#james potter x Black!ofc
serpensanguiswriting · 11 months
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an original marauders series featuring a few original characters and primarily focusing on JAMES POTTER + MANNON BLACK ( an original Black!cousin ) but i also take requests on certain days for reader insert fiction . ㅤㅤPRIMARILY TAKES PLACE AT THE START OF THE WIZARDING WAR AND THE ORDER'S INVOLVEMENT
SUMMARYㅤ:ㅤmannon black is the shame of the black family, perhaps more so than her cousin sirius and that's saying something. having been deformed at birth, for years she was sequestered in the Black Manor like a prisoner until her father learned of a darker ancient art of transmutation thus forcing his daughter's body into a better shape. but that was merely the beginning. at fifth year, mannon left hogwarts, left london, left everything behind all together having been sick of being s censored in her prusuits. but that was before the dark lord began amassing an army. that was before the war. that was before james potter needed her.
a/n :ㅤㅤthis is more of setting the stage and introducing mannon as a character. CREATIVE LIBERTIES HAVE AND WILL BE TAKEN .ㅤCOMPLETELY ANTI-JKR.
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The cauldrons bubbled while Manon tended to the various potions she had started before going to her cousin's aid. The various smells were surprisingly pleasant desite some of the potions, the ones Remus wwas familiar with, usually having an acrid or pugent smell to them. But Manon was often a woman of surprises. Sirius leaned back against the back of Manon's couch, still gasping every so often as his body triedto settle down. Adrenaline pumped through all three men along with a mingling sense of loss, rage, and above all else: pain. The men had no answers as to where or how or when but none of them had really had the energy to really ask any of the questions rolling around their heads. Remus stepped up beside Manon and silently began asissting her with the potions after she gave him a curious arch of her brow. His scars stretched slightly with his weak smile before they both quietly went back to their work. Most of the potions were more than half finished but needed tending before they could be given to the injured. Sweat and blood stuck to James skin like a second skin as he tried focusing on Remus and Manon, but his dark eyes always fixated on Manon. She was as beautiful as he remembered; her features sharper and her body softer in its curves. Her hair was longer, thicker even, as it hung over her shoulder in a messy braid. She never had figured out how to braid her hair and the memory made a bitter smile want to pull at his lips. Of course, he only had one lense in his glasses now and it was making him dizzy trying to focus enough to mae out Manon's features, at least, that's what he was telling himself. James could feel his heart in his throat as he stared, no, maybe glared in Manon's direction. So many questions. So many things he had wanted to say for four years. Things he had practiced saying in the mirror. Things he had screamed at her in his dreams. Things he shouted into storms while he stood in the rain sobbing and screaming because thunderstorms always made her feel so close to him. Always made him feel like she could hear him and was screaming for him, too.
"Here take this, Prongs," Remus' sudden appearance made James jump slightly as his eyes darted quickly from Manon to where he taller friend stood with a small wooden cup of something smoking. It smelled like green tea and he made a face despite himself at the earthy smell of grass. Remus chuckled quietly at the familiar yet childish reaction of his best friend. Suspiciously, James took the cup and gave Remus a doubtful look and the other male smiled weakly. "I took some, it's not poison," he reassured and James scoffed quietly before gulping the potion down. Nose scrunched and eyes screwed shut, James had been prepared for any taste other than the one he actually experienced. Sweet and light like some kind of cream you'd find for tea. An airy taste of vanilla and a warmth that was almost comforting rather than scolding and biting. James looked in the cup then up at Remus who shrugged with a quiet, "No fucking idea, mate. Should help soon, though." Sirius groaned dramatically from the couch earning both of the men's attention where they found Manon rolling her eyes beside her cousin. Remus smiled at te familiar sight considering Manon had never been far when Sirius would get into fights or somehow injured himself. In fact, Remus remembered Manon a lot more than he thought he would. Considering she had only been in school with them for around three years due to her late admission--- it was surprising to him how involved she had been to his memories of school. Even after she was gone, she seemed to haunt the Marauders like a ghost. A ghost they all wished was still there. Remus hadn't really thought about it until now, how close Manon had been to them. How often she had been close--- then, as the memories slowly came back full of color and memories, the image of Manon became constantly entwined with another. Her laughing form leaning into another while he too laughed and wrapped her under his arm. When she screamed and fought there was always one man in front of her just as passionate and full of emotion before the sight of them came back with hesitant apologies. That boy who had always been with Manon was none other than-- Remus looked to the man so involved with his memories of Manon to see him wathcing her even now: JAMES.
"Just drink it you bellend," Manon instructed sternly as she gently shook the cup at her cousin. Sirius made a childish face of disgust and turned his face away as he complained,
"I'd rather DIE." Remus watched James subtly before moving over to Manon and gently taking the cup from her. The shorter woman looked up at him quizzically and Remus smiled as he joked,
"I have experience with this sorta thing." Manon shrugged it off with a dismissive expression before her finally shifted to look at James for the first time since the woods. James was leaned against his knees, the back of his shirt soaked throgh with blood and his shoulders trembling slightly from whatever pain was rolling up and down his spine. She noted the way his hands shook and h tried to grip them tight in what she assumed was an attempt to control his shaking. Without staring too intensely ( or what she hoped wasn't too intesely), Manon quietly made her wa to where the Potter heir sat seemingly doing everything in his power not to look back at her. His knee, however, began to bounce a bit more furiously as she stepped around him to look at the blood staining his shirt. Sirius spluttered from the couch earning James' attention but Remus' quiet scolding for being so dramatic had his body sloly relaxing a bit once more.
For the past year it seemed James had been wound so tightly he was ready to snap in half at any minor inconvience. He hadn't been sleeping, none of them had, and he forgot to eat more often than he remembered. Forget his ability to prank anyone or even, really, laugh. When was the last time he heard his friends laugh? When was the last time he heard his own? Delicate hands touched his shoulders and James nearly toppled the chair over with the force and suddenness of his standing. Manon looked up at him apologetically with a subtle concern pinching her brows that James would have missed had she been literally any other woman other than who she was. Remus and Sirius were looking at him, too, both in concern as James sputtered an apology. His body twisted this way then then another, looking for an escape route before he spotted a door and quick as he could, limping due to a boiling heat he swore was sloughing off skin at this point, in his leg. The large wooden door was a weight to push open and it thudded hollowly behind him when he stepped into a much colder seaside cliffside. The waves crashed below him and only grew louder as he neared the edge of a cliff. Tall grass swayed lazily in the sighs of the torrent sea. A storm was brewing in the distance. James could sell the rain in the air, feel it in the chill of the wind. Flexing his hands, James was only vaguely aware of one hand being sticky wet. Blood was slithering down his strong arm and dripping into the grass but even with the sensory overloadhis brain was fighting to process, he could feel Manon slipping up behind him. He didn't need to hear her. Or see her. Or even smell that lilac and berry concocotion she wore. He knew her blind. He knew her Deaf. He knew her in some innate part of his soul he hadn't even named yet. "Where are we?" His voie was deeper than she rememberedbut not by much. Heavier might have been a better word and she didn't know how badly she wanted to her name in that voice until he hadn't said it. James wasn't able to say it without his voice quaking, though, and he didn't want to give her the satisfaction. His shoulders were wider but they shrunk subtly when Manon continued to stand by his side. He didn't look at her but she looked at him. If only briefly.
The cottage behind them was the only one for kilometers. Left alone in the grassy hillside overlooking a forgotten sea. They would be safe here, Manon knew, but only for so long. There were only so many spells to hide ones location, especially knowing so many were looking for the men she was hiding here. "Wales," she commented flatly before there was a subtle give of her head, "I think." What good were maps when you lived on the edge of multiple worlds, anyway? What did it matter as long as you were safe? Manon looked up at James and noted how his jaw had grown sharper and there was dark hair coming through. He looked every bit of the fifteen year-old boy she left behind--- and absolutely nothing like him at the same time. Pulling the heavy sleeves of her sweater down over her hands, Manon sighed quietly and looked out into the darkening sky. How fitting, she thought absently. "Come inside," it wasn't really a question but her eyes seemed to quietly plead with him when he finally looked at her, "let me look at your back. Or if you prefer," Manon turned and pulled her braid back over her shoulder to give it a nervous ( or maybe irritated ) yank. The gesture pulled a smile from him even if he quickly pulled it back into a thin line. "Remus can do it for you," Manon finished and James watched as Manon continued back into her stone cottage that reminded James of childhood stories his mother used to read him about trolls and the like. James sighed softly before he triedto hide another grin, hearing Manon from the door, "Might as well fix your glasses, too. Honestly, have you still not learned the incantation for that spell? Unbelievable."
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adharastarlight · 9 months
The Marauders on a road trip:
Sirius driving at 90
James: slow down, mate
Sirius speeds up
Reg: slow down.
Sirius ignores him
Remus: Slow. Down.
Sirius immediately slows down to 50
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betweendyingstars · 3 months
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James, Regulus, and a field of flowers
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ecstarry · 7 hours
@jegulus-microfic / more / 272 words / @fromagony @star4daisy
Sirius had been standing for five minutes outside his own dorm trying to figure out if opening the door would be something he would regret for the rest of his life. He could hear James and Regulus talking, he could even understand what they were saying.
“James, I want more,” his brother insisted with a pouting voice.
“Regulus, you’re getting greedy,” James said and Sirius could hear his best friend smirking. 
“I will let you know when it’s enough, Jamie.” 
“Last time you couldn’t even move after you finished.” Sirius felt sick.
“I don’t care about that. I want more now.”
Sirius couldn’t take it anymore and opened the door at once.
“Stop!” Sirius demanded loudly with one hand covering his eyes. 
“Pads, what are you doing?” James said, laughing at him. 
Slowly, Sirius opened his eyes and saw through his finger. 
Regulus and James were sitting on the floor over a blanket, each with a plate full of pasta in front of them. James was holding a cheese grater over Regulus’ dish. 
“Everything okay, brother?” 
“I thought- What were you guys talking about?” Sirius asked, still trying to ground himself. 
“My boyfriend over here conveniently forgets he’s lactose intolerant when it comes to parmesan cheese.”
“Oh! That’s why he couldn’t move after he finished…” Sirius muttered to himself. However, not quietly enough to keep Regulus from hearing him and burst out in laughter. 
“You’re a perv! Now leave, because I do have plans to do exactly what you were thinking about.” Regulus stood up and pushed him out the door. 
Sirius did not wait to listen to them this time.
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marauderswolf22 · 4 months
james and sirius were once trying to start going to a gym togheter, but they physically couldn't bc everytime they were close to each other while working out they would just burst into tears of laugh
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outromoony · 25 days
That's how it works (That's how you get the girl)
"I don't know what else to do," James said when he arrived at the dorm. He seemed tired, completely worn out. It only meant his new plan to win Lily over hadn't worked out, again.
"Listen, James, I think it's time you give up—"
"No," James cut Peter off sharply before he could finish. "No, Pete. That's not an option. That has never been an option."
"But James—" This time it was Sirius. The same Sirius who had always encouraged James to keep trying with her, insisting that eventually she would fall for him, how could she not? "Maybe it's time we start considering that she isn't the one for you, mate."
"Oh, shut up." James was clearly in a bad mood, and the fact that his friends weren't supporting him anymore wasn't helping at all. "It's just... I love her so much, genuinely love her. This isn't the same as when we were eleven. She isn't just a passing whim for me. I want her so badly I don't know what to do with myself anymore."
Remus saw the expression of complete devastation on his friend's face and couldn't keep quiet anymore.
"You do everything for love," he said, and James rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, thank you for the new information, Moony."
"You do everything for love, but a lot of people already do that for Lily. It's time you start doing things from love and not only for love. She will know the difference, James. She's so bright, she always knows."
"I—" James was quiet for a moment, and then he smiled to himself, as if daydreaming. "Our Moony always so wise. What would we do without you?"
"Believe me, I have no idea either."
@jilymicrofics | Word count: 287
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t1oui · 2 days
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i uh
i might've gotten an idea for another wip
this (jegulus raising harry) will probably be a small part of it but i just had this scene in my brain so i wrote it
it's a muggle high school au where harry's just transferred to a new school and is a new student along with hermione :))
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wingedhallows · 2 months
i got my eye on you - two; marauders
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pairing: marauders (sirius black x reader) | 4.2k words plot: albus reaches out to you to keep the marauders save, to not have them die, so you join them in their seventh year. authors note: I've been on a roll while writing this, i hope you like it as much as i do :) leave a comment if you want to be added to the taglist :)
navigation | part one ; part two ; part three
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„Suki has retrieved the cigarettes, Miss Y/N.“ The giddy creature smiled your way and you took the pack with a smile on your face.
„Thank you a lot, Suki.“ You patted her head and she nodded at you.
„Take a cookie, as a reward.“ She smiled back at you, hands clasped in front of her stomach.
„Thank you, Miss. Suki is happy to help herself to a tasty cookie, you‘re too kind, Miss.“
You swatted your hand and pushed a stick between your lips, with a swift move Suki held a lighter for you to take. „Thanks.“ She waved you goodbye and vanished with a kiss she blew your way.
„She delivers cigarettes to you? Kreacher only ever hissed at me.“ You turned around to catch a sight of the approaching boy. You nodded and held the pack out for him.
„It‘s all I make her do.“ You paused to light his cigarette. “My parents sent her to me in my third year of school, as a present.” He huffed some smoke and nodded.
“There’s not really any need for an elf but she’s been with me through thick and thin, so she keeps the house clean and I send for her once in a while.” You took another drag of the cigarette.
“Keeps her happy, I think.” 
Sirius sat himself down on the stone bench next to the both of you and without a word you joined him.
“There was something I wanted to talk to you about.” He started, cigarette between his plump lips once more. Your shoulders connected as you crossed your legs, the dim light illuminated his face just the right amount.
“Sounds serious, no pun intended.” He chuckled before he brought the can of soda he had brought with himself to his lips. After his swig, he held it out for you and you took it without hesitation.
“Nothing serious, I swear.” He paused. “Pun intended.” He now faced you, his legs connected with yours as he watched you.
“Our match is tomorrow, Gryffindor against Hufflepuff.” You nodded and took another sip before you placed the can between you both.
“Of course I'll be there to cheer for you.” He smiled and took another drag from his cigarette.
“Afterwards there’ll be a party, to celebrate our win.” It was your turn to chuckle, you turned towards him, your leg rested on the bench, awfully close to his.
“You don’t know that yet.” He only shook his head, a smile on his face.
“It’s Hufflepuff, they have three second years on the team, plus, they’ve never been the best, come on.” You nodded and placed a hand on his knee.
“Of course, when you say so.” You cooed before you brushed his chin with your finger in a playful manner. His head lowered with a snicker. “Come to the party.” He said. Your eyes found his before you took another drag from your cigarette. You moved your head closer, awfully close before you blew the smoke in his face.
“No.” You whispered back. His head fell back with a dramatic sigh. “What do you mean, no?” You shook your head and took another sip of his soda. “I mean, I'm way too old for a house party full of drunk hormonal teens.” 
“Too old? Why do you make it sound like you’re fifty?” He rested his arm on the backrest of the bench before he took another drag. “You’re twentyfour for godric’s sake.” You nodded and threw the done cigarette on the ground.
“That means I’ve had my fair share of parties, I’m good, thanks.”
He nudged your shoulder with a pout on his lips.
“Come on, you haven’t had one like ours. It’ll be fun, I swear.” You took another sip of his soda, can in hand. “You’re like so cool, how can I celebrate a win without you?” He pouted, his done cigarette now on the ground.
“You can’t handle me at one of your parties, sweetheart.” You spoke, head tilted.
His eyebrows raised. “Is that a challenge?” You smirked at him. “It’s a promise.” He smirked back at you and nodded his head. You lifted yourself off the bench.
“So, you’ll come?” He stood in front of you, frame towering over yours. Your hands found his tie, his shirt, which you playfully fixed. 
“Bring me a trophy first.”
With hooded eyes he looked down on you, cheeks flushed as you tapped his cheek gently. “Yes m’am.”
You nodded with a small smile on your face. “Good boy.” You whispered back. He huffed a breath before you retreated.
“Fuckin’ hell.” He whispered more to himself as he watched you leave.
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Breakfast the next morning was normal, the kids were cheerful. James and Sirius gloated their Quidditch uniforms like the buffoons they were. Sirius threw an arm over your shoulder with a wide smile on his face.
“Morning, love.” He spoke, his other hand grabbed for your cup. “Morning.” You responded before you shoved a piece of biscuit into your mouth.
“You’re in good spirits, I see.” You chuckled as James placed his gloves down. He nodded, taking a sip from his cup. “Of course, we’ve got nothing to worry about.” He said with a smile on his face. 
“You’ll join us in the stands, right?” Lily spoke as she placed her cup down on the wooden table. You gave her a nod, a cigarette between your lips now.
“Since Sirius asked me really nicely.” You lit the stick with a tap of your finger and blew the smoke with a grin on your face. 
“He asked nicely?” Marlene threw in. You lifted yourself off the bench, eager to make it to the lavatory on time. One hand on his shoulder, the other grasped the hair on the back of his head. You pulled his head back slightly as you threw Marlene a smirk. 
“On his knees and all.” You chuckled and walked off. His friends just stared in disbelief.  “Did not!” He yelled after you.
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The stands were packed and loud. Lily sat to your right and Remus to your left. You had pushed your sunglasses up to hold your hair back, there was no need for them anyways.
The audience broke out in cheers as the teams made their way onto the field. Without much talking the teams mounted their brooms and shot up into the air.
The game started tame, both teams seemed relaxed. Relaxed enough for Sirius to hover by the Gryffindor stand and throw you a wink.
Your eyes wandered to the Slytherin stand over and over again. You hadn’t missed the way the Slytherin’s would eye the two marauders, the constant prank war between them and the fact that Severus Snape and his dear little friends were loyal dogs to one dark wizard in particular.
Snape seemed agitated by James’ taunting, his fists clenched as he watched Sirius stick his tongue out.
“What is it?” Remus spoke next to you, but you didn’t take your eyes off Snape. His face had grown crimson, his wand clasped tightly in his hand. You pushed yourself farther to the edge of your seat.
Just as Sirius slumped over on his broom with laughter, Nott mumbled something into Snapes ear. With joined forces they mumbled something, to not make it obvious, you thought.
Sirius’ broom seemed to suddenly have developed a mind of its own as it went rampage, trying to throw him off. His hand slipped and the broom took off without him.
His red ropes swooshed in the wind as he fell. Without much thought you jumped out of your seat, placed your feet on the railing and jumped off. You grabbed onto Sirius ropes and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug as you recited a spell, almost inaudible.
The earth beneath you seemed to become mushy, like rubber and your bodies didn’t crack into million little pieces but it had cushioned your fall like a trampoline.
You scrambled to your knees as the spell wore off and found Sirius huffing coughs next to you.
“Sirius, god, are you alright?” Your hands patted down his body to check for any kind of injury. “Are you hurt?” His hand found your arm, to stop you.
“I’m fine, love.” He cracked a smile and lifted his upper body to push a hand through his hair. “Thanks to you.” You nodded and brushed some dirt off his cheek.
“I’m glad you’re alright.” You whispered as you heard the incoming footsteps. You pushed a quick peck to his forehead and lifted yourself off the ground.
“Y/N-” He was cut off by the mass of people who checked for his well being. Without another chance to arouse your attention he watched you aparate away, you had someone to visit.
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The corridor was dimly lit, cold. Your wand was twirling around between your fingertips as you waited for them to show up. The handy dandy map Sirius had showed you a few days ago folded to show you exactly where those worms lingered around.
Severus Snape’s tiny footsteps wandered just the way you wanted it to. Sirius and his friends have been pacing around in their dorms, probably distraught about your disappearance.
You were glad Sirius was fine, to fail your job after mere weeks would’ve wrecked your reputation and your weak besotted heart.
Their voices reached your ears. The map disappeared into your pocket as you gripped your wand tightly, a hand through your hair as you pushed yourself off the brick wall.
“What?” One of them spoke, voice quiet as Snape raised his hand, for him to shut up. You waved your fingers and reached for the handle of the empty classroom.
Without a word you waved your wand in the direction of the room. Severus gave you a snarl and followed you suit. His three friends followed him but didn’t miss out on eyeing you from head to toe.
With a quick movement from your hand the candles came to life, illuminating the classroom. With your wand you laced a concealment charm on the bricks around you, no noise would be able to be heard.
“What is the meaning of this?” You sat yourself down on a table while the four of them kept standing in front of the blackboard. Their hands held their wands tight, ready for an attack.
You had to chuckle, your pack of cigarettes already in your hands. As you pushed a stick between your lips and lit it with the tip of your finger, they tensed.
“You’re smart, Snape. I’m sure you know what the meaning of this is.” You blew some smoke in their direction as you tucked your wand into your pocket.
“I don’t kn-”Don’t lie to me.” You paused to take a drag. “I saw you, you four, today.” Snape slightly raised his wand, face tense as one of his buddies spat.
“You don’t know anything, you filthy mudblood!” Your face contorted into an unamused frown as you blew some more smoke.
“Very original, but I’m the furthest thing from a mudblood, dear.” You took another drag.
“The thing is, you tried to hurt Sirius Black, who stands under my protection.” Snape raised his wand, chin held high.
“No harm in that, he’s a filthy blood traitor, he is!” Snape spoke, voice confident.
“Wrong again.” You flicked the cigarette butt to their feet to which they flinched just the tiniest bit.
“I’m not here to play around with little cockroaches like you four, so you better leave them alone from now on or I'll have your head, alright?”
“You wouldn’t dare, we are more powerful-” He was cut off by your loud laugh, your head fell back as you wiped a non existing tear.
“Oh, how I love false confidence, it’s truly amusing.” You walked to them, Severus’ collar now in your hand as you got awfully close.
“You mean the power, Voldemort promises you?” He gulped as his eyes grew to slits.
“Let me tell you something, You’re nothing more than some rats who lavish in the thought of possessing as much power as he does, though I believe the man to be nothing more than a joke.” You paused to not to so gently pat his cheek.
“So keep that ego down as long as you’re as weak as the first years, you’re embarrassingly foolish and honestly a little bit annoying.” You let go of the angry young man and took a step back.
“Don’t make me angry again, for your own good.” You gave them a wink and turned to grab your pack of cigarettes as out of the corner of your eye you saw an object flying towards you.
Too slow to fend it off with magic it flew straight for your head. With a sharp pain it hit your forehead. With a hiss you raised your hand, ready to recite a curse. You caught yourself as you decided on something less physical harming.
Suddenly all the hair on their heads swayed to the ground. Your balance was off but you managed to eye them down.
“You know, as much as I love inflicting pain there’s something way better.” You held yourself on the table behind you, the boys furious and petrified as they looked at each other.
You almost whispered as a pained smile formed on your lips. “I’ll rid you of this well deserved punishment only when you apologize to Sirius Black in front of the whole school during breakfast.”
You took a few steps forward before you raised your hand and slapped Severus Snape across the cheek. “That’s for throwing something at me.’”
Before they could say anything else you aparted away, in front of the entrance to the Gryffindor dorms. The hot blood which seeped from your wound made its way past your eye and you had to squint out of instinct. The portrait opened without demanding a password from you, Dumbledore had made sure of that.
The dorm was still dimly lit as you heard shuffling and voices, which belonged to the teens you were assigned to. You walked forward, your head pounding before you grabbed your pack and pushed a cigarette between your lips.
“Y/N!” Lily almost yelled before Marlene hushed her.
“Isn’t there supposed to be a party?” You threw in before you lit the stick.
“Where the fuck were you?” Sirius threw in, his hands reaching for your elbows before he eyed your head, his eyes grew uncomfortably cold.
“Who did this to you?”
He spoke, eyes almost dark. You shook your head and just took another drag from your cigarette.
“I’m fine.” You said to him but he huffed a breath, frustrated. He guided you to the couch as James made space for you.
“Where were you?” Remus tried and you blew some smoke as you eyed the fire. Sirius urged Peter for a tissue and he started wiping the blood off your face, you let him.
“I met with some snakes.” You answered and Lily gasped as she leaned forward.
“You met Severus?” You had to smirk, another drag off the cigarette filled your lungs. Smart little witch.
“I seeked the little shits out.” Sirius was the one to frown now as he looked at you. “Why would you do that?” You held his hand, stopped him from wiping your skin off.
“I’m supposed to keep you safe, can’t have some Slytherin shitheads believe it’s alright to throw you off your broom on my watch.” 
James and Marlene had to stifle a laugh as Sirius didn’t budge. “Getting hurt for us is stupid though.” He said and you pushed yourself off the couch before you let the cigarette butt vanish in your palm.
“That’s literally my job, Sirius.” He stood as well, hands clasped in fists as he stared at you. “I’ve dealt with worse.” You walked up to him and planted a hand on his chest as you pushed some hair away from your face.
“Stop sulking, big boy, and get ready for your party.” His face was still in a frown. You grabbed his collar and yanked him down. “I said, stop sulking.” You petted his cheek and aparated to your room, desperately.
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You had to steady yourself on the edge of your sink, the pounding in your head only growing worse. With a quick movement of your hand the wound disappeared and Suki appeared.
“Miss Y/N, the painkillers, Suki has them here.” You turned around and slumped down on your bed.
“Lay down with me Suki, please.” Suki didn’t hesitate and laid herself down with you. Her hand still held onto the pill which you took and swallowed without another thought. Her big ears flopped on her face as she watched you with big eyes.
“Suki urges Miss to be careful, don’t want Miss to get hurt again.” You laid a hand on her face and a small smile on your face.
“Thank you, for worrying about me, Suki.” She laid her small hand on yours as she gave you a toothy smile. “Always, Miss Y/N.” 
You opened your arms and without a word having to be said she scrambled into them and there you laid, tangled in a hug, just like you had all those years ago. Hugging Suki while being a student helped and it still did. 
She was more than a house elf, she was your friend.
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Suki helped you pick out the outfit for tonight and you were satisfied as you finished up your makeup.
“Miss looks dashing.” You smiled at her and stroked her cheek lovingly.
“Be sure to treat yourself big time tonight, you helped me a lot, Suki.” She clasped her hands like a child and gave you a sheepish smile.
“Suki lives to serve Miss, Suki is happy she was of help.” You sprayed some perfume on yourself and gave her a big smile.
“You’re always of help to me, what would I do without you, Suki?” She rubbed your leg with a smile on her face and left with a poof.
You grabbed the bottle of alcohol, Suki had left behind and you made your way to the Gryffindor dorm. The noise thumbed through the halls and you were surprised that no teachers interfered with the ongoing celebration.
The portrait opened and you stepped inside, instantly greeted with heat, the smell of sweat, perfume and surprisingly, weed. People from all houses, except Slytherin, were present.
After a few more minutes of searching you found one of the Gryffindor boys, Peter. You greeted him with a hug and pushed the bottle of Bacardi into his hand.
He thanked you and placed it on the table next to you, where all the booze was sitting. He grabbed your hand and led you to his friends, who sat on the big couch, again. They were dressed nicer but still sat there like they did when you left.
“Who died?” You laughed before pushing a stick between your lips. Sirius’ friends looked at you, faces hopeful while he still sat, pouting. With a cock of your head you signaled the lot  to take off and have fun, you’d take care of Sirius.
James jumped off the couch first and engulfed you in a hug. “You’re a gem, Y/N.” You patted his arm.
“I brought some Bacardi.” He smiled at you and threw his arm over Remus’ shoulder. “She brought booze, too good for us.” He laughed before he squeezed your arm and took off.
You popped down next to Sirius who didn’t say a thing.
“What’s wrong with you, party pooper?” He eyed you and huffed like a child.
“I'm not talking to you.” He spat, arms crossed. You grinned at him.
“You are tough.” He frowned and turned his back towards you. You shook your head and turned around.
A kid behind you rolled himself a joint, you turned towards him and brushed some hair behind your ear. You took two cigarettes from your pack and held them out for him to take and with a shy smile on your face you held out your other hand.
With a grin he placed his joint in your hand and took the two cigarettes. You sent him a wink and mouthed a thank you. He nodded at you and gave you a smile.
You placed the joint between your lips and lit it, taking a drag. It has been a while, so you savored the hit.
You grabbed Sirius neck and pulled him back, he rested on your chest as you placed the stick in front of his lips. Without much thought he took a drag and closed his eyes. You brushed his cheek as you whispered in his ear.
“Relax, you’re being annoying.”
He turned around and gave you a shocked expression. You urged him to take another drag before he could say anything.
“I’m fine, so please, stop being like this.”
He didn’t answer but took the joint from your hand. A few moments later he pushed his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close. 
You took a drag as he held his hand out and he did as well.
“You scared me.” He said, his fingers played with your hair. “I know.” He paused.
“I was so worried.” He said and you answered. “I know.” He let go and looked at you.
“You can’t just disappear like that.” “Okay.” His hand found yours as he let you take another drag.
“You can’t get hurt on my behalf, I don’t care if it’s your job.” He said, face serious.
“Alright.” He didn’t say anymore and took the final drag. You stood and pulled him with you.
“How about some booze?” He nodded and followed you, finger intertwined. He towered over you as you pushed a cup of alcohol in his hands, which he drank without complaining.
You dragged him along and started dancing. Fame by David Bowie seemed like the perfect song to dance to right now, so you took a sip of your drink and started to dance, he followed with a smile on his face.
He bent down and threw his hand over your chest, your back to his front and fingers intertwined as you swayed along to the music. The world seemed to slow around you and the only thing that existed were Sirius, You and the music.
You turned around and downed your drink, discarding the cup on a table nearby. He did the same and threw his hands over your shoulders, his face in a big smile.
The fifth song or so stopped and you pulled apart. Sirius excused himself to use the loo and you took that as your cue to flee to the balcony. You desperately needed some fresh air.
You lit yourself a cigarette and slumped over the railing.
“Y/N, the moodmaker.” You heard next to you as Remus came into sight. His lips in a smile as he took a drag of his own cigarette. “You smoke?” He nodded, obviously intoxicated.
“I like you, Y/N.” He spoke as he took another drag from his cigarette. You smiled and spoke. “I like you too, Remus.” He gave you a smile, his arm now around your shoulders.
“You’re good for him.” You didn’t answer.
“He’s absolutely besotted, actually.” You had to laugh and turn towards him. “We were all pretty worried about you.” He confessed as he took a sip from a cup.
“Think about us the next time, will ‘ya?” You gave him a nod and patted the back of his head in a kind manner. He gave you a smile and flicked the cigarette butt off the balcony.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” He stroked your cheek gently and left you alone. His wonky figure retreated inside, his steps swaying.
You loved these kids, more than you would like to admit. Remus was an absolute sweetheart, drunk or not.
“Here you are.”
Sirius's inebriated form came towards you, drink in hand. “How nice of you to bring booze.” He managed before he took your hand in his. “James told.” He said, brushing a hand through his hair.
“I see.” You held the cigarette out for him, he took a drag and gave you a smile.
“You’re so pretty.”
He said, taking a swig of his drink, holding it out for you shortly after. You took a sip and gave him a smile as well. “Thank you, Sirius.” 
He brushed some hair behind your ear and held your hand with the other. Slowly but surely he came closer, your noses now inches apart. You could feel his breath on your face.
“Sirius, Y/N!” You pulled apart as Lily stumbled onto the balcony, face distraught.
You stepped in front of Sirius, hands still intertwined.
“It’s Remus.”
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( taglist: @navs-bhat ; @amethyistheart )
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vomits0cutely · 2 months
“Even when we fade eventually to nothing, You will always be my favorite form of loving” but its Regulus to James
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allgreekbitch · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic january 1, decent, wc: 129
When James finally presents to Regulus the réveillon extravaganza he’s been working on all day, Regulus is feeling like messing with him a bit, only because he had been stressed about this all week.
So, his answer to James’, “What do you think?” is,
“It’s decent.”
James turns to look at him slowly and with wide eyes, like he came out of a horror movie. “Decent?! Just decent?!”
Regulus re-examines the table, nods to himself, holds back a laugh and repeats, “Decent, yeah.”
James’ eyebrows meet his hairline. “You’re dead, Black.”
And that’s how he finds himself chased by James throughout their entire flat and threatened by a large pillow that would totally ruin his hair, only a couple of hours before the guests were supposed to start arriving.
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adharastarlight · 9 months
James: oh, go to hell.
Regulus: fine! but I'll be running it in a week.
James: ...yeah, I don't doubt it
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The Boy Who Broke His Own Heart
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauders Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Jasmine Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Marlene McKinnon, Lily Evans, Mary MacDonald, Euphemia Potter, Filius Flitwick, Fleamont Potter,
Rating: Mature
Word Count: TBC
Summary: Sirius would rather break his own heart than hers.
Tags/Warnings: James Potter has a sister, Self Loathing, Commitment Issues, Friends to Lovers, Kissing, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Smoking, Accidents, Harm, Marauders Era, The War is Not Happening in this, Cheating, Jealousy
Notes: This is gonna be a short lil series planned eight shortish chapters <3
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Sirius Tags
@caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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ecstarry · 1 month
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a playlist with actual party songs that my latino king would make me absolute salivate while seeimg him dance
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valoflunar · 8 months
when marlene shouts what in the platonic friendship at regulus and James bc James just said that he was just rly good friends with regulus and denied all accusations of dating thrown to him by Marlene but marlene has just walked into them making out
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gaywizardingworld · 7 months
we should break the idea that we only ship or enjoy a ship/ff if we project yourselves into them or bc one of them is our type lol it’s ok if you do that (to a certain extent, if you only read self-inserts i worry for you) but we should be able to love a couple or a story not relating to any of them. i love enemies to lovers and exes to lovers, for example, but i don’t want this irl. i love drarry and wolfstar and none of them is my type since i don’t date men. so yeah i can’t relate to most things about them but the thing is: i understand them and that’s enough for me to love them. we may have a few similarities but what i most love about them are our differences.
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dead-poets-are-dead · 1 month
Can someone write a fic where Reg is luna's godfather and has to take her to this bookshop where there's this childrens thing and then hes just brooding after luna goes off to the thing and he's browsing and then hes crouches down and there's this 1996 romeo+juliet moment and we find out that james is the owner of the bookshop and draco's there too and harry and draco become besties w/ luna as well? Please? I need the fluff.
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