#it's so disturbing in like a unique way to me
taylorshope · 6 months
No other game has made me feel the way Until Dawn did the first time I saw it
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therealslimstrider · 9 months
Furries willing to go through monumentous effort just to recreate their hyperspecific fetish in Minecraft are some of the most interesting people you'll ever meet and I would argue the backbone of society.
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
Sanemi losing what is left of his patience when you get injured by a demon
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Pairing: Sanemi x wife!reader
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis: Despite the fact that your husband is the opposite of your quiet and kind self, you love him dearly while Sanemi treasures you in a purely unique way. But even though you learned to love his rough side the way it is, you can't stop tears from falling when your husband loses it after you get injured by a demon
Warning: this is THE angst to fluff y'all, Sanemi is a rough but soft boi I'm so weak for him in this fic omgomgomg, been listeing to again by noah cyrus and lana del rey while writing this, injury + angst + near death experience
this might be my favorite sanemi fic coming from my own hands so PLEASE if you feel the same, I'm super thankful for a lil like, comment or even reblog. THANK YOU SO MUCH 🤍
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Oh, it was never easy, being the wife to none other than the wind hashira. When you’re quiet he’s noisy, when you’re put together he’s all over the place, while you act loving and kind Sanemi shows his devilish side.
But there was not once a day that made you second-guess your decision, not a single moment that made you feel something apart from deep affection for that man. It doesn’t matter that you are the opposite of him in each and every sense. He’s yours. And you’ll forever be his.
Your oh so sweet voice echoes like a well-composed melody through his ears, makes him forget the wave of anger that washed over him earlier. Just seeing you standing there in the yukata he gifted you years ago while holding a dish with ohagi in your hands allows him to forget all the shit that happened for a brief second.
“Didn’t I tell you that you aren’t allowed to overwork yourself?”, he grumbles before sitting down opposite of you.
You look as good as always with your hair well-brushed and kind eyes lit by the down-going sun. What would his life look like if it didn’t contain of coming home to you? You, his only ray of sunshine. You, the only one who’s able to calm his temper down. Just you, his beloved wife. Who would have thought that out of all hashira, he’d be the one who treasures his wife the most?
“It’s not me who is overworked, but you. Did you get bruised again?”, you question with your melodic voice.
“Nah, I’m fine.”
“Will you stay home tonight?”
“I definitely hope so. If that crow disturbs my sleep again…”
“You have an important roll to fulfil, as a hashira-“
“’It’s my honor to bring peace to those who aren’t able to look out for themselves.’ Yeah, I already know.”
In contrary to his harsh tone, his fingertips caress your cheek gently while his eyes soften in an instant. It was hard, learning how to read him. When you first met, it was not uncommon that you broke out in tears after he talked to you like that. But now, after 4 years of getting to know him, you never lose your kind smile.
“How was your day?”, he continues.
With a swift motion, he pulls you between his legs and presses your head against his bare chest while his strong arms keep you in place. This are the moments that make your life worth living. Just you and your husband, arm in arm, watching the sunset in nothing but peace and silence.
“I enjoyed the nice weather while taking care of the garden. The tulips look exceptionally beautiful this season.”
“They’ll never be as beautiful as you, though”, he replies with low voice.
If life could stay like that. Oh, what you’d give to never let go of him again…
-later that night-
“Wind pillar, wind pillar! An emergency occurred! Countless demons were spotted nearby! The demon slayer corps need your assistance-“
“Can you just shut the fuck up”, Sanemi mumbles while pulling you closer sleep-drunken.
Immediately, you are wide awake. Nearby demons?
“Sanemi, you need to get up. What if someone gets injured?”, you whisper into the dark night.
“So what?”
You stare at him through the veil of darkness, not daring to say another word. He will get up eventually. He always does.
“Urgh, fine…Time to kill some demons, then”, he finally grumbles and drags himself away from you in order to put on his uniform.
“You stay here until I get back. Even if our estate is build pretty safe and I’ll rip off the heads of the demons around first, I don’t want you to be out there on your own. Got it?”, he instructs you before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead like he always does.
“I will. Please be careful and watch out for yourself”, you whimper.
It’s a challenge to let go of him each and every night he is forced to leave. He might be a hashira, but what if he doesn’t return by sunrise some day? What if he meets an upper-ranked demon unexpectedly? Just when he’s about to leave, you grab his hand one last time.
“And don’t act reckless”, you add.
No matter how much it hurts to let go of his hand, you know you have no other choice. This is the life you chose, the price you have to pay in order to call that wonderful man your beloved husband.
“I can never promise you that”, he replies before leaving you alone in the now cold and awkwardly dark room.
Everything will turn out alright. It just has to…
You don’t know how long you’ve been awake already. Minutes? Hours? All you’re able to do is stare at the ceiling above, ears perking up with every minor movement of the trees outside. Surely, Sanemi will return soon. Being the skilled fighter he is, it normally takes him at most two hours until he returns with his sheets still a little warm. But aren’t those two hours over already?
Another noise outside catches your attention. Is it a tree again? You furrow your eyebrows, immediately sitting up straight while staring outside the window. No, this almost sounds like the whimpers of a child. A child outside at this hour?
You swallow hard. A child outside when there are demons reported around this area?
“P-please, someone help me! I-I’m so s-scared!”
Your heart drops to the floor. There is no doubt in the fact that this has to be a child. Your mind starts racing back and forth. It would be absolutely unacceptable to leave that poor soul out on its own, especially when you can’t know if the area is really free of demons. But on the other hand…You bite your lip when your husband’s words replay themselves in your head.
“No matter what happens when I’m gone. Don’t. Go. Out. On. Your. Own. At. Night. Need me to spell it, (y/n)? Never ever, not in a million years. Got it?”
Not under any circumstances. Your husband made that very clear countless times. But does that include a helpless child outside your estate in the middle of the night? You aren’t a fighter like Sanemi is, even refused to keep an emergency katana in the house just in case. There is no way you could harm a single soul, not even a demon. Leaving a child outside in the middle of the night…isn’t that just as unforgivable?
Sanemi said that he’ll take care of the demons around first. That means you’re safe, right? But even if that poor child doesn’t face danger in the form of a demon, it will certainly freeze with that cold breeze rushing over the land these days.
“P-please, is someone there? I’m s-so tired and s-so cold…I…I can’t walk anymore…”
Your heart aches with every word. No matter how much value the promise you made towards your husband holds in your heart, you simply can’t stand the thought of ignoring an innocent little child that needs your help.
“Why are you out there all on your own, where are your parents?”, you shout into the darkness of your home while making your way to the door.
Is it really okay, breaking the promise you’ve made like that? You grab the handle of the door tightly. This might be the only time you’re actually useful. Without any skills apart from cooking, you can only watch from the side-lines how the demon slayer corps save the world. Maybe this is your chance to do a little something as well, your chance to actually be helpful.
You swing your door open while holding your breath.
“Where are you? Let’s get you inside and grab a warm tea, okay? You must be freezing”, you speak out gently, eyes scanning the garden for the little figure.
“I’m right here!”, the innocent voice cries out to your right.
Instantly, you pick up your pace and sprint towards the tiny figure lying in the grass. Oh no, you can’t imagine what this little child has been through, how it even got here. Did it get lost in the woods and failed to return before the night came? You’ll have to prepare a guestroom right away, just after inviting this little one in-
“Foolish woman.”
Time stands still, your glossy orbs starts to tremble when the tiny figure in front of you starts to build itself up, grows taller and taller until it surpasses your own height by multiple inches. This…this isn’t a child.
Your eyes widen in sheer horror, blood rushing through your ears so violently that you feel like fainting any given minute after it strucks you like lighting.
You were tricked by a demon. After Sanemi warned you over and over, you fell for the lousy trick of a demon. Out of instinct you start stumbling backwards, glossy eyes darted towards the horrific creature with bright red eyes and fangs bigger than your own head.
“I waited patiently until that demon slayer was gone. A young and beautiful woman like you sure tastes nice. Now that I’m seeing you fully, you were definitely worth the wait. I’m sure your flesh tastes excellent.”
Your blood freezes in your veins. Is this really how your life will come to an end? Because you didn’t listen to your husband, because you wanted to be somehow useful? How will Sanemi react, finding out that you were killed? Suddenly your legs threaten to give in and force you to come to a stand. It’s not like you’d be able to defend yourself in any kind of way when all you ever did was taking care of Sanemi and your imaginary perfect life.
A perfect life, ruined by one night of carelessness.
His face flashes in front of your inner eyes, the kind smile he always wore when he didn’t know you were watching. Despite the flaws others see in him, his hot temper and the way he treats his little brother, you are head over heels for him. Your husband, your everything, your Sanemi. A perfect little marriage, ruined by you.
“Don’t”, you hush into the night like the fool you’re are.
“How much I love hearing you little women beg not to get killed. Music in my ears!”
He dashes towards, ready to slice your throat open single-handed. Out of instinct, you let yourself fall backwards into the wet grass, watching how his claws brush over your forehead with enough force to discolour your vision red.
“Nice moves. You seem really healthy. That’s actually even better”, the demon purrs.
This is it. Your final moment on this earth, killed through the hands of a demon in your own well-groomed garden. You never imagined it all to go down like this, not when you’re still so young and full of love.
You didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye, to tell Sanemi one final time how much you adore him and that you’ll love him through everything. Will he be okay? The man who lost almost everything, who has to live with a burden heavier than earth itself balanced on his strong shoulders. This…this will break him even more.
“Any last words?”, the demon jeers at you.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat. No, there is nothing this creature deserves to hear from you, not even a single scream will escape your lips. You rest your lids, picture his oh so gorgeous face in front of your inner eye. If you only had more time, if you only listened. Your beloved marriage, vanishing in thin air.
“I’m sorry Sanemi. I’m so so sorry…”
When will it be over?
“Touch her and you’ll die.”
What...No, this is impossible, you have to be dreaming-
“Or nah, you’ll die anyway.”
 The urge to open your eyes again becomes unbearable.
Your heart skips a beat. Instead of getting greeted by the claws of the demon, you’re able to read it very clearly.
This back, so familiar broad…
“Didn’t I tell you to stay inside the house?”, he barks over his shoulder.
It happens faster than your eyes are able to follow. One high jump, one slash of his sword and the demon’s head falls onto the soft grass in front of you. Immediately, you are surrounded by dust rising towards the moon.
“What were you even thinking?”
Before you’re even able to feel relieved your husband storms towards you, not a single spark of affection gleaming in his furious eyes.
“You promised over and over”, he screams on top of his lungs.
“And you fucking lied into my face!”
Roughly, he grabs your Yukata with both hands and yanks your throbbing figure towards him.
“I’m so-“
“Is all of this a joke to you? Don’t you trust your husband enough to do as you’re told!? You’ve had this one job, that one fucking job to stay inside the house!”
“Sanemi, I-“
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? Did you really want to die right here?”
You breathe his name into the night with strangled voice, tears now streaming down your face like a waterfall. You made a reckless mistake, but none of this happened because you wanted to hurt him. His words, his furious gaze, his hardened eyes so venomous that you have to look away dig themselves like knives into your already fragile heart and simply take your breath away. Out of all feelings, your husband is livid at you.
“I…I’m sorry”, you finally press out.
“You could have died, (y/n). You know that?”
He pulls you towards himself even harder, his hands fisting the fabric of your yukata so tightly that you fear he might rip it.
“You could have died and I couldn’t have done a single fucking thing. Losing you…Fuck!”
He yanks your chin upwards with one hand, forces you to look at him through your wet lashes. But you aren’t greeted by his stone-cold glare. No, are those…tears shimmering in his orbs? What’s left of your heart breaks in an instant.
“I can’t lose you. Not you, not the love of my life. Not another loved one. I couldn’t fucking stand this shitty world without you by my side. How many times did I tell you to stay inside the house when I’m gone at night?”, he screams at you.
“I-I’m sorry”, you hush through shaky lips.
“You’re my everything. Fuck, I love you so much…Losing you like that…”
The next second you find yourself devoured in his strong arms, holding you pressed against his chest so tightly that you can feel his heart pounding.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again, (y/n). Never”, he mutters into your hair while caressing your bloody hair.
“I’m sorry”, you mumble again.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Are you hurt? You’re bleeding, goddamn. Let’s get you inside, this needs to get stitched up.”
You don’t dare to contradict, allowing him to carry you back into safety with your arms cramped around his neck.
You’re safe. Sanemi is absolutely furious with you, but the worry in his eyes, the gleam…You bury your head inside his uniform, desperately trying to escape your own foolishness. None of this would have happened if you just stayed inside like he told you. If you were smart enough…
“How did he get you outside?”, Sanemi finally breaks the silence while cleaning your wound.
“He played a scared and lost child”, you mumble.
“Huh, what I thought. You’d never break a promise over nothing”, Sanemi replies, his voice a little softer than before.
“I know you tried to help, but never to shit like that again. When I saw you lying there and your blood on the grass, I almost died. You’re my everything, my wife. I can’t lose you because of a demon, you hear me? I was so damn worried about you…”
“I just wanted to do something…useful…”
“Useful? Are you too dumb to see how useful you are?”, he bites back.
Sanemi stops barking at you immediately after seeing how glossy your eyes turn all over again. No matter how fucking mad he is right now, he can’t hurt you any further. It’s clear you acted out of the right motives, he shouldn’t scream at you like that. Especially since you almost died tonight. Not his wife, not when you’re everything he has.
“I treasure you more than everything else in this world. You’re the reason I’m still believing there’s something good left here. Don’t you dare to risk your important life like that again, got it?”, he gently continues before caressing your cheek the way you love so much.
“I never wanted to cause you this much trouble. I…I was acting dumb…”, you mutter, intertwining your fingers with his.
“We’re all a little dumb from time to time, yeah? Let’s go back to sleep, that was more than enough for one night.”
You don’t hesitate when he pulls you along into the oh so inviting sheets. With him by your side, they definitely feel way more inviting. With him by your side, you don’t have to fear a single nightmare haunting you down this frightful night.
“At least I’m having an excuse now for a day off tomorrow. I love you, (y/n). So so much”, Sanemi mumbles into your hair, holding you so comforting against his chest that sleep washes over you almost immediately.
“I love you too, Sanemi…”
There is no doubt in the fact that Sanemi held you even closer each and every night after almost losing you through the hands of a demon.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls (your fic will be next) @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @skeleton-the-gangser (reader isn't pregnant in that one, but the vibe is the same as with the Yoriichi fic you enjoyed)
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headspace-hotel · 11 months
My opinions on invasive species are so complicated that no matter what opinion you have about them I will want to argue.
If you say "invasive species are a constructed category and not inherently evil" you unlock the part of me that rages about the impact of Bradford pears and honeysuckle bushes on my ecosystem.
If you say "Invasive species are bad and we have to get rid of them" you unlock the part of me that has a glowing admiration for Nature's ability to adapt and survive.
I don't really agree with "a species transported outside of its native environment is changing the ecosystem and that's bad" as a principle, because nature is constantly changing and there is no original unspoiled state of the ecosystem. However I don't trust this argument coming from somebody that hasn't spent hours and hours pulling wintercreeper or seen a forest understory sterilized by bush honeysuckle.
Oftentimes I believe that invasive species take over because a keystone species has been removed from the ecosystem. For example my hypothesis is that the destruction of the Canebrakes in the Southeastern USA made the region vulnerable to invasion.
I also think that the way the ecosystem is interacted with and managed by humans causes invasive species to invade
However ultimately I think each species and each individual region of Earth is its own unique case.
Kudzu for example is a food and fiber plant used and cultivated since ancient times in China. It is a mutualistic symbiont with humans, with both of our species strongly contributing to the survival and thriving of the other. Kudzu must be controlled by harvest and use by humans; since using it for food, medicine, and clothes has declined, it has begun to show invasive behavior IN CHINA, WHERE IT IS NATIVE
Dandelion is a weed that is mostly confined to ecosystems very heavily disturbed by humans, and it has strongly positive effects on those ecosystems. It is also a mutualistic symbiont with humans.
Amur honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii is an incredibly virulent invasive species in Southeastern USA forests, virtually destroying all other plant biodiversity in the understory where it grows. The cause of this is pretty simple, Arundinaria gigantea a keystone species was removed, and regular controlled burns were stopped when Native Americans were forced off their land. Thus there was a niche left gaping wide open in the ecosystem.
A. gigantea (river cane), our native bamboo, has the property of forming ridiculously dense clonal colonies in damp lowland areas. The Southeastern USA invasives that are majorly problematic seem to have similar habits. A. gigantea is also disturbance dependent, particularly loving fire, but these days you mostly find it in vacant lots and along fence rows. Similarly most of our invasives need a moderate disturbance level to take over. The trouble is that A. gigantea is nearly wiped out through much of its range, and rarely reproduces sexually, so it can't spread like the invasives can.
Each plant has to be understood as its own unique living creature with its own way.
I desperately want to learn about Pyrus calleryana in its native habitat and learn the ways of this plant, as I don't understand it yet...
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xshines · 8 months
modern!mizu x reader
eternal love
tags: just mizu being a big soft gf:(
this is my first work here, dont eat me pls<\3
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"How do I look?" you asked, spinning around slowly, as you checked yourself in the mirror before turning to Mizu. Your eyes twinkled with mischief as you noticed her gaze lingering on your rear end.
The two of you had already been in a relationship together for almost a year now. To celebrate your anniversary, you both decided to fly to Japan for a trip.
Your question clearly broke her out of her trance. "You look great." she muttered, looking your outfit up and down. Then she walked up to you, keeping her hand on your waist, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's go." her hand went from your waist to your hand, pulling you behind her. Your heart racing with excitement, allowing Mizu to lead the way out of the hotel room and down the stairs, hand in hand.
As Mizu navigated you through the hotel lobby, heads turned their way, drawn by their youthful energy and evident chemistry. Both of you didn't seem to notice or care about the attention, lost in your own world as you embarked on your day together.
As you two walked along the street, your eyes caught the stalls with colorful items. You let go of Mizu's hand and walked over to the stand with small glass animal figurines. They were the size of your little finger but were very colorful and detailed which made them unique. Mizu followed you like a lost puppy, her curiosity piqued by your sudden interest. She glanced at the little figurines and let out a soft gasp of admiration. "They're beautiful." she commented, reaching out to touch one of them with a fingertip.
The seller looked up from cleaning another figurine, his eyes lighting up when he saw Mizu. "Ah! A fellow collector!" he said excitedly. "Which ones catch your eye?"
You looked at the seller and then at Mizu, waiting to see how she would get out of this situation. Seeing her confused look, you giggled quietly and you tried to direct her with your eyes to a small figurine of two sleeping cats, cuddled together. Mizu raised her eyebrows, looking at you and then looking at the figurines. Finally her eyes landed on the adorable pair of cats and she couldn't help but smile softly. "These are adorable."
"Ah, true love!" the seller laughed heartily, his wrinkled face lighting up with delight, as he saw the tension between you two. "These two are called Eternal Love, they symbolize everlasting companionship and passion shared between two souls. They would make perfect gifts for someone special, wouldn't they?"
Mizu turned to you, her cheeks a slight shade of pink in embarrassment. She squeezed your hand, the corner of her mouth curling into a mischievous smirk. "Thank you, we'll take them." she said quickly, trying to distract herself from seller's suggestive comment.
She accepted the figurine gratefully, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of crimson. She managed to stammer out before turning to you, rolling her eyes playfully. "You're such a flirt." You giggled at her reaction. You knew very well that Mizu wasn't a big fan of being clingy in public so you decided to tease her a little and disturb her balance even more. "You're blushing so hard right now. You know?"
Mizu huffed lightly, trying to hide her amusement. She elbowed you lightly in the ribs as you continued to stroll through the market. "I'm not blushing." she lied, although it was clear from her flushed face that she was still embarrassed by their exchange with the seller.
"Yeah, of course not. You never blush." you said jokingly, just looking at her from time to time with large smirk on your face.
Mizu playfully punched your arm, but beneath her teasing exterior, there was a hint of happiness at being teased by you. She wrapped her arm around your waist, gently pushing you forward. "Alright, alright, enough with the teasing." she said, steering you towards another stall selling colorful handmade scarves and shawls.
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recreationalfanfics · 1 month
Twisted Wonderland x Lab Rats Crossover HCs
The world's first bionic superhumans.
They're stronger than us. Faster. Smarter.
The next generation of the human race is-
Because I'm hyperfixtaited and love making crossovers, I've decided to make a crossover where YOU can choose which Davenport sibling you want to be and what dorm you'd be sorted in and what your life would be like as a bionic human in Twisted Wonderland. The reader will be using gender neutral pronouns but if I overlooked some please let me know!
Feel free to send in asks or questions about this AU!
Before We Get Started:
- Ace and Deuce are still your very first besties and are the ones who meet you first.
- Grim is your precious kitty and still calls you his bionic henchuman and definetly uses you to get out of situations he got himself stuck in.
- I'm sorry but Crowley is so Donald Davenport coded so you're not as surprised or annoyed by his narcissistic tendencies.
- You've been here at NRC for a while, as a result, Ignihyde managed to build you a bionic recharge chamber in Ramshackle.
- I haven't finished book 7 yet so pls keep that in mind.
- I'm rewatching the show currently but I'm not following any specific timeline.
Adam Davenport! Reader:
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- The thembo of your siblings and now, of NRC.
- Okay, but imagine that you see your little brother, Leo, in Ace and Deuce. Ace obviously reminding you of Leo's more mischievous and clever side and Deuce reminding you of his more well-natured and clumsy side. As for Grim, HE'S LIKE THE PET YOU NEVER GOT TO HAVE.
- The fact that you're living at a school is your worst nightmare though. Trien and Crewel have you absolutely stressed😭 During studying sessions, Ace and Deuce get somewhat annoyed with you but they do know it doesn't come easy so they help you study by explaining it to you the same way they would to a five year old.
- But, thanks to your awesome durability that you keep hidden from teachers, if you guys ever feel unprepared for a test then you just casually fall down the stairs and Ace and Deuce act all worried for your safety and BRAVELY volunteer to skip class. However, you kept using it as an excuse a bit too often much to Ace and Deuce's dismay so they eventually caught on.
- You are the BANE of Riddle's existence, you have no regard for the rules AND you aren't able to be collared. Much like how it is with Floyd, Riddle openly despises you but unlike Floyd, YOU DON'T CATCH ON THAT HE DISLIKES YOU. Which makes him feel guilty and puts him at an impasse.
- Since Riddle's collars only work on people with magic, imagine that you can just rip it off with your bionic strength. When Riddle first used his unique magic on you, Ace and Deuce were in ramshackle when you walked in with one of the collars on.
You: "Haha, guys, check out this dope friendship necklace Riddle gave me! I'm gonna take it off and put it somewhere safe! AW, MAN, I BROKE IT....I'm gonna ask me to make another one!" and then they have to stop you.
- LOWKEY, SAVANNACLAW IS THE PERFECT PLACE FOR YOU. The other guys love having you there but also, they will be nicer to other students because you are still a hero after all. When you see them messing with other people, you lift them up and put them in air jail.
- You're like Leona's little court jester ngl. While you're not a complete idiot, you're pretty foolish and it can get entertaining for a while but when you get a bit too destructive, he will have Ruggie escort you out. He likes to take naps on you, though, especially because if someone disturbs him then you shoot a warning shot with your laser vision and are all: "SHHH! The kitty is sleeping!" But if Grim chooses to kick Leona out of your lap, you 100% obey your favorite kitty.
- Jack is your one-sided rival. He wants to be just as strong as you and demands to train with you. He even tries to copy your work out regimen and kinda stalks you to try and learn how you're so strong but then he sees you casually lifting up the sports shack for Vargas.
- BRO, AZUL WOULD 100% TRY TO PUT YOU IN A CONTRACT. A strong bionic superhuman with laser vision AND the ability to breathe underwater whose incredibly stupid and naive? It's like you were sent to him by the Seven themselves. So Ace, Deuce, and Grim and your other friends have to steer you away from him.
- Azul: "Y/N?~ Would you be interested in a deal!"
- You: "Yeah, sure! Just let me finish my applesauce."
- Ace: "Y/N, NO! You're not allowed to make deals with Azul, he's a shady businessman, remember?"
- You: "Ooooh, okay. Sorry then, but I can't."
- Floyd: "Silly Tiger Shrimp, it's opposite day!~"
- You: "Okay! Sorry guys, I have to make a deal with Azul- Wait, I mean NOT make a deal with Azul! Hehe~"
- KALIM IS IN AWE OF YOUR STRENGTH, Jamil thinks that you're a clumsy and reckless fool and he doesn't trust you around Kalim. Like, Kalim was talking about how Jamil is so awesome at basketball and in awe of how high he jumps so you're all: "Haha, wanna see what it's like?" and Jamil walked in on you THROWING THE HEIR OF THE AL-ASIM FAMILY AT A HOOP.
- Kalim, on the ground: "THAT WAS AWESOME!"
- You're not allowed in Scarabia without supervision, nevermind that you have to be a certain distance away from Kalim because JAMIL REFUSES TO LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN.
- YOU ARE EPEL'S HERO, HE TOTALLY LOVES HEARING YOUR STORIES ABOUT SAVING YOUR WORLD AND THINKS YOU'RE AMAZING. Like, Vil is forcing you to sit down for a makeover and you're all: "Oh, this is like the time I had to sit still to get ready for my interview after stopping an asteroid from hitting the planet." and Epel is all: "AWESOME!" and Rook is next to you and is all: "Tell us more about this enchanting tale, mon cœur brave!~" and Vil is trying to stop you from eating make up.
- I'm sorry but Epel would so try to convince you to throw Plasma Grenades at Vil when he's overblotted😭 and he's all: "What!? I'm sure it won't hurt him that bad!"
- During book 6, YOU ACTUALLY DON'T THINK IDIA'S FAMILY HQ IS THAT CREEPY and you feel so nostalgic. Like, they go through the sanitation station and you're all: "Aw, this reminds me of my capsule back at my dad's lab in his basement...I miss my dad...and Bree and Leo and Tasha...and beating up Chase...AND CHASE!"
- But when you're fighting the other overblot monsters, that's when you show how much of a competent hero you are. You're protecting everyone and keeping them safe, as well as doing your best to keep the monsters away as your fellow classmates try to recharge the thunder spears.
- Idia would totally want to uncover your bionic biology to see if he could improve upon Ortho and you're just there like: "WOAH. At least take a bionic person out to dinner first before you ask to dissect them, man-" and Idia just being all flustered.
- YOU AND ORTHO being technogically advanced buddies, obviously there's huge differences between you guys but YOU AND HIM JUST HAVING SLEEPOVERS AND IT'S JUST YOUR CHARGING PODS BEING IN THE SAME ROOM. Anyways, he totally brings out the older sibling instincts with you and Idia kinda tolerates you and your thembo ways.
- MALLEUS THINKS YOU'RE SO FUNNY and he just laughs when you say something foolish but Sebek is all: "STAY AWAY FROM LORD MALLEUS, your ignorance is an insult to his majesty!" and you just kinda wanna bully him a little bit because he reminds you of Chase but in a bad way. When Silver falls asleep, you just carrying him around and stuff because he's your friend! Lillia also finds you amusing as well ngl, you're such a spirit young individual.
Chase Davenport! Reader:
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- Ace and Deuce during the detention thing were just staring at you weirdly as you read and try to get as much information on the world of Twisted Wonderland as much as possible. Grim literally having to sit on all of your books or swat them out of your hands.
- Even though you respect and like rules, you think that the ones in Heartslabyul are kind of excessive but YOU STUDY THEM REGARDLESS because you will not be caught lacking. So when Ace and Deuce come to you and they're collared, you're all: "Ha, let me guess, you forgot to take your shoes and wear them around your neck today, huh? Amateurs." and they just glare at you or roll your eyes.
- Despite that, as an experienced team leader, you can somewhat influence the Adeuce doubt and Grim to listen to you and they do respect you to some degree when you're not being a know it all. GRIM WILL BRAG ABOUT HOW SMART YOU ARE and try to convince you to let him copy your work and you're all: "Grim, when you cheat, you're only cheating yourself." and he just hisses at you and you roll your eyes.
- Tbh, I love the idea that when Riddle went through his Overblot, you were using your bionic supervision to analyze the threat but then Ace punched Riddle and you're all: "Oh, okay, that works too, I guess."
- While Adam! (Y/n) would fight the Overblots, your concern would lie in protecting your fellow students so you tell Adeuce and Grim and any other students to come close to you and you activate your force field to protect you and them.
- During the whole Savannaclaw thing, you were the first to figure out about Leona's whole plan but you were quickly humbled when he Overblotted. When he's done, you and him bond about being younger brothers with older brothers. TO BE FAIR, Leona admits that you have it worse because Falena doesn't constantly throw him around.
- Also, if you have a sensory overload because of your enhanced senses; I can totally see Savannaclaw kind of having a room to calm down because, like, they're Beatmen. You don't necessarily like Savannaclaw but they do think your martial arts skills are cool.
- DURING THE EVENTS OF BOOK 3 IS WHEN YOU ACTIVATE YOUR COMMANDO MODE and everyone meets your alter ego, Spike. Like, Floyd is threatening you and your commando app takes over and you and him duke it out. When you finally take control, Floyd is all: "WE HAVE TO DO THAT AGAIN, DWARF SHRIMPY! THAT WAS SO FUN!" and you're confused while Jade is all: "Huh, who knew Bionic Humans can be so interesting and complex!"
- But yeah, while Azul took you as a fool, you do a very good job at finding loopholes and mistakes in his contracts to help people out of them. Which he would find respectable but sadly, that's bad for business. So much like he does with Jamil, HE WOULD SO WANT YOU TO JOIN OCTAVINELLE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. IMAGINE THE PROFITS.
- During Schemer of the Scalding Sands, you totally agree with Jamil and sympathize with the fact that he never got to have a normal childhood. HOWEVER, he is still doing bad things and as a hero, you can't excuse that behavior. I can see you guys being good friends and bonding with each other.
- ALSO, Chase was always awkward girls so imagine that you're awkward around pretty people in general. Like, you meet Vil and your brain short circuits and you're all: "H-Hi!" or you'll be explaining things and Vil is all: "Davenport, I need you to help me with something!" and you just turn around to face him and you're all: "...Y-Yeah, sure! Okay! Wow, your eyes are so pretty-" You also totally agree with his perfectionism and not just because he's the most jaw dropping person you've ever seen but also because you're a perfectionist yourself.
- YOU'D BE IN THE SCIENCE CLUB WITH ROOK AND TREY. Mostly to learn about the amazing science of this new world but also, you show off a bit of science of your own. Trey is super impressed by your knowledge of chemistry and Rook is their like: "Oh, how does one become as smart and charming as you?" and then you just giggle and blush and you're all: "Haha. You don't mean that~...Do you?"
- LIKE THE REGULAR CHASE, YOU'RE ALSO A HUGE CUTIE. You would totally love to watch cartoons and play pranks on people except they're completely harmless pranks. Jade will do something to annoy you and you'll be all:
Y/n: "Jade might think he got the best of me but little does he know, I'll get the last laugh!"
Ace: "I've never seen this side of you before, Y/n. What'd you do?"
Y/n: "I switched his No. 2 pencil with a number 1 pencil. LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE SMUDGED NOTES, LEECH. CAN I GET A HIGH FIVE!?"
- And all of the first years just look at you and leave you hanging and you frown and you're all: "See, its perfect because No.1 pencils are higher in graphite and much softer, so they're more prone to smudging-" and they're all: "No, (Y/n), we get it. It's still stupid."
- I can see you hanging out in the Ignihyde dorm, mostly because they have all the resources needed to try and figure out how to get back home but also, I can imagine that after a few months of coaxing and bonding with Idia, you guys would become friends due to your love for your siblings and your awkward ways.
- I CAN TOTALLY IMAGINE YOU AND HIM GAMING WITH LILIA, aka, Muscle Red. I can also see that Ortho would adore seeing you and his brother getting along, until you both sneak out of gym together to go and play your video games.
- I love the idea that you would love to listen to Malleus talk about gargoyles and you'd look up things with your supercomputer brain. You also would love your guys' walks because he can talk to you and inform you more about the magic in your world and you can talk to him about the science in yours. Your mind is still getting used to the idea of magic but Malleus would totally love to see your views on everything.
- SEBEK THINKS YOU'RE AN INSOLENT HUMAN, how dare you think your stupid human brain can match to that of the Great Malleus!? But he does admire your dedication to knowledge. SILVER SOMETIMES DOZES OFF WHEN YOU TALK but you're used to it and sigh but Silver tries to assure you it wasn't because he was bored.
Bree Davenport! Reader:
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- Much like the ICON that is Bree Davenport, you will 100% sass back Crowley. He has to ask advice from Mozus on how to approach you since he's handled sassy teenagers before but that knowledge is sadly limited when it comes to BIONIC sassy teenagers.
- Not to mention that you're very maliciously compliant with him. When he asks you to run an errand and tries to imply he'll turn off Ramshackle's electricity if you don't, you just roll your eyes and go do it. But NOT BEFORE YOU TRASH HIS OFFICE WITH YOUR SPEED.
- When it comes to Grim, you totally decorate him with cute little bows and pamper him but you guys also exchange witty comebacks and retorts once in a while.
- ACE WOULD LOVE TO PIGGY BACK RIDE YOU SO HE'S NOT LATE TO CLASSES. At first, you did it out of the kindness of your heart but when he kept trying to trick you or guilt trip you, you ended up just dropping him off on the opposite side of campus from his classes. He was made but Deuce defended you.
- You're a little bit of a romantic as well, sometimes bordering on delulu but to be fair; you were raised in a basement and occasionally allowed to watch high school musical dramas. And being sent to a magical all-boys college is a dream come true!
- Until you have to deal with overblots and the very real possibility of innocent people dying, then you're just reminded that this world isn't SUPER different from your other world but being a hero is a never-ending job.
- You don't really get along with Riddle but you and Cater would be such good friends, you carry him to take him to places he said would be so "magicamable" and you turn invisible and listen in on all of the juicy gossip so you can report back to him and you two can giggle about it.
- You would 100% be able to tame the rowdy Savnnaclaw students because size doesn't scare you. You would be a little bit of a simp for Leona because he fits your type and he gets kind of annoyed by it but when you go back to your usual sassy and fiery self, he does kind of think twice.
- As for Jack, he admires your speed and likes joining you on runs. You happily let him know whether he's getting faster than you or not, even if he knows it's not achievable to be as fast as you, you do a good job of helping him monitor his progress. He reminds you of a smarter more competent version of Adam!
- You and Ruggie would team up to sometimes do small jobs, only if he handles the gross stuff just because you personally can't, but delivery jobs are up your alley because of your speed and you guys split the profits.
- Speaking of profits, AZUL WOULD LOVE TO TRAP YOU IN A CONTRACT TO WORK AT THE MONSTRO LOUNGE. When you briefly took Ace and Deuce's place to work, you were a one person serving machine. Getting impatient when dishes weren't done fast enough, you ran in the kitchen and took care of everything yourself.
- However, he now tries to make it not so obvious because the last time he did, you created an tornado with your super speed and shot him and his creepy twins from it. Floyd thought it was the coolest thing ever and begs you to do it again, while Jade pretended to sniffle as he mourned about how, "rude bionic humans are to poor eels like them."
- As for Scarabia, after Jamil sends you guys into the dessert and they have to make an oasis, you're just there like, "So...I'm going to just speed my way back to the dorm. Meet you guys there!" and then you're off.
- I DO THINK YOU'D BE IN THE POP MUSIC CLUB WITH KALIM, CATER, AND LILLIA. So after the events of book 4, you do kinda make sure Kalim doesn't put so much on Jamil. Such as throwing a party and you help him with the decorations instead so Jamil can have a break or, at the very least, you handle the clean up yourself.
- Also, you're not as surprised as everyone else is when Kalim decides to forgive him, purely because your uncle/father was forgiven from killing you and your family multiple times.
- OKAY BUT YOU WOULD SO BE IN POMEFIORE, after all, you've longed to be an ideal sophisticated and classy version of yourself. However, it simply isn't possibly when you're around your brothers who love to mess with you and tease you. So Vil is your go-to when it comes to makeovers and bonding. I'M SORRY BUT BOTH OF YOU BONDING OVER BEING NEPO BABIES *but well deserving nepo-babies* and it's nice to finally have make up without someone EATING IT OR DOING SOME WEIRD SCIENCE THING WITH IT.
- Rook, per usual, will be a freak as always and try to hunt and stalk you like he does with Leona and the other non humans. According to him, you are "the most elegant of prey. With the eyes of a soulful bird and the speed of a gazelle." and you'll use your speed to run away from him but he would totally have a list of places that you would run too and meet you there.
- Like Bree, you always wanted to have a friend that was a girl so you totally mistook Epel as one and that did not bode well for the both of you. Still, you make it up to him and tell him about how being strong and manly isn't really all it's cracked up to be.
- When it comes to Idia, he gets so nervous and flustered around you because you're so...peppy. Whenever you speed into his lab, he gets all nervous and flustered. Sometimes you tease him about being a nerd but you mean it in a loving way. YOU ADORE ORTHO THOUGH. He's such a cute little guy♡
- When fighting overblots, I can imagine you use your super speed to evacuate everyone and use your invisibility to jump out and surprise them at the last second.
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mrshesh · 1 year
hi! do you have any general hcs for the cod:ghosts boys?
general headcanons - call of duty: ghost's
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overview: general headcanons of the call of duty: ghost's boys!
pairing: none!
genre: fluff, pure tomfoolery
a/n: hi anon! i'm thrilled i finally got a request for these boys. i love them so much, it's getting a bit unhealthy. you're truly the best for requesting them! i hope you love it!
x logan walker
He sucks at puzzles. He’s smart and tactical, but puzzles are on another level of difficulty for him. 
He likes doodling a lot. If he has a pen and a surface to draw on, he will sketch a small smiley or a caterpillar. It has become such a habit that he doesn’t even think about it when he does it. It got so bad that once, Keegan called him out on it mid-doodle, leaving Logan embarrassed for a week. 
He loves the ocean, but beaches annoy him. He hates sand. (I firmly believe his hate for them is from Hesh throwing sand in his face as children.)
He has a picture of him and Hesh as kids in his wallet. He feels calmer when he looks at it, getting into the habit of peeking at it when stressed. 
He’s an avid Deftones enjoyer. He loves Beware and Diamond Eyes. 
He likes caramel-scented things, but he doesn’t like the taste of it. 
He has some insane dirt on Elias, and, of course, Hesh knows all of it. 
For some odd reason, he’s phenomenal at parallel parking. 
x david "hesh" walker
He loves movies. He can watch any genre! Horror? Great! Action? Love. Romance? Cute! Comedy? Perfect! He loves it all. Shows, however? Nope. 
He takes pride in his nails being clipped and filed at all times. He was a nailbiter in his teens, so he cares about his nails more than he should today. 
He can’t cook to save his life. 
Eminem is his go-to artist. He loves and respects many artists, but Eminem will always be at the top of his list. He loves Stan. 
He’s respectful in general.
He’s extremely secure and confident, yet he’s still pretty nervous when he talks to girls. 
He loves long car rides. Driving around in his car while listening to his favorite songs brings out a unique joy in him. 
He, unlike Logan, loves beaches! (He wasn’t the one who got sand thrown on him, so he’s thriving.) 
He hates coriander. 
x elias "scarecrow" walker
Unlike his son, Elias is great at puzzles! He’s disappointed Logan didn’t inherit that quality. He mourns it every day. 
He loves pickles. (Same.)
He manipulated himself into liking beer many years ago. 
People call him DILF all the time. It has happened too many times to count. He finds it funny, while Hesh and Logan are horrified every time. 
He doesn’t know how to put on chapstick. He puts it between his lips and swipes it back and forth, not on his lips. 
He got so much action when he was a teenager/young adult. He tells Logan and Hesh to “live a little” so they can experience that life, too. 
He doesn’t listen to music often, but when he does, he listens to either Korn or Chris Isaak. 
He adores Riley, sometimes stealing him from Hesh without warning. 
x keegan russ
He secretly enjoys ASMR. It helps him unwind and de-stress, but not sleep, surprisingly.
He’s excellent at the game Mafia. 
He has made way too many people giggle excitedly because of his voice. He finds it amusing but disturbing at the same time. He knows it’s attractive, but that many people? He has even made Elias giggle like a schoolgirl because of his vocal folds. 
Keegan strikes me as a Slipknot fan. He finds Killpop and Vermillion to be sexy. 
He loves grocery shopping. 
He talks to himself a lot. He’s antisocial and quiet around others, but when Keegan’s alone, he keeps having full-on conversations with himself. Merrick caught him doing it once - he never brought it up again. 
He enjoys lasagna a bit too much. 
He had a motorcycle phase as a young adult. It got so bad he learned how to do a wheelie on them, but his love for them has died down in the many years he’s been alive. 
He thinks wine is gross. 
x thomas merrick
He cannot stand bananas. Everything about them makes him gag. 
He gets such a rise out of being a bitch. He’s already annoying by default but strives to be even more insufferable for the fuck of it.
He, Alex, and Keegan smoke while being sentimental together at least once a month. (It’s always with Keegan and Alex - Elias, David, and Logan get left out.) 
He listens to underground metal like Sold Soul, and he thinks it makes him superior to everyone else. (And he gatekeeps it.)
He’s immune to pretty much all physical pain except for waxing. It’s enough to make him cry. 
He loved trains as a child.
His comfort song is Toxicity by System Of A Down. 
His appetite is insane. This man can eat a horse and still be hungry by the end of it. 
His calves are huge for some reason. 
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hatchetmanofficial · 12 days
(Not really MDH related) I was going through old posts (Cause ARGs my beloved) and I saw the blue chair post and once I stopped screaming internally, I wanted to ask if you have checked out daisy diaries and how-to-henry? Do you have any favorites that you would recommend?
I love Daisy Brown so much!! Alan tutorial and Daisy were the reason on how Alan got his name. I haven’t heard of how-to-henry but I’ll check that out c:
My favorite unfiction/ARGs/Analog horror stuff I’d recommend are the Walten Files. A classic, I really love Martin Wells’s style and animation. I find it way more tragic and horrifying than other FNAF inspired VHS series and put his own unique spin on it. Made me get into analog horror in the first place. Sexygirlmax2019, an ARG is saw in real time when I was a less active tumblr user. It was unpredictable but one of the more “lighthearted” ARGs with a feel-good ending and has its own fascinating lore with some light religious themes. Dog Nightmares, it disturbs me to my core and I can’t explain why. Which is why I love it! I really love dog/canine symbolism and imagery. Morley Grove, if you want that old-school YouTube paranormal/creepy vids, it really captures it! It goes into the Slenderman mythos. It really took me a blast through the past and triggered that early gen-z horror trauma. And finally, Chainmail Chasers. If you loved creepypasta a back in the day (like me) this is perfect! This series reinvents those creepypasta legends and made them a lot more scarier! The Smile.jpeg one really unnerved me!
I apologize if I rambled too much, but these kinds of series really fuel me and some did inspire MDHM. I eat these series up.
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Can't get the whole "Do you think you'd kill for me one day ?" "Yes, of course I will my darling" out of my head, but make it the Papas x their most devoted ghouls. Basically murder ghouls offering very morbid gifts to the Papas. They like it.
TW for morally grey characters - both Papas and ghouls - blood, kind of body horror, I guess ? I think it is. It might be a bit disturbing, so. Read with caution.
Earth bringing a beautiful bottle to Primo's office one day, something definitely meant for rituals, a masterpiece of carefuly crafted glass, full of a dark red liquid. Too dark to be wine. He simply sets it on a shelf, under the First's cautious eyes, and in an instant, Primo knows.
"Won't it...coagulate, or...I don't know, dry, rot ?" he asks from behind his desk, setting his glasses down in front of him. Earth smiles, adjusting the bottle so that the light catches it just right.
"I made sure it won't."
Primo smiles when the ghoul takes his hand and presses a kiss to the ring he's wearing.
"Take care not to drink it, your body wouldn't like it much."
Primo cocks an eyebrow.
"You gift me a full bottle of blood - human, i presume - and I'm not even allowed to drink it ? How very tragic."
Earth's chuckle rumbles in his chest.
"You can only wish to be a vampire, but, do not act like this isn't a power trip for you. Having someone's blood displayed in your office. Being able to admire its unique color."
Primo's smile widens.
Secondo looking up from his work, carefully setting the ancient book he's restauring on the side when Alpha leans against the doorframe, hands behind his back.
Once he's sure he has the former Papa's full attention, Alpha steps in, setting something on the desk, between Secondo's hand.
It's a paperweight, the kind he loves, heavy half globe of glass, in which is trapped a curiosity ; Secondo has a growing collection of those.
It's the first time, though, that an eye is staring blindly at him from within its transparent confine. A beautiful shade of brown, that eye, rich and deep, with flecks of gold ; Secondo leans closer to examine it.
"Fascinating," he comments, "you know me too well."
Alpha grins, rounding the desk to stand behind Secondo's chair, massaging his tense shoulders as he whispers against his ear.
"Took me a while to find the color I wanted, I know you have a thing for that kind of brown eyes."
Secondo hums, turning the paperweight this way and that, letting light bounce off it, projecting rainbows on the wall. It will definitely have a special place on his desk, so that Secondo will be able to gaze at it whenever he wishes to.
Alpha kisses the corner of his mouth, almost reverently, and Secondo puts the paperweight down, letting his eyes flutter shut.
Omega helping Terzo dress one morning, but just as the former Papa is about to move away, his ghoul tugs on his sleeve, shoving something in his hand.
What the rosary is made of is, Terzo immediately knows. The beads, the inverted cross, they're an ivory white that is quite impossible to mistake for anything other than it is.
By the way Omega hooks his chin on Terzo's shoulder, arms wrapping around his middle, the former Papa has no doubt it's important for him, that gift.
"It's lovely, my dear ghoul. Did you make it yourself ?"
Terzo really means it. The piece of jewlery is delicate and elegant, something he'll wear with pride.
"I did. I'm glad you like it."
A pause. Terzo takes a moment to bask in Omega kissing up his neck, before he slips the rosary around it.
"Should I ask who's bones I'm wearing ?"
Omega chuckles, face now burried in his hair.
"You know better. All that matters is that you look fantastic, wearing someone's bone."
Terzo does, so he simply smiles, admiring how the necklace rests on his chest in the mirror, sinking into Omega's embrace.
Dew, wordlessly slipping a bracelet around Copia's wrist after practice. He looks down, surprised, as the ghoul lingers, hovering at his side.
A thin chain, trinkets dangling from it, mostly tiny coins with infernal symbols engraved on them and....oh. Teeth. Well, they sure look healthy.
Copia takes to examinate them, tests the point of a canine, pleased to find it still sharp, humming under his breath.
"That's quite the work you've put in, Dew, thank you. It's beautiful."
The fire ghoul takes Copia's hand, turning it until he can kiss the inside of his wrist.
"I figured you'd like it. They're perfect, aren't they ?"
Copia takes another teeth between his two fingers, holding it up for further inspection, smiling at how flawless it is.
"They sure are. Wish I had that kind of dental care, eh."
Dew snorts, tail gently squeezing Copia's hips, who let himself be pulled in the ghoul's side.
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
Magicians way
A Zatara meets a Drake before the Young Justice-fication of Danny!
1/4 previous interactions
.・゜-: ✧ :-
The portal closes, and waddling in comes a teen in his PJ's, a space themed blanket thrown around his shoulders and hair dishevelled.
In all honesty, he looks like he'd just worked up and dragged himself here.
Probably what happened.
"Oh, so you get to call me at 4 am on a Friday night and when I do it it's suddenly a crime?" The teen scowls, glaring daggers at Constantine, who'd had told the big Bat he was going to call in reinforcement.
He didn't expect a child.
"Get over her shrimp," the man waves the teen over, throwing an arm around the blanked clad shoulders.
"Batsy, meet Danny. He's my kid."
"Nice to meet ya," the kid yawns, literally dozing off on John's side. "'m gonna sleep."
At least the man seems somewhat regretting for pulling the kids from his impromptu nap?
"Sorry, kiddo, need some help here. Did Zee go hard on you during the day?"
Danny whines, but answers despite the disturbance. "Mom had to leave for a show, I didn't go along, ended up on an adventure that took a bit too much out of me."
John snorts, ruffling unruly black hair.
"One of the bat's birds will join us shortly. I needed a second opinion, minx helping?"
Interested, Danny peered up at his dad, raising a brow in question.
"There is a powerful entity currently free, I'm having difficulties identifying it." He explains. "Did anyone mess with Pandoras box? This feels like something not supposed to be on our side of existence."
Brows knitting together, he thinks. "No, I was the last and most recent one to have accidentally messed with her box." He admits. "But every monster has been contained. There shouldn't be one free, we would have noticed."
John hums, picking through his well used brown leather bag, grabbing a sack of ash.
"It doesn't feel like a demon, lest a fallen angel. It's unique in its own kind that I had to get you for help, it shares the same feeling as the curses inside of pandoras box."
Catching on, Danny stares. "You think one of her curses got away and formed a humanoid form, not much different from city spirits."
Nodding, golden glow follows the words the laughing magician speaks, answering his question with the usage of ash.
Danny looks away, knowing the spell already and meets the whites of a domino mask.
That's not batman.
Squinting, he recognises the vigilante.
That's Red Robin!
"Red Robin, right?" He asks, just to make sure.
Red Robin nods.
"Nice to meet you, heard some stuff, pretty cool in my opinion."
"What exactly did you hear."
"Stuff here and there." Is the vague answer, the bird only continued to watch him, slightly unnervingly.
"Kid! Got an answer!"
"Let's talk again, okay?"
He couldn't answer before danny left to go to constantine.
That was... weird.
"B, what just happened?"
Batman only shakes his head. Huh.
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milla-frenchy · 11 months
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The agreement (Blackmail part 2)
4k3 | Javier Peña x fem reader x Joel Miller (post OB) Chapt summary: you can't get Javi out of your head. You and Joel go back for more Warnings: 18+ mdni. sharing, oral (f/m receiving), unprotected piv, spitting, cum eating, anal play, threesome, double vag penetration, double creampie, degradation. a/n: @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog thank you so much for beta-ing me again 💕💕💕🫶🫶 And helping me with the title 😭 Playlist | ao3 | series masterlist | masterlist
Part 1
“Look at me, sweetheart.”
You opened your eyes and looked at Joel, whose cock was buried deep in your pussy. He stopped and looked at you thoughtfully. He gently stroked your hair.
“Are you with me, darlin’?”
“Yeah, sure. I'm here, baby.” You put your hands on his hips and pushed your pelvis towards him, so he could continue fucking you.
Joel began to fuck you slowly again, scrutinizing you with his eyes. He slipped his hand down to your pussy and rubbed your clit under his thumb, gently, the way he knew how to do so well.
“Come for me,” he murmured.
In a few seconds you were cuming, followed by Joel pulling out just before jerking off, and shooting his cum all over your lower stomach. He grabbed a towel from the nightstand and wiped you off.
He lay down next to you, his elbow bent and his hand holding his head up, facing you.
"Tell me what’s happening."
“I’m fine, Joel. Just tired."
You had returned from Bill and Frank’s the day before, after your supply trip.
“You’re thinking about him, aren’t ya?”
You lowered your gaze feeling the guilt. 
“I’m…I’m sorry.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, and Joel wiped them away with his thumbs when they started to fall.
“Sweetheart… It’s ok. We went to his apartment after a  mutual agreement. I know that what happened was unexpected. For both of us. But… I liked it too.” He was trying to meet your gaze.
“I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I should have… stayed detached.”
“Baby… it’s not like we can block our emotions. This is the principle of emotions. And isn't it better this way? Rather than fuckin’ a guy who would have disgusted you. I'd rather have seen you enjoying it."
You hugged him and said “I love you, Joel.”
“I love you, baby.”
You hadn’t talked about that night before this moment. Joel showed no resentment. But you were disturbed and had trouble getting the images of the evening out of your head. When you were making love to Joel, Javi's face would sometimes appear in your thoughts.
And you felt guilty.
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You went out to do the planned tasks. You sorted the clothes collected by the patrols, and Joel cleaned the sewers. His task was arduous but it paid the best in ration cards.
You were walking towards your apartment late in the afternoon when you ran into Javi who was obviously going to take his night shift. You hadn’t seen him since that night.
“Hi, hermosa. Miller.”
“Peña”, Joel replied.
“Hello”, you whispered.
“Glad to see you returned safely from your outing.”
Joel grumbled “thanks.”
You tried to regain your composure and said “have a nice day” to Javi. He was looking at you, smiling. You blushed and said “let’s go, Joel.”
You continued on your way, Joel placing his hand against the small of your back and Javi watching you leave.
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Joel and Javi crossed paths the next day.
“Did your outing go well?” Javi asked.
“We’re not friends, Peña.”
"Of course. We're doing business, that's all. You still seem a little tense. More than usual, I mean. Well, you're not exactly the most relaxed man I know,” Javi said with his usual insolence.
"Fuck off." Joel left without looking back.
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The next week, you were finishing your work when you heard “Hi, Hermosa” behind you.
You froze before turning around and saying “Hi, Javi.”
“How are you, Hermosa?”
“Javi… you can’t call me that. It was business, that’s all.”
“Really?” he smiled kindly.
You looked at him annoyed but his soft teasing smile disconcerted you.
“I am available if you need to do business together again.”
And he left. You were stuck in place, feeling your panties getting soaked and said “Fuck!”
When you got back to the apartment, you lay down on the couch and quickly slipped your hands into your panties. You slipped your middle finger into your pussy to recover some wetness before sliding it over your clit and rolling it under your fingers. You put your other middle finger in your pussy and came quickly, feeling the spasms contracting it.
You said “Fuck…fuck!” again.
Joel returned shortly after. He hugged you and asked how you were.
“I saw Javi today. When I was leaving work. We just said hello.”
“You don’t need to justify yourself, sweetheart. It’s ok.”
You had been hugging for a few moments, then he said “you want to see him again, don’t you? Like the other night”
You pulled away and looked at him with wide eyes.
“Joel I… No… No. I don’t want to see him again.”
Joel took your hands and said “I understand why you do baby. Really. The way he behaved towards you… I understand.”
You looked at him questioningly. You couldn’t believe he was saying that to you. Joel had always been a gentle lover, attentive to your desires, but possessive. And there he was, proposing you to see Javi again, with the possible risks that this could entail for your relationship.
He hugged you again holding you close, and said “I love you, sweetheart. I'm not worried about our relationship. We are the survivors of a damn apocalypse, in a QZ where our life is reduced to picking up shit. What if we allow ourselves more? And if we can do it through him, then I'm ok with it."
“I don’t understand why you don’t wait for this desire to pass, baby...”
“Because I don’t want the temptation to consume you and be more difficult to manage. I prefer to anticipate it.”
You hugged him tighter and said “I love you, Joel. But are you sure?”
“100% baby. I loved it too, you know.”
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The next day, Joel went to meet Javi.
“I’ll be quick. She liked the evening at your place. She liked you, and she’s everything to me. I told her that if she wanted we could do it again. No need to ask if you agree with this idea, I think?”
"Course not. Are you ok with that?”
“I told you, she’s everything to me. So yeah. But no chair for me this time.”
Javi smiled and said “You impress me Miller. I don’t know if I'd be able to do it.”
“You would be.”
Javi smiled. "Tomorrow evening?"
Joel nodded and they went their separate ways.
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The next evening, you arrived at Javi’s place. His apartment was as clean as the last time.
“Good evening, Hermosa. Joel.”
You noticed that it was the first time he called him by his first name.
“Good evening, Javi,” you replied.
“Javier,” Joel greeted him back.
“Come in for a drink.”
He suggested that you sit on the couch while you had a drink. You downed your drinks, enjoying them more than last time, even if you and Joel were slightly uncomfortable.
“Pe… huh… Javier. The conditions are the same as last time, okay?” He turned to you and added “you’re in charge.”
You nodded and Javi added “of course.”
Joel and Javi looked at each other and nodded. They stood up and took off their tops: brown shirt for Javi, denim shirt for Joel. They kept their jeans on.
You wondered where Javi had found such a dated shirt. Oddly enough, it suited him very well.
You looked at them, standing in front of you.
Two men with dark hair, Javi's darker.
Of equivalent size.
Javi was slightly more slender than Joel. His body was more agile, while Joel's was all strength.
Joel, a little older than Javi, stood more hunched.
His face was serious, marked by hardship, while Javi's was mischievous with a sparkle in his eyes.
Both were stunning, breathtakingly beautiful.
And both were just waiting for you.
Javi offered you his hand, and you took it getting up from the couch. You barely dared to look him in the eye. 
Javi leaned down to kiss your cheek, and said “there’s no reason to be embarrassed, Hermosa. The three of us are here because we want to, because the other evening went well. We want to have fun again. Joel and I, as well as you. Ok?
You looked at him, then Joel, who told you “he’s right sweetheart.”
You nodded and smiled, and said “ok.”
You held out your hand for Joel to come closer, and you kissed Javi on the lips.
Joel kept your hand in his as he moved closer to you. He came up against your back and kissed your neck. You moaned. Having these two men against you gave you butterflies in your stomach. You turned to Joel to kiss him while Javi was now against your back with his hands on your hips. He ran his hands up along your breasts and then down to your hips, breathing in your hair and neck.
Joel took off your shirt and Javi unhooked your bra before taking it off. Joel took the opportunity to take your breasts in his hands and caressed them gently. Javi placed kisses on your cheek, then up to your earlobe, his nose brushing against your skin. He moved down to your neck, his hands still on your hips, before sliding them down to your stomach and unzipping your jeans. He slid them down to your feet, kissing your body as he knelt down. You lifted your feet to remove each leg of your pants, as you kissed Joel. Javi stood up and ran his hand over your soaked panties, saying “mmm Hermosa” softly in your ear.
Joel took you by the hand and said “follow me, sweetheart” and led you to the dining room table where he leaned you against it, butt against the edge while Javi took off his jeans.
Joel pulled you closer to him, pressing his crotch against you. He was hard. He kissed you, hands on your hips, before leaning down to your breasts and taking one in his mouth while he caressed the other. He sucked on your nipple and swirled his tongue over it, before moving on to the other.
You looked at Javi then at Joel, waiting for his approval. He looked up at you and nodded. 
You said “Come here, Javi”. Javi approached, his cock erect and hard. You kissed him and took his cock in your hand, running your thumb over the tip and spreading the precum. He growled into your mouth. Joel stepped aside and removed his jeans and boxers, while Javi faced you. He placed his lips on yours and slipped his tongue into your mouth, mingling it with yours as you jerked him off.
Joel moved closer to you and you got on your knees. You looked at them in turn, before taking Javi in your mouth and jerking Joel off. You looked at them again. Joel's gaze was intense. You moved away from Javi before taking Joel in your mouth and jerking Javi off.
“Damn Hermosa… you’re fucking hot.”
“Get up, baby” Joel said before grabbing you to help you. “Sit on the table.”
You leaned against the table and Joel lifted you to sit on it. He spread your legs with his large hands before kneeling between them. “Lay down, baby” he said.
As you lay down, Javi moved closer, jerking himself gently. He said “fuck… Hermosa you’re so beautiful.”
Joel ran his tongue over your pussy and you moaned under his tongue. He spread the folds with his fingers and ran his tongue more gently before coming to tickle your clit.
“Will you suck my dick Hermosa?” asked Javi.
“Yeah, come here, Javi”, you replied.
You turned your head towards him, he was holding his cock at the base. You ran your tongue over it before placing your lips around his tip and caressing it with your tongue.
You felt Joel’s fingers dig into your pussy, while he focused on your clit with his tongue. You moaned, making Javi groan in turn as you sucked his cock further and further, depending on the rhythm of his hips.
Joel sat up and stood up, and said “make her cum Javier.”
They switched places, Joel bringing his cock to your mouth. “Wanna suck your cock, baby”, you said.
“Take it sweetheart. Suck my dick. Make me feel good in your mouth” you nodded and took him in your mouth, before feeling Javi’s breath on your pussy. He ran his tongue, his saliva mixing with Joel’s in your pussy.
“Doesn’t she taste good Javier?”
“Yeah… You taste so good Hermosa. Joel, you're a lucky bastard.”
Joel smiled at Javi for the first time, and looked back at you “You’re doing well, sweetheart. So good for us.”
You looked at him, before lowering your gaze to his cock which was sliding into your mouth.
Javi stuck his tongue into your pussy and was fucking you with it, while his nose rubbed against your clit. He held your legs apart with his hands. You placed your hand on his head, moaning more and more.
“You’re gonna cum baby, right? Come in his mouth baby. Soak his tongue.”
You stopped sucking him as your pleasure mounted, keeping him in your mouth until you came in Javi's mouth. He held his hands tight around you to keep your legs from moving too much and keep you within his reach, continuing to lick you until the spasms stopped. Joel pulled out of your mouth as Javi stood up, and bended over to twirl his tongue over your pussy again. You jumped at his touch on your overly sensitive clit, before caressing his head with your hands.
While Joel helped you get up, Javi went to sit on the couch and said “Come sit in my lap, Hermosa. Facing him."
You walked over to him before sitting on his thighs. He slid his hand up to your pussy, avoiding your overly sensitive clit for the moment, but sliding his middle finger into your hole.
“Come get sucked Joel,” Javi told him.
Joel came closer to you and said “open sweetheart. Stick out your tongue.” You did as he told you, waiting for him with your tongue out. He placed his cock on your tongue, grabbing your chin with his hand to lift it up, and dripped his saliva onto his cock, watching it slide down to your tongue. And he slid his cock into your mouth. Your eyes were fixed on him. Javi grabbed one of your breasts with his other hand, continuing to gently slide his middle finger into your pussy.
You didn't move, letting Joel handle the movements. He pushed himself deeper and deeper into your throat, his hand resting on your head, the other falling down his body.
Javi said “give me a second Joel” and Joel withdrew. Javi grabbed his cock in his hand and lifted you up, pushing his cock into your pussy and you impaled yourself on it “oh god… Fuck, Javi…”
“Missed my cock Hermosa?”
You looked at Joel before answering, who nodded.
“Answer him baby. Tell him.”
“Yeah fuck… yeah I missed it.”
“I missed you too, Hermosa. You have quite an effect.”
Javi lifted you with his hands, and moved his hips to start fucking you. His movements were slow, and allowed Joel to come back into your mouth. You let him resume his pace, your lips wrapping around his shaft.
“Are you still too sensitive, baby?” asked Joel.
“No… I don't think so Joel. It’s ok.”
Joel knelt down and watched as Javi’s cock slid into your pussy. Your wetness slid down to his balls. He came closer and licked your clit with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh god, Joel!” The sensations were indescribable. Javi’s cock was buried in your pussy, your legs raised. Javi held them apart. Joel sucking on your clit.
“Fuckin hell hermosa… you’re so hot. So good for us.”
You placed your hands on either side of Joel’s face and leaned against Javi’s chest, letting him lead the pace. You heard Joel grunting against your clit.
“Fuck… I’m gonna cum again. Fuck…”
“Come on, baby. Come on his tongue and on my cock. I wanna feel you squeeze me again and soak me. Couldn’t stop thinking about it since the other night.”
You came, throwing your head back and squeezing Joel’s head so hard he groaned.
Joel pulled away to look at where your two bodies met and said “fuck baby… such a fuckin’ slut. Let’s go to the bedroom now.”
As you were about to get up, leaning forward to support yourself on your feet, Javi held you, hands on your hips and fucked you at a fast pace “fuckin’ soaked hole...” before letting you get up.
Once in the room, you lay down on the bed and said “come fuck me Joel.”
Joel lay on top of you and thrust into you, making you moan.
Your gaze was fixed on him but you were lost in your emotions. You loved everything about this evening. The way they fucked you, the way they shared you.
You stared at Joel. Intensely.
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
“I want you to…” You bit your lip.
“Tell me,” he said, thrusting hard.
You cried out in surprise, and said "I want you to talk to me. Dirty. Joel, please…"
“Fuck… you want me to tell you what a slut you are? Wanna hear it out loud?”
“Yes Joel…fuck…yes, please.”
"I can't believe you were reluctant to come back here, when your slutty holes just wanted to be filled by both of our cocks."
He grabbed your chin in his hand and added "That's what you wanted? To be filled by two cocks? Mine isn't enough for you, you need two big, fat cocks?"
He brought his hand down and squeezed your throat. His gaze was black. He held you so tightly that you could just nod your head.
“We’ll give you what you want.”
He released his grip on your throat, continuing to thrust into you.
“Javi, I want you in my mouth.”
Javi knelt on the bed, holding his cock in his hand. You looked at him, and stuck out your tongue.
“Fuckin christ, woman,” Joel said, fucking you harder.
Javi placed his cock on your tongue, just the tip. He jerked himself off while watching you, then Joel fucking you. And he slid his cock into your mouth, you rounded your lips to welcome him. He placed his hand on your cheek, and felt his cock through your skin.
Joel buried his head in your neck, kissing it, then came to bite your earlobe. His head brushing against Javi’s hand, before pulling out of you.
“Come fuck her Javi.”
Javi smiled, before saying “you like being shared by our two cocks, huh?” You nodded, looking at Joel.
Javi came and lay down between your legs and slid his cock inside you.
Joel was standing next to the bed, jerking off gently. “You take both of our cocks so well darlin. You’re doing so well for us.”
He walked over and fondled one of your breasts, still jerking off. He leaned towards you and said “open up baby”. As you opened your mouth, he spat in it and clamped your jaw shut with his hand.
“Fill her up javi. Then I’ll fill her cunt too.”
You groaned at his words.
“Look at me hermosa. You're going to get filled by two cocks, like a little slut. Is that what you want?"
“Yes! Yes Javi, that’s what I want.”
“Yeah? Want your pussy filled with both our cum? Wanna feel them running down your thighs?”
You nodded.
"Ok baby. I'll give you what you want.” He picked up the pace and put his arms under your shoulders to fuck you harder. Joel was still jerking off next to the bed.
“Fuck…I’m gonna cum hermosa. Gonna fill this tight cunt.”
He thrusted in two more times before spreading his cum deep inside your pussy. Once his balls were empty, he withdrew, and Joel took his place instantly. He looked down at your folds to see Javi's cum starting to leak out. He ran his fingers around picking some up and stuffing them into your pussy.
“You want both of us, right? Can't miss a drop baby.”
He lay down between your thighs and bottomed out in one go. He put his fingers covered with Javi's cum in your mouth for you to lick them.
“Fuck. Such a slut. With your pussy dripping with the cum from another man. You’re so fucking soaked of his cum and so wet, I'm sure you could take both of our cocks in your pussy."
He growled against your ear, and his words hurried your orgasm.
“You’re such a whore, you know that?”
“Yes Joel…yeah.”
“Tell me what you are.”
“I’m a whore. I’m a fucking whore.”
Javi sat in the chair watching the whole scene.
Joel picked up the pace, unable to stop talking. “Can’t believe it, I thought you were a nice girl who wanted only my cock. But one cock isn’t enough for you anymore, is it?”
You couldn't answer anymore. He smacked your cheek. Not too hard. “Fuckin answer me.”
“Fuck. I want two cocks Joel. I want your two cocks. So bad.”
“Shit… I’m gonna fill you too.”
He grunted before thrusting deep inside you and shooting his load. Your orgasm rushed over you.
“Oh god Joel…” 
He collapsed on top of you, trying to catch his breath.
He finally got up while you were still lying down, and said “come see this Javi.”
The two men were standing at the foot of the bed, looking at your sore pussy, with their cum leaking out.
You heard the curfew sirens and Joel looked worriedly at Javi, who replied “stay here tonight. It's too late for you to go back. The bed is big enough, we’ll squeeze in.” The two men came to join you, each from one side.
You fell asleep.
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You woke up a few hours later, Joel and Javi’s bodies pressed against you. You felt some of their cum still leaking from your pussy but you didn't have the courage to go to the bathroom. Javi was against your back, his cock resting against your ass.
You stretched your ass towards him, at the same time as you took Joel’s cock in your hands, jerking him gently. You felt them wake up at the same time.
Javi’s hand came to squeeze your breast, before moving down to your thigh. He lifted your knee to give himself access to your pussy, and you felt the tip of his already hard cock directly slide into your hole.
Looking at Joel, you saw that his gaze was on you.
“Looks like you don’t need any preparation to take his cock baby? Still full of our cum huh?”
You bit your lip and just nodded, while Javi was pounding in you.
“Don’t stop jerking me off,” said Joel. You resumed your movement, stopped when Javi entered you.
“How is her pussy, Javi?”
“Ruined. I slide in so easily.”
“Mmmm” Joel muttered. Lie on your back Javi.”
Javi withdrew before settling in as Joel asked.
“And you sweetheart, come ride him.”
You moved on top of Javi, before grabbing his cock in your hand and pushing it inside you.
“Is the lube still in the top drawer?”
Joel went to get it and coated his cock with it, before putting the bottle down.
"You’re gonna prepare my ass, Joel?”
“It’s not your ass I’m gonna fuck."
“Wait what? I never…”
“There’s always a first time, baby.”
You looked at Javi with a panicked look, but he just said “come on Hermosa. You’re fuckin’ soaked and still dripping our cum from last night. You’ll take us easily.”
Joel kneeled behind you and spread your ass cheeks.
“Fuck… you’re gonna be so full….”
He leaned against Javi's cock, which had stopped his movements. Joel started to thrust and told you to lean on Javi’s chest.
You leaned forward and felt Joel’s cock sink into you.
“Fuck…Fuck! Joel, wait. It's too much. I don’t think I can -”
“Yes, you fuckin’ can.”
He didn't stop. He felt the walls of your pussy adjust to the two of them. He continued to thrust until his balls were against Javi's.
Looking up, you saw the look in Javi’s eyes, who nodded at Joel. And they both moved. 
“Oh fuck… Cant’ believe… God. Cant’ believe I’m getting fucked by two cocks."
Javi smiled and kissed you, before telling you “you’re really doing well Hermosa, you’re so good for us.”
“You can do better, darlin’.“
“What? What do you mean, Joel?”
Joel put his thumb in his mouth and spat on your ass. He caught the saliva with his thumb before applying it to your asshole.
“Shit Joel…”
“Stop whining. I know you like it” and he pushed his knuckle into your ass.
“Fuck..Yeah. Yes I do.”
Joel smiled as he looked at Javi.
You felt full. Two cocks in your pussy, Joel's thumb in your ass.
Joel told you “I’m sure if there were three cocks here, you’d take one in your mouth.”
“Fuck yeah…I bet she would”, added Javi.
They continued for a few minutes, and you heard Javi breathing harder.
“You’re gonna cum Javi? You’re gonna cum in my pussy?”
“Yeah Hermosa…I’m gonna fill you again.”
“Go ahead Javi. Cum in her pussy, and don't pull out until I fill her too. Not gonna be long.”
Your clit had been rubbing against Javi’s crotch for several minutes, and you felt like you were going to cum soon too.
“Fuck… yeah… ‘m gonna fill you Hermosa. Oh… oh god….”
Javi's cock twitched as he came, his cock crushed against Joel's.
“Fuck. I’m gonna fill you too baby.”
Joel growled louder and louder, and you felt Javi’s cum starting to leak out of your pussy.
Joel stiffened and shot his cum into you. 
He collapsed on top of you, still straddling Javi and you came for the last time that night, full of their cum.
Before pulling out, Joel said, “You’re gonna have to help me find more after pills, Javi.”
Part 3
Thank you for reading 🙏 Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated ❤️
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Your blog and headcanons are living in my brain since i got here, and i just want to say, thank you, i love your work 💕 also, i saw this in other posts (i was in the monster fucker side and end up in the lover side, but im not complaining) about demon relantionship dynamics and i have a question, who of the demons do you think would use an accesory made of something of MC?
TW: blood and hair being used as accesory, demon dynamic being a little disturbing.
Like imagine if with magic MC (safelly) could make jewells with their blood, or in a more victorian way, maybe a bracelet with a lock of their hair. In my mind there would be Satan and Barbatos who have the jewellry always on them but are discret, and then there is Mammon and Asmo who show whatever MC gave them with pride.
Thank you so much anon!!!♡ It's messages like these that keep me motivated, I'm honored!!! 🥰 I hope you don't mind I changed it to just items with blood 😎 I was gonna keep this short originally but ended up getting carried away. This was seriously SO fun to write! I rly think they all would!
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Giving Them An Item With Your Blood (Obey Me!)
Tags: Blood, Fluff, Demon Bros, Barb, Dia, GN!Reader, HCs
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Lucifer: "Hm? It's from ___."
If someone happens to catch a rare glance at it & are curious enough to ask, he has no problem proudly answering he got the bloody vial necklace from you. He's not shy or ashamed about it, but prefers to keep it between you & him. It usually stays well hidden behind his high collared shirts. Sometimes when he's at home in his office & shirt unbuttoned, he will fidget around with it while doing paperwork. He loves it but won't ever tell you or anyone else how very attached to it he is. ♡
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Mammon: "This one!? Not up for betting, scram!"
When isn't Mammon flashy??? The day you gave him the ring filled with some of your blood was basically the day you got married (in his mind) & he went around showing everyone. Of course some of his buddies asked if he'd bet it for a chance at clearing his debt but even that's one bet Mammon refused. He has a ritual of kissing his ring everyday, he thinks of it as his good luck charm even when he's actually having a bad day. He makes you kiss it to add extra luck (love) to it too. ♡
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Levi: "I will guard this with my life."
Let's be honest, he doesn't care what it is & would wear/take whatever you give him. Your hairbrush? He will cuddle it.
When you presented him a blood vial bracelet, he got all teary eyed & nearly fainted from excitement. It easily became his most prized possession, he takes such good care of it. He wears it openly & you can see him fidget around with it when he gets anxious. Sometimes he will lightly rub or hold it against his cheek, calming him down when he's overwhelmed. ♡
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Satan: "That's what you get for touching things that aren't yours."
His smile was radiant, blinding. Satan's gift is unique just like him & he appreciates the thoughtfulness of a handmade blood infused bookmark. It's one he takes care of & makes sure it doesn't get lost in the mess of his room. He did curse it (you'll get a hand burn) so no one else can touch it except you & him. From time to time he gets distracted by it when reading. He wants to ask if you'll attach a blood charm to the end of it too. ♡
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Asmo: "My outfit isn't complete until I put this on!"
He squealed, cried, & wouldn't let you go for the entire day after gifting him the little box of jewelry. He went on to rub it in everyone's faces & showed it off on all his socials. The main gift was a gorgeous charm, the blood swirled, glittering inside. You made sure he could pop the charm into the ring, necklace, or bracelet you also gave him in the box. He was impressed you went to such lengths just so he could always choose how to wear it each day. Even if it was a single piece though, he would've worn it no matter what, even if it "clashed" with his outfit. ♡
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Beel & Belphie: "We promise to never take it off." "You promise too ___!"
The twins immediately pulled you into bed & cuddled with you, happily accepting their gifts. You gave each a pendant, a sun for Beel & a moon for Belphie, the middle of each pendant holding your precious red liquid. You even got a star pendant for yourself to match with them although your pendant remained empty; something they noticed quickly. They happily offered up their own blood; they never minded sharing as long as it's with you. ♡♡
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Barbatos: "I'm...at a loss for words, thank you."
He kissed your cheek before turning his attention to the golden pocket watch you gave him. He handled it delicately, admiring the ancient designs etched onto it before opening it. It was a gorgeous watch, one of the inner side walls swirled beautifully with your blood. He enjoyed the hidden surprise inside for his eyes only. Truly, he was moved by your gift & made a mental note to give you something in return. ♡
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Diavolo: "An absolute treasure this is."
He gave you a tight hug, nearly cutting your air supply off. He's received many gifts throughout the years but the custom pen you gave him was now at the top of the list. Only a see-through compartment of the pen held your blood, floating around. The actual ink inside the pen was regular but refillable for permanent use. He found himself smiling a little more even when filling out the piles of paperwork on his desk. It also finally fixed his habit of losing pens, making sure he always has it on him for quick signing (& Barbatos thanks you for it). ♡
Also I like to think that if they really miss you, they'll hold their object close to their nose to get a whiff of your scent ♡ alakskfgllsskfkg
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⬦You might also like: Coffee Shop︱Two A.M.︱Pick-Me-Up
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
Hello, sorry from before. I am the illusionist person.
I guess Alastor, Velvett, and Emily (but only if you do her).
I apologize about before.
No problem! I just do not like the idea of taking away credit from others’ choices and picking out the characters for others’ subjects. It just doesn’t feel right. I am sorry for being so… well, I guess, annoying and picky! To be honest, not a lot can be done here so sorry, it’s going to be kinda short! Also, this is my first time handling Emily!
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Alastor almost thought you were an ordinary sinner. A lady not unbelievably special but special in your own ways. But he is mistaken when he begins seeing your illusions and asks you about it. He is so surprised, jaw-dropped, amazed… that’s incredible!
Alastor is actually really supportive towards your illusion power and eggs you on to use it more than you normally do. Use it to get what you want, use it to mislead, use it to defend yourself. He will be right there to cheer you on
Alastor finds it fascinating when you begin to use your illusions on him. Changing his clothing to 1800s, making his ears disappear, all for shits and giggles but it’s just eye tricks. Everything is still there and hasn’t done anything to you, it’s just so realistic, that it’s incredible. He is impressed and has to remind himself that everything you suddenly ‘make’ is not real at all
It can be considered minor but to your boyfriend, your illusionary power. The most powerful, hyper realistic delusions that even shatter like glass when being hit. Enables Alastor’s pride and he is happily brags about how powerful you can be. He mentioned you a ton during his broadcasts and now, he mentions you as a whole even more. He’s just so proud of you
“My dear. Your mind is quite wild and livid. I can’t help but wonder what else you can do. May I ask, how does this power work? It’s so unique and I’d love to get to know it even more, may we speak over a nice date on my room’s balcony over some tea and cookies?”
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Velvette actually would much more prefer if her harmless little sinner girlfriend was just a normal demon. Didn’t have any powers that made her override the Overlord of the pair… but boy, she is so wrong and she ends up being jumpscared by your illusion-inducing power, directly falling for it and afterwards, she can’t help but directly fall for you even more
Whilst it’s true that Velvette enjoys being the unique one of this couple, she finds herself not at all salty or jealous of your power. In-fact, she wants to see it more in action and she even asks if she can post videos or pictures of your abilities to show you off, as a way to also demonstrate to the web that you belong to her, and this power belongs to her as well
Velvette is uncontrollably disturbed and annoyed by just how hyper realistic and convincing your mind images are. They are fully seeable to everybody, it’s not just you two but she feels like it’s tricking her individually. Whilst she gets irritated with them sometimes, she has grown to support you as a whole. She does like, however, when you use your mind and dress her in 1800s era clothing. Yeah, the dresses are ugly and old but the effort behind them is adorable so she allows it
As stated before, Velvette takes pictures, videos and stills of your illusionary magic and posts them online. She doesn’t just use this as claiming you as hers, she also uses it to brag about you. You went from just beautiful to beautiful and powerful, and that’s all hers. She has your heart and she wants everybody to know you can render them useless with your illusions. She brags to even the Vees
“Yo. Bae, can you please do me a fav with your luse-power? I want to make a really good fashion runway picture for my social media accounts and this one is shit. Could you please make some accessorises for me… pleeeaase~? I promise I’ll buy ya a present~!”
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Emily is a Seraphim. A powerful, higher-up ranked Angel species of the Heaven Hierarchy, so it’s quite surprising when she is as surprised to seeing the precious ordinary Angel lovely woman she calls hers form a illusion creation of her friend, Charlie Morningstar, trying to cheer her up after a bad day. She is so amazed and so proud, eyes sparkling with awe
Emily is the most supportive and encouraging being ever and she wants to rise you up, even more up above Heaven’s majestic cool clouds. She wants you to feel invincible and she wants to you feel proud of yourself so she’ll, much like a child, ask you to use more of your illusions, explore your power and get more confident with it and everytime she watches it, her mind basically explodes
Emily happily and excitedly spins out when you use your illusionary power on her to change her looks; gorgeous hair, gorgeous dress and even her wings. She feels so different yet so blessed at the same time, even if the new look is just a magical sheet covering her body. She also finds it interesting and funny that you dressed her in human 1800s era style, she wants you two to match so she basically begs you to use your magic on you too
Emily legit goes out of her way and with help from Sera, finds and brings back needed magical training items and spell books to try help you hone your already hyper-convincing Mirakinesis and your skills with that power, so you can expand your percentage and even maybe make it even more powerful, with her right besides you as your biggest cheerleader
“Sunflower! Can you make yourself invisible yet? Did the books and items help you at all? I hope they did! I also hope that you know that I am so proud of you and I love you so much! Please never keep something like this from me ever again! You’re incredible, with and without it”
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firelordsfirelady · 6 months
III. Cookies
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal
Word Count: 1018
Destined to be Yin and Yang
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story.
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
The cooks in the kitchen were steadily busy preparing lunch for all of the crew in the ship, so they looked annoyed when I appeared at the kitchen doorway.
“Not another one.” One of the cooks groaned. “Lunch will be served at the usual time—not beforehand. It’s not my problem if you’re hungry.” The older man grumbled, but I frowned in response. 
“Perhaps, you would like some help cooking then?” I rolled up the sleeves of my robes as I stood up from the doorway. “What is on the menu?” The man scoffed at me as he began to chop carrots.
“Pad Thai.” He then sneered. “Not that I expect you to know how to make it.” I smirked at the man’s snarky comment.
“Aren’t you cutting the carrots for pad Thai too thick?” I made my way over to the cutting board. “Mother always cuts hers into thin sticks.” The man raised his eyebrows at me. “Here, let me chop these while you go manage the chicken. It smells like someone is burning the meat.” I grabbed the knife from the man as the smell of burnt chicken filled the kitchen. The man cursed under his breath as he rushed over to the cook in charge of the meat. I let out a small chuckle as I set to work quickly chopping the carrots into thin sticks.
I was halfway through chopping the carrots when my sense of peace was rudely disturbed. 
“What on earth do you think you’re doing?” The voice belonged to none other than Zuko, who looked livid at the sight of me in the kitchen. All movement in the kitchen around me stopped, but  I flashed him a smile as I continued chopping the carrots.
“If you’re hungry, please be aware that lunch will be served on time.” I said, mocking what one of the cooks said earlier. “If you’re impatient, I shall personally deliver your plate within moments of it being ready.” The only noises in the kitchen were the sounds of various liquids boiling, sizzling of meat on the stove, and my constant chopping of the carrots. I could feel the heat radiating from Zuko as he stood there in the doorway of the kitchen with clenched fists.
“Perhaps you didn’t hear my question—“ Zuko began, but I raised my hand to cut him off.
“Oh, no, I heard your question.” I politely said. “Obviously, I am lending a helping hand to the kitchen staff that are working so diligently to prepare food for you, myself, and the whole crew.” Raising an eyebrow, I glanced up at the Fire Nation Prince. “Is that a problem?” 
Zuko closed his mouth as his knuckles turned white. 
“How my father expects me to be betrothed so such an informal princess is beyond me.”
Ouch. I hid my hurt behind a gentle smile I gave Zuko. 
“Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about caring for those you are in charge of.” I quoted. “Mother and Father always said if you take care of your people, your people will take care of you.” I glanced around at the kitchen staff. “Perhaps I am a bit informal, but I am only merely doing my duty as the princess.” Zuko scoffed at my words before he turned on his heel.
“Kindness is weakness.” He bitterly spat before he walked away. I slowed my chopping of the carrots to watch the prince walk away. His words hurt, but I refused to let him disrupt who I was raised to be. One of the cooks, the same one from earlier, placed a hand on my shoulder. Turning to look at him, he gave me an awkward smile.
“We can handle the kitchen from here, Princess.” I dismissed his words with a wave of my hand.
“Please call me Y/N. The title of princess seems so formal.” I shot a side-eyed glance at the doorway Zuko had just left. “Might as well keep up with the Prince’s thoughts of my informality.” The cook chuckled. “I do not mind helping. I used to help the cooks back home.” The cook bowed to me and gave me a soft smile.
“If you insist, then who am I to deny the princess?” He sent a wink my way, and I rolled my eyes. 
“Perhaps I could insist on utilizing the kitchen after dinner tonight?” I raised an eyebrow at the cook, who shrugged in response.
“We shall see how lunch turns out.” He gave me a curious look. “If it is good, then you are welcome to the kitchen any time.” I smirked and nodded.
The rest of the cooking for lunch went by uneventfully and the crew had no complaints when they were served their chicken pad Thai. So, the cooks allowed me into the kitchen several hours after dinner had been made. I smiled as I set all of the mixing bowls on the counter before I scavenged the fridge and pantry for the ingredients to make my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. I hummed as I measured, poured, and mixed the ingredients together before placing small dollops of dough on a few of the baking sheets.
Once I finished washing my dishes, I checked the cookies and found them cooked to perfection. Carefully removing the pans from the oven, I set the baking sheets on the counter. Allowing the cookies to cool, I set a few of them on one of the plates. Then proceeded to put all of the other cookies on a larger tray before I brought them below deck for the crew to enjoy. 
Once I returned to the kitchen, I took a small piece of paper and wrote a simple message: It takes courage to be kind. 
Smiling to myself, I carried the note and the plate of cookies to the closed door of Zuko’s bedroom. Gently setting the plate of cookies down, I smiled to myself as I gently knocked three times then went to my own room across the hall. Just as my door closed, I heard the door across the hall open.
Tag List @chevysstuffs @puttyly @ginger24880 @night-fall-moon @hypnoticbeing
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gaiathemexicanbeauty · 8 months
one finds the other crying
(bingo challenge prompt #3 :D)
pairing: sanji x reader word count: 756 warnings: angst to comfort, sanji but epic, LOTS OF COMFORT
don't ask me what arc this takes place during, just know its pre time skip
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sanji steps onto the going merry with grocery bags in his arms and a cigarette hanging in between his lips, sighing softly and small tendrils of smoke slipping from between them. he'd been out all day wandering the city they'd docked in, making sure to find any new ingredients unique to the area; the crew was never hesitant to try new dishes from their cook even if he brought produce that sometimes had names only he could pronounce. the ship is quiet, everyone seems to be out doing their own thing if the lack of napping crew meant anything. sanji smiles cotentedly: no one to disturb him for his dinner prep just the way he liked it. he makes his way to the kitchen as he hums a small tune to himself, already mentally mapping the meals and side dishes and- and you.
he's about to call your name, a smile already etching onto his face. he never really got the chance to spend some alone time with you considering how nosy the crew (luffy and usopp) were. your back is turned to him and he considers sneaking up on you, a mischievous smile on his face before he hears a sniffle from you. he stops in his tracks instantly, groceries bags crinkling in his arms and making him freeze in place; now he's done it. he's not sure what to expect, but it wasn't this. you jump in the chair you're sitting in, looking over at sanji with wide eyes. your eyes are rimmed a swollen red and glossy, tear streaks down your cheeks. he doesn't seem to have any words, staring at you just the same way you stare at him with bated breath; what happened to you?
"i'm fine-" "are you-" the two of you stop talking, the silence thick between the two of you. sanji isn't proud enough to let it stay. before you can begin to excuse yourself, he's already walked over to you and effectively stopped you from getting up. you look up at him, your cheeks flushing before he outstretches his hand to you. "you don't have to talk about it, but i don't expect you to grovel on your own. let me help you. please." sanji says smoothly, his tone steady but the look in his eyes showing that he won't take no for an answer. you look at his outstretched hand before taking it with a shaky exhale, earning a subtle smile from sanji.
wordlessly, he leads you away from the table and to the stove; you don't need much instruction to realize he's helping you make tea. you aren't lost to the way sanji's hand will graze yours for a moment too long, rub a circle into your back or brush some hair away from your face. for once, you don't swat him away or giggle at him, you let him. his touch soothes you in ways you couldn't even believe, trying not to lean into his touch when you're bringing the teapot over to the table and he touches your arm so softly you could cry again. when the two of you are finally at the table, he sidles up to you with a soft hum, just close enough that his arm touches yours. there's a comfortable silence between the two of you as you blow and sip at your tea, feeling any and all sense of frustration washing away.
"i don't know what's got you down and i'm not gonna make you tell me. but don't try to tough it out on your own. what'd you think, this crew's just here to keep you company?" you look over at sanji who takes a drag of his cigarette away from you, your cheeks warming and a smile forming on your face; "don't go crying on me again, alright? you'll ruin that pretty face of yours." he says with a hum, cigarette hanging between his lips again when he turns to look at you again. before he can say anything more, you lean over and leave a small kiss on his cheek, giggling at the way he goes stiff. he blinks at you before the red rises from his neck to his face almost cartoonishly, his lips parting in shock as you get up and head for the doorway. "thank you, sanji." as soon as you are out of ear shot and away from the kitchen, sanji rises out of his seat and pumps his fists in the air, even doing a little dance of celebration.
im not gonna lie to yall, i didn't really know how to end this but you KNOW i had to bring in that sanji charm LOLL
PSSTT here's the link to the bingo masterlist to find all the prompts in one spot ;3
next prompt:
accidentally walking in on other character
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spencerified · 2 months
hey there again. so this came up to me when I was trying to sleep the other day and it's veeeeery indulgent i have to admit so bear with me. hope everyone likes it. sending loooots of hugs ♡
It's sunny outside. 
Not sunny enough to cause a sunburn, like the last time you went to the beach, but Spencer still insisted that you wore sunscreen and fussed over you until you put on a decent amount that he approved. He doesn't play about your wellbeing. 
The thought makes you smile. He doesn't miss it. 
"What's that smile for?" He asks, and his lips mirror yours as they curl upwards into a gentle smile. He unconsciously gravitates closer towards you until your shoulders brush against each other, and you playfully nudge your side against his. 
You wait a few seconds until you come up with an answer that won't give away how much of a sap you are for him. In the meanwhile, both of you walk through the park, taking in the sounds of dogs barking, children running around, and the comforting sound of the leaves rustling. 
"It's a nice day out," you smile, looking up at him to try and gauge his reaction. When Spencer told you about his job as a behavioral analyst, you thought reading him would be a task almost next to impossible. But you look at him, and you wonder what could possibly be so hard to read about the way he looks at you and his eyes twinkle like you're something he's been unknowingly longing for and this is the first time he gets to lay his eyes on you?
He's not looking anywhere else but at you when he answers. "It is." 
You don't talk for a couple of minutes after that. Before him, you found yourself always eager to fill in the blanks in conversations; you couldn't stand awkward silences, so you fumbled to find a topic that you could exploit until the conversation flowed naturally. With Spencer, you've found that you can appreciate silences when they're with the right person. You don't find silences awkward anymore because you've realized that the connection between both of you goes beyond what words can express. 
He brushes his pinky finger against yours, retreating back to his original place until you reach for him and link your own pinky with his. Based on his coy smile as he looks away from you and into the gardens, you deduce he probably thinks he's being sneaky, acting like you're the one who sought him out. He's still bashful about openly asking for your undivided affection. It's not a problem when you're still always willing to give whatever he'll take. 
"Look," you say, stopping and crouching down to the garden on your right. He turns around sporting a puzzled expression, and he's about to spout some data about the staggering amount of germs on an average sidewalk as you kneel to take a flower in your hands. You look so in awe he stops. 
Flowers have always been an interest of yours. Very early into the relationship Spencer caught up on that; the first time he noticed, it was because you stopped to look at a cute flower blooming from between the cracks on the sidewalk, mumbling a speech about resilience that he could probably recite from memory right now if he tried to. That same time, you picked each little flower that you ran into on the walk back to your place with the utmost care and carried them around until you got home and you were elated to place one anywhere you found; on the small table next to the door, on the kitchen counter, in the coffee table in your living room. 
And so he made it a point to always bring you bouquets of new, unique flowers any time he could, each bouquet accompanied by his intimate knowledge of their origins, their symbolism, little facts he thinks you would like about them. You love getting flowers, and Spencer loves sharing knowledge with you. 
You pick the flower tenderly, patting down the dirt you may have disturbed by doing so, and hold it out for him as you stand. "It's a sunflower. A little one." 
He takes it in his fingers and analyzes it intently. "It's not really a sunflower." 
"It's not?" You ask; and you peer over to look at the small yellow thing from the same angle and with the same intensity Spencer does. "It's yellow. And it has the brown button thingie there." 
"It's actually a Little Goldstar black-eyed susan. You know, they would appear almost identical to the untrained eye, but there are a few details that set them apart. For example, sunflowers tend to grow taller than black eyed susans do. Not only that, but black-eyed susans have a sort of plain brown button in the center of the flower instead of the pollen that you would find in the middle of a sunflower. You can also tell the difference from a distance because black-eyed susans grow in clusters, while sunflowers tend to be more singular."
You stare at him for a few seconds. "I'm sorry. I can't get past them being called 'black eyed susans'. Who even named them that?"
"I don't know," he says, and you know by the way he tries to hide his smile that he's about to make a bad joke. "Probably someone who really liked a girl named Susan." 
It actually makes you laugh. Perhaps love has played a little trick on you and tampered with your sense of humor, leaving you delightfully unprotected from his endearing nature. 
"You're probably right," you resume walking. Spencer holds the black eyed susan in his right hand while the left holds yours. He wants you to have your hands unburdened for the rest of the flowers he knows you'll pick on the walk before heading home. You think for a second, and then ask: "Would you name a flower after me?" 
"Oh, totally," he says without a second of doubt. "I would plant a whole field of flowers and then name it after you." 
You find yourself entertained by the hypothetical. Maybe you like silences with Spencer; but you also like the way you can say a single sentence and it will unfold into an hours long conversation so easily. No matter how many topics you two explore and rave about, it's like the stream of the conversation never runs dry. 
"What flowers would you plant?" 
He scrunches his nose as he thinks. He would probably ponder less on how to solve the Riemann hypothesis than he is on what flowers he would pick for you. If you were the one asking him to do so, he would most likely find a way to solve it by noon.
"I would choose... something pink. Or white," or both, you add softly to his reasoning. "Orchids, perhaps. They are very beautiful, and difficult to maintain. Like you." 
Your smile doesn't falter for not even a second. Still, you swat his arm lightheartedly. "Did you just call me difficult?" 
"I called you beautiful," he mentions, turning his smile into a straight line as he looks at you. 
"I think I heard difficult somewhere in there." 
"I don't recall." 
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