#james x regulus x Lily
Lily: he’s mine
Regulus: no, he’s mine
Peter, sitting down at the table: what are they on about now?
Remus: they’re fighting over prongs
James, watching in awe:
Peter: they’re getting awfully close
Lily and Regulus: *starting to make out*
Peter: i think this might be the best day of prongs’ life
James, staring:
Remus: what an interesting development
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swiftiereg · 6 months
Lily Evans in a suit.
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ashshmee · 4 months
so james is the sun (obviously) and regulus is often depicted as water (unfortunately) and what do flowers need? what does lily need?
jegulily confirmed.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
Lily and Regulus being the types of people to dress really nicely and fancy for the weekends while James just throws on whatever he can see,
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saddramaqueensworld · 6 months
I need Regulus being confused because of James and Lily. Why? Because Regulus and James have a rivalry with James via Quidditch and Lily via Academics especially in potion. Regulus thinks it's just plain old rivalry, but he got informed by his friends that James and Lily are definitely flirting with him.
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ok ok… hear me out
Jegulily au where Regulus and Lily sign up for a pottery class together and James (cough cough Potter) is running the class at the pottery shop he owns…
Cue two hours of Regulus and Lily swooning over the hot, bubbly pottery instructor…
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mind0zone · 15 days
Everyday I wish it was Canon that Regulus married Lily and James, and was the second father for Harry, just so Harry would’ve named Albus Severus after Regulus instead, my heart yearns for it.
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jaylienpotter · 9 months
8th October (late) prompt from @jegulus-microfic | 85 words
"I know what you are." James's body was close to Regulus's. His own tanned skin contrasting the strangely pale complexion of the other boy.
"Say it out loud." No tremble in his hushed voice. Face showing no emotions. But Potter couldn't keep it in any longer.
"Vampire." Black broke, snickering. It was enough to make the Marauder start loudly laughing.
"You're both morons. Why did I decide to show you Twilight?" Lily rolled her eyes at her boyfriends, a curve still forming on her lips.
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i do love the jegulily headcanons of 1) regulily rivals to lovers where they fight over james but in the end fall in love with each other as well as still loving james and 2) jily dating first and then falling for this cute sassy slytherin
but i raise you a secret third option: regulily start dating and james is like oh no should i be heartbroken that my two crushes are kissing or be turned on. and then regulily both ask him out and he's there with his jaw on the floor
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blog020209 · 1 month
Jegulily au where there are soul mate marks and lily has a sun and a star on her wrists and james has a flower and a star on his like hip area and they get together and they both are crushing hard on sirius’ little sister but are sad because she doesn’t match their last mark. Then regulus runs away from home and comes out as trans and when they hear his name they both freak out and corner him. Regulus shows they the sun and flower mark he has on his shoulders then they all smoochie kiss and live happily ever after.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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jess-quillkiller · 3 months
what if i wrote a jegulily fic where effie is just bringing ALL of the children into her house including lily because she's traumatised by petunia
lily and effie cooking while reggie, james and sirius play some stupid ass board game (the others refuse to play with them bc they're so competitive duh) AHHHHHHHH
idk this is just a random idea bc i saw somebody post smth abt lily being adopted by effie toooooo
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jegulily where regulily happens first
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swiftiereg · 6 months
Jegulily but it’s it-couple Jily fawning over Regulus together like two lovesick puppies.
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ashshmee · 5 months
“I- I’ll never be enough.”
“Whoa, Reg, stop-”
“First it was with my family, then with Lily, and now with you-”
“-And I just want to be good for you. I want to be-”
He finally pauses to gasp a breath, chest heaving against James’ as he pulls him into his arms.
“Please, please, please,” James breathes for him, right into his hair. “Don’t say that.”
“But isn’t it true?” James can barely hear Regulus where his voice is muffled against his chest. Where he’s speaking right over James’ breaking heart.
“Isn’t it true that you love Lily just as much as you love me? Don’t you love Sirius? And Barty and Evan and Pandora and all of your friends?”
James runs his hands up over Regulus’ back, all the way up to his neck where he gently tugs his head back up to look at him.
“Love isn’t conditional. We can love more than one person at the same time. There will always be enough.”
Regulus’ eyes are so shiny with tears. The stars would be jealous.
“You will always be enough.”
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
established regulily to jegulily where lily and reg attempt to flirt with james but hes so very oblivious and deep in denial,
regulus who flirts with james during quidditch games and calls him 'pretty boy' and james is just like: 'nah thats just a sports guy thing'
lily who helps him with his schoolwork while flirting with him the entire time and praising him when he does good and james is just like: 'shes such a supportive friend!'
whenever the two of them are alone they're both just like: 'holy shit why cant he just take the hint' 'i know right?'
eventually they both give up and blatantly ask him out and hes like: 'you guys like me? really?' and they both facepalm
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Regulus and Lily would both steal James’ clothes, and walk around Hogwarts in his clothes.
It would confused everybody but that was the joy of it.
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