#its my birthday on sunday so dont forget to wish me a happy birthday then ok!!
werewolf-artfriend · 2 years
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thebluenebula · 4 years
So todays my birthday so I figured I'd write a birthday fic for Ashleigh. I really enjoyed writing this. This take place about three to six months after she arrived, so she is much more comfortable around the Batfam.
The Day After (Coming Soon)
I sat at the breakfast table, reading todays paper. I never really read them. I just skimmed through them until some picture or crazy headline caught my eye. Bruce sat across from me.
"So." He loudly said.
I looked up from the paper. "So?"
"What about Sunday?"
"It's your birthday."
"Oh." I was genuinely shocked. It didn't feel like a year had passed. I guess when a lot happens, you don't notice the time go by.
"I was just wondering what you wanted to do for it?"
"I don't really want to do anything." I explained.
"No party?"
"You're only eighteen once Ashleigh."
"And I'm quite content not to celebrate it."
"Alright." Bruce looked a little disappointed. "How about a gift, what kinda gift do you want?"
"Gift." I looked at Bruce with genuine shock. "Bruce you've literally given me everything I could have ever needed in the last six months."
He grinned. "Thats my job."
"I dont need anything else."
"I know you don't need anything, but so you WANT anything?"
"How about my own house?" I joked.
"If you want one." Bruce replied, deadly serious.
"No." I quickly responded. "I'm not going to get kicked out am I?"
"Of course not."
I sighed with relief. I may be about to be eighteen but I'm in no way prepared to be on my own.
"If I was going to kick out any of my kids, don't you think Dick and Jason would already be gone."
"What's this about me getting kicked out?" Jay asked as he walked in.
"Don't worry Jay, I'm not kicking you out. Yet." Bruce assured him. "Just making a point."
"Wait," Jay leaned against the table. "I understand why your using me as an example, but why would you want to kick out Dick?"
Bruce shivered. "I have heard him say things I never wanted to hear any of my kids say."
"God." Jay yelled and slammed his head into his hands. "I'd repressed that memory."
"What happened?" I cautiously asked.
"Well there was this one time Dick and Wally were fu-" Jay began to explain.
Bruce elbowed him. "She does not need to know. No one needs to know."
I looked at the two curiously. I wonder what Dick and Wally got up to.
That night before I lay into bed, I looked at the photograph on my locker. Siobhan, Sean, and I. We all looked so happy. It felt odd, this would be the first year I'd have a birthday without Sean, and the first in years without Siobhan. I grabbed the photo and lay into bed.
That Friday I was lying on my floor, texting Cassie. "Artemis seems crazy."
"She can be, thats why her and Jay get on so well. So it's your birthday Sunday. 🎉🎉🎉" She text me.
For a moment I wondered how she knew, then I remembered that it was on my Pixtagram account. "Yup."
"You doing anything for it?"
"Not a thing."
"No party?"
I wish. "Not much of a party person."
"Dick or Steph will through you one regardless."
"Bruce made Dick promise not to and I don't think Steph even knows."
"Wait you didnt tell them its your birthday?"
"Nope. Only Bruce, Alfred, and Kate knows and I'd  rather keep it that way."
"Okay, mind if I come around tommorow? We can just hang out or something to not celebrate you're birthday."
I giggled. "That'd be awesome."
"How's 12 sound?"
I yawned. "That'd be awesome. If it's alright, I'm going to go to bed."
"Goodnight Ashleigh. I'll text you in the morning."
I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Cassie text me the next morning and we confirmed are meet up. A little after one Cassie arrived. We got to togetehr with a couple of the other kids and played video games and chatted for hours. Cassie had to leave in a bit so the two of us headed up to my room.
I sat down on my swivel chair and Cassie plopped onto the bed. "So any idea what Bruce is getting you for your birthday?"
"Nothing, I think."
"Well he asked me what I wanted but I couldn't think of anything else I could want"
"Maybe you could ask for a car and give it to me." She joked.
"You can fly though."
"It would be a tad questionable if I FLEW to school."
"Point taken."
"Speaking of gifts," Cassie pulled a wrapped box out of her bag. "Since I won't see you tomorrow."
"Cassie you didn't have to."
"I wanted to."
I took the box from her. "Thank you. Do I open it now?"
"I'd prefer if you did." Cassie said. "You can't imagine the amount of thought you have to put into getting a gift for the child of a billionaire."
"I'm not picky." I explained, then pulled off the wrapping paper. A photo frame. A blue frame surrounded by little clouds and bats. "Cassie, its adorable."
She smiled. "The clouds were already there but i stuck the bats on cause... you know."
"Yeah, I know." I smiled. "I love it."
"Well I seen that you had that photo by your bedside and thought you might use this frame for another. Maybe you could put like a picture of everyone in in it or something.
"I don't have a picture of everyone in the house together. That'd be nice."
"That's it!" She exclaimed.
I jumped. "That's what?"
"Your birthday gift. Ask Bruce for a picture of you all together."
"I'd love that but I'd have to blow on a hell of a lot of candles for that wish to come through."
Cassie laugh was interupted by a ding from her phone. She checked the phone. "Diana's outside, I've got to go."
"I'll walk you out."
We headed down to the entrance. Cassie opened the door and prepared to leave. "I guess I'll see you again Ashleigh." She said as she stepped out the door.
She stopped and turned. "Yes?"
"If you aren't busy tommorow... maybe you like to come around."
She smiled. "I'd love to."
"Yeah. I'll remember to bring those extra candles for the wish."
I laughed. "I'll need them."
"I won't forget." She promised. "I'll see you tommorow then."
"One other thing, when is your birthday?"
"So I can remember to get you that car."
She giggled and walked down the steps. I wonder if Bruce would actually let me buy her a car.
I got up early the next day and to my delight. No big deal seemed to be made of my birthday. Dick, Bruce, and Alfred wished me a Happy Birthday but that was it. Everyone else seemed clueless to it.
Around eleven Cassie arrived and her, Carrie, Harper, and I ended up in the den playing video games again.
About one Bruce dragged me out of the den. "What's up?" I asked him.
"Someones here to see you."
"Who?" I asked as we stepped out into the hall.
"Hey Ashleigh." Kate stood just inside the door. Arms open.
"Kate!" I hugged her. "I didn't know you were coming today."
"Thought I'd surprise you, considering it's your birthday." She ruffled my hair. "Happy Birthday, by the way."
"Thank you." I smiled. "How'd you know?"
"I always know."
"Bruce told you?"
She nodded. "Bruce told me."
"I felt it was necessary." Bruce added.
Kate held a box. "A little something."
"Thanks but you didn't have to."
"I know, Bruce said that. Which is why I distinctively ignored it."
Bruce scoffed. "I shouldn't be surprised."
Kate looked to Bruce then back to me. "I'll hold on to it for a little while."
"Sure." I looked to Bruce skeptically.
"Follow me." He said.
I followed Kate and Bruce towards the Dining room. "Where are we going?"
"I just want to say, that this was primarily Dicks idea." Bruce said.
Oh no. I already knew what this is. I put on a smile as we walked through the doors into the dining room. It was decorated to the nines with birthday banners and other colorful decorations. Sometimes I hate Dicks insistent to go over the top with everything.
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled as I entered. I smiled at the large gathering of people. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. But just for a second. Before, when I had parties, it fwlt like a lot of the smiling faces were just that, smiling face, no genuine emotion behind them but not this time. This time the smiles held happiness, love. I could feel it
All the nervousness I should feel, melted away. I don't know of it was Kate's hand on my shoulder or the smiles of my family and Cassie.
I was quickly tugged to the table by Steph. In front of me sat a large chocolate cake. On it, there had to be about fifty candles. "I told you I wouldn't forget." Cassie smiled.
"Come on!" Dick shouted excitedly.
"Can't we just skip that part?" Jay moaned.
Dick ignored Jay's remark and burst into song. "Happy birthday to you!"
Dick was quickly joined by the others, even Jay mumblwd along. After the song was over, I blew out my candles. Downside of so many candles, took quite a few blows.
"So what'd you wish for?" Steph asked.
"She can't tell you, that ruins the wish." Dick said.
"I didn't wish for anything." I said. "I have everything I could ever need."
Damien scoffed. "Corny. You sound like Grayson."
Cassie nudged me. "Do it."
"Fine." I sighed. "I did wish for something."
"Anything." Bruce said.
"I wish for... a photo. Of all of us. Together."
"That's all?"
"That's all."
"That's doable." Bruce turned to the kids. Jay and Damien in particular. "Isn't it."
Jay sighed. "Just this once."
Damien scoffed. ""Yes, as Todd said."
"I shall get the camera." Alfred stated.
"No need I have one here." Steph said, handing a camera to Alfred. "I have been capturing every moment of this."
"At this point, I'm surprised you don't take pictures of us sleeping." Tim remarked.
"Maybe I do."
"I'm double checking the locks in my door tonight." Duke commented.
"I'll always find another way in."
"You are the creepiest blonde I've ever met." Jay said. "And thats not a low bar."
"But you love me for it."
Jay sighed. I turned to Alfred. "You're  not going to be in the photo?" I asked.
"Someone must take the photo."
"I can take it Alfie." Cassie said.
"I will allow you to take this photo, Miss Sandsmark, on one condition."
"What's that?"
"Never refer to me as Alfie ever again."
"Fiiine." Cassie snagged the camera. "Now go join them."
"Okay," Bruce said. "Tallest to the back."
Dick, Kate, Bruce, Alfred, and Jay stood at the back in that order. Damien, Babs, me, Harper, Carrie, Duke, Steph, and Cass stood in front.
Dick picked up Damien. "Let me go Grayson!"
"Chill out." Dick said as he placed Damien on his shoulders. "Don't want you cut out of the photo.
"This will suffice." Damien huffed, pretending to be upset.
Steph turned to Cass. "Pleaaase."
"Sure." Cass lifted Steph onto her shoulder.
Bruce smiled at his children and place an arm around Alfred. I felt Kate place her hand on my shoulder.
"Say cheese." Cassie said.
"Cheeese!" We all shouted as Cassie snapped the picture.
We all walked over to her. "How's it look?"
She through an arm around my neck. "Smile."
I looked at the camera in surprise as Cassie snapped a picture. "What was that about?" I asked as Cassie let go of me.
She shrugged. "You needed a photo of us."
She handed me the camera. I looked at the photo of us. Cassie looked perfect but I had a look of absolutely confusion plastered on my face. I smiled and looked at the family picture. Everyone looked perfect in it. Even Damien and Jay were smiling. The camera was quickly passed around everyone as they looked at the photo.
Afterwards we cut the cake. I could tell by the way that Cass and Steph watched me as I took the first slice, that they had baked it. "Best cake ever." I said after I took a bite. The two girls had huge grins plastered across their faces. The cake was quickly devoured by everyone.
A pile of gifts sat on the table from each of the Batfamily. I figured I'd open them later and we went to play party games. For a moment I thought they be boring but the look on Tim's face when the donkey tail ended up pinned to his back, courtesy of Steph, proved me wrong.
Eventually we all lay up and watched some movies. By eleven everyone was clearly knackered. I could barely even keep my eyes open. Carrie was sound asleep against Bruce and most of the others weren't far behind. I was almost asleep when I felt a small weight on my shoulder.
Cassie looked half asleep as she leaned against me. Maybe she was asleep, just with her eyes open. I couldn't tell.
"Is she asleep?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.
I looked over my shoudler. Diana stood in the open doorway. "Diana." Bruce slid out gently from under Carrie and stood up. "I didn't hear you come in."
"I knocked. I assure you." She said. "No one answered, so I let myself in."
"Sorry, Miss Prince, I was preoccupied." Alfred stated.
I hadn't even noticed Alfred in the armchair in the corner. Jay was curled up beside him and appeared to be sound asleep.
"No worries Alfred."
"You've come to pick up Carrie. I assume." Bruce said.
"Yes. I'd leave her here but I promised her mother I'd bring her home tonight."
"Of course."
I shook Cassie. "Wake up."
She looked up at me groggily. "Huh?"
She sat up straight and looked to Diana. "Oh hey."
"Time to go."
Cassie stood up and stretched. "Sure, I'll juat grab my bag, i think it's in the kitchen." She turned back to me. "See yah Ash, and Happy Birthday."
I smiled. "See yah."
Cassie and Diana left and I looked back at the TV. I didn't recognise the movie that was on. I didn't even know who picked it. Slowly I drifted off to sleep on the couch.
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oscarjarjaes · 6 years
i left him a voicemail saying that i dont know if i want to see him on sunday because i feel like im puttjng in So Much energy and trying to conquer my severe fear of public transportation but im getting nothing in return. i dont want to come back sunday tired and depressed when i have a math exam on monday that will make or break my grade
i generally said i felt neglected and am confused about things and what his thoughts were. if i get no answer/an unsatisfactory answer im leaving
saturday was so awful. i didnt see my show bc of him and my friends got the worst impression possible and he tried to make things about Me and My Issues when its Him and His Issues
sunday was bad too. he spoke more to my friend and was generally ignoring me. i felt like the more time i spend the more impersonal everything becomes but im not sure if thats my depressed brain or if thats whats really going on. my friend kept engaging him and i felt extremely hurt. that was my birthday outing. my friends were mad because he didnt wish me happy birthday nor did he offer to pay for anything or give me a gift.
monday was awful. he didnt call me. he didnt do anything other than send a trash snap to wish me a happy birthday. i had a cut in my eye and cried my eyes out, making it worse
this week has been me suicidal and depressed admittedly over all this. i feel like garbage and i need to be put first and treated well. i hate this so much. i want to die. i just want to exist by myself because no one likes me and ill never have a good relationship. i just want to die and never be found so everyone forgets about me
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savemeteion · 6 years
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multiple-nerdery · 7 years
Heck thas too many
nvm ill doitt
Mercury: What’s your full name? jasper dean [eldritch horror noises] [last name omitted for privacy reasons]
Venus: What’s your first language? it english my dude n i speak it bad as shit
Earth: Where’s your home? i live in the gorgeous new york city
Mars: What’s your sexuality? im ace as hell but my gf is really hot and the closest thing i feel to attraction is towards her
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? thank god, no
Saturn: Any pets? i wish
Uranus: What’s your hobby? idkfk dude smtimes i mak music
Neptune: When’s your birthday? it was three weeks ago (on a sunday)
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 105 am
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? math phys ics dude
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? ummmmmm i get fukd up on th weekly
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? not yet but looks likemayb soon
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? yeyeyeye
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? umm yeah ofc because gotta escap/ coolest place ive been was s africa. i can no longer afford even intranational travel tho rip
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? happiness
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? in a positive way, daniel. in a negative way, ahngst
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? all my friends
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? nah but i tore a ligment once n had t get a cast
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? ive been asked too never forced tho
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend? only to time and awkwardness, never to death yet
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? ahngst
Centaurus: Favourite holiday? i like halloween ok
Orion: Favourite month? september
Cassiopeia: Favourite book? rn its either anything by bukowski or twentieth century harmony by vincent persichetti
Delphinus: Favourite study? field of? its physics my guy
Hercules: Favourite instrument? my flying v guitar specifically
Gemini: Favourite song? rn its either omega by periphery, instinct by arch enemy or faded heart by borns
Pegasus: Favourite place to be? in my gfs arms
Libra: Favourite colour? purple
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear? clothes that r confy
Aries: Favourite movie? inside llewyn davis
Cygnus: Favourite weather? not apolcalypticy
Hydra: Favourite sound? sheas voice
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? my friend jake in the coast guard. i’ve known him since we were one
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? i can be if needed. I am not naturally
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? nah. lve is a process n a choice that takes understranding n work
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? i was 16, it was a school dance, february. turned out to not be the best experience apparently which im sad about
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? anytime i miss my gf i just text her baaaaaaaaabe n thats the extent of my skills
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? i’ve never been the one to leave. ever
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? it was my gf so.............. ye lol
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? oh shit guys, guess what, i might have a crush on my girlfriend shealyn dont tell her its too embarrassing
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? if so, they did a real good job keeping it secret
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? nah.
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? i’ve denied frinedships before. Actually, i’ve also denied relationships before
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? my first one I sobbed a abit once i got home. The second one i didn’t parse, the third one i just kinda accepted. The fourth one i didnt cry but i spent the next month begging her to take me back. The fifth and last one i also didn’t parse but for different reasons.
Comet: What’s your big dream? be a physicist n musician, have a dececnt apartment with my gf, be content
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? lots of jetpacks n guitars
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? i wish i could tell when people like me. Or if the spirit is different, I wish i could tell y’all about my ukrainian friend she’s fuken cool.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? ahngst ahngst ahngst ahngst in a fuken second i’d undo all the stupid shit i thought said and did with that.
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? goth style
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? die (jk jk i mean get my doctorate)
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? I really want to go to space.
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? I have to say my girlfriend. I swear I could live with her forever and never grow bored.
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? i wish i could be like kira from death note but with nonfatal injury not just death and then i’d break the legs of my political enemies.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? before i die? hell if I know. But the LAST THING i want to see again is ahngst
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jaxhol · 3 years
I dont know how Im supposed to feel
We broke up about a week and a half ago. It was Sunday, and I left for Branson that morning, and every time we stopped I'd snap her back. She was really only sending like half face pictures. Me and my stepdad got to our condo or whatever it was. We set our stuff down, and unpacked a little bit then we left to go find something to do. We were leaving dinner and her friend sends me a picture of them and her friends brothers saying "Bella and her boyfriends are cute." and it made me smile, like seeing her smile. We use to always joke about things like that. So I play into the joke saying "Man I wish I had something like that!" and her friend goes "we could have that" and I gp "Yeahhh, then she'll definitely stop cheating" she hasn't cheated, and I never think she would. Then her friend goes "Then dump her" i keep playing along, and then she says "you should actually". That causes me to worry straight away, because I feel like if she was wanting to break up, shed tell her friends and they'd hint at it. And i ask her "Hey, are you wanting to break up?" and i explain the situation. She seems very uncertain about everything, and I ask about it. I dont know if she was going off on me, but she was saying a lot. I was at Ripley's Believe it or not with like all of my step dad's family. and it was something I really wanted to deal with at that moment. So I say I have to go to the bathroom, and I'm sitting there for like 10-20 minuets responding to what she was saying. Then my stepdad comes to get me, because we were leaving. So I wash my hands, and we run through the rest of the museum. Right when we walked out I felt her text, I glance at it and see its kind of long, so I waited till we were back in the car. I look at it and it says "i'm not ready for this rn, if you need to fix some things then we should stop this and maybe again after you feel that you've change we can retouch on us." "i love you so much and you have been my best friend and that's why I feel this is needed." I look at it for like 10 minuets before I even get an idea of how to respond. but I said "That's okay, I think this is needed too. I want you to keep the hoodie and sloth at least until we try again" "I'll be better for you soon" "I love you". We get back to the condo and I say I'm tired and need to go to bed, but it was just so I could get away and let my emotions show. I end up crying, which was the first good cry in at least a year. The same friend that texted me and says "what happened bella's upset" I go "I think we just broke up" "No think". I talk to her about how I'm feeling for most of the night, and it was a rough sad night. thats how the next night was, and it was a sad rest of the trip. But it helped being somewhere where I wasn't able to just wallow in my own sadness. But I told the guys we broke up, but didn't explain why. I dont really remember the night I got home, but I remember it being pretty mellow. The next night, I go over to my dads house and watch the tiktok vs youtuber boxing match. We didnt really talk but the next night I get on a call with the guys again. I told them what had happened, and it felt good to finally get something said to someone other than her friends. But while in Branson i came up with two ideas on how to get her back in my life. The first one was text her, and be like "Hey, can we just be friends? I miss talking to you" and the other one was just look like it doesnt affect me at all and stunt as hard as possible publicly so she sees I've changed and she wants me back. They had their own things to say about each, and I think all of it was useful, and needed in one way or another. But most of them thought I should move on and stunt. But that night I ended up going to bed at like 2:00 in the morning, and right before I fell asleep. I had the idea to combine both of the ways, and I texted Ethan before I fell asleep because he was the only one to think I should ask to just be friends. And so I wouldn't forget by the morning. I also talked to my brother about it and he said I should stop talking to her friends about
how I miss her, and he said a good amount of other stuff, but thats what I think was the most important. Oh he also said I should just leave it alone, and if it happens again, it happens again. But its been a week now, and I didn't plan to type any of this out, but I opened tumblr and read the things I've said in the past. And it made me think about her. I still miss her, like a lot. But missing her isn't going to get her back. So I'm trying everything I can to focus on myself to truly get better. And the plan Im planning to go with is do me, and text her on her birthday (Which is in October) so it's not too long of a wait. But i think it's enough time for her to have her space, and me to get back to doing me. So on her birthday, I'll text her saying happy birthday. And just trying to catch up a little bit. and maybe it'll show her that I to just be friends again.
But the thing Im confused about is I don't miss her through most of the day, because I'm doing things to keep my mind off of her. But hearing certain works, or seeing a certain hoodie, or a million other small things remind me of her and make me miss her all over again. But I can't say anything to the people that would actually have something to respond with. Because they're her friends, and listening to what my brother said I'm not going to say anything about it to them. I still miss her but not as much, being able to talk to my friends all the time again feels really good. But I'll try to say something again if something happens.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Navy SEAL widow’s Memorial Day event honors Americas fallen
VIRGINIA BEACH –  Three days before his 33rd birthday, Danny Quinlan received terrifying news: Doctors found he had a brain tumor and an aneurysm. It was benign. But he needed surgery to have them removed.
Happy Birthday, right? said Quinlan, now 42. I remember telling my daughters right before surgery: Know that I love you. But when I wake up I may not know who you are.
When doctors placed limits on his physical activities it took a toll on him. Running was out. Horseback riding was out. It was a lifestyle change, he said. I wanted to prove to myself that yes, I could handle this.
Thirteen months after his surgery, Quinlan met Patsy Dietz, the widow of Navy SEAL Danny Dietz, who was killed in a 2005 combat in Afghanistan known as Operation Red Wings.
She was the motivational speaker at a healing camp in Virginia Beach. He was a guest looking for strength. That was the start of the Danny Dietz Memorial Classic, a three-day rodeo and fundraiser, now in its 8th year. It will be held Friday through Sunday at the Fort Bend County Fairgrounds in Rosenberg, Texas.
Quinlan remembers the way she spoke about her husband and his bravery – his story made famous by the movie and book, Lone Survivor. It gave him goosebumps.
At 5-foot-10 and 140 pounds, Danny Dietz was a fighter despite his small frame. He completed basic underwater demolition/SEAL training – known as BUD/S – with a broken foot. He fought until his last breath, Patsy Dietz said recently from her Virginia Beach home.
She spoke about their life at 24: they were young and in love, had a new house and two dogs.  Like most young couples, they dreamed about having kids and growing old together. But with one knock on the door her world fell apart, she said.
She was so passionate when she spoke about Danny and her love for our country. Something resonated inside of me. It hit me in such a manner, Quinlan said. Look at all these people who died so we can enjoy our freedoms.  I was that guy. I took my freedom for granted.
In that moment, he felt compelled to do something. He approached Dietz and together, with hundreds of volunteers, they created a patriotic blue-collar Memorial Day event to honor Dietz and Americas fallen.
If there is one holiday everyone should respect it is Memorial Day. It shouldnt be about barbeques and pool parties, he said. Its about the men and women who died for our freedom. People forget that.
What began as a team roping event has grown in both size and popularity. Today, the Danny Dietz Memorial Classic is sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association with the worlds top cowboys competing in bareback riding and bull riding throughout the weekend.
Its more than just an event or a fundraiser, Quinlan said. This is our way of saying thank you to all of those men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.
Tickets are $10 with all proceeds benefiting the Navy SEAL Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing ongoing support to the Naval Special Warfare community, active-duty military and their families.
According to Alison Messick, director of programs with the Navy SEAL Foundation, about $62,800 was donated in proceeds from the Danny Dietz Memorial Classic last year.
Its an honor to watch this grow year after year. Its Patsys way of giving back to those who come behind, Messick said. She is passionate and genuine. Its that authenticity that truly expresses who we are.
Dietz knows military life well. Her father was a Navy SEAL. She joined the Navy when she was 18 and married Dietz at 21. She became a widow at 24.
When your life is taken from you without warning, you start thinking about all these things you wish you could have said or done differently, she said. I know the feeling of that first knock. The feeling you get when you see the men in uniform at your door.
But she was resilient. Throughout the years, she leaned on her friends, a group of military spouses, many of whom are also widows and with their help she eventually bounced back, she said.  
Three years after becoming a widow, Dietz met another Navy SEAL. The year they met he accompanied her on her yearly trip to Colorado to visit her late husbands grave at Fort Logan National Cemetery. While there, the man, who she did not name because of security reasons, asked for a moment alone at her late husbands grave. A month later, he proposed.
He told me it was very important to meet Danny, she said, and to ask him for permission to marry me. They now have a 4-year-old daughter.
Every year, she is humbled by the amount of support she continues to receive from strangers across the country.
To them, Navy SEALs are celebrities. To Dietz, they are average Americans with extraordinary jobs. They are dads who coach little league. They get nervous on first dates. They are husbands who mow the lawns and take out the trash. They take their daughters to school dances.  
Its not about the job they have. Its about the kind of men they are, said Dietz. The guys dont flaunt what they do. Thats how we carry ourselves. We have real families with real kids. To us, they are human. They are not immortal.
Dietz makes it a point to introduce herself to as many guests as possible during the Memorial Weekend events. She thanks them personally for skipping the backyard barbecues to instead honor a fallen American.
 So many dont realize how much people hate this country and the way we live. They will go to any extreme to take that away from us, she said. When I see all these people, who dont know me, come out to pay their respects, it gives me hope that their love for military and patriotism is still there. 
Read more: http://ift.tt/2qsu6OD
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2rN7fBi via Viral News HQ
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dreamchazerx · 8 years
I cant stop thinking about the day when i die. Would they be sad about my passing? Would they mourn for me? Would they miss me? Would they remember the days i spent with them? The happy days at the very least Would they go to my funeral and cry for me? Or They wont really care. They dont know you. Theyd be happy that youre gone. Theyve already forgotten about you. They didnt really considered you as a friend so why bother coming at your funeral? Thoughts like these keep replaying in my head. I never had that much of 'friends'. When i was in 2nd grade, i was bullied. Theres these boys that keep bullying me, getting my foods for lunch, keep hitting me on the head even when i didnt do anything. Im a shy and quiet person at that time. I dont even know why they keep on bothering me when i dont even talk to them. I just let them and endured those hitting on my head. I got used to it anyways. I dont even remember if i had friends that time. But during those times, theres one girl that always saves me from those boys. Her name was Melchie. I dont vividly remember the details but theres a memory in my head that keeps replaying when i think of those days. It was her who always tell those boys to stop bothering me. For that i clearly know her face, and i did not forget her. Shes a thin girl, with mole on her face, and a shoulder-length hair at that time. I was just a kid back then so i did not care about last names of people. I just care about mine. But i know faces. I dont usually forget faces when i see them. Third grade came. The bullying did not stop but it became less than lasy year. Maybe because, we were a year older tgen. Lol. I dint know. I dont even remember happy moments in school from 1st grade to third grade. Sad life. Fourth grade, i had to transfer school. My mother run away from home because of troubles with my father (too many to mention, but i think the main reason was that he was alcoholic and turns into a monster when totally drunk). She brought me and my little sister with her. The last memory of me on our house was i was supposed to attend an 18th birthday party then. I was told that i was one of the 18 candles at the party. And since it was sunday (i think) that time, i never had a chance to go to that party. I think its sunday because she was part of the sunday school i attend to every weekend. I was so close with god back then. Haha. We went to one of my mothers sibling in laguna (province in the philippines). There, she left us, my sister and i. We lived there. I could only imagine now that we were like orphans at that time. I couldnt express my feelings. I couldnt say anything. When im feeling down, i had no one to talk to. No one even cared about me, aboit us. They just let us in and yeah. They were just considerate. From fourth grade to sixth grade, we lived there. Those three years. Those three years when i should be playing with other kids, having fun with other kids, being free as a kid... All those things were taken from me. We were like prisoners. Or was it just me who felt that way? When i get there, i never got to play. I never got to go out without their permission which when we were at home i could freely do. Why? Because i had to do household chores. I had to clean the house, wash dishes, wash clothes. Things i wasnt that familiar then. I was being watched. Every move i make they watched it. Waiting for wrong move i take. What could i do? We were just a freeloader there. I hate those three years in my life. I wish i could just forget them. I wish i lived as others did at that age. I wish i played more. I wish i had more friends. I wish i had a good family. A mother, a father a brother and a sister. Which i have, and which i didnt have. Life for me has been messed up. I dont feel loved. I dont think someone ever cared for me. Haha. Even with my so called friends around me they just stick around because they just cant do anything about it or i was just clinging to they didnt had a heart to shoo me away.. Even now, i lam 22 years old, i dont forget those years. Those years that i shouldve been happy. I shouldve been carefree. I shouldve been a good person. Well maybe i chose this path. What could i do? This was the path that was open to take and it was the only way to walk through. No one was there to show things. No one was there to teach me things I learned on my own. I stood on my own. I fought on my own. I cried on my own. I endured on my own. I lived on my own. But is it bad to wish that someone could be with me just once? I accepted the fact that iwill die alone and i will die in oblivion. No one will be with me and will love me. No one would even wanted to be with me. Hahaha funny but sad. Ironic. Fuck.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Navy SEAL widow’s Memorial Day event honors Americas fallen
VIRGINIA BEACH –  Three days before his 33rd birthday, Danny Quinlan received terrifying news: Doctors found he had a brain tumor and an aneurysm. It was benign. But he needed surgery to have them removed.
Happy Birthday, right? said Quinlan, now 42. I remember telling my daughters right before surgery: Know that I love you. But when I wake up I may not know who you are.
When doctors placed limits on his physical activities it took a toll on him. Running was out. Horseback riding was out. It was a lifestyle change, he said. I wanted to prove to myself that yes, I could handle this.
Thirteen months after his surgery, Quinlan met Patsy Dietz, the widow of Navy SEAL Danny Dietz, who was killed in a 2005 combat in Afghanistan known as Operation Red Wings.
She was the motivational speaker at a healing camp in Virginia Beach. He was a guest looking for strength. That was the start of the Danny Dietz Memorial Classic, a three-day rodeo and fundraiser, now in its 8th year. It will be held Friday through Sunday at the Fort Bend County Fairgrounds in Rosenberg, Texas.
Quinlan remembers the way she spoke about her husband and his bravery – his story made famous by the movie and book, Lone Survivor. It gave him goosebumps.
At 5-foot-10 and 140 pounds, Danny Dietz was a fighter despite his small frame. He completed basic underwater demolition/SEAL training – known as BUD/S – with a broken foot. He fought until his last breath, Patsy Dietz said recently from her Virginia Beach home.
She spoke about their life at 24: they were young and in love, had a new house and two dogs.  Like most young couples, they dreamed about having kids and growing old together. But with one knock on the door her world fell apart, she said.
She was so passionate when she spoke about Danny and her love for our country. Something resonated inside of me. It hit me in such a manner, Quinlan said. Look at all these people who died so we can enjoy our freedoms.  I was that guy. I took my freedom for granted.
In that moment, he felt compelled to do something. He approached Dietz and together, with hundreds of volunteers, they created a patriotic blue-collar Memorial Day event to honor Dietz and Americas fallen.
If there is one holiday everyone should respect it is Memorial Day. It shouldnt be about barbeques and pool parties, he said. Its about the men and women who died for our freedom. People forget that.
What began as a team roping event has grown in both size and popularity. Today, the Danny Dietz Memorial Classic is sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association with the worlds top cowboys competing in bareback riding and bull riding throughout the weekend.
Its more than just an event or a fundraiser, Quinlan said. This is our way of saying thank you to all of those men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.
Tickets are $10 with all proceeds benefiting the Navy SEAL Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing ongoing support to the Naval Special Warfare community, active-duty military and their families.
According to Alison Messick, director of programs with the Navy SEAL Foundation, about $62,800 was donated in proceeds from the Danny Dietz Memorial Classic last year.
Its an honor to watch this grow year after year. Its Patsys way of giving back to those who come behind, Messick said. She is passionate and genuine. Its that authenticity that truly expresses who we are.
Dietz knows military life well. Her father was a Navy SEAL. She joined the Navy when she was 18 and married Dietz at 21. She became a widow at 24.
When your life is taken from you without warning, you start thinking about all these things you wish you could have said or done differently, she said. I know the feeling of that first knock. The feeling you get when you see the men in uniform at your door.
But she was resilient. Throughout the years, she leaned on her friends, a group of military spouses, many of whom are also widows and with their help she eventually bounced back, she said.  
Three years after becoming a widow, Dietz met another Navy SEAL. The year they met he accompanied her on her yearly trip to Colorado to visit her late husbands grave at Fort Logan National Cemetery. While there, the man, who she did not name because of security reasons, asked for a moment alone at her late husbands grave. A month later, he proposed.
He told me it was very important to meet Danny, she said, and to ask him for permission to marry me. They now have a 4-year-old daughter.
Every year, she is humbled by the amount of support she continues to receive from strangers across the country.
To them, Navy SEALs are celebrities. To Dietz, they are average Americans with extraordinary jobs. They are dads who coach little league. They get nervous on first dates. They are husbands who mow the lawns and take out the trash. They take their daughters to school dances.  
Its not about the job they have. Its about the kind of men they are, said Dietz. The guys dont flaunt what they do. Thats how we carry ourselves. We have real families with real kids. To us, they are human. They are not immortal.
Dietz makes it a point to introduce herself to as many guests as possible during the Memorial Weekend events. She thanks them personally for skipping the backyard barbecues to instead honor a fallen American.
 So many dont realize how much people hate this country and the way we live. They will go to any extreme to take that away from us, she said. When I see all these people, who dont know me, come out to pay their respects, it gives me hope that their love for military and patriotism is still there. 
Read more: http://ift.tt/2qsu6OD
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2rN7fBi via Viral News HQ
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