#it's the superior b**bs for me
Cluster B culture is wanting to be physically attacked for the rush. (sorry if this is way too weird)
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
The prank night episode where Klaus turns Tyler into a hybrid has no right being so good tbh.
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daffythefox · 2 years
sitting in class bored out of my mind validating the "I'm the most intelligent person in the world" mindset
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 3 days
Daniel Park with Daki reader
I know that this seems annoying but thank you guys very much! 200 followers...Wow... I actually didn't think I'd reach this far... Also, thanks for putting up with my BS!
Warning: Swearing, Violence
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• You met Big Daniel on his second week at school. You were absent on the first week because your Leader ordered you and your brother to attack certain gangs and collect information. You weren't informed that school already started a week ago. But then again, would you even care?
• When your classmates see that you're not present in class for days, half of the student body let out a huge wave of relieved sighs, thinking that you transferred schools while the other half kept it in, thinking that your absence is too good to be true. But when announcement you return was heard, Daniel was clueless on what was happening since everyone looked like they're preparing for a red-alert thunderstorm...
Zoe: "Hey Daniel! How was your weekend?"
Daniel: "It was great."
Zoe: "Really? I'm glad! You know, my weekend was so crazy! The--"
Random Student A, running: "EVERYONE UME SHABANA IS BACK!"
Random Student B: "W-WHAT?! THAT CAN'T BE..."
• Once the announcement of your return was shared, the students whispered to one another. Even Zack's goons are quivering. Mira and Zoe looked frightened at what they heard. Jay clenched his fist and a frown made its way to his face. Zack quickly repositioned his sitting posture and is sweating bullets. Meanwhile Daniel is just confused...
Random Student B: "Eh?! They still go here?! Dude, I thought they transferred 😱!"
Random Student C: "I knew this day would come...😔"
Random Student D: "We're totally fucked, man...😰"
Daniel: "U-um... I'm sorry if I don't know, but who's Ume Shabana?"
• Some of the girls stopped rushing and approach Daniel to explain but Zoe beat them to it.
Zoe: "Well you see, Daniel! U-uh...! Ume Shabana is a student in the Beauty Department--"
!!! C R A S H !!!
Zoe: "HOLY FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THA?-- I-i mean, eep! What was that?"
• The more the crashing from the across the hallways grew louder, the more the students shifted uncomfortably in their seats. A few students contemplated on grabbing their bags and just leave the classroom.
Random Student B: "Guys, who cares if we miss class?! They might remember that one mistake we did to them! I wanna live 😭!"
Random Student D: "W-what if it gets worse?! What if they bring their brother 😱?!"
Random Student C: "You calm down first 😑."
! ! ! C R A S H ! ! ! ! ! ! C R A S H ! ! !......
????: "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
Everyone: "!!!"
• The crashing sounds stopped and a girl's scream can be heard from the hallways. Everyone, including Daniel, rushed outside to see a rather beautiful but aggressive figure pulling on a girl's ear and shouting at her. A crowd of students from different departments gathered to witness the situation. They know that they couldn't bring your anger down so they can only watch as the girl struggled in pain against your grip...
Freshman Girl: "I-i'm... I-i'm sorry-- OW!"
• ...What? Did he heard that right? Out the window? Daniel's breath shortened and his body froze. Countless memories of him being bullied by his superiors, if not, even other students, flooded his mind. He experienced all the horrible things they did to him... Being treated like a pig. But even HE never thought of a person THIS cruel would go that far by throwing their own classmate out of a window and dealing with it like it's nothing.
• His body moved without him thinking and pushed the crowding students to make way to you. He grabbed the wrist of your hand that was dragging the sobbing girl before you could open a nearby window. You looked up at him and scowled.
Daniel: "H-hey..."
Ume: "Hah?"
Daniel: "Let go of her... P-please."
• The words were stuck at Daniel's throat when he met your piercing glare. The glare that screamed who's superior in terms of dominance. The young man didn't mean to sound pathetic but he had to, so that you won't do the unforgivable.
Ume: "And who are you to order me around, huh?"
Daniel, flinches: "U-um... i-"
Ume: "You're either bold or pretty stupid, walking up to me like that."
• Daniel's somewhat lack of fear made the girls squealed among themselves about how daring and bold he is while the guys are placing bets on who's going to die and who's going to walk out alive. Mira hurriedly went to the faculty room so that the situation wouldn't escalate any further. Some students started pulling out cameras to record the fight.
Random Student E: "AAAHH~! DANIEL~ 😫!"
Random Student F: "Who would've thought that this guy 😳..."
Random Student G: "Is so brave and courageous? Yes, he is~ 😍"
Random Student C: "Ugh, girls 🙄..."
Random Student B: "So who are betting on?"
Random Student D: "That Daniel guy seems capable."
Random Student B: "Yeah, y'know that one time he not only dodged Zack Lee's punches, he blocked it!"
Random Student D: "Oh yeah! I still rem--"
Zack: "I bet on Ume to take down that fucker."
Random Student B: "Crap, he heard us 😨!"
Random Student D: "Stop making us part of everyone's grudge list, man. Ume's is already bad enough 😔..."
• The sounds of noisy, horny, ugly women made your ears ring... This is irritating. The nerve of this idiot to...
Daniel: "!"
• Daniel didn't see the fist coming..........
Random Student B: "W-w-what the fuck 😱?!"
Random Student D: "He... With just one punch 😨?!"
Random Student C: "Oh shit, he's as good as dead 😔."
Random Student A: "E-even the wall... 😰!"
Zack: "Told ya he's a wimp. I won this bet."
Jay: "!"
Zoe: "DANNY!...Dan... Wake up!...call......where are .... Mira!.....eachers?!"
• Daniel felt his head ring and something warm and wet dripping down from his nose. The last thing he sees is Zoe screaming at his face and Jay lifting him up. Everything became blurry before going pitch black as he fell unconscious. He then wakes up in a familiar old house.
Small Daniel: "Mhh... Wha....HUH?!"
• Daniel immediately recognized his surroundings and realized that his bigger body is without conscious and he switched to his smaller body. He tried his best to fall back asleep but after a few hours, he couldn't. He searched in his belongings in a panic for his phone and put on a relaxing ambience video. A couple of attempts after that, he finally fell asleep.
• He finally wakes up in his bigger body with a headache. He blinked his eyes and sees that he's in an infirmary. He looked to the side to see the school nurses standing and admiring his sleeping face.
School Nurse A: "A-ah! He's awake... Sorry to disturb you~ Do you want to rest more 🤭?"
School Nurse B: "How are you feeling, handsome ☺️?"
Daniel: "Uhm... I'm fine, I gue- OW!"
School Nurse A: "Oh my! It seems that Shabana delinquent knocked you out pretty hard 😯..."
School Nurse B: "You shouldn't move so much. You have a cut on your forehead and a nasty bruise on the side 😧."
Daniel: "Sorry, ma'am."
School Nurse B: "Ohh, please! Don't call me "ma'am"! Call me by my name-"
School Nurse A: "He was talking to me 😠!"
School Nurse B: "No, me 😡!"
Daniel: "I wanted to ask... do you happened to know what happened?"
School Nurse A: "Uh well... you see, we heard that you were involved in a fight with Ume Shabana. You were hit-"
School Nurse B: "With one punch 😮!"
School Nurse A: "Yes, you were struck down with one punch- but it doesn't matter, you were trying to protect that girl, right ☺️?"
Daniel: "I-i was..."
School Nurse B: "OMG, you are such a sweetheart. I'm like, so jealous of her 😩."
School Nurse A: "Stop rambling, you dumbass 🙄."
• The nurses insisted that Daniel should rest more and that he's excused from his absence in class. The wall clock hits 5:00 PM, Zoe and Jay came to the infirmary to check up on Daniel. Zoe was fussing over him, reassuring him that he did nothing wrong and the attempt on trying to save the freshman girl was heroic. Jay just smiled, relieved that Daniel is okay. The blonde didn't say much and left. Just then, the freshman girl entered the infirmary with the intention to thank Daniel by giving him treats from the cafeteria. Zoe got a bit territorial despite her positive remark about saving her. Daniel thanked the girl and she left the infirmary skipping happily.
• Daniel asked Zoe what to the violent delinquent and she showed him a video from her phone....
• He couldn't believe it... He didn't even see how you punched him... You were so fast... Too fast... With just one punch, he collided with the wall. The impact was so great, it formed cracks on it... The side of his head was bleeding... You shoved the girl away and complained about Daniel thinking too highly of himself... At least you didn't drop the girl out the window... The video ended with your figure leaving and students gathering around him.
• After that encounter, he made a mental note to himself that no matter how his second body would help him overcome his fears, there will always be a person much more stronger than him. He started attending class a couple of days later. Every girl praised him of his action and even some of the boys acknowledged his boldness of facing you. However, some of them were pissed at him because some people are praising your stupidity.
• He the learned that you are not a person to be messed with. You are beautiful but deadly... reminding him of the obnoxious girls back in his previous school. You are hella strong too! Seriously, how are you so strong? It doesn't make sense that you beat him with just your fist. You also despise being around people of what you deemed unattractive and bully them. Maybe that's why you preferred to go to the Beauty Department. In contrast to your demonic strength, your gracefulness caught him off guard... He really thought that delinquents like you would look brash and intimidating. But perhaps that's another technique of tricking your opponent to think that you're not a fighter.
• You sometimes like to tease a flustered Daniel and flirted with him with a few death threats here and there, but you never meet him again after your brother told you not to. Meh, it's not like you like him or anything, it's just that you're reminding every girl in this school that no matter how attractive they are, the most handsome guys always look at you.
• Speaking of your brother, his impression of your older brother, Gyutaro, was also not so great... The first thing the tall and scary man does when he sees Daniel is threatening him that if he lays a hand on you, he will not be getting it back. The boy, not only kept a distance from you, he avoided you because of that.
• Figured out that the reason why you and your brother were not expelled is because the faculty is also intimidated by you. Whenever they caught you bullying a poor student, you'd change face and act innocently that you are in a particularly bad mood.
• Timeskip to the timeline where Daniel is formed an alliance with Jay, Zack, and Vasco. He figured out that you and your brother were part of a gang called the Twelve Kizuki and were one of the higher ranking ones. You two are fighting for that corrupt politician named Micha- Muzan Kibutsuji by making connections here in South Korea and controlling the districts. You just used disguises and names so that enemy gang members won't recognize you. Muzan ordered you two to eliminate every single person that witnessed their crimes, including Daniel and co.. Your third encounter with him takes place in a ruined building.
• Daniel made the same mistake of charging at you first. You disabled him swiftly even without using half of your power. You were about to dispatch him when his friends arrived to shield Daniel away from you. When the speed and strength of their attacks grew increasingly aggressive, you tried to flee away from the scene and called for your brother. Zack and Jay, albeit bleeding and bruised, quickly caught up to and tackled you before you could run away...
Zack: "Hey! We ain't letting you run away like a coward after we beat you fair and square."
Daki: "I-i wasn't running away! And I'm not a coward!"
Zack: "Pssh! Yeah, right! Not buying it!"
Daki: "I am NOT a coward! I am strong! Far stronger than you!"
Zack: "We literally tackled you to the ground! Which means we beat you!"
Daniel: "Z-Zack- you shouldn't-"
Daki, tearing up: "No... no, it can't be...! I'm one of the Twelve Kizuki! I'm one of the strongest members! I'm supposed to be strong--"
Daki: "!"
Jay: "😶!"
Vasco: "... It doesn't matter how strong you are... As long as you keep training and keep protecting the little guys... Then you're the strongest!!! All you did was bully those who are weaker than you... It's wrong!!!"
Zack: "Woah... Vasco, calm down a bit..."
Vasco, crying: "... I still haven't forgotten about you bullying that Pyeon guy..."
Jay: "😶..."
• The scene went from violent, to childish, to dramatic in minutes. Vasco became too passionate of his statement and began tearing up. Daniel gave him a gentle pat on the back. You suddenly let out a shriek and started punching the ground.
Daki, bawling: "....WAAAAAAHHHH!!!"
Vasco, Daniel, Jay, & Zack: "😨😧😦😮!"
Vasco: "...H-huh?"
Zack: "Are they...?"
Jay: "😶...?"
Daniel: "... throwing a tantrum?"
• Cue Gyutaro suddenly appearing behind them. They dodged his strike but he still made a beeline to you. He checked on your injuries and comforted you until your crying stopped. Meanwhile the guys at the back are just weirded out. This guy responded to your call and rushed to you so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up! Which means that he is far more deadlier and stronger than you. He sicced them like they were prey and he was the predator. Expressing envy, hatred, malice and rooted it to his rapid assault. He tortured them and cackled at their pained cries in a morbidly sadistic manner.
• It took them their entire knowledge of skills, the entire night and the entirety of the Burn Knuckles to take just the two of you down... The ruined building that all of you were fighting in has already collapsed its second floor... The pillars are barely holding up... All of them are fatigued and injured, but are still fighting... And on the crack of dawn, they finally defeat both of you.
Gyutaro: "SHUT UP!"
Daki: "YOU SHUT UP!"
• During your arguement, Daniel and Vasco ordered everyone to safety now that the building is starting to collapse its walls and third floor. Daniel looked at your direction and looked back at Vasco. Vasco was unsure of what Daniel intended to do with you but he knows that it's wrong to leave you here to die. So he joined Daniel and carried the two of you outside before the building finally break down. You and your brother argued and argued until...
Daki: "....I wish you were never my brother..."
Gyutaro: "....."
Daki: "Look at us... We don't even look the same...I bet we aren't even related... I bet you made up that story of mom abusing me... I'm better off without you... You're ugly... your only saving grace is your strength!... Now that you've been beaten, you're useless! ....I WISH WE WERE NEVER SIBLINGS."
• Everyone looked at you in disbelief that the two of you still have the stamina to argue. You just sit there with your dislocated limbs while your brother spat insults at your face. You've never seen your brother this angry before... he sounds like he's been holding all of these emotions in for a long time. Daniel's body once again moved on its own...
• Gyutaro stopped his outpour of emotions with a sudden hand gesture of Daniel covering the ugly man's mouth.
Daniel: "... I may not know what it's like to have a sibling, but I know that what you are doing to each other is wrong... you don't mean all those things. You are siblings through and through, even if the world turns its back on you, you still got each other. Despite all the bad things you did, no one will be on your side except your family... You must stick together and protect each other."
Daki, bawling: "....WAAAAHHH!!!"
Daniel: "U-um! I'm sor--"
• The others watched awkwardly as you cried. Daniel is frantically trying to get you to calm down. Huh, who would've thought that THE Ume Shabana the most beautiful, the most graceful, the most deadliest, one of the strongest foe they faced in Jaewon High... Is actually a crybaby?
Gyutaro: "........Ume."
Gyutaro: "UME."
Gyutaro: "UME!"
Daki: "!"
Gyutaro: "....I forgive you...and I'm...sorry too."
Zack: ".... Shouldn't we be...?"
Vasco, tearing up: "This moment is manly."
Zack: "What the hell is so manly about it?"
Jay: "☺️."
• So that's how your relationship with Daniel developed. It has rocky start but it's progress! You were shocked when Daniel, Vasco, Jay, Zack and the Burn Knuckles forgave both of you and your brother and even offered you to join them. Your thoughts went to the memories of your dear Leader. Oh, how you want to be by his side, but now that you've failed, he will throw you away regardless. But you still have your brother with you and your new... Friends? Acquaintances? Whatever. You left the Twelve Kizuki and allied with Daniel. It'll probably take decades to repent for your wrongdoings but at least you have your brother with you.
• A new dawn rises for you and your brother. You've always hated the daytime for how bright it is, but this time it's different. Your demons shall burn away in the light along with your hatred and wrath. Daki is in the past, defeated and burned in Hell.
• You are now Shiraume. No matter how many times you'll be reborn, you will walk with your brother for all eternity.
Daniel: "What are you going to do after all this?"
Gyutaro: "...Stay low for a while. Even if we hand ourselves to the police, Muzan will use his connections to find where we are and kill us."
Daniel: "I guess that's the safest option."
Vasco: "Ume."
Shiraume: "Ugh, it's Shiraume. What?"
Vasco: "Your apology to Pyeon-"
Shiraume: "Right. I'll do it, sheesh."
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thesunfyre4446 · 8 months
why you always pretend to not understand what people are telling you in order to flip everything to your liking? 😭 Viserys has valyrian blood because he is a targaryen, and the only two other house with the same blood is velaryon and celtigar. Alicent's blood descended from the Andals, which is shared with most of the houses of Westeros apart from those three exceptions mentioned. The Valarian minority makes their blood more valuable. If alicent had she been to Valyria, thw situation would have been the same (her having andal blood wound have made her more valuable since she would have been surrounded by valyrian blood). So yes, alicent’s blood is not comparable as viserys as it show in hotd intro, and this isn't necessarily a bad thing like you interpreted
visenya Targaryen married maegor to a hightower. the hightowers are an old and respected house, that has married into the royal family prior to viserys and alicent's marrige.
F&B about the marriage :
"The Hightowers of Oldtown were an ancient and noble family, of impeccable lineage; there could be no possible objection to the king’s choice of bride."
"there could be no possible objection to the king's choice of bride".
prince aemon - jaehaerys's heir, married a baratheon. rhaenys is also half valyrian. but i don't see anyone talking about that.
you only care that alicent married viserys because you hate her. you only care about the targtowers being half targs because you hate them.
viserys originally planned to marry rhaenyra to a lannister. a non-valyrian. the idea that targs only marry valyrians is ridicules and so out of touch with show and book canon.
no anon, i'm not flipping anything to my liking. you sent me that bs post, didn't get the response you wanted and got mad. sorry, i'm just not into the whole "valyrian blood is superior" thing.
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npdvelvette · 7 months
since the cluster b community has been identifying with hazbin characters i thought i’d share some hcs about vox & velvette ♡
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i personally see vox as being narcissistic and histrionic. even his appearance could relate to this with the sense of him always putting on a show, literally. he’s performative and exaggerated and determined to remain at the top of the hierarchy and reinforce his status — shown by him constantly bringing out new inventions & feeling the need to compete with alastor.
even his fixation on alastor is related to npd, with him feeling threatened by al who is very similar to him (and npd coded too), so desperately needing to prove his superiority, or even that they are on equal footing. i know i experience this competitiveness with some other pwnpd that deep down i feel could almost be equal, which means they’re more threatening.
he also clearly hopes to provoke a reaction by streaming a live diss track all over hell, both from alastor and the public. his behaviour is rooted in maintaining status and fuelling his ego which despite the outwardly projected confidence is clearly unstable — his reaction at the end of stayed gone shows this.
he can’t stand not being involved and literally tries to inject himself into the hotel situation with pentious but ends up failing.
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with velvette i can see her as being antisocial and narcissistic. i like the theories i’ve seen about her being a social media influencer when she was alive and perhaps even leading to someone’s death via online bullying, without really thinking about the effects of her actions on others. she clearly disrespects authority as shown by her behaviour in the overlord meeting, as well as being impulsive (quick to jump to starting a war with heaven after finding the exorcist head). her idea to fight with heaven also shows she doesn’t comprehend the reality of the damage it could do to both her own life and others in hell.
respectless is a great example of multiple npd traits: she displays feelings of high importance (referring to herself as the backbone of the vees), superiority (“i could eat you lot for breakfast”) and disregard for authority (her statements to zestial & carmilla who are a lot older). could also be taken as reckless behaviour since presumably(?) zestial is a lot more powerful, and she’s straight up insulting him.
this is just brief but i have a Lot more thoughts about both of them as well as alastor, so if anyone’s interested i’ll post more about it. and feel free to ask me questions relating to it<3
narc abuse believers dni this is for the cluster bs
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
I’m pro therapy/recovery even for something as serious as the big bad four paraphilias if it isn’t too late and they didn’t commit some serious traumatizing abuse on someone yet. But people with ZOCD or POCD are not zoos or peds. They don’t have a genuine attraction or want to abuse anyone. We do not want to get lumped in with actual zoos or pedos. As it is antis sometimes are known for harassing C/SA survivors and treating us like garbage. We don’t need that kind of bs us being lumped in with the type of predatory scum who ruined our lives. I get anti contacts exist and bunch are themselves survivors of CSA but still. Don’t get people with OCD lumped in please.
So you don't want to be "lumped in" with people (with similar struggles to you) because of the stigma they face... that's also the root the stigma you face? You do realize trying to separate yourself from paraphiles won't save you, right? It'll just hurt you while maintaining your sense of moral superiority over others. If you want things to get better for people with intrusive thoughts, you have to support paraphiles (and that is not the same thing as supporting abusers). Like. This is literally just self preservation. I see the same shit with mentally ill people who are against cluster B's or violent/severely mentally ill people. It's cruel.
There are far more paraphiles out there who haven't abused and never want to abuse anyone than there are abusive paraphiles. You just don't hear about them because they stay silent. They stay silent because of people like you, and people like the other anon I get literally telling you *and* me to die. Being a paraphile does not make someone an abuser, a predator, or morally wrong. We're just people. Like you. We're far more similar than you want to realize.
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antiendovents · 5 months
hey! so tumblr eated the last one so i hope this one works (hopefully i got everything, memory is hard) also for some context: the only people fronting at this time was a persecutor (me) and a social protector, both of us don't have empathy and don't stand for the system being pushed around
anyways i posted about how weird it is whenever endos say traumatized people hold privilege over them and an endo came into my replies saying that i'm the reason their friend tried to kill themselves and people like ME is the reason people have issues.
mind you i am nothing but respectful in online discussions (and keep interacting with endos to a fucking MINIMUM!!) unless someone shows me disrespect first, then i am done with them (but never am toxic yk?) so i haven't done jack shit to make their friend wanna kts
but they came into my reply section all talking about how people who are anti endo are so evil and toxic and cause people to end themselves (mind you i mentioned how endos send me gore rape threats and etc and they did not reply to that)
then when i didn't bite and kept pointing out how A. no one was talking about that B. They are trauma dumping and C. they can't guilt trip me they started calling me a kid and an edgelord and calling me names and implying i was just to stupid to see that "[im] the problem". and that they weren't trauma dumping they were explaining nuance (which they lacked so badly. doubt they know the definition of the word.)
they then compared me to ben shapiro and told us they weren't there to have a normal conversation and atp i was done with them.
went to their page to block them and they had posts about hating how people block tags/other people cuz it makes 'people not receptive to other viewpoints' and shit and then they vague posted us. like its not lacking nuance or not liking other viewpoints, its the fact that you're a dick. you don't understand how to properly have a conversation with other people, respect THEIR viewpoints or understand nuance that doesn't fit your beliefs and think everyone should just bend to your will. not wanting people to block people isn't being smart its being chronically online and assuming superiority over everyone who disagrees with you. i have never seen someone so dense ironically talking about other people who disagree being dense. like maybe people just don't fucking agree with you and don't wanna hear your bs.
sorry if none of this made sense!
oh, jeez that's.. I hate how endos try guilt trip us, like no I'm not going to be pro endos just because your friend was bullied or harassed ((obviously I don't think they deserved that, but I'm not going to give up my beliefs and start feeding into misinformation just because that happened)). It's good that you blocked them, because they sound like a fucking dickhead tbh. You are not the problem, they are, and it's so frustrating that they can't see that. Like fuck off with your BS, no one cares about you or your endos shit (not directed at you anon)
Also don't worry, this makes sense ^^
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smokeowl-mx · 1 year
Ok! Wanna dump something here real fast before it leaves my mind forever.
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-Piece by the amazing @moringmark . A faithful representation of Phillip Wittebane's afterlife. Rest in Pain, b**ch!-
Something that actually bugged me about The Owl House was Phillip's name change to Belos.
Given he was a human and had enough knowledge to warp around as the Emperor of the Boiling Isles, his name had to mean something like Hunter's.
Doing some research for a project I'm making. I stumbled upon the main deities of slavic folklore.
Perun, whose equivalents would be Zeus, Odin and/or Thor.
And his chaotic sibling: Veles, whose equivalent is Loki and Pan.
Even though I say "equivalents" is just so you get an idea of their abilities and roles. Perun was the main god of the pantheon with power over lightning, symbol of order.
Where I wanna go with this is what Veles was.
Veles was also known as Welos, he was not just the god of nature and shepherds, but also god of the barrier between this world and the underworld, guide of souls through the threshold and, get this, GOD OF MAGIC, ALCHEMY AND WITCHCRAFT!
Philip not only turned himself into a "Prophet" and Emperor, but, to his own DAMN SATISFACTION, HE BECAME A GOD FOR THE WITCHES. Everytime a Witch called his name, they were calling him their God.
After The Collector gave him the weapons to rule over the Isles, he felt himself as superior to them, even more so than he already did. So much so he gave himself the name of one of the few MALE GODS OF WITCHCRAFT to prove his point across. THAT'S THE EXTEND OF THIS GUY'S NARCISSISM!
Still don't believe me?!
Veles or Welos was often portrayed in two forms:
A horned inverted triangle and a Horned Man (thus, the horned mask)
Some of the animals that represented this deity were the snake, the dragon and the owl. Belos had a very slithery personality and a slow way of dealing with those who opposed him (like a snake killing it's prey) eventually became a Dragon (when he took the Titan's heart hostage) and the Golden Guard's mask looks like an Owl.
Also, remember that guardian of the threshold thing I said previously, it fits with his whole "protect the world from evil" BS he believed.
Given he couldn't do magic, he did alchemy. If you're familiar with the work of an artificer or FMA, you should get the idea. Alchemy was a pseudo science, antecesor of modern chemistry, that studied the world, it's elements and magic to harness it to make things as the famous Philosopher's Stone and Lead's transformation into Gold. One of the matters of study of alchemy was resurrection. Thus, the Grimmwalkers.
Following the previous point, Red was often asociated with the Stone and it's abilities, it also meant "the end of a great work". What leads me to believe his and Hunter's "Magic" were product of alchemy and, maybe, the creation of a Philosopher's stone.
Given the hints and little winks TOH makes to FMA, I believe I ain't jumping any sharks.
Though his Puritanism also influenced how things would run with the Isles under his control. He wanted to feel like a God, but without the Witches knowing it (because it will blow his cover in a sec) so, he gave himself a name connected to everything he hated, but that could elevate him without suspition: Belos, The God of Magic, Alchemy and Witchcraft.
So yeah...what Elijah from Not so average Fangirl said in "Hollow Mind" wasn't that far off.
Belos, for Witch and Hunter = Witch Hunter.
@danaterrace You have my love and respect.
Thanks for everything! Can't wait to see what you make next.
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roseeycreates-blog · 3 months
Hii Roseey!!
Tell me, which atla/tlok character do you love the most? Also, which character do you most relate to?
Hello, Rin~
Oh my gosh, thanks for asking this 😊! In ATLA, I love Toph so much! She's the reason I stayed and finished the show. I admire her confidence and how she carries herself despite her disability, and her no-BS attitude is fantastic.
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In TLOK, of course, it's Lin. I'm a sucker for Beifongs, hahaha. Seriously though, the moment I saw Lin, I immediately fell in love. I love her cold and stoic facade, but on the inside, she's really soft, caring, and selfless to everyone.
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I can relate to Lin on so many levels, especially on how she handles traumas and tries to bottle everything up until she explodes XD.
I also had a similar experience where my parent was much more "understanding" with my other siblings than with me. If I did something wrong, I'd definitely get scolded, but when it came to the others, they'd say, "that's just how they are; there's no use in scolding."
Lastly, I don't know if this counts, but I think Lin has that RBF (resting b*tch face). Back in college, one of my superiors noted in my evaluation that I should smile more often because people saw me as unapproachable due to my serious expression. Hahaha. So now I smile more often.
Sorry for babbling; I just got so excited about your question. But yeah, I love the mother and daughter~ Though I'm not so fond of older Toph in TLOK~ Thanks for asking, and I hope we have more interactions in the future~ 😊
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portablecity · 3 months
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Great Lakes!
Tumblr, help. i'm doing a roadtrip this year from the Canadian side of Lake Ontario, across northern lake Erie through Detroit over to the east shore of Lake Michigan, up to the eastern tip of Superior, around Huron (I've heard there's a great ferry across it too maybe?) and back to lake Ontario, and I wanna know what to make sure we see and do!
What are the best scenic stops?
What are the rural local art galleries you can't miss?
Where are your fav campgrounds or b&bs or outrageous roadside motels?
We're thinking of driving about 4ish hours a day, and we do have some family along the way but I dont know yet who'll be home when we drive by, so we're pretty flexible!
I would love some paintable/photographable stuff, national or provincial or state parks are my jam, but also chances to see things like wildlife rehabs or historical sites or spots that are doing their own thing.
Also, very important, I need to stick my feet in each lake, so beaches are a must.
Help me, Tumblr, I know nothing about michigan or northwestern Ontario!
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 6 months
So from a quick google search, William claimed that the previous English king named him his heir, came to England with an army and conquered it & resulting in a war and many people dying.
is he supposed to be this great guy? Because I’ve read that he was known to be cruel and ruthless.
“They had dragons” is a nice way of saying that they burnt, murdered and threatened the realm into accepting them.
“Did what every house did” you’re mixing between feudalism and colonialism. Both are bad. The houses were Westerosi. The targs were Valyrian and considered themselves above the people they ruled.
“The targs are closer to god them men” is a great example. They are not like the rest, they are superior. And as the “superior race” they have a mandate to rule Westeros. In F&B it’s said that rhaenys hired musicians to glorify the conquest and legitimize the targs reign. That’s colonialist propaganda.
The targs didn’t improve shit. They caused so many wars and deaths until the people had enough of their BS and rebelled against them.
You didn’t offend me, and again, liking the targs does not mean that you support real life colonialism.
I didn't put William the Conqueror as an example of a great guy, but as the example of a conqueror. The Targs and William are both conquerors.
The Targaryens had spent a hundred years living in Westeros by the time of the conquest, they are as much westerosi as anyone else.
Everyone of the noble houses of Westeros considers themselves above the others.
The Targaryens made the King's road, that made it easier to travel through Westeros. They created King's Landing. They abolished the right of the First Night, they put a limit to the times a man can hit his wife. They gave rights to the Smallfolk and brought a lot of peace if only by Jaehaerys's reign.
Before the Targaryens conquered and united Westeros, the Seven Kingdoms couldn't go a full year without a war.
So yes, they did a lot of good things.
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sapphire-weapon · 8 days
yeah, u can blame me for using a slur but at least i didn't insult u :) see, another difference!
and for the record
this is BS i just can't believe u just made it like saying she's acting like a b*tch is like "she's acting like a woman" - this is what one can understand from ur examples
sure, i have no excuse for my slur.
what's YOUR excuse for being sexist though? because you are. just because you call yourself 'not sexist' doesn't mean u are.
and oh dear, the fact u think i would not hate alice if she was a man.
which is
i also hate shitty men writing but, oddly enough, nobody give a shit about it
weird, eh?
holy shit, this is one for the dumbass hall of fame
print it
frame it
put it on the wall
i may ask you to autograph it
this is filled with some real bangers like "using a slur makes me morally superior to you, who called me mean names" and "i don't understand how 'bitch' is synonymous with 'woman' as i continue to call a woman a bitch" and "calling out sexism makes you sexist" and "hypotheticals make me right" and "i'm so Actually Unintelligent that i think that this argument is actually about whether i like a character and not the way that i frame my critiques and refer to women in discourse"
whew, this is a good one
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xamaxenta · 11 months
Im not wrong in assuming that this person is a spiteful piece of shit who wants to belittle people they see beneath them through microagressions disguised as silly haha heehee comments
Example: im staff from team A, im minding my business doing my job and this person comes in starts tidying up around me in a flurry and i just ignore them bc whatever, not my filing system, someone from team B comes to find this person and says admin is looking for you and person sighs dramatically and thumps down a bunch of files like oh are they? Well you know me just getting caught up cleaning up after Team A
And im right there like ???? What are you hinting at ? You dont even work in our department
And then they proceed to ask me a bunch of inane questions about the filing to which I repeatedly said i dont work here normally so i wouldnt know how xyz person from Team whatever the fuck does here
Am i insane for reading into this so deeply
I mean im pretty sure in 101% correct in my assumptions here and im just amazed at how some people go out of their way to say underhanded bs to others just to make themselves feel better or superior
Would rather portray myself as a unorganised slob than suck up to you ngl
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mystech-master · 2 years
Why I Defend Ragna the Bloodedge (Part 2)
Based on recent stuff I have seen I need to make a continuation of Part 1
I have seen a lot of Jin defense posts both here and on Reddit and now I feel the need to expand on my points.
Long Post Below
The real reason I am obsessed with Ragna, is this massive level of "Take it in the ass" that the story is enforcing.
Yes, life is hard and kicks your ass but find the little things that make it worth it. But how does Blazblue present that?
A lot of Ragna's friends and allies give him a lot of shit for very understandable reactions as I brought up before. And I doubt the few that are good to him would be enough to any other person. Tao is nice but she isn't really someone you can talk about your problems to. Ragna interacts with Noel a lot less than you'd think, Celica has a similar role to Noel as a "cute girl who smiles when you do good and will cry if you do bad" which is its own thing.
The other characters are assholes and Ragna is supposed to deal with it b/c they are superior and also the cute girl wants him to.
I don't believe that being a girl should be why someone cares about you. We are not all Sanji from One Piece. Being a girl doesn't mean you should be treated any better or worse than anyone else. It doesn't mean people should be coddling you, treating you with kid's gloves, or being worried that you're gonna cry (these people should be in their late teens to early 20s FFS). And before you say "BUT NOEL IS ACTUALLY 5!" No, she is chronologically 5 years old, but that doesn't mean she is literally a diaper baby. She is physically and mentally (or at least should be) around the same age as Makoto and Tsubaki, stop infantilizing her.
And I get it, there are sometimes assholes in life that you have to just deal with. Who hasn't had to deal with an asshole classmate, co-worker, work superior, or customer? But the difference here is that when we have to deal with those people, we have a life outside of that to look forward to. Friends and family who help even out the BS. A lot of these people are both the friends/family AND the BS that makes his life more difficult!!! 1-2 cute girls smiling should not make people being assholes to him okay, and just b/c he isn't responding with being calm, cool, and collected doesn't;t mean his feelings shouldn't;t be ignored.
As for the Jin part, I have been reevaluating what I think of their situation.
I have seen many people defending Jin, from a psychoanalysis someone did on Reddit where they do point out that Ragna did show favoritism towards Saya in their youth and that gave him issues. As well as someone saying that the Church scene in CF wouldn't be where they work out their issues due to complexity.
Let me break down what I know about Jin's development in the series.
Same as Ragna, raised in a lab where he was experimented on, but he had his big bro to protect him, saved by Jubei and brought to the Sister's Church where they were raised in the middle of nowhere. Ragna pays more attention to Saya which breeds resentment.
Terumi tells Saya to give Jin Yukianesa which he uses to break the protective barrier around the land and Yukianesa (also the Power of Order and Terumi's Mind Eater) makes him kill Ragna. I forgive Jin for this because he is a kid with like 3 superpowers forcing him to do this so I don't hold this against him.
He is then adopted by the Kisaragi Clan where he becomes a prodigy but also is hated by his new adoptive family and assassins are sent after him. This barely comes up and I kind of view it the same way I view the whole "Tsubaki being inbred" thing: just edgy background fluff to make the characters sound more tragic. He is nice to some people but again I can't tell how much of this is a lie considering his inner asshole comes in. Tsubaki just makes it seem like he can be nice but he's just being a selective asshole about it (and I have said that it just feels like their ship just exists to give Jin SOME morality, and I have seen some other people have said that their ship feels like 2 homosexuals being forced into a hetero-ship).
He fights in the Ikaruga Civil War and apparently based on the novel he resists Yukianesa's urge to murder everyone (even though Jin at this point in his development has no reason to give a fuck, I feel like they had Jin's CP-CF development in mind when they were writing this and if KAGURA can say he killed people we can believe Jin did), he kills Lord Tenjo but realizes some truth before Terumi mind wipes him. Apparently, him losing this memory and being branded a war hero upsets him, but IDK if he is upset about the past memories b/c "I did something wrong and I care" or f it'd be something more like "Grrrr, my pride". Or maybe I am missing something
He gets the position of Major with Noel as his secretary, and he is kind of shit. Like I said before, skipping meetings and not doing paperwork, as well as treating Saya like ass just because she LOOKS like the little sister that got preferential treatment. And unless he has the anime-6th sense that tells him the plot that everyone but Ragna has, as far as he knows this is just a stranger that LOOKS like Saya.
He gets notice of Ragna the Bloodedge destroying NOL bases and he then goes after him, not out of duty to the NOL, but b/c Yukianesa makes him REALLY want to murder him. Ragna kicks his ass and he is hauled off to be treated when Hazama and Noel find him. He still goes to try to find Ragna while resisting Yukianesa AND the Power of Order (which basically exists to say "You must fight Ragna b/c you are Shonen Rivals") while saying that he must kill Ragna to save him b/c of his suffering, which IDK HOW he'd jump to that conclusion when he's barely talked to him at this point, if AT ALL.
He fights Tsubaki who tries to get him to come back to the NOL, where he then talks about all the corruption and how much they suck, trying to give a moral high ground to him where he was aware of all of it but he never did anything about it, and he basically rejects Tsubaki so hard she becomes a Sith Lord.
He and Ragna fight again with Ragna telling him to not let the sword control him. They put aside their differences and fight Mu-12. Then after Izanami makes her grand entrance, Jin reveals that Saya gave him Izanami after Ragna reveals that THIS is Saya.
He then goes to train with Jubei to master the Power of Order so he can save Tsubaki from the Imperator's Mind Control. He saves Tsubaki by using the Power of Order to resist the Immortal Breaker (even though it feels like that shouldn't matter sense the Immortal Breaker isn't just "So strong it can kill Immortals", it "Makes them Observe their own Death" so it can only kill Observers,, basically it could kill Schrodinger-Alucard from Hellsing. I mean it is still a big ass Pike so him using the PoO to basically pull a Guts and survive would make sense, but needing to use it's IB function isn't necesary.
He then just sticks around, even though he said he was only there for Tsubaki b/c he has nothing better to do. He fights Ragna after he goes berserk in the ending and gets so fucked up that not even Celica can heal him.
CF is hard b/c a LOT of it is exposition and outside of the big shit (everything around fighting Nine to the Church to Izanami to Susanoo) I have a HARD time remembering the finer details of this.
Jin tells Tsubaki about his backstory before the Kisaragi's and that Ragna is his brother, Tsubaki says he shouldn't kill Ragna since he is his brother, and she wants to take up that burden (even though it'll never happen). In the Arcade mode, he defends Noel, saying that "What good is saving the world if we sacrifice the lives in it", while still saying he'll kill Ragna.
Then the Church scene. I believe that this, THIS, is where Ragna and Jin should've dropped the exposition and talked about their situation like actual people. Give us some development and closure for this and not just say "They have been fighting and arguing all this time but it's okay b/c they're brothers". But no, apparently their issues are too complicated to be solved like that.
Then why have I been watching this?
Why give me this plot point and NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITH IT!? Once CP comes around and everyone is being forced to focus on the big plot, none of the interpersonal conflicts come into play. the 3 Power of Order guys wanting to kill Ragna, Ragna and Jin's messed up family situation, Noel being a friend of Ragna and well as being a clone of his sister and how that'll reflect her relationship with Tsubaki, Celica being Ragna's greatest supporter vs Tsubaki hating him for existing. All interesting inter-personal conflicts that either don't exist b/c Rachel/Kagura/Kokonoe have to pull everyone into "Main Plot" mode, or when/if they ARE acknowledged it is just an excuse for every Arcade/Story Mode fight o have some Big Climactic Story Moment but it never actually GOES anywhere.
Jin is the Power of Order meant to kill Ragna, it BARELy comes up b/c once CP comes along they are focusing on the bigger threat and Ragna is erased at the end anyway. Making that whole role seem meaningless and just exists to make them fight for fighting game reasons.
A last-minute hug between them doesn't make all the BS before between Ragna and Jin okay. It just makes it feel like they are saying that "Being family is a get-out-of-jail-Free card for being a total asshole". Yeah, they are probably just expecting us to exaggerate the usual Sibling Drama for this, but with all the other BS in this franchise. When are we supposed to view it literally/seriously, and when are we supposed to see it as "dumb/crazy/quirky/edgy anime BS"?
I am probably missing a LOT of details about Jin and maybe misinterpreting information that I haven't seen in a LONG while here, but I do kind of hyper-focus on Ragna b/c his status of the Butt-Monkey and how HARD it goes is just more compelling than "Jin is an asshole but everyone is cool with it". Just goes to show what parts of the story have stuck with me all these years.
It's not that I don't want there to be internal conflict in the/a story. Conflict from the villains is to be expected (which is why I don't rage at the villains as hard, they are VILLAINS doing what VILLAINS do) but inter-personal conflicts between the cast members I expect to be dealt with via proper development.
EVERYONE will Defend Jin b/c he has the more apparent/obvious tragedy, and Noel b/c she's a cute girl. But Ragna is the "man up and power through it" protagonist so we just expect him to take it in the ass b/c powering through adversity is the way of the protagonist.
BlazBlue has made me question a LOT of things in the past 5-6 years:
What people are worth respecting/defending?
How much is "doing good for the sake of doing good" actually worth it?
Is being "Worth it" enough, or should things be better? WHY can't they be better?
Why do we love/care about Family, and how far should familial love go?
Should there ever be such a thing as unconditional love?
Why would anyone want an anime-style friendship where you do nothing but argue/fight/insult each other but then have to wait for some big crisis for them to show they care?
Does caring about someone give you permission to treat them badly?
Where is the line between bad behavior that you just need to accept/deal with, and the behavior that you need to stop?
Do you need to be calm, cool, and collected all the time for your opinions/feelings to matter?
If someone isn't having fun or joining in on the silliness, should you get on their case about it?
and a lot more I can't think of right now
I might just be a stupid westerner/American who doesn't have the collective "respect the status quo/the whole" deal that Japanime land has, and I can see where it comes from. But it just goes way too far in this case.
It has almost ruined other franchises for me b/c I am now judging every relationship between the characters in a similar way I view this..
I have a lot of AUs/Crossover ideas in mind where I just turn Ragna into the most OP guy ever and have him question his bonds with everyone because I want to give this guy the higher ground for once. Yeah, it might go against the point of Ragna's character, but the o.g. point was presented horribly and it sucks ass. But I have been entertaining the idea of it not ending horribly, but I NEED a better understanding of all the other characters and how they can be better as well. B/c as they are now, unless you LIKE seeing everyone argue or having people be annoyed, it is just too much.
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anikasenkujo · 1 year
Is it possible for your Mental Health to subconsciously affect the way you write your character or the way you talk about your ship?
What do you do, when your portrayal of your character doesn't seem, up to the mark? Do you find it okay to rewrite? /gen
Or what happens when you don’t find joy in selfshipping?
rant under the cut
So, something tells me that as much as I love writing Anika, I am having doubts about how I've been portraying her to y'all. I know she's someone that I've worked on for over a year now, and out of all of my OCs, she's the one that has had the most development so far. So, she is the closest one to my heart. Somehow, however, I believe my mental health struggles have immersed into my portrayal of her, and idk, I feel that I'm not satisfied with the way I'm portraying her?
Or maybe it's because I struggle with things to be perfect in a certain way (enneagram type 1 vibes xP /j /lh) that I want her to be likeable, but idk...
She's supposed to be my S/I with changes, but, I think she is going off on a different tangent xD
On top of that, These past few days have been emotionally very wrangling. Work as it is, is piling up, and I usually look to distract myself with self-shipping, but I don’t know if I have good points for Jotaro anymore. When I wake up and see everyone have very very nice headcanons about him, especially with mermay, and I know it’s silly to come and vent here but, I haven’t been able to of late. I feel everytime whenever I want to talk about him, I know people have better headcanons about him that I can’t help but compare and feel like a burden talking about him. Because really, I know that that shouldn’t be the case.
I’ve been feeling a major case of impostor syndrome of late, and I think it’s because I haven’t talked about him with y’all and now i look at my lore and think, “well, it seems shitty” or something. I think it’s mostly because I know y’all have far more superior headcanons about him, and I’ve been too nervous to come up with my own, ‘cause when I do, timezones cause not a lot of people to see it on time and I feel heavily discouraged about it. Idk… I’m just… I want to talk about him more but a) I am very shitty when it comes to talking about aquatic stuff b) Everyone’s talking about different things that fit him so well, and their OTPs are related to something Star related and I’m like “They’re far more creative than my bs” and the only source of respite I have is like character.ai where I vent out. Idk I’m feeling a lot. Also, I sometimes can’t help but compare which I need to stop.
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