#it's not that his intelligence is compromised in any sense or that i think he's incapable
fictionfixations · 2 days
tamashina-mina event (aka the sunset savanna jp event)
so anyway because i cant read jp (the translated vid is in parts so thats why im posting multiple links)
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leona brushes it off but
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so LISTEN. The chamberlain whatever his name is isn't happy with Leona for not putting his intelligence to help the country
but when he DOES provide an idea (aka actually mining the mineral resources) its shrugged off because they're all for being with nature
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so what im understanding is leona is proposing to actually make use of what the land has to, yes, make a profit, but also it could help with all loads of things? like spreading water to be a little more easily obtainable once having the funds to idk throw away money for the good of the people (i mean. they're already rich aren't they? i don't really get it but also the world runs on money. i dont know if there are any benefits to it just sitting there, or if there are cons to digging them out or not but leona seems very passionate about it.)
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but so its like this then
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where if its not modernized then people will just. not live modernized. and i get that ig, wanting to live with nature (well not really but i mean its all down to preference isnt it? which im not an outdoor person so uh)
maybe it'll make more sense in the EN version (whenever it comes). or maybe i need someone to dumb it down to me like im 5.
but anyway you see my point right?? Leona provides an idea (is very invested in it) that goes to the good of the kingdom (making more profit but its also like they dont have to mine ALL of it he at least just wants them to make use of it at least instead of not even touching it)
and then it gets shot down because. basically. tradition. ???
anyway heres my idea: if someone like Ruggie Bucchi can exist (i mean as in someone born in a poor environment) in the Sunset Savanna, then clearly there can still be something done to keep people healthy and in comfortable situations without compromising idk the beauty of also being able to live with nature at the same time? to help make it a bit more convenient in the process at least? (like there could be a system that brings them water, but it could still be in a well so they can still do that process by hand, there will just be more water so they dont have to worry about idk running out? i dont know how wells work but i imagine they can run out eventually)
and if anyones like 'oh but we wont make a profit' then propose ANOTHER way we can make big income. aka MINING the MINERAL resources so it could be like nothing even changed or that we might be even making more than we usually are (but also probably supervised so they cant take advantage and just i mean get rid of the entirety of it? cause. its.. important right? so some but not all.)
maybe i just dont understand this, maybe im biased towards leona who knows, but i kind of also feel like its dumb to just brush it off. and i mean who knows maybe hes proposed it many times before, maybe hes shown them so many ideas and proofs and proposals related but they mightve been flawed in some way i dont know and thats why they refuse. who knows. it just rubs me the wrong way
its also kind of related to people brushing off leona just as being lazy and stuff like that (also did you know he only failed ONE year? he joined NRC a year late) but leona isnt really doing anything to try to change peoples perceptions of him because 'thats what they think of me, why should i bother?' like people hating on him for being [something something] compared to falena so then just. takes that in and is like 'okay so people think of me this way. if thats how they view me, then whatever.' hes still very competitive and all that stuff but theres also apathy in 'people will think whatever they want of me, why should i even try to change it?' (and hes probably heard all kinds of things at a young age that really stuck with him and shaped who he was. which goes from being really hurt by it to not even caring about peoples opinions anymore. dont get me wrong it can still affect him because the part of him that got hurt by it the first time is still there but yknow)
but so then the chamberlain is like 'why dont you use your smarts for the country'
and leonas just like
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THEN SAY SOMETHING TO MAKE HIM NOT SAY SUCH THINGS??? (you knew him as a kid surely you could do something) like. theres. just. such an utter lack of trying to convince him otherwise. and i guess to him it would sound so fake so he might not be convinced at all. but then if you stop trying at all then he'll think that he was right in what he thought people thought of him and wont try to correct anyone. or in fact will correct anyone if they think positively of him.
i mean theres also not wanting to say it in front of other people. but. listen. if youre afraid of what the people think then it will affect the other negatively.
like for example if you try not to do lovey-dovey stuff in public then your lover will naturally feel like youre just trying to hide them away. or that you might feel ashamed.
so if the chamberlain tries to convince him when they're in private but in public he doesnt. then you can see what kind of conclusion leona would come to, right?
its kind of a tough situation because i honestly dont know what youd do in that situation. its just. i feel like they could communicate better. that there could be things to be done and it just frustrates me.
yes he does go on to say that leona is strong
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and that he believes in him basically but
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it just. doesnt feel like enough. and it could definitely be on leona for also not being willing to listen so hh. and i also get the chamberlain has a lot of responsibility so he cant just be there all the time and everything hfeuishfdi
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brionnne · 1 month
note that i will only ever call mithrun "stupid" jokingly. by "stupid", i only mean "frustrating behavior that i am immensely familar with". seeing him do something that makes me groan aloud, closing my eyes, sighing "stupid (affectionate, mournful)". like when he fucking... his dumbass "i don't want to [use the bathroom] right now, so it's fine." oughh. i know you! i know you! that's not how that works!!! and he's smart!!! he's so smart... but god, god... he's kind of an absent professor. he's kind of a cloudcuckoolander. i love him dearly. he gets called a dummy, a little idiot, and i flick his forehead, a little bonk of hard-heads, like "try again, idiot. that's not how bodies work." and "ooh, 'that's not going to work'. yes it is. shut up, stoopid. stubborn little man, my god." rolling my eyes forever.
#mithrun#i'm not devaluing his intelligence#i feel like both can be true - that someone can be really smart but also take really stupid actions conversely#i fucking KNOW i do all the time#and i don't think there's anything particularly wrong with the word#it's not that his intelligence is compromised in any sense or that i think he's incapable#and it is solely#the fact that he is a stubborn little guy who doesn't listen and just goes 'that won't work' / 'i don't want to' / etc.#like... BUDDY...#buddy BOY#dummy#you are NOT a good judge of this ok?#zip ya lip little man#i know what you are#and i ain't fuckin listening to ya!#god. 'that won't work'. blah blah blah. okay sleepy. see you next panel.#fuckin knew that was going to happen#'i'm not tired' (his body stops working and he doesn't know why)#oh. OH. you're NOT? buddy i KNOW what happened ok? you need some fuckin rest#like - i'm gonna kick your legs out from under you + you're going to fall gently into bed + i tuck you in and smooch you#but i also fucking complain because OF COURSE YOU'RE TIRED ! you bastard ! go sleepy bye#it's his poor decisions and i know why he does them - because he doesn't know - but by god#it's also a little like please... listen to yourself...#on the one hand he doesn't know and never will#on the other hand ... you have been awake for hours and hours without sleep... please get some rest...#but yeah as someone who forgets needs and has little sense of that it is like... objectively a stupid experience#and i don't say that with judgement in my heart but it feels REALLY stupid when your body does something and you don't know why#it's not the disability though that makes me say as much - it is fully the fact that he is SO STUBBORN! SO STUBBORN!!!!#you say you're not tired and fall down? hm? then maybe you are? i know you don't know but whatever. let's get you to bed boy. ok?#caring for him + shaking my head like i get it so much but you gotta sleep! 'this won't work'. ok liar... i already know it will.
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uzis-dopeaf-hat · 2 months
Analysis of Nuzi in Episode 7
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Okay! I've been wanting to rant about these two for ages so I'm happy to get this out haha. I'll try to make this post a little more comprehensible than the last one (no promises).
I'll try to keep this in chronological order.
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So before I move ahead, let me get this out of the way.
N still cares about V, but I don't think he's thought about her in a romantic sense since at most, the end of episode 3. He absolutely sees her as family and deeply cares for her. Hence why he immediately starts freaking out and attacking the rubble blocking the elevator shaft.
He is desperately trying to get his family back.
So desperately that he unintentionally hurts someone else he immensely cares for.
He forgets about Uzi's condition in his blind panic, but upon remembering he becomes almost ridden with guilt. Uzi likely already feels terrible because of the loss of V and not being able to do anything to help N since she physically is unable to at this moment. It seems N understands this and tries to remedy this by telling Uzi "It's okay," and apologizing profusely.
He doesn't want Uzi to put anything else on her shoulders and backtracks so fast here.
And when Uzi tells N she's sorry, for both N's loss of V and her own inability to help N get back up the elevator shaft, she sounds so upset for N. There's nothing she can do for him here, and she knows this.
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It's almost amusing how N gives "Tessa" a death glare here. As the series has gone on N has become less and less of a pushover, no doubt because of Uzi. If N had run into Tessa in any episode from 1-3. it would have been easier for Cyn to manipulate him.
But because she waited so long, N has built such a genuinely healthy and stable relationship with Uzi. One where both parties mutually care about each other and treat each other like equals (which should be normal but of course, this isn't the case for N or Uzi).
But something else to be noted here is the regression of both Uzi and N's characters at this moment.
Because while N is definitely making progress on standing his ground, and letting his own opinions be known, he is still faced with a non-choice. Instead of immediately deciding to question his old friend, he tries to compromise.
It's an old behavior met with an old friend vs a new behavior met with a new friend. He is trying to still somewhat appease "Tessa" while making it known that he isn't willing to hurt Uzi. But he never discusses this with Tessa herself aside from this moment, where he does so with Uzi present and out of the loop.
Let's take a look at Uzi's reaction when N tells her they won't hurt her.
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She is scared.
Her eyes dart back and forth between the duo in front of her, putting her hand up in defense to try and subconsciously protect herself.
She doesn't understand what is happening, but she isn't stupid. She knows this means something happened- something regarding her, that's been decided on without her knowledge or input.
And with how much we like to joke about how dopey N is, he does seem very emotionally intelligent at times, especially here. He realizes his mistake immediately, his placating expression of trying to reassure Uzi drawing back as he drags his hand back, startled at her negative reaction.
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After the solver accidentally activates from Uzi (unsure if Cyn activated it on purpose or if Uzi herself activated it by accident because of her distress- I can see both being factors), N tries to reach out to her. To bring her back to his side, to him.
He holds his palm upwards to her, physically trying to tell her 'I am here, with you, let me help.' And as he steps towards her, she moves away from him.
Uzi's trust in him has been damaged. She is scared and instead of letting N help her, or allowing him to try and explain what's happening, she hunches over and guards herself from him. She isolates herself, their relationship crumbling like the cave around them.
And N? Once Uzi is out of his view? His hand switches from welcoming to pleading. As in, he reaches out to her, trying to get her back even if he doesn't actually do anything to make it so. He is reeling from what he's done to make her feel like she can no longer trust him, to come to him for his aid. His demeanor is now 'Please wait, come back, don't leave me, I am sorry.'
Maybe not exactly those words, but it's obvious that he doesn't want her to leave. So much so that he forgets to even protect himself (or even "Tessa") from the debris falling around them.
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When N wakes up, he immediately tries to free himself and desperately calls for Uzi.
And yes, Uzi is his first thought. He doesn't know where she is, or if she's okay, but his first instinct is to find her, because 'is she okay? Where is she, where are you?' is definitely what N is thinking when trying to find her, even though he can't move.
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N is distressed, and after not being able to attract Uzi back to him via shouting, he gets ready to saw off his own arm.
He isn't just saying "I deserve this," because he chopped off Uzi's arm in the last episode, although that is part of it. He's saying he deserves this because he drove Uzi off, didn't confide in her, let her know what was happening, and scared her off in the process.
He is also sawing at the arm that he had held Uzi's hand with -- once again, the same hand that he sliced off to try and stop the solver. Interesting parallel there (at least it's another thing they have in common...?). His hand is absolutely crushed. That's not an accident, the team deliberately shows this -- and this is the result of N's actions (or lack thereof).
...sucks that both hands that had held each other are now destroyed (that's not me trying to be philosophical, just me being sad).
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Cut here, and N is immediately ready to tell Uzi what he's learned, sprinting to find her. Probably due to the fact that he's discovered that his crush's mother is still alive but...
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When told not to inform Uzi of Nori's existence by the woman herself, N upright denies her request; he's learned from his previous mistake and that lying (via omission) is not something he's going to do, especially not with Uzi.
And while certain information may hurt Uzi, he never wants what happened with Uzi to happen again. He doesn't want her to be afraid of him, or unsure of his intentions because N just wants to help and support her in any and every way he can.
He only relents that he won't tell Uzi, as long as Nori does. This is a bit different from the situation with "Tessa" since A) Nori is Uzi's mother, she really should be the one telling Uzi about her maternal status, and B) He is expecting her to actually inform Uzi of this. Not a "maybe, if needed," situation, a "you can wait until you're ready, but you will tell her," situation.
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Back with "Tessa," N finally confronts her, giving her one chance and one chance only.
And Tessa, not used to this new version of N, does not heed his warning, and is promptly dealt with.
N is pissed... and it makes sense as to why. "Tessa" is attempting to force N to kill his best friend, the first one to really talk to him after who knows how long of being stuck with V ignoring him and J berating him.
Uzi has her own bite, but it's never in a way meant to harm or insult N. That's just how she is, and she and N have an excellent bond as the series moves forward.
Tessa is jeopardizing this, mocking him, and calling him "cute," and even tries to monologue to him. But N doesn't let her, because she's already made him hurt Uzi enough and he's at his last leg here. He's done.
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And he's still shaken from killing Tessa.
He went full disassembly mode, maybe to make it easier, to kill her.
He is actively struggling, breathing heavily, and having to use the blade he beheaded Tessa with to hold himself up.
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Despite this, when "Uzi" grabs at the patch, he snaps out of his stupor to address her. Trying to cope with what just happened. He calls her "buddy," which he really only calls her once in episode three when referring to both of them as "dapper buddies."
Just something interesting to point out, since Cyn took control of Uzi immediately after N "got rid of her body "killed" her. He's called Cyn "buddy," before (although, he called the birds trying to kill him buddies as well, so not sure how that pans out).
When he says it here it almost feels like a coping mechanism. Trying to take care of his loved ones in any way he can. Also, note how he still has an 'x' as an optic. Likely due to the stress he's been put through.
Once he somewhat collects himself, he attempts to tell Uzi that all he needs is her, and for them to stay together.
Their short time away from each other did not favor them. N admits to both himself and Uzi that he doesn't like being away from her and that he needs her to be by his side.
And Uzi definitely could've used him when she found the recording of her mother.
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It's a bit harder to analyze Uzi's moments since a lot of it is just herself dealing with her own issues. This is still important, but not a lot of it deals with N, aside from the fact that, yes, N being here would've been preferable (unless I missed some stuff in the middle of this episode).
Cyn reveals herself, having taken control of Uzi, and we really see how sinister she can be.
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Make no mistake, that is indeed a heart around Uzi, formed with Cyn's... claw... like appendages.
This is also deliberately put here by the team because they do not want us to doubt N's feelings for Uzi (it gets a lot more heavy-handed, too).
But the most important part here is N's reaction to seeing Uzi. When Cyn turns and shows Uzi's face, N visibly falters, expression growing more upset. He doesn't shoot her. Cyn notices this and smiles because she now sees the advantage she has over N.
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And boy, does she take advantage.
This is probably my favorite part of this entire combat scene. N tries to essentially threaten Cyn here from further hurting Nori, trying to get her to back off.
Except, Cyn sees this as an opportunity to toy with him.
Maybe I'll one day do an analysis on Cyn, but she takes active pleasure in seeing N's suffering. When he holds his blade to her neck, he actually takes a moment to look at Cyn in the face, waiting for her next move.
And Cyn grabs that blade and slowly starts jabbing it into Uzi's neck. Because this is who N is now seeing: he is seeing Cyn hurt Uzi and he doesn't know what to do.
You see him visibly gasp, as he notices what Cyn's doing, and is still unable to make himself move (unless, of course, N is now actively trying to get the blade away from Uzi, but it doesn't seem like that's what's happening here).
Scratch that, while it's not immediately obvious, there are minuscule movements of the blade after Cyn starts stabbing Uzi - like N is trying to get it away from Uzi's neck while keeping eye contact with Cyn. He may still be seeing Uzi instead of Cyn at this moment (likely struggling between the two).
Something else to point out is that N is shaking even before Cyn grabs the blade. If you look at the tip of the weapon it's easier to tell. Again, chalking it up to not wanting to actually hurt Uzi.
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This is a very nice parallel back to episode three. Aside from the hand-chopping part. Lots of limbs have been lost recently.
Ignoring the fact N was just raining fire down on Uzi, which is one of two times (don't quote me on that) he gets properly lethal, he tries hard here to not hurt her- almost like he's trying to get Uzi back in control.
It's hard to see here, but N is actually smiling as he holds Uzi's hand. Probably similar to what he does later - he is trying to remind Uzi of herself. Aside from the eyes, it feels like Uzi is reacting to this, looking surprised, before Nori takes her hand off to stop Cyn from creating more pockets of voids and closing the current ones.
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But Cyn isn't done yet.
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Once again, she uses N's affections against him to save herself. But in doing so, she allows N to finally crack through to Uzi, even if not by much.
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It's comical that this is what helps Uzi gain control again, although what else would we expect? Even so, probably another favorite moment of mine.
Again, if anyone was doubting Nuzi... the team cannot get more obvious than this. Until we get an outright verbal confession... which is yet to be seen, sadly enough.
Unsure if N knew this would help Uzi or if he just wanted to let Nori know about him and Uzi before she died. This may just be him being lovesick for his possessed girlfriend.
Jokes aside, a lot of people took this as N saying they've been dating since episode five. I don't... think that's necessarily the case. I keep seeing the phrase "she fell first, but he fell harder," when discussing Nuzi and honestly? Yeah, he did. But dating since before episode six? That doesn't make sense, since we've been following their relationship since episode one, and it's not like it's irrelevant to the story. It's actually a huge part of Murder Drones, romantic or not, so any developments like the two dating would make more sense to happen in front of the audience and actually be addressed.
I think this is more of him sort of declaring his love for Uzi, in the most N way he can.
Ahh... although the dating part may be a bit irrelevant due to their predicament. They are both somewhat aware of how the other feels but have yet to discuss anything as Uzi states later. Likely due to uh, certain events happening around them.
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When N sees Uzi come to, he starts laughing because of how relieved he is. And then promptly screams in horror at Uzi's next actions (I'm sure Nori is fine).
A small thing, but I thought it was an interesting reaction to have after having fought the previously possessed girl.
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I think the fact that the two defaulted to freaking out after seeing each other is really sweet, funnily enough.
The way the two immediately start bantering, almost frantically, makes it feel like the two are looking for some sort of familiarity after all that's been happening. Moving instinctively closer to each other. Yes, maybe so they don't have to shout; but more importantly, after everything they've gone through, they want to be near each other.
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And when they meet in the middle? They embrace each other, Uzi tightening her own hold and weeping into N's arm. N himself petting and caressing Uzi's head, both to comfort her and reassure himself that she is finally here with him.
...unfortunately, that is not the end of this post, nor the episode (as you've probably guessed).
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After Cyn interrupts and attacks the duo, she descends into her pit of hell where she plans on dragging them.
You can see Uzi desperately trying to reach N, trying to get him to respond. That is her only goal in this moment, making sure that he is okay and alive.
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I feel as if I am repeating myself... but yes, that heart is also purposeful. It's interesting how the tentacles split after forming, proceeding to drag N and Uzi apart with Uzi grasping at the ground trying to get back to N.
It literally tears them away from each other, and you can see how Uzi is forced to let go only to try and grab ahold of N.
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She manages just in time to grab him, while impaling her hand onto some bones sticking up from the fleshy pit to stop both herself and N from falling further.
And we know this isn't a painless process, as drones have been shown to actively show pain. She doesn't care, she is doing all she can to save N, even if it hurts her. You can see how her arm starts ripping apart from her own hand as tentacles begin pulling harder.
But when Uzi sees N wake up, she gives him a smile, with a small, shakey, "Hey."
She knows they're likely about to die. And while N may have clones, Uzi does not. And even so, there's no way Cyn would allow N to remember anything that's happened, Uzi's firewall likely only protecting this N.
And as her final words she begins to thank him. For being her first friend. The first to believe in her. The first to show concern to her. The first to stay with her despite everything.
But when she sees that key?
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She finishes thanking her first love and throws him away from their shared doom.
Uzi is genuinely so glad she's met N, and it shows in her expression here. She is saving the one good thing that has happened to her since her mom left her.
She knows N isn't going to be okay with this, that this won't be easy for him, and won't be easy for her, as she's assuming her own death in saving him.
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Because of this, she doesn't want N's last memory of her to be herself being scared and unsure. So she tells him to "Die Mad," and flings him out of the chapel to both prevent him from attempting to save her and witnessing her death.
And you can see N was ready to jump in, determined to get her back and to save her. He uses his blades once again as a crutch, flaring his wings out in preparation to fly towards her.
Uzi doesn't let him, and for the last time pushing him away to save him from their once-shared fate.
I think Uzi's message to N will come into play later when they inevitably confront Cyn for the last time. Whether or not Uzi is there with him, he won't be able to forgive Cyn for controlling him and hurting him along with his loved ones.
And... that's the post! ending on a sad note but uh... we are talking about episode seven so there's no avoiding that haaaah.
If I missed something or you want further discussion feel free to send an ask or reply/respond to this post, love talking about shit.
Take a Nuzi dancing gif to go (I'm also sad now so this is really an excuse to put this at the end of my post).
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Have a good one!
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velvetures · 3 months
COD AU: Intro
AN: I love this. I have so many thoughts in my head. So many it’s killing me inside. Please enable me. God I hope at least one of you likes this enough to talk to me about it. To hc, to literally just share my words with. And yes…. There is a very heavy Ghost/romance element… but I’m totally not against picturing the other options ahaha.
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So I’ve been thinking….
An AU where everyone needs to lay low for a while. Maybe they’re all compromised and someone with enough power and money shows interest to take out the 141 forever. And Laswell, being the problem solver that she is, suggests a safe house of someone close to her. Someone who can be trusted. Not just to provide somewhere physically safe, but also keep a close eye on the team while they’re -somewhat- forcibly being cut off from the world.
So the team are flighted into the middle of god-knows-where in the mountains. A tiny little town -if you can call it that- and they meet their contact.
Not only a girl… but civilian.
She refers to Laswell as Aunt Kate and the Captain and Uncle John. Sweet as can be, and so damn helpful that it’s almost infuriating. Especially to Ghost. She hasn’t seen a single thing about them other than what Laswell has offered, and really appears like she couldn’t care less about opening her house up to them. A house just big enough to fit all four men.
Ghost isn’t sure about the whole thing. It feels wrong being holed up in the deep holler of an Appalachian mountain with a girl not twenty-five. Like some kind of fucked-up movie he wasn’t aware of being cast for. It’s all too strange walking inside her house and seeing photos on the walls, a massive rack of cast iron skillets and pots hanging above her kitchen island, and the way she looks at Price so fondly.
Uncle John…
Something about it rubs him wrong. There’s got to be history there… at least enough for her to feel the right to call Price that. But he’s never heard of her before. And this kind of arrangement isn’t one to taken lightly. There are people hunting the 141… A threat so well documented that they couldn’t even just turn a blind eye and wait for the smoke to clear.
The sweet thing doesn’t notice Ghost’s apprehension.
But she does recognize Price’s excitement in seeing her, as well as his slight disappointment that she’d offered to do this. She’s too good to get involved in matters of war, and he’s honestly surprised that Kate let you. But then again, there could only be so much disappointment he could find in seeing his goddaughter. And funnily enough, there’s a sense of relief he has in seeing how well she’s done for herself since he saw her last.
Intelligent, scarily so. But not in an overt way. He can see it in the way she collects rainwater for watering the little garden out back, and the pistol safe tucked under her bed with a thumbprint scanner. He notices the small town she’d bought her home in, and the relatively tight community. Maybe a little old-fashioned… but it’s good in case something goes wrong. And right now, it’s paying off.
Unbelievably welcoming too… but Kate and John always knew there’d come a day when she’d get a chance to ‘mother’ someone. And now she’d have four men to do exactly that for. Even from day one, she’s already made trips to the store, rearranged her whole home, and bought god-knows-what in anticipation for their arrival.
What’s each of your favorite food, I’ll make lists so I never run out of dinner ideas.
Any preferences on how I should come and go around my the house? I don’t want to startle anyone.
Did you need anything you didn’t bring? If I can’t get it in town or online I’ll text Aunt Kate and have her get it…
She’s nearly frantic to get them settled, and everyone reacts in a muted tone of shock save for Price. He’s well-aware thanks to Kate about how excited she is… something about wanting to prove herself. And Jesus if it doesn’t make Price feel a bittersweet burn in his chest as he introduces her to the others. Seeing her wide eyes examining all of them without the slightest hesitation. Memorizing names and faces, and shaking massive, gloved, hands without missing a beat.
She’s got Soap wrapped around her finger on instant. Maybe it’s a big-brother feeling. One like Price holds for her. Since she’s younger than him -unlike his own sisters- there’s something of a chance to be one for a while. Soap almost instantly takes to her Appalachian lilt and bright smile. They’re both too sweet for their own good at times… and Price can tell right away there won’t be a knife sharp enough to cut the two of them apart after this.
Gaz is quietly polite is a way only he can be. Meticulously trying to stay out of her way as she flutters about. Wanting to help her out, but also downright flustered when she demands she be the one to carry their bags to their rooms. It’s a clear sign he’s not used to it… A woman being this damn sweet and intent on ‘helping’ a man. But he takes it in stride. Learning how to help without stepping on her decidedly ‘southern comfort’ style of catering to them. And god if Price doesn’t have to chew the tip of his cigar when she gets on his ass about something. The poor sod looks like a kicked puppy… and he’s certain she’ll end up training him with due time.
Christ above. If Ghost isn’t the most difficult bastard to deal with initially.
He’s much more sour than typical. Lurking in corners, and unable to settle down anywhere for more than an hour. He looks caged in by the comfortable couch and throw blankets. Swallowed by her pleasantly creaky porch swing and sun-couch on the wraparound. Not even her well-used garage housing an old Fold flatbed makes a good refuge for Ghost. She’s all encompassing in a way he can’t come to terms with easily.
Price sees her trying the hardest with him.
The way her voice lowers when addressing him. How she makes a conscious effort to tiptoe around the house after 10pm because that’s when he shuts himself inside his bedroom… She doesn’t exactly know he never sleeps. Dinners are often served close to the time he finally realizes he’s got to come back inside the house… and without fail, she can be found sitting near him.
Not friendly by any means.
But more like a girl who’s found an old bait-dog at the pound and can’t leave well-enough alone. Sitting with her back it to and tossing treats over her shoulder. Hoping silently that the old, scarred, dog will come around. Damn near predatory in a sweet kind of way. Price can tell she means well. She can see the same thing everyone else on the team can… and she’s just going about it her way.
She’s good like that. Maybe a little too good.
But John can’t deny he enjoys seeing it. All of it really. The way she dotes on them individually. Consistently. Hell, she even does their laundry and bought separate baskets to keep things neat and tidy. The fridges -yes… multiple- all are set with their preferences in drinks, and she’s scarily observant when things need replaced. Toothpaste… shoelaces… socks… there’s no missing anything. Brands and sizes don’t seem to be a problem either, to some shock and mortification.
Uncle John, what’s Soap mean when he says he misses Irn-Bru?
His quick and unconcerned explanation goes without another notice… until he sees Johnny taking a long drink from a bottle of it while sitting on a rocking chair on the back porch watching some hummingbirds fight over richly dyed sugar water.
John’s often preoccupied with worrying about the plans of those head-hunting them and what Kate’s doing behind the scenes in the meantime. But it’s clear there’s nothing concerning his goddaughter but whether or not they’re all fed, warm, and comfortable in her house…
Whether Ghost likes it or not.
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Comments are so heavily appreciated on this… I want to make this more of what I talk about & I can’t keep it all on a notebook under my bed.
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Stray Kids! Mafia: What Bang Chan is like in a relationship (according to me)
Warnings: mentions possessiveness and over-protectiveness
A/N: Thank you for this request! <3 I'm sorry it took me so long to write it, I hope you like it
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Firstly, just like with his work, Bang Chan is very assertive and dominant in your relationship; definitely not in a sense that he overpowers you or anything like it - he worships you - but rather, he always knows what he is doing; he is calm and confident
This makes Chan a great person to rely on and to feel safe around
He is very understanding and will do just about anything to make your every wish come true; your happiness is the most important thing to him
Nevertheless, he can go overboard sometimes, blinded by the threat of you getting hurt. Chan can even become possessive, especially when you are out with him in public
He is well aware of his position and his work and how it represents a liability for your safety; but he is unable to distance himself from you - Chan would rather go the extra mile and take extra security measures than be without you
On the other hand, when his fears do not get the worst of him, Chan is the most devoted, generous (in every way) and loving partner; he absolutely adores you; worships the ground you walk on
Being able to spoil you and shower you with gifts, quite literally turns him on. Seeing you wear jewellery or clothes that he bought you, gives him so much pleasure and satisfaction;
Speaking of satisfaction, as Bang Chan is one of those people who receive pleasure by giving it, he is more than willing to try anything you suggest intimately
Once he realizes what it is that you want, he makes it his mission to give it to you; he is incredibly confident and even cocky sometimes (but are you really cocky if you can back it up?)
Although what separates Chan from becoming yandere (despite his occasional possessiveness) is that he respects you infinitely; he respects your power and individuality - he would never consider controlling you because he trusts you
Chan is very emotionally intelligent; understanding feelings comes very naturally to him
He knows when he is too overbearing and although he is usually able to restrain himself, sometimes Chan gives into his paranoia and over-protectiveness which lead to a fight
During a fight, Chan is very calm and assertive. He never shouts or even raises his voice. In truth, it is even more frightening when he just sits and watches you as you defy him, his expression entirely unyielding
However, when the two of you can't come to a compromise and you avoid him or don't want to talk to him, Bang Chan is more than able to admit he is too stubborn and protective. In fact, in that moment Chan is able to do anything for you to forgive him; if there is anything in this world that he cannot do is live without you
Bang Chan has all of his weapons hidden from you; he does not want you even seeing them because he does not want you to think or even become a part of this side of him
His love language is absolutely physical touch; hugs, neck and chest kisses, cuddles, sex, sitting on his lap, sleeping together, anything. Also, gifts and words of affirmation
I think Chan would want a family and children but I genuinely think he would be a feminist although he is in the mafia business; and would respect any choice you make regarding your body and whether the two of you would start a family
Weekends are for you and you alone; no business, no calls or work
Moreover, Chan loves the smell of your body, the hair oils you use, the body mist, the perfume, the lotion; it drives him crazy
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homunculus-argument · 11 months
One of my favourite finnish words, which is somewhat of a neologism, is sääntöuskovainen. A lot of finnish nouns come from verbs with different suffixes, and the word "religion", uskonto, is one of the -nto ones, like
asunto - apartment - from "asua", "to live [in a place]"
keksintö - invention - from "keksiä", "to invent, to come up with"
lausunto - statement, verdict - from "lausua", "to pronounce, to speak out, to recite"
avanto - a hole which has been cut into ice - from "avata", "to open"
käytäntö - custom, convention, policy - from "käyttää", "to use"
So the words with the -nto suffix are somewhat of a flexible collection of "a thing which exists for this purpose, or was born from this action/activity". And the word uskonto comes from "uskoa", to believe in. Finnish has a handful of different verbs for believing something, but uskoa is the one for trusting in something, having faith in it, relying on the knowledge that something is the way one believes it is. There's a different word for not being sure of something, but suspecting that it might be true (arvella), and believing something that is wrong altogether (luulla).
So the word uskovainen, religious person, literally "believer", doesn't strictly clarify that the thing one believes in is a matter of faith, save for that being the most common and conventional use. The word "sääntö" simply means "rule" (and while it looks like one, it is actually not one of the noun-from-verb types mentioned earlier), so the word sääntöuskovainen more or less means "rule-religious". And while it could be interpreted as "person who practices their religion by strictly committing to the religion's rules", I've mainly seen it used the other way around: A person who commits to any given rules with the same reverence as a religious person practices their religion.
My sister used to have a rule-religious dog. A shepherd breed, highly intelligent, with the kind of ridig sense of righteousness and duty that medieval ideals of chivalry could only aspire for. Sirius was wasted as a family dog, to be honest. He could be set loose to the yard with no leash to go pee and play because you could absolutely trust that he would not leave the premises, he Was Not Allowed to do that with no leash on. He could do his business and throw some toys around with someone just standing at the door to supervise. Once called back inside, he could be trusted to drop everything and obey.
The dogs we had at the time had outdoor toys and indoor toys, and an understanding that they can't take inside doors outside, or outside toys outside. But this one time when I was letting him out, he managed to smuggle an inside toy out with him. I figured that screw it, he's already out with it, might as well let him play with it out there just this once. When his time was up and it was time to call him back in, he dropped the toy. I gestured him to pick up first, and bring it back inside with him.
Sirius halted, staring at me. I don't think I'm stretching it much to say that he hesitated. He had understood and followed commands more complex than that before, I have no doubt that he understood perfectly what I wanted him to do. I repeated my words and gestures, pointing at the toy and telling him what to do with it. He looked at the toy, and then back to me. Very rare dogs have the capacity to understand human gestures as nuanced as pointing at something, some even claim that no such dogs exist, but they do, and Sirius was one of them. He understood exactly what I wanted him to do.
I wanted him to break the rules. Outdoor Toys do not go indoors. He had already broken the law once by bringing it out with him, and as far as he was concerned, it had now become an outside toy. And in his heart full of canine concept of justice and righteousness, The Rules were absolute, and would not be compromised. Not even to follow a clear and explicit human command to go against them.
I had to put my shoes on and go get the toy myself.
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mary-fantg · 2 months
How do you think Thomas would be if he had stayed married to Grace for 10 years?
Hello 👋An interesting question, what Tommy would have been like if Grace had been alive.....I think it would be not easy for them to be together, given the ambition, intelligence and leadership of each of them. But love, respect and admiration for each other would help them find compromises. I see that Tommy, 10 years later, still has two sides of his business (I think the opium trade has a place to be), with an emphasis on legal business, he is also a member of Parliament, also the leader of a political party, I think he is the same successful man as we see him in s6. But in his life there is a safe haven, his cozy home, his place of strength, a source of warmth and common sense, this is his home with Grace and the children. I think in 10 years they would have had a lot of children (at least three), they travel a lot, have their own stud farm, are actively engaged in secular life (although Thomas does not like it, but the position obliges), charity and education of their children. He is more confident, gentle, calm, he finds time to sleep and rest, he is loved, caressed, it gives him strength, he has a own beacon in life.
Grace is his right-hand man, colleague, friend, companion, she is on the board of directors of the Shelby Ltd. They argue, quarrel, violently discuss important decisions, but always quickly soften up, talk to each other and make up hotly at night 🥰
The rest of the Shelby family live as they were shown to us at the beginning of s4.
Lizzie is fired after the incident with the Italians in s3.
In fact, a live Grace would not have interfered with the storylines of all subsequent seasons in any way. It would have been necessary to simply exclude Tommy's intimate relationships with Tatiana, Jesse and Diana, while retaining these characters in the narrative. And the confrontation of Tommy's duets/Grace and Mosley/Diana would be just great, considering how smart and beautiful Grace is. She would have tucked Diana into her belt in two counts. I think the author was just too lazy to work out the character of Grace and the arc of their relationship with Tommy properly. In an interview, he himself admitted that there are a lot of characters and he does not have time to pay attention to everyone. Although I understand that it would be a completely different story. Tommy would be happy, and this is probably not right and not fair, given his lifestyle and criminal activities. But it would have been possible to invent Grace's death at the end of the series, instead of the story with Ruby, and this would have been the logical conclusion of Tommy's happiness, his loss, retribution and his pain for the rest of his life. Maybe the death of his children else. To show that everything in life has a price, you have to pay for everything. And no amount of money will help you buy off the sins of the past.
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starpirateee · 1 month
could you write a fic where curt gets captured and owen goes absolutely feral trying to get him back? i need angst :D
I will absolutely write that, I think both of us need Owen to go a little apeshit for a while 👀 remember the movie Taken? "I will hunt you down. And I will kill you." ?? Yeah...
Oh yeah, and I 100% used the same case that was referenced in the panic attack prompt because I fell short of ideas, so essentially I'm creating one large cinematic universe worth of ficlets (/j) and this is set about five months before that panic attack
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Cynthia Houston called. Cynthia Houston— head supervisor of the American Secret Service— had personally called Owen Carvour— very much not American operative of the British Military Intelligence— with three words on her mind that changed the state of his mental state immediately.
Curt's been compromised.
That was all she'd said before Owen's heart started pounding in his ears.
"What do you mean, he's compromised?" Owen had asked, but he knew. There were a limited number of ways that this could go. One of them compromised him too, and forced his hand. He wasn't so afraid of that option anymore. He'd spent that long preparing for it that he knew the exact reaction to it, and exactly what he was supposed to do.
The other one was dangerous, and meant that Curt's life was in jeopardy. That wouldn't be a matter of concern for another agency under any other circumstance, but Cynthia was able to pull strings, to get him involved in matters that he had no right to even know about. If she wanted him for a particular mission, then there was a very good chance that he was going to be on that mission.
He braced himself subtly, waiting for Cynthia to tell him to start making preparations to run for a long time, or for her to tell him where she needed him in the next few hours.
"Captured. For once, he didn't expose himself, but all the same, he got caught… I think you might be familiar with the case load?"
Owen's jaw clenched tight. Part of him was relieved, but this was the dangerous option, and that meant he didn't have the space to be relieved. "Tell me."
"There's a group of arms dealers led by a man they call Jenner, you know him?"
"Yes. Yes, I know of him and his little organisation. Do you have anything on where he's based?" He knew that Cynthia had more sense than to tell him information like that over a telephone line, but he also knew that he didn't care when he got the information, so long as he got it. It was more than clear that she wanted him on the ground to help them find him, or bring him back, so he knew he was going to get what he needed at some point. She'd likely pass him off to someone else with the intel, and he'd have to fill in the gaps from whichever debrief he was given.
"Always so efficient… you know I'm not gonna tell you that. Not here."
"I thought as much."
"But, make it to Manhattan, Agent, and there will be someone dockside to meet you… Say, tomorrow morning?"
Owen wrote that down on the notepad next to the phone. Tomorrow morning. January 7th. He was expected at the Manhattan harbour, presumably by someone who was supposed to blend in with the crowd. "Tomorrow morning. I'll be there."
Cynthia sighed, then. Owen had a one track mind, it was notoriously hard to pull from focus. Knowing him, he wouldn't stop until Curt was on safe ground once again, no matter how long he worked or what it took out of him. That likely included whatever journey was going to happen that night. He knew about the stakes now, there was truly going to be no stopping him. "Oh, and Owen?"
Owen stopped, briefly taken off guard by hearing Cynthia call him by anything other than a formal title. Of course, she knew his name, she just never used it. What was with the sudden drop in formality? Was this her way of going off the record? If it was, what the hell else should he be expecting out of this mission?
"… Yes?"
"We need you at your best. And I know you have a tendency to… Overthink. Take it as easy as you can tonight… We need you prepared for tomorrow… Curt has a habit of being fine. You know that as well as I do."
"Michael Jenner is a dangerous man, Miss Houston. There's no telling what he could do in an hour, let alone overnight!"
"I'm not telling you not to think about it, I'm just saying, we're gathering intel as we speak, so… Try not to do anything stupid before you get here."
"I understand…" He resigned, drawing in a breath. "Tomorrow, then."
Needless to say, with the stress of everything currently piled in his mind, and the long journey to New York, he didn't sleep all that well. Cynthia had said she wanted to see him at his best, but all things considered, she wasn't exactly going to get him at his worst... By the time he reached New York, he was tired, and he'd managed to think about the scenario enough to really piss himself off, so Cynthia's informant found him in a state so far beyond riled that he was almost serene, and wired on the first cup of coffee he could get his hands on.
"So, you're Agent Owen Carvour... I've heard a lot about you."
"Is that so?" Owen raised an eyebrow, finishing off his coffee. That was strong enough to get him by, he supposed he'd be a little more in control of himself now that he felt less like his mind was trying to betray him for being too slow. If Curt turns up dead, this is on you. The Americans made sure the blood was on your hands, no getting out of it now.
"Mhm. Word is that you're quite the operative... If what they're saying is right, then I dare say I should be impressed."
Owen just hummed in response, having only caught about half of what had just been said on the grounds that he simply could not focus on anything that wasn't the outcome of this mission, or the the crushing weight on the inside of his chest that demanded he get on with it. He was both eager to get to the point, and eager not to find out what the Americans were saying about him. Thanks to Curt, most of it was probably complimentary, but either way, he didn't want to take his chances. "You know why I'm here, don't you?"
"Sure, you're here to help us with Mega... Cynthia tells me you already know the guy at fault?" The informant watched Owen nod, then produce a well broken in notebook from his pocket and lean back against the harbour wall. They'd told him to expect a man who was spectacularly prepared for any eventuality, and judging by the notes written on the page he could see, Owen fit that description down to the letter.
"Jenner, yes. I've been on a case of his before. I didn't fully intend on making him my business again, but what can you do?" To tell the truth, Owen was nervous, but desperate not to let it show. The longer he stayed here, the less time he had before things reached a critical point with Curt. But, the last thing he was going to admit was that he was afraid of the outcome of the mission. He was a professional, and professionals didn't so much as think of the word fear, least of all not on the job.
"He's gotten himself a full team, by the sounds of things. Mega reported at least half a dozen bruisers. Real heavyweights, not to mention the number of specialists he's likely got under his belt."
"Specialists as in..?"
"Arms, explosives... You name it, really."
That seemed to ring some bells. Owen could recall Jenner being the mastermind behind some millions of dollars in transactions involving something of that caliber. And since then, he had grown something of a small empire, which seemed to only be growing by the second. "Where are the likes of him based without anyone noticing the massive transactions passing from hand to hand?"
"That's the thing, isn't it, Agent? Not to be based in one place..."
"In an arms race of this size, it's only logical..." Owen answered automatically, tapping his pen against the notebook spirals. This state of serenity beyond the rage was starting to beome dangerous in itself. He felt like a badly fused explosive, programmed to explode at an entirely random interval between now and the foreseeable.
"Alright then, I'll specify. Where was Curt? And where is he now?"
"Mega's assignment was in Stamford, Conneticut. We don't have any reason to believe he's anywhere different now..."
Owen nodded, making a note of that, and reminding himself that Manhattan was suddenly a very convenient place because Conneticut wasn't actually that far away. He hadn't been told of anyone who was going to be joining him, and that led him to the all too fair assumption that Cynthia had sent him and him alone. Part of him wondered why; his business wasn't in American affairs. He was a British operative, and he'd turned down the offer of working for the American Secret Service before, on the grounds that it may well border on treasonous. He was still sure of that fact, knowing that he betrayed his country for the sake of taking up what may have frankly been a better and more convenient offer was not worth his life, that much he was sure of.
But, the other part of him realised that Cynthia probably had him on such a direct line of contact for a good reason, and it may not have had so much to do with the fact that he was talented enough to catch her eye. At the end of the day, she could near enough do whatever she wanted, and that may have included protecting the secrets of one of her best agents for the sake of not letting him go on a technicallity like that.
Did she know? He had to wonder… Did it make sense for her to know and to still trust the pair of them as much as she did? What they were doing could cost them way more than just their jobs if they were found out by the right people, and yet she seemed to be aware of their closeness. If she wasn't, he was convinced that he would've never known that Curt got captured, not unless he saw him in person and had to work through the mess inside his mind to get to what really happened.
No matter whether Cynthia knew and was actively protecting his secret by proxy of Curt, she had called him in for a job, and it was a job that he was going to do.
Just as he suspected, the journey to Conneticut didn't take him long. Manhattan was the most convenient location because apparently, there was a substation in the harbour that few people actually knew about, where a small team of field scientists were waiting to kit him with a communications wire and walk him through a map of the block they'd managed to narrow it down to. When Curt's signal was corrupted, they had no way of telling which way he went, but they were confident that, should he have stayed in the facility, that block would be within the margin of error.
One of the scientists had promised to keep him updated through the wire, to let him know when he was in range, and he in turn had promised to make this as swift a job as he could manage.
It was the least he could do. Especially since his nerves wouldn't leave him alone, and especially since he was practically being dragged towards saving Curt as fast as possible, on the grounds that he didn't know how his fragile, ticking bomb state of mind would react if he saw him even vaguely injured.
"I've reached the block, I believe. Just off Third, at the intersection." He looked around. There wasn't an awful lot going on that wasn't perfectly within the norm. for a while, he was going to be going about some kind of life too, looking like he didn't have the full intention to flip the kill switch.
"The crossroads?"
"I'm at a crossroads, yes."
"Which way are you facing?"
"I'm on the corner of Mayberry and Third, that's what's in front of me, at least…"
He could feel the fuse on the locked box of his half-suppressed rage fizzling to a dangerous point. He was getting closer, and that meant that he was getting closer to being able to take this storm of righteous anger out on whoever dared to get in the way. It wasn't called a license to kill for no reason, and it came equipped with all of the repercussions already taken care of. All that meant for him was that he could get away with giving Curt a little bit of justice. It would look like they got in the way of his mission, or that he was pursued… Depending on how well organised it was, and how he executed his arrival.
As the scientist started giving him directions, he took a breath. Not yet. Not yet… Prevalent justice would have to wait for a few minutes, until he was no longer public facing. There was a pistol in the inner pocket of his jacket, he could feel it against his side, with the spare clips sitting on the other side, the exact same reach away from his seemingly eager grasp.
That fuse blew when he was alone, when he was wandering the corridors of the facility, looking for anything that might class as a sign or some kind of pointer towards Curt. Instinct told him to get lower, to find sub-floors and basements that facilities like this wouldn't want exposing to the public eye. Upon descending the sirst flight of stairs, he heard a scream that was clearly a long time in the making. The way it echoed through the corridor made him stop in his tracks, and it was in that exact moment that the box blew open and everything exploded onto the outside.
Red tinged rage flooded his senses. He knew that tone well, though it wasn't so often that he heard him so distressed. Curt was good at keeping face under pressure or interrogation, it was one of the things he definitely gave himself credit for, and one of the things that he definitely deserved to do so for. Owen knew that he was more than capable of giving his adversaries as much shit as they gave to him, and also being so cosmically annoying that they have no choice but to make things harder for him…. It was really one of those situations that could go either way…
Curt— if he was right in trusting his instincts and believing that he'd found him— had broken. That meant that he was injured beyond comprehension, and part of that thought was what tipped him over to the side of unfiltered rage. After that, it was a flash of knowing what needed to be done, and knowing how to do it. His pace quickened, his breath sturdy, his mind focused… Owen was unshakable, and definitely no cause for competition. Those who were unfortunate enough to get in his way found themselves gravely injured at the hands of his aim, even those who thought themselves lucky enough to have escaped him by running down the corridor.
He stopped at nothing and nobody; there was not one obstacle that could get in the way of a man like him, on a mission like this.
It took an apparent maze of corridors before he managed to break open a door that led him directly to the one thing that made this whole thing worth it. Heaving a breath as he scanned the room, he finally— finally— laid eyes on the man who had been inadvertently guiding him towards his location the longer he was in pain.
And he was a mess. Blood poured from his temple down the side of his face, and there was a sizeable gash running his shoulder and tearing the fabric of his shirt. He looked up when the door was thrown open, and his eyes went wide. He tried to fight showing how relieved he was, but it was hard to do that when his face was such an open book, when he was so relieved to see his partner.
Owen made a signal— a sign that all of this would be over in a matter of minutes— and levelled his pistol. One breath, and the man closest to Curt had fallen, a crimson river pouring from his forehead. Another, and the man advancing on him had fallen victim to a couple of sizeable holes to the chest in quick succession. A third, and Owen had stolen a knife from one of the fallen, and he was looking for the best angle to break Curt's ties so they could leave as fast as possible.
The knife didn't make easy work of the thick cord keeping Curt in place, but Owen found a good angle as he crouched closer to the ground, and managed to get Curt free before anyone else found out he was there.
His breath came out shallow, he was clawing at the last scraps of the rage, fighting not to let it subside into concern too early. But, on the other hand, the concern was justified too, because every time his gaze darted over Curt, he saw something else worth noting. Now was not the time to think about that, not until there was a solid guarantee that they could both get out of there safe, and there was a clear window for curt to get back to his agency.
"Can you stand?" He asked, as softly as he could manage it.
Curt nodded initially, but then realised how much he had been overestimating his own abilities, when he actually tried to stand and Owen had to rush to his side to stop him collapsing. Tear tracks stained his cheeks, Owen could see them from this close. It gave just enough of a spark to that slight of fury that he had left, just enough to seep in a deep desire to see this place— and by extension, Michael Jenner— crumble until there was nothing left of it.
"How'd you… How'd you know?" Curt asked, looking up at him as they trailed the corridor Owen had come in through backwards.
"You wouldn't believe this, but Cynthia called me."
"Wait, seriously?"
Owen nodded. "Apparently I can be useful when I want to be."
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luna-rainbow · 9 days
About your reply to the anon about Maria Stark:
I thought it was made clear Hydra covered up the Starks' deaths? Wouldn't it have been undercover Hydra agents who carried out the "invesigation"? Hydra clearly took possession of the tapes, which we see in Civil War, and therefore I assume also performed the autopsies, etc. People like Peggy would have had no idea the organisation was compromised at this stage and would have no reason to have questioned what the people they employed and trusted were telling them.
The thing that doesn't make sense to me is Howard telling Tony he was going to the Pentagon when Shield was based at the Triskelion, which we know from the Antman movies was in use at this time. Especially considering Howard had the serum - surely that was something that should have been in Shield's hands? I wonder if anyone at Shield knew Howard had successfully recreated the serum. We know Tony doesn't know about the existence of Shield or his dad's involvement until Fury tells him, so I wonder if either A) Howard lied about where he was going or B) suspected/knew Shield was compromised and Hydra found out which was why Hydra intercepted him on his way to the Pentagon/Department of Defence.
The thing I really don't understand is why the Soviet sector of Hydra got involved in it at all - why did the tapes end up in Siberia instead of being kept by Shield/Hydra in the US? Why did they use the serum and not the American sector of Hydra? Why did the Soviets have the red book with the code words and not pass it on to the Americans with the Winter Soldier after the Cold War?
This is going on a bit of a tangent now but I've also found it deeply interesting that Vasily Karpov hid himself and the book in Ohio after the Cold War, which is exactly where the North Institute was based (where Alexei Shoshtakov stole Shields/Hydra's work on chemical subjugation with Natasha, Yelena and Melina undercover in 1995). No way is that a coincidence because Melina explicitly mentions the research on the Winter Soldier being used for the project. I wonder if Karpov had any involvement in that Hydra/Shield project, and to what extent. Maybe he wanted a way to control the other Winter Soldiers? Yet I would've thought if he was working with Shield's Hydra after the cold war, he would've handed the code words over and the other supersoldiers in cyrofreeze.
I've spent way too much time thinking about this.
You know how I feel about Peggy and her “ignorance” about Hydra constructing a multimillion dollar tribute to Zola right under her office. Once again, there are only two options: she is either incompetent or she is complicit. I mean — how did Soviet Hydra know Howard was about to transport the super soldier serum with enough advanced notice to wake and prep and send the Winter Soldier all the way from Siberia? This is Howard we’re talking about, one of the highest ranked members in one of the most secretive government organisations in the MCU, delivering a load so secretive he didn’t even engage his own chauffeur. You think he would go around telling everyone about this plan? Or would he…most likely have only told the other person who is at a similar rank as him, aka Madam Margaret Carter?
As for the post-mortems, did Tony not even view her body? This is Tony Stark — I know I have a lot of snark about him on my blog but he is supposed to be one of the more intelligent and STEM-educated persons in the Avengers, who has always had major trust issues and frequently looks down on other people’s competency and insists on doing everything himself. You’re saying he would not think it’s weird that there’s a CCTV right next to the damn car and it would…conveniently be missing footage from around the incident? That a sober Howard would just drive into a tree in a night with good visibility and no other traffic around (assuming Bucky obscured the motorbike’s tyre tracks)? If Bucky didn’t obscure his own tyre tracks, Tony didn’t want to hunt down whose bike that was? What I’m saying is, as I’ve always said, is that the Starks’ deaths were a massive deus ex machina to get the fight between Tony and Steve to turn personal. It wasn’t fair to Tony’s characterisation, because it made it seem like he just rolled over and accepted a very strange circumstance as a straight forward car accident when he’s exactly the type of person who would kick up a stink and question everything. (AU where Tony discovers Shieldra 25 years early?)
The location of Karpov is interesting. If I recall correctly though, the Red Room was only sent to spy on them not to work with them? As for Karpov, it isn’t unusual for branches of agencies to hide important information from each other even in the law enforcement side, so even if Soviet and American branches of Hydra had a collegial relationship I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to keep his 5 frozen Winter Soldiers hidden. And you’re right, maybe he went to Ohio to see if there are better ways to subjugate the soldiers with the intention of bringing it back to Siberia to use it on the decommissioned Winter Soldiers. 
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vampsquerade · 1 year
May I ask for a Price x male reader?
Where the reader goes on a killing spree for some reason and Price has to stop him
And the reader just turns to him and says
❛ i won’t stop killing until you kill me. ❜
of course, thanks so much for requesting some Price from me anon c: i hope you’re okay with the direction i decided to go in. i know some of it doesn’t make sense but…i wanted to try something new with this!
Captain Price x Male!Reader: Chasing a Shadow
Trigger Warnings: angst with a neutral/bad ending, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, graphic descriptions of murder, revenge, personal vendettas, self-righteous mentality and motives, investigative hunting, forewarnings to the story, COD:MW2 (2022) spoilers
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Being a vigilante was never supposed to be an easy thing, you knew that for sure. So when you went undercover and posed as a loyal member of Shadow Company after taking the identity of one operator you were working with in order to get better intel on the situation in regards to Hassan having hold on the missing missiles, it filled you with a gut-wrenching hatred. You hated them, but most importantly you hated the way they handled the situation. Shepherd did nothing but try and cover up the fact that he compromised that operation and got an entire unit killed. But why exactly was it time for you to begin to enact your revenge?
Civilians were going to pay the price; like they always had.
You’d grown tired of Shepherd and Shadow Company and figured that they were to be made responsible for their actions by making sure not a single one of Graves’ men survived. Your rampage began late at night, with you taking out several of the guards that were around. You didn’t care that these Shadow weren’t directly involved in the ambush by Al-Qatala, you just needed to make sure not a single Shadow could neither survive nor be able to continue Shepherd and Graves’ dirty work. At this point, you Task Force 141 was debated on the table but after seeing how well Price and the others had you outnumbered both in guns and strength, you made sure to keep a watchful eye just in case.
See, Price and his task force had been tasked with retrieving the missiles but was completely unaware of what happened all that time ago—despite being getting close to realizing what Shepherd had been hiding. Hell, it was the reason why you were so covered in scars each and every time he asked you about it. Once you were satisfied for the night and all the Shadow in the surrounding area were taken out, you made your way out before any suspicions were raised. You made sure to disguise one of the Shadow as you so they would think you had been killed. The morning came around and Price and the others became increasingly aware of what had happened in the night.
He and everyone else looked around for any answer they could find and once they noticed you had gone missing and not killed, he feared you had been kidnapped by Al-Qatala forces. No important intelligence seemed to be taken, as all you had decided to take was where the stationed Shadow were. All camera footage was checked and it appeared that immediately after a figure clad in all black, whom they couldn’t tell was you, had taken the power out to make it easier to get away with taking out all the Shadow. He personally saw to it that whoever it was, despite not knowing that the perpetrator was you, was caught and apprehended for this.
Days would go by as Price continued to follow you as were targeting Shadow of all ranks, interrogating several that managed to survive your attacks only to be left terrified of speaking out for the sake of their families; several of which even put in a formal request to be discharged. You had recently caught wind from a few that the situation with Hassan was starting to get serious and that the 141 was starting to get a bit too close to discovering how exactly Hassan had gotten his hands on the missiles Shepherd lost. The ones you lost.
There was also talk of Graves taking over the mission once Shepherd deemed it was time to, and that he and several other Shadow were going to apprehend or at the very worst kill Price and the others. You’d say you didn’t care, more focused on getting rid of Shadow Company once and for all, but you did care. Price and the others didn’t deserve to be caught up in the crossfire of Shepherd’s mistake. Shadow Company needed to be taken down as fast as it possibly could.
You saw this as the greater good.
About a month would go by and you would come to be called Lightbearer, as it was believed by the Shadow that you were going to be the one that would force the public to see what Shepherd did and put you through. Price was still hot in your trail and from how close he was, it would’ve been a sweltering heatwave. Tonight, just like many others, you were just about finishing up with all the Shadow in the area. Effectively snapping the neck of the poor Shadow you had a vice grip on, you bid him farewell as his body fell limp.
“What in the hell happened to you?” a familiar voice behind you asked. Startled, you drew your knife and put yourself into a defensive position as you stared at the man that spent a long time looking for his target. Captain John Price had finally found his killer. “What have you been doing this past month? We’ve had several Shadow go AWOL, request to be discharged, and straight up killed. Why are you doing this?” he asked softly, raising his arms to prove his surrender to you. “You’ll understand soon enough. I spent too damn long all that time since the incident to do anything about it.” you say curtly, narrowing your eyes to glare at him. “You need to stop this.” Price says.
You turn away from him, ready to get out of there, only to hear him pull a pistol on you. “Y/N.” Price says, warning in his voice. Not another step is taken forward, as you remain frozen to try and figure out what your next move is. Mind cold, words finally come pouring from your mouth, “I won’t stop killing until you kill me.” you say as you turn just your head to look at him. “But why are you doing this? You’re going to jeopardize our mission entirely.” Price says, holding onto the pistol tighter. “You’ll see soon enough why I’m doing this. I’m getting rid of them so they’re aren’t a lot left trying to kill all of you.” you say. “What do you mean by that? What do you know?” Price asks.
His expression had softened despite the tight grip he had on the pistol, as if trying to get more information out of you. “Like I said, you’ll see soon enough. I’m not the messenger for this. Either Laswell, Shepherd, or Graves will let you know—keep your ears open for the last motherfuckers.” you say, fully breaking into a sprint to the fence in front of you. “Y/N- Wait!” Price yells, holstering his pistol and running after you. It’s too late; by the time he reaches you, you’ve already climbed over the fence and continued sprinting away to continue your killing spree. Hands gripping the fence, Price can only watch you as you run. He doesn’t have the guts to kill someone that got as close to him as you had. You were practically one of his own, forgetting entirely that you were a Shadow.
Price purposefully let you slip through his fingers.
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rnisa · 2 years
Hey! Mind doing headcanons of wammy boys + light (pre death note/au without the death note because that light/kira is dead to me 💀) on what their type of s/o would be? Thank you and have a wonderful day 💝💝💝
Hi there lovely Anon! Yes, I would LOVE to. Let's bury Kira!Light together. Please note that I headcanon every character in the series as bisexual so these are meant to be gender-neutral. However, you can headcanon them however you like, and have fun within your own imagination. The more people who can enjoy my work, the better!
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What Type of S/O Light and the Wammy Boys Could Have - AU where there is no Death Note
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Light Yagami
★ This could definitely just be me projecting, but I can see Light being attracted to someone very different from himself, the "norm", or what you'd expect. He seems relatively bored with his life as a teenager, kind of as if he's maxed out on a video game and everything feels too easy. He's definitely a manwhore and dates around a lot, but hasn't really had a serious relationship. He never had a serious partner throughout school; his dates were just for fun or to pass the time. In university, Light begins to date Kiyomi. Because objectively together...they make sense. They look good together. But Light's interest in her was minimal. Once he realized she was "all or nothing" and Light was losing interest, he split things off amicably pretty fast.
★ I can see Light being drawn to someone...strange and unusual. Honestly, this is going to sound weird but without the Death Note I can definitely see him at least very attracted to her appearance given how she stands out (but in this AU, they never meet.) Light strikes me as the type who would want someone interesting and different from the norm. "Annoyed to Lovers" is very fitting, he'd be annoyed, maybe a bit put-off from someone who is loud and without shame, but he would find these traits endearing over time. You don't need to be a genius but you do need to be intelligent and able to have serious discussions with him. If you can't keep up with him or at least try to (and succeed, he's not the most patient but at the same time he is above average) he won't want you.
★Light is attracted to someone who can challenge him. He's not used to someone who talks back to him really, and at first he finds it annoying but it quickly becomes a turn-on when someone does...of course, that'll only make him want to 'put you in your place' all the more. He's had enough of people who swoon over him and come to him so easily. Someone overly emotional, stubborn, tough and strong would balance him out well. As much as he's turned on by you talking back to him, he would cherish the moments he's able to push you into a more submissive state. He's a brat tamer. There would be arguments, but they are resolved. He does have a thing for a traditional relationship so no matter your gender, he wants you at home, looking cute and sexy when he returns from work for the day.
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L Lawliet
★This might be an unpopular opinion but I can see L as the most versatile one when it comes to his tastes. At the core, L wants someone who is nice, and kind. He's worked on some awful crimes, seen the very worst of people...the poor guy's exhausted. He's also not in any position to be dating around much, and the lack of experience means he does not really have a whole lot to go off of. While he would love the comfort of a partner, he at times thinks he can't possibly have a relationship. In his mind, he can't give most people the average life they want, a "normal" life. To be with L you do need to compromise a lot, and essentially alter your entire way of living to fit into his. This isn't for everybody, and he understands that. ★All this being said, L of course, has standards. But out of every character you've requested for, I can see him being the most open minded, having more types. It's not because he doesn't have many chance to meet people so he'd take what he could get - ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's just that he doesn't have very many preferences due to the lacking of experience. He will be drawn to a warm person, full of life, with a generally positive disposition. I can't really explain it but if there is a natural sort of chemistry there, it will happen. Someone who stays with him and keeps him company, your presence is enough. You couldn't be overtly meek or shy, as a relationship probably wouldn't take off at all. You need to be the one who takes charge and makes the first initial moves.
★ You don't need to be a genius to be with him either, but again, you cannot be shallow and willfully ignorant to the world around you.
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★ Like L, Near would be difficult. It's really hard to say what would be his type.
★ Again, probably me projecting but I can genuinely see Near connecting a lot and having many online friends. He's easily able to mask his online appearance and do things safely under varying pseudonyms. I don't know why I HC Near as a gamer so much, but it's just pretty funny to me. I don't think it's too far fetched but I'm sure that's not for everyone...
★ Going with that headcanon, Near would most definitely be able to socialize in games. I do think he has a circle of friends he regularly games and chats with, when he's not working. Rester and Lidner are very supportive of this since it gives them a break helps to broaden his social skills. In this scenario, Near could become attracted to someone purely for their mind. He wouldn't realize it at first, but slowly he'd talk with a certain someone every day, even when he isn't up for gaming. One day he doesn't hear for you, and he is surprised. You must be busy. Day two, you haven't appeared online. Now he's worried. After day three he's already sad and tries to find a way to ask Rester about this. As smart as he is, Rester definitely figures out that Near loves someone before he does. It's at this point once you finally come back and apologize for being away, "Sorry, life got busy!" , you realize Near's...passive clinginess. Uh oh.
★ I think many people he'd interact with online would mostly find him annoying. But, those who are patient with him and able to take the time to understand him would find that he is just incredibly "sheltered", and, once they got to know him, he would have a strong support circle. He develops feelings for you because you form a bond. You obviously wouldn't have much in common besides gaming, but you are essentially one of Near's gateways to the outside world. Youre watching a new show and tell him about it? Near's already on episode two. You just got Animal Crossing and you're playing it with all your friends? Near buys it, just to have another way to connect with you. You talk, share each others thoughts and feelings. He learns what your dreams are, what you want. He knows a lot about you, but you know very little about him which becomes frustrating to you.
SO it's hard for me to say when it comes to Near, again due to lack of experience. I don't know what his type would be but he has the capacity to form a deeper bond with very few. You need to be patient and persistent.
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Thank God, an easy one.
★ Mello is a bit toxic in my HC? Like he's done some rude shit. He's pretty annoying and you need to be mentally and emotionally strong because there will be plenty of arguments.
★ I think his type is on the surface, a bit superficial. Depending on what you are he's all for big tits/big dick/fat fuckin' ass. He doesn't want someone who traded in their brains for beauty, but he is definitely the most visually inclined here of them all. Mello's type would be someone who can be tough...but not as tough as him. He's definitely more into the high maintenance type, and he's not sure why. He's attracted to those who take care of themselves physically, from looking good to always cleaning up and always dressed nice.
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Beyond Birthday lmao the gif
★ B has a type in my HC: people that are completely put off by him. For some reason, it gets him off when he's able to make someone uncomfortable and confused with his actions. He likes their reactions (usually of disgust). B is more interested in the innocent, naïve, curious type. He is a great actor, and I'd like to think he has plenty of experience. He has little sense of self/is constantly in an identity crisis, so I feel he tries out a "new" personality each time he's interested in someone new. He'd spend time stalking them and finding out what they look for in a partner, and become that, for a short while. He's drawn to interesting and mysterious people, what he thinks "interesting" is essentially anyone who deviates from the norm, in some way. I do think he's one of the more sexually-inclined people in this list, I could see him meeting someone just as uhm...what's a nice word for fucked up... as he is through some kind of online fe tish site, and building a relationship purely based from a BDSM agreement. I could go into detail on another post but I'm going to try to keep this one relatively tame.
If he was genuinely in love, and with the right partner who he's able to open up to and talk with, I do believe he could have gotten help before committing murder. B has a lot of issues to unpack and requires legitimate professional help, therapy, even short-term hospitalization. But I do think there could have been a chance. BUT , there wasn't a chance, and this didn't happen. So B would not divulge the true and honest inner workings of his mind to you. It's unfortunate, but if you date during or after (AU he doesn't attempt to cancel his subscription to life and is never caught, continuing to carry out murders just to fuck with L? Or if he somehow managed to avoid his triple life sentences and get out of prison?) you would essentially be dating a monster in disguise. Literally.
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
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I have a lot to talk about in this scene, boy oh boy. First of all, I love the character implications of Enoch's reaction here. He isn't happy at all at the reveal that Courtney was the one who actually killed Asman. The fact that he gets outright angry at her is so interesting. It reveals just how deeply he desires his revenge, and how emotionally driven his actions are despite his logical thinking. He's able to keep himself from outright confessing for a long time even when it's fairly clear what he's done, because he knows there's no actual proof and he doesn't want to implicate himself. He suppresses his pride again and again, hinging his defense on the pretense that he doesn't understand stuff or made dumb mistakes (his clients' designs, the scene in the graveyard, his claim to be a merely average student). But here, he can't hold himself back. He gets so mad, because in his eyes she has stolen his revenge out from under him, in much the same way she was one of those who helped to steal his future back then. It infuriates him.
And his word choice is super revealing too. He asks if she's been taking him for a fool first. Because that matters hugely to him. He is just fine playing the role of someone who is less intelligent (meaning only average rather than above, he never really tries to act outright dumb) because he knows that he is playing a role. Every time someone believes him about that, it's in the context of him successfully fooling them to get his way, it's him outsmarting them. He still has his Young Scientist award. He never got the formal qualifications or the career he aspired to, but he's always seen that as the fault of others. His own capabilities are something he has faith in. So the fact that not only did his murder plan fail to actually kill his target, but that Sithe has successfully lied to and fooled him makes him utterly furious. He's supposed to be the one who tricks others. He's not supposed to get tricked himself. It spits on his pride in his intellect, the one thing that has never been compromised.
So that's Drebber in isolation.
But I also want to talk about Sithe here. She also snaps, shouting and collapsing on to the podium. For someone usually so cool and collected, this is a big deal. And it confirms that she has a completely different set of priorities. She feels so weighed down, and has for years now. Exactly what went down back then is still unclear, but it's obvious that she has a deep sense of duty that she places even above her own wellbeing. Whether that is the Yard's reputation, her staff, or the secret from so long ago... she tries to keep it covered up and safe as much as she can. She's willing to break the law and even commit murder, and then eventually to admit to varying degrees of doing so, before she is willing to tell the truth. It's clear in this moment that she doesn't enjoy any of this. But she feels like she has to do it. I don't know if her motives are truly big-picture all the way down or if there is some element of coercion much deeper than what Drebber tried on her (something with her daughter, maybe?) but either way it is her duty to someone/something outside herself that dictates all her behavior.
I especially love noticing both of those things about each of them here, because on a more surface level they have a lot in common. They both have a really cool 'cold scientist' aesthetic, they both are very logical and mostly calm, very intellectual about what they say. They both have a scary smile. They share a very similar color pallete, with pale hair and skin, gold accents, black and white as the overwhelming colors in their clothes (just in reverse, with Drebber wearing black with a white tie, and Sithe wearing a white coat with darker clothes underneath). The way they both collapse forward onto their arms when overwhelmed is really similar. And they both do that here! But for very different reasons. Enoch is driven by emotion, by revenge and pride. Sithe is driven by duty, by protectiveness and burdens.
Drebber has a bad reputation but pride in himself, going in to this. Sithe had a good reputation but guilt weighing on her. And in this scene, that reverses at least a little. Drebber's proved correct about the events in the graveyard, and innocent of any actual murder... but he learns that he has been fooled. Sithe's proven to be corrupt and a murderer... but as a result, she no longer has to be responsible for the way things turn out anymore. It's not total in either case - Drebber still tried to kill Asman, and Sithe is still keeping secrets - but it's still super cool.
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tiredassmage · 2 months
actually kind of in a tyr-thoughts era in general and one of my other not yet deeply explored spitball against the wall thoughts is it low-key fascinates me that what sticks about the moniker of cipher nine to him is 'nine.'
i've often seen it interpreted - and for good reason - that cipher is the part that sticks. the (how i tend to read it, anyway) what you were, rather than any sense of who, maybe. and it's not that tyr is entirely without this aspect of it as well. part of why he continues to go by nine well after imperial intelligence is a fading gripe in the back of peoples' throats is because there is always a part of him that will identify as a cipher agent. he will always be what imperial intelligence made him, what he made himself for the sake of imperial intelligence. tyr will take a sense of pride in that organization and his role within with him to the grave, most likely.
and... i was originally thinking of this as separate of my reflection on him and the minister's relationship again [there was agent posting in the tag and i got in my feelings again, okay? naturally], but it... it's kind of a part of that, i guess.
because to say tyr carries a pride of his role kind of requires the foundations upon why he feels that way. when tyr says 'imperial intelligence never betrayed me,' to him, that's true. in his narrative of events, that is something he can say without regret.
because the minister saying to him about the castellans, 'if i hadn't [approved them], you'd be dead' tracks with tyr's understanding of the empire and his personal distaste for the sith. tyr doesn't expect the man to grovel for his forgiveness or waver from the line that it was his duty to obey 1) because that's not the kind of man he knows the minister to be and 2) because tyr doesn't actually expect him to regret it in... the sense that the minister has always looked out for him. has done the best that he can for nine, even if his hands have been bound by circumstance and their positions and their overseers. 'if i hadn't, you'd be dead' is both a conceivably true and possible outcome to tyr's understanding of his role as an imperial and a cipher agent and the double-meaning unsaid of 'your life was valuable enough to compromise to save.'
frankly, i think the minister could've shot tyr himself, if it'd ever come to it, and tyr would still be loyal to him. tyr's faith in what that man will ask of him is that complete, so unshakably of the mind that the minister would never ask something of him that would unduly harm him. he trusts the older man's judgement so completely he'd expect that, whatever the decision would be, it was made with tyr's best interest at its heart, even if they'll never be able to say as much to one another.
and perhaps only a cipher would call that kind of double-meaning woven in between spoken and unspoken words 'honesty' and 'reliability' and 'trust,' but. for the longest time, it was the only kind of authenticity tyr really had available to him. they had a mutual understanding of one another. my interpretation of that relationship is that it really was both ways - tyr would answer every call the old man asked of him because he trusted the minister would never ask anything unduly of him, and the minister was conscious to be careful of what he asked because he knew tyr was loyal. the silas denver melvin 'dead dogs are just happy you're here' kind of loyal.
whatever he asked, tyr - nine - would've reshaped his spine to see it done. simply because of who was asking. simply because the man believed strongly enough in what they were doing, and who he was directly doing it for.
so. that's why nine. because for all that being used that way by their enemies, that being held under by the empire that raised him and a representation of the sis, the republic did to him, nine is just as much on tyr's own hands. nine because tyr needs anyone who will accept him to accept his own commitments to intelligence, to recognize him as complacent - and willing - in his own training. nine because even with his teeth bloodied, tyr hunted the cabal because they nearly - and then did - gut intelligence. nine as the last badge of the people that made him, for better and for worse.
nine because who he is will never perfectly fit their what, because most ciphers don't survive past year five. and he'll never forgive them for taking the place that made him.
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
Chevalier Michel - Sequel Chapter 2 Summary
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. This is a SUMMARY of each chapter. However, some scenes may be translated within a summary of time permits. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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Gilbert leads Chevalier and Emma to their room while rubbing his red wrist, and he comments that even though Chevalier was part of the foreign affairs faction, he pretty much sucks at diplomacy. Gilbert asks Emma what she likes about the cold Chevalier catching her off guard. Gilbert says he's heard how the beauty changed the beast, but he doesn't sense any sort of change from him. Gilbert eggs her on for an answer. She says that he is a LOVING person, that he can compromise, that he treats her kindly and that everyday her life has been filled with happiness.
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Gilbert: You're happy because of Chevalier?
Chevalier: She didn't say that to please me.
Gilbert retorts that “Love is blind”, and that is what she is right now. Saying that though she was Belle and it was her job to see through people, he thinks that she saw only the tip of the iceberg and you have to push someone to their limits to know who they truly are.
Though he is smiling, Emma feels like she just downed poison, and that he has somehow declared war. Chevalier snorts at Gilbert saying he acts like he really know him, and wonders if it's Obsidian's manner of hospitality to meddle? Gilbert laughs it off as them just chatting and not to read too much into it. They are arrive at the guestrooms and he tells them they are free to roam outside of the restricted areas and apologizes for not having servants at the castle, but if they need anything they can call a soldier. Leon and Yves remarks how they noticed no nobles or servants, but all military personnel on the way to the guestrooms.
Chevalier surmises that everyone being dressed as military personnel displaces the use of status within the castle, but it doesn't seem like it would be the Emperor's style. Gilbert laughs and says that he has authority from the Emperor to manage something like the case of the uniforms. Emma wonders if something like this is possible in the royal court? Chevalier reads her mind and says, “If it's Obsidian then it's possible, their ironclad rule is, 'Obey me or die'. Gilbert says that he's good at clean up laughing about it as if it were nothing. Emma can't believe he can smile and say that, but then recalls the bloodstained square they were standing in upon arriving and decides that Gilbert is a beast.
Gilbert: Oh, I have prepared a welcome party for you today. Let me entertain you there.
Gilbert: After you've had a chance to recover from your fatigue, we'll begin our talks the next day.
Achroite, Tanzanite and Ruby. In exchange for the alliance and intelligence of these three countries, Obsidian will provide Rhodolite full military support, and he will even allow them access to prohibited areas and military installations. After no objections from the delegation, Gilbert leaves the room with Yves, Leon, Chevalier and Emma behind. They all start discussing Obsidian's intentions and Yves is all like, “So, what's this welcome all about, they want to fight us?”
Emma says she thought Obsidian wanted to get along with the other countries now (My god girl, get with the program already.) Anyways, Chevalier says that Obsidian's version of getting along is: Obey or Perish. In the meantime, Leon suggests that they each go to their rooms and as Emma is about to leave, Chevalier stops her by grabbing her waist and tells her to stay here since it's the safest place in enemy territory, so she stays. Leon says, “ I always thought it was oddly itchy to see this sort of thing from Chevalier....”, and Yves agrees.
He coldly tells them to leave his room and they remark on the difference in attitude with them and her. Emma recalls their engagement ceremony as she feel the ring on her finger inlaid with diamonds and a rose at the base. Then her mind flashes to a darkened face.....dressed in all kinds of jangly gold jewelry and sparkly purple over the top robes (GEEZ I WONDER WHO THIS COULD BE???).
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That One Guy: Just because you're happy now, doesn't mean it'll last forever.
That One Guy: Just a little misstep and love becomes a curse, turning you into a beast.
Emma tells herself: It's all in my head. It's all in my head. Soon, they get ready for the party and she can't tie her hair, so Chevalier does it for her. He tells her if she is too nervous then she won't be able to do the things that she needs to. He tells her not to be so worried and then he places his pin – his royal tiger crest on her dress -marking her that she belongs to him. He tells her to keep it on as it will make her feel better.
He tells her to keep her head up just as she always has and that he isn't so far gone that he'll let the worldwide disaster get the better of him. She turns around and kisses him on the cheek and his eyes soften more and more. Roderic leads the delegation to the party in the eerily quiet castle, and they are shown into a beautiful starry room. Gilbert appears saying he's been waiting for them, and surrounding him are many men and women not in military ware, but formal attire and Emma feels like something is off. She looks at them and notices that none of them are showing any sort of emotion.
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Gilbert: We've been waiting for you, Rhodolitian's.
Chevalier: Is this what you call a welcome in your country?
Gilbert: Oh, sorry? You don't like it? Shall I kill them all?
Chevalier: That's unnecessary.
Gilbert: Really? Then that's good.
Come to find out, everyone invited to the party is someone who has been affected by Chevalier's merciless acts of the past.......(Oyyy, Gil.) So, the tension Emma is feeling is malice. Gilbert mentions to Emma that to her Chevalier is a kind, handsome, loving man, but not to others.
Chevalier: ........
Gilbert: Shall we start by eliminating the grudge to build a cooperative relationship, Chevalier?
Normal Story:
Chevalier is a kindhearted person, but it's also true that he has a history of being a “cruel and merciless beast”….
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As Belle, she saw Chevalier swing his sword to both defend his country and to take lives. Belle reasons, that with the situation they are in right now, the only thing she can do as his fiancée is not turn and runaway. Gilbert mentions that the air is now heavy and that he would have music played by the performers, but the music isn't uplifting at all, instead its layer upon layer of heavy notes. (Well, look at who arranged the party: THE KING OF DRAMA.) Gilbert tells them that they've prepared a buffet and that all the food is safe to eat...........Well, turns out it was true because some of the guests started to eat and were fine.
Emma decides it would be rude not to partake of the food as Obsidian suffers from food shortages and they are there to build relationships, so she says that she will have something to eat. Chevalier stares at her in amazement and says that he was thinking about just how gutsy she is, and as he laughs the glares intensify, which cause her hands to shake. Upon passing a plate to him, he takes her hand and tells her that she no reason to feel embarrassed or guilty, she hasn't done nothing wrong. He says he has done nothing wrong either as it's his role and duty to protect his country. Emma asks if she can make rounds and say hello to the other guests as she wants to find out who specifically is hostile and who may be willing to become and ally. He says that she should give up on the latter as they've been swayed by “Eye patch.” Still, he admits that it's never a bad idea to gather information, so he says, “Suit yourself”.
Gilbert who was observing from nearby was smiling constantly. After the welcome party, they return to their room, and Emma apologizes to Chevalier, for what happened at the party. She tried to greet the others, but essentially failed because of their heavy murderous intent towards Chevalier. Basically, he comforts and reassures her in his classic Chevalier style of forward pokes and mix of firm, but sweet words. He doesn’t regret bringing her at all.
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scavengerssuccotash · 5 months
How was Natasha welcomed to SHIELD when she first defected? Did Clint get a lot of flak for making the choice to bring her in?
Mentioned some of this in a past ask, but I’ll elaborate further on my headcanons! Thanks for asking!
Natasha wasn’t very welcomed into SHIELD at first, she was largely met with heavy speculation and trepidation. This was bolstered by her preceeding reputation as a Widow but also with the worry that she could be a Dangle, double Agent or Sleeper Agent. Both of which are not an uncommon in the intelligence field. (Some recent examples in history: Robert Hanssen, Earl Edwin Pinns and Operation Ghost Stories to name a few!) SHIELD was absolutely buzzing in the months after her defection, and both her and Clint’s name were inside everyone’s mouth. Of course once SHIELD cleared her of any dubious intentions she was allowed to be released but on a very short leash. I imagine Director Fury and Agent Coulson would’ve had her apartment (or dorm) bugged and have her trailed for a couple of months as well so she really didn’t get any sense of privacy until she really proved herself. Before Black Widow I think the general consensus was that Budapest was the mission that Clint sparred her life and brought her in but since its release I don’t think the timeline fits since we have Clint working with her in Budapest to plant the bombs for Dreykov. So, unsure if exactly when and how he managed to bring her in. For now I think Budapest was a mission that happened after her defection. (With all that said I suppose the Budapest could still be the mission where he sparred her life and bargained Dreykov’s life for her own. I could see that happening but I like my headcanon better.)
As for Clint! Well…
I think it’s important to appreciate the weight of his decision in sparring Natasha’s life for a second.
He literally betrayed a direct order and in doing so could have (if Natasha had dubious motives) compromised the entirety of SHIELD. The man committed what one could argue, and some most certainly did, treason. At the very least his ass was in hot fucking water for sure! Clint Barton without a doubt had to shovel as much shit as he could to get back into SHIELD’s good graces. He most certainly was put on probation and spent a good year or two on a very short leash. I do like the headcanon that SHIELD set them up as partners so Clint could effectively lie in the bed that he made. His act while selfless and ultimately for the benefit of SHIELD, Fury, Avengers, and Natasha herself cost him a lot in terms of respect and social credit that he carved out for himself at SHIELD. (Which puts what he was forced to do under Loki’s control in an even more perilous light.) There is a deleted scene in the Avengers that I really love because it sort of alludes to this when Hill and Fury are discussing Agent Barton with The Council that I desperately wished they could’ve included. Regardless of the possible barter of Natasha’s kill order for that of Dreykov’s life I think it’s important to understand that one doesn’t simply disregard such a blantant order (like, just think about all the effort, data, intelligence, possible lives, that it would’ve taken to even figure out Natasha’s location much less to make the kill shot) without some kind of repercussion.
With all that said I think it’s such a wonderful nod Clint’s character, and the bond between Clint and Nat, that he was more than willing to accept whatever consequences because she simply “needed out.”
If that is not a selfless move I don’t know what is.
If that is not love, I don’t know what is.
If that is not the character of a hero, then I don’t know what is.
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Anyway, I hope this answers your question! Thank you again for asking. My ask box is always open
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ericac318 · 1 year
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Taking a Chance
Dr. Rae Anderson is a Physical Therapist at Chicago Med and her life gets turned upside down by the presence of Sergeant Hank Voight in her ED. Is a romance with the gruff leader of the Intelligence Unit wise? Rae is about to find out. Voight x OC
Follow here for updates: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47338660/chapters/119282974
Chapter 1
“Dr. Anderson,” Maggie called out to get Rae’s attention, “I’ve got someone for you to check out. Be warned, he won’t want you around, but he needs to be looked at.”
Rae rolled her eyes, “Sure, sounds fun. Point me in the right direction,” she replied.
Maggie pointed at bay 6 causing Rae to nod.
Once Rae drew back the curtain, she knew what Maggie meant, “Sergeant Hank Voight, now I see what Maggie meant. You have quite the reputation. I’m Dr. Rae Anderson, a Physical Therapist. I’m going to check on your range of motion after your shoulder injury. Are you alright with that?” she asked.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice,” Voight replied, his gravelly voice showing his annoyance.
She glanced down to hide her smile as she reached out and grasped her forearm, “Ok, I’m going to rotate your arm. Tell me if anything causes pain, ok?”
“Understood,” he responded as he attempted to hide a wince while she moved his arm toward the ceiling.
She continued rotating his shoulder until she released her hold of his arm, noticing the possible blush on his cheeks from her touch before she spoke, “It looks like the injury is only compromising a small amount of your range of motion. I’d recommend that you come back two to three times a week to work on it with me, but I know better. Can you, at least, attempt to take it easy on this arm? I know you’re planning to head straight back to the streets.”
Voight held back a smirk as he replied, nodding, “I’ll do my best but I can’t make any promises. Will you be here to help me out if I don’t let this heal correctly?” he inquired, unsure of his true motivations.
Rae nodded, “I will, but I hope that I only see you again on a non-injury-related basis. You’re clear to go. But, listen to what I said, please,” she added as she exited the room wondering if he’d felt the same spark she’d noticed during their short interaction.
A week later, the ED was having a slow day so Rae decided to talk to Maggie about the police officer she’d been thinking about.
“Hey Mags,” Rae called out, “Do you have a minute?”
Maggie glanced her way, “Of course, what’s on your mind?”
Rae looked away for a moment, gathering her nerve, “I just wanted to find out what you know about Voight. Is he seeing anyone? Is he even interested in that sort of thing? I haven’t been able to get him off my mind since the day he was in here,” she confessed.
Maggie’s eyes lit up at Rae’s inquiry, “I love this! Voight’s wife died a few years ago from cancer. As far as I know, he hasn’t dated anyone or even had a fling since. I think you’d be really good for him. You should know that he’s not one to ask someone out. You’ll probably have to make the first move,” she suggested.
Rae shrugged at the information, “I’m surprised that he isn’t the type of guy to make a move. He seems like someone who knows what he wants.”
“He is, but he’s also someone who has lost a lot in his personal life so he stays pretty glued to his work,” Maggie shared.
Rae nodded, “That makes sense. I guess I’ll ask him out if I see him again. I’m ninety-nine percent sure that shoulder wound will bring him back in,” she went on, lost in her own thoughts, causing Maggie to nod in agreement.
Another week passed when Rae was walking through the ED before she spotted Voight in a bay with Will.
She made her way into the area, “Dr. Halstead, what brings the Sergeant back in today?” she asked, to make her presence known.
Will looked up to see Rae in the room, “Dr. Anderson, he broke the stitches on his shoulder injury. Did you need to evaluate him? We’re keeping this visit off the books if you know what I mean?”
“I do and I would like to take a look once you’re finished,” she replied as she stepped to the side to wait for her turn.
Will nodded before he continued stitching up the wound. Once he was finished, he stepped aside to leave the room while also leaving Voight and Rae alone.
“You didn’t follow my advice very well, did you?” Rae inquired as she grasped his forearm in her hands as she’d done previously.
Voight shook his head, “It wasn’t for lack of trying. I’ve been working some pretty serious drug cases and things just got out of hand,” he explained.
She nodded, “Well, it doesn’t look like you’ve done any additional damage but you really need to take it easier this time around. I’m sure you don’t want to lose function in your arm?”
“No, I need it to do my job. I will try better. If that’s all, I’d like to get out of here and back to my case,” he replied, avoiding eye contact with her.
Rae took a breath before she answered, “You’re cleared to go, but I do have an additional question. How would you feel about grabbing dinner with me tonight?” she asked, closing her eyes as she realized how she’d put herself out there with zero safety net.
Voight glanced down, hiding his smile, but his crow’s feet gave him away, “I’m not sure I’m the kind of guy you want to date. But, if you’re not worried about the risk then I’ll pick you back up here at 7. Will your shift be over by then?”
“I will,” she replied, “See you then,” she added as she stood and left the exam room.
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