Satoru really puts effort into his cooking and wants to take his time buying the freshest ingredients for the meal he is planning to make. You on the other hand are in the middle and keep everything from becoming too heated between the two. Satoru is also more flirty and playful with you than Geto is.
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Geto and Satoru are constantly trying to win you over with affection. They’ll sneak off with you to find a quiet corner away from others and kiss you fiercely while hugging you close to them. The two are always competing to see who can make you the most flustered by their gestures of affection. If you decide to take a break from the shopping and sit down to rest, they’ll both try to sit as close to your as possible. Satoru is more affectionate out in public whereas Geto tends to dial it down in public.
You, Geto and Satoru are just hanging out in the living room, the two are busy playing video games to which you couldn’t care less. Geto is a bit of a sore loser and so Satoru purposefully loses to him so Geto can have the satisfaction of beating his friend. As a prize Geto asks for a kiss from you, and Satoru can’t help but pout because Geto beat him to showing affection towards you this time.
Satoru and Geto have gotten comfortable with being openly affectionate around you. The two of them will make out in front of you whether you’re in your apartment or theirs, or out and about. Satoru is also very clingy and has a habit of latching onto you whenever you are within his reach. Geto also wants to get a chance to show his affection to you and will do so through hugs and kisses, both are very clingy and like you to cling to them as well. Satoru loves calling you “baby” and will call you that often.
When you’re feeling down or like you just want a day to relax, the two of them are always willing to cuddle you and let you lay your head down on their lap. Satoru, being the more affectionate of the two, is always looking for a chance to hug and cuddle you, whereas Geto is more reserved and less of a cuddly type he will still happily hold you in his arms. The two of them always make sure to pamper you and show their affection towards you whenever you need it, and they never hesitate to give you comfort.
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Geto gets extremely protective if someone dares to intentionally hurt you in any way. He would most likely fight them and give them a black eye or a busted lip. Satoru is more likely to confront the person verbally rather than physically he would either chew them out or give them a scathing look that’s enough to shame them. Both are protective of you but in different ways, Geto physically and Satoru verbally. However both wouldn’t hesitate to jump at the chance to protect you from any kind of harm regardless of the method.
Geto is very protective of you and does not react fondly whenever someone hurts you. He would get very angry and hostile towards the individual who’s hurting you and threaten them to stay away from you. Satoru is the same but slightly more reserved than Geto. When the two are around and someone hurts you they would try to both comfort and console you. They would stay by your side until they see you smile again or see you happy. They would also get a bit jealous of whoever is hurting you, thinking that they are taking you away from them.
Geto and Satoru are constantly bickering about something small, it doesn’t take much to set them off. While they are always at constant verbal war over petty things, when it comes to actual important issues that could possibly hurt you their petty rivalries immediately take a backseat. They never let the petty arguments affect the way they feel about you and always make sure you don’t get involved in the arguments. They both are equally worried about your safety and wellbeing, and they would never let a petty argument get in the way of you being happy and healthy.
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Geto and Satoru are not afraid to show their passion or affection in the bedroom. They are both equal in their desire for you and love exploring your body and trying out new things. They both can get quite possessive of you. They have both agreed that sharing you three has been one of the best things to happen to them. Geto and Satoru may have fights and be completely opposite of one another. But when it comes to you, all pettiness is out of the window.
As the three of you are hanging out, things inevitably lead to the bedroom. Geto and Satoru start making out while they are pushing you to the bed. The two are extremely eager, and are pushing each other away to get to you first. Once Geto and Satoru finally manage to get[you in the bed, things get even more heated as they each try to make you flustered. They’re both flirting with you and using their words to try and seduce you. Geto and Satoru are both equally eager and both want to be the one to give you more pleasure in bed. While they are both equally eager, they do have a bit of a competitive streak in them still. Each one wants to please you more than the other.
Geto and Satoru’s competitive streak in the bedroom doesn’t just apply to who can please you better. Geto and Satoru are both very fit due to their training, but they still like to challenge each other’s strength. Both will be equally determined to pin the other down to the bed and be the dominant one during the session, but they won't get too rough unless you want them to. The two love using their bodies to prove their dominance while making sure to do it in a way that pleases you.
If you ask the two to switch, they will without hesitation. They aren’t too proud to switch positions if you ask them to. Despite their competitive streak, they respect your wishes as well as your boundaries. Neither will cross a boundary unless you have given them permission beforehand. Geto and Satoru are both passionate and determined in the bedroom, but they aren’t too prideful to admit when they’re at a loss, and they always try to please you. They make the best of your love making sessions, and they always have a good time with you.
When you’re feeling down or like you just want a day to relax, the two of them are always willing to cuddle you and let you lay your head down on their lap. Satoru, being the more affectionate of the two, is always looking for a chance to hug and cuddle you, whereas Geto is more reserved and less of a cuddly type he will still happily hold you in his arms. The two of them always make sure to pamper you and show their affection towards you whenever you need it, and they never hesitate to give you comfort. Despite the differences in how they are after sex, both of them are equally affectionate towards you. As Satoru showers, Geto will stay by your side cuddling you after the intense session you three just had. Satoru will get out of the shower and join you two in bed with a smug playfully teasing expression on his face teasing Geto for being clingy in front of you. Satoru is a bit more playful after the session than Geto is, which you find amusing as you’re cuddled between the two.
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Satoru and Geto are always keeping an eye on your mental state. They always pay attention to when you get anxious or if you’re feeling down. They don’t pester you with incessant questions asking if you’re okay because they don’t want to annoy you with such, however they do occasionally check in on your feelings by giving hugs, kisses and letting you relax while they’re next to you. You never have to fake a smile or pretend to be happy around them, the two always know when you’re not okay.
When you feel sad and are having a hard time coping, Satoru is the one who would cook you a comforting meal and give you a long warm hug. Geto on the other hand, is the one who wants to comfort you by simply laying down next to you and holding you as you vent to him about what is causing you to be so sad. They want to take the burden off of your shoulders and take your mind off of whatever is bothering you with comfort.
As you’re feeling down and are close to tears, the two of them are both trying to comfort you in their own ways. Geto wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him while gently rubbing your back in a soothing manner. Satoru walks up to you and stands behind you before wrapping his arms over your shoulders and kissing the back of your neck. He holds you as tight as he can and speaks softly to you. Both of them are trying their best to distract you from the source of your sadness, so you can have a calm mind.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed and have self harmed, Geto and Satoru would immediately check in on you. They’re aware of your past and understand that self harm is something you do to cope with your emotions. Instead of getting concerned and pestering you with questions about why you self harm and if you’re okay, the two sit next to you to comfort you and let you calm down. Satoru rubs and holds your hand to soothe you. Geto just sits by you calmly letting you lean and cuddle into his chest.
The two are highly attentive and notice that while you may not want to speak about why you have self harmed, they both know that it is something you do. Neither really presses the issue or pries at you for more information. Instead, they both choose to let you lean and cuddle with them while doing small things to comfort you. Neither of them are going to get mad at you or yell at you for self harming, instead they both try to be as supportive as possible. Geto might also take you over to a store and buy you your favorite candies as a little treat.
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creature-wizard · 9 months
ngl as an abuse survivor the whole “micro trauma” thing makes me roll my eyes back into my head like that’s life babe sometimes we have a negative experience it’s not trauma 💀💀💀 i really feel like so many folks live soft lives that any negative feeling becomes “traumatic” and something to avoid. i don’t think it’s good to conflate times your ego was tested or times that didn’t go exactly your way with genuine trauma. you’re more resilient than that. (obviously this isn’t about day to day trauma living as a bipoc in a racist white society etc but i don’t think you were talking about that either)
Welp, there's a lot to unpack here.
First of all, I'm an abuse survivor with my own share of trauma. I was raised in a form of conservative apocalyptic Christianity where beatings were considered an acceptable form of punishment. Because my parents believed that parental authority was never wrong, and anything a child did or even felt that seemed to challenge that authority (whether intentional or not), I was constantly told that I was wrong for having my own feelings, punished for having my own feelings if I dared to to express them. In addition to this, my family thought I needed to be very aware that the Mark of the Beast was coming and I needed to emotionally prepare myself for beheading once the Antichrist took over and started killing anyone who refused the Mark of the Beast.
In addition to this, I was subject to all of the day-to-day trauma that comes from growing up with ADHD and autism in an ableist society, as well as the trauma that comes from growing up with ADHD and autism in an environment where people think children must be obedient at all times. (My parents believed spanking and slapping was fine, by the way. So, that happened often enough. And when it wasn't spanking or slapping, it was my mother screaming and yelling.)
Now with all of this context established, I'm going to tell you: You don't get to decide who does and doesn't get to have trauma. Trauma doesn't work according to some abstract notion of what should and shouldn't constitute "trauma." People can, in fact, be genuinely traumatized over things that seem totally ridiculous to you.
Also? You don't know what other people are living through. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors. You don't know how people are being traumatized by economic circumstances, by bullshit at the workplace, by knowing that Christofascists want to subjugate them or kill them. You don't know how many people are being slowly traumatized by partners who invalidate and mock them in countless tiny ways every day. You don't know how many people are being traumatized by thinking they should be able to meet certain expectations that they don't realize are based in ableist standards or impossible capitalist ideals.
You've also evidently never had a conversation with someone who can't figure out how they're such a mess because they "don't have a reason to be traumatized," but the more you talk to them the more it comes out that they lived a profoundly messed up life, and were profoundly mistreated in a thousand ways that they didn't even recognize as mistreatment at the time. (No, it's not normal for your mother to call you ableist slurs if you can't tend to her every whim in five seconds.)
You also say "obviously this isn’t about day to day trauma living as a bipoc in a racist white society etc but i don’t think you were talking about that either." And you know what? You wanna know what? I absolutely was, because my post was meant to be inclusive of all forms of microtrauma.
Anyway, I hope you can recognize that suffering and trauma aren't a contest, and trying to decide who does and doesn't "deserve" to have trauma based on your own personal abstract ideals and limited comprehension of their lives doesn't help anyone.
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digenerate-trash · 7 months
So Yan!Harper is a little different because it has been heavily contributed to by several people including:
@asylumdweller | @these-bees-r18  | @pip-n-chips | @degrees-of-fuck
(and the asylum group chat)
And all others around the community!! I want to thank you all for feeding my freak obsession and im glad this has become like a group project!! 
(PS: tag your own yan head cannons pretty please. Dude a freak I love him) 
Just Harper head cannons!!!! 
SFW ones first:
Obsessed with you. Not possessive but still wants you to be focused on him.
Really into dolls especially customizing them with clothing and hair accessories. He's definitely got one of you that no one can ever touch or look at because it's very special to him. 
Speaking of Harper being crafty he's also into sewing! He's very good at tailoring things to your measurements, he has them memorized by now. It's not creepy he's just thorough. 
Has made you a custom straight jacket. 
Embroidered your name in his sleeve so he can look at it whenever he's bored. 
Absolutely was the worst child, other kids in the neighborhood feared him and that is why all the images of him as a kid are of him alone. he's also got pictures of you though. They're just hidden. 
Will gaslight you for no reason. He just likes seeing you confused and worried when you think you've missed your appointment. don't worry he'll make an exception. you're just going to have to owe him a little favor that's all (:
Will drop anything to make room for appointments with you. Will also ditch work for you as well. He would make house calls but Bailey is pretty strict about Harper being in his territory and Harper isn't prepared to fight Bailey. 
Will make you sick on purpose to keep you close by. This is either physically sick or mental (he only makes you mentally sick if he wants to keep you at the asylum) 
Harper is constantly sticking things in you so he can lick/chew on them after you leave. 
He is convinced that every action you make is playful and flirty even if you're trying to attack him. He just thinks of you as his feisty little lover and you just need a little extra attention that's all. 
When you're actually sick he's extra helpful, he prefers you like this. Weak and needy. He pets your head calls off any appointments or seeing any patients and he just sit's with you. Making sure you feel better. 
Harper takes care of all your needs. Check-ups mental health care surgery. No other doctor can touch you he's made sure of it. You also can't get a second opinion. 
Prefers using drugs/hypnotism to keep you in line. Man isn't strong and even though he could call security it's not ideal for him to get others involved in your little ‘couple fights’ 
For surgery, harper is always there for you. Before and after he's very attentive. Makes sure you know everything you need to and he's very good at making sure your recovery goes smoothly (even if it takes twice as long) 
he's always very clean even if you're a mess. He likes the dynamic of the two of you together. He likes it when people think he's out of your league because it adds to his abuse of power kink
Man has breathing issues around you. He tries to hide it. Biting his lip. Holding his breath. Just trying to control his breathing. None of it works. Man wants to huff you like a junky huffs paint.
Even if you are in a proper relationship with Harper he gets really petty and upset if you don't address him as ‘doctor’ 
don't play games with this man. He is the worst sore loser and even when he does win if you are close to beating him he's bitter about it. Might even hypnotize you to make you worse. He doesn't care if it affects other parts of your life. Competitive and petty 
Any time you punch/bite/mark this man he's enamered with the marks. They are a little present from you to him and it's not like you could ever really hurt him so he sees it more as a little lovers trophy than an attack 
will absolutely voyeur you but he is always particular about it, positions how people touch you how they act around you It is all very carefully choreographed even when he gets other people to fuck you it's all very staged and sterile in a weird way that doesn't even feel like sex lets be honest.
Prefers getting his sexual frustration out on you but likes it better when you're hypnotized. (He doesn't like to be associated with pain or discomfort unless it's for a purpose)
Has a file full of images of you naked, broken, on the verge of tears, fucked out of your mind, even ones where you're just asleep. He files them all carefully and studies them all he really wants to get ‘the perfect picture’ of you that captures everything you are. he's not even sure if it's possible but he's going to try. 
Get ready for everything you wear/eat/smell/sleep on to be covered in harper cum. Especially at the asylum where he's in charge of everything. he's got no shame and he really wants you to be accustomed to him and everything he does. 
Cockwarming at the drop of a hat. He needs to do paperwork. Guess who he's assigning as his little helper? you're too tired to get up from bed? Not a problem for Harper he can stay in bed with you. At the farm and he has a moment alone with you while he gets things ready? His pants are already off. You can't escape it. Harper loves having his dick in you at any time. 
Chugs a vial of aphrodisiacs before your appointments with him so he's the correct amount of horny for you. 
Will also feed you aphrodisiacs and then deny you any sort of stimulation until you're begging or crying. The dude really wants you to earn things from him when you're lucid so you think it's all your idea 
When you are hypnotised definitely makes you do some really nasty things for him. he's really into the idea of you being into everything he is and even encouraging him to do things to you when you're asleep/passed out. it's like getting consent but he's putting the words in your mouth and having you spit them back up for him. 
Has sex with you during surgery. And if he can't do that he at least jacks off during it. He can't help himself he really needs you. 
Man loves gaslighting you about your past sexual experiences. he's a big fan of convincing you that you're just an exhibitionist and it's normal. You just like things super rough and with a little more practice you won't be feeling so guilty about it anymore. And surprise harper is here to help!! 
Will jerk you off as therapy. If you enjoy it your making progress if you don't next time he's going to get a vibrator 
Very body-focused he's interested in pushing you to your absolute limits and making things difficult for you. Wants you unable to focus/form words/be able to move. 
Prefers it when you're squirmy during sex but not outright violent. 
Absolutely loves forcing you to cum. Not a fan of edging though. Not unless it's some kind of punishment. The dude will make you cum in your sleep during surgery when you are hypnotized, hands-free when you're fully dressed. Mans a freak for it. He also likes it when you sit on his lap or thigh while he forces you to cum. You'll get a lot of praise if you do it of your own volition. 
Harper drinks piss. At least once bro look at him.
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luveline · 2 years
for shy fri!! what about jonathan x shy!reader who are constantly in their own little world? similar to this remus one you did!!
thank you my love! i hope this is close to what you wanted <3 shy!fem!reader x lovesick!jonathan
Jonathan isn't sure if you know how much he wants you. Talking as your boyfriend, you're together, and he still wants you. To hold your hand, or your wrist, your forearm in his hand, your forearm pulled close to his chest. To slide the first two fingers on his left hand behind your ear and tilt your head so he can see all your eyelashes. To pull your thigh over his and feel the weight of it through the whole movie. He wants every tiny piece of you there is up for offer, and he'd feel selfish if he weren't so sick in love. 
"Do you want some?" you whisper, offering your box of Milk Duds to him expectantly. 
He takes a handful just to watch your face as you shake them out. 
"More?" you ask. 
"That's fine," he whispers back, "thanks." 
He wants, desperately, to add 'honey'. Honey, baby, angel, all those too sweet pet names that'll make you hide your mouth, hand pressed delicately over your lips, smile evident in your eyes if nothing else. 
There should be a word for it, the want to press his chest to yours, to overlap. If he had his way, his friends would fade into the background, they already have, and he'd snake his arm behind your head, hook your neck in the crook of his arm and encourage your face to his neck. He'd dot more kisses than anyone ever has into your crown. 
"Are you okay?" you whisper, quiet than before. You've shifted on the couch to get right next to his ear, each word tickling his inner ear with the accompanying breath. 
He turns his face slowly so as not to startle you. TV light catches your cheek and brow, illuminating you in a bright, translucent blue. If you weren't the shyest girl he'd ever met he'd kiss you right here, friends forgotten, but you'd genuinely be uncomfortable and he doesn't ever want that. 
How to lure you away? 
He leans in like he might kiss you, lips a hair's width from your cheek. "Drink?" 
"Yeah, please." 
You misunderstand. Jonathan stands with your confirmation and catches hold of your wrist at the same time, tugging at you gently. You rise up and follow him out to the kitchen, and really there's nothing subtle to it, nothing at all.
"They're fucking disgusting," Mike says. 
Will reaches into his lap for some popcorn and hums, not disagreeing. "It could be worse." 
"Could it?" Lucas' face appears between them, leaning down from his seat on the armchair. "Will, your brother needs help, psychologically."
"He's fine." 
"He's watching the movie via lights on her face," Max adds, backing Lucas up with a scrunched up nose. She doesn't care if you and Jonathan are being sweet on each other, she cares about being right, and Lucas is correct. "It's obsessive." 
"You guys'll understand when you're older," Steve pipes up, flopping into the gap you've left behind. Robin rolls her eyes at him. "Nah, you won't. They're weird." 
"They're in love," Will says, laughing like this is the stupidest conversation anyone has ever had. 
Dustin isn't one to stay quiet any longer. He wishes he could back Will up. He can't. "Listen, I have a girlfriend, and that's not right." 
"You have a girlfriend?" Max asks, voice layered in a cheerfulness she absolutely is not feeling. She's too good at pretending — her tone is nothing less than convincing. 
In the kitchen, your skin burns with heat. The door is nowhere near thick enough to cover the sounds of their bickering. It grows louder and louder, the kids debating your love life with a voracious passion.  
"Let's not beat around the bush," you hear Steve say, "they're definitely canoodling in there." 
"Why are we friends with him?" Jonathan asks, similarly embarrassed but trying not to show it. 
"Because he's nice. And he has Robin as an add-on. It's like a two for one." 
"Two for one on idiots," he mumbles, offering you a freshly filled glass. Robin's laughter sounds from the living room, high-pitched and breathless. 
You smile despite yourself.
"I'm sorry," Jonathan says after a small pause. "This isn't what I was trying to do." 
You put your glass on the counter and smile at him. It's not the brilliant smile you usually give when you're alone. Jonathan's amazed to find that, even as a couple, you have a little warm up period every time you see him, adorable, a tinsy bit disconcerting. You can be very cautious.
"What were you trying to do, Jon?" you ask earnestly. 
He puts down his glass too. He smiles, breath caught, hands tentative and then not. "This," he says, hands vying for your cheeks. He cups your warm face in his for a stolen moment, thumbs rubbing at the skin shy of your nose, and then one hand slides to the nape of your neck, and the other goes over your shoulders. He pulls you in for a hug, as he has tens of times, but finds himself worrying when your arms don't come up automatically to meet him. 
He hugs you a little bit harder. 
"Oh," you say, arms circling his waist, half as tight and twice as affectionate, hand rubbing at the bumps of his spine. 
Shy, yes, but skimpy with affection? Never. You hold him like he's made of something infinitely precious, soft and sweet and silent, your breath warming a crescent moon against his shoulder. 
"You sure you're okay?" you ask quietly, face turning so you can kiss the slip of chest peeking out from under his shirt's neckline. 
"I'm fine. I'm good, really. I know you don't like this stuff in front of everyone, so…" 
Your face slips down to his chest. "You could hug me a little in front of them. Better that then have them," — you pause, and the quiet is filled by the sounds of your friends' continued arguing — "doing whatever it is they're doing." 
"Right now, I think they're debating when you're gonna break up with me." 
"Never," you say. It's so fast, your answer. Instant. You cough to cover up your embarrassment and Jonathan has to hide his smile in the skin above your ear. 
"Hey, you should be glad," Steve says, too smug, something awful in the way the room quietens to broadcast him. "Better they're too weird to cuddle in front of us than teen pregnancy." 
Jonathan sighs, knowing you won't want to hug him any longer after that. Sure enough, you break apart from his hold and take a too fast swig of water, frantic. "Let's go back in," you say. 
You leave and he hasn't even picked up his cup. Jonathan presses the heels of his hands to his eyes and takes a 'Don't pick a fight with Steve' breath, frustration and agitation and an inkling of adoration for you all mixed up in his head. 
"Where's Jonathan?" he hears Will ask you.
"Practising on his hand?" Steve asks. 
Jonathan takes another deep breath. 
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darling-i-read-it · 11 months
Hi, i hope you're doing great. Can I please request headcanons where chris redfield is really stressed out from work and he comes home and accidentally lashes out at the reader and tells her she's too much or amth? The reader feels bad and distances herself from him because she doesnt want to annoy chris anymore. Sorry if this is too long.
Have a great day!
hi love! I hope you enjoy this, I always love writing for chris and i think him being overwhelmed and stressed is a nuanced topic that leads to a lot of his not so fun behavior. it's really realistic and i love him with my whole heart so i will write him in every scenario i can
angst tw :(
Chris was often overwhelmed at work. There was no way to actually describe what he goes through on a day to day basis because it's so insane always and he's constantly on the move.
Because of this, he always has no life when he comes back to you at home. He's killed people in his day job and now he's back and he just wants to go to sleep.
it's hard. It's extremely hard. On both of you.
How can he give you a life when he hardly has time to give himself one? How can he realistically be your life partner when he's never around? Should he just let you go and deal with that pain?
But you are his selfish part, the piece of him that refuses to give you up because you're the light of his life. A soothing touch when he comes home, a person who has a smile on their face and tells him silly stories and explains things to him when he's half listening.
But some days he just couldn't take anything other than that. you had to be perfect, otherwise he couldn't' stand it. He would rather be alone
He came home and the door shut behind him loudly. You perked around the corner, having come home tired from your own job, but happy to see him nonetheless.
He slid off his shoes, tossing his jacket to the side
Your smile was gentle as you got up, going to greet him at the door. You had bags under your eyes. You were tired too, sometimes he forgot about that
"Good evening," you muttered as you approached. He gave you a glance. Nothing else. Though it hurt, you tried to put yourself into his shoes as much as you could. He was taking lives everyday, how could you even begin to fathom that? "How was work?"
"Fine." The curt answer stung. You pushed on.
"I have dinner in the fridge. Nothing fancy, just breakfast for dinner." He walked past you to the kitchen. He gave you a kiss on the forehead as he went by but that was the only thing to prove he had actually seen you. You followed behind him. "Anything weird happen today?" He shook his head. He opened the fridge, leaning over it. You cleared your throat. "I had a long day. I had to deal with these shitty customers," you muttered. You sat at the dining room table, watching him. "I haven't been able to talk about it. They're so entitled you know? It's never ending, the people who think they can have whatever they want and that I'm nothing but a robot to them, doing what they need." You huffed. "I was glad to be home."
"Mhm." He grabbed the plate you had made him.
"Was your day alright?" "Can you just give me a moment?" he snapped. He turned to you, face frustrated. "I'll be here all night. There's no need to muzzle me the second I come in the door. You're not a dog."
Your mouth parted in surprise.
You got up and you left the room, apologizes slipping from your lips. You retreated back into yourself, suddenly feeling even worse about your day.
A dog?
Did the think you were like a dog?
Loyal to no fault, always happy, never asking questions...
You shut the bedroom door behind you, grabbed some clothes to sleep in and got in the shower. You stayed in the shower till you pruned up. You thought maybe Chris would knock on the door, ask if you were okay, demand to get in the shower but nothing came. You heard no sounds outside of the beat of water against your back.
When you finally got out, you were met with him already in bed, asleep.
You slept on the couch, feeling miserable.
When you woke up it was to the sound of him getting ready for work. It was familiar. Ruffling of the keys, boots hitting the ground, coffee pot being turned on. You opened your eyes, remembering the pain from the night before. The lack of apology.
He came into the living room. Your eyes followed him, still sleepy. He sat by your feet.
"Are you awake?" he asked quietly. He was up so early, the sun still hadn't risen. You nodded. He didn't look at you. "I didn't mean to snap at you yesterday," he breathed. His voice was so quiet to the morning air.
"Do you think I'm a dog?" you asked.
Your voice was so childlike that it pained him. He tried to remember what kind of pain he had caused you just by saying something he would quickly forget.
"No. No, I'm sorry I said that. I was tired and exhausted and it was a hard day." He finally looked at you. He hated seeing that look in your eyes, the pain. "I'm so grateful to have you here when I get home."
You were silent. He hung on your words.
"Stay." He paused. "Stay here with me," you whispered.
"You know I can't." "Yes you can. They'll live without you for a day," you promised. You sat up, propping yourself on your elbow. "We can't keep meeting at moments where neither of us have the wherewithal to talk." You were right, of course you were. He had been thinking about it too. "We need a break." He was silent a moment. He looked at the clock. He was going to be late anyway.
"Can you come back up to the bedroom?" he asked. His voice was quiet, vulnerable. You nodded. Your head was still clouded. All you could really think about was how happy you were to have him home with you for the day. He took off his boots as you sat all the way up, grabbing your blanket and holding it around you.
He followed you upstairs. He shed his work clothes so he was back down to something to sleep in. You crawled into bed, happy to be back.
when he climbed into bed with you, he was holding you tightly. He whispered that he was sorry again. He kissed you and his lips felt like home. You could deal with the bigger things the next day. Right now you just wanted to go back to sleep with him.
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sanemisstalker · 11 months
Could you maybe delve more into Sanemi’s kinks, if you’re feeling up to it 👀
Baby, i wont deny. He makes me fucking whacko. Fucking. whacko. I will never not feel up to doing him.
CW / The content warnings are the labels.
Pet Play (Dog, Recieving)- @/akaza-chaos and I have had day long conversations about this fucking topic-
On every forefront, truly every forefront, I think Sanemi enjoys pet play. Collared, caged, marking, barking, breeding. He likes head pats, being called a good boy, pampering/grooming, he likes to be called a mutt, wear a tail plug and the stupid fucking ears.
He. Is. A. Dog. Nothing will put this bitch in subspace faster than a well timed pat on the head and a loving 'Good Boy'
Leash him, walk him around nude. Tell him he has to pee outside because 'that's how all let's do'. He is your personal use mutt. He loves to rut against things, especially your leg, truly delusional about going into heat.
He cums like a dog, too. Only knotting you in theory but needing to stay inside, begging his seed to take. He's an animal, his one responsibility to reproduce.
I think it's a safe space for him. A loosened collar compared to the one of his everyday life. Not that He'd ever be able to articulate or even grasp such a thing.
Nipple Piercings-
This is self indulgent, but I think He'd be kind of fascinated by the willingness for pain. Constantly asking to see them. Maybe rub them (you can totally talk him into getting his pierced.)
He just thinks they're neat. Maybe a little stupid, but neat.
Sanemi loves how it feels to be fucked blind. The blood rushing from that heavy head to his eager cock. I think he cums hard and a lot, and I think his recovery is all the stronger-
Which is why he seeks out rapid and repetitive stimulation- He needs to get it all out. He's got so much to think about, you just have to fuck it out of him! Obviously.
He imagining tying a small vibe to his tip and riding him so he turns into your own personal dildo. He's going in and out of your needy hole, doing his best to stay up but he's cum for the umpteenth time now and he's actually blacking out- his balls feel like they burn-
Forced Bisexuality- dub-con (obviously)
I had a very long, grouped set of paragraphs for this, but I felt like I could get my idea down shorter.
I think Sanemi doesn't have a wandering eye, I think he has a wondering one. A natural inclination for sexual curiosity. Sexual curiosity he would not be willing to partake in unless pushed by his lover's whims.
Would he want it? Undeniably. I think, through various Sanemi like stubborn, uncommunicated circumstances, you would easily grasp his subtle asks.
He might look off put, and might even be a little bitey about the whole subject, but it is undeniable that he loves the sensation of a cock battering his prostate while a pussy contracts around him.
He loves how it feels to be made limp in a girl, while a bigger, stronger man abuses his backside, egging him on to fuck her- fuck her while he uses him, go on and try. And he does, because he's Sanemi, and he'll never not try, but the bastard is just fucking using him, and it's so hard to move his hips to please the girl beneath him-
He'd do his best to not collapse on her- Whispering praises in her ear because the only thing moving his hips is the beating from the other man's. That stimulation from both ends must be something else.
I think Sanemi will take any insult you throw at him in bed. Be it in a teasing, domineering way, or a brattish 'you're really going to let me talk to you like that?' I think Sanemi is perfectly capable of taking care of himself in both situations, and coming out with his own little sense of victory.
He's not prone to praising, this one just feels better. Makes him think less.
Favourite names include: Dog, Mutt, Anything that implies he's inhuman in an animal kind of way, slut, Cum dump.
Likes to be told he is practically an animal- He fucks like breeding stock, like a rabbit- fast and hard, and if you point it out it'll make him go faster and harder. He loves the idea that he's so clouded by you, that you're appeal is just enough to make him snap and go feral.
Tell him he's acting like a bitch in heat, it might just break him.
Free use (Recieving)-
I have an ask about this brewing in my inbox, and baby when I get to it it you all are going to be ill.
It's only a fantasy, he reasons. Never something He'd actually be able to or even prone to do-
He can take load after load, though, and be good to go til the end of the night. Everyone that comes in to use him is complimenting his body, so interested in his abs that he works so hard on, only to use him like he's a dildo/fleshlight and then leave him heaving on the ground, his own cum splattered up to his tits.
He's tied up and muzzled so he won't bite- only allowed to remove the jaw cage to give head with fervent, almost dehydrated need.
A couple of stray 'what a well trained man's would get him through the night with a smile on his cum covered face.
I think Sanemi has a very special subspace he's able to be in. For such a gruff and imposing man, he is certainly subservient sexually. Willing to do just about anything and just about everything for his sexual dominant. Especially if it's a woman.
Sanemi is in need of a gentle dominant primarily. Rough and hard comes when he just won't break on an idea and has to be reminded that it's not his place to think about such awful self reflections. He is master's dog, after all.
That dog thing doesn't just extend to pet Play. I think Sanemi is genuinely dog like in his approach to people. Like a really fucked up, rabies infected dog- You have to approach him tentatively, and then commit to active training.
Sanemi loves being trained- loves being put through the physical ringer to impress- loves being denied, being told what to say, why he should say it- Loves being guided, being cared for and pampered- even if he'd sooner take a sword to the gut than admit this publicly.
He is a wonderful submissive, a five-star one in fact. You just have to break that little self-hate habit (and maybe house train him) and he'll be just fine.
He really gets a thrill out of doing it in front of others. He moreso likes to dominate in these moments, be a good, praised fuck delivering pleasure to some other exhibitionist while people jeered and clapped.
Maybe it's the crowd, and his ego, but Sanemi's dick is big, and he's a stellar lay. He'll never not want to hear these things, and making someone scream that out infront of others? Reminding everyone in the room of who the biggest and the baddest, the best and finest is?
He's so thankful he can control his orgasms, because if he couldn't, he'd be incapable of keeping up.
Anal (Giving/Recieving)-
I think Sanemi has a bigger prostate than most other AMAB's, and it leads him to enjoy anal more.
As for why he likes dominating with anal, it's because he likes toying with your dick/cunt to see how it makes your ass clench around him. Cowgirl Anal? He insists you hold a vibe so he can feel you quiver around him- Missionary Anal? Some of his fingers are buried in your hole/ circling your tip.
He loves, loves fucking cum into your ass. It makes him feel raunchy- and dirty. Likes he's properly claimed you in every hole. When it drips out, he pushes it back in, fingering your already abused gape.
Loves to see you gape, too. Honestly think he prefers giving anal to receiving it just so he can see that slutty gape when he pulls out. He can go so so fucking deep
Same reason he likes anal and femdom- He likes being put in his place lol.
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lazaruspiss · 5 months
Begging for jaydick headcanons because I'm also a Jaydick hoe 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
where do i begin. horny? horny probably.
Dick bottoms like 90% of the time but as far as any dom/sub things go those two are the switches to end all switches. both need to be told they're a Good Boy while getting the soul fucked out of em and both need to dote on the other and remind them how much they like (love) them.
i think they'd also both have a bit of a sadistic streak, but Dick is the only masochistic one. i don't think Jason would be too big on being roughed up in a sexual context, i just can't picture it. no physical roughness, no particularly intense degradation, but that just means Dick has to get creative lol. though on the subject Dick also wouldn't /like/ feeding his own sadism.
i have a fair few sadist Dick thoughts based of off the times in canon where he hurts someone, recognizes that he enjoys it, and express at least some level of disapproval towards himself for feeling that way. no one really talks about how Dick does seem to, yknow, like fighting. not bc he's some angry violent asshole or bc it's violence for the greater good, but just bc it scratches the ever persistent adrenaline need in his brain.
hmmmm. Dick getting fed up with Jason being too thoughtful. we're gonna tread a tiny bit into projection territory but stick with me. when someone spends too much time being used by people or constantly shaping themselves around what others want it can kinda fuck up their head. when someone approaches without wanting that, without wanting them to shape themself around what they want, it can be a shock. Jason so aggressively wants Dick to be independent and true to himself that it's something they fight over, bc Dick's entire life has revolved around serving others and Jason can't just uproot all that by telling him his entire life is a lie and that he should reevaluate everything about himself and everyone around him. ok yeah im having flashbacks to the jaydick thing i wrote forever ago. (x)
they can both cook and take turns planning meals, with one making sure to call/message the other if they get busy with something so that they can adjust their plans around whatevers happening. i can also see cooking being a bit personal and intimate to them. Jason sticks to eating shitty fast food most of the time and never really cared about proper meals when he was on his own, but now he has someone to come home to. someone to eat with. he cares a lot about cooking well because he wants to show without words just how much it means to him to have Dick around. Dick has been shown to cook for people when they come over, so i think it'd just feel like basic courtesy to him. some sort of standard politeness to feed and welcome his guests if he can. he wears himself thin a lot of the time and doesn't tend to make an effort to cook when it's just him, but when he does cook he enjoys it. repetitive motions, straightforward instructions, relaxing sounds and smells, cooking is fun. seeing Jason gorge himself is also very heartwarming, and more filling than any meal.
theyd have a mutual agreement to, /if/ they have kids, raise them non-religious. between Jason "possibly catholic but also died and so it's complicated" Todd and Dick "my religion is Batman" Grayson, they really don't wanna pass on any of that to any theoretical kids.
on the subject of child rearing still: i think Dick would be against sending them to any kind of private school. he had a very not good time there and thinks that if theres gonna be a chance for their kid to be picked on either way than he'd rather not waste the money. if anything he thinks private school would be worse, because all those shitty rich kids know each other and each others parents and he'd really prefer his kid not being beat up and called slurs bc of who their parents are. he'd rather homeschool if their schedules allowed it but he recognizes that would be too impractical. Jason would have more mixed feelings, bc there can be a bit of an advantage in the long run from having gone to a reputable and recognizable school, but he also isn't sure it's worth having an argument about when chances are the kids gonna learn all the important stuff from them anyways. there is a very tense conversation to be had before enrolling their baby in kindergarten.
they have a few too many conversations about theoretically having kids for guys who don't have the guts to just go for it. waiting for an orphan to drop in their laps like theyre fuckin batman. idiots.
they're a bit worried about the Titans' reaction but the worst that happens is Wally giving an exaggerated sigh as he gives Donna her well earned 50 bucks. everyone saw it coming, and you two are hopeless. Wally is excited to be Dick's best man for realsies this time, and Jason is on the receiving end of a few too many shovel talks. by the time Roy gets to him it's turned into
Roy: yeah i dont need to say it do i. blah blah hurt him and ill kill you and all that. congrats on the boyfriend.
Jason: oh cmon, i thought you would at least have some faith in me.
Roy: bros before hoes, sorry man.
Jason: ... excuse me?
Gar's version of a shovel talk is just turning into a grizzly bear and doing the "ive got my eyes on you" gesture. anyways Bruce is invited to the wedding on the condition that his assigned seat is next to the Riddler and he has to pretend that Brucie has gotten real into riddles lately. he has to laugh at Eddie's jokes under the threat of never being allowed to contact Dick or Jason again. Jason suggested it bc he thought it would be funny, Dick rolled his eyes but agreed bc it means Bruce can't corner him to berate him about his life choices.
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bunglegaydogs · 9 months
Episode 61 BSD spoilers ofc xoxo
I know a lot of people are upset at Fyodor's death this episode, but can we all just remember that this was probably one of the better options that could have happened of all the options?
I always knew that Fyodor would die - it was just a definite thing I had in my head. He couldn't stay alive like Fitzgerald, that's not the way his character is. He's too much of a danger to everyone else when he's alive. I thought this was a pretty great ending to his life, it's not perfect but it is? I don't know. Something about burning in the flames and succumbing to them in the vehicle you were supposed to escape in after being fooled by a cheap party trick.
For all the people saying "But Fyodor's the smartest character in BSD! How could he be fooled by Chuuya just pretending to be a vampire?"
May I remind you of the fact that Fukuchi fooled Ranpo? You know, the one who's known for never being wrong and solving things like this constantly? Because even when Mushitarou used his ability, the same ability that has hidden thousands and thousands of esteemed criminals with deplorable crimes to their name, and not one person has been able to find them, Ranpo was still able to solve it with only a few clues.
Yet due to his unwavering trust and faith in Fukuzawa, that led to him being completely oblivious to Fukuchi being Kamui. He didn't think that he'd need to look beneath the surface level, because Fukuzawa trusts him so much. He never thought that he'd need to look any further.
The same goes for Fyodor and Chuuya.
Fyodor isn't the smartest character in the series, nor is he meant to be! He's simply just one of the smartest. He can still be outwitted by the rest. Not everyone can win everything every single time. Eventually, no matter how good you are at chess, someone else will beat you.
Anyways lol.
We don't even know how Fyodor got Chuuya to Meursault, or how he had proof that he'd turned him into a vampire. Of course, it will all be revealed soon, but disregarding that for a second.
Chuuya has broken into Meursault after Fyodor tells him to, mowing down all the guards and killing them all and saving Fyodor's ass from getting shot or being thrown back into jail. It all adds up in Fyodor's head so far. Chuuya says nothing, only growls, hisses, and screams. Typical vampire. (Other than his weird yowl LMAOOO)
Nothing is fishy to Fyodor yet. Chuuya is helping him and doing as he says. Then, they both get almost drowned by Dazai. Again, this is all pointing to the fact that he is not on Dazai's side if Dazai is actively putting him in his plans to kill Fyodor too.
Fyodor assumes that their bond is shallow and fragile, easily breakable if he presses down hard enough and severs the knot, which is what hes trying to do. He teases Dazai because, in his head, it's a one-sided relationship in SKK.
Fyodor doesn't understand human emotions well. He sees people as pawns and is not afraid to use them to get what he wants. But he is different from Dazai in the way he thinks about them. He dislikes humans; he thinks they're sinful and boring and a waste of his time, whereas Dazai thinks humans are fascinating and complicated and wonderful. Fyodor does not see the appeal. Which is what separates him from Dazai. Fyodor uses the people around him until he has no use for them anymore, tossing them aside. He has no regard for their feelings, and anyone he associates with he automatically tries to see what he can get from them and what he can do with them. Dazai does not. Dazai uses people as a means to help the Agency, or to save someone else, or to get information on how to not let the fucking world end, and the character development is wild.
Dazai used to be much more like Fyodor than he is now. He was cold, ruthless, and heartless back then. Whilst Dazai still sees no point in living and wishes to die, and he sees no point in anything, he has still grown more compassionate and a lot more self-aware and he has become capable of more emotion and wanting to save people thanks to Oda. Yes, he still doesn't really care about much, but he genuinely does care about those closest to him and saving and protecting them.
That is why Fyodor couldn't understand - he didn't know just how much trust Soukoku had between each other. He underestimated the bond between them. How much they rely on each other, and always have, for seven years. He thought he had Chuuya under his thumb this entire time, but Chuuya had bested him and tricked him.
This also just goes to show Chuuya's intelligence that a lot of people seem to forget. This type of shit will come easy to Chuuya - he's a Mafia executive for a reason, God damn it. He can lie, he can manipulate, he can be sly and cunning and discreet and careful. He's not a fool, he knows how dire this situation is. And so of course he's going to put his all into a completely fool-proof performance. He literally fooled us, and we're the ones shouting at Dostoevsky for underestimating Soukoku's bond.
But see? This is precisely why this was a suitable "death" for him. (I'm only saying "death" in quotes because you never fucking know with this series.)
Burned in the flames of hellfire as he perishes with the thought that he was completely beaten.
I made a post a while ago about how Fyodor's downfall was going to be how he thought he was too untouchable, how everything is simply but a trial for him and how he is the messenger of God, forcing his will onto other people and just spreading what is God's plan to wipe the world of sinners. How cocky he gets in his own way about his intelligence. How he underestimates, undermines and belittles the people around him because he genuinely thinks that they're worth nothing more than a pebble on the ground to him. He has no empathy or compassion that we've seen so far. He tricked Sigma and stabbed him with absolutely no remorse despite them being in the DOA together. Nikolai was happy to see him out of prison, and he pretty much just blanked him and went straight to the topic at hand, despite apparently having all the time in the world to kill (not really he needed the antidote not to die tbf lol). His downfall was the very thing that sets him apart from the others and typically gives him the upper hand - lack of regret, compassion or empathy or remorse. He was prepared to (and did!) kill children. He lobotomized two people. He manipulates everyone.
I really don't think that Fyodor's story is over at all, but I do think he's actually dead. Maybe not though. As I said, you never fucking know with this series.
Anyways. My point in this post was the fact that whilst we're all upset about his death (well, not all?), it was suitable. You can't complain about BSD not having the balls to kill off any characters, and then when it does, complain that a character has died. Or that "Well, it should have been somebody in the Agency." And what logic would that bring to the table? What would an Agency member dying accomplish? Atsushi is the protagonist, so he's off the table. Things would be very fucked up if Yosano died because then none of them could survive the shit they get themselves into. We don't know enough of Kunikida's history for him to go, plus he's the next leader of the ADA, plus his story is not finished, plus it wouldn't give us anything but grief if he was to die. If Ranpo died, that would also be a big no no, because it would only possibly send Fukuzawa into some sort of corruption arc, and it would crumble the foundations of the Agency, considering he and Fukuzawa are the two founders and he was the first member, and the Agency was made for him. Kenji, I don't see any point in killing our guy off. Leave him alone <3 Kyouka, maybe. She seems, I guess, slightly reasonable. Give Atsushi something more to fight for. Give him reasons to go feral, give him something to be absolutely fucking distraught about. But after that... then what? What would her death bring but grievances to Atsushi? Tanizaki, also no point in killing him off. They'd lose a valuable ability that could get them out of so much shit, Asagiri wouldn't kill him off like that, especially when we hardly know anything about him.
And for people saying "Dazai should have died instead."
That would be really fucking unreasonable - we still have far too many unanswered questions and loose ends. Atsushi would lose his mentor and obviously not handle it well. What about Akutagawa? Kunikida? Chuuya?
Dazai is such an integral part of BSD and an integral part of Atsushi's life - my one hope whilst waiting for the newest episode was that Asagiri wouldn't kill Dazai because there was no logical reasoning behind it. Yes, it would cause some great angst, but if he died, it would have actually just been the turning point for this conflict to get worse. Fyodor would have escaped, and then what? The world would have been wiped, because I guarantee you even if that wasn't Fukuchi's plan, it sure as hell was Fyodor's and he gets what he wants. If Dazai had actually genuinely died, what happens to Chuuya who has to look at his partner's lifeless body in front of him and is like "I did that." If he was a vampire through this and came back when Aya pulled the sword out, imagine what the fuck would have happened when he saw what he'd done. We all remember him going absolutely fucking feral and off the rails in Beast, and he hadn't even killed him there. Chuuya comes to, looks at the gun in his hand, looks at the dead partner of 7 years in front of him bleeding out. My safest bet is that he'd use corruption. But, Dazai is dead. He can't nullify it. Fyodor is escaping on the helicopter. Sigma is still in that room unconscious. Nikolai is doing God knows what he can teleport and shit. Chuuya unleashes corruption, destroys himself and the building, and Fyodor is far away and so is Nikolai, and Sigma is caught in this wreck. That's three important characters all killed in one swoop, whilst the "bad guy" escapes and is free to enact his plan without them hindering it.
I'd rather not see that ending of BSD I can't lie to you <3 (However, I do want an angsty SKK scene of Chuuya going batshit insane at realising what he's done whilst he's been controlled and used as a puppet which is fucking awful for him... maybe I would like to see a little snippet of what this world would be like. Anyways.)
Sorry this got SO off-topic.
TL;DR: Fyodor's death was always going to happen. It was inevitable.
He's been likened to Jesus so much throughout this series. He's a messenger of God and God puts him through so much suffering, and so many trials, and he sees it all as a simple test that he'll be sure to overcome. He's so blinded by his faith and his Jesus Complex that he can't see where he goes wrong or where he has failed because he's so sure that he can win and doesn't understand human emotions and underestimates everyone around him therefore leading to his demise and being fooled by Soukoku, who he doesn't understand the bond between because he doesn't look beneath the surface of anything intwined with complex emotions.
An angsty outlook would be that Fyodor may be scared of emotions because he doesn't feel them, and therefore takes the approach of "what you don't know can hurt you" and he's afraid of what he doesn't know, much like Dazai. But hey that's just my brain wanting to be scratched and itched the right way and making all my favourite characters tragic.
ANYWAYS goddamn this was so long-winded to just say that.
I hope everyone has a lovely day/night <3
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Series masterlist
Part six
Summary: Jake is sent to teach you discipline within the rules of the Omaticaya, from which you are constantly rebelling. Except...he finds unorthodox methods that get you to behave.
Warnings: besides the obvious smut. Uh, a little bit of masochistic and sadistic behavior. Daddy kink. A tad of angst. Sex as a solution (which it absolutely is NOT do not apply this to real life, babes). Jake being mean and a tad toxic??? Alright, I think that's about it.
Jake cannot and will not get enough of you. He's always around, always nearby, keeping a careful eye on you, more often than not wishing he could drag you away from whatever it is you're doing and fuck you dumb.
He still dreams of you. Constantly. Usually rough, hot, lustful dreams. Although lately, he's been having different dreams.
Dreams where you crawl on his lap and he just holds you, kissing your forehead and your cheeks and your lips while you tell him about your day.
Dreams where you're sitting on the top of the Hallelujah Mountains, watching as eclipse nears, and he's lying beside you, his head on your soft thighs, your gentle fingers caressing his hair.
Dreams where the sex isn't as rough and cruel as it usually is; dreams where it's slow and soft, where Jake peppers you with kisses and worships every inch of your body.
And these dreams scare him. He wakes up from them feeling warm all over, feeling like dancing and singing. And it enrages him. And the vulnerability disgusts him. It's enough to get him in a horrible mood for the rest of the day.
And it's one of those days today.
Your aim is perfect, position flawless, and your arrows haven't once missed the target.
And this frustrates him.
You don't need him now. You've fallen in with the clan. The Omaticaya are relieved to find your temper calmed, pleasantly surprised at your sudden disinterest in making their lives more difficult. They're at peace with you, and you are at peace with them.
You have no use for him anymore, he figures. So he's mean to you about it.
He pretends to correct your gait, exaggeratedly scoffs when you shoot the arrows, and he clicks his tongue whenever your arrow lands on the target, as if you were doing something wrong.
And it's bothering you. With every little sign of Jake's displeasure, your ears droop, your tail swinging anxiously, your fingers trembling.
Eventually, he's made you so nervous that your arrow completely misses the target. You turn to Jake, eyes full of fear, and he sighs heavily, relieving you from the bow.
“Alright, you've had 'nough for today,” he says gruffly. “Get some fuckin' rest and hopefully you'll do better tomorrow.”
Confused with his behavior and a little disappointed in yourself, you scuttle off, tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
You don't sleep that night.
Neither does Jake. He beats himself up over how he was with you. What's wrong with him? What's happening to him? What is going on?
You've done nothing wrong, but he behaves as if you had. Why would he do that to you? Why would he want to hurt you? You and all your amazing little traits...why is he like this?
The next day, he's out walking around the forest, not far from the Hometree, reflecting on his behavior when someone approaches him.
He glances up and sees a young woman, dressed in bright beads and a colorful loincloth, a bow in her hands and a few arrows in the quiver behind her back.
When Jake's eyes land on her, he nods in salute, and gets ready to walk in the opposite direction, but she calls after him, “Toruk Macto.”
He turns back to her. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you could train me with the bow?” she asks, batting her eyelashes. “I'm struggling a little with my aim.”
Jake is about to decline, but then he realizes that it would be odd if he'd agreed to help you and not someone else. After all, his growing concerns have made him paranoid about what the rest of the clan expect from him and you. If he agreed to train you and not her, the people would know something's up, and he doesn't think he can handle that pressure.
“Uh, sure,” he says against his will.
The girl beams at him, moving to stand beside him and offering him a big look full of admiration. “You are so kind, Toruk Macto. Thank you for your help,” she says coquettishly, smiling coyly.
“It's no problem,” he mumbles, sighing softly at himself.
You walk out of the Hometree, wondering what happened to Jake yesterday. He was so cold, so cruel...He didn't fuck you, barely even touched you, and he was irritated the entire time.
Is he bored with me? you wonder. He said I was his...were they just empty words?
You're walking aimlessly, taking in the fresh air, the soft sounds of creatures around you. And then, somewhere in the distance, you hear a voice, low, quiet, terribly familiar.
You can't help the way your heart races, or the sudden fluttering in your chest. Your footsteps are quick and light as you follow the sound of his voice, your blood thrumming in your ears.
You have to talk to him, have to clear the air between you two. All the questions you want to ask him are bubbling on the tip of your tongue, your ears perked toward the sound of Jake's voice.
You reach him with ease, seeing his broad shoulders through the foliage, his scent reaching your nose.
As you step out from between a few bushes, a second voice suddenly finds you, soft and tinkling, clearly flirtatious.
Your eyes land on a girl, dressed in pretty beads and a shiny loincloth, obviously dressed with purpose. She holds a bow at the ready, an arrow on the string, little giggles leaving her pretty lips.
“All y'gotta do is shoot,” Jake tells her.
Your heart sinks, feeling as if it were tearing into a million pieces. A scream of pain rushes up your throat, clawed fingers scratching up your chest as it attempts to claw out of you. But you silence it strenuously.
“Jake,” you say, your voice cracked and weak, small.
Jake's head jerks toward you, his eyes lighting up when they find yours, his tail swinging in glee.
But then he takes in your expression, the way your eyes grow glassy with tears, the way your lower lip trembles, your ears pinned back in betrayal. Your eyes flicker to the girl as she turns to look at you, confused as to why you're there, and Jake follows your gaze.
He sees her and then he understands.
“Baby—” he starts, not caring if this other girl hears, suddenly terrified that you'll leave.
You shake your head softly. “Uh, I-I just wanted to know what time we'd be training today?” you say, sniffilng, a tear or two cascading down your cheeks.
Jake feels his heart recoil in his chest, and he wants to punch himself.
“Gimme a few more minutes here and I'll find you,” he promises, ears folding back.
You sniffle again, wiping your nose hastily and nodding. “Okay,” you say softly.
You walk away and Jake turns to the girl. “We're done here,” he tells her curtly, his voice full of authority.
The girl frowns. “But we've barely started and—”
“Don't care,” he growls. “Lessons are permanently over.”
Indignant, the girl scoffs, “What, you're leaving me to teach her?”
“Yes, I am,” Jake replies, glaring at the girl. “Go ask Tsu’tey for some lessons. He's much nicer than I am.”
Upset, the girl walks away and Jake remains for a moment, holding his head in his hands, hating himself for what he does to you.
That's it, then, you think. He's replacing me. I promised myself to him, and now he's looking for another girl because I'm not enough.
You're crying, sitting quietly by the stream, playing with a few pebbles along the shoreline. You gave yourself to him, you're his, but...is he yours?
No, you answer yourself. No, he's not. He's never said so, never admitted it. Never even mentioned being mine. He's free to belong to whomever he wants, and I'm forced to be his.
You jump slightly, startled, and turn to find Jake. His expression softens when he sees your tears, and you rashly try to wipe them off.
He walks to you and sits beside you, his arms aching to hold you tight. He doesn't get the chance to speak. You're on him quickly, straddling his hips, your hands running up and down his muscled torso, your mouth quick to find his neck, licking stripes over his jaw.
Jake is taken aback, the weight of you on his lap makes him groan, and your warm core brushes against his cock through his loincloth. “Baby,” he murmurs, hands rising to grab your hips. “Baby. Easy, girl.”
You suck on his neck, one of your hands wandering past the edge of his loincloth, your fingers finding his thick, hardening cock.
“What's wrong, girl? What's the rush?” he questions, groaning as you run your thumb over the tip of his cock, gathering the precum that begins to drip.
You don't answer him. Your mouth kisses across his jaw, your hips roll against his, your hand jerking his cock.
Jake wants to argue, he wants to pull you off him and ask you what's wrong, but you get up and pull him to his feet before desperately getting on your knees.
Jake tries again. “Baby,” he says, grabbing your face in one of his hands as you quickly untie his loincloth. “Hey, look at me. What's—?”
You get his loincloth off and kiss the head of his cock, your big doe eyes staring up at him, your plump lips glistening with your saliva.
“Fuck,” Jake groans, dragging out the word, as you swirl your tongue over the tip. You work him up slowly, nails softly caressing up his underside, kissing your way down to his balls and back up, ensuring every inch of him is covered in your kisses and spit.
And Jake's mind is going blank. He can't think, can't focus when you're like this. You take him into your mouth, willingly gagging, tears spilling from your eyes and he can't fucking think. He wants to stop you, talk to you, solve this weirdness between you, but he just glances down at you and sees your tears and big eyes and wet lashes and—
“Goddamn, you gonna let me fill your fuckin' mouth with my cum, girl?”
“Mhmm,” you hum, glancing up at him through your thick lashes.
“Fuck, you're such a whore,” he groans, pushing your hair off your face, loving how your cheeks turn a soft pink as you struggle to breathe around his cock. “Didn't even let me get a word in 'fore you were all over me.”
You take him deeper, closing your eyes and gagging, struggling around his girth. One of your hands rises to softly caress Jake's engorged balls.
He moans lowly, throwing his head back, feeling the pleasure take over his senses. He knows you're upset at him, he knows there's something you two have to resolve, but the more you suck on his cock, the more the idea slips away until nothing is left but his quick-approaching orgasm.
Your delicate little mouth hurts, your jaw is sore, and you're on the verge of bursting into tears. But you refuse to give up. Your enthusiasm increases noticeably, and you begin whimpering on Jake's cock, which makes him shudder.
“Yeah, you want my cum, don't ya?“ He chuckles. “You're aching to have it all over you, hm? T' feel it in your pussy 'nd in this pretty little mouth of yours.”
You open your eyes, staring at him, and flutter your eyelashes.
Jake grins, full of ecstasy, and he pinches your cheek. You whine around him and he hisses, ears folding back and his sharp canines showing as he slightly bares his teeth at you. “Y're so good at that, sweet. This little mouth made just f'r my cock to fuck, hm?”
You gag again, struggling, as little tears drop from your eyes, staining your pretty face, making your eyes glisten.
Fuck, Jake likes watching you cry as you take his cock, in whatever hole he can stick it in. It makes him feral, all primitive instincts and no mercy. He has the urge to bite you, lick you, spank you and eat you out and fuck you until you pass out.
Fuck, he's down so bad for you.
“'m gonna fill your mouth, girl. And y're gonna swallow every last drop of m'cum, understand?”
You cry softly, sobbing on Jake's cock, as your tongue presses against his underside. Jake thrusts into your mouth a few more times before his load is spurting down your throat, flooding your mouth.
You pull away, releasing his cock from your mouth with a loud, wet pop, and you quickly swallow his salty seed. Jake's breathing heavily, chest rising and falling, ready to ask you once again what's going on when you pull him to get to the ground. The second he's on his knees in front of you, you undo your loincloth and climb on him, rubbing your cunt over his cock.
He groans, his hands on your hips, moving down to your ass and kneading the soft flesh there.
You grind yourself down on his cock, gasping into his ear, softly nibbling on his jaw. You rise your mouth to his, eyes watching his.
He glances down at your lips and runs his tongue over his own, inviting you to kiss him.
So you lean in, pressing a desperate, needy kiss to his mouth. It's nothing like the other kiss he gave you. This one is distant, different. It lacks whatever little spark the other one had. You moan against his tongue, purposely whining and mewling, your hips gyrating against his, distracting him from his thoughts.
Jake bites your lower lip softly, and when you slightly pull back, he takes the chance to say, “Talk to me, girl. What is it?”
With your eyes firmly on his, you lie on your back and spread your legs for him. Jake's predatory eyes fall to your cunt, his cock twitching at the sight.
But he can't. He has to ask you, has to clear things up...
You drag your fingers up your slit, arching your back, moaning softly before Jake. So close, just inches away. Your nipples are hard, peeking out of your beaded top, your breasts heaving up and down with every hurried breath.
He has to make sure you're okay...he has to say he's sorry for how he behaved...
“Daddy, please,” you mewl, big eyes begging for him. “Need it s'bad. Please, Daddy. Please give me your cock. Please. Use me.”
Jake's hands find your thighs and he softly pulls you to him. You wanted him to use you? He could do that with ease.
He's puts you in missionary, lifting your hips so that your ass is on his thighs, your legs wrapped around his hips. He sighs softly as he pushes into you, stretching you out.
You squeal, nails digging into his forearms as his hands hold your hips in place.
“Y'want me t'use you, girl?” he grunts out. “I'll use you. Use this tight pussy however I damn well please.”
He doesn't even give you time to adjust. His thrusts are deep and rough, painful but only in the right amount.
Still, the stretch hurts you, and it has you whining and crying, sobbing as he fucks you. You limit yourself to arching your back, trying not to focus on the pain.
“Daddy,” you sob. “Daddy.”
“Yeah, Daddy's takin' care 'f'you, girl,” Jake says, hips slamming into yours. “You gonna fuckin' let me or 're you gonna fuckin' complain 'bout it?”
“Daddy,” you gasp. “Daddy. Just use me, Daddy.”
“Yeah, that's what I'm fuckin' doin'.”
You move one of your hands to your clit, rubbing little circles on it in hopes that it'll help you take Jake's huge cock.
The thing is, you actually kind of like the pain. You like how Jake's cock forces you open, you like the ache, like how the big tip bruises your cervix, like the way his hips crash into yours.
Somewhere along the way, the pain and pleasure mix and become one. You don't know which one is predominant, you just know that the feeling is overwhelming, and it makes you shake and cry.
“Y're close, aren't you?” Jake mocks when he feels you grow taut around him, your eyes fluttering shut, your body quaking.
“Mm! Yes! Yes!” you reply, hating how much he knows you. “Daddy! Please!”
“Yeah, you wanna come? You want Daddy t'make y'come?”
“Please!” you beg, hips stuttering against his.
“Well, you're gonna give me somethin' in return 'f y'want me to let you come,” he tells you. He lies you down, your back against the ground, your ass sliding off his thighs and landing on the soft grass. As Jake climbs on top of you, he grabs your braid. “'f y'want Daddy t'make you come on his cock, girl, y've gotta gimme tsaheylu, yeah?”
You close your eyes and nod. He connects your braid to his and you gasp, shaking, your hips already bucking up in dire need of his harsh thrusts.
Jake can feel how bad you want him, how close your orgasm is, but he can also sense something else. Something buried deep, hidden under layers and layers. Still, he can feel its slight presence, cold and sad, and it seems to be haunting over your mind.
But your lust is the main sensation that rushes to him through the bond, and that, he can do something about.
He resumes his arduous thrusts, making you sob, back arching. You lift one of your hands to your breast, pinching your nipple and moaning. You're shuddering under him, a mess of tears and sweat and arousal.
Jake considers kissing you, decides he's going to, and begins leaning down toward you. But you move your face to the side, avoiding his mouth, and something in Jake breaks a little.
You close your eyes, needy and whining, one of your hands finding your clit again and being rough in the way you touch yourself.
Jake can feel you're close. Your orgasm is peeking over the edge, reaching for you, and he decides he'll at least give you this.
He makes you come, makes you cry his name and shake. You're absolutely breathless and weak as he thrusts a few more times inside of you and finally releases, his cum staining your puffy cunt.
Jake presses his face to the crook of your neck, kissing over your pulse, licking the sweat off your skin.
And then you start crying—really crying. Whimpering and sobbing, your body shaking.
Alarmed, Jake rises his eyes to look at your face, but you've got your eyes closed and your hands find his shoulders to push him off of you.
He quickly pulls out of you, sitting up and pulling you up with him.
“Baby,” he says, his voice shaking. “Baby, what's wrong?”
Tsaheylu is still made, and Jake can feel your sadness. Just like you can feel his fear. It distracts you, makes you more nervous, so you end up breaking the bond by removing your braid from his.
Jake can feel your loss. He's carved a space for you in his heart, his mind, his soul. And you've just removed yourself from it, leaving nothing but a void behind.
“Baby, tell me what's wrong,” Jake asks, holding you on his lap, his arms around your waist.
You wipe your face, trying to stop the crying, trying to hide from him. He grabs your hands in his, holding your arms away from your face. He kisses your cheek, over the many trails your tears have left.
“Just tell me, girl,” he pleads quietly. He sounds so small...so vulnerable. “However you want to, just tell me.”
Between thick sobs and little sniffles, you cry, “You're replacing me, Jake! I'm yours, but you're free to belong to whomever you want. You-you don't think I'm enough. You're out looking for another toy already and I—'s not fair to me! You can choose anyone else! But for me, there-there's only you, Jake! I only have you!”
Jake folds his ears back in shame. How could he have fucked up enough for you to believe that? How much of an asshole could he have been to make you think that?
“Baby—” Jake starts, cooing softly.
“Don't leave me!” you beg, sobbing. “P-please! I'll be good! I'm good! I-I'll improve my aim, Jake! I'll fix my manners! I...I'll let you fuck me whenever you want! I'll let you use me! Y-you can do whatever you want to me. Just, please, don't leave me!”
Jake sighs softly, his heart breaking in his chest. “Is that why you wanted to fuck, sweet? 'Cause you wanted to convince me to stay?”
You sob, nodding weakly. Your tear-filled eyes glance at the ground, avoiding his gaze.
“Baby,” he coos, grabbing your chin in his hand and drawing your eyes up to his. “I'm not going to leave you. I never even planned on it, girl.” He sighs gently. “I'm sorry I made you feel like that, baby. You're mine, as much as I'm yours. I can't belong to anyone else 'cause I'm yours. I belong to you, girl. My mind, my body and my soul are yours, baby.”
You sniffle. “But that other girl—”
“Is no one,” he cuts it. “She wanted me to teach her to shoot an arrow, but it's damn well impossible. I can't teach her shit because everything she does seems wrong to me. Everything she does is off because she doesn't do it like you. She's not you, baby. There's no one in this fucking world that can compare to you. And that's what's wrong with everyone else. If they're not you, I don't fucking want them. Y'understand me? All I want is you. You, you, you. And it's not only about your body, girl. It's not just about you being my toy. You're more than that to me. I-I don't really know how to explain it, but you're part of me now. Without you, I just...feel something's missin'. I won't ever leave you, baby. I'll be yours forever, my girl.”
Your eyes study his carefully. “Y'promise?”
“Cross my heart, baby,” he replies, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I'm such an asshole. Baby, I'm sorry. I...should've told you sooner. I should've made it clear that I'm yours. Should've shown you how I felt. I'm so fuckin' sorry.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, leaning your head on his shoulder, your crying ceasing. “'s okay,” you mumble. “I forgive you.”
Jake hugs you, squeezing you softly. “Thank you, baby,” he mumbles. “I don't know what I woulda done if I'd lost you.”
A while later, once you've calmed down, Jake helps you get dressed again. And after dressing himself he takes you on a small walk, wandering amongst the foliage and talking about anything you want to. Your spirits improve significantly, and as you grow more comfortable around him, Jake realizes something he's pretty sure he's known for a while now.
I...I'm in love.
@who-is-ej @jake-sullys-whore @sweetllamaparadise @erenjaegerwifee @kamcrazy123
I have absolutely no words for this I was just feeling mushy and fluffy and I needed comfort in daddy Jake 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I hope y'all enjoyed it!!!
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thegracelessfaceless · 5 months
Coming Home From Work to Sal
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Tw: drug use mention
It's been a long day
You might argue the longest
Regardless of the field you work in
Every interaction you had today was a difficult one
People where whiny and obstinate
Simple tasks turned tedious and frustrating
And the work hours just dragged by
Every second expanding and then collapsing on itself with each tick of the clock hand
Whatever they're paying you...
Today it just isn't enough
You want nothing more than this shift to end because at least you know that at clock out time, they can't exactly force you to stay
The moment finally gets here
Clock out time
And you beat feet to your ride home
And as you walk up the front steps
There he is framed in the doorway
Sal, hair mussed from his after work shower, baggy pajama bottoms featuring characters from Ricko's Modish Wife, and a band shirt for King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
He holds the door for you and follows behind you as you shed your uniform on the way to the bathroom
And then listens as you unload your day
From the stupid overreaction about a small hiccup provided by Brandy in sales
To the complete Karen of an old woman who just kept haranguing you
To the fact that you totally overcommitted yourself with work duties today that were and weren't actually necessary
Sal diligently follows you from the bathroom and shower, to the bedroom (where he stole a few kisses and maybe a few squeezes too), to the kitchen where you both ate dinner standing up over the sink, and then finally to the living room
To console you on your bad day, Sal turns on your favorite guilty pleasure show
Even though watching it always makes him feel like happily slamming a door onto his head repeatedly
He engages in the show, and finds himself getting invested in it too
Also provided by Sal:
A foot rub after a long foot soak in the foot soaker Maple bought you for Christmas
Warm blankets
A big ol' bowl/joint/blunt/whathaveyou, if you partake. If not, Sal will have already handled this step himself before you got home
Your favorite snacks, along with some of his because he knows you secretly enjoy them
Hot tea/steamed milk/coffee, depending on your preference (Sal actually makes killer coffee despite not drinking it. He's surrounded by coffee drinkers, he had to learn at some point)
And then finally,
When you both retire for the night
Sal reads you a few chapters from whatever book he's reading
He could read you a stereo manual and you'd eat up every minute of it
You constantly suggest to Sal that he should make an ASMR channel on YouTube
Just his deep, raspy voice carefully articulating words so his Jersey doesn't show as much
Lulling you to sleep
And in those last few moments of consciousness, you feel Sal's lips press to your forehead
Goodnight Reader, I hope your day is better tomorrow and I love you
Vent section: For those of you who follow my blog and know my life, I work on a dementia ward. We got a new resident today. She is completely rude and hateful, incessantly talks, picks on/picks fights with other residents, argues for arguments sake, and biological functioned in the hall (TWICE). Needless to say, her presence has thrown off my entire work groove. I tried to compensate by deciding to do linens today, help out... For rooms 13-24... All of them. It was almost too much but I got it done right before my shift was done. I work 12 hour shifts so 15 loads was a completely doable task... Right? Anyway, while I was doing that, two of my residents (besties, Ms. Daisy and Ms. Eileen (all names have been changed for privacy and dignity)) managed to slip through the coded fire doors that lock down the hall (dementia patients wander and get lost easily, we have to keep them locked down for their safety). They didn't go far. The rest of the building caters to elderly people who just need a little help, and Daisy and Eileen went to the dining room on that wing. An elopement is when a resident manages to get completely out of the building, out in the world . So not even really an elopement. But mass panic ensued while we were trying to find out how they got out. Turns out they were camping the doors, and waited for a family member to come through and slipped out... Very crafty. One headcount later, administration finally left and it was back to dealing with the new lady, Glenda, who I'm sure will appear in many incorrect quotes on my blog. I normally completely loathe a new resident when we get them. As you can see, it throws off my whole day. I'll get used to her, figure out who she needs me to be, and be that person for her. I'm sure we'll end up thick as thieves. It's always the difficult ones that I end up liking the most.
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starheirxero · 1 month
Not gonna lie, I was waiting for shit to hit the fan, until I was gonna go on a rant- This maaay not have been the best idea-
God, I am so intrigued to see where this is going! The character arcs get better day by day!
First of all, there's Eclipse- He keeps dissappearing for rather long periods of time, and anytime he comes back, he is just a little bit different. A little more docile, a little more half-hearted in his rudeness. A little more compassionate to help.
He's changing, becoming better, while still being Eclipse. All because he was shown a little kindness. All because there is someone who won't give up on him. Someone, who's love and care is unconditional, who looks beyond the surface, beyond snarky remarks and insults.
And God, Earth's words. It doesn't matter who he is, or will be. It doesn't matter, if he chooses to be Eclipse, or decides to rip this part of him apart and leave it behind. It doesn't matter, which name he will use, or what he'll look like. Because she sees him. He is the one who helped her, and who she bonded to. He's the one she cares for. There could be a day, where he decides, that he's not Eclipse. There could be a day, where he chooses a different name. She will have his back, because he's still the person she befriended.
The metaphors, the love. My heart….
But theres also the parallel to Moon. Because Eclipse is everything bad to Moon. The uncaring villain. Yet now they are changing roles. Eclipse is starting to care, and he is helping, in his own cryptic way. Meanwhile, Moon is slowly loosing it, becoming even more hostile and aggressive compared to old Moon.
Moon's descent is so tragic.
Moon is the big brother, the family's protector.
His love for his family is part of his system's very core.
When he beat Eclipse, he swore to protect them with his life.
His family is his purpose. The machine inside of him, begging for a task, has found purpose in keeping harm away, in keeping them safe and sound.
He is constantly focusing on making sure they're fine, obsessing over it, worrying beyond belief.
And now Solar is dead. His brother, a part of his family, is gone.
Moon failed his purpose. He failed in protecting his loved one. And he's driving himself insane over it, trying desperately to reverse it.
He hallucinates, afraid of loosing the rest of them.
He keeps belittling himself, comparing himself to old Moon.
Because he failed. But he will not fail again. He will bring Solar back, even if it's the last thing he does.
And he keeps his family oblivious. They cannot know, they don't need to. They'd try to stop him, and Moon cant allow it. Plus, ignorance is bliss. He will bring their brother back. In the meantime, he just needs to keep his siblings safe and sound, out of harm's way.
But he's also hurting them. Sun is worried. He knows his twin better than anyone, and knows something is wrong.
And Earth, oh Earth… She's now doubting not just herself, but others as well.
Moon is affecting his loved ones without realizing it.
And of course, there's Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon, who apologized to his brother, for not saving him. Bloodmoon, who ripped a bomb from his head, not caring about the pain.
Bloodmoon, who now has to refer to himself as "I" instead of "we".
He is so lost without his brother. He depended on him, always being guided. And now he's alone, and lost.
All he can think about now is revenge, even going to Ruin for help…
ECLIPSE'S WHOLE DEAL YESYESYES!!!! Oh my stars everything with him has been soso exciting to me I can't EVENNN!!! AND WITH EARTH AUGHHH DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED I'M SO EMOTIONAL ABOUT THEIR DYNAMICCC 😭 EXACTLY AS YOU PUT IT. The metaphors the love... the themes the messages!!!! EXPLODES.
AND THE PARALLELS WITH MOON OMS THAT DIDN'T EVEN OCCUR TO ME. THEY'RE SWITCHING ROLES..... I'm almost positive you can tie that to like, What Made Them act the way they are too yk. Smth about how loss(of identity, of a family member) makes them bitter and angry and cruel but even just the slightest bit of care and love(from a brother, from an unlikely friend) can switch things up...
OR SOMETHING I'm saying I See Your Vision and I'm so. AUGH. Everything with him lately has been so many layers of devastating :( This family is in got dayum SHAMBLES right now!! 😭
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p-wrryyy-mordial-soup · 3 months
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Hiiii :3 heres my pack of losers (my x-rank team) because i needed ghost to actually have a team :]. heres a link to all my splatoons on toyhouse
seperate refrences, little blurbs about them and color alts where they all share eachothers colors below the thang v enjoy my word vomit idk how to write character stuff out teehee
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sorry his ref is a year old and rushed for artfight </3 also the age is wrong i think i changed it to 23
he's from around where the deepsea metro is/was. had to leave because of unstable surroundings from an unknown to him cause. he's best friends with Rust and her kids, im gonna be honest i haven't actually thought through how they met and ive just realized this oops. since he spent most of his life underground and now lives in the splatlands he gets sunburnt way too frequently to not be covered up constantly, though he wears thing like tank tops and shorts during splatfest since those mostly occur during the night.
He met wisteria and ember first and then 72. they didnt apoint him as leader nor do they really care to have one but he's the tallest so everyone assumes its him. he's the most softspoken out of the 4 of them but thats a really low bar, he has a hard time making decisions but once he does he will die on that hill
(since its not on his ref like the other three)
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72 escaped the metro before agent 8 went through it, he had found a memcake that was dropped after a test giving him just a clear enough mind to think for himself some. he ended up finding his way out after a while of accumulating a couple more memcakes, barely any where his though so hes walking around with memories that aren't his. It also took him a while to get used to the fact he isnt a soldier nor a test subject anymore. If he saw another sanitized mollusk he'd probably hide or run away </3.
72 met Ghost while after wandering around the area for a while, and ended up crashing in his car the whole time on ghosts way back to the splatlands (he thought 72 was like, drunk or something since he was tumbling around and seemed to be not the most coherent). he doesnt blink or breath unless hes actively thinking about it :[.
he had a hard time discerning things for a while but hes gotten better, at first he thought ember was just a weird octoling because she wears the old octoling goggles. we beat the evil soap with friendship in this house!!!
personality wise hes pretty hyper and cheerful which isnt usually your first thought upon seeing a zombie, forgot his age but hes an adult, he was encouraged to pick his own birthday :]
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I have the least down for him at the moment, there will be more on her prommy </3 she's 21
She's a callie superfan with a vulgar sense of humor, usually the one who purposefully makes other players angry. born and raised in the splatlands she knows all the places to hide and get you lost in.
he's been friends with ember the longest, they where online friends until ember moved to splatsville. was introduced to ghost and 72 later by ember, he likes to antagonize 72 (think sibling antagonizing, theyre both in on it). down to fist fight you in the back of a waffle house
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Originally from the inkopolis outskirts, they're 31
Ember's both a video game and turf/anarchy streamer, she has camera in their goggles for the latter. bad habit of talking in twitch/internet lingo outside of streaming. Once she has eyes on something its nearly impossible to get her to do something else. Very friendly outside fighting, will give you nice words and a pat on the back after a game whether they won or not.
met ghost while playing turf war in a random que, he was, in her words, "a bit to intense to be playing in turf" and told him after the game that he should try out anarchy, he was scared of it since he was new to the area. they ended up teaming up and playing a couple games together, later inviting wisteria and eventually 72.
theres def more to these guys but it will take me a long time to get the words in my head to cooperate 🙏im better at answering specific questions about things then coming up with what to write myself
have some color alts :3
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