#ive been working on this for A WEEK and took me the entire day to finish it up oof but just in time to post it bc its still the 1st !!
thedisc0spider · 2 days
can u write spencer introducing reader to star wars💕💕?? ive never seen it 😭
Star Wars
Summary: Spencer is really excited to introduce you to Star Wars.
Warnings: reader gets a little stressed out, cursing, pre established relationship, reader works at smosh, not proof read!
Point of view: 2nd person
A/n: this request was so adorable and I had so much fun writing it! I took this prompt and ran (maybe a little to far) with it SO if this wasn’t what you wanted I’m so sorry!! Id be willing to rewrite it if so.
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You can already tell today will be very interesting. Well, the next few weeks actually.
A few days ago you had revealed to Spencer that you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie. Of course, he was shocked as to how this was the first he was hearing of it.
“You’ve never seen a Star Wars movie? How?”
“I don’t know, when I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to watch it and by the time I was an adult there were way too many and starting just felt overwhelming.” You shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
To Spencer, it was not nothing.
So he convinced, nay, begged you to watch with him.
“Come on, it’s like my favorite thing! We always watch (y/f/s) together, baby. Pleaseeeeeee.”
What were you gonna do, say no? How could you? He was right, you always forced him to watch what you wanted, so it was only fair that you comply.
However, you were still a little exhausted just thinking about the idea of committing to an entire film series. You looked it up, it will take you 25 hours and 7 minutes to watch all the Star Wars movies. This, however, includes the nine movies from the Skywalker saga and the two anthology movies, Rogue One and Solo. Excluding the anthology movies, it will take you 20 hours and 39 minutes to watch and Spencer gave in and promised not to make you watch the anthology films.
‘Okay,’ you think, ‘if we watch one movie a night it will only take a little over a week. That’s not bad, right?’
You tried to convince yourself, but you’ve always had issues with things like this. You’re a hard worker, so taking this much time to watch movies always felt like a waste to you. You felt like you could much easily find a better use of your time, like you were missing out on what you could’ve been spending on more productive activities. In all honesty, it stressed you out.
The work day is now over, you have just finished filming your last video of the day and you’re walking to the games pod to find your boyfriend. There he is, working on something on his computer. You walk up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you bury your head into his neck.
He lets out one of his signature stupid laughs and gently rubs your arm. “Im almost done, then we can go home.” You nod, and he leans his head onto yours, “are you excited?” He whispers.
You raise your head from his shoulder so your faces are level, “hmm… depends. Are there any hot guys in these movies?” You squint your eyes.
Spencer laughs, “oh, yeah, definitely. Just wait ‘til you see Han Solo.” He raises his eyebrows, “or Anakin, he’s more your type.”
“Okay, now I’m excited.” You laugh, before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Spencer closes his laptop and begins to put away his belongings for the day while you sit in his chair. “Hey,” he says, still putting things in his bag, causing you to look up at him, “I really appreciate you doing this with me…” he turns to look at you, “like, it really means a lot that you’re letting me share something with you that’s important to me. I know you’re not really into all this… space stuff, but..” he shrugs, stepping closer, “it makes me really happy that you’re doing this, that’s all.”
Your heart melts hearing this. ‘How is he so perfect? I can’t believe I was being so selfish, making this about me when it’s not. Its about him. Who cares if it’s not productive in a conventional sense of the word? it’s productive for our relationship. That’s what matters. Us. Who cares about all this superficial shit? The only thing that truly matters is doing what makes you happy, and I’m happy with Spencer.’ You stand, walking to him until you’re standing directly in front of him.
You place your hands on either side of his face, looking up into his eyes. “You’re so sweet, you know that?” His hands find your waist as you lean into him, hugging him tightly. “Im honored you’re sharing this with me, sweetheart.”
You pull away from the hug and Spencer smiles at you, before kissing your forehead briefly. “I love you, (y/n).”
“I love you too.” The two of you kiss, lost in your own little world for a moment. Its deep, yet sweet. Not rough or hasty, but full of love and passion. “We need to leave if we want to have time to actually watch the first movie, Spence.” You say, after pulling apart.
He rolls his eyes, turning to grab his backpack. “Okay, okay. Let’s go.”
The two of you walk to the parking lot, hand in hand, saying bye to the various cast and crew members you see on your way.
As you get into the drivers seat and connect your phone to the auxiliary cord, Spencer suddenly speaks out, “oh, shit, I almost forgot. Do you want to watch the movies in chronological order or in release order?” He asks, looking over at you.
You look up from your phone, thinking to yourself for a second before you turn your head to meet his gaze, your eyebrows furrowed.
“They weren’t released in chronological order?”
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monpetithl · 1 year
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happy 29th birthday little moon 🌙🤍
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kohakhearts · 6 months
cons of going to a “good schoolTM”: insane workload, unbearable classmates, next to no support when you have any kind of extenuating circumstances Including literal hospitalization, etc
pros of going to a “good schoolTM”: the 9-5 lifestyle is genuinely a major improvement
#taylor.txt#the extenuating circumstances point was not me btw. i know someone who had his degree delayed an entire year because of two weeks in psych#we’re in a co-op program or else maybe it wouldve just been one semester but. lol#i hate it here…i hate it#but hey…at least i have the world’s shittiest health insurance!#some of my classmates say they dont feel like working full-time is easier than going to school full-time but it so is#for me. anyway. even when i fumbled my time management bad on the field and make no mistake i was incredibly busy plus i chose a field#notorious for Unpaid Overtime and Taking Your Work Home. even then. it was still easier than this#i would never do undergrad again. i loved everything i learned. i took interesting and awesome classes#but i would never ever do it again. miserable overworked spent most of it friendless until i got on the field#i have a friend who keeps being like idk how you did 4 physics classes this sem and im like girl we are education students…thats an average#semester for a physics major. how must THEY feel#also i have to say just you know. generally. ive worked full-time while living with my parents#AND while living alone. and 50 hours a week was incredibly manageable in the former arrangement. i even wrote and edited an entire novel#in the beginning stages of a pandemic while working 50 hours a week of retail and fast food hell. 40 hours full-time with weekends off#while living alone though? thats hard. i still managed to go to the gym almost every day#currently? i cant get out of bed in the morning. i am putting in 12 hour days and then goinng to bed unable to sleep because im so stressed#i have dreams about school. tangentially theres a really good marxist poem i read last year about this phenomenon in workers#ANYWAY. i have just 8 more days 4 exams 1 research paper and video project#i think i can pass and then thats it. my next semester is hell but just because scheduling the actual classes will be easy#and then i get to go back on the field and actually want to wake up every day. lol#and 8 days from now i will have my christmas shopping done and my apartment will be clean and i will be a fanfic writing machine#also my friends and i booked a demolition room so im sure that will be beneficial kfldjfldndks
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typheus · 2 years
Today was so productive 😊💚✌
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ooh im glad!!! so, expanding on that then..
how about price with a civvi wife/gf, and when they’re talking over the phone while he’s gone, she’s being kinda cagey and definitely omitting something, but he doesn’t know what. so when he gets back home she tells him she’s pregnant? really just a lot of fluff (and maybe angst? 👀 like about how his job is super dangerous and he might not come home, so he has fears about it?? bc your angst is so good it makes me sob violently /pos)
ive never sent a request before, so if this is too specific or something, feel free to whittle it down or toss it, i don’t wanna bug you lol
have a good day hal, love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Remains
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Pairing: John Price x F!Reader
Synopsis: You disliked hiding things from John. Certainly something as big as this.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: Pregnancy, allusions to breeding kink & unprotected seggsy time, morning sickness, angst, major fluff at the end
A/N: This was an adorable request, Anon!! Thanks so much for sending it in.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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You disliked hiding things from John. It not only felt like a betrayal of his unlimited trust in you but also a slap in the face for what you had built with each other. The both of you were always honest to a fault when it came to your relationship—like how a bird was loyal to the sky. It was an unselfish principle; a promise of pure love and devotion that transcended touch or given gifts.
You told each other things. Everything. Down to how much you had spent on groceries that day just because it was something to talk about and share; something that made you closer to one another even when you were apart. You told the Brit what you planted in the back garden—what shirt you were wearing!
But now you hold the ringing phone in your hand and for the first time in your entire relationship, you consider lying. 
Your eyes bore into the icon of John’s smiling face, head covered by a black beanie and beard tilted up softly. Affectionately, his name on the device had been changed to ‘Grumpy St. Bernard,’ but now the title made your lips go thin instead of the usual giggling reaction. No heat spreads over your cheeks; no excitement.
Just an overwhelming sense of dread.
The week had started just as the last three had. A special form of hell. At nearly six o’clock you would whip back the covers with all the fervor of a terrified rabbit being chased by a hawk; the taste of bile immediately snapping you to attention as the toilet acts as your commanding officer. 
You imagined John would get a chuckle out of that comparison, but when you’re hurling up your guts in nothing more than a pair of your boyfriend’s boxers and a tank top it’s hard to think about all that. The taste of bile was still lickable from your lips as the bathroom tile digs into your knees, ringing phone still in your palm. 
The idea of a pregnancy test slid into your subconscious in the first week of John’s two-month deployment, the tantalizing thought that was like a hook to a fish. You had pulled on the string, of course, and had instantly drowned in air. But you hadn’t taken one until now. Too nervous, perhaps. Hesitant. 
In your other hand, opposite of the buzzing phone, you held three positive pregnancy tests in a shaking grip. Pink and white plastic mock you from the corner of your vision; two double lines. 
John’s icon dims. 
You press the green circle in your panic, mouth opening and closing yet no sounds escaping. Would you tell him now? Later? Was it right to tell him about this now—when he was halfway across the continent? Fear overtakes your heart for no apparent reason. You didn’t want him to act rashly, especially when John could act so stubborn when he wanted to. 
He was always so concerned about you when he was away but you were concerned just the same. That man was the one who was getting shot at constantly, not you.
“Took you a while to answer. Trying to give me the slip, then, Sweetheart?” John’s gravelly voice helped slightly, making your heart still, even if for a short moment. You close your eyes and tilt your head down, lips quivering at the soft chuckle over the line.
God, you loved him so much.
Blue eyes furrowed in confusion at the silence on the line, the chilled Switzerland air sneaking inside John’s compression shirt as he stood on the hotel balcony. The sounds of gentle conversation twitch his ears from inside the room—the voices of the One-Four-One a dull mumble behind the half-closed sliding door. They had been playing cards before the Captain had easily slipped away to check up on you. 
He tried to call as often as he could. 
John’s hips shift, one arm crossed over his chest as the other presses the phone harder to his ear. Lips pull to a frown, beard bristles going with them, before the lines on the Brit’s forehead grow larger.
“...Love?” Naturally, a sliver of concern wedges itself into his ribs but it subsides when your calming voice spreads honey over the call. John’s shoulders fall back down. 
You breathe deeply, hands dropping the tests onto the bathroom counter with a small clack of plastic. 
“John,” forcing away the hitch to your words, you stare at yourself in the mirror, free hand sliding up to lightly rest over your collarbone as a soothing method. Your eyes are so filled with shock that it throws you off. “I…I wasn’t expecting a call so soon.” 
“Hm, been up since 0500.” the man grunts, looking out over the city and seeing the rising sun before asking softly with a deep-set brow. There was something about your tone…lids narrow at nothing. “Did I wake you?” 
“No, no,” You force a chuckle, having to take a deep breath before ripping your sights from your own reflection. The disgust was settling at you trying to avoid this. But if your own brain could barely process this right now, what gave you the right to tell John when he wasn’t here? “I’ve been up for a few hours.”
Licking your lips, you run a hand over your hair, glancing out of the ajar door into the master bedroom, pushing out bland answers for only the fact that you couldn’t think clearly right now.
Jesus, this was actually happening. 
You study the thrown covers from your morning rush to the bathroom, seeing the pictures on the nightstand and feeling the delicate atmosphere that was sparking—electricity between atoms. A silent moment of realization that everything down to the bare bones of your relationship was about to change. Blinking back to the tests, you dwell in the strange fuzz that took residence in the back of your mind. 
“What’s been going on?” Your voice isn’t right. Too tight. Too…nervous. Why were you nervous? “Everyone good?” 
The Brit frowns stiffly, shifting his feet again and sending a look back into the hotel. Hunching forward, John’s large fingers fix the position of the phone as his voice lowers, ignoring your question entirely. He doesn't want to jump to conclusions, but there were pros and cons to his line of work. 
Above all, he knew when something was up with you.
“Are you alright over there, Sweetheart?” Blue eyes rove the street below, “Feelin’ okay? You sound a bit stuffed up.”
Your heart lurches, quickly stuttering through an explanation of, “O-oh, I think I just came down with something.” The irony wasn’t lost on you. “A stomach bug,” you cringe, “I’m sorry, was it that obvious?”
The laugh that exits is less convincing than you thought it would be, but it does the trick. John sighs in relief, chuckling as he shakes his head.
“No need to apologize, Love…anything bad, then? I can bring some meds from Base when I’m back if you need me to.” He was still concerned for you, but knowing that you’d never lied or withheld the truth from him before there was really no reason to believe that anything else was going on. John trusted you to the end of the earth. 
The Captain rubbed at the back of his neck, cracking his spine as he bent back. It was still early and waking up on a hotel bed without you beside him was torture. John longed for home. Longed for you.
Back at the house, your face scrunches together. 
Bad? You wonder, saying absentmindedly that some medication would be lovely. Was this…bad? 
John had always wanted to have a kid—or, at least, he’d told you as much when he was above you, filling you to the brim and then doing it again a second and third time. Thighs quivering and eyes fighting to stay open through layered bliss as sharp pants rung in your ears. 
“Gonna get you pregnant…watch you swell up…c’mon sweet thing, you can handle another one, can’t you? Need to watch it take.” 
…But was that a true feeling or just a kink? You blank and realize you’d never asked him. More than that, though, was this what you wanted? 
“When do you think you’ll be home, John?” You speak softly, palm flattening over your stomach as you exit the bathroom and sit on the end of the bed, gut swirling but not in a nauseous sort of way. “I…I really miss you, y’know? It would all be better if you were home.”
The brunette blinks softly, lids peeling back in shock for a moment before a thin thread of guilt worms its way into him. 
“Kate said two months, Love,” John speaks slowly, the grumble in his voice trying to convey his unease at your strange behavior, “You know that.”
He’d explained his job when you both had gotten serious, how he would be gone for long periods of time, and the somewhat uncomfortable situations you’d be put in because of it. You’d agreed and never brought it up when John would have to leave in the small hours of the morning and disappear for months on end. It shocked him, really, with how well you adjusted but that was just how you were. One of a kind. 
There was no one else with whom John could see himself building a life—being buried beside in some nice meadow grave plot and turning to dust together. Growing a family with. 
John cleared his throat, tilting his head down slightly before pulling himself back to the present. 
“It’s bothering you that much, eh?” His brows furrow, “Are you sure you’re alright? I can call hospital and—”
“No!” You slap a hand to your mouth, halting your outburst as blue eyes go somewhat wide, jaw slackening. Taking a breath over the shocked silence over the line, you dig your fingers into your cheek before letting your limb drop. “No, John…I-I’m sorry I just…” 
Your voice quivers.
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry…
Eyes burning and nose twitching, you breathe heavily, mouth closing shut because you knew that if you say another word you’ll explode. You were shivering with cold sweat, scared and confused, and wanting John to hold you in his arms; whispering that it would all be okay into the shell of your ear. 
You force through a sob, “I’m just really scared.”
John tenses, one hand going to grasp the balcony with white knuckles. His mind goes into overdrive. “Scared?” the Brit prods, muscles going stiff and mind running, “What in the hell is going on?” 
Authority leaks into his tone, serious and deep. It made him nervous that he couldn’t see you right now—couldn’t stop the sounds coming from your mouth. Why were you crying? Has something horrible happened to you? Were you in trouble but were unable to tell him? John runs over your conversation again, every word and sound, as his heart races. He was wound up like a spring. 
From behind him, the conversation in the hotel room halts. 
You force your eyes closed, now up on your feet and pacing. Tears lightly patter to the floor. 
“John, I can’t tell you over the phone,” you admit, shaking, “that wouldn’t be…wouldn’t be fair to you.” Swiping at your eyes, you spread the salty liquid away from your lashes, sniffling; praying that he would understand. “But I really need you home as soon as you’re able. I don’t want to break up what's going on over there, it’s just really important. I don’t think I can wait two months by myself. You know I would never ask this if I didn’t need to.”
John’s jaw clenches, legs unable to stay still as your anxiety leaks to him. He’s nodding before he realizes you can’t see him, taking a deep breath to fill his lungs. 
“...I’ll see what I can do, then.” The brunette runs his hand over his beard pulling at the strands aggressively. What was so crucial that you can’t tell him over the phone? It was a secure line, John always made sure it was; yet, at the same time, that fact didn’t matter at all. If you needed him home so fervently—then he was coming home. That was that. “How long can you wait for me, Love?” He spares a glance inside. “There are a few loose ends that need to be taken care of here. Might complicate things.” 
You blink around the bedroom, hand wrapped around your middle and trying to run soothing circles into your skin. 
“I…I don’t…” John’s face softens, closing his eyes.
“Breathe, Sweetheart,” he whispers, “I’m comin’ home to you. We’ll get whatever this is sorted, yeah? I need you to be brave for me until then.”
Listening, you let the words calm you down, sniffling one last time like a kid who had fallen off the monkey bars before you let out a chuckle. John instantly follows his own advice when that sound wafts over the line. His shoulders fall back once more, silent sigh exiting.
“You said that exact same thing to me when I ended up burning that loaf of bread I was making—two years ago, was it? ‘Breathe, Sweetheart.’” Blue glimmers with love, cheeky tone growing. 
“Hm, nearly set the kitchen on fire, didn’t you? So much smoke I swore someone had set off a charge in the oven.” John doesn’t push you to answer him, though he’s more questions than anything else at this point. You’d said you would tell him when he’s home and he believes you. “Please, Love, at least promise me you didn’t burn the bloody house down, yeah?” 
A laugh strikes his chest, and he’s chuckling slowly in retaliation. 
“I promise, John.”
“Good.” You’re smiling for the first in what seems like ages, tears drying as the flood down your chin stops. You lick away the water stuck in the corner of your mouth when John grunts lowly, “I’ll tell the boys and inform Laswell. But I can’t say it’ll be less than two weeks.”
Nodding to yourself, you say, quietly, “Okay.” Your eyes fall to the framed picture on the nightstand—the image of John and you smiling brightly on your third anniversary. You’d gone hiking, both sweaty and dirt marks on your cheeks, but happy…always happy. Your veins pump blood faster. “I love you, John.” 
The final comment is tender; the words are more silk and soft furs than vibrating vocal cords. 
He blinks away the blush that lights his pale cheeks. John huffs, an infectious smile flickering over his face as his chest wells with affection. Acting like a bird preening itself, he smirks and says, “Well, you’re lucky then…I love you too, Sweetheart.” An exhalation echoes over the call as his tone drops, “Keep safe for me, eh? I’ll call to update tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be waiting.” 
When the phone is set down on the bed, tossed down carefully, you try to think over this situation more rationally. You wouldn’t say you were against this—building a family with John. In fact, if not him, then you don’t believe it would be anyone else. 
The Brit was the only man for you. You both knew the risks of having unprotected sex and in reality, you think neither one of you cared about the consequences. 
Nodding to yourself, you wonder how to explain this to him when he comes home as you get to fixing the sheets, one hand always drifting back to your stomach with a growing appreciation.
John jogged to his car in the underground parking garage, unlocking it with his fob as his bags are slung over his shoulders. He wastes no time chucking his belongings into the back seat, swiftly sliding into the driver's seat and slamming the door shut as the engine starts. His dog tags bounce on his chest, but he’s half convinced they move from the rate that his heart is going alone.
All through traffic his fingers are tapping against the wheel, grunting stiffly at red lights and shifting his hips. 
It had been three and a half weeks of fixing loose ends. 
“Fuckin’ hell, c’mon,” John huffs, one elbow on the car frame as his hand flattens over his lower jaw. The light slowly snaps back to green after a long minute. 
Pressing on the gas, the vehicle moves forward and continues until the familiar home comes into view on that quiet street nearly twenty minutes later. 
John barely parks the car before he hops out, leaving his bags in the back, and rushes to the door. Taking the key from under the doormat, his mind is focused on only you. He had been unable to stop his worry about you and your unnamed fear, watching the phone with every free instance he could. It had only grown as the days got longer, and no matter how much you assured him that you would be okay until he got back, deep-seated apprehension grew. He didn’t like living under a shroud, especially when it came to your health.
The key in his hand was inserted with a firm wrist and twisted, shoving open the door with a heavy shoulder like there was a cloud over his head.
“Love?!” He calls, not bothering to shuck off his boots before looking around the visible living room and foyer. “Where are you?” 
Long legs move swiftly as an utterance calls from the kitchen, barely taking the time to close the door behind him in his anxiety, “John?” 
The Brit immediately backtracks, skidding to a stop and turning with blinking eyes. His ears twitch at the sounds of dishes being dropped back into water, as his heart steadily slows at the sound of your beautiful voice calling his name. 
He rushes around the doorframe, feet stomping and hand catching the wall as you come into view, staring wide-eyed. 
Your digits are around the fabric of a dish towel, fingers dripping as John finally presents himself to you. You hadn’t heard him until he had called out, too preoccupied with your own thoughts to hear the lock click. 
But now it was like every worry you had was wiped clean at the sight of that gruff face; the hitch in his large chest. A smile slashes your lips after a moment of shocked silence.
“John!” You laugh, rushing forward, and the man lets his face soften—bringing you close to him as you draw near and trapping you in his arms. 
His breath spread out over the top of your head in a great sigh, grumbled chuckles accented by the way John’s great hands wrap around your shoulders. Fingers press you into a solid chest, digging through hair to let your ear twitch at the sound of his heartbeat. 
John doesn't speak until he has held you in his arms for at least three minutes, just pressing his face into your scalp and feeling your warmth against him. You don’t pull away either, breathing in his musk as it instinctually leads to your muscles loosening. 
Minutes later, the Brit pulls back slowly, gripping you by the shoulders and looking down into your eyes. His gaze filters over yours, taking you in before his lips meet yours in a brief yet deep kiss. You melt into it, hands going to grip his cheeks and spread throughout his beard hair, soft strands leaving you shivering when John’s thumbs rub circles into your flesh. 
He pulls back and you fight the tears in your eyes as he connects his forehead with yours. His optics shine with love, bleeding out like trapped stars; silver flecks of devotion and a blue the color of sea storms.
“What’s going on, Love?” John whispers, concern alight and raving as his grip goes to your waist, squeezing comfortingly. “I’m here. Tell me.” 
You blink slowly, lips going thin with tight brows. Swallowing through a tight throat, you nod. 
“Can you go sit in the living room, please?” Speaking carefully, you tilt your head and watch John get confused—his nose scrunching and moving his lips together. You run your thumbs over his cheeks and smile slightly, obviously nervous again. “Trust me.”
Though it wasn’t a question, John replies under his breath, “Always.” 
But still, he holds you, studying your expression and the whites of your eyes with stiff lungs. You were making him fear that something horrible was coming—something he couldn’t control. His heart begins to hurt, but he backs away from you, brows tight as he exits the kitchen and disappears into the living room. 
Taking down a swift breath when he’s out of sight, you fiddle with your fingers above your abdomen, looking down at your still-flat stomach. You knew it was stupid to worry, but how could you not? It wasn’t every day you just told your Lover you were pregnant with his child…
“John loves me,” you mutter to yourself, nodding and getting ready to go through with the plan you’d formed over the three weeks you’d been alone. “And he’ll love the both of us. I know he will.” 
Hand flattening over your stomach, you open a drawer with the other, pulling out a small cardboard box no bigger than a book. Fingers shaking, you lick your lips and feel the slight pull of a nervous, yet giddy, smile. Turning, you exit the kitchen and see John sitting with his nose resting above the clench of his fists, foot tapping. His head immediately snaps over when you come into view, hands falling to hang off his legs as the couch under him dips from his weight. 
You steel yourself and raise the box. 
“Here.” Placing it on the coffee table, you sit across from John in an armchair. 
He blinks slowly, eyes going small with curiosity. The man sends you glances through his lashes as he stares down at the object but he says nothing. Rubbing his beard with one hand, he reaches and grabs it carefully. 
Testing the weight, John is genuinely confused, clenching his jaw and feeling the material in his palm. 
“...What’s this, then?” He asks lowly, glancing at you with a raised brow and lines on his forehead. 
You put your intertwined hands in your lap, prompting with a tilt of your shoulders. 
“Open it.” Off put by your cryptic answers, John nods firmly, grasping the top of the box and pulling lightly, careful not to disturb the contents. It was strange to think, but he was honestly quite perturbed. 
What exactly was inside this box, and why had he been called home for it? He loved being here, no doubt, but the circumstances….
Blue eyes glimmer. You didn’t look overly afraid as you shifted in your seat, just plain timid—like the inside object would change something fundamental about his and yours relationship. 
John pops the top off and looks as you start talking before your throat threatens to shut you up. “I…I know it’s not a life-threatening thing to call you home for,” the man stills as if he was made of stone; a statue as non-breathing and pulse-less as anything, “But I didn’t want to tell you over the phone because that seemed so—!” 
Your voice is drowned out as John’s shaking fingers delve into the box, ears ringing. His fingers flinch off of three positive pregnancy tests and the soft fabric of the plain army green baby onesie that surrounds them; skimming slowly. 
“I found out the day you called and I said I had come down with something.” Your laugh is strained when it exits you, and you stare at the Brit hard, seeing his features utterly halt all expression. Thumbs digging into your skin, your tone drops, speaking slowly, “...John? A-are you okay? Say something to me, Love.” 
It’s only in that long minute of nothingness that you really start to get an all-consuming tenseness to your bones like a rabbit. 
Why isn’t he saying anything? 
John clears his stiff throat, blinking rapidly as he brings out one of the tests, dropping the box lightly to the coffee table with a dull thump. The twin red lines are ingrained into the softness of his retinas as the sun would be if you were to stare directly at it. 
His heart swells to an almost painful degree, blue eyes moving to look at you across the table and then dipping to your stomach. The Brit stands up slowly. 
Your lungs are tight, lids moving quickly with wetness growing in your tear ducts. 
“Please, John, what are you thinking—?” Large hands capture your arms, bringing you up as lips meet yours in a passionate and heart-stopping kiss. 
John’s limbs wrap around your hips, bringing you up into the air as gently as a bird, face parting from yours with a series of loud and genuine laughs. You snap your arms around his neck, shocked but not at all complaining as he holds you up with ease, twirling you around in a firm but ever-gentle hold. 
“You’re pregnant?” His whispers meet you, airy and deep with awe. It was like he was in his teens again, running around Herefordshire with his mates—his eyes shone with happiness; pure unabashed love. “Oh, truly, Sweetheart?”
Tears dribble down your cheeks at the sight of him glowing, beard peeled back in a large smile with wet eyes. Hiccuped giggles leave your lips as you nuzzle your face into his neck, the sight of him like this overwhelming. All stress leaves you in a millisecond when your feet hit the ground again. 
“Yes, John,” you sob, overjoyed, pulling back so you both can stare into each other's teary eyes as the Brits’ fingers go to shakily wipe the waterworks from your under eyes. His orbs flicker quickly, looking you over in an entirely different light. “You’re going to be a father.” 
He fights through a scratchy voice, “Me?” The tone is amused, but he can’t articulate how exalted he feels to hear that. A father…him? It was more than he could have ever asked for, and, even better—John whispers out, “You’re going to be a mum.” 
You kiss him, multiple quick pecks that he returns through shared joyous chuckles.
“I didn’t want to tell you over the phone,” the confession meets the air as one of John’s hands travels to cup your flat abdomen, fingers flinching over the fabric of your shirt to sneak under. You laugh and shiver at his calluses, as his blue eyes are so soft they could be compared to butter. “And I couldn’t wait two months.”
“Christ, Love,” John lays a kiss on your forehead, needing to be as close to you as possible. You can feel his heart through his chest, and you know yours isn’t any better. This was far more than you could have hoped for. He mutters against your skin, “I’m so glad you didn’t. This is bloody amazing news—I want to be here for all of it.” 
Sea storms lock onto your face with a grunt, “You’re so lovely. Perfect, yeah?”
His warm hand still rests under your shirt, and you doubt it’s going to leave anytime soon.
You feel your cheeks heat and you smile bashfully, heart about to explode.
“You are.” John reiterates. “You’re so fuckin’ perfect, Sweetheart. I’m so happy.” 
The air is ripe with tenderness, a soft state of being that just keeps getting better. John had silent tears dripping down his face, blinking to clear them and not letting you leave his hold for a second. 
“Oh, John,” you whisper, digging your fingers into the back of his shirt, looking up. “Me too, Love.” 
While the glee is nearly physical enough to grab, there is a moment of hesitancy in the Brit. He was gone more times than not for work; put into situations that could leave him going through bodily harm. You didn’t deserve that stress—didn’t deserve to sit at home with a swelling stomach just watching the door and wondering if you’d have to become a single mother. You had a child in your womb. His child. Both of yours’ child. 
A family that you both had made.
John swallows and says to you seriously, without an ounce of hesitation in his blood, “I’m telling Laswell to pull me out,” you blink up and listen, letting him continue as his press on your flesh gets even more prominent, nodding to you, “I’m not missing this—not putting you through that worry. Two years, then I’ll head back in. We have enough saved, I give you my word you’ll want for nothing.” 
Blue eyes flicker down, and a small mumble so tiny it nearly disappears hits your ears. You almost start sobbing again. “This is more important. You both are more important.” 
There were few moments in your life that you think you’ll remember when you are old, weathered and wrinkled, but this you tell yourself is one that you will carry to your grave. John and yours’ grave. 
What remains behind, you ask? Simple.
White bones entangled with an eternity of deathless worship, and the generations that will come to lay flowers on the headstone.
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@blueoorchid, @jxvipike, @revrse, @shuttlelauncher81, @bruhhvv, @kittiowolf210, @aerangi, @spikespiegell, @ghost-with-a-teacup, @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore, @uberraschungg, @neelehksttr, @shoe1412,@jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet​, @pukbadger, @omeganixtra, @nanialis, @gills-lounge, @voidinfernal, @sukunas-left-nut-sack, @untoldshortsofthefandoms, @batmanunicorns523, @icepancakes, @copiasratscheese, @besas-stuff, @marytvirgin, @misfne, @halfmoth-halfman, @lothiriel9, @anna-banana27, @jade-jax, @cl0wncxre, @emerald-valkyrie, @michirulol, @330bpm-whiplash, @lora21, @bespectacledhuman, @wolfyland07, @dilfsaremyfavourite, @astronaunt2009, @shmaptin, @levietc, @kk19pls, @semieitabby, @thriving-n-jiving, @cringe-kats, @n1choles, @gaychaosgremlin, @johnpricesprincess, @haleypearce,
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ugly-pickle · 5 months
Good morning, Pickle.
Please kindly consider this Ayato request: Your spoilt and pampered sister who has always destroyed every marriage prospect you have isn't happy that Ayato chose to marry you instead of her. So, on your wedding day, she has her servants destroy your wedding kimono as a fit of petty jealousy.
Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests.
lovely ☆ ayato
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CHARACTERS: ayato x f!reader
SYNOPSIS: your sister seems to be upset when she finds out that you and ayato are engaged, so she casually ruins your wedding
GENRE: fluff 💿
W/C: 1.4k
C/W: cussing, betrayal, scissors, and physical touch (let me know if ive missed anything!)
A/N: OMG MY FIRST REQUEST AHRGHDSHH im currently working on your other request @sailorstar9 so just hold on tight! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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your sister is your everything, from the moment of her birth, when you held her in your arms you just knew you had to protect her until the sun and the moon collided, no, even after that you have to protect her. you thought all of the compassion youve shown your sister would help her bloom to be an elegant young lady, but has instead grown into a carrion flower.
your sister is certainly a bitch from time to time, but maybe it's because she doesnt have any suitors that truly love her, on the other hand you do. only an imbecile wouldnt want to be your lover, youre charming, funny, loving, intelligent, and beautiful. it could be out of jealousy that your sister had ruined your relationships with men who want your hand in marrige.
one day, you were having a fancy dinner with ayato, his family (plus thoma), you, and your family, when he suddenly got down on one knee and held out a ring with a fat diamond to you. you obviously accepted his proposal, and everyone in the room applauded for the two of you, except your sister.
for the next couple of months of your engagement with ayato, youve noticed that your little sister has become, well, bitter. her state worsens more and more the closer that the date of your wedding day approaches.
the week of your wedding day has finally arrived. the first gift youve received is from ayaka; you open the gift, you laid your eyes on the most beautiful kimono that has ever been made. the embroidery is truly one of a kind, the floral patterns was simply gorgeous, and the hair ornament looks so delicate that even the softest gush of wind could shatter it into pieces.
“oh my— ayaka this is beautiful…” youre at a loss of words, “im glad it’s to your liking,” ayaka responds with a sweet smile gracing her lips. “i will make sure that this kimono will never know what a blemish is,” you tell her solemnly, she giggles, “i wish i could talk to you longer, but im afraid that i have unavoidable duties to attend too,”
you bid ayaka farewell. you close the door behind you, you place the kimono back into its box and store it safely away. oh how you cannot wait to tells your friends and family about this gift, especially your sister.
when she heard about the news of your kimono that descended from celestia she threw an entire fit, one more immature than a toddler’s, but she does have her manners and did it once you had left the estate. her servants were comforting by her and calming her down, until one suggested to, perhaps, ruin the kimono?…
now that this idea has been implemented into your sister’s brain, nothing could lure it out. during the days leading up to your big day your sister has been ordering scissors so sharp that it could leave a scratch on the geo archon’s shield. your sister had selected her most loyal servants fit for the task to to shred your beloved wedding kimono to pieces.
your big wedding day is finally here! your bridesmaids are helping you get ready, they took you to the bath first, leaving your bedroom unattended.
the servants took this opportunity to sneak into your sleeping chambers and rummage through your things, looking for your kimono. after some time, one had found it; calling the others over, they started to get to work.
the embroidery now looks like the handwriting that belongs to a toddler, the floral designs had certainly seen better days, and the ornament is now smashed into pieces. the kimono now looks like the ghost from the ring would wear. your sister’s servants, pleased with their artwork, placed the kimono back into the box and storing it where they first found it.
you hear something scurry away, you open the door to see nothing. you shrug it off, “ladies, would you please bring my kimono? it’s in that box over there,” your bridesmaids nod there head, one of them grabs the box and places it on your bed. you open the box to find your kimono in a strange state.
your eyes widened in horror, you wanted to cry but you were in too much shock to do so. your bridesmaids were just as terrified as you are. the maid of honor instantly sent out two ladies, trying to order another kimono in such short notice. the ceremony is soon, you want someone to comfort you, but not the ladies with you. your sister? not a good idea, ayato? yes. but, hes busy.
you tell everyone to get out of the room, not wanting to shed tears infront of them, "but y/n, the wedding is soon, we cant afford to waste time, especially now." you acknowledge this for a moment, but with no dress you cant have the perfect wedding youve always dreamt of; besides the ladies cant get another kimono in time. "out. i already told you, get out," they cant do anything but put their heads down and listen to you, they exit the room one by one.
after the last one shuts the door, the tears fall down your face, you cant help it, you really cant. who did this? who would be so cruel, so jealous, so petty to do this? not even the tsaritsa would be this evil. the only person you know of who would do this is,
your sister?
how can she be so cruel?… but, jumping to conclusions is never good for anyone, and even if she did do this, it couldve been out of jealously.
oh FUCK THAT SHIT, she just ruined your wedding for archons sake. you look at the clock. oh archons. the ceremony had started, but who cares, even a trash bag looks better than your wedding kimono.
tears are continuously rolling down your face, like a river that will never stop flowing. your sniffles are quiet, but it is the only rolling that can be heard in this room.
ayato is standing there at the alter, waiting for the love of his life, but she never shows up. worry suddenly floods his mind, what if something happened? he excuses himself and rushes to find you.
your sister sees him dashing towards her. have the archons finally answered her prayers? “oh ayato! i knew you would come to your senses sooner or later!” she exclaims. ayato, a bit disgusted, brushes her off and says politely, “i love y/n dearly and im currently searching for her, do you have any idea where she might be?”
one of your bridesmaids is running towards ayato, “over there ayato! quickly!” she shouts and points from across the room, unable to catch her breath. ayato nods, running towards where you are.
he slams the door open, “y/n—“ he cuts himself off when he sees your glossy eyes, tears falling down your face, your sniffles and breath trembling. “oh ayato,” you walk to your not-so-soon-to-be-husband and embrace him. the wet stain on his shoulder slowly growing.
for the first time in a while, ayato is genuinely shocked, hes seeing his lover upset, crying, and he cant do anything about it. “my love, whats wrong? what happened?”
you point to your bed, ayato takes a look and sees why— he and ayaka spent hours searching for a dress thats one of a kind and meant for you. his eyes widen a bit then relax again. he places his hand on the small on your back and rubs it in small circles.
he comforts you by saying, “i am beyond lucky to have you as my bride, even the most expensive jewels cannot be compared to your beauty because you outshine all, so please dont be too upset about this matter. i will find a dress made in celestia just to please my wonderful my darling.” he kisses your temple and pulls say, his face looks a bit more eerie now.
“your sister, right?” ayato asks you. “i think so—” ayato cuts you off, “i’ll cut off that bitches head as soon as possible, dont worry y/n.”
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A/N: this was VERY rushed but i hope you still enjoyed it ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
imagine a plot twist where the sister is in love with you lol (i dont write incest)
TAGLIST: @sailorstar9 @gummy-dummy @hopefulceladon @username-try-3
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greywritesthings · 1 month
None of that
Derek Morgan x Platonic!Reader
Warnings - meltdown, self harm stims
Spencer Reid Masterlist
Read on Ao3 instead!
A/N - IDK when the next update for the Autistic! reader series will be but hopefully soon! Decided to focus on Derek on this one as iv seen a lot of Spencer x autistic reader ( the main focus of the one shot series ) but who doesn't love some rep for the other characters, I may also do Emily, JJ etc x autistic reader as their own one shots :) Reblogs, comments & likes always appreciated!!
Today had started off bad and just seemed to be getting worse. You had woken up without Spencer as he had to go off to Louisville with Hotch to do a death row interview at the last minuet meaning your carefully planned out schedule for the week now had a wrench thrown in it, something you didn't deal with at the best of times, let alone without your boyfriend. 
You had checked the weather when you were picking your outfit and it was supposed to be a mild but sunny day, so you picked a shirt and skirt with a sweater vest in case it went colder than expected but on your walk to the subway the skies suddenly opened and you got drenched to the bone before you could get under any decent form of shelter. You were lucky that your go bag was at the office but it meant spending your entire commute soaking wet.  
By the time you reached the office you were nearly at the point of a meltdown so you text Rossi to say you were here just taking time to calm down after a hellish commute. Once you finally walked into the bullpen you nearly flinched at the amount of noise and lights in the space. You knew today was going to be a bad one and you would be lucky to escape it without a meltdown. 
You took up Spencers desk for the day, a common occurrence when he was away as it brought you comfort, so you were next to Morgan and across from Emily, two people you adore on any given day aside from the fact that today you could hear the music coming from Morgans headphones just enough to the point it was driving you up the wall and combined with Emily's constant clicking of her pen as she did her paperwork and the buzzing of the various screens and lights around the room it was becoming too much but without Spencer here you were just frozen in place. You trusted the BAU with your life, literally more often than not but you still didn't want to have an outburst in the middle of your work day, especially when it was only another hour before Spencer was due back at work, the interview having been quicker than expected. 
“Can you stop! Please!” you snap at no one in particular but both Emily and Morgan freeze. You clap your hands over your mouth and make a break for Hotch's currently vacant office, a place he had specifically told you to use when he wasn't in it and you had learnt to listen to him after a few meltdowns in the FBI parking lot. You’re only half sure the door closes behind you as you fall into the corner of the office Hotch had shifted around specifically for your meltdowns. He had kept it dark so it all blended in and didn’t overwhelm you but it was all soft, cushions on the floor and wall with some small fidget toys in a box to the side so you could grab them. 
You can hear footsteps approaching the doorway and the door slowly creaking open and the footsteps slowly approach, it's not Hotch or Spencer. It can't be Emily, JJ or Garcia given they’re all in heels leaving it to be Morgan. “Hey baby girl, can you look at me?” he asks as he sits down cross legged in front of you, coming down to your level. “There you are, you gotta come back down to me okay sweetheart? I know you're overloaded right now” He keeps his voice low to try and encourage you to breathe. He didn't notice the fact that your hands are scratching at your arms until they were starting to bleed, “Hey hey hey mama none of that thank you okay, here grab my hands okay, you can squeeze as hard as you like, just no scratching yourself up okay?” He's not harsh about it, just firm. You grab onto his outstretched hands and he starts trying to guide your breathing. “There you go, see? You're doing it now. Do you want your fidgets? I can also go grab you a Hot chocolate or something, I don't have pretty boy on hand but he should be back in a half hour or so and Hotch has cleared you to go home when he's come back.” You smile at Morgan, reaching for the box of fidgets and grabbing one out. “I'm going to go grab you a Hot chocolate missy, behave while i'm gone okay?” You laugh as he leaves, settling back into the cushions with the fidget, nearly falling asleep.
Taglist - @reidstheyfriend , @oosnapitskat, @lover-of-books-and-tea
Add yourself here!
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lively-potter · 4 months
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— nepenthe ; jjk
— synopsis ;
in which solaris celeste vesper, a sad girl with an unfortunate upbringing meets a man far older than her and, within his presence, her sorrow fades into nothingness.
Also in which jeon jungkook finds the sun he so desperately needed in his life.
— genre ; age gap, they both fall but he falls harder in the beginning, angst, fluff, guaranteed HEA, CEO jungkook, mafia/gang vibes ( kinda/sorta )
— disclaimer ;
2024 © @LivelyPotter
All Rights Reserved
You may not reproduce,
distribute/and or adapt
any part of this work
without my permission
I only own my original characters and the plot.
— warnings ;
violence, blood / gore, descriptive abuse, mature language, mature themes, fluff, angst, age gap. the MFC has been sheltered her entire life — and due to that, keep in mind she will have a slight childlike innocence. She cries a lot in the beginning ( and if you went though all the shit she did, you would too, as I won’t hear any complaints )
— playlist ;
— greedy ; tate mcrae
— yes or no ; jungkook
— closer to you ; jungkook
— somebody ; jungkook
— hate you ; jungkook
— lost ; BTS
— my time ; jungkook
— serendipity ; jimin
— stigma ; taehyung
— MAMA ; j-hope
— please don't change ; jungkook
— fever ; enhyphen
— spring day ; BTS
— love me again ; v
— mmmh ; kai
— after like ; Ive
— blood sweat & tears ; BTS
— lilac ; iu
— extra info ;
started ; January 19th, 2023
posted ; January 21st, 2023 ( on Wattpad )
completed ;
edited / revised ;
— extra info for those not familiar with the academy series by c.l. stone ;
I know I'm gaining more readers, those who aren't familiar with the academy, so I'll do a short explanation of what you'll be seeing from the academy!
In short, the academy series is a reverse harem/polyamory series set in Charleston, South Carolina.
( so you'll be seeing multiple men date the same women in this book, so don't be shocked lmfaoo ) most of this won’t happen until we are well into the story — but I’d hate to confuse all of you! I’d like every single one of you to enjoy and understand the story completely!
The academy ( that MFC won't be much involved or at all ) is basically a top secret organization that specializes in helping men, women, and children who are in an abusive relationship or homes and help them get out of that — most join the academy to help others in the same situations.
There are teams that work together and are basically a family in all but blood; and "family is a choice".
The men in teams are referred to as "dogs" and the female team members are referred to as "birds".
'Ghosts', whether birds or dogs, are children without much history to their names. They are priceless to the Academy.
The Academy's system works on a series of favor and financial debt. Everyone in the Academy starts out with financial debt. It's the value of the education an Academy student requires to become the best at what he does. If it was a private investigation training class or an eight-week boot camp, or you were starving and needed groceries to get through a human biology class, the Academy took care of it. Your debt can't just be paid off directly, it requires completing various Academy missions. Whatever it is, there is a price tag.
Favors though are the real core of the Academy. Favors are anything that doesn't have a price - usually family problems within the Academy that other members can't handle alone. New members owe ten favors immediately, with the maximum owed being thirty. The value of a task in favors varies depending on the task.
All Academy trials are comprised of the same parties: the whole team, plus five randomly selected members from other teams, presided over by a manager who has collected all the data. There is no age minimum for the randomly selected members, the only requirement is that they had to be past initiation and a full member of the Academy. The ultimate goal at a trial is to keep the family together as much as possible.
Each team has two leads. The first is the main contact for the Academy, they track the jobs the members go on, and let them know what jobs are available. The second is the family lead, who keeps track of all the team members, and makes sure that everything runs smoothly for them - ensuring they have food, bills are paid on time, and everyone that needs a job has one.
Most of this information is from the academy wiki site ( 'cause it's fuckin' complicated to explain it all )
but I want you all to be able to understand it enough to enjoy the story without being confused!
Most of the time, I'll explain through River and my other characters.
I hope this makes sense!
River won't be very involved in the academy, but there will be mentions and most of River's story revolves around, not only Jungkook and Moon, but River's brothers, friends, and family!
Please let me know if there is anything that you'll misunderstand and I'll explain to the best of my ability!
— find me on Wattpad at @/LivelyPotter! The first two chapters of Nepenthe are already out!
Also, do any of you mind giving me some pointers on how to post more aesthetic chapters or a master list on here?? I’m so lost and new to this app! 😂😂😭
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ffsg0jo · 2 months
I loved your Ramadan works with the JJK characters. It's so nice to see another muslimah who writes for JJK :)). I am not sure if you are still actively posting, but would you consider writing a piece with the cast's reaction to the hijab and abaya? JazakAllah!
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jjk characters with a muslim/hijabi reader [gojo edition]
gojo x reader [platonic or romantic it's open to interpretation]
w/c: 955 words
a/n: i got so carried away writing gojo's i realised if i added more characters, it'd be an incredibly long post. so i took them out and i'm gonna post them over the next couple weeks <33 so far i have megumi, nanami, itadori and nobara lmk if you want anymore characters :)) also guys pls feel free to send requests/suggestions :))
also anon you're the sweetest person every thank you so so much you've single handedly given me motivation to keep writing and ive got more works coming out. i hope you're having an amazing day inshaAllah bestie 💗
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Gojo definitely thinks you’re doing a cosplay of some sort. It’s not uncommon in certain parts of Tokyo, so it’s safe to assume so most of the time. Even he’s been mistaken for Kakashi cosplays a lot of the time, with his black get-up and blindfold.
But then he sees you wearing different colour hijabs and abayas, and sometimes even a cute lil jilbabs and it confuses him. Suddenly, the thought occurs to him that maybe you’re not in a 24/7 cosplay, like him, and actually just dress covered head to toe.
As soon as he reaches that epiphany you best believe he pesters you and badgers you for answers. “y/n are you cold? is that why you’re always dressed like that?”
At first, you think it’s funny to give him nonsensical answers because he keeps saying stupid things, but you realise he's being deadly serious. plus, he gets increasingly bothersome, so you eventually get annoyed from all his questioning and just tell him about how you’re a Muslim and observe hijab.
He actually takes it quite seriously and apologises for lowkey making fun of your shitty cosplay in his head. He’s ignorant, not prejudiced, so he defo takes it back and, for once, takes accountability and apologises for his actions. He’s personally not a believer, but he respects it.
Once, you complained about how expensive abayas were becoming and how you just wished someone would just buy you a whole wardrobe of them to all the students, and he happened to overhear.
Literally days later he’s at your door with multiple bags full of abayas and hijabs and all sorts of modest clothing. You’re completely shick shack shook and don’t know what to say. You defo cry and try to hide it with your headscarf.
He barges into your room (after making sure you’re fully covered, he's learnt from that mistake) and spends the next 5 or so hours showcasing each item and telling you where in the world he got it from, the materials and everything.
He has really good taste in colours and styles and knows what would look good on you. You’re literally set for life. Absolutely refuses to let you pay him back. Every single time you mention money, he shuts you down and changes the topic entirely.
In summer he’s shocked you look relatively calm and okay. He’s literally boiling his bum off with a tank top (I’m laughing at imagining Gojo in a white tank top like an immigrant dad lmaoo) and you’re looking as fresh as daisies with everything covered. He asks how you're not melting and you’re waffling to him about airflow and how it’s actually quite breezy, and you’re not wearing anything underneath, so it’s fine, and he stops breathing and short circuits.
He looks at you with his eyes wide, and his sun reddened face goes a shade darker. "You’re not wearing anything underneath?" He takes it the completely wrong way, and you realise what it sounds like, and you’re both a bumbling mess.
It's the first time anyone’s ever seen Gojo that flustered.
Also some quickfire headcanons:
He genuinely thought you slept and showered with your hijab on, so he burst into your room one day and you screamed and he immediately warped somewhere else when he saw you wearing pyjamas (he didn’t see anything above your clothed knees, he panicked and left so quickly plus he was scared to look).
Gets you cute little clips to put on your hijab. He thinks they’re pretty.
Is absolutely devasted you can’t have mochi and some other desserts because they have pork gelatine in them and he always tries to find vegan alternatives.
Purposefully steps on your abaya/dress when it's flowing and he's behind you to annoy you.
Has extra pins pinned onto his uniform for you just in case you need them.
This is a secret he’ll take to his grave, but he actually tried to make you one of his favourite desserts you couldn’t eat (he threatened the bakery for the recipe), but it went so disastrously wrong he gave up and didnt want to face the embarrassment.
I’m talking melted plastic in the oven, small kitchen fire, eyebrows singed, and potential carbon monoxide poisoning bad.
You wore this specific shade of light blue once with a cream khimar, and for some reason, he was absolutely obsessed with that outfit. It wasn't until Nobara pointed out that your outfit matched Gojo's colour scheme did he finally realise why <33
The abaya sizing really confused him and he was so baffled as to what the numbers meant. Wdym size 52 what does that even measure 😭😭
He was faffing about for 2 hours before he realised he could've just googled it, and he felt absolutely stupid about it.
Whenever he sees a bit of your hair accidentally peeking out he covers his eyes and screams at you to "cover yourself woman goddammit". He's so dramatic honestly.
Thinks it’s hilarious seeing you run in your abaya. He thinks its the funniest thing in the world.
Once (he's lying defo more than once) he was zoned out while watching you and his heart started beating faster when he realised how beautiful you are with your long dress blowing in the breeze and your hijab lightly fluttering. You looked ethereal. He didn't know what to think, and he pushed his feelings back down. Deep deep down.
He doesn't need unnecessary feelings complicating things, but for some reason, his heart still yearns for you.
He also makes terrorist jokes about you to you. I will not explain that one, but he 100% does.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work in any way, shape, or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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graceloveswolves · 2 years
Hey!! I love your little series for Paul and while we wait for the next part, i wanted to request for Carlisle. Where his human girlfriend wants to have a baby before being turn, and yes she saw everything bella went through but she's sure she can make it and she trust carlisle to turn her in time. But of course at first he say no, and so they fight a lot about it.... Basically a lot of angst but with fluffy happy ending (with said baby being born)
Thank you so much! I’m still working on my Paul series so stay tuned. I might have to go binge Twilight now after writing this LMAO. And yes I agree on Carlisle’s view point. He’s very empathetic but stands strong with his boundaries. I did NOT name the baby because I wouldn’t know what to name it and I wouldn’t want you guys to hate it so… But nonetheless… enjoy this piece :) I so so so appreciate requests!
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Tap. Tap. Tap.
I sighed, setting down my pregnancy test onto my marble countertop.
It was useless anyways… being in a room full of vampires all the time, someone was bound to know if I was pregnant before I would anyway. I felt tears run down my face, but I wasn’t sure what kind of tears they were. Was it sad tears? Sadness from not achieving a desired outcome no matter how dangerous and deadly it could be? Was it relief? Relieved that I hadn’t needed to break the news to anyone, no anxiety or dire plans and conversations need to be made? Or hope? Hope that I had more time to figure out what I needed to do and properly take the steps to finally getting my eternal happiness.
Maybe it was all of those things… all the Cullen’s talked about vampires having heighten emotions, yet I was as human as it got and still felt all these emotions flooding me all the time, drowning me in confusion and chaos throughout the days. Sometimes I thought it was a curse, I’ve been cursed with the hope of having what Bella and Edward have. What they achieved to do, to have both a family and an eternity with each other. Eternal peace. Eternal happiness.
What if I didn’t get what they have… I have spent many hours assessing the possible outcomes of my actions. And Ive come to the conclusion that there were three possible outcomes.
First outcome….end up like Edward and Bella. Of course, enduring painful weeks growing my baby, and chancing a rather probable death that will be agonizing and traumatic for everyone. But ending up as a mother, with a beautiful baby of my own and husband. With an eternity to spend with them as they experience the ever changing world together.
Second outcome….end up like Rosalie and Emmett. Turned with the eternity of each other, however also an eternity of knowing I will never be able to experience being a mother. Never to experience building a true family with the love of my life, creating a perfect version of myself and my eternal partner. Like a shadow of despair forever haunting me.
Final outcome…. death. Whether having the baby and dying for good, with not being turned. Or whether I die from my body giving out during the pregnancy. Leaving Carlisle and his family with a hole in their heart, and leaving him with the guilt and pain of our consequences.
Although each outcome was morbidity terrifying in there own way, I just knew if I never tried to have a baby, if I just lived my life without knowing the possibilities I have given up, it would be worse then death. It would be worse not knowing what could have been, and what life I could’ve brought into the world.
However the hardest part wasn’t deciding what the outcomes of having a baby were, whether I was choosing life or death, whether I’d be putting my entire family in danger, hell… having the baby probably wouldn’t be the hardest part either.
It would be Carlisle’s support.
He was a very giving man, very generous and kind. But he had very strong morals, and it took a lot for him to even consider entertaining a relationship with me considering I was a human and he was a vampire. He thought that I deserved a normal happy human life, with another human, with human babies and human problems like mortgages and taxes. But like Bella, I was very stubborn and knew what I wanted.
But nonetheless, this would be a whole other level of fights and long conversations ending with tears and heartbreak. I knew he felt sorrowful not being able to give me human children, I mean I was with him before Edward and Bella even met. We saw them go through almost everything we went through as two different people.
Then Bella got pregnant…
I would never forget the day we all found out, the weeks of anxiety and anger that echoed off the walls of our house for what felt like years. The bruises and broken ribs Carlisle had to fix and the blood we had to ration during the tough times. But also, the joy and excitement Bella had. Even as she was looking death in the face and spending day after day in pain, she was never scared. She was so hopeful and sure that everything would work out.
And she was right.
Amazingly, everything worked out for her in the end. She got her beautiful Renesmee, and her husband right along with her. Sure we had to go through the fits of the Volturi, but in the end it all worked out.
This sparked conversations and arguments between Carlisle and myself, many days and nights where I slept alone, sometimes in tears. I had Rosalie’s support naturally, I knew where her heart lied and it wasn’t necessarily with my happiness, but I knew if I ever were to meet death, my baby would be in safe hands.
Then there was Bella herself, who I also had the support of. Considering she went through the situation herself, with barely any support or knowledge of what could happen. She had a few conversations and advice for me and agreed I should try if I was able to accept the possible consequences.
However, Carlisle and his sons had the same viewpoint as him. They didn’t see the need to risk Carlisle’s eternal happiness with me for a small chance of having a baby. Alice too, was iffy on the situation. She saw the future and saw many different outcomes, some even including my own death.
Anyways, I simply tossed the negative test in the trash without a second look. As I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, I walked out of my room that was in my own house separate from Carlisle’s house. I barely came here, it was tiny and already paid off. But it still came in handy when I was just having human days and needed privacy. Or time to just think and be human without my adopted children or boyfriend being concerned. I was thinking I was pregnant, so I took a few days to myself at my house with a pregnancy test just in case.
But humans get old, and in the back of my mind I knew that I was running out of time for children. And I knew that turning me was in the back of Carlisle’s mind. We talked about it, a lot. And he did agree to it, but the problem was that I wanted to try for a baby before that happened. He knew that, everyone else knew it, it was just something I didn’t want to let go. Of course he opted for me to have a baby with another human or a sperm donor, caring more about my health and safety then blood relation. I mean none of his children now are related to him blood wise so obviously it wasn’t a problem for him.
But he knew that wasn’t going to work for me. But I know he still hoped I would give it up and just make peace with it.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
I felt my phone vibrating and dancing slightly on my dresser by my bed. I walked over to it and picked it up, already having a feeling of who it was.
“Hello?” I answered sweetly over the phone, which I was met with that familiar voice. “Y/n, I was missing your voice, I am guessing you are at your home. Is everything alright?” I heard Carlisle question gently. “Oh yeah, I was just taking out the trash and making sure this house is still standing.” I half joked, hoping to sway him into thinking everything really was alright.
“Well, Alice and I really miss you. I hope you plan on coming home eventually.” He teased, in which my heart dropped. “Yes of course, I’ll be there shortly. Just have to sort the mail and I’ll be done.” I lied, partly, he didn’t need to know I did that two days ago. “Okay. I love you Y/N, drive safe.” He replied, as I agreed and said the I love you too and goodbye before hanging up.
Well, Alice and I really miss you.
Shit. He knows. Carlisle was always the one for gentleness. That was his way of saying I know what you’re really doing at the house, without actually saying it. I mentally scold Alice, you would think a girl would have another girls back. But considering she doesn’t agree with me having Carlisle’s baby, and then having a vision of me taking a pregnancy test doesn’t really surprise me she would tell him.
Jokes on him though, the test was negative so whatever panic and worry he’s going through right now will shortly be ended when I get to the house. But this was too quick for Alice to have a vision just moments after I took the test. He must have been asking her to look out for me. Which granted, was sneaky, but seemed to have been a page he took out of Edward’s book. Apples and trees one would assume.
I sighed, taking my car keys out of the ignition and took a deep breath.
Keep the tears in. Don’t let it show. You have psychic children who can read your thoughts and emotions.
I somewhat laugh at that thought, knowing I couldn’t say it aloud thanks to their super hearing, I smiled to myself loving my dysfunctional family even when the odds aren’t in my favor and they turn against me for their adopted father.
Once I step inside I feel my heart rise, it was off. All the children are in the room, sitting down looking worried. I say children as if they aren’t old enough to be my ancestors, but still. Surely Alice didn’t tell the entire family what’s going on in my uterus. Which, as a matter of fact, wasn’t much of her business to begin with.
“Y/n dear, won’t you come with me.” My love, Carlisle greeted, opening his arm out in a gesturing way. All his children eyeing me quietly, they sat so still like stone statues. Something was definitely off.
“Is everything okay? You guys look spooked.” I questioned, looking at Edward and Bella, who were the only relaxed ones there. “Where’s Nessie?” I look to Bella. “She’s with Jake. They are doing some painting class on the Res today. They’ll be back later.” Bella smiled, looking towards Edward with that look she’s had ever since he brought her home.
“I think we should just get to the point.” Rosalie anxiously interrupted sharply, before fixing her posture and smiling softly to try and recover from her abrupt remark. “Rose.” Edward cut off, scolding a little at her, which she didn’t even bother to look back at him.
“Get to what point?” I softly asked, more worried that this was more then just one of Alice’s visions of me. Was he kicking me out? Did something happen with the Wolves? Well no, not if Nessie was on the Res. Certainly Edward wouldn’t let that stand.
“Well, is there perhaps anything you would like to share before we begin?” Carlisle questioned calmly, with a soft face, and gentle eyes, no accusing stares or anger from him. So I wasn’t in trouble, and it most likely was about the test I took this morning. But I didn’t think this involved a family meeting, but then again with their super hearing I suppose there wasn’t any point for privacy anyhow.
“I took a pregnancy test. But it was negative. I’m sorry if I scared you guys.” I half apologized, however had a bit of fire in my tone. It wasn’t something I was exactly proud to spit out in front of my boyfriends children which half of, consisted of males. But the faces in the room looked confused, and twisted with uncertainty.
Oops. Maybe this isn’t what that was about.
Well that’s embarrassing, but I seriously couldn’t have thought of anything else I could have done to be trialed against the family like this.
“But that’s not possible. I thought you said-“
“Rose.” Emmett cut her off, as they all looked to Alice and Carlisle.
“My visions are from the future, it could still be too early for a positive test.” Alice defensively stated, taking a closer step to me.
“Yeah but we don’t know if it would even show up. I didn’t take one when I was pregnant with Renesmee.” Bella said across from the couch next to Edward, who was staring at me, no doubt reading my mind.
“Is this possible?” Rosalie asked, a glint of hope in her eyes as she looked to Carlisle.
“I don’t sense a heartbeat”
“It takes 4 weeks for a heartbeat”
“Again. Future.”
“She truly didn’t know. She’s not lying about the test”
“What part of future do you not get?”
“We still got time if we caught it ea-“
“That’s NOT your choice.”
“Woah. Everyone. Please does anyone care to fill me in?” I exclaim, feeling overwhelmed by all the familiar voices talking at once. They all suddenly go dead silent, looking over at their adoptive dad for permission.
I looked over at Carlisle who looks pained, and worried. But he also manages to look calm and lovingly at me. “Y/n my love, this morning Alice had a vision. You were pregnant, and you decided to keep it.” He carefully chose his words.
“Pregnant?” I choked out, suddenly feeling very cold and nauseous. However, I also felt like I could do a thousand cartwheels of joy. Rosalie stepped up and was at my side in seconds, grasping my shoulder gently. “Here, sit down.” She guided me back down to where she was previously sitting.
“Pregnant?” I whispered to myself again, not really processing what was going on around me. “That we know of, you could not be pregnant right now. There’s one way to know for sure though.” Carlisle explained, referring to the ultrasound machine that still lied up in the room where Bella spent a lot of time in when she was pregnant.
“Do you want to go see your baby?” Rosalie smiled, excitedly rubbing up and down my arms gently. “Rose we don’t know yet.” Edward replied, a hand on Bella’s shoulder. “Oh I know she is, I can tell. She’s glowing.” Rosalie snapped back joyfully, still smiling at me with hope.
And soon enough, it was Carlisle and I, in the empty room, with dead silence as he set up the machine. Emmett had to practically pry Rosalie from the room, and she was undoubtedly near by the closed door outside the room, listening to every word.
“You don’t seem excited.” I carefully pressed, acknowledging his nervousness. “I could have just potentially killed the only woman I’ve ever loved.” Carlisle replied, but not in a harsh way with any malice tone towards me, but rather himself.
“There is still a chance I’ll be fine. Bella made it, and we have more knowledge now.” I tried to reassure. But he didn’t seem to pay much attention to my words. “Y/n, love, nothing is worth risking your life to me. Nothing.” He grabbed a bottle that resembled gel.
“This might be cold.”
I nodded, my shirt already lifted up, as I laid down on the chair. “I do hope, I could talk to you into looking towards alternative choices. If you are pregnant.” He spoke, as his eyes were glued to the screen as he pressed slightly on my stomach with the camera.
“I can’t believe you.” I angrily stated, looking at the gray and white screen, trying to soak up the moment and not let Carlisle dampen my hope. It didn’t help I didn’t really know what I was looking at, the only ever time I saw one of these was when Bella was pregnant. I looked up at Carlisle, hoping I could find some sort of answer on his face.
“Dammit.” I heard him whisper. Before lifting up the piece of plastic on my belly and setting it down, shutting his eyes. I felt happiness surge me, warming me up from head to toe.
I was going to be a mother.
“By the looks of it, you are about two-three weeks pregnant.” He quietly said, not making eye contact with me. His hands were holding the end of the machine in a deadly grip. I reached over and grabbed one of his hands, he instantly relaxed his hand and let me hold it. I looked up at him and smiled happily, waiting for him to look at me back.
“It’s okay. I know we can do this, we are going to have a baby. Your going to be a dad, after all these years.” I reminded him, suddenly realizing how Bella was so happy and optimistic. I was bringing a life into this world, I was going to give Carlisle a baby after centuries of him never thinking he would be a biological father.
“I know you are happy Y/n, but I don’t want you to have to go through what Bella did knowing that I did this to you. And we barely got to Bella in time, what if it doesn’t work? I would have killed you. I can’t bare living eternity knowing I did that to you.”
“You didn’t do anything Carlisle, I chose this. I know what I’m getting myself into, I was there with Bella. And this time we don’t have to worry about facing a war with the wolves or the Volturi. We don’t have to worry about getting blood, we can do this. I know you’re scared, but I’m not. I have never felt so happy and hopeful, I know it won’t be easy but look at Edward and Bella, they have a daughter, and we could have that too.”
He looks down at me, just staring at me with a sorrowful gaze. It was just silence between us for a few moments, it looked as if he wanted to say a million things, but then thought against it. He held onto my hand, then rested my own hand on my stomach before letting it go.
“I’m not going to tell you what to do with your own body. But I don’t support this decision y/n.” And with that, he walked out of the room. Leaving the door open, and leaving me in quiet thoughts by myself. I looked down at my stomach where my baby was growing, I smiled happily to myself,
My baby.
It felt so surreal and powerful, knowing I had Carlisle’s baby inside me, a vampires baby. I knew I should feel at least a little bit scared, knowing the bruising and broken bones that were about to come, but I couldn’t help but not fear it even a little bit. I fought so hard for this baby and I knew I could handle it, I had Bella and Rosalie, and that’s more support then Bella ever had when she was pregnant herself.
“Are you okay?”
I turned my head to the sweet voice that broke the silent room. It was Rose, her beautiful blonde hair appearing from the door. She had a smile on her face, and glowing eyes of joy. And behind her stood Bella, her tiny frame almost impossible to see behind Rosalie. I smiled, nodding to the two vampires, and gesturing them to come in.
“I guess it’s time to pick some names.” Bella responded, light heartedly trying to soften the mood. “I hope it’s another girl.” Rosalie said, resting a soft hand on my shoulder, glancing at the now turned off machine. “Carlisle will come around, he may not support your decision… but he will always support you. He loves you, we all have seen it.” Rosalie reassures, lifting me up slightly.
“Now, what would you like to eat?”
It wasn’t long before my stomach started to swell up. Bella was right, it was not a human pregnancy, it was a lot faster. I looked about 6 months pregnant, my belly was slightly bruised like Bella’s was, but I had been on blood supplements sooner then she had so it was much easier.
Rosalie and I were shopping almost everyday for baby clothes until I started getting really big. Then we opted for online shopping, and eventually Alice came around and started being more involved, claiming if the baby was going to be born then it was going to be born into fashion properly.
Jasper and Emmett were betting on the baby’s gender, Jasper and Edward thought it was a boy and Emmett was on team girl with Rosalie and Alice. They have all voted on names and clothes, like a regular normal family. Nessie was excited to get a aunt/uncle however, for her sake we just said cousin, no need for technicalities.
Then there was Carlisle, who like Rosalie said, did come around. He was always by my side, asking me a thousand questions and making sure I was comfortable, not too hot or cold, if I was hungry, if I was tired, if the baby was kicking, etc.
He was even dare I say it….excited. He told a few of his close friends about the baby and would go upstairs with me everyday to get ultrasound pictures of the baby and tape them in a photo album book he had. His hands would always be gently around my belly or on my hand, asking me how I felt and how the baby felt. Carlisle also had everything planned out and written down, he was very determined for everything to go smoothly and as easy as possible.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a broken rib here and there, and it did hurt. My stomach felt like it would burst at times, the bruised skin needed ice packs and heating pads at times. But it was a magical feeling, I knew I was doing something incredible and almost impossible.
And I knew I was getting close to the due date, we estimated it with the help of a Bella’s pregnancy even though her birth was an emergency. I wasn’t scared, or nervous. I knew that what was meant to be would be and that panicking would solve nothing or help anything. I did sense Carlisle’s nervousness though, and we had many conversations the closer it got to birth, he tried to stay strong and calm collected for my own sake, but there wasn’t a need. I had everything I wanted.
Alice had looked at my future numerous of times, and the closer the date came, the more visions she got of me living and surviving the birth, then being turned into a vampire. She of course, along with Edward, were the only two that knew the baby’s gender. I voted for it to be a surprise, and Carlisle agreed with it.
Rosalie and Alice had renovated one of the spare rooms into a nursery, using gray since it was a neutral color and there was no spoilers before I had the baby. They were both so excited, Rosalie especially. And Bella put together everything I would need for the baby, and prepped multiple bags and shelves with baby supplies and toddler stuff since my baby would not stay a baby for very long.
Emmett and Jasper even built a little play ground out in the back of the woods for Renesmee and my baby, which certainly made Nessie happy. And Edward would come by and sit with me, telling me what if felt like to read by baby’s mind. Reminiscing when it was Bella and his baby and what it was like to read his baby’s thoughts.
Everything was perfect, it couldn’t have been better.
Today was the day. I was going to give birth to my miracle baby, Carlisle had did the measurements and all the tests and scans and the baby was ready to come out. And fingers crossed, that it would go a lot more smoothly then Bella’s birth.
Everyone was nervous and jittery, Jasper had me questioning if he was using his mojo on me or Carlisle, probably both. But everything was set and most the family was sitting in the room with us. It was very quite and very calm, they all gave reassuring looks and feedback during the set up of the room. Carlisle was just done setting everything up then quietly looked my way.
“Are you okay?” He stated,
“If this-“
“When” I cut my lover off, looking up at him and holding his hand confidently before finishing.
“When this works out, yes, I know this is my last moment as a human. You will use the morphine, and anesthesia to put me out and then perform the C section, then turn me once the baby is out. It’s fine, you’ve told me a million of times. I’m ready.”
He looked down lovingly at me and gently rested his hand on my abnormally swollen belly. Taking in the last few moments with his human girlfriend before our baby was brought into the world.
“Are you ready?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows playfully. He smiled, before stroking my head with his icy cold hand. “Ready as I can be.” I heard his voice as he walked behind me to the machines.
I looked up at Rosalie and Bella, who were in the chairs next to me, while Alice and Edward stood behind me with Carlisle. They all looked very intense and stiff. “Alright guys. I guess I’ll see you on the other side. Take lots of pictures of my baby, Rose, make sure you share.” I joked, getting a few laughs out of my soon-to-be vampire family. Hoping to lighten the mood before I get put out.
I felt Carlisle’s hand on my shoulder, slowly guiding me to lay down on the table I was sat on. I looked up at the white ceiling, taking in the last few seconds of my humanity. I rose my hands and lifted my chin to take one last look of my pregnant belly, and felt Carlisle inject a cold fluid in my IV.
I turned my head to the side to look at him, he had one hand out, which was holding my closest hand. I didn’t even notice when he went to grab it. Then he took one last look at me, and whispered something. I couldn’t seem to catch what it was, already feeling the effects of the anesthesia.
I laid my head back on the table and noticed the ceiling getting darker, and darker. I also felt the sleepy euphoria take over my body. Then I closed my eyes and was met with darkness, my last thought of a face that I knew all too well.
“I love you Carlisle.” I managed to get out before the darkness consumed me.
I woke up, suddenly conscious. However, it was odd. I didn’t feel groggy, or stiff. I felt alive, fresh, if you will. I felt as if I could hear every speck of dust fall inside the room I was in.
I looked around, it was a room I was unfamiliar with. It was a room with four pastel blue walls decorated with shelves full of wooden animals and plastic toys. Besides me was an old fashion white crib, with distrusted blue blankets. I was lying on a bed that looked as if was brand new, with freshly new sheets that smelt of soap and linen. Then I heard a swift sound of someone entering the room.
“Y/n. You’re awake.”
I looked up at my love, Carlisle, who had a biggest smile on his face and looked as if he would start crying. I studied him harder, I could see every piece of blonde hair on his head and every crease in his clothes. “Wow.” Was all I mustered out, soaking up the newly senses of being a vampire.
He chuckled, taking a step towards me and extending his hand. I looked down at it and could smell something, it was a mix of daisies and soap. I could also sense the warmth from it. “You have been holding the baby.” I almost cried out, looking around the room once more. Which was obviously the nursery, covered in blue.
“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say it’s a boy.” I finished, motioning quite fast around room. In which he laughed again, nodding as he took his hand in line. “How did you know.” He said before He wrapped me into a hug, in which I succeeded in not crushing him in half, which was something Bella managed to remind me about before I went under.
“I want to see him. Please.”
Carlisle looked down at me and then motioned something in the room beside us. I didn’t seem to notice it before, but now that I did I felt like a fire had arisen up my throat. I felt like tearing it to pieces and getting inside of it. It was a fridge, and I didn’t need to open it to know it was full of blood.
“Ladies first.” I heard him say, as milliseconds went by and almost ripped the door straight off the hinges and tore into a bag. It tasted amazing, to say at the least but I could tell it was animal blood. Which was good enough for me, the sooner I finished this bag the sooner I could hold my son for the first time.
“I figured you’d want to see the baby as soon as you could.” Carlisle said, gently closing the fridge behind me, motioning towards the fridge. “But after you do, we can go out and hunt down some fresh blood.” He continued, as he started leading me out the door. “How is he?” I asked, referring to my baby, looking around the halls that seemed totally different then before. I could see every speckle on the wall and hear every creak underneath our feet that I never heard before. “Great, it’s only been two days. Rosalie is soaking up his attention right now.”
We walked downstairs into the living room where I saw all my family sitting around a tiny wrapped up figure in Rosalie’s arms. They all looked at me and a few smiled while Emmett greeted me. “Hey y/n, good news, definitely not the milk man’s baby.” While Bella punched his side playfully. A few laughs came out from Jasper and Edward.
“Oh good, had me worried there for a minute. It’s not like it was an abnormal pregnancy.” I joked back, making my way towards the blue ball of blanket. Rosalie looked up to me and then lifted the baby towards me, laying him gently in my arms. I was taken aback in shock. The baby was quite literally a spitting image of Carlisle, from his hair to his cheek bones, I didn’t see a hint of my genes in him.
“Wow. Talk about Carlisle.” I concurred, cradling my baby in my arms. He was perfect, he had his tiny little eyes closed, with his beautiful little puffy cheeks, and his bleach blonde hair that was more like fuzz then anything. I could feel his warmth seep into my arms and chest, he definitely had human in him. But that’s about the only thing he seemed to get from me.
I looked up at Carlisle who was watching me and our baby. “I told you I could do it.” I teased, taking my eyes back onto my baby. Who just started to open his eyes. He cooed, reaching up towards me with a faint smile. I looked down giggling a bit, rocking him.
“Why hello love, welcome to the world.”
And in that moment, I knew I had everything I could ever have.
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fisheshavegill · 3 months
-- Crazy Rich Asians. PT. II
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「 ✦ CRA ✦ 」
sunghoon fanfic! fem reader!
"It's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men."
2k | disclaimer : quotations at the start may or may not have to do something with the whole story (could be an add on)
Read Crazy Rich Asians PT. I
no proof read | word vomit
indented text are just my personal descriptions &lt;3
- i got some lines from books ive read and movies ive watched! + the title of my fanfic doesn't mean the plot is mostly from the actual movie / book!
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
. “ if it is real, it must by definition prove to be eternal?. “ .
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– random flashback |. 📍 California
The waitress arrives, sets down all of our orders and disappears. 
I took out my fork as I swirled it in my pasta
“Carbonara?”  I offered him before eating it. 
Sunghoon shakes his head 
“Because it’s dairy?”
“No… I just prefer pesto” 
“Hmm. Impressive” “Very.....you” I say
A distinct ringing sound emanating from his pocket.  As the phone rings a few more times before Sunghoon finally takes it out of his pocket and looks at the screen
“One second”  he roses from his seat
I watched him walked away, his phone pressed to his ear. 
I looked at him through the window while I was sipping my tea.   
After a while the door bell rings, he came back again putting his phone to the pocket of his jacket. 
“So”, “How was your day?” He questions as he sits on the table, pouring water to his cup
“Uhm” he hesitates to say  
“my mom's gonna have a birthday party”  he says out of nowhere, avoids looking at me while taking the silver utensils on the clothed table. "I planned it"
“I invited a lot of guests.” “All of my relatives and cousins know about it” He stops speed talking as he takes his first bite of steak.  
“And you” he weakly points me with his fork.
I didn’t say anything as I take another sip of my tea  
“Her birthday actually was yesterday, nothing so sleek about it and everyone was busy” 
“It will be held on Friday...in Korea” he added 
“That’s nice”
“So…. did you greet her?” 
“No..” I say 
“Why not?”
“I have been busy with stuffs”
“Like what?” 
I did not know what to say. 
"Look, I booked a flight for us" He broke the silence with hands clenched together
I take another sip of my tea
He sighs and leans into the table his voice was very low. 
“Ann, I understand that this entire situation has been extremely difficult for you. It has been for me too. I know that you have been trying to avoid my mom, but I want to remind you that avoiding her forever may not be the best solution.
Perhaps we can work together to find a way to face her again and move forward in a positive direction. What do you think?"
He whispered “Please just go for me" he held your hand as he rubs his thumb through your fingers. 
Current time . the continuation of part 1
-exact 5 minutes after emergency left
His eyes were glued to the pages of a book that he had abandoned for weeks.
Sitting on the couch in the same room, while you were in bed. The silk pajamas draped his body comfortably as he sat partially facing the bed you were lying on.
The soft rustling of the pages turning was the only sound that filled the room
| Sunghoon had always remained true to his passion for reading books. His love for literature dates to when he was just five years old. On his birthday, his father gifted him a classic Spiderman comic. Since that fateful day, he has devoured countless books of all genres, from classic literature to modern-day thrillers. |
After a moment, he closed the book and placed it carefully on the see-through glass table in front of him. He leaned back on the couch, his head supported by the soft cushion, and looked up at the ceiling.
He reached up to his face and removed the eyeglasses he had been wearing to help him read the book. The dim light in the room provided by the single lamp on the desk beside the bed had made it necessary for him to wear them while reading.
As he rubs his eyes, his phone gets a ring from someone.
His eyes showed a bit of frustration as he hesitates to accept the call. But eventually does.
“Hi son.” A female voice muttered through the call.
“Good evening mom” he replies.
“How are you?” “How’s business?”
“Im Good” “Business? its he-“
“Uhm" – with a hinge of hesitation.
"If you are currently facing anything, please know that I am here to help you in any way possible. I am right beside you to offer my support, okay?"
The female voice assured him in a serious tone completely ignoring the fact she cut him off.
 "At the moment, there is nothing that is causing me any trouble or concern mom."
“oh... dont be so gullible” His mom says.
 "I appreciate your kind gesture of checking in on me. It's reassuring to know that you care."   -   The silence between them dissipated for a while.
 “Well, I guess if there's nothing to state about anything, I will be going”,
 the female mutters, closing the gap of silence in the call.
she added as the call ended.
He runs his fingers through his hair as he deeply sighs. the head maid must had informed his mom about the state of the house and all the things that had been happening inside of it every day. All the things that were meant to be a secret, especially anything that revolves at the happenings in the house were all revealed to his arrogant mother. "
He couldn't help but wonder what else his mother knew and what her intentions were. He decided to step outside to clear his head. The swimming pool area was the perfect spot, with its beautiful bushes of flowers and serene atmosphere. As he took a deep breath, he sits frantically at the side of the pool lounger, tapping the fine fabricated mattress hovering it.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a single cigarette, carefully placing it between his lips. With a flick of his lighter, a small flame appears, and he brings the flame to the end of the cigarette, inhaling deeply as it ignites.
You thought he promised to you that he’ll never engage in smoking again?? No. It seems that the weight of his problems and struggles had become too much to bear, causing him to break that promise.
. 01/01 00:05 AM  
“Hoon are you there?”
Some laughter in the background and loud fireworks.
“I’m so sorry, I completely forgot. But I’m leaving now! Okay? Just wait there! Should only take me thirty minutes. I know, I feel really bad. Please don’t be mad. Call me back, okay?
As he hit the play button for the umpteenth time, a smile slowly spread across my face.
The old voicemail you left him on New Year's was like a time capsule, transporting him back to his days as a college student in bustling New York City.
How he remembered how much he had struggled studying with the constant, thunderous sounds of fireworks, which had filled him with a sense of unease The night progresses, the wind outside grew stronger and more forceful. Sunghoon could feel the gusts of wind through the bushes, causing it to billow fiercely.
The room was just as spacious as the one you both shared, but it was in a much better condition. The other bedroom would be undergoing maintenance tomorrow due to the extensive damage caused by the glass shatters on the floor and the tears on the wall
As he finishes his regular night routine he decided to just snooze it off. He carefully adjusted the blanket to cover you up entirely as he gently moved your hair strands aside that covered your face. Planting a soft kiss in your cheek before closing the lamp
morning - ur pov
As I woke up from the rays of sun hitting my eyes, I couldn’t help but feel a hinge of headache as I stood up from the bed. I looked around, everything seemed so foreign and unfamiliar.
I raised my hand to my head and began to scratch my scalp. I let out a drawn-out yawn. Standing about two meters away from the door, I suddenly heard a faint, muffled sound. It was difficult to make out at first, but as the voice grew closer, the words became clearer.
In a black suit and his phone pressed to his ear. And there he was, standing right in front of you.  As he notices me wide awake, his expression mirrored your own shock and surprise. A deafening silence filled the room as he stared at you, unsure of what to say or do.
After a moment, he politely excused himself from the call, putting it on hold
"Good morning." I say
Sunghoon smiled and nodded in response. There was some awkward silence in the room "Well…...I think you still hate me"  Sunghoon says as he starts finding something in one of the wooden drawers beside the door.
He let out a deep sigh and looked at me with a pout as he kissed my forehead, placing both hands on my shoulders. "I'm so sorry, darling," he said, trying to explain himself. - "Things have been hectic ever since I left for my business trip, and I haven't had a chance to reach out to anyone since that day." As he spoke, he began planting hundreds of kisses on my face.
Does he think I can forgive him easily? - "I have to go work again..” "I wont leave you for another 2 weeks". he said, brushing his hand through my cheeks. "I don't want to see you angry."
I watched as he leaned in to peck my lips, a smile creeping onto his face.  He grabbed his jacket and car keys from the glass table and kissed me one last time before heading towards the door. "I love you so so much," he said with a smile as he waved goodbye against the door.
 Despite his words, I couldn't shake off the feeling of anger towards him.
I stood on the balcony, only seconds after he had left the room.I watched as he made his way to the car, his jacket draped over his left arm and car keys in his right hand. Just before he got into the car, his gaze locked onto mine. "I promise I'll make it up to you," he shouted over the distance, blowing me a kiss. - - -
During that day, he went back to the house a with shopping bags intended to be  as an apology gift
He squats to my level as he laces my hand with his 
" I want to apologize... "
" I want to apologize for not being there for you throughout your struggles.. Two weeks may seem like a short period of time, but it could have been an eternity for you. 
My absence may have caused you some type of agony???, I am truly sorry. I hope that you can forgive me"
As he finished speaking, he looked into the my eyes and kissed my hand.
I stared back at him for a while, trying to see whether he was truly remorseful. After a moment of silence, I cling closer to him without saying a word. He pats my back.
“The night before your business trip” “You still remember it. Right?”  I say
He sighs  “What were you scared of?”  “I couldn’t seem to ponder it the whole conversation”
“Yeah. Forget about that” shrugging it off
why? just why did I feel like I had to be on guard on everything? 
Latter that evening I received a message notification 
Don’t you wanna let him know about it?  You can’t hide it forever. 
" Hoon, Did you get any certain messages or emails today? " I say as he happened to enter the room 
Of course 
Did you happen to see it?
"Just event invitations and messages from Cass and my mom.  What about it?" as he looks into the wooden drawers.
Nothing. I sighed in relief
At this moment, it doesn't seem appropriate for him or even everyone to be informed about it. It is likely that he will discover it in due course??, but currently, I feel like the timing isn't right. I'll just hide it?
I don't know.
to be continued
authors note (DONT COME FOR ME YALL :) )
Hi there! I just wanted to address something with you guys....
I know that some of you might be wondering why did it take me so long to post the part 2 of CRA , and I wanted to clarify that it's not because I'm slacking off or anything like that. In fact, I'm really busy at the moment with other things going on in my life. I just wanted to let you know that even though it might take me a bit longer to post this series from time to time, that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop altogether or that I won't be back. I appreciate your support and understanding during this busy period, and I hope to be able to share more with you soon!
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Hey, I've tried searching your blog for this but I could only bring up posts advocating against rack systems (rightly so obviously)
I recently got an adult ex breeder BP, she's massive (5'7") and was kept in a 12 gallon bare bones rack tub for her whole life. I got her because a pet shop near me that bred snakes is shutting down, I did pay for her which I feel bad about but they aren't breeding anymore so I guess I'm not funding unethical breeding? Anyway that isn't really relevant I just am rambling
I've heard that taking a BP from a rack system and putting them in their forever enclosure can be really really stressful for them so right now she's still in her tub on my desk but I feel really bad keeping her there.
I have a 6x2x2 set up, I wanted to get a 6x2x3 or 6x3x3 even but couldn't afford it so I'm hoping that's good enough for her.
But how would you transition her to that enclosure? I recently gave my house snake a bioactive enclosure and I love it so the 6x2x2 for the BP has been cycling as bioactive for about 3 weeks (Ive had her 5 days) and seems stable but I'm worried that it's too much and she'll hate it and go off food and stuff (she's quite skinny too:()
But yeah I would really appreciate, if you have the time, any advice on this front. Thank you very much and keep up the good work 👍💟
I just went through this with my new Borneo python, Hobie. Just like your girl, he's spent his entire life in little tubs in racks.
You're right that transitioning a snake like them into their full enclosures is something that should be done delicately! I'll tell you my process and what I do to make it easier for them.
One challenge that you might have is with your enclosure already being set up as bioactive. That's probably going to be quite a bit more overwhelming, and my main concern there is with the lighting. If she doesn't respond well, it's going to be hard to tell if that's because she's just adjusting or because she just doesn't like the lighting (some ball pythons just don't, but unless she's albino or another melanin-reducing morph it's not a bad idea to give it a try).
If it's possible, my idea for you would be try to try transitioning her to a less overwhelming enclosure first. I set my Hobie up in a 40 gallon for now, even though he's going to be moving to a 6x2 later down the line. If you do that, you'd be able to slowly get her used to the lighting once she's adjusted to a larger enclosure itself. If you can't do that, consider adding as much shade as possible for her and even keep the lights off for as much as you can.
Alright, so my process for transitioning former breeder snakes to more appropriate enclosures prioritizes going at the snake's pace and ensuring their comfort.
The first thing I do is put their tub directly into their new enclosure. Just right on top of everything, don't even worry about it. Your goal is keep your snake in a familiar environment while also exposing them to new stuff. Check out Hobie's setup - literally just the tub, substrate, and a water bowl plopped inside the bigger enclosure. You're going to feel tempted to give them lots of new clutter and enrichment - don't. Keep it simple and easy for them, you don't want to overwhelm them!
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Then, be patient and let them explore at their own pace. Some snakes will leave their take-home tub almost right away, some will take weeks. Hobie took three weeks before he started feeling comfortable and confident enough to explore outside of it. During this time, offer food and feel free to handle a bit, but keep it short and sweet.
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Your snake will likely retreat back to the tub a couple times, but eventually they'll find their new hides and check them out! Wait until they're comfortable - calm, resting, and relaxed inside their new hiding places - and then you can take the tub out.
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Once they're comfortable in their full enclosure, it's time to introduce them to enrichment! They'll probably need you to show them their climbing branches and other enrichment items - snakes like them just aren't used to being able to do natural behaviors. Hobie had a great time when he learned he had a swimming pool all to himself!
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Take it very slow when you add new things, and don't be afraid to backtrack if your snake gets spooked. Hobie got a little stressed when we tried adding more tunnels for him to check out, but it's fine to take things out and re-add them if your snake isn't ready just yet.
Your snake probably won't know quite how to interact with their environment at first, so just be patient with them! Right now, Hobie's going through a phase where he just hasn't realized he needs to avoid burrowing in substrate that is wet, but short-tails love to soak anyway so it's not a big deal. There will be so many opportunities to find joy in watching them learn and explore!
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All the best to you and your girl! It can be a little heartbreaking to get snakes like her adjusted to their new setups, but with time and lots of patience, it doesn't need to be stressful for either of you! Remember to go at her pace and lean into what makes her feel most comfortable.
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catgirlredux · 10 months
Here's another mech story, inspired by/a continuation of this one:
I was the only one to figure it out. None of the others ever bothered to pay attention; between the natural casualties of war and the constant switching out of pilots, it didn’t make much sense to get too involved in each other’s lives. But something about Pilot Grieg, fellow member of Hoplite division V, captured my attention from the moment I saw her. While most of the other pilots were either frightened or overconfident on their first day (I nearly pissed myself from the anxiety), I could see nothing in her eyes but a fierce, powerful hunger. She stepped into the cockpit of her Hoplite and didn’t even flinch when the nanofilament harness closed around her chest.
I was entranced by her piloting skills and her determined, nearly emotionless behavior. All pilots tended to be a little cold, rumor had it that recruitment intentionally selected soldiers who scored lower on the EDEs due to the nature of some of our missions; but she was something else. Her face never changed outside of that cockpit, and she walked around with an ungainly clumsy stride, her gait resembling that of a much larger being. But when the mesh closed around her and the interface cable plugged into her neck, I swear her eyes sparkled brighter than ever and she sometimes even smiled. In the midst of battle, among dozens of rookie pilots disoriented and frightened by the steady flow of their mechs' peripheral data, Grieg maneuvered the battlefield more capably and calmly than anyone else. She was like the eye in a hurricane of titanium and lasers. She seemed to take to piloting so naturally.
It was a bit of an obsession for me. I never wanted to join the army, but at my family's civvie status it was either that, or spend the rest of my life working the same scrap hauls as my father and his father before him. I'm not sure I made the right choice: piloting was a lonely job, and our orders were always changing. The war had been going on since before I was even born and now that I was a part of it, I felt like it wasn't going to end anytime soon. I didn't even have anyone to confide in: between missions, I knew no one and no one bothered to know me. Still, a good soldier follows orders, so I took solace in what little consistency I had. Every time I suited up I kept an eye out for Grieg, hoping that we would get deployed together - that I would get another chance to study her.
That's why it didn't take me long to figure out - she was always there. Pilots were supposed to take regular breaks from duty to avoid excessive neurolink buildup, and these breaks were usually staggered within a division. I rarely flew out with the same Hoplite squad two weeks in a row. Yet every time I got ready for a patrol, I caught sight of Grieg skulking around the locker room already prepped. She usually looked like she hadn’t slept in days but she hopped into her suit with an eagerness unlike any other soldier in our division.
I really have no clue how nobody else caught on. I mean, it didn’t take a genius to figure it out: her constant presence, her aggressive combat tactics, her clear exhaustion versus her eagerness to pilot - Grieg was addicted to battle. Or something like that. I wasn’t sure whether it was the speed, or the action, or something else entirely. Maybe it had something to do with the depressant α-IVs - after my first time in the cockpit I spent a week throwing up. Maybe they did something weird to make her dependent on the mech?
Not that any of that mattered. Somehow she had managed to fuck with our shifts so that she was always on duty, strapped to a giant death machine. Her link was probably through the roof - god only knew how close she might be to terminus. I still remember the video they had showed us in training. A squad of pilots traveling in formation, when suddenly one of them lets out a bellowing screech and starts flailing around. The other units immediately try to suppress it but it fights like a beast, blasting and tearing at all who come near until finally it’s taken out with a TAC-beam to the core. It was terrifying - a team of twenty-one pilots reduced to just four, all because of a single terminus incident. The video ended on a close-up of the rogue pilot, emaciated limbs pinned down with thick nanomass cables, fluid flooding his throat and rivulets of blood trailing down wires that burrowed straight into his eyes. Pilots were taken off of active duty for a reason.
I decided to confront Grieg about it. I probably should have reported her to the division leader but something stopped me - curiosity perhaps. I had to know.
I stopped her in the locker room before a patrol.
“I know what you’ve been doing.”
She looked fucking exhausted. Her eyes were even more sunken in than when I first saw her, her lips were cracked and her hair was an oily mess. She smelled strongly of sweat mixed with the metallic sweetness of vitrofluid. Jesus christ, did she sleep in her mech? But her eyes still shone with that hungry anticipation, and she fucking smirked at me.
“I thought you’d catch on. I know you’ve been watching me. She told me.” Her voice sounded harsh, throat scraped up from constant alternation between air and vitro.
“She? She who?”
Grieg reached up and brushed a hand against my face. She wasn’t wearing the fingerless gloves that came standard with our uniforms. “How high is your link?” Her touch was cold. She had a look on her face like she was trying to read my mind.
“43.7. Well within safe limits.”
She laughed through her teeth. “Khh-kh-kh. Safe limits - of course, of course. Safe."
"Yes, unlike you." I brushed her hand away and she shivered. "Grieg, what the hell are you doing? You've attended the trainings, you know what happens when a pilot is deployed this often. Do you want to die?"
The smile she gave me was chilling, sympathetic but without her eyes changing emotion. "Terminus... you still believe that shit. Why wouldn't you? It's frightening, isn't it? The melding of pilot and machine, flesh mangled and twisted and mutated. Frightening... Say, have you ever spoken with your unit before?”
“Spoken? I’ve interacted with the situational matrix, yes…” All Hoplites possessed an AI of sorts designed to help pilots make split second decisions in the midst of battle. But I’d never really considering it “speaking”, any more than you would speak with a dog. It didn't have the capacity for conversation... right?
“No, no I mean speak. Have you ever listened to your unit, spoken with her, let her take the reins? No, you- of course you haven't. They're all just numbers on a screen to you, aren't they? Just another crazy killing machine for you to puppet around.
"Think - how many times has your Hoplite saved your life? How many deaths would you have died by now if it weren't for that protective, loving embrace of mesh and steel? That's what it really is. They love us. They need us. You never listen, you all never listen, but they love us. I complete her as much as she completes me. Don't you feel strange when you have to leave her? Doesn't it feel wrong - backwards?
Grieg pushed closer to me. I tried to back away but she pressed me against a wall and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “We're almost complete. Our link is at 99.7 percent.”
My heart beat in my chest like an autocannon. Grieg wasn’t just at risk - this bitch was about to fucking explode!
“I - I - you can’t. You’re going to - you’re going to kill everyone. I-”, but she placed a two fingers, rough from countless wire insertions, against my lips.
“Please. You don’t need to tell anybody. We don’t want to hurt anyone… we just want each other. We don't want to be tools anymore."
I was sweating in my suit. No Hoplite is that smart... right? Surely someone else would have been able to talk to theirs - Grieg’s must have had a glitch. A unit gone rogue; the thought was terrifying.
“S-snap out of it Grieg - please. Your suit... it's clearly wrong. It's bugging - w-we can fix this. You're n-not in control here.”
She just smiled. “Neither are you, hm?”
I shivered. She wasn't wrong... I hated the missions they sent us on sometimes. I followed orders because, quite frankly, I didn't want to go back home. I didn't want to live the rest of my life as an E-class, scraping by on small NDs and living in fear of police quota checks. In a way I guess I did take solace in the time I spent in my mech, time spent not worrying about my family I left behind or shyly observing other soldiers, worrying about what civilian encampment or occupied city the higher ups would send us to raze next.
Fuck. She had me all figured out, didn't she? Did she feel the same way? Did my Hoplite really complete me like that, and even worse, did I complete it? I felt lightheaded - this was too much. I should have reported her to our captain... but what if...
What if she was right? What if the Hoplites really could think and speak - really did want to connect with us? What if I... god, I couldn't believe I was thinking this, but what if I bonded to mine?
I could barely look her in the eye.
"P-please... just don't hurt anyone."
Grieg stared at me for a moment, then pulled me into a tight embrace. I didn't resist. She smelled good.
"We'll try not to. No promises."
They say she left in a hurry, blew the doors right off the hangar and flew west. No casualties, but they want to stop her before that changes. As one of the pilots on duty, I’ve been summoned to join the hunting party.
My suit feels too tight - too clingy. I leave off my gloves and unzip the front. No one tries to correct me; they're all too busy prepping for the chase.
Setting foot inside my mech, Hoplite unit HE-2729, I feel its hard steel with my bare hands. The harness wraps around me; it feels warm against my chest, vaguely pulsing and humming as the machine comes to life. I plug in and brace for the influx of peripheral data from its many sensors, but it's softer this time - gentler.
I can't believe I'm doing this. I bask in the flow of data: a cacophony of sight and sound most of which I can't even process, but I let it wash over my mind and surround me. Piloting usually makes me so tense, but right now I feel calmer than ever before.
I take a deep breath.
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I'm glad to hear that Kaname protected Momo from the worst of Aizen's manipulations. Does she ever find out about his efforts, or does that stay a secret?
Post-Aizen-Fight, Kaname is in the hospital recovering from General Befuckening, and needs Reiatsu transfers to finish purging The Curse from his system and it's Hitsugaya's turn.
The boy doesn't actually say anything for a long time after Unohana finishes connecting the IVs. It's alright. He's still exhausted, and there really isn't that much to say about what happened that hasn't been gone over and over and over, in debriefings and staff meetings and the distant sound of tears Tousen can hear coming from Lieutenant Hinamori's room. Gradually though, Lieutenant Hitsugaya's silence grows cold and sharp and restless, a winter gale banging against a window that won't quite latch right.
"-Out with it." Kaname sighs, opening his eyes and not frowning at the ceiling. "If you keep sulking like this I'm going to get frostbite and Unohana-sama will have both our hides for it."
Toshiro startles, coughs a bit like he's about to deny it, but collects himself and states his problem with magnificent succinctness.
"Momo." he says, voice almost violent in it's neutrality.
"Ah." Kaname nods. "I did what I could, but I know that was far from enough. I am sorry."
Hitsugaya is quiet, considering his words. "...What did you DO, actually?" he eventually asks.
Kaname blinks in surprise. "Huh. I thought Hisagi-san would have noticed when he did the audit of all my paperwork. I was genuinely hopeful you were going to spot it before Aizen could make his move with how much Momo complained..." he muttered, slightly puzzled.
"Spotted what?" Toshiro grumbled.
"You have undoubtedly been subject to the ongoing saga of the Rice-Farm-Subsidy Fraud case that Lieutenant Hinamori has been investigating since her promotion to lieutenancy?" Kaname prompted.
"Yeah, yeah, the one that's got her haring off to some backwater district or getting lost in the stacks at the archives for days on end or-" Hitsugaya graoned, then stopped. "...the one that had her constantly traveling away from the division, or doing extended research without Aizen's help."
"He used to get terrible motion sickness from trains or portals, you know." Kaname smiled, sitting up a bit. "-and a wretched allergy to paper-dust. Part of the reason he made me do all his fucking lab work, I imagine. but it seemed a good way to keep Miss Hinamori outside his sphere of influence at least for a few weeks at a time. Do I still have water in my glass?"
"...you MADE IT UP?" Hitsugaya yelped.
"I did no such thing. There is an extensive conspiracy between the various provincial leaders and mid-district governors to defraud the Central Government of subsidies for rice farms that frankly, do not exist, while also hiding the existence of taxable villages, resulting in invisible granaries used to fund private armies and other villiany-" he explained, sitting up properly and groping for the end-table where his water theoretically was. "-I just made sure Miss Hinamori had enough information to know where to look for the evidence of said conspiracy, and occasionally... lightly interfered with granaries in the middle districts to make sure more visible evidence came to light for her to keep the investigation open and moving in a timely manner. Lieutenant, if I may ask for your help-"
There was a rustle of cloth as Hitsugaya shook himself, grabbing the pitcher and refilling Kaname's glass, handing it to the frail man.
"Thank you." Kaname took a drink, handing the glass back to Toshiro to set down. "-I imagine the investigation will go much faster and with fewer extended trips to the rukongai now that I'm not cursed and can freely discuss the taxation and census records Aizen had covered in his illusion to hide his experiments." he explained. "...But doing it the long way has allowed Miss Hinamori to build a very complete and entirely legitimate case. She's an exceptional forensic investigator."
"...HOW?" Hitsugaya gaped. "The curse- it's not like you could talk to her, or send her messages- and if you could, it'd mess with the legitimacy of the case to have an anonymous tipster?"
"I had to...sort of gently suggest the names and locations to her in such fashion that her subconscious would make the connection between those terms and the case. Fortunately, in addition to being a certifiable genius, Miss Hinamori is also a master of the Lingual Arts."
"...Sir, I don't think Hinamori is that kind of girl." Toshiro mumbled, and Kaname could almost hear his full-face blush.
"You're thinking of Zaraki-Taicho, who is an entirely different kind of cunning linguist." Momo announced from the door. "-but you don't know everything about me Toshiro." She teased, coming in the room and climbing onto the bed beside Kaname, unfolding and re-folding that week's newspaper. "Lieutenant Sasakibe took over the crossword in your absence, and I think he may still be a bit upset with you."
"Ah." Kaname winced.
"What?" Repeated Toshiro, thoroughly lost.
"You remember that Tousen-taicho is the Editor-In-Chief of the Seireitei Newsletter, right?" She asked Hitsugaya, who failed to respond in a fashion that suggested that he did not, in fact, know that. "-Anyway, sometimes he writes more or less for the paper depending on that week's news, but without fail, he also designs the crossword- the most fiendishly difficult one in any of the newspapers, Sir." She explained, taking out a pen and tapping the partially-finished lexical puzzle she'd been working on.
"I try." Kaname smiled, looking just a bit genuinely smug.
"You largely succeed. I didn't actually make the connection between your five downs and the rice subsidy investigation until i tried doing Sasakibe's substitute puzzle this morning. I think he may have made the same connection, because 5 down today is 11 letters, starts with "P" and the clue is 'Degenerate Justice'."
"...Prevaricate." Kaname hissed with imagined pain at the likely wrath of the Chief Lieutenant. "Oh dear. Do you think a written apology is in order?"
"It's Sasakibe-san, it's just as likely to be his idea of an apology." Momo shrugged, filling in the word.
"...for those of us that are better at Sudoku?" Hitsugaya glared.
"Tousen-Taicho was putting clues about where the next bit of evidence I needed for the Rice Subsidies case in the Crossword because he knew I did it every week." Momo explained. "The clue was always in the fifth column down, which is a structurally important one in crosswords- you little shit, I even got on your case last year about how you always used locations for your 5 Downs and I STILL didn't make the connection!" She realized, rolling up the paper and affectionately swatting him over the head.
"Entirely deserved, but you have my word that was as much as I could do to help you, and that you have my full resources available to you now." Kaname smiled.
"I have entirely too many words from you-" Momo sighed with exasperation before putting the paper down and laying down beside him, hugging his chest. "-But I believe you. There's- I've been finding all sorts of things- people I forgot, places I'd been before and couldn't remember- huge sections of my LIFE! that his Illusion just... vanished."
She hugged Kaname's chest. "-I can't imagine what you went through."
"I hope you never will." he sighed, returning her embrace and for a moment, Hitsugaya felt even more outside the conversation- this was a secret grief, but the burden lightened by finally being able to share it. "...Did Sasakibe Key any clues to 5 Down? He might have more to say." Kaname asked, letting go and Momo sat up, frowning at the paper.
"Key?" Asked Toshiro, pleased to be talking about anything else.
"Sometimes one word is a hint to some of the next words, usually the ones that originate from it, um- Yeah, three words. Four letters, second letter 'i', clue is "Astronomical Favor"; Three letters, middle letter 'a', clue is "German Opera, 1874" ; and the last one is four letters, Second letter 'e', clue is "Truth's Abode". Momo read off.
All three of them stared (or pointed their faces) blankly at each other for a moment.
"...Yeah I'm gonna stick to the Sudoku." Nodded Hitsugaya.
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starker-raving-mads · 2 months
For You: Part IX
im so sorry this took so long but everyone can thank @madeforstarker for kicking me in the ass to get it done. Thank you, princess <3
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX
Peter didn't see Tony for three days.
This was partially his fault. His initial reaction to The Bedroom Incident, as he was calling it, was to flee the entire building, his feet scurrying him to May's apartment early the following morning. He spent a good few hours with his aunt - something he didn't actually regret, though the reason for the new time together soured it a little for him - and when she left for work he left for patrol. It was probably his longest patrol yet, capping off at 6 hours, and while it felt good to stretch his muscles and help the people of Queens, his mind constantly drifted back to The Bedroom Incident.
He couldn't face Tony after that.
And yet he couldn't not.
After weeks of living in the penthouse, it felt like home. It was the only place he felt well and truly free and comfortable, and Tony being there just made it even better. Even with the - awkwardness that now surrounded them, surely they could get over that right? It's not like he'd said Tony's name. Out loud, at least.
So, exhausted and starving, he swung by a 24/7 deli and grabbed two sandwiches. They wouldn't be as good as Mr. Delmar's but Peter was starving so he'd take what he could get. He ate one of them on the walk home in his street wear, taking his time by taking a circuitous route back to Stark Tower. It was just delaying the inevitable but Peter couldn't bring himself to speed up the awkward conversation he was no doubt gonna have once he got home.
And yet, once the elevator doors opened and revealed the penthouse, no one was there.
"Fri?" he called.
"Yes, mom?"
"Where's, uh - where's Tony at?"
"Boss has been dematerialized and operating within the bounds of his cognitive digital space, which I am unable to access. Would you like me to get him for you?" she asked, tone colored with curiosity. Peter had to wonder what she thought of the situation, but also did not want to know. He could only imagine the leaps in logic she would make that would hit too close to home.
He dawdled around the living room for a little while before heading down to the labs, half expecting Tony to be there, blue and glowing and insubstantial but present and, for lack of better words, alive.
This was not the case.
Tony was nowhere in the confines of the lab. Peter sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, slowly making his way toward the elevator. He stopped before he entered it and turned around, speaking aloud, "I, uh, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I - yeah. I'll be around." He felt like an idiot speaking to an empty room but he wasn't sure what else to do.
He spent the rest of the night in the penthouse doing his online course work in silence. When he went to bed, he had Friday tell Tony just in case he wanted to know where Peter was, and then fell into a very tense and restless sleep.
The following two days were much like the first. Peter woke up, had Friday tell Tony what he was doing or where he was, visited his friends or May, patrolled, and did his online coursework. He'd come home, have Friday update Tony - not that she ever got an affirmative response - and he went to bed. He slept like shit, he felt like shit, and it was really starting to drain him.
On the fourth day, when he'd about lost his patience and his nerve, Tony finally popped into existence in the middle of the living room. It scared the hell out of him but he didn't do much more than look at the older man, dumbfounded and slightly stupefied.
"Yeah, uh," the simulation ran a hand through his hair, messing it up in an impossibly cute way, "hi."
"Hi," Peter replied, lame as fuck.
They stared at each other in silence, brown eyes meeting blue ones, before Tony finally broke the tension.
It was only Peter's enhanced senses that made the jumble of words make sense and he blushed immediately, grimacing and trying to hide it.
"It - uh, it's okay."
"It's really not, this is your place and I should give you privacy and I didn't and - " Tony paused, looking at Peter again. " - and I really should not know you have a daddy kink, kid."
"Oh god," Peter groaned, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over his face. "You heard that?"
Tony chuckled and it somehow broke the tension in the room despite the topic. "Kinda hard not to when you're all breathy and moaning. Plus," he shrugged, still grinning, "I have this kickass new memory since it all gets stored and fragmented and saved now."
"Please, please let's change topics before I pass out from blood loss," Peter begged. And, suddenly, everything felt right with the world again. This was their thing. Teasing and being teased, having fun and making jokes between all the serious stuff. It felt good, like a breath of fresh air after three very long, very lonely days.
Peter tried not to analyze what that meant for the future of his sex life.
Long and lonely, he sighed.
But, they moved topics like Peter had wanted, only to something he had not really expected.
"You what?" he asked, perplexed.
"I sent Pepper a Cease & Desist," Tony said as if it made any sense at all.
"How? Did you tell her you were - "
"Oh no, no way," the older man shook his head. "I figured neither of us were ready to pop open that can of worms. I sent it through Friday on your behalf - which," he grimaced, "I probably should've asked first, but what's done is done."
"It's fine, I guess, just - why?" That was what Peter couldn't understand. Why would Tony be sending C&Ds to his wife of all people? And on Peter's behalf no less.
"Listen, kid, I fucked up when I made my will - and before you start thinking it was about your part, it wasn't that," he cut Peter off when he saw the protest in his eyes. With a firm glare, he continued, "She had no right doing a lot of the things she did and is still doing. I had plenty of time in the last three days to think about it, analyze data, check on sources - it's amazing what having all that extra time I'd normally be sleeping can do - and I'm very unhappy with her, Pete."
"Just, why?" Peter asked again, feeling like a parrot or an NPC who had no other dialogue.
"She shouldn't have taken your blanket," the older man glared. "And she shouldn't have said what she did in that meeting room, or any of the tactics she's employed since. I know Pepper, kid, like I know the back of my hand," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand. "That means all the good and the bad. I know that I loved her, or something like that - I must have, to have gotten married and had a kid and everything," he waved his hand like this was not a tremendous thing to be admitting. Might have loved his wife. Oh boy. "But she's taking my decisions out on you and it's not right and it's not fair."
"I don't - "
"If you say you don't mind, kid, I'm gonna figure out a way to kick your ass," Tony swore. "You matter, your persona matters to the public and the shareholders, your favorite things matter even when they're just blankets, and you matter enough to me to be able to see your own god daughter."
"I - thank you," Peter replied softly, curling into the couch with a not-as-cozy blanket draped over him. "I don't know what to say to that."
"Just accept it."
Peter chuckled. "I can do that."
A sweet smile was spread across the space between them, warm and something. After a moment, Peter asked, "So what exactly did your C&D say?"
"The majority of it was just getting her to stop her public and private attacks on you," Tony started. He sat on one of the couch cushions and it was weird seeing it not sink in with his weight. "There was a second petition as well, to get visiting hours with Morgan. I hope, uh," he looked truly nervous here. "I hope you don't mind. I really think you'll love her, Pete." His eyes were earnest as he said this, not really looking for acceptance to an apology that wasn't given. Tony wanted Peter to know his daughter and Peter wanted that too.
"Of course I will," Peter smiled. "She's part you, remember?"
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manari-archives · 10 months
how many things | LS18
I wonder how many things you think about before you get to me I wonder how many things you wanna do you think I'm in-between I feel myself falling further down your priorities And I still make excuses for you constantly
pairing: Lance Stroll x Reader
warnings: angst and alot more angst
word count: 1.4k
note: again this isn't based on the entire song, just a couple of lines mentioned. this took longer than expected to write and ive realised im not the best at writing depressing stuff which is ironic cause the entire eics album is mainly just sad songs. also english isn't my first language so any corrections feel free to let me know and any feedback is welcome :)
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Lance slept on the other side of the bed while you sat up reading your favourite book, a frown present on your face as you watched him. Over the last few weeks, he had abruptly become distant. Initially, you attributed it to a tough race but this strange and unusual behaviour persisted far too long. When you questioned his engineers and friends, they claimed everything was normal at work. However, you knew something had changed when he stopped doing the little things that made you fall in love with him in the first place, yet you waited for things to return to normalcy and for him to stop treating you like you were not even a second thought
The next morning, you woke up beside him and watched him sleep, realizing that the intimacy you once had faded. You no longer sat on the roof talking until the sun came up, he no longer held you close at night. You wondered the possible reasons for his sudden detachment, perhaps he felt you were too needy. You also considered the possibility that something had happened at work that he didn’t want to burden you.
Lance used to let you know when he was returning home after the race but he stopped doing that as well. You used to eagerly wait for him at the door, but those days had passed
In a vain attempt to salvage the relationship, you had put in extra effort to spend time with him, but he brushed it off, claiming he ate at work and showing no gratitude for your gestures. His cold demeanour and passive-aggressive remarks during everyday tasks made it difficult for you to express your feeling. The lack of appreciation and affection left you feeling neglected and unseen.
As time passed, you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, making excuses for him constantly instead of confronting him directly. The emotional distance between you had grown, leaving you feeling unloved. You couldn't even remember the last time he said he loved you.
Finally, unable to bear it any longer, you confronted Lance about his distant behaviour. You expressed your frustrations, pointing out how patient and understanding you had been for months, yet he remained closed off and dismissive. 
You couldn't hold back your emotions any longer. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you faced Lance, feeling a mix of frustration, sadness, and love. His eyes welled up too, but he seemed to be struggling to find the right words.
"I can't do this anymore, Lance," you said, your voice shaking with emotion. "I've tried my best to be patient, to understand what you're going through, but you keep shutting me out. I feel like I'm living with a stranger, not the man I fell in love with.
Lance looked pained, his brow furrowed as he tried to respond, but you couldn't bear to make more excuses for him, it's become a habit at this point. You continued, your words gaining strength.
"When was the last time you told me you loved me?" you asked, your voice wavering. "It's been months, Lance. I deserve better than this."
As tears streamed down your cheeks, you couldn't help but wonder, "Am I not even a second thought in your mind?" The realization hit hard, and you felt yourself falling further down his priorities with each passing moment. 
You questioned, Your voice trembling with emotion, "How many things do you think about before you even get to me? It feels like I'm lost in the background of your thoughts." The weight of your words hung heavily in the air, reflecting the growing distance between you and Lance.
"I can't help but wonder how many things you want to do, and I feel like I'm just in between, an afterthought," you added, voicing the uncertainty and doubt that had been plaguing your mind. The sense of being unimportant and overshadowed in his life continued to haunt you.
Amidst the turmoil of emotions, you realised that his corner in your mind is well established, but you're starting to fear that you don't have a prominent place in his anymore. The contrast between your feelings of devotion and his apparent detachment became increasingly evident, leaving you with a sense of insecurity and sadness.
Despite your heartfelt plea, Lance remained resolute in his emotional distance. His eyes glistened with unshed tears, but he couldn't find the words to express what he was going through. You could sense that he was grappling with his demons, but his inability to share them left you feeling helpless and rejected.
"I can't do this anymore," you said, your voice trembling as you stepped back from him. "I love you, but I can't keep waiting for you to let me in. I need more than this."
Lance looked at you, his face a mix of pain and regret. "I'm sorry," he whispered, but it felt like an empty apology.
"I deserve more than this," you repeated, trying to steady your voice, but it cracked with emotion. "I deserve someone who will communicate with me, who will love me, who will let me be a part of their life. I can't be with someone who keeps shutting me out."
He reached out as if to touch you, but you flinched away, the hurt too fresh and raw. "Please," he pleaded, "give me more time. I'll figure this out."
But the well of patience had run dry, and you shook your head sadly. "I've given you enough time," you said, your heart breaking with every word. "I can't keep sacrificing my happiness for someone who won't let me in."
With that, you turned away, unable to bear the pain in his eyes. The weight of your decision settled heavily on your shoulders as you grabbed your belongings and left the apartment, the echoes of his apologies lingering in the air.
As you walked away, tears streamed down your cheeks, and you couldn't help but glance back one last time. But you knew deep down that you had made the right choice, as difficult as it was. You deserved to be with someone who would cherish and communicate with you, and staying with Lance would only prolong the heartache.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and the ache of loss remained, but Lance's silence remained. He never reached out, and you found yourself trying to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart. It hurt to think that the love you once shared had slipped through your fingers, lost in the abyss of his silence.
You tried to move on, to fill the void he left in your life, but the pain of losing him lingered. Every little thing reminding you of him, there was hiding from the thought of him and you got ways to find him in every corner. You cherished the memories of your time together, but they became bittersweet reminders of what once was.
And in the quiet moments, you couldn't help but wonder what went wrong, how the love that once burned so brightly had fizzled out into nothingness. You would find yourself looking back, wondering if Lance had ever found the strength to open up, to let someone in. But that chapter of your life had closed, leaving you with the poignant lesson that sometimes, love isn't enough to heal someone else's wounds. 
In the end, all that remained were the fragments of a shattered heart and the bittersweet memories of a love that had been lost. And as you gazed into the night sky, you wondered if time could ever truly heal the wounds it had caused, or if some scars were destined to linger forever.
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