#its for marriage proposals but till
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
University au fics are very sweet and fluffy and cute but also very yearn inducing
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thoutisashark · 7 months
Accidental Courtship :3
Accidental courtship
ft: Savanaclaw, Octavinella
cw: possible minor spelling errors (blame the dyslexia), established relationship, swearing, implied fem reader
Penguins have this adorable courtship ritual where the male gives the female a smooth pebble, if the female is impressed by the pebble she accepts the gift and mates with the male
I know that jade, Floyd, and Azul aren't penguins, but i thought it would be so cute if their s/o gave them a pebble and basically proposed but not knowing what it meant.
And for the beast-men (Leona, Jack, Ruggie) i thought it would be cute if there was a special beast-men way of courtship, I couldn't think of anything though, but then i remembered that for a lot of mammals (and animals in general) grooming is a form of bonding, so what if licking was a form of courtship?!?!
Leona: he awoke from his nap when he felt a pair of hands running through his hair, he sniffed the air, realizing it was just his s/o he closed his eyes once again, surrendering to the comforting feeling of your hands, he hated to admit it but he loved when you played with his hair, it was something he looked forward to and expected. what he didn't expect however was the sudden wet feeling that graced his cheek his eyes shot open and his head snapped in your direction
"so soon? at least wait till we graduate"
your so confused, he realizes that you probably dont know what you just did
"for beast-men, your lick was you asking me to marry you you dumb herbivore"
he wont admit it but his heart was pounding in his chest
Jack: he had finished his classes for the day and was walking around the campus grounds, when he spotted you his tail started to wag a bit, he attempted to stop, annoyed that he was giving away how he felt. he walked over to you, he wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him you smiled up at him, kissing his cheek, he smiled at you and walked with you to the ramshackle dorm, you guys sat in the guest room you had been working on you had been pretty bored all day and wanted to do something to make you laugh, why not lick your boyfriend see what his silly reaction would be, little did you know the implications behind this supposedly innocent action. as soon as your tongue brushed his cheek he was off to sofa and staring at you in shock, he moved so fast that your tongue was still hanging out of you mouth
"i-im not ready"
his voice was shaky and his tail was wagging at a super sonic spread
"i mean you need to meet my parents and my siblings, and i dont have any money, i mean were still in high school, marriage is a very large leap"
you were so fucking confused Marriage? when you asked what he was talking about he looked at you confused
"you licked me... you want to marry me...right?"
you blushed and told him that in your world its just a weird thing to do. he sighed in
"so no marriage then, good, i love you but im not ready for that yet... try again in a few years"
he winked, his tail giving away his feelings
Ruggie: you had gotten some powdered donuts from Sam's store earlier and you were super excited to eat them, you rushed to your dorm hoping to avoid the food thief you called a boyfriend but it was useless, he could probly smell them from 3 miles away, he saw you running smelt the sweet scent of donuts and took off after you, he caught up quickly, snatching the box from you hands
"watcha got here shihihi"
he held the box out of your reach and took a donut out, he quickly shoved it into his mouth as you pouted, you loved him to death but god was he annoying sometimes you noticed how he had gotten some of the powdered sugar on his nose and an idea of revenge sprung into your mind, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to you
"you gonna kiss me~" he teased you, he wrapped an arm around you resting a hand on the small of your back while his other held the donut box.
you licked his nose, he tensed up, his eyes widened and he stumbled back almost falling over
"i-i dont- i mean-" he turned around, he grabbed his ears and pressed them down, trying to calm himself down, he had never felt so flustered before, but could you blame him? his s/o just asked for his hand in marriage "i accept but... so soon?"
you looked at him confused, he took a moment, realizing that what is a marriage proposal for beast-men might not be the same for humans, but everyone was aware of the tradition, then it clicked, you weren't from here, you had no idea what you had just done. his blush was still there, and to be honest he was dissipated, he licked you cheek "that is a proposal for marriage" he admits, looking away embarrassed, he shoved the donut box back into your hands and quickly walked away mumbling a quick "i love you" his tail was small, but it was wagging as he zoomed away from you.
Octavinelle (penguin esc courtship)
Floyd: he hated working at the cafe, it was so boring, why would he work when he could be with his little shrimpy? he found you outside of the ramshackle dorm, you were on your hands and knees digging round a pile of rocks
"shrimpy~" he lifted you up and hugged you from behind "what are you doing?"
he asked, examining the rocks you held in your hands, you didn't answer, instead you picked on of the rocks you had and handed it to him, it was smooth, and had a faint blue undertone to it, he squealed and snatched it out of your hand, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you till you felt like you were about to burst, he kissed you passionately before skipping off to tell his brother and Azul, you just stood there, confused as to why your boyfriend was so happy about the rock you gave him, i mean sure it was cool but was it that exciting for him? a couple hours later there was a knock on the door to the ramshackle dorm, you opened the door and say Floyd standing there frowning slightly
"do you know what a rock means"
you shook your head and you swear it looked like he was about to cry
"so you weren't asking me to marry you?"
you shook your head again, now understanding why he was so upset, you hugged him and kissed his cheek promising him to marry him one day, as soon as he heard that he was happy again, hugging and squeezing you all night long.
Jade: he was observing the mushroom he was growing, they had a strange mutation that he hadn't seen before and was eager to study, he was writing down the differences and comparing them to known mutations when suddenly you burst into his room clenching something in your hand, he turned to you smiling at you, he closed his mushroom guide and walked over to you, kissing your forehead and ruffling your hair, you hold out your hand and show a small smooth rock to him, he blushed, hugging you tightly
"are you aware of what your asking me?" he asked, his voice shacking lightly as he hugged you tighter, part of him wished you meant what mer-people mean when they give rocks, but he knows you arent used to the tradtions and culture in this world
he pulled away slightly and when he saw your confused face he smiled sadly "in merfolk culture you asked me to marry you" he chuckled as you blushed "i want to be the one to give you the rock dear" he mumbled into your hair he pulled away caressing your face before picking you up and taking you to the couch to cuddle.
Azul: he was in his office doing paper work and for the cafe, he was stressed, his hand was starting to cramp from the amout of writing he had been doing. the door to his office opened and you entered, his eyes lit up as he say you, your presence always made him feel better.
"hello my love"
he smiled at you softly, he open his arms for a hug and you wasted no time crawling into his lap and hugging him tightly, he kissed your shoulder, you reached into your pocket and handed him a pretty rock you had found earlier, his faced flushed with a blush
"m-my love? i- i mean y-yes ill marry you, but at least meat my family first, do you have a venue in mind? a dress? i can help you look- wait your not proposing? oh... you dont know do you"
as disappointed as he was that he wasn't going to marry you he chuckled and laughed
"my beloved your little rock was a proposal of marriage"
he smirked at you, watching as you face as you realized what you had done, he kissed you shoulder and cheek again
"just know love.... i will say yes, i will always say yes to you"
a couple days later when you walk into his office you she the rock you gave him on the shelf behind his desk, it was in a glass container, when you asked Azul all he said was
"its special to me, i wish to keep it forever"
End notes:
i had no idea what to do for leona and i think its pretty obvious, but i had fun writing this! its my first time writing for twst characters and i think i did ok... i hope
I am accepting requests :)
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kkcauseway · 1 month
Mine For Life
Parent Joel Miller x F!reader
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Summary: Your son has been on the earth for a whole two weeks, the days are all blending into one, but you wouldn't change anything about it. When you wake you go about your routine as normal but Joel has the biggest of surprises for you, the biggest of questions to ask, wanting to make you officially his for life. Content/warnings: No outbreak. Soooo much fucking flufff!!! family fluff, domestic fluff. Joel being the cutest dad. Reader and Joel working as a team to make sure their new born son gets the care he needs. Marriage proposal, breast feeding. Caring!Joel Miller. No use of Y/N. A/N: This was a literal dream I had that I woke up from and wrote notes about instantly and I've now changed it into the cutest fluff piece. I hope you love it!!!!
Main masterlist
Two weeks you’ve been parents. In a crazy so full of love, lack of sleep bubble where the days have merged into one. You haven’t washed your hair in a few days, but you wouldn’t change the reason for the world. Your son Frankie Thomas Miller named after your father and of course Tommy, came into the world weighing only 6lbs and screaming his tiny lungs out. And there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. It still doesn’t feel real even with you having had two weeks to adjust.
When he starts crying you quickly get up and bring him into bed with you, in a half-asleep state. You’re thankful Joel didn’t wake as he’s helped so much in the day today to allow you to catch up on sleep, so you want to make sure he gets a full nights rest.
By the chirping of the birds and the beginnings of sunlight pushing its way through the side of the curtains you guess it’s roughly 4am. Meaning you’ve managed to get a solid four hours sleep, no wonder you feel so good.
You instantly place him on your breast to settle him and after he’s fed for a solid thirty minutes you burp him, change him, and then lie with him against your chest. His wide-awake eyes stare at you and you’re in no rush for this moment to end. Differentiating between drawing circles on his small back and head. The full head of hair that he has getting longer you swear by the second.
When your eyes begin feeling heavy you jolt yourself back awake do not fall asleep with him on you. But as a precaution in case you do you make a little area for him between the pair of you on the mattress so he will be safe if you do. You lie staring at him the biggest of smiles on your face and that’s the last thing you see.
When Joel stirs awake and it’s fully light outside his eyes readjust and his focus is straight on Frankie. Fast asleep between you. He’s surprised of course but quickly catches on to what’s obviously happened. And he’s not complaining, who would waking to the site of his gorgeous newborn son and girlfriend fast asleep.
He turns fully onto his side so he can watch Frankie sleep. It’s such an intimate beautiful moment. He places his hand to his son’s stomach stroking softly. Adoring the sight of the love of his life and his precious son in slumber.
One second Frankie’s hand is above his tiny head and the next he’s stretching slightly, and it falls to his side. Joel can’t help but chuckle because that’s a move you pull often in bed.
His lips smack against each other every so often and he lets out little purr like noises. So tiny so cute. Melting his heart completely every time. He’s obviously in the happiest of dreams.
It isn’t long till he begins stirring. Actually waking and doing the all mightiest of stretches all four of his limbs stretched to full capacity and his tiny face scrunches in on itself. His eyes open wide and begin scanning the room and he begins whimpering obviously getting ready to cry. But Joel’s actions calm him right back down.
Yet it wakes you right away and you turn to your side noticing the smile on Joel’s face. God he’s so gorgeous when he first wakes up and watching the way his hand rubs Frankie’s stomach softly melts you. You can feel just how much he loves your boy, just as much as you do.
“G’mornin’” he eventually grumbles
“Hey baby” you mumble as you move closer to Frankie Joel brings his hand away from Frankie’s stomach to rub at your hip and you both bask in the comfortable silence.
“I still can’t believe he’s real” you whisper unable to take your eyes off him.
“I’ve never been so happy as when you blessed me w’him.”
You chuckle, goosebumps taking over your whole body as his thumb tickles your hip.
Eventually Frankie begins crying for real, obviously desperate for his mama to feed him again.
Yet nothing could ruin this moment not even your son beginning to get rowdy. So you bask in the last few seconds before having to both get into full parent mode.
As his cries grow louder, and more intense Joel sits up grabbing him and shushing him as he holds him close to his chest. Fuck he looks yummy like that. His broad shoulders and chest making your son look even smaller.
His large hand holds his head softly stroking to comfort him. Joel notices quickly that he needs changing so grabs the caddy that’s on the end of the bed, somehow not been kicked off after you passed out having done half a job to put things back away, and gets to it right away. Frankie still fussy as he does.
Once clean and fresh, you’re ready to feed him so working as a team he passes him over and makes sure you’re comfortable whilst you do.
He watches you feed him; your maternal instincts so natural. Frankie forever happy and content with you. Eventually, he speaks wanting your attention “hey baby I got somethin’ f’you.”
“What’s that?” You mumble as you move your eyes from Frankie back to him. And you gasp. No idea what to do or say as you stare at Joel, and he stares back at you with a red velvet ring box open before you. A beautiful diamond ring gleaming at you.
“Joel” you whisper unsure of what to do, what to say.
“Baby I love you like I ain’t never loved someone before, and I don’t think it was even possible but when you gave me Frankie that shit doubled, hell it tripled, and I thought I already loved you more than was possible. I wana spend the rest o’my life with you, growin’ our family, fillin’ our home, growin’ old together. I want it all with you baby.”
Tears flow freely from your eyes and the glossiness of them makes it almost impossible to see. “I- I- god it’s so beautiful- Joel I don’t know what to say.”
“Well a yes would be nice.” He chuckles
Fuck. You hadn’t even thought about the response too caught up in the craziness. Too caught up in how unexpected it was.
“Yes, a million times yes!!” You chuckle wetly and he joins you.
“Yeah, you gonna marry me baby, become a Miller f'real?”
“I can’t think of anything I want more.”
You hold Frankie with your other hand so you can hold your left out to him. He takes the ring out of the box and places it onto your finger. It’s the perfect fit because Joel always gets everything exactly right. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses the ring.
When he finally releases your hand, you hold it out and study the ring intently.
It’s the perfect size diamond for your small finger and is absolutely gorgeous.
“Fuck I love you.” Joel grumbles and as you move your hand away, so he comes back into full view, you chuckle.
“I love you too fiancé.”
“Fiancé, damn I like the sound o’that.”
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dreamermonica · 2 years
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—includes isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, michael kaiser (sorry if this asshole's part is freakishly longer than the other boys' parts. favoritism exists in this blog, unfortunately.)
—fem pronouns are used, swearing cause it's me, major crack, fluff, messy attempt at humor, teenage pining and such, god help me t.t
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ISAGI YOICHI is definitely childhood friend material. sworn friends ever since diapers, promises of being together till the very end, marriage proposals at the tender age of 6—all that type of cheesy stuff that would get you squealing and have your little feet kicking in the air out of giddiness. but as time goes on with him being set on football and you doing your own thing, the promise gradually gets left behind in your heads, slowly getting buried underneath all the pressure of being an adolescent. the once childish promise only resurfaces during an unexpected reunion—with both of you having achieved your dream careers. will your puppy love rise once more from the depths of your memories and perhaps turn into something...more serious? hah. what are you talking about? this old friend of yours should take you out for a proper dinner first, atleast.
BACHIRA MEGURU with the ugly duckling trope. no friends, seen as an outcast, too eccentric for his other classmates to comprehend—and there's you—the popular and extroverted individual loved and befriended by many others. you as the campus crush, who found an interest in the lonely bowl cut boy. though your curiosity is piqued at first, you were quite reluctant in actually befriending him. with rumors of him being a weirdo—most people often shy'd away from the idea of letting him inside their radars. but you aren't going to let that stop you from—wait, he's actually super sweet? and kind too? surprisingly a huge sweetheart? what kind of plot twist is this?! though the monster he speaks of kind of scares you, you're still terribly attracted like a fly to a light by his strong will to become the best striker in the foreign dimension of soccer. in the end he's just doing what he loves, a good-hearted boy who simply got misunderstood for his obsession with football—oh? why is your heart suddenly picking up its pace?
ITOSHI RIN with...*drum rolls*...quiet kid at the back of your class. 😐 not that surprising is it. anyways, this emo kid is obsessed with soccer, yet still able to keep up with his studies just fine. though he's mostly neutral with everybody, you sometimes fear the he might be plotting all your deaths with that unconventional stare of his that looks like he's constantly displeased. but you eventually come to a conclusion that that isn't the case. you both take the same bus home everyday, and you can confidently confirm that he really just looks like that. the stare only softens when he brings out his phone and starts playing granny or something. not to be a creepy stalker or anything—your field of view just always inconveniently contains him and the contents on his phone! he appears to have a knack for the genre of horror. games, movies, even tutorials. (this lil' cheat—) but of course, for this headcannon to work my way imma have to embarrass you in front of him for chemistry and relationship development purposes :p. so once upon a time, where you're tired as hell after some shit going down in school, you fail to remember your usual spot and slump down onto an open seat beside itoshi rin—who was on his phone paying you zero mind whatsoever, playing a horror game that you recognized to be some popular roblox game. you don't know if it's the tiredness that took over you, or the sole fact that seeing rin play so goddamn horrible on the game got on your nerves up to the point you couldn't hold in your thoughts anymore and outright told him what you'd come to regret in just a few moments—“what the hell, dude. you're terrible. you're supposed to get the key and then—” about to reach for the phone out of sheer frustration, you suddenly pause, realizing what you've just done. oh no. your eyes flicker to his expression and holy crap. rin itoshi is giving you the biggest, bombastic, judgemental, dehumanizing side eye you've ever seen in your life. actually, scratch that—he's full on staring at you like you've just directed 57 slurs at him. you feel like you've shrunk into a mere insect with how intense his stare is, mentally slowly melting into a puddle of shame as you stand up and profusely bow while spewing out pitiful apologies. after a few moments, you hear him heave a deep sigh, you slowly crane your neck up to look at him expectantly—only to find him and his absurdly gorgeous face challengingly raising a brow at you, “then what do you suppose i should do, miss i'm-so-good-at-the-game? please continue.” rin roblox kid confirmed.
ITOSHI SAE as the regular who has caught your eye trope. i really wanted to use childhood friends on this guy with the amount of angst it'd produce but isagi already got the trope so...'eye candy regular at the local coffee shop you work part-time at' trope it is. a bit specific but yeah you get what i mean :). it's hard not to notice this man whenever he comes in with that unfortunately charming blank face of his—so charming that in fact some girls from other nearby schools actually gather to seat themselves and wait for his appearance, shoot their shot with the guy and get immediately shut down with just one cold sweep of his indifferent stare. being pretty sure does have its downsides. you can still feel the shivers from when he full-on glared at a girl who was getting a bit too persistent. you've never really interacted with him aside from taking his regular order, but there's still the underlying fear that he'd cuss you out and embarrass you in front of teenage girls should you get his order wrong so now you have a note plastered onto the wall that always has his regular order tip up to the notch—with a highlighted nickname, “duckbutt james” since you never caught his name. but oh fuck, he sees it one uneventful day and raises a brow at you, nonchalantly and coolly saying that his name is “itoshi sae”. god. is this the part where you roll over and die in shame? why did you even think it was a good idea to put the note in point-blank range?! it's the same as basically shoving it in his face! you think you might pass out—but then suddenly—he smiles. he smiles. what. but it immediately disappears as fast as it came so now you're questioning if you're hallucinating or not. he takes his usual order and heads out once more, but as your head clears itself from the multiple stages of grief you experienced in one singular moment—you think of his name in wonder, finding it terribly familiar. itoshi sae. itoshi sae. itoshi...SAE?! WAIT—
MICHAEL KAISER is definitely enemies to lovers material, change my mind. a football hotshot who has to begrudgingly graduate first before officially signing a contract with the famous german world-wide football team—bastard münchen. at this point in life, he's basically already successful, so he literally just ignores and passes up all opportunities to actually study anything that isn't related to football. he's not a troublemaker perse, but you're convinced the entire faculty staff hates him due to the amount of unnecessary work his laziness spews out, but they would still have to pass him regardless of his lax attitude towards his studies due to the sole fact that the entirety of germany has their eyes on this genius of a prodigy. it was relatively obvious that failing him and delaying his awaited pro-debut would do no good for the name of the school, so he's now spared from the chains of corrupted education. despite being in the same class as him, kaiser was someone you've barely talked to—you both only interacted a grand total of two times. one was regarding a class project, and the other was that time you walked in on him getting confessed to for the what, thousandth time? needless to say, you're both barely acquainted, so being friends was out of the question. besides, it's not like you want to befriend him anyway (y/n moment)—you were both complete opposites. you were a study freak, and he was an infamous prodigy who had a passion for kicking a ball—he's the emperor who lived in a completely different world from your mundane life as a mere commoner in his story.
*rubs hands together* now it's time to get even more delusional, folks. it's just supposed to be a normal day but oh nooo, you're now both forced to fully acknowledge each other's presence after a teacher falsely accuses both of you and sends you to detention—highly biased should you add. it's one of those low teachers that act passive aggressively with his early success. it's bound to get people jealous, but shouldn't you be proud as a teacher? whatever. all that you know is that you're now both stuck in detention and you're blaming him now. you know very well you're both completely innocent so for what exactly are you blaming him? absolutely nothing. you're just bored and michael kaiser was your only source of entertainment in this bland and empty classroom. jabs are thrown around from across the room as you are unable to initiate conversation without you throwing an insult everytime he attempts to flirt with you. you asked him to be quiet? babe, he's going to do the exact opposite. you asked him to shut the fuck up? he'll say the typical 'make me'. your sanity is all but squeezed out of your entire being by the time your detention is over, finally being dismissed for the day until he stops you from actually leaving the room by holding your shoulder in place and asks for your number with a playful wink. you want to slap him, maybe kick his shins, roundhouse him in the face and run away but with the knowledge that you'll both still be meeting in your class the next day is a bitter reminder that you should atleast try to remain civil with this young and growing superstar if you want to survive the school year. albeit begrudgingly—you punch down your numbers into his phone (you put a random number in at first but he quickly confirms it to be false when your phone doesn't receive the message he sent just in-case. tsk.) and immediately leave the premises after he cracks a joke about seeing him tomorrow night for dinner.
unbeknownst to you, he was the one who put the anonymous tip in the school's online forum that falsely landed both of you in detention—all just to get some alone time with you and grab your number without attracting too much unnecessary attention because oh my lord he's genuinely interested in someone who isn't a part of his football kingdom?? wowowowowow
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sae reawakened my duckbutt (sasuke) phase ong (also reader doesn't know what the world-class midfielder sae looks like, only his name so that's why she was shocked)
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Mkay fuckers time for solangelo HCs.
nico tries to pick up a musical instrument to try it (coughcough IMPRESS WILL) but quits. spoiler: he's not good at it.
nico does not in fact live on just mcdonalds all day actually, but he eats fast food in general.
will does not like this and constantly lectures nico. nico does not care.
but will defo has his junk food moments. oh boy.
when will studied for med school, he was really stressed. REALLY STRESSED. because sure, your dad being the god of healing and all is great, but apollo is also the god of poetry and that's been.....well....terrible.
nico knows how stressed he is and does the small things to make him feel better. make him a sandwich (nico cannot cook). bring him coffee. a pair of pjs once.
will (before studying for med) would constantly urge nico to improve his mental health. now nico teases will because the roles are reversed.
when will gets into med school, nico takes will out to eat at his favourite mexican restaurant.
will solace is a swiftie. but he's selective about the songs he listens to. like?? this man is going to be YELLING to tolerate it and right where you left me and nico is all like 'what are you on about'
but ofc nico is such a lil nas x fan (canon??) and will teases him about it. neeks also tried jojo siwa but was cringing after watching karma.
so uh. marriage.
they wait till their late thirties to get married. and nico totally proposed.
see nico has been waiting to call will his husband forever and godammit, will was taking too long, so he got a fresh pressed suit, a nice ring, and a nice place to propose.
will is SHOCKED. he says yes ofc but he did NOT except nico to do it at the time he did.
hades and apollo were delighted. hades left thanatos incharge while he attended the wedding (ahem big mistake)
apollo was soo proud and constantly teased will for liking an emo dude and will is like dad. your ex is a fucking flower.
apollo dramatically sobs.
so apollo comes in this suuuper hot god form to the wedding hoping to find someone but all the guest guys were in established relationships and the women were straight.
the enbies and people of other genders were not impressed by apollo.
they dont adopt kids for a whileeeeee. but they do and its this five year old and he warms up to them pretty quickly.
i really couldve done better on this smh
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : miles morales x g-neutral reader
↳ synopsis : (first part of) sfw alphabet with miles !!
↳ authors note : could contain astv spoilers ?? i think i'll do another alphabet w a spiderverse character soon when i finish this!! ive been working on a hobie fic but his british is killing me PLZ save me im SOBBING its being delayed just cause hes british thats crazy
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— ❥ Affection - is he the affectionate type?
☆☆ I think Miles is really affectionate with his partner, holding hands and all of that. Tries to be a romantic (and fails sometimes cause hes far too silly for that) but he's doing his best!! Affection is definitely very important to him so :)
— ❥ BEGINNER - is he new 2 relationships?
☆☆ Definitely, you'd be his first love and so he tries his best with you. He'll make sure to take you out on good dates, meet your parents, make like thousands drawings of you in his sketchbook and just generally try to hide the nerves of being in a relationship. Of course, Miles isn't perfect, but you understand that and just accept him nevertheless.
— ❥ CUDDLING - does he like 2 cuddle ?? how does he like 2 cuddle :)) ??
☆☆ Cuddling is a need, it is a requirement. He will demand cuddling at least once every day just so he feels something in his cold and empty soul. (he's being sarcastic, please cuddle him hes so sad when you don't)
— ❥ Domestic - does he wanna settle some day ?? how good is he at household chores ??
☆☆ Miles is a teenager, that kind of thing has yet to cross his mind or atleast think of it super seriously. But he would love to move in with you at some point, make you breakfast in bed and stuff like that. He definitely used to help his mom when he was younger, just gives off the vibe :))
— ❥ Ending - how n why would he end things with you ??
☆☆ The only thing that would push Miles that far is for your own safety. When he dates someone, he doesn't wanna do it just because you two like each other, he dates to stay together and not for a fleeting feeling that'll come to pass. But it hurts him more to leave someone he still loves, but knows its for your safety <\3
— ❥ Fiance(e) - marriage? commitment?
☆☆ I mean, same reason with the letter D, he's a teenager so that thing doesn't really cross his mind. He does like to joke around that he'll propose to you with a bagel or something.. (uh oh)
— ❥ Gentle - is he gentle physically and emotionally ??
☆☆ He tries his best to be. He understands how a lot of things can be overwhelming and hard to understand, so whether you need his emotional or physical help he's always willing to give it. He'll give you words of affirmation or hold you till you feel better. :)
— ❥ Hugs - does he like em ?? does he hate em??
☆☆ Miles LOVES it when you hug him, especially when you initiate it first. He'll sometimes pick you up and do a little spin because it makes him that happy T_T♡ Please hug him, he needs it badly after everything
— ❥ I love you - how long did it take for him to say it ?? does he say it often ??
☆☆ Miles took his time when it came to finally saying 'I love you'. He wanted to make sure that he'd mean it, and will continue to mean it while you guys are together. When it comes to saying I love you, he wants it to be in appropriate times and places but he usually says it when hes sleepy and just has no filter at all.
— ❥ Jealousy - does he get jealous often ??
☆☆ Yes and Miles makes it very obvious. You find it amusing every time he'll pull you by your waist towards him so he can hold you by his side. He'll urge you to continue your conversation, but the person you're speaking to can tell he is one minor inconvenience away to picking you up and just running off. (he'll only ever act like this if the person has clear intentions that were NOT approved of by him)
— ❥ Kissing - does he like kissing ?? how does he like 2 kiss ??
☆☆ He does the upside down kiss at like any given moment while he's on patrol. HE LOVES DOING IT he thinks its the most silly thing ever and the way the first time he tried it, his web snapped and he fell before he could kiss is ENGRAVED in your memory. Of course, he'll enjoy smaller kisses like on the nose or on his forehead cause it makes him feel soso soft.
— ❥ Little Ones - is he good with kidz ?!
☆☆ HES AWFUL. have you seen the scene with him and Mayday?! He has never held a child a day in his life, he will call an infant baby 'bro' or something and try to take it skateboarding. He will try if you have younger siblings, it's like training to get into the family; if you can handle the little menaces you are welcomed <3.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months
Child of the Sea, Child of the Land (Oops all Mythicals!)
Edit 2: Tis Finished! ENJOY!!!
Edit: Tumblr did it again dammit don't read yet its not finished!
Oops! All Mythical edition, and as a regular story instead of a poem!
Featuring a saytr reader with a posterior of a horse. Reader is a literal horses ass. And a human torso. But they're very pleasant otherwise. Why not a centaur? Cause Satyrs need more love!
Also a cameo from Lenora and Erriox who are ocs from @egrets-not-regrets ! They're great check our their stuff!
Warning: Flirting, Abrupt proposal that Kinda equates to marriage, violence, threats of getting eaten, descriptions of blinding, the word Whore, description of burning.
Notes: The mythical creatures are the humans of this world they can own other animals who are still just animals. No weird inter species stuff going on. The mythical creatures with human features just exist, as do the regular animals.
Tag: @kit-williams @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Long ago in a world not unlike our own, their lived vast communities of strange and wonderful creatures.
There were the harpies that patrolled the skys, hunting and chorusing with their fellows. Each taking after the bird that shared their features in form and function.
There were the land dwellers, who tilled the soil, and raised the creatures of their farms to suit their needs. They came in many shapes and variances of limbs.
A centaur with the body of an Elephant who watched over the inland waterways, a drider who wove fine their silks in clothing, and most commonly, those land folk who we would call saytrs.
But more than deer or goats, they walked and ran with a plethora of mammalian hindquarters.
It is in this group we find, a very dutiful satyr. Their hind quarters were strong, resembling a horse, but enchanting with their feathered ends that contrasted their complexion.
Each day they tended to their farm, alongside their parents. With love and care and only Occasional outbursts of frustration.
"Oh Dammit!"
"Um...sorry?" They snorted before grabbing a drying towel to mop the wet from their legs.
Anyway! However devoted...and dampened, this particular land dweller was, they did their work with a smile. For it truly brought them joy.
"Fucking Dammit! Get back here!"
Languag- Oh Nevermind!
You got ahold of the wayward gelding before he could cause even More damage than he already had.
"Honestly Gemstone," You sighed, leading him back to his pen. You'd need a new chain...and a new fence panel.
The idiot had knocked the whole setup over trying to reach for a bit of graze on the other side.
You sighed heavily, another log to the pile. "What am I supposed to do with you huh?" You asked the rhetorical, as you tied Gemstone off to the side.
Huffing, you hefted a less destroyed panel over, followed by dismantling the first, fetching a new chain, and finally setting everything back together to your satisfaction.
You glanced back at the offending party.
"Well? Got anything to say for yourself?"
The gelding's dark eyes simply staired back. Before he slipped his tongue out and followed that up with a huge Yaaaaaaaawn.
Your serious facade broke. "Pfft! Ha..." You sighed, gently taking his head again and scratching his face the way he liked. "Guess I can't stay mad at you. Even if you are a silly bugger bear! Silly Silly bugoo be-wawr!" You cooed before returning him to his place.
"And stay there! Goofball." You shook your head and smiled, as your mother approached.
"That old fence panel finally gave up the ghost huh?" She asked, walking over.
You snorted, not unlike the horses you shared features with. "Yep, had to redo it." You huffed. "Cause somebody was a greedy Fart!" You scolded the horse again.
Gemstone simply went on munching his hay, unbothered.
Your mother chuckled, "Well it seems you've got this well in hand," She surmised, before handing you a bundle and a pitcher.
"Hm?" You took it, smelling something delightful.
"Your favorite," Your mother explained. "And some lemonade to help you stay hydrated. Go ahead and eat your lunch."
"Awww, thanks mom."
"You've more than earned it sweetie. mwah." She replied, with a kiss on your cheek, before walking back to your cottage.
As you watched her go, you felt an odd twisting in your heart.
"Her next birthday is pretty soon." You spoke, to no one in particular, maybe Gemstone could listen to your thoughts.
"I want to get her something special. I still remember when she showed me her collections of shells." You mused. "Some of those are even older than me..."
Your mother Loved the beach, and the ocean, after all she was born and raised with it practically next door. She'd spend hours at your age combing the beach for shells and sea glass.
But now...now it was so much more difficult for her. Between age and farm work, you couldn't even remember the last time You went swimming, let alone to the oceanside.
But...if your idea worked out, you'd be able to present her with a beautiful gift! A genuine piece of coral, and one in her favorite color no less!
There's was just one...small issue. Even at your best, you would not be able to dive long enough to retrieve it.
And even with your strength, you doubted you could break a piece from a creature that was more or less living rock.
And even if you Could, you'd run the risk of offending....one of them.
You felt a shiver pass through you.
Ah yes, the third and final group of this strange world's denizens. And by far the Most dangerous.
The sea folk.
Among their numbers were your typical mermaids, selkies, even the occasional crustacean-kin. Those honestly weren't frightening at all, no more so than any other stranger would be you mean.
But the most dangerous, most deadly, and most mysterious beings of the ocean, were those known as The Mer Astartes.
Armored, huge, stoic and nearly unknowable...but not completely.
Word was they Could be propositioned, for the right price.
That problem being that price, or rather the nature of the payment, varied Wildly depending on what mer you managed to contact.
You could end up trading something as banal as some land food items, to being demanded your own severed foreleg.
Again you shuddered.
But you would not be deterred! After all you knew where to gathe all the necessary ingredients. Those would be easy.
Well...all but...one.
As you sat beneath the shade of a tree, you gathered your long, luxurious tail into your lap.
The hair was wirey, strong, but well kept. It was a matter of pride for horse folk like yourself.
With the seasons changing, and biting flies soon to be a factor, you didn't want any of your precious equines to go without.
Besides...well kept satyr tail hair would be seen as more valuable...you hoped.
You turned your gaze toward the sea, though you could not see it. With your anticipation you could almost catch the faintest hint of salt brine.
You hoped the objects you would gather would be enough.
You hoped the old stories about the merfolk's preferences were true.
You sighed. "Another log to the pile..." You mumbled.
You left your tail unchanged for now. You didn't want your mother noticing.
You finished your lunch and the days work, and turned in early. You had a long day ahead of you.
The port city was Bustling with activity, even as early as you had set out.
You'd let your parents know you'd be away running errands, and the farm had another of your village's neighbors looking after it today.
Meaning you could focus solely on your task.
The crowds of different animal folk buzzed about with purpose.
Ox and cattle folk carrying Huge burdens, and drawing carts through the city streets.
Harpies of many kinds, flitting and squawking their trade and barter above in the open air and in the air market.
Like the Vulture and Eagle harpies displaying a variety of bone trinkets, and dried salted meats.
Hummingbird harpies tending to and selling flowers.
A hippo centaur carrying water with its little calf following close behind.
But you had two particular items in mind. And you wanted Prime quality for the task at hand.
You surveyed with not just your eyes, but your sharp nose as well, until-
"Oysters!" A voice cried out. "Fresh fish and oysters! Caught only this morning!"
You approached the calls, and what greeted you was an Osprey harpy. The bird woman stood behind a stall filled with fish and other marine delicacies.
"Greetings and welcome! Please have a look at our wares." She entreated as you approached.
"Hello," You replied, scanning over the offerings.
Mussels of various sizes were displayed in boxes filled with clear salt water. And many dried salted fish hung in bundles around the stall.
Plenty to chose from!
Maybe...too many.
Well, this might be harder than you first thought.
What type of Oyster and Fish Skin would most appeal to a mer Astarte?
"Something on your mind dear?"
You were woke from your thoughts by the Osprey women, the experienced seller clearly seeing your hesitation.
"Ah well..." You felt awkward, not sure how to explain your reasoning for Needing these things.
"You see...I need an Oyster and some fish skin, but I'm not sure what particular..."
"You're trying to contact an Astarte?"
You froze before stammering over your words. "How did- I mean no- I."
The Osprey harpy smiled and held up one of her taloned hands. "It's alright dear, you're not the first to go snooping for things based on the old stories."
You relaxed a bit.
Only for her demeanor to become strict. "You're not trying to lure one in to poach it are you?"
Poach an Astarte?
On your own!?
"Pffffffft! Ha!" You couldn't help the outburst, only to see the Osprey's face was still serious.
You quickly tamped down your laughter. "Oh ah, sorry no. No no no, I need to ask one for help you see."
The harpy's posture immediately relaxed. "Oh?"
"Mmhm," You nodded before retrieving a piece of parchment from your satchel.
"I want to give my mother a piece of this coral." You explained, showing the image and information you'd copied from a book.
The Osprey looked over the image, examining it closely. "This Coral..."
"Is only found in the waters controlled by the mer astartes, I know." You completed her thought, returning the page to your bag.
"I know it's risky...but my mother hasn't gotten to see the ocean in so long, and it's hard for her to make the journey." You explained. "I was hoping I could bring a small part of the ocean to her."
The osprey harpy's gaze softened, clearly moved by your wish. She seemed to be mulling over her next words.
"Well...I think I can help you. At least a little bit."
You perked up.
The Osprey pulled up something from behind the counter, and laid it down so you could view it.
It was a map of the port city and nearby shorelines.
"Your best bet is to go here." She explained, pointing to a particular spot.
The name scrawled across the parchment stared back at you.
Fire Drake Shore
You paused for a moment. "Why there exactly?"
The Osprey smiled wryly. "You'll have the best chance finding someone willing to help with your quest."
"Really!?" You asked excitedly, the Osprey nodded.
"But," Your joy was interrupted buy the harpy's shift in tone back to serious. "You Must go during the day, and stay no later than sunset." She explained further. "Different mers are more active at different times of the day. You might end up contacting something far more dangerous if you don't heed these warnings."
You nodded, letting the words sink in. "Fire Drake Shore, during the day, no later than sunset. Got it!"
"Alright," The Osprey once again relaxed, placing her clawed hands on her hips. "Now, how's about I get you set up with a proper oyster and the finest shimmering pickled fish skin." She crowed, reaching into the oyster box and for her knife. "I'll even give you a discount!"
"Really? You don't have to-"
"Think about it as being for your mother." The Osprey said, gathering your purchased items together.
Well...you supposed you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thank you, thank you so much! Um...what is your name?"
The Osprey woman smiled. "It's Lenora, sweetie."
"Well...thank you so much Lenora!" You said gratefully as you payed.
Once your items were secure, you bid Lenora the Osprey woman farewell, as you excitedly made your way to Fire Drake Shore.
As she watched you leave, the Osprey harpy felt happy, but still a little concerned.
"I wish I could've helped you more." Unbeknowst to most, Lenora had...a certain relationship with a mer astarte she'd helped by chance.
Had he not been on an extended hunting trip Erriox could have been convinced to help. He'd have grumbled and groused, but he'd have done it. Maybe even would have smiled at the adorable Horse folk getting to give their mother a beautiful gift, before acting like it didn't affect him at all.
The Osprey harpy smiled at the thought of her companions rough, but sweet demeanor. But as her thoughts went on she found herself troubled.
Fire Drake Shore was the best place that Horse saytr could go...but even there wasn't completely safe.
She hoped things would work out.
By the stars, and the ancient mothers, she hoped it would work out.
The crashing of waves, and salty brine met your ears and nose as you approached the shoreline.
Fire Drake Shore...
You're not sure why it was named such, nothing about it spoke to you as very...fire drakey.
But as your approached the gently rolling waves, and breathed in the salty air, you couldn't deny this place was beautiful!
Serene, and yet lively. With the call of gulls in the air, you made your way down to the water.
You stood before the waves, watching as their reach came just far enough to touch your hooves.
And for a moment, you gave yourself permission to just...enjoy the present.
The way the water would run up the sand, before seeming to vanish and melt into the beach as it receded. The salty brine that filled your nose and lungs. The way the water stretched so far out it was nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the sky began.
But you couldn't dwell on that for much longer. There was...something else that had to be done.
One more piece to prepare...or rather two.
You gathered a chunk, about one third of you precious tail, into one hand. With your other, you took out a knife.
It wasn't even all of it...but the piece would be noticeable in its absence.
But it Would grow back. And the struggle would be worth it, it would all be worth it.
With careful precision, you began to cut through the strands of your own tail.
Snip, by snip, broken severed hair, by severed hair. You winced, but did not falter until at last you held the separated hair in you hand.
"No turning back now." You muttered, pulling out the oyster and fish skin.
You used your knife again, plunging it into the gap of the oyster and carving it open. Then, you sprinkled a bit of vinegar into the gap from a small flask you'd bought.
But rather than use your knife for the final ingredient, you chose a less painful method.
You'd intentionally let your lips become chapped and plucked and picked at the dry skin until you tasted Iron.
You carefully wrapped the now opened oyster, the fish skin and the horse hair into a bundle, much like a gift.
You pressed your bleeding lip to the parcel.
"Please, Please let this work." You whispered your prayer, feeling your heart race despite your quiet.
And with that, you reared back and Threw your bundle as Hard as you could into the sea, where it splashed and sank below the waves.
Nothing. But maybe you just needed to wait longer. You paced back and forth a bit, looking out into waves, hoping to see something come from them.
You felt your heart sink.
All that preparation, all that hope...and for what?!
Part of you wanted to scream, the other half wanted to cry.
"RrrraAGHH!" You let the frustration out, kicking the sand and stomping about. Snorting and head tossing, and flicking what remained of your tail!
Only to slip and fall ass over tea kettle onto the sand. "WOah-oOOF!"
You laid there in disbelief for a moment. "UuURghaaaaAh!" You let out an odd mix of growl and shout in frustration, covering your eyes with your hands and thrashing for a minute before...
Before you just, slumped down, defeated.
You let out a sigh, and laid there.
The sounds of the waves and the gulls, the scent of the brine and the sluggish sparse clouds above....all was Just as peaceful and as beautiful as when you first arrived.
Maybe you could wait longer?
But maybe that wouldn't help.
Lenora had said this beach was the best option. Wouldn't that mean the old stories of summoning Astartes were true?
True doesn't mean a certain method would always work...the ocean was avert place after all.
Maybe no mer astartes had seen your offering.
You brought yourself up and sat, facing the waves still rolling.
The waves your mother used to love, the same ones that went on even without her being here...
If waves could love...would they love even when no one was watching? When the people who once adored them left and some never came back?
You felt a twinge and sniffed as some tears began to form at the corners of your eyes, you wiped them away quickly. And sighed.
Well...at least the view was pretty.
You sat there for a bit, before bringing yourself back up to stand.
There was no use dwelling on something that couldn't be changed. You'd find something else to give your mother, even if the disappointment of your failure still stung.
You turned to walk back into town, perhaps you could find something nice at one of the stalls-
A damp wave of water suddenly doused you, soaking you from head to hoof in brine.
"P-pthoo! What the-" Your shout was cut off as you realized you were enveloped in a shadow much larger than you.
Your eyes trailed up at the imposing figure before you.
Long marine tail? Check, it was the color of cooled molten rock and had bright red orange veins.
Armored torso? Check, it was plated a deep green color, with dragon like insignias on the chest and shoulder pauldron.
Inscrutable, helmeted gaze? Check, the large marine had red lenses that peered down at you intensely, regarding you with curiosity, as you regarded Him with trepidation.
Neither of you spoke for a moment. The only sound passing between you his breathing. Until you decided to break the ice.
The Astarte tilted his head slightly before bringing up his hand between the two of you.
You found yourself bewildered as you were presented with the parcel you'd just thrown into the sea.
Was he...trying to return it to you? "...oh...Oh, no!" You replied, gently pushing it back towards him, his arm didn't even budge. "It's for you!"
The slight twitch backwards he did is response was more readable. He was confused.
"Ah sorry Sorry, what I mean is...I need your help. And...I was told that the best way to contact you was buy...throwing this into the ocean." You hurriedly explained.
This seemed to give the marine pause, before he lifted his other hand to his helm.
Click, hiss
With a practiced ease he removed his helm, and you were taken aback by what greeted you.
A skin as dark as charcoal, but eyes that were surprisingly soft despite them being totally red. And his hair! Long and pale and curly, it seemed to bounce as it came free.
You felt a slight blush creep over your skin. He was...very attractive.
And when he spoke his voice was warm, and smooth.
"I see," He replied to you. "Though this method is a bit...outdated, To serve and to aid is the most honorable of acts. How may I assist you this day, child of the land?"
You had to force yourself to respond. "I well...I was hoping to contact an Astarte so I could get my hands on some of this. Ah one sec let me find it."
As you fumbled in your bag you had no idea Pyrus, the large Salamander, was secretly enjoying how adorable you looked.
Land dwellers were always so funny. Though he Did wish you didn't appear so frightened, but he supposed it was natural, all things considered.
You finally pulled the coral parchment from you satchel, gladdened that it wasn't too soaked, and displayed it for the marine.
As he looked over the image you continued to explain. "I want to give it to my mother as a gift. She's...always loved the ocean."
The marine looked to your face, some of your apprehension was replaced with melancholy. It tugged on his two hearts.
"It's...hard for her...she can't travel as easily these days so...I wanted to bring a bit of the ocean to her." You explained. "This coral is her Favorite color, and I wanted to give it to her for her birthday. So...in exchange for these items...do you think you could help me?"
Pyrus felt his chest swell. The Salamanders prided themselves on the virtues of love and camaraderie. To see your concern and desire to please your loved one was not only sweet, it was very attractive indeed.
He was a Slight oddity in his pod. Most of his kind didn't really...feel attraction in the sense that most baseline creatures did.
Those that did preferred the features of sea folk, which was fine, but...it did leave him a bit isolated in the fact he much preferred the features of land walkers.
He just found them so...fascinating! He'd spend hours watching at a distance as the port city buzzed with life. The music, the food, the inurmerable sights and sounds and experiences to be had.
And him...stuck out there in the ocean. Oh sure he had the ability to swim through air but if he took one step in that town the people would scatter in fear.
Not...like he blamed them.
Between his preferences and his hobbies, he often felt...alone.
Even amongst his brothers, but maybe...he didn't have to be as alone anymore?
"Indeed, this is a task I can take well in hand." He proclaimed. And he saw your ears perk up.
"You can! Oh thank you!"
Pyrus held up his gauntleted hand, he may be about to ask something...much in return, but he would not get your hopes up or lie to you.
"But...I must ask for one more thing in return."
You waited, unsure of what he'd ask for, but you'd gotten this far.
"The truth is...it is quite Lonely, below the waves." He began, now himself feeling awkward. "I hold each of my brother close to my heart but...we do not share the same interests."
"As your mother yearns for the sea, I yearn for a connection I cannot obtain within it." Pyrus continued. "So I wanted to ask, if I grant you this request of your heart, would you grant me mine?"
You tilted your head. What could you offer the heart of an Astarte?
Pyrus squared his shoulders, he would do this right! Even if it was sudden. "Dear child of the land...would you join me beneath the waves, soothe my lonely heart, as I will soothe yours. You kindness and devotion have smitten me. If I grant you this favor, this is what I ask in return."
He...he what now?
You shook your head in confusion. "I'm...sorry, did you just ask me...to...Join you under the waves?"
Pyrus nodded, a bit worried about your tone. You didn't seem to like the idea.
"Yes, we Astarte possess the ability to change others into our kind. Granting the ability to live in the water as we do."
You didn't know how to respond. But, you didn't want to lie to him.
"I...um...I'm sorry." You replied. "I mean...your offer is Very flattering." Very flattering, an ungodly attractive and kind man just essentially...proposed to you out of nowhere???
"But...I have to say no." You stated. "As much as I love this place...it isn't my home. My home is back on the farm, with my mom and dad and our creatures...I can't just up and leave them. They Need me." You explained.
Oh...oh...Pyrus felt his dark skin flush with embarassment. Of course you couldn't just up and leave the family you cared so much for, what was he thinking!? Stupid Pyrus, absolutley stupid! "Oh..."
You saw his dejection, and you felt your heart twist. He really did seem so sweet.
"Hey," You entreated, getting his attention. "Even though I can't Live with you...I'd love to get to Know you."
Pyrus perked up a bit at that.
"We just met, so the living beneath the waves together isn't the best idea. I mean...what if we found out two weeks in we were terrible room mates." You jested, trying to lighten the mood.
Pyrus did feel a slight smile turn the corners of his mouth and he chuckled. "I...suppose that is true."
"But I do want to learn more about the ocean, and I'd be happy to come and visit! Heck, if possible we could even find a way for you to visit my home!" You offered.
Pyrus could sense your earnestness, and it made him so happy. A place where he'd already have a friend, and be able to explore without worrying about scaring others.
He felt a buzzing excitement light in him. But he kept his composure.
"I...would like that very much."
"Perfect! Then let's start with proper introductions." You held out your hand and shared your name to the marine.
Pyrus took your small hand in his, rejoicing in this new connection. "I am Pyrus, son of Vulcan," He stated. "And I will grant you this favor, in return that you will visit and teach me of your home, as I teach you of mine." He stated.
"You will return...won't you?" He asked softly, knowing he technically couldn't Force you to uphold this vow.
You smiled, and gestured for him to lean down a bit. He acquiesced.
"Mwah," You placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, causing the son of Vulcan to freeze in surprise for a moment.
"I do solemnly swear!" You stated proudly.
Pyrus felt that blush return, all about his face and neck. But again he reined in his response.
"Thank you, landling." He hummed returning his helm to his head, and taking the originally offered bundle of items.
Pickled fish skin was a rare treat, as was the vinegar oyster, and the horse hair was useful as string was difficult to come by underwater. He stowed these items away and turned toward the open sea.
"It will take some time to retrieve this coral. Please wait here until I return." He asked, and you nodded.
"I'll be here." You assured.
After a number of hours had passed, you were Really wishing Pyrus had given you a better idea of when he'd be back beside, some time.
Good lord you were bored. You'd forgotten to bring a book or journal or even a sketch pad. And you could only take so many naps in the shade before your body refused to fall back asleep.
At least the beach was peaceful, and you marveled at the shift from bright day, to hazy evening and finally the sunset-
That...that made you more worried.
But...it was probably fine. Pyrus and his brothers were out there, and if his brother's were anything like him, you'd have nothing to worry about.
As you sat back pondering these troubling thoughts, you saw a large shape begin to emerge from the water.
Your heart leapt, and you quickly stood up. Finally!
"Pyrus!" You called. "I'm so glad to see yo-"
The shape broke through the surface and your gut felt like a brick of ice dropped into it.
That...that wasn't Pyrus...
The sun's dipping rays illuminated the purple pink armor, rimmed with gold, as the unknown Astarte continued to advance, languidly drawing closer.
You didn't move. You almost couldn't bear to breathe.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Running might only make things worse...especially now that you were in his sights.
The Astarte emerged completely from the water, just off to one side of you. Unlike Pyrus who had come to you, talked to you, like an actual living being.
This one instead eyed you, and began circling you where you stood with a curiosity that felt...predatory. Swimming through the air in a way that felt so...targeted.
As if daring you to move...to flinch.
"Well...well....welllllll." The Astarte cooed with a sick glee in his voice, slightly modulated as it came through his helmet. "What have we heeeeere?"
Suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed your face roughly forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"A cute little saytr, all alone. How sad...how pitiful...how..." He hummed and the image of him licking his lips came to mind. "appetizing."
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
"Me? Ah pfft nope!" He responded nervously, as best you could with your chin in his grasp.
He seemed a bit stunned you could respond, but quickly recovered. "Oh? And why is that my little...morsel?"
Think fast think fast. "Ah I mean...have you actually ever Had horse meat? It's really not that good." You explained. "Mostly grisle and wirey muscle, very stringy, not at all appetizing." You stated, as if critiquing a five star dish. And one you'd never actually eaten, only hearing about it from others.
"PFFtt ha Ha HA!" Well you weren't sure if that was positive but you'll roll with it. His laughter had caused him to let go of your chin.
"And the torso bit isn't much better!" You continued. "Far too much adipose, and so low on nutrients. Dare I say you'd be better off eating sand and tree bark. At least then you'd been getting fiber."
The Astarte continued to laugh. Full on shaking cackles as you Slowly stepped back. "Oh My...you're quite funny." He said as he calmed, and removed his helmet.
Beneath you saw a beautiful but terrifying appearance. His face was pale, his eyes a luxurious but cold looking purple with unnaturally shaped pupils.
His Teeth. Sharp, fanged, with marks on his chin you weren't sure if they were makeup or...blood trails from previous meals.
And his hair...it wasn't hair. It was long tendrils with sharp mouthed ends. Like a Medusa but with carnivorous eels instead of snakes.
"Oh go ahead, enjoy the visage~" He cooed, brushing back his...locks. "I'll allow it since you entertained me. Most land folk just scream and cry and beg for their lives. Not nearly so entertaining after a while."
You swallowed dryly. "I mean...why lose your sense of humor am I right?" You shrugged nervously, still carefully working your way back.
You couldn't outrun him, but maybe you could keep him distracted till-OOf!
You suddenly found yourself pinned to the sand, the large Astarte floating above you.
Those eyes, those eyes, they looked down at you with a sadistic glee, as his hair fanned out in different directions.
"Ah, ah A-ah~." He sing-songed. "Tsk, tsk, I didn't say you could leave. How Rude to try and break from a conversation without proper decorum."
He held you down effortlessly with one hand, Just hard enough to be uncomfortable. The other tapped your nose as if you were a naughty child.
"Hmm~ Well, this has been fun." He conceded. "But I really Am hungry, and I think a sweet little treat like you, would just perfectly Hit the Spot~" His jaw unhinged, revealing a second set of jaws behind the first, as his eely locks began swarming revealing their own nashing teeth.
"And the Sweetest part will be your screams! Please be as loud as you can! It makes the meal even more thrilling!" He chortled planting his other hand in the sand next to your head.
You couldn't move, the pressure was too much, but you did still have your satchel.
You reached in feeling the small bottle of vinegar you'd brought. You grasped it tightly and in one quick motion, broke the bottle into his face!
"RWAGGGG!" He cried and hissed as the glass and acidic liquid went into his eyes, causing him to rear back.
You scrambled away as his hands came up to his face, he fumbled over to the sea water, desperately splashing it into his eyes and dipping his face.
"You little Whore!" He snarled, still doubled over, his eyes and face had blood running down them.
That...that move had been pure adrenaline. You capitalized on his weakness and disbelief, cracking him square in the face with a downward kick.
Now blood ran over his mouth from his broken nose, as he sputtered and choked.
You did it again, rapid repetitive strikes with your hooves.
You might've even broken some of his teeth.
Still flush with rage and adrenaline, you shouted. "How's that taste you deep sea, punk ass fish breath Bitch!"
Only to Immediately remember what you were up against when the marine caught your next strike.
"WOAH!" You suddenly found yourself upside down, looking up at your attacker as he held you by the leg.
The blood made his expression even more deranged as he smiled, oh no.
"AAAAH-O-OOF!!! Next thing you knew you were being flung away and down like a rag doll, right into the middle of the beach. Even on sand the impact knocked the wind from your lungs, and you worried briefly about broken ribs.
Briefly because you saw the violent violet marine approaching, stalking toward you like a cat hunting a mouse. You scrambled to your feet though it hurt.
Everything hurt.
You stepped back slowly as the marine advanced, enjoying your rapidly deteriorating courage.
He towered above you. "I'm going to enjoy, ripping you apart piece by piece." He said lashing out with his claws. It left a shallow but long and stinging cut on your face. You stumbled back.
"I'm going to enjoy Flaying your skin inch by inch." He laughed lapping the fresh blood from his claws.
He raised them again as you had nowhere left to go. No hope of escape. You braced for the worst.
"And I'm going to Relish keeping you alive as I Devour you -OUGh!"
His speech was cut off as a blur of green and orange suddenly burst from the ocean, tackling your assailant.
Even in the more dim light you saw the red helmet lenses, the burning firey veins on that molten rock like tail. And you saw the steam rising from the grappling marines.
"Ah-ah-ah AHhhhhAh!" The purple marine actually shrieked as the the coils smothered and burned him. You could smell the burning fish flesh...
The gauntleted arm of the second marine held his head in a vice grip headlock. The purple marine struggled and slashed and bit, with both his limbs and his living hair.
But soon his struggles weakened and ebbed into nothing, the last tremoring shakes of life as he finally stilled.
There was a moment of pause before the green marine made a sudden swift jerk.
You heard a sickening crack! And the purple marine'a body dropped to the sand.
You could see the green marine's heaving breaths.
You hoped you weren't wrong this time. "P-pyrus?" You asked hesitantly.
The marine did not answer verbally, but instead reached into his pack, and pulled out a fist size lump of coral.
Your mother's coral.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Pyrus!" You cried jumping past the object and wrapping your arms around your Astarte.
You pushed and nuzzled into his chest plate. Rubbing your head up and down it in glee. "I knew you'd come back!"
Pyrus removed his helmet with his free hand and dropped it, before leaning down and bringing his arm around you.
He nuzzled close to you, feeling your skin and heartbeat. The same precious heartbeat he'd been seconds away from never hearing again. "I'm so sorry! Had I known, I would've protected you better. I thought you were safe here."
He'd need to contact his captain and chapter master. A Chaos marine making it this far in their territory, could not and would not be tolerated.
But for now he brought his large hand to your face examining the damage.
It was then you realized you'd rubbed your bloody cheek on his chest plate.
"Oh! Sorry."
"Thanks." You sighed, utterly exhausted. You did take the coral from Pyrus, examining it closely.
"No...you have nothing to apologize for." Pyrus assured. He even noted the Slannesh marine's broken nose and teeth. His hearts swelled with pride. "You fought well, Here."
You hesitated for a moment, as Pyrus leaned down, only to relax when he simply laved his tongue over your cheek.
His saliva soothed the sting of your cut, helping the wound close.
"Its even more beautiful in the water." He stated, noting your fondness. "I would love to show you when you next visit...if you wish to."
He wouldn't blame you for not wanting to.
Instead, you smiled, tired but genuine. "I'd like that very much...and hey, maybe with the right prep, my mom and dad could see it too."
Pyrus smiled. "I will help in whatever way I can, to make it a reality." He assured nuzzling you again.
You both stood there, watching the waves crest and roll in the newly fallen night.
You could go back into town, find a inn to stay at, but you didn't fancy being alone.
"Pyrus, is there somewhere...we can stay the night together?"
The marine seemed surprised by your request, but nodded. "Of course, follow me."
He led you a little ways down the beach, to a sheltered cave where sand met surf.
It would've been cold in the night, if not for the living heater that coiled around you as you settled in for sleep.
As you laid down, you felt a great peace overcome you.
"Sleep now my dear child of land." He cooed, petting your head. "I will guard you."
You smiled and cuddled into him. "And I will keep you -yaaaawn- from feeling too alone."
Outside the waves and winds rolled in. The brine of the sea carried inland, as the seabirds hunkered down in their nests.
The horses rested safe in their pens, and the winds gently waved the leaves of the trees.
And two lonely souls rested well, as they didn't feel so alone anymore.
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slvtiny · 1 month
Missing Puzzle Piece
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Pairing: Hongjoong x afab/gn reader
Warning ⚠️: cursing, mention of sex,lmk if I missed any.
[a/n: This is a scenario, and I may or may not write on it later. It's not proof read so expect spelling errors, if you want to use this in your works then lmk and make sure to tag me in it 😊. Reblogs and comments are appreciated. Feedbacks are welcome as well. I won't keep you long but I will tell you that you might want to keep a tissue or two handy. That's it, I hope you like it]
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Hongjoong had lost his group ring again
You did want to propose to him soon
Is it a sign??
How can he wear 2 rings on the same finger without being bothered about it?
You go with him to get the group ring reordered
And when he isn't paying much attention you tell them to put a hold to the making of the ring and make an appointment a few days after
Later the same week you go back to the place. Alone this time.
You pull out your design for the ring you wanted to make for him. You discuss details about its girth and the stone you wanted to get
After that is done you tell them to make his group ring a few sizes bigger than the original and to increase the radius within the infinity sign where the Dimond is set in one of its loops
Your idea was to hide your wedding ring inside the group ring
Well you wouldn't call it hiding since the stone in the second loop would give it away if you'd pay attention to it
You'd rather say he'd just have both his wedding rings together as one on his finger
You'd designed yours to have your birth stones embedded on the inner side where no one but he'd see it. Your diamond would sit on top such that it goes through the loop of the infinity on his group ring
Your diamond won't protrude but it would sit as though he'd had the original ring have 2 diamonds instead
The only difference being the tint your diamond had. You'd had the diamond cut into to engrave your initials into it with a drop of your blood and then stitched up like some pouch of a pact with the devil he'd made.
To get a natural diamond cut and re-harvested in a lab cost you good and if at all the love you had for him was any less you wouldn't have done it
You'd sat through nights and headaches just sitting at the kitchen counter designing the ring of your dreams
You had no problem at all, with the fact that he loved his members so much that you knew you'd make your ring to mold into it and sit like the rings are hugging each other
You loved them too, you couldn't imagine not having them in your life. You couldn't imagine your marriage without the chaos they'd bring, the laughs, the bickering, the love quarrels the stupid comments.
You couldn't imagine proposing to the love of your life without the help of the menaces who got you to fall into your future husband's arms, without their teasing.
You couldn't help but tear up waiting to collect the rings.
Hongjoong was your forever, till death and beyond, if not for eternity and all.
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You had the ring, the dress, the hair inspo, the makeup, the nails, the heels, the venue, the plot for your trap to get your Joongie out of his studio, dressed and at the venue and your super supportive beastie Wooie.
5 hours to sunset. Everything is according to plan. Hwa has your Joongie out of the studio and preparing for a shower. You're sitting with Woo having your panic picnic at your apartment while he colors your hair.
3 hours to go. You're dolled up and getting pep talked to in the backseat of San's car which is taking you to the beach villa you bought last summer without telling anyone. Wooyoung had gasped offended when you told him you'd had this villa since late June.
The weather was pleasant, it hadn't rained and the skies were clear without signs of possible rain..
You were shaking, nervous and excited. Palms sweaty, breath heavy, heartbeat so rapid he could rap over it.
Just, as a confused Hongjoong walks up to the trail of flowers you'd prepared as a ramp for him. Nudged by his only hyung he continues to trace the trail.
You kneel on one knee, your hands resting on the other.
He finally walks up to you eyes teary and hands full with the Polaroids you had laid out pinned to the vines along the trail.
He stands in front of you and you look into his eyes. Like a dream to good to be true. But it was your destiny and you had come a long way to be here.
Bringing out the little ring box. You take a deep breath, flip it open and look the love of your life in the eyes.
"I did prepare a speech but I don't remember any of it. All I know is that I love you and I want you and I want to have kids with you and grow old and when we're dead I want to haunt with you. I want you to be mine.
Will you marry me?"
Tears trickle down your cheeks as you look at him. He's frozen, as he blinks his tears away.
He stomps his feet like a little kid.
"That’s not fare, I wanted to ask you first."
You blink at him confused as he kneels right in front of you, drawing a similar box out from his pocket and next to your hand he opens it.
"Marry me."
You're bawling your eyes and so is he. He pulls you in for a quick kiss before letting out his finger for you to put his ring on him as you follow to do the same. You recognize the tinted Dimond and look up to him in disbelief.
"Baby your drunk ass tells me all about your fantasies, I've known you'd want a diamond like no other, one with my sole etched to you forever."
"I fucking love Kim Hongjoong"
"I love fucking you Kim y/n"
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Attempt at comedy:
Wooyoung pops the champagne and the cork hits your head and then everyone makes Mrs. Kim Shorty jokes some including "you'll have short children since both of you are short".
Tagged: @chocoholicbabe1994 @pirateprincessoz
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Three Questions
Ruby: Jaune, remember we only have three questions to ask the lamp.
Jaune: Yep.
Ruby: And, those three questions are?
Jaune: What is, Ozpin hiding from us, here are the other maidens, and a spare question in case we need to ask about something else.
Ruby: Good, now ask the magic lamp the questions!
Jaune: Okay!
Jaune: …
Jaune: How do I ask her?
Ruby: Oh! First you have to say its name. Then you ask it the questions.
Jaune: And, it’s name is…?
Ruby: Oh! It’s, Pyrrha!
Jaune: Pyrrha? Hmm… That’s a pretty name. Okay… Come on out, Pyrrha!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Sounds like I’m calling my dog out; are you sure this is… WHAT THE HELL?!!
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Pyrrha: Hello~! My name is, Pyrrha. I am the Relic of Wisdom. I know everything that has ever happened in this world, even to the most minute of details. You may only ask me three questions. After you have asked these three questions, you cannot ask me another question for on hundred years. So… What is your first question~?
Jaune: …
Ruby: Whoa, she’s pretty…
Jaune: …
Ruby: Jaune?
Jaune: …
Ruby: Jaune, the questions?
Jaune: …
Ruby: Jaune! The…?!
Jaune: Willyoumarryme!
Ruby: WHAT?!
Pyrrha: Oh my~!
Ruby: Jaune, why did you ask that?!
Jaune: I don’t know it was the first thing that came to mind! I saw her, I looked into her eyes, and I just thought, ‘I need this woman in my life.’ Okay?!
Ruby: You literally just met her! You don’t know anything about her, she doesn’t know anything about you!
Pyrrha: That’s not true.
Ruby: What?
Pyrrha: I am the, Relic of Knowledge; I know everything about, Luna Jaune Arc~!
Ruby: Wait, your first name is, Luna?!
Jaune: I… I never liked being called, Luna. I prefer, Jaune.
Pyrrha: He lost his first tooth when his sister hir him with a bat. Ahh~! He freaked out so much, he thought his sister knocked out a part of his skull.
Jaune: Technically true; teeth grow out from your skull!
Pyrrha: His favourite memory was winning his prized, Pumpkin Pete’s hoodie. Which I’m totally going to steal from him~!
Jaune: I knew it! She wants to marry me for my hoodie!
Pyrrha: But, won’t you give your darling wife your hoodie to keep me warm while you’re away~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Fine you may have my hoodie…
Pyrrha: Yay~!
Ruby: Wait! You’re agreeing to his proposal?!
Pyrrha: Why not?
Ruby: Because you’re a mystical relic lady thing, and, Jaune’s… Jaune…?
Jaune: Hey!
Pyrrha: I know, but I already know everything about him, and I love everything about him. He caring, courageous, kind, and is willing to put his life on the line for others. Most important of all, he can surprise me. I knew based upon his preferences that he would probably be attracted to me, but to suddenly ask me to marry him… Well, A woman such as I couldn’t possibly say no to such a heartfelt request~!
Jaune: Wait… If you know what my preferences are, does that mean you also know what I’m in to…?
Pyrrha: Yes, and I’m looking forward to experiencing those fantasies of yours~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Awesome…
Ruby: Ahh! Jaune! You just asked her another question! We needed that!
Pyrrha: No he didn’t.
Jaune: I didn’t?
Ruby: But, he asked if you knew what he was into; That’s asking a question.
Pyrrha: But, I’m his wife, he can ask me anything he wants, and I will tell him. There will be no secrets between us, we are husband, and wife after all~!
Jaune: Just how I want it to be!
Ruby: So… Jaune asking you to marry him doesn’t count as part of the three questions rule thing?
Pyrrha: Mmm… No.
Ruby: Oh… Okay…? So, uhh… Can you answer our questions then?
Pyrrha: Of course.
Ruby: Great! First question: Wha…?!
Pyrrha: Ahh-ah-ah! Not so fast now.
Ruby: What’s wrong?
Pyrrha: Before I answer any of your questions, Jaune, and I first need to do something…
Jaune: And, that is?
Pyrrha: Consummate our marriage~!
Ruby: WHAT?!
Jaune: Oh… So uhh… H-How do you want to do it then, my genie~?
Pyrrha: Oh, I have a few ideas~! But, first, Ms. Rose. I’ll let you know when you can ask your questions. Till then… Bye~!
Ruby: No wait!
Yang: Ruby, you’re back!
Blake: What did it say?
Weiss: Wait… Where’s, Jaune?
Nora: Yeah! Where’s, Jaune?! Tell me, or, I’ll break your legs!
Ren: Nora, calm down, I’m sure he’s okay, he’s still in the relic?
Ruby: Yeah…
Oscar: Why would he still be in there?
Ruby: I’m gonna be blunt with you guys… Jaune said, Pyrrha’s name, and she appeared before us!
Weiss: She?
Ruby: The spirit of the relic is female, and her name is, Pyrrha.
Weiss: Oh, I thought it was some sort of password.
Ren: Me too.
Ruby: Anyway, Pyrrha appeared before us, and, Jaune… Jaune asked her to marry her… And, she said, yes…
Ruby: They kicked me out so they could… consummate the marriage…
WBYPR: They’re doing what?!
Nora: Whoo! Get some fearless leader!
Ruby: Yeah… I… I have no idea what’s going on anymore…
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gugug4g4 · 2 months
Straddled with love
Lady Lili glanced away from the window, settling her sights back on her betrothed. There, sat King Soo-Won cross-legged on the tatami floor, its delicate woven fibers yielding beneath him. His eyebrows were knitted together in concentration and his elbows rested on the weightlessly refined low table between them. He was engrossed in the same book she had seen him read for the past few weeks. With no title and each word the size of a trembling black ant, she assumed it to be a dictionary. Its cover was a tone of muted soil with no signs of wear even though his majesty's fingers held it in the same manner day after day. Four delicate fingers swaddled the lower end of the spine, supporting its entire weight, right in front of his face. His thumb wrapped around the edge, gently resting on the pages, periodically flipping each oddly sized leaf.
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She was not one to judge a book by its cover, but that book in particular tested her patience. Especially since she had been visiting his chamber every day, requesting access to his royal archives, only to be met with a different version of the same dismissal. That day he chose efficiency; simply asked her not to engage him, until he was done with that book. She scoffed in turn, "Book? More like a godforsaken dictionary! How does one even complete such?". He finally looked up at her, the corners of his mouth hinting at a contrived smile, before replying "It's not a dic--". She cut him off. If he feigned that rehearsed smile in an attempt to make her feel better, she rather strangle him. Frankly, she felt insulted that he thought he could get away with the miserable charade he put on to avoid her requests. She needed the information in those archives to secure her tribe's future, and his evasions of her asks were infuriating.
Clearly, he neither trusted nor cared for her desires. Thinking back, he had likely proposed marriage merely out of convenience. She had agreed at the time, mostly due to her morbid curiosity about his enigmatic nature and partly because he had always gone along with her "rash behaviors", as her father had put it, and even called it all brave. There was also, a small fact, that he had saved her life twice and protected many of her tribesmen. However, her respect for the king only went so far, when he sat in front of her, refusing to acknowledge her needs. The lady in her wanted to be understanding of that tofu-faced king, but all the rest of her envisioned choking her man till he gave in. Her patience for his silly games of indifference was wearing thin. Perhaps it was time she forced him to play hers.
Without thinking through anything else, she pushed away the low table in between them. She bent her knees with determination, pressing down each thigh, straddling his lap. The heat of his body seeped through the fabric of her dress, which began to ride up at every movement, gathering in creases at his feet. He was shocked, trapped in a trance like a deer in headlights, anticipating her moves. His breath caught in hers as she pined his wrist, the one holding the book, beneath her hands. Her weight adjusted on his lap as she, almost instinctively, grabbed at his throat to keep herself on top. As soon as she did, she regretted it, for his darkened eyes met hers sending a shiver down her spine. She suddenly wasn't quite sure what she was doing. It certainly didn’t help that her hand on his throat could feel the blood pounding away at his arteries with a pulse that matched her own.
He blinked once, slowly, as if breaking his trance, grappling with the intensity of the moment. Her face was inches apart from his own, her eyebrows furrowed in irritation threatening to unfurl against his carefully maintained composure. He really ought to stop this, but his senses teetered on the edge, torn between pushing her away or pushing himself even closer. He could not quite understand why it felt so intoxicating to have her on top of him. The soft pressure of her thighs stirred hardness within him he fought to suppress. His resolve wavered as he caught her midnight blue eyes gleaming with intent as she breathed out a stream of irritation.
“Soo Won,” she said, her voice laced with barely contained frustration, “I need access to the archives now.”
“Lady Lili, this is not the way to ask for a favor,” he replied, his voice low and steady, though his eyes betrayed a mix of surprise and something she couldn’t quite identify.
She was aware, that she enjoyed a certain level of privilege in the castle. From her observations, few were allowed near his chambers, much less to shove their faces in his. Since he refused to listen, she decided to exploit every ounce of that privilege. “You leave me no choice,” she purred, her grip tightening against the column of his throat, gently pressing down on his Adam's apple.
He swallowed beneath her fingers, closing his eyes for a brief moment. As her impression deepened, a blush of red began to pool at his neck, leaving her mark. As she released him, he gasped, “Fine. You have my attention. Now, get off me, and we’ll discuss the archives.”
She smirked, grinding her hips, shifting her weight slightly, creating an unmistakable friction, “I don’t think you understand, Won. I’m not asking anymore.”
His eyes widened, dilated pupils simmering a raw hunger that flickered to life. “You’re playing a dangerous game, lady Lili.”
She leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing his ear. “Maybe I like danger.”
His pale face contrasted the fiery crimson etched across his cheeks as her words hung in the air. His senses felt emboldened by her proximity. For a moment, he was aware of nothing but the feeling of her weight on his thighs, the warmth of her hand on his throat, and the intensity in her eyes. "The archive... I'll take you there." his voice whimpered betraying his intention to sound anything but desperate under her touch. She relished in the slight tremor she felt under her fingers. His eyes betrayed a longing he tried to hide, but she could see it. He forced his eyes close attempting to push away these sudden awakened emotions. But she intended to push until he couldn't hide it anymore. He drew a sharp breath, inhaling her primal scent, like that of an unrestrained spray of a waterfall crashing over dry-parched earth. Her touch, her aroma, everything about her was devouring his self-control.
Soo Won’s hand jerked, breaking free from her grip and grabbing her waist, pulling her even closer. He flipped their positions with ease, pinning her beneath him. His eyes burned with an intensity she hadn’t seen since the day he asked her to marry him. The sudden dominance in his actions caught her off guard, her breath hitching as she felt his strength. “ Actions have consequences Lady Lili”, his voice came with restrained with desire.
For the first time, Lady Lili felt a thrill of fear and excitement, “Won..."
"What? he growled, his word incessant.
She flinched, "I just need to go the archives... do you not trust me?”
"Trust?" he ruminated, reflecting on how he had been signing off on the official correspondences in Kouka just moments ago. That book now lay discarded somewhere, smothered against the hand she held down. It had been a huge undertaking, to get all officials to document their correspondences in writing, much less send them in to be archived every week. Those weekly bound books though were necessary to fight against corruption. At this moment, however, it was the farthest thing from his mind as he could feel his body rouse against her.
He signed as his expression softened, "It's dangerous to go to archives alone. With the number of disgruntled officials in there who are unhappy with the king about the new documentation policy, I'd hate to see you hurt. I don't trust anybody but me to take you there." With that, he gently released her from his grip, smoothing out the creases of her dress that had formed beneath his touch. His gesture was so sweet and attentive, it nearly brought tears to her eyes. She couldn't help but move her fingers up to caress the angry red imprint she left on his neck as if to apologize. She could swear she felt him lean into her palm as she traced her thumb along the notches of his jugular. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to surrender to the moment just for a while longer. His hands that were previously so restrained came to cover hers. They didn't say anything. They didn't need to.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if speaking any louder might break the spell. "I just... I didn’t know how else to reach you."
His eyes opened slowly, meeting hers with a look that was both intense and tender. "You didn't," he replied softly. "And I'm sorry too. For making you feel like you had to fight to be heard." The realization struck him: while he was absorbed in his political duties, he had neglected the emotional weight she bore. He searched her eyes for confirmation, and a deep sadness reflected back. "Are you sure that I didn't bring you pain?" she asked with a vulnerability so sincere he felt himself sink further into his realization. He nodded. His hand trembled as he brushed away a stray lock of her hair that had come to cover her face during their encounter. An automatic gesture that now seemed hollow in light of his newfound realization of negligence. "I can show you how enjoyable it is sometimes", he added hesitantly. Without another word, he rose, his calm movements betraying the turmoil within him. He turned his back to her and walked out, leaving her alone in his chamber to process what had just transpired.
His control was a frayed thread, and he realized that his betrothed enjoyed seeing it snap. It had been years since he allowed himself the pleasure of wanting anything, and now, he found himself questioning what he truly desired from her. It was just that, lady Lili, with her unrelenting pressure, had awakened something in him. Would it be so wrong to just be under her once more? What was he even thinking? He brought his hands to his head, brushing his fingers through his blonde locks, trying to regain his composure. He had been through so much, and for him to let go of everything even for a moment, and indulge in these fruitless fantasies with his future wife, would it be so wrong?
ORIGINAL WORK. DO NOT COPYRIGHT. Give proper credit to @gugug4g4. Shamelessly borrowed the 1st line of the last paragraph from @sokkawordbender. Repost. The picture is from @b_e_a_01 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/b_e_a_01/status/1693641644967428448
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Grimsthorpe Castle
Hi guys!!
I'm sharing another grand english state! 
House History:  The building was originally a small castle on the crest of a ridge on the road inland from the Lincolnshire fen edge towards the Great North Road. It is said to have been begun by Gilbert de Gant, Earl of Lincoln in the early 13th century. However, he was the first and last in this creation of the Earldom of Lincoln and he died in 1156. Gilbert's heyday was the peak time of castle building in England, during the Anarchy. It is quite possible that the castle was built around 1140. However, the tower at the south-east corner of the present building is usually said to have been part of the original castle and it is known as King John's Tower. The naming of King John's tower seems to have led to a misattribution of the castle's origin to his time.
Gilbert de Gant spent much of his life in the power of the Earl of Chester and Grimsthorpe is likely to have fallen into his hands in 1156 when Gilbert died, though the title 'Earl of Lincoln' reverted to the crown. In the next creation of the earldom, in 1217, it was Ranulph de Blondeville, 4th Earl of Chester (1172–1232) who was ennobled with it. It seems that the title, if not the property was in the hands of King John during his reign; hence perhaps, the name of the tower.
During the last years of the Plantagenet kings of England, it was in the hands of Lord Lovell. He was a prominent supporter of Richard III. After Henry VII came to the throne, Lovell supported a rebellion to restore the earlier royal dynasty. The rebellion failed and Lovell's property was taken confiscated and given to a supporter of the Tudor Dynasty.[2]
The Tudor period
This grant by Henry VIII, Henry Tudor's son, to the 11th Baron Willoughby de Eresby was made in 1516, together with the hand in marriage of Maria de Salinas, a Spanish lady-in-waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon. Their daughter Katherine inherited the title and estate on the death of her father in 1526, when she was aged just seven. In 1533, she became the fourth wife of Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, a close ally of Henry VIII. In 1539, Henry VIII granted Charles Suffolk the lands of the nearby suppressed Vaudey Abbey, founded in 1147, and he used its stone as building material for his new house. Suffolk set about extending and rebuilding his wife's house, and in only eighteen months it was ready for a visit in 1541 by King Henry, on his way to York to meet his nephew, James V of Scotland. In 1551, James's widow Mary of Guise also stayed at Grimsthorpe. The house stands on glacial till and it seems that the additions were hastily constructed. Substantial repairs were required later owing to the poor state of the foundations, but much of this Tudor house can still be seen today.
During Mary's reign the castle's owners, Katherine Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk (née Willoughby) and her second husband, Richard Bertie, were forced to leave it owing to their Anglican views. On Elizabeth's succeeding to the throne, they returned with their daughter, Susan, later Countess of Kent and their new son Peregrine, later the 13th Baron. He became a soldier and spent much of his time away from Grimsthorpe.
The Vanbrugh building
By 1707, when Grimsthorpe was illustrated in Britannia Illustrata, the 15th Baron Willoughby de Eresby and 3rd Earl Lindsey had rebuilt the north front of Grimsthorpe in the classical style. However, in 1715, Robert Bertie, the 16th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, employed Sir John Vanbrugh to design a Baroque front to the house to celebrate his ennoblement as the first Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven. It is Vanbrugh's last masterpiece. He also prepared designs for the reconstruction of the other three ranges of the house, but they were not carried out. His proposed elevation for the south front was in the Palladian style, which was just coming into fashion, and is quite different from all of his built designs.
The North Front of Grimsthorpe as rebuilt by Vanbrugh, drawn in 1819. Vanbrugh's Stone Hall occupies the space between the columns on both floors.
Inside, the Vanbrugh hall is monumental with stone arcades all around at two levels. Arcaded screens at each end of the hall separate the hall from staircases, much like those at Audley End House and Castle Howard. The staircase is behind the hall screen and leads to the staterooms on the first floor. The State Dining Room occupies Vanbrugh's north-east tower, with its painted ceiling lit by a Venetian window. It contains the throne used by George IV at his Coronation Banquet, and a Regency giltwood throne and footstool used by Queen Victoria in the old House of Lords. There is also a walnut and parcel gilt chair and footstool made for the use of George III at Westminster. The King James and State Drawing Rooms have been redecorated over the centuries, and contain portraits by Reynolds and Van Dyck, European furniture, and yellow Soho Tapestries woven by Joshua Morris around 1730. The South Corridor contains thrones used by Prince Albert and Edward VII, as well as the desk on which Queen Victoria signed her coronation oath. A series of rooms follows in the Tudor east range, with recessed oriel windows and ornate ceilings. The Chinese drawing room has a splendidly rich ceiling and an 18th-century fan-vaulted oriel window. The walls are hung with Chinese wallpaper depicting birds amidst bamboo. The chapel is magnificent with superb 17th-century plasterwork.
More history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimsthorpe_Castle
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This house fits a 64x64 lot and features several impressive rooms, more than 29 bedrooms, a servants hall and several state rooms!
I only decored some of the main rooms, for you to have a glimpse of the distribution. The rest is up to you, as I have stated that I do not like interiors :P
Be warned: I did not have the floor plan for the tudor rooms, thus, the distribution is based on my own decision and can not fit the real house :P.
You will need the usual CC I use: all of Felixandre, The Jim, SYB, Anachrosims, Regal Sims, TGS, The Golden Sanctuary, Dndr recolors, etc.
Please enjoy, comment if you like it and share pictures with me if you use my creations!
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DOWNLOAD (Early acces: June 30) https://www.patreon.com/posts/grimsthorpe-101891128
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 months
Rose Gold
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Hana Lee x Kiara Theron
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4, 304 words
Content Warning: Mention of Gun Violence, Character Injury.
Summary: Six months after King Liam and Queen Esther's wedding, Hana and Kiara take their next big step as a couple.
A/N: Set in the P&Tverse. Since P&T spans the timelines of Books 2 and 3 (the Engagement Tour and the Unity Tour + Liam & Esther's wedding), most of this fic takes place after the series is meant to end, and there are references to things that happen there that aren't canon.
The first half of the fic, however, takes place just before the group reunites with the MC and Drake at the safe house (TRR3, Ch 1).
I've borrowed a few elements from Hana's own engagement to the MC in the books: the rose gold ring, the coin throwing ritual at the foundation and the proposal at the lake.
Tagging @hanaleeappreciationweek for Day 5: Romance, @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW and LGBTQ Archive, and @choicesmaychallenge24 for Hera: Marriage
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October 14th, 2017. Half past Midnight.
Foolishness. Sheer foolishness.
The voice inwardly chiding her right now sounded suspiciously like her mother; for that reason alone she was desperate to ignore it.
But what else would one call an impulse to jump out of a car that could take her in complete secrecy to the city's best safe house, only to race to Argyros and Sons - Cordonia's premier jewellery store - for a gift she wasn't even sure would be accepted...a promise she wasn't even sure its intended recipient would want?
"Looking for something specific, Your Grace?"
Surprised, Hana looked up from the case displaying an assortment of glittering diamond rings. The eyes that met hers in a speculative survey were ocean-blue, marked by wizened crow's feet. It was at the tip of her tongue to correct him (Lady Hana, sir!) when she spotted the Twitter feed on the iPhone in his hand.
News sure does travel fast around the Capitol!
But no sooner had that thought left her head, than the riptide of memories began to flood her.
The Homecoming Ball. Hors d'oeuvres. Speeches. Fireworks. Announcements. Please welcome Esther DuPont, Duchess of Valtoria, and Hana Lee, Duchess of Krysanthe. Cheers. Expectant Gazes. And then...
Darkness. Gunshots. The acrid taste of fear.
Hana bit back a grimace. How long would memories of tonight haunt her? How long would it be before she heard people address her by her new title, without memories of the violence that followed?
She held her handbag with a sudden death-grip, forcing herself to breathe. To push forth happier, sweeter memories.
Unbidden, comes the one memory that had managed to keep her sane this night.
Her laughter.
Sharp. Raucous. Loud. Jarring against the tinkling sounds of cutlery and glassware, as far away as one could get from the soft, windchime quality of delicate laughter, that every female courtier was taught to emulate.
She thought she'd known love until that moment, fool that she was. Thought that no matter who she dated, no matter how distant she'd be from those memories of the social season - Esther would somehow remain her first and forever love.
Until she had taken that one fateful look at Kiara's wildly joyous face, heard her cackle - the kind one would never normally dare to do at court - and realized with piercing clarity that if she were to compare her feelings for these two women, they would be nowhere close.
Her love for Esther had all the subdued warmth of a crackling bonfire. But these newfound feelings for Kiara?? They made her feel like she was plunging herself headfirst into a raging volcano.
Something within Hana had trembled violently in that moment; some premonition that felt searing in its finality.
Kiara was the one. She was all Hana had ever wanted, without knowing it; all that Hana would ever want, from now till eternity. The one in whose arms she would want to stir awake, every day for the rest of her life.
Kiara Thorne, or no one. Kiara Thorne, or lifelong loneliness.
The phrase rang in her ears like a verdict: final, eternal, unchangeable.
When Hana opened her eyes, she found to her consternation that they were blurry from unshed tears. Quickly blinking them away, she noted dully how different the rings on the display now looked.
Certainly she must have moved to another part of the store without knowing. Where before she'd seen glittering, brilliant, ostentatious diamonds, set in white gold and platinum...now she saw stones nestled in the embrace of a warmer, almost blush-toned metal.
Rose gold.
The metal that was all the rage in her mother's birthplace Bethulia, for its delicate shimmer and soft pink hue. Mama had told her often enough in her childhood that their barony's love for it went far beyond just the colour...that her mother - Hana's Nanimaa - loved it for being such a perfect union of gold, silver and copper...
A whisper of a memory of Nanimaa, the one time she'd ever seen her. At a fountain, glowing from the glimmer of abandoned coins.
It took her less than a minute to find exactly what she didn't know she'd been looking for. Had you asked the jeweller about her, he would have told you that the newly appointed Duchess of Krysanthe had chosen her ring with the greatest confidence. The confidence of a woman who had probably wooed her beloved, confessed her love, basked in the joy of being loved back.
A confidence Hana didn't feel.
When she returned to the limo, she was greeted with the sight of a pensive Liam, rubbing the frown between his brows absently with his fingers. A telltale muscle jumped inside his jaw.
"Any news?" Hana whispered, almost dreading the answer.
"Yes," his voice was grainy from exhaustion and guilt. "Three people injured. Bastien, Esther's press secretary, and...."
"And?" Her voice had gone small and high, that a fearful child's.
"And Lady Kiara. She was..."
Hana blinked once, then blinked again. Liam's mouth was moving, yet no sound seemed to come out. All that she could hear was a low, keening noise, like a muffled siren...or like the moan of a woman in terrible pain.
Kiara. Kiara. Kiara.
May 12th, 2018. Afternoon.
"How far from the palace are you taking us?" Kiara asks, her voice alight with laughter.
"Not even outside its gates," Hana replies, grinning. Kiara looks down at their fingers laced together, palms almost touching.
They've been together for just six months, and still somehow, the lines on Hana's palm feel as familiar to her now as her own. Without even looking she can conjure up the memory of the heartline on Hana's left palm at a moment's notice - long and deep, starting from her index finger, suggesting she would be a wonderful lover with a very fruitful love experience - and her marriage line, stretching from one end of her palm all the way to her ring finger...suggesting friendly in-laws.
(The thought of luring Hana to marry her under the premise of palmistry is sounding more and more tempting by the minute)
Involuntarily - perhaps to stop herself from checking her trouser pockets once again for that tiny box she took from her vault today - Kiara's hand tightens around Hana's.
Can she dare to hope that fortunate beloved could be her?
She steals a glance in Hana's direction, noting with alarm that her fingers are trembling in Kiara's hand.
"We're here," she says, her voice suddenly small and quivering against the gurgle of water in the courtyard fountain. It's been a palace fixture for several decades now - ornate and imposing - a legacy from King Liam's formidable grandmother, the late Queen Mother Cassandra. According to Kiara's father, the woman had married into the family as a young princess from Monterisso, and for her foreignness alone was expected to be crushed by the strictures of the palace and the expectations of her people - yet in a decade's time she had somehow became the most imposing figure there! There was very little in the palace that didn't have her stamp of approval first.
As they come closer, Kiara sees the one thing Queen Mother Cassandra may not have predicted when this fountain was built - the glimmer of coins, all gleaming in the sunlight like they were minted just yesterday.
Her own smile begins to tremble on her lips, even as she notices Hana swallow a telltale nervous lump in her throat. For the first time since they have gotten here, Kiara notices that Hana's other hand is fisted around something. Something that could very likely be the same coins they just saw in the fountain.
She takes that hand gently in hers, knowing now how nervous Hana must feel; knowing that if they complete the ancient lover's ritual that she so hoped to do today, there will be no going back. She uncoils Hana's fisted hand, finger by quivering finger, watching her face as her breathing quickens. She smiles again - a smile more aimed at reassurance than amusement.
"Are we going to do what I think we're going to do today, ma moité?"
For several seconds, Hana doesn't respond. The three coins in her hand (Heavy. Ornate. Engraved with apples. Ancient) are proof enough. The answer, when it finally comes - almost like it is torn out of her throat for fear that Kiara's feelings may not match her own - is barely audible.
"Only if this is what you want too."
Gold. Silver. Copper. Tossed in one after the other in an ancient lover's ritual - one that Kiara knows only because she'd learned about it from her mother, who'd had friends in Bethulia where this ritual was most popular. Maman and Baba themselves had done it on a trip there when she was a teenager, still squirming over her parents' ability to still act like swoony romantics in their (and this would be said well out of their earshot) "fucking forties!".
Wiser now, Kiara feels the same anticipatory tingles that her parents must have felt back then.
This ritual wasn't for the faint of heart in ancient days. You did it only when you were certain. When you looked at your lover and knew that a life without them wasn't a life worth living.
Well, Kiara muses as she watches a hundred emotions flit in a second over Hana's face, I think I've known that long enough. I've known ever since I saw you fight your father in Shanghai, even when you knew it would cost you everything. Since that one moment, I've been yours.
Planting a tender kiss on the corner of Hana's mouth, she takes the coins. "Ready when you are," she whispers softly.
Hana swallows again, her eyes glistening and moist and relieved all at once. In a silk pouch that dangles from her wrist, she fishes for three coins identical to the ones on Kiara's palm. She breathes deep once, twice, three times.
Kiara links their free hands, grips them tight as they turn their backs to the fountain. Hana looks up, a question in her eyes.
"For friendship!" Kiara says, tossing the copper coin into the fountain. Faint memories of something that almost feels like another lifetime glimmer and fade in her memory. Applewood, sipping water, giggling over their favourite fruits and flowers. The Beaumont Bash. Watching from the sidelines as Hana did the verbel equivalent of ripping out Olivia Nevrakis' spine at the Coronation Ball.
Hana takes out the silver coin, and waits for Kiara to holds up hers'. "For love?"
Engagement tour. Fearing Hana would hate her in Fydelia, but never understanding why that should suddenly matter. Standing with her against a bridge in Paris, each mourning their lost loves.
Finally learning what love really was, when she opened her eyes and truly saw Hana for the very first time.
Kiara nods, touching her forehead to Hana's. "Par amour." Their coins splash in unison in the water.
Her girlfriend lets out a watery giggle as she takes out the final coin, glittering and golden on her palm. Her voice breaks a little as she tosses it behind her. "For...bel- belonging".
Kiara's own sigh releases in a shudder as she lets the final pledge sink in.
There were very few places in the world that truly felt like home to Hana. Not the place where she was born, not the barony that could have been her legacy. It took her months to even find comfort or security in her future in Cordonia - much less belonging.
Without a moment's thought, and without releasing the golden coin in her hand, she cups Hana's face and kisses her. Hana shudders and buries her hands in Kiara's hair, her lips trembling against the unspoken promises in her lover's.
"For belonging," Kiara says it like it is a vow. "And I don't care how long it takes - I give my word right now. I'll never let you feel like you have lost your home. Ever." Another kiss - this time on Hana's temple. "I hope you will always find one. In me."
Hana's smile is warm and dreamlike, her eyes closed as if to savour this moment, her fingers playing with Kiara's curls. She barely notices the sound of Kiara's gold coin landing in the fountain. "I love you, Kiki."
Kiara chuckles at her teasing use of the nickname, brushing Hana's nose with her own. "Together forever?"
Their hands, now free, close around each other. "Together forever."
It's quiet now, except for the sound of collard doves, the rustle of leaves and branches in a light breeze, and their breathing. The air smells of wildflowers, citrus and a subtle floral scent that Kiara knows to be the perfume Hana has been using for months. Orange Blossom. She grins as she remembers. It's a scent Hana has often loved to wear, just for her.
Hana's thumb feathers lightly over the ring finger on Kiara's left hand, almost as if to commit the bare space on it to her memory. Kiara doesn't miss that gaze - bright-eyed and soaked in longing - and how it mirrors a need she has felt ever since they landed at the Capitol last week.
Kiara swallows. She had wanted to take things slow, she really did. Woo her, bathe her in every luxury possible, make this trip even more unforgettable than Hana could ever imagine, and then spring this surprise on her - like a kirsch-soaked cherry topping on an already very tempting Black Forest Cake.
But...but that gaze of Hana's has always been Kiara's undoing.
Simply, she says, "come with me."
Puzzled, Hana looks up. "Where?"
"To Lake Sôse," Kiara whispers, wasting not one more moment and grabbing her hand. Hana lets out a nervous, slightly incredulous laugh as she allows herself to be pulled along.
Kiara isn't sure why she's suddenly rushing this. When she thinks of the elaborate plans she'd been constructing all week - chocolate-dipped strawberries and champagne at one of the Capital's premier restaurants, flowers everywhere, a proposal at the hedge maze with a picture together by the swing to commemorate the occasion - she wants to laugh. She isn't even sure why Lake Sôse was the first place she'd thought of just now.
She takes a deep breath, and grounds herself. Uncommonly impulsive though it may be, her decision has been made. There is even a part of her that seems to prefer it to happen this way!Kiara has never been one for last minute changes of plan...but ever since she fell in love with Hana, she's learned to expect - and enjoy - the unexpected.
It's only when she sees the shine in Hana's eyes that she realises why her mind took the turn it did.
Lake Sôse. The one place Hana Lee has always chosen for solace and comfort. The one place in the Capitol where she felt the most at home. It had been here, Hana told Kiara once, that King Liam had told her his plans to appoint her Duchess of Krysanthe. It was here, hours later, that she'd shared that momentous news with her best friend Esther; where Esther - herself aglow with love and a newfound purpose - hugged Hana and told her that the world would now be Hana's oyster.
She'd brought Kiara to this lake for the first time the day after King Liam and Queen Esther's wedding, following a night when the queen herself had been kidnapped, and Hana had joined the king's entourage to rescue her.
A night that Kiara - in constant fear of losing her forever - had recklessly kissed Hana. In public. In front of the entire court. Braving gazes of teasing approval from Kiara's parents, and near-murderous glares from Hana's. The night everyone outside of Hana's friend circle finally realized the two were a couple.
Kiara remembers the day after that like it was yesterday. Something must have changed fundamentally in Hana that night, because the fear seemed to have gone, and with it the compulsive need for hiding and subterfuge and constantly looking over her shoulder. It was as if Hana had faced what she'd thought was the worst thing that could happen to her, and realized she really was strong enough to face that fear.
You're my safe place among people, Hana told her that morning, her fingers lacing through Kiara's. The one I feel most at home with. I want to bring my safe space..to the place in Cordonia I've always felt safest in.
It is afternoon, and the yellow crocuses behind them exude a warm, buttery golden glow in the sunlight. Hana lets out a breathless, incredulous laugh. "You seem like a woman in a very huge rush today, Lady Thorne."
Kiara's own laughter in response is high-pitched and halting. She tries to hide the moistness of her palms as she makes a blind grab for the small velvet box in her purse. "Believe me, this wasn't the way I'd planned this to go at all."
Intrigued, Hana's eyes follow Kiara's hands, and her eyes widen as she recognises the familiar deep blue velvet, the embossed silver lettering on top. Argyros and Sons.
"Is that --"
"Yes," Kiara says, clearing her throat, "I'd been planning this. All week. It was going to be romantic, elaborate, I was going to sweep you off your feet. Just like I'd planned to ask you out seven months ago."
Hana lets out a watery giggle. We all know how that turned out, don't we, qīn'ài de? Kiara can almost hear her saying.
But the humour stops almost immediately when she looks at the box again, and suddenly Hana seems too still, too shocked...too far off from how Kiara hoped she would react.
Kiara lets out a deep breath, then lets the words gush out of her. She's too scared to stop, too terrified to think - the fear that she may be doing too much too soon is so overwhelming that she knows if she stops she won't be able to bring herself to do this for a long, long time to come. The humiliation would be too strong.
"I'm not one for impulse. I never have been. I've never felt comfortable with anything if I didn't have a plan for it first."
Kiara gives herself a moment to half-smile at the irony of it all. Approaching Hana Lee with a smile and a bottle of water, after that first eventful bite of a Cordonian Ruby was definitely an impulse. So were half the things she had done with Hana since. So will many, many, many of the things they may wind up doing together, if (if!) this leap of faith works in her favour.
She looks up at Hana to see if she's laughing at the memory too. She isn't. In fact, Kiara isn't even sure Hana's reacting yet to what she's saying. Perfectly still, her eyes never moving from the box, so wide that they would go bloodshot if they were widened any further. Kiara swallows, and finds that her throat feels suddenly, inexplicably sore.
"I could never tell what it was about you that changed all that. I still don't. All I know is that...around you, Hana, I feel so much more brave. To let go of the need to plan and organize. To not be too afraid of what will follow - whether it goes in my favour or not. I find myself not just willing, but eager, to trust my gut."
Kiara's eyes search every inch of Hana's face as she opens the box, revealing the ring inside. It's a gorgeous piece, all platinum and sparkling diamonds. The smaller stones form a cluster around a massive one, leading the viewer to believe they are seeing a glittering snowflake, fallen fresh from the heavens.
Kiara had known the minute she saw the ring that it was the one. That it would remind them of the first time they confessed their love. Of their very first date, of the first time they shared Hana's cup of homemade hot chocolate. Of why the two of them will always love winters.
Hana's fingers move, trembling, towards her mouth, her face suddenly flushed. She remembers it too.
"Hana Lee," A frisson of fear slithers down Kiara's spine. "Will you marry me?"
When Hana finally opens her mouth, several seconds later, Kiara has to strain to hear her voice.
"I - I -" her eyes dart away from Kiara as if she's just remembered something important - her beautiful bronzed skin suddenly a little drained of colour. The next few words, she says in a "I.... I'll be back. Give me five minutes? I...just remembered something."
She leaves without waiting for an answer.
Kiara sinks into the grass, covering her face in her hands.
What have I just done?
All the way back from her room in the palace to the lake, the pouch hanging from her wrist feeling only a slight bit heavier, Hana cannot stop mentally kicking herself.
"You fool! You imbecile! Bèn dàn!!" Hana curses herself as she speeds up her sprint into a run, "What happened to your tongue? What kind of reaction was that?? What will Kiara think?"
Her mind now sprints miles ahead of her feet, racing in panicked ferocity over the possibilities.
With any luck, Kiara could still be waiting - puzzled and perhaps a little worried. Or she could be actively panicking, the way she does (on very rare occasions) when a plan goes terribly wrong.
Hana holds the silk pouch from her wrist in a deathlike grip as she speeds up towards Lake Sôse. Or.
The thought of that lovely, open space completely devoid of Kiara, of that beguiling combination of rose and jasmine emanating from her favourite Dior J'adore perfume, makes Hana's stomach drop to her feet.
It isn't until she sees that that heartbreakingly familiar figure of Kiara's, hunched over the grass, that Hana allows herself to breathe.
Kiara is there. Shoulders bent, head buried in her hands, almost stumbling as she tries to get up when she sees Hana.
Morose. Defeated. But still there.
Without another thought, Hana rushes into Kiara's arms, almost knocking her off her feet.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Hana whispers against her hair. "I wasn't trying to run away. I really had to get something. For you."
Kiara pulls back to look into her eyes, and when she does Hana's heart twists at the sight of unshed tears. "I thought I'd scared you off."
Hana's own laughter quavers, pitched high in disbelief. "I've just pledged myself to you this afternoon, body and soul, at the palace fountain. This -" she lifts Kiara's left hand to her chest, her thumb caressing the empty space on her beloved's ring finger " - just makes it so much more real."
Kiara's arms wrap around her, pulling Hana flush to her. Hana can feel Kiara shake as she giggles in response. "...you mean to say that I'd have saved myself so much stress if I'd just remembered those coins."
"Yes, qīn'ài de, a thousand times yes." She cups Kiara's face, pressing their foreheads together. "Place that ring where it belongs, Kiki. I can't wait to see it on my finger."
Hana holds her tight until Kiara's breathing becomes slower, calmer. She raises her newly-adorned hand for Kiara to see - marvelling at how the ring really mimics the glow of a snow crystal in the winter sun.
When they part, shyly, reluctantly, Hana begins to fiddle with the silk pouch.
"Here's what I'd gone to bring."
Kiara's eyes brighten at the sight of the box in her hand; a wave of warmth floods through Hana in anticipation of her response. Kiara gasps the minute she opens the box, revealing a delicate, intricately carved rose gold ring, flanked by small diamonds on all four corners, cradling a bigger one at the center.
"Rose gold," Kiara murmurs in wonder.
"Yes," Hana brushes her fingers over Kiara's knuckles. She'd told her once, long ago, how revered that metal was in her home province Bethulia. How Bethulian jewellers and goldsmiths and young women swore by the rosy hue it exuded. How it was a perfect amalgamation of three precious metals - all highly valued in the province. How tied it was to their folktales and bridal rituals.
"Copper..silver...gold." Kiara's tears glitter like diamonds before she lets them fall. "For friendship. For love. For belonging."
Hana smiles, her hand still stroking Kiara's cheek. "You remembered."
Kiara rolls her still-moist eyes, trying hard not to sniff - it would take out all the humour in this situation. "It's hard to forget a ritual we'd performed just ten minutes ago, ma moité."
"I'd planned to give you this ring a week from now," Hana says, shaking her head at her own impulsiveness as the ring she'd chosen on a fanciful whim so long ago, now finds its home. "I've been holding onto it for far too long."
Kiara caresses the stone on her own finger lovingly, admiring the way the rose gold glows on her skin. When she speaks, her voice is breathless in anticipation. "How long?"
For several minutes, Hana's only response is to pull Kiara back in her arms again. Her hand slides slowly, almost with a tinge of regret, down the dip of Kiara's waist on her left side. The wound that had once served as a constant, searing reminder of so much (of her vulnerability, of her inability to run from pain, of what she'd once considered her failures), has healed in more ways than one - only a faded scar that Hana never fails to kiss, now remains.
"For seven months," Hana's voice shakes at the memory, "Since the night after Homecoming Ball."
With a choked sob, Kiara enfolds Hana into her arms, almost as if she'd want to absorb her into every cell of her body. Fervently, reverently, she presses her lips all over Hana's face - her eyelids, her cheeks, the bridge of her nose, all the little-known, barely-noticed parts of her. It takes her a while - perhaps too long, in Hana's opinion - for Kiara's lips to meet hers, but she welcomes the sweet torture of waiting.
"Mon cœur," Kiara says between kisses, "ma raison de vivre."
When they part, the two women keep each other's hands interlinked, one left hand over the other. Neither of them will remember how long they stay at the lake; only that they never want this joy, this warm afterglow of seeing their dreams come true...to end.
The empty spaces on their ring fingers, over which they'd each stolen such secret, hungry glances today, now bear the mark of their lovers. Now bear the most tangible signs of their love, their memories, their promises, their commitment.
Together forever.
Ma moité - a romantic endearment in French, meaning "my other half"
Qīn'ài de - Mandarin Chinese for "my dear"/"darling"
Bèn dàn - Mandarin Chinese cuss word that means "stupid egg!"
Mon cœur - French endearment, meaning "my heart"
Ma raison de vivre - French for "my reason to live"
References for Hana and Kiara's engagement rings:
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(Source: Maxine Jewellery)
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(Source: This article on engagement rings, but the actual pic itself came from Blue Rose Photography)
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Chapter 13 (finale!)
It was a few more months before the wedding planning was done, and during that time, you got to know Alastor better. He wasn't really that bad except for when he felt the need to antagonize your fiancé. You and Zariah worked together to try and get the boys to act civil, with mild success. It seemed “teasing” was just one of Alastor's love languages. 
Finally though, it was the wedding day. Angel Dust, the spider demon you'd gotten to know recently, was doing your makeup.
“So, ready to become a queen?” He asked. 
“I don't know about ‘queen’… but I'm definitely ready to be his wife.” You look at yourself in the mirror and already the tears start to come.
“Hey! Hey! Nooo, nu uh! Hold off the waterworks till after the I Dos! At least let him see my hard work first!” He was grinning as he teased you.
Fizzarolli was holding your bouquet at the moment, making sure none of the flowers were wilted. He'd agreed to walk you down the aisle since your father wasn't an option. 
Zariah was going over some last minute things on the phone with Vaggie, who was with Charlie, who was with Him . Your soon-to-be husband. “Do you need me to come over there?... How do you usually get her to stop crying?... Just put Charlie on the phone then!” She was laughing, it seemed Charlie couldn't stop from crying over how happy she was to get to see her father get married.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself. Your dress was an off the shoulder a-line with tulle sleeves. Your veil hangs behind as you stand from your chair. It has star and sun patterns with feathers on the edges in silver and gold. You look like a radiant goddess.
You were in front of the door leading out of the hotel. Nifty and Razzle were behind you ready to go as flower girls, and Alastor poked his head in, “You sure you want to marry the fool? You know Lilith isn't going to like this when she eventually comes home.” He was trying to stir shit up for fun, since he'd already taken care of the paparazzi and all the other “trouble makers”. 
“I'm sure. And if she does show up, I'll kick her ass for hurting him! I'm ready.” You smile, “Thanks Al, I needed that.” 
He hummed, “Good, you better keep your word on kicking her ass. He's counting on you.” He then popped back out and got the wedding march started. It was a slow piano version of “stand by you”. The song you sang to him just before he proposed.
Fizzarolli took your arm. “Here we go, try not to cry until the vows, okay?” You nod, buzzing in excitement. The doors opened, and you began to walk.
You see him at the end of the makeshift aisle. He looks stunning and stunned. 
He's wearing a new white suit, one with what almost looks like a three tier skirt in the back. Like a combination wedding gown and suit. It's elegant and the back is open in a diamond pattern, showing the markings where his wings rest in his back. His hat is gone, replaced with a proper crown in its place. He doesn't look like himself really, far more serious than you've ever seen him… but the love in his eyes is the same as ever.
You begin to walk, Fizz keeping a hold on you to keep you from just running to him. When you get closer you can see tears in his eyes, and a tremble in his smile. Charlie stood beside him as his best man, and Asmodeus stood at the altar to act as your officiate. 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite two souls in the firey, passionate bonds of Love and Marriage. And if anyone knows anything about love, it's the lord of Lust! Because while lust is fun for a while, love is the fuel that keeps that fire burning.” He looked at Fizz, sitting on your side of the aisle with a blush and a grin.
“Now, I'll stop my blubbering, and let you love birds say your vows, as I've been told our king has something special prepared.” Now everyone's attention was on Lucifer, as he took your hands.
“Becca, my sweet apple pie… before you literally fell into my life, I was a depressed wreck of a man. I couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror. It was bad, real bad. Like, days without eating bad. I never thought I'd love again, or that I'd ever be able to face my daughter in such a state. And there you were, in my garden. Then you treated me so gently and with such kindness, I thought at first maybe I was finally being forgiven for my sins… then I realized you were too good for me, but you kept coming back and bringing out the best in me. Because to you, Charlie and I have reconnected. Because to you, the Sins and I are back to being family again. Because of you, my life is better than it has been in over one thousand years. And I promise, for as long as I exist, I will give you all the love I have in my heart. I'll cherish and adore you for all of eternity. I give you my heart, as bruised and battered as it is… please be gentle with it.” He smiled fondly at you.
The tears fall without your consent. “Luci… babe…” He reaches out to dry your tears. 
Ozzie smiled fondly, “Those were some beautiful words Luci. Now it's Becca's turn, you need a minute baby girl?”
You take Lucifer's hands that are holding your cheeks, and kiss the palm of each of them once. Then smile, “I'm good.”
“Lucifer… I know I wasn't meant to be in hell, but this has felt more like home than anywhere else in my life and afterlife. When we were alive, Zariah and I would joke about if we ended up in hell, I called dibs on marrying you. But now it's not a joke, but my greatest dream come true. I love you, more than any man I've ever loved. You've made me feel seen and appreciated and adored. You make me feel wanted and needed. And it's just as much what you don't do that makes me love you. You don't make me feel like your mother figure, and you don't make me feel exhausted from caring for you. I feel like your equal, and I feel energized lifting you up when you need it. Because you lift me up too. You'll never walk through hell alone, because I'm gonna stand by you every step of the way. I'll never leave you.”
Now it was his turn to cry, his eyes sparkling as rivers cascade down his cheeks.
“Alright baby! Now that's what I'm talking about!” Ozzie chuckled excitedly, “Becca, do you take Lucifer, the king of hell, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” Your voice is full of certainty and confidence. 
“Lucifer, king of hell, lord of Pride. Do you take Becca to be your lawfully wedded wife and queen?”
“I do!” He's still sobbing as he says it, too excited to contain himself anymore.
“Then I pronounce you, Girlboss and Malewife! Haha, nah I'm playin’! I pronounce you Husband and Wife, now go on and kiss each other!” He smiled and Lucifer practically pounced at the opportunity to press his lips to yours.
The crowd was a combination of laughter and cheers, but you didn't care. You had a husband to smooch.
And to have and hold.
For the rest of eternity.
The End
During the reception, the two of you sneak away while everyone's partying for some one on one time. Once alone on the hotel roof, Lucifer can't stop fidgeting…. 
“What's on your mind? Got something exciting planned for our wedding night you can't wait for?” You tease, sitting next to him.
“Hm? Oh, well, yeah, but… I also have something I wanted to run by you… so… you know normally once a human soul is dead, they can't have kids anymore? Well… I have the power to completely negate that rule. If I choose to. So… if you wanted… someday… maybe we could…” He looked at his hands as he fidgeted with his new ring. This one had your name engraved on the outside and inside.
“You… we could make Charlie a little sibling!” You realized what he was trying to say and tackled him! “Yes! Absolutely Luci! I'd love to! Let's… let's have a baby!”
The End (for real now)
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Hi y'all,
I have been waiting to create an MC profile for my HSS:CA MC, and finally I got the time to do it today. Hope you like it!
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Birthday: 15th April, 2002
Meaning of name: In Spanish, it means the miracle, or in Russian it means gracious and dear one.
Pronouns: She/Her (cis-woman)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
Dorky, clumsy, funny, and emotional. She is quick to anger and easy to please.
Has a very strong sense of justice, and can snap when the injustice is happening in front of her.
Does not hesitate to get into conflicts when the person being disturbed is a person she loves.
Biological Family: Alan Park (Father), Faith Park (Mother), Carlos (Twin Brother), Wendy Park (Paternal Aunt)
Adopted Family: Greg Delgado (Adopted Father), Rita Delgado (Adopted Mother).
Backstory (TW: mentions of Death) :
Mila was born in London, 3 1/2 minutes before her twin, Carlos. When she was 1, Faith and Alan meet with an accident where a drunk truck driver crashes into their car, leading to their death on-spot. She and Carlos were put in foster care system after nobody in their family was able to take them in, and they were adopted 2 years later by Greg and Rita Delgado in Cedar Cove.
Ethnicity: She is half-Asian and half-white from her biological family, and her adoptive family are Spanish.
Other than play acting, improv and method acting, she is a really good singer and can pick up any kind of tune.
Baking is her comfort activity and additionally she loves to help out at the Golden Griddle.
She has a favorite activity with each person she hangs out with: With Carlos its basketball, Skye its drawing, Rory its video games and with Ajay its watching movies.
Love life:
As a kid, she hung out with Rory a lot since he was the only other kid in the neighborhood who was her age. For a while, she crushed on him till 5th grade, but grew out of the crush after middle school and admired him more as a good friend.
Her feelings for Skye grew, and they become official after the winter term of their freshman year. They end up going to different colleges in New York, with Mila majoring in Acting and Skye in Tech.
As per my HC, Mila proposes marriage to Skye at the end of their senior year of college, but they don't get married until two years later.
Other Facts:
Mila starts exploring Gothic fashion and music after she starts hanging out with Skye.
She has a deathly fear of rodents and rodent-like creatures, that sometimes Carlos takes advantage of.
The first play she acted in was 'The Hare and the Tortoise' in kindergarten.
She had a space obsession as a kid, and insisted her parents that her room walls be painted black. Eventually she had to settle with glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling.
Tagging: @cadybear420 @choicesficwriterscreations @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor for this MC profile.
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canaidliafail · 2 years
Starved knight
eivor x f!reader 🌿
[ some mentions and themes of violence and possessive themes
not proof read, just pure unedited crap cause I need to vent ]
knight & princess AUs
1k words ||| MDI
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“I don't understand how you tolerate that incredulous woman! She drives me insane sabotaging proposal after proposal with her antics''
Eivor stared at your mother, her gaze unwavering. Her legs spread open and her back straight with her sword on the ground waiting for her next command unsure of where this conversation was going
“I have to thank you for your patience. After all she does constantly drag you to fight these pointless battles. If only by a miracle someone worthy would appear to loosen your sword…”
Her grip tightened and her lips drew into a thin line.
“Are you suggesting I lose a spar on purpose ?”
“God's no! You are doing a wonderful job protecting this ungrateful princess. I know you are headed her way and I just wanted to thank you for dealing with her up till now is all”
EIvor gave a firm nod sliding her sword back to its sheath around her hips and excused herself walking outside the courtroom. Her armor clinked with every step, the furs around her waist and shoulders doing little to prevent the noisy metal. The day she pledged her sword to the throne she didn't expect her position would be to protect and entertain the princess but whatever God led her down that path she was grateful for now.
She made her way to your chambers and knocked on the large wooden doors waiting for you to let her in. That voice never came however and she let out a long sigh.
No sometimes, as much as she loved you , you did get on her nerves
She pushed the doors open to confirm her suspicions and indeed, you were nowhere to be found. Your windows were left open, the curtains dancing with the winter breeze and a pile of discarded notes were on the floor. Oh.
You treasured your notes, being a known poet in these lands, so to see all your writings carelessly tossed all over the room meant you were going through a rough writer's block. She took a few steps inside the room trying to figure out which items were missing to determine how far you could’ve gone
Your cloak, satchel and bow.
DId you go hunting again? She left the room and checked the stables to find your horse missing and with another sigh she mounted her own and went to find, hopefully your trail that wasn’t covered by snow yet. Oh she was growing upset herself now. She heavily disliked when you went hunting alone cause you were careless and had no sense of danger
Maybe I will lock you in that room myself,under no orders
she thought and urged her horse to go faster eventually finding a faint trail of hooves. She breathed in relief and a little further up the hill she saw your horse tied to a tree with you above it,arm and bow in hand and eyes closed standing at the edge of the mountain letting the wind blow through your hair. You cheeks a faint tint of red and the edge of your ungloved fingers slightly shaking.
She smiled and left her horse next to yours making her way up to you
“So? What did she yell at you about this time?” You asked, your tone playful managing to make her forget that she came up here to lecture you
“You, sabotaging every marriage proposal” and you laughed, sliding your bow on your back and playing with the feathers of your hand crafted arrow “My, the genius that I am, sabotaging all those proposals myself. Should I write about this in my next book?”
Eivor slid one arm around your waist pulling you in for a kiss that you eagerly returned ,your lips cold to her touch.
“How long have you been up here?”
“Hm, must have been a few hours. I lost track of time searching for a cave with wolves. Rumor has it, its inhabited by one black wolf. A rogue”
“Were you planning on hunting it down?”
“No. Not at all. I was hoping to tame it and perhaps Make it eat my next suitor”
Eivors eyes darkened. Was there a letter of a new proposal amongst your notes that she has missed ?
You caught her fall deep in a trance, expression sunken her cheeks more hollow as cold anger seemed to start making its way to the surface. It was peculiar how your mother never suspected Eivor when it was her making sure none of these men would ever get close to you.
interestingly so, it all started before you even looked at her in a romantic light. But her dedication, her love, her obsession made you consider all those gestures. And if that wasn’t enough, seeing her soaked in their blood at your doorstep late at night, begging to approve of her love was enough to waken that twisted desire you had in you.
Some men suspected your weird bond but none lived long enough to tell the tale.
Be it how you would always jumped in her embrace to shamelessly check for scars or wounds on her face after every spar with little regard for the wounded opponent or how some had noticed you exchanging knowing glances across the room and shortly excusing yourselves to attend to some “duties”
It would take a fool not to catch on, yet they rarely did due to how impossible it seemed for two women to be together like that
You tried snapping her out of the mental downfall she was about to take “For future reference. I’m sure after the last brutal public murder no suitors will come for a while” And eivor seemed to brighten up right away before she frowned again
“Then about that wolf hunting. I did not teach you how to carry a bow thinking you would be so stupid with it” she bit and you yelped as she pulled you up and tossed you over her shoulder making your way to your horses
“Eivor no!” You kicked at her but her iron grip on you didn't seem to falter
“Oh for fucks sake you brute let me down!”
“ but you seemed to scream this brutes name last night before I even wiped the blood off my face” she teased and you huffed giving up. Once calm she let you down and tied your horse on the saddle of her own helping you up to ride with her.
You wrapped your arms around her waist and buried your face in the rich furs of her armor breathing in her smell. It was almost like you could feel her homelands just by sinking into her scent. You could picture them vividly. Feel their raw nature carved on every scratch and wound on her toned body.
“I love you Eivor” you whispered faintly and smiled and held both your hands with one of her own possessiveness seeping into her as she offered a fanged smile back at you returning those feelings.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
she watched as You laid on your bed going back and forth between your notes and occasionally writing something down. she decided to make herself comfortable on your couch grabbing a cup of tea in an attempt to learn to enjoy this flavourless liquid. at some point you stopped and looked up at her
“do you think I could take you on a fight?”
“You cant even take me in bed” and with a huff you tossed your pillow at her making you spill her scorching hot tea all over her making her yelp and get up
“see this,” she motioned with her hands on her wet pants “Is why no one likes you”
“and this is why none likes you” you bit back offended at how little she considered your challenge
she frowned and you smirked very happy with your victory knowing how easily she got on her fellow soldiers nerves during practice
“Why ask me this anyways?”
“I was writing a story of how a forced to be princess was swooned by a foreign knight in a clash of swords” you said poetically and then stabbed your pen in your papers
“but this knights attitude makes me want to kill him instead” you mumbled and Eivor frowned, oblivious and failing to understand the metaphor and association of the characters
bless her heart, she truly wasn’t the brightest in mattes of love, which showed in the crude manner she confessed her feelings for you. You still treasured those memories all the same though
“Speaking of, what was that about not being able to take you in bed?” you asked and that ignited a spark within her making the starved wolfs attention snap at you and away from her soaked pants
“Can you?” she questioned and stalked her way to you climbing on top of you. you smiled helping her out of her clothes
“Im sure I can go long enough, to catch up with you”
and Eivor laughed caressing your hair affectionately leaving kisses down your neck and chest “Thats cause I do all the work my beloved princess” and you laughed knowing how lovingly she said those things to you and how much she actually enjoyed tirelessly pleasuring you
“and how about we change that today hm?” you asked eager to switch positions to which she seemed to return with mutual desire
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BATIM/BATDR ship headcannons????
-i am not doing every single god damn ship so i'm only doing ones that i actually like. Also the BATDR ones are purely what everyone else theorizes or what I think personally about what happens after-
Sammy x Norman:
- Sammy's defiantly a bottom ong
-Norman does most of the cleaning up after se-
-Their first kiss was purely accident, Sammy was facing a different way while Norman was coming over to ask him something. Sammy turned and BLAM they kissed
-Norman towers over Sammy.
-Whenever Sammy tries to tease Norman, he teases him back, making Sammy flustered.
-At first glance Sammy looks like the dom/teasing one and Norman the Sub/easily flustered one. In reality its the complete opposite.
-Neither of them actually confessed. Norman invited Sammy to lunch one day, they had a good time, went for a walk around NY, went to Normans house, kissed, fucked, then boom dating.
-(in machine) Sammy tried to convince Norman to pray to bendy once...it ending in a hour long chase, a little fucking, then Sammy getting killed
-(After BATDR) Norman didnt get his body back cause..idk...so Sammy just carries him on his shoulder or holds him since he can't walk anymore *o^o poor Norman*
Susie x Sammy:
-Susie hinted for the longest time about her liking him, Sammy just thought she was weird
-Their first date was in the recording booth while working after time, their first REAL date was at a nice little dinner.
-Susie once made Sammy a chocolate cake..just for Wally to eat it *not referencing to the game at all*
-Sammy's first kiss with Susie was the day after getting hammered..and still being a little drunk the next day...
-Susie normally wears flats, but when she wears heals she's taller than Sammy by half an inch
-(in machine) Susie once caught Sammy in her domain, so she went out of her way to hunt him down, flirt with him, get things all loving, then stabbed him in the chest, took his mask off, then left. *we love sammy abuse >v<*
-(After BATDR) After Susie got her memories back the first thing she did was kiss Sammy, stab him in the shoulder than go apologize to everyone (Henry, Buddy, 'Allison', ext.)
Henry x Linda:
-Highschool sweethearts ong
-Their first kiss was at night with the NY lights all around them..or underneath a tree getting ready for the fall weather.
-They waited till after marriage to have kids
-Henry proposed to her while on vacation to somewhere that wasnt at JDS or NY
-They had two kids, a boy and a girl *....no i am NOT getting that from a really good comic that you guys should defiantly go read...*
-(in machine) Henry would fiddle with his wedding ring whenever he was sad, nervous or thought about Linda
-(After BATDR) Audrey made an ink version of Linda so that Henry would have his love with him forever
Allison x Thomas:
-They first met after Allison almost face planted into the floor cause she slipped on ink
-Wally set up their first work date. Which was just moving table and chairs to the side then playing music on a record player. Not so romantic but Allison enjoyed it.
-Thomas is actually really quiet, unless it's just him and Allison
-They got married after they got fired from JDS
(Ink clones)
-Alison doesn't mind that Tom can't talk, they actually made up a system for them to talk to each other
(After BATDR)
-Allison and Tom had gotten the memory's of Alison Pedal and Thomas Connor after Audrey took control. So they decided to have their own mini wedding. Which Henry was the priest, Sammy composed music, Alice(Susie)the bridesmaid and Buddy the best man, and Dappers the ring barrier.
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