#it's so unpopular that it only feels fair if I share a little
de-righty · 7 months
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Go and play Deceive inc i beg of you
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thestormynobody · 17 days
Flower for You (Isat month prompt 2)
You creep through hallways that are far too familiar. No one seems to notice you, but you’re careful not to be spotted anyway. There would be questions if they knew what you were doing. Questions you’re not sure you actually have a good answer for. 
Haven’t you learned your lesson, Siffrin? You nearly ended the world because you didn’t talk to them. They took care of you after everything you did. They still love you despite everything that you are. And you’re going to throw away that good will for him???
But it's not like that. You need to do this. If only to find some sense of closure.
You enter the chamber you’ve been in so many times before. It’s different now. Quieter. The figure towards the back room unmoving; unchanging. 
Kneeling, hand outstretched, a small smile on his lips…he looks serene like this. Not like the monster who’d killed you so many times. Not like the monster who- the mental image of that hand squeezing. You shudder. 
It didn’t happen. Bonnie is okay.
But. It did. Just because it was reset doesn't change what he did. What you saw. What you still see sometimes in nightmares.
You hate him. Maybe more than you’ve ever hated anyone. Still.The King had been one of the loops universal constants and if you're ever going to move on you need to do this.
You sit across from him. You breathe in. And out.
“So. You got what you wanted.”
Perhaps not how he’d intended his wish to go but he’d get to live without the fear of losing a home again. Frozen in the moment of remembering. Forever. 
“All the people that you hurt. Was it worth it? For this?”
You see his smile. You know that, for him at least, it had been worth it. Disgusting. 
“I won’t pretend I don’t understand your reasons. I’m-scared of losing everything again too. I-”
Were you really any better than him? You trapped the whole country in a time loop and nearly ended the world because you didn’t want your friends to leave you. Sure. You didn’t mean to do those things but you did do them. You’re sure his original wish wasn’t actually to freeze Vauguarde in time just as yours wasn’t specifically to create a time loop. This was just the form his wish took.
“I don’t forgive you. I won’t.” 
But it was different with him wasn’t it? He chose to use the power he was given to freeze people in time. Separating families. Screeching people’s lives to a halt. He chose to hurt Bonnie. To prove a point. You didn’t choose to trap everyone in a time loop. And you were the only one consciously experiencing the loops. You didn’t force everyone to experience the repercussions of your wish…not till the end anyway.
“Why do you get to remember after everything you did? It’s not fair!”
You’re being selfish. You got what you wanted too didn’t you? To stay with your family? And of course you’re happy! You are! You love them so much!! But, you can’t pretend that there isn’t a part of you that still yearns for a past that is lost to you now. 
“And what’s the point anyway? If you’re just frozen there, no one else will ever get to know what you know. How is that keeping our Home alive?? What was even the point?”
He can’t answer you so these questions are pointless. You feel a little better having voiced them though.
“We’re leaving soon. I think I’m going to look into what little I can find about Home. I'm going to share it with my family. Keep it alive. You can keep your knowledge to yourself but I won't.”
You hadn't realized you felt this way until this moment. But it feels right. You get up and place the object you brought with you into the King's outstretched hand. It was a  single, slightly wilted hyacinth of an unpopular shade. The Flower Growing One had asked you if you were sure when you picked it out. You had reassured them you were sure but had not elaborated who it was for.
“Flower for you.”
Anyone important. Even enemies. 
You turn on your heel and leave. You never set foot in Dormont’s House of Change again.
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supercalime · 1 month
hey, me again (funny saying this while on anon)! but couldn't help but think about your tags:
#it’s so sad so many pro bucktommy fans go on anon for asks #I sense it’s because the shippers that shall not be named can’t handle us loving a canon ship but I may be wrong oh well
honestly, in my particular case, i feel like i'm the only person with probably the most unpopular 911 opinions of all times so no matter what i try to enjoy or have some good faith in, i'll have to swallow a constant buzz of hate from all sides because unfortunately many things are widely hated in the entire fandom and/or stripped from all nuance and reasonability 😂 i see the same thing in the bucktommy fandom so i feel scared to openly "join" the fun because most people who are pro bucktommy are very anti something else i like (tried with buddie years ago, big mistake) 😂 which is totally fair! i dislike things as well, and all opinions are valid. but it's still hard to be constantly exposed to that when i'm trying to have a good time, if you know what i mean? can't help but feel unwelcome wherever i look because people have very, very strong opinions here – it leaves me very little middle ground to navigate on. it's okay, though. i'll stay in my one-person bubble and enjoy bucktommy mostly just by myself. i hope you and everybody else is having a great time connecting and exchanging bucktommy ideas, though! 💕
I completely understand, anon. Worry not about it, fandom experience is supposed to be fun so you gotta do what you gotta do to filter it best. I straight up blocked so many accounts and so many tags for behavior less intense than from the shippers that shall not be named, so i get it!
Im happy you felt safe on my blog to share your thoughts and ideas, I really enjoy talking about my favorite ships (I mean, it’s in my blog description, I am a professional shipper haha), so don’t hesitate to come back for us to gush over our favorite queer firefighters!
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lemonxdaisybby · 2 months
Your most recent post inspired me to ask if we could get first kiss headcanons for Sawashiro and Yamai please?
Omg I was kind of hoping to get some more requests for those two, thank you 🥹💕
Unpopular opinion maybe, but you might just have to initiate the first kiss with Sawashiro. He’s been with many women before, he has plenty of experience, but he doesn’t necessarily have experience with wholesome, non-toxic relationships. This is very new to him. He’s also unfamiliar with physical affection in a more romantic sense, so he’d be a bit unsure in how to approach things with you. It’s not that he’d never make the first move, but more so that you might grow a little impatient with him and just choose to make the first move yourself. It’d be a lot quicker this way too.
The first kiss would occur after the third or fourth date, after little to no physical touch has occurred, other than maybe some fleeting touches, brushing past each other, or Jo placing a gentle hand on the low of your back to guide you somewhere. This man gives nothing away, and is unreadable at the best of times, so the prospect of making the first move for a kiss would be very intimidating, but somebody’s gotta do it.
You’d still likely find him a bit intimidating at this point, so you’d just opt to give him a gentle peck on the lips, just to gauge his reaction. It would definitely take him by surprise, and he’d pause for a moment once you’ve pulled away, momentarily stunned, before pulling himself together and scolding himself internally for not making the first move. He’s a man goddammit. He likes tradition. He should have kissed you first. He would immediately pull you back in by your waist for a deeper, more passionate kiss, not only to redeem himself, but also to show you just how it’s done.
He wouldn’t be flustered or anything, and would be pretty nonchalant after, although if he catches you blushing or acting bashful he would definitely smirk, enjoying your reaction. He’d maybe be a bit disappointed that he didn’t make the first move, but also he’d be impressed that you took initiative too.
Kisses with Jo would always be pretty heated, and would leave you feeling warm and flustered. He only tends to give you kisses on the lips when he’s horny and looking for sex, or in very rare moments where he just feels the overwhelming urge to kiss you. Most other times, he’s more of a quick peck on the forehead kinda guy. Not the most affectionate move, but it’s still quite sweet.
One word for this fella, mysterious and smooth. He would definitely be the one to kiss you first, more so because you might feel a bit too nervous yourself making the first move. Even when initially dating, he would still have that slight intimidating aura about him, to the point where you feel as though he is dangerous, and you can’t quite figure him out.
It would be following a date, maybe the second or third date. His gang is priority at this point, so it’s possible he might get called away at times and have to leave dates early. He’d of course be annoyed, but it can’t be helped, and he would have made it clear to you when first initiating dating that he might have to disappear at times.
He’d be walking you to a taxi after being called away from a date early by one of his subordinates. A sudden shower of rain would be lashing down, and so the two of you would be sharing an umbrella, and Yamai would be in very close proximity to you. He’d have insisted on walking you to your taxi before leaving himself, just to make sure you get back safely, and maybe it would just occur to him that cutting the date short isn’t very fair on you? Or maybe he just really wants to kiss you? Who knows. The man cannot be read, but he’d be looking down at you with that expressionless face, his eyes dark and brooding.
Before you can quite comprehend what’s going on, Yamai would have pulled you in closer to him, and his lips would be catching your own in a firm kiss. It wouldn’t be an innocent, quick peck, as that’s not really Yamai’s style. It would be strong and meaningful, as his lips move against your own.
You can’t quite tell what he’s thinking, but there’s a spark in his eye afterwards, as he wordlessly opens the taxi door for you, allowing you to climb inside in a daze. He’d probably leave you with a short goodbye, letting you know that he’ll contact you later, and of course handing you money for the ride (he isn’t about to make you pay for your own taxi home), and that would be that. Once you’re safely in the taxi, he would just turn away and make his own way back, disappearing into the night, leaving you feeling warm and flustered.
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Hi!! Gin for the ask game?
Yay Gin!!!
Favorite thing about them: Oh man there's not much to talk about in canon outside of the oc I made from them. But I still think they're very cool!! I also find them felling affection for Ryuunosuke to be very sweet, they're the only character in the whole series together with Higuchi who's ever shown to genuinely care about him.
Least favorite thing about them: How they weren't given a personality outside of “Akutagawa's sister”. Like, I love Gin, but being honest, it's more of loving the character I built pretty much from scratch for them in my mind, because canon literally never gave them a personality. Also, I don't like the voice actor choice for them… I don't know if I'm being conservative with this, but I find that kind of hyperfemininity they're depicted having sometimes (their high-pitched voice, the onsen scene in Wan) pretty stereotypical, that taste of “all tough girls deep down actually want to be delicate and femminine” from old medias I don't really vibe with.
Favorite line:
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This one, because it's funny, and specifically because it's a non-verbal line. I like the idea of Gin using their sword more than they use their mouth.
brOTP: Look, I'm weak for siblings dynamics. They're always my favourite thing. I don't remember ever having an hyperfixation that didn't include siblings dynamics. I love love love the Gin / Ryuunosuke relationship and could talk about them for days. ALSO the Black Lizard in general I've already talked about them here I care so much about them. I really like tachigin platonically too. And I like Gin's dynamics with Higuchi, I actually like them better platonically.
OTP: I dig everything tachigin, I really like them and the “I'm not who I say I am but you know me better than myself even though you don't know my true identity” deal they have going on. I also like the idea of Gin and Naomi 👀👀👀 talkative gf x gf who's never said a word their whole life. Also my personal crack ship Gin × Paula ThePromisedNeverland
nOTP: ... I don't really dig higu/gin. Higu/gin friends, please forgive me. I just think that starting dating the person your brother has repeatedly abused would be super awkward, and I don't think I really like the idea of Higuchi basically dating Ryuunosuke's sister as rebound guy. Also it's just a thing with me and not being a fan of vanilla / sugar spice and everything nice wlw ships. I do acknowledge they have their fair share of scenes together and that they're perfect to be interpreted romantically!! The latest volume 23 omake especially, it can perfectly be taken as romantic. It's just not something that does it for me, and tbh I like them better with having a kind of sisters dynamics, with Higuchi being this kind of very exuberant and silly self-assigned older sister and Gin who just likes her and enjoys hanging out with her.
Random headcanon: Oh boy, may I introduce you to my Gin brainrot. I really have so many ideas about them. Apart from what I've already mentioned, I really like the idea of them having selective mutism, especially as it's shown in Wan. I don't think they're someone to talk in general. The Akutagawas household must be death silent 24/7 lol.
Unpopular opinion: I just wish people would give them more flaws. I'ver read my fair share of Gin fics, and in all of them they're always this kind of sassy / funny / witty / pretty / confident / charismatic / overall perfect person. As result, I find them quite boring to read, and they particularly pale in comparison to Ryuunosuke; especially since at least for me it's his flaws that make him such a compelling character. I wish we'd extend some of his flaws to Gin too. They're bad at communication and expressing their feelings. They're aggressive and pessimistic. Idk, anything that makes them a little more human.
Song i associate with them: How To World Domination by Neru. Just the overall imaginary it evokes of two siblings close in age fighting together in a world that is both violent and war-ridden, and terribly domestic and mundane. The feeling of being lonely together. Them both fighting to become a better version of themselves, a kinder version of themselves, even, before my heart grows numb from the cold. This song really is one that always evokes the Akutagawa siblings in my mind whenever it comes on shuffle. Also, Re-education by Neru, for similar reasons.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card: (Band Gin you will always be famous)
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Send me a character?
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lunanoc · 4 months
this is probably definitely an unpopular and potentially controversial opinion, but i saw a take recently on npss and the female characters of dmbj that to be fair pops up often that i feel it’s a pretty prevalent one, so i just. decided to give my two cents on it that once again no one asked for
more under the cut because this got a little long
just to be clear, this a topic that has quite a bit of nuance and multiple layers to it, and perception entirely depends on both personal interpretation and your medium of choice. i’m also not saying that npss is some pioneer in terms of writing female characters because he’s not. but i also feel that saying he’s a blatant misogynist and that he can’t write female characters properly at all is a gross exaggeration and doing the ladies of dmbj a disservice
i’m also going to be talking about the books specifically here, since the books and the dramas/movies treat female characters differently not only because of plotline reasons, but because of the differences in the nature of their narratives. the dramas have quite a bit more of the accusations people tend to like throwing at dmbj like reducing female characters to flat, one-dimensional archetypes or fridging the dramas do have su nan though, but contrary to what a large part of the fandom seems to push forward, the dramas don’t and can’t represent dmbj in its entirety, and if you’re going to try and do that, you can’t leave out the books and vice-versa, but seeing how different both versions of the story can get at times i just tend to separate them entirely
as it stands, the only female characters who die in the books zhang haixing not counting because we technically don’t know what happens to her are a ning and yuncai, and i guess you can add huo xiangu to that, but she's part of the lao jiumen and chen pi ah si dies similarly so not sure that counts here really. and while you can argue for a ning at least that her death for narrative purposes was fridging, npss also used panzi’s death later on for similar narrative purposes, so at least in that respect he doesn’t discriminate
don’t get me wrong, the books aren’t perfect either, and you do get misogynistic comments from the male characters from time to time that make me squint, which is why i’m not trying to pretend dmbj is peak feminism, but they’re also not egregious or frequent enough comments, and in my opinion the main difference with the dramas is that the male gaze in the books is at least somewhat more justified, because where the dramas are necessarily presented from a third person pov, the books are wu xie’s first person pov for the most part. dmbj is essentially written as and treated as wu xie’s memoirs, and so everything and everyone is seen and filtered through the lense of his perception. and wu xie is a man, so that comes with its own set of ramifications. and even then ironically, wu xie is far from the only or the worst culprit when it comes to casual misogyny. pangzi has his fair share of takes, as do a number of other characters
but for all that the female characters are sometimes placed into archetype boxes by virtue of not only the narrative being from wu xie’s pov, but also the fact that the tomb robbing business is shown to be a male dominated one, and also just because npss himself is a man, that doesn’t mean those female characters aren’t complex and fleshed out characters in their own right to the same extent as their male counterparts of similar narrative relevance
i’m thinking of huo xiuxiu for example, who’s arguably the most prominent and recurring female character in dmbj, who from the get-go is very quickly made out to be not a pretty girl (or rather not just a pretty girl) but quick-witted the likes of which wu xie resonates with as a kindred spirit and draws a number of parallels with himself because he finds they share similar ways of thinking and problem solving. she’s capable, skilled, and sees herself as an equal to the iron triangle and the men around her, and yet none of this detracts from either her femininity or her vulnerability as the youngest lao jiumen member, and later as the one left behind to pick up the broken pieces of her own family. she’s a leader in her own right, and she gains support from xiao hua and wu xie in the years leading up to sand sea just as much as she lends them her support in later canon. all of this without ever being presented as a potential love interest and reduced to only that wu xie’s lack of interest in women in a practical sense as romantic/sexual partners is a topic for another post but it’s also a thing that contributes to not relegating most of the female characters to just that too
i’m not about to say npss is being particularly progressive, but it’s also interesting and nice to note that even in recent canon, just like the iron triangle and xiao hua, huo xiuxiu is well into her 30s and unmarried without it ever either being mentioned really or being an issue, which considering the cultural significance of marriage in china, even more so seeing as xiuxiu is the heiress and head to a powerful family, it’s worth noting she’s not treated any differently from the male characters who make the same equally culturally problematic choices. she’s too busy going with the iron triangle, xiao hua, and hei xiazi down into dangerous tombs (which is why she’s often featured in official merch as a main cast member alongside the iron triangle and heihua)
i’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty about every single female character otherwise this would get way too long but i could, but even someone like liang wan, who is absolutely portrayed as vain and sometimes unrealistically obsessed with her appearance and chasing after men, i personally find still has more depth given to her in the book in some respects, because as zhang rishan isn’t in sand sea the book, she has no romance plotline, and so not only does she get pov chapters, she gets pov chapters that flesh out her involvement with wu xie’s plan and the wangs by extension, and her goals, though never followed through on because npss didn’t tie up that loose end, i find are far more driven by something deeply personal. zhang haixing in tibetan sea flower is arrogant and condescending, manipulative as much as she is competent, and while pangzi especially responds to her behavior with borderline misogynistic provocations, it’s very clear that her character isn’t so much the fruit of putting her in the femme fatale archetype box as it is a consequence of her being a zhang. because both zhang haike and zhang hailou (aka ‘little brother zhang’) who are both men, are very much also like this. special mention also to the girls from the side novel a thousand faces because yes npss wrote a book that’s entirely about two women who may or may not be girlfriends
i could also talk about chen wenjin whose entire story runs very much parallel to wu sanxing’s and they both end up with similar endgame situations and are both tragic characters but this post is already long enough. there are more minor female characters who get their share of both “screentime” and development on par with their male counterparts, and for the sake of argument, some of these female characters have as much presence and/or depth given to them as a character like liu sang, who while being a fandom darling, is also very much a minor character. so what i’m saying is that while yes most of the characters in dmbj are men, and the main cast even more so (excluding xiuxiu), at equal level of importance, there’s about as much depth to a character like liu sang as there is to a character like liang wan, or a ning, and so at some point it begs the question of how much of the fandom’s perception of depth in minor female characters is colored by personal preferences rather than objective fact. are there female characters who are basically reduced to being a romantic interest and serve no real purpose other than to be the source of a man’s pain? yes looking at yuncai whose death is both sudden (while it does have some minor foreshadowing) and happens so far towards the end of the book that it almost seems pointless, and in the end only serves as the catalyst for pangzi’s own suffering and justifies his almost ten-year on-and-off retreat to banai
because again, npss isn’t out here making dmbj a feminist manifesto, and there’s room for criticism and pointing out a number of things if you wanted to. but he also doesn’t write bad female characters. they’re as much people as the men are for better or worse, and saying npss can’t write women properly is doing them a disservice. not to mention the fact the dmbj never leans into romance and that actually almost every single ‘canon’ romance is doomed in some capacity means women are rarely relegated to solely being potential love interests, which in a narrative dominated by the male gaze is actually nice?
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space-cat-in-a-teacup · 5 months
character ask: lucy, poe, and fitzgerald
Oooh Guild characters, don't mind if I do
Lucy first!
First impression
Anne of Green Gables author! I understand this reference!
Impression now
Best girl, she's just trying to live her life post-Guild arc and exist as best she can. I'm so glad she continues to have a presence in the narrative, and I want to see more of her!
Favorite moment
Guild arc, Moby Dick, Atsushi's prison cell. She bears her scars to Atsushi to show exactly why she hates him (and considering all the other members of the Guild, she's probably used to people who don't understand her pain, who have more to their lives than she could ever dream of) only for Atsushi to reveal he has scars just like hers, that they share this pain that no one else does. And when Atsushi asks if the people on the ground deserve to suffer like she did. GOD.
But a close second is the moment where she drags Atsushi out of the cafe to give Kyouka some peace, explaining to Atsushi why he should give her that peace of mind. It's a cute moment, and I like that it shows Lucy has the deeper emotional understanding in this situation versus Atsushi.
Idea for a story
When I finish that one fic where she becomes a detective thanks to Poe moving to Canada it's over for all of you. And maybe a canon-compliant fic exploring her average every day life at the cafe, how she goes about and what she does with her time
Unpopular opinion
I do not see enough Lucy content to know what opinions of mine would be unpopular or not?
Favorite relationship
Atsulucy is my beloved for a reason... I love they. I would like to explore her dynamic with Kyouka more though, I think they're interesting.
Favorite headcanon
I don't have a specific headcanon, but thanks to some old OC named Lucy I do associate her with ladybugs a lot.
Now, Poe!
First impression
Impression now
He's a silly goofy guy who's rivalry with Ranpo is really fun, and the continued use of his ability in present BSD storylines is really cool. As a fan of IRL Poe's writing style and stories, he's an absolute treat. Could use more Cask of Amontillado references though.
Favorite moment
His inroduction is iconic... but the moment where he casually reveals how incredibly wealthy he is and gets to be the one who shocks Ranpo instead of the other way around? Oh, oh that is wonderful.
Idea for a story
As I mentioned above with Lucy, the fic where he fucks off to Canada and accidentally brings her into the mystery business is one I treasure dearly, even if I don't know how to write it just yet. I also have an AU version of him that, while he doesn't have a story yet, is quite an intriguing premise.
Unpopular opinion
I don't have a specific one, but I do feel like the fandom tends to soften him a little bit, make him a little bit too shy and anxious.
Favorite relationship
Ranpoe is iconic, but to be fair it is like... the main one we see in canon. If we're talking about dynamics I'd like to explore with him, I think him getting dragged around by Kenji on a shopping trip or something could be fun (based on that one brief scene in the manga where Kenji tried to help him but couldn't understand him) or a scenario with him and Fukuzawa.
Favorite headcanon
He definitely has an ominous wine cellar in that giant mansion of his. You know why? Cause Cask of Amontillado is-
Now we move on to Fitzgerald himself... oh boy.
First impression
Impression now
This entire character and the storylines surrounding him are such expertly weaved references to the Great Gatsby that while I don't like the character himself a lot, I do have a secondhand appreciation for him because I love that book.
Favorite moment
The moment he shows up in TJ Eckleburg's house and just casually explains how horrific of a death drinking lighter fluid is kinda funny to be honest?
Idea for a story
...Does that one time I had a Pokemon AU where he got eaten by Reshiram count?
Unpopular opinion
I don't see a lot of content about him so I can't say for sure what is and isn't unpopular?
Favorite relationship
Him with the Guild as an entity, not its individual members. Something really fucked up about how he calls them all his property and that's how he cares about them, not really having much care for their individual cares.
Favorite headcanon
The man is bad at fishing. He likes the idea of it vaguely in that 'white American dads fish' kinda way but he cannot actually fish he's bad at it. If you know you know.
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How about 1, 15, 23 for the air your grievances ask game?
Hi! :-)
What's your biggest __[insert fandom]__ pet peeve(s)?
Oof, okay... I think my biggest pet peeve with the M/C/U fandom is how greedy certain pockets of it can be. When 80-95% of either the canon or fandom is catered to you, I don't get complaining so hard about the slim percentage that doesn't. It's infuriating. But I've talked about that a bunch in the past.
Something I don't think ever talked about is how this fandom drives me up the damn wall as a music nerd. The biggest example is folks describing the Guardians soundtracks/"Qu*ll's taste in music" as "80s music." No. No, they're not. They're mainly the 70s. I know, I counted, after the fandom nearly gaslit me into doubting my own knowledge. In fact, out of the trilogy, IW, the Gro/ot shorts, and the Holiday special, only Vol 3 and the Holiday special contain any 80s songs. (And for record, this isn't me shitting on the 80s or anything. I'm an 80s baby and love tons of music from that era. This is just me being an insufferable know-it-all, lol.)
Another one is constantly framing Sam's recommendation of Tro/uble Man as some kind of come on. Like, first of all, that album is mainly a score and the few lyrics that do exist on it are not sexy. Second of all, oh my God, there's more to Marvin than just sex jams, holy shit. It's very obvious that some are only familiar with stuff like "Let's get it on" and "Sexual Healing" and that's it and... I can't help it, that makes me so sad.
15. Name an aspect of __[insert character]__ that you think gets frequently overlooked in fanfiction characterizations/deserves more attention/exploration
I think fandom's really dropped the ball with post-EG Steve. We could've had sprawling epics with Steve creating timeline after timeline where he had full lives with every Av*nger and Guardian and whoever else and having D*ctor Who style adventures across space and time. But, noooope. Nada.
I'll also never understand how I've only ever seen one fic where Professor H*lk and Steve raise Baby!Scott. That's comedy gold, right there. And how the hell did Sh*-H*lk not spawn a ton of St*ve/Jen? Not to mention all the cool concepts WI? has given the fandom on a silver platter only for them to be completely ignored.
23. Share an unpopular opinion you have RE: __[insert fandom]__
At the risk of being skinned alive, I know that even people who don't ship St*cky romantically will say that they still love them as friends instead. And I... don't. I can't get into that dynamic, even platonically. Most of their relationship is told rather than shown and what little we are shown doesn't endear it to me at all. Fandom can scream "till the end of the line" until it's blue in the face, but that doesn't make up for its problems in the slightest. (And frankly, I think that was the main purpose of the line to begin with, but that's a whole other rant.) I mean, B*cky spends most of T/F/A coming off (to me) like a condescending prick towards Steve and then spends the rest of Steve's time in the films deliberately staying as far away as humanly possible. It feels very one-sided to me, overall. And why should I revere that period, but especially so when dynamics like the ones Steve has with S*m, N*t, and P*ggy exist? Dynamics where the love and respect is quite clearly mutual and they actively want to be in his life? There's just no contest as far as I'm concerned.
Now, in fairness, theirs isn't the only dynamic in the films that's way more tell than show nor is it the worst offender in terms of the discrepancy between what's told and what's shown, but again, those are other rants.
Sorry about this getting kinda long. I'd been holding that first rant in for a loooong time, lol, so thank you for sending this in and giving me the chance to finally get that off my chest. XD
Air Your Grievances Ask Game
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luccie-eclair · 2 years
...I want to share an Unpopular Take about Yuri...
I see quite a bit of criticisms of Yuri's character that are all fair and valid. He's creepy. He's overprotective. His relationship with Yor borders one-sided incest.
And I agree with all of this, but I do think that it's a little different with Yor and Yuri. [I am not defending the move to make the relationship seem almost incestuous, but I am more discussing the point of creepiness and overprotectiveness.]
I don't know Endo's intentions with Yuri's character, but to me it reads as Yuri having an extremely dependent relationship with Yor because of their childhood (or lack thereof) and he's merely trying to repay her or be the pillar that she was for him.
They lost their parents at a young age (exceptionally young for Yuri) and Yor basically gave up her entire childhood in order to give Yuri a chance at having one. And Yuri saw that. He, of course, didn't know what she was actually doing, but he always saw her working all types of hours, coming in late, covered in blood & maybe some injuries. All so that she could keep a roof over their heads, food on the table, clothes on their backs, and still have a little extra to spoil Yuri with books, materials, and activities that he'd been eyeing at shops because he loved learning. In his perspective, Yor gave up so much: going to school, having a social life, being a normal kid, and being truly happy for him (and she admits this in her thoughts). So, in his adult years, Yuri is trying to give that up to ensure that she's happy and finding that with a good, worthy person.
I *absolutely* agree that the way it's portrayed isn't... the best. I think it could've been written in a way that didn't seem to lean into a one-sided incestuous relationship. But (assuming that this was his intention) I think Yuri is just extremely dependent and feels indebted to Yor, so he's doing everything to ensure her happiness the way she did for him.
Despite this being a slice of life/comedy, there's a lot of moving parts going on underneath that's making literally every character On Edge All The Time: the war, losing parents/friends/homes, people are plotting another war, SSS arresting everyone for everything. Perhaps, it makes sense for Yuri to be the Overprotective Trope. Yor is all he has left and losing her after everything they've been through would crush him. I would find it strange in a world where everyone's suspicious, everyone has a motive, everyone has something at stake that Yuri, who only has his sister left, isn't overprotective of her.
The Overprotective Brother/Father/BF/Male BFF Trope is annoying, toxic, and kind of overdone. With Yuri, it still isn't portrayed well. It's still creepy and bordering on incestuous, but the Overprotective Trope for Yuri makes the *most* sense.
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joeey-dee · 11 months
How to you feel about Nyssa or Nyssa x Sara (idk their ship name)
Also your fic “Yes, this is all I have left in me the way love goes is not the way that it came come fly, un-die, be born again.” Was amazing and left me in SHAMBLES (but in a good way, if that makes sense.)
Have a nice day!
Hi, thank you for your question.
Oh boy… I might make myself very unpopular with my opinion but here goes, lol.
I’m not a fan of Nyssara to be honest. But to be fair we did not get a lot of information about it and a lot was left open to interpretation. My issue with the ship is the same as the ones I have with both Olicity and Avalance, it is also very toxic and they tried to sell it to us as something positive.
Nyssa’s behavior was textbook stalker and very ‚if I can’t have you so can no one else‘. This is scary and not love but obsession. It is dangerous and there are no excuses for her actions. She tried to kill Sara’s family, just because Sara left her. And most of the fandom excuses her behavior with the way she was raised and things like that. But that is no excuse for the way she acted. If a woman gets murdered, or her family, by her ex who had a bad childhood, would people also make excuses for that person? 
Another issue I have with the ship is that Sara didn’t really have a choice. Nyssa „saved“ her but at the same time she damned her by taking her to Nanda Parbat instead of letting her go home. Sara was thrust into the League because of Nyssa and the only „protection“ she had was Nyssa and Nyssa’s feelings for her. In a way she was back to where she had been on the Amazo, keep Nyssa’s favor and affection or deal with the consequences just like with Ivo. So I have mixed feelings on whether Sara actually loved Nyssa or it was closer to Stockholm syndrome and survival instinct. And yes, Sara clearly states that she loved Nyssa but she also claimed Ivo was not evil. There was a serious issue with the power dynamic in their relationship and that is never a good thing.
Like I said I have mixed feelings and am not entirely sure about this relationship, because there is very little information we have about it, and most of what we know is Nyssa’s point of view, which I do not trust. The way she saw it might not at all be the way Sara saw it. 
I have serious issues with the way the movie and TV industry is romanticizing toxic and abusive relationships and selling them as perfect and something to aspire to. It is dangerous and makes me very uncomfortable.
I do like Nyssa’s character and her as a person, I think she was very interesting and had a lot of potential and a great story arch, but I don’t think she and Sara were a good fit or brought out the best in each other. 
Aw, thank you so much for that compliment! It makes perfect sense and I’m so happy you shared that with me and liked the story! It means the world to me. I’m a sucker for Ollie and Tommy’s friendship, throw Sara in there and it’s my dream team, lol. 
Thank you, you too!
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txemrn · 2 years
I see Addison's reasoning behind getting upset. Also, We still don't know who leaked the photos either.
Hey, Anon!
Thank you so much for sending in your TNA thoughts. 💜
I'm with you to an extent. My very unpopular opinion: there's a part of my heart that feels for Addison. I know, I know... but i think PB is pulling a Robin-in-book-2 move, and they are making her do and say ridiculous things to make people dislike her. Don't forget; she's the villain! Ugh, yes, yes, we know...
Here's the thing: if I was in this situation, you better believe I'd be upset if my children called another woman "mom". Because it is upsetting. This woman just got her life back after 5 years... and it's actually not her life anymore. THAT. IS. AWFUL! Every single thing that happens with the twins is a reminder to Addison that she lost so much precious time with them (which also means she lost learning opportunities on how to be a mom which is probably why she might not act approrpiately).
Now, should she have thrown that tantrum at the birthday party in front of everyone? Oh, absolutely NOT. It was a knee-jerk reaction THAT EVERY PARENT HAS DONE. This woman is grieving what she has missed, and it's always easier to place the blame on something or someone tangeable rather than acknowledging the fact that life just isn't fair.
Addison has so much to learn and mature about when it comes to being a mom and wife... and it's unfortunate. She has missed out on those important lessons and learning curves. I think she deserves a little compassion.
But again... this is PB. And they are trying to groom us to hate her. Lol So, there's that.
You're right! We still don't know about who leaked the pics. We also don't know know the following:
-where did Jenny go?
-what did Vivian mean at the talk show when she was interrupted while talking to MC?
-where is Jordan?
-what's going on with Sam's business?
-are we considering Sofia and Robin as redeemed?
-where is Sam's legal team?
-so did we ever confirm the DNA and marriage certificate? So we can assume Addison was being honest?
And I'm sure there are more holes... eep, and only so many chapters left!
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts!
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chemicalarospec · 2 years
hi im a terf misandrist following you . just letting you know i will be spreading your posts to radblr and everyone will know youre one of us :)
On the off chance you take a look at this response (let's be honest, who's really gonna follow-up on a hate anon, but you did say you're my follower), let's start with the important thoughts I have for you: what is it that makes the men evil? The testostrone? Why, then all women are evil too, because that's a universal hormone! The Y chromosome? I'm not famaliar with TERF ideology but what about intersex women, who were raised as women and live as women and might not even know? Do TERFs reject these poor, innocent women, victim to biological diversity? Is it the fact that men occupy the privileged position in society? Well, then if you enact your dream society and subjugate men and institute a matriarchy, wouldn't all women become evil?
And spend a moment thinking about how much it hurts to be known as someone you're not -- something I assume you understand since you appear to be attempting to threaten me with it. Think about hating your body, and how horrible that would be if you felt that way about the place in society you take. Why do you inflict such pain upon people, for such little benefit? You try to protect the norms of society or the division of men and women, yet both of those things have been very different across cultures and times.
From your attitude, I may be talking to the King TERF themself here, but, hey, it's worth a shot. Consider these things.
Okay now on to the normal response (if you want to get in a catfight and not debate, start here) because, despite how much I try, I am a person of very little patience and sometimes I just want to let it out.
I love how you started out so frightening and then just gave the least impactful threat of all time. I guess that would be scary to people who TERFwatch all the time and are terrified as being percieved as bigoted idiots? But, believe it or not, I actually have more than one active brain area and didn't even think to feel fear at that. And I instantly took "everyone" to mean "all FARTs" (usually I don't deal in useless insults but now really seems like the time) because most of this website already has yall blocked and nobody likes TERFs but TERFs. Hey, maybe that's a hint that your ideology doesn't make any sense in the real world when you take a step back!
If "everyone knowing [I'm] a [person completely lacking empathy and intelligence]" is your goal I don't see how you will succeed because I have both those traits and share none of your views. But if you're offering to give me some free notes, I do have some other unpopular opinions, and I'd love to strike a deal, whip up a few posts, and convert all TERFs to being anti- magic crystals, witchcraft, astrology belief, and pseudoscience/anti-science attitudes in general! Just like your beliefs, these ones are not popular with feminism at large, which is a sign you should adopt them! (However, unlike your beliefs, mine do not involve making the world unsafe for for people who believe differently (not that I respect them, but I can let them live freely), so maybe they're not cruel enough for you.)
In any case, as I love blocking people and investigating things, you've made me look forward to carefully examining my followers to root you out :)
A threat for a threat is only a fair trade, so here's my threat to you: One day, you're going to mature. You'll realize that if your beliefs are shared by people who don't "believe" in evolution and climate change and tell people to "go back to where you came from" -- and believed for the same reasons --, they aren't the most measured and sensible convictions. You're going to realize that hating any one group of people and calling them evil, especially for something they cannot change, is worse than offensive and bigoted: it's illogical.
(And make friends IRL. I think that would help you get a sense of reality.)
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion (I think): This is very much a personal preference but I think a lot of 00Q fics/writers make Bond too soft. Not soft in an emotionally available way but soft in a good person way. I just think there aren’t enough fics that really acknowledge that Bond is supposed to be a very mentally and emotionally unstable person and that, objectively, he’s not a good person. Because to me, in canon, he very much isn’t and that’s fine because that’s half of what makes him a compelling character and I feel that a lot of writers kind of just skip over that part. And honestly, I understand, I completely get it, it’s not a easy nor pleasant thing to write but to put him in a romance with Q, or anyone for that matter, I just can’t imagine that story being wholly pleasant. This isn’t to say people should only write bond as a dark, festering character, I have read and loved my fair share of indulgent 00Q fluff with an all too lovable bond but this is just my opinion and after all, this is just fanfiction.
Not me feeling personally victimised on my own unpopular opinion ask. 😂
I'm joking, I really am. This is a great point, and likely not as unpopular as you think it is! I love Soft!Bond as much as anyone, but I can definitely see your point, especially when I consider the wider canon outside of Craig!Bond's interpretation. I'm going to selfishly use your ask as a jumping off point for my own take on this, which might not fit exactly to yours, and people might curse me for, but here you go.
You're right. He's not a good person. Though I think there's this myth around him (in-universe and out of it) that makes people think he is. But a good person would not do what he did to Madeleine in that car in Matera. Nor would they have got themselves into that situation with Severine (I can see why he approached her, I cannot see a good person having sex with her knowing about her past in the Macau sex trade). And he's just fine with killing, I think. It's become rote for him, almost a chore. He would do it for anyone, given a decent enough reason (and sometimes that boils down to 'because M said so').
I can guess at a couple of reasons why he's more soft in fics. I think Craig's interpretation of Bond took him on a journey to at least wanting to be a good person. To claw back whatever lightness was left in him (he'd once talked about that to Vesper, though by the time we get round to NTTD, there are questions around how much of it is left).
It's quite cathartic to explore that in fic, or at least it has been for me, because the minute he realised he wanted to be a better man was about ten minutes before the end of NTTD and we never saw it play out. It's interesting to consider what might have happened if he had that realisation earlier, or to a consider an alternate universe where he got the chance to live with it after Safin's island.
Also, I think it's moral ambiguity is an extremely difficult thing to write well, especially when canon shows so little in the way of Bond's inner life. That's an intentional choice by filmmakers, I'm sure, because Bond isn't meant to be a person, really. He's an idea - stand-in for both empire and masculinity, with all the good and bad that entails. And it does entail both with Bond. That's a really difficult balance to find when you're writing him. And it's not exactly very escapist, is it? I'll confess I find myself rarely wanting to read Dark!Bond fics, though I do enjoy them, because written well, they really fuck you up. When I read fics, I don't often want to be fucked up, unless it's by emotional idiocy, angst, or really, really hot smut :')
Anyway, to conclude, it's only fanfiction. Write him the way you want! But it's fun to consider all angles of his characterisation.
Thanks for sharing, Nonnie! This was a great ask 🖤 Now, discuss amongst yourselves in the replies, reblogs, or in my asks (fuck shit god what am I getting myself into ahaha).
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mcalhenwrites · 4 months
I think your writing is great, and I wish I could write as well as you! I especially love your worldbuilding.
If anyone is giving you concrit that makes you feel demoralized, then they don’t know how to give concrit. Constructive criticism should always in the end leave you encouraged to keep writing and improve. They probably just aren’t your audience and don’t realize that their tastes aren’t objective truth.
I can only really talk about ao3, but it’s really difficult to get readers for original works that aren’t straight up porn. Even with fanfic, stats will always be better for a poorly written fic in a popular ship with popular tropes than a masterfully written fic in a dead fandom or unpopular ship. I really wish there was a place with the openness of ao3 for original works! But as it is, please don’t let stats affect your confidence in your writing.
-Your fan :)
Thank you ;A; I don't think the intention is to leave CONcrit so much as just tear me down. I know with the fandom situation (will not go into it too deep, but that affected tons of authors of the same ship) was more about a territorial pissing contest that made it hard to want to publicly share anything I wrote for the ship. Other writers were viewed as a threat and competition to be smothered out... and I just don't have the spoons on any given day to do more than crawl backwards into my cave and let them have their damn spotlight. Wasn't in it for the spotlight when I used to have panic attacks (and still do) if I get TOO much attention. xD; (I want my writing to be popular, but also I do not want to be perceived, and I want my writing to be just enough to make a living.) Funny enough, that experience was such an outlier for fandom experiences. I spent a lot of time in the Tales of Xillia fandom, where most of the artists and writers were cheering on others and inspiring them. It was such great energy. I was so clueless for someone in his 30s that fandom could be that hostile, which is saying a lot since I've been into FF7 and Kingdom Hearts since the early '00s... (iykyk...) My AO3 stats are mostly fine. Seasons didn't even have any smut and is my most popular work ever, even over anything I wrote in fandom. I noticed a dip in readership as it continued, but that became more about my worries that it had gotten too big, plus... I have been told frequently that my endings are always messy and often rushed. I've worked hard on fixing that, but maybe now they're too slow. Or I just haven't done as good at improving my endings as I thought I had? I don't know. And yes, there's a huge lack of comments on AO3 too. That's a general thing, not just my experience. One reason why I'm determined to always leave comments as best I can, even if I have low spoon days and can only just leave a short one. (I also... postpone reading a lot if I'm low on spoons, bc if I am too out of it to comment, I won't read until I CAN do that...) But like... the kudos and bookmarks are not bad. Generally. Especially for my original works. They're better than expected in some cases, disappointing in others... I don't think reception is ever consistent to be fair. :') The main thing is that I post to the void of social media, and social media never interacts. My average interaction to my writing-related posts is 0 notes/likes/etc. That should say something about how much it's worth to other people. (To myself, it's the world. I think the only thing that bothers to keep me alive, is that I can write.) I really wanted to publish some of my original stories and at least contribute a little to my financial situation, but if no one is showing interest in my writing, why would they buy it? Not really difficult to think they wouldn't. (And as far as the whole "why not just write as a hobby and get a job" argument: I'm disabled and have no skills, and I do not handle being under pressure with serving the public whatsoever, I just cry or get flustered and break down, and if I see anyone get mad at a child in a store, I just SPIRAL. As for the skills, I'm not kidding: I do not have any. I never went to college or trade school, I've never had a single extracurricular... I'm honestly surprised I went to public school, considering my dad didn't want to buy school supplies and said education was stupid. So almost everything I've learned is by sheer willpower, because I struggled in school with almost nothing but Fs from 6th grade until my last three years of alternative high school... and I went an extra year.) I'm just desperate to survive at this point, and writing is the one thing I can do... (Or thought I could...)
I want to add that I'm still writing. I've been working on my stories and even editing some of the older ones to polish them. A part of me doesn't want to give up the dream of at least self-publishing and selling even 50 copies of each book I release (better than nothing), but... another part of me is also like... Hahaha keep it to yourself, Cal. I've been told that I should plenty of times. That it should be enough that I even wrote in the first place. But... weird, that comes from people who constantly post their own writing. As if they also want readers. Huh.
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lost-on-t-umblr · 2 years
((I come in peace don't attack me please!! *desperately waves a white flag before I start to talk*))
Unpopular take but, as a hardcore Supercorp shipper, I still really like how Kara and Mon El's relationship developed in late season 03. I like that his early behavior was addressed on screen, that he grew up, that the feelings they had for each other were complex and they worked through them like adults. To me, Supercorp is endgame, there's no doubt about it. Lena is the one that always goes the extra mile for Kara, the one who helps her grow into a better person, who's there for her always and who always cares. And, at the end of the last season, she's Kara's best match, I think we can all agree on that. Yet, I think that what Mon El and Kara felt for each other was real and sweet, and they're two objectively handsome people who look really good together. While I've seen that their shippers can be a little... aggressive (but so can we Supercorp shippers, at times), I like to think they were both great ships. A ship doesn't have to be endgame to be a good one, and while season 02's Mon-El gave me goosebumps for how self entitled and arrogant he was, his growth made him a very enjoyable character, in my opinion. And I also think that the period of time in which he was back coincided with the lowest point in Supercorp's romantic feelings for each other, so it all kind of fits – what Kara asked James to do wasn't fair; she and Lena essentially only talked once a week or so, except for the strained Luthor-Super business partnership (that still gave us gems such as "I don't think about you while I'm doing it >:(" ); Lena was seeking romance elsewhere (sort of, now that was a relationship that really lacked chemistry!). So, it kind of makes sense to me as a fan, to support whatever relationship seems to genuinely make my favourite characters happy in that moment, even if I know that it's not going to last, and that the future will bring them better shots at true love.
I don't know what I'm trying to say with this, other than that, having skipped season three to avoid witnessing the Lena/James flirt, my opinions on Karamel were only based on what I'd heard from the Supercorp fandom, and season 02 seemed to confirm it. But!! They're both cute ships!! It's just my opinion, and people can not share it – also, being quite new in the fandom (~1 year), there may be some old beef I don't know about –, but like many people ship both Rojascorp/Reigncorp and Supercorp, the same can happen even if one of the ships is not wlw! A het ship won't invalidate the queer one!
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skieystar · 2 years
do you have any specific headcanons about any of the code geass character's sexuality? maybe even how they've come to realize their attraction/ lack of because a lot of their lives are occupied by other stuff
I do have headcanons! Some popular, some likely not. You brought up a major point: the majority of characters are too occupied and don’t necessarily view sexuality as a priority. This makes it a prolonged journey of discovery, unique to each character.
Asexual or demisexual
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This is something I’ve hardly ever heard another fan say. Most people think Lelouch easily falls on any part of the attraction scale (and I admit that is highly plausible), but I believe otherwise.
There is more to Lelouch than having occupancies—and a lot of them, at that. Lelouch was simply robbed of love. Love from his parents, his family, his country. Even the bonds he formed with his fellow classmates are forged, since it is not the true him they have befriended. This makes love like a foreign language to Lelouch. He might not understand the premise of getting butterflies or blushing or heart skittering in someone’s presence, and would probably just brush it off. Part of him may think romance is stupid, even, so he would curse at himself for even experiencing attraction.
But I wouldn’t say it’s entirely impossible for him to be attracted to someone, and that’s where demisexuality comes in. Although it’s safe to say it would take a lot of time for him to come to terms with it; getting doubts, not really understanding what he is feeling, not knowing the type of relationship he wants to have with the person. He asks himself a ton of questions to reach a concrete answer.
Suzaku and Kallen
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Similarly to Lelouch, Suzaku and Kallen have had a rocky relationship with love. To them, being in the company of someone who makes them happy is more than they can wish for.
So that is the very beginning of attraction to them: appreciating the person’s presence, laughing and being at ease with them. Then they realise that this person is special to them, that what they feel towards that person is different from other people. They start relishing the moments they have together—which are probably few, given how busy Suzaku and Kallen are—and decide that their feelings warrant much more than a friendship.
And Suzaku and Kallen wouldn’t let their attraction be constricted to a single gender, not when they can feel a strong connection.
Nunnally and Euphemia
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Nunnally and Euphemia are the kind to fall in love with qualities, such as kindness and goodwill. Especially since they wish to have a kind world, and seeing that reflected in people who show kindness to everyone, even in little gestures, is enough to spark love.
Coming to a realisation can be a bit of a ride, from adoring the person, seeing how special they are, and wanting to care for that person. Little by little, it adds up to simply loving anyone with a good heart.
Aromantic pansexual
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This one may be a little unpopular.
Simply put, C.C. is bored. She has been through every kind of relationship you can think of: long-term, short-term, friends with benefits, chance meetings, friends turned lovers, even marriages. Nothing can impress her anymore. Love is too predictable, and she’s had more than a fair share of it.
She can let herself be attracted to others, but it wouldn’t exactly be special to her. Her asexuality might branch into demisexuality, if one special person manages to take hold of her tired heart.
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I’ve heard many, including people who haven’t seen Code Geass, make comments about how Schneizel seems pansexual, and I definitely agree.
We can see in the anime how his flirtations are not tamed, how he can easily put on a dazzling smile and shower someone in compliments. We only see him doing so with women, but I believe this can apply to men just as easily (one specific man in mind, of course).
Since giving and receiving flirtations is commonplace to Schneizel, realisation that he is attracted to a person comes in the different little things: laughing a little harder, having a more genuine smile instead of a typical polite one, unexpectedly getting butterflies at a compliment.
Aromantic asexual
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Cornelia strikes me as the kind of person to keep from something as love; she views it as a waste, a weakness, even. She holds a formal relationship with pretty much everyone except her siblings. As expected of royalty, she never lets anyone beyond her walls, and in the rare case that would happen, she would maintain formality. She’s also not the type to get flustered or get butterflies easily.
I don't think she would go as far as to label herself, and probably doesn't pay heed to everything altogether.
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This may just be my interpretation, but Clovis seems to be one of the few characters to have a nice and easy journey with love. He is quick to both catch feelings and realise he is in love. Similarly to Nunnally and Euphemia, it is the qualities of a person that make him fall in love, so it's easy to picture him being attracted to any gender.
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There’s canon proof to back this up, right? We didn’t miss what she did to Shirley and Kallen…
There was her little crush on Lelouch when he first came to Ashford, but I can see it was easily debunked. If she were attracted to more than one gender, she would definitely be female-leaning. Besides, not wanting to marry Llyod Asplund? Speaks volume.
Demiromantic pansexual
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Being viewed as a tool, being used by everyone around him, Rolo would find it difficult to develop attraction. He’s used to locking up his feelings, and others not feeling for him.
However, it wouldn’t be impossible for him to be attracted to someone, granted they form a true bond at first. Rolo is the kind to be overwhelmed when receiving affection, given how rarely he receives it, and so it wouldn’t take long for him to have his feelings grow. His attraction isn’t limited to gender, not when he is able to find something so special.
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